#I know you are hurt but be nice to him
daeley · 1 year
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Just let him eat Mo Xi
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swedenis-h · 6 months
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Phoenix Tatooine day trip Goes Wrong™️ (X)
This is a little idea where Luke needs something (don’t ask me what) that he can only get on tatooine, so dinluke adventure ensues. The plan is to get there and leave ASAP, but then nostalgia hits and he needs to hit every shop and place he used to as a kid. But you know, “college kids comes back to hometown” syndrome hits and he realizes he’s changed too much. Think of how the holiday season doesn’t feel the same anymore now that you’re an adult, same feeling. AND YES ITS ALSO DUNLUKE BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO KISS AND TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND ALSO KISS.
Heres some extras 🫡
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
How absolutely wild must it have been for Nightmare to have like, minimum-to-no contact with mortals for hundreds of years and then the first two he has any regular close interactions with are Killer and Dust.
Like he must have a book in his castle somewhere of all the observations he kept like he was studying a new species
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thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
There’s a general consensus that above all else Jason should be homicidal again. However I think what’s also very important is that he should be a fucking hoot.
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There’s nothing not funny about this entire bit.
1. He couldn’t give less of a shit about explaining that he’s single-handedly trying to stop a terrorist attack. Obviously cause he’s short on time, but even if he had all the time in the world he would still be this indifferent towards explaining himself to cops.
2. This bomb is seconds away from exploding but he’s at most mildly annoyed like he’s in the office doing some menial task.
3. The perfectly timed British jokes.
4. Circling back to number 1 on the list. After he throws the bomb into the water he just dips. For all they know he’s the (weird) terrorist. (But as long as everyone’s okay he doesn’t care! The beauty of Jason Todd everybody).
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This one is funny (but it’s also true)? Like yes … that is exactly what you are. (A sweet, kind-hearted goodboy learning how to effectively poison people, shoot guns, and blow shit up with all manner of explosives like a certified pro).
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #5 (2010-)
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 (2010-)
“Not so irritating for an American” is a far more impressive title than “genius” if you ask me. Although I think Jason balances both pretty well.
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
the perched king / tigerstar I
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gooperts-gunk · 3 months
im so crazy over the tragedy of everything q!bbh does being under a demon pretense even though he's a fallen angel.
do u think he just accepts the demon label because it's easier. do u think he believes it too, and catches himself in his thoughts with "oh, right. im not exactly that". and maybe he believes that he did this to himself? do u think what he did was to protect himself or someone? no matter the fall, he still has so much kindness to give and his brain just isn't wired the way a natural-born demon would be, he can't hold back instincts when time demands it, maybe that's why he fell in the first place.
and when he's finally bad, not good, it's treated like the end of the world, without empathy on why he would act out. do you think this keeps happening? the same scenario, multiple times, every timeline? he has to be used to it. so he has to take it in stride. he's good until he lashes out under extreme pressure, and suddenly he's called demon. and once again he's what heaven made him out to be. what he made himself to be, his brain would ruthlessly provide...
i don't think he wants to be that, though he hides secrets behind secrets of which neither identity is a home... but i don't think he wants to have to change, either. and i don't think that's wrong of him.
...you collapse atlantis ONE TIME and all of a sudden YOU'RE the bad guy and SURE it was FUN but REALLY now,--
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 month
something something jack and davey both thinking they were acts of service love language types because they were both so deeply insecure in themselves that they needed to feel useful to feel loved. and something something both of them finding for the first time with each other that they don't need to provide utility to be loved. and something something this spilling out into the rest of their lives as they make each other better and push each other to grow.
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don't worry Pep, i'm sure you'll figure out those memories in due time. maybe for now you should take it easy. we just want to make sure you're doing okay first.
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Pep: "Struh daeh ym nehw yllaicepse, sgniht fo tol a dnatsrednu t'nod I tub... Dnatsrednu I fi erus ton... M'I..."
Pep: "Sdneirf htiw retteb rebmemer pleh nac... Oot ti ees nac sdneirf taht ecin elttil a si ti tub..."
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Peppino: "Here Pep."
Peppino: "Might as well-a join you for floor time for a bit."
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Peppino: "Bruno...? I don't-a personally know a Bruno, but now that I think about it; the building I came out of after the fight with Pep was-a called 'Bruno Pizza'."
