#I saw the ask in my inbox and started typing immediately
minecraft-axolotyl · 15 days
Gale demi essay when? 👀
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WELL SINCE YOU ASKED XD (Seriously thank you <3)
I think Gale Dekarios is Demisexual and here is why:
First things first. The man is devoted. When he loves, he gives his entire heart and soul to his partner. He thrives on a deep connection, and we're all aware of the nerd rizz that drew us to him in the first place.
However, the man is also damn-near OBLIVIOUS when someone starts to flirt with him. It takes a literal mind-reading connection for him to understand that Tav MIGHT like him (because of course picturing kissing him with passion isn't enough to 100% confirm! /s)
"But Gale still has sex with the player" you might ask me. And you are would be correct, but being aspec/demi isn't just about not having sex with someone, it's a lack of attraction until a deep emotional bond is formed. And I do believe Gale forms that bond with Tav before sex happens in act 2.
Some may say that he's just holding back because of the orb, but with the way he seems genuinely surprised that Tav flirts with him at the Tiefling Party, I think he's just using the orb as an excuse to not move things too fast.
Even after the orb is cured, it takes some time (and some water-testing bold flirtations in the shadowlands) to confirm that they're both on the same page before he takes anything further.
When he finally does confess his true feelings to Tav, he doesn't just hit them with an "I love you." No no, that's too vague. He has to give them the full "I'm in love with you." just so they know he means it with his entire orb-filled chest.
He talks about how he wishes they had more time. How "if things were different" he would have taken the time to do things properly, because, as he also says, he cannot change who he is, or how he loves. (let me tell you, as an ace, that line hits HARD)
This is just a side note but if you tell him his kissing is 'out of practice', he says he wishes you two had more time to practice together, and the thoughts of Gale spending time devoted exclusively to kissing his partner, without the pressure or expectations of anything more... You see where I'm going with this (I hope)
Not to mention, even after feelings (and a feelings-cementing kiss) have been exchanged, and he knows Tav feels the same way, he still feels the need to deepen that bond even further before they take things all the way!
He takes them on a magical tour of his home T_T to show them where he came from through what little glimpses into his life he can share. He could just get down to the magical sex part, but he wants Tav to know him in every way.
Physically, emotionally, even spiritually! Gale Dekarios doesn't JUST have sex (unless that is what Tav prefers) he will fuse their souls together in the Weave until they are together as one. (Also, as an ace myself, I think the Weave Sex is fascinating in the fact that there's a way to bond with a partner without using physical bodies. I wish that were real tbh, it sounds very cool!!!)
He knows they don't have the time to act out whatever romantic timeline he had in his head when he first caught feelings (At the very least he hoped to take them on an actual DATE first) but he wants to make damn sure he expresses his love for Tav in the only way he can, with what little time they have left.
Anyway Demi Gale thoughts live in my head rent free, thank you for letting me rant about this on main.
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foreingersgod · 1 month
omg I saw you wrote for pb and I was wondering your take on her comforting a reader who struggles with mental health or anxiety? Tysmia && I love your work !! ❤️🤗
for any of you struggling out there, i’m here with you! if you ever need, my inbox is always open :)
Anxious . PB
pairing: paige bueckers x reader
synopsis: you’ve struggled with anxiety your entire life, but you never told anyone, including paige. during one of your bad anxiety attacks, she finally finds out.
since you were young, about starting middle school, anxiety controlled the entirety of your life. every decision, every breathe, every moment, anxiety was driving you. it was so suffocating that you fell behind the other kids. you didn’t play sports or join clubs, nor did you hang out with friends because you feared the worst. those voices in your head, that twisted feeling in your gut made life almost unlivable.
when you graduated high school and moved away for college, the anxiety lessened. you think in some ways college helped you find yourself and for a little bit, you were living freely.
in that time, you met your girlfriend paige. you had met her through one of your mutual friends at her birthday party. paige had spotted you from across the room, completely captivated by you. you were beautiful, had the most adorable laugh, and had the most unique style she had seen. she couldn’t help but ask for your number.
the rest was history. you and paige hit it off immediately and became inseparable. when you were with paige, you felt amazing. anxiety was the last thing on your mind. talking to people became easier, leaving your house was no longer scary, life was good. your days of anxiety and panic attacks were well behind you.
but about a year into your relationship, things started to fall apart again. that particular year, you were facing a lot of hardships and it was hard to manage it all. your mother was rushed to the hospital for a minor respiratory problem, she was recovering well, but the financial burden fell to you. school was beginning to pile up as well, it felt like you were drowning in school work. things at your job had been getting worse too, you were understaffed (and underpaid) and practically running the whole place. and on top of that, it was paige’s last year at uconn and she was so stressed about the upcoming season, and you were finding it hard to balance being her support system and the rest of your life.
it was hard.
when things started to go down hill, you felt that familiar feeling creep its way back into your mind. you found that your heart was pounding more and more when you left your cozy apartment, that your thoughts weren’t your own, and that you were always worried about the future. you couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t function properly at all. but you stayed optimistic, thinking that this would run its course. because you were getting better, right?
you kept all of this from paige. you were worried that she would worry and you didn’t want to make things worse. after all, you had never even told paige about your struggles with anxiety and mental health in the past and you wanted to keep it that way.
on one saturday night in june, one of paige’s teammates hosted a small get together at a quaint little restaurant with the team and their partners. everyone was stoked to see one another and catch up. normally, you would have loved this sort of thing. you used to love those types of settings, but now you were struggling to act excited about it. when paige had told you about the invite, you immediately became apprehensive.
“you excited?” she asked, telling you the details of the event “it’ll be fun”
“stoked” you managed to croak out.
when 6:00 pm rolled around, you were dressed and ready to go. paige was downstairs, keys in hand, awaiting your arrival, but you remained in the bathroom. you stared at your reflection in the mirror, trying to talk yourself down from a panic attack.
you can do this, YN, it’s gonna be ok you told yourself.
“YN!” you heard paige holler from the bottom of the stairs “we’re gonna be late, babe! are you ready?”
touching up your hair and fanning the tears out of your eyes, you rushed out of the bathroom. paige greeted you by the front door with a kiss, hands finding the small of your back and leading you out to her car.
the drive was dreadful. all you could think about was going home, thinking that something was going to go wrong and ruin your night. it had you discretely biting your nails as you looked out the car window. paige, oblivious to your agitated state, was telling you about the restaurant the get together was held at and how she was exited for you to try it. you nodded along, trying to keep yourself distracted.
after a painfully long drive to your destination, you were being escorted to the table where your party sat. you were met with toothy smiles and cheerful greetings from paige’s teammates as you arrived. paige pulled out your chair for you and sat down next to you while conversing with a few of the girls.
you were doing fine at first, only sparking up conversation with a few girls to keep your anxiety at bay. you were managing. even when the waiters began taking orders, you got through it no problem. laughter filled your small corner of the restaurant as everyone joked and talked with each other, there was absolutely nothing to be worried about.
20 minutes passed, discussion was still alive and you were getting through the night like a champ.
until the food was brought out.
the second that plate was sat in front of you, you felt the pace of your heart pick up. you didn’t know what was going on, but for some reason, the thought of eating your food in front of all of these people set you off. you hadn’t had a history of this, normally you didn’t mind eating in public. you assumed it must of been the stress of keeping food down. you stared at the steaming meal in front of you like it was some sort of extraneous creature. just the thought of lifting up the fork had you spiraling about every possible thing that could go wrong.
what if you threw up?
what if the food was raw?
what if everyone saw the way that you were eating? they’ll probably think you look funny.
your eyes welled up at the thought of it all, your head hung low to hide your dampened mood. your legs were bouncing uncontrollably to try and balance your nerves, body practically shaking from fear.
as you attempted to reserve yourself, praying no one would notice. you felt paige’s hand rest itself onto your knee, gripping it gently to halt your bouncing. she tapped the inside of your thigh, leaning in and whispering into your ear.
“hey, what’s the matter baby?” she muttered just enough for you to hear “you’re shaking”
you bit your lip harshly. fuck
you shook your head. it was all you could muster, couldn’t find the ability in your throat to produce any words. the urge to cry out for help gnawed at your chest.
before paige could question any further, you abruptly stood out of you chair. the wooden legs scraping against the black and white tile of the floor. as your back turned, rushing to the bathroom for any sort of isolation, you felt eyes burning in the back of your head. you heard paige call out for you faintly, but it was no use, you couldn’t sit at that table a moment longer.
the bathroom felt miles away as scurried past other tables. tears were streaming down your cheeks, most definitely taking your mascara with it. finally reaching the single occupant bathroom, you shut the door and locked it behind you. you were careless of the germs as you sunk to the bathroom floor in despair. knees hugged close to your chest and head buried into your arms. sobs racked your body and trepidation coursed through your veins. you were losing control of yourself.
out of the blue a knock sounded at the bathroom door. assuming it was another diner of the restaurant, you ignored it hoping they would move along. then you heard her.
“YN, are you in there? are you ok, what the hell is going on?” paige’s voice rang through the door.
“i’m fine” you hiccuped “i’ll be out in a second, i just need to pee is all”
“don’t lie to me” she said “you were shaking and sobbing when you left the table, the hell you just have to pee”
you continued to cry, loud enough for paige to hear.
“baby, please, what can i do? what’s going on, i want to help” she pleaded.
past all the pain your mind was putting you through, you yearned for paige. she made you feel so safe, the whole reason you were able to battle your anxiety in the first place. you didn’t want to rope her into this, but it was far past keeping it a secret now.
with hands still trembling, you unlocked the door and let her in. without wasting a second, she was at your side, locking the door behind her. her arms wrapped around you protectively, rubbing your back to comfort you as you fell to the floor again. she sat with you as you crawled into her. your head tucked into her chest as you cried, tears soaking into her shirt, fingers clinging to the fabric. paige tried to move the hair out of your face to get a better look at you.
“you’re scaring me, YN” a worried expression washed across her face “what can i do? who do i have to fight, huh?”
she tried to cheer you up, accepting defeat once you cried harder.
“i-i don’t-” you were struggling to speak still “i don’t even know where to start paige!”
she pulled you closer to her chest “just try baby, take your time. i’m right here with you, we’ve got all the time in the world ok. just get it all out, you’re safe”
and that was all it took for you to completely break down if front of your girlfriend. every detail from the last few days, from your past, everything about your anxiety came spilling out.
“before i met you, i had chronic anxiety. like so bad i could barely leave the house. then i moved away for school and it got better, and when i met you it pretty much went away. but you know with my mom? and school and work and now you’re in your last season with your team? it’s just been getting to me and the anxiety has started to get worse again. i can’t eat or sleep right and i feel like i’ve been losing my fucking mind, paige”
she was such an amazing listener, sitting there on the dirty bathroom floor as her girlfriend bawled into her shoulder. the whole time her eyes were glued to you, gentle fingers carefully wiping your tears away.
“why didn’t you tell me all of this? tell me about the eating and the sleeping? YN, it makes me sick imagining you going through all this alone”
“because i didn’t want you to worry and i was too embarrassed to say anything”
“well i’m worried now” she said “and embarrassed? baby…”
“i know, it’s silly, but i was just scared you’d think of me less if you knew what a mess i am when i get anxiety like this”
“i could never think less of you. ever. please know that”
“but i-”
“no, listen” she interrupted “just because you struggle with your mental health or have a hard time dealing with your anxiety doesn’t mean i’ll think anything less of you. you’re my whole world. this life and in the next, you’re my entire soul. i want nothing more than to be here for you and to help you overcome things like this. if anything, it only proves to me how strong you are and how i’m so lucky to have a girl who’s able to get through all this”
you sniffled, tears stopping as she continued “i love you, more than you know. and i’m sorry you felt like you needed to do this on your own”
you really had the best girlfriend out there. someone who loves you even through your own insecurities.
“i love you so much” you kissed her with your lips salty from the tears “thank you for being here, i don’t know what i’d do without you”
“get through all this just the same because that’s how strong you are. i’m just here to help in anyway you need” paige leaned in for another kiss, this time deeper, strong hands cradling your jaw “how about i go tell the team you’re not feeling well and we’ll go back home, eat some ice cream and watch anything you want?”
you nodded, wiping your cheeks with the back of your palm “even new girl?”
“yea baby, even new girl”
moments later, you were back in the comfort of your home. snuggled in bed next to paige, bowls of ice cream on your lap, the tv buzzing in the background.
you could finally breathe again, you just needed your girl.
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thethickerside · 11 months
Twitter Fingers.
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Warning: lots of TENSION. Dirty talk. Shuri has no filter. Very timid, but nasty main character. Mention of pornography. Smut. Strap on sex. StrapxShuri.
Gently spell checked, there may be spelling or grammar errors.
She found herself clenching her legs and covering her mouth as the vibration of her favorite toy shocked her entire being. She moaned into her hand while looking over at her phone that was propped up. The lewd video lit up a small area in her dark room, the light reflecting back on her pleasure filled face.
But…the video wasn’t necessarily what she was thinking about. Of course, it’s right in her face, so she obviously could not hide her arousal towards it, but the thing that truly set her on fire was the caption.
She had been following a Twitter account that included all things lesbian. For the past few weeks she had been using her light pink rose to reach an orgasm; a direct result of her constantly viewing the Twitter page.
She could feel her orgasm creeping up on her as she moaned into a nearby pillow. As she went on, she couldn’t help thinking about whoever was behind this account fucking her. “I’m cumming…” she whimpered into her pillowed as she orgasmed.
While coming down, she laid there for about a minute before picking her phone up and scrolling to the top of the Twitter page. She felt embarrassed by the fact that she had came to Twitter porn, but she couldn’t stop her self from clicking the inbox button.
Before she could even think, she started to type up a message that conveyed her feelings.
“I’m new to Twitter, and I came across your page…and I just wanted to tell you that everything you’ve posted has effected me…I feel embarrassed that I’m even dm’ing you…”
She felt like she was going insane when she pressed the send button. She immediately regretted her decision and slammed the phone down on her bed. “I can’t believe I fucking did that…” She laid there in silence for some time before her phone buzzed.
Once she flipped it over, she was very surprised by the notification.
“Embarrassed..? Why is that?”
They fucking replied.
“They fucking replied…” She said as she stared at the notification on her phone. She gulped as the heat that was once at her core traveled to her face.
“I don’t mean any harm…but it’s just find it so morally wrong…it’s so sexual and graphic…”
She sent out that message, and it took a little bit longer for the reply to come in. “…was I being rude..?” She asked herself.
What she didn’t know is that the woman on the other end was laughing.
“I promise you, my page is just a small fraction of how sexual and graphic my mind is.”
“There’s more..?”
“So much more.”
“Can you show me..?”
She timid female stared at her screen for a couple of seconds, awaiting a response. She bit her bottom lip and sighed to herself. “Fuck…that was so stupid.”
“Call me.”
She gasped when she saw that message. She do don’t even know this person and she was already going to call them.
The line rung a couple of times before a simple “Hello?” was said.
“I didn’t expect you to sound like that.” The woman on the other side of the phone had a very relaxing voice.
“I didn’t know you were gonna sound the way you sound either. Where are you from..?” She asks.
“None of your concern. What’s your name?” The woman was firm.
“…Athena…beautiful.” The woman said. Athena smiled behind her phone and chuckled lightly to herself.
“What’s your name?” Athena asks.
“…” The woman fell silent at this question. “Just call me Ri.”
Ri. As in short for Shuri. The queen of Wakanda couldn’t reveal her identity to a complete stranger online…just yet.
“…This may be a weird thing to ask…but can I see your face..?” Athena asked. She was prepared to be in the face of immediate rejection upon her request, but instead she was met with “Do you have Skype?”
“Yes! My username is Athenarooz”
After about 30 seconds, Athena was met with a call request.
She quickly sat up and looked in the mirror next to her bed before setting her phone up against a pillow. Her full face was in frame, with a tiny bit of her dark headboard showing.
Once she answered, she was met with the woman behind the account. Shuri didn’t show her whole entire face. The only part of her body that was in frame was the lower half. Athena couldn’t see her eyes or her nose. She didn’t mind though.
“Hi…” Athena gently said. Her heart shaped hair was slightly messy, and she had on simple pajamas.
Shuri thought she was adorable. She had cat like eyes, full cheeks, and a gold dainty necklace on.
Shuri smiled upon hearing her voice. Athena could see a flash of gold shine across Shuri’s bottom teeth once she smiled. “Hi.” Shuri simply said.
“So…um, I like your grills. They look really good.” Athena smiles warmly as she gazed at the other woman.
“Why thank you. I greatly appreciate it.” Shuri smirked at the compliment. “I like your pink lights…you look very pretty under them.” Athena felt her heart skip a beat before giggling to herself.
“Oh…thank you!” Athena said.
“Are they always that color, sithandwa?”
