#House of M redone
cupcraft · 3 months
Based on my own experiences with many emotionally abusive PI's and also being groomed by one, I wanted to make a list of things to look out for. I am speaking from my own experiences, but I do think it's important. I hope this helps you, for any fellow people in stem, in academia, in research, or in university. Some of the examples I use are ones I have either experienced personally, I know people who have experienced similar, or ones I thought of based on my experience.
Professors should communicate with you over email primarily, or school/work approved channels. It can be a red flag if they use your personal number to contact you and especially if they show anger or feel threatened you try to keep the conversations over safe channels (like your school email).
Professors should not be contacting you about personal things, asking you to be their emotional support system, asking you personal questions, love bombing you, talking to you "like a friend", etc. It is important your mentor keeps a professional boundary between you and them when you are their direct employee or student. I say this because I realize some people may say "Ever since I've graduated I am close and good friends with my old PI/professor", but what I am talking about is when you are their student and the professional boundaries are blurred and crossed. For example, a professor texting you "Hello can we change our meeting to 2PM?" or "How is your data collection going?" or "Good job at the conference. I am proud of you!" are examples of likely professional statements. Examples that are not professional and are inappropriate can be "I'm at a bonfire at my friends house, you should come by next time!" and "Do you like the picture UNIVERSITY just took of me?" and something like "How are you doing tonight? I'm have a beer and a good dinner, going to be a blast."
it is never appropriate for them to yell at you or belittle you. It is never appropriate for them to degrade or embarrass you. If you make a mistake it is your mentor's responsibility to communicate that you made a mistake and be clear about their expectations of you going forward. It is also appropriate for your professor to give you constructive criticism, to give you expectations and deadlines, correct you when you are wrong about something, and express mild or professional level of disappointment when you do something irresponsible (for example, working with a chemical unsafely around another coworker, if you say something unprofessional or inappropriate that warrants correction, if you do not meet a deadline for something time sensitive like a federal grant application, etc.) It is not appropriate for them to be disappointed or guilt tripping about human errors and mistakes. You should not fear being corrected by your mentor, you should not be afraid to admit mistakes, you should not feel like they have "good days" and "bad days" when it comes to these things, you should not be held accountable for things out of your control (ie the experiment fails and needs to be redone even though you made no mistakes and your technique was fine). You should never be yelled at. You should not be given critique with no solutions (ie your professor saying "You don't work hard enough" and then giving you no reasons or constructive reasons why, ie your professor saying "Your emails annoy me" with no reasons or constructive solutions to improving your communication). Professors should also not hold you accountable for things that are their fault (ie your mentor yells at you for not submitting something on time that they never told you was due or that they wanted within in a specific time). You also should be mindful that professor's like anyone else in your life should have appropriate levels of reactions to things, even more so with a professional boundary. For example, if you miss a meeting them screaming at you and insulting you and acting like this is the ultimate betrayal is not an appropriate reaction to that mistake.
Your mentor should not joke inappropriately with you. They should not tell you jokes that obscure professional lines or are concealed belittlement. Examples: "If you don't pass your test I'll whip you!", [sexual/romantic/intimate jokes of any kind]. "I was confused by your email, must be all the beer I've been drinking!".
Your professor should not be talking about other students, coworkers, and even other professors behind their back to you. Example, "UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT is so dramatic when she makes mistakes don't you think?", "OTHER PROFESSOR doesn't deserve to get grants, I can't believe you're taking his class", "YOUR COWORKER has been going through a lot these past few months + [proceeds to tell you personal & private information about them]"
The hardest part about school/research/academia should bet he work. It can be difficult and burnout is common especially when deadlines out of your control comes up and understandable (given that you are not being overworked). What shouldn't be difficult is the mentor you have. You should not be burnt out, depressed, or exhausted because of how your mentor treats you. You should not fear going to work. You should not have to lie/people please/perform to avoid a "bad day" from your mentor. You should not be made to cry, or mentally break down weekly or even daily or even ever by your mentor.
It can be a red flag if your professor insults you to your face but to colleagues/other professors/other professionals they sing your praises and over-compliment you.
Your professor should not ask you to do things that are unsafe or illegal. They should not ask you to do things that are OSHA violations, against federal lab safety guidelines (ie via the state DOT, EPA, EHRS, etc). They should not ask you to transport things in your car that could be unsafe, especially over state lines.
Maybe stem specific, but do not work in a lab that does not follow HIPAA guidelines, that does not follow the IRB, that does not follow the iACUC. For your own safety career wise + personally, this is not a safe situation to be in.
Mentors should not ask you things that are personal or private about you without you stating it first/giving the okay. Examples: asking about family, asking about health status and medications, asking about disabilities/mental health diagnoses, asking about sex and romantic life, asking about drinking and or drug use, asking intimate details about your outside friends and family, etc. It is not to say you cannot talk about these things, but they should not ask you and boundaries and consent is important here.
Red flag could be how your professor treats other students, even if you feel like they are "treating you well."
it could be a red flag if your professor overly rewards you or gives you intimate and expensive gifts. This is very much context dependent. Here's some examples from my groomer that I have catalogued as appropriate and not appropriate: When I was close to graduating he gifted me a hardcover book of a mathematical theorem we were studying, which I saw as appropriate. What i saw as inappropriate, was him giving me chocolates/cookies + intimate notes/cards for my birthday.
It is not necessarily unprofessional to have lunch with your professor or even other meals but again this can be context dependent (+ within your own boundaries). Potentially appropraite: "Hello. I need to reschedule our meeting for Noon? Can we meet over lunch?". Likely inappropriate (example from my own groomer): over text says something like "Rolls the dice...lunch? We can then walk around PARK NEAR YOUR HOUSE together."
Red flags can be that a professor starts to blur professional lines after you leave their lab or graduate, especially as these boundaries were pushed throughout the relationship.
Professors should be open to constructive criticism as a mentor and take accountability healthily and non defensively.
Professors should not be texting or calling you "off hours". There are some very specific situations this may be appropriate (Ie you are a graduate student and your professor who also does benchwork in the lab calls you with a lab related emergency regarding your samples (ie the freezer broke) or regarding safety if you are on the emergency contact list). They should not be calling you for personal matters/chatting you up like you are a friend/dating.
It is never appropriate to be asked to do romantic or sexual favors from a professor. It is also inappropriate for them to blackmail you
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leoniestarlee · 5 months
Illyrian Assassin (9)
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Pairing: Azriel x OC
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning: past trauma, slow burn
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
The smell of strawberries and chocolate filled the townhouse as I baked with my sisters and Mor. Willa, being cheeky, managed to throw flour all over the kitchen in a small food war with Cass, leaving the rest of us looking like powdered cakes. Mor had to force Cass out of the kitchen in order to stop the war, but it only resulted in her getting a handful of flour dumped in her hair.
"One day I'll pin his balls to a wall," she muttered to me, running her hands through her hair with a scowl on her face. I tried to stifle a laugh by biting my knuckles. "I should've thrown him out of the house."
"Oh, come on, Mor," I drawled, pressing the heel of my palm into the cookie dough. "We used to have food wars with mashed potatoes and gravy."
She raised her brows at me, her lips frowning. "That was when we were younger, and I hadn't just gotten a blowout."
"I'll take you to get your hair redone tomorrow," I offered, kneading the dough on the counter before me as the girls decorated the cookies with strawberry jam and chocolate behind us.
"No, it's fine," she huffed, sending me a small smile. "At least Willa seems better," she said quietly for only me to hear over the girl's laughter.
I smiled, looking back at Willa as she splattered jam on cookies while Daisy laughed, putting them on a plate. "She does. I'm thankful Rhys spoke with her."
