LMK Story Motif
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Tang: “The thing you need to understand about the old legends, is that the story is never finished. There maybe be no more pages left to turn, but there’s always more to the journey. “
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Tang: “It’s nice to know someone is taking in all these stories—pearls of wisdom, DRIPPING from my lips.”
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Mirror MK: “UGH, stop that! Listen- every time we get in trouble, we turn to Monkie King or our friends or SOMEONE. They tell us a story, and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well! Now we’re on our own. It’s just you.”
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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MK: “Wait! I am worthy, definitely worthy! I’m Monkie Kid! Basically the new Monkey King—might have heard of me? You know, the next chapter? I’m totally worthy!”
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
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Totally Not Macaque (TNM): “Haha, what would you like to hear—the Hero suddenly remembered his beloved friend the Warrior? That they lived happily ever after?”
MK: “No! Nah no no no- well uh, yeah! Maybe. Um. Okay, I don’t know why I’m telling a complete stranger this but, I guess...I kind of feel like the Warrior in the story. A little. Is that dumb?
TNM: “I take that as a complement young man.”
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TNM: “The tell-tale sign of a good story—that you resonate with it so personally. But I think maybe you missed the point.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Macaque: “Ah MK, you really are dense, aren’t you. Haha, you saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn’t have to work for anything, and you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn’t care less about his friends. That’s you bud.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Tang: “Now, any chance at hope lies in the hands of a monkey, and a kid who wishes he was a monkey.”
MK: “Ugghhhh Mr. Tang! Would you quit it?
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Pigsy: “You’ve been reading your diary out loud LITERALLY all day. You’re bumming everybody out!”
Tang: “Hey! It’s not a diary, I’m writing the next chapter!”
(3x01 On the Run)
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Sun Wukong (SWK): “Okay! Gather round everyone, it’s Monkey King story time!”
(3x01 On the Run)
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SWK: “Kid, why did you...?”
MK: “Uh, well yeah- I- I was trying to do you in- in the omelet story! Do the weird impulsive Monkey King thing and escape the bad guy!”
SWK: “Well, I mean- Ne Zha ain’t really a bad guy but, did you forget about the part where I got really hurt?”
(3x01 On the Run)
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(3x05 Amnesia Rules)
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(3x06 The First Ring)
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Tang: “But...compared to the great monk, I’m not so...great.”
Pigsy: “You’re pretty great to me tang. Besides, you’re story ain’t over—not yet.”
(3x12 The Corrupted King)
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Tang: “MK, from the moment you picked up the Monkey King’s staff, their stories became our stories. It’s our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome. If we do this, we do it together.”
(3x13 Time to Be Warriors)
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Tang: “The curious thing about legends is the way we can continue to be moved by the same stories. We’re comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption. At times, the path of the hero might seem unclear, and the stories chaotic and directionless. Sometimes it may seem as though we’ve ended back where we began, but it’s clear to see how much we’ve grown on the journey—for although the story is over, there’s always room on the shelf for another.”
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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MK: “I wasn’t really gonna slice ‘em and dice ‘em you know, I just- I just thought we looked cool and edgy! But like, what if this is the point in our heroes journey where things get a little bit...darker.”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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MK: “You’re telling me that I’m holding THE Journey to the West legend in my hand right now?”
Azure Lion: “That and a great many other tales I’m sure."
(4x02 New Adventures)
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MK: “Alright! Find our friends, defeat the curse, and get back to the good old fashioned story of the week!”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: “L-listen you! Stop holding onto the past, it’s time to go!”
“Aah! What did I say before—earthly connections can only weight you down? Well, I don’t believe it! Your time with your family was precious, and nothing will ever take that away. The memories we make with the ones we love—they’re what lift us up! Your time here is over, but that doesn’t mean your story is finished—you’re not being cast out or pulled down, you were being lifted up!”
“The next chapter is calling you to start a new adventure, it’s time to answer the call!”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: “That’s it! This Tang has had it! We’ve been through a bajillion chapters from Monkey King’s Journey to the West, and I feel like we’re no closer to finding Pigsy, Sandy, or Monkey King!””
(4x04 Pig Napped!)
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Subodhi: “A simple creature, with no past, no family, and no name. There is a reason you were at the center of these stories—a reason you can harness the power of the Monkey King himself!”
“Without question, you were not born from the stone as he was! Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer; but, of one thing I am certain, fate has plans for you—great plans, or foul? Time will tell.”
MK: “I- I can’t be! I’m just- I’m just MK!”
Subodhi: “The Monkie Kid?”
(4x06 Show Me the Monster) (Isn’t it so funny that he’s named MK? Like the initials of Monkey King? Haha. It’s so funny isn’t it? HAHAHA. YEAH. I’M HAVING A GREAT TIME. THIS IS SO FUN.)
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Curse MK: “Hey no no I get it man—you want to get back to our monster of the week adventures, get back to our simple missions with Mei, mastering all of Monkey King’s powers and delivering noodles for Pigsy. Right?”
MK: “Yeah. Yeah actually, that’s exactly what I wanna-”
Curse MK: “-But we can’t. Not after all we’ve seen. All we know and all we don’t—*sigh*, right friend?
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MK: No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain. It’s like the Lady Bone Demon said—it doesn’t matter if I want to help people or NOT, everything I do it just- it just makes things worse!
Mei: “You’re all stuck up in your own head! None of this is your fault-”
MK: “It’s ALWAYS my fault! Ever since I picked up monkey king’s staff, I-”
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
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Ne Zha: “We should have stood and fought till the end.”
MK: “We didn’t stand a chance against them, if we'd stayed, it wouldn’t of made a difference.”
Ne Zha: “So you’re just gonna stand aside and let Azure become the new Jade Emperor!?”
MK: “There’s only one person who ever stood against the Jade Emperor and lived to tell the tale.”
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
Stories, Legends, and Tales.
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emmettland · 6 days
this is just me talking out of my ass with no research here but i saw @lambmotifz mention my comment (:D) about Dean and Sam being Adam/Eve coded and make some really good points about Sam being in the 'temptress' role and the forbidden fruit motif
and it's got me thinking again like. there are so many comparisons.
John as a God figure to the boys; Sam is the one who dares to question him and outright defy his authority -> Eve is the one who dares to defy God's command not to eat from the tree
the forbidden fruit was said to contain knowledge reserved for God only -> we know ever since he was a kid Sam has been eager to learn -> while Dean also has learning of his own, Sam's pursuit of knowledge is framed as a rebellion against John when he goes off to Stanford, aka defying God to learn the knowledge of the world
it was the Devil who tempted Eve into eating the fruit, and even if Azazel was the one manipulating Sam's destiny before he was even born, it was for Lucifer's purposes...so basically, Sam and the Devil entwined, Eve and the Devil entwined, u get what i mean
here's a big one: Eve became the scapegoat for all of humanity's suffering, aka the original sin -> Sam is a scapegoat for pretty much everything. like take your pick lmao
okay but more specifically being a scapegoat for the Apocalypse seems pretty similar to God's punishment for the whole Garden thing ... and ACTUALLY Sam's actions also result in direct punishment from Chuck/God when he shoots him and Chuck throws a little pissy fit resulting in the end of the world. which isn't to say Sam was the sole cause but it happened right after Sam shoots him. give Eve a gun and it's basically the same--
as lamb pointed out, Sam is female coded, he and Dean are a couple (in whatever sense u choose to see it, they are couple coded), Eve was a woman her and Adam were lovers etc etc
and maybe this one's a stretch but i believe Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs? and to me with Sam/Dean this translates not only to their codependency (they are part of one another, literally. i mean yeah they share blood too) but to Dean being the "first" brother (Adam was first to be made) and therefore having more authority/claim over Sam and Sam's agency
PLUS i think i remember something about Eve being created so Adam wouldn't be lonely?? how many times do we see Dean making choices for Sam, i.e. whether he lives or dies, because he needs Sam?? like 'lonely' is an understatement if Sam dies but there's definitely something there about "you were created for me" that is very much Sam/Dean
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
So like. 4.18 "The Monster At The End Of This Book" and 4.22 "Lucifer Rising" both feature Dean and Cas collaborating on plans where they do things Chuck didn't foresee and said weren't supposed to happen. He didn't write Dean to show up at his house and force him to come with him to the motel where Lilith and Sam were. He didn't write Dean and Cas showing up at his house to demand Sam's location. Like Dean (and Cas) are defying expectations while Sam does exactly what they expect him to do.
And I bring this up because in 5.08 "Changing Channels", Gabriel says:
GABRIEL You sorry sons of bitches. Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it. Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father, and Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of Daddy's plan. You were born to this, boys. It's your destiny! It was always you! As it is in heaven, so it must be on earth. One brother has to kill the other.
And he's just... wrong? Dean "loyal to an absent father"? That hasn't been Dean since before season 1 even ended. Dean explicitly violates what he knows would be John's wishes in 1.21 by bringing The Colt to rescue John and there's an entire conversation about how John would be furious with him and that's how Dean knows John's possessed. Dean was shitting on his dad just a few episodes ago in 4.19 and in 5.06. He explicitly says in 4.22 "I'm not Dad". This framing of the brothers in relation to John isn't consistently true of Sam either. It's true of the demon blood storyline, but Sam was all for following John's orders in season 2.
Gabriel has this unbelievably simple caricature of the brothers in his head that he's basing everything that's going to happen around, and it just does not work, and I think he's not the only one. Zachariah and Michael I think lean toward this simplified view as well and it's what ends up biting all of them so hard in the ass. They expect Dean to behave a certain way based on a version of him they've made up. And that's how Dean always ends up being the fly in the ointment the monkey in the wrench the pain in the ass. Because he does not do what they predict him to do. Sam kills Lilith and Sam says "Yes" to Lucifer (whether they get him there the way they thought they would or not). Dean shows up at Chuck's house. Dean tricks Zachariah. Dean shows up where Michael and Lucifer are supposed to do battle and snaps his brother out of possession. He refuses to shoot Jack. He refuses to do all of the things they are convinced they can make him do.
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transmascswagpolls · 17 days
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
SOKKA: Because I Said So DIPPER: Subtext/ Coding
MEDIA? Avatar: The Last Airbender (and other related media), Gravity Falls
SOKKA PROPAGANDA- Vibes, Haircut is giving T boy swag, Getting over his (internalized) mysoginy and embracing that being feminine doesn’t make him less of a man (thanks suki), more vibes Jack of all trades, master of a ton of them, this guy can do it all- despite being a non bender he learned skills from all four Elements, what’s more T-boy swag then defying expectations and creating his own destiny.
Would throw a boomerang at god and win DIPPER PROPAGANDA- He has a whole episode called Dipper vs Manliness where he wants to learn how to be a man and in the end realizes that he doesn’t have to do Man Things to be one and he can enjoy traditionally feminine things and still be a man. Also goes by an unconventional nickname the entire show too You could argue he's implied to be an identical twin of a girl which is impossible IRL unless one twin is trans. Dipper is also a nickname and he's really sensitive to anyone implying he's not 'manly enough' which just reads as dysphoria to me. His birth name is revealed to be Mason in his journal, a name that can be gender neutral so it's entirely possible to see him as a trans icon. He looks so much like Mabel it's a common theory they're identical twins. He's insecure when his interests or voice are perceived as girly and dislikes being called cute. he’s dipper pines gravity falls what more can I say
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chickenkupo · 6 months
Just My Luck
Just My Luck
Summary: The lands are ruled by ruthless gods of various levels of power. Humanity is only a means to an end for their endless desires, if they happen to gain their attention. Many lay low, do what they can to appease the gods and try to live their lives out, as best they can, given the circumstances. Wriothesley is one such mortal. Having committed a great crime as a young boy, he’s constantly fleeing from his past. Little did he know; however, his constant misfortunes lead to his destiny, and it is most certainly not what he was expecting.
Recommendations: None, this is a purely AU work, so you’re good to go, reader.
Warnings: 18+ content, ya’ll. We’re going to get a little spicy here. Not my usual sort of Wriolette content. Neuv is going to be a little dark and demanding in this one, so if that sort of content (I’d guess you’d say it’s very close to yandere), then this isn’t for you. Religious hints/themes are also present in this. Consent really doesn’t exist here. I have been thinking of this sort of god x human trope for a while now, and I just needed to get it out of my brain. So, I guess this is a little self-indulgent work that I hope others out there will appreciate as well? Also, it’s putting me in a mental headspace to make a little follow-up chapter to Coming Home, since it’s looking like ya’ll are wanting that, hehe.
Also, one more warning. This is me trying to write a SHORT story and not have this as a full-blown novel. However, if this does receive a lot of love, I will 100% rewrite this to be a multi-chaptered work. This is me practicing self-restraint and tldr make a short story, you freaking gremlin sorta thing. OH, also, this isn’t beta-read, but will 100% be if this makes it to being AO3-post worthy.
Wriothesley grunted as he was pushed forward, his hands bound behind his back by a golden metallic rope that refused to give way, even in the slightest. The guards that stood beside him ensured that he continued walking down the extravagantly decorated hallway, figures lining each side wearing various elegant dresses and suits, some even in intricately designed armor that mortals were rarely blessed to see. They all watched as the bound man was ushered onward to a large set of doors, decorated with a carved design of a long, serpent-like dragon encompassing the entire outer border of both doors, as if it were protecting what was beyond them. Wriothesley tried to slow his pace, flexing his well-defined muscles, doing whatever he could to try to break the bonds that held him in place, but nothing worked. The guards beside him only stared at his pathetic attempts at breaking free, a few patrons from the sidelines murmuring to themselves, commenting on how he should give up and how silly mortals were, thinking that they could defy even the smallest demands of the gods.
He always found himself in the most unfortunate circumstances, but this was the worst fate that could have befallen a human. Most of his kind kept their heads bowed, living silent lives and avoiding the powerful gazes of the deities that ruled their lands. For mere mortals, the prime level of life that they could wish to live was providing high level sacrifices to appease their rulers, hoping that they would be blessed in return or even ignored, in hopes of being allowed to live their lives to the best of their abilities. If they failed to uphold to this standard and a god felt slighted, even in the smallest of ways, then they were bound to become cursed, and experience the worst luck imaginable, having them wishing for a swift death. No, the gods loved toying with their victims, extending their punishment for as long as possible, feeding upon their misfortune, until their victims took their very last breaths. It was a miserable existence, but as long as you dedicated yourself to providing sacrifices that satisfied their desires and obeying whatever they commanded, then you could potentially avoid their gazes and wraths.
