k1ra0nloose · 5 months
Yoo nice art mate! Keep it up 👍
(I really like how you color! :D)
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Crazy how my fav smg4 artists started to notice me after my last post
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[Tags: @anartisticalniche @anonymousfudanshi @chaoticlad @lizaluvsthis @shygirl4991]
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ufoend · 2 years
∆ please help us
we can not afford any of our basic needs
i usually try to keep this as light as possible, but i have put this off for long enough that i have to post this. me and my partner desperately need help. we are just two gay people trying to make it alone here with absolutely no support system. *remaking because the first post died
who we are: im j (or jet), im 24 year old trans guy whose had this account since 2014. i married my partner in 2018, we even met on tumblr when we were younger, we've been together for years. my partner is disabled (diagnosed with autism and seizure disorder and others)
what we need: basic needs, help with vet care, dental emergency assistance and general support. our cat had an emergency surgery two years ago that means he needs to be on a prescription diet (hills urinary food) for his entire life. the vet suddenly said we need to bring him in again to get his prescription renewed and we cant order any more food for him until then, which he will not survive without, and he is not allowed to eat any alternative food without risking his life. we have less than half of a 8 lb bag of it which will not last him through the next month. with the vet, food, and ubers to get to the vet and to the only place they sell the food = 200
to try to summarize our situation, we were kicked out by family and made officially homeless for the first time last year. this is right after we moved across states (wa to az) to support my partners family upon their request, only to be subjected to abuse and kicked out directly due to homophobia in an unfamiliar state after a few months. this left both of us and all of our animals entirely homeless. we luckily have an apartment now but our situation isnt stable. we lost all of our belongings at this time, everything we had built, and have not been able to replace them as we have very fixed income. my partner is especially affected by this situation, as it was traumatizing, and they have just had to power through trauma after trauma because of poverty, more than i can say.
i also have severe and painful dental problems that are not covered by medicaid in az and i have no way to afford. this includes wisdom teeth, root canals, and many cavities that will turn into that crazy expensive treatment if i don't fix it. some may remember my post about this (+this) showing the work i need. i cant keep ignoring it, because they are worried about two of the cavities becoming root canals, and i want to prevent another infection, but thats at least 250 each i also lost a cap and need to replace it to save the tooth, but that's at least 600.
we are still not going to be able to afford rent in future months because our EBT was delayed last month and i had to spend money we don't have, and without student loan forgiveness, my partner will not have loans anymore so we are in serious jeopardy even affording rent, let alone bills. our pets (2 cats 1 small dog) also desperately need vaccinations, which is dangerous to keep going this overdue without with their health problems. our dog has also been limping for the past week and he needs to be seen when that is ever possible, at least 65 plus ubers.
any donations would go first to the vet appointment and cat food, then the other needs in order of priority. will keep updating this, i know its a lot and i really don't expect anything as i know it's well over 1000 for it all, i am begging for help with any of this.
we are both students, we are trying to work towards stability, while being stuck here. i do everything i can to bring in money to support us on my own. we make 200 less than rent is monthly. i am in school to become a caseworker so i am aware of a lot of resources in my area, and have applied for everything, but we can not do this alone which is why i have to ask for help. i am so sorry for having to do this but i appreciate any support that i do have because of this website. you guys literally save my life. helping out other poor people and getting helped out on here has been the most compassion ive ever been a part of. dollars, even pennies, worth of donations has kept my cat safe, has affected me in real ways. it actually matters to us, no matter the amount.
thank you anyone who reblogs, donates anything at all, or reaches out
p*ypal email (best): [email protected]
v*nmo: @tobler707
c*shapp: $tobler707
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panfluidme · 10 months
Purple's Second Chance
Master Post, Chapter Three
Leo and Casey led Donnie through the base. Shortly into the tour, Leo had told Casey not to cling to Donnie as Donnie didn't like physical touch. That was a little shocking for Casey to learn as Uncle Tello always let him touch him.
Right, this isn't his Uncle Tello. This is the younger, more scared version of him who didn't know who Casey was. Casey just had to remember that.
"Leon?" Donnie asked softly, Casey trailing in front of them.
"What exactly happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"The aliens. How did they come to invade Earth?"
"It started seventeen years ago, a few months after you laid your eggs. They had hatched and the family couldn't be happier." Leo sighed softly. "Hypno and the worm guy had robbed a store, so the four of us went to stop them, Splinter and Robbie were taking care of your hatchlings, as you were found of calling them."
Donnie frowned. "Where are they not?"
"Dead. You're the last White Turtle left."
"Anyway, Hypno and the worm had gotten the key to the Prison Dimension for the Foot Clan. We fought and eventually ended up losing. The Foot opened the doorway and out came the Kraang. We've been fighting them ever since."
"What happened to Raph and Papa?"
"Dad died a year or two in the war saving a group of survivors. A mission had gone wrong and killed Raph."
"Casey, that is his name, right? Great, Casey mentioned that he thought I was dead."
"As April said, you died of a Kraang infection. I believe it happened shortly after the Kraang came, but took years to kill you. I should've noticed something, you went through it alone."
"How did I get infected?"
"We don't know. Maybe you got bit and didn't amputate, but that doesn't sound like you."
"Sensei Leonardo!" someone called out. "We're running low on food supplies."
"I've got to take care of this. Casey, keep leading Donnie around. Last stop should be his laboratory."
Casey nodded. "Got it, Sensei."
Leo left, leaving the two alone. An awkward silence covered them as they walked. Casey would occasionally glance at Donnie then sigh.
"Casey, you can say what's on your mind."
"I miss you. I know it's fucked up to miss the you I knew and love when you're right here."
"It's not fucked up. You have every right to miss the me you know. I understand why you would."
"You do?"
Donnie nodded. "I haven't matured into what you know me as. You get to miss me and I won't try to replace him."
"Can I call you Uncle Tello?"
"If you want to."
Casey smiled widely. "Thank you, Uncle Tello!"
"Leo mentioned that I have a lab?"
"Yeah, but that's the last part of the tour. If you're anything like how you used to be, once you're in there, you won't come out until meal time."
"Damn, you caught me. I'm going to guess that Cassandra's your mom?"
"She is! How did you know?"
"You look like her, your name, Casey, is her nickname. My guess is that your last name is Jones. You mentioned I call you Jr or Casey-Double J, so I'm guessing your full name is Casey Jones Jr."
"Have you always been so smart?"
"I have! Dad said when I was younger, I would throw tantrums, I still can and will, but him reading a book about something scientific would calm me down every time. Once I got older, I started to read more on my own and not just during tantrum. I've been keeping up on learning as much as I can."
Casey chuckled. "You used to tell me facts to help me fall asleep."
"That sounds about right." Donnie grinned. "How tall do I get?"
"So tall! I don't remember Major Raphael much, but Sensei Leonardo says that you were just a few feet shorter than him and he was almost fourteen feet tall!"
"I'm almost as tall as Raph?"
"That's what I've been told."
"What happened to Leo's arm?"
"You and him were going on a mission. You both got stuck under a dead Kraang's suit. You had to cut him out and get rid of his arm and he cut off your leg. Master Michelangelo carried you home with his mystics."
"But you made yourself and Sensei matching limps. Sensei said that you took a lot of inspiration from Major Raphael."
"I'm glad that I could keep his memory alive."
"That's all you ever wanted. Keep your family's memory alive."
"Do people tell you stories about them?"
"Yeah! My favorite one is when you guys pranked Major Raphael with Mrs. Cuddles."
"Chuckle, I remember that. Of course, Raph teamed up with everyone else to torment me after he learned it was my suggestion."
"It was?"
"Twas. It was worth it to me."
"I bet."
Chapter Five
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idkcantthinkofaname · 4 years
It takes time/ 8
Pairing: bts x reader
Warning: mention of blood and death,
Gene: angst, future smut
Summary: after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
Note: kind of a filler chapter, wasn’t sure how I Wanted to go with this next couple of chapters 😅 kinda just stared for a bit wondering what to write, but then I thought Hobi past might be needed here, so that’s the main focus. I’m sorry it’s kinda short. But I hope you still like it!
     “The family I was with was good for a while before the husband started coming home drunk. Problems got worse, but once he found a mistress things got some what better unless they had a fight. WhenHe would come home drunk, most of the time I would hide away the wife and daughter, and let him take his frustrations out on me....I could smell his alcohol the moment he would show up. But...but one day, I was out back playing with a hybrid in the back alley, who ended up being Taehyung here.” He slightly smiled at Taehyung.
   “So I didn’t hear him come home, by the time I realized..it was to late...the smell of blood drifted in the air...I ran as fast as I could, but...but when I came through the door....they were already dead...he had beaten them to death...I saw him standing there....with their blood on him...I just reacted and attacked him.”  He looked down at my hands that was wrapped in his.
    “He managed to knock me for a second and called the police saying I attack him and the family.....h.c showed up as they were loading him into the ambulance...as they dragged me out the door...I knew it was the end...I had given up..the ones I cared about were gone and their death was blamed on me...”he wiped his tears.
   “that’s when you saw me...I thought with how other treated me even before he blamed me...I didn’t think anyone would ever think twice or come to my aide but there you were trying to get to me. To help, even when you didn’t know me.” Hobi pulled me into a hug. “I never forgot that.”
I hugged him back.  “Wait so how did you get free?” I asked pulling away from him.
Taehyung snickered. “Well after I told Jimin my new friend was in trouble, we went and got him out.” Taehyung smiled
“And don’t asked how y/n. You don’t want to know.” Smiled Jimin as he rubbed my cheek. I blushed. Hobi hand came up to my face and turned me from Jimin. I caught Jimin frowning slightly as I turned.
“I’m glad I got to see you again, and this time under slightly better terms.” His hand was still on my cheek. I knew he could see the blush that bloomed on my cheeks. These hybrid were going to be the death of me. Suddenly I was picked up “it time to eat, and y/n needs to take her medicine. So let us all go to the table and eat like a happy family!” Smiled jin and he carried me to the table
“You know, I don’t have to be carried like this.” I screeched.
“Would you prefer to wrap your leg..”
“NO BRIDAL STYLE IS FINE!” I covered my face. The boys laughed.
“Y/n-ah” whined Taehyung. “You have to get up to eat something and take your medication” he shifted closer to the bed and sat down. I peaked out to see him staring at me. His ears standing tall and focused.
“Listen you have to get up to take your medicine, or Jin will come in here and throw a fit.”
I pulled the covers back over my head, I was so tired. Trying to get comfortable with a leg with a cast on was not easy...then having one of the boys come in and check on me, didn’t help the situation.
“Oh come on..be a good girl” Taehyung said while slowly pulling the comforter back. “Be a good girl for me?” He seemed to pout, but his eyes were too bright.
“Okay, okay.” He seemed to smile brightly and hurried to get all the medicine I was needing to take for pain and infection. He had taken it upon himself to give me my meds every morning. The others had tried but Taehyung made sure he was the one that did it...they wouldn’t tell me how they came to the agreement.
“See now was that so hard? Were you this grumpy with waking up before?” He asked
“Only when I don’t get enough sleep.” I said after swallowing the water.
“Oh, so you aren’t sleeping well then..” Taehyung ears seemed to drop against his head “Jimin always comes to check on you at night. he mentioned that you aren’t sleeping much..”
I looked down at my hands that were against the comfort. “No, the cast doesn’t help..” he handed my a plate with pancakes on it.
“I’m sorry, maybe tonight we can try cuddles to see if you sleep better” I stopped moving and looked up at him. His eyes were so big and he looked so excited.
“Please! I’m sure it will help you!” He reached out and gripped my hand.
“O..okay..” how could I not agree with him looking so adorable. his smiled widen and he wrapped his arms around me, while his tail laid across my lap.
“I’ll make sure you get good sleep!” He leaned back just enough to look at my face. We stared at each other
“Taehyung leave y/n alone. She needs to finish her food.” I jumped a little and pulled back to see Hobi standing in the door smiling. Tae in the other hand frowned.
“Fine fine I’ll go I have things I have to do anyways.” I raised an eyebrow at them.
Hobi smiled more “ we have to finish cleaning out the cabin of our things. So no one finds out that we were there.”
“Oh, okay.” I smiled but then thought “ but wait isn’t that were namjoon and the others still staying?” I asked
Hobi walked over and stood by the bed
“No, they already gathered their stuff and moved on.” Oh, so they really just left like that? “I hope they found a good place to stay.”
Taehyung grinned “trust me namjoon will make sure of it.” He got up and patted my head “we will b back later okay.”
“Are all of you going?”
“The rest are but I’m staying here to keep you company!” Hobi tail was wagging hard. I smiled and took another bite out of my food
“Wanna watch tv??”
Note 2: ateez is tagged because they will come into play here soon also they will be the main focus of the times change, which will be after this story is finished.
Also I want to thank every for the support with this! It really makes me happy and also makes my day! Thank you guys so much! 💙
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@beach-bitch-bitch-beach @ghostkat23 @jiminslye @4evahevah @vantaescupid @calling-dips-on-j-hope @jennyjq @purplelady85 @sana-b @deeepvibes @purelyecstacy @peachyjk97 @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @j3ngkoo
If I missed anyone I’m sorry
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ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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writingmanaged · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet (Sirius Black)
Ship: Sirius Black x Reader
Triggers: Just mentions of alcohol and sex.
A/N: This is my first post and I hope you all enjoy it! I saw these abcs a lot on tumblr and I thought, why not! I decided to make a new alphabet instead of copying one because I thought it would be much more fair. Without further adu, let's go to the fic!
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Α - Activities (Hobbies and things you like to do together)
It is no surprise to anyone that Sirius adores his motorcycle. He simply adores the feeling of the air on his face, pulling his hair back while he looks down at the sight of London. It would only make it better for him, if you were with him too admiring the view and wrapping your arms around him. Perhaps you'd be frightened at first, but he'd make sure to make you understand you are in no danger while he is around. Well, almost.
B - Baby (do they want to have a baby with you?)
Not really. Don't get him wrong, he simply wants his freedom. He thinks you are too young and you should enjoy your independence as much as you can. However, (if you are a fem!reader), as long as you tell him you are pregnant he changes his mind about that completely. Suddenly, he wants to protect that little human and make sure his or her childhood is much better than his own. (That makes him father material)
C - Comfort (how to they comfort you after a bad day?)
If there is one person who knows what it's like to have a bad day, that's Sirius Orion Black. Personally, he usually lets it out on alcohol or sex. But he would never let you do that. Instead he'd pour you just one light drink and let you tell him all about it while you rest in his arms. He'll try to be of help in every way possible. No one has the right to hurt his baby.
D - Dancing (do they like to dance with you?)
Oh yes! Sirius is an amazing dancer of all types. He will always drag you to the dance floor with him. If you like dancing, then prepare yourself for the best time of your life. If you don't, he'll still try to dance with you. Maybe by putting on some music in the dorm when it is empty and dancing in the dark.
E - Eating (meals together)
Sirius will make sure you always have 3 meals a day. During your Hogwarts days, he'll always check on you on all three meals. Both because he loves to stare at you, and to make sure you are eating properly. If you two live together, he will still do so. Do not expect him to cook. This boy barely even had to pour water himself. If you can't cook, however, he'll probably learn. Maybe you could have cooking lessons together.
F - Favourite (their favourite part on you)
Although everyone would expect him to be obsessed over your body (and don't get me wrong, he did love every aspect of it), his favourite part on you is actually your eyes. He just loves to stare inside of them and seeing your love for him reflect inside. They always give him a warm feel which must be what home is supposed to feel like.
