#I shouldn't be on social media rn
entity56 · 5 months
By the way, if I post something asking for help (especially if I specify in a non-Christian sense), please don't derail the post by saying smth along the lines of "Jesus is the only way" or "Turn your eyes to God" or "No other method will work" or some bullshit like that. Not only is that just gonna push me further away from even considering reconverting to Christianity, it's going to make my situation worse. I specifically posted that because my mind is nagging at me and trying to convince me I'm being possessed right now and that the balls of light I've been seeing are angels/the shadows I've been seeing are demons. You're making things worse. Stop being pretentious and either ignore the post or help me. Fuck man.
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shinayashipper · 2 years
Off ❤
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If yall see some dumb fuck in the news tomorrow for assaulting their conservative aunt at the Bronx Zoo over certain current events, it's probably me.
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
well. he did say he wished he had No Shame
#eric nam#i'm the Big Brother Da'Vonne exit meme rn trust me to waltz onto the scene late AND after wild celebrity sh*t has gone down#i feel like i should preface this by saying that atp i expect relatively neutral statements from musicians especially if they're currently#on tour. not necessarily bc they're anti-Palestine or anything but bc if they have to be faced with the possibility of tour dates being#cancelled and staff losing their jobs bc they as an artist used their platform and spoke up about what was happening in Gaza rn#they will usually choose the safer route and not say anything that Zionists could take and use to f*ck up their career. even people#who are normally known Palestine supporters will usually fall back on a 'ceasefire/pray for people on both sides' PR release bc it's#ultimately less risky. is it cowardly af? yes. do i condone it? ofc not i'm just telling you what i've seen. that being said tho#getting your brother to double down on sh*t for you in a private Discord is uh. that's shady not a good look if you were hoping#that this would blow over somehow. neither is quietly canceling your Malaysia dates when the fans over there call your bluff#funny how i had only been keeping up with him for the podcasts recently and not the various album releases it's like the sixth sense#kicked in and said 'something is about to go wrong with that sh*t keep your distance'#i doubt he'll walk anything back at this point but if he does then forget probation he's on ankle monitor status for several years.#the fans are not going to trust him about this for a good while and ykw they shouldn't. f*ck him if he keeps this up he's a grown ass#f*cking man in the US and he should know better#this is why i'm not on other social media i have to find this out from mutuals of mutuals of other mutuals sksksksk
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erebusfinn · 1 year
Sonic sonic sonic sonic sonic sonic sonic sonic-
Sonic Ft. Fix-It Fox and Lego Eggman, my favorite characters????
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chaethewriter · 1 year
with(out) you
Jack Champion x reader
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In which Jack follows his dreams, unbeknownst to you hurting.
word count: 2,2k
tagged: @viivvriv @genesis4545 @norrisgf @darkcrusadestrawberry @drxwstxrkxy @wafflehousewrold
A/N: requested by my fellow Jack pookies. this took me 5 hours to write my attention span sucks ass. DON'T GET INTO MY INBOX HATING— JACK IS MY COMFORT RN DURING THESE STRESSFUL WEEKS. Anyway to my other pookies, ily enjoy. <3 tell me what tou thought.
Are y'all in need of a part 2?
Jack's career was skyrocketing. You shouldn't be surprised: an important role in Avatar The Way of Water and Ghostface in the popular Scream franchises with a movie featuring Pedro Pascal on the way. Your boyfriend was going places and you couldn't be prouder, but his career skyrocketing also meant he was highly recommended among casting directors. You should be proud of him. You didn't want to be in the way of his success, but what about your boundaries?
He got fancasted in a romcom on social media, to which he grew interested in. He was the top choice, it was everywhere. The existence of the handsome actor named Jack Champion spread like wildfire. You didn't know all the details, but he got casted as the handsome love interest. Just the way everyone wanted it to be. He was trending thanks to this role and he couldn't wait where it would bring him. You were happy for him, but another side of you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable a the thought. You knew it was work, of course you did. It was part of his work and besides, he loved you, right? But you still felt uncomfortable at the thought of him holding another, kissing another, being another's. You never dared to voice these feelings out, though. And you wished you did.
News got out of the casting of the movie and media went into an uproar, everyone but you. The publicity of the casting meant that filming would start. He asked you to be there for him and you reluctantly agreed. You could follow college online, so you didn't have an excuse not to go with him. Was it selfish of you to think like this? You really wanted to be the supportive girlfriend one would see on television, and you felt bad that you currently weren't that person for him.
"Are you proud of him?" You would answer that question truthfully: with a nod, because you were proud of him and what he had achieved.
Being behind the scenes was anything but exciting. Sitting at a table somewhere behind the crew as you typed away on your laptop. Your gaze would occasionally wander in front of you, craning your neck to see Jack in his glory, working his ass off. You couldn't help but smile as you watched him in his role. It was amazing to see how he could go from being Jack to a fictional character. But your smile faded as the camera was rolling and Jack gave her a look similar in your eyes. A look he gave you when he looked at you. A look that wasn't only yours anymore.
You packed your stuff and discreetly left the scene, phone in hand as your thumbs typed away on the screen.
You should have communicated properly.
Jack's phone buzzed in his mother's pocket.
Her <3: I had to leave in an urgent, ily I'll see you soon.
Your relationship was rocky, not the same as before. Jack wasn't stupid. Something was wrong. He may be busy, but he always noticed any small detail that changed when it came to you. He didn't want to push you, so he decided to not push you further. What a mistake that was.
Not communicating your feelings properly.
Not pushing himself to ask you about it.
Was that your downfall?
With this lack of communication, filming continued, with you out of touch with reality. You still stayed in the city Jack was filming at. You wanted to be there for him, but being on set? That you couldn't do. You would be wandering around the city, sitting at cafes as your gaze would focus on the assignment in front of you. You only saw one another at night, when he met you at his trailer after filming. Sharing a small kiss before heading to sleep.
Even that was taken away from you.
As you, unfortunately, walked in during a kissing scene. A kissing scene that they had to redo continuously. Wrong perspective. Touchier. More passion. You couldn't help but watched how his lips moved in sync with hers as she pulled him down by his collar, his hands on her waist. Their bodies pressed against one another. The camera tilted as he pressed her against a nearby wall, deepening the kiss.
"Cut! That was amazing!"
You had already disappeared amongst the crew, your appearance unbeknownst to Jack.
As well as your feelings.
How could you ever voice yourself?
How could he make you talk?
Since that day, you hadn't kissed him on the lips. They didn't belong to you anymore. Was there anything of him that was still yours?
He had shared his longing gazes, his I love you's, his lips, his touches.
What was still yours?
Could you still call him yours?
Every morning, every night, he had leaned in for a kiss from you. His girlfriend. He didn't feel anything for the kisses he did for work, but yours. Yours would always give him butterflies. Made him feel like he was floating. Made his heart beat faster.
But his heart did the polar opposite.
It broke.
It broke as you leaned to the side, his lips landing against your cheek instead.
What had gone wrong?
He watched your expression. A forced smile. He couldn't help it anymore. He couldn't watch the process of your relationship falling apart.
