#I finally got my vacations and can breath the lovely breeze of freedom again
kanene-yaaay · 2 years
*Fingerguns* Ayyy
Gooooooood morning, beans! A very nice and great morning for all of you becaaaaause! Do you know what today is?! :D Exactly! It’s my Expulsed-of-Womb Day!! Which meeeeeeeans that:
Today is this blog’s Birthday!
Which, on itself, means nothing. However! This year I finally got some time and a tad of inspiration to try to celebrate this especial date so I planned a little some-something for this week.
It’s very simple and Ihave no idea if it will work but it sounded fun, so I hope you like it -w-)s2
Everyday until the next week (hopefully) I will be posting 5 times:
- Three commented reblogs (Time To Ramble yeshhhh)
- Two self rbs of my own fanfics
There will be days that instead of just self rbs I will post at least one new story I have completed and one self rb  (like today :D).
And, yeah, it’s not a LOT of stuff but it’s still stuff! What a best way to come back from my break than throw a bunch of posts and rambles on your dash? ‘v’)s2
Maybe, as the days go by, I get new ideas to do during this week but for now I think that that is it. Thank you so much for all the support you showed me during those... gosh, three years? Yeah, I think so. Thank you very very veeeery much.
Don’t forget to take a break, leave a heart on your fav artist’s post and stay hydrated, beans. You are so cool.
4 notes · View notes
zaevauhm · 1 year
Waiting Game
it's an extremely hot summer in the south of Europe, as your new housemate gives your summer an interesting turn
mentions of alcohol + unprotected sex
word count 9.3k
note: I loved creating this, I hope you will enjoy the read babes, mwah 💗
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Slowly you started to drift out of sleep, as strong sunrays were starting to heat up your bare face. You turned some more, sinking even deeper into your sheets. Not a clue what time it is was, not completely sure what day it was either. You carelessly yawned and stretched your luckily, by now tanned arms before sitting up to take in the sight of the sunny streets of the Algarve. The white linen curtains that were messily hanging in front of the big window kept flowing as the slow, warm summer breezes increased and decreased. Heaven.
This was your happy place. You were finally back where you felt most at home, where you could breathe and let go of everything, of all the chaos that was going on in your life. Daily surrounded and loved by a dozen of newmade friends, as well as a few old ones, all sharing one huge house. It felt much like an out-of-control school trip; but deciding to leave your hometown behind and move to Portugal about a year and a half ago was really the best decision you ever made. Every single day you were grateful to be here, with the people you had considered your family.
Your peaceful process of waking up got cut short when you heard knocks on the other side of your door. ‘’Y/N?’’
‘’Are you awake?’’ The door slowly opened, the squeaking sounds making you look up. ‘’Hey, good morning Alex.’’ You yawned. ‘’Not much of a morning left’’ Alex, one of your closer friends, laughed as he sat down on the bed beside you.
‘’What do you want?’’ you laughed.
‘’I need you today, like the whole day.’’
‘’I…Uh… I just want to hang with my friend, can I?’’ He mumbled.
You furrowed your brows, looking right through your friend of 8 years.
‘’Okay fine, if you insist.’’ Alex laughs. ‘’I might have asked someone out.’’
‘’I asked Lara out, but trust me…’’
‘’Lara that can’t stand me Lara?’’ you rolled your eyes, before grinning back at Alex.
‘’That should be the one. You don’t mind, do you?’’
You remember the girl so vividly, and frankly, much to your displease. She is a local who met some of the boys who lived with you during a night out, but always appeared to be super jealous of the girls. You never really understood why, as you and the three other girls that were living in the house had done nothing but try to make friends with her. You gave up, eventually.
‘’No, but what do you need me for? You do realize it’s my first week of vacation, right?’’
‘’I just need you to help me prepare and all. You know, usual stuff.’’
‘’You sound like a girl.’’
‘’Whatever, at least I can say I’m not like those idiots you’ve been dating.’’ Alex teases you. ‘’At least I prepare.’’
You roll your eyes again and let yourself fall back against the headrest of your bed, trying to dismiss the subject as soon as possible as you really didn’t want to think about your past ‘’relationships’’, nor about your current one, to be fair.
‘’By the way, a guy is moving in here today. I don’t think you know him.’’ Alex said as he played with the stitches of the white sheets that were covering you.
‘’I don’t?’’ You cheekily open one eye to peek at your friend.
Over the years, you had gotten to know so many people who had been moving in and out of the house you’re currently living in. Some of them ended up being lovers and moved out, while others would move out for different reasons and come back afterwards, as no one was originally from Portugal. All sorts of relationships bloomed from your friend group, and nothing was really ever labelled as ‘’strange’’ by anyone. The lack of judgement was something you loved more than anything. Everyone had the complete freedom to be themselves, unfiltered.
‘’Yeah, he was living here for a while and moved out right before you moved in. You might have heard of him, though. His name is Lewis.’’
‘’It doesn’t ring a bell at all.’’ You thought hard at the name, but there was nothing. No one had ever mentioned him, nor had you ever noticed him on photos or any material things that have been laying around the house.
‘’He didn’t really talk much, usually kept to himself a lot. He’s quite much like you in that department.’’
‘’Great, another introvert.’’ You sighed.
‘’Don’t worry, he is cool, he’s a friend of mine and Bruno. Apart from us, I think no one else really knows him. Maybe Lari does though.’’
You zoned out a little, unsure of where your own thoughts went. The way Alex had been describing him was interesting, so to speak.
‘’Anyway.’’ Alex spoke as he got up from the bed. ‘’Get dressed, I’ll drive. I know exactly where to go.’’
‘’Okay, I’ll be ready in about fifteen minutes.’’ You said as Alex closed your bedroom door behind him, leaving you to get ready.
You got up and took a simple shirt and some light-colored jeans from your closet and threw on some black slippers, as well as your every-day jewelry. You were not in the mood at all to get dressed, and as you’d probably be dragged behind Alex all day under the hot sun, this would work just fine. You freed your hair of the tie that was keeping it in a bun, leaving it down messily. It was summer… who’d care about it anyways?
Not long after, you were walking out with Alex, him opening the front door of the house for you. You carefully walked down the steep stairs, completely blinded by the sunlight for the first couple of seconds, before hearing Alex’ enthusiastic yelling for his friend.
‘’Lewis!’’ Alex shouted, in complete shock and surprise. Has he arrived here sooner than planned or something?
You could see clear now. Your eyes had immediately fell locked on the stranger. You were trying your hardest to look away, but the already impossible task got harder by the second.
‘’Hey man, good to finally see you!’’ The mysterious boy spoke, full of joy.
Lewis had just arrived, still carrying his bag over his shoulder, as he looked his old friend up and down.
‘’How’s it going?’’ He smiled so radiantly, it made you want to smile too, if you weren’t completely mesmerized by the strangers’ beauty.
‘’Good, good, I want to hear everything, we have to sit down tonight. Beers?’’ Alex asked full of enthusiasm, while Lewis’ eyes had meanwhile fell on you. You had turned your face towards the sun for a moment, as you nervously combed your hair with your hand, hoping the breeze that was flowing through your long locks would miraculously fix them. You could feel how his gaze on you had made you stiff up your legs to fix your posture, already doing your best to try not to look awkward.
‘’By the way, Lewis, this is Y/N. She moved in just a while after you, you probably just missed each other. ‘’
‘’Pity.’’ Lewis spoke, as he took a step towards you, making your heart pound in your throat. ‘’Hi there, I’m Lewis.’’ He spoke softly, as he put down his bags on the pavement and got close to you, gesturing that he wanted to greet you properly. ‘’May I?’’ he almost whispered, unintentionally sending electrical waves through your body. You nodded.
Lewis came closer, before putting his hand on your waist and placing three feather-light kisses on your cheeks, while slightly pressing his thumb into your skin. The last kiss, you could swear he was making it last as long as he possibly could. His smell and warmth that you immediately felt in those short seconds made it hard for you to speak.
‘’I’m Y/N.’’ you managed to speak without fumbling your words.
‘’I know.’’ Lewis smiled. ‘’I’ve heard a lot about the prettiest girl living around here, they weren’t wrong.’’ He said confidently.
You gave him a shy smile.
‘’Okay, good that you guys met, we have enough time for chit chat later.’’ Alex hastily spoke as he tried to pull you out of the captivating looks that the both of you were keeping each other in.
‘’Let’s go, Y/N.’’ He said as he hurried to grab your wrist, pulling you towards his parked car. ‘’Lewis, we’ll see you tonight man. Help yourself to anything you need.’’ Alex quickly spoke over his shoulder.
He opened the passenger side’s door for you, and you slowly, almost unwillingly lowered yourself in the car, trying your hardest not to look back at Lewis. While you waited for Alex to take his place, you couldn’t help it anymore. Your eyes locked with Lewis once more, sending you the same electrifying feeling all over your body. He smiled at you with a vaguely promising look in his eyes, and you knew he felt the same.
A few moments later, Alex was driving you down the street, towards the city. ‘’So, she probably likes if I wear that black shirt, and pick her up earlier than planned, don’t you think…?’’
You did hear Alex talk, it just, for some reason wasn’t really reaching you.
You were suddenly interrupted from your thoughts completely, coming back to reality.
‘’I’m sorry, I uh…’’
‘’Where are your thoughts at?’’ Alex turned his face towards you, slightly annoyed.
‘’Very convincing.’’
You were still a bit daydreaming about ten minutes deep in the car ride, but how could you not be? He had the most beautiful skin, and that radiant smile? Those tattoos? Loose blonde curls hanging down his face, and a body that was practically screaming perfection. You tried your best to steer your thoughts elsewhere, to your friend who needed you. 
‘’Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Where are we going exactly?’’
‘’I need roses for her and some groceries, so we’ll just go downtown, okay?’’
‘’Roses, huh? So, you’re a bit serious about her then, no?’’ You grinned at your friend.
‘’I don’t know, I might be later on…I don’t want to ruin my chances before they even begin, you know.’’ Alex sighed.
‘’That’s good, Alex. I’m happy one of us gets to date properly.’’ You said as you sunk a bit deeper into your seat, earning a cheeky smile from your friend.
You had arrived at the old city, where you would spend the entire afternoon. Alex had gotten Lara the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, with your help. There was no way she’d not like them, you thought. Slowly and enjoying the hot July sun as much as possible, you made your way from place to place, stopping here and there and ending the afternoon with a quick food break. ‘’So, feeling well prepared enough?’’ you ask your friend after he had ordered the two of you lunch. White pasta, with your favorite tiramisu desert after. Small gestures like your friends remembering your favorite foods, never failed to make you feel lucky and thankful. To be here, in this beautiful restaurant, with your biggest current problem being your friends date… It was almost dream-like.
‘’I’m a bit scared of her, to be honest.’’ Alex speaks into his glass.
‘’Yeah, she’s kind of… wild. For example, every time we go out and she’s around she ends up being completely drunk. I even wonder how she makes it home safe every time.’’
‘’I see…Where are you guys going anyway?’’
‘’I’m inviting her over for dinner tonight. We’ll just see where the night ends.’’
‘’I won’t disturb you.’’ You smirked at him, twirling your spaghetti around your fork, trying to stir your mind away from where it was going. Or better said, to whom it was going.
‘’You’ll be disturbed enough I think.’’ Your friend chuckles.
‘’How so?’’ You replied dryly.
‘’Nothing.’’ Alex raised his brows as he laughed and grabbed his phone, you knew he wanted you to bite, but you knew better.
It was around 7 PM when you came back home, helping your friend carry the groceries inside. ‘’Hey, let me help you with those.’’ You heard a kind voice behind you, as you turned around and saw Lewis come down the stairs. ‘’Thank you, you’re a life saver.’’ You smiled at him as he released your arms from the heavy bags you were holding, placing them on the kitchen counter. You tried your hardest not to stare at his exposed, tan arms as they were easily lifting the heavy bags. ‘’Did you have fun?’’ he asked.
‘’Yeah’’ you said as you quickly looked the other way, trying to act as normal as possible. ‘’I just helped your friend a bit, preparing for his date and all. Uhm, did you manage here? Are you getting settled?’’
Lewis smiled at your caring face, reassuring you that he is just fine. ‘’I’m back in my old room, and I think there is no place on earth where I’d rather be right now.’’
‘’Oh, I’d love to hear all about that?’’ You spoke, genuinely interested. ‘’Which room is yours?’’
‘’First floor, last door on the right.’’
‘’You’re on the same floor, just, mine is the first left.’’ You don’t know why you felt the need to tell him where you sleep.
Lewis smiled at you, making you blush.
‘’Do you have plans tonight?’’
‘’Not really, my summer break has just started.’’ You said. ‘’I planned to just do some reading and relax in the garden, but it’s probably gonna be a full house tonight.’’ You sighed.
‘‘Not really your thing, huh?’‘ Lewis surprisingly read your mind.
‘‘I feel like tonight might turn out to be not so bad, so I am sticking around.’‘ You smiled at him. ‘’Don’t worry, i’m not leaving you out to dry here.’’
‘’I feel honored.’’ He said, smiling while he began putting the groceries away in the cabins, making you realize he knows this house just as well as you do. Even better, maybe. He was leaning against the kitchen counter by now, staring at you. For some strange reason, you started to feel awfully calm around him. You didn’t bother to appear to be busy, you just looked back at him. ‘’So, are you going to tell me about yourself, then?’’ You asked.
‘’Everything you’d like to know.’’ He spoke before licking his lips.
You chuckled and lightly shook your head, before walking off to find your friend, as you promised you’d help him prepare for tonight.
Alex and Lara had joined you later in the evening, as well as basically the rest of the house, leaving you and Lewis parted from each other. He was sat across from you, catching up with some of the guys. Laughing, drinking together. It made you happy to see how fast he was finding his way again, but then again, you wouldn’t expect any different from your housemates. You glanced back at him, still couldn’t figure out how it was humanly possible to be this perfect.
‘’So, what are your plans for your holidays?’’ the first ever friend you made in the house, Lari, said as she came to sit down next to you. There was no one you’d rather have near you now, she always had this calming effect on you. Probably exactly what you needed right now.
She knew you very well, you didn’t have to explain to her how you felt about your new-old housemate at all. And it turned out she knew the stranger who you had taken quite the interest in. Lari herself was in a relationship with Patricia, and you considered them to be like your older sisters, as you were the youngest in the entire house.
‘’I’ll have to see, babe. Maybe stay here and just chill.’’ You spoke, as you noticed Lewis had started to pay attention to your side of the table.
‘’Nao nao nao, Y/N, venha comigo… please come to Brazil with us?’’ Lari fake cried while wrapping her arms around you and resting her head on your shoulders.
‘’Yeah, there’s absolutely no way I’m spending my free days third-wheeling.’’ You chuckled.
Lewis had noticed, and you could tell he tried to hide a smile, much to your surprise. Before long, he got up, making his way towards you. ‘’Join me outside?’’ he asked, smiling down at you. You caught Lari winking at you. Basically, gesturing for you to get up.
You did and followed him to the terrace on the first floor of the house, overlooking a rather big yard. It was messily lit up, but it looked perfect.
The two of you sat down on the old, white chairs as Lewis started asking you about your personal life. ‘’You haven’t dated much?’’ He asked, clearly not believing you.
‘’You know that I’ve been with Bruno for years, right?’’ You didn’t necessarily want to mention that you were dating Lewis’ best friend of years in this house, but either he already knew, or it was going to come up sooner or later, anyways. It was better that he heard it from you. Makes you look a bit more detached too, you figured.
‘’Yeah, I can’t deny that I’d date him too.’’
You laughed at his joke, before looking at Lewis’ face to realize that he was not laughing.
‘’Okay.’’ You said before trying to shake the thing off. ‘’I’m gay, Y/N.’’
He completely took you by surprise. What? How? Him? You didn’t even process it, or even have the time to feel bad about it, you just didn’t want to make Lewis feel bad.
‘’Oh, that’s… okay, completely okay. I’m sorry, I just didn’t know.’’ You spoke as apologetic as you possibly could, you hoped he wouldn’t notice your flushing red cheeks. One could only hope that there was no sad tone in your voice, it would have been even more of an embarrassment.
Lewis waited a few moments before slightly lowering his head to meet your gaze, laughing at your apology. ‘’I’m just joking’’ he chuckled.
‘’But’’ a more serious, content tone spilled out of him.
‘’Now I know how you’d feel about that.’’ He almost whispered, as he leaned closer towards you.
Oh no.
‘’What? What are you talking about? I wouldn’t mind if you were gay.’’ You stumbled shyly, trying your best to keep your cool as if your heart wasn’t beating the shit out of your ribcages by now.
You knew Lewis was looking right through you, which made you blush even more. He looked back towards the garden, clearly content with what he had just learned.
After a while, Lewis gets up and gives you a hand, pulling you up from your seat. ‘’What are you doing?’’ You ask.
‘’It’s late. And you should get some well-deserved sleep.’’