Rhysand did talk to Willa, explaining to her how he understands that losing both parents can be difficult. And, well, that's all he told me. He didn't want to tell me too much and betray Willa's trust, which I understand and respect him for. As long as she's comfortable with talking to someone, then I'm happy.
"Speaking of the devil," Mor mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.
I looked away from the girls to the archway where Rhysand stood, watching us with a small smile and flour covering his black jacket, no doubt from the man behind him that must've hugged him. Cassian grinned from ear to ear at Mor who glared in response.
"Cassian wasn't lying when he said the kitchen was a mess," Rhysand laughed, stalking into the kitchen and looking over the girl's shoulders. "Is that your sisters homemade strawberry jam?"
"It's our favourite that she makes," Daisy answered, holding the spoon up to him with jam coating it.
"I remember when she first made it," Cassian snickered. "We didn't eat jam for a year after that."
"It was my first-time making jam!" I groaned, turning back to the dough. "How was I supposed to know it needed more sugar than salt?"
"Common sense was how you're supposed to know that something sweet shouldn't taste like the Adriata Sea," Cassian pointed out.
I looked over my shoulder, sending him a glare. "Don't make me hit you with this rolling pin."
The grin wiped off his face and he quickly looked away as Rhys chuckled in amusement. I quickly finished kneading the dough before putting it into a bowl while Mor took off her apron. Rhysand helped the girls decorate the cookies with jam and melted chocolate as I placed a cloth over the bowl of dough, leaving it to rise.
"Can we have some cookie now?" Willa asked me, holding up a cookie that was decorated in half jam and half chocolate.
"Yes, but make sure everyone else gets one too," I told her, washing my hands in clean water as Cassian snatched a cookie off the plate while walking back toward the sitting room.
After a few minutes, everyone else followed him with Daisy carrying a plate of decorated cookies. I smiled after them, before starting to clean up the mess from our attempt at clean baking. I never thought I would find flour in the cupboard, but obviously I'd forgotten the last flour war Cass and Willa had.
"Need a hand?"
I let out a surprised yelp, whirling around to see Azriel leaned against the archway with his arms crossed over his chest and his shadows slowly disappearing.
"You scared the Illyrian out of me," I laughed, shaking my head at him as I focused back on the flour covered counter in front of me. "Remind me to put a bell on you."
"I apologise," he chuckled. "My shadows tend to hide my sound and scent."
"I gathered." I turned back around, walking toward the sink and ringing out the wet rag. "The girls have a plate of decorated cookies in the sitting room if you'd like some," I offered with a small smile, looking up at him as he walked toward me. "They're decorated with my homemade strawberry jam. Is that still your favorite?"
He nodded, stopping beside me. "Always has been and always will be."
"Well, I'll have to give the recipe to your future wife one day," I teased, hating the words as they came out of my mouth, tasting like a rotten plum.
He looked away, focusing on the painted portrait of Rhysand, Cassian, himself, and I on the wall. Mor had gotten it painted for us just before the war, but she hadn't given it to us until after and it was one of the few things Azriel stared at for hours just days after we'd returned home. I remembered catching him one night, sitting on the floor with a bottle of wine and staring at it. I hadn't known how long he'd stared at it, but I'd known he was struggling with the fresh memories of the war by the dried tear stains on his cheeks. I didn't say a word, just sat with him and we both silently comforted each other.
Cassian and I had been separated from Azriel and Rhysand in the War, put in a different legion to be common foot soldiers, even when our power out ranked any of the war-leaders. To this day, I still don't know what Az was put through as Rhysand's fathers personal shadowsinger, but it wouldn't've been good. Some nights, I would hear his roar of terror from my room and when I'd get to his room, he'd still be sleeping in his nightmare.
"Az," I gently said, placing my hand on his arm. He flinched, looking away from the painting to me with a blank face. "Did you work today?" I asked him, taking his mind away from whatever had him lost in thought.
"Not today," he answered, moving his arm away from me as he walked over to the opposite counter with a clean rag. "Rhys gave me the day off and I spent it building your bookcase."
"You built my bookcase?" I raised my brows in surprise, watching him as he kept his back to me, cleaning up the other counter. I'd told him a few days ago I'd gotten a new bookcase and was going to set it up, but I didn't think he would do it. "Thank you, Az."
"You would've hurt yourself," he laughed, looking over his shoulder to me with a knowing look.
"That was once," I grumbled, rolling my eyes at him with a small smile.
"That one time ended in Cassian freaking out," he reminded me, finishing the counter. "The Lord of Bloodshed nearly cried because the top of your finger was hanging by a piece of skin."
I barked a laugh, throwing my rag into the sink. "You have to admit that was funny."
He nodded his head agreeing, a smile on his face as he threw his rag into the sink. I started to make my way out of the kitchen and into the hallway, only for him to grab the back of my dress, gently pulling me back toward him.
"Not so fast," he said, placing his hand on my hip.
My eyes widened and my lips parted from the sudden touch, but I fooled my features into a neutral state as I tried to turn, only for him to squeeze my hip and keep me in place, keeping my back to him.
"What are you doing?" I questioned him, looking over my shoulder to see his eyes darted down to my ass. "Are you checking me out?"
He choked on a cough, eyes snapping up to mine with a faint blush on his face. "No," he quickly said, looking back down. "I was undoing your apron."
"Oh," I quietly said, looking away with embarrassment settling in my stomach. "Sorry."
He laughed and a second later, the apron was loose around my waist, and he pulled it over my head. I didn't dare to face him when I knew my face was as red as a beetroot.
"Thank you," I said, keeping my stroll casual but fast as I walked away from his chuckle and down the hall.
I walked into the sitting room to be greeted by Willa sitting on Cassian's back as he laid on the carpeted floor with a cookie in hand. Daisy sat near them, scoffing down cookies while Mor laughed, and I sat down beside Rhys on the couch. Azriel joined us a few minutes later, glancing over at me while he sat in the armchair. I avoided looking at him as I took a cookie off the plate.
"I really did miss your baking," Rhys said to me around a mouthful of cookie.
I smiled, taking a bite of my own cookie. "Well, you can't miss it anymore because I've got a few new recipes to try out."
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jamgrlsblog · 5 months
My The Owl House fanfiction and associated art master post! Word counts are rounded.
(My links: linktr.ee/jamgrlfandom)
Concerts and Curses Series (young Raeda & Owl Lady origins)
A Private Concert (T, 9k): Eda POV, pre-curse, getting together; when Raine gets stage fright and doesn’t finish performing a solo, they perform it for just Eda instead (cuteness abounds)
A Not-Date
Excerpt 1-page Comic (original); Excerpt 1-page Comic (redone speech bubbles and bonus original sketchbook page)
Never Been Cursed (T, 18k): Eda POV, post-curse, established relationship; Eda strikes it out on her own and tries to navigate how Raine can still fit into her life (teen hormones abound)
(4-page excerpt comic in progress!)
A New Key (T, 14k): Raine POV, young adult, established relationship; Raine getting a palisman forces them to think about what they want (tender but fraught YA Raeda)
Watching crystal ball
Three’s A Match??? (M, unfinished): Camila POV, getting together with Raeda after matching on a dating app
Cold Feet
Raeda one-shots
Lovestuck (T, 2k): Raine POV, Raine remembers Eda talking to them when they were a puppet
Some Interrogation (E, 5k): Eda POV, missing scene in “O Titan, Where Art Thou”, when Raine captures Eda, feelings are spilled (and they have sex in an interrogation room 😂)
Holiday fics
Solstice Night (G, 6k): Eda POV vignettes of her experiences of the BI winter solstice traditions (5 times Eda didn’t cry on Solstice Night + 1 time she did)
Solstice Cookies
Noche de Reyes (T, 4k): Camila POV, Camila recruits Eda to help leave presents for the kids as the Three Kings (Latin American Christmas holiday)
500-word Ficlets
Touch-Starved (T): Eda feels the physical effects of loneliness (pre-canon)
Crusher (T): Follow-up to Touch-Starved, Eda asks Raine to cuddle with her (post-canon)
The Ask (G): It’s the time of year where teen witches ask each other to a special event… (Young Raeda)
**to be updated as new works are posted**
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snakeskins-world · 8 months
Picture Perfect...?
