#Good Parent Sarek
sofiadragon · 9 months
Chapters: Oneshot Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock Characters: Spock (Star Trek), Vulcan Characters (Star Trek), Sarek (Star Trek), James T. Kirk Additional Tags: Pon Farr (Star Trek), Amanda Grayson Lives, Minor Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Insecure James T. Kirk, Vulcans not explaining things to the human in the room, Movie: Star Trek (2009), Alternate Ending, Oral Sex, 69 (Sex Position), Explicit Consent, James T Kirk thinks consent is sexy, Porn with Feelings, T'hy'la (Star Trek), Spock has to prove he is able to consent, POV Spock (Star Trek), Falling In Love, Non-Human Genitalia, Demisexual Spock (Star Trek), Good Parent Sarek (Star Trek)
The loss of Vulcan is psychically traumatic, and there are signs that some will have their Time come sooner than it should as part of an instinctual push to repopulate. Spock, of an age where his first pon farr should be quite soon, experiences a rapid onset fever that shocks several elders with its intensity. Luckily, there is a meddling old man available to move the chess pieces into a more favorable position so Spock won't die from the shock.
Your standard pon farr Spirk porn, set during Star Trek(2009)
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trek-tracks · 1 month
I was going to make a joke about a game of Family Feud with the S'chn T'Gais (Spock, Sarek, Amanda, Sybok, T'Pau, with Michael as an alternate post-TFF) vs. another TOS family...and then I realized that as far as we know on screen, none of the rest of the TOS crew have enough living/non-divorced family members to field a team, and I made myself sad
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vulcanhello · 2 years
sarek being the best, most devoted wife guy ever for amanda while also being the worst, most psychological issues inducing father is what makes him an s tier star trek character
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 7 months
Screaming Family Line by Conan Gray thinking about S’Chn T’Gai Spock
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hobbithabits · 3 months
Yall know the scene in those ‘coming of age’ movies, where the family is having dinner, and the dad points out that new boy to his daughter with the subtly of a freight train. And he says something about him being a good kid, that he’s talented, and then ends with something that directly aligns with what the daughter likes?
Yes. That’s concept, but it’s dinner with Spock and his parents. And Sarek is under the impression that Spock is with Kirk (not wrong), and is trying to convince him that the doctor is a better option(wrong, because he’s also dating McCoy)
“Doctor McCoy is very talented. He’s recived awards for his work I’ve heard.”
“Yes father, he excelled as a doctor before he had joined starfleet as well.”
“He also saved my life, and your own countless times”
“Yes, as was his duty as Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise”
“I noticed as well, that he has incredibly skilled hands.”
“Father I do not wish to-“
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Star Trek comedy gag where Sarek is explaining to Spock why Vulcan parents cannot be as close to their children as humans are meanwhile Tuvok’s in the background buying his children two large fries (to share amongst them) on their way back from the park because they all got good grades this year - not perfect, but progress is always to be commended. 
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thali-lemmonpie · 12 days
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Based on a meme I saw 😌 an explanation of my AU under the cut
I'm not good at writing but this is from an AU I have where Jim had a baby while Spock was doing the Kolinahr, Sarek didn't want him to be distracted so he never told him that he had a son (but Sarek still was full on board on being a grandpa, he's only shitty with Spock)
So Spock went straight to Vulcan after V-ger to sort some things out before going to earth and Jim never had the opportunity to tell him but he just assumed that he already knew since both Sarek and Amanda are so involved with Selik life (baby name) and they were currently taking care of baby while he was on that mission.
Anyway, Spock didn't knew because he went straight to the Entreprise after Kolinahr not even a hello for his parents.
He took Jim words literally and now has to navigate how to be a Sa-mekh to a grumpy 2 years old toddler 😌👍
I have just the beginning written and it is pretty depressing 🤗
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lightshiningforth · 2 years
I low key think that Amanda and Sarek shouldn’t have had a kid.
I’m glad they did, of course! I love Spock with my whole heart.
But I think they’re an example of people who make good spouses but bad parents. They clearly love and respect each other. Amanda enjoys the Vulcan way of life. Sarek, though he’d never admit it, enjoys Amanda’s human modes of affection. They’re each comfortable in their own identities and how they coexist.