Athena could feel her pussy start to pulsate from the foreign term. “Well— no! They actually change colors.” Athena said while looking down at her sleeves.
“When do you change them?” Shuri asked.
Shuri didn’t want to make the girl feel rushed, but she knew there was a reason why she DM’d her.
“…you know…during certain times.” Athena felt so small under Shuri’s gaze, en thought she couldn’t even see her eyes.
“Like when you’re scrolling down my page…?” Shuri asked before leaning back in her seat. “Well…yes. Your page just…it makes me feel—“
“Aroused.” Shuri finished that sentence for her.
“What part makes you feel that way?” Shuri asked. At this point, Shuri was very intrigued with this girl’s sexual behavior.
“To be honest…it’s not the videos. O-of course, the girls help a lot!! But…it’s just the way you write your captions…they’re so sensual…” Athena says. She can’t help but to breathe a bit heavier while glancing at Shuri.
Shuri had never met a person who liked captions on Twitter porn more than the actual video.
“Athena?” Shuri calls out her name.
“Y-yes?” Athena’s eyes light up slightly at the mention of her name.
“What makes you climax?”
Athena felt like a waterfall had ripped through her core once she heard that question. She didn’t know how to answer that.
“…I honestly don’t know how to explain it…c-can I show you..?”
“Go ahead…” Shuri said. She watched Athena closely, waiting for any sign of sexual action.
“Um, okay! Give me one second.” Athena grabbed her ipad from her nightstand and quickly went to Shuri’s account. She scrolled for a bit before she recognized a video that repeatedly got her off.
“There’s this one video that I’ve watched a couple of times…” Athena showed the video to Shuri, turning her iPad to face her camera, letting Shuri watch.
“Hmm, it’s from my page.” Shuri said with a slight smirk.
“Yeah…how did you find this video..?” Athena asked.
“Quite honestly, I truly just browse. I get aroused quite often and when I do, I find more videos to put on my Twitter.” Shuri said.
“Have you ever done any of the things in the videos..?” Athena asked. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest at the thought of the other woman doing those things to her.
“…” Shuri was silent, once again. “Yes…why do you ask?”
Athena knew that what she was about to ask could go completely right, or terribly wrong.
“Do you see yourself doing those things to me..?”
Shuri paused at this. She could 100 percent see herself giving Athena immense pleasure, but she had to be careful because of who she is.
“Absolutely…but, I’m not in a position to do so.” Shuri replied.
“Why is that?” Athena asked.
“I’m not just a regular person…”
This statement struck fear into Athena.
“…w-who are you..?” Athena asked.
“If I tell you…it will change the trajectory of your entire life.” Shuri said. Her voice was laced with caution, not wanting Athena to make such a big decision.
“I don’t mind.” Athena said.
Shuri had to contemplate for a moment. She knew this will affect the both of them…but she was so fucking horny. She couldn’t make any rational decisions at the moment.
Shuri takes her computer screen and angles it upward, showing her full face to Athena. Upon seeing her, Athena tilted her head.
“…” Athena simply just gazed at her. The initial shock was there, but after a couple of seconds she just…shrugged.
“Shuri…queen of Wakanda…but, I don’t see how this matters…” Athena says with a slight giggle.
Shuri’s eyes widened at Athena’s claim. “You don’t think it matters??” Shuri questioned, feeling baffled by the other woman.
“We’re both horny…and honestly…I don’t really care about who you are.” Athena says before biting the inside of her lip.
Shuri’s body seemed to relax once that was said. “Bast…I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you…” she chuckles.
As time went on, Athena’s desire coursed through her body.
“Shuri…do you wanna fuck me?” Athena asked with a tiny smirk.
Shuri smirked and shook her head, chuckling to herself in disbelief. “I’ll be at your place in 15 minutes.” She said beofre the call ended.
Athena stared at the screen for a couple of seconds before running to the shower. She quickly freshened up before getting dressed.
Her pink baby tee complimented her pink spandex shorts. Her hair was in a claw clip, that also being pink. She had on some white fluffy slides, with her toes being painted a light pink color. She looked at herself in the mirror, contemplating whether or not she was underdressed.
“Hmm…” she looked at the clock next to her mirror and smiled lightly. “It’s 2am…who cares.” She reassured herself.
She grabbed her phone and went downstairs. Athena lived in-front of a large field, where she would go for jogs, or simply just journal at. She looked outside and saw a small aircraft parked in the field.
She couldn’t hear it land, so she suspected that it had to be Shuri.
The doorbell rang, and Athena could feel her heart go insane. She took a deep breath before walking over to the door and opening it, being met with Shuri looking at her through some Prada sunglasses.
“Hi.” Athena said. She quickly scanned Shuri’s figure, and saw that she was dressed casually as well. She had on some black sweatpants, and a black t-shirt.
“Hi.” Shuri said, smirking lightly at the girl. She’s adorable… Shuri thought to herself. She put her hand out, offering it to Athena.
Athena softly took her hand, and walked with her back to the aircraft. “I hope you don’t think I’m creepy or anything…I promise you I’m not going to hurt you.” Shuri said once they stepped inside. Athena smiled timidly and nodded, looking up at the other woman.
“No…oddly enough I didn’t think that…” Athena said with a slight chuckle.
Shuri stared softly at the other woman, taking off her sunglasses. She slowly walked to Athena, running her thumb across Athena’s bottom lip.
“You’re so pretty…intombi entle.” Shuri said. Athena could feel a her nipples immediately harden from the foreign language, and Shuri could see them.
She glanced down at Athena’s chest, seeing them press up against her cute pink shirt. “Are you excited?” Shuri asks, slipping her thumb in Athena’s mouth. Athena looked up at Shuri and nodded, her eyes being filled with desire.
“I can tell…” Shuri trailed off as she lifted up the other woman’s shirt, letting her full breast become exposed. Shuri let go of Athena, taking a seat in the aircraft. “Let me see you…” She leaned back in her chair, before sliding her own shirt off, having nothing but her gold panther necklace on. “Show me…” Shuri demanded softly.
Athena stood infront of Shuri and took her shirt off, and then her shorts. “You don’t have anything on under that…” Shuri said to her. She smirked at Athena before calling her over with just a hand gesture. Shuri spread her legs and let Athena straddle her.
Athena’s nude body was pressed up against Shuri, as she could feel her underwear become soaked. Shuri could feel Athena’s desire, all thanks to her heightened senses.
“I just want you to know…this is just sex.” Shuri said while gazing into Athena’s eyes.
Athena giggled while leaning into Shuri. She could feel the other woman’s hands travel to her backside, squeezing it firmly. “You did have to say that…you could’ve just fucked me.” Athens says.
What Shuri and Athena didn’t know is that their relationship was not going to just be sex.
Shuri immediately captured Athena’s lips in a passionate kiss. The kiss was hot, passionate, and sloppy. The two woman were incredibly aroused, and they didn’t hold anything back.
“Fuck…” Shuri pulled away from the kiss and hissed as she continued to grope and smack the other woman’s ass. “I didn’t know you had all this…” Shuri chuckled before kissing along Athena’s jawline. “Oh please…it’s nothing.” Athena dismisses her remark, biting her lip from Shuri’s touch.
Shuri’s kisses halted. She looked up at Athena, her gold grill showing from the low exposure lighting in the aircraft. She raised her eyebrow, smirking lightly.
“It’s nothing???”
“Holy shit!!” Athena moaned out. By this time, Shuri had bent Athena over. Her fingers were digging into Athena’s hips as she snapped her hips into a thrust. The black and silver strap glistened in the light as she continued to fuck Athena.
“Let me tell you…It’s not nothing. Your ass looks so good from back here..” Shuri said before throwing her head back, hissing and moaning at the feeling of Athena squeezing her. “I can feel you usana. I can feel you squeezing the shit out of me. You like this?” Shuri moaned out. Athena couldn’t answer. She was too busy shoving her face into the bed that was located at the back of the air craft. “S-so good…” Athena whimpered out.
Shuri couldn’t believe the words that were coming out her mouth. All of her lewd thoughts that she would hide just came spilling out. It was almost like Athena’s body drew them out of her. She was hooked.
“Shit Athena!” Shuri said before pulling her strap out quickly and grabbing her phone. “I want to record you…I wanna watch this back over and over again…will you let me..?” Shuri asked while kissing down her back.
Athena looked back at Shuri with a euphoric expression. “Do it…” Athena answered. Before she could turn back around, Shuri had started to record, the flash from the phone highlighting the pleasurable experience.
Shuri inserted her fingers, pumping them slowly, while her thumb rubbed the other woman’s clit. “S-Shuri—“ Athena moaned while her legs began to shake.
“You close..?” Shuri asked while looking directly at Athena. “Y-yes…” Athena whimpered while making eye contact with her. “What are you gonna do..? Hmm?” Shuri asks, her pace speeding up. “I-I’m gonna cum..” Athena whispered. “Let me see it…” Shuri said with a slight smirk. Athena came undone on Shuri’s fingers. She couldn’t even let out a moan, the feeling was so euphoric.
“O-oh my fucking god!!” Athena whimpered out. “That was beautiful Athena…” Shuri said before putting her phone away, feeling incredibly aroused still. Shuri gently laid Athena down on the bed, grabbing her chin, and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. “I’m gonna make you cum again…okay??” Shuri said while her lips brushed against Athena’s.
Athena could soon feel Shuri’s length stroke into her. Tears of pleasure fell from her eyes as she let out soft moans, Shuri’s name falling from her lips. She looked up at her and marveled at her appearance.
Shuri’s gold chain glistened up against her skin, her bare upper body being on full display as her thrust became quicker.
On the other hand, Shuri couldn’t take her eyes off Athena. Even when her body wanted to close them, she couldn’t. She was entranced by the look of pleasure that was displayed on the other woman’s face. Her thrusts quickened as she could feel Athena squeeze her once more. “Come on baby…I know you want too…” Shuri moaned out, encouraging Athena.
“F-fuck! You’re gonna make me cum again…” Athena moaned out while her eyes rolled back slightly. “Give it to me…” Shuri said. Her thick Wakndan accent had Athena cumming in seconds.
“Shit, you look so pretty…I’m gonna cum from just looking at you—“ Shuri said before moaning loudly. She orgasm washed over her like a thunder storm and had her Whimpering.
Both woman were left breathing heavily before Shuri pulled out and laid beside Athena.
There was about two minutes of just silence.
Athena and Shuri were just gazing at each other. The both of them felt a buzz, leaving them feeling euphoric.
“That was…amazing..” Shuri said, hooking her arm around Athena’s back, pulling her closer. By this time, Shuri had discarded her strap, leaving their two completely hide bodies cuddled into one another. “…it really was…” Athena said before falling into a deep slumber.
When Athena woke up, she was back in her own bed. She looked around, feeling slightly disappointed when she couldn’t find Shuri. She understood that it was just sex, but deep down, she was wishing for more.
She laid back in her bed, sighing to herself. “I guess she was being serious…this really was just sex.” Athena says to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by a Skype call notification from…Shuri. Her eyes widened in slight shock as she checked her appearance and answered quickly.
“Hello, sthandwa…” Shuri said. Her tone was warm and she had a look of adoration on her face.
“Hi Shuri…” Athena said, rubbing her arm shyly.
Both of the woman found it insane how sexual they are some hours ago, and how they are so much different in each others presence now.
But my gosh, this is only the beginning.
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shiyosugi · 4 months
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A certain someone is getting bolder and bolder~
CHARACTERS: (MY FAVOURITES) Yoichi Isagi, Shoei Baro, Sae Itoshi, Ikki Niko, Ryusei Shido, Rin Itoshi
A/N: SOMEONE inspired me to do this. I hope this little headcanon could inspire some writers with their stories. My inbox is open for suggestions and request ♡
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He's not really the type that always flirts with you or anything, but... he finds it amusing how easy you blush from his teasing.
He loves to see your red face and everytime he sees it, he feels like he just want to kiss you right away. The way you cover your face makes him laugh to himself.
However, when the reason you're flustered is not because of him, he will get a bit suspicious. "Who is making you all flustered huh?" he would ask as he tries to look at your phone for an answer since you're looking at it.
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He doesn't really... Nah... He probably never tries to flirt with you, let alone teasing you. However, he is aware of how easy you get flustered sometimes, due to the small noises you make everytime you are on your phone. He knows you well already.
It's not everyday you get praised by him so whenever he does, the blush on your face is really obvious. He would say, "Don't let it get into your head, you're red already from a small compliment." but he is secretly enjoying your little reaction.
On a rare occasion, he would be all touchy you with you and whisper some words that will definitely make you all flustered.
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I'm guessing he and Shoei are almost the same, rarely tried to flirt or make you flustered.
In his case, he would see you getting red easily when someone tease you or compliment you, the first time he discovered this is from a guy which he mistook it as you taking interest in him. However, he didn't confront you yet. Then he saw you giving the same reaction from girls as well so, he decided to talk to you about it.
After you said that you were just easy to be flustered he doubted it at first until one day he decides to try it out himself.
He waited for you to do something that he thinks worth to be praised or teased and when you did, he made his move and your reaction is much more than what he saw you gave to others.
After that day, he would occasionally try to make you flustered because it's just fun to see you getting all red.
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I bet that he is not even good at flirting so he had no idea how easy it is to make you blush.
Well, you must be wondering how would he discover that you are the way you are, right? No, it is not the same as how Sae's. It was a pure accident.
You were doing something until Ikki found out what you were doing and started complimenting you, he said something that made your face red immediately, causing him to think that he had said something wrong and tried to fix his words which made you even more flustered.
"S-Stop! You're making me nervous.." you said to him which made him stared at you when he realised that you were actually blushing. When you revealed to him that you got flustered easily, he found it amusing but didn't take an advantage of it. It is nice to know though.
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It doesn't take him long enough to find out how easy it is to push you over the edge.
He would not miss a day without trying to make your face red from his teasing.
"My little girlfriend looks more cuter than usual, trying to get my attention huh?" he would say anything.
Easy to say, he loves seeing you all flustered because of him. He doesn't really have any problem when you are flustered from other people's compliment or teasing, as long as they didn't cross a line.
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Almost similar to Ikki's situation but in his case he had other reaction, "I would think that you are a pushover." he would say which offended you but you didn't say it out loud and only gave a pout as a reaction.
You tried not to give him that much of attention after that day, he would notice it later on but didn't say anything about it at first, but eventually, he did and you aren't answering him at all, saying "No? I'm not ignoring you." which is technically correct but you are not acting as affectionate as you usually are.
Remembering back that you are easy to tease, he decided to try and make you flustered, hoping you would give a proper answer.
What does he do? When you are busy with something, he carefully wraps his arms around you from behind and then whisper something like "You're so focused with your work until you didn't notice your boyfriend is right here, craving your attention?" just like that, he has easily made you put your guard down and he sees just how red you are.
Let's just say that... The small teasing somehow take a turn...
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spectersgirl · 3 months
heyyy!! so i just started s5 of suits and (spoiler if you haven’t seen it!!!!) harvey’s panic attacks were introduced after donna left and IM HURTING FOR HIM. but i think that’s such great angst material lol so if you’re still taking requests maybe something with that?
Hiiiii friends!
I know I've been gone for... quite a while... but I'm hoping to start writing more frequently again! I've undergone some massive life changes over the last few months and the stress of that basically caused me to completely burn out creatively. That being said, I have a TONNN of requests in my inbox and a few of them are generally in this same realm, so I will be using all of them for this piece, I hope that's okay with you all <3
The other requests were
"soft harvey just around his girl in a tense moment?!"
"hiii! i love your writing! i was wondering if you could write a fic where harvey had like a bad day at work and he just goes home and collapses onto the reader. like just hugs and softness and cuddles galore!"
I referenced actual events and lines from the show but changed up the context a little bit, obviously.
I appreciate you all for reading my work and liking it enough to request anything from me. I've never had such a positive response to anything I've created before, so this all means the world to me. Truly, thank you :')
Be With You
Harvey Specter x Reader
It was nearly 11pm and you were teetering on sleep, having worked all day and come home to do a much-needed cleaning of your apartment followed by a glass of wine, when your phone loudly pinged on the nightstand. You fumbled for it and turned on the small bedside lamp next to you. You smiled when you saw it was your boyfriend, probably just saying goodnight, you'd assumed.
"Hey, can I come over? Please? I really need to see you right now."
A pit formed in your stomach reading the words on your screen. Though you hadn't been dating Harvey all that long, you'd spent a lot of time together, but he'd never sent a message like that.
"Of course, is everything okay?"
You couldn't help but worry, it was simply in your nature. You stared at the bubbles that indicated he was typing, which seemed to take an eternity.
"Not really, it's been a rough day and I just really need you."
Your heart lurched, Harvey had rough days all the time as a lawyer, but none had caused this response from him. You wondered what could've possibly happened. You got up, going back out into the living room and took a seat on the couch as you lit your electric fireplace with a remote.
