#I sometimes suspect some of you are making up people to be famous just for this kind of big event
marypsue · 25 days
I love Met Gala season because I can come on here and see hundreds of pictures of beautiful, near-identical strangers dressed in either physics- and logic-defying fantastical fabric sculptures or the most boring 2008-ass promwear imaginable, with captions like "I can't believe they keep inviting Emily Goncharov, she always looks like she wandered out of the kitchen for a glimpse at the gentlefolk as they arrive in their carriages for the grand ball and she's not even on theme" or "ugh Greebo Quixote's a nepo baby and he knows what he did last summer, but that cloak+dagger combination has me weak in the uterus"
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ೃ⁀➷ look at me! look at me!
↳ ❝ ¡love and deepspace idol! au headcanons! ❞
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
linkon city, the hotspot for new and upcoming talent. the city is restless, many calling it “the city of dreams”. ambition and passion are what fuel the city, it’s vibrant culture making it alluring to many. you and your best friend tara are debuting in the most anticipated girl group of your generation, hunt:ress. with your manager caleb and your groupmates by your side, this journey should be smooth sailing…
fans tend to pit boy groups and girl groups against each other— it did not take long before your group hunt:ress was dragged into that mess. specifically with a particular boy group— after a clip of the recently debuted group brushing past yours without a second glance at an award show went viral, the boy group eVOL was never far when hunt:ress was mentioned. hell even variety and award shows were humoring the spectacle by having the two groups up to announce awards or interviews. that’s where you met the group’s maknae, xavier.
when i tell you— y’all looked at each other like ONCE and the masses were making edits, making blogs and analysis videos, writing fanfiction, whole nine yards
but of course with the people who thought y’all were cute (despite never actually having a conversation with one another) came his fans who gave you unnecessary hate, they’re ruthless
with the way your group was pitted against eVOL, other fans just thought y’all had beef (think the alleged jeongyeon v. jimin beef type of level LMAOOOOO)
no but seriously eVOL fans conspired with hunt:ress fans about you and xavier being together so much that caleb had to give the company your phone to search through just to make sure
rumors get so bad that they put you on house arrest shortly after some rabid xavier biases run you out of a cafe (it made the news)
eVOL’s company reaches out to yours with a half hearted apology, however they won’t won’t release a public statement because “that would only feed into it” and hope that the situation blows over
unbeknownst to both companies— xavier finds a way to reach out to you through your old phone (that you hide because you didn’t want to give up your old life just to become an idol) and apologizes for his fans behavior
the two of you actually start to talk since you’re not exactly allowed to go out the dorms save for group outings and music/award shows, he’s been the first person you’ve been able to actually talk to, it was refreshing
you find out despite his baby face— he is not the maknae and is actually the oldest member but his company’s trying to keep that public perception of him (yeah they’re weeeeeird)
you start to confide in each other and talk about idol life but also just random things, he’s a comforting presence in a world where everyone’s eyes were on you
you sometimes text him all night coming to practice absolutely exhausted, tara’s the first one to suspect something is going on
tara actually runs one of y’all’s ship pages LMAOOOOO
when your group wins an award for best new music, he’s the first person who congratulates you (the footage is clipped and before the end of the night it’s viral)
one of the reasons why hunt:ress was so well received was because of their visuals. the girls were pretty, sure— but whoever their stylist was? they were working overtime. there is not a single ‘flop outfit’ compilation or blog about any of you girls. one of your group’s performance outfit goes viral however everyone can’t stop talking about how it captured your aura and stage presence perfectly, it went viral catching everyone’s attention— including someone interesting. your company had ties to a famous designer who rarely showed his face, seemed like he’d just design clothes and have them modeled and call it a day, did not bother to even go to fashion showcases where his work would be the main event. but then he saw a clip of you in his work go viral— he had to see it for himself. that’s when you met rafayel.
when you heard that the designer of all your performance outfits wanted to meet you specifically you were nervous, after all this had to be some respectable man
let’s just say you were a bit confused when you showed up to his studio that looked like a tornado had ran through it— everything was strewn around
in its wake? an attractive young man who was probably the last person you’d think would be the person responsible for your group’s outfits
he’s an audacious man, skipping all pleasantries to immediately ask about your measurements
he asks for your chest size first and you resist the urge to chuck a nearby thread spool at him
you start to interrogate him, there’s no way that he’s the decorated designer that’s well respected in the industry… right?
but despite his demeanor, you can’t argue with his skill when he pulls out a dress that immediately catches your eye— you’re itching to try it on
he snickers at your wide eyes and tells you to change into it (he makes a joke about how he wouldn’t mind dressing you himself and you give him the craziest look)
once you’re all dressed up you step away from the changing room, doing a little twirl as you showed off his work
he was in awe, videography did you no justice compared the real deal— he shamelessly asks you to drop your idol career to be his model, his muse
and just when you thought you couldn’t give this man any more crazy looks
you really couldn’t deny it though, it was almost as if his work was made for you— the dress complimented you deeply
but alas you had worked extremely hard to get to where you were now, no amounts of flattery would coax you out of it
no matter to him, he wasn’t one to give up so easily. in a sea of fish, you were quite the catch
eventually he convinces your company to “lend” you to him as his model— the company agrees because not only is the versatility of idols really important but also free promo lolz
he now starts to attend these fashion shows so he can bask in your presence showing off his work, people whisper about the man who manages to get the best seat every time wondering who he is
at the end of every show he’s waiting for you with a bouquet of flowers, you always accept them joking about how it was just another failed attempt at him trying to get you to be his permanent model
little did you know that that wasn’t the only thing he was gunning for
whenever the question “who’s the most hardworking?” would arise in group interviews, without a doubt your fellow members would answer your name. your trainee days were rough, strict diets, endless hours of practice, appointments with vocal coaches, promo— you took it all in stride with no complaints. nowadays as a debuted idol in a well performing group, you still couldn’t help but watch what you ate, practice until your muscle ached, finding every opportunity to better yourself. tara often tried to reassure you that you already were good enough and that it was alright to be gracious and lenient towards yourself. you appreciated her words but you were fine, it wasn’t nearly as bad as being a trainee. that mindset eventually landed you in trouble causing you to collapse at a pre rehearsal for a music show. fortunately with no footage, rumors of your company potentially mistreating you only had the questioned credibility from word of mouth. eventually coming to with an iv connected to your arm and caleb scolding you for never taking breaks, your company insists that your group does the next few music shows without you so you can rest. before you can protest, a doctor that’s introduced to be your primary care walks in. that’s when you’re reunited with zayne.
you’re still a bit groggy but you recognize those pensive green eyes anywhere
he tries to not cross the line of a patient doctor relationship but the minute caleb leaves he gives you an exasperated look
he makes a quip that despite all these years later you still are inadequate in taking care of yourself
you grew up in the same small town as him and went to school together, of course he left for medical school while you perused your dream— who knew that you’d reunite in the big city
despite being in for mild dehydration and being treated for it with the iv, he insists on doing a full exam which gets you nervous and rightfully so, he’s very thorough
and lo and behold— he unravels your secret that you’ve kept from your company, your chronic illness
when auditioning and being signed on as a trainee the medical records you had submitted were from a shoddy doctor who never ran any tests
you beg him not to rat you out, after all you had made it this far with not a single person suspecting a thing
he’s very adamant about letting your company know, he tries to reassure you that the more room for accommodation for you the better but you cut him off pleading
he didn’t know how ruthless the industry was— you’ve seen plenty of popular groups put members in indefinite and unfair hiatuses for something beyond their control, if it wasn’t your company than the general public would know you as the sickly idol
you had worked too hard for it to come crashing down like this and his cold eyes softened in realization
he let out a sigh before begrudgingly agreeing to keep your secret, reminding you that you had been lucky that he was employed by the hospital rather than your company who by under contract he’d have to tell
he also makes a condition, you would have to start taking care of yourself more— if you ever landed in a hospital bed with another iv in he wouldn’t hesitate to let your company know of your state
you thank him profusely, you had worked far too hard for this. he knows because this had been your dream since you were children
you offer him to lunch in the upcoming weeks as a means to catch up, he only agrees under the guise that he can keep an eye on your condition while making sure you actually eat
❀° ┄───╮
a/n: wowza that was a lot 😵‍💫
y’all i love this game so much it’s not even funny— zayne my beloved pookie bear oml
i hope y’all enjoyed this fr, maybe i’ll write something(s) inspired by this au and hopefully expand on some of the headcanons ‼️
if y’all get some inspiration off of this pls tag me i wanna read yalls work so badlyyyy okay bye guys mwahhhh 🫶🏾
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nicklesbam · 7 months
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“YES!!” I shouted, standing from my chair immediately. I got accepted into Godolkin University. It’s been a dream of mine for a while now
“What?” My older sister came rushing in. I smiled wide at her while she looked confused
“I GOT ACCEPTED!!” She started smiling and hugged me
“I’m so proud of you!” We both celebrated together for a while
Soon it came the day for me to pack the last of my things. I was excited, nervous, maybe even a little seldom for leaving home but it was finally time. I said my goodbyes to my sister and started my way to Godolkin university
I got into the school for my teleportation powers, a video went viral a few days ago of me stopping a robber while at the bank. I try to stay off social media but I still know about things that are trending
I stepped out of my cab and was standing in front of my dream school. I couldn’t help but smile and looked at my map. I hate maps of schools though, they don’t really help me
Suddenly someone bumped into me and I dropped the map
“Oh I’m so sorry” I apologized quickly. I looked up at the person and it was polarity’s son
“I think I’m the one that’s supposed to be apologizing” he had a small smile and I chuckled
“Yeah I guess so. Hey do you happen to know where the dorms are? I’m a little lost” he bends down to pick up my map and hand it to me
“Yeah I can show you” he out stretches his hand to me
“I’m Andre” I accept the handshake with a smile
“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you” on the way to the dorms he asks me questions about myself and I return the favor
“So you have any siblings?” He asks another question but I don’t mind
“Yes, I have an older sister. She was honestly my rock throughout everything. She was so happy when I told her I got into this school” Andre nodded listening to me instead of dozing off during my little rambles
“That’s nice, kind of makes me wish I had a sibling” I laughed and he looked at me quizzically
“Trust me it has its ups and downs. We fought a lot as little kids, she would pull my hair and I would teleport her to the zoo” he laughed a little surprised
“You could teleport? And you took her to the zoo?” He questioned in a little disbelief. I laughed at the memory
“It was the only thing I could think of, she hated the lizards!” We laughed even harder and I couldn’t help but think of how much I’m going to miss her
“But no matter how hard we fought she would always be there for me” I smiled warmly. We talk a little more and we finally show up at the dorms
“Thank you for helping me find the dorms and for some nice conversation. I hope I get to see you around” I smile at him. He seems like a nice person, very open to new people
“Well me and a few friends are going out tonight, wanna come with?” I thought about it for a second. He is my first friend here but I’ll need more than one friend at a university this big. I made a decision
“Sure” he tells me when and where to meet them and I go to find my room number. Number 403 popped up soon enough and I walk in to see my dorm with one bed. I looked at it confused and worried that there might have been a mix up
I set my things down and look around. There’s nothing that suspects another person has been in here, just one bed and empty shelves. I leave my things in a corner of the room and go to find an office but before I do, I bump into a girl in the hallway
She has short blonde hair and bright brown almost hazel eyes
“Oh I’m so sorry” I apologized immediately. What is it with the me and bumping into people lately. She smiles at me
“No, no it’s totally ok. Hey you’re the girl moving into room 403 right?” Her voice is sweet and excited. I nodded
“My name is y/n, hey do you know why I only have one bed?” She looked confused as well and walked to my doorway to see
“Maybe they just didn’t have a roommate for you, happens sometimes because ya know it’s a famous school and all that” and shrugged her shoulders, “maybe you should go down to the office to see” I nodded
“Can you uh do me a favor and point me in the direction of the office please? I’m not good with maps” she smiled and laughed a little
“Yeah of course” she gave me directions that I followed to a T and suddenly I’m in front of a large building. I walk down a large hallway and look at everything I’m passing by and I can’t help but be amazed at everything I’m seeing
I finally see someone and walk up to them a little nervously. They have headphones in at the moment but once I walk up to them they take the headphones out
“Hi uhm is this where I talk to someone about my dorm because I only have one bed and I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have a roommate or-“ I was cut off from my rambling
“This is professor brinks office for criminology, not a place for you to ask about your dorm room” they blatantly spoke. I felt so embarrassed and my face started to turn a little pink
“Oh I’m so sorry, I’m new here and got the wrong directions and I’m sorry again. I hope you have a good day” I was about to walk away when h to eh shouted a name
“Jordan, my name is Jordan” I turned back and gave a small smile
“My name is y/n, I would say it’s nice to meet you but I’m just embarrassed right now” they smiled and I couldn’t help but think their smile is beautiful
“Don’t be, it happens a lot of the time with freshman” they continue, “and I wouldn’t worry about the dorm situation, they sometimes give people their own room. Cherish it you might get a roommate next year” I laugh a little
“Thank you and again, I’m sorry for wasting your time” they just smile and I turn to walk back to my dorm
any feedback would be good, this is just a snippet of the story so far
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mcflymemes · 9 months
THE GREATEST MOVIE QUOTES OF ALL TIME *  assorted dialogue from famous films, adjust as necessary
[name], i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn.
i'll have what she's having.
i have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore.
i'm as mad as hell, and i'm not going to take this anymore!
you're gonna need a bigger boat.
nobody puts baby in a corner.
well. nobody's perfect.
you can't fight in here! this is the war room!
get away from her, you bitch!
houston, we have a problem.
when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes!
i am no man!
i love the smell of napalm in the morning.
you had me at "hello."
i'm also just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
don't call me shirley.
i feel the need... the need for speed!
i'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
i know it was you, [name]. you broke my heart.
just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in.
you can't handle the truth!
i can do this all day.
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
snakes. why did it have to be snakes?
clever girl.
what, like it's hard?
you shall not pass.
that's my secret, [name]. i'm always angry.
i wish i knew how to quit you.
get busy living, or get busy dying.
ugh, as if!
i'll be back.
there's no crying in baseball!
some men just want to watch the world burn.
take your stinking paws off me!
screws fall out all the time. the world's an imperfect place.
life moves pretty fast. you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
i'm sorry, [name]. i'm afraid i can't do that.
a strange game. the only winning move is not to play.
are you crazy? the fall will probably kill you!
i see dead people.
if you build it, he will come.
with great power comes great responsibility.
roads? where we're going, we don't need roads.
go ahead. make my day.
say hello to my little friend!
are you not entertained?
i'm not bad. i'm just drawn that way.
i've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
i have a bad feeling about this.
you talkin' to me?
what's in the box?
your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
that rug really tied the room together, did it not?
you cut the turkey without me?
i'm not even supposed to be here today.
you'll shoot your eye out, kid.
boy, that escalated quickly.
you don't wanna get mixed up with a guy like me.
i know kung-fu.
now i have a machine gun.
what is your damage, [name]?
what we've got here is failure to communicate.
here's looking at you, kid.
fasten your seatbelts. it's going to be a bumpy night.
love means never having to say you're sorry.
there's no place like home.
why don't you come up sometime and see me?
i'm walkin' here!
i want to be alone.
round up the usual suspects.
you know how to whistle, don't you, [name]?
we rob banks.
we'll always have paris.
well, nobody's perfect.
a boy's best friend is his mother.
keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into.
what a dump?
[name], you're trying to seduce me. aren't you?
is it safe?
i have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
hello, gorgeous.
a martini. shaken, not stirred.
seize the day. make your lives extraordinary.
snap out of it!
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silentglassbreak · 4 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
!!!There is finally smut in this chapter!!!!
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery.
+It goes without saying, this is a work of fiction. All of my words are my own. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess
Part 5 - Bad Decisions
Three months and three days, since I had met Noah Sebastian. Since he had walked into my group, reserved and exhausted, ready for a change. Three months and one day since I had agreed to be his sponsor. Since I had taken on the role of maintaining his sanity and sobriety with him. Three months exactly since Noah kissed me, causing me to pull back on our relationship.
