#I cry at proposals but I'd be terrible at planning them
twinksrepository · 4 months
A Valentine's Day treat. Well more like night after
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Dante X F!Reader
CW: Food play, P in V sex, teasing, bad puns
Word count: Roughly 3K 
A/N: It's been a few months since you started dating the silly pizza man, and fail to keep that on the down low when it's Valentine's Day and one of your co-workers pesters you about dating the man but being at work. Good thing Lady is giving Dante a hard time as well. Well maybe after your shift you can find a way to have some fun with your boyfriend. 
The third of my Valentine’s Day fics.
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Quirking your nose as you scrawl out the last of your notes before handing them off for entry in the system you let out a long exhale. It’s not even ten pm and you’ve already dealt with four accidentally swallowed rings, three broken noses, and two stabbings. The stabbings were a little normal for the emergency department but the rings weren’t. 
“I don’t understand why people just can’t propose like normal people, why do they put it in food Doctor?” You snort shaking your head as one of the orderies rubs at her temple. 
“People want to be different, if they knew how often people miss the ring dropped in their champagne glass because of nerves they might try something else.” Signing your name before looking at the next person on the triage list and reading what happened. “Like this person. They tried chocolate mousse, I’ll give them a point for originality.”
“Me. Hey Doc?” Letting out a hum as you double check to make sure you don't hand anyone higher up on the priority list to check with. “How come you're here tonight and not out with that man of yours?” 
You feel your nose quirking again. “Which man would that be?” Attempting to avoid eye contact as you do know exactly who they're talking about. Your silly pizza loving man with a knack for killing the demonic, even if most people think he's just a regular handy man of sorts. 
“Funny. That broad shoulders white haired fella. Damien or something.” 
“Dante” you wince as the correction slips from your mouth with ease. 
“Him!” Grinning like the cat that ate the canary at catching you. “Come on, I've seen the two of you out around town. He's a hottie. Why aren't you out with him instead of in here dealing with the chaos of proposals gone wrong?” 
You laugh hearing how the night in the ER has been going so far it sounds about right. “He's working tonight, besides I'd rather cover this night over New Year's and the Fourth of July anytime.” Winking before you head down the hallway with your clipboard, hoping this couple is a lot calmer than the last. 
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“Explain how I'm a bad boyfriend!” Dante was pissed as he swung the rebellion slicing one of the lizard like demons in half sending Lady a look of bewilderment. 
“If you were a good one I wouldn't have to explain it.” Snarking back as she unloaded a few rounds into her own quarry before shaking her head at him. “You really are terrible with women, at this rate the pretty little doctor is gonna leave you. Working on Valentine's Day.” 
“It's just a sappy day to give chocolates, if she wants to leave me over that then fine!” Slicing another demon and dodging having a set of talons driven through his back. As much as he said that the smaller voice I'm his head was screaming. No. It wasn't fine. She was his and it didn't matter what day it was he should be balls deep in her, making sure she smelt of him and sex. 
“You really are an idiot.”
“Whatever Lady. Are we finishing this job you asked for my help for or not?” He'd rather focus on a fight than the way his pants were growing tighter. Damn libido.
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As you left the hospital that morning, well 3 am, you couldn’t help but swing into the nearest 24 hour store to grab a few grocery items for yourself and saw a few items that made you smirk. A package of chocolate dipped and plain strawberries, grabbing them before heading to the devil may cry office with a can of whipped cream and a terrible plan. 
Trying the door to find it unlocked and slinking inside, a good sign that Dante is home otherwise you would have had to try and dig through your bag for the spare key he’d given you. “Dante!” If the lights in the main office hadn’t of been on you wouldn’t have called out, but if it is on then it’s a good sign your handsome man is still awake. 
“Backroom Babe!” Well, that answers that, heading towards the door that hides a short hallway ending in a minuscule kitchen. The main level of the office doesn't have much besides the front area itself which takes up the bulk of the floor space, there is a second bathroom that you’re certain before you entered his life was the only one Dante used. Well used being an operative word. 
Stepping into the space and finding the white haired man holding a small glass filled with amber liquid. “That kind of night huh?” You snort laying your paper bag of goodies on the the tiny counter before dropping your overnight bag to the floor and approaching him. 
“Any night that involves Lady is one of those kind of nights.” Rolling his eyes before taking a sip of the drink and setting his eyes on you. “Didn't think I'd see you this early, thought you were working the ER tonight?” 
“I was.” Lifting your arms to drop them over his broad neck and play with some of the longer white hairs at the back of his head and leaning closer. His jacket is draped over the chair you suspect would snap if anyone sat in it so your arms are able to rest more against him instead of the leather. “My shift finished about an hour ago and I didn't have a lot of paperwork to do. How was your night?” 
Raising his drink between your bodies you watch him quirk a brow as if surprised you asked “Shit so far. Now that you're here though.” Hooking two of his fingers in one of the belt loops of your pants and tugging you a little closer to him. “It seems to be getting better.” 
Tossing the rest of his drink back before sliding the empty glass behind him and dropping his hand on your hip you get the hint and push up on your toes as he leans closer to you. Only for your senses to be flooded by the smell of rancid copper and things you'd rather not think about. Sharply pulling away from him. “You smell like ass” Waving your hand in front of your nose as you screw up your face at him.
“I got home maybe ten minutes before you walked in!” His tone is haughty as he lifts his hands exasperated by your reaction, and for a moment you're distracted by the shift of his shirt and the hint of pale skin. 
“You need a shower if you want a kiss.” Shaking your head at him and hiding that you had been distracted by his body. “Or the other treat I have for you.” You might be annoyed that his first thought was a drink before getting cleaned but his lifestyle wasn't focused on getting the grim off his body right away for the longest time. 
Hearing you mention a treat, however, has his mood shifting and a smirk on his handsome face “A treat huh? Do I get a hint?” Wiggling his eyebrows as his gaze roves over your body, making you flush in response. 
“I don't wanna ruin the surprise but let's say trying something new.” Giving him a wink as he grabs his coat and starts to walk past you. “Only clean good little boys are going to get it though.” 
Roaring with laughter as he turns on his feet facing you as he walks away. “Guess I'm outta luck. Even with a shower, I'm zero outta three on that list.” Dropping his hand to his crotch just before stepping out of sight. “Especially the little part.” 
You can't help but laugh as he slips away, waiting until you hear either the water running from the downstairs bathroom or the creek of the stairs as he heads to the upper level. It's the creaking of the stairs that you hear, grinning as you wait another moment before placing your food for tomorrow in the fridge. At least you don't have to worry about something trying to crawl out of the neglected device. This time. 
Keeping the strawberries and whipped cream with you as you headed out to the main part of the office once more, checking the main door was locked before taking the stairs. It was more for your own peace of mind than anything else, if something wanted to go after Dante a metal bolt wasn't going to stop it. 
Hearing the shower run as you reach the top of the landing you slow, pondering for a moment if you should join him or just jump into your own little surprise. You did have a quick shower before you left work because you hated the smell of the antiseptic on your skin, but the idea of rubbing your hands over his wet chest are hard to ignore. Giving your head a shake you keep walking, if you don't commit to what you have planned you'll never try it, and Dante likes surprises in the bedroom. 
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Leaning across the bedspread as you hear the sound of his footsteps you grin to yourself before swallowing to try and settle your face. As the door swings open you try to get your expression sorted out so you aren’t a blushing mess, trying to aim for sultry. 
Dante has a towel thrown over his head missing your expression and one slung around his waist, except he has the size of them backward. The larger one over his head and the smaller struggling to remain tied around his waist with how thick his thighs are and your little plan to try and seduce him fails as your jaw drops a little. “Maybe it’s me who’s getting the treat instead of you. Big boy.” Tacking on the last word to get him to lift his head. 
At least your little plan worked as his composure snaps for a moment as he stares at you, his eyes following the trail of whipped cream along the lines of your stomach from your covered core up to your tits. “Babe.” A hard swallow and it’s clear as the towel around his hips flutters from something hidden underneath that he’s getting aroused. “Are those strawberries on your tits?” 
