#I love stuff like this even tho nearly all my answers were the same
evilwickedme · 2 months
Your elementary posts are inspiring me to rewatch elementary! Which is good bc i love elementary and bad bc i have so much programming homework to be doing.
Anyway, so on the topic of sherlock holmes:
Which screen (movie and tv) adaptation of sherlock holmes have you seen, and which ones do you think are best (true to original holmes) and best (most personally enjoyable to you)?
(I love your meta on fandom stuff in general - no pressure to answer tho! I just feel like you’d give an interesting reply on this)
Elementary is so good, I'm glad I inspired you to rewatch (but also, good luck with your homework lmao)
Now, to answer your question
It's worth noting that I... Did not read the original stories. Or well, I tried, but I didn't vibe with them originally (I tried to read them in high school after receiving a complete copy for my birthday from my sister), didn't get around to giving them a second chance, and eventually just exchanged my copy for some of my friend's books. So I can't really speak to how accurate any of these are to the originals, but I'll guess anyway lmao
So! Adaptations of Sherlock Holmes I've seen, in no particular order
Sherlock (BBC, 2010-2017) - first two seasons and an episode and a half of season 3
My experience of Sherlock BBC was heavily colored by superwholock and the reichenbach pause, which were the reason I watched the show in the first place, as I had not heard of the show previously. 2012-2013 Tumblr was truly another time. I believe around the same time I also binge watched the first two seasons of Game of Thrones, and I had very similar experiences with both of them: investment because they were pop culture phenomenon, and uncritical and quick consumption that left no room for my own feelings to develop. And in both cases when the third season premiered I discovered, much to my surprise, that I didn't actually like the show. I in fact had extremely pointed criticisms of the show, didn't enjoy the characters, and found the viewing experience to be tedious hard work. So... I do not like Sherlock (BBC), and never really did, although I continued to participate in superwholock as a fandom until its decline. The release of Sherlock is Garbage and Here's Why (dir. Hbomberguy, 2017) was an incredibly satisfactory experience, as it experienced my criticisms extremely well, and put to words my feelings that I hadn't even managed to turn into criticisms, plus pointing out flaws I hadn't even noticed. SiGaHW is one of my favorite films, a twice-yearly watch. Highly recommended. That said, Sherlock itself sucks and is both a bad show and has uncompelling "mysteries". Bad as an adaptation of the original stories and bad as in just bad. Bad.
Elementary (CBS, 2012-2019) - all seven seasons
I enjoy Elementary a great deal. I think it's sort of a model modern procedural, with the cases of the week nearly always being compelling to watch and the emphasis on the developing character dynamics being one of my favorite aspects. There are seasons I enjoy more or less but that's nearly always because of the ongoing subplots (Morland and Moriarty were significantly more compelling than Shinwell, for example) than the actual cases of the week, which again, are pretty much always extremely solid. I've rewatched this show several times, and I think it's extremely enjoyable. It's not perfect, but it gets points for, for example, having Mrs. Hudson be a trans woman all the way back in the early 2010s, and having an autistic woman as a love interest who felt like a genuine well rounded woman. It's also occasionally a little critical of the police in a way that stands out for a crime procedural, which is cool, but only a little. All in all, I like the show a lot, although it's not my favorite on this list. That said, the crime procedural is pretty much the most natural way to adapt the spirit of the original Holmes stories into modern day media, and it uses pretty much every notable character from the stories eventually including some of the mysteries (I really like the hounds storyline adaptation in particular!), so I think this wins best adaptation.
Sherlock Holmes (dir. Guy Ritchie, 2009) - just the first one
I'll be real with you I don't remember anything about this movie except that I watched it and had a fine time.
House (Fox, 2004-2012) - all eight seasons
Y'all know I'm currently in House brainrot, so obviously this ends up on the list. Excellent television, especially for people like me who live for a good procedural and were looking for something that wasn't a cop show. House is Holmes, Wilson is Watson, and the occasional Sherlock Holmes canon reference shows up, such as the guy who shot House being named Moriarty in the credits, or Wilson bullshitting the second gen ducklings about a woman named Irene Adler who was The Woman for House. It's a very good show - although not currently my favorite on the list - and any mystery of the week format is going to be at least a little inspired by the o.g., but it doesn't win over Elementary, which has actual murder and crime mysteries.
The Irregulars (Netflix, 2021) - like two episodes
Based on the concept of Sherlock's canon irregulars but it's a fantasy show! I heard great things but did not end up clicking with it. Obviously by virtue of it being a supernatural show it's not very based on the original, but at least there's mysteries that must be solved?
Sanctuary (Syfy, 2008-2011)
This show is the kind of thing I'd watch when it was on, back in the days where I would watch my parents' satellite television instead of downloading whole seasons of shows on my laptop (as I didn't have a laptop yet lmao). I remember it having dense plots, and vaguely remembered that one of the characters was Sherlock Holmes, and I googled it - it's actually Watson. But hey, that counts, so I included it. I remember enjoying the show but I could not tell you if it was actually good because my taste in 2010 was a bit of a mixed bag on account of me being 12. Anyway I would say it's probably a terrible adaptation and they most likely didn't even try considering the kind of show it was, and I wouldn't call it my favorite.
Psych (USA, 2006-2014; movies 2017, 2020, 2021) - eight seasons, 3 movies
Finally we reach my favorite of these shows. Is it the best one? Idk that's probably a competition between Elementary and House, really, because Psych gets quite silly in the later seasons. But I really do love this show and these characters so much. Like House, it is only a little inspired, but even more loosely so, with really only the idea of a guy who's really smart and eccentric and his best friend who seems normal but really is a bit of a freak (in Gus' case, actually way weirder than Shawn) sticking around. Shawn has eidetic memory and is wicked smart, and actually makes for some really good ADHD rep in my opinion. The comedy usually lands and the romance plot is one of my favorite slow burns and the serial killer episodes are high quality as shit and I love that there's a pineapple hidden in every single episode and I just. I love this show I love it so much
Anyway these are all the adaptations I've seen that I could think of. It's possible I missed something but only the kind of thing that doesn't say Holmes on it; I haven't seen Enola Homes, for example.
Thank you so much for asking I really appreciated this thought exercise of trying to remember every single bullshit TV show I've ever seen because, um, I've seen a lot of TV if I'm going to be honest.
Sorry for taking two weeks this was surprisingly hard and I have. A job
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jittyjames · 7 months
1, 7 and 17 for the ask game!!! (Only the two first if its too much but im very very curious of your answers!!)
i basically started writing fanfic when i was very young, but it would basically be me in my friends at the time's dms helping them write and giving ideas. i was in the star wars fandom and i was probably eleven or so. it predated hamilton (which i found hamilton through star wars teehee so full circle moment there) BUT y'all prob want to hear about why i started writing for hamilton. i always wrote little fics just for me without posting bc when i'm obsessed with something, it's all consuming (like i'm almost positive i'm on a spectrum, but i won't self-diagnose. even if i'm almost finished with my psych degree and i'm nearly certain.) i literally started creating my own little worlds with the characters i love to self-soothe, because i needed more content, and for entertainment. then i slowly began to project trauma onto my stories and BOOM here we are. i posted because i wanted to share and finally be a part of the community instead of just lurking in the background without an account and not interacting, so i put myself out there. which i'm so glad i did bc i genuinely love y'all and i wouldn't trade any of it for anything.
7. listen... LISTEN... i'm not sure if there's really a balance (given that i'm so behind on every fic) but school, work, and pursuing theatre is very time consuming things. like i'm barely even in my house anymore. HOWEVER, once i finish all my responsibilities, i start writing from then until i'm so tired i can't keep my eyes open anymore. (sleep is for the weak). whenever i get small breaks, i brainstorm and jot down my ideas or phrases. it helps that i find writing relaxing and it's something i love to do. i don't think i would be able to squeeze it in if i didn't adore it and this community so much. but i think it's the passion that helps me keep up with the demands of it. this is probably a good way to get burn out and unhealthy, but so far i'm doin' it, and at the moment i'm the happiest i've ever been :)))
SOMETIMES THO i choose to write instead of hanging out with friends and doing other stuff like that (not this past week. the girlies were OUT.) i know it's just fanfic, but sometimes if you want to do something, you have to choose it over everything else.
17. the best writing advice i've ever been given is to write what you want to see courtesy of mr. miranda himself. i think he said something along the lines of "if you see a piece of media, and you're immediately thinking of what you would have added or done differently, you need to get to writing." like creating media curated to me and only me has not only made writing so much more fun, but it's also helped me find people with the same tastes as me, and has helped me make some very close friends. i don't feel bad when a fic flops in the kudos/comments fields bc i know i liked the fic even if no one else did. i'm putting the fics out into the world that i would love to read myself.
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wosofanstuff · 6 days
Hello, I’m back to annoy you😇
We won the DFB Pokal💚🐺🏆🥳
How are you?
Also I saw you had some interviews a while ago and did definitely not forget to ask about them until now🙃
So, how did it go, also if you don‘t mind sharing, what were they for and where (as in are you staying in Australia or are you going back to Germany)
Sorry if I’m being to noisy, you are in no way required to answer all my questions, just answer the ones you feel comfortable sharing😊
I‘m on my second internship, it’s radiotherapy right now, the first two weeks at one of the two locations I’m at wasn’t great cause there is some tension within that team and also I still had ( and still have) a lot to learn, and well let’s just say while the people were mostly very friendly they were kind of, impatient? Anyway it just wasn’t exactly a great situation and I just kind of felt like I was getting on their nerves or always in the way? I dunno it was not good
Now that I’m at the second location it’s way more fun, it’s still kind of mentally and emotionally draining cause I work with cancer patients all day long, but I think I’ve found a good way to recharge and handle it. Anyway the people there are great and I love em, I honestly don‘t want to leave there. They take time to explain stuff and answer questions as good as they can and honestly it’s a dream. They also just straight up tell me if I made a mistake or if I did something well, which luckily it’s mostly just been me doing things well, but I dunno I just need that transparency, like please do talk to me and tell me how I can do this or that better or how I can handle a situation better and don‘t just say at the end of the internship, you remember this situation from like three weeks ago? Yeah you shouldn‘t have done that, said this or whatever. And at the same time it‘s also nice hearing that you did something well.
Welp that got long quickly, sorry for the rant.
I hope you have a great day🫶
Einmal Wolfsburg, Immer Wolfsburg🐺💚
Hey, I missed you and you never annoy me 😊
We did I was pumped even tho I was absolutely freezing and dead tired 💚🏆
I‘m good on camp in the Outback at the moment. Honestly can’t wait to return from it. In 6 days a friend is flying over to visit so I’m hyped for that one.
One interview was really good like the people I had it with sounded super nice and the job didn’t seem bad as well. The second one was so horrendous that I hope they either don’t take me or one of the other ones work out because I really don’t think I would enjoy that one at all. Like they where so unorganized that they didn’t even know where I or what I wanted to study. The interview was for a duales Studium!? Like come on, it’s also nearly double the hours then the first one.
I have another one next week and one in two weeks hope they will be great since they are kinda from the job description my favorite ones
Oh yeah they are for my studying when I’m back in October
Yeah the first placement sounds terrible, definitely get what you mean.
But the second one sounds good, but I imagine it’s quite challenging so please take care of yourself! And feedback is so important like just tell me what to do and if the way I do it is good or what I have to do differently. Like you would think everyone just does that
Also love your life updates like you made my morning with it…. after obviously the Wolfsburg win 😇💚
Thanks and you too 🫶🏼
Einmal Wolfsburg, IMMER WOLFSBURG 💚🐺🏆
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Basic ass question for the ask game, but ingo and emmet, 2,3 & 4?
:0 not basic at all!! my guys (character dynamics ask game)
2. if asked to describe B to a stranger, what would A say? are they mostly truthful, or is there anything they omit?
hmmmmmm. i feel like there are a lot of things that they would, not like, omit, but. cut for time. common complaint is that ingo never adequately prepares anyone for talking to emmet when he tells them to go take something up with him instead. they're like oh so they're twins they're probably pretty similar in mannerisms right? and then emmet is kind of nothing at all like his brother in conversation and it just sort of knocks them off balance bc they were not expecting it.
in general tho i feel like—and this is sorta canon supported—the #1 thing they both lead with is hyping each other up. like, oh, you want to know about my brother. well let me tell you he's one of the most talented trainers ever. he's so smart and good at coming up with ideas and strategies and handling the subway. and if anyone's like "aren't you like equal as battle trainers at the very least" they're like nono you don't get it. my brother does [singles/doubles] as a specialty that's WAY more nuanced and difficult than what i do. and they will both swear by this. i just think they are kind of each others #1 fans a lil bit.
3. what’s something A thinks in their head about B that they would NEVER tell them out loud? alternately, what’s something they want to say to them but haven’t/can’t, and why not?
oooh this is a toughie bc i don't know that i. see them having a ton of secrets from each other? at least not if we're talking abt pre-hisui regular canon ingo and emmet which. i assume we are. like if either of them can't tell his brother abt a thing he can't tell ANYONE about it. he's probably barely admitted it to himself. if anything i think the answer to this would sort of follow from the answer to the last one, bc i feel like they think those praises internally or say them to other ppl more frequently than they actually tell each other. bc like. it's kind of hard to find a good time to say it and it feels like it shouldn't need to be said? but then i feel like they both probably also want to say it more, if they stop to think abt it.
...although if we're talking about during hisui, there's a ton of stuff that emmet would love to tell ingo but he, yknow, physically can't. bc of the horrors. and sort of ditto on ingo's side, even though he's not consciously aware of why i think he still feels the loss of having that confidant. he just can't even really conceptualize of what it would be like to have a person like that. also on account of the horrors.
4. how does A refer to B (first name/last name/pet name/title/etc) in their head, to them directly, and to others? are they different? why?
HMMM this is one that i feel like is probably the most different btwn the two of them. like i think in a formal context at least ingo is more likely to refer to his brother as "subway boss emmet" esp. towards the start of a conversation. like, they're acting in an official capacity, he should use their titles, it's simply the correct way to do it. conversely emmet is not nearly so strict abt formality levels and all that. like, he'll say "ingo is a subway boss" but only in the same way he introduces himself as a subway boss. the majority of time he's more likely to just say "ingo." he told you who ingo is already. this is too many words. it isn't efficient!!
though i think one commonality btwn the two of them, and the more common way they'll refer to each other especially internally, is just. "my brother."
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brightblessed · 1 year
random hc/munday ask but!! in what ways do you and roi differ? personality traits? habits? did he inherit anything in particular from you, such as love for food, etc.? only answer what u feel comfortable answering tho!! no pressure hehe
@swerte (thanks ♥)
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So... This is something I have thought about for a bit. I don't want to go like uncomfortably deep into it, but when I made Roi I didn't intentionally put any of myself into him. In most aspects, Roi is far more fucked up than I am. I am gonna get kinda personal here. So fair warning and please heed my content warnings on the tags.