I had given myself a silent rule that I never told Noah: we did not meet in person, outside of group, unless it was dire. So far, we had not gotten to that point.
He called me often, needing support. We talked on the phone, sometimes for only a few minutes while he panicked, I calmed him down, and he focused on breathing. Sometimes, we talked for a long time. I suspected he called me at times, out of pure boredom.
Two weeks after his show in Hollywood, he finally told the members of the band that he had began AA. As I suspected, they were all very supportive, most notably, Nick Ruffilo, his best friend since childhood. He even brought Nick to our last 'Loved Ones' session, where we asked everyone to bring someone in their lives who supported their recovery. Some people only brought their sponsors, but some brought their husbands, wives. Girlfriends. I always brought Laura.
I met Nick that day. He was polite, had the most charming smile, and shook my hand respectfully.
"You're the famous Leena, huh?" Noah had been talking to Syd when Nick approached me.
"Famous?" I quirked my eyebrow. He smiled brightly.
"You've kept my boy straight for a whole month."
I nodded in understanding. As fate may have it, the day Nick came to group, was the same day Noah had earned his 30-day coin. He had earned himself a large round of applause, as well as his favorite flavor of cupcakes in class. Red velvet, cream cheese frosting, graham cracker dust. I'll never forget, I asked Laura to make them.
Nick cared deeply for Noah, I could see it. I knew the other members, Folio and Jolly, did as well, but I believed Nick was his best source of support.
I broached the subject with Noah about a week later of Nick being his sponsor. I saw the look on his face while he sipped on his coffee, group having just ended.
"Oh, I didn't even think about it." He was looking at the ground, something he regularly did when he was uncomfortable.
"I mean, it was just an idea?" I tried to stay warm, comforting. Noah didn't always go for that. He had his moments where he felt patronized, and preferred I be straight with him. Usually when he was in a bad mood.
"I could ask him, I guess." He still wouldn't look at me.
I sighed, quirking my lips in a smile. "You don't have to. I'm happy to keep being your sponsor, Noah."
He looked at me finally, through his lashes. "You just know how to pull me back from the brink. He doesn't."
I nodded in understanding. "Guess you're stuck with me then." I beamed at him, earning a smile back.
Today, Noah was earning his 90-day coin, right before he leaves for tour. He got to go first in group, discussing his experience through recovery. He also got his special cupcakes, Laura turning up special to deliver them by hand. He was like a kid in a candy store, nearly hopping up and down when she handed him his special cupcake, bigger than the rest. He was ever thankful that she was a talented baker, promising to bring him and the band cupcakes during their tour dates here in LA.
The band had added 17 additional tour dates, beginning the tour in the summer instead of fall. They would have three months off from June to September, and would head to Europe in December. The success of the band was exciting, and stressful all the same for Noah. I saw the toll it took.
Two weeks ago, he finally told his girlfriend about his recovery. We didn't talk about Lily often at all, but he definitely did not want to discuss that subject. I gathered that it did not go well. All I learned was that she told him she needed space, and backed out of tagging along on the first part of the tour with them. She promised to catch up in September.
I saw how this affected Noah, and his sad days had been more frequent lately. Seeing him happy to be receiving his coin was a relief.
"Can I make a request for my 90-day?" He sat in his regular chair, directly across the circle from me, his too-dark eyes on mine.
"Within reason." I responded with a suspicious grin.
"Can you tell me one thing about you that I don't already know?" Everyone in group looked directly to me, including our two newcomers. All eyes seemed confused. As was I.
"Like what?" I crossed my legs, trying to hide my uncomfortable posture.
I blinked, my head swirling. Something he didn't know? We had learned quite a bit about each other over the last three months. In group or on the phone, we had played twenty questions more than once.
"Well," I sighed, knowing that my confession would be news to everyone, as I never talked about it. "my sponsor is my Dad."
He looked taken back, not expecting that. "Really?"
I nodded coolly. "Yep. Since I got sober three years ago." I relaxed a bit in my chair. "He's the reason I got sober."
Noah sat back and folded his arms, intent on listening to me. He gestured for me to continue.
"At 25, I was set down the worst road. I had been actively drinking since I was 16, and really struggling since 18. I dropped out of college, went through job after job, ended up in jail a few times. And that's the mild stuff. I won't bore you all with the gruesome details." I glanced around the room. The only person who knew even half of my story was Abel, and he was unfortunately not here today, so I felt vulnerable.
"My mother was an alcoholic, who died when I was very young from her addictions." I could feel tears threatening to come to the surface. My throat was forming a lump I just couldn't swallow. "My Dad, who swore to never drink again after she died, decided that once I hit rock bottom, to take me to her gravesite."
I looked down at my hands, feeling my voice shake. "He had purchased a plot for me right next to her when I turned 21, because he swore I would be with her sooner rather than later."
One traitorous tear spilled down my cheek, and I wiped it away feverishly. "So I had him drive me to a meeting. He stayed with me. Came with me to every single one."
I laughed at the thought. "He would sit in the car and listen to Country music while he waited. And every time I fell off, he drove me right back. He's my rock. He's the reason I'm alive."
I was still looking at my hands when I heard the clapping. My head snapped up to see Noah, his hands clapping together before everyone else joined. It was a liberating moment, but I was still vulnerable.
I checked my watch, noticing that we were over on our time.
"Thank you, everyone." The applause died down. "I appreciate each and every one of you. Unfortunately, we've got to get out of here before Angie comes in and rips me a new one."
At home, Angel and I were curled up on the couch, enjoying our favorite movie (it was my favorite, so it was his favorite by default), Silent Hill. I was tossing him single popcorn kernels as I ate and watched intently.
"See, baby, this is the part where all of the piece of shit cultists get what they deserve!" He looked at me with his honey brown eyes, clearly understanding every word I said.
My ringtone went off, and I almost ignored it, because we were so close to the end, and figured the call could wait until after. That is, until I realized it was Noah's ringtone. I had switched his a while ago to a song by his own band, so I knew when it needed to be answered at any cost.
I rushed over to the kitchen counter, not even bothering to pause the movie.
"I need a fucking drink, Leena." His voice was cracked, and sounded wet. Was he...crying?
"No, you don't." My immediate response anytime he said that.
"No Leena, I'm driving to a bar. I can't fucking do this."
The panic rose in my chest, threatening to spill in the form of vomit. No, not now. Not after we've worked this hard.
"Noah Sebastian, I will kick you out of group."
"Who fucking cares?" I scoffed.
"Uh, you do, apparently. You called me."
"Mostly just calling to let you know I'm a fucking failure. So, sorry to waste your time."
My mouth worked faster than I could stop it. "Come to my place."
He was quiet. "Nah, bar sounds better."
"Noah, come see me. Please. And if you still want a drink afterwards, then I won't stop you."
I could tell he was perusing this. "You don't ever see me outside of group, remember?"
"Well, fuck that for right now. Come see me."
He groaned. "Leena, it's midnight. You should be asleep."
"Yet, I'm awake. 3AM ice cream, remember?"
There was silence, only the sound of a blinker in the background.
"Where do you live?"
Without answering, I dropped him my location pin.
"Says I'm ten minutes away." I sighed a breath of relief.
"Door's unlocked."
Despite my telling him to come in, he knocked. Angel stood at attention, to which I instructed him to sit and stay. I opened the door to find a soaking wet Noah. I didn't even realize it was raining.
He looked awful. Clearly had been crying, his clothes soaked through from the storm. I grabbed his arm and hastily pulled him in to avoid any more weather getting hold of him.
"Jesus Christ, dude." He just stood in my doorway, staring at me.
A low growl left Angel, bringing our attention to him.
"Angel, come." Robotically, he came to me and I pointed to Noah. "Let him smell you. He's protection trained."
Noah raised a brow. "What kind of dog?"
"He's a mutt. Bluetick Hound and Husky. 90 pounds of death if he doesn't like you."
I saw Noah stiffen slightly as Angel sniffed his legs, shoes, and hands. Once he was satisfied that he was safe, Angel stepped back.
"Go to bed." I pointed to the room and he took off, following the command.
"Hm, good dog." Noah's tone was surprised.
"I live alone in LA, I've got to do something to protect myself."
He nodded and stepped onto the tile floor after me toward the hallway. I noticed how wet he was.
"Wait here. I'll get you some dry clothes."
He looked at me incredulously. "You think they'll fit?"
I rolled my eyes. "Wait here."
I returned two minutes later with a pair of men's sweats and a faded Disturbed t-shirt. "They're my brother's. I'm sure they'll fit."
He nodded in appreciation and I pointed to the bathroom.
He returned moments later, soaking clothes in hand. I walked over and grabbed them from him and walked further down the hall to my laundry room. Checking the many pockets on his pants, I threw his clothing in the dryer and started it.
Padding back into the living room, I waved him over to the couch. We both sat on opposite ends, me leaned back, pulling the throw over myself, him dropping his head into his hands.
"You want to talk about it?" He just shook his head. I pursed my lips. "You want to watch a movie?" He looked up at me from over his shoulder.
"Like what?"
I smiled, picking up my remote. "Well, I just finished Silent Hill, but I've got all the streaming networks, so I can get anything."
He furrowed his brows. "Silent Hill? Like, the game?"
My jaw dropped. "You've never seen the movie?"
He just shook his head. "Can't say I have."
"Well fuck, let me just restart it."
He snorted. "Didn't you just watch it?"
"It's my favorite movie, ever. I'll watch it again."
He sat up straight, then leaned his back on the couch. I reached behind me on the side table, grabbing another blanket and chucking it at him. He smiled a small, sad look at me, and unfolded it over his lap.
During the movie, Noah's demeanor loosened ever so subtly. He started with his back against the couch, arms in his lap, looking unamused. By the first call of the Darkness, he was leaning forward, paying closer attention. At the first sight of Pyramid Head, he was interested. And by the hospital scene, he was asking questions.
"I still don't understand, why does Sharon look like Alessa? And why did the little girl say she was burning?"
"Would you be patient?! We're literally getting to that part right now!" He shook his head and leaned back, crossing his legs underneath him and his body moved slightly closer to my legs that were outstretched on the area between us.
His leg bumped my foot, and he looked over, noticing I was glancing at him.
"Oh, my bad." He scooched back to his side, and I snickered.
"I'm not going to combust if you touch my foot Noah, it's no biggie."
He smirked, mischievously. "Well, in that case." He then stretched his giant self out across the couch, pulling my legs up over his legs. He nestled in, pulling the blanket up to his chest.
It was at this point that I actually noticed.
"Hold the fucking phone." I quickly paused the movie and his head snapped to me.
"You cut your fucking hair?!" His hair was easily eight inches shorter, sitting just below his ears. How it took me this long to notice is beyond me.
He laughed nervously, and ran his hand through his locks. "Yeah, after group, I went and got it cut. Felt like I needed a change."
I smiled brightly, reaching over and tousling it. "I like it. It suits you."
He leaned back, his face appreciative.
I played the movie, and he was absolutely enamored. It was always fun watching someone experience this movie for the first time.
Once the credits began to play, his eyes were much brighter. "Are you tired?"
I shook my head. "Nah, not right now."
"Want to watch another one?"
I stood up. "Sure, but I've got to pee and grab a water bottle. You want one?"
He nodded, swiping the remote and scrolling through the networks to find another movie.
I called Angel to his bed in the living room, and took care of my business. When I returned, he had 13 Ghosts pulled up on the screen.
"Can we watch my favorite now?" I smirked.
"Absolutely, it is also one of my favorites."
He pressed play, and I walked past him, my thigh catching the edge of the couch, causing me to stumble toward the coffee table.
Before I could connect with the glass, his arm was around my arm, pulling me back toward the couch. I landed square in his lap. It took me a second to process. He smiled at me nervously.
"Sorry, didn't want you getting a concussion."
I slid off his lap, but was now seated closer to him, by side nearly pressed against his chest. He turned his attention back to the TV, throwing his blanket over the both of us casually.
I pulled my bare legs up under the blanket, now very aware that all I wore was a pair of too-short gym shorts, a plain white t-shirt, and socks. I was home alone earlier, in my defense. My knee was pressing into the side of his leg, but he didn't seem to notice.
His body radiated so much heat, I instinctively sunk down further under the blanket. His gargantuan arm was draped over the back of the couch, the back of my head pressed against it.
I let myself get into the movie for a while. We made it about half an hour in before I felt him shift. He stretched his legs in front of me, now in near full laying position. His arm tugged my shoulder and I looked at him.
His eyes were honest, or so it seemed. "It's just cuddling. I haven't had anyone to cuddle with in a while."
I pondered this for a moment. My brain screamed against it, told me it was wrong and I knew where this could go. But he was so warm. He was so comfortable. I slid down, stretching my legs over his, my chest laying on his. My face had nowhere to go but on his collarbone while I tried desperately to watch the television.
Something tugged at me, which I tried to ignore for a while. I couldn't for too long before I piped up.
"How would your girlfriend feel about us 'just cuddling'?"
I felt his chest still, his breathing stopped for a beat.
"She dumped me." I snapped my head up
He sighed, not looking back at me. "Why do you think I needed a drink?"
"Oh, Noah." I moved to sit up, but his arm around my waist held me in place while he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Can we please just...not?" When he looked back at me, he had a single tear trying to escape from the corner of his eye.
"Okay." I softly responded and gently leaned back down. His arm secured me in place, while the movie continued to play.
About halfway through, I felt my eyelids getting heavy. His fingers that were holding my waist had been drawing small circles on my back for a few minutes, and I was fading quickly. The warmth, the comfort. He wasn't the only one who hadn't cuddled in a while.
"Are you asleep?"
This roused me. "Hmm? No. Just comfortable." My voice was raspy with sleep, my eyes only half open.
His chest shook with the rumble of a laugh. "You want me to head home?"
I slightly shook my head. "Warm." His hand rubbed up my arm now, coming to rest on the cap of my shoulder. I heard a low humming sound, and realized it was him, humming a tune that I couldn't place.
"It should be illegal to be able to sing that good." This made him snicker.
"Too bad, huh?" I sighed, relaxing. "Maybe if I wasn't so talented, you'd actually like me."
This made me slowly lift my head, narrowing my eyes at him. "You are an insufferable human Noah Sebastian." He smiled a goofy grin at me. "I am trying to relax, here."
His hand came up to brush my hair from my face, his eyes locked on my tired ones.
"You're really beautiful Mileena, you know that?"
I raised my eyebrows, my eyes getting wider. He didn't seem fazed, just studying my face.
"Well...thank you?"
His fingers twirled some stray bands of my hair while his eyes just would not leave mine.
"Would you hate me if I kissed you?"
My stomach bottomed out. I was awake. All the way awake, now. I sighed heavily.
"We can't do that, Noah."
He bit his bottom lip.
"Can't, or won't?"
I rolled onto my side then, slightly breaking the contact between us. He was sat with his head propped on the pillow at the end of the couch. He kept his arm on my waist, but raised himself up just enough to nearly tower over me.
"Would you tell me to stop again?"
He was testing me. I was going to fail if he didn't stop. He felt it.
"Would you make me leave?"
"Is this why you came over? Girlfriend dumps you, so you figure you'd come hook up with your sponsor?" Okay, maybe that came out a little sharper than I intended. But it needed to be said.
"I wasn't planning on coming here. I was set on the bar."
I sighed. He was right. He was on the brink, and I invited him in. Practically begged him.
"Noah, I just...we can't."
His hand reached up to cup the side of my neck, his eyes now fixated on my mouth. I caught the tip of his tongue dart out over his bottom lip.
"Would you make me leave?" He repeated his question.
I didn't answer him, I just stared. I couldn't hide the want on my face anymore. I could feel my eyes pleading with him to just do it. Just make the move, because I couldn't.