“I figured since it was too late to get you a sundae I’d try and be one instead.” Trailing an index finger along part of your stomach and scooping some of the cream up before sticking the digit in your mouth and sucking on it hard enough to hollow your cheeks. That towel around his waist stood no chance as his cock hardens and sticks up from the edge, raising the fabric as if his dick is peeking out at you. “Sorry, but it’s the best I could do on such short notice.” 
Using one of his hands to pull the towel from around his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor with a wet smack your covered core throbs. His eyes are wild and you can see his neck flexing as his jaw works. Too bad all his attempts are undone by the way his length keeps twitching as it arches from between his legs. “I don’t see any ice cream unless you’re hiding it under that pretty body of yours.” 
Striding closer before he stops. Dante is far from unobservant and the man has noticed your own gaze keeps landing between his legs. “For some reason, I don’t think you have any for me. Not with the way your eyes keep looking at this fine display.” With a snap of his fingers, the towel is gone and you can’t help the little noise of satisfaction you let out at his naked body. He’s fit and knows it, surprising with his terrible diet, but you can’t get enough of it. 
“You’re right. I wanted some meat tonight.” Winking at him before spreading your legs, showing him the damp spot on your underwear. “I think you should come get your dessert before it gets too warm though.” Adding a small whine at the end as you want to feel his skin against yours, or his tongue. Really he can remove the fruit and cream covering your torso anyway he wants to. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t cover your pussy in cream too.” Snorting as he closes the final distance and you feel his bed dip as he joins you. 
“I might be willing to try food play but I am not having anything go in my pussy that isn’t sanitized.” 
“Sorry Doc, I gotta call you out on that one.” Running one of his large hands along your thigh before snapping your underwear with his finger. “My tongue and fingers go in there all the time.” You roll your eyes and reach a hand out to try and get him to pay more attention to your body. 
“Funny Dante. Honestly though. Do you want to lick or help me clean this up? The cream really is starting to run.” A chuckle before he moves, throwing a leg over your body and settling so he straddles your form, sliding down a little as his hands come to rest beside your body. 
“I think I can help with that problem.” Lowering his head to where the cream is starting to run just below your naval and licking a wide strip along the stream of white painted on your body. Right away you moan, the heat from his tongue chasing the chill that was seeping into your skin has you shuddering. “I’d have rathered lick at another cream though.” Lapping his tongue up your body and following the trail up your belly, all the while your hands are roaming across his back. It’s hard to stay still under him as you react to his closeness, your muscles shifting in delight at the texture of his tongue, and the way his breath fans out across your tummy. Rubbing your thighs together the slightest amount as you grow wetter the closer his head gets to one of your breasts. 
Almost there and your clit throbs and your body tenses. 
Laughing when he shoves his face between both of your boobs, covering the sides of his face in the cream before looking up at you. “Wanna taste my cream now?” Wiggling his eyebrows and you aren’t sure where the cream ends and his hair starts. 
“You’re so cheesy Dante.” 
“No. But I can go get some spray cheese if you’d rather lick that up.” Shuffling and grabbing one of the strawberries to pop in his mouth before dipping his face towards yours. As his lips connect with yours you don’t bother trying to respond to him verbally, instead letting one hand slide up along the muscles of his back and tangling in his hair. Parting your lips and moaning into him as his tongue darts out to lick the inside of your mouth, tasting some of the cream and strawberry juice on him. It isn’t a long kiss as he pulls away and grabs the other strawberry, holding it to your lips and offering it to you. 
“I ate two chocolate covered ones earlier. Those two were for you.” Smirking up at him as he rolls his eyes, tossing it in his mouth before reaching for the floor to grab the towel and wipe the cream off his face and one of your tits.
“I’ll remember that for next time.” Going in for another quick kiss making you gasp as he rolls his hips against yours, certain you could feel some of the fluid dripping from his tip smear against your belly. “Now to clean up this remaining mess the way you wanted.” The movement of his tongue is different this time, short quick swipes as he works his way up around to the tip of your nipple. Understanding why he cleaned the other off as he starts to circle his rough thumb against the hard nub, an involuntary roll of your hips as you sigh. The burning in your core grows hotter under his touch. 
Another whine as he ignores the tip of the nipple under his mouth, his lips kissing the edge of the skin now instead of lapping at it as if it’s some sort of divine nectar instead of cheap whipped cream from a can. A few more rolls of your hips as you try to edge him on, wanting more from the white haired man however he is having none of it. 
“Seems like this was more a treat for you than me.” The hand that had been massaging your other tit is now at your hip keeping you from moving while he leans more of his weight on the arm he has resting beside you as he licks everywhere but the point of your breast. Making low grunts and groans as he laps at your skin, tilting his head to make eye contact, and once he does he sends you a look that you can only describe as sinful. 
“Dante, please. No more teasing.” Doing your best to plead with him as your body thrums, you want him and you’ll do anything at this point to get it. “It was just a silly idea.” 
“Lucky for you.” Dipping his head and flicking the hard flesh with his tongue at last. “I like silly.” The hand at your hip pushing your underwear to the side and pushing his way inside your tight heat, while at the same time sucking on your tit like it’s the last thing he’s going to do. 
Your reaction is immediate as you scream his name, your back arching and pressing your chest more into his mouth as you cum around his tip that’s barely part way inside of you. His fingers circle your clit while keeping the thin fabric that divided your bodies away from your core as he works more of himself into you, trying to drag out your orgasm as long as he can. 
Growling as you respond, dragging your fingers down his shoulders and trying to press more of his body down to yours lost in the sensation before you’re panting from the overstimulation. Dante stops the movement of his fingers and lifts his head from your now abused breast, smirking at the indent of his teeth in your supple skin and the bruise forming there. Once you calm down he’ll rip those panties off your hips and fuck you for real. For now, he’s content feeling the tremors of your walls along his length while you recover from your first release of the night. 
“Guess I’m not that bad of a boyfriend after all.” 
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revasserium · 1 year
can i rq kags trying to plan how to propose to you,,
bullets cause im lazy today u__u
kageyama proposing to u at the tokyo olympics lets gO:
physically going to bookstores/libraries to do research bc once he heard a story from one of his senpai that a guy ruined his own proposal bc his s/o looked at his internet search history -- so suddenly, you're wondering why he's spending all this time "going to the library" and for a hot sec you wonder if he's cheating but after one (1) quick chat with suga and daichi, they shut that thought down with that promise that it is so, so not that
spends weeks, nay months, pausing at every single jewelry store he passes by; he's late to practice (only by a few minutes!!!) enough times that his coach starts asking questions; his answers are always vague and blushy, that is until hoshiumi lets it slip that he's probably planning on proposing; after which coach suzaku starts to loudly discuss with his assistant coach the various jewelers that he'd used when he'd proposed to his own wife
actually makes a pinterest account bc yachi said that a lot of ppl put their "dream wedding" inspo boards on there, but he was so overwhelmed by the interface and navigation that he immediately deleted his account afterwards
almost has a heart attack when he looks up how much traditional wedding dresses costs and this, everyone, is how he ends up agreeing to being spokesperson for power curry (bc endorsements are so damn lucrative)
gives oikawa a straight up heart attack when he gets a text at ass oclock in the morning of tobio asking him how (HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING) if he were to propose (again, HYPOTHETICALLY), how he'd do it bc... well, oikawa's always been good at flirting and stuff right? right.
let it never be said that kageyama tobio doesn't at least try to do his research
ofc hinata is his sounding board; it's a terrible idea but at least hinata is super! fucking! supportive! and! excited! and sure, kageyama has threatened him within LITERALLY an inch of his life if hinata let it slip and ruined the surprise bc okay, it'd be pretty cool to propose to you the at the fucking tokyo olympics. but what if he japan doesn't win?
