#I just don't think I'm meant to have one and now it's not really something I want anymore. but also in the back of my mind I really would
gglitch1dd · 1 day
Hi glitch, so don’t feel the need to respond if this makes you uncomfortable AT ALL (your blog your rules)
But how do you think Izuku and wifey would react to one of their boys expressing the idea of well liking a boy. My parents had four boys including me and were kinda spooked when I came out. ANYWAY I LOVE YOU AND HOPE YOURE DOING WELL
Hmm that's a good question.
I don't know if any of the boys would ever end up gay or not. I don't really plan or feel comfortable on exploring any of their sexualities other than Kane, Toshinori and MAYBE Asahi. But I did have the thought pop up.
To answer simply, not bad. Neither Y/N or Izuku are homophobic. Just a note that Japan is not like the west, so it really isn't their main focus. They raise the boys in a traditional manner because it's important in asian/eastern families to retain those values (and I mean the good kind like taking care of your parents, respect, etiquette and so forth). And a reminder that the Midoriyas are in ELITIST Japan as well cause of Izuku being number one, but they wouldn't be angry if one of their boys was interested in dating boys.
How would you feel if I was dating a guy?
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"Hey mom, dad." You sat in bed next to your husband as Asahi entered your room. You had a book in your lap as you read and your husband was reading on his tablet a last minute report before heading to sleep himself. You both looked up from what you were doing, Asahi standing in his pyjamas, his glasses still on his face as he looked to the both of you. "Can I ask you something?"
You nodded your head as you put down your book. "Sure thing, love. What's going on?" You asked him. Izuku pressed the off button of the tablet, putting it to sleep as he removed his own glasses and looked to his second eldest son.
Asahi swallowed down as he looked up to the ceiling. You raised an eyebrow, knowing that that meant that he was about to tell you something that he wasn't sure how you would both react. You glanced at Izuku and he nodded showing he caught on as well.
"So... what should I do if someone asks me out on a date?" He asked.
Your eyebrows raised, before a bright smile went onto your face. "Oh really?" You asked surprised. Asahi was never one to be interested much in girls, never really talking about them nor about dating either. His nose always buried in a book or on a computer. "Who? Is it someone I know?"
Asahi let out a nervous breath. "Uh... yes?" He let out. You tilted your head at the way he sounded confused. "Well, no. But yes."
Izuku glanced at you, noticing that Asahi seemed rather tense. Izuku sighed as he straightened up where he sat. "Asahi, I'm glad a girl is interested in you, it's the Midoriya charm afterall." You rolled your eyes. "However, you know how your mother and I feel about you boys dating before high school."
"And that's fine. I wasn't going to say yes, I don't want to date right now." He told you both honestly. You let out a soft sigh in relief, glad that at least one of your babies weren't being a hooligan and scaring girl's fathers (Toshinori). "But how would you guys feel if I did date them?"
"Them?" You and your husband both asked. "Who?"
"A friend." You gave your son a look to show him that he should stop dancing around what he wanted to say. Asahi sighed as he put a hand to the back of his neck. "My friend... Junpei."
You and your husband both didn't say anything. Which made Asahi cringe as he sank back into his hoodie.
"Wait," Izuku sat up. "Junpei as in the weird quite boy with the short hair?"
Asahi blinked. "He's not weird!" He said defending his friend.
you hesitated but you nodded your head. "He is a bit weird, sweetheart. He doesn't seem like your type, but if you like him-"
There was a blush on his face as he looked to the both of you. "I don't like Junpei! This has nothing to do with him. It's just- How would you both feel if I was dating a guy?"
Izuku looked at you and you looked to Izuku. Izuku turned back to look at his son. "Are you gay?"
"WHAT- NO! I-" His face only deepened in the flush. "I don't know. I just- I don't feel weird about possibly dating a guy. Like I don't feel like it's..."
"Wrong?" You tried.
He nodded motioning to you. "Yah, it doesn't sound or feel wrong to me."
"Then okay." Izuku shrugged.
Asahi froze as he just stared at the both of you. "O-okay?"
"Yah." Izuku nodded. "As long as you're being safe and you don't make this your entire new identity or whatever, I don't care." Izuku turned to you as he scratched the back of his green hair. "I'm confused."
You chuckled as you put a hand on your husband's shoulder. "What your father is trying to say sweetheart is that, we can't dictate who you like and who you don't." You started explaining with a smile. "We can't decide whether you see that as a good thing or a bad thing. All we care about is that you are safe, you are kind and you stick to the values that we raised you in and that's all. If you want to try going out with boys, try and see how you feel if you feel the need to do so." You motioned to him.
"When you're older. Not now, you're only fourteen." Izuku interrupted.
You nodded in agreement. "What your father said."
Asahi paused but nodded, without a particular emotion. "Cool." He moved to exit your room. However he paused. Then before you know it, you and your husband found yourselves in a hug with Asahi, being pulled together by his arms. Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked to Izuku who looked down at Asahi. Asahi buried his face between the both of you. "Thanks." He said softly.
You couldn't help but smile as you pat his head. "Anytime, my little sprout."
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unpopularwriter25 · 21 hours
Shattered Silence
Summary: After a heated moment, Sanemi's harsh words leave the reader in a state of silent withdrawal. As the days pass, the silence weighs heavily on Sanemi, leading him to a breaking point where he pleads for forgiveness and a chance to make things right.
Warnings: None.
Note: This is what I'm doing instead of working lol. If anyone has any characters they would like just let me know! You can message me or send me an ask!
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Sanemi Shinazugawa was pacing along the edge of the training field, the sun dipping low in the sky casting long shadows. The leaves rustled in the breeze, the evening air cool but heavy with unresolved tension. Sanemi's mind raced back to that moment earlier in the week—when frustration and anger had gotten the better of him.
"I can't believe you messed up again," he had snapped, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. "Do you ever think before you act?"
He hadn't meant it. He was already upset, a combination of exhaustion and worry gnawing at his patience. But the look in your eyes, the way you had recoiled and gone silent, it haunted him.
Days had passed, each one more excruciating than the last as you withdrew further into yourself. You carried out your duties in complete silence, your eyes avoiding his. It was as if the light had dimmed, and the absence of your voice left a void that nothing could fill.
By the fifth day, Sanemi couldn't take it anymore. The suffocating silence was worse than any wound he had ever endured. He found you sitting by the edge of the training field, the sunset painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The sight of you, so close yet so distant, broke something inside him.
"Please," he began, his voice raw and desperate. "I need you to talk to me."
You didn't move, your eyes fixed on the horizon, expression unreadable. Sanemi dropped to his knees beside you, his hands clenched into fists.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice cracking. "I didn't mean it. I was upset and I took it out on you, and I... I can't stand this silence."
Tears pricked at his eyes, his chest tightening with regret. "Please, just say something. Yell at me, hit me, anything. Just don't shut me out."
For a long moment, there was only the sound of the wind in the trees. Then, finally, you turned to him, your eyes meeting his. The pain and sadness in your gaze made his heart ache.
"You really hurt me, Sanemi," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
"I know," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "And I'm so, so sorry. Please give me a chance to make it right. I can't lose you."
You sighed, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly. "You have to understand, words hurt. Especially from someone I... care about."
Sanemi nodded, a tear slipping down his cheek. "I promise, I'll be better. Just... don't leave me in the silence."
You reached out, your hand resting on his. It was a small gesture, but it was enough to make his heart swell with hope. "Okay," you said softly. "Let's work through this together."
As the sun set, casting a gentle glow over the two of you, Sanemi felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew it would take time to heal the wounds, but he was determined to prove that his words, from now on, would be ones of care and love.
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- ,, 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
SUMMARY -> satochoso x reader (choso x satoru x reader) where satoru is on a long mission. its just you and choso at home,and its really... quiet without satoru. you miss him - that's obvious, but choso misses him more than he'd like to admit. he acts all tough and acts like he doesn't really miss him, but its pretty obvious that's a lie.
A/N -> wowoowowow my first jjk fic!! i hope this is good and i havent proofread this so there might be mistakes, and i cant even bear to read my own writing anyway cuz wtf its so cringey reading my stuff and i dont like this too much anyway. and i havent written anything in ages so i might be a lil rusty... also i never specified the readers gender (I THINK) so gn!reader!!
