#I am excited! I am nervous! But I am filled with love and light for the first time in a very long time
luvjunie · 1 year
— headcanons. miles morales (earth1610)
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MILES who somehow managed to pick you up with that corny little shoulder touch his Uncle Aaron taught him. Not because it actually worked and left you smitten and head over heels for him—but because in that moment, the dorky boy who stood in front of you had made you laugh so hard you’d nearly peed yourself. There was no way that with a sense of humor like his, he wasn’t getting your number.
MILES who has never missed a good morning or a goodnight text. While often they may not always be at the most ideal times, it’s the fact that he remembered that means the most to you. Even if he’s running late to school, shoes untied, and shirt buttoned unevenly as he bundles out the door of his dorm, he insists he can text and run to class at the same time. And at night, even if his eyelids feel as if they weigh a ton the minute his back finally hits his mattress after webbing the villain of the week to a light pole for the cops, he refuses to fall asleep without telling you he loves you first— though the message may include a few sleepy typos. “Goodnihgt aby i lov youuu” “shitno i meant baby not aby”
MILES who hand draws a card for you when the monthly anniversary of your relationship rolls by. Each one of them is different and creative in their own way and you’re always excited to see what it’ll look like this time. He’ll swiftly swing by your fire escape on his way to patrol, drop a box of chocolates, your favorite candy, or a bouquet of flowers on the steel metal along with the card, then switch arms and thwip another web to the next building in the same breath.
MILES who loves to draw you, especially when the two of you haven’t been able to hang out in a while, just so he can reminisce and pretend like you’re there, in his room with him. His sketchbook is filled with pictures of you, hearts usually adorning whatever space is left blank on the paper. He sees you in such a different light than you view yourself in, and he’s able to capture certain aspects of your features that you hadn’t even noticed before. He was so embarrassed the first time you saw his sketchbook laid open on his bed and tried to hide them from you, nervous he’d make you uncomfortable in any way. But you were nothing short of flattered, and reassured him of such by smattering kisses onto the expanse his flushed face and telling him how much of a sweetheart he was.
MILES who falls asleep in the span of two seconds. Usually when you can’t come over, you settle for long facetime calls so you can tell each other about your days, or watch a movie together. But he’s just so comfortable around you, and your voice is so calming, like a lullaby, so much so that he can’t help it when he falls asleep halfway into your rundown of events. After five minutes of silence, which is unheard of for a kid like Miles who is always filled with endless quips and jokes, you’ll scoop your phone off your bed only to see his ivory-colored ceiling instead of his face.
“Milesss!” You whine, the sudden sound of shuffling from the other end of the line erupting through your speakers as he frantically scoops his phone back up from his pillow, his sleepy face shifting back into view.
“Huh?” He mumbles, clearing his throat as he blinks the sleep from his eyes.
“You fell asleep in the middle of my story again.” You accuse.
“Nuh uh! I’ve been awake this whole time. I’m just a really, really good listener, m-hm. I am a wonderful and completely-awake, professional listener.” He nods, gifting you his signature goofy smile that‘s always a reminder that you can never be mad at him for long.
MILES who loves taking you to the new places he’s able to go around the city now that he’s Spiderman.
When you found out your boyfriend was Spiderman, you were in such disbelief that you immediately asked for proof, for him to show you anything that proved he was spiderman other than a suit and a mask. And proof you got, if the powerful gusts of wind in your face as he swung the two of you with web after web over the skyline of the city were anything to go by.
You were terrified the first time, legs glued around his waist and arms clamped so tightly around his neck that there was no way you’d fall. He would never in a million years let you slip from his grasp anyways, but if you did, you were damn sure taking him with you. He kept one arm around your waist for support and laughed at how you hollered almost the entire way to the clock tower, and whether they were screams of excitement or terror, he didn’t know.
It was beyond exhilarating, seeing the city from above with him, standing on the roofs of buildings you never imagined you’d reach. It had your heart pumping faster than you thought it ever could and your trust in him solidifying even further, and soon you found yourself asking him take you again, and again. And Miles would take you anywhere you wanted to go; open to doing anything just to see a smile on your face and to have you holding onto him like that again.
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to any other platforms
likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated 💗
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tarotwithavi · 2 months
Your future lover : first meeting
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
This is a general reading. Only take what resonates and leave the rest.
I will be writing from their perspective as a scene.
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Pile 1
As I sat in the room, fiddling with my phone, boredom settling heavy on my shoulders, the door creaked open. My eyes darted towards the sound, and there she was - the sister of my friend, the one I'd only heard about in passing. "Man you look like you haven't slept in a year" my friend said mockingly. "Sleep is not an option when you seek academic validation" She said sarcastically, her hair in disarray, clad in mismatched pajamas. But there was something captivating about her, a rawness that drew me in. I couldn't tear my gaze away as she clumsily made her way across the room, seemingly unaware of her disheveled appearance and my presence. Suddenly her eyes, tired yet filled with a spark of curiosity, met mine briefly before she looked away, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
In that moment, I realized that she was unlike anyone I'd ever met. There was an authenticity about her, a lack of pretense that intrigued me. Despite her unconventional appearance, or perhaps because of it, I found myself wanting to know more about her. And as she disappeared into the crowd, leaving me with a newfound sense of fascination, I knew that this encounter was just the beginning of something unexpected.
Random messages: popcorn, escapism, not paying attention, sleep deprived, games, cats, cup of coffee, sarcastic, fantasy, dark circles, hello kitty pajamas, Gemini, Pisces, cancer, S,G,Y,R and U.
I sense that you may meet this person when you will not be ready or let's say well dressed. They may be someone your family knows or you may meet them through family. I am also getting the message that you may not be paying attention. You may have just woken from a nap or there's something your hair being out of place. I see that this person will see you as someone who's a bit blunt but your quality will attract this person to you. I see that they may be an air sign or may be wearing black on the first meeting. There is an air of mystery surrounding this person. You may not know who this person is yet. This person will love the fact that you have a vision, a dream that you want to achieve.
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Pile 2
I looked down at my glass of water standing in a room full of people, music playing in the background. My buddies, nudged me, pointing across the room with wide grins. "Gosh she's beautiful," my friend whispered, his voice barely audible over the lively ambiance. I followed their gaze and there she was, standing amidst the crowd like a beacon of light. She wore a stunning red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her beauty. Her smile was like sunshine, infectious and radiant, as she engaged in conversation with her friends. My breath caught in my throat as I watched her, feeling as though time stood still. It was as if destiny had orchestrated this moment, guiding me to her side when I had no intention of being here in the first place. In that instant, everything else faded into the background, and all I could see was her. My heart swelled with a newfound determination as I made a silent vow to myself. I wanted her to be a part of my life, to share moments and memories with her. With each step I took towards her, the anticipation and excitement bubbled within me, driving me forward.
As I finally stood before her, my pulse quickened with nervous anticipation. "Hi," I said, my voice slightly shaky but filled with sincerity. And as she turned to meet my gaze, her smile widened, filling me with a sense of warmth and possibility. In that moment, I knew that she was someone special, someone I wanted to get to know better. And so, with a hopeful heart and a newfound courage, I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever.
Random messages: mirror, rings, wedding, red, pink, blue colour, stork, gathering, fresh, bubbly personality, observing, Leo, Taurus, libra, nose ring, red hair, shoulder length hair, mole on/near nose, B,P,S and W.
I see that you may meet this person on a full moon or the moon could be significant. You may meet them in a social gathering and I see that communication will be involved in the first meeting. They will see you as someone who is outgoing and fun loving, they will love the fact that you can bring light to any situation. This person may have strong fire placements. They may have a tattoo somewhere on their body. I see that some of you may have in manifesting a meeting like this or you may have been dreaming of something related to this.
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Pile 3
I walked into the café, the scent of freshly brewed coffee hitting me as I scanned the room. And then, I saw her. She was sitting by the window, her eyes lost in the rain tapping against the glass. I felt a tug in my chest, like something was pulling me towards her. As I approached her table, she looked up, her eyes meeting mine for the first time. There was a sadness in them, a pain that mirrored my own. We both carried the weight of past relationships gone wrong, wounds still fresh despite the passing of time. I pulled out the chair opposite her, and we exchanged tentative smiles. We didn't need words to understand each other's pain. It was there, written in the lines of our faces, in the way our shoulders sagged with the burden of heartbreak.We talked about trivial things at first, skirting around the edges of our pasts, afraid to delve too deep. But as the hours passed and the coffee cups emptied, we found ourselves opening up, sharing our stories, our fears, our dreams.
And in that moment, I felt a connection unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was as if our hearts were speaking to each other, silently promising to be there for one another, to heal together. But we both knew we weren't ready for anything more than this fragile bond we had forged. We needed time to heal, to mend the broken pieces of ourselves before we could even think about being together. So we made a silent pact, an unspoken agreement to give each other the space and time we needed. And as we parted ways that evening, I couldn't help but feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for us to find happiness again, together.
Random messages: A, V, heart shaped things, cards, alarm clock, abandonment issues, zen, heart break, polar opposites but similar at the same time, 4, fall, halloween, healing, green, yellow.
I am getting the message that you may meet this person right after ending a relationship with someone or getting out of a toxic situation so you may not be keeping or focusing much on love or you may be trying to move on from your past or vice versa. There is a feeling of being a perfect match for Each other. I see that this person may view you as their perfect match or you maybe you them as your perfect match but I see that there is a sense of belongingness like you may feel as if you both belong with each other. Another message I'm getting is that this meeting may take some time however you may recall this reading when this happens with you.
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queenshelby · 28 days
Uncle Tommy (Part Three)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Niece Reader
Warning: Smut, Incest, Taboo Relations, DDLG, Dub-Con
And yes, this was a request! Please comment and engage!
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For a few more nights, your uncle and you fell into a rhythm. Thomas would come to your room, under the guise of checking on you, or having a late-night conversation. He never pushed for anything beyond what had already transpired, but the tension in the room was always palpable.
Each night, his touches became bolder and each night, you surrendered yourself to him more and more willingly. It was wrong, you knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t resist the temptation that he presented.
You were young and innocent, freshly eighteen and full of unbridled desire. Thomas, on the other hand, was a man well into his forties with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. 
After you relaxed more and more in his presence, he eventually asked you whether you would let him take your virginity.  You hesitated at first, unsure if you were ready to take such a big step with someone like him. He was your uncle after all, and the moral implications weighed heavily on your mind. 
Eventually though, you agreed and it was two nights later that Thomas took you to a hotel . The suite was lavish, the floor bathed in soft golden light that spilled from an elaborate chandelier overhead. The king-sized bed stood stately in the center of the room, dressed in plush, silver linens.
"It's aright Love. Don't be scared," he told you as you entered the room , arms trembling and heart pounding in your chest.
"But I am, Uncle Tommy. I am worried that it is going to hurt," you confessed, biting your lip nervously.
Thomas smiled reassuringly at you and took a step closer. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, his fingers tracing patterns on your lower back. "It might sting a little at first, Love," he admitted softly. "But I promise it will feel good, too."
You swallowed hard and nodded your head, even as your heart continued to race a mile a minute. 
"Good girl. Now why don't undress yourself and lie down for me, eh"  Thomas said as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.
You hesitated for a moment, your heart beating wildly in your chest, before you started to slowly remove your clothes. Each article of clothing felt like a barrier between you and Thomas, protecting you from the vulnerability of being fully exposed. But soon enough, you were standing in front of him in nothing but your bra and panties, feeling both nervous and excited at the same time.
"That's it, Love," Thomas said, his piercing blue eyes never leaving yours.
"You're so beautiful, standing there in front of me like that."
You blushed, feeling suddenly shy under his gaze. But there was no denying the heat that had bloomed in your core at his words and the way he was looking at you.
"Thank you, Uncle Tommy," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
You couldn't believe you were actually doing this, standing half-naked in front of your own uncle, about to let him take your virginity. It was wrong, but it felt so right. Your body was trembling with anticipation as you reached behind your back to unclasp your bra.
Thomas watched you with a hungry expression as you slowly removed the last piece of clothing that covered your body. His gaze raked over your bare breasts, lingering on your hardened nipples before traveling down towards your panties.
"Now, let me take care of these," Thomas said softly as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and slowly pulled them down your legs.
You stepped out of them, feeling incredibly vulnerable but also incredibly turned on as you stood completely naked in front of him.
Thomas's gaze seared into you as he took in every inch of your body. His eyes were filled with desire and something else, something that made your heart race even faster.
"Lie down, Love," Thomas said, his voice thick with lust as he motioned towards the bed.
You did as you were told, lying down on the soft, silky sheets and feeling exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you couldn't believe what was about to happen.
Thomas approached the bed slowly, shedding his own clothes as he did so. He was beautiful, all hard lines and toned muscles. His cock stood proudly, thick and veiny. 
"Now I am going to give your little treasure box a few kisses first to get you nice and wet for my cock, eh?" Thomas said, as he spread your legs apart and knelt between them.
You nodded, unable to find your voice as you watched him lean down and press his lips against your pussy. His tongue snaked out and licked at your wetness, sending a shiver down your spine. You moaned, hips bucking involuntarily as you felt his tongue delve into your folds.
Thomas alternated between licking and sucking at your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge with each passing second.
"Do you like Uncle Tommy kissing you down there, Sweetheart?" Thomas asked, his voice low and husky as he continued to lick and nibble at your slick folds.
"Oh God, yes," you moaned, your hands reaching down to tangle themselves in his hair.
Thomas took this as a sign to continue, his tongue snaking deeper into your passage with each passing second. It felt incredible, like nothing you had ever experienced before. Your hips bucked against him as you chased the release that was building deep within you but before you could get there, Tommy pulled back.
"Now Love," he said gruffly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "It's time for me to claim your precious little cherry," he told you as he positioned himself in between your legs.
You whimpered as you felt the blunt head of his cock press against your entrance. Thomas had made sure to lube himself up, ensuring that he would slip inside of you easily despite your untried state. You were soaking wet already but still, the idea of him breaching you sent a frisson of fear down your spine.
"Shhhh," Thomas crooned softly as he stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.
"It’s alright. You’re going to feel a little pressure at first followed by a sting, but you need to hold nice and still for me now, eh" he said as, slowly, he pushed into you.
You felt your walls stretch around his girth, the pressure building to a point that made you want to push him away, desperate for relief. Then, he paused as he reached your hymen.
He leaned down to kiss you once more, tenderly and passionately. His lips tasted sweet, with a hint of your own essence. You clutched at him desperately, feeling like the world outside this room didn't matter anymore.
"Relax, sweetheart," Thomas whispered as he pulled back to look into your eyes. "Take deep breaths for me."
You closed your eyes and did as he said, breathing in and out deeply. Your heart raced, but you could feel your body relax.
Thomas murmured soft words of encouragement as he pushed forward, breaking through the thin barrier that guarded your innocence. A sharp jolt of pain shot through you, making you gasp and dig your nails into his shoulders. He paused, giving you a moment to adjust to his size. His lips found yours in a tender kiss, soothing away the sting of your lost virginity.
"Fuck," Thomas groaned against your lips. "You're so damn tight, Love."
You whimpered as you felt him begin to move inside of you, slowly at first before picking up the pace. It burned, but it was a delicious kind of pain that left you craving more. Your hips met his thrusts, matching his rhythm as he claimed your virginity with each passing second.
"Oh God," you cried out, burying your face in Thomas's shoulder.
Your nails raked down his back, leaving red trails in their wake. He groaned, increasing the tempo as he fucked you harder and faster.
You moaned, feeling every brutal and demanding thrust deep within your core. Your body moved in tandem with his, matching him stroke for stroke as he pushed you to the brink of insanity.
"You are such a good girl, taking my cock so well," Thomas growled, nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck.
His thrusts grew harder and faster, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your entire body. You whimpered as you felt him hit that special spot deep inside of you, making your toes curl with every pulse.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, digging your heels into the small of his back as you begged for more. Thomas was happy to oblige, his hips slamming into yours with a ferocity that left you breathless.
"Does my cock feel good in your tight little hole, Love?" Thomas growled between thrusts, taking pleasure in watching your face contort with pleasure.
"Yes," you moaned, unable to form coherent sentences as he pounded into you. The sound of our skin slapping together filled the room, accompanied by your breathy moans and Thomas' husky growls.
"Are you going to put the white stuff inside me too?" You whispered, your voice barely louder than a breath.
Thomas grunted in response, his powerful thrusts never faltering. "Yes, Love," he said gruffly, the lust-filled haze in his eyes intensifying as his orgasm began to build. "I'm going to fill up that tight little pussy of yours with my cum."
You felt yourself grow slicker at his words, your pussy clenching around him as you imagined what it would feel like to have him spill his seed inside of you.
It was a wicked thought, and one that you shouldn't be having. But it felt too good to stop now.
Thomas must have sensed your impending release, as his thrusts became wilder and more erratic, sending shockwaves of pleasure through every inch of your body. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, desperately chasing the orgasm that was teetering on the edge.
