#Girl Scout Cookies Shatter
urbanflorals · 3 months
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Hiii im Emma the amount of fandoms I'm in is concerning. The amount of books i'm writing at once is also concerning. Point is you should just be concerned, enjoy your stay at my blog - here is a piece of cake 🍰
-> Im Emma/Ems or whatever nickname u want to give me I love giving people nicknames and petnames. Basic info -> She/her, minor, capricorn, intj, australian, ferrari girl, i will defend my babies warnette and evajacks until i die, a believer in sarcasm, i post about my writing sometimes, sometimes - cause im too lazy to write, im an ambivert and a joey lynch and damon torrance defender
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Books -> [series] The inheritance games, acotar, shatter me, the folk of the air, pjo [im new to the fandom] the prison healer, caraval, ouabh, dance of theives, divine rivals, boys of tommen, the lunar chronicles, the red queen, the naturals, six of crows, devils night, boys of tommen [standalone] Better than the movies, the do over, betting on you (basically anything by lynn painter), the cheat sheet, powerless, the summer of broken rules and A LOT more. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Music -> taylor swift, gracie abrams, [recently getting into] maisie peters, tate mcrea, sadie jean, a little of lana del rey, chase atlantic, artic monkeys, guns and roses, conan gray. my music is all over the place lmao. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Movies/tv shows -> friends, b99, babysitters club, alexa and katie, fuller house, now you see me 1&2, oceans 11,12&13, knives out 1&2, mamma mia, adam project, red notice, enola holmes, and pretty much most chick flicks 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Other -> rain <3, christmas, baking/cooking, art -> I paint, sketch, and draw, whenever I feel like it. I mostly draw though. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 Moodboards -> I love making moodboards here is the masterlist 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝Writing -> i have a few side blogs but my public writing blog is @the-ballad-of-us and i also have a secret one see if you can find it ;)
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Misc -> my dream life is to runaway to paris or new york and open up a bookstore/cafe/flower shop. (and to be the rich hot aunt the everyone loves), I want to travel when I'm older! [places] -> London, Paris, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Germany, New York, Bahamas, Japan, Korea, and a bunch more!, I spend an unhealthy amount of time on Pinterest and Tumblr, 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 -> If we're moots, we're best friends, no takes backs. -> I over use lmao, lol, <3, :), and 😭 too much. im trying not to come on too strong and be rude lol (right there see? perfect example) -> My Wattpad -> My Pinterest -> I love talking to new people, and asks and dms (only for minors unless i agree to it :)) are always open <3 -> i most likely won't follow you back if you don't have an intro post, but if you want to get to know me just send me an ask :) 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Special people ->@skeelly - kris, @percabeths-blue-cookies - har, @a-beautiful-fool - lou lou, @moonlightt444 - mare bear, @nqds - nadsies, @mqstermindswift - nicky, @lost-in-reveriie - addy, @art-of-fools - mr o'hare, @reminiscentreader - jas, @myster3y - my wifey kiara, @sophiesonlinediary - soph, @deprivedofbraincellsandsleep - zia, @runwiththerain - ives, @doyoujustnotwantto - mihane, @that-multi-fandom-hijabi - nova my world manipulation partner, @hijabi-desi-bookworm - esme, @gergthecat - scout, @baboland - aria, @missedyour21st - fay, @daydream-of-a-wallflower - kat + all my other moots that i didn't tag but rlly wanted too [if you want to be added or removed just let me know!! <333
𓆝 this is a safe space for everyone!! ↳ Dni - if you're a racist, homophobe, sexist, pedos, ect..
love ya all <3
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cuppajj · 2 years
The SG/DJD from your sentient sg/ll universe did what?👀
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My interpretation of the Shattered Glass DJD is that they’re a humanitarian group who search for missing or captured Decepticons to rescue. They would’ve started out as a team who brought defectors and Autobots to justice (morally), hence their name, but they eventually expanded their operation into becoming a rescue squad. I also like to think they do Girl Scout things like hand out cookies but that’s besides the point 😆
Personalitywise I imagine Tarn is a bold, noble, sometimes excitable leader not unlike Thunderclash, Kaon is sweet but incredibly shy, Vos is a little clumsy but means well, Helex is a skittish gentle giant, and Tesarus is the joke cracker. The Pet exists too, but they call him Dominus; he had originally been an Autobot sleeper agent before attempting to defect to the Decepticons, getting caught, and being domesticated as punishment. The DJD would take him in and begin finding a way to fix him. The DJD are less business associates and more of a found family. (Also their alt modes aren't torture devices anymore: Helex is a heavy vehicle, Tesarus is a cannon, and Kaon is an electrical generator.)
Like in the normal comic, the business they have with the LL isn’t with the one that we follow, but its quantum duplicate caused by the initial engine explosion. Overlord (peachlord but he wouldn’t have been peach yet), who had gone missing since the Elba incursion, would be their highest priority for search and rescue, being the most powerful Decepticon warrior and a close friend of Tarn’s. After their business on Clemency, Kaon would have picked up a distress signal coming from somewhere in deep space. As they approach that sector, they also pick up on Overlord’s life signal in the same region the first one came from.
Long story short, tracking the two signals leads them to the duplicate Lost Light. The distress signal and Overlord’s signal both originated here, which worries them; but nevertheless they enter the ship, and are greeted with a horrifying sight. Dead bodies are strewn about, some tangled up in cords while others have torn limbs. The vast majority, however, look as if they simply dropped dead, with no visible wounds on them. Vos would run an analysis on the bodies and deduce that they had ingested some kind of lethal substance—gas, most likely—that forced their systems into a permanent shutdown. From what he can tell, these bodies are recently deceased; shortly before, during, or after the time period in which the distress signal was received.
Little do they know that they’re already being watched. The Lost Light is well aware of who they are, and they are also aware of why they’re here. They don’t take kindly to intruders disturbing the peace of their crew, so they intend to trap the DJD in the same place Overlord is in: the slow cell, which they find after what seems like ages of searching and carefully stepping past the unsettlingly peaceful-looking bodies.
When they free Overlord from the cell, they find that the teal Decepticon has been heavily sedated and can barely walk. Helex and Tesarus hoist their arms around him to carry him out with the others, but before they can do that, the slow cell door shuts and the Lost Light finally reveals themself.
“I am not fond of trespassers,” they boom with barely hidden ire. “If wish to defile this place to retrieve your charge, then you will stay with him until you rot.”
