#Green Digivice
digitalko · 2 years
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Mine ❤️
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artypurrs · 2 months
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Digimon theme moodbords!
For @tortoiseshellmon @dottypurrs
Hope you like them 😁
Sprites made by the nice @paburo1 on Twitter, the digivice made by the great NewFileIsland on etsy & the designs was made by @sabedilemon
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Digimon evolution line that it's based on:
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greyymon · 2 years
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something something soccer game episode
something something ken with naturally fluffy hair like his brother/digimon kaiser persona
something something both daisuke and miyako having celeb crushes on ken
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godblooded · 2 years
so i’m going to bed nao and early to do the crash i gotta do because i really need to try to get everything back together in my head. they delivered oxygen today. they delivered a comfort package. i said what i had to say. and now from here on out it’s gonna be messy but… hopefully not more traumatic than it needs to be.
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digimoninteractions · 5 months
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D-3s + Jogress
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two showing 3D models of: (1) Ken and Daisuke's black and blue digivices. (2) Their matching blue and green jogress digivices. (3) Miyako and Hikari's red and pink digivices. (4) Their matching magenta and white jogress digivices. (5) Iori and Takeru's yellow and green digivices. (6) Their matching yellow and white jogress digivices. End ID]
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liviavanrouge · 2 months
Digitwst AU: Meeting
Livia: *Sets her books down onto a table then perks up when the window near her flew open*
Lucemon: *Glides down, Lunamon on his shoulder, Flamewizardmon just behind them*
Lunamon: *Leaps down* Hello.
Livia: Hi, are you gonna run away this time?
Lunamon: *Shakes her head then looks down timidly* No...
Lucemon: *Comes up beside the two, holding his hand out in the middle of them revealing the device* Can both of you touch this?
Livia: Oh sure! I don't mind!
Lunamon and Livia: *Touches the screen, causing a pink and purple glow to follow*
Lucemon: This, I believe, belongs to you-
???: Betamon! Digivolve!!
Livia: *Shields her face alarmed as a green glow filled the room*
Dinohyumon: *Leaps down from beside Sebek, aiming for Lunamon*
Livia: WAIT! *Moves forward, her eyes wide*
Lunamon: *Shoves Livia away alarmed* NO! MOVE!
Flamewizardmon: *Blocks Dinohyumon, narrowing his eyes*
Livia: SEBEK! STOP!!
Sebek: Livia-
Livia: *Steps forward* They're not doing anything, they were showing me a strange device!
Lucemon: *Floats forward, showing Sebek the digivice* Your friend is the missing owner to this, we came to return it
Sebek: *Walks over* Return it?
Flamewizardmon: It was stolen from her but she is Lunamon's partner
Lucemon: *Hands Sebek the digivice* You need to keep this for now
Sebek: Why's that?
Dinohyumon: Yeah, it it belongs to Livia she should have it..
Lucemon: Piedmon was tipped off that a digivice was stolen by one of the soldiers in the army, and he's already seen the current digidestined and their digimon-
Flamewizardmon: -if Livia appears out of thin air among the group with Lunamon here, then he will destroy the school with everyone inside of it
Lunamon: We have to find the Crest of Love as well...it belongs to Livia too
Dinohyuemon: Another crest! But those are rare!
Lunamon: We found it during an expedition, and Lucemon did an investigation, the crest responded to the digivice so it's close to my quarters!
Lunamon: We'll go and get it back, it'll be easy since I'm Piedmon's most trusted general, he won't suspect me if he sees me roaming about at night
Sebek: I can call-
Lucemon: *Shakes his head* You are the guard of this girl from what I can see, if we get caught, I'll be able to send Lunamon back but you'll be needed here to protect them.
Sebek ....understood..
Flamewizardmon: We are wasting time, let's go! The stupid boss is no doubt doing his puppet show!
Lucemon: *Picks up Lunamon and takes off into the air, Flamewizardmon following them*
Sebek: Livia....I'm gonna call the others and follow them, if the others return tell them I'm out..
