#Drink we did and drank we were (fanfiction)
cinnamaldeide · 1 year
3k words
General Audiences
5+1 Things
Five conversations that Hob Gadling, progressively tipsier, monopolised in his inebriation, and a mostly inner monologue from his endless friend.
For @zigzag-wanderer, who found the strength to write again, bringing delight and bliss with her poetic words, and gave me a reason to complete this half-baked work in progress I had mostly forgotten about ❀
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therealcocoshady · 2 months
Recovery - Chapter 18
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Reader wakes up in a hospital bed with Em by her side. She doesn't remember anything and he has to tell he she has been assaulted.
CW : Hospital - Mention of sexual assault
Y/N P.O.V 
Your head hurt as you slowly opened your eyes. You looked around you and took notice of your surroundings. You were lying in a hospital bed and Marshall was sitting next to you, asleep in his chair, snoring lightly as he held your hand. You had absolutely no recollection of how you ended up here. The last thing you remembered distinctly was dancing in the studio with Porter, as you were getting ready to join Josh, Hailie and Evan for a night out. The rest was a blur. One thing was for sure : it felt as if you were having the worst hangover of your life. It was as if all the times you had ever drank were ganging up on you and getting their revenge. Every muscle in your body seemed to be sore, you had a terrible headache, as well as huge stomach pains. Your throat ached and your mouth was dry. You needed water, you thought as you tried to remember how you ended up here. 
Marsh… you said softly, in a very raspy voice. 
It was enough for him to wake up. He immediately sat up and opened his eyes. As soon as he noticed you were awake, he jumped from the chair to be by your side. 
Y/N. You’re awake. Thank God, he said as he kissed you on the forehead. 
Water ? You asked hoarsely. 
Of course. 
He gave you the glass of water that was on the nightstand. He helped you sit up a bit and drink carefully. You had many questions, but you were also insanely tired. What the hell were you doing here ? Why did you feel hungover ? Had you relapsed, with no recollection of it ?
What are we doing here ? You asked as you felt your eyes closing again. 
You don’t remember ? He replied with a hint of surprise in his voice. 
Nnnno…, you mumbled as you fell asleep again. 
You let out a small scream as you opened your eyes again. You could have sworn you felt a stranger’s hand trying to get in your panties. You could distinctly see his eyes and smell alcohol in his breath. You felt your body shaking, not sure whether you were having a nightmare or a memory. You were freezing cold. 
Shhh… you heard Marshall say. You’re safe. It’s fine. I’m here. 
He was holding your hand in his, softly stroking the back with his fingers. Your vision blurred a bit and you could feel tears welling in your eyes. 
What happened ? You asked as you started crying and panicking at the same time. Why am I here ? 
Don’t freak out, he said softly. What do you remember ? 
I was at the studio, you said. And you were here, and there was dancing and then… I had a nightmare. 
What nightmare ? He asked carefully. Do you think you can describe it for me ? 
There was a man, and he was trying to… hi-his hand was in my…, you sobbed. 
Marshall sat on the bed by your side and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead. 
You’re safe now, he said. Just breathe. 
What am I doing here ?! 
You were… attacked, he explained. Assaulted, actually. You went salsa dancing with Hailie, Evan and Josh and someone tried to… rape you. 
Did he ? You asked anxiously. 
He didn’t, he said reassuringly. Otherwise, I’d be in jail for murder already. 
He stared into your eyes and you could see he was tired. He had huge dark circles under his eyes and his face almost looked gaunt. Not that you were too sure, because your vision was a bit blurry. 
You’re safe now, he said. I’m here. But for now, you need to rest, alright ? Everything is still in your system. 
I didn’t take anything, you know ? You mumbled. 
I know, he said softly. Don’t worry. You didn’t do anything wrong. 
You wanted to ask a thousand questions, but you were exhausted. You closed your eyes again. 
I’m cold, you mumbled. 
I’ll go ask for a blanket, Marshall said as you heard him get up. 
Don’t leave me, you heard yourself plead. 
I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry honey. 
The pet name made you chuckle softly and you slowly went back to sleep as you heard Marshall ask for a blanket.
You woke up to the sight of Marshall scribbling something in his notebook, his eyes squinting as he didn’t have his glasses on. He looked focused. 
Hey, you said hoarsely. 
Hey beautiful, he said softly as he put his pen down. How are you feeling ? 
You felt a little better. Definitely more awake. You had no idea how long you had slept. You quickly glanced at the window and noticed it was the middle of the night. 
Did I sleep long ? You asked him. 
48 hours, I think, he said. 
You can sleep some more if you need, he said with a smile. 
How about you ? You asked. 
What about me ? 
Were you here all along ? 
I went home for a quick shower and a change of clothes, he explained. I had Talia keep an eye on you while I was gone.
I don’t remember her being here, you said. 
You were out. Slept like a baby apparently, he chuckled. 
Where is Josh ? You asked. And Hailie and Evan ? 
They’re fine, Marshall said. I called them to let them know how you’re doing. 
Thank God Hailie found me, you said. 
Yeah. I think I made her a little mad at me though, Marshall confessed. 
How so ? 
Uh… nothing important, he said as he avoided your gaze. 
Tell me. 
I may or may not have threatened Jack. 
It’s Josh, you corrected as you glared at him. And please tell me you’re joking. 
Hey. That fucker was too drunk to take care of you, he said. He’s lucky I didn’t send him to the ER. 
You rolled your eyes at him. 
Marshall, you said sternly. 
I know, he simply said. I’ll apologize to Hailie later. 
You better apologize to Josh too. 
Yeah, right, he scoffed. 
I’m serious, you said with a frown. 
We’ll see about that, he said as he stretched his arms. 
He let out a groan as he got up from his chair. You could see him try and stretch his back. He seemed awfully tired and grumpy. 
Chair ? You asked. 
Yeah. I Hope the bed is more comfortable, he said with a yawn. Two days sitting here and I feel like I might need physical therapy. 
Come here, you gestured as you yawned and made room for him on the bed before closing your eyes. 
You felt a slight dip on the mattress as he laid next to you. You let your head roll on his shoulder. 
Thanks for staying, you said. 
Of course, he replied before kissing your temple. 
Your beard is all scratchy. You need to trim it. 
Yeah, I’ll take care of that later, he chuckled. Wanna go back to sleep ? 
You nodded and felt him pull you slightly closer to him. You smiled as you inhaled his scent. It was so soothing, so familiar. You could smell his cologne, mixed with the detergent on his clothes, as well as his body soap. The scent was fresh and masculine, without being too overpowering. You closed your eyes, focusing on the sensations. His smell, his touch, the feeling of his breath against your skin. You buried your face in his neck almost automatically. 
I was so worried for you honey, he whispered under his breath. 
You opened your eyes once again and noticed Marshall was still laying next to you, but this time, he was asleep. He had his arms around you and you still had your head buried in his neck. His presence made you feel safe. You remembered how you had thought about him and wished for him to be here as your attacker tried to touch you. 
 I love you, Marsh, you whispered as you made sure he was still asleep. 
She’s resting. You should probably come later, you heard Marshall’s voice say as you woke up from yet another nap. 
You had been drifting in and out of consciousness for a while now. You had been told it was normal, as you had been heavily drugged up and your body needed to process. Most of the time, it felt like you were too tired to open your eyes. Instead, you gathered information by listening. The most frequent sounds were either Marshall’s snores or the noise his pen made as he scribbled in his notebook. You actually enjoyed them. They reminded you that he was here, and that you weren’t alone. 
I don’t mind waiting for her to wake up, you heard Josh’s voice say. 
Whatever, man. Let her rest, ok ? Marshall said in an annoyed voice. 
You opened your eyes as soon as you heard your boyfriend talking. 
Hey there, you said with a shy smile. 
Y/N ! Baby. You’re awake !!! I’m so sorry…
Josh kneeled by the bed and kissed your hands as he apologized profusely. You tried to reassure him. 
I’m fine, you said. I’ve been resting a lot. And I have Marshall with me. I’m good, baby. 
You felt your boyfriend tense as you mentioned Marshall’s presence. He still hadn’t left your bedside and kept a close watch on you. Whatever you needed, he made sure to help and provide you with, whether it was to fluff up your pillow, get you some water or reassure you. He absentmindedly scribbled in his notebook as you talked to Josh. 
When are you getting out of here ? He asked. 
Tomorrow, I think ? You replied as you looked at Marshall for confirmation.
Probably in the morning, he confirmed without looking up. After the doctor checks up on you and clears you. 
He was the one with all of the information. You had trouble remembering anything, as you slept a lot. 
They said I’ll need to rest for a few days, you explained. But I’ll be fine. 
Do you want to come to my place ? Josh offered. I can take care of you. I feel so guilty. I never should have drank so much. 
Stop beating yourself up, you told him. It’s over now. It’s not your fault. 
You heard Marshall clear his throat. You shot a mean glare at him. In spite of your various attempts, you couldn’t get him to budge. He blamed most of what happened on Josh. You had told him he was being unfair but he simply didn’t care. 
Marsh, would you mind getting me a Diet Coke ? You asked in hope it would get him out of the room for a while. 
I don’t think they have any in the vending machine, he replied with a shrug. Sorry. 
I’m really craving some. Do you think you can try the store down the street ? I think my blood sugar’s getting a bit low…
Marshall looked at you and sighed softly. He knew you wanted him out of the room so that Josh wouldn’t feel so tense. He rolled his eyes and got up. 
Anything for you honey, he said as he stared at Josh and left the room. 
Now, he was just rubbing the pet name in Josh’s face. Your boyfriend looked at you and sighed as he sat in the chair in Marshall’s place. 
God he hates me, he said. 
He doesn’t, you lied. He is just… protective, I guess. 
You should have seen him in the corridor, Y/N. I thought he was going to destroy me. I mean, he basically promised to…
Well he didn’t, you said with a soft smile. 
He scares the shit out of me, he replied. 
Marshall is really nice, you said in his defense. I’m lucky to have him. He is such a good friend. 
Mmmmh, Josh said. I guess. 
What’s wrong ? You asked. 
Look… I know it’s none of my business, but what is the deal with you guys anyway ? He asked. 
You stared at him in silence for a couple of seconds. Obviously, you couldn’t tell him that you were kind of in love with Marshall and that you only started dating him because you were heartbroken over your best friend dating someone else. 
What do you mean ? You simply asked. 
Well, he’s Hailie’s dad. I mean, why are you hanging out with him so much ? 
He’s my best friend, you said earnestly. I met Hailie through him actually. 
A fifty year-old man is your best friend ? He asked in disbelief. 
I know it’s a little odd, for sure, you admitted. But he is. He’s been a big help when I got sober. 
Is that his hoodie that you’re wearing ? 
It is, you shrugged. He gave it to me because I was cold. Is there a problem here ? 
No, baby, of course not. I’m sorry, he apologized. He just… He makes me nervous, you know. It’s like he thinks I’m not good enough for you. I don’t want you to think I’m jealous or anything but… You know… 
I’ll talk to him. Now, I need you to kiss me, you ordered. 
He smiled genuinely for the first time and kissed you passionately, yet softly. It was the perfect kiss, the one you needed to cheer you up.  
I can’t wait to get out of here. I kind of had a special night planned for us, you know ? You said seductively, trying to get his mind off things. 
Did you ? He said with a charming grin. 
Mmmh mmh, you nodded with a smile. 
He kissed you again and again. You laughed and let out a little moan as he laid down a trail of kisses in your neck. 
You opened your eyes as Marshall cleared his throat to signify he was back with a pack of Diet Coke and another of regular Coke. Josh quickly got up, his face bright red. 
Looks like your blood sugar is just fine, he said as he handed you a can. 
Thank you Marsh, you replied with a smile. You’re a godsend. 
I should probably go…, Josh said awkwardly. I’ll call you alright ? 
Sure, you said. Miss you already. 
He gave you a peck on the lips. 
Take care baby, he added as he left the room. Goodbye… sir. 
You noticed a smirk on Marshall’s face as Josh closed the door. 
You’re right. He is smart, he said with a grin. 
Can you please not be an ass ? You replied as you rolled your eyes. 
I’m not apologizing, he said. He knows I’m right. 
It’s not his fault if some weirdo decided to roofie my drink, you groaned. 
Wouldn’t have happened if he had been by your side instead of drinking. 
Almost everyone was drinking. And what if it had been a girls night huh ? Would you blame Hailie for what happened ? Or Talia ? 
He stared at you and stayed silent. 
Didn’t think so, you added as you looked into his eyes. 
Fine, he mumbled. Still. I was worried sick. I’m not apologizing for that. 
I’m not asking you to, you said softly. But can you please be nice to him ? Please ? 
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he simply stared at you with his arms crossed and a “I don’t give a shit” expression. 
Marshall please, you repeated. 
You were on the verge of tears. It wasn’t a big deal and, usually, you wouldn’t cry for so little, but you were tired and frustrated by the situation. 
Don’t cry, he begged. See ? He was here for twenty minutes and now you’re crying… this motherfucker is lucky I even let him breathe the same air as you. 
I’m crying because I am tired ! You shouted. And I am crying because you’re being unreasonable and mean to my boyfriend. I was so scared, Marshall. I still am. And I want you here. And I want him too. And you won’t be nice. 
You let the tears out in frustration. You knew it probably didn’t make a lot of sense to him but you needed to let go. 
Hey, he said softly as he sat on the bed and took you in his arms. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad. 
I know, you replied as you sniffled. But you’re one of my favorite people on earth. And he is my boyfriend. Can you please make an effort ? For me ?
Yes. If it means that much to you, he finally said. 
And apologise ? 
He groaned and rolled his eyes. 
We’ll see about that. 
Thank you, you said as you smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
You weren’t asking for much here. You knew they wouldn’t be friends. But you hoped they could get along. 
How is Hailie ? You asked. Have you heard from her ? 
I have. She’s fine. She came to see you but you slept. She was worried for you. 
Is she still mad at you ?
I apologized, Marshall said. We’re good. 
I like her, you said. 
She likes you too, you know ? And I like that you’re getting along, he added with a smile. 
You smiled and let out a yawn. 
Do you want to go home ? You asked as you felt your eyelids were becoming heavy again. I don’t mind, you know. 
I’m good. Sleep tight Y/N. You need some rest. 
Thanks for staying, you said as you started to fall asleep. 
Anything for you, honey, he said softly.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
heeseung – bad boys
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— the bad boys main masterlist
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
summary: being an orphan was never fun, you had to grow up quicker than most kids and even get a job support yourself. that's how you lived since you were 15. you most definitely did not expect to become a flag girl but here you were and it was all because of money. oh and great to know, the person you hated the most was here too. damn you, lee heeseung.
no.of words: 6.8K words
warnings: sexual references but no smut, cute dog mentioned a bunch of times though, jake being a horn dog as per usual (resident playboy) mention of underage drinking because riki bad boy. foul languages(?)
taglist: @nyfwyeonjun @ncityy04 @cutiejseong @minkyeos @madebyreyy (@onyourecha) @yuakagi @hoonstrology @luvrjn @kawaiisharkcopjudge @missmadwoman @aerinaga @jiwlys @wtfhyuck @astrosmistisa @woniesbakery @purplepuppychild
NOTE: i remember writing this, i wanted to make (name) a girlboss who stuck up for everything heeseung said. yet here i am with 'jam out' heeseung and that y/n was something.
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we are almost coming to an end of the stories of each bad boy. they surely had such interesting stories following each of them. our 2nd last boy, heeseung, surely was no different. shall we start listening to his story?
“if i could kill that old man, i would’ve done that a long time ago.” heeseung groans. he places his helmet down on the bench before ruffling his jet black drenched hair. all of it being sweat since it was a hot day. sunghoon snickers.
“that old man is a slip away from death. you don’t have to worry about that. let him fall in the shower and he is done for.” sunghoon pats heeseung’s back.
“where are the others?” heeseung grumbles.
“out and about. i think ni-ki and sunoo are grounded from the last party they went to.”
“they drank?”
“yeah but are we really surprised they did so?”
“no. they need to be sober, we have an upcoming match against SM High. heard their star player, park jisung, had been preparing really hard to beat HYBE High.” sunghoon scoffs before smirking.
“we have 7 star players in our team, SM High only has one. we could beat them easily.”
“now, don’t get too cocky. do you remember what happened when you got too cocky.” heeseung folds his arms. sunghoon grumbles.
“yeah yeah, i know hyung. to be fair, you are a great racer. i just thought i’d win but i guess i underestimated your skills.”
“excuses.” heeseung says. sunghoon huffs.
jay enters the parking lot with his bike, he stops in front of heeseung and sunghoon. he takes off his helmet and threw back his head to fix his hair. sunghoon snorts.
“stop trying to look hot.”
“oh but i’m already hot.” jay smirks. sunghoon rolls his eyes.
“yeah yeah jongseong, we get it. you are the hot shit but just to remind you, i’m equally as hot as you. maybe even more.” sunghoon smirks. jay rolls his eyes, annoyed but he knows sunghoon wasn’t wrong.
“where are the others?” jay asks.
“jungwon is stuck doing class president shit, jake is busy fucking around, sunoo and ni-ki are grounded.” sunghoon explains. heeseung sighs before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“that old man is seriously going to yell at us. competitions are near.”
“I couldn’t give two flying fucks for that old man. he is just using us anyways because of his sugar baby.”
“a sugar daddy that doesn’t have money and exploits other people for their money. he got a whole fanfiction ready to be written for him.” sunghoon says. jay snickers.
“could we not just rebel against him again?”
“because he mentioned that if we helped him, he’d try to find heeseung’s sister.” jay says.
“do we even know if your sister is alive. what if your ‘dad’ killed her.” sunghoon says.
“having a daughter in the family can bring a lot of money. you can sell her off into the black market. didn’t you know that?” jay says.
“we aren’t the mafia. even if so, why wouldn’t heeseung’s sister want to be married off to one? they could be hot for all we know.” sunghoon says.
“now let’s not romanticise the mafia but yeah we practically could be them. we kill people too.” jay says.
“alright you two, let’s not talk about this. as for my sister, i know she’s out there. my ‘dad’ will probably put her into good use one way or another.”
now what happened to our heroine of the story. where were you?
ah right, you were under a pile of homework. as per usual. a fluffball decides to visit you as you were busy working on a math problem.
“leo, i’m busy right now.” the golden retriever puppy climbs onto your lap. how did you get leo? well this puppy was actually found near a horrible scene. someone had unfortunately done some horrible things to its mother and so you decided to nurse the puppy back to health and adopt it. you had buried the mother in a safe location and built a small memorial, she was considered the community dog to many. as of currently, leo is all healthy and he was certainly a playful puppy.
he bites on your sleeve and tries to tug on you to get you to play. you giggled.
“okay, okay little one. you’re lucky that this is extra credit. i’ll play with you.” you grabbed the tennis ball and grabbed leo’s leash. you were living alone, your parents unfortunately weren’t around and you never met them. you grew up in an orphanage. At the age of 15, you decided to live on your own and they allowed you to do so. ‘They’ being the staff that took care of you at the orphanage. you got a job, saved up money and now you were living in a pretty shady apartment but at least it was kinda cozy.
you made it over to the park nearby.
“wanna play?” you asked the puppy, he barks in excitement. “alright, fetch!” you threw the tennis ball. leo chases after the ball and brings it back to you after he finds it.
“you’re a really smart puppy, aren’t you?” you pet the puppy’s head. its tail wags.
“you.” you heard someone say. you looked up and instantly you saw heeseung. the boy who annoyed you to death in school. you rolled your eyes.
“what do you want?” you say. heeseung scoffs.
“you were disturbing me and my peace.”
“listen, i was playing with my dog. they bark, what the fuck do you want me to do?” your puppy tries to climb your leg while whimpering, sensing you were upset.
leo was your comfort, he could sense whenever you were having a breakdown, panic attack or you were just upset. Certainly, he could tell you weren’t too happy right now. you picked the puppy up.
“leo, calm down.” you gave the puppy a small kiss. “i’m okay, thank you.”
heeseung rolls his eyes, “just leave.”
“I was about to.” you throw daggers at heeseung again before leaving. Once you left, heeseung lets out a sigh of relief. why did you look so cute while holding a puppy? the way you gave it kiss, if only it was him that you gave a kiss to- hey wait, you were his enemy! why would he imagine you kissing him?
“she’s a demon in disguise lee heeseung, you do not like her that way!” heeseung lightly slaps his cheeks.
you were stomping your feet as you walked home.
“the nerve of that asshole, i can’t believe him!” you turned to talk to leo. “leo, he’s an asshole right?” the puppy doesn’t say anything.
“oh don’t tell me you think i like him, never in a fucking million years am i falling for that asshole.” you entered the apartment building. the dim lights flickering about to burst any second now. yup, home sweet home. you placed leo down onto the chipped wooden floor, he ran off to your study room which had his toys.
you hummed. you needed to study. there wasn’t much for you to do anyways, this was how your life was. work, study, eat and sleep. it was a constant thing that you had been doing ever since you were 15.
the next day, you knocked on your neighbour’s door. A lovely sweet elderly couple.
