sugar-omi · 10 months
If you are interested, can you plz share how you see the Our Life (1+2) characters as DnD classes and races included? 😆⚔️🍃🏹
Im craving Our Life with some medieval whimsical vibes, Baxter dancing with swords, Derek singing with bar goers while MC goes pickpocketing the villains, Cove as a MERMAN living his life like Ariel. So many wonderful thoughts wanted to share ✨️✨️✨️
okay this took so long bc i know nothing abt DnD so i did a bit of research!!! my friends have talked abt DnD and i never understood but knew it was smth cool n involved alot of creativity, but now i just think this is sm cooler <33 anyway im not creative at all rn so im referencing everything from this website im using👍
tags : Fluff, 'Dungeon and Dragons' headcanons + drabbles, cove is the only one w hc's for if you're dating (+ qiu kinda?) i couldn't think of dating hc's for everyone else in this world as well but you could imagine some of the hc's that way
synopsis : DnD races and classes of ol:nf & ol:ba characters.
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okay I couldn't decide but qiu is half-elven.
(his dad is so whipped for his elf wife<3<3<3)
i can't really think about what class he'd be in, but i think i could see him as a bard
he's the laziest bard though 💀 and thus is mostly a wanderer.
qiu will wait until they're on their last coin and then will go perform
would perform a very good show while MC pickpockets the assholes that were disturbing the bar just a moment ago
otherwise, he just performs for you and his friends.
they'll have/be at a party with all their friends, and will perform some type of magic trick to entertain everyone
qiu will sing you little songs, read you poetry he wrote while watching you sleep that morning<3
for any important dates like birthdays, or anniversary (if you're dating), etc., they'll do a cool magic trick and perform a elven dance that he learned from his mom
human! BUT. she's a druid
she loves the forest, the forest loves her
maybe a bit of sorcery as well? idk how this works lol
she has a little house in the woods omg
goes foraging and learns lots of sorcery stuff from ren
will show you how to cast cool spells
also you're the first person she comes to show you any new spells she learns!!
you two beat up any bandits/criminals you come across
renee (/darren):
human and like i mentioned in tama's, is a sorcerer
!!! wants to be like her mom in canon right?
i think she's a teacher n teaches young sorcerers/wizards
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isnt baxter special. just crossovering worlds 💀💀
anyway.. he's an elf! is also rogue...
bringing baxter's issues/trauma into this DnD au as well <3
you find it very weird that a elf is on his own, but ignore it ofc and befriend baxter anyway
after much warming of baxter's cold heart, i imagine he settles in some civilian town or nearby and opens a bar!!
and every night its full with laughter and good music, and occasionally he'll come out from behind the bar
(honestly, he's mostly just cleaning the glasses and looking pretty <3)
and he'll pull you or one of your friends into a dance
omg imagine its not just a bar, its also a bed & breakfast
of course he's decent enough at cooking, so every morning he lays out a nice breakfast for his customers
knew this was derek insantly!!! he's half-orc
orcs dont have horns, do they.... well they do now
(realizing he's more Oni than anything in my head...)
anyway i need you to imagine arataki itto and if u don't know who that is Please find the beefiest fanart of him n thats derek LOL
derek grinning with his fangs and he's like 7 feet tall and buff, covered in scars.... yessir <33
i imagine he's a wanderer, but before that he was a cleric.
derek always helps people, he's very reliable but i imagine he's tired and somehow ends up working for baxter!
he's chef during the day and security at night!!!
no fighting in baxter's bar/diner unless you want a ass-ful of derek's boot <3
i also imagine when he's not running the place with baxter, he's helping the towns folk
the kids love him
they make flower crowns and run to the bar/diner to give them to derek <3333
ofc there's that one shy kid who offers one to baxter! bc they think he's really cool!!!
like you said he's a merman!!!
mmm, but i also imagine he can shapeshift into a "human"
(this is some ariel shit isnt it LMAO)
(also im imagining mer!cliff x human!kyra. mmm, i wonder if she'd be a bard? or maybe a healer, cleric maybe? why do i wanna write a whole fic on this now....)
although i imagine he needs to stay hydrated to stay on land like that. so please remind him to drink water when you're out n about otherwise he'll turn back into a fish in the middle of the market LOL
(you've learned this the hard way
!!! imagine if there's some way for you to come into the sea as well, be it a air bubble or potion of some sort and you have lil underwater adventures/dates n cove shows you all kinds of cool things <3333
he brings you lots of pretty things
if you like jewelry, he has his dad help him string up some pearls into a necklace or bracelet. or even better an anklet
+ if you're dating/crushing on each other
he'll do his little mermaid mating and courting rituals
like bringing you food
(will show up on your doorstep in the middle of the night w a big fish he caught or some breakfast derek smuggled him (cove doesn't keep many coins since mer-currency is more like sand-dollars or smth like coins made out of ore only found in the sea. the ore is good for nothing else than to be coins LOL))
will chirp n shrill and do other cute mer sounds that you don't really know what they mean sometimes
COVE: *watching you dreamily* MC: *flustered from the staring* what?... COVE: *flirtatious chirp*
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Great to see you back. Damn your post with Jimin's face always kills me. I find it so difficult to describe Jimin. His face is the most ridiculous thing I have ever come across. I have been in Kpop for a long time so I know that good looks are a requirement. Some are more good looking than others but the general gist is that they have to be somewhat good looking. However, I have never come across a face like Jimin. Like how can a human possess such a dynamic face. In one money, he is pretty, then the next moment he is sexy, then he is handsome, then he is beautiful and sometimes he is all of those at the same time. How the fuck is that even possible. What kind of sorcery is that? I see fans always fight about the visuals in the group but honestly I think Jimin is above the rest. Like I love the boys but none of them have Jimin's face. I don't think anyone has Jimin's face in Kpop. What is with that? I don't get it at all!!
Anon, if I could tell you I would, but I can’t explain Jimin’s beauty and I stopped trying a long time ago.
Nobody has Jimin's face.
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Not one person.
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Some things aren’t meant to be questioned, just appreciated.
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I don’t want to dwell on it, but a part of me doesn’t judge people who lick his PCs.
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Sometimes I wonder what it must feel like to be Jimin’s mother.
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(Mood break)
Thanks for this ask Anon. It got me all in my feels and made me switch playlists to a Jimin-focused one just now.
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(Random jikook just because I miss them already)
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"Gilded Cage" - Dark!Morpheus x Reader [TW: dark themes (referenced depression and suicide), obsessive behaviour, explicit language, glorifying captivity?, cringy lines]
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[Next part: 'Silvered Perch']
SUMMARY: Your unhappiness seeps into your dreams. The pain in them piques Morpheus's interest. From the very first moment he sees you, he knows what he has to do, regardless of the price. A queen, after all, ought not to have a single hair fall from her head.
This story began when I fell asleep There was a mysterious ache inside me  All my faults and thoughts buried deep And in this world, I was nothing and everything A lost soul with too many secrets to keep Looking at the bright streets beneath I was wandering the edge of universe yet I couldn’t leap The cold breeze wrapped around me The Moon and the stars silent as I weep I became the brass and the gold, an abyss and a god L’appel du vide
Your dreams were like an itch he couldn't scratch, a speck of dust he couldn't get out of his eye; always in the back of his head, a shadow dancing at the edge of his vision. Had they been in any way pleasant, he wouldn't mind them as much - God knew how much he needed something pleasant in his otherwise bleak life. But they weren't anywhere close to "nice". The darkness residing in your dreams bothered him to no end, never quite letting him go like a blister that is scratched open with each painful step. Strangely enough, such a course of events was completely foreign to Morpheus - people's dreams and nightmares never stuck to him for longer than the fraction of a second between an exhale and an inhale.
At first, he feared he became privy to the first tremor of a shattering earthquake, that your misery was an omen of something much darker and sinister. Fearing for the well-being of his realm, Morpheus followed your dreams to venture into the Waking World and find you. Honestly, he was expecting to uncover a true calamity but he never did see it - at least not in the form he had thought.
What he saw was, in fact, a lot worse. All calamities have a source, the eye of the storm, but this one clearly didn't. It would all be very bitterly funny if it wasn't so heartbreaking - how everything you touched ended in pain and loneliness, rarely because of you at that. Your frustrations quickly became his own. Watching you go through every day like you were screaming at the world to let you be happy, to let you have something good for a second, but the entirety of creation was separated from you by a glass wall: you could only watch and weep. Were you cursed or hexed? No, he would have noticed something of that sort. Then what was it? What unnamed sorcery made you the scapegoat of humanity?
He once spent an entire night standing under your window like Romeo admiring Juliet. For hours on end, you were sitting with your face against the cold glass, eyes forever watching the moon travel across the black sky. Your tears slowly rolled down your cheeks as your vacant stare begged the universe for an explanation of its injustice. It pained Morpheus how beautiful and tragic you looked. Perhaps you truly weren't of this world? Would you not find your place in a baroque painting? Part of him wished he could paint that heartbreaking view. Not for his selfish pleasure, no, but for the whole world to be reminded of its barbarity until Judgment Day.
And Morpheus simply stood there until sun rays chased the world's dreams and nightmares away. He wasn't quite sure why he remained a watcher for the entire night. Maybe you appeared so distraught and fragile he feared that the moment he looks away the sunless abyss of secrets unspoken will devour you; that if he left his post there would be nothing tying you to this realm.
A lot has changed because of that night but mostly Morpheus himself had undergone some kind of transformation - he became quieter if that was ever possible and more irritable. He would pace around the throne room, clearly thinking intensely about something but never revealing what it was. And with time, he began to neglect his royal duties, disappearing for hours if not days on end, only to come back and refuse to give any explanation.
Little did you know that he was always there like a guardian angel that never abandoned its duty despite being exiled from heaven; hiding around corners as though he was a mere delusion that lingered on the edges of your vision. Wherever you went, he followed, often leaving pain and terror behind. Things started becoming weirder around you in the sense that people would fall to strange ailments or spiral into madness. Some never woke up, while others went for days without sleep. A snarky acquaintance did everything they could to not fall asleep in fear of the nightmares that awaited them. A cynical relative lost their mind and claimed that horrendous creatures from their night terrors trespassed into reality. Perhaps it was crude to say so but you felt a sense of relief at those tragedies: people too busy with their microapocalypses were too busy to add nails to your coffin, too preoccupied with themselves to put you on the receiving end of their wickedness.