Livia: *Nods, looking at him* Okay...
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla @abyssthing198 @zexal-club
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otakween · 7 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 50
Meh, I didn't like this episode. It was just kind of boring and felt like a repeat of the last episode. I think they gave this show too many episodes so a lot of these finale episodes just feel like padding. Some fat trimming was needed.
Takato's parents being like "that's my boy" as Dukemon flew off into the distance came off as very funny/silly to me
It's a really good thing that Culumon stuck by Juri. It gave her someone to snap her out of her funk and someone for her to fight for when Culumon's in peril.
Why does a little Leomon hologram suddenly show up on Juri's digivice? What's that supposed to mean...?
Really not sure what that giant blue and orange blob they all flew into to use the red card was supposed to be or where it came from. Is that something the adults created?
The side characters are all kinda flopping as usual. Kenta and Hirokazu show up randomly only to be interrupted by the authorities who were looking for them (thanks for nothing, boys!) Meanwhile, Ryo interrupts the main trio to be like "And I'm here too!" (I don't dislike Ryo, he's just very flat as a character). I did kind of like the moment between Shiuchun and Lopmon where Lopmon is sad that they can't digivolve to ultimate. At least that scene had some heart to it.
So I haven't been paying attention to digivice colors at all and was surprised to see that Ruki's is blue and Takato's is yellow. I remember that Takato's shattered at one point and used to be red. Did it turn yellow when he got it back? I guess I kinda thought Ruki's would be yellow since that's Renamon's main color...(since Jian's is green for Terriermon). Also, also, Ryo's is blue too but the design is different. I'd like to see a behind-the-scenes explanation for these choices.
Main reason I thought this episode was stupid is a new threat appears from the digital world, but like...why did we need this? It's design is much worse than the creepy "goddess" monster from the previous episode. It's just a big blob with an angry mouth. When Ruki said "I'm afraid," I didn't buy it because it didn't look intimidating to me at all. It also has scythes haphazardly coming out of its body in a way the just looks janky. It feel like there was very little thought put into this design. Why couldn't they just fight the goddess monster? This is dumb! (Also...dat early 2000s CGI lol).
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(It's pretty obvious to me which one looks cooler)
Mako and Ai moment was sweet. Interesting that they share a digivice...that's a new development. I'd feel kind of annoyed if that happened to me and everyone else go their own partner/digivice. It's purple, because Impmon.
I'm pretty sure there's no deep meaning behind it but I wish they'd stop putting Juri in a crucified position. It's just overdone in anime lol
I thought the opening theme was misused in this episode. Save that for the ending! It just didn't have any emotional impact here.
Grani's sacrifice also had very little emotional impact since he was just barely a character (only started talking this episode). I like Dukemon's new look, but I wish the wings didn't glow so much that they have zero detail. He looked more badass in the title card than in the actual episode.
Whelp! Only one episode to go. Very excited to see this one wrapped up. Mostly excited for whatever after-the-battle/epilogue stuff they throw at us since I've found most of the battle scenes to be kinda dull. Onto the next!
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demonoflight · 1 year
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Pearlina Week 2022, Day 4: Alternate Universe
I really struggled to figure out an AU, and then my Digimon friends pointed out my main fandom still exists even if I’ve neglected the poor thing recently... So Digimon AU it is, then! Girlfriends saving the world with cute digital partners? Sign me up.
I picked Cutemon for Pearl because they’re both small, pink, cheeky and cute. They’d get along too well. I also figured having a healer type Digimon would be better for Pearl than something more combative. She’s a helper! And she doesn’t need more combat power, trust me, girl’s terrifying as is. I picked Espimon for Marina because I wanted a cute mechanical Digimon for her, and his color scheme works well with the teal and green. And I picked D-3s for the Digivices because 02 is the best don’t at me.
