#Human cloak of levitation
The Path I Strayed From [Human!Cloak, IronStrange]
Summary: The Cloak of Levitation gets hurt in a fight and remains motionless. Desperate for a cure, Stephen tries every healing spell he can find. But nothing works. Until one morning he wakes up and looks straight into the face of a strange human in familiar red robes.
Tags: Human!Cloak, the cloak has no concept of personal space, IronStrange as a side dish with mutual pining, platonic Stephen/Cloak, it starts with angst, then it’s all fun and fluff
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Word count: 7.3k
Chapter’s Note: I just really wanted to write a human cloak that loves Stephen. They are a great duo. 10/10 want more content with them as besties
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The Path I Strayed From
Stephen stumbled through a portal into the Sanctum Sanctorum. Blood dripped from his forehead and from several wounds under his slashed clothes. But that was not the reason for the despair that was written on his face. It was the red fabric he clutched in his arms.
It was enough to make Wong, who was nearby, instantly concerned. "What happened?" he asked, but Strange merely shook his head, hugging the cloak tighter. Wong noticed it didn't move, which was weird enough. With a hand on his shoulder, he guided Strange to a couch and sat him down.
Stephen had been in another dimension. It should have been just an easy enough mission. Just a check in. But the way Stephen looked, something definitely went totally wrong.
When Wong tried to take the cloak, stubbornly holding onto it. "I'll find a way, my friend," he murmured into the fabric.
The cloak remained motionless. Stephen tried every spell he knew but nothing worked. He was currently searching in the library. Wong went to Kamar-Taj to look for a solution there. The problem was that there wasn‘t a lot of information about the cloak‘s origin, nor its magic. Stephen tried in the past to figure it out, but it was tedious work, because the Cloak of Levitation never held still long enough – and so he had finally given up on it. Now when he scanned the fabric, there were no traces of magic at all. And that was what worried him most.
Stephen felt a shift in the Sanctum as someone entered through the front door. A quick check told him it was a welcomed guest – usually. Usually he would send the cloak to bring Stark to the library.
Stephen sighed silently.
Tony knocked his knuckles on the door frame before he walked into the room. "I brought food," he announced, a bag with take out food in his hand. He looked at the sorcerer, who avoided his gaze, noting the deep circles under his eyes.
Stephen mumbled just a small greeting, not in the mood for company. „Do you want anything?“ he asked curtly. It was the grief talking. Normally he was happy to see Stark. Way more happy than he should be.
Today he didn‘t even try to banter, the gleam in his eyes missing.
Tony wasn’t put off by this. He had his own bad days and knew where they came from. And he was willing to be at least as stubborn as Strange, if he had to. He put the bag on the table next to Strange‘s books.
„I heard of your cloak.“
„Just a temporary inconvenience. I‘m currently working on a solution.“
„Of course,“ Tony offered way too casual. He sat down at the table and grabbed a book from the pile. „What are we looking for?“
Finally, Stephen looked at him, regarding Stark, who seemed serious about helping him. „Can you read Tamil?“ Tony opened his mouth, but before he could answer, Stephen scoffed with something that could be amusement. „Let me guess: Friday can?“
Tony smirked. „Correct. Ten points to Ravenclaw.“
Stephen rolled his eyes, then looked at the bag on the table. „That‘s from the Indian place on the eighth street?“
„Number five for you, number sixteen for Wong and extra naan bread.“
There was a shadow of a smile on Stephen‘s lips, as his heart took a leap. Food first, he decided, because he was starving – even though he wouldn‘t admit it – and then they would continue the research. Stark knew nothing about magic, but he was wicked smart and four eyes read faster than two.
„How did it happen anyway?“
„Witches,“ Stephen said with a frown.
He had been surprised by them. They must have settled recently and were not pleased about his visit. They attacked him with a lot of raw power. Normally they would just stand a minor problem for the Sorcerer Supreme, but he was also greatly outnumbered. So it turned out to be rather challenging.
There had been one specific nasty spell whirled at him. The cloak of levitation had caught the magic - as it often did. After that he had stopped moving. Stephen had used his anger to push down the shock and didn’t waste any more time with the witches.
"Nothing good ever came from witches," Tony agreed lowly, for he had had his own bad experiences with them.
Stephen tried every healing and magic storing spell he could find.
Angrily he threw the last book against the wall – just to catch it midair with magic. Wong would have his head, if he damaged a book from the library. With a flick of his hand it floated onto a nearby table.
He needed to sleep. No astral projecting but actual sleep.
Stephen took the cloak with him. He tried to wear it anyway, but it felt too much like a dead body hanging on his shoulder; creepy and wrong.
He put the red fabric neatly folded on a chair in his room, hit the shower and then his bed. He was out almost instantly.
Stephen was stirring awake, feeling surprisingly well rested. And there were hands on him. First he thought he was dreaming, maybe of Stark. They moved, brushing his hair out of his face. Stephen blinked sleepily and noticed a flash of red fabric. It looked awfully similar to… Stephen wrenched his eyes open and tried to sit up, but a weight on his chest prevented that second action. He was eye to eye with a foreign face.
Instantly alarmed, the sorcerer tried to access the situation: dark eyes and longish hair fell into a round face. It was hard to guess a gender, they looked kinda androgynous. The red robes were in the typical style of Kamar-Taj. Stephen had never seen them before but something about them felt familiar.
The cloak stared at him with a wide grin. It was trying to hold back, and was successful for about eight seconds, before it didn't want to wait any longer. „Stephen, look! I‘ve got hands.“ It shoved them right into his face. „And I can talk. My voice sounds kinda weird, but isn‘t it great? Listen to it. Actual words coming from my mouth.“ It was chatting happily, while Stephen just stared at it.
His brain tried to understand what was going on here. The pattern of the robe, the hue of red, the gestures.…
The cloak beamed at him. “Hi.“
“Why are you… human?“ Stephen pushed it off his chest and finally sat up.
“I don‘t know. The last thing I remember is the fight with the witches. They were mean. You‘re fine, though? You look fine.“ It examined his face, poked and probed his cheeks and then down the shoulders of his naked upper body. Stephen pushed its hands away. “And then I woke up like this.“
“Must be one of the spells I tried on you,“ Stephen thought out loud. At the look of the cloak, he added, “You didn’t move. I thought I lost you…”
And because the cloak had always been great in reading Stephen’s feelings and what he needed, it hugged him tightly. Stephen took a deep breath and all the stress of the last week fell off him. The not-cloak was warm and still even smelled the same, despite its different appearance. It moved. Stephen had been successful.
“I’m always coming back to you,” the cloak said softly. It felt like a promise. “You’re my friend.”
Stephen just nodded, not being able to form actual words. Until the cloak shifted and climbed behind Stephen, putting its arms around his neck.
“What are you doing?” the sorcerer asked, irritated.
“It’s morning. Time for breakfast, silly. Let’s get you out of bed.” With these words, it suddenly lifted Stephen out of bed and set him to his feet. Apparently it still had the ability to levitate and also still had the same strength to move him with it. Even though he was used to it from the cloak of levitation, it felt strange with the human version.
Although Stephen was glad to see the return of the cloak, he refused to give it a piggyback ride to the kitchen.
The human cloak pouted - it had always been good at it, but its human face took it to a whole new level. It followed him anyway, floating beside him.
On their way to the kitchen, they saw Wong, who first glanced at Stephen and then at the not-cloak. It waved at him. "Hey Wong."
"Good to have you back, Cloak." The hint of a smile played around Wong's lips.
"Well, technically I'm not a cloak right now. More like a human of levitation." Thinking about this, it put a hand to its chin, swaying slightly left and right as it hovered. It was iconic how much its movements resembled that of its cloak form. Even if one did not know who it was, it would be recognizable by its behavioral quirks. “Oh, I know!” The not-cloak beamed. “You can call me Levi for now. Like Tony always does.”
“Sure, Levi.”
It was weird to see Levi in this form, but it was no longer still. So it was not an actual problem. Stephen nevertheless rummaged through all the books of spells he had used, to find out what caused this.
Levi was happy and didn't complain about its new body, so Stephen was in no hurry to reverse it – and perhaps risk turning it back into a lifeless and very much not moving piece of cloth.
Even as a cloak, Levi had always had a curious nature. Now it was fascinated by being able to touch things with hands, to see things with eyes. And it seems to have made it a challenge to try every single food existing. It quickly found out that it didn't actually need to eat. A quick magic scan by Stephen had shown that it was run by magic.
That didn’t stop it from stealing food off Stephen’s plate. Once it even tried to take a slice of Wong’s pizza, while Stephen was visiting one of the other Sanctum. When he came back, he found Levi trapped in a prison mirror and Wong lectured Stephen about teaching it some manners.
The not-cloak disappeared somewhere in the Sanctum after Stephen got him out, sulking and not talking a word to anyone.
Of course it was back a few hours later, cuddling with Stephen.
Due to its former form of a piece of clothing, it had no concept of personal space. It was also very handsy and liked to drape itself around Stephen no matter where he was. It also still followed him around, even if it was no longer allowed to hang on his shoulder while he walked. Stephen made it clear that he wasn’t part of a conga line. Levi only pouted only for five minutes after that.
Stephen sat in the library, watched by the pile of red fabric and dark hair next to him. “You should go to sleep. It’s late,” it stated.
The sorcerer didn’t even look up. “I need to find something to prevent those riffs that appear all over New Jersey. Remember them? They started even before we met the witches.”
“I remember the beasts that jumped through the first riff.” Levi tilted its head. “It would have eaten your face, if it wasn’t for me.”
“And my face is really thankful for that.”
“It’s a good face,” Levi nodded. “A face that needs sleep.”
Stephen huffed amused. He conjured a pen and paper and used magic to write something down. “How about this: you find me these books and I’ll take them with me to read them in my astral form, while my face sleeps.”
Levi nodded again and grabbed the paper out of the air. It looked at it and then at Stephen, not moving an inch.
Stephen raised an eyebrow. “What? Can’t read anymore?”
“I can, but not whatever this is.” It held up the paper with the illegible text. Some clichés about doctors were actually true.
Stephen rolled his eyes and told him the titles, whereupon Levi went to the shelves. It still preferred to float instead of walking, finding it unnecessarily and boring to use legs.
Stephen flipped through the book in front of him, when he noticed a shift in the air and a second later Wong appeared in the library. “Strange! We have hellhounds downtown.” As he spoke he already created a portal.
Stephen jumped to his feet. It looked like sleep would have to wait a little longer. Levi came rushing back, looking grim and ready to fight.
“You stay here,” Stephen told it sternly.
“What? No! Why? I always come with you.”
“Yes, as a cloak. We don’t know how vulnerable you’re in this form. And you can’t stay on my shoulders like this during a fight.”
Levi looked like it wanted to protest some more, but was interrupted by Wong, who had already jumped through the portal. "Strange!" he shouted impatiently.