‘’You saw Alex’s date, right?’’ you smirk at him. ‘’I don’t think I’m getting sleep any time soon.’’
Lewis raises one eyebrow, and then realizes what you’re talking about. ‘’I see’’. He says and clicks his tongue, clearly making up some plan in his head. "Now how can we fix that for you?"
Unsure of what to say, you just raised your eyebrows to express an "I don't know" face and slightly turned away from Lewis.
‘’Well, I can waste more of your time if you desire. Get you all tired so you can sleep like a baby.’’
‘’How?’’ You asked, genuinely surprised.
‘’Just however you like’’. He says, smiling you down.
Suddenly you realize that you barely know him, and no matter how much you two are getting along already, he is still a stranger. You figured it’s better to just keep it cool.
‘’Uhm, I think I should let you rest… You’re the one who’s had a long day, and you just arrived… I’m sorry, I completely lost track of time.’’
Lewis frowned his eyebrows at you, and you’re unsure of what to even make of this. ‘’I just meant that I don’t want to be the one keeping you up, uh, you know?’’ You stumble. All of a sudden, all shy for him, again.
‘’You’re so crazy.’’ Lewis tells you as he steps closer towards you, putting his hand on your cheek, lightly lifting up your face, so you’re forced to face his. ‘’You really think I’d prefer sleeping over this?’’
He really is daring. How does he just take what he wants and gets away with it, too?
‘’You might.’’ You smirk. Lewis suddenly loosens his grip on you, as if he had just realized the same as you did. This wasn’t going to end well, and the both of you had to slow it down.
‘’Let me take you to your room.’’ Lewis spoke confidently, the words making your heart jump out of its’ place. He noticed the shocked expression on your face and let out a smile. ‘’You’re going to sleep, little lady.’’ He reassured you.
Walking beside him even felt powerful, for some reason. Your heart was beating faster and faster, the nearer you came to your bedroom door and shockingly, the house is fairly quiet. Lari is probably back in her room with Patricia, Alex is in his with Lara and the rest of the house is most likely out for the night. It gives you peace of mind, though. No one is coming to you tonight, and you can process Lewis slowly while you’re in bed, you figured. Let everything sink in and probably do some fan-girling about the most gorgeous creature you had ever seen.
Lewis turns back to you, meanwhile opening your door behind him, gesturing for you to go inside. ‘’So, I really, really, really loved meeting you. Everyone was right about you.’’
‘’What’s that?’’ You chuckle as you enter your bedroom, and after some steps set your eyes back on his.
Lewis is now leaning against the entrance of your bedroom, glancing into your eyes before smiling at the ground. He looks grateful, for some reason. It suits him. How is he so damn beautiful again?
He takes a deep sigh before speaking.
‘’You’re for sure the most beautiful girl, but it’s far from your best feature.’’ He speaks, pointing his eyes back up at yours.
‘’I think sleep is getting to you now.’’ You laugh. ‘’Go, I’ll see you tomorrow.’’
You walk over to him, place a kiss on his cheek and close the door behind you, before resting your back against the closed door. What a day.
The next morning, you woke up around 7 AM, lazy and still half asleep you made your way down to the kitchen. ‘’Make me some too?’’ Lewis’ sleepy voice filled the empty kitchen. Shocked, you dropped the hot cup of tea you were holding. ‘’Hey! Watch it!’’ He shouted. He quickly made his way to you, in no time his big hands grabbed your wrists, before opening the cold water tap to cool your hands down.
Nervously you looked down at your slightly red-burnt hands, slowly realizing what had happened. You tried to figure out why he startled you so much, but it was no use. You knew better, and you knew you were in denial.
You had just realized that you were wearing nothing but a tiny silken mini-short and a small cropped top that you had been sleeping in. You made a mental note to start paying attention to what you’d wear, with your new housemate around. It was not a good look, especially with Bruno not here. You sighed. What was he even going to think of all this? Bruno was your boyfriend for years, and one of your best friends. You loved him dearly but it was just so… boring. There was love, but the idea of having that dull prep-school-boy-sex was just not doing it for you anymore. There was no challenge, no excitement left between the two of you. He kept you waiting for over a year, as he thought you were too young for it, only to find that the lust you had for him had slowly been dying all along.
At the same time, the realization that you were much younger than him (and Lewis) always made him vote for you to ‘’live’’, as he would call it. Experience whatever you could. You knew he probably would be all for you seeing Lewis, but it still made you feel bad for some reason.
‘’It’s fine.’’ You mumbled before walking back towards your room. It was so early; you could easily sleep for a couple more hours. Also, you really weren’t awake enough yet to deal with your little situation.
The next time you woke up, just three hours later, you made your way down to the kitchen, again having your morning routine interrupted. Two hands on your hips, a kiss on the back of your head. That smell… Bruno. You turned around and gave him a friendly hug, as he had just come back from a small getaway with his friends from his hometown in Brazil. ‘’Are you okay?’’ he asked. You knew he wasn’t expecting you to wait around for him, but still wanted to check up on you.
You thought for a second at how to answer him. ‘’Yes.’’ You said as you took a sip of your still hot tea. ‘’I met your friend.’’
Bruno raised an eyebrow at you, before leaning his head back and smiling. ‘’I see.’’ You loved how confident this man was.
You chuckled. He knew you so well. He knew his friend so well.
‘’Has Lewis treated you good?’’
‘’Yeah, he really has.’’ You smiled. ‘’He was kind to me.’’
‘’And Alex?’’ he continues while grabbing himself a drink. ’’I heard you were out with him.’’
You did love the fact that Bruno was like this. Always protective, always checking in on you. Whether you were ‘’with him’’ or not.
‘’Same as always, really. The fool is probably still sleeping with his date.’’ You said, unbothered. Bruno chuckled as he saw Alex enter the kitchen before you did, poking your side. ‘’Fuck you, you know.’’ Alex laughed.
‘’I didn’t mean to be meaaannnn…’’ You teased him as you dramatically turned your head towards him, as if you actually cared about being caught gossiping. ‘’How was it?’’ You and Bruno quickly started to hear him out before everybody would be up.
‘’So, guys, I think she is really into me.’’ Alex whispers.
‘’Oh yeah?’’ you smiled. ‘’Have your imaginary charms worked on this one?’’ You teased Alex some more.
The kitchen door suddenly opened and a confused Lara walked in on the three of you. You could tell she felt a bit out of place, but it was never your intention. You smiled and gestured for Bruno to leave to the dining room with you, leaving the two of them alone. ‘’Do you like him?’’ Bruno shoots as you as he pulled one of the chairs back for you. ‘’I don’t know, Bruno. I only just met him.’’ You really weren't in the mood for this conversation, especially not this early.
‘’It’s okay if you do, you know how I fee-‘’ Bruno started, but you quickly interrupted him. ‘’I know, please don’t worry.’’ You said, trying to escape the dreadful conversation.
‘’But I do worry about you, Y/N.’’ Bruno continues. ‘’I know Lewis. Better than you do.’’
The sentence keeps replaying in your head during breakfast. Is there something about him that you should know?
After breakfast, you got ready and made your way downstairs, figuring you’d go out to clear your mind for a little. You had to get your thoughts in order, and you really didn’t want to play with anyone’s feelings here.
As you were about to walk out, both Lari and Patricia stopped you. Clearly with the intention of hearing you out. It was just what you needed, though.
‘’Can you guys come with me?’’ You asked, voice low.
‘’Is everything okay?’’ They asked almost simultaneously as worried expressions were already appearing on their faces
‘’No, I just miss you guys.’’ You sighed. ‘’Also, you two are leaving soon and I just wanted to spend some time with my friends.’’
‘’Well, we’re going out tonight.’’ Patricia furrows her brows at you lightly.
‘’Great.’’ You said in a sarcastic tone. ‘’I’m being left out now, too?’’
‘’You’re so silly.’’ She laughs at you while putting her arm around your waist. ‘’We literally just decided that a few minutes ago, but we’re planning to drag the entire house.’’ Patricia said.
‘’Everyone will like the idea for sure, especially now that Bruno is back.’’ Lari adds.
‘’But come on, let’s get out of here for a bit.’’ Patricia continues, much to your gratitude. In no-time, the three of you were sat down at a nearby café, the couple in front of you enthusiastically chatting about their plans. ‘’So… I kinda wanted to ask you guys about Lewis.’’ You spilled.
Lari smiles down at her iced coffee and Patricia starts giggling at you. ‘’What?’’ Your red cheeks really didn’t help the situation. ‘’I like him for you.’’ Lari starts. ‘’He has an interesting side to him, to say the least.’’
‘’What’s that?’’
‘’The girls in his room could tell you all about that.’’ Patricia spilled as she rolled her eyes at Lari. Clearly not as enthusiastic about him as her girlfriend.
You felt a little demotivated by what you had just heard. Of course he was that type of guy. He just had to be. Someone so perfect, living in a paradise city like yours, what were you even expecting?
‘’So, he’s a player?’’ You asked your friends.
‘’Not necessarily, I just…’’ Patricia sighed. ‘’I think he is wild, but so are you. You just haven’t really discovered that side of yourself yet.’’
They were right. You were still young. Lewis was eight years older, in a much different stage of life. Your two friends had both noticed you lean back in your chair, before reassuring you. ‘’We’re going to be here for you, anyways. Just… don’t do things you’re not ready for, okay?’’ Patricia smiled at you while reaching for your hand.
‘’I won’t. You know me.’’
You would. You definitely would. There was no denying it. Those comforting brown eyes, those tattoos, his soft, plump lips… You were fucked.
Lari and Patricia left you to get to your local pilates class, before you’d go home to slowly start getting ready for the night. A quite promising one, if you had to believe your friends. 
Your workout was tough, draining. Despite not being in the right headspace, you went all in, just because you figured you might feel better afterwards. It usually did help to relieve stress and all that, but today even working out wasn’t helping. A while after, you found yourself walking back to your house, still in your yoga leggings and top. Not paying much attention to your surroundings, as one of your currently favorite songs was playing in your earphones.
Brought you to my house for the night
Nervous, trip over my words You're so pretty, it hurts
Baby, I'm yours Baby, I'm yours Baby, I'm yours I need something more, I'll pray to the Lord That baby, I'm yours
You turned down the volume while turning the key inside the lock, immediately noticing how crowded it was inside the house, the noise easily heard from outside. Probably friends of friends eating and hanging out together. It wasn’t unusual for a hot summers’ day like this one, but as it was still a bit too much for you at the moment, you decided to directly make your way to your room. You dropped your bag on the floor next to your bed and freed your hair from the tight ponytail it was in. You gasped as you heard your bedroom door close behind you, startling you. Lewis.
‘’What the –‘’ you almost whispered.
‘’I had to see you.’’ Lewis speaks, tone all serious. He didn’t sound like his flirty self, at all.
‘’Couldn’t you wait until -’
‘’No. I had to see you alone.’’
You let yourself sink onto your bed, as you kept your eyes onto him.
‘’What is it?’’
Lewis sits down in front of you on your bed. ‘’People are going to talk and try to warn you.’’ He started. ‘’I know that, I’m not stupid, Y/N.’’
‘’And I know you might have your doubts, but I promise you, I’m not some asshole that’s just after one thing.’’
‘’I see.’’ You raised your eyebrows and looked down at your lap. ‘’Stick around.’’ He continues. ‘’I might just surprise you.’’ ’’I just might.’’ You said as you got up and grabbed a towel from your dresser and put it on the nearby bathroom shelve. He was here now, you might as well hear him out yourself.
‘’So, all the girls you’ve been with, if I’m supposed to believe the stories…’’ You curiously ask while preparing for your shower. ‘’Hm?’’ You heard Lewis, who was still sat on your bed, watching your every move. ‘’Those were all meaningless?’’ 
Lewis thought for a second, before answering. ‘’Well, not necessarily, but all of them knew what they were getting themselves into, you know.’’ You peek at him from the bathroom door, wearing nothing but your underwear and pilates top now, noticing Lewis’ readjusting the way he was sitting on your bed, clearly getting uncomfortable in his jeans. Interesting. ‘’I mean, I’m not just some heatbreaker, if that’s what you mean.’’ He hummed your way and continued, before you looked up at the mirror, flinching as Lewis was now stood right behind you. Oh, shit.
He kept his eyes locked on your reflection in the mirror, before taking a step closer to you. You tried hard not to quiver as you felt his chest on your back. He was so intimidating, so gorgeous, so big. Your heart was pounding so hard, you could only hope he wasn’t noticing it at this point. Past the point of putting on a tough act, you nervously stood still, completely unsure of what to expect. He got closer, caging you to the bathroom sink with his arms at each of your sides, as you felt all of his body, as well as the thick bulge in his pants. You stood frozen, almost anxious by his actions. He moved one of his hands to your sides and slipped it all the way up to your sweaty neck, before running a single finger down it, and down to your collar bone. ‘’Do you need some help cleaning that?’’ He whispers into your ear. You got so weak from his words alone.
He knew exactly what he was doing, and the exact effect it had on you. You moaned softly, barely audible and looked down at the sink when he grabbed your arms from behind and pulled you closer onto him. ‘’Look at me when I’m talking to you.’’ He angrily said, clearly displeased. ‘’I might.’’ You whispered. Lewis loosened his grip on you, making you lean back against the sink, as he gave you a loving, but promising smile, you immediately returning it. ‘’So, you’ve never done that before?’’ Straight shooter, this guy. ‘’What exactly?’’ He created a small distance between the two of you, and leaned against the bathroom wall, giving you a serious look. ‘’Shower sex.’’ He furrowed his brows as if he was already in disbelief. ‘’No.’’ ‘’Good.’’ He surprised you. The answer shocked you. What exactly was good about not being as experienced as the girls he always appeared to bring home? ‘’That means I can be your first.’’ He smiled before leaving you to actually get in the shower.
As the cold water poured down your hair and body, you couldn’t shake the thoughts of Lewis. Images of him kept flashing through your mind, as if he held you in some sort of spell. 
You walked out of the shower and let yourself fall down on the bed for a few minutes, grabbing your phone from your bag. 6 PM. It was time to start getting ready and you really didn't know whether to feel excited or nervous about it. Luckily, Patricia had entered your room to get ready with you and also, to make sure you actually were ready on time. You started on your make-up, before blow-drying your long hair and eventually starting your ever existing crisis of deciding what to actually wear. "Black, please." Patricia read your mind.
"It's so dark..." you sighed. "Won't it be boring?"
"Babe." Patricia stated as she threw one of your favorite black mini dresses your way. "There is no such thing as you and boring in the same sentence." She spoke as the sped up song was playing in your room.
We're getting closer Inches away Lose composure Favorite mistake Friendship's over Won't be the same
Baby, I'm yours Baby, I'm yours I need something more But, baby, I'm yours
You tried your hardest to shift your mind elsewhere and ended up re-considering your outfit. You didn’t want to attract too much attention, but didn’t want to be underdressed either. She was right. Eventually you had settled for the black strapless mini dress and grabbed a pair of strappy, high orange heels along with some golden jewelry, a perfect match with your tanned body.
Just a quick 30 minutes later, you found yourself entering the big night club, where the atmosphere was alluring, but hot as hell. It felt suspiciously promising, for some reason you couldn't quite place. The dim lighted big open space had you feeling beyond curious. Patricia joyfully shouted to get drinks behind you and Lari, as you made your way to the bar. ‘’Anything to get us shit-faced, please.’’ She winked at the barman. Before you knew it, strong drinks started flowing down your throat as if they were water. You had a very high tolerance when it came to alcohol and it was really hard to get you drunk, so you didn’t really have much to worry about, luckily. After a short while of drinking and dodging flirty eyes, you decided you wanted to find the boys. Especially that one you couldn’t take your mind off of.
You took a quick look around you, as you got up from your seat. None of them were around, much to your surprise. Lari had noticed and took your arm, as a mutual smile exchanged between the two of you. ‘’Let’s find him.’’ She whispered into your ear.
The three of you made your way upstairs, up to the more private part of the club. A few steps closer, and you could actually start seeing things. Bruno and Lewis sitting together, clearly enjoying themselves. It had made you feel something you couldn’t quite place, but it was almost arousing to you. The corner was full of their friends, and Alex with Lara on his lap. The way the unknown girls in the club were simping over your housemates, was something you didn’t particularly like, but there was just no way you’d show it. You turned towards Lari, away from the both of them to show her the facial expression that was showing your true feelings. ‘’Uhm uhm.’’ Lari coughed, before leaving you alone. ‘’Hm?’’ You hummed in her direction, but it was too late. ‘’You look beautiful.’’ Lewis whispered in your ear, making goosebumps run down your body. He had gotten up from where he was sitting and made his way towards you, meaning everyone was seeing the two of you together now. You turned towards his smiling self, allowing his eyes to look you up and down. ‘’I don’t want to distract you from your company.’’ You snatched at him. If he wanted to play, you’d play.
‘’Then you should have stayed home.’’ He whispered as he came close to you again, pulling your body onto his by your waist. You knew exactly what he meant. It was too late to run from him now.