and sure he has to call kuroo to pull way too many strings to set it up but... that's what people like right? big sweeping gestures? and if he has to suffer through half an hour of kuroo's teasing, then so be it. he's suffered worse.
but when the time comes, just before he gets up onto the podium (and sure, 2nd place isn't 1st place, but getting a silver medal at the olympics his 2nd year running is still pretty damn amazing!!!), he finds himself strangely breathless -- and he knows that it's just nerves and that somehow it feels bigger than setting up for a service ace against france, bigger than even getting up on that podium to begin with --
he can see you standing courtside, tears already in your eyes, and he hopes that you have no idea (you have no idea, truly); when he looks at you with the barest inkling of a smile, you blink, you pause, your whole body going still. the area around him quiets, the cheers and screaming of the crowd droning out to barely a buzz in the background. the confused faces of the argentinian team nothing more than a blur as kuroo hands him the microphone with a wink
"uhm -- sorry everyone, but uh -- there's just something i'd like to say before i accept my medal... uhm..." he turns to you and you've already got your hands over your mouth, looking bewildered; he chuckles, digging in his pocket and nearly dropping the mic -- scattered laughter, some of the closest fans are already cheering some of his personal fans are crying but who can blame them rly --
"i know it's not the gold medal i promised you but..." he pulls out the ring and gets down on one knee "this is gold, i made sure, and... i was wondering if you'd accept it anyway," and he sounds so sincere, his voice a little stiff but so, so soft, and you're vaulting over the barricades, almost tripping on your mad sprint towards him, nodding and crying and tipping into his arms even before he can stand up properly
"yes, yes, yes -- oh my god, how long were you planning for this?!" and he's laughing and kissing you and shakily slipping the ring onto your finger and kissing you again and the entire stadium is screaming, his teammates are all clapping, the french team is a little miffed at having their moment stolen, but most of them are smiling anyways; he clears his throat and bows to the different representatives all waiting for him to finish before dropping another kiss onto your cheek, "i'll tell you about it later, okay? i've got a medal ceremony to finish."
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bellaevilqueen · 6 months
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Summary: Bella is an orphaned girl who lives with her stepmother and two stepsisters. At the ball in Fittes, she meets her Prince Charming and falls in love.
Chapter 4
I called Arif and told him that I wouldn't be in the store for about a week. He understood and gave me the day off. While I was making breakfast, my stepsisters came home, followed by my stepmother. They screamed terribly. I left the kitchen
-What is it about?-
-Are you asking what's going on?Anthony Lockwood announced that a stranger from the ball had lost something. These two bastards wasted their chance-
-I thought she lost her purse - I looked at Tesse
-If you remember, she didn't have a purse. In my opinion it was a riddle so I answered fish - I burst out laughing at Alexa's words. It didn't take long before I was hit in the face. My laughter stopped
-I tolerated you for too long. Reginald raised you to be an ungrateful wench. But I have a plan. The most eligible bachelor in London will become my son-in-law. And you won't spoil it for me, because there always needs to be a pair - she took out my second glove from her pocket. The same one I wore at the ball
-From where...-
-It's not nice to hide such things from mommy. Girls, lock her in the attic. Let him die of hunger - they dragged me there by force. I begged them to leave me, but it was to no avail. They locked me in the attic and all I could do was curl up under the door and cry.
Tomorrow is holiday. I'm decorating the tree, George is cooking, and Lockwood is in Rotwell trying to get Bella's address. I hung some baubles when someone came in. That someone was Lockwood
-At last. I thought I would be left alone to decorate the Christmas tree - I turned to see him leaning against the door frame with a letter in his hand
-What is it? -
- Mrs. Renaldi invites me for tea - I went back to decorating the Christmas tree
-Will you go?-
-I don't know. I really have no intention of hanging out with them-
-Then don't go-
-You do not understand. The Renaldi family was friends with my family. I don't remember them well, but I feel like I owe it to them -
-Okay, but we're going with you. I'm not going to stand Tessa or Alexa as Mrs. Lockwood-
-That won't happen, Luce. My priority is Bella. I want her to be the future Mrs. Lockwood-
-Don't you think it's a little early to propose?You barely know her-
-I'm not saying now, but if we survive, I will ask her to marry me someday-
-It's good to know, but we have a problem - we looked at George - Bella took the day off. Arif won't tell me anything. He says that if it's fate, you will meet -
-So we follow destiny. The three of us are going for tea at Mrs. Renaldi's. Let Holly finish decorating the Christmas tree-
-Holly went to visit her family, remember?- -Kipps?-
-He's halfway home- he sighed and rolled up his shirt sleeves
-We should get ready-
-I'll go back to cooking - when George left, I said
-I do not like it-
-I know it's not that pretty, but better than nothing-
-It's not about the Christmas tree. Renaldi invites you right after Bella disappears. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you? -
-What does Bella have to do with her?-
-I don't know and it pisses me off-
-You're oversensitive. Tea in good company will do you good -
-I'd rather kill them than relax-he just laughed.After an hour the Christmas tree was ready so I went to get ready. I put on my blue dress, did my makeup and went downstairs
-The taxi is here, so we should go now. The faster we go, the sooner we leave this place, Lockwood said and left
-What bit him?-George just shrugged and left. After a moment of silence in the taxi, Lockwood said:
-No rummaging around the house, okay? -He looked at me as he said this
-Of course-in a moment we were at the big house. Lockwood rang the bell and the butler answered the door. Mrs. Renaldi appeared behind him
-Lockwood&co, it's nice to see you. Although I was hoping Mr. Lockwood would come alone-
-I couldn't imagine coming alone. This is my family-
-Naturally. Victor will take care of my coat - after giving the coats to the butler, we followed her. Two leeches were already sitting -You probably know my daughters. I'm sure you'll get along. They have an incredible talent for singing -
-Please don't- when I said that, Lockwood looked at me and I fell silent
-Maybe another time, and now for tea - we sat on the sofa and started drinking tea. There was silence for a moment until Mrs. Renaldi spoke
- I heard you were looking for a mysterious stranger -
-I know my daughters wasted their chance, but the stress got the better of them. Tessa, honey, would you like to show Mr. Lockwood something? - I began to watch her carefully. My jaw dropped when I saw the white satin glove. I knew this was suspicious
-Where did you get it?-
-Don't you remember how you danced all night with me? -I knew he wanted to say something, but I interrupted. Time to snoop around this house
-Can I use the bathroom?- Everyone looked at me
-Up the stairs, first door on the right. Victor will take you-
-There's no need to. I'll find it myself - she gave me a fake smile and I left. Time to search this house. I climbed the stairs, looking around the corridor. All I can say is that they are very rich. I entered the first room. It was a room in which the furniture was covered with white cloth. It looked as if no one had been here for ages. I shed one fabric. There were a lot of photos on the dresser, but the woman in one caught my attention. She looked just like Bella and had the same blue eyes. I heard rustling in the corridor. I quickly put the photo away and left
-What are you doing here?- I turned around and saw Victor
-I...I'm just...looking for a bathroom-
-You're looking for Miss Renaldi,right?-
-Miss Renaldi?-
-Only daughter of Reginald Renaldi. Miss Isabella-
-Isabella?Is Bella short for Isabella?-
-Where is she?- he handed me the key
-The stepmother locked her in the attic. Last door at the end of the hall-
-Thank you - I ran as fast as I could and opened the door.The stairs up were endless. I finally arrived. I inserted the key, praying it would fit. I turned it and opened it. She was standing in the middle of the room -Bella. Oh my god it's really you - I hugged her and then let her go - Lockwood will be delighted -
-Wait, are you Lucy?-
-Yes, come on. Your Prince Charming is downstairs-I saw a smile appear on her face -Anthony is here?-
-Yes, come-
-I have to change clothes. I can't show myself to him like this-
-Oh come on. You look lovely in that apron-
-Please give me a moment Lucy-
-Okay - she changed into a blue dress and we went downstairs - Look who I found - everyone looked at me and Bella. Lockwood stood up when he saw her
-It's you-he walked up to her and placed his hand on her cheek. She snuggled into his hand - it's really you -
-You! You're ruining everything! He was supposed to be mine! - Tessa wanted to throw herself at Bella, but she accidentally tripped over my exposed leg
-Oops- she glared at me
-I suggest we get out of here -George was right. We should get out of here
-But why leave? We are a family now - Bella's stepmother stood up and wanted to hug her, but she just moved away
-You're not my mother. You treated me worse than a maid. You locked me in the attic to starve to death. You're cruel. You just wanted my father's money-
-I wanted the best for you-
-What's best? What do you think is good for me? You separated me from the love of my life. But now I'm not afraid of you. Leave me alone-
-You'll come back here when he dumps you. No one will want an orphan-
-Bella won't set foot here again. You are a cruel person who does not see its advantages. There's nothing for us here-Lockwood grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the exit. We followed him. When we left, Lockwood and Bella stopped. I pulled George towards the taxi
-Let's leave them alone-
I stood in front of the house and looked into his eyes
-Bella... -his hand rested on my cheek -I love you so much. Come back to Portland Row with me - I didn't say anything, I just pulled him by the tie into a kiss. We stood there until we ran out of air. He rested his forehead against mine
-I love you too, my prince charming. With all my heart-
-London's most sought-after bachelor has officially disappeared from the market. Anthony Lockwood and the beautiful Isabella Renaldi had a fairy-tale wedding surrounded by family and friends. Let's wish the bride and groom all the best on their new path in life - I finished reading and looked at my friends and my new husband
-I'm out of market?-
-Let me remind you that it was you who knelt before me-
-I'm only joking, darling- he took my hand and kissed it
-You make me feel sick-
-You can't complain about them, Holly. We have our own fairy tale. Beautiful Princess Belle saved from the clutches of her mean stepmother and her two wicked daughters by the brave Prince Charming -
-Lucy?Don't you have better things to do?-
-You gave everyone the day off, remember?-
-I can change it soon. No more time off. To work - with a groan, everyone gathered and left. We were left alone in the kitchen
-You know what?Working the day after your own wedding?-
-They wouldn't have left otherwise, and I really wanted to do it - he kissed me hard. When we ran out of air, we broke apart
-I love you Isabella Lockwood-
-I love you too, Anthony Lockwood - we smiled at each other and everyone lived happily ever after.
