#I meant Beetlejuice
ealvara7 · 2 months
Something that has always interested me a lot about Musicaljuice specifically is trying to figure out who or what exactly he is.
Let me try to explain...
In the movie, the rules of the Netherworld imply that everyone who has passed away was once a human at some point in time, Beetlejuice included.
While we still don't know much about Moviejuice's past, we at least have an idea that he is a several-hundred-year-old ghost with demonic powers.
While I would consider Moviejuice to be more of a demon in terms of power, I would definitely consider Toonjuice to be more of a demon overall (as in both power and physicality).
The Neitherworld was designed in a way where while the associations of death are occasionally there, it acts more like an alternate realm of otherworldly creatures rather than a full on realm of the dead. Most likely done to make the show more appropriate for its target audience. This makes Toonjuice feel more like a creature as a result.
And then... there's Musicaljuice - a consolidation of both ideas merged in a way that gets... kind of confusing?
We at least know that in the musical, Beetlejuice has never lived in the past, thanks to The Whole "Being Dead" Thing. That would mean that Musicaljuice is a bit more adjacent to Toonjuice, in this case.
This now just begs the question - What exactly makes a demon in the musical?
From this point onward, I will be getting into more non-canon/theoretical territory-
In the earlier stages of the musical, Juno was originally going to be called "Mrs. Shoggoth". A shoggoth is a fictional monster in the Cthulhu Mythos.
If you follow the idea that Juno and Beetlejuice's last name is always intended to be Shoggoth, and that it implies that they're Loveraftian-like creatures in some way, then this adds a whole new layer of interesting...
Lovecraft's monsters were described as creatures unlike anything a human being has ever seen. Creatures beyond our comprehension. If this is the case, then what does that make the Shoggoths...? Where did they even come from?
I don't think we'll ever know for sure what exactly Beetlejuice is intended to be in the musical, unless... y'know, they decide to expand upon it via some form of post-musical media? Like a cartoon?
Right now, the idea that Beetlejuice and Juno are these strange, unknown beings genuinely intrigues me.
From everything I have found so far, it wouldn't be far fetched to believe that Beetlejuice, the way that we know him, is only a masquerade of his true form.
A strange, unknown creature hiding under a human-like skin.
At least... that is my headcanon.
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cubicle785c · 1 year
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Where's that swing music coming from?
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outer-andromeda · 7 months
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I'm probably gonna have to practice drawing these three together if I do commit and make a BJ animatic... And also practice on Lydia-
(BTW I appreciate y'all's excitement on the other post where I asked if I should work on that- I was not ready but I appreciate it greatly 💚💚💚)
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shadsie · 1 year
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Beeltejuice is closing today 😭
This show has come to mean so much to me in recent weeks, I wish I was here earlier to enjoy the show while it lasted and to possibly see it live!
What a wonderful musical 💚
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puppykissesandhugs · 2 months
could you do a Lisa Frankenstien board? (if not, Lydia from BeetleJuice please?)
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mastersprogram · 1 month
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Happy 5 YEAR Anniversary To The Beetlejuice Musical !! 🖤🤍💚💜
in honor of Today, i decided to share my Very FIRST drawing of BJ - which turned 3 Recently!
l've Loved The Musical since 2019 - not knowing how to interact with the community back then is likely what caused Me to fall out of it for awhile ...
BUT I'm here Now! And i couldn't be happier !! Seeing Tour, Having so Many Friends and falling right back into My love for Theater has been the best and coolest thing ever for me :)
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juicedbeetle · 1 year
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the ring of smoke after lydia pushes beej off the roof (fav moments 5/?)
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i-really-like-phrogs · 10 months
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What’s new, Liddy cat? Woah-woah-woah-woahhhhhhh… 🎶
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wizisbored · 4 months
idk why i suddenly remembered this but the first chapter of heritance of an occultist would have been a good chunk weirder if it was original fiction
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strawmyberry · 11 months
Any tips for someone who wants to open their own t-word blog?
aaaa! hi anon!! yes yes yes- i do have some!
(before i start though- im so sorry i haven’t posted in a couple of days 🥹 the past few days have been hectic!! im back! and still writing! sorry!!!)
okie dokie! with that out of the way- let’s get to it!
don’t be scared to post!!!
this is a bit of a callout post to myself- but please please please don’t be afraid to get started!! ive only been in the fandom for a little while, but everyone ive met has been so sweet and welcoming! i know it can be a little intimidating- but don’t let your nerves stop you from doing your blog!
2. take your time!!
i know im one to apologize for taking so long on fics- but from me to you; please don’t rush yourself! again- everyone is super duper kind- and they won’t mind if you take some time to finish up! posting is hard, and you’re only making it harder on yourself if you rush!
3. it’s okay to take a step back!
im stealing a teeeeny tiny page from toast’s book here (thank you toasttt <3) but if you get stuck or if you catch yourself being a little bit too hard on your work, it’s okay to take a step back and come back later! sometimes a break is all you need to get your creative juices up and running again!
4. don’t stress yourself out about activity!
another one that im guilty of- but when I post fics and headcannons- i noticed very early on that i get kinda anxious about it after i do. that’s mostly because im always worried that nobody is going to like it. please please please DON’T do that to yourself!!! if you’re the type to do this too- the best thing that works for me is to close out tumblr and come back a couple of hours later!
5. YOU come first!
mental health is super super super important! i know it’s a given- but still! please always remember that YOU come first! if you’re uncomfortable with a writing prompt- you don’t have to do it! if you’re stressed with your work load- it’s okay to take a break! if something comes up- please please please don’t stress about your blog! i speak for everyone when i say we will understand!! you are just as important as your work!
i really really hope this helps at least a little!!! thanks for the ask anon 🥹❤️
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
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i-consume-media · 2 years
i hate how much i gatekeep but like sometimes it's half justified
like i dont like when people judge songs based on 'tiktok song' (for example, beetlejuice songs or meant to be yours) and it's sad when, for them, it doesn't hold the same emotions/emotional impact it would for someone who knows the source. I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to the songs without knowing the story but it's a little depressing
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offonaherosjourney · 7 months
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rhey-007 · 8 months
Love is a flame that thrives in the darkest corners of our hearts.