The DJD are taken aback by the omnipresent voice, and while some (Helex) begin to panic that they don’t have any way out, Tarn takes the lead and blasts a hole through the door with his fusion cannon. The group with Overlord pile out and begin to make their break for the ship (not called the peaceful tyranny here… Peaceful Truth? Prosperous Truth?). The LL attempts to trap them and grab them with their intricate systems but they’re able to blast through everything and fight everything back, and they eventually reach their ship and they pull away from the LL. They believe they’re safe as they steer the PT away, but then they transform, revealing that they’re a massive Cybertronian who now dwarfs them. A battle ensues, the PT shooting at the duplicate LL as they attempt to swat/crush it. The PT lands a perfect shot into LL’s optics, rendering them blind as they scream, and one final barrage through their chassis deals the killing blow. The DJD, shaken by the close call, watch as the duplicate LL keels over and falls silent. Soon after the PT flies away, the titan succumbs to rigormorphis and transforms back into their alternate mode, cold and dead just like the hundreds of bodies inside them.
Some of the DJD, particularly Helex, are slightly traumatized by the ordeal. They'd been surrounded by corpses before, but not in a way like this. And to realize that the walls around them could see them and speak to them, and urge to kill them... well, if a seemingly lifeless ship could be alive, then what else is there? Who else is there?
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
Unexpected Guests on an Impromptu Vacation
It's time for some Fionna and Cake!
It's my first time writing these characters, so be gentle with me comments!
What's up next? No idea. But I'll cross that bridge tomorrow. Enjoy y'all!
Word Count: 2,400
Fionna felt like today was a good one. She had the energy to actually attempt to clean her apartment, even do some laundry! Maybe, if she was lucky, she'd get to the dishes. Ah, what a dream.
Cake was chilling on the couch, napping in a sunbeam, living her best cat life.
Things had definitely been picking up, for the both of them. For everyone! Even Simon was keeping in touch!
But, she did wonder a bit what happened to Prismo.
He seemed just so... tired. She had definitely been there, was probably still there when they met. She couldn't imagine being a state like that in a place like the Time Room. As cool as that whole thing was, she couldn't think of herself... living there. As a shadow. Forever.
She hoped he was okay... Last she saw was him getting shattered against a wall by that creep, Scarab.
She sometimes wondered what happened to him as well. He was a creep, he tried to tear down her world in a temper tantrum, tried to kill her and Cake and Simon multiple times, spoke to them with that sickly smug attitude, but... Something was off. Kind of reminded her of Marshall when the two first met.
He was something desperate. Desperate for approval, and decided to make it everyone else's problem.
Fionna didn't know how junk like that was handled by gods, but boy would she have liked to been a fly on that wall.
As she dumped another stack of take-out boxes into a garbage bag, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Cake groaned, lifting her head up to stare at the door like it offended her.
"You invite anybody over" she whined.
"Uhhh... No? And Marshall doesn't knock. You didn't order more take out, right?"
"Not ever since you changed your phone password."
"You know that was for your own good." Fionna shook her head. "Okay, so, then, who's at the door?"
"Open it and find out, girl. See if it's one of those girl scouts! I wanna try their cookies."
There was another knock on the door. More persistent than before.
"Fine, fine, hold on."
She ran a hand through her hair as she let the door swing open, leaning on the doorknob.
"How can I hel-AAAAAH!"
"Afternoon, Crossovers."
He definitely looked different, not even looking like his human disguise in that weird Post-Apocalypse Farm World. But there was no questioning that red hair, those large eyes, that voice. Standing in her doorway, casually leaning on a cane, just as stoic as ever was Scarab.
"IT'S SCARAB-" Fionna took a few steps back, reaching for anything she could use as a weapon, hand eventually settling on a broom. Cake sprung to her side, hissing ferociously, hand morphed to be much bigger, claws to match.
"What, you here for a rematch, creep?! We beat the stuffing out of you the first time, don't think we won't do it again! Boy, I will punt you to the moon if you don't-"
"Woah, woah, hey, no punting needed" a new voice chimed in. A dark brown hand tapped at Scarab's waist, to which the Auditor stepped slightly to the side.
An old man peered into the doorway. He radiated the energy of a burn out uncle, the fun one you hang out with at family reunions who might smell vaguely of weed. He had long, curly gray hair tied into a loose pony tail, and a beard to match. He was dressed somewhere between sleepwear and beach bum.
"Scrabs, we talked about calling them Crossovers."
Wait a second. That voice... Those eyes...
"PRISMO!" the two girls cheered together.
"Man, I thought you died or something" Cake blurted out.
Prismo laughed with his whole chest. "Nah, it'd take more than a wall to bring me down. I just got boxed is all. Although someone did leave me at the bottom of my hot tub the whole time."
Scarab rolled his eyes, but some color bloomed on his cheeks. Was he... embarrassed...?
"I thought I had already apologized for that."
"You did, I was just teasing. But, anyway, yeah, not dead! Quite the opposite actually." He hit Fionna with a smile that made her want to have smores and sit by the fire with him.
"Wait, why are you so... tiny? You were massive back in the Time Room!"
"Yeah, well, you saw my actual body when you were escaping. I'm just a little old man. Somehow getting hairier and balder at the same time. Someone explain that why don't ya."
"As much as I'm sure this is fascinating for you, may we please come in and sit down a moment...? This body is not quite agreeing with me."
Cake leveled Scarab with a harsh glare.
"And why should we let you in? Prismo, is he after you again?" She stretched her face very close to the Wishmaster. "Blink twice if you're a hostage" she whisper-shouted.
Prismo raised a hand to give her forehead a small scratch as he laughed a little. "Guys, calm down, he's with me. I'm not a hostage, he's not after me, no one is."
Fionna saw Prismo give Scarab's upper arm a squeeze as he directed a very pointed "Ahem" at the Auditor.
Scarab had the decency to look... meek almost as he tucked his head a bit closer to his shoulders.
"I am... I am sorry for my actions against you, Fionna and Cake... I apologize for my pursuit of you, and my rampage in your world. It was... it was destructive and cruel, and you did not deserve it..."
Prismo grinned, giving Scarab a small pat on the shoulder.
Fionna blinked dumbly, looking at Cake for a second. The cat seemed equally confused and shrugged.
"Uhh... Thanks I guess....? Uh... Prismo, can we talk for a second...?"
"Yeah man, sure. Wait here Scrabs, I'll be back."
Scarab nodded, leaning a bit more on the cane.
"Cake, watch him."
"Oh, I wasn't about to leave. You talk, girl."
Fionna took Prismo by the shoulder, guiding him inside. She cringed at the still remaining mess, wishing she had a bit more time to tidy up. Not every day the creator of your universe drops by to say howdy. But, the Wishmaster didn't seem to mind. Quite the opposite, actually, looking at every little thing with a degree of wonder.
"Yeah? What'd you need to talk about?"
"...Pris, why did you bring him here? Didn't he, like, wanna kill you or something?"