However, Wriothesley didn’t feel as though that was an existence worth living. He was a man that was shaped by misfortune, and rarely feared it. Having been orphaned at a young age and shoved from one foster family to another, he knew exactly what misfortune was, without the direct punishment of the gods. Each family he was tossed to was worst than the last. From having one family relying on him to provide them with everything and having worked to the point of exhaustion to keep food on the table, only to endure harsh beatings regardless of the outcome every night, to being sent off to fighting rings to win boxing matches against young men his age and older, he had seen it all. He eventually had enough and turned on his last foster family, killing his adoptive parents in the middle of the night, fleeing the area and taking the other children that happened to have the same misfortune as him to wherever he was going to go. They did find refuge in small, abandoned buildings, and for once his luck did strike true as he was able to find families that would take his adoptive brothers and sisters in, and not expose them to the same fates that they had before. No, these people took true pity on them, bringing them in and giving them a proper home and a good foundation for raising them. The same families always offered Wriothesley the same conditions, but he would always deny them, saying that he was far too damaged and messed up to be worth anything, too far gone for any sort of redemption or happy ending. Before they could even try to convince him otherwise, he had already taken his leave and was moving onto his next venture.
The young boy grew into a young man, roaming from city and city, finding places to work manual labor that would provide him with just enough funds to survive off of. Whenever a place offered him a permanent position or abode, he would thank them, and then immediately leave, onto the next city, town or village. He didn’t know why, but there was a part of his soul that felt like he was always in constant danger, and needed to run from prying eyes, even if he had no enemies. Though he had murdered his foster parents in cold blood as a boy, there were no further investigations into this, almost as if the crime had never happened. He wished so desperately that this was the truth of the matter, but his suspicions never seemed to completely wane. Someone had to have known, whether it be a mortal or a god. He knew that he was going to have to face the consequences of his actions, however justified that they were. So, he vowed that he would continue moving onward, never stopping, always running.
So, that’s exactly what he did. He never stayed long enough for any human or deity to know him well, and he wanted to keep it that way. Discretion was key, and to be honest with himself, this type of living excited him and kept him feeling alive. For once, he thought that he had finally hit it lucky, this was the lifestyle meant for him and he was going to live it to the fullest. Though his suspicions and underlying fear ruled him deep down, there was an odd sense of freedom that he felt being out on his own like this, and he never wanted to lose this. For once in his life, he felt lucky to be in the position that he was in. He was afraid to feel happy, but he couldn’t help himself. His adoptive brothers and sisters were on their way to a better future, and maybe one day, so would he.
Well, as quick as luck had visited him, it was just as fast to leave. The young man was continuing his work assisting a local general store with helping them bring in heavy goods, a horribly weighted sack placed on his shoulder as he was able to transport it inside of the store before multiple guards, lesser deities by the look of them, all approached him at once. Wriothesley immediately dropped the sack and tried to take off, not even taking the time to question their motives, but he was easily detained. One deity grabbed him by the shoulder and twisting it, pushing him against the wall as another guard brought out a metallic, golden rope, that automatically tied his wrists together behind him. Wriothesley growled as he tried to resist, now finding the time to begin spouting questions as he realized the situation that he was currently in.
“The hell did I even do?! I just got here and haven’t broken any laws, let me go!”
“That’s not up for discussion. You’re to come with us, no questions asked. Any hesitation, and we’ll hunt down your adoptive family and have them suffer for the rest of their days.” one of the growls out, tightening the rope around his wrists ever so slightly, for emphasis. Immediately, Wriothesley shut his mouth and said no word and offered no resistance. So, his suspicions were correct, someone had been keeping tabs on his whereabouts and knew about his past, but what god or mortal alike would hold any sort of interest in him? Sure, he was handsome and had both women and men swooning for him, but that never held any sort of value to him. He also didn’t have any sort of money in savings to his name, using whatever little he earned from odd jobs to be able to afford housing and small, pitiful meals and other necessities.
His heart felt like it skipped a beat, as he immediately reminded himself about his biggest fear. Was this finally the retribution that he would be facing for his previous sins? Did the families of his abusive foster parents that he murdered finally send out their agents to find him, and a god had felt it was their time to shine to torture a mortal? There was no escaping it, even if it was the case. Wriothesley then opted to keep his mouth shut, hoping he was overthinking the situation. But, what else could this possibly be over, then? He needed answers, but he wasn’t about to try to fight against them for it.
Reluctantly, Wriothesley complied with their demands, and was ushered into a rather delicately designed carriage, one that clearly belonged to a higher-powered god, but which, he had no idea. The guards also remained silent on the manner, merely ushering him in and taking an odd interest in keeping him safe and comfortable, but still under their ever-watchful gazes. They continued onward with their journey, and eventually reached to where they were now, standing in front of those formidable doors, gods of various levels of power and renown surrounding them all, but their focus all centered on him and him alone. Wriothesley’s heart was racing in anticipation, knowing that he had no choice but to face whatever was beyond those doors, even if it ended up killing him, or worse.
A low, guttural growl was heard, seemingly originating from past the closed entryway in front of them, which had Wriothesley’s eyes widening in shock. Never in his life had he heard such a noise, no other god he had known or met personally held the sort of power that was radiating from such a sound. The others that were previously surrounding him were now shuffling away in fear, some were even shaking, staring straight ahead. A thought suddenly ran through Wriothesley’s head, he noticed that all of the deities were distracted, and he could easily flee from the scene. He tried to will his body to run, but instead it only stayed firmly planted in place, his body no longer under his control. His heart began to race in a sudden panic, and it wasn’t eased as the closed doors in front of him began to part, opening up to reveal a continuation of the current hallway that he was in, but a darkness was at the very end, hiding whatever it was that was awaiting him.
What happened next horrified the young man beyond measure, and by then he knew that he was doomed.
“Wriothesley, step forward, come to me, come to your destiny.” a regal voice called out, though the growl from before was also heard in the same voice, as if they were perfectly mixed together. Whoever was calling to him, this had to be one of the ancient gods of lore, mighty beasts that garnered so much power from its followers and victories of war, that it gained godhood. But, what would such a highly positioned god want with someone low and poor, as himself? Wriothesley wasn’t about to argue, however. Wriothesley tested his muscles, now being able to freely move them. He had regained control of his body, and along with that realization, the golden metallic rope that was previously wrapped around his wrists shattered, releasing their hold on him. Whoever this was wanted him to come willingly and freely, but also prevented him from having any other option. After taking a moment to mentally accept the situation for what it was and what it could possibly be, the man slowly but surely took step after step, inching his way forward, obeying the command that had been called out to him.
Once he was past the dual doors, they both slammed shut behind him, as if signaling there was no way to truly turn back now, the only way was forward. The young man jumped in response to the loud noise behind him, but didn’t bother looking back. Instead, the man glared as he looked forward, a figure now clearly standing where darkness once was, the hallway now oddly illuminated, as if showcasing the person directly in his path.
The god before him stood mighty and tall, long white hair with just as long blue streaks, decorated with golden ornaments, robes that matched the varying colors of the ocean’s brightest waters, swirling around his slim body in an ancient style of robes. His eyes were a sharp lilac color, and gave an odd feeling of being so similar to the eyes of a feline, slit pupils that were slightly dilated as his gaze was transfixed to Wriothesley.
“I see that time has done you well, Wriothesley. You certainly grew into a rather handsome man. I will forever consider myself fortunate to lay claim on you so many years ago, before the others could.” At this, Wriothesley gasped, anxiety beginning to rise within his chest. A god laying claim on him? Ages ago? He would have remembered such a thing, seeing as though the deities usually made a huge spectacle when they took a human as theirs. It wasn’t an uncommon act, but according to what Wriothesley remembered hearing, a god had to be completely enamored with a mortal to do such an act. A claim meant ownership of the mortal by the god, sure, but it also bound them together in a deep, intimate way. The god would always know the whereabouts of the mortal, their control over them being absolute. For the mortal, it meant having a power being provide and protect them, but gods tended to be jealous beings, and this often resulted in a rather lonely existence for the mortal. There were humans that found this to be an absolute obsession for themselves, dolling up their looks and doing what they believed would get the attention of some sort of god that would claim them, but many found that staying away from this sort of deep-rooted obsession was better for them.
“I’m sorry, but I think you’ve got the wrong guy. No one’s laid claim on me and- “
“Then how would you explain your horrible luck then, Wriothesley?”
The young man shuddered, every time the god in front of him said his name, an odd wave of feelings started to phase through him that he couldn’t quite explain. It was like it felt right, and a small part of him wanted to hear the figure continue to say his name, until he couldn’t handle it anymore. The hell was wrong with him? He has never had such thoughts about others like this, why now?
“I-I’m not following…”
“I saw you kill your foster parents. I knew what you did was justified, my dear. They were horrible and their sins innumerable. You did what you needed to do to protect yourself and the little ones. It’s not often that I find myself observing humans as closely as you, and I knew from that moment forward, you were someone I wanted. Someone with such a profound sense of justice, and the spirit to carry out punishment. So, I cursed you.” The man continued to explain, as if it were common knowledge.
“Why the fuck would you curse someone that you’re interested in? Are you fucking insane?!” Wriothesley shouted out, stomping forward to stand right in front of the mighty being. The ancient one’s brows furrowed, glaring at the young man in front of him.
“Wriothesley…” the god said, his tone demanding respect and issuing a single and final warning.
Wriothesley bared his teeth at the ancient one, issuing his own, small, pathetic growl, in comparison. However, he understood and heeded the silent warning, not taking any further action, allowing the omnipotent being before him to continue on with his explanation.
“Of course. I didn’t want to take you away, especially with you being so young. However, I wanted no other god to look upon you in favor and want you for themselves. So, I placed a curse on you, and took care of anyone being aware of you committing murder. You would always feel as though someone or something was chasing you. A home would never be one for long, your soul aching to keep searching for something. If a suitor tried to approach you, you would take no notice or interest. They, also, would disappear from your life. Luck would abandon you, forcing you to follow your true destiny with hardships that would test you, mold you for your potential to come alive. You were to keep living your life, until I was prepared to receive you, and you were of a proper age. Now, is the time, Wriothesley…”
The powerful being before him then snapped his fingers, the area around them turning pitch black for just a moment, before the it was illuminated once more, showing a marble decorated room with various different nautical decorations adorning every aspect of it. Blues, golds and silvers lined and adorned every aspect of it, treasures beyond measure lay everywhere, as if the room itself were a museum of the heavenly bodies. In the middle of the room, and directly behind the god, was a giant, circular bed with blankets of the finest silk with the same level of intricate designs on them as well. Wriothesley’s breath stuttered, as he took a small step back, his head tilting to the side in confusion.
“Now is the time to consummate our binding, wouldn’t you agree? It’s been many years, and my hunger for you is insufferable…” the being in front of him stared intensely into his own eyes, unable to avoid him. A million thoughts were running through Wriothesley’s mind, but only one question was able to come out.
“W-w-who are you…?”
“Ah, yes. Sincerest apologies, my love. You may know me by many names, and by many forms, though this is my true self, that I will never hesitate to show and share with you. The title you humans appear to have given me in my temples is Neuvillette, god of all that is hydro, the waters of all are mine, of the lakes, the sea…” Neuvillette purred as he began to approach Wriothesley.
“Of every human body, but especially yours…”
The young man hastily started taking steps backwards, never keeping his eyes off of the powerful being before him, but it was to no avail for his situation. Suddenly, behind him, he felt a sort of cushion that he was then pushed down onto, sheets wrapping up around him as he became entangled in them. It took a moment for him to realize that the god before him must have teleported the both of them straight to the circular bed he had observed before, and now both of them completely nude and exposed to each other. Wriothesley shrieked as realized the position that the two were in now, him being laid out on the bed like a meal on a decorated platter, while the god above was draped over him in pure possession and domination, but that wasn’t the only reason why he screamed out. The young man also observed the full body of the god in front of him, perfectly chiseled muscles but with a slim, elegant figure. White, creamy skin that was free from any blemish or imperfection, and perfectly smooth with little to no body hair, except for his lower body, where white pubic hair trailed from below his navel down towards his lower pelvic region, where instead of one perfectly thick and long member, he seemed to have…two…
Oh, fuck, he was truly not going to make it out of this alive, whether Neuvillette realized it or not.
“G-Get the fuck off of me, just kill me!” Wriothesley screamed out, trying his best to push the god off of him, but once more, to no avail. Though his muscles were much larger than the deity that was draped above him, it mattered little. Whatever claim the god had on him seemed to hold true, he could never overpower him.
“Never, Wriothesley, never, you’re staying with me for the rest of eternity. I will show you how a god truly appreciates his claimed…” Neuvillette growled out, as he lowered his head and nuzzled Wriothesley’s neck, licking it repeatedly in a sensual manner, as if he were handling an absolute treasure. Wriothesley shut his eyes as he moaned in pleasure, not able to prevent himself from doing so, as his hips started rutting upwards, his member starting to harden from just the simplest of touches from this being. He blushed in embarrassment, but no one had ever touched him in this way before, no one had ever said such words to him. Everything he ever wanted to hear and feel from someone, Neuvillette was serving it on a silver platter for him, and he was a starved mortal, ready to accept it all.
“Ah, ah, what are you doing to me, Neuvillette…” Wriothesley breathed out, in a husky voice, fully immersed in all of the emotions and sensations he was feeling. Neuvillette only smiled against the skin of his neck, as his hands began to roam the young man’s body. Soft, but powerful hands continued to caress him, touching Wriothesley in places he never dared imagine anyone else doing so. From his muscled pectorals, down the sides of his stone hard abdomen, and then finally down to his rear as Neuvillette grabbed his cheeks, giving them a nice, firm squeeze, sharp nails digging into the meat of them, but never breaking the skin.
