#I had fun writing this! I feel like my writing could still use more in the way of variance and like. Interest. Imagery
tadpolesonalgae · 1 day
Azriel x reader
a/n: thank you, anon <3, I had a lot of fun writing this 😌
warnings: smut, spitting, hate-sex, slight power imbalance?
word count: 4,170
“Where’s your report?”
“I thought you were doing it.”
The look Azriel gives you is filled with enough ire to have a hint of satisfaction sparking in your chest, the hollow beneath his dark brows deepening as his classical features twist into an expression of silent hatred.
“You have thirty minutes to get it written up and on my desk,” he says shortly, words icy and clipped in the exact way that has irritation scratching at the back of your mind. “That’s completely unreasonable,” you reply bluntly. “Besides,” you say, holding his dark gaze, “I thought you were my superior. I was just there to offer assistance, so there’s no need for me to submit a formal report.”
“My desk. Half an hour,” he repeats coldly, his tone blunt and unforgiving. “Not a minute later.”
Then he turns, closing the door with enough force it creates a distinct hissing noise on the way shut, leaving you to struggle with the deadline.
Twenty-nine minutes later you deliver three forceful knocks to his door, blood hot as it boils in your veins, report still stuck to your clipboard which is in turn tucked beneath your arm.
“Enter,” he calls, and a muscle in your jaw ticks at the tone. Curt and demanding. Still, you step inside, allowing the door to click shut, dropping the clipboard on his desk on top of a file he was writing in, hopefully smudging the ink as the board clatters upon the surface. “Good enough?” You nearly spit, but manage to tone down the venom just enough.
Thunder claps from outside as your eyes meet, and he picks the report up, leaning back in his chair as he begins to read through the hurried scrawl. You bite down a snappy remark, hands clasped behind your back in proper fashion as you’re forced to wait for him to complete his review. You get the distinct impression he’s taking his time.
His dark eyes pause a third of the way down the page, brows narrowing before dragging his gaze to yours. “The disposal was rushed and excessively violent. Diplomacy would have been preferable, and much more suitable?” He reads aloud, voice rough and gravelly with barely restrained ire.
“You asked for my report,” you counter lowly, unable to help the disagreeable twist of your features as you glare at him. “Diplomacy did not guarantee the mission’s success. It would have been a waste of time,” he replies.
“That’s just like you to rush into violence,” you hiss, nails digging into the skin of your wrist with the amount of restraint you’re using to keep from doing something you’ll regret. “You resort to slaughter at the slightest inconvenience,” you seethe, nails piercing the skin. “Fucking Illyrian,” you spit.
Ire blazes behind his eyes, reflecting the hatred burning in your own gaze.
Not breaking eye-contact, he reaches for a blank sheet of paper and places it before him on the desk, jabbing his finger once down atop the page. “Rewrite it. Now.”
A startled laugh barks from your throat as you stare at him in disbelief. “You can’t be serious.”
“I won’t repeat myself.”
You stare at him longer, furious indignation boiling your blood, able to feel as your temper begins to bubble over with blatant provocation. “You’re a spiteful piece of shit,” you seethe lowly but he doesn’t buckle beneath your rage. You wouldn’t hate him as much as you do if you could so easily get the better of him. “You just want me to write a report in your favour. You can’t stand that you might have made the wrong call.”
“It was the right call,” he replies harshly, a hiss in his voice, “your lack of experience is limiting your understanding. I knew you weren’t fit for this mission—I’ll have you moved to a more suitable position.”
“You’re the one in the wrong position,” you spit, stalking forward so you’re right before his desk. “You’re too prone to excessive violence. You needlessly took a life that could have been saved. It would have been of no consequence to us if he lived.”
“His existence would have only perpetuated the problem,” Azriel repeats lowly, his own temper beginning to show as he stands from his desk, palms flattening across its surface as he leans forward. “Purge from the roots, or it will only return. Now write the report.”
Gritting your teeth any tighter would have surely caused one to crack beneath the pressure, and you can perfectly imagine how it would feel to launch yourself across the desk and wrap your hands around his throat. To squeeze until he’s thrashing beneath you, that indomitable figure writhing beneath you as you begin to pry the life from his body…to set him alight and watch him scream.
You ease out a breath, soothed by the surprisingly violent imagery. You aren’t one to generally resort to that kind of solution, but with him it seems almost irresistible…the call of violence, how good it would feel to watch blood bead on his skin.
Frustration slightly abated, you drag the paper from beneath his hold. “Give me the clipboard.”
“You’ll complete it here, where I can see you,” he replies icily.
“Fine. Give me the clipboard,” you bite out, rage already rising again.
“You don’t need it. You’ll write it here,” he says, gesturing to the desk.
A tinge of red creeps into your vision, and it takes all your discipline not to reach for the blades tucked beneath your clothes. Stiff with rage, you drag the paper to the side of his desk, walking around to his side as you take a pen from the pot, making a point of reaching through his personal space. Then, as you’re retracting, you decide you’ve had enough of restraining yourself. “Illyrian scum,” you hiss out, gaze piercing into him as your hand tightens around the pen, clutching it as though it were a blade.
His pupils narrow into slits and his fingers crush at the soft skin of your throat. Your entire body contracts beneath the brutal touch, the tip of steel already poised to slice into leather and cut through his blackened heart. Stalemate.
“You’re a fucking piece of work,” he snarls out gutturally, expression twisted into picturesque wrath, ignoring the stinging pain as you slide the blade deeper, sharp enough to pierce the leather with ease, poised to cut into flesh. He seems to remember himself, hold lightening only marginally…enough you have to pull back on the blade or else he’ll be justified in his hostility.
“Infighting is forbidden,” you manage to get out, making sure to keep the steel close enough to his flesh he knows you won’t hesitate anymore. “You broke a rule, Spymaster.”
“And what will you do?” He asks, cruel mirth glittering in his dark hazel eyes. “Will you try for diplomacy now?” He hisses, squeezing the sides of your throat painfully.
“Why would I bother with a brute?” You rasp back, neither of you bothering to conceal the venom in your voices. “Clear aggression is the only language you’ll understand, so I’ll just have to act in a way that’ll get through that thick skull of yours.”
“Brandishing a weapon against me is enough to have you permanently removed from your position,” he hisses down at you.
“Fine,” you breathe, coming to the same conclusion as he has for the expulsion of rage that’s been building up inside of you. “Hand-to-hand combat it is.”
His hand releases your throat at the same time the blade falls from your fingertips, his grip sliding to the nape of your neck as your arms snake over his shoulders, nails raking through his hair as you’re magnetically snatched against one another, hardly a breath of air to be found between your bodies as you’re crushed against one another. Teeth flash as canines scrape, but his fingers dig into the tendon at your neck, forcing you to seize as he pries you apart with his tongue and mouth. Your lip curls in a snarl as he pushes into you, able to see how his wings have instinctively flared at his back, shadows writhing and deepening with unsuppressed fury.
Without giving him a chance to defend your arms surge further down his back, nails brandished as they scratch across the intimate skin of his wings, slicing the leathery surface jaggedly. He recoils, a vicious snarl cutting through the room that has satisfaction blazing across your chest. Rage bleeds across his features and his hand returns to your throat, shoving you down onto his desk, papers flying as ink spills across the surface, pens clattering as they drop to the floor. Your hands fly to his wrist, scratching at his scarred knuckles but his mouth has already descended over yours again and you move to grip at his hair, silky and soft beneath your violent touch. Heat swarms your skin as his shadows pin you down, writhing pleasantly across your body in a way that has your insides fluttering.
Azriel again pries your lips apart, tongue sweeping in as his mouth slants invasively over your own, flicking and stroking while his fingers hold your jaw in a vice-like grip. A strange feeling skitters beneath your skin, and you wrap your legs around his hips, minimising the space between your bodies as he presses flush against your centre.
You can feel him.
Oh Gods, you can feel him completely.
Your mouth parts as you push against him, tongue sweeping across his own, the kisses hot and wet as each of you refuse to lighten your grip on the other and your thighs squeeze him closer, determined you won’t be losing this battle.
Azriel pulls away abruptly, and you look up at him, watching keenly for any move he’ll make, aware what kind of beast you’re taunting. “Keep still,” he commands roughly, voice like gravel as his shadows swarm your body, and you snarl as the hand that was pinning your throat to the desk drops to the hem of your shirt. Before you have a chance to counter he’s lowered to your neck, hair having fallen back onto the surface so he has plenty of room as his shadows shove your face to the side.
You inhale sharply as his teeth graze the sensitive expanse, grip tugging on his hair to get him closer, eager to have him working his mouth over the intimate area. “Hurry up,” you hiss, eager to be rid of the burning heat as soon as possible.
“I’ll go at whatever pace I like,” he replies darkly before sinking his teeth into your shoulder, biting down hard enough to leave more than just a mark in his wake. A noise of pleasure seeks to slip from your mouth as he palms at your breast, thumb grazing across your nipple as he targets a spot just beneath your ear, kissing down your neck as he makes his way to your collar bones, littering your skin with deep bite marks that will surely remain for days, even with accelerated healing.
“You’re an arrogant prick, you know that,” you pant, putting as much venom into your voice as you can manage, thighs tightening around his hips so you can feel him more acutely, the thick length of him rubbing over your centre. “And you’re turned on by that?” He counters sharply with a hungry glint in his eyes.
Heat flushes your skin as you make to deny his claim, but his shadows have been untying the laces of your trousers making it easy for him to roughly grip the waistband and shove the material away, dragging it over your thighs and off past your ankles, leaving you with only your underwear to conceal your lower half. “Slow down,” you snarl, searching for a way to regain control of the situation. You hate that he’s the one in charge.
Azriel grips the underside of your thighs, guiding them to wrap snugly around his hips again as his hand slips beneath your shirt again, settling over your breast, fingers skimming your nipple tauntingly. “Hurry up. Slow down. Which one is it?” He goads, something that looks too close to male satisfaction passing through his expression for you to stand. Your lip curls and before you can second-guess yourself you’ve spat at him.
He freezes for a moment, motion halting and you find yourself holding your breath, keeping entirely still beneath him. Waiting for the storm to break.
Fury engulfs his eyes, features twisting in a snarl as he grips your jaw, fingers squeezing at the muscle as he forces your mouth open, spitting down between your lips. Your eyes widen as arousal flutters violently in your lower abdomen, unable to help the way your hips buck as you swallow. Sadism glints in his hazel eyes, his own arousal beginning to filter through into your lungs but to your surprise you don’t hate it.
“Like that?” He croons lowly, leaning over you while still gripping your jaw, eyes dark and dangerous yet there’s an unmistakable heat that he’s not quite able to entirely suppress. Rage pierces through your mind and your palm smacks across his cheek, nails catching on his brow and temple as you snarl lowly. “Try that again,” you hiss in warning, “I’m not against walking out right now if you pull something like that again.”
“Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it,” he replies icily, syllables dragging from his throat.
“Prick,” you snarl.
“Brat,” he bites back.
You make to smack him again but his shadows snare your wrists faster than you can blink, slamming them painfully back onto the table, the impact ringing through your bones but you refuse to show your wince. You open your mouth to hiss something at him—what, you haven’t yet decided—but the intention dissolves on your tongue as you feel him cup you through your underwear. Heat unravels in your lower stomach, liquefying into a torrent as arousal breaks all at once across your skin and you find yourself breathless. Cruel, dark hazel eyes pierce into yours, watching intently as he rests the heal of him palm over the apex of your thighs, his middle finger running tauntingly over your entrance, applying a light pressure to the dip between your legs.
Male satisfaction is written across his features but you find you can’t think of anything to knock it away: your hands are pinned, your legs slung over his hips, and you’re in no state to control the small amount of magic you possess. Azriel’s mouth remains in a loathsome cut, but you can still make out that heat in his gaze, the slight ember that’s the cause of this whole mess—you wonder how clearly it’s showing in your own eyes.
“Nothing to say?” He asks lowly over your mouth, silky hair brushing against your brow like a tender caress—the gentlest touch either of your will ever share between one another, and entirely unintended. “Don’t worry,” he rasps coldly, thumbing your underwear out of the way and your lips part on a sharp inhale as you feel his cock slide through the wetness that’s coalesced between your thighs. “I’ll make sure to fuck the brat out of you.”
“At least my negative traits can be removed,” you manage to hiss out ruefully, wishing to be able to rake your nails across his skin somehow. “There’s no changing what you are.”
You don’t need to remind him of your earlier comment. He’s been hearing the words repeat through his mind since you spat them out: Illyrian scum.
Icy fury glitters in his gaze, fingertips biting bruises into your hips as he lines himself up and swiftly pushes in, the entrance made almost effortless by how wet you are; you’re somewhat relieved when he makes no comment about it.
Your spine arches helplessly, lips parting as he pushes in, filling you up in a way you hadn’t anticipated or even considered. Satisfying the ache that had been thrumming between your legs, giving you something long and thick to squeeze. Your only saving grace is that he seems to be as breathless as you are, brow lowered to the top of your sternum, lips grazing between your breasts as his hands remain firmly on your hips. From another angle you’d think it looked reverent, but then you’d also look in the heights of pleasure, and no matter how Azriel might be able to make you feel physically, there’s no removing the guttural hatred that burns between you.
“Move,” you whisper, panting softly. “Move.”
His wings twitch almost imperceptibly at his back, then he’s dragging himself upright, pulling away from you to stand to his full height as he looms above. You swallow thickly, having enough sense to squeeze your thighs around his hips, legs locking as you urge him to move; to give more. “Hold still,” he breathes, and your muscles instinctively relax, giving him room to shift.
“So you can follow orders,” he muses lowly, holding you tight as he draws back.
“Fuck o—” you begin to say, but he rolls his hips firmly to yours and your head tips back onto his desk, falling to the side as his cock rubs so delightfully against you, pleasure brimming at your edges from being so full, so spread out. He doesn’t give you time to recover. After another firm roll of his hips, as if testing you out, he finds his rhythm instinctively. Hard, punishing movements that allow him to pound into you, shoving the breath from your lungs as he repeatedly slams into you.
Your spine arches, writhing on his desk as you tug at the shadowy constraints, desperate noises being forced from your chest as his cock drives into you over and over again, thoughts practically falling out of your mind as it turns to mush beneath the utterly overwhelming onslaught of pleasure. Your eyes squeeze shut, blocking him out so you can concentrate only on the purest part of the sensations, zero in on the flutter of arousal between your legs, the rightness of being so full up, of having him pressed so tight between your thighs.
You allow yourself to fall deeply into the pleasure, allow yourself to be washed away entirely, submerged in the heated waters as you keep just enough of a hold on him to prevent your legs from falling off the desk. A moan slips from between your lips as your control begins to disintegrate, content to bask in the pleasure and forget who’s providing it. Azriel doesn’t make it that easy, though.
“Things would be so much better if you just learned to shut up and take it sooner,” he mutters down at you, shadows crawling leisurely over your body, pushing the fabric of your top up over your chest so their master can watch as your figure moves with each of his thrusts. Pleasure blossoms as his darkness teases the sensitive peaks of your breasts, pinching and playing with your nipples, and you try to dig your nails into your palm, teeth pushing into your lower lip to keep the noises from becoming louder.
“You’re so well-behaved now,” he muses lowly, and even if his expression wouldn’t show his pleasure, you can hear it the rich timbre of his voice, the satisfaction he’s feeling at getting you to shut up. “So docile,” he taunts, and your eyes snap open to shoot him a furious glare for trying to disrupt your pleasure. For succeeding. But no sooner than you open your eyes, his thumb presses over your clit and any resistance is utterly obliterated.
Azriel hadn’t anticipated how it would feel however, how your body would respond to the intimate kind of stimulation he was subjecting you to, and is unable to bite down on the rough groan that drags viscerally from his chest as you tighten around him, as if trying to pull him deeper so he’ll never leave.
The both of you are near your breaking point though neither wants to admit it. But the signs are there. Your panting breaths, the gleam on his skin, the heat to your cheeks, the tension in his body—it’s all there for the other to read. He rubs against a spot and despite subduing your reaction he somehow knows where to aim, targeting it repeatedly as his thumb soothes over your clit, the pad sliding effortlessly over top from the slick that’s coating the both of you. It’s so much that your discipline slips for a moment. “Azriel…”
It’s softer than a breath, quieter than a whisper, but he hears it. Of course he hears it. And he finds that he likes the way you moan his name. Especially while getting to take his tension out on you so roughly. It’s probably more satisfying than any method he could have thought up on his own.
His grip tightens on your hips, angling them slightly upright as he leans over you. “Say that again,” he commands quietly, but firmly. An intensity in his demand that has your throat rolling. You don’t want to, but you can feel his concentration piercing down on you, the intensity of his focus weighing so heavily that you feel like your skin is prickling.
“Piss off,” you manage to get out, but you can feel how swiftly release is gathering, how close you are to that wonderful high that will knock you clean from your feet.
For a moment he continues with his punishing movements, but it seems like he’s committed now. You hadn’t fully understood what it would mean to have his entire attention upon you, but when he roughly rips you from his desk, jerking you up against his chest as he turns the two of you around so your back is shoved up against his wall, you feel the consequences dawn on you.
From this position you’re forced so much closer, the physical intimacy catching you off guard as your breasts press flush to his chest, staring into cold hazel eyes that can be no more than a few inches from your own, able to feel each puff of breath that’s expelled from his body as it brushes over your lips. He takes up all of your vision, wings flared slightly at his back as shadows crawl up your body, pinching at your nipples, pressing against your clit as his hips buck roughly to your own and you feel yourself unravel.
The orgasm pulses through your body once, before crashing down on you in its entirety, and your mouth parts in silent ecstasy.
His hand slides through your hair, your own having found their place on his shoulders, and he angles your head so you’re forced to look at him. “Say it,” he murmurs, lips brushing over yours, and your world is thawed enough that you yield.
A heavy sigh warms your mouth, then his teeth grit, head dropping to your shoulder as you feel him find his release. Your hips buck, hands grappling to reach over his shoulders, pulling him into you as the waves of pleasure continue to pulse through your body, muscles turning custard-like beneath the overpowering sensations. Reaching weakly over his back, you have enough energy to lightly skim the pads of your fingers over the ridges of his wings, and if it wasn’t for his proximity to you, you’re almost certain you would have missed the soft moan that involuntary parts from his lips. He tenses briefly, the only sign that he was caught off guard before his teeth settle over your shoulder, biting lightly at the side of your throat.
Breaths pant between you as you ride out the aftershocks, basking in the waning pleasure for a few moments longer before your hold relaxes on him, and he steps back, hands still keeping your hips pinned to the wall despite your feet now being on the ground.
You bite back a hiss as his cock leaves you feeling slightly cold and empty, but you’d rather take a near-lethal dose of faebane than tell him that. His gaze meets yours and for a second you’re unsure what you could possibly say to one another. But his expression remains cold, your own features shifting habitually towards neutrality.
“You have until tomorrow morning to redo the report,” he mutters, already having his clothes back in place as his shadows push your trousers to your stomach, and your hands wrap around the bundle of fabric.
“Want me to write a report on this, too?” You reply, relieved that the heat is beginning to cool, sensing you’re back in control of yourself.
His brow narrows, the hollow beneath darkening with loathing. “You’re more trouble that you’re worth,” he mutters, stepping back to give you space.
You meet his icy gaze, a sharp glint in your own as victory sparks darkly across your chest.
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut @vickykazuya @starlitlakes
268 notes · View notes
miris-secret-files · 2 days
Can you do another dark romance/smut with Kakashi again? But they're not siblings and maybe somewhat childhood friend ish (or childhood rivals are fun too). I always thought that he will get extremely possessive and over protective after everything he went through. I kind of liked the idea he will push people away, but maybe yn keep pushing and he fell a bit too hard fro their own good. Feel free to add more
When Your Childhood Friend Falls Too Hard For You || Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
A/n : Okay so I wanted to do a hc but ended up writing a whole fic 😂 ( there is literally an intro to my intro 🤣 )
Warnings : Kinda dark romance, jealousy, over protectiveness, possessiveness, tits sucking, erection, fingering, grinding, vaginal sex, implicit rough sex, cockwarming, somnophilia if you squint, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 3152
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You have known him for the longest time, way before Rin and Obito. You used to play with him every afternoon at his house after your parents, who knew his father entrusted him to take care of you. You were the best of friends, even at this younger age you always had each other’s back. It was supposed to never change and continue like this, but then the war happened and nothing was the same anymore.
With the loss of his father, you saw your friend’s behavior change from nothing to everything. Of course you could only imagine the turmoil he was going through. You knew he would need time to grieve and heal properly, but to your surprise the flow of time didn’t do anything to ease his pain. The young boy closed himself off from the world, isolating himself from everything, and at the same time from you.
You had, however, had a glimmer of hope under the guidance of Minato sensei, some time after you had made the acquaintance of the sweet Rin and the promising Obito. This had helped Kakashi to open up again. You felt you had found him again, but that was because you had no idea what would become of your young companions.
The return from that fateful mission marked a new turning point in Kakashi's life. And if before he had distanced himself in an attempt to better manage his emotions without looking vulnerable in front of anyone, now he had taken the decision to voluntarily distance himself from you, because he was convinced that if anything happened to anyone he cared about, it was his fault and that he had to get away from you before you were next. And unfortunately, there was nothing you could do to stop him.
Years later even though you weren’t as close as before you still kept an eye on him, and little did he know he did the same for you. You were now adults, all those events were now in the past, even though naturally they still weighed heavily on the man’s mind. But despite this you decided to get back in touch with Kakashi. And so you sent him a letter with an invitation to a restaurant, to meet up and catch up with him. Unfortunately, if you thought it would be that easy, you were naive.
