#Game of History
prokopetz · 23 days
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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kermitspussy · 8 months
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like where did it come from i was literally doing a silly little art and craft
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
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i hope everyone in nintendo’s management department dies and goes to hell no matter what and i’m not kidding
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ketchuppee · 7 months
Another thing I really liked about TBOSBAS is it shows how short history can be. Like in the original trilogy, we know that the games have been happening for 74 years, but by going back to the 10th games, and getting flashbacks from the war, we see that it really has only been a few generations. And (some of) those people are still around in THG. Mags won the 11th games, literally months after TBOSBAS. obviously Snow is still around, and Tigris, but there’s countless others too that turn the whole “this is how things are and always have been” ideology on its head. The inception of the games is actual living memory for people when Katniss volunteered at the reaping.
It’s the difference between looking at black and white photographs of Ruby Bridges attending school in a history book and seeing an interview of her now at 69 years old.
History does not exist separate from the present, and we’re not as far from it as we think.
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blumineck · 3 months
Does adding a blade make your bow an effective melee weapon?
It definitely makes it an iconic one!
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mrsoulstice · 4 months
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Did you know- Jerry Lawson, also known as "father of the videogame cartridge” is responsible for designing the Fairchild Channel F video game console as well as leading the team that pioneered the commercial video game cartridge. He was literally a game changer✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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Influential RPG adventure writer, artist, and video game creator Jennell Jaquays has died.
She was a founder of the Dungeoneer zine before it was sold to Judges Guild. Her D&D adventures Dark Tower and Caverns of Thracia became classics, often studied as examples of adventure design. She also wrote and illustrated for TSR, Metagaming, Steve Jackson Games, and many other publishers. Her video game career included developing many of Coleco's titles in the 1980s and level design for the Quake sequels at id Software in the 90s, and she co-founded the SMU Guildhall video game program.
She recently was hospitalized for symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and a GoFundMe to cover her medical expenses is still active.
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the brightly coloured skinny jeans that Teens wore in the late '00s and early '10s were meant to denote where you stood in gang hierarchy. salmon was the highest rank and meant you had killed someone.
I think the funniest part of this is that, if you'd floated this idea at the time, at least some parents would have believed you.
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determinate-negation · 4 months
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bonedwoo · 15 days
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prokopetz · 2 months
Though the proverbial "showdown at high noon" is largely a media invention, many famous gunslingers of the American Old West did engage in formal duels at least occasionally. The main differences from the popular media version are twofold:
Formal duels were rare; most famous gunslingers duelled only once or twice in their entire careers, and a gunslinger with three or more duels under their belt would have been considered extraordinarily prolific (and also extraordinarily stupid – see below);
Those gunslingers who did duel typically made a point of accepting challenges only from opponents of demonstrably inferior skill; there was something of an unspoken agreement among prolific duellists to avoid duelling each other by any means necessary, as they knew the surest way to cut short one's career was to duel someone who actually knew what they were doing!
Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because some day I want to write a semi-competitive tabletop RPG where the player characters are all rival gunslingers living the high life on manufactured drama and exaggerated tales of their legendary prowess while going to elaborate lengths to avoid having to actually fight each other.
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beam-of-sunlightbb · 7 months
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the-cricket-chirps · 7 months
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Game of Hounds and Jackals
Middle Kingdom, ca. 1814-1805 B.C.E.
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neverwhere · 2 months
✨✨ Congratulations to Sega of America and our INDUSTRY LEADING union contract ✨✨
With a gratifyingly massive vote in favour we ratified our contract guaranteeing worker protections, increased wages, credit for all games worked on and more!
We are the largest and only multi-department video game union, and hope this joyous news will encourage others to organize and fight for their own employee rights in our beloved, but layoff-plagued industry.
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quiddie · 4 months
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Someone warn Lily Du - there’s a coupe d’état (pun absolutely intended) coming 😈
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madamevandeleur · 8 months
Why does posting for a new fandom feel like walking into a bar and having everyone just stare at you. Like I'm sorry I'm new here pls don't hurt me
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