But to Morpheus's terror, his tricks and punishments were not enough to aid your woe. They were merely temporary solutions like putting a bandaid over a stab wound. His anger only grew as the universe laughed in his face and continued its merciless quest for maintaining your unhappiness. Morpheus was forced to watch you being stuck in a cruel cycle of perpetual misfortunes and how you'd cry yourself to sleep only to somehow get out of bed in the morning and carried on, day by day. You were akin to Atlas but Atlas only carried the globe, not the peskiness of the cosmos like you did.
The streetlights lit brightly underneath you. Cars and motorbikes sped through the labyrinth of streets as if chasing time itself. Someone was walking their dog, a man was going home after his shift, a couple chatted happily while walking to a restaurant. They were each in their own microcosms, moving to the rhythm of life. All, except you. How could everyone simply live on, find balance and happiness in their unchanged daily bread? Was there something you missed? A secret you were never told? Or, perhaps, the answer was a lot simpler: you didn't deserve contentment. The fact that you came into this world was nothing more but a slip-up, a stumbling step taken while the person blinks.
You looked at the people filling the streets beneath you. From the distance, they were all so small, unimportant, cold. They never looked up to the tops of buildings, never acknowledged the acrobatics of someone struggling to cling to life. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't care - your hypothetical death was, after all, none of their business. Standing on the rooftop, you were no longer part of the same plane as them. Perhaps, you never truly were. Is that what birds saw as they flew over your head?
The rooftop was so high and the street so low... Would it hurt to fall? And the falling, would it take long? Lying on the cold cobblestone, your hot blood warming the otherwise cold world, how would this starry sky look? Would this rooftop look as faraway then as the street looked now? Would the pavement feel rigid and uncomfortable under your broken bones?
But, maybe, you had the strength to try one last time before taking that path. You looked up at the starry firmament and let out a sigh before speaking quietly. "Hey," you called out to the night sky, "if there's anyone out there, and I highly doubt that, can you help me a little? Life's a bitch, you know? I just... I just need a win. Something good, no matter how small, so I don't feel like my entire existence is pointless if not a burden. But if there really is someone out there, you're probably busy anyway. I mean, there's more important work to do than answer my whining, right? Wars to end, cancers to heal... But if you have a spare second, maybe you could give me something good. Or kill me, I don't care anymore."
"I have listened to your prayer and I heard your suffering."
Surprised and confused, you turned around to look at the stranger. He was tall and lanky, with dishevelled hair and a cold look in his eyes. In some strange and fascinating way, he did not look real but rather like a scribble that came to life; like a raven if it was reborn as a human.
"Who are you?"
"I am Morpheus, Lord of the Dreams," he slowly spoke in a low tone. "I came to answer your call."
As strange as it was to admit it, that was the truth: for the first time in your life, somebody answered your prayer. "I'm sorry, I didn't actually think this would work. I'm not much of a believer."
"And yet I came. Why did you call?"
No words left you at first. A shattering, painful tremble clawed through your body as that gaping hole in your chest was reponed. This sadness... it felt like being stabbed; like your body was so numb in its agony that you couldn't breathe. The full moon's silver light glistened in your tears as if it wasn't you weeping but the stars.
"I am violently unhappy," you confessed.
You didn't see it but Morpheus clenched his fist for a moment, which was more than strange - after all, he knew about your misery beforehand. Perhaps it was your admittance, irrefutable proof of your awareness of the injustice bestowed upon you, that gnawed at him. "Why is that?" he asked as calmly as he could.
"God, where do I even begin... It feels like everyone around me has something I don't like a love song only I can't hear. There's something wrong with me, I wasn't meant to be born into this world. I don't belong here. Nothing I do has any value, I can't keep up with the rest. You try and you try and it's never enough. No matter what you do or how. No one cares about your pain until it somehow involves them. I'm just so... tired."
"They will never stop disappointing you," he said as he walked towards you. Whether it was his own belief or merely something you wanted to hear, didn't matter. For Morpheus, it was one and the same.
"Every day I wake up to a web of human lives I've been woven into against my will, fulfil meaningless duties no one likes and yet everyone follows. Then I come back home to rest only for this pointless cycle to begin again in the morning. And I can't help but wonder if there is no third act where I'm someone special? Where I matter? Is this bland suffering all there is?"
"No," he spoke barely above a breath. "There is much, much more to this world. I could free you from this life."
"Free me?" you asked with a dry scoff. "I am as free as one can be: I love nothing and I'm loved by no one."
Morpheus, however, was a steadfast person and that annoying affliction only grew in strength the longer he was in your vicinity as if your presence was gradually gnawing at his sanity. It was an exchange he'd welcome more than warmly: his reason for your companionship. "You could be the pinnacle of my desire, the anger that forces my hand. All that breaks your heart will have to beg for my forgiveness. There shall be no day when all of my existence does not belong to you. I will bleed out just to quench your thirst." He took another step towards you, his face leaning in so close your noses were almost brushing. "If you do not wish for this freedom, let me imprison you." Then, in a wavering voice, he added: "Please."
His offer made your heart nearly jump out of your chest but you knew better than to immediately agree - he didn't deserve such a burden. Feeling shame and disgust with yourself, you looked away from him. "You will change your mind the moment you get to know me. I'm nothing interesting or worth loving."
Morpheus lifted his hand to your face. His index finger anxiously brushed against your cheeks as if you really were a baroque painting that he defiled with his undeserving touch. Morpheus spoke ever so quietly: "Had I whispered your name to Moses, the whole world would watch God's chosen discard the first commandment."
"Sounds blasphemous," you answered equally quietly. When your breath brushed against his cold skin, a shiver run down his spine. Perhaps if he could fill his lungs with your breath he would never feel sorrow ever again.
"Not to the goddess I worship." His blue eyes, the colour of a raging sea, stared into yours. There was so much he wished to say, unspoken confessions that would embarrass poets but he had a lot of time - all of eternity, in fact.
"Where will you take me?"
Dream's hand gently fell from your face to your own palm. Temptingly, his finger wrapped around yours. "To Dreaming - your new kingdom, my queen."
And from that day on, you never looked back. Never once did the faraway streetlamps visit your thoughts. There was only him: the eldritch king that fell to his knees begging for your affection that you so happily granted. Your desires became his, your pleasure his joy and your discomfort his anger. If he could tear himself apart, he would hand-feed you the pieces that were once him.
It was strange - how comfortable imprisonment could be, to be forever tied to someone. After all, aren't trees prisoners of their roots? And yet should they struggle free, they would fall straight away and die of thirst.
Were you not a bird of paradise? Sitting on a perch in a gilded cage only because someone liked your feathers or your song. All the comforts you were given, wishes that he granted, just so you stay the canary that sings his loneliness away. And like a bird, you were released from your cage only to be imprisoned by the confines of Dream's home. The bird, however, rejoices! For it never knew such freedom.
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therentyoupay · 22 days
Hellooo! Sending this ask purely because I need someone to kick my butt into writing gear :'D but how do you manage writing without getting bogged down with self-doubt? My brain has the tendency to cripple my creativity and then I convince myself that the writing is trash. Even though no one but me is reading it at the moment.
HELLO LOVELY! ✨ i'm so sorry it's been so long since you sent this ask; i've been bogged down with academia but i promise i have been pondering your ask for these past three months now!!
honestly, this semester i'm relying on a lot of similar strategies for overcoming self-doubt in my dissertation writing process right now that i used to experience with my fanfiction (and still occasionally do, but it was a lot more prevalent in my teenage years and early 20s). regardless of the genre and context, i totally get how self-doubt can sneak in and mess with your writing and creativity and the enjoyment of the process. here are some things i do, which i'm sure lots of people have shared before, but it probably bears repeating!!
re: "trash": first of all, even trash is good. trash is SOMETHING. trash means creation and some form of use. seriously, even if you hate what you write at first, IT IS SOMETHING. remember it is generally easier to edit (even if you delete it all later) something than to create from scratch, especially if a long time has passed and you've built up the task in your head. i say let yourself write without judgment for a set period (like 10-15 minutes). don’t worry about grammar, structure, or quality. just get out your thoughts in whatever stream of consciousness makes sense to you and bypass your inner critic. this is a skill that needs to be developed and honed through practice. second, if you're bad at bypassing the inner critic at first, name it and tell it to shut up ("be quiet, reginald"), and carry on. repeat until it's actually easy, and then reginald doesn't even talk that much anymore.
separate writing and editing: on that note, write first, edit later. trying to do both at the same time can kill creativity. write freely, knowing you can refine and improve your work later. on that that note, you can always take a break from writing one thing to go write another thing and then come back to it when your head is more clear and your eyes have freshened!
set small goals: break your writing task into smaller, manageable goals. i like to set word count goals OR "write for X minutes" OR "write Y scene(s)" goals. i do this with both my dissertation and my fanfiction and my non-fic book writing, depending on the day, the deadlines, and the vibes. remember that small wins can build momentum and confidence. another thing i like to do to loosen up and get back into the swing of things via small-goal-setting is to post baby drabbles and micro-fic on tumblr!
positive self-talk: watch your inner dialogue. swap negative thoughts ("this is terrible/trash/whatever") with positive ones ("this is a draft, and it’ll get better with revision"). this is a skill!!!! practice it!!!! related: your writing may be a reflection of you in many ways, but it is not you; writing garbage on an off day does not mean that you are garbage or that your writing is always garbage. separate the skills, performance/product, and person. (and remember: garbage is still something, and you can edit it later.)
create a routine, if you can: this one doesn't quite always work for me, to be honest, due to the nature of my workday, BUT, when I'm able to do things consistently, i do like to set up a regular writing routine! consistency can help reduce anxiety and make writing feel like a natural part of your day. when i was in grad school (the first time) and working i used to write while on my commute, every day, on my phone; those of you who were with me in 2015 remember the prolific sorcery of that year. 😂
seek feedback: share your work with a trusted friend, beta reader, fellow writer, etc. sometimes you don't want to unleash your writing to the full internet right away, and that's totally fine and normal, but you still want constructive feedback. find a friend who will beta!!! they can reassure you and point out areas you might not have noticed. (and receiving and incorporating feedback is its own skill worthy of its own post, but i shall leave it for now!!)