“Just do as I say. I can’t lose you again.” Stephen was adamant about it. Before Levi could even think about following him anyway, the sorcerer had stepped through the portal and closed it from the other side.
A sting went through its heart as it stood in the empty library. Stephen had never left it behind. They were a duo from the first day the sorcerer fell through its glass case.
Levi slumped its shoulders and lowered itself onto the armchair where Stephen had just been sitting minutes ago. Hearing nothing but silence, it felt awful. Sure, Stephen was a capable sorcerer, but he always relied on the cloak. And the cloak always had his back. The thought that he was now fighting alone…
A restlessness came over Levi. So many emotions swirled inside it that it was difficult to separate them all. Levi was hurt, offended, worried. Humans felt much more strongly than cloaks, and experiencing it overwhelmed Levi a little.
It seemed like an eternity to Levi - though not much more than an hour could have passed - when noises came from the entrance hall. Stephen and Wong were back. They were seemingly unharmed, only their robes were slightly burned in some spots.
Levi approached slowly, not fully over its sulking, but the urge to make sure Stephen was okay was stronger.
Wong disappeared toward the kitchen, presumably making himself some well-deserved tea. Before Stephen could decide to follow him, Levi's fingers were in his face, prodding, turning it to the left and right in inspection.
“I’m fine, Levi.” Stephen pushed its fingers away. He was so, so tired. The adrenaline of the fight was already out of his system, leaving a deep exhaustion. “I’m going to bed.” He passed Levi, who stayed where it was.
It was spoken so softly that Stephen almost missed it. "That's never stopped you from tagging along before." And it should be weird, because Levi was a human being, but it was also still his cloak. Someone familiar. A strange friend – pun fully intended.
“You never faced a fight alone before so I don’t know.”
That made Stephen turn around, facing Levi fully, and he looked at it. Like really looked.
The cloak, who had never been afraid to slap him with the corner of its hem if it didn’t agree with Stephen’s action, now looked like a cat in the rain. Insecure, rejected. Shoulder slumped. It was that moment that it hit Stephen: the situation of this cloak-turned-human might be feeling weird for him, suddenly having this person as a companion instead of a piece of fabric. But under this whole sunshine and babbling demeanor it had to be much more difficult for Levi. All its… life? consciousness?… awareness, it had always been a cloak. Yes, sure, it was able to change into whatever piece of clothes its wearer needed it to be, but there had been limits.
It was hard enough to be a human by birth. Being suddenly turned into one was beyond Stephen’s comprehension.
Its whole life, existence, destiny had changed together with its form. It tried to find a place in this world, at Stephen's side. And he had just rejected it. His friend.
Stephen's voice softened, “I’m just trying to keep you safe for now. Just like you did before. It doesn’t change anything else between us.” He nodded to the door. “C’mon.”
Levi followed him with a forced smile.
Levi didn’t need to sleep. Usually it spent the nights either hanging over the back of a chair – rather uncomfortable in its current form - or as an additional blanket on top of Stephen. It didn’t restrain from the second option just because it was human.
These days Stephen woke up with Levi sprawled all over him, sometimes even entangled in the blanket. He was fine with that and didn’t complain.
In the past the cloak had often enough done its own thing in the Sanctum, only appearing at Stephen’s side when he needed it. But ever since it shape changed, it followed him almost like a lost puppy. Stephen didn’t mind most of the time. Even if Levi didn’t know where to draw the line.
Stephen brushed his teeth in the bathroom, rinsed out and turned around, just to find himself face to face with Levi.
“Do you need to shave?” it asked. It had often helped him with that in the past when his own hands were shaking too badly.
“No. I’m just going to shower.” It nodded but didn’t leave. Stephen sighted. “Levi, we talked about this. Personal space.”
It was still a strange concept for Levi, but it backed off without complaining. Not without making funny faces, though, just because it could. Some things it would never understand. But it didn’t dwell on it, because someone was entering the Sanctum.
Stephen was the master of the Sanctum Sanctorum and some of that specific magic also applied to Levi. He instantly knew who was visiting, and was excited to greet another friend.
For Tony, it was not unusual to find the entrance hall empty. If no one was home, the doors would not open for him. The magic of the sanctum was a bit like Friday, just without a voice output and less predictable. He would just walk to the library, where either Stephen or Wong usually hung out. He was by now used to the peculiarities of the sorcerers.
What he was not used to, was to be pounced on by someone on his way upstairs.
“Tony!” Levi chirped happily, greeting the Avenger by wrapping its arms around him.
Tony was startled and pushed it away from him. "Jesus fucking Christ! Way to give me a heart attack." He drew his brows together. "Do I know you?" Usually Tony was good with faces, but he couldn't remember ever seeing this one.
Levi hovered in front of him. "It's me, your buddy."
Tony adjusted his sunglasses – Levi knew Friday was connected to them – but then took them off and tucked them into his breast pocket. “Yeah, I don’t think so. Also, for the protocol, I don’t like being jumped on. Is Strange available?”
Levi pouted and crossed its arms. “You’re no fun. Stephen is taking a shower. He threw me out, but I don’t like getting wet anyway. Makes the fabric smell funny.”
Tony stared at Levi, trying to figure out who the hell this person was and why they were so close to Strange. They seemed familiar but Friday didn’t find a match in the data bank. No facial recognition whatsoever. “You know what, I’ll come back later.” He was about to turn away when a voice from down the hall called his name.
It was Stephen, who had realized they had a guest and came to greet him. He was back in his blue robes and nothing indicated that he was in the shower like 45 seconds ago. Levi knew that he had used magic for a spotless appearance; he would never face Tony with anything less.
Tony's eyes brightened. “Strange.”
Levi flew to Stephen's side. It would have preferred to be behind him, its hands on his shoulders, looking over them. Old habits died hard.
"What are you doing here? We didn't have an appointment, did we?" Stephen asked. He was oblivious to Tony's mixed feelings as he regarded the two sorcerers thoughtfully.
After what happened to the Cloak of Levitation Strange had been in a mood. Understandably. Tony never fully understood the bond between the sorcerer and his loyal companion, but he knew what it was like losing a close friend. Someone as close as family. Strange hadn’t looked good the last time Tony saw him. And he hadn’t heard from him for a while.
Tony didn’t know if he was just busy doing wizard stuff or if he wasn’t coping well. But looking at him now, he seemed more than fine with that other sorcerer nudging his side. Strange wasn’t known for being an open and affectionate person. So seeing someone occupying his personal space without getting so much as a scowl in return was at least unusual.
Tony buried his hands in his pants pockets as he suppressed some feelings he didn't want to think about. He opted for a tactical retreat instead.
“No, I was just checking in to see how you are doing, after… you know, never mind. Seems like you’re doing just fine and you are obviously busy.” He turned around before he embarrassed himself even more with his rambling.
Levi whispered something in Stephen's ear and the sorcerer nodded. “Have you had breakfast yet?”
Tony turned around, opening his mouth to decline, but Levi was faster.
“We can order from that french bakery you love.”
Tony’s mouth became a thin line. He stepped towards Levi, raising his finger to point at it. “Okay, for real, who the fuck are you?”
Stephen looked from Tony to the smirking Levi, who waited for the shoe to drop. “Wait, you haven’t told him?”, Stephen asked.
“Told me what?” Tony asked exasperated.
“That’s the Cloak of Levitation.”
There was a sequence of various emotions on Tony’s face: Disbelief, surprise and... relief? It was gone as fast. “Really? I thought you kinda died?” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. Then, “You don’t look like a cloak. But that levitation part you got down.”
“Magic,” Stephen simply stated and of course that was the explanation. It was Tony’s fault for not counting that factor in before.
“That’s definitely a story I want to hear. So, breakfast?” Tony no longer had the urge to run away.
They walked to the kitchen and Levi floated next to Tony, leaning in as if he was about to share a secret. “You know, Stephen always says he doesn’t like that French place because their stuff is too sweet, but he secretly loves their chocolate croissants.”
Stephen scoffed, but the facts were already spilled. And if his ear tips became the faintest of red, that was nobody’s but his business. Especially when Tony chuckled.
“You know all the good stuff, don’t you?” The Avenger grinned. “This just became great. You have to tell me more like this.”
“Only if I can visit DUM-E and U later.”
“You drive a hard bargain, but sure. If Dumbledore doesn’t need you here, you can leave with me for your playdate.” He turned his head to Strange, who rolled his eyes affectionately. His voice was fond when he answered, “Can’t separate the kids, can I?” And shit, he shouldn’t say things like that, because now he had this image in his head. If the robots and the cloak were kids, who else could be their parents but Tony and Stephen. Warmth rose in his heart that had no business being there. It was dangerous.
Like promised Levi left with Tony. Stephen opened a portal for the both of them right into Tony’s lab. Levi rushes to its friends, showing off his new form. Tony lingered briefly next to the orange sparks. “I’m glad Levi’s back.”
Stephen's smile reflected in his eyes. “Yeah, me too.
“Will you turn it back into a piece of fabric?”
“Eventually. It seems to enjoy its body for now. Especially its mouth and ability to speak.”
“I noticed,” Tony chuckled. Levi was some serious competition for his own chattiness. “I’ll text you later to collect it. See you, don’t be a stranger.” He winked at the sorcerer, before finally walking through the portal.
Stephen was glad Tony had turned his back on him, because there was a slight blush in his face. He quickly closed the portal.
Back in his lab, Tony heard the beeping of DUM-E and U. Levi hovered in front of them, using its hands in flourishing gestures. He smiled, its antics were really unmistakable. He got himself a cup of coffee and then sat down at his latest project.
It wasn't long before Levi approached him. Tony looked up and their eyes met. "What? Done playing already?"
“You like Stephen.“
Tony looked at it sharply. “Do I now?“, he deflected but didn‘t deny it. He was way past this point.
Levi nodded. “It is kinda obvious.“
“So, you‘re an expert in human relationships now?
Levi crossed its arms, his face serious. “I have been with humans for centuries, sharing their lives. Don’t assume I’m simple minded just because of my former appearance.”
Tony raised his hands in defense. “Alright, sorry. You’re right.”
“I usually am.” Levi smirked. “And just so you know: Stephen likes you too.”
Tony glared at it, but Levi had already turned around and floated back to his friends as if it hadn't just dropped the most important piece of information of the decade.
A talking cloak had many advantages. Above all, it made communication easier. At least on Stephen's end.
"Why did you choose to stay with me?" His voice was quiet, even in the silence in which they had sat before. He hadn't dared ask the question for a long time, not knowing if he wanted to hear the answer. It could change things.
Stephen wasn't afraid of change. But the question was very personal and Stephen handled personal matters with uttermost care.
