carbonatedpitt · 4 months
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moths looking at a ball of light that will most definitely kill them
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“Get Your F*cking Hands Off Her, A*shole!”
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Reader
Countdown to Cobra Kai Season 5 - 8 Days left!!!
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(Gif not mine)
Requested? No
Summary: It was an unspoken rule around West Valley High that (Y/n) (Y/l/n) was completely and utterly off limits. No one dared test the boundaries when it came to that rule, for fear that her Mohawk-clad boyfriend would go all Cobra Kai on them. Of course, every now and again, a newbie didn’t get the memo…
Warnings: starred out swear words, overprotective Hawk, creepy dude making (Y/n) uncomfy, prejudice against “North Hills” with a substantial lack of reasoning to back it up 😬😂, lack of adherence to plot line of the source material
Pairing: Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE 😬😬 I’m trying to get back on schedule as soon as possible, I promise! 👌👌👌
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Eli Moskowitz and (Y/n) (Y/l/n) were in love. Everyone knew it, and, because of Eli’s status in their school’s hierarchy as “Hawk” the “Cobra King,” no one dared refute it. It was a system that worked. An unspoken line, if you will, that, when crossed, was swiftly dealt with. And the perpetrator never did it again. Hawk made sure of that.
But there were still some who, to them, the pretty girl in math class was simply the pretty girl in math class. Nothing more. No ties to a Mohawked gang leader, and certainly no harm in asking her out on a date this weekend. Perhaps to the movies? There was a pretty cool drive in just across town…
“That’s a bad idea.” Toby turned to look at the girl who’d spoken, an embarrassed expression on his face at having been caught staring, before he crossed his arms over his chest and scowled, in an attempt to cover it up.
“What?” He asked, glaring at her, annoyed by her unhelpful interjection in something that clearly didn’t involve her. He didn’t know who she was, being the new kid usually meant that was the case, but, Toby could already tell, whoever this girl was, she wasn’t someone he wanted to be spending his time with. She gave him the heebie jeebies, and not in the good way. Her face suddenly transformed into a smirk, before she gestured towards where his eyes had been trained just moments before.
“You’re staring at (Y/n) right?” She asked her own gaze taking in the sight of the girl at her locker just down the hall. Toby cringed a little, having hoped he’d been a tad more discreet, but this creepy girl had seen right through him.
“So?” He asked, defensively, wondering what exactly she wanted from him, landing on simply “picking on the new guy,” before she opened her mouth and spoke again.
“Yeah. That’s not gonna happen. Trust me, dude.” She replied, vaguely, but Toby just rolled his eyes, not believing her for a second.
“Who even are you?” He asked rudely, but the girl just laughed, an unsettling sound that left Toby’s skin crawling.
“Tory with a y.” She answered, as if he should know. (He didn’t.) “Listen, newbie.” She pouted sarcastically, before patting his shoulder. “I get it. You don’t know how things work around here.” Her patting ceased as she grabbed his shoulders, rather harshly turning him back towards the math class girl; towards (Y/n). “But I’m telling you right now, She’s not someone you wanna mess with.” Toby scoffed, his patience for this conversation wearing thin, as he pulled out of Tory’s grip.
“She seems harmless.” He said, before turning away from (Y/n) and towards his unwanted companion. “You, however, weird me out, so I’m gonna go talk to (Y/n). Bye, now.” He began to walk off, heading towards the girl’s locker and mentally psyching himself up as he did, before a loud voice called out after him.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Tory yelled, but Toby just rolled his eyes again, before mumbling under his breath.
“You can’t tell me what to do, psycho…”
+ + +
“And then I told him that if he tried to do that again I was gonna take his face and-“
“Hey, Hawk!” The boy turned around when Tory’s voice sounded over the conversation, an annoyed look on his face at being interrupted.
“What is it?” He spat angrily, causing Tory to raise her hands in mock defense.
“Just thought you’d wanna know I just saw the new guy practically eye-banging your girl in the hallway.” She said casually, but Hawk’s heart stopped all the same.
“What?” He asked, through gritted teeth, hoping he’d heard her wrong. But Tory just nodded her head.
“Some dude. Troy or Tanner or something. New kid. Just moved here from North Hills or some sh*t.” She was still talking but, past the point of confirmation, Hawk was done listening.
“Where is he now?” He asked, his fists clenched, itching to do to this new kid what he’d been about to describe before Tory’s interruption. Nobody messed with his (Y/n)…
“Last I saw he was headed towards (Y/n)’s locker. Something about asking her out?”And that was when Hawk snapped.
“The he*l he is!” (Y/n) was HIS girlfriend. Everyone knew that. Who did he think he was? This punk coming in and trying to cheat the system, and steal away HAWK’S girl? This Troy, or Tanner, or whatever-the-f*ck his name was, was gonna pay. And Hawk was gonna make sure of it.
“I’m gonna go deal with this sh*thead. Beat his a*s…”
+ + +
“You’re (Y/n), right?” (Y/n) (Y/l/n) spun around quickly at the voice, confused as she didn’t recognize it, before coming face to face with the new kid she vaguely remembered from one of her earlier classes. She smiled politely, before responding.
“Yeah, that’s me.” She agreed, before a frown reached her face. “I’m sorry I don’t-“ She began apologizing for not recalling his name, but the boy cut her off with a shrug, leaning against the locker beside hers and effectively boxing her in, though (Y/n) assumed it was unintentional.
“Toby. I just moved here.” (Y/n) nodded along at his words, as she took a small step back, only for her foot to collide with the metal of a locker door.
“Toby… hi.”
“Hi…” (Y/n) wondered what exactly it was that he wanted, or whether it was just to introduce himself. But if that was the case, why hadn’t he left yet?
“Did you need something?” She asked, hoping she didn’t come off as rude or anything, though if she did, he didn’t point it out, or do anything really other than shake his head while laughing at himself.
“Sh*t, yeah. Um, I was actually wondering…” He trailed off, his eyes meeting hers in an intense gaze that she was both unwilling and unable to reciprocate. “Well, you’re really pretty, ya know…” (Y/n) didn’t like where this was going. She made to carefully remove his arm from the locker, so that she could walk away, but Toby apparently wasn’t finished, and reached for her wrist, holding it tightly in his grip to keep her in place. “Hold on just a second!” (Y/n)’s eyes widened in shock. “I dunno… I was sorta thinkin-“
“Get your f*cking hands off her, a*shole!”
+ + +
If Hawk wasn’t already seeing red at just the idea of someone he didn’t know flirting with (Y/n), the sight of her being held up against a locker with that frightened look on her face would surely have done it. And it did, for the next move Hawk made was not something that he would have ever done in front of his girlfriend had the situation not demanded it…
“Get your f*cking hands off her, a*shole!” It was like time had slowed down, and there was no one in the room but them; Hawk, and the sleezeball touching his girl.
The new guy spun around, his expression clearly annoyed, until he noticed the murderous one pointed back at him. His face dropped in worry.
“Look, dude. I dunno what you think-“ He began (trying to explain himself, perhaps?), but Hawk’s attention remained on his hand… that had yet to move.
“Oh I know exactly what I think!” He practically growled, stepping forward threateningly. “I think you’ve got your sh*tty North Hills hands all over my girlfriend, and if you don’t let go right now I’m gonna send you back to North Hills; only this time it’ll be in a body bag!” On a normal day, Hawk would’ve smirked at the “I just wet myself” look that had suddenly appeared on the dopes face, but this wasn’t a normal day. On a normal day, if some douche bag decided to mess with Hawk they’d do it directly, not through (Y/n). There was a level of respect there, at least for the girl. Because, everyone knew, messing with him was on thing, but (Y/n)? Practically a death sentence.
“I-I didn’t know-“ The new guy stuttered out, his grip finally releasing from (Y/n)’s skin, the girl slipping away from him and behind her boyfriend the moment she was able. Hawk felt her small hands tighten against the back of his hoodie and his angry frown deepened.
“Oh “you-you didn’t know”?” He mocked, carefully removing his girlfriends fingers from his clothes and advancing towards the other boy, nothing stopping him now from cracking this dweebs skull. He’d teach him not to mess with his girl again…
+ + +
“Stop, please!”
Hawk dropped the bruised and bloody body of the new kid harshly on the floor, before standing over him, his breathing heavy. (Y/n)’s eyes were wide. She’d never seen this side of him before. Sure, she knew he got into fights. She had to clean him up after them all the time. But he usually made it a point to keep her out of them. Though, (Y/n) supposed there wasn’t much way to keep her out of this one, since it happened over her. She frowned, suddenly feeling immensely guilty.
“If I see you anywhere near her again, we’ll be back here. Got it?” He snarled, his back now to (Y/n), which she appreciated, as she wasn’t sure she wanted to see his face look like that. She liked the soft way her Eli looked at her. She didn’t think she’d be too fond of visions of angry Hawk intruding her lovesick thoughts. “I said: Do. You. Understand!?!” (Y/n) watched the guy nod his head so fast she thought it might fall off, before scrambling to his feet. Hawk turned to make his way towards his friends and his girl, calling back over his shoulder as he did. “Now, get outta here before I change my mind.”
+ + +
“You okay, Princess?” Hawk had cooled down a little at the look on her face, hating that he’d contributed to it, but also knowing he’d had to do what he did. (Y/n) nodded slightly, though she wouldn’t meet his eyes. Hawk frowned, worried she was upset with him about the fight, though he couldn’t fathom why. That douchebag was hurting her. He’d just put a stop to it like any good boyfriend would. Speaking of…
“Can I see?” He gestured towards her wrist, receiving a small noise of agreement. He reached for her hand, his anger gradually returning as he took in the obvious fingerprints against her smooth skin. He tried to calm himself down, talking a deep breath before leaning down to press a soft kiss to her wrist.
“You’re gonna have a bruise.” He mumbled against her skin. But (Y/n) just shrugged.
“I don’t care.” Hawk sighed, running his hand down the side of his face anxiously.
“(Y/n)… you know I had to, right?” He asked, watching her face carefully as it changed, relief washing over him as she slowly nodded her head.
“I know… I just wanna go home. Can we?” She looked up at him with a small pout that Hawk was quick to agree to.
“Course, (Y/n/n). We can do anything you want.” He promised with a soft smile that dated back to his Eli days and was reserved exclusively for her. (Y/n) grinned a little, though Hawk wasn’t sure what was so funny. He wasn’t gonna comment on it though, just happy he’d got her smiling again.
“Ice cream?” She asked hopefully, earning a chuckle from her boyfriend, as his arm wrapped around her shoulder and he steered her towards the door.
“Sure, Princess. Whatever you want.”
Tag lists are open!!!
Tags: @electriclcvewp @kaqua @nickangel13
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rosylix · 1 month
chaotic, my heart is off time
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a certain dare leads jisung to discover he may not be as straight as he thinks he is or: felix is really pretty and jisung is confused
pairing: jilix (jisung × felix)
wc: 12.2k
content: college au, fluff, smut, a little angst, they are both awkward cuties tbh, alcohol, passing mention of drugged drink. slight inexperience, extremely platonic handjobs between bros, switch!felix kinda?, sub!jisung semi-awakening, jisung has a lot of feelings that scare him, depictions of anxiety/minor panic attack, sexuality crisis, includes texting screenshots (mainly at the end)
[also read on ao3]
It's all Hyunjin's fault, really. 
Jisung has nothing else to blame except his innate stupidity and the one too many drinks he had downed that are making him act even more stupid, if that's even possible. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. This whole thing is just so stupid. 
That's the only thought in his head as he wanders the house of whichever classmate is hosting this party (probably one of Chan's friends, he knows everyone), searching for someone who would be down to let him give them a handjob without it being awkward or weird.
He should've known truth or dare was a terrible idea.
“Hm… I dare you to give someone a handjob,” Hyunjin had said with a smirk. “It can be anyone at the party.”
Jisung blinked. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.”
“But how will you even know, like…”
“I'll know,” he said simply, and gave him an unsettling look like he knew something Jisung didn't.
And that was it. Jisung was pushed out of the room, practically sent to the wolves to complete the dare before midnight. He felt like a fucked up rendition of Cinderella or something.
A handjob? Really, Hyunjin? Jisung doesn't even swing that way and yet he can't find it in himself to back down from the dare. He knows it's a problem, his inability to admit defeat when faced with a challenge. Not to say that the alcohol buzzing through his system isn't playing a part as well. It definitely is.
Jisung lightly slaps himself and mentally tells himself to get a grip, dude. It's just a handjob between bros. A totally chill and normal endeavor! He doesn't know why he's making such a big deal out of it (he's definitely done weirder things before) but something about the idea is making a weird nervous feeling creep through his system.
It's fine. It's literally not a big deal. I'm sure the guys wouldn't even mind getting jerked off, he tells himself as he continues looking around (definitely not stalling) from the corner he's found himself nestled in. Ultimately, he decides that in order to have the least awkward situation possible he should try to find someone he's friends with rather than a random stranger. He goes through his list of friends he's comfortable with.
Chan? No. God, no. Jisung cringes immediately after thinking it. Chan's like a friend, brother, and parental figure all in one to Jisung. Even if he might agree to help, Jisung does not even want to entertain the thought any longer. He shudders.
Changbin? Uh… maybe? He was there at the truth or dare game so he already knows the situation. But he was also giving Hyunjin googly eyes the entire time so maybe not. Blegh.
Minho? Jisung thinks this is probably his best bet. Worst case, his hyung will laugh at his situation and turn him down kindly. But he trusts Minho to not let it become awkward between them either way.
Still, he should probably think through his other options. Obviously not Hyunjin… Jeongin? Even though he knows he's not, Jisung still sees him as a pure, innocent kid, he can't help it. Something about it just inherently feels wrong, he's like his little brother. Absolutely not.
So then, Seungmin? Honestly Jisung isn't totally averse to the idea… but Seungmin is his roommate and he would never be able to escape if things become awkward. So, no.
He doesn't know how long he's been standing there, probably looking pretty creepy he suddenly realizes, when a hand snaps in front of his face.
He blinks. When he looks up he sees a mildly annoyed Seungmin staring at him. Speak of the fucking devil.
"That was my drink, you know."
Oh. Jisung looks down at the drink he's holding—huh, when did he grab that?—and looks back up at Seungmin with an apologetic expression.
"I was wondering where this came from, sorry Min."
Seungmin waves it off. "That's so like you to just pick up any drink. You're lucky it was mine and not, like, some random person's." He pauses. "Or drugged."
Jisung laughs nervously. "Yeah uh, you're right, I'll be more careful." He straightens up. "Thank you for sacrificing your drink for the greater good," he says solemnly with a bow.
Seungmin rolls his eyes. "Yeah sure, anytime." He pauses. "Are.. you alright though? You've been standing here spaced out for a while but you usually love to go around annoying everyone. I would know, unfortunately." Another small roll of his eyes, then tilting his head to the side, he offers a light smile. "If you want we can go home and just watch Netflix or something?"
Of course Seungmin can tell something's up. Jisung isn't always the most comfortable in larger social gatherings with people outside his immediate friend circle. He much prefers to stay in his room and binge watch YouTube videos until he passes out, something his roommate is well aware of. Jisung appreciates the concern even if that isn't the current cause of his worries.
Still, he doesn't really want to bother Seungmin with his current predicament. "Aww, is my little Minnie worried about me~? I knew you cared about meee!" Jisung drawls, draping himself slightly over the taller boy in a messy embrace. 
"Shut up, oh my god you're so annoying." Seungmin pushes him away but Jisung doesn't miss the slight pull at the corners of his mouth. "Anyway, I was serious. I was gonna go bother Old Man Chan but if you wanna leave that's cool too. You seemed really out of it earlier. Just staring at this thing like it would give you life's secrets." He grabs the can from Jisung's hand and grimaces after taking a sip, muttering something about alcohol ruining the perfectly good taste of lemonade before handing it back to Jisung.
While the offer to just bail on the party and his dare is tempting, Jisung doesn't want to give up like that. His pride and dignity are on the line here. "Oh uh, I mean, it's nothing really. Just another one of Hyunjin's weird dares, I can handle it. But thanks Seungie."
He tries to give a reassuring smile but it must have come off a bit nervous anyway because Seungmin gives him a cut-the-crap look. "Okaay, but still, you never get this worked up over his dares. What did he say to do this time? I'm sure it can't be worse than that time you licked—"
Jisung's eyes widen and he immediately slaps a hand over the taller boy's mouth. "Oh my god Seungmin, we don't talk about that. That was quite possibly the worst thing I've ever done." He groans at the memory.
Seungmin laughs and pushes his hand away. "Yeah that was pretty bad. So? It can't be as bad as that right?"
Jisung bites his lip, damn it, he was hoping Seungmin would drop it. He doesn't even know why he's getting so in his head about the dare, he's sure Minho or one of the others will be fine with it once he explains the situation. What's a brojob between bros, right? Right?
Shit, Seungmin is still waiting for an answer. Should he just tell him? He's comfortable enough with him that it wouldn't be that weird. But.. he just can't bring himself to. "Hmm… I don't know. I mean it's a little weird but at least I won't have to do this one in front of other people. No public embarrassment this time if that's what you were hoping for," he says around a grin that thankfully comes naturally.
Seungmin frowns and opens his mouth to say something when he's waved over by a smiling Jeongin. He smiles back, then turns back to Jisung, who doesn't fail to notice the light dusting of pink on his cheeks. Oh? He's definitely gonna tease Seungmin for that later. "Alright, well if you're sure you're okay I'll leave you to it but you're telling me all about this later. And if it's really that bad then don't do it, okay? Hyunjin wouldn't force you to do anything if you really don't want to." 
“I know… thanks,” Jising smiles genuinely. “Uh—completely unrelated—have you seen Minho hyung anywhere?”
Seungmin raises an eyebrow but shakes his head. “I heard from Chan that he left already. Something about his cats he said. Why?”
Jisung's heart sinks. There goes his only real hope. “No reason…” he shakes his head and puts on a smile again. “Um, I think your boyfriend's waiting.” He points to Jeongin with a small smirk.
Seungmin's ears turn scarlet as he sees who Jisung is pointing to. His head snaps back wildly. “My what— we're not—”
Jisung puts his hands up in surrender. “Okay, my bad, my bad… I didn't say anything.”
Seungmin narrows his eyes. “No, you didn't. Bye!” And he runs off in Jeongin's direction, leaving Jisung alone with his—well really Seungmin's—drink.
Jisung leans back into his corner, thoughts going rampant. Minho, his only saving grace, already left. What does he do now!? Obviously he knows Hyunjin would never force him into doing the dare if he's really uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean Jisung wouldn't be embarrassed for not being able to! And it's not that he doesn't want to, he's just… worried. Worried that it'll be too weird and awkward and Jisung really doesn't want to mess up any of his friendships. Not to mention his… limited experience. Sure, he has some experience with girls but with a guy? Obviously not. What if he's like, really, really bad??
Whatever! If Jisung is anything, he's not a coward. In a sudden rush of adrenaline, he tips his head back, downs the rest of Seungmin's drink, and seeing as all his friends are out of the question, he decides to walk over to the first male specimen he lays his eyes on. What could go wrong?
Oh. Of course everything could go wrong. He realizes his grave mistake when he notices the unmistakable head of blond hair in his vision. Felix. Pretty boy and literal innocent ball of sunshine.
Felix had recently transferred from Australia, and while he was super friendly whenever they talked, they weren't incredibly close. Not that Jisung doesn't want to be, it just takes him a while to warm up to new people. And they only share one class together. Still, they do talk a lot in that class, and he probably hasn't gotten comfortable with someone that fast since Minho hyung, Jisung realizes with some surprise.
But that wasn't the issue. From what he could tell (from a few truth or dare rounds from previous parties), Felix became really shy whenever the topic was even slightly sexual. He definitely wouldn't want to go along with Jisung's dare, and would probably be uncomfortable even talking about it. The last thing Jisung wants is to make anyone uncomfortable, least of all Felix.
He moves to turn around but it seems the blond has already noticed him approaching by the way he breaks out into a smile and waves. Jisung silently curses his dumb impulsiveness as he continues making his way to the other boy. It's fine. He can just act normal, talk with Felix for a bit and then go find someone else.
But when he arrives and sees Felix up close, Jisung's mind goes blank. With truly striking timing, the single brain cell he'd been clinging to all night decides to abandon him and he just stares for a few seconds.
Finally, his brain decides to award him a single staggering thought: Oh, he looks really pretty. 
Felix looks back at him, bright smile still reaching his eyes, which are shimmery and lightly lined with eyeliner. And oh, Jisung is just standing here like an idiot, which he is, but god, he's really been acting more idiotic than usual.
"Uh, hey Felix!" he says and cracks a hesitant smile.
"Yo, my twin! What's up?"
Jisung laughs and immediately relaxes a little. They had found out that their birthdays are only one day apart during a lame icebreaker in class. "Just… wanted to say hi. How're you liking the party? It's only, what, your second or third one here? Chan's parties are always the best."
"It's cool! And yeah, Chris—I mean, Chan hyung's like totally awesome. At first I was intimidated by him but when I found out he's a fellow Aussie I almost cried on the spot. I definitely wouldn't have adjusted as well if not for him." Felix looks away and smiles to himself, to Jisung's relief. He was admittedly having a hard time maintaining eye contact with Felix's bright eyes constantly glittering up at him.
“I know what you mean. He's saved my life more than once.” Jisung chuckles. Then he figures he should escape before he inevitably makes a fool of himself. “Uhh, anyway I just wanted to check in and say hi but I guess I'll get going…”
“So soon? I was thinking of checking in with you actually.”
Jisung blinks. “You… sorry?”
“You've just been standing over there for the past twenty minutes or so", Felix points to the corner Jisung was lurking in earlier. "Even I know that's kinda uncharacteristic of you. I was getting worried. And then you just came speeding towards me like a man on a mission."
“You were watching me that whole time!?” Jisung all but shrieks.
“Ah, um…” Felix rubs his neck. “Not the whole time but… yeah.” He shrugs, “Sorry, is that weird? I was just worried about you.”
Jisung feels his heart swell from the kindness of this boy he's not even incredibly close with. He should make an effort to talk to him more often outside of class. “No it's… it's nothing. We were playing truth or dare and Hyunjin gave me a pretty strange dare so I've just been, y'know, thinking about how to get out of it I guess." He laughs and shrugs.
Felix hums. "Is it as bad as when Hyunjin made you lick the—"
Jisung's mouth drops open and he instinctively covers Felix's mouth with his hand. "Oh my god, Felix! How do you even know about that!?"
Felix shrugs. "Your friends seem to love telling embarrassing stories about you." Jisung feels him laugh under his hand, and his face warms when he realizes where that hand still is. He quickly pulls it back and instead uses it to bury his head in, partly to hide the red on his face and partly because he, quite simply, would like the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
The universe wouldn't be so kind as to grant him that though. Jisung would have gladly spent the next thirty minutes reliving embarrassing moments in his life (unfortunately there is no shortage of these) and wanting to die but the sound of Felix giggling tempts him to peek between his fingers.