"Baby, talk to me." His voice was soft as it cracked, holding your cheeks in his hands, basically forcing you close to him. Thus forcing your gazes to lock. Your eyes faltered, tears almost welling up in your eyes. Almost. Then your gaze traveled to his lips. Lips that not only you kissed.
"Soon, Jack." Your lips pressed against the tip of his nose as you lied through your teeth. Not knowing you weren't the only one hurting.
Communicating was important, you knew that. But communicating meant explaining your feelings. It meant ruining Jack's career. You couldn't bare to do that. So during the entirety of filming and after, this pain went on.
Him <3: We will be there in 15, my love <3
Her <3: see you soon x
The premiere of the movie. With flashing cameras, interviews, crowds and the first watch. Jack had picked you up with his mother. You were his plus one, of course he had chosen you as his plus on. Who else could he have chosen? Even though the two of you were arguing and you still didn't talk, he wanted to work this out with you. He had hoped this premiere could bring you closer.
If only he knew.
You stayed in the background as Jack walked past the rolling cameras, microphones pressed into his face as every interviewer wanted the first answers to their questions for the rising star. Beside him stood the his co-star, the two of them smiling as they spoke into the microphone. You envied her. Ironic, envying a girl while you were the girlfriend.
"Everyone was amazing. The crew, the director, the cast. It was an unforgettable experience that for sure made me grow as an actor."
"Yes definitely. Jack was amazing to work with and I look forward to working with him more often. There was a bond that immediately clicked, which helped with our chemistry."
It made you sick to your stomach, watching them bond. Their chemistry had grown so much over the months. While you were brooding about your relationship, the two of them had grown so close. Why couldn't you just tell him how you felt?
With your head full of painful thoughts, Jack took you by the waist as he led you towards the venue. While he was proud to show you off to everyone as the cameras were shooting pictures of you, your mind was elsewhere. If only he had already connected the dots and gotten out of there with him, maybe the night would have turned out different.
At that point, you wanted to be anywhere else but there. The lights were off as the movie played on the big screen. You wanted to look away the entire time, the way your hands fiddled in your lap looking so much more interesting than the screen in front of you. But you wanted to support him, watch him act and praise him for it, so you endured the aching in your heart as you focused on your boyfriend holding another in his arms. Jack took notice of this. If he was honest, he could care less about whatever happened on screen: his gaze was focused on you and you only. The way you reacted to anything on the screen. His eyebrows furrowed, as if it finally settled in what was wrong with you.
"I love you, why don't you understand that?!"
"it will always be you!"
His lips pressed against hers, a heated make out scene on full display. The scene you had walked into. You felt sick in your stomach, tears welling into your eyes. You couldn't make a fool out of yourself, so you got up and left. Just like that. He watched you leave and shot up from his seat himself, covering most of the screen for the people behind him. He mumbled soft apologies as he rushed after you.
He had to find you and this time, he would make you talk.
To your dismay, he had found you fast. His long legs keeping up with your shorter ones. You stood in the middle of some empty hallway with your back facing him, your face in your hands as you sobbed. All the emotions you had kept inside you were bursting out, all at once. You were definitely overreacting. He was just doing his job, but why did it hurt?
"babe?" his voice rang through your head. He couldn't see you like this. You have been rubbing your eyes, your makeup was smudged for sure. He stepped towards you, slow but steady, "please talk to me? Don't tell me you're fine. Since I got casted you have been so off.." His voice trailed off, as if the realization finally hit. You were hurting. And it was his fault. The realization made him lunge himself at you, his hands settled on your waist as he pulled you closer. You felt your heart crack.
That wasn't only yours either. You pushed him away with your elbows, thus making him stumble back. "You're not mine anymore."
Not yours?
You owned his heart. You carried it with you everywhere you went, unbeknownst to you. Your name was engraved into his heart. It was beating for you, and only you. He was yours. His mind, body and soul was yours.
"I'm yours, everything that has to do with me is yours."
You snapped. All your frustrations shot out, like lava escaping an active volcano.
You turned to him, your face covered in smudges as your hot tears rolled down your face. "Do you know how it feels to see my boyfriend be someone else's?! You held her like you do with me, you looked at her like you do with me. Hell, you never kissed me like you did with HER. So no, you're not mine. Because when I look at you, I just see you with HER. I can't do it Jack, and I'm sorry."
You held your arms to your chest, as if you tried to protect yourself from further heartbreak. The sight broke him. He never meant to hurt you and he wanted to prove you. A step closer to you was all it took for you to stumble backwards, "why didn't you tell me? I would have understood. Babe, We could have fixed this early on."
"No, Jack. Holding you back was never my intention. And look at you, this romance role made you skyrocket," your voice cracked, "you're a star Jack."
"If being a star means I am hurting you, then I don't want it. You don't hold me back, you could never hold me back. Please, I will do whatever to be with you. There are enough roles for me to get that doesn't include intimacy! Like horror roles, a cool badass side character. There is so much." he was rambling and he knew that. But he couldn't help it. He had to do whatever to make you stay.
"You always wanted to be a star and reach the charts, you-"
"I LOVE YOU! It will always be you! You would always be on my first place! I can't do this without you, please." That sounded incredibly similar. A familiar scream, so echoey that they had gained peoples attention. Phones were taken out, as well as flickering lights filling the room. But he could care less, he needed to fix this.
Yet you were thinking the complete opposite. You had to leave, you couldn't handle crowds. You could hear his pleads as you tried your best to make your way out.
He watched you leave, his tears rolling down his face as his hands were in his hair.
"Jack! Mind telling us what was going on?"
"Jack! Are you officially single now?!"
"Jack smile for us please!"
"Jack here!"
"Jack this way!"
He got on his knees as he cried, his face in his hands as he begged everyone to leave him alone. Begged them to let him cry at your departure.
This was his dream, but at what cost?
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aita for not wanting the zine I'm in to be explicitly pro-palestine / wibta for therefore not promoting the zine?
the actual problem is a lot more nuanced than that so don't judge just based on that 😭
I'm in a free fandom zine, and we've been working on it since january 2023. it's been a huge labor of love for me (I contributed three pieces!) despite me being less into the fandom recently. our zine is about to be published on social media for ppl to download for free, which is exciting! but the head mod told the group chat that due to the recent conflict with israel/palestine, they wanted to include a message in the promotional post stating that the zine was always intended to be free, and if ppl want to support us they can donate to humanitarian aid for palestine instead.
here's my stance on the israel/palestine conflict: I think it's complicated. obviously I don't support israel's government, but I also don't support things palestine has done. I think both sides are losing a lot of innocent people, and I want to be compassionate to both palestine and innocent israelis/jewish ppl who are experiencing very real grief rn. first of all, I hear abt the conflict so much in real life, I would like to not also have to think about it on my silly fandom app for the one hour I'm on here a day. but on top of that, I don't want to make my social media explicitly support only one side or another, because I think that takes away a lot of nuance from the issue.
anyways, most ppl in the zine chat said that message was a great idea. I personally didn't want to have that message on the main promotion post that I was planning to reblog a lot on my tumblr. so I asked if they could include that message in a separate faq post instead of the main post, and I explained my reasoning (basically that I didn't want to trigger my or other's anxieties about real world conflicts) and one other person agreed with me.
the zine mod said they understood but since it was just a one paragraph message, they wanted to include it anyway. atp I realized nothing I said would change their mind, so I just didn't respond. I get that it's not my zine and they can run it however they want, but it just sucks that now the zine I'm in is being connected to real world stuff that I didn't want to have to connect to my fandom safe space.
anyways, so now the zine is about to come out, and I don't want to reblog the promotional post or advertise it on my blog. when a month passes I'll post my piece (per what the mod has allowed us to do) but I don't plan on promoting the zine anymore. so my question is: was I TA for asking the mod to not include the pro-palestine message in the promo post, and WIBTA for not promoting the zine at all?
reasons I think I'm TA: this is literally not my zine, and I shouldn't be telling the mod what I want the zine to support or not. also it would be shitty of me to just outright not support the zine
reasons I think I'm NTA/NAH: I think my concern is valid, and I can do whatever I want forever
What are these acronyms?