Levi, sitting next to him as so often, tugged thoughtfully at Stephen's robe. It had its hands often on Stephen these days. As cloak of levitation, it was used to resting on the sorcerer’s shoulders, and even now it seldom kept his fingers to himself, especially when they were alone. When others were around - others besides Wong and Tony - it tried to keep it to a minimum.
“You piqued my interest,” it finally said. “I saw what you could be. And let’s be honest, you really needed my help with Dormammu’s zealots that first time around.” It grinned grimly at the memory. Stephen had not even been a Master of the Mystic Arts back then. But he had fought viciously, determined and headstrong, not fully understanding what he did. He had come a long way to become Sorcerer Supreme and the cloak had always had his back since then – quite literally.
Levi smiled at Stephen. “I still see it.”
They were such simple words, the plain truth. Stephen looked at it in awe, his heart clenching, tearing up. Because he remembered it too. The cloak hadn’t left him when they faced Dormammu, dying again and again. It had saved his life several times since Stephen became Master of the Sanctum Sanctorum and later Sorcerer Supreme. He wouldn’t be here without Levi.
He pulled it on his lap and hugged it tightly. Levi was his emotional support cloak, whether in a fight or just on a bad day of his hands – Levi was there.
I was said that the cloak of levitation was a fickle thing, but loyal as hell once… Stephen didn’t know what once. He didn’t know what he did to deserve its affection. What Levi saw in him.
Freedom of will was something fascinating.
Levi hugged him back, draping its limbs around Stephen’s body as if it was still a cloak. Hugging in this form felt different, but still familiar. They had formed a bond – dying side by side over and over again for the sake of the world does that – and this whole shape changing matter would only strengthen it.
“Thank you,” Stephen muttered in the crook of its shoulder. If there were tears in his eyes, they were dried by red fabric. He didn’t need to hide them, because Levi had seen it all, his highs and lows.
Levi understood why he hid them anyway.
“You too. For keeping me.”
And aren’t there always two sides of a coin? After being alone for so long, on full display, Levi had finally found someone again he could companion. With all its antics, ticks and otherness – being so different from any other relic; not a thing but also not fully a being. With Stephen it had found a place where it could just be the cloak of levitation. And be loved for it.
Levi really tried to give Stephen and Tony a nudge in the right direction. And Tony really tried to hint his intentions at Stephen. After his conversation with Levi in the lab the other day, he had obviously taken its words to heart. Levi increasingly caught Tony looking at Stephen, really just watching him, and he made innuendos that weren't actually that hard to understand.
But Stephen's IQ lowered as soon as Tony entered the room, It was maddening. Levi was a good wing-cloak: it mentioned places where the two men could go on a date, activities it knew Stephen liked. Tony jumped on it every time, sort of served it up to the sorcerer on a silver platter. But it bounced off Stephen like water off a raincoat.
One time it went so far that Levi slapped Stephen right across the face after Tony left – unsuccessful in wooing Stephen once again.
Stephen looked at it, puzzled. "What was that for?"
"You are so stupid it's exhausting!" Annoyed, it floated out of the room.
"I have a PhD," he called after it, before looking longingly to where Tony left.
“Can we invite Peter?” Levi asked. “He hasn’t seen me yet.”
“Sure,” Stephen replied.
A few days later, he regretted it after Levi stole his phone and flooded it with selfies of it and Peter. They were ridiculous.
Stephen, Tony and Levi were walking the streets of New York. Tony offered to buy coffee for all and Levi tagged along for funsies.
Stephen had been tempted to open a portal to the coffee shop just because he could and maybe to show off, but after a hint from Levi he dropped that thought. He liked spending time with Tony anyway and now he was walking beside him, engrossed in his usual banter with the inventor.
Levi was on his other side and for once it was mostly silence, as if it wanted to give the two men some space. It was busy using Stephen’s phone – how in the fifth dimension did it get its hands on that? - for what seemed to be Candy Crush.
The coffee shop was two blocks east, but before they reached it, they all suddenly heard a loud crash nearby. Then the shrill alarm of a building sounded. Tony and Stephen exchanged a look. The sorcerer changed his shirt and jeans into his robes and the inventor tapped the house unit on his chest. Nanobots bled all over his body.
They followed the sound, Levi hot on their heels.
The alarm came from a skyscraper in the financial district. People on the street were stopping and watching, while even more people spilled from the front entrance of the building, following the emergency protocol.
“Doom Bots!”
They were hovering in the air near a broken window somewhere around the tenth floor.
Ever since the cloak's transformation Stephen had played with fly spells. They weren’t as good but did the job. Now he used such a spell to go straight after the bots – because under his stoic and sarcastic behavior the sorcerer had no drive for self-preservation and often went head first into a fight. But it was fine, because Tony and Levi were at his side – even if he told Levi to stay at the sidelines.
More bots came out of the window and one of them had a whole safe in his hands that looked like it had been ripped right out of a wall. Whatever Victor’s plan was, it couldn’t be anything good.
His bots combined technology and magic, and Tony and Stephen were clearly outnumbered. Nevertheless, they did well in battle. Stephen was a bit wobbly on his feet. It was far more difficult to concentrate on the fly spell while fighting. But Tony was home in the air. He blasted and kicked one bot after another.
Stephen used his Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to get a hold on the safe and pulled it out of the bot's hands. Suddenly, something hit his unprotected back with full force. He couldn't even let out a noise of pain before his body went limp and he fell from the sky.
Tony was busy fighting and only noticed it when he heard a cry from Levi. He watched in horror as Levi dove for the crashing sorcerer.
Levi went as fast as it could, but ten stories was not high for a chase and Stephen had quite a head start. Physics was against them. Levi used all the magic it could possibly muster. Just seconds before impact, it managed to grab the sorcerer by the waist, wrapping itself around him and breaking the fall. Levi couldn't quite prevent them both from hitting the asphalt and rolling over the ground. Their robes tore and skin scraped.
It hurt.
As a cloak, Levi was immune to pain and now it hit all the harder. It took a moment to remember how to breathe. Human bodies were so complex and fragile. But its main concern was not for himself, but for Stephen.
Levi sat up and examined the sorcerer. He breathed, thank the Vishanti. But he didn’t move. There was no reaction from him altogether, even when Levi called his name, crying it over and over again.
Stephen's eyes stayed closed.
A Doom Bot had followed them to the ground, either because its protocol tried to ensure that the threat was neutralized, or maybe because Victor was connected to them and still insisted on his personal feud with the Sorcerer Supreme. Either way, it stepped close, right into their personal space, and Levi saw red. It jumped to its feet and then right onto the foe, who dared to harm his sorcerer.
Levi was strong – strong enough to carry Stephen, a full grown man, without breaking a sweat. The bot was no challenge for it. It brought it down and knelt on its back
Levi grabbed his head and hit it on the ground, again and again. Until it no longer looked like a head and more like a mash of circuits, wires and crumple metal. It didn’t even notice when the bot stopped resisting and went offline. Levi stopped no sooner as it was sure the bot could no longer hurt Stephen.
It rushed back to the sorcerer, cradling him in its arms, his head and shoulders pulled onto its lap.
Stephen needed a hospital.
She could help. Stephen trusted her. Even if she lectured him every time he stumbled injured into her ER.
It would be much easier if Levi was still a cloak. It could wrap itself around him, stabilize him. Stephen always told, not to move an injured person for it could do more harm than good. Especially when they had hit their heads. But Stephen can’t keep lying here.
Suddenly it noticed a movement nearby and tensed, ready to attack.
“It’s just me, buddy.” Tony held hands up in a non-threatening way, approaching slowly. He was still in his suit, but his face was revealed and his eyes flickered worried between Levi and Stephen.
Levi relaxed. It trusted Tony. Tony was safe. So it made no objections as the inventor approached. It also noticed that the fight seemed to be over. There were no more Doom Bots in the air. Only the alarm was still ringing in its ears.
Levi whimpered as Tony knelt and gently touched Strange’s cheek, not sure how badly the sorcerer’s injuries really were - he had never seen Levi this feral – and he was glad to see that he was still alive.
“Everything’s gonna be alright. Help is on the way,” he tried to calm Levi down, just when the first paramedics arrived on the scene.
It was that moment when Stephen stirred. Levi was instantly all over him. “Stephen!”
The sorcerer groaned. “…’s loud.”
Levi didn’t seem to care. “Stephen, you have to turn me back. You can’t go into fights without me. Do you hear me?” Its eyes were wet with tears.
Tony put his hand on its shoulder. “Easy there, buddy. He hit his head pretty hard.”
More and more people appeared around them and in Levi's field of vision. It was on guard, trying to shield Stephen from everyone. Tony had to talk it down after it actually growled at one of the paramedics.
“They are here to help him.”
Only reluctantly Levi let them get to the sorcerer and refused to move away from Stephen. It watched over him, and closely observed every movement of the humans.
Stephen was lucky he didn’t have to be brought into the hospital.
He wasn’t sure how he got back home, but when he woke up he was in his bed at the Sanctum. Groaning, he closed his eyes again immediately. The light was way too bright. His back and his head ached and the past hours seemed to be a blur. He remembered being in and out of consciousness.
Something on top of his blanket moved away. Instinctively, Stephen reached out and grabbed Levi’s wrist. He tried to open his eyes again.
“How long have I been out?”
“A day. They gave you something to sleep.” Levi kept its voice low.
Stephen hummed in acknowledgement and let it go. He didn't notice Levi leave the room without another word, too busy examining his head and making his own diagnosis about his well-being.
Shortly after, Wong entered and brought him a glass of water. He also gave Stephen a rundown of what had happened. Stephen had been more than lucky that he didn’t break his neck. Levi had saved his life; without it, the impact would have been much more devastating.
The paramedics had ordered him on bed rest for at least a few days. Stephen took the professional liberty of extending that bed rest to the couch of the library.
He was sitting there reading, when Levi came floating in. The sorcerer had not seen it all day. It said nothing, just sprawled its body over him to be near him.
It wasn't long before Stephen put his book aside and noticed Levi's gaze was on him. He raised his eyebrow in question.
Levi nervously kneaded its fingers, which would have been a nervous tic in a normal human. But Levi did not possess such tics. Levi did not get nervous.
“I need you to change me back.”
It had been fun being a human, but it was time to resume his responsibilities. Too long Levi had neglected them. The reason for its existence as a cloak was to accompany a sorcerer. It had strayed from this path and caused pain to its owner, the one he swore to protect. It was his duty.
The incident with the Doom Bots had woken Levi up, like a bubble that burst.
Stephen nodded slowly. With a flick of his hand, a book came flying to them. He had found a promising spell in his research before. He would triple check it anyway, just to be safe.
Stephen let the book float in the air next to him, hesitating to open it.
“You know I love you no matter which form you chose.”
Levi tilted its head and grinned sheepishly. “Of course. There’s nothing not to love about me.”