The night continued, you found yourself quickly making friends with the rest of the boys, laughing and drinking under the liberating atmosphere of the club. Lewis was seated to your left, Alex and Lara to your right.
‘’Quite a show they’re giving us huh?’’  ‘’We could do better.’’ Your alcohol influenced mouth spilled. Lewis adjusted his jeans; you knew he was getting uncomfortable in them for the second time today. Your whispers and movements would make sure of that. You weren’t even sure what you had gotten yourself into, but his hand that was playing with your lower back was slowly moving up to your neck, before grabbing your hair, pulling you slowly and softly towards him. ‘’Don’t tease me.’’ He warns you, voice spitting anger.
And I'm back to my ways 'cause I'm heartless All this money and this pain got me heartless Low life for life 'cause I'm heartless Said I'm heartless Tryna be a better man but I'm heartless
The loud music, the bass of The Weeknd’ song was putting you in all sorts of vibes at this point, more and more hungry for Lewis and what he had to offer. You were so eager to see him, his body, his everything… How he must have looked under those clothes. ‘’I’m not even, can you imagine?’’ You noticed your confidence went up the more you drank.
Not long after, you moved to the bar by yourself, enjoying crossing the lines a bit too much. You noticed someone staring you down, before allowing your eyes to meet with the handsome Portuguese guy that had been trying his hardest to get your attention. He had started to get a little too comfortable around you, while you didn’t even mean to flirt with him. Probably just because of the alcohol, as your eyes were set on somebody else. Frankly, you couldn’t be less interested in the dude.
It was late. Too late. For a split second you saw the strangers’ hand coming oddly close to you before you saw how he almost fell to the floor and grabbed onto another guy that was standing behind him, a result of Lewis pushing him away from you. ‘’Man what the fuck is wrong with you?!’’ The stranger shouted out, taking a step towards Lewis. ‘’We’re having a good time, what is your problem?!’’ ‘’My problem is you not staying away from the girl.’’ Lewis said as he grabbed you by your arm and pulled you behind him. ‘’Lewis I’m fine.’’ You sighed. ‘’Nothing happened.’’ The stranger angrily shook his head before departing, as Lewis turned towards you and pulled you closer to him. ‘’You don’t want to see what will happen if I find out he did touch you.’’ Shivers ran down your body as he guided you in front of him, directing you to sit back in your spots as he glanced back in the strangers’ direction one more time.
The early morning hours were approaching quicker than you hoped, but there was nothing to do about it. Before you’d like, the taxi had taken a turn towards your street.
‘’You shouldn’t play with fire so much.’’ Lewis smiles at you before kissing you on your cheek as you entered the house, the last two to arrive home. Dizzy and slightly confused by tonight’s’ events, you took your heels off, before walking towards your bedroom. The drinks, the music, the tension of the last couple of days, it was all getting to you. Lewis didn’t like the way you stopped in your steps and leaned against the wall and made his way towards you. God, you were never this heavily influenced by alcohol before. ‘’Are you okay?’’ He asked, voice full of concern. You looked up to him, tired and worn out, while messily picking up your heels from the floor. ‘’Yeah, just really tired.’’
The next thing you felt was Lewis’ arms picking you up as if you weighed absolutely nothing and carried you to your bedroom, much to your surprise. You lovingly leaned your head onto his chest and closed your eyes, wishing you could stay safe in his arms forever. He carefully opened the door and laid you down on the bed, before sitting at your side. Slowly, he moved your hair out of your face before leaning closer towards your face, earning a loving smile from you as well as a happy sigh. ‘’You just keep surprising me; did you know that?’’ 
‘’Opposites really do attract, huh?’’ You smiled.  ‘’They sure do.’’ He whispers onto your lips.
You looked at his lips, back at his eyes, and his were on yours. They were so soft, so plump, it made you feel warm inside. His kiss was so different from any other you had ever had, so much more vivid. You pulled him closer to you on the bed, and before you knew it, felt the weight of his body on yours. So many thoughts flashed through your head, was this really happening? Thoughts that had somehow became worries. Lewis slowly pulled away and leaned on his hand next to you. ‘’Don’t worry.’’ He smiles. ‘’We’re not doing anything you’re not ready for.’’
‘’Who said I’m not ready?’’ You pouted.
Lewis grins at you, before kissing your forehead and made his way out, leaving you alone in your bed. Perhaps for the best. You let your head fell back down on the soft pillows, and in no-time, you drifted off in a long sleep that felt like it lasted for days.
Weeks had passed, weeks of spending most of your time with your friends, going out, days on the beaches. It was one hell of a summer, basically doing everything you wanted, whenever you wanted. At least, everything but one thing. You and Lewis hadn’t been getting that close again, ever since the night after the nightclub. Was he afraid? Was he not that into you? Was the wait too much for him? Was he getting bored?
You were trying to spend as little time as possible thinking about it. Maybe it wasn’t all worth it, maybe you had been seeing things that weren’t there, but no matter what, it wasn’t worth ruining your summer over it. You tried to block out any negative thoughts, as you lowered yourself into your car, ready to spend a day by yourself, as you got interrupted by a knock on your window.
You opened it. Lewis. ‘’Hi sunshine.’’ He smiled at you. His hair was neatly tied up in a bun, leaving two braids out to frame his face. He had to be aware of what he was doing, there was just no other way. ‘’Where are you off to?’’ ‘’Just the beach.’’ ‘’Got room for one more?’’
The day was ending quicker than you had hoped, with nothing more than a steamy make-out session in between evening swims. Quite romantic, playing around on the beach with Lewis. The hot sun was burning so bright, only boosting your confidence and love for the hot climate. Tanned body, a little bright yellow bikini, the blonde highlights in your hair only getting lighter. Couldn’t it just be summer forever?
Something was missing, though. Logic, probably. It was hard to think about it, and you didn’t want to come across as if you were chasing Lewis. You thought I’d be best to just let it be. It got harder and harder to assume what he was thinking, and what it was precisely that he wanted.
After a long shower of trying to wash all the sand and salty water off of your body, you found yourself back in your bed, window open, soft nightly breeze hitting your bare face. Turning a thousand times, trying to position yourself right so you could sleep… it just wasn’t working. Not at all. It was so hard to shake the thoughts you kept having. Flashbacks from the first time you had met Lewis outside of your house, him appearing out of nowhere in your bedroom, the nightclub… As well as all the phrases your friends had told you about him.
You tried to shake it all once more and grabbed your phone from the nightstand. 3:16 AM. You thought about it, about not doing it. But courage had come over you, and you were going to make use of it. You knew what you wanted. More importantly, you knew who you wanted.
You lift yourself up slowly, and sat up straight for a few moments, until eventually, you got up from your bed.
Gently, trying to make as little sound as possible, which was a hard task considering the old, creaking wooden floor under your feet. You opened your door and slowly started walking down the long hallway of your house, wearing nothing but your silk bottoms and a long-sleeved crop top, hair messily down in a braid. You stopped when you reached the last door on the right, heart pounding in your throat.
Softly you knocked a few times before opening the door.
‘’Lewis?’’ you whispered into the dark bedroom. His bed was placed under his window, big and halfway opened. He hummed a bit, probably half asleep, until you got closer. He rubbed his eyes, before opening them to you. ‘’Y/N?’’ ‘’What’s wrong?’’ he sleepily said as he grabbed his phone to check the time and put it back on his nightstand.  ‘’I couldn’t sleep.’’ You sighed softly. ‘’Come here.’’ He said as he readjusted himself and raised the blanket for you. You hadn’t even been in his room before, let alone in his bed. You crawled next to him, Lewis immediately wrapping his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest and placing a soft kiss on your head.  Only then you had noticed that he was completely naked under the blanket, his toned, big body shimmering in the light of the street lanterns that were partly lighting up his bedroom.
As you noticed his breathing, that told you he hadn’t gone back to sleep, you softly drew circles on his upper chest with your finger, him getting more and more relaxed under you, before gathering all the courage left inside of you.
‘’I want you, Lewis.’’ It was out before you knew it, and you had felt him making some sort of facial expression as his jaw clenched. He tilted his head down to face you, as if he wanted to be sure of what you had just told him, but he knew exactly what you meant. ‘’Are you sure?’’ Lewis asks, tightening his grip on you.
It wasn’t that often anymore that you got Lewis to yourself, moments like these had almost become a privilege by now. ‘’Yes.’’ You whispered, nerves in your body had started to spread faster than you ever thought possible. ‘’I’ve never been more sure.’’ Just his naked body against yours felt thrilling, and insanely intimidating. He was big, strong, and all yours in these hours and it had made you feel oh so powerful. ‘’Make me yours.’’ You whispered onto his lips.
Lewis was quiet, before raising himself onto his arms and pulling you under him, placing each one of his arms next to your face. ‘’You’ll do good for me, baby.’’ He smiled before slowly leaning his head towards yours, kissing you so deeply it was almost hypnotic. His chains leaning on your neck was the only thing keeping you grounded, the rest of it felt much more dream-like.
‘’Will I?’’ you whispered, a flaunt worry audible in your voice.
Lewis furrowed one of his brows, which just made him look even sexier under the dimmed streetlights. ‘’I’m going to make sure of it.’’ Your heart jumped, you couldn’t help but feel a jolt of shock go right through you, all the way to your core. You had never met someone who knew what he was doing like this. Every move, every touch was pure euphoria. He locked eyes with you once more and brushed his finger on your lips. ‘’How rude of me to keep you waiting.’’ He thought out loud, while his eyes wandered around your face.
He started to place light kisses on your neck, all the way down to your chest area, making you moan softly. His lips felt so damn good. There was just no way that this wasn’t right, being under him felt like heaven. He made his way down, before releasing you from the small bottoms and top you were wearing, never stopping his kisses and licks, until he reached your core, placing a featherlight kiss on your clit. It made you moan even more, when he finally gave you what you had been aching for so long. He came back up to your face, one of his fingers slowly entering you. ‘’You’ll be fine wet.’’ Lewis said, as you returned his smile. ‘’I love this.’’ You whispered, almost too shy to tell him, but still wanting him to know. He smiled as he gazed your body up and down, as if he was quite literally preparing to eat his prey alive. Him exploring your undiscovered body only made you feel hotter and hotter.
You grabbed onto him as he slowly entered another finger, stretching you oh so good. Feeling the cold metal of his rings touching the fuming part of your body had just made you hungrier for more, as you imagined how good his tattooed hands must have looked at the moment. He curled his fingers up, hitting spots inside of you that made you feel something you’d never felt before. His free hand was on your lower stomach, pinning you down onto the bed, only adding to the effect of his fingers inside of you. ‘’You’ve thought of me while touching yourself, haven’t you?’’ His honesty caught you off guard, and your silence told him everything he needed to know.
Lewis leaned back down, keeping his two fingers inside of you as he started to lick you from your clit down, making you whimper. He kept increasing his pace, making your mind go more and more blank. ‘’You feel so good.’’ You moaned as you closed your eyes. ‘’Don’t look away.’’ He warned you as he stopped his movements. ‘’Lewis I-‘’
‘’Look away and I stop.’’ Your heart rate got so high as you locked your eyes back with the beautiful man. He had completely taken over your mind, all you could do was as you were told and give into him.
‘’You’ve kept me awake so many nights imagining you.’’ He said as he came back up to you. ‘’It’s your turn for a sleepless night, don’t you think?’’
Butterflies went wild inside of you, you were only hoping to not come across as too shy, but your flushed red cheeks had already exposed you.
‘’That’s my girl.’’ He said as he sped up his pace once more and you gasped at his quick change of movements. ‘’You’re so close.’’
Your body was trembling, aching for more, aching for him.
‘’Please Lewis I-‘’
‘’You what?’’ He firmly said as he grabbed your face with his free hand, lightly squeezing your cheeks. You let out a high-pitched moan, hoping he would understand, but he wouldn’t have it. Your moan only made him squeeze you harder. ‘’Use your words.’’ Lewis spoke as he pulled your face more towards him, slightly raising his chin.
‘’I want you inside of me.’’ You whispered fearfully. Fearful, but curious. So curious as to what he felt like, especially knowing just his fingers were making you see stars just moments before. Lewis readjusted himself on his bed. He took his fingers out of you slowly, almost dripping with your juices, and tapped lightly on your bottom lip, once. ‘’Open up that pretty little mouth for me.’’ He commanded, and you did as you were told. Slowly his fingers reached deeper inside of your mouth, until you sighed of relief and let him enter as far as he wanted to. It felt electric, being at Lewis’ mercy, pleasing him. Your body relaxed, as his fingers hit the back of your throat, you completely trusting him.
Lewis released you of his grip and positioned himself in front of you, gently spreading your legs with his knee. ‘’You’ve made me dirty, but you’re about to make it up to me.’’ His tone serious.
Now would probably be a good time to rethink your actions, but you were completely worry-free. You felt nothing but lust for more, a small, content smile appearing on your lips as Lewis towered above you, leaning down towards your face on one elbow. ‘’Am I what you want, baby?’’
Expertly reading your body language just seconds before had already gave him his answer, but he wanted to hear you say it. ‘’I can’t think straight.’’ You admitted, clearly love-drunk. ‘’I need to hear you say it.’’ He whispered onto your lips. You sighed and took a look down at the man, as the early morning dawn had slowly started to brighten up the room. One look at him was enough, you wanted this. You needed this.
‘’Yes, I really do.’’ You whispered.
You gasped when you felt him touching your entrance, it was so much bigger than you expected, only raising your anticipation. ‘’It’ll be fine’’ Lewis voice echoed as he read your mind. The two of you moaned simultaneously when he slowly started to enter you, stretching you far more than his fingers had just done. It felt so good you felt tears welling up in your eyes, an unexplainable, euphoric tension running wild inside of you. ‘’Ugh, you feel so fucking good.’’ He moaned uncontrollably. His moans, his groans and the way his body tensed up above you was making you enter a whole new headspace. You lost it when he started rubbing your clit with his thumb, as he increased his pace inside of you. ‘’That’s it, baby.’’ He tried his best to stay calm and collected while completely losing himself inside of you, as you prayed the walls of this house were thick enough to mute your moans. Your orgasm had made you clench around him, only a few seconds before he lost control. ‘’How about I come inside of you, huh?’’ You moaned approvingly, moments before he did, leaving you in the rewarding state of mind you were in.
‘’That felt so good.’’ You moaned into the pillow, earning a loving smile from your new lover. He gave you a few moments to rest, before he picked you up in his arms, and carried you to the bathroom. ‘’Let me take care of you.’’ He whispered and placed a kiss on your messy hair, as your head was leaned against his chest. He sat you down on the edge of the bathtub, and gently started cleaning your body, before cleaning himself. You watched the soap wash off all the sweat, such a satisfying and beautiful image, as he locked his eyes on yours once more. He closed the tap and leaned towards you, wrapped a big towel around you and sat you down again. Kneeled in between your legs, as you looked down at him, satisfied and content. ‘’How do you feel?’’ he asked. ‘’Good.’’ You smiled. ‘’So good, and so tired.’’ You happily sighed.
Before you knew it, he took you in his arms again, gently lowering you into his bed with him, as you were already halfway asleep.
‘’I can’t wait for our future together.’’ He whispered.
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endearingjaemin · 3 years
play this when i'm gone | NA JAEMIN
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you fixed your hair, drank some water and looked at karina, giving her a 'is this recording?' look and she raised her thumbs. you weren't ready but you had to do it. the farewells had unfortunately begun. your travel end has finally arrived. there's no turn back time.
"hi, jaem!"
jaemin. na jaemin. the cutest soul ever. your rock, your boyfriend.
"all this time, i've wanting to start writing you a message just so i can say that i love you. anyways, words couldn't ever arrived, that's why i'm recording this to you for when i'm finally... gone. and because i had to let you know that everything about me was... you"
behind the camera, karina's eyes were starting to drip.
"i think the time for me to leave is coming, but i wanted you to know that i'll never leave you. i mean, literally. i'm gonna be that little ghost around you, that little whisper, that fresh air breeze, that shadow behind you. like, everything i am today in day, right?"
you still remember the day you both met like if it was yesterday - he was in a park bench, breathing freedom, away from fame, crowds, pressure, tension and pain, and you were just there, chillin' it out while watching the little kids play. something, you end up talking. the rest is story. the rest walks you here, the final chapter.
"i also want you to know that, everyday, i would look to your pictures, so the last thing i did see was you. that's how i'm gonna keep you forever by my side, even if i'm not around anymore"
and you still remember the day you got diagnosed. that day, jaemin cried until he fell asleep, hugging you and trying, in dreams, to find a way that could save you from what was waiting for you. but everyday was a new fight and he had to be there to hold your hope.
"anxiety is eating me alive, you know? and i'm fighting with my sobriety. last time i could barely open my eyes from the pill i took to sleep when i promised i wouldn't do it. i apologize for that, babe"
inevitably, your body became addicted to narcotics. if everything hurt a lot or your head didn't shut up, you would automatically take some medicine. eventually, jaemin realized of it and, after a long talk, you promise him that you would control yourself... you failed.