Fernando Alonso x goth mommy!reader || 18+
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Summary: A Halloween party led Fernando to meet his one and only Morticia.
A/N: So it's the first time I write for Fernando so I might have not caught the essence of him, but I tried my best. Also, I love all the young readers (especially young mommy readers) but I'm kind of bored of them :// And I've never yet encountered an older reader so I decided to make this fic's reader around Nando's age with two sons - a 17 year old and 3 year old (which aren't really relevant here). She's also taller than him (181 cm, something like Lance). I'm also not that deep into the f1 universe yet and I don't know who's friends with who from the drivers so I just picked Carlos and Lando for Fernando's closest paddock friends (correct me pls).
+ The situation is completely made up. And I apologise if the Spanish and German parts are bad 😔🤚
Warnings/Tags: smut, 18+, older female reader, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, older reader, kids
Art to the fic
Wordcount: 4219 (around)
Halloween was approaching with huge steps, just as a particular big costume party in Berlin did, to which all the F1 drivers were invited. Everyone was excited, besides the oldest one, driving for the turquoise team – Fernando Alonso.
His indifference was caused by the feeling he was too old for such parties and the fact that he had no one to go with. But after on going persuasion from Lando and Carlos, the poor man gave in and agreed to attend the event.
Although there was another problem – lack of creativity. Fernando had no idea what he should wear and if only he could, he would just throw on the first two things he'd find in his wardrobe. But he couldn’t. No, he had to have some costume. That’s when Norris and Sainz stepped in once again.
„What about Ghostface? "
The youngest asked enthusiasticaly. The three of them sitting in a cafe, drinking their coffees and teas and discussing their costumes. Both of them already knew what they were going to wear but refused to tell for a surprise effect at the party.
„Cliché! "
Carlos responded before he put forward his proposition.
„How about Beetlejuice?”
He asked sipping his chocolate macchiato but earned a displeased look from Lando, who didn’t agree.
„Really? Beetlejuice? Come on! I know his 40 but no one has to know! "
Noriss huffed crossing his arms.
„But Beetlejuice is iconic! "
The two started to argue, making everyone around them pay attention to them. Fernando sighed shaking his head, a little embarrassed by his friends’ behavior.
„If you won't stop arguing I'm not gonna go... "
He hissed trying to calm down the boys, who acted like children.
„Isn’t there a character that doesn’t need a lot of preparation from me? Someone... I don't know... Looking like me? "
Alonso asked after the boys finally stopped their childish quarrel. They both looked at Fernando, then at themselves with mischievous smiles and back at Nando.
„You know... "
Lando started, circling his finger on the wooden table.
„There is that one easy... spooky... Spanish character... "
Carlos continued smiling sweetly at his friend. Alonso quickly understood who they meant, his eyes widening and shook his head disapprovingly.
„No, no, no. I ain't going with Gomez. He makes no sense without Morticia. And you know well I DO NOT have one... "
„It doesn’t matter! I'm sure there's going to be a lot of Morticia's trying to find their Gomez! "
Lando smiled excitedly, he already could see Fernando as the head of Addams family dancing on the dance floor with some beautiful, georgous woman. It was also a great opportunity for the spaniard to find a new lover.
„But it's the easiest character for you! All you need is a striped suit, which I already know where to buy, and some gel for your hair. That's it! "
Lando tried to argument their point as well as he could with a slight help from Carlos.
„He's right. And maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find yourself a chick, finally. We have enough of you grumbling you have enough being alone... „"
The man whispered the last sentence hoping Nando won't hear it, but he did and softly smacked the back of Sainz's head. He did in fact had enough of being alone, as well as seeing all the guys glued to their girlfriends on the paddock, kissing, giggling and being happy. He wanted to puke at the only thought. After an hour of Carlos and Lando stating their pluses for the idea, and Fernando sinking in them, the older man finally but reluctantly agreed.
When the time came, Nando put on his Gomez suit – it had not only white stripes but also turquoise ones as well as white – turquoise rose in the chest pocket - that Lando found for him and brushed his hair back with gel, leaving some loose strands for the hairstyle to look better. Carlos and Charles picked him up dressed as Mario and Luigi. Fernando could swear they argued which one would be Mario, and it amused him a little when he saw them.
„Hey man! Where's your Morticia? "
Leclerc teased with a smirk. Fernando just rolled his eyes and kicked Sainz’ sit to make him drive away already.
Soon they arrived to the party, stepping out of the car Norris and Piastri quickly greeted them dressed as Scooby and Shaggy with Lily dressed as Velma. The six of them walked in, loud music filling their ears. They filled one of the booths and immediately ordered drinks. Halloween sangrias, raven coktails and other drinks as quickly appeared on the table, as quickly disappeared from it.
While the guys danced Lando tried his best to find a Morticia for Fernando. He was right, there were a lot of them. All of them looked the same with small alterations to the dress, well they were all the same character after all.
Neither of them grasped Alonso's interest and the man was about to give up when he run into one of them after leaving the bathroom. She was different. Taller, older, mature, more dedicated to the role, more passionate. She caught his eye immediately.
„Oh god, I'm sorry”
He said after bumping into her, before she turned around and took his breath away.
„It's okay liebling~” (darling)
The woman smiled down at Nando, her voice like honey to his ears. The man took a good look at her.