“The jury is still out on that thing you do when you don’t want to get washed.” Offended, Levi pulled a pout, but it couldn't hide a smirk from Stephen. “Also, whenever you use your collar to wipe my face? I don’t like that.”
“Yeah, because keeping dried blood on your face is so much better.”
“I definitely liked you better without your mouth.” Stephen smiled affectionately.
“Thank the Vishanti, you don’t have to suffer much longer.”
“You sure you want to do this?” Stephen asked again, because while it would turn Levi back to its original shape, it was nevertheless a big change to its current life.
“Yes.” There wasn’t the shadow of a doubt left in its voice. “I’m glad I had this opportunity, but it is time.” Levi cupped Stephen's face and pressed a kiss on his forehead with all the love and devotion it felt for the sorcerer. This was the only time left he could do it.
Stephen closed his eyes for a moment. He knew it wasn’t a goodbye. He wouldn’t lose a friend. The cloak would stay at his side for as long as it deemed him worthy and the bond between them felt stronger than ever.
He took a deep breath in and out before opening his eyes again. “Okay. Let’s do it.”
With a stack of pizza boxes in his hands, Tony was on his way to the Sanctum, to see how Strange was doing. The sorcerer actually texted him and invited him over, so he seemed to be back on his feet. Still, Tony was happy to stop by and see for himself.
After a short knock on the door, it opened. Behind it, a portal brizzled, taking him directly into the library. Tony had to admit that this was kinda handy.
Stephen had his legs crossed, hovering several feet in the air over a couch. Several books were around him and a very familiar cloak on his shoulders.
“Hey Levi. Looking good.” Tony grinned broadly, when a corner of its hem waved at him, but the cloak didn’t leave the sorcerer’s side.
Stephen descended and ended sitting on the couch – you know, like a normal human being. The books flew on a nearby shelf, sorting themselves alphabetically.
“Thanks for stopping by, Stark.”
“Of course! Gotta feed my favorite wizard.” He placed the boxes on the table. “I guess that means we split Levi’s pizza between us?”
“We can leave it for the fridge.
“For Wong?”
“For the fridge.”
Tony tilted his head but knew better than to question Strange’s phrasing. “Scoop over,” he said instead, sliding next to him.
He was just about to sit down when the cloak reached out and pulled his arm. Tony yelped, losing his balance and fell right into Stephen’s lap.
“Ugh, sorry. Are you alright?” Stephen helped Tony to sit up.
“Yeah, yeah… no harm done.” Tony waved it off. “Good to see that Levi is still a menace.” He sat next right next to the sorcerer, their legs brushing. Glancing up they shared a look and noticed that both of them were slightly blushing.
Tony felt the fabric of the cloak in his back and suspected it would not let him go so quickly. He cleared his throat. “So… pizza?”
“Yeah, pizza.”
If the cloak of levitation still had a mouth, it would smirk. It really was the best wing-cloak ever.
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mudpuddless · 1 year
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Knight Feemor and Padawan Kenobi in the shadow court
AU where qui-gon gives up on/is banned from training Obi-wan after melida-daan and Feemor becomes Obi-wans master.
[picture ID: it's a digital drawing of jedi knight feemor stahl, aged 37, a long haired blonde near-human with tan skin and forest green robes, sitting on the floor with his legs tucked in under him. He is levitating a bright yellow kyber crystal between his hands as a disassembled white-gold lightsaber is floating to his right. padawan obi-wan kenobi, aged 13, a ginger child with grown out hair and a padawan braid wearing white tunics is napping next to him on the floor using a sage green cloak as a blanket and knight stahl's knees as a pillow with his hands tucked under his cheeks. the wall behind them is tiled with diamond shaped star patterned tiles and to their right a large white blue and gold porcelain planter is holding a small gnarly tree with droopy green leaves. above them three identical complex lancet windows which let white gold sunlight into the room. the drawing is done largely in turquoise and yellow tones and the atmosphere is peaceful and serene. end ID]
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starkkawajiri · 3 months
darling guess who's back from jail
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humanized Genshin!Cloak of Levitation (Astirfae) no way!!
(idea from @nekojetto!!!!!!)
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(still dont know which color palette to stick to)
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strange and astirfae mean best friends that convince each other to make very bad decisions
and pspsp,,,, let me know if i should write some lore for her
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small doodle of tonio and sufian with matching lil star face tattoos before you go
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theyre so stupid i like them a normal amount
theyre lucky theyre in genshin where main characters dont die, it means i cant kill either of them
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airas-story · 9 days
Just fluff ft. Cloack.
The Cloak of Levitation watched its two humans bicker on the couch. Stephen was its primary human, but Stephen had made it clear that Tony was his human. The law of transitive properties—yes Tony, Cloak knew what that was—meant Tony belonged to Cloak, too.
A yawn interrupted Stephen’s argument. Cloak watched as Tony immediately yawned after, covering his mouth with his hand to try to hide it. Too late.
That was clearly Cloak’s signal. It drifted over from where it’d been reorganizing the bookshelf to get back at Wong—he knew what he’d done—and draped itself over its humans.
Nap time.
“Not bed time, Cloak,” Tony muttered, trying to shrug Cloak off. Cloak patted Tony’s check with as much condescension as it could manage. Its humans might need less sleep than normal humans—not that Cloak had much experience with ‘normal’, but it’d heard Wong say as much—but they still needed sleep.
“Don’t fight with the cloak,” Stephen said.
Cloak fluttered smugly. It’d taught Stephen well, arguing never went well. Cloak always won. Tony was still learning, though.
Tony sighed. “Fine. Nap time. But don’t expect this to always work.”
Whatever Tony had to tell himself.
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little-diable · 6 months
The Ghost of Christmas Future – Loki
Part 3 of my Christmas series! A big thank you to @writingliv for writing this with me, I love working with you! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Loki is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future and he shows the god something that forces him to find his way back to his past lover.
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (f), some angst, mentions death
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader (2.2k words)
header by @deathofpeaceofmind
Series Masterlist
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An almost grim expression tugged on the god’s features, fuelled by the annoyance he felt, by the uneasiness radiating off him. Loki paced his quarters, eyes trying to focus on his book, desperate to distract himself from his mother’s Yule preparations. If there was one thing he detested, it was these celebrations, festive days reminding him of people and stories he needed to forget.
The mere thought of being dragged down memory lane by his heavy heart and his aching mind left the god of mischief groaning, he was better than that, he was better than all these pathetic humans that gave into their emotions. With an angry growl rumbling through him, the book Loki had been holding was tossed to his bed, slender fingers combing through his black hair.
This is why he had let her go. This is why he had pushed her away. This is why he needed to get away from her and the pitiful excuse of a life she lived.
Her. The one his heart had been rather fond of, the woman who had managed to lure the god into her trap. It had been easy, too easy, but who was he to deny a challenge. Loki would always win, no matter the game, no matter the rules – at least that’s what he had always believed, till (y/n) had stumbled into his life.
She had managed to bewitch him within seconds, pulling the man into her grasp before either one of them could understand what was happening. It had happened years ago, years where he had snuck away from Asgard with one of his many tricks, finding joy in the simplicity of Midgard. It had been his own fault, he should have stayed away from there, should have listened to the warnings, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him, and then suddenly it had been too late.
Loki could still feel her pressed against his body, he could still hear her soft voice murmuring his name, calling him back to bed. Memories he needed to get rid of, fast. He was better than that. He was stronger than that. He was smarter than that. He hadn’t been born to live a simple life, he was a god, made for more. 
But sometimes, just sometimes, he found himself giving into these memories, lingering on the thoughts that painted her features, allowing him to pick up on the sound of her loud laughter, allowing him to feel her soft skin beneath his cold fingertips. It was torture, pure torture, and yet the feeling had a bittersweet touch to it. An almost addictive pain.
He plopped down on his bed, eyes focused on the expensive looking ceiling, squeezing his eyes shut in hopes of getting rid of his memories, a useless try that only pulled him further down the rabbit hole. His teeth grazed his lower lip, about to draw blood, about to sink into the flesh she had kissed many moons ago. 
Before he could try to sleep away his memories, wanting to dream of a better life, of an exciting future, he heard his name being called, eyes snapping open. His heart was pounding, beating against his ribcage as he looked at the unfamiliar being standing near his bed. 
Loki had seen many ominous creatures in his life, but none looked like this. The spirit seemed to levitate above the ground, only its cloak gracing the marble floor. No face was visible as a grey hood loomed a shadow over any possible features, emanating a freezing chill that ran down the god’s back.
Loki shot up, his hand immediately searching the knife he kept by his bed. “Who are you? How did you get in here?” He asked, ignoring the way his breath had suddenly condensed in front of his lips. 
“Silly prince, who am I, you ask?” The voice spoke, letting neither its gender nor species be revealed. 
“How dare y-” Loki sneered at the creature until it approached him, forcing him to hold his breath. 
“I do not have the time for your scandals, prince. I am here to show you something. Follow me,” the creature turned, hitting Loki with its cloak that felt just like a thicker blow of air. It didn’t turn around to check if the god was following; instead, it walked out of the room and sped its pace. Loki had barely the time to react, following the creature as quickly as it could. 
“Where are we going?” The god asked, short of breath as they made their way out of the castle. The halls were empty, it seemed like everyone had disappeared from existence. The ghost did not answer. Instead, it switched directions, almost causing Loki to trip. 
“Where are we going? I demand to know,” Loki doubled down as he regained his balance, jogging to catch up the lost distance. 
The ghost suddenly stopped, turning back to the god for a glance before looking forward again, nothing more than the deep dark forest standing in front of them. “We are late. A funeral.”
“Wh-” Loki tried to ask, confused. Funeral? Whose funeral? He didn’t know anyone that had died recently. His question, however, died in his throat as fog covered the previously dark forest, acting as a canvas where an image started to form. 
Flowers, dozens upon dozens of vases and bouquets filled to the brim with tulips. Midgardian flowers. Loki frowned. His stomach turned. What? He continued to watch the image develop right before his eyes as rows of people filled a snowy cemetery. Cries and moans filled the empty winter air suddenly, far too familiar yet strange for him to point out. 
“Why are you showing me this?” He finally broke the silence, his voice cracking under the pressure in his chest. 
“How long do midgardians tend to live, prince?” The voice replied, still staring at the image upon them.
“A century? I-” Loki’s head felt as if it was spinning, every Midgardian he had ever met running through his mind. A thought tried to form, but he suppressed it. No. She was maybe thirty by now. She couldn’t-
“If they are healthy. If nothing happens,” The voice doubled down in a dreamy tone. His thoughts were seemingly elsewhere. “Weren’t you the one that loved to underscore their fragility?”
“I-” Loki tried to speak, but his lungs burned, his eyes trying their best to focus on the details of the image upon him, ignoring the sobbing cries. 
“Wasn’t she particularly careless?” The ghost finally spoke, and Loki felt his knees buckle. no. 