BUT I have come to realize I have a lot of stuff in common with him. Honestly, a lot of his negative traits are just more severe versions of my own. Roi is self-destructive and I also am. My depression very much manifests as intense anger. I feel the same powerful bouts of emotion. My desire when I made Roi was to make a character that wasn't a typical hero. Of course, a lot of what Roi is now grew over me playing msq with him. At first, Roi was supposed to be the sort of person that could easily become a villain. Alot of his sharp edges softened from the original concept as I played through the game with him.
Another thing I wanted to explore with Roi was trauma/mental illness. I have been incredibly mentally ill since I was 6 years old. I had a traumatic experience happen around that time. Something that no one even believes happened to this day. After that, the world became very scary to me. It manifested as extreme anxiety and paranoia. I had always been neurodivergent but idk. Anyway, from that point on I had a lot of struggles. I feel like I didn't have a childhood because of it. Still, to this day, I feel stunted. But anyway, I had all of this shit and none of it was making me nicer or anything. So I really wanted to explore that with Roi. How trauma and mental illness can be so negative and horrible. How it can make you nasty and how much it eats at you. Feeling like you are ruined or whatever. Like there is something wrong with you and you are just a cancer on the people around you. Like obviously, Roi's crap is way worse than mine. But I discovered that writing Roi could either make me feel way better since I got to get that shit out, or WAY WORSE because I kinda experienced the pain along with him. When I made Roi in 2019, I was coming out of some really dark places in my life. Being bipolar is like, and I only have bipolar ii but like... it's always so awful. Like I know life is very much ups and downs. But idk like it feels like I have no control a lot of the time. because even if things are good, there is this fear that an episode or relapse is gonna creep up on me. And when I made Roi, I had just gone through some stupid shit. I didn't like the person that I was. I think that really got imprinted on him in a way. I could go way more into all the things I see in myself and Roi but like... In a really crazy way, when I was making Roi I wasn't thinking of it like that. But like... you know. Now that I see it, after writing him for so long, I think he really helped me realize a lot about myself. Things I needed to change. And it's actually been really positive. I know it's silly since he's MY CHARACTER but like... At some point I realized a lot of the things wrong with Roi were also things wrong with me. And I realized that I needed to try to fix it. And obviously, I don't have any magical adventures or nearly the level of trauma Roi has. But there are def echoes of him in me. And now that I know that I can try to realize when I am being toxic to myself or others. So I love watching Roi heal because... Idk I want to heal too I guess.
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samanthakeoghs · 7 years
1-100 of the Holby asks 😎
okay buckle up kids, it’s gonna be a long ride(would also just like to apologise right now for the fact 90% of these questions will have the same answers… three guesses as to which)
also I tried to do a “read more” so this wouldn’t take up your dashes but it didn’t work, soz
100 Questions about Holby City
1. Favourite present character?The queen of my life Jac Naylor obviously2. Favourite past character?My precious child Jasmine Burrows (although it pains me to call her a past character)3. Least favourite present character?Fredrik Johanssen, I literally just don’t care about him at all4. All time favourite character?Jac Naylor5. All time least favourite character?Isaac Mayfield maybe? 6. Favourite recurring character?Does Emma Naylor count??? Also Lexy the vicar7. Favourite nurse?Present - Essie, all time - Chantelle8. Favourite senior doctor?Always has to be Jac9. Favourite junior doctor?Jasmine10. Favourite ward?Darwin without a doubt11. OTPs?Jac/Jonny (also lowkey Ollie/Tara, Ollie/Zosia, Arthur/Morven, Jas/Morven, Jac/Zosia)12. NOTs?Essie/Raf!!! Also Jonny/Bonnie for obvious reasons, Jac/Matteo13. Favourite friendship?Jac/Mo, Jac/Zosia, Jasmine/Morven, Mo/Jonny14. Favourite family relationship?Do I even need to answer this??? Jac and Jasmine forever until the end of time15. Favourite actor/actress?Rosie Marcel16. Favourite quote?Current fave is still “you got the cheekbones, she got the smile” but the “foetus in scrubs” line will always be iconic, as will most of Jac’s lines 17. Favourite current storyline?Jac grieving over Jasmine even though it’s not properly kicked off yet18. Least favourite current storyline?Fredrik, also Essie/Raf19. All time favourite storyline?Jac and Jonny’s relationship/Jac’s pregnancy20. All time least favourite storyline?In terms of boring??? idk but in terms of painful then Tara’s death/Arthur’s death/Jas’s death (sensing a theme here)21. Favourite series? Of what I’ve seen, 15, 16 or 1922. Least favourite series?Don’t really have one23. Favourite episode(s)?I mean… the list is endless but my most faves are probably S14 E41 From Here To Maternity, S16 E13 Self Control, S19 E26 It’s Only Love If It Hurts, S19 E38 Paper Wishes 24. Least favourite episode(s)?Again, there’s loads of boring ones but in terms of most painful it has to be S15 E27 Great Expectations and S19 E37 (I can’t even bring myself to write the title lol), even though the episode itself is incredible25. Favourite scene?Too many… Jac helping Mo give birth, Jonny asking Jac to move in (almost all of their scenes tbh), every scene from Self Control, Jac comforting Zosia after Arthur’s death, Jac and Zosia in the taxi, Jac protecting Jasmine from Serena, Jac and Jasmine laughing in the locker room, both Jac’s locket scenes… I’ll shut up now26. Saddest scene?Jasmine’s death (see also Tara’s death and Arthur’s death)27. Funniest scene?I genuinely can’t even pinpoint one off the top of my head, there’s so many but the locker room scene is up there 28. Scene you’ve re-watched multiple times?Again, loads but Jac and Jasmine’s locker room scene and Jac helping Mo give birth are probably my most watched 29. Most inspiring moment?Idk??? Not so much inspiring as makes me proud, but Jac realising she can be a good mother springs to mind30. Favourite patient?Maybe the young farmers on Darwin31. Favourite cast photo?The second to last one they released32. Favourite cast member?Rosie Marcel33. Describe Holby City in five words.A truly life ruining show34. Describe your favourite character in five words.Queen of my fucking life35. Character you want to return?Jonny Maconie36. Character you want to be treated by?Jac 37. Character you least want to be treated by?Isaac38. Character you never expected to like as much?Jasmine, Zosia39. Character that deserves more screen time?Morven40. Character with the best bedside manner?Mo41. Character with the worst bedside manner?Fredrik42. Character you’d like to be more like?Jac43. Character you first fell in love with?Jac44. Character that you like/love that everybody else dislikes/hates?Idk I can’t think of one??? 45. Character that you dislike/hate that everybody else likes/loves?Can’t think of one46. Character you used to love but no longer do?Idk47. Character who has the best one-liners?Obviously Jac48. Character with the coolest name?Estelle Ava Harrison49. Hottest character?Jac and Ollie50. Sassiest character?Jac51. Best-dressed character (out of scrubs)?Jac, Zosia52. Most caring character?Mo53. Funniest character?Jac54. Most boring character?Fredrik55. Most intriguing character?Jac56. Most entertaining character?Jac (am boring myself with the repetition here, don’t say I didn’t warn you)56. Most relatable character?Jasmine, Mo, Donna57. Most misunderstood character?Jac, Jasmine58. Character you feel most sorry for?Jac, Morven59. Character that annoys you the most?Fredrik60. Character you’d most like to slap?Fredrik61. Character that you have mixed feelings about?Nina and Matteo62. Character(s) you’d like to see get their own spinoff show? Jac, Jasmine, Jonny and Emma pls63. Characters that you’d like to see interact more?64. Jac and Morven bonding over Jasmine, Jac and Damon, Ollie and Morven 65. Character you would bring back from the dead?…..if you don’t know the answer to this by now you’re in the wrong place (of course it’s Jasmine)66. Which character’s death would you never get over?I’ll never get over Jasmine’s obvs, but I actually don’t think I’d cope at all if it was Jac67. Character(s) you’d like to leave?Fredrik68. Which character’s past would you like to learn more about?Morven, Damon69. Most upsetting exit?Jasmine, Arthur, Tara70. Favourite character rivalry?Jac vs everyone 71. Last character to make you cry?Jac72. Last character to make you laugh?Damon73. Last character to make you angry?Fran fucking Reynolds74. Last character to break your heart?Jac75. Last character to make you proud?Morven76. Character you’d like to see develop more?Morven, Damon 77. Thoughts on last week’s episode?Quite enjoyed it but am in serious need more Jac coming soon 78. Which character’s name do you first look for in the cast list whenever looking at spoilers?Jac79. Earliest memory of the show?Jac and Jasmine meeting for the first time80. How did you get into the show?The Casualty30 crossover81. Which colour scrubs do you think would suit you the most?Probably the Keller burgundy ones, but I’d only wear Darwin blue bc I’m loyal to my squad so x82. If you could choose any one of the current characters to remain on the show forever, which character would it be?Jac83. How long have you been watching the show for?Just over a year84. Have you ever had any Holby-related dreams?Yes, about Jac and Jasmine 85. Things you’d like to see happen in the 20th anniversary episode(s)?Anything as long as it involves Jac taking centre stage (and she has to be okay)86. Five things you’d like to see happen on the show?Jac and Jonny reuinion, Jac and Morven to interact more, a Casualty crossover where Jac meets Sam Nicholls, Mo/Zosia/Cara to return87. Three things you love about the show?How relatable the characters are, how inspiring they are, the fact it’s such a good show to escape from your own issues88. Cast member you’d most like to meet?Rosie 89. Have you ever watched any films/shows/shorts starring any of the cast members (in a different role to their character on Holby)?Some of Rosie’s and Lucy’s90. Three things that you’ve learned from watching the show?Lots of medical stuff, that the best friendships are often the unlikely and unexpected ones, not to put a scalpel in your pocket (thanks for that one Jas x)91. Do you have any predictions about anything that might happen on the show in the future?Not really beyond the spoilers of Jac and Fletch growing closer, I’m still praying for a Jac/Jas grave scene like the one in Casualty tho92. Famous person you’d like to see make a guest appearance as a patient?Can we get Lorraine on??? She’s the biggest stan I swear93. If you had the opportunity to appear on the show, would you?Um YES, in a heartbeat94. Do you sing/hum along to the opening theme tune?No I get palpitations bc this show ruins me x95. Is there anything that you would like to see be made canon on the show which probably never will?Is it too much to ask for Jasmine to rise from the dead??? And for Jac and Jonny to reunite??? And Morven and Jac to be friends???96. What do you think would be an interesting storyline for the show to explore?I wish they’d show Jac having a full scale mental breakdown after everything that’s happened to her, it’s almost inevitable at this point plus time be great to have more mental health rep 97. If there was something that you could change about the show, what would it be?For Jasmine not to be dead x 98. Favourite Holby City fanfiction?As in which pairings or which stories? There’s way too many of the latter, but I read anything Jac-related and occasionally some Zollie tbh99. Favourite Holby-related blog? I have loads100. Favourite thing about the Buckle Fandom? How sweet and respectful everyone seems to be!!! It’s the least problematic fandom I’ve ever been in honestly and I love it
THIS WAS LONG AF IM SORRY but I had so much fun answering all the questions ahhhh, thank you!!!
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poemsforparker · 2 years
Apocalypse - Druig × Reader
Masterlist | Song inspiration
(not my gif)
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“Go and sneak us through the rivers Flood is rising up on your knees, oh please Come out and haunt me, I know you want me Come out and haunt me”
Druig was leading you through the woods with a grin in his face, both of you still in your Eternals suits. The only noise heard besides your steps in the fallen leafs and the river you two were currently trying to find. Sometimes he would look back at you as to make sure you were still there, even tho he was holding your hand all along
He looked like he still coudn’t believe you ran away with him when he decided to follow his own purpose with humans. A part of him knew you’d go with him if he asked you to. Another knew you were to fond of your family to do so. So, when he asked you, coming down the stairs in Tenochitilan with opened arms, he was actually not sure if you’d choose him over everyone else, but here you were, following him to god knows where without even asking.
When he got to the river, he turned to you with the most beautiful grin, looking at you like he was seeing the most precious thing in the whole world while holding both of your hands to help you balance your feet in the stones of the cold river. “Thank you for coming with me, really. I know how hard it was for you, you know, leaving them.” his smile is still there, but a little sadder in the mention of the other Eternals.
“It was indeed, my love, but for you, I’d do it again” you cup his face with your hands and give him an amorous kiss.
                                                              . . .
“You leapt from crumbling bridges Watching cityscapes turn to dust Filming helicopters crashing in the ocean From way above”
Couple centuries later, you sat at the verge of that same river, recalling affectionately about the day you got there with your lover. The memory made you smile widely, you now had your own village in that same spot, lived together peacefully away from the big civilisations and the agitation that the cities got with time.
You both had seen too much already, settling down like this seemed like a dream come true. After watching cityscapes burn to dust due to wars bursting everywhere, the peace you found at this part of earth sounded nearly impossible. Of course, Druig had his ways using his powers to make sure that peace remained, you knew it, but if that was the price to keep at least a parcel of this planet safe from being destroyed by the human greediness, so be it.
You feel someone approaching you from behind, not even bothering turning around to see who it was, you knew Druig like the back of your hands, even his steps were unmistakable to you. He takes a seat by your side, he knew you just as much as you knew him, if not better, so there was no need to read your mind to know exactly what was in your head.
“That day was good, wasn’t it my dear? Just the two of us here, we came to our new home, made love by the river” you can see his glance at you without needing to affectively look at him, he knew you still got embarrassed when he said that kind of stuff, to you it was ridiculous, but to him, it was adorable, he loved to see the blush in your cheeks.
“Oh, Druig” You hide your face in your hands, he nudges you provokingly
“What?” he fakes innocence “Want me to remind you of that day?” you blush even more
“Maybe another time.” you try to dodge the subject, revealing to him what was actually in your mind when you came to the river. “Do you evr miss them, Dru?” you ask in a genuine curiosity, you didn’t talk about that day much. Maybe wanting to avoid the emotions.
“I do.” he answers simply and comes closer to you, putting his arms around you and letting your head rest in his chest. All you could hear was his heart beat mixed with the sound of the river running down, it did recall you even more of that day. “Maybe I don’t miss them as much as you do, my dove, but I do.”
“Do you think we’ll see eachother again, like, before it’s time to get back to Olympia?”
“Who knows? We have literally all the time in the world, angel, a lot could happen.”
                                                                 . . .
“Your lips, my lips, apocalypse”
You coudn’t believe the sight in front of you. After centuries, there they were. Sitting besides Druig at the table, his hands protectively on your waist, you heard as Sersi explained all about the emergence. It was a lot to take in. A life of lies. A fake purpose, a machine created to serve a God. That’s what you were in the end of the day.