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shihalyfie · 10 months
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Since Team Red and Team Blue got their rundowns, how do you a think a hypothetical Team Green fares? It seems like a group of mostly stable personalities but I can see Astra enabling Ruli's more impulsive side, ditto for Musimon and Terriermon.
I tried to get anyone who has a green digivice/image color but any other Third Members you feel fit the group could come hang out too
Interesting question! As far as I know, "green" doesn't even have a particularly well-defined archetype in media either (from what I understand, there's sometimes a loose association with "young, cheerful types" in Super Sentai, but even that is very loose).
I think green is often associated with vibrant life (since it has to do with greenery, plants, and nature), so if there's anything that I could come up with it might be that.
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holly-natnicole · 1 month
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 12):
(Got legally adopted in his 20s by Senju Tsunade) Senju Yamato's Crests would be Sincerity (Virtue) and Pride (Sin). His digivice is a lime green D-Ark/D-Power (which lacks the card slot and) which has a forest green rim (around the screen) & matching buttons & a likewise strap with the clip for attaching the digivice to things being lime green. The digivice's dark grey square screen has 1 of Yamato's Crests appear on it in lime green whenever he connects with his Digimon partner emotionally in ways that link to either of the 2 Crests. He has a
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Popomon who hatched from a DigiTama/DigiEgg and got nicknamed Hana by him (Yamato originally thought 'bout not giving Hana a nickname; but quickly realised that, in trying to distance himself from this infant, he's behaving like Shimura Danzō).
The 2nd ever time when Yamato & Hana manage to emotionally connect with each other either through Sincerity or through Pride, Hana digivolves into a
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Tanemon. The 3rd time, he digivolves into a
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Alraumon then
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Shurimon followed by
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Toropiamon or into
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Woodmon followed by
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When his partnership/platonic friendship with Hana reaches its peak for the 1st time, Yamato & his Digimon partner matrix digivolve into
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Yamato tries to keep his partnership with Hana professional, but they end up platonically loving each other any way and he realises his childhood trauma still affects him. Yamato helps shy Hana become more honest and self-confident whereas the more socially savvy Digimon helps the human understand the difference between being blunt & telling the truth and the difference between arrogance & self-assurance.
(To be continued in Part 13...)
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*shows the digivice alongside a vital bracelet as a proof that I’m a tamer myself as a pink, green and blueish purple/violet colored auras glow on my body and devices including my smartphone, and the pink silhouette of a lop, the green one of a terrier and the violet one of a wiz appears by my side, as my hands shake while non-elemental magic flows on my hand in my color which is the same as my energy pink*
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augment-techs · 6 months
I loved your analysis on the relationship between the crests and the characters in MMPR! Now I imagine what the Rangers would look like with the crests colors... Courage is orange, Friendship is blue, Love is red, Knowledge is purple, Purity is green, Honesty is gray (or cyan, if we count the commercial version of the digivice from the 2020 Reboot), Hope is yellow, Light is pink (or magenta, if we count the 2020 Reboot), and Kindness is lilac (or violet, since lilac is a light shade of violet).
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There's....there's a COLOR correlation with the crests??? What?? I haven't seen this series in almost two decades (except the Hosoda directed movie) so my memory of this is sketchy at best--and infinitely hindered by the English Saturday Morning dub--but...oh, fuck. Courage/Orange: Well, Jason is totally fucked. This color is fucking cursed Q_Q Friendship/Blue: ....Oh...my god. Tommy should not be wearing this color. It's like a bad omen. Hell, Trini spent 20 YEARS keeping this away from Drakkon; this is AWFUL. Love/Red: YESSSSSSS!!! AND BULK JUST GOT THIS COLOR IN DARKEST HOUR, TOO!!! Knowledge/Purple: *heavy sigh* *grumbling like a cat* *hesitation* Ssssssssssure. For a short, short, short, short, infinitesimal amount of time....Billy could pull this off. Purity/Green: Oh, look, every Tomberly fan's wet dream. *tosses it at her from a distance* Go for it. Honesty/Gray|Cyan: Uhhh, hm. I actually like this. Matt would look good in a monochrome base with maybe a little line work for pop. Hope/Yellow: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand SAFE!!! *gets down on my knees with a heavenly choir in the background* Thank you, thank you, thank you--finally something to give this man a fucking BREAK. Light/Pink: This feels a little boring? Somehow? But I'm sure this would give Trini and Kimberly something to gush about with each other by way of understanding what the Power brings to this Color, so yes, blessed girl gets Pink~ Kindness/Violet: *looks through every single issue of GGPR* Ohhh. Oh. Zack got his second favorite color! As a treat~
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artypurrs · 2 months
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Digimon themed moodbord!