THE END *********************************************
I wish you all a Merry Christmas🎄~Bella
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starlitheaven · 3 years
how does geto propose? 👀
ooo, this is a good one. so, I don't have a specific way in mind but I do think he's not one for a big declaration with proposing.
he's apparently a showoff (Gojo's words), but Geto wouldn't want to overly plan the proposal. he likes showing you off, but wouldn't want to put that pressure on you with a dramatic display if people are around. he'd want it to feel authentic, so he'd plan a simple but meaningful night to you two.
he's like 100% sure you'll say yes anyway like a smug motherfucker, but would doubt himself for the seconds you're quiet when he asks the question.
that's why he loves you, you and his love for you make him feel the way no one else ever has<3
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tsukidrama · 2 years
Hello hello! Pink anon here, I really need to get better at answering faster. I guess it feels more like a letter now? If you celebrate Easter/Passover/Ramadan, I hope you had a good weekend! If not, I say the same! I say this a lot, but I was very busy. I'm officially on spring break now, so I plan on answering much faster. Thank you for being so patient!
I noticed you have requests open, specifically for TRNT related Annie content, and I'd like to submit something! I live by the ocean and it's been really gorgeous lately, and whenever I look at it I imagine a beach date with Annie and the reader. Maybe Annie finally gets to let loose, build a sand castle, play in the water. Just something fluffy, maybe they could have a picnic. I've also thought a proposal fic would be cute in the TRNT universe, whatever works for you! Just some ideas I thought would be nice.
oh don't worry about that! it happens and life gets busy. i'm happy to hear from you as always though! i guess we do easter in my family but it wasn't much. i've been keeping it lowkey lately and trying to improve my mental health, etc, trying to become the best tsuki i can be.
aahh yes these are all good ideas for sure! and they all mesh well with the themes of the story -- once again also ideas I've had for the story i love how we are on the same wavelength about the soft annie dates.
> "Annie hasn't even hit rock bottom yet." I am very worried for her! I just want to make her some soup and cuddle up on the couch, that's it. She deserves it. Papa can have some too, he's trying his best. <
> I don't know if I've talked about "Please be... My alibi" yet, to be honest I have a terrible memory. However, I really enjoyed it, it is probably one of my favorites, despite the terrible pain. The ending hit very hard for me, the fact that Annie couldn't say "I love you," but she could write it down. I don't know if that counts as a trope, as I've only seen it a few times, but nonetheless I love it so much. I am truly, very satisfied with how that chapter went, and I'm very much looking forward to the finale. <
ghgjgkgh yeah.. honestly she really needs some cuddles and soup. poor thing has really been going through it lately. i'm in kind of a rut right now - normally writing TRNT clears my skin and waters my crops but this sad chapter (9) is killing me. and the thing that sucks about being the writer is that I'm sitting here rolling on the floor crying by myself bc i don't wanna spoil, and by the time i post the chapter I'll have gone through the 5 stages of grief already. TRNT IS HARD TO PROCESS ALONE 💔
YOU HAVEN'T YET SO I'VE VERY HAPPY TO HEAR A LIL REVIEW FROM YOU, THANK YOU DEAREST 💕 I LOVE YOUUU ugh... poor baby. she's so repressed that i don't think she could ever bring herself to say it out loud pre-crystal. part of the PAAAAAINN is the fact that in please be, it's meant to be a little questionable if the note is just a lie that gets reader to keep quiet. some of the thoughts that you're left with at the end about doubting Annie are intentionally there to make y'all doubt. sorry sorry sorry she loves us sooo so much in reality but i've got to give reader the emotional damage she's got by the time TRNT rolls around. SORRY!
> I agree with what you wrote about SNK being deeper than what a lot of people understand about it. You really have to consider the fact that characters don't just "do" things, they were written to do things, by someone that has their own motives and reasons. In order to really understand it, you have to dig deep. I especially agree with that "challenge as a writer" statement, having a canon like SNK really adds to the experience of writing for these characters. <
ohhh hell yes, pink anon coming up here being all philosophical and shit! this is what i like to see. i know that everybody likes to say that they know their faves better than the creator but when it comes to snk.... i tend to believe the stans. the interpretations of people who care about the characters are sooo much better whatever bullshit the loud ignorant masses like to spout on twitter or reddit or whatever crap the ending offers.
yes! completely agreed. writing for snk canon is unparalleled and so when people choose NOT to write in it,, i'm kinda just like. why? canon is so fun, maybe it's intimidating though. that's WHY it's fun! i know you get it!
> Calling Part 3 the "mother of all angst" doesn't exactly comfort me, but I feel like I'm prepared! I have my tissues and my notes app open, just in case I feel so sad I have to write some fluff. <
> On a slightly angstier note, I'd like to say that the song "Harbor" by Clairo, really reminds me of Annie and the reader in TRNT, though I hope they get a better ending than whoever the song is about. The whole album's aesthetic really fits the whole "Cottage-canon" in my opinion. <
yyyeyeeaaaaaahhhh it's going to be quite bad. unfortunately it'll probably still take me a while to write, at least another month or so. but an attempt is being made!! i think about it all the time.
awww man, that is really sad. i do see what you mean! the vibe of the song does really fit the vibe of TRNT, minus the unrequited love of course. everybody cares SO much there's just miscommunication at first. i know i'm writing slow as fuck but TRNT is going to get a lot happier in the overall story
> Happy spring, <
Pink Anon
> (P.S. Recently I've been watching this show called "The Wilds" in my free time, when I'm taking a break from school and writing, and I feel like you would really enjoy it. There are a lot of conflicted characters, and I'm really liking it so far. Just a recommendation!) <
happy spring! sorry that this took me a while to respond to, I've just been kind of overwhelmed and distracted. it's always so good to hear from you. i hope you're doing well 💕💕
ohhh i've seen that advertised! mars works a lot this week and i'm looking for new things to watch so i may take it up! you do know how i like my conflicted characters
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nuoyipeach · 3 years
Nothing Can Keep Us Apart (haerene)
April 28th, 2019
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posting it here for @miracle-aiden , but I wrote this long ago so it's probably not that good😅 more newer haerene otw tho
ft. Bae Jinyoung
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Donghae couldn't believe what she had just told him. He couldn't believe all those plans of their future he had prepared are going to waste. He couldn't believe how she was so easily going to leave him, and yet against her own will.