"Don't worry, they haven't told me much else," Felix says, the teasing smile remaining on his face. "But I do know about when you publicly asked Ryujin out only for her to tell you she's a lesbian—"
"Whoa, hey!" Jisung retorts, his hands now up in the air. "Yeah, that was embarrassing but it wasn't that bad! How was I supposed to know she's not into guys? Well, okay, maybe it's pretty obvious and I'm just a dumbass but still!" Jisung pouts. "Can we not talk about my failed attempts at romance anymore?"
Felix laughs. "Sure, you never told me what crazy dare you got from Hyunjin this time,” he tilts his head curiously.
Damn, Jisung almost forgot about why he's in this situation in the first place: that stupid dare that's making his mind run in circles. “Haha, well, it’s… it's nothing.” He says oh-so eloquently.
Felix pouts. “I'm so curious now. Can’t you tell me, please?”
Jisung's heart stutters a bit at the way the other's lip juts out. Cute. “I-It's just…” he sighs. How is he supposed to say no to that face? “Um.. he dared me to… to give someone here a… a handjob…?” It comes out like a question for some reason.
Felix's eyes widen. “Oh.” He pauses and Jisung feels like he already messed things up. He's just about to change the subject when Felix speaks again. “Were you… gonna ask me..? Is that why you came up to me?” he asks hesitantly.
Jisung waves his hands around frantically. “No! No, I mean—” He cringes. “Kind of..? I kind of wasn't thinking and just went to the first person I saw, but when I recognized you I changed my mind, I swear!” 
For some reason, this only makes Felix look sad. “You didn't want to because it was me..?” he asks quietly.
“I-I mean—it's just, you're—...” 
“I'm what, Jisung..?” Felix looks hurt.
Jisung doesn't know what to do. He thought he was being considerate of Felix by not wanting to do this with him but Felix seems upset?? God, what did he do!? 
“N-No, it's not you, I mean, it's not that I don't like you! I just figured you'd be uncomfortable or something so…” 
“Oh.” Thankfully, Felix seems slightly placated. “W-Well, I'm not, so…”
Jisung blinks. “Um, you're not.. What do you mean…” he laughs nervously.
“I'm not uncomfortable. I'll let you… if you want… I don't, um, mind.”
Jisungs mouth falls open and he gapes at Felix. Surely, he misheard. “A-Are you serious?”
“Mhm…” Felix nods, his face pink.
“Um.” Jisung blinks rapidly as his brain practically short circuits at what Felix is saying. He's okay with it?! Jisung swears he must be losing his mind. This is a dream, right? There's no way he would actually agree to this. His brain suddenly conjures up images of what it would be like to touch Felix in that way. Oh my god. 
Unsure if Felix notices Jisung's brain melting out of his skull, he's snapped back to reality when he hears Felix hesitantly ask, “Do you not want to..?”
“No! I mean, yes? I mean, it's just a little weird, you know? But you'd be doing me a favor I guess, so… yeah. Um, if you're sure you're okay with it?” Jisung swallows.
Felix's lips turn up slightly and he nods, effectively quelling the anxiety that had been bubbling up in Jisung's stomach. And, wow, he must be more tipsy than he thought because suddenly he thinks Felix looks even more beautiful than before.
Jisung's heart stutters inexplicably again. He nods. “Okay, let's um, go somewhere?” He grabs Felix's hand.
The two of them find an empty bedroom and Jisung locks the door behind them as they walk in.
Jisung shuffles onto the bed somewhat awkwardly, Felix joining him slowly. They sit like that for a few seconds and Jisung notices Felix fidgeting with his hands slightly.
Jisung decides to break the silence. "Um." Felix lifts his head. "You know you don't have to do this right? Like, really, really don't have to," he laughs nervously.
Felix nods, "Yeah I... I know, thanks." He gives a soft smile. "I guess I'm just a little nervous? I don't know." 
Jisung bites his lip. "Have you ever..?" 
Felix looks back down at his hands. “Um… a few times back in Australia but, like, not that far."
“Oh okay. You always seem so shy about the topic so I thought..”
Felix blushes slightly. “I went to a catholic school, so I'm just.. not used to talking about it so openly I guess,” he shrugs.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I've never done this before,” Jisung admits. Felix looks up in what looks like shock. "I mean—! I mean, never with a guy. I'm uh, y'know, I'm straight."
Felix blinks for a second. He nods slowly.
"Anyway! It's not a big deal right? Are—are you sure you're still okay with this?"
“Um.. if you are.”
“Yeah, well, I'm not really the one with a choice here..” Jisung laughs. 
Felix frowns. “Of course you have a choice. Why would your friend dare you to do this anyway if you're straight?? That's kinda weird.”
“Is it..? I feel like it's… I mean, it's not really a big deal. Just a brojob between bros. It doesn't have to be weird, right?”
“A bro—...” Felix coughs out a laugh. “R-Right. If you're sure.”
Jisung nods. “Yeah. Are you?”
Felix nods as well.
"Okay, should I just, um," Jisung shifts so he's closer to Felix and reaches for the other's thigh. He's kind of at an odd angle though, so, without thinking much about it, he swings a leg over Felix so he's sitting in the other's lap.
Felix just stares up at him with wide eyes. Shit, did he make things too weird? "Uh.. is this okay?" 
Felix blinks and clears his throat. "Yeah. You can, um, start. I'll tell you if I want you to stop," he says quietly.
"Okay," Jisung whispers, afraid to break whatever strange atmosphere has settled around the two of them.
He tried to sound confident earlier but god, he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Unable to bear looking into Felix's eyes any longer, Jisung looks down and slowly, hesitantly slides his hand up Felix's leg and presses against the front of his jeans.
Felix lets out a huff of air so Jisung does it again, working over Felix's jeans until he's breathing heavily and Jisung can feel a more prominent bulge under his fingers.
"Um should—can I take these off?"
Felix lets out a shaky breath. "Yeah."
Jisung undoes the button and pulls down the zipper almost painstakingly slowly. He can feel the younger's eyes on him but he refuses to meet them. Once it's fully unzipped, Felix shifts and lifts his hips up so Jisung can pull his pants and boxers down.
And oh my god. Jisung didn't think that he would literally ever think this about another guy's dick but it looks almost... pretty? He just stares for a few moments, unsure of how to proceed when his head feels fuzzy with radio static.
Felix shifts nervously under Jisung's gaze. "Jisung..." It's almost a whine and fuck, since when did Felix sound that pretty? He swears his name has never sounded prettier on someone else's lips.
But shit, right, Felix is right in front of him, Jisung is basically on top of him, and he's waiting for Jisung to touch him.
So he does.
As soon as he wraps his fingers around Felix and starts to move, the younger shudders and sighs quietly. Having literally no other experience, Jisung just tries to do what does on himself. He slides his hand up and down slowly, and when he swipes his thumb over the tip, Felix lets out a little moan that prompts Jisung to look at his face for the first time since they started. And oh.
Felix's eyes have fluttered shut and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed. He's flushed, mouth hanging slightly open as he draws in shallow breaths. Jisung doesn't know what to do besides stare and keep moving his hand as he tries to commit the image in front of him to memory.
Felix bites his lip and grips the sheets when Jisung goes over the head again and holy shit, he's leaking so much. Jisung doesn't really know what he's doing but he supposes he's doing it right by the way Felix is breathing heavily through his nose, lips pressed shut. Jisung wishes he wouldn't try to be quiet.
"Felix." He looks up, and fuck, Jisung didn't think this through because now Felix is looking at him, eyes dark and heavy, and Jisung hears static again.
"Yeah? Ahh—" He moans before pressing his lips and eyes shut again.
"Don't—don't cover your noises."
Felix looks at him with an unreadable expression that makes him think he overstepped for a second, but then he slowly nods and complies, letting out more and more of those pretty little sounds that are making Jisung lose his mind.
On one particular stroke Felix tips his head back and cries, "Fuck, Jisung, please.."
Jisung seriously thinks he might pass out. "You're so pretty."
Felix shivers and whimpers, eyes shut tightly and Jisung literally has no clue what possessed him to say that but after seeing Felix's reaction he sure isn't planning on stopping any time soon.
"So pretty." A little noise from the back of Felix's throat. He feels like he's under a spell, words just falling out of his mouth. "S-So beautiful like this, making the prettiest sounds. Baby..."
Felix gasps into Jisung's chest, cock twitching as he lets out an embarrassed keening noise. One of his hands comes up to grasp Jisung's arm for leverage. 
Until now, the hand not on Felix's cock has been just sitting on the bed, so Jisung tentatively brings it to Felix's waist. And holy fuck his waist is so small but at the same time Jisung could feel well defined abs through his shirt and how is Felix even real?
He hesitantly slips his hand under the hem of Felix's shirt, who gasps at the sudden skin contact.
"Is this okay?"
Felix nods and Jisung feels his breath catch when a small hand covers his own, guiding it further along his torso in a silent plea to keep going.
He continues to explore the expanse of Felix's body in awe as the younger drops his hand to grip at Jisung's thigh instead. He's panting heavily and letting soft moans and whimpers slip past his lips with every drag of Jisung's hands along his cock or abdomen. 
Jisung trails the hand on Felix's chest higher until he slowly, experimentally brushes over his nipple. Felix arches his back into Jisung's hand and his head tips back as he moans so fucking low in his throat it really shouldn't be possible. 
Jisung watches Felix shake under him as he rubs his thumb in circles over the nub before moving to the other one. He starts letting out desperate little whines, the stark contrast from his low moans leaving Jisung's head reeling.
"Fuck, fuck, I can't—m'gonna—" 
Jisung takes it as a sign to redouble his efforts, stroking faster until Felix is gasping, "please please, Jisung, please," and it's all Jisung can do to stare dumbly as he moans and cums in streaks of white that slide down Jisung's hand. He works him through it, pulling his hands away once the younger's breathing has calmed down a bit.
For several seconds, they just sit there, sharing heavy breaths. Unable to meet the other's eyes, Jisung stares at his hand, covered in Felix's release. He almost wants to lick it which—okay, what the fuck. He isn't going to think about where that thought came from right now.
He takes a deep breath and grabs a tissue from the nightstand.
Felix does the same. Jisung finishes wiping his hand and looks up to see that Felix is also cleaned up, and after pulling his pants back up he hides his face in his hands. 
Jisung's heart sinks. He ruined everything didn't he? "Um.. are you okay? I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable—"
Felix's head lifts up, eyes wide. "No! No, I mean, wouldn't it have been more uncomfortable for you? I'm just embarrassed," he says, cheeks red and looking to the side.
"Huh?? Why are you embarrassed?" Jisung says incredulously. If anyone should be embarrassed, it's Jisung for getting so wrapped up in the dare. Saying all those things to Felix, telling him to not be quiet, calling him baby?? He feels like he's on fire from embarrassment, hot and flushed all over.
"What do you mean? You're not the one who was just begging like a little bitch. Fuck, I'm so sorry." He drops his head back into his hands.
Jisung taps his chin thoughtfully. "You have a praise kink," he says observantly.
Felix flushes and gasps. "I do not! " He lunges forward and Jisung's not entirely sure what happened but suddenly he's on his back and Felix is on top of him and it feels good and he moans when the other boy presses into him, what the fuck?
What the fuck.
Felix stares down at him with wide eyes and Jisung's positive he's bright red right now. What the fuck, he's hard? Just from touching Felix? This was absolutely not part of the plan. What the fuck. He closes his eyes and desperately wishes for the soft bed covers to consume him so he would never have to face Felix or anyone ever again.
Alas, he hesitantly opens his eyes and Felix is still hovering on top of him. Why, why, why hasn't he moved yet? Jisung can't even try to run away. There's truly no escape, he'll just have to face this hell that he created for himself.
Right when he opens his mouth to sputter out an apology or something, he isn't really sure, Felix moves against him again and it just feels so good and Jisung fucking moans again.
Felix inhales sharply. "Sorry, oh my god I shouldn't have— Are you—? Fuck— Do you want me to like… Like I wouldn't mind if— Since y'know... But should I stop?" he stutters.
Jisung doesn't know what stupid sex hormones he's drunk on, or maybe he's still feeling tipsy from the lemonade earlier because he's struck with the vague and inexplicable urge to kiss the boy on top of him.
Or maybe that's just the effect Felix has on him.
"Kiss me..?" He mumbles and subsequently watches Felix's eyes widen along with his own. He slaps his hand over his mouth in horror.
"No wait, fuck, I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so stupid—"
Now Felix's hand is the one to cover Jisung's stupid mouth and he squeezes his eyes shut both in embarrassment and a weird surge of arousal at the feeling of having his mouth covered which he is not going to think about right now.
"I.. can do that… if you really want me to?" Felix says while looking back and forth between Jisung's eyes, like he's searching for something.
Jisung's brain short circuits and he barely registers nodding or saying yes but he must have because it's all too fast how Felix is leaning down and their faces are inches apart and all Jisung can think about is how soft and pretty the other boy's lips look and is it normal to be thinking that—?
Felix kisses him sweetly, almost a little too sweetly considering the situation, and Jisung parts his lips instinctively. The kiss deepens quickly and Jisung gasps against the other's mouth when his thigh presses against the front of Jisung's pants.
"Is this okay still?" Felix asks gently. He looks so fucking ethereal above him like this it makes Jisung want to cry.
He nods. "Please don't stop."
Felix inhales shakily and nods before leaning back down, this time his lips attaching to Jisung's neck as his leg presses back against him.
Jisung can't help the noise that escapes him, he feels floaty already with just being touched through his clothes like this. 
“You can.. pretend I'm a girl or something,” Felix whispers as his mouth travels down his neck. Right. Right, that's probably why Jisung is feeling this way. Felix is so pretty, almost like a girl and he must be getting confused, it's only natural, right? But for some reason Jisung really really doesn't want to imagine Felix as a girl. 
“I-Is that what you did with me?” Jisung asks through a gasp as Felix bites his neck.
“Um, well, I'm bi so..” he looks up bashfully.
“Oh. Right, okay.” So Jisung's the only one who's weird here for enjoying this. Cool. He's not left much time to dwell on it because Felix's hand starts snaking down to press over Jisung's clothed dick, which at this point is embarrassingly hard and straining against his pants.
Felix toys with the button and raises his head, meeting Jisung's eyes to ask for permission. Jisung gives a little nod, nervousness and excitement bubbling together as Felix undoes the button and zipper and finally, finally, touches him for real.
Jisung hadn't realized he'd been waiting for so long.
His head falls back when Felix touches him and he's barely even doing anything yet but it feels unreal. He has the fleeting thought that maybe this is exiting platonic brojob territory and becoming something he's entirely unequipped to deal with. Maybe even since the kiss, or when he called Felix pretty, but he doesn't have the mental capacity to think too hard about it right now or even care. All his thoughts fly out the window when Felix's mouth finds his own again.
"Need you to stay quiet for me, I think I hear people outside," Felix murmurs against his lips, his voice impossibly low. Jisung hadn't even noticed he was making sounds.
"Don't want anyone else hearing you like this," Felix continues, muffling Jisung's moans with his mouth as he keeps moving his hand up and down his length slowly. Where the hell did he learn to talk like that?! The increasingly deep timbre of his voice was not doing Jisung's sanity any favors.
Felix must deem the hallway clear now because he removes his mouth from Jisung's, and Jisung is back to moaning abashedly. 
“D-Does it feel good?” Felix asks, as if he's unsure of himself. Jisung squeezes his eyes shut. Is it not obvious from the way he's reacting?
“I just—wanna make sure I'm doing okay.”
“It feels—oh god—really good.”
Felix grins shyly. “Yeah?”
Jisung brings a hand up to cover his mouth and nods. He can feel himself getting close embarrassingly fast. He starts to whine and his hips stutter a bit into Felix's hand. “Please..”
Felix leans down and presses his lips to Jisung's throat again. He bites down, not enough to leave a mark but it feels dizzyingly good nonetheless. Jisung's never had someone overpower him like this before. He feels completely at Felix's mercy. It makes him shiver.
“Jisungie, you're so…” Felix murmurs into his skin, lips trailing along his collarbone.
Jisungie. His heart wobbles at the nickname and he can't help but whine. Felix is driving him insane. “Felix I think I'm—aahh, Felix, Lix..”
He pulls away from Jisung's neck with a smack. “Yeah, Sungie?”
“C-Can you—..” he looks at Felix's lips pleadingly.
Felix immediately presses his lips to his in a passionate kiss. Jisung moans into it and before he can properly warn Felix or anything, he's cumming with a high pitched keen. If he were more aware of himself he'd be embarrassed by the noise but as it is he can't even feel his legs properly. He shakes as Felix brings him down from his high. Then they just stay there, breathing heavily against each other's mouths.
Felix moves first, taking a deep breath before leaning up and away from Jisung. He peers down at him with bated breath. Jisung just lays there, hair fanning out around him. He feels sluggish, entirely spent and he stares back at Felix like a real angel descended from heaven. He seriously wouldn't be surprised if he actually were.
His trance is broken by Felix's voice, “Are you okay?”
Jisung blinks as he registers the words. He nods and slowly sits up. Felix offers him a small smile.
Once they've cleaned up, the euphoric feeling in Jisung's gut starts slowly transforming into a deep rooted anxiety that crawls its way up his spine. Fuck. What did they just do? What the fuck is happening to him? He feels himself shrinking away from the other boy instinctually, but he catches himself and clears his throat, attempting to straighten up.
“Um.. are we bros now?” He tries to joke, but his laugh sounds forced even to him.
Felix's lip quirks up for a second but he looks at him carefully. “Is that what you want? To be bros?”
Jisung opens his mouth to say something like of course bro or yeah what else? But his throat closes up. A sudden, inexplicable feeling of fear creeps into his gut.
He feels like he's suffocating, almost choking on air as he tries to get words out. “I— I don't know what... what I want. I'm so confused right now, I…”
“Hey, it's okay—”
“N-No! No, it's not. I'm sorry, I can't—” He shakes his head and leans away from Felix. He can't shake the sinking feeling that something is very, very wrong with him. How could he let this whole thing happen? Why is he feeling like this? He feels like a fraud of himself. He doesn't know what to do, he can't even process his feelings. He just knows he needs to get away from here, now.
He stands up quickly. Felix reaches for him but he's already crossing the room in long strides. As he twists the doorknob, he glances back to see Felix sitting with a hurt and confused expression before he shuts the door behind him.
Fuck. Jisung still can't breathe. He feels like it's only getting worse now that he's out in the open where people could see him. At least the hallway is currently empty, and he stumbles down it, not sure where he's going but just needing to get away. 
He staggers into an empty room. At least, he thought it was empty, but as he crosses the doorway he's met with a pair of familiar eyes on a head of long blond hair.
“Hyunjin,” he says wobbly.
Hyunjin's eyes go wide when he sees the shaky state Jisung is in. “Jisung? What's wrong?”
That's when Jisung breaks down. Tears start streaming down his cheeks in rivulets. “I h-hate you! Why'd you make me do that??”
“Whoa, hey…” Hyunjin reaches for him and pulls Jisung to sit beside him. “I'm so sorry, Sung… Please calm down and tell me what's going on?”
“The dare, you idiot. I did your stupid dare!”
Understanding and a flash of regret click in Hyunjin's eyes. “...Ah.”
“Everything was fine. Now everything is.. I don't even know.” Jisung cries, pressing his hands into his eyes.
Hyunjin rubs his back soothingly. “Okay, shh, let's calm down first… So you did the dare? Can I ask who you did it with?”
Jisung sniffs as he tries to calm his breathing. “It was F-Felix.”
“Fe-lix?” Hyunjin repeats. “The kid from Australia?” Jisung nods. “Oh, Jisung…”
“I-It's your fault! You dared me, and then you were all like ‘I'll know if you don't do it’. What the hell!”
“God, I'm sorry Jisung. I wasn't thinking… I was just being dramatic, I'm not omniscient. How would I know if you did it or not?”
“I don't know, you just…”
Hyunjin sighs. “Okay, let's relax. First, did he hurt you? I'll kick his beautiful, angelic ass if he did anything to you.”
Jisung cracks a smile in spite of himself and shakes his head.
Hyunjin's face softens. “Then what happened..?”
“I… I don't know, he made me so… confused..”
One of Hyunjin's eyebrows lifts. “...He made you confused,” he deadpans.
“Like… like…” Jisung grips his hair. “God! I don't even know! Am I normal? I don't feel normal. I think something's wrong with me. I.. I don't understand what's happening.”
Hyunjin wipes the tears on his cheeks. “Why do you think something’s wrong with you?” he asks gently.
“Th-there's— I— I think I liked it too much,” Jisung whispers.
“You liked what? …touching Felix?”
Jisung cringes. “Y-Yes, which is so weird already, but then he— you don't understand, he also— touched m-me, and I liked it, so much, like— which is so weird— it scares the shit out of me— I a-asked him to kiss me, like, like a psychopath or something, he probably thought I was so creepy b-but he was so nice and so pretty and… I don't know what to do… Hyunjin I feel like I'm— like this isn't normal.”
Hyunjin just presses his lips together and nods, encouraging Jisung to continue.
“Like… like… he's a guy. Like yeah, he's objectively pretty but he's… he said to pretend he was a girl but I didn't, I don't think I even wanted to, but, like, I'm—I'm straight, right? I mean… I mean, yeah, it's not like I suddenly— I like girls! I know I like girls so why… like I shouldn't enjoy t-touching another guy right? That's…” Jisung shakes his head with wide, teary eyes. “I'm not like, gay.”
Hyunjin winces but he looks at him with something akin to pity. “Ouch dude, you know I'm gay, right? You're not… broken or anything, I promise this is normal Jisung.”
Jisung sighs into his hands. “Fuck. I know. God, I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean it like that… I just mean like.. there's no way I'm… like shouldn't I have known by now? I'm not, like a teenager anymore. I just.. I like… girls… it doesn't make sense, why is this happening now?” 
“It's okay, you can still like girls, you can like both. Even if you don't, that's still okay. Okay? It's not… there's not a predefined time when you realize this stuff. Some people live their whole lives in denial. This is normal. You're normal.”
Jisung nods. “R-Right, of course I can still like girls. So, maybe I'm like… bisexual or something? But honestly I've never—” He presses his fingers against his eyelids. “I mean, I don't think— but maybe? N-No I've never... But it's not like I see Felix as a girl, I mean, I touched his dick a-and he— his voice is like… crazy, I don't even know— B-But I've definitely never liked boys before so how would I suddenly—?”
Hyunjin rubs his shoulders. “It's okay. You don't have to figure it all out right now. Take your time. I'm here for you, okay?”
“I'm scared, Hyunjin,” he whispers.
Hyunjin's face breaks and he sighs. “I know. I'm sorry. I think I gave you that dare so you'd have an awakening or something but that was stupid. I didn't think… I hate seeing you like this.”
“Wha—... huh?? So you knew I'm maybe not super straight even before this?!”
Hyunjin bites his lip. “I didn't really know. I just had a feeling. And honestly, I wasn't expecting you to actually do it.”