With the luckiest break I've had in a while, he read my thoughts, and dipped his face down to brush our lips together.
This was different. This wasn't hungry. It was a hot burn, slow and steady. His hand came up to brush against my face, pulling me just close enough for him to press his face closer, solidifying the kiss.
Once I had the nerve, I moved my lips against his, my body melting against him. We moved slowly, our tongues only trying to make short appearances to taste the other's lips. His kisses on my lips slowed, his hand running down the side of my body, stopping to rest on my hip. Noah's lips began to trail off of my mouth, moving down to my neck, leaving soft kisses over my throat, making my breathing stop altogether.
I'm not entirely sure how long we stayed this way, his lips leaving trails of warmth over my jaw, neck, and collarbone.
I finally reached for him, my arm searching for the hem of his shirt, slipping underneath. My fingers grazed his skin, feeling the solidity of his frame. I felt him breathe out a sigh when I began leaving kisses on his neck. I let the tip of my tongue trace his adam's apple, smiling when the grip on my hip tightened with a nip of his skin.
After he had been tormented enough, he slipped his arm around my waist, flipping to perch over me, laying me flat on my back.
The kiss that came now was burning, hungry, and wild. My fingers pulled at his shirt, lifting it until he had to sit up and pull it over his head.
He wasted no time coming back to attack my neck, nipping and biting carefully, but enough to have me whimpering. He slid one hand up my side, beneath my shirt, and grazed the side of my breast, waiting for a reaction. I arched my back, trying to beg for touch.
His fingers grabbed my entire breast with one hand, pinching my hard nipple and rolling it between his fingers. I gasped at this.
"Oh, Noah..." I heard him hum, a sign of approval.
My hands grabbed his hair, pulling him back to my face. I kissed him while he used his other hand to lift my shirt, exposing both breasts.
It took no time for him to work his way down, taking my nipple in his mouth, leaving me breathless. His tongue circled the hardened bud, driving me absolutely wild.
I could feel his excitement pressing into the inside of my thigh, so I squirmed, causing a friction I'm sure he noticed. I felt the growl more than heard it.
His hand slid up my thigh, stopping on the inside, just before the hem. I could feel myself shaking in anticipation. He hooked the edge of my shorts, and with no mercy, pulled them down viciously, exposing my plain black cotton panties.
His hand glided over my core, feeling how damp the fabric already was. I was breathing heavily, silently begging for more.
"Jesus Christ, Leena." His mouth reached down and kissed my breast again. "So fucking wet."
His words had my brain scrambling. I hadn't been intimate in so long.
His fingers traced over the wet spot, teasing me until I was sure I was going mad.
"Noah..." His eyes looked up to me, my left nipple glistening from his saliva. "Fucking please."
The smile on his face was so wicked, I swear I saw the devil behind it. And this was my one-way ticket to hell. At least it's warm there.
His fingers slipped under the fabric, running up and down over my slit, nearly hitting that one spot I needed.
"This? This is what you want?" His tone was deadly, which had me reeling even harder. I fucking needed him.
I could only nod wildly. His index finger slipped inside, curling at just the right angle, hitting the sweetest spot, I could've burst right then and there.
"That's it. Good girl." His words had me moaning softly, his fingers working me over. Noah continued this until I was nearly seeing stars, his thumb now rubbing circles over my clit. I was ready, so fucking ready, eyes shut tight, climbing the hill and about to fall over. Then it was gone.
My eyes burst open, nearly ready to complain before I felt his hands pulling my panties down, his hot breath just centimeters from my core.
"I can't tell you how many times I've thought about this, Leena. I'll bet you taste incredible." Breathing was out of the question. Air no longer existed.
And that was it, he was on me. His tongue lapping up my pussy, humming while I gripped his hair frantically.
"Holy fuck, Noah."
"That's it baby. Scream my name. Be good for me."
My brain was no longer firing on any cylinders. I was on another plane altogether.
His lips latched onto my sweet spot and sucked like his life depended on it.
"Noah, oh my god! Oh my god, I'm going to come." My back arched off the couch, and my vision went white.
"Noah, Noah, Noah!" My voice was going hoarse. My toes curled and I began to feel the overstimulation, my hips bucking against him.
His arms pinned my legs down, leaving me nowhere to go. I fought for purchase against his skin.
"Please, please I can't. I can't!" He finally released me, lapping at my inner thigh one more time, causing me to shiver.
He sat back, a satisfied grin on his face.
When I looked up at him, I could see the clear bulge in the sweats, and smiled my own wicked grin.
I saw the confusion on his face before I sat up, simultaneously pushing him back on the couch, ripping the front of the pants down. It came to my attention that he wasn't wearing any boxers, so his cock sprung free instantly.
His eyes were fixed on me while I sized up his length, trying to work out how I was going to swallow this damn thing.
I slid the tip of my tongue across the top, eliciting a hiss from his lips. He stared down at me, watching my every calculated move.
With no warning, I wrapped my lips around him, and took him as far down as my throat would allow.
"Oh, fuck..." His eyes went half-masked, his mouth falling open. "Do that again. Jesus Christ."
It didn't sound like a question, so I diligently obeyed. My throat gave out about halfway down his length, causing me to gag. His hand grabbed my hair, nails in my scalp, holding me there.
"Yeah, baby. That's it." He let my head up, saliva dripping from my lips. "You're so good, Leena. Such a good girl."
His hand pressed me back down gently until I had a good rhythm going, my head bobbing, eyes looking up at him.
"Fuck, girl, I'm not going to last like this." I hollowed my cheeks, increasing the suction, and his eyes bulged.
His head flew back, his chest heaving wildly. "Just like that, baby. Don't stop."
I obeyed, suddenly really enjoying the submissive role. His hand guided me faster until I felt him harden to nearly stone.
"I'm going to come, don't stop...fuck don't fucking stop baby."
I felt the first hot stream hit the back of my throat, and I relaxed, waiting for the rest before sucking just a second longer, listening to him hiss in response. I let him out of my mouth with a pop, smiling at him sheepishly when I sat up.
He laid there, eyes closed, hands on his chest, working to breathe.
It took a while, but he eventually opened his eyes. His smile was lazy, and he lifted an arm to pull me down, now laying on his chest again.
He reached behind me and flung the blanket over us, kicking his pants the rest of the way off, and looked down at me.
"We shouldn't have done that, huh?"
I blushed, nuzzling my nose into his neck to hide it as best as I could. "No, we shouldn't have."
He ran his hand up and down my arm, now turning his attention back to the movie that was still playing.
"We'll do better tomorrow." Was the last I heard before my eyes drifted closed.
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That Night in the Hot Springs
Chapter 3/3
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Pairing: Enji Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Enji Todoroki X Reader, ⚠️smut⚠️, fluff, angst, age difference, divorced Endeavor, ⚠️anime spoilers⚠️
Words: 3k
Summary: A divorced and hard-working Endeavor allows himself to lose his composure at the desire he feels for his young colleague. Yet, the flame hero did not count on the fact that what seemed to be just one wild night stand in a hot spring would lead him to fall madly in love.
A/N: This idea just kept popping up in my mind. In the end, it came out longer than expected, my bad, but if it's about Enji being soft and in love, I couldn't help but write a little more. Also, I was very excited to write about Endeavor after his wonderful character development. Why not give him a second chance?
🔥Prev. chapter🔥
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Chapter 3– Are you ready?
“So, you're not coming back to the agency? It's been a week already." Hawks had invited you to another beer after you told him everything. 
"I don't know, I think it'd be better to find another place to work."
"Gorgeous, you're not gonna like what I have to say, but I think Endeavor was right not to let you go on that mission with that guy."
"Hawks, are you fucking kidding me?"
"Listen to me." He asked putting his hand on your shoulder.
“I heard some nasty rumors about that guy. Some days ago two intern girls left the agency and Endeavor suspected they were harassed by this guy. I don't think he was just acting out of jealousy, I think he was protecting you, in his own way. I mean, if he can't even stand ME teasing you, now imagine how he'd feel knowing you were away with such a person. He's bitter and bad-tempered, and you're right, every visit to Dabi makes it worse, but the big guy has a good heart and you'd have to be an idiot not to realize that he cares so much for you that he wouldn't hesitate to give his life for you.”
"I shouldn't have talked to you." You said covering your face.
“Don't get me wrong, I'm just saying that yes, he's jealous and possessive, but this time he had a point. Although he was a jerk and he shouldn't have offended you. I imagine that it mustn't be easy for him to keep going with this relationship. I mean, his public image has never been the best, he has improved, yes... but after Dabi, it has taken him a lot of work to recover a good name. I guess people will judge him for having a relationship with someone younger and from the same agency as him."
You kept silent listening to what Hawks was saying, it was something you had thought about many times, but when you tried to talk about it with Enji, he brushed it off saying that you didn't have to worry about it.
“Also, he has to deal with all those stupid men behind you. Guys of your age and with whom everything would be easier, Endeavor projects as someone self-confident, but I don't buy it."
That talk with Hawks got you down and worried more than you needed to.
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The next day, Endeavor had finished work and was looking out at the city through the windows of his office. He didn't listen a knock on the door or someone entering until he heard Hawks’ voice.
"Looking out that window isn't gonna make her come back." Said the winged hero crossing his arms.
"Get out of here!" Whirling away, Endeavor glared at his colleague; fortunately, Hawks didn't fear him; in fact, he saw Enji as his friend, so he was not affected by his countenance.
“You're famous for acting right on time, why are you taking so long in a job that concerns you and you care?”
"The other jobs have required me to act, I'm not sure this is the case." He responded by looking back out the window. “Sometimes you do more by taking a step back.”
"Pride won't get you anywhere, big boss."
"How the hell do you know so much?" To tell the truth, it didn't seem so farfetched that Hawks knew by being so close to you. "Also, it's not about the discussion, it goes beyond that."
“If you're so sure of your decision, why are you here looking out the window? End things head-on. Since when are you a person who doubts or hides?"
"I don't want to hurt her." Enji accepted. "Fuck, I tried so hard to make things right this time but..."
"And you did, I have no doubts you got it. But you need to make a decision." 
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A couple of hours later than Endeavor used to get home, there was a knock on your door. For some reason, the hero hadn't felt free to use his keys and now you were in front of him. He looked more serious than usual, which didn't surprise you given the days had passed without speaking.
"Hi," You didn’t know how to act, you didn't know how sore he was.
"You haven't answered any of my messages or calls." He said as he closed the door behind him; despite his claim, he didn't see him upset, if not especially serious, something that didn't give you a good vibe. You knew how to deal with angry Enji, not this version he was showing you.
"I needed a little time."
“Well, I think enough time has passed. What are you gonna decide, are you still in my agency, or are you leaving?”
"That was what you wanted to know, that's why you're here." You can't help but let out a sad and ironic laugh. How could you think that he was there to talk about you two? He was right, you were a delusional girl.
"I haven't decided yet." You answer by sitting on a sofa. “But no matter what my decision is, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have made an opinion or judged you. You're right, I'm immature and there are many things I don't know. Dabi's your son, it's logical that you continue to worry about him; after all, you're a good father, whether you believe it or not.”
“Don't apologize for that, I know why you brought it up, I was the one who didn't take it well. It's a sensitive subject. I know you didn't say it to hurt me, you were worried, but you also had the right to be upset, that hadn't been a good day and I took it out on all of you."
There was something in that apology that had you anxious. When Enji made a mistake, his apologies used to be accompanied by a caress, he would at least take your hand and pull you closer to him, but that night he just sat next to you and stared at the table in front.
“Now, although you didn't attack me, I did. I hurt you. I didn't think about it, it just left my lips."
"If it came out like that, it's because you did think like that."
"No," he said firmly. “It's not like you're thinking. I've never thought that you’re immature, your way of seeing things is something that I've always liked and it has made me feel good so many times. I don't know why I said something so different from what I think, I'm not going to excuse myself by saying that I was upset. I'm not used to sharing so much of my life with someone and you mentioning my son put me in a vulnerable spot. I'm sorry, I couldn't handle it."
“It won't happen again, I promise you. If I continue in your agency, I'll be more professional and I'll respect you, you're my boss, I have no right to claim anything from you." Endeavor shook his head negatively, that type of relationship was not something he wanted to have with you. Besides, he wasn't there exclusively to find out about your decision, he had only used that as an excuse.
“If you decide to stay and really want to go on that mission, go. I don't like that guy and I don't like seeing him around you, I won't deny it, but when I forbade you to go, it wasn't out of jealousy.”
Endeavor finally looked up and the first thing he saw was how the ruby he had given you shone on your neck, you never took it off. Later, he noticed your discouraged face, he even saw you thinner. He had arrived at your house convinced of something, or rather, he had forced himself to convince himself that you would be better off without him, but seeing you like this, added to how he truly felt, forced him to doubt everything again. Especially when you reached out and laid your head on his shoulder.
"I've missed you so much, I hate it when we argue, Enji."
"Kid, wait, I'm not done talking." Those words made you feel a cold in your body that didn't go away even by being at Endeavor's side. A few moments passed in which he sighed and for the first time, you saw him defeated. “I have thought a lot about us, and I think it's not fair for you to continue seeing me. What have I offered you so far? A secret affair? A relationship with a guy loaded with issues? You're young, the most beautiful, kind, and talented woman I've ever met. You deserve to have a normal relationship, go on dates, and not have to worry if your boyfriend comes home from jail after visiting his kid. It's not fair that you are wasting these years of your life by my side.”
You didn't lose sight of Endeavor's hands balling into fists and holding the fabric of his pants. You also didn't ignore the dark look on his face as he spoke.
"Enji, do you really want us to break up?" You asked with a lump in your throat.
"It's not about what I want, it's about what's best for you."
“You mean that if I tell you to break up, you're going to take it just like that? If I say yes, won't you care about everything we've been through all this year? Is it so easy for you to just turn the page?”
“Kid, don't make this more difficult! I'm trying to think of you and not me! It's hard enough, don't make it worse. I've been always a damn selfish man and I'm trying to change that because I truly care about you!"
“Do you actually think that the best thing for me is not to see you anymore? Enji, what do you think you mean to me?"
“Have you not seen how all the people who have lived with me have ended up? I don't want that to happen to you, I wouldn't be able to bear it if you ended up hating me."
Before the hero got up, you did, but to sit on his lap and take his face. "Enji, listen to me. I don't want someone my age, I'm not interested in going on dates either, the ones I have with you are wonderful. It worries me when you visit him because it’s so painful to see you suffer and not know how to help you, but if you would let me, I could help you. I'm not looking for what we have to go public either, but when the time comes, and if you feel comfortable too, I'll be happy to brag to everyone that Endeavor’s my boyfriend. Do you frankly want to think about me? So, stay by my side. Now, if what you want is to break up because our relationship puts a lot of pressure on you…”
"No!" He said immediately, he had even put his hands on your hips. "No, no! I don't want that, that's why it took me so long to tell you all this! How can I stop seeing you? At first, I thought that this need to be with you was because you drive me crazy, but it's not just that. I'm happy with you."
"Enji, I love you. No matter how complicated it gets, I promise I'll stay here next to you. If my staying at your agency complicates things for you, I can leave. I'd miss working with you, but I don't want to jeopardize everything you had worked for so hard." 
"Kid, if I did anything right in my life, it was when I gave you my soul by welcoming you into my agency. Don't go." He begged with a sigh, totally in love with you. "And if you don't mind, we could change our plans a bit, let me take you on a date as you deserve."
"You're sure?"
"I never said that I didn't want to do it, when I tried to invite you, you said no."
“I thought you'd feel uncomfortable if people got close.”
"Fuck it, after all, I've never been a charismatic hero." He responded by making you laugh. "I love you too, kid." He finished before kissing you.
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A few weeks later, you waited for your boyfriend to finish going through some cases in his office. He called you to ask your opinion about something, but as soon as you walked over to read the papers, Endeavor laughed mischievously and spanked you making you jump.
"Enji!" You said with a red face and still feeling your skin hot from such a spank.