“I’m showing you how much you mean to me, you’re my desire, my passion, my reason to hold firm to my rule, so that no other may touch you like this. Only me, only ever me…” Neuvillette mumbled, burying his head back into the crook of Wriothesley’s neck as he continued.
Wriothesley let out a dirty moan as Neuvillette’s fangs elongated, rooting themselves deep into his neck, and tasting of his blood. The god made sure that when he released and his fangs retracted, that the wound would heal, but leave behind a deep scar that none other would question. He made sure in the back of his mind, to order one of his underlings to immediately begin commissioning a necklace for Wriothesley, that would accentuate his looks but also have the marks forever on full display for the world to see.
At this point, Wriothesley was hard as a rock, his member leaking precum as it begged for attention, for a release, for pleasure, and Neuvillette was more than happy to oblige. Removing himself from the young man’s neck, Neuvillette moved over to Wriothesley’s lips, licking them lightly, biting at him just a smidge, before he invaded them completely, inserting his long tongue and exploring the depths within. Wriothesley greedily allowed him to do so, wrapping his arms around the neck of the god, pressing him further down so that the kiss could be deepened even further, if that was possible. Neuvillette could only smile as he continued his assault, a hand now trailing down Wriothesley’s body, feeling the differences between the two. Where Neuvillette’s body was smooth and perfect, Wriothesley’s had dark hair that covered his arms, some of his chest, and definitely trailed down to his lower regions, oozing manly features. His body, though littered with scars from the trials and tribulations of his life, only seemed to further decorate how in his own way, he was powerful and worthy to be the claimed of Neuvillette.
As the hand of the god reached Wriothesley’s member, the man groaned, still stuck in the deep and passionate kiss, continued to raise his hips up, a while leaving his lips as his member demanded any sort of friction against it. Neuvillette grabbed him, stroking up and down, thumb teasing the leaking head. The kiss finally broke as Neuvillette desired to see Wriothesley’s pleasure, as he continued to pump the member of his claimed, doing every action so perfectly and true to the wants and needs of the young man. It wasn’t long before Wriothesley was breathing hard, his body shaking as he released all over the god, thick ropes of cum shooting out and even coating Neuvillette’s chest, as if adding to the creamy skin of his claimer.
Neuvillette could only continue to smile as Wriothesley repeatedly began to apologize, ashamed of what he had done but enjoying feeling every effect his god was bestowing upon him.
“Shhh, my soul, hush now with that. I do not want your apologies for indulging in what I give freely to you. Now, roll over…” Neuvillette growled out, the animalistic side of him starting to show. Wriothesley trembled beneath Neuvillette for a moment, but the god only offered him an odd sense of assurance as he gently led Wriothesley to roll over onto his stomach, directing him to keep his chest lowered onto the bedsheets but his rear raised high, on full display to his god. The young man, still embarrassed, tried his best to hide his face within the lavish sheets of the bed, but didn’t fight back. A part of him wanted this, needed this, wanting this session they were sharing to never end.
Wriothesley felt a warmness spread throughout his core, as he assumed Neuvillette had summoned some sort of water to assist with what was about to happen. The liquid was spread along the crease of his bottom and hole, delicate and soft fingers of the god above him caressing him, touching every inch of him, as if he were savoring his very existence. It wasn’t much longer after this that he could feel an odd flesh shape being pressed against his hole, one of his dicks, Wriothesley surmised. His heart started to pick up it’s pace once more, worried that such a formidable size wouldn’t be able to fit and he would feel nothing but pain as he was tortured into the act. However, that was far from the truth.
The water continued to warm and relax the skin that it touched, his muscles feeling lose and somewhat stretched even before he knew he was being entered. Neuvillette lowered himself once more, kissing Wriothesley’s back and nibbling here and there with his fangs, building up Wriothesley’s desire for him, which he did. Once he heard the young boy beginning to pant, spreading his legs even further and raising his rear even higher, he knew he was ready. Slowly, the god started pressing the head of one of his cocks into the greedy hole of his claimed, and it accepted him with ease. Wriothesley continued to plant his head directly into the sheets of the bed, moaning so loudly and continued to pant like a dog, but he desperately wanted this, needed this. It was only a matter of time before the god was deeply planted inside of him, taking a moment to relish the feel of the warmth that his length was now experiencing. The god then started to pump into his claimed, clawed hands holding onto his waist for support.
The thrusts started out small, and careful, but the pace was quick to change. The more that Neuvillette was planted in Wriothesley, the more that he desired, so his thrusts began to continue with their assault, becoming deeper and rougher.
“Yes, yes! More, more-gah, FUCK!” Wriothesley yelled out as his thoughts started to lose all sense but being completely consumed by pleasure. Within seconds he lost the ability to form any coherent words, only feeling and appreciating the ecstasy that his god was providing for him. Time seemed to go on forever as the thrusts continued, and Wriothesley had begun grabbing onto the nearby sheets, twisting them until they were a complete mess from the perfect state that they were in before.
Another deep, animalistic growl was heard above him, which made him moan even harder, as he felt Neuvillette’s balls slap against his ass from how deep he was thrusting in, the second cock now also fully erect was also slapping against his ass, warm and thick. It seemed that the god did have some form of pity for him, as he had only inserted one of his members this time. But that didn’t stop the conquering of his mortal body. A few more grunts were heard as Wriothesley felt something spill inside of him, so very warm and copious amounts kept flooding in. The young man sighed in absolute bliss, eyes fluttering shut as his body fell down back to the bed, Neuvillette easing him back down, but keeping his member deeply planted as more cum continued to be released inside of his claimed one.
Little did Wriothesley know this was the final act to solidify their bond. The god of hydro had marked him with his essence, and it will never fade. Every god and mortal will instantly know who he belonged to, and Neuvillette will always know what he was feeling, where he was, his thoughts and feelings now completely forfeit to him.
Oh, how lucky this god truly was.
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gh-0-stcup · 2 months
So I've got a tinhat headcanon for Chuck, based on just what I've heard about the last couple seasons.
Chuck's depiction in S11 was legit and truer to the sort of God he was for most of time. He was genuinely on the Winchester's side, despite needing to be distant.
S15 is the boys facing God's wrath. Chuck was fucking with the guys because he got tired of their bullshit. The "I've been controlling every single thing about your life from day 1" and "it's all just literally a show for my personal entertainment" was a lie constructed to really hurt them.
The last time Chuck came down and got involved, he explained very clearly exactly why he pulled away from the world. He wanted a world that could function independently. He wanted his creations to evolve and flourish. In his eyes, trying to fix everything for everyone was preventing this from happening. You can't learn from your mistakes without experiencing consequences.
From this and his conversation with Metatron about why humanity is so wonderful, we can gather Chuck's ultimate goal/desire was growth. The world is not perfect because it was designed to be perfected.
Even though Chuck has grown a bit jaded, he's sentimental towards the Winchester brothers. They fuck up a whole lot, but they always try their hardest to fix it and often succeed. Even their mistakes are generally made out of love or a desire to do good. They remain loyal and devoted to their family and overcome familial drama that even Chuck has failed to sort out.
Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And well...isn't that kinda the whole point?
Chuck was pleased with the boys at the end of this, despite it going against the "planned ending". Castiel, for his part in defying """God's plan""", was ressurected personally by Chuck (apparently more times than he can count).
Chuck gives more support to the boys than any other piece of his creation. He has faith in them, even when they don't have faith in themselves. He makes paths for their survival, stacks the cards in their favour, and directly saves their lives twice.
He does what he can so that they have the tools necessary to continue growing and saving his creation. He's the cosmic cheerleader in the background of their lives.
Another important thing to note about his conversation with Metatron - Chuck likes being Chuck. Prefers it, even. He enjoys being a mediocre writer and dating and having a blog. He wants to enjoy his work. He wants to be a part of his creation, not just its overlord in the clouds.
In S11, Chuck makes the effort to personally explain some of this to Dean. In particular, Chuck's policy on not interfering with problems his creations have the capacity to solve - even if that means people die or get hurt or the world ends.
With Amara we get a little peek into why the world isn't a paradise - the imperfections are part of what makes it beautiful. You can't have freedom without things getting a bit fucked up.
But after his feud with Amara is concluded, are the boys satisfied? Of course not! Any conversation about why Chuck can't be more involved is tossed out the window. And there's zero gratitude for anything Chuck has done for them ever, despite him giving them more than he's given anyone in millenia. Chuck nearly sacrificed his own life for the world, for the boys. He allowed their mother to be ressurected as a reward for their good work.
And what does Chuck get? Dean accusing him of actively causing every bad thing that's ever happened to them, despite most of it being the result of their own choices, and demanding Chuck ressurect everybody.
Now it's completely understandable and valid for Dean to feel this way and his prayer is fucking heartbreaking. But just imagine being Chuck. How irritating would that be?
So, Chuck shows the brothers what the God they imagine him to be would look like. A world centered around them with a sadistic overlord who uses them for entertainment. He takes away the meaning of their choices, their skills, and their victories. He pokes and prods and psychologically tortures them until he's finally (finally) overthrown.
The result is the boys get what they want. A God they chose and raised up themselves. A God who immediately comes to the exact same conclusion Chuck had - it's bad for God to interfere with people's lives. But by this point, it's seen as a good thing.
Their lives continue as normal. They still hunt, they still have to mourn the loss of their loved ones. The only thing that really changes from how things were under Chuck? Dean dies. The ending is bleak and pretty fucking depressing for the boys, considering the magnitude of their final victory.
And what is Chuck's ending? He has to actually be Chuck. A part of his creation, rather than above it. No longer will he hear the pleas and cries and condemnations of his creations. No longer will he be blamed for their bad choices. No longer will he be asked for help with things they could (and should) do on their own. He'll live out his days a mediocre writer who blogs about cats and then he'll die.
Chuck just happens to get exactly what he wanted in S11 and the boys learned the lesson he tried to impart back then in the process.
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loversgothic · 11 months
What's princess tutu??
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I think it’s a bit funny this is one of my OTHER obsessions other than Ultrakill considering how different they are, but eh. I can’t guarantee this will be everyone’s cup of tea. 
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Princess Tutu is an anime released in 2002 (it had its 20 year anniversary recently :D) and is somewhat well-known (but also kinda not..) among fans of mahou shoujo. It has only two seasons and is one of my favorite animes ever. It also has a manga series that was released I think alongside it however its story is different from the anime and I hear it isn’t as good as the anime. While it is not action-packed or full of bright colors it tells a story that resonates with me so deeply and made me rethink what makes a good story. It has a very soft and delicate look to it, and while it can get very fucking dark it can be very sweet and cute. It also inspired my love of ballet and returned a love of classical music to me that I had lost, and is what inspired my Ultradanse AU in MANY fucking ways. My partner Valentine is the one who showed it to me and it changed me fundamentally, and I showed it to Dex and it ruined his life (positively). So now I hope by dumping about this, it interests you in watching it!
The story follows the heroine Duck, and three other characters named Fakir, Rue and Mytho. It takes place in Gold Crown Town, a place where fairytales become reality. However, Gold Crown Town is only like this because it is under the influence of Drosselmeyer, an author of immense power who died before he could finish writing his story The Prince and the Raven and is now using the town and its residents to orchestrate his story to give it a conclusion.The Prince and the Raven from the book escape their story and come into reality, and to seal the Raven away he shatters his heart into shards that scatter themselves across the town. He succeeds, but the Prince is now without emotion or feeling, barely able to think for himself. He now studies dance at Gold Crown Academy, where the other three main characters study as well.
Drosselmeyer has given the main four different character roles, each one meant to end in their demise or a tragic end. They’re meant to play the roles, submit to the fate of the character, and fully believe that they were that character from the beginning even if that wasn’t true. Drosselmeyer may or may not have influenced and altered their histories and memories, and probably altered their feelings as well so it can be brought into question how much is under Drosselmeyer’s influences.
Drosselmeyer wants this story to end in tragedy, to end in sadness, as to him that would be the best ending. The characters within it though are very complex people, and rather than to succumb to their fates, everyone is trying to escape it. Princess Tutu plays a lot with defying destiny.
Duck plays the role of Princess Tutu. While the title of the role she plays is the title of the series, in Drosselmeyer’s story and in his plans, Princess Tutu is a minor character who is only meant to return the Prince’s heart shards to him, confess her love and then immediately die. It’s a cruel fate, as Duck wants nothing more than to do the right thing and help the prince and others by returning his shards to him where they belong so he may feel and think for himself again. Being Princess Tutu is conflicting for her, because it doesn’t just affect her fate and others but if she wasn’t Princess Tutu she would no longer be able to dance so exquisitely as she wants. Not being Princess Tutu means a lot of things for her, it also means she could forfeit her ability to be a girl. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention? Duck is not even a human girl. She was born a duck and ends the story as a duck. She’s not particularly skilled in much and isn’t very special at all. And yet, what makes her so great is her kindness and resilience. You don’t have to be particularly skilled or perfect at anything to change things or be loved, it’s okay to be average or “just a duck.” It’s fine to be flawed, you can still move someone's heart and change your fate.