“oh (name), have you come here to drop leo?”
“yes grandma.”
“leave it to me. take care of yourself in school.” she says. you thanked her and handed her leo.
school was pretty much the same, of course you knew heeseung was going to pull some snarky remark about you. Tease you, annoy you to death. that was the usual. you were placing your book into your locker, as you shut the locker door, you noticed how heeseung had a smug look plastered on his face. he leaned against the locker beside you whilst folding his arm.
“what do you want?” you asked as you folded your arms.
“just wanted to see what you were up to.” you rolled your eyes at his words.
“what? miss me or something?” heeseung scoffs.
“why would i miss someone like you? you have no special place in my heart.”
“well...if i don’t have any special place in your heart, why do you still bother to annoy me? you could just ignore me and pretend i’m not here you know.”
this catches heeseung off-guard. you smirked before patting his shoulder.
“one could think you have a crush on me, is that true lee?” heeseung glares at you.
“in your dreams, (first name).”
“i would never dream of you, lee.” which was the last thing you said before you walked away from heeseung. not forgetting to knock into him.
“you two look very loving.” jay says. heeseung turns to face jay. the other boys were beside him, seems like they probably saw what happened between you and heeseung. heeseung rolls his eyes.
“i don’t like her like that. besides, what kind of sworn enemies fall for each other?”
“the enemies to lovers kind.” sunoo says.
“enough with you and your fanfiction shit. we have a competition soon. the old man will kill us if we don’t gather and practice. he already scolded me, jay and sunghoon for your irresponsibility.” heeseung says pointing to sunoo, ni-ki and jake.
“sounds like a you problem.” jake says.
“do you want me to tell every girl you’ve slept with that you have a sexual disease?” heeseung threatens. jake gasps.
“okay, i’m sorry! please don’t tell them that. they are still my playtoys and you know i have to get my dick wet every once in a while.”
“tmi dude.” sunghoon says.
“maybe you could abandon those girls and go for your dear enemy jake.” jay says. jake glares at the boy.
“if you think i’m ever going to have sex with her or ever get married to her. you are very wrong.”
“didn’t you lowkey place a bandaid onto her desk once because you saw her knees bleeding?” ni-ki says.
“even if i hate her. i’m not an indecent human being, i still have a heart.”
“yeah, that heart being your dick.��� jungwon says. jake holds onto his heart dramatically.
“nah, his brain is his dick. he only thinks with his dick.” sunghoon says. jake gasps.
“are you guys even my friends?? what the fuck.” jake sulks.
“enough. get to class and we will meet up after school at the carpark. if you don’t come, you know what will happen.” heeseung says. heeseung leaves the other 6 boys.
“if you don’t come, yOu knOW whAt happENs.” sunoo mocks heeseung’s voice. “what’s up with him this morning? it’s like he got dumped by (name).”
“maybe he did.” jungwon says.
“I won’t be surprised. he knows the way around flirting and doing illegal shit but when it comes to the one girl he obviously has feelings for, he is shit at it.” jake says.
“you’re all bark but no bite, jake.” jay says.
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean.” jake folds his arms.
“it means you do the exact same thing.” sunghoon flicks jake‘s forehead. the boy winces in pain.
“this is friend abuse I’ll have you know.” jake huffs.
“nah this is friend abuse.” ni-ki shoves sunoo.
“YAHHHH. YOU ASSHOLE.” sunoo shoves ni-ki back. both ni-ki and sunoo were now just bickering back and forth. jungwon sighs.
“and this is why heeseung hyung never leaves us alone.”
“you’re the leader.”
“yeah but you dipshits don’t listen to me.”
“we are older than you, we make our own rules.” jake says.
“it doesn’t work that way.” jungwon deadpans.
“uhh yeah it does? Ever heard of korean age system buddy?” jake states the obvious.
“you’re australian, you white people do not follow the age system.” jungwon folds his arm.
“i don’t even have a single white blood in me, i’m full korean but was born in brisbane.” jake explains.
“I feel like one of your parents are lying, there is no way you are not white. considering, how you act, one could think you are a chad or something.” sunghoon says.
“okay shut the fuck up everyone and get to class.” jay says.
“how about no?” ni-ki says.
“do you want your parents to ground you again and then you won’t be able to join us for the competition and our missions.” jay says. ni-ki pouts.
the 6 boys made their way to their classes, a little late but the teachers could care less about them anyways.
“(name) could you kindly explain to us what is wrong with this equation?” the teacher asks. you sighed. this teacher loved to pick on you, maybe because you were the only one listening in.
you went straight in front of class but not before tripping over something or someone. you looked up. it was one of heeseung’s biggest admirers. since heeseung always ignored her and only paid attention to you, you had been facing the consequences.
“whoops sorry, didn’t see you.” she says, adding a small little smirk at the end. you simply rolled your eyes and dusted your skirt.
you got to the front of the class and started fixing the question on the board. the teacher claps his hand.
“great job (name).”
you bowed and went back to your seat. he was such an annoying ass teacher.
you huffed and settled back at your seat.
could this day get any more worse?
And well it did.
“heeseung, give me back my fucking book.” you jumped to grab the book.
currently, you were in the library. why? because you were studying. however, heeseung being the complete asshole he is…he shows up to terrorise you so now you’ve been trying for the past 1 minute to grab your book for that 6ft giant.
“give me back my book, asshole.” you groaned.
“how about no.” heeseung smirks. you rolled your eyes and then an idea pops in your head.
you tugged on the boy’s tie, he jerks forward. your faces inches away from each other. heeseung’s breath hitches. your eyes land into the boy’s pinkish lips and then you look straight into his doe eyes. It was clear he was flustered by the distance. you leaned forward and you noticed how heeseung’s eyes flutter shut. you smirked.
Before your lips even met, you quickly snatched the book and walked away from him. his eyes flew open and his jaw drops. you turned to him and waved him off, sending him a small wink before you turned the corner. heeseung was baffled, he scoffs before a smile grows on his face.
idiot. was what he thought as the stupid smile on his face doesn’t falter.
when school ends, you ran back home to pick up your puppy. you thanked the lady for taking care of your dog.
“here, i’m sure you haven’t had dinner. I made a little too much and my husband is coming home a little late. enjoy this before you study alright?” the elderly lady says.
“thank you, grandma.” you bowed at her before entering your home. you didn’t have any form of entertainment in your home since you weren’t well off so leo was the only one who kept you company.
you took out your homework and started doing it. Leo nudges the utensils to get you to eat. You smiled and took a bite of the food as you worked on your homework. Leo’s tail wags watching you complete your homework. It felt like leo was a human trapped in a dog’s body, he knew when you don’t want to play, when you need to eat and when you overstress yourself. You were thankful to at least have someone by your side and taking care of you. Of course, the elderly couple that lived next door took care of you extremely well too. they treat you like you were their own granddaughter. they don’t earn much but they still gave you a small sum of money to at least buy food.
Things like this made you feel loved. however, with someone like heeseung existing..you can’t help but hate the world a little. the world was certainly a messed up place. you hear leo whimpering.
“Hmm? oh did i forgot to eat again pup?” you took a bite of the food. He barks, tail wagging to confirm he indeed was trying to get you to eat. “Thank you, pup.” you gave him a small kiss.
“I’m done with homework, wanna play?” you picked up a ball. the puppy barks in excitement. you hear a knock at your door so you went to check on who it was. Once you opened the door, you noticed it was sunoo. you tilt your head.
“what do you want?”
“umm noona, we kinda need help.”
“well you know how you have been working at a cafe for a while now and you told me during work hours that you hated the job and it doesn’t pay enough?”
“wanna work to be those ring girls/flag girls?” sunoo says. you tilt your head.
“sun, i am not going to show skin and wear sexy shit.”
“they pay $2000+ per match and they give you costumes to wear for every match. We usually have about 3 matches every month or so. sometimes even more. Small or large scale.”
That is a lot of money…for a month and surely you’d finally be able to afford an actual phone and pay back to the elderly couple next door.
“okay, i might consider but why did the previous flag girl quit?”
“our boss is kinda particular on girls and he thinks the flag girls have no right to have feelings for any of us.”
“That’s it? The flag girl was fired because she had feelings for one of you?”
“yeah, she liked heeseung hyung so umm our boss found out and fired her.”
“Mmm and why did you come to me?”
“Because you’ve expressed you hate heeseung hyung so much and you don’t have feelings for any of us so you were the best option i could suggest to the boss. please noona, can you do it?” you sighed.
“okay, i’ll do it.” sunoo hugs you.
“Thank you!!” he breaks the hug, “oh! I’ll send you the address, we have training tonight actually but boss says you can come tomorrow.”
“thanks again noona! you’re a lifesaver!” sunoo leaves your apartment. you shut the door and turned to leo.
“what have i just gotten myself into.”
the next night, you had asked the elderly lady to take care of your dog as you would be taking extra shifts for the night. she nods and asks you to take care of yourself as it is late out. You thanked her and went on your merry way.
“Is this even the right place?” you looked up, a pretty knocked up, old and rusty sign labelled ‘sugar shack’.
“I don’t even want to know what kind of sugar they mean.” you shivered. you entered the place and walked along the hallway. a bright light at the end of the hallway which led to the outdoor racing track. It was huge.
your jaw drops.
“noona!” sunoo calls out for you. you went over to where the younger boy was.
and of course, the other boys were there too. they simply watch you walk over to where they stood.
“hi sun.” you smiled.
“she’s the new flag girl?” jay says.
“Yup!” the other boys eyed you down. especially heeseung.
“she’s not exactly the sexy type you know.” sunghoon says. you scoffed.
“sorry for not following the standard you call sexy, park sunghoon. i do what i want to do. Besides, sunoo was the one who approached me. Not you.”
“damn, that’s kinda hot though.” jake says before wrapping an arm around your waist. “do you perhaps want to go on a date with me?” you pushed jake’s arms away from you.
“Thanks for the offer but i don’t date guys like any of you.” you eyed jake up and down. “Especially you.” jake blushes.
“Don’t tell me you popped a damn boner right now, jake.” jay says.
“look, she just eyed me down with that gaze. It’s hot, how am i not supposed to pop a boner?” jake reasons. jay groans.
“hyung, that’s gross.” jungwon says in disgust.
“noona, how about i show you to the changing room. the stylist has already picked out the outfit for you.” sunoo says trying to stray from jake’s convo. you hummed and followed sunoo.
“hyung, please explain to jake how he should stop popping a boner everytime he finds a girl hot?” jay says. heeseung keeps quiet, ni-ki waves his hand in front of the older male.
“Hmm?” heeseung says. the others stare at him.
“are you okay, hyung?”
“yeah, i am.”
“If it’s because you are about to work with your enemy…think of it on the bright side. Umm, you can annoy her more?” sunghoon says. heeseung rolls his eyes.
“just get to your places. we have to practice.” heeseung says before he walks over to his car.
“sheesh, cranky much.” jungwon says.
you left the changing room after changing into the outfit. It was really skimpy, too much skin showing and you felt uncomfortable but you had to think about the money you would be getting and so you went out.
the stares of other staff members were really overwhelming and not in a good way. this wasn’t the stare you’d particularly want, this is the stare of hunger and lust. you noticed how there weren’t many girls as their staff members. There were more males than you’d expect. maybe this is why sunoo wanted you to be their flag girl, there were rarely any girl staff here.
you kept pulling down the short skirt as it barely covered your butt.
“sun, what do i do next?” you asked the younger boy. they were discussing their routes for the race when you called. their eyes laid on you. you looked innocent and certainly the boys were flustered. never have they thought you would look hot wearing such a skimpy outfit.
“well?” you asked again. the boys pushed sunoo forward and he grumbles. A smile grazes his lips as he hands you a flag.
“so you will be counting down before the race starts with this.” he shows the flag, “wave the flag at one and just stand there. The cars will zoom past you and you are done for the day. You can stay and watch us if you’d like. maybe one of the boys could send you home since it’s late.”
you nod.
“jake stop staring at her legs.” jay smacks the back of the boy’s head. jake groans in pain.
“like i said, she’s hot! what am i supposed to do!” heeseung glares at jake and he shuts his mouth.
“oh, lover boy is mad you’re staring at his future girl.” sunghoon says. heeseung rolls his eyes.
“jungwon, it’s your turn for today. you know who you’re up against.” heeseung says. jungwon smirks.
“of course.”
The younger male walks over to his prized possession, his bike. this race included both bike and race cars. it depends really on the profession each competitor is good at. There would be no interchangeable matches, if you owned a bike, you raced with other bikers. Heeseung was the only one who owned a race car, the others owned a bike but that didn’t mean they weren’t great at racing with cars. they were trained to do both.
you got into positions, in between both bikes. the rival team member eyeing you up and down. Heeseung balls up his hands into a fist, jay holding him back from marching forward to teach the guy a lesson.
“None of you are to cross this line prematurely, if you do, that is a foul and you will be marked down for it.” the other guy scoffs.
“we get it sweetcheeks, a game like this is always about cheating and tactics.” he smirks, “and you happen to not have a boyfriend, right? someone as beautiful as you would certainly be a match for me.” he flirts.
you laughed. like straight up, laughed at his face. you smirked.
“you’re right, i’m beautiful but unfortunately, no guy could handle the best head they received their whole life hence i broke up with them.” you came close to the guy and grabbed him by his belt. “would you be able to handle that heartbreak? hmm?”
you shoved him away, “no? too bad. would’ve loved if i was able to give you amazing head. maybe you could even help me out.” you smirked and went to wave the flag. jungwon smirks and gets a headstart. the guy panics and quickly gets on his bike, he attempts to catch up with jungwon.
“noona, you are definitely fit for this job.” ni-ki gives you a thumbs up. you smiled. heeseung grabs his things and storms out of the place. The others were calling for him.
“what’s up with him?” you asked.
“just…angsty emo teen moment?” jay says.
“like you weren’t an angsty emo teen when you killed those guys at the age of 16. i mean, you killed what? 5 guys per week? or was it month? oh, let’s not forget-” sunghoon shuts jake’s mouth from running further. you sighed.
“sorry you had to hear that.” sunoo says.
“It’s fine, i live on the ghetto side. there are at least 2 murders a week so i’m not surprised.” you say.
“you don’t live with your parents?” sunghoon asks.
“I was an orphan since i was a baby. No big deal, been living alone since 15.”
“oh. your life is fine now right?”
“Yeah i am-” heeseung angrily enters and grabs your wrist. “hey! be gentle!” you yelled out to heeseung.
“If the old man asks where i am, just tell him i’m out drinking.” heeseung tells the others. They nod, unable to say anything.
heeseung brings you over to his car and throws his hoodie at you. you gasp and threw his hoodie back at him. he turns to look at you.
“Put it on.”
“no! I am not wearing your hoodie!” heeseung rolls his eyes. he grabs his jacket from the back seat and slings it over you. he tugs on the zip to his jacket to cover you up. You huffed. He starts the car up and drives off.
“Type in the address to your house.” he points to the GPS.
“if you haven’t forgotten, my hands haven't been able to move since you zipped up the jacket.” heeseung sighs.
“Tell me the address then i’ll type it in.”
“what if you stalk me?”
“wasn’t planning to, after all you aren’t my type.” you scoffed before telling him your address.
the drive to your house was somewhat quiet, the only sounds were heeseung humming to the songs playing on the radio and the engine. about 10 minutes later, you arrived at the driveway of the apartment. He was waiting for you to get out so he turns to you expecting you to do so but you don’t.
“What?” you asked.
“Get out. We are here.” you rolled your eyes and fumbled out of the jacket heeseung gave you. you threw the jacket at heeseung and left the car.
“asshole, not even gentleman-like. where the fuck are his manners.” you started to walk away when you felt heeseung grabbing your wrists. he spins you around and drapes the jacket over you.
“it’s cold out and you are wearing something revealing.” he pats your head and quickly enters his car, driving off. you stood there frozen. you quickly got back your senses and went into the apartment building.
the next week consisted of school and being the flag girl. however, as the elderly couple next was sick, you decided to bring your dog over to the place.
“hey, there is our star flag girl!” jake says. you playfully rolled your eyes. jake notices the dog pacing around you. he gasps, “PUPPY!!!” he excitedly kneels down to the puppy and starts trying to get its attention. you laughed.
“I brought leo over since the elderly couple next door are unfortunately sick and can’t take care of him.” jake grabs the puppy and holds him close.
“I finally get to meet him!! He is so precious!!!” jake makes kissy faces at the puppy. leo barks and wags his tail.
“So is the boyfriend that gives you great head?” sunghoon jokes. jay snorts. You lightly hit sunghoon’s arm.
“very funny.”
“Oh come on, it is.”
“This is the only guy that has stuck with me practically my whole life.”
“what are we then? we’ve treated you a bunch, both food and…” sunghoon stares at jake. “pleasure?”
“sunghoon! I already told you i didn’t hook up with jake! It was a curling iron incident!”
“yeah save it. we all know, you and jake have been hooking up!”
“you really think i’d be hooking up with jake a week after actually talking to you guys?”
“it’s jake, he makes anything impossible, possible.”
“Is that his life motto or something?” you ask. jay and sunghoon laughed.
“noona, if you must know. it’s just the beer talking. those idiots had some drinks before.” jungwon explains.
“ah, makes sense whatever they are spewing is nonsense.” you grabbed your bag and tossed it into the dressing room locker.
In this week of knowing them, you grew a little comfortable with them and so they started hanging out in your dressing room. Don’t worry, you changed in the bathroom so they didn’t see anything.
“we are sober!” sunghoon shouts. you waved them off before entering the bathroom and locking it.
you pulled off your shirt when suddenly, a hand grazes your waist. you were about to scream when a hand flies to cover your mouth, preventing you from screaming.
“mind to possibly check the bathroom before you use it?” the voice whispers. your eyes widened. you forcefully pulled the hands off your mouth.
“lee heeseung??” he leans on the bathroom tiles, eyeing you up and down. you looked down at yourself before covering your body up.
“the clothes the stylist picks out doesn’t cover much, it’s not like i haven’t seen you like this before.” you scoffed.
“turn around.” you told him.
“you barged in here while i was smoking.” he folds his arms.
“Well i was going to change so you should leave!”
“Alright.” he eyes you up and down again. “I suggest wearing some tight bodycon outfits. Helps with accentuating your body shape.” he winks before leaving the bathroom. you could hear gasps from outside. you knew the others were assuming something inappropriate.
3am, was when you were done. well when the race was done, jake offered to drive you home since it was already late.
“you just want to play with leo a little longer.” you eyed jake.
“Is it wrong for me to love your dog? He is adorable and layla would love a new friend!”
“dude? We have gaeul and bisco.” sunghoon says. jungwon sighs.
“can we stop fighting about dogs? jake hyung, go drive (name) noona home. she’s had a long day and she’s tired.”
“yes leader-nim.” jake bowed. he holds out his hand ready for you to take it but heeseung slaps his hand on jake’s.
“sorry, change of plans. I’ll be driving (name) home now.” heeseung says.
“hyung, you already madeout with her in the bathroom just now! let me be a gentleman and drive her home!” jake says.
“we didn’t makeout in the bathroom! how many times have i explained to you guys.” you groaned.
“really? cause if i’m not wrong, you were begging for more. you even pulled your shirt off. doesn’t that mean you wanted more?” heeseung says. your jaw drops.
“uhhh.” sunoo awkwardly says.
“that’s umm.” ni-ki says. you took a deep breath.
“lee fucking heesung!” you grabbed his hands and dragged him out. he winks at the boys. Your puppy, leo, follows both you and heeseung out.
you folded your arms as soon as you made it outside of his car.
“what do you want me to say, my dear enemy?” heeseung smirks.
“can you stop with the sexual jokes?”
“you know i’m just kidding (name). Unless…” he leans forward, your breath hitching. “you want it to be real.” he smirks. you rolled your eyes and pushed him away slightly.
“why would i want it to be real? I don’t have feelings for you.”
“heeseung, if you think i’d ever forgive you for all the shit you pulled for these 4 years. I’m not going to. you have hurt me multiple times.” you watched his eyes soften, guilt and regret taking over. “just send me home. we have school tomorrow and i have a test, i can’t be late.”
“Yeah, umm.” he unlocks his car and gets in it before realising something. he runs to your side of the door and opens it for you. you tilt your head. “Get in.” you just got in and leo hops up on your lap.
The drive home was silent as per usual.
2 months passed by and well it certainly was different. heeseung wasn’t making snarky remarks at you. Well he still did but it was more harmless. he got on your nerves less which was surprising. something that was weird to you was how protective he was over you.
Every single time any of the boys offered to drive you home, he would pitch in and say he was driving you home. At this point, the boys didn’t even bother asking, knowing heeseung would be the one assigned to drive you home. oh one more thing, the amount of times this boy always flirts with you is actually baffling.