"Let's leave those papers for the assistant, I've already worked a lot for today." Taking you in his arms, he made you giggle as he walked over to the huge sofa he had in his office, he had bought it to have a comfortable place where he could be with you.
Eager to feel your boyfriend closer, you pulled him by the neck of his costume so you could finally kiss him. You loved when you had him on top of you wearing that because you could perfectly feel every muscle in his body. Also, you knew how to make him lose his mind thanks to the fabric that his costume was made of, and you did so when you sat on top of him and began to rub your body against his. Enji spanked you again, but this time with such force that you had to bite his lip to keep from screaming. You bit him so hard that he smirked as he sensed you had broken it and a little blood was coming out.
That night you were so desperate that without expecting anything else, you started to ride him. You didn't even take off his clothes properly neither yours, you just moved what was necessary.
You two were just as passionate, just as wild to make love, which was why Endeavor tipped his head back and ordered you to continue bouncing on top of him. He let you do what you wanted for a while, but his domineering nature led him to put you on your knees and let him take control. That night he particularly became obsessed with your ass and he spanked it so many times you were sure you would have bruises for days. Even so, every time he did it you felt a tingle all over your body announcing that you were close to coming. Endeavor wanted to see your face, so he laid you back down, then positioned himself on top of you, and as soon as he saw your eyes, he smiled. 
“Oh, kid, what have you done to me?” He questioned bringing his forehead closer to yours without stopping moving, not so fast anymore, but deeper than before.
For the first time while making love, you received a hero's kiss on your forehead. However, before you could even process what had happened, Endeavor used the ace up his sleeve, the trick he kept when he wanted to make you reach the highest point of pleasure. He knew you so well that he quickly took covered your mouth with his hand to drown out the cry you gave when you felt how Enji warmed his cock a little more each time until it reached the perfect temperature. You implored him to continue until you felt that incomparable heat in your entire body. There was only one thing that could do it better, and you begged him to do it with your eyes, you asked him to come inside of you and he did it.
Nothing felt better than that heat running down your legs at the same time as you saw Enji's smirk from knowing that he had caused you so much pleasure to the woman he loved. He was also drenched in sweat and never missed the opportunity to look at your legs covered by him.
"You're amazing." You whispered lying on his body and kissing his chin, lips, and cheeks.
“I had something to tell you before you started all your sexual innuendo.”
"Oh, shut up! I didn't do anything, you just called me to help, and like the pervert that you are, you didn't resist." Enji let out a guffaw that rang throughout the office. That rarely happened and you would never tire of hearing him laugh. "Well, what were you going to tell me? "You asked closing your eyes and letting yourself be pampered by the handsome flame hero.
“Would you like to go home for dinner on Friday?” It seemed strange to you that he asked you something so trivial, after all, you always ate at home and you still hadn't agreed on your official date.
"Sure, love, we can prepare something nice." You replied.
“Kid, I mean my house. I talked to the boys and, well…”
"Wait, what?" Very messy and still agitated, you straightened until you were sitting practically on his hip. “Did you tell your kids about me?!”
"Shoto was the first to react and he asked me if it was you I was dating, Fuyumi got quite excited, and Natsuo couldn't believe that you had accepted to give me a chance." He commented with a frown, but you couldn't help but laugh. “I thought it would be more complicated, but they said that after almost 15 years divorced, it was time for me to try again, although they thought it'd never happen. So what do you say, beautiful? Ready to meet them? They don't talk much, but I promise you they are good kids, and they'll treat you well."
Still in shock that Enji was ready to take such a big step, you nodded your head and showed so much excitement, that your boyfriend laughed tenderly.
“Oh! And before I forget it, we have to put one more seat, Hawks threatened to leave the agency if we didn't invite him to dinner. So, I think we'll have a full house."
You immediately hugged your hero again, unable to believe that what started as a passionate night in a hot spring had ended like that. There was still a long way to go, but both were certain that you wanted to be together.
"I love you, kid." He told you again, assuring you that you were not dreaming.
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sawiet · 2 months
in general, for some time i've been nurturing an idea for a fanfic, in which naruto gets a job as a gardener (or someone else) in the wealthy uchiha household. there he meets sasuke, who is well-educated, smart, handsome, but sometimes a bit sarcastic or condescending (this is by no means arrogance, it's just that sometimes he finds it amusing that naruto doesn't know famous writers or musicians, doesn't understand political stuff).
naruto, who had never before thought about his origin, upbringing, and education, begins to feel a huge gap between him and sasuke; and the worst part is that it sincerely affects him. since the central plot revolves around sasuke and naruto's relationship, one of the main (but not the only) reasons for naruto's changes and re-education is the desire to become equal to sasuke. naruto dreams of understanding his jokes, engaging in conversations, and being interesting to sasuke in return. but for now, he only feels ashamed of himself and looks at sasuke as if from "below upwards," as something unattainable.
sasuke notices these emotional struggles, but doesn't quite understand the exact reason. naruto likes him, but he always feels that there is something more behind it, something he's afraid to even say out loud. when naruto becomes too obvious in his emotions, sasuke gets scared and chooses to distance himself (again: it's not about naruto's social status, but rather about the unconventional feelings and fear of letting down his family). naruto interprets this incorrectly, and... *here you can insert any sad gay drama*
naruto doesn't give up his pursuits; he reads books, watches serious movies, meets new people, changes many jobs, each time getting better and better positions. where does all this lead? he finally understands what sasuke was talking about, what he was joking about; sometimes naruto even realizes that he doesn't agree with him on everything. he dreams of meeting him again (it's been about five years? you choose the timeframe), but not out of a malicious desire to make an impression, but just to talk, as he always dreamed.
personally, i'm not a fan of bad endings, so in my version, they meet again, gradually getting used to each other again. at first, perhaps, it's awkward because they parted on a bad note, but over time, it gets better. they cautiously learn about each other's lives, notice changes, maturity, adulthood in each other. hidden feelings burst out again with renewed strength, but they're no longer the same teenagers (okay, they were about twenty?), so they don't repeat past mistakes. they're okay and love each other.
the more i thought about this idea, the more it seemed to me that i had already seen it somewhere. there are many historical novels and movies about class division and impossible love. the answer found me today: it's damn "martin eden." the funniest thing is that i never liked this book (or jack london's work in general). but now i want to go back to this work after many years and discover something new in it. so you could say that the fanfic is partially inspired by this book, even if i didn't suspect it.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hey Bibliomom. So I've had CFS/ME for the past 13 years or so, and I've only just been diagnosed. My feelings on being confirmed to have an incurable disorder rather than something that is in my head(and a personal deficit that I am therefore theoretically capable of overcoming) are... Complicated. Can you recommend any support groups/groups for people trying out and reporting on the effects of various treatments? I have been taking LDN for a few months, and I've recently started on bi-weekly b12 shots. I know it's to be expected but I always feel so gutted when a new treatment doesn't just... Fix Me. I'm looking into mestonin, stellate ganglion blocks, and getting my microbiome mapped and altering my diet based on that. It's all so much money and spoons for a complete crap shoot every time. Have any particular treatments worked well for you?
Unfortunately, there is no Fix Me cure for Me/CFS, there’s just things that help and maybe increase your baseline of wellness. Chief among them, resting while in an active flare to avoid PEM (Post Exertion Malaise.). You can do all the fanciest most expensive treatments, but if you’re not resting enough to avoid PEM, you’re just throwing money away.
The jury is still out between my doctors on whether I have ME/CFS. Some say no because I got substantially better after pernicious anemia treatment and that fatigue is a symptom of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and what I have is chronic fatigue, not chronic fatigue syndrome.
Some of my other doctors say that’s just splitting hairs. Especially when we now know I have multiple genetic disorders that were made infinitely worse following viral infections and other physical injuries.
Either way they all agree that avoiding PEM is vital at all costs. This means tailoring my physical rehab to very specifically to not push beyond my limits. If I wake up more tired than usual, I cancel physical therapy that day because going through with it can set me back days, sometimes even weeks.
We’ve also found that stabilizing my neck through physical therapy has been beneficial, as cervical instability and things like tethered cord syndrome have also been linked to ME/CFS (Jennifer Brea is a famous example.)
I’m also being assessed this week by a neuro-eye specialist to see if there’s something wrong with my eyes that a regular eye doctor might miss, just on the off chance that a misalignment is the cause of my chronic migraines, and potentially a lot of fatigue as well.
Other than that I take a crap ton of methylated micronutrients under doctor’s orders because my body struggles with the methylation process, and also I just don’t absorb food properly thanks to the EDS and MCAS, so I’m pretty much always deficient in something. Also making sure I’m properly hydrated at all times helps. It’s amazing how crummy low electrolytes can make you feel, even when you think you are adequately hydrated.
As for groups, I find the r/cfs subreddit helpful. The r/CFSplusADHD has also been helpful, though less active. Other than that I recommend following along with the ME Action Network. They post a lot of research and can be a good way to find other people in similar situations.
And to answer your other question about mast cell stabilizers: I rotate between Cetirizine and Levocetirizine at the moment (both h1 blockers), and also Famotidine (h2) when needed. I don’t find Famotidine as effect as Ranitidine, but unfortunately, Ranitidine is still off the market due to a recall concerning product instability.
I’ve also found Ketotifen (h1 blocker) helps to reduce my fibromyalgia type pain, but unfortunately I don’t tolerate it very well and it makes my migraines worse. Same with Cromolyn Sodium. That one actually brought me out in hives when I tried the oral route, but I suspect the dosage was too high. I tolerate the eye drops though.
I also take a high dose of Vitamin D3 every day under doctor’s orders. That has really helped my mast cell symptoms over the last year. It’s amazing what being low on Vit D can cause to fuck up in your body.
Other than that it’s avoid triggers, avoid stress and get plenty of rest.
I hope that helps.
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veryfancydoilies · 2 months
My Victoria Byng Headcanons (requested by Anonymous)
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I am so sorry I took so long but they’re finally here! I really hope everyone likes them. If you want me to write headcanons for another character, you can but please understand they probably won’t come right away. Ideas just don’t always come to mind that easily. I’m already writing headcanons for Sally so stay tuned for that. I’m actually thinking of writing headcanons for Johnny Bolton so let me know if you want that. Anyways, enjoy and have a lovely day!
🥻Before she became a Downer, Victoria had the delusion that her mother was never imprisoned and was currently having a lovely time in India. She does speak of India from time to time and expresses the desire to visit, but thinking of it brings up painful memories. Partially at the behest of her father, she takes an huge amount of Joy to keep them away.
☎️She has lots of friends but is not particularly close to any of them. This is due to both her tendency to be a workaholic and the general shallowness of relationships between Wellies. This is the reason why she did not realize the full extent of Prudence's feelings toward her. Victoria liked Prudence a lot, believing her to be very talented but sadly, their bond was severed when Victoria told Prudence she suspected her of being a Downer. Shortly thereafter, Prudence vanished. After the events of We All Fall Down, I think Victoria would be very sad to hear of Prudence's demise. She's another name in the list of people whose lives were destroyed by Joy and Vicky holds a lot of guilt. Her role in Prudence's death makes it even sadder. I think they would have been good friends or even lovers.
📦Her home used to have artwork, books and memorabilia from India. She loved them but when she looked at them, they made her sad to the point where she started crying. She told her father about this and he gave her tea laced with Joy. He then hired someone to come into her home and take all of the things related to India.
📚Victoria sometimes hosts book club and women's club meetings at her home. Uncle Jack's three books about the war were the subject of some of the meetings. Looking back at this, Downer!Victoria, being a lover of history, would disparage the books as being terribly written and dull.
🤬Unlike the other potty-mouthed protagonists of We Happy Few, Victoria very rarely swears. Both of her parents, especially her aristocratic mother, made it a priority to install grace and elegance in their daughter. It takes an extreme amount of stress (and anger) to make Victoria swear as seen in the cutscene when Ollie forces her off Joy. Also, if Downer!Victoria ever swore, she would hear her mother curtly admonishing her so she refrains from it.
🪅Victoria's favorite Uncle Jack segments are Funny Old Customs and Famous Britons since she likes history albiet the sanitized version of history shown to Wellies. So unsurpisingly it was her idea to bring the piñata on the day Arthur went Downer. But of course since everyone is on Joy and have no idea they're just watching reruns, many many other piñatas have probably been smashed before the one we saw.
🧳In her post-Wellington Wells, I like to think that Vicky got involved in politics in some way or another. She of course has many regrets but her leadership skills would not fade. Also, she was probably a key witness of what happened in Wellington Wells and has written books and given interviews about it. Most survivors prefer to live as if it never happened.
@we-joyless-few @sea-side-scribbles @joyful-downer
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dmagedgoods · 2 months
15 and 18 for all your boys~
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Rowley: Rowley doesn’t speak in lofty and sophisticated terms or only ironically, but he is witty, expressive, and creative - with his vocabulary too -, and has a very dark sense of humor. Usually, he finds the right words fast and without thinking about them much, and with the right words I mean the most terrible thing to say in any situation he’s in. People’s reactions to it are highly endearing to him. It amuses him and he shamelessly provokes. He may have saved someone’s life a second before, but you can be sure he’ll make them forget about it right away by offending them in unexpected ways or by painting himself in the most horrible light and even worse than he actually is. Usually, he doesn’t show emotions when he speaks. It’s mocking or teasing or factual or just some idle chatting. With him, it needs a certain level of friendship or other forms of closeness (like romantic relationships) to reach a point where he starts to let you see his feelings with words and in general. Once it happens, his way of talking becomes softer, even a touch warmer, and he provides insights that make you realize he listens and observes much more closely than one might suspect. He uses profanity a lot. Sometimes with a hint of irony to it, sometimes to insult or provoke, sometimes just a few swear words on the way when something goes wrong or casually interwoven in his speech patterns. He will make up new things on the spot, never-heard combinations and unique creations, funny in his better moments, utter nonsense in his worst.
~ Eneas: Eneas is eloquent and well-spoken; in most cases, he shows sophisticated, polished manners and his choice of vocabulary reflects it. Words are his strongest weapon aside from his magic, he uses them to charm and to captivate, to draw in and paint pictures. Furthermore, he loves to spontaneously recite poems or to quote from famous literature. He is a musician but also a storyteller and lives to entertain and to use words with utmost effect and accompanied by a dramatic flair. He rarely shows his true feelings, still his way of talking or telling little tales never lacks the needed emotion. His words often have a theatric element. While he most often has a clear direction in mind and plans his roles and performances and even his words to a degree, he only truly rehearses when it’s of utmost importance (or an actual stage play ahead of him). As long as he moves within the idea of what he’s representing at the given moment, he is capable of improvising the details. He can make his words simple but he rarely wants to. Speaking has the potential to become a form of art in itself after all. Usually, he still makes sure his sentences aren’t too complicated or confusing, he wants his audience to follow him after all, but it happens that his structures serve to hide a second meaning or a well-placed little lie. In other cases, he just enjoys some theatrics, the drama of his own statements, or obscures in the name of storytelling. Eneas almost never uses profanity and if so with a touch of irony to it. He doesn’t mind profanity used by others (or at least rarely does), but he himself refrains from all too rude expressions in most cases. Of course, when he plays certain roles, profanity might be part of it. Usually, though, he much prefers to insult in more subtle ways coming with a sharper sting. ~ Salvadore: Salvadore is very eloquent with strong rhetoric skills, educated, trained in diplomacy, and even studied speech patterns since he has a natural interest in and talent for words. He loves to talk to people, to convince them of his views, or to hold impactful speeches in front of an audience. While strongly passionate about his goals and for those he cares for, Salvadore rarely gives away many emotions in front of people. It needs a deep bond with someone for him to show his warmer and even surprisingly playful side or his possessive tendencies. (All of this even publicly to a degree with someone he loves romantically.) He makes his sentence structure only as complex as needed to convey an idea. After all, he wants to reach people with his words not to confuse them. His choice of words is sophisticated but he speaks clearly and not in obscuring, long-winded, or highly scientific terms. Sometimes he utters very short and strict orders or shuts something down with a well-aimed remark. Salvadore rehearses his speeches and prepares his arguments for important meetings and consultations or discussions, he likes to be prepared, but he also leaves room for spontaneous reactions. It’s more the whole plan for how things are supposed to go which he studies ahead (and sometimes intensely so) than every word he intends to use. He can easily improvise in his fields of expertise, and his confidence and eloquence usually help him when he’s out of his element. There may be audiences where stronger words are needed and he doesn’t mind going there, but in his usual speech patterns, he mostly refrains from profanity. If he uses it, then the rough, harsh sort. In sexual contexts and roleplays, he enjoys profanity here and there – though it depends on the words in question. If he means to insult, he will hit the mark in different and deeper ways (humiliating his target in eloquent manners) than by making up creative swear words.
