Throughout this week, I undertook a series of critical tasks, all of which I successfully accomplished. I initiated by meticulously organizing files in anticipation of the printing process, necessitating a keen eye for detail and methodical document arrangement to ensure seamless operations. Subsequently, my focus shifted towards printing the brochure pivotal to my ongoing project. I meticulously ensured both the printing quality and the accurate conveyance of the intended message.
Furthermore, I embarked on the creation of the project's barcode, a foundational step crucial for product tracking and streamlining sales and distribution processes. This entailed extensive research to identify and select the optimal system tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of my project.
As the week drew to a close, I delved into the task of meticulously designing and refining the final content for the banners slated for use in the upcoming exhibition.
In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the instructors. This semester has been extraordinary, marked by numerous challenges. Yet, with the grace of Almighty, we emerged triumphant, proud of the projects we have produced.
"وأنوار التمام لنا تجلت، ولولا الله ما كنا وصلنا"🎓
تمت بحمد الله، 16-5-2024
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Week 14 | 9May. 24
What was planned this week
Preparing the booklet file for printing
Work on posters
What actually happened
I worked on developing and redesigning the website, modifying my display for the graduation exhibition, and preparing the brochure file for printing.
This week I modified a lot, as I was not completely satisfied with the website, but this week I can say that I am satisfied with it and I have finished it, but it only needs simple touches.
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Week 13 | 2May. 24
What was planned this week
Develop designing an instagram postes
What actually happened
I worked on developing Instagram posts and I worked on the graduation project exhibition (branding section) . And create the display layout for the exhibition
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This week, I had planned to focus on creating Instagram posts to boost our online presence. I was excited to brainstorm ideas, and design engaging visuals. However, things didn't quite go as planned. While I did spend some time on Instagram posts, a big chunk of my week was unexpectedly taken up by work on the graduation project exhibition. Specifically, I was tasked with the branding section, which needed a lot of attention to detail to make sure our exhibition's identity was well-represented.
On top of that, I found myself deeply involved in figuring out how to display our work at the exhibition.
Even though my plans got shifted around, the week turned out to be really rewarding. I got to use my design skills in a new way and still contribute to our goals. Going forward, I'll keep in mind the need to be flexible and adaptable, because sometimes the unexpected tasks end up being the most important.
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Week 11 | 18Apr. 24
What was planned this week
Work on designing a blog
Print booklet in real size
What actually happened
I developed the blog design, and focused more on the articles page and the home page. I did not work on the booklet because I finished it in week 9.
The results
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This week has been extremely challenging for me. I've been diligently working to complete my project by 90%, so I created a work plan to finish it within the next week.
One of the biggest challenges I faced was organizing the articles page. I made several attempts to find the perfect design, and finally, I found the suitable plan that I believe will succeed.
Additionally, I improved the homepage of the website to make the text clearer and more contrasting with the background.
in the end, I worked on developing Instagram posts. I created specific designs for each of them and posted numerous entries that I believe will be helpful and engaging for followers.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 2 months
Week 09 | 21Mar. 24
What was planned this week
Work on designing a blog
Start work on the booklet
What actually happened
I finished designing the booklet, worked on developing the articles page by creating more than one layout, Started designing Instagram reels, and wrote more articles.
The results
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This week, I focused on improving the website, writing more articles, finishing the brochure, and starting to create Instagram reels.
I worked on the website, especially the articles page, trying out different layouts. Now, I think it's time for someone new to test it for any mistakes.
I also started writing two articles, going into detail and fixing any mistakes.
I finalized the brochure design and tested different sizes for printing. Next, I'll print a final version and make copies.
I noticed some color issues while working, so I tried out different colors to fix it.
Finally, I began making Instagram reels, like a behind-the-scenes video. Next, I'll make more reels to post.
Overall, even though I'm ahead, paying attention to details can be tricky. That's why I want to finish the blog soon to catch any small mistakes.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 3 months
Week 08 | 14Mar. 24
What was planned this week
Photography and selection of appropriate images for articles
What actually happened
Identity (Logo development)
Booklet design
Instagram posts development
blog development
The results
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My reflection:
This week has been a whirlwind of productivity and creativity as I delved deep into refining my project. With a focus on improving the digital interface and bolstering communication through social media platforms, I embarked on a journey of enhancements that would elevate the project's visibility and engagement.