Jisung's jaw drops, momentarily forgetting his anxiety. “You weren't expecting me to— Hyunjin! How could you think so low of me!”
“Okay, sorry! I shouldn't have dared you to do that knowing you'd be crazy enough to actually do it.” Jisung hits his arm. “It was more just to get you thinking about it!”
“You're crazy.”
“I'm smart. My gaydar is never wrong,” he taps the side of his head. “And I clocked you the day we met but you said you were straight... I was probably too tipsy earlier and figured I'd test you a little. That's all. I'm really sorry. I feel terrible for causing you this much stress.”
Jisung sighs. “It's okay. I just can't believe— how did you know? None of this makes sense…”
Hyunjin shrugs. “Like I said… I'm smart.” Jisung hits him again. “Okay, okay! But maybe this is good? Learning things about yourself?”
Jisung swallows. “Right… learning things…” he sighs. “I just—I screwed it up with him didn't I? I ran away. I just left him there.”
“You didn't screw it up. You're literally having a full blown identity crisis! He'll understand if you explain it to him.”
“But, what if he doesn't want to listen, or he already hates me, or… you should've seen his face when I left, oh god, I'm a horrible person—”
“Shh. Jisung. Do you like him?”
Jisung's face burns. “T-That's— I don't—”
“I mean, do you care about him? As a friend?”
“Of course,” Jisung pouts.
“Then you should talk to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's still here. Just explain what happened, that you're going through a lot but you don't hate him. Right?”
Jisung nods. “Right, I—You're right. I don't want him to think that I find him gross or something, oh my god.”
“He's probably just confused too. Don't worry. Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, I… I think I'm okay now. Thanks though.” He stands up and touches his face. “D-Do I look like I've been crying?”
Hyunjin smiles sympathetically. “A little, but he'll understand. Go before he leaves!”
Jisung nods and runs for the door. He pauses there and turns around.
“I'm sorry for yelling at you.”
He waves him off. “It's okay, I kind of deserved it I think. We're good, okay? Now, go!”
Jisung doesn't need to be told twice. He's out the door in seconds and practically sprinting his way back to the room he left Felix in.
“...God, it's so hard being right all of the time,” Hyunjin sighs.
Felix isn't there.
The room is empty. Felix isn't here.
Oh god. What if he already left and he's avoiding him and Jisung will never be able to talk to him and Felix will think he hates him and—
He takes a deep breath. He shouldn't jump to conclusions. He has Felix's number, he should just text him. He pulls out his phone.
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He paces around the room as he waits for his phone to light up. After a few minutes of nothing he sends a couple more messages and sighs. Maybe Felix is still at the party somewhere? Should he look for him?
Yeah, he decides, he needs to talk to Felix and make sure he's okay. Make sure they're okay. He can't stand the thought that Felix might think he hates him. It couldn't be farther from the truth.
Jisung paces out of the room and begins scouring every room for the familiar head of blond hair. But he's nowhere to be seen. Jisung tries not to cry. He's just about to loop around to where he started when he's stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He jumps. Felix?
“Jisung? Are you okay?” No, of course it's not. Jisung turns to face the familiar voice. 
“Seungmin,” he breathes shakily.
Seungmin gently places both hands on Jisung's shoulders. “What happened? You look frantic. What's going on?”
That's it. Jisung breaks down in tears. Again. He hates crying in front of another one of his friends but he can't help himself right now.
Seungmin looks alarmed. “Did someone do something? Are you hurt?” Jisung shakes his head. Seungmin sighs in relief. Then, his eyebrows draw together. “Wait, does this have to do with that dare?” 
Jisung hesitates, before nodding. 
Seungmin exhales. “Okay, we're leaving, okay? You can tell me about it on the way home if you want. Or not, but I don't think this place is very conducive to your wellbeing right now.”
Jisung nods and lets Seungmin guide him through the halls and crowds until they're outside. And he's right. As soon as he steps out of the claustrophobic walls he feels like he can breathe easier again. He sighs and wipes the last of the tears off his face.
Seungmin lets go of his hand. “You feeling better?” he asks.
“Yeah. Thanks, I.. guess I needed to get out of there.”
Oh, right. He should text Felix and let him know he's leaving, just in case he really is still at the party somewhere. He pulls out his phone. Seungmin looks at him, a question clearly painted on his face, but he stays quiet.
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Jisung sighs after hitting send and stuffs his phone in his pocket again. Seungmin looks at him searchingly. “What happened…?”
Jisung bites his lip. His immediate instinct is deflect, deflect, deflect, but he really should tell Seungmin. He deserves to know. Jisung explains the whole situation on the way back to their dorm, from the dare to his conversation with Felix, to his panic in the aftermath and talk with Hyunjin. Seungmin listens quietly, intently. Jisung leaves out the details of what actually happened with Felix, but it's hopefully enough for Seungmin to get the picture.
When Jisung finally finishes, Seungmin blows out a long puff of air, his cheeks puffing up. “Wow. I don't even… Damn. That's crazy.”
Jisung leans his head back and groans with his hands over his face. “I know. What do I even do now?”
“Flee the country.” Seungmin says matter of factly. Jisung huffs out a laugh. “Sorry. I'm shit at giving advice. But I know Felix. He doesn't seem like the type of person who wouldn't at least hear you out, you know? Don't stress too much.”
“Then why is he ignoring me??” Jisung frowns.
“There's so many possibilities, dude. He might be feeling equally as overwhelmed right now or his phone could be dead or he might just not have checked yet. It hasn't even been that long. Give him time.” Seungmin, ever the voice of reason.
“Yeah… yeah, you're right. I'm just—I don't know. I don't even know.”
“I'm always right.” Seungmin, ever the voice of arrogance. “It'll be fine, Jisung.”
“Okay… Just know, if you're wrong I will come crying to you.”
Seungmin's lips curl up. “I'm always right. But okay, sure.” He pauses. “Honestly, I'm surprised you even did the dare, I even gave you an easy escape and everything.”
Jisung lets out a loud sigh. “I don't even know, man. Maybe a part of me, like, wanted to… I'm so confused about everything to be honest.”
Seungmin hums. “This is kind of life altering shit you're going through. You're handling it pretty well, all things considered.”
Jisung's looks at him, lips forming an ‘o’. “You think?”
He nods, “I think I'd have broken down or something by now if it were me.”
“I'm—well, I'm trying not to. I guess I went through most of the whole breakdown freakout thing with Hyunjin. I'm just trying not to think about it too hard right now I guess.”
“That's fair. Don't rush it. Uh, and I'm here if you ever wanna... talk or whatever,” Seungmin waves his hand around.
Jisung smiles. “Thanks, Min. Seriously.”
“Yeah, yeah…” he says but he mirrors his smile.
The next morning, Jisung wakes up feeling more refreshed than he expected. He doesn't feel great, but at least he doesn't feel like his whole life and everything he thought he knew about himself is turning upside down like yesterday. That's something.
As much as he was glued to his phone last night, waiting for a message from Felix, he doesn't want to check his phone right now, scared of what he might (or might not) see. Everything feels more real now, outside of the illusionary haze of last night, and he's just not ready to face anything yet.
Instead, he busies himself with mindless tasks, like brushing his teeth and pouring a bowl of his favorite hangover cereal. He's not even hungover, he didn't drink that much, but he just needs that extra emotional support right now. It helps, he thinks.
Eventually, he has to face reality. His phone looms at him from his bedside table, facedown but glaring at him. Jisung sighs and reluctantly picks it up. 
He cringes a little when he sees the multiple notifications from his messenger app. There's a text from Seungmin saying he's out studying with a friend but to let him know if he needs anything. Studying the morning after a party? Nerd. But Jisung smiles at the kind gesture and types out a quick reply saying thanks but he'll be fine.
And.. there's a little number by Felix's contact name too. He doesn't even want to open it. He wants to crawl back into bed and hide for the rest of the day. He wishes this had all happened yesterday when he was still in the moment and running on adrenaline.
But this is a good thing! Felix isn't ignoring him. This is good. Jisung takes a deep breath and clicks into the message.
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He breathes out slowly. Okay.. Felix doesn't seem angry? He wants to meet up at least. Or what if he's just waiting until they're in person to unleash everything and tell Jisung to never talk to him again? God, he can't tell.
He doesn't want to respond. Okay, no, he needs to respond. He's the one who texted first anyway. Fuck, this is scary though.
He takes another deep breath to steady himself before carefully typing out a reply.
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Jisung's heart races when Felix's reply comes in within only a couple minutes. Thank god Felix doesn't seem creeped out at coming over. Jisung quickly agrees to the time and texts Felix his dorm and room number.
Then he waits. After sufficiently freaking out for an hour, stress cleaning and everything, Jisung hears a knock at the front door. Oh fuck. He's so not ready.
Regardless, he trudges over to the door. He takes a deep breath before unlocking and opening the door. 
Felix is standing there, bundled up for the chilly weather in a jacket but also sporting a pair of loose ripped jeans, which Jisung thinks is pretty contradictory. How are you gonna put so many layers on and then just have holes in your pants? How does that make sense? One hole above the knee is large enough that Jisung can literally see the outline of Felix's thigh. 
“Um… hi…” Jisung's eyes snap up. Wait, what was he even doing just now? He wasn't like… checking Felix out or something, right? No, that's absurd. Felix's torn up pants are absurd, and that's all he was thinking. About his pants. His jeans. 
“Hi,” Jisung replies awkwardly. Why is this so awkward? They haven't even said anything yet. God. “Sorry, um, come in?” He gestures and holds the door open.
Felix murmurs a soft “thanks” as he cautiously steps inside and looks around a bit.
“Um, thanks for coming…” Jisung starts. “Seungmin— my roommate isn't here right now. But we can go to my room if you want?”
Felix's eyes suddenly light up. “Seungmin? Kim Seungmin? Tall, funny, braces?”
Jisung blinks. “Yeah, what? You know him? Wait, you think he's funny?” He wrinkles his nose.
“Yeah! Well, maybe at my own expense… We're partners in this cooking class I'm taking.”
Jisung starts walking and leads Felix in the direction of his room as his eyebrows furrow. “A cooking—? No way. Seungmin can't cook.” 
Felix giggles. “Oh, I know. I swear it's actually contagious or something because suddenly I start forgetting basic things like how to use a mixer just by being near him. I think it's a curse.”
Jisung laughs, eternally grateful for the lighthearted shift in the atmosphere, the tense and awkward air dissipating. Talking with Felix is just like that, so easy. “Yeah, I keep him out of our kitchen for his own good. I had no idea he was taking a cooking class though, what the hell?”
Felix hums. “Maybe he's trying to improve?”
“Or he's just trying to cause chaos. And from what you said, it seems like it's working.” Jisung shakes his head as they step into his room.
“Maybe…” Felix mumbles, but his focus has shifted elsewhere. He takes in Jisung's room, seeming to observe every visible corner: anime posters on the wall and an acoustic guitar in the corner and the stuffed animals on his bed. Jisung blushes, suddenly grateful for his stress-induced tidying of every nook and cranny. He hadn't realized how intimate it can be letting someone new into his space like this. This is Felix's first time in his room.
Felix. In his room. Why does it feel weird? 
It doesn't, does it? Jisung is the only one making it weird. It's not weird for friends to hang out in each other's rooms. That's literally extremely normal. But still… Jisung usually waits until he's way closer with people before letting them in his room. He can't place the anxious feeling swirling in his gut.
“I like your room,” Felix says softly. “It's like how I imagined.”
“W-What does that mean??”
“It's a compliment! It's very you.”
“Okay well… thanks,” Jisung mumbles. Has Felix really imagined his room before? How close are they that Felix knows enough about Jisung to think it's very him? He pushes the thoughts aside. 
“So…” He sighs. Here comes the awkward again. But he can't avoid this forever. “Can we talk?” 
Felix nods. “…‘Course,” he says, leaning against the bed slightly. Jisung motions for him to sit down on it and follows suit, since there isn't much else seating in his room. “If you want to!” he stutters out but Felix just smiles and sits down on the bed. On Jisung's bed. Okay, cool, this is fine.
They face each other. “So….” Jisung starts, looking down at his hands in his lap. “I just wanted to apologize. I mean, I feel like we were acting pretty normal just now, and I'm really grateful for that, but you still deserve like, I don't know, an explanation? Or something? So yeah.”
Felix nods silently.
Jisung takes that as his cue to continue. “Right, so, yesterday, it was a dare, right? That wasn't a lie. Me and Hyunjin actually like, talked about it afterwards and we're cool by the way. Just in case you thought—well, I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying. Um…” He takes a deep breath. “I mean, you were really nice about the whole thing and then I just left… kind of suddenly. That was really mean. I… I mean, you looked hurt too. Which, like, fair. That was a dick move. Um…”
Felix's voice is gentle, “Okay, hey, I get it, I'm not actually mad—”
Jisung finally looks up. “But you should be. Y-You're not mad? I would be mad. I mean, maybe not mad but confused? Frustrated? I— I kind of feel like it came across like I was… using you or something. I don't know. But that's not… Honestly I'm just really confused right now because—”
Jisung blinks. “What?”
“Stop, I… I want to apologize too.”
“For what?!”
“For agreeing to it! I shouldn't have cus I…” He shakes his head. “And I kind of pushed you to tell me about the dare. You didn't seem comfortable. And I definitely should've stopped when you said you're straight... I-I was selfish.”
“Selfish?” Jisung repeats. “What?”
Felix sighs. “I agreed cus I was being selfish… Just, selfish reasons. I shouldn't have.”
“What does that even…? Dude, you're not selfish, if anyone is it's me for basically roping you into doing that for me and then leaving you high and dry like…”
Felix shakes his head. “That's not… you don't get it. I am selfish. Even being here right now… Selfish. Stupid.”
Jisung can't even begin to comprehend how that makes sense. “What…?”
“Jisung… Fuck, fine — I-I like you.”
“You like me?” Jisung mimics.
Then it clicks. “Wait, oh. You like… like, like me?”
“...Well, that's good. I was worried it was super obvious for no reason.”
Jisungs mouth must be hanging open. “I... Are you serious?”
Felix laughs nervously. “Does it seem like I'm joking?”
“N-No but… I don't know. Oh my god. Shut up, I'm freaking out.”
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, I know you're straight—”
“That's the thing. I'm not— Just, just, wait a second, oh my god. Oh my god.”
“Jisung…” Felix bites his lip. “I'm sorry, we can just pretend I never said that and go back to normal, please, I promise.”
Jisung puts his hands over his face. “No, shut up… shut up, just wait a second, please. Please just wait.”
Jisung can't see him but Felix at least goes quiet and Jisung can think. He breathes for a few seconds. In and out. In and out.
“…I think I like you too. Like, like like you… so much. Like way more than just bros. But I don't know what that fucking means.”
Jisung's heart is beating out of his chest. He hears a catch of breath. Silence. Then a soft whispered, “What do you mean Jisung, are you sure?”
“Yes, I mean, no, but— I feel something, and this isn't normal, so—”
He feels gentle fingers pulling at his wrists. “Jisung, look at me.” He lets Felix pull his hands down off of his face, which he's sure must be burning red. “It's okay. I don't want you to like… pity me or something. I'm really okay even if you don't like me like that.”
Jisung shakes his head. “N-No, I'm not pitying you Felix, I swear. I really, really—” He swallows. “Even like, your hands just on my wrists right now, making me feel like— I- I don't know,” he breathes.
Felix immediately drops his wrists. “I'm sorry,” he says genuinely.
But that's not what Jisung wanted. “No! I liked it.” He reaches for Felix's hands and interlaces his fingers in his, immediately setting off butterflies in his stomach. “I like this..”
Felix swallows and squeezes his hand a little. “But anyone can like holding hands with anyone, that doesn't mean—”
“But it's not just that. We— Felix, we kissed. I… asked you to kiss me. Did you forget that? And we did… m-more obviously. I liked it.” The more Jisung tries to explain to Felix the more he feels like he's understanding and accepting his own feelings. “That's why I ran away. I was so… confused and.. and scared I guess, cus.. I've never felt… with a guy.”
“I didn't forget,” Felix whispers. “I believe you. I know it's scary. I-I went through it too. Just— Are you sure? I really… I don't wanna get my hopes up if…”
“Can I kiss you?” Jisung blurts out. “Then I'll be sure. I… You can definitely say no.”
Felix closes his eyes and looks to be in some kind of mental anguish for a few seconds. “Yes, okay…” he breathes.
Jisung squeezes the other's hand, still interlaced with his own. He leans in a little. “A-Are you sure?” he asks quietly.
“Yes, yes, please…” Felix says under his breath while leaning in a little as well. That's all Jisung needs before he's closing his eyes and swooping in to close the distance between them. 
It's like magic. Right at the moment their lips press Jisung has his answer. His stomach flips and it feels so different from last night where he was letting Felix have control. He keeps it going for a little longer, not really moving his lips but just pressing into the kiss for a few more seconds, relishing in the way it feels.
When he finally pulls away, Felix's eyes are closed, forehead drawn in as if he's the one going through a crisis right now. 
“What? Please don't say you were wrong. I mean… I mean, of course that's fine but—”
“Felix. I liked it… Oh wait, so I actually like you? Oh my god—”
Felix's eyes fly open. “You really…? You're serious?”
Jisung nods, eyes equally as wide as his.
“Are you sure? Yesterday I can get over, but this feels too real. I don't think I can handle if— I mean, god, sorry, I know you're figuring things out but—”
“Yes. Well, I— I'm still confused about other things but… I'm pretty sure—I mean this feels pretty much exactly like when I have a crush on a girl. So..?” 
“Okay. Okay, sorry. It's not that I don't believe you, I just—I really wasn't prepared for this. But I get it, really.” He takes a deep breath in and out. “So you… you really like me? Really, really?”
Jisung nods shyly. “Um.. really, really. I think more than I realized.”
Felix blushes. “Right, so… I mean, I don't want to be too forward but..? And maybe you're not ready and that's totally okay. But do you wanna..? I mean if we both like each other then… doesn't it make sense if we…”
Jisung squeezes his hand encouragingly. “What are you trying to say?”
“I'm saying—and again, you can say no if this is too fast—but I'm saying… Do you want to… try being my boyfriend…?” He peeks up at Jisung nervously.
Jisung's heart stutters in his chest. He doesn't really have to think about his answer. Even if his brain is telling him it's a little scary, his heart is giving him an answer clear as day. “Yes, y-yes, I want that… to be your… boyfriend.”
Felix flashes a shy, relieved smile. “Yeah?”
“Y-Yeah. Oh my god, a boyfriend. You're my boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?” Jisung presses his hands against the sides of his face, squishing his cheeks.
Felix giggles a little. “Mhm, that's okay right? It feels okay?”
“Yes, I like it, it's a little weird but I really like how that sounds. A boyfriend. My boyfriend.”
Felix blushes. “Ah, stop saying it like that, it's embarrassing…”
Jisung shakes his head. “Can I kiss you again?”
Felix smiles and responds in the form of crashing their lips together. Jisung gasps. It's more intense than the one they previously shared but still very sweet and gentle. Felix's lips are so soft.
Jisung tilts his head to deepen the kiss. “I like you so much,” he mumbles against Felix's mouth between kisses. “Maybe for a while… I always… wanted you to like me… tried to impress you…”
Felix makes a quiet sound and suddenly Jisung feels wetness on his cheeks. “Are you…? Felix?” Jisung pulls away, and sure enough, there are tears pooling under Felix's eyes. Jisung looks at him with concern. “What's wrong?”
Felix ducks his head but smiles, and it's enough to quell Jisung's worries that he did something wrong. “S-Sorry—God, this is embarrassing. I-I don't know why I'm crying. I'm really happy, I promise.”
“Okay. Don't worry about it.” Jisung gently grabs Felix's face and wipes the tears from his cheeks. As he presses the skin below his eyes, an array of tiny dots start appearing, speckling his face. Jisung furrows his eyebrows. “Huh—? Do you have freckles..?”
The skin under his fingers turns pink and Felix squirms his head out of his grasp. “Nooo…”
Jisung gently grabs his face again. “No, let me see, please.” He swipes his thumbs along the other's cheeks, smudging more makeup away.
Felix sighs and seems to relent. “I don't like them…” he mutters.
Jisung is appalled. “Are you serious? Why not?”
Felix shrugs. “I dunno, just looks.. messy? And no one else here has them,” he says with a frown.
Jisung shakes his head. “They're so pretty. You're so pretty. How could you hide these? God, it's like everything little thing about you is so pretty, how is that even possible??”
“Stoooop,” Felix giggles, blushing bright red now. “They're not.. I'm not…”
“You are. You literally turned me gay or something,” he jokes. “That has to count for something.”
Felix laughs, but then his expression turns more serious. “Did I really—? I mean, you think you're gay?”
“Uh—No, I just said that. I don't know. I'm still so fucking confused,” Jisung tries to laugh it off nervously.
Felix nods. “If you wanna talk about it… no pressure of course, but I kind of went through something similar so… just, I'm here for you.”
“Thank you,” Jisung whispers. “Well, I-I think I've been trying not to think about it too much. It's scary,” he admits.
“I know. You're really brave, you know Jisung? It took me like, months—years even?—before I understood and accepted myself.”
“Yeah, but I'm sure that was years ago, right? Why is this happening to me now? Like… I've always liked girls. I don't think that's… yeah, I definitely still like girls. That's all fine. But I've literally never liked boys until now?” Jisung sighs. “Well—maybe—maybe not. I've been thinking, and like, I guess there were guys that I… really admired and… I really wanted them to like me too. To think I'm cool or funny or something. And like, yeah, I felt nervous around them, but I just kind of thought they were intimidating. But maybe…? Is that..? Were those crushes?”
Felix grabs his hand and squeezes it gently. “Maybe. It kind of sounds like it.” He pauses. “Even if they weren't, and I'm the first guy you like, that's okay too. Honestly, that would be hella flattering,” he smiles. “I don't think sexuality is like... It isn't such a rigid thing. It can be more fluid for some people, you know? It's not just black and white. If your feelings are real then that's all that matters, yeah?”
“Y-Yeah. It's just weird. I'm like so past that stage. Why didn't teenage me figure this out?” He huffs out a laugh.
“There's no set timeline for this stuff. It happens differently for everyone, right? And if you don't want to think about it right now you don't have to. You can just like whoever feels natural for you. No need to think about what box you fit into or anything like that.”
“I think I just like you,” Jisung whispers.
Felix's lips quirk up. “Yeah? That's so cute.”
Jisung is sure his face goes red. “Sh-shut up…”
“Never,” Felix grins. “No, but it's okay. You don't have to label yourself, now or ever. You don't have to be gay, or straight, or bi, or... or anything in between. You can just… be, and that's enough.”
Jisung feels tears prick his eyes. He really has no clue why he's getting emotional over this, but somehow Felix is saying exactly what he didn't know he needed to hear. “Okay, but what about Felixsexual?” He jokes.
“Pfft— then I'm Jisungsexual, okay?”
Jisung's heart feels lighter than it's ever been. He giggles. “Okay.”
