#I am also a big map nerd
oneatlatime · 4 months
The Guru
Happy 2024 everyone and welcome to the first time I managed to type 2024 without first typing 2023! Oh and also a write up of The Guru. That too.
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Me too Iroh. Me too.
So Zuko is riding high on that post-crisis 'time to get my life together' buzz that, similar to 3 am life plans, should absolutely not be listened to. Wonder how long before he crashes and burns? There's literally 2 episodes left, so I'm guessing one and a half?
Poor Sokka. My boy's got anxiety.
I don't know if it's a monk thing, an airbender thing, an Avatar thing, or an Aang thing, but I envy his complete lack of nerves.
How is Appa ok with them splitting up for a week after JUST getting them back?
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I paused in a funny place. Have bonk-eyed Appa.
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I love them comparing heights. What do you want to bet that that guy on the right was one of the youngest allowed to go fight, and Sokka made a big deal about how they're almost the same age and surely that means he can go too, right?
A lot of these Southern Water Tribe people have dreads or braids. That's neat.
Bato's arm is still messed up. That's some good continuity.
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I've found the source of Katara's cheek bones. I guess Sokka takes after his mum.
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Ok I know this is a really emotional moment (and it is! Sokka's spent two seasons earning this!) but my brain fixated on the furs and briefly thought they were sky bison pelts.
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"It's been a difficult week for me." This guy thinks the Kyoshi Warriors are there to provide him therapy. Someone please just crown the bear instead.
He just gave away literally every relevant plot point AND outlined how to make sure all these plot points don't succeed. Crown. The. Bear.
Maybe if these generals spent less time playing with their giant model Earth Kingdom and more time general-ing, the war wouldn't suck so much?
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the designs, the colour palette, the music, the sound design of this air temple. I love everything about it. If I had the chance to live anywhere in the Avatar universe, it would be here. Even in its ruined state it's such a refreshing contrast to the claustrophobia of Ba Sing Se. I can feel the freshness of the breeze through the screen.
"A spiritual brother of your people" an adult perspective on a near extinct culture! What a resource!
"and a personal friend of Monk Gyatso" an old as balls perspective. He's got to be at least 130.
Anthropology cul de sac time: this guy is so valuable as a resource on the Air Nomads. There's probably parts of Air Nomad culture that Aang can't ever accurately talk about, because he was a kid when he left, and there was almost certainly stuff that the adults kept to themselves, or only shared with the older Air Nomads. This Guru doesn't seem to be an Air Nomad himself, but there's a good chance that there is knowledge that he has, that Aang doesn't. Aang should be nerding out more about this. I'll do the nerding out for him.
Aang just breezes right by that Gyatso name drop like it's nothing. Huh.
Oh hey Toph. I'd forgotten she was in a box. Tweedle dum and Tweedle dumber really are quite the pair. What's their plan for keeping her fed and watered? Actually, these guys apparently don't know that maps exist, so it's probably never occurred to them that humans need sustenance. They'll rock up to the Bei Fong estate with corpse Toph and wonder why they aren't getting the reward money.
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Mai gets called out in-universe for shopping at Hot Topic.
Ty Lee's buttering up of Azula is getting less and less subtle as the season progresses. It's a testament to Azula's lack of awareness that she's hasn't noticed that, and that Ty Lee can get away with it.
Azula's right that it's an extraordinary opportunity. The King gave them quite literally every piece of info required to overthrow his kingdom in a 25 second conversation. I can't blame her for taking advantage of such an easy win.
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That's a very effective unimpressed face. And a very impressive beard.
It's funny to see a spiritual concept from the real world pop up in a show that includes things like bending and giant fish possession. The mention of Chakras kind of sticks out. They couldn't invent a Avatar universe version?
"Once you begin this process, you cannot stop until all seven are open." Well that doesn't feel like foreshadowing at all.
This episode should be called "Aang's self-care Journey." It's about time the kid had a me day that wasn't avoidance-based.
Fear: Losing Katara - makes sense. Losing control of his powers via fish possession - makes sense. The Fire Lord - makes sense. But the Blue Spirit? He helped. Doesn't make sense.
Guilt: Running away - makes sense, although I thought he'd worked through that with Katara in the storm. Nuking that idiot General's base - makes sense, but boy did he quite literally ask for it.
This guru is saying some wonderfully accurate, and realistic, things. I love that he's not taking the Katara route of denying anything is wrong. He's going for the acknowledge, then heal route. And yes, it's unfair of me to compare the emotional maturity of Katara to a century+ old spiritual expert.
I'm going to ruin the immersion here and point out that Sokka's dad's voice actor voiced a bunch of characters in season 1. He's doing an excellent job, but couldn't they get a unique voice for a character that's so important (albeit offscreen) to Sokka?
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That's an incredibly roundabout way of avoiding pointing out that the Southern Water Tribe are active participants in a bloody war. Sure, we can show multiple characters with visible scarring from horrific burns, but heaven forbid we imply that the Southern Water Tribe sinks ships. The parameters for what is and isn't appropriate on this show sometimes make no sense.
"Aren't you listening? I said the rest of you men get ready for battle." He hasn't seen his boy in two years, but fifteen minutes in his company and he knows exactly what needs to be said and how. That's some top tier parenting. Dad of the year. Dad of the century. Only decent Dad in this show that isn't technically an uncle.
"Follow your passion Zuko, and life will reward you." Great advice for your eight year old audience. Also a great way to end up unemployed.
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Positive Sokka creeped me out a few episodes ago. Now positive Zuko is freaking me out too.
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Back to Chakras! Shame: Burning Katara - makes sense. But that's it? To have the inner peace of mind of a twelve year old who's somehow only ever done one thing that he's ashamed of.
Is there anyone in the earth kingdom who isn't stupid? Once again wondering at the network's standards. Visible burn injuries are fine, but Mai can't say 'Shut up." It's got to be Shush up. Although I do seem to recall of brief time in the early 2000s when Shut Up was treated as a curse on par with Shit or Fuck. Maybe that was just at my school.
Chakras again! Even for a show that often has an A, B, and C plot, this narrative is ping ponging around a bit much.
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Grief: nothing major, just a whole nation. Makes a horrific amount of sense. but I don't buy that he can get over grieving the whole world as he knew it by thinking about his crush. That's way too high a pedestal for Katara to be placed on.
Lies: Not accepting he's the Avatar. Interesting that not accepting that he's the Avatar and not accepting that he's a firebender are two different problems.
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I see you reusing the opening credits footage. Your blue filters can't fool me.
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Illusion: So we're relearning what we learned in The Swamp. Aang's probably the person currently alive least likely to believe in the rigid separation of the nations anyway. This doesn't feel like an illusion he's subject to?
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The way this episode dances between its narrative threads is so great. It's all woven in so beautifully. And this makes perfect sense! Toph's spent her life secretly doing things excellently that everyone says are completely beyond her capabilities. Life has taught her that the statement "you are not able to" doesn't apply. Of course immutable laws of bending physics are treated with the same respect as an adult telling the champion of the Earth Rumble that she's can't earthbend beyond breathing exercises. If you told her that humans can't fly, she'd figure out how within the week.
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Plot collision incoming.
Interesting that Katara initially recognises Zuko by his voice rather than his scar.
I'm pretty sure that Zuko and Iroh don't know about the whole brainwashing thing, but wouldn't it be hilarious if Zuko introduced himself to Katara as Joo Dee, and his uncle Joo Dee, welcome to the Jasmine Dragon, can I take your order? That would throw Katara into one hell of a moral quandary.
Katara being framed as the solution for Chakra number four comes back to bite Aang, as she's the problem in Chakra number seven. I knew that pedestal was too high.
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I've changed my mind. This episode should actually be called "Half a dozen reasons why everyone should just learn to keep their goddamn mouths shut already."
So is anyone going to let Zuko and Iroh know that they're now in immediate danger and need to leave, like, yesterday?
I think the Guru is going for the whole 'if you love them, let them go, and they'll come back to you' thing. Don't cling, in other words. But for the sake of the plot he's suddenly lost his ability to explain Chakras in a way that makes them seem like the logical thing to do. The only clunky bit of this episode so far.
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May I introduce you to our Lord and Saviour Toph?
"I am the greatest earthbender in the world." Yes. Yep. Yeah. That's now a quantifiable fact, and it's correct. Look on ye mighty and despair. She's even got Bumi beat.
Earth Tongue Running is a bit wonky looking but it covers a crazy amount of distance.
What's the range on Toph's earth sense? Can she sense what direction Ba Sing Se is?
I hope those two idiots' horse bird is ok.
"You don't know how much this means to me dad." He does. Very much so.
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Every word out of this guy's mouth is precision engineered to make Sokka feel like a million bucks and I for one think it's about time someone built him up. Also, seeing this makes me realise how few good parents there are in this show. It's a trope of kids' adventure shows that the parents fundamentally can't be there, but I also think it's a commentary on yet another thing that this war has messed up.
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Hey look! Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most, and right now that's in Ba Sing Se, protecting your sister! I love narratives that tie their themes up with a pretty bow on top.
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This is Azula laying a trap, right? Which means that Katara squealed to someone about the exact location of Iroh and Zuko's tea shop. Don't like the implications of that.
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Photos taken seconds before disaster.
Final Thoughts
This episode was a lot! I mean that in a good way! But I felt a bit like the Maxell Blown Away Guy, the way I kept getting assaulted by yet another plot thread. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a criticism. I think the switching between plot threads and the amount of info in this episode worked 99% of the time. But I'm kind of in awe at the balancing act the writers pulled off and I'm sort of sitting here blinking a bit trying to fit all this stuff in my head. I'm probably going to forget half the stuff I wanted to talk about in this write up, so here goes nothing.
