#Floor Care georgia
woso-dreamzzz · 15 days
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Pernille does it again
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"I don't want to talk about it," Pernille says as Georgia slides into the cubby next to her.
"I wasn't going to say anything!" Georgia lies.
"I still don't want to talk about it," Pernille insists," No comment. I'm not talking about it with anyone. I'm not answering any questions."
"You don't need to," Georgia assures her," Because your kid is letting everyone know what happened."
Currently, you're on Sydney's lap, pealing back your upper lip to show off the gap that your two front teeth used to occupy.
They'd both come out last night.
Only one had been wobbly.
Pernille buries her head in her hands and forces herself not to scream. "I need to teach her that not everyone needs to know our business."
Georgia chuckles. "I don't know," She says," She seems pretty happy to tell everyone. You'd take that joy away from her?"
"It's humiliating."
Georgia keeps giggling, especially when you gesture wildly over to Pernille to accentuate your story.
It was an accident again, like the first time you lost a tooth. Thankfully, a ball hadn't been kicked in your face but this time it seemed liked it was much worse.
It had been hot out yesterday and Magda insisted on a barbeque while her family was visiting.
You'd been inside, dragging your new schoolwork down to show your grandparents because you'd gotten a certificate for it.
You'd taken your time so Pernille thought it would be a little funny to scare you as you came out.
She'd jumped at you when you came through the door and you'd shrieked, jumping in the air before stumbling.
Everyone was laughing before they realised you had gone face first into the steps of the outside decking.
Magda sat you up which was when you spat out your two front teeth into her hands.
It was mortifying that it had happened a second time, Pernille accidentally being the cause of your teeth falling out.
This time though, a little older than the first, you didn't seem to care much about the pain in your mouth, just that you were going to get a big cash out from the tooth fairy.
You also seem incapable of keeping the story to yourself, having come into training today ready to show off your tooth gap, your newly acquired lisp and the amount of money you got.
It's the money bit that has Magda staring daggers at Pernille from across the locker room and Pernille agrees that she may have gone overkill but she'd already set a precedent and she doesn't want you staging a revolt against the tooth fairy for your lack of money this time.
No matter what Magda says about explaining the concept of inflation to you, Pernille knows that you won't accept anything else then the ten euros you got previously.
Plus the amount added on that Pernille knows will wave her feeling of guilt.
"The tooth fairy gave me thirty euros!" You tell Sydney and Scottish Sam," Fifteen for each tooth!"
"So cool!" Sydney tells you while Sam's mouth hangs open in shock.
"Because of inflation I got more!" You continue," The tooth fairy wrote me a note saying so. I don't know what inflation is but I like it!"
"I'm sure you do," Magda says, picking you up and setting you back on the floor," But let's put the money away now."
"Thirty euros?" Georgia hisses at Pernille as you and Magda go off to put your money because in your little puppy purse," Can you be my tooth fairy?"
"Don't," Pernille groans," It's guilt money. I feel really bad."
"Why? They were bound to come out at some point."
"That's not the point! They weren't ready and now she's got no front teeth."
"But she's thirty euros richer. That has to count for something."
"It counts for me not sleeping in my bed tonight," Pernille mutters.
You're back to flitting around the room now, practically skipping on air to tell everyone how Pernille made you smack your face against the decking steps in front of the whole family and how you had to have your barbeque cut up for you instead of just scoffing it down like everyone else.
That seems to be your main annoyance with this whole thing. How you couldn't eat your barbeque like normal. In the grand scheme of things, Pernille supposes, you could have had a much worse reaction.
She should take the small wins when they come.
The small wins like now as you sit on the bench next to Magda and inspect your gap with your tongue.
The space from the wobbly tooth is already being filled in, its replacement already coming in.
You seem to be fairly distracted by inspecting your mouth rather than complaining about your gums hurting so Pernille will take the win for what it is.
"Momma," You call out to her," Next time, can you knock out three of my teeth so I can get more money?"
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chamomiletealeaf · 4 months
Sweet as Pie
Chapter 1
When Simon retires from the military, he buys a little cabin in Georgia to live the quiet life he's always wanted. It's rural, hidden, and exactly what he was looking for. However, it's not as rural as he thought it to be, when one day he finds out he has a cute lil next door neighbor who is sweet as pie.
pairing: fem!afab!southern! reader x mommykink! simon riley
a/n: Thank you to @thatonepupkai for inspiring me with this because I am now obsessed with mommy kink Simon and Southern reader.
warnings: mentions of trauma
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Simon placed the last box of his belongings (which there weren't very many of) down in his new home.
He had just retired from the military, deciding to maybe try and experience some joy in his life.
Simon had never really experienced true joy. Not since his family. When he joined the Task Force he thought he could help save lives so that no one would have to live the way he did. He had nothing to live for, so why not try to save the lives of those who did have something?
But killing was hard. Something he didn't want to do. Was it really worth the risk? After Johnny nearly died by a shot to the head by Makarov, Simon felt an emotion that he hasn't felt since his family was alive.
For the first time in years, Simon Riley realized he had something to live for.
But he wasn't living, only surviving, which is why he decided to start a new chapter in his life and try and bring out that feeling he had gone so long without that he only got a taste of after Johnny was shot.
Which is where his rural cabin in Georgia comes in.
It was a beautiful wooden cabin; surrounded by nature and hidden by trees. It was alone, just the way he was. It was only one story and on a beautiful black lake that sparkled with the reflections of the sunny sky and warped images of the branches of the trees lingering over it. Maybe he would buy himself a kayak one day and go out on the lake. He was still learning how to take care of himself.
He didn't see any houses for a while. The closest house he saw being quite far down the lake, but close enough that he wasn't too secluded.
Simon wanted to start slow, inch his way back into civilization, and this cabin was the perfect start.
He placed the last box of his belongings down on the wooden floor in the living room. He sighed and placed his hands on his hips, then looked around as if he was trying to find something to do.
It felt awkward not having to watch his back 24/7.
He sat down on the little couch that came with the house, and opened up the box, deciding to occupy himself with putting away his things.
The first thing he took out the box was his only coffee mug that had the Task Force logo on it that Price had given to him so he wouldn't have to steal his mug to make his tea.
Tea, that sounded good.
Simon took the mug into the kitchen and put a kettle onto the stove.
As he waited for the water to heat up, he leaned back against the counter, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked outside his window in the kitchen, admiring the view of the lake.
Then something caught his eye.
From the window in the kitchen, Simon could see to the right of the cabin, which was most of the lake, and a lot of the wooded area beside it. He could see more from that window than the window in the living room, which showed the left part of his house, and that distant house that looked to be his only neighbor.
But in the distance, to the right, not too far from his cabin and definitely much closer than the other house, he saw a cute little pastel yellow house, also wooden, with a big white door.
"What the f-" Simon whispered under his breath, squinting his eyes to see if that was really another house he was seeing or maybe just a storage shed.
That's when he saw you.
Simon could see the door of your house that appeared to be the kitchen door. It was a single door with a little stoop to allow people to walk up and down it.
He watched as you opened the door, bringing a basket along with you, and walked over to the peach trees you had in your backyard.
You were beautiful. So much so that Simon unsquinted his eyes and his anger towards the realtor who sold him the house who failed to inform him of a closer-by neighbor faded.
He watched as you picked the peaches off the trees and pulled a white cardigan around your figure that slipped open every time you reached up to the branches of the tree.
Then, when the basket was full, he watched you disappear back into the coziness of your little yellow house, that was almost as cute as you were.
Simon stared at your kitchen door for a bit, awestruck by the woman he just saw.
Then the screeching whistle of the kettle is what snapped him out of his trance.
He rushed to turn the stove off and ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. Then with a sigh, he leaned against the counter on his palms, repressing a small grin creeping onto his face and thought:
Maybe having a neighbor wouldn't be so bad.
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imtryingbuck · 3 months
Thirty Five
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 5,082
Warnings: angst, heavy use of pet names. Swearing. Fluff. Mentions of miscarriage. Cheating mentioned. Divorced mentioned. Car crash/death mention very briefly. Hit and run.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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“Georgia get here right now”
Y/n sat on the soft couch laughing at hearing Bucky chase their four year old daughter around trying desperately to get her to put her shoes on. His little princess as he affectionately calls her had better ideas. To run.
“Bunny please help control your daughter”
“Oh she’s just my daughter now is she?”
“Yep” popping the ‘p’ Bucky pops his head around the door “please Bun she’s too fast, I really don’t know how she moves so fast”
“And you really think I’m going to be able to catch her with this” gesturing to her large bump “in the way”
Georgia Maria Grace Winnie Barnes. The apple of their eyes, the little spitfire with so much energy coursing through her tiny little body. Named after George as she was born on her granddads birthday, George cried and felt honoured that not only was she being named after him but she decided it was time to arrive on his birthday.
Her middle names were after her three grandmas.
Y/n found out she was pregnant again for the third time, she was scared to be honest. Two years after Georgia was born she had gotten pregnant again, at nearly three months along she had woken up to really bad cramping scared and alone as Bucky was on a business trip she rang Winnie who rushed over as quickly as she could. By the time Winnie had arrived it was too late. Y/n had sadly lost the baby.
Winnie rang Bucky his heart broke when he could hear the cries of his wife in the background, telling Steve that he needed to take care of the meeting he got on the first plane back.
It took both of them months to come to terms with the loss of their baby.
With this pregnancy Bucky handled business from inside their home, he refused to go anywhere wanting to be close by. In a way Bucky became slightly overbearing as he wouldn’t let Y/n do anything on her own, he did everything for her, looked after Georgia with little help and looked after the house. Y/n knew it was because he cared and was scared of losing the baby so she didn’t complain.
Eight months along it wasn’t going to be too long until she gave birth.
“Please pretty mama”
“You’re going to have to help me up Ducky” helping her stand he thanked her and gave her a kiss. “Georgie moo come and get your shoes on or you’re not going to see Billy and Tommy”
“Noooo” Georgia screamed shortly followed by her footsteps pattering the lamented flooring. “Wan’ see Tommy and Billy mommy”
“Well let dada put your shoes on then and we can go and see them”
Doing as her mommy said she let her dada put her shoes on. As soon as the laces were tied she ran off again, this time going to the front door.
“You ready to go Bun?”
“Yep, lets go”
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Pulling up to Wanda's and Vis’s home Georgia was already trying to get out of her car seat, begging her dad to hurry up.
“Hey wifey” Wanda's soft voice greeted Y/n. “In the backyard Butterfly” her nickname for Georgia. Knowing where the twins were she ran through the house and out to the backyard where Wanda’s and Vis’ children were.
“Hey hubby. Nat here?”
“Yeah, just give you a heads up her and Clint have already had an argument.”
“Great, who won?”
“Neither really, it was Laura who put a stop to it”
Natasha and Clint got married less than a year after Bucky, Steve and Sam had met them. Everything was perfect and they seemed to have a perfect marriage that was until Clint got a new job and that’s where everything started to become strained.
Coming home late at night sometimes stinking of whiskey, he became cold and distant with Nat, secretive with his phone. He preferred to spend most of his time at the office instead of being at home and trying to create a family just like they both had planned.
Y/n had lost count of how many times Nat would ring her late at night drunk and crying, slurring and stumbling over her words. Wanda the same. Nat wasn’t stupid by any means but she refused to believe what she already knew. What everyone knew.
Clint was having an affair.
The final straw that broke the camels back as the saying goes is when Clint didn’t arrive to the high end restaurant Nat had booked a table for them at. To celebrate their wedding anniversary. Nat rang Y/n knowing she was with Wanda at the time crying and begging for them to come to hers so she could pack her things. Told them she couldn’t do it anymore. The two best friends showed up as quickly as they could, nearly two hours of being there all three of them froze when they heard the front door open and close.
The silence was deadly when Clint came up to the bedroom after seeing the suitcases and bags packed in the living room. He asked what was going off, looked at Y/n and Wanda and told them to leave, Nat told them not to move so they didn’t. Wanda’s and Y/n’s eyes burnt a hole in the side of Clint’s neck, where a hickey was. He denied Nat’s accusations, telling her that she was overreacting. Told her that she was just being dramatic and that the long hours were for them, it was for their future.
Y/n was fed up with seeing Natasha struggle, having to hear her cries it broke her heart. The truth only came out when Y/n started laughing, fed up with how someone she considered one of her best friends could stand there and lie to his wife – her best friend all while he had a hickey on his neck. Pointing to the side of his neck he sighed in defeat.
Though he claimed they never did anything, he actually swore on his life and when he didn’t drop down dead like Y/n always thought would happen if you did that and you was lying, she believed him. He did admit that he had fallen in love with someone else, that the night of his anniversary that had marked seven years of marriage he was with this other woman, he had made out with her, he swore that he didn’t do anything else. Said he couldn’t because he had a wife. He had confessed to telling this other woman everything about him and his marriage with Natasha.
For Nat it was worse than if he had just said ‘yes I’ve been sleeping with someone else’ as he was emotionally connected to this other woman. The next day with Y/n and Wanda by her side she filed for divorce.
It was a slow and very messy process. Natasha wanting more money just out of spite, Clint wanting the house… so he could move the other woman in. It took nearly two years for the divorce to be finalised, in that time Clint had proposed to the other woman and already had one kid. When Y/n met Laura she really wanted to hate her, she did for the fact that she took Clint away from Natasha. But Laura had to be really nice didn’t she making it really hard on Y/n to hate the woman.
Three years after their divorce Clint and Natasha was always at loggerheads sometimes about the most stupidest of things, always trying to outdo the other despite Clint being ‘happily’ married to Laura and Natasha ‘happily’ dating Bruce. A man that she had met one night, great guy incredibly shy.
“Laura stopped them? I’m surprised she said anything”
“So was I but apparently it was upsetting the baby”
Oh yeah, Laura was pregnant with their third kid.
Laughing and shaking her head she linked arms with Wanda as Bucky trailed behind them. All their friends were outside, the kids all playing together. Y/n had just greeted Steve and Peggy – his girlfriend, nice woman, made Steve happy. Sam and Maria – his fiancée, like Peggy she was nice and she made Sam happy. Nat and Bruce.
“Y/n? Oh my god it is you”
Turning around at the sound of her name her jaw dropped. Literally.
“Yeah it’s me. Gosh you’re still as beautiful as ever”
“Pie I’m a married woman” Y/n laughed.
“So am I-wait-I’m married-I’m a married man”
“No, no, no you’re now a married woman, you said so yourself.”
“God you haven’t changed have you?”
“Nope. How are you?”
Catching up with Pietro after not seeing him in over ten years, the last time they saw each other was for Wanda and his parents funeral, car crash. Wanda took it exceptionally hard, Vis rang Y/n one night asking if Wanda was with her when he heard that she wasn’t he started to panic. It took the group splitting up to look for her, Y/n and Nat found Wanda on the beach drowning her sorrows with a bottle of Jack Daniels.
“Mommy-mommy look” Georgia gained her moms attention as she ran over to her.
“What is it sweetie?”
“Hand” holding out her hand for her daughter her eyes widened when Georgia put a large spider in the palm of her hand.
“Sweetie where did you get this from?”
“Tommy tried to hurt it”
“Oh, lets get him back to his home, yeah?”
Georgia nodded as tears started to gather in her eyes, Bucky always said that she took after Y/n when it came to protecting animals, and creepy crawlies. Yes even at thirty six he still called them that. When Georgia was two she waddled in to the kitchen making Winnie and Bucky scream so loudly it made Y/n jump up and went running to the kitchen, bumping into things as she went. Entering the kitchen she came to a halt when Georgia’s tiny beautiful face, her bright baby blue round eyes looking up at her mommy, her cheeks being puffed out by her wide smile, with one hand she pushed back the same untameable hair that she got from Y/n. “Doggy” she giggled as she raised her tiny chubby arm up.
It was indeed not a doggy but a grass snake. A two year old Georgia was holding up a snake as her grandma stood in the corner of the kitchen shaking and her father well… he was standing on top of the kitchen island… holding a rolling pin.
“Okay” Pietro helped Y/n stand, thanking him she held her hand out for Georgia to take and she led her to the far end of the garden.
“Here you go baby, put him on the grass and he’ll find his way home”
“Okay. Look mommy he going home”
“He sure is bubba”
“My friend” Georgia squealed as she watched the spider walk up the fence.
Yeah she was definitely Y/n’s daughter.
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“Hey Y/n/n can I ask a huge mega favour from you and Bucky, please?”
“Sure Wands, what’s up?”
“Can you both look after the twins this weekend? Vis has a work trip and ever the gentlemen he has said I could come along…so…yes or double yes?”
“If I say yes do I only get one of them?”
“Which one would you prefer?”
“Wow okay you answered that pretty quick”
“It was wasn’t it? But anyway of course we’ll take the twins for ever and ever an-“
“She’s not taking our kids forever Wan” Y/n laughs as Vis cuts her off in the background.
“I’m sorry wifey its only for this weekend, Vis is being mardy”
“Shoot. Bring them around when you want-hold on there’s a knock at the door.” Struggling to stand she waddles to the front door, opening she rolls her eyes.
“Really Wanda?”
“Oh hi didn’t expect to see you here, long time no see huh. Anyway here are your godsons, boys be good for Auntie and I’ll see you both on Sunday. Love you all”
Shaking her head at her best friend, she goes to tell the boys to come in when she glances down they’re not there but behind her.
“Where is Georgia?” Tommy asks as he looks around.
“Gone to see her grandma and granddad, they’ll be back soon don’t worry”
Though the twins were a year older Tommy and Georgia were best friends. Tommy was the loud one out of the twins, the one that liked to explore and play in the mud, the one that got all the attention. It was one of the reasons Georgia got on well with him as she was just the same. Billy was the quieter one, preferred to have his head in his comics, his latest fascination was with a group of super heroes that were called The Avengers. People had a tendency of overlooking Billy because of how quiet he always was but not Y/n, Billy made her cry once when he told her that she was his favourite. Whenever he wanted a new comic book she always happily took him to the comic book store that opened on Maple Drive, always happy to spend time with her favourite godson. Don’t judge her for having favourites.
“Can I play in her play room?”
“Okay but don’t break anything!” she shouts as he started running when she said ‘okay’ “What about you Billiam, what do you want to do?”
“My names Billy Auntie not Billiam” the five year old whined with a small shy smile on his lips.
“That’s what Billy’s short for monkey, didn’t you know?”
“No it isn’t”
“It is Bilbo I’d never lie to you. So what do you want to do?”
“Ca-can we look at the photos some more please?”
The last time the twins were around Tommy and Georgia was keeping Bucky busy by destroying things and Billy was curled up in Y/n’s side as they went through the many photo albums she had.
“Of course my sweet Billiam, but you’ll have to get them, bottom shelve remember?”
“I remember Auntie”
Sitting down on the couch she watches Billy pull out two of the photo albums from the top of the pile and brings them over, handing them to her he climbs on the couch next to her.
“Who’s that?” Billy asked when he saw a black and white photo of Y/n’s mama, proudly telling him who she was his face contorted in confusion “But grandma Maria is your mom and that’s not her” the boys were just months old when Maria passed away but grew up hearing stories about her, they started to call her grandma as well.
“Well sweetheart I’m adopted”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m not really grandma Maria and granddad Howard’s daughter but they became my parents when they signed some papers”
“Where did your mom go?”
“She’s with grandma Maria and your grandparents”
“Oh. Look auntie its Georgia” he points at a picture, she laughed.
“That isn’t Georgia bub, its me” it was the only photo she had of herself when she was Georgia’s age, and even then she was sporting a black eye in the photograph.
“No it isn’t, its Georgia”
“It isn’t I swear I’m not lying to you”
“It looks like her and not you”
“She does look like me when I was younger doesn’t see?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty though”
Rude. Wait…what?
There was a bet going to see whether or not Tommy and Georgia would date when they got older, everyone thinks that they would as they are so similar to each other and always spend every chance they got with each other.