Today was no different. you and the boys were hanging out in the dressing room. You grabbed your outfit and went to change in the bathroom. you noticed heeseung blowing out a puff of smoke. just like 2 months ago…
“why do you always smoke in the bathroom?” you questioned the boy. he huffs another smoke cloud.
“because i am near the guys.” he looks over at you, “and i’m near you.”
And there he goes again. another flirt thrown at you by none other than lee heeseung. you playfully rolled your eyes.
“get out, i need to change.” you stood there with your outfit in your hands.
“we’ve established this 2 months ago, the clothes the stylist gives you practically shows almost everything. It’s not like i haven’t seen everything.”
“you haven’t seen everything. I’m not fully naked.” you deadpan. the male walks closer to you, throwing his cigarette bud on the ground.
“and what if i want to?” he says as he extremely dangerously close to your face. Your breath hitches. He smirks and boldly pecks your lips. your eyes widened, you smacked his arm.
“dude! you just kissed me.”
“i do realise that (name).”
“You can’t just kiss me without consent!”
“you would’ve let it happen either way, am i right?” he raises his brow.
“n-no? why would i let my enemy kiss me.”
“Both you and i know, we have gone past the term enemies. we hang out in the same room without arguing horribly all the time.” you moved back and your back hits the cold tile bathroom walls. he places a hand on one side of you,
“what do you want from me?” you asked him.
it was silent as he thought of what he wanted.
“tell me you like me.”
“huh?” heeseung sighs.
“if you don’t like me like that, i’ll leave you alone and you can forget any of this happened.”
“what do you mean?”
“please.” he voices out. it was clear from his voice that he was about to cry. It was trembling.
A clear knock interrupts what you were about to say.
“noona, is everything okay in there?” sunoo calls out. you hear a gasp. “is heeseung hyung in there again! oh my god, ewww you two better not be doing something disgusting in there!”
you looked up at heeseung and he looks down at you.
“lee heeseung. I-” heeseung pushes himself away from you.
“this isn’t right. i’m forcing you. i’ve messed everything up again.” he says. when he looks back into your eyes, you could see the clear gloss covering his doe eyes. “I should leave.”
you grabbed his wrist.
“heeseung wait.” he stops. “I know you have a lot on your mind right now, you found your sister. she has to stay with you and now problems with the gang. you might have to move away…though i don’t want you to.”
“say that again.” heeseung says. you stood in front of him and held both of his hands.
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“(name), we shouldn’t. I’ve hurt you enough.”
“And that’s the thing. you’ve teased me a bunch of times over the years. I hated you for it but if you leave. who is going to annoy the shit out of me everyday?”
“you can live your normal life without the insults.”
“but what if i liked the attention you gave me.” he looks up at you. “heeseung, i like you.”
The boy keeps silent. he was in shock. why would you still like him after all the horrible stuff he did and say to you? what kind of person would date their bully?
“but why would you-”
“are you not happy that i share the same feelings as you?” you asked him.
“of course i am but why would you like me after i did everything to you. you should hate me not do the opposite.”
“guess i’m fucked up then.” you say.
“(name). are you really sure about this?” heeseung says.
“are you doubting my feelings for you, lee heeseung?”
“no no, it’s just. I really don’t get why.”
“maybe i just like bad boys.” you shrugged. “Besides, you did some sort of make up by not annoying me for the past 2 months. I actually felt comfortable. love and feelings work in different ways. Maybe i just needed to get this awakening to make me realise i like you instead of hating you.”
“just kiss me, idiot. do you not want to kiss your girlfriend?” he blushes, “oh? I made you blush!”
“s-shut up.”
“Oh my god, the almighty lee heeseung blush-” he kisses you. you wrapped your arms around his neck and happily kissed him. his hands grazed your waist, pulling you closer.
By the minute, the kiss progressively grew heated. he definitely showed how much he liked you through the kiss. you hummed against his lips as his cold hands went under your shirt.
you hear a series of knocks at the bathroom door.
“Hey umm, heeseung we kinda need to start the match. The next rival is waiting and he is kinda impatient.” sunghoon says.
heeseung breaks the kiss and groans.
“fine but wait a minute. my lady needs to change.”
“things happened, now could you please relay the message. I’ll be there in a hot minute.” heeseung says.
“h-hot minute!? don’t tell me you are about to undress (name) and in a non holy way.”
“HOON SHUT IT.” you yelled. heeseung snorts. he hands you the outfit.
“I won’t peek, don’t worry.” he whispers into your ears before turning away. you shook your head and simply took off your shirt and changed into the outfit.
Once you made it out to the track area, you noticed the rival eyeing you down. As per usual. heeseung smirks, his hands wrapping around your waist as you walked towards the rival.
“nice seeing you again.” heeseung says. The guy scoffs.
“your new playtoy?”
“new?” heeseung smirks, “I think she would stick around for a long time though.” heeseung caresses your cheek lovingly.
“she’s ugly by the way.” the guy says.
“she wouldn’t be ugly if everyone wasn’t caught staring at her.” heeseung retorts back. The guy clenches his fist. you walked over and grabbed the flag. the race starts after you finished counting down. it was obvious who was going to win.
heeseung passes the finishing line with a huge gap against his rival. he doesn’t even bother looking back at his rival before making his way over to you.
“let’s leave together.”
“yes.” was all you said. heeseung pulls into a passionate kiss and spins you around happily.
love, it worked in many weird ways. you never thought you’d fall in love with the same guy who you despise but here you were and there were many more years to come with him.
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kyberblade · 2 years
Back To You (Din x Reader) - Part 3
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A/N: I had planned on getting all the way to Mos Pelgo, but we didn’t. We’re exploring feelings, and getting some back story between these two. I hope you enjoy it!
(This takes place right where the other one left off and goes right to the first part of episode 2x1/9, The Marshal.)
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, and Din is once again a warning in and of himself in this one.
Word count: 5,017
As always, thanks to @grippingbeskar for encouraging me, looking over this for me, and being the one to introduce me to Din fanfiction in the first place, getting me hooked. You are fantastic and I always love our chats.
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You’d heard of Tatooine, but never been there.
Working in a cantina on a planet that was an intergalactic hub let you see all kinds of people, with vast experiences and knowledge to pass along. True, a lot of it seemed like tall tales spun by drunken lips, which admittedly a large portion of it was, but you still learned a thing or two between glasses of spotchka and embellishments.
If you ever had any questions, you asked Din. He had been almost everywhere, as far as you could tell, and though he always ordered a drink, he never drank it, slipping it instead across the bar to you when no one was looking.
At first you blamed the helmet, and you told him as much. To which he shrugged and responded that he just wanted to keep his wits about him, in case anyone tried anything. You’d always assumed he meant a drunken brawl, or if a patron got too handsy, but after the last few days, you were beginning to understand a little better.
Din would keep you company at the bar, holding it up with all that beskar. He rarely ever sat, but then again, neither did you, as you worked behind the counter. He never really talked about his work, but he talked about where he had been, what he had seen, and it fascinated you. He basically got paid to travel and see the galaxy, and a small part of you envied him for that.
He brought you trinkets after the first few visits, just small little things he thought you’d like, and he nailed it every time. Anyone who came to your apartment would have thought you were extremely well traveled, with this and that from the Outer Rim, and these from Naboo, oh, and that one thing from Corellia.
You smiled fondly as you thought back on all the moments, sitting in the copilot seat to Din’s left in the cockpit of the Razor Crest. Despite Tatooine’s not so great reputation, you weren’t worried at all, because you knew you were going with someone who knew what they were doing. If it had been anyone else, you had no doubt, you’d be out of your mind with anxiety.
The kid sat in the chair to your right, warbling on about something he wanted desperately, hand reaching out and you felt a surge before a small metal ball on top of one of the levers began to unscrew. You watched in silence, eyes wide, biting your lip to not start laughing.
Suddenly the ball flew into his grip with a cry of triumph, making Din jump slightly in surprise, and mutter a curse under his breath.
Turning to glare at the kid, he glanced over to you before starting to turn back, doing a double take. His visor leveled on you, you couldn’t help the smile anymore.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, voice almost annoyed, but the sigh that followed showed he was resigned to the situation.
“Nothing. I’m just thinking about how I never left Coruscant, and now in a matter of just a few days, I’ve already been to several new planets. I’m happy.”
“I don’t know that I’ve ever known someone to be happy to see Tatooine,” he muttered dryly, making you chuckle.
“I’m happy to see anywhere. I’ve lived vicariously through you for years, now I get to put my feet on the ground somewhere instead of just pretending.”
“Well, just stay close to me. So long as you do that, you should have nothing to worry about.” He began to spin back to the front, pausing and turning his head back to face you when you spoke again.
“I’m not worried. As long as you’re here, I’m not worried.”
He stared at you in silence for a long moment. Nothing changed in his posture, not the tilt of a helmet, the twitch of a finger, nothing. And you found yourself wishing for the first time you could just see his face. Was he smiling? Staring? Did you have something on your face?
Finally the moment passed, and he turned back to fully face the front, reaching out to flick a switch as you saw the planet looming through the viewport.
You dropped the last few feet of the ladder, landing firmly in the hull. Turning, you almost ran into Din, causing you to stumble back a little bit. He reached out a hand to stabilize you, and you looked at it briefly as it sat on your shoulder. You were so used to him being across a barrier from you that all of this contact stirred up something new in you. It was a feeling you couldn’t quite place, but you knew you wanted more of it.
Glancing down as you cleared your throat, you saw the kid in his satchel, babbling away excitedly. “Well, someone looks happy to see Tatooine,” you said, poking fun at what Din had said earlier.
He let out a soft snort of laughter. “He’s just happy to see a friend.”
The ramp began to lower, and you turned to brace against the wall of heat that rushed in to fill the space.
“I could have done without that,” you muttered, pushing your sleeves up to your elbows.
Din leaned in close to your ear, a snarky voice popping through the modulator. “Welcome to Mos Eisley.”
Following a few paces behind him, you turned from glaring at the back of his helmet to taking in the hanger, seeing a lot of beige, brightness, and parts everywhere. A shorter woman with curls that stuck out in a way that almost made her look crazy but also somehow made her endearing was calling out to some small little pit droids to leave the ship alone.
“You know he doesn’t like droids.”
You raised your eyebrow at him. This was new info.
“May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once over.”
You let out a snort of laughter, hanging your head to examine the ramp when he turned his visor slowly to glare at you, tilted just to the side. You scuffed your shoe just to have something to do.
The tiny woman saved you, drawing his attention back with, “I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos E- Oh! Thank the Force!” She let out a cry of glee when Din turned to let her see the satchel, the kid giggling at the sight of his friend as she reached for him. Din helped her get him out of the bag, stepping back to your side where you stood at the base of the ramp looking on with a smile. “Come here, you little womp rat!”
Looking back up at the Mandalorian with a grin you decided you could trust, she turned her gaze onto you, her eyes sparkling playfully, and you were reminded of the child in her arms. No wonder they got along so well. “And who might this be?”
“This is my…. Friend, from Coruscant,” Din said, introducing you.
The woman offered her hand, which you took and shook firmly, returning her smile. “Your friend, eh?”
You chuckled. “Yes, he actually does have one.”
Din cleared his throat, gesturing to you as he went on. “There was an…. Incident, and we had to get her off planet for now.”
You looked up to the side of his helmet, noticing how he wouldn’t look at you, and smirked. Incident. He must really like that word.
“Well, any friend of Mando’s is a friend of mine. Name’s Peli. Ever need anything, just ask.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I’ve been tasked with returning him to his kind-”
“I meant her, she could ask. You, we need conditions for.”
Din groaned and spoke on a sigh. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You walked around the hanger while they continued to discuss business, looking at maps and going over details. Hands held behind your back you ambled aimlessly, looking at the various tables and other surfaces covered in various parts for all sorts of things, from household stuff to large ship parts.
You didn’t really know what most of it did, but you knew a thing or two from a mechanic who came into the bar once a week and after a drink or several began to grumble about his customers, complaining about their lack of knowledge. You’d roll your eyes as you turned away to refill his cup, but some of what he said had sunk in, locked away for when necessary.
A hand on your forearm startled you, making you spin around and step back slightly from the source.
“Sorry,” Din said quietly. “We’re going to have to leave the ship here and go by speeder to Mos Pelgo. I assume you don’t know how to drive one?”
You tilted your head back, looking down your nose at him. “That’s presumptuous of you. I grew up on Coruscant. You have to have transport most anywhere.”
“So no?” Din asked after a moment.
“No,” you mumbled, looking over to the droids working on his ship.
“Then I’ll teach you.”
“What?” Your eyes snapped up to his visor, lips a tight line.
He shrugged. “It’s easy. There’s plenty of room, just sit in front of me, I’ll do the shifting and driving for a while, then when we’re out in the desert, away from people and things you can hit, you can try it.”
“Oh, how kind of you to offer,” you said sarcastically, earning a chuckle. “You know, if this goes poorly, and we’re way out there, there’s no one to hear you scream.”
“Is that a threat?” He said playfully, visor tilting to the side as his hands went to rest on his belt.
“You’ll find out,” you drawled, walking towards the speeder.
Climbing onto the bike, you instantly were smooshed forward when he climbed in behind you. You slowly looked over your shoulder at him, eyes narrowed. “Plenty of room, huh?”
“Yeah, for me.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to face forward, trying to ignore the buzzing sensation from his laugh at your back, the sound leaving his chest and bouncing around what felt like your bones. You blamed it on the beskar, some weird resonance, frequency, or something. But you couldn’t fight the smile it brought to your face, or the shiver that ran down your spine when he leaned forward beside your ear and said just above a whisper, “Hold on.”
He drove the first third of the way, and while you really tried, you didn’t pay much attention.
Peli had tossed a pair of goggles to you right before Din sped off, and you had scrambled to get them on before he hit the accelerator. You’d felt him tense up behind you as he adjusted a few controls, and as soon as the goggles were situated, he relaxed and almost molded around you before the world started flying by in streaks of color. It was almost like hyperspace, but brighter, warmer, and little flecks of sand pelted your skin occasionally. Sounds whizzed by you before you could focus on them, mixing into a ruckus underscore to the roaring of the speeder engine.
The further away from town you got, the cleaner the air smelled, and you found yourself taking deep, long breaths, relishing in the feeling you could never achieve back home. Every deep breath pressed your back more firmly into his chest, and you expected some remark from him, but you received none. If anything, he shifted backwards a little bit before pulling you back to rest against his chest again, giving you just an inch or so more breathing room.
After the first stint, he had you put your hands in the proper places on the handles, just to get the feel, and gently placed his over yours to help press the proper buttons and turn the proper gears. You tried to absorb it, you really did, but between the fresh air, the never ending fields of just sand and space instead of congestion and traffic, not to mention his hands over yours stirring up a new sensation you couldn’t put a name to, your mind wasn’t wanting to focus. Well, it was, but not on learning how to drive a speeder.
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the kid in his satchel on the back, his head poking out, ears flapping in the wind and a broad smile on his face.
Glancing to Din, you almost had to look away, the suns glinting off his armor making you squint.
Reaching up one hand, he put a finger on the side of your chin and pushed gently, turning you back to face forward. “Rule number one, always watch where you are going.”
Your eyes darted down to watch his hand come back to cover yours on the handle once again. I’m watching.
The suns were setting as you pulled the speeder into a sweeping stop, the child squealing with delight along the long curve, giggling once the movement came to a jerking halt.
You ginned, looking back at Din to see his shoulders rise and fall as he let out a heavy sigh. “It’s a start,” he said finally. He looked back at the kid who had started babbling about something, and you took the moment to just look at him. The twin suns cast brilliant colors on his beskar, his armor reflecting them back with as much luster as it could offer. Light purples, pinks, oranges, and even a little red fading into the deep blue night sky above, sparkling with stars as they began to appear. He was a mirror of his surroundings, and it was no wonder to you that he was so good at what he did, sneaking into places unseen like a shadow.
“You’re alive, aren’t you?” You teased, watching as he turned back to face you again.
“That’s true,” he said thoughtfully, making you snicker.
“The kid is hungry,” he went on to say, his hands leaving yours where they had lingered on the handle bars, before they landed on your hips briefly, and he swung one leg over, jumping off the speeder fully.
You instantly missed his warmth, his calming presence at your back, and leaned forward slightly, away from the cool night air licking at your now exposed back.
“We can make camp here. I’ll get a fire started, then we can eat. After that….” he let out a heavy breath as he hefted a large bag of supplies off the speeder, setting it on the ground before he turned back to face you. “After that, I’m teaching you how to shoot.”
“Now, just aim…. Like this….” Din spoke calmly, demonstrating slowly before pulling the trigger, a bolt of light leaving the blaster and sending the empty ration pack from dinner flying off the large rock. You weren’t sure of the distance, but you were sure it didn’t matter to him, he’d hit it regardless. “There. Now you try.”
“I don’t know about this,” you mumbled, shaking your head, looking down to your feet as you walked to where Din was. Bringing your gaze up, you narrowed your eyebrows, looking over at the kid where he stood atop another large rock just to your side. Darting your eyes to the target then back to him, you raised your eyebrows in question, and he tilted his head to express his own. Subtly nodding your head that way for emphasis, the kid looked down range at the targets, then back to you, eyes squinting playfully. You smirked.
Taking aim, you took in a deep breath, letting it out as you quietly said, “Just aim…. And….” Pulling the trigger, you missed the pack splendidly, sand shooting up way past the target where the bolt landed, and Din sighed, stopping short when the pack suddenly flew up and over out of nowhere.
Cocking his head to the side as he stared down range, you turned wide eyes to the kid, slowly shaking your head no to his squeaked ‘eh?’.
“You used the kid?” His voice was incredulous, even through the modulator, his head turning your way in disbelief.
You shrugged. “He helped me out at the fight yesterday, helped me listen in for a little bit. We’re basically partners now….”
“Partners in crime,” Din said sarcastically, hands going to his hips. “Do it again,” he gestured you forward, leaning around you to look pointedly at the kid. “Alone this time.”
“What good is a wizard baby if you can’t….” You could feel the tilt he leveled on you. “Fine, fine. I’m only joking, anyway.” You held up the blaster to aim before muttering, “Kind of.” Closing one eye, you aimed, and pulled, watching the bolt whiz right by a packet, close enough it wiggled. “Ah-ha!” You cried in triumph, turning to look at Din. “I did that while you were looking at me like that.” You nodded toward his still tilted helmet. “I think that’s practically the same as a bullseye.”
“Think again,” he muttered. “Try it one more time, then we’ll take a break.”
Determined, you took aim again, firing, only to miss spectacularly, and hit a rock several feet away from the target.
“We’ll figure it out,” he said, hand rubbing the forehead of his helmet in exasperation, “but let’s stop and think for a minute.” Walking over to the kid, his armor jingling with each step, he scooped him up in his arms, setting him down once he was closer to the fire, before he sat down himself.
Lowering yourself next to him, a few inches between you, you crossed your legs, leaning back on your palms as you stared at the fire.
“How did you train your abilities if the temple burned down?”
You turned your head to look at him, his question catching you off guard. He stayed staring straight ahead at the fire, one leg bent, his elbow resting on it comfortably. The flames reflected in his armor as they danced lazily.
Looking back to the fire, you took a deep breath before answering. “It’s like a muscle. You have to use it to grow, to get stronger. Once I knew what it was, we had to keep quiet because the Empire wanted all Force sensitive people, I’m not sure for what, but I didn’t want to find out.” You saw Din turn his visor your way in your peripherals. “It started with just reading everything I could get my hands on. The temple used to be there and Coruscant has a black market like you wouldn’t believe, so that wasn’t too hard. It’s mindfulness, really.”
You brought your knee up to rest your arm on, mirroring his position as you continued to stare at the fire. “Then, since I was on my own with it, just…. Using it. Small things. Amusing things. Helpful things.”
“Like what?” He seemed genuinely interested, not just moving the conversation along.
“Amusing like…. Tripping the kid who bullied me in school. Helpful like…. Lifting all the chopped vegetables into the pot while I’m doing something else at the same time. Stuff like that. Little things.”
Putting the palm of your hand not resting on your leg flat on the sand, you looked down at it, focusing. You felt the vibrations under the sand of creatures moving deep below the surface. The push and pull of gravity humming along your fingers. The slow rotation of the planet buzzing all around. And with a small smile, you channeled that all into one thing, making grains of sand slowly rise all around the three of you. They sparkled like stars in the firelight, the glow catching them just so.
The kid cooed, and Din took a sharp breath in, his arm jerking back from his knee, his leg slowly lowering to the ground as his head tilted back to look around at the particles.
Sending a swirl the kid’s way, you sent the sand around him circling, spiraling like a galaxy, making him giggle and squint his eyes as he pulled his arms tight like it tickled. Pulling the grains away from him, they assembled together into a mirror image of his face, hovering in front of him. He reached out to touch them with a squeal, and as soon as one claw poked the collection, they shot apart again, moving in a line to swirl around Din’s helmet in a spiral before you let them all fall back to the ground silently.
