#FORCING myself to b done i am touching this NO MORE
solcarow · 2 years
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“Letters wishing to be loved by someone were flowing outside the monitor after forming pairs and groups with each other.
Sentences, that sparkled like the stars.”
(close-ups under the cut)
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666writingcafe · 4 months
A Surprise Visit
Author's Note: This is the official start of my season three rewrite. To quickly recap how I ended season two, MC basically convinces Solomon to live with them in their home instead of the two of them going their separate ways. That's number one. Number two is I'm axing the whole babysitter gig setup, because I feel like it's a bit unnecessary (and weird).
So, without further ado, the first part of lesson 41 is under the cut.
Solomon looks over my shoulder and examines the potion I prepared in the cauldron.
"Nicely done," he remarks. "Just the right shade of blue."
"Thanks," I reply, quickly glancing up at him.
"You know, you've done a nice job keeping up with everything I've taught you. You're certainly one of my better apprentices." I chuckle.
"I mean, I would like to not destroy my home."
"Or any surrounding ones." I turn my full attention to him, confused as to why he would say that. He merely shrugs as he adds,
"It's happened before."
"I see." Should I be worried?
"Anyway, you almost have the fundamentals down. Pretty soon, you'll be able to get your Sorcerer's License, and I can begin teaching you summoning magic."
"I'm sure the brothers would appreciate that."
"Oh, probably. They like you alright." His smirk indicates that he wants to start bantering with me. He does it on a daily basis, and I've gotten pretty good at coming up with good responses on the fly.
Suddenly, someone knocks on my door.
"I'll get it," Solomon states, patting me on the shoulder and kissing me on the temple before leaving the room. I take the opportunity to begin pouring my potion--a serum that causes people to change size--into the bottles Solomon set up in front of me.
Just as I finish filling the first bottle, Solomon returns.
"It would seem as though the brothers got tired of waiting," he tells me.
"What do you mean?" I ask, setting the cauldron down.
"Surprise!" Asmo pops his head in the room and waves excitedly at me.
At least, I think it's Asmo. His hair's a lot longer than usual, and his choice of makeup makes him look rather feminine.
As he steps into full view and reveals his outfit--a spaghetti tanktop, a denim miniskirt that barely covers his crotch, and strappy high heels--I realize that he's in drag. And it looks good.
Has he done this before?
"You alright, MC?" Solomon asks, walking over and touching my shoulder.
"I'm sure they are," Asmo answers before I can open my mouth. "They're just in awe of my beauty."
"Just the same as always," Solomon quips, causing Asmo to stick his tongue out at him.
"What are you doing here?" The question comes out a lot more quietly than I was expecting. Maybe it's because I can't stop staring at Asmo. For once, he's right; I am in awe.
"Here in your home, or here in the human world?"
"B-Both, I guess." Asmo clasps his hands together.
"Well, after you left, Diavolo started making plans for us to come visit you in the human world. He and Lucifer bought a property nearby, and we've been working on making it our own for a few months. We just finished last week." He briefly pauses. "I've actually been sent to pick you up and take you over there. That is, if that's alright with your teacher over there." He smiles at Solomon, who nods his head.
"I think we've reached a good stopping point for today," he replies, glancing over at me.
"Great! I'll help you pack." Huh?
"Asmo!" I call out before he can go too far.
"Yes, MC?" He bats his eyes at me, and I have to force myself to focus.
"As much as I appreciate the enthusiasm, I can't spend the night. I have to work tomorrow." Asmo stares at me blankly. "You know...the job that helps me pay my bills?"
"Oh right! You don't have to worry about that for a while." That can't mean what I think it means.
"Asmo...what did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. It was all Diavolo." He didn't...
"MC isn't like you guys," Solomon pipes up. "They rely on their job to make ends meet. It's not like they can just leave at will." This makes Asmo widen his eyes.
"No, no, no! It's not like that at all!" he exclaims. "MC, you still have your job. Diavolo just arranged for you to be on vacation until we returned to the Devildom." He walks over and clasps my hands. "I am so sorry for worrying you like that, MC." I sigh.
"That only covers part of it. What about--"
"Check your bank account."
"I got it," Solomon states, leaving the room and returning with my laptop. Once he pulls up my online account, he shows the screen to me, revealing...
"Is that four zeros?"
"It appears so, yes." He clicks on the checking account to view transaction details. "It looks like Diavolo's been transferring money to your account. At least, I assume that's who 'David Prince' is." Asmo nods his head.
"We thought it best to adopt human alias while we were here." Well, that explains the drag. "I decided to go with Azzy."
"The name suits you," I tell him, still staring at the screen.
I can't believe that Diavolo went out of his way to do something like this for me. It's not like I've ever expected him to provide for me or anything.
"So, am I good to start packing?" Asmo asks.
"Sure." I make sure to follow him as he enters my room. If I leave him unsupervised, there's no telling what he'd do in there.
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
If you're still accepting prompts from your side blog, I think the hold one in the crying section would be good to see with Steve and reader if that's alright? (Although you can choose who is A and who is B 💙)
thank you for the request from the crying prompt list! i hope you like this my love <3
tw - implied abuse/absence of parents, bad relationship with parents, family trauma
1k words
@eddie-darling @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines @80strashbag @ilikefruitgummies @d22malfoys @ninuffi @eldriidd @icarus-star @demigirl-with-problems @alexxavicry @simplymurdock @sydnee-writes @savagejane1 @vintageobx @katsukis1wife @pastel-abyss-x @levylovegood @mayyvh @mystickenz join my tag list
“So, we’ll have the morning to ourselves, because otherwise I won’t get you to myself for the whole day,” she smiled as she walked around Steve’s kitchen to grab a glass for herself and him. His birthday was exactly a week away, and with the help of Nancy Wheeler they had the whole thing already planned out. “I think Eddie said he’ll be here to pick us up around lunch time – he’ll already grab the kids first so we just need to grab Robin, and Nance is meeting us-”
For possibly the first time ever, Steve wasn’t listening to her. His eyes were in her general direction, but they were unfocused, like he was mentally somewhere else. He hadn’t moved from his spot leant against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared into nothingness.
She put the glasses back down on the counter and turned to face him, a slight frown on her lips as she walked over. “Stevie?” Her voice was soft, and he only looked up at her when she gently touched his hand. “You still with me?”
He cleared his throat and nodded, but his smile was so forced that it was impossible to believe nothing was wrong. “Yeah, sorry. Birthday stuff, go on?”
Steve still looked completely uninterested, so she gently worked her fingers in between his to lace them together. His hand was tense, fingers flexed until she moved them. But as she stood in front of him, she noticed that the rest of him was tense too.
“Steve,” she mumbled, her voice softer as she worked circles into his hand with her thumb. “Penny for your thoughts?”
He sighed and wiped his face with his free hand. “It’s nothing, honestly.”
“It’s not nothing,” she kept her voice soft as she looked up at him, her thumb continued rubbing his hand. “You can tell me anything, you know.”
For a moment he looked guilty, and she couldn’t possibly decipher why. He hadn’t done anything wrong to her knowledge, and to be honest she wasn’t sure he was even capable of doing something wrong. Whatever was going on must’ve been really hurting him, and that was all the more worrying.
“I know,” he sounded quiet and deflated. Like he was just really tired of everything. “It’s not… I guess I just didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”
“What, baby?”
Steve stared at her for a moment through an expression that she couldn’t decipher, before he squeezed her hand and took in a deep breath. “I told you that my parents won’t be here for my birthday, yeah?” she nodded, and watched with an aching heart as his gaze dropped to the floor. “I wasn’t really that upset at first. I mean, you know what they’re like, they’re never here,” he grumbled, an undertone of hurt in his words. “and I really am excited about what you and the guys have planned, I know I’m gonna have a good day,” he took a pause and sighed, and she could practically feel his gaze on their interlocked hands. “Sorry.”
“S’okay,” she told him, and lightly squeezed his fingers. “Take your time.”
Steve nodded. It took him another moment before he spoke again. But she made sure not to voice her concern just yet. “I dropped Dustin off at his house yesterday but he wanted to show me something in his room – I think it was a new game or something, little nerd – and I saw how much his mom loves him. Like… really loves him. I’m happy he does, but why does his mom love him and mine can’t even come home for my fucking birthday?”
“Oh Steve.” If he had taken Dustin home the day before then just how long had he been dwelling on this thought?
She didn’t know what she should say to help him – what could help – so she pulled her hand from his grip and wrapped her arms around him instead. His head fell limp against her shoulder as she worked a palm between his shoulder blades, and as soon as his arms tightened around her waist he shook.
He was crying.
She had seen him go through many different hardships; he had fought and got hurt by interdimensional creatures, got the shit beaten out of him by Billy Hargrove, and was drugged and tortured by Russians. But she had never once seen him cry. But for him to have broken down in her arms like that, his fingers curled into her shirt for some stability, it made her wonder just how much his parents, or their absence, had an affect on him.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered into his hair as she held onto him tighter. She wished that she could tell him that his parents didn’t mean to hurt hm, and that they really did love him so much, but how could she? She had only met them a few times herself, and she knew nothing about their treatment of Steve and how they felt. It would be unfair to feed him empty promises when she just didn’t know. “I love you,” she settled with instead, her voice soft before she pressed a just as gentle kiss to his cheek. “So much, so so much. I’ll always be here for you, I promise.”
Steve took in a shuddered breath and nodded into her shoulder. His fingers gripped her shirt tighter whilst his other arm wrapped around her completely, where he held her tightly. It reminded her of how she used to hold her teddy bear when she had a nightmare as a child, and it made her frown worsen. Steve was still just a boy who needed his parents.
“I know,” he mumbled, his throat thick as he spoke. He leaned back against the counter again and pulled her with him, slotted her between his parted legs to lean against his chest. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, baby,” she whispered, and pressed another soft kiss to his neck. “Do you need anything?”
He shook his head, and if anything held onto her tighter. “No… just stay here a while?”
“Of course,” she whispered. “Always.”
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welcome-to-oslov · 9 days
Davita mentions a lot how Tilrey is "naturally submissive", including here at the end as part of the reason she's shocked and thinks she underestimated him (she sure did!). Gourmanian was also the first person to tell him he is - which surprised and troubled him.
Is he though? 🤔
Forcing himself to be (become?) submissive was the fundamental struggle he went through - and I think to an extent was not natural to him (maybe?).
So much of his journey was being forced to make the decision to take submission to a new level:
The first time he slept with Malsha - the first time he made himself not physically resist; though it was a long time before he completely stopped trying to verbally resist, from the time in the car with Krisha, to Spring Fling, to Linden's first beating. (He even submitted when Malsha told him to come back to bed, and cried in Malsha's arms).
The first time he fucked Malsha - he found it so overwhelming, being brought to tears though not quite understanding why; the last time he'd ever done that was sweetly with Dal, and now his life has become this.
Sleeping with the men he was sent to; each time an exercise in forcing himself to "do this".
Gourmanian, where he was surprised to enjoy - crave - the physical sensations of being out of control, yet left uneasy. Partly, b/c despite what Gourmanian said, maybe he could sense Gourmanian was getting off on overpowering/overwhelming him, whether pleasurably as that night or brutally as in Spring Fling (he wouldn't let up trying to bring Tilrey back into those memories).
Linden/Jorning: we haven't yet seen what Jorning gets up to, but we know from Tilrey's memories that he submits to things not out of free will but to end beatings he'd already submitted to but now wants out of - since he doesn't (can't?) rescind his submission to those, he takes another step up in submission in ways we'll see play out.
His first time with Davita: he was surprised to see the huge wooden cock come out, but chose to submit to it as one of his first experiences choosing to re-enact trauma in order to tell himself he's in control this time. Which kind of became an addicting/compulsive pattern for him over many encounters with many people over the ensuing years.
So anyway, for me, I am still wrapping my head around what Tilrey's true relationship with submission may be 🤔. It seems making himself submit was, each time from the beginning & throughout, very traumatic emotionally on him; a trauma that changes/shapes you. It changed so much how he expresses himself, sees himself, interacts with Upstarts as well as those he loves throughout his life.
Now, his reaching the point where he *cannot* submit to anyone - he must lead! - is making me mull over all of this again! In some ways it must feel equally as hard, in the opposite way, as that very first time he let ("let") Malsha touch him.
I’m still wrapping myself around his true relationship with submission too! This is one of those knots that is so hard to untangle, especially with someone who has been abused. It’s easy for Davita to say he is “naturally submissive” (Besha too) because that’s part of her ideology. Laborers (and low Upstarts) are “supposed” to want to be told what to do.
But real life and real desires are so much more complicated. Someone who wants to submit sexually, in a safe space with a safe partner, might not be at all submissive in a different setting or when they feel unsafe.
Tilrey has a long history of being forced to submit in unsafe ways, as in your examples! So initially he hates it, and if he does feel any pleasure, he’s ashamed. Bror is the first one to tell him that sexual submission can be a free choice someone makes, even someone who is powerful outside the bedroom. Gourmanian knows that and claims to offer that safe experience, but Tilrey doesn’t have free choice with him, so it’s not really safe. As he goes through life, he’ll seek out similar experiences where he has more and more control over the boundaries.
So is he really submissive? I don’t know, but this character continually makes me question what that means. I do think by nature Tilrey is introverted and not someone who tends to rush into every situation and dominate it. He likes to let things wash over him, process, and then decide on a course of action. (That slowness is why Einara was frustrated by him!) But he’s also someone who has a strong will and ideas about how things should be, and he’s willing to take a leadership role to make things better.
So I think when Davita says he’s naturally submissive, she’s mapping the binaries of D/s onto the real world, which doesn’t work! Even in the bedroom, she wanted to switch roles with Tilrey at one point. Power dynamics in and outside sex can be much more fluid than she realizes.
Curious to hear more thoughts on this, because I think about it a lot!
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delirious-donna · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons [Langris Vaude]
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an: lately I have become a little obsessed with Langris Vaude, a slow process considering how much I used to detest him, but here we are. Now I thirst for the haughty man. I know I am not alone in my opinions, so this is for me and others that yearn for the spatial mage.
p.s. apologies for how long this turned out, I simply could not control myself! ^^
pairing: Langris Vaude x female reader
warnings: too many to mention, nothing is super kinky but continue with ease
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A - Aftercare
It took Langris a hot minute to work out what this actually meant. Not accustomed to the softer moments in life, he had frowned in confusion as you forced him to lay back and relax.
What was the issue?
He had more than ensured your pleasure, and he too had found his release, why would he linger on the bed when there were other things to be done?
Slowly, he found that the quiet moments after what had transpired were sweeter than candy. Lost within the sensation of your fingers brushing into his chestnut hair, the rhythmical rise and fall of your chest and the melodic tunes you would hum.
"This is aftercare then?" he asked in a timid voice so unlike his own.
"Mmm, yeah. Nice isn't it?"
He was silent for the longest moment before rolling with you to reverse your positions.
"Let me return the favour, my love," he cooes.
Langris kneads at your tense shoulders, letting his hands skim down your bare skin in utter reverence as he kisses the top of your head. He wouldn't be skipping this ever again.
B - Body Part
You'd have to fight him - playfully - to discover his answer, but if truth be told, he likes his chest.