"Fuck, Love," Thomas groaned, slamming into you with one final thrust as he reached his own peak.
His cock twitched within your trembling walls, the sensation of him spilling his seed inside of you was almost too much to bear. It was raw and obscene, yet so incredibly erotic that you couldn't help but whimper in pleasure.
The feeling of his hot load filling you up sent you over the edge, your pussy clenching around him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over you.
"Oh God!" You screamed, clinging to him desperately as you rode out your climax.
Your pussy gripped his cock tightly, milking every last drop of cum from his balls. Thomas groaned in pleasure, his hips still jerking as he emptied himself deep inside of you.
As the pleasure subsided, your mind began to clear and reality set in. A mixture of emotions washed over you - guilt, shame, but also satisfaction and pleasure. You couldn't believe what had just transpired between you and Thomas. It was wrong on so many levels, but it felt so right in the heat of the moment.
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
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elordilover · 4 months
Hii! Could you write a walker scobell x actress reader fic where she's new to acting and her first acting role is in the pjo show? Thank you!!
i love this!! thanks so much for the request! 💐
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more than best friends
pairing: walker scobell x fem!reader
summary: you are casted as annabeth for the pjo series and become best friends with your co-star, walker.
warnings: nothing really! not proof read, reader plays annabeth in the seires, half social media
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yourusername- i am so honored to finally tell you that am part of this project! this cast has become family. i’m so excited for everyone to watch it, meet you at camp half-blood: december 20th 🌩️⚡️🌊
walkerscobell- so honored to be able to work with you, and call you my best friend 💐♥️
percyjacksonseries- ⚡️⚡️⚡️
view more comments……..
everyone on the cast just announced their spots in the series, it was your first time doing this so you were a bit nervous. you watched your phone as all the positive comments started to roll in.
you heard the door to your trailer open and saw a familiar face, walker. you would never admit this to anyone, but you did sort of have a crush on him. but you had to put the admiration to the side now that he was your co-star.
“Y/N, do you want to go grab food since we’re done shooting for the day?”, he asked you.
“sure! where are we going?”, you replied as you got up and started exiting your trailer.
“i don’t know, in-n-out?”
“yeah, sure”, you said as you walked to the car.
the whole car ride was filled with scream-singing to one direction songs, it was amazing. the light that shined through his hair made you admire him even more. how the sunshine made his eyes sparkle. the way his smile grew when you were both singing along to the music that shaped both of your childhoods. you had always dreamed of nights like this, now they became your reality. your only wish was that he would see you as more than a friend.
the next day you arrived to set early and we r straight to the hair and makeup trailer, which was were walker was also. you couldn’t wait to see him.
“hey Y/N, how are you?” walker asked as you walked through the door.
“i’m good, a little tired tho, how about you?” you replied.
“i’m good!”, he said.
you two fell into easy conversation while getting makeup done, or getting your hair fixed. it was always easy with him, you always felt safe and at home while you were with walker. it was just something about him.
“action!”, you heard and immediately started to act out your scene with walker. it was going to be in the finale episode, where you place your necklace around his neck. it was supposed to be a little romantic, but it shouldn’t have affected you this much.
walker’s deep blue eyes stared you down, your cheeks immediately turned a deep shade of red. it was embarrassing, everyone on set would notice your admiration toward walker.
walker started laughing, most likely from your eye contact. almost every scene you guys shot together ended up like this, you and walker would burst out laughing. almost every scene had to be reshot many many times.
you shot the scene again and again until it was perfect. your cheeks still burning many minutes after.
after many long hours of shooting, walker entered into your trailer to hang out with you. it had become a nightly ritual for you guys. you would lay on your couch and scroll on tiktok, showing each other the funniest ones.
after minutes of scrolling walker tilted his phone toward you. you noticed the tiktok featured you and walker. it was an edit shipping you two. it used clips from different moments from the press tour, and red carpet events.
“i mean… it’s a good edit”, you said nervously. you secretly loved seeing tiktok’s like these.
“yeah i agree, it’s one of the better ones i’ve seen. we look pretty good together, we make a great team”, walker replied not knowing how that last sentence would effect you.
“we sure do”, you agreed as both you and walker’s cheeks turned red.
the other members of the cast had noticed how close you and walker had gotten, when you weren’t together, you guys were texting, and if you weren’t texting, you were probably asleep. aryan had brought it up to you last week, he said how everyone saw how you guys looked at each other, and how you were both always blushing when you had scenes together. you didn’t believe him though.
filming had come to an end and you were definitely going to miss your new best friends, especially walker. you two had agreed to call and text as much as you could till you could be back together for the press tour.
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yourusername- filming this show was the best experience of my life, thank you to everyone who was involved in creating this amazing series. love you all ♥️
the first two episodes are out now! 🌩️⚡️🌊
walkerscobell- SO EXCITED‼️‼️‼️
percyjacksonseries- oh my god
walkerfan- Y/N’s feeding us with this bts content
Y/Nfan- it’s sooooooo good
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walkerscobell- first two episodes. out now. 🌩️🌊
i love everyone on this cast so much, they have become my family, so so so thankful for everyone who got me here
yourusername- GO BEST FRIEND ‼️‼️‼️
percyjacksonseries- watching rn.
walkerfan13- PERCYBETH 😭😭😭
after the cast party, you decided to go over to walker’s place before your parents came and got you.
“hey Y/N, i kind of wanted to tell you something”, walker said nervously, “ever since i first met you you’ve inspired me so much and i just wanted to say that i really like you, in more than a friend way”, he rambled out.
you thought you were dreaming, no way he just said that. you stared at him for a second before kissing him, it was just a simple peck but you hope it got your point across.
“wait, you like me too?”
“of course, of course i do” you replied, noticing how red walker’s cheeks were.
he leaned in and gave you another kiss, you couldn’t believe this was real life.
after a couple of months, many interviews, many nights on facetime, many ship edits being sent to each other, many days of secretly dating. you both decided to make your relationship public.
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yourusername- my mom approves
comments on this post have been limited…..
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walkerscobell- percybeth irl
comments on this post have been limited……
thanks for reading, please send feedback and more requests!
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casiia · 5 months
༉‧₊˚. — simon 'GHOST' riley; deep breath.
warnings .: x reader, afab! reader, suggestive (just a kiss but still), mdni 18+, piercer simon, use of y/n, unedited.
.: masterlist.
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the rhythmic hum of tattoo machines and the faint sound of chatter filled the air as you stepped into the studio; ghost canvas. you had booked an appointment with simon riley, intrigued by his work. known for his painless piercings and intricate fine-line tattoos, making him very well-known in the industry.
you had originally booked an appointment for another ear piercing, a helix that would go with the other assortments of jewelry already shining your ear. excitement and nervousness mingle through your stomach as you glance around the studio.
an ambient light flickers around each furniture corner, keeping the place dim and allowing natural sunlight to filter in through the sunroof. the walls were adorned with vibrant artwork, most of which are messy and clean-looking oil paintings. various band tapestries also hung from the walls, rock bands; nirvana, metallica, and deftones being a majority of the decor. 
you settled into the waiting area after checking in, and the receptionist behind the counter shot you a kind smile and let you know that your piercer, simon, would be ready soon. you had been a little late for your appointment, struggling to find parking, and he had taken another client waiting for you.
you shifted in your seat, the leather cool against your bare skin. you pulled the hem of your skirt down, before winding your hands in your lap. your eyes wandered around the room, and you couldn’t help but admire the diverse clientele that flowed in and out of the studio. each person was leaving or coming in with a unique mark, a testament to simon’s expertise. 
the longer you waited, the more nervous you began to feel. you had gotten piercings before, but each time you found yourself chewing on your lip in anticipation. pain was never your friend, and your tolerance for it was always low ever since you were a kid. tears would well in your eyes with every papercut you got, even now as an adult. 
“y/n? simon’s ready for you.” the receptionist calls out, guiding you into another small room. she looks at your fidgeting fingers and gives you another reassuring smile. “no reason to be nervous. just sit tight for a second, and he’ll be here to show you our selection of jewelry.” she encourages before shutting the door behind her and leaving you in the small room. 
it’s decorated very similarly to the lobby, except instead of oil paintings, there’s a various amount of skull decor littering the room. paintings, sculptures, and in a glass case on a counter sat a small dinosaur skull.
you felt a chill run down your spine; there was almost no color in the secluded room. everything was dull black and white, and the walls were even painted a dark gray. the only thing that stood out was you, sitting on the large black chair in your bright little pink skirt. 
you’re pressing your thighs together, your legs absentmindedly swinging as you wait for simon. you had heard about him from instagram, the wild comments that raved about his work while some raved about his looks. curiosity got the best of you and with his studio only a couple blocks from your place, what was there to lose?
“are you my two o'clock?”
you hadn’t even realized that the door opened, a tall man stepping inside and shutting it with a soft click. even with you sitting on the elevated chair, he loomed over you. his tall build complimented with muscles that bulged out of his tight-fitting black shirt. 
“i am. y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” you look up at him with a friendly smile, sticking your hand out for him to shake. when he does, you find yourself biting the inside of your cheek.
romance comedies always made you laugh; you never believed in love at first sight or a spark that ran between the two lovers when they first touched. but you couldn’t help but like how your hand fitted in his, his palm warm and much larger than yours. you could feel his calloused fingers squeezing your soft skin, an intimate touch that made you want more.
“simon.” the corner of his mouth barely turns up, but he’s looking down at you with a cocky look. he squeezes your hand again, and you're reminded that you should have let go by now. 
a blush paints your cheeks, causing you to look away from him and down at your lap. he clears his throat, and you can tell he wants to laugh, which only adds to your embarrassment.
“what kind of piercing are you planning on getting today?” he asks, going over to his jewelry display and bringing it to you. your eyes flicker into the clear box before looking back at him.
“just an ear piercing, a helix.”
he nods, reaching over and pushing your hair back. he looks at your ears, already littered with piercings, and he only nods again. “let me know which stud you’d like, and i’ll get it sanitized for you.”
as you continue to look through the assortments of jewelry, a frown forms on your lips. not to say that you were picky, but nothing seemed to catch your eye. the various amounts of gold and titanium all the same, dull in color, and wouldn’t match the theme of your ears. 
simon glances over your features as you’re focused on the display in front of him; you are beautiful and unlike any of his other clients. 
“i think i may have something that you’d like,” simon says, his voice sounding softer than before. he almost grins when you look up at him, your head tilting to the side in confusion. 
he’s kicking himself for wondering why you’re making him all comfortable; he was never one to want to be close to his clients. he’s leaning into you, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear and tilting your head with his thumb. his eyes linger on your lips, and he wants to push his thumb into your mouth, just wanting to see how you’d look. although quickly, he turns his attention back to your ears, noticing the array of star and moon jewelry that piece together perfectly. 
“i knew i was saving this for someone,” he mumbles, pulling away from you. he steps back over to his cabinet of jewelry, putting the clear case of boring studs back before grabbing a new one. “do you like any of these?”
your attention flickers down to the mini box he held in one hand, the case no larger than a ring box. inside sat a small star stud, its coloring a soft rose gold. instantly a smile finds your lips, and you’re nodding up at him with thankful eyes. “i love it.”
“great, give me a second, and i’ll get it cleaned up for you.”
as simon turns around to sanitize the stud, your gaze is glued to his back. the way his muscles flex under his shirt with every subtle move or the intricate tattoos that litter over his arms. it doesn’t look like he has any piercings, his face, and ears completely untouched. makes you wonder why he’s also taken in the profession of piercing; from just a glance, anyone can tell he’s much more into the art of inking. 
silence fills the room as you patiently wait; only the muffled sound of rock music from the lobby eases your nerves. he turns back to you, snapping black gloves onto his hands. “how is your pain tolerance? are you prone to fainting?” he asks, his tone almost monotone as he repeats the same precautionary questions that he has to ask every day. 
“i never faint, but i’m not too good with pain.” you reply, your hands now gripping the edge of your seat beside your thighs. “kinda why i booked with you, heard you make ‘em painless.”
he gives you a reassuring smile, pride starting to swell in his chest. “s’that why you booked with me?” simon couldn’t help but feel grateful that you’d made an appointment with him because of his skill and not his looks. most of his clients booked with him because of his reputation of being attractive, and even if you silently agreed with them, the fact that you didn’t voice it and belittle his career surprised him pleasantly. 
you nodded, swallowing thickly when he took a step closer. he’s telling you to relax, that he’s just gonna mark you, but you only find your breath hitching when he invades your personal space. he knocks your knees apart, making you spread your legs for him as he stands between them. he has your chin held between his fingers in one hand while the other is pushing your hair back again and pressing the tip of the toothpick into your skin, leaving a dot of purple ink at the top of your ear.
you can feel his warm breath fanning against your cheek, and your thighs try to close together, squeezing his hips. you have one hand on his chest, balancing him in an attempt to distance yourself. your other hand is gripping at the hem of your skirt, pulling it down as it rides up from your spread legs. 
“tell me if you like it.” simon whispers right by your ear, seeming to forget about the proximity. and just like before, he’s pulling away from you. allowing you to suck in a shaky breath. 
you didn’t think that this would be so intimate, and you wondered if simon was always like this or if he just liked the way you trembled beneath him. 
he hands you a small mirror and motions for you to look at the mark, “i wouldn’t recommend moving it, it would clash with your other jewelry.”
you agree with him, handing his mirror back and shifting once more in your seat. as much as you wanted him to lean into you again, to feel his breath across your face, you wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. your attraction towards him is growing far too fast.
he hums, stepping towards you again, in the same spot between your legs. “lean back for me, sweetheart.” he mumbles, pushing you down into the seat. he’s bending over you and wiping your ear with an alcohol wipe, a cocky smirk on his lips when he feels your thighs squeezing into his hips again. 
the nickname catches you off guard, and now with you stuck underneath him, your nerves begin to eat at you. not because you’re worried about the pain or the piercing but because he’s playing with you now. 
“alright sweetheart, you’re only gonna feel a pinch. are you ready?” simon’s pulling back and looking at you, his eyes tracing your expression and looking for any sign of regret or hesitation. 
“i’m ready,” you mumble, your palms pressing into your stomach. you’re a little nervous, but you don’t find yourself running away. he’s tilting your head again, pressing into you with a babble of reassuring statements. 
“deep breath in for me.”
before you know it, the needle glides through your ear with minimal discomfort. it’s been your most painless piercing yet, and you understand why simon has the reputation that he does. 
“good job, love. did so good.” he praises you, sliding the jewelry into place and leaning back to look at you. his adoration fuels an ache between your legs, and you whine just under your breath. 
simon pulls off his latex gloves and presses his hands into your seat, dangerously close to your thighs. “how’d that feel?”
“amazing, you’re really good at what you do,” you say, sitting up in your seat. you tilt your head with a smirk, realizing that he still has you caged into the cushiony chair, unable to maneuver away.
he grins at your words, his tongue pushing on the inside of his cheek before he licks his lips. the ball of his tongue piercing, shining in the light only for a second. “thank you.” 
you don’t even register his appreciation, your mind clouding with the thought of his hidden piercing. “did it hurt?” unable to resist the urge, you voice your curiosity. 
“hm?” simon hums, a chuckle spilling from his lips. “when i fell from heaven?”
you snort, shaking your head. “no, your tongue piercing.” 
simon riley’s eyes meet yours with a mischievous glint; he flashes you a confident smile. his lips parted slightly, revealing the small but distinctive piece of jewelry. you find yourself leaning closer to him, watching as he teasingly slides the ball of his tongue piercing against his teeth. the sound, a gentle click, echoed in the intimate space.
“no,” he mutters, lifting your chin as you lean into him. his free hand going to your hip, squeezing it softly. 
“w-what does it feel like?” 
he hesitates momentarily, seemingly torn between professionalism and the impulse to share a more personal moment. he knows that his attraction is not one-sided, the way you’ve been eyeing him was an obvious sign. you didn’t shy away from his extra touches or the nicknames he whispered in your ear.
“want to find out?” he’s leaning in impossibly closer now, his lips ghosting over yours. and when you nod, he smiles, pressing his lips to yours. 
his grip on your chin tightens, his tongue pushing past your lips and into your mouth. you gasp softly, the feeling of his cold piercing rubbing against your tongue a feeling you’ve never experienced before. you moan into his mouth when his large hands travel down to your waist, tugging you into his chest; your legs wrap around his waist, and you shamelessly swallow his tongue as he shoves it down your throat. 
a knock at the door pulls the two of you apart, breathy gasp and panting quietly filling the room. simon still has that cocky smirk painted on his lips, his chest heaving as he pulls away, “that’s what it feels like.”
he answers his door, leaving you a flustered mess; you quickly gather your things and grab your bag from the floor. you can hear his receptionist telling him that his next appointment is here, and you feel so stupid. reality knocking the air from your lungs, you had just kissed simon, a stranger that you’d only met a couple minutes ago. you shouldn’t expect more, he merely answered a question that you asked. 
before you can push past him and out the room, he grabs your wrist, his grip tight. “wait,” simon sighs loudly, pulling you back into him before sliding his business card into the waistband of your skirt, “call me if you have any…questions.”