G - Gifts (what it says)
It's no secret that this boy is rich. He would love to spend loads of money on you. He'd buy you the most expensive things. Everything you ever need is yours. You look at something in the store? He instantly buys it. If you feel uncomfortable with all this, he will try to restrain himself. You should still expect great gifts on birthdays, holidays and anniversaries whatsoever.
H - Hair (how you treat each other's hair)
Sirius is very fond of his hair. He takes extra care of them. He adores when you run your fingers through them or brush them for you. At times he may even allow you to braid them. At first he was a bit annoyed by it but seeing how it helped you relax it helped him relax as well. He may or may not go to classes looking like that-
I - Ironing (who does the chores?)
I know I've said this a lot, but Sirius was brought up in a rich household. Which means he never got to do chores. However, unlike common belief, he is above all a gentleman and would never let you do all the chores by yourself. He'd make sure you shared an equal amount of chores.
J - Jokes (would you pull jokes on each other)
You bet! Jokes are part of your daily life so you better get used to it. He would also adore to prank you. Your reactions are always so adorable to him. He can't help but life while you are scolding him for ruining your hair. But his laugh is so attractive that you sigh and start laughing along.
K - Kissing (how are their kisses?)
Deep, rough and passionate. He wants to show you how strong his feelings are through the kiss. He is also very demanding and wants to show off dominance. French kisses are his favourite. However, when times require it his kisses can be softer.
L - Lies (would you lie to each other?)
No. Sirius is a very honest person. He would feel most betrayed if you ever lied to him even about the slightest thing. He would also always tell you the truth. "Did you just eat the last piece of cake!?" ".....yes?"
M - Money (how do you handle money?)
Seeing as it is not an issue, he just spends it in all the ways possible. Perhaps he wanted to get rid of it for the shake of his parents. However, you (as the brains of the relationship) would make sure there are always some money aside in times of need.
N - No (things they are not okay with)
Sharing. Not with you, of course. He'd always share everything with you. His house, his clothes, his friends, his heart, they are all yours. However, you only belong to him. This is not an open relationship and if anyone stands too close to you well... They are on for a lifetime of hexing.
O - Outdoors (do you spend more time outdoors or indoors?)
Sirius is a very outgoing person. However, if you are introverted he would stay inside. He is into anything as long as you are there. Still, you should forget about quiet reading nights. Even if you stay in, time with Sirius is very active and loud.
P - Partying (do they like partying with you?)
He is the party animal. More specifically the party dog. This means you will get dragged along into parties a lot. If you like partying, then awesome! If you don't, he'll try to change your mind at first. If he can't, then he'll go without you only to grow tired of it eventually and stay inside with you.
Q - Question (marriage and how they feel about it)
He dreams of it actually. Only the thought of you being a Black, is enough to make him bear a huge grin on his face. Nevertheless, that is the case only after he met you. Beforehand, he wasn't so supportive about it. He was actually certain he would die single.
R - Right (do you argue a lot? Who usually wins?)
This depends on your personality of course. But you should know, this boy is very stubborn. With the correct arguements, you are the one who wins. But he is too stubborn to ever actually admit defeat.
S - Sick (taking care of each other when sick)
He barely ever gets sick, which means he is usually the one taking care of you. He doesn't care if he gets infected. Really, he just wants to take care of you and make sure you get better soon. He'll stay with you while you're sleeping and always race to bring you everything you need. Painkillers? The best in the market. Pillows? The softest. Soup? The tastiest. Hotel? Trivago.
T - Tears (do they cry a lot? Do they do it in front of you?)
Due to his background, he actually cries a lot. Especially when he finds out news about his family. But he would never do it in front of you. He isn't afraid of being seen as weak or anything like that, but he just doesn't want to make you sad.
U - Until death tears us apart (does your relationship last long? Do you ever get apart)
He wanted to stay with you forever. Unfortunately, we all know he has to spend 13 years in Azkaban prison. If you still love him, he would be very happy to get back with you when he comes out. If not, he would be heartbroken but understanding.
V - Victim (what do they do if someone blames you for something you didn't do?)
Oh boi. He would never let that go. He hates when things like this happened. When someone who is innocent gets punished (rings a bell?). He would do his best to get proof regarding your innocent and whoever blamed you... Let's just say they woke up in the infirmary the next day.
W - Working out (what it says)
Sirius likes to work out a lot. That's why his body is the way it is. He'd be delighted if you wanted to join me. He had always wished to do all these couple training.
X - Xoxo (how do they text?)
If phones existed in his era, he'd text you 24/7. Really all the time he wasn't with you, he'd text you. He would send a lot of memes that's for sure. He would also send you a lot of selfies and use emojis all the times. 💕
Y - Yours (Are they possesive? Do they get jealous a lot?
A lot! They would be jealous the second a guy is more than friendly. Don't get him wrong, he trusts you. It is the others he doesn't trust. He'd always rush to your side and wrap his arm around you, claiming you as his own.
Z - Zzzz... (How you sleep together)
He loves cuddling, especially if it is after making love. He'd like to hold you in his arms until morning. He hates to depart from you when you wake up so he'd pull you back down for some more cuddling and maybe even more if you are in the mood.
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 4 - Covid 19's effect on the entertainment industry.
*note: this episode was recorded in March 2020*
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this edition of the freedom of expression. Joe san, Tasai san, lets start once again.
J, T: Please
K: Well, well, well!
J: Well, well, well indeed!
K: Agh, things have really gotten tough.
J: Yeah, its tough. Its like this in the media too, when you meet anyone in our industry, if you speak to them its always, 'how is corona affecting you?', isnt it?
K: Thats right..
J: There is never a day where we don't talk about it.
K: *To Tasai* How is it at Tokyo Sports?
T: Well, most of the news is about corona..
J: I bet
K: Well, everywhere is like that, isnt it.
T: It seems like 80 or 90% is about corona at the moment. Entertainment events are being canceled one after the other, the places where we can go to report are disappearing.
K: Right
K: Do you (at Tokyo Sports) have any new ways to get through this?
T: Well, there really has been a lot of corona related news. For example, opportunistic scammers, people lying about the virus being in the sewers and scamming money off others. Or for example, up-and-coming new talets are losing work and have zero income, or the problem of people re-selling masks...this kind of thing is happening a lot.
J: This is really difficult..
Kami: Hello?
J: Oh, he's here!
Kami: Hello? Um, If you write articles about corona, can you sell a lot?
T: Can we sell a lot? Hmm, well its difficult...economic activity is getting stagnant so selling a lot is just making up for our losses. It feels more like sustaining ourselves.
Kami: Ahh
K: People want information right?
T: Well, yes.
K:Hmm, yeah. Theres a lot of info out there which is fanning the fear.
J: Yes, yes, yes, I think so too.
K: Of course, urging caution, or warning people  about where is dangerous, I want to know that kind of thing, but what about reporting the number of recovered people or that type of thing? If you don't hear anything like that, you only feel scared.
J: Yes, its true. Well as for me, in terms of work, for example, I met with newspaper science correspondents, these guys are always talking to the experts, and they are asking why all the tabloid news outlets are talking about the number of infections, or toilet paper running out and such. They are only talking about things to fan the fear, but there is no calm, scientific, reporting on how much of a threat this actually is.... So, this corona virus is part of the corona virus family that all animals can carry, and there are 7 types which can transmit to humans. This new corona virus is one of those. Up to now, there are also SARS and MERS. Corona viruses themselves, will always be with us. The seventh is the newest type, the shape of the virus is like a crown, hence the name corona virus. Certainly its said that SARS and MERS were equally scary, but if you look at it with a calm approach, the death rate isnt that much higher. At this point in time, there are of course people in the world catching this virus and facing a lot of trouble, but there isnt an excessive death rate. For example, in 2009 there was an out break of a new type of influenza in Japan, in reality over 10 million people caught that. At the moment, there are not even that many people who have caught this new corona virus. If you think about that, the things being reported now are just inducing panic. For some reason, there is very little rational, scientific news being reported. I have the feeling we are being manipulated by slightly sensational news.  When i meet with science correspondents, there are many who say there is no need to clamour to this extent. They say, be concerned, but not to this extent.
Kami: Its excessive, right? Corona beer doesnt sell any more * J laughs*
J: Isnt that a different corona?
Kami: Its different, but it looks like it still doesnt sell.
J: Oh really?
Kami: People probably feel a bit wrong drinking 'corona' beer.
J: I see.
T: It goes well with Mexican food.
J: Kami, do you like Corona beer, by the way?
Kami: I don't really know *everyone laughs*
T: But my friend who is a doctor says the best means of prevention is washing your hands and gargling. Its the cheapest in terms of cost, and most effective. Just wash your hands, and gargle.
K: Well, yes. Influenza rates have apparently been the lowest this year havn't they?
J: Yes, because everyone is dutifully washing thier hands and gargling. So, as for masks, acvording to the WHO, they don't necessarily prevent you from catching it. Rather, they prevent infected people from spreading thier germs. Just because you wear a mask, you won't necessarily be safe, so im not sure about this whole bulk buying.
T: You know 'Monster' Hiranabe, who works for us, he said 'I've never caught a cold since I was born' *K laughs*
J: Because he's an idiot. He's an idiot.
T: '....so I don't need to wear a mask' he says.
*everyone laughs* He seems really bold *1
K: That guy is ??? *2
J: Yes, really.
T: ??? *3
J: Well one thing is that events and live shows in the entertainment industry are being cancelled, so how long will we keep having to cancel things? Of course there are still some people continuing as normal, and some people deciding to stop, I think there are probably more deciding to stop..Kaoru, what do you think about the issue?
K: Yeah, well, live venues have become demonised in all of this..
J: Yes, thats right. I don't know about singling out live venues, I mean, the Yamanote train line is still running, the subway is still running, there were some politicians holding a chicken party and such, and thats seems to be thought of as ok. Why are live venues...I mean, im sure some infections have resulted from them, but why have they been focused on so much? Maybe thats a Japanese thing? Finding one target and everyone getting worked up, focusing on that and feeling satisfied, relieved, and not talking about the root of the problem, I think thats it.
T: Yeah
K: Well, as for us, we are not at the point of deciding whether or not to record, but whether we decide to or not, there are things we have to be prepared for.
J: Certainly.
K: When I think about whats to come, its scary. How to go forward from here is the first thing.
J: Thats right. And this isn't a problem that only musicians have to think about.
K: Right
J: For sports, like the soccor and baseball leagues, they will have to hold talks and figure out a plan, despite being rivals. In this light, its not just the music business, but the entertainment, or performance industry on the whole who will have to think about what to do if this situation arises for second or third time.
T: Im not well informed, but when you cancel a live show, who shoulders the cost?
K: Uh, we pay for it.
J: Its the sponser.
K: Yes, the sponser.
J: For most one-man shows, the artist is the sponser, and the artist has to bear the burden. So for very large venues, the cost is significant. Of course there's your set etc aswell, you can't forget that. The expense will just fly straight at you. If its a large venue, a dome arena or such, it will cost more. If you an independent artist, a (cancelled) tour with  multiple venues will only result in bankruptcy. This is real problem. Having said that, the band Tokyo Jihen have done multiple lives, but they have recieved a tonne of criticism, I wonder if they deserve that much anger for playing shows...
K: Well, i can understand thier feelings. Even if you decide to do a show or an event, it will probably result in some damage. People will hesitate to buy tickets, so that will be hard I think.
J: Yes, thats right.
K: Thats what i imagine. I can't help thinking its all heading in a bad direction.
J: Yeah, its hard to imagine everyone suddenly returning to the venues straight after these sudden cancellations.
K: Mm, it will probably be hard to go.
J: For sure.
T: People need to think about how to look after each other after all this.
K: Yes, yes
Kami: Um, if you do tour , how many tours would it be?
K: We do about two tours per year.
Kami: If only one of those tours went ahead, would you get half the income?
K: It would be half..
J: Well, it isnt a case of halfing it, if you take into account all your losses. Its not easy to do.
K: Financially speaking, no. Thats also true.
J: This problem is so difficult.
Kami: So for example, if you suffered huge damage, how would the band continue?
K: Well...it would probably be harsh. I think it will be difficult for us. You know, these days CD's and such thrive on the sound, so we play lives shows to focus on that, and make it pay. If we lose that..the band's future existence...well, future existence may be exaggerating it slightly, but, anyhow, i think it will be hard.
J: We are going though a hard time, but the government doesn't seem to be doing anything about it right?
K: They aren't doing anything....well, should we contine this point next time?
J: I understand.
K: Well, this time was sudden, but we'll leave it here for now. Please tune in again next time. Please subscribe.
*1, 2, 3 - Couldn't really figure out this bit.
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destielfanfic · 4 years
Group Ask #183
Relevant links to find lost fic
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Lost and Found fic post - when mods knew the answer!
Also, please check out our Tags Page and see if the fic in question could be found under some plot/ trope/ pairing related tags! And big thanks to all followers who do check out the tags before sending in the ask!!! <333
And even bigger thanks to all folks who help us to find lost fics! You guys are the real MVPs!!!
Ask #1 ( @canismajor3 ): there’s this fic…#1
hiya, hope ur doing okay in lockdown! ive looked everywhere and cannot find this fic, it’s an au and begins with dean fairly isolated (i think it’s a farm?) but he lives on his own and he finds cas out in a storm, he’s very sick and dean nurses him back to health, somewhere along this line cas begins to look after a lamb that deans gives him, it was really good and fairly long defo above 5000 words, thank you for ur help, i created this account just to ask :D
Ask #2  ( @casuallyfangirling31): there’s this fic…#2
Hey, I'm looking for a specific Destiel fic. It's set during season 6. It's about Dean praying to Cas, and just letting the emotions out after watching a documentary about the civil war, which in the fic is a secret interest of his. After that, Cas comes down and Dean helps to dress his wounds, and tells him a bit about the documentary he saw. The documentary mentioned something about soldiers writing letters that weren't exactly PG back home to their wives. Idk the name or the author. Help?
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #season 6
Ask #3 ( @givemethebooks): there’s this fic…#3
I'm trying to find a story that centers around either Sam and Gabriel's wedding, or Sam and Eileen's. I can't remember which pair is getting married. But since Dean and Cas, who are in a relationship, are always leaving gatherings early, all their friends say that they won't be able to make it through the entire wedding and reception. Various bets are placed as to when during the reception they'll leave, and they end up teaming with Jess to try and rig the betting.
Ask #4 ( @melon-balls17): there’s this fic…#4
Hi I'm looking for a fic, I've read it before but can't remember the name. It's where Dean is a prince/knight. He goes up the mountain to defeat the beast or something and the wind carries him up most of the way. Castiel lives at the top of the mountain in a bungalow like house and is a god or something, his mother is the goddess of beauty, at the end dean defeats her and becomes the god of beauty, and Castiel's mother is cursed to live as a hag on earth until she dies. Any help would be great!!
Found by @educatedinyellow and @fluffysnarkyalpaca!
Lovers in the Dark by jhoom [NC-17, 42,300 word count] Prince Dean is the most beautiful omega anyone’s laid eyes on. Flowers bloom for the chance to see him, animals climb into his room simply to be in his presence, and not a person in the kingdom can say enough for his beauty. He is universally praised for his lovely green eyes, his freckles, his plush lips and the subtly strong lines of his cheekbones. His family hopes to use that to find a good match and secure an alliance for their kingdom.The gods have other plans. Naomi, goddess of beauty, hears more and more tales of the young omega’s beauty and she hates him for it. The fact that mortals and nature alike would hold anyone’s beauty above her own is intolerable. So she sends her son Castiel, god of love, to infect Dean with an undying love for a monstrous person as punishment for his hubris. Fate has plans of its own…[A retelling of the Classical myth “Cupid and Psyche.” Castiel is cast as Cupid, Dean as Psyche, and Naomi as Venus.]