Given the Azula reveal in at the end of last episode, I thought that this would be the episode where the shit hits the fan. I was wrong. I'm glad I was wrong. An episode of set up is required and is nice breathing room, even an episode as busy as this. And I got to leave Ba Sing Se! But this does mean that next episode is going to be calamity after calamity.
Aang and his Chakras: I'm fascinated by this guru. I hope he comes back. That brings the total number of people who were alive before the war started up to three: Aang, Bumi, Guru Patik.
I'm impressed that the run through of the Chakras rarely felt like an info dump. The onion and banana juice thing didn't work for me, but I'm sure it worked for people in the target age bracket. Kids love burp jokes.
So many shows sprinkle in tragic backstories for flavour and then never have them influence the character in the present. It was a nice contrast to see a show take a whole episode to tell Aang "yeah all that sucked. It's ok to feel down about it. Here's how you move forward."
Sokka and his dad: Love it. Love it so much. I love seeing Sokka built up, and he definitely deserves it, but I wonder if this is the reward for a character arc well done, or the set up for a character arc that's about to start? Is his dad's praise his prize for crossing the finish line, or is it so he's built up with farther to fall?
I loved seeing more of the Southern Water Tribe. I loved the fashion. There's a lot of variety in accessories and variations on a few basic elements like those knee guard things. I loved their hairstyles. I loved how cozy and communal that command tent felt. I loved their ships. I wonder how often these guys work out, that they can make loading ramps that are presumably deployed and stashed out of the way frequently, out of whole logs rather than planks. I have a bone to pick with the child-friendly sea mine. But it provides a good set up for a dad joke, so I'll let it slide.
Zuko and Iroh: Of course the one time Zuko is allowed to be in a good place, it's so that he and Iroh both have farther to fall when the inevitable happens. Poor guy just can't catch a break. I'd be mad at Azula for the party crashing that I'm assuming she'll do next episode, but it's been established that Zuko has all nice things taken away from him as soon as he gets them, and I can't blame Azula for being a tool of the universe.
Azula & Long Feng: Azula's acting in Long Feng's prison cell was miles ahead of what Long Feng was doing in front of the Earth King, so I'm wondering if Long Feng has bitten off more than he can chew. Also: conspiring with the enemy to bring down your own city just so you can reinstall yourself as the power behind the throne that will presumably cease to exist as soon as the Fire Nation takes control? That is both treasonous beyond description and an incredible case of shooting yourself in the foot. What's Long Feng's plan here?
Toph and the Dunderheads: it says something about the consistency of Toph's characterisation from her introduction onwards that she breaks the universe this episode and my reaction was "that's neat." It's obviously a huge moment, but of course Toph can do that. Toph can do anything. More importantly, Toph knows that Toph can do anything, so Toph routinely does do anything, especially things she shouldn't be able to do. If you had asked me a few episodes back which character would be most likely to fundamentally redefine bending, I would have said Toph, since she's already fundamentally redefined bending with her earth sense sonar vision.
Also Toph just breaks stuff. Things that come into contact with her cease to function as intended and instead function as Toph requires. Look at the two idiots: both successful business owners, one also a successful hoodwinker of the richest family around. But they come into contact with Toph and their brains take an extended vacation.
Katara & the Generals: this plot was more like an extension of Azula's plot than its own standalone thing. You can't blame her for spilling the news about Zuko and Iroh to someone she honestly thought was Suki. Not much else to say about it, although it's cute that she asks for a table for two at the tea shop. Momo gets a chair!
I like that there's a theme this episode of things going wrong despite the best intentions. No one's acting maliciously here apart from the Antagonists. The Earth King is having an honest chat with people he thought were friends. Sokka vouched for people he honestly thought were the Kyoshi Warriors. Katara shares information about a presumed threat with people she honestly thought were her allies. You can quibble with the wisdom of some of these decisions, but there were all done with good intentions. The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry and all that. It brings to mind that Star Trek quote about how you can do everything right and still lose. And this set up is going to hit harder when whatever goes wrong next episode happens. And something will go wrong. A few months ago I figured that the Season 2 finale would be a triumph, but all signs are pointing towards a tragedy instead.
This episode was visually stunning, the soundtrack in the Air Temple sections especially was very evocative, and I applaud the minds that could juggle that many plot threads at once without dropping any. This one is definitely going on my rewatch list.
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theriu · 1 year
By a stroke of unexpected blessing, I acquired an actual in-store copy of LoZ: Tears of the Kingdom! Behold!
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And the natural first thing to do was inform my niece and nephew who are also avidly awaiting it. This was quickly followed by impromptu arrangements for a Cool Aunt Sleepover including said niece and nephew and also another niece and nephew. We took turns playing through the intro and exploring the first map and completely lost track of time! And now, slightly out of context potential spoilers under the cut as I recount our reactions and my favorite moments of the night:
[Link crawling on the ceiling like a lizard while Older Nephew searches for Clues] Zelda: Oh! Link, the master sword is glowing! [Link back on the ground, but tbf she totally could have noticed the sword glowing while he was crawling on the ceiling]
“[Older Nephew], can you PLEASE keep moving?” “I need to click Zelda a fifth time to make sure we got all the dialogue!”
“Those rocks are definitely patterned like breakable rocks. I bet we can come back later and break them.” “Yeah they are you’re probably right.” (We were not right.)
Older Nephew: “Just what is Ganon smoking for there to be so much? He must have horrible lung problems.”
Me, totally nervous about upcoming creepy scene: “[Younger Nephew] you’re gonna need to leave pretty soon, this next scene is probably gonna be SUPER CREEPY” (It was indeed creepy but nowhere NEAR as creepy as I expected from the trailers, altho I did close my eyes for the one head-turning part, dont judge me)
Older Nephew: “Yeah, dead Ganon. Ganon without water. Dehydrated Ganon.”
[Everyone to Younger Nephew] “You can come back in now!”
“Where did his shirt go?” “Magic” “Why are his PANTS gone?” “No idea”
[After finding pants] “Did we miss his shirt?!” [The quest for a shirt continues]
“The portal is down there—“ “I KNOW I’m EXPLORING”
Link really just walked up to a giant drop into open air without his parasail and went “Time to yeet,” no answers given and no questions asked. Classic.
“Giant lilypads!”
“I found a STICK!”
[Everyone while Older Niece was breaking pots] “Destroy ancient relics! Demolish personal property for cash! Commit vandalism!”
Older Niece decides her talents are better served livetexting our progress on Discord.
Younger Niece is delighted that the new fuzzy race have big wing-shaped ears like her original character and is now calling Rauru her grandfather.
“I bet you can ride the emus!” (You can’t and I’m still mad about it)
[While I am searching a tree for eggs] Older Nephew: “Are there any eggs? Do we get to consume a bird’s children-to-be?”
Younger Nephew ends turn early because he hasn’t learned how to hit yet and there is an enemy robot RIGHT OVER THERE. Understandable, really.
Older Nephew slides down to explore dangerous ledge hovering over the abyss. Younger Nephew, repeatedly: “This is dumb.” Me: “Yeah, it is.” Older Nephew: [finds a hidden chest] Me: “Never mind!”
Older Nephew has dubbed first hand power Magic Superglue. I don’t remember what it’s actually called, so apparantly it stuck (ha!)
“THE KOROKS ARE BACK!” [cheering]
The children cheering me on as I fuse six giant blocks into SUPER BRIDGE
Accidentally glueing comically small-by-comparison crate to the very corner of Super Bridge
Younger Niece gets jumpscared by an emu BOLTING out of the trees RIGHT AT THE SCREEN. Gameplay paused while room recovers from laughing fits.
“We can FUSE STUFF INTO NEW WEAPONS?!! This is the BEST THING EVER!!!” [Older Nephew and Younger Niece conduct rigorous experiments resulting in some actually cool weapons, a stambulb arrow, and an apple stick.]
REVENGE OF YOUNGER NEPHEW: Comes out of shrine and destroys a robot in two hits with Boulder Sword.
[After 2 1/2 hours] “WE FOUND HIS SHIRT!!!” [cheering]
“You hit the fans to make them work!” [Older Nephew forgets to unequip ax and obliterates half the raft]
Utterly delighted over discovering the glow seed arrow trick myself while ineffectively trying to kill a robot.
Younger Niece: “How come you always find the eggs?” Me: I’m just that good. It’s because I own birds.”
[Group hilarity] “MINE CART SHIELD!”
[Group insanity] “MINE CART HAMMER!!!!”
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And that’s when I looked at the clock and realized it was 1:30 in the morning, so we wrapped up and went to bed. AND A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!
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ronsenthal · 6 months
Being the nerd I am I was searching for some old maps that depict Easy Company path in the european theatre of war, didn't find any good one as so many cities were missing, just from top of my head (might as well do my own lmao), anyway, I've stumbled upon some nice resources, specialy from Airforce, like literally a guide on how to spot war planes.
So if any writer, design artists or just history/cartography nerds are out there and are interested you can find them on here and here and also this Aviation Atlas and a Guide on How to Identify Warplanes (as we are all excited about MoTA)
Also if you want to explore more data you can use the search engine and filter it to the time period you want to, (e.g I've searched for Europe in the WWII years) or whatever you want, it's such a big collection!!!!