For @dottypurrs @tortoiseshellmon
Hope you like it 😁
Sprites made by the nice @paburo1 on Twitter, the digivice made by the great NewFileIsland on etsy & the designs was made by @sabedilemon
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Digimon fanfic chapter 1 draft
Hi, I'm posting the draft of chapter 1 of a Digimon fanfic I'm working on for proofreading and if anyone is interested in reading it. It's set in the Adventure canon between 02 and Tri, but follows original characters. Using dub terminology except where I think the dub is dumb. Chapter 2's draft in in the works.
“Your brother is in the Digital World”
Daniel stared at the mysterious message that had just popped up on the family computer, then shouted.
“I knew it!”
“Hmm, knew what, danny?” asked Blue, Daniel’s partner Dracomon as he looked up. The red-eyed, small blue-green dragon with little red wings and antlers had been gnawing on a dog bone on his favorite spot on the family room’s recliner. 
“I just got a message from the Digital World saying that Andrew is there,” replied Daniel, “and don’t call me Danny”. 
It made sense, of course. This would be the second time Andrew disappeared into the Digital World. The first time was in 2000, not long after he watched the battle between the Japanese DigiDestined and Diaboromon on the internet. After a full two months, he returned home to a terrified brother and father with tales of a world full of digital monsters. To prove it, he brought back a partner Digimon, a Dracomon. Andrew never said much about what he went through on his adventure in the Digital World, but his Dracomon was accepted into the family. Two years later in December 2002, Daniel witnessed Andrew sending the light of his Digivice to help a new team of Japanese DigiDestined defeat the terrifying MaloMyotismon. Not long after, a digi-egg and Digivice emerged from the family computer, granting Daniel his own partner Dracomon (nicknamed Blue to tell him apart from Andrew’s) and marking him as a DigiDestined.
“Wha’s the rest of it say?” asked Blue, his interest suddenly diverted from his beloved bone.
Andrew turned back to the computer and read the message out loud.
“Your brother is in the Digital World. We want to help him and we want your help. We don’t have much time. If you want to help, touch your Digivice to the computer screen over this message. You have an hour to decide or we’ll have to go without you”. 
“What do you want to do, Danny?” asked Blue
“Of course we’re going to help, he’d do it for us. Plus, we can finally go on our own adventure just like he did”.
Blue looked excited. “Yeah, adventure!” Then his face fell and he looked down at the dog bone. “But what if there aren’t any bones there?”
“Fine, go get as many as you want, I’m going to write dad a note”.
As Blue ran to grab a bag to collect his precious bones, Daniel went to write his dad a note. He paused before beginning, unsure of what to say, but decided it was best to keep it simple and direct. 
“Dad, Andrew is in the Digital World again. He needs my help, so me and Blue are going to go bring him home. Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine and back again before you know it. See you soon. ~ Daniel”
“I’m ready, Danny,” Blue cheerfully stated, carrying a plastic shopping bag full of at least 4 dog bones still in their packaging.
“I told you, it’s Daniel. I’m not nine anymore,” retorted the annoyed boy as he walked back into the family room. 
It was time. Daniel took a deep breath and took Blue’s hand.