Ask #5 ( @mattiecat ): there’s this fic…#5
Before I joined AO3, I began this fic: it starts as a human AU, where Dean finds a nude raped Cas in his backyard. Cas has amnesia. However, it takes a twist when Crowley shows up. It was WIP then.
Ask #6 ( @browngirlwithdimples): there’s this fic…#6
Hi do you know a destiel fanfic where cas was a new kid at highschool and Dean was a popular rugby player? Cas is a footballer in the fic
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #High School, #athlete!cas, #athlete!dean
Ask #7 ( @atarnishedcompass ): there’s this fic…#7
Hi! I love your page, and I was hoping if you could help me find a fix that I’ve scored AO3 and Google for. It’s one where Castiel and Dean are college roommates, Castiel is asexual but while studying sees Dean putting a pen in his mouth and realizes he wants him. Then he has a crisis of identity with Charlie who tells him it’s okay that’s demisexual and that labels change. I think Kevin is also ace but I could be wrong. I think rimming is involved, with Cas trying it for the first time
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #College
Found by @theactualpiemaker!
For Science by shiphitsthefan [NC-17, 6,000 word count] “Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
Ask #8 ( @justjennyj ): there’s this fic…#8
I'm looking for a story in which Jessica is Dean and Cas's surrogate, but a bad accident causes Cas, Jess, and the baby's death. Dean takes off, leaving Sam to deal alone. When he returns, he has a daughter with someone else and eventually has son that he names Castiel. I've spent a lot of time looking for this fic. Please help. Thanks.
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #tragedy (fics with MCD)
Important Note - these are all lost fic asks we currently have in our Inbox. If you don’t see your ask here or on previous Group Asks, and if you haven’t received private answer from us, please resend the ask! Recently we discovered that if we include links in our answer, there’s a good chance that it will not reach the OP. A lot of our answers have gone missing and we were only able to find it out thanks to contacting our followers directly via DM.
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mysterious-foxes · 4 years
TW: Death, Drugs, Emotional manipulation/gaslighting
I don’t want to go back and edit anything, but this took way longer than I thought it would while trying to write it out. This is for documentation purposes and some entertainment if you want to hear about a psychotic woman that came into my life. Here ya go:
Okay, now that I’m home, I’ve eaten, given both dogs love (and bf took them on a walk), and I have New Girl on in the background, I’m ready to write out this crazy rant. Feel free to skip if you don’t want to read this LONG story or for whatever other reason you wouldn’t want to read it. I’ll add a ‘read more’ so that this doesn’t take up everyone’s timeline. I will say this though, if someone had told me this was going to happen a year ago, I never would have believed them, but everything I’m writing is 100% true.
If you are here to read my crazy rant about this fucking insane lady, welcome! I hope you find this as funny/interesting as I am currently. This is also a very emotional subject for me so while I might be thinking it’s funny now before I write it, I may go through a range of emotions while writing this. Such as anger, sadness, bewilderment, confusion, etc. 
A little bit of a background. I am the youngest of 6 kids. I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers. I’m going to give them all code names using the color of the rainbow. Oldest to youngest is Red (f), Orange (f), Yellow (m), Green (m), Blue (m). Red and all 3 brothers are married (Yellow has been with her girlfriend for 3+ years).  Blue only just got married a couple of months ago. I have 4 nephews (2 from Yellow and his wife, 2 from Green and his wife) and 2 nieces (both from Red and her husband). My mom and dad were married for over 30 years. They would never show much (if any) form of PDA in front of us kids and I never once saw them fight. My dad has always been quiet and never talked much. And he never really built a good relationship with us kids, especially those of us who have left the religion he believes in which is 4 1/2 out of 6 (I’m still unsure of Blue’s complete views and I don’t think he even knows. I wouldn’t be surprised if him and his wife left the religion within the next few years, even if it’s just secretly). My mom passed away a year and just a few days ago (on Green’s birthday). I miss her more than anything.
A little about my mom (again, for background). She was a great lady. She was also religious. She was extremely involved in the community, her church community, volunteered a ton (served on the local softball board for 17 years and did anything and everything for my high school’s theatre even after I was gone). She put everyone ahead of herself (especially us kids). She also pushed through any pain she had. About 2 years ago, she realized she was really sick and needed help. Doctors could not figure out for the life of them what was wrong with her. They took out her gall bladder. They put her on diets. I honestly don’t even know what else. About 6 months later, they found the problem and delivered the news. She had pancreatic cancer and it was severe. They gave her 6 months to live. We made the most of those 6 months. I was going out to my family’s a lot more than I had in a while. Red flew out and stayed for a few months. All of my siblings were there when she passed. Oof, I got a lot more into that than I meant to, but I feel like it gives a pretty good background about her. I told you this would be long.
Okay, so now we’re to where I can start talking about this insane lady. So for obvious reasons, my dad was very lonely. In May, my dad gives me a call and tells me he’s been talking to a woman (we’ll call her Ethel). Well, it felt soon, but I was happy my dad was finding comfort. He met her (get this) on an LDS widow and widowers facebook page. She lived in Oregon and he was going out to meet her in person and spend time with her for a week or 2. Awesome! Way to go Dad! Live your best life and make yourself happy!
He comes back and we start talking about when she’ll come to visit. Well Ethel has a sister (who lives in a city about an hour from my dad’s house) needs to have heart surgery Ethel needs to watch her cat. So Ethel comes to Utah and stays at my dad’s house for a couple of days. A few of us kids go out and have dinner with them to meet her. I was the first one there. Upon first meeting her, she talked, A LOT. She talked the majority of the time. It didn’t take long to realize that she had something to say about EVERYTHING and she seemed like she though she was the expert in EVERYTHING. For example one of the most recent times I talked to her, she was talking to me about the theatre I work at (which is a $31 billion theatre, super high tech and honestly they do pretty well). When I mean she was talking to me, I mean SHE was talking (she doesn’t let other people talk very much if at all. Only for “I’m sorry, that must be hard” or “I agree with you”). Well, she hasn’t been to the theatre I work at, but she’s been to their location in another nearby city which puts on a lot smaller productions and doesn’t have even 1/10th the amount of tech. They don’t put on nearly as good of productions. Well, Ethel tells me, “I’ve never been to a Broadway show, but I think that they’re as good as Broadway.” Like what?! HAHAHAHA. How can you even say that? You know absolutely nothing about it and you’re saying that!
Now, we’ve all met her, but she doesn’t really know the first thing about any of us kids. She asked me one question and then took over the conversation as soon as I got 2 words in. She did ask us all in a group about my mom (which was super awkward). We mentioned my mom was very charitable and she goes, “Oh I’m charitable person!” Who the fuck says that? And comparing herself to my deceased mother (who both her and my dad have “reassured” us time and time again that she’s not trying to replace). She constantly says how much like my mom she is or what she’s done better than my mom. HUGE RED FLAG. How desperate do you have to be to try to one up a dead person?! 
In Ethel’s constant talking, she talks about her children and family members a lot. She talks a lot about how her husband passed and her brother passed and someone else passed all pretty quickly. She talks about her brother passing basically every time I talk to her. Now you might think it’s sweet she talks about her family, but it’s not. She doesn’t talk good things about any of her family. She talks about all the mental illnesses they all have. Her children refuse to meet my dad (or so she claims). And she doesn’t talk to any of her 3 children at this point. Another huge red flag.
So Ethel was here to take care of her sister and her sister’s cat while she was in the hospital. Well, turns out her doctor couldn’t do it the day they had planned, so it got pushed back. Then her sister desperately needed to go shopping so she had to push back her HEART surgery again. And I think one time she couldn’t go because her feet hurt from diabetes? There were a few different things. So Ethel is staying at my dad’s house this entire time. My dad’s very religious and so they’re not having sex, sleeping in the same bed, or even sleeping on the same floor. My dad is staying downstairs while she sleeps in his room. Finally, a month later, her sister goes in for surgery. Ethel is gone from my dad’s house for 2 days. To be fair, my dad wasn’t feeling good and had an infection in his tooth so was in a lot of pain. So yes, I get why she wanted to come support her new boyfriend, but also, my dad had plenty of children close enough to take care of him and she was supposed to be taking care of her sister’s cat. She stays at my dad’s house for another 3-4 days before going back to her sister’s. She gets back and to her surprise (but nobody else’s), the cat is missing. I also would have ran away if I thought I was abandoned and needed to scavenge for my own food since I haven’t been fed in days. 
Finally, Ethel is going back to Oregon. Orange and my dad take her to the airport. On the way home, my dad mentions to Orange that they’re talking about getting married. Wow! Less than 9 months since my dad’s wife of 30+ years passed and he’s already ready to get married to another woman. What the fuck?! How is he over my mom already? I get wanting companionship, but holy fuck that’s quick! So I call my dad. My Aunt J had already chewed out my dad telling him that he’s moving too quick and not thinking about us kids (which is not wrong). And I guess she told him just to have sex and get it over with. I know my sisters also called my dad just before me. I called my dad and told him I was uncomfortable with how quick they were moving and I didn’t understand why they felt the need to move so quick. He just kept saying that it’s different when you’re older....I told him the 2 reasons that I could think that they were moving so quick is that she’s a gold digger or that they wanted to have sex (which come to find out that she claims she never had sex with her deceased husband and hated sex when she had it with her ex but I don’t know if she ever told my dad that because some of the things he has said to her is questionable). He assured me that was neither. Sure Dad...
I know I’m kinda all over the place here, but bear with me. So my Aunt J reached out to Ethel’s children. Only the oldest daughter responded (which Ethel claims is a liar and manipulative and basically the worst person on earth). So at this point, for I feel like pretty obvious reasons, I don’t trust much of what Ethel says and will most likely take her daughter’s word over hers. My aunt didn’t want to say everything and wanted us to reach out to the daughter personally, but she did tell us that the first thing that Ethel told her children when she met my dad was that she met a guy with a 401k. Who the fuck talks about that first?! Not even his name or where he’s from, but that he has money...So Orange ends up reaching out to Ethel’s oldest daughter. Ethel has said that her oldest daughter is a liar and manipulator and is basically the worst person in the world. I don’t know how someone can say that about their own child that they claim to love so much. Anyways, so Orange is pretty level headed and took everything that the daughter said with a grain of salt. But the daughter said some nice things and honestly made us feel better about Ethel all around. One of the things that Ethel has said on multiple occasions is that her children refuse to meet my dad. Well, when Orange talked to the daughter, she said that she was more than happy to meet my dad and talk to him about Ethel. But again, overall, she did make us feel better and that Ethel actually had feelings for my dad and wasn’t going to gaslight him (turns out that wasn’t accurate). We wanted to be upfront with my dad so Orange told him about the conversation and told him that it made her feel better. My dad told Ethel (including that Orange took what the daughter had to say with a grain of salt and that the daughter made her feel better) that Orange talked to her daughter and Ethel says, “I can’t believe that Orange would believe her lies!” First of all, I trust anything that her daughter says over her in the first place, but that just reaffirmed that. Second, that’s extreme gaslighting and my dad believes it.
Okay, so this has been a lot to write out and a lot more exhausting than I thought it would be. I��ve taken week long breaks (if not more) at a time, so I don’t know if I’ll forget to say something or if I’ll go in a different direction than I was originally planning for the next paragraphs but hopefully this is all entertaining enough. It won’t be all in chronological order, but I’m doing my best.
So after all of this, my dad tells us that we should go through my mom’s stuff that’s in the house that we want. Until you’ve done that shortly after the death of a loved one, you don’t know how exhausting it is. The first time was on a weekend that almost all of my siblings were able to be there. We video chatted my sister who couldn’t be there since she lives across the country. So we split up all of the big stuff. There’s some big furniture that people couldn’t currently take. Like I live in a tiny 1 bed apt and I couldn’t fit a piano, dresser, and vanity all in my apartment (let alone just one of them). So those are staying there until I can buy a house (which hopefully will be across the country). I was going out every Sunday to go through everything. I was a little petty and at one point was going through a box that had a bunch of church stuff in it right in front of my dad and kept asking him if he wanted the church things. My dad said we had plenty of time to go through things and take what we wanted so we were only doing what we felt was necessary and then would take our time from there.
One of the things that my dad and Ethel claimed was that their deceased spouses were trying to get them together...if anyone knows my mom, that’s definitely not true. I don’t know how my dad doesn’t see my mom would have hated Ethel. Her, Green’s wife, and myself would be gossiping so much about Ethel. Plus, one of my mom’s wishes when she passed was that if my dad got remarried then all of us kids would like his new wife. Not a single one of us like her. So not only is my dad completely oblivious to the fact my mom wouldn’t like her, he doesn’t uphold to one of her dying wishes.
So Ethel comes back to Utah. I don’t remember quite why. But she stayed at my dad’s. It was supposed to be temporary and she was supposed to stay somewhere else for most of the time she was here. Then she kept making excuses as to why she wasn’t leaving Utah and not staying somewhere else. There was one point where she was supposed to drive back to Oregon, but her car “broke down” about 7 (I think) hours from my dad’s house, but probably somewhere in the middle of the drive. So my dad being the good guy that he is drove out to pick her up and brought her back to his house. Where she has stayed ever since. The only time she’s left since was for their honeymoon. She had come back a couple of months before they were even technically engaged. 
Oh my god! I just remembered something I forgot to mention earlier! Ethel and my dad do a LOT of PDA. My parents rarely showed affection in front of us. They rarely kissed in front of us. The most they would do was hold hands. Well Ethel and my dad are full on cuddling in front of us. Which wouldn’t be a big deal if that wasn’t the first thing I ever saw of her when we first met and if they didn’t do it so much in front of us at the beginning and if my parents showed any form of PDA. They also called each other pet names which my parents never did. All in all, it was really weird. AND my dad made a dirty joke which he has never done so to his kids in the 34 years he’s had any of us. I was very taken aback. So they ended up getting officially engaged and wanting to get married ASAP. Blue had been engaged for several months before. We told my dad to not even get engaged before Blue got married...well, they were talking about having a small ceremony in Oregon and inviting only a couple of her friends. No....my dad is not getting married without a single one of his friends or family members. I think enough of us spoke up about that so the idea was quickly shot down. But my dad was talking about getting married within maybe even weeks. We all knew Blue didn’t want him to and that would be taking away from him. So we convinced my dad not to get married before Blue’s wedding. He was unhappy about it, but he waited.
So leading up to their wedding, Ethel kept pushing us to get things out of the house. When we talked to my dad, he would always say that we could take as much time as we need and Ethel would say she never pushed us at all. And whenever I’d come out, I hated being around Ethel and would always go hide in the basement “doing things” until the rest of my siblings came. When I was forced to talk to her by myself, she would just keep talking and talking and not letting me get a word in. I live with my boyfriend and I’m not married so she thinks I just live in sin. She asked me about him once just so that she could say that she has family in the city he grew up in and so on and so forth. She also won’t talk about my sister’s girlfriend. Probably because they live in sin too...anyway, Orange, Green’s wife and myself planned a bridal shower for Blue’s (at the time) fiancée. She didn’t want Ethel there, but it was being hosted at my dad’s and Ethel never left so we couldn’t get around it. Speaking of Blue and his wedding, Blue was supposed to have brunch with his fiancée’s parents and my dad. Before my dad was actually engaged, he brought Ethel along. And Ethel doesn’t even ask, but tells them all that she’ll take care of the ties. Then she goes out and buys some samples before even knowing what the wedding colors are! Blue didn’t want her going to the wedding, let alone doing anything for the wedding. When I get married, Ethel will not be doing anything for my wedding. 