His helmet turned to face you, and you wanted to think you could read disbelief in his body language. It was almost just shock. But you just smiled while he processed and said, “Stuff like that.”
When silence hung between you for too long, you decided to ask something you had wondered for a while.
“Din, can I ask you a question? It’s going to seem so random, but I have wondered for a long time, and-”
“What is it?” His voice was quiet, kind.
“Why did you even first come into the cantina?”
“What do you mean?” He hesitated a little bit before asking.
“I mean, you never drink anything you buy. At first I blamed your helmet, then you said you wanted to ‘keep your wits about you’, but regardless, why did you even come into a cantina in the first place?”
You stared at the fire with wide eyes, lips drawn in a tight line. You hadn’t meant to ramble, it just came out. You were about to change the subject, tell him to forget it, when he answered plainly.
“I had a meeting.”
“Oh.” You don’t know what you were expecting. It was a perfectly valid answer. Maybe it was just the simplicity of it that caught you off guard, how something so simple had set off a chance meeting of a Mandalorian you’d come to call your friend.
“A contact who knew about a bounty wanted to meet there. They ended up never showing up.” He grunted a bit in frustration. “I ordered the drink for them to try and get on their good side. When it wasn’t going to get drunk, I slid it over to you. I didn’t want to waste it. I was about to leave, but then you said something….” He tilted his head to the side just slightly, as if searching the campsite before him for the answer. “I can’t even remember now, it was so long ago, I just remember you smiled at me, and it was the first time in a while anyone had done anything like that towards me. And I liked it.” He turned his head to look at you, and you could feel the weight of his gaze even through the visor. Once again you hoped you were meeting his eyes with your own, but after a few seconds they dropped back to the fire, unable to hold his stare.
It was the most words you think he had ever said at one time.
“So I stayed.” He turned back to look at the fire like you were, adjusting in his seat so subtly, you almost didn’t notice when he stilled again and was several inches closer to you, leaving only a sliver of space between you. “And I came back.”
“And you came back,” you whispered, feeling a smile tug up your lips. You leaned over and bumped your shoulder into his gently, righting yourself, but staying up against him instead of returning the small space left.
“And the drink, that was just…. Yeah, that was the helmet.” You both laughed softly. “So I would just give it back to you.”
“I figured as much,” you smirked. “Well, I hope one day we’re able to share a drink together. I refuse to let a helmet stand in the way of you getting to enjoy life. So we need to figure something out.” You placed a hand on his forearm, giving it a pat before returning it to your lap.
“We’ll see, cyar'ika,” he said with a chuckle, gently shaking his head. Standing up, he held out his hand for you. “Come on. I want to try something.”
Taking his hand, you stood up, following close behind him.
“I want you to focus like when you did the thing with the sand when you shoot.”
“I don’t know, it takes a lot of concentration, and I haven’t been keeping up with it lately. It can be very draining, as I’m sure you’ve seen with the kid.”
“Just try. For me?” His voice was quiet, and you knew why. He wanted you to be safe. This was his way of helping that process along. “Here, I’ve got you. If it’s too much, I’m right here.” He walked the few steps to stand behind you, chest against your back like before on the speeder. “I’ll catch you.”
Swallowing roughly, you nodded, lifting your arms to aim, stilling when his hands came to rest on your shoulders. “Relax,” he spoke softly by your ear. “You’re too tense, it’ll skew the shot.” His gloved hands slowly slid down your arms, coming to rest around your hands, mirroring your stance exactly. “Breathe.”
“Okay, you try learning to shoot, use the Force, and have your personal space invaded all at the same time and you breathe,” you snarked quietly.
His hands pulled away from you slightly. “Okay. Sorry. I’ll step back.”
“No, no,” you immediately stopped him, stammering, “that’s not what I said.” You licked your lips, adjusting your feet a bit into a stronger stance. “I’m just…. I’m trying.”
His hands came back and you not only heard his low chuckle, but felt it buzzing out of his chest and into you.
The warmth of his embrace helped you focus. He wrapped around you like a blanket, shielding you from everything else. His hands held onto yours just tightly enough to know he was there, and just lightly enough to be maddeningly not enough. You felt the Force flowing through the sand, up through him, and into you. Glancing to the side you saw the child once again up on his rock, watching, his eyes sparkling with mischief, making your lips tilt up in a smirk. Looking back at the targets you relaxed your shoulders down, letting out the tension on a sigh.
The coolness of his beskar was a stark contrast to the rest of him, the rigidity pressing into your spine as everything else molded to you like it was made to.
“Keep both eyes open, and when you’re ready, just pull the trigger.”
His voice was low and steady at your back, calming even. Each word created a vibration that betrayed the processed sound of the modulator, and seemed to bounce around inside you like an echo. It made you feel grounded, safe…. It was the same feeling you got whenever he walked back into your cantina. Or when you’d sit with a cup of tea and stare at the painting he gave you. It felt a lot like coming home.
Aiming at the farthest empty ration pack, you took a deep breath in, let it out, stared down the packet and-
It flew into the air, spinning end over end before landing on the sand with a plop.
You smiled the biggest smile you think you’ve ever had on your face, Din let out a laugh in triumph, and the kid squeaked happily from atop his rock as he looked on.
You turned your head to look at him over your shoulder, voice quiet, but excited. “I did it.”
“I knew you could.” His tone was proud and sounded like he was smiling, too.
You stared at him for a minute, grin turning mischievous. “One more time?”
He laughed softly, gently shaking his head at you playfully as he held you close once again, his visor turned not down the range at the target, but looking at you.
Hitting another packet straight on, you looked up at him again and smiled, finding him already looking down at you. His thumbs began to trace your knuckles, almost absentmindedly, and you wanted to lean into the feeling.
But suddenly everything started to spin, and you just couldn’t keep your eyes open. You felt the world dropping out from underneath you before it was stopped by two strong arms, Din’s hands leaving yours and bringing one arm behind your shoulders, the other catching you under your knees. Walking carefully back, you felt the slight sway of his steps as he went back by the fire, the warmth spreading over your skin the closer you got. Your head rested on his shoulder, and you felt yourself burrowing closer into his neck, the soft material of his shirt much more comfortable than the pauldron under your cheek.
Opening your eyes as much as you could, you saw the front of his throat and the fire in front of you both as he settled down against one of the rocks, leaning back against it with a muffled groan as he got comfortable. “Thank you,” you muttered, adjusting in his hold so that your nose was pressed into his neck.
“Sleep, mesh’la,” he said in a deep, quiet voice.
A blanket was being placed on you where you curled into his lap, and soon you felt the kid inching his way up your leg using the material as leverage. A contented sigh left the little one as he curled into a ball on your lap, and you felt sleep coming faster and faster. Din sighed before relaxing back against the rock, his grip adjusting on you and holding you close. He turned his visor to face you, and the cold feel of beskar against your forehead helped you take the last few steps to rest, the last thing you register was his quiet voice once again as he leaned his head back against the rock. “Sleep.”
Tags: @ren-ni​, @hoodedbirdie,​ @rennalouise,​ @kurlyfrasier,​ @what-the-heckin-heck,​ @deceiverofgodss, @littleshadow17, @nghtwngs,​ @djarinmuse, @queenmalhinewahine,​ @lam-ila,​ @jesseeka,​ @come-hell-or-eldren-fire​​ What’s this?
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multifandominfj · 6 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Fourteen: Let The Party Begin
“Okay everyone, they should be on their way.” Kelly announced. “Kara has no idea about any of this, and most of you she hasn’t seen since the wedding.”
“I gotta say, Lena sure knows how to throw a party.” Sara brings Ava a Martini while they wait.
“I loved your proposal, babe, but I’m even going to admit this has the makings of a Hallmark movie proposal. If that Hallmark movie were also based on fanfiction.” Ava commented.
“Those may be unrealistic…” Iris joins them at their table.
“But you have to admit, Kara and Lena are what those couples should be in the movies.” Sam finished Iris’s thought, practically the same thing.
On the far side of the room we’re Barry, Cat and Lois.
“Cat, I’m surprised with your busy schedule, you managed to make it tonight.” Lois brings over a Bourbon on the rocks for Cat.
“When my best reporter and Editor and Chief is getting engaged to the woman who single handedly helped jump start the re-brand of CatCo with her foundation’s feature piece on female run businesses, I made sure to make time.” Cat takes a long sip of her drink.
“Come on, Miss Grant.” Barry gave her a knowing look. Kara had told him many stories about how Cat genuinely cared, she just had her image to upkeep.
“Oh, sweet, innocent, slightly naïve Bartholomew. If I didn’t know any better, you were acting like an alternate universe version of that charming insect man in those comic books movies; who most definitely drank the blood of a vampire to look as good as he does, to get me to reveal how I’m really feeling...”
Lois was the human embodiment of the wide eyed emoji. She was dying to see how this would play out.
“That, my dear human battery charger, is between Kiera and I. But, if it will satisfy the very clear, and annoyingly eager newborn puppy energy radiating off you…I am…beyond happy for the both of them.” Cat chugged the rest of her Bourbon. “Excuse me, I’m going to go take advantage of the open bar.”
Stifling her laughter from not only the reveal of Barry’s full name, but Cat reading him to filth, Lois had a mischievous gleam in her eye. “Bartholomew? Oh, I’m never going to let that go.”
Over by the window in one of the more lounge areas, Nia and Esme were having some girls' time. “Here you go Esme, one Dream Girl.” Nia sets before her a tall glass of a lemon-lime soda, blueberry simple syrup and blue curaçao syrup with a blueberry garnish; the virgin mocktail of her actual drink.
“They gave you your own drink, Aunt Nia?” Esme stared at both in awe. “Have you had one before? I would be bragging about it all the time.” Picking up the drink, she took a big sip to savor.
“It is pretty cool, isn’t it?” Nia gleefully took a sip of her own cocktail as she waited for the verdict from Esme. “So, what do you think?”
“It is the best thing in National City, ever.” Esme giggled. “Do you think Aunt Kara is going to like the surprise?
“Not only do I think your Aunt Kara is going to like the party with all of us here, I think she’s going to like the way your Aunt Lena is going to ask her to marry her.” The plot twist: Lena had texted Nia that day that she had learned “Will you Marry Me?” in Kryptonian to surprise Kara. Just another layer to make the night memorable.
And closer to the doors were J’onn, Ruby, Kelly and Alex. “So Ruby, your mom told me that you managed to get an internship with Lena at her Foundation?” Kelly slides that into their conversation.
“I did!” Ruby loved telling people about her job for two reasons: she wanted to inspire others, and she wanted to make a difference in the world. “For my Business Administration class we had to write a paper on our favorite CEO, and…I actually chose Aunt Lena. I actually brought that as her engagement party present. And, for Aunt Kara I got her a cookbook that has all different kinds of potsticker recipes.”
“I think she just put everyone here to shame when it comes to gifts.” Alex jokingly nudged her shoulder. “But seriously, those are some of the best ideas I’ve heard, and I know they’re going to love them.”
“And I think I speak for everyone not only at this table, but everyone here in general, that this party is the culmination of a long and winding history that has ended with hardly any stress.” Nobody said it, but J’onn had definitely jinxed it.
“Attention everyone!” Brainy had come in from outside, watching for Kara and Lena. “Kara and Lena have landed a block away and there is a 96.4% chance they will see the rest of you if you don’t get to the designated hidden area behind the wall.”
“I guess that's our cue.” Iris starts to lead everybody in that direction.
“That means we better hide too. Kara doesn’t even know we’re here.” Kelly picked up Esme as the immediate family went to a different designated area.
“I think Aunt Kara is going to be speechless, which is a first since she likes to talk a lot.” Esme jokingly burned her family, another Danvers thing she picked up rather quickly.
“I think you might be right, kiddo.” Alex gave Kelly a look as if to say, “She gets that from me, and I apologize in advance.” all while stifling a chuckle.
*Meanwhile outside the door*
“I still can’t believe you managed to get the whole restaurant…just for us.” Kara stared up at the iridescent neon sign above them, before meeting Lena’s gaze once more. “I know I say this all the time, but you’re incredible.”
“You’re worth it, Kara. Always have been.” And as she opened the door, and they both stepped inside in unison…
“Oh my god!” Kara’s identifiable cackling through her shock was her sign that she definitely loved the surprise. “How did you get everyone here?” Everyone filed over to give Kara a hug.
“Well, it’s not every day one of your friends decides to not only reveal their identity, but get an entire spread in a magazine as well? We had to come.” Sara’s signature dimples accompanied her to give Kara a hug. “Might I add, those photos…I may be married, but I stand by what I said when we first met.” They both then exchanged a knowing grin.
“Now that everyone is here, I think we can get this party started.” Alex declared throughout the entire room.
“Alex is right.” Kara was already at the center of the dance floor. “Brainy, please tell me you have a good playlist on that computer of yours.”
“Fear not, for I have several that are a 100% chance to have everyone getting down at the gig, as they would say on this Drag Race.”
Nia nods with approval at the use of vocab.
With the push of a button, everyone was immediately having fun. All inhibitions were gone, and the guests were being absolutely ridiculous in the best possible way.
“So what time do you plan on popping the question?” Cat pulled Lena aside before they joined in the fun.
“Before dessert.” Lena quickly answered, having thought to herself she’d hesitate.
“As much as that sounds like something out of an Indie Rom Com, that’s perfect. Especially for Kiera. Cat cracked a rare, unforced smile. And in front of Lena.
“Thank you, Miss Grant.” Lena hung back a bit, just to watch the love of her life, be the absolute goofball she fell for in the first place. And within the next few hours of everyone eating, drinking and dancing the night away, they would all be present for a declaration of love for the ages.
Here is Chapter 14, guys! Sorry I didn’t post it yesterday, I ended up getting busy. Anyways, hope you enjoy. 🤗
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lithiag · 3 months
Drawn together - part 3 (Derek Morgan fanfiction)
Hello, it's been a while.
I'm trying to write a bit more, but it's been rough lately. I'm hoping to write more the the next few weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to upload more.
For now, here is part 3 of my Derek Fanfic.
Word count: 4.25K
CW: there is smut. Apart from that, regular CM murders. Let me know if i missed anything
Hope you enjoy
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Melony read through the file one more time while the others got settled in their seats on the jet. This was going to be a rough one. They were called in to help on a case in Arizona, where an Unsub had abducted and murdered four boys between the ages of 3 and 5 years old in the span of a month. Always boys with dark brown hair, all Caucasian. Two boys were abducted on the same day, both from a playground they were at with their mother or babysitter, with about 30 minutes between the abductions.
“Let’s get started,” Hotch said once they were up in the air. Everyone gathered together and they set up a connection with Garcia through a laptop, “So, we have four little boys, ages 3-5 dead in Tucson, Arizona.” Hotch started.
“This unsub seems to have a type; they all have similar features and backgrounds.” JJ said, “Are we thinking paedophile?”
“Not very likely,” Spencer flicked through the file to the autopsy reports, “There was no sign of sexual assault. Though, it could be possible the UnSub uses these boys in a different way to satisfy his sexual urges and is still a paedophile. It would be unusual, but not impossible.”
“Either way, we need to stop this guy before he takes and kills more. The police are getting nervous, as it has been a week since the last abductions.” Gideon sighed.
“Why haven’t they called us sooner? Why did they wait a week before contacting us?” Melony asked, “Wouldn’t it have made more sense to call us right away?”
“It would have,” Hotch said, “But unfortunately, I know the person in charge of the investigation, and he is quite proud and arrogant. He probably thought he could solve this case on his own. He can become a nuisance to our investigation.”
They all nodded in understanding.
“Once we land, I want Morgan and Reid to check out the place the last two boys were found. JJ, Pearson, go talk to some of the families. Garcia, see if you can find anything about these families that would make them a target. The rest of us will set up at the station.” Hotch ordered and they got ready to go.
Melony rang the doorbell of the house Hotch had sent her to.
A young woman opened and let them in when they showed her their IDs.
“Is there anyone you can think of who would want to hurt your son?” JJ asked the young mother once they sat on the couch with a bit to drink. The mother wiped away a few tears and shook her head,
“No. We moved here only a few months ago. We needed a fresh start.”
“Can I ask why you decided to move?” JJ said carefully.
“My, ehm, my ex-husband. He was drinking a lot after Jaime was born. After almost two years of trying to help him, I had had enough. I moved back in with my parents for a while, then we saw this house, and my boss was willing to transfer me here. The divorce isn’t final yet, but close.” The mother explained. She kept moving her teacup around in her hands for warmth, even though the tea had long gotten cold.
“Could it be possible he came to find you?”
She shook her head, “No. He was so deep in his drinking problems that he barely realised we had even left. Last I heard his parents forced him into rehab after he drank himself into the hospital. He can’t leave the facility, let alone the state.”
“How about his family? How did they react to the divorce?” Melony asked.
“Most of them supported me. They weren’t thrilled of course, but they understood and tried to help me where they could. Only his brother told me I was abandoning him in a rough time, that I should have stayed and helped him, I shouldn’t have taken his child away, things like that.”
Melony nodded in understanding and gave JJ a little look. JJ returned in and excused herself before leaving the room to make some calls.
“Did your ex have custody? Or maybe a family member?”
The mom shook her head, “No. I filed for emergency custody and got it. Legally, I had sole custody. I did have an arrangement with his parents where they could visit Jaime and they had him over for a couple of days once every two months. They knew that was a privilege and they would never have allowed my ex or my brother-in-law near him, they knew they could be a threat.” She explained and frowned slightly, “What does this have to do with my son’s killer?”
“We have to look at all the options.” Melony explained, “The more we know about the background of the victims, the more we can establish a profile. If the other families have similar backgrounds, for example, it could tell us something about why the killer went after you, and it could help us find him.”
The mother nodded.
“Is there anything suspicious you noticed before your son was taken? Perhaps someone following you or watching you. Anything at all?” Melony asked. The mom thought about it for a bit, then she looked up at Melony,
“I did notice a man lurking around the playground. I told the police, but they dismissed it at the time. They said I was making things up to process my grief.” She said and looked down for a few seconds, “I know I really saw him. He gave me the creeps at the time, and when he tried to talk to Jaime, I picked him up and left.” She looked back at Melony, desperation in her eyes, “I’m not crazy.” She said, silently begging for Melony to believe her.
“Perhaps he had something to do with it. Can you describe him?” Melony asked and she pulled out her sketchbook and a pencil. The mother nodded, and Melony drew what she described; a tall man with gangly features. A slim, slightly fallen in face, brown eyes and dirty blond hair under a cap. He had some heavy stubble and a slightly crooked nose. Once the woman stopped describing him, Melony showed her the sketch she made, and the woman confirmed that was what he looked like.
Melony thanked her for her time, gave her her card in case she needed anything and wished her the best before she and JJ left the house and went to the next family. Each family had a similar story to tell, a mother had left her husband and moved to Tuscon for a fresh start. Some already lived in the area, some came from a different state. When asked about a man lurking around the playground, all mothers confirmed they also saw someone, and either gave descriptions that lead to the same sketch Melony already made, or straight up confirmed that was the man they saw as well.
After having visited all the families, they went to the station to tell the others what they found.
Reid had worked on a geographical profile based on where the victims were abducted and where the bodies were found.
“Any luck?” Derek asked Melony when they came in.
“Yes, we have a sketch that all the families recognized, so that is probably worth something. You?”
“There wasn’t much that was useful. There were some signs of remorse, the unsub had put them there gently. And based on the locations and how he must have gotten there, it is probably someone who’s a loner and lives somewhere outside of town.” Derek said and looked over at the board Spencer was working on, “Reid said he wanted to know quite precisely when the kids were abducted so he could establish a more detailed geographical profile. He is now working on possible routes he could have taken between two abductions.”
Melony nodded and walked over to Spencer, “Hey, did you find anything useful?”
Spencer turned to her, “I have. Based on where the kids were abducted and the amount of time between abductions, I have come up with a few possible routes he could have taken to go from one sight to the other,” He explained and pointed out where he drew out possible routes, “The abductions took place around busier times, and with the routes he could have taken it does seem like he was in a hurry, so it could be worth looking into speeding tickets in this area. We are most likely looking for a van or bigger car that wouldn’t stand out to the general public, think muted or dark colours.” He looked at the rest of the team and the cops who had also started listening in, and one of the cops said he would take a look before walking away.
Hotch came to the team and told JJ they would be holding a press conference soon, as the press was bombarding them with questions wherever they went. JJ went to prepare and also took one of Melony’s sketches to show the general public and warn them about.
Soon after the press conference, calls with tips were coming in by the dozen. A lot of calls were from concerned citizens who wanted to know more about the investigation, who the man in the drawing was and where they could find him. The officers taking the calls did their best to explain the situation to the callers and wade through the useless calls to get to people with actual useful information, but it took a long time.
After a few hours one of the officers went to Melony,
“Hey, are you sure about that sketch?” He asked with a slightly raised brow. Melony frowned,
“Quite sure, yes. Why?” She asked him, now getting a little insecure.
“I got like a dozen calls from people telling me they saw him somewhere, but a number of them said he had a scar.