He knows that his strength is rather unassuming to most, often being dismissed for possessing only raw magical strength and not the physical type that Asta is famed for. Yet, under his magic knight's uniform lies defined muscles and corded strength, always ready at a moment's notice.
Langris has no wish to become as bulky as Asta, he finds it rather crass as to how thick the grey-haired boy's torso has become of late, but he will continue to train to maintain the lithe definition he does have.
Other than the physical appearance of his chest, there is another, far softer reason as to why he favours this part of his body. Within said chest beats a heart that had never known love, his family might have favoured him over Finral but he was a show pony, not a loved child.
Langris didn't know what it felt to be loved or to love until he met you. It was a turbulent journey, and it was not without some tears being shed. The armour around his heart crumbled into a rusty mess when he finally realised that to love, he has to allow himself to be vulnerable from time to time.
It was worth it, you were worth it and he would be damned if he would give it up after the battle he had fought to find it.
Yes, Langris likes his chest and the heart that resides within.
As for you, it's almost an impossible decision. You are everything he ever wanted but didn't know he needed. Langris may not be the most verbal with his affection, but if pushed he'd pick your hands.
He likes how they slip into his own when you know no one else is around, fingers interlocking and a thumb stroking against his palm. He adores that your hands seek him out in the night, wrapping around his bicep as you curl into him.
Your hands express your love and affection, the softness of your touch on his skin enough to chip away the icy mask that he wears to protect himself.
C - Cum
Langris was a flustered mess the very first time you made him cum. His face was so pretty and pink as he fought to keep his gaze away from your own, his breathing rapid and his hands clenched into the white sheets beneath him.
A simple handjob and he had spurted his sticky seed in record time as if he were some mere horny teenager. You knew he was embarrassed, could sense it with how he acted now and it tugged your heart. He didn't realise how empowering it felt to be able to bring his release so easily.
Langris was startled when you dipped a finger in his creamy essence, treating it as if it were paint and his skin the canvas. You swept it over the dips of the prominent 'v' that carved out his hips and pelvis, fingerpainting to your heart's content.
"Wh-what are you doing?" he asked on a hissed breath.
Finally, you met his crystalline eyes. Smiling sweetly you placed your messy fingers into your mouth and made a show of sucking them clean. It was arousing to watch the colours deepen, the way his cock jerked and hardened once more.
"Tasting you," you admit.
Langris was far from done with you after that display and remark.
He prefers to paint your insides than decorating your body but he has been known to pull out for you to swallow his load, but only if you ask very sweetly.
His cum tastes bitter but not unpleasant, almost like extremely rich dark chocolate. As for volume, well, there is enough to make several paintings if you wish.
In return, Langris enjoyed eating you out far more than he had anticipated. The sometimes haughty noble is not immune to becoming pussy drunk, lapping at your slick centre until his mouth and chin are shiny with your essence.
His eyes glazed and unfocused when you finally managed to pull him by the hair away from your trembling cunt. The simple act of watching him licking at his lips is enough to make you keen for him. Langris wastes not a drop of what you spill, he has never tasted something so potent and intoxicating.
D - Dirty Secret
Langris will deny it to the ends of the earth, but he enjoys wearing your panties.
I'm not surprised, no one was more shocked than Langris himself.
He didn't pull them on through any overwhelming urge that came to his mind, it was the result of a lost bet that forced the silky shorts to adorn his beautiful hips.
Langris was confident that he would win the bet and that he would never have the indignity of wearing a female's underwear, but he had been wrong.
He was a flustered mess as he left for the day, only the two of you in the knowledge of what lay beneath his pants. You tried to suppress the giggles, knowing that he would likely throw a hissy fit if he thought you were mocking him, but he was too dang cute.
You had to admit that he looked kinda hot in your silkiest pair of black shorts. You had chosen these especially as you did not think he would take well to wearing a barely concealing thong. His bits would never remain inside!
His lightly tanned skin was accentuated by the midnight black silk, the lace trim around the legs gave an inviting allure and you almost crawled to him by the door. Desperate to unbuckle his belt and pull any the layers to find the smooth material so you could bury your face in it, but you didn't.
Langris saw the look in your eye, he remembered it all day long and slowly he started to enjoy the feel of something so decadent against his crotch. He liked it far more than he anticipated.
He won't tell you this, and you will never tell him that you cheated in your bet... how naughty!
E - Experienced
You had thought Langris to be a virgin when you got together, but it turns out that he had lost his innocence in one of the very few times he had gotten drunk. He isn't proud of it, in fact, for a long time he tried to pretend it had not happened at all. Langris didn't remember what the girl looked like, let alone her name and it prickled him.
Certainly, you had no experience to speak of, and the one drunken time for Langris didn't amount to anything. That meant that you were to experience a lot of new things together.
Langris was certainly a fast learner. Within no time at all, it felt like he had a wealth of experience under his belt and you were still floundering like a shy little flower. He took your meek embarrassment in his stride, secretly enjoying how bashful you became when he whispered naughty suggestions in your ear.
"Shall I bend you over my desk, my love? I have a free hour or two. We could see how many times I can make you cum on my fingers before you are whimpering for me to fill you up properly."
Where had your inexperienced lover gone? That boy was dead and buried. The man that replaced him was confident in his ability and assured of his technique within the blink of an eye.
Langris Vaude was certainly a prodigy in many disciplines.
F - Favourite Position
Call him old-fashioned, but what is wrong with missionary?
Langris likes that he can kiss you deeply whilst he plunders your cunt, growling as you bite at his lower lip and he ruts himself harshly in reply.
He can brace his weight on one wrist or forearm as the other pinches lazily at your stiffened nipples, lowering his mouth to suckle the peak until you are yanking on his hair.
In this position, he can feel your thighs winding around his hips and the bucking over your body meeting him stroke for stroke. You feed him that extra friction that is enough to make him want to leave pretty marks on your neck - his mark.
Langris knows when your release is close, your hands sliding to his back where your nails dig into his flesh hard enough to leave thin red streaks. That hint of pain is blissful, knowing that you are losing the battle against your animalistic instincts and he isn't far behind.
He'll shift back on the bed, moving to his knees as he drags you closer to him. Pressing your thighs against his shoulders as his cock reaches new depths and drags deliciously against your g-spot with every precise swing of his hips.
Yeah, this is his favourite position, nothing else comes quite as close as this does.
G - Goofy
I'm sorry, this is Langris Vaude we are talking about. He barely knows what the word goofy means. If you wanted this in a partner then you were with the wrong brother.
He'll listen to your pathetic attempts at jokes, smiling kindly but his eyes are weary. The man loves you more than anything in this world, but he is never going to be the type to play practical jokes or burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. It's just not in his nature.
Having said that, he does like to tease. He isn't above tickling you until you are crying for mercy, of which, he has very little. Langris will giddily straddle your waist to hold you down and tickle your ribs, neck, stomach and every other part he can reach until you are sobbing with giggling tears.
This kind of goofy, he can get behind, but it will always be behind closed doors. He doesn't wish for others to see that he possesses this side of him.
H - Hair
Tousled golden brown hair adorns his head, soft and gently curling around the edges of his face. Langris keeps his hair well-trimmed, believing it to be unbecoming of a young man to let it get too long. His shampoo smells faintly of jasmine, you'd think it would be a little feminine but on Langris, it really compliments him - balancing out the masculine elements of his appearance and personality.
Light smatterings of hair grace his pectorals, he used to shave it off until you insisted he stop. You love running your dainty fingers through the hair, your nails grazing his nipples quite on purpose as you do. He'll growl as a warning, but whether you choose to heed the warning, is entirely dependent on your mood.
His happy trail starts not far above where his sleeping pants would rest, the hair is a little denser here and especially as it continues down to join the short curls that nestle around the base of his dick.
The carpet surely matches the drapes, the colour is exactly the same no matter which part of his body you admire with your lustful gaze. Langris keeps his private area short and well maintained, but your nose still nestles against the coarse hair when you've managed to work his cock fully down your throat.
I - Intimacy
It took some time for intimacy to be the norm in your relationship, Langris simply did not know how to offer it, having received none himself.
Much like when he discovered what aftercare meant, he slowly allowed himself to ease into the sensation of letting someone close to his heart.
The whole thing came with soul-soaring highs and achingly awful lows.
Langris had not anticipated that loving someone intimately would bring with it such terrible fears. Thoughts of losing you in some way, of being hurt or falling out of love with him haunted his dreams more than he would care to admit.
Intimacy was a double-edged sword, capable of bringing ecstasy and at the same time being able to bring him to his knees in agony. Despite this, he wouldn't give it up for anything in the world, he only wished he had found you sooner. Perhaps your good influence on him would have meant mending of relationships far sooner than had transpired.
The majority of your shared intimacy is still hidden behind closed doors but on occasion, and when Langris is feeling especially proud of you, he will openly kiss your temple. He might even indulge in trailing his fingers with yours for a moment, much to the bewilderment of his squadmates.
Your relationship is no secret, but his softer side certainly is.
J - Jerk Off
This happens very rarely. There have been only a handful of times when he has been parted from you long enough to warrant him fisting his straining cock.
If he were to find himself on such a mission where you had not seen each other in days, then it would likely be first thing in the morning that he would indulge.
Awakening to find his morning erection practically waving at him beneath the bedsheets, his skin sensitive from everything that dares to touch him and his mind replaying the lewd dreams of you from the night.
Langris grasps the base of his dick, hissing through his teeth at the initial contact, he won't last long, he knows that much. Screwing his eyes shut and chin tilting his head back to face the ceiling as he tries his best to imagine it is your hand around him. The difference in size and strength of grips should be enough to wipe away his foolish illusion but Langris is so headstrong that the image of you remains clear.
He'd much rather it was you doing this, your dainty hand pumping his length, spreading his precum over his heated flesh in between kitten licks from your naughty tongue.
Only a few strokes to this imagery are enough for him to relieve the pressure in his abdomen and balls. Completely messing up the sheets but hoping he can slip them into the laundry without question.
Langris really cannot wait to get back home to you.
K - Kink
Don't tell anyone, Langris will not be impressed if you dared disclose this information to anyone - he means it - tell no one.
Langris is a sucker for praise.
You discovered it completely by accident. Laying back in Langris's bed, thighs spread wide and pinned down by his strong hands, his face was entirely buried in your cunt.
Your fingers speared into his lush hair, gripping at the roots as you spoke in broken moans;
"Oh gods, baby. You're making me feel so good."
He stilled for a second before his sparkling eyes lifted to lock with your own. You visibly watched the pink stain deepen on his cheeks, his tongue flickered against your clit and you whimpered.
Waiting until he was back to tasting your velvet lower lips, you spoke once more and carefully watched his reaction.
"Baby, you're such a good boy. So amazing at eating me out."
He groaned in his throat, eyes rolling to white as his hips rutted against the mattress. Langris was lost to his actions, fucking himself whilst he devoured you like a man possessed.
Let's just say that you know how to pull his strings, how to gently manipulate him into giving you exactly what you want.
"Whose your handsome best boy?"
L - Location
Again, Langris is fairly traditional with his preference. He likes to make love or fuck like feral beasts, depending on his mood, in the safety of your shared bed.
The options were almost limitless, he could contort your limbs into a variety of positions or simply choose to indulge in straight vanilla sex.
However, he has become rather fond of taking you in his office. It seems so naughty and unprofessional of him, seeing you bent at the waist with your dress simply a puddle of cloth only covering your middle. Your beautiful tits pressed into the smooth oak of his desk, both your arms in his grip as he slams into your fluttering cunt.
The sound of skin slapping is lewd and delicious as he reminds you to be quiet, knowing that you will fail sooner or later and he will have to make you suck on his fingers to dull your noises.
He loses himself in the sight of his cock plunging into your welcoming warmth, his balls smacking against your clit with every precise thrust and the jiggle of your ass cheeks as the clapping noise increases with each gush of essence that crashes against his crotch.
Yeah, Langris would take in his office at every opportunity afforded to him.
M - Motivation
There are times when work has to come first, you know this well and you understand, you do, but it's so difficult when it is keeping you from the tender touch of your handsome man.
Langris can become easily absorbed into his work, often not noticing how late he has stayed locked away in his office - he locks it knowing you'll try to distract him if he doesn't. He loves you dearly, but he feels there is still a lot he needs to prove.
By the time he slumps into your bedroom, dark rings under his eyes and shoulders slouched from exhaustion, you know you'd have to work a miracle to get him in the mood.
You've planned for this, Langris finds the room bathed in the soft glow of candlelight and you are draped on the bed in your finest lingerie. Silk adorns your torso from neckline to midthigh, the golden shimmer catching beautifully in the glow.
"My love, I am so very tired," his plea is genuine and there is strain around his eyes from denying you.
"I know baby, come here. Let me take care of you."
You pat the bed and watch as he slowly undresses to leave his uniform in a trail from the door to the bed - very unlike him. He hums his appreciation as he truly looks over your enticing lingerie, wishing he wasn't so damn tired.
Isn't it amazing how reinvigorating a sensual massage, a willing ear to listen to his woes and a loving hand to caress all his favoured areas can be? Langris is swept into the care you pile on him so generously.
You know in your heart that if he really was too tired, you weren't going to force the issue, this had been a lovely evening and you had no desire to spoil it with an argument. Slipping from the bed so you can change into his shirt for the night, he catches your wrist by surprise.
"Ride me, my love," he pleads.
"We don't have to, I know you're tired..."
Langris pulls you to him, lips searing against your own before he parts your mouths.
"I have not the energy to ravish you as I'd like, but I'd love to watch you fuck yourself on my cock."
Well, you don't need asking twice...
N - No
Langris, despite seeming rather uptight to most, is fairly open to trying new things in the bedroom. He feels the safest when experiencing activities with you - his trust runs soul deep.
However, there are a few things that are a straight 'no' and those are never going to change. Namely, anything that would cause you or him harm or pain. A spank on the ass, hair pulling, nails raking into flesh or hard bites are the limit to his tolerance for pain in the bedroom. Anything beyond that is a 'no'.
The same goes for anything too risky; he might love taking you in his office but he is not about to indulge in initiating intimate relations in a place where you are likely to be discovered, that would be foolish. The very thought of someone else seeing your body in the throes of passion is enough to boil his blood and make him see red. You are his and his alone, and in the same regard, he is yours.
Langris does not share, not now and not ever.
O - Oral
Langris is a big fan, and will often put off the main event in favour of absolutely losing himself in the feel and taste of your core. He will push you well on the way to extreme overstimulation as he practically refuses to detach from your puffy clit and swollen lips.
Drinking in your whimpers much in the same way he drinks in your delicious nectar, Langris can cum entirely untouched in this situation. Driving his hips further into the yielding mattress as you squeeze the life out of his head.
The man has serious game when it comes to oral skills, perhaps having a razor-sharp tongue helped him in this regard and in honesty it doesn't much matter.
He knows exactly when to tease your clit, when to slide his velvet tongue along your slit, how firmly to press his nose against your hood and when to prod at your aching hole.
His record is one straight hour spent between your slick thighs, and he would have continued if he wasn't concerned you would pass out from dehydration.
As for receiving, it is sometimes the best part of waking up. You were his very own alarm clock, often waking before him - which was saying something considering how early he wakes - to slide between the sheets and feast on his flesh.