"i'm not gonna lie and tell you it's alright. you're gonna cry and that's alright, baby. i know how hard you try to keep your feelings on line. but... you don't have to because it's not a sin to show you're human sometimes. you're the purest one alive. and, for awhile, you'll probably think that you can't handle anymore or that it'll be better to give up. but you got this, jaem, and you're surrendered by people who loves you and gonna help you to be you again, darling"
your mind travels you to the first date you had. god, what an incredible night that was. he acted like a gentleman the whole evening and, just for a second, you thought he was an angel. at the end, he drove you home and asked for a second date. then a third, then a fourth, until they became into endless ones. you'll give everything to take that times back, when life was like a fairy tale.
"jaem, my beautiful jaem, i hope you get to go to all the places that i showed before on my laptop when we were choosing destinies for our little vacations. my pretty gem, i remember when i was on the road and couldn't be home to hold you when you had a breakdown from practice. a part of me doesn't want this cruel world to know you, you're way too good for it. so just try and keep in mind everything that i told you, alright? they would want to knock you down. never let them, baby, prove them you're like gold"
if only heaven could know everything you get together through, how hard it was for the both of you to still standing. no one would ever understand. waking up without being around his arms, sleeping out without his voice singing you. sometimes you still asked yourself how you managed to keep going. somehow, you did.
"society is eating me alive. i'm fighting what comes with this notoriety every night. maybe that's why i never wanted us to go public"
jaemin. your bunny. your stars. your whole solar system.
"maybe this is the last time i'll ever open up my eyes, i apologize"
you're really gonna miss his smile.
his green hoodie.
his smell.
his laugh.
you're really gonna miss him.
"just remember, okay? i'll say it again, i'm not gonna lie and tell you it's alright. you're gonna cry, baby, and that's alright. totally alright"
and it's gonna be so tough.
and terrifying.
and he's gonna be so hopeless.
"oh, and i wrote you a song to keep when i'm gone if you ever feel alone. you used to do it for me. it was kinda my turn now, i really hope you like it, it express my eternal love for you and your being"
and he's gonna cry.
but that's alright.
"i'll miss you. and i love you"
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bleuwrites · 3 years
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Tomorrow is Hard to Find
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa Additional Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, graphic depictions of Dirtyhands doing Dirtyhands things, Angst, they may be able to touch each other but they're still disasters, the one where I chase them up a tree and throw rocks at them (figuratively), Kanej-related Rule of Wolves spoilers
Chapter 1
Since Jordie died Kaz does not stir into wakefulness languidly, he startles into it. His heart inevitably jouncing as his eyes reel around his rooms, looking for any sign of threat, always on alert. When he is not in the Slat it is even worse. It takes him bare moments to remember they are Shriftport, but in those moments between waking and recognition his hand reaches for the pistol left stuffed between the mattress and the bed frame.
There are gold rings stacked on the little table to his left, part of his and Inej’s disguise as a married couple on vacation in Novyi Zem. They left the glass-paneled doors to the terrace open to try to coax in a breeze, but the netting around the bed is still. He doesn’t know how it can be so hot before the sun has even risen, but at some point in the night he pulled his shirt off. Inej is still asleep, curled on her side to his right. He presses a kiss to her shoulder and slips out of bed, doing his best not to disturb her because even if he can’t sleep she should.
Kaz finds a chair out on the terrace and takes in the sweeping views the promontory their hotel is situated on affords, rolling the rings between his fingers like the trickster he is. The rising sun reveals the deep turquoise of the bay; the buildings painted in vibrant oranges and yellows like the jurda flowers Novyi Zem is known for. Mercifully, the dawn brings a breeze with it, rustling the green crowns of the date palms and kicking up little white caps on the ocean.
When he was a child in Lij, morning was his favorite time of day. Kaz thinks of the boy he was then, so mesmerized by the subtle changes that would reveal themselves to him each morning. The wheat stalks a little taller, then with leaves, then spiked heads of grain. It used to drive Jordie mad the way Kaz would demand his attention, pointing out each subtle change. That boy could not have foreseen the man he’d become, the things he’d have to do to survive, but little Kaspar Rietveld would have loved this morning in this strange new place, too.
For a long time, he thought that boy died in Fifth Harbor. But the truth was, Kaz had buried him somewhere deep inside himself. With every act of violence, act of cruelty and callousness, Dirtyhands had thrown another shovelful of dirt into the grave he put the boy he was in. It wasn’t until that terrible day on Vellgeluk that he realized Inej had slowly been digging Kaz Rietveld out, clearing the grave dirt from his mouth, letting him breathe again.
The first year was the hardest. He thought vengeance would finally silence Jordie’s ghost. It didn’t. That ghost had screamed and raged inside him. When Inej told him rage was just grief we’d held onto for too long, he screamed at her too. There were times - many times - he lashed out, used his cruelty like a whip to try and drive her away. He wanted her to leave, to turn her back on Ketterdam, to prove his worst instincts right. He wanted to put his armor back on, so, so desperately.
And always, inevitably, the question, asked with the kind of patience he found maddening, What are you afraid of, Kaz?
That you will leave me. Like Jordie. Like everyone I’ve ever loved. It took Kaz a long time to admit it to himself. He never admitted it to Inej.
The second year was harder. He took her to Lij and told her everything, wove together the whole rotten tapestry of his life for her. The wounds inside him opened up and wept so much fresh blood he thought he would drown in it. He would wake gasping from dreams of Jordie playing cards at the Crow Club, his skin mottled and bruised and sloughing onto the felt of the card table. Or his father leaving a bloody wake of entrails as he pursued Kaz through the Barrel. They died in his dreams every night, so he stopped sleeping. Kept himself going on coffee and jurda until he collapsed from exhaustion.
When Inej returned to port early she found him slumped over his desk after days of refusing to rest. Her face had been etched in sadness and worry when she roused him enough that he opened his eyes. “I was angry too. It took me a long time to realize I needed to grieve the life that was stolen from me,” she said, her voice quiet and her fingers gentle as they traced the too prominent hollows of his cheeks. “Did you never mourn, Kaz?”
He didn’t answer, just held her hand over his heart and asked her to stay once she had forced him up to his bed for some proper sleep. She did, for a while anyway.
The third year had been a nightmare for different reasons. That was the first time he asked her to be his wife. It didn’t help.
Her legend had grown by that point, big enough to put a target on her back. Per Haskell’s name on her indenture documents was enough to get the Slat, the Crow Club, and The Silver Six raided and turned inside out. They wanted Inej, but Kaz still had enough enemies in Ketterdam that they would have settled for throwing him in Hellgate for the trouble. They both knew what taking on slavers would cost them. His businesses had been clean and she had been free of them since he took over the Dregs, save for certain, select occasions.
When that didn’t work they put a price on her head. Inej’s wanted posters littered the city; no matter where he went her face was staring at him. She couldn’t set foot in Kerch or its colonies without risking arrest or assassination. Her partnership with Strumhond, and by extension the Crown, had granted her safety in Ravka. She had a home in Os Kervo (a house, she would chastise him, you are my home), and a life he felt only distantly a part of no matter what she said.
As he watched her dance and laugh so easily with Nikolai at Nina's wedding that year something had splintered inside of him. It wasn’t jealousy -- Nikolai’s love for Zoya was so obvious Kaz knew there was nothing to be jealous of --, but longing. The same longing that had him clutching at her hand on the deck of the Ferolind. The longing for impossible things.
What they wanted had been divergent after they kidnapped Kuwei; she wanted to turn her back on Ketterdam and never return; he wanted to bring it to its knees, rule it like a shadow king. After the auction Kaz got his power, Inej got her freedom and they found a way to forge a future together. Until it had been taken from them, at least.
Later, when they were alone in their quarters he’d asked her to marry him.
“Why?” she asked, her eyes searching for something she wasn’t going to find.
“Because the odds of us surviving will sink to zero at some point. Because if we’re going to die I want to go to the other side as your husband.”
“I will not marry you out of fear, Kaz.” She’d said it softly, tenderly, her voice heavy with regret.
He knew the words were coming before she even opened her mouth. The knowing did nothing to quell the pain in his heart as she said them. Kaz didn’t argue with her, but later, when they were in bed and the distance between them felt greater than the breadth of the True Sea, the thread that connected her to him felt perilously thin.
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pondernce · 5 years
Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 3
A/N: So this thing keeps getting longer and longer, so this chapter is really the first half. But anyway, I hope you enjoy! Big thanks to @julesbeauchamp​ (even in her absence :( ) and @curlsgetdemgurls​ for their support and encouragement to actually write the thing!!! 
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Chapter 3
After her escape to the eastern Mediterranean, Claire had been lucky enough to find not only a flat in London, but a roommate who soon became one of her closest—and only—friends. Geillis Duncan was everything Claire was not, at least when it came to her personal life. The door to her room seemed constantly revolving and Claire couldn’t fault the scot for it. She only questioned how a physician had so much time to find all those gorgeous men.
 Geillis tried to share the wealth, so to speak, to get Claire to take her up on her offers to head to this pub, that opening, or this party. Normally she refused. But seeing James Fraser again warranted more than a mere bottle of Rioja on her couch.
 And that was how she found herself slightly tipsy and tugging on a dress she hadn’t worn in ages. It’s fitted frame clung to her chest in a way she normally avoided (aided by one of Geillis’ push up bras), and grabbed hold of her hips, nipped in as it was at the waist. Claire had always loved the dress. It made her feel like a vintage star, gossamer bell sleeves and dramatic cleavage, despite the more modest hemline. She slipped on her heels and looked up when Geillis wolf whistled.
 “And here I thought I’d have to help ye, but my my. Ye clean up well, Beauchamp. Pity ye’ve a closet full of jumpers.”
 Claire rolled her eyes and attempted to ruffle her curls into a slightly less bent shape. She really should have taken her bun out ages ago. “Oh sod off, my jumpers are flattering. I’m teaching now, I can’t get away with… this. I’m surprised you can at the clinic!”
In truth, she knew it was out of character for her to get so dressed up. The few times in the last months she had been out with her roommate, she’d worn jeans and a fitted jumper, or perhaps a blouse and jacket. Never a dress. And certainly no heels. Seeing him today had reminded her what it felt like to be wanted like that. She tried not to think about that time often, but when lost in those deep blue eyes she couldn’t help it. She’d been almost squirming, torn between desire and discomfort, in her bloody classroom.
 With a huff, Claire looked back at Geillis. “I just… I wanted to get out. Maybe finally partake in the fun. It’s been—“
 “Aye, far too long! But ye don’t need to excuse yerself. I just wish ye’d tell me what happened today. Usually, I’m the one asking ye to come out.”
 The memory of ruffled red curls caressing tanned shoulders flashed before her eyes, and Claire failed to shake the ghost from her mind. “I um…” she could feel the flush on her cheeks, creeping down her neck and dangerously low along her bodice. “I just need a night out. You know?”
 Geillis hummed, seeming to give in. Although her gaze gave away her suspicions. “Well then. We’ve a new place to try. Somewhere hopefully we willna find any of yer students!” Laughing, she spun out of the room and grabbed her coat, impatiently urging her roommate along.
 With a last gulp of her wine and a final tussle of her hair, Claire followed her out of the flat in a cloud of perfume and the clicking of towering heels.
 “Ye seem a bit lost there…” Jamie called out, leaning against the slightly crumbling wall of one of Nicosia’s many ancient buildings. In the late afternoon sun, the city wasn’t exactly bustling with life, but the old town still boasted shops and stalls, among which he’d found this gorgeously out of place creature. She turned and for a moment he was entirely lost in the startling hue of her eyes. Not brown, just shy of gold. Fine whiskey through a crystal cut glass, sparkling back at him.
 She looked surprised, those eyes wide in her slightly flushed face. “I’m sorry? I’m not lost, just wandering around… playing tourist. Aren’t you?” The crisp vowels of her posh accent were in such contrast to her own, and he wondered if she was as confused as he.
 “A Sassenach? And ye ended up touring the city alone?” His tone softened, even as he stood up off the wall and stepped a bit closer to her. Jamie was no monk, but he’d never understood the need some in his company felt to relentlessly chase after girls, to take them home every time they had leave. Perhaps he would have had he ever seen her. “Dinna take that the wrong way, aye? I’m wandering alone myself. Just nae a tourist.”
 She nodded, held her ground, and for that Jamie felt all the more entranced. “You’re hardly from here. I’ve lived in Edinburgh, I recognize a Scot.” She smirked a little, those eyes dancing at him, challenging him. “And I know Sassenach is not a nice name.”
 “I meant ye nae offence,” he laughed, shaking his head softly. A few sun-bleached curls fell over his brow. They hadn’t been this long since before he enlisted. But in recovery here among the medical corps and troops on loan to the UN Peacekeepers, no one cared if Colonel Fraser’s hair grew out.
 “Just… Well ye confused me there, an English lass here. And ye did seem lost. This street goes nowhere, just takes ye to a plaza with no exits and a very cranky old woman.” He winked, or he tried to.
 It made her laugh and shake her head, the blush on her cheeks growing. “I wanted to see the city, although the beaches are lovely….” she looked up at him and he saw her debate with herself, and give in. “My uncle is an archaeologist, so I grew up quite familiar with ruins. I couldn’t pass up a day trip here. Now, what is a Scot doing in Nicosia?”
 Filled with curiosity akin to wonder, Jamie’s smile grew. “Ye’ll have to tell me more about that…” he pushed his hand through his hair, watched her eyes flick to the flex of his bicep. “I’m on leave from the military. There’s a couple of bases here, and it’s a better vacation than a Scottish spring.”
 They talked and walked (out of the dead-end little land and along wider streets, up narrow allies and to the parapets of the ancient walls), and he relished every word that fell from her lips. At sundown he convinced her, rather easily, to join him at a small restaurant. He tried to show off, ordering in Turkish, only for the woman to roll her eyes at him and make sure Claire got what she wanted too, her English accented but clear.
 Jamie learned so much about this strange woman, and also so little. She spoke of her travels and her uncles and of the myriad of places she’d lived. Of her hobby in botany and alternative medicine that was rapidly becoming a career. But never truly of herself. His curiosity lingered.
 Claire touched him first, taking his hand as they sipped their wine, letting her foot tap his under the table.
 It was all too easy to fall. To forget.
 He kissed her outside the bistro, and along the walls. She kissed him against the Famagusta Gate, pressed her petite frame to his, molded herself against him. In those moments, they both were lost.
 “Come back with me,” Claire murmured it, looking up at him almost upside-down, her back to his front and his arms guarding her against the soft breeze. “I have to get a ride back Kayalar... “ she looked up at him, turning out of his embrace. There in the shadow of Girne Kapısı, Jamie imprinted the image of her in his mind forever.
 “Aye, I’ll come,” his smile was flirtatious, his hands wrapping her hips and drawing her back against him. “How could I say no to ye?”
 Jamie glanced around the packed bar with a small sigh. Every inch of the place was crammed with uni students, eager to celebrate the start of the year, the return to their mates, and their newfound freedoms. John was among them, dancing between two girls with abandon. The lad could move, Jamie had to admit that. His slightly outrageous dancing and warm smile had drawn girls and blokes all night. It had been fun until those girls started circling him as well.
 “Are you starting this year as well?” Perky brunette number three, a friend of blond number two, smiled up at him. He had to credit them for being bold and confident. No use in squashing that, so he finished his beer and nodded.
 “Aye. In law.” he looked a bit bored, glanced back at John, and then down at the girl. “Sorry, what did ye say you were studying?”
 She pursed her lips. Good, better she thinks him an arse than doubt herself. “Nursing. I think. My sister does it and she likes it well enough.” She pushed her hair behind her ear. Christ, even the batting of her lashes.
 He needed to get out of here.
 Holding up his pint so she could see its sorry state, Jamie nodded to the bar. “Excuse me…”
 There was no refuge there, crammed against the counter and fighting for the attention of the older man behind the counter. A bloke slammed into his shoulder, sputtering an apology and nearly spilling his drink. “Careful aye?” Jamie sighed, helping the lad right himself. He felt so bloody old standing there, slightly too sober and having none of the chaos around him.
 As he closed out he finally got John to look at him. “I’m heading out!” hopefully his motioning to the door was enough to make it clear, but he was sure he wouldn’t be missed.
 Outside he could at least get his bearings, shake the ringing of the base from his ears and take a proper breath. The night was still early and so he walked, taking in the area around Kings. In truth, he’d never explored London. He’d never explored much in any place, except for one glorious day in the Eastern Mediterranean. He couldn’t think of that, of her, now.
 With a sigh, he turned up a street and spotted a calmer, near empty bar sporting the sort of plush leather couch his flat sorely lacked. Perfect. Whiskey on the mind, the former soldier wandered in and up to the bar. For a moment he simply waited, staring at the polished copper bar top, and a pair of delicate, feminine hands resting on it. “Whiskey neat,” he murmured, “Glen Moray, if ye’ve it.” He assumed they did, given the bottles covered the wall behind the man.