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Rue plays the role of Princess Kraehe, I don’t think I can really call her an antagonist as she isn’t really one to me. Princess Kraehe is the daughter of the Raven, and she desires the prince and actively works against Princess Tutu to stop him from regaining his heart shards, or just to mess with the process and use it to further her goals. However, Rue makes me SO FUCKING SAD. The Raven leads Rue to believe Mytho is the only one who’d be able to love someone as ugly as her, and only believes she is ugly because she is human in appearance instead of a bird. He gives her this insecurity and desperation that makes her easy to manipulate as he plans to “help” her secure the prince for herself. But she really does love Mytho, and has loved him for all her life. I wish I could go on and on about her, she’s one of my favorite characters ever and she makes me CRY. SHEEE ONLY WANTED TO BE LOVED THATS ALL SHE WANTED AAGGHGHHH
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Fakir plays the role of the Prince’s knight, and while I thought he was the antagonist when I first watched the way he develops over the course of the story really makes that idea fade fast. Hell, I even forgot I hated him when I first watched, and now he’s on my top 10 favorite emo boys. He seems like a total dickweed at first and has some.. Kinda vaguely gay scenes with Mytho at the beginning, but he’s far more than that. He admires Mytho and when he was younger, swore he wanted to be Mytho’s knight to protect him, and doesn’t want Mytho to get hurt. Having emotions means he’s susceptible to getting hurt, but there’s more to that. Fakir, playing the role of the knight and believing in his fate, he fears that fate and what is to befall him. Similar to Princess Tutu, he is also destined to die, to be sliced through the chest in battle. He was even born with a birthmark that resembles a scar across his chest. If Mytho has his heart shards returned to him, the story goes into motion, and the closer he gets to his fate. He wants to protect Mytho and keep him safe, but he also doesn’t want to die.While everyone plays a very important role in the story’s finale, he plays a very big one howweeever I don’t wanna spoil what that is or some abilities he has. :]
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Mytho, my dear sweet boy and his fucked up haircut, is the prince. He doesn’t play a role, he IS the prince from the story. He exists as this heroic figure that is meant to be perfect, and he has a desire to protect and save others. For most of the story though he lacks his emotions and gains them back slowly, but kinda just gets get pushed and dragged around by Rue and Fakir who are both, for different selfish kinds of love and in different ways, keep him from regaining feelings and dictating what he does. Maybe I’m silly for this interpretation, but he is kind of used like a tool or a doll sometimes rather than a person. Regaining his emotions can hurt him in more ways than one and yet he still wants all of his emotions back. He kind of goes from holding no opinions or thoughts of his own at all to forming ones can be conflicting in the moment. He also gets hurt when Kraehe taints a heart shard with raven’s blood which gives him a touch of evil and flaws he did not begin with. I don’t think he gets the same amount of a transformation of character as the other three, but in the end when his emotions are regained he becomes a bit of an imperfect prince.
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I love the characters, a lot. A totally normal amount. BUT. I gotta say, Princess Tutu has some of the prettiest but also the coolest scenes, and they’re good art inspiration for me. I really gotta go out of my way to clip my favorite things, because some of my favorite things haven’t been clipped and put on Youtube somewhere. Here’s some gifs from the series that I like
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okay thanks for hearing me ramble have a nice day
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 month
🌕 Blood Moon: Chapter Seven
Blood Moon: You have been defying nature, and perhaps, even the Gods. After returning to life because of Tony Stark’s sacrifice, all humans now have a designation: alpha, beta, or omega. Angry at the fate you’ve been given, you decide that you will do anything to ensure that your fate is in your own hands. You’ll soon find out that it is never a good idea to tamper with fate, especially when one man makes it his mission to ensure that you understand that you can try to out-fly your destiny, but fate will eventually catch up to you.
Warnings: Language, Ice Bath, Reader Gets Sick.
To Note: A/B/O Universe Post Snap, Zemo x Female!Reader, Timeline Of Events Is More Spread Out (Weeks Rather Than Days) To Fit Plot Line.
Word Count: ~4.2k
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After the incident in the changing room, which was indicative of how you really felt about the Baron, Zemo had told you to pick an outfit to replace what Sharon had given you. It only took one glance in the mirror to figure out that you needed something that provided full coverage.
The bastard had sucked a bunch of hickey’s on your chest!
The attendants refused to meet your gaze as they walked into the room and showed a variety of clothing ranging from dresses to pant suit combos. You ended up choosing a black jumpsuit with a high neckline and bell sleeves. It was perhaps the plainest of your choices, just black fabric, but it was by far the most comfortable thing you had tried on today and with your current predicament, would suit you best.
So you had slipped into the comfortable jumpsuit and added the ridiculously expensive black heels to complete the ensemble. Standing in front of the mirror, you twisted your body around and looked at your reflection. You had to admit, you looked good wearing it. Looking yourself in the eyes, your gaze flittered over your haphazard bun. It didn’t match the luxurious clothing you wore.
You cocked your head to the side and thought for a minute before reaching up and wiggling your fingers into the hairband to pull it free, releasing your hair from the bun. You ran your fingers through your hair while eyeing the coat rack which had several different styles of coats hanging from it. Stepping down from the pedestal, you grabbed the soft grey jacket and shoved your arms through it.
While the jacket slowly warmed you up, you stepped out of the changing room and approached Zemo who was now flippantly riffling through pages of a magazine.
“I am not going to ask the total cost of the clothing I am currently wearing,” You spoke as you came to a stop and tugged on the sleeve of the jacket. Zemo’s eyes flickered up to you and you saw his lips curl at one end.
“Good, you’re learning… but may I also remind you that it is not your money, Liebling?” He drawled out, setting the magazine on the side table and getting to his feet. He turned to a waiting attendant. “Please wrap up the rest and have it delivered my residence.”
Your eyes bulged and you were instantly rejecting.
“Zemo, no, no way!” You protested. You got that look from him again, and quickly figured out that he wasn’t going to be happy with you calling him by his last name in privacy. Or at least when the boys weren’t around. “Helmut, this is extraneous.”
He strode over to me and placed a hand on your back, steering you in the direction of the exit. No matter how much you protested his action, he held fast with his decision and continued to direct you out of the boutique and through the streets. It was pointless to continue your protests so you changed topics.
“Where are we going now?”
“Lunch, there is an old restaurant my family used to visit when I was a boy, Rozengrals. It is old, but it has good food.” Well, you were hungry after suffering through hours of trying on clothing you would never be able to afford. “And we also need to talk.”
Your body tensed at the word ‘talk’ and you were sure he felt it.
“Talk?” You echoed softly, trying to retain an air of calm. “Talk about what? The whereabouts of Karli? The super soldier serum? Bucky’s staring problem? Sam’s proclivity to be a mother hen?”
“You know exactly what we need to talk about, Diana, and avoiding the subject isn’t going to make it go away.” Huffing, you came to a stop at a cross walk and turned to him to give him a petulant stare. His eyebrow only arched up briefly as he reached forwards and ran his fingers through your loose hair. “You are not used to the idea that someone can care for you without an ulterior motive? Or that they will remain by your side? I am sure James and Sam do not count, but you should get used to the idea, Draga.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but he just took your chin and placed his thumb over your lips, indicating he wanted you to stay silent. You forced yourself to keep your retort to yourself.
“No more arguing, let’s just enjoy the city and lunch.” Your raised hackles lowered and puffing your lip out, you agreed and continued walking. Lunch was located in Old Riga, an older section of the city. It was nice to actually see some sights for once, rather than just blow through a city without appreciating some of the culture.
The restaurant had a medieval flair to it on the outside, and oozed every bit of medieval times on the inside with stone, dark lighting, and plenty of rough hewn wood. You got a seat tucked away in a corner, but near an exit.
“Just how old is this place?” You questioned, looking at the antique styled menus and lacquered wood surrounding you.
“Old, there are structures within the restaurant that date back to the 1200s.” Helmut explained. “It is one of the many reasons why my father enjoyed dining here. He loved history.”
“He sounds like a wonderful man, I wish I could have met him.”
“He would have liked you,”
“Liked me?” You repeated before shaking your head. “I’m a hot mess, my life is barely hanging together, and I could probably be labeled as self-destructive.”
“And yet you still have you head on your shoulders, are empathetic and caring, and still see the bigger picture despite what life has given you. You are strong in mind and heart, Diana.” Zemo explained. “You haven’t let yourself succumb to the world we now live in like so many others have.”
“If I succumbed to life as it is, I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror.” He tilted his head and you were tacking on one last sentence before he could get a word in edgewise. “I know what you are trying to do, Helmut, it’s not going to work. You aren’t the first to have tried, and I can guarantee you won’t be the last.”
“You are still pushing everyone away, keeping them at an arms length, even your own friends. Haven’t you been hurt enough, Diana?” Zemo spoke softly, weaving his fingers together. “You don’t need to remain so alone and cut off.”
“I can take care of myself,” You stated blandly. His lips twitch at your zero hesitance, emotionally absent answer.
“I don’t doubt that, our previous conversation has made that clear. You are independent, self-reliant. You do everything for yourself, by yourself, it is rather impressive… but have you considered not having to?” Your eyes flashed. Not having to would mean giving up on your suppressants, giving up on what little control you had over you life.
“Doing so would mean giving up my freedom, my control. I’ve already lost two families, if I let anyone else in, I’ll inevitably lose them too. By being alone, I can guarantee that I won’t get hurt anymore than I already have.”
“Isn’t that lonely?” 
Yes, it was.
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“You’re not even fighting this?” You raised your right hand and gave Sam your middle finger from where you were laying on the couch, all together not feeling that good. You were certain you were coming down with something now, and no, you were not going to admit that to Sam. Call you petty, you didn’t care, you just want to be left alone in your misery.
“I’d like a quiet afternoon, clear my head,” You answered, dropping your arm and rubbing your hot forehead. “My head is killing me.”
“We’re gonna go out and see if we can dig up any information on Madani, don’t know how long we’ll be out. You need us to pick you up anything for that headache just text us.” Sam responded in his mother hen way. You dragged your arm back into the air and haphazardly waved at the trio.
“Good luck, don’t kill each other,” You sighed, trying your best to ignore the pounding hammer currently picking away at your brain. You heard their footfalls recede and then the closing of doors. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you counted down the minutes it would take for their scents to dissipate from the room.
With three Alpha’s in once residence, the scents were strong, but there was really only one that you fixated on. His. Your inner omega preened at the smell and it was taking everything you had not to roll off the couch, crawl to Zemo’s bedroom, and roll around in his shirts. Well, if you filched one of his shirts, he wasn’t bound to notice… right?
“Oh to hell with it,” You muttered to yourself, crawling from the couch to go steal one of Zemo’s shirts.  Shuffling through the apartment, you slunk into Zero’s neat room and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. Somehow, your headache actually lessened. “Shirt, need a shirt.”
You started opening drawers of one of the dressers and pawed through stacks of clothing until you found an incredibly soft grey undershirt. He wouldn’t miss this, would he? Well, you didn’t particularly care at the moment. It was his fault you were addicted to his scent now… Shutting the drawer, you happily shoved the fabric against your face while making your way to your borrowed room.
Flopping down on your stomach, you curled up on your side and closed your eyes relishing the lovely scent that seemed to drive all of your problems away. While you willed your headache to go away, your nose twitched at the mingling scents in the room. You wish you could drown yourself in Zemo’s scent, because you are so tired of smelling that blasted Omega perfume. Speaking of which, where exactly is that stupid bottle? You hadn’t seen it in a few days and judging by the scent, you probably had spilled it.
Your eyes glared at your bag sitting on a gold inscribed chair in the corner of the room. You should probably get up and find that bottle and throw it out… but you were slowly sinking into a headache free state of happiness. So rather then take care of the Omega perfume issue, you closed your eyes and buried your face further into Zero’s shirt.
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Slam. Stomp. Stomp.
“How much does he weight?”
“You asked me that three blocks back, Sam.”
“Yeah and it feels like he’s gettin’ heavier.”
“Just put him on the couch and we’ll regroup.”
Wrinkling your nose, you peeled your crusted eyes open to find that you had smothered yourself in Zero’s shirt while napping. Pulling the heaven sent fabric away from your face, your ears perked up even more as the sounds outside the room continued. The boys were back already? How long had you been napping?
Rolling into a sitting position, you glanced at the clock and noticed that it was nearly evening and you had been asleep for a solid five and a half hours. You left the shirt on the bed and climbed out of bed, rubbing your eyes and trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Upon exiting the room, you found Bucky pacing while Sam clicked away on his laptop.
“Where’s—“ You didn’t even have to say more as the two men pointed to the couch where Zemo was, passed out where he presumably had been dropped. Padding over, you saw a red line on his forehead and the beginnings of a bruise. “What the hell happened?”
“Walker,” Both boys supplied.
“Ah,” You commented, nodding in understanding as you reached over and brushed stray hair from Zero’s forehead. That mark was going to get ugly if it didn’t get some ice on it soon. You pulled away and headed for the kitchen. “So what did Walker do this time?”
“Ruined my deescalation,” Sam grumbled, his eyes remaining on his laptop as he typed. You looked to Bucky who’s scowl deepened.
“Let’s just say John ruined any chance we have of talking Karli out of whatever plan she has.” Bucky grunted out before reaching for his phone and fiddling with it. Both men were in a sour mood and probably would remain like that for hours to come. Turning back to the kitchen, you grabbed a towel and retrieved some ice from the fridge. Putting the ice in a plastic ziplock, you poured some salt onto the ice before sealing it and wrapping it in the towel.
Trotting to Zero, you carefully placed the wrapped ice bag on his forehead, making sure that the coldness would seep to his forehead. No doubt he was going to have a killer headache when he woke up. You went back to the kitchen and got out two glasses, pouring out a decent serving of alcohol in each. Glasses in hand, you perched yourself on the armrest next to Zero’s head and looked at both men.
“So what do you plan on doing next?” You asked, taking a sip from one of the glasses.
“We need to find Karli, and without John, talk her down, which isn’t going to be easy since John broke the trust I was trying to build with her.” Sam huffed out, clearly irked by Walker’s interference.
“What makes you so sure that she’ll listen? You of all people should know how hard it is to build trust with someone like her.”
“What other options do we have, Diana? What other options, other than talking, do I have?” Sam snipped back, his frustration with this mission starting show in his words. This whole apartment reeked of frustration, and even you were starting to feel it.
“The option that someone like you, would never consider.” You reminded Sam. “You and I both know this world isn’t black and white. We all have choices, options, but sometimes the choice you have to make isn’t the one you want to make.” 
“I know that Diana!” Sam growled out, slamming his fist on the table he sat at. He let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead, his words getting soft once more “Damn it, I know that… Steve would have known what to do.”
“Steve isn’t here, you are.” You pointed out. “People need to remember that.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Sam said quietly before returning his eyes to his computer. “I’m gonna see if Sharon can keep an eye on Karli.”
He went back to typing and you glanced down at Zemo.