~ Cian: Despite his affinity for bringing himself into the spotlight here and there and to present a small performance, Cian slightly prefers using the written word over using the spoken word. He has more control over ink on paper and time to think through any deep aspect of it before presenting it to an audience. He is not too fond of improvising completely freely and in important moments, he rather overprepares his words or repeats them in his mind before saying them out loud to make sure they’ll have the planned effect. Speaking is immediate and correcting mistakes or wrong impressions almost impossible once they are made. Still, he knows how to sell what he wants to make people believe in most cases, is a smooth talker, and quite eloquent, especially in his areas of interest and if he had time to prepare. He hates being caught not knowing something he is supposed to know (in his opinion or even worse: in the opinion of those around him) and struggles to keep his superior demeanor when embarrassed in this way. As soon as he's relaxed and actually feels confident instead of playing it, he will show a witty and teasing side that comes naturally and he doesn't need to rehearse. Cian tries to appear controlled and either charming or distant while speaking without giving away many emotions. This works well for him unless he is in a state where his feelings overwhelm him too much, then it becomes impossible for him to hide them. His sentence structure shows that he’s sophisticated and educated but he speaks clearly and not overly confusing. Nonetheless,  his way of talking has something slightly theatrical sometimes. He uses profanity here and there, mostly when relaxed and comfortable. – Rarely ever to insult, he has more effective means for that, but just to express strong approval or disapproval, for example. 18. What embarrasses them? This one is here. 💕
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Can I request a headcanon of the diaboys reaction towards their crush and how far would they go to have them
headcanon: how the diaboys react to their crushes and how far they would go to have them
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A/N: So here's a thing. There are so many headcanons abt this in multiple posts out there and they have deep, thorough analysis. I might do one in the future, but for this post, I'll just limit it to a few. And yes, sorry dear anon for being late. I was caught up with a lot of things.
I bet this guy didn't have an exaggerated reaction when he first met his crush
The type to tell himself that it was nothing when he clearly has that lovesick expression
The teasing type of flirt, probs gonna make a perverted joke or two
He would go far, as long as his crush is single
So if he immediately see the signs that they ain't interested or they like someone else or taken, then he's just gonna laze his ass off again
Another one who didn't have the exaggerated reaction
He'll probs study this poor being at first before flirting
Actually Reiji doesn't flirt, but he turns to methods that would frame his crush as stupid so they would ask for his help
They either gets annoyed at his gaslighting crap or get attracted to him
Reiji doesn't get that far with his crush, esp if there's no merit to him
This fvckboy
The type to come straight to them and immediately flirt, like no preamble whatsoever
After all, this redhead's a man of intuition so he flat out just goes straight for the kill
He would prob coax his crush to experience exciting things, especially if they're kind of the typical sheltered person (reminds me of Yui tbh)
He goes beyond his pride, but would stop once he takes the hint that they ain't available to him
This yantsundere
He observes them... at first
Then he straight up makes you want him
Kanato flirting is like him doing the reverse uno card and you'll be the one flirting instead
So yeah he makes it look like you're the one falling for him instead
Tbh he doesn't really try that much cause this boy can really flirt
And yes, he'll go to the ends of earth just so he can have you (and kill you when you decide to leave him)
He can smooth talk his way to his crush, which leads him to manipulating them
He also likes messing with his crush, like playing mind games to make them fall for him or stealing some of their valuable things
He would only go as far as long as he's interested so yeah he prob don't care if they like him or not bcos everything is all for his entertainment
Sometimes, you wanna pity this guy
He falls for people who are cinammon rolls, but also hides his feelings cause he's bad for them
He would prob make a move when things get heated up, kinda like slow burn
This guy would actually stop once you say no, but he would still be loving you from afar
Hmm... why does he feel the same as Reiji
But I don't think he would resort to gaslighting tactics... or not
He'll probs be recommending romance books to you and hope you take the hint that he's asking you out on a date
He would do what it takes to have you as long as he feels that you also feel the same way
Say hello to dating a famous idol AU fics
This one's a careful punk
Cause Kou is a famous guy and if he likes someone, he wouldn't want to drag them with his work
So yeah he either secretly flirts or keeps you close so no one would suspect a thing
This guy will want to have you if he wants to, so if he sees his crush as a one-time thing, then he won't give a flying fvck
Idk bout you girl but things are getting steamy
He tries hard to be gentle to his crush despite having a rough attitude
Cause he believes people like gentle sht like that
Hmmm... he can actually take a rejection so if they don't like him, then he accepts
I wanna cry for this guy
He doesn't do anything with his crush cause he's contented staring at them from afar
The type to silently love a person and get his heart broken while crying himself to sleep
The only time he makes a move is if he sees an opening (e.g. their crush befriended them or talked to them)
So yeah he just be sad when they don't like him back
He analyzes his crush carefully
Thinks of many reasons they should be together
If it's someone way out of his league, Carla wouldn't be able to take it
Cause whyyyyyy
He would go far for someone, especially if it's someone that would help revive his clan (does this scream Sasuke vibes idk)
I believe he would find a person who hates his guts hot
This sounds like a high school romance trope I know
I think he transforms into a wolf sometimes so he could observe them and not be mistaken as a stalker
If he thinks what you two have is a serious matter, then he won't let go
Have you ever heard of Joe Goldberg from YOU?
Yeah, Kino is that guy
He stalks all your social media accounts to get to know you
You'd be surprised he knows every single thing you like
He even slid into your DMs to ask you out
I think he's petty af once you reject him so thread carefully
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susanpike-author · 7 months
Willing to sacrifice myself for you, my Love.
Susan Pike
Twenty years later, willing to give it another try. Been twenty years since David broke my heart in London, leaving me after he had quick sex with me. Leaving me frustrated and heartbroken. I had become a police officer since then and seen him a few times over the years. He was married then, and I had gained weight. Now I found out he was divorced., I was unmarried also. I was 41 years old now, David was 51 years old. I went on a strict diet, became a vegetarian. Got down to 126 lbs, my goal was 120. Darn last 6 pounds. Bought sexy dresses and underwear, garter belts and nylons. Tight fitting shorts and tops. Started checking David’s schedule for week appearances. Hopefully when I see him again, I can gain his interest again. I’m no longer in my early twenties like I was in London, but then again, I let him break my heart then. We had sex but it was a quickie on his part. I was upset when he left me. Didn't get a chance to give him the special giftI wanted to give him, or even tell him about it. Never told him about my emotional empathy connection with him either. When I connected with him, I stopped seeing him as famous, started seeing him as a real man. Knew he had money and career problems and was sexually frustrated back then. Also, a depression problem which led to his self-destructive behavior. I knew he drank alcohol a lot. I guess because of my emotional empathy, I wanted to help him. I loved him and cared about him. But wasn't in love with him. I had seen him over the years but, he was married, and I don't mess around with married men. I just wanted to be friends. Last time I seen him I had gained a lot of weight, didn't look so good anymore. Been a police officer for 11 years now. David had seen me a few times in uniform, so he knew I had become one. Along with my empathetic senses I would also sometimes get repeated dreams, weird when they came true or sometimes stopped a few bad things happening that was in them. I sometimes did dream about David, suspected he had deep depression problems and a deep loneliness. David was good at covering up his feelings and emotions, putting on that happy face to the public. Maybe that's why I never told him about my ability, to sense his strong feelings and emotions when I was near him. Then I started getting these repeated dreams about David, he was sitting down talking with people, he had some of his band members with him. It was not a stage he was on; he sang a bit but was mostly talking. Where could this be? In my dream as he was talking a man who I seen in my dream, male, white around early 30s wearing a dark blue shirt, came in and pulled a gun out and shot David right in his chest. He died instantly in my dream. I woke up crying. Then I kept having the nightmare dream repeatedly. I knew I had to warn David and try to stop it from coming true. Trying to figure out where this place he was at in my dream. Noticed he was due to make an appearance at a convention in California at a hotel there. That would be more informal, and he would talk rather than perform there. I had to go and warn him or stop it from happening somehow. It was a bit sooner then I wanted to see him. I was hoping to see him when he was on tour for a week somewhere. But, if my dream came true, I would never see him again. I couldn't let this happen, if I have to risk my own life protecting him I would. I made reservations at the hotel it was in. Hopefully I will see David to warn him, problem is how to get him to believe me.
Two weeks later I flew into the city where the convention was a few days before he was due to appear. Had booked my room for 5 days. A day before he was due to appear, I seen him in the hotel lobby, surrounded by people., I couldn't get to him. I waited around watching him. He headed for the restaurant with a group of people. I decided to do the same. Sitting at a table as close as I could get. I was wearing a low-cut sexy dress and was hoping he would notice me. Don't know how I would ever get to talk to him alone. I ordered a small salad and some hot tea. Another waitress was busy taking the groups order. David's group was the band members he brought with and Sam the photographer I happened to know. No women were with them. The one band members sitting next to David noticed me, even when I walked in and sat down. After the waitress left to put in their order. The band member Paul looked at me again, I looked at him and smiled. He whispered to David, think I've fallen in love with that very pretty and sexy woman over there at that table. David looked and his eyes widened as he recognized me. Sam David said, turn around slowly and look at that beautiful woman over there and tell me if you recognize her. Sam slowly turned around and looked at me. He’s eyes widened with a shocked expression on his face. I think it's Susan, David said I thought so, wonder if she is still a cop. Paul said, well it figures, you know the prettiest sexiest lady in here David. She's older than you are mate, David said. Paul said, I don't care if she is. She’s gorgeous. David said, I think she came here to see me. Sam said, you want me to make sure she doesn't get near you David. Hell no! I’d like to get near her. Sam whispered to David, maybe she will dance for you again. David laughed, I can only hope. David then got up from the table and walked over to me. Susan, I barely recognize you. You look great. I smiled at him. I came here to see you David, need to talk with you about something. David said, come and join us. David grabbed my cup of tea, coffee he asked, no tea, you put cream in your tea. He asked. Yes, I said since London. He took my cup, I grabbed my water and silverware, he led me over to their table. He sat back down, placed my cup close to his then told Paul to move over. He had me sit down next to him. My waitress had my salad and was looking for me. One of the guys, told her, she's over here. She brought me my salad. Asked her for another hot tea. Everyone’s food started arriving, David had a salad and a vegetable dish. I began cutting my salad into little pieces. David looked amused as I did it. Then he cut his too! My waitress brought me more hot tea. I poured a packet of sugar into it and some cream. After we finished. David asked me if I was still a police officer. I said, yes, 11 years now. Paul said, you can handcuff me anytime. David laughed, I smiled. He asked is that all your eating, just that small salad. I said, yes, trying to lose this last stubborn 6 lbs. David says, all you need is some more exercise, it will help you lose it. I laughed. David whispered in my ear, or you could dance for me again. I whispered back. Maybe you could finally get the special gift I had for you, that you missed because you left. What is this gift he inquired. I wanted to give you ecstasy. I said. The drug? No! What it's named after. It makes a man feel like he's naturally high. But a man has to be able to get hard a second time. I knew you could back then. He said, I still can now too! What is your room number he asked. 402, I said. He said, oh! We are on the same floor, I’m in 421. Don't drink any alcohol tonight, it dulls your senses I said. I’ll come to your room in an hour. He said. Ok! I said.
Went up to my room. Took a quick shower., blow dried my hair. Put on a sexy silk robe. Waited for David. He also took a shower, shaved and put on shorts and a t-shirt. We both brushed our teeth and used mouthwash. David knocked on my door. I said to myself. I’m going to totally please him, this time even if it took 20 years to get together again Enjoy doing it too! I put my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed me back passionately. We kissed for a bit; his hand went to my breast. He undid my robe, opening it. His mouth went down to my nipple licking and sucking on it. As he played with the other nipple. I took his shirt off. Then led him to the bed. Taking his shorts off. He still had a beautiful body and big hard cock. I took my robe off. David laying down next to me resumed licking and sucking on my nipples. You still have beautiful breasts luv, he said. His hand went between my legs, finding my special spot. I moaned, fingers went inside me making me hot and wet for him. My hand was on his cock rubbing him. He was hard, he always had a large cock, which surprised me 20 years ago. Considering he's only 5’3” tall. But he has big thick hands for a man his size I noticed. He got on top and entered me, he moaned, we moved together, he went slowly at first, giving me pleasure, I started to orgasm, crying out and moaning. He started thrusting harder, faster and deeper. I put my legs around him. He let out a cry and a moan as he came deep inside me. We were both breathing heavily. He kissed me, then went to my side laying down. I got up, cleaned up and brought him a warm washcloth. He cleaned himself off. I laidback down. Now about this gift I need to collect you told me about luv. I kissed him, then we kissed passionately. Then I kissed and licked his neck. Down his chest, licking and sucking on his nipples. Licking down his stomach. Licked his scar on his right side. Licked the head of his penis all around. He moaned, then licked down the outside of his penis to his balls. I spread his legs open, licking and sucking each one of his balls. He moaned again. Then I lifted his balls a bit and licked the spot underneath his balls, sending waves of pleasure to him. He was moaning and breathing heavy now. I licked the spot again. He moaned, then licked his balls again. Went back up licking his semi-hard penis, putting it in my mouth and sucking on him. Placing my finger underneath his balls lightly rubbing that spot again. He was moaning loudly now; his penis was getting very hard. I stopped and bent my legs on each side of him, so he didn't feel my weight. Placed his penis in my vagina. He moaned I let it only go halfway in going in and out, building him up to his peak. I orgasmed. He moaned as he felt it. I then went all the way down on his cock. He met my movement. Breathing heavily and moaning as he was thrusting deep inside me. He let out a loud cry of ecstasy, as he exploded deep inside me. I stayed on top of him, moving a bit, put my head on his chest. He began shivering and his whole-body shook, he moaned in pleasure as he was coming down from the special peak. I got off him going to his side. He was still breathing heavily. I put my hand on his chest and stomach rubbing him lightly. Took him 10 minutes before his breathing returned to normal. He still felt his body tingling from the aftereffects. He said, I have never in all my years of having sex ever felt anything as incredible as what you just did to me. It did feel like a natural high. You wanted to do this to me 20 years ago luv? Yes, I said. Dam, he said, I could have had you doing that to me for 20 years. I noticed when I first entered you,,your vagina was tight around me. Felt good but was surprised. That's because I haven't had sex in 5 years. Five years he said, he was surprised and kind of pleased. David before I went to London, I hadn't had sex in two years. Since before I divorced my husband. David said, I thought you had sex with Chris in Chicago. I said no, he never touched me.