Blue’s wedding happens. This is the first time Ethel meets my boyfriend. I don’t think they even said one word. This is also the first time that Yellow and his wife have met Ethel. Now Yellow’s wife got her degree in psychology and is a therapist. She said that Ethel crossed off almost all of the signs of a narcissist. Ethel still hasn’t even met Red and her husband in person (even to this day). Now we’re a month away from my dad’s and Ethel’s wedding...unfortunately. My dad asks me to put together a playlist for their wedding. No thanks, but I’ll do it for my dad. He specifically requested a song by Chicago for her walking down the aisle. Chicago was my mom and dad’s band so I was very upset that my dad would have a song with another woman from the band that him and my mom loved so much. I begrudgingly put together the playlist and added that. However, I didn’t add any other Chicago songs (even though he suggested that). And I made sure any songs I used didn’t mention forever or only love or anything like that. I might be a little petty.
Day of their wedding, I find out that all the decorations Ethel asked for from Green’s wife were from Blue’s rehearsal dinner. She didn’t even ask Blue or his (now) wife if she could use them. She asked Green’s wife...and then when she told Ethel she would have to ask Blue, Ethel said something along the lines “Well his dad paid for them so I can use them.” I don’t think it was quite as snarky as I put it, but that was the message she was trying to get across. My siblings are all hanging out at the dining table before the ceremony. Even though they’re both religious, they were just having a civil wedding in the backyard because if they were to marry in their temple, she would have to divorce her deceased husband (but my dad would be able to be married to multiple women for eternity...not misogynistic at all right? /sarcasm). My dad’s bishop comes in all bright and cheery. He knows quite a bit of my family so he comes and says hi. I don’t think it took long for him to realize we weren’t happy about the wedding. Ethel claims she invited her children (I really don’t think she did). She had a few of her family and friends come to the wedding, but none of her children. We’re pretty sure one of the couples that came was her daughter’s ex husband and his new wife (whom she has said she is closer with her daughter’s ex than her actual daughter).
Okay, so I’m now at the point where I’m going to give information that I don’t 100% remember fits where. Some of it was before their wedding, some of it before they even got engaged, some of it after their wedding. This may just be a bunch of word vomit, so I hope it all makes sense and anyone who happens to still be reading this doesn’t get lost. BTW, if you happen to still be reading this, congratulations on making it this far! I told you this would be a long post.
One of the first times we met Ethel when she was out here the first time we were doing a family dinner. I don’t remember everything we did for the dinner. Green’s wife cooked the main meal. Orange was supposed to be in charge of the Au Gratin Potatoes and something else. Well, I had asked what I could do and had the choice of rolls or salad. In our family group chat, my dad said Ethel wanted to contribute and asked what she could do. I told him I would do the salad and asked if she could do the rolls. Apparently that wasn’t good enough and she wanted to do more so she ended up doing the au gratin potatoes. We specifically wanted our family recipe for the potatoes and Orange had already bought the ingredients for it so she let Ethel know where to find the ingredients. Before I get into what actually happened, one of the things that Ethel boasts about all the time is that she grew up helping her mom with catering and so she knows how to cook really well (I have liked very few of the things she’s cooked). So Ethel doesn’t use our recipe and uses her own for the potatoes...they weren’t very good. And the rolls she brought were terrible store bought rolls. Like, if she doesn’t want to make rolls, whatever, but at least buy decent rolls. Also, rolls are a really easy thing to make to show off to a family you’re trying to impress. I seriously just get the frozen Rhode’s Rolls and then after cooking them melt butter on top of them. Super easy and people are always super impressed with how good they are. So not only does she not use the recipe for potatoes we wanted, her recipe is meh, AND she gets shitty store bought rolls.
At one point, Green’s wife and I were going through the small room upstairs cleaning it out and trying to make sure my sibling’s belongings got in a box for each of them. This is the room that my mom died in. All of my siblings were in this room with her. It is painted dark blue and along the middle of the wall around the room is a trim of wallpaper covered in whales. Ethel and my dad are wanting to turn this room into his home office (especially with how much he’s been working at home due to Covid-19). Which is whatever, they can do what they want. While Green’s wife and I are in there cleaning out the room, Ethel comes in and starts using some sort of tool on the wallpaper that tore small holes in it. She said it was so they could take down the wallpaper easier.  I don’t know why she had to do that while we were in there cleaning. It has been a few months since then and she hasn’t done anything else to that room (including taking down the wallpaper). Green’s wife believes she did that while we were in there just to be mean. She actually believes Ethel just likes being mean and does things just to be mean. It’s hard to disagree with that considering everything else.
I don’t know why I didn’t say something about this earlier when I was writing about how Orange and my Aunt J had spoken to Ethel’s daughter. There were some things that they talked about that were huge red flags. Ethel’s daughter said that Ethel was a gold digger and just looking for someone to take care of her. Also that from Ethel’s first marriage, she got $60,000 from her ex husband and she blew it all within just a few months. Ethel has been filed for bankruptcy multiple times and just overall isn’t great with money. All of her children have tried to help her and she has burned every bridge because she just sells the cars they would buy for her or do other stupid things because she never had any money. I mentioned before that Ethel’s children refused to meet my dad. They said that it was way too soon after her last husband passed (their step dad) for them to meet my dad (yes, it had been like 7 months). So since they refused to meet my dad right away, Ethel told them that they wouldn’t be a part of her life anymore. Of course my dad doesn’t believe any of this, but like I said earlier, I trust Ethel’s daughter way more than I trust her.
When my dad was talking about getting married to Ethel, one of the things we pushed for was a prenup. My dad reluctantly agreed that he would look into it. It turns out that in my state, if they hadn’t gotten a prenup stating otherwise, when my dad died (if Ethel was still alive) then everything would go to her and then once she died everything would go to her children and nothing would go to my dad’s kids. So he did go through with the prenup (which also covered if they got a divorce he wouldn’t have to give her money or anything). His lawyer actually gave him some really good advice and I hope that my dad was more open to his lawyer about those things than he was with us even though we said the same things. And luckily, control of the trust and everything else is still in the hands of my oldest siblings when my dad passes (even if Ethel is still alive).
So Green has 2 kids. One that they’re fostering and hoping to adopt, the other has some cognitive disabilities. Even so, he is the smartest kid I know. At 3 years old he could name all of the planets in the solar system. I’m 24 and I can’t do that. He just retains knowledge really really well. Well, Ethel likes to call him her “special little buddy”...which is extremely ableist to say the least. He doesn’t really like her and he can tell that we all don’t like her (he’s 6 and he can see that better than my dad). Green’s wife absolutely hates it when Ethel calls him that too. Green’s wife is probably the one that stands up for all of us the most. But she’s also super nervous of the inevitable time that she pisses Ethel off. Ethel has called CPS on her own daughter because her preteen grandson was moody and didn’t talk to her while she was at lunch with him. If she calls CPS on Green and his wife, then they take their foster child out of the home immediately and who knows what that’ll do to their chances of adopting him. When Ethel calls CPS on any of my siblings, if I haven’t already done it for other reasons, I will tell my dad that I want to be a part of his life, but our relationship can’t include Ethel. I know my siblings and they do not do a single thing that would concern CPS.
So when Blue got married, I’m not sure exactly when it was, but I know that Ethel talked to Blue’s new sister-in-law for a bit. And she was talking about Blue’s wife’s anxiety, which Blue’s wife has never said a thing to Ethel about. And Ethel just went on and on about Blue’s wife’s anxiety and how hard it must be and that’s why Blue’s wife is like this and so on and so forth....I’m curious to know what Ethel thinks my mental illness is and tells people about.
I’m writing this one right now because it just happened and I don’t want to forget the details. So my dad’s house has 6 bedrooms and 2 family rooms. It was a good size for my family while we were growing up, but now it’s just the two of them in a 6 bedroom home. They’re planning on redoing a lot of things and we’ve been doing a lot to clean out the house and split up my mom’s stuff. So in the smallest bedroom in the house, there was a lot of baby stuff and when we didn’t know where to put things, a lot of it would go in there. Well, on multiple occasions, they’ve told us that we can take as much time as we need to go through the house and that there was no rush. Ethel has been pushing to get everything out when my dad isn’t around, but now even my dad has pushed to get things out a little bit. They decide that anything we haven’t gone through and they’re not sure what we want, they’ll put in a storage unit for us to go through when we can. I thought that was a great compromise. Well, Ethel ended up taking a picture of the small room and posting it on Facebook talking about how messy we are and how terrible of step children we are. How we were supposed to get it out by the time they got back from their honeymoon so on and so forth. Yellow and his wife see this before Ethel ends up deleting it off of Facebook. Yellow calls my dad (which I’m so grateful because so far it’s just been the girls making any sort of fuss) and is really upset about it while talking to my dad. My dad puts him on speaker and talks to Yellow and Ethel together. Ethel says she accidentally posted it on Facebook and it was supposed to be just for her aunt. How do you accidentally post something on Facebook? And if you’re talking shit and posting it to a private audience, you sure as hell aren’t going to make the mistake of posting it publicly. But also, she was talking shit about my dad’s kids and he defended her. How can he take her side on that one?
The anniversary of my mom’s death is on the same day as Green’s birthday. Well, the day was coming up and in our family group chat Ethel asks how we want to celebrate the birthday and remember my mom. Not my dad, ETHEL asks...that is not her place in the slightest. If my dad had asked, then I would have been more than happy to talk about it, but Ethel doesn’t get to be the one to try to see how we want to celebrate. Green’s family, Yellow’s family, and myself and my boyfriend ended up going to an amusement park for that day. Then we went out to my dad’s that night for pizza (hawaiian especially to remember my mom) and to watch a destructo show (because my mom LOVED those). Yellow and his family were staying at my dad’s. Well, Ethel told Yellow and his wife to make themselves at home and to eat whatever and drink whatever. When Yellow was telling me about this, I thought it was so funny because 1 he said he felt like “yeah, of course I’ll make myself at home, this is my house, not yours! and 2 my mom would get so annoyed with him for when he visited opening up a bag of chips without asking for permission or things like that. Like small things that didn’t matter in the scheme of things, but he would do with my mom, of course he’s not going to care what Ethel thinks about it. The other thing that Ethel talked to Yellow and his wife about was getting rid of all the sippy cups and only keeping one in the house per grandchild with their name on it. She said that she would always find 5 sippy cups full of milk laying around the house, but she wasn’t saying that because of Yellow’s family. So that means she was saying it because of Green’s family. Which, the younger one never leaves his sippy cup behind and the older one doesn’t drink milk (he used to be allergic and now just doesn’t like it).
One of the things that bugs Green’s wife a lot is that Ethel will always message her and say passive aggressive shit or ask her to tell my family about something or talking to her about getting everything cleaned out of the house, etc. At one point she asked Green’s wife to choose what toys they wanted to keep in the house. My mom bought way too many toys for the grandchildren, but she loved them. She would end up putting a bunch in storage and rotating them out when the kids stopped playing with some toys because they were bored of them (genius really). But it sounded like Ethel was wanting to get rid of basically all of the toys, which the point of having them there and not at my siblings’ house was so that the kids had toys to play with there and only got to play with them at my dad’s house. I think one of the reasons for getting rid of them or at least downsizing is that she always claims that the toys don’t get put away. They do though. I have been there when my siblings are putting their kids mess away. I’ve helped clean the toys up. They always get cleaned up.
Oh my god!! I can’t believe it has taken me this long to mention this one. So while my dad and Ethel were on their honeymoon, we were going through the house and trying to clean out as much as possible. Well, while doing so, we found a TON of different medications. Some were for her, some her deceased husband, and some were for somebody named “Gale Friend”. But there were probably at least 40 different bottles of pills (if not more). And at one point, Green’s wife was downstairs cleaning out of of the bedrooms. In one of the vanities (that is either mine or Orange’s, not even my dad’s let alone Ethel’s), there were some more bottles of pills and LOOSE PILLS in the drawer. This is an area that my nephews are unsupervised a LOT. Imagine if one of them opened the drawer and ate one of them! Yellow’s wife thinks that it’s too sloppy for an addict and that Ethel was trying to get us to say something to my dad so that she could play the innocent victim and that his kids just hate her and it’s her and him against the world.
Speaking of playing the victim, she does that with my dad a lot. She has literally told him before that it’s him and her against the world. She has talked bad to him about every single one of his kids (except my oldest sister that I know of). She has been trying to cut him off from his family. He can’t talk to anyone of us or even his sister alone. Also, when we’re around, she talks to my dad in a baby voice. I’m sure she does it when we’re not there too, but just trying to act like she’s this innocent helpless little girl and my dad has fallen for it. I’m sooo scared that he is finding himself to be miserable and feels like he has nobody there to help him. I hope he knows that any one of his kids would help him if he said anything. He’s such a good guy and deserves happiness. I hope that soon, he is able to realize that she’s not happiness.
Wow, this was incredibly long. I’m 100% sure there are things that I missed/forgot about. And I’m 100% sure there are things that will happen later and I will be back here writing it down to keep record and if anyone actually was interested in knowing. If you are here reading this, you seriously deserve a medal for being able to get through this entire thing. Thanks for bearing with my scattered brain and I hope it at least made you laugh at the insanity if nothing else.
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humanemotionssuck · 3 years
Hello 2021
January 2, 2021
I should’ve put these thoughts into words on the first day of the year but then again, I felt so lazy given this bed weather we are currently having. By far, I think I experienced the coldest temperature here in my hometown (21 degrees baby) and I’m sure not liking it as I prefer warm days.
I actually do not know how to start. I feel it’s necessary to check on how I am doing lately. Write the things I experienced last year and reflect on the lessons it taught me.
I could probably kick things off by remembering how 2020 started for me. I have a bad memory but I’ll try my best to recall them.
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Broke up with J (yes this is probably one of the major and heartbreaking events happened to me). To sum it up, I realized that the relationship does not have growth anymore, and I am slowly drifting to follow my own path, which is to focus on the plans I want. I haven’t thought deeply the lessons I learned in my past relationship yet but one thing is for sure, I changed and I want to explore more of what I can do or what I’m missing out in life. Which brings me to attend seminars on how to work/study abroad. I attended a couple (e.g Fortrust Makati) and I also realized how costly it will be and I’m probably not yet ready esp. on the financial aspect.
February – March
Highlight on these months was I got back to dating apps again. I know it was a complete dick move. I haven’t moved on yet and here I am in the pool again. I met 2 guys from this app, Coffee Meets Bagel (which btw I uninstalled few months after). The first guy was the introvert but funny type and also VERY sexual. I got along with it, tried to do the deed but failed cause the guy hasn’t moved on from the ex yet. (Sucks right). And so I met this second guy and he is decent but we really had completely different personality. I believe this guy is also rich (he came from a Chinese family and I went to his house and saw the maid and his stuff). Can you also believe he already introduced me to his mom (no dad cause broken family), uncle and grandma. Pressured si ate gurl syempre cause it was really too early to do that step since we’re just dating but March was the most difficult month because…
START OF LOCKDOWN. PH was in state of panic after the government announced a nationwide lockdown due to increased COVID-19 transmission. I immediately went on a bus to the province fearing to get stuck in Manila.