"No, no, it wasn't like that... He was... in a difficult position at work. Got into some major trouble over what happened here, but I stuck up for him. He got put under my management, and he's been... chilling out. A lot."
"Dude, he tried to erase my universe. He chased me, Cake, and Simon across the multiverse. What kind of 'difficult position' makes that okay?"
"It wasn't okay. He knows that. His apology was a genuine one. But, it was his job, assigned to him by the Boss, to remove what he perceived as a threat to the multiverse. It wasn't okay that he tried to destroy it after it was canonized, and he's atoning for that. But it was his job as an Auditor to track you down."
Fionna didn't look very convinced. Prismo ran fingers through his hair as he thought.
"Look... You guys have, like, the IRS, right? They take your money. No one likes that they take your money, but it wasn't the agent's personal choice to take your money. They might get some glee if they took money from someone they don't like, but it's not the agent's choice to take money."
Fionna frowned, thinking of her own taxes.
"Scarab is that IRS agent. But on a cosmic scale. It wasn't his choice to come after me, it was his job that he was assigned to. He had grudges, so it was more personal than normal, but it was still his job. If he ignored it, he'd be in trouble. Like, major trouble. Getting fired isn't really an option for entities like us. Trust me, his manager was a real piece of work. It was either you or him. But he's sorry he took it as far as he did. He really is. Can you just... give it a chance...? Please?"
Prismo's eyes were big. Puppy like. Ugh...
"...I mean..." she sighed. "...Okay. Fine. Cake, let him in."
She looked at her cat, who was giving her a scrutinizing look. The two had a wordless conversation before she nodded, stepping aside.
She watched in mild fascination and confusion and Scarab... teetered in. That's how she could describe him moving. Teetering. He made a beeline for the couch, sitting down and holding his head. Prismo came to his side, putting steady hands on his shoulder, whispering something.
"What's going on, girl" Cake whispered as they watched the two gods on her couch.
"I dunno. Prismo's vouching for him. Something about a shitty manager, but like, for gods?"
"For real? Man, you'd think they'd be above junk like that."
"Guess not. Could you imagine Queenie or Butterscotch with god powers?" Fionna shuddered even thinking about it. Slowly, she made her way to settle on the bed nearby.
"Right, sorry, we just kind popped up" Prismo said sheepishly. "I... I got permission from one of the Higher Ups to have a corporeal body for a bit."
"Approximately 120 Time Waves" Scarab murmured, sounding a little dazed.
There was a pause of confusion.
"It's about five days, I think" Prismo corrected. "We both got bodies for five days, and I wanted to... well I wanted to see the universe I made. I only ever get to watch junk from a screen, so I wanted to live like... well, like you guys! It's been like, hundreds of thousands of years since I've had to live like a human. I thought it'd be a fun vacation or something."
Fionna snorted. "Bro, you have a sad idea of a vacation if you think my life is a break from god junk."
Prismo laughed with them. "Look, normalcy is a treat compared to the lives we live. When you see everything, it's a break to not know what's happening."
Scarab nodded in agreement.
"...Hey, is he okay" Cake interjected.
Prismo looked at Scarab, gently wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"He'll be okay. His corporeal body's got some... issues. Putting it in a human shape is making him a little woozy sometimes. He'll recover, give him some time."
"Yes, I'll be... okay. It has been a while since I had a physical form and felt like this." Scarab seemed to be becoming a bit more lucid.
As Fionna looked at him, she did start noticing a few extra details. The cane he had rested across his legs was more... practical that the crystal one he was carrying around on the manhunt. He was dressed much more casually than she remembered. Still formal, but more in a "smart business casual" way, with red accents.
Fiona remembered, in the doorway, how he was leaning on the cane so heavily...
"Waaaait a second. You were chasing us halfway across the multiverse and your cane was... You, like, needed it? It wasn't just for show?"
Scarab made a... cricket sound? His cheeks flushed a little, looking away. "...Yes, I needed the cane. What, are you going to laugh?"
"No no, wasn't laughing dude! It's just... you were doing all these crazy back flips and combat poses and shit! If it wasn't so terrifying, I'd say it was flipping awesome!"
Scarab blinked, kinda like an owl, like he wasn't used to being complimented. Prismo gave him a grin, nudging him with an elbow.
"I-I... Thank you... If it means anything, you three were one of my... better chases."
"Uh... Thanks, I think? It's just... wild you're sitting here. And you're so..."
"Non psychotic?"
"What, it's true."
Fionna blundered her way to an apology before Scarab held up a hand.
"No, she's right... I was not acting in a way that was... anywhere close to acceptable. But... Well, my time with Prismo has allowed me to... find something about myself. Something I had... forgotten, having been in my line of work for so long. It was a breaking point, and I'm sorry that it was your world that got caught in the crossfire."
"Hey man, I've... I've been there. I dropped my pants in front of a boss once. I'm glad Prismo's been... good for you?"
She pointedly ignored the look Cake was shooting her. A look that said "We're talking about this later."
"I... I can't say I expected you to relate but... Thank you. I hope you've found a healthy place as well." Scarab rubbed the back of his head, chittering awkwardly.
"Soooo.... Five days, huh? You guys have like, a place to crash or...?"
Scarab made an exacerbated sigh. "Don't get Prismo started on that Glob forsaken rust bucket he's conjured."
"I got us an RV!"
Fionna nearly choked on her soda at the truly defeated look Scarab was wearing.
"Prismo, that vehicle is terrible, and it smells like pickle brine."
"It's great, you're just cranky, Lovebug."
"Lovebug" Cake whispered, which Fionna shushed.
"We're gonna be camping out outside of town in the RV. So, if you wanna like, come hang out for a cookout or whatever, you're welcome to!"
Fionna smiled at the kind of infectious enthusiasm from Prismo. It was kinda childlike, but in an endearing way.
"Well, if you're looking for stuff to do, we'd be happy to give the grand tour. It's a nice place, when you're not trying to erase it from reality."
Scarab had the decency to avert his gaze but gave an amused smile. "That sounds like an acceptable plan. I'd personally like to know where there's a good place to eat, if for no reason than to veto Prismo's pickle for dinner idea."
"I was winning you over, you gotta admit."
"I will do no such thing, Prismo, it was a terrible idea."
"Aw man... Well, let's get out of here then! C'mon! Lets see the sights!"
"Let's go then, honey" Cake encouraged. "Maybe we could go thrifting and get him into something without buttons" she added as she pointed at Scarab.
Prismo squealed in excitement as he shot up, bounded out of the apartment, nearly dragging Scarab along behind him with a less than dignified yelp, barely enough time to get his cane back under him.
Fionna looked at Cake. Then back at the open door.
"Sooo... They're, like, bon-"
"Oh, they're fucking."