Oddly enough, that made you even more thankful you had Druig by your side, you may not be exactly alive or whatever the fuck the story was but you had experienced love. About that fact you had no doubt, with every word that came out of Sersi any shadow of regret you might have had in the past was gone. 
Second thoughts about your choices of life, all gone. You were sure you made your choice right following your own purpose, standing by the one you believe to be right and the one who you do anything for you as much as you would do anything for him.
You hold Druig’s hand tight squeezing it three times as your way to say I. Love.You. You were going to help your family, sure. Do your best to stop the emergence or die trying, but one thing you knew for sure now, if this was the end of everything, you regretted nothing.
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Hiya! I was wondering if you could do some Dadzawa fluffy/angst-ish stuff where he finds one of his students having a panic attack and he just helps comfort them and they end up just clinging onto him for dear life and just sobbing into him? And could their personality be quiet/shy, friendly, and it seems like they are mentally stable but their mental state is literally deteriorating?
If you don’t want to do that, it’s totally fine tho! Hope you have a lovely day :)
Lemon Drops
Warnings: panic attack, anxiety and depression mention
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Your pencil shook as you pressed it to your paper with ever increasing pressure in order to get your mind off of all the swirling thoughts within. You weren’t doing well this semester. Your grades were fine, sure, but that wasn’t the issue here.
You’d been able to keep up the act of ‘quiet but good, hardworking student’ for long enough.
Long enough, in fact, to have grown quite close with one of the strictest teachers at UA. Mr. Aizawa.
By close, he’d give you a tiny nod whenever you’d be the last one to leave class, still hurriedly writing one last note as he’d yell out reminders to ‘get this work done by Friday. I don’t want to be grading all weekend.’
And he’d learn not to call on you when you weren’t raising your hand. That was a practice he’d often used to find out who was truly paying attention. For you, though, it was a total nightmare. Even if you knew the answer, being called on so unexpectedly would cause you to go totally blank, stammering and stuttering while turning red in the face.
After seeing that from you, he kept you after class and softly apologized to you.
That is how you knew he thought of you highly. He knew that you weren’t just an inattentive student, and that you probably had social anxiety like he did when he was your age.
“I don’t mind not calling on you,” he said, “but just don’t let anyone else know. Let them think that I just forgot about you or something.”
Of course, that was so that other students wouldn’t pull the same act. Plus, he didn’t want anyone to think he was giving you special treatment.
Today, though, was your breaking point. None of the ‘special treatment’ he gave you could help you now. Tears were pushing their way past your eyes as you squeezed them shut. Your hands were slick and clammy with sweat and your heartbeat was so loud that you were sure everyone else could hear the pumping in their ears like you did.
The world around you faded away as your brain screamed at you, attacking you from the inside out.
Suddenly, a hand gripped your shoulder firmly.
You jumped, looking up to greet a stony faced Aizawa and an empty classroom.
He handed you a sour lemon candy.
“Eat this,” he ordered. You looked up at him questioningly, to which he added, “trust me.”
You did so, assulting your senses with the overly sour morsel.
It was so overwhelming, in fact, that you couldn’t hear the shrieks coming from your mind. All you could hear, now, was your own breathing.
“Are you okay?” he asked, nearly at a whisper. He knew that having a breakdown like this was bad enough on its own, but other students knowing about it made it even worse.
That question was all it took for you to snap. Tears poured down your face and you finally let out the sob that you’d been holding in for what felt like centuries.
Now, many coworkers and students of Aizawa would think that in a situation like this, he’d kick you out of his classroom, chiding you for making his next class wait.
But he didn't.
He'd locked the door so that no other students could come in and make things worse.
Screw the next class. You needed him more than they did. Plus, who wouldn't be happy to have a few extra minutes of chatter?
When the tears began to flow freely down your cheeks, and the sobs were impossible to contain, he approached you. Gently, he placed his hand on your shoulder, as you clutched onto his chest.
“I-I...I can’t do this anymore. It’s all too much,” you whimpered. Even though your words were muffled by hiccups and by his shirt, he understood all too well.
“You’re good at hiding your struggles. Stop that.”
He allowed you to hold onto him, surely wrinkling his clothes and staining his shirt with tears, without any scolding or reprimanding.
“Take your time,” he murmured comfortingly. He wasn’t big on physical affection, but he was happy to do what he could to help alleviate everything that’d built up for so long.
He added, “Don’t ever let things get this bad again. I care about my students. You may stay after class and talk to me any time. Any time.”
Soon, your shuddered breaths slowed and your tears dried. Your fingers loosened around his shirt, returning back to you as you returned back to reality.
Somehow, things seemed a little brighter.
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
did i miss something? bas are still bragging about how that montage in 4x17 was really meaningful, but i recall it merely being all scenes with ba in the same frame and compiled without context. do you think that that scene actually meant anything (given how downhill everything went from there)?
sorry this is late, doll. i got boosted and it knocked me on my ass and i have a deadline for work by the last day of the month—every month.😭
but to answer your question: they're always bragging. even when they have nothing to brag about. they take things, twist them until it fits into whatever narrative they agree with and then go from there.
also, wasn't that montage, like, most of the b/a scenes no matter the context because they don't really have enough to make much of anything unless they use what little they had?
we've all seen them take scenes totally out of context right? like, not even subjective stuff, yeah? like, literal they are saying the things out loud but they still think there's some 5 year conspiracy theory of it all being hush-hush just for them levels of subjectivity.
and no, i don't. roberto said they were going to bring back bh/va together in s5, that was the original plan. so even if their last minute swerve in s5 is what it was, the montage wasn't nearly as pointed as the one in 5x03.
and guys, i know everyone believes what they want (and that's cool with me) but there's believing what you want and ignoring the very clear intention of the writing. listen, they don't like veronica (or betty a lot of the time but whatever, there are other stans who act like betty killed their cat or something it's very weird of them) and that's whatever but people acting like the writers are writing her to be pathetic and archie has never loved her is pretty delusional.
the writers aren't writing veronica with some comics betty-esque vibes just to embarrass her. they very much write her with the brand of feminism that reeks of being written by men who have patted a woman on the head and said she's cute before dismissing her entirely. and they think they're doing a bang-up job of it too.
and let's be real, they were very arrogant and obnoxious during the 2020 hiatus as well. and then they lost their shit when the season didn't end with a b/a love confession (again, something the writing never backed up but they decided it's what must be happening) and then they lost their shit after 5x08 (and again, the writing never backed up their expectations). now, the only reason they're acting like they are after the 100th is because b/a was in the promo for 6b. do i think their expectations are going to far exceed what the show is going to give them? i mean...yeah. i do.
but we have a fandom full of people (on lots of sides, tbf) that pull entire motivations and meanings out of small things and have no concept of how marketing, cinematography, subtext, text, or narratives work. so why anyone wastes their time on it instead of keeping it moving i will never know.
honestly, i have no idea why anyone pays attention to them. they said we were wrong about rivervale not being riverdale's universe, they said we were wrong about the horror genre thing (even tho it was beyond obvious based on the trailer alone), they said that archie and betty were going to be so in love and couldn't wait to be married and have a baby (uh. yeah. we all know what happened there), and they also told us that bughead was going to be pointless to the 100th while archie and betty were going to get married and live happily ever after even tho the whole climax and crux of the episode depended on bughead's interactions.
and seriously, even when they get some b/a leaning latam account giving out spoilers for 5x19 they were mostly wrong because context matters. even evan, their b/a warrior promotes episodes with little to no or flat out bad b/a content because he might like the ship but he likes the engagement a whole lot more. i get it, you know, the whole twitter stan wars they have going on but if you replace their b/archie fervor with other talking points, they all sound like performative activists who are probably low key anti-vaxxers with major puri-teen vibes. block and move on. that they're far more interested in fighting or degrading bugheads instead of enjoying their content or each other outside of feeling superior within their echo chamber just tells you what energy they're giving and no one needs to waste their time entertaining them.
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thekidsarentalright · 3 years
Fob Survey Results
Hi! So, a few days ago I made a post asking u all to take a survey i made so i could, basically, just see the different opinions in the fandom and nearly 400 people responded, which is crazy! I didn’t know that many ppl still were in fob bandom 😳 Anyways, without further adieu, the results are enclosed below under the cut!
First, I wanna start with some disclaimers or lil housekeeping things. The first thing I wanna mention is that, obviously, this sampling of people is small compared to every single fan of them ever but regardless of that i’m still gonna be referring to it all very generally just bc that’s easier for me lol. Next, I made a pie chart for every single question just so there was a visual of it but a few of them are a bit stuffed, just because the sheer amount of variety in peoples answers, which is great! But I just wanted to warn, and assure that i’ll be breaking down the charts a bit below the pictures so it’s more comprehensible. Also everything is color coded to try and make it a little easier! Lastly, more info and like discussion about any of this is totally welcome! if u have q’s, ask me! 
Question 1: When Did You Become A Fan?
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This chart is one of the more comprehensible ones, thankfully. It shows that the era most fans became a fan was srar era, with 104 people answering that. The era with the least being tttyg era with only 5 people (technically pre-tttyg era/folie era since no one answered those). It’s so cool, to me, to see such a variety of answers! Fob rly are timeless 😌
Question 2: What’s Your Favorite Album?
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I feel, for me, this one wasn’t a big surprise. Folie is clearly the fan favorite with 37%, while take this your grave is in last with only 9 people saying it was their fav. Again, lots of variety in this which is pretty cool to see! (also sorry that ab/aps name got cut off lol)(Also also justice for abap and mania)
Question 3: What’s Your Favorite EP/Non-Album?
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Here, Lake Effect Kid Ep dominated the results with 126 people saying it was their favorite. B-Side was sort of close behind, with Pax Am Days in third. Here, what surprised me, was that anybody answered with eowyg or llamania, tbh. And, though I didn’t include it in the chart, 7 people answered saying they didn’t have a fav or hadn’t ever listened to one of them!
Question 4: Who’s Your Favorite Member?
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This was one of the most biased questions with nearly 50% of u saying Patrick is your fav. I expected that, though I thought it’d be more of a battle between him and Pete. The only thing rly worth saying, ig, is that Andy and Joe deserve more love :(
Question 5: Favorite Fob Related Artist?
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When I made this question and put mcr as an option I knew they’d be number one, so that’s not a shocker, to me. Here are your guys’ top 3 fob adjacent artists: 1. My chemical romance 2. Paramore 3. Panic! at the disco And, honestly, rest didn’t stand a chance against those 3 which I kinda expected but it is nice to see Some people appreciating cobra and gch! (Misc. answers included bands like idkhow, waterparks, as well as green day and elton john! Lots of variety!)
Question 6: What’s Your Favorite Song?
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This question is where it starts to get a bit messier. I did my best to make it as clean as possible, but it still def looks a little wacky (sorry). According to you all, however, your top 3 favorite fob songs are as follows: 1. Disloyal order 2. (Coffee’s for closers) 3. Hum hallelujah Now, I am not at all surprised that disloyal order is that high up there, nor does hum hallelujah surprise me but coffee’s for closers kinda does! I’m also shocked that ginasfs isn’t higher. (where’s tkaa tho)
Question 7: Most Underrated Song?
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Luckily, I managed to get this one a bit more organized looking (in my eyes) but, again, sorry if it’s messy! Regardless, according to you all, the top 3 most underrated fob songs are: 1. You’re crashing, but you’re no wave 2. From now on we are enemies = Headfirst slide 3. Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel in NYC) = Coffee’s for closers What is the funniest, and most interesting to me here, is that there are so many ties and also that 2 of these songs (Headfirst slide and coffee’s for closers) were in your top 5 favorite songs... making them clearly not underrated. I was delighted to see you’re crashing at 1, though. It hits hard.
Question 8: Most Overrated Song?
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Now, with this one, I fully expected the results I got. It was very predictable: The singles are the most overrated. Something about them playing nonstop on the radio 6+ years ago rly bugged y’all (/j). Here are your top 3 most overrated songs: 1. Centuries  2. Uma Thurman = Immortals 3. My Songs  I’m very very stunned to see what a catch on there. And to all the people that said mania and the kids aren’t alright: ow :(
Question 9: This Or That 1
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All the this or that’s are pretty self-explanitory, I believe. By a very thing margin, you all prefer sugar over thnks fr the mmrs!
Question 10: This Or That 2
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By another very thing margin, wams beat out just one yesterday.
Question 11: This Or That 3
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A pattern you’ll notice is that all of these are super close... once again, by a thing margin, Immortals (famously disliked) beat out champion (even more disliked apparently)
Question 12: This Or That 4
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This one was ridiculously close the entire survey, for a majority of it pavlove was winning, actually. But, at the very end, from now on we are enemies won it 183 to 146.
Question 13: This Or That 5
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Lastly for the this or that series, we have the most biased one. I thought this would be closer, but clearly you all have a Lot of love for disloyal order, picking it over the kids aren’t alright 240 to 105. That’s fuckin crazy.
Question 14: What’s Your Favorite Lyric?
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For this one, so many people answered so many different lyrics all presented in a different way that I physically could not bring myself to organize them like i did the previous song questions. So, I present to you the songs that were quoted/referenced the most and therefore are precieved to have the best lyricism, according to you all. The top 3 most mentioned songs are: 1. Disloyal order (shocker) 2. Hum Hallelujah 3. Wams = Miss Missing You What surprised me the most here was that apparently overrated songs appeared, with a few people mentioning centuries, my songs, what a catch among others. And that disloyal order once again came out on top. 
Conclusion: What I learned from this is follows; the fob fandom (on here) is made up of people with somehow both very varied and yet congruent opinions. We might not all have the same favorite album or ep but we do all lose our minds to disloyal order and think that patrick is the best which i think is just beautiful.  (Feel free to come into my inbox and talk to me about this!! Naturally, I have all the data- the stuff that’s hard to see or wasn’t shown on the charts is interesting too. I’d love to talk about any of it!)
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binniesthighs · 3 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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a/n: cuties!! hehe we’re finally getting...a couple things in this chapter that i’ve been wanting to share sooo bad! i added question marks to some of the tags to make it more of a surprise! i love hearing what ya thought of it! hehe <3 
Pairing: self insert, (?) x female reader x bang chan 
Genre: action, mystery and suspense, fluff, smut and angst 
Tags: (of this part) bodyguard au, secret agent au, royal au, moderndayprince!chan, secretagent!reader, secretagent!jeongin, secretagent!jisung, collegestudent!seungmin, royal!minho, informantandclubowner!changbin (loll thats so long), (?)!felix, skz side characters, adventure and mystery, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, sexual tension, explicit language, mentions of alcoholic drinks and getting drunk, hehe bit of smut/suggestive content (tags omitted for surprise--nothing crazy to tag tho hehe), maknae line are my sons in this fic, binnie in this fic can fkn take me lol 
CWs: sizable shoot out in public club with several people involved, presumed that people die because of this event, lots blood and other wounds such as gunshot wounds, mentions of drugs (both recreational and hard drugs) mentions of weapons such as knives and guns--the whole scene is violent 
Word count: 8.5k 
“Five years later and I’m still tying your ties, F. Some things never change.” 