But Billy, the sly little fox might be the one who takes Georgia’s heart.
“Do you think she’s pretty bubba?”
“I do” his cheeks turn a shade of bright red “But she’s friends with Tommy not me”
“She’s your friend too Billy”
Just as he’s about to reply the front door opens and Georgia’s voice echoes throughout the house. “Honey I’m home” she giggles, it’s what Bucky always says when he returns home from work or meeting the guys.
“Hi Billy” she waves when she sees him “hi baby” she then says coming over to Y/n her hands going straight to her mommy’s belly.
“H-h-hi G-Geor-“
How on earth did she miss that? Billy always became a stuttering mess whenever Georgia was around...
“Georgia your back, come play” Tommy interrupts his twin, before Y/n can say anything Georgia runs over to Tommy and they both run out of the room.
“Hey pretty mama, hey kiddo” Bucky greets his wife and godson.
“Hi Uncle Bucky” Billy replies quietly, he slides the photo album off Y/n’s stomach closing it carefully before climbing off the couch and puts the photo album back.
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The next day Y/n and Bucky treated the kids to a day out, the sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky as Bucky pushed Georgia and Tommy on the swings. Y/n sat with Billy on a bench, she had told him that he could play too but he opted to stay with her, feeling guilty at Billy’s glum expression she told got Bucky’s attention.
“Ducky, I’m nipping to the store do you want anything?”
“A bottle of water please Bun”
“Okay, I’m taking Billy with me. Come on Billy Bob, I’m kidnapping you”
“What that mean?”
“Never mind”
Holding his hand she walks across the road and up the street, he went to turn into the store that he knew sold water and frowned when Y/n told him ‘not just yet’. Further up the street was a new comic book store, she had seen it a few days back when she was driving to pick up Georgia from Howards, she made a mental note to make sure she took Billy there next time she had him.
The way Billy’s face lit up when he saw the sign warmed her heart, giving him a nod he let go of her hand and ran up to the window. “Look auntie look!”
In the store was large cardboard cut-out of the Avengers, Billy’s new favourite super heroes. “Want to take a photo with them?”
“Of course, and if you take a silly photo with me you can get two new comics, how does that sound?”
“I know, I know. Come on then”
Letting him push open the door – with some help from her – he ran straight up to the super heroes, staring at them in awe. “Billy give me your super hero pose then” taking out her phone she took multiple photos of him standing next to each hero. The worker Ron came over and pushed them all together so Billy could have a group photo, Y/n asked Ron if he could take a photo of the pair of them he nodded happily.
“Right Bilbo silly faces now”
Billy stuck his tongue out and pulled out his ears whilst Y/n stuck out her tongue too and crossed her eyes.
“Thank you so much”
“No need to thank me Miss, it’s nice to see kids enjoy comics” and with that Ron walked back over to the checkout.
“Right Billiam since you did the silly photo with me, you can pick out two new comics”
“Thank you. Thank you”
Billy went straight to the Avengers section and picked out one before running all over the store to find his next comic. Hand in hand with his pick he came bouncing over to where Y/n was stood waiting as she sent all the photos in the group chat the group was in.
“I picked”
“Are you happy with your choices?”
“Okay sweet boy lets go and pay”
Standing behind a man who was being served Y/n noticed Billy’s eyes going to the second comic he had picked out to behind the counter and back again. “Bill what’s up?”
“T-they have new Avengers comic” pointing to behind the counter “bu-but I want this one” showing her New X-Men Volume 3: New Worlds comic he had picked.
“I thought you picked out an Avengers one?”
“Last one, that ones new”
“Oh, which one do you want more?”
“I don’t know…I get these” he stands on his tippy toes to place them on the counter as it was their turn to be served. Billy was always like that, he wouldn’t be screaming and having a tantrum if he wasn’t able to get all three not like Tommy, one time in a store with Wanda he threw himself on the ground because he wasn’t allowed to get two chocolate bars, Billy even told him that he could have his but that wasn’t good enough for Tommy. In the end he got his own way and got two chocolate bars, whilst Billy only got the one, then Tommy stole his.
Ron handed the plastic bag over to Billy who thanked him, he walked over to the Avengers cut out to say goodbye, just before putting her card in the machine she asked Ron for the new comic. She was going to surprise him. Paying and saying her thanks she walked over to Billy.
“Come on bubba”
“Thank you auntie Y/n”
“Don’t thank me just yet” Once out of the store Billy went to hold Y/n’s hand but something was in his way. “Oh what must that be?”
“I-I-It-AVENGERS!” his scream startled an old couple that was walking past.
“Am I the best or am I the best?”
“Bilbo sweetie calm down” she laughed at his reaction, the way he held the comic in his shaking hands “Hold my hand so we can get uncle Bucky his water and when we get back to mine you can read them”
Hand in hand they went to the store getting Bucky his drink, one for her and one for each of the kids, Billy talking enthusiastically about his new comics, she paid and they left. Looking over the road she saw Bucky standing by the bench her and Billy had previously occupied, tapping his watch his eyebrow flicked up, Billy had seen the gesture and held up his bag containing his prizes with a huge smile on his lips. Bucky laughed and shook his head fondly.
Looking both ways twice seeing no cars around before crossing, a loud screeching sound pierced her ears. It all happened in slow motion.
Turning her head to the right she saw a grey car speeding towards them, not thinking she pushed Billy in front making him tripping over and landing in the space between two parked cars. She had no time to move herself.
She heard Bucky yelling her name, the word laced with fear and panic
The impact was hard enough to send her tumbling over the roof of the speeding car. Landing on her back in the middle of the road her eyes desperately trying to find Billy, she breathed a breath of relief when she saw him with two elderly women, one of them on the phone the other keeping Billy’s face buried in her stomach.
“B-Bunny-baby keep those eyes open-Bunny don’t go to sleep-an ambulance is on its way-bab-baby no no keep your fucking eyes open Y/n! I mean it-Bun you c-can’t leave me”
Y/n could hear her Ducky pleading with her to stay awake and she tried, she really did but she was so tired.
So, so, so tired.
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Her eyes burned as she opened them, her body ached everywhere, the memories of what happened came back in snippets. Taking Billy to the comic book store and going to get drinks for everyone, the grey car, said grey car hitting them. Billy bleeding. Billy was bleeding.
Shooting straight up she groaned in pain. Billy was bleeding. The blood on his little legs.
“Bun lay back down baby-Steve get the doctor-Bunny lie bac-“
“B-Bil-Billy” she croaked out.
“He’s fine baby, I promise just lay back down sweet girl”
“W-where’s Billy?”
“He’s just outside with Wanda and Vis. He’s okay I promise”
“He was r-ran over, blood Ducky, h-he was bleeding”
“Y/n, Billy wasn’t ran over baby. You was.”
Oh. As long as her godson was okay it was fi-
“T-the baby Bucky”
“He’s okay too Bunny, perfect honestly”
“He? Ducky…we ha-have a son?”
“We do Bun, he’s okay, Billy’s okay, you’re going to be okay. Please lie down baby”
They have a son. They decided not to know what the gender was as they didn’t with Georgia, hearing that they had a son and that he was okay, perfect as Bucky said made her listen to Bucky when he told her to lie down.
“Wh-where is he?”
“ma, dad and your dad is with him, he’s small Bun but doctors said that he’s perfectly healthy.”
“Outside with everyone. Don’t worry about anything okay? Just relax”
The doctor came in after Bucky had finished telling her to relax, he went over the extent of her injuries but she wasn’t real listening her mind on her baby boy that she hasn’t even met yet. She did hear the doctor tell her that she was very lucky to be alive, with her injuries, having to have an emergency C-section done in the back of the ambulance, the loss of blood, she was very lucky.
Hit and run.
She had missed the birth of her son because some idiot was speeding and he didn’t have the decency to stop just to check if she was okay. When the police had caught the driver he was unlicensed, drunk and high.
She missed the birth of her son because an idiot didn’t know right from wrong.
With her body throbbing despite the pain meds she drifted in and out of sleep, when Howard got word that she was awake he came barrelling through the door panting heavily. He held his daughter in his arms and cried, the thought of having to bury his daughter made his chest squeeze tightly. And it was a good job he was with George and Tony at the time he got that phone call as his legs collapsed underneath him.
She had fallen asleep in her dads arms and when she woke again he had gone back to see his only grandson. One by one everyone came into the room but under strict orders by the doctor that it could only be one at a time.
Bucky went to get Georgia who squealed at seeing her mommy for the first time in what felt like forever to the both of them. “Mommy, mommy”
“Hi baby, oh how I’ve missed you!” Georgia practically jumped out of Bucky’s arms and started to climb all over Y/n.
“Princess be careful” Bucky lightly scolded as he saw Y/n flinching at the four year old climbing over her.
“Mommy” is all she said. Taking her moms face in her tiny hands she placed kissed all over her mommys face. She’s seen Bucky do it plenty of times so of course she copies him.
“Did you miss me baby?”
“Miss you, miss you”
Georgia finally settles on Y/n’s chest and slowly falls asleep, Winnie came in an hour later so she could take Georgia home, not forgetting to give her sleeping daughter-in-law a kiss on her forehead.
When Wanda came in she burst into another fit of tears, she hadn’t stopped crying from the moment she had heard that her best friend had been ran over and not only that but she had saved her son.
“Y/n/n I-I will never be able to repay you f-for saving Billy” she stuttered, holding her best friends hand.
“D-don’t be silly Wands, he’s my godson”
“Billy wants to see his favourite auntie, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course I want to see him”
A few minutes after Wanda left the door came back open revealing her godson, he stumbled when he saw the bruises and cuts on his auntie. Bucky noticed and got up and knelt down in front of him.
“She’s okay buddy”
“Yes bud, auntie Y/n is super strong-“
“Li-like an Avenger?”
“Exactly like an Avenger, do you want to come over?” Billy nodded but made no attempt to move forward “want me to pick you up bud?” nodding once again Bucky picked his godson up and placed him on his hip.
“There’s my Billiam, how are you baby?”
“I-I-I’m sorry a-auntie Y-Y/n-“
“Hey-hey none of that, it isn’t your fault sweetheart. You did nothing wrong.”
“I-I saw the baby auntie”
“You did? Is he cute?”
“No” Billy giggled causing Y/n and Bucky to join in.
“Have you read any of your comics?”
“Well climb in and read to me then monkey” Bucky gently places the five year old next to his wife and pulls the blanket over him and nips out of the room to grab the bag containing the comic, when Billy tells him which one he wanted Bucky took it out and handed it over to him.
Three pages in and Billy taps his uncle Bucky on his knee, pointing and quietly giggling at seeing his auntie Y/n asleep.
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Two days after waking up for the first time after the accident the doctors gave Y/n permission to go down to where her baby was, Bucky helped her in to the wheelchair and started going the route he had become familiar with over the six days since the accident had happened, the one where he nearly lost his wife and baby.
“Are you ready Bunny?” he asked as he came to a stop outside the door.
“I’m ready Ducky”
The nurse opens the door and Y/n’s wheeled in, seeing her dad and parents-in-laws standing there with smiles on their faces.
And there he was. Their beautiful baby boy, small like Bucky said but looked so strong. His hair curly and the same shade of brown as Bucky’s. It was as if he sensed his parents he opened his eyes and turned to face them.
His eyes blue as the ocean and as wide just like Georgia’s were.
“Oh Ducky he’s precious”
“He is indeed Bunny, our precious little boy”
“Have you two got a name for the little fella?” Winnie asks wondering what her grandson was to be called.
Y/n looked up at Bucky who smiled down at her, nodding. Though they didn’t know the gender that had already picked out names.
“Jamie Howard Anthony Barnes”
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soccer-love · 2 months
Weddings make lovers
Mala Grohs x reader
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Magdas and Pernilles weeding was a thing the whole Bayern team was looking forward to.
The were getting married on a Saturday after the last game of the season.
Everyone helped to make this day perfect.
They offered to let other guest stay at their apartments, helped to decorate the location, picking out the cake and food and helping each other to choose outfits.
The ceremony was beautiful and besides the familys, Tuva was the one to cry, and every five minutes someone else had to hand her a tissue.
After the ceremony and the dinner, the big party started.
Jovi had offered to be the DJ and she really did a great job.
At first she played the song, Magda and Pernille had picked out for their first dance and then more songs you could dance to.
During that, Caro and Georgia took over the bar and tried to give everyone there own cocktail creations, while also being a little bit tipsy already.
Linda was the one to take pictures of everything and everyone.
Syd and Klara where joking and fooling around, making everyone laugh and encouraged everyone to dance.
And I was somewhere in the middle of all of that.
I was already a little bit tipsy, thanks to Caro's newest creation: The Amortentia Potion, inspired by Harry Potter. And maybe that was also the reason why I walked towards Mala as I saw her on standing the side of the dancefloor.
"Mala." I say and smile at her.
I don't know who helped her pick out her outfit, but it was incredible hot.
A blue suit, with a read tie and black shoes.
"Come dance with me." I say and grab her hand, it's warm and fits perfectly into mine.
"What happened to the shy and calm Y/N?" Mala asks laughing as she starts to dance along with me.
"Maybe this is the true and dark me?" I answer and place her hand on my shoulder.
"You have a dark side?"
"Dark and dusty, hidden deep inside me."
"I am impressed."
We dance for some more and I really enjoy the feeling of her hands on my shoulder.
I like her, more than I should.
More than she likes me.
"Y/N! Sorry Mala but G and I need her." I hear Caro's voice next to me and turn around.
She points over to the bar, where Georgia is standing together with Magda, Linda Sembrant and Zecira Musovic.
"Zecira brought some drink called Akvavit, and you absolutely have to try it." Caro explains and I nod.
"Sorry Mala." I say and let myself get dragged away by Caro.
"This is literally so good!" Georgia says and hands me a shot glass.
The cold liquid burns in my throat but it's also really good.
"Oh my gosh this is really good." I say making them laugh.
"Told ya." Georgia answers, pouring me another shot glass of it and drinking one her own.
"Better be careful." Magda warns, Pernille appearing behind her.
"Careful with what?" she asks, sliding one arm around her wife.
"They are trying Akvavit." Zecira explains, pointing at the bottle.
"Uh yeah you should defiantly be careful, that stuff is really strong." Pernille warns while Georgia and I drink our third glass of that stuff.
"Nah we can handle that, we are big girls." Georgia says and wraps one arm around me.
Caro serves us a round of drinks and Pernille and Magda leave to talk to some people.
The party keeps going till it's late at night, around midnight most of the people started to leave and now there are only some friends, some team members and the brides left.
"I need to go to the restroom." I say to Caro who is still standing behind the bar with Georgia, singing along to a German party song, Jovi finally decided to play.
"Der Zug hat keine bremse." she sings in reply and I cant help but laugh.
The floor on the way there is really uneven and as I come back I see someone coming towards me.
"You're good?" I hear Mala asking, fuck is she hot.
"This floor isn't built right." I say instead of answering her question.
"You know what a friend of mine is a carpenter I think he knows how to fix this." I say and pull my phone out of my pocket.
"Y/N, it is 1am I don't think he will like it if you call him now."
I put my phone back into my pocket and look at her.
"I think you should go home and sleep till you're sober." Mala says "I can drive you home."
"You are so smart." I step closer, how can someone actually be so smart? I mean she is studying....something. I know she is studying something you have to be very smart for. But right now I cant remember its name.
"There is so much knowledge inside your beautiful head." I say, pressing one finger against her forehead.
"And your skin is so soft." I feel the need to touch her cheek.
"Yeah you defiantly are druck, come on let's get you home." she says laughing and wraps one arm around me, trying to get me to walk towards the exit.
"Wait." I say and grab her by her jacket, pulling her against me.
Her warmth surrounds me and I feel like I could pass out just from that feeling.
"Yes?" her voice is so soft, like she is an angel.
"I really want to kiss you." I say, looking at her lips for some seconds before I look up into her eyes.
"That's because you're drunk." she says but not letting go of me.
"No! I mean yes...I say that because I am drunk but I want to kiss you even when I am sober."
"I am in love with you, Mala."
A small smile curls up on her lips and she softly grabs my chin.
"If you really mean that, then say it again when you are sober." she says, stepping back.
"But don't play with my feelings Y/N."
I slowly nod, suddenly feeling really tiered.
"Let's get you home." she says and I follow her down the hall, we say goodbye to Magda and Pernille and some other people and I see Magda whispering something to Mala while looking at me but I cant hear what they are saying.
Mala drives me home and waits outside until I am inside my apartment.
We have two final training sessions before everyone is going on their summer vacations and as usual I am one of the last ones to be there.
Malas place in the locker room is directly opposite to mine and normally we talk a little while getting chanced and she helps me doing my hair.
But today is different.
Yesterday morning I woke up with my head feeling like it had doubled in size but unfortunately I could remember everything that had happened.
And I feel like she also did.
The training is good but it feels different without Mala talking to me and making jokes all the time.
At the final training it is the same and I definitely know that I don't want to go into summer brake like that.
I try to be the last one to go into the locker room but she is already waiting outside as I get there.
"We should talk." she says and I nod.
I follow her around the corner so we won't get interrupted by any of the other players.
"I don't know how much you remember of the party night but-"
"I remember everything." I interrupt her, leaning against the wall.
"And I am sorry for telling you that but..." I look at the floor, I could just deny it, deny my feelings, deny the fact that I didn't say all of that because I was drunk.
"I...I cant tell you that it was because of the alcohol, because .... because it is true. Everything I said." I say and look up.
I am surprised by the way she looks back at me, not mad or hurt but with a small smile on her lips. Her beautiful lips.
She steps closer.
"What is true?" she asks.
"That I am in love with you and that I want to kiss you."
"And what did I say after you told me that?"
"To tell you that again when I am sober?" I ask, confused about her reaction.
"No after that."
"To not play with your feelings." I repeat her words, realizing that I completely forgot about that till now.
"Because I cant have you telling me, that you like me back and not meaning it." she explains, taking another step towards me, my body now trapped between her and the wall.
"You...you like me too?" I ask, but scared of what she would say I look down at our shoes.
"How could I not like you." she whispers in the space between us. And like she did at the weeding, she grabs my chin and softly pushes it up.
She leans forwards, searching in my eyes for the permission to do it.
I close my eyes, waiting for her lips to meet mine. And they do.
Her lips feel so soft against mine. She tastes a little like Powerade, lip balm and her.
I can't believe I am kissing her.
As we brake apart, a big smile forms on my lips.
I open my mouth to say something but someone else is faster than me.
We look to the side and I feel one of Malas arms around me like she wants to protect me from anything that could happen now.
At the end of the hallway, there are standing Magda and Pernille, both ready to go home.
"Soon enough." Magda says, coming towards us, followed by her wife.
I just look at them, to stunned to speak.
"Magda." Pernille says in a warning tone.
"What?" She says laughing "You also knew about this."
"You...what?" I ask.
"I told them about my feelings." Mala says and looks at me. So that was what they were talking about at the weeding.
"Well, weddings make lovers." Magda says and smiles at us like a proud mom.
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wosoluver · 1 month
Little family
Part 3
Lena Oberdorf x reader
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"Obi can you give me a ride to training this week? I have to take my car to get fixed. This morning I ubered here."
"What? Why didn't you text me? I would've gave you a ride this morning too."
"I didn't want to be a bother." you said tying up your boots
"You're never a bother.
Be careful you're going to drop Libby!" she said moving to get the plushie bunny before she fell from the bench to the floor. Putting it sitting on top of her own stuff.
You just nodded thankfully at her, as the two of you walked out to the field.
Unknowingly to you, your friends stayed behind just so they could comment on the unbelievable scene that had unfolded before them.
"There's actually no way! They are literally an old married couple!" said Georgia.
"It's driving me insane to watch them be so oblivious!" said Lea as she tied up her hair.
"I swear if I have to go through this one more week..." said Syd as she turned around. "Do something Libby! Like, haven't you chose Lena as your other mom already?"