It couldn’t be. He would have found out. He would have known. They would have told him… but how? How? If he had left without telling anyone, simply kissing her on the forehead like he had done every other morning and walking out, never to be seen again? Why would they tell him even if they could? He had done nothing but hurt her. 
Loki shook his head. 
„You’re lying to me, why are you doing this? Who are you?” One question after another rolled off Loki’s tongue, filling the silence he found himself engulfed by. But the ghost didn’t reply, he kept watching the scene in front of them play out. 
Loki had to stop himself from vomiting, unable to stop the bile from rising up in his throat. This had been his wrong doing, his selfishness that had lured him away from her, her, the one his head had grown fond of.
There wasn’t a day where he didn’t think of her, of (y/n), the love he hadn’t got to feel in many moons. The dark voice inside his head had promised him that he was destined for more, made for something by far bigger than what she could offer. 
How wrong he had been. How foolish he had been.
“I understand, I do. But please, take me away from here.” The ghost turned back towards Loki, staring him down for a few seconds, watching the tears roll down his cheeks, before the scene finally vanished. Loki’s head was spinning, eyes struggling to focus on something as the ghost kept speaking.
“It’s on you to decide, but remember, the time she has is limited, don’t let any more of it go to waste.” And with one last exhale, the ghost was gone, leaving Loki trapped in nothing but an uncomfortable darkness flooding through his room. 
„Loki? What am I doing here? Where am I?“ A relieved sigh left Loki as he stared down at her, taking in the features he had last seen in one of his nightmares. His heart was still aching, racing in his chest at the mere thought of ever losing her to Death’s cold grasp.
“You’re in Asgard, I had to see you.” She had been forcefully awoken from her dream, unable to pierce together what was happening as she was dragged away from her home. And yet she hadn’t protested, not speaking up as a wave of familiar comfortableness had flushed through her.
“You kidnap me, because you have to see me? Is that all?” (Y/n) had always been good at seeing through his lies, eyes not letting go of his as she slowly reached out to cup his cheek. Sparks shot down Loki’s back at the familiar touch, oh how he had secretly longed to feel her close once again. 
“You were dead, I saw it, saw your dead body.” Confusion tugged on her features, not understanding what the god was speaking. He shook his head to try and get rid of the pictures flushing through his mind once again. “It was in the future, far from now, and yet I couldn’t stand myself for letting you go. I needed to see you, prove myself that you’re still alive.”
“Oh, Loki.” He dipped his head down, lips ghosting over hers. No longer did he want to share any meaningless words, no, he wanted to feel her close, wanted to touch the body he had once known like the back of his hand. The kiss was fuelled by their still burning love, tying the two closer together as he pushed her against his best, crawling on top of (y/n). 
He could hear her heart racing, could feel her gasps leaving her. Sounds that left him grinning in mischief. His hands started wandering, long fingers that knew their way down to her heat, the place where she ached for him. The moment had something almost unreal to it, like a dream, a faded memory, Loki couldn’t help but wonder if yet another ghost was playing a trick on him, but her sounds were too strong, too honest. 
“I damned you for a long time, cursed your name. But yet my body has never not been yours, forever connected with you.” Another kiss was pressed against her lips as his fingers disappeared inside her sweats, teasing the thin fabric of her panties. She has soaked through the fabric, dripping for him, him only. 
Within seconds he had her undressed, fabrics finding their way to the ground as he let go of her. Their eyes held contact, allowing her to watch him settle between her thighs, lips kissing their way to her cunt. Soft moans left her, one hand finding his locks as the other tightened its grip on the blanket she was laying on. 
“My pretty flower, I missed your taste, I missed your sweet sounds, oh how I missed you.” His tongue brushed through her folds, moaning at her taste as (y/n) arched her back off the mattress. Loki ate her out like a starving man, feasting from her with groans clawing through the two in unison. 
For months they had dreamt of moments like this, never willingly admitting to it, even though they were caught by them, unable to escape. His arms found their way around her thighs, keeping her close as he dipped his tongue into her tightness, thumb circling her pulsing bundle. 
She was a shuddering mess, made for the God’s eyes, for his hands, and his tongue. She was his, in all her glory. And deep down Loki couldn’t help but promise to her, and to himself, that she’d never leave his side again.
His name rolled off her tongue, like a dark secret spoken in the depth of the night, like a prayer made to save her damned soul. A sound that left Loki groaning in satisfaction, adding more speed to the movements of his tongue and fingers. She was close, he could tell, and all he was focused on was making her cum on his tongue.
(Y/n) tightened her grip on his locks, eyes squeezed shut to give into the quiet call of her name. She came with a loud gasp, head thrown back, teeth buried in her lower lip. Loki watched her unfold, kept fucking her with his tongue through her high, before he slowly let go of her.
The god crawled up her body, lips meeting hers to allow (y/n) to taste herself before he plopped down next to her, pulling her into his chest. And with another kiss pressed to her forehead he tightened his grip on her, promising to hold her close till the end of her time.
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alexyskinnerstories · 6 months
He’ll Always Love Her More... This My Parting Gift For Him
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Y/n Pov
I should’ve known that he would never love me as much as he loved her his heart belonged to her from the beginning I was just a temporary replacement for her. It’s been a long time since I came to find a solution I was a fool how I even could compare to her in his eyes I can’t be one for him I just need to move on and find happiness I’ve been in my bedroom and for last five days only coming out for dinner or taking a shower Klaus and I had a huge augment lead to us having a physical fight and me ending up brutal injured.
I’ve since then I healed with the blood or people that Rebekah or Elijah would bring me since I couldn’t, Anyways I was looking in my grimior for a resurrection Camille for the dead I’ve decided to give back his true love as a goodbye gift. My older brother was at his place working on an immortal potion for her we figured out we could make her an immortal human with certain abilities I found the spell of resurrection just as I got a text from my brother saying that he needed the blood of an immortal being to finish the potion I text him back saying am on the way I grab my grimior put it in my backpack along some candles and other herbs that I know my brother doesn't have I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grab myself a water bottle I walked to the front door I open the door when it’s was thrown open It was Klaus and Elijah I was about to fall back but Elijah caught my arm I sighed as Klaus just continue to walk away without even apologizing or even greeting me I walked out the door thank Elijah before I completely left I got in my car and drove to my brothers place after I made it I immediately got my stuff and headed inside
He was standing by the cauldron putting something into it he stop when saw me I started to break down crying he walked over to me and brought me into a hug and comfort me and tells me that he isn’t worthy of my tears I started calming down we sat down for a bit and just embrace each other when I got myself together I pulled away from my brothers that started helping him we walked over to the over to the boiling potion he said that my blood was the last thing need, I grab the athame I slit my hand and drip my blood drip into the potion it gave off a puff of smoke after the smoke cleared Vincent bottle it and we set are way the Camille gravy when we got there I could feel a protection spell around it I shifted into my heretic hybrid form my eyes glowing yellow with slits like cat eyes I broke through the protection barrier
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I wave my hand over her grave and layers of dirt and grass disappear until it gets to her coffin I levitated her coffin up until we can get to it I held it in air until Vincent grab her out of the coffin suddenly we heard some running coming towards us Vincent ran over to me I snapped my fingers and everything went back in place I grab Vincent shoulder and made us invisible soon the Mikaelson’s appear with a unknown woman I haven’t seen they Klaus was glaring at the witch I assume because nothing seems to be out of place The witch kept saying she felt the barrier break she convinced them to dig out the grave I Motion my brother to stop walking at silent our sounds so we wouldn’t be followed we made it to the car and drove off we got cut off by Klaus car I mentally cloak Camllie body before Klaus and Rebekah yanks my brother and I She let be go when she recognize me I nodded as she look apologetic and she looked over to Klaus I looked at him as well see him still having his hand around my brothers neck I separated them with telekinesis, then I let my brother down and held on to Klaus my brother move behind me I dropped Niklaus he falls to the ground hard he ran towards us Elijah tried to get him but he was moving to fast I stop him right before he got in front of us I held my hand telekinetic push him back as I walked forward Vincent had already got back in the car and was waiting for me, “ Klaus I be damn if you hurt my brother I let you get away with hitting me but I will not let you hurt my brother.” By now my eyes are changed again I never felt so much rage I moved him towards his car I opened the door telekinetic and throw him inside I locked it keeping him inside I walked over to Rebekah and Elijah and told them I’ll be staying with my brother for a bit while they were sad but understood why they got into their car and drove off I stayed out until I couldn’t hear or see the car anymore Vincent drove the car next to me I got in we immediately drove back to his place as soon we got the we went into a spare bedroom and we both immediately started the resurrection spell it took a lot of magic out of the both of us we finished and went downstairs it was gonna take her a while to wake up I know we are gonna need our energy back so I ordered some delivery for the both of us I thought of bro to go that a shower since was some dry and his own fresh blood on him I started researching the the soulmate location spell and potion it’s fine pretty steady there your soul may even be in another universe or multi-verse I know it was risky but I had to find my soulmate I need to be happy I didn’t realize how long I was reading over the spell until my brother was looking over my shoulder “ Are you really thinking about doing this spell.” He asked me, “Yes I am, I need to find my happiness brother even if that means I need to travel to another universe then I’m going to have my happiness no matter the consequences.
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morrisxn02 · 10 months
✍︎ open starter
Beneath the light grey sky of the early Sunday morning, three dark figures emerge. They soar downward in circles until they disappear behind the mist that fluctuates above the river. The desolate campus beach was the perfect place for an encounter between a man and the witches that haunt him. Outside of his field of vision, the vultures morph into human form – three elderly women clad in dark, thick cloaks –and levitate just above the water eerily, vigilant of Edward's every move, almost as if expecting a prompt to act. His attention divided between the Weird sisters, the sketchbook on his lap, and his iPad, lying unlocked in the sand. "Tell me, thou unknown power-" He recites from memory in a whisper. Still, the words are heavy with the unique energy that only someone who has once portrayed the cursed king himself can conjure. And then he recites the new, updated version which he intends to have in the final script of the game, "Show me the source of your power–" It lacks authenticity, energy... Spirit. "No, that's– That's not it. Um," His tone returns to his regular standard American now, a bit of frustration as he concludes that the scene is not playing out to its fullest potential. He reaches for the notebook and starts sketching the immense demonic figure that now lures over him in an attempt to unclog his brain as if seeing the whole scene play out without dialogue would help him find a voice for his protagonist. "This just feels so... bland." Talking to himself helps sometimes. Almost as if an invisible interlocutor follows him around to pose questions and to find holes in his logic. "Maybe if the–" His heart skips a beat as he notices a real, human shadow stretching over him. Not a malignant creature invoked by his childlike imagination, but an actual person. "Holy shit." A hand reaches for his chest instinctively as though he was about to have a heart attack. He turns to face his unexpected companion, already preparing an apology for the awkwardness of their encounter, "Sorry you caught me talking to myself. I just wanted to hear this dialogue out loud to see if makes sense." And then he chuckles charmingly as if running into someone reciting Macbeth and sketching 20 feet tall demons on a Sunday morning at the beach was the most common thing to ever occur. 