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Nah this was just a typical month. Summer vibes all over but since we cannot go to the beach we just setup an inflatable pool in the house to get soaked. I finally posted a pic wearing a swimsuit again. My stagnant IG feed came to life lmao
Oh boy. This month sucks so much. I got typhoid fever. Which I thought was COVID already cause my fever just won’t stop. My mom didn’t want me to get admitted in the hospital in the fear of being infected so I was hooked in the IV here in the house. I felt I was dying. I was in huge pain both physically and mentally. Which forced me to end any communication means with the second guy. He was not there when I was sick. I didn’t feel his concern even if we’re miles apart and I felt I was begging for his attention. It just won’t work. He blocked me in his socials (which is a first for me, usually I am the one who blocks lol) but given the current state I have now, I learned to accept it and chose to move forward.
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Explored options on work/study program abroad. We got a new car (Xpander) which my father was able to purchase after borrowing money from us. That money could’ve been used for my Japan trip on December (plot twist it was cancelled due to fucking corona) but it’s okay I guess I’ll save another again.
I also got my student permit (yes I learned how to drive months after hehe)
THIS WAS MY BIGGEST DOWNFALL FOR THIS YEAR. There were some modifications in the quarantine and so my employer required and FORCED us to report on site in Makati despite of high number of positive cases. All I can say is SCREW THEM and I hope karma will do its thing on their business. The management.. the bosses.. they are all inconsiderate fucks for not allowing me to work at home instead. The situation forced me to resign but they chose to terminate me instead. The unemployment took its toll on my mental health, it caused me great depression and anxiety which forced me to look for distractions.. anything that will ease my mind.
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Oh and btw, I bought my first laptop from hard earned money. Oh boy, it was satisfying to give myself the things my parents couldn’t afford that time I was still in school. It’s a gaming laptop and the one I’m using to type now. I absolutely love it and I used it to find online jobs later on..
I read Looking for Alaska by John Green again after watching the TV series on Hulu. Geez, this has to be my favorite book so far. The seeking of great perhaps.. which was very timely on my mood while having nothing else to do.
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Lastly, TAYLOR SWIFT RELEASED A NEW ALBUM CALLED FOLKLORE. In the middle pandemic? Awesome right and this album kept me sane during this crazy and miserable month. Oh and on December, she released folklore’s sister album.. Evermore. Miss Swift saved me again with her music. This will definitely be one of the albums I will play when I’m old and gray knitting sweaters and wearing cardigan.
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I started and finished my driving lesson in manual. JFC, I realized driving gives me a huge anxiety. One thing is for sure, I will prefer to drive automatic. Not driving that shit again.
I was still hooked with Looking for Alaska. Also purchased Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck on the time I bought LFA.
On the other hand, I was also actively looking for new jobs this time.
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ON SEPT. 30 I GOT HIRED! I was super happy to start on a new job. It gave me hope once again to continue on this journey called life. After almost 3 months, we are def back to business!
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I also got the chance to get this Thyroid issue checked. Unfortunately, there was no major stuff going on with my thyroid. Basically, I’m perfectly healthy. What sucks is that the doctor invalidated my previous condition and said I only have ~anxiety which is the cause of my symptoms (excessive sweating and palpitations). I will seek professional help on this anxiety stuff anytime in the future.
Lastly, I played Grand Chase again and met someone in the game. Well technically we haven’t met yet but since then, I got used to talking with this guy and he is part of my daily routine now. I won’t spoil much details but as soon as this is all over, I can’t wait to meet this person :)
*cue Grand Chase soundtrack*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE! It was a typical birthday. I don’t have much realizations. If I had one, I need to think thoroughly again lol.
Busy with training on the new job and this has been the most challenging training I ever had since I started working.
WORK WORK WORK. Super stressed and my anxiety was on the roof. I thought of giving up already but then again it was too early to quit. I haven’t seen my full potential on this job yet and so I chose to keep on fighting.
I also finally got braces. Let’s get these smiles fixed.
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WORK WORK WORK AGAIN. My work caused me a huge anxiety cause I was given high priority cases -.-But overall, I can say the holidays went great. I finally got to spend time with the family outside. Don’t worry cause we still practiced precautions and I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go out once in a while to have some fresh air. We went to the beach and pretty much that’s the highlight of this month.
Things are getting serious with this guy I’m talking about.. Seriously, he makes me happy every single day.
I also won in Christmas raffle. Oppo phone. (I have the odds in my favor when it comes to raffles lol)
Feels weird to celebrate this holiday too thinking a lot of hardships were experienced in the last few months of quarantine. I was thinking about all the lives lost by covid and hoping they are in the peaceful place now..
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After everything that happened, oddly the start of the year gives me a sense of hope. Sure I am still carrying the trauma 2020 gave me but I am slowly leaving all of them behind. I want a fresh start and I want to let go of the things that gave me pain. I don’t have solid resolutions just like in my teenage years. Guess I’m too old for that. Not saying it’s okay to not have plans for the future and just go with the flow but I promise to not be too hard on myself and to not pressure myself on the goals I haven’t achieved yet. It’s really a struggle to plan things ahead given the situation but as always, I will do my best. I will stop comparing my progress to somebody else’s cause everyone has their own timeline.
I will listen to my heart and my mind to determine the things I really want. I promise to reevaluate the decisions I am making each day. I will not be afraid of making mistakes because that’s how I learn.
I am embracing my anxiety of uncertainty. It’s okay to feel afraid because I am always trying on how to overcome my fear. I strive each day because I am more than just a ball of anxiety. The palpitations.. the sweating.. they don’t define me. I have the power to control them and they won’t stop me from being the better version of myself.
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ufoend · 2 years
∆ please help us
we can not afford any of our basic needs
i usually try to keep this as light as possible, but i have put this off for long enough that i have to post this. me and my partner desperately need help. we are just two gay people trying to make it alone here with absolutely no support system.
who we are: im j (or jet), im 24 year old trans guy whose had this account since 2014. i married my partner in 2018, we even met on tumblr when we were younger, we've been together for years. my partner is disabled (diagnosed with autism and seizure disorder and others)
what we need: our cat had an emergency surgery two years ago that means he needs to be on a prescription diet (hills urinary food) for his entire life. the vet suddenly said we need to bring him in again to get his prescription renewed and we cant order any more food for him until then, which he will not survive without, and he is not allowed to eat any alternative food without risking his life. we have less than half of a 8 lb bag of it which will not last him through the next month. with the vet, food, and ubers to get to the vet and to the only place they sell the food = 200
to try to summarize our situation, we were kicked out by family and made officially homeless for the first time last year. this is right after we moved across states (wa to az) to support my partners family upon their request, only to be subjected to abuse and kicked out directly due to homophobia in an unfamiliar state after a few months. this left both of us and all of our animals entirely homeless. we luckily have an apartment now but our situation is still not okay. we lost all of our belongings at this time, everything, and have not been able to replace them as we have fixed income. my partner is especially affected by this situation, as it was traumatizing, and they have just had to power through trauma after trauma because of poverty, more than i can say.
i also have severe dental problems that are not covered by medicaid in az and i have no way to afford. this includes wisdom teeth, root canals, and many cavities that will turn into that crazy expensive treatment if i don't fix it. some may remember this (+this). i was only able to have a little bit of work done before we were homeless and one root canal failed. i cant keep ignoring it, because they are worried about two of the cavities becoming root canals, and i want to prevent another infection, but thats at least 250 each.
we are still not going to be able to afford rent in future months because our EBT was delayed last month and i had to spend money we don't have to afford anything, and now we are in serious jeopardy even affording rent, let alone bills. our pets (2 cats 1 small dog) also desperately need vaccinations, which is dangerous to keep going this overdue without with their health problems. our dog has also been limping for the past week and he needs to be seen when that is ever possible.
any donations would go first to the vet appointment and cat food, then the other needs in order of priority. will keep updating this, i know its a lot and i really don't expect anything, i am begging for help with any of this
we are both students, we are trying to work towards stability, while being stuck here. i do everything i can to bring in money to support us on my own. we make 200 less than rent is monthly. i am in school to become a caseworker so i am aware of a lot of resources in my area, and have applied for everything, but we can not do this alone which is why i have to ask for help. i am so sorry for having to do this but i appreciate any support that i do have because of this website. you guys literally save my life. helping out other poor people and getting helped out on here has been the most compassion ive ever been a part of. dollars, even pennies, worth of donations has kept my cat safe, has affected me in real ways. it actually matters to us, no matter the amount.
thank you anyone who reblogs, donates anything, or reaches out.
p*ypal email (best): [email protected]
v*nmo: @tobler707
c*shapp: $tobler707
1K notes · View notes
Favored Ones, Part 6. (Joel Miller x Fem!reader)
Description: When you spend every evening with someone who’s deeply under your skin, a certain relationship can be developed. So it’s crushing for Joel when Y/N suddenly disappears. But there’s way more to the relationship that one would’ve guessed.
A/N: Inspired by a song named Breezeblocks, sang by alt-J (∆).
Warning: IT'S ABOUT TO GET SMUTTY IN HERE BITCHES. Also, long as fuck, because I had too much fun.
Word count: 4.4 K
Tagging: @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme @nemodoren @jodiereedus22​
If you like this story, please, more parts can be found here! :): H E R E
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The night prior events of the hunt, 2038:
There were no groundbreaking kisses when he told you his yes. There was no locking glances or hands while you walked to his small hut through the snowy night. There was also a complete silence. Only smiles could be seen on your faces. You two were behaving like little children.
Joel didn't lend you his shirt, not even because he didn't want to or that he thought that he'll be too cold without. It was too dangerous for you to walk in his clothes from an evening to an evening.
And he was right. Because you met Jesse and since he and Dina parted, he was a pain in everyone's ass. He was obsessed with details - you didn't think why he's outside when he was in the hall just ten minutes before.
"Where you're two going? I thought that you're at the dance party?" - He asked and he was completely clueless about it. Joel could think of some reason, but you were way quicker.
"Oh, Joel decided to let me go hunt on my own, so we want to discuss the area where I should go." - You smiled at Jesse without a sign of nervousness in your face or voice. Just like it was a sure thing.
"Yeah. I have some maps that I could lend her so she doesn't get lost." - Joel supported you and you smiled wickedly. Such a naughty boy he was, that Joel.
"Alright. I thought you two aren't talking at the moment?" - Jesse's face furrowed with a contusion. Oh hell, you actually lost your arguments. - "You called it off just like that? I would believe this to anybody but you two. " - Jesse said again. This time, Joel was quicker than you.
"It was my fault. I was too aggressive on one of our hunting sessions and I just needed to talk with her and apologize. It was my fault." - He said calmly. Jesse just nodded and continued walking further away from you. You smiled at Joel, shook a bit and your eyes were shining.
"Can w-we go now?" - You hugged yourself and Joel started to talk forward again. He was leading you through the completely empty city brightened only by some lights on terraces and the white night. It had a beautiful Christmas atmosphere, which was creeping in from behind the corner to you.
You loved Christmas. It wasn't about the gifts as it used to be - now it was only people coming together, drinking some ale and cooking together. It had that beautiful, family atmosphere when everybody forgot about the infected or the bandits and just came together.
People always found their way to give someone something small, like on birthdays. Sometimes you prepared a meal as a gift for the others or got some special fruit or whatsoever, sometimes there were absolutely no gifts and sometimes, when you were lucky, someone found you a piece of clothing in the city, like shirts or pants.
And if Joel wanted to give you that night for Christmas, you were more than accepting all of it.
His small hut was cold on the inside and it was a bit messy since Joel wasn't exactly the cleaning type, but it didn't matter to you. He immediately closed the door and started a fire in his small stove standing in the corner, while you sat on the bed and watched his moves.
"Would you let me go on a hunt tomorrow?" - You asked silently when he finally stood up. He looked at you with complete silence and then went to sit next to you. Joel's body was a bit too far away from yours and not even his hand touched you. - "All alone. Like a big girl."
It was your turn to stand up and cover the windows. If anybody could see what was going on, even if you would only sit on his bed until the morning would come, it would look weird to many people.
Then you turned back to face him and smiled. Snowflakes were slowly sinking into your black shirt and your cheeks reddened as the room got warmer and warmer.
"Are you sure you would handle the hunt on your own?" - Joel half laid on his bed, he was holding his upper body up on his elbows and he watched your moves. You nodded with an innocent smile.
"If you show me those maps, I won't get lost." - You slowly walked to the bed and took the hiking shoes off your feet as your knees slowly circled around his upper thighs as your ass slowly sat down at a spot where his knees started.
You needed to say that Joel had some fine, firm muscles on his legs. Somehow you found it sexy at his age that he takes care of his physique. Other old men were not as attractive; they were weirdly furry, fatter or just... Not attractive.
You sat there in complete silence for a few moments, only the cracking of the burning wood was reminding you that Joel wasn't a painting. And that you can actually try to touch him.
And so you did.
You weren't looking at his face because it felt weird to rise your eyes to look him in the eyes. It felt like you were watched. A smile crept on your lips as your fingers slowly dipped into the crook of his neck covered in the rough material of the shirt he was wearing.
With a slow, smooth motion you went lower and lower, feeling his heartbeat under the tips of your fingers and tensing of his muscles. You felt as you found something under his belly button; it was some raw, bulky skin. That was the first time you actually looked at him.
"Can I take a look?" - You whispered and Joel didn't answer at first, but then he sat up and started to unbutton his shirt. It wasn't any delicate, slow and gentle moves, they were fast and rough as he tried to take everything down as fast as he could. You tried not to drool when Joel took even his black t-shirt off.
He was not that typical athletic hunk girls your age were into when the world wasn't crazy. But even though he was well built. His body wasn't soggy at all, his skin was maybe rough, but it had a nice tone. And it was made a bit softer by his hair. You liked to touch him.
But the wound which he was hiding was truly hideous. It was a scar that was still bulky and rough, it had a bright pink color. It looked like it was poorly sewed when it happened, but it was still enough to keep Joel alive.
"I might wanna talk about this, old guy." - You smiled and kissed the tip of your index finger and gently pressed it back into the biggest scar.
"I don't know if I want to talk about it, youngblood." - Joel was looking at the same place you were looking at, smiling sadly.
"I bet I will make you." - You giggled. You were still a bit tipsy from the whiskey and bourbon you've drunk, but it was nothing serious.
Joel was slowly sitting up and you felt that THE MOMENT you dreamt of was finally coming to life. But in this area, you weren't exactly the most skilled.
Yeah. You've kissed a boy before, Philip and one jerk named David to be exact, but it never sparked a spark before. You had your fun with another guy who disappeared three years ago. It was a one night stand, as you were told, and it hurt you, it wasn't pleasant and you didn't enjoy it at all.
But your hormones kept on telling you, that your body begs to have at least one night stand with Joel. His specific smell made you wet and crazy on the spot. But you were scared that it will be hurting as much as the first time.
But even if you were scared out of your mind, your palms slowly circled around his shoulder as he was sitting up. You prepared for the moment with long and slow exhaling and you felt as your muscles tensed for a second. Your lips were dry and you were winking at a fast pace. But Joel was completely calm down like you weren't about to get the most important kiss of your whole life.
In fact, he wasn't even touching you at all. You were roaming his body with your fingers, touching every centimeter of his skin you probably could. When you knew that the time is right, you just somehow did, your palms slowly circled behind the back of his next. Your noses touched and that, of course, was the sign for your lips to lean in.
You messed up the first kiss terribly, let me be completely clear. You almost gulped half of his head. Joel chuckled and stopped you for a minute, he put his finger on your parted lips. Holy shit. You fucked up.
"Have you done that before?" - Joel furrowed at you, but he was still laughing a bit. You felt ashamed and yet he wasn't poking fun at you. So you decided that everything had to be cool about that.
"A few times with boys who were just as inexperienced as I was. Is it that terrible?" - You took his finger out of your lips. - "They told me that it comes by nature, but I am bad at this, I guess."