If anyone has any trouble using the website or want to share cool maps or just wanna talk about it my ask box is always open
Have fun :)
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waffletimeart · 7 months
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Because I have brainrot and am writing a big ol’ OC story, I’ve decided to open up asks for any of my characters! Below will be some rules for asks, and under the cut will be brief descriptions of all the characters available for questions, because I don’t expect anyone to remember all of them or go scrolling through all my posts to figure out who is who.
This will be updated if/when I create more OCs and their references are posted.
* You can ask them any questions, give them things, dare them, and other stuff!
* Please specify if you are asking a certain character(s), so I don’t get confused on who to have answer. If I’m not sure who it’s meant for, it’ll likely go unanswered.
* The only things I won’t allow are NSFW questions. As a general rule, if you wouldn’t ask a person irl about this/to do this, don’t ask them. If it's really bad, you might end up blocked.
* If you have questions about my characters/story meant for me, you can ask those as well! Please just specify if it’s a question for me! Please note that questions for me will likely be answered before questions for characters, as I plan to draw characters' answers.
All asks take place after the story mode of Splatoon 3!
CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS (in order of left to right, top to bottom)
Katrina: red haired Inkling. Big of heart, dumb of ass. Loves fried food. Usually gets herself injured in stupid ways doing stupid things. Agent 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Older sister of Rook, and best friends with Neil, Lora, and Hydra. Queer platonic partner of Capri.
Neil: teal haired Inkling. Stoic and serious. Keeps Katrina in check (while arguing with her all the while). Always dragged into doing Katrina’s stupid ideas. Best friends with Katrina, Lora, and Hydra. Agent 5 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
Waffles: yellow and purple haired Inkling. A fun-loving and naive kid who probably shouldn’t be allowed to participate in Turf War but does so anyways. Will befriend you (threat). The younger brother of Pancakes, and friend of Hydra.
Lora: purple haired Octoling. Aspiring fashionista and the median for Neil and Katrina. Sweetest person you’ll ever meet, but also a bit harshly sisterly. Former Octarian army soldier turned spy and Agent 6 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Best friends with Katrina, Neil and Hydra.
Pancakes: yellow and purple haired Inkling. Seemingly untrusting and cold, but actually a big softie who just doesn’t really understand how to express his emotions. Giant tactician nerd who rigorously studies Turf War maps. Older brother of Waffles, and boyfriend of Hydra.
Capri: orange haired Inkling. Seemingly stoic and serious, but really they’re just tired. Secretly mischievous and silly. Probably watches whatever the Splatoon equivalent of TikTok is all day. Former Agent 3 and Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Queer platonic partner of Katrina. Friends with Neil, Lora, Hydra, and Harper.
Hydra: (he belongs to @austin-the-creechur, but as he’s very important to my character’s stories, he is available for questions!) cyan haired Octoling. Loud, extroverted, and confrontational, but has a heart of gold. Loyal friend and anarchist. Raised in the Splatlands. Has a Smallfry companion lovingly named “Little Buddy”. Agent 3.0 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Best friends with Katrina, Neil, and Lora. Friends with Waffles and Rudy. Romantic partner of Pancakes.
Egg: light orange haired cephalopod. A formerly fuzzified cephalopod, who was rescued by the New Squidbeak Splatoon and later cured. Shy and timid, but tries to be friendly and will probably do anything you ask without questioning it. Friends with Capri, Katrina, Neil, Lora, and Hydra.
Rook: red haired Inkling. Raised by the Salmonids before being reunited with her older sister Katrina, and now resides in Splatsville with her Smallfry friend, Puck. Local "I-lived-under-a-rock" who doesn’t understand inkfish culture. Takes everything too seriously, but is trying to be a little more lax, as per requested by her sister. Friends with Neil, Lora, and Hydra.
Kouser: light yellow haired Inkling. Lives in the desert of the Splatlands that surrounds Splatsville. Another person who doesn’t understand Splatsville culture. Runs on a “dog eat dog world” mentality, and regularly mugs people for food and money. Self conscious about their scar. Has history with Hydra.
Harper: blue haired Octoling. Sassy lil bitch with a talent for rap and music. Will do what she believes is right until the bitter end, and will fight for it too. Cares deeply for her friends and loves doing things with other people. Hates being alone. Throws herself into risky situations without thinking first. DJs for a job as DJ D33P-C. Has seen The Horrors. Agent 8 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Friends with Capri, Katrina, Lora, and Neil.
Rudy: teal and pink haired Octoling. Part of a motorbike gang. Sassy and rude to everyone, including her friends, but is only joking towards people she actually likes. Holds grudges like her life depends on it. Fiercely protective of her friends, and is not afraid to throw hands at anything. Friends with Hydra.
Chipper: orange haired Octoling. Runs a restaurant named Aloha Eats, which Katrina is a regular of. Uses various Salmonid ingredients in her food, collected by striking a deal with and working at Grizzco occasionally. Technically doesn’t have a license for it, but can provide ability-boosting food and beverages.
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thoughtfulfangirling · 4 months
2024 Reads
Another human invented marker of time has passed moving us from one year to the next. It's a good reason to start over my lists right?! XD 2023's list can be found here! 2024 starts below!
You Made a Fool out of Death with Your Beauty - Awaeke Emezi
Pussypedia: A Comprehensive Guide^ - Zoe Mendelson & Maria Conejo
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek -Kim Michele Richardson
Meru - S.B. Divya
The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist: A True Story of Injustice in the American South^ by Radley Balko & Tucker Carrington
Watching the Tree: A Chinese Daughter Reflects on Happiness, Tradition, and Spiritual Wisdom^ - Adeline Yen Mah
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong
The Last Days of the Romanovs: Tragedy at Ekaterinburg^ - Helen Rappaport]
Pride and Prejudice* - Jane Austen
Fresh Girl - Jaida Placide
Butts: A Backstory^ - Heather Radke
The Girl Who Chased the Moon - Sarah Addison Allen
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides
The Blue Sword - Robin McKinley
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex^ - Nathaniel Philbrick
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the 1846 U.S. Invasion of Mexico^ - Amy S. Greenberg
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible^ - Charles E. Cobb Jr.
This Is Your Mind on Plants^ - Michael Pollan
The Silent Patient*~ - Alex Michaelides
Finding Me^ - Viola Davis
Wuthering Heights# - Emily Bronte
Exit Strategy~ - Martha Wells
The Girls Who Went Away:^ The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades before Roe V. Wade - Ann Fessler
Bowling Alone:^ The Collapse and Revival of American Community - Robert D. Putnam
Fugitive Telemetry%~ - Martha Wells
The History of Wales^*% - History Nerds
The War on Everyone^% ~- Robert Evans
Searching for Black Confederates:^ The Civil War's Most Persistent Myth - Kevin M. Levin
The Great Influenza:* The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History [2004] by John M. Barry
Network Effect~ - Martha Wells
Zelda Popkin:^ The Life and Times of an American Jewish Woman Writer - Jeremy D Popkin
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon
Medical Apartheid:^ The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present - Harriet A Washington
The Assassination of Fred Hampton:^ How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther - Jeffrey Haas
Currently reading: The Assassination of Fred Hampton and Medical Apartheid
Key: * = Reread ^ = Nonfiction ~ = Read with Empty % = Novella #= Doc book club
My goal for 2024 is for 40% of my reads to be nonfiction. I've had two years within the recent past where I managed 20% of my reads to be nonfiction, so I'm aiming to double that. THIS WILL BE HARD FOR ME! Not because I don't enjoy nonfiction but because I enjoy fiction a lot more and have a lot more practice reading it. Haha Also for me, I am in circles where I'm just going to have more awareness of fictional books that I'm likely to enjoy more so than nonfiction. I'm kind of hoping that this years journey will change that a bit too!
Okay, below the cut I'm putting the nonfiction books on my tbr, most of which I have the lovely people of Tumblr to thank for the recommendations!
1968: The Year that Rocked the World
The Age of Wood; Our Most Useful Material...
The Assassination of Fred Hampton
Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the...
Being Human:
The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shelf
Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curious Man
Bowling Alone
Brave the Wild: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped...
Butts: A Backstory / Evermore Recommended
The Cadaver Kin and the Country Dentist / Automatuck9
Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse...
Dear Senthuran
Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with...
Finding Me (Viola Davis)
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed...
The Food of a Younger Land
The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women...
The Glass Universe
The Great Hunger: The Story of the Famine...
The Great Influenza
Helping Her Get Free: A Guide for Families and Friends of an Abused Woman
The History of Ireland
The History of Scotland
The History of Wales
How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The Indifferent Stars Above
In the Heart of the Sea / ecouterbien
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death...
The Indifferent Stars Above
The Last Days of the Romanovs / Automatuck9
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical...
Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During the Crisis...
A New World Begins
Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous...
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get you Killed / Empty
Radium Girls
The Road to Jonestown
Paper: Paging through History
People's Temple
Pussypedia / Bookstagram Rec
Salt: A World History
Say Nothing
Sea Biscuit: An American legend
Searching for Black Confederates
This is Your Mind on Plants
Unmasking Autism
The Unthinkable: Who Survives when Disaster Strikes - And Why
Watching the Tree / found all by my little self
We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow we Will be Killed...
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the.. / Rose
The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta...