The first moan out of his mouth tells you he is awake, uncovering your hidden form so he can watch exactly what you are doing. Cupping his sensitive balls as you slobber all over his dick, eyes wet from the tears of forcing him further and further down your throat. Muscles constricting to the point that his hips are jerking and he's cursing under his breath.
Langris won't last much longer, the early morning erection already close to painful and demanding release. Along with the sight of your fluttering lashes and tears tracking your cheeks, it's more than enough to force his orgasm - of which you collect every drop on your tongue, showing it to him before swallowing and opening your now empty mouth.
"Fuck, you're gonna kill me at this rate, my love."
P- Pace
Much depends on his mood, either is good at the right moment. Langris also likes to switch things up mid fuck, going from slow and languid strokes that ensure he grazes every sensitive spot in your clenching cunt to fast rough thrusts that make your toes curl and your nails dig into his shoulders.
He can play you like a damn fiddle when he wants, long having learned what every reaction meant and using different techniques to keep you on your toes.
You can be lost in his loving gaze, running your fingers softly through his hair as you reach up to peck at his parted lips one second and the next he has flipped you onto your stomach and is fucking into you like he is deep in mating season.
Don't ever think you truly know what is going through his head, especially when he is intoxicated by your nearness.
Q - Quickie
Langris really enjoys a quickie, it's an excellent way to feel connected to you in the times when work and evil schemes rear their ugly head.
Those moments when you are going about simple tasks like taking off your make-up or folding your clothes neatly away, the urge to pin you against the nearest wall is often irresistible.
If you could see the fiery blue flames that dance within his eyes, it would at least give you a hint as to what is to come, but he treats you like a predator stalking prey.
Pouncing when you least suspect it. Bruising kisses pressed to your lips as he rips away the layers keeping him from your bare skin, only every removing enough to allow him the much-needed access for scratching this insufferable itch.
You love when he is like this, the primal need driving him to consume you completely. It won't take long, the pace will be brutal and there will be little to no preamble but you find these moments raw and so real.
It reinforces the confidence that needs you just as much as you need him.
R - Risk
Langris is fairly risk-averse. He doesn't see any pleasure in putting you or him in harm's way. There would be no amount of pleasure in the world that could coax him into taking such frivolous and dangerous risks.
He wants you safe at all times.
Even when it comes to birth control, he is extremely diligent. He knows your cycle, probably better than you do, and he always has protection on hand for the times you forget to take your birth control pill. He is aware you are a little scatterbrained with such matters, and although he would much prefer to fuck you raw, the condoms are there for the times you do forget.
S - Stamina
On a day off, Langris is a solid 11/10.
He could probably go from dawn until dusk with the appropriate rest breaks scattered throughout - he could not survive on simply eating out your pussy - and water, lots of it would be required for such sessions.
These days are rare, although they do occur. As much as you enjoy being swept into carnal pleasure for an entire day, you would much rather enjoy his company in less lustful ways too. He is extremely witty when in the right mood, and you love to hear his take on current affairs over lazy mornings in bed. He has even been known to read the paper to you, adding his own spin on the events of the previous day much to your quiet amusement and giggles.
On a work day then he is probably closer to 6/10. He gives it his all and will most likely have enough energy to go at least twice before flopping back on the bed with his eyes shut and his chest rapidly rising and falling.
"My love, please tell me you have had enough?"
Can anyone truly have enough of Langris Vaude?
T - Toys
Toys are not something that is prevalent, therefore not much consideration has been given to their usage in the bedroom.
Langris would likely find the idea of introducing toys into the lovemaking deeply wounding. Isn’t he enough for you? He’d huff and puff at the thought of it, full-on pouting lower lip and refusing to meet your eye.
Heaven forbid that he discovers how toys could be used to drive you to the brink of desperation. Langris would likely smirk as he presses the tiny bullet vibrator to your clit, watching your legs tremble and shake from the vibrations entering your body.
“You asked for this, my love.”
U - Unfair
Langris can be extremely unfair when the mood strikes him. There is a slight sadist streak that stems from his upbringing and he hasn’t managed to shake all of it away. He might choose to let out his frustrations by toying with the idea of turning you into a whimpering boneless mess.
He’ll become absorbed in bringing you to the very precipice of orgasm, your hips stuttering and nails scrabbling against the bedsheets, only to dial it back down. The first few times are annoying but fun, after that you are full-on crying for him to let you cum. The pressure is too great, you might implode on the bed if he doesn’t push you over that final cliff edge.
He chuckles darkly, narrating his entire process as his slender fingers dip between your folds, spreading your slick and teasing your hole with short thrusts.
“You want to cum, my love?” Langris sounds so haughty, tearing his lips away from your quivering and tortured nipples to speak.
You can only nod fervently, noises of garbled assent slipping from your lips.
“Beg me.”
And you do. Langris can suffer from a slight God complex from time to time, and this is one of them. He is so unfair but always makes up for it on the other side. Aftercare is now one of his specialities and when he has been this cruel, he spoils you rotten with his actions and affection.
V - Volume
It’s rather a surprise how verbal Langris is mid-coitus. You hadn’t pegged him for being much of a talker, but you can’t help but be turned on by the lewd whispers in your ear.
“You like that? You like my cock buried in your cunt, stretching you open?”
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve damn near lost consciousness from the utter filth that he paints with his words. He’d probably make a fantastic erotic fiction writer, not that he ever would dare such a sinful hobby - most unbecoming.
Other than his words, he grunts, groans and growls. He is not one for shying away from letting you know exactly how deeply your actions are affecting him.
Pulling him in for a kiss by yanking on his belt? He is growling like a grizzly bear before his mouth slants over yours.
Waking him with your special wake-up call? He is groaning as he watches inch by delicious inch disappear into your throat.
Straddling his lap to impale yourself on his eager cock? He is grunting as your slow descent continues until you are fully sheathing his length.
Langris is rarely silent in these heated moments, and every little word or noise fills your soul to the brim with love for your beloved man.
W - Wild Card
The closest Langris ever came to losing his damn mind and fucking you in a place where discovery would have been likely was last year at a party hosted by the Black Bulls.
His fractious relationship with his brother, Finral, is healing slowly and with your continued reassurances that you would be by his side the entire time, he agreed to attend.
You liked Finral, you could see how much effort he was putting into building the bridges between himself and Langris, as well as how sweet he was to you. He had a partner of his own, and the two of you always got along well.
The party was in full swing with more than enough crazy antics to write a book about. Langris was nursing the same drink he had been holding an hour ago whilst you might have indulged in a little more than was sensible.
Pulled to your feet by Finral’s girlfriend, you both make your way to the small area set up as a dance floor. It’s innocent at first, girly shrieking as you both jump around with Noelle and Mimosa, but it changes quickly.
The cousins flounce off to find Asta, leaving just the two of you remaining as the music changes to something with a heavier beat. One thing leads to another you find yourself entwined with the girl, hips rolling in tandem and hands ghosting down sides and over stomachs.
One look over at your man and you almost moan aloud. The brothers look feral, tension radiating around them and you are sure it is not from an argument. Their respective eyes find their partners and for a few more minutes you decide to continue the show.
Finral snaps first, quick steps towards you as he pulls his girl away to goodness knows where, leaving you alone and seeking out Langris. You find him standing in a shadowy recess, he crooks a finger and you practically run to him.
His fingers tangle in your hair, baring your throat with a harsh pull on your silken strands. His scorching mouth licks a path from your throat to your mouth, insistent lips bruising against your own and teeth nipping at your kiss swollen lips.
Your hands are pawing at his chest, inching under the tight fit of his shirt and eliminating all space between your bodies.
Langris finds the strength to stop this in its tracks before he is fucking you for all to see. He doesn’t want that, doesn’t wish to share you. The dancing with Finral’s girl was the very limit to his allowances and he hadn’t expected to be quite so affected, and it seemed his brother was much in the same boat.
Arriving home was quite the experience but it’s a secret Langris wants to keep between you two.
Ask nicely enough and the story might be told…
X - X-Ray
Oh my, you walk in on Langris exiting the shower. The towel loosely tucked around his hips happens to fall away at the very moment you close the door. What an eyeful, let’s drink in this absolute treat of a male.
Golden brown hair damp and tousled clings to his handsome face. His jaw is sharp, angular with defined cheekbones that many a girl would kill for. His aquamarine eyes lock with yours as you trail his impressive frame with a hungry gaze. His lips tilt into a knowing smirk, chin lifting in what you might think to be haughty defiance, but you know him better than that, he is teasing you for looking so brazenly.
His skin is very lightly tanned with a faint sprinkling of freckles gracing his shoulders. His torso is lithe but well-defined. Muscles packed onto his slim frame in a way that makes his strength entirely unassuming. Long slender fingers wiggle as you continue to venture down, almost dancing as if to remind you of the last time he had used the digits on your body.
His stomach dips slowly, unfazed by your tour of him and you eye his happy trail that you adore so much. He must be happy to see you, his generous cock lengthening before your eyes, as if by magic. His length is impressive, more than enough to kiss your cervix and with an especially girthy base that means you never truly get used to his size. There is always a slight burn to accommodate him fully, but you love it, love the stretch.
His legs are slim as are his hips, and although he is face on you can well imagine his cute little tush. Knew that he is likely clenching his cheeks as you bite your lip and finally pad towards him in anticipation.
What a man…
Y - Yearning
Langris is always yearning, although you might not even know it. Coming from nobility he has long since mastered the art of entirely masking his emotions behind a veil of indifference.
He might let you in on his little secret, whispering in your ear as you pass each other in the hallway. Tells you just how adorable he finds your new knee-high socks and that he can’t wait to learn how they feel next to his ears. You’ll squirm as people pass the two of you, not knowing that the vice-captain of the Golden Dawn is turning your panties damp with his words.
Then again, he might not tell you how turned on he is whenever you are near him. It’s his little secret, one that brings that smug smile to his lips. To keep it under wraps means he has to keep his hands and his thoughts to himself at least some of the time, it’s hard when he is literally aching for you. Everything below the waist feels far too tight and restrictive.
If he didn’t take his duties as seriously as he does then he would likely be found twisting the sheets with you as often as he could.
Langris always wants to be buried in your warmth, but realistically, he knows this is impossible. He’ll settle for taking you in any free moments he has.
Z - Zzz
Langris needs his sleep, he cannot function on too little of it and he has a rather strict sleep schedule that he rarely deviates from.
Before he met you, he used the extra hours in the morning for exercise, reading and catching up with paperwork. Now he is more likely to be found reading the paper to you as you snuggle against his side or fucking you absolutely senseless before he has to get ready for work.
The man does not believe in naps, they are a waste of his time and he tsks every time he finds you nestled in the sheets during the day. You best believe he is gonna spank your ass to wake you up, and he wonders if you specifically wear your cutest pink panties for this very reason.
Langris is in bed by 11pm every night. He doesn’t force you to bed at the same time, he knows you often read much later into the night but he will pout from his side of the bed if you choose to read in the chair. His eyes, already heavy from the sleep that is fast approaching, blink at you slowly. A hand slips free of the comforter to make adorable grasping motions and his bottom lip juts out.
You roll your eyes, but you know you’ll be climbing into bed with him, how could you say no to the soft vulnerable side of Langris? His head on your lap, he almost purrs his contentment moments before he is fast asleep.
“Sweet dreams handsome, I love you.”
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mysteryman-17 · 1 year
* I miss that old life, darlin'. * The glitz and glamour, the fame and fortune! * The... birdbrain I used to feud with. * And your death is JUST THE TICKET to getting that back. * So ready or not... * LIGHTS. CAMERA. * ACTION!!
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition, you can find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route Requirements on Google Drive! The incredible art in the thumbnail + DJ Grooves’ new design were both done by @bittybattybunny. She's an incredible artist, be sure to check out their work here on Tumblr and over on Twitter!! Also, this track was commissioned from the insanely talented musician Nahg (also on Twitter.) Be sure to check out his work, he did a fantastic job, especially given the equipment he had to work with!
The Big Parade
Picture Perfect (B-Side Remix)
Battle of Award 42
You can also listen to this track in high quality on the AU’s SoundCloud here! The rest of the description (including the character blurb) is underneath the Read More.
DJ Grooves takes the role of Papyrus. Even in spite of his forced exile from Dead Bird Studios, he seems to have a very happy life in the Alpine Skyline... at first. But as the story progresses, Bow Kid notices more and more strange breadcrumbs (Hat Kid's up-and-down friendship with him being only one of em,) and by the time Bow reaches the end of Alpine Skyline, Grooves fully lets the cat out of the bag. He's been biding his time for years, waiting for an opportunity to attempt seizing Mustache Girl's Time Pieces, and he's realized... killing Bow Kid would give him just such an opportunity.
HAPPY (belated) NEW YEAR Y'ALL, BET YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THIS HUH? Anyhow, the first of several tracks in what I'll call a "commission backlog" (for simplicity's sake) has finally come to fruition: the Bonetrousle for the AU! I ALWAYS wanted to completely and utterly wreck the formula with this pair of tracks from the moment I cooked up Time's End, but I wasn't entirely sure of HOW for the longest time (even to the point of me attempting to start... and even scrapping one or two shit ideas.) It was only relatively recently that I realized "hey. LEAN INTO THE DISCO VIBE THAT GROOVES HAS, DUMBASS! also fuckin uhhhh spend some kromer and support an awesome musician to boot." And Nahg did a FANTASTIC job bringing this life; we'd be here all day if I tried to go in depth bout what I like, but just for a small thing, the fakeout at the very start with the Nyeh was a very nice touch on his part. Y'all should DEFO commission him if you get the opportunity to, he was awesome to work with and it's more than worth it! Without further ado tho, I hope you all enjoy! (P.S. It'll take some time for me to put everything together, but I figured that I'd let you guys in on what the "proper" 100 follower special for the AU SoundCloud is going to be: a release of MIDIs and applicable FLPs of tracks that have been done for the AU, both by other people and myself. Am working on other projects in between my short off time from work, but I'll keep y'all posted on this!)
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v-anrouge · 1 year
Ok I decided I'm redoing my match up thing, it was too messy
What I look for in a man:
I don't wanna say this but he's gotta be handsome (shallow I know but hey at least I admit it) but he's also gotta be kind enough to me so I don't feel like a worthless piece of shit whenever he talks to me (bonus points if he's got a hot voice)
Love Language (recieving):
Words of Affirmation (says almost every Asian child ever) and gift giving are major love languages I have for recieving
Love Language (giving):
Physical touch/intimacy, I had this era as a kid where I'd rub on my mom and sister like a cat, it was annoying for them but that's just how I showed me love for them. Playfully hitting is also included like it a little bap on the head, sometimes I underestimate my strength and hurt the person I do that to and it makes me feel terrible.
Things about myself my s/o should very much know:
I'm a lazy, cynical and very pessimistic person (also very neurodivergent coded) I will cry if they're mean to me a lot and I will curse them out if they're mean to me a lot. It entirely depends on how I feel after waking up. Very much anger issues (working on it dw). I find crying attractive which is very weird and I don't wanna dive into that can of worms just yet.
Resting Bitch Face is my default which scares babies apparently and that's why they don't like me? Children are scary but I do want them. Every Time I see a cute baby I will say 'i love babies 🥹' (yes the emoji is included). It's a forever ongoing baby fever for me.
