#Grandma Stories
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grandma's soup
Kiato, Greece / September 2023
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evolution-ofa-geek · 5 months
Episode 134
GLOW S1E9 - The Liberal Chokehold. Its Last episode of 2023! Open up with the outlook of what my personal fitblr goals for 2024 will look like. I relive childhood memories and a story of being in another country and my grandmother being a savage. On Glow, with the show's future in jeopardy, Bash and the ladies search for creative ways to drum up cash. A pair of revelations leaves Sam reeling.
Get 20% off on adult toys when you enter discount code "evo" at pleasurepassport.shop
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carriejonesbooks · 2 years
Strange and Funny Grandma Stories
Strange and Funny Grandma Stories
It’s time to talk about grandmothers. They can be strange. They can be blunt. They might even smoke blunts. We were live. It was fun. Have a listen. RESOURCES WE MENTION 16 Stories About Grannies Who Made The Childhood Of Their Grandchildren Unforgettable https://notalwaysright.com/tag/grandparents/page/2/ What’s a funny story about your grandma? from…
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so my grandma is 85, and at dinner she dropped the bomb of "Yeah, in Sheboygan, black people weren't allowed to live there at all. There wasn't a neighborhood or anything." like what. grandma. are you being so serious when you say the first time you saw a black person was when you were in eighth grade? or maybe at a family reunion a little before that? again: like what.
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starrspice · 5 months
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Have this Fairy Tale AU to reign in the new year!!
In this AU the prince(s) charming from all the classic stories falls in love with the woodsman rather than their Fairy tale loves after being saved from a band of marauders on their way to the castle one night
Meanwhile the woodsman (Y/N in this case) has decided to hunt down all the dark beasts in the shadows they can find to finally give the kingdom some peace, weather it be wolves or trolls or dragons, they want the people of the kingdom to feel safe. (Some more than others)
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beck-a-leck · 5 months
Saw one too many posts along the lines of 'I put something not oven-safe in the turned off oven for Reasons and then my spouse/roommate/sibling turned on the oven and ruined it!' recently and that combined with my automatic pre-turning on the oven habit of opening the door to make sure there's nothing in there has got me thinking.
I Always check the oven before I turn it on. Doesn't matter if I know for a fact nothing is in there or the racks haven't moved out of the position i want, I always check. And I always check because that's the way I was taught. When I started learning how to cook from my mom, the first thing she taught me to do was check the oven. I always figured that was just a common sense safety thing she passed on, but it also occurred to me that my mom worked as a firefighter/paramedic for a good portion of my childhood. So maybe that was something she passed on from her experiences as a firefighter.
So now I'm curious, and in true tumblr fashion I'm gonna sate my curiosity with a poll.
Note: 'Raised' can mean you had a parent/parental figure who was a firefighter. Or an extended family member who was. Or a family friend. If they served a role in your life that taught you things, they had a hand in raising you.
Obligatory please reblog for sample size. I doubt this will break containment and get more than a dozen or so votes but it would be super cool if it did.
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slavhew · 9 days
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breaking badifies them. happy pride motng
au elaboration under cut
this is just copypasted from twt i forgot to post yetsterday
I imagine that the Dirkjake dynamic would be down on his luck partyboy and the estranged high school friend that coerced him into a drug dealing operation. For reasons he refuses to elaborate on. Jake doesn't really want to be cooking meth but he needs the cash and sees Dirk as the one stable thing in his life really. Dirk really needs a partner and an in to the business and is most of the brains behind the operation.
Dirk is also doing a fair bit of posturing to keep them both safe but Jake... hooo Jake. Dear whining Jake will become a loose cannon when it counts. The power balance would fluctuate alluringly.
To be honest I imagine their dynamic would be much closer to a hypothetical high school au turned drug-dealing and wouldn't be much like Walter and Jesse. Wanna think there would be a happy ending but realistically they'd sink into their worst traits & probably end up in a saw trap by the end of it. I wanna imagine most plot beats still happen... gf dies... "gale" dies... Codependent yaoi and corruption arc flourishes.
I imagine Dirk's wardrobe would start to resemble more and more of Bro's and some of his personality might too. But I also don't think he'd go as far or be as bad as Walter, since here there's a care and concern for Jake as more than a pawn and stand-in (aka the Walter special). Damage would still be done though. The love didn't save anyone etc etc.
