#Fossilized bone
fallensapphires · 3 months
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Nature: Dinosaur Bones
I think when you work on fossils, and you realize that a species is there, and it's abundant for quite a long period of time, and then at some point it's no longer there - and so, when you look at that bigger picture, yes, you realize that either you change and adapt, or, as a species, you go extinct.
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revretch · 1 year
Actually all fossil reconstructions are wrong because flesh only evolved recently. Before that it was bone world
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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Peter McFarlane: ‘Circuit Board Fossil Series’ (2012)
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zegalba · 1 month
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Peter McFarlane: 'Circuit Board Fossil' Series (2012)
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mattykelevra · 10 months
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The fossil is not the animal.
The fossil is not the bones of the animal.
The fossil is the stone's memory of the bones of the animal.
And that's a poetry older than words.
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spoonbf · 9 months
syd and stan 🤝 spoon and ema
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u see my vision
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shadyufo · 5 months
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Lovely little curiosity collection in a vintage Kirk Dial watch parts tin. Includes a fossilized deer tooth, fossilized snake vertebra, some neat mineral specimens, and more!
Get it HERE in my Etsy shop!
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katarinanavane · 2 months
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Heart shaped salon wall curio collection shadowboxes!
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moonssnail · 3 months
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Maybe my anatomy final, maybe just a drawing
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ventique18 · 6 months
Still holding onto the delulu wish that Levan is Crowley (or if not, just alive and going to be a reoccurring character). If only to hear two old men bickering like the good ol' days.
"Ha? What did you say? I can't understand your senile twittering."
"Is your hearing already failing you or is it centuries of wax? You were never a fan of bathing. Bats lick themselves clean, so naturally you couldn't reach your ears so easily. Would you like me to set a doctor's appointment for you?"
"Are you mocking me? Wanna throw hands, birdbrain?"
"You are getting ahead of yourself, old bat. Have you forgotten I've won our matches 3601 to 3600? I would gladly put you back into your place if you so wish."
"Ha? You really are going senile! I clearly remember that last match was my complete victory!"
"I believe it would be best if we settled it now!"
Then when they both raise their wands, they double over and groan in pain because why are their lower backs and shoulder blades hurting now, of all times?!
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Fragments of bone discovered buried in ancient rock hint at a truly colossal Leviathan that once terrorized the waves. Researchers from the UK and US argue the fossilized remnants of two separate jawbones found England's south west represent a previously unknown genus of late Triassic ichthyosaur that seems to vastly outstrip in size any other known marine reptile that has lived on this planet. Bestowing the name Ichthyotitan severnensis on the new genus and species, the team estimates the animal would have had a length of up to more than 25 meters (82 feet, or twice as long a standard bus) – a true sight to behold even today, coming close to the 30 meters of a blue whale.
Continue Reading.
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teratart · 11 months
Our newest find – a skull of a Tagarosuchus kulemsini, a small protosuchian crocodyliform from the Early Cretaceous (about 125-113 mln y.o.)
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Shestakovo-3. 07/28/2023
These photos were taken immediately after the croc was found in a waste rock dump)
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Photos by Yaroslav Zheleznov.
… and these after gluing and some cleaning.
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revretch · 2 years
You know what messes me up?
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This dinosaur skeleton is incomplete. But, it doesn't look that way to us, because the parts it's missing are parts we don't have.
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See how there are ribs on the bottom? Those are called gastralia. That's right, dinosaurs had ribs on their stomachs as well, and modern crocodiles and alligators still have them! (Also, notice that the ribs keep going to the hips instead of stopping above the waist. This is also true of modern birds, and why a bird can't have a concave stomach!)
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Next, notice that ring floating in the center of the eye socket? That's called a sclerotic ring! Fish, reptiles, birds--with the exception of mammals (and, oddly enough, crocodilians), pretty much all modern vertebrates still have them! It's literally an eyeball bone. Afaik we haven't found a T-rex specimen with any intact, but since we've found them in other dinosaurs, it's very likely they had them too.
So, keep that in mind next time you see a dinosaur skeleton.
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drafthearse · 5 months
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Saltwater crocodile skeleton, Macrospondylus bollensis
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darksilvania · 2 years
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GOLGOLIATH (Ground/Ghost) & CRANIEMBERG (Ice/Ghost)
GOLGOLIATH (Golgotha/Goliath) The tar pit Pokemon. Its body is made of tar, brought to life by the restless souls of all the pokemon that perished trapped in it. It uses their bones as armor to protect its soft, sticky body. The shape of its body resembles a Paraceratherium and the skulls from its armor are those of a Brontotherium/Megacerops, a Woolly Mammoth (Upside down) and a Woolly Rhino
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CRANIEMBERG (Cranium/Iceberg/Cronenberg) The glacier Pokemon Its body is made of Glaciar ice and compacted snow, reanimated by the souls of the many pokemon forever trapped in it. It uses their bones as weapons to hunt for its prey. Its main body is shaped like a Megatherium and the skulls from its armor are those of an Uintatherium, a Smilodon and an Arsinotherium (upside down)
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CRANIEMBERG's striped body is based on "Striped Icebergs" a phenomena in which icebergs melt and froze again over time, forming layers of different colors due to the impurities in the water and the difference in densities
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mattykelevra · 10 months
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Prehistoric Poetry 🩶🖤🦖🖤🩶
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