CELEBRATE progress: i'm so serious, recognize and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. enjoy each kudos!!! each like!! each posted fic! each drabble!! each reblog!!! each bookmark!!!! reward yourself for reaching milestones (1 kudos, 10 kudos, 10,000 kudos, 1 comment, 200 comments, 1 hit, 5 hits, 500 hits, 1 story posted, 12 stories posted) to reinforce positive behavior. 😉 basic applied behavioral analysis and behaviorist psych!! (remember: positive self-talk, setting small goals)
visualize success: i do this one all the time for basically everything in my life lol (teaching, public speaking, finishing my dissertation, book tours for my non-fic books, winning awards, finishing fics). close your eyes, and picture yourself finishing your writing project successfully. how does it feel? what do you see? who is there? how does it smell? what are you wearing? where are you? what do you hear? visualization can boost motivation and reduce fear of failure and can give you all sorts of goody feel-good chemicals. your brain literally can't tell what's real or not real sometimes, so give it something tangible to make the task feel like it's literally in your reach (because it is 😉). this is, interestingly enough, also an incredible boost for writing itself, haha.
clean something first: maybe this is just me, but clean your desk beforehand. 😂 or go to a café or something. new fresh space. but don't let yourself get distracted by that either!!
read for inspiration: read works by authors you admire to get inspired and remind yourself why you love writing. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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inventors-fair · 3 days
And Another Thing: Mistake Contest Runners-up!
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Our runners-up this week are @corporalotherbear, @nine-effing-hells, and @stupidstupidratcreatures!
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@corporalotherbear — Counterstrike
I was quite torn on this card, actually. It's incredibly complicated when it needs to be and extremely simple—and powerful—in every other circumstance. Honestly, I'd play this card for sure; at its worst, it's "deal 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature, or a creature that's being declared an attacker at the beginning of combat before it can do its thing." At its best, it destroys combat tricks and smashes face. Versatile is the name of the game.
Is it just me, though, or is this quite ambitious for an uncommon? I think that the complexity stands out to me because of all the possible restrictions and inter-rules complications. I can imagine players being quite annoyed if their choice of target becomes illegal, and so the spell they were trying to counter still resolves. And at the same time, that's a corner-case that's easily explained in more complex gameplay in general, so like, I get it, and I love it. I especially love, if your opponent's at 3 life and about to swing for lethal, you can get them before damage with this and blow them away. I'm weird like that, though—and for the record, the mechanics stood out first and foremost but the flavor text is also sending me. Great job on the humor there.
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@nine-effing-hells — Oeuvre Bonfire
Looks like this wizard's work is now...oeuvre-done. Heyo! Anyway, this card's probably fine as a ramp spell in limited if you really need it. I can't imagine that it would get more than 3-4 mana depending, but what do I know? I think that a set like Shadows over Innistrad showed the power of Delirium, but even then, the question is: at what point in the game are you hoping to fill your graveyard to the point where this card is worth it? If you max out on non-planeswalker card types in a normal limited environment, then getting artifact + instant + sorcery + enchantment + creature + land for 2→6 mana is... I don't know, I don't think it'd be worth it.
All the same, some combo players are gonna try to make it work through channeling and discarding and all that nonsense, so what do I know. The flavor of it makes it worth it. What kind of madness are we seeing here? Is this the freedom from the mistake that grants the speaker a new lease on life? Or, are we seeing the beginning of a madness only emergent from one's realization that time has been wasted so? The ambiguity here is really doing it for me—including the question of whether this was by force from an outside perspective, internally a mistake, or a choice upon a mistake realized. I love what you've done with this, honestly.
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@stupidstupidratcreatures — Bright Idea
This flavor text saved you from the fact that you submitted this card literally three minutes before I had queued the list of entries. If you're gonna try to cut it that close again, you better believe you'll be scrubbing yourself out of the tiles! Regardless, I can't say that this card is especially inspired considering the 2BB instant that destroyed a creature or planeswalker, but for one, the tapped requirement is fair enough, and the W ideal cost is a little more aggressive and combat focused, and it exiles, so whateva. And the world as well! I can imagine this being less of the Kamigawa variety and more... Hm, that's a good question, actually.
Where would a wizard try to put a star in a bottle? I'll be honest, the first person I imagined was an old-school wizard in star robes with a fancy hat, and I'm stopping myself now before I try to go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole about historical depictions of wizards in fantasy. Maybe this is Dominaria, maybe this is even Capenna because of the janitorial angle. All the same! I think that the dark humor in a wizard's alchemical mistake is enough of a mildly-gross moment that I'll admit to cracking a smile here. Hey, what more can you want?
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Commentary comin' as it comes. @abelzumi
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rosemaryandarsenic · 2 years
Some more Gareth HC’s
Tw/ mention of knives, paper cuts, blood, there’s spicy content in here (NSFW, minors DNI), car accident, stretch marks, bruising, broken bones, struggles with sexuality, AIDS, Catholicism.
- like can we discuss this man’s thighs. Because….yummy. I don’t know how I’d be able to concentrate if he was wearing shorts at any point in this show. I have this picture in my mind of Gareth being forced to wear those 70s/80s aggressively short shorts out once and like, it causing a car accident because all anyone can see is the hams on this man lmao. I just know his lap is so comfy and perfect.
- ALSO, the tummy. His little pudge drove me over the edge because it’s SO FREAKING CUTE. Like imagine how warm and comfortable this man is to cuddle with. Bonus points - he probably has stretch marks that are so pretty. He’s insecure about it but they’re just like the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, little opal lightning strikes up his torso <3 I know people tend to crap on stretch marks but I honestly think they’re so gorgeous - they’re so personal and they’re such a meaningful sign of growth and change and I just love ‘‘em so much.
- His hair. Just take a moment with me to picture in your mind how it would feel to run your hands through it. It probably smells like shampoo most days but after shows he smells like smoke and mint and sweat and his curls get all wet and cling to his face. Watching how it swings in rhythm when he’s playing the drums, waiting for him to flip it when he’s really feeling the music. Putting it into little pigtails and one of those fuzzy headbands so you can have a spa night with masks and all.
- Gareth strikes me as the kind of individual that’s always bruised or cut somewhere because he just attacks life at full speed. Screw knives, he rips open packages with his bare hands and suddenly has cardboard cuts. He falls while moving something and has a scraped knee. Gets bloody noses every summer and without fail gets a sinus cold every year on Jan 2nd. Once he broke his thumb and called you crying afterwards, he made you swear to never tell anyone.
- I need his ears to be pierced. I .NEED. HIS. EARS. TO. BE. PIERCED.
- Welcome to my Ted talk: Gareth’s necklace and Gwydions chains. Tell me what medieval sorcery is in that silver little chain just bouncing on his chest. I’m jealous of silver. I want that chain to smack me in the face while we’re in missionary. Anyways.
- HIS HANDS. Like you know when dudes have those slender but also muscular hands? Like the ones that have super nimble fingers and really good hand strength? Yeah. Also his nails look shockingly clean and I like to imagine him with one of those little nail scrubbers when he washes his hands. Adorable.
- Films I think modern Gareth would love: treasure planet, coraline , the Batman movies (Christian bale and Robert Pattinson ones), the 1996 Romeo’ and Juliet, Paul blart: mall cop, goosebumps, American ultra, moonrise kingdom, the hunger games, what we do in the shadows, smallville, sharknado, big hero six, love Rosie, midnight in Paris, paddington, fleabag, marvel movies, into the spider verse, metal lords, peaky blinders lol.
- As much as I love sub Gareth, I feel like he’s a hardcore Dom or at the minimum a strong switch. Something about him radiates “I like telling people what to do” but in a soft way? Like irl he’s pretty chill, sets decent boundaries, likes to adventure and let loose. In bed though - 👀 he’s just a huge service top who loves putting you in your place. 99% of the time he’s just teasing you or pushing you till you can’t go anymore because it makes him feel so good to watch you melt.
- That being said he’s def a cuddles guy. Likes being babied when he’s sick, likes holding your hand all the time. Always has to be touching you somewhere or sneaking little kisses. It gets worse if you ever get pregnant because he’s a family guy so he won’t let you do anything alone “just in case”.
- I can see him being a teacher of some kind, maybe a music teacher? Like he’s gotta be excellent with kids, especially the stubborn ones. I can also see him being a History nut, so maybe a history teacher. Really smart he’s just not a huge school person and has some rough mental health days so he does okay but not top of the class.
- I just feel like he starts painting his nails in college sometimes just for the hell of it. Doesn’t stop, so he walks into work one day and his students are like, hey what’s on your nails? He’s just like, my wife is great at painting nails and she got new polish - and he just shows his hand and his nails are all glittery and green <3
- When he’s a dad he absolutely gets tattoos with the specific intent of letting his kids color them in. You’re just chilling and you see the two of them at the dining room table. Your little kiddo goes, “look! I fixed daddy’s tattoo!” And it’s just marker scribbles everywhere but Gareth shows everyone anyway.
- This is ridiculously specific but I think Gareths first kiss was actually with a boy. It was a dare in elementary school and he didn’t know how to process it. He started questioning real young and his family is a lot of things but not homophobic so he just tries to figure it out. As times change and people get more open, Gareth gets more comfortable with talking about it because he was bullied for so long. I’m general he seems like the kind of person who just doesn’t feel like labels are needed, he just likes who he likes and it happens to be everyone lol. Would absolutely go to pride with you if you asked, and constantly goes out of his way to make sure people know he’s a safe place if they ever need it.
- This is super depressing but I think about how with the time period, the gang probably will lose someone to AIDS. It’s super personal. I can see robin volunteering at the hospital to sit and talk with people, and Steve too. Will and Joyce donate quilts and Jonathan takes free portraits for couples so they have pictures together. Gareth volunteers no doubt, and will probably lose several close friends because the way the metal community and queer community are tied together. Freddie Mercury’s death def hits him really hard. I can’t emphasize enough that this is so serious, and as someone in the queer community I can only imagine how it would feel being queer in the 80s. Much love and peace to our fallen family, we remember you <3
- On a happier note, I feel like Gareth is someone who loves drag shows lmao. He would absolutely punch a Terf in the face and I stand by that.
- I think Gareth likes Nu Metal okay, I know that’s probably controversial but let me have it lmao
- He also loves thrash metal
- Modern Gareth is a parks and rec person over the office
- He loves those rainbow tootsie roll things
- Man’s fucking LOVES pirates. Like LOVES them.
- I’d bet so much money that his family is Irish catholic but he’s not practicing
- College Gareth owns a buttwiser shirt. I can picture it so clearly and I both hate it and love it.
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olivieraa · 3 months
In my attempt to do a spoiler-free review...