"You want a teddy bear to do something?" asked Pernille. "You do something!"
"Fine!" answered Syd.
"Fine?" a few of the girls said in unison, confused by what she meant.
"We should set up a plan to get them to confess!" she answered once again.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." said Sam.
"Come on! The worst thing that can happen is them getting married in secret so they don't have to invite us." she tried to reason.
"Fuck it, I'm in!" said Lea.
"Well, that didn't take much convincing.
I'll help too." said Georgia.
And some of them joined in too.
"We might need Libby."
"I don't know if-"
When it was time to leave, after getting cleaned up, you turned to Lena.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah, do you want to stop at the coffee shop?"
You only nodded. Walking to the car side by side.
And the girls stayed behind once again.
"I don't think she noticed." said Georgia.
"She'll notice trust me."
As she parked the car on the usual spot you always were in, you reached for the bunny, only she wasn't there.
"Obi, are you carrying Libby?"
"I don't have her."
"What do you mean?"
"She's not with me."
"But you left her along with your stuff!"
"I thought you had grabbed her from it."
"Why would I?! I always trust you with her!" your tone rising.
"Okay, I know you're nervous, but I'm on your side here. I would never be careless with something you care so much about! I won't ever put you on that situation! That's not how you treat someone you love." she blurred out in the heat of the moment.
You took a pause to recompose yourself and make sure your heart didn't leave your body.
She most likely didn't mean it like that, and you were just trying to feel some sort of mutual feeling from her.
"Sorry, for almost yelling at you. You're one of the best friends I have, I know y-"
"Best... friend?" she asked, almost coming out as a whisper.
"Yeah, sorry if you don't feel like that, it's totally fine. We can be just, friends?" you said scared to say anything else wrong.
Obi simply shook her head in disbelief. Had she just confessed she felt something more? And had you just turned her down?
"No! I mean I like you more than a friend, more than a best friend." she said with a defeat look on her face.
And she only nodded, avoiding your eyes.
"I do too." you said with a hand on her cheek, making sure she was looking your way.
You stared at each other for a bit, just taking in the moment. Before she calmly pressed her lips onto yours.
"Let's go back to get her." she said as soon as you parted, resting her forehead on yours. Still with her eyes closed, but she could feel you nodding your head.
meanwhile the girls were still sitting around waiting for you two to show up, to look for your bunny.
"I'm loosing hope, I don't think they're coming back anytime soon." said Pernille.
Some were siting on the bench or the floor, others were lying around. Lea was about to protest when you walked in, holding onto Lena's hand. Immediately spotting the plushie sitting in the middle of the room.
"Did it work?!" screamed Syd.
"Why are you all still here? And what do you mean by that?" you wanted a confession, already suspecting then.
They all looked at each other.
"It was Sydney's idea!" said Georgia.
"No! Pernille was the one who said so!"
"Only because you all wouldn't quit complaining about them being so unaware!"
You and Obi shared a look, shaking your heads and letting out a slight laugh.
"We should have known." she said.
"So?" asked Lea waiting for a resolution.
And you only hid your face in Lena's neck, becoming shy from all the looks, and she placed a small kiss on your forehead.
As they all cheered loudly.
And Lea grabbed Libby before covering her eyes. "Get a room!" joining in with a joke
Again thank you to the amazing anon who came up with the idea for Little family! 🩷
Requests are open!
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weirdo09 · 1 year
estas bien, mami?(gn)
a miles g/prowler! miles x reader
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requested by anonymous
teasing to the point of short term periods of not eating
slight eating disorder
possibly sensitive topics
tooth rotting fluff
annoying brothers
any of these seems uninteresting to you, don’t read.
you know how your younger brother can say stupid shit at times but you really didn’t think it affected you until that day. every now and then, you’d get little comments from your brother like “oh, she’s eatin’ again? fattie.” or “why do you eat up all the food?” it didn’t really effect you, all it did was annoy you but as it persisted, the more you started to wonder if he was actually right.
the first time he ever said anything was at a cookout with your extended family in georgia. you were on your second plate of food when you heard him and your boy cousins snicker bout how much you were eating. “look, watch out! y/n’s gonna leave us hungry with the way she’s eatin’!” they said, you just rolled your eyes and went to sit with your other cousins. it was nothing but a harmless joke at the time.
the second time was when you and him were at the dinner table. “you sure you wanna eat all that? i mean, you look pretty big already.” he whispered past you, getting his fill on mac n cheese and chicken. you huffed and put up the finger, your momma scolded you and sent you upstairs to finish your dinner. “estúpido.” you said under your breathe, that you learned from miles. (y’all aren’t dating officially yet) that night, you didn’t eat as much as you normally did but it wasn’t like anyone would notice, right?
the third time was when you two were over a friend’s house, your momma forced you to bring your brother over for ‘quality time’ or some shit. as you left downstairs to eat, he popped up, snickering with your friend’s brother. “look at the hippo!” they squealed, unfortunately your friend and her mom barely heard so your mood was officially ruined for the rest of the night. you eat a moderate size amount of food and you would soon suffer the consequences for your stomach growled most of the time there.
the fourth and final time before the ‘day’, was the day after getting back from your friend’s house. you didn’t even bother getting breakfast not like your family cared, apparently. you went down for lunch and got a apple while your brother was staring at you.
“all for today, hippo?” he asked, you nodded and ran up the stairs. you walked over to the bathroom, you decided to weigh yourself just out of curiosity. surprisingly, you lost 20-25 pounds in the last week. the last time you weighted yourself, you were 199 lbs. you thought about going lower, maybe then he would stop picking on you. so you decided you go down to 160, losing 39 pounds was easy.
as the weeks passed, you were getting slimmer and slimmer. you smiled at the console of getting skinny, you weren’t an ideal type for boys. maybe then they’d start to notice you. your mom also made quick remarks about your unknown weight loss and about how she was so proud that you stopped eating as much. you weighted yourself and saw that you slimmed down to 146.
‘yes!’ you thought, you were finally perfect. or should you go lower? ‘do it, y/n.. you know you want to..’ a voice said creepily, you shivered. you got off the scale and made way to your room. that was a strange thought but you managed to look past it. you thought about it for hours, it was slowly eating away at you. 1-2 weeks later, you were down 130. you felt tired but happy.
after that, you were getting more and more exhausted. simple tasks began to take a toll on you. one day, ‘the day’, you went on the scale and passed out. you woke up, laying on the bathroom floor. you tried to get up but you were too tired. then you thought about calling miles, ‘he wouldn’t want to see you… not when you look so ugly, so disgusting… you should be ashamed..’ the voice said again.
going against it, you rang up miles. “què pasa, mami?” he asked, you sighed deeply. “nothin, could y-y-you come over? i wanna see you.” you said, gasping for air. “alrigh’, ma, hang on tight.” he said, hanging up. you passed out again.
“hey, mrs. [last name], you do know where y/n is?” miles asked, the lady shook her head. “maybe try in her room?” she suggested, he thanked her. he walked up the stairs and made way to your bedroom before he saw the bathroom door open with you lying on the floor. miles stared in concern and walked towards you. “mami? puedes oírme?” miles asked, shaking your body for a response. “nnghhh…” you groaned, “stop shaking me!” you said in annoyance, miles pulled you into a hug.
“ma, estás viva!” miles exclaimed, holding you close and smiling down at you. “yeah? i’m fine, miles.” you said, staying in his hold a little longer before attempting to get up. you fell before miles caught you. “estas bien, mami?” miles asked, worried. you looked down at your body and began to tear up, “no, miles, no, i’m not ok..” you whispered, miles picked you bridal style and walked downstairs.
gladly, there was no one there to stop him from taking you to his house because best believe he would fight if he had to. you hid in his chest most of the way there. once you got there, miles made way to his room and closed the door with his foot. he placed you down on his bed.
“mind tellin me why i found you on the floor passed out?” he asked, staring into your eyes. “i just tryna ‘ose a few pounds, ‘s all..” you mumbled, miles frowned. “mila, mi vida,” he began to say, getting down on his knees to hold your hands. “eres tan hermosa, mi niña bonita.” he finished, kissing up your arms to your lips. it was short and sweet.
you started to tear up again, miles frowned deeply. “ah, mami, no lloles, pol favol, odio verte molesto…” he said, rocking you in his arms. the two of you ended up cuddling, miles hummed a song softly to you while tracing your face. you lied against him, content. “who said that you needed to lose weight?” miles asked, his demeanor changing slightly though he still traced your face with his finger.
“uhm, no one-.” you began to say when miles shot you a “tell me the truth or i’ll fight a random nigga” look. you sighed, “my brother..” you spat out, miles stopped tracing your face to look at you properly. “and my mom, a bit.” you confessed, miles’ usual warm hazel eyes turned cold. “you’re with me for a few days, mami, ok?” he said, though it sounded more of a command. you nodded, rio’s cooking was amazing. “good..” miles whispered, kissing your cheek. you cheesed softly. “estás a salvo conmigo, niña..” he whispered in your ear, him speaking spanish always made you fall head over heels.
què pasa, mami? - what’s up, mommy?
mami? puedes oírme? - mommy? can you hear me?
ma, estás vivas! - ma, you’re alive!
estás bien, mami? - are you ok, mommy?
mira, mi vida - look, my life
eres tan hermosa, mi niña bonita - you are so beautiful, my pretty girl
ah, mami, no llores, por favor, odio verte molesto.. - ah, mommy, please don’t cry, i hate to see you upset..
estás a salvo conmigo, niña.. - you’re safe with me, baby girl
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cowgirlcherrie · 11 months
georgia canned peaches — ⋆。°✩ 🐎 cowboy! ellie
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pairing: cowboy! hitwoman! ellie x black! fem! reader. wc: 5.0K
synopsis: on the run was Tennessee’s peach, who trades a life of discomfort for security with a Texan stranger
warnings: 18+, MDNI! mommy issues, slight religious trauma if you squint, heavy touching, ellie has an accent, mentions of death and loneliness, heavily inspired by Bones and All ( minus the c*nnibalism and gore), dom! ellie, domestic! ellie, heavy use of petnames (peach, sweetness, sugar, doll), stranger danger lowkk…, mostly angst with a dash of fluff, mentions of weapons, killing, black feminine coded reader, running away, taking care of injuries, injured ellie (so mention of blood, bleeding),
━━━ ♪ peach & georgia by kevin abstract
a/n: heyy everyone!! here's a quick lengthy one-shot for cowboy-ish Ellie! if you enjoy it babis my ask button is open and I'm always accepting requests if you want headcanons, etc, but enjoy!! ⊹˚. ♡⊹˚. ♡
Mama didn’t raise no bitch! Or a conniving little thief either. 
You tested that theory. Your hands became sticky with anything remotely flashy. Perhaps that was how you found out how to survive on your own. Times like this you wondered where you would be if your mama had just been a perfect Mary Sue. Made dinner, taught you how to wash your clothes and braid your hair, tucked you in at night, and just maybe taught you how to be better than a man. But now you were alone, in the hot Texan heat, and it felt like a smack to the face. Similar to her handprint the night she let you loose and hissed that you are on your own. You didn’t wanna cover the bills anymore or hear her bullcrap about how it was Adam and Eve — not Eve and Eve. You grew tired, and so did your feet that seemed to get you as far as you were now. Perhaps it wasn’t smart to smash your piggy bank taking the $500 dollars you spent bussing tables to go and a messenger duffle that could fit 3 heads. No plan either, which was significantly negligent, but your sticky fingers got you farther than you ever could, and they made sure you were fed. 
That would explain why you were stealing in a gas station grocery. Crouched by the nonperishables stuffing anything and everything into the duffle bag. Georgia peaches, check. Canned pineapple, check. Dried beans and nuts, double-check. You weren’t exactly careful, but the place loomed with unfamiliar faces who certainly were too full of themselves to stop you. So you kept going, a first aid kit for the bruises that were forming on your knees and sewing material to fix the rip in your jacket. Well not your jacket, but your dad's jacket. Brown thick cotton over your shoulders to cover the long dress you were in, it was a smart decision. The jacket kept you warm on the desert nights, and it made home in your hands during the day. The little pockets are perfect for stuffing loads of crap you don’t need. With the crack of another can hitting the floor, it paralleled a shiny brown boot. Drenched in leather and gold detailing as it smacked the tile. Left foot – right foot – left again. Your eyes followed the trail of feet, ignoring the can that rolled away from you as a hand reached down to pick it up. A roughened, bloody, feminine freckled hand. Now the mystery girl was looming over your figure, in an authoritative stance, as if her ego had been bigger than her height itself. But she was also bleeding. Her right arm clenched to her hip as blood seeped between her fingers. 
“Yers’ drop somethin’ peach?” The accent sent a shiver up your spine. It was thick and unfamiliar but maybe the word peach, at the end masked her roughness. You now made eye contact with the girl, green eyes looming into yours as you shakily took the can of peaches.
“M’sorry that was my bad,” you mumbled taking the peaches back and tucking them into your chest. You couldn’t slip it back into your bag now, next thing you know she would yell THIEF! and drag you by your collar to the front counter. But the woman was in such poor shape to do so, her freckled face wincing ever so slightly with every movement her body made. She was a cowgirl, you’ve heard all about them in the papers but didn’t take them for the real deal. Her hat told you all you need to know, brown to match her thick belt and blue bell bottoms. Oh, she was the real deal.
“Could ya be a doll n’ grab me a kit” The woman groaned out, pushing her body weight in front of you. Her standing position contrasted yours that was crouched down, at eye level with the material. “You’s a real catch ya know? Put the peaches back in. I know you were stealin’” This made you freeze. Fuck!Fuck!Fuck! Your brain shouted you were screwed.
Your hands now moved slower reaching for the kit in front of you, and you suddenly realized how overly close the woman was to you. Almost blocking your field of vision from anything to your left. You ignored her statement, as you shakily lifted the first aid kit to her hands. 
“Peach��you are a delight, but now you listen,” The woman didn’t take the kit, “A camera has been pointed at ya for the past 5, and now you got Tina’ at counter watchin’ ya. You are gonna live up to bein’ delightful and pay for this one thing” The woman was scrounging in her pocket and you took the moment of silence to think to yourself, you had barely any money. $500 was something you needed to make stretch.
“I don’ take you for a fool, I’m Ellie, and I mean no harm.” Ellie took off her hat placing it over the left side of her chest at her heart, giving you a simple nod before putting the dusted brown hat back on her head. Ellie this time put a stained $10 bill on top of the first aid kit that had been suspended in the air by your hand. This action made you stand up – eye level with this time. Noticed the girl has a height to her, her figure looming over you as you stood.
“Give me the bag [what?] your bag sweetness! we don’t got all day, dammit I’m hurt” Ellie stated bluntly. There was no more time for jokes or stealing any more Georgia canned peaches. There were better things to worry about. Like the fact that you can go to jail for stealing and Ellie who was bleeding out in front of you. You slid your brown bag off your shoulder handing it to Ellie who swung it over her left shoulder. 
“Go see Tina with ‘er blonde hair, act sweet, say your visitin’ family. If they ask, say the Williams Ranch, she’ll give you no hard time” Ellie started as she was giving you instructions, “When ya finish, keep the change, meet me at my car I’ll be outside. You get your bag – I fix my wound, and you get the fuck outta town.” Ellie finished. This time her look was stern, and aggressive as if she was testing you. Testing your loyalty, your honesty, your act. She wanted to see how you worked under pressure, she wanted you to suffocate from fear. All you could do is nod, swallowing harshly, as Ellie turned her body walking down the Isle to your left.
You took the initiative to make your way to ‘Tina’. Ellie was right, the blonde had been suspicious of you. Asked you all the questions that Ellie said she would, but she backed off once you mentioned the Williams Ranch. Handing you the exact change of 0.50 cents and a hospitable smile, saying “Have a great day.” Tina’s defensiveness changed with one simple title. This made you wonder how much authority Ellie had over the place, questions flooding through your brain as you pushed the door and walked out, being met with the setting sun.
The sun was getting low, and there wouldn’t be a motel for another mile out. Sure you could do the walk but you weren’t guaranteed anything. A whistle brought you out of your trance, belonging to Ellie who this time had a toothpick between her cushioned pink lips, as her body leaned against a ran down red car, with muddied wheels. You jogged over this time seeing that your bag was missing from her shoulders rather this time in the passenger seat of her car. 
“Here you go, what you asked.” You pushed the first aid kit into her hands like you’d done back in the store. Ellie mumbled a thank you, as she nibbled on the toothpick. This time, taking the kit and putting it on the hood of the car. 
“Yous’ as quiet as a mouse, but orders ya take well…Peach could you help me patch up, I ensure you a place to stay and food in return – all comfort no lies…” It took you time to think about it. What did people call this…southern hospitality? She was sweet to you despite not really knowing you but the situation was still tit for tat. You do for me, I do for you. Wax on, Wax off. You weren’t gonna say no to a place to crash, where you didn’t have to worry about the faucet being broken or water barely coming out because the bill wasn’t paid. You were certain her bills were paid. 
“Yes, please…uh thank you!” You exclaimed as you began to dig through the box, taking out a bottle of water from your coat pocket, also stolen using it as a hand wash and something to clean the area, temporarily where the wound is. “doncha thank me just yet, you’re just getting started, peach.”
 Ellie was surprisingly still gentle with you, taking her time to crouch into the backseat of the car, while you sat next to her with the kit on the center console. Ellie took her time to untuck the white button-down shirt, as her hands shakily fiddled with the buttons. Due time, her snail speed started to irritate you making you smack her hands away doing it yourself. The exchange was silent, but you preferred it to keep the awkwardness at bay. Ellie shook off her white button down, leaving her in a white tank top — Ellie this time took the initiative to roll the tank top up to right below her boobs allowing you to wince at the large gash on her hip.
“Holy Sh—”
“I wouldn’t say that—”
“Not my first Rodeo” Ellie continued as you poured water on the wound making Ellie grit her teeth. Tilting her head back as whimpers left her mouth at the sudden coldness. All of it was hard to do when you’re in the back of a car trying to patch up a borderline dead woman. But before you could ask any questions, Ellie took the initiative to do it herself. 
“W-Where you headed, whats yer’ story?” Ellie grimaced through the pain as she held her head against the headrest, pants escaping her lips at an alarming rate. “God…I’m sorry,” You hesitated, you couldn’t even answer one simple question, your hands shaking at the blood that was covering your hands as it just wasn’t slowing down.
“Jeez– I hope a lil’ blood don’t scare you peach, I woulda done it myself baby,” Ellie hissed, trying to stay moderately sweet as she was now gripping onto the door handle, her right hand finding its way to your thigh, squeezing for the endless support. That’s when you noticed her tattoo, a death’s-head hawkmoth, and vines. Beautiful, yet chaotic, she had a story. Ellie squeezed again your thigh again making you look back at her. “Eyes up here baby [sorry] where [shit] ya’ from?” You couldn’t lie, the rifle at the back of her car taunting you. If she wanted to kill you she certainly would have done it by now. She wasn’t a threat, and she proved that in the store.
“I’m from Tennessee, I’ve been traveling on foot. I’m runnin’ away” You confessed as Ellie nodded her head in response, Your accent was slight, barely noticeable making more sense in Ellie’s head at why you struck her as different. Your beautiful brown skin glowing under the setting sun, you were a beauty to her. “Figured, how old?” Ellie questioned as you continued to stay frozen, eyes on her face to continue the conversation. “21” Ellie nodded again. 
“Thought so, 22” Ellie responded. There it was again, the tit for tat. 
“You seem like a good girl, far away from home aren’t cha. What’s wrong with yer family? Perhaps your mama?” Ellie tilted her head watching as your face transitioned from bliss and tranquility to fear and panic. She knew she struck a nerve, your mama was the problem. She didn’t wanna pressure you, hell it didn’t matter now. You were on your own, like a scared little lamb that has been deterred from its family. Possibly you were the black sheep, different from the rest. Ellie, once again, didn’t wanna pressure you. 