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AN: republishing this with no changes because oh well, i also love being delusional cuz i lowkey fell in love with my piercer.
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lollytea · 1 year
Please, your finale Huntlow thoughts, my liege. We poor peasants beg of you, our bowls are empty and your tables full; if we might have but a crumb of your succulent meal to fill our bellies in these cold December nights.
I got a few asks about this but I guess I'll answer this one cuz it's phrased the funniest. I just wasn't too pressed about giving my Thoughts about finale Huntlow because I am fully a part of the Huntlow hivemind. Like I feel the way everyone else feels. I'm ecstatic, I'm delighted, I'm overwhelmed, I'm emotional, I'm so happy for them, I got everything I could have wanted. I won. We won.
First of all this scene is so special to me, you have no idea.
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It isn't inherently romantic but it's still so sweet and shows how much these two care for each other. Here's Willow, who's spent the last special Atlasing and repressing and refusing to rely on anyone else. But then she had her breakdown in front of Hunter and he realized just how stressed and scared she's been this whole time. She's visibly anxious and upset here, likely worrying up a storm because she hasn't found her Dads yet. And Hunter is right here beside her. He's seen her meltdown, he's felt her pain, he's heard her cry. He knows that Willow is in a fragile state at the moment. He knows she's been holding in a lot. He knows she's scared. I love that he's not only standing by her side and helping her search, but holding her too. It could be that she vocally expressed how worried she was to him, or maybe he just saw it on her face, but he probably placed that hand on her back to comfort her, let her knows he's right here, grounding her. And Willow, who's still learning how to depend on others, is letting him.
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The way Hunter lights up when he sees Harvey and Gilbert, thrilled by how happy he knows she's going to be and his soft smile when he points them out to her. And then THIS!
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Like Hunter is devastated. He feels alone and out of place here. He really thinks he has nobody. But Willow being happy can still bring a smile to his face. He just loves her so much!!!
And I know I already talked about the grom photo but UGHH!!!
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I got a pic in better definition. I'm pretty sure this is Hunter's first grom. So likely a few months after the events of WAD. And it's so cute to think about Hunter and Willow very awkwardly but eagerly navigating a romantic relationship. I love how grabby and flirty Willow looks here, messing with his bowtie. She clearly LOVES the floral suit, thinking he's like the hottest man alive. She needs to smooch him and NOW. Or she's just like "Oh my, what a nice collarbone you have!!" Idk the ambiguity of what exactly Willow is doing here but the vibe and general intentions being very obvious is my favourite part of this pic. You can speculate for years on this. Oh and Hunter's face, I love it so much. His dumb little blush is like an old friend. He's fucking THRILLED that he's getting so much attention from her. He's very excited about where this is going. But he's also like. So nervous he's gonna pass out. But overall he's having the time of his life. Bi rights!
Also epilogue Huntlow....guys....guys epilogue Huntlow....are you guys still listening to me at this point?
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God I love this scene. Its so natural and smooth, giving the characters a chance to breathe and exist and providing a glimpse of how they go about their daily lives. It's soft and lighthearted but it establishes so much about where Willow and Hunter are currently at in their relationship. They've been dating for like....3 years at the very least. And they're clearly very happy together!!
The way Willow casually slides on to the scene, giving the impression that she's often dropped in on him while he's working. And why wouldn't she? That's her sweetheart. What if she requires emergency smooches? What then? And of course, there's Hunter beaming at the sight of her. Seems he never gets tired of his girlfriend stopping by to visit. Or maybe he's sick to death of Willow the menace showing up to distract him while he's trying to work and he's just excited about the prospect of Luz's party. Either way, it's an adorable expression.
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Something else I love about epilogue Huntlow is how equally distributed the affection is between both of them. Back when FTF dropped I gushed about how sweet it was to see Hunter taking initiative with Willow and the significance of something as simple pressing his backhand against hers during the pinky hold. And God, this sequence here says it all. From what I can tell, as Hunter runs towards her, they both reached out at the same time and linked hands immediately, implying that holding hands has become the automatic gesture for them whenever they meet up. They're in love, you're honor.
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I love the huge carefree grins as they skate down the hill (still holding hands). They might have grown a lot since we last saw them but they're still young adults, they still love to have fun doing dumb reckless stuff. And even better, they love to have fun doing dumb reckless stuff together. All the handholding and fluffy cuteness is wonderful but I also love knowing that they seem to genuinely enjoy just hanging out and spending their youth with each other. Zeno was right, they ARE besties. Who knows how much shit Hunter and Willow get up to together? Being a pair of thrill seeking athletes, it's probably a lot.
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This part is just so silly and ridiculous. After they go stumbling, Willow's first instinct is to grab Hunter and hold on for dear life. Her intense scrunched up expression is just so funny. "I will protect you, my love. No big dumb hill is going to harm a hair on your pretty head. Your girl is here." And Hunter barely acknowledging it (it probably happens a lot) because his life is currently flashing before his eyes. GOD they're just such nerds.
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Oh and this frame is just SO adorable. The way Willow's hold on him lingers for a moment before he walks towards the grave, Hunter's heart eyes. They're clearly still so soft and touchy with each other. And this is after three years. I know they were insufferable when they started dating as teens.
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justcallmesakira · 17 days
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"Only mine, you are tonight"
Summary: Sitting on his lap in a luxurious room with a comfy velvet couch exceapt with his teeth digging on to your skin like an apple
Fyodor x reader
Warnings: sort of nsfw (nothing smutish happens) , suggestive, hickeys, biting, no pronouns, fyodor gets turned on by reader
Genre: suggestive *very*
"Until blood drips, just like the sugery sweet from an apples skin~"
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"fyodor?" you softly call out your lovers name from the frame of the door waiting for an answer. "yes, my love. Come in" he answers back.
You walk towards his sitting position where he was peeling, the smooth red peels slowly coming off to the silver linen plate.
"sit on my lap, my little mouse" his voice carries a hint of command as it soothes your ears. His lap is all ready for you, the black pant he wears perfectly suites his thin legs.
A sweat drips down your jaw feeling nervous to do something so intimate, its rare to see him so attracting and physical.
Your steps make a clacking noise on the clean tiles of the floor. The room has a somewhat red light to it, glowing red tulips stuck beneath the glass floor.
Truly an ethereal feeling but what deeply excites you the most is placing your each of your thighs beside his, making his legs stuck between your legs.
You could feel this red lit room fill up woth tension, your breathe internally screaming for some type of touch.
"What is it my dear, do you need something?" his teasing voice only makes you stutter more. Fyodor takes a bit out of the crimson red apple and keeps the fruit on the table, turning his attention to yours.
He only smiles, a scary yet so very handsome look in his eyes. His nail bitten fingers slowly reach for your chin, pulling you closer to his face before pushing the piece of the fruit into your mouth which you had to chew on
"Swallow" he commands and you oblige, slowly munching on the sweet fruit.
As you did, you could feel cold hands grab your wrist and pull them towards him, the man's breathe hovering over the nape of your skin.
His tongue glazed your neck, a simple lock turning into a love bite making you yelp. "fedya..." you moan out his name, needy.
Your words fall on his ears making him grin and only indulging in placing more bruises in other parts of your neck, turning them red.
"Do you not enjoy this, my little mouse?" he asks as you could only feel your weight loosening on his lap which gives him more access to you collarbone.
Again you remain silent, you whimpering only turning him on to place more hickeys on your collarbone, who knew what was going on in his mind?
And by the end of this lovely heated session, your neck would probably be filled with red like a new grown apple tree
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a/n: I can't believe I am writing this,
tags: @little-miss-chaoss @velvetyvoyage @biscuits-tragic-diner @terururuko @inojuuy
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straylightdream · 8 months
what am I missing | 3racha
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act two: “I’m going to kiss you now”
↳ in your mid to late twenties you’re left wondering if you missed your sexual awakening. With a the help of friends you start to really find yourself.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: for the story as a whole angst, a little fluff, body image issues, and self doubt, cussing all smut warnings listed below for what is in this story.
part one
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𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬.
𝐚𝐧: these will be shorter Drabble style chapters. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. Please fill out this form.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: for the story as a whole, oral (fem & male receiving), piv, unprotected sex, groping, threesome, use or traffic light system, choking, and spanking, more warning to come.
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From the moment Chan met you he felt like you were meant to be in his life. Your friendship from the beginning felt effortless. He loved the fact that you weren’t only friends with him but friends with his two best friends Changbin and Jisung. The boys and you were Chan’s rock. You guys were the only thing that made him feel like he wasn’t going crazy when he was stressed.
Since your conversation you had about your bad date Chan couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that you said you felt like you missed your sexual awakening. Since freshman year of college when Chan lost his virginity he’s had a handful of sexual partners and discovered quite a bit about himself. He wouldn’t say he was exactly an expert when it comes to sex, but he’s extremely confident when it comes to satisfying any partner in bed.
Sitting in Jisung's living room, your conversation kept playing in his head on repeat.
“Chan, where is Y/N?” Jisung asked before taking a drink of his beer.
“She’s busy,” Chan said, quickly sounding nervous.
Changbin noticed immediately something seemed off with Chan. Knitting eyebrows together he stares at his friend for a long moment. “Chan what is going on?”
“Doesn’t sound like anything,” Jisung says.
“I just have a lot on my mind,” he says, attempting to get the boys to leave him alone.
“Maybe talking about it will help,” Changbin says.
“It’s not my place to talk about it.”
“Is it about (Y/N)?” Jisung asked, sounding concerned.
“Yes,” Chan sighs knowing the boys are going to find out sooner or later. He’s never been a good liar and normally people can tell when he’s lying.
“Is she okay?” Changbin asked, leaning forward.
“Yes, she just isn’t feeling the best about herself.”
“What do you mean?” Jisung responds.
“I shouldn’t be talking about this,” Chan sighs.
“Just tell us what is going on,” Changbin groans he’s clearly not in the mood to try and guess what’s going on.
“It’s just-“ Chan paused looking at his two best friends who were starting to look concerned. “She had a really bad date and just us wondering if he missed a part of her life other people have experienced.”
The room was dead silent as Changbin and Jisung took in what he had just said to them. Jisung looked concerned suddenly and then Changbin stood up.
“Did someone hurt her?” Changbin asked the same question Chan asked you.
“No it was just a bad date with a selfish guy,” Chan responds.
��Was the sex bad?” Jisung still looks really confused.
Chan knows he should stop this conversation but at this point he can’t without the boys bugging him. “Yes, but it’s not my place to say anything.”
“Okay I’ll talk to her,” Changbin says.
Chan feels his stomach drop. He feels sick at the idea of you knowing that he told the boys about your bad date. He wants Changbin not to go but he knows he won’t listen to him. Changbin leaves the room leaving a stunned Jisung and Chan behind.
Since your conversation with Chan you couldn’t help the embarrassment you were feeling. You couldn’t believe you let Chan know that you felt like you missed out on having an exciting sex life. When Chan mentioned you ordering take out with him and the boys you made up an excuse trying to save yourself from facing him yet.
You decided to spend the night drinking a glass of wine and reading a book while dressed in your pajamas. When you heard a knock on you had no clue who it could be.
Opening the door you were shocked to see Changbin standing on the other side. Your eyes go wide at the sight of him. He looks like he went to the gym before he was supposed to hang out with the boys. He’s dressed in a tight white shirt that shows off his built torso and a pair of gray sweatpants. Since you’ve met Changbin you’ve always had a little crush on him and seeing him standing in front of you is a great reminder that your crush never went away.
“What are you doing here?” You finally speak up.
“Well I was with the boys and I was wondering where you were.”
“Oh,” you wonder what Chan said you were doing.
“Chan said you were busy, and I was worried something was wrong.”
You step aside and Changbin comes into your apartment. Shutting the door you turn and look at Changbin. He’s staring at you like he’s studying you. “Bin, is everything okay?”
“I’m gonna ask you a question and I’m going to ask you not to get mad at me please.”
You suddenly felt nervous, not exactly sure what he’s gonna ask you. “Okay.”
“What was wrong with your date?”
“Oh.” You can’t help but wonder what Chan told him. You can’t be mad at Chan but you’re just wondering what all Changbin knows.
“I- we slept together but he was selfish,” you wished the ground would open up and swallow you. Not only does Chan know about your embarrassing sex life but now Changbin will too.
He steps closer to you leaving little distance between you. “I’m not judging you at all. But I just want to know why you seem so embarrassed about your bad date.”
“Because everyone I know has had this fun sex life and I feel like I have missed out.”
He knits his eyebrows together, “what about your relationship with Yunho?”
“It was vanilla and I didn’t even finish every time.”
He steps even closer and if you didn’t know any better you would swear he planned on kissing you. His hand rests on your cheek and he tilts your head so you’re looking right into his warm eyes. “Please don’t slap me,” he says gently.
“I won’t.”
“Do you want to explore what it’s like to have sex with someone who’s only goal is to make you cum?”
Your breath hitches as you’re completely caught off guard by what he just said to you.
“Friends help friends,” he says with his voice low.
“Do you want to sleep with me?” you’re trying to comprehend what he’s saying.
“I would love to sleep with you. I want you to know what it’s like to be with someone who’s only goal is to make you cum.”
Without thinking you say, “I want to know what that’s like.”
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he says leaning forward brushing his nose against yours. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire anticipating the feeling of his lips on yours.
“Okay,” you whisper.
The moment your lips touch for the first time you can’t help but sigh. You aren’t sure what the night holds, but you’re dying to know what it’s like to be with Changbin.
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stayinlimbo · 1 month
Wait For Your Love
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pairing: lee minho x reader genre/warnings: friends to lovers, second love (kinda), fluff, minor angst, hurt/comfort, brief mentions of a previous relationship, brief descriptions of heartbreak, so much pining omg, college-aged, mc's gender is not specified word count: 1.21k note:  i am proud i finished this one ngl. thank you @hwangism143 for giving me confidence. i'm not too sure how much i like this fic because it wrote itself but i hope you all still enjoy ♡
If there is anything Minho has learned about you in the years he’s known you, it’s that you’re not subtle. 
It’s something that’s never seemed to bother you, even after he pointed it out once during your shared lecture class, voice tinged with exasperation as you ogled at the upperclassman you’d been making heart eyes at for the nth time that week. You wear your heart on your sleeve like a badge of honor, displayed proudly for the entire world to see. 
Minho has witnessed every emotion be reflected on your face at least once. If asked, he could probably fill a whole book with expressions he didn’t even know were possible until he saw them on you, though the snapshots etched into his memory could never perfectly capture the art of facial contortion you’ve mastered. 
Your open nature was evident from the beginning. He can still picture the bright grin you gave him when you occupied the desk next to his on the first day of high school. The feel of your gaze flickering towards his seated form and the light bouncing of your knee as the teacher dismissed class made it no surprise when you twisted in your chair to ask for his name and if he’d like to eat lunch with you. 
It’s a curious thing, looking back on it, to see the immediate effect you had on him. Minho truly couldn’t help the pink hues coloring his cheeks as you tested his name on your tongue for the first time, nor the shy smile blossoming on his lips at the way you visibly lit up when he accepted your offer. He didn’t know you, didn’t know why you were so happy, didn’t know what this feeling was deep inside his chest; all he knew was that he really wanted to keep making you smile. 
He likes to think he’s been successful over the years, if the way your head tilts back in laughter at his silly antics and tight grip on his biceps to hold yourself up is anything to go by. It’s an admirable goal his younger self set, though he’s not sure when it shifted from wanting you to be happy to just...wanting you.
He wanted you when he introduced you to his cats for the first time, the gentlest smile playing on his lips at your barely contained excitement as they brushed past your legs. He wanted you when you tried to teach him how to swim, despite the poorly concealed judgmental looks you kept throwing at him when he clung to your shoulders tightly in the shallow water. He wanted you at your best, at your worst, and in all your in-betweens. He wanted to be by your side, even if he couldn’t have you. 
And he was. Minho was there to separate your clammy hands, wrung together by the anxiety flooding through your system, and give them a reassuring squeeze. He watched you take a calming breath, offering him one last nervous smile before walking a few rows over to ask out Chan, the upperclassman you wouldn’t stop gushing about. He offered you two thumbs up and the best smile he could muster as you bounded back to him, hands waving wildly in the air as you fervently spilled the details about how you scored a date on Saturday.
He was there to give the best “guy advice” a man with no relationship experience possibly could and third-wheeled more times than he’d like to admit, because, try as he might, he never was able to say no to you. 
No, Minho never left. If he did, who would be there to comfort you after you and Chan broke up right before his graduation? It didn’t matter that you were failing miserably at hiding your puffy face or eyes glistening with tears threatening to fall as you delved further into what happened. He didn’t care about the tears from your sobs staining his shirt and wetting his neck as he pulled you into his chest or the amount of tissue piled in his trash can. Minho chose to bear your heartbreak, be the anchor you needed because he loved you. He loved you in the way you deserved to be loved. 