I will actually add to this list as I get more recs and whatnot. And I still have some coming which I ordered from Thriftbooks. Once those are here, I'll add those. I'm a little sad there aren't more memoirs, but there's plenty of time for that yet! This is already 37 books, and given lately I've been reading about 70 (nonfiction may slow me down tho), these should give me plenty of ability to reach my 40% goal. Now it's just a matter of if I do it XD
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paperclipninja · 8 months
So I've been obsessing over Crowley's crank, and its significance in the way we've seen it utilised throughout the series so far. There has been some amazing commentary around its use as a tool and the way it plays into Crowley's creativity, but I keep fixating on the link between his use of it to start the nebulae, the fact Crowley can stop time and its function as a car starter (a car that is somehow connected to Crowley like it's an extension of the demon himself).
Is this all pure conjecture on my part? Absolutely. Might it get a little wackadoo? Highly likely. But I've been mulling over this darn crank for so long that I need just to get it out, so here goes.
If Crowley played a part in creating space (or a part of space), then he played a part in creating time. We know that space and time are inextricably linked and that space-time can bend and curve (full disclosure: I am absolutely not a scientist, just a tv nerd who likes reading about space and is obsessed with fictional characters, so apologies for the extremely rudimentary understanding or any inaccuracies!). While there are a whole lot of other fascinating impacts that things like gravity can have on time, my theory is that Crowley has the ability to play with time because he understands it in the context of the ever expanding universe that he had a hand in creating.
He knows the stars intimately; where they are located, how to get there, each pocket of the nebulae he created clearly mapped in his mind. So doesn't it make sense that Crowley can navigate time in a similar way? He can find those places where space-time bends or curves and grab onto it, draw it to himself in a time of need. He only uses the crank to restart time when with Adam, so perhaps this is because when he freezes time in that instance, he is freezing time in heaven and hell too, not just an individual person, and far more energy is required to get it going again. And just as his little part of space was started with the crank, he restarts time the same way. Because they are, in a sense, the creation of the same thing: re-starting time is simply a continuation of what he already set in motion when starting the nebulae.
(the other, perhaps slightly more tenuous and definitely less formed, idea is the link between Crowley giving light to the nebulae and speed of light in relation to stopping time, though that would also mean there would be no light or sound if there was some manipulation of the speed of light and a) that's not what we see happening during the time stops and b) my brain isn't big enough to comment further on this)
And so what of Crowley's beloved Bentley? Yes, the crank is practical in the way it literally starts the car, but if this crank is linked to time and space then it is also linked to matter and energy. You know what else is made up of matter and energy? Humans and animals (well, everything tbh so cars too, yes, but just stay with me here).
I'm gonna throw it out there that the human or pet-like characteristics we see in Bentley are a result of the crank being the source of the car's energy. The same crank that helped start the nebulae in which Earth, and therefore life, exists. The same crank that has been used to stop time in order to save lives, connected to space and time and energy and matter, all in the hands of Crowley, from his time as an angel through to his demon times. Angel, demon, the crank doesn't care, it exists as a tool with which Crowley can create on any scale.
Now I've thought a lot about Crowley's connection to the car, what does the crank have to do with the way he and Bentley are seemingly attached and communicate? It is undoubtedly a lot to do with him using his own powers and nothing to do with the crank, but his ability to sense what is happening when Aziraphale is in the car, for example?
If we're going to stick with the idea that Bentley is charged with life-like qualities as a result of receiving its energy from the crank, then perhaps it isn't a leap too far to suggest that Crowley remains connected to the car much the way he is connected to the stars and knowing where they are and what they're like at different times of the year. Because he helped imagine it. That energy source, the crank, was part of Crowley's inspiration and imagination coming to life, and so the Bentley houses those parts of him inherently. The car is an extension of him because it contains his energy.
So that might provide possible speculation as to how Crowley is connected to his car, but then how and why does Bentley change while Azirapahle is driving? Well, I personally like a choose-your-own-adventure approach to thinking about this one. Reasons Bentley changes for Aziraphale could include:
Just as humans or animals react and respond differently to different people/celestials (I assume??), Bentley is able to adjust its response depending on who is driving
Something about how the different energy and matter of Aziraphale might impact the car's response that someone with more science knowledge than me would need to talk about
Aziraphale and Crowley's energies are linked from that moment of creation, when they started up the nebulae together. And so, Aziraphale's energy is also a part of Bentley and Bentley recognises it when Aziraphale's driving and adjusts accordingly.
So that's where I'm at, a whole lot of questionable ruminations about a crank, a car, a demon and the universe. I mean, it could also just be that using a car crank to kickstart part of the universe is pretty darn hilarious, there's absolutely no deeper meaning or more to read into it. But that wouldn't be nearly as fun to write about.
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siremasterlawrence · 11 months
Green With Envy
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Star city is a gritty paradigm of off the chart evil doers including bit not limited to me the big hunch a nerd who has a criminal empire ready to set foot in to this city and take a hold over it.
Unfortunately, that dastardly addicted good guy is always intervening with that brooding face and emerald costume that resembles Robin of all things it’s embarrassing to see it on display.
Tonight is the night the world will see me at my glory if we can avoid the goody two shoes archer who’s quiver aims far to fast accurately for my taste maybe I should teach him a lesson or two.
Tye trap is set all he had do is take the bait and I bet he will. Across town Oliver Queens is bombarded with news blast on his cell Phone news alerts and says good bye to Felicity.
His expression quickly returns to that old grumpy curmudgeon face as he suit up for battle and races to the scene when I await him high above in the main office the stage is set.
Oliver motorcycle races in parking in the l middle of the room he hops off failing to notice the facility gate drop hitting the floor and he jumps hoping he can find away out of here soon.
The room fades in to darkness leaving all to his imagination a single candle is lit with a line finger blowing it out his teeth white as ever can be seen.
The man takes a seat to Oliver discontent and disbelief at the sheer ridiculousness of it all and follows suit flipping his hair back the pressure is on.
“What are you doing in my city? Why are you here?”
“Questions and Questions “
“Is this a joke to you ?”
“No! Sorry you are”
“What a awful costume ”
“Am I supposed throw up in submission?”
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“Let me show you”
“You see this is the map of your city “
“You are going to help me conquer”
“As if”
“You resistance while admirable”
“Is futile?”
“Then I’ll go down fighting “
“Ugh! Geez”
“Fine let’s play a game a big one”
Oliver spits at me flinching when I punch him hard then pick up my remote clicking it the cover flips up revealing Barry Allan Aka The Flash asleep and locked in a meta human dampener.
“Barry? Barry?”
“He can’t hear you “
“Bastard! What did you do?”
“I merely beat him at his own game”
“What do you want?”
“I want your surrender just like his.”
“Fuck you !”
“Its easy really”
“Don’t you want to join your friend “
“Barry has already lost “
“He can’t be saved “
“Oh really ?”
“Initiate mind wipe and reprogramming “
“Bart begins “
“Acronym for Breaking…Arresting…Reserved Transformation.”
“Anyway genius! Catch this “
“It’s bomb! Stop please”
“Too late “
“Don’t you worry take a deep breath”
“All you had to do was here my pitch”
“But not “
“Instead…here are”
“How do you feel?”
“Empty and open”
“Get lost”
“Who am I?”
“Your name is Oliver Queen”
“You are a playboy Billionaire “
“You are also The Green Arrow”
“My Vigilante “
“You are a criminal Master mine under me”
“Stop struggling let your mind adjust “
“The memories shuffled and replaced”
“Hey bro”
“Green Arrow at your service “
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The end
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Rick Conroy's Recent Rentals:
Romancing the Stone (1/2/3)
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As a refresher, this is a shot from 4x02: Vecna's Curse. Robin, Max, Dustin and Steve are using the Family Video's database to look through the most recent rentals of all the Ricks in town as hints for which one Reefer Rick is, so that they can find his address to track down Eddie.
Unfortunately for them, the selection here for this specific Rick didn't give off 'reefer' vibes and so they moved onto the next one. Luckily for us, the Duffers are nerds and this could be important.
While there are several Rick's they skim through, this one in particular had me intrigued. And so I will be analyzing these films, as well as whether or not they could have been inspiration for s4 or whether they may even be predicting events still yet to happen in s5.
3. Romancing the Stone (1984)
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The plot of Romancing the Stone revolves around an American Romance/Adventure novelist, Joan Wilder, who has to travel to Colombia to save her sister. While there, she gets stranded in the jungle, though 'luckily' she runs into an American exotic bird smuggler, Jack T. Colton, who has a lot of experience in said jungle and whose basically her only hope in finding and saving her sister.
What makes this movie probably the most interesting out of the three, is that it's directed by Rob Zemeckis. If you don't know, Zemeckis also directed Back to the Future (1985).
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In fact, if you look close, you'll see an interesting parallel that makes my explanation for this analysis a whole lot easier to transition into.
Basically, Zemeckis revealed later in life that the success from his film Romancing the Stone was what allowed him to make Back to the Future in the first place.
And so this just makes this iconic Marty McFly outfit kind of hilarious when you realize it's actually paying homage to another character.
Which means that this....
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Could also mean this...
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Not only do the costumes check out in terms of us being able to potentially associate Will with this character Jack, but the actual context of the story also makes it hard not to.
Jack is framed as someone who has way more knowledge and experience within this jungle in comparison to the protagonist, Joan, whose only ever explored adventures in her writing, not in reality.
Remind you of anyone?
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Basically, I think that the reference to this film could be hinting at Mike and Will in the upside down together.
We know there have been a lot of hints leading up to that potentially in s5, though right now we don't know what it will for sure look like (whose going first? Mike or Will?), it's very likely to happen in some shape or form.
I do think that this film could act as a simple reference just like Sixteen Candles, with the meaning linked to ST being easy to spot and point out, Ie. Jack/Joan represent Will/Mike.