"Oh? What type of scar?" Melony grabbed a copy of the sketch and a pencil, "did they describe it to you?"
“Yeah,” The officer said, “Most said it was like a claw mark on his right cheek.”
Melony flipped the page her sketch was on to the other side, so she had a blank piece of paper, “Did you write down the names and addresses of the people who gave these tips? I would like to talk to them.”
“A few wanted to remain anonymous, but I do have two who were willing to talk to the police if necessary.” The cop said and gave her the information.
After talking to the people who gave the tips, and making some new sketches, Melony revisited some of the families of the victims to talk to them a bit more about the man’s appearance, his behaviour and other things they might not have thought about at first.
After hours of talking, sketching, driving, talking, and more sketching she went to the hotel the team was staying at. After the second time she talked to everyone, something felt off. During dinner with the others, she couldn’t focus on the conversations or her food, and she decided to go to bed a bit earlier than usual. Maybe a good night’s sleep would help her take her mind off things and help her take a fresh look in the morning.
She took a hot shower and crawled in bed but couldn’t fall asleep. She kept going over everything in her head and she tried to find out what she was missing.
After hours of tossing and turning, she gave up on sleeping and got up, turned her light on and grabbed her notes and sketches. She looked over her sketches again and thought back to how the unsub was described to her. Something felt off. She wrote down all the things people told her about his appearance.
After she listed everything, she started putting them in different categories. Eyes, mouth, neck, skin. Per what family gave the descriptions, even per person, then one big list with all of them together. She looked it over a couple of times but couldn't figure out what was bugging her.
Then there was a knock on her door.
"Come in" Melony said. The door opened and Derek came in,
"Hey, i noticed your light was still on. Can't sleep?" He asked and closed the door behind him, then walked towards her.
"Not really. I don't know what, but something is bugging me about the description. I have looked it over a bunch of times, i have redrawn sketches, but it just doesn't feel right." Melony looked down at her list and her sketches.
“What’s wrong?” Derek asked and he sat down next to her on the bed. He looked down at all the papers Melony had laid out on the bed, trying to see where her mind was at.
“I don’t know for sure. Something just feels off. Things people have described to me don’t really match, but they aren’t really opposites either.” Melony said and held her face in her hands, “I want to take a fresh look in the morning, but I just can’t get myself to stop working on this.”
"Can i help with anything?" Derek asked. He took another look at the papers she had laid out but couldn't find anything useful to say. He noticed what she mentioned when he took a look at the lists, but like her, he couldn’t find the missing piece.
"I don't know. I know I should probably just sleep on it, have a look in the morning when I'm more rested, but I just can’t." Melony rubbed her face slightly before putting all the papers in her sketchbook and putting it on her nightstand.
"Perhaps. Do you need a distraction?" Derek asked with a little grin and rubbed her arm softly, “I think I can help you with that.” Melony smiled a little bit,
"So you came here with an ulterior motive?" She asked teasingly
"Maybe, sort of. I went for a walk to try and clear my head. It didn't help. I also feel like something's off, like we are missing something. When I walked back to my room, I noticed your lights were still on, so I thought maybe a different kind of distraction could work." Derek said and grinned at her.
"You are the worst" Melony teased him,
"Oh, I know." Derek said before pulling her into a kiss. Melony wrapped her arms him and held him close. Derek pulled her close, slightly picked her up and lay her down on the bed so he could lay on top of her. Melony grinned at him,
“I like it when you take control like that.” She said softly, and Derek grinned,
“Oh, do you want me to take controle?” He asked and he grabbed both her hands, then pinned them above her head, “Like this?” He said and kissed down her neck. Melony let out a soft pleasured sound alongside an ‘uh-huh’ before she wrapped her legs around his waist. Derek moved his lips back to hers and kissed her deeply before pulling back and looking at her face. He felt himself getting more turned on when she saw the lustful look in her eyes, and he leaned down to place a soft kiss just below her ear.
“I would love to draw this out,” He groaned, “But we should probably not risk getting caught.”
“I agree. I would rather have you take me quickly, than have you take your time only to get caught.”
Derek kissed her again and let go of her hands, which she wrapped around his neck almost instantly. Derek deepened the kiss and moved a hand down her sides to the hem of her shirt,
"Did you wear this for easy access?" He asked lowly, commenting on her only wearing a tank top and panties. Melony just gave him a grin and kissed him again. Derek pulled up her shirt slightly, then moved his hand back down her body to her panties, he moved the fabric to the side and started to rub her clit. Melony bit her lip to keep herself from moaning out. She moved a hand down his body to his pants. She pushed both his pyjama pants and his underwear down enough to pull out his cock and she started rubbing him up and down. Derek let out a pleasured sigh and softly groaned as she moved her hand. He moved his hand further between her legs and pushed two fingers inside her,
"You are already so wet for me, baby." He softly said in her ear, to which she only replied with a soft moan. He kissed her right below her ear and worked his way down her neck, but Melony stopped him,
"Don't bother. I want you. We don't have much time." She said. She was right, this wasn't the time to take things slow. Derek just got caught up in the moment and wanted to make her feel good.
Derek shortly pulled back so he could put on some protection, but he was back on her in moments. He moved in between her legs and rubbed her a little more as he positioned himself,
"Hhmm, I love feeling how wet you are for me, baby." Derek commented. He used some of her juices to coat his cock before he pushed the tip into her. They both let out a moan, but did their best to not make too much noise. The walls were fairly thin, and they didn't want anyone to hear them. Derek pushed in further and Melony wrapped her legs around him. As he started thrusting into her, both of them had trouble holding back their moans. Melony pulled him into a kiss, hoping that moaning against each other would help with staying as quiet as possible. Derek moved one hand under her shirt to her breast. He found her nipple and pinched it between his fingers. Melony bit her lip and let out a little high-pitched squeal in her attempt to stay quiet. Derek grinned and thrusted faster and a bit harder. Hearing her moans so close to his ears and feeling her moan against his lips got him closer to the edge fairly quickly. Melony roamed her hands across his body. She slightly pulled up his shirt to feel his abs tense and relax as he thrusted into her. She spread her legs as wide as she could to make it easier for him to push in deeper, and each time he did she let out another moan. She felt the knot inside her tighten with each movement, and she kissed him to silence her moans as she got close,
"Derek," she moaned softly against his lips
"Me too, baby" Derek groaned and with a few more thrusts he pushed into her as he climaxed. Melony pulled him closer by his waist as she climaxed at the same time. Derek thrusted a few more times to help her ride out her orgasm, and he grinned as he felt her move her hips with his to help him too. When he pulled out, they both let out a moan, missing each other already. Derek kissed her deeply, and Melony wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
"Mind cleared?" Melony asked as they cuddled in bed after cleaning up.
"Yeah, it helped a lot. Thanks, baby."
Melony smiled at him, "happy to help."
"How about you?"
"It did help to get distracted, but now that i have time to think again, it is coming back." Melony said with a little sigh.
"Can you show me what your’re struggling with? Maybe I can help enough so you can sleep." Derek said and he sat up. Melony followed his lead and she grabbed her book. She pulled out her lists and sketches and laid them out,
"Something doesn't make sense. I wrote down exactly what people described to me. I make one big list, i made lists per person we interviewed, i did it per feature. I made drawings based on everything these people told me. Some things just aren't adding up." Melony said, getting a little frustrated when she looked at the amount of paper she used and saw the amount of time that had gone into this.
Derek grabbed some of the lists and looked them over.
"It does sound like they didn't get a good look at him," he said when he read through a few lists, "a lot of the things they describe sound similar, but then there are some details that are off."
"Exactly. I guess they didn't get as good a look as they thought," Melony rubbed her face a bit, trying to stay awake.
"I mean, dirty blond of brown hair could be mixed up. But how could one guy both have a scar, and not have one. Some of them must be misremembering." Derek said with a little sigh.
"Wait.... what did you say?" Melony asked as she started piecing some things together,
"They must have misremembered things"
"No, before that."
"How can one guy have a scar and not have one?" Derek said. Melony looked at him and her eyes went big,
"There's two of them," She said softly. Derek thought it over,
"You're right," He said once it clicked for him too.
"Based on the timelines that we have, two kids are always picked up shortly after one another. With traffic and everything considered, we said it was possible for the unsub to do this. But he would have to be very quick." Melony said,
"Which wouldn't fit the profile,” Derek continued her thought process, “This guy hangs around playgrounds for hours. Why would he take his time with one kid, then rush to a different spot to quickly snatch another? It makes no sense," Derek continued, "Unless there is two of them. That would give them both time to hang around and pick a target."
"They probably planned it like this, leave some time in between so it would look like only one person did it. But how do they both use the same van?"
"They just have one person pick the other up, or even just the kid. That way one person takes the children-"
"And they have one person out and about where we can see him on cameras so he can give them an alibi." Melony smiled, "we need to tell Hotch."
"It's 3 am"
"I know, but this can't wait till morning." Melony said firmly, "People are off, they are going to bring their kids to playgrounds. If we get one unsub, we fall right into their trap if we let our guard down. They want us to think there is one. If one is caught, the other will just change his MO a bit and continue somewhere else. We need to catch both of them."
Derek sighed, "You're right. Let's go."
They got out of bed and quickly put on some more clothes. Melony grabbed her lists and sketches and they walked to Hotchner's room. Derek knocked on the door. There was no answer for a bit, so he knocked a little louder.
The door flung open, and a sleepy yet annoyed Hotch looked at them,
"This better be important."
"There's two UnSubs." Melony said. Hotch looked at her, quite confused and very sleepy,
"The descriptions didn't make sense. Some described features others were adamant weren't there." Melony started to explain, "And the second kid was always abducted very soon after the first one. It is possible for one person to do so, but it doesn't fit the profile of someone who hangs around the playground for hours."
"But then," Hotch yawned, "then how do they do it with one car?"
"The first could pick the second up. Or they use two vans with the same plates." Derek said.
"So, you think they have similar enough features to trick people into thinking there is only one person doing this?"
"Yes. Some families said the UnSub has a scar. It is probably small enough for us to either dismiss those who have seen it as it being made up, or dismiss those who haven't seen it as not having seen enough of the face." Melony said.
"So they must be brothers"
"Yes, perhaps twins"
Hotch rubbed his face as he thought about what to do, slowly waking up a bit,
"Alright. That would make sense with the profile. We established he is a loner, but working with your brother or twin could still work with that. Ehm," Hotch yawned again, "send Garcia your findings and let her send us a list of brothers, preferably twins, that live around here to us first thing in the morning. I will notify the others then as well. We will discuss a further strategy in the morning. Get some sleep." He said. He closed the door, but then opened it up shortly and mumbled a sleepy "good work" towards them before closing the door again and going back to bed.
Melony smiled a bit at Derek,
"That went better than I expected." She said and they made their way down the hall towards their own rooms.
"Yeah. But Hotch is right, we need to get some sleep."
"Okay. I'll see you in the morning" Melony said, looked around to see if there was anyone around, then gave him a quick kiss,
"Good night" she said and went into her room.
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catreginae · 7 months
Me, whenever you offer a morsel of your fanfiction: It is I, a humble peasant, can you please spare me some good food for me and my family? We are in need of your good works.
Here you go! A snippet I don't know what to do with! This was written with "overworked/exhaustion" as a prompt and also writing for the "modern" TSNF (in the future with no Ganondorf but also in the past?). TW: Warriors practising bloodletting on himself.
It was the first time in a long time that Link felt truly exhausted. He was used to sleeping a lot more these days, but even when he was jumping through portals and fighting alongside with people he regarded as brothers, he was still sleeping at least a little bit every night.
At it was currently, he was on his third night of no sleep. Even if Ash was stable, he was too anxious to even sleep. He never turned anyone before. He wasn’t sure if his method was even viable but biting her might result in her death instead of actually saving her. She would die anyway if he did nothing but if he watched her carefully, she would have a second chance at life. If she lived, all of the work and sleepless nights would be worth it.
Link dipped his bowl into a basin of water and scrubbed at it with a clean rag gently to remove the dried blood from the previous session. Once he was satisfied, he retrieved a little brass box, cocked the lever, then turned it upside down and pressed the side with a dozen small lines against his arm. He pressed the button on the side and hissed as the little box did its job of making a dozen small incisions in his arm.
He wasn’t completely sold on the medical benefits of bloodletting but at least the tools were useful for the extremely niche purpose he needed it for. He gently put the box down, turned his arm over the bowl, and watched his blood fill the bowl for a whole thirty seconds before his regeneration kicked in and Link had to squeeze his arm to get a little bit more blood out before the injuries healed enough to stop the bleeding entirely.
At least it was more blood than he got yesterday.
He brought the bowl into her room, walking carefully so he didn’t waste a drop of his blood. If Link felt tired, he couldn’t imagine how Ash felt. If she wasn’t busy coughing up a lung, she was trying her best to sleep for however long she could, which was never more than a couple of hours before her illness woke her up.
“I have more blood,” he muttered as he walked inside and set the bowl down on the night stand. He shifted her to a sitting position, as she was too weak to do so herself, tilted her head back, and when he was satisfied, he retrieved the bowl and slowly tipped the blood into her throat.
Much to his surprise, she drank all of it. That was already better than yesterday where drinking half the bowl made her gag. Maybe feeding her his blood was working after all.
She slumped back into her pillows. “That was... not bad,” she mumbled as her eyes dropped.
“Just try to get some sleep. I’ll be back later with some more blood.”
Ash said nothing, as expected. She was already asleep. Her face seemed a bit more relaxed but maybe that was just his wishful thinking. He pulled her blankets up and tucked them in around her thin body, then stumbled his way back into his temporary bedroom. He collapsed into the chair, even though the bed looked pretty tempting. He didn’t dare fall asleep yet. He would sleep when Ash was better.
So, fun fact! Warriors is using a scarificator on himself and it's purpose was bloodletting. I can't imagine it's easy to clean though.
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Your Voice Consoles Me (Part Two)
Stephen Strange x F!reader
Disclaimer: I do not own the image used. I found it on google. I also do not own any of the marvel characters used in this story, nor any plots used from the movies. This is simply a fanfiction for enjoyment.
Summary: After five years of looking for a way to bring the population back from Thanos’ snap, You have the chance to see Stephen again and fight along his side.
Warnings: Mentions of scars (from animal attack), mentions of minimal blood loss, death, endgame based fiction, no DSMOM spoilers, Fluff
Word Count: 3,534
A/N: This is a follow up story to Your Voice Consoles Me, found here. I thought it would be fun to write this as the continuation/ending of the story.
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The day was just like any other for you. You woke up laying in your bed, a book or two laying on top of the blanket next to you, your pillow was crumbled under your head as your hands gripped around it. Taking in a deep breath, you sit up, swinging your feet off the bed and onto the wood floor below you. Staring at the alarm clock on your nightstand, you see where it is reading out 10:00 am. You were usually up before this time on any other day, but you had a restless night. You would fall asleep, settle into a dream, then wake right back up. Insomnia was getting the better of you. You stopped drinking coffee years ago, though you did have a breakdown and drank it religiously several months after the blip.
You stretched your arms out, feeling little pops in your spine releasing all the tension built up in the joint spaces. Standing up, you walked over to the door, grabbing your clothes and your bathroom necessities. There was a nice bathroom right down the hallway from your room, and your mornings were spent getting ready in them. It was nice, nothing major. It was a typical bathroom with all the amenities needed for personal hygiene.
As you left the room, you are faced with Stephen's door. You had not been in his room since the day of the blip, thinking he had pulled a terrible prank on you by hiding. Somedays, you wish he was just pulling a terrible joke on you, seeing how long you could go without breaking down. But you did, you had a couple of breakdowns over the years, missing his presence in your life. You missed the simple things like the sounds of his boot steps coming up and down the hallways, the way he would mumble when reading books or doing any research, and the way that those few pieces of hair would fall forward at his hairline.
Of course, there were more reasons that you missed him, but now was not the time to think about that. You entered the bathroom, doing everything you needed to do in order to get ready. Once ready, you left the bathroom, taking your night clothes back to your room. Then, it was off to greet the Sorcerer Supreme himself, Wong. You spent a couple of minutes traveling through the Sanctum before finding Wong in his preferred study space. He had a book in front of him, headphones plugged into a phone on the desk. Peering over his shoulder, you saw he was listening to Beyonce, causing you to chuckle a little. Gathering your composure, you gave him a little tap on the shoulder. Wong turned to face you before you bowed to him. This caused him to smile a little before speaking. "Ah, y/n. I was wondering when you were going to join me," he spoke, removing the headphones. He stood up, his eyes looking at the new garments you wore. "When did you get those?" he asked.
You looked down at your garments, slightly confused about his question. "Oh, this? I've been working on these for a while," you commented, your hand feeling the pleats on the shoulders. You had been wearing the maroon garbs for almost seven years now. "I felt that maybe it was a time for a change. We are always constantly learning, but I think I am beyond the rank of a student. Maybe apprentice, or advanced apprentice." You had made yourself an outfit using some new colors. Your undershirt tunic was a steel grey color, along with your pants. The dress tunic was a dark chocolate color, the belt cinched around your waist was a toffee brown, and you had spice orange accents sown into the shoulders, torso, and cuffs of your tunics. It was something that you were proud of, knowing how every student from Kamar-Taj went on and modified or created their new outfits. Before learning the mystic arts, you had fallen deeply for the dark academia colors. Rich and deep earth tones filled your closet and apartment décor. That seemed so long ago to you now, but you wanted to remind yourself that you used to exist outside of the mystic arts now.
Wong shook his head, laughing at you. This caused a bit of concern to stir up in you, starting to rethink changing up your garment design. Wong put his hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up at him. "Why would you still think you are a student? You are a master of the mystic arts, a Sorcerer. Or Sorceress, if that is what you would prefer." He spoke, then dropped his hand from your shoulder. "I like the tones you used, it really shows your personality." He added, his hands adjusting the belt around his garments.
You feel a sense of pride begin to swallow you, hearing Wong call you a master. You didn't want to believe that you could reach a master's level, but you had realized your journey started seven years ago. You are more than just scarring from bear claws to prove how far you have come, you were a mystic arts user. You were one of the few people in the world who swore to protect it. You try your best to keep to that oath, even now still trying to think of how you can help bring Stephen home. You just knew there was a way, and instead of pulling you from those thoughts or telling you how impossible it was; Wong helped you. He believed in you, also wanting to bring his friend back. He helped you practice spells, helped you perfect your form, and find your fighting style. Wong was your teacher, but he was also your friend. Wong helped you to get settled into Kamar-Taj, though when you first met all you got from him was his solid exterior. It was hard to get him to open up to you, but eventually, he did.
"Thank you, Wong." You replied. You looked over at the book he had laid out on the desk, wondering what it could be that he was hearing. You were about to quiz him on his current studies before the ominous silence from outside of the sanctum doubled in size. Cars could be heard crashing, people were screaming, and there was a sudden sense of chaos that fell over you and Wong. 
Wong instantly grabbed his sling ring from his belt, opening a portal to the outside from where the two of you stood in the Sanctum. You grabbed your ring too, sliding it onto your right index and middle fingers. You walked through the portal with him, moving your hands in different ways, your fingers casting two defensive shields before your fingertips. What you saw, you were not prepared for. You watched as the streets were flooded with people, littered with crashed cars. You watched as dust materialized into people walking on the streets. You and Wong lowered your shields, turning to look at each other. "Wong, what's happening?" You asked him.
Without hesitation, he summoned another portal to Kamar-Taj, the both of you walking through it. You saw people you hadn't physically seen in five years pop up out of thin air, looking the same as they had all of those years ago. People rushed up to Wong, sucking him into a meeting, all of them talking at the same time. You were stuck, frozen in time, as you saw old classmates appear in the courtyard. They were surrounded by the current students that you knew, seeing them greet each other. The chaos was far from over.
Wong approached you, his words were quick and haste. "I don't know how, or why, but everybody came back. The stones are back, and we know where they are. We have to gather everybody and go."
You looked at him, giving a nod. Emotions wanted to overthrow you, but your flight versus fight kicked in. Wong divided everybody up, sending them across the globe to gather the world's known Avengers. You were in charge of going to Wakanda to gather Kind T'challa and his army. Everybody was going to meet at the Avengers Campus where the energy sources were being detected. You wasted no time, opening the portal to the country that you had visited previously under Wong's orders.
Walking through the portal, you found yourself on the old battlefield where so many people disappeared. You watched as the army materialized in front of you, many ready to continue battling. Their foes were long gone, having been a battle they fought five years previously. You walked up to T'Challa, who had removed his mask. Many of the warriors had pointed their spears at you, ready to fight you. He spoke to them in their native language, holding a hand up signaling them to halt. You nodded, looking at the warrior in front of you. "Your highness, my name is y/n. I am a master of the mystic arts." you introduce yourself using your newly appointed title. "there is a battle going on right now, the avengers need your help. They need everybody's help."
He stared at you until Okoye approached you, her staff resting at her side. She had seen what had happened, quickly making her way to the field. "What she says is the truth," she spoke, standing next to your right side.