One of the pivotal changes I made was a subtle yet impactful tweak to the logo. By adjusting the thickness of the letters and fine-tuning the "x height," I achieved a newfound balance that resonated with the project's essence. It's remarkable how such small adjustments can make a significant difference in perception and recognition.
In tandem with refining the visual identity, I honed the content strategy for Instagram posts. Drawing from invaluable feedback from jury members, I fine-tuned the messaging to captivate the audience and foster meaningful interactions. The result was a palpable increase in engagement, reflecting the resonance of the content with the target audience.
Recognizing the importance of accessibility, I embarked on developing a mobile version of the blog. This initiative aimed to cater to the diverse preferences and habits of readers, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable reading experience on mobile devices.
Turning my attention to the upcoming exhibition, I began meticulously crafting a brochure that would serve as a comprehensive showcase of the project's journey and achievements. From selecting compelling content to integrating interactive elements such as a barcode linking to the blog, every detail was thoughtfully curated to captivate and inform the audience.
To complement the brochure, I conceptualized and designed a bespoke envelope that not only encapsulated the project's identity but also served as a beacon of attention amidst the exhibition hustle. This attention to detail underscores my commitment to leaving a lasting impression and sparking curiosity among visitors.
As I reflect on the strides made this week, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the impact these enhancements will have on the project's trajectory. Each iteration brings me closer to realizing the vision I set out to achieve, reaffirming the power of dedication, creativity, and strategic thinking in driving meaningful change.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 3 months
Week 7 | 7Mar. 24
What was planned this week:
Submitting midterm jury documents
Designing the other pages of the blog
What actually happened:
I redesigned the Instagram posts and worked on them more, submitting the midjury files and the jury presentation, addition, and I also took pictures for more articles.
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My reflection:
Over the past two weeks, I have faced significant challenges due to the practical pressure we have endured. We were tasked with completing a large portion of our project within a short timeframe, requiring about 50-60% completion during this period. Despite putting in tremendous effort and working diligently, I found myself having to overlook minor details that consumed valuable time, in order to meet the project's main requirements by the mid-jury deadline.
Having now completed Al-Jouri, I feel confident and at ease in tackling new designs with increased seriousness and attention to finer details. I intend to utilize this time to ensure that every aspect of the design meets the necessary standards of quality and consistency.
As for the jury feedback, I will rely on their insights for future improvement and development. I will carefully analyze each comment and strive to implement the necessary changes .
This week, I am fully committed to diligently developing the new project. I have devised a plan and will execute it meticulously.
In summary, this period will be marked by hard work and dedication towards achieving the desired results.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 4 months
Week 05 | 15Feb. 24
What was planned this week
Writing content for articles
Photography day (Thursday)
What actually happened
Identity (experiment more color schemes)
Design more visual elements
Meeting with the second expert, Fatimah Aljaber
Writing two articles for the blog
Development of website design via the XD
Start designing Instagram posts
The results
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My reflection
The focus this week was on modifying the blog, writing more articles, meeting with the second expert, designing Instagram posts, and modifying the identity colors, in addition to increasing the visual elements that I designed.
I started by modifying the logo, which needed to shorten the letter "L" and balance the rest of the letters to suit its use on the blog and Instagram account.
Additionally, I interviewed the second expert on Saturday. The second expert is Fatima Al-Jabr, who is my relative and who inspired me to start the project. Fatima has great experience in traditional homes, as she loves exploring them and reading topics about them. Furthermore, she has considerable experience in it through her grandparents, who are interested in these topics. She inspired me to start and gave me more topics and names of books that I would benefit from.
Then I began writing other articles on topics such as "The Origins of Architectural Decorations" and "Social Status and Its Influence on Decorations." I started by reviewing some books and articles that influenced my knowledge of writing. Writing was enjoyable for me, but the scarcity of sources made it time-consuming. I wrote the articles in a warm tone to align with my project.