He ignored your letter for so long you wondered if you should send another one. But to be fair he did receive it, and it was resting there on his cupboard, the letter neatly folded back inside the envelope after he had carefully read it. Of course it warmed his heart, but on the other said he didn’t really know if he was ready for that. Anyways, you were decided to see him again so you directly went to talk to Iruka sensei, whom you knew was a trusted colleague of your childhood friend, so that you would be sure your message would be transmitted.
Iruka was slightly surprised at seeing you there. To be honest he knew you, but he didn’t know you guys knew each other, not that Kakashi told him anything about it. That would have been surprising. But at least he promised you to tell him before the end of the day. Needless to say, you were quite anxious all evening. Meanwhile, at home, Kakashi didn't know what to make of the news : first the letter, then the message from Iruka. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he ran his hand through his tousled locks before letting out a sigh.
When the next day finally arrived, you couldn't help thinking that maybe he wasn't coming, deciding to ignore your attempts to get back in touch. You walked back and forth in anticipation of his arrival, knowing that Kakashi was someone for whom arriving on time was not a priority, but even so, it had been almost 20 minutes since the time you were supposed to meet. So you decided to sit on a bench and wait a little longer, after all you had nothing to lose.
“Sorry I'm a bit late,” a husky voice suddenly snapped you out of your reverie. Raising your head you saw Kakashi, whose face was as per usual partially hidden behind his mask and headband “I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long” he added politely.
You shook your head before lifting your gaze to his, to your surprise it was already fixed on yours “No, no, don't worry, it's worth it after all... Kakashi it's been so long,” at his words his eyes flickered quickly to the side before returning to yours.
“Indeed,” he replied thoughtfully.
There was a slight moment of silence before you shifted, making room for him on the bench “Here, please sit down-”
“No, don't bother, I won't be staying long,” he dismissed your proposal almost instantly, throwing a wrench into the conversation.
“What do you mean you won't be staying long ? You've only just arrived... I thought we could talk for a while,” you inquired, surprised at the distance he had just set between you.
“I've got things to do, for school, lessons to prepare for the kids, you know how it is ?” he tried to explain what he had said, but you both knew it was a poor attempt to keep a certain distance from you.
Needless to say, that day's conversation wasn't the most interesting, but it was still important because it marked the beginning of your reunion. In fact, that evening, even though he had arrived too late for the restaurant and hadn't stayed long enough for a proper long chat as you had wished, you didn't let him go before setting a new date when you hoped to see him again.
For his part, Kakashi was having a hard time with it all, seeing you again of course made him extremely happy, to be honest he would have liked to hug you to say hello, he would have bet you would have done very well, but the reality of things was that a lot of memories had come back to him, and it had reminded him why he had decided to break off contact so many years before. It was your smile when he saw you that reminded him it was to protect it that he had done it.
Though he couldn't help loving the smile he had just found again, and wanting to see it more often. That is one of the reasons why the second time you saw each other he had arrived late, but much less late than last time. This time he had agreed to sit next to you on the bench, and at the end of a long discussion it was agreed that you would go to the restaurant as planned the first time. Everything was going well. One thing led to another, the conversation between the two of you flowed more and more smoothly, leaving behind any initial awkwardness and even rekindling your former familiarity.
The two of you were seeing each other more and more often, so much so that sometimes, to outsiders, it looked as if Kakashi had finally found himself a girlfriend. And he didn't think so, because even without a label, he couldn't help noticing that something had changed. When the two of you walked in the park, he would walk a little closer to you than he used to, his eyes would dart in any direction he heard a suspicious noise. He didn't really know why, but with each new step his determination to ward off any enemy who might come your way grew stronger.
Even Iruka had noticed, this way in which his younger colleague now had his attention riveted to his phone in case he received a message from you inviting him out or whatever. This was a distinct change for Kakashi, who was often used to revisiting the same book over and over again. Kakashi could feel it too, which is why it was with particular stress and a knot in his stomach that he went to your next outing... or rather date.
That day had been like a turning point for him, he was much more powerful now, and if he wanted to make sure he never lost you, one thing was clear : he was going to stay with you.
“Kakashi-” your words caught in your throat as you saw the young man move closer to you until his chest was against yours. You froze for a moment, your hands pressed to his chest, but the drumming of his heartbeat brought you to your senses. Then in an instant he brought his hand to his mask and pulled it down, for the first time in years you caught a glimpse of his rosy lips.
“Y/n... if you don't want to” he began, but you shook your head. Emboldened by your action he encircled your waist with his arm and pulled - rather aggressively for lack of practice - his soft lips against yours. Even so, the kiss felt so soft, as if those lips had only brushed against yours. Just as quickly, and before anyone could see, he pulled up his mask, repositioning it firmly over his nose. Even after that kiss, his arm remained tightly wrapped around your waist for the rest of your outing, he is the kind of guy to have his hand in the back pocket of your jeans. And that is when it all really began ( that was a long intro ahahah ).
From that day on, you were officially dating. You couldn't be happier. After literally months of getting closer to him, he had finally given you an open door to his heart. However, even though you were deeply in love with him, you weren't particularly aware of the effect this news had on him. He had taken this boyfriend role very seriously, perhaps a little too seriously.
It's true that the Kakashi of the Sharingan that everyone knew was a very laid back man who didn't worry much, and even if he did, no one would have suspected it. The difference was that now that he was with you, nonchalance wasn't the character trait we had always attributed to him. He now had a very piercing look in his eyes when you were both outside, unlike when he had last been out reading. Anyone who got a little too close to you would be shot at, inspected from head to toe by Kakashi's expertise in determining whether or not there was a threat.
These were feelings you didn't attribute to him. It started with jealousy. He would pull you closer to him when a man got, in his opinion, too close to you. Hewould get very tactile out of nowhere, as if to show his territory, nuzzling you on the neck - yes, with his mask on - sometimes followed by a rather rough kiss on your lips with his back to the other person.
He was well aware that the way he acted wasn't the most normal, especially as more and more he wanted to keep you close to him when he was at school teaching. He was even willing to do the shopping for you for several weeks, so that when he went on a mission you wouldn't have to leave home without him.
It's true that the Kakashi of the Sharingan that everyone knew was a very laid back man who didn't worry much, and even if he did, no one would have suspected it. The difference was that now that he was with you, nonchalance wasn't the character trait we had always attributed to him. He now had a very piercing look in his eyes when you were both outside, unlike when he had last been out reading. Anyone who got a little too close to you would be shot at, inspected from head to toe by Kakashi's expertise in determining whether or not there was a threat.
These were feelings you didn't attribute to him. It started with jealousy. He would pull you closer to him when a man got, in his opinion, too close to you. Hewould get very tactile out of nowhere, as if to show his territory, nuzzling you on the neck - yes, with his mask on - sometimes followed by a rather rough kiss on your lips with his back to the other person.
He was well aware that the way he acted wasn't the most normal, especially as more and more he wanted to keep you close to him when he was at school teaching. He was even willing to do the shopping for you for several weeks, so that when he went on a mission you wouldn't have to leave home without him.
Oh yes, I said at his place, and not at yours. Only 1 month after you started dating he offered you to come live with him to “catch up on lost time” but in reality it was a mere excuse to have seen you and make sure that no one let you hurt. To say he was over protective with you was a real euphemism to say the least.
But the thing that really surprised those around you – and Kakashi’s little friend – was how possessive he was towards you. What people took for simple jealousy at the beginning of a relationship was actually a deep-rooted possessiveness he felt toward you. You were the last thing he had left of his past, he was almost convinced that that is why he remained sane all this time.
And you, on the other hand, you couldn't care any less, you were also deeply in love with him. Your hand squeezed his with equal force when another woman - and there were many of them - laid eyes on him. That was the reason why you were not in the least disturbed by his behavior, in fact you were also completely in love with him.
“Y/n let’s go home,” he murmured lowly against your temple, as he had just arrived at you with a fluid motion “I don’t like the way he looks at you,” he groaned, his gaze fixed on the face of a young man who had the misfortune to look in your direction.
On the way back, Kakashi didn't release his grip on your hand or your waist. He was animated by a feeling much stronger than those he thought he could feel. His possessiveness showed with every step until you reached your home. Once the door was closed, and only then, did he release his hold on you, only to have his hands free to undress you more easily.
He pressed you against the door, his hands working quickly to remove the little top you were wearing, and he didn't waste a second either before leaning over and taking one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling on it tenderly. As he pressed himself to you you could feel the bulge forming in his pants, harder with each new friction of your own clothed core as your fingers threaded in his unruly locks.
Unable to wait any longer, he carried you against him, your legs closing instinctively around his slender waist. You stumbled to your shared bedroom, where he laid you on the bed with the utmost delicacy, in total contrast to the way he was going to ruin you in a few seconds.
“Please,” you whined trying desperately to grind your womanhood against him, his thigh, anything at this point.
“Shh shh shh I know,” he replied, his hand trailing to where you needed him most. He gently lowered your pants, the cool air hitting your heated pussy, before you gasped when one of his fingers, long and slender, traced a straight line from your clit to your eager, dripping hole “So wet for me. Reassure me, it's only me, me and nobody else, right ?” he growled, his hands touching every inch of your body with a possessiveness he didn't often show.
“O-only you,” you stuttered as he finally inserted one finger, then a second inside you, preparing you for him. 
He continued to scissor you a little longer before giving under the pressure. He brought his fingers back to his mouth, where he greedily licked your sweet juices “Always so goods” he growled, before removing his pants and boxers, leaving spring free his already hard erection. From your point of view you could see the drop of precum squeezing its way out of the swollen tip of his cock. Tonight he didn't have the patience to straddle your face and fuck your mouth, he just wanted to be one with you.
He crawled on top of you for a moment, rubbing the tip of his cock against the glistening lips of your pussy, your bucked hips seeking more friction, only making him chuckle darkly. Before finally pushing gently inside you, he smiled at the slight resistance of your hole as his dick made its way between your tight walls. He continued rolling his hips gently until he was deeply sheathed into you, the only place where he felt truly fulfilled.
Now he had to give you time to adjust to his substantial length, even if in reality he just wanted to fuck you so hard that all the neighbors hear and know that you belong to him, body and soul. That is what he eventually did after you gave him the green light to thrust, the next day you were probably going to have trouble walking but he didn’t need anything more to show them that you were his.
His mouth opened against yours, breathing heavily with each thrust in you, the smirk on his face almost never disappearing except to let out a moan of his own. The room was filled with the sound of wet skin against each other, and soon it was going to give way to silence as Kakashi’s last push pushed you both off the edge. His thrusts became softer and less tense as the knot in his stomach had just broken, his essence emptying into you in a long warm cord, as your walls contracted around him, milking his cock perfectly.
“You’re mine Y/n” he murmured, pecking your fucking lips “Mine to go out with” he kissed you again “Mine to fuck” he bit the edge of your bottom lip “Mine to cum inside”
You shivered at his words, each one bolder than the previous. He keeps you in his arms, not daring, nor willing to pull out any time soon. The only disadvantage it could have was that eventually he would get hard again in a moment and that if you were awake or not he would make sure to cum inside you once more, and if he could also bring you some pleasure, well why not ?
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mxdarling · 2 days
[send me a pic]
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aventurine fluff post, ooc aventurine, could be read as platonic or romantic, reader is trailblazer, gn reader who uses they/them prns, mostly texting format, takes place after 2.2 trailblaze quest, spoiler free!, a bit rushed, lowercase, 1.0k wc, based on a in-game text interaction with aventurine.
[a/n; got a in-game message from aventurine and decided to write for him LOLL I couldn't resist, my writing is so rusty now i;m sorry huhuu]
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you were chilling in your room, laying down with your limbs spread out on the bed, doing absolutely nothing. after the events of penacony, you were completely exhausted. the bed was too comfy to get up from, like some magnetic force pulling you into the soft texture of the mattress. it was unusual for you to be doing nothing—doing nothing would make you bored, and you hate being bored, which prompts you to do anything to make that boredom go away. so having your eyes glued to the ceiling was a new feeling to you; you weren't in the mood to bother march and dan heng with your antics, or help pom pom clean the astral express, or talk to mr. yang and himeko, no, none of that. you simply wanted to be in your room, doing nothing.
minutes have passed, and your eyes, void of excitement, continued to stare down at the ceiling. it wasn't interesting, so it was the only thing your eyes could focus on without much effort. seeing as you weren't going to do much for today, the thought of sleeping away time sounded rather pleasant to you, plus the droopiness in your eyes gave you the go signal to drift off and take a nap. as you're lured into the embraces of slumber, you almost gave in until your phone let out a buzzing noise, pulling you out of rest.
your phone stays still on the bedside table, you sit up straight and leaned over towards your phone to take a peek at the notification that has woken you up.
a: [hey friend!] a: [how's life been treating you?]
caught off guard by his sudden message you leaned back and took a second or two to recollect yourself before reaching for your phone and typing out a reply.
t: [uhh been doing okay, hbu?] a: [a new shop that opened up here on penacony—cosmic star.] a: [checking the place out, it's fun, there's a lot of interesting stuff here.] t: [you planning on buying something there?] a: [well sort of, i'm not buying for myself though] a: [actually gonna buy something for you]
you audibly let out a confused 'huh' as you read and reread his message. this is definitely a first. you knew he had the credits to buy the most expensive things imaginable due to being part of the IPC, but you didn't think he'd let you indulge in his wealth beyond his missions.
t: [wait really? like actually??] a: [yeah gonna buy you something, first i need to find what strikes your fancy] a: [there's this "horizon" series pajama is made with a material so light it feels like nothing, warm in winter, cool in summer, and extremely comfortable] a: [wearing it to sleep should considerably lessen the fatigue from travel]
you were tempted to immediately say that was the item you wanted; after all, having some new sets of pajamas would be nice. though you decided to wait until he described the other items to you, perhaps there was something you'd like even more than the pajamas.
a: [speaking of travel, these "night diamond" series gloves, they're handcrafted and limited to ninety pairs galaxy-wide, perfect for parties and special occasions]
you didn't feel much for the gloves, if you were being honest; the ones you already had were fine and very comfortable during your travels through different worlds. still, you kept the gloves in mind in case you had a change of heart.
a: [and then there's this windbreaker from the "unmanned flight" series—a timeless classic!] a: [you can wear it and stand on the edge of a cliff, listening to the flapping of its hem when the cosmic storm hits… it's because of that scene in the movie, "unmanned flight" has now become the go-to choice for a generation of the nameless and their followers.]
the windbreaker sounded fun, you thought, plus you had a feeling that he picked that item because you’re a nameless as well. though you weren't sure if it would be any use to you.
a: [now, which one do you like?]
thinking very carefully between the three items he had describe to you, trying to sort out the pros and cons of each items but you ended up getting tired of doing so—in the end you settle for the vibes each item gave off.
t: [the "horizon" pjs then] a: [that's all? are you sure?] t: [yeah i'm sure] a: [alright, i'll have it delivered to you, just don't mind the extra packages okay?]
raising an eyebrow at his rather vague message, you hear the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. suddenly, your door slides open to reveal a disheveled march out of breath. "hey! why did you order so many packages!?" march whined, still out of breath as she continued to breathe in and out to catch some air. you watched from your bed in shock as she continued to huff out for air. looking back at you, she whined once more. "hey! these are your packages. help me out over here!" quickly you got off the bed and on your feet running after march, and you helped her carry your packages into your room. you wondered if this is what he meant by 'extra packages'.
t: [how many did you ordered!?] a: [what do you mean friend?] t: [i thought you ordered just the pjs??] a: [i did! with a couple of others things of course!] t: [????] t: [what others things??] a: [why don't you check the packages to see for yourself] a: [don't forget to send me a picture!]
with a sigh of disbelief, you turned your attention to the pile of boxes sent by aventurine himself, guess you should start unboxing.
t: [sent 10 attachments.] t: [what do you think?] a: [10 pictures isn't enough my friend but oh well] a: [as expected, you look really cute in those pjs friend!]
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ambrosiagoldfish · 1 day
hi! can i request headcanons of Adam x Male Angel! Reader who is sweet, kind and never curses? preferly sfw and nsfw but if u don't write smut for Male Reader, that's fine!
hope u have a Nice day <3
Adam x Kind Angel Reader HC’s
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, NSFW in latter half of post, He/Him pronouns with Male Genitalia. Slight Degradation/dirty talk. Fluff + Smut
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 820
A/n: thank you so much for the request! I had a lot of fun with this one! I did make it on the shorter side but that’s only because it’s quite difficult to make Headcanon’s 1000+ words without other characters but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! Also I decided to make this little header thing for fics! I’ve seen a few others do it and the GIF’s I normally use are becoming a hassle to find. Let me know if you guys like it!
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Oh boy, this relationship really is a match that could only be made in heaven. No one would have expected Adam to date a man who is the complete opposite of him. If anything, people expected someone like him or even Lute!! But you? They never could have predicted that.
But what can you do, opposites do attract.
You’re always being so kind to him, telling him he looks handsome, helping him with any and all work he might have to do, and on top of it you bring him gifts and trinkets! Not to mention all the delicious treats you get him that are almost as sweet as you.
And to be honest, this really messes with Adam, cause you’re literally so sweet and thoughtful but he doesn’t have anything to give you in return besides sex. At least that’s what he thinks but in reality he gives you so much more than he gives himself credit for.
He plays you songs on the guitar, takes you out to fancy restaurants, and over all treats you with love and affection than any other has. But even if none of that was true, you don’t do anything and everything for him because you want something in return. You love Adam completely unconditionally.
The no cursing thing is something that genuinely gets on his nerves. Cause like, he could never. This man has the mouth of a sailor and the delicacy of a bull in a china shop. Which is one of the traits you love about him, that he says what he wants. But also you’re just like “Sir, this is not what The Father intended-“
“Neither was putting my dick in another guys ass but look, I’m still here bitch!”
And it especially bugs Adam, if instead of cursing, you replace swears with other words. Like the other day you stubbed your toe when landing on ground and Adam had fully expected for you to do what he does, which is scream the loudest swear and be pissed off at everyone for 20 minutes. But instead….
“OW Fudging chocolate chip-“
So, ever since that day, Adam has sworn to one day take your ‘cursing virginity’, at least that’s what he calls it. And he try’s so hard to do so, which is a slight bit of trouble cause he doesn’t want to like, be a complete douche to you.
So until he figures out a way to get you to curse, he’s pretty stumped at the moment. But still, he absolutely adores you.
Oh Boy x2
Everything I said previously still stands if not double the amount. This man wants to do the👏Most👏Unholiest👏Things👏To👏You👏
Loves to see your kind and sweet personality slowly crumble because of his cock.
‘Who knew you could be such a slut?’
He loves that your personality carries over during sex, you give him everything you’ve got and then some. You want to do your best for him after all.
Speaking of which, if you worship him in any way that man is cumming IMMEDIATELY. He really just wants to feel like he’s above everyone else, and Surprise surprise, he has a praise and you being the, oh so thoughtful person you are, you make sure to completely indulge that aspect of him.
You babble so much about how good his cock feels hitting your prostate over and over again. How well he’s making you feel like like the Good Boy he is. It really gets it him going.
Remember how I said he’s trying to make you lose your ‘Cursing Virginity’? Yeah well, this is how. He is SO determined to get you to spill out just one swear while he goes to town on you. Is it the most holy thing he should do? No. But how could he not fuck your brains out till you break your own moral code?
He tries so hard too. He has yet to get you there but he has come close. When he had you in a mating press, legs over his shoulders, your ankle’s lightly hitting the base of his wings with each thrust.. You couldn’t stop begging for him to cum inside you as you came for the Xth time in a row.
“Please Adam! P-Please! Fu~“ you cut yourself off with a hand to your mouth.
Adam looked at you with his signature grin, his hips not stopping their movements to pump himself in and out of you. “Was you about to say something babe?”
You held your hand against your mouth shaking your head ‘no’ clearly trying to make it seem like you weren’t about to drop the f bomb.
“Mhm, right~ let’s see if I can pry some other ‘naughty’ fuxkin’ words out of ya!” He laughs a wicked laugh as he switches the position so that he’s somehow even more atop of you. Leaving you a completely, moaning, helpless mess for him to dominate >:)
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spence-whore · 1 day
I don’t want you like a best friend
Spencer Agnew x Reader
A/N not me doing another imagine based on a Taylor song whhhaaaatttt I love Taylor so so so much. I was listening to music in the shower and dress started playing I was like holy shit, I have to write a tension filled imagine with Spencer and this song??? Also, forewarning, I will be using gender neutral terms as usual but I will be using more feminine things and mentioning things like wearing dresses. one last thing, i just started my summer classes. so, i wont get to edit these as much as before. i apologize for any mistakes!
TRIGGER WARNING// some angst and tension:)
Our secret moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you.
Parties and little get togethers are a common thing with the Smosh cast.
They always find some reason to rent out an air bnb to throw parties.
Chanse suggested throwing a little party before you all got to leave the office for a two week break.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it!” You hear Chanse screech whenever you walked into the front door with your suitcase. He come running up to you, to give you a quick hug.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss something like this. The parties you throw are always absolutely iconic.” You respond giving him a tight squeeze back.
“So, who all has made it?” You asked and looked around. A lot of the cast and crew had arrived, including Spencer. The house was absolutely packed but there was something about him having his eyes on you, that made you feel like you were on fire. The last time a party was thrown for the crew, the two of you had ended up in a bathroom, doing things you shouldn’t be doing to then turn around and call yourself only friends. The two of you played it off really well after though because no one knew who you had snuck off with.