He noticed the soft sighs escaping your past lips when he drove past somewhere that reminded you of Chan and the distant, longing look in your eyes when his name was mentioned. He saw your posture straighten, features lighting up slightly with a quiet “thank you” leaving your lips when he offered to bring you coffee every week before your morning class. Minho watched the weight on your shoulders be slightly lifted day by day as you reclaimed and channeled your love into yourself. He witnessed the smile finally reach your eyes, your laughter ringing in the air after he successfully predicted what the characters on the TV screen would say, and he swore he’d never felt prouder in his life.
Minho has learned all your mannerisms and would argue that he knows you better than he knows himself. Yet, there was a gleam in your eyes he’d never seen before when he leaned back on your couch and locked his eyes with yours. The way you quickly redirected your gaze was new too, and you even looked a little... shy. His eyes trailed down to your lap, where you fiddled with your fingers as he grabbed one of your surprisingly sweaty hands in comfort. Oh, it’s warm too. Weird. 
It was weird when you refused to look at him for longer than two seconds when he picked you up for class the next day. He could not figure out why you were biting down on your cheeks to hold back the smile threatening to break out any moment, nor did he understand why, two weeks later, your smile directed at him had changed—still radiant and beautiful but somehow softer, more loving.
Why are you looking at him as if you love him? 
You’re not subtle; you never have been. Minho can see it now in the way you’ve found more excuses to hold onto his arm when walking through heavy foot traffic, when you’re scared by the movie he teased you about, when you’re pulling him closer because you’re cold and don’t want to reach for the blanket resting beside your body. He can see your love overflowing in the same way as his, hands itching to intertwine with each other. 
He knows you know about his feelings for you. How could you not, when he can hear your panicky voice reverberating through your apartment’s front door, pacing footsteps creaking the floorboards as you repeatedly question one of your other friends about how you should ask him out? He really hopes the catch in his breath wasn’t too audible.
Minho doesn’t mind waiting; he’d wait forever if he had to. But it doesn’t look like he’ll have to wait for long, not when your hope-filled determination paired with a wide-eyed stare pierces his heart and soul as you wrench the door open and usher him through the entryway.  
And if he didn’t leave until the next morning, hand intertwined with yours as he dragged you to the nearest coffee shop, well, that wasn’t anyone else’s business.
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liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
taglist: @linospuddin @linocz @spicyhyunn @inlovewithstraykids @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21
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verstappensrealwife · 4 months
hello, can you write about lewis proposing to his girlfriend on the beach
Love on the Beach - Lewis Hamilton x Fem!Reader
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approx. 1030 words.
warnings: kissing?
lewis hamilton masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the tranquil shoreline, Lewis found himself standing on the sandy expanse of a secluded beach. With the gentle rhythm of the waves as his soundtrack, and the salty breeze caressing his skin, he felt a sense of calm wash over him, masking the nervous excitement bubbling beneath the surface.
Beside him, his heart beat in time with the ocean's gentle lullaby, echoing the anticipation that pulsed through his veins. 
Today was no ordinary day; it was the day he had been waiting for, the day he would ask the love of his life to spend forever by his side.
As he watched the waves dance along the shore, Lewis's mind drifted back to the moments you had shared, the laughter, the tears, the countless memories that had woven your hearts together like an intricate tapestry. And as he thought about the future that lay ahead, he knew that there was nowhere else he would rather be than here, on this beach, with the woman who had captured his heart in ways he never thought possible.
With a steadying breath, Lewis reached into his pocket, his fingers closing around the small velvet box nestled within. The weight of the ring felt like a promise, a symbol of his unwavering commitment to the woman he loved. And as he turned to face you, the setting sun painting a halo of golden light around your silhouette, he knew that this moment would be etched into your memories forever, the beginning of a new chapter in your love story.
As Lewis's words washed over you, filling the air with a sense of love and vulnerability, you felt a rush of emotion welling up inside you. Tears pooled in your eyes as his heartfelt confession echoed in your ears, each word a testament to the depth of his love for you.
And then, in a moment that seemed to freeze in time, he sank to one knee before you, his eyes filled with nervous anticipation as he held out a small velvet box. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him, stunned by the realization of what was happening.
"Oh, my god," you whispered, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to comprehend the enormity of the moment.
As Lewis spoke your name, his voice trembling with emotion, you turned to face him, your eyes locking with his in a silent exchange of love and understanding. And then, before you could even process what was happening, he asked the question that would change your lives forever.
“Y/N, I have loved you since the day I met you. From the first moment our paths crossed, I knew that you were destined to be more than just a passing acquaintance in my life. You have been my rock, my confidant, my greatest source of joy and inspiration. In your presence, I have found a kind of happiness that I never knew was possible. And that is why I am asking you here, now. Will you marry me?”
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you threw yourself into his arms, overcome with emotion. He stood up quickly, lifting you with him as you peppered his face with kisses, your heart overflowing with love and joy.
"Yes, yes a million times yes!" you cried, your voice choked with emotion as you held him close.
With trembling hands, Lewis reached for the ring, his fingers shaking as he slid it onto your finger. As you admired the beautiful ring that now adorned your hand, your heart swelled with gratitude for the man who had chosen to spend his life with you, and the promise of a future filled with love and happiness.
The engagement ring that Lewis delicately slipped onto your finger was a breathtaking sight to behold. It featured a dazzling round-cut diamond as the centerpiece, nestled within a delicate platinum setting that glimmered in the soft light of the setting sun.
Surrounding the radiant diamond were intricate pave diamonds, their shimmering brilliance adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the design. The band itself was sleek and refined, adorned with additional diamonds that cascaded down the sides like a cascade of sparkling stars.
As you admired the ring, you couldn't help but marvel at its beauty, each facet catching the light in a mesmerising display of brilliance. It was a symbol of Lewis's love and commitment, a tangible reminder of the promise they had made to each other on this unforgettable day.
With every glance at the ring, you felt your heart swell with gratitude and love for the man who had chosen it for you, and the future that lay ahead as you embarked on this new chapter of your lives together.
In the months that followed the magical beachside proposal, Lewis and yourself found yourselves swept up in a whirlwind of wedding planning and anticipation. Together, you poured your hearts and souls into creating a celebration that reflected your love and commitment to each other, weaving together elements of their shared passions and dreams.
Finally, the day arrived when you stood hand in hand, surrounded by your loved ones, on the same sun-drenched beach where your journey had begun. As the gentle breeze whispered through the air and the waves crashed rhythmically against the shore, they exchanged vows of love and devotion, promising to stand by each other through life's joys and challenges.
With tears of joy glistening in your eyes, you sealed your vows with a kiss, surrounded by the love and support of their family and friends. And as you danced under the stars, hand in hand, you knew that your love was a force to be reckoned with, a bond that would only grow stronger with each passing day.
el fin.
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hatelangdon · 4 months
Gentle with me...
Sub!Tate Langdon x Gentle!Fem!Dom!reader
2.4k words ~
🚨🚨 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI 🚨🚨
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🚨 Warnings: Use of toys/pegging, anal fingering (m receiving), Anal sex (M recieving), vibrator use (m receiving), safe light system (Tate says yellow at one point), begging, crying, nipple play, Tate being a whiny sub🚨
A/N: I am so tired, this is my first and possibly last smut. it is 3 a.m. I do not care about errors, yk what i meant and i'm sorry. I hope you guys enjoy this and I won't have regrets in the morning.
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"Tate, we don't have to do anything if you're not ready, baby." You watched Tate's nervous eyes from behind you in the mirror as you adjusted the strap-on to fit your hips.
He immediately averted his gaze, looking down at the floor, his cheeks blushed furiously.
You made your way over to the bed where he was sitting, interlacing your fingers with his. "Talk to me, my love." you placed a gentle kiss on the right side of his cheek "Tell me where your head is at."
"I'm ready...i'm just nervous...i've never done anything like this before.."
"You have nothing to be nervous about Tate, just relax." You reassure him by running your hands through his blonde curls "I always take care of you, don't I? You know that."
The blonde immediately nodded, his nervousness soon turning into excitement. presenting itself with a tent in his boxers.
Tate absolutely adored when you topped, being under you just felt right to him. He was almost always the submissive one when you two had sex, he loved watching you bounce up and down on his dick, using him as your personal dildo. He trusted you with his body wholeheartedly so when you brought up the idea of pegging, he was almost immediately enamored by the idea after doing his own "research" of course, he had never taken anything up the ass before, he never really got the chance to explore his body before there were seventeen bullet holes put into it.
You smirked, feeling him harden up against the palm of your hand, just the slightest touch could drive him crazy, "you trust me, right?"
"I trust you y/n." he whispered breathlessly, as you sensually slid his boxers off, the friction causing him to whine out. His erection fully pronounced against his stomach when you finally got them off.
"I know, my love," You looked him up and down, he was so beautiful like this. His big brown eyes peering into yours, searching for direction, "Lay on your back for me, legs up baby. I wanna see your pretty face while I fuck you."
He did as he was told, laying back on the bed holding up his legs so you could see his pretty pink hole, completely untouched, vulnerable, on display for you and only you. He was completely red in the face
"Good boy. So obedient." you teased, running your hands up and down his thighs, you were more than ready to open him up, anticipating the feeling of being inside him, even though you wouldn't feel anything, the thought of Tate moaning your name as you filled him up with your cock, made your core throb. You noticed that the blonde boy beneath you was nearly shaking with nerves, his entire face red from anticipation "Oh baby, just relax." you tsked, moving his hands, and resting his legs on your shoulders so he wouldn't have to do as much work, "Is that better?" you asked, softly.
Tate nodded, feeling a lot less tense, "Feels a lot better."
You made your way down, leaning your body against his, so you were chest to chest. Your faces only inches apart, the dildo resting right on his hole, causing his eyes to widen, were you just going to put it inside of him? So quickly?!
Just as he was about to freak out, and move you away, you calmed his nerves with a passionate kiss, that lingered on his lips for about 10 seconds before you made you way down to his neck. He took a deep breath trying to keep his composure, but he couldn't stop his eyes from rolling to the back of his head as he melted into your touch. The feeling of your lips against his neck always drove him crazy, he was so sensitive especially when you made your way up near his ears.
The blonde's cheeks flushed from the almost overstimulating amount of pleasure, as your hands explored his chest, rubbing your thumb around his nipple, another sensitive part that could make Tate melt like putty in your hands, you wanted to make sure he was completely relaxed and comfortable before you even put one finger in.
He whined out, his breath hitching in his throat as you continued to nip at his neck, he felt your hand making its way down to his ass, rubbing his soft entrance with your middle finger, not pushing in quite yet, and letting him get used to the feeling.
He wasn't too freaked out, the feeling wasn't terrible, just foreign to him "...Just be gentle with me okay, y/n?" he whimpered, covering up his face with both of his arms, trying to hide his shyness
"I will baby, i'll check on you," you whispered softly into his ear, sending a chill through his body. You moved both of your hands to remove his from his face, pinning them above his head, so you could look deep into those dark eyes, "If everything's going okay just say green, if you need me to slow down, yellow, and if it becomes too much or something hurts, red." you placed a tender kiss onto his lips, that only lasted a few seconds but the minute you pulled away, Tate was begging for more, trying to sit up and lean into it, "I have to finish my instructions, angel," you shushed him, your thumb stroking his cheek "if you say red i'll pull out immediately."
Tate nodded, staring up at you, immediately lulled to safety from your thumb stroking his cheek "Like stoplights?"
you nodded, reassuring him "Like stoplights, my darling."
Tate breathed a sigh of relief, he felt very safe in your care. You always seemed to know exactly what you were doing, and how to take care of him
"I'm just gonna use my fingers to get you open, are you ready?" there was a comically large bottle of lube on the nightstand, you could never have too much. It was water based of course, so the silicone in the toy wouldn't break down, you had done your research.
He nodded, eyelids low as he looked up at you "I'm ready, y/n"
Tate's legs were still propped up on your shoulders so you had easy access to the target of your desire, you pumped a generous amount of the slick liquid onto your index and middle finger.
You were merciful, circling his hole with some lube before you inserted your middle finger, Tate took a deep breath from the sudden stretch. It wasn't what he expected, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either, he was genuinely unimpressed and uncomfortable.
You started pumping, more focused on helping him open up rather than trying to satisfy him, "you doin okay?"
The blonde nodded, "There's no way this is what has the guys moaning in the videos."
You couldn't help but giggle at his remarks, this was only the beginning. Once he was used to one finger you slipped your index into him, and he was definitely feeling the stretch.
Now this, was uncomfortable. If this was bad, how did he expect to take a toy? you watched both of your fingers, going in and disappearing into his hole, your lover's face scrunched up in an unreadable expression. You curled your fingers up, gently exploring until you found it.
That little ball of pleasure, the prostate. Tate immediately reacted, a small whimper escaping from his lips as soon as your fingers brushed the spot, you could feel his walls clenching around your fingers.
"mm- what was that?" He asked, eyes wide open
You chuckled, "your prostate, baby" you curled your fingers once again, applying direct pressure to the spot, and making Tate cry out from the sensation and sending chills throughout his entire body
"That feels good, keep doing that please" he pleaded,
"Of course" You went on like that, alternating between curling and uncurling your fingers, brushing up against his spot every other time. You tried to keep Tate occupied and quiet with kisses, but he couldn't stop moaning against your lips every time you rubbed up against his spot. He was practically falling apart just off your fingers, and you knew if you continued, you wouldn't even get the opportunity to use the strap.
You removed your fingers just as he got used to them, causing Tate to look at you like you had betrayed him, "What happened? Did I do something wrong?"
"No Tate, no, no, no. You're doing amazing." you shushed him, placing a tender kiss on his forehead knowing that he needed the reassurance, "I think you're ready, baby."
Tate nodded in agreement, knowing exactly what you meant, "I'm ready to take you"
"You need to tell me what you want, sweetheart" You teased, taking a couple pumps of lube into your hand and stroking the silicone cock until it was glistening, and boy was it a sight to see.
Tate stared at you with a hazy smile on his face, as he placed his legs back onto your shoulders, "please fuck me y/n..."
And who were you to deny your baby boy that pleasure?
You positioned yourself so you were lined up directly, you were careful pushing into him, a whine leaving his lips as soon as the tip broke barricade. The strap was much bigger than just your two fingers so the stretch was much more intense and harder to get used to
"oh fuck-" Tate threw his head back, his blonde curls falling into his eyes as he brought it back down, his eyes rolled to the back of his skull
"You okay? that's just the tip." you bent over, pushing his hair from his face with your free hand and placing a kiss on his temple, to calm him down, "deep breaths, we can take a break"
The stretch was painful, but manageable, "Just stay there for a second." he winced, tears pooling in his eyes.
You took that moment to take care of his cock, poor boy had been practically soft from the moment you started fingering him, all of the new sensations were a lot for his body to keep up with. You kept a Hitachi wand in your nightstand, for your personal adventures so you decided to switch it on and put it to use on Tate "My poor angel, let me help you"
The sudden buzzing took him by surprise, but the second you pressed it to his tip he was feeling much better, you ran the vibe up and down his length, helping him get back to full hardness. His moans were soft but they came from deep in his throat.
"mm, y/n please-" his words got stuck, as you turned the vibrator up to the next setting
"please what, darling?" you couldn't help but almost sadistically giggle at him, he was so hot like this.
"please fuck me more, I need your c-cock" His cheeks were hot with embarrassment, but he didn't care at that point he just wanted more. He needed it.
You pushed in, easing the silicone further inside of him. It was no longer painful, Tate just felt full...and he loved it.
You were trying to take it slow with your strokes, but at this point Tate was eager for more, rocking his body back and forth on your cock, all by himself, chasing the feeling of fullness. The toy was practically all the way in him, before he started to feel a little bit of discomfort from the friction
you had noticed that he wasn't moving as easily, you cupped his cheek, "Tate, what's your color?"
The blonde, was grateful for the check-in, "y-yellow, I think I need some more lube"
You nodded, understanding "Oh- of course I got you" you got some more lube, warming it up in your hand and spreading it on the strap as you continued to move in and out of him, only going about half way in
"more, I want more" Tate whined, he had both of his hands on the sides of his ass, holding himself completely open for you, you gave him exactly what he wanted slipping the entire toy into his hole
The most beautiful sounds escaped from his lips as you found your pace, still holding the vibrator flush against his tip, the sound of your skin slapping together and the lube covered toy pounding the plush walls of Tate's hole creating a rhythm of passion.
Every thrust hit up against his prostate relentlessly, you could've fucked this boy forever, in fact it felt like you had just started but he could barely hold on any longer.
"y/n, i'm so close- fuck" Tate cried out trying to keep his composure as you abused his hole.
You giggled, turning the vibrator up once more, "Awwww you poor thing, are you gonna cum?" you teased
Tate could only nod and whimper and response, it was way too much for him to handle, his big teary eyes looking up at you and yearning for some direction
You pushed yourself all the way in, making sure that he was completely filled up before you let him finish "Go ahead Tate, cum for me."