If you're gonna be with me you need to know how to listen cause if I think you're not I'll either A: stop talking and say nevermind or B: annoy you into listening to me. This again, entirely depends on my mood.
Being dramatic cause I like drama? Nah
I'm dramatic cause I never got attention from my dad as a child. Ig that's part of why I seek male validation, sad. I dunno what else to add 🤷🏻‍♀️ (have my first draft for the ppl that see this ig)
Guess who's asking for a match up (spoiler: it's me)
Favorite color: obvs purple 🙄 (why did I add this 😭)
Uhhh I'm super lazy and very much depressed, I will get angry if you ignore my very obvious mental struggles. (I also just get really angry in general but SHHHH) also very cynical and apathetic to most things, sleepy 24/7.
I make characters so they can live a life I can only dream of...hmmm what else...I'm smart-ish (if top 7 of my grade for 8 consecutive terms counts as smart) anddddd I like writing and making up storylines. My favorite thing to do is read (not the classics, they bore me tbh, but I guess Holes and Midsummer's Night Dream is ok)
I very much often ramble into tangents and can be seen as a bitch apparently cause yay social anxiety doesn't like me talking to other ppl ✨ toxic friendship frr‼️ I'm more expressive on the internet than I am in real life bc no one knows who I am behind the screen (unless you doxx me but pls don't ♥️) and that comforts me.
I have ADD, MILD autism and 💩 crippling depression 💩
I like being dramatic bc I didn't get much attention from my dad as a kid and he went to buy milk ig 🤷🏻‍♀️. I always look high in pictures and I hate taking them cause I always look high.
What else...hmmm I like singing and dancing when I think no one's watching and I despise- no I abhor when ppl try to force me into doing things I don't wanna do. I like food a lot and will cry if it has no flavor. Donuts are 👌🏼 . I was 100% a menace as a kid and awfully gullible. And I'm very good at holding grudges as well (my longest grudge is over a decade long-)
And I think that's abt it? There's probs more but I'm tired
homie gave me their entire autobiography holy fuck /pos
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MALLEUS this man LIVES to spoil you he just loves hugging you from behind and smiling as he shows you a beautiful (and extremely expensive) necklace he got done for you, the necklace is enchanted so that it'll always be in pristine condition, the gem's color change in the light naturally but you can see they also have a bit of magic on them, everyday this man will smile and compliment your stunning flawless looks with a smile on his face, if he had his tail out it would be wagging so hard he'd cause an earthquake
at first malleus would be very confused on why you hit him and think he had done something wrong but when you tell him it's just your way of showing affection he'll say you can use him as punching as much as you want to with a cute little smile, malleus won't ever hit you back because 1- he is way stronger than you and would definitely hurt you 2- what kind of man would he be if he hurt the one he is so deeply in love with??
he loves any affection you give him, in the beginning of your relationship malleus always went a bit stiff when you showed him a lot of affection because he isn't used to it but even back then he already did enjoy your affection he just didn't know how to react to it, now he is already very used to it, to the point he'll get a bit pouty if he doesn't get his morning hug and kiss
malleus is aware of your mental health and he does everything in his power to help you heal and feel better, malleus does not like fighting and he isn't used to being mean, sometimes he could say something a bit hurtful but it's just because he isn't completely socially aware, please talk to him if he ever hurts you and he'll immediately apologize and promise to never say anything like that ever again, he'll spend the rest of the day spoiling you to make up for that, he says it's because he feels terrible and although he isn't lying you both know malleus just really enjoys spoiling u
malleus loves reading to you, he'd really enjoy it if you could sit on his lap as he reads a book you picked out, his voice is very pleasant to listen and honestly very calming so most of the times you end up falling asleep, when that happens malleus kisses your forehead and hugs you tighter making sure you're having the sweetest dreams ever
both of you are seen as intimidating so as soon as you two step into any place everyone is immediately looking at you two, an intense intimidating aura filling the entire place as you two walk together before malleus picks up a silly little plushie and tells you that it reminds him of you and start gushing over it as if u two were completely alone, to be fair, whenever malleus is with you you're the only thing he cares about
malleus is over the moon when he discovers that you'd like to have children since he will be a king that is basically a necessity, it doesn't matter if you two adopt or have the child yourselves malleus will make sure you and his little baby/babies are always happy and comfortable, he'll spoil both u and ur child/children rotten and would be constantly cooing over them, however he is extremely protective of you and your child/children so he tends to growl at strangers that approach u 💀
other possibilities: kalim, lilia & trey
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mbondei · 2 years
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(whispers) BY A PEDO
(touched down) FREE THROW🏈
(memory) PLEASE GO
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blametheeditor · 2 years
Mike Messed Up: Chapter 4
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Warnings: frequent cursing. Mentions of murder and death.
Back Of Book Summary: Mike was just another night guard waiting to be killed by the end of the week. No more, no less. The thing is, how exactly are you supposed to react to your victim never hearing Phone Guy's messages, and instead is assigned to clean the dining room long after the clock strikes midnight?  
Mike's heart races as Freddy leads him into the hallway.
He was in the hands of an animatronic, one that has demonstrated it could very easily overpower him, with only a flashlight as a weapon. The bear said something about him doing a good deed the other shift, but Mike hasn't done shit. He's simply done his job and pissed his boss off by touching the animatronics. Valid that he wasn't entirely angry, more grateful if you can count his emotionless face that, and that made Mike the pissed off one.
So what the fuck would these murdering animatronics need to thank him about?
"Hey F-Freddy?"
"Yes Mr. Schmidt?" The human stops walking and the bear complies, allowing him to turn him around as he visibly shakes.
"Uh, s-sorry for asking, b-but, uh, was the phone g-guy right? W-with killing the n-night guards?" Mike flinches back as soon as the words leave his mouth. Shit shit shit I'm gonna get myself killed by my mouth alone. Dumbass, just let the bastards do whatever they need to then get the hell out! Besides, they couldn't have actually killed those people, they seem way too nice being children's characters an-
"Yes." Mike's eyes snap open as they stare into the seemingly innocent face of Freddy Fazbear.
"You asked and I have no intention of lying to anyone. All of your predecessors have been killed by us, mostly by Foxy or Bonnie being they're the most energetic. The 'phone guy' so to speak was killed and stuffed into a Fazbear suit."
"THEN WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL ALIVE!" Mike erupts. When he asked he simply thought the fuckers said they only scared the shit out of the other night guards and they quit because of it. But no. They, really killed them. How many were there? Why not me?
Freddy's eyes scan the man as he trembles so much, nearly making his knees buckle from how shaken he is. Glancing up he sees Bonnie staring at the man, more surprised he's outside of the office than his reaction. But as those red eyes catch Freddy's, he slowly creeps forward to catch the guard if the man does collapse.
"Mr. Schmidt." It takes a moment, the guard breathing heavily until he finally lifts his eyes up. "We will not kill you. Though tomorrow might be a different story, you are safe."
"W-why?" he breathes, slowly calming his racing heart. That's when his feet slip out from under him, outright screaming as he feels something grabbing him under the armpits, and tries to leap away.
"Woah woah woah. Just making sure you didn't fall dude. No need to kick where the sun don't shine," Bonnie smirks. He gently lifts the guard back onto his feet after catching the falling man. Apparently not being killed by murderous animatronics got him more scared than them actually killing him. Maybe that's still an option. This guy's a wreck!
"D-don't h-hurt me!" Mike cries.
"Okay, if I'm gonna tease the shit out of you, I need a name."
Turning to the rabbit who still grips his shoulders, Mike stares at how it was really asking for his name. His life keeps getting more and more fucked up. And he isn't dead, actually being caught and saved by a said killing machine before his head could smack against the ground.
"W-what the hell. It's M-Michael. Or M-Mike," he huffs. The rabbit smiles widely at this and promptly sets him onto his feet, forcing Mike to catch himself.
"Sup M-Mike," he snickers. "Know I met ya earlier, but let's make it official. I'm Bonnie the Bunny."
Mike's eyes nearly fall out of his head as a single paw is offered to him, obviously waiting for a handshake. His hand not yielding the flashlight finds its courage to shake the rabbit's offer, only to scream again as he's yanked forward.
"GUYS! THE FUCKER'S OUT OF THE GODDAMN OFFICE!" Bonnie yells as he races into the dining room. He's careful for the most part to make sure the guard keeps his arm, but seeing how shaken up he is Bonnie just needs to see his reaction to two more animatronics.
"Bonnie! Stop cursing!" Chica scowls, looking up at her friend. Her frown is immediately wiped away when she sees the hyperventilating man getting tugged along. "It's really him!"
Mike breathes in deeply after the rabbit, bunny, whatever the fuck it is stops moving finally…
...only to get swept into a bone crushing hug.
"You curse too?" Chica mutters. She'll let it slide for once because of how cute he is, but after this she'll bring the hammer down. They're in a children's place for goodness sake.
"Chica, let Michael breathe," Freddy says. The chicken gasps at seeing the leader was right and puts the man down on the ground.
Mike finally allows his nerves to get to him and sits on the ground, trying his hardest to breathe. No matter what anyone says, these, things were going to kill him in some way. Maybe not through stuffing, but at least with causing so many heart attacks. And hugs. Never thought hugs would kill me.
As he catches his breath he flips Bonnie his middle finger as the rabbit falls to the ground laughing his heart out.
"Michael, are you alright?" Freddy asks, kneeling next to the sitting guard.
"For once, yeah. Just, I'm terrified of getting killed from hugs," the man admits.
"I'm just so happy you're out here!" Chica defends.
"It's alright to be scared. But, close your eyes for just a second." Mike stares at Freddy but complies, having a feeling the bear has a reason to request such a weird favor.
"I's the lad!" Foxy screeches as he races over. Once he's close enough he sweeps the guard up and tosses him into a proper chair instead of the floor.
Mike, for his part, lets loose a scream, gripping the chair in a death grip as it threatens to tip over from his landing in it from being fucking thrown.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yells angrily, glaring at the fox animatronic as it sits beside him way too goddamn happily.
"'Orry Lad, ju' excited! Ye are th' first ta come on out!" His eyepatch is flipped up to reveal a fully functioning yellow eye as it looks him over. "Ye are a tiny thing aren' ya?"
"Fuck you, I'm strong and muscular," Mike claims, arms crossed over his chest.
"Yeah right! Foxy tossed you around like nothing!" Bonnie pipes up. He's only gifted with another middle finger as Mike keeps his attention on the fox.
"Well I'm Mike. I wish I could've met you a bit, calmer, but I just gotta say you're badass. Why did they shut you down?" The fox hesitates, not expecting something like this to happen. Maybe to be flipped off much like Bonnie was given, not a praise.
"Aye, it be a long story lad. Jus' know I wasn' me when it 'appened." The man simply nods as he looks over each of the Fazbear Gang members, a bit awed to say the least that he was talking to these guys. Each with their own personality when they're just, robots.
"Alright, I'm officially not freaked out. Fuckbear, you said you wanted to thank me?"
"For cleaning us," the bear clarifies, eyes narrowed at the new nickname Michael graciously gave him. He let's it go without saying anything though, seeing how happy the man is, his smile lighting up the room when before he was cowering in fear. "We haven't been cleaned in over twenty years, and not only did you do it, but you did it without being told to do so."
The three watch Mike in shock as he looks away, embarrassed almost. Finally he looks up, scratching the back of his neck.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I kinda thought of doing it to piss off, excuse my French, Mr. Fuck." Silence settles over the group and Mike jerks out of his chair, a bit fearful again though he thought the pun should've leveled it out. "Not that I didn't enjoy it! I'm glad you all wanted to meet me 'cause of it!"
"You little shit!" Bonnie yells as he lunges at the now standing man. Foxy saw it coming and tackles him before Mike could get hit, knowing full well Bonnie was just teasing the lad. The rabbit forgets how strong he is though, especially when it comes to humans.
"Fuck you!" Mike calls as the fox and rabbit wrestle each other, a wide grin on his face.
"Foxy! Let me get him! He goes and ruins the damn moment with his shit! Not to mention a goddamn PUN!"
"You can teach it ta 'im another way!" Foxy counters. They tussle with each other though, Bonnie cursing like a sailor the entire time.
"Yeah Foxy!" Mike jeers from the sideline.
"Get in here yourself fucker!" is screamed back.
"Bonnie! You could've hurt him!" Chica calls.
"Fuck being careful! He deserves it!"
"You guys are really able to curse?" Mike asks, looking up at Freddy as the bear watches the two. His blue eyes settle on the human, smiling when Michael doesn't flinch away from the scrutiny.
"Yes. The creators never thought to put that inside of our system since we're not supposed to say anything except what's scripted, but being sentient has its perks." Mike nods once, allowing Freddy to go back to supervising the wrestling match, which Foxy was winning by a long shot. Only, out of the corner of his eye he saw that Michael was nervously rubbing the back of his head, something obviously bothering him. "Michael, did Bonnie leaping at you make you scared for your life?"
"What? No! No no no, that's not it. Just." The man goes silent as he looks away, more embarrassed now than nervous. "Well, I got a degree in mechanics, and, well, you guys are, part robot."
His eyes look up and this time he can't help but jerking back as Freddy's face sits right in front of him. Was the bear trying to give him a fucking heart attack?
"What exactly are you proposing Mr. Schmidt?" Freddy hums, his voice low and threatening. He won't hurt Michael, not until tomorrow at least, but with him straying onto a topic that could potentially hurt the other three, he can't help but be protective.
"Uh, I w-was just asking, shit." Mike leans back more as those blue eyes seem to pick him apart piece by piece. Note to self, never fuck with Freddy. "C-can I give your systems a check up!"
The man ducks down in fright after delivering the question, covering his neck with his arms. Like that would ever help him keep safe from an animatronic.
After he ducks down Freddy blinks and shakes his head at his actions. Michael hasn't done anything but be a gentleman, with a few profanities tied into it, and therefore shouldn't have made him think about using his mechanical skills to tear them apart. For some reason Freddy immediately assumed the man was threatening them, not offering to help.
"Michael excuse my behavior." The bear leans closer and lays a paw on the quivering man's shoulder, guilty for instilling the fear long forgotten until now. "I'm sorry, I thought you were threatening to shut them down."
"N-no Freddy, I'd n-never do that t-to you guys," Mike gulps. He looks back up and smiles shyly at the worried look he's given. "S-sorry for being s-such as pussy."
"More than that M-Mike," Bonnie mocks.
"I'll fuck you up though," he smiles as Freddy helps him up. A wink is sent the bear's way so he realizes Mike was just messing around. For the most part.
Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Chapter 7  |  Chapter 8  |  Chapter 9
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acreaturecalledgreed · 10 months
Hi its that one anon again, for the Multigender asks, I humbly request uh
4,5,6, 7,8, 19, 24, 28, 29
...is that too many numbers.?
hello nonny you are a-okay i just wanted to respond on my laptop b/c im gonna do a lot of writing now cracks every bone in my trash body lets do it
4) When did you first hear about being multigender?
my memory is very not great and i honestly do not recall any specifics, but id ballpark 2014ish was around the time i was realizing "oh i dont have to slide b/t genders, its okay to be more than one at once"
5) Are there any terms under the multigender umbrella that you identify with? (like bigender, trigender, genderfluid, omnigender, multiflux)
i genuinely like pangender and omnigender very much. again, greedy.