While they love Spock, though, they aren’t at all prepared to have a child of two worlds. Sarek expects Spock to behave 100% like a Vulcan, 100% of the time, never mind that he’s human too. Amanda is on board with this parenting strategy and doesn’t offer alternatives, except when she wants Spock to behave more humanly, at which point she gets frustrated that he doesn’t act contrary to the way she raised him. It doesn’t seem as though either of them really stood up for him when he was being tormented by their community, either - they just expected his eventual success to speak for itself. Sarek will never praise Spock to his face. Amanda will, but she also tells Spock that she wishes he’d visit more without telling her husband to get the hell over himself and stop stonewalling their son just bc he disapproves of Spock’s career.
As a result, Spock has such a complex, and who could blame him? He leans hard into his Vulcan identity and all but denies his humanity. He demands perfection from himself and refuses to acknowledge pain or weakness. In “The Naked Time,” he loses control of his inhibitions and the FIRST THING HE DOES is start crying and talking about how he wishes he could say he loves his mom and his friends. In “The Corbomite Maneuver,” he says that Balok - the alien giving them a 10 minute countdown to their deaths - reminds him of his father. In “This Side of Paradise,” he says that “for the first time in [his] life, [he] was happy” - happy only when under the influence of lovey-dovey spores! Granted, I don’t fully believe that Spock is NEVER happy otherwise - he has a loving group of friends on the Enterprise - but that says a lot about how tense and conflicted he always is in the background.
Again, Sarek and Amanda do love Spock. We painfully see that in TNG when Sarek shares his innermost feelings with Picard. And Amanda is always asking Spock how he feels and encouraging him to take care of himself, plus wishing he would come home. But neither of them really understands Spock, nor gives him the support he needs. They had a half human, half Vulcan child, loaded him with high expectations, and sent him into the world to figure himself out. Not great, guys. Not great.
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Logos and Pathos (Book 3) Chapter Thirty-One
TOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Thirty-One: Bond of Love
Summary: The marriage of Spock and (Y/N) arrives.
            “Remember, Spock,” said Amanda, dusting off Spock’s shirt. It was blue and a formal Vulcan outfit. It was fit for a wedding. After all, that was what he was preparing for. “Marriage is a big step in a relationship. You must always remember it is not the end goal of your relationship but the beginning of an even more important part.”
            “Yes, Mother,” said Spock.
            “So, treat (Y/N) right every day. And make sure they know you love them,” said Amanda. She smiled at her son. “I’m so proud of you. And so happy. You two are so good for each other.” She squeezed his arm before walking out of the room.
            Sarek and Spock were left in the room as Spock examined himself in the mirror and once more made sure he was presentable. Then, he turned and faced his father.
            “Spock,” said Sarek, as official and formal as ever.
            “Father,” said Spock.
            “After the…incident with T’Pring, the question of your marriage has been of some consideration for your mother and I,” said Sarek.
            “I am aware that you all intended me to marry T’Pring and that (Y/N) is not a Vulcan,” said Spock.
            Sarek raised a hand, and Spock stopped. “Your choice is no issue. It never would be.” That was as close as Sarek would come to saying that what he wanted was for his son to be happy. “And (Y/N) is an efficient, intelligent officer. They are very suitable.”
            Spock nodded. This was Sarek’s approval (and it was quite the approval. It was Sarek’s version of saying “(Y/N) is a good choice, and I’m glad you’re marrying them”). Both of his parents liked (Y/N) and were happy for the pair (even without saying it, Spock knew).
            Sarek nodded in return to Spock and raised his hand in the Vulcan salute. “Live long and prosper, Spock. Together with your spouse.”
            Spock returned the gesture. “Thank you, Father.”
            Sarek nodded and exited. A moment later, Spock walked out and moved towards the garden of one of Celia’s parks. Flower bushes and trees lined the paths, and Spock made his way towards the canopy of petals woven for fiancés to stand below and marry.
            “How are you feeling?” said Kirk, peeling off from where he’d been sitting in the chairs set out for guests.
            “Captain, I would think by now you would know that sort of question is unnecessary,” said Spock.
            Kirk waved a hand. “Eh, sure, but it’s your wedding day, Spock. Aren’t you excited?”
            “I am…pleased,” said Spock, the slight acknowledgement of his anticipation of marrying the love of his life all he would give as a Vulcan.
            “I’m so happy for you,” said Kirk, grinning. “And you and (Y/N) are perfect for each other.”
            “Thank you for your words, Captain,” said Spock, inclining his head. “And thank you for accompanying me to my wedding as a friend.”