After calming down, and both their tears are wiped away, the two of them spend a couple hours just talking and cuddling, making up for what feels like so much lost time. Seriously, why didn't they become closer friends sooner? Jisung mentally kicks himself for not being more proactive in befriending him. They click so well. Jisung is so glad Felix seems to love skinship as much as he does, they both initiate it easily and it just instantly feels natural. So easy, just like everything between them.
Eventually, they move to the living room to watch something. After only just a few minutes of scrolling through Netflix, the front door opens. Jisung looks up.
“Oh, hey Seungmin. How was your study sesh?”
“Hey. Uh, fine. Is this a bad time…?” Seungmin asks, glancing at Felix and looking at Jisung curiously.
“No, it's a great time. Seungmin, say hi to my, uh, boyfriend..?” Jisung falters saying that to someone else for the first time and it comes out like a question.
Seungmin doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he doesn't care. “Oh, so you worked it out? I'm glad. Congrats.” He turns to Felix. “I'm Seungmin.”
Felix laughs. “Dude, I'm insulted. I thought we were mates? Does being stove partners mean nothing to people these days?”
Seungmin cracks a smile. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
Jisung jumps up in his seat. “Oh yeah! Seungmin, you're taking a freaking cooking class? Who are you??”
Seungmin shrugs. “I had extra space in my schedule.”
Felix sighs. “I wish I had extra space. I would take another class with Jisung.”
“Aww, what?” Jisung looks at him fondly.
“Seriously. Why do we only have one class together? How am I gonna handle that now that we're together?”
Jisung giggles. “If you had extra time wouldn't it be better to just spend time together and not take an extra class, silly?”
“Oh yeah, I guess. Are you sure you'd be okay with that Sungie?” Felix grins and nuzzles his head into Jisung's shoulder, cuddling into him playfully.
Sungie? Oh, Jisung's done for. He giggles again and kicks his feet (like a fucking schoolgirl or something, embarassing). “Only if you promise to binge watch my favorite animes. And make cookies with me!”
Seungmin makes a gagging sound. “...Ugh, I take back everything I said. You two together are more energy than I can reasonably tolerate. Goodbye.” He throws his hand up in a wave and starts walking to his room. He pauses in his doorway and turns around. “Oh and please for the love of god, no funny business when I'm here. I'm happy for you but not that happy.” 
Jisung turns red and he hears Felix choke on air. “Seungmin!” 
“What? You already did stuff and you weren't even dating yet. I can't trust you guys.”
Jisung throws a cushion at him. “Didn't you say bye already? Bye!!”
Seungmin rolls his eyes and throws up a peace sign before turning around and closing his door.
Jisung glances at Felix, who's equally as red-faced. They stare at each other for a few seconds before both breaking out into giggles.
Yeah, Jisung thinks he'll be alright.
[4 weeks later]
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a/n: take a shot every time you see the word 'like' (u will die). if u made it this far THANK U SOOO MUCH FOR READING WOW! this is my first fic so any feedback would be super appreciated! i'd love to hear your thoughts (^o^) idk how active i'll be here but i've been in a writing mood recently so keep an eye out maybe? again tysm for reading!! ♡
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dreamyeuphoricll · 2 months
Most hated characters according to the internet.
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(I) Pleasure in Battle: Mahito draws pleasure from fights, making him an extremely dark character in the series. It’s frustrating to face an adversary who fights purely for the thrill, rather than any noble motive
(ii) Cold Rationality: Unlike other villains who lose their rationale easily, Mahito remains cool-headed and highly rational. His portrayal as the embodiment of human fear and hatred leaves no room for emotion. This lack of empathy makes him even more unsettling.
(iii) Nihilistic Philosophy: Mahito adheres to nihilism, believing that life lacks inherent meaning. His chaotic worldview stems from evil desires, resentment, and the corruption of humanity
(iv) Manipulative Sadism: Manifested out of sheer hatred and human suffering, Mahito thrives on manipulating human emotions. He takes pleasure in making those around him suffer, adding to his sadistic natu
(I). Sasha’s Tragic Death: She killed Sasha, one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. Sasha’s death was a heartbreaking moment for audiences and other characters in the story.
(ii) Eldian Identity and Marleyan Influence: Gabi is an Eldian, but she despises her own heritage. Born and raised in Marley, she has been surrounded by people who convinced her that Eldians are devils. Despite being one of them, she wishes she were Marleyan.
(iii) Hypocrisy and Aggression: Gabi’s constant aggressive display of hatred towards Eldians, despite being one herself, is seen as hypocritical and annoying by some fans. Her sass, badassery, and frequent screaming have divided the fandom into two camps: those who empathize with her and those who find her irritating.
(I) Inconsistent Character Development: . Despite her raw strength and impressive medical ninjutsu, she frequently relied on stronger characters to save the day. This inconsistency frustrated fans who wanted to see her shine consistently.
(ii) Swinging Between Independence and Dependence: Some fans find Sakura’s character frustrating due to her oscillation between wanting independence and relying on others. This inconsistency can be annoying and contributes to the mixed feelings about her.
(iii) Treatment of Naruto: Early in the series, Sakura was often mean to Naruto. While Naruto’s behavior was initially obnoxious, Sakura’s treatment of him didn’t endear her to fans.
(iv) Obsession with Sasuke: Sakura’s infatuation with Sasuke Uchiha was a point of contention. Her unwavering loyalty to him, despite his actions, frustrated viewers who wanted her to focus on her own growth.
4. Shou Tucker
**Shou Tucker**, the infamous character from *Fullmetal Alchemist*, has earned a special place in the hearts of fans—for all the wrong reasons. Let's delve into why he's so widely despised:
i. Unforgivable Experiments:
- Tucker's most heinous act was fusing his own daughter, Nina with their pet dog, creating a horrifying chimera. The Elric Brothers witnessed Nina's suffering, and her loss became deeply personal for viewers .
- The fact that he did this twice (once with his wife and then with Nina) is chilling.
ii. Lack of Remorse:
- Unlike other villains, Tucker shows no remorse for his deeds. Even the homunculi, with their twisted natures, exhibit some human-like faults. Tucker, however, is a cold sociopath who killed his daughter out of fear of poverty .
(i) Perverted Behavior: Mineta’s disturbingly immature and perverted tendencies are a major point of contention. His attraction toward girls, particularly Momo and Tsuyu, is often expressed in a creepy manner. Fans find this behavior off-putting and cringe-worthy.
(ii) Lack of Character Development:. Some viewers argue that he lacks significant growth or development throughout the series. His perversion tends to overshadow any positive moments he has
(iii) Groping Incident: During the U.S.J. Attack, Mineta’s inappropriate behavior reached a peak when he groped Tsuyu. This disrespectful move upset many fans and intensified their dislike for him.
(iv) Creepiness with Momo: Mineta’s tasteless behavior extends to Momo as well. His use of his sticky grape Quirk for a piggyback ride on her was both weird and uncomfortable. The fact that he didn’t seem to learn from these situations further fueled fans’ frustration.
(I) Lack of Personal Screentime and Character Development:
In the manga, Yuno’s character development is somewhat delayed, with significant focus on him occurring around 300 chapters in.
While it’s been stated that he trains hard and achieves much, the audience rarely witnesses this firsthand, except for filler episodes in the anime.
His sudden power-ups can indeed make him appear overly perfect and less relatable.
(ii) Relationships and Detachment:
Up until a certain point in the manga, Yuno’s significant relationships are primarily with Asta and Bell. Yuno’s introverted nature contributes to the perception of him being boring. While he cares about others, his interactions primarily revolve around Asta.
Fans notice that Yuno’s soul seems to exist only within the context of Asta.
(iii) Overpowered Status:
Yuno’s strength is intentional, serving as a foil and rival to Asta.
However, this can frustrate Asta fans who closely follow his self-improvement journey.
As Asta grows stronger and understands his abilities better, the gap between them narrows.
(Iv) The Spade Arc and Missed Opportunities:
The Spade Arc disappointed you due to unexplored emotional depth.
Yuno’s identity crisis, his royal lineage, and his mother’s survival were intriguing plot points.
Unfortunately, these aspects remained largely unaddressed, leaving fans wanting more.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Ya'll, I had the motivation to write about my Linksona so please forgive my cringe 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 Seeing as I can't draw you'll have to endure my words instead.
But I made it more enjoyable by putting Player in, I'm so smart.
Also tired, I need to stop writing at fuck all o'clock- please forgive me for any potential mistakes.
Warnings: Mentions of stalking, slight mention of body horror, this story is supposed to have a more creepy/scary feel to it so just in case, little mention of blood, mention of death and decapitation
“....there’s something wrong with this Hyrule.”
Uttered by the light of the fire, no one seemed to fight the words. A spell cast over the whole lot, you couldn’t help but watch them all- silent, watching, waiting. 
It scared you. Not a single one of the boys had relaxed ever since stepping through the portal, into the freezing temperatures of the horrid night. Snow graced every step you took, the cold air sneaking under you clothes and chilling you right to the bone. It was too cold, not even a special item seemed to keep away the frost and left every single one of you shivering before you finally ducked into the nearest cave you could find.
That wasn’t the worst of it.
Something was following you.
Word had worked it’s way up the Chain, starting from the trailing head and leading right to the leading as you traversed. You hadn’t been informed until you were finally settled in the cave, cuddled next to Hyrule’s surprisingly warm side when he whispered softly into your ear the words that had been fleeting in the moments earlier. 
“Something has followed us.” You tensed, eyes widening as you glanced over to him with a frightened gaze. He looked sympathetic. “I did not want to worry you, but I also did not want to leave you in the dark any longer.”
A quick glance around the group showed their guards, not a single back open to the mouth of the cave.
You burrowed yourself into his side, terrified.
“...Is it Dink?”
“No I do not believe so.”
“Then what is it…?”
He tightened his arm around you protectively, “I am unsure.”
And thus those words have slipped right from your mouth. “....there’s something wrong with this Hyrule.”
And the man couldn’t help but agree.
Your eyes stayed glued to the mouth of the wave with a similar sense of foreboding that cast over the entire group. Watching, as the snow fell to create a carpet of white on the dense forest floor, the trees shaking in the breeze of the winter night and with a mist of cold gliding along without a care in sight. As beautiful as it was unsettling, you couldn’t really bathe in the sight when every little nerve danced with adrenaline and readied for fight or flight.
Courage ran every single one of these men, even that fourteen year old just a little right of you, and here you were so close to pissing your own fucking pants.
Glancing over you noticed something in the dark, a chill running up your spine.
Two glowing dots, just between the trees.
Your throat dried up, body sinking back into the wall of the cave hoping desperately that it would swallow you whole and spit you back out into a place that wasn’t here. Terrified. You were terrified. No logic, nor reason could help you in this time of peril. A wolf in the forest? No. Your own fear playing tricks, hallucinations haunting your mind? No- you were certain that what you were seeing was real and two feral eyes were staring right at you from within the darkness of the night. Was that what was stalking you? Following you? You-
Epona’s incessant neighs brought you back, eyes snapping towards the mare as she whined and stood, her hooves kicking against the ground as Twilight stood just to her side protectively. Actually, everyone was standing, hands resting on swords and some already pulled as they all focused on the-
…the man standing, staring at you all.
When had he appeared?
“Weary travellers,” He spoke, his voice monotone with not a shred of emotion in his eyes, “It is not safe here, it is best you come with me to shelter.”
That wasn’t a hylian, the doubt strong in your mind. It spoke wrong. It looked wrong. It felt wrong. The uncanny valley was too great for you to deny, it had hylian features, it had a hylian face but there wasn’t a doubt it was a monster in disguise. But not a Yiga, no, their disguises didn't give off this aura- this was way worse.
First scowled, “I know you were a mask, monster, take it off and face us with dignity.”
The thing’s eye twitched and you felt your own hand twitch, the blue of your Sheikah mark slowly blooming into a yellow.
If it attacked, you’d stasis it.
You’d protect yourself and the boys.
Not that they needed it.
“I am a man, just like you.” The words lacked convincing, something shifting in its face- a fire’s shadow couldn’t hide such tricks. “Come with me and I will lead you all to safety.”
It made you sick from just how inhuman it obviously was and how hard it still tried to convince you.
The sound of metal sliding out of it’s sheath pulled your attention to Sky as he readied Fi in his hands, the Master Sword glowing faintly with the power of her holy light. Her sight was relieving, the sword of her hum working to ease your pounding heart and you glanced back at the monster that stared at Sky with wide, dead eyes.
“You…” It hissed, it’s voice a very quick shift from its earlier tone. “Hero of Courage…”
A crack.
A pop.
It’s face began to slowly morph, the boys raising their swords all ready-
When a sword sliced right through its neck and it’s severed head fell heavy to the stony floor, a gargled scream of both pain and anger causing you to slam your hands around your ears in an attempt to save yourself (a little too late) from the absolutely scarring sound.
Blood pooled around the monster, it’s fierce face still frozen in that vicious look before it poofed away like any other monster, leaving behind usual monster part drops in its wake.
Another man now stood in the mouth of a cave more hylian than the last, wiping down his blade before expertly sheathing it back away as he met the eyes of the understandably wary group.
“I apologise.” He spoke, voice quite dull but still holding a human emotion. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you all but it is much better for a sneak attack with such monsters.”
No one spoke a word, the man did a once over.
“Are any of you hurt?” 
His gaze fell to you and you paused, taking him in. Clad in an intimidating set of dark armour, with a very thick and warm looking fur cloak settled on his shoulders, the man seemed to tower over you all in the group, with the obvious expectation of Mecha who stayed crouched just a few inches before you and still very ready to pounce. Dirty blonde curls blew with the wind accompanied by a thick beard and moustache for extra protection from the cold. A pale complexion that almost didn’t stand out in the white of the snow had it not been from the red of his blush and his eyes…you had seen those eyes.
Where had you seen those eyes? Almost inhuman but not quite there, greyish blue looking at you curious, probably studying you similar to how you studied them.
“Is your friend hurt?” He asked suddenly, some turning to you. “They look unwell.”
Hyrule rushed over with words of comfort as he helped you unfurl yourself from your panicked ball, helping you to stand while Time and First took attention by stepping forward.
“Are you alright?” Hyrule asked, grasping your cheek and looking at you properly, “Hurt? Do you feel ill?”
“Just a little scared, Hyrule, that’s all.” An understatement, you were close to having a heart attack. “That monster was creepier than usual.”
He cringed, “I didn’t think you would have to experience one like them.”
“Huh? You’ve seen them before?”
“Yes, just once, but…well, let’s say courage can only do so much when you’re separated.”
You shivered at the thought. It was already horrid enough with the group, you couldn’t even begin to think of the horror that would come with it alone.
“How did you know we were here?” Time asked and the two of you turned, watching as the old man, even then, tried to intimidate the taller man. To his credit, he didn’t seem the least bit affected "And what was that creature?”
The man’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “You do not know of a bugge?”
“We’re not from around him.” Twilight responded, still trying to calm Epona’s jitters. “We’re…travellers.”
“...A bugge is an infected monster from Ganon’s curse.” Everyone tensed at the word, “I was following it when it began to follow something else- which was you all. Despite it’s obvious tricks the monster did not lie, this area is not safe and it would be best to travel to Castle Town. I can lead you there”
Castle Town. You were close to Castle Town, that was good to know.
“How do we know we can trust you?” Legend snarked, crossing his arms over his chest with a glare. “By yourself in the middle of a dangerous forest, somehow tracking the exact monster that lead you to us- quite the coincidence.”
The man glanced to him, eyes still near inhuman. “Are you saying I am a monster?”
“No, but I am saying you’re not very trustworthy.” The Veteran scowled. “So why should we trust you?”
He seemed to take in those words for a moment, staring at the blonde with a dull look that only made him shift uncomfortably as time ticked by- Legend was right. You couldn’t just trust him, you didn’t know who he was and as the Veteran had discussed this was indeed quite the coincidence, especially with your band of heroes.
But then again you felt the caution wasn’t needed, looked at the new face with a feeling that you shared similar to all the men who surrounded you- comfort. Safety. There was an inkling scratching at the back of your mind and you wondered if the assumption that formed from it was correct.
The man zoned back in, blinking. “I have no words to convince you.”
Legend huffed.
“But with the sword the seals the darkness strapped to his back-” He turned towards Sky who straightened, Fi resuming her humming. “I don’t see why you would need to worry, she would have already warned you if I possessed danger.”
“You know of the Master Sword.” Warriors concluded. “Not many we have come across do.”
“I remember the blade that allowed me to end the monster, Ganon.”
Wait, that meant…
“Your name?”
“I believe you already know.” He stood a little taller, a spark of Courage within that greyish blue. 
“I am Link, Hero of Hyrule.”
Another hero.
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murdocking · 8 months
„ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ”
- a chishiya series. ch2 ch4
warnings + notes: mentions of sex… n*ragi…😒 just getting to the beach and getting used to chishiya. this one is short be grateful
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ:
you learned quickly that chishiya was very different from anyone you’ve met. he cooly serves truthful jabs of venom at people as though hes speaking of the weather. but you tried to cling onto the bare of companionship by offering him food and water you had packed- but he refused everytime.
“do you already have somewhere to stay?”
“yes. and it is not here.”
he continues to walk away from you, as he’s been doing for the past 2 miles since you’ve left the game arena.
“well… where is it then?” he sighs out, and you feel that you’re beginning to really annoy him at this point. “far from here.”
“how far?”
“whats with all the questions? don’t you ever stay quiet” he furrows his brows, stopping to look at you while he speaks.
chishiya seems to be like a sensitive brat, any sentence over 3 words makes him decay inside- and he’s kind of right. you have been asking him random questions this whole time.
“well i just want to… get to know you better maybe. you’re the first person i’ve been able to speak for more than 10 minutes to since i got here.” he chuckles a bit before lightly saying “they probably died to get away from you.”
but chishiya lets his own voice sink in and he realizes the cruelty of his words and cringes a bit inside, turning quickly and resuming his walk, “are you planning on following me like some creep?”
you take this as an invitation
“maybe…” though you can’t see him clearly, his hood blocking his face and the moonlight sky being the only source of light- chishiya seems slightly pleased by this response.
its dark, and cold. but only for a little while. when chishiya leads you past a certain corner, thats when you see it.
a hotel resort, brightly shining across the way. you can hear faint music playing and girls jumping and giggling.
“come on” he continues to guide you to the mysterious place’s entrance- not before running into a stranger. his face makes your arms tingle with nerves and fear.
“oh chishiya? you planning on having fun tonight huh?” he leans and rolls his shoulders under the rifle he carries, chuckling just inches away from your face. you feel queasy, his eyes stare and check you out with evil- and you wonder just what did chishiya get you into.
“no niragi. we’re going to see hatter, she’d like to join the beach.”
the beach?
niragi tsks, and leans back before looking at you dead in the eye despite speaking to his beach counterpart. “can’t wait to see her here then. dont be greedy either chishiya”
the creepy pierced man looks at you longer, enjoying the unpleasant face you’re making before walking off into a crowd of bikini wearing women who loudly giggle at his presence.
“ignore him, hes an idiot anyways.” chishiya doesn’t even look at you before making his way into the resort, locating the staircase and wasting no time to go up them. you wouldn’t exactly say you’re feeling that safe at the moment. the run-in with the creepo outside has made you quite unsettled.
“chishiya, if you dont mind me asking” he turns to look at you and you can definitely tell he does mind you asking. “what exactly is this place… what am i joining specifically?” chishiya inhales a quick breath before continuing to walk up the stairs.
“the beach is like a refugee camp, but partying if you will.”
“you dont seem like the party type”
he smiles “glad you realize.”
“so why are you here?”
he pauses for a second, not too long- but long enough for you to notice something is missing from your understanding of your newfound companion.
“hatter will explain it all to you, hes the leader. im simply an executive.” he lifts his arm up, his sleeve falling slightly to expose the beach bracelet he wears, the number 11 printed onto it.
hatter originally gave you the impression of some passive leader, but once he leads you into his personal quarters- without chishiya present, you’re feeling as though the whole place is filled with creeps.
theres a topless woman grinding herself onto his leg while he stares at your frame behind his dimmed sunglasses, swirling his gross liquor in his hand.
once again, you’re feeling small- and slightly scared.
you lower your gaze, his stare is getting too much.
“not sure how much chishiya has told you… but first things first you need a bikini.”
“e-excuse me..?”
you lift your head up quickly and hes menacingly smiling “thats a rule here at the beach. cant hide weapons when youre wearing swimwear. i’ll have someone get something for you don’t worry.” you just nod
“here at the beach, you can enjoy it all. the food, drinks, partying… sex! there’s no limit here. but, a few things.”
he shuffles and slightly pushes the woman on his lap off onto the couch instead, she huffs a bit but resorts to nibbling onto his ear as he leans forward to rest his elbows onto the table in front of you both
“here, all beach members go to games for me. we collect the cards, searching for the answer to these games. and searching for a way out. you’ll be sent to some games, and if you live i expect you to give me the card at the end.”
the card..? you gasp lightly and tell him “wait!” and reach inside your pocket.
his face transforms into a dear smile as he leans closer and snatches the two of diamonds card from your hand
“wow… good job. none of my members have been able to locate this card, shame cus its such a low difficulty.” he examines the card and you nervously laugh, playing with the strings of your pants
“another rule, all doors are unlocked. not a single lock is on these doors- except for the higher positions like myself.” he takes a swig of his drink before continuing. “finally, we bring death to all traitors. you’re a part of the beach now. and you’ll stay a part of it until you die.” his playful demeanor has cut out like a bad signal, and he stares at you blankly- observing how you’ll react.
it takes a minute, but you clear your throat and begin to speak
“can i choose my own swimsuit?”
it takes a while, but you concoct a mix-and-match set that gave more coverage than your other options within your size.
you just decided on a swimsuit skirt set- though you’ll admit the v-plunge of the top was a bit more than what you’d like. the beach bracelet reminds you of the diamond’s bracelet- and you resist the urge to scratch at it.
you search for an empty hotel room, preferably one where theres no discarded clothes littering the bed- or worse… the people doing it on the bed.
eventually you get settled and let your body melt into the plump mattress and thats when you start to feel the exhaustion on your body.
you decide that nows a good time to sleep.
until your hunger wakes you up when dusk sets in. though you truthfully don’t want to go downstairs and feel exposed in the swimsuit, you accept that this is how you’ll have to live your life until you either die or leave the games.
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vestaclinicpod · 9 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 3rd September ✨
I think it’s criminal to have to work on a Sunday instead of going on a little walk and listening to little podcasts, but here we are 🫠 It’s been a frankly ridiculous week of listening and there’s still so much more I haven’t had time to catch yet! 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (131) Percy! Going to get Diggory! I think it makes it so bittersweet that he was about to apologise off the bat because you just KNOW that when they meet for real it won’t happen that easily. My god, I could listen to.a whole show just about this hastily assembled Friends of Zelda team. It’s so lovely to have Alice back in the narrative and I care for Tattery Stabs so much!! ‘How much do you like your brother?’ Really cracked me up. I love how hfth takes horror tropes (e.g. creepy doll) and they’re immediately someone new to love.  Speaking of someone to love!! Hector is putting in a really good bid for the award of ‘most traumatised man in the Hallowoods’, though the competition remains tough. This experience will no doubt have changed him, I can’t wait to find out how!