The Madrigals were all doing their own things today.
It had been 3 months since the Casita crashed, and the rebuild. They had all become closer than ever! Feeling like they've truly reunited properly.
Of course, they still had secrets...
Dolores, was sat in the main room, next to Mariano. Dolores was listening with excitement as Mariano spoke, his voice like music to her ears.
Camilo, was with Antonio, upstairs. They were running do the halls, Antonio was riding his Jaguar, parce, as Camilo tried to keep up.
Isabela was sat on her vine swing, decorated with new plants. She was tripping up Camilo every now an again by growing random plants.
Luisa was relaxing in a hammock, a drink in hand, her donkey-unicorn stuffie in the hammock next to her. Both laying in the sun.
Pepa was stood with Felix, both were charring by the bottom of the stairs, their conversation going unheard by the other Madrigals,
but it was clearly happy and loving, since Pepa's cheek were practically painted pink, and the sun was shining above the town, and Felix was sporting his loving, flirtatious smile at his wife, speaking to her in Spanish.
Bruno was sat in his bedroom, redecorating.
Julieta was sat outside with Agustìn, both enjoying the nice weather.
Alma was sat in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee as she read a book, a romance. But she wouldn't admit that.
And Mirabel was setting the plates for dinner.
"Mirabel, dinner isn't for a few hours yet?" Alma says, her head tilting up, her eyes going from her book to her granddaughter who had just finished setting the plates.
"Well, I like getting ready early, this way we don't spend time putting the plates out during dinner." Mirabel explains.
"And we repaired Tio Bruno's old plate! We wanna surprise him at dinner!" Mirabel smiles excitedly, her usual cheerfulness, radiating from her like light did from the sun.
"He'll love it, Nieta. How about you go play with your cousins? Or sisters?" Alma suggests, but it was more like an order.
"But I need -" Mirabel's excuse was cut short.
"No. No, I won't hear any of that, go enjoy the nice day -"
The sound of glass shattering filled the house, everyone jumped.
Pepa picked up thr photo, it was of Antonio's ceremony.
"Camilo! Antonio! You both need to be careful!" Pepa scolded her younger children, a cloud growing over her head.
"Mi Vida, look." Felix whispers, taking the picture, showing his wife. "Where's Mirabel? She isn't in the photograph."
At this, the entire family started to crowd around, peering at the picture.
"Mirabel?" Antonio asks, looking up, the entire family copied. They looked at Mirabel, who was stood at the entrance of the kitchen, her hands clasped infront of her, a nervous look on her face, as if she had done something wrong.
"Mirabel, why aren't you in the picture?" Pepa asks, her voice carried confusion and a hint of sadness.
Mirabel looked away, her fingers interlaced before her hands moved to her to her side.
"W, well, you all were really excited, a and I wasn't included, I don't have a gift, I guess you all just forgot to include me, but I get why, I mean, you need to have a gift to be a Madrigal!" Mirabel says quickly, her hands moving as she spoke, moving with her voice.
As Mirabel spoke, the look on the Madrigals' faces slowly turned to stunned sadness.
Pepa's clowd turned dark and a light drizzle started to pour down.
"M, mirabel, we forgot you?" *Julieta asked, staring at her daughter. "Why didn't you say? We could've redone it." She says. Walking up to her daughter.
"Well, you were all really happy, a and I didn't wanna be a bother, so I just...stayed quiet." Mirabel says.
"Oh Miraboo." Agustìn says lovingly and sadly, using her nickname only he could say, he hugged his daughter tightly.
"You could never be a bother. You're a part of the familia Madrigal!" He smiles, trying to lighten the mood.
"This won't do." Alma says firmly, her hands clasped together, the entire family looked up to their Matriarch, waiting for her to continue.
"Next week. We will have a party, for Mirabel's sixteenth birthday." Alma says, then looks directly at Mirabel "And Mirabel, you will be the centre of the photo." Alma says firmly but kindly, showing she genuinely meant her words. "We missed your gift ceremony, and your Quinceara. We will have to fix that."
"You really don't have to!" Mirabel tried to change their minds, but the family was already brainstorming.
"Out! The future birthday girls cannot hear the plan!" Camilo says, ushering Mirabel to the kitchen.
Mirabel chuckled. She knew her family was trying to make up for it all.
Familia Madrigal was healing. And it would take time
But they'd slowly heal the cracks.
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strangenewwords · 9 months
List O' Fics on AO3
now with update status! (10/30/23) slownorimo update (6218 over the goal!)
don't you know me - Still being updated.
One morning, Admiral Kirk's unbreakable bond with his husband is suddenly severed. The cause? A temporal anomaly that has turned the 55-year-old Spock into his 31-year-old self. Now, they find themselves on an uncharted path, facing an uncertain future where their shared journey hangs in the balance, teetering between continuity and divergence.
Mature (for talk about sex, but sex is kept in oneshots). Chaptered and incomplete.
we ran aground - Completed.
Set when Kirk is the XO of the Farragut and Spock is the science officer on the Enterprise. Both ships are in dry dock for repairs, and Spock runs into Kirk at a bar. He walks him home. Things progress. There's chess. And sex.
Explicit. More porn. Can also do the standalone thing, but falls in Don't You Know Me universe.
take me how you want me - Completed.
Kirk and Spock are on Vulcan for their wedding. Spock can't seem to find his center. Jim helps. With his body.
Explicit coz porn. Can be read as a standalone but is backstory from don't you know me.
Sarek x Amanda
we can blame it on human nature - Paused
Yet another Amanda and Sarek origin story.
When four-year-old Sybok arrives on Earth to live with his father, Amanda Grayson's life takes an unexpected turn. She can't resist falling for the charm of this endearing child, but things get even more intriguing when she meets the tall, dark, and utterly captivating Sarek.
As Amanda and Sarek navigate the complexities of their newfound connection, they discover a magnetic pull between them that defies all logic. Together, they must chart a course through the chasm of their differences, all while exploring the depths of the emotions that bind them.
Teen, and it'll stay there. This is a sweet story with a dash of heat.
beyond logic - On Pause
The blurb is wrong because it's going to be redone. But Sarek x Amanda and dark and steamy.
So, so much Explicit.
Captain Shaw
burn the whole house down - On Pause
Captain Liam Shaw is a shitshow held together by the terrors of his past. This is a story of him finding something else to live for.
Mature for language, but'll probably go up to explicit because my Shaw is sex!driven. Whatcha gonna do?
Spock x Chapel
tangled memories - Completed
When nightmares haunt Christine, Spock becomes her anchor.
Teen, with some implied sex but no actual sex.
Deep Space Nine
forever and more - Completed.
Julian and Miles have bad habits. Julian keeps saying he'll stop. Garak is there to pick up the pieces.
Mature for sex, but not porn.
Father Brown
you used to be my favorite memory - On Pause
Sidney Carter and Inspector Sullivan knew one another in London years before Sullivan showed up in Kembleford. Sullivan's astonished to run into Sid again in this tiny, out of the way town. Sid can't believe Sullivan is getting on his case after the way things went down. They try to figure out where each of them fits into this new arrangement, especially when they can't seem to keep of out each others way.