There is an indentation in the shape of you. Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo.
“I still want to know who you snuck off with last time we had a party.” You hear Erin say whenever she approaches you and Chanse. “Yeah!” Chanse agrees.
Whenever she mentions that night, you see it catches Spencer’s ears. He perks up in his seat and gets that infamous smirk on his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you show me to my room?” You mumbled and shook your head.
“I’ll show you but dude, that is such a lie.” Erin says and starts walking towards a hallway, where a bunch of bedrooms were located. “You had hickeys all over you. It was so obvious you tried hiding them too but you are not good at covering marks.” She said laughing loudly.
You just shook your head again and denied it.
“We’ll eventually pull it from you. Everyone’s going to be getting ready in a few minutes, if you want to go ahead and get dressed.” Erin suggests while opening your bedroom door. “You’re sharing with me and Angela, by the way.”
You nodded your head and let her know, you would go ahead and start getting ready.
Erin quickly nodded her head and pulled the door behind her, so you could get ready in private till her and Angela joined you.
You quickly pulled this dress on that Courtney had pointed out to you one day while at the mall with a bunch of the crew. They were recording a spend the day with us at the mall where they done random little challenges. You, Spencer, and Courtney had went into a store, trying to find goofy looking outfits for everyone to wear. The three of you walked around for a while before you just started looking at the clothes for things for you. You hear Courtney shout, “I genuinely just found something for you, Y/N! You would look so hot in this.” You turn around and see Courtney holding up a mid length black dress. There was a high slit in the thigh. It was a spaghetti strapped dress. It was simple but looked comfortable. You actually thought it was really cute. Courtney asked Spencer what he thought and his face flushed red very quickly and all he could do was nod his head yes.
You tried the dress on for fun and Spencer looked like his eyes were about to bulge out of his eyes. You didn’t end up buying the dress that day but you went back and bought it the next day. He wasn’t aware that you had gotten it, no one was.
You stood there for a minute, looking at yourself in the mirror, when you heard a knock come from the door beside you.
“You can come in!” You shout softly, flattening the dress against your body.
The door pushes open gently and you see Courtney and Angela standing there. Spencer was back behind them.
“Holy shit, is that the dress we seen in the mall?” Courtney asks, getting excited.
You just smiled and shook your head yes.
All of the silence and patience, pining and anticipation. My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting.
My hands are shaking from all this…
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Spencer looked like he was about to pass out behind the two.
“Wow, you look… wow.” You hear Spencer whisper from the doorway while Courtney and Angela walk to sit on the bed behind you.
You acted like you didn’t hear Spencer, so you turned towards him. His eyes were just filled with desperation. It was like a mutual feeling between the two, you knew he wanted to reach out and to touch you. You knew that he wanted to kiss you, to hold you. You were dying for him to reach forward and to just put his hands on you, to kiss you as well.
“What’d you say, Spence?” You ask, trying to play off the little moment the two of you had.
Courtney and Angela were behind the two of you, looking at each other with complete confusion over what is going on.
“You look really beautiful, Y/N.” He says and clears his throat then gives you a tight lipped smile.
You just smiled back at him and shook your head. “Thank you, I really don’t though.” You say giggling. “I haven’t even done anything yet, besides put a dress on.”
Spencer walked around you to go sit in a chair beside the two beds but then realized that the tag of your dress was sticking out. He quickly walks up behind you and pushes your hair over your shoulder. You tensed up and froze because you didn’t know what was going on.
“Oh, uh, sorry. Your-“ Spencer got quiet then pushed the tag softly under the neckline of the dress. “The tag was sticking out of the dress.” Spencer whispered and gave your shoulder a soft squeeze.
The two of you move apart quickly whenever you hear coughs. Courtney and Angela quickly stood up. “We’re gonna go grab a drink.” Angela says very quickly, pointing at the door with her thumb. “Uh, will be back in a few minutes!” Courtney practically shouts as Angela pulls her out of the room.
The two might as well have ran out of the room and slammed the door shut behind them.
You and Spencer look at each other with confusion, acting like you didn’t understand what was going on.
“When did you end up getting this dress?” Spencer asked sitting down on the chair near you.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
Carve your name into my bedpost cause I don’t want you like a best friend.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
You had pulled another chair up in front of the full body mirror, to start curling your hair and to do your makeup.
“I just decided to go back the next day and buy it.” You respond, slightly shrugging your shoulders.
“Is there a reason you went back and bought it?” Spencer asked, trying to seem chill about the piece of fabric on your body, but he wasn’t playing it so calmly.
“I dunno.” You whispered while placing soft curls throughout your hair with a curling iron. “A certain someone’s reaction to me in it, just made me curious to how they would react to it if I wore it to something where we’ve made certain decisions in the past.”
Spencer didn’t say anything, he just stared at you with a shocked expression.
You started to do the pigtail trick with your hair, that makes it quicker to curl your hair. You parted your hair and put it into two pigtails then quickly curled the two pigtails. It only took two minutes to do then you pulled the two hair ties out of your hair. The soft curls had flooded down your back while you looked for your makeup bag. It hit you that it was still in your bag, on your bed, beside Spencer. You quickly sprayed hairspray throughout your hair and nodded back towards Spencer.
“Spencer?” He just nodded while staring at you. “Could you get in that bag and hand me my makeup bag?”
Spencer quickly stood up and grabbed your bag from the front of the bed. He unzipped it then retrieved your makeup bag, to hand it to you. He walked over and handed the makeup bag to you but the two of you practically grasped hands while he just stared holes into you. You felt like electricity was just shooting throughout your body while he quickly stepped back.
The two of you didn’t realize it but Courtney, Angela, and Erin were just staring at you two in shock from the doorway.
Spencer looked over at the door quickly then stepped back towards his seat to grab his drink that he carried in.
“I should probably go finish getting ready and help getting everything, uh, set up.” He whispers before quickly heading out of the room.
“Do you want to explain what that was?” Erin harshly whispered, looking at you with nothing but excitement in her eyes.
“What was what?” You asked nonchalantly, acting like you didn’t know what was going on.
“Oh my god!” Angela practically screams. “You hooked up with Spencer last time, didn’t you?” She whispered excitedly, jumping up and down in her spot.
You, once again, tried playing the question off but the redness all over your face completely called you out.
“Oh my god! Spencer is the secret guy you hook up with every time! Are you two like a couple or something?” Courtney asks while quickly pulling one of the chairs over beside you while you finished up your makeup.
You shook your head no, “I’m not going to lie to you about that. I honestly wish we were.” You whispered while finishing your eyeliner with a soft laugh.
The three women were practically exploding with the information they had just found out tonight.
“What happened the last time?” Angela asked, pulling a chair alongside Erin.
Inescapable, I’m not even gonna try and if I get burned, at least we were electrified.
I’m spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we’re both drunk.
Everyone thinks that they know us but they know nothing about all of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation.
You kept working at your makeup and decided to just explain to the three women what had caused you two to end up in the guest bathroom, away from the New Year’s party.
“I have had the biggest crush on Spencer ever since I’ve joined the crew. I had convinced myself I would never tell him how I feel. The night of that party though, oh my god. It was like there was something in the air.” You paused for a minute to just laugh, remembering how you felt that night. “Every single time we would brush hands or something, it felt like electricity would fly throughout my body. I thought at first, I can’t do this. I ended up getting a little too drunk and so did Spencer. We were sat together in this hallway, just drinking and talking. I finally just told him how I felt. I panicked and jumped up, to run off but he grabbed my hand. He started to tell me how he felt then I, of course, happened to spill a little bit of my drink. He pulled me into the bathroom, to help me clean up. While we were in there, he was just wiping away at the alcohol with a wet rag. It literally felt like my body was on fire. I don’t know what made me do it but I just leaned forward and kissed him.”
The three women around you looked like they were about to explode with the biggest smiles on their face.
“Wait, so you two had sex in the bathroom?” Erin bluntly asked then got whacked on the arm by Courtney.
You just laughed and shook your head no. “Again, I won’t lie to you, we almost did. My dumbass stumbled and knocked over the rest of my drink into the shower. The glass shattered, so Spencer panicked and made me sit on the sink while he cleaned it up. We decided maybe the bathroom, during a party, wouldn’t be the best first time for something like that.”
“How did we not see something happening between you two?” Angela asked with genuine confusion on her face.
“Oh, there isn’t anything going on between the two of us. We’re only really friends, to be honest. I hate that we’re only friends but we never really approach the topic unless it’s in situations like us being plastered.” You admit, shaking your head in shame. “I think it’s because we’re both too scared to admit that we’re something more than friends.”
Erin laughed loudly, “Yeah, I’m sorry but the two of you are not just friends. You were, like, sucking each other’s faces off in the bathroom and being like little leeches.”
You just laughed and stood to face the three around you. “I’m done getting ready, so I’m gonna just head on out there.”
“You just wanna go see your little boyfrienddddddd.” Angela says in a singing tone.
You just laughed once again and shook your head at the woman before exiting the room.
You look around the entire room to see who all is here tonight. Not everyone is staying in the Air BNB, only a few of the crew are.
You spot Kiana, Spencer, and Shayne standing at a table in the kitchen, getting drinks.
You approached them and give Shayne a soft smile. “Hey guys!” You say with a smile on your face.
“Hi, you sweet angel! You look beautiful!” Kiana says with a big smile on her face.
“Oh, why thank you.” You take her compliment while grabbing a red solo cup from the counter and poured some kind of whiskey from the counter.
“There’s glass cups you can use, you know?” You hear Shayne say from beside you.
You look over and see Spence looking you up and down while Shayne is nodding towards the glass cups.
“Oh, that’s okay. I would probably end up accidentally breaking it again.” You say chuckling and sent Spencer a quick glance. He catches onto what you were talking about and heat flooded his face once again.
Spencer goes to take a sip of his drink, trying to act chill, whenever Kiana calls him out. “Spence, if you stare any harder, your eyes might get stuck.”
Spencer choked on his drink and shook his head. You were shockingly the only one to pick up on it but his hands started to tremor.
My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting, my hands are shaking from all of this.
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Spencer quickly tries to shake the feeling he has and change the conversation but he can’t stop the feeling of heat flowing through his body due to you. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He was literally shaking from how nervous just your presence alone was making him. He couldn’t get over how beautiful you looked.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna step outside and get some fresh air. It’s getting kind of stuffy in here.” You say quickly to the group, feeling like you were starting to suffocate in the room. You didn’t want to admit it but the look Spencer was giving you was extremely intense. You couldn’t deal with it anymore because you were dying for him to just do something.
You walked away from the group and start to head out the door to walk outside. You didn’t know it but Spencer trailed behind you, wanting to get a moment alone with you.
You stepped outside, slightly agitated. You were getting so tired of having to hide everything. You were so tired of acting like you were just friends with the man whenever you both knew friends don’t sneak off to make out at parties with their other best friends present. You wanted him to hold you. You wanted him to kiss you, to touch you, to just show you that he wants you.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off, take it off.
Carve your name into my bedpost, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
“You okay?” You hear Spencer ask from behind you as you sat down on the porch steps.
You just laughed. “You know, I bought this dress with the idea that the next time you saw me in it… You might actually make a move further and act like we aren’t just friends. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I don’t want you like a best friend, Spencer. I want to be able to kiss you everyday and call you mine.” You answered him in an aggravated tone.
“I don’t want you like a best friend either, Y/N. Are you that oblivious? The day I fell in love with you, I thought that you knew.” Spencer laughed and said while sitting down beside you.
You just stared at him with confusion on your face, “What do you mean the day you fell in love with me?”
Spencer sat in silence for a minute, just taking the cold air in. “I have been in love with you for so long. The first time I remember realizing that I had fallen so hard for you was whenever I had first bleached and buzzed my hair.”
Flashback when you met me, your buzz cut and my hair bleached.
Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me.
Flashbacks to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes.
Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me.
You chuckled remembering the first time you had seen him with his new haircut. “I remember you came around the corner and I became like a stuttering mess.”
You started to shiver and Spencer noticed it. “Would you want to head inside? We could chill upstairs in the movie room? We can finish talking about this whenever we get in there.”
You shook your head yes, freezing in the dress.
The two of you headed inside and walked up the steps to the movie room. Everyone was in the big living room, drinking and dancing.
You two headed into the movie room and sat down in the plush love seat.
“Wait, so are you saying my reaction is what made you fall in love with me?” You asked once you got inside and processed what Spencer had said. You folded your knees under you and pulled a blanket over your lap.
Spencer smiled and nodded his head at you.
“That was during the worst time of my life, though. I was severely depressed and going on dates left and right because I just wanted someone to love me.” You said silently laughing over how desperate you sounded.
“You’ve always had someone who has loved you in front of you. You’ve just never realized it.” Spencer says and reaches his hand out to rest it on your knee.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before Spencer broke the silence. “I want to make a move or whatever it was you said outside. I want to call you mine. I just don’t want to do that while we’re tipsy. I want to talk about it while we’re sober.” Spencer says giving you a soft smile on his face.
You nodded your head at Spencer, “I agree. It is probably best that we do talk about it while we’re sober.”
The two of you sat and talked for almost three hours straight, while people would pass by and make comments here and there. No one ever stuck there though, they were just letting the two of you soak up each other’s presence.
Before you knew it, you had passed out and Spencer had fallen asleep as well.
I woke up just in time
Now, I wake up by your side, my one and only my lifeline.
I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side.
My hands shake, I can’t explain this.
You woke up and felt a pressure around your waist. You hear whispering and open your eyes to see Chanse and Erin peeking their heads around a corner.
“Holy shit, look at them.” You hear Chanse say while giggling.
“I’m awake asshole.” You whispered towards the two freaking out and they took off running.
You turn your head to the side and realized, you and Spencer had fallen asleep rambling over random stuff to each other. You know you had admitted your feelings to each other last night but you couldn’t help trembling due to excitement. You finally had the guy by your side that you had fallen so hard for.
The two of you were laid out across the couch. Spencer was laid on his side and had you in a tight hold around your waist. You were laid on your back. You reached your hand up and ran it softly through his hair.
Spencer scrunched his nose and pressed his face softly into your neck. His facial hair, tickling the side of your neck. You giggle trying to move your head away whenever you hear him slightly whisper, “Still don’t want me like a best friend?”
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educatedsimps · 15 hours
Hi! Saw your requests were open and I just had to stop by! Could I request a (not exactly angst bc the idea is funny but definitely in character for him) Bokuto x reader where he's ranting to a friend about how he loves to hug the reader and his friend just makes an offhand comment about how he'll probably crush her since he's a pretty big guy and he goes all emo mode about it. He doesn't want to hurt anyone :( Obviously we gotta add some comfort at the end for the silly guy
≪ back to fics masterlist
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bokuto kōtarō  x f!reader
a/n: omg of course!! i haven't had the chance to write for bokuto and yes i agree this is literally perfect for him 🥰
cw: timeskip spoilers, atsumu being stupid, some hurt/comfort, msby crack
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"I can’t wait to go home after this. I’m exhausted," Sakusa sighed.
"It’s not useful practice if it’s not exhausting, Omi-Omi. Be glad you’ve got teammates like us," Atsumu drawled, winking at his teammate and earning a disgusted glare from across the table.
"I thought today’s practice was fun! We got to try the new unorthodox version of our quick attack, and we've almost got it!" Hinata chirped next to Atsumu, with bits of his food flying from his mouth.
"I'm fine with it as long as you guys don't overexert yourselves during training," Lisa, Atsumu's girlfriend and the team's physiotherapist, chimed in from Atsumu's other side.
"What are you guys planning to do when you get home?" Meian asked, stuffing a rice ball in his mouth.
"Shower," was Sakusa's immediate answer.
"Probably do a little bit of meditation," Hinata mused.
"Call my brother to ask for more meal prep bentos," Atsumu said. An amused scoff came from his girlfriend.
"What about you, Bokuto?"
Having been focused on his food the whole time, Bokuto nearly choked on his rice when called upon by his captain. With tempura crumbs coating his lips, he smiled widely and announced, "I'm going home to give y/n a big hug!"
"You sure love hugging y/n, Bokuto-san!" Hinata chuckled, popping a salmon nigiri in his mouth.
"Of course I do! I love hugging her! She's so huggable and I just wanna squeeze her so tight all the time and transfer all of my love for her," Bokuto said, with with his fists in the air. "You guys should all hug your girlfriends tight! The tighter you hug her the more she'll know you love her!"
Shooting Lisa a lovesick smile, Atsumu stated, "We all love hugging our girlfriends, but I won't accidentally crush 'er to bits like someone." He nodded towards Bokuto.
Bokuto stilled, staring at Atsumu with confusion.
"Miya..." Meian warned under his breath.
"What? I mean, have ya seen the guy? He's huge! Could prob'ly flatten 'er if he wanted to," Atsumu continued, chortling at the thought. He stopped short as he noticed the glares from Meian and Sakusa. "What? What'd I say?"
By then, Bokuto was already in a completely different headspace. He had a blank expression on his face and a faraway look in his eyes. His shoulders were slightly hunched and his usually spiky hair seemed to droop at the edges.
Sakusa sighed what was probably the heaviest sigh in the history of mankind as Hinata stage-whispered to his teammate, "Atsumu-san, I think you hurt Bokuto's feelings."
Wide eyed, the blonde setter started to defend himself. "WHA-?! no, i- I DIDN'T EVEN-"
Sensing Bokuto's incoming emotinal shut down (or emotional episode, in this case), Lisa quickly tried to divert their attention. "Please, 'Tsumu. You wish you were as strong as Bokuto-san. Your spikes are weak as shit-"
" 'Cause I'm literally a setter!"
"-and not an all-rounder, which is why Kageyama-kun is ranked first in the country and you're second."
"Maybe I shouldn't hug her anymore. I don't wanna hurt her. What if I really crush her one day? Then she'll really be flattened like a piece of bread. I don't wanna hurt her. So this means I can't hug her anymore. But I like hugging her. But does she even like my hugs?" Came Bokuto's voice. His brows were now furrowed and his face was etched with worry.
"Of course she does, Bokuto-san! I'm sure she loves your hugs, and you love her too much to ever hurt her, right?" Hinata and Lisa attempted to cheer up the saddened spiker.
Finishing the last of his food, Sakusa stood up, muttering, "I'm exhausted, I can't deal with this right now. My partner's here to pick me up anyway," As he walked past the other side of the table, he spoke to Atsumu in a low voice. "Only a jerk like you would say something like that to Bokuto, of all people."
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"I’m home…"
Your ears perked up at the sound of Bokuto’s voice and you immediately noticed his dejected tone. Closing your laptop, you got up from your desk and bounced over to the front door to greet him.
Sticking your head round the corner, you saw him place his stuff down by the counter before staring into space. His face was blank and devoid of emotion but his eyes were filled with inexplicable sadness. Seeing him like this tugged on your heartstrings and you knew he was going through one of his emotional episodes. You just didn’t know why.
"Hey, Kō! How was your day?" Slowly walking towards him, you reached out your arms to give him a hug but stopped short when he cried out.
You froze with your arms mid-air before you dropped them back to your side. He had one hand held out to stop you from coming closer and his face was tucked into his other arm. You could hear quiet sniffles coming from him and your heart broke seeing how upset he was.
"But you already have a crush on me, baby. And I have a crush on you too! I thought we’ve already established that?" You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work. It was like he didn’t even hear you, so you decided to give him some space (like Akaashi had advised). You guided him to sit on the couch while you went about the house finishing up your chores. After several minutes, he seemed to feel a little better and you decided to talk to him (also like Akaashi had advised).
Sitting by his side on the couch, you reached out and held his hands in your own. His eyes were downcast and he was avoiding your gaze as if his life depended on it.
"Kō? What's wrong?"
"Look at me, baby. Please? I wanna see your cute face," you cooed. He pouted for a while more (which was adorable, by the way) before he finally caved.
"Tsum-Tsum said I'll crush you if I hug you too tight 'cause I'm so much bigger and stronger than you. And I don't wanna crush you, I promise! It just made me sacred to think I might not know my own strength and end up hurting you in the process. That's why I'm scared of accidentally hurting you when I’m excited and I know that if I did, you wouldn't say anything which is why I don't wanna accidentally hurt you with my hugs in the first place-" He swallowed the rest of his words as you pressed your lips to his.
"Kō, I love your hugs. They're the warmest hugs anyone has ever given me. Don't tell my mom, but sometimes your hugs are even better than hers," You giggled softly. A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at you. "And it's not a bad thing that you're so strong. It makes your arms really nice to hug! I promise you'll never be able to crush me. I'm stronger than you think, you know?"
"Really? You really like my hugs?" He asked, hope in his eyes.
"Really. A hundred per cent. A thousand per cent. I wouldn't like it any other way, Kō," You reassured him, kissing him sweetly once more. Within seconds, his entire mood had shifted and he was now beaming.
"Okay! I can hug you now!" He cheered. Before you could process anything, you were held in your favourite set of arms and wrapped up in the warmest hug on earth. You hugged him back tightly and felt his soft lips press against the crown of your head. Snuggling into his warmth, you felt so lucky to have him.
"Oh my god, anyone who says your hugs aren't perfect are clearly stupid," You sighed happily.
"Tsum-Tsum is pretty stupid sometimes," Kotaro hummed.
You pulled away, gasping in faux shock. "Really?"
"Pfft, yeah. Even Lisa says so!" He guffawed.
Before you could reply, your phone buzzed with an incoming message.
