#Harry Potter fic ideas
cloverwoodss · 26 days
Harry Potter Fic Prompt
Harry becomes a painter and is known as someone who can create living portraits of those who have already passed. He does this via using the power of the Resurrection Stone.
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Fic idea giveaway!
Hi all. I have a fic idea, which I love the concept of, but I already have several stories I am working on and merlin knows how many ideas which I hope to write on day. I would love to see this story written, so I am hoping that someone might want to take it on?
It's pro Snape, pro Lily, (but both morally grey?), anti James, semi anti Sirius. Also features a good Peter (idk i usually hate him but?)
Basic premise:
James is controlling/abusive to Lily. After Snape defects Lily contacts him in secret. Peter also sees the abuse, and between the three of them they come up with a plan to help Lily escape. Peter "betrays" the Potters to Voldemort, he kills James, then Lily and Sev kill Voldy, and fake Lily's death. She and Harry go into hiding in the muggle world.
If you want more details message me. I have over 4 pages of plot / character notes, but there is plently of scope to change details and make it your own.
Ships are open at the moment, could be Snily but I prefer platonic. Could be eventual Snupin. Could be no ships, or oc's.
If an author I have read and respect a lot wants it I might give exclusive, but potentially could go in several directions so could be open to all.
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annawoodhull · 2 years
Okay so I’m not sure if anyone has done this before, but I really want to do it. Harry becomes the defense against the dark arts professor at Hogwarts and actually remains in that position until he retires. There’s something poetic about that and I love it. And more than likely this would be a Drarry fic. I’m having feelings okay
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time travel fix it au where 6th year draco, rather than fixing the vanishing cabinet to bring death eaters, turns it into a time portal to warn his 11yo self not to trust his father
exiting the cabinet's pair in borgin & burkes in 1991 and apparating into the manor, the wards recognizing him. appearing before his younger self tired, gaunt and traumatized.
his younger self is afraid of this man who looks to be on the brink of madness, whose hair is limp and unkempt, whose eyes rove, unable to focus on one point. this man who reminds him so much of his aunt bella, but looks so much like his mother. like himself.
17-year-old draco is frantic and desperate. shaking his younger self in bouts of anger and fear. "you must listen," he repeats. don't trust father. forget everything he's taught you. there's no honor in the malfoy name. blood purity will destroy you. don't trust him. listen to me. please. please listen to me.
the moment you can, you need to leave the manor. it's not safe here. you can't trust anyone, not in slytherin, not in the sacred 28. they'll turn you in. find somewhere safe, away from here. please listen.
"what about mother" his younger self asks. he's afraid. afraid of the version of himself who looks, acts like this. afraid of the things that are being asked of him. afraid to lose himself.
older draco breaks down in a sob. its the cry of a broken man, one who's lost everything. his fingers dig painfully into 11-year-old draco's shoulders.
"she let me become this," he says. "she told me she loves me, but she let me become this."
he cries and cries and cries.
young draco agrees to change his fate, if only to stop the loud sobs that are bound to attract attention.
it's like a switch flips, and older draco stops crying. he looks at his younger self, and suddenly his face is full of life. it's like he's glowing.
"i can feel it," he says in an awed whisper. "can't you? you've done it already."
and then he disappears.
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bellatrixscurls · 10 months
fic idea!
virgin reader and sub jamie,, i just feel like you’d be so shy but also needy cus james is just so strong and overall brawny and so when you guys as much as kiss each other, you both can feel how needy you get.
but when you realise that big strong james turns into subby jamie as soon as your skin touches his, your heart melts. he gets so whiny and touchy and you have to take the lead, so that’s why you never lead him on. sometimes you get him to finish with your hand, but that’s about it. you are not experienced at all, so you don’t want to hurt him or something.
but sweet jamie finally goes to siri and remmy for help; when he was not dating anyone, he would always go to them because they knew exactly how to help him. so they get confused when he comes to them this time, petting his head and asking softly “what’s wrong, pretty boy? you know not to come to us now, y/n/n will be sad” and then james explains everything to them, of course, stuttering and sobbing, gasping for air as remus slowly tugs at his cock, wanting to help the lost boy nonetheless.