Teen, but may bump up to M as I move forward.
pinch me - Completed
Sid and the Inspector regularly heat up the caravan. In the aftermath on this afternoon, their conversation drifts to how things started and where they are
M for implied sex, fondling.
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dogfishmonger · 9 months
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A story by @dogfishmonger
With art by @dolgoyangi
Coming to @deancashorrorfest in October.
Rating: M Relevant warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; non-graphic underage content; body horror Word count: Approx. 13,000
Dean is a normal, stable man in his 20s: He has a job. He has a boyfriend of three years, even if they're on the rocks. He has a little brother in pre-law. There are, simultaneously, things in his upbringing that he simply isn't supposed to question: His father's unexplained, undefined trips out of state. His mother's death. The body he once found in the basement. When Sam runs off in search of answers, Dean and Cas head east to find him. But after catching up with him, something's... different. Wrong. Dean and Cas are at odds—again—with Dean believing that Sam is in danger, and Cas suspicious that Sam is the danger. Returning to normalcy will involve more digging into forbidden territory than Dean was ever prepared for Cas to see. In the end, he doesn't even know if it was worth it. They're left with just as many questions as answers, and the answers they do have are ugly, insidious things, glistening oil-spill black and undulating. Excerpt under the cut:
Dean hadn’t had a single dream.  
He felt… fine, actually.  The fear in the depths of his stomach had felt, for days, like grasping a violently vibrating metal handrail.  It buzzed; it almost hurt.  
It hummed, just then.  Unbidden, he thought, it’s almost over.
The Impala was old—made after the iron age of vehicle design, sure, but thankfully well before the partial switch to plastic.  In an affectionate sense, it was a giant aluminum can. 
That is to say: the rain was loud.  
For the first five years they lived in Ashmer, the house had a tin roof.  It was built in the 1890s or something, back when people still did that shit.  There was a bad storm when Dean was nine or ten, maybe a hurricane, he couldn’t remember.  He just remembered taking Sam down to the basement, where they weren’t allowed to go, where there was still a stain on the concrete floor. 
When they came back up in the morning, a tree had fallen into the kitchen. 
The roof got redone. 
They made it from to the old house in relatively short time.  Ashmer was similar to a lot of towns in the hollers of northern Appalachia: you were in the forest, and then the trees cleared out and you were in a town.  It was small, both in terms of population and geography. 
As for the house, it was empty.  Either it just happened to be empty, or it had remained empty ever since the Winchesters had left.  People in the mountains tended to drift toward the superstitious.  Dean wouldn’t be surprised if the house had taken on a sort of Boo Radley mantle.   John had disappeared temporarily on the regular, and only once, when it was time for the finale, permanently.  DHHR had come, the police had come, cleaners had come.  The details weren’t widely available, but people had to know.  There was something wrong with that house.  There had been something wrong with the boys who had lived in it. 
So, Dean didn’t doubt that no one had moved in.  
Cas said something, but it sounded just like the low rumble of heavy June rain.  Dean was still tired, syrupy and nebulous; it was like he’d been cut loose, like all his adrenaline had been burned off at the state border.
He hadn’t expected that. 
Cas said something again.  Dean just let it wash over him, warm and familiar and laving.  Cas sounded calm almost all the time. 
Dean felt Cas’ hand on his arm, and a half-moment later, the car rolled to a gentle stop.  
“We’re here,” Cas said.  
Here, Dean repeated to himself.  Here as in Ashmer, or— He tried his hardest to make out what lay beyond the dashboard.  The headlights were on, but it was exceedingly, impressively dark outside.  The rain beat down in solid-looking sheets.  There was something there, vaguely person-shaped, somewhat shrunken, maybe just hunched. 
“I think that’s your brother on the porch.”
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Bryan Danielson - Monty Python's Life Of Bryan
Chris Jericho - The 13 Stages Of Grief With Y2J
Danhausen - Danhausen In Exactly As Much Context As He Requires
Danhausen - Feed My Evilhausen
“Hangman” Adam Page -  Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
"Hangman" Adam Page - Country Girl 🤠
Jack Perry - Jungle Boy - I Wanna Be Evil
Jon Moxley - Livewire
Marko Stunt - The Very Best
MJF - Everybody Loves Me ;3
MJF - blah blah blah...
MJF - The Biggest Balls Of Them All
MJF - Long Island V Connecticut
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 1: Jul-Nov 2019
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 2: Nov 2019-Jan 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 3: Jan-March 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 4: April - August 2020
Nick Jackson - Magic Girl
Orange Cassidy -  BASIC 🍊🕶️NOMICS
Pac - If Weird Al Did Pac's Theme
Sting - What Goes On In Surfer Sting's Head
Wheeler Yuta - Yu Make My Dreams Come True 💕
William Regal - Sharp Dressed Man’s Man
William Regal - Ra Ra Regal
William Regal - What A Lucky Man (He Was)
Gunn Club Assboys - Billy Ass And The Assboys
Blackpool Combat Club - BCC Golden Girls
Dustin Rhodes VS Willie Mack - Kissin Willie
Eddie Kingston & CM Punk - WRESTLING SILENT FILMS: Was The Truth Too Much For CM Punk To Handle When Kingston Put Him On Blast?
The Elite - When I See You Dance With Another
The Elite - Best 15 Seconds Of Each BTE (1-23)
The Elite - Runnin On Empty
"Hangman" Adam Page VS Lance Archer - Blood In The Texas Death Match
The Hardys - The Hardy Show: Rednecks On The Loose
House Of Black - Du Rieschst So Gut~
Jurassic Express - KINGS OF THE JUNGLE
Pinnacle & Inner Circle - Pinnacle VS. Inner Circle: Ballroom Fucking Blitz
The Hardys VS Private Party - Poor Bones
AEW Moments That Have Probably Changed Me As A Person
Ranking Hey!(EW) Guests Based On How Angry They Get Being There
Once In A Lifetime: An AEW Retrospective
Hookhausen (Hook X Danhausen) - curses~
William Regal X Tony Schiavone - Out Of Touch Thursday
Hangmox (Hangman X Mox) - ⛓️HANGMOX: THE CHAIN⛓️
AdaMJF (Adam Cole X MJF) - You're My Best Friend
What if Dynamite was 2004 Raw?
What if Collision was 2009 Hockey Night In Canada?
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Midnight Snack
Premise: Sienna shares a midnight rendezvous with an unlikely companion.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC); feat. Robert Valentine (OC) Rating/Category: General. Fluff Words: 1,315
A/N: I want to explore various platonic relationships in the OH world that I’ve created. I don’t think it will be a formal series, more like a collection. At this stage, my fics and characters while inspired by canon are 80% original. I want to take advantage of that to write different types of stories.
Submission for @choicesaugustchallenge Day 29 prompt “Birthday Cake”. This takes place after the events of Sibling Rivalry. I am also using a pregnancy prompt (the first one is always an adventure) from @creativepromptsforwriting and sharing for reblog to @creativepromptfills
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It was almost one o’clock in the morning when Sienna Valentine (née Trinh) awakened to the tightness in her abdomen. Right on schedule, she thought absently, cradling her pregnant belly.
Their little bean enjoyed performing somersaults in the middle of the night as if her body was his playground. She wondered if he would be a night owl after birth as well. Or an early morning riser like his parents.
She was nestled against her husband’s shoulder, his chest rising and falling evenly in sleep. Sienna remembered falling asleep, his arms loosely wrapped around her, listening to his heartbeat. And they were still there.
She glanced out the window, expecting to see the night sky outside, bright from the city lights. And then she remembered they were spending the night at his parents’ house in Arlington for Max and Cassie’s birthday celebration. And this neighborhood was quiet after dark.