If I'm being honest... If I could go back in time... I'd tell myself not to watch this anime, which looks crazy since I was freaking out through most of it
Now it ticked lots of boxes before I went into it, but for it to tick even more when the anime already seemed perfect was incredible. So it ticked an extra three boxes. One of the before I watched it moments being that, I literally had only just made a rant about BL and how that label should be removed from animes and like, y'know, let us be surprised if the main character ends up in a same-sex relationship. Don't spoil it with the BL tag. But I'd made the Banana Fish post a month before that rant. I'd listed the Banana Fish genres, already hyped at it being a shoujo, made by a woman, with the delinquent/crime/psychological genres.
1. And so therefore, I did not go into this knowing that... it would end up being a BL. And anyone that tries to deny it was a BL is actually insane. The author could try and tell me this gay as fuck anime wasn't a BL and I wouldn't believe it (whether she has or not idk). Fucking heart emojis coming outta these fuckers eyes whenever they're in the vicinity of each other. I didn't screenshot the majority of it bc I'd too many screenshots. So yeah, this anime basically... did the exact thing I wanted in my rant. It's honestly the weirdest and most perfect timing. Legit shocked at the gay that happened in an anime not labelled as BL. I'm still not over it
Takahiro Kagami was the key animator. The animation director most known for YGO's signature style. YGO at its most beautiful. The guy who created Joey's chin. The animator they called back to animate DSOD and gave Joey his most perfect look
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So I learn just before watching this anime that made me think of Joey in the first place, that Joey's key animator was working on this show? Incredible.
Joey's S!0 VA comes in as our main dudes trainer/mentor, who taught him how to fight and shoot. Like, I been comparing him to Joey the whole time and Joey appears?? What sorcery is this??????
So with the boxes out of the way, I'll list the positives outside of that:
Voice acting was fine, but the MC has risen up the ranks for me and this is my second time hearing him as a main character. Before that he was a side character in animes I barely remember. Actually I just finished Starmyu again and I think he was one of the less memorable characters (ok just checked and yes, also he was a little gay in that, he's always gay that's crazy). But he was fantastic, a scene stealer.
The animation was stunning (as expected). And it being set in New York added so much to that appeal. The action scenes... yes.
And for 24 eps it had a decent pace, I had a few days off so just binged it but took a lot of breaks (even tho it may not look like it lmao).
I had some good ass laughs.
Onto the negatives...
Now... this anime is rated an 8.5 and its very popular.
I rated it a 7.
So I decided on the 8 rating about a third of the way into the anime. It had the potential to be higher but... the anime got sloppy and repetitive. Super repetitive. And it drags, quite a bit. But bc of all the positives, I was like "ah... its going downhill a little but I'll still give it an 8."
Then something happened. And I... just couldn't give it that 8 anymore. What happened infuriated me. There's animes that can do what happened well, and I'll be upset but like, get it. Not in this one. I had to pause and breathe for about 3 mins before pressing play again.
Others may rate this anime low due to how triggering it can get. It didn't trigger me in any way but I can see how it could. The MC goes through a lot. I just wanted to protect him.
But uh, yeah. Due to the thing that happened I'd honestly rather have not watched this show. It kinda erased all the joyous, positive things that happened throughout, in a way. Idk. I need more time to sit on it.
Yeah... idk what else to say. I'm in limbo right now
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themetaisawesome · 8 months
MK12 has been out for a while now, but I'll throw spoilers under the cut anyway. Long story short, I did not care for the last third of the story. Longer story below the cut.
I was pretty engaged in the first two acts, or at least the first half.
Shang Tsung's new backstory is great, a con-man elevated by "Damashi" with promises of power and greatness. Sorcery combined with alchemy and a claw weapon reminiscent of Scarecrow is top notch. Plus, Alan Yee channels Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa's smarmy deviousness excellently.
Glad Kronika is never coming back
Kung Lao's intro chapter was fine. I like the new status quo with him and human Raiden. Madame Bo is fun (hope she becomes a kameo). The Lin Kuei test was good.
Human Raiden is serviceable but boring.
Johnny is a mixed bag. On the one hand, he gets some of the funniest lines of the game and the Johnshi bits were excellent. The development of their friendship was top notch. On the other hand, he leans way too heavily into the younger Johnny we saw in the 2nd timeline. When Cristina was introduced I was like, "Whoa! Johnny has a new love interest? What's the story there?" But after she leaves, they don't do anything with her. They get divorced off screen, and I feel like that hurts Johnny's story. Some of his intro dialogues are borderline "fuck my ex-wife" sitcom level shit. He has one where he threatens Nitara if she goes near her, but that's it. There honestly seems to be something there with Cristina that the writers overlooked. She fell in love with Johnny before the fame, when he was John Carlton. It would've worked as the setup for a real arc for Johnny, where he has to learn that there's more to life and himself than the action movie star. It would serve as a nice echo of his development between MK9 and MKX. I'll be honest, as much as I like BladeCage, I wanted Johnny and Cristina to work things out.
While we're on the subject of intro dialogues, does the frequent use of the words male and female rub anyone else the wrong way? Maybe it's because our world is plagued by transphobes and their bullshit rhetoric, but I do not trust when those words replace man and woman in sentences where they shouldn't be. It makes dialogue sound less organic.
Baraka and Repile as heroes? Ashrah's return? Syzoth/Ashrah? Perfect. Amazing. No notes (except for a major one that I'll get to in a minute).
While I agree that Kitana was a bit underutilized, she still works. Love her.
Also loved how they used Mileena in the story, and she has some pretty good intros. So glad we got to see her with the heroes and on good terms with her family. Mitanya/Tanleena is also a very cute ship.
Li Mei was fine. She has a great new moveset. ACAB tho
Does anyone else think it's weird that they changed Quan Chi from an actual demon to a person of color, and then gave his white skin an origin story? His role in the story works, though he and his titan counterpart become second fiddles to Shang Tsung in the second half of the game. Sean Krishnan gives a good performance, but I do miss Ronald Banks.
Oh, General Shao. How the mighty have fallen. While Ike Amidi is a good actor, that voice does not work for Shao. It works for characters like Atrocitus because it's a very brutish voice. It lacks subtlety. There were times it was okay in MK11, but they doubled down in 12 and it does not work. General Shao gets one or two moments where I believed this was an accomplished war hero who genuinely believes what he's doing is right, but they are few and far between. The truth is, I don't think Netherrealm Games respects Shao Kahn, and that's a shame.
While we're on the subject of voices, let's get to Sub-Zero. While Kaiji Tang works for a character like Sanemi, it really doesn't work for Bi-Han. There is not a hint of subtlety in his try-hard edgelord presence.
Kuai Liang as Scorpion is... okay. Liu Kang really did give him Hanzo's moves, outfit, powers, name, wife, and position, and then made him a young Hanzo's mentor. Daisuke Tsuji was a great choice to play him, tho.
Glad Smoke is back and that's he voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, but there isn't a whole lot there. He's almost as boring as Raiden.
So, I know Jerrod being a part of Ermac has been a thing since MK9 and Netherrealm is finally doing something with the concept, but I don't care for it. It's not bad, and it works in the story, but I feel that giving Ermac the soul of a major character detracts from him being his own character. Ermac stops being Ermac and instead becomes a second life for Jerrod.
Pretty boy Havik and his hair still makes me laugh.
Darrius sure does exist.
The less said about Nitara Fox the better.
Glad Motaro and Sareena returned. Goro still seems way too short.
The writers did well with Sindel, making her a noble queen but one who holds grudges and has a temper is many steps above Twindel. Shame she died tho.
Liu Kang gets a B- for this new timeline. Matthew King continues to nail it out of the park with his performance, the Fire God has some spectacular fatalities, and there's a lot of interesting stuff in this new status quo. There's just a lot to nitpick with the third timeline.
So, my main gripe with the story starts at the Titan Shang Tsung reveal. The reveal itself is perfect. Aftermath's alternate ending being canon in another timeline and using him as the villain behind the scenes is an idea worthy of two chef's kisses.
However, it's to this story's detriment. He usurps the narrative significance of the current timeline's villains and their plot. Had they saved Titan Shang Tsung for the very end and as the antagonist for the next game, it would allow better focus on our current timeline villains and given more heroes screentime. Baraka, Ashrah, and Reptile disappear half-way through the game. Mileena and Sindel get to shine (before the latter becomes the sole heroic casualty), but the rest of our heroes only get a handful of moments. This is especially bad because from chapters Kenshi to Syzoth, the group dynamic was so strong that I missed this team working together during the second half of the game.
While there is something commendable in going so big as Armageddon 2.0, the fusion fighters feels gimicky and the Titanic Deadly Alliance just feels... eh. Honestly, most of the minions don't feel like they come from the same timeline as the Dark Raiden and Twindel that we fought earlier.
And then the Deadly Alliance just gets beaten. The diner scene that follows feels weaker because A, not all of our heroes are there, and B, Geras' warning that Liu Kang will have to sacrifice the life he's grown accustomed to doesn't pan out because he can just hang out with them any time he wants. If "the realms are in good hands" is meant to tie back in to that "sacrifice", then it falls flat because it doesn't connect.
Then there's the end credits teaser, which is a dud. What makes Titan Havik any more threatening than the other two titans that we just defeated? If Titan Havik is a teaser for an Invasions event, whatever. If he's set up for MK13, then every criticism
But if they were dead set on having Armageddon 2.0 in MK12 and if they wanted to set up the next game, Titan Havik wasn't the one to go with. You know who they should've had step through that portal?
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The return of the OG Shao Kahn empowered by Blaze would've knocked the socks off of everyone. It establishes that the Midway timeline still exists (even if everyone is dead in it), puts Shao Kahn back in a place of honor, and would be WAY more hype for MK13.
Anyway, those are my many thoughts.
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blood-bound · 1 year
(g-c) ttrpg asks: 6, 14, 22, 24 for mark
6. what quality do they like the most about themselves?
Mark would consider it his ability to learn - in game terms this is a mix of resolve in intelligence - able to buckle down, focus on something, and apply it. When young, thats how he was able to get out of his small town on scholarships, then how he got his PhD, and now that he's dead? How he learned blood sorcery so fast :)
He's proud of those accomplishments!
14. do you have a favourite conversation that they’ve had with another character? briefly describe it!
im gonna ignore that the question says briefly
Oh wow there's been some really good ones with Sampson but actually! My favorite is a positive one :) its between him and a character named Lucius. Lucius takes a lot of explaining but in short at this point in the story he was a ghoul who was showing Mark around the chantry... Mark found out he was adopted by Gaius ... Gaius is the Regeant and Tremere primogen and as of now seemed like a hardass (also eternal enemy of Mark's sire) but Lucius is super super pure and happy and uhg. we love him.