            “Of course, Spock. You’re like my brother,” said Kirk, smiling.
            “Hey, Spock,” said Bones, walking up in his own formal wear. He crossed his arms. “Listen, I know you and (Y/N) are head-over-heels, out-of-your-minds in love.”
            “Doctor, your need for exaggeration astounds me,” said Spock, but the words had the underlying fondness that Spock and Bonse always had for each other.”
            “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” said Bones. “My point is…you two are annoyingly in love, and I’m happy for you.” He narrowed his eyes. “But if you hurt (Y/N), I’m gonna use you to learn where Vulcan organs are.”
            Spock raised an eyebrow. “Doctor, the threats are unnecessary. I intend no harm to (Y/N).”
            “Good,” said Bones. Then, he smiled and clapped Spock on the back. “Have a good marriage. I’m sure you guys will be great.” He walked off, and Kirk and Spock watched him go.
            Kirk chuckled. “Even Bones is happy. Look at that.”
            “Dr. McCoy has always chosen unorthodox ways of showing his feelings,” observed Spock. “How unusual.”
            “How human,” teased Kirk. He patted Spock on the shoulder. “Now, come on, let’s get in place. It’s almost time.”
            Spock nodded. “Indeed.” He was almost married to (Y/N).
            “Oh, (Y/N), we’re so happy for you,” said Eirene, hugging her child and kissing their forehead.
            “Spock and you are a great couple,” said Nikomedes. He squeezed (Y/N)’s hand. “An unusual choice to some people, but seeing you two together…Oh, darling, you’re so in love with him and so happy.”
            “And that’s all that matters to us,” said Eirene. She smiled. “Your happiness.”
            “Thanks, Mom, Dad,” said (Y/N), smiling. “I’m very happy. I love Spock so much, and even if some people can’t tell, he loves me. I’ve never had to doubt it.”
            “Then you’re going to be very happy for the rest of your life,” said Eirene. She walked towards the door. “We’re so happy, darling. So happy.”
            Nikomedes and Eirene walked out the door, and Uhura peeked her head in.
            “(Y/N), you look breathtaking,” said Uhura, smiling.
            “So do you,” said (Y/N), smiling at their friend.
            In Celian culture, a close friend walked the spouse to marry (familial love was involved in getting the person ready, then friends brought them to their romantic love. All types of love were involved and honored). Uhura had been honored when (Y/N) had explained that they couldn’t think of a friend they’d want more. She had been more than happy to accept.
            “Thank you,” said Uhura, laughing lightly. She wore a long red dress. “I’m just happy to get a chance to dress up.” She winked. “And I’m happy for you to be getting married.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Is everyone here?”
            “Yeah. We’re all ready to go,” said Uhura. She extended a hand. “Are you ready to go?”
            (Y/N) took it. “I am. I’m ready to be married.”
            (Y/N) rounded the garden path and was faced with the aisle to the canopy Spock stood under. The guests at the wedding turned to watch them. Friends and family alike were there to support Spock and (Y/N) as they finally (finally) married. (Y/N) passed by T’Pring and Stonn (which was nice to see) and Regulus and Elias (who had matching rings on their ring fingers, coincidentally). They passed by Amanda and Sarek, Spock’s parents. On the other side of the isle sat Eirene, Nikomedes, Alekto, Merope, and Bones. Kirk waited to the ride of Spock, and Uhura held (Y/N)’s hand gently as she guided them towards Spock, their beloved.
            (Y/N) stepped up onto the dais, and the canopy of flowers opened up in a blooming swirl of petals. Sunlight shone down on the couple and highlighted their beauty, but they only looked at each other. (Y/N) admired the intricate details of Spock’s formal Vulcan attire, and Spock simply stared at the cream gown floating around (Y/N) that glowed with the same gold of their eyes and aura. Neither had ever found another person so attractive, and they had never been so in love with each other.
            No, that would be a lie. They always loved each other as deeply as a person could. That never changed.
            The Celian officiant stepped forward first. “We are gathered here today to see the union of (Y/N) and Spock.” She raised her hands to Kirk and Uhura. “May we have the rings?”
            Kirk and Uhura extended their hands to Spock and (Y/N), and each person took one.
            “(Y/N), with this ring you give Spock your loyalty and your love. Do you understand that the bond between you entwines your emotions, your minds, and your hearts in their entirety?” said the Celian officiant.