"I'm sorry :( come over whenever, I'll unlock the door for you."
You did just that and looked down at the pajamas you'd chosen, just some shorts and a tank top. You decided they were fine enough for Harvey to see you in. You busied yourself with some TV to pass the time until he arrived. He was there in 20 minutes, and you immediately clocked the visible exhaustion on his face as he walked inside.
He dropped his jacket onto the couch without saying a word. You opened your arms for him as he walked to you and wrapped himself around you in a hug that felt like he was clinging to you for dear life. You stroked the hair at the back of his neck as he breathed you in, and you felt that he had been sweating.
"Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" You asked hesitantly, still cradled in his strong arms.
He shook his head before pulling back, allowing you to really look at him now. His eyes looked like he'd been crying, and his cheeks were flushed. Your heart plummeted into your stomach.
"Not right now, I just need to be with you." He said, his voice slightly hoarse.
You nodded and sat with him on the couch, laying your head on his chest while you listened to his heartbeat. He absentmindedly stroked your hair while staring into the fireplace, debating on whether he wanted to fully open up about everything that was on his mind.
When he finally spoke, his voice was laced with nerves, and you sat up at full attention.
"I... A while back, right before I met you, Donna had left my desk to go and work for Louis. When that happened, I started having panic attacks. It felt like I couldn't think, couldn't breathe, it just completely took over my entire body until it passed. She came back to work for me, and then I met you, and I think that combination helped me tremendously."
You nodded, listening as he continued.
"I didn't want to tell you about it because I didn't want you to worry or make you think I was weak, and since I stopped having them, I didn't think it was important anymore, but today... I had another one."
"Harvey, I would never think you were weak for being honest about your feelings or your struggles. I'd like to think you'd be understanding and supportive of me if I was going through the same thing."
"Of course I would!" He said definitively.
"Exactly. So, do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to sit some more?"
He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair.
"Donna told me she didn't want to be on my desk anymore, she said she wanted more. I get that, but I just don't know how I'm going to do what I do without her help."
"Did she say what she meant by 'more'?" You asked softly.
"She said she didn't know."
Harvey hung his head slightly, looking down at the floor. You could tell how much this was affecting him, normally he had all the answers and didn't sweat about getting what he wanted, but this time felt different. You knew how much he and Donna had been through for them to get to this point, so it never occurred to you that someday she might want to leave her position. You idly rubbed circles on his back.
"Maybe you can still give her more and keep her at the firm with you?" You suggested, desperately trying to come up with a solution to soothe the pain you knew he was in.
"I'd love that, but ultimately if she wants to go, I have no choice but to let her."
You sighed and laid your head on his shoulder, you yawned and briefly closed your eyes as he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
"You tired?" Harvey asked softly, suddenly noticing that it was long past the time you normally went to bed.
You nodded, sitting up again.
"Yeah, but I knew you needed me." You answered, looking up at him as you grabbed his hand, kissing the back of it.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to keep you up." He replied, feeling guiltier than he had when he walked in. The time hadn't even registered to him after the day he'd had.
"No, no. It's okay, this is what partners do. You should be able to lean on one another, it's a balance. I'm glad you trust me and our relationship enough to want me to be with you for this while you process. Now, are you sleeping here with me or are we going back to your place? Because I know you, and I know you won't admit you don't want to sleep alone tonight."
Harvey smiled weakly before he pulled you in for a soft kiss.
"I love you, Y/N. So much." He whispered against your lips when the kiss broke.
The admission made your heart skip a beat. Neither of you had said the L word yet, but you knew from the moment you saw him that he was it for you. Harvey had felt the same but didn't want to come off as some crazy boyfriend that knew you for all of five minutes, so he buried those feelings deep down for as long as he could bare.
"I love you too, Harvey." You said, a smile growing on your lips.
"Let's stay here tonight, I don't want to spend another second not in a bed with the wonderful, gorgeous, brilliant, selfless woman that I love." Harvey declared, standing and taking you with him.
"Uh oh, you're gonna make me cry." You warned, sensing the impending waterworks.
"I'm just getting started."
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cloudyyoimiya · 10 months
HIHIHI IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU IN MY INBOX! and yes ofc i’m starved of verlaine content myself so this will do nicely. thank you for requesting! 🫶
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When His Darling is Always Tired Because of Work; Paul Verlaine
Format: Headcanons and scenario
Possible warnings: Dark content, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, yandere themes
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When Verlaine first met you, he immediately took note of how you tended to work until you grew tired. He could understand your struggle with overworking yourself because he most likely struggled with it due to his assassinations and all.
Verlaine, of course, didn’t know he had the same issue as you. He really doesn’t consider himself as human, so why should he think of human emotions and put labels on them? It didn’t make sense to him.
Before kidnapping you he would try to make you take breaks. If you didn’t want to comply with his ‘suggestions,’ then he would most likely forcibly pick you up and set you down on a couch.
You didn’t save your file before he turned off your laptop? That’s quite unfortunate, but you should have listened to him. It was a consequence of your own actions in his mind.
When he did this though, he didn’t know why he was doing it. Did he really care for a human? How preposterous.
But when he saw that you were struggling more so than usual, he knew he had to do something about it. Maybe it was because he pitied you, or maybe it was because he didn’t want you to tire yourself into an early grave. He didn’t know the answer, nor did you.
Regardless, in his mind, he thought that kidnapping you was the only way to stop you from indulging in this bad habit of yours.
If he kidnapped you, then he could force you to stop working. But if you were persistent, he’d monitor your working hours so you don’t get extremely tired. After all, he wanted some of your attention before the two of you went to bed for the day.
Currently you were sitting on your couch, typing away on your laptop. You were working on a document that was due that night, and you had barely any time for breaks.
You were getting tired, and you were starting to doubt that your body would keep up with the rapid movement of your fingers. You felt like you were going to pass out at any minute. It didn’t help that you were awake for the whole day; no naps, no snack breaks, nothing.
Your so called “boyfriend” was sitting at a table a few feet away from you, looking over some documents. Verlaine wouldn’t allow you to look over said documents though. Your best guess as to why he wouldn’t let you look at them was because they included some information about his next target.
Occasionally Verlaine would look over at you, making sure you’re alright. Each time he looked at you though, you could sense a small emotional buildup growing within him. You didn’t know what it was about, and you didn’t dare ask. Sometimes his emotions were erratic to say the least, and you didn’t want to accidentally set him off.
Eventually when you were almost done with your paper, Verlaine stood up from the table. He then grabbed a pear from the small fruit dish on the table, took a small bite, then headed over towards you. His expression was unreadable, as per usual, but nonetheless it still sent not so pleasant shivers down your spine.
“Do you need something?” You asked, making sure to hide any traces of tiredness from your voice.
“Stop working,” he said as he sat next to you, his voice stern. “You look tired. I don’t want you to get overworked.”
You weighed out the options in your mind for a few moments. Take a break for a little bit and risk not meeting your deadline, or risk setting off your “lover.”
Verlaine wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he waited for a response. Every now and then he would bite into his pear until he eventually finished it up. He then threw the core into a nearby trash can and looked back at you.
“Fine. I’ll take a break,” you said with a sigh. You then saved your document and shut off your laptop.
“Good, good,” he spoke, his French accent appearing slightly heavier than usual. Maybe the documents he was reading over were in French? You didn’t know how accents worked. “Now, let’s spend some time together, hm? You clearly need it, my love.”
You held your tongue from saying anything you’d regret. “Of course! That sounds nice!”
Verlaine immediately wrapped his arms around you and pushed you into the couch. He then rested his head onto your chest and took a deep breath. You were slightly uncomfortable since you really know this guy per say, but you would admit it felt… nice.
“You should quit your job,” Verlaine murmured as he guided your arms to wrap around his body. “It’s not good for you.”
“But I need the money for rent,” you argued.
“I can cover all of your expenses. I have a high paying job,” he sighed. “And besides, I only want you to rely on me. I can provide anything you have ever wanted.”
“I’m an independent person. I’ll be fine,” you tried to reason.
“I don’t believe that one bit. You need me, admit it.”
Your eyebrow slightly twitched and you tried to keep a neutral expression. You knew the only thing you could do in this situation was to lie.
“You’re right. I need you,” you said with a sickeningly sweet tone of voice.
Verlaine let out a small sigh of content then kissed your cheek. “I’m glad you know that. I love you, my dear.”
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slowly getting more comfortable w/ my writing!!:&:!
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mugeesworld · 11 months
I saw that you're in need of requests 👀 May I request something for our sweet future pirate King luffy? Just pure sweet fluff!
Luffy is whining like always for food to be ready and their wonderful sweet and kind-hearted s/o feels so bad and deciaded to make some dessert for him and him only? Like he's so touched and when he tries it you can see the biggest shine over the whole sunny how good it is?! I bet he would fight anyone who dares to Touch or even try it
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Making a Sweet Treat for Luffy!
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Am I responding to this like a year later? Yes. Yes I am. Cause a promise is a promise and I'ma do every single one in my inbox RAHHHHHHHH. IK IT DOESN'T SAY CHUBBY READER BUT I'M A CHUBBY READER BLOG SO EVERYTHING HAS A PLUS SIZE READER I MIND!!!!!? I didnt mean to type that in caps oops! I'm gonna guess you want it gender neutral! Ty for the request ♥︎ it's low-key ended up crappy 🥲
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Luffys waits not so patiently as sanji cooks lunch #3. Clenching his teeth and licking his lips. So desperately hungry. Y/n watches from their chair as he glares at the pan his soon to be lunch is in. They can't help but giggle seeing him so riled up.
Sanji finally serves Luffy his lunch but with in seconds the large meal is gone. "More please!" he says rubbing his belly. Sanji sighs and picks up the plates. "You're appetite is getting harder and harder to keep up with Luffy!" he chuckles.
Y/n stands up from their chair to help pick up the remaining plates. They watch as sanji clenches his teeth and rubs his head. "Are you alright Sanji? You look a little pale!" they say giving him a concerned look.
He sighs and puts the plates on the counter. "I'm not sure....My heads pounding!" he groans, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead once again. "Why don't you go see chopper? Luffy can wait for lunch #4!" y/n says putting the rest of the plates down.
They start to push him towards the kitchen door. "Alright alright. I'll be back in 30 at the most!" he grumbles walking out of the kitchen.
Within a few seconds Luffy starts to groan. "I'm hungryyyyyyy. How much longer till 30 minutes is overrrrr??"
Y/n shakes their head and chuckles. "Well seeing as he just walked out the door id say it's gonna be a while!" They make their way towards the kitchen. Thinking about washing the dishes to help sanji. "Meatttt. I need meat!..." Luffy groans slamming his face on the table.
Y/n sighs. "Give me a moment and I'll see what I can fix up for you alright?" she smiles, putting the plates in the sink. Luffy perks up immediately. "Really! Alright!"
Y/n thinks about what to make. It needs to be something quick and easy yet filling... They ponder for a moment before coming to a idea. Beignets!
They quickly get out the ingredients to make their dough before getting out a large pot and filling it with oil. While the oil heats up they start to make their dough.
After frying the dough they fill the inside with chocolate sauce and sprinkle powdered sugar over the top. They look proudly at their beautiful dish.
"Ok Luffy close your eyes!" they say excitedly. Luffy obeys and shuts his eyes. Holding his fork and knife in his hand with a huge smile on his face. Y/n places the plate in front of him. "Ok open!"
Luffy opens his eyes and looks down. His mouth drops open, eyes going wide. "You made this y/n!?" he says smiling. They nod and watch as he picks up one taking a big bite.
Luffy feels like his body is melting. He has never ate something so delishes in his life. As he eats his food he keeps trying to talk with his mouth full. Y/n laughs as they watch him get powdered sugar all over his face.
The door suddenly opens to reveal sanji. "Sanji! How's your head?" y/n asks relieved to see he's ok. "Chopper gave me some medicine and said it was allergies! I'm feeling way better- wait. Did you make beignets? I never knew you cooked!" he says surprised.
"Yeah I did! Luffy was hungry so I decided to make something while you were gone! I'll clean up the kitchen though don't worry!" they say putting another plate of food down for Luffy.
"No that's alright! They smell wonderful! You'll have to teach me the recipe sometime!" he exclaims reaching for one off luffys plate.
Luffy quickly moves the plate. "Y/n made them for me so they are mine!" he mumbles. His mouth still full of food. Sanji grumbles "With the amount I cook for you, you could at least let me have one you jerk!"
Sanji continues to try and grab the plate but no matter where he went Luffy stretches his arms away until he eats the last one. Y/n laughs. "I'll make some more later so you and the crew can try some! But right now we need to sweep the floor cause y'all got powdered sugar every where slinging the plate around!" they laugh looking at the two men now covered in sugar.
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pieroulette · 2 years
A Story That Starts With a Text
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📃summary: when you installed a dating app to just mess around with random people, not knowing that you were turning your peaceful life into a bloody one the moment you sent that text.
🎬genre: yandere, angst
⚠️warning: self harming, lots of cursing, angst, evil Heeseung lmao,
📜word count: 11.3k
���pairing: heeseung x fem! reader
🖋️a/n: finally done! Thank you so much for waiting!! Again sorry if there's any grammar errors! And thank you again for reading my story, and as always reblogs and comments are always and highly appreciated! have a nice day <3
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| 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟖: 𝐋𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐞 |
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There's blood everywhere.
Red, everything was red. You saw nothing but red.
From the hem of your clothes, to the red stains on your fingers and the smudgy red stains on the rail, and to the bloody sheets on the white material.
You wished it's your tears that were the blood instead of theirs.
Tears endlessly pour down your cheeks as your feet try to sync themselves with the speeding stretchers with Heeseung and EJ on them; blood pooling down from their head down to their neck, and open wounds on their arms and legs.
How did this happen? They were doing just fine, and safe, before..
You shook your head, trying your best to regain your composure but it didn't last long when your eyes laid on the two boys.
You slid down to the floor with your back against the wall, clasping your head with your hands as your sniffles and hiccups echoed through the cold hallway of the hospital. Shaking in fear as you can only watch the red light on the top of the operating room blinking repeatedly, as if it was mocking you that it was your very fault this had happened in the first place.
Getting your phone from your pocket, your hand visibly shakes as you scroll through the numbers, tapping it as the call goes through.
You waited. But no one answers. Blinking back your tears, as it keeps dropping on the screen, as it strains because of the phone’s brightness, and partly because of the pain in your heart that your family isn't answering your call. And you know very well, they were ignoring you.
Wiping your tears off with the sleeve of your shirt, you sniffed as your fingers tapped the chat inbox of your sister’s — typing a short text about what had happened but you erased it again. They won’t bother to read your text, so why bother trying? But how would you inform them about Heeseung?
A nurse came into view from the distance and suddenly you got an idea, you immediately stood up walking over to her.
“Nurse!” she turned around facing you with a confused expression, “Can I ask you for a favour?”
Rush footsteps were echoing in the distance. You raised your head after sitting against the wall with your head hanging low for what seems like an eternity, peeking at the corners and there your sight was met with none other than your parents and your sister with Heeseung’s family. Heart sinking deeply and scared of what was about to come, you gulped and stood up. You can only observe as she shuffles around, looking for Heeseung, only him.
“W-what happened?” Your sister asked the nurse with wide eyes and fear clearly painted on her face. “Where’s Heeseung!?”
The nurse then explains the entire situation to them which leads to them breaking in tears, loud cries filling the place.
Ah, was that really what she was looking for? You knew that you would never be the reason they would come here again so why when you saw your sister, why were you still hoping? Hoping that a question would come out from her mouth, and that will be none other than you. To ask where you are or how you are doing. You lean against the wall, still waiting for anything to come out from your family, anything as long as it's about you. But you never heard it even until the doctors came out from the operating room and informed Heeseung’s family that he was now safe, however the next word that came out from the doctor made you bawl in tears.
“Both the patients have slipped into a coma.” the doctor
Covering your mouth with your hand as you try to suppress your cries, you push yourself up and walk off, your feet bringing itself farther and farther away from the hospital. The night sky greeting you along with its cold weather, alone you were as you walked through the street.
Your tears had run dry on your cheeks, tired and weak as you walked through the street. Right here and right now, you were supposed to be with EJ, even Heeseung should have been safe and well with his friends and your sister around this time but instead they were far too gone in the darkness, in the confines of the machines and wires with no guarantee of when they could ever wake up.
You don't know what kind of history they had with each other, but still you couldn't bear if one of them died because of you or even worse — laid unconscious in the confines of the hospital forever.
This shit happened all because you didn’t know who to trust, all because of your shitty headaches that you weren’t able to stop them from fighting, all because of you. It was your fault, wasn’t it?