6) Do you identify with any umbrella terms that can encompass being multigender, like "trans" or "nonbinary"?
yes! i personally consider nonbinary to be trans, and i am both. i call myself a nonbinary trans man (which is true) when i want to give ppl a not complicated answer.
7) Are your genders more fluid or more static?
i suppose it'd be accurate to say my genders are static in that they dont really shift from one to another but i also do not like the description of "static", it makes me think of stagnancy, and my gender is not stagnant- it gets added to and expanded rather often, its edges extend and recede like a tide
its like. pointillism. i am a painting and every dot is a part of the image
8) Are your genders more separate or blended together?
waggles my hand both kinda, hard to explain, again its the "pointillism" thing
19) When in a situation forcing you into one gender, what do you do?
so i did answer this one before but ill rehash in a briefer way
on non queer spaces i just deal with it and feel bad but theres no point in pushing it b/c i find most people just dont get it or dont really try to and im Very Tired
in queer spaces people forcing me to be just one of my genders is genuinely heart wrenching and makes me feel deeply unwanted, because they only want this specific part of me and not just. me.
24) Do you do (or have you ever done) anything to express pride, privately or publicly, in your multigender identity?
not really, no. its not that i do not want to. i just have trust problems around people and i struggle to have faith that people will not be shit. and privately, i just dont feel a need to justify it to myself, yaknow? i casually incorporate my identity and queerness into all i touch and create, and i think that counts as pride.
28) Are you open/out about being multigender?
anyone who knows me even a little knows im a gender clusterfuck, and i have long since stopped bothering to pretend im any flavour of cis. if people get weird about it its my intent to challenge them then and there. if you wish to be transphobic you must look me in the eyes and know that i am a person and say it and see how brave you are then.
29) Are you open about some parts of your gender identity, but not others?
the more abstract parts of my gender i tend to really just talk about with other trans ppl but mostly just b/c it can be hard to explain to cis ppl "yeah one of my genders is like, a shark, but longer" whereas if i say the same thing in a trans heavy server ppl are like "oh god samesies"
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lessthanpure · 1 year
After Chapter 7
Fandom: Shooter (2007 movie)
Pairing: Bobbi Lee Swagger/Nick Memphis
Tags: Female!Bobbi Lee Swagger, a/b/o dynamics, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, omega!Bobbi, alpha!Nick, though bobbi is pretty dominant, and nick is pretty submissive, Heat fic
Rating: Explicit
18+ only
Wordcount: 668
ao3 link
Bobbi wakes up and stretches. Her Heat has broken. She slips out of bed, leaving Nick there, and goes to pull on clothes. She gets panties on before she spies his shirt in a corner. She goes over to it and picks it up, bringing it to her nose. She inhales deeply. It smells strongly of him- he worked out in it. She pulls it on and puts on pants and goes to the kitchen. The sun has barely risen and Sarah isn’t awake yet. She starts to make breakfast as quietly as she can. Sarah comes out first and they share a quiet meal together. Only when the dishes are done does Sarah speak.
“What are you going to do about him,” she asks.
“I don’t know,” Bobbi admits. She sighs. “He may have left, but he also came back.”
“Bobbi, he basically abused you. It would have been the same if he hit you. Worse, since you would have hit back harder.”
She huffs a humorless laugh. “I know. But this Heat hangover, it just...makes me want to keep my Alpha close, you know?”
“I don’t know.”
“Right. Beta,” Bobbi mutters. “You ever get that period after sex when you just want to soak in the attention?”
“Imagine that, but tenfold.”
“Is that why you’re wearing his shirt,” she drops her eyes to it. Bobbi nods, embarrassed.
“It was hard leaving him in bed, but he must be exhausted. Hell, I am too. I’m just used to having to force myself to get up and shake it off. I lived alone for so long.”
“Then why were you asking for him before he showed up?”
“I guess after you have an Alpha help, you can’t really do it yourself. I couldn’t even orgasm without him.”
“And that never happened with any other Alpha?” Bobbi looks away. “Oh, hon. There’s never been any other Alpha, has there?”
“No. I’ve never been comfortable enough with any Alpha to even let them try.”
“But Memphis is different?”
“He’s not your typical Alpha. He’s so gentle and he shows throat to me and he takes care of me and he watches my back and he lets me take charge and he lets me touch the back of his neck and-”
“Shh, honey.” Bobbi hadn’t even noticed the tears in her eyes. Sarah rubs her back, and Bobbi ignores the instinct telling her to pull away, to go back to her Alpha. Speaking of which. 
“I need to sleep some more.”
“Of course, honey.”
Bobbi goes back into the room, and Nick is now sprawled on his back, still breathing deeply. She gets back into bed and lays against him. In his sleep, he pulls her closer, and her heart warms. She lays her cheek against his chest, feeling his heart beat under it. It’s a little fast. “I know you’re awake, Nick.”
He opens his eyes. “Can’t fool you.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Of what?”
“Everything.” He reaches down and slips his hand under the shirt she’s wearing and up to her lower back. She arches at the contact, purring. He feels the tense muscle under his fingers and starts to rub. He’s at the wrong angle, but he works her loose the best he can. 
“This doesn’t mean you don’t have to talk,” she manages through her purring. 
“I already said my piece. We can wait out your after-Heat and then have a real discussion.”
She nods. She wants him, bad. She reaches down, but he gently pushes her hand away. 
“I think until we talk, we shouldn’t have sex.”
Bobbi sighs. “You’re right.”
“Get on your stomach.” She does, putting her head on a pillow and putting her arms under it. He gets on her back and works out her tense muscles. She melts under his capable hands. He lets her go and flops down next to her. She purrs at him. She inches closer to him and drapes herself over him, humming. She goes back to sleep. 
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21smashedpotatoes · 1 year
Woke up with a clear nose but I'm pretty sure that's because of the 120 oz of water I drink so soon as I went to the bathroom and snamed I immediately got clogged again. Still wheezing, not coughing as much. Trying to force myself to drink 33 Oz of water I'm just too lazy to walk downstairs, I'm sure I will go soon, that could be what's stopping me from having an unclogged nose. Don't have any real plans for breakfast, never do, still feel bloated from chicken Fila two days ago and the Ramen I packed on afterwards.
Relationship has been one big joke from 1 extreme end to the other complete extreme I could be happy in love with my soulmate and literally the next 2nd I'm confused and packing my s*** about to move out and be f****** homeless because of the dumb a** fights we're having. I wanna say they're my fault but they're not they've only recently been meeting more serious about my happiness and that could lead into me actually sticking up for myself which is going to cause a bit more friction. I miss my friends I miss my zip code I miss my state's mindset about every topic even if they are still a tad f****** racist cause God forbid everywhere is racist if you're not going to get no racism in the Colorado hippie state guess what that means everybody is f***** therefore I'm trying to go back to the least racist m************ location and this g****** stupid f****** s*** country. Colorado has this way of being progressive so even though their human beings are pieces of s*** the people still will acknowledge what they have done and that the themselves are still weak points for these types of negatives and fall back in society basically with sentences like well we're all guilty of it so we can start with addressing when it happens it's a drug set drive so That kind of mindset will go a lot farther than OMG racism doesn't exist and slavery was ended 400 years ago et cetera et cetera like 1st of all no it did not end up 400 years ago it ended barely 100 years ago on top of that the real problem with racism is this segregation movement that we just went through not even 30 to 40 f****** years ago But everybody wants to talk game like it's slavery that we're talking about no I am talking about racism racism is not slavery racism is more aligned with the f****** segregation that they put everybody through for some g****** as reason more b******* people want to focus on slavery when it's like, no, the problem is the treatment. So therefore it feels like we're still up for it because people are still f****** psychiatric and treating people differently like s*** like they don't know each other because they don't know each other that's why white people are so d*** curious about black people's hair and you've heard an uproar of people complaining about people touching other people's hair because literally the curiosity era is post segregation and it's a little hard to deal with when white people don't know what's microaggressive Versus curious and when some black people Aren't willing to keep talking about the same s*** over and over again when there's a grandiose amount of f****** research online is basically about anything like people don't like answering questions about stuff in general like I've seen it about diet culture people f****** losing weight too they don't like answering the same questions when you're bidding this s*** for 2 or 3 years googling everything yourself and then I'll budge people just want to ask you how you did it and it's like Well I could explain it to you but then you're gonna ask me what the f*** I'm talking about and then I might be like I'm literally is not about that not much I got I'll just for these people to walk away not know and Jack s*** about anything you just said and in the meantime they're over here trying to convince you to either tone it down or that it's you're impossible. That's why it's just easier to walk away move on with your life from focus on you because all these people if you really want to know will your Google search bars right in your pocket that's that. Happy black month.
I had life with bananas again
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Our little love part 2 - mafia/yandere au Drabble {angst + fluff}
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As always please let me know what you think, I am actually going to go to bed now my brain is angry with me for not sleeping.
It seemed the cycle was never ending, you fucking up and pissing them off, them punishing you by drowning you in their love, only letting you come up to breathe so you could swim in your own guilt and submit to them.
You wince as the victim to your latest fuck up gets another blow to his chest. Taehyung and Hobi held onto his arms as Jungkook and Jimin kick and punch the poor individual. You know not to speak, it’ll only make things worse. Temperament was a fickle thing in their lives, trust was everything, and you still had to build yours up again.
“Y/n help please,” Kai whimpers as you stood with your arms crossed looking away.
“Don’t fucking say her name,” Jungkook growled before punching your ex colleague in the face. You’re frowning, the need to beg them to stop was fighting for exit on the top of your tongue, but you bite it down and pray Kai doesn’t say another word. You know if you do as he asks they’d kill him. Your punishment was to watch silently.
Yoongi strolls up behind you, hands in his pockets before he rests his head on your shoulder, watching the display in front of you both.
“Nothing to say little love?” He whispers as your friend groans out in pain.
Please don’t kill him, you want to say, but you just shake your head in defeat. You want to believe they’re better than this, but the evidence of the contrary was never hidden from you. They showed you every side of them whether proud of it or not with bold eyes daring you to stop loving them, pushing your boundaries and morals waiting for you to snap. But the breaking point never came, you loved them, you shouldn’t and you knew it, but you did. You were completely and utterly theirs, yet still they treated you like you hadn’t seen the worst of them. Like you would run away the second you realised they were monsters, not that they would let you run far, only far enough to let you take a single breath before making you drown in them once again.
Yoongi wraps his arms around your waist, keeping an eye on your reactions. The asshole deserved it, not that they cared either way, he tried to take you away from them, that was enough.
Kai was your old partner before you took a very early retirement, what you didn’t know was that he continued the case you were working on before you left; the case of the seven men you now loved and the reason you quit said job. He had called you to meet up for old times sake and you, very naively in Yoongi’s mind, decided it was harmless. But if it was harmless why didn’t you say anything to the boys? You thought Kai didn’t know the reason you handed in your resignation, but he had been keeping an eye on you all before he realised you were the key to their downfall. He knew you harboured some feeling for him in the past and thought you’d reciprocate when he tried to flirt his way into getting his hands on the evidence you collected, he didnt know you burned it all. You lied to him and said you lost it, same difference anyway. This prompted plan b from him.
“Y/n they’re criminals,” he had said to you. “You’re a cop at heart you can’t love them.”
You floundered at his words when you realised he knew, and yet he still asked you to betray them.
“Kai I think I need to go...”
It was a mistake, you knew it then, but he followed you out onto the street and you hoped tonight the men you loved weren’t keeping an eye on you. Maybe naive was an understatement.
“Are they coercing you Y/n! Do they have something on you or are they threatening you?” He calls after you. “Because the Y/n I know would never love killers, what have they done to you?”
It was when he reached his hand out to grab your arm that your boyfriends decided to show themselves from the shadows. Which lead to the situation now, Kai beat up and bruised beyond recognition, and you forced to watch. He falls unconscious and they let him drop to the floor, you hate this side of them, it was cruel and cold but you’d never leave. They turn to face you now, their anger still present despite the last hour of releasing it onto your old partner. They don’t miss the way you’re shaking, the shallow breaths as you try and keep your tears to yourself. As much as you hate their violence, you hate their disappointment in you more.
You’re sitting in Joonie’s lap for what you call the debriefing of your punishment, this happened way too often in your opinion. You look down but he wasn’t having it today, tilting your head to look at him by your chin.
“Why did you get punished today little love?” He starts the same way as usual.
“I went out without telling you guys where I was going or who with,” you say while fiddling with your fingers out of nervous habit.
“And?” Hobi sits across from you in a chair, legs straddling the back and an elbow rested on top with his fist holding up his face. Hobi was hardest to pacify, he was ruthless and unforgiving and while that didn’t extend to you, you still had a hard time with his stubborn anger.
“I met up with Kai, and I let him touch me,” you’ve done this too many times before to not know how it worked. Kai’s ‘touch’ obviously meant nothing to you but for them it was the worst crime anyone could commit against their little love.
You remember the time you nearly tripped in the park and a guy steadied you politely, but you still had to hold Jungkook back from throwing hands.
“Kookie would you rather I fell and hurt myself?” No he hadn’t wanted that so he grumbled in agreement still seething but you cooled it down. “Instead of hitting him maybe you should thank him,” it was a joke but it made the youngest scoff.
“Baby girl why can’t you just be good?” Namjoon’s sigh brings you back to the present. “Why do you always have to test us like this?”
You didn’t mean to, you want to say it but the words are stuck below the sob in your throat. You actually whimper as his tone, bottom lip wobbling pathetically. He hadn’t even told you off properly, but you already felt like a mess as he bathed you in his disappointment. That was the common consequence of your actions and you hated it, you couldn’t do anything right.
“Jin do you need help with the food?” You ask your eldest boyfriend politely, he was frowning and you thought it was because today’s meal was too much for him to handle alone, his tone of voice made you realise it was because of you.
“No, I’m alright,” he doesn’t look at you as he speaks and you’re left gaping at him like a fish. Jin loved it when you cooked with him, it was your bonding time without the others, although Yoongi would join you from time to time. The others also tried but Jin wouldn’t let them anywhere near the kitchen, they hogged you enough anyway.
You feel your soul deflate, still standing there as he ignored you.
“Are you mad at me too?”
The way you said it made his heart twinge with guilt, but the others were right you wouldn’t learn and your first betrayal was still fresh on their minds. He sighs and you turn away, refusing to crying in front of them for the tenth time that day. What was wrong with you? Ever since that day where they found out who you really were you felt like you werent enough anymore, you tried so hard to make up for it all but you kept messing up. You weren’t like this before, but after seeing the hurt you put them through you were constantly on edge and second guessing yourself. You wish you could go back and stop them from ever finding out.
Jin hears the sniffle as you walk away and he can’t go through with it.
“Wait little love,” he calls for you. “I forgot to cut the onions, would you mind?”
You shake your head, you didn’t mind, but you didn’t trust your voice to answer for you. Youre grateful to Jin for giving you this task, it hides the fact you’re crying, but you know he doesn’t miss it.
Jimin and Taehyung were giving you narrowed stern gazes through dinner, it put you off your food which resulted in getting told off by Jin just after he branched out to you in the kitchen.
You felt alone, like the seven men you loved were against you and there was no one to blame but yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly before getting up and removing yourself from the dinner table and dining room, ignoring all of their stares. You decide maybe an early night is best, you could start again fresh tomorrow. You don’t get too far up the stairs before a hand pulls you back, you turn to see Jimin with Tae a few steps behind him.