Jeongin cracks a smile, simple and cute, much like the man himself even when he has a handgun glued to his hand. 
“It’s still a harder task than some of the stuff that they have us doing. Not gonna lie.” 
You smooth down your partner’s lapels where he’s pinned a small pin of the ticking clock. While others would wear crests, the insignia that bonds you to the younger man is this this small instrument. He’s quiet while he watches you fiddle with his silk blue tie that compliments his snow white hair perfectly. 
“Are you nervous for tonight?” 
Your partner upkeeps his stoic façade the best he can, but tonight there’s something different about him. His silent answer speaks louder than he could ever admit. On the queen sized bed, Seungmin kicks his perfectly shined shoes while flipping through the channels of the TV with a staticky sounding click. Jeongin lightly brushes his hand over the diamond dangling earrings that twinkle as they are supposed to from your ears--likely they’re crystals, not the more expensive jewel. 
“I’m not nervous,” He finally sighs, but there’s a bit of a crack to his voice. “I trust you. And Two. I’m trying to focus on that.” 
“It’ll be fine.” You assure, “White Rabbit must have his own security that would be at his beck and call. If anyone shoots at us, they’re shooting at him. We’re not alone.” 
The young agent nods, then gives a little slap to the college student on the bed. “Get up. We’re leaving. Remember what I showed you?” 
Jeongin draws from the bedside a small handgun. It’s more decorative than protective, but still fires bullets that could save his life. 
“Keep it in your breast pocket. Make sure that no one sees it. We don’t wanna cause a scene.” 
Seungmin’s eyes widen as he feels its weight in his hand. “Got it. I hope I don’t have to use it.” 
“Me too,” You give the youngster a soothing smile. “And remember, don’t tell anyone your name. When you’re in there, your name is S. Better yet, it’s best not to interact with anyone.” 
He nods, then slides it into the thin fabric of his coat. The young man looks considerably more dapper with The Agency’s clothes: a deep purple velvet two piece with silver cufflinks decorated with white roses--another symbol that you’ve grown familiar with. 
The prince saunters up to the bedroom with a slick tap at the opened door. He oozes with regality; not like you expected any less. The royal has dressed himself magnificently without the aid of his help once more: a pure black silk suit with a smart pressed white button up that’s spotless with not one crinkle. The while shirt itself is adorned with two thin silver chains which stretch across his lower torso. At the neck where the shirt meets its last button, there’s a floral brooch: one more more white rose for good measure. 
“Wow!!” Seungmin respectfully bows. “Your Highness, you look--” 
“--I didn’t fuck up the hair, did I?” 
Chan grins as he brings his fingers through his newly colored hair; its much lighter than his dark locks had been before: now a shade of tawny brown. The change to his appearance had come at the request of the palace who suggested that he try to conceal his identity even further as to not arouse suspicion. 
“Handsome as ever, your Highness.” You sneer out the compliment. 
Since the previous night had turned sour, seeing eye to eye with the prince had become harder to do. It was a wild confliction of feelings when you thought more and more of it. With every glance that he would throw in your direction, along with way that he had stared at you all through breakfast, you couldn’t meet him. You felt as if you had borne a wound for him to see, for him to poke at--the secret kind that was best kept to yourself--and he had dug his finger in; he had laughed. 
The prince tilted his head, and you met his eyes for the first time since then. There was a softness about him when you knew that he was inspecting you. You knew you must’ve been overthinking it--and that was what made it so dangerous. 
“Looking stunning as always, Bee. I knew that you would wear that dress well.” 
You let the words, “Thank you,” leave your tongue before toying with the small handbag provided to you. As always, your thigh holster held steady under your dress. 
Four clicks at the suite door sounded, startling nearly everyone in the room, revealing everyone’s nerves which they had denied. 
“That’ll be Lee Minho.” Chan announced. 
Two answered the door in his own costuming. The two men bowed upon meeting, a usual meeting between strangers. The agent lead him to the room, and the royal buttoned his own suit properly. 
“Good evening. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m Lee--” 
“--Minho.” Jeongin dryly cut, “We know who you are.” 
Luckily, you and your partner shared the same apprehension. 
“I’m Fox. You’ve met Bee. The young kid is S, he’s a new agent. The quiet one that let you in is Two.” 
Minho bowed politely with a slight blush. “You weren’t kidding when you said that you were well protected, Your Highness.” 
Chan chuckled in response then clapped the other royal by the back. 
“You look amazing,” Minho said to the prince who shooed him away with a humble hand. 
“You as well.” 
Chan sized up the royal who indeed looked like one. His suit was a simplier charcoal grey with pinstripes with a white undershirt that ruffled at the collar. Not typical of the royals that you knew, he also wore dangling silver earrings that would have never passed the royal standard for professionalism. However, it made sense considering that he had been of a lower rank. 
“Now that we’ve got the formalities out of the way, shall we head out?” Chan put a very obvious hand to the lower back of Lee Minho while checking with the rest of the group. “It’s best not to keep him waiting?” 
Your partner nodded and ushered the group out while giving his body one more pat down to ensure that all concealed weapons were in place. Two checked the assortment of knives tucked discreetly into his own jacket. The man had some kind of wicked and unidentifiable grin while he felt the metal against his fingers. You exited at the rear, feeling a hand tug at your arm. 
“--Bee, I’m sorry about what happened...I’m...I hope that you can understand my motivations as to why I said what I did, it didn’t seem like the right time--” 
“--There will never be a right time.” You tore your arm free. “Your Highness, what happened...that was a mistake on my part. I acted out of line. There will never be a right time because...I’m your guard, and you’re my prince. Do you understand?” 
“But Bee--” 
“--End of discussion,” The words burned in your throat seeing the way that he had looked at you just then, and it was clear that he definitely didn’t understand. 
You had heard that the White Rabbit had been a prideful man--this was now an indisputable fact once you pulled up to the roaring nightclub set into one of the busiest streets on the avenue in Cairo. Everything about the place was showy and bright and outrageous. It was a miracle that the man hadn’t been caught considering that his home base was as obvious as it was. The entire front of the night club shone with the brilliance of a million stars in a hundred different colors. A giant marquee held the signage with the title of the place, “The Tea Party” coupled with the image of the white rabbit himself--the one from the old movie--a stout little thing with his pocket watch swinging from his paw. His neck was wrapped up in a white ruff, and he wore a frock pattered in red hearts. 
A line stretched from the front entrance for as far as you could see, and clubbers swung their bodies in tune to the muffled sound of the EDM music thumping from inside and throwing cigarette butts to the sidewalk. 
“Do we just walk in?” Seungmin hurriedly asked with nervous hands wrapped around his body. 
“We’re expected, so, yes.” You snaked your arm through Jeongin’s to look even less conspicuous. “Just relax,” You commanded the group lowly. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw the prince slug his arm around Lee Minho who appeared to shrink under the other man’s broad shoulders. 
Two large bouncers stood at the entrance with muscles swelling under their shirts stained pink in areas which you assumed to have been white at some point. 
“Names?” One of them grunted rather than spoke. 
From his pocket, your partner took out his very own pocket watch that had been hidden with the rest of your supplies upon arrival to Cairo. On the opposite side of the watch was engraved the two symbols intertwined: the white rabbit and the the white rose. The two men inspected it, nodded, and opened the door for your small entourage. As soon as you entered the booming central room, you could see Seungmin’s shoulders drop as he relaxed. 
“There should be someone meeting us!” Jeongin yelled over the sound of the white noise leading to the bass drop. Hundreds of clubbers danced with the music, throwing their glasses to the air and howling like animals. You wouldn’t have been surprised if at least half of them had been strung out on the very drugs that the man himself had helped peddle. 
The young agent pulled you closer to him as stumbling bodies passed. 
“They could be here. We have to be on our guard.” 
“Let me watch the prince.” 
Jeongin nodded, letting you recede to the back of the group where Two had tailed. His eye wound hadn’t healed nearly enough, so he opted to wear the sunglasses once more. It was likely that word had spread about the four of you escaped twice--his eye was evidence. From behind the group, you watched the way the the prince’s hand fell down hold Lee Minho by the hip, and the way that his fingers dug in there slightly. As much as you had denied it, seeing them close brought back the very covetous thoughts you tried to keep at bay. 
A slender woman with gorgeous tanned skin pushed her way through the crowd and set her eyes on the white head of your partner. Her dress was even thinner than yours, but she wore it as if it was her second skin. The luxurious red color contrasted perfectly with her dark hair and eyes. 
“Are you Fox?” She asked with a thick accent, and cascaded her hand down the young man’s arm. 
“Y-yes. I am.”
“Bun asked me to bring you to him. I know the way.” 
She let her hand fall into Jeongin’s who whipped his head back to you with dry lips that he wetted immediately. You had expected to have been retrieved by someone a bit stockier than this woman. 
“He’s trying to get our guard down.” Two said suddenly as he reached into his pocket to thumb over his stockpile of metal there. “Don’t you think?” 
The woman took your group near to the corner of the room where bodies didn’t linger for long, but were drawn in the mosh pit in the center. Tables lined these edges which were fashioned into booths with red velvet curtains for privacy to do much more sinister things. The room smelled heavily of pure alcohol spilled by drunk hands and of synthetic fabrics made of cheap plastics. A dozen different fragrances mingled into one dizzying mess: each a scent so different and chemical that it was toxic. 
She walked with a swing to her hips, all the way to a booth that was a bit larger than the others--you could only assume that this must’ve been his booth. The woman gestured for you all to enter before drawing the curtain. At the center of the table, the rabbit’s symbol had been burned into the wood. She wore some kind of thin diamond bracelet which she hovered over the image, causing a winding staircase to pop from the carpeted floor down to a hidden chamber. 
“Take the stairs, and it you’ll see it once you get down there.” 
Your partner have her a curt nod in thanks, then lead the group further down. A soft green and red glow emanated from the space below, also humming with a concealed type of music different from that which was played in the club. From here, it nearly sounded like jazz. 
The corridor under the club was bleak and grey with cement, but wooden crates lined it with stamps on the sides in numerous different languages. Your brain could only fathom where the contents had been before they ended up in this basement. It must have been millions of dollars just sitting undisturbed with enough firepower to blow up the whole building and more. 
“Guns. Military grade and a little more improper,” Minho sighed out. “He must have every model in existence here.” 
“Do you think that he has like...missiles?” Seungmin reached for his small handgun. 
“Ease up S.” You tried to contain your own creeping fear, “Those would be too big to keep down here.” 
“Who says that this is his whole stockpile?” Two deadpanned as he cleaned his glasses. 
At the end of the hall, one more bulky guard stood expressionless with a small sized machine gun ready in his hands. He opened the door without saying much else, letting loose the red and green lights you had seen before, and with it, the putrid smell of expensive drink and marijuana. 
The smaller room was only lit by strobes with multicolored gels, and it was dense with the smoke of many number of drugs and vices. There was a small bar with a bartender with bagged eyes and a swath of women in cocktail dresses and men with ties tugged nearly all the way off their necks with lipstick marks pressed into them. 
A single disco ball spun above their heads, spreading shiny squares all across the room. Even more guards waited in the same uniform, but these ones looked more expensive--likely his own personal detail wearing gaudy chains and wrist watches inlaid with diamonds and crested in real gold. 
“My friends! You were able to make it!” 
The man of the hour spread his legs wide on his leather couch set upon a lion’s coat rug, complete with a head and marble eyes and all. At his sides were two more women more unique than the rest: both of them was breathtakingly gorgeous, one of them jeweled like a queen with a thick gold choker that resembled that which old Egyptian royalty would. Her head was smoothed with no hair at all, but instead intricate and beautiful tattoos decorated her like some kind of otherworldly being. The other woman had a cat-like face with two differently colored eyes; one hazel green and the other icy blue contrasting with her fiery orange hair. 
“Carroll told me that you had a bit of trouble before you got here. I’m glad to see that you were able to get here in one piece. It only seems like things are getting more and more...risky these days. Even for people like us.” 
“We’re not “people like you,” Rabbit.” You pushed to the font of the group. 
The club owner himself was dressed in a purely white fur coat which you presumed to be made of real fur. Considering the material, it must’ve been made from the fur of snow foxes--an interesting choice considering your partner’s persona. The smaller man with a thick and muscled form took off his yellow tinted sunglasses to tuck them into his wildly printed shirt that had tiny buttons doing the work of keeping his chest covered. 
“Babydoll! It’s a pleasure to meet you! I’ve heard all about you. Your reputation precedes you.” He took a rather greedy bite to his lip whilst looking you up and down. The white dress must have been doing it’s job well. 
“Babydoll?” Chan asked with furrowed brows. “What is--who is--?” 
“As does your reputation, Rabbit. I wouldn’t have expected less.” 
The proud man snorted, “I hope this doesn’t mean that you’ve got any...preconceived notions about my lifestyle. Our dear friend Carroll doesn’t seem to.” 
“Of course not.” 
“And you...you must be the Prince of Bulgeun! His Royal Highness Prince Chan of the Crown!” The White Rabbit spread out his arms wide in welcome. “I don’t often get royalty in my club--lots of celebrities and the like.” He leaned over to one of his guards, speaking in Egyptian Arabic and asking for drinks for the group. 
“Yes. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Chan bowed deep. 
“So respectful!” The White Rabbit chuckled, “You can all call me Bun. We’re all friends here. And you...who might you be?” Bun pointed a finger at Minho who stepped forward. 
“Baron Lee Minho, of Bulgeun as well.” 
“Ah! And a Baron too! How did I get so lucky to have such honorable company?” Cat-face ticked her long nails against the club owner’s hand slung around her. 
“You know what we’re here for, Rabbit. There’s no need for theatrics.” Jeongin huffed his words out with a confident breath. 
“You’re the one that they call Fox? Rumor has it that you and Carroll have a rather...special...connection?” 
The bartender arrived with drinks, each of them looking expensive with flecks of gold leaf floating on the surface of the clear liquid. Seungmin shot an apprehensive glare once the glasses were left on a small side table. As had been discussed previously, none of your group had picked up a glass. 
The woman with beautiful tattoos stretched a hand down one of the White Rabbit’s thighs, reaching dangerously high between them; just enough to make you flinch from the forward action. 
“Baby, I see that you’re playing a dangerous game towing this Price around, so of course I’m willing to help a friend of my friend. You’re lucky that I’ve got just the intel that you need. Some people just don’t know how to shut their mouths, especially when the get a taste of what I’m selling.” 
“Oh? And what have you been hearing?” 
You eyed a leather chair across from him seeing an opportunity. 