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.” You murmured. “You took a wallop to the head.”
Zemo reached up and pulled the ice pack from his forehead.
“John was rather aggressive.” Zemo explained, removing the towel from the icepack. You hummed in agreement before offering the other glass you held.
“Here, you look like you need it.” You said, he took the glass and recovered his eyes with the damp towel.
“Thank you, Draga,” He said. “Are you feeling better? How is your headache?”
“Headache is nearly gone but I still feel terrible.” You answered, reaching down to readjust his strands of hair on his forehead. “Just don’t tell Sam because I won’t be able to take the ‘I told you so’ look from him.”
Zero’s lips twitched as he softly chuckled.
“Your secret is safe with me… as long as you don’t get worse.” You let out a subtle groan and lightly slapped your fingers against his cheek.
“You wouldn’t dare…”
“Would I?” He challenged back playfully. Snorting, you purposefully ruffled his mostly impeccable hair, liking the way his brown silky hair ran through your fingers. “Now that was mean, Draga.”
Giggling, you gave him one last pat on the cheek before slipping from the couch armrest.
“I’m gonna go and return to my nap, do you need anything from me?” You asked, looking at Sam, and then at Bucky.
“I’m good,” Bucky said plainly.
“I’ve got nothing, go ahead, you still look like you are coming down with something, so nap away.”
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You did not feel so good.
Fingers brushed across your forehead, wiping away sweaty hair from your skin as muffled voice talked to each other. You let out groan as your head pounded and tried to burrow your way further into the bedsheets.
“Diana? Diana, you need to open your eyes.” Open your eyes? Your eyelids felt like lead weights and all you wanted to do was fall into the lovely lull of sleep that had control of half your brain right now. “She’s out of it.”
“Diana, come on, give us a minute of your time and you can go back to sleep.” You could recognize voices now, and that was Sam.
“Whazit?” You rambled out, scrunching your face and shifting where you lay. You managed to open your lead like eyelids and saw all three men at the side of your bed, with Sam the closest. “What’dya’wan?”
“You are sick as a dog, Diana,” Sam commented.
“M’not a dog,” You huffed before wincing as your body ached from your movement.
“We’re gonna go out and get you some medicine and Tylenol to knock back that fever of yours, okay?” You made a sound in acknowledgement.
“Draga, will you be fine on your own? I gave you your medication earlier and left your supplies on the nightstand if you need more.”
“Ya stuck me?”
“Yes, he gave you your morning dose.” Bucky interjected. “We’re going out for more recon on Karli’s whereabouts, will you be fine here by yourself?”
“M’n adult.” You sighed out, turning back over.
“You give us a call if it gets worse, okay?” You grunted in return and sunk back into the sheets, willing them to consume your body and take away your pain.
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The boys had been out of the apartment for a grand total of seven hours by the time you had to physically sink your fingers into the bedsheets to not claw at your skin. Your skin felt like it was being roasted and you could tell from the way sweat poured from your skin and soaked into the sheets that you were running a fever. A bad one.
Whimpering against the pillow half your face was currently pressed into, your mind reeled on what to do. You probably should call one of the boys and tell them to get their ass back here, but at the same time, what would they be able to do? You had your medication, and it didn’t seem to do anything, and the Tylenol you had taken didn’t seem to make a difference with how hot you felt.
Dragging yourself to the edge of the bed, your hand reached for the thermometer you had been using to periodically check your temperature, and you stuck it in your mouth with a defeated groan. Sam was definitely going to give you a ‘I told you so’ after this. The thermometer beeped, and pulling it from your mouth, your tired eyes looked at the digital temp. 39.7C. Shit.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” You huffed out, haphazardly wrestling with the bedsheets. That was a lethal temperature if not brought down, and you could only think of one way to get it there at this point. This was going to suck.
With the thermometer sticking out of your mouth, you pulled your exhausted, aching, and burning body from the bed and stumbled out of the room. Grabbing the ice bucket on the bar, you hurried to fill it with ice. Once full, you hurried to the bathroom where you put the plug in and dumped the ice in. Your shaking hand twisted the cold knob on the tub, and while icy water poured into the tub, you went back for more ice.
The thermometer you still had in your mouth started trilling on your fourth trip and yanking it from your lips, You glanced at the temp. 40.1C. You needed to hurry.
A noise of panic rose in the back of your throat and with a final trip to the freezer, you got the last bucket of ice. You dumped it in the tub and started pulling your sweat drenched clothing off, your fingers spasming when you scraped your skin. Must not scratch skin. Have to be good. Have to be good.
You nearly clawed your underwear and bra off in an effort to get your hands away from your skin as fast as possible. Ignorant to the mess you had created in your scramble, you reached for the edge of the tub as the thermometer let out another trill, indicating your temp was still going up. Clambering over the side of the beautiful tub, you almost jerked back at how cold the water was.
“Come on, come on, come on,” You hoarsely whispered to yourself, fully climbing in handshaking all over as you let your naked body drop into the freezing water. This time you were whimpering from the freezing temperature biting at every inch of your skin. At least you didn’t feel the need to claw at it anymore.
You stuck the thermometer back into your mouth and clutched your arms to your chest as the bitter cold settled into your trembling body. Shivering in the tub, you stared at the tub for a least a minute before moving a shivering arm to check the thermometer once more. 40.4C. It was still going up, you just hope that the ice would do its job in time.
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“Maybe one of us should go back and check on Diana?” Sam said as they walked down a back alley. “She really didn’t look good this morning.”
“Well we got those super meds from that one shop,” Bucky said, holding up the medicine they had found that would help to reduce fevers. “Someone can go run it back to her, make sure she’s still kicking around.”
“It’s Diana, Buck, she’s probably relishing the peace and quiet.” Sam snorted.
“I’ll go,” Zemo spoke up, nipping the box Bucky held. “If you wish to take down Karli without interference from Walker, it is best that I am not present.”
Both men gave Zemo a hard look. So far, he hadn’t done anything to lead them to think that he would hurt her… but did they really want Zemo around a sick Diana?
“Not a good idea,” Bucky said, knowing what Sam’s answer was just by looking at his face. Sam shot a look to Bucky.
“The worst that’ll happen is that she’ll stab him and we’ll end up dealing with his body.” Sam snorted, jerking his head at Zemo, who had his eyebrow arched. “You know she gets when her meds are wonky.”
The both looked at Zemo, who held his hands up.
“I hold the upmost respect for Miss Phillips, and I do not wish to see harm come to her,” Zemo told them. The scrutinizing Alphas sniffed the air and found no scent of lie or deception.
“Fine, just hurry up and get those meds to her, and remember Zemo, if one hair on her head is out of place, you’ll answer to us.”
“I have no doubt.” Zemo answered, taking a few steps back with a bow of his head. “I shall run this medication to Miss Phillips as fast I can, you have my word.”
Zemo received one last hard look from Sam and Bucky before slipping down an alley way to make his way back to his apartment. Moving through the streets of Latvia like he was a native himself, Zemo made it to the apartment building in record time, but upon entering his residence, he could instantly smell something was wrong.
The scent of sweat and pain permeated the apartment, the freezer door was wide open, and there was a trail of clothes and wet foot prints to the bathroom. Striding forwards, Zemo moved further into the apartment, his eyes searching the apartment from any sign of the flightily woman.
“Diana?” He called out, his nose twitching at the overwhelming scents. There was no answer, but he didn’t need one because the trail of wet foot prints leading from the freezer to the bathroom was enough to guess that she was most likely at the end of the trail. One glance through the open doors of the bathroom had him picking up his pace. Zemo neared the ajar bathroom doors and got his first glimpse at the woman in question. “Diana!”
Surging forwards, Zemo quickly shed himself of his jacket and reached inside the large bathtub to pull Diana from the icy water. Once her upper body was pulled from the water, Zemo dipped his left arm beneath her knees and fully lifted her from the tub. Zemo reached for his robe hanging near by and did his best to wrap the shivering woman up.
“Diana?” Zemo broached, pushing wet hair from her pale face. “Diana, open your eyes.”
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Date Published: 8/4/22
Last Edit: 8/4/22
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strawberrycircuits · 11 months
hey boy. hows loz going
something else that makes me incredibly unwell about skyward sword is fi, her subtle arc, and the implications her character carries. she was put in the goddess sword (which would eventually be forged into the master sword) to guide sksw link through the game, and shes very much meant to be like, an unfeeling robot/ai type character. she speaks in percentages and analytics and is very straightforward and unemotional for a big majority of the game. HOWEVER she DOES show multiple signs of, like... having emotion! and being funny! and genuinely CARING for link!!! (ie she'll share a piece of data and if you respond to it with the wrong answer [like asking if someone who is very much not zelda is zelda] she'll respond like "there is a one percent chance of this being zelda. rounded up". OR shell point u in the direction of cool bugs! bc she knows link likes bugs!!!!! not for any plot purposes just to make sure he knows abt something she knows he loves!!!!!!!)
and the ending. ofjfg. she essentially states that she was created with a sole purpose in mind and that said purpose did not require she have emotions, so emotions she has not, BUT LIKE. she says that DEPSITE THAT, her time with link is the happiest she's ever felt, that she'll never forget their time together, that she'll miss him, and that she hopes to see him again one day "in another life." R U KIDDING ME. IN ANOTHER LI
and it hurts because! shes never going to see sksw link again. hes long gone. the person who taught her to be herself is gone and she will never see him again; god knows how much time has passed between sksw and oot when she 'wakes up.' BUT SHE'LL ALWAYS SEE REMINDERS OF HIM BECAUSE THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A KID WITH DESTINY WEIGHING ON THEIR BACK. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE FEELING THAT PULL TO HER. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE *HIS* HANDS REACHING FOR THAT HILT AND *HIS* FACE BUT IT WONT EVER BE HIM AGAIN. HES GONE AND SHE'LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN BUT SHE'LL HAVE TO WATCH HIM REPEAT WHAT DOOMED HIM THE FIRST TIME OVER AND OVER AND OVER. WhUAHAUAT THE FU
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
AMY: You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, and you meet them and think, not bad, they're okay. And then you get to know them, and their face just sort of becomes them, like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful. BOTH: Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met. AMY: Please? Do it for him. OLDER AMY: You're asking me to defy destiny, causality, the nexus of time itself, for a boy. AMY: You're Amy, he's Rory, and oh yes, I am.
GOD. Everything to me.
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farieshades · 2 years
What do you think about the realtionship dynamics between Arthur and Merlin?
The relationship is friendship throughout the show, no matter what fandom (myself included) chooses to believe. But, they do love eachother, but whether that is brothers, friends, lovers, or otherwise specified is generally up to interpretation. There is a potential for Arthur to choose not to enter a relationship with Merlin due to his preconceived notions of needing a wife, perpetuated by his father and the court. Maybe it was Merlin ‘rejecting’ a love interest that he couldn’t show his whole self too. Either way, the show doesn’t have them as lovers, so I’m basing this response off friendship generally. 
The two of them are powerful, in their own ways, but Merlin is trapped in his destiny and Arthur might kill him if he knew the truth. [Though it is my belief that Merlin can’t die as evident from the last scene of the series, nevertheless, I doubt Merlin would like to try.] 
Through Season 1 we start the relationship with Arthur showing a trusting and honest visage in believing the word of a servant who he’s just met against that of another knight, and then instantly defying his father (Treasonous to disobey the word of the King) to save said servant. Then, the habit of saving eachother starts to become a normal progression through the episodes. 
But let’s backtrack for a moment, I’m getting ahead of myself. 
The show doesn't start with them as friends. Rather the opposite in fact. The quickest enemies-to-lovers I can think of probably. But, we meet Arthur picking on a servant, acting as a bully until Merlin calls him off with a very... well we know the scene. Iconic. 
Nevertheless, Merlin is quickly tossed in jail. 
Our boy came into Camelot with fists flying not caring who they hit honestly. 
Then, Helen of Mora and the sleep song that knocked everyone out where they stood except for Merlin not even being the slightest affected, and, notably, saving Arthur. This then starts where the friendship grows from, not quickly, likely, as they are still strangers for a long while, but now they're strangers who are relying on eachother. 
Arthur relies on Merlin not to get him killed, trusts him to get his armour done (despite Merlin never having dones such a thing), relies on his food not being poisoned, relies on a lot of little things that probably seem inconsiquential until they don't actually get done and suddenly nothing works (cue a flashforward to the disheveled Arthur trying to find Merlin season 4). 
Episode 7 stands out, when Merlin is, probably literally, sticking his neck out lying to the King at Arthur's request, though bewitched as Arthur probably doesn't care either way. 
"You're not merely a warrior, you're a prince - a future king. You've proved your courage, but you must prove your wisdom" from episode 9, shows Merlin has come to know who Arthur is beneath the exterior of a bully that's slowly fading away, something that Gwen or Morgana comments on at some point though for the life of me I can't remember when. 
The end of Season 1 shows the relationship as strong, Arthur's still somewhat clueless as to who Merlin is (as he really does remain through the entirey of the series), but Merlin and thus the audience, has a pretty good grasp on Arthur. The friendship only grows over the next two seasons. 
Through Season 2, from the limited knowledge Arthur has, when he scolds Merlin, there’s a legitimate reason for it, which is a theme through the season and onwards. Gaius says he’s skiving off work and in the taverns? Merlin’s just gone with no explanation for a few days comes back looking beat up and swaying, easily could have been a tavern brawl and drunkenness rather than bone-tired and potential blood loss. 
However, that first episode with Sigan completely wiped Arthur’s characterization from Season 1. This does fix itself (although this is the season with the wonderful Troll Stepmother whom Arthur wasn’t listening to again), with Aredian, Kilgharrah, and their talks about Gwen, episode 9 with the hunter who captured Freya saying he trusted Merlin (despite instantly after seeing stolen food which he shakes his head at). The trust is still there, it’s just swaying back and forth wildly like a monkey stranded on a vine.
This is evident in the very first episode here with Cedric usurping Merlin's position and subsequentially being possessed by Sigan. However, Arthur in this season is relying on Merlin more, sneaking him out of the castle, sneaking him into the castle, sneaking Merlin out of the castle in the 'wooing' schemes. 