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zponds · 2 months
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(Credit goes to JWBtheUncanny on Deviantart)
Ash Ketchum as Cure Master
Ohh yeah, Your eyes are not deceiving you, Ash Ketchum has changed.... for the next Pokemon Anime vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/po… when Sun & Moon finally ends and the Clone's Storyline finally ends, This is the Real Ash Ketchum, And he has been altered to a Degree, And it's sort of a Mix between XY ash and the Sun and Moon version, And.... to be honest.... I do like this new look for him, In-Universe Its possible how Ash altered it this loo may have been the Result of all 55 of the Pretty Cure All Stars inner light changing him.... At first I was afraid Ash was never gonna return in the Anime, But his Japanese Voice Actress put a rest to that claiming his Adventures is not over, It's amazing how much he's changed i.imgur.com/e9cnXq9.jpg
Also... with This new change of the Character and he's' still the same Age as he was in 1997, It's given me the opportunity to proceed with the Cure Master concept with Ideas from the Blueprints fav.me/ddcv5f6 But in the Blueprints as I would call the original Concept, the costume looked too familiar with his Kanto Costume which was the Idea with the Gold symbols of each of the Precure teams from the All Stars Pantheon, So I took some big libraries with the concept and came up with a Costume that's fits in line, His Cure Master Costume is a Set of Precure Armour that takes some inspiration from the Male PreCures from Hugtto PreCure, Even Jonathan Klondike AKA Joe Okada's suit of Armour, I did keep the Symbols of the Respected PreCure teams, They are Engraved in the Armour, In an edition, Ash now has a Sword called Blade of a True Pokemon Master and a Shield titled PreCure's loving Protection... if you look closely to it, You'll see the Angle figures on it are modelled in the forms of Nagisa Misumi AKA Cure Black and Honoka Yukishiro AKA Cure White, He's Research book is now complete with info linking the PreCures with there Respected Zodiacs, And he also has that Shard of the Miracle Star still giving off ever as you can see, Pikachu now possesses a Cloak of Levitation... Which Heartcatch PreCure use... When I was coming up with the Dialogue for Ash I was listening to this www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp-6BS…, So guys What do you thing, Do you like the way I came up with the Design, Please let me know of what you think?
(Messages from Ash Ketchum to the Precure All Stars Pantheon: Hello, It’s me... Ash, The real Ash Ketchum, Hope you get this message, There’s Something I wanna Tell that I keep Neglecting to tell you all at the Trial of my brother and the Ultra-Guardians... I received word from the Headmaster of Magic world, There’s Something about my Contingency Plan I had the Headmaster Of Magic World cast on to keep you and your Respects Home-Towns safe from invaders..... The Cloaking Spell was way more powerful then we originally thought... With some... Side effects.... Picture Miyuki and Akane becoming invisible when Candy was messing with the Camera.... But the First Generation Pretty Cures From Max Heart to Happiness Charge... Some how the Cloaking Enchantment Left Some Energy That has been absorbed into the Your DNA.... so from what Riko and Mirai told me... It’s likely that your Human hosts now have the Ability to become... Translucent willingly, So in the Day or night They could become Invisible and Visible at any time by command... I just thought that all 55 of you should know, Me and the Headmaster are not sure if there's a way to reverse it, but it may prove useful to all of you.... Sincerely Ash Ketchum of Pallot Town.)
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You Shoot My Guy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53923105 by Another_Introvert Basically what was going on in Tony's head during that scene in Infinity War when Peter was being used as a human shield by Quill, because that man was PISSED.   First Irondad fic in a while, so please feel free to leave feedback! Words: 2987, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Peter Quill, Mantis (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, The Cloak of Levitation (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange Additional Tags: Protective Tony Stark, Missing Scene, BAMF Peter Quill, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, BAMF Stephen Strange, That scene where the Avengers meet the Guardians, Spoilers for Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53923105
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Could Doctor Strange be Agamotto's reincarnation? (I would love that, Marvel PLEASE DO THIS!!!)
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Avengers #62 came out and the similarities between Stephen and Agamotto are HUGE. There are so many superficial and deep things they have in common, plus the red clothing Agamotto uses to fly that resembles a different form of the Cloak of Levitation.
If you read the Avengers #62 that came out recently, you can notice some details like:
-Agamotto doesn't know how he came to be, so were his memories erased? Or did he die as a human and ascended as a god (but that made him lose his memories?) -He's constantly called Wizard, so he WAS sorcerer, like Stephen. -The Eye of Agamotto, specially in the MCU, only works properly when Doctor Strange uses it. Others can just open it apparently, and Mordo and Wong were shocked when Stephen used the book to open the Eye, since most sorcerers had tried for years and failed, while the Eye simply opened and worked for Stephen the first time he tried. -Agamotto has some issues/existential crisis things very similar to what Stephen does- apparently he's unable to be happy, always thinking and wondering about the future (like Stephen in DS2, who even after saving the would couldn't be happy while wondering about what if this what if that and future issues) -Agamotto seems to understand medicine. In the chapter, he teachers villagers how to use herbs and natural medicines- Stephen Strange is a doctor. -Agamotto seems unable to recognize all the love and appreciation he receives from people he saves and villagers (Stephen seems to have the same issue in the MCU and in the comics) -His magic is pink, and in the comics, Doctor Strange's magic was pink for MANY issues/sagas. Of course it depends of the spell, but what I mean is his MAIN magic (in the comic book covers and such) also is pink. -There are some "puns" in this comic, lines Agamotto says like "this was strange" "it were strange times" AND THE WORD STRANGE IS ALWAYS BOLD. On purpose. In the comic. Read the chapter and you will see, I mean it.
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-Agamotto looks like Stephen Strange SO much. Face, cheeks, facial hair, hair, white hair streaks. -He is SO kind. And he has SO MUCH hope. So many Stephen vibes, who in the MCU went against Dormammu despite the chances of winning being so low, and he also keeps fighting until the end. -Agamotto has the third eye (that Stephen does in the comics AND in the MCU) -Agamotto has Memory Spell skills and suggests in the comics using it to erase suffering, so he could have used it on himself- in the MCU Stephen knows memory spells and has already used it a few times. Also, memory spells was one of the first and most important Doctor Strange powers in the comics. (Since 1963). -Agamotto flies in the same position Stephen flies, which is "levitating while standing" and not "flying Superman style" or "Captain Marvel Style" (he levitates). -The poses he uses to conjure his spells are very similar to Stephen's, and other sorcerers have used different poses, it's not something every sorcerer does in the comics, it IS very similar to Doctor Strange's poses.
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-Mephisto and him have been fighting for EONS, again and again, and in the comics, Mephisto is one of the most recurring enemies of Doctor Strange- and in the ages Doctor Strange fights Mephisto, there is no Agamotto to fight Mephisto. -Agamotto has been illustrated in the "future timeline" of the Marvel Comics (since this comic happens in the past) as a soul tiger/beast, and in some flashbacks of Thor's comics, very similar to what he is shown in this comic, but older. So could it be that he was a sorcerer who ascended to a god (a Vishanti), but his "human" part (soul, spirit, essence) died in the process- but since he never quit defending the Earth, he reincarnated as Stephen to continue doing the same things he did when he was alive?? Like, it would justify that there is the entity Agamotto and Doctor Strange at the same timeline, because Stephen would be the human part of Agamotto, while the tiger soul we see is the part of his soul that ascended and became a Vishanti?? -In older comics, there's an issue Agamotto tries to take over Stephen's body- however, according to a great ton of Marvel comics lore, a god would need a specific human vessel to be able to possess it fully or share his/her powers in a relevant amount without DESTROYING the body they are possessing- so why would Agamotto think he could use Stephen's body without problems? Maybe he's compatible because he's a reincarnation or some sort of avatar? -The Marvel lore is not specific to any religion per se, so we could even be talking about something like Avatar The Legend of Aang, where there are different past Avatars that can interact with Aang, even though they are the reincarnation of the same soul/spirit, so Stephen interacting with Agamotto wouldn't be a contradiction at all to take down the theory.
There are MORE similarities between them but this is getting very long, so please, tell me what you think.
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Oh no, he's hot - Part 2 [IronStrange]
Summary: The second time Tony met Stephen, the sorcerer was intrigued
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Word count: 1.2k | Part 1
Chapter's Note: Here’s the second part nobody asked for.
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Oh no, he’s hot
Tony eyed the building in front of him critically. It didn't quite fit into the aesthetic of New York. So much so that one might think it would stand out because of it. Yet, Tony was sure he had never noticed it before. The other pedestrians walked past it without even giving it a glance. Like they didn't see it at all.
Tony climbed up the steps and knocked. (There was no doorbell. Who didn’t have a doorbell?) Nothing happened for a moment, then the door opened, but there was no one to be seen.
Tony waited exactly twelve long seconds – he for once wanted to be polite – before he went to unravel this mystery on his own.
The interior design was an interesting choice. Not Tony's style, but fitting to magic ninja monks, he guessed. He walked up the wide staircase, clearly the centerpiece of this ridiculous big entrance hall, and was about to turn left when a voice stopped him.
“Mr. Stark.”
Tony turned around, his signature PR smile plastered on his face. He recognized the man from the other day. The one he had been talking to before. If just briefly. “Wong, right?” The man gave no reaction. Tough crowd. “I have questions regarding…” he made a vague gesture to the room, "everything."
Including that hot guy – Doctor Stephen Strange as the facial recognition software he had run the footage from the fight through had revealed – but that, of course, was incidental.
"We were expecting that. Follow me."
He led Tony down a hallway to a room and motioned him to enter.
So Tony did.
The furniture was minimalist and very zen. In the center sat Strange cross-legged and hovering four feet in the air. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be meditating.
Curious, Tony stepped closer to take a look at him up close. He was wearing casual clothes today, his red cape nowhere in sight. He was paler than Tony remembered, with dark shadows under his eyes. After all, just another human being, despite the impressive performance the other day. His bandaged hands lay relaxed in his lap, in what Tony recognized as a yoga pose.
When he thought he had waited long enough, Tony cleared his throat. And when that had no effect, he tapped the man’s shoulder.
Stephen jolted awake, as if Tony had turned him on by pressing a button. He startled and lost his balance as his levitation spell vanished and he fell on his butt.
"Oh, sorry." Tony raised his hands defensively. “I didn’t mean to jump start you.”
Strange scowled at him, if only for a moment. Then he had put on a neutral expression that Tony knew was just a mask. That was fine, he had just marched in here unannounced. Apropos. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to track you down? On a scale from one to ten at least an eight.” Normally Tony loved a good challenge.