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Dating the strongest sorcerer obviously came with challenges. He'd be away constantly on missions, which were life or death, meaning you didn't see him as often as you'd like. One good part about it though is that he never came back beaten or bruised. All the curses he fought were nothing compared to him - like ants he'd tread on.
Luckily for you, you were never alone when he was gone. You had some very good company from your boyfriend. Well, your other boyfriend, because you had two. Of course Satoru was one, but the other was Choso. His tough guy exterior always meant he never showed signs of missing Satoru. He usually just went around with his usual schedule and comforted you if you were missing the sorcerer.
So Satoru was on another one of those dreadfully long missions now. You weren't worried about anything happening to him, of course. You just wanted him home soon. It didn't look like the mission would allow that, unfortunately.
The house felt empty and lifeless without him. He would often follow you around everywhere, accompanying you, or Choso, in whatever mundane task you set yourself to. His energetic voice would be the only thing breaking the silence.
It felt odd not having that voice accompany you as you were regularly sitting down in the living room. You could only really sit there in silence, head in your hands. The room's silence was awkward and almost deafening.
Of course Choso was sitting on the opposite side. He could barely take the silence. He looked at you, wondering if he should say anything. You did look like you needed a bit of comfort.
So he clears his throat, leaning toward you.
"You okay?" He mutters. He's not sure how to start a conversation.
"Yeah," You respond, turning your head to look at him. "are you?"
"Yeah," Choso says. Fuck, that was awkward. He curses himself in his head and decides to ask something else. "are you missing him?"
"Of course I am." You sigh, but you smile at him.
Choso always likes to make out that he's a big tough guy that never misses his boyfriend when he's on a long mission. He can handle himself, he can do everything himself, he's fine without him. He's independant. But you don't buy this for a second.
"Are you?"
"I'm fine." He says. He answers a little too fast. "I mean - I'm fine without him. I can function without him."
Yeah right. You raise an eyebrow at him skeptically.
"Yeah right. I see the way you mope around when he's gone." You say.
It's true. He does mope around when Satoru's gone. There's no more voice in his ear narrating everything he does, teasing the life out of him, when Satoru is away. It seems so silent, so lifeless. He can't help hanging his head.
"Fine - but you mope around as well." He doesn't even try to defend himself at this. If you can call him out for moping around, he can too. He crosses his arms.
"Yeah, but I don't pretend I don't miss my boyfriend." You retort.
Maybe he does miss him a lot. He doesn't like to look clingy or needy, which is why he always denies that he misses Satoru. He just decides to change the topic. You've won that one.
"He's supposed to be home today, right?" Choso says. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's been counting down the days.
"Is he?" You say, perking up. It feels like forever since he left.
"Yeah. I checked this morning." He says.
"And when exactly is he home?" You question further.
"... Late. He's going to be home late." Choso says.
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It feels like forever since that conversation with Choso. What time is it now? 6 PM? It feels pretty late, but not that late. Time just seems to drag on no matter what. You're just waiting for the sound of the door handle's click and for it to swing open and have Satoru's voice call out.
You're imagining it. You've imagined it - the door swings open, he calls out, and you and Choso run into his arms and-
Your thoughts are interrupted by the click of the door handle. You perk up - Choso does too - and you both get up and head toward the front door. The door swings open, and the familiar tall figure of Satoru strides in.
He's instantly greeted by your arms swinging around his neck. He loudly chuckles. He doesn't even seem fazed by the sudden hug. He wraps his arms around you in return, kissing your cheek.
You can't see him, but you know he looks up for Choso. He eyes him under his blindfold with a smirk.
"C'mon." Satoru says, lifting his arm out while his other arm still hold you.
"No." Choso says, crossing his arms. Satoru pouts.
"Pleasseeee? I can't have a hug with my favourite partners without my favourite boy."
Choso mutters something under his breath. Despite this, he approaches with his arms outstretched. Satoru's face lights up. He literally grabs Choso's wrist and tugs him into the hug. He looks delighted.
The hug lasts a while. That's because nobody wants to pull away. Nobody wants out of the hug. It's amazingly quiet. Choso isn't complaining and Satoru isn't going on about how much he missed both of you. It's just dead silent. You're just enjoying each other's company.
But you have to let go eventually. Satoru eases his arms off you and Choso.
"Now, what have you been up to while I was gone?" Satoru questions. But he sees the looks on your faces and his smile grows even wider. "So you missed me so much you didn't even go out?"
Choso crosses his arms.
"Aw," Satoru grins. He looks so proud of himself. "But I think I'm gonna go unwind. You'll be fine without me for a little, right?" He says, looking between you two.
"Yeah," Choso responds.
"Great. I'll be back in a few minutes." He says, grinning.
As he walks off, he pauses just after walking past both of you. He turns on his heel and goes back to the both of you, kissing your cheek and then Choso's. After this, he turns back around and leaves to go unwind.
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rowanwithaz · 3 days
The Starting Line:
Mha chapter 424 spoilers
So,I actually have a pretty good idea of how dkbk/bkdk will end,and Hori's recent comment is what's led me to this thought process.
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We're going back to U.A! And this got me thinking of,well,U.A,and how Horikoshi's comment might have a double meaning.
(also,this just backs up my point of Hori doing what he enjoys and how we really shouldn't worry about fan perception effecting his story)
Going back to the title is going back to the beginning in a sense,and with Horikoshi's recent art,and this recent chapter(s),it made me think of a special interaction within the first few chapters. Chapter 11 specifically.
Now,this is the first time Katsuki cries to Izuku,and his words are very important. Or the reason for them. Izuku tells Katsuki the truth behind his power,and how he's going to make it own. Katsuki sees this as a challenge,but not in a positive way.
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But,if we look at the recent chapter,424,Katsuki tearfully tells Izuku that he wishes for them to continue their rivalry.
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Because Izuku was supposed to make his power his own,so he and Izuku could compete together for a "while" (forever). That's why he's so heartbroken by Izuku being quirkless once again. He and Izuku were meant to be heroes together,one the same level,competing and chasing after each other.
Now,why do I bring up chapter 11? Chapter 119 would work too,right? Or chapter 120? They do. And I'll cover that soon enough,but the thing I want to talk about is where they're at. The title. The beginning. The U.A gates. And,when going back to the beginning,let's consider this panel in chapter 8,
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Izuku declaring the new meaning of his hero name. And,what happened in chapter 422?
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They cheer for him to do his best. Now,these parallels are quite important when we consider the whole "going back to the title/beginning" thing. And let's remember throughout the fight between Izuku and Katsuki in chapter 8-10,and something very fucking important. Katsuki is taunting Izuku. The whole time. And,let's remember,when Izuku gets mad,he says things like Katsuki. So,when Katsuki tells Izuku to not let him surpass him in chapter 423,he is motivating him to win to save. Pushing Izuku further. But,now those words don't hold the same weight,it goes back to being taunting.
Now,another thing to consider is All Might,since he's always tying them together. All Might seems to always be there when these HUGE moments and development in their relationship happens. We've set up a certain formula,and it's not changed. Now,at the end of chapter 11,All Might pops up. With chapter 120,which parallels chapter 424 once again.
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(I'm not sure we'll get a Deku vs Kacchan part 3,since Katsuki might believe he ended Izuku as a hero, it's a possibility,crossing my fingers)
So,we have Katsuki's confession here in chapter 424,and not much of a response from Izuku. What I'm getting at is,Izuku may confess to Katsuki at those gates,chasing after Katsuki to clear things up (maybe even brining up blackwhip/control your heart arc,also we haven't REALLY seen Izuku's feelings on Katsuki's apology/death).
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especially considering what Izuku says after he tells Katsuki the truth and after Katsuki's tearful confession.
Buf,why those gates specifically? I'm glad you asked.
The cherry blossoms at the gates
So,I've noticed something,at the U.A gates,they're blossom trees. This is considering the official art like this,and I believe a couple frames in the anime.
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But,it's so interesting to me that Katsuki and Izuku have so much official art that involves them and cherry blossoms,(which have pretty romantic meanings in Asian culture).
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And that last one is pretty important considering we're going back to the beginning. And with all of the middle school flashbacks we've gotten in recent chapters,the cherry blossoms seem even more meaningful,or where the cherry blossoms are. The U.A gates,the beginning of their hero careers.