“You look like you need someone to take care of ya, don’t worry Peach I’ll take care of you” Ellie whispered, her voice all velvety like icing a chocolate cake. Smooth and sweet with care and caress. Ellie was unlike others you’ve met. Or any ex-lover you had. This time you weren’t afraid to let her in or take care of you. Hell you wanted that, you’ve been craving it for all years of your life while you had to do it for others. Maybe it was time someone exchanged the favor. The good karma bell rang in your ears, as a smile tugged at your lips.
“Make sure you cared for, if you let me” Ellie whispered some more, her hands this time traveling to your waist, giving a gentle squeeze, to which you could only hum in response. She was a charmer and knew all the right words to get you sunken in with her. Mama always said to not trust strangers, but why didn’t she feel like one? Her scent was intoxicating all you wanted to do was lean down and sink your pointed fangs into her shoulder, hearing her cry of satisfaction while she continued to call you Peach. Peach…Peach…Peach. You liked that name, no one called you that but considering that's what she handed you when you first spoke, it didn’t run as a surprise. 
Ellie squeezed, “Words, sweetness?”
“Yes” you squeaked, which probably sounded oddly sexual now that you thought about it. Unholy thoughts plague your brain at the sight of the Texas beauty in front of you. Realizing your task still was unfinished you got back to work. Hands working fast as you took your time, threading the suture thread through the needle as it came in contact with the flesh that was Ellie’s loose and separated skin.
Ellie wincing as you dug the needle in, and back out with an exhale. It was a semi-shitty stitching job, but you were able to tightly close the wound and stop the bleeding. Ellie didn’t speak, considering she’d risk completely yelling every curse word and potentially scaring you off, she settled on biting the hem of her tank top instead. Thick black lashes coated with tears at the sudden pain and blood crust. You were gentle though, Ellie caressing your waist as you put down a gauze pad, followed by wrapping it with the gauze roll and securing it with the adhesive tape. Patting to let her know that you were finished. 
“Yer’ such a good girl you know?” Ellie cooed as her hands found their way up to your braids, bringing your head down so she can give a chaste kiss to your head. Right…Right… Southern Hospitality. The feeling almost made you cry. Praise, followed up with affection? Like nothing you have felt before – hell you only thought they did that in movies. Ellie, however, was like a movie. Purley a fever dream, you were scared to fall asleep, what if you imagined the whole thing? You were enjoying your runaway escapades too much for it all to be fake. 
“Let’s get the show on the road,” Ellie gave a smile, making her way out of the back, suggesting that you do the same. So much for not trusting strangers.
Father, Forgive me for I have sinned… it was blurry 
As we forgive our trespassers…still blurry
You were a trespasser, is what you were getting from Ellie’s narration. Over the 30-minute car ride to her Farmhouse, Ellie explained to you the whole ordeal. Her cowboy hat was on your head as you listened to her tell narration of the cowboys' sealant for the townspeople. Why Tina, at the gas station tried to make you a friend. This Texan desert, farmland was constructed with the passage that cowboys and cowboy decedents protect the townspeople from narcs and trespassers, which in this case you could have been either. Debunked neither. It was one of those towns that people suggest you pass, hell probably inquire why it's still on the fucking map.
Ellie confessed that she was also a trespasser, just like you. Taken in by her late found father Joel who showed her how to run the rodeo. How Millers Ranch, became Williams Ranch. It was impressive, your eyes gleaming with admiration. Then it hit you, why she had the shotgun she did bounties on narcs, drug smugglers, the whole ordeal. People who came in to steal, wreak havoc, and destroy the peace. She was the town's grim reaper. She was the one who knocks. You felt faint, as the realization knocked into you like a brick. Nothing was truly sweet about her, that accent was to mask how with one click she’ll hunt like they were rabbits. You were trapped in her cage.
Upon arriving at her farmhouse which was large enough for more than one, it made you sad to see. She was alone, by herself. No wonder it was easy for her to drag you into her company, human interaction seemed obsolete out here. A dim light shown from what you assumed to be the horse stable, that was rather quiet as the nightfall had put you at ease. You held your jacket to your body tighter at the sudden gust of wind, hearing the weeds brush against each other — almost screaming in the wind. You held tightly onto your bag while Ellie limped past you, with the white button-down rested over one shoulder. Fiddling with the keys in her pocket. 
“Shoes off at the door, watch your step,” Ellie spoke up as she opened the door, you were hit with the sudden aroma, it smelled like fresh wood, pine, and just a hint of freshly baked cookies. It was how you pictured going to visit your grandmothers to be. Warm and welcoming. Complying with her wishes, you took your boots off, leaving you in mix-matched socks with funky designs that you have bought out of quirkiness. Ellie found this amusing. White ones to contrast your colors, the two of you had a lot of differences. But for the lack of similarities came an understanding. A mutual grounding between the two of you. A grey area. Ellie was behind you this time, taking her hat off your head, hooking it onto the wall, your thick jacket as well, and placing it on the hook beneath it. 
“Welcome, home” 
Now that made your stomach curl, you didn’t know what home is, besides yourself and your belongings. Attaching your home to people, not places. It was a wave of worry and fear that hit you. Your feet stuck as it felt like someone took a hammer and nailed your feed to the wooden floors. It was lively and well-decorated for someone that lived alone. Breaking free from your sinking feet you started to observe the living space. There was art, tones of it, stumbling across a photo in the bookcase of a much younger Ellie and an older man with salt and pepper hair who you had presumed to be Joel. The name fit his face well, A small smile creeping up to your face at the closeness of the two. Ellie seemed happy – carefree now that you look at her, that happiness seemed sucked away from her life, she didn’t smile quite like that anymore. Not until you cracked jokes in her car and made her laugh.
“Ya thirsty peach?” Ellie questioned her voice coming out muffled as her figure was far away in the kitchen area, hearing as the refrigerator closed. “I’m good, thank you though.” You put the photo back where you found it, following the trail of her voice. She was very trusting for a stranger, you were already infatuated with the woman, yearning for more. Yearning for her to give you a taste or perhaps a touch. Now you were sitting on her marble countertop, placed there by Ellie as she moved quickly around the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water from the glass pitcher, drowning it all in one go. She wiped the falling water around her mouth with the back of her arm eyeing you in the process, Ellie laughed. You knew her for a short amount of time, but long enough to know that laughter from her was rare – take it as a compliment, you thought. 
Ellie made her way over to you, her hands now on your knees, moving them further apart as she pushed her body in between her legs. Her arms resting on the counter space behind you,  trapping you in her arms.
“Mama didn’t teach you no good...to trust strangers? Oh…Babygirl you’re dangerous” Ellie scolded, laughing as you give the girl a doe-eyed look – your hands finding a  home on her arms. Wrapping your hands around her biceps, as your thumb move up, down, and in a circle. 
“I figured if you were gonna kill me, you already would have done so.” You mumbled as Ellie’s face got a lot closer to yours now. You can see the freckles that decorated her cheeks, her hydrated pink lips from the water she just had, the slit in her eyebrow, and her eyes. The piercing green forest that was her eyes, but it was beautiful, reminded you of the trees that you had seen when you walked. The storm that was your life, before Ellie became your superhero, the knight in shining armor. She saved you, and you owed her big time.
“Bingo! I know you smart peach, and that’s why imma tell you once, listen t’me real good.” Ellie specified, bringing one arm up to grip your chin gently, not allowing you to look anywhere else but herself. Ellie seemed possessive, maybe she lost too many people or her lack of social interaction but she didn’t want to let you go, and you could tell. She needed you just as much as you needed her, a packaged deal.
“You don’ trust nobody that ain’t me.” Ellie began, “Someone’s overly nice to ya’ you tell me. Mean? You fuckin’ tell me. Both don’t fly with me baby, if it ain't from me” Ellie finished, letting go of your jaw to which you nodded. Ellie was a fuckin’ force to be reckoned with, It was like digging into a mystery box, you were unsure of the flavors and layers she had to herself. Hell, she could be manipulating you and you wouldn’t even notice. Hospitality for comfort or comfort for hospitality, it all looked the same.
“Ay Ay, captain!” You playfully military saluted the girl, making Ellie roll her eyes at your statement, you were exceptionally fun. Which Ellie didn’t have anymore...fun. If you classify a night at Typsy Bison as fun then so be it. “You hungry? I can run you a shower before you eat – it’s leftovers if that's alright with yourself?” Ellie questioned and that’s when it hit you, you’ve been traveling afoot all day, and the thought of even having a meal slipped your mind, but you were famished, stomach lightly growling at the mention of the word food.
“I could use food, yeah — as long as there’s no cheese.” You challenge making Ellie back away this time as she took out a glass plate, a fork, and a knife. “No cheese sugar, but something to get you settled – I always have dessert peach if you want that instead?” Now you felt like a kid in a candy store. Dessert was a rarity and boy did it sound delightful right now. Ellie smiled as she watched the way your eyes gleamed at the mention of dessert.
“Got a sweet tooth huh?” Ellie smiled, making you laugh in return. You did have a sweet tooth, anything sweet was enough to bring a smile to your face. That’s why you had a love for canned peaches. The taste reminded you of peach pie that you would get at the diner as you worked a closing shift. Sitting at a booth as you devoured a piece of peach pie, it was heated, like a warm hug in the winter. You cried every time you had a piece. It reminded you of all the good things in life – like how good your mother could be. 
“I hope you have pie” you pleaded, making Ellie nod her head. “You aren’t pressin’ yer luck! I got an apple pie from a good friend of mine, I think you’ll love it – not too sweet, but fillin’” Ellie smirks in satisfaction as she placed one hand on her hip. 
“Let’s run’ya a shower” 
How were you supposed to explain to Ellie why you were crying? Pajamas that you stored in your bag resting on your body as the matching white tank top and light blue shorts attached to your frame — you just had the best shower you’ve ever had in a while. Not only was the water hot, but it didn’t cut out every five minutes, and the faucet wasn’t leaking, everything was comfortable, perfect. Ellie herself took the time you were in the shower to clean up herself, now in different clothing —  a white t-shirt and plaid pajama pants that clung to her body nicely. The two of you sitting at the dining table as Ellie watched you eat the warmed pie, a tear fell from your eye with swiftness. Ellie’s gentle gaze transitioned into confusion and eventually fear as she watched you cry. 
“Oh god, wait!... I’m sorry” you laughed in between sniffles, taking the back of your hand to rub your face.
“Jeez, I thought I did somethin’ sugar” Ellie exaggerated holding her hand over her heart as if someone pierced an arrow through it. Now it was your turn to reveal your story, like how you cried every time you ate pie, specifically with peaches. It made Ellie give a small grin. Feeling as though she did something right in her life where she wasn’t playing god,  It was wholesome that’s for sure. The redhead found it odd, but it was a sweet moment and she understood it. Ellie’s smile fell when she noticed the clock behind your head striking 10:30pm making her frown. The good times she was having at the moment were coming to an end, for both her and yourself. 
“You go’n watch the tv til your tired, I have some business to take care of before tomorrow” Ellie didn’t wanna scare you, her business was taking the grey cloth, as she wiped down her guns and reloaded them for tomorrow. She didn’t want to give you the wrong impression.  
“Can you watch it with me?” You inquired, ignoring the part where she said she had business. 
“I’m cleaning guns.”
“So? You don’t scare me cowgirl” You wiggled your eyebrows as Ellie snatched the empty plate from your hands, placing it in the sink as she let the sponge soap up to wash the plate clean with hot water.
“Fine. I see you jump – I’m goin’ to another room, I don’t mix business with pleasure” Ellie confessed as she was less focused on you this time. You chose this time to leave the dining area, entering the living room as you hit the squared television's 'ON' button. It was small and run down, similar to the one at your moms before you left. You pulled at the antenna to catch a signal. The static glitching before on came Looney Tunes. You enjoyed the show finding amusement in the animals chasing each other and the crescendo of the music at all the right moments, it was comical and amusing. You spread your body out on the couch, laying on your side as you watched the television in silence, laughing every few minutes at something that you found funny. Ellie walked into the room with a black box and 3 guns in her hand. The redhead gently settled down the weaponry, being careful not to startle you, as she slipped into the seat on the far left — your legs now found a home in her lap, Ellie gently sending a rub at your legs. If someone walked right in, they would assume the two of you were probably married for some years now. 
“This okay?” Ellie whispered as you mumbled a “yes” while your focus was still not on her. Ellie could see that you were getting tired, the way your eyes were low, and your breathing slowed down. You were at peace with yourself and with Ellie, this was one of the times when the silence was okay, a mutual serenity, and understanding — everyone was mindful of each other and it was pure love and bliss.
Ellie eyed your figure as your eyes fluttered shut, this time you were sleeping, fully this time letting yourself melt into the softness of the couch as Ellie reached over to her left to grab the blanket and drape it over your sleeping figure. This was also the time she finally got started on cleaning her guns, knowing that you were relaxed and cared for. Ellie wasn’t sure what she was doing, She felt vulnerable and that was rare, but she was doing what she said she would. Taking care of you, like you were taking care of her. You saved her life, and she saved yours, tit for tat.
Ellie in this moment craved nothing more than your lips on hers, perhaps your teeth to graze her flesh, biting…hard into her – wanting to connect and morph bodies. She craved for your love and your intimacy, she wanted you to love her bones and all. Ellie wanted you to love her past, her insecurities, her mistakes, and her wrongs. You were too good for her, she knew it, but there was nothing a sweet peach like you couldn’t fix. 
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modernsuperhero · 2 months
Who are these fun characters and why are they taking over my dash? /pos /please tell me abt your blorbos
i'm assuming you mean these little guys:
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These guys are my newest silliest dudes from the webcomic School Bus Graveyard! It's free to read on webtoons here and is currently in talks to get a TV adaptation soon so now is 1000% the time to be getting into it!! It's basically a supernatural mystery about six high school freshmen from Georgia who go on a field trip and end up sucked into a demon dimension every time it hits midnight! It's super cool - the pacing is very good imo, a good balance of the Main Plot (oh no we need to survive the Demon Dimension again, also Why Are We In A Demon Dimension) with character development and backstory stuff!
The characters are badass but in a way I feel is very realistic? Like, not just "oh i'm the protagonist suddenly i know how to judo flip armies the moment i'm in danger" but more like "i'm going to train for months in self defense classes to build up some basic muscles" kinda way. The characters themselves are also pretty well fleshed out - they're not just the typical archetypes. Like, the "weak bullied nerd kid" isn't JUST a weak bullied nerd kid, he has well developed motivations and backstory and simultaneously realistic and satisfying character growth.
There are implied potential/future romances but it is so NOT the core point of the story, so whether or not that's your thing you can either ignore it or get excited about it in equal measure. The characters also aren't just edgy and gritty "we must deal with this alone... augh misery woe is us..." they actively do what they can to use all the resources available to them (including trying to get help from their parents, which is an ick for me in other media when the kid protagonists just refuse to ask for help? or assume they can't without trying? anyway).
I would say to be careful about any warnings at the beginning of specific chapters, because some can get quite violent.
The six main characters, without giving to many spoilers, are as follows under the cut (cuz this got long):
The protagonist Ashlyn, an asocial ballerina with her loving ex-military parents, who has a condition that gives her incredibly sensitive/enhanced hearing (she ends up using this to help detect the monsters after them, since they're otherwise silent to the other protagonists!)
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Aiden, a creepily-smiley ex-homeschooled rich kid who has no concept of social convention or personal space. Has forcibly chosen Ashlyn to be his friend during his first year in school against her will and ends up accidentally setting off the chain of events leading to the Plot. (I love him. He definitely has Every Mental Illness <3)
Ben, Aiden's incredibly physically intimidating cousin, who is mute and so, so sweet and gentle and follows Aiden like his shadow, in part to take care of him when Aiden's antics get him injured and in part because Ben's muteness makes it incredibly difficult for people to understand him. Aiden, however, can understand his nonverbal communications with ease
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Taylor, a friendly girl's girl who tries (often in vain) to befriend Ashlyn. Is also a talented mechanic who ends up putting googly eyes on her weapon once they end up in the Demon Dimension. She's the most Emotionally Aware Person Here but also she's like, 15, so, the bar is on the floor
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Tyler, Taylor's twin brother, a somewhat aggressive and rude baseball jock who mostly Minds His Own Damn Business aside from his clinginess to Taylor. In fact they wear matching outfits in almost every episode of the comic it's so funny and cute. Is often found fighting bullies to defend their victims so i forgive him for all his own asshole crimes he's just a dude. he's one of my little guys
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Logan, who is canonically compared to a puppy. Shy, intelligent, and incredibly empathetic! My partner's favorite character who has one of the best character arcs so far imo. Likes photography, astrology, and gardening. I think they should give him more guns, as a treat. He can never have enough
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anyways thank you for the ask! overall i highly recommend - it's still ongoing, we're currently in the middle of season two!! the mystery is unfolding, there's funny and sweet moments along with the intense ones, and i am INVESTED. :DDDDDD
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
Feeling really normal about Georgia calling Michael "the boyfriend of my husband"
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Okay, so...wow. Definitely a lot to unpack today, but first let me wish our own Welsh seduction machine the happiest of birthdays. Happy Birthday, Michael! 🎉🎂
So, there have been a few posts since last night, and my thanks to @moriarty-sisters for including the above screenshots. Posting some larger ones so we can take a better look, starting with AL's post:
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And then we have Georgia's from this morning:
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(Standard disclaimer that what follows here is only my opinion/observations, and does not mean that I am completely right. As I've said before, if I am wrong, I am more than happy to acknowledge that.)
It appears that a party was held in Michael's honor last night, and David and Georgia were in attendance. There has been some confusion about the pictures because Michael's hair length/facial hair are different in the group photo vs. the party photos, so to your Ask @kime11e (which I did not include here just to keep this less cluttered), I think that the group photo is not actually from last night (which then makes me wonder why Georgia didn't post one from last night, but more on that in a minute).
So, of course the first thing that stands out about all of this is Georgia calling Michael David's "boyfriend." As I've mentioned previously, Georgia has been calling Michael David's "other wife" since the end of 2021. (David has also called Michael his wife in other contexts, which was confirmed by Rob Wilkins.) "Boyfriend," however, is new. And in this instance, "boyfriend" feels very deliberate. While I don't think it's possible to say that this confirms what the exact dynamic between them is, what I think is confirmed is that something about that dynamic has changed.
But let me go back for a moment and talk about AL and Georgia's posts and the differences between them. In Anna's post, I was particularly struck by the difference in Michael between the picture of him and AL vs. the picture of him with the cake. The disconnect to me is so strong that it's like looking at two different people--the real Michael (cake picture) vs. the version of himself Michael becomes in every picture with her, as if he is playing a role. There is no light in eyes, no trademark twinkle that we so often see--he's just muted, somehow. And Anna again is so wrapped up in showing him off and making sure that she looks good in the picture that she doesn't seem to care how Michael looks.
I do want to note that I would not even be saying this were it not for the fact that this is the...third?...picture he's taken with her in the last month and a half where he looks like this (and noticeably only in pictures with her):
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I've mentioned this previously on my blog, but even if Michael is doing a "bit," he is choosing to look this way in pictures with Anna. Seeing the response to Georgia's post today, however, I almost wonder if it's because they know the fans will never take anything the four of them do seriously, to where AL could say (just as an example) "Michael and I hate each other," and the fans would eat it up and say how funny they are. So in that sense, I could see them deciding to stop pretending entirely and for Michael to let his true feelings out because it's easier to hide in plain sight. I don't know for certain that is the case, but I also don't know how else to explain AL seemingly having no problem with her partner looking like this in multiple pictures with her.