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multifariousqueer · 2 years
All that remains
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Summary: You notice Shuri's attention has been elsewhere and in an attempt to get it back, your plan backfires
Wc: 1468
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, edging, Dirty talk, nicknames???, ,manipulation, jealousy, overstim, face riding, language(although if you're reading smut with the intention of it being clean, you've come to the wrong place),
Song: Escape From LA- The Weeknd(specifically the beginning)
"sthandwa you're so fucking wet for me. You gonna be a good girl and cum for me yeah?" Shuri moaned in your pussy.
"mmmmm yes my queen" you breathed out.
The pleasure mixed with the brain fog caused by how amazing Shuri was enough to almost push you over the edge. Just as you were about to reach your high, you heard Griot's voice alerting your girlfriend of someone entering her lab. You instantly panicked thinking it was Okoye or the Queen but it was someone else:
"Princess? RiRi Williams is here to finish working on the herb and the Ironheart suit."
"Tell her to wait one minute."
"Yes Princess."
Shuri pulled her fingers out of you and gave you a quick peck on the lips:
"Get dressed, my love. We'll pick this up later." Shuri said with a smirk as she licked her fingers clean of you.
You groaned at the feeling of emptiness and a missed orgasm. All you could think about was that she stopped fucking you mid-orgasm. Sure, Shuri may have edged you on multiple occasions but she never and I do mean NEVER denied you an orgasm when you were that close. It felt like a slap in the face but you knew you couldn't dwell on it for too long, RiRi would be down any minute and you had better things to do. You put on some sweats and went upstairs to shower and go out when you heard Shuri and RiRi laughing and talking. It hurt your feelings a bit to know that Shuri was giving her attention to someone else but you knew it wasn't personal, it was business and RiRi was one of the only people who could help her recreate the herb and suit.
You layed out some lingerie that Shuri bought you with a t-shirt and jeans. When you got out of the shower and put the lingerie on, you made sure to take some pictures to send to Shuri later.
Wakanda was truly the most beautiful place you had ever seen and the scenery and botanical elements were truly one of a kind. Even after Namor's attacks, the place was still thriving and the people were still friendly. You bought some herbs and spices, as well as talked to some of the merchants and a couple even gave you a discount. You decided to walk by the water and send the picture of your lingerie to Shuri; normally when you did this, you would get a reply almost instantly and it was always something along the lines of "come home now." or "I can't wait to eat your pretty pussy 😍" but you didn't get that today; All you got was left on seen. You felt your chest ache so you left and went back to the palace. When you got there you dropped your stuff off and went on your phone for a while when an idea crossed your mind.
You shouldn't. Shuri's gonna destroy you. Buutt, Shuri's not giving you the attention you need rn but you know who will? People on Instagram. So with that, you found the photo least likely to get taken down and posted that with the caption: 4 Your Eyes Only.
You reposted it to your story and pretty soon, it racked up a lot of likes and reposts. Most from your friends, a few from random people; you got a lot of DM's from friends telling you how hot you looked and from random people telling you how hot you looked. You checked your story views and saw a random finsta and instantly knew.
Back in Shuri's lab:
Shuri was working with RiRi when they took a short break to just check social media and vibe. Shuri and RiRi talked about everything, from quantum mechanics to the Chicago bulls to even you at one point:
"So how long have ya'll been together?" RiRi asked.
"3 years-ish. We've been through just about everything together." Shuri replied.
"So did your brother meet her?" RiRi asked
"Yes. He loved her just as much as he loved me. He said that we balance each other out; that I need someone who will get me out of the lab every once an awhile when he couldn't." Shuri answered earnestly
"So do you love her?" RiRi asked.
"You ask a lot of questions." Shuri chuckled.
"Sorry it's just that, ya'll seem so happy." RiRi answered half-apologetically.
"We are. And to answer your previous question, yes, I do love her." Shuri replied with a half smile.
RiRi was about to say something when Okoye called:
"Shuri, you need to see this." Okoye said.
Shuri clicked on the link to see the post of you in the outfit(or lack thereof). Shuri froze and said:
"She's gonna get it."
You left your room and tried to come up with something to say when you suddenly felt Okoye's hands on your arm:
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked
"I don't know." You said shaking
"Well I'll tell you where you're going, your girlfriend wants to speak to you about that post." Okoye replied
"What if I don't want to speak to her?" You asked
"Than you should't have made that blasphemous post." Okoye replied sternly.
You felt your heart sink when you saw her sitting at the table with a picture of the post.
"Why did you post this? And better yet why did you use that caption?" Shuri asked tersely. It honestly made you feel better that even mad, Shuri still knew that you hated beating around the bush.
"You weren't giving me attention so I found people that would." You replied plainly.
"Y/n you know how important this is for me and RiRi. Have I ever done anything to make you question my loyalty before?" Shuri asked
"No but-" You were cut off by Shuri
"So why are you questioning it now?" Shuri asked
"Because RiRi is smart and pretty and she knows how to do the things you do and you guys have the same interests and stuff" You said, with tears in your eyes.
"Oh Y/n. I hope you know that I'd never be with anyone that wasn't you and that includes RiRi. I love you and I always will. Sure we have some stuff in common but we don't have what you and I have. Everything between us is strictly business and I know that you need constant love and attention and it's my fault for not giving you that. I won't make that mistake again. I love you and only you Y/n." Shuri said getting a bit teary eyed.
"I love you too. So much and I'm sorry for letting my insecurities get to me." You said.
"It's okay." Shuri said, embracing you and resting her chin on your head.
Y'all stayed like that for a while before Shuri pulled away and said,
"You know... we never finished our little escapade."
"Well why don't we?" You said with a smirk.
"Mmmmm that's my girl." Shuri said, rubbing your body down.
That was all Shuri needed to start kissing your neck and pull down your jeans. She rubbed circles around your clit through your panties and teased your dripping wet hole.
"Mmmmm this pretty creamy pussy. All mine." Shuri said in between breaths.
"all yours" You breathed out
"Shit you're so wet, I feel you through your panties." Shuri said, grabbing you and putting you on the table.
"Let me eat this pussy like I should've done this morning." Shuri said in your panties.
