#I need to come up with a design Sebastian in this AU
oya-oya-okay · 4 months
I'm thinking about adding Sebastian to kuroXtwst...😈 I decided that I would draw them both in any scenes that I would come up with / +events (but Sebastian will not appear in the kuroXtwst plot any time soon)
Please give me a little more time and we can finally have some fun!✊💖💗💖💗
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ham1lton · 1 month
you said u read ao3 fics! what are your f1 recs?
ahhh!!!!! this is the best question you could have ever asked me like ever i love you so much. i’ve been dying to talk abt this for a hot minute. i opened myself up to any sort of ship mostly because i cared more abt the fic quality then the ship you know? kinda glad i did it because my fav ones are not necessarily ships i am a fan of. it’s really long so i put it under a read more!!
okay so number one has to be the fic that was my first fav f1 fic. this is steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it). now this has a lot of elements that i love. guy who’s in his own head vs other guy who’s also in his own head but pretends he isn’t. also idk why but i’m always a sucker for a good medical au and this one fucking delivers!!! another maxiel fic i read was three rounds and a sound which has coffee shop owner daniel w/ stressed out student max. a lot of introspection but it’s also unfolding while the romance is. idk i just love this. it’s so good. last maxiel fic is come on, star boy which is a alt universe where daniel is the american guy he always wanted to be and max is the new transfer to his small town’s football team. it isn’t just incredibly written but everyone feels so real and vivid. i can visually see this in my mind everytime i read it. i listened to a lot of ethel cain while reading so that helped. i love this so much and the brocedes in the background?? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves youuu 🗣️
i’m not really a landoscar girl, i’m gonna be honest. however, where i am going is right where i am, is just incredible. alt universe where the drivers live on a street version of stars hollow? brocedes that influence everything even though they’re long over? charles being insane over max? pierre hating on esteban every second that is possible (i was laughing every time he would just cuss his ass out unprovoked) and annoying george being their street’s version of gilmore girls’ taylor?? what more do u need in ur life?? also oscar in this fic is just my dream man. i think a croissant from him would fix me. actually i read a lot of this author’s landoscar fics and they’re so cute i was sending kudos as much as i can. like already home! just want to bite them both and put them in my pocket. they’re so obviously in love i want to shake them down and scream and smoosh them together. lawyer!oscar i love you. check out their profile!! incredible writer :)))
i’m also not a galex truther but the two of us, in sympathy is so cute!! rich boy!george with broke junior doctor!alex. george attempting to court alex and just absolutely failing. i love it. they’re such a mess i need them in my life. also this loscar future fic is so intense but incredible. i’m really bad at describing but i binged it on my train home and i was really glad i did - i promised to forget you now.
the reason i even got into f1 aka brocedes. this fic i think was one of the first i read. on the faultline which is just amazing. i can’t recommend it enough. read it if u can. another fav is a brocedes threesome with their toxic fucking each other via proxy aka new money, and it’s all cash. cute brocedes!! nico thinks lewis is his sworn enemy but everyone knows otherwise. roseberg’s vs haminkton. this was so cute and funny. cause why was nico saying lewis, the owner of a tattoo shop was stealing business from him… when he owns a florists… he’s so dramatic i want to tuck him in my pocket. this job will take my sole has the same premise but they’re both shoe shops which makes a lot more sense. i just love stupid rivalries and dramatic nico.
now back to my sweethearts, the lights of my life, the fires of my heart - sewis. all of these fics have past brocedes just for context. every tongue should confess talks about religion and queer identity in such a nuanced and delicate way? i adored this fic. transmotion which is another alt universe with fashion designer!lewis and footballer!sebastian both figuring out their careers, themselves and their relationship. maybe together we can get somewhere - this is an mpreg fic which usually isn’t for me but it’s about seb and lewis going on a road trip for an abortion and it’s so good. honestly the ending line of ‘it’s a good feeling, to know that sebastian’s outstretched hand is right there.’ it just stuck with me. i loved it. the numbering at bethlehem which is thee sewis fic to me. professor au?? this was made for me. like perfectly moulded. everything about this is art. i could do a full essay on this fic. just read it, it’s incredible. just amazing. sebastian as the child prodigy who has nowhere else to climb?? i love them both in this fic so much!!! tnab sewis get behind me!! i’m gonna protect u!!
okay i’m sorry this is so long. i just love art. i love writing. i just love the work these authors’ have spent putting together these masterpieces for free!! check them out!! leave kudos!! comment!! <3
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notf1obsessed · 1 month
wrapped round my finger: Charles Leclerc x Carlos Sainz (AU!)
Carlos and Charles are both automotive designers who are big names in the car industry, having worked with many companies before. They have both set aside their past, but what happens when they're forced to work together?
Chapter 1: disrupt my life (again)
"It's wonderful to have you with us Mr.Leclerc," Vettel shakes his hand in greeting, "Im sure you'll make a wonderful addition to the team."
Charles shook his hand in response, smile on his face. After many hours spent working, he'd finally made it. He'd finally been able to join Ferrari in designing their new car model. This was a lifetime goal of his; working with Ferrari. This was the moment he'd worked up his whole life for, he knew it.
They were standing in the Ferrari HQ in Maranello, right in front of the meeting room.  If you had told younger Charles he'd be standing here, he'd be laughing in your face. But now, Charles's fantasy was very much a reality.
"Right, you and one other will be our head of this project," Vettel continued, "Come with me so I can introduce you to them."
Vettel pushed open the doors to the meeting room, holding it open for Charles to enter.
His smile was immediately wiped off his face.
"This is-"
"Carlos," Charles interrupted him before he can continue.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow in response taking a seat in front, "I see you have met before."
"Yes something like that," Carlos joins in, smile on his face. He was at on the opposite end of the table, hands clasped together and bent forward.
Charles felt bitterness boil in him, trying hard to keep his doll face on.
He would rather be anywhere in the world than with Sainz right now.
"Well then no need for introductions I see," Vettel now continued, expression much more relaxed, "We can get straight to the point."
Charles took a seat on the table opposite Carlos, eyes glued to Vettel. He turned over his papers as he spoke, dimming his voice which was quite quiet.
Not much help to Charles. Words entered through one ear and exited through the other, though he did manage to pick up some points. It was hard to stay focused with Sainz in front of him.
He could feel Carlos's eyes pierce through him.
Seb went through the points of them having to work on the main design, nothing much besides the clauses and contracts. Though Charles payed particular attention to when Seb mentioned they would have to work together.
He dwells about that point for a short time before refocusing. He can't throw away his opportunity at Ferrari just for some guy who didn't even earn it.
He can't.
The meeting ends quite quickly, Seb simply explaining the days they will work on the design. Charles shakes Seb's hand, walking through the door afterwards. His excitement is very much bursting through him, the goal of his life finally achieved.
"Long time no see, mi amigo," A familiar voice calls from behind.
His excitement is damped rather quickly, stopping slightly before continuing to walk towards the exit.
"You too," he responded, voice barely above a whisper. He doesn't turn to face Carlos, eyes on the glass doors in front.
Sainz picked up his pace slightly, meeting level with Charles (a few centimeters taller).
"Haven't seen you around since you moved away from town," he countinued.
The mention of his past town made Charles freeze abruptly. He left all his memories there and didn't want them to return. Though, with the arrival of Carlos, 2/3 of them already had.
"Yeah well work's been busy," he responded blandly, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He raises his wrist to look at his watch, trying to find an excuse to leave.
Carlos didn't speak for a minute, hands ruffling to fix his black suit.
"I have lunch with some of my friends so I better not keep them waiting," he lied through his teeth, eyes now lifting from his watch, still not daring to face Carlos.
"Well, see you on Monday," Carlos responded, his face indicating that he knew Charles was lying. The uncomfortable silence stretched for what seemed like hours before they finally reached the doors.
Charles didn't repsond, instead walking towards his Mercedes. He opened the door to throw himself on the seat.
He buried his face in his hands, groaning loudly.
That idiotic Carlos with his idiot smile his idiot hair his idiot suit his idiot-
He lent back on the seat's headrest, slowly opening his eyes to see Carlos smiling smugly through the window.
He wanted to rip that smile off his face so badly.
Charles arrived in his Mercedes on Monday, confidence spilling over. He adjusted it quickly, taking the sunglasses off his face as he entered the building and shoving them into his shirt. His hair was ruffled, not very messy though. He's planning on making a good impression, and he isn't going to allow a shitty Carlos interfere. His eyes navigate the place, looking for any sign of someone who will lead him to the designers. His trip isn't long lasting as he sees a person approaching him.
He seemed quite old, probably in his early 40's. He wore a Ferrari employee fit, his hair combed neatly to one side (probably using a lot of gel in the process considering how his hair glistened under the light).
"You must be Mr.Leclerc?" the man asks, eyes glued to a clipboard in front of him.
Charles nods, not sure the man saw him, so he replies as well, "Yes."
The man nods into his papers, finally taking his eyes off to look at Charles, "Right this way then."
The man leads him to a fairly sized room, not a lot of people crowded inside. Charles stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, not sure what to do. What doesn't help is that the man immediately abandons him afterwards. The people in the room, chattering amongst themselves, turn to face him. He freezes on the spot, not sure of how to take this forwards. And while he had worked on large projects before, this one was Ferrari, and the nerves seemed to kick in quite quickly.
He was brought out if his trance by a tap on his shoulder. A voice leaned into his ear, hot breath on his cheek sending shudders down his spine, "Leave it to me, Charlie."
He hadn't heard that nickname in a very long time, and there were only very few people who called him that. Specifically the one standing next to him, hand still on shoulder.
Carlos's hand left his shoulder, making his way to the front of the room. Charles stayed frozen to the spot, watching as Carlos talked. He wasn't listening for the majority of the time, words becoming noises to him. He wasn't sure when Carlos's little speech ended, but he was snapped out by Carlos walking towards him.
He leaned in closer to him this time, lips millimeters away from Charles's cheek.
"No wonder you always froze in class."
Charles hated what he was doing, pulling out pieces from the past to remind him with. He had already buried his past deep, and was not planning on reviving it.
But Carlos had other plans.
The next day of him working, Charles decided he was not going to let Carlos's reminders of his past affect him from doing his best. So he made sure that before Carlos was to go and give another one of his 'little speeches' that he was going to actually inform him what the fuck he was doing. So that's exactly what he did, trying to avoid his remarks and focus on getting to the point.
"What was your little presentation even about yesterday," Charles grabs hold of his arm, wishing slightly he hadn't. His muscles were tense, veins tracing his skin.
Carlos turns around to face him, same smug face that he always has. Charles hated that smug expression that he had, like he was the one who hung the stars. Like he was the one who brought life to earth. Like he was the centre of the universe.
"I see Mr.Leclerc wasn't really paying attention to the speech, am I really that handsome and distracting," he snarkily replies.
Charles rolls his eyes at him, "and maybe Mr.Sainz wasn't planned out enough to tell his partner what he was actually doing."
"Fine fine, it was simple points about the car's design, someone in here should have the points printed out," he said, eyes tracing as they lit up when someone waved a stack of papers in hand. He went to grab them before shoving them in Leclerc's face.
"Jesus Christ," he muttered taking the papers out of his face, "no need to be aggressive Sainz." He looked through them, they were quite short considering the time Carlos had taken to go through them.
"Since you did all the simple, baby stuff, let's get going with the real shit, shall we?"
Carlos rolled his eyes at him before going to take a seat, paper and pencil in front of him, "If you insist on being so wise, how about you begin the designs."
Charles smiled sarcastically, hand going to grab the pencil from Carlos's hand. Carlos's hands held a slightly longer than expected grip on the pencil before letting go, letting Charles take it out of his hand.
Charles leaned in to the paper, finding an angle for him to work at, pencil lightly waving over the sheet. His brows furrowed and he stuck out his tongue in concentration, taking slow steps in drawing details to the car.
Carlos thought he looked ridiculous like this, but it wasn't unusual to him.
He's seen Charles like this a million times before.
Charles sketched out a very light base of the car, only drawing the rough shape. It was the outline of a convertible, its shape curved inwards giving it a sharp front.
"What do you think," he dropped his pencil from his hand and leaned back into his chair, proud with the sketch he'd made.
Carlos did the opposite by leaning in closer to get a better look of it. His lips folded back into his mouth, dissatisfied with some details.
Read: a lot of it.
He picked up the pencil, fingers holding a firm grip. He flipped the pencil to the erasing side, taking out large chunks from the car. He then went back in to give it a more outwards curved shape, this time closing the sunroof with his detailing.
"Much better"
Charles shot him a look, picking up the pencil and re erasing the shape, restoring his once more. It gave the paper a slight wrinkle, but Charles didn't pay attention to it.
Carlos smiled sarcastically in response, snatching the pencil out of Charles's hand and once again erasing the shape. He roughly restored the shape, giving the paper an uneven look.
Charles shot him a menacing look, aggressively snapping the pencil out of his hands, once again restoring the shape. This time, the paper was severely distorted.
It seemed like Carlos wasn't going to win this time.
Not like this.
So instead, he shot daggers through his eyes before smiling.
"Whatever you say, Charlie."
Charles ignored his remark, eyes darting to the silver clock hung on the wall.
"Oh would you look at that, it's time for my lunch," he responded, getting up from his chair, "See you in the cafeteria, Carlito."
He decided if Carlos was going to have some fun, so would he.
He turned around before exiting the door, his smile fumbling slightly.
Carlos's expression wasn't his usual one. It was a mixture of softness and hurt at the same time. Like a piece of him had been brought back, but cutting him in the process. Like going through a photo album and getting a paper cut.
Like his hope had been shattered and restored at the same time.
Charles didn't waste anymore time analyzing Carlos's expressions, instead darting his way towards the cafeteria.
He wasn't going to let Carlos's emotions interfere with him.
Not again.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
songwriter blaine?
Some of these he's a pop or country star and writes songs too. ~Jen
Blaine Anderson - Icon by @alilactree
I saw this manip going around and felt very inspired to write a little something. Designer!Kurt and Rockstar!Blaine alternate meeting AU (on tumblr)
Behind Closed Doors by Awela 
Blaine, the lonely songwriter is excited when new neighbours move into the long deserted house beside his, but he soon comes to the realization that something is not right with the newlywed couple. The creepy clients of Sebastian, the strange behaviour of Kurt, the weird noises coming from their home in the middle of the night… Something is definitely wrong with the Smythes.