🦀 @thesiltverses (31) So many new and familiar voices in this new season and all of them are delightful! The writing and delivery of Val’s monologue in particular was so powerful and I was left cringing in my skin at the callous assertions that she is controllable… did we just hear the same thing? I have no idea what is going to happen this season and it’s thrilling and terrifying in equal measure! 
🦮 @malevolentcast (35) This episode is such a rollercoaster oh my god!! There are so many layers of horror here! Not just the fear of the ‘other’ and of what other humans can do, but also the intrinsic fear of losing the self.  What’s happening with John is so very unsettling, it’s been so long that we’ve almost taken for granted the way that John guides Arthur . . . what will he do when he can’t trust John’s assessment of the situation? 
📻 @monstrousagonies (110) penultimate?! Excuse me??!! Penultimate!!! How am I going to cope without having fictional night folk problems solving my actual real life problems every week?? Panic aside, I really loved this episode. I was so glad to hear the presenter telling the author of the first letter that it actually wouldn’t be unreasonable to kick off just a little. I’ve often thought about just bringing a cat home and seeing what my wife would do . . . (I know this is bad, it’s not going to happen 👀) BUT a CHILD? And aw, yay, what a satisfying end to an unsatisfactory CEO. It was a pleasure to meet station and the MA community was in fine voice! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions Moonbase Theta Out FINALE!! I’m not going to share too many thoughts today because it may not even be out at the time of posting but IT’S AMAZING GO LISTEN!!!! Seriously, I cried so much at the thought of this show being over. I’ve loved it for such a long time and it’s been amazing to listen to it grow and see all the team’s hard work pay off spectacularly! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula what a busy, busy week for the Dracula characters! Marriages, millions of kisses, casual medical abuse, VAN HELSING. What a week. 
🧬 Regina Prime (7) Damn, Epsilon has both the fire and the fight! Veeerrryyy interesting that Omega needs an assistant with a physical body… what have you got, Omega? I’m imagining a clone that is 1000s of years old, more mush than human. And the slip up with the number of clones . . .  Omega . . . ? Something you want to share with the rest of the class?? 
 💫 Wolf 359 (49 - 50) I am usually not the biggest fan of time loop stories but, of course, if W359 makes it, you know it’s gonna be great. The whole set up of the aliens being unable to communicate clearly because Doug chats absolute shit all the time is just so endearing to me. I can’t believe I’m getting so close to the end! 
🏴‍☠️ Yes, I did listen to the @levianpod pilot again. What of it? Please, please support this show if you can! It must be made. I need it. 
🎧 So lovely to hear from @thestoragepapers in last week’s episode of The First Episode Of! I feel like it’s so brave to ask for people to join in on the writing of your show but we love to see a collaboration thriving!! I need to bump this up my to-listen list! 
🐬 @patterspod (3) Fiona Caruso, the woman, the myth, the legend. Someone needs to check in on the thriller writers because they’re just not okay… Also, Ryan, you idiot. I don’t even know if we can blame the influence of some eldritch force on these bad publishing attempts, but I feel like he’s going to snap like one of twig man’s branches at the slightest supernatural pressure. Which will be fun for us, at least! 
All these amazing episodes, but my ears are bigger than my schedule and I still need to listen to new KILL FM. I’ve been really, really meaning to catch up on Additional Postage Required as well! Here’s hoping for a more chilled week next week! 🤞
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deathbysnakes · 1 year
Dottore Backstory Headcanon
(This is my first post and I'm kinda new to witeing so this might be cringe)
Warnings:Child abuse(?), mentions of death
Zandik was born in a very proud family, one that was known for how smart and attractive they where, everyone wanted to be part of this family, they all thought it would be "fun".
Zandik was proud at first to be part of this family, but as he grew he found out how stressful it was. His parents would always push him to be a spitting image of them so there legacy could continue, he rarely got to socialize with other people. His parents told him that making friends and growing attachments to and people would make him weak and dumb, and he'd believe them, after all, he was a kid.
When he was 15 he finally entered the academia "I joined at 13, I'm disappointed. " His parents would say. "It's only a 2 year difference..." He'd mumble to himself. "That Zandik kid...isn't he part of the ■■■■ family..?" Zandik rolled his eyes, he didn't like all the attention he was getting. "He's kinda cute." A few girls giggled. Zandik felt disgusted. "Father said I can't grow any attachments to anyone, they'll make me weak and dumb..." Zandik murmured under his breath. As Zandik got used to the academia he released how dumb and weak humans truly are, he needed to do something about this, he wanted to make his parents proud, he wanted them to say things like "great job!" or "I'm so lucky to have a son like you." He's never received any praise from his parents, not even once, so to make them proud he's going to enhance the human race, he's going to make humans stronger than God's, that'll surely make his parents proud. He'd watch in jealousy as parents complained there children "what am I doing wrong? How do i make my parents proud?" He'd question. So he got to work, doing experiments to enhance the human race. He couldn't wait to hear his parents compliment him. He eventually shared his ideas to other people thinking they'd praise him, but all he got where weird looks and people questioning him. "They'll understand later." He'd tell himself. Eventually his parents heard about his ideas and cam to "discuss" it with him.
"What are you thinking, your ruining our image!?" His mother shouted. "B-But...isn't this what you want?!" Zandik was scared and confused. Why do they care to much about there image? "Absolutely not!" His father hissed. After the argument Zandik was left shocked and confused "I don't understand..." He cried himself to sleep that night and woke up miserable in the morning, but he wasn't just going to give up they just don't understand yet! He told himself. So he worked until he collapsed every single day. He started to become more distant and grumpy, he started getting desperate.
The academia noticed this and was getting worried, so they started to get him to socialize more, Zandik was annoyed by this but didn't companion in fear that he might get kicked out of the academia, but then he released something, this is a opportunity.
One day the academia wanted him to go do a research project with some of his classmates, he took this as a opportunity. "Zandik you're smiling way more than I've ever seen you do, it's kinda creepy..." One of his classmates stated. "I'm just happy to be spending time with my classmates." Zandik said with a unsettling smile. "Uh- okay..." His other classmates ventured off to do some research, he was alone with a girl named Sorheh. His first test subject.
It was terrible, Sorhehs body so wounded that you could barely recognize her. "I was looking at a plant and when I turned around to look for her she was gone." Zandik said through a fake sad face. "and when I went to look for her she was surrounded by Rishboland Tigers." All of his classmates where in shock. "Sorhehs...dead..?" Is classmates looked up at him, they where a hovering over Sorhehs dead body. "We must bury her." Zandik said. "Alright..." One classmate sighed. "We must tell the aages though." Though his classmate sounded calm his heart was beating so fast he could hear blood pumping through his vains. So that's what happened, they told the sages. Word got out quickly and rumors where spreading through the academia. "What if she wasn't attacked by Tigers? I bet that Zandik did it, he's kinda sketchy." Zandik wasn't bothered by this, they had no proof after all.
Zandik started getting more bold with his experiments and he was eventually caught and expelled from the academia, but soon after he joined the fatui, where he didn't have to worry about being caught and the fatui funded his experiments too, it was a win win, the only thing Zandik hated, or should I say Dottore? Was that his parents absolutely despised him now, they refused to even look at him, he still didn't understand after all these years.
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chihuahua-is-a-psycho · 5 months
intro :(
Tumblr media
“who the fuck are you”
my name is ren. i go by he/him and i am transgender ftm. im a minor and kinda cartoonist
i have GAD and depression but im kinda recovering from the depression rly
im the cringy ruzty_m3tal guy from a few years ago if you didnt know
“ok dumbass what are your interests”
legacy ios, apple (i don’t support the company, i just like apple products both new and old), ipods, angry birds, robot jones, ren and stimpy, art, nickelodeon, cartoon network, EAS alerts, music, precure, spongebob squarepants, etc.
“i bet your artstyle is cringe”
it is lol. i have a cartoony-animeish artstyle and i often use thick brush strokes.
DNI: basic dni criteria, under 13, creepy ppl or rude ppl. I DONT TAKE REQUESTS ATM
DISCLAIMER: you might see unsettling art or writing in this blog sometimes. please do not follow me if you dont want to see any of that.
if you think you might recognize me irl do NOT interact. please use tone indicators when talking to me or commenting. it helps me understand others better and unmarked jokes can be hard for me to grasp.
my art is never done with artificial intelligence, and never will be. /serious
if you’re a zionist fuck you you’re a pig and your mom is one too
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Aha I’ve got something written! Finally! I’ve had this idea for a while and I finally got the motivation to put it on paper, and even more motivation to actually post it. If it does well I may turn it into an AU, but for now this is just a one shot. :]
Briefly read over, if you see any grammatical errors, nope, you don’t!
Curiosity Killed The Cat
_WC 2.4k
_TW: Mention of death, swearing
Close-minded or not, the house was unsettling. It stood out like a bruise, its darkened color palette failing to blend in with the much warmer colors the rest of the street had. Various vines wrapped the house, some looking to come from the windows. Now, the house wouldn’t be as weird if it was abandoned, but someone clearly lived here. The only way to tell was through the way lights in different rooms would flip from on and off from time to time, but the point still stood — someone lived there. 
Personally he hasn’t heard anyone speak of the resident leaving the home, so either they were fucking immune to eating, or some paranormal shit was happening. 
Tommy had gotten hired as a newspaper boy a few weeks ago through a friend of his, who was looking for jobs himself but thought it would suit Tommy since it was primarily a quiet and easy job. He did enjoy it, sure, but it got boring.
He wanted some excitement, so excitement he decided upon.
He had tossed the second to last newspaper onto a porch when he was forced to face the dark house. There was no ominous streak of lightning when he gazed upon it’s curtained windows, but he swallowed as he looked at the growing pile of past papers. They were there when he originally got the job, so he wanted to make sure he could end the one-sided cycle before it got too overwhelming for the old house, and before it was too big of a collection; he really didn’t want to end up spending longer than he’s comfortable with while trying to clean. 
He bit at the inside of his lips as he silently complained through his thoughts. 
He scoffed at his worry and stepped onto the concrete path leading up to the house, at one point stepping on a flower he didn’t know could even begin to thrive on the nearly dead lawn. 
Tommy placed his foot onto the first step leading up to the porch, applying pressure to make sure he wouldn’t fall through the damn thing. Once confirming he wouldn’t commit property damage, he climbed to the top slowly and crouched down to gaze at the papers covered in plastic. He brushed a bug off of one gently and picked it up, cringing at the date from two months ago. 
He guessed that was the last time someone took the opportunity to clean it, since the entire street would’ve been bustling if someone came out of the door leading into the house. He took a plastic bag out of his pocket — Phil originally told him to bring it in case he decided to do what he was doing now, since he’d been bugging Tommy about it for a while now — and shook it a couple times to make it unfold. Once it did he started shoving papers in as quickly as he could, grabbing as much as four at a time while trying to make more room in the bag. 
It filled up at about halfway through the newspaper, so he tied it and opened the flap of his satchel and began removing the other half. When his job was finished he stood up, plastic bag in hand as he prepared to leave. He got down one step before his phone buzzed a custom ringtone set for Tubbo only. He looked into the closest window of the house and muttered to himself, setting the bag down and sliding his satchel off. He took his phone from his hoodie pocket and unlocked his phone, scrolling through pages until he found the Discord app. He looked at the house again nervously while he waited for it to load. 
tubbo    Today at 8:27 AM
hey did u get to the house yet? is it still covered in the newspapers? 
tommyinnit    Today at 8:28 AM
yeah i just cleared it off
it’s creepy as fuck dude why’d you make me get this job??
tubbo    Today at 8:28 AM 
Tommy smiled slightly at his friend’s text, shutting his phone off and moving to grab both bags. When the light that once shined through one of the windows turned off, a wave of curiosity spread through him. The logical thing to do was run, but.. only satisfactory brought back the cat that died of curiosity, so clearly he should definitely be the biggest man and check it out so he can live to tell the tale of whatever he does find in there. 
The bag and the satchel were rearranged to where they were hidden in a corner. He picked his phone up from where he’d set it down and he stepped onto the dull, flat welcome mat, where he felt through his hair for the bobby pin he kept in there for the usual event where he forgets his house key. Techno taught him when he was around four years old how to pick a lock, and ever since it’s his go-to thing to do, even if it’s when he’s breaking into Tubbo’s house because he hasn’t answered any texts. 
He eventually found it and pulled it out slowly while being cautious of either dropping it or pulling his hair, then stretched it open so he could have a better grip on it. Tommy put it in the keyhole and pushed it around for a while, and let him say he was completely aware of every little noise that happened around him while he did it. He had to erase his progress once because he was convinced someone was coming outside across the street. 
Once he did get it, though, it was only smooth sailing from there. He pocketed his phone and returned the bobby pin to his hair after fixing it, put his hand on the doorknob, and slowly turned it. The door opened with ease, and he sent one more glance behind himself before finally slipping in and shutting the door. 
He turned around, prepared to start looking around, but he was only met with surroundings a good hundred times his size. In a panic he reached back, but he only hit the wooden door. He thought for a moment that he missed the knob but as he turned his head back he bit back a curse upon realizing the door had been scaled up just as much as the rest of the house.
“Fuck..” Tommy said in a whisper. He felt frozen in place while his eyes looked at every detail of the furniture, walls, floors, everything. He.. really let curiosity get the best of him, didn’t he? 
The best plan of action was to find an exit, like a window. However, he couldn’t really do much when he was fucking small, now could he? Stressed, he ran a hand through his hair while he thought, every idea he had being pushed into the back of his mind like a crumpled piece of paper being thrown into the bin once it was deemed useless.
He was startled out of his thinking when he heard the sound of something large, much larger than any other human could make. It made sense, given that his surroundings were anything but humanly possible. He just got lucky with a giant as well. When the noise, which he found were footsteps, drew louder with each timed step, he finally let himself go into action by quickly glancing to his left to find a table that was directly next to the door — a perfect hiding spot for the time being.
He managed to get behind the leg of it, his shoulders tightly held up while his legs pressed together to make his body seem smaller while it needed to be hidden completely. He scrunched his face up in anticipation, his ears picking up on every loud noise that came from the (presumably) giant. There were a lot of footsteps and shuffling from around the house, and he recognized a fridge opening. “Fuck,” A, much too loud for comfort, voice muttered, then the sound of many things falling followed close after. When he saw the Coke can slowly roll to a stop just in his eyesight if he looked harshly to the left, he knew he was totally, royally fucked if whatever was in the kitchen caught sight of him. Clearly there was something else going on in this house if the dead plants and changing lights didn’t already suggest otherwise. 
Footsteps once more. They were muffled by socks but they still stung in his ears as they let him know they were coming closer and closer. Tommy tensed as he saw what looked to be a human crouch down and pick the can up and pause. He could’ve swore they made eye contact but it appears that even if they did, the man couldn’t properly make out Tommy because of the shadow. 
Finally the giant took a stance and walked away, the sound of the Coke opening being the last indicator that he had even been there in the first place. 
Tommy sighed deeply in relief, untensing his muscles and sliding down the ‘wall’ behind him, slowly but surely making his quick breaths — which had occurred because he was holding in a breath he didn’t know he even took — slower, and taking the time to adjust to his new problem. 
His phone buzzed then lit up through his pocket, and he was reminded of the fact that he even had it. “Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” He grinned happily as he pulled it out and unlocked it, opening Tubbo’s messages to him.
tubbo    Today at 8:35 am
hey can u come over after work?
tommy, you didn’t die did u? 
tommy   Today at 8:37 am
tubbo jesus christ 
The keyboard disappeared and Discord was soon after. His screen went a dark blue, and the white wheel spun for a moment before it went completely dark. Shit, how the hell did that happen? He had nearly a hundred percent when he went on- Prime this house is so fucking messed up it’s not even funny. Annoyed, he pocketed the phone and slowly came out from behind the wooden leg, quieting his footsteps as he made his way back into the foyer and looked up at the window that he had just seen a few minutes before, at a very reasonable height and not whatever he had going on now. 
He groaned, looking for a way up. Nothing there would be high enough for him to climb, and even if there was he doubted he would be strong enough to unlock the window, let alone open it, and even if he miraculously managed to do that he’d still fall into a bush that he didn’t know the contents of. Plus, it’s pretty obvious some kind of magic is going on, so there’s no real explanation as to if the world will return to normal if he gets out; he could be stuck as a mere few inches. Tommy bit down on his tongue to stop the tears threatening to fall. He opened his eyes wider when they did start to tease, determined to make sure he didn’t cry over a situation like this. 
He was a big man, the biggest, and could totally, one-hundred-percent, get out of this. He just has to think. Maybe rest first, then use his absolute unit of a mind to find a plan that would lead to his freedom. And.. hopefully that’s what it takes for him to go about his daily life. If not, he can.. adapt, if he really, really needs to. 
Fuck he hates himself for this. 
“How did you get in?” 
Tommy nearly screamed at the words directly being spoken to him, since, he was, just kind of, out in the fucking open. He slowly turned around, only just slightly scared. He evened his breathing and took a small step back. A giant, the same one from earlier, stood couched behind him with the coke can, also from earlier, in his hand. “Shit,” He muttered, unsure if it was meant to be heard when he decided to say it out loud. “Yeah, shit is right.” The accent the man held reminded Tommy of his own, but a bit sharper and definitely from a different area than him. It honestly wasn’t a surprise considering they literally lived in London. 
“I- I um.. I didn’t mean to b- break in- It-“
“You.. didn’t mean to pick the lock, either, I’m assuming?” The man asked in a deadpan, an eyebrow risen to show emotion above the slight frown somehow threatening to transition into a smug smile. “No! Yes- I-“ Tommy sighed in defeat and took another step back. “I’m- I’m trying to leave, though! I’ll be- out of your hair in-”
The man shook his head, as if he somehow didn’t agree that Tommy should leave the house he broke into. “I don’t really think.. I can let you leave.” The words felt like a gunshot, and his expression shifted as if it was one. “Wh- I won’t tell anyone about.. about this! I swear-“ 
“I can’t really believe you, can I?” The man narrowed his eyes just slightly, enough to make Tommy swallow nervously. He stayed quiet, praying to those up above that this could all just be a.. a really detailed dream. 
“No- I, I can’t-“ He couldn’t form his words correctly, and he ultimately gave up and started looking around quietly for anything he can hide inside where the giant wouldn’t find him. It was a dead end, he realized. It’d be two, possibly three, inches against easily over a hundred feet. 
“Please- It- I won’t tell anyone, not even- a fucking therapist! I seriously,” He panted, quickly learning that the panic he stored away for the past ten minutes had caught up to him. He shook his head, looking back just briefly, but that, right there, was his mistake. 
Something reminding him of mist fell onto him and his vision went screwy immediately. He staggered while trying to step back subtly, and his head hit the ground. He tried to keep his eyes open by widening them but nothing seemed to work as he finally let the clouds in his mind cover his brain and vision, then soon his whole body as he felt it go numb, along with his conscious, which slipped from him inch by inch until he finally stopped fighting it and fell into a quick, painless sleep. 
chapter two
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holyscream · 2 years
I forgot how much of a blorbo this stupid incubus is to me. Tsk.
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hoosurdaddy · 2 years
You get what you get and you don’t get upset.
(Tw: Dark!Bucky, Dub-Con (f receiving oral), forced!housewife kink. If I’ve missed any, let me know).
So please proceed with caution. I will not be responsible if you get triggered as I have mentioned them before hand.
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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
There was something unsettling about it.
Yeah, he kidnapped you, locked you away, forcing you to be his wife, whatever. That was creepy, yeah… but this… it felt wrong.
The lace scratched your skin. The dress smelled stale, making you wonder where exactly he got it from. It was 80 fashion style dress. Something that housewives wore back in the 80’s or whatever year he came from.
“Just a few more moments baby. Almost there..” he was a perfectionist. That was something you learned fast. Everything about you had to be perfect. You wondered where he learned to your makeup and do hair like yours. “And… finished.”
You stared up at the mirror in front of you. There was two French braids in your hair with a little flower crown headband. Your makeup was a ‘natural glam’ look, something inspired by the 80’s. Through the mirror, you could see Bucky’s smiling face. His smile always scared you. He smiled when he was happy. He smiled when he was angry. He smiled when he was sad. You never knew his moods.
“God, you’re stunning.” Bucky whispered as he leaned over and planted a kiss upon your cheek, making you cringe internally and externally.
You stared into the mirror once more. Your eyes widened in shock as you noticed Bucky’s obvious bulge inside his pants. You quickly looked down, while Bucky stroked your hair gently. “Camera time baby.”
Bucky held up his camera. You just sat there as tears kissed your eyes and burned your skin as they began to pour down your face with the mascara too. He always did this. The first time was hard, but Bucky promised he’d stop. He’d stop everything and let you go.
That was a lie anyways.
“Bucky.” You whispered as you looked up, only to be blinded by the flash. It made you wince and look down as more tears fell.
“Baby.. what’s wrong??.” Bucky whispered as he placed down his camera, kneeling in-front of you as he stroked your silky dress.
“Please don’t make me.” You whimpered through your sobs. No longer noticing the bulge inside Bucky’s pants since he was now kneeling. “No more pictures.”
“Aw baby.” Bucky whispered as he wiped your running mascara. Your makeup was ruined, normally Bucky would get angry at you for ruining his makeup, however, he was more angsty today. Even just by his gittering movements, anger was the least of his problems now.
Bucky lifted the camera up to your face, taking a picture of your crying face and blinding you once again with the flash, making you sob again. Bucky could only smile and praise your beautiful face.
“You’re so stunning, my gosh.” Bucky praised, making your face heat up as he stroked your cheek. “I love it when you cry for me.. You always know what’s good for the camera, you’re a natural.. You’re my good girl.” Bucky continued to praise, setting his camera aside and pulled your onto his lap, rubbing your exposed thighs.
You could feel his hard cock through your dress. Although, it was silky, but it was a light dress, easily ripped. Which was Bucky’s favourite thing to do; rip your clothing.
“Let me reward my baby. I promise you’ll like it.”
Bucky laid you on the mattress in your room, well basement. He lifted up your dress, exposing your completely. Bucky ordered you never wear underwear around him cause “good wives are always ready to please their man.” By force?, you always thought to yourself when he’d say this.
Bucky carefully rested himself between your thighs, getting himself comfortable as he ran his fingers up and down your slit, while his other hand came down and lightly played with your clit.
“Bucky.. you said you’d stop… You promised wouldn’t do this anymore.” You whimpered, trying to ignore the tingling sensation in your core. “Bucky, I don’t want too.”
“I know, baby.” Bucky frowned, still playing with your clit. He made no effort to move from out between your legs. “But, I’ll make you feel so good. You’ll enjoy it.” Awkwardly, Bucky nudged himself closer to your core, inhaling your scent.