With your phone in your fists, you turn it on, scrolling through your call log as your family and your sister’s number appear, making your lips tremble once again. You keep scrolling through again and again trying to figure out who you can call right now, who can help you right now. Just a hug and a few words of encouragement was what you needed at this moment because guilt was consuming your entire being to the point you wanted to cry again and again but you couldn’t, because you couldn’t bring the tears out anymore.
“Ch-chaeryeong?” you let out, as you choked on your tears.
“Hey! (Name)! Why are you calling-” the enthusiasm in your best friend’s voice made you burst into tears again, “Wha- wait are you okay?” her concerned voice from your phone’s speaker echoed through the cold breeze.
“I-im..” you bend down, hugging your knees with your arms, “I’m not okay."
A day, and a two turns into five, which then turns out to a week, then so on.
Until a few weeks had passed since the accident, a few weeks of you staying in Chaeryeong’s apartment, and a few weeks of guilt tormenting you. Your best friend were unaware of what was going on but by the looks of it, she couldn’t say much about it but comfort you which was the best thing because that is what you really needed right now. There were days where you felt embarrassed for staying free in her new apartment but she brushes it off by a strong flick on your forehead that it was not like you two had just met yesterday or that you were both strangers. Her frowning face made you giggle, bringing a bit of happiness inside you despite your state.
Through those weeks, you secretly visited Heeseung and EJ and every time you did so, every time you saw them unconscious — you burst into tears because it was because of you of why they were now in this horrible state, you held their hands in yours as you gently stroked theirs, apologising over and over again even though they were not awake to hear it. Praying for the first time in your life even though you never believed that there was a deity, all because you couldn’t bear the guilt anymore that all of this was because of you.
Placing the box of freshly cooked chicken on the desk, you watched EJ who was sleeping so sound and safe even though it was the complete opposite truth, you’ve also come to know that EJ had no family, in fact he does but according to the nurse, his family had ignored their calls and had abandoned him a long time ago which explains why EJ never bothered to tell you anything about his private life. Sitting at the chair beside the bed as you watch over EJ with machine’s wires intact to him, you look down in guilt, clenching your fists, wondering if you manage to stop their fight, would this even happen? Or maybe if you didn’t follow him back then, he wouldn’t have to turn out like this.
Staring at the box of chickens on the desk, the delicious smell that lingers in the air brings you back to when EJ sometimes visits you with a box of chickens in his hands.
“EJ, can you wake up now? I’ve bought your favourite chicken. Remember? Sometimes you share them with me every time you visit me because you told me that people shouldn’t eat alone, because if that was the case, then family wouldn’t be eating together. So, wake up now please. I don’t want to eat alone, you told me right? Please wake up so we can eat together.”
You looked up to the ceiling trying to keep your tears from falling but you still failed to do so as it flowed down to your cheeks again and it continued on till the box of chickens had gone cold.
With a heavy heart as you pushed open the door to Heeseung’s room, you walked in only to see him in the same state as EJ as well, again. The warm heat from the air-con greets you, but the sight of him this way breaks your heart, making it so cold. You leaned forward, taking his hands in yours as you gave a small peck on his hands, letting out a soft murmur, “Please wake up..”
“Just wake up, and tell me you really didn’t do anything- and I’ll believe you.” you choked, hanging your head low on the soft mattress. You look at his face, so innocent and so angelic, just like he had always looked when he accompanied you through your hard times, just like how he always looked into your eyes as if he was telling you that he will always be by your side no matter what happens. Now that you thought of it, another guilt consumes you once again. The memories of their faces and how they desperately asked you to believe one of them was the cause of your dilemma, you really don’t know who to believe because they both look so honest. Who was really lying back then? Who?
You sighed dejectedly, looking around the place to clear off your mind and then the bouquet of withered roses in the vase beside the window caught your attention, and the sight made you frown because it brought you back to time when Heeseung brought flower pots for you, placing them beside your window just so their scent would give you a sense of comfort. Then an idea popped in your head making you stand up so quickly but not before taking a look at Heeseung once again, stroking his hand with your fingers, “I’ll take the flower for you, okay?”
You hurriedly went into the room you were once before but not before peeking at the see-through circle if there was anyone inside, and luckily for you, it was empty. Opening the door quietly, you went in searching for the flower pot Heeseung gave you a week ago, the day he was fixing the flowers in front of you, you kept it under your bed before you left with EJ that day and so you bent down on your knees and to your relief, it was still there.
Your face falls after you realise what you had initially wanted to ask, a dilemma consuming your mind as you stare at his back and then at the flower pot he placed beside the window.
“What’s that? It’s so yellowish I thought it was a sunflower at first.” you tilted your head to gain a better view at the flower.
Heeseung chuckles at your words, “It’s a rare flower that my mom bought and placed in our garden, it’s just so beautiful to look at and it even smells good.” he took the small pot of a pendulous and trumpet-shaped flower in his hands to show you.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Heeseung says with a sweet smile on his face.
“What is it called?”
“Once you get better then I’ll tell you.”
“What in the actual fuck is that-”
Heeseung chuckled at your words, “Just get better soon, and you’ll know what it is later.”
Walking back to Heeseung’s room with the flower pot in your hand, you thought you could at least do the same thing for him. Who knows, he might wake up again because of this scent, or at least when he did wake up, then it would give him comfort just like it had done for you.
You immediately stop yourself from opening the door when you notice it was slightly open and the sudden loud voices from inside the room making your heart drop, knowing who it was; Heeseung’s friends and your sister, Chaewon. Afraid that you might make trouble again if you show yourself to them, you tried to walk away but not when the words of EJ struck you at that very moment.
“Heeseung has a disgusting deal with his friends.”
Friends. Heeseung’s friends. Those bastards. If what EJ said was true then these guys aren’t so innocent either.
Heeseung’s friends, the one EJ mentioned about the deal. You remember them back in the party that day;
“God, Heeseung. What happened to you dude?” the obvious accent in the boy’s voice, Jake.
“Chae, what happened?” another one, you remember who it was, Jay.
“Look at him, he looks like a baby in his peaceful nap.” a higher-pitched voice calls out, “Really, is that what you can think of?” someone lets out a scoff. You remember it as Sunoo and Sunghoon.
“Ni-ki, don’t touch that! That’s for Heeseung!” Jake voiced out.
“Aish, just one please!” the tall boy who was pissed over the entire ordeal that day, Ni-ki.
“Just let him. What did the doctor say by the way?” and the boy you caught in the game, Jungwon.
All of them are Heeseung's friends, the very group that created that disgusting deal to play your sister like a doll. You grimaced as your hands tightened around the door, to think that they could even be capable of doing such thing makes you wanna puke and the fact they’re now talking with your sister like they didn’t plan anything horrible about her was enough for you to just walk out and call them out for what they did. But you can’t, because you know that it will be met with nothing but the same response over and over again. No one to back up what you said, no one to believe what you said, you were all alone in this mess. The mess that you made.
“The doctor said it was a miracle that he went past the critical condition, but he wasn’t sure when Heeseung’s gonna wake up.” your sister dejectedly sighed.
“I heard your sister was the reason this happened to Heeseung in the first place.” Ni-ki raised his eyebrow.
You gasped. How did they know?
“Wait, I never told you guys?” Chaewon raised her eyebrows.
“Heemin told us, you know what she’s like.” Jay shrugged, “So it was true then?”
You waited for her response, but the room was filled with silence.
“Tch, just what’s wrong with your sister? It seems like she does nothing but make a mess, you know?” Sunghoon sighed.
“She really does nothing but mess. It has always been that way and I’m really tired of it.” she growled, biting your lips as you gripped the pot in your hands tighter.
A chuckle emits from the room, “She must be adopted then?”
“Ni-ki.” Jungwon called out.
“What, hyung? C’mon, just by the looks of it. Even Chaewon is done with her, we don’t like her at all.”
“She has bad luck, it probably sticks with her since the moment she was born.” another voice jokes around.
“And look, Heeseung caught parts of her horrible luck.” Ni-ki shrugged.
You try to blink repeatedly, holding back yourself from crying again.
“She’s selfish, that’s why. It was my fault I trusted her from the start.”
Selfish? You let out a small chuckle as your burst into tears, covering your face with your right hand as you gritted your teeth. When have you ever been selfish? When have you ever done that? Digging your nails on the flower pot, you walked off in tears, unable to hear anything more from them. The sun rays fell on you as you walked across the street, leaving the hospital behind you. Your tears flowed through the flower’s petals till it dropped on the soil, drenching it. And without hesitation, you decided to walk off not knowing what happened after you left.
Jungwon sighed as he fixes the straps of his guitar case for the nth time, when he suddenly noticed Heeseung’s eyes fluttering open, immediately walking over to him, "H-heeseung?"
Ever since then, you haven't checked on Heeseung and you planned to never do it. Everything you heard that day was too much for you to the point it consumes your thoughts day and night. It was really your fault, and maybe you were really selfish and maybe you really had some curse on you — that’s why EJ and Heeseung turned out this way.
Walking across the hall to check on EJ once again, he was the only one left, the only one you couldn’t bear to leave due to the fact that he had no one beside him now just like you. Fear mixed along with guilt inside you, you were now afraid that what if he’s going to stay like this forever? You can’t bear it if that ever happens, the life of those two boys ruined because of you, if EJ also ended up like Heeseung, you don’t know if you could ever live your life peacefully from then on.
With your eyes on the ground as you pushed open the door, you were taken aback when your sight was met with two boys around EJ's age inside the room. Their expression mirrored yours as silence filled the room for quite 10 seconds contemplating who was going to talk first.
Not until the red-haired boy hurriedly approaches you, making you jolt in surprise, "I didn't know EJ had a girlfriend!"
"Eh!? No I'm not-"
"EJ has a girl!?" You snapped your head at the overly dramatic dolphin scream from the boy at the doorway, covering his mouth in exaggeration with his left hand as his right hand was holding a cup of ice cream. "
"Oh my god, guys. Tone it down!" The dark blue-haired boy leaning against the wall beside the window growled, but his frowning face quickly turned into a small smile when he looked at you.
“EJ’s girlfriend?” he asked again with his palm softly gesturing at you and you immediately shook your head.
“No! He’s my friend.” your eyes fell on EJ who was still unconscious, making your heart sink in sadness, but the boy spoke again taking your attention back to him.
“Oh, that’s weird. He never told us.” He shrugged, seemingly in disbelief that they didn’t know about it. His response makes you curious, what’s so weird that EJ has a friend besides them? The boy immediately caught on through your expression and he let out an awkward laugh.
“Ah sorry, we haven’t introduced ourselves right? Call me Yeonjun.” he winked at you, and the red-haired boy beside you spoke.
“Hi! I’m Beomgyu. B to the E to the O to the M-”
“Just quit it, hyung!” The taller black-haired boy smacks him on his head, earning a few mutters of curses from Beomgyu.
“Nice to meet you!” The boy extended his hand to you and you quickly take it, and he playfully shook your hand. “My name’s Hueningkai! Hyuka or Kai. What’s your name?”
“O-oh call me (Name). Nice to meet you Kai.” you smiled, the warmth from his hand instantly soothes you which was weird. Was it because of his innocent smile, or was it because of how he was welcoming towards you?
“That’s a very beautiful name you got, no wonder EJ-”
“Shut up, Beomgyu. Can’t you shut your mouth for once?”
“You don’t own my mouth. Bleh.” Beomgyu sticked his tongue at Yeonjun, their quarrel somehow made you let out a small giggle. It was comforting to say the least, because it reminds you and your sister back then. You were about to feel sad again but you immediately ignored it, not wanting to ruin your mood once again.
“Where are the others by the way?” Yeonjun asked from behind you, making your ears perk up.
“Oh, they're checking on Heeseung hyung.” Kai answered.
What? What is he saying? Did they know him?
The red-haired boy Beomgyu tilted his head at your surprised expression, “Why don’t you visit Heeseung too?”
“Oh? H-heeseung?” you rubbed your head in small circles, “Who is that? I don’t know him.”
“Ah sorry, I thought you knew Heeseung since you’re friends with EJ. But it’s fine, it doesn’t always work that way I guess. But!-” he approached you happily, quickly taking your hand in his which surprised you, he then took out a small piece of paper and placed it on your hand, “We have a concert this upcoming week, it would be so good if you could come!”
“Concert? What is?” The small piece of paper was actually a ticket, and there it was written.
‘ROCK CONCERT on September 16
“EYE CANDY is our rock’s band name, we’re quite popular underground and isn’t the name so damn cool?” Beomgyu smiled so wide as if he was so proud of it, “We’re a freaking rockstar!”
It was only now that you noticed the guitar cases leaning against the wall behind him.
“EJ was supposed to perform with us but it’s really unfortunate that this happens..” Beomgyu’s face fell, along with the other two. “But it’s fine, we’re going to perform our best for him.”
After what seems like eternity, a smile finally adorns your face as you as you walk across the street with the ticket in your hand, going back to Chaeryeong’s apartment. A sense of relief engulfed your being that EJ wasn’t actually alone, even though his family had abandoned him, he had a group of friends that cared alot about him and Beomgyu’s words makes you wanna burst into tears, partly because you were happy and partly because no one’s going to say that to you again.
But it’s okay, you should be happy for EJ. At least, he wasn’t entirely alone like you were right now. Wiping off the tears from your eyes as you let out a shaky laughter, playfully raising your legs a bit higher while you were walking, and there your best friend came in sight with her hands on his hips.
“The fuck! Yah, (Name)! Why aren’t you answering my call!? You’re making me worried for nothing!” her frowning face and her exaggerated pout makes her look like a duck, making you burst into small laughter with tears in your eyes, but part of it was you can’t believe yourself. How did you even forget?
You weren’t actually alone.
Eyes shoot open, and with that the brown-haired boy pushes himself up from the bed, surprising the nurse who was arranging the stuff on the desk. Ripping the tape and clips off his hands despite the protests of the nurse, bringing his bare feet on the floor as he struggles to keep his balance while trying to walk out ofthe room.
“(Name)! Where is she?” EJ asked with rapid breathing, in which the nurse shook her head in confusion. “No.. where’s he? That son of a bitch.”
“Lee Heeseung.”
It was another typical cold day with a strong breeze flowing past your hair as you fixed the strap of your bag as you went to the hospital again to check on EJ, but somehow you felt a sudden chills creeping onto your neck which weirded you out. Was it because of the chilly weather? You think so, that’s why you were rubbing your arms in hopes to ease it, but the uneasy building up in your chest wasn’t helping however you ignored it.
“Why am I feeling this way?” Shaking your head, you went inside the hospital’s entrance and went up the stairs till it led you to the countless hallways and rooms surrounding you. Soft murmurs, footsteps rushing and the sound of trolleys dragging on the floor filled the entire space as you went on your way to EJ’s room, passing Heeseung’s room that was just a few rooms away.
A figure spotted you from the distance and approached you hastily as she harshly grabbed your arm and spun you around. You were about to get mad at the person but the sight made your breath hitch. “What are you doing here?”
“Unnie..” you let out a shaky breath.
With one swift push, the door to the room opens revealing Heeseung on the bed who has now woken up due to the loud creaking of the door.
Their eyes met.
“E- EJ?..”
EJ immediately went to him, pulling Heeseung with his collar again. “Die? I won’t die that easily.”
Heeseung’s eyes widened in confusion, “W-what are you saying?"
And with that response, EJ’s face contorts into disbelief, “You’re still pretending!? You piece of shit!?”
He harshly pulled Heeseung, pushing him on the floor.
“Stand up!” EJ pulled his sleeve, but Heeseung couldn’t get up on his feet in which he furrowed his eyebrows.
“I-i can’t walk!” Heeseung gritted his teeth.
“Fuck, another lie!? Aren't you tired of lying?”
“Why do you keep saying that? What’s wrong with you!?”
“Fuck, then let’s see how far you can take this shitty lie of yours.” EJ spat out.
“I thought you don’t want to stay in this hospital again, so what are you doing here?” she scoffed.
“N-no. I’m- I’m here too..” you try to think of what to say but then your eyes widen when you observe your sister’s face; fresh scratches from the left of her cheek and on her right arm, closing in the distance between you and her without much thought, “Unnie, w-what happened? The scar-”
She hits your hand away as her eyes filled with nothing but hatred, “Don’t touch me, stop acting like you care.”
“But who hurt you, Unnie!?”
“Just fucking stop it! When did you even care, huh?” Chaewon scoffed, “You were just pretending all this time aren’t you?” she hit your shoulder with her finger.
“No! Of course not! Why are you saying that?”
“Because if you care about me, if you care! Then you won’t try to fucking ruin my life! And especially Heeseung’s!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes once again as you murmured “..why do you keep blaming me?”
“Then who the fuck should I blame!?”
Jungwon who was walking across the hallway saw the entire commotion and quickly rushed to her side, gripping her arms “Chaewon, stop! People are looking!” then he took a quick look at you, “And you can’t treat (Name) like this, she’s still your sister!” he whispered-yelled, but Chaewon roughly pulled her arm away from his grip.