“Let’s do this,” and with that, he held out his Digivice to the computer and the world dissolved in a swirl of colors. 
“Keiko, something’s happening!”
At the sound of her partner’s voice, Keiko Kurosawa looked up from reading her book. The young Japanese girl’s short, black hair, broad-rimmed glasses and outfit (consisting of her school’s blue and white seifuku underneath a black sweatshirt emblazoned with a cartoonish skull) marked her as the quiet type with some unusual interests. What she saw was one of the many television monitors scattered around the Digital World beginning to glow bright enough that she was forced to turn away and shield her eyes. When the light faded, there stood two new figures. One was a human boy a year or two older than her wearing a red tee shirt emblazoned with a yellow star, a pair of khaki shorts, and an expression of wonder. His brown hair was unkempt, causing it to look spikey and showing that he wasn’t the type to care much about how he looked. Next to him was a small blue-green dragon Digimon.
Daniel looked around in amazement. They had arrived in a clearing in a forest, scattered through which were multiple shipping containers buried part way in the ground with no apparent logic or order. Two humans were present, one was a girl in glasses, who was crouching on the ground reading a book. Next to her was a Digimon that looked like a large, purple and white hamster with batlike wings in place of ears. The other human was a few years older than Daniel, around Andrew’s age. He had Asian features and dark, angry eyes underneath short black hair. His clothing (consisting of hiking boots, long pants, a jacket over his black shirt, and a backpack) was practical and clearly intended for someone who spent a lot of time outside. No Digimon stood next to him. 
Woah, Blue,” exclaimed Daniel, “We’re really in the Digital World aren’t we?”
“Beats me,” was the dragon’s reply. “I’ve never been there either”.
“You are in the Digital World,” said the girl. “You can call me Keiko”. Normally she wouldn’t let someone she just met use her given name like that, but when surrounded by Americans do as the Americans do, right?
“What’s up, I’m Daniel,” Said the American (a bit too loudly), as he grabbed Keiko’s hand, making her start a bit at the sudden gesture. “And this is Blue, my partner. Are you DigiDestined, too? That’s your partner? A Patamon, right?”
Keiko was taken aback by Daniel’s abruptness, but she was granted a second to think of a response as her partner angrily spoke up.
“You got dust between your ears? I’m no Patamon, I’m Tsukaimon!”
“Calm down, Tsukaimon,” admonished Keiko. “And yes, she’s my partner.”
Blue opened his mouth to give some response to Tsukaimon’s bluntness, but was interrupted by the third human, who had stepped up to the children and Digimon. 
“Now that you’re here, we need to get a move on,” he said bluntly.
“Who are you?” asked Daniel.
“Clark Yun,” responded the older boy. “I’m a friend of your brother’s and the one who decided to bring you in on this. Let me get something straight right away. I’m the most experienced one here and if you want to get through this safely, listen to me.”
“Uhh ok,” responded Daniel, bewildered by the older boy’s bluntness.
Clark nodded. “I’ll fill you in on more later. For now, we’re in a hurry and need to get moving. But first, there’s someone we need to talk to.” With that, he turned and walked toward the center of the clearing, where a small metal object was embedded in the ground.
“Is he always like this?” Daniel whispered to Keiko as the two followed.
She shrugged in response. “I just met him today and he’s barely said two words until now.”
“I reckon he could use a lesson in manners,” angrily muttered Tsukaimon. 
Clark reached down to the metal object and flipped a switch. Above it, a hologram flickered to life, displaying a young, brown-haired man in a robe.
Daniel gasped. “You’re Gennai, right? The DigiDestined chatroom has tons of stories about you!”
The man chuckled. “As happy as I am to meet a fan, no. My name’s Benjamin. You can think of me as Gennai’s colleague or brother. Or both. Clark here has helped me out with quite a few issues in the Digital World. Right now we have a problem I think you, Daniel, and you, Keiko, will be uniquely suited to solve.”