Your protests were left unheard, so you just stopped begging. However, that didn’t stop your squirming as Bucky inhaled your core. You hated this, you hated him. Bucky had taken you from everything you ever known, and now, he was expecting you to be a completely, submissive, obedient wife and allow him to use you as he pleases. He often told you “you get what you get and you don’t get upset.”
Bucky’s tongue flattened on your clit. You felt his fingers spread your lips, allowing him to dive deeper into your cunt. He didn’t go of your clit, no matter how many times you squirmed for him to stop. “God, you taste so good.” Bucky growled, pressing one more kiss to your clit before moving down to your hole.
The wet sounds of Bucky’s tongue bounced off the walls and the squelching sounds of fingers against your walls rang through your brain. His jaw moved with each movement of his tongue. You sighed, involuntarily spreading your legs further to allow Bucky better access. Bucky could only smirk to himself as he felt your fingers running through and gripping his hair, lightly tugging his hair to bring his tongue where you needed him most.
“Bucky.” You whimpered. “Stop, it’s too much.”
Bucky continued eating you out like no tomorrow. He kept your lips spread apart, hitting spots that he didn’t even think were possible with his tongue. His nose was brushing against your clit, his warm breathe was overwhelming on your core. Your back arched back as your ripped your hands away from Bucky’s hair to grab his hands which rested on your thighs.
“Bucky.. stop.. please… I don’t wan-“ You panted. Bucky could tell your mind and body were at war about what you wanted, but when your thighs locked around Bucky’s head, he knew what your choice was. “Oh fuck, Bucky.. I’m cumming.”
Tears once again began to pour down your face and your body began to convulsing due to your orgasm. But Bucky didn’t stop, he kept going. This time, Bucky thrusted his metal fingers into your sensitive core and began rapidly thrusting them, while he went back to sucking your clit.
“Bucky.” You whimpered, your body still shaking. “Stop, stop… it’s too much.”
Bucky’s head rapidly shook side to side with your clit in his mouth, meaning he meant no. You cried out as his finger continued to the same pace, while his tongue stayed on your clit.
All you could do was stare at the ceiling, while gripping Bucky’s hand that held your thighs. But Bucky’s words rang through your head; You get what you get and you don’t get upset.
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Hello! Im glad i made it on time for request! T^TI would like to request a chishiya x female reader. Where the female reader is strong and intelligent and chishiya just basically falls in love with her. He tries to get close with but apparently reader doesn't live in beach she lives in her own homemade house. So chishiya tries really hard to find her.
Of course, here you go! 🥰
Search | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya
Summary: Chishiya searches all through Tokyo to find you, who he met at a game and fell for instantly.
Warnings: swearing, somewhat creepy behaviour from Chishiya, violence
Word Count: 2.2k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: sorry I closed requests for so long! They’re open again now for a few days so please send in anything you want me to write! ❤
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The dark streets of Tokyo echoed the sounds of the wind travelling through the trees. The silence that filled the atmosphere was deafening, leaving Chishiya to nothing but his wandering thoughts that pottered so carelessly through his head. The occasional cry of a crow kept him grounded, always bringing him back to the reality that was in front of him.
The young man was taking yet another attempt of finding the peculiar and alluring figure that he had encountered at many games. No one had ever taken his interest as much as this, and even if they had, he would’ve given up at finding them for the fact that they live in the huge empty wasteland that is Tokyo. Any nook and cranny could have the chance of being your home, but Chishiya was determined to find you. He didn’t have anything else to do anyway. But now that he’s taken interest in you, he finally has something to work towards rather than just waiting around to die at The Beach.
He strolled effortlessly through the Shibuya crossing, recognizing the place from when he was first thrown into the game, always returning to the large open area to use as a safe space. Even after being in the game for as long as he had, it still felt foreign to see not a single soul crossing the road, very unlike usual Tokyo.
The only source of light he had to assist him was a small torch he took from The Beach and the occasional game sign pointing to some late running games. He felt unsettled every time he entered an area where no light was available, and the silence didn’t help.
“Tch,” he scoffed to himself, rubbing his sleeves over his eyes to keep them from dropping from how tired he was. He had been at it for weeks, not even getting the slightest clue where you stayed in the huge city.
“This is ridiculous, as if I haven’t found her yet.” He was becoming more and more frustrated as each night dragged on. All he wanted was to meet you in person that wasn’t in the registration section of a game, where he wasn’t even sure either of you would leave alive.
After being saved by you during a hearts game, Chishiya developed an irrational attraction to your selfless and strong demeanour. He admired the fact that you managed to look after yourself and others at the same time, always thinking of an intelligent way to make sure that everyone survived. He was impressed and taken back, for he had never met or encountered anyone like you.
Chishiya strutted over to a large building near the Shibuya crossing that displayed a screen pointing towards a game. He had to sit down for a while, he had been walking for hours and his legs were beginning to hurt. He shivered and pulled his hoodie tighter around him as he walked through the entrance of the building to find that place nearly trashed all through. Obviously some people had attempted to search the building for resources to assist in their survival.
He slowly made his way further into the building, being mindful of the shards of glass and other debris that scattered the floor. The last thing he wanted was the trip of something and ended up with sharp glass shards in his back.
Chishiya entered a large room that almost seemed untouched. Much unlike the other rooms, this room was clean and no furniture was turned over. He frowned, wondering why no one had bothered to search this room.
“Huh, must have missed it,” he answered his own question. He walked to the centre of the room and sat on a small brown couch that was placed there, rather inconveniently. The layout of the room was very scattered and random resources such as water bottles and empty cans of beans and tuna were laying around on every surface.
The cans of food looked awfully too clean to have been left there for long. The leftover specs of food remaining appeared fresh, and the smell of tuna was far from smelling off. Chishiya moved his tired eyes around the room, trying to find any more evidence of someone being there recently. His eyes locked on a small pile of blankets and pillows in the corner of the room, all bunched up together to create a comfy nest almost.
The pile seemed a bit too lumpy to be holding only blankets, so Chishiya’s curiosity got the better of him and he stood slowly to make his way over to the makeshift bed. He thought maybe someone was hiding some more food underneath it, probably planning to return some other time to collect them.
He kneeled down next to the pile, scanning the small space. His eyes widened as he saw the blanket move, slowly lifting up and down incredibly slightly. He almost stepped back in shock, but decided against it and lifted his hand slowly to lift the duvet.
He grasped the soft material and carefully pulled it back towards himself. His breath became caught in his throat when he locked eyes with what was underneath it.
There you laid, peacefully sleeping and tucked into yourself. Your legs were folded and against your torso with your arms lying lazily next to your head. You looked so vulnerable and small, especially since Chishiya just found you hiding from the world underneath a blanket. He assumed that you covered yourself so if someone was to find your hiding space, they wouldn’t see you and potentially hurt you.
Chishiya couldn’t help himself. After seeing you become so aggressive and resilient in games, seeing you so calm and at peace pulled at his heart strings. He knew it was wrong, intruding on you while you weren’t aware he was even there, but he knew that he wouldn’t ever hurt you.
His heart hurt from the sight of you holding yourself in a tight ball, obviously being anxious that something would happen while you were asleep. He pouted and tilted his head, examining you closely.
“So pretty,” he whispered. But just as the words left his mouth, his stomach dropped when he saw your eyes snap open and lock directly onto him.
Before he could even think, you had swung a fist at his face, punching him square in the jaw, making him yell in pain as he backed away while squatting on his legs so he could get up and run if he had to. He held his face in his hands, trying to reduce the pain throbbing in his jaw.
“What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, standing up out of your bundle of blankets. “Fucking creep! Piss off!”
Chishiya groaned and glanced up towards you, noticing that you were now standing over his meek body on the ground. You held a small knife in your hands, pointing the sharp object towards him in case he made any sudden movements.
Chishiya’s usual smug smirk crawled onto his face, making your frown more as he stood up slowly, hands held up in surrender. “Wow, feisty,” he chuckled.
Your angry expression softened and you lowered your weapon slightly as the bright moonlight shined through the window and painted across Chishiya’s face. You immediately recognized him as the young, white-haired man that always assisted you at games. But what was he doing here?
“What do you want?” you glowered, taking a few threatening steps towards him. Chishiya raised his eyebrows, but kept his composed behaviour as your weapon pressed lightly on his chest, making him wince slightly as the sharp point pierced his skin through his white shirt.
“Rude. I don’t even get a hello? A how are you? All I get is a knife in my face,” he smugly responded. “You did that to yourself by watching me sleep like a fucking stalker,” you hissed, leaning your face closer to his.
“I guess so,” he sneered. “By the way, I wouldn’t kill me if you were considering it. Trust me, I’m not on my own.”
You felt ridiculed by his calm behaviour, hating how he didn’t seem threatened by you at all. Out of all the people you’ve scared off, why did this skinny, short man have more nerve than anyone else?
“I wasn’t counting on it,” you reassured. You pulled back your knife slightly, but still kept it drawn in your hand in case he tried anything. You may have met him a few times in games, but trust was very hard to earn from anyone in the Borderlands.
“So, Y/N,” he started. “I’ve been searching for you for a while now. I’m glad I’ve finally found you.”
You scowled at his words. “Me? What could someone like you possibly want from me?” You watched as his pink lips curled up into a smirk, making you cringe slightly.
Chishiya turned away from you and strolled back over to the brown lounge in the middle of the room. He leaned comfortably on the back of it, facing you again. You had lowered your knife, feeling reassured now that he was further away.
“I’ve noticed you,” he started, staring holes into your eyes. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “You know how to handle yourself in games, and I can’t help but become a little immersed in your methods.”
The way he spoke gave you a headache. He sounded too smart for his own good, making you question if he was bluffing just to trick you into believing that you were needed, when he would just use you then leave you in the dust.
“Yeah? And what about it?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Chishiya looked down to the ground and tucked his hands into his pockets. “I would very much appreciate it if you joined me,” he suggested. “I am staying at a hotel called ‘The Beach’, but everyone there is an idiot. If you are willing to put your trust into me, I promise that I will help you collect all the cards and escape this place.”
You kept your gaze on him, trying to see any sign that he may be lying. If he was lying, he was incredibly good at it.
“What’s the catch?” you asked, fiddling with your knife.
“There is none. Only the fact that I’m asking you to join forces with hundreds of idiotic, drunks that act like children.”
There was a moment of silence before Chishiya continued.
“But I can reassure you, if you stick by me, I will be sure to keep you safe and alive.”
You rolled your eyes at his promise. “I don’t need your protection. Look at you, you’re skin and bones. I can take care of myself.” You turned back to your pile of blankets, lifting them to search for your radio that had become lost in the sheets during the night.
Chishiya thought to himself, trying to think of something to say that would convince you to come back with him to The Beach. He couldn’t downright say that he was in love with you, because it would probably scare you off. If he wanted to have a chance with you, he first had to gain your trust. But that was deemed difficult when he was the shady character that he is.
“There’s food and water at The Beach,” he spoke up, making you freeze in your movements and turn back towards him. “There’s comfy beds and personal rooms, as well as allies and guaranteed protection from militants. If you really want to survive, you’d be best there more than out here by yourself.”
You stared at him before glancing around the room, eyes landing on the scattered cans of food and random dirty clothes everywhere. You would admit, you were lonely, and hungry, and cold.
“What makes me sure I can trust you, Chishiya?” you challenged.
Chishiya stepped away from the sofa and walked over to you, making you stand up from your position on the ground so you were at eye level.
“Because you have no other choice,” he smugly stated, “You’re lucky enough for it to only be me to walk in here and find you. Just think about it, if I can find you, so can a group of murderous people, or starving people, or people desperate for cards.”
He had a good point. You hated that you were falling prey to his manipulation, but if The Beach was even slightly better than the dirt hole you were inhabiting, you were interested enough to at least take a look.
“Okay,” you mumbled, turning away from him and leaning down to pick up the small backpack that laid next to your bed. “I’ll come, but if I find out you’re lying or trying to have me killed, it’ll be your head hanging from a lamppost in Shibuya.”
Chishiya smiled at your threat, not being affected by your violent words. “That’s the kind of talk that will get you killed Y/N,” he warned, turning around and making his way towards the entrance of the building. “Keep that up, you might be the one losing a head.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes at his warning.
Chishiya smiled to himself as he stepped out into the cold night air. He could finally relax, knowing he found you and would now be able to keep you in his sight at all times. Even if he had to tell a few fibs to make you come with him, he believes it was worth it, as now he could stay by your side.
He knew it would be a work in progress to earn your trust eventually, but he would make sure that you always trusted him over anyone else.
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unecoccinellenoire · 2 years
19. Chat Noir to Gabriel
Fury burns through his Miraculous waking him, and then instinct has him grab for the wrist hovering above his throat.
His hand makes contact with smooth leather, and though it's too dark to make out the form of his attacker those feline eyes near glow in the dark.
Knowing this is no standard home invasion it's easy to add a little humour to his tone. "Reduced to robbery Chat Noir? What would your Lady say?"
The boy hero's breathing is loud and heavy in the dark and then he makes a groan of pure anguish, "what are you, I could kill you right now! How can you sound so calm about this?"
"Quite the predatory urge you've got there." Chat Noir's more volatile than Ladybug it's true but he doubts the self-declared hero will purposefully murder him. "I wonder what the press would make of my story of being assaulted by Chat Noir in my own home."
Chat Noir almost hisses, "I think it'd be nothing to the story of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste being Hawk Moth."
"That's quite the accusation," it's a bold statement with both Miraculous pinned to his pyjama shirt but any doubt he can feed Chat Noir can only be to his own purposes.
"Oh come off it. Nathalie told me the truth."
For a second his heart stops beating, but no the boy must be trying to unsettle him, Nathalie's a obviously candidate to know the truth, that Chat Noir is making guesses is far more likely than that Nathalie would betray him. "Good try but my assistant doesn't even leave the house these days, her health you know,"
"Yeah you'd know all about her health, and why she's like this wouldn't you?" Chat Noir's spit hits his face making him cringe, "I know why you did it. I know why m-" his voice breaks, "adame Agreste was using the Peacock in the first place too. I've seen her too, seen your creepy lair as well."
There's no time for his hopes to shatter in his chest, "Nooroo, Duusu,"
"Cataclysm," shrieks Chat Noir and Gabriel stills.
Somehow the power of the Miraculous is darker than lack of light in his room, he can see it swirling about his throat.
"Try to transform and I'll break both of those before you even get to be Shadow Moth. Then you can see what wearing a broken Miraculous is like."
Gabriel smirks, still a reckless teenage boy at heart then. That Chat Noir has came alone without his partner proves that much, all he has to do is wait out the time limit Chat Noir's forced on himself.
"I really don't know what Nathalie sees in you," the hero continues monologuing as if unaware of what he's just done. "Do you know, when she discovered me down in your little repository she really thought I'd understand why you did it, that I'd want to join you in your villainy."
Concern belatedly hits him, because if Chat Noir is telling the truth, if Nathalie discovered him near Emilie's body and ending up spilling everything then, "where's Nathalie?"
"She's fine. Sleeping. I haven't done anything to her."
"Liar. She'd do anything to warn me."
"I asked her to give me time," Chat Noir says, "Told her that it was a lot to take in. That I wasn't ready to talk to you yet. Cried a lot, which I think helped my case. Wish I could say that was an act but honestly that was pretty real. On the upside it turns out Nathalie gives pretty good hugs?"
This has to be a dream. He's sent out Sandboy again and got caught by his own akuma because, "what?"
"Of course she didn't know I was Chat Noir." He says nonsensically.
The facts rearrange themselves in his mind, Chat Noir's height, build, even hair, the idea he'd considered and discarded, who exactly would be in the house and might be drawn to that portrait of Emilie, who exactly Nathalie might be willing to admit the truth to if he'd already found Emilie, who Nathalie might be willing to comfort instead of running to him.
"Let me take those Miraculous and I'll forget all of this." His son says. "That's the best deal anyone's going to offer you."
Gabriel attempts to reach out with the Butterfly looking for Adrien's guilt, for Adrien's anger, but all he finds is a steady determination.
"It's your mother," he tries to remind his son, cursing himself that Nathalie had found Adrien and not him. He'd needed to have struck while the iron was hot, while Adrien could still be swayed.
"Unlike some people I'm not hurting my friends just because I think the fact I miss her makes it OK to change reality."
"Nathalie chose to use that Miraculous," he reminds Adrien.
"You still should have stopped."
"And made our her efforts worthless? You've seen what she's done to herself for this family. Are you really going to spurn all of that?"
"I have seen what she's done for our family." Adrien says, "That's why I'm offering a choice that won't even up with both of you in jail. Give me those Miraculous, or I cataclysm them. I'm not leaving this room with you still able to use them."
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Pairing ficlets? Hm. How about Neji/Ino? Or Neji and Sai rivals in love for Ino? :P Whatever you're in the mood for.
"I have a proposition," Sai hovered behind him like a lanky gremlin, sketchbook in one hand and that disarming, unsettling smile on his face.
It's not that Neji thinks he's creepy, he's just off-putting. Odd. Weird. It's hard to describe but Neji knows for certain Sai's smile always leaves him feeling a little uncomfortable, though he tries not to blame Sai for that.
It wasn't his fault he ended up with the worst parental figure in the history of parental figures.
"A proposition?" he narrowed his eyes, unsure if this was something he wanted to hear. "About?"
Oh, now he was interested.
"And what is it?" he inquired, sitting up a little straighter.
"A competition," just the word had him cringing. When Neji thought of 'Competitions' he thought of Gai-sensei and Kakashi-sensei, and that was something he wanted nothing to do with. "We both want to ask Ino out, correct?"
"Yes." and he wasn't about to lose his shot to the pretty new boy.
"Well, a healthy competition will allow Ino an opportunity to choose who is better for her, without us going at each other's throats like...well." The names didn't need to be said. Neji's memory worked well enough to recall how poorly things had turned out when someone had attempted to swoop in and steal Kakashi-sensei's affections from Gai-sensei. The fact there wasn't a blood bath had been a testament to his Sensei's kindness.
Had anyone tried half the shit that guy had with him, he would have murdered them.
"So, a competition?" he clarified. "Rules?"
"Nothing below the belt. Our focus is Ino, not each other. We don't bad mouth each other and sabotage each other's shots." that sounded fair. "oh, and the loser can't be bitter."
Now that was a little harder to make a promise for, but Neji would try his best. It wouldn't be his problem anyway.
He wasn't going to lose.
"You're on."
"I thought you might agree," Sai offered him another smile, this time a little less creepy than the last. "You are Maito Gai's student after all."
He's not sure if that's an insult or a compliment. It could be either, but he chooses to take it as a compliment for the sake of fair, equal competition for Ino's heart.
a competition he was going to win.
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 years
Chapter 8: Desperately Seeking Mandos
Link to Chpt. 7, Link to Masterlist
Pairing: The Mandalorian x female reader
Rating: M/E, 18+ only
Warnings: SMUT, oral sex (F and M receiving), explicit description of sex (still romantic smut though), canonical violence
Word count: ~11K
Author’s Note: This chapter took a bit longer than I originally planned, but my semester has reached its busiest time and it’s harder to carve out as much time as I’d like to write. So, thank you for being patient with me. Also, I would like to send a special thank you to @imthemandalornow​ for being an excellent source of inspiration -- you’re the best, darling. As always, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
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You sit in the passenger seat of the Razor Crest as you stare out at the blue glow of hyperspace, normally you find it pretty and rather peaceful, but today you’re sitting tense and fraught with worry. Din monitors the scanners regularly and it appears as if you have avoided detection by any Imperial vessels. Still, the feeling of unease stays with you. Din talks to you about some possible planets you could try to avoid detection, but neither of you seem very sure about what your next move should be. You’re distracted from having to decide when the comm dings with an incoming transmission.
“Princess and Mando, are you there? It’s Mistress Eira.” Her image comes in over the holo and she looks distressed.
“We’re here, Eira,” Din replies. You come over to stand close to him so you can see the holo better.
“I’m so glad to hear your voice, Mando, I was so worried for you both, something terrible has happened here,” she tells you in a serious voice. “There were ex-Imperial officers here; they killed Mistress Sigrid.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, Eira,” you tell her with a heavy heart, “Was anyone else hurt?”
“No, but, honestly you shouldn’t shed any tears over Sigrid,” Eira sounds angry now, “She had some type of deal with them, apparently she was helping them find you. I’m calling to warn you.” You gasp at this news, you didn’t expect such treachery from Sigrid.
“Eira, do you know who any of the Imperials were?” You feel like you already know what her answer will be.
“Yes, the man that killed Sigrid is a Commander Kerrick Hoven, we have security footage of their interaction and then the shooting,” Eira confirms your worst fear, “I have to tell you, Princess, the man seems obsessed with you, the footage of him is unsettling, he was… talking to you, well, an image of you.”
“I’m sorry, Eira, I had no idea he was looking for me, I haven’t seen him in years and I never would have thought that I was putting anyone in danger,” Ok, technically you did know there were Imps after Din and the baby, but not you too. But who could have predicted that they’d find you on Angel One of all places?
“It isn’t your fault,” she says, “We’ve discovered that Sigrid has been in contact with the Empire for years making many underhanded backdoor deals.” Eira pauses for a moment and then says, “Listen, I’m going to send you the security footage, I think you should see what I mean about this man, you need to know what he’s like.”
“Alright, thank you, Eira, any information we can get about him will be helpful,” you say.
“Do you have any information about their ship?” Din asks Eira.
“Oh yes, I’ll send all that we have to you now,” she replies.
“Eira, thank you for helping us, you’re a true friend,” you tell her before she ends the holo.
A few minutes later, the files she promised come through. Din reviews the information for Kerrick’s light cruiser and confirms that it was the one the scanners detected as you were leaving Angel One. After he’s stored all the pertinent details about the ship, you know it’s time to see the second file.
As the holovid begins to play, you watch as Kerrick goes from an icy calm officer, to an angry bully, and then to a disturbing ex-lover. You clutch Din’s hand as you watch and you cringe in horror, as it continually gets worse. When Kerrick finishes his creepy soliloquy to your image, you feel ill.
“Oh, cyar’ika, come here,” Din stands and pulls you into his arms, “Don’t cry, my love, you’re safe here with me.”
You didn’t even realize there were tears streaming down your cheeks until he says that. You let your arms come around him tightly and you try to even out your breathing. Din rubs your back and murmurs soothing words to you and slowly you feel yourself calm down. With your face still pressed against him, you say,
“I had no idea Kerrick still thought about me, let alone that his feelings for me have become so twisted, ugh and he still calls me his ‘doll’, I always hated that, even when we were a couple… I can’t believe we ever were,” your voice shows your disgust.
“I’ll do everything in my power to keep him from you,” Din pledges to you.
“I know that you will, Din,” you murmur against his chest. You hear a sad little coo and look over to the child who is looking back at you with teary eyes.
“Oh sweetie,” you say, and you go over to him, pick him up, and hold him tight to your chest, “I’ll be alright,” you look back to Din, “We’re all going to be alright,” you promise.