“Your Highness.” You motioned for Chan to sit in the chair next to yours, swinging your legs crossed to peek from the thin white silk in full view for the Rabbit to see. After, you dipped your chin into your palm, just for the purpose of letting the front of your dress fall slightly. The prince remained quiet while taking his seat and spreading his legs out strongly. 
“If it’s compensation that you need Rabbit, the Crown is also willing to make offers for added...persuasion.” 
Chan crossed his fingers in his lap leaning forward. His words were slick and domineering--kingly even. 
“Is that so?” The White Rabbit tugged at his lip with his teeth, “I wasn’t aware.” 
“Double what The Agency is offering. If I like what you say.” 
The club owner scoffed with a grin, “Oh, you’ll like what I say.” Cat-face lifted his drink to his lips, then wiped off the excess off with her finger. Both of the body guards appeared to tense before he spoke and tried to be inconspicuous while they reached for their decorated pieces resting in their waistbands. 
“Hell, I’ll even tell you what they call themselves.” 
In your impatience, you leaned forward, “Who are they?” 
“They’re called The Spades. Some kind of new crime syndicate that’s been fucking up my business and making bargains with my customers. Of course, as you know...I work in a very lucrative business.” 
“They’ve been stockpiling shit like crazy: all kinds of weapons, any kind that you can think of outside of fucking nukes. They’ve even tapped into drugs as well to make extra on the side. I don’t know what it is that they’re doing that makes them so appealing, but suddenly I’m missing out on millions because of those fuckers. They’ve got someone masterminding it all too--some crazed bastard. I’ve been trying to find him ever since they popped up.” He resumed his grasp on both of his women who cuddled into him. 
“Mastermind? The one who’s running the whole operation? You know him?” Both you and your partner locked eyes quick enough for the other man to not take notice. 
“No, one of his cronies. He runs the business. He’s illusive and fucking insane. Someone whispered once that he’s psychotic or something like that. You think that I’m bad...” 
“Who?? Who is he? Where can we find him?” 
“Slow your role there doll, I’m just getting to the good part.” The Rabbit nodded for another sip of his drink. “He’s got several names depending on who you’re talking to. Fucking funnily enough, I’ve heard that he goes by “Hatter,” or more commonly “Joker.” He deals in anything: arms, drugs, sex...and he works for The King.” 
“The King?” Chan butted in with the mention of a royal name. 
“Not your silly little king, prince. The King. The one who runs it all. He tells The Spades what to do. They’re everywhere, taking over every sector in every nation. They’re trying to dismantle it all--every political system, monarchy, presidency...everything. It looks like they’re starting with you, prince. The Spades preach about chaos. Every man for himself...but it’s a lie. Why the hell else would they be stockpiling? They’re trying to take it all over.” 
Seungmin gulped audibly as he sunk to the back of the group. 
“When there’s no more control the ones with the most resources always end up on top.” The young student whispered. 
“This King, do you know who he is?” Jeongin spoke over Seungmin to detract attention from him. 
“Nope.” The White Rabbit swung his legs up on the small coffee table with alligator leather shoes. “I’ve been a little focused on taking down the Joker at the moment, for your information.” 
“What’s your intel on him then? He must know how to get to The King.” Minho pushed to the front of the group right to Chan’s side. “We’re not satisfied with your information yet.” 
The Baron’s sudden demand surprised you: he had been timid before--so you had thought. 
The club owner looked to Chan, keeper of his “persuasion” who nodded to prompt him for more. 
“He’s on some island off Greece. Private. Tight security, the kind that could shoot you out of the sky.” 
“Impressive.” You tutted, feigning confidence once more. “What more do you know?” 
The woman with the bangled necklace whispered something in his ear once peeking at a small old-model cellphone in her hand, brushing her lips over his earlobe. Over the sound system, the jazz music turned sultry, and both women moved to join the other intoxicated clubbers in the back to sway around brass poles. 
“There’s the freckled bastard. He’s the grunt--and the one that’s been chasing you I think. Real nuisance isn’t he? He’s the Knave. Had a few run ins with him myself.” 
You thought back to the gas station and the black SUVs. Between all the shards of glass, it had been hard to make anyone out, but you had figured that he had must’ve been one of the men throwing their bodies out of the windows to shoot. 
The Rabbit chuckled out with some kind of hand signal to his guards. “Knowing him, he could be right outside my door for that matter.” 
Jeongin’s eyes flew open, sending you “the look.” Your time was running out. Judging by the way that you hadn’t noticed that the Rabbit’s women had cleared out the other clubbers from the room, they must’ve known something that you didn’t. The club owner stood up with a languid stretch and cracked his knuckles. 
“We probably don’t have much more time before they come in here guns blazing. Best protect your prince, hm?” 
“Rabbit! You must know something about The King?!” You crossed the room to grab at his frim and fuzzy arm. 
He slyly smiled, amused by your grip, “Like I said doll, no one knows much about him. Your Baron has got it right. Start with the Joker. But...” His grin cracked even wider, “Good luck.” 
Seungmin tugged at Two’s dress coat as the two bulky bodyguards took The Rabbit by the arms to escort him. 
“What's going on??” The young man’s voice cracked with urgency. 
“Ready that gun of yours.” Two said lowly with gritted teeth. 
He strode across the room with his fur coat lazily swaying, then raised the golden rings on his fingers to the air as he exited. He threw his yellow tinted glasses back on, before turning back to your stunned group. 
“I estimate that you’ve got...three minutes? --Oh! And one more thing!” 
The white fabric of your dress swept to the side, revealing your thigh holster which you grabbed at quickly. 
“Every King’s got his Queen? Does he not?” 
The enigmatic club owner slipped into the shadows of his private room, leaving your group with the sound of clambering feet on the floor above, followed by muffled gunshots. 
“They’re here?” Seungmin readied his small handgun as he was told and looked to the ceiling where the lights flickered from the commotion. “They found us?” 
Two twirled two knives in his hands with a silvery glint. Both of the blades were a bit on the shorter side, but you were certain that he knew how to use them. “They’re always following us.” 
“We need to get out of here.” Lee Minho drew out his own gun concealed by his suit. It was custom with a pearl handle. You had seconds to make out the insignia, but you could make out the shape of what looked like a red rose. “The place must be crawling with them. We need to find the exit.” 
Your partner nodded while taking his own gun. “Stay close, Your Highness. Follow me.”
“Bee?” The prince called your name with a worried cross between his brows. “Give me a gun. Hand-to-hand is nothing against these guys. I’ll stay close. I promise.” 
While he held your eyes earnestly, the way that his chest heaved up and down told you something much different. 
“You can handle it?”
“I can.” 
Jeongin passed him a Glock from the holster strapped behind his shoulders. 
You made your way back through halls lit by hissing fluorescent lights with a white burn to them. The crates of weaponry stretched on and on, adding to your unease knowing what could happen if a bullet were to be fired in this hallway. Thick rats skittered in the dank edges of the hall and weaved between boxes labeled in Spanish. 
“Drugs.” Minho gripped his gun tighter. “From the looks of it, cocaine.” 
Above your heads, a giant boom resounded and dust with drywall fell from the lights that flickered harder. 
“Its a fucking maze down here.” Jeongin tapped at his watch in an attempt to find a schematic of the place. 
The college student wetted his lips. “At least we’re not up there with them.” 
“At least the lead worked out. We know more about these...Spades than we did before. It’s a start.” You tailed the back of the group with careful footsteps and the click of your heels against the cement flooring. 
Another resounding boom echoed followed by the shrill screams of clubbers above. It sounded hellish--you could hear the raw fear in their voices. The music thudded on, likely abandoned by someone running for their life. The Prince’s knuckles turned white holding onto his piece of metal near the front of the group. 
“F, you know the way up?” 
“I-I think. We should be approaching some stairs soon, but there’s nottelling who will be on the other side.” 
Two tore off his sunglasses and shoved them into his breast pocket. “We’ll be damn lucky if they haven’t found the hotel yet. If not, we’ve got to run.” 
“My laptop??” Seungmin whimpered. 
“That damn Chromebook? Don’t worry about it, your life is more important.” Jeongin scoffed. “The Agency can set you up with something even better.” 
“I can’t believe that at a time like this all I can think about is my stupid computer.” The young man shook the thought out of his head. 
“Stairs up ahead.” Jeongin pointed. “Get ready.” 
“Chan?” You pulled at the prince’s trim to his coat. 
“I’m fine Bee. Honestly. I trust you.” He attempted a smile. The same smile, that damned charming one that couldn’t get out of your head. 
Minho looked back to the prince too with worry, it had been the most sincere motion that you had seen him do as of yet. He reached out to squeeze the royal’s shoulder with a soft smile. 
“Don’t go dying on us Your Highness. Think about what that would mean for the kingdom?” He chuckled. 
“I’ll try my best,” The prince returned the gesture. 
Jeongin reached for the metal door handle to the teal green door cracking with paint. The sound of machine guns had grown even louder, followed by the sound of the shells hitting the wooden dance floor. The air was thin where it crept under the door and carried with it the horrid smell of smoking guns and spilled alcohol. 
“Two, Bee, form rank around the group, I’ll lead.” 
Two nodded, popping gum into his mouth and blowing large electric blue bubble. “Can do.” Both of his hands tightened around his blades.  
Time slowed the second that the door opened, and your ears rang with the deathly silence. Bodies to the left and right of you became a blur and they fell to the floor in the silence with their limbs twitching until they didn’t move at all. White collars turned red, as did the white tablecloths of the standing tables. The strobes pranced around the room in a multicolored shower that was as blinding and stained your eyes. 
The men in black suits and leather gloves scattered around the room with their red crests glinting. They shouted commands at eachother, but to you, all you could see was the way that their lips curved and cracked. In front of you, your partner leads with a hand gesture that you had memorized from training, and all of your focus was drawn the the back of the group. The trigger of your gun was cold on your finger: you pulled and pulled not even pausing to feel the way that it fought back against your wrist. The men were sprinting with their own guns tight in their hands, but each of them fell before they could get close. 
Two’s mouth was in a flat line as he threw tiny blades from his hands to the chests of men running across the balconies and hiding from behind tables. He appeared to have an infinite amount in his coat and saved the longer and more lethal ones for close connections, subsequently dipping his own fingers in red. 
The young college student trudged on in the center of the group with his head tucked firmly between his two shoulders. Clear streams of tears fell down his eyes, but he wiped at them furiously between each shot that he took with his small handgun. Next to him, the two royals kept their own heads low aiming shots around them to backup you and your partners. 
Their footsteps came echoing behind you, and you walked backwards, taking aim with one eye squinted, while barking out commands from your mouth that you barely even understood. Your heartbeat bumped in your chest nearly in tune with the thudding 808′s of the music that reverberated in your ears. Each of the Spades moved as if they were shadows over the bodies of the fallen, leaping and jumping, nearly floating over dining tables and sweeping off the glassware and silverware with them as they did so. 
“BEE, I’M ALMOST OUT!” Jeongin screamed to you nearly before reaching the front revolving doors. 
Two tossed another magazine in the young agent’s direction, then threw another dagger with startling accuracy. 
For seconds at a time you could see how Minho’s eyes had narrowed with his aim, and he too met every target exactly where he wanted. You figured that the royal must have trained himself well to have that kind of precision. The way that he appeared perfectly calm was startling: his dark eyes squinted and he turned his body swiftly with little effort. 
“Fuck--I’M OUT OF ROUNDS!” The prince bellowed before ducking under Minho’s arm which immediately swung over him. 
You closed in closer to the group, using your body as a shield for the prince’s back. 
Your partner cast aside fallen chairs and tables in his wake, as one of the thugs charged at him. In response, he threw his gun into his waistband, opting to slung the man with a hurried uppercut that sent him spitting blood to the floor before falling, “We’re almost there! Keep pushing!!” 
“SHIT!!!” Seungmin groaned out before dropping his small gun to the ground, he trembled with his leg dragging behind him, then soon his pants soaked with a dark stain to his slacks. 
“BEE LOOK OUT!!” A voice screamed, seconds before you could register it.
Your head whipped back to the chaos of the club, seeing the “freckled bastard” himself point his decorated riffle at you point blank with a wicked grin on his face. He looked purely evil. There was something about the way that his ears poked, or how his eyes upturned that made him look devilish when his pearly white teeth peeked once he took his shot. He had ashy blonde hair that had strung with sweat over his forehead, and blood wetted the tip of his dress shoes. He cocked his head to the side, as he did too with his gun before the deafening shot cracked through the room. 
You were shocked trying to memorize his face, and frozen in your fear from the barrel of the gun facing you right between the eyes. 
An excruciatingly tight grasp at your arm pulled you to the side before you could react, throwing you to the hardwood floors before whoever it was pulled themselves in front of the bullet. Your vision was rocked when you hit the floor, missing the glass revolving door by centimeters. 
“Y/N!” Your partner screamed, waking you from your haze as the room started to piece back together. “You good?!” 
Another hand grabbed you to your feet before shoving you through the door, lightly slinging your arm around his shoulder before taking your gun from your trembling hand to take a few more shots. You realized it was Two this close, and tiny flecks of red splattered at his neck. 
“Fuck--give me that--” You grabbed the gun from his hand to fire every bullet that was left at the freckled bastard until you couldn’t any more, and the cool of the evening stung at your heaving lungs once your group reached the sidewalk. 
Outside of the venue, clubbers scrambled and ran the streets still shrieking in their fear and tripping over their heeled shoes. 
“Chan?? Chan--where-where’s the prince??” The words spilled from your lips in your pure adrenaline. 
Right behind you only a couple paces away, the prince stood pale with Seungmin holding between them a groaning and gasping Minho who barely held on to the two men. A bullet wound soaked his black suit jacket, and the red crept up to his white frilled collar.” The wound made a hole right in his shoulder with a visible circle. 
Jeongin sprinted to the back of the group looking disheveled himself with sleeves hastily pulled up to his elbows. “Shit--shit!!” 
“S-move aside. MOVE!” You commanded the whimpering young man who gave you Minho’s other arm. You wrapped around his wasit and dragged the heavy weight of the man who had just saved your life. 
The prince dryly smacked his lips then scanned the street for more of the Spades in his daze. 
“Y-you okay?” The words dried up your tongue. 
“Yeah...yeah, I’m fine, are you?” His energy had been drained of him, and his knuckles were also cracked, likely from having to throw punches that you haven’t even seen him take. 
Gunshots echoed further down the street followed by the screeching of wheels and more panicked yells. The chirps of cop cars pulled up to the scene and their husky demands rounded up the escapees in rapid-fire Arabic. 
Jeongin sprinted back with his white hair bouncing to a taxi nearest an intersection. He threw the door open apologizing profusely the best he could before pulling the driver out of the driver’s seat and to the cement. He cursed out loudly in response to which Jeongin tossed out some bills haphazardly to his chest. 
“Get in, GET IN!” He called to your group while tapping on the metal side of the vehicle. 