You barely finished your sentence before the blonde completely exploded, whimpering while shooting white ropes all over his stomach and the wand. The room seemed to spin, as every nerve in Tate's body seemed to pulsate from how hard he came.
Although you were also tired, you managed to turn off the wand and pull the strap out, causing Tate to whine from the lack of fullness.
You managed to slip away to put the strap in the bathroom sink, so you could remember to clean it later, you made your way over to the bathtub filling it up with some warm water and lavender bubbles, you both needed it.
Tate was still in the same position when you made your way back into the room
"Are you okay, Tate?" You kissed both sides of his cheeks, wiping down the mess on his tummy with a warm washcloth, while he came down from his high.
He nodded, scrunching up his nose and leaning into the warmth of your skin, his eyes still closed.
"Here have some water," you put the straw of your water bottle into his mouth, and he happily accepted it "I'm running us a bath, you did so good sweetheart. I'm so proud of you."
He nodded again, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck, and allowing himself to be completely wrapped up in your arms while you held him and played with his hair.
You two were silent for a while, just enjoying the company of one another and waiting for the tub to fill up
Tate positioned himself right by your ear, speaking just loud enough for you to hear him "Y/n?"
"Yes my love?"
"Next time...I wanna ride you."
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birdscribblepad · 3 months
Baked Goods
Alastor x Baker reader (slow burn romance)
Plot: During the 7 years, Alastor was missing the reader and Rosie became friends. Now that Alastor is back, Rosie is dying to introduce you. She just knows you'll get along amazingly, after all, she's a great matchmaker.
Warnings: suggested cannibalism, swearing
(Note: reader is a poisonous frog demon) Next
“Alastor!” Rosie was waving her hand in the air to get her friend's attention as she approached him. Her other hand was pulling someone behind her.
Alastor smiled at his friend before noticing the demon his friend was dragging behind her. Alastor was filled with curiosity and excitement.
“Rosie!” Alastor greeted, letting the woman hug him before turning his attention to her guest.
“I have someone I want you to meet” She smiles wide, pushing you in front of Alastor. You smile up at him, offering your hand, “Nice to meet you. I'm y/n.” You were beyond nervous.
You've been in hell for a while. You knew about Alastor and had even heard his broadcasts. You were a huge fan. You were also hugely disappointed when Alastor disappeared, but you kept his radio on display in your shop. In hopes, he would one day return.
Shortly after he left, you met Rosie. You were hoping to branch out and expand, and the cannibals were one of the few markets left. You had approached her about doing business, and the two of you quickly became friends.
Alastor shook your hand. “A pleasure,” his signature smile seemed genuine. Rosie quickly excused herself, leaving the two of you alone. Alastor looked you over a bit, amused, “So tell me about yourself.” Alastor led you over to a bench so you could sit and chat. After all, Rosie had made the effort to introduce you, which piqued Alastor's curiosity.
“Oh, um, I'm a baker.” You take your seat on the bench. “I've recently started working with Rosie to include meat in my menu.” You emphasized the word. A bit obvious, but that was the point. Alastor's eyes light up. That was interesting. “Oh? You must let me try one sometime”.
The two of you talked for hours about everything from recipes to music. It was getting late, Alastor stood up and adjusted his outfit “it's getting late, allow me to escort you home” You nodded jumping to your feet this earned a chuckle from Alastor. You'd never dream Alastor would be walking you home. You chatted more about meaningless things. All too soon, arriving at your home. Alastor gives you a bow, “goodnight, I do hope we meet again soon.”
“Holy shit!” You were pacing around your living room. Alastor, the Aalstor, the Radio demon himself, just walked you home. You couldn't sleep that night.
You contemplated closing the bakery today but decided against it. You had a feeling Alastor might stop by. You quickly eat and dress before heading to the bakery.
It was currently 9 am and business was slowing down. The morning rush was finally over. You were sitting at a table taking a much-needed break when 'ding' a customer. You sigh before getting up and turning to see Alastor.
“Hello dear” his smile widened at you. “I was hoping to try your meat dish”, Alastor emphasized the word the same way you had the day before.
“Of course!” You smiled and disappeared for a moment before returning with a plain white to-go box. Handing him the box.
Alastor accepts, “may I?” He gestures to the box. You nod, holding your breath as he opens it. In the box is a medium-sized pie. Enough for about 4 people. Alastor pokes a hole into the pie with one of his long fingers and samples the pies insides. His eyes light up. “That is fantastic!” His voice crackled with excitement. You can't help but blush. “I will have to return,” he smiles, turning and leaving. Stopping at the door, he snaps his fingers, the radio you had on display switches on, and music begins to play. “Such a lovely radio should be enjoyed, don't you think?” With that, he walked out the door.
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I fantasize with being part of a group that worships some entity. Like a forest sprite or a feral looking nature god.
Being one of the volunteers to participate in a ritual where the cult pleases said god in exchange for his blessings. Being all prettied up in a light gown and having simple but beautiful decorations as part of the ceremonial attire. Being led to the beast's chambers where he awaits, laying down luxuriously on bedding that accomodates his huge figure, with an array of other magical smaller creatures that serve him and wait for the ritual to begin. Having all other humans leave and approaching, nervous but excited, when he beckons me.
The only instructions for most of the ritual are just to keep still and enjoy their guidance, so when the servants approach eagerly, I would extend my arms to let them disrobe me, feeling the appreciative stare of the god as they do so. Hands suddenly all over me, preparing me for the nature god, different creatures caressing my chest, between my legs, getting me wet and heated and needy, until I'm led to lie down on the comfortable bedding too.
My legs pulled apart by two of the assistants for the nature god to direct his lustful gaze at. Hovering between then and it's hard not to tremble in anticipation. Another assistant takes a cue from the god and spreads my folds wide open, tasked to present my core to him. And he accepts it with delight, tasting me at last. My arms want to fly to my mouth to muffle my sounds but the servants hold them down to prevent just that so that the nature god can hear me. And when his tongue dips inside me, thick and wet, I'm already pushed over the edge, coming hard, but the god is greedy and I feel more hands touching my chest, rubbing against my clit, and my cries go higher in pitch, overstimulated but loving every second of it.
With a pleased rumble the beast then would roll on his back, and the only moments to breathe would be those it takes to reposition me on top him, my entrance just aligned with his throbbing cock. I can see him looking at me content and fond but nowhere near satisfied. Hands from the magical servants still hold me tight, no control on my part on when I get to lower myself and have him enter me. And I'm good and obey the rules of the ritual but my legs tremble as the moment his tongue left me, I feel needy and empty, and fuck perhaps his saliva is an aphrodisiac because despite the overestim from before my insides are on fire and I need more. And finally the hands that hold me lower me slooowly, so that I can feel every inch of the god as it stretches me to my limits and it feels like I can't breath from how good it feels. And I know the pace that follows it's one he controls, the look on his face tells me this, as he smirks at the sight of me losing my mind in pleasure as I'm bounced continually on him. And we're both lost in ecstasy without any of us moving a muscle for it.
But as his panting becomes ragged and his eyes darken into something feral and hungry, the servants know playtime is over, and swiftly move me once more. Face down and hips in the air, where they hold me as their leader takes me from behind. Thoroughly stretched his thrusts send any thoughts flying out of my mind, my whole body shaking, feeling him slam into me, deep, hard, demanding, making me orgasm, multiple hands once again touching where they can, extending my pleasure and sending me right into another orgasm. I come twice more until he suddenly stills, hitting the deepest part of me and reaches his own peak. Searing hot seed fills me, overflows, drips down my legs, makes me come with a scream, as the vibration of his growl shoots through me. I'm left panting, breathless. The servants retire and I'm left alone with him. The beast turns me over, and sets to clean me himself, dragging his tongue between my legs with utmost care, even if it provokes little aftershocks from how sensitive I am. He tells me I did a good job and that I should rest.
After all, it's just day one of the ritual.
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bloodynereid · 3 months
Navy Blue Ink Part 2
part 1
pairing: major john 'bucky' egan x fem! reader
tw: swearing, kissing, fluff, mentions of war and death, historical/military inaccuracies, yh not much else it's pretty sweet
description: john makes it back home to his angel.
a/n: first off, i wanted to say thank you for how nice and incredible this fandom has been and the response to the first part just made me heart burst. i hope this still does john justice and that you enjoy this little reunion fic. once again this is solely based on the show's characters and not the real people!
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You stood anxiously at the side of the airfield. A letter clutched in your left hand and a leash in your right. Ghost nudged his head against your pant covered leg, making you look down at your companion.
“I’m alright, boy. Just a bit nervous.” He barked in response and an easy smile fell on your face. After the announcement that war had ended a heavy weight that had been placed on your shoulders seemed to disappear. You had beat those German bastards and now your best friend was coming home.
It was a few weeks before the end of the war that a letter arrived for you. Its date was a few days old but a feeling of euphoria washed through your body when you noticed John’s spiky handwriting.
He was alive.
Dear Y/N,
I don’t think you understand how happy I was to hear from you. I do not know if this letter will reach you or if you will ever read it but I needed to write this. I’m also sorry for not writing for so long and for not getting back to you.
I am alive, somehow. I made it out of a POW camp and I’m back at base. I can’t write about the specifics yet but I needed you to know that I miss you terribly. You were the one light while I was there. You gave me hope when everything was starting to dull to gray, and I don’t know if I can ever repay you.
I don’t know when I’ll be back but you should know that I will be back. God I miss you. I wrote that already didn’t I?
Buck’s fine. A little scraped up, but we all are. He can’t wait to meet you, says I talk too much about you that he basically knows you already. I hope to see you soon again, angel. You better introduce me to the love of your life too, I might need to officiate the wedding… or maybe Ghost needs a best man huh?
John Egan
That letter restored a feeling of hope that encompassed your entire body. He was alive. John Egan was alive.
You held onto that feeling for a long while. Keeping the letter tucked into the pocket of your jacket so you could carress the paper when everything was feeling like too much. Until that fateful day when a short telegram was handed to you at work. It was filled with a few words that made your heart beat even faster than you thought it could.
Coming soon. Meet. Airfield. 16.00
So there you stood, at the airfield waiting for your best friend to come back, for the love of your life to come back (sorry Ghost).
You scratched behind Ghost’s ear when a distant noise made you perk up. An airplane. Squinting in the late afternoon soon a distinct shape appeared in the sky. He surely had to be on that plane.
Checking your watch confirmed it, it was 16:05 and he was right on time. Albeit a little late but that was John alright.
You watched with nervous excitement as the plane touched down and stopped near the tower. A group of families were all standing beside you, anxiously awaiting a glimpse of the people they had missed beyond belief.
Standing and waiting as everyone got to hug their loved ones was a special kind of torture. That was until you saw a glimpse of those beautiful brown curls and the face that you had missed so dearly.
“John? John!” The face turned towards you and a delighted grin overtook your face as you started to run towards him, with Ghost right on your heels.
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John was beyond tired. The past few weeks had been a time for recovery and yet he didn’t feel like himself quite yet. Who knew if he would ever feel like that again? The plane ride back made him feel like a whole other set of nerves had taken control of his body.
He was about to see his girl, his angel and he had no idea what he would do, or rather if he could control his reaction to her. The photograph she first sent to him in those precious letters was carefully tucked into his jacket pocket and he was itching to get it out and just look at her once again.
Maybe she wasn’t even waiting for him. Maybe she hadn’t gotten his telegram. The one he quickly had someone send out for him after he had said his goodbyes to Buck in Florida. God what if she was busy and he didn’t have her address to find her and-
His barrage of thoughts was cut off when he felt the plane hit the runway. Fuck, it’s time. Once he was given the all clear, he quickly gathered his full belongings and started to set out of the plane.
John felt the familiar smell of Wisconsin fill his nose. Home. It smelt like home. The airfield was lit in the glow of the sun and John felt alright for the first time in a while. He was safe.
“John? John!” The sweet sound of a voice so familiar was calling to him. Just as he turned John felt arms encase him and you were suddenly all around him.
He let himself just feel for a few moments before he dropped his bags and hugged you right back just as strongly. What he wouldn’t do to stay in your arms for the rest of his life. To feel your warmth surrounding him and never letting him go.
“Angel? God, I think I might be in heaven.” John whispered into your ear, making a tearful laugh come from your mouth as you let your arms drop from around him. Finally getting a proper look at your Bucky.
“Heaven? Nah, you’re in good old Wisconsin, Bucky.”
“I think that’s my version of heaven right now, darling.”
“I missed you John.” You whispered as you looked at him. You noticed how he had changed, how he had hardened but he was still the man you fell in love with, even if he didn’t know it.
“I guarantee that I missed you more.”
“Oh really?” John hummed back in agreement as he also took his time to take you in. Take in the little changes in your face, the way your eyes shined as you looked at him and the smile on your face. The most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
“I really love you.” John whispered, pouring his entire being, his entire soul into those words. Your eyes widened, this felt different from all those times when he had uttered it drunk into your ears as kids. This felt like something more. Something you had waited to hear for far too long.
John felt something in him shatter as he watched different emotions flash over your face. He made a mistake. He should have stayed quiet and just hugged you. Just been there for you.
“I love you too, John Egan. I love you more than you can imagine.” 
That thing that shattered within John seemed to remake itself. Like a wound stitching itself back together. He stepped impossibly closer to you and brushed his lips hesitantly over yours, warmth blooming in both of your chests as the hesitant pressure became more stronger and more assured.
What you both didn’t account for was the loud bark that came from behind you. The two of you broke apart and John looked over to Ghost with a chuckle. The damn dog he wished to be all those months ago was standing before him looking mighty pleased with himself.
“So the famous love of your life?”
“Shut up, John. You know there is only one man worthy of that title.”
“And who would that be?”
“You, you stupid, beautiful man.”
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and... that's the end wow. i'll probably write some more stuff for mota so look out for that <3
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wheeboo · 1 year
tu es belle | yoon jeonghan
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SYNOPSIS. in which you and jeonghan are invited to paris fashion week. PAIRING. idol!yoon jeonghan x idol gn!reader GENRE. fluff, secret relationship au, two suggestive lines if you *squint* WARNINGS. reader is wearing makeup, terms of endearment (angel, darling) WORD COUNT. 1.9k
requested by anon: hiii I have a request 🥺I was thinking about idol!oc x jh in Paris during a fashion week?👁️👄👁️  like they’re together and they were both invited 🫣
notes: secret relationship w hannie just hits different yk.
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You close your eyes as the makeup brush makes contact with the crease of your eyelid, your hands fiddling nervously on your lap with the material of the outfit you wore. You shouldn’t have any reason to be nervous𑁋you have done these kinds of events plenty of times.
But the only reason you felt this way is because your own boyfriend was pretty much right under your nose. Even though the two of you arrived in Paris in separate flights at different times, the thought that you know he is here in the same hotel as you gives you a mixture of anxiousness and excitement. You love knowing that he is here, but at the same time, you can’t help but think at the risk of getting caught together. 
Yet you can’t deny how much you’ve missed him. Your schedules have been filled to the brim and it’s been so long since you spent the day being in his arms, and risking your careers by going on dates together. There have been so many close calls, but somehow, fate had kept your secret intact. But now, being in such close proximity, the temptation to run to him the moment you lay eyes on him only grows stronger.
As the makeup artist finishes her work, you thank her and watch as she exits your room. The soft evening glow of the city of Paris filters through the large, lavish window, casting a natural warm ambiance throughout the hotel room. Soon, you would have to leave to attend Paris Fashion Week, where you would meet other celebrities and idols... as well as Jeonghan.
And speak of the devil, the moment you hear your phone ring, you run over to it instinctively, eyes lighting up to the sight of Jeonghan’s name.
“Hannie?” You lower your voice down, even though you were the only person in the room. “Are you alone right now?”
“I wouldn’t be calling if I wasn’t,” Jeonghan responds teasingly. “I miss you, angel.”
You settle yourself down at the edge of the bed, releasing a contented sigh. “I miss you more.”
“Are you all prepared and ready?”
You take a glance at yourself in the mirror, swaying your body from side-to-side to admire your outfit. “I am. Just finished doing my makeup, so you called at the right time.”
You swear you can see the smirk playing at his lips. 
“Hmm, I wish I could be in your room right now, see how beautiful you look, take you all in for myself...” Jeonghan says, drawling his words out purposely. “but you know I also love surprises.”
You feel the heat spread throughout your face. He knows the effect he has on you. It never takes him long for you to be wrapped around his finger. 
“You are just... a menace,” You murmur, but you know he hears you.
Jeonghan chuckles, the sound making your heart swell. “Can’t help it, angel. It’s so easy for you to take my breath away.”
Before you can respond, a knock at your door startles the words out of your mouth. And when you look down at the time displayed on your phone, you realise that it’s your cue to leave and probably Jeonghan’s too.
“I’ll see you tonight, okay?” You quickly say into the phone. “I love you.”
As you utter those words, you can imagine Jeonghan's warm smile on the other end of the line. "I love you too, darling. See you tonight.”