“Maybe you should take him downstairs and try to get some more rest?” Din suggests his voice full of concern, “I’ll reach out to my contacts and work on finding us our next destination.”
You’re feeling exhausted and so you pull Din into a hug with you and the little one, before heading down the ladder and crawling into your bed. You don’t bother to put the child in his hammock and instead let him cuddle up next to you. You rub his back as you watch his tiny face and see as he slowly drifts off to sleep. Eventually your own eyes start to feel heavy and you fall asleep too.
Frustrated, Din ends another holocall without much to show for it. He’s been at this for almost two hours now and he still has no idea where to go, or what the best course of action will be. He knows he needs to be more patient, he’s made the calls for assistance and now he has to see what comes from them. Still though, the churning in his gut keeps him far from patience and instead brings him doubt and worry. It doesn’t help that he can still hear Kerrick’s disgusting words in his ear, calling you his ‘doll’ and promising to rid you of the ‘vile Mandalorian’. He’d never wanted to shoot someone through a holopad before, but as he watched that holovid his fingers were itching to pull out his blaster. When you first told him about Kerrick, Din had thought about tracking the man down, thinking maybe he’d help you get a little revenge on the man who broke your heart and betrayed you. Later, he realized that was just a silly fantasy to make himself feel important to you, but once Din understood how much you’d come to care for him, he had stopped thinking about your ex-lover altogether.
Din sighs, rolling his neck and stretching the muscles there. He’s wishing he could go down and join you in some sleep for a few hours, when the holo dings.
“Din Djarin, I hope you are well,” he hears as the Armorer’s image glimmers into view, “Word has reached me that you are being pursued once again by Imperial forces.”
“Yes, that is correct, I am seeking shelter for a few days to formulate a plan,” Din replies.
“The Covert has regrouped and joined with another,” the Armorer tells him, “You will join us here and we will assist you in your strategy.”
“I- I do not wish to endanger the Covert, I should not come to you,” Din responds, his tone regretful as he remembers all that the Covert has sacrificed already on his behalf.
“By its very nature the Covert is always in danger, it is a fact that we accept,” she states calmly, “We are gar vode, your brethren, and we welcome you in your time of need. We are always here for you. This is the way.”  
“This is the way.” Din responds and he enters the coordinates she gives him into the nav. As he does this, he tells her about you and the latest trouble that has managed to find you both. Din feels comforted by the Armorer’s genuine interest in you as he tells the story, and he greatly appreciates her willingness to help you.
Feeling a sense of relief Din after his conversation with the Armorer ends, he switches on the autopilot and heads downstairs. When he sees you and the child sleeping so soundly, Din feels a sense of contentment wash over him. As he snuggles up next to you in the bed, he knows that he’ll do whatever it takes to keep you both safe and that it will be worth it no matter the cost.
When Din explains that you’re heading to his Covert, you feel reassured at first because you know how formidable your Mandalorian is and you can’t think of safer place to be than surrounded by a whole group of them. Nonetheless, it dawns on you that this is Din’s family that you’ll be meeting and you find yourself wishing that you were getting to meet them under better circumstances. You also start to feel a tad nervous about making a good first impression.
The Covert is currently located on Dol’har Hyde, a planet almost entirely covered in dense forests. When you land in a clearing that is just large enough for the Razor Crest, you wonder if the coordinates were correct because you can’t see any type of settlement or structures of any kind. You follow Din down a narrow forest path listening to the birds singing and enjoying the natural beauty of the place. It’s soothing and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think the planet was uninhabited. The further you go down the path, the thicker the forest becomes and it seems as if you are walking in twilight as the multitude of leaves above you block out more and more of the sun’s rays. Finally, the path appears to end and you see the opening of a cave.
“This is it,” Din says, and you look up to see a small carving of a mythosaur in the stone entrance. You get no more than five steps into the dark cavern when two Mandalorians appear out of nowhere asking you to identify yourselves with blasters raised. Different from Din, their armor is decorated with paint, one in orange and the other in blue. Once they recognize Din, they lower their weapons and greet you.
“Welcome home, Djarin,” the Mando in blue says as he thumps Din’s pauldron in greeting, “Still getting into trouble I see.”
“Vizsla, still a pain in the ass I see,” Din replies curtly.
“I’m afraid the trouble is my fault,” you speak up, not wanting Din to take the blame for your past catching up to you.
“Well hello,” Blue Mando welcomes you with a pleasant tone, “The Armorer mentioned Djarin was bringing someone with him, who knew you’d be so pretty.”
His compliment surprises you, and you stutter out, “O-Oh, thank you.”
Din makes a grunting sound as he places his hand on your lower back and steers you past the two guards, “We’re going to see the Armorer now,” he informs them.
“I’ll take you to see her,” Orange Mando offers.
“Thank you,” Din responds.
“I guess I’ll see you later then, pretty one, you too, Djarin,” the Blue Mando chuckles as you walk deeper into the cave.
As your eyes adjust to the dimmer lighting of the cave’s passageway you can see that there are drawings on the walls, many featuring Mandalorian helmets. They look like they could be children’s sketches given the simplicity and the height of most of them. It makes you smile, knowing that you’ll be somewhere with families, maybe your own little one will be able to make a few friends while you’re here. Eventually, you can hear the sounds of other people and when the passage opens up to a large room in the cave you see a comforting and homey site.
This part of the cavern has a small pool in the middle and it creates a beautiful soft glow as the water reflects back the artificial lights that have been arranged throughout the space. Around the room, there are small groups of people chatting with each other, playing sabacc, helping children with schoolwork, polishing armor, and performing all sorts of small domestic tasks. It makes you smile to yourself. Everyone here wears helmets, including the children, and all of the adults wear armor too. You notice a few helmets turning towards you as you move past the groups and you wonder if you must seem odd to them with your face uncovered.
There is a second passageway on the other side of the room and you follow Orange Mando down this next path. As you walk, you can feel a hot wind run through the tunnel and you hear a metallic clanking in an almost rhythmic pattern. The noise grows louder and soon you reach a warm room where the Armorer is working. You are mesmerized by her striking golden helmet and the graceful but powerful movements she makes as she forges a piece of beskar armor. When she sees Din, the child, and you, she pauses in her work and nods in your direction. Din motions for you to sit on a stone bench and the three of you sit patiently as she finishes her work.
“I see your foundling is doing well,” the Armorer comments, “And this is the caregiver.” She looks over at you and you offer her a smile and a nod. She rests her tools on her workbench and comes over to you. Din stands and you mirror his movement. The Armorer offers you her hand and welcomes you to the Covert.
“Din Djarin tells me that you are a very special woman, it is clear you have been a positive influence in his life.” The Armorer speaks in such a deliberate way that you feel honored to hear such praise from her.
“Thank you, I’ve tried to do my best to help him and we’ve grown very close, but I feel such regret that it’s my fault we’re in trouble now,” you admit to her and you know your face shows the guilt you’re feeling.
“It isn’t your fault,” Din corrects you, “You have no control over Kerrick’s actions.”
“Din is correct,” the Armorer affirms his statement, “You are not responsible for the actions of an evil man who seeks to control you. We will do all that we can to assist you. This is the way.”
“This is the way,” Din repeats.
“Thank you, I am beyond grateful for your help, and for making me welcome with your tribe,” you tell her.
“You are welcome,” she responds, “I must ask now though to speak to Din alone with the other members of our tribe, if you do not mind.”
“Of course.”
You hear footsteps behind you and you see that several other Mandalorians have joined you. Several of them give you a nod in greeting in your direction and a woman with purple armor steps forward.
“I can take you and the child to the place where you’ll be staying while you’re here,” she offers. You turn to follow her, but before you can, Din reaches out to give your hand a squeeze and says, “I’ll find you later, cyar’ika.”
Din watches you leave and then turns back to the Armorer, feeling a little nervous now that he is alone with her and those who remain in their tribe. His own feelings of guilt rise within him as he looks around the room and realizes how few their numbers have become.
In a low voice full of shame and remorse he says, “I am sorry for Nevarro. I can never thank you enough for helping me and the child, but I--”
“Have nothing to apologize for,” Paz interrupts him in a gravelly voice laden with emotion. Din turns his head toward him in surprise.
“We were honored to help you and we would make the same choice again,” a female member of the tribe speaks up.
“It was our duty and our privilege to fight alongside of you in Nevarro,” another tribe member says.
“You are ner vod, an important member of our tribe and we are here for you,” yet another person tells him.
One by one each tribe member speaks up to reassure Din of his place in the tribe and to express that none of them hold him responsible for the attack on the Covert in Nevarro. His eyes fill with tears and he can feel them slowly gliding down his face in response to their acceptance and love for him. He’s felt so disconnected from the tribe since being forced to flee but being with them here now, and hearing their words of support makes him feel like part of a family again. It is so much more than he could have asked for and it means everything to him.
“Th-thank you,” Din chokes out when the last person has spoken, he wants to say more but his emotions are causing a tightness in his throat and it’s all he can get out now.
“Now, let us discuss the threat against your companion,” the Armorer says.
Purple Mando leads you to a small room with modest furnishings where you are able to stow your bag of belongings. She asks if you want to rest, but you tell her that you’d rather spend time with the others if that’s alright.
“I know that little one would love a chance to run around a bit too and maybe play with some other children, if he can,” you suggest.
“That sounds like a nice idea, and you can meet some of my tribe members.” Her voice has a pleasant tone and her friendly demeanor puts you at ease.
When you’re back in the larger cavern that seems to serve as the common room for the Covert, she introduces you to a group of her friends.
“Look at your little foundling, what a cutie he is,” one of the women coos at the kiddo.
“He’s a sweetie,” another one says, “He’s welcome to go play with the other children, here, I’ll introduce him to my two boys.”
“Thank you,” you reply and you put the child down so he can toddle over to the other little children who are playing with blocks. “Be sure to share, buddy,” you call after him.
“Oh, is he in the ‘mine’ phase?” Purple Mando asks you.
“It’s hard to tell really, it’s more that he doesn’t have much time to spend with other children so he’s used to all the toys being his,” you explain.
“Ah, I see, well I’m sure he’ll be just fine,” she says in a reassuring manner.
“So, will you tell me a little about your tribe? I’ve only ever met the one Mandalorian.” You’re really curious to know more about their way of life.
“Sure, we’re happy to tell you anything you want to know.” Her friends make positive sounds and nod their heads in agreement. “But you also have to be sure to tell us all about you and your Mandalorian,” she says with a small chuckle.
You agree with a smile, and the women proceed to tell you about the tribe. They’ve been here in this Covert for quite some time now. On the other side of the cavern system there is a settlement where they can go for various necessities. Unlike Nevarro, there is less threat here so they are able to leave the Covert in small groups. The adults in the tribe have one of four principle jobs. The protectors assist with guarding the Covert and training the others in fighting techniques. The hunters are responsible for bringing in fresh meat from the surrounding forest. The crafters make weapons, vibroblades and other knives in particular, that they sell to help earn income for the tribe. Finally, the caregivers are responsible for the domestic tasks including maintaining a large garden to grow food for the tribe. There are also a few members who have special jobs like the tribe’s two healers, the Armorer, and the beroya, a bounty hunter, like Din.
“Although we hear your beroya is more skilled than ours,” one of the women says, hinting a little at the subject of Din.
“Well, he isn’t one to brag, but he always seems to be successful in catching his quarry, at least as far as I’ve seen,” you explain but you can’t keep a note of pride out of your voice.
“His tribe has only been with us for a few months, but we have heard stories about him,” Purple Mando tells you, “And they were very pleased to hear that you were coming to stay with him for a bit.”
“Really?” This surprises you because you wouldn’t have believe that Din’s tribe would give too much thought to you seeing as they’ve never met you.
“Mmhmm, yes, apparently he’s never been serious about a woman before, so they’re all wondering if he’s finally ready to settle down,” she laughs lightly as she says this and tips her helmet in your direction.
“Oh I- I don’t know about that,” you stumble over your words a bit, feeling flustered at the implication, “He um hasn’t said… I mean, I wouldn’t assume anything… I-”
“Don’t let her tease you,” another woman pipes up, “She’s a hopeless matchmaker.”
“Oh c’mon, what can I say, I just adore love and a riduurok,” Purple Mando giggles.
“What’s a riduurok?” you ask.
“A marriage ceremony,” she tells you, “When two people become each other’s riduur, or spouse.”
“Well, I appreciate learning new words in Mando’a,” you say with a chuckle, “But I don’t think there’s going to be a riduurok any time soon, unless one of you are getting married this week?”
The women laugh with you and you feel a contentment that you haven’t felt in days, it feels like you can let your guard down with them. As much as you enjoy spending time with Din, you’ve missed having friends. The afternoon passes quickly as the women fill you in on the gossip in the tribe and you watch the child playing happily with the other kids.
When Din returns to your side with several members of his tribe, he introduces you to many of them although all without names as per their tradition so you continue to refer to them in your mind by the colors of their armor. Even though some of the colors are repeated, the patterns of the paint vary sufficiently that you can easily tell everyone apart.
One woman with pink armor seems very chatty and interested in you. She asks you all about your work with languages.
“Oh, how did you know about that?” you ask surprised.
“Din told us of course,” she says pleasantly, “He’s very sweet on you and talked at length about your many accomplishments while we were catching up.” As she comments on Din’s affectionate side, she nudges him slightly with her elbow and it’s clear she’s teasing him. It’s cute and it reminds you of the way you used to tease your brother about girls.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” you whisper conspiratorially to her, “I’m sweet on him too.” You hear Din let out a chuckle at that and he rests his hand on your knee. He’s relaxed here in a way you’ve not seen before and it’s nice.
“Oh, but yes, languages have always intrigued me, I love figuring out how they work and learning about new ones,” you explain, “I’ve even learned several words in Mando’a today.”
“Which ones?” Pink is curious to know.
“Well, beroya, talking about Din, of course,” you say with a smile, “And then a few related to families, ad’ika, aliit, and buir, oh and then riduur and riduurok too.” You’re just happy you remembered all the new words.
“Hmm, riduur and riduurok, talking more about Din, I suppose?” she giggles.
“Oh! No! I- I didn’t mean in reference to him, it- it just came up…” you trail off embarrassed to have implied such a thing. You’re thankful that Din is deep in conversation with one of the other men and doesn’t appear to have heard that.
“Don’t worry, I’m only playing,” Pink reassures you, “I’m just so happy with my own riduur. It’s only been eight months and I’m already expecting.” She tells you this excitedly and places a hand on her lower abdomen tenderly where you can see a small baby bump.
“Congratulations!” you beam at her with delight, “That’s so exciting.” You ponder her news for a moment and then ask, “What’s it like? Being pregnant, I mean? I’ve always been curious.”
“Well, at first I just felt really tired and I could throw up at a moment’s notice,” she explains, “But now, I’m further along and I just feel really happy and excited. Plus my riduur is just so proud and happy too.” She points to a man in black armor. Then she leans in closer to you and drops her voice low as she whispers, “And honestly, the sex has never been better. You’d think he was trying to get me pregnant twice.”
You laugh merrily along with her, not realizing that you’re drawing Din’s attention back to you when you pipe up to say, “I’ve always fantasized about being pregnant, it seems like such a special time, knowing that a new life is growing within you.” Your face takes on a dreamy, wistful look as you say this to her. But then thinking about your reality, you say, “I guess it’s just a far-off wish, but it’s fun to dream about it.”
Din’s helmet snaps to look directly at you when you say this, and, as it turns out, so do several other curious helmets. Something deep inside Din’s chest pulses with a desire to make your wish come true. Suddenly he can see what you would look like round and swollen with his child, the beautiful glow you would have, the tender way you would look at him when he’d caress your belly, and so much more. He wants to say something, anything to you, but he can’t think of the right words, especially not in front of so many people. Happy giggles from you and your new friend distract him from these thoughts.
Pink giggles at your statement and then leans in to stage whisper, “You should be careful saying that around a bunch of Mandalorians, one of them might take you up on it and put a baby in you tonight.”
Her statement is rather blunt, but it just makes you laugh along with her. After the stress you’ve been under all day, you’re enjoying making a new friend and just giggling along with her. As nervous as you were about meeting Din’s tribe, you are so thankful to be here now.
“So Djarin, your woman wants a baby,” Paz ribs Din, “You know if you’re not up to the task, I’d be more than happy to oblige her.”
“Shut up, di’kut,” Din mutters at him.
“Vizsla has a point; she is a beauty, I’m surprised you’re not trying harder,” another guy sitting next to him gets in on the teasing.
“Not you too,” Din replies and gives the guy a shove.
“Maybe we should introduce ourselves, get to know her,” Paz says cheekily, then walks over closer to where you’re seated. “Hey, mesh’la, how are you doing this evening?” he nods his helmet in your direction.
“I’m pretty sure he means you,” Pink snickers.
Not wanting to be impolite, you smile kindly as you answer, “I’m having a nice time; everyone has been so welcoming.”
“That’s good; we all want you to feel welcome.” He props his knee up on a rock formation and then leans his arm down on it so he can be closer to where you are. “Maybe later you’d like a nice tour of the caverns? I know some really nice spots.”
Din stands up at this and positions himself between you and Blue Mando, “You want to ask her that again, Vizsla?”
“I dunno, maybe she’d rather see some Mandalorian sparring? Let her see how a real man fights,” Paz jeers at Din.
“Why not? I’m sure she’d enjoy watching me kick your ass.” Din taunts back.
“Whoa, guys, there’s no need for this,” you try to interrupt, but the air is thick with tension and testosterone. This seems to be an older dispute, and you’re just a convenient spark to reignite the flames of the argument. You’re worried that they might actually start fighting when the child comes to your rescue.
The little guy toddles over carrying a big piece of paper in his claws. He wants to show Din and you a picture that he’s drawn.
“Hi, buddy!” You purposely step between Din and Blue Mando to reach down and pick him up. “What do you have here?”
It’s a drawing of a stick figure family with flowers and what looks to be frogs surrounding them. One of the figures has a helmet-shaped head, another has hair that looks a lot like yours, and the third little figure has big green ears, so it’s clear that he’s drawn his own little family of Din, you, and himself.
“This is so good, buddy,” Din tells him and then he leans over to pat the kid on the head.
“You did so great, kiddo!” You say enthusiastically, feeling a bit relieved too. You lean in and kiss the child on the forehead, and then whisper, “Good job calming down your papa too.” He coos at you in his happy way and you could swear he understands everything you say to him.
Just then, a soft gonging sound rings out across the cave. You watch as the other children scramble back towards their parents and little groups begin to funnel out of the room.
“What’s happening?” you ask Pink.
“It’s time for the evening meal. The food is prepared collectively, and each family goes to collect their portion before heading to their private quarters to eat. Follow me and we’ll get you three all set up.”
You follow her and the rest of the Mandalorians towards another large room with a buffet of food. It all smells delicious and you didn’t realize how hungry you’d become. The child starts wiggling in anticipation when he sees the feast before him. He starts making little whiny sounds and grabby hands towards the dishes.
“It’s ok, sweetie,” you tell him, “We’ll get our food very soon, I promise.”
Din moves forward to begin collecting your dinner and he quickly scoops up a bun that had started to mysteriously float upward and hands it to the child so he won’t get too fussy. “Don’t get too impatient, kiddo,” he says gently reproaching the child.
You retreat to your appointed room with your meal and once you make sure the child can’t peek over at Din, you’re able to enjoy the food. For a while, you simply eat in a comfortable silence. There’s been so much going on today, it’s nice to be here where it’s more tranquil and you have a moment to yourselves that doesn’t feel as stressful as early in the day.
“I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone here, they’re so caring and nice,” you tell Din, “Pink and Purple did a great job of introducing me to lots of people and teaching me about the Covert.”
“Pink and Purple?” He asks, confused.
“Oh, well, I don’t know anyone’s names so I’ve just been referring to them by the color of their armor in my head, Pink, Purple, Orange, Blue, you know?”
Din laughs at this and says, “You’re so adorable, cyar’ika.”
“Thanks, darling,” you say laughing a little with him, it is rather funny, “Seriously, I’ve felt so safe and at home here, even though it’s only been a few hours.”
“It makes me happy to hear you say that, cyar’ika,” he responds, “I hope you don’t mind but I told my tribe a lot about you, I wanted them to know how hard you’ve worked to take care of the child and keep him safe.”
You feel a fluttery sensation in your chest at his words, “I’m honored that you wanted to tell them about me.”
“Of course I wanted to,” Din says, “You’re very important to me.”
“You’re important to me too, Din,” you admit softly, trying not to get too choked up as you share your feelings with him. You hear him come closer to you and then he’s placing his arms around you, hugging you to his chest. His helmet is still off and you can feel him nuzzle his face into your neck and hair.
You sit like that for a while, just enjoying the closeness; you’re holding the child in your arms and Din is holding you in his. After a bit, you start to rock the child a little and hum a little song to him. He’s had a long day after running around with the other children and now that his belly is full, you can see he’s getting drowsy. As his big eyes start to blink longer and longer, you get up to put him in his little pod for the night. When you close it, you can feel Din has followed you and is standing right behind you.
“I have something for you,” he says, his voice a little gruff, but modulated so you know he’s wearing the helmet again. You turn and face him and you see he’s holding out a small leather pouch for you to take.
You smile broadly at him, “A gift for me?”
“Yes,” he confirms.
You untie the strings of the pouch and reach inside to pull out a necklace with a heart pendant made of beskar. It glimmers in the light and you can see there is a mythosaur skull imprinted on the heart. You hold it up and smile, touched by the gesture.
“Oh, it’s beautiful, Din,” you breathe out in delight, “Thank you so much. Will you help me put it on?”
You hand him the necklace and then turn away so he can clasp it at the nape of your neck. He tries to do it first with his gloves on, but then you hear him mutter, “Kriffing gloves,” followed by some shuffling before you feel his bare fingers against your skin as he finally secures the clasp for you.
“How does it look?” You ask him.
“Beautiful, just like you,” he says, before adding, “It’s made from a piece of my armor.”
“It is?” you gasp a little, “So it’s like I’m wearing a little piece of you?”
“Mmhmm,” he nods.
“Then I love it even more,” you tell him truthfully. “If I close my eyes, can I thank you with a kiss?”
“Absolutely,” Din says. You let your eyes flutter closed and then you feel his lips on yours, kissing you softly and slowly. It’s so sweet and romantic, you feel like you want to swoon. His tongue comes out to brush lightly against your bottom lip and you open your mouth letting him deepen the kiss. You pull him closer to you, running your hand up into his hair as you tug lightly and shift against him to position yourself to an even better angle. This rouses something in Din and he kisses you more passionately as his hands run down your back to your hips before pulling you flush to his body. After a bit he breaks away from your lips, only so he can trail kisses down your neck and throat, traveling further down until he kisses your chest right above the pendant.
“I’m glad you love the necklace,” Din says and you can feel his breath on your chest as his fingers lightly play with the pendant, “It… it means a lot to me, giving this to you means I feel attached to you… it means that you have my heart.”