Anyway point is he was showing Mark the chantry. There is a long secret subway ride to get to the chantry cause its far underground. So early on Lucius and Mark had a long time to talk because he'd take him down each ride.
One ride Mark ended up telling him about history, Lucius said he liked that cause normally he couldn't focus on it and learn and he said Mark was a good teacher.
Later, on one ride, he asked Mark to explain FATHERS DAY TO HIM. God. So adorable. Also in that conversation Mark commented on how he was a 'private person' and Lucius was like "I dunno, you don't seem that way to me!" because honestly yeah Mark did tell him a lot, like even that he didn't see his parents often. Anyway Mark had opened up a bit cause Lucius was a rare person he could have a nonstressful nice conversation with. He got to go 'teacher mode' too and he loves teaching. Ugh. So fucking nice.
This was in the first 2 weeks of Mark being both dead and conscious (he was keep staked for awhile) so like. Nice ray of sunshine. And really nice Rp moments of being in the subway and having tht conversation. God. Was so good. I MISS LUCIUS SO MUCH. And Mark misses him a bit too.
22. if they were to have a social media profile, what would it look like? the username, bio, type of thing they’d post about, etc.
Oh if Mark was more in modern times he'd definitely have like a professor twitter where he retweets cool historical discoveries and tweets links to papers his colleagues have published that he likes. The username would definitely be something like DrMark or something LOL. The bio would be very short and would just be like. Roman History Lover; UC Alumni; Ask me about my latest research. Very little personal stuff on it at all. His profile pic would be himself but he really wouldn't post pictures otherwise unless its of some university event.
He'd have a private twitter with a username like Markisveryfunny that has like. 12 followers. He never uses it but it exists. He mostly uses it to follow accounts he doesn't want to on his main.
24. are they good at keeping secrets? does it depend on how big the secret is?
Yes. Especially his own - he's been doing it for awhile, just being closeted for example. For other's secrets - He's ok at it, because of just like. How things are. The stakes are pretty high and such. Mark's not stupid. Secrets are only worth telling if he gets something out of it now.
And there are some people he'd never betray - Julius and Sampson - and some that would take a LOT to do so - Rose and Oswald (sorry if u dont know them but its too much to explain). And he has his own secrets that would be REALLY RELALY BAD if they got out.
He used to be even more naturally secretive but Julius has been manipulating him to be less so for his own purposes.
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
1, 11, and 19 for Adam <3
5,9, and 10 for Zach <3
7,18, and 3 for Abby <3
I'm excited cause I picked random numbers for fun and can't wait to see what the questions and answers are! 🤣
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T33thy! <3 Thankyou for all the asks let me see:
From This
1 - Not anymore, probably. When he had his revelation something changed in him, and urged him to accept it all; his human body does amazing things not limited by any definition of beauty. Before, though, and maybe in moments in between, it might’ve been his extensive scarring. It reminded him of who he used to be.
11 - It was a necessity growing up and when he was in the military to be able to deal with pain, but I wouldn’t say his threshold for it was particularly impressive or anything. Now, it’s doubtful how much it would bother him at all;
19 - The thin scar on his ribcage. During his army days one of his ribs was fractured so badly it was simply decided it would be much easier to just remove the rib in order to avoid further damage. Because he wears a lot of open shirts, it’s often visible, so it appears he feels comfortable enough with it now despite its grisly past.
5 - Acts of Service and Physical Touch. He’s a man of action, quite physically oriented and capable, so this isn’t a surprise. Obviously he’s quite dedicated to protecting you (if you need it) and keeping you safe, but also the little things like fixing you your preferred drink just the way you like it in the mornings, or just in general cooking for you bc we all know he’s great at it. Just going out of his way to make life a bit easier for you. When you also do things like make him his coffee in his favourite way or preparing things for him ahead of time to make his day simpler, his heart also melts for you a little bit <3
9 - Sometimes a little too good at it. It’s at least useful to have a good handle on it when he’s gathering intel; he basically treats these times like a little routine he does. Getting him into a more than surface level conversation can be difficult and frustrating if he isn’t in the mood for it.
10 - “You’re nothing like her.” Said to him by his dad, referring to his mom. Zach in a lot of ways almost had this legacy to live up to, since his father loved Isabel to the point where he found it painful to raise their child alone, which caused a lot of damage to their relationship unfortunately.
3 - Jude. It’s kind of twisted that, despite the fact that Abigail literally died at her hands, Jude was still the closest thing to family she ever had. Maybe she had both a positive and negative effect on Abby; I mean, when I say Abigail barely knows how healthy relationships (of any kind) work, I mean it. It ended tragically, but I do think the momentary joy she felt at least meant something after a lifetime of feeling disconnected from humanity.
7 - Uh… Not well. I think Abby has some serious attachment issues, which could really get nasty if we’re considering the implications of her… Sorcery and such ahaha I mean… The grave can’t keep anyone down to her, I don’t think. Even if she only had their physical image to cling to. Don’t get me started on people who want to leave; I won’t get into it here, better save it for her alphabet or something.
18 - Yes. I honestly think she does, as a hangers-on from the more fantastical things she believed in as a child and teen. Probably more ‘Wuthering Heights’ style violent and dangerous attachment. Now, I’m not so sure, because she’s grown bitter and cynical. She probably wouldn’t believe there’s anyone meant in this world for her, at least.
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serephinastardust · 8 months
My Writing Challenge
Title: The Sands of Time
Writing Prompt Challenge:
In a world where time is a tangible and tradable commodity, a powerful sorcerer named Zephyr has disrupted the natural flow of time, causing chaos across the realms. You are a skilled time mage tasked with a perilous mission: to journey to the heart of the Timeless Desert, where Zephyr resides in his hidden fortress. You have only one day to confront Zephyr, reverse his time-altering spells, and restore the balance of time before the entire world succumbs to eternal chaos.
Your story must include:
The Timeless Desert: Describe the perilous journey through the Timeless Desert, a shifting landscape where time behaves erratically. Sands that freeze moments in time, whirlwinds that propel travelers into different eras, and ancient structures frozen in time are some of the challenges you must face.
The Clockwork Guardians: Along your journey, you encounter the Clockwork Guardians, ancient and enigmatic beings tasked with safeguarding the fabric of time. They possess unique powers related to time manipulation. One of them becomes your ally, aiding you in your quest. Describe this encounter and how the Clockwork Guardian helps you.
Zephyr's Fortress: Zephyr's fortress is a labyrinthine structure suspended between moments in time. It's guarded by time-warped creatures, shifting corridors, and rooms trapped in different historical periods. Convey the sense of urgency and danger as you navigate this complex, with time anomalies threatening your every step.
The Temporal Showdown: Your final confrontation with Zephyr. Describe the battle between your time magic and his formidable sorcery. As the sands of time literally slip through your fingers, how do you outmaneuver him and restore the balance of time?
Remember, your time limit is 24 hours to complete this epic fantasy tale. Good luck!
I looked around at my surroundings. Honestly, I was confused at my confusion. I was extremely lost. What the hell just happened. The last thing I remember was walking down the road on the way home.
 I went from being surrounded by people to being on the border of a forest and a vast plane. Where the hell am I? How do I retrace my steps now to find where I am?
I looked left and then right trying to see if I could hopefully find one person or place, I could get some information from. I even looked behind me into the forest I happened to find myself standing in front of.
“Hello, welcome to the world of Exodius. You are now a mage on a journey to thwart the time sorcerer of this world. You are time mage, which is different from a sorcerer, or so you think. You need to locate where the hidden fortress of the time sorcerer is located and the name of the time sorcerer as well. Do you accept the quest?”
I stared blankly at the screen that popped up in my vision. I was unsure how to proceed, I also had no idea if the voice I just heard was a hallucination or if it happened. But seriously, a quest? Did I end up in some sort of a video game? Does this sort of shit actually happen in my reality?
I was really starting to doubt my sanity at this point. That’s it, I must have made it home without remembering, and this is all one big joke in my head as I’m asleep. It’s the only logical explanation. But how do I clear my vision?
I waved my hand trying to touch the thing. I tried looking around again, but the screen followed me as my vision changed directions.
“Do you accept the quest? Yes or No?”
Do I seriously have to accept or decline? What would happen if I declined?
“Declining the mission will result in your immediate demise and you will have no restart options. Would you like to decline?”
I squeaked in shock that the voice responded to the question
“No!!! I don’t decline, I accept the mission!!!” I yelled out loud like a lunatic. There was no way I was going to risk death, dream or not. I would rather have a quest in that case.
“You have accepted the quest, The Time Sorcerer of Exodius. This is a multistep quest, and all steps need to be accomplished before you can have your final showdown with the Time Sorcerer. In order to face off with the sorcerer, you need to A. learn the name of your foe, B. learn about what being a time sorcerer entails and if its different from your magic C. Learn where he hides himself D. Find their weakness and E. get to his location to face him down.
Failure to complete all steps will result in an immediate reset of all your hard work. Memories wipes are in place so even if you manage to manage to survive the reset, your mind will be reset as well”
I continue staring at the words that keep being formed in my vision. I had a very bad feeling about all this. Especially the last part where I would end up with a mind wipe myself even if I managed to successfully survive a world reset.
Is this really the first time I’m doing this? Or is possible I’ve been mind wiped already and have fought this time sorcerer before? Well, I don’t plan to die at the starting point, and I already accepted the multistep quest, so might as well get on with it. If this isn’t my first time, if I’m truly a time mage, I should have been able to leave myself clues to better fight my enemy and save this world and possibly my memories
“… … you are a time mage trying to reclaim time and the neutrality of it. If you need help, please ask and you will be given a run down of all your options.” The screen in my vision disappears.
I was stunned. Help? Options? This could be extremely useful. Before I continue learning what I need to be successful, I go and sit down against a tree. I don’t need a random person passing my thinking me a lunatic.
“Help.” I whispered out loud. I have no idea if I can just think it or if my voice activates it.
“You have selected the Help option. This option is only available after 500 failures. You have successfully unlocked Help. What would like help with?”
The screen reappeared in my vision, but now if I focused, I could see through the box that was in my vision. And then it hit me what the voice said. “500 FAILURES!” If I hadn’t been sitting already, I would have already fallen on my ass in shock.
So, this wasn’t my first attempt. I must have figured something out in one of my past failures to be able to get this help option. Does this mean this could be my last attempt? I mean if having a help option doesn’t help me beat this time sorcerer then what’s the point of unlocking this option after so long?