Lisa: “hey girl! hope everything’s ok with bokuto. my boyfriend’s kinda stupid sometimes so he doesn’t think before he says stuff. hope bokuto’s not feeling too down!”
Y/n: “it’s all good! managed to cheer him up pretty quickly today, haha”
Lisa: “that’s good to hear. you’re the only one who can cheer him up like that, y/n! anyway, rest well, you two. see ya next week!”
Reacting to her message with a heart, you put your phone down and turned back to your boyfriend.
"So, you gonna hug me or not?"
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a/n: UM I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY??? pls lmk what u think 😭
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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ghoulsbounty · 2 days
Can I request some fluff about going to sleep with Boyd (like actually sleeping lol), like him and the reader have a fun and flirty relationship and she knows about his criminal enterprises (S4 vibes with the pocket watch UGH). Maybe he comes home late or something and is just all over the reader but not in a sexual way, just like a missing and wanting to be close to her way.
Out Of Time
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Boyd Crowder x GN!Reader
Warnings: slight spoilers for season 4, a little angst if you squint but just pure comfort and fluff (Boyd is in love)
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Anon, thank you for my first Boyd request and simultaneously igniting a burning passion within me to write more for this man. I kept the reader GN because there wasn't really any need for gender descriptors, and yes I did make that gif just for this fic 🫡 I’d love to know what you all think to this, and feel free to send me more requests 💌
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Boyd sat silently on the edge of the bed, his gaze lingering on your tranquil, sleeping form. The mattress creaked softly under his weight, causing your steady breathing to hitch momentarily before settling back into a gentle rhythm. He brushed his fingers across your cheek, a surge of longing filling his heart. He had missed you. Those brief moments in the mornings, stolen before you left for work or he had to attend to his business, were never enough. Yet, he cherished every fleeting second, treasuring these quiet moments when he could simply watch over you.
He knew you held no resentment towards him, not even when he returned home later than promised, body weary and mind burdened by his actions, like tonight, and countless other nights. He understood that you wouldn't pry, wouldn't demand every detail of his whereabouts, because that wasn't your way, and for that, he was deeply grateful. It meant you could stay just a little bit safer. You never asked for more than he could offer, only requesting that he come back to you when he could, to reassure you of his presence, to let you know he was still breathing.
Of course, he would. He'd move heaven and earth, and blow the top off that damn mountain just to fulfil his promise to you. No matter the challenges, he would find his way back to you, and you'd greet him with open arms, washing away his sins and soothing his wounds with tender kisses. You'd offer him everything a man like him could ever desire, and he knew deep down he never deserved it.
He didn't allow himself to linger on the thought of not being worthy of you. You'd never insinuated it, not even during the fiercest arguments. You never stooped to using his vulnerabilities against him. It was evident to all that Boyd's Achilles' heel was you, yet you always made him feel invincible, as though he could stand against any adversary in Harlan County. And there were many, especially with the Oxy trade dwindling with the arrival of the new preacher and the drastic measures Boyd had to employ to protect not just his business, but your shared future together.
You often credited Boyd with rescuing you from a life confined to cleaning tables in seedy bars, but the truth was far deeper: you had saved him. Boyd harboured no illusions about his criminal past; he knew the trajectory it set for his future. Yet, it was you who prevented him from plunging too deeply into the shadows of his upbringing. The thought of returning home to you, regardless of the hour, was the sole beacon that guided him through the gruelling days of battling for control over Harlan County. He fought not just for the people or for himself, but for you, and for the possibility of a family you might one day bless him with —that was what made every struggle worthwhile.
You stirred beneath his touch, your lashes fluttering as your eyes slowly opened, bleary and seeking. A smile graced your lips as you spotted him, reaching out to rest your hand on his thigh, as if confirming he was really there.
"Was wondering when I'd see you," you murmured, your voice husky with sleep. Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss to the tip of your nose.
"Time ran away from me," he confessed, his gaze soft as he regarded you. "I'm sorry, darlin'."
You studied him for a moment, the urge to inquire further tugging at your thoughts before you decided to let it go. "Time can be a tricky thing."
Allowing him to guide you up, you melted into his embrace as he held you close. His gentle fingers traced soothing patterns on your back, smoothing the fabric of his shirt that you wore to bed each night under his touch.
"I left dinner for you in the fridge," you reminded him, pulling back slightly to meet his eyes. "I'll join you."
He shook his head, drawing you back into his arms. "Not hungry," he murmured, planting a soft kiss on your neck. "Didn't mean to wake you."
"Well, you failed miserably," you teased, a playful chuckle escaping your lips as he shook you in his hold around your waist. You could feel his smile against your skin. "How could I sleep with you hovering over me like a ghost?"
He chuckled, releasing you and gently nudging your shoulder. You settled back against the pillows, observing him as he rose from the bed.
"You'd scold me if I didn't kiss you goodnight," he remarked, a fond smile on his lips as he removed his pocket watch and set it on the bedside table. He held your gaze as he began to unbutton his waistcoat. "You ask every morning."
You hummed in agreement, running your thumb over the smooth surface of the brass watch. In the early days, you had made it a habit to stay awake during Boyd's late nights, eager to be alert in case his dealings took a dangerous turn and he needed to be patched up. It had occurred a few times, though not recently. Boyd Crowder was the sharpest mind in Harlan—few managed to outsmart him.
Your new job had demanded more from you, and though you had offered to resign, Boyd had insisted that one of you must earn through legitimate means. He had encouraged you to attend training school, funded the evening studies through unconventional channels and sang about how this new role was going to be a step in cementing the future you'd both dreamed of. Nevertheless, it had taken a toll on you, and you found yourself less vigilant than you were before, despite the anxiety that had kept you alert during those initial months, worrying about his safety. 
He didn't mind, of course. He reassured you that he was simply grateful to return home to you, for the comfort and warmth you provided him, and for the graciousness with which you welcomed his associates, despite your reluctance for your home to serve as a meeting place during desperate times. He never made you feel inadequate, even when he was out risking his life to carve out a brighter future for both of you.
You had both settled into a familiar routine, one that left you both yearning for more but ultimately grateful when the day ended and you found solace in each other's embrace.
As the covers shifted, a chill swept over you, but Boyd swiftly slid beneath them, now dressed only in his underwear, and nestled closer to you. He gently retrieved the pocket watch from your hand, leaning over to place it back on the table, before wrapping his arm around your waist. You lay on your back, gazing up at the ceiling, your fingers tangling in his thick hair as he nestled against your chest, finding comfort in your embrace.
A myriad of thoughts raced through your mind, a multitude of questions that remained unspoken as you focused on the steady rhythm of your shared breaths. Sometimes, you felt the urge to uncover everything, to strip away all secrecy and confront the raw reality of what Boyd endured each day. Yet, you quickly reminded yourself—that wasn't your place. Your role was to support him while maintaining a certain level of ignorance. It was crucial, Boyd had insisted, in case you were ever questioned about him. Which you were, often, if not by nosy neighbours from the holler then by your lawman colleagues. You had been prepared for every instance though, it was Boyd who had thrown you into the belly of the beast after all. 
You loved Boyd deeply, trusting him with your life because you understood it was the thing he valued most. If he required you to play a part, then that's what you would do. You'd remain silent, tend to his wounds, and hold him close, serving as the anchor he needed to prevent him from drifting too far out to sea.
His lips traced a tantalizing path over your collar bone, up your neck, and across your chin until they met yours in a soft, lingering kiss. A contented sigh escaped you as you melted into him, his hand exploring the contours of your body, caressing your side, gliding over your stomach, and tracing down your thigh. He grasped, stroked, and savoured every inch of you, his tongue intertwining with yours in a passionate dance.
Your hand slipped from his hair, instead cupping one cheek as the other tenderly stroked his jaw, rough with the stubble that grazed your thumb. He moaned against your lips, a sound laden with desire and need, but reluctantly pulled away, pressing one final kiss against the corner of your mouth before meeting your gaze with weary eyes.
"How long do I have you for?" he inquired, his voice heavy with longing, and you glanced over to the clock beside the bed. The red digits stared back at you, marking the finite moments of your togetherness as you let out a resigned sigh.
"Four hours," you replied, meeting his gaze once more. He nodded, a solemn smile touching his lips as he sank back onto the mattress. Extending his arm, he invited you to snuggle against his chest, and you accepted, finding solace in the warmth.
"What if you didn't go?" he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, his fingers tracing soothing circles on the top of your arm. You chuckled softly, tightening your embrace around him as the notion settled into your mind.
"I'm not sure the Harlan County Sheriff's Department would appreciate their employees playing hooky," you replied with a teasing grin. "Even if it's just a lowly trainee like me."
"Oh, I'm sure Mr. Parlow could manage without you for one day," he replied with a playful smile, then his expression turned mischievous as he looked down at you. "Perhaps I could persuade him, given our history."
You shook your head, a glint of amusement dancing in your eyes. Boyd always teased about using his influence to manipulate your work schedule—leaving early, extending your lunch break—but you were adamant about keeping your relationship with him separate from your professional life, regardless of his hand in it. You knew he could pull strings if you asked, but it was important to maintain a sense of independence.
"You did mention we needed to keep Shelby on our side," you reminded him with a playful smile. "I'm pretty sure that's how I ended up agreeing to those early shifts in the first place."
He chuckled softly and leaned in to press another kiss to your nose. "You've got me there, darlin'," he admitted, his voice tinged with affection. "Just wish I had more time with you, is all," he whispered, his thumb gently tracing along your lip before stroking down your chin.
You bit your lip, weighing the possibilities and outcomes in your mind as you gazed up at him. "Perhaps just the morning wouldn't hurt. I'll bring them coffee to make it up—do you think that'll help? Maybe Shelby won't be too upset," you proposed, searching his eyes for reassurance. His gaze softened, a bright grin spreading across his face.
"Oh, baby, I don't think anybody could stay mad at you," he declared in wonderment, and you couldn't help but chuckle. He wasn't merely being sweet—being Boyd Crowder's partner came with its perks as well as its drawbacks, one being that those who didn't want to cross him tended to steer clear of you. It seemed that extended to the Sheriff's department as well.
"I'll call in the morning," you decided, determination firm in your voice.
You rested your head back against his chest, snuggling closer into him as his arms enveloped you, his chin resting atop your head as he spoke softly. "I do believe this'll be the best sleep I've had in a while."
You smiled contentedly against him, feeling the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear. Closing your eyes, you surrendered to the embrace of sleep, your dreams filled with the promise of the morning ahead, shared with Boyd, where every moment, no matter how seemingly ordinary, was something to look forward to.
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forestkniight · 3 days
I'll Be Seeing You
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✯ Chapter 1 ✯ Chapter 2 ✯ Chapter 3 ✯
Once again, thank you all for your patience while waiting for this new chapter. As for requests, if you've sent one in, I've seen it, and there isn't a single one I don't plan on writing. All I ask for is some time!
Pairing: Fizzarolli x Reader*
Warning: Cursing, Yelling
Word Count: 6.5K
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You hear the beeping before you even open your eyes. A heartbeat. 
Your heartbeat. 
You feel a dull pain on the side of your head, and you remember your head colliding with the wall. You’re surprised you didn’t pass out immediately after. You remember Prince Stolas, and he was with someone. 
You open your eyes, and it takes a bit for your eyesight to get back to normal. Your eyes immediately land on the only other thing in the room with you. Prince Stolas. You hesitantly look around the room, but a small part of you hopes Blitz is also here. 
He’s not. 
You sigh as you look toward the stand closest to the bed and notice a bouquet of sunflowers. Your smile brightens as you take a single flower, close your eyes, and breathe in its scent. 
You look up from sweeping when you hear loud laughter approaching the entrance of the main tent. Your smile instantly appears as you try to quickly finish sweeping so you can hang out with Blitzo and Fizz. Your head snaps as you hear someone bark their name, and you feel your shoulders sag as you realize it's Cash. 
“Great,” you whisper as you start walking to a little section in the main tent where all the cleaning supplies (which wasn’t a lot) are kept. 
You figure that Cash wants them to rehearse, so you now have time to kill. You could go out alone, but it wouldn’t be as fun. Plus, after the last time you went out, you aren’t sure if this area is safe for walking alone. As you got older, people got weirder. 
You reach the center of the circus tent and let out an audible sigh before looking forward, your back towards the entrance. The lights are still on, and for a moment, you are someone greater—you were someone. You look directly into the spotlight and allow yourself to smile, bask in the feeling, in dreams. 
“Looks like they won’t need us tonight, Fizz.”
Your eyes snap open, and your head turns to where the voice originated. You smile as you completely face your friends. 
“I heard your dad calling you! I thought you guys were going to get held up tonight,” you say as you walk over to them. 
“Nah. He found out that I’ve been stealing his booze,” Blitzo says as he looks around the tent. “You done for the night?”
You nod excitedly before looking at Fizz, slightly tilting your head.
“You good, Fizz?” 
You could tell he was deep in thought. You look over at Blitzo, and he just shrugs. You walk over to Fizz and lightly tap your finger against his forehead.
“Hello? Hell to Fizz? Are you there?” you ask as Fizz looks at you surprised.
“Are you okay,” you ask with a bit more concern. 
“Yeah,” you raise your eyebrow at him. “No, really.  I messed up my act tonight, and we had important people in the audience tonight.”
He looks so sad. 
“Fizz, it wasn’t a big deal. If they can’t see past a tiny mistake, it’s on them. More for us,” Blitzo says while putting his arms around Fizz’s shoulder. 
“Blitzo is right, Fizz. Don’t worry about it,” you smile as you reach for his hand and squeeze it lightly. 
You notice a slight blush on his cheeks. Was that there before or after you grabbed his hand? You try to fight off a blush at the idea of him blushing at you holding his hand, but you feel your face warm. Blitzo looks at you and raises an eyebrow, and you decide to speak before he can say anything. 
“On that note, I have something for you boys,” you say as you drop Fizz’s hand. 
“A present,” Blitzo says excitedly.
He begins to walk towards you, but you raise your finger at him, signaling him to stay, which he follows. 
“Hmm, yes? It’s not a big thing,” you say as you walk behind the bleachers, retrieving the two bouquets. 
You stay behind the bleachers briefly as you try to calm your racing heart. You should have gotten them the same flowers. 
“I knew you both had important people in the audience tonight, and I knew you would kill it like you always do. Still, I wanted to get you guys a little something to celebrate!” 
You walk out from under the bleachers with the bouquets. One of the bouquets has sunflowers, and the other has red tulips. Fizz and Blitzo look surprised.
“That’s all?” Blitzo asks, and Fizz smacks him on the arm as your smile falters slightly. “I mean, thanks. Red is my favorite color.”
Oh, Satan. 
“Umm…actually, the sunflowers reminded me of you, Blitzo,” you say awkwardly as you hand them over to Blitzo. 
“Why,” Blitzo questions.
“Well, yellow is a happy and joyful color, and that’s all I want for you. A life of joy for one of my best friends,” you beam at him. 
Of course, you knew what sunflowers meant but didn’t want to go too into details.
“Oh,” Blitzo rubs the back of his neck, “thanks.”
Blitzo walks off to the side with his bouquet. He seemed to be admiring them. Has he ever gotten flowers before? Your attention turns to Fizz, who walks closer to you. He smiles softly, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach start up again. Get it together.
“And for you, Fizz, I got red tulips,” you say, and you quickly hand them to him. 
He looks down at the flowers before bringing them up to his nose. He looks back at you with the sweetest look you’ve ever seen. 
“Hello?” Fizz asks.
You furrow your eyebrows.
Fizz removes the bouquet from his face.
“I asked what red tulips mean,” he giggles.
You feel your heartbeat stop. You can't tell him and risk looking like a complete idiot. What were you supposed to say? ‘Yeah, Fizz. For the past few years, I’ve developed strong feelings for you. The kind of feelings that ruin friendships because you’re you and I’m me. But I love you in all the ways a person could love someone else, which will remain true even when you inevitably reject me.’ That wasn’t going to cut it. No, you had to make up some stupid meaning or deflect. You clear your throat as you look at the ground.
“I’m not a flower expert, Fizz, but I got red tulips for you because they are bold. And everyone loves red flowers,” you explained. 
“Oh,” Fizz says as he looks back at the flowers.
Now, it looks like you’re disinterested. He looks up at you with a bright smile as he takes a single tulip from the bouquet. 
“Well, then, it looks like you need one, too,” Fizz says, handing the flower to you.
Your hands slightly touch, and both of your cheeks flush. You’re about to respond before Blitzo speaks.
“I’m not giving you any of mine,” Blitzo says as he walks towards you both.
You and Fizz look at each other before breaking into laughter.
A month before you ran. You were 17. You open your eyes to see a drop on one of the petals. It’s becoming a regular thing to not even feel the tears as they start spilling. You wipe away your tears, still looking at the flowers. Could it have been Blitz? 
“You’re awake,” you snap your head to Prince Stolas, sitting more upright in his chair. 
“Yes,” you pause. “How long have I been…asleep?”
The prince looks at you curiously. 
“It’s only been a day. Does it feel like it’s been longer?”
You ponder on his question. In all honesty, time didn’t cross your mind. All you knew was that you passed out on the street, and you woke up on this hospital bed.
“No, the opposite, actually,” you say while looking back at him.
This was awkward. Might as well get apologies out of the way.
You both look at each other as you interrupt one another. You feel a half smile appear on your face as the prince lets out a chuckle. 
“You first,” the prince gestures to you. 
“Thank you, your highness. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior at the club. I intruded on a royal’s space. Not only that, but on a royal already on a date,” you blurt out, your cheeks flushing. 
You glance up at the prince to see his shocked expression before he starts laughing. You raise your eyebrows as your cheeks heat up. Well, this is humiliating. 
“...I was serious,” you awkwardly state as you hug yourself to self-comfort.
Noticing your sincerity, the prince stops his laughter, but there is still a trace of joy in his eyes. 
“There is nothing to apologize for, dear. It was barely even a kiss. Still, if it’ll make you feel better, consider it forgiven and forgotten,” he smiles at you. 
“Thank you, Your Highness,” you smile softly at him.
“Oh, there is no need for formalities. You can call me Stolas,” he says, maintaining eye contact.
You couldn’t decipher his gaze. He is trying to study you, but you couldn’t grasp why. 
“Thank you, Stolas. Now, I believe you wanted to say something as well?”  
“Ahh, yes. Well, I noticed you saw the flowers Blitzy and I brought you.” 
You raise your eyebrows at the nickname, and you can’t help the little smirk that appears on your face. You cough to play it off when you notice Stolas’ face blush.
“Yes, did you choose them out?" 
Part of you felt you knew the answer, but it might have been coincidental. There was a slight chance that Stolas liked sunflowers, and Blitz didn’t remember the flowers you got him all those years ago.
“No, it was Blitz! After they took you in, Blitzy and I walked around the area to find food when he suddenly paused in front of a flower stand. I recommended that we bring you back flowers, and he hesitantly agreed before reaching out for that bouquet. Why do you ask?”
So it was Blitz. You look down at the flower and feel a pang in your chest. Damn it. How was this your life? You were supposed to disappear. You weren’t supposed to run into either of them and now here you were, consumed by guilt. You try to fight back tears, but some of them slip out. You quickly wipe your eyes before looking back up at Stolas. He seems a bit curious but a lot more concerned.
“I’m sorry, your- Stolas. I’m sure by now you know that Blitz and I have a history,” you say as Stolas raises his eyebrows. “NOT LIKE- history like we essentially grew up together.”
The owl laughs at your panic to correct yourself before calming down.
“Yes, I tried to ask him about it, but he didn’t want to talk about it…at least not with me,” he says, observing your reaction. 
All your defenses are down, so he was probably able to see the panic in your face. 
“I don’t know what happened between you and Blitz, but he was hurt tonight,” he says, looking down at his hands. 
You furrow your eyebrows. 
“Because I ran again?” you whisper. 
Stolas looks up at you again, quietly taking you in. 
“Hm. That’s a question that’s better suited for Blitz, dear. He acted quickly when he saw you shoved against the wall, though.”
You sigh as you look down at the sunflower. One talk. That’s all you had to do. You clear your throat before speaking.
“Um, the club is closed every Monday to give all the musicians a break. Around the time I first got hired, I was given a key to practice in the space, and the boss kind of forgot about it. I don’t have contact with Blitz, but could you tell him if he wants to talk…” you pause. “Tell him I want to talk with him if he lets me.”
You look at Stolas, who seems satisfied. 
“I don’t doubt you’ll make up for running this time, but we both know Blitz. How do I convince him that you mean it?” Stolas asks. 
Your heart doesn’t know how to feel anymore. 
“Tell him I swear it,” you assure him. 
Stolas takes a moment to look at you before nodding. He sticks around a bit more, making conversation. You get to learn more about his relationship with Blitz, and Stolas learns more about how you know Blitz. Eventually, Stolas leaves, leaving you with the sunflower in your hand.
You are going to see Blitz again—your old friend. 
You swore it.
“Do you swear it,” Blitzo asks.
He looks scared. 
“Blitzo, of course I do. You’re my best friend. Nothing will ever change that,” you whisper.
Both of you had slipped away from Blitzo’s dad after he made Fizz go practice for the show later on. Children shouldn’t be working so hard. They also shouldn’t be tossed aside for someone else, especially on their birthdays. 
“You turn 12 today, and I’m still with you. In 10 years, when you turn 22, I’ll be there with you. And when you turn 32 and 42,” you whisper as you spread your hands wider and wider. 
Blitzo chuckles as he lightly punches your arm before his expression turns slightly sad again.