So I wouldn't be surprised if there was a tearful and meaningful confession,about his want to chase after Katsuki forever,to be with him. I mean,we have Lisa's song: Datte Atashi no Hero. (About Izuku's feelings for Kacchan)
And,honestly,we've seen some of the lyrics in the manga,like exactly how it says.
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(it's also mentioning the beginning with a flashback,which was the whole fucking point of this post,so this just fucking proves my point )
But Izuku gets this newfound motivation when he sees Katsuki,when he's on the brink of exhaustion,when he's losing hope,he holds Katsuki's gaze,then pushes forward,because Katsuki is always pushing him forward.
And let's not forget probably some of the most important lyrics in the song.
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Izuku has compared Katsuki to his idol their whole lives,Katsuki has always been a hero to him,a symbol,so if we go back,to the beginning,we see Katsuki is Izuku's hero and vice versa,and then we go back to the title. My hero. This confession,at the hero academia,the gates,the beginning,is where Izuku confesses to Katsuki his feelings,that Katsuki is his hero,and he wants to be with him forever.
(Also,I think we're totally gonna get the crepe date,like,because mha is a comedy,after the confession Izuku asks Katsuki to go on a crepe date with him,like in the lamest way possible,because he's so inexperienced with romance,so then we have the romantic implications cannon,but in a way that's true to the series,y'know?)
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I'm sorry but I'm confused by people believing jacob must have changed his mind about loumand.
I don't know about Jacob's opinion but writers were making it this or that. It can't be both. I guess we'll see later what exactly were writer's intentions about this relationship. But while we can't be 100% sure yet jacob definitely knew exactly complete story. Both things were recorded after filming was finished, he knew all details. He knew both times when said "rebound" And "not rebound" which one it is from Louis' pov. Therefore at some point he... Lied. (This is NOT an attack on jacob!).
Now let's think logically: he knew bts insiders will be released after episodes. In "not rebound" interview there was no spoilers for things we saw, there were not details, he described vibes of loumand and that's it, which meant he knew it'll be released before this episode. At the end of the day, if he said something false, it would've be cut or he would've re-record once again, it's not live and I'm sure they have people that oversee this stuff.
It's literally the same how before ep1 jacob vaguely said loumand is tender and later we got insight how relationship going darker.
Or how before we were sure dreamstat will only haunt Louis menacingly blaming for his death but we also got unique dynamic where he is being Louis' support.
Some things you can't just say because it'll be spoiler. If jacob outright said "it's rebound" we would not take ep1-3 seriously. But he didn't say it and we had Daniel calling them "rebound" And Louis getting angry at it, and it was interesting because we could not be sure who was right! Is that Daniel just being dismissive of them or is it Louis being delusional? There was intrugue!
It is very clear to me that a "gag order" has dropped away.
Prior to seasons there are always things that the actors do not say, and that they explain differently afterwards.
And I mean - would we really want it any different way? Would we want them to explain it to us beforehand?
No. Because we should "let the tale seduce us".
And though they didn't go and ship bait us, going out and destroying all theories before they have aired cannot be their intention either?!
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wonnieluvr · 2 days
forever with you
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pairing -> grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
summary -> you break off your current relationship for grayson hawthorne, a past love. logically, you know you shouldn't but the heart wants what it wants.
warnings -> none :)
a/n -> some fluff for my love finally !! pt 3 of photographs of you and thinking of you
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seeing grayson again had not been in your plans. at all. you didn't know how you were supposed to explain any of what had happened to your family or to your date. your boyfriend. it wasn't an engagement you had really wanted, just something that would put you a step further ahead in life and he was nice, he treated you well.
but he wasn't grayson. he wasn't your grayson.
that shouldn't have mattered, you mother reminded you harshly the minute word of your meeting reached your family. as you had returned to the gala your mother immediately cut in, having heard grayson's name, warning you not to make any rash decisions.
was it really a rash decision if you had been waiting years for a moment like this?
your date had quickly noticed the change in demeanour. he was swift to pull you away.
as you danced in a room full of people, it should have been him on your mind. he, who was touching you, holding you gently and dancing with you carefully. but it wasn't. no matter how hard you tried it wouldn't ever be.
"you love him" the words had startled you, but they weren't untrue. your boyfriend offered you a small smile, bittersweet and so understanding. you hated it. hated the way you had never fallen for one another. maybe then you would have had no trouble. it might have been simple. you had shared stories of those you had truly loved, first loves gone wrong. you had bonded over that. the hurt.
and here you were now, selfishly considering your second chance while he was stuck without one. "darling, you love him. you can't do anything about that" he dipped you softly, eyes saying everything as you stared at each other. "it's okay"
your eyes begun to water for the second time that night. "i can't do that to you" your voice was full of pain and sadness as you stood straight again. "i don't know if i can do this"
"stop it" he chided softly, brushing your hair back into place as you both paused in your dance. "you would tell me to take my chance if she came back to me. so, i'm doing the same for you. you deserve to be happy. it's okay"
your shoulders dropped slightly, pained and fighting your raging emotions. "but i-"
"sh, go to him" he held your cheeks in his hands for a moment, gently caressing your face, admiring your beauty. "but if he breaks your heart again, i don't care who he is i will kick his ass"
you laughed softly, humourless. you couldn't help the way your heart filled with such great sadness for the boy you had come to spend so much time with. but your grayson was waiting, the same way you had been these past years. you had a chance and you'd be damned if you didn't take it.
you had cursed the hawthorne boy for years. you had harboured hate for the whole family after what they had said to you. you loved gray, yes but it wasn't going to heal those wounds over night. breaking off your relationship for him was something your parents advised against, very strongly when you had told them what you were doing. your mother had tried to dissuade you, remind you off their cruel words, the way they had treated you.
"i can't just give up. i have to try, i love him" you had pleaded. they had shaken their heads but they understood what this meant to you. they had hated seeing their little girl so hurt but they couldn't deny the happiness that had come before that. the way life shone in you when you had been with grayson was something they had never seen since.
it was worth the chance if you believed it was.
you met with grayson a week later. both of you were nervous, unsure of what to say to one another. you had barely ever seen this side of gray, the one who worried and fretted, the one who cared so openly.
while he had shared smiles and murmured words of love to you he had never really showed you himself. he had never been brave enough to truly let you in. and now he was.
he stood before you now, normally steady hands holding out flowers to you with a slight tremor to them. he had shown up at your door, sudden but expected, with the hopes of rekindling your relationship.
"gray" you breathed out, eyes widening when you opened your door to his figure. he wore a suit, as usual, but no matter how many times you saw him, he never failed to make your heart flutter. "hi"
you offered him a small smile, neither of you knowing how to proceed.
he stared at you for a moment longer before he blinked slowly, coming back to reality.
"hello, these are for you" he spoke softly, he had never used the hawthorne tone with you. even if he did, you would never have needed him to. he only needed to ask and you would have done anything he wanted.
"thank you, they're beautiful" you ignored the heat in your cheeks as you took the bouquet from him, fingers brushing his. you disappeared inside for a moment, putting them away in a vase and grabbing your bag before returning to the door.
"shall we?" you asked, trying to appear more confident than you felt.
if he noticed your nervousness he didn't mention it, merely holding an arm out to you, leading you to the car. he was tense, you noted. he knew it would take more than flowers to win you over again. and he was desperate to win you over.
"where are we going?" you asked, once you were both seated in the car, buckling your seatbelt up before properly turning to him. he was already looking at you, gaze soft.
"where would you like to go?"
with anyone else you would have frowned. you would have taken that as a cop out, a hint that he didn't know you and that he hadn't put the proper effort in to make the date special.
but this was grayson. grayson who bled power and control. he had a plan for everything and he had always had backups. he was giving that control to you.
you smiled softly, a memory coming to mind immediately as you glanced out the window to take in the weather.
a storm was coming despite the heat.
"what about the beach?"
the scene between you two was exactly like that of when you had visited last. it was the same beach you remembered, practically empty as a summer storm threatened the peace. the wind whistled in the quiet, as you walked side by side.
neither of you spoke for moment before you found yourselves in a familiar alcove. you smiled at the memory, warmth filling you despite the cold sea breeze.