The problem happening in the season in regards to the relationship, is Arthur's belief of courtly values and stations. "She can't be your friend, let alone anything else." He may be saying this to Merlin about Morgana, but he's also referring Gwen to himself, then he'll go and treat Merlin like a friend (that he is), then deny that there is friendship between them (notably Balinor's episode and episode 6's end of not-hug). 
Then not long after denying friendship, episode 6 happens and Arthur doesn't arrest Merlin. The patterns of friendship continue as Arthur regularly breaks laws and orders for Merlin's comfort (Gaius in episode 7 notably). 
We also get an interesting scene of 'acceptance' in episode 9 with the wonderful dress scene in that “As long as you do a decent day's work Merlin, that’s all I care about [...] what a man does in his spare time is completely up to him. [...] The colour suits you, Merlin!” Now, it's unclear what any LGBTQ status characters are dealing with in Merlin as they're not mentioned, but it wouldn't be a stone throw from assuming 'not good' with how much magic can be seen as an allusion for queerness (in Morgana's quote in season 3 specifically, or in the druid scene). This is just a layer of acceptance that Arthur is showing with regards to, from Arthur's perspective, Merlin being a cross-dresser (which probably didn't help when Gwen found him going through jewlery. The King and Queen giving him a nice dress is now suddenly in my head and Merlin just does not know how to decline that). 
Then, a few episodes later we find Balinor we get an annoying "I know I'm a prince, so we can't be friends, but if I wasn't a prince[...] well then, I think we'd probably get on." Arthur sees a status imbalance with him as the problem, that he is a prince. Not that Merlin is a servant. And so we end seaosn 2 with not-quite-equals but unrecognized-verbally-friends. 
Through Season 3 we finally start getting to see more equality between the two show up through the season. Arthur is growing as a person, seeing servants as equals rather than as before when he thought that couldn't be possible. We also get Arthur understanding layers of Merlin somewhat, as evident in episode 2 "There are times, Merlin, when you display a sort of – I don’t know what it is – I want to say...It’s not wisdom. But yes, that’s what it is. Don’t look so pleased the rest of the time you’re a complete idiot" which was in response to Arthur who will one day be a great king. 
Now, this season also introduces the knights (barring Lancelot from season 1 and Leon from season 2), and Arthur is gaining friends that are changing his worldview (in particular Gwaine and his flirtatious nature with Gwen provoking a surge of what one may call protection or jealousy in Arthur). 
At the end of the season, we get the fun 'Cup of Life' debacle in which Arthur trusts only Merlin to aid with the retrieval, and when they sneak back into the castle to meet up with Gwaine and Elyan with Arthur injured, Merlin takes charge making things run smoothly in the escape. Then, finally, the round table of ancient kings, and placing strangers who aided him (Percival), common-born (to-be) knights, and servants (Gwen and Merlin) around the table with him. I think the only actual nobles there were Leon and Gwaine aside from Arthur, which is uite the big step to equality that is a basis behind the Arthurian legend to begin with, something that was missing, but steadily growing, in the first two seasons. 
The very end of season 3 we get the joking scene of cleaning Arthur's boots, put on as an act rather than an order, evident by the joking manner it is said in. This scene also shows the audience a hint of what the future holds for their friendship. 
Now in this season, we also get a wonderful commentary from January 2, 2021, 12:45PM - @Im-an-assbutt, in the "Merlin is Arthur's Mistress" idea. No idea where the idea originated from, and google hates me trying to figure out what "Mistress treatment" actually is, so i'm going to accept this at face value. 
When Season 4 starts, we see Merlin in the role as an advisor, or, partially. He's writing speeches, helping with government things. And instantly the audience can see the dynamic between them as the Dorocha are released and attacking Camelot. 
Now, I know the fainting scene gets lots of backlash from Arthur seemingly rolling his eyes at the display and Lancelot rushing to help, however, as someone who does faint often Old friends just kinda let me lay there while new friends freak out, and strangers on the street unfortunately like to call for assistance. So, to me it never struck me as peculiar to see, but that’s my two cents into that. 
Now, quickly the group goes onto the fun Dorocha quest and we get some fun whump Merlin scenes in which Arthur nearly calls of the quest to save the entire Kingdom because Merlin was injured (by something that no mortal had ever survived but that's probably besides the point I'm sure). Not long after Merlin returns hale, the audeince gets to learn Arthur is deciding to sacrifice himself, refusing to let Merlin do so and even (deleted scene) handing him his mother's sigil, which, at the time, is basically marking Merlin as heir to Camelot, or at the very least, heir to Arthur. Suddenly understandable why this isn't kept in, but whatever, it's true in my heart. 
Now quite quickly after all this, Uther is killed (in Arthur's perspective by Magic), and Arthur blames magic calling it 'pure evil' and something he should never have trusted in to merlin's face, and yet, Arthur leaves the great hall after a night of mourning to find Merlin having been sitting outside all night. The friendship is still there, nonetheless, in fact, that's one of the things Arthur quickly reaffirms "You are a loyal friend, Merlin." 
But, now, Arthur takes the throne, with his uncle Aggravating whispering into his ear false beliefs of worth and general bullshit, and starts pushing people away (episode 5 "stick to what you know" when Merlin tried to talk to him about the issues happening reinforced later by "I don't need anyone. I can't afford that luxury.") And it's a toxic mindset to be sure, but his only rolemodle of a King growing up was a widowed man who was paranoid about everything who was a tyrant to his people and had no true friends... that's a terrible Role Modle, Arthur, please, go read a book about the Roman Empire, preferably not Nero or Caligula. 
Anyway, as the season progresses, we get introduced to George who Merlin definitely knows as he's practically running Camelot behind the scenes, but this shows Arthurs reluctance to get a new servant. Merlin in his position serves as a confidant, a friend, and an advisor. He doesn't want him replaced. 
It's not without problems, sure, but it wouldn't be interesting if it was. The end of the season however, throws the nearly-invisible-now imbalance into Merlin's favour as he strips Arthur of his 'will', this doesn't last however. Yet, the ending of the season also further strengthens Merlin's resolve to never tell Arthur because if there is one thing obvious, Arthur hates being betrayed and secrets, and the subterfuge Merlin used to conceal his magic would easily be seen as a betrayal, something Agravaine tells the audience in their confrontation. 
With Season 5, the first thing we should note is the existing time gap between S4 and S5 that is the time of mystery and when anything under the sun could have happened as we generaly have no bloody idea outside of Kidnapped!Morgana. But, with regard to the fun dynamics going on, Merlin retains the position he was appointed to in the first episode, that of Manservant I mean, but he is also Arthurs most trusted advisor and confidant, a long way from where they began. 
But then, this season decides to do the magic reveal (at the last episode area which is very annoying but alrighty), and flips that on its head. But we'll get there in a moment. 
We see the two arguing 'like an old married couple' within the first part of the season, the iconic "Is there anything you're actually capable of doing?" / "Putting up with you", an argument that would never happen between a King and any servant (barring Merlin, who is just as wild as he was when he showed up in camelot with fists swinging, it's just been tamed into a focus now). 
There is also more of Merlin confiding in Arthur through season 5, there is understanding, there is trust, and there is, overwhelmingly, friendship. 
When the Horn of Cathbhadh arrives on the scene, we get the very interesting scenario with the apple bowl. Now, there's no reason for Arthur to need to hide something from Merlin as he enters. And yet he does, knowing that Merlin will give him that Merlin-look and he'll need to explain himself. This, of course, ends with Uther haunting Camelot, great for all involved really. 
But let's move on. 
The season also has some of the worst decisions Merlin makes, but he does make them under faulty knowledge and mistrust and paranoia, such as the Disir. Not only would his advice as an advisor be horribly biased in the episode, but he held the knowledge that 1) Mordred is the problem 2) To save Mordred you must accept magic - therefore the only conclusion is Let Mordred Die by Refusing Magic. Really bad wording on that if I'm honest, but I suppose Mordred did die when Arthur refused Magic, just not instantly. 
Eventually, we get to a heartwrenching scene "You know, Merlin, all those jokes about you being a coward, I never really meant any of them. I always thought you were the bravest man I ever met. I guess I was wrong", which is absolute bullshit. Fuck Arthur for this sentence in particular. 
The next time they truly talk in episode 13: 
"I defeated the Saxons, the dragon, and yet I knew that it was Mordred that I must stop. / The person who defeated them was the sorcerer. / That was me. / Don’t be ridiculous, Merlin. That’s stupid. Why would you say that? / I’m a sorcerer. I have magic. And I use it for you, Arthur, only for you. / Merlin, you are not a sorcerer, I would know! / Look, here ~Magic occurs~ / Leave me." 
Really, truelly, awful way to start the end of the series, but at least we finally got a magic reveal. But at the same time, the reaction would have been similar regardless. Arthur trusts people easily and completely, Merlin more than anyone else, and to learn that there was something hidden from him is taken as an instant betrayal, something that would have happened no matter when the reveal occured (Though S1-3 there's danger of execution from Uther, then Arthur never actually is seen removing the laws anyway so.... Arthur what the fuck do you want from Merlin?? When would the opportune moment ever be for this?)
Now, it's clear that Arthur still trusts Merlin after this, as he tries to get Gaius to send Merlin to Gwen. He'd never do that if that trust vanished, not to his wife and Queen. However, Gaius does turn Arthur's views, he tells him Merlin is the greatest sorcerer to walk the earth, and Arthur completely balks at the idea, after all, he knows Merlin. Maybe not completely, but you don't spend 9 years day-in and day-out at someone's side and not know them. 
Arthur reacts negatively to Merlin dispatching Saxons with a wave of his hand, because that shatters the image that Arthur had of Merlin being someone Arthur needed to protect, someone who wouldn’t/couldn’t hurt a fly, someone who was incapable of harm. [Now I swear there was a fanfic I read that had the reveal and Arthur having a "oh no I'm gay" reveal himself after that but I can't for the life of me remember it, Gaius in this was completely exhasperated like "sir, you're not enchanted, your pining"].
But, continuing on to the last moments, more or less, we also get "So you’re not an idiot, that was another lie. / No, it’s just another part of my charm." Which really is true. Merlin is still an idiot, which at this point is practically just a character trait for him. A powerful, somewhat scary idiot, but still a brave one. Still probably tripping over his own feet and dropping things. 
The last thing I wanted to touch on in Season five was Arthurs last words. "I want to say something I’ve never said to you before. Thank you." Thank you had been said multiple times, but never to the level that it needed to be. But now, Arthur knows what he was thanking him for, giving him credit for all the things Merlin sacrificed and did. [Now again, commentary on this has people suspecting Arthur says “I Love You” which is potentially debatable, but the words aren’t actually there, so we’re going with “thank you”]
From what may be Arthur’s view of the entire series (which reiterates some of the above), there are numerous times when Arthur disrespected Merlin (Sigan and the Merlin stepping stool, trusting some random family member you haven’t seen in years vs a man who has been at your side for years), but Merlin still considered Arthur his best friend. 
To Arthur, this relationship starts as Prince and Manservant (Or before that, Prince and Peasantry), but this quickly devolves because Merlin refuses to act like a Manservant. He’s a friend, stubbornly loyal, shit at obeying orders, and brave as fuck. They share secrets (somewhat common with Manservants I can imagine as Lady’s in Waiting were in a similar position and were held as being confidants to their Lord/Lady… Theoretically, this would be a Lord-in-waiting or perhaps another role, but none of this is ever mentioned in Merlin and insofar as Medieval heirarchy and households go, BBC Merlin doesn't dwell on that 'under the stairs' stuff.) Nevertheless, there is a separation of class and a known power imbalance from the get go as Master and Servant, but Arthur still saw it as more equal than he is shown to behave with the servant in the first episode. 
Arthur eventually realizes that Merlin is constantly going above and beyond what should be expected of a normal servant, especially from the view that Merlin can leave anytime.’ He is under employ of the King, but he was also working two jobs (Manservant and Physician) and Merlin could very well up and leave back to Ealdor should he choose. But in his perspective, Arthur protects Merlin, pushing him away from conflict and throwing himself ahead of Merlin to protect him (nicely moving away from Merlin’s glowing gold eyes as branches fall), then instantly looking for Merlin after the battle ends (usually scoffing about hiding despite Merlin having no armour or weapon on patrol). This part doesn’t quite change, not until the last few episodes as the above states. 
Now, in Merlin’s view of the series, that we mostly see the lens of, there are times when it feels like the reason Merlin hasn’t left Camelot was because of the Prophecy of an aged Dragon giving him the feeling of obligation to Camelot, Magical People, and Arthur’s safety. Thus, this is his destiny, he doesn’t have a choice to leave (in his way of thinking at least), and while he keeps the secrets of Arthur, there is no way for Arthur to do the same to him, because Arthur is Prince/King of a kingdom that kills people like Merlin. 
He can’t defend himself, not with magic at the very least, should Arthur physically move to hurt him. Not only would this be near treasounous, but it would have him ostracised by the Kingdom, potentially exiled if not killed and it really would hurt the attempts of promoting good magic (which the show doesnt do anyway). Also, Arthur is Merlin’s only hope at a future away from persecution, and hope is a disease that clings on. Merlin makes choices to keep Arthur alive that actively hurt the people that ‘Emrys’ should protect. So in Merlin's view, there are a lot of red flags going around that are being ignored. 
And then, the bloody idiot Prince/King goes and Risks his Life to protect Merlin. To be fair, Merlin does the same, but really, please, stop risking your life and war, you're just going to give Merlin a heart attack at some point.
One of the biggest imbalances that we get to see, from Merlin’s pov, is the secret imbalance. Arthur confides everything to Merlin, whereas Merlin’s secrets build up drastically as the seasons continue and he gets more secrets to hide. 
Tldr; Their relationship is, considering the era represented, overwhelmingly positive [if we ignore the ptsd Merlin is going to be dealing with for the next 1500 years]. There are toxic traits that exist on both sides of the men that cause imbalances in any type of relationship one would have, but there isn’t any ‘equal’ characters that would exist for them presented (Prince of Camelot to any other Prince is never shown, only princesses / and Greatest Warlock to Walk the Earth doesn’t exactly have any equals).