"Do whatever you want, your highness." You said with a smirk
Shuri took down your panties and stuffed them in her pocket before getting back in between your legs. She lapped up all of your juices in one lick. You moaned as she licked your folds and kissed your clit. She stuck her tongue inside of you and you felt your walls clench.
"Mmmmm fuckk feels so good baby" You said
"Such a perfect pussy. Who's pussy is this again?" Shuri feigned
"I- ahh- yours-mmm" You moaned
Shuri got up from in between your legs inserted three fingers.
"open your mouth" She said.
You did exactly that and she spit your juices and her saliva in your mouth.
"And don't ever forget." She smiled.
You felt yourself nearing your high and before you knew it you were on the edge. Shuri was sucking on your clit while finger fucking you when you felt your high approach:
"Cum for me, princess. Or I'll have to puni-" Shuri mumbled.
Before she could finish her sentence you had finished all over her fingers. Your juices coated her fingers and your moans were all that remained.
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gremlin-bot · 1 year
One (1) New Reply
I finally wrote my prompt I sent to @stealingyourbones back in November! well part of it. This is just chapter 1, so this gets a summary @dpxdcshipweek
Edit: forgot to say that I got help with the usernames from the wonderful @tourettesdog and @half-dead-ham! (If I'm wrong it's bc I'm not at home rn to look at my notes)
Ao3 link: Here Master List: Here
Summary: Danny has always had more internet access than a child really should have had. He tended to spend that time on game forums and different websites dedicated to space. Everyone once in a while he'd venture onto one about heroes and villains. That's how he met Tim Drake-Wayne or BatShadow as was his username back then.
Chapter 1: Blorbo Supplier
Danny just wanted to see uncommon pictures of Superman. It really shouldn't have been this hard. He's an alien, there should be a lot of pictures of him. Frustrated with his lack of results he resorts to looking for the pictures through unpopular social media websites that should have new pictures. His first look didn't meet his goal, and before he could even think of trying again he was distracted by a post. It was a picture of a figure swinging between skyscrapers, backlit by neon light all against a smog filled sky. It was stunning and made all the more captivating by the identity of the subject in the photo. A picture of Batman, The Batman, taken in a way that you couldn't deny it was him. That was impressive on its own, but the quality is what made it shine. Danny had to see if the account had more pictures of Batman, or even other heroes. Looking at the blog, hoping it wasn't a deactivated user, he finds the posts of BatShadow. 
The blog is a gold mine of pictures of Batman and Robin with some villains the duo we're fighting. All with stunning quality, with each subject undeniable as who they were but still giving a sense of privacy. Sadly, Danny couldn't find any other heroes pictured, but Danny could live with that. Batman was his third favorite hero, he blames Sam and all her knowledge on the edgy and obscure. She would be ecstatic about these photos, too bad he wasn't going to tell her. He was being petty. Sam should have known better than to say he couldn't keep a secret, so this is his secret now! Pettiness aside, Danny was going to message BatShadow to see if they had pictures of other heroes they hadn't posted.
Messages begins with BatShadow
Hey, sorry to bother ya
I just saw your posts and was wondering if you have any pics of superman
I don't know. I would have to look. I don't usually go to an area with him in it much, so no promises.
Thanks!! And that's fine really, it's just that your pics are amazing
Thanks! Sorry, I have nothing for Supes.
It's fine 
I wasn't really expecting much
I'm just surprised at the quality and quantity ya got there
It's super hard to get them without being caught but so worth it!
Danny continued talking to BatShadow about pictures and superheroes. Eventually switching to personal interest. Danny learns that BatShadow skateboards and in turn he tells them all about the stars. By the end of their conversation it was well into the night, Jazz wasn't going to be pleased. It was worth it though.
Danny ended up messaging again the next day, and the day after that. The other user was interesting and he was just so broad. Especially during these long summer days where Sam was off at some gala trip and Tucker was on vacation with his family. His parents being busy in the Lab at all hours and Jazz working a summer job didn't help. Even with Jazz trying to get him out of the house but it never really was worth it. Not with Dash and his gaggle out. Not without his friends there.
It's not like anyone besides Jazz would care about what he was doing online. Their parents were too caught up in drawing out plans and blueprints for a ghost portal or something. He doesn't care, it's more of the same for him. Don't get him wrong, he loved his parents and they loved him. They just pay more attention to their inventions, and this one happens to be one Danny can't help out with.
He's getting distracted. Danny was supposed to be cleaning the lab, not thinking of long gone days. It was taking way longer than he thought it would. His parents really aren't as careful with their samples as they really should be. After cleaning spilled ectoplasm from the vent grates he will finally be done, then he can get on the computer and add BatShadow on Steam. They were going to play Portal 2 together later.
Tim didn't think he would still be talking to ConstellationCruiser. It was unexpected, but not unwelcome. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, (if there was anyone to talk to in the first place), but he was lonely. So, sue him if he got attached to the other kid with too much free time on their hands. They may not have told each other their ages but it wasn't hard to figure out, they talked too similar.
It was nice to really connect with someone his age. ConstellationCruiser was smart like him, just in different areas. He had learned more about the stars and space travel in the last handful of months than he ever had in his 12 years of life. He knows he wasn't any better, going on about hacking and maybe the new murder mystery that came out. It was fun, learning about the other's interests and different things than what's normal for them. 
ConstellationCruiser's parents seem to have some type of lab in the basement of their house, which was cool in concept but concerning in practice. There have been times where they had to stop in the middle of a game they were playing together to check on an explosion they heard. It happened more than Tim was comfortable with but there's nothing he can really do about it. It's not like he was anyone better about certain aspects of his life either. He avoided the topic of food as much as possible, though it seems ConstellationCruiser is doing the same thing with the topic.
Tim just hopes the other won't worry over him not responding the next couple of days. He probably should warn them but this is time sensitive. Batman needs a Robin. The man is running himself into the ground. His new found grief choking him and by extension Gotham. He has to convince Nightwing to come back, no matter what it takes.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
daylight - mat barzal
mat barzal x f!reader
warnings: swearing
in which they fuck around with fans
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liked by gracieabrams and 87,293 others
barzal97: champagne problems
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fan1: fuck me
fan2: give us a warning sheesh
fan3: my post notifs are on and i still fell to the floor in maccies
fan4: i just died dead rip me
fan5: the lyrics of that song though...
fan6: and the ring on the necklace??? it's literally y/n's
fan7: but she's got a boyfriend
fan6: not unless mat has anything to say abt it i'd assume
liked by barzal97
fan8: they make me so sad
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liked by barzal97, dannyramirez and 5,852 others
ynofficial: lover, you should've come over
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fan9: so we all thinking the same thing rn?
