#I tried yall
shydeerwolf · 3 months
Saiki with the geranium ring and a service dog so he is less likely to be spooked.
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aziraphales-hoe · 10 months
so i finally stopped procrastinating and drew crowley’s version…
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Here’s the aziraphale version :
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ceruleanwhore · 11 months
As someone who has never liked Jin since I first started ikepri, I recently was convinced to attempt to make my way through his romantic route after reading @randonauticrap’s wonderful and very compelling fanfic about him and now, as I finish his story, I wanted to take a very long minute to talk about it. I’d like to start with a bit of context before really getting into things, though. (Major spoilers for Luke and Jin’s routes below the cut.)
A few months ago, I saw a post somewhere on here that mentioned what, for me at the time, was a massive spoiler, that Jin killed Luke’s sister. At the time, I was in the middle of another route so I immediately took to YouTube to find a playlist of Jin’s route because my thought at the time was that I wanted to read it. However, I very quickly decided that I hated it, and then I kind of just flipped through some of the following chapters, kind of scanning for the stuff with Luke’s sister and not finding it, so then I just ended up skipping to the last 8 chapters and slogging through those. It is also worth mentioning that the only ending on YouTube was his dramatic ending.
Now, that whole experience sucked beyond belief and I came out of it deeply, passionately hating Jin because really all I saw was his awful, disrespectful behavior at the very beginning and that horrid shit he pulls both in ch 19 and then in the actual ending. A while after this whole ordeal, I did get around to reading Luke’s route, which made me hate Jin even more because, in the part where Jin is finally explaining what happened on Bloodstained Rose Day and we get his own flashback, there’s no dialogue, like he pulls this injured little girl from the rubble and then just slices her throat without her ever saying anything. Between that and what sure seemed like sexism from what bits and pieces of Jin’s route I’d seen, it gave me this idea that Leyla was straight up unconscious and he just decided to slice her throat like that because, in truth, he just wanted her out of the way and didn’t want to have to deal with her during the fighting but obviously he’d tell himself that it was for her sake or some shit. There’s still a bunch I’m missing with that but I’m about to get way more into this shit so I’m not concerned, but tldr I fucking hated this guy and I thought he was the worst kind of scum coming out of Luke’s route, especially since so many other people in the fandom have talked about how much he gives them the ick.
So now, at the end of his romantic route, I still don’t like him and I really think I was just bewitched by the beautiful things that @randonauticrap has written about him, but I don’t truly hate him anymore. I think I’m going to just list off my issues with his character as quickly as possible to just really show how much there is that I take issue with here without going on about it for an eternity.
First is the way he talks about women (i.e. comments about how he’s never seen such an impressive “rack” before.) More importantly, there’s how he’s sexualizing women in totally inappropriate contexts where there really aren’t any women present, like when he’s training his troops or when he goes to deal with that issue on the border and is addressing those kids from Obsidian. This particularly is disturbing to me because there’s already a longstanding history of men conflating sexual violence with the violence of war and for Jin to, however unintentionally, draw that direct of a connection between fighting in war and having sex with women is something I cannot abide by.
Also with his lack of respect of women is how he demands and abuses Emma’s time at the start of his route. It’s bad enough to put her in that god-awful position in the first place with Sariel and all that, but to then drag her away from the hard work she has to put in because of him just to make her spend an entire day watching him go around hitting on other women is beyond disrespectful. The other thing that really irks me is how he continues to hit on Emma after she’s made it super clear that, unlike the women he has relations with, she truly believes that such relations exclusively accompany real feelings. He acknowledges that she’s a true romantic and then is out here like “where’s my hug” and it makes me feel violent. I originally wasn’t totally against how he talks to women, since in canon all those faceless nameless side characters he fucks seem to be into it and I thought he was a consent king who stops if the woman clearly isn’t interested and only ever pursues women who are really into what he’s offering but apparently not.