            “I do,” said (Y/N), smiling. The ring in their hand was gold and had a blue stone, the exact shade of Spock’s aura. It glowed for a moment before fading.
            “Then do you accept this bonding of heart and mind in matrimony?” said the Celian officiant.
            “I do,” said (Y/N), completely confident in their choices.
            “And you, Spock, with this ring you give (Y/N) your loyalty and your love. Do you understand that the bond between you entwines your emotions, your minds, and your hearts in their entirety?” asked the Celian officiant.
            “I do,” said Spock, voice monotone as ever but completely at ease. His gaze didn’t leave (Y/N)’s. The gold ring with a Vokaya stone glowed for a moment.
            “Then do you accept this bonding of heart and mind in matrimony?”
            “I do.” Spock wouldn’t have it any other way.
            “You may exchange the rings and accept your bond,” said the Celian officiant.
            (Y/N) held out their hand, and Spock slipped the Vokaya ring onto their finger. (Y/N) then placed their ring onto his. The instant they both wore it, they felt the beginnings of their psychic bond beginning as their marriage and devotion tied them together.
            The Celian officiant stepped back, and the Vulcan officiant stepped forward.
            “Raise your right hands,” he said.
            Spock and (Y/N) obeyed, their left hands with rings staying by their sides. One side for the Celians, the other for the Vulcans. Spock and (Y/N) merged traditions just as they came together in marriage.
            “You may touch fingers,” said the Vulcan officiant.
            (Y/N) and Spock touched their first two fingers to one another.
            “You are about to enter into the deepest connection a Vulcan may have—the marriage bond,” said the Vulcan. He looked between the two. “A psychic bond is not to be taken likely. Do you swear loyalty and respect to one another?”
            “We do,” said (Y/N) and Spock.
            “And do you swear to uphold the values of Vulcan and of Celia?” said the Vulcan officiant.
            “We do.”
            “Then your minds may come together,” said the Vulcan officiant. “You may forge the marriage bond.”
            (Y/N) and Spock closed their eyes.
            “Your minds to each other. Let your minds connect. Forge the marriage bond,” said the Vulcan.
            (Y/N) and Spock felt the threads started by the Celian traditions grow tighter, stronger as the Vulcan traditions bonded with them. They were marrying two cultures and two people. Their minds and emotions moved together, and although they separated and were individuals once more, Spock and (Y/N) could feel the connection between them.
            Spock could feel (Y/N)’s love for him, and (Y/N) could feel how at peace Spock was with himself around them. The psychic bond was not invasive in the slightest. It was strong enough to tie them together forever, no matter how far apart they were, but it was gentle. Calm. Quiet.
            It was the feeling of lying under the sun silently beside another person—warmth and companionship. It was everything (Y/N) and Spock could ask for. And it had all been created by their love.
            They opened their eyes. Spock’s gaze softened. (Y/N) smiled.
            “The marriage bond has been created,” said the Vulcan officiant.
            The Celian officiant stepped up beside him again. “We give you the married couple, Spock and (Y/N).”
            Amanda clapped happily, and Sarek, Stonn, and T’Pring nodded in approval. Regulus and Elias cheered and applauded. (Y/N)’s family and the Starfleet officers were the loudest, of course. They whooped and cheered, happy for their friends to be finally married and happy together.
            (Y/N) laughed and curled their two fingers around Spock’s fondly. They were married. They were married. To Spock! The love of their life!
            “I don’t think I could possibly be happier, Spock,” said (Y/N), smiling widely at him.
            “I believe I would greatly enjoy kissing my dear spouse,” said Spock, eyes warm with love.
            (Y/N) didn’t need the bond to feel his devotion. They smiled warmly. “Then kiss me, my husband.”
            Spock leaned in and kissed them, pulling his fingers away from theirs only to pick them up bridal-style. But his lips never left theirs as he spun them around. Spock would love them forever. He knew that was the truest thought he’d ever had.
            “I love you, (Y/N),” said Spock, separating only to speak for a moment.
            “I love you, too, Spock,” said (Y/N), putting their hands around his neck and pulling him back in for a kiss, and Spock was only too happy to oblige.
            Logos may appeal to logic, and pathos may appeal to emotion, but if there was one singular truth in the world, it was that (Y/N) and Spock loved each other, and it made perfect, logical sense for them to have such an emotion.
            (Y/N) and Spock kissed each other with that emotion, full of the knowledge that their hearts and minds were one. They were in love.