fan10:' 'will i ever see your sweet return?' and 'maybe i'm just too young to keep love from going wrong' is so them-coded
fan11: barzal97
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liked by haileesteinfeld and 96,854 others
barzal97: if the whole world was watching, i'd still dance with you
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fan12: stop that's the pic from when she got in the car before awards night last year
fan13: he was looking right at her i remember it
fan14: it shouldn't be fair that he posts the hottest photos of him desperately in love and pining for y/n at the same time, it's an inner conflict
fan15: ynofficial ynofficial ynofficial
fan16: ynofficial ynofficial ynofficial
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liked by shityoushouldcareabout and 4,245 others
ynofficial: and wonder about the only soul who can tell which smile i'm faking, and the heart i know i'm breaking is my own
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fan17: grow a pair already
fan19: barzal97
fan20: barzal97
fan21: y'all are acting like he won't have her post notifs on
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liked by ross_lynch and 103,286 others
barzal97: i knew i'd wish you would've changed your mind
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fan22: the significance of those photos have me bawling my eyes out
fan23: what happened?
fan22: on the left he got asked in a post-game interview how he felt when his gf was put on the kiss cam with another guy and on the right, in that video you could hear him say 'i need to check with the missus because i think this one's coming home with me'
fan24: ynofficial
fan25: mat, you brought out the cardigan voice notes. i'm unwell
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liked by barzal97 and 452,268 others
ynbarzalofficial: hi guys. it's come to our attention lately that there's been a lot of speculation in the media about our relationship, so we just wanted to pop in and clear some things up. first of all, mat and i have been together for eight years now, which was something we did not choose to disclose to the public immediately -- the irony is that that privacy backfired on us, because no, we did not break up; i do not have a boyfriend -- he is in fact my brother's friend and was helping us out with our new house. secondly...we may have been fucking around with you all and purposefully posting all those angsty cringey stuff to our accounts because we thought it was funny (and i am sorry about that), and that (big shocker)(take a deep breath) we have been married very happily for three years. third: watch this space for a surprise soon.
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liked by ynofficialbarzal, nhl and 629,266 others
barzal97: it was all my idea, and i have to say it went quite well; we got the privacy to enjoy our relationship without worrying about the pressures of the media. i can finally say that i am a very VERY happily married man. gosh i love my wife. that feels so good to say. and you wouldn't have a complete playlist of our relationship without the final song: daylight by taylor swift (and because we love it so much, add cowboy like me on there too). i can't wait to spend forever with you ynofficialbarzal and i'm so excited for the future. it feels so weird saying you're my wife on social media after we've been married for years already.
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liked by ninanow, jhughes and 726,285 others
barzal97: i was told to tag ninanow for this. i forgot to mention earlier (silly me) that we also have two kids! one of each and another on the way!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! anyway, see you all in 2 years. i like leaving everything in shambles and ynofficialbarzal and myself will be watching twitter with a glass of wine (me) and a mocktail (yn)
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lheautontimoroumenos · 11 months
gonna try to keep this quick (sorry i did my best but it's still pretty long), but i feel like people are not aware enough, even in France.
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so last week, a 17y old boy was killed in Nanterre (what we call the "banlieue", so in periphery of Paris) by a cop. they made him stop on the side of the road and threatened him violently asking him to open the door. on the video, we can see the cop duo at the driver side window. one of them has his gun drawn to the boy's head. the other one says "shoote le" (shoot him) and the cop with his gun drawn says "jvais te mettre une balle dans la tête" (im gonna put a bullet in your head). the boy whose name is Nahel is logically scared so he speeds away. the cop shoots him in the car, bullet in the thorax and the car hits a wall. Nahel is dead and the video is quickly relayed on twitter to mass outrage.
most left leaning people condemn this and ask for justice, but the media keeps asking them to ask for calm and order (which some do, looking at Roussel) but some don't, which alienates them in the political landscape (the favorite word of the right rn is islamogauchiste aka islamiclefty).
but the right, god the right. first they said Nahel deserved it because he was driving without a license. then it was saying he was a criminal that had already been convicted (the cops leaked a fake criminal record). so not a criminal, but he was an Arab so he would've become one, right? and he should've just obeyed the cops and he would have been ok, that's the behavior of a criminal. I think you get the gist, fascist and fascist adjacent justifications for a cop murdering a boy.
since then, there have been riots in Nanterre and all around France, and the State, Macron (President) and Darmanin (Interior Minister) have sent cops galore. Now, the last time something like this happened was in 2005, when we had less social media and the only pictures and videos we had were from the media (opposed to the riots). Today with Snapchat and Twitter, we can see the pov of the rioters and people are realizing that amidst the anger people feel, they find joy in community, and the vibes in the riots are good and joyful at times (a guy asking another guy to go take a yop for him in the market they're breaking and stealing from comes to mind). They can't say just as easily that they're angry and irrational animal because they see the humanity in the riots (they shouldn't need it but well).
now there is a debate amongst both the rioters and the left who stays mostly outside of it. Are they being useful? breaking and burning the right things? should they go to Paris and take the risk of fighting against cops in streets that they don't know as well as their own? factually, they are mostly burning cars, trash and big companies' shops. But people are choosing to only see the rare schools and libraries being burned downed (who were, for a lot of them already falling down because the State doesn't give money to the periphery). Now, it seems logical to say that burning down your middle school is not going to help against police violence. But it feels like the same people who praise the revolution any chance they get refuse to understand that it comes at a price, with violence and at least a bit of destruction. And the right is using this to discredit the whole movement.
back to fascists. First, the cop "unions" Alliance and UNSA Police published a press release calling the rioters (so mostly Arab and Black people, but also poor white people living in the periphery) "nuisibles" (pest, the word used for animals harming the ecosystem). They wrote that the cops will resist, that they are at war, that they will bring order back. In short they want to kill POC. And they have help. Fascists groups have taken advantage of the situation to walk around blocks during the day and beating up people with bats and at night to illegally arrest rioters before tying them down with zip ties and giving them over to cops. and these people arrested who are sometimes barely older than 18 end up with 18 months of jail for burning trashcans and 10 months for stealing a can of Monster (and those are not suspended sentences).
and while these people end up in jail (thus making it more likely that they will end up with shitty jobs and shitty pensions), Jean Messiha (far-right guy) created a gofundme for the cop and his family that has already gathered more than 1.5 million euros. A cop kills a child and wins the million.
so is it violent? yes of course it couldn't be otherwise. but violence is sometimes necessary, especially when you have to fight back against cops, their fascist friends and the State that allows them to keep existing. The rioters deserve full support, even if the criticism of some of their actions should exist. The danger is for this criticism to overcome our support. It shouldn't. Because if they are alone like they were in 2005, the right and the far-right will take advantage of the situation. Last time Sarkozy was elected and the risk is greater this time, with Les Républicains (the republicans) being basically dead and leaving their spot to Marine Le Pen's fascist party Rassemblement National (national gathering).
so if you're french, don't let the people around you talk shit about the situation. and if you're not, be careful still, fascism is rising and they're not as scared as they were 20 years ago.
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CELEBRITY | chapter 01
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rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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SYNOPSIS: The protagonist knows for a fact she'll be famous someday. The way it happens is not as she planned, though. WARNINGS: dark romance; revenge p*rn; minor injury; mentions of blood; mentions of cheating; minors dni.
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|[previous chapter]| — |[masterlist]|
The worst day of her life starts in a cramped apartment, a tiny box in a decaying building, a place where dreams wither and die.
