chasesylvan · 4 months
Uprise to My Voice
After their movie night together, they all just decided to sleep in III and Rain’s room, not having the effort nor energy to walk back to their own rooms, and because there was 3 beds in their hotel room, for some reason, both bassists shared one bed, both guitarists shared a bed, and the drummer and rhythm guitarist shared a bed and they all slept peacefully through the night.
Morning dawned on them, all of them not wanting to get out of bed, too comfortable in their embraces with each other. Sounds of discomfort could be heard coming from IV and Dew’s bed, Dew accidentally having kicked IV in the middle of the night and IV registering the pain now in his midsection, “I’m sorry, honeybun, I have a habit of kicking in the night, are you okay?” Dew asked the poor guitarist in pain, IV giving a thumbs up, still gripping his midsection from the pain of Dew’s foot having been shoved into it in the middle of the night. II had gotten up from Phantom’s embrace, needing the bathroom and wanting to make tea for everybody, as this was his daily routine back at the manor with his boyfriend’s.
So he got up, chucked on some loose track pants and a t shirt, and went to the bathroom to pee. After he was done and washed his hands thoroughly, and walked out of the bathroom and to the small kitchen, the hotel that was booked for them had rooms that resembled apartments, but were still small enough to be considered a hotel room, II started making III and IV’s teas, the guitarist drunk a herbal floral tea, and the bassist drunk just a plain tea. He himself had a cinnamon and apple tea, he decided to leave the Ghost members as he didn’t wanna wake them from their sleep, deciding to let me make their own teas.
He finished making them by the time everyone had woken up, III walking over to II and wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing him on the cheek, thanking him for his tea. IV also walked over and gave II a kiss on the lips and a quiet ‘thank you’ fell from his lips, they both walked over to the small lounge area and sat down, humming happily and drinking their teas, making the drummer smile warmly. After about 15 more minutes, both Rain and Dew finally woke up, Dew having fallen back asleep after waking up to IV’s grunts, and they got up to make their coffees.
Dew walked over to IV first, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, tasting the floral and flower taste from his tea. Then he walked back over to make his coffee, kissing Rain on the cheek, “Morning, Rainy.” Dew said in a gravely voice, “Morning, Dewy.” Rain said back in the same tone. II was drinking his tea when he felt hands on his hips and he turned around to meet the rhythm guitarist in a surprise kiss, “Good morning, kelpie.” II blushed at the nickname, kissing Phantom back, “Morning, bug.” They both smiled warmly at each other, all of the musicians drinking their beverages, it being about 7:30 in the morning. Their show today was at 8:30pm, so they had a while but the trip there would take them about 3 hours, so they had to leave by 1pm to get everything set up.
IV perked up and went to put his cup in the sink, kissing II on the lips as another thank you for the tea, watching the blush spill down his face, “You’re so adorable, Two.” IV caressed the smaller man’s cheek, causing a sparkly look to appear in his sky blue eyes, enamouring IV into staring into them and smiling wide at II, causing the drummer to hide his face in the nape of the taller man’s neck, pulling a giggle out of him at II’s reaction. IV kissed him softly again before walking back over to the lounge and sitting down, leaning against the fire ghoul, who threw an arm over his shoulder.
III started speaking, “What should we do for the morning before we leave, guys?” III questioned all the men in the room, Rain perking up, “We could pack everything up now so we don’t have to worry about it right now?” He said to everyone, being the most mature of all, everyone agreed, as packing up right now would cause them less issues so they weren’t being rushed around by crew members at 12:40pm, yelling at them that they should’ve packed earlier.
III and Rain worked together by making all the beds nice and neat, II cleaned up the kitchen and washed all the cups from everyone’s tea and made the kitchen look tidy so the cleaners didn’t have to worry about it, Phantom and Dew packed their bags up and left them by the front door, II, III, and Rain packed their bags after finishing their tasks, and now the room looked spotless and all their bags were packed, ready for when their tour bus arrives to pick them up.
“Good job pitching in together everyone.” Rain said, proud of everyone getting the room clean in a short period of time, III kissed his cheek and leaned into him, “You did a good job as well, koi.” Rain blushed at the nickname given to him, III kissed the water ghoul, making more blush spill down his face, Rain stumbled back, but III caught him by the waist, holding his hips down and pushing him slightly against the wall, earning a surprised moan from within the ghoul’s chest. The other men in the room didn’t know where to look or what to do, so they decided to just sit on their beds on their phones, ignoring the two having a ‘moment’ together.