~~~~~ Tying you to me by @hippohead
It’s been five years since Blaine kissed him goodbye at the airport, and he hasn’t seen him since.
Somewhere within those five years, though, Blaine became an international pop star. Which is... not exactly ideal; not when you’re trying to neatly pack away your feelings and the fact that you’re still desperately in love with him, and his face is on every billboard in Times Square.
(in which there is an invisible string, tying Kurt to Blaine, and Blaine to Kurt, and isn't that just so pretty)
Nashville by @hkvoyage
Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams? An AU meeting featuring country singer!Blaine and Broadway!Kurt.
~~~~~ Turn into a Pose by @little-escapist
Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
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saliyahdomera · 1 year
House of Horrors -S.S
in which you’re betrothed to Ominis but Sebastian has other plans that lead to a night of horrors in the Gaunt Manor
AGED UP TO 18 (in this AU, they get married at 20 instead)
Warning: cussing, some sexual content but not full blown smut, inaccurate social standings and customs and such blah blah, made up Gaunt family members, made up Gaunt names, sorry not sorry, some violence and gore
This horrible and I am so so so sorry. It’s a good plot in my opinion but man I do not know how to write. I apologize in advance. I promise Im a good writer, this one just did not turn out for me but I wanted to post it anyways….
lmk if i missed anything!!
Tumblr media
I heard murmuring downstairs as I exited my room. Descending the stairs, there stood the Gaunt’s. Being bethrothed to the youngest son, Ominis since I was born meant a lot of things. It meant always being seen with him in the social eye, being his eyes when Sebastian couldn’t, and even living with his family.
When my parents died, the Gaunt’s took me in to keep up their end of the deal in light of everything. My family’s fortune was in my hands now, and when Ominis and I get married in two years, our families will combine and so will our riches.
I wasn’t the only one who lived with them. Sebastian Sallow, Ominis’ best friend and his Lord-In-Waiting. Sebastian was always right behind Ominis, being his eyes and making sure he was always taken care of. They were quite inseparable and I’ve grown quite fond of both of them.
“Good morning dear, I hope you slept well.”
“I did, thank you my Lord.” I bowed before Damocles Gaunt, the head of the household and Ominis’ father.
“You do not have to be so formal. Please dear.” He smiled as I muttered a small ‘sorry’ his way. It felt improper not to address him as such.
Everyone was gathered around the table as I sat next to Ominis. “Y/N!” His eldest sister, Catherine, spoke up. “Della and I were going to go pick up our dresses for the ball next week. Would you like to accompany us?”
Ominis had a large family. Being the youngest of seven kids was never easy for him. He was the last to do everything, right now that being married.
The eldest is Catherine, at 28. She has been married to Silas Huntington for 8 years now and has 2 children. Ida, 6 and Lyla, 3.
Next would be the eldest brother, Otto at 26. Him and his wife, Cornelia O’Hara, have been together for 6 years. They have one daughter, Fawn who just turned 2.
Francis is the second eldest brother, at 24. Him and his wife, Charlotte Roûge have been together for 4 years and have twins, Rita and Etta , both just turned 2.
Della is the designated middle child at 21. Her and her husband, Warren Carnell just announced they were pregnant, which is why all the siblings are in town.
The twins, Victor and Genevieve, beat Ominis by 2 years. They are both freshly married to Josephine Beckham and Benjamin Allard.
Ominis is the youngest, at 18. He’s been bethrothed since birth like the rest of his siblings. The only differences between their marriages and his are that his future wife needs to be able to guide him due to his blindness, and so far, no male heirs have been born. Unless his sister Della has a son, it’s up to him to bore an heir to the Gaunt lineage.
Having a child scared him though, he was afraid it was inherit his blindness and suffer as he does.
I looked to Catherine and nodded, “I would love to. I don’t think I have anything to wear.” She reached for my hands and smiled.
“Oh I’m so glad to hear that. I was hoping you didn’t. I sort of had one made for you.”
Catherine led me into the back of the shop to the fitting rooms where my dress she had made was waiting for me. She was giddy along with Della, who had come in to make some alterations around her newly popped belly. “Go on! I’ll go get into mine too.”
She ran off as I stepped behind the curtain. In front of me stood the most breathtaking dress. A long dark green velvet gown with a square necklace and long sleeves. The breast line was dropped and the skirt was lined with a beautiful pattern made of gold lace. I took it off the hanger as a woman came in to help me get into it.
Once it was on, I couldn’t move. It fit perfectly. It was a slimmer fit, but not scandalous. I ran my fingers over the fabric, feeling every little detail to take note.
Everytime I got a dress, I had to memorize it with my fingers so I could describe it to Ominis. It was always disappointing getting all beautiful just for him not to be able to see it. Memorizing the feeling made it easier, that way he could at least get a picture in his head.
Stepping out, Catherine was stood there waiting for me, Della at her side.
Catherine’s dress was a traditional high breast line dress with shorter cap sleeves. It was a beautiful baby blue, her husband’s family color. It had slight navy detailing throughout with a gold waistband.
Della’s was a mix. Longer sleeves graced her arms while a higher breast line was sewn in to adapt to her growing belly. It was a beautiful blush with gold detailing throughout.
“Wow.” Catherine walked up to me, looking me over and spinning me around. “You look spectacular!”
“You picked wonderfully Catherine.” She held my hands there for a moment before Della came over as well.
“You’re going to be such a beautiful bride for Ominis. You make him so happy, it’s refreshing to see him smile.” Della tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as she spoke. “Thank you.”
“She’s right, I’m overjoyed you were chosen to marry our sweet baby brother.” Catherine chimed in before we went to change.
While the shopkeeper’s assistant was helping me get out of my dress, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I did care for Ominis but, I wasn’t as loyal and doting as his family made me out to be. Marrying into a darker family such as the Gaunt’s was hard on me. While it may seem they are all caring and sweet to me, it doesn’t mean I don’t see what goes on behind the scenes.
I took solice where I could, and that was in the arms of Ominis’ Lord In Waiting, Sebastian Sallow.
Late nights wrapped in his arms, his hands combing through my hair while he listens to my worries. He gives me peace when things get dark at the manor. Sebastian is always there when I need him to be.
It was an innocent friendship, until it wasn’t.
Late one night, I was in Sebastian’s quarters talking to him about the latest developments in the Gaunt family that had me frazzled. “I just don’t understand Sebastian. I wish Ominis was spared from all of this. I wish the whole family would quit, it’s worrisome.”
He sighed, “I know, I’ve been living with them since birth. Lady Gaunt’s old lady in waiting was my mother. When she died in child birth, they raised me to be Ominis’ right hand man.” He cleared his throat as I looked up to listen to him. “It’s hard watching them partake in such devious affairs, but it’s our duty to be silent and show up when called.” The way he was looking at me made me stomach flutter. “You know better than me how hard this is. As much as Ominis may love you, to the rest of his family, you’re just a baby maker, the heir carrier. You are only here for Ominis to use you for his own heir making desires.” His tone darkened as he spoke.
“Sebastian I know my-“ Before I could finish, his lips were on mine. It was heveanly. I knew how wrong it was, and if anyone found out I’d be ruined and the Gaunt’s would probably kill us both. I was supposed to be saved for Ominis, but Sebastian’s lips on mine was too enticing to pull away. His hands wrapped around me as he pulled me closer to him, my hand quickly tangling in his hair.
He pulled away quickly, shock and regret lacing his features. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened. I can’t believe I just did that to you-“
“Shut up and do it again.” I pulled at his collar as his lips were on mine again. I couldn’t get enough once I got a taste.
This had been going on for a couple of months, and it’s escalated over time. It went from innocent kissing to intimate pleasure. The guilt weighed heavily on me, but 90% of the time, Sebastian and I were the only ones in the manor. The Gaunt’s were never home, or at least not all of them at once. They were always off making deals or killing or sacrificing. They were always involved in dark wizard schemes, leaving Sebastian and I alone in the manor.
He had ruined me, we both knew that. My pureness was taken from me, my innocence gone. We both knew how wrong it was, and how much Ominis would be hurt if he ever found out, but we were addicted to each other. I felt even more guilty because I had caught feelings. He saw me as a human being and not just someone to produce an heir to the Gaunt fortune. I wasn’t just a baby maker to him, he saw my personality and got to know me.
The guilt hit me hard in the dressing room hearing Ominis’ sisters speak that way. I knew deep down I had to end things and come clean, but I wasn’t ready to face the consequences.
But I was afraid I already had.
Over the last week or two, I had noticed some odd signs indicating something wrong with my health. I was afraid I had caught a disease. I know my older sister warned me of diseases caught from these activities and the signs. If a man was unclean, or things were too frequent, I could catch something.
It worried me, and I was afraid someone else would see the signs and out two and two together.
Back at the manor, we were all eating dinner when Lord Gaunt stood up, lifting his cup. “I just want to say that not only am I so glad to have all of my children in my home again, but to the new additions coming soon. Another grand baby, hopefully an heir and a new wife, to bring us heirs.” He raised his glass as everyone drank to the toast. I looked to Sebastian, and I realized he was right. I am nothing more than my womb.
And now I’m afraid I’ve caught something that may inhibit my ability to bare children.
The day before the ball, I decided to secretly sneak to go see the house doctor, without anyone’s knowledge.
“What brings you here? You’re not in for a yearly check in for a couple of months? Are you sick?”
“I think so. I don’t know how I got it, but I’ve not been feeling right.”
“What signs are you having?” I spoke to him about my worries and concerns before he said he should do a wellness check. He sat me down and angled me so he could take a look to make sure I was healthy for my bethrothed.
“I’m just going to make sure everything is healthy down here. If you have a problem and cannot bare children, we will need to take immediate action.” I grimaced as he started the examination.
“Oh.” His tone had me worried.
“What? Do I have something?” My breathing was speeding up.
“Ma’am,” he made me decent and sat me up. “Pardon me for asking, but have you and Ominis…?”
“No!! We have not! Why do you ask?”
He took a deep breath, ask if he was searching for the words. “Don’t lie to me please. Have you let any man-“
“No! How dare you assume! What’s wrong with me? Please just tell me!”
“You are with child.” I sat there in shock. I was always close with Doctor Keizer, but there’s no way I could go this far into my personal life. I knew I could always go to him when I had issues, especially before Sebastian and I grew close. “Now, Y/N. Will you please tell me what happened? You know what you say in here stays in here. Who’s is it?”
I couldn’t believe it. How would I pull this off? People will begin to notice my symptoms. Ominis will surely know what I had done. “Please Y/N, we need to figure this out so I can help you.”
“Sebastian Sallow, the Lord-In-Waiting to Ominis.” Doctor Keizer cleared his throat.
“Oh dear.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, you have options. I won’t make you decide anything this moment, but I suggest you take a few days to weigh the risks and benefits. Please come see me when you know. And please trust, this doesn’t leave my office. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you.” He gave me shoulder a pat before sending me on my way.
What was I going to do?
It was the night of the ball, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to each one of these every year. Since I was Ominis’ eyes in public, I was automatically assigned to accompany him to every ball.
Ominis was very self sufficient, a wonderful dancer and usually good at finding his way around but he knew I loved going to these.
Ominis thinks it’s because I like the social aspect, or dressing up. I really enjoy going because Y/N always looks so breathtaking. I know it’s wrong, but how could I not love her? She’s so beautiful and she has such a kind heart. Her laugh lights up the room and her smile makes my heart stutter. She is so intelligent and has such an incredible personality.
She takes my breath away everytime she speaks.
I know I should tell my best friend that I’m bedding his future wife, but I can’t give her up yet. She’s addicting, every touch, every taste. I crave her presence, her kiss. I can’t live without her.
“Are you ready?” Ominis knocked on my door as he entered. I straightened my jacket before replying with a ‘yes’.
The ride there was silent. Something was on Ominis’ mind and I knew not to poke and prod.
The ball was beautiful, the Black family always throw the biggest ball of the year, and somehow it’s always better than the year before. I stood with Ominis, his father and the rest of Ominis’ brothers and brother in laws. The women of the family always rode seperately, as to make a special entrance. The crowd was silenced not long after the men had arrived as the servant at the door announced the women.
“Ladies and gentlemen! I now introduce Lady Amelia Gaunt, her daughters Lady Catherine Huntington, Lady Della Carnell-“ He went on to list the many women who were apart of the Gaunt family. I only cared about the last name. Y/N’s name was always last, and Iloved seeing her enter every time. “And finally, Duchess Y/N L/N, bethrothed to Ominis Gaunt.” The crowd bowed to them as the descended the stairs and towards the men. All the wives took their husband’s to dance. Lord and Lady Gaunt never really danced, they preferred to watch their children dance.
I watched intently as Y/N walked up to Ominis as he escorted her to the dance floor. It was intrigued me how she taught him to dance with her without sight. I would always notice a little tap or squeeze to signal him what to do. They had a secret language only the two of them understood, but it made for beautiful dances between them. Over the years I caught on to a few of the signals, but each one is so unique that it was rare.
I looked around at everyone dancing, disappointed that I will never have a chance to go find a wife. My position doesn’t allow for that, especially since my mother disobeyed that rule when she had me. “Why don’t you go dance with someone? I’m sure one of my daughters would love to dance with you!” Lady Gaunt grabbed my arm and smiled down at me.
“It’s okay, I would feel horrible taking them from their husbands. I prefer to sit back and watch.” She nodded and resumed watching. Little did she know I did want to dance, but only with one girl out there. I watched as they danced song after song. After awhile as everyone bowed to their partners, Ominis and Y/N returned as she whispered something to him and he smiled. I heard Ominis reply ‘why not?’ before letting her go to stand next to his mother.
That’s when time slowed down. Y/N walked up to me and held her hand out. “May I have this dance Mr. Sallow?” She smiled and I thought I was going to faint. I looked to Ominis before he spoke up, not even turning my way.