But Joel sat back up and brought his lips to yours. It felt like your and his lips were only touching until he had done some magic and moved them an itsy bitsy bit, which made your lips oversensitive and reactive to his kiss. That was indeed some spell because you started to take over the pace of the make out. You tried to be dominant and somehow... A content sound came out of your neck.
It made you stop and look at him. He was grinning at you like he knew what's up with you. You furrowed and before you could ask, his face was in the crook of your neck and your breath was gone in an instance. You opened up your mouth, closed your eyes and made another one of those sounds as you tried to keep yourself at the moment.
Your fingers entwined in his brown hair mixed with some gray and somehow, your neck pressed into his lips as your chest rose and fell heavily. You were fucked when he started to unbutton your black shirt. Somehow, you helped him get it off. You sat there only in your bra and the band of your jeans held too low. And his hands were traveling THAT way.
It was tickling a bit too much, but even if your body was uncomfortably tensing and relaxing, Joel somehow held you in one place. His hands were all around your waist and they were rough and warm, as he slowly crawled lower and lower.
"I think that I'm going to explode at any minute." - You moaned out. The sounds were somehow animalistic and your body was making them on its own.
That man's lips were slowly traveling down your body, leaving sloppy kisses everywhere he could. And you just traveled with your hands on his body, feeling the flesh in which you could actually scratch your nails in.
But then Joel got onto the upper hand and threw you onto the bed. You could hear as his boots fell down with a heavy sound and the bed's screeching as he climbed after you. Joel climbed between your legs and hovered above you for a short moment before his face disappeared between your boobs. Holy fuck. Joel was almost unable to hold your body down.
"Will you be kind and take this little thing off?" - He smiled and you almost didn't even notice that his lips aren't on your skin for more than ten seconds. His fingers were tugging your bra, the nicest one you had, so you needed to concentrate on that small task.
That old man would've loved to do it for himself, but your back was pressed into the mattress. So you helped him with taking that piece of clothing off your body.
"Well look at that." - Joel chuckled and traveled from your boobs up to your throat and almost breathless look. You had no idea about what the man is about to do.
Why? First of all, your body was on a horniness shut down. It was completely out of use.
Second of all, you were so inexperienced it hurt. You didn't know anything about your nipples except that they are hard when it's cold outside. Or that they can apparently get somehow hard when you're horny and in need.
How could you have a single idea that they can be sucked on or rolled on someone's tongue? Or that the sensitivity they were about to produce when they bite them; not roughly, just a bit. At that minute you screamed in nothing but pleasure.
It was such an amazing feeling that your body felt immediately responsive. And really everything that was happening was that you had an old man sucking on your boobs. His tongue was slow and going in circles. This man's mouth was magical.
And baby, he had more in stock for you.
Your mouth made another of those sounds, this one was sad, as he left your nipples be. You looked at them, they were swollen and brightly pink, hard as a rock. But Joel only gave you a smile and sloppily kissed the small place above your belly. You wanted to talk, but it was hard to make your tongue swirl in the motions you needed to speak.
But Joel didn't care about that at all. He could only chuckle about your tries to keep it together when you barely knew what he can do next - it was like a surprise. Every move he made was like a surprise. And let's be honest, it was making him hard as well. You were a wild one.
At that time, Joel had the feeling that he can do anything to you - to show you the secrets of making love and rough fucking. When he thought about it, he missed fucking.
It started even before the cordyceps apocalypse. Since he was alone with Sarah, it was hard for him to move on and to find a new woman to add to his life as his partner. After the shit went down, it was practically impossible to find someone who would let him fuck them and mingle with them emotionally at the same time.
It was hard for most of the times, to trust someone emotionally. So it was only fucking. At even if it kept Joel's body relaxed and contained, his soul was crushed. But with that, Joel learned to live. He was just alone for the last... Twenty-five and more years.
But right on the mattress, he might've found it all again. That was what you had on your mind, right? Something like that. Mingling and fucking.
So he was eager to show you everything he could, so he slowly led his lips down to your belly. He dragged his head along the curves of your body, slowly climbing lower and lower. The old bed was shrieking under both of you as you moved on it.
"Take these off. Come on. Move it." - Joel looked at you with a low chuckle. You nodded and started to unbuckle your belt. Slowly, you started to wiggle out of your jeans and it was teamwork because he was getting them off of your body. You were nervous as hell.
Not that you were not confident about the lower half of your body or that you had a huge bush directly between your legs, but it was just making you nervous. And the puddle between your legs made Joel chuckle and look away for a second. Oh great, you weren't joking at all as far as he could tell, he really did something to you. And he needed to test out all of it.
"Should I take even your pants off?" - You sat up and your legs spread even wilder. Your hand slowly caressed your own hair, you were looking at him with a lustful look.
"Oh, no, I think I'm good just as I am, youngblood. But you need to take off more clothes, don't you?" - Joel asked quietly, his voice was calm and humming. How could he always be so calm? He was cool about everything. But you did as you were told - you started to take off the last piece of your clothing.
"Well, come here." - Joel was leading the pace of it and you were into it as hell. He had such a calm voice and playful eyes that you were a complete foul for that.
His lips dipped into the crook of your neck again, kissing it slowly. His beard was tickling you, so you were naturally giggling as he proceeded lower to play some magic with your nipples again.
He was taking a lot of time with you - you kinda were thinking that Joel is more of an in and out guy and that you'll be over in proximately twenty minutes. But it was twenty minutes already and you didn't do a single thing together. Except for some kissing and nipple... Something.
But you finally were naked. At least something, thank God.
As you watched him positioning between your legs with your breath hitched, you leaned down and took his face to your palm.
"What are you doing?" - You furrowed and smoothed his face from the other side. It was a funny sight - his face just hovering above your pussy held in your hand. - "I thought that's how lesbian sex works, doesn't it?"
"Oh, my dear lord." - Joel chuckled back and leaned in to kiss you. He took your breath away with doing magic with his smooth lips. You breathed out as his body leaned into your touch, your breasts crushed into his chest and your knees circled around his waist. It could be felt that he's more than ready, but then he pushed you onto the bed harshly and left you there. - "Stay low. If you sit up one more time, we will need something to keep you down, youngblood." - He was a dangerous man and it could be seen for an itsy bitsy moment like this. The only thing you could do was to nod as his body went back down onto its previous position.
So lesbian sex was the shit apparently. And in the next minute, you could feel why it was such a deal. As he tasted you with his tongue for the very first time, it was like the universe just expanded outside of the hut. It was so... Warm and soft as it danced on the most sensitive spot of your body.
Your body tensed for a second and you shook with pleasure for a moment. Okay. So that's why lesbians did eating out as a preferred way of sex, you could understand immediately. Slowly your hands circled around his head as you pushed in. It was your instincts leading you as you made louder and louder sounds. After a short while, it was like your body recognized his rhythm and started to move in the flow.
But if you thought that eating out was the best thing you've ever done, when Joel put his fingers in use, you were damned. When that guy just shoved himself two years ago, it hurt so much you started to cry. But this was something much different, as he made your brain too occupied by licking and sucking. You couldn't tell if it was pleasurable when he started to move fingers in and out, sometimes rolling with them a bit, but in the end, you could only tell that he knew what he was doing to you.
"Oh my fucking God, Joel, Joel, Joel..." - You breathed out in a fast pace and moaned out again. You were horny like crazy and you took a deep breath when a warmth started to concentrate just above your pelvis. It was concentrating on your whole body, you were shivering because of how pleasurable it was. Joel was showing you a new world.
The next moment, you only you that you were practically screaming, holding his head with your thighs and that you moaned out his name while scratching his shoulders down.
After that, you just laid there with your eyes closed. Your head was dizzy and the world around you was spinning. Your pressure was too high just as your heartbeat rate.
"What the fuck was that?" - You asked when he Joel laid next to you. He was chuckling at you as he smoothed your lower belly.
"It was your first time?" - He laid next to you. There was more to do, but you needed to lay down for a minute.
"Having lesbian sex? Yeah, DEFINITELY." - You turned to him and snuggled his side, your lips itching to kiss him slowly. So you leaned down and did it.
"No. Having an orgasm, I mean. You were pretty wild." - His arm circled around your shoulder as he brought you closer to him. Your hand traveled down to the belt of his jeans which were still on his body.
"Nobody had ever done it to me, only I did. So this was a premiere. And you were fucking great. I think that I'm okay with something more." - You kissed him again and moaned into his lips. There was still something more to do, and so your palm went on an explanation with unbuckling his belt.
You didn't exactly know how big should a penis be, so you couldn't say if he is an average one, too small or too big. You just didn't have a clue. But you had that irrational fear that you can't take all of it. Every single girl had this fear at least one time before they were about to have sex.
Your brain told you that you should start to play with him. That was called jerking off as far as you were informed.
"Okay." - He hummed and caught your hand to stop you. - "You're good... If I consider that you've never done anything like foreplay. But we'll need you to learn some things." - With that, he took the upper hand again and began to undress. He took the place between your legs again, positioning himself as his hips ground into yours. You had no idea why it didn't hurt as much as with that other guy.
But this was... Nice. This was nice. Pleasurable. You smiled at him and opened your mouth as your breath rose up. This act was everything as that man found its tempo, as he started to moaned into your neck and kissed a few spots there. You loved to have sex like that.
Maybe it was the foreplay as he called it. Maybe it was all the time he took with the preparation which made your heart bump so loud. But soon as you had the chance, your body started to grind into his moves. Joel's thrusts were quick and rough, almost violent. And the pace was getting quicker.
Not even five minutes after that, let me say, you were like two animals. You even tried to kiss each other sloppily, but it was impossible when you moved the whole bed around the small hut. Maybe you were even moving the hut around, you wouldn't be surprised. The only thing you were capable of was locking your hands together and entwining fingers so your bodies were always close to each other.
Faster and faster pace made you all warm again as the tempo got even rougher. The orgasm this time was even more violent than it was the first time as it didn't come in place. It was just one thing at a time and it escalated. After one minute, you were a crumbling and moaning mess as your body shook violently against his.
You held his head in your hands, scratched his neck and his back, seriously screaming at the top of your lungs. Joel came just a second after that, but you almost didn't notice.
Don't be silly, it was making him proud of himself in a way; making a beautiful, young chick scream. You pulled him even closer when everything was over, nuzzling him into you. Your smile was happy and contained, your body was tired but relaxed.
"We need to be up by the sunrise. Will we make it?" - You giggled, hugging him with your legs and smoothing his hair. He was still inside you, but his arms hugged you as he wasn't planning on leaving from the inside of you any time soon.
"I hope so." - His nose nuzzled the crook of your neck again as he left there smooth and warm kisses.
"I think that I'll take a shower and then we can discuss the hunting area, huh?" - You kissed the temple of his head slowly and smiled.
"Good idea, youngblood." - He hummed as he climbed down slowly.
The shower was one of the warmest and best you had ever had in your life. You maybe were a bit too tired, tipsy and happy, but who would wonder after such a beautiful night? You used his shower gel and shampoo before leaving the shower, making your hair at least a bit appealing and taking one of Joel's shirts.
He was already clothed and sitting at a table made a few snacks from cheese and grapes. He gave you an apologetic look. - "This is the only food I found. Shall we?"
And so you discussed over the maps, laughing and talking about nonsense a lot too. You left when the sky was getting brighter, so you could both catch up at least an hour of sleep.
It hurt to see you leaving, having you only on his mind as he replayed your last kiss of the night. But you were smiling at him; still having his shirt on your body.
And that's how it all had started.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Ninjago Secret Santa
My partner is @kara-is-so-ninja
(Btw @kara-is-so-ninja apologies in advance if this ends up sucking. I’m not super good with writing characters I’m not super familiar with, (such as ocs but I did do as much research on your blog as I could) and I’m really sorry if I end up characterizing them wrong.)
Riko didn’t particularly enjoy spending time with the people who sent her father to what was essentially hell, but it made Skylor happy, so she dealt with it.
That, and the ninja weren’t 100% annoying, besides maybe Joyce’s brother, who, like Riko’s best friend, would not stop talking.
“Having fun?” Skylor asked as she came up to her.
Riko still hadn’t gotten used to seeing her baby sister like this. Happy. She didn’t know how she’d never noticed on the island, but Skylor had never been like this there. Riko had always been the favorite child, but she hadn’t known until much later exactly how much their father had favored her over Skylor.
And Riko? Well, she guessed she was happy to be free to see the world, but she still missed her dad. This was the first holiday season the two of them had spent together since losing him.
“Your boyfriend got drunk on eggnog and tried to fight me,” was the only response Riko could think of.
“How does someone get drunk on eggnog?”
Riko just shrugged. If anyone should know how strange Kai was, it was Skylor.
“Just a heads up,” Skylor said, “You know Zane’s girlfriend? Pixal?”
“The Android we disassembled a while ago?”
“Yeah, technically,” Skylor admitted, “Well she’s not that good with social customs, and for some reason, thought it would be fun to get everyone animals for Christmas.”
“Yeah, she got me a kitten, Zane a parakeet, and so on. I think Dareth helped her pick out which ones people would like. If she comes up to you with an animal, don’t stab her.”
“She can’t technically die,” Riko pointed out.
“Still. Don’t stab her.”
Riko ended up with a ball python, which she was strangely okay with, all things considered. She didn’t have as much of a problem with snakes as Skylor did, even after being turned into one.
“I’m gonna name him Blue!” Joyce exclaimed happily, shattering Riko’s thoughts, “Because my brother’s name is Jay and if I name this guy Blue I have two family members and together they’re Blue Jay, and my favorite birds are blue jays, so—“
“We get it,” Claude chuckled, “Chill, J-J.”
“Sorry,” Joyce mumbled, “It’s just hard not to get excited when this little guy is infecting me!”
The wiggling husky puppy on Joyce’s lap jumped up again, trying to lick her face.
“What are you naming yours?” Riko asked her other friend.
Claude shrugged, “What color is she?”
The kitten Claude had gotten was pure white, with thick fur and blue eyes. She meowed loudly, like she could tell that they were talking about her.
“She’s white,” Joyce answered, “With blue eyes. Like, sky-blue eyes.”
The kitten meowed again.
“Maybe I should name her Joyce. She’s pretty talkative.”
The brunette rolled her eyes and smacked the boy in the shoulder, “I only talk when I have something to say.”
“Which is always,” Claude pointed out, “But if she’s white, and I can tell she’s really fluffy... maybe Cloud?”
“Cute!” Joyce exclaimed, “What about yours, Ri-ri?”
“What’d she get?”
As Joyce launched into a long winded explaination of what the python looked like, Riko thought about it. The little snake was calmer than she had expected, not lashing out like she felt threatened by being held by her. She just sat there, curled in a ball, her tongue occasionally flicking out to taste the air.
The snake’s calm nature reminded Riko of someone a bit, and it wasn’t like she really had anyone else to name her snake after.
“I think I’m going to name her Anna.”
Joyce was quiet for once, but Claude responded.
“After your mom?”
Riko just nodded.
Skylor had never known their mother. A remote island didn’t have much in the way of doctors, and the medics they did have were only there to patch up injuries. They were clueless with delivering a child, and truth be told, Anna Chen had been lucky to survive her first child.
She hadn’t been so lucky when Skylor was born.
Still, Riko remembered her, at least a little, and she had been calm and serene most of the time.
The three were distracted again as Blue jumped up on Joyce again, yipping in excitement.
Riko couldn’t deny that having the snake curl around her hand was nice somehow.