Strange raised an eyebrow and he seemed almost offended. “Just eight?”
The wards and cloaking spells around the Sanctum were centuries old. Only people in need or those who were desperate were able to find the doors. They had to be at the right place at the right time. And Stark did not give the impression that he was this kind of person.
Tony grinned. “Yeah. The Pentagon was a six point five, but I was in college back then and the technology wasn’t as advanced. So eight is pretty good. Not impossible though.”
Obviously, Stephen had to ask. “What’s a ten?”
Tony’s lips moved into a smug smirk. “My tower, of course.”
Stephen scoffed, amused. Of course. “What do you want, Stark?”
It may have sounded a little rude, but not much ruder than being forced back into his body by surprise. So, naturally, Tony let it slide, because he remembered why he came here in the first place. Not to get this guy’s number but the other reason. His questions.
“What is this?” he asked, looking around. “Your secret school of wizardry? How many wizards are there? Where did the gnomes come from? And that other thing? Had you been a wizard when you were a neurosurgeon?”
Strange tilted his head in a mix of being amused and annoyed. But Stark had managed to find the Sanctum, so he had to give him some credit.
“Do you want tea?” he asked, since this whole encounter seemed to take some time and he hadn't had breakfast yet.
“I’m more of a coffee kind of guy.”
A cup appeared out of nowhere and he was able to grab it just before the hot liquid spilled over.
Stephen's cup remained hovering next to him and followed him as he turned toward the door. Using the conjured lightning in the fight had done nothing good for his hands. He could barely move his fingers, which was why he opened the door even with a pinch of magic.
He motioned Tony to follow him. The meditation room was not the place to deal with Stark's pending questions.
"This isn't Harry Potter. We aren't wizards," he informed him curtly. Stark opened his mouth to object. Although he was a man of science, he knew what he had seen. But Stephen was quicker. “We are clearly sorcerers.”
There was the smallest hint of a smile on his lips.
He answered some of Tony's questions. With each answer came more questions, but they were surprisingly genuine. Stark was an attentive listener and Stephen found himself telling more than first intended. No secrets of the order, Vishanti no, but Stark's visit lasted longer than he had expected.
They ended up on the roof of the Sanctum.
One, Stephen didn’t trust Stark anywhere near the relics yet. Two, it was a warm day and the roof had a nice view. And the sun did good to his hands.
He found himself invested in the conversation with Stark, especially when they started discussing pros and cons of advanced technology versus magical healing.
Until they got interrupted by a voice coming from Stark’s pocket.
Stephen paused, confused for a moment while Tony pulled his Starkphone out of his pocket.
“What’s the stitch, Fri?”
“There has been an emergency situation rising in the north. Captain Rogers is assembling the Avengers.”
The voice was clearly artificial, but not generic robotic, Stephen noticed.
“Tell them, I’m on my way,” Stark told his AI. Looking back to Strange he added, “Sorry, doc, seems like we have to cut our date short.”
The sorcerer raised an eyebrow at this comment, but let it slide. “Do you need backup?” he asked instead.
“No, we got this. But you’re welcome to tag along and watch, if you want.” He winked at him as he walked to the edge of the roof and jumped onto the coping. He was surprisingly agile.
Tony tapped on his chest and the nanobots bled over his body, also integrating the phone he was still holding in his hand.
“Don’t be a stranger.”
Those were Tony's last words before the nanobots closed off his face. He dropped backwards and two seconds later he flew through the sky of New York.
Stephen's eyes followed him until he disappeared between the skyscrapers. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued and maybe a little bit turned on. Stark knew how to make an exit.
And Stephen had a feeling that this wasn't the last time he’d seen Tony.
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walkswithmyfather · 11 months
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Exodus 4:1‭-‬17 (NIV). “Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it.
Then the Lord said to him, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail.” So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand. “This,” said the Lord, “is so that they may believe that the Lord, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to you.”
Then the Lord said, “Put your hand inside your cloak.” So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprous—it had become as white as snow. “Now put it back into your cloak,” he said. So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.
Then the Lord said, “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second. But if they do not believe these two signs or listen to you, take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground. The water you take from the river will become blood on the ground.”
Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”
Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses and he said, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you, and he will be glad to see you. You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. But take this staff in your hand so you can perform the signs with it.”
“Breaking Down Faith Barriers” By In Touch Ministries:
“As you seek to follow God, He will help you overcome each obstacle you encounter.”
“Yesterday, we discussed how Moses doubted God’s calling to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. But the Lord graciously provided reassurance through wondrous signs and promised to help His servant accomplish everything, no matter how impossible it might seem (Ex. 4:1-5).
Moses wasn’t eloquent, and his inability to speak well left him feeling inadequate. So God reassured him by saying, “I Myself will be with your mouth, and instruct you in what you are to say” (v. 12). Remember, the Lord looks at the heart, not human qualifications (1 Samuel 16:7), which is why the people He chooses to carry out His plan often seem unlikely. What’s more, God can also overcome all our inadequacies. That’s what He did by calling Moses’ brother Aaron to go along and proclaim the God-given message (Ex. 4:14-17).
The Lord had an answer for each one of Moses’ concerns, and He will likewise help us overcome obstacles when we follow Him. As we step out in obedience, our trust in God grows, and we are able to leave the outcome—whatever it may be—to Him. Then, as the faith barriers in our life are demolished, we’ll be able to see the evidence of God’s presence and power. Not only that, but we will also experience the joy of submitting to His perfect will.”
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aelaer · 1 year
Do we know if the Cloak of Levitation can feel pain? I know that it can to some extent, but could it get hurt by like a taser or something?
Yooo somehow I got not one but two anon asks tonight and I'm just delighted??? Great pick me up at the end of the day. (Other ask will be answered hopefully tomorrow.)
Anyway! I'm going to assume you mean movie canon (the Cloak wasn't even sentient in a lot of the comic history so) and I'll go off that. So we see the Cloak getting torn or ripped in a couple ways in the MCU:
Dormammu disintegration:
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Thanos tear:
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Wanda burn:
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I personally can't remember the Cloak flinching or the like with any of these on-screen hurts (though it did fly away from Thanos after he tore part of it).
In terms of practicality, it wouldn't make sense to make a magical relic with the duty to protect the sorcerer wearing it feel pain as other living beings do. I can imagine that too much damage inflicted upon it would cause its magic to get significantly lessened, making it "look" weak in movement - but actually feeling the damage would be an absolutely impractical thing to purposefully embue into the Cloak itself.
That said, I think it'd be very easy for both sorcerer and casual onlooker to think that the Cloak might be in pain because humans give human emotions to inanimate objects all the time (see that thread about the bomb-finding robot that had its testing stopped because it losing its legs to bombs was "too inhumane"). Just like Stephen shows sympathy to the Cloak in MoM for getting "dinged up" and promising to get it fixed, I imagine anyone with some sort of emotional connection to the Cloak would show sympathy at it getting "hurt" - even though the Cloak very likely has no pain receptors.
When it comes to non-magical attacks like electricity from a taser, I don't think it'd be affected at all. I don't necessarily think it could block the attack, though perhaps it could dampen the effect. It's clearly affected physically by magic and by really strong people like Thanos, though even Thanos had to really work to tear it. But it seems that it would need to be severely torn up to be "weakened".
I personally headcanon that it can stop bullets a la bulletproof vests can stop bullets, only using magic as opposed to specific meshes and materials. I also headcanon that there are spells or other relics out there that could stop it from working temporarily, though this again doesn't cause it to feel pain.
Edit: The Sands of Nisanti made it stop working in MoM so there you go. (I don't think it'd have let Stephen just lay there otherwise.)
Uh. Yeah. I hope this rambling answer actually answers your question.
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Dr Strange x fem! reader
dear god what is wrong with me. this is so dirty.
its so ironic that i wrote abt cake like this when i dont even like cake.
Your blood was burning cold, you felt akin to that of a reptile hungry for revenge in any form. You were a patient human being, able to take just enough before inevitably snapping at whatever humdrum nonsense or incessant drivel. The man you love was testing that patience. Stephen was condescending and believed in a higher power that was himself at the best of times but today you just wanted to choke him the fuck out, not sexually but literally.
He had the nerve to insult your performance in bed this morning before slamming the door and leaving for the day to tend to his sorcerer duties or whatever the fuck. You knew it was a sick and twisted joke from the sick and twisted mind of Stephen Strange, , something you knew he would laugh at but you weren't laughing. He equated you to that of a fish out of water in bed and you immediately became self conscious at such a thing. You'd show him, get your sweet revenge in time and you couldn't help your mind think of depraved ways to get back at him and show him just how patient you were.
Maybe you could..No. Too cliche.
There's that thing... Nah, too depraved.
What if you..No way, that's too nice.
You slowly turned your head to acknowledge the Cloak of Levitation that was hung up on the coat rack, he really should take care of such an ancient and mystical relic and you were surprised that the intuitive fabric didn't follow him out of the door. Stephen had left in a huff and a hurry and you thought the Cloak knew not to follow him after both of you snarled venomous remarks at each other like two bullies on a school yard.
Maybe you could…Oh. Oh. Yes, that's what he deserves. What an inviting and delicious punishment, something so cruel yet so sweet.
You decided his fate for him.
It was night.
Stephen was irate all day, his veins felt itchy like sandpaper rubbing against each other. You could be so fucking stubborn and headstrong, and that translated very well in bed but in real life it could be very challenging to even joke with you, he regretted that comment he had spewed out in a fit of anger. In fact, he's bedded multiple women and none of them came in the same ball park as where you were; he had never came that fast in his life when he first had you and it was almost embarrassing for him.
He was dreading heading back to the Sanctum, it was only you that was left there and it made his skin hot all of a sudden.
Stephen was rarely ever nervous, but you had this unmistakable effect on him; the kind that made him second guess everything he did. He found this need inside of him to impress you, even though you yourself didn't need that from him.
Stephen opened the Sanctum door with a defeated exhale, dreading the reprecussions of his earlier actions. Finally repeaing what he's sowing when you both enter an ever immortal screaming match of who is actually in the wrong. He quickly went upstairs first to get changed out of his sorcery clothes and put on a plain tee and some jeans. Padding away on the marble, he felt himself get heavy as he called out your name attempting to find where you were in such a vast archealogical landscape.
"Y/N?' He called out before ultimately finding himself in the kitchen.
He heard your breath and the sizzling of oil before he could register everything else, then his eyes finally flitted to you and his exhale caught in the confines of his throat.
'Yes dear.' You said with an overt sweetness in your voice, it was all synthetic obviously but he was more curious in the manner in which he found you.
To his surprise, you were cooking with a pep in your step, hopping around like you were a doting trophy wife tending to the food that was sizzling away in the pans. He could smell the waft of a hearty roast chicken and the steam of vegtables at first. The thing that made his chest heavy and his brain turn to mush was the fact that you were doing all of this naked, except for the thin fabric of your panties covering your modesty. What also caught him off guard was the fact that you were wearing his cloak. His cloak. His mouth involuntarily popped open slightly, his face could barely contain his confusion.