so sirius and remus decide to come to you for explanations, because what could possibly make you turn down their pretty boy? the one who was so sweet and loving and just so pure. he was your boyfriend, after all. they wanted to get to the bottom of the issue.
it’s almost funny how their eyes widen when you tell them that you are a virgin and that you do want james, but you don’t know exactly what to do and how to please him.
they help you, with your consent, of course. at first, they make james eat you out and prepare you for what’s to come. and you then find out how mad james is about you, as much about your body as your soul. he is already rock hard from earlier, so as soon as he’s made you cum on his tongue, sirius is behind him, guiding the submissive boy’s cock into you. you feel so overwhelmed with pleasure that your eyes start getting teary as well as james’.
he mumbles and cries into your ear about how pretty you look and how good you are making him feel, how he loves you immensely.
throughout the entire ‘process’, the other boys are there, sirius kissing james’ neck from behind as remus holds one of your hands tightly, and you can’t help but pucker your lips at remus. you don’t know why, or how, but you do, and he cocks one eyebrow, looking at you amusedly. “well well. i think you got the wrong guy, princess” he laughs softly, not entirely convinced of his own words.
but then james turns his head to him, eyes hazy and teary, “k-kiss her, please rem” he says breathily, and only then, remus’ lips crash against your own.
from there, you four discuss whatever happened between you that night, and decide that the best option is to stay together, all of you. <3
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blackcathjp · 5 months
ppl seem to like the idea of harry courting draco or harry doing big public displays of affection to ask him out (think promposals). but i feel like he'd be so awkward at dating. he doesn't quite know what to do with or show physical and emotional affection, the weasleys give him bad advice on romance, he's also oblivious when ppl are interested in him.
what he does have is earnestness and determination - he makes the first move on accident, just bursts out his feelings, brave and embarrassed.
draco knows all about courting and respects tradition, but he's not the type to make the first move (not anymore at least, not like when he was a kid, where running to his parents for safety and comfort was a luxurious option). he's calculating and weighs his options - what if he confesses but harry doesn't like him? what if he confesses and harry DOES like him? what if harry likes him, but doesn't like dating him? he's more hesitant and guarded with his feelings, but is more likely to show his affection towards loved ones.
harry asks him out in the middle of a conversation, just because he loves watching how passionate draco gets about something he loves. even after weeks of dating, draco insists on courting him the "proper way", showering him with gifts, writing letters that make harry blush, leaving loving post-its all over harry's home and work desk, delivering anonymous flowers, publicly asking if he can escort harry home (they're both embarrassed). he's touchy feely too, which harry isn't used to, but physical contact becomes easy and second nature now with draco. harry doesn't quite get the courting, yet still loves it.
harry: you already have me, draco 😊😆
draco: i still want to woo you though 🥹😤
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pixie-of-south · 4 months
Now I need a drarry fic based off this. Fuck sectumsempra, what if this is the curse Harry put on Draco during 6th year? What then!*!?@*
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cubeberries · 2 months
voldemort who continues working at borgin and burke’s until he’s, like, 80, ended up buying the store, refurbishing it and setting it up to be much more grandiose and started selling magical jewellery.
harry happens to be a regular customer who buys grand items for his friends. one day, harry comes in to buy some expensive jewellery for ginny for their wedding, he tells voldemort.
voldemort pauses. he decides harry is pretty enough, sells him a cursed necklace that ends up killing ginny a day after wedding, “helps” harry grieve his loss, so that no one else suspects it’s harry who killed ginny, and then literally kidnaps him and disappears a week later.
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reggies-fake-horcrux · 10 months
hc that James was adopted and that's why effie and Monty like adopting kids and why James feels out of place. like he was a brown kid raised by white parents and constantly feels like he has to be perfect and impress them to feel like he's enough. not because effie and Monty ever did anything to pressure him, just cause he feels different than everyone else.
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cursed-byesexual · 6 months
I'm such a sucker for fics from the pov of some NormalPerson™ who tries to understand what the actual fuck is going on with your fave. For example;
- Hermione's parents sort of got used to their daughter talking about dragons and curses and she makes it sound like its no big deal so they just go along with their strange kid. Except now there's a man at the door who says he's the minister of magic and he would like to personally invite you and your daughter to the first memorial of the final battle as she is a war hero of the highest order. What do you mean there was a war? Hermione, get down here this instant!