Then there’s everything with Clause 99. First off, him putting in the clause basically reflects that his biggest fear is history repeating itself with his parents’ relationship and Clause 99 puts ALL of that responsibility on the women who will serve as Belle in the future. Secondly, this is backed by his hypocritical behavior throughout the different routes. In Luke’s route, he outright encourages Luke to pursue Emma in spite of making this clause and he easily yields to his other brothers when, in their own routes, they decide they want to revoke the clause, and yet Emma herself gets Clause 99 looming over her head throughout all of the routes. The conclusion which I believe is actually meant to be canon with this is that women are fragile little flowers who need extra special protection from the big, bad men and they need a fucking man to provide that protection. Rather than putting in any amount of effort at all whatsoever to make himself and his brothers and future generations of their family better, he’s putting all this serious, overwhelming pressure on the women. Also, the clause does jack shit to help mitigate the development of such emotions, so it literally just serves to put pressure and responsibility on women about things beyond their control while accomplishing nothing other than turning them into scapegoats.
Okay so then I really need to talk about Luke’s sister. So, as I started to talk about before, I now know that the flashback in Luke’s route was incomplete and that Leyla did actually beg for death, but even with that being the case there are still some major ethical issues here. For example, can a ~8 year old child have the bodily autonomy to actually request assisted suicide and should they? Does said child have enough knowledge of pain and injury to know when they’re actually about to die or not? Should a grown ass man actually heed a child’s request for death without even so much as having a doctor spare said child a glance first? But then after he killed her, he went and stole her body to go bury her in the woods, clearly just deciding that her dead body should go to him to use to try and make himself feel better. Those graves that are hidden where only he can find them do nothing for Leyla or for Luke; they exclusively exist for Jin. They are there solely for him to use to try and alleviate his guilt over time, like props. 
Then, there’s the part in Luke’s route where he discovers the truth about Jin, so Jin takes him on a walk to those graves and tells the story of how he killed Leyla before he then tries to get Luke to kill him. Once again, this has nothing at all to do with trying to give Luke justice or closure and it has everything to do with Jin making everything about himself. There’s even a bit in there where Jin basically phrases it like he’s asking Luke to do him a favor and hear him out, making it clear that this is not at all for Luke’s benefit. Likewise, if he really cared about Luke getting real, meaningful justice and closure, he wouldn’t be trying to get Luke to murder him, putting all that blood directly on his hands, giving him further pain and trauma, and also ensuring that Chevalier would then kill Luke because of course he would.
Another thing I want to add, going off of that, is how very badly Jin sucks at conflict resolution, which we see multiple times between his route and Luke’s, whether it’s his conflict with Luke or how he handles shit so utterly fucking terribly with Emma or even that bullshit at the border with Obsidian at the end of his route. This man isn’t just shit at conflict resolution, he’s thoroughly proven that all attempts he makes at it are just variations of the same shit: self sacrifice fueled by ego dressed up to look like it’s heroic and really meant for the benefit of others that only actually harms those it’s supposedly meant to protect.
So I think my final takeaway with his character is that he is inherently very selfish but he has no self awareness about that selfishness and genuinely believes everything he’s doing is for other people. Another thing I want to talk about is that I saw a video the other day that also has softened my overall feelings about Jin, and that video was talking about the lack of self awareness of male feminists. This video talke about how some of these men who are out here making online content around ‘educating’ other men about feminism and respecting women will sometimes share this sentiment like “women have all been traumatized by the bad men out there so you just need to be patient with them” and how condescending it is. The issue here is that, when men say this, they are refusing to acknowledge that even as a good ol feminist ally, their own behavior can come across as sexist and they themselves can give us the ick or make us feel unsafe. 
I bring this up because, with Jin, I originally thought he was a sexist dick hiding behind a very thin facade of “but I love women,” but now I think it really is just a complete lack of self awareness where, like the men that video talked about, he sees himself as a feminist who loves women, so he doesn’t see how his words and actions can make it seem as though he’s violently sexist. So, to sum everything up, when I first found @randonauticrap’s stuff and then subsequently decided to read Jin’s story, I genuinely hated him because I saw him as dangerously sexist and selfish but now, as I finish his route, I don’t like him but I no longer hate him the way I did. Now I see him as capable of change and I think that like after the end of the story, a good person like the one he’s in a relationship with could successfully help him grow and change into a better person.
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attadale · 1 year
Spiritually burnt out reader + sweet caring John :( <3
Spoiler for the chosen2, fem!reader, worried John, maybe not canonically accurate (??), def should count my writing as a warning💀, english is not my first language, not proofread!!
Note: It is hard (specially as we start to believe and live for Christ) to not have at least one burn out when we (for example) feel like we cannot accomplish God's commandments; making us feel like a dissapointment to him. When he is more than faithful and willing to forgive us ♡
Your flesh is completely dried out in these terms; your spirit willing to fight contrary to a body where you remain, in which you live everyday, with it's great and not so great feelings.