Once upon a time, this had been Max’s bedroom during high school. But he hadn’t lived in this house for a long time, and his mother had redone it as a guest bedroom suite. Sienna couldn’t help but be disappointed at missing out on the mementos and paraphernalia from his teenage years.
Although Olivia had promised they were packed away in boxes, and she was welcome to look through them anytime. Max had grimaced at the idea, but Sienna knew nothing would stop her from doing just that. And then teasing him about it after.
Despite the grumbling in her stomach, she was loathed to leave the comfortable bed. But the last few months had taught her to listen to her pregnant body. She needed to eat for herself and the baby when she was hungry.
She gently removed Max’s arm and pushed the covers aside, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
“Everything okay?” Max asked, his voice gruff from sleep, eyes drifting open.
“I’m going to get something to eat,” said Sienna, pulling on a peignoir that matched her nightgown.
Max stretched his arms, his eyes sharpening as they adjusted to the dark. “Want me to come with you?”
“No, I’m good.” She leaned down to peck his lips. “Go back to sleep.”
“Okay then.”
Sienna silently laughed at how quickly he took her at her word. He turned on his side and was fast asleep by the time she closed the bedroom door behind her.
She gingerly made her way down the softly lit hallway to the backstairs, which, if she remembered correctly, would lead her to the landing just off the kitchen.
While she had spent time in the main part of the house, the upstairs level was still unfamiliar. The only other time had been her wedding day when she’d used one of the other guestrooms to get ready.
Lost in thought, Sienna didn’t immediately notice the light above the stove was on or that someone was already standing between the open refrigerator doors.
She flipped the light switch on the wall inside the entrance and wasn’t sure who was more shocked. Her at finding someone else awake at this late hour or Robert Valentine looking guilty, the cake container clutched in his hands.
“Oh,” she murmured.
“You scared me.” He grinned over his shoulder before turning around to face her. “I thought it was Olivia, and she would not be happy with me raiding the kitchen for sweets.”
Sienna walked toward him, smiling tentatively. Max had once told her that his father was quiet and reserved and that it took him time to open up to others. She had not spent much time alone with her father-in-law and, if she was honest, felt intimidated by him. He was unfailingly polite, but he was also the head of a global company and a billionaire multiple times over.
If her husband’s wealth sometimes overwhelmed her, it was nothing compared to how she felt around her in-laws.
Sienna often wondered what Robert thought of her and her relationship with his son. For anyone who hadn’t witnessed their years-long friendship, it might appear she’d latched onto the Valentine Heir. Everything had snowballed in the past year, including her becoming pregnant within months of getting married.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked.
She shook her head, leaning her elbows on the kitchen island. “The baby woke me up. He likes to play in the middle of the night, and he likes to eat.”
Robert chuckled. “The first one is always an adventure. With us, I suspect it was Max gearing up to play and Cassie who wanted to eat.” He set the container down on the counter and shut the refrigerator door with his foot. “I’m afraid I don’t have an excuse. I was craving your delicious cake.”
“Me too!” she said enthusiastically.
“Great minds,” he said, his smile so much like her husband’s that she did a double take.
“Max has your smile,” she found herself saying, wonder in her voice.
He nodded. “Among other things.”
He started to say something, stopped, and then a resolute look came over his face. It was much like the one Sienna often saw on Cassie’s face when getting ready to address a difficult situation. She braced herself, but his following words brought tears to her eyes.
“You’re good for him, Sienna. Max has become more grounded since meeting you, and he’s certainly happier.” Robert continued, his green eyes peering intently into hers. “He has always been driven; it’s a Valentine trait, so I can’t blame him for it.” The quirk of his lips was familiar again.
“But his mother and I worried he was too focused on work and not enough on everything else life offers. Then he met you, and something started to change, to open up.” He paused briefly. “If I haven’t said this before, you should know I’m glad you’re part of our family.”
Sienna could feel the tears leaking from the corner of her eyes. It was likely hormones, but she was also touched by his words. “Thank you. He makes me happy too, and I love him so much. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” he said gently, handing her a kitchen napkin and straightening away from the counter. “Now, shall we have some cake?”
Sienna nodded, giving him a watery smile as she dabbed her eyes with the napkin.
Rather than chance the high stool at the kitchen island, Sienna sat down at the breakfast table tucked into a curved glass-walled alcove. She watched Robert move comfortably around the kitchen, taking down plates from an upper cabinet and grabbing a knife and two forks from one of the drawers. He also poured two glasses of milk and then cut generous slices of the cake, one for each.
“I’m not supposed to have sugar.” He gave her a conspiratorial wink, forking up a bite. “Olivia has been on a health food drive lately. If it wasn’t for the twins’ birthday, we would have eaten alfalfa sprouts for dinner.”
“It’ll be our little secret,” Sienna told him, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
They both dug into the cake enthusiastically, his delighted eyes meeting hers as flavors exploded in his mouth. “You really are an incredibly talented baker, Sienna.”
“I can always send care packages to your office,” she offered magnanimously.
He made a face. “Olivia has her spies everywhere.” And then he grinned. “Tell you what. Call me whenever you need a taste tester, and we’ll work something out. Especially if there is pie involved.”
“I will keep that in mind,” she giggled, enjoying herself tremendously despite her earlier trepidation. “Max is not a huge fan of cherry pie.”
Robert shook his head in dismay. “He has no idea what he’s missing out on.”
As they bonded over their midnight snack, Sienna knew that she was exactly where she belonged and that Robert would be her ally for life. She was loved. And she was blessed.
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All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect​ @trappedinfanfiction​  @bex-la-get​  @mysticalgalaxysstuff​  @genevievemd​  @choicesaddict5​  @jerzwriter​  @rookiemartin​  @schnitzelbutterfingers​  @vi-writes-stuff​  @coffeeheartaddict2​  @quixoticdreamer16​  @dorisz​  @zahrachoices​  @lucy-268​  @a-crepusculo​  @jamespotterthefirst​  @ofmischiefandmedicine​  @headoverheelsforramsey​  @takemyopenheart​  @gryffindordaughterofathena​  @queencarb​  @crazy-loca-blog​  @natureblooms24​ 
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
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David Jacobs x FTM!Reader
Jack Kelly is their brother
idea/prompt: The strike gets too violent, and the reader gets hurt in one eye, Jack gets extremely worried about them as well.
Setting: Rally at Irving Hall, Newsboys Lodging House
Word count: 1,781
It was the Rally at Irving Hall, the place being filled with newsies from Richmond, Brooklyn, Woodside, and Bronx just to name a few. The rally was being hosted by who else  than Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon, and David Jacobs. After the whole speech, Miss Medda sang a song for all the boys. But, Snyder had come to the Hall, with so many bulls that it surrounded the place. A huge fight broke out. Y/N, however, was knocked out cold by the end of it, and who else than Davey had found them, and had taken him to the Lodging house to patch them up from any of the wounds they had, and let him rest. The time of this, starts when Y/N wakes up.
Y/N had woken up, a hand on his head. He looked around, confused for a moment before realizing he couldnt see through his right eye. He started to panic, looking around for anybody. That's when Davey, his beloved, had walked in 
“Y/N? Y/N you're alright!”  Davey ran over to his bed, hugging them gently, “Does anything hurt anywhere? Did I get all of your wounds and bruises?”
“ 'm fine, Davey, but there might be a problem..”
“Wh-? Did something happen?” His expression changed from relief to worry, as he looked at him
“I can't see out o’ my right eye, Davey..”
“You can't- wh? But how- what happened?” He looked very worried, hugging onto Y/n still.