“Sister? You? Well then, I’m so fucking embarassed that you were even my sister in the first place.”
And that made your heart clenched in pain as you yelled at her, “Why do you have to be so cruel to me!?”
She roughly pushes you backwards with her hands, “How about you ask yourself that!?”
“Yah, you motherfucker.” EJ drags him across the hall till they reached the stairs, gripping Heeseung’s collar as he slightly pushes him on the edge “Let's see how far you can take your fucking lies.”
“EJ! No! Stop!” Heeseung’s rapid breathing echoes through the stair as he struggles to gain his balance with his feet just a few inches away from the edge.
"I trusted you. I fucking trusted you! Now you can't fool me, I know you're making up lies like you did back then!"
“L-lies? What did I say to you? What are you saying!?"
"Are you that shameless to keep pretending!? What are you even getting from this, Heeseung!?"
"I really don't fucking understand you!!" Heeseung cried out, desperately trying to hold onto EJ's hands in his collars.
"Don’t you remember that a random car suddenly appeared and hit us both!?"
"You think I didn't know that!? Fuck, you clearly wanted me dead that day!"
“What the hell is wrong with you? I really don’t understand what you are trying to say! Yes we fought back then but that was it! Why the fuck I would want you death? For what!?"”
“Quit lying! You bastard! You showed your true self that day, I fucking remember it so don’t you think you can fool me over this!”
“I really don’t know EJ!” Heeseung shakes his head as he bawls in tears, gritting his teeth. "I really, really don't know what you're talking about.."
"You fucking know me.. We've always been good friends so why, why would I think of doing something bad to you?" Heeseung pressed his eyes shut, crying in pain.
And with that, EJ began to hesitate, his eyes wandering around the place trying to remember the day of the car crash, he was sure Heeseung said something. He was fucking sure with it.
But why? Why? This boy’s eyes welling up in tears in front of him, with guilt evident on his face, it really seems like he was really telling the truth.
He shook his head, eyeing Heeseung again, “But that still won’t change the fact that you made that disgusting deal.”
“For fuck’s sake! Where did you even hear that!?”
“I heard it from them! They fucking told me that you all had that disgusting deal on Chaewon! I really can’t believe it. The moment those words came out from their fucking mouth, I really can’t believe it Heeseung! Are you even human!?”
“God! Don’t tell me you believe them? You know those guys often fool around!” Heeseung’s eyebrow furrowed as if he couldn't believe what he had heard.
“Do you really believe that I am capable of doing such a thing to Chaewon?”
EJ starts to contemplate once again. Blinking endlessly trying to make sense of what Heeseung said, was he really in the wrong for believing the guys so quickly? Was it true that he followed his emotions and made a reckless decision by blaming Heeseung?
“You know very well I love her,” shaking his head in disbelief, “And you know I would do anything to protect her..”
EJ hesitates, the anger in his face slowly falters and the grip on Heeseung’s collars starts to loosens.
"You really didn't do anything?.." he asked Heeseung again wanting to make sure of it.
Heeseung nodded desperately, and with that EJ looks down, "What happened to me?.."
But then a low chuckle emits from the boy’s mouth in front of him. In shock, he raised his head seeing Heeseung chuckling in amusement.
“Yah.” the innocent and guilty expression that was once on his face was now replaced with the same amusement EJ saw back then that day, “Don't tell you actually believe that? Wah, you’re really easy to manipulate, EJ..”
Heeseung hiccups with a spine-chilling laughter emitting from his mouth as he slowly looks up to gaze at EJ, tears in his eyes. “What a hassle you didn’t die that day, I guess the car didn’t hit you too hard then?”
“Fuck. Shall I call them to do it again then? Cuz I don’t mind.” Heeseung smiles widely with an amused expression.
Speechless, EJ couldn't think of anything to say as anger consumes him again,"Just what happened to you, Heeseung!?" He punched Heeseung, making him fall on the floor.
“You know I took you into our band back then not because I pity you, but because I really wanted to be your friend..” Heeseung wipes the blood off his mouth as he looks up to EJ, lazily glaring at him, “-but you really have to just ruin it by pulling this bullshit.”
“Had I known your true nature, I would’ve never joined that shitty band of yours. What the fuck is wrong with your head!?” EJ yelled at the top of his lungs as he pulled Heeseung with his collars again, putting him on the edge of the stairs.
“What the heck happened to you!? You weren’t like this before!”
Then out of nowhere, they both heard the commotion from the distance, you and your sister. Heeseung looks at the distance from where you and your sister were, and then back at EJ once again.
“I fucking hate you!” she harshly shoved your shoulders with her hands as you fell backwards once again, trying to gain your balance while with tears welling up in your eyes.
“What did you do!?”
“Unnie stop! Why do you keep blaming me for everything!?” you cried out.
With a scoff escaping from your sister’s mouth, “Then who should I blame? Who!? Headaches!? Bitch, you brought this on yourself. You took drugs and all? And you blame us all!?”
“Because of how selfish you are, this happened!” She harshly pointed at you and then at the footage playing on the screen. “What else do you want? What else!? Why was I so dumb to even-”
“Chaewon, just stop please!” Jungwon exclaimed desperately, pulling Chaewon away from you.
“Chaewon? (Name)?” EJ was surprised to hear your voice from the distance, and Heeseung rolled his eyes at your name coming out of his mouth.
“It’s pissing me off that you’re trying so hard to be righteous..” Heeseung murmurs in which EJ looks at him again with his jaw clenching.
“...But would they still see you the same way after this?”
EJ’s eyebrows furrowed, “What?”
And with that Heeseung yelled at the top of his lungs, mimicking a scared expression that was quickly replaced with a shit-eating grin, “EJ! Let me go! Please!”
"Ch-chaewon! Help!"
The three of you instantly snapped your head at the loud voice from the distance. “Heeseung?”
EJ's eyes widened, panic creeped it's way into his veins as he exclaimed, "What the fuck are you-"
Within a split second, everything happens too fast when Heeseung roughly pushes him off which makes his tight grip on the boy’s collar loosens as his body falls backwards, groaning in pain when his back hits the floor, but the realisation hits him as Heeseung was nowhere to be seen. And with that he quickly crawled to the edge of the stair and his expression was quickly replaced with horror.
“Wait! No!”
And then the door behind him swiftly opens, revealing Chaewon, Jungwon and you rushing in to see the commotion. As soon as your eyes laid on EJ, a huge wave of relief passed over you but it was soon replaced with horror painted on your face as your sight was met Heeseung under the stairs, writhing in pain as blood dripping out from his leg, cries of his pain echoed throughout the stair as you can’t bring yourself to move, only observing as Chaewon rushes down the stairs to go for Heeseung’s aid.
“Heeseung!” Jungwon exclaimed and then he noticed EJ, “EJ! You’re awake!?”
“Heeseung! Oh my god! What happened!?” Chaewon’s hand shakes as it comes in contact with the heavy blood spots on Heeseung’s legs. “What did you do!?”
“I didn’t do anything!” EJ shook his head vigorously, “I swear I didn’t do anything!”
“He fucking did that to himself!”
“Are you hearing yourself!?” Chaewon stood on her feet, glaring at him.
“It’s not me! I swear! (Name)!” tears threatening to come out of his eyes as he pleads to you to believe in him.
“I’ll call the nurse!” Jungwon rushed out and a few moments later multiple nurses rushed in and inspected Heeseung’s wounds, he was then sent back to the room with all four of you following behind. Chaewon ruffled her hair in anger as she shuffled around the hallway, then she turned around glaring at EJ who was behind you.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” she yelled at him.
“Why did you push him!? What were you fucking planning EJ!?”
“It’s not me!” he shook his head vigorously, “He pushed me and he-.. And he-”
“I’ll fucking report you to the police.” She pulled out her phone instantly, making your and EJ’s eyes widened.
“It’s really not me!” EJ exclaimed, then he looked at Jungwon who was leaning against the wall, “Jungwon, you know I would never do that!”
But Jungwon kept quiet avoiding his gaze, he did feel pity towards you and EJ but it wasn’t really his business in the first place and so he can’t do anything.
“No! Unnie!” she yanks your arm away as you protest, “Don’t do it please! We don’t know what happened yet!”
“Shut the fuck up!”
“You!” she pointed at you harshly, “You’re no different, either! You’re the reason why Heeseung almost died that day! Both of you, goddamnit!”
“H-how did you?”
“You think I won’t know? I saw the surveillance footage, and I fucking saw you and EJ with Heeseung! Why were you bringing my sister? What were you two doing together, huh!? And because of you two, Heeseung can’t ever walk again!”
“What?” you froze. “W-what are you saying, unnie?”
“Heeseung can’t walk again because of you two! You ruined his life! I don’t fucking know how long it will take but if he could never walk again then i’ll get back at you and make you pay. Fucking stick that in your mind. Just get lost, im fucking begging you. Get lost, get out of my sight. Don’t ever show your face again, you’re nothing but an annoying pest here!” She spat out at you, her eyes red due to tears and her jaw clenched as she turned around ruffling her hair in rage.
Sniffing as your lips tremble, “I-i..” feeling more guilty than ever before. Because of you, Heeseung was now?
“I fucking hate the both of you. You, Heeseung took you in despite how fucking poor you are! All because he thought of you as a friend, and then you betrayed him?” she scoffed in disbelief, “We all thought you really change, but how funny it was-”
“You are so dumb, aren’t you!?” EJ scoffed with tears in his eyes, “You really don’t fucking know who really cares for you and who don’t?”
“Then tell me who the hell should I trust? Definitely not you two,” she gestured at you both back and forth, “Liars. What I’ll call you two are liars.”
You couldn’t say anything as everything you heard today was too much for you, hanging your head low with embarrassment and guilt whilst clenching your fists. EJ noticed when he looked at you, and he blinked back his tears as he sniffed.
“Then go ahead, go ahead and report us. Me and your sister, you hate us that much don't you?” he grabbed your arm, pulling you with him and away from Chaewon but not before halting his steps and taking one last look at her, “You’ll regret this, you’ll really regret this Chaewon.”
You finally burst into tears while EJ was pulling you out from the hospital, the sunrays falling on you both and the strong breeze flowing past through your hair at least comforting for you but for EJ who was already so pissed, it only made him more annoyed as his jaw clenched at the sound of your cries behind him.
“Stop crying! What are you even crying for?” he turned his torso to look at you with his eyebrows knitted together.
With tears in your eyes, you softly murmured “Heeseung.. Because of us, this happened to him.”
“For god’s sake, are you all dumb? He can walk! I saw him, he can fucking walk! He’s fooling you and your sister!”
“If he can then he won’t fall on the stairs, EJ!”
“He let himself fall, he’s making it seem like I pushed him for god’s sake!”
“EJ! I trust you that you didn’t push him but Heeseung would never do that!”
“Don’t tell me you trust him after all he has done to you? What the fuck happen? Did you actually believe what he said that day!?” EJ gritted his teeth, “He was fucking drugging you!”
“If he did then why was I having a headache again!?”
“EJ, it’s impossible. The meds aren’t drugs, if it was then I wouldn't be so sick that day!”
“Fuck, no. I saw him! I really saw him with the nurse!!”
“Why are you so adamant in blaming him!?” you yelled at him, shaking your head as you were starting to doubt why he was insisting about Heeseung’s faults. “I thought he was your friend?”
“It’s because he was fooling me and Chaewon. Are you fucking dumb like your sister too!?”
“Then why didn’t you tell me what happened between you and my sister?”
“I didn’t think it was necessary.”
“Not necessary!?” you scoffed.
“It’s not important (Name)! All I wanna do is save her! What was I supposed to do? Just stay silent and do nothing!?”
“Why not? You could’ve told me, so I know! Why? Was it because you’re planning something against them? Were you lying to me all this time?” you pointed at yourself as your mouth trembled.
“What are you even talking about!? That was never my intention! Why are you making it about me now?!”
You shook your head, tears had run dry on your cheeks, “But how can I be sure that you weren’t using me against my sister and Heeseung!?”
“You and your sister are getting yourself fooled by that motherfucker! You know what? I’m fucking tired, i’m done.” EJ clenched his fists as he started to walk away.
“Where are you going!? You haven’t recovered yet!” You rushed to grabbed his arms but he roughly pushes your arms away.
“Why do you even care?” He raised his eyebrows, “Stop showing like you care, it’s so fucking obvious that you like Heeseung in the first place that’s why you can’t bring yourself to trust me.”
You froze, as he scoffed in disbelief seeing your expression, “Why? You didn’t think I notice? Why the fuck I even ask you in the first place?” he stormed off leaving you behind and alone on the street as you did nothing to stop him.
Looking down to your shoes as your tears drenched the material, was it your fault that you had feelings for Heeseung? Was it your fault that you didn’t know who to trust?
That was the last time you’ve met EJ.
It has been awhile since you visited EJ or Heeseung, troubles often happen whenever you’re around and at some point, you somehow believe it was because of you that’s why mess happens. Staring into the space as you rested against the wooden wall, it seems like everything you do often always turns to a mess, and that alone was enough to make you stay in this small room and never show your face to them again forever. Clenching the phone on your hand, the apology text on the screen you were planning to send to EJ but you couldn’t. Should you send it?
A knock on the door snaps you out of your head, as it slowly opens revealing Chaeryeong walking over to sit beside you. “You can’t keep yourself here forever, (Name).”
You kept silent.
“Is there something happening to you that I’m not aware of? You know you can tell me anything, we’re friends right?”
Silence again, but you eventually confide in her, telling her everything that happened from the day of the party till the incident in the hospital, excluding the whole texting part and drugs because you don’t want to really put her in a situation where she would potentially be in danger. You can only observed as her face contorts in every detail of your story and her first reaction when you were finally done was..-
“The fuck!? Has Chaewon gone mad!?” her jaw dropped in disbelief, clenching her fists exaggeratingly in the air, “That’s not a fucking excuse to treat you like that what the fuck? Nah, it’s official, your sister is crazy.”
You let out a low chuckle at her expression, but you were still down and she notices that as she strokes your hands with hers.
“You can’t keep letting your sister treat you like that. Just who the hell does she think she is? Okay I get it that she’s mad but she’s gone too overboard.”
Sniffing as you slowly wiped off the tears threatening to come out from your eyes, “I don’t know..”
“And about that EJ and Heeseung thingy, I don’t really know but don’t you think that EJ guy is sussy as fuck? Don’t get me wrong, but even if Heeseung did do something.. That doesn’t mean that EJ guy is clear too, right?”
“Also it annoys me alot that he only went to you because of, pfft..” Chaeryeong rolled her eyes, “Chaewon? Really?”
“I’m not really sure, the thing is I really don’t know who’s telling the truth.. Both of them still protected me in different ways, but each one of them were telling a different story that I couldn’t really, really tell who the hell is telling the truth.”
Your best friend sighed, “Then if you still struggle in who to believe, why don’t you decide which one you should apologise to?”
“You know, which one of them you felt the most guilty to? I don’t know, but you’re the one to decide (Name). Choose wisely though, should it be the guy who was by your side despite your shitty sister and parents? Or the guy who actually went to you just for your sister?’
Darkness engulfed the entire sky, with the sounds of the chirping birds dying down and was replaced with cicadas echoing throughout the night. The spectator of the beautiful night sky laid rest on the bed with his arms crossed on his head, and a small smirk adorning his beautiful face. He sat up for a moment and placed his right hand on his legs, and caressed it gently, “What an idiot.” his low chuckle filled the dark space of his room, with the moonlight illuminating at his face.
Then he lazily gazed at the door, “Finally you’re coming. Took you quite long, love.” he laid on the comfort of his pillows again with his back facing the door.
After checking the hospital’s entrance for sometime in hopes to avoid your sister, you finally went in and your faint footsteps echoed across the dark hallway, with your heart beating ever so loudly inside your chest. WIth Chaeryeong’s words ringing in your head, the only one you could think of was him, Heeseung. Despite how guilty you felt for EJ as well, there was just this undeniable feeling that pulled you toward Heeseung and so you decided to go visit him and apologise to him because you couldn’t bear the guilt and the emptiness inside you. You wanted to go and feel his warmth against yours again, his hands gently stroking your hair like he used to and the encouraging words he often says to you whenever you're down, like had always done for you when no one did.
You miss him.
“Eins.” he softly counted as you brought your foot ahead after another, “Zwei.”
“Drei.” and then up to the stairs, moving past the corners of the walls.
“Vier.” you observed as the lights from each room illuminated on the floor, and the soft murmurs from the people inside it.
Your hands started to become sweaty as you were getting closer to his room, and so you tried to rub it against the material of your shirt.