Going back to today's birthday posts, aside from the pictures, I was also perplexed by Anna's caption on her post. It's so over the top in some ways, but somehow not enough at the same time. Again, this would have been an opportunity to say what a great father Michael is, or how he's such a wonderful person, but instead, Anna's caption focuses on how great she is for being willing to throw confetti on the floor, and to celebrate Michael's birthday even though it's apparently an inconvenience. It comes across as self-involved and self-serving, which is further augmented by this tweet of Anna's from earlier bragging about how great she is for the birthday present she got for Michael. All of this taken together, I think what bothers me is how it feels more like Anna is promoting herself than Michael, and that she saw his birthday less as a special occasion and more as a PR opportunity.
Looking at Georgia's post, what stood out to me (apart from the caption, that is) is the picture. Something I have noticed is that Anna seems to always have that tight, pained smile on when anyone other than her is taking the picture. I think Georgia knows enough about "bits" and narratives to know how to set things up, and it's interesting to me that when she does, Anna sort of looks out of place, even unintentionally. Then we have Michael and David, who are beaming in this group picture, and Michael in particular has a huge smile on his face, as he often seems to whenever David is near. And again, for me it's the massive contrast between Michael's expression in that group picture vs. in pictures with AL, as well as the contrast between Georgia and AL's expressions vs. Michael's and David's. What also stood out is what wasn't posted: A picture of Michael and David together.
Which brings me back to my earlier point about the dynamic between the four of them, and to @phantomstars24's comments. I think what's most noticeable to me is that, contrary to what I have also seen some folks say today, this is not "Oops, we're all dating" or a continued joke about them being a polycule (at least not in the way that many fans are assuming). Because in all of this, not once has there ever been a comment or joke about David/Anna or Michael/Georgia. (Heck, Anna doesn't even post a word about David on social media unless it's a reshared post from Georgia or official promo/behind the scenes photos.) So the contrast between what is available for public consumption (group photos, Michael/AL photos) and what isn't (Michael/David candid photos) is very curious.
With that in mind, what this this feels like is a shifting of a preexisting narrative as a form of damage control. Because, as we remember, Georgia has been calling Michael David's "other wife" since 2021, so why didn't she start the "flirting" with Anna at that same time? Or even in 2020, when the first season of Staged happened? Why wait until four years later, especially when she had ample opportunity to do this well before now? Perhaps we will never know why, but if I had to guess, I would say Georgia didn't have a need or reason to do it until now. And as the saying goes, the best place to hide the truth is between two jokes. "Anna is my wife." / "Michael is David's boyfriend." / "Georgia is my wife." Hiding in plain sight, while also taking the heat off of Michael and David.
Again, I realize everyone has different interpretations of this, and I am not going to tell anyone that their interpretation is wrong, or that they have to agree with me. But for me (and I would guess for many others), shipping Michael and David did not start with Georgia calling Michael David's "boyfriend." There is no way that that statement alone would cause such a reaction, but rather the cumulative effect of everything that has happened since 2018, including Michael and David flirting and adoring and eyefucking each other in countless interviews and appearances and much more, long before Georgia ever said a word about it on social media. Now that she has, however, it would seem almost foolhardy to discount the possible reasons why, and in my opinion, I can't see why it wouldn't be as likely that it's because Michael and David are lovers as it is because they are good friends.
So yes, those are my thoughts on today's events. Glad as always to hear from my followers and see what you think of these latest developments. Thanks for writing in! x
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melswifeasf · 8 months
Safest in your arms pt 9
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Pairing: Georgia Miller x fem!oc
Summary: unfinished business is tended between Georgia and Samantha.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI, smut, cursing, drug use, age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming, sexual themes.
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BATTLE OF THE BANDS had not been something Samantha expected to go to. she knew Maxine was going since some of her friends were in a band so it made sense that she went but Samantha didn't know anyone performing. her friends had been the ones that decided it would be fun to go high which at the time sounded like a good idea up until Georgia texted her asking her if she wanted to come over later that night meaning she would be the only sober person in the group. she watched as all of her friends laughed at Hunters song, they were trying their best to do it in a hushed tone but they were failing horribly and Samantha was starting to feel bad for those performing. she wanted to laugh too, she wouldn't deny that but she did so quietly in order to not hurt anyone's feelings. her friends on the other hand couldn't care less.
it wouldn't be so funny if they had smoked but Matthew had found a kid at school who sold molly so they decided to take that instead. the young girl shook her head as she her friends giggled to themselves as they watched Matthew attempt to sing Hunters song. they had all left the school, although it wasn't really their choice but they were drawing too much attention to themselves and Samantha would rather not get in trouble for being under the influence on school property. they were now all in Matthews basement, it was Friday so they were all going to spend the night. Samantha had driven them there and none of them were in condition to drive so Matthew just told them to stay over.
"i can't breathe," Oliver wheezed as he laid his head on his girlfriends lap. Natalie laughed at her boyfriend whilst she ran her hands through his hair. the two of them were on the floor, Nia was on the couch laying her head on Samanthas shoulder and Jade was laying her head on the girls lap. Matthew on the other hand was standing as he impersonated Hunter.
"you guys are going to hell," Samantha laughed as she shook her head.
"come on!" Matthew said "it's funny"
"it's very funny but you guys were so loud and i feel bad for them." she tried to reason with them bud Jade waved her off.
"no, no. he's cringe as fuck. if you write a song for your girlfriend then sing it to her in private but not in front of everyone who can make fun of you." she said pointing her finger as she spoke.
Samantha chuckled grabbed her hand so she wasn't waving it around in front of her face. "you guys are gonna feel so shitty tomorrow," she murmured. she had taken it before and she knew how bad the hangover was.
Nia laughed, "you can take care of us." she said but then gasped, "oh wait, never mind, you're gonna go tap bootylicious ass" she said making Matthew hold his hand up and Nia high fived him.
Jade looked at Samantha suddenly serious, "who's bootylicious?"
"it's no one" Samantha shook her head glaring at both of the teens who had just exposed her secret. the two of them knowing was already two too many, she did not need any more people on the bandwagon.
"doesn't sound like no one" Natalie said with eyebrows furrowed.
"you never hide your hookups from us. is it A-" before he could even get the words out Natalie slapped her hand on his mouth, his words drowned out by it.
"ouch" he said and the blonde girl quickly pulled her hand away and wiped it on his shirt. "why do you have so much saliva?" she grimaced. the two slowly began to argue about something - Samantha wasn't even sure anymore but quickly after the other three began to butt into the conversation. her phone vibrating in her back pocket prevented her from deciphering exactly what they were talking about. she pulled it out and saw the first notification on her screen.
🍑 12:33
kids are asleep
she bit her lip to try and prevent her smile, she didn't want any of them asking her who she was talking to. now she knew why being the only sober person in the room was so boring. thankfully they were all engrossed in one another to see her quickly typing on her phone.
12:33 S
i'm leaving now
she didn't get a response after that and she put her cellphone back in her pocket. "okay, i have to go guys." she said softly tapping Jades shoulder so she can get up from her lap.
the girl frowned but got up none the less. Nia got the hint and also moved her head from Samantha's shoulder, considering she knew why she was leaving she didn't bother asking anything.
"boo" Natalie said throwing her thumbs down making Samantha chuckle in amusement. she stood from the couch and stretched her body whilst doing so, she had been sitting with two girls leaning on her for the past hour and her shoulder was starting to feel sore.
"come on, tell us who she is" Oliver said.
Samantha shook her head, "it's no one, my mom wants me home." she shrugged trying to make it seem as believable as possible. if they were sober that would be near impossible, they all knew one another to the point in which lying wasn't an option but they were all high for so that hopefully wouldn't be the case.
"lies, Ellen would never" Oliver said shaking his head.
of course he would be the one to know. Samantha sometimes thought the boy had a crush on her mom from how much he defended her.
"yeah well things have changed ever since she found out Max was lying" she said hoping that would be enough for him to drop it. technically it wasn't a complete lie, she had even more strict but it was with the twins, not her.
"babe, shut up" Natalie said flicking his forehead. the boy frowned at her which earned himself a kiss on the place he had just been hurt. that seemed to distract him giving her time to sneak away. she got a thumb up from both Matthew and Nia as she began to walk to the stairs causing her to breathe out a laugh.
after what happened in her car she figured they might take things further that night. at least that's what she hoped. she hadn't been able to take the woman out of her head ever since that night. the way her lips felt on hers, the way she would pull her hair or how she was practically burning with need. it was all too much and she was getting impatient. she wondered if Georgia felt the same way. wondered if the blonde thought about the kiss before going to sleep or in the middle of the day during the most inappropriate times causing her to shift in her chair.
thankfully most of the roads were empty as the young girl sped in the direction of her home. the universe was on her side seeing as she was met with almost all green lights and only a car or two in sight. when she finally pulled into her neighborhood she parked a couple houses down so that her mom wouldn't see that she was home. she had told her she might spend the night at Matthews just in case she left rather late from Georgias place.
the raven haired girl grabbed her keys and phone as she locked the car behind her. she was wearing light gray cargo pants and a blue shirt, over it was a blue zip up that belonged to Marcus. she made sure to take in her surroundings the closer she got to the blondes home, the last thing she needed was Marcus or Max watching her climb up their neighbors balcony. there was no friendly explanation for that. although when she thought about it, if Marcus did find out, she wouldn't mind it much. her brother barely spoke to anyone, let alone gossiped. he had been the only person apart from her friends to know about her ex, he had been someone she relied on a little for advice. it was just easier with him being in the family, he knew what to say and what advice to give considering they shared the same sister and parents, something her friends didn't.
the girl cleared her head once she finally reached the woman's balcony, Georgia was already there looking extremely beautiful. her hair was slightly messy and it tumbled down her shoulders, she had on a black dress that had a V which only showed the slightest of cleavage. it must've been what she wore to the fundraiser and the thought of her not taking it off simply to show it off made Samanthas stomach feel warm.
when both her feet were finally on the balcony Georgia showed off her perfect teeth. "hey," she said. even though Samantha had grown used to her accent it didn't change the effect it had on her.
"hey," Samantha responded, "you look beautiful in that dress." she said her eyes raking down the blondes body to really emphasize her words.
Georgia smiled, "you like?"
"i love" Samantha said making the blonde laugh lightly. she reached for the shorter girls hand and began to lead her inside the house. it was something that had never happened before but she didn't question it. it was pretty obvious what the blonde had in mind for the night and she wasn't complaining.
it turned out she was right. as soon as they entered the blondes room a pair of lips crashed down onto Samanthas, it was so quick she didn't even have a chance to take in the room she was in.
they ended up on the bed, the blonde laying on her back with Samanthas between her legs. the raven haired girl was holding her body up with her hands as she kissed the blonde roughly. it was just like their kiss the other night except this time they could touch each other without any restrictions. one of the blondes hands were tangled in the raven girls hair once more whilst the other was on her waist, dangerously close to her ass. Samantha reached toward the blonde face where she softly caressed the skin.
she was so caught in the moment she didn't realize her knee was grazing the blondes crotch until Georgia gasped into her mouth softly. she pulled away instantly, thinking she had hurt her. "are you okay?" she asked examining her face to make sure there was no sign of discomfort.
"yeah." Georgia nodded, "keep going." she said and pulled the girl back down once more. she wanted to ask if she wanted to take things further but that question was answered on its own when she felt the blonde begin to grind on her leg. she could help but smirk causing their teeth to clash but that didn't stop Georgia from kissing the raven haired girl hungrily. it was as if she was starving and Samantha was the only food in sight.
Samantha felt Georgias hand move up from her waist and inside her shirt, her hand was a bit cold causing her to shiver in surprise. she soon got used to it and the blonde began to move it further up until she was touching the edge of the girls bra. she pulled away, her eyes gazing into a pool of brown that were shinning. Samantha didn't need Georgia to say anything, she already knew she was asking for consent. instead of answering anything she sat up for a moment, her hands reached for the hem of her shirt before she pulled it over her head, the shirt thrown somewhere behind her.
Georgia smiled at that, her eyes taking in the girls exposed stomach. her abs were flexing considering the position she was in and she could see the swell of the girls breasts even with the bra. Samantha leaned back down, expecting Georgia to kiss her again but instead the blonde leaned forward and pressed a kiss just above the black bra. Samantha bit her lip at the contact, her back was slightly arched and Georgias left hand was holding on it whilst the other was cupping her other breast.
feather like kisses were spread around Samanthas upper body, as they progressed they began to turn into open mouthed kisses which made Samantha bite her lip harder. she was trying her hardest to stop herself from making any noise. the same hand that was on the younger girls back reached up toward the clasp of her bra, Samantha could feel it causing an excitement to build in her stomach. she was glad there wasn't much foreplay, after the other night she couldn't take another second. the blondes eyes opened and she looked up at Samantha, she looked so innocent and yet she was silently asking her if she could take off her bra.
Samantha nodded her head and just like that Georgia unclasped it causing it to hang loosely on the raven girls shoulders. she was quick to pull both straps down and she threw it on the bed beside her. it was safe to say the blonde wasn't expecting two piercings staring back at her. brown eyes snapped up toward Samantha again causing her to chuckle. "your not the only one filled with secrets." she whispered and leaned down to press her lips on the blondes.
before it could grow too heated Georgia pulled away, "you're the one with secrets here apparently." she said obviously still caught up on the fact that Samantha was still avoiding the topic about her ex. the raven haired girl didn't respond and instead distracted her once more as she began to kiss the blondes neck. her tongue grazed the soft skin and her knee began to move against the blonde once more. she could feel the soaked garment even through her pants and she was sure it would leave a wet patch. she didn't care though.
Samantha pulled away all together, far too impatient to wait even more. "take off your dress." she said and sat on her knees as she waited. not needing to be told twice Georgia sat up and quickly unzipped her dress. she soon pulled it off and threw it on the floor beside the bed. she fully expected the reaction she was getting, widened eyes with nothing but pure desire swirling in them. she too didn't want to waste any more time and quickly pulled the girl back down to capture her lips in a wet kiss.
their tongues slid against one another, the sound of their kissing echoed throughout the room and Samantha was glad Georgia had the television on even before she arrived. Samantha wasn't all that happy that she couldn't fully take in the blondes body but she could do so another day. at least she hoped she could. before her mind could turn to another place she reached behind the blondes body and took her bra off as well.
Georgia quickly reached for the straps and took it off completely, discarding it somewhere without having to break the kiss. the blondes hands were soon placed on the girls pants, they began to unbutton and unzip in a hurry and after a hand swiftly moves inside them. at first she came in contact with her panties causing Samantha to shudder, she could feel how wet she was and she couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed. although it was pointless considering Georgia was just like her.
the blondes hand began to circle the girl a bit clumsily reminding Samantha that this was probably the first time Georgia was hooking up with a girl and that she had to take control this time around. the raven haired girl grabbed the blondes wrist making her stop. that made Georgia pull away from her lips as well, "you don't?" she asked her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and slight worry. she figured this is what she wanted considering everything and she didn't think she needed to ask once again but maybe she was wrong. those worries disappeared when Samantha shook her head.
"it's not that, i just.. have you ever been with a girl?" she asked titling her head slightly.
the blonde looked away for a split second, "is it that obvious?" she asked with a light chuckle but Samantha could tell she had made her insecure which isn't at all what she wanted.
"what? no, i just want to make sure your comfortable." she quickly said.
"i am. are you?"
Samantha nodded with a twinge of a smile to show she was being honest. her first time was awkward but that was because not only was it her first time but it was also the case for the girl she was with which meant it wasn't great. it was awkward and clumsy and if she was being honest neither of them were able to actually get there. it wasn't until they had more practice and a sense of what they each enjoyed that things got better. she knew that would probably be the same for Georgia but unlike Samantha, she'd have someone experienced to guide her. "why don't i show you what to do?" she suggested softly and leaned in to peck the blondes lips to try and convey a more a comfortable atmosphere.
with a nod from the blonde Samantha smiled and leaned in to kiss her once more. she pulled her pants down on her own at first before Georgia reached forward to help pull them off completely. they were now both matching, exposed completely expect for their panties. Samantha squeezed the blondes hip before it slid to the side until she was met with the top of the cloth. the raven haired girl sucked on the woman's bottom lip and moved her panties to the side to expose her wet slit. Georgia made a soft noise that almost went unnoticed by the younger girl.
the kiss was broken as Samantha began to prepped them down the blondes chin until she reached her neck once more where she began to suck and lick the skin. she was rubbing the blondes clit in small circles, it wasn't like she needed to stimulate her considering she was soaked but even then she wanted to make things more comfortable for her. Georgia was a panting mess, her right hand gripping the back of the girls neck whilst the other was holding her pillow softly. when she felt she had enough Samantha moved two of her fingers down her slit until she reached her opening where she slowly eased two of them in. immediately after the blondes back lifted from the bed and her hand on Samanthas neck tightened causing her to smirk against the woman's neck.
she let her adjust for a second before she began to move her fingers in and out of the woman. when the blonde began to moan softly into the room Samantha pulled away from her neck and moved further down her body until she was met with her chest. her mouth watered at the sight and unintentionally her hand began to move more roughly causing Georgia mutter out a quiet 'fuck' which only boosted the girls ego even more. her mouth began to lower on the blondes chest, she began kissing just at the top of her chest before she slowly began to move down, when she was insanely close to her nipple she stuck her tongue out and dragged it down her skin until she reached it. the girl circled it twice, her eyes set on the blondes face that was contorted in pleasure. her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open as she whimpered every second or so, especially when the girls hand would rub against her clit.
"open your eyes." Samantha said causing Georgia to do so. she seemed slightly confused as she held eye contact with the young girl but that confusion evaporated when the raven girl closed her mouth against the hardened nub and began to suck softly.
Samantha felt the blonde scratch softly at her shoulders causing it to sting but she didn't care in that moment. all she wanted to do was to keep hearing the blondes moans. she pulled away from the blonde, a string of saliva connecting from her mouth and the woman's nipple which made the woman even more wet. Samantha could very much feel that, the obscene noises coming from the lower half of the blondes body just enough proof of that.
"tell me what you want" Samantha said, her fingers moving a lot faster now as she curled them, hitting a spongey spot in the blonde that made Georgia's finger nails deepen in her skin.
"kiss me" she whispered. Samantha didn't have to be told twice, her mouth found Georgias again kissing her senseless. the blonde felt like she was floating, the pleasure was too much and she could feel it begin to build in her lower stomach. "don't stop," she murmured against the girls lips.
Samantha didn't respond verbally but the palm of her hand began to hit the blondes clit harder as soon as she heard her. the squelching from in between her legs was loud and it was making her own body burn with an immense lust.
"cum for me baby" Samantha said against the blondes lips, the hand that was once on her shoulder disappeared in an instant and instead gripped the bedding tightly, her knuckles turning white from it. an obscene moan left the blondes lips causing Samantha to bring her mouth down to shut her up, the thought of any of her kids walking in was fucking terrifying.
the raven girls pace slowed gradually as the blonde began to catch her breath. she pressed soft kisses down on the blondes neck to help her come down from her high. a minute later Georgias hand reached down for the girls wrist to stop her from moving anymore, too sensitive for more.
finally Samantha pulled away and held her body up so she was at eye level with the blonde. she had a smile on her lips that she really wanted to hide but she felt far too giddy to be able to do so. Georgia found it cute making a smile to slowly form on her own lips. "rate that to ten" Samantha said and pecked the blondes lips. she chuckled, her eyes closing.
"really?" she asked in disbelief. was that really the first thing she had to say after what just happened.
"what? i would really like to know" Samantha responded slightly offended by the blonde.
Georgia sighed, "eleven" she answered making the raven haired girl grin widely.
"i knew it"
"that was your answer? not me literally cumming on your fingers?" she asked with a raised brow.
Samantha rolled her eyes with a smile, "language Miss Miller." she scolded playfully. the blonde rolled her eyes and reached for the girls hips, she helped her move her body so she was straddling her waist.
"okay, enough rating. it's my turn" she said with a small smirk.
if Samantha was being completely honest she thought Georgia would be too tired to return the favor which she wouldn't have blamed her for but seeing her take charge like this was fucking hot.