He gave a simple nod. "We must help the Avengers," he spoke, before crossing his arms over his chest. You watched as everybody else did as well. "Mystic One, show us where we are going."
You nodded, walking past him to a clearing. You began to draw the portal until you heard a couple of people shouting. You looked out in the distance, seeing the people you read and heard about at one of the local museums in New York. Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and a sentient tree came running up to you. The two men didn't speak, they only prepared themselves. the tree waved his hand, shaking his limbs free. "I am Groot," he spoke.
You waved back, offering a simple, "I am y/n." The three of them joined the forces behind you. You used your powers, opening a large portal to the location that Wong told you about; Avengers Campus in Manhattan. As the portal opened, you saw carnage everywhere. there was smoke, fire, and debris. You had no idea there was a building located here just mere moments before. You held the portal open as the soldiers, warriors, and everybody with them began to walk through them. Your eyes were too busy looking around the carnage to notice much of anything else.
A call was given out, people began to chant before running into the fight. Once everybody was through the portal, you closed it. You charged with the masses towards the alien beings, using your powers to create shields of protection around you or your fellow warriors. You used magic to create weapons, including a sword you used to bring enemies down. There was so much going on around you, but all you could think of was keeping the bad guys away from the stones, getting them to the good guys.
You heard a large crash behind you, seeing a wall of the sea begin to form. Seeing the barriers were broken, you used made a portal to quickly get to the edge. You used wind magic that Stephen taught you to keep the water from coming through and threatening the lives of those around you. You felt a rush of wind next to you, another pair of hands using the same magic to keep the water at bay. You turned your head away from the water, looking at the person who came up beside you. It was him, Stephen.
"It only took you long enough," he commented to you as you both battled a raging sea.
You shook your head, moving one arm up higher. “I told you you would not keep me from fighting." To hear his voice again was sweet music to your ears. His cloak filled the air around him, briskly touching your tunic in a reassurance pat. "Yeah Buddy, tell him I can fight."
The fight was over. Tony Stark paid the ultimate price. He was laid up next to some debris, his wife crying and holding his hand. Everybody soon began to fall to their knees, showing their respect to the man who gave his life to save the world. You, Wong, and Stephen were next to each other. You looked down the whole time, watching the blood drip from your face down onto the soil below you. Stephen held his hand out towards you, his fingers trembling. You reached out, holding it into yours. You felt a tear escape your eyes, knowing you could spend the rest of forever holding his hand like this.
After some time, people began to stand up, finding their respective friends and loved ones. Wong had found the students and teachers of Kamar-Taj, giving them tasks on returning people to their homes. You and Stephen stood in silence for a little bit.
He looked at you, taking in a couple of deep breaths as he calmed down from the battle everybody went through. You looked up at him as he began to speak. "Your hair is longer, and it's put back."
You gave a couple of nods, pressing your lips into a thin line. This was the moment you wanted for the last five years. now that you had it, you didn't know how to act or how to respond. You closed your eyes for a couple of seconds before looking back up at him. "Shocking, isn't it?" you ask, humming a little at the end. "Stephen, I need to apologize."
He shook his head, his hands reaching up to cup either side of your face. There had been so many dreams who had that were exactly like this moment. His hands cupped your face, and your hands reached up to cup his hands. "You can tell me why your hair is longer. Or why Wong looks older."
You looked at him puzzled. "I thought you saw that when you looked for the one right outcome," you told him.
To your surprise, he shook his head. “I saw the outcome, I never saw the time or what was different around it." Stephen looked around the both of you before looking back down. "What happened?"
It was a terrible feeling, having to tell him. Why couldn't this have been part of his searching? Or why couldn't Wong tell him? You exhaled before speaking. "You and the other half of the world disappeared five years ago, Stephen. Five years have passed, and nothing has been right since." You watched as the lump in his throat bounced as he took in the shocking news. He couldn't believe that much time has passed. You leaned up, standing on your tiptoes to press your forehead up to his. The both of you were silent for a while, that is until you broke the silence. "Stephen, I was upset when I last saw you, walking through that portal. I was insulted that you had me stay behind and watch the Sanctum. You and Wong treated me like I was still just another student at Kamar-Taj." He needed to hear this from you. "But you made the right choice." His grip on your face was soft and gentle, his thumbs wiping away the tears that escaped. "Because of you, I was able to learn and master so many different parts of the mystic arts."
He pulled his head back, looking down at you. He was expecting to hear you tell him how upset you are at him still to this day. "Just because it wasn't right then, doesn't make it right, now."
"That's the thing, it is," you replied. "I would have never reached my potential had you not done what you did. " Your eyes, though saddened in appearance, were full of light as you looked at him. You moved one hand away from his, touching the side of his face. He melted into your touch as you had with his. "I spent day and night looking for ways to bring you back. I never thought that the chance would come literally knocking on the door."
Stephen could only look at you, he looked beat up. He was tired and could use some rest. But his needs were placed on the back burner as he held you in his hands. You gave him a spark, something worth pushing through the fatigue of a strenuous battle. “Y/n, I... I love you." a confession fell from his lips, and a sweeping sensation flooded your mind, soul, and body. The both of you looked at each other before closing your eyes, pulling each other close for a deep and passionate kiss. His tongue licked your bottom lip before up parted your lips more letting his tongue explore your mouth. Your tongues danced together as you held each other at that moment, feeling the sweet mental release of all the stress that haunted you for the last year. At that moment, you weren't just Y/n, master of the mystic arts; he wasn't Doctor Stephen Strange. You were simply Stephen and Y/n, reconnecting after lost time.
A couple of days after the battle, Wong, Stephen, and you were invited by Pepper Potts-Stark. It was a funeral service for the late Tony Stark. Wong dressed in formal garbs while Stephen wore a tux. You found a dress hidden in the back of your closet, something simple for the funeral. The three of you traveled to the Stark family home. You were greeted by Happy Hogan, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Pepper Potts-Stark. There had been a little girl wrapped around Pepper's leg, her resemblance being a perfect mix of Pepper and Tony. You felt a twinge in your heart, trying to suppress everything you began to feel for the young girl. Stephen could feel your emotions, something he picked up on a long time ago. He raised his hand up to your back, rubbing small circles into the fabric and he comforted you. 
The family had a private reading inside of the house. You and Stephen stood outside next to the walkway that led to the dock. The both of you stood closely next to each other. You couldn't stop thinking about the girl, Morgan, having to live her life without her father in it. "I'm sorry," you spoke between the two of you. "I've always let my emotions get the better of me."
Stephen looked over at you. "So, what you are apologizing for is... simply being human?" He asked you as you leaned into his side. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, your hand reaching up to hold his hand. “That is nothing to be sorry for, y/n."
You had licked your lips, knowing there was no sense in apologizing for being emotional at a funeral. It was depressing, even if you did not know the person whose life you were celebrating. You stood up a little bit straighter as the door opened, Stephen's hold on you not loosening up as the both of you watched Pepper, Happy, and Morgan walk down the pathway and towards the docks. Pepper placed a wreath of flowers in the water, with Tony's activator in the middle. Everybody stood in silence watching the family grieve. Inwardly, you were selfish because you were thankful it wasn't Stephen's life that was lost. You were able to live life with him in it. Though, only as long as he kept you in it.
A breeze came up from the water, hitting everybody as the wreath floated out in the body of water. Everybody gave the widow and her daughter their condolences, leaving them to have time to mourn. You and Stephen went back to the Sanctum, an arm wrapped around each other. The Cloak welcomed you both home, wrapping around the both of you. You smiled, patting the cloak.
Stephen looked over at you as you both walked up the stairs together. “So, seeing as I'm no longer the Sorcerer Supreme, I have a lot fewer responsibilities to attend to."
You looked up at him curiously. "Uh-huh," you commented.
"Well, maybe I was wondering if you wanted to get a bite to eat later?" He asked you.
This brought on a little teasing smile to your lips. 'I'm sorry, is Doctor Stephen Strange asking me out on a date?" He gave a little chuckle, pulling down on his tie a little to loosen it up. He went to speak, but you took the opportunity to press a kiss to his lips. Breaking the kiss, your pulled away from him, your noses gliding past each other. "Tonight? Maybe seven?"
He enjoyed it when you snuck in little kisses here and there. It was a different change of pace from what he was used to. 'Seven," He replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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flowerpowelltales · 2 years
Like Fall, Like Spring (Drake x MC)
A/N: maxwell has entred the chat. again.
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It was over before Riley even realized it started. The meetings, one with Hana, another with a lawyer and then another one with a few more peope went smoothly and very fast. After mere two hours, everything was settled and Riley breathed a sigh of relief. 
She knew Drake wasn’t home yet; he messaged her saying that Liam needed him for a few more hours. She sent a cryptic message back: she was busy as well and he didn’t have to worry about going back home late. Drake replied with a question: “Busy?” but Riley didn’t want to tell him yet. “Busy:)” was all she said back. 
She smiled at her phone and texted Maxwell. He kept asking her when they could meet up to catch up (and Maxwell needed to know everything about how her and Drake made up) and Riley decided it was time. Seven minutes after her message, Maxwell was already waiting for her in the bakery and eating his first, out of five, cronut. 
“I’m so happy you messaged me, Little Blossom! We haven’t talked in ages.”
“In fours days,” Riley corrected.
“That’s ages in my world. Come, sit. I ordered you a vanilla late.”
She obliged and took a sip of her drink. Maxwell knew how much she loved all those sugary syrups in her coffee and he always made sure to get her a coffee with one. That was one of their things; Drake claimed adding anything to coffee is a crime so she drank plain latte or a cappuccino whenever she was with him. Giving up milk was still too much to her. 
“Sooooo! You and Drake, huh. The therapy. Camping. Huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows and Riley laughed.
“Yes, the therapy helped and we made up. Happy?”
“Very!” He raised his oatmilk hazelnut caramel decaf macchiato with extra cinnamon and whipped cream in a toast. When it came to coffee drinks, Maxwell was even more extra than her. “Tell me everything!”
Riley took another sip of her coffee and began to tell the story, from the therapy, the camping trip to Leona’s phone call and their making up. She did leave out the actual making up in bed but she did tell him they kissed and that it felt like they were okay. Maxwell obviously read between the lines because his face was very smug. 
“And what did you tell Leona? I hope you told her to kiss your ass. Or to back off! Or--”
“I just hung up.” She shrugged.
“What? Nooo! Riley, no! You can’t! You need to do something! Look, someone suggested you take a photo of you and Drake kissing and send it to her. Other people thought it’d be better if you sue her for emotional damage. And then this one person--”
“Maxwell, who’s suggesting these things and why do they know about our problem with Leona?”
“Umm... Would you like another coffee?”
“Cronut, maybe?”
“Okay, so I made a poll online.”
“A poll? What?”
“Yeah, my fans were supposed to pitch their ideas to me, how they would deal with aunt Leona.”
“Maxwell! You didn’t! The whole Cordonia knows about my beef with Leona?” She hid her face in her hands.
“Noo! Of course not! It’s um... an anonymous website. No one knows it’s about you.”
“What do you mean anonymous?” Riley looked up at him.
“So... I’m writing fanfiction about you and Drake. Although it’s not really a fanfiction but rather a friendfiction, since I’m your friend, not a fan. Don’t worry I changed the names!” He said quickly seeing the horror on Riley’s face. “So Bailey is a poor woman from the U.S. and one day she met Blake, a handsome, grumpy whiskey addict and they fell in love with each other. But there were many obstacles, obviously. There was an awful old King who tried really hard to send Bailey back to America but luckily with a help of their amazing friend, lord Maximiliano, the handsome and courageous man who fought the old king himself, they were able to get together and get married. But then another obstacle came, namely Blake’s awful old witchy aunt Leana who loved the old King and wanted revenge. So she bullied Bailey into leaving and she left and then Blake was searching for her for months, with his best friend Maximiliano, who eventually found Bailey and reunited two lovers. And now my readers are waiting for the epilogue and suggesting different ideas what to do with Leana.”
Riley’s eyes widened and she was too stunned to speak for a few minutes. Maxwell took her shock for amazement and calmly sipped his extra fancy drink. 
“I... I don’t know to say,” she finally croaked. “You’re writing fanfiction about us?”
“Friendfiction, and yes. I have over three thousand followers on Tumblr. Each chapters gets over four hundred notes! Can you imagine?”
“Does Drake know about this?” She asked.
“Do you think I would be so good-looking and alive if he knew?” Maxwell answered with a question and Riley nodded. 
“That makes sense,” she murmured. 
“So... About Leona, how about I--”
“No, Maxwell. I-- We will handle it ourselves.”
Maxwell shrugged. “Okay. But if you need ideas, you know where to find me.”
After the weirdest afternoon with Maxwell, Riley was too tired to have any conversations with Drake. He asked her how she spent her day and she vaguely told him she met up with Hana and Maxwell to catch up. She left out the purpose of meeting with Hana and the fact that Maxwell wrote fan-- pardon, friendfiction. Drake told her about a few new ideas that Liam had for developing Cordonia and that Liam asked him to be the official photographer for all upcoming events. 
They ate dinner together, watched a movie and went to sleep (together) as if that was their routine for years and they never had any breaks. 
The morning came too soon in a form of a phone call. Riley, rubbing her eyes in hopes to wake up faster, reached out for her phone to see who was calling her. 
“If it’s Maxwell tell him I’ll kill him,” Drake murmured, still refusing to open his eyes and take his arms away from Riley’s waist. When she didn’t reply and they phone was ringing, he finally opened one eye and then another as concern began to paint his face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“It’s Leona,” she whispered, all pale and quiet. Drake sat straight abruptly. He was awake now.
“Put her on loudspeaker,” he demanded.
“Maybe we can just ignore her forever and--”
“Put. Her. On. Loudspeaker.” He repeated and Riley nodded. 
“Hello?” She said.
“Riley! This is honestly rude to hang up and stop answering my calls.” Leona’s voice filled the bedroom. “Of course you’d end the call like a coward you are! You don’t want to hear about the things you’re ruining cuz’ it’s nice living in that happy bubble you built!”
Riley felt Drake stiffen next to her and her hands started getting sweaty. 
“Leona, listen...” she began but the woman didn’t let her finish. 
“No, you listen. I told you everything a few months ago. You made a good decision to leave and my poor baby was finally getting better. And I thought, wow, maybe I was wrong about Riley, maybe she really cares about Drake since she let him go. Maybe she really wanted the best for him. But then you come back. You don’t want to give him a divorce. You force him to live with you. Once again, you’re not letting him live the life he wants! You’re taking away his happiness! You’re so selfish, you can’t even look past your needs! It’s all about you! You don’t care about Drake, never did. He has a real chance to build something good with Mary-Anne, have a child with her, his child, may I add, live in Texas, just as he always wanted. Live the life he wants. Not you. How many times do I have to beg you to let my baby be happy?”
Riley paled even more and she wanted to throw up. What if Drake agreed with Leona? 
“Leona, I--” She started but this time it was Drake who didn’t let her finish. He took the phone from her hands spoke to his aunt himself.
“Bullshit, Leona. You know nothing except for how to bully my wife.”
“Drakey? Of course!” Leona snorted. “Riley had to snitch, didn’t she? She--”
“I honestly don’t care what you’ll say about her. I have enough of your crap, aunt Leona. Nothing you described is my dream life. Because there’s no Riley in it. Maybe it’s time to accept it and stop calling her like a maniac because this will not change how I feel about her!”
Leona was silent for a few moments and Riley almost thought she gave up. 
“So it happened, huh?” Leona’s voice sounds as if she was crying. “She finally turned you against me, huh? Against me, the person who helped changing you diapers. The person who was always there for you. Who was a mother and a father when your parents couldn’t. A person who has only your best interests at heart. She really is worth it, huh.”
“Leona...” Drake started and sighed. He looked equally mad and heartbroken. “You’re the only person who’s trying to meddle. This is my life, not yours. Please, accept that I make my own choices and I want Riley to be in my life. She’s my wife and I love her. I am happy when I’m with her. And I would appreciate if you stopped calling her.”
“Drakey, you don’t see it the way I see it! I’m older than you, I’ve seen things! You say that now but in a couple of months, maybe weeks, you’ll start feeling unhappy again! Look, she’s back in Cordonia but her life is in America. She’s no longer a Duchess but does she have any job? Did she do anything to stay here? To prove she’s about to stay? Even her dog is still in Vermont. Her job is in New York. That doesn’t look like someone who wants to stay with you, Drakey. It looks like a person who’s planning her life without you. And breaking our family in the meantime.”
Drake looked at Riley and she looked down. Leona had an awful talent to speak things that were true but in a such a way that it sounds worse that it was in reality.
“Leona...” Drake’s voice was breaking and Riley almost started crying herself. “I no longer believe you. I... You did it yourself, you know. You broke our family. I love Riley. Whether you accept it or not, I’m not going to change my mind. I don’t want to see you calling Riley ever again and I’d like to ask you to stop calling me as well. I... I don’t want to talk to you for a bit. And you can tell Mom, I’m not going to visit her in Texas this summer. I don’t want to be around you when you’re so full of hatred towards someone I love so much. And if you don’t comply... I’ll have to take it to the courtroom. You can’t harass us all you want without any consequences. Liam will help me make you unwelcome in Cordonia. So please, think about it and accept that I’m living my own life, separate from you.”
“Drakey...” Leona was crying. “She’s breaking the family. She’s turning you against me when I’m trying to protect you from a heartbreak, baby. Drakey, I love you, don’t do this.”
“Please, don’t call us again,” Drake said and hung up. Then he blocked Leona’s number on Riley’s phone and his. 
“Are you... okay?” Riley asked when he handed her phone. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Do you want--”
“I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Drake said getting out bed and putting on his jacket. He didn’t even change from his pajamas. Riley followed him with her eyes and gulped. Did Drake realize he was making a mistake by being with Riley?
Drake opened the door and hesitated. He turned back, kissed Riley’s forehead and only then walked out.
Drake was gone for most of the day. It was evening, the sky was already dark and Drake was still gone. He did reply to all Riley’s messages though, saying he needed more time and that he was okay but Riley still worried. It was getting colder and Drake was only in his PJs and a jacket. He didn’t eat the whole day. 
Riley was making her teenth cup of chamomile tea when she heard Drake coming back. 
“Drake!” She cried out and launched herself into him. He was very cold but his arms were still the coziest place known to Riley. He returned the hug and Riley felt melting into him.
“Are you better? You know what, just go change into warmer clothes and I’ll reheat the soup for you, okay? And I’ll make tea. Do you want me to add whiskey to it?” She asked.
“Shh, we’ll talk when you’re not cold and hungry, okay? Don’t worry about anything!” She said it more to herself than to him. Truth be told, she was very nervous and didn’t know what to think. She only hoped Drake wouldn’t change his mind.
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TAGGING: @gardeningourmet​​ @delightfullypinkglitter​​ @alesana45​​ @walkerdrakewalker​​ @karahalloway​​ @kingliam2019​​ @lovingchoices14​​ @tessa-liam​​ @gkittylove99​​ @texaskitten30 @twinkleallnight​​ @rubiwalker​​ @differenttyphoonwerewolf​​ @nestledonthaveone​​ @marshmallowsandfire​​ @21-wishes​​ @thequeenofcronuts​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​ @angelasscribbles​​ @ladyangel70 @tinkie1973 @belencha77​​ @lunaseasblog​​ @alyshak92​​ @xpandass420x​​​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
13 - My Orleans Girl
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Part 14
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus
sarahgale98 on Wattpad Bianca Lockwood is her OC in this chapter. She asked me to include her in here if it was possible at all. I hope I did good :)
Madison Beer portrays Bianca
My phone rings earlier on Saturday morning where I rolled over in my bed thinking it must be Damon calling about another plan to hurt the Originals even though I am linked to the brothers. So honestly he should just stop trying. Putting the phone to my ear I yawned hearing a different voice come through the phone. "Hey Mads, what would you say if I was picking you and bringing you to New Orleans for the weekend?"
"I would say you're crazy, Bianca. You're busy with work and you don't have that kind of money to fly out there." I chuckled throwing my head back against the pillows at her crazy idea. She is related to Tyler and decided to become an artist in New Orleans and she's 23 years old.
Her and I became friends when Caroline and I were in middle school. I figured she was going to become an artist because she was always drawing anything in a notebook like all the time. Sitting up on my bed I suddenly heard someone honk outside my window. Pulling the curtain back I gasped seeing her car sitting in our driveway where she waved up at me seeing me still holding my phone up to my ear. "Bianca Lockwood you are literally insane. There's no way I am coming with you."
"Come on, Mads. I even think I found a hot guy for you...plus I have something to tell you." She replied where I groaned changing into some clothes for the day heading out the front door immediately rushing to her waiting arms. She picked me up on the ground twirling me around for a few seconds then sitting me back on my feet. We hold onto each other until she flashed a golden color over her eyes that I recognized from Klaus. "I found this guy who helped me stop having to lock myself up everytime there was a full moon."