Both you and the pricne guided the injured royal in to the backseat between you. 
“Minho--Minho, hold on--” Your nervous hands held his pale face in your palms. 
The tear of your dress filled the small compartment, prompting the prince to snatch his hand into the other man’s firmly. 
“Minho--you fucking dumb asshole--you had to go and he the hero didn’t you?” Chan smiled hopefully. 
“Ar-are you alright?” He coughed, “Your Highness?” 
“Shut up.” Chan ruffled his hair with another adoring smile. “It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.” 
Although it was silk, you used every inch of your dress tear to tie around the baron’s shoulder tightly in an attempt to add pressure to the open wound. 
“Bee--” Minho started with a lazy glare. 
“--Keep talking Minho, look at me. You’re gonna feel sleepy, stay awake. You did great, thank you so much for doing that to me. Thank you.” You grabbed his opposite hand firmly. “I can’t thank you enough.” 
Lee Minho laughed. “Don’t mention it. And--if you wanted me to keep talking...I wanted to tell you that you’re really stunning Bee. How you handled all th-that. I was really impressed.” 
“Hm, I was impressed too.” In his own way, like this, bloodied and a bit delirious, Lee Minho really was as handsome as he let on. 
The taxi car whipped around another corner with wind whipping in the windows and each of your masses jostled in the car as if bumped over the curb. The hotel wasn’t that far from The Tea Party, and you knew that any moment you would reach it, but each second stretched longer and longer. 
“Fox?! We’re not there?” 
“Fuck--Bee, the whole city is crawling with cops, everywhere I turn, they’re on the hunt, The Spades are everywhere I can’t make it back--no doubt they’re already there...” 
In the front seat, Seungmin clung to Two as if his life depended on it as his whole body shook and Two tore his own jacket sleeve to close off the young man’s wound on his leg. 
“Wha-what are we going to do?? S-shit!! Ouch!!!” The young student gritted his teeth in his pain while his leg shook terribly. He sobbed, “It hurts, really, really bad!!” 
“I planned for this.” Jeongin’s eyes flicked in the review mirror to you in the back. “I asked Carroll to set up for us a secondary place if something went down and we couldn’t make it to the hotel. I figured...if anything happened or if they found us--” 
“--Get us there, fucking drive Fox, Minho needs first aid, right fucking now, he’s bleeding too fucking much.” 
“I know, I know!!” 
“How far is it?!” 
“Not far, I promise, twenty minutes--tops.” 
“Make it ten!!!” 
Jeongin floored it, running lights and becoming a stream under the skyscrapers of Cairo. From the small skylight of the taxi, thin clouds streaked in the evening sky and mixed with the glow of the city. Far, far, above your head, you prayed for the first time in years that you could make it in time. 
Seungmin sobbed with puffy eyes from the front seat and writhed, “Hurry! Hurry!” He begged. 
Minho’s head lulled in the backseat as he bled though the white silk binding him. His head bounced back and forth from you to the prince with glossy marbles for eyes that blinked slowly. The prince rested his hand on the baron’s thigh and rubbed calming little circles into it. 
“Minho, you did so well. Look at me.” Chan coaxed, causing the other to smile adorably grim. 
Minho twitched before rolling his head over to the prince. “Your Highness, i-if I may be so bold...I-I’ve got...I’m crush on you.” He finished his sentence with a wrinkled smile. 
You scoffed out with a laugh while making knowing eye contact with the prince who laughed out lightly too. 
“He sounds like someone I know.” You winked at the royal. 
The taxi made one final turn to an alley filled with potholes that jostled each wheel of the car. 
“This is it! Right here!” The young agent whipped into a one car garage hidden into the alley. The darkness of the garage filled the car, and snuffed out all of the light from the street, and even muffled the faint sirens of police as they whizzed past. The night was still full of gunshots, but at least now they sounded far enough away to be safe. 
The safe house was a modest two floored apartment outfitted with the normal security system of The Agency: window locks and cameras in every corner of every room. As expected, each of the rooms was covered in a fine layer of dust, and the old smell hung with flecks of the material stuck on lampshades and wafting in the light. 
Work had been delegated between you and your partners, with the two other men helping treat Seungmin in the second bedroom out of three while you and the prince aided Minho.  
The windows were left open to let in some fresh air, also letting in the faint sounds of the city which still surged with life even late into the night. Still, the smell of the desert came floating into the room with a welcome sense of tranquility. 
The royal lay on the bed with cracked pale lips while you set to work dabbing at his wound gently with gauze, cleaning the area around the bullet wound. Fearful to cause more bleeding, the bullet would stay where it was for a few moments more for another layer of wrapping. The prince remained quiet, passing you materials as needed with hands stained pink from the other man’s blood. 
“How are you feeling?” Chan quietly asked. 
“Hurts like a bitch,” Minho smiled, “You ever been shot before?” 
The prince shook his head. 
“Well, I hope that you never are. Feels like your whole body gets stirred up from the impact and then there’s the sting.” 
Carefully you pulled back the remains of the baron’s shirt while lifting him slightly off the bed. As you swept the fabric from behind him, you noticed the thin red line tracing around his shoulder bade which you figured to be blood at first. 
“What...what’s this?” 
“Oh,” Minho shied, “It’s a tattoo.” 
“You’ve got a tattoo? For a royal?” Chan slicked back Minho’s sweaty locks. “You really are full of surprises.” 
Gently you laid the baron back down to lay with his new wrappings. “What is it?”
He paused, wetting his lips quickly before he spoke. “It’s a red rose. It’s a bit large--I know--not typical for royals. Don’t worry, you’re the only royal that knows that I have it.” 
“Why a red rose?”
 Below you, Minho looked relaxed and calm, beautiful even like this bare-chested under the single lamp-light of the bedroom. 
“Well...you know the significance of symbols and insignias. We’ve all got our own.” He grinned out while playing with the prince’s free hand. 
“I’ve got my white rose, Bee’s got her clock: seems like we’ve all got our own thing.” Chan agreed, watching the way that his fingers interlocked with the other man’s. 
In the opposite bedroom, Seungmin cried out sharply to the tune of Jeongin chuckling out, “I’ve got you, you fucker!” The clink of metal fell into the little bowl they used: the bullet was out of the poor boy. 
You sighed knowing that the damage caused to your group could’ve been much worse, yet you had made a skillful escape. Still, the thought of the bodies littering the floor...the silence that rang in your ears from the pace of it all and how the energy of survival started to wear off...it was truly gruesome. 
“Minho--really, I appreciate you taking a hit for me like that. No one has ever done something like that for me...and you barely know me...” 
The baron smiled, taking your hand in his too. “Like I said, it’s fine. Had I not, you wouldn’t have been able to help us out of there...even if you were dragging my ass for the tail end of it.” 
The breeze flew in with the dusty curtains; just cold enough to make you shiver in your thin dress. 
The prince looked to the both of you, “What happens now?” 
Chan himself was a proper mess: he no longer looked like the perfect vision of regality from the earlier evening. He looked like a man, a regular man, scared, unsure, and confused. His knuckles were cracked...and you had promised that you had never wanted to see him harmed again. 
The prince’s eyes softened, softer than they had been, soft like they had been the evening before when you had broken. 
“We survive. The best we can. We recuperate for a couple days, and ask Carroll what the next steps are. I’d guess it would be Greece then.” 
Minho leaned up with a little grunt to face you. “I’m coming with. I can help. I can be valuable if you need another set of hands on a gun.” 
“I think you mean hand. Your arm is gonna be out of commission for a little while.” 
He smirked, “Still...” 
The sweeping red outline of rose peeked to his shoulder, and you wondered how far it really spread. 
“Bee, I don’t think that I’ve thanked you.” Chan let the words fill earnestly, throwing that same damned smile at you. 
“Chan...you don’t have to thank me. You’re my prince.” 
The royal nodded with a contented little grin that tugged a dimple on the side of his face. You found both men looking at you as such, as if they were waiting, or anticipating the unsaid as you were. 
Somehow, the room turned silent once more: a void quiet enough to hear your heart beating in your ears. 
You bridged the gap, pulling Chan close to you as you pressed your lips against his, using your stained hand to pull his lapel into your body while he melted perfectly into you as he had done before. His mouth tasted slightly like the salt of blood, but that was of no matter to how sweet he was when he gently let himself unfold for you, gasping lightly against you. Chan’s hand reached to your arm to caress the goosebumped skin down, giving you another reason to shiver. You found your own hand tie into his light brown locks and pull deeply at the roots with depths of curiosity and want. Your tongue gently explored his lower lip before teasing right into his mouth which was even warmer than you had imagined it being. 
Your other hand found the torso of Minho: bare and quivering under the touch of your fingertips which traced each muscle there. He let out a drawn out sigh, then drew his own hand down the curve of your body to your hip, finally working it back up over your belly to your breasts thinly protected by the dress. He sat up higher and brought his lips to the fabric, kissing right into your belly with the warmth of his mouth. He paused, giving you moments to crave that same feeling on your lips and prompting you to bow down and indulge yourself in the taste of his mouth too. 
Chan’s hungry hands came tip-toeing over your back as he watched, and slipped one finger under your thin dress strap to pull it down and press kisses to your shoulder. With his other hand, he let it fall down Minho’s back: over the red rose, right to his thigh which he squeezed at firmly: right between the heat of his legs. 
Minho was different from Chan: rougher with his advances, but still addictive in how he would test the corners of your mouth with each kiss more courageous than the last. He ruffled up your torn dress, then let the silk fill up his hands before pulling it in ways to meet your skin with his. Slowly, Chan did the same, edging a hand up to your ass from the frayed bottom of the once-gorgeous dress. 
The bed was just big enough for two, but with this new interlocking of limbs as close as possible, you melded into one. Both you and Chan crept over the man between you, painting the blank canvas of his chest with seething hot lips and biting at the flesh of his skin lightly. Minho’s back arched from the beautiful sensation, causing him to giggle in his euphoria. 
In the middle, you found Chan once more, and held him close, as close as you had wanted for longer than you had admitted. 
“Oh Bee...” He moans into your mouth while releasing all of his glee onto your tongue. 
“Chan, I’m not scared anymore. I don’t even care.” 
The prince shuddered at the thought, and held you back just as tight finding the corners of your dress to pull over your head. 
“Oh my god,” Minho adores you, then reaches out to pull you to his chest. 
This mysterious man, melts for you too, whimpering perfectly between your lips.  Your legs find their way around his thigh to grind at lightly. There's an innocence to his eyes, much like that of the prince: its a kind of blind adoration that you know all too well. His dedication to Chan, and his gesture to you: the thick bandages around his arm: you find your apprehension slipping to nothing. 
Your fingers loop around the white lace of your panties as you kneel above both men, and you swipe your thumb over both of their glistening and trembling lips. 
“Well boys, how about I’ll make both of you mine tonight?” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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aulentale · 2 years
OKAY ALRIGHT I'M GONNA BE LIVE ANSWERING MY THOUGHTS ON THE SONGS I am so sorry they won't be terribly cohesive
main title: AYO THIS IS THAT SONG?? I've heard this one before, didn't realize it came from this. How is it calming and like building tension at the same time. The horns slap so hard.
Stampede: Oooooh this sounds like its flowing almost, the choir and the drums all add urgency but this sounds proper epic. You were right. Drums and choir are a need now it helps so much
Burn it all: this is the sickest blend of a bunch of different styles. Never expected a trap beat layered over a choir to sound awesome but it works surprisingly well
Your father would be proud:
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THERES A LIGHTSABRE?? THATS DOPE!! In all seriousness this one is hitting me in the feels. WAIT IF I RECALL THIS CORRECTLY I DID CRY AT THIS SCENE IN THE MOVIE- IS THIS NOT THE SCENE WHERE THE DEATH STAR WORKS MAN i can't be crying rn I got stuff to do-
Po finds the truth: you even warned me and I nearly fell out of my chair. Geez that comes at you fast. Idk what instrument is playing the melody right after that drop, I can't tell if its a string or what but it sounds dope. Towards the end it almost has like a magical feel to it and wow does that hit different. For a split second I thought it was gonna go into the hobbit theme
Glorious purpose: major spooky vibes. I like the bassoon(?) or whatever it is, shakes your chest cavity kinda vibes. Also, I could've sworn there was a minecraft zombie sound effect. Short and sweet but gives you a sense of doom in a good way, I enjoyed that
Tai Lung escapes: I have a very sudden and profound respect for hans zimmer, more than I did previously. The little shift from deep booming instruments to like flutes and stuff in the middle hits. WOAH IT SUDDENLY SOUNDS LIKE A PORTAL SONG THATS SICK. I have sudden urgency to do my homework faster cause of the build in tempo (is that the right word? Who knows, it’s just fast). I could’ve sworn it would end like three times and it just keeps going it’s v satisfying
A blessing and a fessing: oh I can’t tell if this is bad but I got like Hispanic Jurassic park vibes from the first like five seconds. Love the suspense from the strings. Oh this lives up to its name so well like it’s suspenseful and then calming with just a hint of the previous tense undertones.
Dumbledores farewell: okay so I’ve never seen the movies (evidenced by me accidentally misspelling dumbledore as dumbledoor initially) but man yeah it just hits you in the feels. Short but sweet, it’s exactly what it needs to be. The last note kinda leaves you aching
We built our own world: also short and sweet and I love the cello (?) whatever the sounds are in the background, almost gives you a sense of megalophobia, like there’s something bigger back there. It could easily just be the high strings and yet there’s that added dimension. 10/10
Comic book: THAT BASS DROP THO OH MY GOSH easily my favourite on the playlist. Shame it’s so short cause oh my gosh that hit. And like the glitchiness of the track?? H I T S. love it
La valse de l’amour: quite the shift from the last song but like is this a waltz scene? Feels like it could be. Nice easy listening and just overall. Soft? WAIT was that a key change?? Or maybe they just started playing higher towards the end. Either way, oh that last chord sounded beautiful.
Alright so I’m so incredibly sorry this took a while but it was worth the wait thank you sm @grape-flavored-rukuuuuuu don’t worry I didn’t forget about it
Here’s the playlist if anyone else wants to listen to it
And here’s the one with all the honourary mentions!
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slyther-bi · 3 years
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Wings to follow
Chapter 1
This is on Wattpad it's also on ao3
Soulmate au
Main Pairing: Evan Rosier/Severus Snape
Other pairings soon to come: Lily Evans/Regulus Black🔹Mulciber/Mary MacDonald🔹Petunia Evans/??? (I haven't decided with who yet)🔹Lucius Malfoy/Barty Crouch Jr.🔹and others
Summary: Everyone is born with a specific mark that pertains to their soulmate. The mark itself takes form into whatever creature is to be their soulmates favorite and it is to turn into their favorite color once you both touch. It was because of this that led to Severus's fascination with caterpillars, why? Because his soulmate seemed to have fallen in love with butterflies.