Her slender fingers were wrapped around a glass - he wished they could be wrapped around his neck - pale skin shined in the lights as if she was one of the Cullens - he wondered if it burned in the sun - her eyes so dark he wasn’t sure if they were real, sharp canine teeth he wanted sanked deep in his neck so bad. She seemed like a real life vampire.
„Let me guess... You're a Gomez looking for his Morticia? "
She spoke up, getting him out of trance. A soft blush spread across the man's face, barely visible under the red light he was standing in, and he nodded sheepishly. The woman chuckled warmly, her tone changing from a playful to flirtatious one.
„Well, then I guess you're lucky. You've got yourself an einzigartig one~” (unique)
Stretching her hand towards Fernando, expecting him to kiss it she didn’t have to wait long as he obliged immediately. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of her palm before asking in a gentleman manner.
„Would you like to dance? "
The woman agreed and after finishing her drink they were off to the dance floor.
They had a pretty good time, the woman taught Fernando a few moves, they were chatting throughout and giggling at the ridiculous costumes.
„I have to admit, you're an amazing dancer. You could make it to Dancing with the Stars”
She teased with a gorgeous smile, making Fernando practically melt in her embrace. He held onto her waist tightly as if she was going to run away the moment he'd let go.
But she wouldn’t. She was too mesmerized by the man to do so. Fernando shook his head at her words.
„No, no, cariño. You're the one who can really dance here”
Nando praised her then pressed another kiss to her hand and squeezed it gently. He was such a sweet gentleman it made butterflies fly in her stomach. Soon Alonso took her back to his booth where he realized he didn’t even knew her name.
„I'm Y/N”
You said with a smile while shaking the guys’ hands. You’ve managed to catch that they all were F1 drivers and the girl was a girlfriend of one of them.
They were really nice people, aside the fact they were joking about your height difference, but still the only one you were really interested in was Fernando.
He was amazing - charming, handsome, soft, flirty. He had strong arms you wanted wrapped around yourself all the time, gentle hands that made you shiver, his wrinkles made him even more handsome and the shining hazel eyes made you loose yourself in them.
After some time you were left alone with the girl as the boys went to order more drinks.
„Are you as much invested in racing as them?"
You asked Lily and the girl shook her head.
„Not really. I support Oscar as much as I can but I still don’t get some of the things, like penalties, nor the whole hype. But y'know, I try my best”
Nodding your head you reciprocated the smile. You wondered how it was to be an F1 driver's girlfriend. For sure it wasn’t easy, especially because of the media and rumors, but you believed they could overcome it.
„So are you all here because of a race? Or did you just get the invitations to boost the event? "
„Well, there is a race here in a few days, but I wouldn't be surprised if the boostin up was true too! "
You both chuckled amuzed, you had to admit you wouldn’t be surprised either.
You quickly started to like the girl, she was really mature and smart for her age, not like her boyfriend.
Lily liked you too, she enjoyed the youthful vibe you radiated and the fact that Fernando seemed to finally find a woman perfect for himself. She just hoped you wouldn’t be just a one night stand.
„Well, well, well. I see our girls already get along. It's a good sign buddy~”
Piastri teased, nudging Fernando’s side as they came back. The older man rolled his eyes a bit annoyed before sitting down beside you and handing you your black magic margarita.
You took it after a quick ‘thanks' escaped your lips and took a sip, meanwhile your free hand made it's way to his lap to sooth it and signal everything's okay and there was no need to be annoyed. Nando relaxed under your touch and took your hand in his, interwining fingers together.
You continued your chat with Lily, from time to time joining the men's conversation. You really enjoyed their company.
When the night passed you were finally left alone with Nando. Your legs layed on top of his, his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you close while your hand toyed with the hem of his jacket.
You both were a little tipsy, but sober enough to notice the sexual tension.
„My chauffeur will be here soon, thought we could get out of here and have some more fun~”
You purred into his ear. Feeling his hand squeeze your hip afterwards was enough for you to know that he was more than keen on it.
When your chauffeur arrived you left the bar and quickly hopped into your 50s Cadillac Hearse. The man completely forgot that someone might have seen you and take photos, he was too occupied by you.
Fernando’s lips immediately attacked yours the moment he closed the door. You were devoured into the passionate kiss and didn’t even notice the man’s hands starting to roam your body.
They were warm, burning in contrast to your freezing ones. When you burried them under Nando's shirt you could feel him shiver but soon he relaxed.
The drive to your small ghotic castle in Zehlendorf took around 30 minutes, but felt like 5 as you were drowned in your dirty ministrations.
Good thing the window to the front of the car was closed, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do that. It was nothing much sexual, just kiss by kiss while your hands explored each others’ body respectfully.
You belived Fernando saved his – what Lando and Sainz called – freaky side for while you were in the bedroom and you didn’t want to rush anything, it was perfect as it was.
The man pulled you out of the car when it stopped, he didn’t bother to look at the facility as he carried you bridal style to the door. Your butler opened it and instructed Alonso to your bedroom where he quickly took you and gently settled on the bed.
You pulled him into another searing kiss while fiddling with the buttons of his jacket. The man took it off after you slowly and playfully unbuttoned it, while not breaking eye contact, and tossed it to the floor.
Next was your black fur. His shirt. Your gorset. Bit by bit you undressed each other. You appreciated how gentle he was with your garments, he figured they were expensive and he also liked them too much to ruin them.
Once you finally layed naked underneeth him he examined you in a lustful but also admiring way.
Your breasts were rather small - but he didn’t mind, stretch marks graced your lower belly, hips and thighs - he already knew he was going to follow the patterns with his fingers afterwards while softly tickling you, he could aslo see your ribs – barely but still – and he knew he would have to be careful with you. You were even more thin than he thought, almost slander like, but he liked that.
You were a change from all the younger, tanned, almost everywhere full woman he usually hooked up with, and it was a nice change.