"Why baby?" he asked for the nth time holding her hands, trying not to cry seeing her tears. "Why? Why why why? You don't always have to listen to your father. Arranged marriage? Screw it! You're mine, remember. Only mine."
Joohyun could not help but burst into even more tears, being pulled into his chest as she gripped onto his shirt tight, arms around his torso and face snuggled into his chest. She hated her father for many things, but this was now on the top of her list.
"I don't want this Donghae. I never wanted any of this. But there's nothing I can do." she sobbed, and his hug only tightened around her.
"I can't think of letting you go to another man." Donghae mumbled, but audible for her to hear. "I can't even imagine it. The only other male I can think of you going out with is Jinyoung. That's it. I'm over protective and clingy I know. But it's because I love you so much."
Joohyun couldn't stop crying anymore. What he called over protective and clingy, she loved it. She always found it adorable how he looked out for her in public, and how he limited her contact with men. She never found it unfair or dominating, because he himself followed the same, limiting his contact with women. And Joohyun hated the average men, making Donghae special, and vice versa.
"Donghae... I'm sorry. I don't know anymore. It's for the stupid company, and the guy agreed because he benefits, and..."
Donghae placed a finger on her lips to stop her from further trying to explain. He knew how powerful her father was, but he hoped their three year long relationship was stronger. Sadly today, it wasn't. He looked at her face, completely wet from tears, and couldn't help it anymore as he started kissing every inch of it, even under her ears and on her neck and collar. Joohyun's hands locked themselves around his neck, knowing this was probably their last night together.
"Please Donghae, make this night special..."
He knew what she meant right away, and complied with her wish.
Joohyun couldn't sleep no matter how late it was, even in her favourite sleeping environment, that was under a blanket with his arms around her, her small body engulfed by his larger one feeling all of his body warmth on her own, and his slow breaths hitting the back of her neck. But she knew he wasn't asleep either because of how quiet the room was, unlike usual when his soft snores could be heard, one of her favourite things to listen to.
Slowly she shifted and turned around, pulling the blanket up a little to cover her chest, considering they were both naked, and faced him. "Donghae..." her soft call was enough for him to open his eyes, and his hand automatically carassed her face. Every touch, every feeling, every thing about him right now only made her even sadder, and tears soon pooled in her eyes, each wiped off by his thumb.
"Don't cry love. Please don't. It makes me even sadder." he choked, his voice breaking in between. Joohyun tried her best holding it in, and quickly moved closer into his embrace as they hugged each other again.
They enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, needing only each other's presence to live in peace. He sniffed her hair, while she traced her fingers on his arm. If they could they'd stay like this forever, never letting go.
But they had to, especially now when Donghae's phone rang. He sighed and kissed her forehead before reaching over her to the side table, surprised to see the caller. He turned the screen towards Joohyun, who squinted her eyes as surprised as he was, and motioned him to put it on speaker.
"Hey Jinyoung."
"Hyung! Is my sister with you!?!" the young boy asked in a seemingly worried voice.
"Yes, she's here."
"Oh thank God. I was scared when she didn't come back. I thought she... She killed herself."
"She's here Jinyoung don't worry. Remember, you'll never be alone again..."
"I am now..." he cut off Donghae with sudden sobs. "I'm alone again. Mum's gone, now noona's being sent off to some stupid forced marriage. Hyung, why is my father like this... In this case, I'd rather be dead. Right?"
"No you don't. You deserve to live. What if Joohyun needs your comfort? Wouldn't you feel bad for not being there for your own sister? Stay strong kid, you'll get through this."
A whimper was heard in reply, and the call was disconnected, and Joohyun giggled slightly at first, before tears pooled again.
"He loves you so much. Thank you Donghae."
He smiled back at her weakly. He knew how much her brother meant to her. He was ten years younger than her, making him only fifteen. That meant he was only seven when their mother died, and was left under the care of Joohyun. And when Donghae came, sure he was quite protective and jealous at first, but he now looked at him like a father figure, like he did with his sister, since getting any love from his father was far away.
Now hearing the boy's cries broke his heart almost as much as Joohyun did. He still didn't want to believe this was their last night together, and was now full of instant regret why he didn't propose sooner. But would it still have worked back then with her father? He was sure it wouldn't have.
"I'm going to miss you so much Joohyun, I might die from it."
"Donghae..." she cried again, and he pulled her closer cuddling her tight like his life depended on it.
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Joohyun stood in front of the mirror hopelessly, in a white dress she had hoped to wear only for Donghae. But here she was, wearing it for some man she had no idea about, other than his face. She felt so terrible, so useless, so cheap, so disgusted, that she couldn't bear to look at herself in the mirror.
Jinyoung couldn't help feel just as bad for his sister, watching her from behind as she looked down, and he could see droplets of water fall on the hem of the long dress. He walked up behind her, and hugged her tight, head in her shoulder.
"Please don't cry noona. Please don't make me sad." he chanted like a child, hugging her tighter and hiding his eyes in her shoulder, trying to prevent his tears from spilling out. Joohyun couldn't help but let out audible cries now, turning around and hugging her brother back, causing him to cry just as much.
"Be a good boy... Promise me. Don't... Don't be like dad."
"I know... I'll be like hyung, Donghae hyung is the best." he said trying to smile.
She couldn't help cry even more at the mention of the name, having been unable to see him the past week after that night. But she knew it was for the best. She pulled out of the hug, and saw tears streaming down his face. She wiped them off and kissed his forehead, making him cry even more.
He loved her hugs, kisses, when she holds his hand, when she cooks for him, when she tutored him. He loved those moments when she came home from her dormitory, and he was the first to jump onto her even before their pet dog. When she introduced Donghae to him, and only him, he did feel jealous of the man for getting as much hugs and kisses as he did back then, but he knew how much she loved him. And he knew he himself was the most important male in her life if she was introducing her boyfriend to only him.
Joohyun now stood at the door with her father, keeping her hands to herself. The elder man noticed, and tugged her arm putting it around his. "I'm so proud of you." he said keeping his head high up, making her scoff. She didn't bother to even spare him a glance, keeping her face down all the time, even when walking to the altar. But she couldn't help feel sick in her stomach, and while the priest went on about the vows, Joohyun threw her bouquet onto the floor and ran off behind the hall to the washroom.
Jinyoung quickly followed behind, not bothered by the women only sign, and stood behind her as she threw up constantly. "Jinyoung... Get my bag... now!" she spoke in between gags, and he ran back out then in with her back pack. Joohyun took it and pushed him out of the toilet, locking it, but the boy didn't leave, standing in front if the door like a body guard. He fumbled his hands together, pacing around, when he received a message.
Jinyoung, please take care of your sister and yourself. In about half an hour, I won't be around anymore. There's no point for me. And don't worry, I know my business is small, but I've left it to you. Be good and take good care.
Jinyoung's whole body system simply shut down as he somehow managed to understand what Donghae meant. At that moment the stall door opened, revealing Joohyun in a change of clothes, and a pale expression. He ran to her side, holding her hands tight.
"What's wrong noona? Are y..."
"We need to get out of here." she cut him off. "We need to leave, and find Donghae."
"I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed, and after seconds of processing, Jinyoung grinned a little, before he remembered the message.
"Noona we need to be fast. He's going to kill himself! Let's go!"