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richie-shitlips · 16 days
grief is so fucking weird
like i'm okay. i didn't even see her everyday. she lived far away
and then i remember
oh. she's gone. she's not coming back.
and there were fireworks going off nearby when i got the news, i could hear them
and it's so weird to me, how some people can celebrate while others worlds are being shattered
and i feel guilty. i didn't spend enough time with her the last time i visited, i think. the nursing home scared me, i skipped out on going half the time. and i feel bad, i don't even remember if i said i loved her before i went back home
and then i'm fine, i go back to thinking about my fandoms and everything's normal. i listen to a musical soundtrack. i write a fic. laugh with my friend. eat girl scout cookies.
and then i remember, oh. she's gone. she's not coming back.
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calibudornobudsociety · 8 months
Cali Donatello Shatter
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Cali Donatello Shatter
Cali Donatello Shatter is from a rare evenly balanced hybrid strain (50% indica/50% sativa) created through a potent cross of the classic Girl Scout Cookies Forum Cut X StarDawg F2 strains. Forget your dog – this treat is totally made for you. Milk-Bone brings on a delicious sedative and calming high that will have you couch-locked and totally immovable for hours on end after just a hit or two. A cerebral lift kicks off the Milk-Bone high, filling your cerebral state with a fuzzy sense of calm and ease. This translates into a tranquil feeling of peace, relaxing your mental state and leaving you free of any negative moods or racing thoughts. In combination with its high 18% + average THC level, Milk-Bone is often said to be perfect for treating those suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, cramps or muscle spasms, depression, and chronic stress. Hybrid – 50% Sativa /50% Indica
Cali Donatello Shatter THC: 18%
Cali Milk Bone Shatter. This bud has small spade-shaped dark olive green nugs with rich purple undertones, bright orange hairs, and a coating of tiny frosty purple-tinted crystal trichomes. As you pull apart each sticky little nugget, you can detect aromas of heavy pungent fuel and nutty chemicals, all wrapped up in a dank skunky package. Cali Donatello Shatter The flavor is on the lighter side, with a nutty cookie taste that turns heavy and pungent upon exhale. Effects Of Cali Donatello-
Feelings- Uplifted 20% of people report feeling uplifted after consuming Cali Donatello Shatter Relaxed 20% of people report feeling relaxed Hungry 20% of people report feeling hungry Happy 20% of people report feeling happy after consuming Cali Donatello Shatter
Dizzy 20% of people report feeling dizzy Dry mouth 20% of people report feeling dry mouth
Helps with-
Cali Milk Bone Shatter helps with Anxiety 40% of people say it helps with anxiety Depression 20% of people say it helps with depression Headaches 20% of people say it helps with headaches Pain 20% of people say it helps with pain Stress 20% of people say it helps with stress. https://buycalibudornobudonline.com/product/birthday-cake-strain/
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
highlights from davy’s commentary on too many girls:
davy claims that whenever their kits were set up on set they would actually use the time in-between shoots to practise!
i forgot this!! but davy brought up the fact that mike’s blonde gretsch was stolen. he also says at the same time mike’s gretsch was being made they also made davy a custom gretsch bass guitar.
this is one of davy’s favourite episodes! he keeps reiterating how talented an actress he thought kelly jean peters was (fern)
davy says the woman who did a bunch of choreography for them on the show (the woman who appears in cuddly toy) also did a bunch of choreography for the elvis movies
fucking goes off an a little tangent about how much he loves girl scout cookies 😂
not my gay ass tearing up when davy apropos to nothing just says the guys were like the brothers he never had 🥺
davy points out that peter always wore his belt buckle to the side 💖
DAVY LAUGHING WAAAAYYY TOO HARD DURING MICKY’S TALENT SHOW BIT!!! he really liked peter’s gags too, but he really liked micky’s bit (i’ve thought this for a while but i’m pretty sure davy was low key high key a fan of micky prior to the show). he says micky’s james cagney was his favourite
“we had such a great time, i wish you all could have been there” -> said at the end of the episode and thusly shattered my heart to pieces
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.24
Hotaru : Emergency roll call! Emergency roll call! Inner Scouts wake up! Emergency roll call!
Usagi : Hey, what's the rush, Hotaru?
Rei : Did you wake us up all of a sudden.
Ami : Yeah, what's going on?
(cuts to the girls talking to Luna with their hi-tech shades)
Ami : Hold the phone, what?
Usagi : So, you called us, Luna?
Minako : Yeah, what's the sitch?
Luna : Sailor Scouts. I have information that a heartless of another person who was killed by the Toguro brothers that it wants his sister, Usagi and his mother, Ikuko, dead to have his revenge for turning to the darkside and became the heartless that is darkside. They say that the person who tried to hurt you, enslave you, and corrupt you for the saked of covering into Darkness and he brings nothing but death and destruction to all of humanity and of course superheroes like you as well.
Michiru : A Heartless that is a person who became another Darkside?
Setsuna : That's our business that is messing with it could be someone's brother and besides, Shingo Tsukino, that bratty brother of Sailor Moon that tried to corrupt us and the entire planet in darkness, was killed by the Toguro Brothers. Remember, Usagi? Did you have to remember?
Usagi : Yes, I did. My brother was such a brat sometimes, I stopped him and not bother for the all times he did were pranks. He took my towel and made an ENF prank, then he put hot sauce on my sandwich that was supposed to be ketchup that I was supposed to eat, and then what happened when did something? Last night, He put sleeping powder in the cookies and then put itching powder in our clothes to makes go itch! Oh wait, that was sneezing powder in the cookies and then itching powder in the clothes. I'm still desperate to live for myself and I'm still chafing! Good thing that I decided that he got what he deserved after horrifying incident that he did to us and the others! So he got what he deserved, sweet classic justice.
Hotaru : Look, Usagi. I know you feel bad about your brother's death, getting him killed the Toguro Brothers isn't exactly a part of your revenge idea for what we call paybacks in the 90s. Although they did something good for what he got he deserved he used a device that once tries to corrupt us and cover the planet darkness so that he could seek out for Dark Nebula. And by the way, I thought I was going to grow to get into boys.
Michiru : Hmph! Serves them right for messing with us. I don't know why your brothers wants to get you and involved with us in his dirty ways fo a shota. Japan had no concerns of Shingo breaking the law, that's what Shotas do and Japan needs justice to the Shotas! This is why need to stay from children that are teasers or bullies.
Haruka : Basically, I did the anti-bullying PSA thing in Japan and America. I had to teach those dweebs a lesson, Did we remember having a PSA thing about bullying and did some education for the children?
Usagi : Of course we did. In fact that we--*BOOM!* I'm gonna go outside to check.
(cuts to Usagi outside on the Earth's moon)
[Bad Girl - Sota Fujimori]
Usagi : Alright, where are you, punk! Darkside, come on out and face the warrior!