I have never had sex with anyone around you or that you know personally. You're the only man I wanted at the time. I've wanted to give you my gift since cape Cod, knowing that you were sexually frustrated then. How did you know that? I'm have a special sensitivity gift. I also knew you were worried about money and your career. You were also angry at someone you were disagreeing with. That's when I started seeing you as the man you were. Not who you use to be. The sensitivity I had I didn't know the name of it back then. I do now. It's called emotional empathy. You were the first man I ever connected with so strongly. Suspected you have an empathy power of your own. Some actors do. Like putting yourself in a character's shoes and seeing through their eyes. I've been able to do that since I was young. He said. So, you do have a empathic power of your own. That's why I connected with you so strongly. What did you connect with he asked. Your higher feeling and emotions. I also know about your depression and anxiety. Seen your self-destructive behavior in Ohio. Was very worried about you. I’m sorry I never told you. I knew you relished your privacy, so I was afraid to tell you. Tears started streaming down my face. David hugged me, it's alright luv. I knew I needed to tell you, that's one reason I came, but I also had bad dreams that you were in danger here. In danger here, how? Kept having the same dream about you being in danger. That's the other reason I came. Do you know what kind of danger? He asked. From some jealous man. That's all I know. I also told him that his body needs to renew itself, he can't have the ecstasy for 48 hours, he can have regular sex, but not the ecstasy. Also, very little alcohol as it dulls the sensations. Every third day! How long is your vacation. I said a month. So, you're coming on tour with me a month. I was surprised but happy. Yes! I will if you want me too. David said, I want more of that gift luv. I laughed. We fell asleep cuddling each other. David slept well; he had not slept that well in a while. He felt good and full of energy. I told him I was going to take a shower; can I join you he said. I smiled. I ended up bending over a bit for him in the shower. hard, fast and deep. We both orgasmed together. Ordered up breakfast afterwards.
We went to the convention, David started talking about various topics. Answering questions. He brought the band members with him and sang a song. I sat up front. I started feeling déjà vu. Something was wrong. I remembered my dream. David was joking with the band members and the audience. He looked over at me once in a while and smiled. Then I noticed the guy that was the shooter in my dream. I got scared and protective at the same moment. I only had a few seconds to react. Seen the guy pull the gun from his pocket. Screamed, no! put myself in front of David when the shot rang out. I was stunned. Then collapsed. Backwards into David. He grabbed me. The audience grabbed the gun and the shooter had him down on the floor. David had me in his arms. He was calling for help. Now I had a bloody wound pooling around my stomach. Someone rushed up with towels. David held me in his arms. He was crying. I opened my eyes for a minute, making sure he was okay. Susan luv, helps on the way. I felt him holding me. Someone was putting pressure on my stomach using a towel. David's shirt and hands were full of blood. The paramedics rushed in, as well as the police. The police handcuffed the shooter and took the gun from the woman that was holding it. The room was being cleared by the police but asked people to stay around for interviews. The paramedics bandaged my wound and hooked me up to a monitor.,David stood nearby. They took me to the ambulance. David told them I was his girlfriend. He got into the ambulance with me. Headed for the hospital, the paramedics stabilized me. Hooked me up to an I.V. and oxygen. Tears were streaming down David's face. He was also in shock. He realized the bullet was meant for him. He also had my purse with him, someone handed it to him as he got into the ambulance. He went into my wallet and gave the paramedics my Driver's License. Seen my police star and ID showing them that. They returned my ID and DL to him. At the hospital they rushed me into trauma. David waited in the waiting room. He called one of his band members to bring him a clean shirt. He already had washed up in the restroom. The police showed up to interview David. They told him the shooter’s name, David said, he didn't know him. His wife was a longtime fan, and the man was unreasonably jealous of David. So, he tried to kill me? Doesn't make sense. David said. The doctor came out. Susan’s stable, the bullet didn’t hit any vital organs. She had old adhesions from a previous surgery. Luckily, they stopped the bullet from doing further damage. You can see her now, until we take her to surgery. A few band members arrived to be with David brought him clean clothes. There are news reporters outside. The story is already hitting the internet. About your girlfriend, who is a cop, saving your life. The hospital allowed David to represent me, since he knew me for over 20 years and. was my boyfriend. Family was too far away in Chicago. They asked David if they could keep the news media updated about my condition. He said it was ok. David went in the room to be with me. He sat by my bedside holding my hand. He started talking to me. I'm sorry luv you got shot; you saved my life though. Now you must get better. You know I was afraid of my own feelings in London. I wanted you badly. Ran away from myself and didn't mean to hurt you. I wanted you since the Cape. When I kept seeing you then I was drawn to you, even when I was married. That's why I didn't want you near me. I finally gave into my feelings last night. I'm glad I did. Didn't think you could handle my problems but, I know now I was wrong. You already knew and cared about me anyway. His phone rang. He stepped out of the room. Dad you okay, his daughter asked. I’m fine. How's your girlfriend? She's stable they are going to take her to surgery shortly. Do you need us their dad. No, I’m fine. I think I'm going to have to cancel some of the dates at the beginning of the tour. I'm sure they will understand. I need to be with Susan, till she's better. Dad, call us if you need us. Love you. Continue…
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vidjausers-fable · 4 months
Pen Pals (Veneer X OC)Chapter 8
Previous chapter
Thank you @tinalbion for beta reading for me <3 Loves youuu
Keeping in contact with Veneer was one of the best decisions Avery had made. She was glad that she had given the male a second chance. It only made her feel more connected with him, and now when she sent him a letter, she signed his real name and he signed his back. At first, she had been so hesitant—for a while Veneer and his sister were one of the most hated people in Mount Rageous. Though in reality, Avery viewed Rivers as being the most hated person in Mount Rageous, at least to her. She had a feeling that Veneer never would cast her out in the streets, and that was the difference between the two of them. 
Veneer felt the same way. He found that most of his thoughts revolved around Avery, as to when he would next call her or see her. They had kept a consistent schedule. Every Friday she would call, and every other week she would visit in person instead. Sometimes he was lucky and got a call on Sunday before she had to work. Talking to her made him feel normal again—the normal he had felt before he had become a pop star. The normal he felt when in the morning, he would have his parents’ homemade and “healthier” breakfast and then ride the bus to school. At times he wished that he hadn’t followed his sister in her dreams to become famous and go to cosmetology school like he originally planned to. Then, when he remembered Avery and how she smiled, he was glad that he hadn’t. 
In fact, Veneer thought of her so often that he was distracted and off in his own world. Today wasn’t any different.
Sitting in Dr. In Graham's office, he had drifted off mid sentence as he was in the middle of a conversation about his plans for after this program, leaving off on a little: “Uh…” Tonight, he had another phone call with Avery. 
Dr. Graham didn’t mind however and smiled at the male. At first, she had been worried that there would be some sort of rejection and that the weight of that rejection would crush him, and make them restart this whole program. Veneer had worked so hard to get where he was that she didn’t want that for him. When the news had gotten back to her that Avery wanted to give the real friendship a go, she had been thrilled to hear it. Just as she suspected, she saw the after effects immediately. Veneer’s mood and confidence skyrocketed, and then she knew that there would be no more trouble. 
“So, Veneer…” Not knowing if he would finish his thought or not, Dr. Graham interrupted him kindly. Veneer snapped out of it immediately, so she continued, “I wanted to share some great news with you…” She took out one of her neatly organized folders and opened it, “After your most recent evaluation and talk with my supervisor, we both have been brought to the conclusion that you have…” She leaned forward, “COMPLETED THE PROGRAM!” She threw her hands up. 
The news came as quite a shock to Veneer, his jaw was slacked and he stared at her with wide eyes. “I…Completed the program.”
Smiling, she nodded, “Yes, and with flying colors I might say.”
“I didn’t realize that there had been a test.” 
“Every evaluation is. You get points, which gives you a grade. We monitor your behavior and moods. When all three stay in the same good range for a while, we give you that final observation and evaluation. We don’t think there’s anything else that we can do to help you…” She tapped Veneer’s folder down on her desk before tucking it away, “There’s just one problem. Your parents still haven’t contacted us back, even after several phone calls.” As much as she didn’t want to bring it up, it was something that she had to bring up, “So I wanted to talk about some alternatives that might help you get back on your feet.” Even if she had to do it herself, Dr. Graham wanted to make sure Veneer would be secure with a job and a proper home before she officially said goodbye. It would be cruel of her to throw him out into the streets with something. 
Veneer crossed his arms. He had long wanted to give up on the thought of his parents reaching back out to their only kids. “That’s not surprising, really.”
“Does that bother you?”
“I mean, it does. A little. I’m just not surprised by it at all. I was hoping, but I guess what’s done is done. They had to sell their whole practice because of us, so I’m not really surprised. Just hurt by it all. But if I put all my energy into them, then I won’t be able to live like I want to, yeah?”
A proud smile crossed his counselor’s face. “That’s exactly right, Veneer. Well, I just wanted to let you know that we will house you here for just a bit until we figure out what to do. What we’ll try and do first is hook you up with a job, and then find someone who is willing to room with you. After we can do that, we’ll be able to release you officially. You will still have to follow our rules and such, but since you technically pass, you’ll be able to go for a few hours every week, as long as you’re back before curfew. I will have to tell you about the rules and how we will technically be supposed to track you at all times to make sure you don’t run away from Mount Rageous at all. For the first few outings, you’ll have a chaperone, but after you prove yourself further, you’ll be allowed to go out by yourself. And Veneer…” Her expression became serious, which told Veneer that he needed to listen closely, “Be good okay? Others have abused this system and had to restart it because they thought that they were home free and could do anything they wanted. It’s a test to see if you’ll slip up, but you didn’t hear that from me, okay?” She winked. 
Veneer sat back with many thoughts running through his head. His first thought was of Avery. He spoke without thinking, “I need to tell Avery!! I can’t wait to tell her the good news!”
Dr. Graham smiled widely. It was always encouraging to see someone complete the program. She loved her job and was proud she could help young individuals like Veneer through tough times and tough emotions. “I will expect around four then. I would say don’t be late, but you never are. Now, have a wonderful lunch. I can’t wait to dig into my wife’s burger!” She waved goodbye to Veneer as he left the room, feeling like a new man. 
Veneer did his best to make the time fly faster, taking his time with lunch and then watching some of his sister’s shows with her. Velvet was a bit moody that day, so he kept the news to himself for now. 
When it became time for his call with Avery, Veneer raced back to Dr. Graham’s office as fast as he could. The way that the phone calls usually worked is that Veneer went to Dr. Graham’s office and was given a phone he was allowed to take into the next room over. He was only allowed one phone call, so if he was caught dialing another then he would be in trouble. Veneer wasn’t sure how he could be caught, but he didn’t want to take the risk and get his privileges taken away. They probably had good tracking on it or something. 
Veneer stepped into his counselor’s office for a second time that day. Dr. Graham already had the phone set up for him. “Here you go, all you have to do is press the call button once you’re in the other room. Have a good time, Veneer.” She waved as he stepped out. 
Waiting until he was in the other room, Veneer closed the door behind him and pressed the green call button. The phone rang only twice before Avery’s voice was on the other side, greeting him, “Hey Veneer!”
All the excitement Veneer had in him came bubbling through his response, “Avery! I’m so excited to hear from you today!” 
Avery laughed softly. “Oh, you are? What’s got you all excited to talk to me today, huh?”
“Well, two reasons really! One, I miss you—like a LOT. Then two, I have some really good news.”
“I could use the good news, so tell me!”
“Wellll…I guess it’s more than one good thing. I technically passed my program!”
Veneer smiled when he heard Avery gasp on the other side of the phone, “You DID? Oh my god, Veneer, that’s so amazing!”
“I’m so happy and just so…proud of myself. I feel much better, especially with everything I’ve learned. While I passed, I still have to stay here a bit…My parents haven’t reached out, so my counselor is going to try and find me somewhere to live before they technically release me from here. But since I passed, I have more privileges…Like…supervised outings. If I prove that I won’t be any trouble, then I won’t need supervision at all…”
Avery’s eyes widened. “So that means…”
“...That you and I could go out together. We can do more than visit! I could maybe even go out to your job and see where you work and stuff.” Veneer smiled to himself. 
Avery giggled and teased him, “And why would you want to go to such a gross place like that?”
“Honestly, I’ll take greasy pizza and extra fried potatoes over the bland stuff they make here for us any day. Plus! I still want to learn how to roller skate, remember?” He bounced, “So, do you think that we can go out sometime?”
“Of course, we can, Veneer. I’m actually both surprised and honored that you would want to do something like that with me…”
“Why wouldn’t I? Girl, you’re like my BEST friend. I would pick you any day, you hear?”
“Well, what’s the process of how this would happen? Do I have to call in and schedule time with you like with the visitation?”
“I honestly don’t know, but maybe I can ask Dr. Graham before we hang up today. We could do it on the day you’re off if you’d like. Then I'll have her contact you and work out a day since we’re working around your schedule.”
Avery teased him, “Sure, because I like to go to the place I work on a day I have off~”
Veneer rolled his eyes playfully, snickering, “I can’t help it. I’ll be getting out for a while, so I’ll just be excited to be getting out and doing something for a change. I taught myself to play CHESS with myself here because I’m so bored. Can you imagine that pain?!”
“That’s fair…But how are you going to feel, being back out in public like that for everyone to see…? How do you think people are going to react to seeing you again…? And how’s that going to make you feel?”
Veneer honestly hadn’t thought about that at first. He had been so focused on going out with Avery that he didn’t think that others would want to pay attention to him. After spending so much time in the program, sometimes he forgot that he had once been famous. Stepping out in the world would be uncomfortable, especially with those wanting to get close to him and snap a photo. Some might even harass him. No wonder why it would be so difficult for Dr. Graham to find a job and a place for him to live. He was glad that he and Avery were on the phone rather than in person, otherwise, she would be able to see his disappointed gaze at the moment, and he didn’t want his best friend to worry. 
“I’ll be honest,” Veneer finally spoke up after a moment of silence, “I’m not sure what will happen. I’m just glad I won’t be alone now. Are you going to be okay with that? Being seen out there with me? The last thing I would want would be for you to feel uncomfortable around me.”
“I’ll probably be uncomfortable with any photos that might be taken.” Avery’s first thought was Rivers but she brushed off her own insecurities, “But I would never be uncomfortable being seen around you, Veneer. Just wait until everyone sees how you’ve improved and how you grew from this experience.”
Veneer sighed. Yes, he learned. He was disgusted with the teen he had been before he grew. Honestly, if he could right now, he would try and find Floyd and apologize to him. Floyd had been almost killed. If he had let him go that one time he tried to escape then maybe he wouldn’t be in as big of a hole that he was in now. 
“I know. I’ll prove it to them. Even if it’s just a little at a time. I promise you, Avery.” 
Avery smiled proudly. She wanted to pat Veneer on the back. “I know you will, Veneer. I believe in you.”
Veneer loved how she said that to time. He basked in the positive attention. It made him feel warm inside and made him feel like maybe he could do more in the end. He was excited to be out in the real world and to be able to move on from the past and wrongs he had done. He felt as though Avery helped him achieve that sort of life. He couldn’t thank her enough for the opportunity. 
“Hey, Avery?”
“Yes, Veneer?”
“Thank you for being my friend, even when I didn’t deserve it.”
“And why wouldn’t you deserve a friend?” 
“Because I’ve…hurt people. Scammed them and basically robbed them. I’m not sure if I can forgive myself for that.”
“You have to one day, Veneer. You can’t move on and heal if you can’t forgive yourself. If you don’t, how are you truly going to make it up to others? I know it’s going to be hard, but I know you can do it. I’ll make sure of it, I promise.”
Veneer couldn’t stop smiling. “I can’t wait to go out with you for the first time…”
Avery giggled softly. “You almost make it sound like we’re going on a date.”
There was a long pause and it made Avery wonder if she offended Veneer somehow. “Do you…Want it to be a date of some sort? I mean—!” He stumbled over his words, and Avery thought it was the cutest thing ever. “It can be a friend date or a date-date…Whichever you’d prefer.”
“A date-date is just fine. Though sometime we’ll have to have a date-date somewhere that isn’t my work, you hear.”
“I hear you loud and clear, miss!” He laughed. Their phone call was slowly coming to an end, and he didn’t want it to. But he also knew that by next week, he would see his friend—his friend—in person, and be able to take her out on a proper date like a gentleman. “Goodbye Avery, have a good day okay?”
“You too.”