They first went into the back room to gather their things, then snuck out of the back into her car, putting their luggage into it. Good thing the wedding was in their own mansion hall, so getting all their belongings wasn't a problem. Jinyoung turned on the tracking in his phone, and found Donghae at the Han River bridge, and Joohyun was quick to start driving.
And it was only then when the people inside realised what was going on. A runaway bride. Jinyoung watched the guests come out of the hall, the groom in front creating a havoc, as they drove out of the land their father owned. She drove fast, but carefully, a smile spreading across her face as she thought of the small life inside her. The same smile now on Jinyoung's face as well. But they weren't there for long as the siblings soon reached the bridge, and recognised the black car from far. Joohyun quickly parked her's behind it, ran out and hugged the figure standing near the railings of the bridge, feeling his body freeze and tense up.
"Joohyun? What are you doing here?" he asked when suddenly engulfed in another hug from the front.
"Hyung please don't do this!"
"Jinyoung? Did you tell her?"
"Yes, but after she asked me to find you."
Confused, Donghae pushed the two off, and stood looking at both of them. "Find me why?" he asked Joohyun, who swiftly pulled something out of her pocket and showed it to him, making sure the test lines were visible. Donghae's eyes widened, shifting between the item and Joohyun's face.
"Seriously?" he asked, and she nodded, suddenly off the ground being spun around in the air. She laughed at his antics, and they pulled each other in for a kiss.
"Bleh." they pulled away and giggled at Jinyoung covering his eyes. "We have to go, remember. Dad's not going to let us off. What do we do?" he asked as Donghae put her down, then smirked mischievously.
"Give me your phone." he said taking Jinyoung's phone, and started to type away.
Dad, we've had enough. I hope you enjoy your burden-less life. You won't be seeing us anymore.
After sending the message, he took out the carrier card, and Joohyun's, then crushed and threw them into the river behind them. He took her car keys, moved all their bags into his car, and left the keys on top. He pulled the two into his car, and drove away to the nearest bank, and made Joohyun withdraw all her money, then break her card. Jinyoung had none, so they moved on to his house, and he sat them down to explain what he'd do next.
"We'll get you two new identities, change your surname, then we'll move."
"Where hyung?"
"Well, I actually moved my business to Sapporo, so we'll move there."
The siblings nodded, and instantly decided on a new surname, taking their mother's, Bae. Donghae took them to the government office, where they registered their new identities.
Bae Joohyun
Bae Jinyoung
Next he took Joohyun to a different floor, and she hugged him when she realised what they were doing. Registering their marriage. Once they finished, with Jinyoung as the witness, they drove back to his house.
Donghae booked quick flights to Sapporo, and by the next week, Jinyoung ran around carrying boxes in his hand, exploring his new house. Who would've thought that Donghae was apparently rich? Even if not to their father's extent, he was still amazed by his new home as he left the boxes and ran around the two story house, front yard, and big back yard that had a swimming pool as well.
Once their new house was finally made homely, Donghae went into his bedroom, smiling as he entered to see Joohyun putting up polaroid pictures of them on the wall. He crept behind her, and engulfed her into a hug, peppering kisses into the crook of her neck. Joohyun laughed feeling ticklish, until he stopped and turned her to him, her arms wrapping around his neck. He pecked her forehead, going down until her lips, then slowly bent down on his knees, his face in level with her tummy. He lifted her shirt, her hands layed on his shoulders, and kissed her tummy in several spots.
"If it wasn't for you," he whispered against her skin, "we would have both been gone by now." he hugged her tummy, leaning an ear against it. Joohyun felt so happy she couldn't contain her tears as her fingers combed through his hair.
Everything would finally be perfect.
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humaudrey · 5 years
TheThings is back on their bullshit
Anyone know how to delete a YouTube video from someone else's channel (or just their entire channel all together) because...
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I don't even have the words!!!!
Once again, your girl watches one of their videos (several times unfortunately to really analyze this ish) so y'all don't have to and let me tell you, this one is 1,000,000x more infuriating than the one when they belittled Uma to lift Mal and make her better in comparison (link to my post on that here).
I've been recommended this video so many times since the trailers for D3 dropped and when I saw the title, I KNEW I was gonna hate it and low and behold, I DID!
So let's go over their "5 Signs on why Audrey is the real threat", shall we?
#1. Audrey's Outburst
So, their first piece of evidence as to why Audrey's the unfathomable dark force (their exact words) is because of the fact that Audrey yelled no as Ben proposed to Mal, "ruining their beautiful moment". They then explain that it would be "natural for Audrey to be jealous since she is Ben's ex-girlfriend", being perfect okay with the ugly "black, bitter, ex-girlfriend" trope that many have loved to stick onto her in their fanfics (I see y'all 👀), and then compares that moment to when Ben asked Mal to be his date for coronation in D1, stating that she didn't react so strongly before, so why now? EXCUSE ME?! Our girl left the Tourney Field crying that her BOYFRIEND had serenaded another girl with a love song, and not a single person ran after her. She had every reason to be upset then, too. Who's to even say why Audrey's saying no? It could be a terrible misdirect on the trailer's part. The theory that Audrey's possessed is swirling around everywhere, maybe it had already begun to take effect, which is why she's "acting so strangely". D3 hasn't even been released and they're already villainizing her. Figures.
They also use the typical argument that Audrey's into titles and she wants what Mal has, and that she didn't want Chad because he was merely a prince.
She doesn't want Chad because CHAD CHARMING IS A MANIPULATIVE TOOL! Ask Evie! Chad only thinks that being king would get Audrey's attention. You wanna talk about jealousy? Titles? If ant character is jealous of anyone's titles, it's Chad freaking Charming, not Audrey.
#2. The Crown
An obvious piece of evidence is the fact that "Audrey" steals the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter from the museum. Whatever, right? They assume that Audrey's faking her slumber when the sleeping spell hits, giving her an alibi. They then have the FREAKING AUDACITY to say that AUDREY, a non magical princess, who has been so anti-magic since D1 (with a grandmother who she loves dearly, that's triggered by the mention of said spells and curses), was the cause of the curse. Their evidence? Well, her family's VERY familiar with it, so it makes sense, right?
Audrey has NO magic whatsoever!!! Did they forget that? The only reason her family is "so familiar" with the sleeping spell is because THEY ARE VICTIMS OF SAID SLEEPING SPELL!!!! And it's not like she could cast it, because, again, AUDREY HAS NO MAGIC!! If anyone is familiar with a sleeping spell, it's Mal. After all, she almost put Evie under just so she could grab her mother's specter from her.
How dare you take an Innocent family's trauma and turn it around to make them the bad guys?
#3. The Scepter
They continue to say that "Audrey" is to blame for the sleeping spell, rather than Celia, Hades, or Uma because "Audrey" has the specter. And immediately, they suggest that maybe Audrey's not working only. You wanna bet who they hinted Audrey was cooperating with?
If you guessed Uma, you'd be correct. All because Uma's seen laughing in her teaser. WHAT?! So, not only do you attempt to take Audrey's entire character and drag it through the mud, you take ANOTHER black girl's name that you've already tried to ruin and tarnish and say they're working together because they're BITTER?
They end their third sign with the line "We knew Audrey was a mean girl, but we didn't think she'd stoop so low".
The meanest thing Audrey has ever done INTENTIONALLY, was 1.) Tell Evie that she and her family don't have a royal status in Auradon (to which, she is technically correct) and 2.) Tell Mal that she and Ben wouldn't last because she's "the bad girl infatuation".
Jane should be branded the mean girl because she turns on the one girl that helped her with her rise to popularity (which, granted, was for malicious INTENTIONS and caused EVEN MORE self esteem issues by degrading her).