Darkside (?) : I'm right here, Usagi! (Usagi turns and sees Darkside)
Usagi : Huh? I guess you're here all of a sudden.
(the Sailor Scouts arrives in front of Darkside)
Rei : Huh? You again! Didn't we destroyed you in Tokyo!?
Minako : It's the professor! He's still at it again, didn't we? Listen here, nutty professor. You stripped us bare skin and put us inside those tanks to become your filthy corrupted superhero puppets to cover the whole planet in darkness! Well, guess what? You're dead this time and you are not coming back!
Usagi : Guys...? I don't think this is Professor Tomoe.
Minako : Wait, how did you know that this isn't the professor, and who the heck could this Darkside might be?
Darkside (?) : My, my, Usagi. What a cold reception from your friends that have the nerves after the Toguro killed me for the likes of you being a superhero. Well, guess what, it someone who gave me a device that will put an end to the Sailor Scouts and bring my life long dream of planetary conquest from Dark Nebula. But now then...Don't tell me that you forgotten the most important thing of all...your brother!
Usagi : Hmmm...Oh my God(gasped in shock after he sees a body inside Darkside what it appears to be none other than...) Shingo!
Rei : Hey, now we remember! This is the brother of you that tried to turn us into villain with the powers of the device he was given? He made us stripped our selves bare skin and would make us total Shotacons, but the Toguro brothers came and stopped his wicked ways before the power of Darkness overcame him!
Usagi : My God, Shingo! That's why you mad mom fret with despair of loosing you. You did that to her, Shingo! You ruined our lives! You manipulated us for foolishness! Why on earth would do that for Dark Nebula!
Darkside (Shingo Tsukino) : You know why and how did I become into this giant creature of darkness! You wanna know what really happened? You Usagi. You did this to me and given my demise before the Darkness overcame to me!
Usagi : Wh-What!? I did to what?! How on earth did you know that? Why? How? What did I ever do to you Shingo? Answer me!
Shingo Tsukino : With this incredible, I will make the Sailor Scouts into superheroic b*tches to be under the direct orders from the villains and then Dark Nebula have the planet conquered in total darkness! This is going to be so much awesome! *WHOOSH+WHIP CRACK* Huh? Hey! That's mine! Give it back!
Elder Toguro : I'm sorry were you looking for this!?(WHOOSH+SMASH!) Oops! Did I broke your little toy on purpose?
Younger Toguro : So it seems that we heard the whole thing that you've been smuggling the dark forces of evil and I bet children like you aren't allowed to use those things that isn't a child's play toy.
Elder Toguro : Playtime is over, Kid. You have no sense into villainy at all. You dare call yourself a brother by corrupting your sister and her friends? I don't even trust you.
Usagi : What's going on? Why are we naked? Are we free? Shingo? Were using us to conquer the planet?
Shingo Tsukino : Usagi! Wait! I can explain!
[Hidden Memories - Yutaka Minobe]
Usagi : (gasped in shock) Hotaru, Chibiusa, the outer scouts. So was this your doing? I can't believe this! I trusted you! I told not to do it and you did! So be it!
Elder Toguro : Here, catch! (passes Usagi a dagger and she pulls it out)
Usagi : You little heartless thug! You used me! You used my friends! Why you...Why you...!
Shingo Tsukino : Wait a sec! Hold on! Are you going to draw a blade on your little brother!?
Usagi : Shingo Tsukino, as a relative and as a brother that is unwanted person, I can never forgive a little gremlin like you! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO US! AND FOR THE RECORD...(charges at Shingo) I DESPISE OF YOU, BROTHER!!!
Tuxedo Mask : (in horror) USAGI! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Shingo Tsukino : (screams in Agony)
Tuxedo Mask : USAGIIIIII!!!
"On the next day, we cleared our names and cleansed all the evidence that we caused."
"Just why does any family member wants to bring us into the darkside and takes others' dignities away from us? If humans wants to become nothing more than arrogant beings, then I believed that men has committed like Adam and women who committed those that has eaten a forbidden fruit like Eve."
"How pitiful that humanity is bringing their hearts to the darkness and turn evil for the wicked ways of being a villain."
"That someday, No one will ever be happy when we are gone from the earth and decided to put our lives in peace on the moon."
~ Act 24 : Shedding Moon ~
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15 Best cookie time strain Bloggers You Need to Follow
Excitement About Garlic Cookies (Pure Instinto): Cannabis Strain Info
Table of ContentsThe 4-Minute Rule for Garlic Cookies (Pure Instinto): Cannabis Strain InfoNot known Facts About Gmo Cookies Cannabis Strain - Sour Garlic Cookies ReviewThe Main Principles Of Garlic Cookies Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews
Fresh Bros has currently officially partnered along with Packwoods, Runtz, as well as D8 to deliver you Runtz Pens, D8 Pens and also we have restocked our primary selection. The Garlic Cookies strain is a marijuana strain that is actually created from intercrossing Chemdawg and also Girl Scout Cookies. sour garlic cookies weed strain. This stress attacks the physical body system tough when consumed in the appropriate dosage.
The test of the Garlic Cookies strain reveals that the THC web content differs coming from 29 to thirty three% - garlic strains weed. Also the CBD amount is 3% indicating it was actually made specifically for customers along with significant marijuana endurance (sour garlic cookies strain info). This tension is a heavy hitter and has 90% Indica stress. Individuals must take in moderate dosages since overuse can easily lead to paranoia or even intense couch-lock.
The GMO Cookies possess intense buddies with shades of olive dark-green. You will certainly see a coating of white trichomes, purple hues as well as some orange trichomes woven around the buddy. Unlike other marijuana pressures, the Garlic Cookies buds are lengthy as well as level, comparable to pepper form. The GMO Cookies plants are actually robust, heavy and also expand averagely (cookies runtz).
The breed stems from a powerful Oriental family tree and also its own companions are the Hindu Kush and also Lemon Thai (garlic triangle wookies strain). The extremely higher THC amounts of these stress imply it gives lots of leisure and medicinal benefits (divine runtz strain). Coming from the mental edge, it supplies great relaxation advantages for those along with stress and stress problems.
You will certainly slip in to massive rest briefly after breathing in a dosage. Some consumers have actually also noted that the Garlic Cookies strain can easily help enhance attention and also enhance innovation. You become much more successful and also churn out far better outcomes when made use of in small dosages. lemon cookie weed. It has actually revealed some good effects against ache, inflammation and also migraines.
Not known Details About Garlic Cookies Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews
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For one, it helps make users starving, so you could would like to consume it prior to smoking it. It threatens to utilize on a vacant stomach. Some customers have likewise grumbled that it creates their mouth dry out and creates eye impulses. Try to possess a bottle of water shut by while having a drag to battle these impacts.