“Sechs.” Heeseung giggled, heart jumping in excitement as you finally halted your steps, standing in front of his door and you slowly raised your hand on the doorknob, and the see-through circle of the door gave you a clear sight of Heeseung sleeping soundly on the bed with his back facing you. You gulped, afraid of meeting him, afraid that he might not accept you anymore nor forgive you for not believing in him. Breathing through your nose, you can’t back out now, you were already here so you must do it and so your hand slowly pulls the door open, the creaking sound fills the room.
“Sieben.” Heeseung finishes the last number in his mind as your feet slowly brings itself closer to the bed, and to him. Your faint breath, and the sound of every step you took exhilarates him and the scent of yours just made him wanna stand up right now, pull you into his arms and kiss you. He chuckled at the thought, he had been meticulously planning this entire time, being patient and acting kind and all — and so, just a few more minutes would do, because he won’t be doing it — but you, who unknowingly crawls it way back to the claws of his insanity called ‘love’. It was quite easy, actually, that it baffles him because despite how smart you were at the beginning or how attentive and alert you were — in the end, you were just a little girl with a strong anchor called family, and it wasn’t so hard for him to pull those anchor away from you. Mercilessly strays them farther away from you till you had no one but him to depend on, till the last of the strings of your mind breaks and so just like that — it works as you were now finishing the rest of the job yourself, unknowingly and finally sealing your fate with him.
He pretends to be asleep as you finally open your mouth, “Heeseung?”
“I’m really sorry for doubting you back then, I’m really sorry Heeseung.” you spoke once again, then you paused for a moment, trying to think of words to say not wanting to make things worse than it was. But how funny it was, that whatever you say, he’ll gladly accept it since the only thing he wants was for you to be here, and that was exactly what you did.
“I-i’m sorry that I doubted you back then..” you paused once again as you pressed your lips tighter, “It wasn’t my intention, I just didn’t really know who to believe but I know that’s not an excuse that’s why I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you couldn’t walk again because of me, I’m sorry for betraying you despite how you stayed by my side all this time, I really didn’t mean to. Now thinking back, you were really the only one who believed me, and not my family..” you wiped off the tears from your cheeks as you look down to your feet, “It’s so fucking painful that my own family wasn’t there for me, but you were there for me. It was you all this time, so I’m really sorry Heeseung.”
And with that, Heeseung turns to you, making your teary eyes widened as he softly pulls you towards his chest and his arms wrapping itself around your body. “Don’t say sorry, I understand you. Didn’t I always say, I’ll always be there for you no matter what and that I’ll protect you and believe you no matter happen? So hush now, and never forget this.."
“if it’s for you, I’d do anything”
You bawled in tears as the words left his mouth, and the only thing you can only think of is it was warm. His body against yours was warm, his words were so heart-warming that it eventually melts down the cold freezing days of your life.
“You know, I don’t blame you so you don’t have to say sorry okay?”
You hugged Heeseung, his warm embrace engulfing your being — giving you the sense of home and serenity as you closed your eyes to dwell in it more, just for a bit more.
“Hush, it's okay.” your head lays on his chest as his other hand gently strokes your hair, “I don’t blame you.”
As you smile in content after hearing that, a small smirk appears in Heeseung’s lips as he plants a small kiss on your head. ‘Sweet, sweet, love. Why do you think your beloved sister and parents refuse to ever believe in you? It’s amusing actually, I just threw small petty lies here and there and they were so quick to believe in it that I had to stop myself from laughing..’
And just like that, you found yourself often coming back to Heeseung’s arms. Secretly visiting and spending time with him, at times you felt guilty because your sister doesn’t know about it but now it wasn’t one of your concerns because Heeseung himself tells you that he was delighted to spend the day with you since he was bored and stuff. However, no matter how you tell yourself otherwise, you know you can’t convince yourself that you weren’t falling for him harder than ever before. Every single day, every hour and minute was spent with him, and it was like your life wasn’t yours anymore if he wasn’t in the view.
There are days when you have those thoughts where you just want to do more than you should with him, something you should never do against your sister and that thought alone — when you realise it, made you wanna slap yourself. Still it saddens you sometimes when you peek through the door and finds Heeseung being so loving and caring towards Chaewon when they’re together.
But how foolish were you when that was only one of Heeseung’s tactics.
With the bright smile on your face, you brought the flower pot back in the hospital again as you walked across the halls and into Heeseung’s room in which his eyes widen at the sight of the object in your hands, and you happily told him that you wanted to do the same thing for him as he did to you in which he manages to put on a bright smile like yours and a few thanks leaving his mouth.
But unknowingly to you, when you excuse yourself to meet Chaeryeong for the day — with so much ease, he get up on his feet as he walk towards the window and took the pot in his hands, throwing it out from the window, watching it as it fell on the ground scattering all its contents. And when you come back, he puts on his usual sad face as he tells you that the nurses took it away, which you couldn’t believe at first because they never took it away when it was in your room.
But as always, he managed to adorn his words with beautiful lies and seemingly believable words as you believe in him once again, as always.
It felt like months, but actually it was only for a few weeks as the doctors had let him stay at home for further recovery and Heeseung's family and Chaewon were more than delighted to hear the news.
Heeseung could only roll his eyes in the back of his mind as he had to use the wheelchair, continuing his acts as a disable person in front of them until everything was completely done. But that could mean he'll have less chances to meet you now that he had to stay at home all the time.
But luck seems to be at his side as his family had went out for the day leaving only the caretakers with him, and after receiving a call from Chaewon that she has extracurricular activities for the day and of course not forgetting to say sorry and ilys and that she'll be back as soon as she can.
It's not like he cared, he never cared and he doesn't care even one bit of Chaewon didn't come. What he wanted was you, and as if luck was at his side, you came.
Genuine smile adorning his face because of you who were now beside him, in his arms as you gently helped him on the couch after he get rid of the caretakers, and watching you as you went to the kitchen preparing food for him.
“I’m actually not hungry..” Heeseung awkwardly smile when you walked over to him with the plate on your hands.
“Then why the hell you told me to prepare food for you!?” You frowned, placing the dish on the table a bit loud as you placed your hands on your hips.
“Just so-so..”
"God, you gotta stop fooling me or else-" you yelp as your foot accidentally hits the legs of the table, making you almost fall to your face on the ground if not because of Heeseung pulling you and that results in you falling on him.
"Ah sorry, sorry." you muttered as you try push yourself up but your legs slipped making you dropped into his chest again.
"Ugh sorry!" You looked up to him and then it hit you, reality dawns on you as you realised how your face was only a few inches away from his and that alone was enough to make you gasped, and the fact that his lips almost brush against yours.
You could’ve stood, you could’ve pulled yourself away from his body but you didn’t — you stayed, with your knees on his sides and your arms and hands on his chest, gripping the material of his shirt. You looked into his tender eyes that were slightly covered with strands of his hair as it bewitches you once again like it did back then in your sister’s birthday party.
Wait. Sister. Your sister.. What are you doing right now? You shouldn’t be doing this.
However, it's so hard to get up as your eyes gaze upon his red soft lips, making your thoughts run wild of how it would feel against yours. He’s so beautiful just like he always did, but this time, the sun rays reflecting on his face and on his wet orange lips made you feel all kinds of feelings, his face was sculpted so perfectly that you want nothing but to caress it, to feel his soft skin against your hand. His lips, you wonder what it tastes like? How complete would you feel once you do it, or how happy you would feel if you bring yourself to do it.
Heeseung was exhilarated at the intimate proximity you two were in right now, was it the time? He knew he should push you away right now since his plan wasn’t done yet, but how could he when he already had you so close and so fragile above him? Anyone could walk in anytime right now and that would probably ruin his plan and he needs to start all over again because of it but that was only if you had a change of heart, but it doesn’t seem the case when you can’t even pull yourself away from him.
In that moment, it felt like it was only the two of you in this world for Heeseung that he would just capture your lips within his and devour you completely, however he waits, not wanting to make a wrong step by making the first kiss.
You gulped, mind getting fogged with logics and emotions, hands sweaty as you clenched his shirt and then it happened — it happened so quick, that you couldn’t process much of what had happened but only feeling his soft lips dancing against yours, biting and sucking all over your neck and back again to devouring your lips, only pulling away for a short breath and only in that moment you notice his darkened eyes and his fucked up expression while his hands gripped your hips, putting you in place just so he can bring his lips into yours again.
It felt so good to kiss the guy you love, even though it felt so wrong because he was your sister's boyfriend, it felt so wrong and sinful.
And yet, as always — the bad outweighs the good.
You flinched when you heard a loud thud of an object from the distance, and when you pulled away from Heeseung's lips turning around to see the source of the noise, your heart sank as you were met with the sight of your sister who was utterly shocked over what she saw.
Heeseung’s eyes widened. “C-chaewon..”
“W-what you-” her mouth trembles as she tries to get the words out but seems to fail in doing so as tears start to well up in her eyes and hatred evident in it. Trying so hard to process what she had just witnessed, and then it finally sank in.
She rushes towards you, pulling you away from Heeseung. “What the fuck were you thinking!?” clenching your shirt in her fingers as her eyes was filled with hatred and anger.
“Chae! No!” as much as Heeseung wanted to pull you away from Chaewon, he couldn’t. His plan of pretending to be paralyzed would fail. He could only hope that you would leave as fast as you can so you wouldn't get hurt by Chaewon.
“Why? How dare you!? How can you do this to me!? What kind of a sister are you?” she scoffed in disbelief with tears flowing down her cheeks.
“You never change! Just like you fucking did back then when we were young, you were still the fucking same!” Chaewon screamed at the top of her lungs, thrashing you around. “Why are you doing this!? Why do you want us all to suffer!?"
"I fucking cared for you but you did this to me? With my boyfriend?! You’re destroying every bit of trust I had in you, (Name)!”
She bawls in tears, "Why?!! (Name)? Why are you doing it again!? Why are you ruining everything I have!?"
Only the cicadas’ cries and the sound of birds chirping was heard throughout that moment. The warm breeze from the window passed through the both of you, as dejavu hit you, realising the horrible fight you had with your sister four years ago happens once again.
History repeats itself, once again.
And you finally opened your mouth, "But the difference is, it wasn't only me."
"Why are you only blaming me, Unnie?" Letting out a small chuckle with your face in disbelief, “Your boyfriend won’t kiss me back if he cares so much about your so-called relationship."
"W-what the fuck are you trying to s-say?" Chaewon grits her teeth at your words.
"Isn't it so fucking obvious already? He already fucking kissed me. What are you still waiting for? Get lost. It's so fucking obvious that he likes me and not you." you spat out, and the strands of your hair weren't enough to cover the hatred-filled eyes of yours.
Both Heeseung and her was utterly shocked to their core when that words left your mouth.
"Yah.." Chaewon shakily breathes, "You whore!!"
It was mess everywhere as Heeseung was baffled watching as you two were pulling each other’s hair making a huge mess in the living room;
The shit-eating grin that vaguely appears with his helpless voice begging you to both stop, "Chaewon! (Name)! Please stop! Stop!"
He had to actually stop himself from laughing as this, this is what he wanted. His plan was successfully working on its own before his very own eyes.
Screaming, sounds of slapping and lots of curses thrown at each other, the same red marks and scratches appearing again on your skin and your sister's like it did before. Everything was repeating again.
Your sister's skin was now bleeding with scratches from your nails, making her grit in pain but you didn't care as your face contorted into an immense anger, and wanting her to feel the pain you had all this time.
“All you fucking do since that day is you keep blaming!” Stomping your feet repeatedly on the floor, “---Blaming! Blaming! Blaming us! That’s all you think of! Don’t you know how it fucking hurts!?” blinking back your tears as your face has gone red by now.
"And well, guess what!? Your boyfriend is visiting me all this time! We fucking spend alot of time together and you have no fucking idea of it!!"
After what seemed like hours, it finally ended with Chaewon backing out with her hair a complete mess, faint blood dripping out from her mouth, scratches all over arms and neck and parts of clothing ripped apart. You were in the same state too, both of you panting.
Chaewon's lips tremble as her red, teary eyes glares at you and Heeseung. "Fucking traitors.." and then she stormed off, wild thoughts running in her head.
"Chaewon? Chaewon!!" Heeseung fell down from the couch, dragging himself on the floor as he tried to catch up with Chaewon with tears in his eyes — perfecting his persona of a paralyzed patient and a remorseful boyfriend in front of you.
"Heeseung! Just stop it!" You rushed over to him, wrapping your arms around his as you can't bear to see him this way. "Just let her go, please!"
"No but Chaewon!?" He bawls in tears, "This is wrong, (Name)!!"
Fuck. Heeseung could almost burst into laughter at how he was so into his acting.
"It's okay, it's okay.. You still have me, right? Right?" You gently pulled his head on your shoulder as he cries in pain and tears fell down on his cheeks, and unknowingly to you, a small smirk finds its way on his lips.
'You're finally mine..' he thought to himself.
You looked into the distance of where Chaewon had left and your heart aches at the thought of it, making you pressed your lips tightly. But it didn't matter now as you gently place your head against Heeseung's.
And just like that, unknowingly to him — he had fallen right into your trap.
Chaewon bawls in tears as she walked across the bridge, glaring at the sky and cursing whoever lives up there because if a deity even exists, then her life won't suck this much with her boyfriend and sister betraying her.
But it did.
And it was too much for her to take, the betrayal and the horrible sight has witnessed; it was too much and so she grips the rails, getting ready to climb up onto it not until a pair of arms pulled her away from the bridge, thrashing desperately out of the arms of whoever tries to stop her from taking her life away.
"Chaewon! Stop!" The brown-haired boy exclaimed desperately as he tried to keep Chaewon in place.
'I hope you are there now with unnie, EJ.' you thought as you softly stroke the boy's hair who was still crying.
The love of your life, your first love, the love that had provided you comfort and home in your winter months, something you appreciated with your whole heart and soul. He held you within his arms like you were so innocent and so fragile, and so you happily returned the favor.
So beautiful and so innocent, so helpless and so fragile that if you let it go, it would break and disappear into the air, almost as if it was like an angel whose wings were mercilessly rip away from him.. But almost it was, almost, almost..
Since the beautiful angel letting out tears of pain in the comfort of your shoulders right now was none other than a fallen angel.
And your eyes that was filled with love a few mins ago are now replaced with hatred. Eyes narrowing contrary to the gentle strokes of your other hand on his arm, sighing through your nose as your lips curved into a sweet smile.
'Did you really think I'm that dumb to believe you?'
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© sweetpieceofnightmarez, Oct 21th. 2022
-> secondary blog: @llyzblog
-> taglist: @jjongsha , @skuiall , @jeonronwoo , @mimikittysblog , @zanyduckkitten
! ask or comment if you want to added to the taglist
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Voulez-Vous | J.H.S.
Summary: Your best friend invites you to a night out with her fellow Top Gun pilots.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x f!reader
Content warnings: Drinking, fluff, getting caught by Phoenix (?)
My inbox is open!
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"It's ABBA night at one of the clubs. You should come," Natasha told you. You clicked start on the washer before taking your phone off speaker.
"I don't know. Don't you have trainings and stuff tomorrow?"
"No? It's Friday. Look, I'll even pick you up."
You sighed before saying okay. Natasha squealed and told you to dress like you were going to a disco. As you looked at yourself in the mirror after getting ready, you couldn't help but think that you looked ridiculous.
When Natasha texted you that she was outside, you grabbed your credit card and ID before getting your keys out of the decorative bowl by the door.
"Oh my God, you look great! Oh, and this is Bob, my back seater. Bob, this Y/N."
"Hi, I've heard a lot about you," he said.
"All good things I hope."
Bob let you sit in the passenger seat and you took control of the music. The club was about twenty minutes from your house, and you started to get nervous as Natasha and Bob waved to a few guys in the distance. You put your keys in the center console before getting out of the car with Bob.
"Y/N, this is Payback and Bagman."
"It's Hangman, but you can call me Jake," the green eyed aviator told you with a smirk. You would be lying if you said he wasn't cute.
You blushed as you felt Jake put his hand on the small of your back to guide you into the club. Damn backless tops. You thought. All of you were sitting at the bar when Jake offered to pay for everyone's drinks. Phoenix caught onto his antics almost immediately, because he glanced at you before making such an offer.
You were able to talk Phoenix and Coyote into taking vodka shots with you and that really kicked the night off. All of you hit the dance floor after having a few more drinks. Lay All Your Love On Me started to play, and you and Jake were so close that you were practically kissing. No one really seemed to notice as he took you outside and leaned against the brick wall.
Moments later, the two of you were in a heated makeout session. His hands were all over you, and you didn't mind. It was taking a lot for him not to turn you so that you were against the wall, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
"Hey, Y/N - oh my God, we can't take you anywhere!" Natasha exclaimed. You pulled away from Jake, blushing.
"Was that directed at him or me?" You asked.
"Him, obviously. They're about to play Dancing Queen and I figured you would want to know. Yeah, I'll be back inside."