The main thing in this film that I think is an undeniable parallel, is this mention of a treasure map that Joan is planning to use as ransom to get back her sister. This map is labeled in big block letters with 'El Corazon' AKA the heart.
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I obviously don't think we're going to be dealing with any lost treasure in ST like we see in this film, just like I don't think all the Lord of the Rings homage means we're going to see Will destroy a ring.
We're talking about both basic and complex parallels here, happening with hundreds of films/series at once, at different levels, and how the Duffers manage to make all of that fit organically to create a unique story on its own.
We all know how the heart plays a big role in s4 and what is likely to follow in s5 (the painting!!!). I do think this homage could be quite simple, but it could also be deeper because, again I am not satisfied with simple, as some of you probably know by now.
I also want to try to come to a close with this little 3 part series, which is easy to do because in regards to Will's character, it does feel like a sort of arc that could definitely play out going into the final season:
Sixteen Candles --> birthdagate
Teen Wolf --> memorygate/twelvegate
Romancing the Stone --> apocalypse-byler
My working theory rn is that Will is going to be in danger right at the start of s5, which we already saw foreshadowed at the very end of s4. There is this unspoken understanding that Will's connection to Vecna could mean bad things to come for Will, maybe even that destroying Vecna once in for all could also affect (kill) Will.
It's likely there is going to be discussion about the option of using Will's connection to find Vecna, and everyone sort of predictably being against it, bc of that unspoken understanding this could end very badly for him. But it's also possible that Will would be willing to do what he has to, even if it means putting himself in danger, especially if it means saving everyone. And simultaneously it would make sense for him to leave out all the details about his connection to Vecna as it starts to get worse, all while conflict between him and El and Mike is coming to a head, where Vecna is showing him things that are bringing him to a really low point, ie. everyone forgot your birthday, your friends/family don't love you, yada yada.
Then I think something is going to happen that is going to cause Will to be separated from everyone again... However, I don't think this going to last for more than one-two episodes. And it's likely we would see what he's up to in that time. This would make it parallel to s1 to an extent, but not to the extreme that we never see Will during that time or that he's separated for the course of the entire season. Just enough that it feels like deja vu basically.
And yes I do think it's possible Will has time powers. Though I don't want to make any crazy claims... I'm going to.
Basically, I think that Vecna would greatly benefit from making Will feel like it was better that he was never found in the first place (I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods). And so what he's doing by bringing Will to this low point of hopelessness, is whats going to lead Will to essentially reverse him being found after going missing... That could benefit Vecna greatly presumably. Could it possibly even have the capacity to act as a reset for him of sorts? Maybe. And also, couldn't Vecna play this up to Will as him being able to save everyone and let them be happy, without him, bc he's at a point where he's made himself believe that he deserves it (FUCKING CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT)
And so time passes (A TIME JUMP). Maybe it takes us to the 5 year anniversary since Will's disappearance (1+ years of our Will stuck in the upside down)... But something isn't right, something is missing. Something's wrong. And I think that we would see the characters figuring it out fairly quickly after the time jump is presented to us (anniversary affect). I think Mike in particular could figure it out first even (along with Joyce and Jonathan, hence the s5 foreshadowing intended with this promo), making him a quick target of Vecna, also contributing to him joining Will in the upside down fairly early on, post time-jump (also post Mike's boyliker realization, but Will won't know that...).
This is just a theory! But it does have a lot of interesting things surrounding it that make it at least plausible to me.
First of all, it reminds me so much of s2 and the whole Zombie boy arc with Will. He was in the upside down for a week and got dubbed that nickname. And yet now it makes me wonder if that could have been hinting at something more prominent still to come related to Will and his arc (we know he has this tendency to predict things with his art...).
This also ties into the whole controversy surrounding Will using a gun in s5. There's been this talk forever, how it doesn't make sense for Will to ever use a gun bc that's not like his character at all, as he's been shown to be quite scared and so it doesn't make sense for him to suddenly be comfortable with using a gun in a high stress situation.
However, what makes this sort of ironic to me is the literal narrative principle, Chekgov's gun, which states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Alternatively-explained, suppose a writer features a gun in a story; if the writer features it, there must be a reason for it, such as it being fired sometime later in the plot.
Remind you of anyone?
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This means that starting the story from the very beginning with Will knowing how to use a gun and trying to protect himself with it, but failing to do so, followed by four seasons of him being scared frozen in situations of confrontation... Means that the gun is bound to go off!
Will using a gun in s5 in this scenario would also be supported by Will going through quite a transformation after being in upside down circumstances for 1+ years...
Quite frankly, I don't think it make sense for Will to be this character that is known for freezing and being powerless the entire series, all the way up until the very end. It makes a lot more sense that this final time around, after seeing that for 4 straight seasons, we are going to see a big change in him, which tends to happen to people that go through traumatic experiences and yet still manage to adapt and survive.
Will after 1+ years in the upside down probably knows how to shoot a gun and probably is more sure of himself and less skitish than s1-4 Will.
Also, this provides a lot of character development that Noah gets to have the affordance of exploring as an actor. Like, let's give Noah some wiggle room here to show off what he's capable of for Will's character, which is so much! We know Noah jokes about wanting Will to suffer immensely because it's fun for him to play and act out, but more than anything it's also challenging in a good way. And this would really test the limits of Noah's abilities, which is why I do think it would be a wise choice narratively to make his characters evolution well rounded for the overall story.
Will going from what we expect him to always be like, to being something thats much the same in the important ways (he's still Will obviously), while also being different (see what i did there) as a result of him facing all of his fears in order to survive.
And it also makes the official battle in the end, of him finally facing Vecna off, alongside El and the party, that much more satisfying and believable as an outcome. Because by that point he will be ready, just like they'll all be ready after having finally come together despite everything.
This theory also reminds me a lot of Verse 3 in Time After Time, which is the only verse left out of the scene in 2x09 at the snowball....
There has been speculation these lyrics could be foreshadowing what's to come, and so it is interesing to think about this, with all these other theories related to Will's upcoming arc:
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It's giving Sixteen Candles meets Teen Wolf meets Romancing the Stone (also Mike running out of time crumbs! go off I guess!!)
Also, I just like to think that this reference specifically to Romancing the Stone confirms not only apocalypse-byler, AND Will Byers with a gun but also ponytail-Mike in s5???..
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Oh and maybe even the highly anticipated Murray & byler confrontation, bc why not...
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AGAIN this is just a theory. Don't come at me! Make your own crack theories it's fun and we can all go crazy together!
Honestly I hope I'm wrong bc I would love to be surprised (I can't wait to be surprised regardless).
And yet that wont stop me from trying to figure it out with what they're willing to give us in the mean time!
Until next time (ST5 inspo board, here we come)!
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Hello, World!
What is this?
This is a blog where I will be recounting and commenting on William Morris' 1896 Fantasy novel, The Well at the World's End.
What is that?
The Well at the World's End is an early example of modern Fantasy and was a big influence on both Lewis and Tolkien.
Why are you doing this?
Because I want to! I love the story, think it's very interesting, and also was shocked to find that it doesn't really have any modern presence. When I was reading it, I was unable to find chapter summaries, maps, or any other useful things. I intend to correct this.
My friend told me "be the weird nerd you want to see in the world."
I think it's particularly interesting for not being based in pre-existing mythology, and in the way the author's views come through in the writing. I feel like it was very ahead of its time (both intentionally and unintentionally). It dodges certain thorny pitfalls, walks into others, but I think it's very interesting, and I want to share it with people.
How are you doing this?
I'll start by making a post or two of background information (sort of expanding on this FAQ), then go chapter-by-chapter, summarizing what happens and commenting on it.
I will also likely do interstitial posts of broader commentary and background information.
What's the update schedule?
There isn't one. I'll do it when I do it with very little regard to pacing.
How professional/academic will this be?
Not very at all. I do not intend to do much research, though I may look things up to double-check biographical facts that I mention. Mostly I'll be focused on the text and giving my own thoughts about it.
Note: I will 100% accidentally reblog things to this account. I'll do my best to notice and delete these intruders, but if I miss one, please let me know.
How qualified are you?
I'm not! I'm an aspiring writer who likes to talk about and summarize things, and I do not have any sort of degree or certification in literary studies or literary criticism.
I am interested in linguistics, though, so I'll probably discuss the interesting grammar and diction of the story semi-competently.
Other notes:
I'll include text blocks from time to time. At some point, I will be making a map (so my notes will pay extra attention to direction, distance, and landforms). I'll do my best to tag things in a useful way.
Important Links:
Text (via Project Gutenberg) Audiobooks (via Librivox) Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4
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rookthorne · 1 year
Your writing is phenomenal 🤎
What advice or research/resource tips could you give a writer newly trying to get into more mature-explicit (All natures- battles, love making, whump) scenes or fics ? 🥹
hello, my darling! thank you for your kind words! 🥰
firstly, can I just say that it's a lil' surreal that people are coming to me for advice...? I was in your shoes not that long ago now, and it's blowing my mind that sweethearts such as yourself are asking me for the tips and tricks. like damn, this is insane. ANYWAY
my advice will be under the cut, because, as per usual, I can't shut the fuck up - but this once? it may actually be warranted! 🤣
one thing I live by, that you first have to get into your mind, is that you need to have something on the paper - no matter how bad you may think it is, you must have something on that document. you cannot edit, beta, or work with, a blank page.
this translates so well into mature and explicit works. when I first started, I couldn't write a cuddle scene without blushing (but yet I read the filthiest smut, go figure).
having a mental picture is also crucial to get this to work - whether you visualise, watch videos (p-rn, battle scenes, or medical shows, etc), or whether you follow reputable websites that provide facts - it is crucial to have this step, without it, you have nothing to work with.
this is where I tend to differ from other writers, so this may be one off advice, but I literally just write. I don't stop to think, I don't stop to listen to that voice that is telling me it's stupid. I write, and then edit later (cue my advice earlier - cannot edit a blank page).
