aceofcards0715 · 10 months
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Casual doodles, ocs and human Veldiguns
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crazysodomite · 10 months
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Silly Brother and Sister
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creepy--claws · 8 months
[● Took that fuckin quiz finally
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Thanks pookie I will <3]
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redysetdare · 9 months
Show me ur toons. pls i wanna see other ppls toontown OCs. It can be in game or not! I'm just wanting to relive childhood whimsy and think it'd be fun to see everyone's characters.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Ok but this phishing scam plot was so good. It did three important things at once:
showed us Bo Ra being a strong capable big sister (she hasn't really gotten the chance to be the strong one yet in her story)
show that Su-Hyeok was literally willing to send her 5 million won (a little under 4,000 USD, more than the monthly income of about two thirds of South Koreans) without any questions, merely because she said needed help
and create a reason for Bo Ra to have to work with Su Hyeok again
That's efficiency, baby! And it was done so seamlessly and naturally. I was surprised by it at least.
You guys. I'm starting to really like this show after all. I was not expecting that.
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ninjadeathblade · 10 months
Compliance (a Bad Batch fic): Chapter 2
Summary: This series of chapters is going to be about how Wrecker got his scar. Totally based off of a brief line in @just-here-with-my-thoughts' Test Subject series.
Warnings: Crosshair's bad mental health (there's a running theme in this fanfic that isn't brotherly love), heart wrenching interaction between Crosshair and Wrecker
Word count: 359
Beginning / Next
Author's notes: Me and my proofreader cried (internally) while reading this. Because apparently making myself cry while writing fanfic is a thing now??? Anyway, have chapter 2. Enjoy!
"Cross…? That you?" Crosshair looked over at Wrecker, something twisting in his gut as he locked eyes with his brother. After insisting that Tech and Hunter try to get some rest, Crosshair had waited with Wrecker.
"It's me," Crosshair affirmed quietly. "Need something?" Wrecker shook his head a miniscule amount, a slight grimace touching his face.
"Nah, just wanted to make sure it was you. I thought it was but…" Wrecker trailed off and Crosshair passed him his flask.
"Drink. You need it," Crosshair whispered, casting a wary glance towards the medical bots hovering around other patients. Wrecker reached out and took the flask, drinking all of the water in it before passing it back to Crosshair.
"I can't see you. Can you move out from behind that partition?" Wrecker asked and Crosshair's heart skipped a beat.
"You…can't see me?" Crosshair asked, confirming the worst. Wrecker nodded.
"Yeah. You're behind a wobbly sorta black partition, right? Can you move?" Wrecker asked again. Crosshair swallowed and shuffled to one side. "Nah, the other way." Crosshair moved back in the opposite direction. "That's better. Why'd you look so upset? It was just a little blast, nothing much."
"Do you want me to comm the others? They'd be glad to know you're awake," Crosshair said, trying to divert the conversation before his emotions subsumed him. His emotions could wait.
Wrecker was more important.
"Nah. I'll see them when they let me outta here, won't I?" Wrecker laughed softly.
But what if they don't let you out?
What if they decommission you?
What if we never get to go on missions again?
"That's true." Crosshair opted to say. "You should get some more rest." Wrecker nodded, his working right eye going hazy with fatigue.
"Yeah. Now ya mention it, I'm pretty tired. See you later Cross," Wrecker yawned, leaning further back into the mountain of pillows his head had been propped up on. Crosshair quickly brushed away the tear that slid down his face. He flinched as one of the medbots hovered past, instinct telling him to run. But no: he had to stay.
He had to be strong.
For Wrecker.
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enjolras-out · 1 year
Please rant about Fenris Wolf and morse mythology👀🐺
THIS ASK MADE ME HAPPIER THAN ANYTHING IN A VERY LONG TIME THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ENABLING ME!!! Okay I am working on a paper due tomorrow (which funnily enough is also about wolves hehe) so in absence of gunpoint this is not (quite) 30 minutes but here are some THOUGHTS:
(I’m sorry this got long you are forewarned)
Brief introduction: Fenrir/FenrisWolf is a giant wolf in Norse mythology, mentioned in Snorri Sturluson’s Prose and Poetic Eddas (early thirteenth century) and a lot of runes and stones and songs. He’s a son of Loki with a giantess named Angrboda and he’s brother to Hel, goddess of the underworld, and Jörmungandr, the Midgard-Serpent. Fenrir is destined to kill Odin as part of Ragnarök.