"do you remember?" you turned to the tall boy beside you. he, once again, already had his eyes on you, watching you walk. you could practically see the two of you in his eyes, the same colour of the sea as you had unknowingly posed for his camera back then.
"how could i forget?" he whispered quietly, his hand reaching out for your face, pausing before he could actually touch you.
you didn't speak, breath catching in your throat as you stared into his eyes. you felt like you were back there again. back when everything had been fine, when there was nothing holding you back.
"i'm sorry" his expression twisted, lips forming a frown as he glanced away. his hand dropped away from you. he didn't deserve to hold you, to love you. "i hurt you and i-"
"stop" you shook your head, taking his hand in yours, gently squeezing it. the sensation was as familiar as it was foreign. "you are not your family, gray. i'm here for you not them. yes, you hurt me when you didn't say anything but i know how much pressure you're under"
"that's not an excuse-" he begun again, hand clinging to yours.
"i'm not saying it is" you grinned a cheeky smile, trying to lighten the mood. "you have a lot of making up to do"
he just blinked at you, mind running rampant with ways he could possibly do that. your grin only widened as you spoke your next words.
"you can start with giving me a kiss" you reached your free hand up to tap your lips, puckering them playfully and awaiting his move.
he didn't stay frozen for much longer, how could he ever refuse you? he let his own smile grow as he leaned down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
he pulled back first, but he couldn't move far, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck, holding him close. his hands automatically moved to your waist.
"i have a few more requests to make before i can forgive you" you announced into the centimetres between you. "but i think i need a few more kisses first"
he released a small laugh, eyes shining as he watched your lips move. "is that so?" he hummed, dipping down again to press his mouth to yours. he paused before he could, murmuring lowly. "and how long do i have to complete these requests, darling?"
"forever, gray"
the hawthorne empire's heir, grayson hawthorne, is rumoured to be dating. find out more here.
"well, shit"
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thrandilf · 23 hours
Claudia, Claudia
Predicting a being who always held more cards in his hand than she did was difficult. She'd resigned herself to searching for Aaravos, alone, figuring her best shot was going to Katolis Castle and cutting through whatever and whoever she had to.
His voice surprised her, a voice she could hear when some part of her mind seemed to buzz, a voice that she'd gotten used to only catching whispers of in her ear. Now, it spoke in her mind directly.
I'll come to you. Wait for me.
She stopped in the middle of the forest path she'd been taking west. "What?" she asked aloud. Aaravos had never been one to respond to her when she wanted, much to her fury. She spun around, as if he was really there, still not used to her makeshift new leg, stumbling slightly. "Aaravos, come on! I don't- I don't know what else to do!"
Of course he wasn't there.
Because no one was, nor would they be. Not anymore.
Claudia halted for the day, making camp early, wondering if there was anything to his command for her to wait.
When she next heard his voice, it shot chills down her spine.
Claudia, Claudia,
She bolted up in her bedroll, gasping for breath. Unlike before, when he spoke into her mind, his voice seemed to echo physically around her, cushioned by the canopy of leaves above her.
A figure stood behind the last smoldering embers of her campfire. Tall, silhouette outlined by the moon, every angle from the hem of his robes to the curves of his horns elegant against the sky behind him. His skin glistened with constellations from somewhere far away, but the brightest spots were under his eyes. Even his eyes seemed to glow.
Those eyes glinted for just a moment as Aaravos took her in, expression softening as he knelt. He reached out, the scene still like a dream to her, fingertips resting on her jaw, thumb wiping away a tear she hadn't known had shed in her sleep.
"I'm here."
It was still as though his voice enveloped them both, deep and reassuring, just a hint of breathlessness to it as though he couldn't believe it either, a crack in the mask. She meant something to him- she was the first person he wanted to see.
She was first, to someone.
Claudia stumbled out of her sleeping bag and into his arms without thinking. "He's gone," she said, rambling and trying to catch her breath. "And Terry, he didn't understand- I know he'd leave too and so I had to go first, and- I just-"
"I know." He radiated patience, understanding without condescending. Aaravos returned her embrace, after a moment of hesitation. Perhaps she should have waited, given him time, how long had it been since he'd touched anyone? She almost pulled back but he held her closer, finally not just his voice but his breath and warmth also in her ear. "I never break a promise, Claudia."
Aaravos pulled back enough to look in her eyes, caring smile placating her worries. "I know what true loyalty means, what a gift you are to me." Claudia sniffled, torn between wanting to sob over how the past week had been or trying to be strong, to prove she was powerful enough, to earn what had always been impossible to earn, but there was no need for any of it.
"You have never failed in tests of love," he said, as if he knew what she wanted to hear, what she'd needed to hear all of her life. His lips twitched upwards into a smirk, relishing his own words. "Others failed us, Claudia. We need only give them what's coming to them for it."
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kouyou-arc-when · 2 days
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Hey, this is a great ask and I am so sorry for not replying earlier. I am responding like this because I actually broke the character limit since I'm dumb -_- I've written a lot of posts about this on reddit, and many people came up to me and asked me something similar. Your line of thinking is good. Regarding Dazai:
So, the thing is - to properly diagnose any personality disorder, you need to talk to that very person to understand their inner mechanisms. There are certain behavioral traits we can observe from the outside and make some guesses based on that: for example, Dazai's broadly dented empathy and why that's often found in people with ASPD.
However, for many other personality disorders it is very difficult to conclude much without the person saying ~I feel x because of y. I do c because of b.
Why? Personality disorders are internal structures that cause a person's behavior to be challenging to either them or others. To understand these mental processes is much more demanding than seeing a person just feels sad or anxious, to explain it simplistic terms.
The key behind many disorders is to know WHY a person is doing what they're doing. This one thing changes whether a person has x,z,y,t,n or whatever condition.
An example: BPD and CPTSD are often mistaken for one another. Same as with BPD, CPTSD, Autism and ADD in women, but BPD and CPTSD tend to have the largest "overgap", you can even have both at the same time. That's because many of the outside observable symptoms are the same.
An example: unstable relationships are a symptom of ALL of the above, but BPD is sort of...an outdated PD according to many specialists due to the fact that it was used as an "everything" disorder, where people with socially unconventional emotions were dumped. That's why you'll find two people with BPD that are almost nothing alike.
However, even if we hold to classic diagnostic criteria, let me show how the same symptom can be a product of entirely different circumstances.
For example: Someone with BPD will have unstable relationships due to an extreme fear of abandonment. Someone with Autism may have unstable relationships due to differences in communication styles Someone with ADHD will have unstable relationships due to various circumstances: emotional regulation, executive functioning etc.
So really, the outward result may be the same, but the cause is different.
However, now, typically the main reason someone could have BPD is either due to extreme splitting, favorite person behavior, numbness and/or abandonment issues.
Dazai 100% has "favorite person" syndrome going on with Oda - the way he idealized Odasaku and then devalues everyone around him in comparison is pretty clinical - doesn't mean their relationship isn't lovely, but it's certainly something a therapist would take note of.
It's no shocker Dazai has unstable relationships, but we don't 100% know why he does what he does.
That's the whole thing Asagiri said - the character is meant to be like a donnut, where you don't really know what's in the middle - so it's extremely difficult to say which PD fits him for sure, probably even more difficult than the average neurodivergent character. In my opinion, several interpretations of Dazai are simultaneously valid due to the fact that you could assume multiple personal struggles within him, and come to a reasonable conclusion.
Does Dazai have abandonment issues? He says he always loses everything he wants, is EXTREMELY bitter over Ango, and definitely shows some levels of "splitting", especially in how he treats Oda vs Ango, Akutagawa vs Atsushi etc etc.
I'm pretty confident he has PTSD, and everything that comes with that. He certainly has a personality disorder too, due to the fact that a lot of his difficulties stem from his personality, and not just brain chemistry.
Kunikida says that most of his emotions "seem" like an act, which raises a lot of questions to what is even happening on the inside. Asagiri said Dazai is really only himself in front of people like Oda and Fyodor. That version of Dazai is...much less cheerful than with everyone else.
I don't personally think Dazai is autistic since he has a good hang on social cues and overall communication. Mamoru Miyano said PM Dazai was still learning to communicate with others back in his Dark Era days, but it wasn't that he couldn't do it - he was just not interested in learning it.