'Are you just going to stand there gawking or are you going to sit down? You must be starving.' You said with faux concern, a wicked sheen in your eyes as you stared at him like he was your prey, your little plaything. You motioned your hand to usher him to the kitchen island and take a seat on one of the stools.
Stephen's eyes were creasing with perplextion, he was annoyed, frustrated and incredibly aroused at stumbling upon you like this.
It was very clever indeed, such a fun yet tortourous way of punishing him for something so small. He knew you didn't care for atonement or turning over a new leaf, you were nasty and you were playing with your food. Toying with him just for the sake of it. He slowly made his way to sit infront of you, only the kitchen island getting in the way of your proximity.
As Stephen sat down, he fingers grazed over his face and lips remarking at the sway of hips to an annoying song you were humming.
‘Cloak, you've done enough. Thank you." You smiled at the fabric and it made it's way back on the rack. There you were, bare chest on display like you had no care in the world, your hair flowing and framing your face like that of a sex goddess. Your sexual prowess was truly commendable but your gall was other worldly.
Stephen was lost in his own thoughts the way he was gaping at you like a foolish and horny teenager, you cut the silence with a question.
'Stephen, can you get the chicken?' You bit your lip, all doe eyed and sweet but Stephen wasn't convinced you were doing this out of the kindness of your own heart.
He didn't have it in him to respond, he just followed your orders like a compliant little puppy. Sauntering his way around the kitchen island, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. A magnet is something you were akin to. Stephen grabbed at the tray with the deliciously marinated and spiced chicken and placed the tendered meat onto the two plates that were positioned in front of the stools. You perked up and flowed the steamed vegtables from the pan and onto the plate too. Stephen had only just noticed that there was a cake on a stooled platter that was on the island also, he was too engrossed in you that he couldn't even sense its sweetness.
He leaned his two hands on the marble to rest his frame but before he could do anything else, you nudged your way infront of him and bent over.
'Excuse me.’ You said softly but there was a sinsiter breath to your voice.
Your ass was right where his crotch was, a knowing smirk tugged at your lips as he let out a stifled breath. You were vicious when you wanted to be and this was just another example of such a thing. You were busy with the task of adding sugary paper flowers to the cake and Stephen was pondering what to say to you.
He could just fuck you right over the counter.
'What do you think you're doing?' Stephen questioned lowly, in response you slowly grinded against him and it only made him that much more furious and in need to lash out. You were evil, revelling in his pain and arousal but again it was a fun little power play, you’re having your fun now…he will later.
'Dessert, you want a taste?' You turned to face him, a sweet blush applied at the apples of your cheeks and your lips which you were biting now.
"You could be dessert.' He responded without fully thinking, he couldn't hide his attraction to you even when he was mad, it made Stephen’s blood thin and boil.
'I don't think I'm sweet enough.' You replied bashfully as you got up and leaned against the counter, the nakedness of the small of your back hitting the cool marble. Stephen's arms trapped your frame and you felt stuck, your blood turned to glue and your organs into cement. Needing to get the plates out of the way because you knew what was coming, you reached behind your back to pull away at the plates and slide them away from your immediate stance.
Eyes were both locked in a endless perpetual abyss, a demented glint encasing both of your faces about the events that were about to unfold. He was not going to let you win him over this easily and you were not ready to forgive him either, not until he earned his cake. A prolonged shallow breath escaped his lips and Stephen's eyes were cast down to your tits, his eyebrows perked up and you rolled your eyes at his childish reaction, it was like he had never seen a pair shown so freely before.
'Cake?' He asked all coy and mischevious. Your eyes creased as his hand that was stuck to the left of you lifted to swipe at the cream at the top of the cake. His waved his finger infront of both of your faces to remark at. He knew exactly what he was doing. You nodded at a snail like pace, wondering where he was going with this specifically. Was it his turn to use your own tricks against you?
‘Open.' He demanded through hooded lids, eyes completely transfixed on the curve of your plump lips as they parted for him so eagerly.
Your tongue darted out and tasted the cream only tof fully fing hospice in your mouth, you suckled on the scarred rays of his finger and his small knowing smile portrayed a peek of his pearly white teeth.
'There you go, good girl.' He cooed at you. Once his finger was licked clean, you let go of it with a wet pop.
'I'm still cross.' You cleared.
"I'm still cross you can't take a joke.' He taunted.
'Mad that I tried on your cloak?' You pouted.
"Oh, I'm just irate.’
You couldn't even talk back at him due to him spinning you around like vertigo and grasping at your hair only to bend you down face first onto the counter. The coolness of it shocked you at first, an exhasperated whine rolling off of your tongue in the process, but then he spanked at your ass which made you go ballistic.
"Cocktease.’ He whispered through clenched teeth, you could literally hear the pressure hissing from it. He pulled down at your underwear harshly, the elastic burning the back of your impatient thighs, you felt a tingle shiver through you at such a harsh sensation.
"Your fault.' You breathed out raggedly.
Stephen was charmed at your ferocity, but ultimately he was seething because no matter how hard he tried, you would never listen and you would never shut up. Normally he could handle your whims but this time he couldn't take your crass attitude anymore. He reached behind his back to discard of his plain tee and undid the belt of his pants. In a ghastly whirlwind, he pawed at your hair with one hand and with the other grabbed a pile of cake.
"Open. Now.’ He growled. Prying open your mouth, he stuffed it full of the sickly sweet goodness and slammed you back down as if it was nothing.
Jesus fuck, you’d never experienced him do anything like this before, or anything else ever in that matter.
You whimpered against the thick mounds of cake in your mouth and your eyebrows tensed, Stephen let out small yet erratic exhales at your dispostion.
You just look so fucking pretty even with a dirty mouth.
Stephen left you momenterily and even though his absence was fleeting, the loss of contact made a hole enlargen in your chest. You writhed in pleasure. Waiting for him ever so obediently. He pulled apart the strings of the cooking apron that was dotted on one of the other counters, he grasped at your wrists together in an iron like grip so they were planted at the small of your back and tied them together so fucking tightly. It was biting into your skin and you were sure they would leave burning red marks tomorrow but you didn’t have it in you to care for the time being.
You felt like he was about to use you, like you were his own little fuckdoll and it made you rub your thighs together in anticipation. The cream of the cake began to melt in your mouth. Stephen spanked at you again and it made you yelp, he let out a low chuckle at such a desperate response.
‘Sweetheart, don’t be so down. You tried and failed but had your fun, now it’s my turn to make you feel good. You get what I give you, you take what I tell you to take and if you don’t and I’ll fuck you just enough to the point where you’re about to cum but never actually do for the next fucking month, got it?’ He groaned into your shoulder, ultimately biting on the flesh to leave small indentations of where his teeth where. To claim you. To make you. He knew you couldn’t respond and it made a sly smirk contort on his face.
Stephen grasped at the base of his hard leaking cock from the confines of his pants, spread your legs that much more to the point where it was bordering on painful and ran his length up and down your arousal. You were so wet for him and you were the one playing the game of getting him riled up. You technically both won at such a challenge. He slid into you with no remorse, your cried translated to tears as he pulled your body back to meet his relentless thrust. Each piston of his was relentless. Your nipples were dragging up and down the cool marble of the counter and it spurred you on even more, adding so much to the pressure building up inside of you. Your mouth was smeared in sweetness, but you couldn’t do anything to clear yourself up, you couldn’t even grasp onto the counter. You were all tied up.
‘I see you wearing my fucking cloak, naked in my fucking kitchen and you thought there wouldn’t be consequences. Baby, what’s in that pretty head of yours?’ He taunted you, his condescending tone was annoyingly arousing.
Stephen kept going and going and going and he felt himself about to cum, your stifled moans really did it in for him. You were feeling that pull in your belly threatening to rip apart, tear and shatter at any moment. He collapsed ontop of you, buying his head into your neck as he painted your insides white, you followed suit. It was like lightning stung you in the biggest pinprick, it was magnificent. Making himself and then you stand up, he panted and then laughed at all of this as he untied your wrists. Thankfully, you managed to swallow down all the cake he had stuffed in there and damn that shit tasted good but not as good as Stephen even though he can be the biggest asshole ever.
‘I love you all fucked out and panting like this.’ He breathed against your ear, your back facing his front. His soft lips peppered tender kisse all down the delicate skin of your neck.
‘Not like a floppy fish?’ You quipped with a sour smile carved onto your perfect face.
‘One, that was a joke and two, you’re the best fuck I’ve ever experienced. Everytime, it’s like you have this new technique to make me obssessed with you and craving more. I fucking hate you for that.’ He admitted and it stunned you, he hadn’t said that before.
‘Maybe later I’ll finally have my dessert.’ You smirked as hands wrapped around your front to just hold onto you.
‘Poor dinner, me and cloak spent time on that.’
‘I’ll only let you wear my cloak if you’re naked like this in front of me and only me, if you dare do it when you’re alone…’
‘Fine.’ You huffed playfully at his habit of just wanting to see you in his clothes, now even his cloak which was incredibly sacred to him.
‘I should’ve taken a photo of it.’
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himedachi · 21 days
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Okay, Renge headcanon time because I think tennyo/tennin lore is very fun to explore. The hagoromo bestowed to her from Benzaiten/Sarasvati will not recognize anyone as its owner aside of her, where this works as a fail-safe method for those who are not aware in case it gets taken away from her possession. When it's used in its original state as a robe, it will have its own personality && able to move outside of her command like Dr. S.trange's Cloak of Levitation. Otherwise, when it's disguised as another item or not used (as in it's in its dormant state), it will stay as it is. This little sentience that it has does help a lot though, as it keeps her from crashing down to the ground when she's doing some... flying training. Can it be destroyed? Maybe, but good luck at figuring it out though (re: it's connected to her lifeline and existence, so if the owner dies the hagoromo will perish as well so there's no such thing as bestowing a hagoromo that a tennyo owns to another). Whoever tries to steal a hagoromo and think they will gain powers from it is just not well informed enough about its abilities. If you're not the owner, you simply can't use it && it's practically priceless to the market. The more plausible reason of why people wants to steal it is because they want to keep a tennyo in the human world to marry for themselves, as in preventing them to go to heaven by keeping away their hagoromo... that's literally it.
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What are your pronouns? I've heard you referred to as 'it' before, but you're clearly sentient enough that calling you that seems wrong and dehumanizing (even though you're not human)
I don't think it's dehumanizing, but I'm honored that you think that!
I go by many things: Cloak, Cloakie, The Cloak of Levitation, it, she, he, they, etc. Anything goes.
Just DO NOT UNDER ANY circumstances call me a CAPE!!
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