“My brother, right? Is he in danger?” Daniel asked.
Benjamin nodded. “I’m afraid so. You’ll need help to rescue him. Clark is going to guide you to the Subroutine Jungle, the home of lord Baihumon of the Harmonious Ones. He will give you aid. On your way-”
Whatever Benjamin was about to say was cut off as a combat knife shot out of nowhere, impaling the hologram projector and destroying it in a shower of sparks. 
‘GET DOWN!” yelled Clark. He shoved the shocked Daniel and Keiko behind the nearest shipping container. Their Digimon, being programmed for a dangerous life, had automatically started moving toward cover. 
“What’s going on?” asked Daniel as he picked himself up from the ground.
“It must be a wild Digimon,” said Keiko. “Maybe we intruded on its territory or scared it.”
“That’s no wild Digimon,” replied Clark in a deadly serious tone of voice. “I’ve seen those throwing knives before. It’s Sealsdramon. An assassin. It will wait as long as it needs to to get us. We need to fight and I don’t have a Digimon. It has to be one of you.”
Keiko and Tsukaimon shared a look. “We’ve been to the Digital World before, but not to fight,” said Keiko. “Tsukaimon hasn’t even Digivolved past her Rookie stage.”
“What about you?” asked Clark, turning his gaze to the least experienced member of the team.
Daniel swallowed. Blue had Digivolved, but never been in a real fight. All they knew was what Andrew had showed them 
“Don’t worry,” said Blue. “I’ve digivolved before. We can take care of this, right, Danny?”
Daniel nodded. Of course they could do it. Andrew could, and he showed them what to do.
“You bet we can, partner,” Daniel said, forcing down the shock and worry of the unexpected attack. He pulled his Digivice out of his pocket and held it out toward the little dragon. “Let’s do this”
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon!
In place of the little dragon stood a much larger one. Seven feet tall, with dark blue scales and a pair of wings, the Coredramon’s razor-sharp claws and powerful fangs showed this was a creature programmed for combat. Blue’s wings raised, then beat down, propelling him above the shipping container in one powerful motion. 
“Blue Flare Breath!” A stream of blue fire shot from the dragon’s mouth in the direction the knife had been thrown from. The flame shot toward the trees, splintering them with the sheer power of the blast. Something moved between the fallen trees.
“Left!” yelled Clark. 
Blue, still airborne, whirled left just as another knife shot from the forest, clipping him in the shoulder. Blue roared in pain and let loose another Blue Flare Breath toward the new origin of the knife. More trees splintered and ignited, creating a haze of smoke that began rapidly filling the forest. As Blue squinted, trying to see through the smoke, a figure shot out of it behind him. This Digimon, Sealsdramon, stood shorter than Blue, no taller than an adult man. It had the appearance of a bipedal dinosaur, but its entire body was covered by or composed of metal, making it look more mechanical than biological. One eye was a large blue lens while the other was smaller and red. Two scabbards emerged from its shoulder, a knife held in each one. A third knife was clutched in one mechanical hand. 
Daniel barely had time to yell a warning before the Sealdramon leapt forward. “Death Behind” it declared in a monotone voice as it drove the dagger into Blue’s back. 
Blue roared in pain as the Sealsdramon leapt off of him, leaving the blade in his back. It quickly drew a replacement from one of the twin scabbards, which quickly grew another knife. Blue whirled around and dropped to the ground. The two Digimon glared at each other before charging. Blue lashed out with his powerful claws, aiming a blow at Sealsdramon’s neck, but the assassin dropped down, sliding along the ground and delivering a slash to the dragon’s ankle. 
“Coredramon!” shouted Clark. “Sealsdramon can’t fly!”
Blue’s eyes widened. He once again turned to face Sealsdramon, this time with a notable limp. He roared in challenge and began another charge. Sealsdramon accepted the challenge and once again rused at the blue dragon. Bue once again reached out a claw at Sealsdramon’s head and the other Digimon once again dropped into a slide. This time, however, Blue’s strike had been a decoy. His powerful tail whipped around and wrapped itself around Sealsdramon’s arm. With mighty wingbeats, Blue the Coredramon lifted off into the sky, carrying the captured Sealsdramon with him. 