The peeling wallpaper has witnessed too many damp nights, and the floorboards groans in complaints with every reluctant step. The window panes are coated with city filth, and they can barely let in the slivers of a gray day; the light looks worn out before it even hits the furniture.
And then, there’s the protagonist. Radiant, untouched by the dumpster fire that is this place. She glides through the chaos like a ghost of grace. Her presence is a sunbeam slashing through the fog, a reminder that even in the darkest corners, there can be a glimmer of something extraordinary.
Beyond the protagonist’s bedroom it's chaos incarnate. Dirty dishes pile up in the sink, and the hum of low-budget appliances mixes with the muffled arguments and laughter from her roommates and neighboring apartments. In the bathroom, the mirror is cracked and stained, reflecting fractured images of each occupant's struggle for normalcy.
Our girl sneaks into the kitchen and with ease, she starts brewing coffee, a sort of morning ritual of calm amid the storm.
As the bitter aroma begins to fill the air, she mechanically grabs her phone and dives into the vortex of her social media, seeking a quick escape from the madness around her.
She hears it before she realizes what it is.
A scream, raw and unrestrained. It's her own scream – a guttural reaction to something horrific she's just seen on the screen. The coffee, momentarily forgotten, sends ripples in its mug. She clutches the phone, her eyes wide with shock.
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Fury courses through her veins, and she can't recall stepping into a car; all that matters is where she’s headed. 
How dare he?
She doesn't know what’s worse – the damning video or the venomous audio that followed:
“You said you wanted to be famous! Bitch, I can make you famous.”
It's the video. The video is worse.
She searches her memory, but there's no recollection of consenting to being recorded. No agreement, just an invasion of privacy. Yet, it’s there – the video he felt entitled enough to send. 
A voice in her head insists he won't share it, that he's married, and the consequences would be dire for him. But logic loses its battle against the graphic images on the screen – his face absent, only a hand and an even more inappropriate part of his anatomy. 
It shouldn't matter. If he's unhinged enough to do this, she can't risk it. Panic sets in; she needs assurance that he deletes every trace he has of her. She's not Kim Kardashian; her feeble singing career would crumble at the exposure of a video with a married Premier League player. Recovery would be impossible.
When she arrives at his home, she feels like an intruder. It's a familiar place, one she's sneaked into countless times in the nighttime, when he had the house for himself. But being there for the first time in the light of day, she discovers the opulence of the house feels utterly alien.
The grandeur of the entrance foyer greets her like an unwelcome guest. An imposing staircase sweeps upwards, adorned with an ostentatious chandelier. The air carries the unmistakable scent of his expensive cologne and the lingering residue of privilege.
In the living room, she finds him surrounded by friends.
“What the fuck?” He's incredulous at her audacious decision, silently grateful that his wife is away with the kids. “You can’t just show up here. Are you crazy?”
“Oh, now I’m the crazy one? Delete that video. I won't let you ruin my life.”
At the corner of the room, the male lead sits down, observing the brewing storm. He quietly calculates his next move.
The protagonist holds her ground. "Delete the damn video."
And her demand hangs in the air.
“Fuck, no!” REDACTED answers.
The tension escalates and the confrontation reaches its boiling point. The protagonist feels a surge of frustration and helplessness, she clenches her fists, her nails digging into her palms. The pain is immediate, a sharp sting that momentarily dulls her emotional turmoil. Ignoring the throbbing ache in her hands, she turns away from REDACTED. 
She finds a small decorative object on a nearby table – a delicate crystal vase. In an impulsive act of frustration, she grabs the vase without a second thought. The cold surface presses into her hand, and with a swift, unthinking motion, she throws the vase against the wall.
The sound of shattering glass echoes through the room. A shard of glass grazes her hand in the process and a small trickle of blood emerges, running down her fingers.
The room falls into a stunned silence. 
With a timing reserved only for the most special characters in a story, the male lead speaks up.
“Come on, man. Do what she’s asking.” He directs his friend, breaking the tension with a straightforward command. It's the first time the protagonist takes a good look at him.
Rúben Dias. She knows him, of course, she knows everybody in the team, but she has never seen him up close before. He's beautiful, and in this moment, he exudes an imposing aura. Even though he's not speaking directly to her, she still recoils under the weight of his presence.
“Jesus, alright. I’ll delete it. Come on, I was just joking!” REDACTED raises his hand in a mock surrender, laughter dripping from his words. “I’ll delete it.” He repeats.
And he does, though not without silently cursing Rúben for being in the room and witnessing the scene. REDACTED knows if things went south, Rúben would open his big mouth and get him in trouble, leaving him no other choice. He shows his phone to the protagonist, revealing the file with her name on it, protected with a password. The contents are too much for her to bear, and she has to hold back a wave of nausea. Nevertheless, he deletes everything, and she leaves the house immediately afterwards.
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The door closes behind her with a muffled thud. To her surprise, Rúben is right there, having followed her.
“Fuck off!” She says, her voice is a mixture of frustration and defiance.
“I’m not ‘fucking off’. Come on, let me take you to a hospital. You’re bleeding!” He insists with genuine concern on his face.
“I’ll just wash it, it’ll be fine.” The protagonist dismisses, attempting to downplay the situation.
“Seriously, my mother would kill me if I just left you here.”
She stops, hesitating for a moment, before finally saying, "Can you just drive me to a hospital and leave me there?" There's a brief pause, and then she adds, "I don’t want to be seen with you, no offense."
To her surprise, he doesn't look offended, and so she continues, "Also, help me text a friend so she can meet me there?”
He laughs, breaking the tension, and says, “That’s a good compromise. Now let’s go!”
|[masterlist]| — |[next chapter]|
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squippy360 · 2 years
Steve Rogers x male reader
Steve’s usually kept his guard up, never had let it down, but what happens when he’s dating a guy who’s the more domestically dominant type, where he love taking care of steve, loves taking care of him, and wants steve to be vulnerable around him
Sub!Steve Rogers x Dom!Male reader
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Cw:(fluff to smut, Comforting steve rogers, fingering, thigh fucking, smut)
I was simply sitting on the couch, scrolling on social media. I was listening to music and humming slightly to myself. I turned my head to the side when I heard the elevator door open. I winced when I saw my very tired, frustrated, and disoriented boyfriend Steve. I got up and made my way over to him when he dropped his shield and held his head in his hands. He had cuts and bruises all over. I touched his arm and jumped when he slammed it away, looking at me with frantic eyes. I looked around to make sure no one else was around. "Alright, come on big guy. Let's take this to my room." I said gently and somehow picked him up. He hid his face in my neck and clung onto me. His whole body was rigid and stiff. 
I kicked my door open softly and went to the bathroom. I set him down and went to get some supplies. I came back and he seemed to have calmed down a bit. "Stevie? Are you there Love?" I whispered and kneeled in front of him. He nodded and looked to the side in embarrassment. "Sorry about that earlier. I'll be heading back to my room…" He said and went to stand up. "Oh no you don't. I don't trust you alone so I'll be taking care of you." I said stood up, crossing my arms. "Now that I know you can stand, take your clothes off." I said. He looked at me with a blush. "I-I'm sorry?" He stuttered. "Take. Your. Clothes. Off." I growled. 