I also developed the blog, but I used Adobe.
For a while, I was working on the project, I felt that the green color was slightly inconsistent with the other colors, so I tried more colors.
Finally, I started designing posts for Instagram. Although the project schedule includes posts for next week, I felt like I was running out of time, so I started experimenting with some posts. Plus, I will start photographing this afternoon, so determining the photo sizes on Instagram will help me.
In conclusion, although I have accomplished a lot of work, I feel that time is limited, as there is a lot of work and the midjury is approaching.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 4 months
Week 04 | 08Feb. 24
What was planned this week
Writing content for articles
meeting with the expert
Designing the main pages of the blog and determining the general design
What actually happened
Logo development
Interview with the first expert, Mohammad Al-Kharari
Meeting with the team with whom I will work on the exhibition's identity.
Writing two articles for the blog
Start designing the main pages of a blog
The results
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My reflection
The focus this week has been on editing the logo, writing article content, meeting with experts, and designing the main pages of the blog.
I started by editing the logo, which needed shortening the letter "لام" and balancing the rest of the letters to suit its use on the blog and Instagram account.
Additionally, last week, I contacted the experts and scheduled a meeting, but the second expert postponed the meeting to Saturday, February 11th. Therefore, I only met with the first expert, Mohamed Al-Kharari, a specialized architectural photographer who focuses on capturing old houses in the area. He was very responsive, answered my questions, and enriched the conversation with topics I will write about in my blog.
Then, I began writing articles on topics like "الضوء والظل" and "الانسان يتشكل من ارضه وبيئته." I started by reviewing some books and articles that influenced my knowledge of writing. Writing was enjoyable for me, but the scarcity of sources made it time-consuming. I wrote the articles in a warm tone to align with my project.
Lastly, I started designing the main pages (Home, About) on Thursday, but it took longer than usual because I experimented webflow for design. Initially, understanding how to deal with it was challenging, but I started to get used to it. I'm supposed to complete the rest of the main pages by Friday afternoon.
In conclusion, I did a lot of work this week with satisfactory results and according to the timeline I set, but I still feel like time is running out, and I need to accomplish more.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 4 months
Week 03 | 01 Feb. 24
What was planned this week
Work in Identity (Sketch - Digital)
Work in Identity (graphic element)
Work in Identity (color, typeface)
What actually happened
Logo draft designs. Finalized the plan with adjustments, created various logo sketches, and determined the colors and fonts for the project identity.
The results
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My reflection
The focus of the week centered around the identity design, encompassing logo graphics, colors, typeface, and preliminary visual elements for the blog and Instagram account.
I initiated the logo design process, aiming for a cohesive yet elegant appearance. Through numerous experiments, I refined the logo until I found a design that resonated with me. However, I later felt that enhancing the thickness would better align with the project's concept. Thus, I worked on increasing the logo's thickness, resulting in a significantly improved and more cohesive visual.
For inspiration on visual elements, I turned to the inscriptions found on traditional houses, striving for simplicity and elegance in their design.
When selecting colors, my goal was to find hues that complemented ancient architecture without becoming monotonous. After several experiments, I settled on colors that closely matched my vision.
Regarding typeface, my preference was for simple and elegant styles with varying weights, providing versatility for the blog's design.
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noorahmedalobaid-blog · 4 months
Week 02 | 25 Jan. 24
What was planned this week
Create a timeline with specific key dates
Create the project mood board
Work in Identity (logo)
What actually happened
I developed an initial business plan and continually developed it. In addition, I began developing the visual identity, started by creating a mood board and then focused on logo design. In addition, I conducted many experiments to reach preliminary results in designing the logo.
I also designed one of the visual elements and incorporated it in a simplified way into the layout of an Instagram post.
The results
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My reflection
I think I did well by figuring out the main parts of my project, like starting on the logo. I'm happy with how the logo is coming along, but I know I need to make some more changes.
I'm excited because things are getting clearer, but I also feel like I need to keep going faster. Time is running out, so I want to try different ideas and get a good result in the end.
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