Hanging up, you let out a relieved breath before approaching the door, frowning at the bittersweet ache to your heart. When you finally open it, it reveals your manager who tells you that you need be down in the lobby in a few minutes. 
You nod and swiftly grab the designer-branded bag that you were representing. The thought of seeing Jeonghan lingers in the back of your mind. Even though you can’t be seen fully interacting with him, you wanted to at least be close enough.
Following your manager down to the lobby, you feel the anticipation boiling. The sound of your shoes against the marble floor echoes through the corridor as you make your way downstairs. You notice the lively business outside, already seeing a multitude of cameras all clicking and flashing at a few celebrities and fashion icons before disappearing into the crowd. You try to look if you can see Jeonghan anywhere, but you have no luck. Gosh, where could he be?
As you near the entrance, you take in a deep breath and mentally prepare yourself for the onslaught of people coming your way. And the moment you step outside, you are immediately engulfed by a sea of flashing lights and fans trying to pry their way through.
“Y/N! You look so beautiful tonight!”
“Oh my gosh, is that really Y/N?”
“They look so elegant!”
The voices of the fans and photographers merge into a jarring abundance of white noise. You smile graciously to as many as you can, acknowledging their presence while staying focused on navigating through the chaos. The vibrant energy of the crowd buzzes around you as you find yourself breathing in the evening air of the bustling Paris streets. 
Despite the chaos surrounding you, your heart still longs for a glimpse of Jeonghan𑁋just something, anything. You march through the crowd, and your eyes scan each face, hoping to catch sight of any familiar features. You know he is here. Somewhere. 
Suddenly, nearing the entrance to the Carrousel de Louvre, you overhear voices calling out a familiar name. 
“Yoon Jeonghan! Yoon Jeonghan!”
“Wow, he’s so much more handsome in person.”
It makes you come a halt, and you look back to see a frenzy of fans surrounding a figure heading slowly in your direction. And when your eyes catch sight of his familiar dark hair, you feel your heart skip a beat.
His outfit consists of all black: a chic, trendy oversized peacoat and some black pants and leather boots. Yet even despite the solid colours, he always manages to stick out of the crowd. His beauty is unmatched, and his aura radiated an ethereal charm that captivated the eyes of everyone around him. But he captured more than your eyes; he captured your heart as well. 
As Jeonghan nears and you stay put in your spot, the two of you meet gazes, and for a split moment, the world around seems to fade away. A spark of recognition bursts in his face, and a soft smile plays at his lips as he takes in your beauty with his eyes in while coming closer. 
Your thoughts tell you to approach him, to draw him into your arms for a heartwarming hug that you deeply cherished, but you both know you can’t do that. Not in front of all these people.
With a heavy heart, you muster a smile and give Jeonghan an acknowledging nod as he strides past you and inside the building, your shoulders slightly brushing against each other. It's a silent understanding between the two of you that you must maintain the façade at least until the end of the night.
Releasing a sigh, you wait a few moments before walking inside as well.
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Inside the Carrousel de Louvre, the world transforms into a universe of high-class fashion and elegance. The grandeur of the venue makes you gasp as you take in the regal appearance of the runway. You sense the eagerness in the air as models, designers, celebrities, and other idols talk amongst each other, all ready for the showcase.
You find yourself talking and greeting a few recognisable faces, but not enough to strike a conversation. Plus, you were more focused on one task only: finding Jeonghan.
As you navigate through the sea of attendees, you realise everyone beginning to take their seats. You feel the panic arise as you try to look around for an available seat somewhere, but it didn’t help that other people were doing the same as you.
However, your eyes settle on an empty seat next to a familiar face. It's Jeonghan. The realisation hits you like a wave𑁋surprise and nervousness. Sitting next to Jeonghan would mean risking exposure, but jeez, how did every seat manage to be taken in a matter of seconds? 
Letting the courage takeover, you approach the seat next to him, trying to remain composed despite the fluttering in your chest. You see the surprised look to his face once he turns his head and catches sight of you walking up to him. A knowing smile dances on his lips as he scoots over slightly to make space for you.
You sit down next to him, chest tense with nervousness but also a sense of relief. The proximity of him next to you sends a surge of warmth through your body.
Jeonghan glances curiously in your direction, leaning in ever so slightly to be able to whisper, “You look beautiful tonight.”
A blush rises to your cheeks as you meet Jeonghan's gaze for a moment before looking away.
“And... you look stunning tonight as well,” You reply shyly.
Jeonghan's eyes flicker with mischief. "We make quite the pair, don't we?"
Ever the tease, You think, shaking your head playfully, but you can’t help the grin at your lips. 
The two of you don’t say anymore words after that, just exchanges of stolen glances and affectionate smiles. 
As the lights begin to dim, everyone shoots their gazes towards the runway, voices fading into hushed silence. Your eyes follow the first model that paces down the runway, entranced by their alluring presence and the way they seem to command the runway so easily as they showcased their outfits. As more models travel down the runway, you find yourself immersed in the show. 
But in the midst of all this, you feel your hand grazing against Jeonghan’s between your seats. Your breath hitches nervously at the touch as you struggle with the dilemma of interlocking with his or taking it away. His presence resembled a magnet; your heart yearned for him as much as he does for you.
So you let your hand lock with his, the underlying fear of someone seeing briefly taking over, but the gentle squeezes he gives reassures those thoughts away.
As the fashion show unfolds before you, your focus shifts between the runway and Jeonghan, an admiring smile to your face as you take in the impeccable beauty of both. This is a little secret that only the two of you know. Sometimes you wish you can love for the whole world to see, but maybe you weren’t ready for that just yet. You and Jeonghan felt perfectly content in the shared intimacy of each other’s presences.
You didn’t need the world’s validation to tell you how and who to love.
As the show reaches its finish and the final model takes their last walk down the runway, the crowd erupts into applause. You and Jeonghan, along with everyone around, all stand up to give applauses of your own, but you have to sneakily let go of each other’s hands.
When the crowd begins to disperse, you feel a hand grab your arm and pull you to the side. You turn to see Jeonghan as he leads you away from the crowd. He brings you to a secluded corner of the venue away from the bustling sounds of the fashion show.
“Hannie? What are you doing?” You whisper, feeling the paranoia sink in.
“Put on some comfortable clothes when you get back to your room,” Jeonghan tells you quickly. “We’re going on a date.”
You lift a suspicious eyebrow. “But what if we get caught𑁋”
"We won't get caught, I promise.” He gives you a warm smile. “Trust me, angel."
You feel the hesitation, but you couldn’t say no. You have been missing him for way too long to say no. Being apart has been torture.
And so you nod. “Okay, I’ll be ready.”
Jeonghan lets his eyes rake over you once more, drinking every inch of your form, finally getting the opportunity to properly check you out. A smirk crosses his face.
Then he leans in close, his lips brushing against your ear. “I can’t wait to have you all for myself tonight.”
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae
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concreteburialplot · 25 days
Banana Spa
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pairing: nicholas ruffilo x fem!reader
masterlist: here | crossposted: ao3 | word count: 9.6k
summary: you decide to treat your boyfriend to an at home spa day before he leaves for tour again :)
warnings/themes: established relationship, sugary sweet fluff ???¿ who am i??¿, briefly sad??, light sub/dom dynamics, soft dom nick, sub reader, massage, praise kink?, pet names sorry not sorry, bathtub sex, use of a shower head, v fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, orgasm delay, pnv (unprotected), riding, semi-realistic? aftercare, caregiver nick, MUSHY SORRY, again nick has a big fat one, don’t think too hard about the logistics ok, 18+ MDNI
a/n; this originally began as a nice short fluffy piece but... alas, the sad and horny demons took hostage 😅 it's just who i am okay 😭 only sad for a bit though! kinda
a/n: don't like it don't read it. don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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You stamped a knee at each side of Nick’s sides, settling yourself in his lap. His hands instinctively found your hips to have something to anchor to.
“Alright babe you gotta cooperate with me, okay?” You giggled, taking his cheeks in your hands.
He blinked up at you with his aqua eyes gleaming, so enamored with you to even care what you were doing in his lap, simply happy that you were there.
You began brushing hair out of his face and gathering it into a low, untethered bun to expose the entirety of his features. He was beautiful, nothing new to you of course, but at times like then, you couldn’t help but be awe-struck of him. He was yours and you were his.
You reached over to the table beside you to pick up some toner and soaking a cotton round with the liquid. You took it to his face, starting at his cheekbones. He hissed at the coldness of it against his warm skin.
“This smells so… chemically, are you sure it’s safe?” He asked as a half-joke and with a slightly nervous chuckle.
“Very sure my love.” A reassuring grin tugging at the corners of your mouth. “You think I would put harmful chemicals on your pretty face?” You swiped the cotton round down his nose and used it to boop the tip.
A barely visible peach coated his cheeks, if you hadn’t been so close to him, you would’ve missed it.
“I don’t know, maybe you wanna scorch my face off so the fans stop liking me.” A playful smirk draped over lips.
You rolled your eyes and squeezed his cheeks between your fingers, tilting his face upwards to meet your gaze. “Oh honey,” You cooed playfully. “The fans would simp over you even if your nose fell off.”
A true laugh rumbled through his chest and tumbled out of his lips. “Yeah, whatever.” He brushed off the statement as if you just told him the sky was green. “What’s next?” He inquired genuinely, letting his eyes drop back to your arsenal on the table.
“Hmm…” You peered over behind you and tapped your fingertips on your chin. “Oh! Yes, I forgot I got this for you!”
Your fingers plucked a small yellow glass vile. You twisted the lid and squeezed the rubber part between two fingers then released it to let the pipette fill completely.
“Let me know if this smell reminds you of anything.” You slowly and carefully slid the tip of the glass pipette across his cheek, disposing serum along the way.
His nostrils flared and restricted in short consecutive spurts trying to let the aroma fill his nose entirely. His brows knitted for just a second as he processed the smell before his eyes grew sparkly and excited. “Banana?” He asked with hesitancy still lining his words, regardless of the indistinguishable scent.
You giggled and love filled your entire chest at his adorable reaction. “I knew you’d love it.” You sighed happily and utterly love drunk.
“Hm, I love you.” He countered, admiring the pointed, concentrated face you wore as you focused on rubbing in the product. “That stuff’s made from bananas?”
“I love you too baby.” You smiled and leaned down to gently grab his face again, this time to bring your lips to his. A smile curled onto his lips against yours, sweetening the kiss. You couldn’t help but mirror the grin and savor the adoration. “Hm, I think banana enzymes or something? I don’t really know.”
You straightened back up in his lap again, using your curled index finger to tilt his chin up and swivel his face from one side to the other analyzing his skin.
“Admiring your work?” He laughed, feeling a little silly and a little insecure from being studied so closely.
“Just trying to see if you have any spots that need a little extra attention.” You hummed. “But surprise, surprise the man that only uses face wash has perfect skin.”
His chest puffed out a little involuntarily, as if you just invigorated him with newfound confidence after being so foolishly insecure. “Well, would you look at that.” He smirked.
“Yeah, yeah.” You waved him off jokingly before reaching to pick up a thin packet from the table. “Still gonna make you do a face mask though.”
He groaned, “No, no not the clay stuff again.” He winced at the memory of the chalky mud you had once put on him that somehow ended up all over his hair…and eyebrows, and ears, and fingernails, and ʘ necklace, and his favorite Paul Rudd Fanclub shirt.
The Great Face Mask Incident of 2023™️
You couldn’t help but laugh at the same memory. “No, no. I would never put you through that again.”
Nick let out a relieved sigh as if he had just gone through some war flashbacks. “Thank god.”
“No, I think you’ll quite like this one.” You pressed your lips together to not give away just excited you were to show him the mask you had in store for him.
You carefully pulled the folded sheet mask from the packet, letting any excess drip back into the pouch before setting it to the side. You then began delicately unfolding the thin fabric of the mask. Nick’s brows knitted together, and his head cocked to the side slightly like a confused puppy as he tried to gather what sort of potential torture device you were preparing for him. Finally, you unveiled the round sheet with the likeness of a cartoon tuxedo cat.
His silver eyes lit up the second he realized. “It’s Jerry!” It melted your heart at just how wide his smile got, all toothy and reaching his eyes.
You giggled and nodded, “It sure looks a lot like him, doesn’t it?”
Once you were able to keep him from wiggling around, you put the mask on, tugging it here and there to get it taut and symmetrical.
“There, now you look just like your son!” You chuckled behind your hand, looking at how adorably ridiculous your boyfriend looked.
He smirked as much as could beneath the mask, “Yeah where do you think he got his good looks from?”
You rolled your eyes and gently smacked his arm but there was no malice behind either action, “At least Jerry has humility.”
He gazed up at you with a small, sweet smile painted on his lips and love coating the soft curves of his features. “Yeah, that he got from you.” He said casually, like it rolled off his tongue without even thinking twice about it.
Your heart swelled so big in your chest that it was threatening to breach your ribcage. Nicholas had Jerry long before you entered the picture but since getting together a little over a year ago, Jerry had become your biggest fan. Since day 1 he followed you around everywhere and if you were resting on any surface, he was there to claim you as his temporary bed. In your time together Nick had never once even joked about you being Jerry’s other fur-parent. It was a small frivolous thing, but you knew the weight it held. You didn’t know if he had just said it without realizing or if he truly meant it, but in your heart, you were choosing to believe the latter. Either way you opted out of making a big deal about it.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You gasped at your own brain urgently reminding you of a crucial step. You nearly leapt off him and bolted to the kitchen. Within seconds the project at hand was executed and ready for placement.
You scurried back over to him, this time standing behind his seat on the couch. “Alright, close your eyes and tilt your head back.”
“You got it boss.” He teased and did as you asked. It made you wonder just how much he’d cooperate with taking other orders – but that was a daydream for a much different day. “Cucumbers?”
“Somethin’ like that.” You held back a giggle and placed two banana slices over each closed eyelid. “Okay, all done!”
His nose scrunched up towards the objects on his eyes, “Bananas?!”
You finally let out the laugh you’d been holding back and placed a kiss atop his head. “Now you got all your favorite stuff, cats and bananas!” You circled around his seat and climbed into his lap again.
“And you.” He smiled softly while his callused hands instinctively found your hips again.
Your cheeks heated up and your stomach filled with butterflies. No matter how silly he looked, he could always get you to melt in his hands. “Oh, shut up.”
“Remind me why we’re doing this again?” He asked.
Your grin faltered a bit at his question, and you paused to think about your answer. You let your hand fall gently just below his neck, sliding down slowly while your fingers softly laced beneath the silver chain of his necklace. You let the thorny pendant rest on your fingers as you admired it. As much as you hated the calm before the storm and selfishly despised the reason for it, you knew it’s what you signed up for and what brought him the most joy. Your thumb ran over the thorny crown, grateful for the amount of time you’d been able to spend with him during this break. This was maybe your 3rd or 4th run at him leaving for tour and while you could tell that it was getting easier, it was extremely slow progress. It seemed as though each time felt like the first time all over again. Your eyes fluttered closed in a feeble attempt to tame the burning in your eyes and the tears threatening to appear. You took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in your throat knowing that letting him see you like that would not only ruin the moment but make him feel guiltier than he already did, which was exactly the opposite of what the activity meant to accomplish.
“Baby?” He pressed after you’d gone silent for a bit.
You cleared your throat and blinked the tears away, forcing a smile onto your face so that it could be heard in your words. “Sorry love,” You wrapped your hand around the pendant just hard enough that the thorns stabbed into your palm, perhaps hoping that the pain could force the ache away, or maybe in hopes that if you stamped yourself hard enough with him, he could always stay with you. “Just got distracted. What did you ask?”
“I asked why we’re doing this? I feel really silly right now.” He laughed, though a little less bright than before. You hoped that he hadn’t picked up on your energy shift.
“Oh, um,” You looked down and released the hold on his necklace, letting your palms rest on his chest. “Just wanted to pamper you a little, before you have to go work so hard.” You tried your best to keep your voice light, but the sadness in your voice was unmistakable, at least to Nicholas.
His smile fell into a small frown, and it made you wish you had just lied, but you were never much of a good liar, especially not to him. He reached up pulling the banana slices off his eyes and placing them on a paper towel on the table. Somehow, he looked even goofier with the bananas off his eyes.
You suddenly felt flushed under his gaze – regardless of the cat mask still adorning his face. It was unclear whether it was the normal affect he had on you that was making you blush, or rather the vulnerability he’d caught you in.
“Baby,” He let out a sad sigh, “Is that what this is about?” His hands moved up to envelope your hips again, rubbing small comforting circles into the flesh beneath your shirt.
You shook your head vehemently, “No, no, I’m just tryin’ to spoil you honey, you deserve it.” You tried for a smile but couldn’t quite reach.
It was clear in his eyes that he wasn’t buying it. “Oh, let me get this cursed thing off of me.” He said, his hands already going to peel up the edges of the sheet mask but failing miserably.