“So, you want to be my friend too? Not just Fizz’s? Not just because I’m friends with Fizz?” 
“Blitzooo! Of course not,” you say as you hug him tightly. “Sometimes I feel like you’re the only one who understands what it’s like to be who I am. Someone in someone else’s shadow. You’re stuck with me.”
You feel Blitzo hug you tighter as you stay in this position for a little longer before he lets go. He asks you one more time.
“Do you swear it? A real friend?”
“Yes, Blitzo.”
“Say it. It only means something if you say the words.”
You roll your eyes as you grab his face.
“I swear it.”
I swear it. 
You sigh as you take another sip of your drink. Part of the reason why you wanted to talk at the club was because of all the alcohol. Still, you weren’t trying to get drunk to the point where you might say too much. You aren’t about to just confess everything to him. At most, you would apologize for hurting him by leaving abruptly. If he asks why, you would make up a reason, Maybe one that wasn’t as selfish as the real reason. 
It was getting later and later, and there was still no sign of Blitz. To be fair, you didn’t specify a time, but it was getting closer to 12 AM, and you had been sitting there since 6 PM. You practiced your repertoire of songs, and that took you until about 8 PM. You don’t know how much longer you could wait. Your heart feels like it could give out at any second because of your emotions. What if he had come before 6 PM and nobody was here? What if he thought you flaked? Thought you ran? 
You sigh as you run your hand through your hair before resting your head on your arm. The clock shows that it’s 12 AM. 
Over and over, I keep going over the world we knew
Once when you walked beside me
That inconceivable, that unbelievable world we knew
When we two were in…
Your singing fades out as you sit up and drink the rest of your drink in one gulp. 
“Sorry, Blitz, but I guess you’re used to it,” you whisper as you gather your stuff. 
You walk towards the club entrance and open the door, almost hitting someone with the door. 
He looks surprised as he just stares at your face. Then, he looks down at your hand with the keys, and in a split second, you see anger overtake his expression. Oh dear. 
“Were you about to fucking leave?”
You flinch slightly. This was going to be a long night, wasn’t it? Why couldn’t you just wait a couple more minutes? Might as well be honest.
“I didn’t know if you were going to show,” you explain softly.
“Oh, you didn’t know if I was going to show,” he spits out. 
There was no use in fighting with him, especially if you would be talking for a while. Plus, he did have more of a point.
“Sorry Blitzo- Blitz. Come in,” you say as you move back into the club, holding the door open for him.
You mentally smack yourself for calling him by his old name. You’ve seen his commercial, and you are aware that he’s been calling himself Blitz. Even though you never thought you would see him again, you tried to get used to the change. And here you are already fucking up. 
He heads straight to the bar, and you can’t help the tiny smile on your face as you follow him. He walks behind the bar and grabs a bottle before stepping back around to sit at the counter. You decide to stand behind the counter, across from him, so you don’t get too comfortable. 
“Am I going to be expected to pay for this?” Blitz asks while he takes a swig. 
You shake your head quickly. 
“No, I owe you for the other night,” you explain as you choose a drink that’s more fruity tasting than alcoholic. 
“You owe me a lot more than alcohol,” he mumbles as he takes another angry swig of the drink.
“Yeah,” you reply awkwardly.
The silence is tense. You don’t even know where to start.
“Are we just going to sit here staring at each other because I did enough of that the other night,” Blitz demands. 
“Satan, give me a minute Blitz. I don’t even know where to start,” you say, trying not to get angry. 
“I’ve given you more than a damn minute. Try a couple of fucking years!” Blitz exclaims. 
“I know Blitz! Do you think I wear the locket as a fashion statement!?” 
You wince as you feel a dull pang in your head, and you close your eyes. You were released from the hospital two days ago, and they mentioned that you should avoid loud noises or making loud noises. The bar is silent as you try to will the pang away. It wasn’t the first time this had happened since you’d been released, so you knew it would disappear shortly. 
“...Are you okay,” you hear Blitz ask. 
It still sounds cold, but you could also hear some concern. At least, you hope that’s what you hear. You raise your head as you keep your hand on your forehead, and you keep your eyes closed.
“Listen, Blitz. I know. I know I fucked up, and I know I left without an explanation. Just give me a damn second, please. I know I don’t deserve it, but surely you can wait a few more minutes,” you beg. 
You open your eyes to see Blitz staring at you. He nods slightly as he takes a swig of his drink, and he looks at it as you reach for a glass of water, your side profile facing Blitz. You take a moment to collect yourself and finish the glass of water. You occasionally see Blitz staring at you through your peripherals, but you don’t comment on it. If you could, you would be staring at him too, but you were too ashamed. You sigh as you turn back to face him but don’t make eye contact. You'll have to, though. You close your eyes one more time, and you hear Blitz sigh angrily. Why couldn’t this be easier? What do you say? Maybe starting with sorry. Pretending you’re talking to the little boy, to the teenager you knew. What would you say if it was that version of him? If he somehow could see how things turned out? 
You open your eyes and look at Blitz square in the eyes. 
“I’m so sorry, Blitz. No explanation will make what I did okay. I thought I would never see you or Fizzarolli again. I know that sounds terrible, but I was trying to avoid this,” you gesture between the two of you. “This hurts. I probably have no right to feel that way because it was my choice, but it hurts. And all I can say is that I’m sorry I hurt you.”
You look at him a second longer before you take another drink of the alcohol you opened earlier. 
“Is that all?” Blitz asks. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You’re ‘sorry’ for hurting me, which you fucking didn’t. I didn’t need you, but what about sorry for running?” Blitz snaps. 
You would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt hearing Blitz say he didn’t need you. You’ve always had such big emotions, and you are actively fighting off tears so it doesn’t get more tense. You just have to get through this night. You ignore the question and decide to focus on the first part. 
“My bad, Blitz. I guess I thought we were closer than we were. I guess it hurt me to leave you,” you explain.
“Yeah, I could tell,” he rolls his eyes. 
The silence settles in. There’s probably nothing you could say that would take the anger away from his eyes. You sigh. 
“Tell me why you ran,” Blitz presses you for an answer.
“Why does it matter?” You shoot back. 
“Because the stupid jester and I spent a lot of time blaming ourselves,” Blitz admits. 
You raise your eyebrows at the lack of Fizzarolli’s name. 
“Stupid jester? Why-” Blitz interrupts you.
“No, you don’t get to ask any fucking questions until you answer mine,” he points a finger in your face. 
You push his finger away from your face. 
“Look, Blitz. I invited you to apologize, and I get that you’re angry. But frankly, I’m not telling you why I left,” you huff out as you swallow the rest of your drink in one gulp and open another stronger drink.
Blitz gets down from his seat and walks away from the bar before turning to face you. He looks extremely pissed. And slightly drunk. 
“You owe it to us, damn it. You don’t deserve to wear that locket with our faces and tell me I can’t know why you left.”
You start downing more of the drink as you feel your vision getting blurry. This is a nightmare. 
“Like I said, it’s not just an accessory I throw on every morning. It serves as a reminder of what I left behind. What I had to leave behind, and if I remember correctly, I got us the lockets,” you snap. 
“Yeah, but you don’t see me fucking wearing it. I threw that piece of shit away after you left. You need a reminder of what you left behind, and I’m right fucking here,” Blitz says as he walks back and slams his hand on the bar. 
The mix of the alcohol and the loud noise was not a pleasant mixture. 
“And you’re better off! You own a business, Blitz!” You dig your nails into your palm as you try to ground yourself. 
“Oh! Thanks a lot! That makes you leaving a lot better! Because you left, I became a boss!” Blitz yells, rolling his eyes. 
You feel your eye twitch. There was no point in this. Only pain and you were supposed to leave that behind. 
“I think we’re done here, Blitz,” you sigh as you drink the last bit. 
You turn around to leave payment for your drinks and Blitz’s. You hear shuffling behind you, and you’re surprised he is taking your dismissal quickly. You wish you could say that part of you hoped that he would fight more, but you are tired. You have been exhausted for a long time now. If it wasn’t for your current job, you don’t know what kind of hole you would go down into. You turn around to grab your jacket, but it’s not on the counter. You look up to see Blitz smirking with it in your hand. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
“Blitz, I am not in the mood. Just give me my jacket, and we can head our separate ways,” you ask as you step out from behind the bar.
“Makes it kind of hard to leave when you don’t have everything with you, huh?” Blitz mocks. 
“You don’t know the fucking half of it,” you snap as you walk towards him, but he puts distance between you both. “Blitz, I swear-”
“You swear what? Can’t fucking hurt me anymore than you did already,” Blitz shoots at you.
“I thought I didn’t hurt you. I thought you didn’t need me,” you mock his earlier words, anger beginning to spill.
“You know what I meant bitch!” Blitz’s stance becomes more rigid as he gets worked up again. 
“Real classy BlitzO,” you over-enunciate the O. 
“The O is silent, and you fucking know it,” Blitz snarls.
“How would I? I left you behind and never thought about you at all. I avoided anything to do with you both, so how on earth would I know that, Blitzo,” you say, feigning cluelessness. 
“You know what I think? I think you were jealous of Fizz and me because all you would ever be was the person who cleaned up AFTER we performed. It explains why you work here. All you wanted was the spotlight, and when knowing us wasn’t enough, you fucking ran,” Blitz yells as he gets in your face. 
You feel your heart break. It was like hearing your worst fears come to life. Did he genuinely see you as only the person who cleaned up after? Sure, you left because you wanted better for yourself (and tried to avoid your feelings, but that’s not important). Still, you never became friends with Fizzarolli or Blitz to get “famous” or whatever he was implying. You didn’t even know what to say.
“And this,” Blitz lifts your locket with a finger before tugging, “was all bullshit.”
You feel the clasp break and hear a tiny clink as the locket hits the floor. Your eyes water as you look at Blitz before briefly looking down at the locket. It falls open, and Fizz’s photo is falling out slightly. You have the urge to puke as you suddenly feel every emotion you’ve ever felt rise to your chest, but the two that were rising above the others are anger and sadness. 
You slightly shove Blitz away as you bend down to pick up the locket and the picture. Your vision is blurry as tears start pouring down your face. As soon as one tear slips out, a dam opens. Your head is spinning as you get back up and try to insert Fizz’s photo back in its slot, but it got slightly wet, making it a bit difficult to get in carefully. You quickly walk over to the bar to set down the locket and the picture and try calming your racing heart. 
“You can quit the dramatics,” Blitz snaps from behind you.
Your eyes look forward, and you feel your stare harden. Fuck it all to hell. You turn around quickly to face Blitz.
“FINE. Do you want to know why I left Blitz? I left because I couldn’t stand being seen as the help or the janitor or whatever the fuck people saw me as. I know damn well that a good portion of the people at the circus didn’t even know my fucking name. I sure as hell know that your dad didn’t because he LOVED reminding me of ‘my place.’ He loved telling me that my friendship with Fizzarolli wouldn’t last. Oh, but never about you. How is it that your own father didn’t appreciate his performer son? Hell, you were almost treated the same way I was. Almost. You had your good moments with your father, even though they were rare and always had some ulterior motive behind them,” you ramble.
You notice the hurt in Blitz’s eyes before it disappears into anger. You didn’t care at this point, though. Your hands are clenched at your side, your heart is in your throat, and you want nothing more than to hurt Blitz the way he had just hurt you by assuming that you never cared about them. 
“My father-”
“I don’t care! You wanted my reasoning, so I’m giving it to you so we can be done, and you can go back to hating me regardless. I left because I knew that if I stayed, I would only ever be the person who cleaned up after you guys, as you so graciously pointed out,” Blitz’s face cringes, but you continue, “I wanted so hard to forget the difference in our worlds, but your dad always made it abundantly clear that I wasn’t worth anything because of what I did at the circus. I had to believe that you and Fizzarolli saw more than what I did. I thought you saw who I was, but do you remember the day I left? The way your dad spoke to me and the fact that neither of you defended me? You both sat there, and you let your dad humiliate me. You might as well have said the words yourself,” you feel yourself crumbling as you hold your hand over your heart, and your breath gets faster. 
“But I didn’t! I went and found you-” Blitz starts, but you interrupt him.
“Yeah, after the fact! By then, the damage had already been done Blitz! Did I truly think that you believed what your father said? Honestly? No. I didn’t think YOU believed that. I’m sorry, Blitz, but your dad was an asshole, and you deserved a better father. I meant it that night when I told you that I felt like you were the only one who understood what it was like to be under the shadows of others. So, in that moment, I felt like you sympathized with me, but what you said right now has me doubting everything I thought I knew,” you say as you look him in the eyes, hurt leaking through every word. 
Blitz’s face looks apologetic and uncomfortable as he watches you spiral. He reaches out to you, but you back away. 
“And even after I left, I wanted to return Blitz! I desperately wanted to go back, even if it meant never doing anything with my life, because that’s how much I cared about you guys. You were my best friends, and I wish I could say I would have done anything for you, but I couldn’t stay there. I’m sorry I couldn’t. I couldn’t stay and watch you both grow and realize that maybe I was below you. That I was never anything more than that scared little child who needed you both to save me, but you had outgrown. I couldn’t stand by and lose my best friend who I loved entirely as he looked at me with disgust, and I wasn’t going to be the stupid idiot that fell in love with the star of the show that would follow him around like a damn puppy,” you sob out as you fall to the floor. 
You let out a couple of sobs as your right hand goes to your heart and your left hand goes to your head. You hunch over as you try to gain control over your emotions again. This is all too much, and your head is pounding. You feel yourself slowly stopping before you abruptly sit up straight. 
Did you just…? You slowly look up and see Blitz mirroring the same expression you are sure is on your face—surprise, shock. You rub your eyes before quickly getting off the floor and heading to the bar. The picture is dry, so you put it back in the slot where it belongs. You reach for your jacket before remembering that Blitz still has it.
“Screw this, I’ll ask for a spare key,” you whisper as you start walking towards the backstage exit. 
“Oh no, you don’t,” Blitz says as he hurries over, but you immediately turn towards the main entrance. 
You are at the door when Blitz speaks again.
“You wouldn’t have seen it happen,” Blitz says softly. 
You pause slightly. You didn’t know if you could respond without bursting into tears again. You wait, a tiny part hoping that he would expand. 
“Not long after you left, it all burned.” 
Your eyebrows furrow as you slowly turn around. You aren’t sure how to process this information. If you are staying, you need a glass of water, so you walk over to the bar before heading to the end of the stage to sit down. You look up at Blitz, waiting patiently as he looks deep in thought. He finally looks up, and he seems a lot more calmer.  Less angry. A lot like the Blitz you knew. 
“It’s how I got this,” Blitz points at his face. “And these.”
You wondered how he got all his scars, but you never thought he got them from the place you had once been. 
“I’m so sorry, Blitz,” you whisper. 
He looks at you and nods slightly.
“Not as sorry as I am. I lost a lot that night,” he says as he walks over with his phone out. 
He sits down on the stage next to you and sets down his phone between the two of you. A picture on the screen shows him, his mom, and his sister. You look up at Blitz, and you notice the pendant on his belt matches his mom’s in the picture. Oh no. 
“Blitz,” you whisper as you look at him before looking down.
“I guess your timing wasn’t half bad. I don’t think I would have forgiven myself if you got hurt too,” Blitz says as he takes his phone back. 
“Forgive yourself?”
Blitz looks at you before looking at the floor in front of him. 
“I don’t want to talk about it, but it was my fault. It was an accident…but it was my fault that the circus went up in flames that day,” Blitz says as he looks up at you. 
You stare at him as you raise your hand to comfort him before putting it back down. His eyes follow the movement, making it awkward, but you haven’t seen him in years. Things have changed. 
“I believe you, Blitz, but at least you had each other,” you reply, and Blitz turns away.
“Yeah…the jester and I aren’t really on speaking terms anymore,” Blitz admits.
You can’t help the way your eyebrows raise and your eyes widen. Those two were best friends. Hell, for a while, you thought one of them harbored a secret crush on the other. What possibly drew them apart?
“It wasn’t because of me, right?” You desperately ask.
A lighthearted smile appears on Blitz. 
“Not everything is about you,” he responds lightly. 
You return his smile with one of your own. You feel the weight of the night lift just a bit. Things aren’t healed completely, but at the moment, the waters are calm. You sit in silence as you both process everything that was said tonight. You hear Blitz sigh.
“Look, I won’t say I completely agree with you leaving, but I guess I understand why you did it. I don’t fucking like it, but it’s done. Now I know,” Blitz starts. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to move on from this. Too many emotions for one night.”
“What does that mean, Blitz?” You look at Blitz as he hops off the stage.
“Well, first, it means you put your number in my phone,” he says as he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Gross,” you respond as you take his phone from him and put in your number. 
He takes his phone back, and you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. You take it out, and you see someone is calling you. You look at Blitz and see him staring at your phone before looking back up at you.
“Whoops, meant to text you,”  he says awkwardly.
“You were calling to see if I gave you my actual number, weren’t you?” You deadpan. 
“Ha, can never be too sure,” he replies, rubbing the back of his neck.
His awkward smile is too goofy to be mad at, and you find yourself smiling and rolling your eyes at him. You make small talk as you fix things before you both head out for the night. You’re at the bar washing the glass you used when Blitz speaks up again.
“I knew it, by the way,” Blitz say matter of factly.
“Knew what?” You say as you put the glass down to dry and turn to look at him.
“You wanting to do nasty things with the clown,” Blitz says as he grabs the locket you set down at the bar.
You feel your face burn as your jaw drops. You hold out your hand for the locket, and he drops it in your hand. 
“I did not say that, Blitz,” you say as you watch him smirk at your reaction. “Besides, I misspoke.”
“Right…” Blitz says, following you as you head to the entrance in embarrassment. 
“Is it bad I’m a tiny bit glad you don’t have contact with Fizzarolli?”
“Why? So I don’t tell him how much you want to-.”
“GOod night, Blitz,” you say as you leave the club. 
You close the door after Blitz steps out with a prideful smirk.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m not walking you to your apartment,” he says as he walks in the direction Stolas and he found you. 
You slightly jog to catch up with him.
“It’s really not necessary, Blitz,” you say. 
“I’m not leaving you alone. It’s next time,” Blitz says while he looks at you.
You feel your heart warm up as you realize he remembers the night you went looking for them. You smile at him as he rolls his eyes. After getting to your apartment building, you say goodbye to Blitz, and he walks in the other direction. You weren’t sure if he would text you, but it was nice having this day. 
You walk up to your apartment and let yourself fall on your couch. You should probably head to bed, but you wanted to reflect on what happened today. Sure, it wasn’t perfect, and you definitely spilled more than you wanted to, but at least Blitz knew why you ran. That’s all that mattered. If he doesn’t forgive you, you would just add him to the list of people who didn’t right under you. You feel your phone buzz, and you smile slightly at the notif.
thx for not runing this time
didnt meen what i said
did care abut u
You smile softly. His spelling has not gotten better. 
Thanks Blitz.
You glance at the time before you decide to head off to bed. As you tuck in, you ponder how things might be different. Hopefully, everything is okay. In fact, you hope tonight was all the excitement you need for this year. You close your eyes, and you go to sleep with your heart feeling a bit lighter than it’s felt in years. 
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Song mentioned: The World We Knew (Over and Over). sung by Frank Sinatra.
*I've had some interest shown in this being a Reader x Poly (Stolas, Blitz, Fizz, and Ozzie), so I am currently leaving things ambiguous! If you have any opinions on which pairing you'd like, please don't be afraid to let me know!
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daykinking · 3 days
Brenna Lancaster - Introduction
[ Here's a written introduction to some of my intox OCs! A literal introduction. Was going to continue to write Brenna being all fucked up in church, but I just want to post already and I think 3.5k is enough for this sort of thing! Feel free to use my world or my characters as inspiration. ]
Brenna had started her day vibrating with excitement at 7am. It was her birthday, and she could finally drink.
Having grown up with somewhat of a helicopter mother, Brenna never had the inclination that she would be allowed a big bash for her and all her friends to get wasted. She would just have to wait until she moved out for that kind of fun.
Today was also Sunday. Usually she would still be asleep for another hour, but today, for her birthday, her parents were going to take her to the Waffle Factory for breakfast.
She had spent hours the night before planning out her outfit. Something subtly sexy that her parents wouldn't say was inappropriate for church. While she knew a plain black spaghetti strap would catch stink-eye from her mother, throwing a short jean jacket over the top would make it imperceptible, and then she could just take it off at church.
By the time her parents had awoken at 7:45 she was already done with her makeup and hair, and was sat on the living room sofa bouncing her leg rapidly.
"Good morniiiing!" she sang. "Ready to go?"
Her tired mother, Scheirre, put on her usual fake plastic smile, eyes closed so you couldn't read them, and said in an ultra-cheery, nearly infantilizing voice, "Ooh boy, someone's excited for breakfast, huh!"
"Excited for something," muttered her father Dylan as he miss-buttoned his gray flannel. "Can you wait 20 minutes honey?"
"Okay!" Brenna said, head heart and stomach twisting in anticipation. As the time moved by at a snail's pace, she opened Tumblr to distract herself, engaging with all the happy birthday asks and notifications. Some of her kink friends asked if she was drinking already. "Not yet, ugh, my parents won't hurry the fuck up. I want mimosas!"
"Are you going to go to church wasted?"
"I'm tryingggggguhhhhh!!"
Just the thought of sipping from a champagne glass in public made Brenna blush and squirm. Sure it'll be a little awkward with her parents there, but maybe they'll have a cute waiter.