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The Neon Trilogy, In which a boy’s world gets turned upside down when he’s labeled both a savior and a doomsday machine, with no knowledge of which one is true. 
Current Stage - Draft 0, Writing as I please Genre - Low Fantasy | Sci-Fi Setting - Fictonal Big City by the Coast (don’t quite know where) Books - Neon Pink | Neon Cadaver | Neon Pheonix
Synopsis - André’s eyes are weird. Everybody knows that. They’ve been changing colors for his entire life, and what started as brown eventually became violet. The doctors have diagnosed it as chroma flux, a rare eye condition wherein the iris changes its color every so often. So when André’s eyes one day become a vibrant pink, it’s not as weird as most would assume.
What is weird is when André’s blood suddenly turns pink too. Even starting to glow. 
What follows is a downwar spiral where the world he once thought he knew shatters completely. Alien creatures begin hunting him down, claiming him to be both a savior and a doomsday machine. Which one is the truth ? No one seems to know for sure. Either way, André is forced to adapt all too quickly to ensure the safety of as many people as possible. And with new strange powers and the desperate need to figure out who to trust, André might just break apart.
Main Characters -
André Hernandez, The Neon Phoenix: Extroverted, patient, and helpful, he’s a nice mix of nerd and jock with his knack for programming and parkour. He’s open-minded and while there are some expectations, he’s keen on hearing all the sides before coming to a conclusion. A hopeless romantic with no flirting skills to speak of. 
Salena Bashir, The leader: Observant, strategic, and easy-going, she’s a powerhouse when it comes to performances. Quick to take the lead, even quicker to call people out on their bullshit. She’s athletic, star player on the baseball team and artistic, doodling on any surface that comes her way. Not to forget her being squeamish. 
Piper Hawkins, The Scientist: Curious, stubborn, and imaginative, they’re the smartest one in the group, also the most chaotic. They’re always interested in learning new things and value science and philosophy greatly. While not argumentative per-se, they do enjoy being challenged. Lives almost purely off of caffeine and sheer will.
Xavier Eltsov, The Mediator: Poetic, attentive, and caring, he’s the voice of reason, as best as he can be, that is, with his tendencies for dumbassery. He’s clumsy and awkward in most social and public situations, but he’s unconditionally kind and is always available is anyone needs to talk. Writes a lot, especially for theaters. 
Raj, The Innovator: Gentle, mature, and intelligent, she’s an absolute ray of sunshine for an Apex predator. She’s still cautious about the strange world she’s been sent too, but she’s eager to learn everything about it. Finds immense beauty in the mundane and ordinary.
Epsilon, The Mentor: Protective, apathetic, and clueless, they’re very keen on following their orders, even though they seem to have forgotten them. They’re incredibly strong, and just as soft once that first layer begins breaking down. Asigned as André´s mentor, even though they don’t really know what his purpose is. 
Themes - Self-worth | Friendship | Love | Trust | Morality | Humanity | Defying Destiny | Falling In Love With Humanity | Mental health | Chosen one | Found Family
Main Theme - The Phoenix : Fall Out Boy
Warnings - Violence | Death | Minor Body Horror | Manipulation | Kidnapping | Torture | More May Be Added
What I Got To Offer ? Diverse cast (LGBTQ+, ethnicity, etc.), healthy relationships both romantic and platonic, Some cute romances, a mess of a mentor doing their best, that good ol’ Angst and Aliens
Tags - The Neon Trilogy | TNT Playlist
: Taglist - @zonnemaagd @write-the-stars-and-shadows @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @stormharbors @yejidoesthings @writing-is-a-martial-art @holyatlas :
Let me know if you want to be added/removed !
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
17, 21, and 35 for afhiri? ♥
17. How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
if its coming from those they trust it would be incredibly easy. the average joe couldnt make afhiri do anything if they didnt want to. but if the squad did? oh boy the only thing that would stop them there is a counter argument from another one they trust. and then afhiri would blow up from the confliction so someones gotta make an option outweigh the other we gotta vote on this. 2 votes vs 1 ! opinion winner decided!
afhiri doesn't get a lot of good endings or good results during the events of the game because if a companion wants something that is actually bad morally or doesnt sound right.. gives them the eeby jeebies, afhiri will do it because they trust them, or let them do it despite how afhiri may personally feel. they are unfortunately loving to a fault and can't see that sometimes you need to tell a friend no in order to be the best friend to them. a ride or die, whatever makes you happy type of friend .......
so the answer is tldr very easily if afhiri has you on a pedestal, and thats literally every friend they have
21. What is more important to them, friends or family?
friends ARE family. afhiri didnt grow up with a single friend, their very friend friends were the very first companions they recruited!! and they became life long friends immediately! can't get rid of the clown, you fools! you let them in!!!!!
afhiri loves their actual family so much though, like, their parents and their 6 siblings are so, so important and mean the entire world to them. and their friends are on the exact same level. doesn't exactly sound healthy, but that's ok! (is it???)
if afhiri was made to choose between her family or her friends she would not understand the question. friends are family, family is not blood alone
35. Do they believe in fate or do they believe they are in charge of their own destiny?
ok this is the most insane question u can ask a gale shipper i hope u are aware of this. my boy literally talks about how he doesn't believe in fate but does believe in serendipity.
to assume afhiri understands these concepts innately is foolish, it would be expecting too much of her limit brain power and brain size. and wrinkle amount. anyway
gale is the one who educates them on the actual concepts of fate and destiny because these are things inherently tied to him, as a lil wizard man doomed to the narrative as chosen of the universes bitchest god
this is actually something i've been writing about in my 3 years post-game afhiri x gale fic, in which the two decide to take control of destiny and write their own in the stars by becoming immortal in order to never have to part, re: take the power of the gods to be eternal. they are the masters of their destiny and they will write it into the stars. etc etc.. very poetic and romantic its hard to express it in an ask like this because i wanna be silly and they are so unsilly in this decision. ... dfglkjdfgd
TLDR... they are so in charge of their own destiny they will defy the gods in the name of love
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
I Don’t Want To Be A Hero, So Leave Me Alone
➥ summary: Like any reincarnation fanfiction this story has to do with a women from the real world dying and getting reincarnated into a anime with some massive op powers. Throughout most of this story you are nothing but a 8 month year old which transforms later on into a child, well if we make it that far that is.
➥ chapter 9: An Unexpected Encounter
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The sun's warm rays cascaded down upon the city streets as (Y/n)'s parents decided to take their 9-month-old daughter for a leisurely stroll. The air was crisp, and the sounds of bustling city life filled the atmosphere.
As they meandered through the busy streets, (Y/n) gazed around with wide eyes, her curious mind absorbing the sights and sounds of the world around her. The towering buildings, the bustling crowds, and the occasional waft of delicious street food created a vibrant tapestry of city life.
Turning a corner, the family found themselves entering a narrow alleyway, seeking respite from the crowded streets. The alley was dimly lit, casting long shadows on the cobblestone pavement. It seemed quieter here, as if the noise of the city had been momentarily hushed.
It was then, in the dimly lit alley, that they saw him—a young child sitting alone against a weathered brick wall. His disheveled appearance and distant gaze spoke of a troubled past, as if he carried the weight of the world upon his tiny shoulders. It was none other than a young Shigaraki, a child whose innocence had been overshadowed by the darkness that surrounded him.
(Y/n)'s parents exchanged concerned glances, their hearts filled with empathy for the lost child. With cautious steps, they approached him, their parental instincts urging them to offer assistance.
"(Moms name),” her father whispered, his voice tinged with both caution and compassion, "Let's see if he's okay." 
(Y/n)'s mother nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with a mixture of worry and hope. They knelt down beside the young boy, their expressions gentle and understanding.
"Hello there," her mother spoke softly, her voice warm and comforting. "Are you lost…” she trails off waiting for the young child to tell her his name.
The child's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and uncertainty. His lips trembled as he mumbled a barely audible response. "Tomura... My name is Tomura Shigaraki."
(Y/n) observed the young boy with wide, innocent eyes, her young mind processing the weight of his words. In that moment, a spark of connection ignited between them, a shared understanding that transcended age and circumstance.
Unbeknownst to the family, this unexpected encounter would leave an indelible mark on their lives, forever altering their paths. For in Tomura Shigaraki, they saw not a lost soul, but a child yearning for guidance and compassion.
With gentle reassurance, (Y/n)'s parents extended a helping hand to the young boy. It was a gesture of acceptance and kindness, an offering of hope amidst the shadows that clouded his young heart.
The young boy stared at their hands before taking it making sure to keep his pinky finger raised up in the air as to not cause another accident like with what happened with his own family.
As they helped him to his feet, (Y/n) smiled at Tomura, her innocence radiating a warmth that he had long forgotten. In that moment, a bond formed—a connection that defied logic and reason.
In the years to come, (Y/n) and Tomura would face trials and tribulations, their paths intertwined in unexpected ways. The family would become a beacon of support, offering love and understanding to a child who had known only darkness.
As they left the alleyway behind, (Y/n)'s parents walked hand in hand with Tomura and their daughter, their footsteps echoing with a newfound purpose. They were determined to create a brighter future, a world where even the most broken hearts could find solace and redemption.
Little did they know, this chance encounter would shape the destiny of not only (Y/n) and Tomura but also the lives of countless others. It was a testament to the power of compassion, the ability of love to heal and transform even the most wounded souls.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the city streets, (Y/n) and Tomura walked side by side, her in her high rise stroller and him beside it, their small hands tightly intertwined with one of Tomura’s fingers raised and (y/n)‘a own tucked into the safety of his palm. Together, they embarked on a journey of growth, forgiveness, and redemption—a journey that would test their resolve and ultimately shape the course of their intertwined destinies.
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the-blackholeus · 2 years
OMG I DIDNY EVEN REALISE YHAT YOU RELPLIED TO MY COMMENT THANM YOU!! But I literally have this thought on my mind everyday and if ofc it’s not too much trouble read Away! ((This is obvs just added info and you don’t need to read or even follow it,it’s just my thoughts,your writing is so satisfying I couldn’t be the slightest upset!)
So the thought is that, the male dovahkiin is like a typical delinquent boy? He’s harsh,easily annoyed and hates being looked down upon and will test his strength and wouldn’t even think before throwing a punch at somebody,and is the sort to rather die than show a shred of emotion despite anger,like full on run away and never show his face again🥲 And then a daedric prince comes for whatever reason(probs the dovahkiins lil pazaz) and they are soulmates,like instant boom omg you smell like heaven I need you?👹👍(this is harder to write down than I thought😅) idk where I’m going with this but I have this thought of just an overly possessive daedric prince(literally whatever one) and them trying to hug the dovahkiin in bed coz of like some inner instincts to have him in bed and them having to force and lay on the dovahkiin(loving the contact ;)) and the dovahkiins protesting,thrashing around insulting them.
I literally have no idea I jsut love the dynamic of a stubborn person and a usually menacing and terrifying person being an absolute puppy with the other 🤨 please,once again,ignore this if it’s too confusing it honestly hurts my brain aswell!😭 but it feels nice to get my thoughts down either way(this is more of a ramble tbh)
Thank you and I luv u <3333
I am so incredibly sorry that this took forever. I kind of forgot about this story because I wanted to add more Daedra and it kind of slipped out of existence for a while. I only found it again because I opened another document to work on some recent requests...I'm such an idiot.
I hope you can forgive me and still enjoy the story.
Hermaeus Mora
Hermaeus Mora, one, if not the most powerful Daedra in existence, had honestly forgotten that he had a soulmate at all.
To him, the collection of knowledge and hoarding the secrets of the world was far more important than to find the mate that destiny had intended for him. He had never questioned who they were, what their name was, which species they belonged to, and generally never wasted a thought on what he would do when he would be confronted with them. Instead, he had focused entirely on his champion Miraak, which had consumed more and more of his time as soon as this foolish Nord had begun to overstep his boundaries.
But of course, defying fate is never that easy. Not even for the very creature that could change it to his favor, and as such one day the youngest Dragonborn, a fierce male Nord, appeared in his realm, Apocrypha.
He had slashed himself through his servants, torn them into pieces with minimal effort, found his books in record time, and won the battle with his former favorite servant with frightening ease, claiming the title as the strongest Dovahkiin in existence, leaving the broken and bleeding body to its master, who disposed of it as if it was nothing but a useless pile of flesh with no worth, gifting this powerful mortal with the weapon and the clothes that once belonged to the now dead man.
But of course, Hermaeus Mora wasn’t one to let the opportunity to claim a new and better champion slide. Intrigued by the raw power and rage the other showed and acted upon, he wanted to have this individual in his collections of most unique servants. Desiring to study this exceptional creature, the Daedra made an offer that the male Nord could not decline, promising to give him all the knowledge he could ever want and move freely through the world as long as he would never act against his interest and complete some simple tasks once in a while. And apparently, the current only living Dragonborn was just as much of an opportunist as himself, for he quickly agreed.
But…despite having him in his ranks, powerful and almost all-knowing deity wasn’t satisfied. Of course, it was delightful to watch him, his way of battling so very interesting that the mass of eyes and tentacles even interrupted his studying and watched, no matter how basic and unimportant the fight seemed to be, but…it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to satisfy this strange longing in him. It wasn’t enough to silence the voice in his mind that had begun to speak to him shortly after he had taken the other under his wing. It wasn’t enough for…him.
He wanted the Nord to be close. To have him around when he read and wrote, to teach him about Skyrim’s history and where he had influenced it, maybe even to discuss new spells that the divine being was working on and using his feedback to improve them further. He wanted not just to be his master, but also his companion. His friend even. And that led him to behave in a very unusual way.