A grin did pull at your lips watching him struggle and decided to take over. “Here, let me do it.” You laughed, gently swatting his hands away and pulling it off yourself and setting it on the table next to the forgotten bananas. “For someone who’s so good with his fingers, that sure was hard for you, huh?” You teased, attempting to deflect from the seriousness you’d just caused. All you wanted to do was go back to the soft, happy bubble you’d created before.
His inked hand trailed up your body to cup your cheek. “I’m gonna miss you so much, you know that right?”
You rolled your eyes trying your best to hold up your strong exterior, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, we don’t have to do this. We don’t have to talk about it, okay?” It took every bit of energy you had to yank each edge of your lips into a smile.
“Hey, don’t do that.” He frowned. “Maybe I wanna talk about it?”
“But you dooon’t though.” You whined, pressing on his chest slightly. “We were having a good time and I ruined it.” You whispered. Your eyes fluttered down to where your hands met his abdomen, faintly crinkling his faded Slipknot shirt between your fingers.
“Hey.” His hand found your chin and tilted it back up to face him once more. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He reassured the obvious.
“I know.” You mumbled and found your eyes dropping once again, not bearing the strength to look at him for too long. “I know what I signed up for. I know that it’s part of loving you.” Your hand rediscovered his necklace, flipping it between your fingers for comfort.
“Just because it’s part of the deal, doesn’t mean it’s not hard, y/n.” His voice was more firm that time, trying to cement the severity of his words.
“I know.” You groaned, frustrated that he wouldn’t just drop it.
He sighed, “I’m just saying it’s okay to be upset about it. And it’s okay to talk to me about it.” His thumb grazed over your cheekbone, enticing you to look at him. “We’re a team, remember?”
You released a long exhale finally relaxing a bit under his touch. “I know, Nicky, I know. I just didn’t want you to feel guilty and,” Your hand went up to wrap around his wrist and your eyes darted somewhere far away from him. “I didn’t want you to think that I can’t handle it.” Before he could respond your fingers gripped his wrist harder and the burning in your eyes returned. “I can handle it, I can.”
The crack in your voice didn’t go unnoticed by the male and all he wanted to do was scoop you up in his arms, but he knew better than to smother you when you were that emotional. “I know you can baby.” He said gently, using his thumb to wipe away a tear that was on the verge of escape. “I never questioned that. And if I ever do, then we’ll work through it,” He gently tapped the side of his thumb on your cheek to bring your attention back to him. “Together. Okay?”
You nodded against his palm, nuzzling into his touch. “Together.”
“That’s my girl.”  He smiled and pulled you down into a sweet kiss.
You pressed your forehead against his gazing into his eyes, tonight they were particularly grey. “You’re too good to me.” You said so quietly that if he wasn’t nose-to-nose to you, he wouldn’t have heard it.
He shook his head as much as he could without disturbing the moment, “No, I’m not good enough.”
“That’s not tr-“ You began but were quickly interrupted by his lips on yours again.
“Ah, ah.” He hummed once he pulled away, “I won’t be taking any back talk.”
Your cheeks burned bright cherry red that time, no amount of makeup could conceal it. Even though his words were light, you knew he wasn’t joking. Nicholas was an expert at imbedding dominance in featherlight touches and sweet nothings.
“Yes sir.” You replied instinctively.
The energy spiraled between you two had shifted from silly to emotional, to something entirely different now. His hands trailed up your sides beneath your shirt to rest both on your lower back.
“C’mon, you took such good care of me, now it’s your turn.” Without giving you any warning he scooped you up. You squeaked at the sudden action but instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
“Where are you taking meeee.”
“Well, we’re having a spa day, aren’t we? What’s a spa day without a bubble bath?”
You melted into him, loving the idea of a warm bath accompanied by him.
Nick began drawing the bath making sure to add all your favorite additives as you stood patiently waiting instruction. Once he was satisfied with the way the tub was filling, he sat on the edge and beckoned you over. “Come here angel.”
Your cheeks flushed with warmth at the name, taking a couple steps to stand between his legs. He began tenderly undressing you until you were completely bare in front of him.
He wasn’t shy with the way his eyes wandered down your body. “God you’re beautiful.” His words riding an infatuated exhale.
The strawberry pink already present on your cheeks only worsened. “Shush.” You wave off his compliment and used your arm to cover your chest.
He stood and took your chin between his index and thumb tilting your gaze up at him. “I won’t ever stop reminding you of how stunning you are.”
You shook your head out of his grasp. “Shut up Nicholas.” You said shyly.
He took your cheek in his grasp instead this time, getting more control of you. “What’s wrong baby? Am I getting you all flustered?”
You were sure your face was beet red now. “C’mon Nicky, stop messin’ around, the bath is getting cold.”
A satisfied smirk tugged one edge of his lips, finding amusement and pride in your blatant embarrassment. “As you wish princess.” He began to undress himself until he was matching your nude attire.
Your eyes did the same as his did earlier and raked down his body, lean and inked on almost every bit of him. You’d been with him for over a year and you still managed to find new tattoos on him that you’d never seen before. His body was a spectacular and endlessly interesting museum only you had the key to.
He didn’t wait for you and stepped over the porcelain into the large oval tub, letting his body sink down into the steaming water. Almost instantly your exquisite museum was engulfed in mountains of bubbles. “Well, you comin’? You were the one complaining about water ‘getting cold’.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes and cautiously dipped your toe into the water. You hissed and recoiled at the scalding temperature. “Fuck that’s hot.”
Nicholas chuckled at your reaction, “Still think it’s getting cold?”
“Shut up.” You mutter.
“Just take it slow baby, let your body get acclimated to the water.” He sounded patient but his eyes didn’t match – the longer you were under his gaze, the more you felt like an animal of prey being stalked.
After a bit of time getting your lower body get used to the water you were finally able to sink down between his legs and rest your back against his chest. A small sigh of relief left your lips at the feeling of soothing comfort with him. No matter the problem or hindrance, Nick always made everything okay. He made you feel safe and taken care of in a way you’d never felt before. Getting that feeling from a rockstar who’s constantly touring wasn’t something you ever imagined possible, but somehow, it was with him. It took a while for him to earn your trust, especially at the very beginning, the first time he toured just a month or two after making things official. But he made sure to prove his faithfulness in a multitude of ways – from sharing his location to sending pictures and videos frequently to even sending you flowers or other small gifts to let you know he was thinking of you. Life with Nicholas wasn’t perfect, but it was a dream.
His fingers first found your shoulders, digging his thumbs into the wound-up tense muscles at the base of your neck.
“Mmm.” You hummed at the sensation and leaned further back against him. “That feels so good baby.”
“Yeah?” He asked, kissing the side of your head.
“Mhm.” Your eyes fluttered shut as you sank a little further into the water.
He spent some time working through the knots in your neck and shoulders. Wherever he pressed his fingertips felt like he was releasing a world of tension.
“That’s it, just relax.” His hands drifted down past your shoulders and onto your sides, using his thumb to rub circles into the muscles of your back - as best he could in your position anyway.
As his hands trailed lower you felt a flutter fill your tummy and settle in your core. You didn’t even realize you were squirming until his hands found and gripped your hips hard. “Stay still.” He ordered quietly just below your ear.
A shiver ran through you at his gravelly voice stealing the air in your throat. You did as he said, as much as you could, and hoped it’d be good enough for him. His fingertips lowered, beginning to run up and down the curves of your hip bones. The close proximity of his fingers to your core was starting to make you dizzy. You sucked in a harsh breath when his hands traveled further down to massage your thighs. His fingers were diligent and determined with their placement and tempo, using his thumb to rub tight circles into the flesh of your upper inner thigh. There’s no way he couldn’t feel you nearly vibrating under his touch, and you had to restrain yourself from grabbing his hand to put him where you needed him the most.
You felt his lips curl into a sinister smile against your neck. “What’s wrong princess?” He asked condescendingly. “Am I not helping you relax?”
“No, no. You are.” You almost stutter out, trying to sound as confident as possible.
“Hm.” He hummed, gliding his fingers up the inner side of your thigh. “I wonder… what you do when you get all wound up like this when I’m away?” There was an edge to his question that erased any indication of genuine curiosity.
Your eyes widened at the question and your mind went fuzzy blank. “Well…I…um.” Was all you could get out, pathetically.
“Oh, c’mon baby.” He lowered himself to just below your ear. “Use your words for me. Tell me what you do.”
Your heart felt like it was colliding against your ribcage incessantly while simultaneously pooling your rampant pulse in your clit. “I-I,” You took a breath in a feeble attempt to steady your breathing. “I touch myself.” You blurted out, knowing it was both the truth and what he wanted to hear.
You didn’t need to look at him to know how wide and proud his smirk was.
“Good girl.” He hummed. “Why don’t you show me where you do that?”
Your eyes widened once again, this time swallowing all the saliva available in your mouth. Hesitantly, you reached out beneath the water and took hold of his wrist, bringing it between your legs. “Here.”
He used his hand to slowly cover and cup your core before carefully running his fingers through you. You wanted to whine at the small sensation but knew how pathetic you’d sound. “Thank you for showing me baby.” He acknowledged your obedience. “But I want you to show me exactly what you do.”
You’d show him anything at that point to keep his fingers on you, so you nodded and covered his hand with your own. You guided him to your clit that was buzzing and begging for his attention. Your middle and ring fingers pressed into his and prompted them to start moving in circular motions.
“Mmm.” He pressed a kiss to your neck before nipping at the skin like a predator taste-tasting his meal. “That feels good doesn’t it?”
Your head lulled itself on his shoulder, already getting lost in the pleasure blooming at his fingertips. “Mhm.” You mumbled with drooping eyelids.
He took control of the movements almost instantly, starting a display of one of his many talents. He let you savor his actions for a bit, knowing that the further gone you were, the more pliable you’d be in his hands. “Is this all you do baby? Or is there somewhere else you touch?” He asked already knowing the answer, just wanting you to say it.
His plan worked, as it always did, and you were nothing but an obedient ragdoll for him now. Every cell in your body wanted to bend to him – he had magic in his touch, you were completely certain of it.
Without any verbal response you just guided his working hand down to your entrance. That’s all the convincing he needed and carefully slipped two fingers into you. He let out a small, low groan the feeling of how tight you were around his fingers. You could feel his already hardening cock throb against your lower back. The sensation of his member against your skin while he was using his fingers to fuck you was bittersweet because now all you wanted was his cock filling you up instead.
“God you’re so fucking tight.” He nearly growled against your throat. “I’m gonna miss burying myself in your pretty cunt.”
You felt like you could disintegrate into thin air from how good you felt – yeah, his fingers working magic was one thing, but his words melted you completely. Being complimented and wanted, no – needed – by him was a high that no orgasm could ever touch.
“I need your cock, Nicky please.” You whined without caring how desperate you sounded. “Please, I need you.”
“Oh bunny, you know better than to rush me.” He tsked before moving to do something you didn’t expect. He kept his one hand fucking his fingers in and out of you rhythmically while curling in ever so slightly but brought the other back down on your throbbing clit.
A gasp left your mouth as he effortlessly used both hands to fuck you in the most delicious way. You had already been close just from his fingers curling right into your sensitive spot but now with his fingers rolling against your nub you were seconds from oblivion.
“Fuck.” You spat out urgently. “Fuck, fuck, I’m close – s-so fucking close.” You whimpered out, squeezing your eyes closed trying to keep from coming undone before you were allowed. “Fuck baby, please let me cum. Please can I cum?”
All he did was hum an “mhm” against your neck before you were seeing stars. Tingles seared across your body and your walls pulsed around his fingers.
“That’s it, cum all over my fingers like the good girl you are.”
The praise only intensified the orgasm, causing your back to arch from him. Your face lulled into the crevice of his neck letting him vividly hear all the noises you were making for him. Nick loved your noises as much as you loved his words – he made a mental note to record you next time so he could have something on the road. He could get off on the sound of you alone.
He gently pulled his fingers from you and slowly tapered his action on your clit, but not completely. He retained an agonizingly slow pace on your now overly sensitive nub. He kept the pace slow enough so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for long until you started to feel good again.
You felt him reaching beside you for something but were too fucked out to pay attention. “Tell me baby, have you ever used this to help relax?” His voice was buttery smooth like blue suede.
Your brows furrowed above your closed eyelids, wondering what he was referencing. When you blinked your eyes open, they rounded to see him holding the detachable showerhead and was suddenly grateful for the extra-long cord you’d opted for. You shook your head and answered honestly. “No.” You’d always been curious but never actually tried.
Nicholas was an expert at knowing when you were lying so he believed you. “Here.” He tenderly scooped up your hand, cupping it in his own like a spoon. With a flick of his other thumb on the showerhead, a crazed stream of patterned water jutted from it. He brought it to the hand he was holding and let the stream hit your palm. “Is that too strong?” He questioned genuinely wanting to know your comfort level.
As much as the strength of the water inspired some more flurries in your core, you nodded shyly. “Too strong.” It was typical for your responses to become minimal once you entered any level of subspace. Having that amount of trust to even fall into that headspace was a luxury you only ever found with Nick. Trusting him was easier than you’d like to admit, it came as naturally as breathing air into your lungs.
“Okay.” His thumb spun the filter onto another setting. “How about this one?” He questioned even though he figured it would be a no since it was thin streams of water lining an empty tunnel.
That one made you giggle and shake your head since it obviously wouldn’t provide much pressure. Nick smiled at your adorable giggle, filling his chest with so much warmth and love, he had no idea what to do with it all. He pressed a kiss to your head before flipping to another setting.
A perfectly tempered stream danced in your palm – not too strong, not too weak, and the jet pattern was an enticing rhythm. You bit down on your bottom lip and nodded. “Good.”
Nick’s free hand found your tummy, pressing it flat against your stomach and slid down painfully slow between your legs. Your breath caught in your throat at the anticipation of his touch. He tenderly spread your legs further apart before using his fingers to spread your lips apart, baring you open so that the jet stream of water could land precisely where it was needed.
“Now sweetheart,” He began. “You were so good for me. You did as I asked, you used your words, you asked for permission.” He lowered the shower head into the water, and you felt the jet stream hit your thigh. It was stronger than you expected and suddenly both fear and excitement pooled in your core. “I want you to know that this is a reward. This is what good girls get. Do you understand?”
Your cheeks grew warm, and your breath hitched in your throat at his words. Before you had time to properly prepare, the strong pressure of the stream pummeled into your sensitive nub. You let out a loud squeak as intense pleasure coarsed your body and down your limbs.
“Baby. I asked you a question. Do you understand that I’m allowing you to feel this good? That this is a privilege?”
Your hands gripped his thighs at each side of you and nodded your head enthusiastically, “Yes sir, I do.” You barely got your words out past your heavy breathing.
He smiled against your neck, “That’s my girl. My best girl. Now what do you say?”
Your heart flooded with lovey pride and your brain filled with nothing but him. He encompassed your very being, every cell of your composition belonged to him. “Thank you.” Your head fell back on his shoulder as he brought the shower head closer to your cunt, only intensifying the pressure. “Thank you, thank you.” You repeated like a prayer.
“God, I can’t wait to fill that pretty pussy up with my cock.” The end of his words resembled something like a growl.
His evident need for you went straight to your stomach, helping to weave a knot that was ready to snap. You were surprised you’d lasted this long since this was easily one of the best feeling you’d ever felt. Knowing that something as convenient as a shower head held so much power was dangerous, especially now that you associated it directly with him.
The jet propulsion on your clit was deliciously brutal, each wave hitting you harder than the last as your sensitivity increased. Your legs began to tremble from the sheer amount of pleasure building up in your body begging for release. “Nicky.” You heaved out while your fingers dug into his thighs. “I can’t hold it, please.” Your request drenched in utter desperation. “Please let me cum, I need to cum baby please.”
Nicholas hummed at the request, mulling it over in his head. If this were any other day, under any other circumstances, he’d string out your orgasm as far as he wanted, but it was a day of relaxation after all.
“Go ahead,” He whispered, bringing the shower head just a tiny bit closer to nudge you over the edge. “Cum for me, will you? And don’t fight it okay? I wanna hear you.”
And with that, another orgasm blinded you, this one ripping through you more violently than the last. Your entire body was in sparking, euphoric bliss. Curses, screams and moans poured from your throat, all laced with his name.
“Oh, that’s it princess, let it all out for me.”
And you did just that. He kept the stream on your bud through your high and somewhere between his grainy voice talking you through and your overstimulation, another wave of pleasure washed over you. Your throat grew sore from your incessant noises that now probably sounded like gibberish sprinkled with his name.
He slowly drew the metal shower head away from your core to carefully lull you from your high. You were nothing but a heaving, shakey, fucked out mess in his grasp.
“Good job baby.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “You did so good for me.”
A lazy smile spread across your lips and nodded slightly. His warmth was the only thing tethering you to reality.
He let you recover from your orgasms before moving on. His hands found your hips once more and pressed you against him. You felt his own arousal thick and hard against your lower back and it reminded you of the ache between your legs that only he could fill.
“You wanna turn around for me baby?”
While you felt like utter mush in his hands, his offer sparked the potential of having him inside you, and that was something you didn’t plan to pass up on. You nodded and shifted around in the water, letting the liquid slosh around tub even spilling out a bit unintentionally. “Oops.” You giggled.