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emonydeborah · 9 months
SNW and DISCO spoilers
so I watched the Una episodes of discovery with no other context. So it’s just the episode where they find the sphere and the last two episodes of season two.
they really go buckwild on this ship. Tilly is being eaten by fungus and no one tells anyone. Jett and the mushroom man get high and slap each other out of it. Also did Jett appear from the vents? Michael is having a family crisis. Saru asked his friend to help him commit ritual suicide and I think a part of his brain fell out. Also I didn’t know he spoke so many languages so that was cool.
they are so dramatic here. The shocked and horrified stares around at each other made the finale an hour long otherwise it would have been like 30 minutes. I expect this from Chris but good grief. The letters goodbye one bye one? Sarek and Amanda somehow showing up ahead of a whole fleet to tell Michael they love her? The sibling fight as the ship is being fired upon? (that one tracks actually) I like it for the big moments but are they always like this?? And is the “eyes up” thing a thing and why doesn’t Chris do it anymore?
I do like the found familyness I am sensing. The whole fam banding together to go with Michael was sweet. And their goodbye to Chris. This is the level of found family where I’d expect to find at least a few of those foster kid fanfics where they refuse to leave each other and the foster parents get six kids at once. I have not looked but I would be disappointed if there aren’t any.
Pike’s stepdad energy is so strong. The whole crew does what they want and loop him in when they feel like it. They are fine without him and have their own system and dynamics going on. He knows it, too, which is hilarious to watch from just knowing him from snw. He really just intervenes to keep his genius stepchildren from straying too far off the mission. They are running around like overexcited puppies (“the sphere is trying to communicate!!!!”) and he keeps them from gnawing on the walls. But he is a good stepdad in that he is ready to throw hands and use his ship as a shield so they can get away from section 31.
then as soon as he gets back to enterprise he brings all of the evil fbi apparently. Una is not surprised and has tricked out the whole ship and the shuttles for battle without prompt. She went Chris was out of my sight for too long we need to be ready to fight the galaxy.
and some more Una notes: Katrina Cornwell seemed tall and commanding until she stood next to Una and it was hilarious how small she was. Took me out of the dramatic bomb defusing moment but I still had fun. And Chris knew someone was going to die from that torpedo and got Una out as soon as he knew there were no other options. My pikeuna heart.
And Una choosing violence with the interrogation sent me. SNW fans know she has been hiding and afraid of scrutiny her whole life, and this is how she shows it. What a woman. She did not even tell them her name. Did we know she was Una at this point or was she Number One all the way until snw premiered?
“Follow the queen.” *Chris immediately looks at Una* I see you Chris.
it is obvious that they did not know how they were going to open snw with Chris being depressed and Una going missing but I liked their shock and happiness when Spock showed up beardless.
idk if I am intrigued enough to watch this whole show but I like Georgiou being their personal annoying gremlin. “Everybody hates you. Congratulations.” Also queen Po going if I die I die.
did not like Una going “in English please” to literally another navigator. We know she’s a genius let her be one y’all. If it were a science person going off a thousand words a minute I would allow it. But Una was talking to a pilot. Do better.
IN GENERAL, a good time. I was there for Una and she was not there much, but that was expected I guess. I was not prepared for how emotional discovery's crew would be. They are all in their feelings at all times. I liked them as a crew and maybe I will return one day.
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Everyone's like Amanda was the good parent and Sarek was the bad one FUCKING WAS SHE THO??????Like?idk about the new canon but she was fucking awful to Spock and the reason he doesn't think about her that way is bc she was there for him growing up in a way no one else was, in a way no one else was supposed to be. She was the only source of emotional support he'd ever known before Jim. What did she actually do for him though apart from be human? and what has she done since? has she tried at all to make up for what she's done or apologise? She watches him suffer and chooses her husband every time. And then guilts him about it. "I watched you come home stiff lipped and knew u were crying on the inside" ok and???????what the fuck did u do about it?????She smacked him in the face for trying to not disappoint his dad by going to see him in hospital, something they both knew he'd bully him for. As if she's never met him as if she doesn't know that when Sarek talks all that shit to him it actually hurts??she always has to remind him he has feelings but his feelings also clearly don't matter to her. He knows that she loves him though. because she says it out loud. That's the only real difference. How could he ever hold her accountable when she loves him and no one else does. How is he supposed to recognise when love is good or when it's being held over his head as a threat
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dig-jules · 1 year
here’s some things I’ve convinced of for no reason:
• bones is a hypochondriac. Like I know he’s a doctor and that’s a sucky career path when you’re terrified of everything that has to do with germs but like he kind of does it all out of guilt anyway so what's one more horror beyond comprehension to deal with?