“Go Sebastian. Have some fun.” I took her hand as I led her out to the floor. We danced and I held her close. This was a dream come true. She looked stunning tonight in the dark green velvet gown. Her hair was tied back and she wore beautiful family jewels around her neck and on her head.
“You okay? You look dazed.” She laughed at me as I returned to the moment.
“Very much so.” I watched her lips curl up in a smile before it fell. “Are you?”
“Yes, just very bored of these events. It’s always the same.” I laughed at her.
“Well at least tonight I actually got out and danced. This is the first time I’ve done this.”
She stared at me with surprise. “For someone who’s never danced, you’re very good at this.”
“Don’t flatter me. The Gaunt’s still trained me, I just never got out like this in the social eye. Especially with my best friend’s bethrothed-“ I stopped talking as I saw her face drop in what seemed to be horror before quickly snapping back to a pleased expression.
As I spun her I looked to see what she was looking at, I saw someone speaking to Lord Gaunt as he was staring Y/N down. Something was wrong and now I was worried. I couldn’t let her out of my sight. As I caught another glance, I saw him point me out as well, it seems something is very wrong. I was worried for both of our safety now.
The dance ended as she bowed but she shot me a look that let me know she knew she was in trouble. She walked to Ominis while I was frozen. I slowly exited the dance floor to get a refreshment when Lord Gaunt appeared behind me. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’ve been up to, what you say about my family.” Before I could turn around to respond, he was gone, and so was Y/N.
This was not good.
The night continued on, and none of the other family members seemed to know where they had disappeared to.
As time dragged on, I felt like we were never going to leave until Ominis answered my prayers. “Can you escort me out? We are heading back to the mansion. My mother said there’s some business I need to attend to.”
“Is everyone coming?”
“No, just us three.”
My stomach was spinning in the carriage the whole way back to the manor. Something didn’t feel right and I think Ominis knew too. He was quieter than usual and although he may not know what was wrong, he knew something was off. With his other senses heightened, he was very keen on picking little disturbances up quickly.
Arriving to the manor, it felt eerie. It didn’t feel like my home anymore, it felt like a trap, a prison.
Ominis hesitated before following his mother in, leaving me to be the last to walk in.
I never expected to see what was before me in the grand entrance. While Lady Gaunt and Ominis walked up the stairs to their respective chambers, before me stood Lord Gaunt, Y/N tied with her hands behind her sat beside him. She was tied to the chair and obviously she had been tortured. Her hair was a mess and there were marks and blood covering her body. She was left in nothing but her corset and pants. She was struggling to breathe and her eyes were puffy with tears. I looked up quickly to notice Ominis standing above us on the grand staircase out of his father’s eyeline. While he could not see, by his facial expression Ominis knew exactly what was happening.
“Sebastian. Welcome back, I hope you had fun at the ball.”
“What is going on?”
He smirked as he drew his wand out of his sleeve. “I know what you’ve been saying about my family. How you don’t care for our ways of business, or how you don’t support the ways of dark wizards. You don’t believe in killing what you claim to be ‘innocents’.”
“What are you talking about?!” I took a step forward before he spoke up again, his tone harsh now.
“I don’t care who dies, but since you do, indulge me and I might just spare the mother of your unborn child.” His wand flew to her throat, making her cry out in pain from it digging into the skin of her neck.
My eyes flew open wide, she was with child? “What?”
“Don’t play stupid boy. I know what you did to her, going behind Ominis’ back. You took her for yourself and she went willingly. You’re lucky I don’t kill you right now for what you’ve done to this family.”
“I had no idea. She never told me! I am so sorry, I wish I had known.”
“Do you want to know what you can do to atone for the sins you’ve committed?”
I didn’t say anything, instead I couldn’t help but stare at her, she was carrying my child, and I did not even know and now she’s suffering because of me. “Kneel.”
“You heard me Sallow, get on your knees. Pledge your allegiance to me and I might just spare her. He dug his wand deeper into her neck, making her cry out again. “GET ON YOUR KNEES!”
His voiced boomed and echoed throughout the mansion. I looked to her then to Ominis. He shook his head as if he knew I was watching. “Kneel boy!” Y/N cried out in pain again which mad me drop to one knee. “That’s a good boy.” I heard him walk towards me and take the point of his wand to lift my head up by my chin to look up at him. “Now do you care to tell me why you decided to go and rip the innocence from my son’s bethrothed?” In the corner of my eye, I saw Ominis untie Y/N and rush her upstairs.
“I love her sir.”
“I love her sir.” I stopped in my tracks as Ominis tried to pull me to safety. I slowly turned to see the wreckage I have caused. Sebastian met my eyes as Ominis pulled on my arm again.
“We have to go now!” He pulled harder as I followed him, having to tear my eyes away from Sebastian. I heard yelling from his father and Sebastian soft, saddened voice. I couldn’t make out what they were saying as Ominis and I reached the top of the staircase, the full view in front of us. I looked to see Sebastian kneeled, Lord Gaunt across the room from him. I saw Sebastian say something before looking down. Time slowed as I rushed to the railing as Lord Gaunt raised his arm and yelled.
“Avada Kedavra!!”
I gripped the railing with one hand as I watched the horror unfold before me. My right hand reached out as I leaned over the railing, a blood curdling scream leaving my throat. “Sebastian!! No!!” I felt like I was going to collapse when Ominis grabbed me and ripped me away from the scene that just unfolded.
“We have to go!” As I let Ominis lead me away, I couldn’t rip my eyes away from Sebastian’s lifeless body. I felt numb. The man I loved was dead, and it was all my fault. I watched as he slowly disappeared from my sight as Ominis kept leading me somewhere. My feet were moving but there was no noise, I was not there. I was with Sebastian’s body, mourning him as he lay cold on the floor.
I did not see my surroundings or where Ominis had finally stopped us, I didn’t even realize I had gotten into a carriage. I was stuck with the image of Sebastian’s final breathe burned on the back of my eyelids.
I will never forget the burning of my vocal chords as I screamed for him.
The flashing of green is engraved into the back of my brain.
Ominis’ voice was faint, the words mumbled and incoherent. All I could hear was Sebastian’s words “I love her sir.” He loved me and it was that love that caused him to die.
A piece of me died with him that day.
A piece of me will forever reside in the grand entrance of that manor.
A piece of me will be left with Sebastian’s body whether he’s buried or burned.
But yet a piece of Sebastian lived on in me.
“Y/N? Please react. Let me know you’re there somewhere.”
“I know.” He reached out to find my head before leaning it on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back and combing my hair down. “I know…” His voice while calm, was broken.
And I think a piece of him died that day as well.
39 notes · View notes
What are your headcanons if the circus ark members instead of being adopted and raised by baron kelvin were instead raised by Sebastian in the estate ?
So, I had a AU in the making where the circus members weren't killed but instead told by Sebastian and Ciel they can live/work at the manor instead of prison or death. This concept sounds fun, need to be tweaked to the canon source though a bit such as timeline, since the Baron Kelvin arc happened in neck breaking pace-
Him seeing the the circus members and takes them in, He goes to a party around this time and meets the Phantomhive family, Tries to be friends with Vincent and has a very creepy break down where he believes he's not worthy of being in the life of a child (gags), The circus members making themselves as a circus performing group of found family, Phantomhive murders, Circus, Ciel gets found, Kidnappings happened
So for this to work we need to find a way to pin this, aka putting this AU in a place where they stayed in the streets longer (Kelvin not showing up) and Sebastian happens to take them in and then getting Ciel like "Hi this is my master now" or putting it right where he takes them in the same night that shit went down when he and Ciel met.
I'mma do that!
Will this be shippy? Very much yes
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It was a stormy night after the demon came to the estate with his new little master, he was in town searching for things he needs to the first officially week of being a butler of a Lord that's the small heir. When walking the streets he saw them, all huddled and cold...
He brought them back to the manor in which he gave them a bath and open bedroom, planning to explain to Ciel the new faces in the morning
Morning comes and Sebastian explains they'll be servants from here on out and will be trained along side the two learning side by side
Doll, since she's the youngest/the closest to Ciel's age, became somewhat of a personal servant that'll hang out with him and give him the kid interactions he needs to grow while Sebastian and Ciel's tutors helps giving both the teachings of their levels. As they got older she became a more protective yet kind soul best friend/personal mortal body guard if Sebastian or the other servants are busy
Beast and Wendy are maids
Dagger and Beast help in the kitchen while Peter, Wendy, and Jumbo help out in the gardens/yard work, and Joker helps with Sebastian calling the shots
Beast is referred to as Mally still but Dagger and Joker were given their names by others, Joker being named Joker for a long while for his smiley spirits and Dagger being called Dagger for his fast learning on knife throwing when doing defense. Doll was named Doll by Joker as the same as the canon
Sebastian hand made the prosthetic
When Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard were taken in and trained it was a bit easier thanks to these guys being here
Out of everyone, Doll seems to have developed a special soft spot within Sebastian. Some (Ciel) may claim it's cause she's a cat like gentle heart of a human being while others (Sebastian) assume it's cause she's "too good for this sinful world". They have a sibling/father-daughter bond
Peter and Wendy fawn over Sebastian with Mey-Rin
Doll's free to dress how she wants with the comfort of everyone else around her, same with the other servants, but there are events when many people come to the manor she must wear a typical maid uniform that has some design requested by Sebastian
Nina Hopkins's had a feel day when designing and knowing these guys!
Think this scene but with Beast-
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Rest of canon within the manga and I will do them now:
Black Butler Arc:
When Chlaus came to visit he gave them little gifts since they were beside Ciel from the very beginning, he calls Doll "ragazza piuttosto lentigginosa" which means "pretty freckled girl"
They all help Ciel with Funtom things, Doll being the biggest supporter among the entire manor and gets free taste samples guaranteed!
Now, they knew of Lizzy but never had the formal pleasure of meeting her or at least for Joker and Doll's case since they were there for some early meeting shits for a long time, so they were confused when she just randomly showed up
Lizzy dressed them up, need I say more?
When they heard Ciel never learned to dance they were allowed to snicker since by this point they're allowed to
The night when Lizzy came to the manor and threw a ball was the night where Doll, despite the engagement between Lizzy and Ciel, offered to sleep beside Ciel which comforts the two and makes Sebastian happy in a way
Whenever Madam Red and Lau and the other nobles come to the manor to play pool and gossip with Ciel, Doll and Joker are there usually beside him while everyone else does their normal duties with the servants.
One of these meetings Lau drops how close Doll and Sebastian are and how soft the "stoic dark butler" is to her, in which Ciel replies he doesn't see the difference
When Ciel get kidnapped and Sebastian left, Doll was told to come along since (again) she's Ciel's protective af bestie and personal body guard besides Sebastian, Joker being in command until the return
Now since their first month knowing each other Sebastian taught Doll hand to hand combat and knife moves, so she's skilled with blades and is still rather flexible cause lets face it I doubt she just happened to grow flexible in the circus she was already pretty limber
But when it came to Sebastian saving Ciel personally he told her to wait outside no matter the sounds she hear, a normal thing she learned
During the event when Ciel was inviting the orphans from Count Barton's orphanage it was roughly the same except Ciel wasn't the only one who did the chocolate head stealing-
Red Butler Arc:
As the word of Jack the Ripper rises, when Ciel get roped in to the case, the group were split in two investigations within the group. One half being the ones doing researching within the gutters and streets (which was Joker, Beast, and Jumbo) and the other half being the main story (which was Doll, Dagger, Peter, and Wendy)
Doll likes Grelle
When visiting Undertaker, the four couldn't help but feel creeped out somehow with him and how he interacted with him
Peter and Wendy attempted a dirty limerick to make Undertaker laugh
Dagger did his best jokes from Joker which fails
And Doll just failed cause she was nervous
Bro, picture Doll's face when Sebastian jumped out the moving carriage-
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With the two halves working together they came up with our Viscount Lord of Druitt, our literal Cult of Dionysus man with no ifs and or buts when it comes to party and sex, Aleister Chamber and found out about the party with rumors of a black market auctions at his place
Doll pretended to be a young man who's engaged to Ciel's undercover persona as Madam Red's niece and Dagger and Beast pretend to be her maid and butler
Ciel's pissy she got to wear pants for this event
At one point they were gonna get cause so Doll pinned Ciel by a wall and made it seem she was going to kiss him to avert gaze, which peeked the interest of Aleister to help before the dance
Despite they're findings being wrong and the many apologizes from Doll, she can't shake the feeling of dread of failing her mission
They were all there during the reveal and were shocked and hurt over it
In a move to save Ciel Joker lifted his arm up costing his prosthetic against Grelle's death scythe
Madam Red was pretty much all of their first mother figures so to see her being a killer and then killed herself hurt
Her past revealed didn't help
They all stayed on the ground with Ciel as Sebastian and her battle it out
Then William showed up-
"Mr Suit ruining the fun. . ." mumbles Doll as she sees him save Grelle
The funeral was hard since it was their first one ever and let's just say they all had a bit of a mental crisis about life and found it nice Ciel made a grave for Mary Jane Kelly, especially Joker who mainly helped this case to find closure of his mother
The aftermath was rather hard for a lot of them, the manor felt cold since unlike his parents Ciel wasn't the only one grieving within the manor
I think Joker gets along best with Francis and she doesn't "fix" his hair unlike the others which annoyed the crap out of Peter
They all stayed behind in the manor as Francis and Ciel have their little hunting contest but Doll joined after Lizzy's begging to join the fun. She agreed and it was kind of a fun bonding think with Sebastian and her
During Ciel's birthday celebration it was just a touch less chaotic since Joker, Beast, Dagger, Jumbo, Peter and Wendy were there
While Sebastian sighs about the cake he made he and Doll shared it
Indian Butler Arc:
Winter is fun in this household I'll say it now
Lots of Doll being the best bestie during the snow
When the assaults and crime happen, Beast tried to tell Sebastian maybe he should try and convince Ciel to step this out since it still hasn't been much time since the Jack the Ripper moment
Despite Ciel's and Sebastian protests, the gang joined him in Lau's den to search for could do this, not wanting to leave them alone after everything
Dagger and Joker and Jumbo were flustered at the girls in Lau's den and Beast did her best not to punch Lau for offering her and Doll wear the dresses
In the East End they drop knowledge of the levels of survival, which gives Sebastian and Ciel a painted picture of what their lives may be like if they didn't save them
None of them have sympathy over the con-mens who tried using the scam on Ciel
Soma ordered Agni to attack, but has a pause on Beast, Doll, and Wendy, and also Peter despite Peter taking offence over that
After Ciel explained what was happening with everyone help of "What the literal hell" and the crisis was averted, they went to the town house
Agni and Soma are there and Doll, Joker, and Dagger (being how I headcanon them being thirsty knowledge nerds) were amazed to hear he's a prince
After Doll pleaded to Ciel they agreed for the two to stay from the cold for the night, which she regretted later when she slept in Ciel's room and Soma gave them that crazy wake up call with him teasing how Ciel has his "brother" sleeping in his bed still hinting at Doll
When hearing about Soma's and Agni's search for Mina, Ciel couldn't help but feel pain
Joker, Doll, and Dagger are more amazed by the statue of Kali
When they kept showing up throughout the entire day with all of Ciel's lessons and stuff, the group found is honestly amusing
Doll and Soma got along faster than the rest which somehow annoys Ciel
Sebastian teased his friend is making a friend her level of social ques
During this someone drops Doll's a girl which makes Soma joke Ciel's a "sly smooth dog" to have her in his bed
He tried telling Doll to undress for Ciel to paint which earned him a little kick from Doll
After Ciel and Soma fenced he fenced with Doll who kicked his butt harder than Ciel in which Sebastian explained to Agni on the side lines he taught her well
Watching the butlers duke it out was fun!