Your spirit so burnt out it manifests through the low energy John watches you walk with, the one you speak with and it's an endless worry to watch your eyebags turn your eyes so dull. To not be able to hug this broken spirit you carry; the load is such that it looks heavy on your back even though this is beyond physical.
The worry threads through his hands when he puts them over your pale skin. He prays with you, unable to not keep eyes open when he is aware yours are closing sadly. You look so softly tired; but actually too tired. Your faith remains in a string and he reminds himself to strengthen it before it's too late. Because it's a scary thought that somehow brings him hope. Because it does mean hope.
You have faith.
“I chopped too many slices,” you look up at him, eyes droopy and heavy. Putting a stop to the previous task.
“It's ok, love, I would eat them all if it's you who cooked.”
You laugh at his loveliness. John would eat food made ashes if it's you who cooked them. If it meant something to his lovely wife; even though you always cleared up how bad your cooking might be.
“John, I never cook. I don't know how to,” you admit childishly, actually lamenting not knowing how to.
He picks up on your dissapointing tone just as soon as he wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer by the hip. It is pleasurable; to know John supports your body, as much as your mind, and your mind as much as your spirit, your center.
You lean even more into him, subconsciously seeking his warmth. You feel how you can't sink further and disappear in him as desperately as you want to. Your head is buried on his chest, and he melts, cheek comically pressing against the crown of your head.
Both of you stay like this for a while. He swings you back and forth and recalls the times you did so. A very sudden heaviness on his heart as he acknowledged how many times you held him like this; when James was gone; Sometimes John wouldn't shower, he wouldn't eat, wouldn't move.
You inhale and exhale exhaustingly, the puff of breath warming John's heart, resting in the depths of his chest. And in the silence comes up the presence of a third among the household; among you and John.
Your breaths take away all recordable sound, and your spirit takes in all non tangible presence. He is here, I am here, this is healing, you think to yourself. You get lost between John and His warmth. Then your mind races back to what you call reason, awakening in a peace that is aware of the issues you need to address, but is faithful; He is faithful.
John is muttering words you then comprehend as praying. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders with your body still trapped in the hug, some circles soothed over the fabric of his tunic with your palms, faintly massaging the skin underneath it.
John smiles relieved, eyes lovely as you state “amen” after the prayer ends.
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It would take 262,954,560 books laid down lengthwise to circle the earth.
It would then take the average person 215,983 years, 6 months, and 14 days to read all of those.
You guys are more than welcome to check my math, I'm like 95% sure it's right 😅 (The average novel in the US is 6 inches tall. Earth is approximately 1,577,727,360 inches around.)
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊◑ ● ◐₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
FFS (Fun facts Saturday) 23/03/24
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 1 year
The danny fic is becoming a little more lengthy than I anticipated...it will be done tomorrow
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lupucs · 3 months
Undyne tries to be a good lab partner to Alphys but then Frisk shows up with some newfound skills 🐟🦖 Made with Blender!
| Music: [Track 1] [Track 2] | Watch on Youtube |
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hybrix-hidings · 6 months
Honestly everyone give it up for repulsed aces/aros. Yall get so much shit for having boundaries and its frustrating to watch. You're all getting sent complimentary gift baskets
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ashwii · 1 month
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Okay now that booping is sorta kinda outta the way for the day, it's Donnie's turn :DD continuing on with the idea of "S3 finale designs" -w-
S3 finale Leo!
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hazel-callahans · 8 months
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"honestly, i feel like she's the underrated heartthrob of the film."   — ruby cruz on her character, hazel, sxsw 2023
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I ADORE your design for Charlie. It’s so adorable!!!!!!
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I’m so glad y’all loved her design!!
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aziraphales-hoe · 10 months
Since tw*tt*r is acting up imma migrate to tumblr and so I offer y’all an aziraphale fanart I drew last week
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darcania · 1 year
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
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I can't see you. Do you see me? 👁️👁️
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miwtual · 1 month
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I'm evil, there’s no escaping from me Do or die!
MOTIONLESS IN WHITE performing “Demon In Your Dreams” at Wrestlemania XL — April 6, 2024
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smooth-noob · 8 days
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