You’re so used to seeing them laugh and play around that it feels like you’re looking at different people. Even during missions or gun fights, the youngest three were always joking their way through the bloodshed, keeping scores of who got the most headshots and other grotesque games. You remember the time Jimin and Tae called you during he middle of a shoot out, arguing with you and each other over who you loved more out of the two while you begged them to not get shot or killed.
“Why did you go see him Y/n?” Jimin asked, he wore the demeanour he used for enemies and it takes you back to that night.
“I... h-he said he wanted to see me to catch up,” you explain but you know it’ll fall on deaf ears.
“And you thought that was a good idea, to see your old cop buddy?” His tone makes you feel stupid, you weren’t stupid.
“He was my friend Jimin,” you say in disbelief, you know in the end it was a mistake but at the time it didn’t seem like the worst idea in the world.
“You’re ours,” Taehyung moved forward, towering over you even though he’s a step below you. His face is close to your own, eyes burning into yours as he looks disgusted at the words that left your mouth as if they’re still attached to you. “How do you think we felt when you went to see another detective? Do you have any idea what was going through our heads?”
“Tae I love you,” you lean away from him, searching his face for a hint of softness and love in his gaze, but there was only fire. “You know I wouldn’t, you all know I wouldn’t, I left that life for you why would I turn back to it?”
He stalks away from you without a word, Jimin close behind, giving you a final cold glance before leaving you alone. You thought your love could make them better but if anything you made their darkness worse.
Jungkook needed to vent, the only way he knew how was physically. Obviously it wasn’t the cleverest thing he’s done, taking rounds with the punching bag only to open up the cuts on his hand from beating the bastard earlier. He mutters a few curse words under his breath, why did you make matters worse? Maybe they were being harsh on you before today, finding any excuse to punish you a little, test your boundaries and see if you would run, but today they honestly feared that was what happened. They thought you chose to leave them and go back to the life you had before them, but they’d never let you go, they couldn’t let you go. Despite everything you loved them and they worshipped the ground you walked on. You were everything for them now, there’s be no point to any of them without you. Why didn’t you understand that?
He throws another punch to the bag, spreading his blood across them, it hurt like hell, but the thought of you running back to your old partner still played on all of their minds. He wanted to cry, he wanted to find you and beg you to never leave them, they’d be nothing without you.
There’s a knock on the door and he finds you on the other side, waiting for permission to come in. You never waited for permission, it makes him frown, maybe they were too harsh on you today. He could see you shuffling your weight, insecurity screaming through your eyes, you feared his rejection more than his anger.
He notices the first aid kit in your hand, you must’ve heard him. He doesn’t let the fluttering in his chest reach his face as he sits on the bench, waiting for you to come to him.
His gaze is expectant, daring you to cross the threshold and face him, you were no coward, you didn’t fear them the way others did, why were you behaving so meekly now? You force yourself to move and sit beside him, setting the kit down and pushing your hair back behind your ears. He doesn’t move his gaze away from you, even with the sweat and hair hanging in front of his face.
You carefully take a his hand into yours, sucking air between your teeth at how injured it was.
“I’m sorry you hurt yourself because of me,” you say, eyes on his bloodied knuckle as you press the ointment against the open wounds. “Are you sure you want me to stay, I keep hurting you...”
You try to sound like you’re joking, that you’re okay and the hurt isn’t weighing you down with your doubts. He frowns, they really did take it too far. He sets down the cotton wool from your grasp, taking both of hands into his before kissing each finger delicately without letting you look away.
“You’re perfect little love,” Jungkook says, reassuring you with no question in his voice. “We’re the ones who don’t deserve you, we’re mean and cruel but we’re never letting you go.”
You remember how loving they were before that night, maybe while they accepted the truth at face value they could never really forgive you in their hearts. Maybe that’s why they were being like this, they didn’t love you the same way anymore.
“Do you love me?” You had to know, the doubt was eating you alive.
He looks at you as if you’re insane, maybe you are, you don’t know anymore.
“Little love, don’t you see how much we love you?” He asks sincerely. “We would do anything for that love even if it made you hate us, you belong with us, and no one is going to take you away.”
You could see the crazed look in his face grow as he spoke, you believed him, the honestly worn like a heart on a sleeve. But his answer bought a wave clarity to your hazed vision, you made them like this, you made them worse, you had to leave.
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Okay so I heard you also write about dark themes (y/n has a stalker in this request certain parts don’t have to be described it can be as vague as you want it to be)
And I wanted to request a Draken x fem reader in which they broke up because she thinks he still has feelings for Emma and thinks he’s been cheating b/c he’s been really distant from her but in reality he really does love her yes he’s been thinking of Emma but now realizes his mistake, and one night as readers at home her stalker breaks in her house and forces himself on her but she tries to make an escape n call draken not realizing he’s coming over to try n talk with her but he realizes somethings wrong and comes in to save her after seeing her stalker have his way with her all he sees is red and almost kills the guy and when they get to the hospital they rekindle n get back together and draken promises to protect her from now on
Yes I do! Ah, I loved the amount if angst in this request, writing this was fun (I mean, not because of what happens, but because I enjoy writing complex emotions)
Pull Me Down — Draken x Reader
(Tittle inspired in the song How Not To Drown from Chvrches as the song helped me out a lot both lyrics and music wise to set a vibe while writing)
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: Non graphic depictions of rape (still somewhat described), stalking, violence, angst.
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How long had it been? The last several days, maybe weeks, have all felt the same, looked the same...Has it been months now? Dull, empty, repetitive, sometimes feeling as if you weren’t awake at all and everything felt like a broken old tape, replaying the same greyscale routine with barely any sound, if anything, an annoying buzz in your ears. Barely any familiar faces remained in your life after you broke up with him. 
But, it was better this way, wasn’t it? Better being alone than being with the wrong people...wasn’t it? You were better off alone. 
Mitsuya had tried talking to you a couple of times. Possibly the only friend you had by this point, as everyone else seemed to fade away from your life as soon as you took him out of the equation. 
“You look skinnier” He pointed out as he held a paper bag in his hand. “Here” He said, stretching his hand, handing you the bag. “You need to eat” 
“What’s this?” You asked, trying to feign a smile as seeing Mitsuya hurt as much as seeing, hear or even think of Draken. After all, he had introduced you to Mitsuya. 
“Bento. I made it myself. Eat up” He said as he gave you a kind and warm smile, however, his eyes looked concerned. You knew he could look beyond your broken mask and see how you were not doing well. 
Barely sleeping, barely eating, you did the minimum effort in your classes in college, and avoided the street where his workshop was, as well as avoiding the places where he and his friends spent the most time in. However, Mitsuya always went out of his way to pay you a visit and check up on you. 
“Thanks…” You purred as you looked into his eyes. “I-I’ll...try…” 
“Hey, I’m worried about you” He said, his voice getting lower. “It’s been two months now...and you still look like shit” 
“Oh, shut up” You hissed annoyed as you crossed your arms. 
“It’s still affecting you” 
“You think?” You barked sarcastically as you raised an eyebrow. 
“Have you even been trying to get up on your feet? Or do you still want to lay at the bottom of your pit of misery?” Mitsuya said, hisnvoice getting slightly colder, as he hated seeing you too comfortable in your little pit of misery.
“Come on Mitsuya, I am...trying…” You growled. 
“Are you, really? I know you still love him, and I know you can’t let go of him…” his stare and voice softened as he saw the way your eyes got teary at his words.
You looked away, as a huge lump soon overtook your throat, making it hard to breath, to speak, even think. 
“What do you suggest I do, then?” Your voice broke at the end, as a few tears escaped your eyes, trying your best to keep your composure. 
“Talk to him” Mitsuya said calmly, as if it was the easiest thing to do. 
“Oh, fuck off” you laughed bitterly as turned around, ready to get back inside your apartment when Mitsuya held your arm gently. 
“I’m serious,” He said, whispering your name in a low voice. “Listen, don’t tell Draken I told you this, but he isn’t doing great either...He’s been overworking himself and avoiding talking about it even more than you are” He explained calmly as you looked at him. “Look, I get the reason why you broke up with him, but, can’t you see you’re still in love with him? Why break up with him if you were head over heels for him? And don’t bring up Emma, you know that’s bullshit” He said, perfectly reading your thoughts. 
“Are you done, Mitsuya?” you whispered, tears finally breaking free and falling down your cheeks as you moved your arm, and he let go of you.
“God, you’re just like him. If you talked about it, trust me, you’d feel even better...Go talk to him, stop being so stubborn” He said, staring at you, as you simply avoided looking at him as more and more tears welled in your eyes, blurring your sigh. 
“How did it go?” Mikey asked Mitsuya softly as they both looked at Draken too focused working on a bike. 
“God, for a second I thought it was going to be easier talking to her…” He replied in a low voice, slightly annoyed. 
“Kennchin wants to get back with her,” Mikey said looking at Mitsuya as he nodded softly. 
“Of course he does. She wants to as well, but she’s being stubborn…” Mitsuya said calmly. “Did he say something?”
“I asked him about her, he changed the topic right away, then I asked about Emma, he stayed silent...He still feels somewhat guilty for what happened to her, and apologized to me about ending things with her...He’s over Emma...But as soon as I even mention her name, he closes his fist and his knuckles turn white, he looks away, and changes the topic…He didn’t tell me, but I know he misses her...” Mikey explained as he looked at Draken.
Truth was, neither of them saw Draken like that before he met you. He was the calm, collected and always analyzing guy. He never acted impulsively, relying on his guts alone, he always had a plan. But when it came about you? You were his weakness. He acted without thinking when it came to you, he was spontaneous, and unpredictable. But only when he was with you. 
“Kennchin, Mitsuya’s here…” Mikey said standing up from his seat and walking towards him and the bike. “Let’s go grab lunch, yes?” 
“Almost done…” Draken answered as he was cleaning the pieces he had lying on the ground. 
After Draken was done, the three of them headed to a ramen place and had lunch. Mitsuya wanted to bring up the situation but found it hard. He didn’t want to upset Draken, but knew he was hurting as much as you were. Mitsuya’d been torn by the breakup of both his friends. He struggled with having to split his free time and be around both of them, since they both needed a friend more than ever. But he didn't want that to end. Especially Since he knew both sides of the story. And it all looked like a dumb break up that wasn't supposed to happen in the first place. 
“You went to her place earlier, didn’t you?” Draken asked out of the blue. 
“How did you…”
“You smell like her” He said cutting him off. 
Mitsuya looked at his jacket and grabbed the neck of it and smelled the fabric. After he had called you stubborn and that you reminded him of Draken, you broke down crying. He hugged you and you clung to him for your dear life. He looked at Draken as he stared blankly at his food, his hand shaking lightly. 
“Kennchin” Mikey began as he looked at him, noticing the way Draken had his jaw clenched at his eyes looked hollow. 
"You go often to see her, don't you? I can tell when you do...you always end up smelling like her…" 
"I check up on her every now and then...No-nothing happens, though...I just make sure she's fine…" Mitsuya explained, as he realized how bad it looked that he was smelling like her every time he went to see her. 
"I know...she's not like that...and I know you wouldn't mess with her either...I'm not mad at you" He said softly, as Mitsuya noticed what Mikey had said earlier. Draken was gripping his chop sticks too hard, his knuckles white. 
"What are you mad at, then?" Mikey broke the uncomfortable silence.
“I’ll go talk to her” Draken said as he continued eating. 
“A-are you?” Mitsuya stuttered.
“I’m tired of dreaming of her every night, and food always tasting like shit, I'm…" he stopped softly. "Dammit, I miss her…" he said letting go of his chops ticks and spoon and staring blankly at his barely touched ramen. "I really really do…" 
"When will you go talk to her?" Mikey asked. 
The night was quite cool, but the last days had been a torture with the awful heat. With all of your windows open, you were scrolling through your phone, not doing anything in particular. You looked at the bento boxes piled up messily waiting to be washed and returned to Mitsuya. You dreaded washing the dishes, as you grabbed your cup of coffee and gave it a sip. 
A shadow moving through the window caught your attention as you put your phone down and looked out into the backyard. The darkness swallowed the edge of your backyard, looking creepier than ever before as you wondered if it had been a raccoon or a cat. 
As Draken made his way to your place, he kept going on over what to say to you. He had a pretty vague idea of what to say. But where would he start? An apology? Straight out telling her he misses her? 
His thoughts were cut shirt when his phone began ringing in the pocket of his hoodie. He pulled his phone out, seeing your name shining in the screen. His heart skipped a beat as an unexplained happiness washed over him. He picked up almost immediately. 
"Hey, I was just about to call yo—"
"Ken, please help" A hideous whisper soon made his blood turn cold as your cry for help suddenly made his world spin far too fast for his liking. 
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
You soon broke down crying as he tried comforting you. 
"I'm so, so sorry, I didn't know who else to call...and you're in my speed dial…" you sobbed in a low voice. 
"Y/N, tell me, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked, his voice getting lower as his heart was beating strong in his head, almost giving him a headache. 
"Someone broke into my house, Ken. Please, I'm scared" you sobbed as his heart dropped to his stomach at the idea of you being in danger. 
"Shit. Okay, I'll call the police. Don't hang up, I'll be back with you as soon as I contact thr police" 
He soon started working on it. He put you on hold as he called the emergency number and explained the situation. He gave them your address as well as his name out of protocol. Once the person in the other end assured him the police were on his way, he quickly returned to his call with you. 
The horror he felt earlier was nothing compared to what he was about to experience. His heart stopped, his blood froze, he felt paralyzed by the sounds on the other end of the call, as he could only imagine what was happening. 
You were crying and gasping painfully, a rhythmic thud noise going over and over followed by the grunts of a male voice. Commanding you to be quiet and cooperate or else it'll hurt worse. 
Draken's mind went numb, and suddenly, everything he could see was red. He picked up quickly on what was going on, as the biggest feeling of impotence rushed through his body, warming up his blood. And soon, he was sprinting as fast as he could towards your place. 
Draken walked snuck into your backyard, his first instinct to sneak in and beat the shit of the intruder. However, he had no idea what he was about to walk into. 
The backyard door lead to the kitchen and as he stood on the other side of the glass sliding door, he saw it. His heart stopped and suddenly his heart was beating fast, his blood boiling, his stomach turned painfully as his ears began buzzing loudly. 
The way he was forcing on to you. The intruder had you leaning over the table, practically crushing you against it. Your face washed with horror, tears streaming down your eyes as you cried and whimpered useless pleads for him to leave you alone. The aggressive way in which he was pushing, torturing you as his eyes stared hungrily at you like a wild animal. Watching some random guy getting his way with the woman he loved made something in him snap.
Draken's world crumbled down the moment you spotted him from the other side of the door. Your eyes, hopeless, met him. As the pain in your face permeated into his own body
"Help me" you mouthed. 
He didn't hear you, but he could clearly read your lips. In a split of a second his heart was beating hard. 
Without realizing it, he sprinted towards the door, sliding it open and in a swift move, as your attacker looked up, Draken hit him on the neck with his forearm. 
Pushing him to the ground, your stalker fell on his bum as he coughed loudly. Draken didn't waste any time as he kicked him on the crotch and sat on top of him, beating his face over and over. The buzz still loud in his head as he hit him repeatedly. His anger driving him on and on as he couldn't think.