“I think someone hit my eye, a bit too hard if ‘m bein’ honest..” you say, lightheartedly joking.
“Y/N, we shouldnt be joking right now, this is serious-” Davey said, worry flushing through his face.
You sigh, holding davey's face , and kiss his cheek “Ill be fine, though, when have’t i been?”
“W- well, i mean, you weren't fine for the few weeks you were out-” He replies, looking at Y/N. “And also when you just now told me you cant see through your Right eye-” he begins again.
“-But ‘m okay now, correct? I’s fine, Davey'' you give a warm smile to him, opening your arms for another hug, which he gladly takes.
“You better be alright…” he mumbles, staying close to you, looking up at you as well. You give him a smile, a smile that's comforting to him.
“May I’s get up yet..?” You drowsily ask, putting a hand in Daveys hair.
“Absolutely not- you're still hurt, y’know. And don't even think about saying you aren't, cause you'll probably stumble.” he says, getting up “And plus, you’ll worry the others.” Davey helps you sit up, smiling a little at you. 
“Ill be fine- gotta walk it of, ya know?” you smile back at Davey, going to get up, but ultimately failing. Davey had pushed you back into the bed.
“You're still not getting up- Want me to get you something?”
“My mouths kind of dry, i would’t mind wata” 
“Alright, i'll be back.” Davey leaves the room, leaving you alone. Is it a bad idea? Probably. Because you immediately get up, stumbling to the door. To be honest, you just wanted to check on the others. By the time you made it to the door, Davey had came back. 
“Y/N! Get back in the bed-” He brought you back to the bed, making you whine slightly. “Your still hurt, mister, you’re not getting up.”
“But Daveyyyyyy-” you whine, trying to get up again, which Davey had stopped you again.  “I wanna get uppp- pleaseeee?” you tried doing the puppy eyes, but davey had sat you down anyway.
“No, Y/N, your badly injured still, and im not risking anything. Now, drink the water you asked for.” he replies. You pout and drink the water. Davey smiles slightly, and gives you a kiss on your cheek. “Want me to get anyone?”
“Whoever wants to see me, Davey.” you replied, giving him a small smile back, shifting a little in the bed
“So far, Jack is worried the most- he’s worried about a lot, now that i think about it-..” he mumbles the last part, and goes to get Jack. Jack, once he heard he was finally allowed to see you, rushes in like the worried brother he is.
“Y/n! How have you been? Are you alright? What happened? Do I need to beat anyone up?” he said panicky, 
“ ‘m fine, Jack, and no- absolutely not, violence isn't an answer, Jack” you sigh, opening your arms for a hug, which in response he hugs you back, in a brotherly comfort way.
“Y/n, i know that- its ‘cause violence is da question and da answar’ is yes” your response from that was a sigh of disappointment 
“No, Jack, it isn’t, and it never will be.” 
“I guess your right then- Davey, didn't you say something about him bein’ hurt..? He looks all’right.”
“You wanna tell him or do I have to, Y/n?��� Davey asks calmly, looking at you
“Jack- ive uhm, gone Blind in ma’ right eye..” you said, hoping jack wouldn't get too upset or angry at whoever did it to you.
“..and how'd that happen? Ans who dids it-” He looks at you, with a surprisingly serious face. You usually have seen Jack with a goofy or unserious face, so this was the first time in a while you've seen his serious face. The last time you've seen him so serious was when you were a kid, and that was a long time ago.
“Noone- not that i know of, atleast, and youse aren't beatin’ nobody, Jack” you respond with hesitance, because you didn't know if he was threatening violence or not.you honestly couldn't tell that much, reading tone was definitely not your strong suit. 
“I ain’ts dumb, Y/n, i knows not ta’ beat anyone up” he responds with a slight tone of voice you couldnt figure out if it was sarcasm or not. You didn't know why it was so hard for you to read tone because you could never learn how too, no one had taught you. Davey had been trying to teach you, and it was somewhat helping, but you couldn't read tone well.
“...So you aren't gonna beat whoever up?” you ask, looking up at the cowboy
“Nope, 'm not. I promise.” Jack replies, sticking his hands in his pockets. 
“Alright, ill trust you for now- Davey, keep an eye on ‘im?”  you turned to davey, who gave a nod “And Davey, you know i can't stay in this damn bed forever.” 
“I know, i know- but it's better for you to stay in bed for now, so you can heal to your best. Then i'll allow you to get up again.” He sighs slightly but with a smile “I can promise that, okay?”
“Alright- don’ make me get Jackie to watch ya” you go to steal his hat, so you can ruffle his hair. He tries to snatch it back but instead you ruffle his hair lightly, giving a sinister grin. His face responds back with one too, and he steals your hat and puts it on. You chuckle a little and put his on ”I have a cute guys hat on now” you say, making Davey blush a little. Jack leaves the two lovebirds alone, just meaning you and Davey were in the room. You do grabby hands for him, and in response he comes over and hugs you, gently. You kiss his face all over and smile a bunch. His face starts going red after the first few kisses, which just makes you smile even more.
“I see your feel better, Dear-” he mumbles out, letting you go
“I guess I am, hmm?” you give a cheeky smile “can i get up yet? ‘m feelin’  betta after all.” 
“Still no. i want you to stay in bed for at least a day, okay? Not risking anything. Also, i had to take your binder off and wash it, you were wearing it for too long and you were knocked out. Don't worry, nobody saw you. I made sure.” You nod a little 
“When can i have it back?” you ask
“Tomorrow, alright?” you nod again, sitting up 
“Can i atleast sit up, Davey? I promise i wont get uuup-”
“...Fine.” he sits on the edge of the bed, just there to keep you company. You two started small talk, Davey telling you about the strike news recently, stuff like that. You smile and listen, because Davey's voice could be calming a lot. You seemed to start drifting off to sleep, but stayed awake so Davey wouldn't think he was too boring again. You didn't really like it when he thought he was boring, because he wasn't at all. He seemed to be more energetic with people he knew well. You were one of those people, because Jack had introduced you two to each other when Davey and Les started being a newsie, which seemed to be a day before the strike started. I guess it could have been a coincidence, that's what everyone said, though. You just went along with it. When the two of you met, something had sparked with you two, and it seemed to be love at first sight. At least, that's what some of the newsies said. They usually saw hints before you could register them. That was something you liked about the other newsboys here. Sure, they could be mean sometimes, but you were fine with that. 
“Are any of the others hurt?” you ask, looking at davey.
“Not that i know of, not recently.” he replies, looking at you “Why do you ask?”
“Just a bit worried, is all” you said, shifting a little in the bed. “You know Davey says, getting up “you should sleep then, hmm?”
“Davey im not tired- oh! Lets get Racetrack in here and we can play spoons!” You jump up a little in excitement, and davey rests you back down 
“I know how you get when playing with Race, no. please, try and rest? You can play with him tomorrow- its already 9pm, Y/n.”
“But Daveyyyyyyy-” you whine, looking at him. You wanted to play badly, but he was right. He should really going to bed. He nods slightly and lays down, “Can I have cuddles, at least? You wont crush me or anythin’ ” you chuckle lightly at the statement at the end, and Davey comes over and cuddles you. You two share some cuddles, and soon the two of you drift off to sleep.
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peachypede · 1 year
😶🐯🍯🔐 for Pecha and Rawst?
Ask meme is here
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Tbh she doesn’t have a lot of control on what her face is doing. It’s a trait she inherited from her dad. When she tries to show an expression, such as smiling, it looks forced even if she is genuinely happy at the moment. She tries to keep a smile on her face most time because she doesn’t want to chase people away.