I feel like Asagiri gave Dazai this "unrealistic" trait of being primarily isolated because he's extraordinarily intelligent (which is not how geniuses tend to feel irl, most of the time) but I always feel like there is something more to it.
There is definitely some /disconnect/ between Dazai and "normal" people, where he doesn't fully seem to understand certain things, he falls short there. As someone who has CPTSD diagnosed, I get the impression he maybe has a similar thing going on as many of us: A extremely traumatic experience disrupted a lot of normal emotional and cognitive processes, and now he's both extremely hypervigilant and unable to snap out of that "shellshocked" state. He needs to "perform" conventionality, and being a normal person.
In one wan chapter, he "made a joke" that you start doing one bad thing after another, and suddenly you feel nothing at all. That's the trademark numbness in both CPTSD and BPD.
There was this TDIPUD moment where he talks about how a personality is just a bunch of unstable premises that survive to uphold the basic instincts of the human mind - but how it's easily destroyed for that reason. This is a scene where he tortures the guy, and I was like "wow, I really get it". Severe trauma can just destroy the very structure of your personality, because extreme pain just numbs everything within you. "You" as a person can't survive.
BPD is also related to an unstable sense of self - which could be connected to the former paragraph. Sometimes lowered empathy is also a byproduct of BPD, in fact, the thing is that both BPD and CPTSD come from trauma 99% of the time. They're shockingly similar disorders.
So, does Dazai have BPD? No idea. He could also be schizoid to some extent, which is funny, because Franz Kafka had this disorder, the author that inspired Asagiri's nickname.
For now, I'd just leave at he has CPTSD for sure
Most of these disorders are very broad descriptors, and it's difficult to label most humans in a way that will genuinely encompass what their experiences are. Most of the time, these diagnostics are used to match a person with the best treatment available, or to explain what they're going through - so I don't think there is a perfect diagnosis for Dazai aside from PTSD, but he's definitely extremely neurodivergent. Thanks for reading <3
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coraniaid · 1 day
A random ask if you're up for it: what's a terrible take about the Buffyverse you've seen on tumblr but have not yet publicly kvetched about?
I'll be honest: this question prompted a moment of minor panic on my part because my very first instinct was to say something like "hmm, no, I don't think I've ever seen a bad take about Buffy on here I've not immediately complained about". Which is an admission that, were it accurate, should probably prompt rather more introspection on my part than I'd enjoy.
Thinking about it though, I don't think that is really true. In fact, I probably don't say anything negative about most of the bad Buffy takes I see, either because they're not particularly widespread (I try not to publicly disagree with other people's headcanons or even argue against popular posts if it would be obvious who I was responding to) or because they're about characters who I just don't talk about on here at all (either because I don't find them interesting or because my understanding of them is so at odds with the wider fandom's we'd be talking at cross-purposes).
(Or, sometimes, I don't say anything negative because I'm too busy enthusiastically reblogging the post in question, if we're being brutally honest about what counts as a "bad take".)
One concrete example I don't think falls under those headings and which I don't remember complaining about before is the way people talk about Buffy's speech in Selfless. Now, I'll be honest: I don't really like Selfless that much. It's in the top half of Season 7 episodes for me, possibly even the top third, but that's a pretty low bar. But what I do like a lot are Buffy/Faith parallels, and this episode has a big one in Buffy's speech towards the end of the episode:
At some point someone has to draw the line and that is always going to be me. You get down at me for cutting myself off, but in the end the Slayer is always cut off. There's no mystical guidebook; no all-knowing council. Human rules don't apply. There's only me. I am the law.
Obviously this reminds the audience of Faith's similar speeches in Season 3's Consequences, when she tells Buffy that the two of them are "better" than ordinary humans and then later that "you know I'm right. You know in your gut we don't need the law. We are the law."
We obviously aren't meant to agree with Faith in Consequences. (The fact that she follows this speech up by almost immediately defecting to work for the Mayor, commiting at least one cold-blooded murder, having a sobbing emotional breakdown where she begs somebody to kill her and then turning herself in to be judged and punished by the very human laws she sneered at earlier is something of a clue.)
A lot of people point out the parallel but then try to explain that what Buffy is saying is actually substantially different from Faith, and that Buffy is right while Faith was wrong. in Myth, Metaphor and Morality Mark Field (who I don't think is actually on Tumblr, technically, but who I'm referencing to avoid talking directly about the many people on Tumblr who agree with him) ties this in to the wider themes of Season 7, and describes the difference between Buffy and Faith as being that Faith is trying to avoid responsibility (for accidentally killing Allan Finch) while Buffy is taking responsibility (for doing what has to be done and killing Anyanka).
And yes, Buffy is doing something different to Faith here. She is not trying to say that she doesn't have to be accountable. She is not making excuses for her own mistakes or bad behaviour. She is trying to do (what she perceives as being) the right thing.
But Buffy is wrong as well. She is proved wrong within this episode. She doesn't have to kill Anya: in fact, she fails to kill Anya (indeed, given what we see of vengeance demons in The WIsh and in Older and Far Away I don't believe Buffy could possibly have killed Anya, but I know that vengeance demon lore is even less rigorous than vampire soul lore). The problem of Anya being a vengeance demon is resolved, not by Buffy, but by the people she was giving her speech to. The people who she was arguing didn't have a say.
Buffy is wrong, too, within the show's established lore. There is a mystical guidebook (even if her Watcher didn't have her read it), and there is a Council (even if they're far from all-knowing, Buffy could have been making use of their resources ever since she asserted her importance to them in Checkpoint, but she chose not to do this). And Buffy isn't alone. (At least Faith got the number of Slayers right in her speech!)
And Buffy is also wrong in terms of the wider season arc. Season 7 is not about Buffy saving the day by heroically taking all the world's burdens on to herself and making all the decisions. Her attempts to beat the First this way end disastrously; cutting herself off from her friends and her family and the very the Potentials she's trying to protect.
(Yes, the climatic scene in Empty Places is poorly written, but the season does very deliberately have Buffy fail to establish any sort of rapport or connection with the Potentials and spend less and less time with her friends. Buffy isn't blameless for those relationships falling apart, even if having her friends and sister kick her out of her own house is absurd.)
Instead of being the lone voice of judgment, Buffy beats the First and saves the world by not isolating herself. By working with her friends; by realizing they can do things she can't; by sharing her power with the Potentials (because "my power should be our power"); by reconnecting with Faith; by accepting help from Angel and from Spike; and by realizing that the people who "made up the rules" for Slaying thousands of years ago made a mistake.
The whole point of Chosen is that it is a refutation of the vision of being a Slayer that Buffy outlines in this episode.
Quoting it uncritically as if it sums up who Buffy is as a person is like, well, using Andrew's speech about "the Dark Slayer" to describe Faith. (Which ... oh, yeah, people also do.)
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34saveme34 · 2 days
Okay so, Thing I realised today
buckle up, it's gonna be something
classic smg34, right?
what do you think of when you remember classic smg34? Angst? Enemies to lovers? Hate so strong could only be love or whatever the name of the trope is? Wrong!
Like, I think he still is, and even the first time we see him, as in 3, his fucking debut episode, albeit he's not that far gone there yet but the beginning of it is right there
he loved 4's content so much, in reality he was trying to make his content so much like 4's as a love letter
no- not that way
like how FNF is a love letter to Newgrounds
except he fuckin sucked at it and it just turned into copying
but like think about it, after that happened, he got obsessed with 4 so much, not just out of hate and to be better than him and all that enemies bullshit but also because he still really admired him and I think he still found it fun to be around him, he just didn't want to admit it (him feeling nice around 4 can also be another thing of their link if we include modern34 as well) because- that's admitting defeat. he's also like, a loner of sorts or at least before all of it, he didn't really have like, a friend to JUST have a friend
even with Bowser, they were kind of friends out of working at the same job so like- and also the dynamics there I bet he wasn't satisfied with
like I bet even beside Bowser he felt lonely, and definitely partly because he way too obsessed with 4 to realise that he actually had people in his life
like lowkey his life kinda crumbled out of his grasp then because he let his obsession with 4 get this much to his head, to the point of doing things without planning even- I mean, I bet he didn't plan to EAT the god damn youtube remote
and like you can kinda see the same thing with his heist gang who were replacing the others in Youtube arc, he didn't care to be a good leader, all he wanted is to satisfy his obsession with 4, which is probably why that crew like, didn't get to grow a stronger dynamic, HE was the weak link in all of this and made the team like that
And now you might be asking, what does this has to do with Trash Friends?