MAL should be branded the mean girl, if anyone! She's:
Dumped rotten shrimp on her former best friend because she laughed at her
Forced a guy to throw a party since his mother was away, knowing that his abusive mother wouldn't be okay with it
Then locked a girl in a closet full of BEAR TRAPS at said party all because she wasn't invited to her birthday party when they were SIX YEARS OLD
Dumped lye on another former best friend's hair because she DIDN'T WANT TO BE COMPARED TO HER
Told another girl that all she had going for her was her personality, so she needed the wand to make herself pretty
Let's see a video ranking Mal's top five worst moments, huh? There's plenty of those to use for a freaking video.
#4. It's All About Mal (sounds like D3)
They start this point off with: "Audrey has beef with Mal".
They use the fact that Mal stole her boyfriend and her title and their families history with one another, so Audrey has this motivation to ACT OUT AGAINST HER ENTIRE COUNTRY? Not buying it! I won't buy it, especially since both parties seemed to have made amends at the end of D1 when Mal silently curtsies as a lame form of an apology that Audrey gracefully accepts anyway like the future Queen of Auroria would. Audrey's even seen bowing willingly at the end of Set It Off, and is even cheering and dancing with her friends as Mal and Ben share their moment under the fireworks, so clearly, Audrey's not broken up about it in the slightest.
They propose a theory that Audrey's absence in D2 is because she's planning her revenge in Sherwood Forest, and that she doesn't have car troubles because "Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather should be more than capable of handling it, so she's only calling Chad to help her plot her scheme.
Whatever they're smoking, I want it.
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather can't help Audrey with her car troubles because of the MAGIC BAN!! They needed Chad to help with her car.
And I HIGHLY DOUBT that Disney would plan something so carefully since the entire series is branded with plot holes and inconsistencies anyway, so... 🐸☕
#5. Face Off Time
Their final point states that Mal has to face off against the enemy and they use the first teaser of dragon-Mal blowing fire at "Audrey" on top of the castle, and the card at the end that says "betrayal", that Audrey has betrayed all of Auradon. And since Mal only turns into a dragon against SERIOUS ENEMIES LIKE UMA IN D2, Audrey has to be a REAL THREAT.
Thank God they're probably not making a D4, because if they continue this trend of WOC wronged by Mal as the villain, I'd be scared for Evie...
So, in their words, Audrey and Uma, two of the few black girls in the entire franchise who have every God given right not to like/trust Mal, are Mal's MOST SERIOUS rivals, as if Hades doesn't at ALL pose a threat to Auradon. No, Audrey is So mUcH MOre THreATEninG thAN ThE GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD, SO SHE MUST BE STOPPED!!!
I see you, TheThings, and if I didn't despise your channel before, I hate it that much more now after enduring 5 minutes of hell with you guys.
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Like, just say you're racist and GO! Audrey's clearly influenced by some magical being, whether it be Hades (WHO WE SEE DOING SOME KIND OF MAGICAL RITUAL WITH HER AND HIS EMBER IN A TRAILER, BUT I GUESS THEY CHOSE TO IGNORE IT FOR SOME REASON 🐸☕), Dr. Facilier, Celia, or maybe even Maleficent. Your reasons for making Audrey the villain are pathetic, and I wish I could block a YouTube Channel so I would NEVER see another video from your channel ever again.
I'm so sick of how "mean" brown girls are treated in media AND fandoms. Why does Audrey get all of his libel while Mal gets away with EVERYTHING? Why are the Cheryl Blossoms, the Quinn Fabrays, the Kitty Wildes, and every other mean girl that Emma Roberts has ever played are so praised and are instant fan favorites while the Josie McCoys, the Santana Lopezes, and the Brees are seen as the bullies when, at the end of the day, they're both different sides of the same damn coin?
And if you don't see a problem with this, then, newsflash, you are the problem!
So, I end my rant with this:
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And a short tag list containing: @amityravenclawelf and @coco-rena because I know these two are looking forward to this!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
And I apologize for the typos but I was HEATED!!
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seraphimluxe · 5 years
Saved by the Bell Part 1
Bucky x Reader
Warnings: gore, mentions of anxiety, evil zombie spirits, swearing, apocalypse, yeah the usual
A/N: I wrote this about a month ago and it was so bad i never planned to post, but I edited it today and don't think it's terrible? I've proofread this so many times I could probably recite it from memory 😅 this was also the first fic I'd EVER written so cut me some slack pls pls
Feedback is more than welcomed ❤️
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She should have seen it coming.
Part of her knew something was wrong.
Her world was in a limbo and everyone could feel it. Whispers and murmurs were the only verbal acknowledgement that anything was out of the ordinary. The sky was a murky wash of dirty paint colors, birds were silent and animals were solemn.
It was as if all matter was resting for a great awakening. The opening act.
Or rather the reopening act.
As superstition tells it, hundreds of years ago the rusted bell in the center of town, once un-ringable, clanged her glorious song, and thus the heavens opened. Hell was released. Dark, zombie-like spirits clambered for their flesh and souls.
Those who weren’t consumed and torn apart, were transformed into mutants, with a mindset akin to their own, creating a being more powerful than humans and themselves. The process was time-consuming and agonizing for both parties, therefore only a few dozen were recruited. The few humans left over gathered with the town mage, closing the portal and casting the spirits back to their dimension. Little is known about the mutants. Some say without a leader, they fled the town, although where they went is unknown.
It woke you. It woke the whole town. The deep, sharp bellowing sent chills down your spine and adrenaline coursing through your veins. Everyone who heard understood it’s implications and purpose. Some were at work already, some preparing their meals, saying goodbyes before school, but within a few short seconds chaos erupted.
Clambering out of bed and through the front door, you braced yourself for the blinding sunlight, only to discover a dusky blight had fallen upon the world. Your eyes scanned the streets, men and women, a mass of panic and disarray. Instantly you recognized a familiar face, your almost-next-door-neighbor.
“Sam!” You caught his attention for a second before he shook his head and turned to the sky, fear laced in his eyes. You were afraid to look, almost knowing what you were going to find. Curiosity took its hold on, your eyes slowly trailing up to the apparent spectacle above you.
The sight was one you’ll never get out of your head, the sky opening up, letting darkness and ghost-like wispy creatures flood the earth like ants at a picnic. Any initial terror was magnified tenfold when a scream pierced through the air. Simultaneously snapping everyone to their senses, the crowd began stirring, shoving to get in any direction away from that.
“C'mon we gotta get out of here” Sam’s hand tugging on your arm, pulling you downtown with the crowd. There was shoving, another scream, followed by another, and another. Sam pulls you into a tight dimly-lit alley between two houses, both of your breathing heavy, and eyes frantic.
“Steve!” Sam called to the figure walking past the alley, and suddenly there were three figures in the alley- oh he’s got a plus one. A very large plus one.
Three men heavily breathing on you while the world erupted into chaos? Not exactly what you had planned this morning.
“Who’s she?” The plus one rasped, his voice dry from running, you assume. His eyes are piercing blue, even in the shade of the alley.
“A neighbor.”
“I’m Steve.” Followed by, what was supposed to be an outstretched hand, but in the tight conditions, just an awkward arm spasm, almost hitting your hip.
“Yeah, I gathered that much,” You joked, out of breath “I’m Y/N.”
“Cool. We don’t really have time for this shit.” Oooooh nameless plus one has a bit of an attitude. Duly noted. “We need to get away from the crowd if we want any chance at survival. They’re herding us like bison right now.” Pissy Pants has made a solid point.
“We could go to Natalia’s house?” Steve proposed optimistically,
“Mmm She’s-” An unnervingly close scream cut him off, he quirked a dark eyebrow underneath a long mess of hair. “She’s close to the docks.” he finished, “Let’s go, on three”
“Wait, wait, waaaait. Slow down, Tin Man”
Another quirked eyebrow, but this time it’s directed at Sam. It was a good look on him.
“We’re leaving. If you want to come, then come. Otherwise, just stay here and wait to die.”
“Bucky!” A whisper-yelled scolding from Steve. Wait, is his name Bucky? His mom must’ve been hitting the good stuff when she picked that.
Sam rolled his eyes and looked to you, awaiting your response.