Often her face blanks without her realizing it. She’ll space out during a conversation and become very stoic faced or bored looking without meaning to. When she’s concentrating hard, her face goes between blank to glare that can kill. So during pokemon battles she either looks ready to murder you or completely unfazed by the battle…works in her favor though since it makes her hard to read.
Has the same thing as Pecha and his dad, though he doesn’t try to force expressions. He doesn’t care if people have a hard time reading him or if he seems unfriendly. He believes it’s up to people to not make too harsh of first impressions of him.
He’s extremely blank faced while watching horror movies or playing horror games. His deadpan humor and inability to be phased by even the scariest of jumpscares is what attracts people to his streams and let’s plays. It’s hilarious watching a guy react to a creepy monster by saying “oh you silly little rascal! Come here…”
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When she used to have a battle training schedule, her first song on the playlist would be Kick in the Door by Xenia Pax and if her Pokemon hear this song they instantly go into battle mode. (From sweet house pets into battle machines lol)
Nowadays, she needs songs that get her into creating mode. Oresama- Morning Call has a nice snappy feeling to it that helps her focus on her work whether it’s making concept art or actually creating the pieces.
He prefers soundtracks over songs with words, especially since he’s mostly trying to get pumped during a stream. Lights, Camera, Action! from Sonic Mania is a nice one to start off the stream. Any royalty free 8-bit music would be nice as well.
For more chill, just chatting streams some soundtracks like Lori M from Night in the Woods has really nice chill vibes to hang out to. (tbh I feel like this also would be kinda Rawst's theme as well. Mellow and chill.)
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Has a weakness for sweets but also a very sensitive tummy so if she overindulges, she's in pain town. She loves cakes, pies, cookies...especially home baked goods. Since she was taught by her tita to bake, it's kinda hard to avoid temptation when she knows she can just whip up her own cake or something.
ice-cream though has to take the top. So many flavors! So many toppings to add! Also romantic in a way cause you can share a milkshake with someone all cute diner style~
Junk food eater. Eats a lot of candy. Also a freak though so his favorites are probably the extreme sour candies that would make a normal person pucker but with Rawst he has some extra citric powder that he adds to them to make them even more sour. (which if you consider that he ALSO has a sensitive stomach, he is always in pain and feeling like shit because of this)
His all time favorite is the sour gummy worms. He rolls those in the extra citric powder and eats a whole bag. Gremlin man.
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Her closet holds a secret...she has a furry suit. It's her own original character called Webby whose a Galvantula. She's got sparkles in her eyes and the main arms connect to a second lower pair of arms , having four arms like a Galvantula does. And yes. Pecha made this herself after watching tons of tutorials. She's remade and redone it for years until it looks really well made. And yes. She goes to convention incognito with it. She just likes furry stuff and thinks they're super cute! All the colors! All the cute mascots!
She doesn't like showing people due to all the stigma. If a friend or lover stumbles onto it, she'll get very embarrassed...
She really wants to make a Ribombee character next, though.
He writes songs, poetry, and also draws people he thinks are attractive. All these journals are kept in one of his drawers at his computer desk. He's only lately started sharing some of his music online, but he'll never show off his poetry or drawings to people. They, um...hold his secret feelings for some certain people that he doesn't like to show
Might someday sing a song for his lover but that might also be something he keeps hidden away forever...
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knitruneatrepeat · 1 year
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Coffee date Monday:
- I rarely drink my coffee hot at work, usually I do iced coffee. But I decided to do hot today because the current temperate is 41 outside.
- As predicted, I had a salad for lunch yesterday. It was yummy. But I have a feeling after this week I need to find alternatives to the salad world. No matter how much I add I am starting to get a bit exhausted of the green…
- Slow cooked ribs for dinner last night while I started to clean and organize parts of my house. They were alright, meat was not as flavorful as I was hoping for. But still a filling meal.
- I tidied up my bathroom closet organization. I had redone it back in 2020 with all Thirty-One products (gotta rep my side business). But over the months I had not properly put away things and it got messy. So yesterday I dived right in and was able to take care of that problem spot.
- I have a TON to do before M comes this weekend. I don’t know if I will accomplish it all, but I will chip away at it bit by bit. I love seeing the before and after pictures so that is a pretty good motivator.
How was everyone else’s weekend?
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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Francisco Cantú
Biographical information
Full Name: Francisco Cantú
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Deceased
Age: 41 (season 1)
Birth: 1972
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Shot in the head
Nationality: Mexican
Origin: Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
Grimsborough, USA
Ivywood, Pacific Bay, USA (formerly)
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico (formerly)
Profession(s): Actor
Natasha Cantú (wife)
Three unnamed ex-wives
Height: 5'8" Age: 41 (season 1) Weight: 169lbs Eyes: hazel Blood: AB-
Hailing from Mexico, Francisco was a handsome man in his early forties with warm bronze skin and slicked-back jet-black hair. At the time of his death, he wore a pair of brown slacks, black dress shoes, and a navy blue trench coat over a white shirt.
Francisco was the victim of Jolly Old Killer.
He was a childhood friend of Eduardo Ramirez. The two had immigrated to Grimsborough when they were twelve, just months apart. Ramirez always said that Francisco was better at everything they did, and he knew his friend would go places. So it wasn't surprising to anyone when Francisco announced he wanted to become an actor.
In college, Francisco and Ramirez met Valentina Cruz. The men helped her adjust to the culture shock of moving from Spain to the USA, and became friends. Valentina and Francisco briefly dated, but her heart belonged to Ramirez. The two broke up, and Ramirez and Valentina began dating, with Francisco hiding his jealousy.
After graduation, Francisco moved to Ivywood to begin his acting career. He was immediately successful and became a well-known star. But his fame wouldn't come without heartache. He would have failed relationship after relationship, never able to let go of his love for Valentina.
After getting married for a fourth time to Natasha, Francisco decided to step back from the spotlight. He wanted to see if he was ready to retire, so he bought a house in Maple Heights and moved there with his wife.
Once back in Grimsborough, Francisco found that he couldn't stop thinking about Valentina even more. He contacted his ex-girlfriend to see if they could rekindle their old romance. But Valentina informed him that her love for him had died and she only saw him as a friend.
But Francisco wasn't going to take no for an answer this time. He tried to win Valentina's love by sending her flowers from Fili's shop, but the woman stood firm in her decision. She loved Ramirez, and he loved her. And no amount of flowers would change that.
Speaking of Ramirez, he found out about his childhood friend trying to steal his wife. He confronted Francisco at Fili's shop to get him to let go of his delusions, but Francisco was persistent. Eventually, Fili had to escort Ramirez out of his shop before someone got hurt.
Days later, Francisco is killed by his wife. He was planning to divorce her, but Natasha needed his money for her family; that was the only reason she had married him in the first place. So she killed him to try and inherit his fortune, but unbeknownst to her, he had his Will redone so that nothing would go to her.
After Alex analyzed Francisco's finances, it was discovered that the man's fortune was divided into four parts following his death. One to his mother, another to his father, one to charity, and lastly to Valentina and Eduardo Ramirez. Even if the three had grown apart, Francisco always valued their friendship and wanted to repay the couple for supporting and loving him.
Francisco might not have gotten Valentina back as a lover, but she and Ramirez will never forget what Francisco did for them by putting them in his Will. With the money, Valentina could finance her dream of opening a fencing studio to teach anyone who wanted to learn the art of fencing. The couple is forever grateful to their friend and wish they could have celebrated their successes together one last time.