This pressure may be grown easily outdoors and also inside your home as well as is normally collected in Oct. New Bros has right now formally partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, as well as D8 to carry you Runtz Pens, D8 Pens and also our experts have actually replenished our major assortment. gmo garlic strain.
Enthusiasts of Garlic Cookies point out that the adventure it provides is just like its own GSC parent - cookies shatter. It has structure results that unveil on their own as time go on with resilient results. They mention these impacts are experienced in both mind and body, starting with a thrill of ecstasy that raises the thoughts right into a state of joy and happiness.
General Garlic Cookies gives a powerful experience that is each uplifting and also relaxing - cookies weed strain.
This details is sourced from our audiences as well as is actually not a substitute for professional clinical tips. Seek the tips of a wellness specialist before making use of cannabis for a clinical disorder.
The Best Strategy To Use For 3.5g Gmo Garlic Cookies (Indica Strain) Pre-roll 10pk
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They produce vivid trichomes and watered-down leaves that alter from green to orange, reddish or even black (garlic butter strain allbud). Minority sodas that increase there break short, showing very small, shovel-like nuggets. The flower petals are actually typically white and also crystalline as a result of the solid coating of trichomes that cover them. garlic banger strain. GMO biscuits may do properly inside and outdoors, yet develop absolute best outdoors.
Nonetheless, with shut assessment you'll find that the blooms are a pleasant umbra of mild green with distinguishing tones of purple in addition to a handful of electrical orange pistils. Garlic Cookies is a remarkably stimulating bud, though certainly not in the technique you 'd expect. In reality, it scents like just about anything but rejuvenating.
It maintained us down, without a doubt (garlic runtz). If our team must give it a superstar score, we will need to go with an ideal 5. This acclaimed tension is a joy in all groups, as well as our team presume you'll enjoy it very. Ensure to try some on your own the next opportunity you view it on your favored gift menu.
As stated earlier, Garlic Cookies is actually referred to as among the strongest pressures readily available, on a regular basis assessing out at over 30% THC. Those trying to find a physical body relaxing, hefty couchlock indica need to have look no more, this will be your favored pressure. Garlic Cookies is actually absolute best appreciated in the end of the time (cookies runtz strain).
Whatever you phone it, GMO, GMO Cookies, Chem Cookies, as well as Garlic Cookies has actually left their mark on the marijuana market as well as end up being an essential at the dispensaries. Seeds and also duplicates are actually readily available online often, therefore inspect your preferred seed providers' websites to view if they're about. white cookies weed. Being among the greatest stress of our opportunity, this is one cannabis tension not to become missed.
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weedmartonlineca · 3 years
The Benefits of Using an Online Weed Dispensary
Cannabis in all forms was wrongly portrayed as an addictive and dangerous drug during the “reefer madness” era. Today’s world views things differently. Both scientists and medical professionals have long praised marijuana for its many health benefits. It can help manage chronic pain, as well as the side effects of serious illnesses. Marijuana is more than a lucrative business and great investment. By 2020, it’s expected to provide more jobs than traditional manufacturing companies. It’s also a great way to have fun. How do you go about getting it? We have our opinion on why purchasing cannabis online is the best way to go, whether you are a veteran smoker or just starting out.
1. There are more options
The best reason to buy marijuana online is because of these reasons. You have so many options when you shop online. You will likely be limited by what you are given by traditional dispensaries or dealers. Even though dispensaries may offer a few options for you, they might not be able to give you the information you need. Brick-and-mortar dispensaries are likely to only stock what is sold. You might have trouble finding something if it’s more rare. You might also find that they are trying to get rid of their old stock, which can lead to lower quality products. Online shops offer a greater selection that you can peruse at your leisure, without the need to follow any sales pressure.
2. Your privacy will be protected
It’s possible that some people in your life won’t want to know that green is a favorite of yours. It’s hard to conceal what you are buying at a local dispensary. You might also have some questions, especially if you are just getting started with cannabis. Online shopping is completely free from judgment. Online dispensaries will provide discreet, discreet packaging so your neighbors won’t be able to tell the difference.
3. You can shop from anywhere
A good online dispensary is one of the reasons so many people love it. Online dispensaries are convenient and easy to use. It’s possible to do it anywhere, anytime with an Internet connection. You can wear whatever you like. It’s not necessary to drive to the dispensary or reorganize your work schedule to accommodate its hours. This is particularly important for patients who are looking to use cannabis to treat Girl Scout Cookies Shatter and other conditions. You can still receive the relief you require even if you aren’t able to leave your home.
4. You will get a better deal
It matters — even when you’re buying cannabis. It is not a secret that many street sellers used to take people for rides back in the day. You might be surprised to know that brick-and-mortar dispensaries do the same thing. Online dispensaries can give you discounts, coupons, and other benefits that traditional shops can’t offer. Online dispensaries have great connections with marijuana producers and companies that their customers can really benefit from. Many offer free delivery or deep discounts! Because they don’t have the worry of paying for rent or employee salaries, or even security, they can afford it. You’ll see the savings in your finances.
5. It’s better to be educated
You need to feel confident that the people you are dealing with love what they do. Our online marijuana shop is run by the best people in the industry, who are eager to share their knowledge with customers. Online dispensaries aren’t just selling marijuana. They want to provide a great experience and allow people to try different kinds of marijuana. There are also FAQ pages and live chat options. Blogs provide valuable information on how to make the most of your smoking experience. You can also be sure that what you are buying is safe and certified online. This level of security and guarantee is not available to you if you purchase from random dealers or sometimes even a brick-and mortar dispensary.
Are You Ready to Connect with a Top Online Dispensary
You now know why online dispensaries are the best. Now, it’s time to find the right one for you. We’ll save you time and direct you to our amazing online weed shop. We have everything you need, whether you are looking for cannabis for recreational or medical purposes. We offer CBD oil, CBD concentrates, edibles, Breath Weed,Razz Strain,QP Weed, Stoned Panda,Weed Shake and topicals as well as vapes, vapes salvia, hybrid options and indica. To learn more about how to take your pot smoking experience to the next level and to gain a better understanding of Canadian marijuana issues; be sure to check out https://weedmart.online/ on a regular basis.
Enjoy a great cannabis experience with our high-quality products, fast and friendly service. We promise you will be addicted to us and the weed after one experience.
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pushtreedispensary · 3 years
Why It Is Beneficial To Buy California Cookie Pre-Rolls Online?
Sour Diesel Shatter USA Vaping has become a popular activity since many people show their interest in it. In case you are one of them, possibilities are you wish to find supplies like California Cookie Pre-Rolls , Backwoods Vanilla Cigars that are quality ones, and affordable too. Though you can get to buy vape supplies offline. But there are some advantages given when you choose to buy vaping supplies from an online store.