Severus thought it was odd to be born with a soulmate and even offer to already have a mark that unites the two upon being born. Tho he doesn't to mind it, he rather enjoyed his mark.
On his right arm was a group of butterflies flying around it. It went from his wrist and went around up to his index finger. He thought it looked rather lovely and looking at it made him smile.
With every passing day since he was born, he'd go out to the park and collect caterpillars. He wondered exactly what color his mark turn to once he found his soulmate, so he collected caterpillars inorder to watch them grow.
During one trip to the park to release a couple butterflies Severus came across a young girl. She had introduced herself as Lily, Miss Lily Evans. Her next words had caused his heart to flutter and nearly made him drop the jar he was holding.
"Are those butterflies? I love butterflies!! Can I see them?" She spoke with pure excitement. Severus couldn't help but blush or think that this girl with lively red hair and bright green eyes was perhaps his soulmate.
Severus simply nodded and handed her the jar he was holding. As Lily reached and took hold of the jar both their hands touched. Severus looked at his right hand but found that it was still a dull grayish color.
'So she isn't my soulmate' He thought and for some reason he felt happy about it. After that day he and Lily became friends. Together the pair would collect all sorts of caterpillars and watch them grow.
Soon enough Severus learned that Lily's favorite creature were rabbits. All because she had seen a movie called "Alice in wonderland" and because of it she followed any rabbit she find to wherever it went hoping to find wonderland.
"Lily were going to get lost, it's getting dark out!"
"Oh c'mon Sev, it'll be fine. I know how to get us home"
Severus let out a sight and continued to follow Lily through the trees. She had caught sight of a small rabbit and quickly went to follow it despite him telling her not to. After sometime the pair had come across an isolated area that looked like something from fairytale.
There was a giant willow tree that looked like something from a dream and a lake that was clear as day. There was several patches of flowers and mushrooms and it all felt like a dream. Especially with the moonlight shining over it all.
Lily quickly latched onto Severus's arm and jumped up and down excitedly "Can you believe it Sev!! We finally found wonderland!!!" She shouted out. Severus was shocked, he simply couldn't believe his eyes. He turned to Lily and smiled "No.." He said softly "You found wonderland" he spoke and Lily simply smiled before hugging him tightly.
"We should head back home" He muttered. Lily nodded and the pair made their way back home. He was thankful that they hadn't gotten lost. Time came and went with Lily and Severus spending time in wonderland collecting and raising caterpillars and learning about Hogwarts.
A school made of magic, the very school his mother had gone too. When his mother first mentioned it to him, he quickly went and told Lily about it. Lily was absolutely enthralled by it, even more so when Severus made a flower bloom from his hand, and then she exploded with pure bliss when she managed to do it as well. When they both turned 11 they had both received a letter to Hogwarts.
"Do you think we'll find out soulmates there?" Lily asked as her and Severus laid down in the soft gross within their wonderland. Severus grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it gently "I'm sure of it, besides you found wonderland you'll for sure find your soulmate" He spoke while staring up the sky.
Lily smiled at his words and giggled softly "Thanks Sev" She said between giggles. The rest of the day was spent with them talking about how their soulmate may be like. Severus hoped that whoever it was that they were as kind and carefree as Lily.
Inturn Lily hoped that her soulmate was like Severus or as Prince charmin from the princess movies. Severus had called her crazy and Lily responded by throwing mud at him which resulted in a mud war. It also resulted in them both being grounded but neither of them cared.
Severus spent the rest of that day asking his mother about her mark. Her mark was on her shoulder, it was a an octopus colored in orange. His mother told him how she found her soulmate, his father, when she and two of her close friends went off to explore all the things muggles had created.
She had accidentally bumped into Tobias at the age of 17 in a small record store. If she hadn't worn a spaghetti strap dress that day neither of them had known they were eachothers soulmates. Why? Because his mark was on the bottom left of his back, it was a hippogriff and it had turned purple.
His father was confused upon seeing his mark but he figured it meant that his soulmate was special. He was absolutely correct because after the two dates and wedded, his mother soon got pregnant with him. She then revealed to Tobias that she herself was a witch, and the first thing he did when she told him that was ask her what the bloody creature was on his back.
His mother couldn't contain her laughter as he ranted about the damn thing. How he spent most of his time in the library trying to figure out what the hell is was. She quickly answered his questions and he finally let out a sigh of relief and then said "So you said something about you being pregnant?" this caused her to laugh again.
Finally at the age of 11 both Severus and Lily had received their Hogwarts letter. Petunia hasn't received one but they had promised her they'd take loads of picture and to bring back many things for her to try. They had even promised to look for someone with a jellyfish as their soulmark. At the train station Lily and Severus said goodbye to their families both stepping onto the train.
They quickly entered an empty compartment and Lily couldn't help squeal as she threw herself onto the seat "Oh sev can you believe it!!! We're finally going to Hogwarts!!! Oh I really hoped that Petunia could have come with us, this seems unfair!! We gotta write to her everyday ok? And take loads of pictures and buy all sorts of stuff to send back to her!" Lily ranted with excitement. Severus had stopped listening to her halfway and simply smiled.
He was finally going to Hogwarts, he wondered how it would be like. Maybe he'll find his soulmate their, hopefully they won't mind his appearance especially his nose. Severus was snapped out of thoughts when Lily waved her hand in front of his face.
"Sev are you listening to me?" She asked and crossed her arms. "Both yes and no, you lost me when you said Hogwarts" He spoke which caused Lily to let out a groan before she erupted with laughter which inturn caused Severus to laugh too. The pair spent the rest of the train ride talking about what house they would be and wondered what house they're soulmate was in too.
Their conversation had attracted the attention of two boys. One had messy brown hair, brown eyes and wore glasses. While the other had black somewhat wavy hair that almost reached his shoulders and sorta black grayish eyes. Lily and Severus learned that their names were James Fleamont Potter and Sirius Black.
James had quickly sat next to Lily while Sirius took the seat next to Severus. The four of them talked about what house they may get placed in and what house they suspected their soulmate's to be in as well. James was quick to ask her for her hand after the conversation. Lily looked like she wanted to slap him instead but simply said no.
It was clear that Lily didn't take a liking to James, he figured that out when he kept talking about how great Gryffindor was and how surely she would be one and that Severus probably won't fit in but hey he'll make a good Hufflepuff or something. Lily had glared daggers at him and Severus felt that she was gonna attempt to kill him.
Sirius seemed to think the same thing what with the way he was trying to get his friend to shut up and apologize. Tho James seemed to ignore him and went about trying to get Lily to shake his hand or make some form of contact. Well James got what he wanted cause after several minutes of asking Lily grabbed his hand brought it up to her mouth and bit him as hard as she could.
This caused James to yell and well...it also caused him to pass out. Luckily they had arrived to Hogwarts. "Yeah, he'll make a great Gryffindor" Severus spoke which caused both Lily and Sirius to laugh. "I'm gonna go find an adult" Sirius said as he composed himself and quickly left. Severus and Lily nodded before turning to eachother "Do we leave him here?" He asked in confusion "Yes" was all Lily said as she dragged Severus out of the compartment and out of the train.
They pair stopped in their tracks as they came face to face with Hogwarts. "My lord Severus it looks beautiful" Lily breathed out as she stared at the school with wide eyes "Yes it is" He muttered with awe. The pair were quickly led onto a boat and were quickly joined by James and Sirius. They all stared at Hogwarts with excitement and neither of them could wait to step inside.
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amara-scott · 3 years
Movie: Harry Potter (Maurauders Era) Characters: Remus Lupin x Reader Categories: Fluffy and Sweet
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It was a cold winter morning when Lilly woke me up to join her at breakfast. I groggily complied, following her without having exchanged a word. I am not a morning person. And she very much knows that. But she is my friend and leaving her to go alone on a Saturday morning would be too cruel. Simply because of one person. James Potter- we all know they are meant to be. They are both just too stubborn. Well, Lilly is. James would marry her right there and then.
"Thanks again, (y/n), you know I can't handle him. Especially not in the mornings." I just smirk, nodding.
But my smirk is wiped off my tired face as soon as I catch a glimpse of Remus. Remus Lupin. Aka the death of me. Those brown locks and shy smile drive me mad. Sure I didn't tell anybody, everyone would make fun of me for it. Just like they do with Potter and Evans. Besides, I know he doesn't feel the same. He has a huge crush on that Gryffindor Girl that has luscious golden locks and full, pouty lips. It's hopeless, really. But Lilly has other plans as she drags me with her, right up to the Marauders.
"Good morning, beautiful Lilly-flower. How did you sleep?" There's the reason why I'm here.
"Shut it Potter, not today." Lilly mutters as she sits down opposite him and pulls me down next to her. Her small blush obvious to everyone. I sit down. Right next to Remus. I try not to show my excitement. Or how nervous I've gotten all of a sudden. And definitely not turn toward him.
It must have been too forced which is why Sirius sends a smirk my way. I raise an eyebrow in return.
“Why so tense, (Y/N)? Can’t handle the beauty in front of you? You seem overwhelmed-“
“Actually, let me stop you right there, Sirius. Nothing of the above.” Remus chuckles next to me but it turns into a muffled cough, which catches my attention and I can’t help and turn too look at him. The first time I really do today. And a sense of hurt fills me as I see his scared face. Another rough night. I lift a hand to touch his shoulder but decide against it mid-air.
“Remus, are you alright?” He doesn’t glance back just pokes at his food and still holding a fist to his lips after the cough. He shakes his head and ignores my question. I frown and turn back forward, trying to feel hungry. Actually, trying to feel anything but a void in my stomach. And hurt. He never ignored me. Sure, he is frank sometimes and maybe doesn’t always looks me in the eye when we talk but- he never once ignored me.
“Soo, are we going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?” James asks, trying to cut the tension at the table but I can’t hold it in anymore and am scared they will see my glossy eyes.
I shake my head and stand up briefly. “Sorry.” I speed walk down the table and out of the Great Hall. I only stop once I reached the common room and decide to sit on the couch until classes would start. Who needs food anyway. I bury my head in a book and nearly miss to leave for our first class. Potions. Funny enough this is the only class I usually sit next to Remus because James sat next to Lilly the first time. Now I slow down my walk and hope he might have switched seats. When I enter though Remus is glancing around until his eyes land on me. I freeze for a second but gulp down my nerves and take my usual seat next to him.
It’s quite for a while. I don’t look over and he doesn’t say anything. Not even raising his hand when I can clearly see he did his homework and knows the correct answer.
A paper ball lands on his side of the desk which catches my attention. I don’t want to be nosey so I don’t try to read what’s written there. But I get where it must have come from by the look he is sending over to Sirius. Sirius gestures wildly at him, looking stern and I frown until he points over to me and our eyes meet- he quickly whips his hand up and ruffles his hair, sending me an awkward smile with a wave. Then turns back around.
I frown but don’t question it any further, trying to also ignore the eyes I feel on the side of my face. I Scribble down on my parchment but can’t help and notice Remus clearing his throat a couple times. After the third time I sigh and glance up. He’s wringing his fingers below the table and his eyes dart up as he sees me looking up. His eyes growing wide for a second before he sends me a small, uneasy smile.
“Hey.” He whispers. I can’t help but let my gaze linger on the scar below his eye. It looks painful and I quickly relax my face as I notice I’ve been cringing at him.
“Hi.” I reply and have to send a smile back. I can’t stop myself. He does that to me. Goofball. I am about to turn back to our task as he opens his mouth, inhaling- as if to say something. But he stops himself.
I raise a brow at him and wait. “What’s up?” Is add, trying to encourage him to keep going.
“I- I just-“ he smiles down at his hands and turns toward me slightly, “-I wanted to apologize. You probably think I’m absolutely rude and, and insufferable-“
He wants to ramble on but I glance up to the podium to see McGonogall sending us a suspicious look. I turn back to Remus, taking one of his fidgety hands and he stops talking, looking down at our hands.
“Remus, it’s okay. I still like you- let’s get back to work and talk later, alright?” I give him another small smile and he sighs, sending one back, nodding.
It took a short moment longer before I let go off his hand and turn back forward. I shield my warm cheeks from his view with my hair covering them now. The grin on my face suppressed.
“So- who’s up for a ride on our magnificent sled this fine evening?” James asks as he rounds the couch of the common room where Lilly and I sit, reading and talking. Our eyes go up to him as Sirius joins his side, throwing an arm over his shoulder and sending us mischievous smile. I roll my eyes and glance over to Lilly who’s sighing. But she wears a smile, her eyes finding mine.
“What do you say?” She asks me and I shrug my shoulders, standing up and throwing the book onto the soft cushioned couch.
“Why not, it’s beautiful outside.”
“Remus is coming as well~” Sirius is singing teasingly as he walks off with James to get ready, but not without winking at me over his shoulder. My eyes grow wide at his remark. Does he know? I tried really hard to hide that crush.
“-(Y/N)? Let’s go, come on.” Lilly pulls me out of my trance and pulls me after her at my sleeve.
“So, what’s that with you and Remus?” She asks, a small grin on her lips.
“What do you mean? Nothings going on.” I reply, maybe too quickly because Lilly sends me another big goofy grin and I roll my eyes, as she rummages through her stuff, throwing a beanie at me and one of her gryffindor scarfs.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” She mumbles and we jog back down to the common room, waiting for the boys.
As they join us, James picks up a squealing Lilly and runs ahead. Sirius carries the sleds and nods at us. “See you there, losers.” He runs off as well, yelling after them. Now it’s just Remus and me. Peter needed to rest, he’s been sick for a few days already, enjoying his peace in Madame Pomfrey’s Medical Wing.
“Are you going anywhere special this Christmas?” I ask, trying to cut the tension I felt growing. I loved that we quietly, without saying a word, decided not to run after them. We kept walking normally.
“No, just staying home, what about you?” I bury my hands deep in my pockets as we step outside, the wind instantly blowing across our skin.
“No, neither do we. My grandparents are coming over this year tho, so- that will be interesting.” I mumble and he chuckles, I glance up at him.
“I couldn’t hear what you were saying.” I realize I’ve talked into my scarf and push it down a little, my face now warm anyway.
“Hey! Watch out-“ I can’t even look at the source of the voice when a snowball hits me right on the cheek. I stumble, squeezing my eyes shut but Remus holds me before I slip.
I blink my eyes open, Remus wiping at my cheek, frowning. “Are you alright?” I nod quickly, staring into his warm eyes.
“Guys, come on!” Sirius whines and runs over.
“Seriously, be more careful Sirius.” Remus mumbles, quite annoyed as he turns to him, his hand leaving my hair, where he had also tried to get the snow wiped away.
“Aw, are you mad I threw snow at your girlfriend?” He smirks and folds his arms. I stare at the icy ground now and Remus says something under his breath while bending down and collecting a pile of snow, Sirius quickly runs off and giggles. Remus runs after him, holding his beanie as it’s slipping off.