Maybe Skylor’s friends weren’t so bad.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Fifty-Four: Advanced ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Suigin Ryū ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: Oil and Blood ] [ AO3 Link ]
She still can’t believe she’s doing this. One minute, Hyūga Hinata is taking what she had hoped would be a quick walk to clear her mind so she can get some sleep. The next, she’s stumbling across a man in an alleyway, beaten and robbed of his mods. And now, she’s hauling him a few blocks from where she found him in an effort to get him to a medical clinic: one for both biological, and technological aspects of humanity.
So much for getting to work on time in the morning…
But then again, work is the only reason she knows where to go. Given her position in claims for mods insurance, Hinata has grown...acquainted with this particular place for those she can’t help professionally. This place works...under the radar. Under the table. Not entirely legal once you look a bit under the surface.
Which is exactly why Hinata is dragging an Uchiha through alleyways to the building she has in mind. It’s probably his only chance. His family are almost all notorious yakuza. If she took him to a typical hospital, he’d just get thrown in a cell and probably left there.
Laws are a bit...finicky when it comes to people like him.
So, instead, she’s ignoring every instinct screaming at her to leave him and go home, pretend this never happened.
As if the gods are laughing at her (if there are even any gods left, given how far man has strayed from nature now), it even starts to rain.
Thankfully, they’re only a block down when it starts pouring, Hinata struggling to keep the man upright while sparing a hand to knock at the rear door.
The door for...less than legal help.
“H...hello?” she calls, trying not to be too obvious. “Is a-anyone here?”
Silence reigns for about a minute, Hinata starting to feel the effect of this guy’s weight on her. His head is hanging, no longer having the energy to keep himself upright. Not that she blames him...looks like he was put through the wringer pretty well.
As she studies him, she can hear a series of locks releasing, looking back at the door just in time to see it swing open. Beyond is the typical doctor she communicates with for the clients she can’t help herself. “S...sorry. I, uh...have a bit of an emergency?”
Eyes widening, the practitioner wastes no time. “Here, let me help you - poor thing, caught out in the rain of all times -” Taking his other side, the woman helps heft him past the door, which swings shut of its own accord...and locks without prompting.
Here, in the rear end of the building, are the spaces reserved for those a bit beneath the law. Illegal mods are a booming business, after all...and someone has to take care of them. One man is asleep on a cot, curtain pulled closed by the doctor before she helps lay the Uchiha atop another.
“Goodness...quite the specimen you’ve found yourself, Hyūga-san,” she murmurs, gesturing for Hinata to sit as she starts examining the patient. As if knowing it would be there, she checks his collarbone for the tomoe crest Hinata already spotted. “An Uchiha...of course. I swear I’ve had half your lot through my door at one point or another,” she mutters. Practiced hands make quick work of his shirt, Hinata squeaking shyly and turning aside as she gets into the nitty gritty.
“Let’s see...bruising over the abdomen, might have some bruising on the ribs, but nothing seems broken.” With a mod of her own, the physician hovers a hand over his chest. As a light shines from her palm, a holographic rendering comes up from a screen along the top, displaying a real-time image of the bones. “...no...no cracks or breaks. Lucky,” she chides. Looking over the rest of him, she finds no skeletal damage. “You’re going to be sore, and purple as eggplant in a few places, but you’re not about to die.”
“His mods, are they…?”
Gently lifting the remaining stump of his left arm, she scans it with practiced, biological eyes. “Let’s see...fitting is a model seventy-four G. Fairly new, about six months out of date. Newest models are already into the seventy-sevens. Which means he’ll need an arm no older than a seventy-three J...I’ll have to check my inventory. Now...the more pressing matter is his eye.”
As she goes to turn his head, the man bats her hand aside, teeth gritting. “Don’t touch me…”
“Uchiha-san, you’re in good hands. Your fitting looks damaged. I need to see if I can repair it. If it needs replacing, I’ll -”
“Just...give me a minute to rest. I’ll be fine.”
“B-but…” Hinata murmurs, brows wilted in worry. “You’re in...very poor shape, Uchiha-san…”
“I’ve had worse. I don’t need you both fawning over me…” His words curl up with a grunt, muscles tensing against a wave of pain.
The doctor’s nostrils flare, expression set. “You have a damaged eye fitting. It’s bleeding. Infections in that area are unacceptable. Now, you can lie here and be patient...or I can knock you out and work in peace while you sleep. Up to you.”
For a long moment, he eyes her warily, seeming to weigh his odds. But when she makes a display of electricity between her fingers, he sighs and relents, going slack against the cot. “...just be quick.”
“I’ll work as fast as you’ll let me,” is her retort, moving to examine his eye socket.
“Um...do you want me to stay, or…?” Hinata fidgets. She really should get home and try to sleep...she has work first thing, and her supervisor isn’t very allowing…
“You can go, Hyūga-san,” the doctor replies, giving her a glance with a tired smile. “I’ll contact you in the morning. Odds are, he isn’t going anywhere for a few days.”
“You can’t -!”
“Hush,” she retorts, giving him a look as he struggles. “I told you, I’ve worked on your lot before. I can contact someone and let them know where you are. Until you’re stable, you need to stay here, rest, and let me get you back into working order. Now, what model was your eye?”
That makes her own widen. “...you lot sure like your advanced tech - no wonder someone stole it,” is all she comments still working. Glancing back to Hinata, she nods. “You can head out the back door. I’ll call you in the morning. If he’s still here, you can check on him after work. I know you’ll worry, otherwise.”
Sheepish pink brightens Hinata’s cheeks. “...thank you. And...sorry for the late call…”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’m up late most nights working on owed repairs for dropped off mods. Consider this a nice change of pace.”
Still unsure, Hinata nonetheless takes her leave, jogging back through the rain. Well...that was a lot more than she bargained for, but...at least he seems to be in good hands. Apparently this woman’s seen Uchiha before...Hinata shouldn’t be surprised. There are, to her knowledge, only a handful of underground mod specialists. And most pick sides when it comes to the turf wars. Apparently this one tends to side with the Uchiha.
She makes a mental note never to bring her a Senju.
Once back in her apartment, Hinata crashes face-down atop her bed with a sigh. Part of her knows she definitely won’t sleep now...not with that man to worry about. She never even asked his name...but his attitude suggests he probably wouldn’t tell her anyway…
Still, she needs to at least rest, so she crawls into bed, mind wide awake.
Work is going to suck...but that’s what coffee is for.
Come morning, she goes about her routine, feet dragging. But a quiet ring in her ear reminds her of the doc’s promise to call with an update. “H-hello?”
“Hyūga-san, it’s me. Just wanted to let you know the Uchiha’s doing fine. I need to replace his eye mod socket, but otherwise he just needs bed rest. I got ahold of his brother and assured him Sasuke’s in good hands.”
“His name. Or at least, what he gave me. Might be an alias, but he was a bit too groggy to think much, so I’d wager it’s the truth. Anyway, you should swing by after work if you can. I’ll be done with the surgery by then. He might still be under, but I’m sure you’ll feel better seeing him back in...well, not quite one piece, but not quite so rough.”
“I understand...and thank you again. Really, I -”
“No need for thanks. I’ll be well-compensated, believe me. I have good enough rep with the Uchiha by now, they trust my work...and make sure I’m well paid for it, and my loyalty. If anything, I should thank you for the business.”
Hinata gives a quiet scoff. “All right then. I’ll s-see you later.”
Work drags on even worse than usual. Hinata rarely has something to look forward to after, and it makes each droning call even more unbearable. But thankfully nothing is too out of the ordinary, and she’s walking briskly back just after five.
This time she enters the front door, hearing the mechanized chime. The waiting room is oddly empty, only a few patients within. Side activities aside, this one does good work, and Hinata is usually hard-pressed to get anyone in during regular business hours.
“Ah, there you are! Come on back - he’s all done,” the doctor calls, letting Hinata through the lobby door. Her hands wring, a bit nervous.
“Don’t worry, he’s still out. He might rouse a bit, but he’ll be rather delirious for another thirty minutes or so. I plan to keep him overnight and release him back to his brother tomorrow when he gets here.”
“So soon?”
“Yeah...the worst of it’s about over - mostly I’m just waiting for a contact to get here with replacement parts. His arm is pretty simple, but getting my hands on another Rinnegan eye model won’t be easy. Other than that, he just needs to rest. And he can do that at home rather than take up one of my cots.”
Hinata nods. That makes sense...besides, he’ll likely be more comfortable at home. “I feel like I owe you, I -”
“No, none of that. The Uchiha will more than repay me. You did your part by bringing him here. If anything I owe you,” the physician teases with a small smile. “Now, go say hi - I’ve still got a few more patients to see before six.”
“Okay.” Left in the back room, Hinata notices that the occupied cot from the night before is now empty. Feeling a bit intrusive, she steps up beside Sasuke’s bed.
True to her companion’s word, he’s still asleep, and he looks so...different. Not nearly as exhausted, but still rough...yet far less grumpy. He’s been all cleaned up of blood, and changed into proper hospital attire. His eye socket is still empty, as well as his arm, but both are in good shape. New, shining metal glints in his face where the mod implant sits.
Done nosily observing, Hinata sits beside him...only to jump as he shifts.
“...back again?” he rumbles, tone dragging with exhaustion.
“I...w-wanted to be sure you were all right, Uchiha-san.”
“Told you, m’fine,” he retorts again, but there’s not nearly the bite to his tone this time. He just sounds a bit...exasperated. “Bunch of fuss over a bit of a bruising…”
“But...Suigin-san said you needed a new eye fitting…?”
“Tch...it was just a little bent...coulda salvaged it. She just wants more money…”
“I doubt that. M-most of her profits go right back into funding the people who can’t afford their care. She even lives in this building to cut costs.”
That earns a glance. “...you friends?”
“...sort of, I...I guess.”
“She called you...Hyūga?”
She can see the recognition in his eyes, but thankfully he doesn’t press it. “...well...for what it’s worth...thanks for dragging my ass out of the gutter.”
His blunt wording makes her jump. “I...I couldn’t just leave you there!”
“You also dragged me here...didn’t have to. A bit stupid, though...I could’ve hurt you.”
“...I doubt that. You could barely stand, and your m-mods are gone.”
He snorts. “...or the bastard who beat me could’ve come back.”
“...well, you’re here now. And you’re going to be fine, so...that’s a-all that matters.”
He considers her for a time, head turned to see her with his remaining eye. “...fair enough. But I don’t like owing people, so...you’ll get compensated, either way.”
“Oh, I-I don’t -”
“No arguing. Fair’s fair, Hyūga. And no one tells me no.”
Sighing lightly, she doesn’t argue.
“...well...no offense, but...m’not exactly in a talking sort of mood, so…”
“Oh, t-that’s fine. I just...wanted to check on you. Suigin-san says you’ll get replacements by tomorrow morning, and...you can go home.”
“Mhm. Aniki’s going to chew my ass out…” Sasuke sighs. “...could be worse. Could be dead.”
“Y...yes. That’s true.”
“Eh, I’ll deal with him...later. Until later, Hyūga. You remember what I said. And next time you find some cretin in an alleyway...leave him there, all right?”
“I’m not sure I could.”
“...well, leave him if he’s a Senju.”
Sighing again, Hinata doesn’t reply, just standing with a hint of a weary smile. “...I hope you have a s-speedy recovery, Uchiha-san.”
“Hn...I’ll try. Get along home before more trouble finds you, huh?”
“...all right.” Giving a small bow, Hinata heads back out through the lobby, finding it now empty. Walking home a bit slowly, she has to wonder how an Uchiha is going to pay her back. She doesn’t exactly need anything...and what on earth could a member of the yakuza have to give her?
...he might just be the trouble he’s warning her about.
     (This is a direct sequel to day 250, if you'd like a little more context!)      Anywho, more cyberpunk universe! Featuring an OC of mine cuz...well, I wanted to, honestly xD This verse is...very quickly growing on me lol - it's a neat twist on typical Naruto powers and abilities! Hopefully I'll get to do some more soon if another prompt fits! Poor Hinata...something tells me this little act of charity is going to lead to even more disruptions.      Buuut on that note, it's late, I'm sleepy, and I better call it a night. Thanks for reading!
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madam-lit-nerd · 5 years
The Apocalypse AU, pt. 4
And here we have the final post in the Apocalypse series. Hope you enjoyed! Also, if you’d like links back to the other posts: 1 | 2 | 3
Down in the basement, Dean stood at the back wall—or rather, where the back wall used to be—as Victor explained what had happened just after dinner. 
“We knew there were some inconsistencies in the prints, but we never imagined that this was what’s back there,” the crew chief explained. 
The bricks they’d ripped away from the wall exposed a giant iron door with an elaborate locking mechanism. Despite the lock, the door hung open on its hinges, revealing a gaping black void beyond. 
“A chute,” Sam supplied. 
“A chute?” Dean asked, his voice wary. 
“Back in the old days, a lot of these sanatorium places had these chutes where they could dispose of bodies without alarming the patients. They’d use the chutes to transport bodies out to a mass grave.”
“As in, there’s another side that lets out onto a mass grave? A bunch of dead bodies ripe for infecting?” 
Victor grimaced. “I know, I wouldn’t have tried ripping it open without you here, but Gordon...” 
“Gordon’s a loose cannon,” Dean sighed, rubbing a hand over his mouth. “I guess we just got lucky.” He glanced around. “Where is he now?” 
One of the workers lifted his hand and pointed toward the chute. “He and a few of the other guys went in to check it out.” 
“Of course,” Dean muttered. 
“What should we do?” Sam’s tone anxious. “Lock it back up until we can spare workers and time to explore?” 
Dean shook his head, “We’ve got guys in there, we can’t just leave them.” He reached for the giant flashlight on a nearby workbench. “I’ll go get them.” 
Sam grabbed the other flashlight and clicked it on. “I’m coming with.” 
“No, Sam,” Dean shook his head. “No way. You’ve got your mate, your family. No.” 
“And you don’t?” Sam countered. Dean didn’t argue, couldn’t argue, because whatever he had with Cas, it was more than passing, and even Sam knew it. 
“You’re my family too, Dean.”
With a sigh, Dean gave in. “Okay, but the first sign of trouble, we get the hell out of there.”
Dean turned to Victor and the few remaining men. “Wait here, on your guard. If we’re not back in fifteen, shut it.” 
Victor nodded grimly, but Dean knew that he’d obey. As a former law enforcement officer, the man knew all too well the cost of lives. 
“Let’s go,” Dean jerked his head toward the dark tunnel and Sam followed him in. 
Unseen by the workers who all faced the door, Victor slipped from his hiding place behind the boiler and crept toward the basement stairs. 
Dean and Sam tread carefully through the dark, yelling for Victor and the others. They’d been walking for five minutes when Sam just stopped. 
“Guys?” Dean called down the tunnel. “Stop goofing around, time to head back.” 
“Something doesn’t feel right about this.”
“No shit.” Dean swung his flashlight beam back and forth, up and down. Suddenly, he froze and swung his flashlight beam back down to the ground. There were the three missing workers, all shot in the head and left to bleed out. 
“Sam,” he choked, and just as Sam spun around to look at him, at what he’d found, the dark silence of the oppressive chute exploded in a cacophony of light and heat and sound, flinging both men backwards. 
Dean heard Sam grunt from somewhere on his right, and then he heard nothing more. 
“What was that?” Micah whispered as he and the others burrowed tighter against Castiel’s side in the aftermath of the loud noise that had erupted from below. 
“I don’t...” Castiel couldn’t finish his thought. That had come from the basement, from where Dean had...no, no it couldn’t be. 
Castiel’s eyes slammed shut. “Please don’t let him be hurt, please don’t let him be hurt,” he chanted under his breath. 