 Settled in his waiting, Jamie almost missed the soft gasp of the woman to his left. “Sorry, did I bump ye--” he stopped, lost for the second time that day to the melt of her whiskey eyes. “Claire?”
 Without thinking he reached out to grab her upper arm. It was meant to be reassuring but he watched her almost flinch away.
 “Jamie,” she smiled, something brittle and fractured. “Why aren’t you out with... “
 “All the other children celebrating the start of the term?” He arched a brow and laughed softly. “I’m nae a kid, Claire. Hardly younger than ye, ye ken.”
 “I know. I know that…” she bit her lip, and all Jamie could think was of how terribly he wanted to replace her teeth with his own.
 The bar was nearly empty, only the soft clink of glasses and the quiet murmur of a few patrons surrounded them, muffled by the rich hardwood and supple fabrics of the furnishings. It was intimate, posh. An absolute contrast to the airy furnishings of the room they’d shared that night in Cyprus.
 As the silence stretched on, Claire found her words. “I never expected to see you again. You said you were going back to war,” her eyes refused to settle on his, dancing about the room. “You said a lot of things, actually. Nothing that promised you’d ever be in London.” The opposite, in fact.
 Jamie waited, registering the pain in her voice and the guilt that flared up, not unlike the old wounds he’d sustained in the war. “Aye, I did. I was a coward then, I’ll admit that. But seeing ye again…” He smiled, stepped closer to her, almost taking the last of her space. The polished metal bevel of the bar prevented her from backing away. “Seeing ye again is more than I allowed myself to dream of, Sassenach.”
 Her heart leaping into her throat, Claire finally met his eyes. “You left.”
 “I had to. I couldn’t be in that room with ye and face the future I’d signed up to, having met ye… Knowing that I could have so much more than a life at war. Christ Claire, ye ken how I felt about ye!”
 The bartender glanced between them as he set Jamie’s whiskey down, arching a brow. The aggravated whispering had evidently caught his attention. “Everythin’ alright over here? Do you need another martini, miss?”
 She shook her head, breaking her gaze with Jamie and abandoning the words resting on her tongue. “No. Thank you, really. Excuse me,” flustered, she pushed past him and Jamie let her go. Against his better judgment, he let her go again. He watched unmoving as she all but speed-walked to the other side of the bar and a pretty redhead in a booth. When they got up to leave he sighed and sipped his whiskey, finally settling at the bar.
 ‘We need to go,” Claire’s heart was still pounding in her chest as she fought to process Jamie’s words. That night she had been the one to open her heart, to let him see all the shadows in herself along with the light. She’d trusted him, foolishly, and he’d never shown that for him it might have been too much. Not until the next evening. For him to admit to feeling… well, she assumed he felt the same as she did.
 And it was terrifying.
 “What?” Geillis frowned, glancing at her empty glass. “Ye went to get more drinks and now we’ve got to go? What happened, Claire?”
 “I’ll explain but can we just go, please? I’ll explain at home.”
 “Ye better. Ye look like ye’ve seen a ghost.”
 She pursed her lips as she shrugged on her coat. “Perhaps I have. It feels like it.”
 Although Claire was normally grateful for the proximity of their flat to everything, including Geillis’ preferred cocktail lounge, but at the moment she wished for more time. Processing that night, and Jamie’s declaration would take longer than the three blocks offered. Lost in her thought, she almost missed their door entirely.
 “Claire,” she felt Geillis’ hand on her arm, guiding her into the door. “Alright, spill. I willna be sitting here for these dramatics. There canna be two drama queens in this house, love.”
 G always was dramatic, as fiery as her red hair, while Claire was the voice of reason. Despite their close friendship over the last two years, she rarely confided in Geillis about her past. Over the years she’d admitted the whole debacle with Frank, why she ran from Boston. But she’d kept mum about Jamie. And why? Why was he, for all the brevity of their time together, so much more significant? Perhaps because that day was the first time Claire had ever felt truly seen for herself, and that night the only time she’d ever felt so thoroughly worshipped. Or worshipped at all.
 “I ran into someone at the bar. A student of mine,” she watched Geillis grin and shook her head. “G, focus. Yes, he’s gorgeous, but it’s more than that.” Claire slipped off her heels as she sat on the couch, drawing her knees to her chest.
 “I met him before, when I spent time with my uncles after leaving Frank. I’d taken a week for myself while they were on a dig, took a trip over to the Turkish side of Cyprus.” She sighed, almost wistfully. “It’s such a beautiful island. It was supposed to be a trip for myself, alone, to heal from what happened with Frank--”
 “But ye met a man,” Geillis nodded, coming back into the living room with two drams of whiskey.
 Accepting the liquor gratefully, she nodded. “I did. Jamie. He was a soldier on medical leave, for a month or so there… He never truly said what had happened to him, only that he was in Afghanistan. But the scars… God, G, his back had to have been completely torn apart. They were still healing when we met.”
 She closed her eyes, recalling the feeling of his back under her hands, the strong muscle marred by deep gauges, some still red and angry even in the half-light of the moon. “He never told me much about himself at all, actually. I suppose I didn’t realize that until it was over. But I told him everything, G, things I’ve never told anyone. And he didn’t just listen. He made me feel… loved.” she blushed, shaking her head.
 “I’m a fucking idiot, aren’t I? I fell in love with a man I knew for one day,” she scoffed, tipping the rest of the whiskey down her throat in one gulp. “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, I thought he felt the same! I can’t explain it, but it seemed like… there was something there.”
 Claire seemed to deflate then, resting her cheek on her knees as her eyes closed. “I’d never felt shame like that. Not for having a one night stand, but for giving so much of myself-- of my trust-- to someone who could just walk out of my life.”
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lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
 The Times I Tried to Love You (RoD)
A/N: RoDAW is amazing. This week is amazing. I can’t believe all of the fantastic content that was made and I love you all so much—you inspire me!
Pairing: Gen, Kaneko-focused
Length: 1840 words
Rating: PG-13 (Canon-compliant character death, swearing)
Summary: Kaneko knows that love is a verb, not a noun.
“Daaaad.” Colt was shivering, his tiny body shaking in the breeze. He had long lost his baby fat but had yet to grow into himself, still gangly-limbed, with knees that knocked together as he shifted his weight from side-to-side. His lips were starting to turn blue, but he would be fine; his body could handle one more jump.
“Come on Dad, it’s too dark.” He wasn’t yet old enough to be rid of childhood fears; though he never spoke about it, Teppei saw the way that his eyes peered out, into the trees, the water, still wary. These fears would only hold him back.
“Don’t make me repeat it.”
Colt’s eyes darkened and he opened his mouth, impertinent remark on the tip of his tongue before he thought better of it, begrudgingly turning to the cliff. He shot one last look back and for a moment, Teppei thought he could see his own darkness shining through the eyes of his son. Then, Colt was off, sprinting and then flying through the air.
One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Four-and a splash.
He didn’t even scream that time. Good. 
Teppei waited, lighting another cigar as he watched the moon crawl up the night sky.
Colt would need this. He would need to learn to conquer his fears, be silent in the face of danger, crush any and all weakness before it became a life-threatening flaw that could end him.
He would understand someday.
Finally, Colt emerged from the cliff, the sea dripping from his hair, palms rubbing harsh warmth into his arms. Teppei watched his son, his heir, as he stubbed out the last of his cigar, watched his small body trudge across the grass, exhausted and worn. Colt looked up at him when he got closer, the flame in his eyes growing brighter. Good.
Teppei shut the door to the office; it wasn’t enough to completely muffle the noise from the repair work going on outside, but it was something.
The crew knew that he liked to take lunch alone in his office. It had been something of a ritual the last few months, slowly becoming an established habit that no one dared break. He sat at his desk, sipping his green tea, and waited.
He didn’t need to wait long. 11:55 am. Five minutes early. The phone lit up milliseconds before it rang, sharp light and shrill noise loud in the office. Teppei waited. Another sip. Another ring. A third. A fourth.
He thought, while he waited. Wondered idly why the call came early today; was the traffic lighter than normal, making the 3.4 mile drive from the high school to his home faster? Was he still at school, calling before heading to yet another detention after yet another fist fight? Had he played hooky and was calling from the road, motorcycle heading west before his mother caught on?
He could still hear that day unfolding, 82 days ago, could hear echoes of the slam of the door, the screaming. He heard it when he slept, when he was awake. “I fucking hate you.”
Teppei blinked as the voicemail alert sounded and grabbed his phone with a tired sigh. Rubbing his eyes, he pressed the button. 
“You have one new message. You have 80 saved messages.”
Teppei shut his eyes.
“You fucking prick, pick up the phone.” It was quiet in the background. Colt must be at home. His mother would still be at work so he would have the run of the house. “I wanna come back to LA. I fucking hate it here and-”
Teppei had to take a deep breath as Colt’s voice caught. The messages when he was alone were always the worst, anger and hatred and hurt spilling violently over the phone line.
“I fucking hate it here and I’m coming back and I don’t give a shit about anything you have to say about it.”
A door slammed. He was probably in his room now; Teppei could picture him flopping on his bed, phone clutched in a death-grip as he cursed through the snarl on his face.
“Will you just pick up the phone?”
Teppei waited. The pause was longer this time, Colt fuming, thousands of miles away.
“I fucking hate you.”
Teppei raised an eyebrow. It had been a long time since someone tried to intimidate him. “Absolutely not.”
“I think we can come to an agreement.”
“We are not your puppets. I said no.”
He turned to go, to get out of this alley, away from this demon, but a bitter laugh stopped him. “I think you’ll be singing a different tune when you see this, old man.”
Teppei looked over his shoulder; the man had a piece of paper dangling from two fingers, waving it teasingly in an outstretched hand. It was a photograph, a small picture, and Teppei’s breath caught. Was that…?
He stepped closer, eyes narrowing, squinting to see. It was taken from across a busy street, lens pointing into a coffee shop, the photo’s subject oblivious to the intrusion on his privacy. He understood the implication immediately.
He almost reached for it, hungry to see how he had grown in two years. Even in the dark, he could tell Colt’s shoulders were broader, hunched over a textbook. Were those dark circles under his eyes or just shadows, tricks of the light?
Teppei swallowed, jaw tensing, as the man stuffed the photo back into his pocket. “You think we can’t get to him?” He leered, breath sour in Teppei’s face, bill of the Badgers hat casting his eyes in darkness. “You think moving him across the country was enough to keep us away, to keep him safe? Newsflash, friend: he’s not safe anywhere.”
Teppei stared, unflinching. He was a man of calculations, of odds. The calculations here were not in his favor. The Brotherhood knew how to manipulate the situation by targeting the one thing he would defy any odds to protect, to save.
“One job. Just one.”
The man smiled, clapping Teppei’s shoulder with a meaty hand. “That’s all we ask.”
The door opened suddenly but Teppei didn’t move, didn’t look up. He knew Colt was here, had heard the “where’s the old man?” amid the normal jawing and scuffle of the teenagers in the shop.
He didn’t look up when Colt shut the door behind him, eyes focused on the paper in front of him. He could hear the chair legs squeak as Colt sat and then had to stifle a snarl as Colt dropped his feet on the table, right on top the ledger he was looking at. 
Finally, Teppei raised his eyes, taking in his boy, now a man, broad-shouldered and long-limbed. “What are you doing in LA?” More importantly, when was he leaving?
“Hello to you too, Pop.” Colt reclined in the chair, balancing it on two legs, hands folded behind his head. “Great to see you, really. Glad to see your crew is still bumbling along.”
“What are you doing in LA?”
Colt dropped the chair, sliding his legs to the floor, elbows on his knees. “I’m back.”
“You are in college.”
“It’s Spring Break, I wanted a vacation.”
“Then go to Hawaii.”
“Fuck you.” Colt’s eyes were blazing, the set of his mouth stern. “I’m not leaving. So you can let me back in the crew or I can just camp out here, in the shop.”
“Absolutely not. This is not for you. You’re going back to your mother.”
“Fuck you, I’m not.” He raised his chin. “You can’t boss me around anymore, old man.”
Teppei sighed. Colt was right. He was no longer a minor; he couldn’t just shove him in a car and send him away.
Not to mention, there had already been one threat to his life. If he were in LA, he was in even more danger. 
Maybe it would be better to keep him close.
“Here’s the deal.” Teppei paused as Colt cocked his head, listening. “You can help out in the shop for your break. Answer the phone. Minor repairs. That is it.”
“That’s it. You will do nothing else.” Teppei stared at him, hard. He had faced tougher men than Colt Kaneko before; unlike those men, Colt stared right back, unflinching.
Apparently, Colt had a good amount of his father in him after all.
Teppei stood and Colt narrowed his eyes at him. “I’m not weak. I deserve a place here, in the crew.”
“I decide that.” With one last glare, Teppei opened the door to the office. “Ahem.” He stepped around Toby, ignoring the futile excuse for eavesdropping, to enter the shop floor, Colt’s petulantly stomping behind him.
“Have a safe ride back to college, buddy.”
Colt glared at Logan, shoulders raised, the two children squaring off. “Guess again. Not getting rid of me that easily.” 
Logan’s eyes were incredulous. “He’s sticking around?”
“Colt will help me out at the auto shop over his spring break.” Teppei narrowed his eyes at his son, ice in his voice, then surveyed the crew. “He won’t be involved in anything else. Are we understood?”
Teppei’s eyes cut to his son, his hands balled into fists, arms clenched at his sides. This was a mistake.
He knew, as soon as he saw the lights flickering at the end of the bridge, he knew how this would end. There was only one way it could end, really; since that fateful day 19 years ago, this ending was predetermined.
The LA River wasn’t wide, but it was wide enough, enough to gather the speed he needed. Kaneko pushed his foot down, pedal to the floor.
“Pop, what are you doing? They have the whole thing closed off!”
It wasn’t wide enough to say the things he needed to say, but it would have to do.
“I told you I couldn’t break free of The Brotherhood alone…but this? This I can do alone.” The Aylesbury picked up speed; he had always loved how this car could fly. Time for one last flight. “I was so obsessed with fighting for my own freedom that I jeopardized yours.”
He could hear the crew, vaguely, but was focused on one voice. “Pop, no! Come back!”
“Promise me one thing, son. You’ll get out of here. You’ll leave this life behind for good.” He tried to picture him, his son, when he was young, as he grew, the moments he remembered and the moments he missed. “You can be anything… Be more than this.”
He unscrewed the NOS, the last thing he could do for his crew. “Stay back. All of you.”
“Pop…please…you can’t leave me.” He could hear the tremor in his son’s voice. His heart ached at the pain but he would rather have his son hurt and free than bound in chains.
“Go, Colt. Go and don’t look back.”
There was always only one way this was ever going to end.
He closed his eyes.
Tags (I am the worst at tags. This is my RoD tag list. LMK if you want me to move you to another):  @deimosensblog @alegria1580  @choicesarehard @thefarrari @client-327 @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown@soniadotalves@jolietmaraud @hazah@flowerpowell@poeticscolt@brightpinkpeppercorn @zaira-oh-zaira@desiree-0816 @leelee10898 @maxwellsquidsuit @liamzigmichael4ever @octobereighth​ @omgjasminesimone​
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thatonecurlygirl · 6 years
Vacation Time
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Request: from Anon "She said the exact same thing about you." with Luke from Criminal Minds, maybe some fluff ;)
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You lie there completely still, the sun’s rays bouncing off your SPF protected skin and the warm ocean breeze blows through your hair. You wiggle your toes, burrowing them into the hot North Carolina sand. You revel in how relaxing your vacation had been thus far, two days with no cases or interruptions as you spend nearly every moment on the beach with your friends. You were happy that you finally had the opportunity to kick back and be worry free for a while.
Everything had been pretty nonstop and high stress since you joined the team eight months ago. You felt that since you were new to the team that you had to prove yourself in some way, which just added more stress to your life. You were a little more relieved when you realized that the team trusts and respect Emily’s decision to hire you to the team. Still, even knowing that you felt as if you needed to show them that you belong.
“Hi pretty, thank you again for inviting us to stay here with you. The beach house is amazing.” Penelope says as she sits down beside you in the sand.
“Ah, no problem. I figured this would be a little more enjoyable; e than throwing out a couple hundred on a hotel near the beach. Plus, I hadn’t been here since I furnished the place a few months back, had to put it to use.” You smile, looking back behind you at the large beach house, waving at Luke as he walks out, dressed only in his swim trunks.
“He’s a hunk.” She says, nudging you as Like smiles and waves back at you.
“He’s gorgeous.” You sigh, watching him jog out to the water, passing Tara who is just wading out there in the salty ocean. “But we- uh we keep that confidential, just between you and I.” You gasp when you realize what you said.
“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed but it’s not hard to tell. I’m not a profiler and I could tell.” She chuckles.