Ragnarök is the Norse end of the world. It literally means END or TWILIGHT of the gods (rök, twilight, is etymologically related to reykr which means smoke, so also implies a fire (the fire of the gods/the world) burning bright and then devouring itself. Which suggests that Ragnarök is part of the natural cycle where things grow and die and are reborn, not a monstrous anomaly)
(I don't read or speak Old Norse though I have written papers requiring me to study it a little bit, and the devouring/rebirth idea is my unsubstantiated literary interpretation and anyone is welcome to tell me I’m actually just wrong)
There are humans after Ragnarök (Lif and LifÞrasir, who in some stories survived in secret and in other stories kind of emerged out of morning dew on the other side) so it’s more the end of a time cycle than everything becoming void.
Okay now here is the most intriguing story in any mythology ever:
The gods decide to raise Fenrir among themselves for reasons unknown. Possibly to do with Odin having a connection with wolves in some stories, possibly they just want to keep an eye on him. So Fenrir grows up in Asgard and KEEPS GROWING. Everyone is terrified of this giant endlessly-growing doom-prophesied wolf cub. Everyone except Tyr.
Tyr is meant to be the most beautiful/noble/wise of the gods “the most daring and intrepid” (Snorri, Prose Edda) and he is the only one who dares come near enough Fenrir to feed him. They are FRIENDS, they’re basically brothers. Tyr presumably has a whole other life among other gods and maybe mortals but to Fenrir Tyr is everything he has.
(again, this is my interpretation but the Prose Edda definitely leaves this wide open)
Since Fenrir is destined to kill Odin and bring about the end of the world, the gods decide to chain him up and stop that from happening. They try several different chains and Fenrir breaks all of them easily. So, they get the dwarves to forge a thin silk ribbon which is the strongest chain in all the worlds. This is called GLEIPNIR.
When they dare Fenrir to let them chain him, to prove he can break anything, Fenrir obviously knows this is a trick. So he tells the gods:
“in order that you may not accuse me of cowardice, let some one of you lay his hand in my mouth as a pledge that this is done without deceit” (Snorri, Prose Edda)
Tyr lays his right hand in Fenrir’s mouth. We already know Tyr is the “most valiant” – he is making a sacrifice for the gods, for his family. He knows exactly what is going on and what will happen. He also knows that this ONLY WORKS because Fenrir trusts Tyr ABSOLUTELY.
When Fenrir realizes he’s been tricked, and that Tyr betrayed him, he bites off Tyr’s hand.
This is not going to help Fenrir get free. This is a response to betrayal by the one person he trusted, growing up in a den of people who hated and feared him, the one friend he had in the world. In the Edda this is the smallest moment but it DESTROYS me. Yes I am writing a batshit crazy epic fantasy novel about this relationship and no it will probably never be finished.
Anyway Fenrir is now chained till the end of the world and the exact way he gets free, kills Odin, and has his own cubs who eat the sun and moon, does not seem to be agreed upon by scholars as far as I’ve been able to tell. Maybe Tyr had something to do with it… No but for real it was probably something like the world-cycle came to an end and destiny was the one thing stronger than Gleipnir.
Also, while Fenrir is chained he howls so much that a whole river forms from his saliva. The river is called Ván (which I THINK means hope or expectation). Wish I knew where it was supposed to be.
Anyway – there are a lot of possibilities here about the struggle for resources in a harsh environment, monstrosity, human-wolf enmity AND kinship, being a victim of destiny, also a fun parallel to be drawn with Prometheus and other mythological characters who get epically chained for most of history.
Also - would Fenrir have been angry enough to destroy everything if they hadn't betrayed and chained him?? Would Ragnarok have happened at all if the gods hadn't tried to stop it?? Another example of trying to stop destiny only to end up making it happen?? But I need to write my paper now so these speculations are going to have to wait.
I have never been more disappointed in my life than when I watched Thor: Ragnarok and Fenrir was in it for like 5 minutes and didn’t so much as HOWL or actually do anything except snarl and do what he was told. I’m sorry Taika Waititi you are a wonderful director but FENRIR DESERVED BETTER THAN JUST BEING HELA’S TAME DOG.
Fenrir could never be tamed or mastered by anything except destiny (which I’d argue is the metaphor for the chaining). I get that Thor is its own story and not supposed to be faithful to the actual legend but come on – you go to the trouble of having a mountain-sized apocalyptic totally beautiful CGI wolf in your superhero movie and don’t even DO anything with him except make him bite the Hulk a couple times???
Conclusion: FenrisWolf is the most awesome and most misunderstood character in any mythology ever and I will die on this hill (if necessary with a sword imbued with 12 berserker souls). If you read this far I apologize and thank you in the same breath.
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publiusscipiospqr · 11 months
HELLO!! (Intro)
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Hi!!! I’m Carl! Im trans (FtM) and I use he/him pronouns! You can use je/jem and xe/xem if you wanna be cool 😎I’m Spanish as well as a minor!I have ADHD (diagnosed) and I might talk about it from time to time!I am a big history nerd! Specifically Ancient Rome more than anything, but I do enjoy every other aspect of history :D. I also cosplay, but not too much cause it’s too expensive, I mainly cosplay Anakin Skywalker from SW!