Sealsdramon slashed at Blue’s tail, attempting to free itself. It needn’t have bothered though, as the coils of the Coredramon’s tail loosened and the larger Digimon dropped it. Too late, Sealsdramon realized its mistake. It has no ability to maneuver in the air, a prisoner of its own momentum. Here, the Coredramon possessed all the advantages. Sealsdramon threw its knife at the target, but Blue the Coredramon was too fast up here. Before the assassin could draw a new knife, Blue had flown directly above it. 
“Blue Flare Breath!” Another jet of blue flame burst forth from Blue’s jaws, aimed directly downward at Sealsdramon. The enemy Digimon, unable to dodge, could only cross its arms in front of it to try to deflect the flame, but this was in vain. The Blue Flare Breath impacted Sealsdramon, slamming it to the ground in a pillar of blue fire. Sealsdramon twitched a few times, then fell still. In less than a second, it died, dissolving into the raw data from which all Digimon are born. 
Blue was barely able to reach the ground before he de-Digivolved back into Dracomon and fell on the ground in a heap. Daniel ran over to his partner.
“Blue! Are you ok?
Blue opened an eye to see Daniel holding him. “Hey, Danny. I did it.” he said weakly
“Yeah, buddy. Yeah you did,” responded Blue’s human, with a worried voice.
Clark, Keiko, and Tsukaimon hurried over to the pair. “We have to go, it’s not safe here,” said Clark. “You did a great job, but you’ll need to rest on the go. They know we’re here now.”
“Who is? What’s going on?” Demanded Tsukaimon as Daniel scooped his partner into his arms. 
“I’ll fill you in on the way,” was the response. “We need to go before they find us again.”
With that, the older boy turned and walked into the forest. After exchanging a look, Daniel, Keiko, and Tsukaimon followed him into the unknown. 
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nami-moittli · 6 months
Thinking about Appmon again
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Note: This will contain both analysis and my own personal headcanons/ideas that have no real canon evidence
So, we all know the applidrives, right? (And of course, by extension the digivices, but we’re talking appmon rn) and of course, each applidrive is color coded for each character. Haru gets red, Astora yellow, Eri blue and Rei black
(Sorry about not having good references for all of them)
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Now, this is all well and good, and the colors all make sense for each chosen child, the only one that you could argue the other way about is with Eri, as she has also been represented by the color pink:
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However, in this picture, it also contradicts Yuujin’s designated color of purple (which I will get to in a moment) and uses a more purple/indigo color for Rei. Though that could just be because they wanted to use a dark, but still vibrant color to match the rest, without just using black and making him look like he’s in grey-scale.
Now, as I mentioned, I can see why they used purple/indigo for Rei, but what about Eri and Yuujin?
Yuujin, like I said, is represented by purple with his applidrive, as shown here:
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So why color him green? Of course, the answer is obvious, because he mainly wears green, so then the question would then shift to: Why choose purple for his appdrive DUO? I believe that it’s because while yes, the colors chosen for the appdrives is due to the chosen that it belongs to, but also the appmon partner as well.
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(Side note, Tumblr only lets me use ten pictures per post, so look up Offmon yourself for the visual)
As you can see, all of the colors match up with the appmon as well, red for Gatchmon, Musimon’s yellow, Dokamon’s blue, Hackmon’s black and, of course, Offmon’s purple.
This would also explain why Eri is colored pink in the shown drawing, but her applidrive is blue.
Am I overthinking this? Yeah, probably. Do I care? Not at all!
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dani-the-toad · 1 year
i feel like such a silly dude with my patamon hoodie and tokomon bag and green d3 digivice with a box full of worms about to be on public transport like. why is this gender affirming
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