Rain started moaning when III slotted a knee between his legs, capturing the ghoul against the wall, and started kissing him more passionately and roughly, III was enjoying the sounds being elicited from the ghoul against him, “Yeah, that’s a good boy, Rainy.” III said, his voice syrupy and sweet, possessing Rain’s thoughts and feelings. Rain kept rutting against the taller bassist, the taller man could feel Rain getting closer, but because of how cruel he was, he pulled off of Rain, destroying his path of an orgasm. Rain was breathing heavily against the wall, frustrated that his orgasm was denied, and went and started hitting III on the back, doing no damage as the taller bassist just chuckled.
“Why do you keep doing that to us? You absolute monster!” Rain said, still achingly hard in his jeans, III just shrugged, “I don’t want you ruining those nice black jeans of yours Rainy, besides,” III went over and hooked 2 fingers under Rain’s chin and forced his head up to look III in the eyes, pulling a soft moan from the shaken and slightly frustrated ghoul, “It brings me pleasure to see my partners so hard and so submissive for me when I deny them their reward,” III said the last of his sentence in a dark tone, leaving Rain wide eyed, he decided to go into the bathroom and finish himself off on his own, III chuckling darkly at the thought that Rain is finishing to the thought of the taller bassist.
IV walked up and smacked III on the ass, him flinching in pain and rubbing his sore ass, “Ivy what the fuck was that for?” IV laughed, but not in a mean or taunting way, and did it again, III turned around and grabbed IV by his neck, his cheeks turning pink and his legs starting to shake, “You want me to wreck you and leave you to fend for yourself like I did to Rain?” III said, dark and mischievously, the guitarist moaned and whimpered at III’s harsh words, IV shook his head no. The taller man kissed IV, rough and passionately until he left IV, standing there on shaky legs and half-hard in his pants, “Hm, seems like I have an effect on all of you when it comes to this,” III said to the rest of them casually. II wide eyed and palming himself, while Phantom and Dew stood to the side, eating a bag of chips each, ignoring what was going on.
IV decided to leave his hard-on alone and sit down, now having the shits, “Ivy.” III said to him, earning a ‘hmph’ in response, “What’s wrong, wildflower?” III asked, genuinely, he could tell that the guitarist now had the shits with him, IV prone to getting angry easily when stuff didn’t go his way. The tall bassist walked over to him, lifted him up by his armpits and stood him in front of him, “Look at me.” III said, his tone firm and steady, IV looked up to III, his baby green eyes glistening from the sun slightly shining in them.
He slowly kisses Ivy softly, the guitarist melting into the soft and sweet touches of his bandmate, “I’m sorry for doing that, okay?” III brushed hair behind IV’s ear, genuine guilt for causing IV to have the shits with him, “‘s okay,” IV said, III pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head and pulled away, slightly wiping his cheek.
“I love you, Ivy.”
“I love you, sunflower.”
Phantom had finished his chips and was starting to get slightly jealous of the scene happening in front of him. II noticed this and walked over to Phantom, pulling him down into a heated kiss, Phantom let out a surprised whimper but wasn’t complaining about the moment happening right now, II pushed the taller ghoul against the wall, them both fighting for dominance, II winning, surprisingly. Phantom wasn’t done yet though, he flipped them around and pinned the drummer’s hands to the wall and knocked his legs apart, them starting to shake as well, II letting out small moans and whimpers every now and then.
“Look how pretty you are, Two.” Phantom cooed at the drummer against the wall, in his own blissful world, eyes fluttering shut and lips swollen from the abuse of Phantom’s lips on his, chest heaving heavily. Phantom walked towards the smaller man, wrapped his long fingers around his tender neck, which brought a moan from within his chest, “You’re so pretty, wound up in my control, you’re such a good boy, Two.” II shuddered from the praise he was receiving, Phantom kissed the blissed out look from his face, II absolutely melting in the taller ghoul’s embrace. Phantom giggles at how easily II is affected by the quintessence ghoul’s actions.
II is so blissed out by what happened, that he doesn’t realise that all of them had been looking at him, feeling slightly embarrassed, he covers his crotch with his hands when he feels himself getting hard, Rain is out of the bathroom as well, when did he get here? II wondered what the time was, looking over at the clock on the wall, it reading ‘12:13pm’, they still had about 30 minutes before they needed to start getting ready to leave and be ready for the tour bus to pick them up, so they decided to order one last room service for lunch and watch films until about ‘12:35pm’, they all got their suitcases and bags ready, they all brushed their teeth, did their hair, they all peed one by one before they left, knowing that they won’t be stopping at all for any breaks.