-Or a true crime podcast about the crimes of Sam and Dean Winchester through the eyes of someone who went to college with Sam. He hosts podcast nights and everytime one of Sams alleged kills is described he tells the friends who are listening with them about that time Sam went vegetarian for a month after watching a nature channel docu.
-Or Percy Jackson returns to a mortal high school after one of his adventures and one of his teachers has to try and decipher the transcripts from his old schools. How the fuck did this little skater boy blow up his last school? Why isn't he in prison??? Or dead??? The parent-teacher conference night that follows is one for the ages as Sally Jackson lies her ass off, but with skill.
-Or John Watson decides to go to a class reunion against better knowledge and Sherlock tags along to learn more about John out of boredom. His former classmates don't understand what the hell Sherlock Holmes is doing at their party if there hasn't been a murder and absolutely come to the conclusion that the two are together. They have to be, right?
Basically anything that puts these unhinged adventures and relationships into perspective I guess, sorry if these don't make sense,,, tag me if you know any fics of this sort! For any fandom! Or comment you own hc!!!
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scarfie · 5 months
I absolutely cannot get this wolfstar fic idea out of my head, someone please tell me if it already exists —
Marauders AU where it’s the noble and most ancient house of LUPIN, where Remus is entering Hogwarts as the only heir to the most prominent wizarding family in all of Britain, conflicted about upholding his father’s standards and the family image (while hiding his lycanthropy, the stain that it is on the family name) and wanting to break away completely. Sirius, from either a more nouveau riche house Black or from a non-prominent whatsoever wannabe Black family, grows up constantly getting an earful from Walburga about how he should be like Remus, make connections to Remus, etc., and he dreads having to interact with the epitome of pure blood society that he’s been compared to his whole life.
And so, when Remus is sorted into Gryffindor after a hat stall and Sirius locks eyes with him across the hall from what is now their house table, he’s immediately taken by what he sees there, and how much more there seems to be under the surface of the perfect pureblood.
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cloverwoodss · 26 days
Less prompt more idea:
Owls get little backpacks that have runes on them for deliveries, allowing the owl to carry different sized and weighted items with ease and comfort for them. If the owl has multiple deliveries then only the recipient will be able to remove their own mail. Muggle repelling/notice me not runes would keep muggles from noticing them as magicals would
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Harry and Draco have been secretly dating since 4th year and they manage to hide it pretty well, so well that not even his friends know they're in a relationship.
By the end of 5th year Harry and Draco have this huge argument, Draco knows that Voldemort will probably want to recruit him to the Death Eaters as a punishment for Lucius' failure so he tells Harry he wants to let that happen so he can be a spy to Harry and Harry, who has just lost Sirius, is not happy about it at all, Harry refuses to let Draco do it, Harry refuses to risk his boyfriend's life for something like this. But Draco manages to convince Harry to let him do it, Draco tells Harry that it's the best if Harry has his own spy so he can get unfiltered information. Harry still isn't happy about it, but after Draco did an unbreakable vow to run straight up to Harry if he felt he was uncovered or if Draco just feels like his life is in way too much danger, Harry ended up agreeing with Draco that it would be nice to have his own spy in the Death Eaters.
6th year comes around and Draco is a bit distraught by the task Voldemort gave him, so he tells Harry everything and shows Harry that Voldemort really did mark him, which he wasn't expecting Voldemort would do. Harry just gently presses a kiss close to the mark, 'cause he's afraid he's gonna accidentally activate the mark if he touches it, and then pulls Draco closer and kisses him and tells Draco he's gonna help him to fix the vanishing cabinet so Draco doesn't have to do it all alone. Harry really couldn't keep his eyes out of his boyfriend, he knew Draco was worried with his mother and with everything so Harry was really watching Draco like a hawk to make sure Draco was eating and sleeping. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Dean, Seamus and basically all of the Gryffindors thought Harry was obsessed with and/or stalking Draco, and Harry was just like "No! I'm not stalking him!" and Hermione was like "So you admit you're obsessed then?" and Harry really didn't deny that he's obsessed, Draco is his boyfriend! Of course he's obsessed with his own boyfriend! But he couldn't tell Hermione that, so he just shrugged and moved on with the conversation. During all of this, Harry also insisted that Draco learns the Patronus, 'cause it's useful.