You also were able to survey him better. He was even better built than you imagined, his tanned skin looked like caramel compared to your almost ghostish one, and the beautfiul samurai tattoo made you gasp when you noticed it in a mirror behind.
Also his ass cheeks... They were bigger than yours and you felt kind of jelous, in a funny way.
„Hermosa... perfecta... asombrosa... “ (beautiful, perfect, breathtaking)
He praised, his lips slowly making their way down your cold body.
“Y apuesto inteligente” (And I bet intelligent)
Fernando stopped just before your womanhood and said with a smirk painted on his face, his eyes piercing yours. His words were like spells, making your body shrink under his and warmth spread across it.
You breathed out, begging him to go lower which he obliged right away. It felt like bliss when he finally reached your rose, slowly licking it from the very bottom up to your sensitive bud, before starting to slowly devour it.
Saying he was skilled was an understatement, he was an expert. He was nothing like your ex-husband, who just used you for his own pleasure.
No. For Fernando your pleasure was a priority, making you enjoy your time with him was numero uno on his to do list for the rest of the night, and you didn’t complain.
When you were wet enough the man brought one of his fingers up to your entrance, touching it slightly while his eyes averted to yours, an asking expression on his face.
He didn’t have to say anything for you to nodd your head eagerly. After that he pushed his digit inside slowly, his eyes not leaving your face searching for any sign of discomfort. But there was none, so after a few thrusts that made you moan his name in such a beautiful way, he pushed another one and went a little bit faster.
The pace was neither painfully fast nor boringly slow, it was just perfect – his fingers hitting all the juicy spots and making lewd noises each time they pulled out and reentered you - enough for you to come undone in a short period of time.
Your hand gripped his brown locks while you came on his face. Nando tried his best to ride you through your high - his lips joining his fingers - then clean you the best he could.
Your heavy breaths were interrupted by his face suddenly appearing in front of yours. A huge grin graced it - you could tell he was proud with himself and his actions – and your juices were spread across his lips and beard.
You giggled a little at his puppy like behaviour, you could swear if he had a tail it would’ve been wagging like craz in that moment. You’ve managed to grab a tissue from your nightstand then clean his face.
“Es war wundervoll” (it was amazing)
You praised him with a smile while ruffling his hair.
“It wasn’t the end”
The man said before pressing his lips against yours. This time the kiss was more hungry and lustful than soft as the ones before, but you didn’t mind.
His palms toyed with your breasts, they fit in them perfectly making Nando groan satisfyingly. He kept teasing you until you couldn’t take it anymore and moaned out.
„Nando please... I need you... I need you inside of me liebling...” (darling)
You didn’t have to repeat yourself. The man grabbed your hand and run it gently through your sore core to gather your juices, then wrapped it around his member, giving it a few pumps before aligning with your hole.
He interwined your fingers together and slowly pushed inside, the stretch he gave you burned a little but soon was a delight.
After pushing almost all the way in Nando let you adjust, his free hand soothing your cheek as he observed your face shine in pleasure.
“Maravilloso” (wonderfull)
A whisper escaped his lips and just then did he start to move. His movement was slow but deep, his member burrying deep inside of you with every thrust.
“Tan bueno...” (So good)
Fernando moaned into your ear then hid his face in the crook of your neck, where he nibbled at your skin and left a few hickeys along with wet kisses.
His movements became more and more erratic with every push and pull as he lost himself in the feeling of you. He loved the way you clenched around him every time he hit the A spot, as much as he loved the challange to find your G spot to grant you ultimate pleasure.
You wrapped your free hand around the man, long, red nails scratching his skin gently and leaving soft red marks.
You couldn’t remember when was the last time you had such an amzing sex. Maybe because after your husband you opted for younger men, neither able to satisfy you.
But Fernando? He was your age and knew well how to satisfy a woman. You felt like a queen while in his embrace, his priority to make you feel good amazed you and sent a thrill down your spine.
Both your legs were wrapped around him too, trying to pull him even closer to yourself. A smirk appeared on his face at your actions and he pulled it away from your neck to look at you.
The man teased, one of his hands finding it’s way to your breast to fiddle with your hard nipple. It earned a loud moan out of you, so loud he feared someone could hear you two, but soon the thought left his head when you started to breathe rapidly.
You were close to your orgasm, which meant he could finally let himself go and make his movements faster and sloppier.
Grunts, pants and moans filled the room as both of you reached your highs, the man pulled out before cumming which you really appreciated.
Fernando collapsed on top of you as you both breathed heavily, yours hampered by his weight.
“Fernie liebling... I can’t breath...”
You mumbled kissing the top of his head, a chuckle escaping your lips when he shot up, a worried expression on his face.
„I-I’m so sorry cariño. Are you okay?”
He asked and cleaned you from his seed. His hands soothing your rib cage gently, from time to time brushing against your breasts as he looked down at you, eyes full of worry and brows furrowed.
„Nein... I’m great” (No)
You smiled brightly and the man sighed in relief. He flopped down beside you and pulled you close then covered your bodies with your cashmere blanket.
Just as he predicted his hands immediately wandered to your hips, drawing your stretch mark patters, while you layed your head on top of his chest and listened to his heart beat.
If only you could you would have gone another round, this time you on top and in control as you usually would, but you were too tired to even think about this.
„Next time I'm in charge”
You murmured into his chest, earning a quiet, surprised gasp. He didn’t question your words though, he just enjoyed the fact you wanted there to be a next time.
The rest of the night you’ve spent in each others’ embraces, whispering sweet nothings and drawing patterns on each other’s bodies until you fell asleep.
Sun peaked from between the black, floor length curtains into the dark room, reaching his skin and burning his eyes.
The man grumbled a little before finally waking up from the deep sleep. Fernando sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes then looked around the room.
„Where the hell am I?...”