As soon as you saw her go back inside, you turned to Jake and laughed. He pulled out his phone and handed it to you.
"We should go out sometime," he said.
You blushed and typed your number in before going back inside.
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Seeing as Attack on Titan has finally finished and is now over I just wanted to make a post to thank everyone and the fandom itself for the experience I've had within it. I made this blog a good few years ago and since then I've met and spoken to a lot of chill and amazing people, being in the fandom (especially Levi's part of the fandom) has let me interact with so many cool individuals I wouldn't have otherwise. I have no regrets making this blog because even though I haven't been active for roleplay recently, it still means a lot to me. As does Levi as a character.
I remember when I first started watching the anime years prior to now. I saw Levi and I was immediately interested to see who he was and what type of character he'd become. He's always been a sort of comfort character for me (despite not getting a day of comfort once in his life) and to see him get his happy ending had me in tears when I watched the finale earlier. He deserved it. Levi himself means a lot to me personally and I've never rooted for and been so invested in a character like him before.. I probably will never be with anyone else. I created this blog for fun so everyone can get a small dose of Levi. Whether they're interacting with him in a roleplay or simply seeing the Levi posts I make/reblog and over the years from anon asks to actual dms I've received I'm glad to see that a lot of you found joy in this blog, that was one of my goals and it makes me happy to know I've reached that goal for some of you.
Thanks to this blog I've gotten to talk to and interact with a lot of Levi fans who've my time on Tumblr 10x better. Thank you guys and thank you Isayama for bringing people together like this.
Also thank you Levi ily king
I'm accepting asks now, for the time being at least.. So whatever you want to send in, just pop on into my inbox and I'll try respond as soon as I can!
-mun <3
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reticent-writer · 2 years
Hello! i hope you're having a great day and taking care of yourself, i've known your account in a while and read your work and i think you're a amazing writer also makes me addict to it and bc of it i'm late on my homeworks hahaha but it worth it so who cares..
i saw that your inbox is open so i wanted to ask if you can write about shigeo kageyama having a crush on a popular reader, and one day their saw him eating by himself and ask if can sit with him and starts being friends??
Hello, I was having an okay-ish day but when I got this it immediately made it 100 times better. If it makes you feel any better my homework is almost never turned in on time.
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You were the type of person to light up any room they walked into. You were the kindest person you can imagine, anyone would want to be friends with them.
It was only natural that Mob would be drawn to you, but he never got the courage to talk to you.
You usually hug out with who ever you felt closer to which was tsubomi, but it never felt like a real friendship. More like you were being friendly with each other for the sake of not being alone.
Today you were having a bad day. You didn't feel like being around your usual 'friends'. So you took your home made lunch and decided to eat outside.
Walking to what looked like an empty seat on a bench and sat down. Half of the bench was covered by a bush from your point of view and you failed to see Mob sitting there.
"Oh hello, I hope you don't mind me sitting here. Your Kageyama, right?" You said half heartedly not wanted to be rude.
"Um Yeah, I'm shigeo Kageyama. I don't mind." He said flustered as you actually talked to him.
The both of you sat in silence as you ate your lunch until Kageyama gained some confidence to ask you a question.
"Why aren't you eating in the cafeteria?"
"I just didn't feel like it. Today is just not my day ya know." You said through a sigh.
"I get it. Sometimes you just need a break, I come out here almost everyday to relax." He said, he sounded so sincere, you both continued to talk until lunch was over.
That day sparked a friendship between you two. A true friendship.
Maybe it will develop into something more.
Hope you like it.
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
HI AMIA!!! Hehehe, im glad ur inbox is open again^^
Could i request a WXS x reader (separately would be nice) pocky game type thing? U can ignore this if no, i just thought itd be cute! :D
Also love ur work!
hihi!! but aww this is cute, and ty!! I hope you like this!! <3
♡ POCKY GAME - Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro, Emu Otori and Nene Kusanagi x Reader
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When you approach Tsukasa with a pocky box in hand, he'll watch you with a curious gaze
"Hm? What is that for, my co-star?" "Well, it was originally for you, but I thought that it'd be fun to do the pocky challenge!" "The what?-"
You explain the challenge to him, and his eyes widen before he laughs, bringing a hand to his chest, "Well, I assure you, I shall win this challenge!"
With that said, you take out a stick and place one end in your mouth. He takes the other end, and you both take careful bites
He actually goes slowly, set on winning. You match his pace, and the two of you slowly inch towards the middle until...
He leans forward, capturing your lips in his. Your eyes went wide, but you quickly melted into it. He pulled away after a minute, grinning at you. "Looks like I have won!" "...Tsukasa, that's not how it works-" You would let him have that win anyway.
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Rui knew immediately what you were planning to do with the pocky box in your hands
"Ah, what do we have here?" "Oh c'mon, I just thought it would be fun!" "It'd be easier to just ask me to kiss you, y'know."
Your face was warm, but you insisted that you just wanted to do it because it'd be fun, no other reason. He sighed, shaking his head before smiling. "I suppose this should be fun."
You took out a stick and placed one end in your mouth. He takes the other end, and he starts with a big bite-
It was a bit shocking, but you kept going, taking smaller bites than him. You inched closer and closer to the middle and...
He suddenly moved back, causing you to lose your bite on the stick. "Wh- Hey! That's illegal-" He cut you off by leaning back in, kissing you on the lips. He pulled away with a smirk, "I kissed you and I won, now we're both satisfied!"
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Emu would try to snatch the pocky box from your hands the moment she saw it-
"Hey! No touching, this is for us!" "Ohhh...You should've said so!!" "I didn't even say a word- But, we're doing the pocky challenge!" "The pocky wha??"
You explain the challenge, and her eyes go wide. "Ohhh, that sounds super duper fun!! Let's do it!!"
You take the stick and place one end in your mouth. Emu does the same, before immediately taking the biggest bite she possibly can-
You're surprised, and take a small bite. She just takes a big bite, and before you know it, she was well past the middle. She didn't even notice...
She simply leaped forward, eating the rest of the stick and kissing you on the lips. She pulled away with a grin, "Mmm, that was so yummy!! Do you have any more??" She did not understand the purpose of the challenge, but she had fun!
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Nene would immediately give you a deadpan look when she sees the pocky box
"No." "I didn't even say anything!" "It's...It's a stupid challenge, I'm not doing it-"
You persist in bugging her about it, until she sighs, shaking her head. "Fine, fine, I'll do it. Just...Don't tell Tsukasa or Emu or Rui-"
You promise you won't before taking a stick out and biting one end. She bites the other, and takes the smallest bites she can
The two of you inch closer and closer together, both of you refusing to take bigger bites. You both were close together in the middle before...
She pulls away, her face incredibly warm. "Ah, that's so..." She looks at you, her face growing warmer, "I..." And then, she leans forward, giving you a quick kiss before running away-
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ghoastixx · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a poly Bill and Ted with a male reader who's a bassist? Maybe they have the reader join their band? I barely see Bill and Ted x male reader fanfics and I need more (I saw your Bill and Ted x male reader fanfic and I love it sm :))
Poly Bill and Ted x male bassist reader
AN:Hello sweetheart!!! I’m so happy to have an ask, it’s been a hot minute. I would absolutely LOVE to write this for you!!!!! I’m so glad to get feedback on my other writings, I’m so glad that you liked my other one! And I agree 100% that there aren’t enough Bill and Ted x male reader fics. I’d be more than happy to supply them to you :))))
Wether or wether not the boys knew you were a bassist before you guys started talking is definitely questionable
So we will run through the statistics.
The boys knew you were a bassist before you guys got together
There’s not much to do around during the summer since everything gets boring pretty quickly in San Demas.
The boys gathered enough money by working their shitty- half assed- part time jobs to go to a little local ‘bar.’
It wasn’t really a bar, more just a dinner theater type thing for the locals to fuck around in
Literally and figuratively
“Hey Ted,”
“Yes Bill?”
“Do we know them?” Bill asked, pointing to the stage where some guy was setting up his equipment.
“Isn’t he in our science class?”
They both seemed to look at each other, sharing a brain cell.
“Well what is he doing here?” They both seemed to think. They didn’t seem to think much of anything until someone started shredding on stage. They turned around to see who the killer was, and low and behold, they saw you.
“They’re good.”
“We need them in the band.”
“We need them in the band.”
They both cornered you after the show.
“Hey dude, we think it would be killer if you’d join our band,”
“It would be totally excellent!”
Of course you’d join, what else would you have left to lose?
Of course, you guys got closer, and eventually started dating.
2. They didn’t know at all
You were watching them during their band practice one day, they considered it a “date.”
You kept watching as they picked the wrong strings, and argued with each other while they played.
Eventually having enough, you step in. You snatch the bass out of the ones hand and show them how it’s done
Needless to say, they are absolutely floored
Excuse me y/n????? Why’d you never mention this before????
Immediately apart of the band
No questions asked
They make you play more
Like oh my god look at how cool our s/o is?????
If you played your own gigs, they would be your number one fans.
They’d go to all of your shows if you let them in for free
They’d brag to EVERYBODY about you.
“This is our totally excellent babe Y/n”
“He’s stellar on the bass, you should listen sometime.”
They’d shout you out in the films they make of their practices.
“Filmed by the excellent babe, and the most triumphant bassist Y/n”
They love you so much.
Please validate them.
They need it.
My inbox is always open!
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sandwichfordinner · 2 years
can I request Norton, Luca, Edgar, and Naib (if it's too much you can deduct anyone just not Norton pls :,) with an s/o who kind of hides her emotions with a joking mask and bottles up her emotions? Like say she fails a calibration when coding with them and she mentally scolds herself then just laughs it off as if shes not degrading herself mentally. So like one day in a match when y/n gets downed and it's her last chair, she just sorta let's her frustration out (i mean like kicking, punching, and pulling Antonio's hair.. #saveantonio2022) while she sobbing her eyes out. Like homegirl doesnt even realize that she broke free from the balloon kind of sobbing her eyes out 😭
sorry if this is too specific or doesnt make sense :( english isnt my first language so I heavily apologize
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ଘ♡﹒ॱ˖ ﹆i am so sorry but I couldn’t make naib cause it was too much for me I’m sorry again , I am happy that someone requested for Edgar since no one writes for him atm.
ଘ♡﹒ॱ˖ ﹆ But please take a note everyone: I need to know if the characters are separated or not, and I need to know if it’s an one shot or scenarios . Please keep that in mind because if this happens again , I have to ignore the request. But if you saw your mistake you can ask again but this time of the characters are together or separated, oneshot or scenarios. Thank you for your attention!!
Tw for the Edgar part: reader having a breakdown Oh and also! I made 3 different y/n if that’s okay! AND! I wanted to draw you guys something too becuase i havent posted a fic in months plus i passed my exam!! (shoutout to the person in my inbox that said gl in school , ily and tysm)
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Norton, Luca and Edgar with a FEM!! s/o that bottles up her emotions
You are decoding in arms factory. It isn’t that cold nor that hot outside. But it’s always foggy. You didn’t really liked it because there was a lot of dust and you sneeze sometimes out of the blue.
As you are trying to focus on the 3rd cipher, one popped meaning that there are 2 ciphers remaining. You were looking from time to time around you if the hunter is coming but no sign. You sighed nervously but as you got distracted you missed a calibration. When survivors miss a calibrations the machine shocks you , which you hiss in pain. It hurts your hands for 10 seconds but the pain doesn’t last forever. You got frustrated from the pain in your hands , holding them shaking.
,,I HATE YOU I HATE YOU STUPID MACHINE’’ you kicked the machine hard enough to send another shock to your leg. You fell backwards and started tearing up. ,,WHY MEE!!’’ You screamed.
Your heartbeat started to raise, meaning that the hunter is near.
You stopped moving as you realised what did you do. It was like the colour of your skin colour fell (like in the cartoons, by the way I don’t want to sound racist, please type down in the chat if it made you guys uncomfortable, I will immediately delete it). If you didn’t make a circus it wouldn’t have happened.
,,I am such a fool, I am such a fool…’’ you were muttering under your breath as you got up.
,,The hunter is near me!’’ You screamed while trying to kite The Violinist.
It’s been a minute since you kited Antonio. But you got hit when you dropped a pallet. One more hit an you’re down.
After 10 seconds you got downed again,
Cipher Machine Progress: 67% 1 cipher(s) left.
The cipher has reached the half of the decoding which is good.
Still trying to heal on the floor ,Antonio tied you in balloons. You started struggling aggressively, screaming, crying , trying to hit Antonio. You pulled his hair which he groaned in pain and dropped you on the floor.
A magnet was thrown in front of Antonio.
‘Oh for-’ Antonio said to himself before getting stunned at a object.
He got stunned for 3-4 seconds until started chasing you again, you were sobbing .
,,Cipher machine primed!!!’’
,,Holy moly Y/N are you okay. What was that from you..?? You aren’t like that!!’’ Norton asked body blocking you, then threw a magnet again at the hunter to keep some distance. He accidentally used the magnet that attaches you and he got hit.
He groaned in pain.
,,I’m sorry’’
You were with watery eyes , and embarrassed.
You started to hiccup while running.
You tripped and fell on your face.
,,Focus in decoding!!!’’ Screamed Norton on top of his lungs.
The alarm went on signalling that the gates can be opened. The sound of the alarms startled you, you quickly got up furiously and started running. Norton stopped bodyblocking you and went to the opposite way where the other gate was, muttering guilty ‘sorry..’ . He couldn’t help you because he was out of magnets.
Still running for your life you couldn’t even tell your teammates that Antonio had detention.
He hit you really hard on the head.
,,Owwww’’ you cried in pain.
Antonio tied you , and placed you on a rocket chair aggressively. You could’ve tell that he was really mad at you,
He used teleport and hit Norton right away, leaving Martha to run away.
She ran to the other side of the map and rescued you.
She grabbed your shaky hand and went to the gate.
,,Jesus Y/N what were those screams.’’
She asked.
Your cheeks went red from embarrassment.
,,I uhm.. I don’t know…’’ you couldn’t really speak, because of those screams you let out.
,,Uh huh.. whatever let’s get out of here , he’s coming’’
You both got out leaving you with a tie.
Antonio walked out silent. Oh he was mad.
Suddenly big and strong hands wrapped around you.
,,Y/N!! What happened love? You didn’t answer while I was body blocking you!’’
It was Norton.
You blushed.
,,I .. uhh. I can’t talk right now.. I feel like I have no voice..’’
You tried to talk but you whispered, soon you relaxed in his arms.
He stared you while he was hugging you and chuckled.
,,Okay you will explain to me later, alright?’’ You nodded.
He chuckled again and kissed you on the forehead.
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Luca was humming while working on his new invention. He was focused , until the machine exploded in his face , leaving black dust on his face.. O shit the wall.. There was dust everywhere. Luca started coughing , got up quickly from his seat and opened the windows still coughing. From the manor you could see a black dust getting out of Lucas window. Naib went inside the room without knocking.
,,What happened???????’’ He shouted.
,,Calm down Naib, my machine exploded.’’
Naib sighed annoyed.
,,If it exploded, your face could’ve burned by now.’’
Luca shrugged.
,,I dunno , guess I am lucky this time’’
Naib glared at him.
,,Next time be careful’’ Then he slammed the door shut. One of the vases Luca had on the counter slipped from Naib closing the door aggressively and broke into pieces.
,,Oh come on…’’ Luca groaned in annoyance. He got up and started picking the pieces carefully. But he remembered that he was with gloves so he gathered them into a handful and threw them into the bin in the corner of his room. He then remembered about his little machine and took a look of it.
It was completely shattered and dusty.
He groaned. This was the 2nd time now happening.
As he got up again from his seat ,he felt his body weak . Everything went black for a few seconds until everything was back to normal. He felt his head in pain too.
Low iron.
,,Uhhh….’’ He groaned.
He got out of his room and headed downstairs.
,,I’m sorry..’’
Luca stopped walking and peeked to see what was happening.
,,Please Y/N calm down! I don’t want the whole manor to hear you yelling…’’
,,What is going on??’’ Ada came to break the drama.
,,None of your business Mesmer.’’ Then Y/N walked away sobbing.
,,Wow.’’ Luca muttered under his breath.
,,Oh you’re here to hear what’s going on too?’’ Mike appeared behind him, startling him.
,,Oh jeez Michael you scared me..’’ Luca called his name mockingly.
Mike rolled his eyes in annoyance.
,,Whatever.’’ He was about to leave until Luca asked him.
,,Uh Mike question. Why was Y/N so mad?’’
He blinked a few times processing the question in his head.
,,….Oh that uhh.. Honestly I don’t know, but I have heard rumours from Emily that Emma acts a bit uhm.. How do I say this… weird..?..’’
,,Huh but isn’t Emma one of the happiest and cheerful here?’’
,,Yeah yeah but , as much as I heard about her. She’s just a weird fella you know?’’
Luca stayed silent.