• Jim was chosen as fit to live on Tarsus and it’s why he can only value himself through his successes
• Spock wears eyeshadow kind of as a cultural thing but mostly just as a looking good thing
• Spock has naturally curly hair
• Uhura Sulu and Chekov run a gossip ring for the entirety of the ship
• Sickbay is kind of like US doctor's offices where most people don't really see the actual doctor unless it's an emergency or if they do it's really briefly. McCoy usually only works on the "i just went on an away mission and my body is falling apart" type stuff or the senior officers in general so most of the crew is more friendly and familiar with Chapel and M'Benga
• Spock doesn’t understand why the humans call the stars in other systems "suns", but he goes along with it because they all do
• each department has team bonding meetings and sometimes HR interventions
• pretty sure that whole hosting spock's consciousness thing fucked mccoy's brain up permanently
• eyeshadow is rlly normalized in their time and sulu and bones both like wearing it
• idk I just think Jim be wearing dresses like that bitch so wears dresses
• it's not really a utopia bc there's still a lot of racism and misogyny and homophobia and transphobia etc. etc. it's mostly just a federation marketing tactic
• the romulans were right sometimes
• don’t remember who but someone on here said once that Sarek and Amanda care more about their relationship than their kids and that having kids was just a “logical” conclusion of them being married and I think that’s actually true. Very much here for the neither of them were good parents even though Amanda is more outwardly compassionate interpretation
• on that note I don’t think Spock is a lab baby
• since bones and Scotty actually shared a bathroom (which is hilarious) I think they were much better friends than in just the like 1 scene they had together in the show
• Jim is still exactly the same amount of nerd loser as he was in the academy it just has appeal now that he has a title
• bones is Protestant and really tries to believe in God bc he grew up Protestant but mostly he just gets that Christian guilt
• TAS is the fourth year of the five year mission
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westworldparty19 · 2 years
The relationship between Spock and Sarek is so good and so reflective of a complicated relationship with your parent. There are a lot of other good posts about the negative side of their relationship and how they ended up not reconciling but I want to talk about the middle of Spock’s life.
How Sarek busted down Jim’s door looking for his son’s katra. How he knew to go to Jim because he understood that they are the most important people in each other’s lives. How at the end of Search for Spock Sarek has to consent to fal-tor-pan and how he says that logic is not enough when it comes to his son. The whole movie he goes against logic and holds on to hope. And then he presumably teaches Spock about Vulcan and briefly about Spock’s own life.
And then in the one with whales Sarek defends the main crew at their court marshal because they did it to save Spock.
And still through all this, they cannot reconcile their differences and end their lives not forgiving each other.
Parental love will make you turn your back on your strongest beliefs and literally resurrect your child from the dead, but it can’t make you like your kid.
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vulcanhello · 2 years
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thegeminisage · 5 months
sigh. tng update time. tuesday we did "sarek" and last night i sadly watched "menage a troi" on my own.
sarek: the fact that they mentioned his "son's wedding" once near the beginning and never clarified distracted me for the entire episode until i could google it. and google gave me no answers except to say that he married saavik in some semi-canonical novel. i hate that because saavik was his student (i guess aos had him right after all...) and also because of whatever horrible and weird thing they had going on in search for spock. WHICH BY THE WAY BROKE PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED CANON don't get me started
anyway, aside from that, this episode fucking ruled
i love the concept of vulcan dementia just being vulcan emotionalism. i wonder if it's genetic. i wonder if spock would've gotten it had he lived longer. i kind of wish spock had been the one following sarek around containing his emotions even though i wouldn't wish that fate on him cuz then i would've gotten to see him :(
less thrilled about the new wife. they could have had someone else play amanda if her real actress wasn't available (and she wasn't dead, i checked). if people live for like 150 years in the future there simply wasn't long enough for her to die and for sarek to have gotten remarried, especially if vulcans bond for life (which i guess was implied in some interpretations of amok time but not canonized).