“Get back here, Black!”
I hide my smile behind the scarf and walk toward where Lilly is watching James, who seems to struggle with a spell. He rearranged his glasses, his cheeks slightly tinted pink as he sends a shy smile over to Lilly. “I nearly got it.”
“Hey, why aren’t you sledding yet?” I ask as I join Lilly’s side.
“James wanted to make the sled bigger so- more people could fit on. But-“
“-I nearly got it, okay?” He clears his throat again and gulps. He gets so flustered, trying to prove himself to Lilly. It’s absolutely adorable. “Enlargio!”
I take a step back and Lilly follows suit. The sled grows in size, not too much either. Well, I guess successful?
“See?” He smirks and gestures toward his accomplishment. Lilly claps, her mittens muting the sound.
“Well done, you mighty wizard.” I add and he glares over, taking a pile of snow quickly. I hold my hands up.
“Sorry, sorry, please don’t- I already got enough snow in my face for today.” He chuckles and we look over to Remus still running after Sirius, he finally tackles him to the ground and pushes a snowball into Sirius’ face. We all laugh at the scene and walk over, up the hill.
“Hey, let poor Sirius go, I think he learned his lesson.” Lilly states and I nod, smirking at Remus as he stands up, out of breath, just as Sirius.
The latter stands up too, wiping himself off the snow and flares at Remus.
“What was that for anyway?” James asks and Sirius smirks through his white lashes.
“Yeah, Remus, what for?”
“I just- just don’t be so rude to-“
“-to, (Y/N)?” Sirius finishes for him and I roll my eyes, Remus sighing.
“Yes.” He grits out and I raise a brow at them both. They are standing now, facing each other again, Remus looking ready to throw another snowball if Sirius kept talking. And Sirius- well he just doesn’t know when to stop.
“Why don’t you just tell her that you like her? Maybe then I’ll stop.” He grabs more snow and strides my way, throwing a look over his shoulder at Remus. I shriek and turn, running away. But I am no way as fast as he is. He grabs me around my waist with one arm and lifts me up, laughing as I try to wriggle free. He holds his other hand close to my face, turning us to face the others.
“Come on Remus, you know what to do-“
“Sirius, stop, I’m gonna get sick-“
“I like her, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Don’t tell me, Remus, tell her-“ Sirius turns me further and I stop struggling, looking at Remus. He seems in conflict but shuts is eyes for a moment. When he looks back at me he gulps and steps forward.
“I- I really like you. A lot.” I want to throw my scarf and beanie off, that’s how hot I got and run toward him. Telling him I feel the same. But before I can even say anything I feel cold snow. My eyes back closed. I step on his foot now causing Sirius to finally let me go.
Remus is by my side once again and helps me with the snow. “I’ll kill him.” He whispers and runs his thumb across my cheek.
“You may. But- not without-“ I lean up and holds his face as I press a kiss to his lips. Brief but all I needed to tell him I return the feelings. He smiles down at me, his face now warm and eyes lingering on my lips and back up my eyes.
“I’ll be right back.” He adds quietly and runs around me, Sirius not noticing at first so they both stumble to the ground and throw snow at each other.
Lilly walks up and James follows suit. “Well, that took longer than expected- I owe Peter 5 galleons now.” I whip my head toward him and frown, he looks back at me, startled. “Did I say that out loud?” I nod at him. “Oh oh.” He turns around and runs off, me hot on his heels and Lilly joins me.
“Come back here, Potter!”
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poptod · 3 years
Hi you beautiful person! If you’re still taking requests then I would like to request for Ahkmenrah! Sorry if this is too long but how about y/n is a cat burglar and breaks into the museum to steal sum shit (they notice the lights on beforehand but thought that it was just the night guard). But then they notice that there’s, like, A LOT of “people” still present at the museum. They already took a few things so they go to hide in the Egypt exhibit till the coast is clear but then when they notice that the sarcophagus is wide open and the mummy isn’t there they get rly freaked out and about to leave the exhibit but run into Ahk and he’s rly confused and notices that they’re a thief and even tho he was raised to be cruel to thieves he felt rly drawn and hypnotized by y/n (it was love at first sight for him). He simps so hard that he lets them go only if they leave the stuff they tried to steal but they refuse to leave empty handed so Ahk simps again and gives them one of his pieces of jewelry to have. They’re confused but go with it then dip through the window and Ahk watches them escape into the night from the window with a dreamy look on his face. And Larry’s behind him like “wtf just happened?” Sorry again if that was too long! Please take as much time as you need if you decide to do this <3
notes: anon. ANON. i love you and i love this idea, idk why i never thought of this but i fucking adore it thank you WC: 1.6k
Grappling hooks––the fevered dream of a madman that worked only partway in theory, and not at all in practice. Still, you liked the look of them, and kept one seated on your belt while you used a more practical means of breaking and entering.
Very rarely did you ever break into buildings who still had their lights on. For this you would have to make an exception; the museum, which you had scouted out every day for two weeks, always had its' lights on. That would not deter you. American and British museums were essentially always corrupt in some way, unwilling to return the stolen artifacts of foreign countries. You kept that at the forefront of your mind, a little smidgen of motivation, as you jammed the window lock open.
The wind brushing against your dark coat vanished as you entered, sudden air conditioning bringing the temperature to a more pleasant 70 degrees. Hanging off the side of a building with no leverage but a small, outer windowsill had left your fingers numb, joints aching with built up pressure. You shook them out, clicking your pocket knife shut and stuffing it in one of your pockets.
For a minute you remained in the shadowed hallway, listening closely to the sound of footsteps, and watching carefully the shadows casted on the wall to your right. Your brow furrowed––that couldn't be right. The only person who was supposed to be in the museum was the night guard, which last you checked there was only one of them, and maybe the director. You could hear the footsteps of a whole crowd, the murmuring hum of distant conversation, and the vibrating beats of music coming through stereo speakers.
Taking a tentative step forward, you kept your hand poised over your knife just in case. As many times as you've done this, you can't recall any time that you've robbed a place while the owners were still inside.
You came to find out about two minutes later that while the owners are in fact inside, it wasn't them making the noise. Peering out behind the wall, you could see far off the balcony, into the entrance of the museum where a congregation had gathered. It's not... normal, though. None of them are wearing normal clothes. Actually, it looked more like they stole all the exhibits clothes, which would partly explain why all the exhibits were empty.
"This is not normal," you mumbled beneath your breath to yourself, mimicking Harry Potter's voice. Third movie.
You quickly retraced your steps, returning to the window you crawled into. Once more you went through the hallway, double checking everything, and picking up what valuables you could find in the vacant rooms. The Greek section payed off, as did the Chinese, but before you could move to the next era the night guard came walking down the hallway with a group of people in tow. He doesn't seem all that bothered by the fact that none of the exhibits are there, and that all of his friends are wearing the clothes of the exhibits.
And then you saw it.
A monster of entirely bone, whose teeth bared constantly in sharp, jagged lines. The backbones creaked and cracked against each other when its' neck moved, pulling its' heavy skull to watch the people with empty eye sockets.
Nope. Nope, nope, nope.
Where was the exit? You'd gone down two flights of stairs, up one, and down one, but you couldn't remember the order. There had to be an exit on this floor. When the group passed by you, you darted in the opposite direction, paying no attention to the artifacts as the walls blurred around you.
Your breath began to catch up with you soon, heaving your chest up and down as your legs burned. Before your body could give out on you, you slid into the next hallway, ducking behind one of the massive pillars and finally collapsing. Three minutes passed before you could breathe normally. Only then, with most of your wits back about you, did you notice the hieroglyphs your nails dug desperately into on the pillar.
More footsteps outside the long, Egyptian hallway sent you padding deeper in, till you found yourself bumping against the open glass case around a golden casket. The face, which you would've expected to be on the head, was instead cast aside as the top was open. Inside––nothing. Scraps of linen and spells written in an incomprehensible language.
"What the fuuuuck," you whispered to yourself. "What the fuuuuck..."
What the hell is going on h-
Something bumped against your back, sending you stumbling forward before you could just barely stabilize yourself. You whipped around, eyes wide as you came face to face with a man bearing an outrageously golden crown, and donned entirely in Egyptian cloth.
Entirely dumbstruck, your mouth hung open, and you said nothing as the man stared at you in the same bewilderment.
"Why do you have that?" He suddenly asked, eyes falling to the gold and lapis necklace dangling out of your bag.
You stuffed it back inside and said, "mother's."
"Yes," he chuckled, "my mother's. I was buried with that and I'd rather appreciate it if you gave it back."
The narrowing of your eyes gave away what you tried your best to keep hidden––the numerous treasures concealed in your duffel bag.
"You're robbing us, aren't you?"
You said nothing.
"Why are you stealing our belongings?"
"Why are you acting like they belong to you?" You finally replied. "They belonged to people long dead. Just because you're wearing the robes doesn't make you the Pharaoh, and – and why the fuck are you dressed in Egyptian clothes?"
"Well I was, again, buried in this. It's this or the linen and the linen reveals a little more than people would probably like. My name is Ahkmenrah," he bowed slightly, taking your gloved hand and kissing the back of it, "the Pharaoh from the sarcophagus."
"You really expect me to believe that?"
"Doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is that you return what you've stolen," he said, straightening himself out and outstretching his hand. As if you'd return what you've taken.
He waited for a good minute, and when you didn't relent, his expression grew weary.
"Do you want me to get the night guard?"
"No," you said quickly, eyes darting up in panic.
"I will let you go, free of punishment, if you return what you've taken and leave. Come back when you're not looking to steal."
"I am not leaving here empty-handed," you hissed, stepping closer to get up in his face. To your surprise (though you didn't dare show your surprise on your face) a blush began to fill his cheeks.
"I... uh.. y - oh Gods," he grumbled, shaky eyes darting all across your face but never meeting your gaze. "Fine. Fine, you – take this. If you return the other things you can take this."
He stayed rooted to the spot, but bent to pull at his skirt. At first you almost stopped him, already convinced he was about to strip down, but when he ripped at the silk your mouth hung open in silence.
"Ever learn about the history of textiles?" He asked you as he handed you the long strip of golden fabric.
You shook your head no. The cloth barely weighed anything, softer than anything you'd touched, and nearly thin enough to see through it.
"Much Egyptian and Arabic fabric is revered for the talents your people have lost to time. It's a special recipe you cannot replicate with any modern tool. This'll bring you a fortune if you find the right person," he said, cocking his head to the side as he watched you carefully. "It's gold sewn into silk."
Only a moment of thought passed before you dropped your bag, kneeling in front of the Pharaoh and pulling at the zipper. His sandals slid away from you as he gave you space, and soon you were pulling out different necklaces and combs, setting them on the floor in front of him in silence.
"I don't know where the exit is," you mumbled as you carefully pocketed the silk, moving back to your feet.
"How did you get in?"
"Through the window."
"... ah. I'll show you to one of them, then."
He snuck you around the museum, showed you how to avoid the crowds, and at each turn you memorized the path. If you ever wanted to come back for anything else, you would need to know such tactics. Soon enough he was showing you to a window a story off the ground, and though he was hesitant to allow you to leave out it, you informed him you quite adept at climbing walls.
Clambering out the window, you paused with your foot notched into a dip in the outer wall.
"Why are you helping me like this? You didn't have to do that," you asked, and though it wasn't a question you had been thinking of, there was a very sudden urge within you to have it answered. "Aren't you a Pharaoh? They hate thieves, right?"
"I.. um, well, there's... I suppose – you caught me in a good mood," he very obviously lied. You raised a single brow questioningly, but made no further attempt to pull the truth out of him.
Instead, you ducked out the window, falling quickly into the snow and rushing off into the dark of night. A moment later he heard the revving of a car, and then the squealing of tires sliding against the pavement roads. Ahk sighed softly, the tension in his chest giving way as he rested his elbow on the window's sill, his palm pushing against his blushing cheek.
"What the fuck was that about?" Larry asked from behind him. His dreamy expression immediately gave way to embarrassment.
"Nothing," he quickly insisted. "Just... being a little softhearted."
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Hey JWB, thanks for the tag! Hope you're doing well..
I've been on an IPK re-re-re(at this point I've lost count)-watch and some things I can never wrap my head around. For e.g. the halwa Khushi made after the remarriage...sure she put salt in every one else's, but Arnav's was supposed to be sugar free! How did she end up putting salt in that, given that she stopped him from eating..
And another pet peeve is the endlessly continuing hawan on the evening of Payal-Akaash's haldi. It went on and on supposedly, through Mami's huffy fit, and Akash's apology, and Khushi's fainting and the rest of it.
So, would love hear if you had some such peeves as well. As always, sending lots of love your way!
Hello dear 👋,
I’ve been doing well :) haha - I get your feelz, I’m watching it for the millionth time now so I get super excited if I even see a second I hadn’t seen before.
1) Khushi’s halwa was ok, she just ruined the pooris 😂 and even if she screwed up the halwa, his halwa was sugar free (so I guess salt free) but it probably still sucked - there are many ingredients that can ruin a halwa. It’s sweet that Arnav didn’t care - it’s endearing to see he’d genuinely eat anything Khushi makes.
2) The havan is one of the few tracks that almost happens as per real time (usually a whole day is shown in 20-40 tv mins). The haldi/havan is an important day because a lot of monumental things were happening in Arnav and Khushi’s lives. Also most of the stuff is before and after the actual havan 🔥 (now that I think of it… poor guys had to wear the same outfit for DAYS 😢, actually there’s no reason why it couldn’t get split over different days?)
My pet peeves
1) Khushi forgives Anjali way too quickly for the act she did. Anjali literally blackmailed Khushi to work for her!
2) Khushi gets constantly insulted at Shantivan during her job and she just says nothing?
3) The never ending hits and misses with Shyam. All his scenes of Anjali doubting, Khushi might see him, are literally gone to waste cause none of that has a payoff, ever! (Khushi’s kinda has some payoff tho)
4) The fact that Shashi never recovers!
5) No one realizes what a terrible mistake it was to hide 🐍‘S truth from the Raizadas!!!
6) Nobody apologizes to Khushi for forcing her to nearly marry Shyam. No one!
7) Post elopement Arnav - Khushi. They argue, become sentimental, comedy, intimacy, take a step forward, Arnav sees something Shyam related/Khushi does something stupid, back to square one and removing all progress (this happened for nearly 3 months in a loop)
8) No/unsatisfactory payoff to major climatic points. Shashi’s near death, Arnav’s misunderstanding, Arnav calling Khushi the biggest mistake of his life, Aarav, Payal and Akash’s nearly broken marriage, etc.
9) The rapid infantilizing of Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. By the end of the show it was intolerable.
10) The lack of maintenance of the set, Barun and Sanaya’s hair and makeup and terrible compositions for body doubles (as plain as day!)
Thank you for all the love! I hope you liked the answer!!!
Much love,
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