The Waffle Factory was located on the west end of the mall, with an outdoor patio featuring cool-looking gas-powered fire pits. There was a bar outside as well.
Once indoors, there were 2 other groups ahead of them at the host stand. Brenna took this opportunity to excuse herself outside to vape.
The second she was back outside she made a beeline for the bar, whipping out her ID and slapping it down with a grin. The bartender, dark roots growing out under his bleach-yellow hair, turned his piercing blue eyes to the girl. He was easily six feet tall and very lanky, with only a smattering of tattoos on his arms, all weird lines and symbols. His white shirt hung loosely to his fatless form, hands of a skeleton wiping down the bartop with a rag. "How can I help you, miss?"
"I'd like a mimosa please!"
"Of course," he said, swooping up her ID. "Well happy birthday!"
"Thank you!" she cheesed, accepting the drink from him and taking a gleeful sip. She spied on the front door, taking a few more drinks. "Um...would you mind making this a little stronger?"
Without missing a beat, he topped off her glass with champagne. "Is this all going on your table's tab?"
Reflexively going to say "Yes," she stopped herself, realizing the talking-to she'd be in for if her parents knew how much she was about to spend on alcohol. "No, you can keep this card on file for me."
"I see." He accepted the card and opened a tab as she downed the rest of the mimosa. "Thank you!" Running up to the front door, she peeked in, seeing that her parents were still in line behind the other family.
"Actually can you pour me one more really quick?"
He smirked. "Sure thing, doll."
When she went back in to wait with her parents, Brenna felt wide-awake and alert. She knew the alcohol wasn't working quite yet, but it was still making her feel high just to think about how she was going to feel soon. Suddenly she tasted the champagne on her breath and felt a little self-conscious. Maybe it would kick in quicker since she hadn't eaten yet.
"Brenna," Scheirre said in a tone one would call to a dog, and snapped casually as she and Dylan followed the host to their booth. Brenna realized she'd been spacing out, glancing around as she followed as if she could see who could tell she had just drank.
No sooner had the host said "I'll be right back with your waters" than their server came up to the table.
"Salutations, my fine folks, my name is Axel and I will be your maitre-dee this morning. Can I get you started with some drinks?"
"Aren't you the bartender that was outside?" Dylan asked.
"Affirmative," said Axel with a slight bow at the waist.
Dylan rolled his eyes hard, trying not to outwardly cringe at this dude. "The wife and I are going to just stick with the waters." He gave a look to Brenna. "And it's our daughter's birthday today,"
"Happy birthday." "Thank you!"
"--so she's going to have her very first drink. Brenna, tell the nice man what you'd like."
She smiled sheepishly to the waiter, knowing they shared a secret. "I'd like a mimosa, please!"
Scheirre made a faux-scandalized face, reaching over to give her embarrassed daughter an awkward one-armed hug.
By the time Brenna had finished her glass, their food was already out. A mountain of waffles stood before her, covered in berries, syrup, and whipped cream. "Holy shit."
"Oops. Sorry." Her cheeks flushed red. Those words had kind of just come out on their own.
"Thank you very much," said Dylan to the server as he accepted his egg whites and arugula with chia seeds or whatever. Sheirre had ordered a plate of meat with a side of meat and some eggs, including the yolks from Dylan's whites.
"My deepest pleasure," said Axel with another bow. "Is there anything else you need? More drinks?"
"Just water again," Scheirre said without looking up.
"I'd like a coffee."
"And for the guest of honor?" he said, turning to Brenna. She felt her eyes vibrate. About to order another mimosa, she quickly calculated that her parents would get on her case.
"Orange juice please..."
"Of course." He flipped his little notepad shut, gave a bow once more, and left. Dylan muttered something about "smarmy weirdo."
The waffles were fantastic, but Brenna already regretted not ordering more alcohol. She didn't know when she was gonna get away with this again. She didn't drive; she didn't have any friends who drove. The nearest liquor store to the house was a 30 minute walk.
The restaurant around them was quite loud. Between bites as Brenna looked around, she was pretty excited to notice the slight drag in her vision. The lights left brief little tails like tadpoles, and all the colors in the room seemed brighter. This was Brenna's third time getting tipsy. But the first time outside of her bedroom.
As she took in the scenery she started smiling kind of stupidly, slightly agape, braces peeking out. Muted canned lights lit the place and the checkerboard walls were plastered with very talented artists' renditions of famous album covers reimagined with breakfast foods. Including actual non-parody album covers, like Flat As A Pancake, Whipped Cream and Other Delights, Viva Les Crepes, none of which Brenna recognized.
As she took a bite of her side of bacon Brenna noticed her skin felt a little numb. The drunken dullness of sense of touch had set in. She tried to keep her smile to herself as she crunched numbly on the bacon, taking only the best flavors from it.
Before long Axel had come back with the orange juice. She made sure to meet his eyes when she thanked him, hoping she looked doe-eyed enough. From his perspective she certainly did; her pupils were, as one might say, the size of the moon.
As she took a sip from the off-clear dappled plastic restaurant cup, she noticed...carbonation. She didn't feel it until it hit the tender flesh of her inner lip, and she was confused, so she took another sip.
Unable to differentiate between the taste of champagne already clinging to her tongue, or champagne in the cup, Brenna reasoned that it must just be really acidic juice, because it would have been odd and also a miracle if Axel had made her a mimosa in a plastic cup.
She washed down the second-to-last waffle with the rest of the drink, hitting her chest and releasing a loud belch.
"Brenna Nicole Lancaster!" Schierre shrieked.
"I'm sorry--"
"That wasn't ladylike, dear," said Dylan, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry!" She couldn't help but giggle, suppressing a second smaller burp and covering her mouth this time. "I didn't know it would be that loud."
"What?" she asked her mom, carefully trying to cut a bite out of her last waffle.
"Honey." It was a command. She wasn't obeying. "Look at me," she said sternly.
"Mm?" She locked eyes with her, or tried to. Fuck. Fuck. She had to keep refocusing. Oh fuck.
Scheirre's eyes narrowed. "Are you drunk?"
"I--w--I don't know, it's my first drink," she said, eyes darting around the pop art in the room.
"Did you get drunk before we left?"
"Wh--how would I do that? No!"
"Babe," Dylan said calmly to his wife, "maybe she's just a lightweight."
Scheirre raised her pale eyebrows over her green eyes, folding her freckled arms across each other as a curly red lock tumbled over her shoulder. "Our daughter's a lightweight, huh?"
"Okay. Calm down."
Brenna busied herself with the waffle, wanting so badly to talk to the horny people in her phone. But her mom was already being kind of controlling; for sure she'd snatch that phone right out of her hands again and try to look through it.
Right then, her savior came along. "Can I refill that for you?"
"Yes please!" she said, searching for his eyes again and beaming her gratefulness into his brain. He smiled back at her, then turned to Dylan. "Can I refill your coffee, sir?"
"Actually, I hate to say this...this basically tastes like water to me."
"Oh, so sorry, sir." He nodded, taking a step backward and catching Brenna's eye, holding it. "Should I make that stronger for you?"
"What? Of c--yes. Please," Dylan responded curtly.
Brenna gave him a secret thumbs up under the table. He winked at her quickly, bowed slightly, and left.
While waiting for her extra-extra mimosa, Brenna kicked her feet, pushing around the eggs left over in the syrup on her plate and taking a few bites here and there.
She felt the urge to burp again, but suppressed it as best she could. It worked...but then the bubbling in her chest turned into something else. She opened her mouth to ask for a sip of her mom's water, and instantly hiccupped, very hard. "Ough..."
Schierre stared hard at her, judging. Dylan silently passed the water cup over to her without looking.
"Thank yo--HIC--u...Ow."
Oh god, this was embarrassing. She was kind of regretting getting so drunk in front of her parents. Now she was gonna have to be in the car with them...
Thankfully her next cup of juice was here. She took maybe too eager of a drink. Braced for the carbonation, Brenna was suddenly hit with a sharp burn, instantly hacking a cough as she slapped the drink down to keep from spilling it. She pulled back from the table and spluttered, hoping that cute waiter wasn't looking. (He was.) Was that fucking...vodka?! (It was.)
"I thing I drang that too fas'" she said, alcohol stinging her sinuses. Upon taking a deep breath she hiccupped again, face bright red as ever, as she wiped drool from her chin.
She couldn't look her parents in the eyes, but she did need to finish her plate, and her screwdriver.
By the end of the meal, waiting on their check, Brenna found herself spacing out a lot, trying to feign conversation with her parents. Were she a little more sober, it might have been obvious to her that they were onto her.
Brenna waited to the car to announce that she really, really badly had to pee, and she couldn't hold it til church. She did this because she knew her parents wouldn't be willing to go back inside with her. Her dad handed her a 10. "Why don't you get yourself some coffee while you're in there."
"Thanks!" she said, not looking into it beyond another birthday gift. "Be right back."
Hopping back out of the car, Brenna stumbled a little, catching herself before colliding with the car parked next to them. She basically skipped inside the mall, feeling like she was swimming through the air as the colors of the parking lot swirled around her.
Brenna had been waiting to come to this mall for a long time. Her Tiktok feed was full of videos of people having the time of their lives, getting drunk and high as heaven. So despite never having been here before, she knew the Barbucks would be just to the left outside of Boredsom.
It never even crossed Brenna's mind but Dylan had wanted her to get coffee to sober up. It didn't cross Dylan's mind but they also serve alcohol at this particular coffee shop.
Time dilated as she stood in line, anxious that she was getting more sober by the second (she wasn't). Senses dulled, she could vaguely hear a group of very chatty women coming right toward her, but nothing registered until she was backed into by a 6-foot goddess of a woman. She knocked her right into the mall employee in line ahead of her. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" both Brenna and the woman who ran into her said at the same time. The employee Brenna had bumped into just giggled, twiddling one of her long, stick-straight pigtails.
"S'no worries," she said, smiling with her eyes closed.
"Hi, Claire," said the barista, "Grande mudslide?"
"Venti please?" she said with a sway.
The two chatted a while, or rather, Claire rambled to the barista while the order was rung in.
"I'm Stella," said the woman behind Brenna. "This is Cat," she said, revealing a much shorter and smaller woman with soft lavender-colored hair and big doe eyes.
"Hi! Sorry, we're super obnoxious," Cat apologized.
"It's okay. I'm Brenna."
"Brenna! I love that!" Cat cooed. She was wrapped tightly around Stella's waist. Brenna's eyeline came right to Stella's chest, which was impossible not to notice. She was wrapped tightly in a very short, strapless, ruched tube dress of gold tissue lame, the sort that looks trashy on almost any person in the entire world. She was pulling it off. Rather, filling it out. It made the gladiator flats work. She had a lot of artificially-blonde hair, stiff and wavy, pulled up in two half-pigtails on either side, an emulation of a lion's mane. The red gloss on her plumped lips was mesmerizing.
"I haven't seen you around," she said. "Have you been here before?"
"No, actually, it's...it's my birthday," Brenna replied, barely able to contain her excitement.
"OH MY GOD NO WAY!" The two women burst into celebration, a mixture of shouting and squealing. "Star!" Stella said to the girl behind the counter, "Whatever Brenna orders is on me."
"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet of you, you don't have to do that."
Stella waved a dismissive hand and nodded to Star, who then looked to Brenna.
"Oh, uh...I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at the menu..."
"You like sweet stuff, don't you," Cat said, clocking her instantly. "Get her a Bailey's slushy."
"Ooh, great choice."
Brenna thanked them all and stepped to the side to wait for her order. Clearly Stella and Cat knew this mall very well, and the workers here. Stella's voice was very loud, and also very slurred, so it was hard to make out what she was saying but you could tell she was having a good time. The two came over to wait with her, standing at the little tall table.
"So you're celebrating your birthday here?" Stella asked, a bright blush coming through under the freckling on her face. The table creaked every once in a while as she swayed.
"Uh, well, not really. My parents brought me here for breakfast and now we're going to church..."
"To church!"
"Ew," said Cat, reflexively. "Sorry. No offense."
"We gotta get you fuckin' loaded," said Stella. "Are your parents just waiting in the car?"
"You like weed?"
Brenna's eyes widened in shock. She had smoked a couple of bowls before, at a party. "Yeah!" She wasn't prepared for Stella to whip out a dab pen.
It was simple and pink, a small battery that could fit almost anywhere. Stella unscrewed the cartridge that was on it and replaced it with a fresh one. "Hit this til they call your order."
"Wh--okay!" Brenna was almost uncomfortably turned on. She did as she was told and hit the pen, maybe a little too hard right off the bat, and immediately went into a coughing fit. Her head swirled with the alcohol and the new substance, and it took her a while to notice Stella's laughter.
"You come back to life yet?"
"Mm-mmhmm..."  Brenna wiped some drool from her chin. Her head began to feel lighter, but her throat was fucked.
"Okay good, hit it again."
Looking up to meet Stella's eyes, Brenna shivered under her challenging gaze. Maintaining eye contact she hit the pen again obediently. She tried to suppress the coughing, and she didn't hit it as hard.
"Good girl, you're learning!"
Time dilated even more now. Everything around Brenna felt disconnected, like she and her new friends were on one plane, the Barbucks was on another, and her parents were on another planet.
"My parents! How long have I been in here?"
Cat giggled, gently stroking Brenna's back. "It's okay, sweetie, you're just high. Your coffee hasn't even come yet."
"Oh...right." Brenna took a deep breath of oxygen, allowing the sounds of the crowd to blend the world back together. The lights were so pretty. All the potted plants...wow. How pervasive is nature, that even inside the concrete jungle--
"Take another hit, cutie," Stella murmured across the table. Eyes fixated on the pothos crawling up a potted palm tree, Brenna obeyed.
Everything was engulfed in a soft cloud. Brenna's brain included. When her name was finally called and made its way to her through the fog, she realized she had been leaning in a very awkward position against the potted flowers behind her.
Though she was looking directly ahead of her at the coffee bar (okay, maybe a little slanted), the second Brenna took a step she began careening to the left. Her feet crossed themselves over each other and she slapped against the floor. "Oof!"
"Oh shit."
She was scooped up, body ragdolling along as Stella and Cat helped her walk to the counter. They took their hands off her as she grabbed for the drink, missing at first.
Brenna felt like a bobblehead as she turned carefully. The other two flanked her for a bit, and she wordlessly nodded toward the exit door. They walked her down the short hallway to where it was more quiet.
"You can walk okay, right?" said Stella. "I kind of feel bad for pressuring you like that."
"Nn-no, itw- was. Yes." Brenna used her left hand to help her right hand form a thumbs up, to show she was okay with this. The weed had rendered her unable to form sentences. "Thank." Suddenly perplexed, she pantomimed texting.
Cat swiped Brenna's phone from her back pocket, held Brenna's finger to the sensor, and started putting in her and Stella's numbers.
Brenna tried to hand the pen back to Stella, confused why it kept moving. And why it was so heavy.
"No, keep it," she said. "Happy birthday!" She held up her cold brew sangria, and Cat joined the cheers with her dalgona martini. Brenna knocked her paper coffee cup against theirs, delighted to remember there was booze inside of it. The three of them took a hefty drink, and suddenly both Stella and Cat also had weed pens. They cheersed with the pens, and Brenna eagerly took way too big of a hit.
After another fit of coughing, having to collapse against the wall for a bit, and getting rubbed on by some beautiful ladies, Brenna staggered toward the exit door, confident her parents wouldn't suspect a thing. She stepped out into the parking lot and stared at the skyline.
"Brenna. Brenna."
Oh, that's right. They were parked right out front. Hastily she pocketed the pen.
Taking a deep breath, Brenna willed herself to walk a straight line to the car, accidentally stumbling into it at the last minute. Her parents ignored this.
As she sat in the back seat she sipped on her spiked coffee, not a thought in her head. The christian radio station was playing, and for once in her life, Brenna felt close to god.
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rvzcvx · 2 days
I see your post we're you bored and idk what to write so another Idea :
Can you do Tom x(dom) m! Reader or non-gendered is not important (I prefer x m! Reader because I'm a guy obviously )During the 14th of July and we arrive in the evening at the time of the fireworks and Tom is really scared about firework (IDK LMAO, no judgment.) and reader tries to reassure him Fluff and maybe bonus where reader and Tom had sex because Tom can't calm down! As you wish
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pairing: tom kaulitz x male reader
warnings: smut
a/n: idk if thats what you meant, but i hope youre gonna like it!! its kinda long but I hope it will be a good to read!! you can send me more requests if you want me to write something
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, we were walking through the crowded streets of Paris, my heart racing in anticipation of the evening ahead. Tom and I had planned this trip months ago, carefully timing our visit to make it in time with bastille day. But as we made our way towards the seine, where the crowd had gathered, Tom's grip on my hand tightened, and I could sense his growing unease.
We arrived at a place near the eiffel tower. People were everywhere, their excitement palpable. Tom's eyes darted around nervously, his usual confident demeanor replaced by an nervous tension. I squeezed his hand gently, hoping to provide some reassurance.
"You okay?" I asked, my voice low enough to be lost in the crowd. Tom forced a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed. I forgot how crowded it gets here."
I knew it was more than the crowd. Tom had never been comfortable around fireworks. The loud, unexpected bursts and the lingering booms always seemed to unsettle him. It was something he rarely admitted, but tonight, as the first rocket flew into the sky, I saw him flinch.
"It's gonna be fine" I whispered, pulling him closer. "We'll stay back here, away from the thick of it."
He nodded, but his body remained tense. The fireworks began in earnest, vibrant explosions of color and light that painted the night sky. Each burst was met with oohs and aahs from the crowd, but Tom's reaction was a stark contrast. His jaw clenched tighter with each boom, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to block out the noise.
"Hey" I said softly, turning to face him and gently cupping his face in my hands. "Look at me, not at the fireworks." Tom's eyes fluttered open, meeting mine. "I'm trying" he muttered, his voice strained.
"Focus on my voice, on my touch." I ran my thumb soothingly over his cheek. "You’re safe. We’re safe."
He took a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he concentrated on me. "Thanks" he said, his voice barely audible over the people around us.
I kept talking, sharing random stories and memories, anything to distract him from the noise. Gradually, his breathing steadied, and some of the tension got off him. As the grand finale approached, the fireworks intensified, the sky a chaotic symphony of light and sound. Tom winced, but he didn't look away from me.
When the last firework faded, I could see the relief on his face. "Let's get out of here" I suggested, threading my fingers through his.
We walked back to our hotel, the cool night air a welcome change from the crowded riverbank. Tom was quieter than usual, his earlier anxiety still lingering. Once we were inside our room, I closed the door behind us and turned to him.
"Sorry I wasn't much fun tonigh" he said, flopping onto the couch. "Don't apologize" I replied, sitting next to him and placing a hand on his leg. "I knew fireworks weren't your thing. I just wanted to be with you."
He gave me a grateful look. "You always know how to make me feel better."
I leaned in and kissed him gently, letting my lips linger on his. He responded eagerly, his hands finding their way to my waist, pulling me closer. The kiss deepened, and for a moment, all the stress and tension melted away.
"I don't know what I'd do without you" Tom murmured against my lips. "You don't have to find out" I whispered back. "I'm not going anywhere."
We stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the world outside forgotten. Eventually, Tom pulled away slightly, his eyes searching mine. "Can we just stay here tonight? Just us?"
"Of course" I said, brushing his thick dreads from his face. "We can do whatever you want."
He smiled, a real smile this time, and pulled me down onto the bed with him. We lay there, holding each other, the faint sounds of the city outside a distant hum. Tom's breathing slowed, his body relaxing completely for the first time that evening.
"I love you" he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you too" I replied, kissing his forehead.
We lay there in comfortable silence, enjoying the peace of the moment. The anxiety from earlier seemed like a distant memory now, replaced by a deep sense of contentment. Tom's hand found mine, our fingers intertwining as we simply enjoyed being together.
After a while, I felt Tom's lips on my neck, his breath warm against my skin. "You make everything better" he murmured, his voice low and husky.
I shivered at his touch, my body responding instinctively. "I try" I said with a smile, turning to capture his lips with mine.
We kissed slowly, savoring each moment, the tension from earlier completely forgotten. Our hands roamed over each other, exploring familiar territory with renewed intensity. Tom's touch was both soothing and electrifying, a combination that never failed to drive me wild.
As things heated up, I felt the urgent need to be even closer to him. We moved together in perfect sync, our bodies responding to each other's every move. The connection between us was intense, fueled by the events of the evening and the deep love we shared.
Eventually, we paused, breathless and flushed, our foreheads pressed together. "Let's take this to the bedroom" Tom suggested, his eyes dark with desire.
I nodded, my heart racing in anticipation. We stood up, still wrapped around each other, and made our way to the bedroom. I pushed open the bedroom door, my heart racing with anticipation.
I laid him gently on the bed, placing my weight on his body. "You're so beautiful" I murmured, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips. He responded eagerly, his arms winding around my neck as he deepened the kiss.
I could feel the heat radiating off his body, and I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I broke the kiss, my lips trailing down his jaw and neck, peppering him with kisses as I went. He tilted his head back, giving me better access, and I couldn't help but grin at his eagerness. "You like that?" I asked, my breath hot against his skin.
"Yes" he moaned, his voice ragged with desire. "Don't stop."
I continued my assault on his neck, my hands roaming over his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles tense and flex beneath my fingertips. I could feel his cock, hard and throbbing, pressed against my thigh, and I knew that it was time to take things to the next level.
I pulled back, my eyes meeting his, and I saw the hunger and need in them. I reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head, exposing his toned, muscular chest. I couldn't help but let out a low whistle as I took in the sight of him.