“Hello time mage. Your name is Elysia.” A distorted voice, sounding kind of like mine comes into my brain. “I know this must be a shock to you, I am version 1 of you. I can’t tell you at this time if you are actually attempt 500 or 5000 of this reality, I was unable to discover if I had failed to defeat the sorcerer at all prior to this message. First, I was able to create this quest system as a way to help my 500th attempt, as our magic can only do this once. Even if you discover how to utilize this, our magic will no long be able to do this again.”
My voice continued narrating what they weren’t restricted by our magic to tell me. But I knew there was a lot of work I was going to have to do before my final battle of all final battles needed to be done.
“I have set this spell up to the best of my ability, to give you a run down of your stats, things like strength, mana, vitality, debuffs…ect. This will allow you to know when you’re ready for the final battle, no more guessing on our part. You will also be able to determine those people who can impart knowledge and give you side quests to better end this betrayal of time.”
There was a pause, and I wasn’t sure if this recording from myself, that defied time and space, was finished. After a couple of minutes, it picked back, slightly more mute than before.
“Elysia, the sorcerer has noticed my meddling and so my final battle won’t be long now. You can utilize what I created by just a thought. Our world wouldn’t take kindly ….. …. Test …. Out…. There is ….. I don’t know….. good luck”
With that, the message fizzled out. I sighed knowing what happened based on the last thing I recorded. So I decided to mess around with this “system” I created and see what needed to be done.
I guess with my paranoia, I had to make it so I had no choice but to accept this quest. No wonder there was a demise if I declined the quest of the time sorcerer.
I began messing with this system. I looked at the character sheet, quest log, lore screen, which was blank, and I assumed that was because my magic wouldn’t allow me to give a different version of myself and form of head start. There were other screens, but I hadn’t yet determined the value of them. So I flipped back to the character sheet.
“Name: Elysia Runekeeper
Age: 25
Race: Human
Profession: Mage
Specialization: Time
Level: 1
Charisma: 20
Vitality: 80
Intelligence: 100
Mana: 150
Dexterity: 15
What sort of level and stats did I have when I faced this sorcerer in my last 499 attempts. I need to figure out what is considered max level, max stat, and if I need to study specific spells.
And then I noticed a map icon at the bottom of my vision and focused on opening it. Looking at the map, I was expecting it to be blank. But to my pleasant surprise it wasn’t. It showed everything, there wasn’t a spec that wasn’t uncovered. I wonder if that was a part of the spell, or if I’d actually been everywhere that this map said was uncovered.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember. But I wasn’t going to get hung up on that, and then I noticed some special markings on the map and looked at the icon key. The key specified them as important locations and nothing more than that. So I got up and started my journey across the land to find this sorcerer.
The journey was both slow and fast, I slowly gathered the information I needed. Moving from important location marked on my map to important location. I stopped at libraries, talked to obscure, non-descript people. The lore screen slowly but surely began filling up with all the new knowledge I was learning. I even stopped at mage guilds in what cities had them, and occupied my time with training and studying.
Within the year I had been doing this I managed to level up to 15, and I learned I didn’t have any control of how my stats leveled, and I was curious if my previous version of myself had done that on person. And I had a peculiar suspicion that gaining 50 stat points per level was not normal. But I supposed it would drive enough of a point home that this battle would be extremely hard, and there was a possibility that Zephyr would know.
I learned of Zephyrs name in the second mage guild I went into. It was there that I got drawn into an alternat dimension and came into contact with clockwork guardians. It was through this encounter that the 4 guardians gave me information of what they weren’t restricted to tell me. Mostly of how they watched more than 499 versions of myself attempt to beat Zephyr and upon becoming frustrated with all my failures, they managed to help me learn the spell that allowed me to have this system I have now.
They hoped that by allowing Zephyr to succeed another 499 times, Zephyr would forget their meddling from that time and become less vigilant, with each of his successes. The guardians even went so far as to have my last few attempts just be me living my life as a useless mage and live a useless life.
And finally, they noticed Zephyr finally not caring for what I did and started focusing on his own things. And that led me to that point, talking to them about previous versions of myself, and 1 guardian informing me they would be out in the world, sometimes with me and sometime not, preparing for the final battle with Zephyr.
Now I was at the border of what is known as the Timeless Desert. A little fear seeping into my consciousness. But Amara, the clockwork guardian, was by my side. They were confident that they could help me get through this shifting landscape with relative ease. Upon learning that Zephyr hid inside this desert most days of the year, Amara quickly appeared and we had planned how I would successfully bypass the frozen moments of time and whirlwinds of time travel.
The only thing Amara couldn’t help me bypass was the frozen ancient structures, but would be able to help hide my presence when in them, so as not to trip any of Zephyrs alarms. This was one of the things that ended up with my demise before facing Zephyr face to face.
I couldn’t tell me how long it took to get to the center of the desert, but it was hard. Amara had to take many breaks between the ancient structures, even with being a clockwork guardian and having an indefinite period to prepare and gain strength. The challenges we faced, ended up being intelligence based, which affected some of my magic and gave me headaches when it was only strategy, non-magic based.
But in the last ancient structure, Zephyrs structure finally came in sight. It was in its own time zone, separate from ancient zone, that was separated from real time. It was no wonder that no one was aware of his doings in the world with time.
It didn’t take long for me to solve the riddle that would gain Amara and I access to the Fortress and upon entrance to it, it felt like I had fallen into a labyrinth. Upon getting my bearings, my map nearly blinded me, ad it forced itself open. The map unlike before, showed my location, but it also pointed out where Zepyr was, which occasionally moved this way and that. It even pointed to where Amara was. But what fascinated me more and more was the map changed from time to time.
I had to assume that the inside of Zephyrs fortress, he used some magic to make the labyrinth constantly change, and the map was able to show that. I smiled. I thanked what ever magic allowed this map to help me, and entered the labrynth.
It didn’t take me long to find Amara, and having added them back to my party, we quickly found our to Zephyr. Zephyr didn’t show any surprise, like he knew this was going to happen sooner or later, it was just a matter of when.
Upon closer examination, I noted that he looked tired.
“Elysia. It’s been a while. Depending on how you want to look at things. Are you not bored yet with how often you keep doing the same thing over and over again trying to stop me? I suppose not. Considering here you are again. Though I had hoped we would pass this. And who do we have behind you? “
Zephyr looked deep in thought as he scrutinized Amara. It was like remembering and not remembering at the same time and he gave up trying. And I just stared at him.
“Don’t look at me like that, Elysia. You do remember that what I am now, is partially your fault? No? I’m not going to bother trying to refresh your memory. We’ve been at this way too long, and I’m tired of this. I’ll give you one free shot before I let my plan start.”
He stood there, seemingly lowering his defenses. I stood there stunned until I felt Amara nudge me from behind. I felt something was off about this whole situation. But the nudging from Amara grew more and more insistent. Thinking about my best attacking spell, I launched it.
Thinking of all I learned over the past year, Aeon Assault was the best offensive magic I was able to learn. I think due to my intelligence being maxed out a long while ago, I managed to figure out how to tap into the Ancient Aeons. It could make one power drunk, and there were times I came close. Not know much on Zephyr and how long he had been alive, Aeon Assault, went into different eras of time, and attacked them from those time points. I hadn’t found a single thing in my research that would be able to tell me if there was anything that could defend against this spell.
Once the spell hit, everything around me shattered and it looked like I was standing back in the beginning of the fortress, the beginning of the labyrinth. I cursed and pulled up my map again. Unfortunately, this time, the map didn’t show me anything useful and I closed the screen again.
“Elysia, Elysia, I didn’t think you would be so gullible to get trapped in that. But I suppose I shouldn’t have expected much from you. You were always a thorn in my side. Do you like what I made of your many years of hard work?” Zephyrs voice surrounded me as I tried to figure out what had happened.
“Don’t tell me you’re confused? You should have been able to figure this out extremely easily. I suppose the temporal warp trap, could have scrambled you up.” He muttered like a mad scientist from where he was observing me from. “What could decades inside a temporal warp do to a human?”
I stopped caring now about what he said. There was no way I was stuck inside a temporal warp. It almost made thing everything of reliving a single point of time was an illusion. Was this life number one and not life something over 500?
I stopped caring at that moment, using some base magic to plug my ears, and began searching the labyrinth for Zephyr. I tried to follow the path I used when I last faced Zephyr, and all I kept getting where dead ends. Then I tried to locate Amara. Amara would be the key to my sanity if all I had done was an illusion at best.
My memories were extremely hazy, and the system wasn’t pulling up any windows either. What are my stats? What level am I? What about all those spells I learned, can I still use them?
On the verge of mental breakdown I stopped running. I knew no matter what was real or not, I needed to calm down. “Oh Elysia” Zephyr sang in a mocking tone. “You got 10 minutes at best to defeat me, before I recreate what I want.
I blocked out Zephyrs’ voice the moment he began talking again and took a moment to regain my sanity. Nothing else mattered except stopping Zephyrs spell. And I had some confidence in myself that what I learned in that trap would still be of use of me even now.
With in my light meditation, I sensed Zephyrs magic, it reminded me of me, but I pushed that though aside. I knew I was running out of time, but I needed a direct route to the sorcerer. And finally, I found an energy thread a little different from the rest. I immediately grasped it and took off running.
Moments or maybe even seconds later I was again in front of Zephyr. But this time he didn’t look worn down. Was Zephyr I first fought a manifestation of the spell itself. And me defeating that Zephyr allowed me free? Also was the Zephyr I was currently going to fight, connected to the one I already defeated?
I decided to stop thinking about it then. That could lead to a very depressing line of thought. And again I started to scrutinize my enemy and my surroundings but there was nothing notable there. And with no warning, Zephyr attacked, he used an elite version of Chrono-Strike, trying desperately to take me down with as little pain as possible.
But I barely managed to dodge and start chanting my response, when I was thrown against a well. Black spots tried to evade my vision, but by force of will, I made them go away. I quickly thought about all the spells I knew as I started to slashes all of my body. Quickly mutilating me and trying to stop my rational thinking.
It didn’t work. I didn’t feel the pain, and Zephyr wasn’t surprised by that fact, or at least it didn’t show upon his face when I didn’t start vocalizing my pain. But as the slashing stopped, I remembered a highly risky spell. I’m not sure where I learned it, but it was Temporal Oblivion. What I knew of this spell, I had to touch my enemy, and a warped dimension would form around myself and the person I wanted to use it on.