I don't always research first.
I know, the horror, right?
sometimes that's the way it goes! while, yes, it is very important to have research backing your works, sometimes the muse just doesn't let you! and that's okay - because you can always go back over your work with a critical eye, rather than a creative one.
I am a firm believer in not stunting your creativity for reality, where you can help it.
but, alas, here I am not getting to the point.
do not, under any circumstance during your research, use Wikipedia. if you go to Wikipedia because you have no other choice, scroll to the bottom and go to those sources - more often than not, these are medical journals, and they do tend to be available for public perusing.
I learnt how to write smut via a previous beta, and she was very graceful in educating me the tricks of the trade. but you can also learn a lot from other writers - just by reading their works! that is how I got to the point that I am at now. I spent hours seeing the differences between writers, and I related what they did in their works to my own creations in the sense of flow, placement, and structure. sooner than later, I ended up mapping out scenes in my head, and if I wasn't sure on how something worked, I reached out to my fellow writers and asked for advice, or asked for a beta! if you feel that isn't an option, watching p-rn is a very good substitute in learning how it all works, or how a position would look, or just in general smuttiness. here is one of the guides that I used.
regarding battle scenes (god I fucking love writing them), it's important to get the ambience right, and the flow of movements without dragging on. it's such a fine balance and it is so fucking easy to tip the scales one way or another, rather than keeping it level. I am a history nerd when it comes to anything Norse/Viking, so I have background and knowledge to help my flow, but watching movies and shows (even documentaries!) is a big help! they will teach you the dynamic movement and flow of how someone would handle a sword, or an axe, or a shield. here is a good combat resource.
whump... oh, my beloved whump, how I fucking adore writing whump. but I have a penchant for torturing and snapping my glow sticks, not everyone is as torturous as me. 🤣
this is where research is the most important, or prior knowledge. I never attempt a whump fic or scene without researching first - it is the only exception to my above statement of not always doing it first.
WebMD is an excellent source for learning about illnesses and the courses of treatment, same with medical journals. I have a few tags on my blog: writing resources, writing tips, writing help - that will direct you to many blogs that have countless resources.
last but not least, reach out to as many writers that you can!
I can't speak for everyone, but I preach that my inbox is always open, both on here and discord, to ask for help or advice regarding anything - whether that be writing scenes, beta work, or just general advice regarding anything writing/creating/aesthetics/graphics! I have a big wheelhouse and I am more than willing to share what I know if it will help someone else, and you can be sure that if I don't know something, I won't stop until I know how to help. never be afraid to reach out to me if you need more help, I don't bite! 💗
I really hope my essay helped you, nonnie, I tried my best - even if I got a bit rambly, my bad 😅🤣
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blackjackkent · 1 month
I'm not entirely clear on what's going on with Rakha's relationship with Lae'zel but I'm like 90% sure Lae'zel just broke up with her on her own initiative before I could do it. XD
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"I am not yours. You are not mine. Or so I've come to believe. You were zhak vo'n'ash duj - source of my bruises. The wounds you inflicted will heal, but they will leave behind scars."
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Ma'am we slept together once, incredibly unsentimentally, and now you're surprised that Rakha was baffled that you wanted to do it again?
This is honestly really interesting and NOT what I expected and suggests to me that Lae'zel catches feelings WAY earlier in the whole process than I thought. Filing this away to talk animatedly about during my Lae'zel-mance on my stream playthrough, where it makes tons of sense because Jayce is a small, cute, worried-looking nerd who thinks Lae'zel is literally the coolest.
With Rakha, though... this has really played out in a way I did not expect at all.
Fundamentally I think Rakha's relationships are progressing a lot faster than Hector's did because I am taking a LOT more long rests, because Rakha is squishy and has to recover from battle more. XD So we're getting a lot more progression on the first map (or, more accurately, the opening adventures on the first map are meant to be taking a lot more in-character time than I realized on my first playthrough).
She and Lae'zel also connected really strongly right from the beginning, and given the way Lae'zel is behaving I'm starting to be inclined to think that connection was way more intense than I was giving it credit for. I already knew that Rakha has basically depended on Lae'zel for guidance and valued her trust, but clearly Lae'zel felt the same way in reverse, more than she let on.
However - talking to her again after this led to a different related set of dialogue: "Curious. I took of you completely. Yet your body seems no more worse for wear. Perhaps I might find use for it again..."
OK, I'm starting to think, actually, that in this worldstate, Lae'zel's emotions are just ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE. Rakha is not the stable central pillar that Hector was able to be; Lae'zel is simultaneously carrying the camp's forward momentum, Rakha's impulse control, and her own life upheaval entirely on her own back and doesn't know how to ask for help with any of it. Which has led to:
I trust you more than anyone else here. Want to fuck? OK we fucked and I still trust you and it's becoming a lot. Again? No? Well FUCK YOU THEN YOU NEVER MATTERED TO ME ANYWAY. Unless--
This is actually all tremendously sad, and a very strong reminder that Lae'zel is very, very young. :( That post that was going around about how she deserves to have a category 5 meltdown free of judgment is starting to feel particularly relevant and this may be fodder for writing in this worldstate once we get to the creche.
Rakha, meanwhile, is just confused. She can tell Lae'zel is upset, but doesn't fully understand why. I think on some level she wishes she could feel differently.
(The fact that this came directly on the heels of Rakha telling Lae'zel she wants to use the worms also probably didn't help. This is just a big slosh of everybody handling everything in the world badly. Astarion is absolutely looking on from the next tent over with popcorn.)
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I have started season 3! Here are my thoughts that I am adding to everytime I pause the first episode
SO, everyone appears to still have their powers, well Gus does. But last time Luz was there (Season 1 finale maybe? I forget when) Luz was unable to use the glyphs, which makes sense. No world magic in the Human Universe, but the magic people have magic in their heart thing (??) so, it makes sense they can still do magic
AND I FORGOT GUS IS A HUMAN NERD! He had the whole human club thing at Hexside, and now he gets to witness the magic that is bubble wrap, amazing. ALSO, this is a Gus fanpage, HE HELPED LUZ'S MUM WASH THE DISHES! I love him.
Hunter and Luz bonding over not telling the others things in their secret things. Poor little kids just confused. They don't deserve this.
"Thank you for providing us shelter ma'am" "Please never do that again" HUNTER YOU PRECIOUS CHILD, poor Luz's mum now has like, 6 kids (including Vee) overnight, she is struggling, especially with the magic terms and Belos and Collector story.
NEW INTRO IS SO COOL!!! And I never knew the studio that created TOH is called "Lumity Studios" BROOO, the studio just ships Luz and Amity the most huh
The human clothes are so great BUT HUNTER DRESSING UP AT FLAPJACK?! Iconic, love the onesie kiddo
Hunter in the mirror freaking out, bless him, I just want to hug and adopt him, WILLOW CUTTING HIS HAIR!! Also Hunter you ain't hiding this crush well YOU ARE BLUSHING EVERYTIME WILLOW IS NEAR
V saving the world one step at a time (teaching Gus how to use the fire extinguisher) as she should
.....They are so bad at cooking, bless them, Luz, Camilla and Vee look traumatised
(I have no idea if this is still the intro, going to be honest, the music is still going though so)
Luz and Amity dancing in the rain (so romantic I will sob) whilst Hunter and Gus are covered in mud and Vee laughs and Willow takes a picture, AHHH My feels. I love them. They are just kids and these scenes remind me of that
......The Hooty, Lilith, Eda and King drawings in Luz's notebook are making me go insane, holy hell, ONE) LUZ IS AN AMAZING DRAWER BUT TWO) DON'T GO MAKING ME MISS THEM, I WILL SOB
(Ah so it was just the intro, I apologise for such big notes on just the intro BUT IT WAS SO COOL!)
...THEY HAVE A VERSION OF DUOLINGO!?! Oh Hooty is going to LOVE this. AND VEE!! Vee is adorable I love her, she has basically perfected a WHOLE DIFFERENT LANGUAGE!
Gus' magic thing becoming an earring is also not being unnoticed, I am absolutely seeing it, and going insane over it, and now want it, despite not having my ears pierced, I also want to dress like how he is dressed, god someone tell me where Gus gets his human clothes from, his overall vibes are immaculate
Whatever Flapjack is looking for is also noted, I will keep this in mind, but please magic birdy, don't ruin these floors, they have just done this building back up (/lh)
Aww, so it really is Duolingo, with the threats and all!
"I never expected to be a mother of 6!" RIGHT?! Like, Camilla loves these kids with her whole heart I am sure.. BUT THIS POOR WOMAN, she needs a break
...Hunter that jumper is so- ....You know what, beautiful, well done kiddo
Do we think Flapjack isn't trying to find something and instead trying to draw something? Idk, the shapes of the cracks look similar (but that might just be, because they are cracks of the same material with the same material hitting it with the same force) OH NO, Well, I was close, ish (we will pretend), but he was instead trying to get what is underneath the floor? A box? A map?? OOOO, no guys, tell Luz
I love that Luz just has to go to school after it all, I wonder if Vee was going in her place for however long Luz was gone after summer ended. And Luz, pal, please don't cause a scene in your English Lit class, you'll get weird looks... Knew it
FUCKKKK The locker being full of Eda and King drawings and THE KING MODEL, is making me lose my mind, I MISS THEM!!!!!! How did you guys survive!?