Long minutes ticked by, each excruciating in its uncertainty. Then sudden relief coursed through Cas as he heard the deadbolt turning in the lock; only he and Dean had keys to this room. He jumped up from the bed to greet Dean, but the smile froze on his face. He stumbled back a step at the looming figure that filled the doorway. 
“Hello, Castiel.” 
Recognizing the dark, angry figure that had scared Castiel so much before, the children on the bed started crying.
“Gordon, what’s going on?” 
“What’s going on is that I’m finally getting what’s mine,” Gordon seethed. “That asshole thought he could keep me away with a couple empty threats?” He laughed darkly. “No, see, I’m the one who follows through. And look, I’m standing here while he’s down there, dead.” 
“No,” Castiel gasped. “No, he can’t be.” 
“Believe it, Sweetheart.” 
Castiel’s mind reeled, but one point became evidently clear. Even if what Gordon said was true, Castiel needed to get him out of the room, away from the children. 
“Look, let’s just go outside, I’ll go with you wherever you want.” 
Gordon chuckled, shaking his head as he stepped further into the room and kicked the door shut behind him. “No, I think we’ll stay right here.”
Dean lifted his head, groaning at the throbbing that rose up behind his eyes. 
The answering groan filled him with relief followed closely by adrenaline. “We gotta go, man.” He pushed himself up by his elbows, fought to gain his knees.
“We gotta get out of here, Sammy,” he crawled towards the answering groan, feeling along for the giant body. When he hands brushed over something warm and wet, he gripped it tight and shook. “Sam!” 
Suddenly, with a burst of light, voices flooded the chute. 
“Sam! Dean!” 
“Come on, brother.” The giant man hauled Dean to his feet even as two other men helped pull Sam up. 
“You shouldn’t have...” Dean tried to protest. 
“I know, I know. Victor wanted to close up the chute, like ya ordered. You can be mad at me later.” 
“Dean, you’ve practically got a mate with pup who needs you. I couldn’t have that on my conscience!” 
And with those words, Dean went ice cold, because the fear that had been nagging at the back of his mind was fully realized. 
If Victor hadn’t been down in the tunnel, there was only one place he could be...
“Let’s go, Gordon,” Castiel tried again, no longer able to hide the tears that thickened his voice. “Just you and me. I’ll go with you anywhere.” 
“No, we’re gonna stay here with the little ones; makes your scent so much sweeter...” Gordon pulled in a deep breath, dragged his nose up Castiel’s throat. “God, your smell so intoxicating...drives me wild.” 
The door suddenly burst open behind them. 
“Well then, you’re gonna love this!” 
A baseball bat swung down on Gordon’s head. With a growl, he spun around, only to be met with another vicious swing of the bat to the side of his skull. One final upward swing met his jaw, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious. 
Donna poked her head into the room, a grin lighting her face. “How we doing in here?”
“Donna!” Castiel flung himself into her arms. “It’s Dean! He hurt Dean.” 
When Dean came to, he immediately recognized the astringent smell of medicine the soft scent of omega. His eyes fluttered open, darting back and forth as he tried to recognize his surroundings. Infirmary? 
Suddenly a head of fiery red hair popped into his line of vision. 
“You’re up!” Anna chirped. “Welcome back.” 
Dean groaned and allowed his eyes to fall shut again. “Sammy?” 
“He’s doing just fine in the next room,” Anna assured him as she began checking his vitals. 
That primary fear assuaged, Dean grabbed her arm. “Cas...” 
Suddenly another face entered his field of vision. 
“I’m right here.” It was Cassie. “I haven’t left your side once!” 
Dean shook his head. “Castiel.” 
Castiel had just finished setting out the kids’ snack, ready for their return from the bathroom, when Donna slipped into the room. 
“Dean’s up!” 
Castiel froze, his eyes wide and fearful. “Is he...is he okay?” 
Donna nodded vigorously. “He’s asking for you, let’s go!” 
Castiel followed Donna up to the infirmary ward, his breath tight in his throat. What if...what if Dean made him leave? Castiel had essentially been the reason for Gordon going insane and trying to blow the place up. No, Dean wouldn’t be so cruel, not with the due date only weeks away...
Castiel stepped into Dean’s room with his head high and his gaze steady. Dean, who’d been sitting upright on his bed, looked over, and his face immediately broke into a wide, relieved smile. 
“Cas.” Then Castiel found himself at Dean’s bedside, wrapped tightly in the alpha’s arms, all dignity gone as he wept into his chest. 
“Thank god you’re okay,” Dean breathed into his hair. 
“Me? I thought you were dead! Gordon told me he’d killed you,” Cas sobbed against him. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you,” Dean murmured. 
Castiel pulled back enough to shake his head. “Its okay. I had Donna looking out for me.”
“Donna?” Dean quirked an eyebrow. 
Cas managed a watery smile. “She’s got a mean swing.” 
Dean smiled fondly as he passed his fingers through the omega’s hair. “Cas...” 
And suddenly it was all so clear. Dean had said that he was interested in another omega... 
“It’s me, isn’t it?” Castiel suddenly asked. “I’m the one you fell for.” 
Dean nodded somberly, seemingly unsurprised by the abrupt change of subject. He brought a trembling hand up to cup Castiel’s wet cheek. 
“I know that we’ve only known each other for a few months, and you’re still grieving for Michael...and that’s good, you need time.” He swiped at the tears that coated Cas’s cheek. “But I’m ready to wait. For you, I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
Castiel licked his lips, tried to find the words past his soaring heart and the lump in his throat. 
Dean wanted him. He was the omega Dean chose. Despite everything...
Cas could only whisper his response, “I don’t think you’ll have to wait very long.” 
The corner of Dean’s mouth lifted in a smile, then a full-fledged grin. “Really?” 
Cas nodded mutely, and then Dean was gathering the omega close, close, closer, hugging him tightly. “God, it’s been torture for months...” he pressed the words into Castiel’s neck. 
“Months?” Cas murmured. 
“Ever since that first day, the way you just scooped Kaiden up and immediately accepted all those little things into your heart, despite what you’d just been through.” Castiel could feel alpha smile against his skin. “How could I not love you?”
“I’ve only known for a few weeks now,” Castiel admitted.
“The rocking chair?”
Castiel nodded, “The rocking chair.” 
Dean huffed an incredulous laugh. “Why didn’t you say something?” 
“Why didn’t you?” Castiel countered, only half teasing. 
“I thought you were still getting over Michael.”
“I thought you wouldn’t want...” Castiel trailed off, but the way his hand dropped to his bump finished the unspoken thought. 
“I do, Castiel. I really do,” Dean promised. 
“Oh my god!” Sam’s voice echoed from the room next door. “We get it, you want each other. Now kiss!” Eileen’s high pitched giggle followed the command.
Cas turned to find Ellen and Donna peeking around the door frame. 
With a rueful chuckle, Dean pulled Castiel back to face him. “You heard ‘em.” 
There was a pause, a moment of anticipation, and then Dean’s mouth was brushing against Cas’s, soft and sweet and exploring, months of hoping and waiting caught up between their lips, until suddenly it wasn’t so sweet anymore. 
When Jo let out a loud whoop from beyond the door, Dean pulled back with a shuddering breath. 
“Please tell me,” he whispered for Cas’s ears only. “You’ll be spending the night in my room as soon as they release me. We don’t have to do anything, I just...”
Castiel nodded at him with a shy smile. “Every night, for as long as I can.”
“Thank god!” Dean groaned as he yanked the omega back in. 
Only four weeks later, Dean and Castiel were back in the infirmary, but for a much different reason. 
“Dean,” Castiel whined, his face twisted in pain as another contraction hit.
“I’m here, I’m here,” the alpha murmured into Cas’s temple. “I’ll always be here.” 
Dean laid in the narrow bed beside Cas, both of them staring down at the bundle in the omega’s arms. 
“I think I want to name him...Michael,” Cas whispered, but his tone was tentative. 
“I think that is an excellent idea,” Dean replied. 
He hadn’t realized how much tension Cas’s shoulders held until it was all released. Obviously the request had weighed heavy on Cas’s mind. 
Dean tucked a finger under Cas’s chin and bent to press a kiss to his upturned mouth. “I fully intend to love and raise this pup like he’s my own, but he will grow up knowing about his father. I think bearing his name is a good place to start.” 
“Thank you,” Cas breathed as he reached up for another kiss. “For everything, Alpha.” 
It was well known around the compound that Dean’s omega had the alpha wrapped around his pinky finger, and soon their young tot mastered the same trick. 
Castiel still dreamed of Michael, of course; he always would. But now when he woke from the nightmares, he found his alpha there to soothe him back into peaceful sleep. 
Dean, left with a permanent limp from the explosion, could no longer go out on missions and patrols, but he found he didn’t mind passing the responsibility off to the younger men. He was perfectly content to remain within the safety of the walls, his omega and their pup at his side.
So yeah, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.
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ritacaroline · 5 years
Starshine               Ch.55    Jimmy Page          Fan Fiction
Over at Preston Hospital laboratory, another professional needed to be hired to take over the place Jill had vacated. The project which she and Rachel had run
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was ongoing. The results were critically important and they couldn’t just wait weeks upon weeks for Jill to recover. However, that’s not to say that the supervisors didn’t want her back. Jill was a very experienced and knowledgeable tech. And she was proficient, possibly expert in more than one specific field of the clinical lab. So it would be really unwise to let her slip through their grasp. Someone like Jill would be a mistake to lose. Kyle, her supervisor from New York General, Dr. Berkley, and also Rachel kept their ears and eyes open for an available work area for which to offer Jill, for when and if she returned.
Rachel had been doing well at her work, assisting in the Hematology research project. She worked beside the new hire, Jonathan King. And Brian remained working as assistant to Dr. Berkley in the other part of the research team, in the adjoining lab. 
Rachel had utilized Jill’s personal advise, regarding matters of the heart.  The tips came in extremely handy - when Rachel badly needed a plan. So she thought it out. Thought and thought, then thought some more. And she ultimately  decided to choose Brian, as her love interest. She sadly needed to end her relationship with Gordon. Yes, he was a long time love for her, comfortable as an old boot.. And although he was a cerebral connection for Rachel, there was no way he was overriding the thrill of Brian. Brian was more like a shotgun firing off, when compared to Gordon’s complacency. There wasn’t a female in England who wouldn’t have made the same exact choice. Brian was elated to have the love of Rachel. When he was involved in his daily life, he was a witty sweet firecracker of a guy. But when surrounded by the love of sweet Rachel, his great qualities were ten times amplified. She was just the spark he needed to really light his fire. Now he was a passionate, fascinating, outgoing, high-powered, explosive entity. With confidence and drive and power. He was going places. And Rachel just felt the force he radiated when in his company. She could feel his motor running as soon as he entered a room. And she was addicted to the anxiety and the sexy tension Brian’s aura reflected onto her. She actually felt high when he was near her.
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 A serious meeting was held between Rachel, Kyle and Dr. Berkley. It had come to their attention that a high level tech in the Microbiology department, had plans to relocate in a few months, thus opening up a vacancy. His family in Ireland was having serious issues and needed him back home to help solve things. The vacant spot he would open, would be a difficult one to fill. But Melody, the tech who’d met Jill when she was recovering at Preston, had an interesting idea. She had mentioned to Rachel, that perhaps Jill could be a potential candidate for the  spot. And Rachel brought the idea up during the meeting.  And since it would be a few months before the job would be available, Jill would have time to really recover to her normal health first. ( Although they hadn’t heard about Jill’s temporary set back.) She’d also have to go through a rigorous interviewing process with Dr.Ollinger, head of microbiology. Making sure she was licensed, capable, professional, knowledgeable. Most of all interested and willing. So, there was a bit of work ahead of them. Luckily, a few months were available to get this all accomplished.
Over at the Page residence, Jimmy had just carried Jill into the house, after the Dr. visit. Her side, just at the bottom of her ribcage, where the injury was located was in some serious pain. She felt awful, all over her body due to it and felt like a raging disaster. Jimmy placed her gently on the big sofa, which Mrs. K. had prepared with comfy soft blankets and pillows. At this moment, Jill was so miserable. Jimmy himself was so glad she could come home again, versus back to the hospital. Although, he felt quite a lot of guilt, considering that the trip he arranged to the castle was most likely the reason that her wound became infected and reopened. And lots of stabbing pain held place in Jill’s body. He was determined to help her as much as he could and treat her like she was made of glass. To get her feeling well again and healed. Also, Susan the nurse was assigned back onto Jill’s case. That would be extremely beneficial, since she was familiar with the case and the set up, and had done well previously there.
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Jimmy had Mrs. K. preparing tea and sandwiches that Jill liked, as he pulled a chair up next to her at the sofa where she rested now. Jill was mildly depressed that she was again restricted to laying down and immobile. Jimmy held her two hands and rubbed them in his. His eyes had the softest sad look in them.  
Jim : My angel. I really fucked up this time. I’m gonna be next to you as much as I can be, keeping you company, chatting with you, telling you how much I love you, kissing you. And you’ll be getting the best care from Susan and Mrs. K., and soon you’ll be feeling well again. And I’ll bring my guitar up here next to you and do some playing, practicing up here with you, if it doesn’t bother you that is. So you won’t be lonely. I am so sorry my darling.
Jill : Jim, stop blaming yourself. I’m a big girl, I have the right to use that important word. The word is “No.”  And I decided on my own to say yes instead. I should’ve been more cautious with caring for my own body. Did you tell me I should dive off the boat into that lake ? Nope. Did that all on my own accord. When Rob asked us to join him on that long hike, in the dark, … Did I say no ? Nope. I went for it. And on and on. So stop the guilt. Alright ? You could just as easily be badgering me, right now, for agreeing to do all that. But you aren’t. Instead, you’re pointing the arrow at yourself. Which is wrong.
Jim : Jill, you are amazing. You try to take all fault off of me. You’re so loving to me. And I don’t deserve it. 
Next chap 56 : https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/188518930316/starshine-ch-56-jimmy-page                
Chapter Index for “Starshine” is located at bottom section of Ch.1 ,  click here :
Link to “In The Light” - original fan fic -https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/173286165501/in-the-light-jimmy-page-fan-fiction
JimJam Mistresses :      @tremble-and-shake @ledoftherings @gimmeeshelter @adonna1964 @justanotherzosofangirl @starchild0985 @girlofthemoon75 @bonscottintheimpala @12909168 @jjullz @cherryfloyd @tenementcrazylittlefruitcake @save-me-from-the-gallows-pole @soy-laprincessa @marauderofworlds @ultrabitchystudentperfectionus @satanspizzadeliveryguy @misspenylane @zi-zidane @catherine0627 @pagingpage-the-original @amythesticon @strangerspassinginthestreet @ thezeppelinbeatles @pour-some-sugar-on-mee @carryfire18 @j-james-thlk @70shoney @strange-broo @page-daddy @nadianad1337 @yerawizardjimmeh @jimmyypagey @magnetacuddles84 @rock6880 @ledxzeppelin @kinkyspice @thelandofnevermore @my-golden-lion @itsblackbetty @luvejimmy @palenickelsaladparty @jennmarieetn @honeydewgroupie @how-many-more-times-blog @loveinher-eyess @rocknrollababes-blog @princesssofpeace @frauweide @dontyouhearmecallingyou @zozjaa @miniaturewinnerwonderland @http-jinx @chennington @venicebeachx @wanna-be-groupie @where-the-hot-springs-blow @basementmermaid @crying-over-rock-legends @cherrrywitch @scarletrossetti @sixpackonthefrontseat @miamorjimmypage @jimmypageismylife @pennylane1968 @jlmmypage
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