You see, before genesis kicked off and like the whole 10 year anniversary
I mentioned this before and I still hold to it, 3 got to redeem himself not because of suffering, but because of finding an outlet for himself- that ISN'T 4!! He didn't take over the Graveyard to take revenge on 4, he took it over because 1, it was kinda his destiny and 2 because he had to survive somehow and he found purpose in it
And now, shit mellowed out BECAUSE he wasn't so obsessed with 4 anymore, at least not like that
which meant he wasn't in 4's shadows anymore
even though the universe paired them up (in more than one way :3) he wasn't just 4's obsessed kind of stalker anymore
AND NOW- why oh WHY is Trash Friends so significant? Because 3 is fearful and lives in the past
"You are just a worse version of me" it's like he's recalling the past, he doesn't want to go back to that, to go back to the old ways when 4 didn't consider him a friend, he's so so scared of fucking that up and like- like like like- if we go further on this, isn't it so obvious? They're both like, anxiously cling onto the past, even though they've grown now, they keep regressing because of the fear
and I think- I think Trash Friends started to remedy it
BECAUSE it broke the cycle. 3 opened up, 4 realised how he's been thinking in the past too and probably felt awful for it
I don't think it SOLVED it persay but it definitely started to
like I do wish we saw a little more of that with the 2 like, even if just for a tiny scene, taking their time to communicate
because I'm prrretty sure that was what Trash Friends was supposed to be starting
and not gonna lie, probably why we get the silly videos with them working together
but I do wish wish wish we saw a little more of them talking about it
But I can definitely say, there's still things they need to discuss, things to fully get over and to get stronger together, especially pointing at SMG4 simulator with 3 seemingly being an epic rare special catch of sorts and YET still being negative points and also the timer skipping 34, like 4 is trying to push aside his feeling for 3
which is why I think if they do it right with the right things, smg34 becoming canon could be one of the most natural processes of SMG4 history
And thank you for reading! Hope I got you convinced :33
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Can I request a fic where Wrecker or Hunter (your choice) falls for a circus performer after he sees a show where she’s an acrobat? (I’m thinking Greatest Showman vibes for this fic)
Wrecker x Reader
Summary- Wreckers sees your performance as an acrobat and immediately falls in love!
A/N- Thank you for requesting, I finally had an idea spark with his prompt! Thank you SO MUCH for your patience <3 Reader is described as flexible, but no body type is mentioned! :)
Word Count- 1,187
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Growing up on Ord Mantell was tough to say the least. It was an over-populated and crowded city. Not to mention, being the daughter of a Ring Master.
Your father ran a sort of Circus. Taming and showing off exotic creatures, all while putting on a show. You knew at an early age you'd follow in his footsteps of becoming a performer. To see the cheers and joy on faces made all your hard work pay off.
And the pay? Well it was enough to get by.
Your day started like any other, warming up for your set moves. That was until a small girl and a very large man in armor stumbled into the Circus tent.
They both seemed sweet, but the show didn't start for another hour.
"Excuse me, how can I help you?" You walked up to them, your shiny leotard and skirt reflecting in the lights.
"Wow..." The big man spoke.
You frowned your brows at him. "Oh! Uh, I'm Wrecker! Your outfit is really pretty..." Your face rose in understanding. He meant a compliment, not an insult.
"Well thank you, Wrecker! May I ask what you two are doing here? The circus doesn't start until the sun goes down." They must be new to the city, most knew exactly when the tricks started.
"We came to see the show! We were just so excited, we couldn't wait until sundown!" The girl beamed you had a good feeling about her.
You smiled at her words, it was becoming more rare for children to be excited for your work. Many chose to stay indoors now, you mostly received tourists nowadays.
"You sure sound excited! What's your name?" You teased, slightly bending down to her.
"I'm Omega, and this is my brother." She turned to gesture to Wrecker. You got a good look at him, he was... really tall and muscular.
You were extremely grateful for the colorful lighting all around. Without it, they'd have been able to see your blush.
Feeling in a particularly good mood, you spoke. "Since you two have been so kind, would you like to stay? To watch the rehearsals and warm ups?"
The girl jumped up, grabbing onto her brothers arm. "Oh, please Wrecker?"
He was distracted, however. His eyes still on you. "Uh yeah sure kid. Whatever you want."
You noticed, bashfully looking down. Only for a moment, as an idea sparked. "Why don't you guys go over to the snack booth and get some Mantell Mix? On the house!"
You pointed to the stand. After they both thanked you, Omega and Wrecker headed that way.
Something turned in your stomach, nerves... You haven't gotten nervous before performing since you were a child. Your whole life you'd been on stage, why was not any different? Was it because Wrecker was still keeping a mesmerized eye on you?
Sure, you had plenty of creeps checking you out. It just came with the job, a tight leotard never helped. Wrecker, however, didn't have a lustful eye. He truly seemed innocent and simply in adoration when he looked at you.
You shook off the feeling, after the show was over they'd leave. Just like everyone else did. That was just the path you chose in life. You couldn't help but wonder if you wanted more. Everyone seemed to come and go, but you stayed. Were you tired of staying in one place?
You had no time to dwell on such thoughts, the show was starting soon. A crowd was starting to form, lines getting longer at the food stands. It was your que to follow your father behind the curtains.
Just before doing so, you looked back. A small tradition your mother started when you were little. A last look at the crowd before you reentered as their entertainment. Typically, they were basking in the refreshments or the patterns covering the walls- but your eyes met Wreckers.
He had a goofy grin on his face, one that matched Omegas. When he saw you looking back at him, he gave an energetic wave. You shyly raised your hand to acknowledge him, a matching grin on your face.
It made your heart flutter, though you intermediately shamed yourself for feeling so childish. Flings were for children. Not professional performers.
The show went on, as it always does. Lights move quickly, crowd hushing, and your father the ring bearer introduces the acts.
Juggling, Knife Throwing, Beast Tamer, Sword Swallowing, Clowns. You name it. Each after the other came out in a silly or scary tune. You, however were called last.
"We conclude our show with the Acrobat and Trapeze artist in one!" He called your name out, a slow melody following. It was a sweet harmony you enjoyed, the colorful lights dimming.
Only a single light filled the tent, pointed at you as you were lowered from a support rail.
A silk stream warped around your waist and upper arms. You bended and twisted- earning many gasps and whispers.
You found yourself wondering only for the large man you just met. Was he encaptured by your movements? Was he worried for you as you dropped down to the floor, swinging on the silks? Did he care enough?
Finishing the show was second nature, jumping from one side of the tent to another, grabbing onto rope and gliding above the crowd, a fake sword fight with a clown. It was work, but you truly had fun each time.
Sooner than later, it was all over. You retreated after the applause, noting that Wrecker cheered the loudest. When the majority of the crowd was gone, you came back out to help the clean up.
"That was Auuhhmazing!" He drew out his words, Wrecker bouncing over to you. Omega was hot on his tail.
You flashed your teeth, "Thank you!" Typically it ended at that, but he had so many nice things to say about you...
"I was so scared for you, that last drop was crazy!" He said, looking genuinely concerned. Omegas added to him, "You looked so cool in the silk ropes!"
"You two are so kind, I'm truly flattered." You began to end the conversation, a blush rising up.
That was until Omega pulled on Wreckers arm, "Now!" She urged.
He was bashful, rubbing the back on his neck. "Uh, you really are beautiful. Not that that's the only think I noticed! Uhm, I just, you are so talented, and nice... I was wondering if you'd..." He stopped to look at your expression.
"I would be honored Wrecker, just name a time and place." You had never known yourself to be so bold, he just seemed to bring that out in you.
"Really?" He exclaimed, surprised. "Yes." You laughed out.
"What about after tomorrow's show?" He was eager.
"I'll be waiting right here in my nicest dress." At your words, his face dropped. He turned to Omega.