You slid to the floor, breaking down crying as you felt your legs and hips sore. Your mind was blank, as the recent memories kept rushing into your mind as you cried and sobbed, shaking. 
Your eyes slowly scanned the kitchen as they finally landed on Draken. He looked possessed as he kept beating the shit out of your stalker. 
"Ke-Ken…" you sobbed. 
It worked like an automatic button. Draken, upon hearing your voice, stopped at once. He got off your attacker and rushed towards you. He knelt by your side and hugged you tightly. Clinging to him, you cried out loudly. He squeezed you against him, in an attempt to comfort you as he ran his hand through your hair. 
As he pulled back from you, he looked at you. Your clothes torn, your shorts pooled by your ankles. And bruises. Many bruises all over your legs, arms, even your neck. 
Draken's eyes got tearful as seeing you in such a state. It pained him. How could he let something like this happen to you? He took off his hoodie and wrapped it around your shoulders. He kissed your forehead as your breath hitched.
"It's okay, baby" he whispered. "I'm here…" 
"Ple-please don't leave…" you sobbed, your shaky hand tugging on his white shirt as he looked at you. 
"I won't" he reassured you, as red and blue lights blinked from the window. 
The police kicked the door open and quickly spread around the house searching for anyone. Two officers walked inside the kitchen and saw the entire scene.  
Draken always hated hospitals. The wide white, silent, and odd smell of the waiting room. He disliked every bit of it. Even more now. As he was desperately waiting for any sign from you. He looked desperately at every doctor and nurse who walked out, hoping that any of you knew anything about you. 
After a nurse walked out, Draken quickly rushed to her side asking her about you. The nursed told him he could go inside and before she could say anything else, he was already in there, as his eyes desperately looked for you. 
He saw a doctor talking to you as you nodded. Your eyes still red, and your stare dissociated as you simply nodded like a broken robot. Draken rushed to your side, as he bowed politely to the doctor. 
"Ah, you're the boyfriend" he doctor said, as your first reaction was to cling to Draken and sob softly. 
Draken hugged you tightly, one of his hands going to your hair. He looked at the doctor without saying anything. 
"None of her injuries are critical. We will be running a few tests over the next few days to make sure she is alright with no STD's his attacker might have. She'll be prescribed a couple of medications for preventing measures only as well as some pain killers" 
Draken nodded as he kissed the top of your head. 
"May I have a word with you, sir?" Draken nodded at the doctor's request.
"I'll go talk to the doctor, love...I'll be back in a bit, yes?" He purred softly as your grip on his clothes tightened and pulled him closer as he tried to break the hug. "Hey, it'll be quick, okay? After I return, I'll stay with you for as long as you want, okay? I won't go anywhere without you…" he purred softly as he kissed your forehead. 
You nodded reluctantly as you let him go. He grabbed one of your hands and kissed her hand before going out of the ER with the doctor. 
"I'm so sorry about what happened" The Doctor began as Draken limited to look at him with a cold stare. "This is a tough situation. Not only on the physical aspect of it. These things take a huge toll in the victim, I suggest you contact a specialist that can help you two deal with what happened…" 
"We will" Draken answered softly as he felt his heart squeezing as the memories of seeing your stalker on top of you. 
"Its not necessary for her to stay over the night. But I'd like to see her tomorrow and three days from now as well, just to make sure everything is well and to keep running tests…" 
Draken nodded as he bowed once more thanking the doctor before heading back inside the ER towards your bed. 
His eyes teared up immediately at the sight of you. He approached you and slowly cupped your face in his big hands and brought you closer, kissing your forehead. 
"I'm so, so sorry, babe" he sobbed and pressed his forehead against yours. "This shouldn't have happened…I wasn't there to protect you" he whispered bitterly, mad at himself even when he, objectively, knew it wasn't his fault. His mind was desperately looking for someone to blame. 
"Ken" you cried softly as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer as he hugged you back. "Please don't leave. I'm scared…" 
"I won't, princess. I'll stay by your side. I'll keep you safe" he said as he pulled back slowly. "Let's go home…" he purred as you shook your head, whimpering.
"I don't want to go back there" you cried. 
"Let's go to my place then…" he whispered, wiping your tears away from your face. "I'm renting a small apartment above the shop...it's not that big but, we can both fit perfectly. I'll make us some dinner, you can take a bath in the meantime, and if you need anything whatsoever, I'll be a couple of steps away from you, okay?" He explained as you looked at him, nodding softly. He smiled, a lump on his throat and tears welling in his eyes as he leaned forward, kissing your forehead. "Lets go then" 
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [4] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: literally just seduction and smut for this chapter lol, biting, ~aggressiveness~, pet names, fingering, penetration, edging?, breeding kink, soft aftercare negan :)
A/N: so this is the first smut i've ever written! i hope it's alright, some feedback would be awesome :) i hope you guys enjoyed my first story! 3k words
The next few days were a blur. Negan would come in, give me food, water, and a backrub, and then leave me to my own devices. I wanted to ask him for more, but for some reason I never did and he never tried anything. That wasn't to say he didn't want to. I could tell that my smell alone had an effect on him. That was obvious by the noticeable bulge he sported when he got up from by bedside and exited my room. Yet the alpha had an insane amount of self-control. So I got myself through my heat.
When my head finally cleared of the fever, the first thing I did was text Bee.
'All good now.'
'Thank the gods. So??? How was he? Am I going to be an aunt?'
'I wouldn't know. It didn't happen.'
'You guys didn't fuck? Jesus, you should get an award for the most disciplined omega on the planet.'
'I wouldn't go that far haha. I still want him more than anything.'
'Well, who says you have to be in heat for that to happen?'
'Fair point. Talk to you later, xo.'
I tossed the phone onto my mattress and crossed over to my dresser. Now that I wasn't a moaning mess, I had some semblance of self-control. Which meant that I could seduce Negan in a way that I wanted. In a way that would make him pounce and fuck me until we passed out. He had gone out to the store for a restock of the pantry so I had about thirty minutes to get myself together for him. I foraged through my underwear drawer until my fingers wrapped around a pair of black lace underwear and a matching bra. My lips curled wickedly. If this didn't get him riled up, I didn't know what would. I laid out the set on my bed and moved to my closet for the perfect outfit. I was still wearing Negan's shirt and boxers. They were admittedly very wrinkled and a bit stained from all the fluid that had been produced from my body in the past few days, but Negan didn't seem to mind. I reminded myself to follow up on his orders before I put my plan into motion. I flicked through the hung up clothes before settling on a cute black dress with a sparse sunflower pattern. It was low cut and showed off all of my goods. Perfectly. I put that safely next to my undergarments and headed out of my room.
Peeling off the clothes was harder than I thought. They were a bit crusty in some areas, particularly the crotch, and I almost felt bad for ruining Negan's clothes. Almost. I folded them as best I could given their condition and placed them reverently in the center of his bed. I found a piece of paper and scrawled a note over the middle. I folded the paper in half and put it on the pile of clothes. I nodded in satisfaction and headed into the bathroom for my shower to scrub off the remaining fluids that still clung to my skin.
My heart raced as I heard the front door click closed. I could tell by the footsteps that it was Negan. That and the fact that all I could smell was that goddamn smell. The scent that could drive me crazy with just one breath. A sudden doubt edged at my mind. What if he didn't want me. What if I was misreading the signals? I shook my head roughly, clearing the negative thoughts. Even if he did reject me, I could play it off to the endings of my heat...besides, I was leaving in a few days and I could wait to be heartbroken in Colorado.
My heart stopped it's assault on my chest cavity when I heard his heavy steps ascend the stairs. He cleared his throat and entered his room. I could hear a small growl escape his throat. He had found my present. I closed my eyes and imagined him suffocating himself in my smell, much like I had when I saw the clothes in the bathroom. I forced myself back to the present when I heard the crinkling of paper. He gave a little scoff of laughter and I heard him cross the hallway and twist my door open.
"Hey what did you wanna talk abou-oh." He trailed off and stiffened as his eyes caught my body. I was laying on my side, one hand propping up my head, the other draped over my round hip. The deep cut of the dress exposed my breasts as well as some of the bra to him. I saw him drag his tongue over his lip and it ignited a fire in the pit of my stomach. I pushed myself up and swung my legs over the side of my bed, rising to my feet and sauntering over to him. I watched him watch my hips sway with every movement.
"I just wanted to thank you," I purred, voice dripping with seduction "for taking such good care of me." His jaw tensed as I placed my hands on his chest, running my palms up to his shoulders and pushing off his leather jacket. "I really appreciate it."
"What are you doing?" He whispered. I could tell it was taking every ounce of control he had to not grab me by the throat and pin me up against the wall. Little did he know, that's exactly what I wanted.
"I wanted to return the favor," I said, blinking wide eyes up at him "Surely there's something I can do to show you how thankful I am, alpha." His eyes closed and a growl rumbled through his chest at the name. My hands trailed down his chest to his abdomen. But before I could reach his belt, Negan grabbed my wrists. I pouted at him.
"Careful, omega," He warned, eyes dark "don't start something you're not willing to finish." My frown turned into a sultry smile. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him where his ear connected to his jaw.
"Please, Negan," I whimpered in his ear. His grip on me tightened "Alpha, fuck me."
"Shit, doll, you don't have to ask me twice." Negan growled. His hands grabbed my waist and hoisted me up around his midsection, hurriedly capturing my lips in a bruising kiss. He thrust his tongue into my mouth as he walked us over to my bed. It was all a blur as I fell onto my back and he moved away from the kiss. He bit and sucked at the skin of my neck, attacking my pulse point in the best way possible.
"Alpha." I moaned, tugging at his shirt. He grunted against my neck and continued his trail of love bites until he met the collar of my dress. Negan growled in disappointment at the lack of skin and used his large hands to tear at the fabric. I gasped as the cool air of the room met my heated skin. He let out a feral groan as he drunk in the sight of me in the black lace set.
"I hope you didn't like that dress." He mumbled as he tossed it over his shoulder, returning to his suckling.
"It was too small." I gasped, finding my hands entangled in his hair. "Ugh, Negan!"
"Fuck, you're beautiful." He hummed, one of his fingers trailing down the middle of my stomach towards my rapidly pulsing core. I whimpered as he got closer, hoping that he would dip beneath the waistband, but he continued over it, cupping my sex over my panties. "And so damn wet. Shit, darling, is this all for me?" My eyes fluttered open to see a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He was a bastard. But I was too aroused to care.
"Yes, alpha, all for you." I gasped, sitting up and tugging at the bottom of his shirt. I pushed it up his body and over his head. He lifted his arms and I pulled it off him.
"A little eager, are we?" He snickered.
"Negan, you don't know how fucking bad I need you," I whined "I was dying during my heat. I needed my alpha." I pulled him back on top of me, pressing my lips against his. My face was starting to burn because of his stubble, but it felt amazing.
"But I do fucking know, princess," He gasped between kisses, pulling away with one of my lips between his teeth. "It was so difficult not to flip you over and fuck you right then and there. I knew you wanted me, but I wanted to wait until you weren't some sex-crazed beast to admit that."
"Well I'm done now," I grinned, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him close. He hissed as his clothed erection rubbed against my pussy. "So fuck me right here and now." I bit his ear lobe and peppered kisses along his jawline until I met his lips again. He chuckled against me, lips curling into a smile.
"Can-fucking-do 'mega."
He unhooked my bra and tossed it to the side, capturing one of my hardened nipples in his mouth. His tongue added with the scruffiness of his beard was enough to make me toss my head back in pleasure. A string of profanities left my lips as he moved to the next one, kneading the one that he just left. My insides were burning and I needed him lower. Thankfully, he began to kiss down my navel, leaving bites to mark his path. When he reached my panties he used a combination of his teeth and his fingers to drag them down my legs. Once they were gone, he kissed up my calves and my thighs, stopping in front of where I needed him most. He planted one of his hands on my hip and used two of his other fingers to spread my lower lips apart. I let out a moan at the action, bucking slightly into his touch.
"Stay put for me, doll," He ordered before giving my hip a kiss "I know you want my knot but I've gotta get you ready first." I just whimpered in response. He slowly entered his two long fingers into my aching cunt. I let out a heavy breath and grasped onto his shoulder, digging in my nails. He deftly curled his digits upward, hitting that sweet spot almost instantly. I cried out in surprised pleasure. I figured Negan was experienced but he knew where everything was. He scissored his fingers and I gasped at the stretch. It had been a while since I actually had something moving inside of me. I could only imagine what his cock would feel like. The thought made my walls clench around him. When he brought his thumb up to press gently on my clit, I dug my fingernails deeper into his skin. He worked the pad in circles, bringing me to an edge I was very willing to jump off.
"Fuck, Negan, I'm..." I huffed, eyes screwing in pleasure.
"Do it baby, cum for your alpha." At his permission, I let the tight band snap and my legs shook with the intense orgasm that crashed through my body. I breathed heavily and arched my back. When the intensity subsided, I collapsed back and brushed the hair back from my face. I felt Negan remove his fingers from my core and I opened my eyes to see him lapping up my juices that had dripped down his palm. Another spark of arousal was already beginning to form.
"Finally got my taste," He moaned, licking his lips in satisfaction "and shit, doll, you taste even better than you smell."
"Please, Negan," I whimpered.
"Please, what?" He cooed, crawling over me and pressing a kiss to my forehead "Use your words, omega."
"Please fuck me, alpha."
He ripped off his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, letting out a sigh of relief when he kicked the restraining fabric to the side. His hard cock was outlined against his boxers. He was right about needing to be prepared; he was huge, no doubt the biggest I had ever seen. A proud smile formed on his lips when he caught me ogling his goods.
"You ready for my dick?" He growled, tugging down his boxers and letting his cock spring free. It was angry, desperate for any sort of contact.
"Please," I gasped.
"Then present for your alpha." I rolled onto my elbows and knees, sticking my ass in the air and wiggling it in hopes that he would pay attention to my weeping slit. "Fuck you look so good." Negan grumbled, scooting closer to me. He ran the head of his cock up and down my entrance. I whimpered and pushed myself back eagerly. He gave me a slight hit on my ass cheek. "I'm in charge here, don't forget that."
"Y-Yes, sir." I said, fisting the sheets in my hands. Thankfully, Negan wasn't in a teasing mood and he slid himself into my pussy in one thrust.
"Fuuuuck," He hissed as he bottomed out, fingers gripping my hips harshly. I would have bruises everywhere tomorrow. But I didn't mind, it would be a reminder that this actually happened. "You're so goddamn tight. Shit." I clenched my walls around him and he let out a husky groan, causing me to smile. He wasn't completely in control. After I was adjusted to his size, I gave him a whimper as a signal to move. And he did. He pounded into me, hips ramming into my ass with every thrust. He fucked me like a wild animal and every time he buried himself inside me, his cock would hit that perfect spot. We moaned in sync with the sounds of skin slapping skin. One of Negan's fingers drifted down beneath himself and he furiously rubbed at my clit. The stimulation was enough to send me into another mind-boggling orgasm, but Negan shut that down quickly.