,,She kind of … has an obsession.’’
,,Oh’’ Luca muttered.
,,Yeah…. Well uhh see you around.’’
Then Mike left.
Luca walked upstairs and went to his room.
,,If it’s really an obsession then I really feel bad for Y/N..’’ he looked around his room sadly , talking to himself.
Hours have passed and Luca got out of his room again with a tired gaze.
,,Wait why am I out..??…… Oh yeah!’’
He walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to grab some food. As he did that he went to the table and sat with the others to eat.
As he was eating he saw Y/N , looking at her plate blankly. She had bags under her eyes.
Luca felt guilty.
He ate quickly his meal , got up from his seat and went to the little kitchen the manor shared , to wash his plate.
After that he went to Y/N seat.
,,Meet me outside when you’re finished eating’’ Luca said grinning.
You gave him a confused look still trying to process what he said.
You ate one more bite quickly and went to the kitchen to wash your plate.
You got out to the manors yard. It was a little cold but it was still nice. There were few people outside which you didn’t mind.
From afar you could see Luca, and Emma…
Your eyes widened when you saw her and hid behind the grave keeper quickly. He flinched and looked back at you confused and nervous as always.
,,Erm miss Y/N..? What are you doing.?
,,Andrew please do me a favour. Can I stay behind you please?’’ She said nervously.
He looked at you confused but nodded and got back to digging some eaten flowers by bugs.
Luca saw you hiding behind Andrew , him giving him a weird look.
Luca got the message quickly when he saw Emma waiting.
He approached her.
,,Hello Emma, waiting for someone?’’
She looked at him and smiled nervously.
,,Yeah uhm.. I am waiting for someone..’’
,,…. Y/N…’’
,,I think that she went up to her room , why are you waiting for her to appear?’’
,,I have to tell her something..’’ she was playing with her gloves.
,,Huh but I think that Emily wants to tell you something, she told me to meet her after dinner, why won’t you check on her?’’ Luca said smiling.
,,Emily?! My angel! Thank you Luca!’’ She ran off.
Luca sighed and looked at Andrew nodding his head to tell him that everything is okay.
Andrew looked back at you.
You were shaking.
,,Um…. Y/N..? I-I think that nothing bad is going to happen..’’
You were looking around the garden and sighed in relief that Woods wasn’t here.
Then you looked at Luca waiting for you.
,,Thank you Andrew so much, and I am sorry for the discomfort I caused you.’’
You spoke embarrassed.
Andrew muttered a ‘no problem’ and got back to work.
You walked when Luca was and greeted him.
,,Hey Luca , you wanted to meet here , correct?’’
He nodded shyly.
,,Is there something we need to talk..?’’ You asked him tiredly.
,,I umm,. Uh… Please don’t get mad at me I heard you arguing with Emma and-‘’
,,You did????’’ Your eyes widened and your cheeks started to heat up from embarrassment.
,,Yeah but don’t worry about that.. I umm.. I know that this sounds stupid but I felt bad for you and I wanted the two of us to talk what’s bothering you.. Do you bottle up your emotions? Cause I see you mostly calm and today I was shocked’’ He chuckled awkwardly
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,,…. I.. don’t really know..’’ you said quietly.
‘I messed that up didn’t i.’ He thought.
,,It’s just that Emma makes me uncomfortable.. She says weird stuff , like how we will be together forever , that she won’t leave my sight.. i thought it was normal and supportive, but this continued for 2 years and I am sick of her saying the same things over and over again.. it’s … weird. You just have to do something about it.. you can’t just keep your mouth shut..’’
Luca nodded , listening to you very carefully.
,,I am so sorry for today..’’ you chuckled tiredly.
Luca hugged you.
You flinched at his touch but relaxed, it was like you were protected.. You felt.. safe..
,,Don’t worry, from now on i will make sure Emma isn’t bothering you, alright?’’ He said softly, and smiled.
You nodded and smiled back.
Your body relaxed in his arms.
,,Thank you Luca’’ you blushed.
You were walking fast to your room , but accidentally bumped into someone.
,,I am so sorry!!.. Oh Edgar my apologies!’’ You said nervously.
He scoffed at you.
,,Watch where are you going.’’
Then he left, walking downstairs.
He didn’t even offer you a hand? How rude of him! You got up quickly, and dust yourself off , heading to your room. It was next to ‘The Coordinator’ and ‘The Postman’. You searched for your key in your pockets and found it. You unlocked your door and went inside, then closed the door and locked it.
Y/N laid on her bed tiredly from all those matches , and from all the people she had to listen to, observing , saying bad stuff, but you have to say things back, right? You can’t really. They just tell you bad things in front of you , they don’t even care what are they saying! You can’t fight back. But you have to. It sounds easy, but you just freeze and let the words hit you like a train (LMAO WHAT😭). It’s tiring.
,,Let’s just sleep for now, I will see what’s gonna happen next..’’ you said to yourself tiredly. Then your eyes closed, the warm and not so soft bed relaxing your body.
Suddenly a soft knock was heard from outside her door.
,,Umm Y/N..?’’ Whose voice was that?
You opened your eyes slightly and groaned.
The person outside heard her groan and started speaking nervously.
,,I umm.. Im sorry for disturbing you Y/N… But uhh.. It’s your turn to wash the dining’s tablecloth.. It sounds silly but today is Sunday remember..?’’
Oh yeah Sunday… The day where everyone has to keep the manor clean - washing , sweeping the leaves in the garden’s floor, washing the dishes.. It’s annoying.
Y/N recognised that voice.
She got up from her bed quickly and unlocked the door revealing Annie with a nervous smile on her face. She knew it was annoying.
,,Thank you Annie.’’ You said.
,,Hey, since I have already washed the carpet in the kitchen and it’s drying outside , can I help you with washing the tablecloth?’’ She offered kindly. She was such a sweet person.
,,Why not.’’ You answered and smiled.
Her nervous smile turned to a happy and calm one. She grabbed your hand , which you flinched from her sudden touch.
,,Come on! Let’s go!’’ She said happily and started to walk fast with you like a 7 year old who just saw an ice cream truck.
You giggled and followed her from behind.
Annie sighed tiredly.
,,Who! I feel tired..’’ she said with a grin.
You chuckled. ,,Of course you feel tired silly, you washed the kitchen’s carpet which is really big and now the tablecloth.’’ You smiled and she giggled.
,,Well let’s put the tablecloth outside! You hold the other side and I will hold this side.. but we need one more person..’’
Edgar appeared from one of the rooms. ,,Need help?’’
,,Oh Edgar! It’s nice seeing you! And yes, please. Me and Y/N were just talking how we needed a third person!’’ She giggled.
Edgar turned his head towards you, with a blank face which you blushed a little and avoided eye contact.
He smiled a little and turned back to Annie.
,,Of course, what am I supposed to do?’’ He asked.
,,Just hold this side and me and Y/N will hold the other two.’’
,,Alright’’ the three of you were going outside with the big tablecloth - Edgar holds the middle part of the table cloth , and you and Annie the other two.
The three of you place it outside to dry with the other.
You feel tired again.
,,Thanks Annie and Edgar.. I will go now..’’ you yawned and waved at them. You didn’t look back because you were tired. AGAIN. Seriously?
You laid again on your bed tiredly and closed your eyes.
It was like your bed was the only comfort place where you can escape the problems.
Safe place..
You cant sleep.. its hard but you just close your eyes..
MAP: Arms Factory
4 Cipher(s) left
,,My head hurts..’’ you said to yourself while decoding.
You aren’t paying attention to perfumer being chaired near you.
You didn’t know.
You were done with the cipher and she flew back to the manor.
,,Huh? Why no one rescued her..?’’
You were too tired to think.
2 Cipher(s) left
,,Y/N you idiot!’’ Suddenly you heard Edgar from behind you. He was mad.
,,Why didn’t you rescue Perfumer?? She was near you wasn’t she!!’’ He was talking too loud..
,,Shut up please..’’
,,Oh you want me to shut up?? This isn’t a kids game Y/N , we have to have each others back. And what were you doing? I bet you didn’t do ANYTHIIING!!!’’
His eyes widened and furrowed his brows.
,,How dare you speak to me like that???!’’
He stared at you shocked and speechless.
,,Leave me alone..’’ you sobbed.
Wasn’t he supposed to not care?
Deep inside him felt guilt.
,,I… Didn’t know you had fatigue syndrome.. I’m sorry’’ he sat in front of you and gave you a tight hug.
,,You are tired. I am so sorry.’’ He muttered.
,,I’m sorry…’’ he said again.
You couldn’t say anything. It was too much. Everything was too much.
You cried in his arms.
,,You can rest.. I am here.’’ He said softly.
,,The match?-‘’
,,I said rest.’’ He scooped you closer protectively.
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for those of you who dont know what fatigue syndrome is , its when a person has difficulty thinking, problems sleeping, sore throat, headaches, feeling dizzy, or severe tiredness.
Please keep that in mind i am not mocking it in my fic.
Thank you for requesting and reading! See you in the next fic.
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The Best Years: Day 534
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Pairing: Mingyu x female reader
Genre: angst, some crack and then fluff
Warnings: swearing, talks of ex's and cheating
a/n: HI I'VE RETURNED TO THE LAND OF THE LIVING! Seriously though, this is what I get for not finishing the whole series before I started posting but I was just so excited. Anyways please enjoy, if you want to request anything my inbox is always open! I'm currently working on this and a little Chan mini series kind of thing that I'll hopefully be posting soon!
“I am in love with a WHOLE IDIOT!” you yell as you walk through the door of your shared apartment, Mingyu right on your heels.
“I’m not an idiot!” he seethed as he hung up his jacket, kicking off his shoes in the process.
You were supposed to be enjoying a nice date, but it ended abruptly when you and Mingyu had run into your ex on the way to get ice cream. You were cordial enough, it wasn't like you really wanted to have a “ohmygodhowhaveyoubeen?!” conversation with him, but you asked a few basics and went on with your night. 
You thought everything was just fine but apparently Mingyu was feeling a type of way. You’d noticed he’d been on edge for awhile now but you figured you two were just settling into living together. But then he managed to “run into” your ex again when getting drinks for the two of you which lead to about an hour long conversation between the two of them trying to one up each other and you sitting there staring at your drink in the most unamused state.  
“I literally had to sit there and watch you challenge him to a ‘my dick is bigger than yours’ contest!” you huffed, plopping down on the couch.
You crossed your arms, closing yourself off while Mingyu stood on the other side of the coffee table. You were truly at a loss for words. Mingyu was one of the most secure and confident people you’d ever met and to see him basically acting like a fifteen year old was something you hadn’t experienced in the almost two years of dating. 
“Well,” he muttered under his breath, “if it was that kind of contest I would win for sure.”
You blinked at him before raising an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna kick you in the shins,” you said in the flattest tone you could muster, “he’s an ex for a reason. If I wanted to still be with him I would’ve married him.”
You saw something shift in Mingyu’s demeanor immediately at the mention of marriage. 
“Wait,” he said quickly, “you would’ve married that stale ham sandwich of a human??”
You were slightly taken aback not only by the fact that that was the only part of the conversation he’d heard but also at the use of “stale ham sandwich” being used as an insult. You mentally stored that one for a later date if needed. 
“We were together for like four years,” you explained, “so yeah it came up at some point. But we ultimately wanted different things. I wanted to settle down and get serious and he wanted to hook up with his coworker so you can see how it didn’t work out.”
This was new information to Mingyu. While you’d talked about ex’s and everything early on into your relationship you never really told him why you’d broken up with any of them. To you the why wasn’t really important. You’d worked through your issues in years of therapy so why bring up the past if it did no good? 
“Shit,” he said quietly before sitting down next to you, “I’m sorry babe.”
You let him take your hand, not really having the heart to stay mad at him over something trivial. 
“Don’t be,” you shrugged, “it’s in the past. I’ve clearly moved on to better and bigger things.”
A smile finally broke on both of your faces as you laughed together. You finally leaned into him, kissing his cheek before leaning your head on his shoulder.
“I do need to ask you something though,” you confessed, “what’s been up with you lately? You seem so on edge almost. Does it have to do with us living together? If you need more ‘you’ time all you have to do is tell me.”
“No!” he panicked, “it’s the opposite i promise,” 
“Can you tell me what’s up then?” you turned so you could look up at him.
Your interest peaked even more when his teeth caught his bottom lip, something that only happened when it was something big. You watched his face go through a few different emotions before he got up and made his way to your shared room.
“Stay right there!” he called, you could hear him rummaging around for something. 
After a minute or two he came back out with something in his hand.
“Ya know,” he started before sitting down on the edge of the coffee table so he could face you fully, “This was not how i was really planning this but I’m learning the perfect time doesn’t exist.”
He opened his hand to reveal a small ring. A single stone that seemed to sparkle brightly in the dim lighting of the living room. 
“Gyu…” you stumbled, your voice catching in your throat.
“Just hear me out really quick,” he hurried, “I know this isn’t a remedy for me being a dickhead back there but I’ve been sitting on this ring for one hundred and sixty nine days. I’ve been sure of the fact that you are it for me since our first date. I’m thankful every single day that you’re the first thing I get to see in the morning and the last thing I get to see at night. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. So, what do you say? You wanna be stuck with me forever?”
You couldn’t help the stupid grin that was now plastered on your face.
“I have one condition,” you said, giving him your hand.
“Anything,” he said as he slipped the ring on your finger, kissing the top of your hand.
“Hyphenated last names,” you giggled.
“You got it, my love.”
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
I sent you an ask about the Jay smau, idk if you got it, since tumblr just hasn't been sending some of my ask, I know you said you were gonna not answer one since it gave you ideas, which I know the one I sent started with something about us all sharing braincells and talked about the bff could sabotage y/n, and how Jay might respond and all once him and y/n are together. If you didn't get it, you could let me know and I'll try to resend it.
Also to reply to the other ask I sent you, I feel like NCTzens are either amazing to writers or so toxic. Like I once did an MTL that was an ask and it was who would like a thicc s/o and I put Taeyong like in the middle, and I got so much hate, someone spammed my inbox with like 40 messages saying Taeyong would never want a fatty, and they made like 10 fake accounts to comment on all of my NCT mtls to share their opinion, and I just had to delete most of my NCT MTLs and block like 20 accounts. They were so mad that I said Taeyong would probably want a an s/o that eats well, they felt the need to attack me so badly, I quit writing MTLS for NCT after that. Then I would have people in my asks complaining about me not doing them anymore, and it's just like I wonder why; you ask my opinion and then when I say Johnny would love a girl with a fat ass you attack me since it's not want you wanted me to say. I've been in a lot of fandoms, and I'm lucky most I've been don't go out of their way to attack you for a varying opinion or disliking something, but NCTzens it's just like where do you get the audacity.
I feel like they would probably think I'm some weird and be all ew p*d0 or something, but I'm just such a mom friend it's just like if you are younger than I and we are interacting, I now view you as my child nothing else; but it's just easier to avoid talking to them, since people always immediately assume the worst, which I don't blame them since there are so many weirdos on here. tbh it is, like I see no age anywhere or like even an age range, like just put 18+ or 21+, just let me know you are legal, otherwise I run the other way and hit that block button with such speed, it could rival Usain Bolt; since I just immediately assume minor that doesn't want you to know they are a minor. The same is for people who write smut about minors, when they themselves are not, even if they didn't know the age of the idol. Like I saw someone the other day that wrote Niki smut and someone messaged them saying 'he's a minor', they full on said "omg I had no idea, he looks like he's 20" and like this is why we can't have nice things, at least they deleted their stuff, but still immediate block.
the czennie fandom part: YES. i feel like czennies on here just overdo everything like calm tf down and if you dont like certain type of content just..dont read it? its honestly so sad bc they used to be my ults but i also had such bad experiences in that fandom it's heartbreaking. ive been so much more cautious and careful with what i post ever since and i feel like a lot of fellow former nct writers feel that way. its just so difficult to deal with it all bc you do it as a hobby and to kinda escape the real world and boom, hate and negativity everwhere. i'd never go back to writing for nct for that sole reason only. im so sorry you had to go through that baby, i know exactly how disheartening and demotivating that can be 💔
about the whole age thing: FULLHEARTEADLY AGREED. i think with a fandom this young its super difficult to find a good balance but im honestly glad most of us older engenes think that way and so far most younger ones have been super respectful (tho i did have to block a few minors bc they interacted with my nsfw content) i still feel a lot more comfortable than i did in other fandoms. the thing is, atp if a 05/06 liner happens to write smut about an idol the same age i just close both eyes and block them bc who am i to tell them what to do yk? yet not knowing an idols age you write for is kinda ???? nah, dont fw but deffo get your other points. also i lit felt the mom friend part so hard bc same (more like older sister friend) but im genuinely afraid creeping out younger engenes bc i dont wanna seem like im being a weirdo 😭
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