He looked down with a blush and pulled his suit off. He left his boxers on though. I made him sit back down and kneeled down in front of him. I opened the First Aid Kit and gently took one of his legs. He winced as I cleaned around one of the big wounds he had on his thigh and dabbed some petroleum jelly on the cut. I took some gauze and wrapped it around his thigh. I shifted my focus on his other leg where he had some glass stuck in his skin. I took some tweezers and began to gently pull them out and put them on a tissue. 
Steve's p.o.v
I didn't know what to feel. Aside from Bucky, he is the first person who has ever cared about my well-being this much. M/n is so much like Bucky. He so caring, gentle, smart, quiet, attractive, hot, god he is so hot- 
"Stevie? Would you like to eat something?" M/n asked. I snapped out of my daze with a shy blush and nodded. He put the supplies away and that's when I noticed he had completely washed all the blood away. All my wounds were bandaged and taken care of. "W-Wow." I whispered. I blushed when he picked me up and carried me back to his room.  He put me on the bed and went through his dresser drawers. "You can borrow these until you go back to your room in a couple of days." He said and helped me put a shirt on and some sweatpants. "Days?! This is humiliating…" I said and hid my red face in his sheets. "C'mon it's not that bad. I know how sore you get after missions like that." He said and laid me down properly. "Don't move, I'll be right back." He said and left. 
I sighed and just sat up to lean against the headboard. I got out my phone and checked my messages real quick. 
Sammy: Yo Steve! I heard you got caught again! Haha
Stevie: M/n literally dragged me and held me down 😞
Canman: Shouldn't have made all those flashy moves, Rogers🤷
Stevie: I was just doing my job :(
Sammy: good luck with that 😂
Frosty paws: Says the one in my lap rn-
Big_angy: must be nice 😒
Zeus: I am coming my love💞
Big_angy: 💙
I huffed and grabbed one of the pillows and held it as I curled up. "Steve? I got something to make you feel better!" M/n said and carried in a tray. I looked over and saw some steak with rice and a slice of Apple pie that was heated and a scoop of Ice cream on top. "Aww. Thank you so much, Darling!"  I said and took the tray. I tensed when he wiggled in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "W-What are you going?" I asked. "What? I can't cuddle my favorite person?" He said smoothly in my ear. "N-No…I mean yes!" I sputtered. "Adorable~" He chuckled and nuzzled on my neck, pulling out his phone and watching a cat and dog compilation. I rolled my eyes playfully and continued eating my desert. 
After a bit, I looked down to see what M/n was taking pictures of us. I blushed and pushed his phone away quickly. "What was that for?" I stuttered in a flustered manner. He laughed and closed his camera app. "Sorry. You just look so adorable when you're enjoying something." M/n said and smirked. I elbowed him lightly and went to get up. "Oh no you don't." He said and pulled me back in his lap. "Lemme get up! I gotta wash this!"  this!" I whined. "I'll do it then." He said with a proud smirk and walked away. 
Steve sat in silence as he heard distant water running. I took this time to curl up in his bed, wrapping the warm blankets around me to go to sleep. After a while M/n finished and went back upstairs. "Stevie! Do you wanna- oh…he's asleep…" M/n said. My heart skipped a beat when I felt the bed move from behind me and his arm wrapped around me. "Goodnight, Steve." He whispered and kissed me on the nape of my neck. 
(Your p.o.v)
He looked so at ease now. The way his body was so relaxed now made me feel like I did my job well. He's just so obedient when it comes to me even if he doesn't notice that I notice. I love taking care of him. Steve is just such a wonderful boyfriend-
"Kiss me on the mouth!" He said suddenly. I jumped and blushed when he flipped around to face me. "Steve…of course." I said and caressed his face with my hand. I leaned in and kissed him softly. I could feel his face heating up against mine. We pulled away and I smirked at him with hazy eyes. He was squirming and avoiding eye contact.
"Are you sure a kiss is all you want? We can take it further, if you'd like? I'm always willing to go further with you." M/n whispered to me. "Please~" He said with big desperate puppy eyes. "Of course, Love. Let me do all the work." I whispered and shimmed down further in the blankets. He gasped when I pulled off his shorts. 
"M/n…" Steve breathed out. "I'll be gentle with you. I don't wanna make you any more sore than you already are…or maybe I do~" I smirked and pulled his cock out. I purred and sucked on the tip. He arched his back against the bedsheets and moaned softly. "G-Gosh M/n…ngh~" Steve moaned when I wiggled my finger into his tight hole. He rolled onto his back and spread his legs wider. "I-If you keep doing that I-I'll cum…!" Steve begged as his legs twitched. 
I held his thigh with one hand and went down further on his cock, I moaned lightly and slowly put a second finger in his now wet hole. I grunted a bit when he came down my throat. "Yesss!!!" He let out a drawn out moan and fisted the blanket. He looked down and lifted the blanket up to look at me through his big chest. I opened my mouth at him and chuckled when his face turned even more red. I crawled up back to the surface and kissed him. He kissed back and hugged me. "You're so cute…" I whispered to him and pecked his lips. 
I shimmied off my pants and took out the lube. I applied a generous amount on both of us to make sure I didn't hurt him. "Be a good boy and stay still." I growled and slowly eased my cock in his tight hole. He gasped and rolled his hips against me. I lightly slapped his thigh. "Sit still." I purred. He nodded and hid his face in a pillow. I slowly fucked into him. "Ooooh~ That feels so good~ Nghhhhhhh~" Steve whined. I touched his chest, squeezing and pinching his chesticles. "M/n! Please!" He begged quietly and let out another drawn out moan. "Fuuuck you feel so good~" I growled and went faster. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he arched his back. "Yes Yes Yes Right There!!!" He screamed. "You're going- ngh…to blow a fuse Babe." I groaned. He let out a moan of frustration and I went faster. I saw how desperate his cock was so I decided to ease his frustrations. 
I jerked him off at my thrusting speed. He moaned loudly and hugged my hips with his legs. "Fuck baby!" I groaned and went faster. I cried out and came on his tummy. "M/N!!!" He cried out. I ceased all movement, panting and going to pull out. "W-Wait! Aren't you going to cum as well?" He asked suddenly. I smiled and caressed his sides. "I can deal with it later. I don't want to hurt you-" I started but he cut me off. "Then use my thighs. I wanna make you cum too!!" He said. My cock twitched at that idea. "Fuck…hell yeah…" He said and flipped on his side. I got behind him and immediantly fucked his thighs. They were thick and just as tight as his hole. I groaned loudly and hugged his body close to me. "C-Cumming…!" I cried out and came all over his thighs and my bed sheets. 
"God you're so perfect…" I whispered and kissed him. He whimpered and turned back around to kiss me. "Only for you~" He teased with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and got out a rag and wiped our mess. "Wanna take a shower?" I asked. "Too tired…sleep…" He mumbled and buried himself back in the sheets. I giggled. Abit and kissed his neck. "My good boy~" I purred and coddled him. Little did we both know what the others were saying in a certain chat room. 