“Oh God, is it that noticeable? I mean it’s unprofessional, right? God, I’m like a teenage kid, crushing on the high school quarterback. It’s so embarrassing.” You groan, covering your face with your hands.
“Oh, I don’t blame you, he is a looker.”
“And has a good personality and in the same line of work. He’s the perfect guy.” You blush.
Luke catches your eye once again, this time as he emerges from the water. The fresh shine of water coats his light brown skin. Your eyes never leave him as he gets closer and closer, a smile growing wide on his face. Once he is directly in front of you, blocking the sun, he runs his fingers through his wet hair.
“Hey, the water is amazing.” Like states, nodding back toward the water.
“y/n was actually just about to head into the water.” Penelope states as she stands up, “and I’m going to see what Spencer is up to.” She smiles and heads back to the house.
Suddenly the sitting in the sand felt like the most uncomfortable place on the whole beach with Luke standing in front of you with a smile, urging you to go out to the water. You smile and take hold of his outstretched hand, letting him help you to your feet. You brush some sand from your legs as you walk to the water with him.
“It’s pretty awesome, what you’re doing, letting us vacation with you.” He smiles, nudging you as your feet slosh around in the water.
“It’s the least I can do. You all have been so welcoming since I joined the team.” You shrug.
“You know, you don’t have to prove yourself to us. We already know that you are a fantastic agent.” Tara says with an encouraging smile.
“She’s right, we never doubted that you are a good agent,” Luke says, casually slinging his arm around your shoulder.
The kind words from your friends and coworkers made you feel really good about yourself. Not to mention how Luke’s arm draped across your shoulders made you feel all giddy inside. Luke chuckles and withdraws his arms from around you, watching as his dog and your dog splash through the water together.
“Looks like they are enjoying themselves too.” You laugh at their romping splashes.
“Roxy loves to swim, looks like she enjoys playing with Ruby too.” Luke smiles, watching the dogs chase each other out of the water and around the beach. “Maybe we will have to get them together more often.” He suggests.
“Oh, but that would mean I would have to see you more often and I don’t think I could handle that.” You joke with a huge smile on your face.
“Oh really?” He chuckles.
“No, I’m just kidding. I think that’s a great idea.”
Tara laughs at the two of you as she makes her way out of the water and up to join Penelope and Spencer at the picnic table by the house. Spencer is busying himself with a two-inch thick book about something that more than likely would put you to sleep. Tara and Penelope, they watch you and Luke laugh and splash around in the water.
“They so have a thing for each other.” Tara smiles.
“It’s so obvious, it hurts,” Penelope says hand on her chest and bottom lip poked out in a pout.
“y/n and Luke?” Spencer asks, joining in on the conversation. Tara nods and Spencer chuckles, looking out at the two of you. “Yeah, it’s really obvious.”
Colored lights dance across the walls as several warm bodies dance around the club. Loud music plays and the bass vibrates the floors, the bar, and every cell in your body. You weren’t usually one to let loose by going to a club to dance and have a few drinks but the vacation with your work friends gave you a sense of freedom and you seized the opportunity to have fun.
Luke was the one that suggested that you all go. Hell, he was the only reason you were even on the dance floor. He walked out there with a smile, hips swaying and body moving in ways you’ve never seen him more before. man, he was so alluring. At first, you fought the urge to watch him, stare at his body rilled and girls dances alongside and against hi,. When you finally decided to give in and look up at him, you saw he was walking toward you with a smile.
“Come on,” He says, extending his hand out to you.
“Okay.” You smile back, taking his hand and letting him lead you out to dance with him.
You could honestly say you had never had this much fun dancing. You were having the time of your life, dancing and laughing with your extremely handsome coworker but you made sure to keep it professional. You continued to dance after Luke left, promising to come back with drinks, fighting through the crowd to make the bar.
“She’s so adorable, I love her to pieces,” Penelope says as Luke walks up to the bar beside her.
“Yeah, she’s got a great personality too. She’s the perfect girl.” He says looking at you in awe but looks at Penelope with wide eyes when he realizes he said that out loud. “But don’t tell her I said that.”
Penelope laughs, withdrawing the fruity drink straw from her lips, “Funny, she said the exact same thing about you.” Is all she says before walking away.
Luke stands there at the bar, confused at first but a smile slowly starts to creep up on his face. He didn’t realize how long he was taking until he saw your hands waving in front of his face. He clears his throat and stands up straight, looking you in the eye.
“Where’d you go Alvez?” You laugh, dropping your hand to your side. “You spaced out there, smiling like a goof.” You pull out your vibrating phone and look down at the message.
“Yeah, uh- sorry. What do you want, beautiful.” He smiles at you, gently bumping you with his arm.
“Uhm, another vacation because it looks like ours is cut short.” You lift your phone, showing him the message. “Got a case here bright and early in the morning.” You sigh.
“Great.” He sighs, “Let’s get the other and head back.”
“Aye, aye captain.” You say under your breath but loud enough for him to hear and elicit a small laugh from him.
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lespetitesmortsde · 6 years
Bechloe prompt! I can always hear you singing Phantom of the Opera so I decided to sing the duet with you.
Every single time Chloe comes back from her run, she pulls her earbuds out just before she gets to her next-door neighbour’s hedge. When she first moved in several months ago, she discovered that her neighbour liked to sing.
And to boot, the neighbour was actually really good.
So whenever Chloe passes by, she tries to listen and see if there’s a song to hear. There was a week where the neighbour was just cycling through pop-punk emo bands of the 2000s. Another where it was movie soundtracks. This week, surprisingly, the neighbour seems to be stuck on The Phantom of the Opera. Yesterday she was singing to “The Music of the Night” and the day before it was “Silent.”
Chloe wondered what today would bring.
As she slowed to a walk, she could hear the neighbour’s alto:
“You have come hereIn pursuit of your deepest urgeIn pursuit of that wish which till now has been silentSilent.”
Chloe stops, and has to work to pick her jaw up off the floor because this song is Chloe’s favourite from the opera, and her neighbour, surprisingly but also not at all, is nailing it. The huskiness of her voice, the emotion, the power, it was all absolutely on point.
And Chloe is a romantic, who believes in first love at first sight and the idea of soulmates and of just knowing when something is meant to be, so as she listens to her neighbour, whom she’s never met due to the sheer height of the hedge and her neighbour’s apparent desire for privacy, she falls in love.
It’s not at first sight or first listen or even tenth listen, but it feels right and Chloe is left buzzing with energy at her newfound feelings, unsure of where to channel it all.
“I have brought youThat our passions may fuse and mergeIn your mind, you’ve already succumbed to me.”
Chloe walks closer to the hedge, hesitantly reaches out a hand to touch some of the greenery, imagines she’s finally meeting the owner of the voice.
“Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to meNow you are here with me, no second thoughtsYou’ve decided, decided.”
Like it’s prophetic, Chloe makes a decision as well. Despite wanting to see how the alto handles the high second part of the duet, Chloe knows from countless shower singing sessions that she can hit those notes, and decides that today is the day she finally gets to see her soulmate.
“Past the point of no returnNo backward glancesThe games we’ve played till now are at an endPast all thought of ‘if’ or ‘when’No use resistingAbandon thought and let the dream descend.”
Softly, Chloe sighs as the woman sings Chloe’s favourite lines from the song.
“What raging fire shall flood the soul?What rich desire unlocks its door?What sweet seduction lies before us,Past the point of no return;The final threshold?”
Chloe smooths her shirt around her waist and wipes the sweat off of her brow as she readies herself to help destiny along. She moves quietly along the hedge and rests when she gets to the large wooden panel door that separates her from the singer.
“What warm, unspoken secrets will we learnBeyond the point of no return?”
And then Chloe, loving, carefree, spontaneous and indulgent Chloe, jumps in with both feet, and sings loudly from the outside of the hedge.
“You have brought me,” Chloe begins.
She swears she hears a mumbled “what the fuck,” from the neighbour, but she continues anyway.
“To that moment where words run dryTo that moment where speech disappears into silenceSilenceI have come hereHardly knowing the reason why.”
She knows she hears movement right on the other side of the door. She can hear the rustling, can feel the pressure the alto exerts upon the door, and so she works harder to reach the highs, to hold the notes.
“In my mind, I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silentAnd now I am here with you, no second thoughtsI’ve decided, decidedPast the point of no returnNo going back nowOur passion play has now at last begunPast all thought of right or wrongOne final question:How long should we two wait before we’re one?”
Even though the question is in the song, it’s the question in Chloe’s mind, too, in a way. How long do they have to wait before they meet? Will the gate open, or will it remain shut? So Chloe sings her last solo lines as best as she can, like everything is riding upon them because maybe, in a way, everything is.
“When will the blood begin to raceThe sleeping bud bursts into bloom?When will the flames at last consume us?”
She takes a breath. This is where she’ll know if they’re going to meet or not. If the alto joins in for the final verse, the one they’re supposed to sing together, then that’s it. That’s destiny. Chloe lays a palm flat against the gate and hopes to hear a harmony on the breeze.
“Past the point of no return,” and Chloe is giddy to hear another voice join hers. She works hard to keep the smile from her voice in this deeply serious song.
“The final thresholdThe bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burnWe’ve passed the point of no return.”
And Chloe waits. Once the note dies off and once she catches her breath, still, she waits, because as far as she can tell, the neighbour hasn’t moved from the door either.
Chloe waits.
And waits.
Until finally, she is done waiting, and she sings to the melody of their song, “Haven’t we passed the point of no return?”
Her nerves melt away when she’s rewarded with a throaty chuckle from the other side. The latch of the gate clinks as it’s unlocked, and Chloe holds her breath.
She doesn’t know whom she was expecting to unlock the gate. Maybe an ethnically ambiguous, average height woman, who, yeah, just kind of looked all around average.
She never expected, not in a billion years, for eight-time Grammy winner Beca Mitchell to be standing in front of her.
“Um, hi,” Beca says, leaning against the open door. “Nice to meet your voice?”
Chloe stammers like she’s forgotten how to breathe, let alone speak, and what eventually comes out is the fully-awed, “You’re more gorgeous than your voice.”
Beca blushes and stares at Chloe’s face, which gradually reddens as her words catch up to her. “Thanks?”
Chloe nods, drinking in the beautiful and talented woman before her, and then she snaps out of it, like it doesn’t matter that this is the Beca Mitchell in front of her. All that matters is that they’re meant to be. “Hi, sorry, my name’s Chloe.”
Smiling, Beca offers her hand. When Chloe takes it, Beca says, “Nice to meet you, Chloe.”
It is only then that Chloe notices the earbuds around Beca’s neck. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, did I interrupt your music?”
Beca looks at her incredulously before full-on chortling right in front of her. To Chloe’s confused and questioning head tilt, Beca responds, “Dude, you belted that song like nobody’s business and you’re worried you interrupted my music?” Chloe’s eyes widen and she nods slightly.
Again, Beca laughs. “You were good! Better than Emmy Rossum, perhaps, at least then. Maybe not now,” Beca turns pensive. “Dunno, though, haven’t had the chance to work with her lately.”
“I couldn’t resist,” Chloe admits. At Beca’s own inquisitive eyebrow raise, Chloe answers, “I run by here almost everyday and I always hear you singing.” She rushes to add, “You’re really good by the way,” but Beca just waves off the compliment. “Anyway, usually you don’t stick to anything for too long, maybe a genre, but never, like, just one thing, but you’ve been stuck on Phantom this whole week, and then you sang my favourite song, and I just couldn’t help myself.”
Beca’s stare is piercing and calculating. “So you had no idea who I was before right now?”
Chloe shakes her head. “Honestly didn’t have a clue. I wouldn’t have made such a fool of myself if I’d known.”
“Hey now,” Beca says, “You definitely did not make a fool of yourself, dude. Like I said, you were awesome.” Her voice trails off.
“Oh, um, thank you. You know, that means a lot from you,” Chloe says, and then because she really can’t help herself, “I mean, I know I’m not bad at singing. I’m actually pretty good. In university I was co-captain of an a cappella group.”
Beca snorts, “Sorry, I forget that there really was a period of time when a cappella was popular.
“Hey!” Chloe reprimands playfully. “It takes a lot of skill to emulate other instruments!”
“Sure, but also, you could just use the instruments and save yourself a whole lot of trouble.”
Chloe huffs with fake indignation and then Beca’s piercing stare returns.
“What do you do?” Beca asks, still clearly evaluating her.
“Oh, I teach music at the elementary school on Harlon Street,” Chloe answers. “That’s why I can usually go for a run at four, although technically I could go any time these days.”
Beca looks lost, so Chloe adds, “Because summer vacation just started. I have like two months of freedom before I get back.”
“Do you know why I’m listening to Phantom so much?” Beca asks in what Chloe assumes is a rhetorical manner. Until Beca seems to be waiting somewhat patiently for a response.
“Nope,” Chloe says.
“They’ve asked me to do a remake, since it’s been like twenty years since the last rehashing. I told them I’d have to think about it, have to figure out if there’s a way to make it fresh again.”
Chloe gears up instantly, “Whoa, it’s timeless!”
Immediately, Beca brings up both hands to placate Chloe. “Okay, yes, but what could a new remake do that hasn’t been done before, I mean, you know?”
Somewhat appeased, Chloe allows it. “What can you do?”
A glint appears in Beca’s eyes as she smiles widely. “I think we can make it queer, is what we can do,” Beca answers bluntly. Before Chloe can respond, Beca’s already continued, “And I think you’re perfect for it.”
Flabbergasted, Chloe sputters, “What?”
“Play Christine in the remake with me,” Beca says.
Chloe shakes her head, violently, “No, no, there have got to be, like, professional actors and better singers, and—”
“It doesn’t matter,” Beca interrupts. “You’d be perfect for it.”
“Seriously, I have to go back to class in two months,” Chloe tries again to dissuade her.
Beca shakes her head. “If you really don’t want to, I won’t force you, of course,” she says. “But think about it, you could take the experience to help the kids you teach, maybe be able to subsidize the small amounts of money teachers get to outfit classrooms.”
“Plus,” Beca adds, almost as an after thought, “We’d have to spend a bunch of time together.”
“We would?” Chloe asks, and then curses herself for making it seem like she’s actually considering it.
“Well, yeah,” Beca says. “I’m supposed to be the Phantom and I’d be around the set and stuff.”
“You’d be playing the Phantom?” Chloe repeats.
Beca nods. “Yeah. Like I said, I’m into the idea of making the remake queerer and this,” she gestures to the two of them, “would definitely do the trick.”
Upon registering Chloe’s uncertainty, Beca attempts to backpedal, “Unless of course, that’s an issue for you.”
“It’s not an issue for me,” Chloe says immediately. “It’s just that I really do need to be back in class in two months.”
Beca waves off Chloe’s concerns. “No problem,” she assures, “they already have the pre-production done. We could start next week and have you done in six weeks, seven tops.”
“Jesus, you’re serious, aren’t you?” Chloe asks, utterly shocked.
“I am,” Beca agrees. “So what do you say, Chloe?” She smiles widely and throws a flirty wink Chloe’s direction. “Will you go past the point of no return with me?”
“Um, I, well—”
Beca cuts in, “When else are you going to get an opportunity like this?”
“I suppose that’s true,” Chloe hedges.
“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind spending a little more time with you,” Beca confesses lowly, stuffing her hands into her pockets.
“Okay, I’m in,” Chloe says, surprised to hear the words come out of her own mouth. But then again, this is the kind of spontaneity she lives for, and she has a serious case of love brewing for Beca. It’s a combination of the distanced adoration she’d held for Beca before she knew Beca was her neighbour, but also with the appreciation and love-at-first-harmony thing she had going with her neighbour, before she knew it was Beca.
“Yeah?”Beca says, surprised.
Chloe nods resolutely. “I’m all the way in, Becs,” Chloe says.
“That didn’t take nearly as much convincing as you made me think it would,” Beca comments.
“One life to live and all that jazz,” Chloe returns.
“Do you want to come in and we can talk about it? I can order food?” Beca asks, stepping to the side of her gate.
Chloe grimaces, “I’d love to, but I’d also really love to shower.”
“No problem,” Beca says easily. “Interestingly, I do own a shower.”
Blushing, Chloe can’t keep herself from indulging just the littlest bit in what it would be like to shower in Beca Mitchell’s home. “While that sounds lovely, I also have a shower and I live right next door… in my house… that has my clothes and stuff?” She doesn’t know why she turns her comment into a question, but Beca laughs.
“Okay, Chloe, that’s chill.”
“I can still come over to chat, though? In like thirty minutes?” Chloe asks.
“Sounds good,” Beca says. As Chloe takes a step toward her house, Beca’s voice makes her turn around: “The offer stands, though, for future reference.”
Chloe decides that maybe what she really needs is a cold shower.