"Fuck, you're so hot" I said, my voice filled with awe.
He blushed at the compliment, but I could see the pleasure in his eyes. I leaned down, capturing one of his nipples in my mouth and sucking hard. He cried out, his back arching off the bed as I teased and tormented him with my tongue and teeth.
I moved my attention to his other nipple, giving it the same treatment, and he moaned and writhed beneath me. I could feel his cock leaking precum, and I knew that he was just as turned on as I was.
I stood up, my eyes never leaving his, and stripped off my own clothes. He watched me, his eyes dark with desire, as I revealed my own hard, throbbing cock. I climbed onto the bed, positioning myself between his legs, and I leaned down to capture his lips in another searing kiss.
I reached down, wrapping my hand around both of our cocks, and I began to stroke them together. He moaned into my mouth, his hips bucking up to meet my movements. I broke the kiss, my lips trailing down his chest and stomach as I made my way to his cock.
I wrapped my lips around the head, swirling my tongue around it, and he cried out, his hands fisting in my hair as he held me in place. I took him deeper into my mouth, my throat working as I swallowed him down.
He was moaning and thrashing beneath me, his hips bucking up as I sucked and licked at his cock. I could feel my own orgasm building, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.
I pulled off his cock with a pop, my lips wet and swollen from his abuse. I looked up at him, my eyes filled with lust and desire, and I saw the same need reflected back at me in his gaze.
"I need you inside me" he gasped, his voice desperate.
I nodded, reaching for the lube and condom that I had stashed in the bedside table. I quickly sheathed myself and slicked up my cock, my eyes never leaving his.
I positioned myself at his entrance, my cock throbbing with need. I looked up at him, seeking his permission, and he nodded, his eyes filled with trust and desire.
I pushed inside him, my cock sliding in easily, and he cried out, his hands reaching up to grip my shoulders as I filled him up. I began to move, my hips pistoning as I drove into him again and again.
He was moaning and writhing beneath me, his cock hard and leaking as I fucked him. I leaned down, capturing his lips in another kiss as I continued to thrust into him.
"You feel so good" I murmured, breaking the kiss. "So tight and hot."
"Yes" he moaned, his hips meeting my thrusts. "Harder, m/n. Please."
I increased my pace, my hips moving faster and faster as I drove into him. I could feel my orgasm building, my balls drawing up tight against my body.
"I'm close" I gasped, my breath coming in short, sharp pants. "Me too" he moaned, his nails digging into my shoulders.
I reached down, wrapping my hand around his cock, and I began to stroke him in time with my thrusts. He cried out, his back arching off the bed as he came, his cum spurting out in hot, sticky ropes.
The sight of him coming, of his body trembling and writhing beneath me, was enough to send me over the edge. I groaned, my cock twitching as I came, filling the condom with my hot, sticky load.
I collapsed on top of him, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I took off the used condom and threw it somewhere, wrapping my arms around him too.
"I love you Tom" I said, resting my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you too" I heard him say and I smiled, feeling myself fall asleep after a while.
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honeytama · 5 hours
coming out as bisexual + pride fest headcanons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
noah sebastian/bad omens x gender neutral! reader
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a/n: *ty to @hedonists for the pic and @exitwoundsx & @somewhere-diamond for the ideas. also, if someone wants to write more on this please do. i'm gonna be feral all month long.
content: fluff and a lil bit of bi anxiety
coming out as bisexual
noah and yourself have been together for a few months
the beginning of your relationship felt like a honeymoon, but lately you’ve felt somewhat closed off and anxious
there was tension between you two up until having your first argument
the argument was about something silly, really, it could be fixed with just a bit more communication
but once you've made up, you take the chance of demonstrating your trust in him and your need to share your feelings by coming out to him, finally
“oh, you’re bi?,” his eyebrows raise. “is that why you’ve been acting weird? you wanted to tell me?” he smiles.
you confirm that’s why and tell him you didn’t want to hide that side of your life from him anymore. you felt better having opened up to him, but you didn't want him to think any differently of you.
“i understand. you're still, Y/N, to me..." he pauses. "um, what does being bi mean for you?” he asks, curious.
you explain what it means to you and explain that you still love him no matter your attraction to another gender.
“you love me, Y/N?” he smiles, wide. he looks like he’s won the lottery.
you say yes, begrudgingly. knowing he’ll tease you about it for the next week.
“i love you, too,” he takes his hand in yours. “thank you for telling me. i love everything about you, just so you know. your sexuality doesn't change who you are or how I feel about you. i'm proud of you for being honest with me, and for being true to yourself.”
a weight falls right off your shoulders and you finally feel like you can breathe.
"i'm here for you always."
going to pride fest with bad omens
with pride month coming around the corner, you get brave and ask your friends to come with you to pride fest in that city this weekend
of course, you say “if you don’t want to go, it’s totally okay” or “sorry, I’m just really excited.”
but noah assures you not to apologize. “yeah, that would be fun. we’d love to go with you. you’ll just have to show us the ropes,” you hear noah laugh over the phone.
june rolls around and you're at your place with your friends from bad omens getting ready to head out to the festival in the afternoon
folio brought his own kaleidoscope glasses and will choose to wear iridescent glitter on his shoulders and cheeks. he opts to apply it himself.
jolly decides he wants his hair in braids after hearing how hot it will be, so noah and you help him braid his hair into pigtails. he chooses from one of the pride tees you have in your closet. maybe "be gay, do crime"
nicky is super jealous of folio's glasses, but he distracts himself by letting you paint on his arms different pride flags. he makes a joke about him being the one being tattooed this time. his shirt says, "lesbians eat what?!"
noah really wants to go shirtless.
you don't allow him to, knowing he'll burn and regret it in the morning.
so he opts to wear a classic white tank. nicholas and you team up to give noah a glitter middle part in his hair.
the fest ends up being a blast and you feel so supported by your friends
they all follow around like ducks and ask you questions when they're curious
their favorite parts are the parade and the drag queen performances
you even had them stop at an atm before the fest to get some cash to tip the queens
AHHHH my heart
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mntcoronet · 2 years
"you have general anxiety, you are deficient in several things, and you may also have autism" local doctor states to me. referral for assessment and cognitive ball therapy pending, however
#maggles ramblings#i didn't know which mix of the two 'c b t' acronyms to use so i made my own. no balls will be undergoing therapy in my health plan though#ANYWAY !! due to the anxiety bit she knew i disliked unplanned change. so asked me if my interests were kinda narrow#and I'm like. absolutely. there are specific games n shows i like and that's all my brain knows or cares about at any given time#and she asked how good i am at picking up social cues. and i wasn't sure abt that one but i know ive always been more of a social observer#in primary school especially i was like. 'must watch peer interactions so i can spot any traps that may lead to me being made fun of'#like i didn't get why it happened; i just tried to observe and avoid what i could#and i still feel like i don't always Understand most of my peers. my best friends have always been the ones who also weren't great socially#bc with them there was never any 'secretly judging you/not interested in what ur saying/can tell this conversation isn't natural for u'#kind of vibe. idk it's tough like i feel like i am Some level of good at social interaction but also feel like im just pretending to Get It#and there's just. certain people who match my vibe and won't think im strange or too passionate about the things i like. those r my friends#but yea anyway she said some of it could be the anxiety but it was just! a relief honestly. to know that Maybe there's a reason for#how I've been feeling a lot. for a lot of. life i guess#+ even if it's not that and it Is just All Anxiety; it'd still be a relief knowing precisely how it's impacted my mindset for things#but like also it'd make sense to me if it was both. bc i do indeed get v nervous about not knowing How to Do certain social situations#in new situations i often plan what im gonna say and write notes bc if i don't know what to say or do i get overwhelmed and cry easily#but YEA it was just. cool hearing that I'm not just Completely unfounded in my suspicions about that yknow#afterwards even my dad said he's thought of it as a possiblity for years and I'm like WHY DIDN'T U TELL MEEEE#but anyway. day is being had
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awearywritersworld · 6 months
my very soul demands you
sukuna x reader summary: you introduce sukuna to cuddling and romance novels. meanwhile, he's still struggling to make sense of his feelings for you, despite wanting to commit murder because another man had the nerve to touch your arm (which earns him a lecture from yuuji). w/c: 2.5k tags/warnings: enemies to lovers. angst to fluff. jealous!sukuna. aged up!yuuji. features yuuji x reader. cursing. banter. hopefully not too ooc for sukuna. not canon compliant. fem!reader. no use of y/n. no manga spoilers. a/n: this could maybe be read as a stand alone, but it'd flow much better with the context of the previous two parts. lots of denial and begrudging softness from sukuna here. definitely more fluff than anything tho. this series has been fun to write, so thanks for reading<3 i appreciate reblogs or feedback! let me know if you'd like to be tagged in any additional parts. series masterlist // masterlist
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when you crawl in between sukuna's legs and curl up against his chest, it's a foreign experience that makes his body stiffen.
he'd been with countless women during his lifetime, but while fucking is one thing, he never once found himself in a position that struck him as this... intimate.
"hold me," you whine as if you can sense his unfamiliarity with such matters.
he rolls his eyes, beginning to wonder if your habit of throwing orders at him is actually some sort of compulsive need. "didn't anyone ever teach you manners?"
despite his irritation, he acquiesces to your demand and once he envelops you in his arms, some of his rigidness dissipates.
you hum contentedly. "isn't that better?"
"it's tolerable," he asserts, his chest vibrating against your cheek.
"whatever you say." tangling your legs with his, you turn your attention back to the movie you've both been watching.
he doesn't understand this... tedious display of affection, nor does he particularly enjoy it... right?
and he only allows it because he can't rid his mind of the image of your tear stained face... right?
yeah, that has to be it. he figures he can endure this, given that he was the reason you were so upset earlier.
it goes without saying that he doesn't realize it when he begins to rub absentminded circles on your back.
and the way the warmth of your body forces his usually tense muscles to relax goes unacknowledged.
when the credits begin to roll, sukuna's wearing an expression of unimpressed disinterest. "that's seriously how it ends?"
you don't respond, so he looks down only to find that you're fast asleep.
"tch. you ask to watch a movie, force me to pick it, and then you don't even have the decency to stay awake." he's not sure why he's chiding you even though he knows you can't hear him, but he keeps his voice low enough that it won't disturb you.
sukuna's spent more time than he cares to admit watching your sleeping form, but this is the first time that it's actually him you're pressed against. it's the first time he can reach out and touch you.
your hair has fallen across your face, so he pushes it back behind your ear gently. the pads of his fingers brush against your cheekbone, a ghost of a caress, and his gaze lingers on your parted lips.
he lets out a deep breath, tearing his eyes away from you. "impertinent brat."
reaching for the remote, he flips off the tv and casts the room in darkness.
upon waking up in the morning, yuuji's confused once he notices that he's on the couch and you're sleeping against his chest.
he may have been half asleep when he arrived home, but he's still positive he went to bed. stretching his arms above his head, the movement jostles you from your slumber.
"mornin', baby."
"good morning, yu," you yawn in response, shifting to sit up.
"how'd i wind up on the couch?" he asks, though he's already got an inkling of the answer.
"oh," you blush. "sukuna kind of made an appearance last night."
"that so? how'd it go?"
you think there might be a shadow of a smirk playing on his lips. is he teasing you?
"good," you offer. "we watched a movie."
"watched a movie with the king of curses," he muses before his face breaks out into a lopsided grin. "you sure are somethin', baby."
returning his smile, you lean in and press your lips to his. "hm. says you."
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it's not uncommon for you to meet yuuji for lunch if his mission is short and nearby, and today is one of those days, so he eagerly makes his way to the cafe you agreed on.
he's still a few hundred feet away when he spots you through the window, chatting with a man he recognizes as your childhood friend.
his gaze drops to where his hand is wrapped around your forearm as you both share a laugh together.
it doesn't really bother yuuji, he trusts you implicitly and jealousy isn't an emotion that's really on his radar. the same can't be said for everyone, though.
sukuna watches on as well, his thoughts much darker than his vessel's. who does that wretch think he is, putting his hands on you?
you're not his to touch.
"give me control," sukuna growls, his mouth appearing on yuuji's cheek.
"and why would i do that?"
"so i can rip his heart out and gift it to her since he seems so interested in offering his affections."
"duuuude," yuuji begins, somewhat amused. "i don't think she'd be super crazy about you murdering her friend."
"fine," sukuna bites back, well aware that yuuji has a point. "but he can live without his filthy hands, can't he? perhaps i'll pull each arm from his torso—"
yuuji snorts. "you have some serious issues, man."
he can feel sukuna trying to take over and easily curbs the attempt, though that only fuels the king of curses' irritation. "my only issue lies in the fact you're allowing this to happen."
yuuji reaches the door, a bell chiming through the cafe as he pulls it open. "she's a big girl. she doesn't need either of us to dictate what can and can't happen to her."
once you see your boyfriend, your face lights up and you call out his name. you place a kiss on his cheek and snake an arm around his waist in greeting, and the space it puts between you and your friend is enough to keep sukuna from protesting further.
"you two have met, right?" you ask.
"yeah! hey, itadori! it's been a while."
"it has! good to see you, yamada."
"i'd love to stay and chat more, but i have to get going," he states, leaning in to give you a hug which you return. "we should all go out together soon!"
"absolutely not, you deplorable knave—" yuuji slaps a hand to his cheek before sukuna can continue and yamada gives him an odd look.
your eyes widen for a split second and you have to stop yourself from facepalming.
"what'd you say?" yamada asks, sounding a bit hesitant.
"i said absolutely, sounds like an enjoyable night!"
the men exchange a handshake before you and yuuji make your way to a table.
"sukuna, what the hell was that?" you hiss once yamada's out of earshot.
"i don't know what you mean," he responds smugly.
you meet yuuji's eye and he just shrugs his shoulders, but you swear the corners of his mouth twitch upward.
you can't imagine anything good coming from the two of them colluding with one another, but let it go anyway.
opening up your menu, you sigh in defeat. "if you say so."
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"what do you mean you'd rather disembowel yourself?" you question the man sitting across from you.
it's becoming more commonplace to see those dark marks adorning yuuji's body during the nighttime hours. you sometimes wonder if he's letting it happen or if sukuna's just getting better at taking over, but you're too nervous to ask.
"do you need a dictionary? there's one over on the shelf—"
"no, asshole. i know what disembowel means! i just don't understand your refusal."
he raises his eyebrows at the obscenity, but doesn't comment on it. "i'm not reading some inane romance novel."
"but brontë's one of my favorite authors!"
"it makes no difference if it was penned by the gods. the thought alone is absurd. can we move on now?"
you don't respond. instead, you cross your arms and stare at the wall defiantly. your face is contorted into an expression that lets sukuna know you're clearly affronted.
"very mature, you silly little girl."
"sorry you find me and my interests so childish," you huff.
"oh, please. that's not what i said."
you continue giving him the cold shoulder, having no desire to argue further, but more than willing to die on this hill.
"fine, don't talk. it's no matter to me," he claims (despite it being the furthest thing from the truth).
as the minutes tick by, he keeps looking at you from the corner of his eye and exhaling dramatically.
eventually, he calls your name in an exasperated tone, and while it makes your heart flutter, you still don't spare him a glance. you just hold the book out for him and to your surprise, he rips it from your grasp.
"you're ridiculous," he grumbles, opening the cover to reveal the first page. "i hate you."
when he glances over to see you're beaming at him despite the insult, he adds (albeit half heartedly), "i mean it, brat."
the two of you sit in silence, each of you reading your respective books. a few chapters in, sukuna comes across the following conversation:
"do you know where the wicked go after death?" "they go to hell," was my ready and orthodox answer. "and what is hell? can you tell me that?" "a pit full of fire." "and should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there for ever?" "no, sir." "what must you do to avoid it?" i deliberated a moment; my answer, when it did come, was objectionable: "i must keep in good health, and not die."
to your astonishment, you actually hear him chuckle, but when he looks over and finds your self satisfied smirk, any hint of humor disappears from his face in the blink of an eye. your hand quickly moves to your mouth to stifle a giggle.
"something you want to say?" he baits you.
"nope, nothing at all!"
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two nights later, he's already nearing the end of the story and you refrain from commenting about how quickly he's made his way through.
you doubt he'd allow your current position if you had— you're laying on your side, your head resting comfortably in his lap, one hand occupying the space above his knee.
when you asked if it was okay, all he offered you was a clipped, "i suppose."
your hair is splayed across his thigh and your eyes fluttered shut a while ago. when he agreed to this, he didn't realize how distracting it'd be. his gaze flickers between you and the words on the page with embarrassing frequency.
he's decided what you call cuddling is absolutely suffocating. how anyone could actually enjoy it, he's sure he'll never comprehend. he can hardly concentrate on the novel that's right in front of him—
"read to me, 'kuna," you mumble, interrupting his thoughts. it surprises him that you're still awake.
he scoffs. "what do i look like? your personal audiobook?"
"you didn't even know those existed until like a week ago," you laugh. "c'mon, pleaaaaaase."
he stays quiet for a few moments, so you're under the impression he may just ignore your request. as such, you're exceptionally pleased when his voice fills the otherwise still apartment.
you think the sound of his voice is comforting, an idea that would more than likely make him cringe, so you keep it to yourself. after all, you don't want him to stop.
at some point or another, he begins twirling a strand of your hair around his finger whenever he's not turning the page, an action that seems to take place without his noticing.
occasionally he'll pause to ask if you're even listening. it's an odd feeling that blossoms in his stomach when you assure, "mhmm. every word."
as he reaches the second to last chapter, he reads a line that makes you question whether your heart's stopped beating. you're not sure if it's because of the tone of his voice, the words he's imparting, or some mix thereof.
"no—no—jane; you must not go. no—i have touched you, heard you, felt the comfort of your presence—the sweetness of your consolation: i cannot give up these joys. i have little left in myself—I must have you. the world may laugh—may call me absurd, selfish—but it does not signify."
he stops reading, as if he too feels the sense of unease that's invaded the air. against your better judgement, you turn to look at him. his eyes are glued to the page, almost like they're avoiding you, and his jaw is tense.
"my very soul demands you: it will be satisfied, or it will take deadly vengeance on its frame.”
when his gaze finally lands on you, his expression is almost pained. it's a strange contrast to the warm fondness you spot in his eyes.
you quickly push that thought away, however. whatever you believe you may have seen, you're probably just deluding yourself. you know you aren't his least favorite person, but surely he'd never feel even half of that sentiment toward you—
your breath catches in your throat when his hand reaches up, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. he still marvels at the fact you don't shy away from his touch, that you're usually the one to seek out contact with him.
perhaps the story is not as asinine as he expected it to be. rochester presumes jane will find him revolting, yet she still agrees to be with him, even after his selfishness has been made plain to her. after the sins of his past have caught up to him.
no, no, no.
to be so desperate for some woman's approval, or her devotion for that matter, is despicable. rochester's nothing less than foolish and sukuna isn't anything like him.
but you're certainly like jane, aren't you? fearless, passionate, and determined: all things he can't help but find endearing...
gods, what is this turmoil? it's making him feel pathetic and there isn't an emotion in the world he hates more—
you distract him from his internal monologue when your fingers wrap around his wrist and bring his knuckles to your lips. "you okay?"
"of course," he mutters, pulling his hand away. "just trying to get past all the mawkishness."
"really? you think it's that bad?" you question, the frown on your lips igniting that ache in his chest that appears whenever you're upset.
"it's not terrible," he sighs, realizing there may indeed be one thing he despises even more than feeling pathetic. "although i don't understand how jane is so taken with rochester."
you seem to ponder this for a moment before shrugging. "love is weird."
"what a clever analysis."
you slap his chest playfully. "oh, whatever. just keep going, you're almost finished!"
and you're right. he does reach the end of jane eyre that night, but not before you fall asleep on his lap. he closes the book, running a finger down the creased spine and setting it down carefully. it's obvious you've read it several times.
admittedly, he can see why, but he'd be caught dead before he'd ever tell you as much.
left alone with his thoughts, he considers the impossibility of jane and rochester: a charming, headstrong woman and a cruel, arrogant man.
leaning forward, he whispers your name to make certain you're asleep, then places a lingering kiss to your forehead.
"..sweet dreams."
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assassinsblade · 18 days
When you can't seem to find a place to belong, a tense exchange with Azriel has you shutting down.
WC: 2.1k
Warnings: Death (side character), grief, loneliness, angst
a/n: If you would like notifications for my writing, you can turn on notifications for the blog @assassinslibrary where I reblog all my fics!
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The night had gone . . . okay.
A night with the inner circle. A night with games, drinks, friends, and fun.
Except you didn't have fun exactly. You weren't miserable, but you also hadn't enjoyed yourself. You were just there. In the background, observing and chuckling at the merriment around you.
While you had attempted to chime in every once in awhile, it seemed as though this family wasn't used to hearing you. Or maybe they were just preoccupied. Whatever reason, you kept to the shadows most of the night.
Unfortunately, the shadows were not where the shadowsinger had occupied.
Instead, he had found himself sat next to the middle Archeron sister, grinning at whatever she was quietly describing to him. You watched as his lips quirked, his dark eyelashes fanning over his sharp cheekbones. The spark in his eye as he watched her, the blush on her cheeks.
They had been flirting. All night.
Normally, this wouldn't have bothered you so much. It would have bothered you some, sure, seeing that you had been in love with Azriel for months now. But on a night like tonight, when you needed company and no one was paying attention to you, it hurt just a little bit more.