“Hi angel.” He says softly with a crooked smile painted across his lips the second his eyes meet yours. Sure, he held the reigns in the bedroom and most other areas of your relationship, but it was no secret that you were the one with complete control over him. You made him weak in ways he never imagined being, he would give you anything you wanted if you just batted your lashes at him. He was putty in your hands, and he loved it.
He looked so beautiful, and you suddenly felt scammed knowing that you had your back to him looking like that the whole time. His raven hair had fallen from the makeshift bun from the couch and was now splayed over his shoulders, the ends now damp and pointy. You couldn’t wait one more second without his lips on yours, so you scooped up his face in both hands and met his lips with yours. You broke the kiss to press your forehead against his, wanting to engulf yourself fully in his stormy eyes. “I love you.” You whispered.
“I love you too.” He replied matching your whisper. His hands found your hips again, pulling you towards him – not out of desire to intensify the moment, but simply to have you closer. “God, I love you more than anything.”
Peachy pink dusted your cheeks and the smile that his words brought to your lips was embarrassingly wide. You shied away from him and shook your head, “You’re being silly.” Out of all the grand things in his life, you were sure that you were the least exciting or interesting part.
His hand trailed warm water up your arm to pick up your chin, “I’d never joke about that.” His thumb grazed over your cheekbone, cupping your cheek. “I’m so grateful for the patience you’ve given me, given us. You might be the best thing to ever stumble into my life.”
Every atom in your body begged to mesh with him. It only took one exchanged look between you two for your bodies to rearrange so you could sit on his lap. Your lips collided, followed by a messy display of clashing teeth and hungry tongues. Your passion was fueled only by the blind love you had for him and your desire to prove that his love for you was warranted. Your fingers tangled into the base of his dark hair, tugging at it slightly needing every bit of him entwined with your very molecules. He kept one hand on your hip while the other held tangled in your own wet hair.
As much as you wanted to keep telling him how much you loved him, you couldn’t bear to break away from him even for a second. If you couldn’t tell him, you’d show him.
You rutted your hips up his thighs until you felt the base of his member rest against your bare cunt. He let a groan out into the kiss at the feeling of you against him. One of your hands fell from his hair to his length, your fingers instinctually molded around the silky soft flesh. It never ceased to impress you at just how big he was and no matter how many times you’d had him it never eased the ache of taking him.
His sizeable cock was decorated with bulging veins from the blood that coursed through him. Even though your fingers had grown to be expertly familiar with his anatomy, you still loved exploring him, tracing each vein with your fingertips. This earned you another grunt from somewhere deep in his chest and you pridefully smiled against the kiss.
You finally gave him what you knew he wanted, wrapping a hand around this girth and began palming him slowly. His member had a delicious upward curve to it that helped to reach the deepest and most sensitive part of you. Your mouth was watering at just the feeling of him in your hand – in that moment you could’ve sworn that you would do absolutely anything to have it inside you. It was not a want, but a carnal need.
He finally had enough and pulled from the kiss, “Baby, please.” He breathed out against your lips, his love drunk eyes heavy with lust as he looked up at you. “I need your pussy.” His chest rose and fell in time with yours, needing you just as badly as you needed him.
You nodded quickly against him before lifting yourself up enough to hover over him. Regardless of how much you wanted it, you still had to mentally prepare yourself for the initial pain. Nick helped align himself with your entrance while keeping a supportive hand on your hip bone. You exhaled a deep breath.
Sensing your hesitation, he gave your hip a small squeeze, “You can take it baby, just go nice and slow. We have all the time in the world.” He reassured you, letting you set the pace.
You nodded and carefully began to sink down on him. A hiss escaped your mouth at the way his width stretched you open. Your hand fell to his shoulder for support as you struggled to pull yourself further down.
Nicholas’ eyes couldn’t soak you up enough, he was mesmerized at the sight of you. He wished he could burn it into his brain. “God, you look so fucking pretty taking my cock.”
His compliment only made you more determined to push past the pain and discomfort. When you felt your cervix land on his tip you knew that was as far as you could take him. While you couldn’t reach his base fully, you were still surprised and proud of yourself for being able to take so much of him in that position.
He let out a low groan at the feeling of your cunt tightly enveloping his cock. “You feel so fucking good.”
You expelled a breath then swirled your hips with him still deep inside you. The goal was to adjust to his size before riding him. The stretch burned but you knew it’d sweeten once you started moving.
The way he gazed up at you made you weak and your body gave into him, falling into the crook of his neck. You began placing open mouth kisses on his tattooed throat while your hips started swiveling on him. Light, airy moans tumbled from you lips and onto his neck. His hands gripped your hips tighter, letting out a grunt from somewhere deep in his chest.
“Fuck,” He groaned, letting his head fall back into the ledge of the tub. “I need you to move baby, I need more.”
You nodded quickly, needing it just as badly. Your hands slipped off him to stabilize yourself on the porcelain ledge. It gave you enough balance to raise your hips up almost fully, before dropping them where he filled you the fullest.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good.” He groaned out, his eyes droopy and drunken by only his love for you.
The praise helped motivate you to keep going even though the stretch burned. But you got to control the pace and the depth you could handle – although part of you wished he did have control so that he would forego any hindrances and use you up fully.
You gained momentum on him, bouncing up and down on his cock. Water splashed everywhere, over the ledge and all over the floor but that was the furthest thing on your mind. The room was filled with moans, grunts and cursed from both of you. You felt the knot beginning to form in your tummy as did he. But his surprises weren’t done yet.
He reached over to where he’d placed the shower head, easily flipping it on to the previous setting. Your eyes rounded as he began to lower it towards the water and you shook your head vigorously. “No, no, no.” You cried. “I won’t last, please, no.”
His other hand drifted down your spine with a feather light touch. “Well, that’s the point sweetheart.” He hummed. “Don’t you wanna cum again for me baby?” He questioned patronizingly. You knew that tone and you knew it meant it wouldn’t be as easy as he was eluding.
He continued his actions and aimed the powerful stream of water directly at your clit. A jolt of pure electricity zipped up your spine and down your thighs. Your entire body shuddered at the sudden and intense sensation. Your fingertips curled into his skin, surely branding claw marks into his flesh. “God, fuck.” You exclaimed loudly, barely able to move.
“Now, baby, remember that cumming is a privilege remember? I could very well leave you all worked up with your pretty pussy clenching around nothing if you misbehave.” He warned. “Do you understand?”
You nodded quickly, slipping your tongue between your lips. But that of course wasn’t enough for him.
His hand tightened on your hip and brought the shower head a bit closer to heighten the sensation. “I believe I asked you a question darling.” His voice deep and raspier than normal. “Do you understand? You know I need to hear it.”
“Yes,” You shuddered out. “Yes, sir. I understand.” You couldn’t seem to catch your breath, the air in your lungs completely vacant. Your heart thumped so hard against your ribcage you thought it might shatter and burst in front of him and splinter his own chest.
“Good girl.” He praised. “Now, I don’t remember telling you that you could stop moving.”
You whined in near agony, squeezing your eyes shut and slowly beginning your movements again. “Fuck.” You lulled your head back, buzzing pleasure spreading through every bit of you.
“Faster.” He commanded. “Or I’m gonna make this very unpleasant for you.”
His sweetness was long gone and replaced by the Nick you had grown very familiar with. You’d never guess by his normal relaxed and reserved demeanor that he’d have this overwhelming dominance in bed, but you loved it. It was as though something in him would take over, like he’d try to fight it to stay sweet and romantic, but it rarely lost the fight. It was thrilling to watch his internal battle; you’d seen it so often that you had memorized the shift in his eyes and subtle change in his cadence.
You rarely chose to challenge his threats and today was no different, So, you began lifting and dropping your hips against his lap, taking in fully – or as much as you could anyway. His free hand slithered up your side to cup your breast, kneading the plump flesh in his grasp. His stare couldn’t seem to stay on any solid one part of you, darting from your tits bouncing as you moved, to your face contorting with the overwhelming pleasures you were experiencing, to down where you were connecting with him. He looked at you the way people look at monuments or ancient architecture. He didn’t care about a single other wonder in the world because he was convinced you were the only one in existence. You were an art museum to him, every single installation he could study for hours and never grow bored of your beauty and the delicate nature of your soul. He was utterly infatuated with and devoted to you.
It became difficult to continue riding him without getting sloppy from another orgasm building quickly in your stomach. Your clit was buzzing and threatening to tip you over the edge at any moment. The way he filled you up only made it worse – being full of him made the time without him even more empty. You’d never had someone fill you up so much, he made it hard to even clench around him. It was an incredible experience and one that would make having anyone else subpar. He had set the bar so high that it made it impossible for anyone else to measure up to him. If he ever decided he’d had enough of you, you’d spend the rest of your days seeking bits of him in anyone you ever let touch you. He’d certainly haunt you worse than phantom ever could.
Thankfully, from the way his cock throbbed and bounced inside you, told you that he was getting close too. Your heart thumped so hard in your throat that you questioned if you’d even be able to speak.
“I-I’m close.” You whimpered out. “Can I cum?”
He tsked at the request. “Now baby, I taught you better that. You’re forgetting my favorite word. Try again.”
Your palms dug into his chest at his rebuttal. “Fuck.” You closed your eyes attempting to stave off your orgasm. “Fuck, please.” You begged. “God, fuck, please, I need to cum. Please can I cum?”
“Hm.” He feigned a thought. “No, not yet. Hold it.”
You shook your head vigorously, “No, no, no, please I can’t. I won’t make it, I’m so close. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop it.”
“You can and you will.” He said simply. “And if you don’t, you don’t wanna know how much you’ll regret it.”
His face was serious, but you could tell that the excitement was growing in his belly too. You swore that he thrived over your desperation, he loved seeing you squirm and bringing to the edge of your limits. It was sadistic the way he was fueled by your anguish. You don’t know if you’d ever admit it, but you enjoyed being commanded and used like a plaything. Being at his mercy was a thrill you loved chasing, especially knowing he’d always catch you.
You scrunched your eyes closed and bore down on your teeth holding on to the tattered thread left holding you on to your sanity. “Fuck.” You breathed out. It was almost painful how your sensitive nub throbbed beneath the powerful stream of water and how tight the knot in your tummy had grown. His tip assaulting your cervix intensified everything and overbearing pleasure was looming merely seconds way from shattering your resolve. “Fuck, fuck.” You whined. “Fuck, please, please let me cum, I need it so bad. Please I don’t want to disobey you but I’m so close, I need to cum, please – fuck, I can’t hold it, fuck fuck, please can I cum?” Your pathetic groveling was a pitiful display, but it was one that Nicholas could barely handle himself. He could get off from the hymns of your desperation alone.
“Fuck I love when you sound like that.” He groaned. “Fine baby, cum all over my fucking cock.” If he hadn’t been so close himself, he surely would’ve stretched out the torture.
As if you needed anymore help, he brought the shower head even closer. The heightened sensation instantly blinded you, causing your entire body shudder as sparking euphoria bloomed from your core. This orgasm was more powerful than the others due to the delayed pleasure and his length hitting your sensitive spot directly. The moans and curses that left your mouth were vulgar and smeared with the unholy devotion you had for him. Every cell in your body belonged to him just as he demanded it.
Your walls tightly clenching around him was his tipping point. “God, you look so fucking good with my cock so deep inside you.” He growled, gripping your hip hard enough to leave bruises behind. “Fuck baby you’re gonna make me cum.”
You were too lost in your own bliss to really hear what he said until you felt his length twitch inside you followed by his warm seed filling your core. If you weren’t so overspent, the feeling alone could’ve sent you into another orgasm – but seeing as you were still working through your own, you weren’t that concerned about it.
As you both came floating down from your highs, he flipped off the shower head and set it to the side ledge. You had fallen on his chest while your heaving chests rose and fell in time with each other’s. His fingertips raked through the slightly damp hair of your scalp. You purred and smiled at the affection gesture.
He grinned at the reaction, “I love you.” His buttery words fell from his lips in a tone just above a whisper.
Nick would never admit it, but he was extremely talented at almost anything he ever picked up. If he gave it a good honest try, it wouldn’t take long for it to become second nature. He never imagined that there would be anything in the world that would come easier than a graphite pencil or tattoo gun or almost any instrument he picked up. He knew his tattoo gun and his favorite guitar like the back of his hand and while he’d never fully believe it, he already knew you that way too. As with everything else, just because he was a master-of-all didn’t mean there were never any bumps or challenges or hardships – pencils snap, tattoo guns malfunction, and sometimes strings don’t want to tune just how you want them - above all else, Nicholas knew that the most. He knew the best things in life were never easy, but that never stopped him before and it certainly wasn’t going to stop him now.
“I love you too.” You muttered sleepily into the crook of his neck.
The satisfaction of inking a particularly difficult design or mastering a challenging new riff could never compare to the feeling he got from hearing you say those words.
“C’mon, let’s get you dry and warm.” He gently patted your hip and you nodded, using every bit of strength in your body to sit yourself upright.
Nicholas was incredible in his element. It’s one thing to be able to take control sexually, but it’s a whole other thing to be able take gentle control outside of that – and he did, effortlessly. He carefully pulled you off him and got you standing on your feet. He only allowed the air conditioning to dance on your skin for a millisecond before he wrapped a big fluffy towel around you. You tugged the terrycloth fabric so tight against your skin that you were sure you’d have imprints of the threads embedding into your skin. When you lifted your leg over the porcelain, you felt the familiar ache between your thighs that always came from loving him. It wasn’t the worst you’d felt, since you had set the pace, but the water supplied no lubrication, and you were definitely feeling the repercussions.
Nick wrapped a towel around his waist and unplugged the bath drain. When he finally made his way back over to you. When you were both barefoot it really emphasized just how much he actually towered over you. The water droplets glistening across his tan, inked skin made him look like a work of art. Your eyes traced his collarbones and landed on the thorny pendent you were fidgeting with before.
“Oh yeah, before I forget.” You didn’t realize what he was doing until he pulled the necklace from neck and gently draped it over your head. It landed way longer on your chest but it didn’t matter. Your fingers found the pendent and immediately rubbed it for comfort.
“I can’t take this.” You claimed, but the smile that had already made home on your face said otherwise.
He smiled and took your jaw into one hand and placed his other hand over yours covering the necklace. “I’ll always be with you now. If you miss me or get anxious just squeeze it, and I’ll be right there with you. Okay?”
Tears burned your eyes, but you were determined to keep it together, the last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of him naked and shivering. You nodded quickly, “Thank you.” You whispered, hiding a sniffle.
“You’re welcome baby.” He said and placed a quick kiss to your forehead.
He gently grasped your shoulders giving them a little rub to warm you up before guiding you back into the bedroom. The edges of his lips dipped into a frown the second he noticed your limping.
“Oh baby, did I hurt you? I knew we should’ve gotten out of the bath-” He always began to panic ramble if he thought he might’ve hurt you or not taken care of you properly.
You giggled at his worrisome nature and placed a finger over his lips. “It’s okay, really.” You reassured and watched his anxiety disappear. “But it does hurt.” Your lips pulled together in a pout. “Fix it?”
A small smile pulled across his lips and he nodded knowing exactly what that meant.
The time after with Nicholas somehow always felt more intimate. He was driven to love you the best way he knew how, and you relished in the safety he wrapped you in. No matter how rough he got in bed, afterwards he always handled you like a freshly plucked gardenia. He was convinced that if he even grabbed you the wrong way you’d crumble. But he loved it, he was sure that if he was put on this earth to do one thing, it was to take care of you.
After applying some numbing cream where you ached the most and getting you into some fresh pajamas, you were finally exactly where you wanted to be. You were tucked right into Nick’s side, cozy under the covers, sharing a pint of pistachio ice cream while watching reruns of your favorite mutual comfort show.
You looked up at him when he laughed at something silly in the show and the glow from the tv illuminated his features beautifully through the darkness. In that moment, he gave you every bit of reassurance you needed to handle him being gone. You were his and he was yours, and as long as you loved him, he’s always come home to you if you let him.
He glanced down at you, catching you in your admiring stare. The edges of his lips pulled taut into a wide, toothy smile.
“Bob’s Burgers is over there you know.” He teased, tilting his head across the room.
You giggled and burrowed your face into his chest. “You’re much more entertaining.”
He chuckled in disbelief, “Am I?”
“Mhm.” You hummed, getting sleepy the second your head touched his chest.
He laughed softly and precariously plucking the empty pint of pistachio from your dozing grasp to put on the bedside table. He pulled you closer to him and tugged the fluffy duvet higher to cover you both.
Before you let sleep envelope you, you felt his fingers tenderly massaging your scalp. “I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too, Nicholas.” You hummed back lovingly, nuzzling into his chest.
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Taglist; @neverknoah @lma1986 @baddestomens @deathblacksmoke @philomenie @blacksoul-27 @thcfountain
A/N; Thank you so much for reading, i hope you liked it, lmk if you did<3
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