He questioned confused. He didn’t bother to check his surroundings the night before and now he wondered if he didn’t get abducted.
The walls of your bedroom were burgundy red with black stripes, a black chandelier hanged from the ceiling as well as black canopy above the bed.
The bed was huge, in the same colors as the walls and everything else in the room. It felt like straight out of vampire novels.
Quickly putting on his clothes, he almost tripped and fell down the stairs, his bum actually hitting the last step at the very bottom - as his head was still heavy - made the people gathered in the kitchen check what was going on.
„Mama! Dieser Wichser ist endlich aufgewacht!“ (Mom! That motherfucker has finally woke up!)
„Klaus! Pass auf was du sagst!” (Klaus! Watch your mouth!)
Soon Nando felt the familiar cold hands grip his arm and help get up.
„Are you okay?
The woman asked, her hands soothing his cheeks worriedly. He leaned into her touch and noddded with lidded eyes.
„Oh mi amor, you scared me”
She continued while leading him to the kitchen and sat him down by the table.
„Here, this will wake you up”
A cup of dark liquid and a pill appeared in front of him, he figured it was coffe and hangover pills. A single sip helped him regain his mind.
The first face he met after fully opening his eyes was of a small kid’s, brightly smiling at him. The boy waved his hand enthusiastically when he noticed Fernando’s soft smile.
The man had to quickly take the pill before the boy could reach it then ruffled his hair gently, earning a giggle and a warm look from his mother.
„Good morning~”
You purred running your hand through the spaniard’s hair while his arm wrapped round your waist pulling you close.
„Buenos dias, cariño” (Good morning)
He kissed your hand then his head snapped to your older son who let out a sound of disgust.
The boy looked nothing like you aside the fact that he was a giant as well. He had blonde locks covering his forehead, green hooded eyes and tanned skin. He could not believe he was your son.
The younger one, on the other hand, was more similar to you – with dark hair and eyes, only with a tanned skin like Klaus.
„Those are my sons – Klaus and little Benny”
You explained while giving Fernando a plate full of food.
„They just came back from my brother”
You quickly added, to dispel his thoughts they could hear you two the previosu night. The man sighed relieved and started to eat, from time to time looking at your sons and earning death stares from Klaus.
He didn’t mind you had kids, but started to worry he was just a one night stand before your husband comes back.
Although if that was the case you wouldn’t let him sleep as long as he wanted, feed him and let him meet your children. Nando had no idea what to think anymore, he didn’t want your ‘realtionship’ to end after one night.
Soon a doorbell disturbed his thoughts. A doorbell that was about to start chaos. You left the boys alone to open it and you didn’t manage to say anything before Lando and Carlos burst in.
“Fernando! Where the hell are ya?!”
He could hear their scared voices from the kitchen and chuckled a little. They run into the kitchen after you instrcuted them and sighed.
“God you’re alright! Knew we shouldn’t have left you alone. No offense Y/N. Your manager is going to kill ALL THREE OF US if you won’t be at the track in an hour! He’s been calling you all day but you left your phone in the club!”
Lando blurted out on one breath while Carlos picked the spaniard up and proceeded to push him out of the building. You’ve managed to catch them before they got inside their car and gave Fernando your business card along with a chaste kiss.
“Call me!”
You waved your hand goodbye as you watched them drive away, standing in front of your black castle in nothing more than your long, pitch black robe with feathers and full of hope that he would call.
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clockwayswrites · 9 months
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 12
WC:1376, Masterpost
“Danny, come on,” Wally said, laughter clear in his voice. “There will be time to stare at the stars after.”
“But Flash, space,” Danny said with what he would readily admit as a whine as he motioned to the expansive view of space with earth floating in the bottom of the window. Danny didn’t know if the Zeta tube had been exactly worth the trip (he had nearly had a panic attack), but the view made a pretty compelling argument. The urge to go intangible and phase through the acrylic to be in space was so strong that Danny didn't even dare touch the window.
“But your meeting, Danny. Flash is going to be waiting for you, and you how how us Flashes get.”
Danny sighed but turned away from the window with one lingering look.
“Go and be great. After we can stare at space some and, maybe… if you’re up to it, meet some of my friends?”
“Like the infamous Nightwing?”
“Shush,” Wally said, placing a finger to his lips. “He’s like Beetlejuice, you might summon him just by saying his name.”
“Pretty sure you need to do that three times,” Danny pointed out, following Wally to the door.
“Oh yeah? You up on ghost lore?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m an expert,” Danny said dryly. If only Wally knew.
(Well, then Danny would be dead.)
“We can watch it next date night. Right now, you go be awesome, hero.”
“Flash, you really cannot call me a hero when we’re in the Justice League base.”
“Can and will, now go, hero,” Wally said, shooing Danny down the hall to where Barry was waiting.
“Gonna give me any hints about what’s going on?” Danny asked the older Flash once they had started walking.
“Just to be yourself,” Barry said. “You’re a good person and you know what you’re doing out there in the field. I wouldn’t’ve recommended you for this otherwise. And I meant what I said, your ability to take no crap is part of why I did. You don’t have to take any crap from anyone in there either, no matter who they are.”
Who they were turned out to be many of the founding members: Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and of course Flash… Flash who really thought too highly of him. (What was with the Flashes doing that?)
There were also three other people not dressed in supersuits, who Danny figured were there for the same reason he was. Whatever that was.
“Flash,” Superman said with a nod to the hero and then a smile to Danny. “And you must be Mr. Fenton.”
“Just Danny is fine, thank you for the invitation,” Danny said, shaking Superman’s hand, continually reminding himself not to use any of his strength all the while.
“Of course, have a seat. We’re just waiting on… well, never mind,” Superman said cheerfully as the Martian Manhunter swept into the room. (Danny help back the excite squeak he wanted to make.) “J’onn.”