The two hung up the phone and Veneer released a sad sigh. If he could take the phone with him into the cell to text her, he totally would, but that would jeopardize any opportunity he had to get out of that place. So, he came back and gave his counselor and thanked her for the time he got to spend with his friend. 
“Did you have a nice chat?” Dr. Graham asked him sweetly. 
Veneer smiled. “Yeah, she’s as excited as I am. She says she’s also proud of me…We’re going to want to go out sometime, but we have a question about how we would set that up. Does she have to call and schedule? How much time do we get?”
“Yes, but that’s mostly because it’ll be convenient for her. Do you want me to call? You guys are allowed to be out as long as you want, but you do have to be back by your scheduled time, or curfew. Do you want your normal hours?” 
Veneer nodded. “Yep, next Friday. I hope this week goes by fast…”
“It will, just remember to stay on top of things.” Dr. Graham gave him a proud thumbs up, and Veneer left. 
Veneer was just in time for snacks to be handed out in the rec. He needed to hurry since it was also his and Velvet’s show time and if they missed the season finale, then Velvet would make him watch the whole season over again as punishment. He thought long and hard about it and realized that she would question where he would be next Friday, especially if the two of them would be out the whole time like Veneer wanted. He would have to tell his sister the truth, no matter how explosive her reaction might be. He dreaded it. 
Velvet was looking for Veneer when he came to the rec room. Velvet spotted him the moment he entered and waved a hand at him dramatically, “VENEER, hurry or you’re going to miss the finale!”
“I’ll hurry, I’m here, sis!” Veneer rushed and joined Velvet by her side. The two settled down. Veneer allowed his sister to enjoy her trashy show while he enjoyed his peace for now. However, his sister could read him like a book the entire time and noticed how unusually quiet he was. Without trying to, her brother had given himself away, making her frustrated at his lack of responses toward her show. 
Halfway through the show, she finally spoke up, “If there’s something you’ve got to say, then just say it already. What’s going on, Veneer?” she asked with a small huff.
Veneer sat straight up, “Oh, uh…! Sorry. My brain blanked. I wanted to tell you something but then got distracted with the show and didn’t want to disrupt it.”
“Well, what’s so wrong that you feel the need to be quiet during the show?” 
Veneer closed his eyes and took a deep breath, preparing himself for the worst kind of outcome from his sister, “I’m being let out of the facility for a while. With Avey.”
Velvet was dangerously quiet. Veneer was prepared to jump up and run if he had to. He looked at his sister’s face and saw how her nose scrunched up in a way that he knew things were about to go South. He felt his legs flex, ready to stand up given a moment’s time.
Taking a deep breath through her nostrils, Velvet did her best to calm down. “That…That’s great…I guess…” She grumbled, feeling her stomach tie in a way that must be jealousy. She gripped the couch so tight that if she still wore press on nails like she used to, then they probably would have popped her real nails off with them. Take deep breaths…she told herself. “I want…I want to do that too sometime. I miss going to sushi.”
“Maybe…If you do really well,” Veneer tested the waters, “Then you and I and Avery can all go out to sushi.”
“That would be great,” Velvet mumbled under her breath then went dead quiet. 
Veneer scooted closer to his sister and patted her shoulder. He knew that she would be upset for a while, but he was proud that she was trying to change her anger patterns and to not let herself succumb to outbursts. He was proud of her as well. 
The days passed quickly and Veneer was glad that it was Friday. He was practically bouncing off the walls waiting out in Dr. Graham’s office. For once he could wear STREET clothes!! Of course, his stripped orange Facility garments would catch too much public attention. He was glad to at least let those clothes go. He also chose to let his hair down this day, so it wasn’t slicked up in that familiar mullet. Plus, it’s not like he had access to a lot of gel within this facility. They were waiting for Avery to arrive. He knew that if she showed up within an hour, she was still technically early. She didn’t have a car, so she always made sure she was early rather than late. 
The guard stepped into the room and looked directly at him. She’s here…! He screamed to himself and stood without even waiting for the command. He was waved over and taken into the room. He was then promptly patted down then given the heads up.
When Avery saw Veneer, she saw that he was wearing a plain gray hoodie and jeans. He looked very different than what she was usually used to seeing, but she could also tell he looked more comfortable. 
“Veneer!” She rushed over and hugged her friend. Their arms wrapped around each other immediately since both had already been checked over. “Are you excited for today?” She didn’t pull back but still looked up at him. 
Veneer was already looking down at her. He patted her back. “More than ever! I can’t wait to get out, but I also can’t wait to spend the day with YOU. Can you believe that we made friends over the piece of paper?”
“Yeah, it’s like an old school version of social media. Better too.” Avery nodded with a smile and pulled back. Naturally, her hand dipped down and their fingers linked together. Veneer wrapped his own fingers around hers with a big blush on his face. “I made plans to go to a good coffee shop before we hit the roller rink. We’ll be able to sneak the coffee in since the cook knows our coffee there sucks. Does that sound like a plan?”
Veneer nodded and wiggled his body excitingly on the spot. “Oh PLEASE, I haven’t had a good macchiato in a while and I’m DYING for one.” He laughed. 
With the guard right behind them, the two left the facility. Veneer didn’t know, but Dr. Graham was watching him from her window with a proud expression on her face. She was so excited for Veneer to make new steps into the world. She just hoped that the world would forgive him and treat him kindly. Yes, he did awful things, but she truly saw the vulnerable side of him that was trying to repent for what he had done. 
Avery called for a taxi rather than take the bus. Since they were on limited time, she didn’t want to experience the agony of waiting for the bus to take her where they needed to go. She had specifically bought only necessities for the past few weeks so she could treat herself and Veneer today. When the taxi sped over and screeched right in front of them, Veneer reached for the door first and opened it. She stood there for a moment, thinking he was going to climb in himself, and then blushed when she realized he had opened it for her rather. She climbed in and he got into the car next to her, sitting in the middle. The guard pulled into the front seat, earning the two some questionable stares from the taxi driver. For a second, he caught a glance of Veneer in the center of his vehicle through the rearview mirror, making the male want to sink down. Had he already been caught by the media?
No words were said whether he recognized him or not. Veneer put his hoodie up and checked in on Avery, who smiled as she looked out the window. Their fingers never left one another, and he discovered that holding her hand felt like a necessity in his world. He didn’t want to let her go, not even for a second. 
“The Blue Bell Coffee shop, please,” Avery told the taxi driver as politely as she could and slipped him his money. 
Not much had changed about Mount Rageous. The roads were still as wild as ever with cars racing in every direction. He did notice however that there were more tracks built, probably to accommodate the growing population of tourists and the Mount Rageous themselves. He hadn’t driven since that night he had been arrested, but he remembered the thrill of being on the road and missed it. 
Avery allowed for some quiet in the taxi, noticing how Veneer couldn’t stop looking out the window. She wanted him to savor the moment of being out. It’s not like they didn’t have hours to spend already. 
With the fast-paced driving of the Mount Rageons, they were to the coffee shop in no time. Everyone got out quickly to let the taxi driver continue on to his next client. Avery snuck him his tip before getting out last. She smoothed out her skirt and looked to the side, seeing Veneer’s hand held out expectantly. Avery smiled and put her hands in his again. She couldn’t imagine how he was feeling right now. Scared? Nervous? There was so much going on for him, she knew so she took his hand without a complaint. 
They entered the coffee shop together. Veneer squeezed her hand so she squeezed his back, trying to tell him that she was right there and was promising to take care of him. 
There were only two girls at the counter, which Avery was thankful for. However as they stepped behind the two strangers, they turned around. The girls gasped and right away Avery knew that they recognized Veneer. At this point, his grip on Avery’s hand was painful, but she refused to let go. 
“Oh my god!” The girl sounded excited and squealed. She got her phone out and snapped a photo of the two holding hands. Avery was stunned at the flash that went off in her eyes and used her free hand to rub her eyes. “Veneer, are you out?! That’s amazing. Can I get a selfie with you?” she asked. 
Veneer couldn’t find the right words. He was stunned. Why weren’t these two getting mad at him for the scam he and his sister ran? He was completely uncomfortable with all of this. 
Veneer raised a hand and shook his head. “Uh, no thank you…No pictures please. Thank you.”
The girl frowned and lowered her phone but didn’t put it away. “What? Why? Is this your girlfriend? Does she not like photos? That’s very controlling of her, Veneer…”
Veneer saw how Avery blushed and looked away. He turned back to the girls, frowning, and then spoke confidently, “No, I don’t like photos. Please leave us alone. If you’re not going to step up in line, then let us through.”
The girls didn’t move so the two stepped forward with Veneer leading the way. He looked to Avery as she made the order for them and she paid. The entire time, he felt all eyes on him. The Barista was staring at him and whispering to her coworker when they thought he wasn’t looking at her, and the girls behind him made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Even his bodyguard couldn’t tear his eyes off him from where he stood near the front and only door. Now, he swore that everyone’s eyes were on him and he wanted out of the shop as soon as possible. 
Avery whispered to Veneer, “If you want to step outside to breathe, then I can get our drinks and meet you there.” 
Veneer shook his head in disagreement, “I’d rather not let go of your hand at the moment, if that’s okay.”
Avery nodded and together they waited until their frappe mochas were done. They grabbed them and headed out the door as fast as possible, avoiding eye contact with the girls as much as they could. Veneer suspected that they had taken more photos of them without his knowledge. This was an awful feeling in his chest right now. 
The guard followed them outside and stood right behind the young too. Veneer released the nervous breath he had been holding inside the shop. Even with his hood up, others still could see his face, and for some reason, those girls liked him even after the confession he gave at his last concert. They were superfans, whether he wanted to admit that or not. He didn’t like the thought of all that. 
“Are you okay, Veneer?” 
Veneer nodded but Avery wasn’t sure if she was convinced. “Okay, then let's get back to the diner. Usually, there’s not a lot of people there at this time of day, so it’ll be a perfect time for us to sit down and eat.” Avery gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before she waved down another cab. 
This time, Veneer was quiet and didn’t say anything. His smile had perished. Avery didn’t like that and wished she knew a way to help him smile. She tapped him on the shoulder and caught his attention. 
“Do you like your drink?” she asked and leaned her head against his shoulder, “I don’t know what it is about it, but mocha frappes are an addiction.”
“Oh man do I know it.” Veneer’s smile finally returned, allowing for Avery to feel relieved. “I used to drink them a lot. It’s probably why I was so hyper and anxious all the time.” He laughed before taking a sip of the frappe. The flavor was so extreme that it caught him off guard, reminding him that he had not had one in over the year he’d been in the facility and shouldn’t go overboard. If this flavor was out of this world, then he wasn’t sure how he was going to feel about a large greasy pizza. Either way, he was excited for it. 
They arrived at the diner. Veneer got out of the taxi first and helped Avery out. If Veneer was still his old self, then he would have looked up to the diner in disgust but now he looked up to it in wonder and familiarity. Avery had talked about it so much that he felt as though he knew the place without really being there. And now he was! 
The diner was not modern like the style of what he was used to in the growing world of Mount Rageous. It was older, some of the buildings when the city had first been established. It also belonged to the poorer side of Mount Rageous. There was a strange and different emotion growing inside him—it was empathy for Avery. Not judgment. He wondered how an amazing girl like her could end up in such a place, and how he wished he had been smart with his fame and riches. So he could treat her and make her feel special. Oh, Avery…
Veneer allowed Avery to guide the way. 
“So yeah, this is where I work. It’s actually a lot nicer on the inside,” Avery spoke as though she could read Veneer’s thoughts. Both of them stepped inside and found a booth in the center. 
Avery was just as nervous as Veneer. She wasn’t sure how her coworkers would act when they saw her with the former pop star. 
“Avery, what the hell are you doing here?” The cook asked, but in a playful manner. It still made Veneer flinch. The cook looked to Veneer and then to Avery but didn’t seem to suspect a thing, “Are you really having a date here, at work? And, you bring coffee without bringing me any? You wound me, girl. You want your usual? What does your date want?” Being a waitress like Avery had benefits—she could skip the line. 
“Yes, that’ll be great. And hey, you didn’t bring me anything that one time you brought in coffee. This is payback.” She swished her drink with a smirk before sitting across from Veneer. 
“I don’t think he recognized me…” Veneer said and sat stiff across from her. He still didn’t want to take his hoodie down in case another person would come in. The diner was bare, which was normal after lunch hour. Avery had timed the meeting perfectly. 
“He’s so old that he gets my coworker and me mixed up all the time.” Avery waved a hand dismissively, “He’s never talked about enjoying music, so you should be okay.”
“Is it just him?”
“Maybe…But my coworker Gracie is on the shift but probably on lunch. She’s a friend of mine, and she’s only a few years older…I’m a bit nervous about her reaction, but no matter what we’ll prove to her.” She reached across the table and held his hand smiling. 
What the two didn’t know was that the women from earlier had uploaded the picture of Avery and Veneer onto social media. Soon the hashtag #VeneerOUT was trending across all the social medias. The two sat unaware across from each other, happily eating as the food was brought out to them. 
“Oh my god…This looks SO good.” Veneer looked down at the pizza and fries he had ordered and nearly drooled. He didn’t care if the pizza was pooling with grease, he just wanted something that didn’t taste processed or plastic-like back in the facility. He wondered if he would be allowed to take leftovers back to the facility and share them with his sister, or if he could give the leftovers to Avery. He knew that he wasn’t going to eat all of this by himself. Luckily Avery would share the pizza and fries with him, it would make him feel less guilty about wasting food. 
Avery whispered to him while the cook’s back was turned, “It’s not the best pizza in town, but it’s better than nothing, huh?”
“Or the crap that I eat back in the facility,” Veneer scoffed and started with a large slice, watching in amazement as the cheese barely wanted to let go of the whole pizza. 
Veneer looked over to his guard, who was in the booth behind him and closest to the door. He smiles and leans over. “Do you want a slice?”
“No thanks,” the guard responded gruffly but Veneer swore he saw a smile on his face. He turned back and continued to eat with Avery, sharing both a soda and a milkshake with her. With the included coffee, Veneer felt close to bursting. 
After two and a half slices later, Veneer leaned back with a hand on his stomach. “Oh, I’m stuffed! This is heaven.”
Avery giggled, wiping her greasy fingers off on a napkin. “If you think this is heaven, then maybe you should taste my cooking at home. We can make that our next date if you’d like,” she teased him, making the male blush and nod. 
“I’d really like that. Thank you.”
Avery stood. “I’ll go grab some to go boxes for the rest of the pizza. Wait right here.” Avery smiled and took the napkins to throw away along the way.
There was the ring of the bell as someone came through the front door. Instinctively Veneer looked over and his eyes widened as he saw who walked through the door. It was Rebel Rivers. The infamous pop star who rose to fame shortly before he and his sister were arrested. In fact, the reason she rose to number one was because he had exposed himself and his sister as frauds. He remembered how Velvet wouldn’t shut up about her for the first month. Oh god, she just walked through that door!
Veneer made sure his hoodie was up and kept his back facing the door, hoping she chose a spot behind him so they couldn’t face eye-to-eye. He knew that she would know who he was. 
Two men were behind Rivers, who waved friendly like at the cook. “Hope you don’t mind, but my guards are going to watch the doors and make sure that no one comes in~ I’ll pay extra. I just don’t want any fans smothering me while I’m just trying to eat my lunch. You understand, yeah?”
Indeed, there was a crowd of people outside of the door, wanting in but luckily being kept out thanks to the two bodyguards at the door. 
The cook looked at her with a confused expression as he cleaned a glass and shrugged it off. “Alrighty then, just means I won’t have to cook as much. What do you want to eat?”
“Oh, I need a minute. In fact, hey waitress!” 
Avery stood right across the room, holding two styrofoam to go boxes, frozen to the spot. She would have dropped the boxes if they weighed anything then she would have dropped them, but instead she crushed them slightly in her hands. “Y-Yes?” she squeaked, both her flight and fight, and even her work instincts were kicking into overdrive, making her anxiously listen to Rivers.