He was definitely kinder to the Dovahkiin than he was to the rest of his underlings, which he considered as worthless slaves. His words were not as degrading, the riddles that he liked to throw upon the poor souls that dared to enter his domain to thrive them insane and trap them forever and ever had reduced to a minimum, and he even offered to help him on his quest to obtain all shouts, granting him a map with all the locations that he needed to go to, and giving him hidden clues how to find those who were hidden from plain sight. Of course his friendliness was met with suspicion at first. Hermaeus Mora was known to be a tricky creature, who slowly manipulated people into thinking his way, taking over their minds and forcing them to serve him by making crave more and more knowledge, thriving them absolutely mad and keeping them as trophies afterward. As such the male did not take to his actions too kindly at first, fearing that it was all just an attempt to make him end up like Miraak. But as time passed, their partnership grew tighter, and the Nord slowly began to trust him a little.
At least enough to accept an offer to assist him in treating the wounds that he carried from battle with an Ancient Dragon, which had taken him by surprise and managed to injure him heavily.
And it was then, when the Daedra wrapped his bleeding lower arm, they discovered the truth.
It turns out that the that the Dovahkiin carried around a strange mark he had since birth. A mysterious, eye-shaped symbol that was carved into his flesh, not paling nor fading no matter how many years passed or how many times the skin was cut. It had…shocked the deity so much that he had let go of his champion altogether, leaving him to wonder why he had suddenly decided to let him tend the rest of his wounds himself, and of course also letting a snarky remark pass his lips as well.
But that all had suddenly stopped when he saw that Hermaeus Mora looked at him like he was something absolutely alien, something bizarre, something which’s reality he couldn’t grasp… Never before had he seen the Daedric Prince seem so…lost. It was a sight that had honestly made him nervous…
But that uneasy feeling passed as soon as the immortal began to explain what he had just discovered, revealing the reason they, no matter how much distrust the powerful warrior had towards him, were always drawn to one another.
He had revealed that they…were soulmates. Lovers by destiny.
It all somehow escalated from them on. The Dovahkiin couldn’t exactly remember what happened, but all he knew that unknown instincts that rested within him suddenly awoke, and yearnings that he didn’t even know he had been finally calmed as he and the all-knowing creature became one, giving not only their souls to one another, but also their bodies.
The pleasure that they were experiencing was beyond anything both of them had ever felt. Finally, Hermaeus Mora understood why so many of his brethren lowered themselves to such animalistic desires, for the ecstasy he felt was better than any acquiring of knowledge, or the joy he felt when he killed a traitor. It was a whole new feeling that he yearned to explore further, to know more about, and ever since, their physical bonding happened regularly.
Just like last night.
By the next morning, the Dovahkiin was sore. His entire body hurt from receiving the love and affection from the Daedra, causing him to groan lowly as he awoke. Carefully, he blinked his eyes open, and moved his hands to rub the sleep out of them before stretching himself and rubbing his face. He sat up, letting his fingers run through his hair and scratching the back of his neck, glancing to his right. He stared down upon the massive form that laid next to him, curled up into a ball, still slumbering deeply despite lacking the need for it, studying his figure that was oh so familiar to him.
This being was no other than Hermaeus Mora himself, who had changed into a humanoid form to ease the process of bonding. He had given himself the form of an over eight feet tall lean man. His hipbones showed, and ribs poked out from his deathly pale yet flawless skin, which had a tint of grey to it, fitting well into the realm of Apocrypha. Despite that, strong muscles rested underneath his soft flesh, giving him a toned stomach as well as strong arms, connected to large, thin-fingered hands ending with long, razor-sharp black claws. His jaw was sharp, his face laced with lines that spoke of middle-age (not that it mattered, he was immortal after all, but it fit him well), and hanging from his skull was astonishing beautiful, incredibly long void-black hair, which covered almost the entire bed. If he stood, it reached floor, and if he walked, it’d drag behind him for around three feet. Not rarely, he was cleaning the floor with it unless the Dragonborn would braid it. A ritual that had deepened their bond even more over time.
The Dovahkiin felt a small smile form on his lips, and after looking around to see if he was truly unobserved, he dared to raise his hand, and let his fingers run through those soft locks, feeling their texture on his rough fingertips. He watched as these beautiful features twitched and changed, and a low groan came from the Daedra’s throat as he curled up more, not awakening from the skin-to-skin contact but rather diving deeper into the world of dreams. The mortal snorted at the display and shook his head in disbelieve before beginning to rob out of bed, planning to go to the recently created bathroom to bathe, hoping the warm water would ease his aching muscles.
But before he could do so, he suddenly felt two massive arms warp around him, and pull him back onto the bed, forcing him to fall back and onto the soft sheets.
The Dragonborn grunted in surprise as he fell back onto the soft sheets. He was pulled against the ice-cold deity’s chest, and a large head nuzzled into the back of his neck, long hair tickling him wherever it reached. “HEY!”, the powerful mortal complained, glaring furiously as his lover’s tongue ran over skin, and soothed the swollen flesh that had suffered dearly during their intercourse.
“Hmm…My lovely champion.”, Hermaeus Mora rumbled deeply, and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Where do you think you are going?”
“Bathing.”, the mortal spoke matter-of-factly, and attempted to free himself from the iron-grip the other had on him, not minding the long claw, which could unintentionally hurt him should he move in any wrong way.
He heard the Daedra huff gently, and he leaned upwards, red eyes meeting two dark-green, goat-like orbs glazed over with sleep, clearly still exhausted from yesterday. “And what makes you think that I will let you go?”, he asked, crocking his head to the side, the pointy ears twitching slightly just like a dog who had heard an unfamiliar sound. “This bed is comfortable, you are wonderful to hold, and I refuse to simply let you slip through my grasp. You are mine, Champion, mine alone.”
The strong-willed male growled furiously at those words, attempting to break himself free once more. “F-fuck you!”, he hissed, and showed his sharpened teeth, his fierce temper coming through from being denied something so basic. “Let me go, you tentacle face! I need a bath, and like hell I’m going to let you prevent me from doing that!!”
Unimpressed by the insults his champion threw at him, the Daedra simply pulled him closer, and curled up around him, interwinding their legs and trapping him underneath his huge, ice-cold body. The legendary being groaned as the impressive weight pressed down upon him, writhing furiously in hopes that he could push him off of him. But once again, to no avail. He was trapped, restrained, and absolutely helpless, something he hated more than anything other in the whole wide world.
The shout that tore from his throat resembled the roar of a dragon, and he pulled all strength together, attempting to finally free himself one last time.
At first, it seemed that he would finally be successful, frightened by the thundering sound so close to his sensitive ears, the immortal pulled back with a hiss, and covered them with his hands. Using the moment of surprise, the Dragonborn jumped from the bed, and ran towards the bathroom, hoping that he had stunned the other male long enough to reach it. But unfortunately for him, he had forgotten how quickly Hermaeus Mora was in composing himself, and before he could make any real progress, he was grabbed and pulled back, tucked into strong arms. A long, lean body curled around him, and a head rested on top of his own.
He was trapped again, the grip far stronger and more demanding than before.
With a frustrated sigh, the powerful mortal gave up. He slumped back against the cold form behind him, feeling the cool skin against his own heated one, and made himself comfortable in the forced embrace. "Fine...", he grumbled, and crossed his arms, a humiliated expression on his face. "You won, asshole! I give up."
"A wise choice.", his mate grumbled quietly, already slipping back into the world of dreams.
"But after you're done cuddling me to death, I'm going to take a shower!", the Dovahkiin hissed, turning as much as he could to face the Daedra. "And don't you dare to hold me back then!"
"Fine. I guess that is only fair after I gruesomely forced you to spend time with your loved one.", the long-haired being huffed sarcastically, a thin smile on his lips. "Now, go back to sleep. We still have hours before you must awaken for your journey, and I intend to use every second faith has given us."
His consort growled, whispering something under his breath that the immortal did not bother to catch. But soon after, he felt the other relax against him, the strong chest rising and falling with even in- and exhales. His eyes were closed and face relaxed, finally exposing the beauty ehich always hides behind that scowl of his.
The Daedra felt victory bloom in his chest, and he leaned over to press a soft kiss to his champion's forehead, feeling the messy hair tickle his skin, before setting down once more, a smile on his thin lips as he drifted off to sleep as well.
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thisisjustmefangirling · 11 months
Merlin rewatch 1x04
That Camelot red vs Mercian blue is very Capulet vs Montague
Merlin admits the ways of the court are a mystery to him. Merlin, baby. You need étiquette training. Have someone teach you. Please.
Arthur, that outfit you put Merlin in is ridiculous, but also... a bit too put together for a servant ? It's not just the hat... Merlin is wearing a cape !
Merlin having a crush on Nimueh and thinking she's as beautiful as a princess is sweet 💕
Merlin making accusations without proof, in front of everybody, AGAIN.
Arthur accusing him of being an idiot and drinking, again, to save his ass and the relationship with the Mercians
Uther is ruthless and unfair here. Bayard was willing to prove his goodwill by drinking out of the goblet but looks like Uther decided that poisoned cup or not, Merlin would suffer from the outcome, either by being poisoned or being punished for lying.
Arthur protests, because he may be a royal prat but he's not like his father.
"Merlin, apologise. This is a mistake ! I'll drink it". Arthur 🥺
Morgana grabs a knife when everybody draws their sword ! I love her. I wish she hadn't been turned into such a villain.
The Mortaeus flower is guarded by an awful magical beast and Arthur goes "Sounds like fun" and immediately decides to go save his servant's life
The next scene between Uther and Arthur is really good at showing the difference between them. Arthur starts questioning his father and they both reveal their values. Uther doesn’t care who dies because to him the life of the future King of Camelot is worth more than a servant's. Arthur refuses to stand by and watch, especially since to his knowledge, Merlin has saved his life twice already. "Then don't watch", Uther says.
Morgana is GREAT here. She wanted to fight Bayard's men with a LADLE ?
"Spare me the lecture, I've already had it from Uther". Uther's kids are just really good at opposing him 😆
"Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right, and damn the consequences". "What kind of King would Camelot want ? One that would risk his life to save that of a lowly servant or one who does what his father tells him to ?" I love seeing Arthur being challenged and growing into the King he will be.
"He's getting hotter" The innuendos in that episode are comiiiiing.
Merlin speaking 💫 magic language 💫 in front of Gwen. I wish she had put two and two together before the finale...
Morgana makes me laugh ! She defies Uther and defends Arthur.
Funny how Uther sees his son as "just a boy" and Morgana goes "Have you seen your son recently ?" And tells him he's old enough to make up his own mind and have his own experience of the world. Is Morgana still Arthur's older sister in this story ? She would be older than him then.
Merlin moaning Arthur's name as he lays dying and feverish is gay. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
The idea of Nimueh as a pretty wounded woman in the forest is a great throwback to the original Arthurian texts, where young maidens were often on the way of knights as temptations or traps, steps in their quests.
Hell yeah Arthur's wrist move with his sword !!!!!!
You slay that cocatris by THROWING your sword !?
"Arthur, it's a trap". Merlin, he sadly can't hear you ! I wish they had shared a telepathic connection, it would have been so useful sometimes.
Though... How the fuck can Merlin see him and what is going on ?
Arthur's... pauldron (?) Is decorated ? I had never noticed before.
Arthur manages to slay a big spider with one hand while the other is hanging on to that rock for dear life. Impressive, indeed.
"It is not your destiny to die at my hand" please Ma'am it's only season one, I am NOT ready for season five and its pain.
"Go on, then ! Finish me off" Arthur has always been brave in the face of his potential own death.
That blue light seems so gentle and warm, and the music is epic.
"Leave them (the flowers)" Merlin stop being so selfless and let Arthur save your life, the flowers are RIGHT THERE.
"Faster! Faster! Climb ! Follow the light!" Once again, he can’t hear you... and how do you even know what is happening to Arthur ? Why doesn’t it happen again later ?
"Inform the King ! Arthur has returned to Camelot". Who the fuck are you to not call him PRINCE Arthur ?
I wish Arthur's red shirt looked fancier, nothing about it indicates he's royalty.
"Gaius knows what to do with it [the flower]. Put me in the stocks for a week, a month even, I don't care. Just make sure it gets to him. I'm begging you". Arthur cares so much about Merlin 🥺
Uther truly doesn’t give a fuck about Merlin's life... He saved his son twice, he is Gaius' apprentice, and he crushed that flower, in an attempt to teach his son that "there is a right and a wrong way of doing things" and he shouldn't be disobeyed. Asshole. "I'll see that you're let out in a week and then you can find yourself another servant". Servants are all replaceable to him.
Gwen shows then that even though she seems shy, she is also brave.
Arthur using the pretense of his own well-known arrogance to get the flower to Merlin by refusing the food Gwen brings him... yes King ❤️
"We're not all as precious as Her Royal Highness" that guard walked so Gwaine could run with his "princess".
"The poison was created using magic, we might need to use magic to create the antidote" dude that's just exposition at this point, you could have tricked Gwen into leaving without saying anything
You can tell Gaius hasn’t used magic in two decades... he may care about Merlin but he's a two faced bitch.
Merlin's heart has stopped and was probably restarted because his magic won’t let him die.
Gwen kissing him haha
Uther pisses me off so much omg, he seems this close to getting angry when Gaius asks him for a minute of his time. His arrogance is worse than his son's, because there is no changing him.
"She's a powerful sorceress, she can enchant the eye that beholds her". Such an interesting concept ! No need to change your face, you just make people believe they are looking at someone else.
Morgana looks so soft. I love her dresses.
Arthur seems changed by this experience. He's uncharacteristically humble in that scene at the top of the castle.
"I'm glad you're back" they were already like siblings... if only we could have kept that dynamic between them...
Uther, you chicken and liar, not telling your son the truth about Nimueh...
"You did the right thing, even though you were disobeying me. I'm proud of you, Arthur. Never forget that". Damn for once Uther is doing something right. Arthur better remember that moment, indeed.
Arthur goes to check on Merlin 💕 Like "omg are you alright Merlin ? Barely alive ? I still wait for you to be there tomorrow morning when I wake up because looks like after only four episodes I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore."
Arthur is so soft for Merlin omg <3
I don't understand why Nimueh wanted to kill Merlin when he is Emrys and is supposed to bring magic back to Camelot and free magic users...
Aaaaand in the next episode we will meet Lancelot. 😊
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