Fandoms I’m in:
Bioshock (All games plus Rapture novel)
Drifters (anime plus manga)
Death Note
History? I guess it’s not really a fandom but I’m not too sure where to put it
Star Wars (I’m a little iffy on the sequels but I love everything about Star Wars!)
Masa Works Design
Higurashi: When They Cry
…Among us
The Centricide/ Political Compass (I just like Political ideologies and the Political Compass..) (Also Tankie and Ancom are canon)
Marble Hornets
NSFW accounts
Toxic DR and/or toxic Dream SMP fans (You good guys can stay :D)
Genuinely going to take politics in a serious way, I just want goofiness, if you do want to talk about this matter seriously, ask me first
You like Haji Towa (😬)
MAPs, or any sort of fetish
Share any of my interests! Or anything similar!
You’re cool
You cosplay!
You just want a nice and silly place, I won’t talk much serious here because I believe everyone needs a chance to relax and just have a good time <:D
THANK YOU!! I’m honestly scared so hopefully I’ll start to warm up soon!
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leaskisses444 · 6 months
so me and @judeisthedude had a little platonic tumblr wedding BUT DW you didnt miss anything because really everything that happend is in the comment section of the wedding post (and it was literaly me, jude and nads because * timezones *) so yeah :)
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“I can’t really explain it...I feel nothing, always - except for when I’m near you. It’s like...you and your safety are the only things that matter, (Y/N).”
Requested by: @crowned-with-antlers GIF: @thefallofbyzantine
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bugbxyjunk · 10 months
my dms are open if u wanna vent, or u could so it here if u need to vent to someone (again lmk if I'm crossing anything rn)
well you guys alr know more than even my brother atp so
its just a lot and im really tired and being sick hasn't exactly made my unstable emotions more stable yk? and ive learned some very unfavorable news today and im just. not great rn
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blanketforcas · 1 year
anon your ways are confusing and your hashtag is sus
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banemmanan · 1 year
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From the Monkees annual, 1968.
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accidental-spice · 2 years
21 and 29!
#21: Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
Hmmm, let's see... comic book artists are VERY different from mine. Digital artists, I think? Honestly, I didn't realize I was even SUPPOSED to have an art style until I was well into my teens, so I'm not totally sure
#29: Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
Frankly, The Office doesn't do much for me there. Not sure what else
Thanks for the asks!!
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wings-of-angels · 2 years
Not anonymous probably but every time I listen to Skater Boi it reminds me of you bc you are my favourite skater boy (boy gender neutral of you wish ofc) <3
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saladbroth · 2 years
do you ever just get angry at how much unhappiness the world brings you? because god, i'm fucking fuming right now
i'm so angry at media and societal norms and i'm even more angry at the people corrupted by that shit who refuse to understand they're in the wrong. i'm angry at my mother for failing me
it's just so. so stupid that i feel ashamed for getting through about two years of my depression being really, really bad and that my eating habits were abysmal and unhealthy but that was the only option for me if i wanted to eat anything because i way too rarely had the energy to cook and instant meals or frozen pizza or just a bag of crisps was all i could bring up the energy for. and obviously i gained weight, i've never liked working out for fear of judgment in the gym and well. depression made it hard for me to even get there.
and now i'm doing better, i'm eating more regularly and more balanced and don't go on binges that often anymore and my therapist is great and the only concern should be that. just. 'hey i'm doing better that's great!'
and instead it's summer and i stare at my mirror, uncomfortable by the fact that i have really thick thighs and a small pouch of fat on my stomach and my arms jiggle and i'm upset. and it's so fucking stupid because goddamn weight isn't any kind of issue, i'm not severely overweight and even if i was that would be okay and not detrimental to my value or my looks or whatever, i'm all for body positivity or just plain body acceptance but whenever i look at myself all i can think of is my mum and my grandma and their stupid fucking comments.
my mum has spent the better part of my life telling me to be careful with my weight otherwise i won't be pretty anymore, and i remember distinctly being 12, and my jacket forming a pouch, and her patting it and telling me i better be careful, or i'll get fat and that wouldn't be attractive. at fucking 12 years old. ten years later i still think about that and all the comments she made, about how it's apparent i don't care for my appearance because i've put on weight, and all the looks her and her mother give me, that are so clearly talking about how unattractive they think i am, and i still don't want to wear jeans when i see her because if i wear a skirt or dress it's harder for her to tell i've not lost weight.
I'm just. angry and frustrated because i shouldn't be made to feel this way, i shouldn't cry over how i look, i shouldn't be ashamed of my body because hey, that bitch kept me alive so far! but i am all of those things and the people to blame refuse any responsibility under the guise of me being too sensitive and them just wanting the best for me. fuck that shit.
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