"We have to go shopping for some nice clothes!" She seemed to become giddy at this.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Wrecker. I'm looking forward to it." He could only blush and stare as you walked away.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowers
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h3rself · 3 days
did i ever tell you guys that i got a handwritten letter from K?
a little back story: i'm a very sentimental person, and whenever someone means something to me, they will one hundred percent get a piece of paper from me with all of my feelings poured on it in ink. that's just who i am. i keep a small notebook of everything everyone's ever said to me, and i just think it's nice to give others something to hold on to as well (or at least i hope they do hold on to it).
K kind of knows about all this because i've mentioned it multiple times on Instagram stories, but he hadn't gotten a letter from me yet at the time. what he didn't know back then was that i'd been working on a letter to give to him after i graduate. i just wanted to, you know, let him know how much he and his classes meant to me. and i kinda hoped i'd be the first student to ever do that for him in this form.
as you might remember, there was a moment right before the end of my last year at uni where i decided to be a little bold and i invited him for a glass of wine at a nice restaurant. that is also when i gave him my letter.
to my surprise, somewhere towards the end of our meeting, after he said we should head home, he took something–an envelope–out of his jacket, and put it next to my hand that was resting on the side of the table (i remember this because our hands brushed and i almost died)
imagine how fast my heart was beating then!!! he told me to open it at home, which only made me more anxious
the envelope had my name on it in his handwriting. i should probably tell you about his handwriting. he uses a fountain pen, and writes beautifully in cursive. he wrote my full name in gold ink, and i'm not even joking when i say i had no idea my name could look this pretty
i took an uber home and as soon as i got out, i sat at the nearest bench and opened the envelope. you guys, my hands were shaking at that point.
i don't want to post the entire content of the letter here for privacy reasons obviously, but one of the things that i think became engraved in my head was how he said that he never really treated me as a student but rather as an equal because of how much i already knew and how little he had to teach me, and how he viewed having linguistics classes with me as, and i quote, simply using language as a means of exchanging thoughts, because it was never just a class, more like a conversation between us.
i've got a photo of this letter saved on my phone and i look at it every now and then because i swear to god this is the most beautiful thing anyone's ever done for my sentimental heart
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py-dreamer · 1 day
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Ok I honestly don't know if I'll ever finish the other WIP...
I've had this in my files for a while now, got the guts to finish it and so here it is.
Y'know that one painting in Rapunzel's tower? The one with the floating lights?
Yea so I wanted Red Son to have something like that but I thought that the prince is an inventor and while is still technically an artist so I wanted to give his piece a new format.
(art isn't necessarily a 2D format after all)
Then I remembered the wishing machine from the greatest showman.
And I thought like why don't we combine the two?
Like a stained glass wishing machine thingy!
And it makes sense cause with his firey powers and all, I imagine Red could easily melt sand if he ever got access.
So it would make sense that he'd experiment around with stained glass
He wouldn't need a blowtorch or soldering iron cause again, he's got his hands.
I imagine his tools are quite limited in the tower so he'd make his own and for a kid who never left his tower, he's quite the craftsman I imagine!
think about it:
there are just hanging glass pictures everywhere.
You look in his bedroom and instead of the blank skylight you have a bit of a glass rook with shingles missing but replaced by stained glass pictures the prince made over the years
and we have that epic shot in the end of the movie where light streams through all the tiny windows and glass all showing the samadhi flower and Red Son realizes they're the goddamn lost prince!
Like wouldn't that just be magical?
Pay no mind to the gold ring in his hair, I genuinely don't know what its for.
I was trying to render the hair, made a part too shadowy like something was meant to be there so I just went:
"Slap a ring on it!"
I have to credit my friend (no name drops for privacy's sake) for pushing for the idea for the colorful spots of light
(ignore how it looks like circus polka dots)
during the performance I was working on, I spent like 50% of my time drawing when I wasn't needed (a lot of the time) and could just work on my projects which was really nice
And the performance was a hit!!
Gosh I still miss it so much, its only been like 4 days
I've honestly really put off this project cause I was really scared to do the stained glass but personally, I do really like how it came out!
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poppystheories · 3 days
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Allen's in serious trouble. He was already in bad shape from everything that's happened so far, considering the hits to the head he's taken and bite Krory took out of him. But just as he can't find the strength to continue fighting...
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My first thought was: Allen's Innocence has activated on its own again! But that’s wrong; it doesn't seem to be activated. Something just made Allen's hand move to catch the axe.
A certain someone has awoken!
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This isn't an illusion, or a hallucination. This is not in Allen's head. This actually happens, as Eliade sees it. Akuma!Mana is right here.
First there's the Spiral, and then the entity has the D from the logo too, though we don't have a clue as to why. Mana D. Campbell? Something to do with what the D stands for?
You'll also note that the skulls is incomplete, and its right side references the spiral again. Souls can be called back from the Spiral by their bonds with the living, so long as they have an anchor: the upside down star that represents matter prevailing over spirit, which Allen has carved in his face.
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The curse evolves right in front of our eyes, then retreats back inside him. Akuma!Mana even talks to him, saying "I'm back". Back from being temporarily destroyed by Road, or is this the first time the consciousness with the curse has awoken at all?
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We've seen these black eyes on the Earl and Nea. Allen's star is also now filled in. Was its shape before indicative of some kind of incompleteness? Meant to represent that before, it was empty, but now it is properly housing something?
When Akuma evolve from Level 1 to 2, they become a lot more sentient, with their own thoughts and personalities. Allen's eye is doing something similar; Allen himself even points that out, with the Dark Matter evolving to the next stage within him. Still, the whole-ass consciousness that came with that evolution does not get acknowledged enough.
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Allen's thoughts are presented to us like this.
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is someone else entirely. There's an entity inside the eye now, with its own separate thoughts.
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Allen recognizes that Mana is the one speaking to him, somehow using the Spiral of Life. We see them them standing together within it, at least.
Allen tells Mana the conclusion he's come to: he has finally found a place to belong, a path to walk. The tragic fate of an exorcist is his choice. He appreciates Mana's gift to him (Mana's desire to protect him), but he would've chosen the path regardless, even though it's dangerous.
In this moment, there's no doubt that this "Mana", whatever part of the original he is, knows Allen is his own person, the child with Innocence, not Nea or a dog.
He is also dressed like "Mana Walker", nothing like the youthful Mana D. Campbell's more casual clothes or the beige suits the Earl wears.
All of this makes me think that Akuma!Mana is the "soul" of all the memories from in-between meeting Red and Mana "dying" that the Earl wanted to discard, alongside any inconvenient sentiments like fatherhood that may hold him back.
If that turns out to be true, that might mean this remnant of Mana doesn't even know who Nea is.
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Don't get up on the "fall" wording here, the translations vary. I think "sink" might have been a better choice.
Akuma!Mana encourages Allen, and even gives him what could be some advice or a some kind of hint. Did Mana also see the world of black and white, when he was alive? Is that one of the Earl's abilities? The ability to see the souls is leading Allen to some kind of answer; he definitely grasps at least some of that truth when he uses the knowledge to take his body back from Nea much later.
This whole scene is one of the most interesting in DGM, but I really don't think its discussed enough. Again, this is not some symbolic or metaphorical meeting of Allen connecting with his own grief, this very much happens. Eliade witnessed the skull and everything.
Mana is somehow using the curse as an anchor and connecting to Allen from or through the Spiral or something like that. He is conscious and aware and "back". Maybe Road's candle really did do something that allowed him to gain so much consciousness, and even move Allen's body.
Regardless, this will not be the last time this entity within the curse interferes. He doesn't talk much, but he is very much present going forward, and saves Allen on several occasions.
The names of these chapters are "return" and "merge", by the way.
So yeah. Akuma!Mana is in Allen's eye and he's along for the ride. Neat.
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pastafossa · 1 year
Charlie Cox experience at Philly Fan Expo 2023
So LET”S TALK ABOUT ME MEETING CHARLIE. I’m actually going to make two posts - this one just about my experiences with Charlie, because they were incredibly meaningful and deserve their own post, and then another one about the rest of the con!
I’m going to talk about Charlie first, because of how amazing the experience was, one of the best I’ve had, especially at the autograph table. I’ve done photos, gotten autographs and such before from other celebs - from niche voice actors I loved to people like David Tennant - but this felt Really Really Big. Obviously, I was nervous as all hell because holy shit Charlie Cox, my favorite actor whose work altered the course of my life. I won’t lie - I’d been practicing what to say to him in case I freaked out, but I’m happy to say that everyone who reassured me it would go great, because he was so, so genuine and kind, were right.