"are you sure?" Samantha asked anyway, she didn't want Georgia to feel pressured or like she had to do it.
"mhm," the blonde hummed and began to kiss the raven girls jaw. Samantha smiled at her, she reached for Georgias right hand a brought it to her soaking core. the blonde began to do exactly what she did and circled her clit softly.
her actions caused Samantha to grip onto the blondes shoulders for support, she could feel the blonde sucking on her neck. she had always had a no hickey rule, even with her ex but when it came to Georgia, she honestly could not care less. in fact, it kind of turned her on even more, just imagining the blonde marking her skin, telling the world she already belonged to someone else.
when Georgia felt like she was wet enough her fingers entered the younger girl with ease causing her to throw her head back and a soft moan to leave her lips. Georgia smirked against the girls neck and then sucked a lot harder on the skin earning herself another moan and a hard squeeze on her shoulder.
the blonde pulled away from her neck when Samantha moved her head back to face her again, she looked down at the blonde through her long eyelashes. her eyes were slightly dazed and she could feel the ac hitting her wet skin causing it to feel cold. the blondes fingers were a bit sloppy, they didn't exactly have a steady pace so Samantha began to move her hips instead. she wasn't sure how Georgia would react if she instructed her on what to do and she didn't want to ruin the moment in doing so.
"you feel so good inside me baby," Samantha whispered, dazed eyes staring at the blonde. Georgia licked her lips as she stared at girls lips, her words igniting something in her. the raven haired girl smirked knowing her words were affecting her and she leaned down to kiss her again. their lips were rough and their tongues were being shoved in each others mouths sloppily. she whimpered into the woman's mouth feeling the pressure building and building in her stomach. she just knew that wasn't enough. "curl your fingers" she whispered against the blondes lips. it took Georgia a second before she did as Samantha said making the girls forehead fall on the blondes. her lips were parted as she whispered out moans. usually she was pretty vocal, especially when it came to dirty talk but the blonde seemed to be really quiet and she didn't want to make her feel weird.
her own hand fell on her clit and she began to rub small circles on it to try and push herself to the edge, Georgia noticed what she was doing and quickly shoved her hand away, replacing it with her own. "don't stop," she moaned. she needed something to push her off the edge but there weren't many options, it's not like they ever talked about kinks and Georgia seemed very vanilla. she just hoped what she was going to say wouldn't ruin the mood, "want me to cum for you?" she whispered lowly, her voice raspy and dripping with lust. Georgia hummed and nodded her head, "say it," she said and gripped the blondes hair softly, she pulled just a little but then stopped herself almost immediately.
"cum for me" Georgia said softly and soon after the raven girl began to unravel. her eyes snapped shut, her grip tightening on the blondes hair and shoulder. Georgia didn't stop just like Samantha until the raven girl held her wrist. other than that the younger girl didn't move as she tried to catch her breath. her daze lasted a minute or so until she realized this wasn't a girl her age, this was Georgia and she could be weirding her out.
she continued to breathe deeply and moved herself of the blondes lap with slightly shaky legs, she reached for her bra and put it on without the blonde stopping her considering she was doing the same. it wasn't until she reached for her pants that the blonde finally spoke. "your leaving?" she asked a bit taken back.
Samantha looked at her, "do you want me to?" she asked. now that she wasn't dazed by lust and the adrenaline had began to slowly disintegrate it was as if she had been hit with a bucket of cold water.
the blonde chuckled with furrowed brows, "why would i?" she asked confused.
Samantha shrugged causing Georgia to shake her head and motion her over. the young girl walked over to the bed without another thought. she sat in silence as she watched Georgia get up from the bed and walk over to her closet, she grabbed some clothes for herself and put them on quickly. after she tiptoed to the bed and got under the blanket as well. her body was turned to face Samantha making the raven girl mimic her action. they were both on their side staring at one another. "do you want to spend the night?" Georgia asked softly.
that was definitely not something Samantha expected to come out of her mouth. she contemplated her answer, she could say yes, either way her mom thought she was going to stay at Matthews but at the same time what would happen when they woke up? she would have to sneak out the balcony in broad daylight, the only other option was the front door which was even more risky then the balcony. she shook her head, "my mom will ask questions." she lied.
the blonde nodded in understanding. "so.. your really into dirty talk, huh?" she asked making the other girl blush deeply. she turned onto her back and covered her face with her hands.
"please don't" she groaned, not wanting to feel embarrassed by what turned her on. that would just be humiliating.
the blonde laughed softly, "that's not a bad thing. i just didn't expect that from you" she said and placed her hand on the girls wrist to try and pry her hands off. it worked as Samantha slid her hand down her face and placed it on her chest.
"i just.. being super quiet is just boring." she shrugged, trying to justify herself which she shouldn't have to do and even Georgia knew that.
"hey i'm really not judging. you know your gonna have to tell me stuff like this otherwise i'm just gonna leave you high and dry" she said a lot more serious now.
somehow the only thing that Samantha got from that was the fact that there would be more times. she wasn't sure what she was expecting, a one night stand? she wasn't sure, maybe she thought it would be one though, she thought it would be just so Georgia got it out of her system. that didn't seem to be the case though.
"fine but you'll have to do the same," Samantha said and the blonde nodded.
with the reassurance that Samantha hadn't embarrassed herself completely she finally turned back onto her side. "how was casino night?" she asked, she had grown so used to talking to Georgia every time they saw each other that now not doing it for one night seemed to be eating at her. her favorite parts of the day would be when Georgia would go on about her day.
"oh it was amazing, i did an auction and i put Cynthia's cake on there for like two hundred dollars without letting anyone else vote. she was so pissed.." Samantha listened with an amused smile.
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topazy · 4 months
Tomorrow's promise
Paring: Daryl Dixon x reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warning: Swearing
Chapter: 3.02
Hearing a racket coming from somewhere in the prison, you lift your gun and aim it towards the doors leading to your cell block. When the noise gets closer, you look at Beth and say, “Take Jace and Carl with you into one of the cells, and don’t come out unless you know it’s safe.”
“Open the door! It’s Hershel!”
Hearing Rick’s voice, you immediately open the gate. Glenn, Maggie, and Stick Wheel Hershel, who’s lying on his back, passed out on a metal table. It’s not until you hear Beth screaming for her daddy that you realize Hershel’s leg is gone.
You and Carol help transfer him onto one of the beds. “What happened?”
“He was bit.”
“Carl, go get the towels from the back, right next to my bed,” Lori says, before turning to Beth, who is still holding your son. “Beth, sweetheart, go wait with Jace in the next cell.”
With everyone crowded around the bed, it was tight and chaotic. You look outside the cell and notice Daryl standing outside the cell block and reloading his crossbow. You take the keys from the gate and throw them onto the floor behind you, so only your people can reach them, and you shut the gate so you’re on the outside with Daryl.
Without saying a word, you stand beside him and point your gun in the same direction.
Out of the darkness of the hallway, five men dressed in prison jumpsuits walk in. The one at the front had a particular devilish look about him; he reminds you of what serial killers looked like on crime shows you used to watch.
Daryl aims his weapon at the man’s head, saying, “That’s far enough.”
“Cell block C,” the man says. “Cell four—that's mine, Gringo. Let me in.”
“Today’s your lucky day, fellas. You’ve been pardoned by the State of Georgia. You’re free to go.”
Three out of the five men look afraid as the tension rises. Hopefully, other survivors living in the prison meant there was food and water. Background voices become more obvious as you hear Carol instruct the others on how best to care for Hershel.
“What have you got going on in there?”
“It ain’t none of your concern,” Daryl says.
“Don’t be telling me what’s my concern.” When Jace starts to cry, the man takes a step forward. “You got a baby back there?”
You click the safety off your gun and say, “Take one more step, and I’ll blow your head off.”
He holds up his hands and whistles, “And you must be the baby mama.”
Daryl takes a step closer to him and says, “Back the fuck off now.”
“And who are you? The baby's father?” The man pushes loose strands of his greasy dark hair back and grins at you. “She doesn’t need defending; you see that crazed look in her eyes?”
You make a tsk sound with your tongue. Stupid man. You keep your aim firmly on the man and say, “I think it’s time you leave.”
“Hey, we ain’t leaving.”
T-dog appears beside you, his gun aimed at the same man, who appeared to be the leader of the small group of survivors. “You ain’t coming in either.”
“Hey, this is my house; these are my rules. I'll go where I damn well please.”
Hearing Jace’s cries become louder, you start to feel distressed, but under no circumstances are you going to lower your gun. Daryl senses your unease, and with one hand firmly on his weapon, he uses the knuckles on his free hand to knock on one of the tables. Alerting Rick and the others that something was wrong.
Rick comes running around the corner, his jaw clenching as he takes in the scene. He leans into your ear and says, “I need you back on the other side in case Hershel doesn’t make it.”
“Got it.”
You keep your gun up as you slowly walk backwards until you reach the gate, and Carl opens it. You step inside, your eyes falling on Jace, who is wailing in Glenn’s arms. You take your baby from your friend's arms and gently grab Carl’s arm. “Stay away from the gate; I don’t care what you hear, but you’d open it, okay?”
He looks up at you, confused. “What’s going on?”
You usher him into the bunk you’re sleeping in. You were afraid gunshots would go off at any moment, and you wanted the children out of the way of any stray bullets.
“How’s he holding up?"
Hershel’s breath was wheezy, and the sheets below him were soaked with blood. Carol looks up at you and says, “We managed to stop the bleeding, and he has no fever.”
“That’s a good sign.”
“But his pulse is way down, and his breathing is labored.” With blood-covered hands, Lori wipes her nose with her arm. “Where’s Carl?”
“In my cell with Jace, I thought it was best they stayed in there for now until we know the other survivors aren’t coming back.”
She nods and says, “Thank you.”
Hearing footsteps, you step back outside the bunk and see T-dog and Rick carrying boxes. Glenn opens the gate and lets them in. “What’s in the boxes?”
“Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans. There’s a lot more where this came from,” T-dog says.
“Where’s Daryl?”
“Keeping an eye on our new housemates,” Rick says before having a private conversation with Lori.
You feel sick with fear knowing that Daryl is outnumbered. He was good at self-defense, but enough to take on five men? You silently prayed that he didn’t need to find out.
You walk back up to your bunk and watch as Jace sleeps peacefully, his chubby cheeks pressed against Carl's arm. In a short space of time, Jace looks more like Shane; he has his father's dark brown eyes and thick dark brown hair. You lean your head against the bars and keep watch as he sleeps.
“Hey, munchkin,” you wave Carl over to you. It was your turn to keep watch over Hershel, who was now handcuffed to the bed as a precaution.
He pouts, “You going to yell at me too?”
During the madness of everything going on, Carl managed to slip in and out of the cell and into the infirmary without anybody noticing. He brought all the medical equipment he could find back with him, but when Lori told him off for going alone, he stormed off. You felt bad for your nephew; he was just a confused boy who didn’t understand why he was still being treated like a kid but was expected to act like an adult.
“No,” you say, kissing him on the cheek. “But please don’t do that again; I need you here.”
“Yeah, right,” he sulks.
“I need you to help me keep Jace safe… Oh shit!” Panic starts to take over when Hershel stops breathing. “Lori! Maggie!”
You struggle to remember any CPR training as your mind scrambles. Glenn and Carol had gone outside for some unknown reason, leaving you at a disadvantage.
“Do something!” Beth yells from the doorway. “Do something, please!”
You take a deep breath, pinch his nose, and breathe into his mouth. Lori rushes into the bunk and says, “Carl, go wait with your cousin.”
Lori begins compressions on his chest. You continue doing this until Hershel suddenly lunges forward, and Lori pulls you back. It’s not until he lets out a snoring sound that you know he’s alive.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, trying not to sigh in frustration. Overall, it had been a good day; Hershel was still alive, there was enough food to last for a couple of months, and your group was unharmed by the inmates in the prison, but yet your mood has dropped significantly due to your tiredness. Every time you dozed off, Jace would wake up, or you’d see Shane in your dreams. You groan, feeling wetness seeping through your top and onto your skin. You only had a few tops, and all of them smelled horrendously with months worth of blood, sweat, and spit up covering them. Frustrated, you pull your top off, pour water from your water bottle onto it, and start scrubbing at it with a cloth, trying your best to be quiet since everyone else was sleeping.
Sighing, you watch Jace roll onto his stomach and crawl towards you. With a smile, you stroke his cheek and say, “you’re such a smart boy.”
You freeze when you hear a creak of a footstep behind you. Turning to look towards the doorway, your eyes lock on Daryl, who was standing there watching you, clutching something black in his hand.
When you twist your body further around, he looks at the ground, and you suddenly remember that it’s just your bra covering your top half. When heat flushes your face, you quickly grab a pillow and use it to cover your breasts. In a hushed tone, you ask, “Is everything okay?”
“Did I wake you?”
“I couldn’t sleep. I came down earlier and saw the little man throwing up on you, so I thought you might need this.”
He hands you one of his tops. “Are you sure? It will probably smell extremely gross without the hour.”
He smiles and says, “Yeah, it’s fine.”
You face the wall again and put the top on. On closer inspection, you realize you’d seen Daryl wear this before; it was a dark navy blue button-up top with long sleeves. It was oversized on you but comfortable, and it was far cleaner than anything in your bag.
Daryl leans against the doorframe. “Mind if I hang a little bit?”
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
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lady-djarin · 2 years
need you now
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agent whiskey x f!reader (one shot)
warnings: feels, sweet jack, teasing, yearning, age gap, drinking, reader is a 'cool girl' who drinks whiskey and beer, retired!jack, oral (f receiving), drunk sex, cliff hanger...maybe, sorry!
word count: 3,228
inspired by: need you now by lady a
“Come on! It will be fun, there's cute cowboys there!”
You sighed. You liked quiet bars, not ones like this loud and rowdy one that your friends wanted to explore. You lived in a small town in Georgia and were used to the quiet life of it all. “I just don't know if that's my scene, guys.”
“It's my birthday, please? For me?” Your friend gave you her fake puppy dog eyes that always seemed to get her what she wanted. 
“Fine… but I'm not dancing!”
“Yay! At least you're going, that's all I can ask for!”
You walked into the bar with your best friend and her friend from high school, your small group making your way to a high top table. The bar was one of the bigger ones of your town but it was still quite small of a building. The dance floor, tables and bar were all pushed fairly close together and every single part was crowded with people. It was a Friday night so that would explain the crowd as you secure your table and get settled. 
“I'm gonna grab us a drink!” you yelled slightly over the music and the other girls were already spying on a group of men nearby. You weaved your way through the mass of bodies, mostly smelling of sweat or alcohol. You reached the bar and flagged down a bartender. “Hey, can I get a Corona and two margaritas please?”
The bartender nodded and turned to grab your beer out of the fridge and gave it to you before going to make the margaritas. You leaned on the bar and looked around while waiting on the drinks and turned to your left to find a pair of brown eyes already looking your way. The brown eyes were accompanied by soft looking lips and a black Stetson. The subtle lines on the corner of his eyes told you he was not your age but attractive nonetheless. He had that classic southern handsome face that just made butterflies erupt in your gut. Looking at him felt like looking at the sun. He cracked a charming crooked smile at you and couldn't stop the same from happening to you.
“Well, hello pretty lady,” the slight drawl in his voice made your heart stop. You could immediately tell he was a classic womanizer, he knew how to get into a woman's pants faster than you could blink. You wouldn't be so easy. 
“In your dreams,” you turned back toward the bar, watching the bartender make the drinks. 
“Oh believe me, you are sugar.”
This fucking guy.
“Be a little original, then we can talk,” the bartender set your drinks on the counter and you handed him cash. You walked away before the cowboy could say another word. 
Of course your friends had seen the man hitting on you and begged for you to go back there. You refused, telling them how you knew his type.
“He’s the type to fuck you and never talk to you again.”
“Maybe you need that! Maybe you need a good fuck.”
She kind of had a point, you hadn't had almost any intimate human contact in a while and he was hot. You weren't really the hookup type but maybe you wanted to be but at this point you were four– no, five beers in and not really caring. You looked around and found the man leaning against the bar talking to a small very annoying looking blonde girl. With a new found courage, you marched your way over to the tall man, was he this tall before?, his attention quickly turning to you.
“We’re dancing.”
You weren't asking, you were telling him. His attention was long gone from the other girl and she was clearly annoyed as he followed you out on the dance floor. As you wove your way through the crowd, he grabbed your wrist, not in a possessive way but enough to make you turn and he spun you into a gentle hold. The two of you spun and laughed as the song continued, hands roaming bodies and cheeks pressed together.
“What's the name of the woman who will haunt my dreams?” You almost wanted to keep up the charade, make him work a little harder. “What name should I moan while I touch myself tonight?” 
You nearly collapsed right then and there. Your eyes snapped up to look at him, meeting his that were already darker than before. You practically lunged forward, your face crashing into his, lips melting into each other, tongues fighting for dominance. His hands never stopped in their exploration of your form, one holding the back of your head, never letting you come up for air. 
His lips were next to your ear now, his breath warm on your skin. “Wanna get out of here?”
Normally you would never go home with a stranger but there was something about him, and the many beers in your system, that told you to go for it. You found your friends and asked them if they were ok with you going with him, which of course they encouraged. You walked outside the bar to find the mysterious man leaning against his passenger side door of his old Bronco. You haven't felt this way in a long time, you were almost giddy. He made you feel giddy.
“Ready sugar?” 
“Hell yea,” he opened the door as you hopped into the convertible and he started the engine. It was a warm summer night in Georgia and the breeze made you feel like you were flying. The radio was playing some sweet country song as you drove through the empty streets late that night. 
Every so often he would look over and see your face scrunched up in joy, throwing our head back on the seat singing along to the song playing. He had not intended to find someone so special tonight but here he was, feeling his heart stop when he saw you smile. You were beautiful of course, but there was something else there under the surface that he wanted to explore. 
You looked up to find that he had parked on a small cliff overlooking the city, the stars on full display. You gasped as you saw the bright stars above you, expecting to end up at his place or yours. 
“Jack. My name is Jack.”
You smiled and tested his name for yourself. “Jack…” your drunkenness made it hard to form words. You told him your name and watched his eyes dance on your face. You were both leaning into each other now, the bench seat preventing any barrier from separating you two. His hand caressed your cheek, his large thumb stroking your skin. You couldn't help your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation, your skin felt like it was on fire. Besides the buzz from the alcohol, you felt light and content and you knew it was because of him. His lips were on yours again, everything fitting just right between you as you slid closer and felt the whole length of his body against yours. 
You were starting to feel dizzy, and not from the beer. His presence was overwhelming, like the feeling in the air right before lightning struck. You breathed in his scent, a heady mix of burnt wood and whiskey. As your mouths finally separated, you saw the reflection of the low moonlight in his deep auburn eyes and you knew that he was going to mean more than just a one night stand. You just didn't know how yet. 
You smiled down at your phone seeing the name flash on the screen.
“Jack Daniels” 
You couldn't believe it when he said that was his real name. The two of you had been texting all day every day for days now, since spending the night with him. You didn't sleep together but you did spend all night talking about everything under the stars. 
2:08pm - Jack: Oh you better believe it sugar, I’m the best pizza maker there is.
2:11pm - You: Well, you'll just have to show me in person then.
2:11pm - You: Maybe tonight?
That was earlier that afternoon and you hadn’t heard anything since. It was hard not to be disappointed, you were having good conversation non-stop and to suddenly be cut off was weird. You tried to continue with your days without thinking of him but your mind kept wandering back to that charming man.
It was almost midnight and you were restless beyond belief, not able to get comfortable or let your mind calm itself. You tossed and turned for hours until this point, finally deciding to go into the kitchen and find anything to help you sleep. You rummage through the cabinets and fridge and finally decide to pour yourself a drink, a strong one. The golden liquid swirled in the glass as you poured it, the scent hitting your nose immediately. 