Soma and Doll bond a bit more after than in which he ask why her hair covers her face in which Beast scolded that's rude
Does anyone else think Wendy would have a crush on Agni?
Some respect was raised from Joker when he heard Agni's past, cause he gets it
Agni and Joker relate to their pasts and having a basic sunshine ball who saved them i.e. Doll and Soma
During the dinner when Soma talks more on Mina, Doll somehow finds it so romantic he's doing all this for love despite she's just a maid to others but doesn't really get why she romance was never her thing
They weren't there for the Agni reveal but were told. Doll got Sebastian random ass deer head mask in return
Wendy feels upset and realized her romantic attraction to the butler when she hears his deeds
They all know of Ciel's past, but hearing it again hurts, as it hurts Soma hearing their pasts of being abused and abandoned left and right from everyone until they were saved by Sebastian and Ciel
Curry contest happens, lots of bonding and test tasting of curry
Doll wore a nice dress and Soma gave her one of his golden necklaces he forgot to give her when they became friends, as a thank you gift
Both Ciel and Doll cringe over memories of Aleister and the party
Lots of tears
Joker and them all ind of met Victoria before either in a previous case or when they go to the palace with Sebastian and Ciel who hangs for tea
Circus Arc:
Obviously since this is different cause the ones involved in the circus arc are main characters now, we'll change this!
Baron Kelvin still met the Phantomhive family and gone crazy, while he didn't find the OGs he did take in some orphans from his workhouse and others from the streets that led to the chaos of kidnapping and murder.
After getting word of the circus and leaving Undertaker's, Ciel, Sebastian, Beast, Joker, and Doll head to the circus to watch
Same stuff with the tiger and Sebastian still happened but Beast ran out to him to yell at him more, the tiger got calm when she saw her which peeked the interest of the ring master. Doll got roped in and so did Joker
After the show Sebastian was called back to get checked up by the circus' doctor and Beast and Doll came with while Joker stayed with Ciel
The ring master express impress with the three, for Sebastian's bravery and skills, Beast's somehow able to tame the usual agro tiger, and Doll's speed and flexibility
They convinced him to let them and the other "recently fired servants" join their circus
Of course Ciel was annoyed they did this without his permission but agreed in the end
Sebastian, Beast, and Doll were basically given the parts of circus members that night
Dagger did some knife throwing
Jumbo proved his strength was no laughing matter
Peter and Wendy did some tight rope walking and tricks
And Joker just got in with simple ease of doing things circus like
Ciel went through his normal trail
Doll and Ciel used the names "Tom" and "Finnian", Doll using "Tom" as a reference to "Tom the Piper's Son", and they use the guise they're brothers as Doll hides her gender
Doll was given the nickname Freckles by the troupes and was given a role of helper and tightrope walker who cross dresses since they had a dress her size
Dagger had to dye his hair that blond style with the black peek to make him look "cooler". It got stuck afterwards
When William appeared again it took Joker and Ciel to hold Doll's hands to not pounce on him
After some tricks Doll and Ciel got a tent their own and Jumbo, Peter, and Wendy share a tent while Joker and Dagger share a tent and Beast gets to share one with some other groups who tend to animals
The shower scene was somewhat different with both Ciel and Doll having a moment of panic in which Ciel quickly came up with a lie that in their previous manor they were forced to bath with others who beat them and cut them for their youth, so in pity the ring master allowed them to use a more isolated yet small shower to share
That was awkward.
Now Doll has seen Ciel's brand in their early years of being friends and staying in the same place when she walked to the bathroom without knocking and saw it which resulted in a yelling from Ciel
The two didn't even look at each other but Doll did rub his back for him and he returned the favor but it was hesitant and fast moved
That night they had a heart to heart talk with each other
Doll grew close with a circus performer named Snake who's a snake charmer/dancer
The night Ciel got a asthma attack Doll stayed by his side no matter what
Thanks to Doll, Soma and Agni, Ciel stayed in the townhouse after arriving back
Ciel left later that night to meet this Baron Kelvin man, making sure none of Joker and them will follow them
When they arrived back they all comfort Ciel's clear sign of distress, which he confessed by the fireplace what happened in grave detail
Phantomhive Manor Murders Arc:
Life back in the Phantomhive manor was fun.
Doll ask and got permission by Ciel to keep calling him "Smile" just not in front of others and he gets to call her "Freckles" in return
The Double Charles show up and Grey actually had a little nerve to flirt on to Beast much to her eye-rolling moves
I'd like to think Joker had a small side plot thought of finding out more on Grimsby Keane cause he had a moment of thinking they're related somehow
Doll is forced to wear dresses-
She and Arthur get along
Beast got plenty of Georg von Siemens harassment
When Georg gets murder, high alert by all
Doll's, Peter's and Wendy's, Jumbo's, and Dagger's alibis are the same which is they were in the billiards room while Beast's and Joker's alibis were cleaning with the servants
Doll was ready to throw hands at Lau's accusation of Ciel
To prove Ciel isn't a murderer they chain him with Arthur in a random room, who to join is Doll per request of Sebastian since she's able to protect both (Grey backed that shit up fast cause of how she fought in the kitchen) and would make a second witness to each person as Arthur and Ciel are both their witnesses of alibi
In the late night Sebastian gives the servants their original orders with him telling Joker to help with every little thing for tomorrow and staying beside Tanaka, Dagger to get some dining sets ready early in the morning, Beast to help Finny with the fire, Peter and Wendy to fix the paintings in the hallway, Jumbo to help the guests and give Doll a pocket watch
That same hour of the night when he gave Ciel a new pillow, he handed a very groggy half asleep Doll a stack of letters and tell her to give them to Joker and the rest some time the next day and rubbed her hair;
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This is his gesture with Doll
He also told Doll her letter is hidden in the kitchen
In the morning, Ciel saw Sebastian first out of the three who were locked in a room all night. Bard tried to prevent Doll from seeing but it was too late. . . Doll falls to her knees wailing, tears burning her face, sobbing more with Ciel's display of disbelief and denial
As Tanaka got the butler pins back, he and Joker take the roles of head servants as Joker realized that's what Sebastian meant the night before
Jumbo gave Doll the pocket watch
The found Patrick's body and Peter is just about done with this shit
When Karl threatened Ciel they all were pretty peeved as everyone would assume
Lau decided to be a dick and ask ciel and Doll what their actual relationship is, implying if Ciel was out of his chains she would easily lie and how odd it was Ciel slept soundly. He got slapped by Doll which no one scolded her on not even Lau cause he was honestly impressed
They searched the servant's bedrooms with the luggage and Sebastian's room to cancel out suspects
During the search in Sebastian's room Grey asked what was Doll's deal to Ciel; "That reaction was rough to watch than listening to. I would assumed her body got punched." Said Grey, twiddling with the cat toy he found. Ciel had a moment to pause, as if picking his words correctly, "The best..." He started, pausing again, "The best was to explain them is family... Upon the second day being my butler Sebastian came back with her in tow of others, claiming to take them in easily. Over the years I watched how he taught her how to read and write, how to cook, how to fight, how to be human. . . In other words their relationship is hard in words of my own...It's a bond I can't ever dare dream of one day breaking... Now that's he's gone...half of her is gone now to..."
Finny and Mey-Rin's rain crying session and Bard's speech is the same but with everyone else
When Doll got back inside she changed into a black dress Sebastian gave her forever ago with the pocket watch attached, making a promise to be strong for Ciel
Jeremy arrived and they all felt something was...odd with him
At one point Doll was helping preparations when Jeremy arrived and told her it isn't healthy to hide her tears in such a state, especially over "some butler". He comforts her as she tells him Sebastian wasn't just nor will never be just "some butler", tucking her hair behind her ear
At another point Joker struggled with his braids and started to tear up just when Jeremy arrived and helped him as Joker vents
Yet another moment in the kitchen he calls Peter and Wendy to help with booze, saying he senses they're the most wisest and doesn't talk to them as children
When the killer got revealed to be a snake, everyone was-
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Doll stopped Karl from running out the manor with a cartwheel kick
Doll finally gave the letters to everyone and found her's in the kitchen where it's facing a window that shows a fence Doll used to play on when the guest were leaving
The letter's basically told them all that happened up til Sebastian's "death" truth and all and different words for each person. Basically confirming their feelings of odd towards Jeremy and the small feelings of familiar when they're near him
They still believed he died, since they don't know he's a demon still, so when he rose from the grave after Finny and Jumbo take his ringing ass coffin out the ground the tackle hug hurts more than hell
Luxury Liner Arc:
Snake is now part of the Phantomhive family and Doll has been his main friend and supporter since day one
Wendy teased Peter a lot about the whole thing with Ran-Mao in Ciel's clothes and he got flustered
April showers are the best with this group~!
Doll and Joker kind of got extra protective since the house murder party, which is why they wound up going on the Campania ship trip with Lizzy and her family, Mey-Rin Finny Tanaka and Bard staying behind
Dagger was about to stay behind due to his low-key-high-key fear of ships
Again, Doll's force to dress in dresses which can't be helped but Sebastian brought her pants and everyone including Snake other outfits
I saw that Doll and Edward were shipped at one point in AO3 tags so that was fun- Edward has a slight crush on Doll but could never pinpoint it
These are more or less the outfits they wore during the party
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Doll and Ciel danced at one point during the party after Ciel overheard Doll getting shit talked about her looks
Basically this trip made Doll realize her deep feelings on Ciel and suffered conflict with it
She followed Ciel and Sebastian when she saw them sneak off and found them wigged up and, having no time to send her away, gave her Sebastian coat and Ciel's extra eye patch to disguise her the best they could
So she saw the corpse thing first hand
As Ronald got the souls and fought Sebastian, Ronald happened to drop he could help inform Doll and her friends their pasts if she helps him defeat Sebastian. Tempted, but she refused
Doll follows Ciel down to the lower freight to the storage area where they ran into Lizzy and Snake
Doll protected them the best she could with her blades
Meanwhile as bizarre dolls climb up to the main decks, Joker and everyone protected the best they could
While Sebastian informed the Midford family Lizzy's safe, he informed them they need to go for the heads which was easy for Dagger's knife throwing skills and the new wire string weapons Peter and Wendy has now
Jumbo picked up many people to help save them as he stomps on some BD's heads
When the iceberg hits, Joker took a look at the damage and cursed
Beast ripped a big chunk of her dress to wrap a cut on Grey's arm
When the water floods the boiler room, Snake remained with Stoker and Doll as Ciel and Lizzy get stuck on the other side, Doll and Ciel had a moment of having their hand against the door before she left
To prevent slowing them down, Doll quickly strips of her dress and remained in her petticoat and bloomers and corset with Sebastian's coat as her cover up, heels ditched and now a weapon
Joker did he best to protect a lot of the children who were just sadly there, Beast fought along side Grey and Dagger
Peter got a cheek smooched by a very grateful noble woman
When fight the Bizarre Dolls in her area, Doll recalls the simple training from Sebastian and how close she is to Ciel and Sebastian, making a promise to meet with them again
When meeting with them and Lizzy again with Snake, Doll cut her feet against the broken glass hidden in the water in which Snake piggybacked her
Everyone reunites and Joker took over holding Doll
None of them want to leave Sebastian and Ciel behind, especially not Doll since a lot happened when she's gone but Jumbo knocks her out after she was gonna jump out of Joker's hold
When she woke up she was in the life boat with the others, holding Sebastian's pocket watch and Ciel's extra eye patch
When Undertaker stabbed Sebastian and revealed his memories, they were the same but with them in the memories with Sebastian teaching them and helping them. Memories of Doll crying and running to his room in the middle of night was one of the first during that turn of respect in Ciel's and Sebastian's relationship. Another was of during a dark night Sebastian finds not only Doll in a sleeping Ciel's bed but everyone else either on the bed or around it asleep
When the two reunited with the others, they got lots of ear fulls and crying hugs from them all.
