#Happy Birthday love ♡♡♡
crushondonald · 11 months
Taking a walk on memory lane ✨️ ... on the birthday of the great Mr. Tennant, who stole my heart from the beginning in 1986. He has never given it back ever since, and that's a good thing! (Chris, I luv u, too!) ♡
In honour of this occasion, I've put together some of my favourite moments from the Berlin concert during PSB's Dreamworld Tour on 11 June 2022 plus a short sequence of the It's Alright music video from 1989, one of my most beloved PSB songs to this day. ☆
Here's to you, Neil 🥂 ... Happy Birthday! 🎉
And the music plays forever ... 💫
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omi-boshi · 3 months
thinking of little omi wanting a dog but his parents tell him he has to earn it because it's a big responsibility for someone as young as he is. so, he sets up a piggy bank to save up for adoption fees. he doesn't tell his parents about it because he wants to show them when he's saved up enough money.
surely if he has the money that means he's responsible enough right?
in the following months, omi sets aside a fraction of his daily allowance to put into his piggy bank.
it's slow-going until his siblings find the piggy bank labeled with "dog savings" in omi's messy scrawl. they're so charmed by their baby brother's antics that they slip in their own spare change behind omi's back.
they never tell him of course because knowing their brother —their sweet and earnest little brother — he would want to do this on his own.
by the time omi's 10th birthday comes, his piggy bank is practically bursting at the seams. he holds it tightly in his little hands as his family sings him a happy birthday.
when it's time to blow out the candles and he has to make a wish, he lifts up the piggy bank and tells his parents how he's been saving up the past few months. that he has enough to pay for the adoption fees. that he's 10, and he's a big boy now, ready for big boy responsibilities.
"i'm responsible enough for a dog now, right?" he would then ask, eyes bright with earnest hope he tries so hard to tamp down just in case they say no. his parents would exchange surprised looks followed immediately by shaking heads and laughter. lots of laughter. omi is rightfully confused. he frowns.
are they laughing at him? the thought makes him flush in embarrassment. his dad leaves the room, still laughing. when he comes back, it's with a box that's almost a little too big for omi. the birthday cake lays forgotten, candles melted, as omi looks curiously at the box in front of him, then to his parents, and then his siblings, and then back to the box.
his older brother nudges him to open it and when he does, omi doesn't know what to do with himself. the akita puppy yipping at him in the box was too much for 10-year-old omi to bear that he starts bawling.
he's hugging the puppy to hide his tears, and in the background he hears cooing and more birthday wishes from his family.
see, his parents had always intended to give omi a dog the moment he asked. omi rarely asked for anything so whenever he did, his parents were always more than ready and excited to give it to him. however, this time, they waited until his birthday because, admittedly, they had a hard time thinking of what to get him.
it seems they made the right decision watching their son pet the akita in quiet awe. they're happy that their little boy loved his birthday present but when they see his dejected little pout a little while later followed by a sad, "i saved for nothing then..." they knew they had to make right with him (not really but what is omi if not their precious youngest).
and that's how omi ends up with not one but two puppies for his 10th birthday.
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ghostlyfleur · 1 month
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​ happy international joe keery day ♡
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paramored · 26 days
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it was the best of times, it was the hardest of times. happy 7 years.
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maeby-cursed · 5 months
thinking about new year’s eve with toji fushiguro.
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the year ends on his birthday, so he’s not accustomed to being celebrated at all. he spends the day sleeping in and paying no mind to the festivities that are taking place outside. he wakes up as he always does and works as he always does and maybe watches some tv before the clock strikes twelve.
except this year ends on a different note. because you’re there. 
it’s eleven forty five and he’s lounging on a sofa, staring at the tv with dazed eyes, when you come in, humming a song he’s not familiar with – one that wishes him a happy birthday. you’re holding a small pastry in your hands with a lit candle on top and the fire of it makes you look like a haloed angel. 
he sits up on the sofa, and you sit in front of him.
“make a wish,” you whisper. and he knows what to answer. 
this. this, forever.
he blows out the candle and you clap a little with a soft smile, and for a split second he forgets about all those shit birthdays and tattered hopes; for a split second he celebrates it all at once: turning five and eleven and twenty-three and thirty-one. all in one blow.
he takes the dessert and splits it in two brusquely – the only way he knows how to do things – before offering you half. you take it with a smile.
soon, it’s eleven fifty-nine and the world looks a little brighter than it did last year at this time. there’s hope. there’s a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach akin to a small child’s illusion. there’s a happiness he never thought he’d get back.
the clock goes
three . . . 
two . . . 
one .
and with a kiss, the new year starts.