Tucking hair behind my ear I gasped finally realizing that she was a werewolf like her brother. It finally made sense since her first boyfriend got killed in a car accident and that's how she became a wolf. "So you're a hybrid now. I know who turned you-" She cuts me off and puts me into the car where we made the drive to the famous city.
Stepping out of her car I watched her draw out her phone answering somebody who had called her. "Hi Marcel, you don't have to worry I just ran to Mystic Falls to pick up a friend. You'll like her. She's Human though so no drinking from her understand." She hung up grabbing my hand were we started walking down bourbon street. She even compelled someone so we could have some drinks where I drank a margarita in my hands.
"So Bianca who exactly is this hot man you claim to have found for me hmm?" I teased her feeling a little bit of a buzz and a burning in my chest from the new taste.
Bianca clasps her hands together in front of her as we now sit at a table outside one of the bars. I could hear loud music being played around the corner and some people were dancing outside some of the other places near us at the moment. I immediately think of Kol and how he said we danced good together. "Well he has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Oh and an accent you know like-"
"Hello love." I felt my cheeks turn red recognizing the voice that followed in unison with Bianca that could only belong to the one and only original hybrid.
His foosteps stopped right behind my chair where I spun around smiling up at him before he mirrors the same look on his face. "Klaus, what are - how are you here?" Raising a brow at him I had to wonder if the soulmate bond was stronger than we knew. That he could find my exact location without a witch now.
"This is my favorite city, Maddie. I enjoy all the music, art, culture. Although now it's improved that you're here." He smirked leaning down capturing his lip with mine. Lightly gripping the collar of his jacket I kissed him back feeling him whispering in my ear. "Be careful in this place. Vampires rule this place. If anything goes wrong just call out my name."
Nodding my head he vamped off into a random direction leaving me alone with Bianca. Once we finish our drinks the moon was rising in the sky. She intertwined my hand with hers where we started dancing around in a crowd full of people but I could feel someone watching the two of us. Throwing my hair around I tripped falling into the arms of a black guy who chuckled holding me off the ground. "If you're not careful you'll dance till you drop, doll."
"Thanks for the save. I guess I am clumsy on my feet sometimes." I smile standing on my feet now where Bianca throws her arms around my shoulders.
"Hi baby, this is the Mystic Falls girl. Maddie Forbes." Sticking my hand out we shake hands.
The man smiled showing me his fangs clearly not afraid to show what he was. "It's nice to meet you, Maddie. I'm Marcel, Marcel Gerard. Welcome to my city."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tell me what should happen next please
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lenoraslament · 2 months
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Lenora’s Love: A Tom Riddle Fanfiction
Chapter 21: A Proper Date
Tom and Lenora finally have a real date.
Warnings: Soft Tom ahead. Pure Fluff. Delulu we stand. The song reference is above! I tried to keep the music consistent since this takes place in the 40’s
"You two kids behave" Mr. Rosier's hand slammed on Tom's back so hard he grunted.
"Of course sir" he smiled, charming once more. Lenora's enthusiastic attitude restored his confidence thankfully, Tom wondered if his anxiety before was only from taking advice from those blathering idiots.
Tom stood in the front lawn with Lenora.
"Where are we going?" she asked, he took her hand kissing it.
"You'll see" he grinned playfully, their fingers intertwined and they popped away.
He held her tightly as they appeared next to the creek. He had laid out a blanket on the bank, enchanted candles drifted above them in the air.
A basket with food and wine was nestled in the corner, the sounds of soft music came from somewhere. Even the stars seemed to shine a little brighter under his command.
Lenora gasped, she couldn't believe how incredibly romantic this was. All in a moment it hit her, she's on a date...with Tom Riddle.
Her eyes lit up as she looked around.
"Wow" was all she could muster.
His hand touched her lower back softly, leading her to the ground. He must have enchanted the ground beneath them because it was soft and comfortable sitting on the blanket.
He poured her a glass of wine, and tapped her fingers on it drinking it a little too quickly.
"Nervous?" He had a smirk on his face but refilled the glass. She could only blush.
They ate quietly, and drank another glass of wine. Neither of them were sure what to do.
Finally she spoke, the wine loosened her tongue, "this is.." she smiled
"Ridiculous?" He asked giving her a sidelong glance.
"No... I mean it's strange" she looked at her knees, "it's my first real date".
Tom wasn't sure he believed her, "why didn't you go on any others? I know you were asked..."
Lenora laughed a little and looked up, "because they weren't you".
Tom was intrigued, "I know the feeling" he gave her a meaningful look. Then he grabbed the bottle and drank straight from it handing it to her.
Lenora did the same.
A song started to play on the enchanted record machine.
I love you, there's nothing to hide
It's better than burning inside
Lenora looked bashful, "I love this one". Tom watched her face lit in the warm candle light,
I love you, no use to pretend
There! I've said it again.
He stood holding out his hand, "Come here then".
I've said it what more can I say
Believe me there's no other way.
He pulled her to her feet and spun her playfully and she grinned. He didn't put her in a waltz position this time.
I love you I will til the end
there I said it again.
His hand sat on her mid back holding her tightly against him. His other hand held hers close as she laid her head on his chest.
I've tried to drum up a phrase
that would sum up
All that I feel for you
They swayed softly, no footwork gliding them across a ballroom. She listened to him hum the song while he rested his chin on her head.
But what good are phrases
The thought that amazes
Is you love me, and it's heavenly
If she could have held onto him forever she would have. Tom caressed her back softly. He had no idea it would feel like this, being close to her again. Perfection was being wrapped in her arms.
Forgive me for wanting you so
But one thing I want you to know
They breathed each other in, melting into the feeling of pure bliss. Every touch feeling like heaven.
I've loved you since heaven knows when
There I've said it again
She lifted her head and he brought his lips down to meet hers. It was deliciously slow, their mouths moving softly , tongues barely teasing out. It was an endless kiss, each breath stolen by each other.
Forgive me for wanting you so
But one thing I want you to know
I've loved you since heaven knows when
There I go, there I've said it again
Even when the music faded  they held onto each other falling gently closer together and deeper in love.
Long after, they laid on the blanket looking up at the stars together.
"I've never tried it" she giggled tracing her fingers on his chest
"My first time was second year" he said smiling, "I was in the potions class early and this hufflepuff girl came in".
He laid on his back, one arm was behind his head and the other wrapped around her waist.
"And?" She looked up at him her eyes full of intrigue.
"I pulled it out" Tom shrugged and Lenora laughed, "I cast the spell and nothing happened to her. The cauldron on Slughorn desk fell off and got a massive crack in it"
Lenora was laughing so hard she threw her head back almost falling off of where she lay on his chest, "that was you!!?! Slughorn gave that Ravenclaw boy um Lovegood a month's detention for that".
Tom laughed too looking down at her as she shook her head.
"All that for a spell you invented... what was the spell for?" She looked up at him.
"To curse her to only walk backwards" Nora buried her face onto his shoulder giggling wildly.
"And what did this poor girl to do you?" she raised her brows.
"Nothing...to me. You used to complain that she walked too slowly in the hallways so.." Tom pursed his lips together as he looked down at her.
She pulled his face down hungrily again, their lips crashed together. He rested his hand on her waist, fingers caressing her ribs. His knee was between her legs, she straddled it and let out a soft moan. Tom's lips slid down to her neck sucking softly as she moved her hips against him. She cried out a little louder, and moved his hand to her breast. He drew back slowly.
"We should" he took a breath against her neck, "slow down".
Her face was smeary with bliss, "Are you sure?".
He turned onto his back slowly so she rolled off, "Yes" he insisted, "It's not proper"
"You're not proper" she shot back thinking of him with Delia.
He laced his fingers in hers, "Maybe not, but you are".
Read More Here:
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kalliyen · 2 years
Tipsy Confessions
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Pairing: Son of Zeus!Jake Sim x Child of Demeter!Reader
Featuring: Son of Dionysus!Jay/Jongseong Park & Daughter of Aphrodite!Kim Ga Eul (of IVE), and others)
Genre: FanFiction, Fluff and kind of mature? Since it contains alcohol but not really….so idk. Tell me if I missed any tho!
Word Count: 627
Reader’s Pronouns: not specified
Picture Credits: Pinterest
Mentions of: Drinking alcohol, Maybe a smooch or two
Disclaimer: Only a work of FICTION! I mean no harm to (members) or the rest of Enhypen, or any other people involved in this fic. This is only for entertainment and to make people happy, I mean no harm to any of the members Thank You.
Author's note: I don't exactly know how Truth or Drink works because I've never had alcohol in my life, but let's just pretend it's played like this, okay? Okay, love ya
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What happens when you play Truth or Drink with a son of Zeus? Will it go bad or well? Downhill or uphill? The world may never know. Until you read this of course!
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*Line Break check! Enjoy the fic <3*
˃̶༒˂̶ Partaking at a party with a bunch of gods and goddesses probably wasn’t the best way to spend the night.
Dear gods, if your mother could see you know she would probably have a look of displeasure plastered on her usually calm features.
But hey, you aren’t a little godling anymore so you could do whatever you want!
All the gods and goddesses partied like they weren’t immortal already, holding goblets with wine in them, or some other type of alcohol gods fancied these days.
With Jay at the party, people were certainly going to leave pretty ditzy and drowsy, an effect of hanging out with a son of Dionysus I tell you.
Luckily, you were planning on staying sober that night, but your best friend Ga Eul, daughter of Aphrodite, dragged you to a circle of gods, who were seemingly playing Truth or Drink.
“Ga Eul. I told you I don’t want to get drunk tonight!” “Aw c’mon Y/N! Don’t be such a push over. It’s just for fun! Besides, what could go wrong?"
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This could go wrong. This is exactly what you were talking about.
Between the circle of gods, the ones you could recognize, was Jay, of course. Yunjin, daughter of Hermes, Dongpyo, son of Apollo, Beomgyu, another son of Hermes, and Jake, son of Zeus.
Jake. You never liked him.
Well, you do like him but you'd never tell anyone that.
He was a flirty god, always making women, goddesses, gods and mortals alike, fall on their knees, but who wouldn't?
He was flirty yes, but never had he made someone a cow, unlike some other god, and he was pretty sweet, well, as 'sweet' as a god can get. Always looking out for mortals too, and quite helpful to his mother, Hera, even when she was a bit...unpredictable at times.
Really, you'd never know what that woman was feeling, it was always like a gamble.
We're getting of topic, so, the game of Truth or Drink began.
"Beomgyu, Truth or Drink, Did you or did you not turn one of your mortal lovers into a flower, because you were afraid of your mother catching you being with a mortal?"
"Yeah it's true, not gonna deny it!"
A bunch of 'ooohhs' were shared across the room, and Jay asked Yunjin, and she drank.
Then it was Jake's turn, "Jake, Will you either, go on a date with the prettiest god/goddess you know, or be turned into a sack of potatoes?"
"Dude, what kind of question is that? Of course the former!"
"Alright, but I wasn't done. Now, you have to ask that 'prettiest god/goddess you know, out on a date!"
You didn't want to sound egotistical or anything, but you kind of caught him looking at you, Ga Eul thought so too as she said "Oooohh!~"
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After the party, when you were about to head home, a hand grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the nearest secluded area. It was none other than Jake.
"Jake? What are you doing?"
"Look, Y/N I'm sorry, but uhm, I- I just wanted to as-"
"Is this about the Truth or Drink game we had?"
"And you were going to ask me out?"
"Yes...Dang I didn't know you'd get it that fast"
"Yeah, so...uhm..Would you like to..go out with me....sometime?"
He said it so bashfully you were about to laugh, 'He looks so cute. Asking shyly, well I guess I could say yes, I don't have anything to lose anyways..'
"Yeah sure!"
Before he could even register your words, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and went on your way.
Dang, Jake would have to thank Jay for basically landing him a date with the person of his dreams.
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BYE I WAS ABOUT TO MAKE THE READER A CHILD OF ATHENA AND THEN I WENT 'oh wait Athena doesn't have kids shi-'
Yeah pretty disappointed with the ending, sorry about that..
I haven't written in so long I'm so sorry I'm rusty 😭
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~gods and goddesses mentioned in this fic!~
Zeus-god of all gods, king of Olympus, god of lightning
Hera-goddess of Olympus, marriage, family, birth
Demeter-goddess of agriculture, health
Hermes-god of messengers, travelers, thieves, (some) medicine
Apollo-god of the sun, archery, medicine, prophecy, medicine
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lajulie24 · 2 years
Again we have failed to die
(Excerpt from an upcoming chapter of One Half Won’t Do)
I’d hoped to maybe have the next chapter of this fake marriage fic ready in time for HanLeia Week, but I’m still working out a few parts. I did, however, have an excerpt that fit very well with the day 1 prompt of Commitment, featuring longtime HanLeia shipper and good friend Wedge Antilles. You can read the first chapters of One Half Won’t Do at AO3 here and at Fanfiction dot net here. Coordinates were set, hyperspace went streaking by, and finally Leia felt like she could relax.
“Hey General, got a question for you,” Wedge called from the galley of the small ship they’d used for the mission.
“Yes, Commander?” Leia asked, smiling a bit. Wedge had a way of using her titles that sounded more familiar and friendly than formal. She liked it.
“Would it be a terrible breach of protocol if we drank to a successful mission?”
Leia considered that. “I suppose one drink couldn’t hurt,” she answered. “We’re already in hyperspace.”
“Good,” he said, appearing with two small cups of amber liquid, “because if it was I was going to have to pretend to gargle with this or something.”
Leia laughed as he handed her one of the cups. It was whiskey; it didn’t smell like typical ship liquor, but she still eyed the drink a little suspiciously. “Not to worry,” Wedge assured her. “It’s not Janson’s brew or any of that paint thinner shit. I snuck a flask of the Whyren’s into my go bag.”
Leia smiled. “The essentials,” she said.
Wedge tipped up his cup. “Chakta sai kae,” he toasted. Health and grace.
“Chakta sai kae,” Leia returned, looking him in the eye during her first sip, as was Corellian custom. “Ree ni hav malprosperi al morhi.” Again, we have failed to die.
“He would teach you that one,” Wedge laughed at her toast. “Your husband’s turning you into a proper Corellian.”
“Mmm,” Leia replied, taking another drink. She tried not to frown at the mention of Han, the thought of whom mainly brought to mind how they’d left things before this mission, his angry frown as he’d tried to get her to discuss it. She knew, when it came down to it, that he probably wasn’t trying to control her, but she also knew that even in the unlikely event he stayed with the Alliance, she couldn’t limit herself to missions with him alone for the rest of her days. She was so tired of explaining herself to everyone else, she sure as hell didn’t want to explain herself to him; why the fuck couldn’t he just trust that she knew what she was doing?
Still, maybe she should have tried a little harder. That fight the night before this mission–Hells, Leia was probably going to be lucky if Han was still on base when she got back, much less still pretending to be married to her.
Wedge seemed to have noticed something in her response, because he was eyeing her carefully.
“Didn’t make up before you left?” he asked.
“Oh, no, it’s not– we weren’t–” Leia began.
Wedge just gave her a look. Great, we were that obvious.
“No, we didn’t,” she said, and suddenly Leia felt a little sad. More than a little sad, because now she was picturing her things back in her old quarters, a cold cot instead of Han’s warmth beside her in his bunk, chasing her nightmares away with a long night alone in the command center, the Falcon gone from the hangar.
She took a long drink of the whiskey to fight the thought of him, gone.
Wedge had gone quiet as well, and seemed to be studying her face.
“All right,” Wedge said, putting his cup down for a moment. “I’m not supposed to be giving you this kind of intel, but I think you need to hear it.”
Leia looked at him with curiosity.
“If Wes asks, I didn’t tell you a godsdamnned thing.”
Leia gave him her own look, like Since when I do tell Wes Janson anything?
“I’m listening,” she said.
“All right.” Wedge’s eyebrows furrowed slightly as he spoke, his eyes focused on her.
“There were a lot of bets going around base, before you came back…married.”
“That’s not news.”
“Yeah well--most of the bets were like–” he looked a bit uncomfortable for a moment--“kriff or kill bets. Y’know, will-they-or-won’t-they? The commitment-type bets were much more of a long shot. Bigger payoff.”
Leia nodded. Interesting. But not terribly surprising, given what Chewie had already shared with her and Han.
“Some of us bet on those ‘cause some beings ‘ll bet on anything, just for entertainment.” Wedge picked up his whiskey and sipped it again. “A few of us–” like me, was the implication– “saw where things were going.”
Leia could feel her eyes widen slightly. There was the part she and Han were playing, and the feelings that she thought were just side effects of this whole charade, but Wedge was saying, what was he saying?
“He’s crazy about you, Lei,” Wedge said. “Has been for a while. He’s anything like me, that probably scares the shit out of him, too.”
He smiled gently. “I know you guys hit a bump, but y’know–it’s a bump. You two just work together. I can’t describe why exactly, but you do. You’re in it for keeps. You’ll work it out when you get back.”
Pretend marriage or no, Wedge’s words did strike a chord of rightness within Leia. Although in some ways, the prospect of what he’d just shared was even more scary than the thought that Han might be gone when they returned.
Still, it gave her some much-needed hope. Leia smiled, and sipped her whiskey. “Thanks.”
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Daniel walks into the cafeteria to give his crush friend Valtteri a bag of coffee beans. The only problem is; Valtteri is already sitting and drinking coffee with someone. It’s Akira, Valtteri’s coffee buddy.
Will Daniel win Valtteri back? Stay tuned
I cannot believe I'm about to write a direct self-insert. I fucking - I'm - it's 1am. I'm reading Irish mythology fanfiction about Táin Bó Cúalinge. I've written worse. Fuck it. Also, I'm kissing you. Also, this is directly inspired by a thing that happened to me in hs, since I did have two friends who were VERY much like Dan and Val. Also, I wasn't a nice person in hs. :) also, you have to tell me what happens next, I'm on the edge of my seat!!!
"You can do this," he murmurs to himself, like an idiot. He'd cringe at himself if he could. He grimaces instead, thankful that the corridor is empty and nobody can see him talking to himself. "You can do this. It's not a big deal. You come up to him, you give him the coffee, you get out of there. Easy peasy," he mutters to himself. "You're fucking Danny Ric," he says, and opens the door to the cafeteria.
He kinda hates how his hands begin to sweat the moment he notices Val. Of course he notices him. Danny doesn't get how people don't. He's radiant, and kinda really pretty, and always too awake for the early hour, sipping his coffee and -
"Fuck," he says, or thinks. He hopes he thinks it, otherwise this will be even more embarrasing. His legs have already carried him halfway to the table where Val is sitting with - Akira.
Dan tries not to grimace. It's not that he doesn't like her, it's just that she's - weird. Smart, like real smart, and quick to bite back when someone pokes at her. Even quicker to attack if she feels threatened. And she's good friends with Val, Danny knows this. They bonded over fucking coffee out of all things, and always drink too much, bringing each other thermos with home brewed shit and all. Danny would die if he drank that much coffee, but it doesn't seem to affect Val at all. He's still always calm, always collected, always so sparse with his words. She is a chatterbox, though, and Dan doesn't know if that gives him hope that Val doesn't mind when Dan chatters away, or if he hates her for taking Val's attention away from Danny.
Then again, Danny drinks Red Bull like it's water, so who is he to say anything?
They notice him around the same time, their heads raising towards him from where Val was smiling at something she was telling him. Danny's hands are sweaty, the bag in his hands uncomfortably slippery.
"Hi, Daniel," Val says, and Danny's stupid heart beats faster. "Good morning."
Before he can say anything, Akira interrupts.
"Yes, hello, Danny," she says, and she sounds like she fucking knows some secret about him. "Can we help you on this lovely morning?"
Danny's tongue feels like lead.
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cielie-voss · 2 years
Vera Doyle - Easy Company's redheaded Angel
Part two
Part 2 of my band of brothers fanfiction with my lovely Medic Vera Doyle.
Part One
Part Three
After arriving back in England after D-Day, Vera felt homesick for the first time and tried to drink ist away.
This Part (and the next) was inspired by @bandofspeirs fanfic Blindsighted. (You should absolutely read it, I love it.) 💕
Warnings: swearing, bad flirting, alcohol consumption.
She had never been homesick. Neither when she emigrated from France, nor during her training with the US Army, or when she came to Aldbourne, the last stop before the invasion.
But when she came back to England after jumping into Normandy, after jumping into her homeland to save and liberate her people, she felt that bittersweet heartbreak for the very first time in her young life. She missed her old home. Her carefree life among the fig trees and rose bushes. But now she knew with certainty that she would never get that life back. That she would never see this country the way she once did. This land she once knew and loved no longer existed as she remembered it.
Plagued by these feelings, she accepted Bill's invitation to accompany him and several other men to a bar. She rarely drank with the men. A certain fear was always buzzing around in her head. A fear that she would lose control of herself and that some men might take advantage of that. While she trusted every single one of her friends, there were plenty of men she didn't want to trust blindly.