Peppino: "I didn't think of it much at the time - since I had just ran for my life, being chased by a giant, warped version of myself - but it was kinda odd... Why did he put a random restaurant in the tower...?"
Pep: "..."
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Pep: "..."
Peppino: "What the- Pep...?"
Pep: "...!"
Peppino: "Pep!"
Pep: "!!!"
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Peppino: "Woah, woah, easy there Pep! You got pretty-a lost in your thoughts again!"
Pep: "Xob ni edih! Xob ni edih ot evah! Hcum oot s'ti! Wonk t'nod I Kniht I- Ot deil-! Dekcirt saw-! Eh- I- Si ti ohw wonk t'nod I-I-! Niaga em was I-? Niaga mih was I- I-"
Peppino: "S-slow down, Pep, I can't-a understand what you're saying! Let's-a take some breaths, so I can help you."
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mokutone · 2 years
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late entry for 4th day of @tendaysoftenzo ! the prompt was:
Day 4, November 4th: Science Fiction | Wild West (Cowboys)
mostly because i really missed drawing space stations shgkshgksjdhgskdjhg
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hayaku14 · 2 months
kuroba toichi you need to stay dead or im going to fucking kill you myself
#you sick son of a bitch#if you truly love your son you wouldnt be alive#it's bad enough that you basically left the mantle for your teenage son to take up but you actually being alive????????#you just out there living your life while your son is destroying his relationships chasing after something that you started????????#his very motivation is your death and it's not even real??? the utter fucking betrayal???#and maybe being kid has kade him a better magician and has helped him find out more about himself#but he shouldve been able to have a choice if he even wanted to be kid at all it shouldnt have been a responsibility pushed upon him#AND IF YOU ARE FUCKING ALIVE AND YOU'RE JUST WATCHING YOUR SON RUNNING AWAY FROM THE POLICE WITH PRIDE INSTEAD OF GUILT YHEN YOU CAN#GO FUCK YOURSELF#Honestly the worst#also that theory that maybe chikage is travelling the world because she KNOWS toichi is alive and she's with her elevates this fuckery into#a whole different level#anyway go read cuethesun's tomorrow and the next day#good fucking food and bad parent chikage and toichi enjoyers will be pleased ;>#lol#dc prattles#as much as i want happy everybody is alive kuroba family#i need touichi and chikage if she knows too to feel the repercussions of their horrible parenting and i need kaito to be able to let himself#feel the hurt and betrayal that he is justified to feel even if he is happy that his dad is alive#but i dont trust gosho to handle that nicely if anything i think hes gonna just handwave it and wont address it properly#anyway my point is i just need more hurt and angry kaito also if shinichi is there im happy#sorry i sneaked in a kaishin i cant stop the brainrot unfortunately theres no cure 🤚😔#ALSO DONT GET ME STARTED WITH BAD PARENT KUDOS OOOOOHHHH
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moeblob · 5 months
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I met people I knew only online for the first time irl last night and I'm still extremely exhausted cause I am not a social person so here. Take an OC.
Katale (Kitty) is wonderful and I love her and she's a criminal and that's fine. She likes to look cute and so whenever I see a really cute outfit in public with a specific vibe, I'm like "Kitty would love that". So here. Please. Please know that I saw this very pretty woman jogging with her hair pulled back, running shorts, and the CUTEST top with a little scarf from the same fabric tied and wow. It was. So wonderful, please have a wonderful day @ the lady I saw jogging yesterday.
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spkyart · 11 months
The fact that they (maybe) are gonna animate the light novels too means that the next season will probably start with genya crying in his sleep while dreaming his big brother—
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yelow-heart · 5 months
I miss JaidenAnimations, tails. I miss her a lot..
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lonewolf638 · 5 months
think lots of my edits mainly focus on later szn bc its just sooooo. sam being possessed for months without consent sam being beaten into submission until he understood and bared his throat out for fratricide sams prayers being heard and used by the one person who he dreams about torturing everyday sam with a child he willingly chooses to love despite all the things said child represents sam telling that child to kill him because he'd rather die then hurt the kid sam sam sam
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asogikazumas · 3 months
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「Pandora Hearts » One Edit per Chapter」 ⤍ Retrace: III Prisoner & Alichino
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hydrachea · 4 months
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Your best bet against a Stellaron Hunter is another one.
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