One of the crew members came by, knocking on all the doors telling all of the guys that they need to be by the bus in 10 minutes, so everyone gathered their things, made sure nothing was left behind and walked out of the hotel room, to the elevator and down to the lobby to return their key cards. Once all of the room keys were returned, they walked out and saw their massive black tour bus, they gave all of their luggage to a crew member, and they all single filled onto the bus, each of them had an assigned bunk on the bus, titled with their name on the top of the bunks. IV went and sat at the small table near the kitchenette, having a small bottle of coke in hand, taking small sips from it.
Dew went over and joined the other guitarist, cuddling up against his side. IV snuggled into the fire ghoul, happily humming, while the rest of the guys had sat on the other 2 lounges, III cuddling up against Rain and II sleeping against Phantom, the tall quintessence ghoul rubbing up and down his sides soothingly, the drummer happily humming in his seat, Phantom smiling at the comforting aura he shot through to everyone, and all the people on the bus audibly relaxing from Phantom’s calm and content aura flowing around the bus.
The bus started up and they were off on their journey to their venue for their next big show together, Vessel starting to notice that his lovers were spending a lot of time with the other band, he wasn’t jealous in the slightest, their relationship was very open, allowing each other to hook up and sleep with whoever they wanted without each other getting jealous and the possibility of a fight causing a breakup, so they made the decision to go with being in an open relationship. Vessel smiled at his other lovers, them catching his toothy grin and smiling warmly back to him. IV began whining for some reason and could not stop moving, III noticed and held his leg from bouncing, “Wildflower, what’s wrong?” III asked the squirming man, “N-Nothing.” He said softly, and stopped wiggling around for a max of 10 minutes, before he was wiggling around again, “Dude, don’t fucking lie to me, what’s wrong?” III wasn’t getting annoyed with the guitarist, he just wanted to know what was wrong and why he kept on wiggling around, “I need a fucking piss!” He screamed, startling II out of his sleep, “Ivy, why the fuck are you screaming?” The drummer said, in his drowsy state, being awoken from a very comfortable nap on Phantom’s chest. “Sorry, love,” He replied to II, who scoffed and tried going back to sleep, “There, you happy? I downed my coke too quickly and now I need a piss!” He said, softer but still quite loud, “Dude, you knew we weren’t stopping, and you pissed before we left! How weak is your bladder dude?” III didn’t mean to sound like he was mocking the poor guitarist, the guitarist growled at his bandmate and Dew started giggling at IV, IV smacked him in his chest quite hard, who yelped and moved away to avoid more torture from the angered man next to him. "I know dude, I'm just gonna have to wait until we get to the venue.* IV whined, but dealt with it for the last 25 minutes, utterly in discomfort the entire time, Dew comforting him slightly.
They finally arrived at the venue that they are going to be performing at and the moment the bus door opened, IV hopped up from his seat and rushed out of the bus, hurriedly looking for the men's bathroom but having trouble, a crew member came over to him, "Hey IV, do you need some help?" IV looked to the crew member in desperation, "Where are the toilets?" The guitarist asked, quite literally in a hurry, the crew member pointed to a part of the venue, and IV instantly rushed over there to deal with his issue. III laughing at his bandmate's misery, but IV didn't need to hear or need to know that he did, after about 20 minutes of helping get both III and IV's guitars out of the bus, hurrying footsteps could be heard and IV returned back from the bathrooms, having a blissed out expression on his face, III smirked and looked at his bandmate, "Feel better, Ivy?" He asked the guitarist, slightly giggling at the shorter man, who started helping to move all of his guitars out of the bus, "Much." He replied, in a tone that made III stunned. Everyone chipped in to help move Mountain's massive drumkit and bring it into and out onto the stage, as there was already a drum kit set up in the rehearsal room for them, it was the only equipment that had to be brought out and onto stage. IV ran into II, who grabbed him by the arm and spun him around to face the shorter male, "Hey, Ivy." II said, in a syrupy and sickly tone, which made shivers run down the guitarist's back, "H-Hey, baby." IV replied back, a bit nervous.