“Superman. Am I late?”
“Just on time. We can go ahead and get started.”
Everyone settled around the table, the normal people waiting for the heroes to take their preferred seats before settling together on the other side over the oval table.
“Thank you all for coming here today,” Wonder Woman said with a warm smile. “As you know, we’ve asked you here today based on your capabilities. Specifically, to help us build an emergency response team that can act in aid of crises the Justice League responds to.”
“We’ve already been doing this in some places at the city level,” Barry said, leaning forward. His hands were clasped on the table. Danny knew from experience that it was just so that he didn’t fidget from having to sit still. “Central City has been operating with our own set up for two years now and we’ve seen huge success in both lives saved, but also a bigger level of overall personal safety during attacks. People are getting out of the way faster, safer, and more often than before.”
“So we’re looking to do the same thing on a bigger level and we’d like your advice,” Superman said. “Right now, you’re here as consultants and will be paid for your time. Assuming we all work well together, you’ll have a chance to sign on once things are officially underway.”
Danny raised his hand.
“You can just talk, Danny, this isn’t school,” Flash said.
Danny felt a blush crawl up his cheeks and sat up straighter, stylus tapping nervously against his tablet. “I know this is putting the cart before the horse, but you can’t need us all the time. If we choose to sign up, will we still be able to work our current jobs? I don’t want to abandon Central. I mean, not that they can’t do without me, I have great coworkers, but it’s… you know, home.”
“A noble want,” Wonder Woman said. “The reality of it would depend on the level of administration work you are in charge of, but no. You should be able to continue working in Central and be on call for other emergencies, or that is our assumption. You all are the experts, though, which is why you are here. Perhaps introductions are in order?”
“Brent Green,” the one furthest from Danny cut in without hesitation. He was the most formally dressed of all of them, suit jacket and all, and had that air of superiority that made Danny want to bristle. “Director of Star City’s emergency response team.”
“Debra Day,” the woman next to Danny said next. There was a southern twang to her words. “Thirty years of search and rescue experience, ex Coast Guard, currently focused on instruction.”
“Leo Klein, they/them,” the last said. “Emergency management and prevention training.”
“Danny Fenton.” He felt out of place compared to all the other skill sets. “Team lead and field medic in Central City.”
“And I’m sure you know us,” Superman said with a chuckle. “Now, what are your thoughts.”
“First we have to establish a system of hierarchy and devision of labor,” Brent said, once again jumping in before anyone else. “It is important to know who has right away in the field.”
Danny resisted the urge to raise his hand again and took the chance of Brent pausing to speak. “Those are all good thoughts, but you’re getting ahead of things. Cities and countries will already have established teams, even if it’s just police and fire fighters. Are you all wanting us to come in and work with them? Ahead of them? Under their leadership? When we started in Central there were a lot of accidental hurts because the two sides didn’t sit down and talk enough at first, and this is on an even bigger scale.”
“He’s right,” Debra said. “The National Guard could be a good model both for the US, but also for any other nations you might want to explore into to see how things are handled there.”
“And you’ll need to get started on PR right away no matter the choice,” Leo said, leaning forward ad engaging now. “Like Danny said, it’s easy to step on toes and we don’t want to do any of that.”
Brent was frowning, slightly, then sighed and nodded. His shoulders relaxed a little. “No, good points. PR for the citizens too, to know to look out for us. We could get feed back on what worked in the cities with teams set up.”
“And places that have seen attacks outside of there. It’s easy to focus on big cities, but smaller towns and rural areas still can see attacks and have different needs,” Danny added to considering nods.
Now that they were all working together, Danny felt himself relaxing too. There were a lot of nerves for most people to get over working with heroes, Danny guess. Even he wasn’t immune to caliber of people that they were in the room with and he ate dinner with the one at least once a month.
Also Batman seemed to be watching him.
Well, whatever, talk was flowing easily now. They’d get their feet under them. They’d have to if they wanted this to work.
AN: And some food for all of you here too! Danny learns why he's at the Watchtower! And manages to not be too distracted by space- a true accomplishment.
Sorry if there are more issues than normal, my letter swapping/word salad has been a bit bad lately. And I've really messed up my one finger ;-;
But anyways! Slower part but next chapter.... nightwing. Dundundun Stay delightful, darlings!
I no longer tag, but you can subscribe to the master post!
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tsukishimakeiswife · 3 months
You just spent the dirtiest night of your life with Geto Suguru.
a/n- this song reminded me of him<3 you could play it throughout the post if you'd like.
One chance. That's what you told yourself and Geto before agreeing to go on a date with him. Everything about him was so alluring. You knew once you crossed a certain line with him, there would be no going back. Not with him. In the 3 years you worked with Geto Suguru, not once did you resist catching a glance at him. How could you not? When he looked at you as if you were his only source of life. He was perfect and amazing at everything he did. That's also why you loathed him. Anything you did, he would do it better, that too with such ease.
Hating him wasn't easy, either. Your seniors would want you to consult him if there was any issue. Got a problem with your paycheck? Ask Geto. Want a sick leave? Ask Geto. And wouldn't he enjoy it when you came to him, seeking help? His signature smirk plastered across his face every time you stood outside his office. He was so infuriating, yet so attractive.
One day, he finally pushed you over the edge. A sales pitch you worked on for weeks was scraped just because Geto had a better idea. 'Of course, they should just let him run the company, huh?' You made the not-so-graceful decision of walking out of the meeting and going back to your office. You got your stuff, clearly done for the day, and left the building soon after. Trying to haul the cab in horrendous city traffic only frustrated you further. That was until someone put their hand on your shoulder, almost making you jump.
There he stood, looking egregiously hot. He stood in front of you with his shoulder-length hair in a half bun and a shirt that hugged him just right. He fixed his tie before speaking up after what felt like an eternity of eye contact.