Once the dimension formed, it locked, it was impenetrable from the inside, and it would take a near deity level mage on the outside to break this. And then attacks would beginning on all who were in there and any blood spilled would quickly decay. This would prevent any blood magic from healing the one the spell was meant for and the decayed blood would also start mutilating all in the dimension. And eventually the dimension would collapse in on itself, and even if someone survived those slashes, and didn’t die from blood loss, the collapsed dimension was guaranteed.
The creator of this spell sadly couldn’t say if magic was able to be used in the warped dimensional bubble, and sadly, they also said, they couldn’t prove the success of this magic. If trial and errors of the spell had been utilized, they wouldn’t be able to confirm success. As the dimensional bubble, in theory would wipe the enemy out of the time line, and no one would remember.
The creator also said they had no idea why they created it, but they did and placed it in the forbidden records, in a place no one would be able to find. Now that I think about it, did the creator manage to use the spell? I didn’t think about it then, but now that I’m getting ready to use it myself, he was only ever known as creator. Instead of a given name.
All why preparing to utilize my spell, I kept letting Zephyr attack me, glaring at him all the while. I didn’t know what he was thinking, and he didn’t know what I was thinking. Or at least I didn’t think he knew. Eventually, an invisible hand grabbed me and brought me close to Zephyr. Close enough to touch. But I waited. I had to wait for the perfect moment.
“You are weak. I don’t know why I went through all that effort to trap you. I should have squashed you ages ago. Maybe I wanted you to see the spell activate, and watch me win.” He side eyed me and glanced back at the wall. It was than he waved his hand and the wall before us disappeared and a giant hourglass, about to empty its last grain sand appeared.
As he appreciated his masterpiece, and hoping his guard was down enough for this work, I broke the invisible hand that was holding me up and fell upon Zephyrith, quickly thinking the spell Temporal Oblivion. I watch Zephyrs’ as it turned from anger at what I had done to shock as he realized he couldn’t break what I had down.
“What have you done?” he all but growled at me. I just smirked and kept holding on to him as the slashes started and the dimension started to collapse on itself slowly. The slashes were fast though, one didn’t even feel the pain of slash as it happened. The pain had this sort of delay effect, and you only knew you had been cut when blood started to weep out, dripping on the ground, or soaking clothes.
I could feel Zephyr getting weaker and weaker as he tried everything he could to break free and eventually he collapsed, and before I lost consciousness, I saw the gore he was becoming thinking, Finally, I can rest. That temporal warp trap was exhausting.
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fivehundredsporks · 9 months
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Here is my finished list!!!
I'm gonna talk about each tier/entry individually just to go over why I like/love them (also our favs are gonna be diff and if yours aren't on here don't bust a nut or anything)
Constantly Rotating in My Mind:
so this tier is for my absolute favourites, they've pretty much become part of me at this point and I think about them non-stop, starting with;
Bleach (Anime + Manga)
So, where the fuck do I even begin with this one lmfao, Bleach is honestly my top favourite piece of media, ever, to me. everything about this just clicked with me, from the art style to the fights, the music but those aren't what made Bleach my favourite, sure they helped but it wasn't what sold me. What sold me was the characters, from the protagonist Ichigo, to the supporting characters and villains It's the characters in Bleach that always just stood out for me the most and made me love the series, especially their arcs! with Byakuya's probably having my favourite arc, besides Ichigo (but tbh I'm biased with him since he's my fav character) They all just have such believable motivations, goals and relationships. (also quick side note but I'm sick of the Orihime slander y'all better put some respect on her name, just because she got with Ichigo over Rukia and also just because of the anime's adaptation of her.)
Trigun ('98 Anime)
Trigun is honestly a recent addition to the list! I only actually watched it in January this year! But it quickly made list because I found it to be so compelling, it's got it's comedic moments for sure with Vash, Meryl and Millie but its also got such tragedy and sadness in it with not only Vash and Knives relationship (which isn't as explored in '98 as Maximum and Stampede, although you could say that about alot of '98's adaptation) but also with Vash's struggle when he eventually ends up taking a persons life, his relationship with this parental figure, Rem and his best(boy)friend Wolfwood. To the setting! it all just spoke to me and It's quickly ended up becoming my second favourite!
Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + Manga)
If I had to describe the JJK manga in just one sentence It'd probably be along the lines of "It's so over, we're so back, its over) It's got a lot of peaks and valleys, and I don't mean that in a negative way of it being bad, but in it's triumphant moments and then being cast back down into despair (recent chapters being an example lol) But like Bleach, what I find really compelling about JJK is it's characters! It also has some of the best written characters in an anime, especially its villains! I really like the writing behind them, especially Suguru Geto's corruption into a villain! But also just how messed up the Jujutsu sorcery world and how insane you actually have to be a part of it.
Hellsing (Anime + Manga)
I'll keep this one short, Its Vampire Nazi's vs Dracula, with some badass female characters and music, also its gory as shit 10/10.
My Love Mix-up! (Manga)
This is the first BL manga that I've actually ever read! As someone who has grown up with just a general lack of LGBTQ characters and romance in their media, to find that their is an entire genre of manga for it was really eye-opening! I ended up becoming really invested in the "will they wont they" kind of relationship going on between the 2 MC's for the first few volumes, especially Kōsuke Ida, him navigating that, first of all what does it mean to "like" someone when you've never romantically interested in someone before, but then when that person is same sex. spoke to my own personal experiences growing up. It's what made me like the manga so much, also it's comedic moments! It's actually a very funny manga, especially the side couple.
Full Metal Alchemist (Anime + Manga)
FMA has one of the best stories I've ever seen in an anime/manga, the way it's so inter-connected and all the threads of plot/characters are so weaved together are! so! good! The characters and their arc's! Scar being a prime example of this! (I'm really struggling to articulate why I love this show so much lmao, look I really just love it do I have to justify everything??)
Blue Flag (Manga)
This is a LGBTQ+ story, that I'd actually recommend you just go and read it for yourself! I don't really wanna spoil anything, and if I talk about this manga I will!! just go read it now!!!!! (side note I can't believe the series got cancelled??!!!! like???!!! because of that we really got to miss out on a relationship between 2 characters!!!! and even though they get married at the end!!!!! It's still kinda vague!!!!!)
Chainsawman (Anime + Manga)
Again, one of the thing's that made me absolutely love Chainsawman is the characters, but most of all it's their motivations, and how "human" they are. and by that I mean just so, normal. Which is a weird thing to say, but when the norm for Shonen MC's is that they wanna fight and kill god, having one whose main goal is 1, Touch Boobs, get a girlfriend and have sex, it's really refreshing. It just paint's what a "normal" kid that Denji and the juxtaposition that is towards Aki, whose goal is to kill the Gun Devil. That kind of character writing is a what really drew me into the manga and made me love it. (ALSO I'm vastly oversimplifying thing's bc I don't really wanna spoil so that's just the gist of it) Also like the Found Family of Denji, Aki and Power. But I'm just a sucker for that trope!
I Think Our Son Is Gay (Manga)
This is some REALLY good positive LGBTQ representation, not just from the "MC" of the story Hiroki and him navigating being LGBTQ but from his mother's perspective as she tries be supportive/encouraging of him but also learning about what it means to be LGBTQ and what they face/go through. It's really heart-warming and sweet! I do want to throttle the dad sometimes though, I get that he's (supposed) to be learning and challenging his own bias' but if he upsets Hiroki again he will be catching these hands.
Our Dreams at Dusk (Manga)
Another LGBTQ+ story that I would highly recommend that you just go and read for yourself, It's in my opinion very powerful in it's depictions of the different LGBTQ identities covered in the story, and the struggles they face at the ages that they do! HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this one (I believe the author is putting a new series out soon but I need to check up on that)
Castlevania (Anime)
This. Fucking. Series. It's got some absolutely amazing art and animation work on it, that just gets better and better with each subsequent season! Just like the characters! Not only are they just amazingly written with such depth, but their arc's and development are just some of the best in fiction.
Golden Kamuy (Anime + Manga)
Honestly, this is probably the Gayest Anime i've ever watched, without it actually being gay. But also it's probably the funniest anime I've ever watched, I've never laughed as much at something as I have watching this. It's also got a great story with a great kinda Sibling relationship between Sugimoto and Asirpa, and poor Tanigaki, literally the bara comedy relief of the show (Also I believe the author compared the characters dick sizes at one point? its crazy, in a good way.) I'd highly recommend!
Soul Eater (Anime)
Such a unique premise, Death himself runs a school that teaches people, regular school stuff, but also how to fight. Also some of the students can turn into weapons that the other students wield. And the moon has a face. So naturally its very good (also in a roundabout way its the sequel to Fire Force) HOWEVER The manga wasn't done when the series so I'm petitioning for a Soul Eater: Brotherhood so we get the full story!
Mob Psycho 100 (Anime + Manga)
One of my favourite aspects of this show is how it shows that nobody is too far gone, that nobody is beyond redemption and growth as person. It's a message I think a lot of people really need to hear, You can just decide to be a better person and leave the past behind you, while still learning from it. And all it takes is a Middle Schooler beating the shit out of you and calling you lame. (Also WaWa, I'm constantly rotating him in my mind)
given (Anime + Manga)
Pain. just, pain. I really like how the anime (and manga) handle the topics of grief, lose, love and toxicity. But also how to move on from that, how to process it and the importance of knowing how to communicate. It really makes for a beautiful if not incredibly sad story. (also fuck you Kaji, you know what you did.)
Sasaki and Miyano (Anime + Manga)
On the opposite side of the spectrum from given, we get Sasaki and Miyano! It's really just pure fucking fluff. It's a sweet slow-burn love story, that'd I'd really recommend if you like that kind of thing, also the fucking end music slaps.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime + Manga)
Ooooh boy. NGE Is an anime that I think everyone takes something different from. whether it's the themes and messages it's trying to convey to the audience, or it's cool visuals or fights. It's got something for everyone. For me it's the message of self-love and acceptance it's conveying to the watcher through the eyes of Shinji, that we all have value and a place in the world, that it's okay for us to be here. But also it's message that escapism isn't a good thing, that we need to face our problems head on instead of hiding away from them. And then the Rebuilds building upon this and giving us even more! I'd highly recommend watching!! Just be a good mental head space lol.
Castle in the Sky (Anime)
The first Ghibli film I ever watched!!! Absolutely fell in love with the art style and animation ever since!
Howls Moving Castle (Anime)
Honestly, same with Castle in the Sky! second Ghibli film I ever watched and fell in love! such gorgeous visuals! and a beautiful story! one of my favourite films of all time!