"You were right in class, we read about too many crusty old dudes, give me books about crusty old women!" Feminism has peaked ladies, gentlemen and other guests, we cannot improve from this moment on
"I wish I knew how to make demon food for your friends. Would they prefer to drink blood?" Camilla supports demons and vampires, my supportive queen <3
AWW WAIT, Hunter's sewing is getting better!!! WELL DONE!! PROUD OF YOU SWEETIE! And the obsession with wolves? Relatable, I adore them too, we are one of the same, you're right Gus, happy Hunter is new, but we love him!
"Do you miss it?" "I miss knowing who I was supposed to be" Jesus Hunter! No need for such a hard hitting line to be used!
...Gus being obsessed with a book and accidentally hinting to Hunter he knows about the Grimwalker thing, was hilarious. But NOT as hilarious as Gus creating a whole shrine to this book series in a tiny closet in the basement, I love Gus
GOD I ALSO LOVE CAMILA, she is studying so many books and paper and making notes etc to help find something for them to eat I AM GOING INSANE
AND SHE IS DEFENDING LUZ SO MUCH AHHHH, I LOVE CAMILA SO MUCH, I also relate to little Luz, I too was weird and did weird stuff without realising it was weird, god I feel so sorry for Camilla, SHE IS A WONDERFUL PARENT, if I see anyone ever insulting her I will go feral, she is under my protection now, if she has 1 fan, its me, if she has 0, I am dead. SHE EVEN HAS THE SNAKE PJS FRAMED!! AND THE BI LOVE BRACELET! God I am going insane
..Hunter, babes, my pal, that sadly isn't human outfit, that is, fictional story outfit. BUT I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT! AWW Gus and Hunter bonding over being nerds is so sweet, I adore them, but Hunter, sadly the 90s was very wrong, we didn't get cool gadgets BUT we did get tumblr, so... yeahhhh.
"NO NO NO SPOILERSSSS!" Mood Hunter, me and you are trying to avoid spoilers to our new obsession like its the plague
"Even if I am not who I am supposed to be, I like who I am right now" GOD, WHAT HAVE WE TALKED ABOUT HUNTER! NO HARD HITTING LINES ON A MONDAY! There was no reason for that line to be so emotion-inducing
This green stuff is really getting on my nerves, let these kids have a break they already have enough trauma and angst to deal with (/j)
THEY HAVE A STATUE OF PHILIP!?! God damn stupid town.
...Demonic giraffes should have been expected with them banishing them, but hey, they are still cute
VEE YOU BRAVE SOUL, and I will come back to how much I love you in a minute, BUT THE OWNER/EMPLOYEE PERSON HAS NONBINARY FLAG NAILS ON! They are quite cool, love them, Vee clearly loves them too with that blush
"It's like you are reading each other's minds! You must have been friends forever!" GOD, Have I mentioned how much I love Vee? Amazing way to diffuse the tension and such, love her
AWW A SCRAPBOOK! Fuck, that's adorable. ALSO THEY ALL WATCHED DISENCHANTED TOGETHER?! Amazing. Love that they do movie nights. God they are all so cute together god damn it!
I know this searching through the house is meant to be intense, but the hooty and king masks combined with the HOUSE BEING SO BIG, SINCE WHEN IS IT SUCH A LARGE HOUSE AND NOT SOME TINY SHED is making me laugh
Maybe inside the wardrobe is Narnia! ..nevermind it was just a rat
Oh but couldn't Belos actually be there, but in the mirror like Luz and the Collector did? Which is why Hunter saw him there but he isn't actually in the house?
ANYWAY, I have gone through like, half the first episode and I have put a lot of thoughts here, so this is part 1 of s3 episode 1 reaction, will upload the second part when I finish the episode but YEAH, so far, absolutely loving this season, I like that its all blind reactions, I usually see stuff about the shows and that's what makes me watch it, but instead I am truly coming into this not knowing anything, which is fun!
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publiusscipiospqr · 10 months
HELLO!! (Intro)
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Hi!!! I’m Carl! Im trans (FtM) and I use he/him pronouns! You can use je/jem and xe/xem if you wanna be cool 😎I’m Spanish as well as a minor!I have ADHD (diagnosed) and I might talk about it from time to time!I am a big history nerd! Specifically Ancient Rome more than anything, but I do enjoy every other aspect of history :D. I also cosplay, but not too much cause it’s too expensive, I mainly cosplay Anakin Skywalker from SW!
Fandoms I’m in:
Bioshock (All games plus Rapture novel)
Drifters (anime plus manga)
Death Note
History? I guess it’s not really a fandom but I’m not too sure where to put it
Star Wars (I’m a little iffy on the sequels but I love everything about Star Wars!)
Masa Works Design
Higurashi: When They Cry
…Among us
The Centricide/ Political Compass (I just like Political ideologies and the Political Compass..) (Also Tankie and Ancom are canon)
Marble Hornets
NSFW accounts
Toxic DR and/or toxic Dream SMP fans (You good guys can stay :D)
Genuinely going to take politics in a serious way, I just want goofiness, if you do want to talk about this matter seriously, ask me first
You like Haji Towa (😬)
MAPs, or any sort of fetish
Share any of my interests! Or anything similar!
You’re cool
You cosplay!
You just want a nice and silly place, I won’t talk much serious here because I believe everyone needs a chance to relax and just have a good time <:D
THANK YOU!! I’m honestly scared so hopefully I’ll start to warm up soon!
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mochiwrites · 1 year
Gosh mo that is a big fat mood, and that's coming from me who's been drawing for yrs ;7;
Like imagining it is awesome but animating it?? Gods damn wjdjejd
RIGHT???? like okay okay. I need to share what’s going on in my head here. here is your warning, I am a music nerd. was a choir kid in high school. so I am all about music stuff. I am also an anime nerd. which means ofc I’m imagining it as an anime opening.
so the song is giants by bear attack! really, really good song.
the intro starts playing and the way the beat is done… I always picture like. with each change in beat we’ve got flashes of the individual members of the sahara crew going from tango -> pearl -> impulse -> cleo -> ren -> iskall -> grian. and then we’re switching to characters that the crew meets eventually or big players so naturally after grian we’ve got mumbo -> jimmy -> false -> xisuma -> keralis -> etho -> bdubs -> doc -> other characters. and if the intro is still going, we’ve got some shots of the crew doing silly goofy things.
and then we’ve got the first verse and I’m imagining like. the crew doing mundane things on the ship. pearl is up top in her lookout space, tango is setting (professional) fires in the kitchen, ren is reading, cleo is drawing maps, impulse is sitting with iskall doing mechanic stuff and grian is at the helm. there’s probably more stuff that can be done here but I don’t have too clear of an image.
the CHORUS however, you’ve got y’know. scenes of the crew duking it out with an enemy pirate crew and each sahara peep gets a moment in the spotlight before uhhhh maybe we get this really fancy transition right. maybe it’s ren or someone fighting someone with a sword and just as their blades clash, it jumps back out to grian sword fighting with mumbo with iskall at his side and grian flashes mumbo this smirk that’s got him going red.
and. yeah. if I had the skills to animate this I SOOOO would. However. I do not. so this will simply live in my head as a high quality anime level opening type thing ;-;
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ryanribbitys · 1 year
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Booster Course Pass Wave 4 is dropping tomorrow seemingly and wanted to detail some thoughts here because easier than twitter:
Ninja Hideaway is i think still the standout track from this DLC, it’s the most unique track by far and offers a challenge not present in any other track in the game, I could 100% see this track not being for everyone as it features some pretty harsh turns (the one after the raising platforms is probably the most infamous) but i can really enjoy anything new that feels intentionally difficult instead of accidentally, the track’s biggest weakness is being an early wave track so visually the Tour visual plastic-ness kinda effects the track unfortunately as i imagine it could’ve been an absolutely gorgeous track with 8′s base game art style
Ironically despite what I just said i think on the whole the tracks coming from Tour as originals (The City and Nitro tracks) tend to feel a bit weaker than tracks based on old tracks. New York Minute is the strongest of the city tracks to me having the best blend of the different path gimmicks while having paths that aren’t really awkward and confusing. the mini map not updating upon a lap change genuinely knocks these tracks down a full tier usually. On top of that I tend to just not love the visual direction and atmosphere of these tracks and the fact there’s so many of them (up to 3 per wave) can sometimes feel a bit much, even if I understand why that is, wanting to preserve the Tour courses. Fortunately the City tracks that have yet to be added to 8 Deluxe are among the better ones and i’m looking forward to it!