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cheekblush · 6 years
blossom, cozy, cupcake, cutie pie, daisies, joy, gem, love, rainbow, toot and whiffle ✨
ahhh that’s so many!! thank you so much patricia!! you’re the best!! ❤️️💕💓💞💗💖💘💝 i’ll put this under read more because i already know this will get waaaay too long 🙈
✨blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
obviously it’s hard to choose only one for each category but i’ll just name the first ones that come to my mind!
favorite book: the little prince
favorite movie: shutter island
favorite song: planet girl by jooyoung & ph-1
✨cozy; eye/hair color?
my natural hair color is dark blonde, i got blonde highlights rn tho so they look ligher and my eye color is blue/grey
✨cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
i really love orchids, lillies, chrysanthemums, bonsai trees and cacti!
✨cutie pie; most precious item you own?
the first thing that came to my mind was the bts epilogue concert in seoul dvd tbh. i just hold it so dear to my heart because it’s my favorite concert/setlist of theirs since the whole hyyh era means the world to me. and every time i watch that dvd i just get this very warm feeling and it feels like i’m reliving the entire hyyh era together with them. as much as it upsets me that i didn’t experience that concert live and probably will never even see them live, this dvd somehow makes me feel close to them. it feels like i’m at home, you know? they bring me so much happiness and i truly treasure and cherish the hyyh era so endlessly much.
✨daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
the most recent one was definitely this morning when i finally finished my very last exam of this semester!! i felt such a huge weight lift off my shoulders and i am just so happy and relieved rn!! i think i’ll feel even more free next week because i’m going on a one week vacation to spain with my mom where i can just relax at the beach and swim in the sea without any worries, drinking sangria and enjoying my freedom!!
✨joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i definitely laugh loudly when i’m truly amused! it’s one of the best feelings tbh
✨gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
i will just name a few i can think of at the top of my head!
@goldentints @yungvodka @tangerinedream @heartlessdios @lavendersheetmask @gyalskin @septmbergirl @desertputa @latinavevo @limonadaroja @zachtoranje @rosescentimental @roseoilz @sainthue @saintgf @ethiomami @taurusaurus @an-gellic @dewyjimin @50-km @explicitcherry - there are soooo many more, i should do a proper follow forever soon tbh and i’m sure you see me pop out in your notifs a lot too, i probably like every other post of yours! 
✨love; what is your favorite season and why?
i can’t really decide between spring and autumn - these are my two favorite seasons. spring, because i love how everything is coming to live, how the flowers start to bloom, the birds start to chirp, the days get longer again, the sun shines more often but it doesn’t get too hot and there’s a light soothing breeze outside. the air smells fresher as well and it’s just the perfect weather and temperature to be outside, go for a walk, do a picnic or read a book! and of course autumn, because i love wearing lots of layers of clothers, big, warm and cozy sweaters! boots, scarfs, beanies and big coats!! drinking a cup of hot cocolate in a café! how the leaves change colors and everything just looks like a painting. also the sound of walking on fallen leaves!! also it rains more often and i love the sound of rain drizzling on my umbrella or against my window, it’s so soothing. 
✨rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
i’m not really sure if this means what was the very last line of the last book i finished reading or just what was the last/most recent line i read in a book?? i’m gonna go for the latter since i just started reading harry potter and the philoshoper’s stone (yes, i have never read harry potter before can you believe this.. but i just read the first chapter and i’m already hooked!) and the last line i read says: “to harry potter - the boy who lived”.
✨toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
oh goodness.. that’s a difficult one.. i think my compassionate and kindhearted nature really makes me unique because these days people are really so cold, selfish, ruthless and egoistic, it really saddens and scares me tbh. i think it’s unique that i haven’t let life make me bitter and coldhearted (this is so lame but i couldn’t think of anything else)
✨whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
i think i’d really like to control time - so the power of going back and forth in time and stopping it at my will. i think that could be very helpful because i’d really love to relive certain moments or just stop time for a while to catch my breath and slow down because sometimes things are just so overwhelming and are going way too fast. idk if i would actually use it to travel into the future tho... that’s kind of dreadful to me.
 thanks again for sending in so many of these, this really made me happy and i appreciate it!!
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beepbeeprichiellc · 6 years
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Part 1, Part 2,
The breeze from the sea washed over his face leaving its salty kisses on his skin. The morning sun was rising east, just past the islands.  He could feel the push of the tide, the pull of the new day. It was beautiful, majestic even and he loved every second of it. Digging his bare toes into the sand he couldn’t help but smile, burning the memory of it into his mind so that he wouldn’t forget. His small cottage was just along the way but it did not face the sunrise, sunset yes, but not the glories rising day. It had been three months since he had landed back on earth, savoring every second of his new found freedom. Just as promised there were no mortals, not gods, no anything. Just himself and his blossoming garden. It was a dream vacation, the perfect gift and yet when the night settled and the stars overtook the sky he found himself longing for his prior home, for the company that he once had.
Eddie had not expected Richie to visit often, if at all, but he had expect some type of contact. A letter maybe, or even a raven, if the kind of hell still did that. Nothing was what he received, and that was a little disconcerting. Maybe it was selfish to think of himself special, to think that he was important enough for a powerful god to take pity on him and show concern but still he had thought that they had parted on good terms and didn’t understand the cold shoulder.
With a deep breath he attempted to clear his mind, to keep his heart light as the gift of a new day was presented to him. Rays from the sun warmed his skin, allowing the power within him to thrive. He figured today would be a good day to tend to his tulips, they needed his attention.
Once the sun was high enough in the sky he stood, brushing off sand from his pastel sweater. There were things to do, a life to live. No sense of moping around all day about a man who never called. Starting towards his home he began to wander, feeling the waves crash into his feet. A smile satisfied smile curled at the corner of his lips, a tingling sensation running up his leg every time the ocean took back its gift.
His head snapped behind him when he heard a surprising noise, something that sounded almost like a bark. It wasn’t uncommon for wildlife to wander near his cottage, a rabbit here, a feral cat there but a dog? There had never been a dog. He waited to see if he had imagined the noise only to hear it again, the sight of a black canine running towards him finally coming into his line of sight. Eddie let out a surprised squeak as the large animal nearly knocked him over, placing his paws on either side of his shoulder, whining for his attention.
“Hey there big guy.” Eddie laughed, petting behind the dog’s ear. “Friendly little thing aren’t you?” The canine barked loudly, leaning in closer to lick his face. “C-Cerberus?” He choked, again receiving an enthusiastic bark. “Oh my god! It’s so good to see you, even without the other two heads.”
“Wait.” Eddie whispered, pushing the dog off of him. Cerberus whimpered, spinning around in a circle as his feet sifted from one place to another. “If you’re here then-“An excitable flutter over took his heart, making him grin wildly. Without a second thought he began to run, his feet carrying him as quickly as he could back to his cottage, the eager animal following close behind.
Bursting though his door he expected to see a man lounging in his living room but was met instead with an empty room. Confused he began to walk though his small home, worried that he had gotten himself worked up for nothing. With a huff and a curse he nearly gave up, storming back to close his front door nearly jumping out of his skin when he saw a well-dressed man on his door step.
“Well hello there, happy to see me?” Richie’s smirk was just like Eddie had remembered, it’s friendly and charming aesthetic making his stomach flip. “I mean I would have waited for you in your bed if I knew you’d be so excited.”
"Shut up.” Eddie laughed, taking a step forward to embrace the god, his arms moving around his tailored suit. He felt Richie relax under his touch, practically melting into the affection, his long limbs wrapping themselves around Eddie’s shoulders. “I didn’t think you’d come.” Eddie found himself whispering, surprised at how pathetic he sounded.
“Nonsense, I was just busy. Hell doesn’t run itself you know?” He replied playfully, his fingers curling at the nape of Eddie’s hair. “Right.” Clearing his throat, Richie pulled away a sincere smile crossing his face. “Are you going to invite me in or what?”
Rolling his eyes, Eddie gestured for him to follow, “I guess, if I have to.”
“Well you wouldn’t want to be rude would you?” Richie poked, closing the door behind him as he entered. “Bad hosts go to hell, I would know.”
Eddie chuckled, strolling into his kitchen where he pulled a pot from his cabinet. “Tea?” He asked, filling it to the brim with water. “I know it’s nothing like the damned can make but-“
“Tea would be lovely.” Richie said smoothly, his footsteps heavy against the hardwood floors. “I’m not on earth for long, but I figured I’d stop by to see how you were doing.”
“Oh, you sure you can’t stay?” Eddie felt his heart sink, his face falling in disappointment. Trying to hide his upset face as he turned on the burner on his stove. “I was can make dinner and we can catch up. I don’t want you to think I’m pushing you out.”
“It’s alright, I know how much a drag I can be. Even Cerberus needs a break from time to time.” Richie replied, gesturing to the canine who had made his bed at Eddie’s feet. “He sure missed you.”
“I missed him too.”
“So tell me,” Richie cooed, “how much do you love it up here? Are you growing all kinds of flowers or do you grow plants too. What exactly does being the god of spring in tale? I never understood it honestly.”
“Well I’m nothing compared to you.” Eddie snorted, ignoring Richie’s eye roll. “But it’s everything green, plants, flowers, trees, all of it. I’ve really got an array of things in my garden. Oh, you should go look! It’s beautiful.”
There was a sad grin on Richie’s face, his eyes lingering on Eddie’s happy expression a little too long. “I shouldn’t.” Eddie’s heart dropped. “I’m the god of death, I’ll just kill all of them.”
“That can’t be true.” Eddie replied softly, “Not everything you touch dies.”
Richie laughed, his chuckle hallow and a little gloomy. “I cannot touch mortal things without draining the life from them. That’s why nothing grew in hell, why you hated it so much. It’s me.”
"I didn’t hate it.”
“It’s fine, it really is Eds.” Richie brushed off Eddie’s concerned look, shrugging his shoulders and pretending that it didn’t bother him. “Hell is no place for someone full of life like you. It’s for dead things.”
Dead things. Richie thought he had hated his time there because Richie himself was death, the revelation made Eddie sick to his stomach. Opening his mouth to respond he found himself cut short by the whistling kettle, and with a sigh he went to move it. A tense silence settled between them, one that gnawed at Eddie’s tender flesh, making him feel uncomfortable. Richie busied himself with his jacket, adjusting it along his back multiple times until he was handed his cup.
“Thank you very much.” He whispered, winking at Eddie. “I’ve never had anyone make me tea before.”
“Oh wait, there was one man a long time ago who was trying to keep from me. Thought poising my tea would keep me from taking his soul, poor bastard.” Richie shrugged, taking a long sip before nodding in approval. “That did not end well for him.”
Eddie smiled, leaning across from Richie. “So how has it been, you know, without me?”
“Quiet.” He said, his tone soft. “Too quiet really.”
“But nothing I’m not used to.” Richie bounced back, covering his vulnerability once again. “I’ve got plenty to occupy my time now that I’m not cleaning smashed pots from the floor.”
“Oh did that take up a large chunk of your time?” Eddie nipped, humor interlacing itself with his tone. Richie smirked, his sidewise glance sending shivers up Eddie’s spine.
“Quite frankly yes. Now I have an abundance of pots and I have nothing to do with them. I mean god damn, those things are pretty useless.”
"Melt them, paint them, I don’t know you’re pretty smart, I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“Oh you think I you know me?” Richie replied smoothly, his tongue dancing in his mouth. “You’ve got me all figured out do you?”
“I’m pretty sure I do.”
“Then tell me about myself.” Richie challenged, setting his cup on the table. “Please, tell me something I don’t know.”
Eddie pursed his lips, debating on weather this was such a grand idea or not. Richie’s eyes bore into him, the challenge lingering in his silence. “I know you try and hide your loneliness.” It slipped, falling to the table with a defining clink. It was like vomit coming from his mouth. He willed himself to stop, to apologize but when his lips parted more spilled. “You use humor and your charm to keep people away, to keep from becoming vulnerable. A million years alone in solitude, with only your own mind to speak with, it has to be torture.”
“None of that is true.” Richie quipped, trying desperately to hide his hurt.
“Is that so?” Eddie smirked, trying to ease the pain that had begun to make his heart ache. Richie’s face unreadable. “You aren’t lonely in that big castle of yours? All those empty rooms, all that space just to yourself.”
“I have Cerberus.”
"Richie.” He whined, “Why are you lying to me?”
The king of hells back became ridged, the muscles in his jaw becoming tense. His gaze faltered, dropping to the space between them. Eddie wished it all back instantly, knowing that he had crossed some kind of line. Why had he said all those things to him? To the king of hell, what was wrong with him?
“I’m sorry.” Eddie leaned forward, grazing his fingers against Richie’s cool skin. “I didn’t mean to-“
“I should go.” Richie muttered, standing from the table. “I’ve spent too much time here.”
“Richie don’t-“
“It was nice to see you again Eddie, I hope you enjoy your last few months.” The god motioned to his animal, whistling for him to follow, which he did immediately. “Till next time.”
Eddie followed him out the door, his voice pleading for him to stay but knowing that it was no use. “Richie don’t go, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“
But as soon as he stepped a foot outside of the cottage, he was gone, vanishing into thin air. Eddie stood there, looking out towards the sky, hoping for his return. When it never came, he felt tears welding up in his eyes, trying desperately to hold in the motions that had begun to bubble in his stomach. A storm was brimming on the horizon, its harsh greyness becoming thicker and more dangerous with each push of Eddie’s emotions. The god of spring was slipping, causing a rift in the sweetened air.
He cried that night, his tears falling along with the rain. Curling up into a tight ball he allowed himself to whimper and wither into nothing, becoming nothing more than a child. Although he was free in this world, Eddie had never felt more trapped. He didn’t understand why he was so lonely, but knew that he couldn’t take much more of it.
As much as it pained him, he needed Richie.
And as much as it pained Richie, it seemed that he needed Eddie too
@decaffeinatedpostmoon @lizwillstealyourgirl @longlostlove @reddieset @eds-kaspbrak @pretzelstoday @notagoodplace4gods @losersclubreddie @tonitozierprimary @ihavesympathyforthedevil @eds-trashmouth @kyliee827-blog @lolahood @richietozierrrr @bcckybeaver  @nocapesyd @lemonaayyee @deux-mille-deux @lonewolfhard @nicoperryy @toziuh @lilgeorgie @reddie-loser @nutellalala @eddieswolfhard @bitchin-eggos-353 @little-miss-hellraiser @kaspbrak-boi @eds2fannypacks @finnwolfwolf @grasshopper @luxluga9 @thecastlebyers @fucking-reddie @missingstanleyuris @finnhardwolf@thatonedramaperson@thatonedramaperson@richiestoziiers @the-sarcastic-wannabe-awakens @lilyridehalgh2 @jem-carstairs-is-perfection  @starry-nightflyer @reddietofall @fu-ckinggazebos @tyrror @richietozierrrr @sleepykaspbrak @mohifadcat4life @whyamihere-0s @drunkrichietozier @50slosers @talkreddietome @sunflowerstozier @the-awkward-lettuce-turtle @yalocalemo @keytones @summerxle @hausofnikyhausofu  @bcckybeaver@whos-bitch-is-this@derrylossers @thatonedramaperson @yalocalemo  @mohifadcat4life
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i-am-too-sick · 7 years
Here's another update for the Arrhythmia AU. Finally the boys get a little downtime during their vacation. :) Previous
The sight of the ocean was enough to take his breath away. The roaring sound of the tide, the scent of salt heavy in the air, and his first glimpse of sunlight in days was like something from a movie, and it gave Nico the vague sense of freedom. "Let's definitely go to the beach first."
Will nodded, looking more energized just by being in the sun. His smile widened, and he turned to Nico. "Yeah, how far is the rental place? If it's right here, we can walk and we'll get a cab on the way to the hotel then to the airport." He said, taking Nico's hand and squeezing. "I mean, well. You won't walk, you can't be on your feet too long."
Clearly, Will was getting a little excited, his smile excited. "It's a beautiful day. Isn't it nice out?"
"Um...," Nico looked out over the beach, shielding his eyes with his hand. "The nurse said it was just across the street—oh! Over there. Look, they even have those giant umbrellas stuck in the sand."
He stood up, holding tightly to Will's hand. "It's gorgeous out here." And it was. The sun shone bright and pleasantly warm, a strong breeze helping to keep it from getting too hot. "Lets go," he said, tugging Will's hand, "before you change your mind."
Will held onto Nico, keeping him steady as the nurse waved one last time to him. Shoving all of Nico's prescriptions into his bag, Will smiled at him. "I'll let you walk, to get your feet moving, but if you get winded, I'm carrying you." Will warned, holding tight onto him.
"Unless you feel unsteady. If you feel wobbly, I definitely don't mind." He assured. "I don't want you to exhaust yourself."
"I'm fine," Nico said again, his voice heavy with exasperation but a grin on his face nonetheless. He was just glad to be outside. "You remind me of my sister. Stop babying me—you're going to make me lazy."
There was no hint of malice in Nico's voice because he knew Will meant well, and honestly, the coddling was a little nice. He pressed a quick kiss to Will's cheek as they started across the street. "Hey, do you even anything to wear in the water?"