"So, you're gonna make up for waking me earlier on the bus." The drummer said, in a dark voice, making the guitarist melt into the shorter man's arms, whimpering softly. "Y-Yeah." The guitarist whimpered at the thought of what II would do to him, he started by backing the guitarist up against the wall and softly grabbing his toned hips and whispering into his ear, "I'm gonna make sure you have my taste all over your lips, so you're not gonna forget what I taste like." II slightly moaned into his ear, making IV's legs go weak under him, the drummer kissed him harshly, making IV let out a moan, then pulled off and smirked at the taller man, pulling him with him towards the back of the venue and entered through the back doors and brought him to their rehearsal room, where everyone was waiting, "Sorry for the hold up guys, IV tripped over a cable on the ground and needed help getting up, everyone nodded and went back to practicing or tuning their instruments.
It was finally time for them to go on stage and play their final show before their massive break, III was messing around with Rain, IV was messing around with Dew and Phantom was lingering around II's place on the drums and Swiss hanging out around the ghoulettes, them all dancing around during the songs, taking breaks during their interludes, kissing each other and praising each other on how good their playing is so far during the show. They were finally on their last song, running high on adrenaline and silliness during The Offering, messing around and causing shenanigans, III had gone up to IV and kissed him on the lips and went over to Rain and kissed the side of his mask as well, Rain blushing under his mask and III smiling darkly as he walked off. They had finally finished the song, ending with them handing out various gifts to the audience members and standing for a final "curtain call", holding each other securely and bowing at the end, Vessel walking to the middle of the stage and bowing, thanking everybody for coming to their show and they walked off, still high on adrenaline and bodies full of energy.
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james-p-sullivan · 4 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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ionomycin · 1 month
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ref photo by @jawsstone
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psyduckz · 1 year
seeing reddit refugees repeatedly hit their post limits and comment their thoughts on every reblog is kind of refreshing. site migration be damned these guys know how to blog
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skeleton-squid-boy · 23 days
you have GOT to remember when watching the new doctor who that the question is not is this good. doctor who is only ever actually 'good' once a season at most. THE ONLY QUESTION IS is it fun, camp, and has aliens. also remember the worst doctor who showrunner is always the current doctor who showrunner. now go watch the new episodes as god intended like you're ten years old and still remember how to experience joy and whimsy.
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catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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crownorclover · 1 month
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i am starting a collection
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quail-dove · 1 year
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ok new winner from r/stupiddovenests
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melimelotus · 3 months
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glorious-spoon · 9 months
i'm very picky about tv shows, but my pickiness has only an incidental relationship to whether or not a show is "good". it needs to scratch a particular itch in my brain at the right moment. do i know what the right moment is? no. do i know what the itch is? also no. i can be relied upon to get instantly bored of 85% of tv shows and then turn the remaining 15% into a central facet of my personality for 3-5 business months and even i am incapable of predicting which one it'll be ahead of time.
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Matpat will always be welcomed into the FNAF universe
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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My favourite thing about Alastor is his hoard of gal pals!
He’s just a cool and charming dude that women feel comfortable around…And is also a power hungry eldritch horror.👌👌👌
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heph · 6 months
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A Moment in Time - Dearly Missed
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buggachat · 6 months
something so fucked up about Chat Noir’s whole deal is that he is in a lot of ways Adrien playing a character. Like Adrien picked up his miraculous and was told he’d be a superhero so he was like “ok, time to act like a superhero!” and he lets himself have fun w it and play up the role and let loose and kind of just allow himself to be silly and goofy and have fun and for once in his life not care about performing Perfection™.
But. But none of the other characters KNOW THAT. So everyone just sees Chat Noir and is like “look at this guy’s ego. He’s so full of himself. Surely it’d be fair to knock him down a few pegs” without being aware of how few pegs he actually HAS. He’s like the “insecure character who overcompensates in ego” trope except he’s really not doing it unironically, he’s just having a fun LARP pretending to have self worth in his off-hours but nobody else is on the same page about it being a game and he refuses to tell them. He just dramatically pouts about it and lets them laugh and pretends like he’s not internalizing it and it is almost 3 am and my brain forced me to write this instead of sleeping I’m gonna take a melatonin
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shepherdenjoyer · 4 months
technically not dog content but i mean. look at this
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bruciemilf · 5 months
“Bruce is emotionally incompetent and can’t step outside his own morality” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“Dick is extremely stubborn and thinks he’s right all the time” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“Jason has hypocritical tendencies” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“ Tim is entitled and doesn’t think about people when seeking results, and often acts uncaring” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“Damian is rude and bratty” yeah, it’s a character flaw.
Also, some people may not even regard everything listed above as flaws.
Having negative traits allows incredible flexibility within your characters, what makes them intriguing, what makes them easy to relate to. If you want to write people, then write people. But they can’t be good and clean all the time.
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