On the topic of Tour tracks: Sky High Sundae is maybe the worst track in all of Mario Kart 8 and i’m not even joking. It’s the 3rd “perfect oval” track in the game is easily the weakest. Baby Park’s simple circle design is enclosed to heavily push crazy interactions with items and other players creating a chaotic atmosphere and Excitebike has some decent shortcuts and trick ramps on top of a randomized gimmick. Sky High sundae is just boring, the anti-grav gimmick feels really pasted on to have anything on the track but ironically makes it feel a lot slower than it actually should. Finally it’s just kinda ugly? it looks like a roblox world with free models plastered everywhere. On the whole a waste of a fun theme
3DS Toad Circuit sucks too but like in a funny way. Your friends will get mad at you if you pick it in call which is funny
The 3 biggest “downgrades” from the original tracks to me include Maple Treeway, which while is still solid, i think changed a few things and includes a few things from the 7 version i don’t love, the glider section is not as fun and dynamic as the wii version, I also think Wii’s version has the far better palette and atmosphere, but that’s nerd shit only I care about LOL. Wii Coconut Mall feels kinda butchered in general, it looks ugly and makes changes that overall dampen the track, the Cars spin at the end now but the section where they moved back and forth with boosts in front of them was a very intentionally designed challenge where as the current spinning cars feels really uninspired. Finally Sky Garden feels like it lacks the color choices and design of the original and dampens the layout to an overall boring track
GBA Snow Land is the big surprise of the pass to me, It’s deceivingly simple but the layout is incredibly fun and encourages fun short cuts and mushroom usage which is always a lot of fun to interact with, it’s also one of the far better looking tracks in the booster pass
I’ll get flack for this but I think 3DS rainbow road is a bit overrated. maybe that’s not the right word but I think it lacks what i tend to like about rainbow road which is a real sense of challenge. 3DS rainbow road is really. easy? am i the only who feels that way haha. For as much flack as 8′s new rainbow road gets, it’s a track that offers a substantial challenge with lots of tough turns and places to fall off. I also think 8′s version of n64 rainbow road(a track that i think sucks in the original) is a better “easy” rainbow road, looking more visually exciting and feeling intentionally designed to be a victory lap of sorts
final thing, what in the world is up with the grass textures in this DLC, they seem to swap between a grass akin to the base game and this weird ugly plastic bright lime green. Rock Rock Mountain suffers the worst from this. actively looking worse than the 3DS original to me, feeling less like a drive around a mountain side and feeling more like i’m in a playset
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overall I think the booster course pass started really really rough and while I think it still hasn’t reached base game’s quality it has gotten way better and wave 4 is looking to be the highest quality wave yet
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sl-newsie · 5 months
New York At Christmas (Peter Parker x OC) *Christmas Special*
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Summary: A newcomer visits the Rockefeller Center during Christmas time and meets a certain spider nerd. Is it just the magic of Christmas, or is there another warm feeling in the air? (Takes place after NWH)
“Ey, I’m walk’n here!” The angry man next to me continues to shout at the cab across the street.
“Cool!” I chuckle to myself. “He said the thing! I guess I really am in New York now!”
I’ve only been here half a week and I’m already taken back by the unfamiliar hustle and bustle of New York. The only reason I’m in town is to start at a nearby photography school next month, so obviously being from the country I’m certainly not used to the crowd.
“Watch it, lady!” Another taxi speeds past.
Although the gorgeous and grand Christmas ambiance has been magical, I can’t say the same for the people. It’s a miracle I haven’t run into trouble with gangs or muggers yet. I know it’s dangerous to walk at night, but how else am I supposed to enjoy the Christmas lights?
“I’ll never be able to hail a taxi,” I mutter to myself. “Guess I’ll take the long way to the park.”
Since I’m still new to the subway maps I’ve been having trouble navigating my way throughout the boroughs. My apartment is in Queens, but my destination is located in Midtown Manhattan.
I try to slink through the crowd without bumping into anyone, but am quick to fail. After I nearly run into a rugged, ferocious-looking brute, he grabs my arm and yanks me to face him.
“Watch where you’re going!” He barks. “Next time I won’t be so gentle.”
“Let her go, Travis. She won’t hurt anyone.” A voice speaks up from behind. It’s calm, but also firm.
The man called Travis huffs in annoyance and shoves me forward, almost making me lose my balance as I grip my purse. Thankfully the one who spoke on my behalf catches me, and I come face-to-face with a pair of soft brown eyes.
“H-Hi,” I stutter. 
“Hello,” the man says kindly. “That’s just Travis, he doesn’t bite. And where are you off to?” 
“Oh- right!” I catch my breath.  “The Rockefeller Center!”
He laughs. “Ah, another tourist!”
“Actually, no,” I correct him. “I live here now and I’ve always wanted to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree, so I figured I’d take advantage of my new lodgings.”
“Oh! That’s gotta be tough. Do you… want me to take you there? So you don’t get lost?” The man holds out a hand in friendship. “I’m Peter, by the way. Peter Parker.”
My instincts say this man is trustworthy, so I shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Peter Parker. I’m Sarah. Sarah Williams. And yes, I’d love it if you showed me the way before I end up in a ditch.”
We both laugh and Peter gestures for me to follow him. Now that I’ve calmed down I can get a better look at him as we make our way through the concrete jungle. He’s almost a foot taller than me. Soft eyes, a few strands of brown hair poking out from under a winter knit cap, navy coat, jeans, and sneakers. I wanna say he’s around my age, but don’t want to assume anything.
“So it’s true what they say? ‘If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere?’”
Peter chuckles. “In a way, I guess. So Sarah, how are you liking New York?” He asks with genuine curiosity.
“Too loud,” I immediately answer, at which Peter laughs. “I’m serious! It was loud in the country, but with birds and the sound of rushing water. Not honking horns and screaming people. How can you stand it?”
Peter thinks for a minute. By now we’ve turned multiple corners, leading me to wonder how much longer we need to keep walking. I always forget just how big the city is.
“I can’t explain it, but there’s hidden gems throughout this place that I love. Certain restaurants, news stands, heck even the harbor has a great view.”
“View?” His comment sticks in my head. “What, do you climb the Williamsburg Bridge or something?”
I could be bonkers, but I swear I hear Peter mutter “You could say that” under his breath.
The TV blares overhead, outlining the top story about the latest sighting of the hero known as Spider-Man.
“Oh, I forgot all about him! Does he ever swing through Queens? That’s where my apartment is, and I was hoping to maybe snap a few practice pictures.
Peter looks at me as if I’ve just offered him a million bucks. “Are you kidding? I’m into photography too!”
“Seriously? That’s awesome!” My brain starts whizzing with ecstatic thoughts. “Could you maybe give me some pointers? Or maybe… Do you know where to find Spider-Man?”
He seems to be contemplating an argument in his head, and it makes me wonder if I said something upsetting.
“Is that wrong of me? I’m sorry if I-”
“No, no, it’s fine!” Peter reassures me. “I… actually might be able to set up something with him.”
My jaw drops. “Really? Are you guys, like, best buds or something?” I tease.
Peter suddenly gets a panicked look and gives a nervous chuckle. “Hehe… Oh! Here we are!” Peter quickly changes the subject.
My eyes look up to see-
“Oh my God!” My jaw drops. 
TV and Instagram can never show the amount of wonder and majesty that this scene gives off. The giant tree alone is enough to make me feel my childhood Christmas memories glowing inside me, and looking down at the gorgeous skating rink makes my giddy heart skip.
“Peter, this is- is…”
“Indescribable?” In my dazed state I hardly notice the kind man take my hand and help lead me down the stairs. “Most people say that. There’s something about New York at Christmas that has a certain feeling to it, like something out of an old Christmas card.”
My eyes feel like they’re about to pop out. “Exactly! Like there’s a piece of vintage Christmas magic! I- Wait. Where are we going?”
Peter’s led me to the skating rink, which I’m surprised to find is not very busy.
“You’re gonna have the full experience!” Before I can get a word in, Peter walks over to the stand and pays for two sets of ice skates. “I’m guessing you’re a size 6, right?”
“Yeah… But I don’t know how to skate,” I say glumly and avoid looking up. “I was only planning on seeing the tree.”
I expect Peter to laugh, but he surprises me by instead giving me a kind smile and offering a hand.
“I could teach you, if you want? And if you don’t like it, um… We could go for hot chocolate?”
“I’m just going to look like an idiot, that’s-” I stop myself and rethink Peter’s sentence. “Wait a minute, are you asking me out?”
His brown eyes turn wild and nervous, helping me determine his intentions through obvious body language. At first I’dve said absolutely not, but… Call me crazy, but talking with Peter for twenty minutes has made me feel like I've known him my whole life. He’s not crazy or angry like other people I’ve met here, he’s… smart, quirky, and absolutely adorable. I’d be stupid not to say yes!
“Because if you are, I would say yes.” 
My words seem to spark a whole new wave of emotions in Peter, flashing from excited, to troubled, to nostalgic. Now I’ve got to rethink everything. Is he asking me out, or am I making a complete idiot of myself?
“Sarah, I- Yes, I’d like to ask you out. The only thing is that… I have a very scattered schedule, and can’t always make concrete plans. And…” Peter gets a cloudy and distant look. “Sometimes I need to stay cautious about the people I care about, meaning I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Peter’s confession leaves me a bit confused, but still grateful for his honesty. To show comfort, I take his hand to give it a squeeze.
“I can look after myself, Peter. I don’t need a babysitter. I’d love to go out with you because of how funny and charming you are, not because of making plans. I can’t always make plans either, so I try to go on a play-it-by-ear basis.”
Peter is delighted by my reaction, and shows it by sweeping me in for a sudden hug.
“Oh- right, sorry.” He pushes away with a sheepish grin. “I’m a hugger, just a forewarning.”
“I don’t mind at all!” I laugh. “So does that offer to get hot chocolate still stand?”
Peter’s eyes sparkle as he takes my hand and starts leading me towards the skating rink. “Yeah. As soon as I’ve taught you how to skate!”
My mind starts panicking and I try to tug him away. “Uh, haha. How ‘bout no? I can’t skate, remember?”
“You wanted to see the Rockefeller Center,” Peter recollects as he helps me lace up my skates. “So you will, up close and personal!”
You are indeed a unique individual, Peter Parker.
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