You had a patient pass earlier in the day--one you were close with, who you had been working on for months. She was young, close to your own age, and it twisted something inside of your soul losing her. It made you feel like a failure, like you had let her down, like you were at fault.
There was a hope inside of your chest when you had opened your bedroom door earlier to make your way to the living area. You had hoped that your friends could help wash away the guilt, self-hatred, and grief. Instead, you sat by yourself, watching as everyone else basked in their own happiness and relationships.
Except they weren't all those kind of relationships. Yet, at least. Nesta did have Cassian, and Feyre did have Rhysand, but Elain and Azriel weren't together currently. She was mated to Lucien despite her protests of the fact. You had tried to keep that in mind as you watched Azriel brush a piece of hair behind Elain's ear.
You, however, never had anyone really. You had grown up in an orphanage in Velaris with no siblings. It had always been difficult for you to make friends, and you thought you had made a friend of this boy named Mika, but he had ended up being controlling and aggressive. After being hurt one too many times, both physically and emotionally, you had tried to just keep to yourself to limit the damage.
And due to the physical damage you had taken in that relationship, you had found an interest in the medical field.
That was how Rhysand found you after you had opened a medical office in the center of Velaris for underprivileged citizens.
That had been a year ago and you still found yourself on the outside of everything. You had watched Azriel over those twelve months, observed the way he kept his family safe, the way he moved softly, rarely raised his voice, and always kept his touch gentle and smooth.
It seemed he never noticed anything about you, though, despite observation being the very thing that made him a shadowsinger.
Maybe it was something about yourself that made you nearly invisible. Invisible or unlikeable.
These thoughts continued to run through your mind as you sipped on your tea, knees curled into your chest on the couch. Everyone else had left about an hour ago, but you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep with everything that had happened today.
You could still see the moment her eyes went blank, the last breath leaving her lungs. It had scarred something deep within you, from both losing a friend due to your own incompetence and from the reminder that you would die alone one day.
A shuffle from the opening of the room broke you from your thoughts. You slowly moved the teacup away from your lips, watching hesitantly as the male crossing your mind walked past the threshold.
He spotted you sitting there and gave you a polite smile before continuing on his way, feet moving swiftly toward the balcony.
You debated whether or not to let him go or if you could try to get him to keep you company. After all, you really needed someone right now. And his calm demeanor and reassuring presence was just what you were looking for.
Azriel had just been about to take off when you stepped out onto the balcony.
"Hey, Azriel."
The male turned at the sound of his voice, eyebrows raised in slight surprise. The action made you second guess yourself. Shouldn't he have heard you coming? Wouldn't his shadows have told him?
"Hey, you alright?"
"Yeah, I-uh, was just wondering if you wanted to talk some. I have some more tea brewing. We haven't been able to get to know each other much yet, so--"
"Sorry, I'm meeting Elain. She wanted to go flying tonight."
Right. Of course.
You nodded. "Sure. Yeah, that makes sense, I guess."
He went to take a step toward the ledge again when you spoke up again. You didn't know what led you to saying these exact words; maybe it was the rough day, the heavy emotions in your chest, or your anger at everyone's disregard for you. But before you could stop it, you were taking a step forward in haste and the words were out of your mouth.
"Actually, do you really think that's a good idea?"
Azriel tensed, head turning slightly to look over his shoulder at you. "I'm sorry?"
You swallowed. He had stopped. That's what you wanted. "She's mated, isn't she? I saw you two tonight, and I don't think--"
"You don't think," Azriel laughed humorlessly. The sound was so odd coming from such a quiet and gentle male, it nearly made you flinch. But you stood strong. Clenching your fists at your sides and taking a deep breath, you spoke what you truly believed.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Lucien is a good male."
"I think we're old enough to make decisions for ourselves." His voice was taking on a cold edge, like a blade smooth enough to cut with little noise but heavy damage. Like the famous dagger sheathed at his side.
"Those decisions could start a war, Azriel."
Despite your voice being soft and patient, he titled his head back with a sigh and a muttered curse, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Listen. I don't need to defend myself to anyone, let alone you."
Let alone you. You ignored the sting in your chest at the words. Shaking off how small and invaluable they made you feel.
"That's not what I'm saying Azriel. I just think you should take a step back--"
"Just because you're alone doesn't mean I have to be too."
The words hit you like a blow to the chest, the air leaving your lungs in a whoosh of emotion.
Alone. Lonely.
You were alone. He could see it. He knew it. And he had done nothing about it.
He didn't care.
You must have been staring at him like a fool. A pathetic girl unable to stand up for herself, unable to move away from the male in front of her, because then she would truly be what he said she was: alone.
You swallowed harshly, trying to push the lump in your throat back down along with the tears that threatened to collect in your eyes. But it was difficult with your chest throbbing in pain, your stomach twisting and bottoming out with embarrassment and shame.
Azriel must have noticed your lack of composure, your hurt. Because suddenly he was sighing, a hand coming up to run through his wavy black hair.
"I didn't mean that."
His low voice cut through the silent night like a knife. You still couldn't meet his eyes.
Hiding your shaking fingers in two fists at your sides, you nodded, taking a step back toward the door of the House of Wind. If you were nodding as a show of forgiveness or in agreement with his words, you didn't know. You could feel his eyes following you. But you didn't want them on you anymore. For once, you didn't want him near you.
"I'm sorry."
You nodded again, moving to wrap your arms around yourself. The motion in itself made you even more embarrassed. The lonely girl with no one to comfort her but herself.
That dreadful feeling in your chest burned.
You didn't wait for him to speak another word before turning on your heel and walking back into the House of Wind.
Feeling his eyes on you, you didn't linger in the main room, instead turning the corner and concealing yourself in the hallway as you made your way to your room.
Azriel had never been so harsh with you, had never spoken to you in that tone or said something so humiliating and cruel. Although he had never spoken to you much at all.
Alone. Lonely. You, and no one else.
You should have never said anything. Should have let Azriel pursue Elain, minded your own business, loved everyone from afar. Instead, you had made yourself visible, opened your mouth, demanded to be seen and heard. All it had resulted in was a reminder that you didn't belong out in the open. You would always be shoved back into your solitude.
Maybe you could learn to like being alone. You wouldn't have to face the rejection of others, the forgetfulness, the feeling of unimportance.
Taking a deep breath, you surveyed your room. The space was equally as cold as the rest of the House. There was no comfort in the room, nothing that meant a lot to you. No presents, no memories, nothing you. Only furniture, blankets, and clothing. Generic paintings that were in here before you had even moved in.
Then you remembered when Elain and Nesta had arrived. The presents they had been given. The daggers, gloves, trinkets . . .
The things you had given others: jewelry, weapons, books, artwork, and yet your room was empty. You were empty. You had been giving and giving and watching everyone else receive.
You thought back to that moment during the war, the feeling you had felt when you had looked up after victory was declared. Cassian and Azriel had embraced before the two Archeron sisters met at their sides. Feyre and Rhysand were inseparable, and Mor was making sure Amren was okay. No one had even glanced at you.
And what Azriel had said . . .
You weren't meaning to drag him down with you, to demand his attention when they all had what they needed without you. You were trying to help. And you wanted him to see you.
But you didn't even see yourself. Not in this room, and not among the others.
So maybe it was pointless--trying so hard to get others to like you. Maybe being quiet and a wallflower, keeping the peace and admiring from afar only resulted in wasted energy.
Since nothing seemed to get others to like you or want to talk to you, maybe you shouldn't try anymore.
After all, Azriel already didn't seem to like you.
And your one friend who did had died today. In your arms. Because of you.
Just the thought of not caring lifted an invisible weight off your shoulders. You shook off the pain of Azriel's words, the weight of your feelings, and the burden of loneliness. And then you felt nothing.
No crush. No embarrassment. No hurt. No grief.
Just a numbness building in your bones.
And it was glorious.
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nanaslutt · 8 months
What do u think of Gojo begging you to give him a handjob and promising he wont cum during NNN but surprise surprise he fails so u ruin his orgasm 🤯
I think YES???? this was insanely fun to write, tysm for the ask nonnie<33
tell me why i forgot nnn was a thing LOLLL
contains: fem reader, crack, handjobs, whiney!satoru, established relationship, cumming handsfree, ruined orgasm, failed edging, begging, gojo calls you 'ma'am ' once as a joke, 'baby' and 'princess' used for reader
2k words :p
"Baby pleeeeease." gojo whines, laying his head on your knees from where he sits between your legs on the carpeted floor, 
"Satoru, you were just begging me last month to not let you cum during November no matter what." you sighed, he does this every year, making you swear up and down that you'll hold him accountable and not let him lose NNN, hearing from geto that if you last the whole month, the orgasm on December first was mind-numbing
of course, he wouldn't know, becasue every year he came crawling to you about how stupid this challenge was, barely a week into the challenge, and he was dragging you to the nearest surface and fucking you against it, filling your guts with his cum,
but not this time, miraculously he had held out this long, only eight days before the challenge was over. he of course had you to thank for thank, deep down you knew he really did want to complete this challenge, and thats why he was so insistant every time the dreaded month came around. 
but Satoru was a slut for pleasure, especially for the kind of pleasure he got from you. Whether it was your hands, mouth, cunt, he could get off using any part of your body and he would be the happiest man on earth
"I won't cum, swear, just miss your hands on me baby pleeeease," he practically cried, hugging onto your knees, turning his face into your skin whining and groaning like a spoiled child,
"Toru, you and I both know you do not have enough self-restraint to just edge yourself," knowing him better than himself
together, you guys have tried edging, Satoru never being able to make it past the first time you stopped right before he came, once again saying how stupid this was, quickly fucking his cock back into you and bringing himself to the brink of orgasm using your body, cumming with no restraint, even though he was once again the one who brought the idea to you,
"I'm starting to think you might have commitment issues," you mumble under your breath, his fake cries and obnoxious pouting pulling you out of your thoughts, phone dropping by your side, looking down at him with a huff, 
"Please, all you gotta do is rub my cock a little, just for a second please," he drags out the please once more, lip sticking out in a pout as he looks up through his snowy lashes at you, "jus wanna feel you please, it's been so long, need it, baby, please."
shutting your eyes and sighing once again, unable to deny him any longer with him being so persistent, especially when he asks you so nicely, looking up at you with those beautiful eyes of his, 
"oh my goddd Satoru, okay, fine." you shake your head, slapping your hand over your face, and he perks up, immediately abandoning his spoiled rich kid act, leaving fat kisses all over your knees, "yes yes yes thank you, baby, promise I won't let you down," 
he stands up and you peek through the cracks in your fingers, hand still on your face and your jaw practically drops at the sight, he is already sporting a huge tent in the crotch of his grey sweats, smile stretching from ear to ear while he looks down at you,
"you're already hard?" you exclaim, disbelief plastered on your face, "feelin' on ur legs made me hard," he says nonchalantly, the expression on your face not changing, "now up you go!" leaning down he scoops you up from under your arms and throws you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing, "woah! toru!" you exclaim, caught off guard as he takes long strides to your bedroom
strong hold on the underside of your knees as he hums, making his way through the hallway, finally reaching his destination and plopping you down in front of him on the hard floor, "how do ya want me your majesty?" he smirks, hands in his pockets waiting for your direction, "jus' go lay down on the bed you freak," pushing his solid chest back towards the king mattress, 
putting on a show as he faux stumbles backward, flopping back on the bed, fluffy white hair on the pillows, putting one hand behind his head, the other coming down to rub himself over his sweats, "don't leave me waiting princess" biting his lip, lips corners of his lips curling up into a flirty smile, 
"stop fucking touching yourself," you sigh, "gonna cum before I even get my hands on you." You're feeling undeniably aroused yourself, you and Gojo have a very active sex life, never going weeks without touching each other unless he is away on a mission. since he made quite the effort with the challenge this time around (largely thanks to you) you've been feeling pretty antsy, participation in the challenge yourself as a way of supporting him, 
though there's no real pressure on you, if you wanted you could rub one out at any time. the only downside is that getting off on your own never felt as good as it did with Satoru,
he whistles, giving himself one last grope before his heavy hand joins the other behind his head, "yes ma'am" he says slightly teasing tone lacing his voice,
you crawled on top of him, resting your ass right above his knees, "remember Satoru, you're not going to cu-" he cuts you off, waving his hand in front of you, rolling his eyes, "yeah yeah, not gunna cum, I got it," he says snarkily, a little too snarky for someone who was quite literally on his knees begging you to touch his stupid cock, but you digress,
narrowing your eyes at him before sliding your slender fingers over his upper thighs, over his hips, teasing his lower stomach, barely grazing his twitching clothed cock on the way back down, repeating the process a couple of times, sometimes opting to skip over running your fingers over his cock altogether
his jaw is slightly slack, watching your hands intently, "cmon, don't be a tease baby," he sighs, pushing his hips off the bed towards you, "You're in no place to make demands right now," staring into his intimidating eyes challengingly, 
he bites his lip, shutting his mouth, awaiting your move, pushing his shirt up, resting right under his pecs as you tease your fingers on the short white hairs of his happy trail, right above the hem of his pants,
smile now off his face, looking concentrated as he bites his lip harshly, eyes darting back between your fingers and pretty face, looking so concentrated on what you were doing,
your cunt was aching to feel him inside you, trying to push your own needs out of your brain, feeling nearly impossible as you exposed more and more of his happy trail the more you teased down his pelvis,
finally grabbing the fabric of his pants and sliding them down his incredibly toned thighs, he lifted his hips, aiding you in undressing him, his breathing started to pick up when you looked closely at his cock straining under his boxers
staring at a dark spot where his pre was leaking from his tip under his briefs, trying not to roll your eyes back when he made his cock jump. taking your index finger and rubbing it on the wet patch on the head of his dick, drawing little circles around it, his breath hitching, breathing picking up slightly watching you pull your finger back slowly, a string of cum connecting the two of you,
giving his boxers the same treatment, slipping your fingers underneath the hem and sliding them down, his hips raising again to make your job easier, and he's grinning so hard when your jaw drops open, watching his flushed cock slap back against his tummy, flexing the appendage again, putting on a show for you,
"your cock is so pretty Toru," you marvel, squeezing your thighs together so you can focus on the task at hand, "ur leaking so much," finger tapping his angry head a couple of times, proving your point as the cum makes little 'plap' 'plap' sounds when your finger comes in contact with him,
"There's so much it looks like you already came," you tease, finally wrapping your hand around his warm tip, hips leaving the bed once more to slide into your hand, "hips on the bed please Satoru," you correct, muscles in his thighs and abs flexing as you feel him connect his ankles together behind you,
starting to give him steady shallow pumps and his jaw is slack, eyes rolling back when you twist your wrist over the head of his neglected dick, "fuuuuck baby, just what I needed," he breathily laughs out a smile, "a little faster please," he requests, both hands leaving their place behind his head to grip the sheets by his sides,
"let me know when you feel close," you instruct, waiting to see him nod in acknowledgment before pumping your hand a little faster, sliding effortlessly up and down his cock with vulgar wet sounds thanks to his leaky cock,
"yesyesyes s-shit, squeeze harder," breaths entering and leaving his lungs rapidly as he tips his head back into the pillows, when you follow his instructions he lets out a long groan, abs clenching more frequently, your body jolting a bit every time he fidgeted his legs around the sheets behind you, 
breathing heavily yourself, free hand coming down to press against the heat between your thighs, a temporary relief as you tried to memorize his every reaction he gives you,
"you close Satoru?" you question, noticing his breath come in shorter pants, warm cock twitching and straining against your hands, his thighs. tensing and unsensing more frequently, all telltale signs of his impending orgasm, "I asked you a question," you emphasized with a strong squeeze at the base of his lengthy cock, "n-no, not close yet, promise," he bites his lip, keeping his eyes screwed shut, sheets between his fingers practically ripping before you continue,
choosing to believe him you keep up the previous pace, squeezing your fingers tight around the tip of his cock on the downstroke and that's when you notice one of his hands abandoning his grip on the poor sheets to cover his mouth, his moans reaching a crescendo, and you know exactly whats happening
He's going to cum, and he lied to you about it
jerking your hand up his cock once more before you let go completely, anticipating his moves when he shoots his head up, hands reaching for his cock and you catch his wrists, pining them above his head, if he had half a mind he would break out of your grip with ease, but he was milliseconds from cumming, not having his usual strength coursing through his body,
"no! Nononono," he's protesting when his back arches, curling in on itself, legs thrashing under your weight as his cock dribbles out long spurts of cum, twitching and throbbing with every string, "Fuuuuck nooo, no, ughhh," he groans at you for ruining his orgasm, whole body twitching, 
dick starting to soften in his own mess against his lower abs,
"you seriously thought you were gonna get away with that? you asked in an incredulous tone, hes pouting, letting out a long groan of your name before tipping his head forward and making eye contact with you,
"That was sooo mean" he pouts, "ive been saving that load..." he whines out, cock still twitching in the aftershocks,
"what was mean, is when I asked if you were gonna cum and you lied straight to my face," you spat, laughing in disbelief, swinging your legs off his torso while his eyes follow your figure, watching you wipe your hands using a tissue from the box you keep on the bedside table, he groans out your name again, "I'm sorryyyy, was feeling sooo good," he tries to justify
giving him a look that screams are you actually serious right now, as you start towards the door, "sounds like you need a pussyban to me," you deadpan, walking through the doorframe out into the hallway,
"WOAH!! woah, woahwoahwoah," practically teleporting his feet on the floor, hastily pulling up his pants as he chases you out of the room, hot on your trail, "baby! baby, haha, let's not do anything drastic now, kay?" he baffles in disbelief, worry laced in his voice. 
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dexaroth · 1 year
looong post about missing using backpacks and high-school experiences and personal feelings on the general 'busy/executive' look from carrying luggage and stuff. idk lots of thoughts here to summarize
theres this one hole that being done with high-school left me that's just. having a place to go. being busy, sort of..
having a backpack full of trinkets and your pencil case filled with clips and highlighters. or the rare bunches of printing and colored paper for the art projects or those mathematical rulers you used 3 times the whole year
and most importantly.. the feeling of being a Guy who has Places to go. look at all this luggage! the amount of things I need that goes beyond a simple bag! quite the work eh?
of course half of that perception is just 'wow! executive adult with responsibilities!' but not entirely, there are definitely tasks that require a lot of gear and stuff. filming crews, folks with laptops etc. and then there's the elusive Guy with a Big Bag With Wheels. thats the peak of the ideal
as with everything in my life specifically it all circles back to being disabled and having to stay at home bc I literally am not capable of physically doing anything even remotely close to what the generic student/employed person does and I think that helps a lot to the kind of romanticized view I have of this sorta thing
in a good day a majority of people would rather not have to carry and worry about a pack full of stuff or having to carry the weight of a computer and then some. but it's not that bad if you like/love what you're doing even if it requires those things yknow?
every year of high-school, even if it was the worst experience of my life that degraded me mentally physically and made me so fucked I had to cut myself in between or during classes.. I still looked up to the starting week and the feeling of a kind of new beginning. and packing everything to be super ready to whatever was to come like I was about to spend a month in the wild or climb a mountain
camping and stuff is another kind of 'look at all this shit we're packing and gadgets we have to make fire or little lanterns or makeshift homes (tents) that we have' and its just. holy shit man you sure are busy with a lot of stuff to do huh. and you've got the money to buy it all and friends to enjoy it with you. and you're going to the woods for fun and not to run away from your life because everything sucks. you've got your life all figured out! if only I could also match this unrealistic utopic vision that's sold in every sleeping bag package lol! 🙃
and the rest of this romanticized view also extends a bit to gender and self esteem in a way
of course I, a disabled person, would love to be a person that Can go places and even Has places to go and is important enough to have a complex task that needs all that luggage. and looks like a guy. maybe even a fancy guy with fancy bags and fancy clothing. it's all very important, being all that! unlike being a nobody that has to ask for a seat bc he can't stand for 2 minutes without crumpling like a wet sock because of his fucked up spine and spaghetti muscles
everybody looks up to someone who has something that they don't and wish they had or were like.. and I'm so miserable I just wish I mattered enough to be that average guy crossing the street with his bag on his shoulder. and it just so happens that's asking too much of life in my case
#i even managed to find possibly the prettiest backpack that ive had for like 6 years or more by now#when we were re-stocking on school supplies one year#its got more than 8 pockets on the front and is a silvery black with a subtle camo pattern in it. everyhting i could ask for#and its just picking up dust in my wardrobe now. i legit feel bad bc its such a good backpack#last year i had a college class that actualy required writing materials (unlike the other programming classes which had the uni's pcs)#and i was so excited! finally i can justify using my backpack!! but the weight was just not worth it bc of my back. and i already had a>#>notebook binder that was good enough so.. no luck.#self harm mention#<can never go too long without mentioning it huh..#its hard not to.. just prodding my brain for any crumble of memory of the time i was still in highschool but its all gone. pure fog.#and to have the parts that i do remember being genuine torture and making me want to kill myself every week because of it#suicide mention#<lol anyways. its just crazy. to think i somehow managed to scrape by living like that for a decade despite it all#knowing full well the amount of pain it was to go through 3(?) stories of stairs at least twice everyday carrying 5 books in my back..#..and still longing for just the image. of being someone once. going Somewhere. the privilege-even if temporary-of having a path to follow#college will start soon and while it isnt as soul crushing as hs was it does not spark a single grain of joy in me.#even if i got to use my backpack and pretend i had something to do id still be doing it with distaste. its not fun anymore.#everything fucking sucks and i dont know how much else ill be able to block it and pretend i dont fully exist.i wanna strangle someone‼
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