·         Price:
At online stores, vapor supplies are available for sale. This means you don’t need to pay a hefty amount to get them. When you choose to purchase anything like California Cookie Pre-Rolls, Girl Scout Cookies Shatterfrom online suppliers, then you can get it at affordable rates. Because online vendors don’t have to pay overhead costs that offline vape store owners pay. And as an outcome, online suppliers pass the savings on to customers.
·         Remain secret:
Many people can be found these days who prefer vaping. Though this is a great option than smoking conventional cigarettes, it doesn’t imply that everybody wants their identity to be disclosed. 
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Some people consider vaping as a bad activity. In case you are anxious about what others might think in case they find out your habit, then shopping vaping supplies from your local store cannot be a good option. But when you purchase these items online, you can get them delivered discreetly at your doorstep.
·         Convenience:
Everybody with an internet connection can easily find online vape stores. When you plan to purchase vaping supplies online, you can do whenever you want since these stores don’t have a fixed closing time. Moreover, you can even get to explore an array of products that is another great feature of online vape stores.
So, if you are planning to buy vaping supplies including Sour Diesel Shatter USA, consider buying them from an online store.
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medichronicbc · 4 years
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brightengale · 4 years
continued thread with @shattered-catalyst​
“Trying to liberate them can be tricky business. As long as they aren’t actively hurting people best to leave them alone, Kitten. And Girl Scouts give us access to the one true power! And that power is Thin Mints. If they come knocking again you definitely open the door and use my card to buy at least three boxes.”
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rishujii007-blog · 5 years
We are providing the best medical marijuana online with Sour Diesel Cannabis Oil, 5 Jack Herer CO2 Oil cartridges, Lemon OG Wax, OG Kush Shatter, Martian Moonrocks, Girl Scout Cookies.
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cannabisshouse21 · 3 years
Are you troubling buying white widow kush? Buy withe widow kush online and get flat 40% Off with Cannabisshouse. This strain holds a pretty balanced 60:40 sativa/indica ratio ( Brazil Sativa x South Indian Indica) that leads one to a cognitive driven high with a relaxing undertone. For more information regarding window kush visit the website.
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Cookie Season | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! It's the most wonderful time of the year... 🍪
If you like what you read, throw me a reblog so others can find my stuff 🥰
Warnings: cookies! And so much Bucky fluff
Grocery bags tumbled to the floor, crashing against the hardwood and alerting Bucky that you were home. “Baby, hey!” he caught the bag slipping from your hand, saving the wine you bought from shattering all over the floor, “why didn’t you tell me you were coming home? I would’ve helped you carry everything”. He hated when you insisted on doing everything yourself, not letting him lift a finger. He told you time and time again that the wounds from his missions healed practically overnight, but you still wanted him to rest. “I totally got it, Buck, I didn’t need any help!” you caught a bag from slipping from your grasp, quirking an eyebrow at him. “See?”
He couldn’t help but laugh at his stubborn, headstrong girlfriend. “Right…sure thing, sweets”, he shot you a wink and left a kiss on your cheek, “at least let me help you put everything away- wow…you got a lot of stuff”. The mass of bags resting on the floor was larger than your normal grocery haul, considerably so. You always made sure Bucky was well fed and had access to a fully-stocked pantry, but this seemed like overkill- even for someone with Bucky’s metabolism. “Are we prepping for the apocalypse, doll?” A sly smile stretched across your face as you rolled began rummaging through the groceries to unearth your surprise.
He watched you search for the right bags, stepping over the jar of peanut butter that had escaped your grasp. “Here! Found ‘em!” you snatched a few bags from the floor and held them up, “I got you-well, us- something special!” Of course you did. You always found a little something extra to get for Bucky, something you knew would make him smile. You were thoughtful in that way, you made him feel special. Knowing that he was on your mind while you were running your errands made his cheeks grow pink.
He never got himself anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary, telling himself that he didn’t deserve the little things in life- but you disagreed. You wished he'd treat himself to something-anything- that would bring him comfort or happiness, but he refused. The job to treat Bucky fell to you, and it was a job you loved doing. His self-imposed punishment of depriving himself from anything that wasn't absolutely necessary for his survival made you sad. You wanted Bucky to get exactly what he wanted- what he deserved.
Bucky leaned against the kitchen island, watching you with a lovestruck gaze- he loved when you got excited like this. A few strands of hair fell into your face as you hauled the mystery bags up onto the counter. Dumping the contents on the kitchen island, you presented Bucky with your spoils. He cocked his head to the side, picking up one of the boxes and examining it carefully. “Cookies?” he asked. With a huff, you made your way around the counter, standing mere inches from Bucky’s hulking form.
“These aren’t just any cookies, Barnes. These are Girl Scout cookies…” your serious tone left Bucky confused. He didn’t know why these cookies were so special, nor did he have any idea what a Girl Scout was. “Okay- let me explain”, you ripped open a box of Peanut Butter Patties, offering him one of your favorite cookies. “Every year around this time, the Girl Scouts sell cookies as a fundraiser. They’re an organization that’s all about empowering young girls and teaching them about important stuff, like leadership and having confidence and being a good person- they’re awesome”.
Bucky took a cookie from the box you opened and put the whole thing in his mouth, his eyes lighting up at as the chocolate and peanut butter melted in his mouth. He reached for another one immediately, popping it in his mouth with a happy sigh. “And they have all these different flavors, so…” you reached across the counter, collecting all the boxes and placing them in front of Bucky, “I bought all of them”. Bucky just stared at you, bewildered by the sheer amount of cookies that sat before him.
His expression made you nervous. He quietly stared down at all the boxes, his eyes flitting from one flavor to another. What you thought was a sweet gesture clearly wasn’t going over well with Bucky, and you felt embarrassment seeping into your chest. “I really love them, and I know you’ve never gotten to try any- they’re kind of a big staple, so I thought it was a good idea,” you said sheepishly, “and the money goes to a good cause…”
Bucky’s lips met yours in a sweet, chocolatey kiss. “Baby, it’s a great idea. You know I have a sweet tooth,” he kissed you again, smiling against your lips, “can we do a taste test?” With that, you tore open the boxes. “Okay, first we’ve got Thin Mints, which are chocolate and mint, and then we’ve got Trefoils, they’re shortbread”, you offered him one of each, watching with a dopey smile as he devoured both. Bucky’s heart soared. He never thought he’d be so lucky as to spend a relaxing Sunday having a cookie taste test with someone he loved.