"I didn't mean for that to happen- look, (y/n). I know you hate me right now, but let me make it up to you."
And that's how you ended up here. Sitting in front of him so prettily, adorned in your most breathtaking dress and high heels- to look somewhat tall next to his large build. You made sure to look your best, and the way his eyes scanned your body made your efforts worth them. The glass of wine in your hand, long forgotten as you leaned back and heard him speak. The tension between you two was wild. The air was heavy and thick. The ambiance of the restaurant didn't help much, either. You were sure he picked such a place on purpose.
However, that wasn't the craziest part about tonight. It was the fact that you were enjoying this so much. His eyes never left yours, alternating between your lips and orbs while you spoke. He leaned in to 'hear' you better and 'accidentally' brushed his knees against yours. Tonight, there was something different in him. It was as if nothing was stopping him. Hunger was apparent in his eyes. He was determined to get what he wanted.
You saw through his game. You weren't dumb, and he knew it. He wanted you to make the first move. Moreover, with every second passing, it seemed more difficult not to do that.
"Easier said than done, love. You ne-", he stopped talking immediately. He had something better to focus on now. Your freshly manicured nails were currently placed on his thigh. If his winning this silly game meant what you thought it did, then you'd take it any day. You were attracted to Geto, more than anything at the moment. His eyes darkened and in the blink of an eye, his entire aura shifted. You felt smaller, and you didn't think that was possible with Geto. He called the waiter for the cheque almost as if in a hurry.
The two of you got up and he immediately took your hand in his, taking you towards the elevator, maybe. You didn't care. Not when Geto has you in such a state. And he hasn't even touched you yet.
The two of you enter the elevator, finally alone. He didn't react, though. All you wanted to do was kiss him, taste him, feel him. His calm composure, on the contrary, was far from your flustered state. He looked down to meet your gaze as you did the same, bodies facing each other, but not reacting.
The lift doors opened and he immediately walked out. You tried to keep up with him, but he was practically dragging you now. You entered the suite he'd booked for you and the man in front of you didn't even wait for the door to close before pinning you against it. He leaned down to make sure he was just above you, his hair falling out of place onto yours. You tucked the strands of his hair behind his ears before pulling him down to kiss him.
You could physically feel the smile on his face when you did, and he didn't spare you for a second. His hands immediately reached for your throat and the other one pressed your lower back to bring you closer to him. The kiss was electric, hot, passionate, and desperate. Geto Suguru kissed hard. He gently led you towards the bedroom- not breaking the kiss for a second. You felt ecstatic, his hand on your throat applying the slightest amount of pressure- the kiss which was so hot you felt dizzy already. Breaking apart to catch your breath; you looked into his eyes, his pupils were completely blown out; his hair was a mess now; he was so pretty.
He pushed you onto the bed and you were now lying on your back. Geto caged you in before kissing your jaw, your neck- biting and leaving marks with utmost grace. He kissed you on that spot behind your ears, to which you sharply exhaled. He smirked against your skin and whispered in your ears, "I haven't even done anything yet, and look how you're reacting." you rolled your eyes and scoffed before whining at the feeling of his teeth sinking into your soft skin. Your hands were on his neck, playing with his hair and occasionally tugging on them. It drove him crazy.
He gave you a genuine look as his hands landed on the hem of your dress, making sure you were still okay with this- to which you nodded. He slipped your dress off and tossed it aside, taking in what was in front of him. It was as if he was consuming you completely, his gaze was dark- it sucked you in, trapped you inside. You tugged on his hand for him to hurry. He kissed you again and you unbuttoned his shirt. You knew he had an amazing body, but it was nothing like you'd imagined. There really was not a single thing in him that you could complain about.
He kissed down your chest, taking off your bra and stopping right at your stomach. He looked straight into your eyes and said, "What do you want me to do, love?" your breath hitched and you hesitated. You felt more needy than ever, Geto knew that. But he had to show you he had power over you, didn't he?
"Geto, please. I need you," you said- whispered. He raised his eyebrow to indicate that he'll have to hear you again. "You'll have to be louder- and more specific." he retorted.
"I want you to fuck me, there?" you almost spat out. Only getting more and more frustrated. You sneaked in a 'please, Geto' to make sure he didn't get pissed. All he did was simply nod while taking off your lace panties. He didn't hesitate for a second before shoving two of his long, rough fingers into your cunt. A loud whine left your lips and your hands immediately covered your mouth, trying their best to muffle your moans- screams. His fingers were long. You meant that. He stretched you out and immediately began pumping in and out. He tutted and shook his head- almost as if he was disappointed.
"I wanna hear you, baby. Covering your pretty mouth won't help. And, it's Suguru for you." at this point, anything this man said only made you wetter. He found your g-spot effortlessly, abusing it as he added a third finger. "Fuck- Suguru, too much." your back arched and your breath hitched with every thrust. He could tell you were getting close. "Too much? This isn't enough, my love." his thumb was now on your clit, toying with it as if it wasn't making you whimper and moan out his name. His free hand caressed your face, tucking your hair behind your ear and locking fingers with yours.
You were close, lewd sounds echoed through the suite and his harsh, degrading comments only got you riled up more. "gonna cum- shit. hah- Suguru, more." He chuckled before picking up his pace. "Come on, come for me." pushing you over the edge. You screamed out his name and held onto his hand as your orgasm washed over you. It was ecstatic. Your body spasmed and you tried to catch your breath. Your orgasm barely passed by before you hear his trousers drop to the floor.
"Don't think we're done, love. I meant what I said. We're just getting started." he took off his boxers revealing what he'd been hiding the entire time. This man was big. And you meant that. A wave of shock and excitement passed your body as you gasped at the sight before you.