Sebastian's tackle hug was worst than when he "came back from the dead"
Doll made them promise to never do anything without her again
Dagger swears to never go on a boat again
Peter smugly informs he got "more than a few kisses" from the rescuer ship. Never specified any further
Easter is here at last and Doll finally wore pants to the party
The egg hunt was longer now cause more people
Teams were; Edward and Nina, Mey-Rin and Bard, Snake and Finny, Soma and Agni, The Double Charles, Doll and Joker, Dagger and Beast, Peter and Wendy and Jumbo were a trio, and Ciel and Sebastian
Doll and Joker were the main team to go up against Ciel and Sebastian and the Double Charles
As Ciel tries to get the egg Doll was trying to get it as well using her tricks from life and the circus event while Joker helps Sebastian fight the Double Charles
Phipps decided to name the chick Joker cause he spared so well
Public School Arc:
The night Ciel made plans to attend Weston College, Doll barges in the room revealing she was listening in on this talk
She scolded them for make these plans without her and demanded she go with, saying how she swore to never leave them alone anymore and even threatened if they refuse her she won't ever forgive them
This brings Sebastian some worry, he never had Doll not forgive him before, it sounds like a big threat
So year she's attending
Doll used the name of "Thomas "Tom" Rathbone", using Jeremy Rathbone's name title after both Sebastian and Ciel said it was fine that they "got his permission"
They get assigned to their houses with Ciel in Blue House and Doll in Violet House
Doll had to be very careful in the dorms, with Sebastian informing the school (in the guise as Jeremy Rathbone) that "his son has a medical issue that gets worst if he stays in a dorm packed of people" so she wound up getting a more quiet all-be smaller room
The one time Doll gets to fall Sebastian "Father" and it's a Catholic way-
Doll and Ciel message each other through a note in the confession booth in the church if they can't meet up somehow
Doll met Maurice Cole and there's a connection in a way, maybe cause Doll doesn't fully believe that man is a male
Cheslock: Sup Freckled Face Doll: Oh hello Scar Face
If it isn't obvious, Cheslock and Doll have a toe to toe relationship of "fuck you", has been since Doll threw a pebble at Cheslock for throwing rocks at Ciel
Doll got transferred to Green House some time after Maurice tricked Ciel, all thanks to Cricket and bullying-
So Doll got along with McMillan in a way and kicked some ass when she caught some bullies bugging the boy. She grabbed one of their cricket bat and swung dangerously close to the crotch She got three Ys This was all caught by Herman Greenhill and him and Gregory Violet did a bit of war to see who'll have this one
Edward had no idea Doll was there in a ruse of a boy identity until he saw her in the dorm
He kept quiet at first but soon pulled her aside and demanded a reason
Doll came up with a lie saying she actually wanted to feel worthy enough to be the best friend of Ciel Phantomhive and worthy of Sebastian's praise by getting a better schooling, her planning on Weston due to her afraid to be away from Ciel and, dare she shall admit, Edward
He decide to help her be comfortable but fueling the lie of Doll having a condition that requires her own room and was invited to the Swan Gazebo after hearing how she saved a student
Maurice made plans to make it Hell for Doll as well which annoys Ciel more and broke him to call upon Soma
And when I mean Hell for Doll I mean arranging someone in Green House who's connected to Maurice to break into Doll's room and tear it apart, even ripping apart her books
This led to Edward sharing a bedroom with her for the while until certain things get repaired
Soma's lie on why Doll is there is cause she just refused to be alone. Not a full lie but eh
Ciel and Doll confronts Maurice on his lies and Maurice reveals he had the art room set up for his goons to attack them, Ciel's ready to fight more cause Doll is roped in on this sick violation
Herman and Edward admires the two for being so protective and strong for each other
As Clayton takes Ciel as his Fang (I'm using a new name for it cause even though it met something else it's a no for me) Edward takes Doll as his Fang.
Some time pass and Doll gets along with the Prefects and the Fangs beside Edward and Cheslock and Doll's room been fixed
Picture gossips within that Gazebo once Doll is added to the mix
Edgar Redmond drops the bomb he sense Doll is in love and pestered who it is, so Doll simply said "I am but it's not meant to be" which Edgar swoons over "forbidden romance"
Doll chilled Cheslock out after the fire
Ciel gets picked for the Blue House team for June 4th and Doll, with Edward backing it up, gets picked for Green House's team
Doll likes looking like a knight for this entrance
When Aleister gets revealed to be Edgar's uncle, Doll gags in secret.
However Aleister recognize Doll! But not from the cruise, but from that ball with the "beautiful robin in pink", in which Edgar teases her saying he "sees her forbidden love was real"
When escaping the teasing Edgar ran into Joker who came and the two kind of...clicked
"Midford! Phantomhive! Permission to dance with your Lady Elizabeth?" Doll called out with a small smirk when Lizzy went to her
Doll gave her the same lie as she told Edward
Cheslock: "I hope to soon kick your ass in cricket Freckle Face." Doll: "Well I hoe your dreams are as vivid as your music talent when you lose Scar face"
Doll heard about the Red House upset stomach act and was appalled Ciel went that far
Green House vs Blue House is a fun game of "Oh yeah, I'm kicking your ass no strings attached" between Doll and Ciel
Edward made sure no one knew Doll's gender in the changing rooms and game
When Ciel got whacked in the head everyone screamed out, but Doll was a touch louder when she screamed "Smile"
Doll went to the inferiority with Sebastian and Ciel, and as Sebastian left the room for a second the two had a moment where they nearly kissed
Cheslock's face when it's revealed Sebastian's a butler, his prefects are murders, and Doll's a girl;
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After the case was closed Doll still writes to Cheslock, Edward, Clayton, and Cheslock Ciel knows now he may have feelings for Doll
During the London visit Joker got some juggling balls cause Edgar called him "jester" as a humor, Dagger got new blades, Beast got a new bag, Jumbo got books to read, Peter and Wendy got wine cause ye, And Doll got a hat with a nice specially made hair pin.
Emerald Witch Arc:
I headcanon Peter has German roots so he was excited
By this point the others know of Doll's crush on Ciel
Joker is still thinking on that pretty blond man he met during the 4th of June
Witches curse? Sounds like something that peeks in interest of the thirsty new knowledge nerds~
The village is cute-
Oh wait it's a bunch of women with weapons
Everyone's in love with Sieglinde's home
I was letting my sister read this whole post cause by this point it has taken me TWO DAYS to write down and she comments how Wolfram is now another person Wendy would have a serious crush on after he addressed her as her actual age and not how she looks
Ciel is still shocked how Sieglinde eats but not too much cause Doll still doesn't eat like how he does
Sieglinde grew attached to Doll fast since she's the first female her age
No one was there when Sieglinde randomly offered a threeway with Sebastian and Ciel
With Finny, Doll was picked to help Ciel after he got effected by the "curse"
Sieglinde and Peter kind of bond over the sense of being stuck with a "curse". I see Peter hating his condition more than Wendy, who more or less accepted it now
She gave him a customized male version of her dress as a thank you
Doll literally bit Sebastian when he was dragging her and Finny out
Joker's hair got cut short while they escaped
Doll and Peter were with Ciel and Sieglinde so they were able to help them switch clothes
Doll got to stab with the hair pin
Sorry it took a while and I'm stopping at the end of Emerald Witch's arc, cause as much as I want to write the Phantom-Five and everything I'm going to take a pause. I wrote this for days and I'm feeling sick guys, plus the arcs to follow are the R!Ciel territory so yeah, I'd like to hear your thoughts while I sleep
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redrose-arrow · 1 year
my [shared account’s] spotify wrapped, except it’s only the songs that i listened to exclusively because they remind me of RA
#8: Serenade by BANNERS: the biggest Will and Maddie song, if ever there was one. 
#12 It’s Gonna Be OK by BANNERS: hi yes so this was the designated song for George telling Maddie It’s Gonna Be OK after everyone’s died in my Heroes get remembered, but legends never die killing spree. 
#15 Missing You by All Time Low: Gilan being a big bro to Will will forever have a special place in my heart 
#16 Someone To You by BANNERS: at this point I just love this song, but way back when it was one of many Willyss anthems. 
#17 Venus Fly Trap by MARINA: Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddi-
#18 On And On by The Score: hahahahahahahhahaa yes so this was the song I chose for Crowley’s death. anyways. 
#21 Viva La Vida by Coldplay: do I even need to explain myself? okay I will- it’s Halt and Ferris and the crown of Clonmel. 
#22 Where Do You Run by The Score: I don’t fully remember how and why, but I just got Will vibes. 
#24 Home Without A Heart by Blanks: Willyss without me being able to explain why. I just have a vivid memory of thinking about them when I first heard the song. 
#25 Half Light by BANNERS: uhhhhh yea so that’s the song I associate with Halt being deathbed sick. 
#30 Going Home by The Score: the special task force coming home. I wish we’d seen more of that. 
#39 Where The Shadow Ends by BANNERS: look, I just went though a songfic period this spring, and I used this one to write about Cassandra helping Will face his trauma. 
#41 Centuries by Fall Out Boy: an oldie but goldie, but like, look me in the eyes and tell me that most of the RA characters do not embody this song. you can’t. 
#43 Coming Home by Sheppard: I will not apologise for loving the “coming home” trope so much and using it every. single. chance. I have. 
#55 Unsteady by X Ambassadors: ok, I will apologise for the killing spree, but this song was for Will learning of Alyss’s death. I have never been less okay. 
#56 Symphony by Sheppard: WILLYSS WILLYSS WILLYSS WILLYSS I’d literally die for them. 
#58 Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy: my friend once suggested this song for “the wards changing and saving the world” and she’s right. 
#61 Ghosts by Banners: will you kill me if I remind you that this song was for Pauline after Halt’s death? because that’s how it ended up here. 
#65 Quarter Past Midnight by Bastille: always thinking of the Redmont wards when I hear this. 
#68 Got It In You by BANNERS: this one I also used for writing Cassandra telling Will that he’s more than his trauma. 
#69 The Anchor by Bastille: Horace trying to help Will, but sometimes it’s awfully hard for Will to believe he can be helped. 
#73 Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE and Gavin DeGraw: I am so in love with the found family in RA, istg. 
#82 Superheroes by The Script: this has been an appreciation song for Will and Alyss as separate characters and as a couple for literally as long as I can remember. 
#86 For the First Time by The Script: remember my whole AU about Alyss going to Gallica with Keren and Will getting her back but they have to built their relationshp from scratch? yeah.
#92 Let Her Go by Passenger: this was one of the first songs I every associated with RA and of course it’s TRR. how could it not be? 
#93 Before I Go by Guy Sebastian: I’m a little hesitant to admit that this one is also from my killing spree, but it was the David/Rodney/Arald returning from retirement to save Araluen again which leads to all of their deaths song. 
#97 Die Young by Sheppard: life is hard and dangerous but they’re still having fun. you only live once, right? 
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iheartgod175 · 1 year
Some more SW Stuff I’ve had on the brain…
Friday, I had the idea to do a short story focusing on Pig’s mom. Or come up with a design for her, anyway. One idea I’ve always had since I was little was that Pig’s mom had died when he was young, hence why the brothers are raised by their dad. Poppa Pig hasn’t remarried since then, but does keep her memory alive within the family. The short story I had in mind involved how Poppa Pig and his wife met, with his wife being an inventor while he, and his own brothers, are still builders. How she died is something I’m still working on. While in the original SRBA it was inferred, chapter 4 of DR confirms that AP’s mom did die…which makes Material-B’s remarks even more horrible.
I had two new AU ideas—one being a Whyatt/Princess Pea AU where Whyatt is Pea’s bodyguard and the Azure Flamechaser full time, and the other being a Whyatt/Red AU that’s kinda like a gender bent Beauty and the Beast, except that one has a few more elements of the original Grimm Brothers’ fairytales. Not sure if I’ll ever get around to posting them, though!
Due to playing Honkai Impact 3rd, I realized that majority of my stories have their own Kallen Kaslana—or legacy characters whose actions directly shaped the events of living ones. For FLaG, it was Sebastian Lièvre and Nico Fontaine. For BT, it’s Olivier Coyote and Rose Rabbit. For Temporary Truce, this almost became the case for Punkin’s mom and Cat’s father. For The Zula Patrol: Dreamscape Crusade, it’s Multo’s ancestor, Multo I. And this story has three dead characters whose stories still affect the present: Mother Goose, Prince Phillip, and Pig’s mother, whom I’m still thinking of!
I also realized during the writing of chapter 4 that AP basically became a miniature Nanoha, with a bit of Hibiki Tachibana thrown into the mix. One of his lines to Material-B (“I’ll come back alive and make it happen, even if it kills me!”) is directly inspired by Hibiki’s famous declaration to not die when fighting Miku in Symphogear G.
I also want to write more of King and Queen Pea, who are the main royals of Storybrook Village, if I’m guessing this correctly, and have had some important roles in the SRBA ‘verse. Queen Pea knows a lot about relics and swords, and King Pea went toe to toe with his daughter and won (although technically, he didn’t fight her, just talked sense into her). There’s a hint in chapter 4 that points at there being more to Princess Presto’s Second Style than being a merge of her old powers and new powers.
A funny idea I had that takes place after the events of SRBA is where Whyatt chats with his family about the Super Readers, and Jack notes that he often wondered who Whyatt was referring to when he needed the Super Readers to solve a problem, much to his embarrassment.
Writing those Why/Red scenes has given me fuel to write more of them! So, you can expect a few one-shots featuring them sometime in the future! One cute little one shot that I have takes place a bit before the events of SRBA Reloaded, where Whyatt decides to get Red a special present for her birthday,which is a soccer ball made out of chocolate. His mother, who knows that he hardly if ever eats any candy, notices this and teases him, asking if he’s buying it for a girl. If there’s one thing about Whyatt, he’s a terrible liar, which leads to him being slightly embarrassed, haha XD
Regarding Jeremiah, the Super Readers do eventually learn of his familial connection to Chaos, and question why he’s fighting his brother. Chaos is one of the few people that Jeremiah outright hates, and deems unworthy of being saved. There is a reason for this that’ll be explained in chapter 6. Jeremiah did try to help Chaos turn from his ways, but he did something so heinous that he cut him off and they became enemies.
Might make a few OCs, especially those who were the first Super Readers! ^^
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oho soulmate aus 👁️👁️? if so then may i mayhaps....... request last words with ciel for The Angst™?
(also: welcome back!!! it's nice to have your delightful blog and content again, i hope you're having a lovely day!! 🥺💕)
l…ast words your soulmate says are written on your skin, so you do not know it is them until they are gone.
I always say “oh gosh I have other favorites, I’m not a big Ciel fangirl” but then I get to write shit like this AND I TRANSFORM INTO #1 HAPPY FUNTIME ANGSTY WHUMPY CIEL FANGIRL-
also I’m glad you’re still here enjoying content!!! it makes me so happy~ <3 <3 <3
I hope this results in all the tears you wanted!!