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tagging ! @yunymphs + @sugusat0us (biggest maeji supporters ♡)
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fyodcrs · 5 months
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Granters of dark disgrace, you need not wake me again.
Happy birthday, Layl! @nightrayv ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚ ♡♡♡♡
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jooyeone · 1 year
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— isaac gracie, silhouettes of you for @userjiminie ♡
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officialdaydreamer00 · 7 months
in which they find a plushie of you in their dorm room
format: bullet headcanons
characters: jade leech, floyd leech
content: silly eels and their silly antics, a birthday present for my favourite boys ^^
reader is not yuu, reader is gender neutral
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oya? what a pleasant surprise you have for him, prefect.
it actualy caught him off guard when he saw it on one of his pillows
as he examined and took in all the details of the plushie, he saw a little paper tied to its arm
this was a gift you yourself made, just for him? oh, he's honored. he adores it, simply for the fact that you took time and effort to make him such meaningful gift.
he had this silly, lovesick smile on his face as his gloved hands linger on the plushie's face, fully intended to cuddle with it that night.
it may not feel as complete compare to you, but this will suffice. he thought, pressing his lips on the plushie's forehead, as if you were right there in his arms.
maybe, he should plan a picnic in the forest, just the two of you.
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awww, little shrimpy gave him a mini shrimpy!
his first reaction was to squeeze it as hard as humanly possible and shake it around like a pinball.
it's not his fault that the plushie was so cute, and it looks like you! he has a wide happy grin on his face as he hugged the plushie close.
only then he saw the letter on the plushie's arm, crumbled under his tight grip.
once he read it, the grin only got 100x times brighter as he squeezed the plushie, kicking his feet lightly.
aww, shrimpy. your gift really made his day. and he was very vocal about it, too, to the point he brought the plushie to his birthday party at school.
he's gonna either squeeze you hard or smooch you silly the next several times he sees you. probably both, if he can help it.
visual example of the plushie in question:
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this is one of my irls btw :D
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb @siren-serenity @hisui-dreamer @cookiesandbiscuits @minimallyminnie @axvwriter @moonlit-midnight @krenenbaker @twistwonderlanddevotee @bun-lapin @xen-blank @mermaidfanficlibrary @eynnwwyjth @red-viewe @loser-jpg @taruruchi @spooks907 @cheezy-moon @thehollowwriter @jaylleoo14
reblogs are important and very appreciated!!
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sailorjisunq · 3 months
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금세 맘 끝에 배이지 나의 매일이 너란 색으로 painted
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jung-koook · 2 years
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taehyung's pretty neck for @taee ♡
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crushondonald · 2 years
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b. 10 July 1954
"Writing songs - or lyrics for songs - has been a habit, pastime and an instinct for me since I was about nine years old, before I could play any musical instrument. I grew up in the era of the Beatles and their contemporaries, and loved pop music and the endless stream of thrilling new songs which accompanied my childhood and adolescence."
Modern history is full of examples of the solution being worse than the problem. For instance: Tsarism is the problem, Stalinism the solution; communism in Asia is perceived as a problem to which the Vietnam War is intended to provide the solution; the European Union is a problem, Brexit the solution. This lyric ['Twentieth Century', 2005] then takes the lesson learned from history and applies it to a personal relationship: 'Let's stay together'.
(Excerpt from One Hundred Lyrics and a Poem by Neil Tennant, 2018)
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Tonight we're going to a dream world, our world. A world of music and memory in which West End girls dance dominoes with boys from New York City. Che Guevara and Claude Debussy are easily led behind a bicycle shed but then make it so hard ... In Dreamworld, being boring is a sin, the music plays forever and the streets have no name ... Here we go!
Thank you Neil and Chris ♡ ... for PSB's terrific & immortal HIT MUSIC energizing me for almost 40 years now ~ I'll always be one of THE POP KIDS! ☆
"I'm always uneasy with messages. I think if there is a message, it's about taking control of your life. Not becoming a victim. Be true to yourself. In essence it's about love in the drug culture."
Happy Birthday Neil!
... I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing! 💖
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gallners · 25 days
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benson + randy - the meeting place happy birthday, @hofmanns
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myork · 2 years
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sweaty messy hair jungkook for @jung-koook ♡
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abiiors · 24 hours
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huhhahhei | glasgow 20/10 ☆
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fyodcrs · 2 years
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Miwa Kasumi ✰
Happy birthday, Ana! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ @gojosattoru
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