Bro and Grandpa would have a dynamic MUCH closer to the s1/2 duo. Devil-may-care stoner and the guy who needs cash FAST and doesn't have time for this shit. I dont think Bro has the tender heart Jesse but he definitely develops some terrible loyalty complex regardless. Honestly have a LOT less idea how their story would go so I'm all ears
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1001100-02 · 11 days
Absolutely accepting of people having preferences but completely baffled by people who think the supernatural is too much for Doctor Who, as if 9 didn't stop Victorian Ghosts, 10 didn't battle a Werewolf, 11 didn't help a child defeat his nightmares come to life, 12 didn't protect a base against underwater ghosts and 13 didn't work to banish bog witches back into their prison?
Just because some sci-fi gobbledegook made it sciency doesn't mean it wasn't magical.
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grandma's hands
Kiato, Greece / July 2023
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honeygrahambitch · 22 days
"Hannibal, have you been reading The Divine Comedy to our 6 weeks old daughter? Again?" Will asks as he finds the book next to the little crib
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jellojolteon · 2 months
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Now that you've made it to the autumn of
Your years and you feel your best yet
-The Bottom of It, Fruit Bats
Izuocha week 2024 Day 6: Cycle/Miracle
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The motif of home is an essential concept to his character. Kaveh describes ‘home’ being different than to that of a ‘house’, as in a house indicates a solitary object, whereas ‘home’ refers to people
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This is explained in the loss of Kaveh’s family resulted in his home becoming a house: “"Home" went from a sanctuary of warmth and light to a cold and lonely hall” (Kaveh Character Story 2).
The concept of a home, then, is particularly important in regard to Alhaitham as Alhaitham invited Kaveh to live in his house after Kaveh sold his family house to pay for the re-building of the Palace of Alcazarzaray. Kaveh, at this point in time, is described to be “homeless”, which is indicative of him not only being without a place to live, but without people which ‘home’ could come into fruition. After meeting Alhaitham for the first time in years after their parting, the concept of ‘home’ is directly related to Alhaitham:
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Upon seeing his family’s house, his old “home”, which he had sold in order to provide the funding to rebuild the Palace of Alcazarzaray, Alhaitham prompts Kaveh to reflect on the pursuit of his ideals, whereafter Kaveh acknowledges that his ideals were not in the wrong, it is his method of achieving them. Kaveh resolves not to give up, and a second chance is presented to him in Alhaitham inviting Kaveh to live with him.
Where Kaveh ‘sees’ his old “home”, the family he no longer belongs to, all he lost due to his regrets, Alhaitham “sees” through Kaveh, understands him, and asks him a question which simultaneously renews his beliefs in his ideals and the future. This passage links Alhaitham’s sense of home to Kaveh, and offers Alhaitham as a home for Kaveh.
(Update: For more analyses like this, the essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
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pansy-picnics · 5 months
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i love these guys i wish the people drawing art for this book had any idea what 11-15 year olds looked like
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deedala · 1 year
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Ian x Mickey in Alternate Takes
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officialjanetweiss · 2 years
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Interviewees in Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives (1992)
Keeley Moll, Stephanie Ozard, Reva Hutkin, Lois M. Stuart, Nairobi, Jeanne Healy, Amanda White, Carol Ritchie-Mackintosh, and Ruth Christine
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vendetta-if · 2 months
Just Posted a Public Side Story for Viktor! ✨
Hi guys! So, I just posted a free side story over on my Patreon and Ko-Fi. It's part of a backstory for Viktor and in this story, it'll be about how Viktor first discovered his power.
There are also bits on some of the other characters' first experiences with their own respective powers and you'll also get a glimpse on the different dynamics/relationships that little Viktor has with his father and his mother.
I've been writing it on the side for the past couple of weeks and it's a pretty long story, around 5K words long. And because of that, I've decided to split it into three parts--all are posted at the same time.
Since the posts, including this tumblr post were scheduled, when I was writing this post, I couldn't link to the posts specifically because they were not posted yet 😆
But if you're reading this, then that means the story (all 3 parts) is already up on both my Patreon page and Ko-Fi now. Just go to either page and you should be able to find them right away.
Sorry, for the pretty scuffed post. I'll make sure to update this post with the links once I'm home 😂
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the story! 🥰
[Patreon] | [Ko-Fi]
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