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It’s borderline cruel, you think, for the world to work this way.
‘(Name)… Close your eyes.’
For your entire life you’ve walked around with these words on your skin, terrified of what exactly they mean. This is the last thing your soulmate is going to say to you, and it makes you angry.
Why does it have to be like this? How are you supposed to live or love, not knowing who you’re meant to have found until you lose them? How are you supposed to trust anyone around you, or yourself, knowing that anybody in your life could be the one?
Your words in particular scare you and fill you with a deep melancholy.
Whoever your soulmate is, you won’t die along with them. But you can only guess that they’re going to die in front of you, that they know what’s going to happen, and that they don’t want you to see it.
It’s driven you to a sort of paranoia, unsure who is your fated love, trying to decipher clues in everyone around you that might help. The only one you’ve ever felt a real pull toward is CIEL, but… he’s your master, and you his servant.
No matter how he has taken your hand sometimes, slipping something that he will need later into them, impressing upon you that he trusts you to guard it with your life. No matter that his fingers are always slow in pulling away. No matter that every single time, you keep what it is that he’s trusted you with safe, never failing him.
Once or twice, you’ve tried to test the waters with him. Each time, while he seems to want to return your affections, they’re always rebuffed.
It can’t be him. No matter how much you may wish it could be.
And you don’t know what woke you up tonight, aside from the possibility of your own thoughts not allowing you rest. Many other nights you’ve laid awake staring at the words branded on your skin, with them haunting you. Wondering how much longer you have until you hear these words, and you have to mourn the loss of what could have been.
Soulmates are supposed to spend their lives together, you reason, as you head down the hall from the servants’ quarters, restless. Doesn’t it defeat the whole point of that, to only know who you were supposed to spend your life with after all hope of it is shattered?
A light from the study catches your attention, too bright and pulsing for you to ignore. Surely your master can’t still be up at this hour…? He often goes to bed before you do.
There he is, though ― perched on the desk, Ciel Phantomhive sits in as typical an outfit as ever. His eye patch is discarded somewhere on the floor, and over his eye is a complicated circle design, as if it’s been tattooed there. He looks distressed… yet, at peace.
Like whatever is about to happen, he’s accepted it.
Like he’s known it was coming.
Something amorphous and deep violet, ringed with a pink halo, hovers in front of his chest. Dark-hued, shimmering threads connect it to him, thin as gossamer and ready to snap, and it pulses as if alive.
There is Sebastian, looking wild. His hair has grown, his outfit is shocking, and the heels of his boots are so sharp he could impale someone simply by stepping on them. A set of smooth black horns sit atop his head like a crown of the damned, along with wings that echo the same color, comprised of razor-sharp feathers.
His lips parted, you can see pointed eyeteeth poking out.
He looks like a monster.
“There’s no delaying this any further,” he murmurs, reaching out a hand to tilt Ciel’s chin up. “I have fulfilled my end of the contract. It almost pains me to say that things are over… but your debt is due, master.”
For his part, Ciel looks just as defiantly toward Sebastian as he does every time the once-butler does anything which irritates him. “Don’t act like I don’t understand. You’ve left the notes I’ve written here in the desk for everyone to find?”
“Yes, my lord. And I do rather hope that’s the last time I have to say that.” Sebastian smirks, betraying the impatience in his eyes. “One message for (Name), one for Elizabeth, one for the rest of the servants, and one for your business contacts. I do trust that your faithful (Name) will be the one to take care of everything; they were always so hopelessly loyal to you.”
His eyes flash a bright fuchsia. “… A crueler creature would strike a contract with them now that I’m done with you. But I’m not sure their soul would be worth it.”
Ciel’s hand shoots out, around the purple mass in front of his chest, to grab firmly around one of Sebastian’s horns. He uses the leverage to tug the former servant’s face down toward him, and he speaks in the most chilling voice you’ve ever heard him use.
“Do not touch them. If you come within a hundred meters of their soul with your disgusting maw, I will have no care for the fact that I’ll have ceased to exist. Come near them, and I will find a way to make your life a worse hell than you’ve already lived in. I will never allow you a moment’s rest. Until you devour my soul, the contract isn’t complete; so this is an order. Stay. Away. From. (Name).”
With that he practically shoves Sebastian back, though it appears not to do much. You can see it reflected in his eyes that Ciel is tired, weak. His body was already frail before, and in the past year he’s only become more sickly.
His will, however, seems to have grown stronger, despite the fact that you think something horrible is about to happen. Something he knows about.
He lets out a shudder of a breath, a brief string of coughs dripping out from the effort of threatening Sebastian and speaking with so much fervor. A hand comes up to his chest as he lifts his gaze.
“It’s time, then.”
Sebastian smiles like someone who’s just had their favorite meal set down in front of him, and this is the moment where you lose whatever was holding you back from saying a word.
You step inside the door with your heart beating hard enough to crack your chest open. “C… Ciel!” Propriety is thrown to the wind, terror running through your veins. “What’s… what’s going on?”
“Wha ― (Name)?!” His eyes go wide when just a moment ago they were nearly closed. His gaze flits from you to Sebastian, then back, then again… like he doesn’t know what to do. Mortification is written all over his features, and the dark cloud in front of his chest quivers.
Sebastian looks at you with disdain before sweeping his arm toward Ciel. With the gesture, his claw-like nails latch on to the wispy blackish shape, pulling it out of the way. “Here we are. Why don’t you give your master a parting embrace? Let me grant you at least that mercy… I should think he would be comforted to die in your arms.”
“Sebastian!” Ciel barks, his face contorting into a furious snarl. He very nearly throws himself off the desk, but… then he looks back at you.
Time ticks by. One second. Two. Three, four, five…
He’s going to die, sinks in when he beckons you closer with a shaking hand. “Come here. Let me give you one last order.”
You don’t know what moves you. Feelings for him, or fear, or both. Regardless, you’re there in an instant, your arms thrown round his neck, holding him as close as you can. One of his arms balances himself on the desk, and the other wraps tightly around you.
Tears blur your vision quickly, even as you bury your face in his chest. You can hear the gentle beating of his heart, the ragged wheezes of his body trying to draw in a decent breath, the thrum of whatever that thing is in the background.
“You’ll be alright,” Ciel murmurs softly. “You and the others will get along without me. I know you will.”
You can’t bring yourself to do anything but cry. For years now you’ve loved him, in every possible way a person can love someone, and now… what’s to become of those feelings? Even if he was never the one you were fated to be with, you love him.
“I love you.” It comes out before you mean it to, in between all the gasps and tears. Your hands are clutching the back of his shirt with so much strength, it’s like you think you can prevent this by sheer desire alone. Like you think if only you hold him tightly enough, you’ll bend reality. “Please don’t go… please.”
A crackly chuckle leaves him, and he sighs against your hair. “… Then… it was you after all. I’m sorry.” He presses a delicate kiss to the top of your head.
“(Name)…” he whispers. “Close your eyes.”
And you do, and you pretend not to feel the way he goes limp in your arms when the sick sound of Sebastian’s fangs cracking the shell of his soul fills your senses like a gunshot.
And it was him.
It was your master.
He was always the one.
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phelpsxmancil98 · 2 years
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Descent Into Madness by Hannah Phelps
Jim Moriarty / OC; Sherlock AU (fandom)
They had been children together. At one point small and shy, fragile even. But like everyone else in the living world they grew up and started their own lives apart from each other. As adults they lived two completely different lifestyles; Moriarty, an underground criminal mastermind in lavish luxury, and ordinary tattoo designer Annalee with her tidy studio apartment kept dark from the outside world. As kids they were attached at the hip until Jim's parents died in a mysterious house fire and he was taken into the custody of his aunt. He was five and she was four, though while she forgot him he always remembered her. And he found her again, as adults.
A/N: Sadly, there will be no Sherlock or John within this short story. But I am including a warning for mentions of attempted suicide, premeditated murder, homicide, violence and gore, strong coarse language, and bullying.
Song for the chapter: Start Shootin' by Little People
- o -
Annalee blinked slowly, staring hard at the ground spinning in front of her as it threatened to rush up to her face. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as it dripped, drip drip, off the bottom of her lip. Her head still continued to pound, wondering how she was still conscious after such a blow.
She needed to get a grip. She needed to stop swaying on her feet. Needed the world to right itself for just one moment.
Where was the knife?
He wasn't far behind her, never too far away from her. Always taunting her. She swallowed at the thought at him catching her again. Couldn't let him win.
Where the hell was that damned knife?
"You bitch! Where the fuck are you?!"
Shit! Shit, shit, shit!
Annalee scrambled further down the road frantically searching for the knife she dropped when she tripped while running, carefully listening. Listening for approaching footsteps, for her attacker to strike again.
And then the scene changed.
Annalee was no longer limping away from Graham, no longer fighting for her life. She was no longer searching for a weapon to defend herself with or wearing torn and bloody clothes that made her feel disgusting.
But she wasn't in her cozy, dark studio apartment either. She stood staring blankly at her reflection in a gold set Victorian mirror clothed in fine silk and wrapped in faux fur, wondering how she ended up in these types of situations.
And who the hell is Jim Moriarty?
There was no escaping this nightmare though. Moriarty wasn't Graham. He wasn't alone and he had eyes everywhere. Right now, at this moment, the eyes staring at her were cold and distant.
A stony, gunmetal blue gaze studied her closely waiting. Awaiting her next escape attempt, her next move. The eyes of a predator who knew how to hunt for and capture his prey.
Sebastian, he had called himself rather politely.
He stood imposing in the lavish bedroom doorway, arms crossed and spine straight like a true soldier. Annalee took notice of his feet, set should length apart. He was prepared for another fight, another fit of rage.
"Are you ready to join everyone in the ballroom now, Miss Gray? Jim will not be pleased if his guests are upset they did not get to be graced by your lovely prescence."
She snorted at him in a very unladylike fashion. As if she cared about how a psychopath like James Moriarty felt or his guests.
Charity event, my ass.
"And what will come of me if I don't? You'll sedate me again and chain me to my bed?"
Sebastian breathed in deep, then sighed slowly. His shoulders visibly rose and fell before he rolled them and strode towards her. "Stop being stubborn or I'll toss you over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes, drag you back to the ballroom, and force feed you champagne until you closely resemble something to a normal human being."
She glared daggers as he came closer, shrinking away from his touch on her bare shoulder as the faux fur scarf slipped from it's place there. But she didn't back down. Never.
"And what if I want something stronger?"
Sebastian broke out into a grin for the first time since they've met, "Girl after my own heart. Let me guess... Jack Daniels?"
"Nope. Close though."
Maybe there was still a chance to escape.
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oya-oya-okay · 5 months
This idea really interested me!!!❣️❣️❣️
Kuro & Twst "The Sherlock Event"
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This event would not be related to my AU👆
Perhaps the NRC would have received an invitation from Ciel Phantomhive to a Sherlock party/quest (like "Check how good your students' logical abilities are!") OR will NRC students see an advertisement about it and get interested😳 (like "Check how good your logical abilities are!")
At the end of the event, Ciel and Sebastian would also have turned out to be villains who fooled our boys!!🙃
P.S. I don't think Ciel would come up with something really serious against teenagers, but he would definitely need something from them
I'm thinking what SSR and SR would be like... What kind of characters from twst could be in the event? SSR and SR, R?
Ciel SSR and Sebastian SR or Sebastian SSR and Ciel SR?... Or are they both SSR?🤔🤔🤔 (In short, it would be interesting if they also had a card like Rollo's!!🥰)
Plot, design, cards and groovy... Maybe I'll implement it someday!!(but I'm not sure I'll do it in the near future)
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sacharowan · 12 days
okay no because the image of like blushy ass sebchal finally getting their shit together bc well .. what are they gonna do?? NOT listen to their fave hot old men?? (do we think butter stay there the whole time telling them what to do or do they let them have their fun indivudally first and then show up for round 2 ?)
also honestlty mark webbers face after a race where seb has done a seb esque move on him and then half a lap later charles leclerc does the same thing.... it would be a picture (he recovers because he gets some revenge later on in the drivers rooms)
(also actually rbr era seb and charles (who im imagining is somehow a red bull third driver bc he deserves nothing less than the best car on the grid and also i think both seb and mark would enjoy him in the rbr fireproofs (as would i bc the 2010 rbr design was cool as hell) wheel to wheel battles would be so enjoyable to me personally i'm upset its physically impossible for it to happen but also like you just know sebchal would be having the time of their LIVES out there (if you think the monoco victory boner is bad imagine the post sebchal rbr wheel to wheel boner)
also the post race sex would be WILD (no matter which combination we take bc those boys are nuts)
also not to gross anyone out by bring h*lm*t up but if he treats charles as the boogeyman who could single handedly end rbr dominance NOW and has done even when charles was driving the dreaded sf-75 i think a charles who can go full on mental in a red bull with sebastian vettel cheering him on would genuinely end him and that is exactly what he deserves (also bc i can in this au mattia binotto suffers a freak accident and is never seen within 1000 feet of scuderia ferrari management) all is right in f1
im so sorry but im genuinely obsessed with this dynamic now its made a home in my brain
yeah!!! another thing that makes sebchal so similar to each other is how much they're affected by their favourite hot old men. of course they would do as they're told!! I think butter would definitely come in for round two and be teasing about whether or not sebchal could actually do what they wanted without them there. bc they know that sebchal just wanna be good >:))
mark would be so pissed off but also really impressed with the two of them doing the exact same thing. like obviously he's annoyed about not winning but goddamn those overtakes were sexy as fuck. and anyway he can take what he wants later ;)
ooh charles as red bull third driver. I hadn't really considered how he'd logically fit into this universe but I like it. maybe that or toro rosso or smth. idk . but him in any of those cars would be so fucking sexy and seb (carfucker supreme) would not be able to resist.
sebchal wheel to wheel battles!!! they'd definitely be intense. who can blame them from getting horny from that? certainly not butter who get to reap the rewards before sebchal get their shit together . and the slutty podium champagne would just make everything so much more insane.
oh h*lmut would not survive two menaces on the same team. both incredibly talented drivers who have the whole paddocks in their hands. and driving the way they do? nope he'd just keel over and perish. and mattia doesn't get to even consider f1, sebchal are safe from him.
yeah same this universe has made a place in my brain and I love it (I mean, I also need to go to sleep bc it's 1.45 but ya know)
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ryuucha · 1 month
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I really like your College AU and I decided to extend it by adding the characters from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler. I decided to put Sebastian Michaelis and Grell Sutcliff since your AU needs more comedy duo besides Hoozuki and Hakutaku and also the backpack duo (Kusuriuri and Ginko)
Here are some of the headcanons about them (So both of them won't be too out off character)
Sebastian Michaelis:
He's a student from the Culinary and Hotel Management Service Faculty.