actually, if sarek had once been bonded to someone as spock was to t'pring, how did HE wind up with a human wife...did he get remarried so quickly because of pon farr or does that wind down as vulcans get older...so many questions which will never be answered
anyway, i loved the sudden bursts of anger, it was so fun. uh except for beverly hitting her kid but it wasnt Her so we can move past it. especially thrilled with riker and picard almost getting into it
SAREK CRYING? ok king. i wish we had gotten to see spock cry and not in that deleted tmp scene
i loved picard's nerdery of him also. that makes the mind meld very fun. the rituals are literally intricate. also, "we shall always have the best parts of each other inside of us" i HOPE THATS TRUE FOR SPOCK AND KIRK AND BONES. i read an excerpt from a novel. well. i don't want to talk about it
anyway, picard calling out to spock and amanda...maybe i did well up a little at the mention of spock's name. who can say!!!!!
menage a troi: SSSSSSSSSSSIGH
ok, so i grabbed this one by myself because the summary looked bad and we're trying to finish s3 before chr*stmas fucks up all our social plans. no matter how bad the summary was, the actual episode was WORSE
i have three good things to say about this episode actually. the first was that i like that deanna yelled at her mom again, although this time i know better than to expect it to stick. the second was that i LOOOOVED deanna and riker's little date outfits. extremely charming. and finally i loved when lwaxana handed riker that horrible looking vegetable and he ate it with only mild reluctance. king is literally down to clown.
the rest of this ep was garbage. i know we didn't actually see any sex happen but i feel like they implied pretty heavily that the ferengi fucked her, possibly even multiple times. and like it's funny! ha ha ha look at the crazy situations this eccentric lady gets into! ha ha ha look at her and deanna having to run around naked!
somehow, this was the worst lwaxana episode yet. idk why i actually expected them to do a little better in s3. like, if i was gene roddenberry and they did this to my WIFE on MY SHOW. but you can put even odds on it being his idea or him getting off to it. his horrible little fetish fuel.
cherry on top was lwaxana's self-sacrifice at the end where she stays behind to let deanna escape sex slavery or whatever. which one felt like a classic narcissist parent thing and two wasn't even real - it was an excuse for picard to do badly-acted poetry on the bridge to pretend to be her jealous lover to get them to let her go. and then after all that she goes right back to sexually harassing HIM. because it's funny! ha ha ha!
anyway, it's a shame they had wes's little arc as the b plot of this episode because it was fine and feels important continuity wise, and yet every list on earth will rightfully suggest this episode get skipped because it fucking sucks.
tonight, the last two episodes of season 3 - "transfigurations" and "best of both worlds part i." i already know picard gets BORGED in the finale because i've known that since i was a baby and i am WAITING!!! they fucjing blue balled me in the first borg ep and i am MORE than ready for some brainwashed cyborg action. palette cleanser after lwaxana troi episodes.
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flibbertygigget · 2 years
Ok so I'm imagining Sarek in a Spock/McCoy au
Who's been taking care of, like, a BUNCH of official stuff for Spock on Vulcan for years because that's kind of a standard thing. And when he asks if his son's new adun wants him to take care of that shit as well McCoy's like "sure" because he literally doesn't think he has ANY Official Affairs on Vulcan
But it turns out that being an official representative is, like, actually something Vulcans take Very Seriously. And I imagine that McCoy has written some ridiculous medical research about, like, creating emergency medicine for unfamiliar species and how to reprogram a tricorder to deal with his ridiculous mixed-species FO/husband.
So now that the Vulcans know an official channel to get this shit from they ask Sarek to ask McCoy if they can translate his shit into Vulcan, use it in schools, etc. And McCoy's like "eh, do whatever you want" whenever Sarek asks him anything so Sarek winds up just,,, arranging all this shit
So eventually Spock and McCoy wind up going to visit Vulcan for whatever reason and McCoy's, like, immediately hit with a BILLION Very Official Invitations to, like, guest lecture at various places and go to fancy academic dinners and co-write books about xenomedicine and
McCoy is fucking BAFFLED and Sarek's just like "sorry, you literally said you didn't care so I just kind of arranged for everything to happen the Right Way". And Spock is just like "ah, good, they are appreciating your amazing research" and McCoy's just like "I DIDN'T BRING A SUIT ON OUR VACATION TO YOUR PARENTS' PLACE"
Just,,, give me Sarek and Spock and every other Vulcan being like "ah yes this Terran medical expert with unique experience is someone to be respected academically" and McCoy being like "I have never been so confused in my life but at least now Spock has to admit that I'm not TOTALLY illogical"
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