“How did you like those?” you asked, laughing as Bucky gave you a double thumbs up, his mouth still full. “Alright, next is…Lemonades. They’re shortbread with a lemon icing”, you handed Bucky the cookie, watching as his lips puckered ever so slightly at the tart flavor. He snatched a few more from the box, gushing over the sweet and sour tang of lemon. “Peanut Butter Patties are my all time favorite, but you’ve already had those, so-” Bucky cut you off as he reached for a Peanut Butter Patty, “this is a taste test, sweets, I gotta try all of ‘em”. You watched him throw the cookie into his mouth, shooting you a wink as you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, let’s do the Do-si-dos next,” you presented Bucky with the peanut butter sandwich cookie. Crumbs fell all over the floor as he bit into the crunchy treat, and you couldn’t help but laugh. He was an Avenger, and yet here he was pouting over part of his cookie crumbling to the ground. “You like that one?” Bucky nodded emphatically, his eyes wide with excitement. You brushed a few crumbs from the corner of his mouth, which Bucky took as an invitation to cover your hand in kisses.
You gave him another lemon cookie called a Lemon-up, and followed it with a French toast flavored Toast-Yay, both of which Bucky loved. “Okay, I saved this one for last because it’s the most popular,” you reached your hand into the final box, revealing a Caramel deLite. “It’s chocolate, caramel, and coconut, I think you’re gonna really like it”. Bucky popped the cookie into his mouth, his eyes closing as the sweet caramel and flaky coconut danced on his tongue. His muffled words decreed the Caramel deLite to be his favorite, just as you’d expected. He pulled you into a tight hug as the taste test wrapped up, thanking you for the sweets.
He happily devoured the entire box of Caramel deLites while helping you put away the groceries, frowning when he reached his hand in for another and came up empty. A dramatic sigh left his lungs as he mourned the loss of his new favorite cookies. “It’s okay, Buck. I can get you more tomorrow,” wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his shoulder blade. “They sell ‘em outside all the grocery stores- I got you, babe”. Bucky spun around and enveloped you in his arms, lifting you from the floor and meeting your mouth with his in a deep kiss. “You're the best, sweetheart”, he dove back in for another kiss, relishing in the sweet taste of your lips.
You returned home from work the next day, arms full of nothing but Caramel deLites. The boxes tumbled onto the counter as you made your way into the kitchen, calling for Bucky to come see your treasures. But he didn’t respond. His keys and wallet sat in their usual spot- he had to be home. Kicking off your heels, you searched the apartment for him, “Buck?” you pushed open the bedroom door, only to find him with a box of Caramel deLites. “Whatcha got there, babe?” you startled him, making his head snap in your direction with a cookie still hanging out of his mouth. An instant smile stretched across his face, “nooooothiiiiiin'”. You couldn’t help the laugh that sprung out of your chest as you stared at your fearsome super soldier boyfriend covered in cookie crumbs.
“Buck, I told you I’d get you more!” you laughed, “I bought like a million boxes on my way home from work!” His heart melted. You were so sweet, so thoughtful- always making sure you took care of him and his needs during his limited time at home. “I knowww…I’m sorry, baby! I just- I drove past the grocery store and saw the Girl scouts there with their little table! And they’re so cute-I had to!” he extended his box of cookies in your direction, offering you a delicious olive branch. You took one of his cookies and popped it into your mouth, staring Bucky down all the while.
“And you said that the Girl Scouts are an important organization- so how could I not buy more cookies? I’m supporting them!” You leaned into his body, pressing a caramel-flavored kiss to his lips. You loved seeing Bucky indulge in something for once.
“Don’t apologize, Buck. I’m glad you got your cookies,” your lips met his once more, “And now that means you won’t touch my peanut butter patties”. Bucky rolled his eyes and dashed to the kitchen, racing to go steal some of your cookies. You chased after him, laughing all the while at his sugar-induced antics. He beat you to the kitchen, but stopped in his tracks when he found the boxes upon boxes of Caramel deLites. “Wow…” he turned to you, resting his hands firmly on your waist, “you got all these…for me?” A proud smile crept across your lips, “I wanted to make sure you had enough to last you a while, cause they only sell ‘em once a year”
He pulled you into his body, completely overwhelmed with love and adoration. He thanked you over and over again, his face nuzzled in your hair. “Of course, Buck. You deserve a treat, you know?” Bucky nodded reluctantly against your neck. If it weren't for you, he'd still be in a shabby apartment with barely any insulation, freezing his ass off and rotating through the few clothing items he could fit in his backpack. But you made his life, warm, comfortable, enjoyable- for once.
“You just have to promise me you won’t eat them all at once, okay?” you teased, “I don’t want you giving yourself a stomachache”. Bucky pulled his head from your neck and stared down at you with narrowed eyes, “Please, doll, I’m a super soldier…I don’t get stomachaches”. An eye roll over took you.
"Buck, that wasn't a challenge-" you took his face in your hands, "if you finish all of these too fast, you won't get any more till next year!" The horrified expression that crossed Bucky's face made you laugh out loud. He'd been beaten, brainwashed, and abused for years, but he acted as though being without Caramel deLites was the worst thing he could imagine.
It was then that you realized you needed to shake down every Girl Scout in town to collect as many Caramel deLites as humanly possible.
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @cwbucky @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @themorningsunshine 💜
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calibudornobudsociety · 8 months
Cali Honey Bun Shatter
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Cali Honey Bun Shatter Cali Honey Bun Shatter is from a rare evenly balanced hybrid strain (50% indica/50% sativa) created through a potent cross of the classic Girl Scout Cookies Forum Cut X StarDawg F2 strains. Forget your dog - this treat is totally made for you. Milk-Bone brings on a delicious sedative and calming high that will have you couch-locked and totally immovable for hours on end after just a hit or two. A cerebral lift kicks off the Milk-Bone high, filling your cerebral state with a fuzzy sense of calm and ease. This translates into a tranquil feeling of peace, relaxing your mental state and leaving you free of any negative moods or racing thoughts. In combination with its high 18% + average THC level, Milk-Bone is often said to be perfect for treating those suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, cramps or muscle spasms, depression, and chronic stress. Cali Honey Bun Shatter. This bud has small spade-shaped dark olive green nugs with rich purple undertones, bright orange hairs, and a coating of tiny frosty purple-tinted crystal trichomes. As you pull apart each sticky little nugget, you can detect aromas of heavy pungent fuel and nutty chemicals, all wrapped up in a dank skunky package.Cali Honey Bun Shatter The flavor is on the lighter side, with a nutty cookie taste that turns heavy and pungent upon exhale. Feelings- Uplifted 20% of people report feeling uplifted after consuming Cali Honey Bun Shatter Relaxed 20% of people report feeling relaxed Hungry 20% of people report feeling hungry Happy 20% of people report feeling happy after consuming Cali Honey Bun Shatter. https://buycalibudornobudonline.com/product/cali-honey-bun-shatter/
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