“Oh, Din,” your voice fills with emotion, “You have my heart too.”
“Then I don’t need anything else in the galaxy, cyar’ika.” After those sweet words, Din moves back up to give you another scorching kiss.
When he pulls away this time, he rests his forehead on yours and asks, “Did you think to grab the sleep mask before we left?”
You giggle a little at that and say, “Yes, I did. It’s in the outside pouch of my bag.”
He kisses you again, “Can I get it?”
“Yes, but, do you think it will be ok with the little one right in the room with us? I mean I know he’s in his pod…” you trail off, really wanting things to continue but a little torn given the sleeping accommodations tonight.
“His pod is soundproofed, but I’m sure we can be quieter if we try,” Din replies, “But if you’re not comfortable with that, we can just sleep.”
“Well, if you think we can be quieter,” you reply honestly, “I’d rather keep going.”
“Me too,” Din says and in almost an instant, he’s back by your side slipping the mask over your eyes and kissing you soundly again.
“Cyar’ika, can I undress you?” he asks.
“Yes, please,” you respond. Gently, Din removes each piece of your clothing. He is unhurried as he reveals more of you to him, almost as if you’re a present and he’s savoring the unwrapping. When he reveals a patch of skin, he pauses to kiss you there, sometimes letting his hot tongue slip out and taste you. Each time he does it, you melt a little more into his touch. When you’re completely naked, he guides you to the bed so you can lie back. He kisses your lips one more time before telling you, “Let me remove my clothing now, I’ll be just a bit.”
You wait in anticipation, and when you hear him moving closer to the bed again, you’re surprised when you feel him kissing your toes.
“Din!” you yelp in surprise.
“Shh, cyar’ika,” he murmurs, “We’re supposed to be quieter.”
“You surprised me,” you explain, but in a softer voice this time.
You feel his lips again on your feet as he starts to kiss his way to your ankle and then up your calf. He’s gradually parting your legs as he works his way up higher and higher. You can guess his destination as he places a kiss high up on your inner thigh, but then you’re surprised again when he pulls away. When you feel him kissing your other foot, you realize he’s repeating the whole process on the other leg this time. He’s taking his time kissing and tasting your skin, and it feels so good that it’s turning you on more than you can believe. This time when Din gets to your inner thigh, you’re trembling in anticipation. As he lingers, you can’t take it anymore and you start to beg him.
“Din, please,” you whine out so softly it’s almost a whimper.
“Do you want more, cyar’ika?” he says against your skin and he lets his tongue caress the very top of your thigh. It’s so good, but it’s still too far away.
“Yes, please, higher.” This time it is a whimper and you don’t even care just so long as it gets him to finally kiss and lick where you need him most.
“Well, when you ask so nicely…” Din finally brings his tongue to your pussy and licks a path from the bottom all the way up to the very top where he places a kiss directly on your clit.
You let out a soft mewling sound and he says, “Was that better?”
“Please, more,” you manage to get out in a breathy voice.
“Anything for you, cyar’ika,” Din says before licking you again in the same deliberate manner. He keeps this up, licking in long strokes but very slowly, driving you completely crazy with desire. You start to try to grind your hips against his tongue but his hands come up to hold you still.
“You’re so eager,” he chuckles, “But be patient, my love; I’ll make it good for you.” With that comment, he pushes his tongue inside you as his fingers come up to draw light circles around your clit. It feels incredible and you let out a shaky moan as he finally starts to give you more. His tongue and his lips start to explore you in earnest, tasting and sucking on your most sensitive parts, turning you into a moaning mess. It an attempt to be quieter, you hold your hand up to your mouth to muffle the sounds because you just can’t stop making them.
“Mmm, that’s a sound I like to hear,” Din says between licks, “Reminds me of when you were first on the ship with me, late at night, I’d hear you trying to be quiet as you touched yourself.”
“You heard that?” you manage to gasp out, you’d be a little embarrassed but considering where his head is now, you don’t care.
“Yes, and I lived for it,” he tells you before diving back in and picking up his pace. You keen up into his mouth as he sucks hard on your clit, like it’s the last thing he’ll ever taste, and you feel your thighs starting to quake. When he pushes two fingers deep inside you, you can feel yourself starting to tighten around them. Your pleasure builds and just when it seems like you can’t take anymore, you feel yourself coming apart all over his face and hand.
You’re still panting when he makes his way up your body and then pulls you into another passionate kiss. His enthusiasm for you is humbling, but truthfully, you feel the same way, like you can never get enough of him. You break the kiss to move down his body now; you place hot, open-mouthed kisses all down his torso. You stop at both of his nipples to tease them with your tongue and nip at them lightly. Now it’s his turn to moan as you let your hands and mouth guide you lower and lower.
“Where are you g-going, cyar’ika?” Din grounds out, his voice stuttering as your tongue delves into his navel.
“Mmmm, can’t you guess, my love?” And with that, you let your mouth envelope the head of his cock and swirl your tongue all around it. Din lets out a loud groan that is almost a whine and you smile to yourself.
“Now who needs to be quiet?” you tease before returning to let your tongue caress his shaft all over with long, wet licks.
“Aaaahhh, just feels so fucking good,” Din breathes out, his voice low.
“I’m going to make you feel amazing,” you promise, and you return to the head, rubbing your tongue across the sensitive spot just underneath before sucking him into your mouth. You go about halfway down this time before pulling off him again. You return to taunting him with licks, this time running your tongue over his balls before you resume sucking him. You repeat this teasing process, each time sucking him deeper into your mouth until you start to hum to open your throat as you begin to reach his base. When you finally take all of him, he’s practically shuddering at the sensation. You take pity on him and instead of continuing to tease, you hollow your cheeks and begin to glide up and down, showing him how much you want to please him, wanting to give him the same intense pleasure he brought you a few moments ago. You can hear him doing his best to muffle his moans as he shakes and writhes underneath you. You can tell he’s trying not to thrust into your mouth, but he can’t help bucking his hips a little and when he does, it causes your throat to constrict around him increasing his enjoyment. You can tell he’s starting to get very close, but before you can get him there, he’s pushing you away.
“No, no, wait, I… I don’t want to yet…” Din gasps.
“Are you sure? I wanted you to finish in my mouth,” you explain, still eager to resume.
Din groans a little, but moves to haul you back up against him, “If I do that right now, I don’t think I’ll be able to make love to you anymore tonight, and I want that more.”
“Oh, Din,” your voice catches a little, “I do want you to keep making love to me, but sometime, I want you to let me finish you with my mouth.”
“Yes, sometime,” he kisses you to seal the promise. Din rolls you onto your side so that your back is flush against his chest, “I want to take you like this, cyar’ika,” he says. His hands are already maneuvering your legs so he can slide himself between them, and then you feel his steely erection rubbing deliciously between your folds.
“Yes, Din… aaah, like this is perfect.” Your breath hitches in your chest as he positions himself to enter you.
“Tell me,” he says.
You reach back to cradle his head with your hand and bring him closer to you, “Take me like this, Din, I want you… I need you.”
With that, he thrusts into you in one swift motion causing all the breath in your body to push out in a gasp. As he moves within you, he winds his arm around you tight holding you close against his chest. It’s like there’s no space between you at all. His mouth attaches itself to your neck where he’s biting and sucking a new mark into your skin. You can feel him everywhere and it’s overwhelming in the best way.  It doesn’t take long for you to feel the stirring of your climax again and you start to struggle to stay quiet. In this position, every thrust hits on your most pleasurable spot deep inside you and it’s taking all that you have not to scream out Din’s name. You know he must be getting closer to his peak too, as he’s also starting to groan and grunt more.  
“Are you close, cyar’ika?” Din asks you desperately and he drops his hand to your clit to rub fast circles there. All you can get out is a whimper and a shaky breath, as you start to feel the waves of your orgasm lapping at you. Din doubles his efforts and starts to beg you, “Please, cyar’ika, please… I’m so close… want you to come first… need you to… oooh, please.”
Hearing him plead with you like that is all you need to send you over the edge and almost as soon as your inner muscles begin to flutter around him, Din is following right along with you. He holds you as tight as he possibly can as he pumps himself into you and bites down on your shoulder to keep himself from crying out. You’re so stunned by the sensation you feel like you might black out from the pleasure. You’re shuddering from little aftershocks of bliss when Din starts to speak to you again but he’s speaking in Mando’a and you can’t fully understand what he’s saying.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika,” he says reverently and turns you towards him so he can kiss you fully.
When he breaks the kiss, he speaks again, only this time in Basic, “I love you, my sweetheart.”
Your heart skips a beat and then you tell him, “I love you too, Din.” His lips find yours again in the sweetest, most tender kiss.
When you break apart the next time, you ask him, “Will you say it in Mando’a again?” He does and you carefully repeat it back to him. You barely get the last syllable out and he’s kissing you again, as if he can never kiss you enough. You kiss him back fervently trying to pour all of your love into it, wanting him to understand just how much you love him.
The next two days pass pleasantly in the Covert. Din feels pleased that you fit in so well with everyone and it warms his heart to see how eager you are to learn more about his culture. It fills him with a new hope for the future, and he lets himself daydream about being able to return to the tribe permanently with you. Still though, Din can’t ignore the danger that you’re in and each hour that passes makes him anxious that the Imps could be headed here right now. In discussing the predicament with his tribe, Din was able to come up with a plan to keep you on the move and, hopefully, to find a stronger Covert that could help you defeat Kerrick. While his tribe and the others in this new Covert offered up their fighters, Din refused to accept based on their already reduced numbers. Now each moment that passes, his unease at being caught builds. It’s on this third evening, that he brings up his worries with you.
“I think we should leave tomorrow,” Din suggests, and you can hear the concern in his voice.
“You don’t think we’re safe here?” You’d been feeling so much better since arriving, that you’d hoped you’d be able to stay longer.
“It isn’t that-- I… I don’t think we’re safe anywhere, really,” he pauses and looks down at the ground when he says, “I’m worried that if we stay any longer, I’m endangering the Covert again, like Nevarro.”
You know all about Nevarro now as the other night the Armorer and the rest of Din’s tribe spoke about it, wanting both you and the other Mandalorians to understand more about that part of their history, and as a way of honoring those who lost their lives during the battle. Din was very quiet though as the story was being told, opting to simply grip your hand tightly and listen. You could tell that he still felt responsible for the loss of the Nevarro Covert, despite his tribe’s endeavors to show everyone that only the Imperial forces were to blame.
“I understand,” you reassure Din, “We can leave tonight if you think we should, it won’t take long to get our things together.”
“Can we? I think it would be the best option.” You can hear a note of relief in his voice as you agree with him and let him know that you’ll start packing right away.
“I just need to speak to the Armorer again,” Din tells you, “I shouldn’t be too long.”
When he finds the Armorer at her forge, she appears to have been expecting him. He doesn’t know how she does it, but it’s almost as if she can anticipate his thoughts, it’s always been that way with her. He wonders for a moment if she might share some of the child’s powers.
“Din Djarin, I have the pieces you have requested,” she speaks in her carefully measured voice.
“Thank you, I appreciate that you’ve worked to complete them so quickly for me,” he responds and watches as she moves to collect two small leather pouches. When he opens the first, he pulls out another beskar pendant; this time it is a mudhorn, the exact match to the one on his pauldron. The second pouch contains three rings, one is a ring of yours that Din swiped from your jewelry collection, and the other two are matching bands of beskar, one in the same size as your ring and the other sized to fit his own finger.
“I see that she wears the heart pendant with joy,” the Armorer tells him, and then asks, “When will you ask her to join your clan?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Din admits a bit bashfully, “But I want to be prepared to ask her when the time is right.”
“You have the blessing of the tribe, if you should want it,” she declares to him, “Your woman has mandokarla and we will always welcome her.”
“Thank you, that means so much to me,” Din replies gratefully.
“You have decided to leave us,” the Armorer states, again already seeming to know his thoughts before he shares them.
“Yes, I think it is for the best.” His voice can’t contain its concern, but he knows she understands as she nods to him.
“You must do what is best for your clan. This is the way,” she confirms.
“This is the way.”
A few days later and you’re back in hyperspace. You’ve been following the plan that Din’s tribe helped him design, stopping at some remote outposts in hopes of finding other Mandalorians. So far, the information the Covert shared with Din has been reliable and you both feel confident in your efforts. A sudden pinging on the dash draws Din’s attention and he sees that a transmission is coming in.
“Brother, we heard you are seeking assistance,” a strong voice speaks out into the cockpit, but no holo accompanies it.
“That depends on who’s offering,” Din responds carefully.
“Our Covert has heard that you need warriors to battle against some Imps,” the voice says, “We are willing to help you in that endeavor.”
“How did you come to hear that?” Din questions the voice.
“We are in communication with many other Coverts, and heard of your needs through our contacts,” the voice explains.
Din stays quiet as he thinks; the caller’s explanation seems logical but trusting a disembodied voice also seems a bit naïve. He continues to hesitate in his response when the voice speaks again.
“We also have information about where you can find the Jedi.”
“What are your coordinates?” Din asks, his mind made up. If they know about the Imperials and the Jedi, then they must have spoken to his Covert.
“We’re transmitting them now,” the voice informs him.
“Thank you, for being willing to help us,” Din says graciously.
“Ibic mando’kar,” the voice states.
“This is the way,” Din replies before ending the call.
As soon as the transmission is cut off, you speak up, “Do you think they’re the Mandalorians we’ve been searching for?”
“They must be, I know they’re an older sect and it makes sense that they’d say ‘Ibic mando’kar’ for ‘This is the way’,” he explains to you, “I think they can help us.”
You’re about to ask him more about these Mandalorians and what he knows, but you’re stopped by the child who has started fussing and crying. You go over to pick him up, but he’s worked himself up into a real tantrum, and no matter how much you try to soothe him, he won’t calm down.
“Are you hungry already, buddy?” You pull out some snacks from your pocket for him, but he shoves them away and cries harder. You know Din needs to focus on piloting the ship to the new coordinates so you descend to the hull with the poor little guy. You try rocking him, singing to him, even a warm bath, but nothing seems to help. He doesn’t seem to be in any visible discomfort so you simply sit and hold him hoping that ultimately your presence will show him that everything is ok. Eventually, he’s exhausted himself and falls asleep. You clean the tears off his little face, and although it’s finally quiet on the ship, you can’t shake a feeling of unease after how upset the child has been. However, you’re exhausted too after trying to care for him and you find yourself curling up on your bed your own eyes closing shortly afterwards.
You reach the coordinates provided to you by the Covert on a remote planet whose name you don’t know. The scenery does nothing to lift your mood, as the place appears to be an old industrial center and now looks run-down and abandoned. Although, given what you know about the need for the Mandalorian Coverts to remain secretive, you suppose that makes sense. You follow Din off the Crest with the child’s pod floating right beside you. As you walk to the designated meeting point, a large warehouse building, the child begins to whine again. You see the familiar sight of a mythosaur skull painted above the doorway to the warehouse and you breathe a sigh of relief, that this must be the correct place. You enter the building, but everything is dark and dusty inside and it doesn’t look like anyone is around. Thinking back to Din’s Covert, you expect that some guards will probably appear like before. When you see a helmeted figure in the shadows, you think you must be right, that is until the person turns to reveal the stark white helmet and armor of a storm trooper.
“You found us!” An eerily cheery voice trills out, making your blood run cold. It’s Kerrick.
Din instantly moves to shield you behind him, but you know it’s in vain, as now you can see an entire squadron of troopers moving out of the shadows to surround you. Even with Din’s impeccable skills as a gunslinger, there’s no way you could take on this many troopers, you are hopelessly outgunned.
“Come now, my little doll, don’t be shy,” Kerrick’s voice is almost sing-songy in his joy at trapping you, “I’ve missed you so very much, baby doll.”
Your heart is lurching in your chest and you feel sick to your stomach. You’re running through all the possible scenarios in your head, but there’s only one that you can think of which will keep Din and the child from being hurt.
“I’ve missed you too, Kerrick,” you call out, stepping out from behind Din.
Din’s hand reaches out to pull you back, but you gently shake your head and pull away. Before you do, you try to look into his visor with all the love you can and silently try to tell him that everything you’re about to say is a lie, but you have no idea if he can understand that.
“My sweet baby doll, come here and give your man a kiss,” Kerrick leers at you with a wide grin.
You raise your hands up as you walk slowly towards him, and you make your voice high pitched and girly, the way he used to like when you were in bed together, as you say, “Kerrick, all these guns are scaring me, can’t you have them put the blasters away?”
“Oh, my little doll, those are for your protection,” Kerrick explains condescendingly.
“I don’t know, I don’t think I can come any closer, I’m too scared,” you tell him.
“Alright, my doll, for you,” and he motions for the troopers to lower their blasters.
You feel a tiny sense of victory as you can tell you still have some power over Kerrick even with how twisted and vile he’s become. You move closer to him and when you’re within arm’s reach, he becomes impatient and he reaches out to grab you. Din’s instincts kick in and he draws his blaster without thinking and aims directly for Kerrick.
“Uh, uh, uh, Mandalorian, she just said she’s scared of blasters,” Kerrick admonishes, “You don’t want to scare my doll any more than you already have, do you?”
Oh no, you need to salvage this and quickly, “It’s not like that, Kerrick, he’s been trying to help me find you,” you lie, “I’ve been so lonely and sad without you, and he’s been protecting me until I could get back to you.”
“Is that true?” Kerrick asks, skeptical, “From our visit to Angel One, I was under the impression that you’ve been acting like a little whore for him.”
You want to die as you say these next words, but you know you need to convince Kerrick to let Din and the child go, “I was just using him, so he’d keep helping me, but it was just so I could find you again, Kerrick, after all, I’m still your doll.” Your hand comes up to your chest to sit over Din’s heart pendant hidden under your tunic and you hate yourself for having to put Din through this.
Din’s blood is boiling and he feels heartsick as he hears you lie to Kerrick. He knows you must be lying in an attempt to save him and the child. But he can’t ignore how much your words hurt, even if they’re not true. Hearing you call yourself “doll” though and seeing you grip your pendant, he tells himself that you don’t mean what you’re saying, that you do really love him, and that you’re prepared to sacrifice yourself to save him. He’s so angry with himself for leading you into this trap and he’s desperate to find another solution, but like you, he’s out of options. He has to do all he can right now to reign in his desire to start shooting.
Kerrick’s arms are wrapping tighter around your waist, and you know you’re going to have to muster up every acting skill you have if you’re going to convince him of your falsehood. You bring a hand up to caress his face, and he nuzzles into your touch. You thought he was handsome once, but his years with the Empire have changed him and his smug, pretty boy face holds no attraction for you now. You push these thoughts deep down though, and close your eyes as you bring him closer to you for a kiss. It takes everything you have not to shove him away in disgust. As Kerrick forces his tongue into your mouth, you tell yourself to be calm and then you pretend you’re kissing Din. It’s a struggle, but you manage to fool Kerrick enough that when he pulls away he’s grinning from ear to ear.
“Let’s go, doll,” he says and he starts to tug you away.
“Wait, Kerrick, will you do something for me, please?” You do your best to make yourself look as sweet and innocent as you can and you use the girly voice again.
“What can I do for you, baby doll?” He looks at you like you’re a child asking for a treat.
“Will you let the Mandalorian go back to his ship? He really did help me find you, and if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have this wonderful reunion.” You pray Kerrick won’t see through your ploy.
“You always were so softhearted,” Kerrick says as he pats you on the ass.
“Please, for me? Please, Kerrick,” It’s soul crushing to have to beg him like this, but if it can help Din even a little you have to do it.
“Oh alright, I don’t want you to be sad or distracted all night. I have much better plans for us,” Kerrick tells you suggestively. You do your best not to throw up right then, but plan to save it as an escape for later.
“You six, take the Mandalorian back to his ship,” Kerrick motions to a group of troopers. Ok, six is still kind of a lot, but if feels like a number Din can probably handle. You don’t believe for a second that Kerrick is actually going to let Din go without a fight, but at least now he’s not facing an entire squadron.
“Can I say goodbye?” You know you’re pushing it, so you add, “To the child.”
“Fine, but make it quick,” Kerrick pats you on the ass again and you run back over to Din and the child. You scoop the baby up in your arms, but you look directly at Din and mouth, “I love you, I’m sorry.” He inclines his head in the slightest of nods and you know he understands. It doesn’t stop your heart from breaking in two though and you know tears are threatening to spill from your eyes.
“That’s enough!” Kerrick’s sharp voice calls out and you place the baby back in his pod before fixing a fake smile on your face and turning back to Kerrick. It’s shaky at best and you know you can’t hide your teary eyes so you throw yourself back into Kerrick’s arms hoping that a seemingly enthusiastic hug will mask your true feelings.
He chuckles, pats your head, and says, “Don’t worry, doll, I’ve got you now.”
The troopers lead Din out of the warehouse and each step feels painful, as he knows it’s taking him further away from you. All he wants to do is run back into that warehouse and fight for you, but he knows a deathtrap when he sees one. He doesn’t believe for one second that the troopers are going to let him leave, but he’s pretty sure he can take them out and get to the ship fast enough to get away. If he can make the jump to hyperspace before Kerrick’s cruiser can realize what’s happening he should be able to escape with his life.
“Be sure to get the asset,” one of the troopers is muttering to another, and Din knows it’s time. He charges and fires his whistling birds taking out four of the troopers at once and as he turns to fire at the other two, he sees their bodies being slammed together forcefully. Despite the terrible situation, he smiles to himself as he sees the child’s hands raised, helping him defeat the Imps. He quickly dispatches the last two troopers and then dashes to the Razor Crest.
He takes off as quickly as he knows how and, risking everything, makes the jump to hyperspace while he’s still in the planet’s atmosphere. It’s incredibly dangerous but it pays off and thankfully, the Crest manages to get away.
As hyperspace glows blue around him, Din plots in a course back to his Covert. He needs reinforcements and this time he can’t let the past hold him back from accepting help.
“We’re going to get her back, buddy,” Din vows looking at the child, “Don’t you worry.”
Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed this latest chapter. Link to Chapter 9: Not Without My Cyar’ika
Mando’a glossary:
gar vode = your brethren, your brothers
ner vod = my brother
beroya = bounty hunter
riduurok = marriage, wedding ceremony
riduur = spouse
ad’ika = little one (affectionate)
aliit = family
buir = parent
di’kut = idiot
mesh’la = beautiful
Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum = I love you (literally, I know you forever)
mandokarla = having the right stuff, the epitome of Mandalorian spirit
Ibic mando’kar =This is the way (there is some debate about how to say it)
Tag list: @grogusmum @wellofeternalthirst @idreamofboobear @theamuz @fangirlalexia @callmekane @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @theravenreads @nicotinebirds @boomtownboy @nova646 @wandering-storm-lost-shadow @becks-things @sleepwithacommunist @mackycat11 @som3thingcr3ative @punkdalek @pinkninja200 @s-unflowxr @ladyjenny19 @peppywitch @haley7242 @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @hotsauceonabiscuit @asta-lily
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