“He’s probably right”
“That’s a big ‘probably’, Y/N.”
“Well there only one way to find out,” something between a scoff and a laugh escaped “Bucky’s” lips, and it would have surprised you, had it not been for his sudden countdown.
And as planned, you all bolted on “three”. Steve and his buddy leading the way through some kind of sick obstacle course. A second wave of adrenaline pulsed through your veins and sends your heart crashing against your chest. The pounding in your ribcage and ears is not unlike the sudden and loud noise behind you.
This had to be a dream.
There’s no other reasonable explanation, right?
A million various anxiety-provoking thoughts streamed through your head on a conveyer belt. Everything, and potentially everyone you know is being destroyed.
That’s lovely.
Upon arrival at Natalia’s house, the brilliant young men discovered that it was locked… And now you’re in the shed. Another dark, enclosed space with the three boys, but fortunately, this one farther from the screams.
“We need to devise a more long term plan.” Shorty with the hair has apparently mistaken this for a boy scouts training mission, and elected himself “troop guide”. He’s right, nevertheless.
“What do you have in mind?”
A glint of metal shifts across from you. A shovel maybe?
“They probably won’t be operating it, but taking the boat would be a good choice.”
“This is Bucky, by the way,” Steve whispers and gestures to him. You nod, Yup, gathered that much.
Bucky’s really got a vendetta against that shovel next to him.
“If we took a boat, we’d either be super screwed or super safe.” Sam offered,
“Okay, but what about our families? We’re just gonna leave them?”
Between Bucky sighing, and Steve grimacing, the answer doesn’t look good.
“Doll, this is survival of the fittest at this point. There’s no telling if they’re alive, and if we go out searching for them, we won’t last. We’re responsible for ourselves right now.” Bucky’s voice was softer than you were accustomed to, but still firm.
He was right. Now wasn’t the time to do something stupid and self-sacrificial-
“We could try-”
“Steve, he’s right. We could be looking for, God forbid, dead people. Or they could be safe and we’d get ourselves killed searching for them.” You hated what you were saying. You hated that the situation has come to this point. It’s been an hour and you’ve already resorted to abandoning your family. What’s next? Eating each other?
You shudder at the thought.
“Should we send someone to scope the docks, or should we all just go on three?” Sam, out here asking the real questions.
“Sendin’ someone to scope would kinda be a terrible idea, but I’ll volunteer if we’re gonna do it.”
“I say we die together.” 6 horrified eyes stare back at you. You clap your hands “Alright! let’s do it!”
“I’m down,” Sam shrugs
Everyone unceremoniously rising at once, serving as a reminder that this was, yet another, very tight space for 4 people to coexist in.
Upon standing, Bucky shifted into a stream of light coming from on of the cracks in between the wall panels. The once presumed shovel, is now very clearly not a shovel
“Oh fuck,” You whisper.
That’s his arm.
This shouldn’t have come as a surprise, mechanical and prosthetic limbs weren’t entirely uncommon in Aeston. You just somehow missed that small detail in the panic and chaos.
Wait, he was running in front of you the whole time, were you really THAT oblivious?
It was only when he let out a small chuckle, did you realize that you were staring, eliciting another mumbled “Oh fuck”
Thankfully, he changed the topic to a countdown. Everyone began preparing for a potential death, and on his cue, they silently fled. Steve and Bucky naturally taking the lead as you began to wonder where is this boat anyway?
That was your largest concern, until you rounded a corner and were met with Steve’s eerily large back. When you saw what stopped him, you wished you’d never left the shed.
A woman in her mid-fifties, half of her body was carnage, clearly having been dragged through the street. She had been consumed from the waist down, allowed her insides to spill onto the cobbled road. Worse yet, she was still being eaten.
Sam was equally as distraught as you, his eyes wet with fear and his hand trembling near his parted lips. The creature snapped it’s head up from her carcass, the gray skin of it’s face coated in blood. Up close you could see that it didn’t have a body, the flesh of the face faded into smokey darkness.
It opened its mouth and released a noise that sounded something in between a squeaky door, and a growl. Chills shot down your limbs, and you had to bite your lip to keep from crying. Your whole body was numb from fear, the blood draining out of your complexion.
Steve and Bucky began to slowly back up, one of their hands took residence on your arm and guided you behind them, and away. The very second they couldn’t see it anymore, Bucky whispered “Run.”
Fighting your shaking legs to function was a difficult task, focusing all your energy on not tripping. The pounding of your shoes on the road mimicking the one in your chest. Bucky’s back was your guiding light, and damn he was fast. Your lungs began to burn.
You were definitely not getting enough oxygen.
He hopped off a ledge and onto the sand a few feet below and ushered you down and under a pier. Grateful for a break, you scurried down and collapsed on the ground, panting. Your hands still shaking terribly, and you’re sure that even if you hadn’t just run 45mph, your heart would still be exploding against your chest. The image of the woman replaying in your head.
That could’ve been any one of you. That’s the reality you’re living in right now.
You don’t want this. This is bad. It’s childish of you to wish for a time machine, but you do. You’re desperate to feel safe for even a moment.
You also really don’t want to cry. Not here, not now, not in front of everyone. Crying isn’t practical and it’s not going to save you. Tough it out, you tell yourself.
Steeling yourself, you take a breath. Steve looks like he’s worse off than you. Though no one is shedding tears, the panic, horror and trauma is spelled out in their features and in their mannerisms. You wouldn’t have to be observant to note the almost tangible air of anxiety under the pier.
You and Bucky compose yourselves first, him being concerningly only half-affected. He opened his mouth to presumably say something comforting but was interrupted.
“Do you hear that?” Everyone held their breath for a moment, and all at once they noticed the whisper of hushed voices somewhere on the pier above. The soft knock of shoes against the wood. Sam and Steve still disoriented from the previous events, but the distraction wholly welcomed.
Bucky held up a finger and ducked out from under his cover, quickly pulling himself up onto the pier. You hear his heavy footsteps carry about twenty feet away, and then his low gravelly voice added to the rest. You’re unable to make out what he’s saying, but his serious tone quickly switched to a surprised and happy one.
Well that’s a good sign.
The engagement draws to an end, and the heavy clunk falls closer and closer to you, and then with a big thump he lands on the sand beside you.
“We’re good. Boat’s leaving in 10 minutes. They’re stocked with clothes and supplies and shit.” His voice was unnervingly chipper.
“And Steve, you’ll never believe who I found,” Another figure hopped in the sand next to him, a small girl who looked only a few years older than you.
The plus one has a plus one.
“Nat?” Steve asked, he still sounded weak, but carrying the same cheeriness as his colleague.
“Hey big guy,” Her voice was smouldering and husky, you’d be lying if you said it didn’t do things to you. It was the perfect contrast to her doll-like charm.
Wow, I can’t believe Bucky recruited an angel to save us.
“So these are the friends you were telling me about..” When she spoke those words, you realized you all probably looked bedraggled and forlorn, crouching under a rather short pier. Both Samuel and You were still in your pajamas. How embarrassing. “They’re cute,” Oh.
Wait, 'friends’?
“C'mon, we’ll get you sorted.” She glanced around her, scanning for any threats, before offering her hand to you. You accepted it and less than gracefully stumbled out into the open, finally taking note of your surroundings for the first.
It was the downtown pier, the one outletting to the Solair River, also known as “the river so huge it should probably be considered an ocean”.
Steve immediately assumed the role of Introducing everybody, awkward, but sweet. Apparently this was the “Nat” whose shed you inhabited. Cool.
Her constant glancing around and hurried steps almost made her seem paranoid, but her demeanor and casual conversation with Bucky told an entirely different story. Her hand on your lower back ushered you into silent line loading onto the ship.
You were boarding, leaving, escaping the life you knew with your neighbor and three people you’ve never met before. Putting your faith in them and trusting them in such a dangerous situation would either be your downfall or your saving grace.
Fear was silent and smelled like sand and cool, murky water.
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