Perched on your kitchen counter, you emptied and refilled your class countless times until you were past tired and officially moved on to drunk. Scrolling mindlessly through social media was making your head hurt when you finally made it to your text messages. The name at the top of the screen made your heart sink.
1:14am - Jack: Hi sweetheart.
Nothing for almost a week and then this. What is he thinking?  This isn't fair but at the same time you are just excited he texted. Your pulse was through the roof as your fingers ghosted on the keys, trying to find something to say back. Pacing back and forth in the kitchen proved difficult in your state. In a very spontaneous decision you dialed Jack’s number before your mind could catch up. It only rang once before you heard his beautiful voice come through the speaker. 
“J-Jack, hi.” 
“What are you doing up?” He sounded so groggy and sexy over the phone. 
“I-I don't really know,” you couldn't help the giggle that slipped out. “Couldn't sleep I guess.” 
You both sat in silence for a while, wanting to say what you truly felt but afraid to disturb the peace. 
“Hon-,” you both spoke at once. 
“Jack, I’m a little drunk… and, I need you…now,” you couldn't help the words coming out of your mouth. “You don’t have to… I ju– uhg. I’m sorry...”
“Stay right there and text me your address.”
You didn't really trust your drunk brain at the moment, but did as you were told and sent him your address. Anticipation was eating away at you in the time it took him to drive over. It felt too long and not long enough, you rushed to try and become presentable. You tore into your bathroom and fixed your hair and face as best as you could but you knew he wouldn't believe you wore makeup in the middle of the night so you steered away from the mascara. Your nerves were on fire as you prepared for Jack’s visit. You tried to tidy up your apartment as best as possible, throwing dirty clothes in the closet and hiding embarrassing things. Just as it dawned on you that this man is a perfect stranger, you heard a soft knock at the door. You swallowed the lump in your throat and tiptoed across the floor to the door. Suddenly the small shorts and large T-shirt you wore felt like not enough and too much all at once, but there was no time now. You paused in front of the door and took a breath to try and clear the fog in your head but you knew it was futile. The door creaked open to reveal a slightly disheveled but still very handsome cowboy, minus the hat. 
You both stared at each other in disbelief for a moment, then he was on you. Pulling your face into a heated kiss, locking his lips onto yours. He could taste the whiskey on your lips and added that to the list of things he already adored about you. His body pushed against yours until you both hit the wall opposite the door, kicking it closed with his boot. The initial introduction stunned you, putting you in the mercy of this man's will, but now that you had your senses back, you could do what you had always wanted.
You ran your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp and drawing moans from his chest. Your hands pulled at the cotton of his shirt and the jeans on his hips, trying to get his body closer. It was almost frustrating that you both still had clothes on and you pulled away to tell him that when he locked his arms around your thighs and wrapped them around his torso. You ended up on the couch, straddling his hips while never breaking contact with his lips. The alcohol in your veins was spurring you on, forcing your hips to grind into his. Every movement of your hips was drawing small groans from his chest and caused his hands to roam further on your skin. 
“Oh God sugar… I- I have been thinking about y-you for days,” his voice was just above a breath. 
Before you realized, Jack’s sturdy arms flipped your body and your back hit the couch with a soft thud. You giggled as he kissed your face and neck, stopping to suck a mark into the spot right near your collarbone. The feeling of his lips was making your head spin and your toes curl, the arousal licking up your spine like a fever. You could almost feel your very soul surrender to this man, begging to be claimed by him. The slight scratch of his stubble somehow made his lips feel even softer as they danced across your skin. His tongue poked out to lick from the bottom of your neck up to your ear, your breath hitched as you felt his on your skin.
“Tell me… tell me you want this doll, or I can leave… please.”
You wanted nothing more in the world. “Yes God, Jack please.”
The sound of you begging for him made his cock jump. All he could think about since that night at the bar was how you would feel under him, what you taste like and how you could scream for him. He made quick work of pulling your shirt over your head to reveal your soft chest. His lips attacked the peaks of your breasts, causing the warmth to pool low in your pelvis. 
He felt like a man possessed, he couldn't get enough of you. He wanted more, he wanted everything. He kissed his way down your body until he came to your thin cotton shorts, that you most definitely were not wearing with underwear. Your breathing skipped as he peeled the fabric off your legs and kissed you the entire way down. His lips were like fire on your already heated skin, blazing the trail to where he wanted you most. His hands and tongue found their way to your dripping center. 
You were trying to calm your breathing as he slowly spread your legs and settled between them. You had never had a man take so much care in how you were feeling and how your experience was. It made your heart swell. The sight of his large body that was fully clothed between your legs made you want to cover yourself on instinct but his strong arms were holding your legs apart. His tongue made its way to your delicate center ever so slowly like he was trying to drive you mad. He finally circled around your sensitive clit, making you cry out in ecstasy. He worked his lips and tongue over you like you were his last meal. There was no denying this man knew what he was doing and wasn't afraid to show it. 
You bucked your hips into him, trying to gain more friction, needing more than he was giving you. He was only using his mouth and you knew if he used his fingers you would be done for. As you ground yourself into his face, he sucked your bundle of nerves into his mouth and used his tongue to make you see stars. 
“Jack, oh god please…” you whined as you anchored your fingers in his hair. “M-more.”
Suddenly you felt his mouth move away from you and you whined at the loss. You looked down to see his face covered in your slick, shining in the dim light. You blushed at the obscene sight. Just when you thought he was about to stand up and move up your body, he brought his hand up to his face and stuck his two middle fingers between his lips. Your mouth gaped open at the sight and a breathy moan followed when he circled those fingers over your center. He slowly pushed his digits into your wet core and you both groaned at the feeling. 
“Mhmm, you're gonna feel so good baby girl,” his eyes roamed over your body, watching as you reacted to his movements. “But I want you to come for me first.”
Jack brought his mouth back down to your clit as his fingers started to curl into the spot inside you that made you see stars. He worked his mouth and fingers together, creating a rhythm that made you dizzy with lust. Men never did this, never put your desire first, no matter what they wanted. Jack was another story, he was clearly there for you and you alone. His fingers and tongue were moving in tandem, drawing pure pleasure from you. The pressure in your lower stomach was growing by the second, almost to the point of pain but you never wanted him to stop. He kept up his movements and knew you were close when your breaths came quicker and you tightened around his fingers. Jack was nothing if not a gentleman and he proved that tonight, making sure your pleasure came first. You rocked your hips into his face, grinding against him with your hands pulling his slightly curly hair. You climbed closer to your peak sooner than ever before, it was like this man had a spell over you, something that forced the pleasure from you. 
“Fu-fuck, baby– I..I’m so…” you were officially mad with lust.
“I know honey, let go for me.” Jack’s voice was like honey, somehow drawing you closer to the edge.
He settled into a steady but harsh rhythm, almost moving the couch below you. You knew you were right there, right on the edge of the cliff about to fall off. The blood in your veins burned with pure passion. 
Without much warning, your body ignited. Your orgasm ripped through you like wildfire, fast and sudden. Your lungs screamed for air and your vision went white. You dug your nails into his hair, locking him in place and he rode you through your high. The muscles in your core constricted around his fingers and your back arched to compensate for the intense feelings. 
You had never cum like that in your life, ever. This man was like no one you had ever met.
“Fuck… what– what was that?,” your voice didn't sound like your own. 
“Oh sugar… we're just getting started.”
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starrydixon · 1 year
Era: Alexandria Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Pronouns: None-Specified Word Count: 1.9k Warnings: language, minor angst but a happy ending!!
Summary: After a week full of turmoil, the last thing you needed was a torrential rainstorm passing through Alexandria to worsen your already somber mood. When an unexpected guest appears at your door, you're surprised at just how fast your mood changes for the better.
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The wind howled outside, causing the shutters that decorated the outside of the townhouse to rattle and shake. Heavy rain poured down from the dark gray and angry clouds that covered the blue sky, blocking the sunlight from shining down and making Alexandria seem gloomy and wet. Basically, it was a classic rainy day.
You were curled up on the couch in front of a fire that roared in the fireplace in your living room. A blanket was wrapped around your body like a cocoon, fuzzy socks covered your feet, a new book was perched on your lap, and a cup of steaming tea sat beside you on a coaster. Usually, you loved rainy days, before and after the end of the world. Solely because it gave you an excuse to do nothing but relax with the things that gave you the most comfort. 
This time, however, there was minimal comfort to be felt as the storm outside only brought you more unease and gloom than it usually did. No amount of fuzzy socks or steaming tea could shake the sorrow from your body.
It had been a rough week for you, emotionally and physically. After a distressing argument at the start of the week with Daryl, your best and closest friend since the very beginning of the world-ending apocalypse, you had been working yourself to near exhaustion in an attempt to distract yourself from feeling the pit that sat heavily in your stomach. Whenever you did allow yourself to feel it, it was always a different feeling haunting you: anxiety, anger, sadness, guilt, and everything else in between. 
You knew the argument had been blown out of proportion; starting from something small and then escalating to hurtful words being thrown both ways. It had gotten so heated, that Daryl left Alexandria and hadn’t returned since. You had no idea where he went, maybe going on a hunting trip or visiting the Kingdom to confide with Carol. It worried you to no end, not knowing where he was, but you hoped he was okay; despite how hurt you still felt from his harsh words.
From the moment you first met Daryl, back at the camp stationed in a Georgia quarry, you had been infatuated with him. He was a very handsome man, his broad shoulders and strong build was never lost on you. However, it was his rugged charm, loyalty to the people that he held closest, and the subtle ways he consistently cared for the people around him that made you attracted to the archer. As much as it pained you to stay in the friendzone, you cherished the connection you had with Daryl and didn’t want to ruin it by making a move or confessing your feelings to him.
Knowing that you had fought with the man that you loved and cared so deeply for, and being on the receiving end of the venom that laced his voice, stung more than the tears that pricked and pooled in the waterline of your eyes as you watched him stalk away from you, burning anger in each stride of his legs and stomp of his feet. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts of dejection when abrupt pounding on the front door of your home sounded. The harsh bangs had practically caused you to jump out of your skin, and the book that was once sitting in your lap had fallen to the floor, face down and undoubtedly creasing the pages. Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you rose to your feet; all the while staring anxiously at the source of the sudden intrusion. With the heavy downpour, you knew the only reason why someone would venture outside, away from the safety of their home, was to inform you that something was wrong. 
You feared the worst; thinking a large horde of walkers were nearing the community, the walls of Alexandria had fallen apart due to the heavy winds, or that someone had gotten severely hurt. Dread filled your body as you slowly approached the front door. You were trying to prolong whatever nightmare you were about to find yourself in. 
More impatient bangs sounded from the door, so forceful you swore you saw the slab of wood vibrate with each harsh pound of a fist. 
When you opened the front door, just a crack, you were instantly met with bitter cold winds and wet rain that seeped through the sliver of space. As a way to brace yourself from the cold, you tightened your arm around your body more securely before pulling the door open. If your body hadn’t been so tense from bracing the harsh rainstorm that dusted by, you were sure you would have lost some form of balance from the sight you were met with.
Daryl was standing a few steps down the staircase that led to the front door of your townhouse; dark clothes drenched and sticking to his body like glue while his dark strands of hair stuck to his face and neck. Through the curtain of bangs that hung over his eyes, you could see him squinting through the harsh winds and pelting rain.. 
“I fucked up!” The archer shouted over the torrential downpour, his arms outstretched and raised by his sides as if to further emphasize his statement.
You thought he was drunk, high, or at least on something. It was the only way to explain this crazed behavior. Why would he willingly be outside your house, sober, and practically being assaulted by Mother Nature herself, just to talk to you? After the last time you two had spoken, you assumed that the archer wanted nothing to do with you anymore. 
Before you could utter a single syllable, Daryl continued. “I really fucked up, and m’sorry! I shouldn’t of said those things to ya, or treated ya like that! I just-“ 
Loud thunder erupted in the angry sky as a flash of bright lighting struck the air. You both cringed at the disturbance, and Daryl was having a hard time getting out what he wanted-no-needed to say to you. With his confidence momentarily stunted, the archer brought a hand to his face and haphazardly swept away a few sopping strands of hair from his line of vision. His feet shuffled anxiously on the step he was teetering on. 
“I ain’t good with words unless I’m bein’ a dick…but I just wanted to say that—I just-I just love ya, alright!?  Been in love with ya for a real long time, and I know I don’t deserve ya, and—it just hurts sometimes and I act like an asshole because of it!” The weather was unrelenting, so Daryl was still having to strain his voice and shout over the heavy downpour.
You were sure your mouth was opened ajar, although you couldn’t feel it since your whole body was simultaneously numb and burning hot at the same time. With the amount of emotions flooding through you, it was hard to process the admission that Daryl had just professed to you. This resulted in you becoming struck with silence as you stared at the archer with wide eyes. 
Taking your silence as a sign of rejection, Daryl began to descend down the steps with a shake of his head. Embarrassment and shame of his impulsive actions were quickly overcoming him, and he couldn’t stand to look in your eyes anymore. His retreat away from you seemed to snap you out of the stunned haze you were in.
“Daryl!” Without hesitation, you left the safety that your doorway held and leapt into the rainstorm. 
Now at the bottom of the staircase, Daryl spun around when he heard your voice calling after him. The archer had just enough time to brace himself and catch you, just as you jumped into his arms. Instinctively, your arms snaked around his neck, and your lips found his in a haste kiss that ended just before it could start.
As you were beginning to pull away, with heat flushing your cheeks, Daryl’s large hand clasped over the back of your neck and pulled you back into a heated kiss. Daryl wasn’t sure when exactly the urge to kiss you became unavoidably prominent whenever he looked at you, but he knew it’s been for a while; maybe since the days spent on the Greene’s family farm. 
As you kissed until you were both blue in the face with diaphragms aching, there was no rain drenching you, or thunder and lightning cracking through the sky. It was just you and him, letting out all the feelings you’ve both been harboring for the past few years in a searing kiss. 
“I love you too.” You spoke softly, just barely above a whisper, once you had pulled away from him to allow fresh oxygen to fill your lungs. 
With your eyes still shut, you could feel Daryl’s strong chest heave against yours as he caught his breath, and his forehead rest on yours with a gentle press. The tip of his nose brushed against yours, and you had a hard time trying not to laugh at the tingly sensation the touch brought. 
“M’sorry.” Daryl murmured quietly, so quiet you almost missed it due to the rain assailing down on you. “I shouldn’t of-of acted like that, no matter how upset I was…I just-” 
Before he could finish speaking, you quieted him by tightening your arms around his neck and bringing him down to your level so you could replace your lips on his for a short, but meaningful, kiss. “I know…I’m sorry too, for everything.”
The archer’s arms only tightened around your figure more securely as his head shook slightly, almost as if he couldn’t accept or believe in your forgiveness. Reluctantly, you pulled away from him again; this time with just enough space separating you both to be able to look at his face and in his eyes. Regret and blatant sadness filled his gray-blue eyes, and it caused your heartstrings to pull painfully. Removing a hand from off his neck, you cupped one side of his face and swept a few drenched strands of dark hair from off his cheek with your thumb.
“We’re both at fault here…but we can start, whatever this is, with a new slate, y’know?” As you spoke, a smile grew across your face, brightening your features in the process. 
As Daryl let his eyes flicker over your face, admiring the light radiating off of you despite the storm around you, he could feel the rays of your smile warm his body and bring light back to his previously dulled eyes. He felt reassured by your words, convinced that you both could forgive and let this moment be the start of something new and special.
“Yeah…that sounds good.” With a nod of his head, and a smile of his own twitching at the corners of his mouth, Daryl held your face in his hands and pulled you in for another captivating kiss.
You couldn’t help but laugh against the archer’s lips, your arms now wrapped loosely around his neck as you leaned backwards with each laugh that escaped you. It was quite possible that you’d end up with a cold, due to being out in the pouring rain for so long, but that was the last thing on your mind as you continued to kiss the man you’ve been painfully smitten with for a long time. 
From now on, whenever a rainstorm passed through, you knew those feelings of gloom and weariness would be replaced with warmth and elation. You’d think back to this exact moment; kissing Daryl for the first time in the pouring rain, wearing matching smiles that were so bright it threatened to clear the dark clouds in the sky and bring the sun out once again.
A/N: I’ve always wanted to write the ‘kissing in the rain’ trope, so as soon as this idea struck me, I ran with it! Is it a little cliche? Maybe. But is it cute? Yes. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!! <3
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politijohn · 1 year
Anti-Trans Legislation: Feb 25-Mar 3 in Review
The following bills were introduced:
Two schooling bills, Florida S1320 and H1223, were pre-filed.
Georgia HB653, an under-18 healthcare ban, was introduced. 
Iowa HSB208, a school-based bathroom bill, was introduced and passed in its subcommittee. 
Iowa HB482, a school-based bathroom bill, was introduced and referred to the House Judiciary Committee.
Iowa HSB214, an under-18 healthcare ban, was introduced and had a House subcommittee hearing.
Iowa SSB1197, an under-18 healthcare ban, was introduced and had a subcommittee meeting.
Iowa HJR8 was introduced and referred to the House Judiciary Committee. This is a joint resolution attacking marriage.
Iowa HSB222, a schooling/parental rights bill, was introduced and referred to the House Education Committee yesterday.
Maine LD930, a sports ban bill that specifically targets trans girls, was introduced and referred to the Joint Judiciary Committee.
Missouri HB1332, a tax bill that would punish institutions for providing gender-affirming healthcare, was introduced and read.
Missouri HB1364, a drag ban bill, was introduced and read for a second time.
Ohio HB68, a "SAFE" act, was introduced and referred to the House Public Health Policy Committee.
Texas HB2862 and HB3147 were filed. These prison bills would prohibit incarcerated trans and gender diverse folks from being housed in facilities consistent with their gender identity.
The following bills progressed:
Bathroom bills: (A bathroom bill denies access to public restrooms by gender or trans identity. They increase danger without making anyone any safer and have even prompted attacks on cis and trans people alike. Many national health and anti-sexual assault organizations oppose these bills.)
Arizona SB1040, a school-based bathroom bill, passed in the Senate and crossed over to the House.
Arkansas SB270, which would make it “criminal indecency with a child” for trans folks to use bathrooms consistent with their gender identity, was re-referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Idaho SB1100, a school-based bathroom bill, had a second reading and was filed for a third reading.
Idaho S1016, which already passed in the Senate, had its first reading in the House and was scheduled for a second reading.
Iowa SF335, a school-based bathroom bill, passed committee and renumbered as SF482.
Heathcare bills: (Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender-affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.)
Florida S0952, the “Reverse Woke Act,” was referred to the Senate Health Policy Committee.
Georgia SB140, an under-18 healthcare ban, had a second reading.
Indiana SB0480, an under-18 healthcare ban, passed in the Senate and crossed over to the House.
Kansas SB233, which already passed in the Senate, was referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee. This is also an under-18 healthcare ban.
Nebraska LB574, again an under-18 healthcare ban, was placed on general file, meaning it is now on the floor. 
Oklahoma SB129 passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor. A reminder that this bill had an emergency added, so it would immediately go into effect if it passes.
Texas HB776, an abortion and under-18 healthcare ban, was referred to the House Public Health Committee. 
Utah HB0132 returned to committee yesterday after it failed in committee in January. This is also an under-18 bill.
Public performance bills: (also known as "drag bans" restrict access for folks who are gender non-conforming in any way. They loosely define "drag" as any public performance with an “opposite gender expression,” as sexual in nature, and inappropriate for children. This also pushes trans individuals out of public spaces.)
Arizona SB1698 passed in committee and is headed to the Senate.
Arkansas SB43 was signed by the Governor. This is the drag ban bill that was largely amended to only cover public nudity.
Montana HB359, which already passed in the House, had its first reading in the Senate.
Oklahoma SB503, an obscenity bill, passed in committee.
South Dakota HB1116 an "obscenity bill" that prohibits "lewd or lascivious content," which already passed in the House, passed in committee.