Have soft spot for cats, especially Tamaki's Bakeneko (he often get scratched by Kitty). He always playing with cats during free time.
Everyone often wonders how come he always getting good grades, he just replied "I'm simply one hell of a college student" or "If I can't do this kind of task what kind of college student will I be ? / A college student who can't do this simple task isn't worth of his salt."
Despite the fact that he's quite helpfulnon catching Mushis, Ginko often feel something strange with Sebastian due to his snarky attitude (What did expect from this one hell of a butler college student, Ginko ?)
Is a good friend with Hoozuki, since both of them are epitome of sadisticness.
Sebastian is also close with Kusuriuri but somehow always keeping distance with Hyper.
Quite popular among the ladies (he has a lot of fangirls, including Grell) which makes Hakutaku jealous.
Often seen wearing gloves (I was thinking that he still has his Faustian Contract / The Pentagram Marking on his left hand)
Loves serving tea for others, usually it was part of his tasks in his faculty.
Completely aware with supernatural entities, like mushi and mononokes.
Hides silverwares in his bag and used it as weapons, sometimes he uses tablewares from campus as well.
Has a part time job which is babysitting a rich kid (He's Ciel's babysitter in this AU)
Grell Sutcliff:
She's in the same faculty with Kayo and Peach Maki.
Physically Male but uses Female pronouns (She is a transwoman)
Having soft spot for Sebastian but often gets rejected.
Often called Sebastian with "Bassy" or "Sebas-Chan."
Lately, she also flirts Hoozuki since she saw some similiarities between him and Sebastian, but often got scared with Hoozuki's demeanor.
Sometimes jealous with Maki, Kayo and Tamaki because Sebastian likes them more (especially Tamaki because Grell knew that Kitty was the only thing that draws his attention).
Loves anything that is red in color, like Hoozuki's Goldfish Plant. Her designs are all red in color (some of them ended uo rejected).
Often argue with Hakutaku, due the fact she rejects him a lot and only wants Sebastian.
Spending time spying on Sebastian during free time.
Often seen with feminine outfit and high heels (and it's always red in color).
I guess these all that I could come out with for both Sebastian and Grell...for now (They are the only Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler characters that I could come out with for your College AU)
I hope you like them ^^
By @onikiribattousai
Orcatea: I’m sorry I just opened up inbox and found this! Seeing this is a submission is a bit confusing so I hope posting like this is ok 😭 I’m happy to see your take on the au! Love the headcanon descriptions!
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lunar-lattice · 2 years
0 for Liam and Greed!
green dudes......... (actually greed isnt very green but he exists in my head as such for some reason)
under the cut bc it got kinda long!
1) What would their social media page/activity be like?
Liam's the guy who stays in his corner and quietly shares content of games he likes and geckos. He shares absolutely nothing of his personal life and uses a handle.
2) What animal they remind me of
Geckos are His Thing
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
realizing some of these dont quite work for OCs hm. His design is one of my favorites of mine but i gotta do more art of him and his punk duds
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
Gonna use this for just a related fact! Liam's an insomniac but when he gets tired enough, he can and will sleep anywhere. He also struggles to gain any weight past 'being a twig' weight and it annoys him.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
He had a friend group in high school that he drifted away from and really regrets having done so.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Liam always needs some kind of sound in the background, pure silence sets off his paranoia. He's got a lot of regrets but he regrets how easy he lashed out at others as a teenager and how much he struggled to put that into check as an adult.
7) Ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider
I mean The Ships for him are Liam/Sketches (which is good for monster romance and just general wish fulfillment for Liam) and Liam/Sebastian (good for more grounded plots)
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
There's a bunch of characters of mine he'd never interact with: He'd be actually really scared of Van and vibe pretty well with Vice.
9) Headcanons about their past
Liam used to dress all up as a teenager when his whole punk outfit, INCLUDING even makeup and the like. He did start dressing more comfortably after he grew up but he kinda misses it.
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
I mean I make the content...more content I wanna make with him is more funky surreal art and more of the babysitter AU
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
Greed picks fights with people for fun online and incessantly bothers his siblings (mainly Envy bc they Have to have the last word so arguments are hysterical)
2) What animal they remind me of
Flamingo? Or any kind of tropical flashy bird
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
Both Greed designs are SO good but I miss Greed 1.0's vest with the fur collar. I also find it amusing Greedling basically just has Ed's same look but pokes fun at him abt his taste
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
Greed is not picky about food in the slightest and likes anything and everything. He says he prefers is when it's more expensive but he's got a soft spot for terrible junk food.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
He is a social butterfly and kind of resents his status as a homunculus making it so its difficult to go out and meet people. He's not really all that picky about what kinda people he gets along with
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Surprisingly good singer! Actually surprisingly good at a lot of things because knowledge is something else he feels he must acquire and hoard
7) Ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider
I think I like Greed/Ling best though I also just like them as bros
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
They had like .2 seconds of interaction so that doesn't count but I just know Greed would hassle Mustang just as bad as Ed
9) Headcanons about their past
The Devil's Nest is only the latest place he's settled down at, he's prone to moving around, whether people start asking questions or he just gets bored
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
I haven't really ventured far into FMA fan content admittingly so I'm not really sure!
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onceuponastory · 2 years
petals and ink -  b.b x reader
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I work at a flower shop and you’re a tattoo artist from across the street and you always come in here to practice drawing flowers and you’re really hot AU || AU prompt by @aesocias and found on this blog
Plot: Looking for inspiration for some new tattoos, Bucky visits his friend and crush Y/N, who owns the flower shop across the street from the tattoo parlour he works in. Pairing: tattooartist!Bucky Barnes x flowershopowner!Reader (AU) Notes: In my mind, tattooartist!Bucky looks like he does in Infinity War and Endgame, just with his arms covered in tattoos and some eyeliner, like when Sebastian was T*mmy Lee. Also I don’t have a specific song rec for this oneshot, but I listened to Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift a lot as I was writing this, so I suggest you listen to that, hahaha. Also thanks to @buckysbarnes​ who gave me the idea to give Bucky a blastover tattoo. Warnings: Mentions needles and getting tattooed if you dislike that kinda thing. 
The bells above the door to the flower shop jingle, and Y/N looks up from the bouquet she’s arranging. “Hey, Bucky.” She smiles, seeing her friend walking through the door. 
“Hey, doll.” He responds. She tries to hide her face so he can’t see her blushing at the fact he called her doll. After all, he calls most people doll. She’s convinced that for Bucky, doll is simply a term of endearment. But sometimes, she likes to pretend it’s just for her. Ever since Bucky, with both his arms, hands (and as she later found out, most of his thighs), covered in tattoos, arrived in town and started working in the tattoo shop across the street, Y/N has found herself falling head over heels in love with him. Her crush on him is not helped by his propensity to walk over to her flower store to visit her multiple times each week, sometimes bringing a snack or drink for them both, ready to tell her about the new art pieces he’s working on and the weird and wonderful things people want to get tattooed. He visits her so many times a week that she’s found herself missing his visits and feeling upset when he doesn’t appear. “That looks nice.” Bucky gestures to the assortment of flowers that she’s arranging. 
“Thanks. It’s for an anniversary, so I want to make sure it looks extra perfect. I’ll be with you in just a sec.” She replies, cutting some ribbon. 
“I don’t think you need to worry about that. I don’t know much about flowers, but it looks great.” His words make Y/N stop in her tracks, and she mumbles a quick thank you. As she finishes the bouquet, Bucky glances around the shop. Various colours and varieties of flowers surround him, each smelling wonderful. Soft music plays from the radio, and Y/N hums along to it as she ties the ribbon around the bouquet. Bucky smiles. Sometimes he wishes he had a shop like this or that he could just spend more time in Y/N’s. The atmosphere is calming, and it’s really pretty inside. It makes a change from the shop he works in. Of course, he loves his job as a tattoo artist and the way his art can be on someone’s body permanently. And after a while, the sound of the needles became second nature to him...but whenever he comes to Y/N’s shop, smells the flowers and hears the calmness in the air...he realises that sometimes he likes spending time here much more than he does being at the shop. And of course, the cute shop owner Y/N helps too. Even though he’s too much of a pussy to admit his feelings for her.
“There we go, all sorted.” Y/N announces, taking the bouquet through the back so it can be picked up later. “Now, Bucky, what can I do for you?” 
“Well, I have a favour to ask you.” Y/N’s eyebrows raise. Knowing Bucky, this could mean anything from asking her to make a bouquet for an ex-girlfriend to just asking her what a specific flower is called. “I want to branch out with my art, and I’m thinking of incorporating some more flowers into my tattoo designs. Obviously, there’s roses and daisies and stuff...but I want to try and add less popular flowers as time goes on. So, would it be okay if I got some of your flowers to practice drawing?” He takes out his wallet, holding it in his tattooed hands. “I’ll pay for every single one of them, don’t worry.” Bucky continues, looking at her hopefully. Y/N’s eyes scan over the tattoos covering his arms. She still remembers when Bucky told her about some of his tattoos.
“So on this arm...” He gestures to his left arm. “I went for more of a blast over kind of thing. It’s a coverup, but not really. You can still see the original tattoo underneath.” Y/N nods along. To be honest, she’s too busy staring at Bucky’s muscles and the tattoos covering them to fully pay attention to what Bucky is saying. 
“Why did you decide to not cover the whole thing?”
“Well, we all make mistakes, and I definitely did with my first few tattoos. But tattoos and mistakes are a part of you, and because you can still see the original tattoo underneath, I feel like I can still see and accept my mistakes...cause they made something new.” He grins, and she smiles. It’s so obvious how much Bucky loves his job. It’s really nice to see his face light up every time he talks about his tattoos.
“Oooh, look at you, being all philosophical. That’s unlike you.” She giggles.
“Hey!” Bucky throws some popcorn at her. “Besides, I look totally badass, right?!” He grins, flexing his left arm. And there’s the Bucky she remembers.
“Hmm, I don’t know. I’m not so sure about the whole badass thing.”
She was lying. Of course he looked like a badass. He always does. A very hot badass. She swears that’s the day she realised she was in love with Bucky Barnes. One day, she’d like to ask him about each of his tattoos and what they mean. But part of her is okay with not knowing. It makes him seem more mysterious, which to her, makes him look more attractive. Bucky is still looking at her expectantly, and she blushes.
“Sure. You can use my flowers. Take as many as you’d like.” She nods. Bucky grins. Of course, he knows he could just google pictures of the flowers, but it’s different than seeing them up close. And it gives him an excuse to see Y/N, which is always a plus.
“You’re a star.” Y/N grins and gestures to the rows of flowers on the walls of her shop, some reaching as high as the ceiling. 
“Right. Where do you want to start?” Bucky looks like a fish out of water as he looks over at all the flowers in the store. Y/N giggles. “I’ll give you some simple ones to start off with. Here’s a daisy. They mean innocence and purity.” She informs him, passing one over.
“So the complete opposite of me.” Bucky winks, gesturing to himself. Y/N shakes her head.
“Nah, I don’t think you’re that bad.” She picks out some more flowers, informing Bucky of the meaning of each. After he’s gained quite a lot of flowers, Y/N sends him on his way. She leans against the door and grins as the door closes behind him. She gets a chance to see Bucky more and use her knowledge of flowers for good. 
What more could a girl ask for?
As the weeks go on, Bucky continues to return to Y/N’s shop for more flowers, brandishing his sketchbooks and showing her all of the flowers he drew and the tattoo designs to go along with them. He’s also written the names and meanings of each beside them. “Have you started tattooing some of your designs yet?” She asks one day as she picks out a tulip to go with the growing bundle. 
“Some.” Bucky muses, sitting at the counter, drawing some more designs in his sketchbook. “Unfortunately, most of the big burly guys I tattooed recently weren’t too enthused about having a little tulip or a daisy tattooed on them. But, all the flowers do make my workstation smell and look nice, though, so thanks for that. Steve and Sam keep commenting on it. They say you’re very talented with bouquets.” Y/N rolls her eyes. 
“Well, that’s stupid. Not the talent thing. Tell them I say thanks. I just mean there’s nothing wrong with having a flower tattoo. Flowers have so many meanings. Look.” She pulls out a yellow carnation. “A yellow carnation means you’re disappointed in someone. And purple anemones mean protection from ill wishes. I mean...that’s so cool!” She exclaims. Bucky laughs, and she blushes furiously. Now he probably thinks she’s a weirdo. Most people do anyway, so she wouldn’t be surprised if Bucky does too. Even though it would break her heart.
“I love how invested you are in this stuff.” Bucky tells her. Y/N sits beside him, placing the flowers on the counter beside them.
“Well, it’s my job.” She sighs. “And it’s interesting too, at least...to me it is.. I don’t know, I just think having a tattoo of a flower that’s meant to protect you from evil is quite cool and rockstar like. I’d love one like that. But I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. I’m not exactly cool to most people.”
“What? Are you kidding?! Of course you are! I don’t know anyone else who knows as much about flowers and their specific meanings, including by colour as you do. I think you’re pretty cool.” Bucky grins. Her heart rate rises, and heat spreads throughout her body, settling on her cheeks. Bucky thinks she’s cool? The weird girl obsessed with flowers is cool?
“Well, you’re probably the first and only one to say that about me...but thanks.” She smiles.