While Harry is with Hermione and Ron hunting Horcruxes, Draco is between Hogwarts and the Malfoy Manor. Draco sends Harry his patronus with information. Harry just smiles everytime he sees Draco's patronus, even though it usually brings bad news.
The battle of Hogwarts happens. Harry saves Draco from the Fiendfyre and Harry just can't control himself anymore and ends up pulling Draco closer and kissing him when they're out of the fire. Hermione and Ron are shocked when Draco actually just lets Harry kiss him and even kisses back. So when Harry finally kills Voldemort, he keeps ignoring everyone around him and keeps looking for Draco, Hermione pops up on Harry's side and points to a direction and says she saw Draco in there. Harry thanks her and runs to Draco, who he finds all alone outside the castle just staring at it and Harry just wraps his arms around Draco's waist and kisses Draco's cheek, Draco turns around after that and kisses Harry properly in the lips and then blurts out a "Marry me" and Harry is shocked so he doesn't answer immediately so Draco just starts trailing off about how scared he was when he saw Harry in Hagrids arms and how relieved he was when he noticed Harry was alive and how all of this just made him realize how short life can be and how he wants to spend the rest of his with Harry. Harry kissed Draco before he could say something else and said yes.
Harry testified for Draco, saying that Draco was his spy since the beginning, that Draco was never a real Death Eater and it was all part of their plan.
Harry and Draco's wedding happens just a week before they go back to Hogwarts for the "8th" year.
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Here’s another Tomarrymort fic prompt no one asked for:
Imagine a Professor Riddle/Voldemort AU in which MOD Harry is impersonating a squib working at Hogwarts (think Filch). & they meet when Tom is a 1st year & over time Tom becomes convinced that Harry is not a squib at all but some sort of immortal eldritch being impersonating a janitor. Because how tf has he not aged since he was a child? How does he seem to know everything about everyone? How does he keep messing up all his plans?!
I picture Harry having a similar vibe from the janitor from Scrubs. Just so casually putting a wrench in every one of Tom’s schemes just for shits and giggles. & Tom is just obsessed with him & proving that he’s not human dammit!
Professor Riddle (to Harry):
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Harry (to Tom):
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aurlieanbeloved · 23 days
I want to make sure we're all on the same page, we all agree that adult tom riddle would have absolutely committed an act of cannibalism (I am definitely not thinking about specific other media right now)
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chuueppz · 12 days
Tom's Professor Harrison
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Tom Riddle was ready for the new year it was a few hours to begin. Not because he was becoming older, but because now he finally had all the connections he could dream of to accomplish all the greatest things that he was worthy of.
When he Woke up earlier this morning in his bed at Slytherin he was blinded by all the presents he received from his Knights, and now at night, he was ready to go to sleep, Wake up in a new year and Conquer the world.
But he felt compelled to take a walk on the grounds one more time, and thanked Merling for that, because now in front of him was a beautiful boy that's maybe five years older than him, with a white streak of hair on the right side accompanied by a huge lightning scar that only brought more delicacy. And the greenest eyes he had ever seen.
was he blind in his right eye too? No problem, he would give a new eye for him if he wants..
"Hello Tom, would you mind leading me to the headmaster's quarters?"
And instantly Tom knew that he would do anything to be by this man's side. He would split his soul a thousand times more, kill an entire city, create empires and present him as king, Tom would be his servant and kneel in devotion every hour of the day.
And What a blessing, his god knew his name.
"of course Sir...? "
"Harrison" Tom says bowing his head
Can someone please take this idea off my mind and transform it into a fic?? I just need some silly Tom who would do anything to have the new professor's eyes on him for even a millisecond.
Like, he would try a zillion personalities only to see which one Harrison would like more, he would kill in front of him and would be merciful if Harrison asked to.
Only he could have Harrison's attention and if the teacher thought that he needed to be beaten, hugged, treated with roughness or showered with kisses, so be it.
(please, if you wanna do this fic just say so, I can even draw more)
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