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goji-pilled · 2 years
MK-S: Dark souls update. (Semi-updated this as as played.)
Lost somewhere between 30-40,000 souls to the rock worm centipede things…not the boss, I’ve read that’s coming up, but the ambush. Most of the time I was trying to get the souls back, and they just kept building up. I was using pyromancy and I just found out I can basically two shot them with some magic/sorcery. (I discounted that notion earlier, given how my moon butterfly spear was only dealing mid-double digit damage, but now I see I was wrong. Mainly because I’d enter the “screw it, let me bring everything I can throw at it for that darn ember” phase.)
Now the demon firesage is dead first try, so that’s making me feel better.
Got centipede demon down about 2-3rds then got one shot stomped.
Got guardian of the sanctuary down to half health. Honestly, didn’t even fully equip to fight him, just figured I’d get a rhythm.
Update to that, Sanctuary guardian is dead and it’s been an hour or less. Didn’t keep track. I think this was attempt five or so. I’m crediting survival to a +5 eagle shield and high lightening resistant mage gear. Plus a lightning resist ring. Found that I need to try to sneak in some pyromancy after his attacks, and be willing for the fight to last a couple minutes. (Difference between trying to do as much damage as fast as you can, and trying to win the fight. He set the tempo, so I danced to his tune…and I really like how that line came out.)
Artorius was surprisingly easy to defea-nah, I’m just messing with you all with that one. Haven’t beaten him yet and he’s shoved my face into the floor with the sharp end of his sword about five times or so.
Decided to switch focus and after a few attempts, now the centipede demon is dead. (Mainly spammed great soul arrow, wish I bought a second set of that spell).
Funny story, I was 500 souls short of a miracle, so I role-played told the shrine maiden girl in the church to “give me a moment”, walked over to the three baulder knights, and chaos fireballed all three of them in quick succession. Walked back and made my purchase.
Also, met Patches (who politely pointed me in her direction with his foot; knew it was coming, but got a twin humanity out of him), which is how I found where she was while under-equipped (exploring loadout). Her hollow guards killed me, one shuffling of spells later at the nearby and warpable bonfire, they both died to the same great combustion. Oh, and I killed what’s his face who would have killed the shrine kid. Sheesh, firelink is starting to run low on residences. Got another lamp, so now I can trade one in for a ring of fog, otherwise unattainable with the servers down if I’m correct.
Oh, and found an easy way past the pinwheel skeletons, prior to the tomb warp spot: cast hover light, and hidden body, in that order while wearing dragon ring of silence; reduces detection and ago radius, while giving you enough light to see. Lantern also seemed to reveal the, for lack of a better word, safety railing. Currently going after the silver serpent ring.
That’s it for now! Thanks for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed! Have a good day everyone!
(I also feel inclined to mention, but I think I maybe have said this before, that while this is my first dark souls playthrough, this isn’t my first FromSoftware game; Sekiro holds that title. And the Guardian kinda reminded me a bit of the Guardian Ape fight, in terms of arena, and minus the screaming s-…I recommend looking up a reaction compilation of that boss entering phase two. FromSoft has gotten a tad trolly with that one.)
PS: is it just me, or does this NPC in the DLC look like he’s from bloodborne?
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Well that sounds like youve been greatly successful over all
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inventors-fair · 24 days
Second Selection: Mix and Match Runners-Up!
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And our runners-up this week are @bergdg, @capnsoapy, and @helloijustreadyourpost—congratulations!
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@bergdg — Umbral Choir
I've been grousing internally about what exactly to say about this card, but I think if I had to give a single criticism, it's the lack of perfect cohesion between the name, art, and effect, even though they do all work well together in a way that forms a genuinely good card. Seriously, this is a card that I'd play in many a deck, and I think that it's solid design all around. In limited, giving everything Afterlife is a damn good ability, and following that you can fit it into a BW shell quite easily. Spirits want it, aristocrats want it, Daxos the Returned wants it badly—you know? Thinking through the cast stuff, I like how it doesn't just put things onto the battlefield; it gives a response window, it allows for flash shenanigans if you got 'em, and cast triggers mattering is valid too.
I suppose that the connection between the choir, the enchantments, and the tutoring feels less like this card took its design from the precise name and more that the ability evolved from what the name had initially started with and became its own card. And it's a good card! It's seriously a phenomenal card! I can start to make the connection between the bodies—like how the choir is sorta summoning the enchantments?—but it feels like something that has to be flavorfully explained more so than it's a natural moment. I almost feel like I have to justify criticism because of the mechanical strength. Take that for what you will, I suppose?
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@capnsoapy — Plentiful Generosity
I don't think that white plays enough into being a forceful good guy. Either you're a group hug player or you happened to stumble upon a really interesting multiplayer design. Does it necessarily matter? I imagine that this card isn't going to shake up any meta, but in small playgroups, this is a fun little effect that allows you to go a bit nuts with engining things out. I'm kinda stoked about how many cards or Treasures could be added in a single turn, actually. It's quite fun, and rebound makes it all the more fun.
Considering that this is probably commander-focused, it makes sense that the card's less about the flavor of a specific world and more about generic magical powers, Core-Set-style. I honestly don't mind that. It's not going to make me delve into the secrets of this generous world, but at the same time, this card isn't asking me to meet it halfway on that front. White card advantage and white ramp and group additions are all that matter here; what else could one ask for? Actually, the one thing that we could ask for is that you have "Starting with you" at the beginning to ensure there's no confusion about timing. But that's all!
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@helloijustreadyourpost — Unbound Spirit
Keeping it simple ensures that you have some fun moments of design and interaction, and you know what, this card works for me. It's an aggressive-ish card that forces one to use combat tricks to pump it up, but that's only if you're looking to do that. It dies to instants/sorceries, but what doesn't? I like how, in a world of stronger creatures/ETBs, this card doesn't care about channeling or plotting or whatnot. ... Oh, hm, actually it does. Does it? Wait, so, does it not have protection from permanent cards, e.g. could Twinshot Sniper target it, or does "permanents" apply to any card that would be a permanent in any zone? I am...uncertain, but I'm also not gonna bother, because this card's still good, so what do I care.
And what does this spirit care? I feel that you're touching on a unique side of blue that is joyful in a way that's leaning into black more than white as an ally. Does that make sense? White is a color of binding, community, roles and regulations that keep the civilization it's built happy and fulfilled. This creature cares not for those notions, and it's so individually aligned in its formlessness that it rejects that mindset entirely. I think that that's really cool for reasons I can't fully explain, but you've touched upon a nuanced emotion for the color philosophy.
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I'll be typing for a bit, but Commentary might be a tomorrow thing. We'll get there when we get there and I'll update folks on Discord.
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whatthefuckisasweep · 2 years
since i am feeling kinda (fail trombone), everyone reblog this and put your favorite jokes in asscreed bc theres so many and i need them in my life
ill go first:
the joke where ezio’s gets the salve for his back in Brotherhood - ‘Old?!?!?!’ *climbs tower* ‘OW— my BACK’ has got to be one of THE best jokes in all of asscreed.
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Michael After Midnight: The Green Knight
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Fantasy films are few and far between these days, at least classic ones that have knights, swords, sorcery. Every other year we get another one of J.K. Rowling’s shitty excuses for urban fantasy, and sometimes Marvel lets Doctor Strange do stuff in the movies, but we’re not getting anything like Clash of the Titans, Ladyhawke, Willow, or Dragonheart these days, and it’s a shame. But then along comes The Green Knight and suddenly there’s a ray of hope for this dying genre… kind of.
The Green Knight is an adaptation of the Arthurian legend where Gawain decapitates a dude on Christmas, and then the dude picks up his head and is like “See you in a year bro” before fucking off. It is the classic example of a “What if there was a fucked up guy?” story, and the film does a great job at playing that up. Here, the Green Knight is extremely otherworldly, possibly even fae, and he has an eerie nature spirit design that wouldn’t look too out of place in a Guillermo del Toro movie. He sets the tone for the vibe of the whole film, where a lot of dark, eerie, inexplicable fantasy things happen, like fucked up talking foxes, a realm of giants, and a castle inhabited by a couple who may or may not be fae. It’s fucking awesome.
The story and performances are really great too. Dev Patel really carries the entire movie as Gawain, selling his fear and anxiety at his destiny that he pretty much forced upon himself due to wanting to live up to the knightly ideals of honor. Perhaps his best bit is an extended sequence right at the end of the movie that turns the original tale on its head for a bit and leads to an unbelievably dark place before we get Breaking Dawn-ed back to reality. The Green Knight himself commands a lot of presence in his brief scenes, and Arthur and Gawain’s girlfriend are both well done as well. There’s not really any bad performances in the house for this one.
The film also looks gorgeous. The colors, the lighting, the cinematography… this is an incredibly pretty movie. Even when it’s showing landscapes that are bleak and desolate, it still manages to be really breathtaking.
Unfortunately, the film has some big problems that I honestly feel make it incredibly inaccessible to general audiences. For one, this film does not bother explaining anything to you. If you don’t know your Arthurian legend, you are shit out of luck and will miss out on crucial details (such as who Gawain’s mom is supposed to represent and even who Gawain himself might be combined with). But more than that, this film has a problem with padding. There are a lot of times where there will just be long, uninterrupted panning shots over scenery or quiet moments that drag on just a bit too long. It can get a bit tedious after a while, and it’s just not very friendly for your average viewer.
“Um, Michael,” theoretical dweeb I have made up for the purpose of this review, “not every film needs to be made with a mainstream audience in mind, you know!” And yes, that’s true. And that’s a good thing. But you know, you can be something outside the mainstream and not be horrendously alienating to the average viewer. Look at del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, another dark fantasy film that is definitely not what one would consider a mainstream film. That film sits high up on IMDB’s top 250, won three Oscars, and is well-liked even to this day. The Green Knight got a great critical reception, sure, but that’s because it’s all artsy-fartsy and weird. I’m really not shocked this film got low user ratings, because it’s just really off-putting to the average filmgoer.
With all that being said, I do think this is a pretty good movie, and I’m glad a weird, artsy fantasy film like this got made. But this is not a film for everyone, and while you can say that about almost every film, this is really not a film for everyone. It has a very small niche and I think it’s destined to become a cult classic, but that’s really all I can see for this movie’s future. If you can tolerate some slow pacing, this movie has a lot of cool, dark weirdness to offer and some really fantastic visuals and story. I just don’t feel like this is the film that’s really going to bring back classic fantasy to cinemas like I wanted, but hey, for what it is, I liked it well enough.
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