"Get on your knees for me." you nod and shuffle around till your knees and elbows are on the mattress, your ass is up and your hair brought to one side of your face. His hand trails along your spine kneads your ass before giving it a harsh slap.
“I’m gonna go slow at first, tell me when you’re comfortable, hm?” he says as he coats his cock with your slick. He aligns himself and slowly enters your hole. A sharp exhale left your mouth as you groaned and threw your head back. He was way bigger than you expected, you bit your lip to drift your attention away from the sting you felt. He leaned forward so that his chest was on your back now and he sank his teeth into your neck while entering you slowly. You whimpered and tears pooled in your eyes, carrying your mascara with them as they ran across your cheek. He kissed your tears away and whispered how ‘you’re such a good girl’ and you’re ‘so obedient for him’
After what felt like an eternity, he completely bottomed out and the pain slowly faded away- transforming into the most pleasure you’ve ever had. You gave him a quick nod which was his signal. He turned immediately. His pace increased and he went faster- harder. Your face was now smushed against the pillow while you screamed in pleasure. His hand rubbed against your overstimulated clit- only making you cry out more as you begged him to slow down, to go easy on you. His hips snapped against yours picking up his pace despite your cries.
You could feel your next orgasm nearing, feeling embarrassed over how much tighter your cunt got with every thrust, a groan left his lips and he grabbed a fistful of your hair to lift you up to his level, your back pressed against his strong chest.
“You’re gonna be a good slut for me and take it, yeah? I see the way you’d look at me everyday. Fucking me with your eyes in front of everyone. Now take it like a good girl.” you cried out his name and tried to grab his hand that was currently abusing your clit. Your choked cries and unsuccessful attempts at getting him to slow down did nothing but boost his ego more. He let go of your hair letting you fall back onto the pillow and grabbed your face, turning it to the side, “You’re not gonna look away, okay?” he said.
You bit your lip and nodded at him as you grabbed the bedsheets, seeking support from the silk sheet underneath the two of you. He thought you looked beautiful, your pouty lips were swollen and glistened with your own saliva on them, your cheeks stained with mascara and your eyes, half lidded and pooled with tears. You looked ethereal.
With a final thrust you came around him, crying out choked moans and whines as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you felt like you couldn’t think anymore. Geto thrusted into you throughout your orgasm and gently lifted you up while he fucked into you, you gasped as you still clinged onto him. This man was strong- he lifted you off the ground while fucking into you as if it was no big deal.
By the time you rode out your high, you realized you were pressed against the glass window of your suite. The cold glass made you hiss as you looked down at the busy street. Humiliation took over you as you looked at Geto with a confused face. You were tired, that's for sure. A mess. That was an accurate word to describe your state right now. Geto pulled out of your abused hole and you whined at the empty feeling, still breathing heavily from your last orgasm. He turned you around to face him.
"You alright there?" he tilted his face to the side and leaned down to lock lips with yours. He was soft, kind, and caring. At the same time time; he was rough, mean, and sadistic. He had you wrapped around his finger. You whispered his name out when he slowly entered you again. Your back arched and you dug your nails into his back. He hissed at your actions and groaned your name out. Your name left his lips as if it was his favourite word.
His pace increased and you clung onto him with every bit of strength left in you. Your mind felt foggy and you didn't know what took over you, you spoke up. "Suguru, let me ride you. Please." it was a weak whisper. He wouldn't have been able to hear you if it wasn't for how close the two of you were. He slowed down and carried you to the bed, placing you down before getting on. He made himself comfortable against the bedframe and tapped on his thigh, "There's nothing I would love more, love."
You weren't so sure if that was a mistake or not.
"Tired already? You've barely moved."
"So gorgeous, all f'me."
"Look at you, my cock-drunk princess."
"Want me to lend a hand?" he smirked. He had the 'genius' idea of tying your hands behind your back before you got on top of him. You definitely made a mistake with your suggestion. Your head was on his shoulder now. Your thighs felt like they were on fire. Every single movement made you cry out. He didn't help you out, either. His large cock only adding to your mix of pleasure and pain. He enjoyed this more than anything. Your struggle to take him and maintain balance riled him up even more. You groaned at his words and nodded into his shoulder.
"What was that? You're gonna have to tell me." you can't believe you almost forgot why you hated him so much. He grabbed your face by the neck and brought you to face him, inches apart. You bit your lip to muffle out your moans and rolled your eyes. He looked at you, waiting for you to speak. "Help me, Suguru." "Please," you added, before he spoke up, causing him to smile.
"Whatever you say, love," he whispered in your ear before gripping your hips and bucking his hips upwards. You gasped at the sudden movement and lost balance, falling back onto his shoulder as you cried out his name. He was close, and so were you. Your whines and moans of his name made him feel like his body was on fire. You had no idea how obsessed he was with you. And there you were, in front of him, breaking down because of him.
"Fuck, (y/n). You're driving me crazy." he pulled you up and looked at you, and you didn't dare to look away from him. No, if you did, you were sure he would ruin you. His words threw you over the edge as you tightened around him and came. He hissed at you and shot his seed into you. He held onto you as you clawed at his chest- riding out your high.
The two of you stayed in the same position for who knows how long. "I thought this was supposed to be an apology dinner." you panted out.
"Would you rather have that?"
You let out a tired giggle before looking up to meet his eyes, smiling and pulling him into a simple, pure, passionate kiss.
"I still dislike you, though,"
“I wouldn’t pass a judgment so soon. After all, I’m not done with you yet.” he said, while his hands moved down your body.
part two??
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I’m sorry people can’t read. I got what you meant the first time around. I too get very frustrated when people thinks that *singer* is queer. For years people have been making shit up about her ~~~queerness~~~~ and it’s just a picture of her hugging a friend goodbye after grabbing lunch.
love that we're refusing to even invoke her by name anymore. Beetlejuice ass situation.
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