"Don't you fucking dare cum until I tell you to, understand me?" He growled, resting his head against my shoulder. I couldn't form words so I just nodded frantically. "I'm gonna pop my knot in you, omega. Gonna fill you up. Gonna breed you so good," He huffed between thrusts "You're gonna look so goddamn beautiful when you're round with my fucking pups. Then everyone will know you're mine." I moaned in agreement. I don't know what I moaned, but it was a combination of his name and a curse. A few thrusts later and I could tell that Negan was close. His breathing was heavier and his hips were staggering against mine and his knot was catching at the entrance of my pussy. "Cum with me, baby," He ordered "Let me feel you." With that I let go, letting my walls spasm around his thick cock. He came at the same time, spilling his seed deep within me. I milked him for every drop.
Out of instinct, I tossed my neck to the side, exposing my mating spot to the man above me. With a growl, Negan sunk his teeth into my skin, bonding us together. Fireworks shot through my body and I collapsed beneath him. Negan rolled us both over onto our sides, still inside of me. He lapped at the blood spotting at his bite mark. It took a few moments for us both to catch our breath, but Negan was the first to speak.
"I'm going to take such good care of you," He promised. It was the same tone that he had used at the dinner table when I asked him about the situation with his ex-fiancé. Sincere, vulnerable. "I might not be the best man, but I promise you I will always be there for you and whatever pups we might have. I've never felt like this before and I just...I don't want to fuck it up." I looked over my shoulder and saw worry in his eyes. I gave him a small peck on the nose.
"You won't fuck it up, Negan," I murmured, giving him a reassuring smile "Trust me, I won't let you." We both let out a soft laugh. "I trust you. You're my alpha. I know you'll be the best one you can be, and that's all I can ask for. You're lucky I'm a very patient person."
"Not in bed, you're not." He teased, giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I don't want you to leave. You'll have to go back to Colorado soon. I don't know if I can handle my girl being so far away. Especially around other alpha assholes." I felt his grip tighten around me. I lifted a hand and stroked his arm.
"Don't worry about that yet," I sighed, closing my eyes. I would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it either. But that wasn't the most pressing issue we had to face. "Let's figure out how we're going to tell Rick first." Negan groaned and wrinkled his nose.
"Can you not mention your dad when my dick's still inside you?" He grumbled. I let out a giggled and kissed his knuckles.
"Sorry," I hummed "just saying, I'm not sure how well he's going to take it."
"Well, he better take it like a fucking champ." Negan huffed "'cuz if he doesn't he's gonna fucking regret it."
"Negan," I warned gently "He's my dad. You're his friend. We're mated now. It's gonna be weird for him. You gotta respect that."
"You really do bring me down to earth don't you," He sighed, nuzzling my neck "I guess I underestimated how much I need you." I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes with a groan.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, genuine concern lacing his words.
"No, I'm just tired," I giggled "I haven't been fucked that good before."
"Damn straight you haven't." He smirked. Negan gave my neck a kiss and pulled himself out of me. "You get some rest, I'll clean us up and then we can cuddle. When we wake up I'll make you anything you want, deal?"
Not how I expected my summer trip to go, but I'm very happy it ended like it did.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
Saw requests were open so here I am! 😊
I’d love to request headcannons of the Demon Brothers + Undatables (If you can, if not you can just do the Brothers) from Obey Me reacting to an MC that has Galaxy eyes. Their eyes are a glossy purple-blue, they have star-like pupils that changes patterns everytime they blink, and rather than blush red; They blush purple and get mini constellations across their face and ears. If they cry, their tears are hella sparkly too! MC has baby pictures/family photos to prove their eyes are natural and run in the family.
YOOOO!! As someone who has zodiac sign related OCs, and that loves the stars, this is such a wonderful prompt~❤️
Since this involves many characters, it’ll be under the cut and slightly shorter per character than previous hcs, but hopefully still enjoyable
HEADS UP! This includes spoilers for lessons ~14-15 (and has yandere themes in someone's belphie's part)
Here you go, luv!
-- -- --
Alright, so it’s a little obvious all the character are surprised with the looks of this human
Some are easier to convince it’s natural, while others think it’s a product of permanent magic/demon contracts
Needless to say, all of them get lost in MC’s eyes
All of them try to make them blush or cry, in their own special ways, to see their full beauty
💙👿 Lucifer 🖋️
“Apologies if my stare unsettles you.” He took their hand and placed a kiss upon their knuckles, “Your eyes are simply magnificent. I find myself unable to look away.”
The first thing that crosses Luci’s mind when he meets them is  “Which demon did they sign a contract with to look like that?”
I think this one will try to fight back the urge to stare at them and be mesmerized by their beauty
Eventually, he just gives up and lets his eyes wander to their face and examine the sparkling stars
Whether he does it on purpose or not, Lucifer makes MC blush that lovely shade of wine purple. Always a gift to see the constellations that show up in their dark flush
Likes to stroke their face, especially run his thumb along their cheek and try to feel the shining lights on their skin
Will try to point out the constellations and stars he recognizes
💛😈 Mammon 💰💸
“Whu-? Huh?! No, no! Absolutely not! I-I wasn’t looking at ya because of the shining stars in your eyes… but, uh… Could ya maybe look into my eyes for a moment? Please?”
Oh god… when Mammon meets them, one and only one thought crosses his mind: If human limbs were already sought after in the Devildom market… How much money would this LIVE human with stars in their eyes cost?
(yup, let’s face it, folks… Mammon may be one of the very first sweethearts we see in game, but he’s still a demon, one very greedy demon)
Just let him see their tears. Boy, may any omnipotent force help them because he WILL try to make them cry just to see how much demons, witches and wizards pay for their sparkly tears
But then~ Whatever was left of his tender angel heart crumbled when he succeeded the first time. Never did it again and never collected any tears to sell
Mammon likes to explore their skin for more constellations. Arms, hands, shoulders, legs, feet, neck, anything they allow to touch!
What he loves most? Making them cry out of laughter and seeing little glittering drops roll down their cheeks, which he then proceeds to wipe away
Always gets lost in their eyes, but denies he was staring
🧡👿 Leviathan 🎮
“You’re just like an anime character! Wait, could it be that.. the author was inspired by your ancestor?!”
Seriously, once his contract’s done and he accepts them into his room, he won’t ever stop examining their cheeks and eyes (with respect, of course, he knows how weird and uncomfortable it is to be observed so intently) 
You know the first thing he did was introduce them to his anime characters that have features similar to them
Makes sure to watch super cheesy lovely shoujo, romantic, and cute anime/movies just so he can see how the blush darkens their cheeks and ears
Levi already zoned out when watching Henry’s big aquarium, he 100% does so too when watching the patterns in their eyes shift with each blink
The otaku musters all his courage, when feeling brave enough, to place a kiss on their cheeks bc they’re just too adorable (both proceed to flush deep red/purple)
💚 Satan 👿📖
“Wonderful… Thank you for showing me the night sky. It’s even more breathtaking when through your eyes.”
Alright, there are pictures that prove it’s all natural… but, where are the written records of space-filled humans? He gets to researching (if he finds proof or not, I leave it up to you)
Regardless, they’re an enigma to him, and he’d love to keep observing you up close
Oh, if only he could read and look at their face at the same time~
Satan may or may not have a secret notebook in which he records different occurrences that happened with MC and how he would describe their unique beauty in that moment 
Many of his books and encyclopedias have maps of the sky, he’s taken up some constellations (which he points out, just like Lucifer pls don’t k word me satan)
I swear, this boy… Wants to see their beauty immortalized in writing, described in only the most wonderful ways by his favorite authors (“An honest opinion, your allure deserves to be eternally portrayed in books so every living being can imagine what splendor the world holds.”)
Hard for him to pick a favorite aspect of theirs, but he certainly is very curious what genes caused such phenotype
💗😈 Asmodeus 💋🦂
“That’s not fair! How am I to compete with someone with galaxy eyes?! S-Surely, we’re both ethereal in our own ways? ...But I’m clearly still #1!”
B O Y 
One would think his first instinct was to try and seduce them… but oh no, no! For a moment there, Asmo thought he was Levi, feeling pure raw jealousy and envy at their magnificent eyes and glowing skin
He acted sweet and flirty just so his brothers wouldn’t suspect anything, but he felt terrible boiling magma in his stomach (why was he, a former angel, not blessed with looks as mesmerizing as theirs?)
It all changed once Asmo saw them awkwardly walk through RAD’s halls, littered with demons staring at their peculiar skin. Unwanted looks, intense stares, all of them varying in degrees of judgement. He remembered his first days as a demon, as a lust demon, how he disliked the stares at first. (“Looks like we’re not so different after all…”)
He went to their side, making light talk to take their attention off the stares. A human’s blush was never this beautiful before.
It was then when he became a little obsessed with throwing compliments their way to see the tips of their ears turn purple with little glittering spots
Asmodeus would adore to explore their entire body. Like, really, he wonders if their other… parts prone to blood rushes have the same purple tint
Allow him and he’ll cover every single little star on their skin with kisses
Asmo went from despising them to adoring every bit of them, but if he has to pick, their skin is his favorite
❤️👿 Beelzebub 🍔🤤
“Blink… Blink again… Once more... “ A very tender smile graced his lips, “Belphie would definitely adore your eyes.”
“But for me,” He wrapped his arms around them and lifted them up the ground, “Your blush whenever I hold you close is my favorite!” 
Like, really peeps, Beel immediately remembers his twin’s fascination with stars and the night sky when his eyes land on MC
It’s strange, but he feels at peace whenever this star filled human is with him
Beel isn't much to care for looks, but wow… this is one very interesting human
When you guys were helping Luke, he definitely stared at the flickering lights on their cheeks and ears to find sleep (and in that moment, he felt Belphie's and Lilith's calming presence with him once more)
They once cried of laughter due to some food incident, and WOW that is so pretty
May or may not have asked them if he could taste their tears asdfgjdi "They look tasty"
Always tries to surprise them with food and hugs once he noticed they blush constellations
Probably the only thing able to make him eat slower is watching the shifting starts in their eyes
💜👿 Belphegor 🛏️💤
"I...uhm…" He blushed lightly, "[Name], could you please look at me? Stars are my favorite...and you, your eyes..." Belphegor is at a total loss of words at the magic in their stare.
I'm going to delve into that before we get to the fluff so
Sure, he loved their eyes once he saw stars in them...but they are human
Boy, oh boy, did he ENJOY wholeheartedly seeing those glittering tears roll down their face as he took their life
"Say… Would you mind me taking your eyes out to keep as mine? They'll surely look nice hanging from my headboard"
"Is your blood star filled too? Let us see!"
Such a shame that it was a human who was blessed with such wonderful features~
END OF YANDERE (spoilers for other lessons continue)
After learning they're Lilith's descendant, he wonders if their stars are product of her angelic lineage
"Sister… is this your way of telling me to be happy? Bringing a human that is so kind and pretty into my life?"   "You filled them with the stars I love so much… Thank you"
What DOESN'T he love about them? Eyes, cheeks, skin, all the flickering stars and shades of blue-purple they blush in, their pupils and eye color
But out of it all, he adores looking at their eyes as he falls asleep
Also likes to trace the stars on their skin, be it forming constellations or in random patterns
Tickle wars happen with him, Beel and MC to see the glittering liquid from how hard they're laughing
I seriously cannot express how much Belphie's in love with this whole human    Fun, caring, intelligent, kind, adventurous, and just… plain perfect
😈 Lord Diavolo 👑
"I was not 'blessed' like the brothers to see clear skies in the Celestial Realm, and it's uncommon for me to go up into the human world." Diavolo sat close to them as Barbatos left after serving tea. "But I can say I'm far more blessed with you here to show me the stars." A handsome smile shaped his lips, widening after they blushed.
Honestly, Diavolo is hard to pin for me
Sure, he gets surprised by the human's looks, but welcomes them with open arms regardless
Actually enjoys their company because he gets to see a little piece of the night sky he gets to see very few times
When they show him their baby pictures to prove it's all natural and real, the Prince will take to share some of his own (just ‘cuz, to bond)
He likes to make them laugh, if not to see the small shining tears, to see their face flush dark purple and show constellations
Their presence is calming
He sometimes comes with the request of sitting together so he can see their starry eyes to help him settle down and relax
😈 Barbatos ☕
"These are very particular features… Perhaps I should visit the past to know what led to this?" The butler pondered. "No, I certainly wouldn't like my actions to alter timelines and prevent you from being here." A polite, yet teasing, smirk came to his face.
Like Satan, Barbatos would want to find written records of the existence of other starry humans
Very curious what caused this in a human, but he himself hypothesizes it's due to the angelic lineage
Likes to say flirty things to make them flush, he chuckles every time
Is very interested to see the magical potential their tears have for potions and protection charms
Curious to see if their tears can be used in food preparations (thinks his special tea would look even better with some of their tears added to it)
With how his ability is time travel, Barbatos likes to (privately) call himself Time while he dubs MC Space
He likes their blushes most
😇 Simeon 📖
"If only I had met you sooner, I would've included you in my books. Your character would've been adored by many; not just because of appearance, but also due to your kind heart."
Simeon likes that there's a little piece of sky here with him
He's also one to wonder if their looks are due to Lilith's blood, will have to do some research back in the Celestial Realm
Is always complimenting their eyes
Half expected their eyes to reflect the actual sky at different hours (dawn, evening, dusk, sundown, etc.)
Whenever he stumbles upon a cute star or moon shaped accessory or sweater, he buys it as a gift for them
Likes their eyes the most. He's an angel and has seen many interesting pairs of eyes in his heavenly siblings, but none as breathtaking as theirs
His time writing TSL may be coming to an end, but poetry is always an option to share his admiration for MC with the world~
😇 Luke 🧁🎂
"Hey hey! Michael used to say my eyes look like sunrise!" The small one exclaimed with a big smile, "I'm dawn and you're the night!" Luke giggled.
Forgive him for staring longer than is welcomed, he's just very amazed by their looks!
He's seen angels with sparkles in their hair and wings, but to see a human with stars and night sky on their skin!!! Is fascinating!
Luke is very grateful to have met MC, he just feels super blessed to know someone as unique as them!
Will use them as inspiration for cookie and cake decorating
Another one curious about what their tears can add to desserts
But don't worry! So long as MC is in his line of sight, he will not allow a single tear to be shed!
To make sure no demon endangers them, this little angel will do his best to protect MC!
He adores their eyes and always asks to look at them ("You can look at mine in return! And see the daybreak Michael sees in them!")
🧙🏻‍♂️ Solomon 🔮
"Oh? What is this I see, a rival?" The wizard chuckled, "We can share the starry sky aesthetic, I don't mind."
He immediately fires a lot of questions their way to find as much information as he can about their looks, magical power, and magical properties of their peculiar features
While the rest just wonder what their tears can do, Solomon is the fearless soul to actually ask for a sample to conduct tests with
If they become close, Solomon will find a way to preserve one of their tears to carry with him at all times
Yup, you guessed it! His favorite feature is their tears
...he makes them shed quite the handful with the cooking he gives as thanks for the samples lol
This one wonders if they are also star filled on the inside...as in, their tissues and organs (and blood)
But worry not, unless he’s given permission, Solomon will keep his hands to himself 
-- -- --
Sorry if this is so short Dx
And aah...sorry for including yandere themes, but it just fit and was interesting to think of~
Still, hope this was enjoyable
Thank you for the request!!
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