"Mmm, you just got done with your second surgery in a month, and you just got out of the ICU. I don't think you could really argue that I'm babying you."
Will wrapped an arm around Nico's shoulder, squeezing gently. "The surf shop should have everything we need. I'll wear a wet suit, if they have them."
Nico supposed he really couldn't argue with that. His second operation in a month, and they were heart surgeries no less. No wonder he felt so ragged. "Well, when you put it that way," he said, resting his head on the arm that was around his shoulder.
The walk to the surf shop wasn't even that far, but by the time they reached it, Nico's cheeks felt heated from exertion, a thin layer of sweat beading along his hairline. The shop really did have everything though, from swim trunks to wet suits and boards of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Nico had never seen so many in one place before. "Get whatever you need. I'm gonna go sit over there," Nico said, pointing.
"Under an umbrella, in one of those chairs. I'll get you something to lie on and we'll get you situated and comfortable first." Will dragged an umbrella close to the water front, close enough even for Nico to dip his feet in if the tide rolled up enough. He set up a chair in the shade, lying a towel over the top and then helping Nico to lie down, then tucking him under a beach towel.
"Alright, I'll be quick getting ready." Will promised, handing him a water bottle and giving him a quick kiss. "I'll be right over there, yell if you need something."
After taking a long gulp of water, Nico tucked in his knees and rested his head against them. The day had just begun and already he was exhausted. He didn't regret convincing Will to go surfing, but he did hope he could stay awake long enough to actually watch him. He closed his eyes and snuggled up with his beach towel.
The sound of padded footsteps and crunching sand is what finally got him to lift his head. Will stood there in a wetsuit, a board tucked beneath his arm. "Look at you," Nico said with a smile. "Ready to catch some waves?"
Will looked completely in his element in the wetsuit. It definitely showed off his build more than anything he usually wore. Under the spandex material, his muscles were firm and defined, his shoulders appearing broader. With a grin, he moved to drop a sunhat over Nico's head. "Shield your delicate porcelain skin." He winked.
Brushing a hand up through his hair, he pushed it backwards. "Very ready. How are you doing, are you comfortable?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Warm enough? Too warm? Did you have any water?"
Nico huffed a laugh as the hat was dropped on his head, holding up his half-empty water bottle and swishing it around. "I'm a little uncomfortable," he admitted with a frown.
He was afraid to say anything should Will switch into overprotective boyfriend mode, but Nico's flu-level aches were starting to creep up on him, as well as a weighted sense of fatigue. "But I'm fine," he reassured. "I've got water and snacks to tide me over until you're finished." He smiled weakly. "Go enjoy yourself."
Will frowned a bit, dropping his board in the sand and moving forward to give Nico a long kiss, feeling his face for a temperature. "Alright.." he said, looking a bit unsure. "I'm gonna be in earshot, I promise." He said, stroking under Nico's eye, along the circles that were still present. "You know it'll be hard to enjoy myself if you're in pain, right?"
Tracing his finger along the corner of Nico's mouth, he kissed him once more. "I probably won't even be out for a half hour. I don't want you waiting too long."
"I promise it's not that bad. I'm really just tired," Nico said, eyes lingering shut even after Will pulled out of the kiss. He sighed. "You definitely deserve some time away from being my doctor though."
He grabbed Will's hand and kissed his fingers, slowly and individually. "I want to watch you," Nico said, "so go have a good time already."
Will hesitated, but finally nodded, stealing one last kiss before pulling away and smiling a little. "Okay. Yell if you need me. Or anything- if you need anything." He said, nodding.
Picking up his board, he jogged off to the waves, putting his board down and getting in the water.
Clearly, Will was a natural. Even now, he looked completely comfortable, wading out in the water before climbing onto the board and waving at Nico with a huge grin.
Nico perked up some once Will was in the water. It was something special to watch Will paddle towards the surf, balancing himself on his board, and riding the waves like a pro. He looked like he was really having a great time, his smile truly genuine as he stood and waved from the center of the water.
Nico was nice and cozy from his place in the sand. He had tried dipping his toes in the water, but it only made him cold, so he tucked them beneath him and wrapped himself with Will's beach towel. He sipped his water and nibbled on a granola bar, intent to enjoy the sunshine from the shade and let Will have his fun before they finally left for home.
Will was clearly in his element. the waves weren't huge, but they were big enough to ride through. After finding his balance, it became easier and easier, and he was riding wave after wave.
Every time he looked at Nico, his boyfriend looked perfectly content, nibbling on a snack or smiling up at him. Seeing Nico smile like that made his heart skip a beat. Every time they made eye contact, Will blew kisses, waved in wide motions, and once, he was staring so long, a wave knocked him right off of his board.
Nico laughed when Will fell from his board, and again when the blond resurfaced with a goofy smile on his face. He wanted to beckon him over, to receive a wet, ocean salted kiss, but was afraid Will would think something was wrong and want to leave. And Nico wasn't ready to call it quits yet either.
He raised his arm and waved, settling his chin on his knees, a loving smile unchanging from his face. These were the times that he lived for.
Will rode a few more waves before finally heading back to the shore. Soaking wet and smelling like the sea, Will was grinning hugely, his eyes bright.
Half tempted to scoop up his boyfriend, giving him kisses and getting him soaking wet and laughing, but he knew Nico was still recovering, and he couldn't risk getting him sick. Instead, he settled for a goofy kiss, their teeth bumping because of Will's smile.
Nico tried to kiss him back, but he had to turn away, a peel of laughter escaping him as he unwrapped himself from Will's towel and handed it over. He shuddered once at its absence, but the grin never once left his face.
"Have fun?" he asked. "You did not look like you were out of practice."
Will grinned at him, toweling his hair off and stretching out. "Don't worry, our cab will be here in a few minutes." Will promised, going to dry himself the rest of the way off.
"Tons of fun. I wish you could get in the water with me." He said, kissing his cheek. "We have to go once you're on your feet again." Under the wetsuit, he wore swim trunks, unzipping it all the way out and kicking it off, toweling off his chest before pulling a shirt on.
"No offense," Nico said, his smile slipping, "but I'm kind of over vacations for a long, long time."
He began to pack their things into Will's duffle bag—his goofy sun hat, the extra towel, the snacks and his water. After that, he let Will pull him up slowly, and he leaned over and kissed his still damp lips.
Will grinned, laughing a little. "Yeah, definitely." He said, kissing him back. "Let's get you home, okay?"
Wrapping an arm around Nico, he walked him over to the street, supporting him while they waited for the cab. Pressing a kiss to Nico's hair, his towel draped over his shoulders, Will felt his boyfriend tremble just a bit. "Here, wrap up with the extra towel, I know you're cold." He said, digging the dry towel out of his bag and wrapping it around Nico's shoulders.
Nico shivered even as the towel was being draped over his shoulders. Still, it felt nice to have that and Will's arm around him to keep him comfortable and steady. "You read my mind," he said, resting his head against Will's shoulder as they came to a stop on the curb, wrinkling his nose as a drop of water from Will's hair splashed him gently on the cheek.
He closed his eyes for just a minute, the sound of a car pulling towards them startling him from his doze. He felt a weird sense of déjà vu as they slid into the backseat of the cab, Nico battling against the throes of sleep and wincing slightly as the cab pulled onto the road. "It's been a long day—long week," he said, correcting himself.
"The hotel is a couple of minutes away, and you can nap for a couple of hours before we leave for the hotel. I'll drug you up right when we get to the airport and it'll last the entire flight." Wrapping an arm around him, he squeezed gently. "I love you."
Tucking Nico under his arm and gently rubbing up and down his shoulders to warm him up, Will spoke through his hair. "I'll keep you warm, I promise."
Nico hummed appreciatively, blinking tiredly. "I lose so much time just sleeping though," he murmured. He craned his neck and pressed a kiss to Will's jaw.
He kissed him again, just on the outside edge of his lips. "I love you. While it may not have been our ideal vacation, I did like the time we spent together."
Will kissed him several times after that, peppering them all over his face, along his jaw and his cheeks and across his nose. "I love you more. It was probably the vacation from hell, but it wasn't all bad." Will offered sheepishly.
"Any time I spend with you is valuable." Will said, smiling gently. "Really. Anyways, the sleep is good, and you're less miserable when you're asleep. The more you sleep, the quicker you get better."
Nico couldn't argue with that—he was feeling pretty miserable at the moment. He had a feeling it stemmed more from tiredness than anything else, and hoped he wasn't spiking a fever. Whatever it was, it was tolerable with Will there beside him.
"You're the best boyfriend," he said, lifting his head only when the cab pulled into the front of their hotel. It had been a short drive after all.
Will ruffled his hair lightly, feeling for a fever. "You're pretty warm. Finish your water bottle then it's off to bed with you." Will instructed, climbing out of the car.
Will held tight to Nico, keeping a firm grip on him. "Maybe I ought to carry you, babe. You look a little wobbly. I don't want you to fall or anything."
Nico shrugged. "I guess."
He finished his water in one gulp, noting how it sloshed uneasily in his stomach. Maybe Will had been right about being cautious after just being discharged.
He was going home soon, he just had to keep reminding himself of that. Hopefully they would have a peaceful flight home and Nico could pretend the majority of this vacation had all been a bad dream.
Will picked him up carefully, carrying him with ease to the elevator. He was thin, Will could feel his ribs through his shirt. "You lost a lot of weight." He said with a frown.
Nico knew he was thin, even more so now that he was sick. His appetite still wasn't completely up to par, and anything he had eaten before had just come right back up. He knew it played a part in him being so tired, but if he wasn't hungry, there was little else he could do.
Depositing Nico gently in bed, he untied his shoes and tossed the beach towel to the side, grabbing the comforter and drawing it up under his chin. "There. Anything I can get you? Or do you just want to nap?"
Nico curled up beneath the comforter, trapping the warmth there with him. He snaked his hand beneath the covers until he found Will's slightly larger and callused hand. "You can lay with me," he said, a thin smile on his face and an embarrassed flush on his cheeks, "and then I can nap."
Will rolled his eyes, giving Nico a slow, gentle kiss. "I think I can manage that." He said, kicking off his own shoes and crawling into the bed. "Nap in silence or with the TV on?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Curling up under the blankets, Will laid down next to Nico, pressing his lips to his head. "Get some sleep, babe, I'll wake you up when it's time to go, okay?"
"Blissful silence," he said, lips ghosting across Will's neck. He'd spent too many days falling asleep around the constant whirring and beeping of heart monitors and blood pressure cuffs, and restricted movement due to IVs and oxygen masks. Now, he just wanted to fall asleep with Will being his only distraction.
"It's already almost time, isn't it?" Nico asked around a yawn, eyelids growing dangerously heavy. "I just wanna sleep."
"We've got about an hour." He said, kissing his closed eyelids with a little smile. "Don't worry about it, I'm going to take care of it. Just sleep." Will said, lifting a hand to stroke his hair.
Nico was clearly fighting a losing battle, and with a little doting and gentle humming under his breath, he was out like a light in no time.
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How do I put this.
My mind is jumbled. Everything is in a whirl. I want to say I'm broken, but I don't know if I am. I'm hurt, absolutely. Maybe it hasn't hit me yet. Maybe I'm being hopeful. I'm kind of holding on to the thought that you're coming back. But I can't do that to myself. I respect your decisions, your wants and needs. I just wish it didn't go down this way. I was ready for you to come home and me to tell you all these plans I had. Tell you how much progress I've made. I was so excited to hear about how awesome your vacation was and hear about the ridiculous laughs you shared, the amazing memories you've made. But I don't get to share that part of your life anymore. I'm happy you're taking care of yourself. A very big part of me is happy that you're spreading your wings and making your own happiness. But.. some stuff is bothering me. You told me I held you back in this place. I was ready to move. Ready to go wherever life took us. That was our plan after our lease was up. I'm longing to move forward with you but it's cut off. So now I'll keep pushing for my goals while I hold hope that you achieve all of yours.
Maybe the reason I'm still "ok" with this is because I saw it coming. But I'm hurt that you used my outlet against me. I'm not good with my emotions, everyone knew that, especially you. I'm not good at talking. So this was my safe space to let my demons loose. To let the thoughts that poisoned my mind, out. It wasn't you poisoning me. My illness destroys me, over the years has defined me. But I've made so much progress. So god damned much. I'm sorry that I asked for so much of your attention. I just wanted your cuddles, your kisses. But I pushed too hard. I came to my senses too late. As per usual. But it's ok. All I want is your happiness but I struggled with mine so long. I'm finding it, and I have no one to share it with. I'm losing everything in this while you get to gain so much. Your freedom, you're everything. The dogs I've bonded with, the cat that I hate to love, my ferret who face it, Greg will take much better care of him. The place I've come to call home. My biggest loss is you. You were perfect, but I ruined it. Maybe like I said, it just isn't our time. Maybe we will be together again. Or maybe I called it a while ago and I was just a lesson for you. I was one of your three loves. Each one teaches you something different. I'm afraid to type this because you might read this, and I'm not trying to sway your mind or decision. Like I said, this is my outlet. My organization for my thoughts. This was supposed to be my safe space but that was ripped away from me. I'm not blaming anyone here. I should have switched my blog a long time ago.
I need to address the fact that you said I made you feel like a monster. That was never my intention. I'm the monster. My demons have me in a choke hold, but I'm fighting back. I'm regaining control. I just wish I could have done it sooner. No matter what happens, you'll be in my heart and in my thoughts. I'll always hope the best for you. Maybe if things don't get rekindled anytime soon, then some day down the line we will cross paths in Florida, or wherever we both end up. But I still want to stick to my plans. You've taught me to love so many things that I was terrified of. The ocean calls me, and it's going to take baby steps but it will be my home some day. I was so ready to move and travel and see the world with you, but maybe you need to do that on your own. I don't want to hold you back. Not anymore, and especially not now that you've told me I have.
I wish I could be everything you need me to be. I was working on it, but you just finally realized that you can't hold on to the hope that people will change. I have my plan in place. I made it while you were away. Jobs, doctors, license. It's all set in motion and this might be a few steps back, but I am still pushing forward. I'm giving you your space. Hopefully that's all you need. I don't want you to not find happiness without me, I do want you to be happy. That's all I ever wanted. I'm sorry if it didn't seem that way.
Please take care of the animals, and try to show them extra love since I no longer can. Zeus loves to cuddle both on the couch, and in the bed now. If you're sitting at the kitchen table just scrolling, Zeus loves nothing more than to sit on your lap and get some head scratches. He's getting better with his commands now, including stay. So make sure you work on those with him. He's starting to get better with walks too, so keep up with that. I don't need to tell you anything about Sis, because we both know you've always had time for her and probably know more about her than I do. Zeus is used to hanging out outside with me now, so hopefully you give both dogs plenty of time to sit in the sun and enjoy the breeze. Kovus new favourite thing is to sleep on a pillow under the cover with you.
I.. wish this was a nightmare and I would wake up. I knew this was coming eventually. This is why I stalled moving to Florida this last time. Because we weren't in a good spot, and let's face it. I'd be on the streets writing this note on a piece of paper had we made that move. Or who knows, maybe everything would have been so perfect. I'd be able to wake up and lay next to you, smiling as you do your cute little snore and switch your position ever so slightly or reach down and pet Sis while half asleep or even still sleeping. Maybe you'd reach out and grab me when I stopped rubbing your back like I did each morning when I got up, telling me please don't go and to cuddle a bit longer. I'd gently kiss your forehead and say I can't baby, the dogs need to go potty, or I need to get ready for work. I'll miss those lazy mornings where maybe we didn't speak, because after all you were sleeping, and I just gently traced my fingers down your back, your cheeks. Rubbed your back and thighs for you, your neck if able. I will just miss you. You're the biggest part of my life, but growing up means growing apart sometimes. If this is how it's supposed to be, then it will be. My favourite quote of mine has always been
"What's meant to be, will be. Never try to write your own tales, because time will choose what pulls through, and what fails."
Or something along the lines of that because I can't quite remember. It's an awful thing, you know? I just want to make sure you're ok, but I know you need your space. I just.. I had so many plans for us. I thought we were getting better. But I needed to let my inner thoughts out. I don't have a therapist anymore, so this blog has done that for me. I spend a lot of time on here writing out the things I feel or think because when I read through I realize how wrong I am. That they're just my thoughts fighting with me. My illness trying to control me. This is how I fought it. So I'm sorry if it hurt you. I love you. I always will.
"Like a middlemist camelia, so beautiful and rare.
The sun to my moon, you were always there.
To be one forever and always, that is all I need,
You're ever so exotic; the drug on which I feed.
However far I travel, my soul it stays with you.
I don't promise an easy road ahead, but I'll try my best to make it through."
I feel short of breath, like there's a light at the end of the tunnel calling for me, but I have to be strong and not let it blind me. After all, it is only in death, that we remember what it is we lived for. If you read this, good luck. I wish you the best.
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