Tennessee SB0841 had its action deferred until 3/14.
Texas HB708 was referred to the House State Affairs Committee.
Schooling bills: (Schooling, or so called “parental rights” bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans. They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth.)
Arizona SB1001 passed in the Senate and was transmitted to the House.
Arkansas SB294 is headed to its final vote in the House.
Florida H1069 was sent to another education subcommittee in the House.
Indiana HB1608 passed in the House and crossed over to the Senate where its first reading is scheduled for Monday.
Iowa HSB222 passed in its subcommittee.
Missouri HB1258 had a second reading.
Oklahoma SB503 passed in committee this morning and is headed to the Senate floor.
Tennessee HB1269 was referred to the House Finance, Ways, & Means Committee.
Utah SB0283, an anti-DEI bill for higher education, passed in its Senate Revenue and Taxation Hearing and is now headed to its second committee.
Sex designation bills: (Sex designation bills make it harder for trans folks to have IDs, such as birth certificates, that match their gender identity. They can force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth. Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to qualify for ID updates.)
Montana SB458,passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
Tennessee SB1440 passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
Sports ban bills: (Most sports bills force schools to designate teams by sex assigned at birth. They are often one-sided and ban trans girls from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity. Some egregious bills even force invasive genital examinations on student athletes.)
Arkansas HB1156 was re-referred to the Senate Education Committee. 
Florida H0999 was sent to another education subcommittee. 
Wyoming SF0133, which already passed in the House, passed in the Senate and will now head to the Governor for signature.
Other anti-trans bills:
Kentucky HB470 passed in committee. This bill defies our categorization system; it's a healthcare bill, but also functions as a bathroom, sports, name change, and a sex designation bill; it packages anything attacking trans youth. A live-tweet of the hearing is here, as can the many Kentucky residents who testified against it.
West Virginia HB3042, a “religious freedom” bill, passed in the Senate and is headed to the Governor for signature. 
Texas SB559, a “religious freedom” bill, passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
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ereardon · 4 months
Golden Hour || Ch. 6
[Bob Floyd x Bradley Bradshaw x OC]
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A Bob Floyd & Bradley Bradshaw AU [Hart of Dixie inspired]
Synopsis: Willow, Georgia. Barely even a town, just a speck on a map that you tried to wipe off, mistaking it for a crumb. You’re the outsider: a fancy New York doctor, fresh out of a failed engagement, with zero primary care experience. You’re also the new town doctor, taking over for a recent retiree who was beloved. His son, Bob Floyd, is the other physician at the practice, and takes an immediate dislike to you. But you were looking for a fresh start, and Willow doesn’t seem all that bad if you can get past the fact that there's only one restaurant in town. It helps that you've caught the eye of Bradley Bradshaw, the town attorney, despite the fact that you vowed to take a break from dating. How long until you start to make friends in a town where social circles have been set in stone since elementary school? And what will it take to make Bob Floyd see you’re not as bad as he wants to believe you are?
Pairing: Bob Floyd x OC; Bradley Bradshaw x OC
Tropes: Love triangle, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Alcohol, medical procedure/blood, hospitals
Chapter summary: Bob and Olive work together on a medical emergency; Olive wakes up in Bradley's bed; Bob's jealousy shines through
WC: 2.6K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here; next chapter here
The crowd parted like the red sea. You could feel the heat of their gazes as you and Bob rushed through the hallway into a conservatory, the glass ceiling soaring. In any other situation you would have marveled at it. 
But the man lying with his tie pulled loose on the floor was your main concern. 
You and Bob rushed to where he laid on the wood ground, one on each side. You leaned in, listening to his breaths as Bob asked, “What happened?” 
“He fell down those stairs.” An older woman pointed to the set of stairs along one side of the wall. “And we heard the crash and he was gripping his chest.” 
You looked at Bob. “Decreased breath sounds.” You took his limp wrist in your hand and felt for a pulse. It was buzzing. “Increased heart rate.” 
Bob’s eyebrows furrowed. “Mr. Flannery, it’s Bob. Can you tell us what you’re feeling?” 
On the ground, Mr. Flannery’s eyes fluttered open. His lips, a pale gray, parted, but no words came out. Just a raspy breath. You shook your head. “This isn’t a heart attack.” 
“Where did you say he fell?” 
Charlotte frowned. “Does it matter?” 
“Yes, Char, it does,” Bob snapped. “Did he fall on his chest or onto his back?” 
“His chest.” A boy in the back piped up. “I saw it but I was too late.” 
You and Bob looked at each other at the same time. “Pneumo,” you whispered. Bob nodded. “We need a knife, a sharp one, like a steak knife. And a bottle of vodka. And a straw.”
“What are you doing?” Mrs. Flannery asked, eyes wide 
“Ma’am, your husband has a collapsed lung.” You tied your hair up into a ponytail and pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer from your purse, squirting it on your hands before passing it to Bob. “We have to drain the fluid from his chest to re-inflate the lung.” 
“You can’t be serious.” 
“It can’t wait.” Bob pulled off Mr. Flannery’s shirt buttons, exposing his bloated chest. “Here.” You handed him the bottle of vodka that someone had placed to your left. 
Bob shook his head. “I haven’t done surgery since med school rotations,” he said quietly. “This one is on you.” 
You sucked in a breath. “Call an ambulance, tell them we have a pneumothorax coming in and to prep for a chest tube.” Quickly, you dribbled the vodka over his chest, and over the steak knife before counting down from his collarbone. The room was quiet as the knife dug into flesh, blood pooling onto the skin as you pressed deeper before reaching for the thin cocktail straw, shoving it down into the space, the hiss of air re-entering the lung filling the room. You leaned back as Bob looked over at you from across Mr. Flannery’s body, a smile on his delicate face. You smiled back, looking up at Mr. Flannery’s wife. “He’s going to be fine.” 
“Thank Jesus,” she whispered, tears dotting her lash line. Outside, you saw the bright colors of the ambulance. “Oh my, that’s the paramedics.” 
You and Bob tended to Mr. Flannery as the paramedics got him cleaned up and on the stretcher. One of them frowned at you. “Did you do this?” 
“Pretty advanced for a nurse.” 
You looked down at your white nurses outfit, now more realistically splattered with dark red blood. “Nurses are more capable than you think.” 
He shrugged, loading the stretcher and closing the back doors. You sagged against the wall, breath finally easing. Bob appeared at your side, holding out a wet towel. “Here.” 
“That was amazing.” 
You snorted. “No it wasn’t.” 
“Seriously, it was,” he replied. “You were so calm and deliberate. I couldn’t have done it.” 
“You could have and you would have.” 
Bob shook his head. “No. I haven’t cut in years. All I do is fill prescriptions, talk to people. Check for high blood pressure.” 
“That stuff is important.” 
“Not as important as surgery.” 
“You know just as well as I do that surgeons get a big head,” you said. “And it’s almost always for no good reason. They’re not better than anyone else. They just know how to do more with thread.” 
“Thank you. For stepping in and helping.” 
“That’s the job, right?” you asked. “Fix people. Even if we’re not fixable ourselves.” 
“Olive.” There was something sad in his voice. An inflection that caught you off guard. 
“I should go find Bradley,” you said quietly. 
Bob nodded. “Yeah, sure.” 
“I’ll see you later.” 
You could feel the heat of Bob’s eyes on you as you walked away. Inside, the party had mostly gone back to normal. You found Bradley in the main living room, a beer in one hand. His chocolate eyes lit up when he spotted you. “Doc! Heard about the save. You’re a small town hero.” 
You blushed. “This hero wants a drink.” 
“Wine coming right up.” 
“Make it tequila,” you said and Bradley raised an eyebrow. Across the room, Bob leaned across the door frame, eyes quietly watching. “The night is just getting started.” 
The light strained your eyelids as you opened them and winced. “Fuck,” you muttered. The pounding in your head was a thousand drum solos mixed over each other. 
You felt around for your phone and paused. The material beneath your fingertips felt different. Eyes opening, you looked around. You weren’t in the guest house. 
“What the hell?” you whispered, surveying the empty room. It was classically appointed: cream linen curtains, a lovely dark wood canopy bed, a cane dresser topped with a vase of flowers. You squinted. Where the hell were you? 
The door swung open and Bradley strutted in with a glass of water and a croissant. “Morning Doc.” 
You stared at him. He had on a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. Bradley sat the items down on the nightstand to your right. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Like death personified.” 
He chuckled. “Tequila will do that to you.” 
You looked around at the rumpled bed and then back at Bradley. “Did we, um?” Your hands flailed around and Bradley’s eyes went wide with recognition. 
He shook his head. “No ma’am.” 
“Thank God.” He laughed. “No offense,” you added quickly.
“None taken.” God, his voice was smooth and rough at the same time. Deep and luscious. “I don’t make a habit of sleeping with women who are entirely not in their right mind.” 
“How bad was I?” 
“Before or after you danced on the table?” 
“No I didn’t.” 
Bradley chuckled. “You did. Quite a show, Doc. I’m impressed.” 
You buried your head in your hands. “Oh my God, I have to move. Again. I’ll never live this down.” 
“You weren’t the only one,” Bradley added, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Bob also got quite hammered.”
“Really?” That piqued your interest. 
“Yup. Saw him going upstairs with Charlotte.” 
You grimaced. There was something about that girl, you couldn’t put your finger on it but you didn’t like her. “Good for them.” 
Bradley’s eyes searched yours for a moment, sensing your tone. But then he thought better of it and dropped it. He opened his mouth to say something as the doorbell rang. “I’ll be right back.” 
A few moments later, you heard the door open and voices in the front of the house. Curious, you slipped out of bed, head pounding, tiptoeing around the corner. Bob stood in the doorway. “Mr. Flannery is at Atlanta General,” he said. “I’m going later today, but the medical team there has let me know he’s stable.” 
You let out a sigh and both Bob and Bradley’s eyes turned to you. You froze as Bob’s blue eyes roamed over you: oversized t-shirt that you didn’t remember changing into, hair a mess, bare legs and feet. 
His face hardened. “Dr. James.” 
You stepped in closer. “So he’s doing fine?” 
Bob nodded. “Yes, no complications.” 
“I should go with you,” you said. “To the hospital to check on him.” 
“You look like you’ve got your hands full,” he said. There was a tightness to his words. 
You frowned. “He’s my patient, I’d like to check on him.” 
“Fine.” Bob stepped back. “I’ll see you there.” 
“You don’t want to drive together?” 
“I’m leaving now,” Bob said. “And you’re underdressed. Goodbye, Bradshaw.” He stepped off of the porch and was gone before you could respond. Bradley shut the door and you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“What’s his deal?” you asked. 
“He’s so hot and cold,” you replied. “Last night he was so nice to me after the procedure. And now he’s like this. I don’t get it.”
“He’s got a lot going on in his life,” Bradley said. “Don’t take it personally.” 
“I don’t see how I can’t,” you muttered. “Considering it’s me he’s being mean to.” 
“Come on Doc,” Bradley said gently. “Let’s have some coffee and maybe you’ll forget about Floyd.” 
“Doubtful,” you groaned, but allowing Bradley to steer you back into the bedroom. You settled into the bed and lifted the cup of coffee to your lips, sighing as you took a sip. “Fuck, that’s good.” 
He grinned. “Blue Bottle grounds. I order them from California.” 
“Maybe I need to start drinking my coffee here every day instead of Breakers.” 
“I’d like that.” You turned to Bradley, eyebrows raised. He shrugged. “Hey, you’re the one in my bed.” 
“You put me here!” 
He laughed. “You crawled in voluntarily. I know you didn’t ask but I’ll just let you know that I slept on the couch.” 
“Good to know.” You set the coffee cup down. “And the t-shirt I’m wearing?” 
Bradley held up his hands. “I set it out for you but you changed all by yourself.” 
“So what you’re telling me is you’re a real gentleman.” 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along, Doc.” 
You leaned back against the pillows. “Never did I think this is where my life would be.” 
“Enjoy it,” Bradley said. “Life is slow down here. It’s nice.” 
“Yeah,” you whispered. “It is nice.” 
“Dr. Olive James,” you said at the nurses station. “From Willow. I just wanted to check on a patient, Mr. Flannery?” 
“One moment, please.” You turned around, tapping your heel, waiting for the nurse on the phone while a group of EMTs rushed to the desk. “Dr. James? He’s in room 504.”
“Thank you.” You slung your purse higher over your shoulder. 
One of the EMTs squinted. “Hey, aren’t you that nurse from the party last night? The one who put in a temp chest tube?” 
You smirked. “Yes, I am. But that was a costume.” 
“I’m a double board certified surgeon and obstetrician,” you replied and the EMT’s eyes went wide. 
“Why’d you let me believe you were a nurse?” 
“Nothing wrong with being a nurse,” you replied. “I couldn’t do my job without nurses.” 
Upstairs, you exited the elevator and turned left. The astringent smell of the antiseptic and the flickering overhead lights brought you back to the hospital in New York. It felt wrong to be strutting down the hallway in pumps and a dress instead of scrubs and Hokas. 
“Hello?” You knocked on the open door. “May I come in?”
“Come in, sweetheart.” 
You rounded the corner. Mr. Flannery laid on the bed and his wife stood at his bedside. They smiled as you entered the room. “Hi. How are you feeling?” 
“Like a new man,” he said with a smile. 
“Dr. James.” Mrs. Flannery rushed to your side and grabbed your hands in her ice cold ones. “Thank you so much for saving my husband.” 
“No need to thank me,” you said. “It was nothing. Dr. Floyd helped as well.” 
“It was all you,” Bob said. You turned, eyes wide. Bob was sitting on a chair in the corner, one leg crossed over his opposite knee. 
You flushed. “Thank you. But I just wanted to drop by and check on how you’re doing.” 
“Doctor says I’m no longer at risk for an infection, and should be clear to leave tomorrow.” 
“Any complications?” you asked. “Difficulty breathing, racing heart rate. Feeling like you’re swimming underwater?” 
Mr. Flannery shook his head. “No, ma’am. Nothing like that.” 
You smiled. “Well, everything sounds good in that case. I’ll let you rest.” 
Just as you turned, Charlotte entered the room. Her tiny nose puckered up when she spotted you. “Dr. James.” It came out thin and judgy, just like she was. 
“Charlotte,” you replied. 
“Bobby.” She turned to Bob, voice raised a half an octave. “Do you want to get some coffee?” 
“I should be going,” he said, standing up. “I’ll see Dr. James out.” 
“Thank you again,” Mr. Flannery said. 
“Any time.” 
You and Bob headed for the door as Charlotte narrowed her eyes in the background. Even though he was two feet away you could almost feel the heat of his hand on your back the way it had been the night before at the party as he steered you through the crowd. A shiver slipped down your back. 
It was a silent walk down the hallway. Hospitals had a certain smell, feel. You could practically hear codes calling, beepers buzzing. A part of you longed for it. The rush. The adrenaline. The sleepless nights. The sound of a newborn baby’s cries. The steady beep as a ventilator was shut off before silence eclipsed a room. 
Bob stopped at his car parked in the front row. “So are you and Bradley a thing?” he asked. 
You frowned. “What? No, we’re just friends.” 
Bob snorted. “Friends, sure. I also have friends who sleep at my house wearing only a t-shirt.” 
“I heard you slept with Charlotte last night.” It slipped out of your mouth, hot like fire. 
Bob looked taken aback. “What? No, I didn’t.” 
“Oh really? Because I heard you went upstairs together.” 
“Only because she was distraught,” he said. “And I had to put her to bed.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
“Do you care?” Bob asked. Those three words made your throat close up. 
“No,” you said after a moment. “Why would I?” 
“I don’t know,” he said, head tilted to one side. “Seemed like you do.” 
“You’re the one who asked about me and Bradshaw first.” 
“He’s my friend,” Bob replied. 
“Mine too.” 
Bob’s eyes narrowed. He unlocked his car. “I’ll see you at the office, Dr. James.” 
“Dr. Floyd,” you replied as he opened the door. 
Walking away, you felt a gnawing at your stomach. The trip to the hospital had reminded you of everything you had left behind in New York. There was a bustle to Atlanta General. An air of anxiety that you thrived on. 
But it wasn’t just that. It was watching Bob drive away. Something he had said sat heavy on your chest. 
Do you care? 
Tag list or follow my library page @ereardonlibrary:
@eli2447 @xomrsalliej4787xo @xoxabs88xox @cool-ultra-nerd @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun
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body-face-words · 28 days
Pictures from the awards sent by @olvejn !
Again, keep in mind that pictures are limited so take it with a grain of salt. I'm analyzing this with the information from earlier in the evening and the pose they decided to go with.
(The fourth image is edited by me)
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The first to pics are at the end or towards the end of the evening. Much more relaxed, they probably drank something as seen in the second image.
The first pic is taken when walking out. They are aware of the cameras (obviously there is flash and that is hard to ignore or not notice). David is leading. When holding hands and walked, the 'leader' is either the one with their hand 'out' like David's, or the one walking in front and dragging the other.
Their hands are securely held together. Both are grabbing onto the other. In same cases, when people don't like each other much or if it's a pr relationship, one of the has their hand open while the other grips their hand. They have been together (in one way or another) for some time now, so it's not surprising that they are comfortable/familiar with this.
The second image is with flash again meaning they knew that pictures were being taken. This could be one of many. David is looking away, probably staring at the back of where Georgia is, at her hair, the floor, the side of her face, or unfocused and staring off into space, I can't say for certain. Their smiles do look tipsy. David looks genuine and Georgia's looks tipsy and not with much energy to smile.
They Georgia is holding her glass with her right hand and David with his left while standing close to each other. They aren't blocking the other. David is standing behind Georgia and she's standing up straight and forward so her arm is in the way, but she isn't leaning away nor putting a shield/distance with her left arm. At this point, it's very apparent that they have been drinking so it could be that they have relaxed, aren't all that aware of their personal space, or don't care at that point.
The third image is before or after (most likely after) the ceremony. There isn't anyone sitting behind them for about two rows so that the picture can be taken. David's smile is genuine. Corners up, cheeks up, wrinkles deepen, eyes smaller.
Georgia's is more like a 'smirk'. An a previous post, she was sneering. Her right side of the face is going up and this time around the smirk is on the left side meaning that this isn't a sneer or the way she tends to smile. Her upper lip is flat (as in not sneering) and the left corner of her lip is going up. The line created when she lifts her cheek is deepened only on her left side and that eye is also smaller.
Isn't completely a smirk because she doesn't involve the upper face with this smile. When smirking, the eyebrows and sometimes nose is involved. One eyebrow raise, wrinkling of the nose, or furrowing the eyebrows. Her eyes are relaxed and her eyebrows and forehead aren't tense/overly used. (also if you want to analyze the face, look at the upper part first then the lower. the eye's can be very telling)
The smile Georgia is doing is when you look at something cute or endearing. Head slightly tilted in, a hand on his cheek, and a lopsided smile, slightly raised eyebrows, with wide (not too wide) eyes.
Both their smiles are genuine.*
Edit: their smiles are frozen.
Decided to go back and check their smiles again because something didn't feel right.
For a smile to be real, the cheeks are engaged and the lower eyelid is lifted to some degree. Here, we can see that however, the right corner of Georgia's mouth is horizontal/going down. Some people smile like that and it's not unusual for her. Georgia likes her left side of the face and always posed and smiles mostly with her left side if possible. Even when she genuinely smiles, the left corner goes up while the right on stays neutral or pointing downwards.
She's looking up, an endearing smile is soft so the lower eyelid is less noticeable. My doubt comes from the fact that this is a picture so Georgia and David have to hold the smile.
David's smile is also a tad bit stretched, still going up, but tense.
This was probably not done in one take so the smile is going to the frozen. The truthfulness of it is doubtful, but are some genuine elements in them
I'm leaving my analysis of the smiles up because there is still useful information.
Let me know if I missed anything!
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