“Can I have a menu to decide what I want to eat?”
“Yes, of course…” Avery took a menu from the counter. She felt herself shaking as she walked across the room, feeling as though she was stuck in a death march where Rivers would be the enemy on the other side, ready to execute her. Avery came up to Rivers, seeing how much more beautiful and expensive her former friend had become. She placed the menu down and was about to turn away from her to return to her seat, but Rivers grabbed her wrist and held her in place. 
Veneer watched the scene by slightly tilting his head to look at the two. His eyebrows were furrowed. 
Rivers put on her best fake smile as she leaned closer to Avery to whisper, “You and I need to talk. I saw a photo of you on social media.” She leaned away, releasing her wrist, and then spoke in her fakest voice, “Can you show me to your restrooms?” 
“Oh…Uh, absolutely…Follow me.” Avery took a deep breath and led Rivers to the restrooms. As she passed Veneer, she cast a quick and anxious expression toward him before disappearing behind the door with Rivers. 
Veneer frowned. What was she doing?
Avery knew that the moment she closed the doors Rivers would scream at her. Sure enough, Rivers grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “What the HELL do you think you’re doing?” she growled, getting up in Avery’s face, “I saw the pictures of you and Veneer up on the socials. You think I’m going to tolerate this harassment?”
“What do you mean?! I’m not harassing you! If some girls posted some pictures of me and Veneer online, then it’s because Veneer got out a little today and they think I’m his girlfriend!”
“Are you?” she snarls. 
Avery wasn’t sure if they were official and crossed her arms, “It’s none of your business, Rivers. Stop being so narcissistic and thinking that everything revolves around you!” She threw her hands into the air, “I wasn’t trying to do anything to piss you off, so can you leave me alone and stop harassing me.” She tried to push River’s hand off her forearm but Rivers refused to let go. 
In fact, Rivers pulled her closer and growled inches away from her face, “I’ve got my eye on you, Avery. Don’t do anything stupid, you hear me?! I’ll make your life a living hell in a heartbeat.”
Rivers shoved Avery into the wall and took her way out. She pulled money from her bra and tossed hundred dollar bills at the cook, making him flinch and try to catch the bills mid air. “Consider this my tip for the inconvenience, I’ve decided not to eat here.” As she walked past Veneer’s table, she slowed down and whispered to the male in the hoodie, “You’re not fooling anyone with that stupid get-up sweetie. What a fraud you are.” She laughs and snaps her fingers for her guards, who pushed through the crowd of people and helped her leave the diner. 
Confused as to what happened, Veneer rushed over to the bathroom door. “Avery!”
At the same time, Gracie walked in through the staff door, holding her purse, seeing the hooded figure run into the bathroom, gasping her best friend’s name. “Avery??” She followed behind the figure with her purse, ready to smack him upside the head with it. Instead, as she entered the bathroom, she saw the figure holding onto a crying Avery.
“What’s going on?” a male voice asked, hugging her friend close. “Are you alright, Avery? What did she say to you?” It didn’t matter to Veneer if he understood what was going on, he just wanted to make sure his best friend was alright. 
Gracie approached them from behind, not wanting to ruin the moment, but also wanting to check in on the person who was also her friend. “Avery…? Who’s this?”
Avery opened her teary eyes and looked at Gracie from over Veneer’s shoulder and pulled away. “Oh uh—This is…My friend…A friend.”
When Veneer turned around, showing his face, Gracie dropped her purse and gasped, a hand over her mouth. “You’re…Veneer…The former pop star…”
Veneer nodded but waved a hand dismissively, “Please, let’s worry about that later.” He turned to Avery and held her by the shoulders, “Please, Rivers said something to you didn’t she?” he asked, squeezing her gently, “What did she say? Do you know her?”
Avery didn’t want to say anything, but it was hard not to. These two were her only friends in this world, but also her very best friends. Deep down she knew that they wouldn’t get mad at her, but there would always be a part of her that would always be afraid, “Yes…Rebel Rivers. She’s a fraud. She’s a fake. I know that because we worked together.” She clenched her fist at her side, “Rivers is an awful person inside and out. We made music together. She played the instruments and I sang the music.”
Gracie frowned, “You sang the music? But it’s always been Rivers on stage or in front of the camera.”
Avery acknowledged Gracie with a nod, “Yeah because I asked her to lip sync for me cause I had bad stage fright. But I asked her to stop the moment I finally had the confidence to sing! When I told her that, she took everything from me and kicked me out of our condo. She gave me only a hundred dollars to live on. That’s why I’m here, working in this crappy job and living in apartments that I fear will fall in on me in my sleep.” She sucked in a deep and shaky breath, “I would sing for you, but I haven’t sung since the day she kicked me out. But I swear everything I’m telling you is true.” She tried to not cry more as she looked back and forth between her two friends.
Many conflicting feelings swirled in Veneer. Avery was friends with him—he is the shell of someone like Rivers. He didn’t like that thought. He touched Avery’s shoulder before bringing her into a big hug, “You’re clearly upset about this…I believe you…I promise.” He allowed his chin to rest against the top of her head as he held her, letting her sob her feelings out into his chest. Normally, he would have been grossed out by tears, but over time he had learned that being sad and emotional wasn’t bad at all. He rubbed Avery’s back comfortably. 
“I believe you too.” Gracie hugged Avery from behind, the two wrapping her in a warm embrace. 
Avery choked back tears and wiped her eyes with her palm. “Thank you both…You guys are amazing people…” she hiccuped and smiled up at Veneer, then at Gracie. 
Outside of the bathroom stood Veneer’s guard. The door was cracked open, just enough for him to peek inside. He had heard everything Avery had said. 
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crepes-suzette-373 · 6 months
This is just a huge long winded post about how Germa reminds me of Japanese history and mythology, and some Wano things. Just so that it's all in one place and not scattered.
Very wild and goes all over the place, it's that conspiracy board with strings. I've been enabled by enablers.
Related to the Nobunaga post (you probably need to read that one first).
Deep, deep reach here, and I feel like it's just bonkers connecting WCI to something as historically significant in Japan as The Honnouji Incident, and it doesn't even seem relevant at all. But. It was well known that Nobunaga was killed on the verge of reaching a big success.
He was on his way to oversee reinforcements being led to fight one of his biggest rivals, and anticipating that this will finally bring them down. Then one of his commanders betrayed him and he died with his heir. On the night before his death, he was having a glamorous tea party with the court nobles, not suspecting that anything was wrong.
Germa thought they were going to secure a big profit by allying with Big Mum, but are betrayed and they all almost died in a tea party where many VIPs from all over the world were present.
There's a lot of rain during WCI. I think it's just meant to relate to Sanji's mental state, because rain = sadness is a very common trope.
Still, very famous conspiracy related to the above historical incident was that the commander who did the betrayal was said to have written a poem that has the line translated something along the lines of "Now, the rain falls, on the fifth month" before committing the deed. This poem supposedly contains a hidden message that reveals his intention to betray.
Like I said the connection is very flimsy, that's why I doubt there's relevance.
Also in terms of more number 6 stuff, the above incident happened in history in the sixth lunar month (also in June, according to Western calendar).
Japanese crests:
More randomly throwing nonsense at the wall, but speaking of Japanese tradition, Ichiji's belt somewhat reminds me of some samurai house crest. I had been thinking about this a lot since I've been going through traditional Japanese designs in making the youkai AU:
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And on the subject of Japanese designs, "lightning/thunder" is actually traditionally depicted as a "square spiral". In patterning (like clothes or paintings), it can sometimes be embellished into a shape that vaguely resembles a swastika.
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I just thought the swirly pattern is interesting. It's square, while Sanji and the others are round spiral shapes, so it might not be relevant. I just thought of this because of the lightning bolt in the Germa skull.
Also. Probably just design coincidence, but... somehow their silhouette is similar (same big fluffy hair, the coat's cut flares like a kimono):
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I mean, not saying the Vinsmoke family is related to the Kozuki, just the Wano people in general. I mentioned once that I thought young Judge kind of looks like young Kin'emon.
Last thought. There is a conspiracy in Japan, where famous warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune didn't die like history said. He actually went to the mainland and became Genghis Khan.
This was part of what I was thinking, when I thought the Vinsmokes might have Wano origins. It's a story of "Japanese hero leaves Japan, becomes a ruler elsewhere".
Other random things that are probably even more not relevant, but doesn't help my conspiracy brain:
One of Nobunaga's sons who survived the chaos ended up in service of the conqueror who succeeded in unifying Japan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (apparently according to Japanese text it's not Tokugawa like people think). This Hideyoshi is famously nicknamed "Monkey" in Japan (regardless of whether this is true or not)
Said son is infamous in Japanese perception for being "stupid" and "useless" because he is just absolutely terrible in warfare (not sure if this is necessarily true either, but well, I'm no historian). He's apparently very good in the arts, though.
In the linked post I mentioned of there being another son whose name is literally number 3 and 7 (Sanshichi) that makes me just giggle because of Sanji being 3 and 2. That third son is not the one who survived, but this one and his older brother was born so closely in timing (from different mothers) that people have argued that the order of the birth was incorrectly recorded.
Those two brothers were sometimes said to have issues with each other because of this. I don't think this is relevant, but this knowledge just makes Niji and Sanji's interaction seem funny to me.
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gwynsims3 · 4 months
— Ain't 'tis party a disaster!?
— Yeah, yeah
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So what the hell does it mean? It means this party's lit? This party's awful? Can't get this girl. I loath that I'm standing in this doorway watching other people getting on. Somebody's making out, somebody's playing the guitar so awful, but they just don't care at all. What am I to do here? Yeah, maybe beer at the bottom of the cup knows the answer. GULP
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— What a pretty lady dancing on her own! Wanna hang out?
— Maybe I do. It's inappropriate in this situation to leave a handsome man dancing on his own
— I dig your style
— Thanks. Are u really only wanna talk to a pretty lady about her clothes?
— Not only about her clothes, also about… KISSED… I know what I dig more than your style
— What is it?
— Your cherry lips
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— What the hell, Sam! Don't aim at me! Get your ass out of my sofa!
— Okay, okay! It's not your sofa, so I guess I just sit next to you
— Fairy enough
— Yeah, I see you're fairy now. How many cups have you had?
— 4 or 6
— Oh, so you're between being merry and being wasted I suppose. Wait! Did you see that sun is wearing sunglasses?
— Sun in sunglasses???? Are you for real?
— Yes!
— I must see 'em!
— Silly wasted boy, sun can't wear sunglasses, hahah. Don't take this joke serious. What's wrong with you? Why you're so sad at this party!? Boy, put this gorgeous smile back to your face. Get this party ass out of this sofa! Go and have some fun!
— I just wanna go home, I feel so wasted you were so so so right!
— Oh, look. Do you see that lad?
— With red hair?
— No, buzzcut
— Oh, I see
— I kissed him, we danced and then he said something like he doesn't like when it goes fast. Boringgggg
— You… ah… Ready to get laid after that Scott thing? Wanna talk about this?
— Nope
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— Damn! You and I've been friends since we were like… 3. So I can't get why you're so distant lately. Heart-to-hearts have turned to small talks. Please, sweet talk that shit
— You know sometimes you just need to be distant from people. Just to try to get used to that shit that hurts
— I see. By the way I look tired, aren't I?
— Yeah, you are, hhahahaha. Hey, what about you? How was your day?
— Um, let me think… I met a blue haired rebel today, got his number. Somebody sent me a ticket to this "secret" party because I painted graffiti on the wall in the bathroom in the university building. I ran away so no one would suspect me. Before that I hung out with this girl who was really nice, but she beat the shit out of me in the juice pong, and then this jock guy came up to me and said if I woohooed someone, he’d give me some money and I'd be famous. But it’s… I-don't-give-a-damn in the morning. I ain't sleeping with anyone. I'm not into anyone here
— Oh, shit, hahahaha. You've, my friend, got a busy day today, hahahah. Since when are you such a rebel, Rob, ahah? Graffiti on the wall is cool I guess. Just don't get caught. I'm not planning to wait on you throwing away all the orange out of your closet after years of wearing it
— Maybe I'm drunk. I didn't understand what you said
— Nothing. Less go to our dorm
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glasscupsss · 2 years
Mor knows Azriel and Elain are mates
i think, a crack theory if you will
A lot of people have theorized that Mor is gonna play a part in bringing them together but here is my silly little take.
Ok so first…
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i don’t know about anyone else but this reminded me a teensy bit of when Rhysand’s bond with Feyre snaps into place. he says he had to winnow away immediately or he would have acted out. My unhinged theory is that this is what happened with Azriel and Elain.
i say unhinged because even after this Azriel still shows attraction to Mor but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️ sjm might bring a whole new perspective on that situation with the next book or she might do a little retcon-ing here and there as she is prone to doing.
originally I thought that Mor was watching the space where Azriel had been standing because she was upset with him. if i’m not mistaken a few pages earlier is when Rhys decides on working with Keir and Eris. Mor is understandably feeling betrayed and Azriel doesn’t back her up. but on a brief reread of the scene I wonder if maybe it’s something else.
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her gift is TRUTH.
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we can see in this scene that Mor’s gift works by sort of looking (seeing?) and sensing. she can sense the truth by using her magic to look at someone who is right in front of her. what if, rather than watching where he’d been because she felt betrayed, she was watching because she felt the truth of Azriel’s bond with Elain. Azriel left abruptly, his eyes churning, because he knew something changed.
or maybe he left to research what was wrong with Elain because later he discovers what’s wrong with her after Madja said only a mate could do that. it’s possible he knows something has shifted, but doesn’t realize that they’re mates. idk idk it’s all crack. it’s canon that he doesn’t know whether they’re mates or not but that he has been questioning the cauldron for (what we can safely say has been) a whole year.
perhaps he has been questioning the cualdron longer than that? and perhaps this is when it started and he never mentioned anything because he thought it couldn’t be possible. maybe he only brings it up once it starts to become unbearable?? idk, freshly brewed crack.
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Okay, let’s fast forward to acofas. the famous potato scene.
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now, ever since i first read this scene i could not, for the life of me, understand why Mor tensed. she couldn’t possibly be afraid Azriel was going to hurt Elain so it had to be something else. i thought again, maybe some jealousy? but Mor likes women. maybe she’s jealous that his attention is shifting? i don’t think so.
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if Mor knows that they are mates, and has known for sometime, maybe she gets nervous about Elain and Azriel accidentally accepting the mating bond. we know that it’s accepted by the female offering the male food. maybe she was scared for a minute that Azriel and Elain were going to get into something neither of them understood well enough to make a decision.
i know Rhys explains it all away saying that it’s Az getting worked up over how his mother was treated but idk, i just don’t buy it, not completely at least. and i thought his explanation was a little weird and unconvincing with the whole “it can strike at odd times”. maybe he’s trying to cover the feels to avoid the blood duel and also stop feyre from “playing match maker”.
an aside, i think it’s obvious Rhys knows that something is going on with Azriel when it comes to Elain with the whole garden window scene + when he asks if he’s has been spying on lucien. “the shadows hid too much” or whatever he said. i think that despite what he said about pleasure halls in the BC, Rhys knows that Azriel’s feeling are deep and true. i suspect that he is trying to protect Elain and wants her to make a choice about the bond independent of Azriel and Lucien.
also, earlier in acofas Mor basically tells Feyre to stay out of it about the elucien bond. she says it’s best to let them figure it out on their own. before that though, she reminds Feyre that Azriel only ever gave truth-teller to Elain. idk idk. who knows? i’m smoking crack.
i think for sure Mor knows that something is up. whether it’s that elriel are mates or that the elucien bond is off idk. i’m absolutely positive she knows that Azriel is in love with Elain bond or no bond. writing this out is making me think there is less crack in it than previously mentioned.
also please excuse my atrocious highlighting and abhorrent over usage/misusage of the comma. we are in a committed relationship. also forgive me if you didn’t understand any of this, i am not very articulate ever. happy elain week 🫡
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