Next up: Stephen Strange x Femboy!Male reader
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thingthatoncewastruee · 4 months
today im here to complain. im a huge swiftie and im super tired of going on social media and not being able to just enjoy stuff without listening to ppl just having on her all the fucking time. and this is NOT a taylor swift apologizer post, but some of yall just hate on wrong things without even checking the info. so, i just feel the need to vent here.
1. the most saddening and disappointing problem here is that despite her enormous position she hasn't spoken about the genocides or called for ceasefire. this is what we should really focus on.
2. the carbon emissions stuff... guys... let's be for real here. i absolutely think that her carbon emissions are fucking terrifying but she's literally 77th on the list of celebrities that make the most carbon emissions. guess who is first. Travis Scott. so tell me why ppl talk ONLY about taylor. i bet most of the haters don't even care about the environment that much, they just have another thing to hate taylor on. and DO NOT GET ME WRONG. im not saying that we shouldn't talk about taylors emissions, but we should talk about EVERYONE'S. also Travis Scott (used as just an example here) doesn't have a world tour rn so where tf is he going. (also taylor can't even walk the street without ppl harassing her so you're telling me ghat she should go on a public plane?? public AIRPORT??)
3. then the fucking joke that is the whole conversation on taylor "dragging" lana on the stage at the grammys. ppl really just LOOK for problems. let me remind you that lana also worked on the album and that taylor in her speech gave tribute to lana which imo was silently telling ppl that lana did deserve to win the aoty. because let me tell you that taylor didn't even think she would win it, that's why she announced ttpd when she won the first one of the night. ppl really want to turn women on each other.
again, this is not me being a taylor swift apologizer (maybe except the 3rd point) BUT A CALL FOR PPL TO WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FOCUS ON THE IMPORTANT STUFF.
it's not like this will get to many ppl but i just needed to get it off my chest sooo
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stopscammingartists · 1 month
hello, this is gothgator. i know it's probably very difficult to prove that i am but the only thing i can think of to do so is to tell my friend miraikowai to vouch that i'm sending this because i don't wanna use my tumblr blog handle to send an ask cause for my own safety i want to keep my internet activity private and separate from my furry nsfw stuff and also because i have loads of people stalking me rn. but i really appreciate the support i've received from other victims of glip/eevee/etc. i deleted my twitter cause of the harassment and stuff yes but also i just did not want to be in a community of people who have for years been slandering me and doing their best to make me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome because i've spoken out about samael and supported a victim of their groomer partner khato. like, i used to say that people fucking loathed me but never gave a reason because it was all based on this and it would make them look terrible (which, they are terrible) but after all this and seeing many people go mask off they finally understood. i am struggling financially right now because i'm disabled (physically and mentally) and currently fighting the state over whether i deserve disability income or not, and doing commissions is currently my only income source. and committing social suicide and leaving public social media in those spaces for my own mental health and safety has made my already meager income significantly lesser. that and the trauma i'm going through currently and having to have cut people off for breaching my trust and leaking/giving things out to people after they convinced me i could trust them basically makes me never want to talk to most people anymore. i still have sam and laura and their whole gang making up shit about me and pretending that they're being harassed when they have such a bigger support system than i ever had and are projecting onto me. also sam saying that they've apologized or taken accountability for hurting people is a complete and utter lie because any attempts at me or anyone sending an olive branch was denied or ignored.
but i guess most people just wanna stomp out and silence anyone who might have something to say about their perfect little wholesome horny kink community because it 'ruins the magic' like its disneyworld or some shit. but basically i don't want to have anything to do with people like this or a community like this although i'm appreciative of the people who've listened to me and showed support instead of doing the easy thing of just ignoring it while rting some vaguely-worded condescending post about how witch hunts are bad or how people shouldn't obsess over whether people online are pure or evil or some bullshit even though there's loads of proof on your blog. they just don't want to see it.
It's okay, I believe you are who you say you are.
I....frankly don't blame you for wanting to move on like that.
I wish I had better things to say, it's fucked up what they did to you and I wish no one had this sort of power over anyone.
Guys please support Goth Gator on Kofi:
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hualian-blessing · 2 years
tw// grooming allegations
about the dream allegations? im sorry but i cant fully believe amanduh's case because she has so many holes in her story to the point that she's also destroying her own case as well. i had a talk with my friend who was groomed for years and they told me what a victim usually acted when sharing their story.
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i cant say if the victims should act like that all the time when exposing someone for grooming but it was really sus that she wasn't, uh how should i say this, emotional i guess???
(edit: i phrased that so bad but what im trying to say is that everyone has a different reactions to grooming but from amanduh's video, (i showed it to my friend after so that they'll the one who will judge her instead of me) both my friend and i noticed how she doesn't really put her heart into it in a sense? it's along that line technically but still not all victims have the same reaction as my friend.)
other than that, a lot of people were pointing out how the math ain't mathing with the story.
first, she said that she was turning 18 when dream texted her and allegedly started sexting her but in one of her tweets, she said that she just turned 17 last year. which is really confusing and downright idiotic if she lied about her age.
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second, she said that she was with her boyfriend during the years 2020 to 2021 thus she stopped texting dream at that time range. but here's what confused me, she herself said that her and her boyfriend met at april 2022 tho??? someone might ask "but bella, this boyfriend might be the different one!!!" no, she didn't have an ex. she could have explicitly said "ex", "ex boyfriend" or "current boyfriend at that time" and her boyfriend confirmed that he was already with her when the dream situation happened.
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third, she was still following dream up until today when people noticed that she made that post but still kept up to date with his life happenings in twitter. in fact, she was defending and liking posts about dream's face reveal no less than a week and few days ago. if she was a victim of his grooming, shouldn't she unfollowed and blocked him in all of his social media platforms??? make it make sense. (photos aren't mine, i forgot who the user is because of the sheer idiocy i witnessed).
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fourth, she tried to get keemstar of all people to cover her case instead of going to literal lawyers if she wanted everyone to hear her and the "victims" voices. if she really want to make a credible case, she should hold her cards close to her chest instead of showcasing the evidences in the internet before she could even take legal actions against dream. it's literally the best and most logical action she could have done instead of this.
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fifth, she already has a record of being...weird online?? like this photo for example is literally just crazy for me to read...i literally can't take face value if she's like this.
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i also saw people how the first girl before amanduh already admitted that her claims were fake and i wont be surprised if this one is fake as well. look im not a die hard fan or a stan of dream but i do watch his content and my friend (from earlier) does so as well, and they're downright pissed at this situation because these girls might have destroyed the chances for actual victims of grooming to speak up about their own situations. all for what? clout? it disgusted me and my friend to see people using this serious matter for something so cruel and malicious. i used to believe on the "believe the victim first and foremost" but after the amber heard case and then this, i would be more on "listen and criticize if the victim's claims are true".
to the girls who made these claims and proven to be false, i hope you have a fun time in hell after all of this.
but if it was ever proven that dream literally did it, then i'll retract my statement and remove myself from the internet to reflect.
either way, only time will tell and i hope everything clears up.
edit: no way is amanda fr rn. cuz holy fuck the story is so messy right now, first with avril then anna. and i saw accounts saying amanda did the same thing to sapnap, bad, skeppy and boomer before and im like wtf is going on???
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