“And besides, I told the ones I did tattoo with flowers all about you, your shop and how good you are, so if you get more visitors, you have me to thank.” She giggles.
“Thanks, Bucky.” The two friends sit in silence for a while, both looking at each other. Both think about how cute the other is and wonder if they feel the same about them. 
“Were you serious, by the way?” Bucky asks suddenly. Y/N frowns. “About a tattoo! If you have something in mind, I’d be happy to sketch some designs, you can tell me what you think, and then we could see about fitting you in for an appointment for me to tattoo you. If you want, of course.”
“Well, I’d love one, especially from you, but I pricked my finger on a rose the other day, and it really hurt, so I’m not sure if I can handle the pain.” 
“Don’t worry! Tattoos don’t hurt that much.”
“Easy for you to say, you have lots of them!” Bucky chuckles.
“That’s true. But seriously, they don’t hurt as badly as you think. I was shitting myself before my first one, but it was a breeze. And besides...” He takes her hand reassuringly, intertwining his tattooed fingers with hers. “I’ll be right there with you during it. I promise I’ll be gentle.” Y/N swears that her heart is beating so hard it feels like it’s about to break out of her chest. A silence falls over the pair again. She looks over at Bucky, his blue eyes sparkling in the light and his long brunette hair falling in his eyes ever so slightly. She has to stop herself from brushing the hair out of his eyes, leaning in closer and kissing his lips. His lips, so chapped from the number of times he’s bitten them as he works on a new sketch. She’s sure that Bucky probably has no idea that she knows he does that. Just as Bucky’s sure that she has no idea that she sometimes dances to herself in the shop as she’s creating bouquets. It’s pretty cute, actually. The scent of Y/N’s perfume enters Bucky’s nostrils. He chuckles softly. Of course, she smells like daisies. Bucky remembers Y/N telling him that daisies mean innocence and how little that fits him. But god, it fits Y/N so well. 
Every time he enters the shop, she’s there with a smile on her face and a look of wonder as she glances over him, trying to notice if he’s got any new tattoos in the time since she last saw him. Bucky swears she’s like sunshine personified. Sometimes, he can be a complete asshole, but Y/N wouldn’t hurt a fly. Bucky knows their pairing must look weird to others. To be honest, it’s weird to him too sometimes. After all, he’s covered in tattoos and wearing leather jackets all the time, whilst Y/N wears cute floral dresses and skirts. But despite how weird they might look together, and how other people would think they don’t match, both Bucky and Y/N know that doesn’t matter. After all, they’re close friends, and that’s all they care about. And although both of them wish they could be something more...neither of them has the guts to admit it.
Bucky’s phone suddenly buzzes on the table next to them. “Shit.” He mutters, reading the text. “I gotta go. My next appointment is at the shop.” He scoops up all his things and the flowers. “I’ll see you later. Thanks again for the flowers. And try and think of a tattoo idea!” He grins before gently pressing a kiss to her cheek and rushing out the door. Y/N watches him go, feeling her cheek start to burn where Bucky kissed her.
“Great.” She sighs. “How the hell am I supposed to be tattooed by Bucky when I can’t even tell him I’m in love with him?”
Two weeks later, Y/N sits in the waiting room of Bucky’s tattoo shop, waiting on him to finish with his current client so she can be tattooed. 
“Can you fill this out, please?” A voice asks, and she looks up to see a man handing her a clipboard. She takes it, and her eyes scan the form. "Don’t worry. It’s just to make sure you’re over 18, you understand what’s going to happen and that tattoos are permanent, so you don’t sue us or anything.” He jokes. She nods. She decides against asking him what would happen if she’s in love with her tattoo artist, and if it would ruin her tattoo if she admitted it to him as he’s tattooing her. She fills out the form, passing it back to the man. He looks over it and grins. “So, this is the famous Y/N whose flower arrangements have been all over my shop recently?” 
“Yup, that’s me.” She nods. The man holds out his hand, his arm almost as tattooed as Bucky’s.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Sam, Bucky’s boss and one of his friends. You know, Bucky has told us a lot about-”
“Ohhhkay, Sam! No need to terrify the girl even more before her first ink.” Another man cuts in, walking into the room. “I’m Steve. I’m the other artist here, and I do some piercings too. Ignore him.” He gestures to Sam. “Can I get you some water, juice or anything?” Steve and Sam decide not to tell her that Bucky told both of them that he would be the only one tattooing her, and that he would kill them both if they even touched her skin with the needle.
“No thanks, I’m good.” She shakes her head. Thankfully, Bucky emerges from a door a few moments later.
“Okay, so keep up with your aftercare, just like we said. If there are any issues, just give me a call, alright?” The girl nods. “Great. Let me ring you up.” As he heads over to the desk, Bucky notices Y/N sitting on the couch. “Hey! Just let me finish up here, and get my stuff disinfected, then I’ll be right with you.” Y/N nods, still considering making a break for it.
Of course, Bucky was very helpful and reassuring when he showed her around the shop and gave her tips to prepare...but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel any less anxious. After a while, Bucky calls her in. She sits down on the chair, and Bucky cleans her skin and applies the stencil. She decided to get a peony tattooed on her forearm with some leaves around it. “Okay, this is my needle and my tattoo gun. I know it might look scary and feel a bit weird at first, but I promise you it’ll be alright. If you want to stop at any moment, you just tell me, alright? We can go at your own pace.” Bucky’s reassurance makes her feel a little better. Despite how badass Bucky Barnes looks, she knows he’s just a giant softie at heart.
“Okay.” She nods. Bucky turns the needle on and starts the tattoo. Y/N gasps slightly as she feels the needle moving along her skin. 
“It’s weird, right?!” 
"Do you say this to every person you tattoo? Can’t imagine it goes down well with everyone.” She asks. Bucky chuckles.
“Eh, true. But it helps calm nerves, I think. If your artist thinks something is weird too, it’s nice to know, rather than internally freaking out about it and thinking you’re going crazy.” She nods, and he goes back to the tattoo. As he tattoos her, she notices his brunette hair has been pulled back into a man bun. She smiles. It suits him. He looks even better with it, if that’s even possible. “Remind me why you chose a peony again?” Bucky asks.
“Well, whenever people think of flowers that symbolise love, they always go for roses. Most people don’t know that peonies also symbolise love, just like roses. So people hardly ever choose peonies. And cause of that, I think they’re an underappreciated flower, especially when it comes to love, so I wanted to fix that with this tattoo. And besides, I prefer peonies anyway.”
“Me too. I love that reasoning, actually. It means your tattoo is extra unique. Just like you.” Bucky grins, and a familiar heat rises to her cheeks once again. She watches him as he continues to tattoo her. It’s nice. He’s seen her at work so many times, so it’s nice to see him at his work for once. “There we go! Two leaves are all done.” He announces, moving his head so she can see. 
“Already? It doesn’t feel like it’s been that quick.” 
“Well, you’re a trooper.” He tells her. “Okay, doll, are you okay to continue? Or do you want a break?” She tells him to continue, and he does. As he tattoos her, he continues to reassure her and make sure she’s okay, especially when he goes over a bone a few times, causing her to grimace slightly. And in what feels like no time at all, the tattoo is done. “There we go!” She peers down at her arm and gasps.
“Holy shit Bucky, this is incredible! Thank you so much!” 
“No problem. Okay, I’m just going to wrap this and get my aftercare sheet for you. You just sit there for a bit cause you’ve been getting tattooed for a while. I don’t want you collapsing or anything.” Bucky wraps her tattoo and sits with her a minute or two to make sure she’s okay. “I’m gonna grab a Coke. Do you want one?” She nods, and Bucky disappears out of the room. As he leaves the room, his sketchbook falls off his desk. Y/N hops down off the chair and picks it up. As she sits back down, she sees the sketchbook is open on a page. She sneaks a quick glance.
“Lily. Means purity and chastity. Aka, still not me.” She giggles at Bucky’s comment and continues to flip through the book looking at Bucky’s drawings of various flowers from her shop. But as she turns the page once more, she sees something else. It’s her. Standing in her shop, preparing a bouquet. Bucky’s drawn her. Her eyes widen. She turns the page. Another drawing of her, this time picking out flowers. Another of her dancing in the shop. There’s even small sketches of her face, her forearms, her fingers, some with and without tattoos added on. She can feel tears stinging in her eyes. Bucky’s done so much artwork of her. She looks beautiful. 
As she’s studying another piece of art, Bucky returns. “Okay, one Coke, and-” He stops, seeing what she’s looking at. “Oh. Um, you kinda weren’t meant to see those.” His cheeks turn scarlet.
“They’re really good, Bucky.” 
“Well, I needed to practice my people drawing skills, and cause I see you almost every day, I thought you were a perfect choice. I’m sorry, it’s weird, I shouldn’t have-” He stammers, clearly embarrassed.
“No! I love them. I do! I love them, and you.” Her eyes widen, and so do Bucky’s as they realise what she said.
“You...love me? Oh, thank god.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “Cause...I love you too.”
“You do?” Bucky nods, placing the things down on the desk beside his chair. 
“Can I kiss you?” She nods, and Bucky leans in close, pressing a kiss to her lips. His tattooed hand gently caresses her face, and her hand gently brushes through his hair. 
“Mmm...I should get tattooed by you more often if this is what happens after every appointment.” She whispers as they break apart.
“Oh I can make sure that’s what will happen. In that case, how about I fit you in tomorrow?” He teases, pulling her in close for another kiss.
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kurtbastion · 3 years
Dream verse by aworldofis (series/ doesn’t end all tied in a bow but I highly recommend)
Kurt's building up his designer career when he meets Sebastian, a model whose snark is exceeded only by his stubbornness to get Kurt to go out with him. But before the couple can take things further, Sebastian needs to tell Kurt he's HIV positive.
Can’t Buy Me Love by thatsoulformeisinyou (multi-chap) AGE GAP
In which both Kurt and Sebastian are terrible at not falling in love and even worse at expressing it. It turns out as well as you might expect.
Or, the one where Kurt is a 19 year old massage therapist that 31 year old Sebastian propositions for sex but they fall in love instead. It's kind of a disaster because they're both idiots, but it turns out alright in the end.
Make me Happy by iaminarage* (series) FOUND FAMILY
After spending two years out on tour with Wicked, Kurt Hummel is finally back in New York and ready to take the next step in his career. What he’s not ready for is the sudden reappearance of Sebastian Smythe. This is the story of a career, a relationship, and a group of friends finding their way in the city they all love.
Runaways by larina713 (multi-chap) AGE GAP
After Rachel moves out to an apartment closer to her blossoming Broadway career, Kurt struggles to make ends meet while only have one roommate left, Santana. At her suggestion he applies for the open bartender slot at the hottest gay bar/club in NYC, Runaways. The owner of Runaways, Sebastian, has only a few rules. 1) Be on time. 2) Don't use your real name when working behind the bar. 3) Flirt as much as you want and appear available. 4) Never actually be available. To Kurt the rules are just fine and the money is even better. Life however has the tendency to hand Kurt lemons, which just so happen to make a great garnish for vodka tonics.
When All my Flaws Counted by iaminarage (one shot) BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS
Sebastian Smythe doesn’t like to talk about his feelings, not even to his best friend, Kurt. But when he gets really drunk, sometimes he spills his secrets.
This Will Be Our Year by iaminarage* (one shot) OLYPMPICS
It’s the summer before the 2014 Olympics and Kurt Hummel knows that, after his surprise bronze medal at the 2013 World Championships, this is going to be the most important season of his life. He has two goals: First, make the US Olympic team, and second, come home with a medal. With everything on the line, he can’t afford to have anything to disrupt his training. Enter US Champion Ice Dancers Santana Lopez and Sebastian Smythe who have just begun training at Kurt’s rink.
Labor Day by artist_artists (one shot)
Sebastian helps Kurt plan out a date for the guy at his office he has a crush on, but things don't go exactly as planned.
Three Date Rule by artist_artists (one shot)
Kurt has a three date rule, but Sebastian makes it really hard to follow.
somewhere in the mess by iamsiriuslyriddikulus (one shot): HISTORICAL
90's AU. Kurt and Sebastian are set up on a blind date by Santana, but unbeknownst to her, they have a history.
These Distances by artist_artists (series): DADDIES! LONG DISTANCE
In the years since Kurt and Sebastian last saw each other at Regionals in 2012, their lives have taken very different paths. Sebastian’s a single dad and a soap opera star living in LA, and Kurt’s living with his parents in Lima after struggling to make ends meet in New York. When their loneliness leads them both to the online fandom of a television show they love, their lives become intertwined in a way neither of them anticipated.
Until it Happens by Teapdropfires (one shot): CO-WORKERS, INFIDELITY
Kurt Hummel is perfectly content with his life. He is successful, he's in love, he is happy - albeit just a little bored. He's fine until Sebastian, his annoying new co-worker, comes into the picture. He's fine, until it he's not.
If Work Permits by artist_artists (multi-chap):* FAKE DATING, BASED ON ANOTHER MEDIA
BASICALLY: Green card marriage fic with Sebastian as the editor-in-chief at a fashion magazine and Kurt as his assistant.
The Days by Hanakimicali (multi-chap/ read the tags):
A glimpse into the lives of Kurt Hummel and Sebastian Smythe, on the same day every year. How often can two lives overlap over the span of ten years?
Between the Shadow and the Soul by Sugarkane_O1* (multi-chap/ READ THE TAGS): MAFIA ROMANCE
Kurt never dreamed that in order to have it all and marry the man he loved he'd also have to marry the mob, but that was a sacrifice he was more than willing to make for a life with Sebastian.
The Best Approach to Being True by artist_artists (one shot):
It isn't until Sebastian loses Kurt that he realizes he never really had him in the first place.
The Distance Between Us by bastiankurts (multi-chap): LONG DISTANCE
When Kurt is offered the opportunity to work on a placement overseas for a few months that will significantly help towards his future career prospects, both he and Sebastian find themselves caught up in a long distance relationship. However, with Sebastian unable to tell Kurt of his true fears and worries of Kurt going to Milan, and with Kurt's own focus being primarily that of the work that he's doing out there, things become significantly more tricky than either of them first pictured.
* fics on my top 10 kurtbastian fic list!!
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