The photo op happened first (and thank you to everyone on tumblr guiding me where to go, cause I was LOST about where that was happening), and that went fast. By that point in the con hall, I’d already ditched my Jessica Jones jacket and gloves cause holy shit it’s hot and I am a creature of snow and ice, and my hair was a mess, but honestly I didn’t care, cause there he is. You don’t get long, but he made the most of it and he was SO sweet. Ya’ll, he asked my name, said my name as he shook my hand, and called me ‘my dear’ in that beautiful voice.
I was literally on the moon, but it was time for the big question:
Will he hold the red thread from TRT?
So in a quiet, nervous, soft author voice, I asked, ‘would you be ok with holding this end of the thread?’
I’m fairly certain he doesn’t know about the fic at this point - he wasn’t sure where to hold it until I told him, but he loved that it lit up! AND THEN HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME AND I GOT TO PUT MY ARM AROUND HIM BACK.
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I’m fairly certain I’m dead in the photo. My soul had left my body. I had ascended. I saw Jesus and he looked like Charlie. I had achieved fic author heights never imagined. My brain filled with enough serotonin and dopamine to sink a ship. I didn’t care that I was hot and sweaty or that my hair was messy or that my cosplay didn’t work out like I’d planned. I had been blessed.
also look at that forearm holy shit
I floated outta that gd room ya’ll. I’m pretty sure @wonderlandmind4​ did the same. WE FROLICKED OUT OF THAT HALL LIKE
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But things got even better at the autograph table, and I had one of the most touching experiences ever.
not me tearing up thinking about it.
That line was long, but I kept getting glimpses of him and I could already tell he was enjoying interacting with people, and he was making sure everyone got their bit of time with him instead of letting anyone rush people through. He was so happy looking, laughing and grinning, high fives and fist bumps for kids, chatting with fans. Which made me feel a little more confident.
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I know some people wondered if I’d tell him about TRT, and I’d already decided I wasn’t going to. Instead, I really, really wanted just a second to tell him what his work as Daredevil had meant for me, as someone who became disabled around the same time Matt did as a kid, and who related to... a lot of what Matt went through in the show. I’d practiced it over and over again, and there was only a fifty percent chance I wouldn’t start crying while telling him, and I wasn’t even sure I’d have time to tell him depending on how much time we had.
He made time.
I got up to him with my art print holy shit he’s even more beautiful in person and his eyes are STUNNING. He said hi, and asked my name so he could personalize the autograph if I wanted (DUH, YES PLEASE), and he apologized about the line after we shook hands. I jokingly told him it was fine since I’d driven hours to get here. A little time in line wasn’t a bother. He even loved one of the buttons on my lanyard - the button of Matt wearing a heart crown specifically! And as he was writing, I knew this was my chance to tell him. He was still signing, so I just decided to go for it in case I ran out of time.
“I just wanted to tell you,” I said quietly, “as someone who became disabled as a kid around the same age as Matt did—”
And then he did something I didn’t expect, something I’d rarely seen anyone do, famous or not, and something I’d never had an actor or artist do for me.
He immediately set down the pen, leaned in close over the table, and made direct eye contact, while giving me the most genuine, gentle, encouraging smile I’d ever seen.
In that moment, I knew everything in him was listening, that he cared about what I was about to say and recognized that this was important to me, and that he’d closed the distance to make this conversation just... us. It felt personal in a way I’ve never experienced at a con or signing.  
Just like that, I wasn’t afraid to tell him what I’d wanted to.
“And as someone who related to... a lot of what Matt went through, his struggles in the show, and especially the dark parts of season 3,” I said, more confidently now, “I wanted you to know that all the work you put in, the way you played it, the way you played Matt and treated it seriously, seeing that helped me process and heal from a lot of my own trauma and pain over what I’ve gone through with my illnesses. What you did was important and it really helped me. So I wanted you to know that, how much that meant to me, and to say thank you.”
The whole time I spoke to him, he kept direct eye contact, and didn’t look away once. He didn’t get antsy, or look like he wanted me to hurry up (which I’d have understood, cause damn, these are long days for him). He listened, fully engaged and leaning in, his eyes warm and soft and kind but incredibly serious. I’m not sure how often he’s been told something like this—a lot, I expect; his portrayal was just that good, and I know it was important to a lot of fans—but what I was trying to tell him clearly meant something to him. I felt heard, seen, and understood.
Charlie really does care about his fans. It isn’t an act. I’m sure of it now.
“Thank you, truly,” he said, just as quietly but with that honest smile, eye crinkles and all, and seeing it in person, that close up, I swear the room felt ten times brighter. “Thank you for coming to tell me that. It means a lot, the idea that something I did meant so much and that it could help you. I’m so grateful that you were able to come visit and tell me.”
We shook hands after that. He wished me a good day and I told him thank you again, and that was that. The interaction only lasted maybe a minute, but it meant the absolute world to me, as did what he’s done as Daredevil. And now he knows that.
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#Philly Fan Expo#Charlie Cox#Daredevil#he HELD THE THREAD ya'll#my fanfic author life is now complete#and honestly as a fan i don't know if any other experience will ever top those moments I got with Charlie#he is so so kind and warm and wonderful#the way he immediately stopped and gave me his full attention when i started to tell him what it meant#i just had to stop for a second and collect myself because just...#he was *listening* and despite all the noise and chaos i suddenly had his full attention#the way he leaned in so the conversation felt like it was just us  and the way he cocked his head and focused on me like#i can't think of  a single celeb or interaction like that where i've felt that much like what i was saying to him mattered#(that's not dissing the other actors and celebs i've met. they've all been wonderful! but charlie definitely has a special kindness i think)#and i can now say having been that close to him and having spoken with him over something fairly serious#he is literally one of the kindest celebs i've met and the most genuine#you can literally see the warmth in his eyes when he looks at you. he's *legitimately* happy you're there to talk to him or see him#maybe one day he'll find out about TRT. i'm honestly not sure#but even if he doesn't at least I got a chance to tell him how much what he's done has helped me heal#from a lot of really... really hard things in my life#and according to a friend (who I didn't even know was there but spotted me talking to Charlie from another line!)#Charlie did indeed stay until WAY late signing everyone's stuff so that no one missed an autograph#he said his estimation of Charlie just shot way up because even hours later he was still taking his time with each fan that came up#Charlie has absolutely solidified as my favorite actor and one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting
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wah i looove their designs and animation...
#sketched last night looped ''hot air balloon'' track last night rewatched elemental last night you know just how it is....i love it all augh#elemental#elemental 2023#pixar elemental#elemental fanart#ember lumen#wade ripple#it's so fun how just going w/the flow waviness drawing a wade is Correct. some flamey shiveriness / jaggedness in ember's lines is Correct#and it's all the more fun how it's like oh ofc not quite hitting the mark of how great their designs really are....so so good#and of course the expressive elasticity not only with their faces but the way their bodies ft. respective elements can be expressive#in addition to just usual [assume you have a usual literal human body] expressiveness options in posture / movement etc lol#also was thinking about how like we know everything we Need to know re: wade & his dad but also have so [zero details there]#which is interesting to wonder about. kinda assumed like oh a parent got sick & died but now considering how it could've been an accident..#the tiny layer of A Reaction he has when ember's talking abt parents giving up everything for you: could be nothing much; or Anything#also noting i Didn't note the first instances that they hear each other's names or introduce themselves thusly lol#or at least i sure can't recall it. just start knowing the other's name partway through which Isn't A Problem but it's like#ooh just more to consider & reexamine. i love to pick up More Details & that's helped by my difficulty in catching them in the first place#one thing about me i don't Catch things i don't Notice shit i don't Get stuff. and also of course: i do though lol#always a trip when it's like oh i love this movie i'm seeing it probably the two dozenth time#and then i notice something for the very first time that was clearly straightup meant to be Gotten upon the immediate viewing#even to the extent that smthing later seems to be kinda happening out of nowhere if you didn't. & i'd just rolled with it#like ok i'm autistic ofc that's something i gotta do all the time. & the adhd means i might keep getting distracted around the same pts.
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