Story Information
First appeared: Jolly Old Killer
He was a runner for his university track and field team
He tried to become a musician but stuck with acting after realizing he couldn't write songs
He had cosmetic surgery multiple times and Botox injections to remove wrinkles
He would send the Ramirez children presents for their birthdays and Christmas until he, Valentina, and Ramirez grew out of touch after turning thirty
He and Ramirez are from the same city in Mexico but didn’t meet until moving to Grimsborough
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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bazaarwords · 1 year
First Line Game
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3 (sort by date posted). If you have less then 10 fics posted, post what you have! Make a new post.
@scooby-doo-creepymechclown​ thank ya scoob
all that see this are welcome to do it!!
oldest to newest:
Top of Show (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power | E | 77k)
There’s screaming coming from the production booth.
When You’re Here... (The Owl House | G | 2.5k)
The elevator music is a really bad touch.
What Mothers Do/Lo Que Las Madres Hacen (The Owl House | G | 3.8k)
The first night, Camila makes them all congri.
You Remind Me (The Legend of Korra | G | 3.1k)
Republic City at lunchtime was about as busy as it ever got.
En Años Pasados (The Owl House | T | 40k | INCOMPLETE)
“Luz?” Amity whispers into the stale air.
The Life Between (Warrior Nun | T | 8.6k)
“Ava. Ava, what does this say?”
Rule of Three (Warrior Nun | M | 6.8k)
Beatrice believed that she had fallen in love when she was seven years old.
Natural Twenty (Warrior Nun | T | 8.1k)
Something is howling.
Rebecca Who? (Warrior Nun | G | 100 words)
“Who’s…  Rebecca?” 
Redone (RWBY | G | 1k)
They go to the beach when it’s all over.
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this is very random but uh rjsja
I am very not sober atm and I remembered how pretty you were and my brain wouldn’t shut up until I told you so uhm 👉👈
you’re very pretty and I really like how soft your eyes are..also you’re really sweet and cute and uh and uhH-
’m gonna leave before I embarrass myself further- 🫣
-C (I’m not a new anon i’m just…shy🥺)
Hggf Thank you so much! You’re making me gitty and blush like a high school girl!
My eyes are definitely the most ‘popular’ part of my body, they are my favorite too! It’s just so hard to actually get a good picture of them since they are so pail and even the pattern itself is nearly transparent so my camera can’t pick it up :’)
Still too anxious to use my voice rn bc A:I’m never alone in this house and B: MY VOICE IS SO SQUEAKY?? I sound like a mouse when I scream. Idk why my voice is so high pitched??
(Also ngl sometimes while talking to y’all I question if I’m aromantic bc I keep fucking swooning forget cuties and my anons-)
Let me spoil you a little~
Me in my ‘lingerie’ 😘 French maid outfit (covered my face since I was blushing a lot. also had my hair up bc I didn’t want it to get all over the dress, ignore my nail polish it needs to be redone)
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Also leggy, and my sweet little homunculus tattoo
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(Also no one asked but here’s some more pics of my eyes! Btw, I really only take photos focused on my left eye bc my pupils are actually different sizes, it’s hard to tell though if you’re standing close enough to me you’ll see it 🥲)
Used flashlight to illuminate my eyes since they are so fucking pail they look whitish hchcf
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ourpickwickclub · 2 years
I am so happy they spent time on the ranch part of compound that’s where everything started and it’s nice to see them hang there and not just at the big house. I like the kitchen area they had redone it looks great and love them sitting SB cooking over the fire pit. There’s a lot of good video memories that G has shared over the years from that area. I hope they hang with the boys there also but I am sure they will have their big dinner in the nice house. I hope they share some with B mom and sister I liked how he joked about his sister crying over his one contestant then said she was a hard person. I’d like to see her say something about that on video while there. It looked like Leo won the dance battle but Blake won the tickle contest I think Leo got for jumping on him, even Betty got into the action I wish she had let it go a little longer. Great either way on the B&G adventures. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well! I loved seeing them all at the ranch where they’ve made so many great memories. Hoping for more stories to come from Gwen as they have the second part of their thanksgiving holiday!
— M
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itsmeanyango · 2 years
Growing hair with Astrology
When it comes to hair growth, you either have the genes, money or both. However, you may have the money but the product's don't work because you picked the right products for the wrong person.Or the wrong products, for the right person With Astrology you can grow your hair by knowing transits that favour hair growth. Two particular transits are Leo and Virgo.
Virgo and Leo are best for hair because they represent matters related to hair growth. Virgo represents growth and harvest while Leo represents hair and baldness.
Etymology: From Latin leō (“lion”), from Ancient Greek λέων (léōn).The glyph that represents the zodiac Leo (♌) looks like a head with a long ponytail.Lions are known for their long mane and this is why people with Leo at an angle or major Leo placements tend to have majestic hair.An angle means in the Ascendant/AC (first house), Descendant/DC(seventh house), Imum Coeli(fourth house)or Medium Coeli/Midheaven(tenth house).
Virgo (♍︎) (Greek: Παρθένος, Parthenos)Virgo comes after Leo in the Zodiac.Virgo is associated with Demeter, Persephone and a head of wheat. Demeter was the Goddess of harvest and agriculture. Persephone is her daughter. The glyph that represents Virgo is an M and a little fish to represent mother and child. Your hair is like your child, you are your hairs mother.
People with Virgo at an angle or very heavy Virgo placements, are the ones who tend to see results when they try growing their hair using products or DIY methods. Especially if they use food(that grows from the ground)to grow their hair. Such as rice water, aloe Vera and even chebe powder or bentonite clay.
There is a reason hair jelly/pomade is called hair food.
Leo season:
Leo season is good for trying something new on your hair. Especially if Leo is transiting an angle in your chart.For example during Leo season, the sun is in Leo. The sun is also Leo's rulling planet. When the Sun is in Leo, it means the sun is in your house where Leo is.
If you are an Aries rising, the sun is transiting your fifth house.
If you are a Pisces rising, the Sun is transiting your sixth house.
If you are a Taurus rising, the sun is transiting your fourth house.Don't feel bad if you do not have Leo at an angle. Every house favours hair during Leo season or transits. Say you have Leo in your 2 house, this means when the sun is transiting your second house, this is a good time to make a purchase related to hair.
If the moon is transiting your 2 house, this means you need to take your time and think about what you want to do to your hair. This is like a moment to reflect.
If it's Venus, you are bound to see gold everywhere and impulse buy, so self control. You are also bound to find a product or products you have been looking for.
If it's Mercury, it's a good idea to visit hair supply stores or even talk about what you plan on doing to your hair.
Virgo season and transits are the best for doing what farmers do. They till the land, plant their seeds and take care of what they planted as they patiently wait for harvesting season.This is how it works in Africans and people of African descent. Cornrows. Just that.
Cornrows and satin bonnets, satin head wraps, satin pillow cases or satin durags. You can also use silk material. You can also have all or a pillow case and one of the others because protective headwear always has a mind of its own when you sleep.
No good farmer leaves their crops on the farm way past harvest time, so cornrows should not be left in for long. They should be taken down every two to three weeks then hair washed and conditioned and periodically treated. Then cornrows redone.
Feel free to get creative with the cornrow style tou choose. Here is a Pinterest board on cornrow hairstyles
Virgo is special in hairgrowth because if you have A fourth house Virgo, a transit to your fourth house helps your hair grow "naturally" because the fourth house is about roots. In the sixth house you have the same but at a faster speed because the sixth house is ruled by virgo.Another special thing about Virgo is talking to your hair. Talking and singing to your hair helps in hair growth. This is because plants that are spoken to positively tend to grow well. Music has also been proven to contribute to plant growth. Virgo being ruled by the planet of communication (Mercury), supports talking to your hair.
More information on Hair and Astrology is available on my Patreon. Subscribe to get exclusive information
Avoid Scorpio season or transists like moon in Scorpio because Scorpio is about death.
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