But that evening she pushed that thought to the farthest corner of her mind. She wanted to drink. No. She didn't just want to drink, she wanted to get drunk to forget this nagging feeling of homesickness. At least for one evening.
At their table were Malarkey, Muck, Penkala, Toye, Guarnere and a replacement named Babe they met a few evenings earlier. Men came and left the table, George was joking around and working hard alongside Buck Compton to wager a few packs of cigarettes. Young women took the soldiers onto the dance floor, people laughed, celebrated and lived life. Everyone was in a good mood except for one person. Vera. She hung over her pint of beer and stared at the vanishing beer crown.
The bartender noticed her mental absence and quickly shoved a glass of whiskey in front of her.
"Here, on the house." His pitying tone only made her grimace. She didn't need sympathy. Especially not from someone like him who didn't even know her. She's too proud for that. Still, she wrapped her pale fingers around the glass, nodded her head in thanks to the bartender, and raised the glass to eye level. For a short moment she examined the almost gold shimmering liquid, turning and swirling the glass a few times before she emptied it with a sip. The whiskey left a burning feeling and she felt every millimeter of the liquid flowing down her throat, but she enjoyed it. That was exactly what she needed at the moment. She paused for a moment, closed her eyes and internalized that well-known burn that reminded her of her father. After the burning had subsided, she took a deep breath and gently licked the last drops off her lip. Then a sound snapped her out of her trance.
Guarnere had ordered another round of beer and now set the full glasses on the table with a loud clunk. She still had her elbows on the table and she was now looking over the glass at Bill with half-open eyes. He smiled at her and handed her a full glass of beer.
"Now drink. We're alive, we're here, we have to celebrate!" Was his simple request. She drained her first glass in one gulp, pushing it aside along with the whiskey glass. No sooner had she toasted with Bill and Toye than the two were already dragged back onto the dance floor by a couple of pretty ladies, leaving her alone at the table with her glass and her thoughts.
She grabbed a lighter from the table and nervously ran it through her fingers. After a while this glass was also empty and with a simple hand movement she informed the bartender that he should bring her another one. Malarkey slid into the chair next to her, a huge grin on his face, his cheeks as red as his hair. He watched her for a moment and realized that she hadn't even noticed him. Only when she brought her third beer to her lips did he speak to her, his grin had disappeared in the meantime.
"How much beer have you had already? You shouldn't drink that much.", he admonished her cautiously, but only got a cold look from her.
"Stop me and I'll kill you.", were her only words. After taking a sip and resting the glass back on the table, she turns to him
"Shouldn't you be dancing with the others too or..." she let her eyes wander around the room. Men danced, played darts, enjoyed themselves with the ladies (and not just by dancing.) "...whatever?" Her gaze was now back on Don, who gave her a penetrating look. After a short silence, he shrugged.
"Why should I? You're sitting here alone with your...", he counted the glasses in front of her. "With your third beer?!" He looked at her again, a little worried. "You shouldn't drink so much, Vera."
"Oh, shut the fuck up, Don. Va te faire foutre!", she just grumbled and demonstratively took another sip.
The alcohol made her otherwise unremarkable Irish accent thicker and harder for everyone else to follow her words. She usually only got that accent when she was talking fast and excitedly, when her words flowed out of her mouth faster than her brain could form the sentences. And the more agitated or indignant she became, the more likely she was slipping words from the French language into her sentences.
"Are you alright? You seem a bit..." he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"Of course I'm fine!" She blurted out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Do I look like I'm not feeling ok, for fucks sake?!" Malarkey's brain needed a few moments to understand her words. But he saw how tense she was, how empty and burned out. As soon as they were pulled from the frontline, he knew something was wrong with her. At first he blamed it on the stress of the experience of fighting, killing and seeing death right on the front lines of a war. He thought she was haunted by the faces of the fallen soldiers, the faces of those she couldn't save. But he quickly realized that there was something else that was bothering her. Something much deeper than that.
"It's alright. I'm alright." Her voice was downcast, dry as she assured him she was fine. But this statement was not really credible. He knew her too well for that. She was too proud to let anyone know how she felt.
"You know you can talk to me, right?" His hand found her forearm and gripped it tightly, reassuring her that she wasn't alone.
"Thanks, Don." She tried to give him a smile, but it wasn't really convincing. "Now join the others and have fun." Before he got up, he took a deep breath, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek without thinking and then followed her instructions.
More beers, short conversations and awkward attempts at flirting followed, which she had to put up with.
After her fourth beer, Babe dragged her onto the dance floor. Bill, who now affectionately called her little witch, was worried about her. No one has ever seen her this depressed and hurt. She has always been the company's sunshine, always laughing and smiling. He wouldn't be able to make her laugh by himself, but he knew how much she loved to dance. And his new friend Babe could dance like no other. So he persuaded him to lure Vera onto the dance floor.
Her mind was already tipsy after four beers and one whiskey and she found it hard to resist the new guy. Although she was initially reluctant to move to the music on the dance floor with Babe, she still enjoyed it. And after just a few moments, her dance partner managed to make her laugh.
"What an amazing laugh!" he coaxed as he leaned forward and spoke directly into her ear over the loud music.
"Oh shut up," she admonished, still laughing and turning her head away, cheeks flushed. Laughing, he hugged the young woman and led her across the dance floor for the rest of the song.
As the next song started, Bill waved at the two of them, another round of beers on the table. Laughing, the two sat down at the table next to Bill, followed a little later by Malarkey, Muck and Penkala. After a quick toast from Alex, they clinked their glasses. But before Vera could touch the glass with her lips, another replacement approached her from the side.
"I wonder what that pretty mouth can do." He tried to flirt suggestively with her. It took her drunken mind a moment to understand his pick-up line and before she could answer, Bill jumped in. He pushed himself between him and Vera from behind the flirty replacement.
"That mouth can do a lot of swearing, kid. Trust me. Now fuck off." He pressed his index finger against the chest of the puzzled-looking soldier, who after a moment turned and walked away. With an eye roll she put her hand on Bill's shoulder and he turned to her with a satisfied grin.
"Oh, Bill, my hero. What would I do without him?" she blurted out theatrically.
"Pick up a guy for example," was Penkala's reply, making everyone else laugh.
"Oh come on, that wasn't a guy, that was just a kid." Bill replied, bringing his glass to his lips. "Vera deserves better." He took a long gulp and put the glass down.
"Oh really? Something better? Someone like you or who's on your mind?" Malarkey interjected with a grin and nudged Bill with his elbow.
"God, no, that woman would drive me crazy!" Bill raised his hands in defeat. "I think someone like..." He thought for a moment, looked around the bar and then turned back to Vera with a cheeky grin. "Someone like Buck Compton maybe, am I right?" He wagged his eyebrows meaningfully to emphasize his point. He noticed how she looked at the tall blonde man and how she laughed when they talked to each other.
"What?" Her reaction was simple: she was startled. Sure, Buck Compton was obviously handsome, kind, courteous, and a genuinely lovely person. But the idea had never occurred to her. She had often imagined, albeit unintentionally, what life would be like with one of the men in the company outside of the war. But never even a single scenario had awakened any feelings in her.
The conversation quickly fizzled out before anyone could reply, as Bill was pulled onto the dance floor again by a pretty blonde, with Babe and Don following them both.
"Fancy a round of darts?" Skip leaned on the table next to Vera and gave her a questioning look while she happily sipped at her beer.
She shook her head and put the glass down again. "No thanks. But I'm happy to watch you from here." Her heavy Irish accent made Skip a little worried and he glanced at the empty glasses.
"Okay." He grabbed the beer she had just put back on the table and took it with him as he got up. Before she could protest, he said, "You shouldn't drink so much!" and disappeared into the crowd with Alex.
Snorting, she leaned back and ordered another beer with a simple wave of her hand. "Why does everybody keep telling me I shouldn't drink that much?", she wondered.
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Novel Concept
A Remus x OFC fanfiction
Chapter 1
I had always dreamed of a wedding like this. A small church filled to the brim with the people I love, flowers tastefully placed along the outside of the pews that lined the aisle, and at the end stood the man who loved me wholeheartedly. People beaming at us as we joined ourselves together “till death do us part”, and a kiss filled with such ravishing adoration it left my knees feeling weak. 
Only, this wasn’t my wedding.
Lily and James parted to the thunderous applause of their friends. I smiled from where I stood beside them as Lily’s maid-of-honor. Happiness working hard to overshadow the slight guilt weighing down my stomach. Jealousy could do that to a girl. 
Not jealousy over the groom. Sure, I had a small crush on James Potter in my fourth year at Hogwarts, but it was short lived due to an unfortunate prank gone awry. Luckily Madam Pomphrey had been able to return my hair back to its natural state of brown and I had been miraculously cured of any romantic notions of James. No, the jealousy stemmed from the simple fact that I was alone, and they were not. 
Sirius Black whooped loudly as the newlyweds made their retreat down the aisle, with us in their party following faithfully behind them and out into the garden for photos before we left for the reception. I gave Lily back her bouquet and waited to be called for my turn with the bride in front of the camera. Sirius stood next to me looking as handsome as ever with his black hair neatly styled, strong jaw, and mischievous gray. He rested an arm on my shoulder and looked down at me with a devilish grin.
“You know, Dani, the best man and the maid-of-honor have a time honored tradition.”
I raised a dark eyebrow at him as the photographer instructed Lily and James to look at each other in what was no doubt going to be a lovely portrait. “I’m not interested in a pity shag.”
Sirius feigned offense. “You wouldn’t be a pity shag!”
“You’re right.” The photographer gestured at me to join Lily. “I wasn’t talking about me.”
A quiet snort came from over my shoulder. Remus Lupin clapped an offended Sirius on the arm as I joined a glowing Lily.
   “She’s got you there, mate.”
The reception was a smashing. Everyone danced and drank under the soft glow of the fairy lights. I sat alone at a table near the dance floor, nursing a glass of wine. Drinking had never really been a favorite pastime of mine. Neither was dancing, to be honest. I was too afraid of looking like a total prat. No doubt that was partly why I hadn’t been sorted into Gryffindor like most of my friends. Still, I enjoyed watching the merrymaking from a safe distance. It was especially nice, and rare, in these dark times. 
If you had told me five years ago that I would be sitting here watching Lily and James dance at their wedding, I would have run a diagnostic spell to check for illness of the brain. James had the strangest way of showing affection, and Lily certainly did not share his love language. It wasn’t until Seventh Year that James matured, not a lot mind you, but enough that Lily began to allow herself to develop feelings for him. It was sweet and had all the characteristics of a romance novel.
One in which I was painfully aware of my status as a supporting character. While Lily held all the characteristics of a captivating herone (beauty, brains, and wit), I just didn’t make the cut. I wasn’t an ageless beauty and I always seemed to think of the best zingers two moments too late. The only reason I had been able to supply a retort to Sirius earlier was because I knew what he was going to say. He had hinted at it for weeks, giving me optimal time to plan the perfect response. 
Loud laughter erupted from the dance floor where Sirius and Peter were in the middle of a rather scandalous tango. James, arm wrapped around his new wife, threw his head back with laughter when a rose found its way into Peter’s mouth. I snorted to myself and rolled my eyes. 
“Never a dull moment with this lot.”
Remus Lupin sat down next to me, a mirthful smile tugging at the corner of his scared lips. I had often wondered how exactly Remus had gotten in this state, hoping that it wasn’t due to an unsafe home life. Lily had assured me this wasn’t the case when I had brought my concerns to her in our Seventh year at Hogwarts. When I had pushed to try and get some answers out of her, she had patted my hand and told me it wasn’t her story to tell. 
“They certainly know how to enjoy themselves.” I agreed, taking a small sip of my wine. “You’re not going to join them?”
He shook his head, looking at me. “Best to leave it to them.”
“You say that like you’re not just as much of a trouble maker as they are.”
Remus grinned. “On the contrary, Dani. I simply hold to the belief that the best kind of trouble is the well planned kind. What about you? Not going to dance?”
I scrunched up my face, making him laugh. “Trust me, Remus. It’s for the safety of others that I remain exactly where I am.”
The song playing came to an end with applause and laughter as Sirius and Peter took deep bows. A new slower song began. Couples flooded the floor and began to move to the romantic tune. James kissed Lily’s hand before gathering her into his arms. The world seemed to disappear for the two of them. 
“I’m happy for them.” I said, shifting in my seat to shake off the pang of jealousy tickling my spine. “Do you think you’ll ever get married?”
Rumus looked down at the white table cloth in front of him, his expression clouded. “No, I don’t.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Not one to tie yourself down, then?”
Out of his group of friends, I had always thought it most likely that Remus would be the first to settle down. He was kind, considerate, and handsome. Never would i Have pegged him for the bachelor type. Sirius, on the other hand, was definitely the type to enjoy shagging his way through the entire population of single witches in magical London. 
“Not like that.” Remus said quickly, correctly guessing my assumption that he preferred no string attached. He seemed to be searching for the right words. “I just don’t have anything to offer.”
I surveyed him over the rim of my glass. Nothing to offer? Remus had been immensely popular among the girls of our year. You could often find them gushing about their interactions with him. How he was ‘such a gentleman!’ or ‘so good looking! The scars make him so mysterious!’. 
“I dunno, Remus. Some girls are into the whole tortured yet gentle kinda thing.”
“Tortured yet gentle?” He asked, amusement coloring his tone. 
I gestured to him. “You know, the whole ‘You could never love me’ thing.” I snapped my fingers and pointed to him. “Wuthering Heights or Beauty and The Beast.”
He let out a soft laugh. “Beauty and The Beast?”
I shrugged with a grin. “It was all I could come up with.”
“Moony!” A clearly drunk Sirius stumbled towards them. “What are ya doing sittin’ over here by yourself?”
Remus sighed in an affectionate way. “I’m not by myself.”
Sirius seemed to notice me sitting there for the first time. “Dani! My-” he hiccuped. “Date.”
“I’m not your date, Sirius.” I pursed my lips in amusement.
“But it’s tradshin- er- tradition!” 
Remus stood. “I should help him get home.”
Sirius grinned widely. “Why- Moony. I dinnit realize you wanted to take me home.” He leaned against Remus, hugging himself to his friend's chest. “I feel so safe in your arms. Sorry Dani, but I’ve decided Imma shag this beast of a man.”
“Right, well, use protection?” I suggested half amused and half bewildered. 
Sirius smirked wickedly. “No condoms for us, luv. I want to be able to feel every inch of his massive-”
“All right, I think that’s enough.” Remus said firmly, dragging his friend towards the apparating stations. 
I could just make out Sirius replying “That’s not what you said last night.” as they disappeared from sight. Shaking my head, I drained the last of my drink and stood to find Lily. She and James stood to the side of the dance floor, accepting well wishes. Lily smiled when she saw me and reached for my hands. 
“I’m so happy for you, Lil.” I told her honestly, squeezing her hands.
Her eyes brimmed with happy tears. “Thank you for everything, Dani. Today has been an absolute dream.”
I turned towards James. “Take care of her, will you?”
James gazed lovingly down at Lily. “For the rest of my life.”
The week that followed blurred together. My residency at St. Mungos began, and there was so much to do and learn that I barely had time to sleep. The Maternity ward was a rewarding position. It was overflowing with happy parents welcoming their bundles of joy into the world. I had been lucky enough to be a part of twelve successful deliveries. While it was certainly much safer to have children in the magical world, it wasn’t without its risks. Not even magic could save everyone. 
Stepping out of the floo, I looked around my small flat. An old pale green sofa sat in front of the fireplace, looking extremely inviting, surrounded by potted plants and piles of books begging for my attention. I dropped my bag on the side table before going to check if any mail was waiting for me. Owls tended to be tempermentle when they had to wait for a while, and I was expecting a letter from my brother.
Seeing nothing waiting for me, I made a beeline for my bed and was about to sprawl out for a much deserved rest when the sound of the floo firing up made me pause. I wasn’t expecting anyone. Fear ran up my spine and stories from the Daily Prophet about attacks that had been escalating over the past few years sprang to mind. A dark wizard people feared so much they refused to speak his name was amassing an army. He and his followers killed anyone and everyone they felt to be unworthy to perform magic. 
I pulled my wand out of my pocket and held it tightly in front of me. My heart pounded loudly in my ears as I strained to hear sound coming from the other room. Heavy boots clunked noisily on the floor sounding hurried as they moved through the small space. Whoever it was moved towards my bedroom. Keeping my hand steady, I leapt out of my hiding spot and fired off the first spell I could think to use. 
James Potter stood in my tiny hallway looking completely bewildered. I quickly lowered my wand, and placed my hand over my thundering heart. “You absolute arse, James!”
“I’m the arse?” He said, a hint of offense in his voice. “You’re the one attacking people for no good reason!”
“Yes, well, sorry about that.” I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. “You still should have announced yourself. For all I knew, you could have been a Death Eater or something.” It was quiet for a moment. “Did you need something?”
“A medi-witch.” 
I froze. “Is Lily okay? Where is she?”
James’ eyebrows shot up and he quickly reassured me his wife was fine. “She’s with Remus. He’s the one who needs help.”
“Why don’t you just take him to St. Mungos?” I asked, confused.
James ruffled his hair. “Well, it’s private.”
“Private?” I echoed. “You do realize that there are laws in place to protect his rights and privacy.”
James' face darkened. “No, there aren’t.”
I scrunched up my face in confusion. Exactly who wouldn’t they protect Remus? He was a wizard, after all. “Are you going to tell me why?”
“No.” James shook his head. “You can ask him. Grab your medical stuff.”
A part of me thought about refusing. I was exhausted after a three day shift, and didn’t understand James’ out right refusal to take his friend to St. Mungos. Could I really just refuse when I knew they needed help I could provide? No, I couldn’t. It was, after all, why I decided to leave the art of healing. 
With a resigned sigh, I asked, “Can you at least tell me what I will be treating?”
“Wounds, although none of us know how extensive they are. That's why we need you.” James seemed to sag in relief at the lack of a fight.
I left him in the hall and went to my bedroom closet. Grabbing the bag sitting at the bottom on the floor, I hefted it onto my bed and checked to make sure it had everything I would need. James shifted impatiently behind me while I checked to make sure I had blood-replenish potions, clean bandages, murtlap essence, and a few other things. Satisfied, I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder and questered for James to lead the way. 
Instead of leading me to the floo, James grabbed my wrist, turned on the spot, and apparated us away. The sensation was one I had never gotten used to. I would much rather travel by floo and deal with the ashes on my clothes and skin than feel like I was being shoved through the eye of a needle. 
“Warn me next time.” I said weakly when my feet were once again on blessedly solid ground. 
“He’s over here.” was the only reply I got before being dragged through Potter Place to a spare bedroom. 
Lily was fussing over the blankets at the foot of the bed, Sirius was leaning against the window, and Peter sat in the single chair in the corner of the small space. My eyes fell onto the sleeping figure in the bed, and I felt a rush of anger. 
“I don’t understand your dislike of hospitals, but this is ridiculous.”
Remus had a bandage pressed haphazardly across his face that was soaked through with blood. I could also spot a gash on his chest peeking out from beneath the quilt covering him. Setting my bag on the foot of the bed, I pulled out my wand and ran a diagnostic spell. I frowned at the result. 
“What happened?”
“He, er, fell.” Peter supplied.
I snorted. “Of course. I should have realized that a fall would give him twelve lacerations across his face, arms, and torso, two cracked ribs, a broken femur, and a dangerously high fever.”
Peter mumbled something in response but I cast a charm on Remus to wake him up. He groaned and pried his blood shot eyes open with great effort. He looked, for a lack of a better word, pathetic with only one eye visible beneath the bandage. I leaned down towards him and attempted a reassuring smile. 
“Hi, Remus. Can you tell me what happened?”
He winced when he tried to sit up. “Dani? What are you doing here?”
“James asked me to come. I’m a medi-witch. Do you remember what happened?”  I kept my voice as calm and soothing as I could. 
When he hesitated I said, “Hey, it’s alright. I won’t be upset. I just need to know so I can treat your wounds properly.”
His eyes scanned my face and he remained silent. After another few moments of silence. I sighed. “We can talk about it later, then. Do you have any allergies?”
“Just acolate.” He said softly.
I put my hand over his. “Thank you for trusting me with that. I’m going to give you a blood-replenishing potion now, okay?” Remus nodded his consent and allowed me to help him drink it. “I ran a diagnostic spell when I got here. Not an extensive one, just one that would give me an idea of what I was dealing with. Do I have your permission to run a full diagnostics on you?”
He drew his eyebrows together. “What would it tell you?”
“Any allergies, medical conditions, abnormalities, and injuries you have.”
Remus closed his eyes. “No.”
I kept my face carefully composed to hide the frustration I was feeling due to the lack of cooperation I was getting from everyone. “Alright. Then I’m going to give you a sedative while I work to mend your injuries. It’ll help you sleep and reduce your fever.”
He agreed and took it without any fuss. Once he was comfortably sleeping once more, I turned to the rest of the room. “You all can wait outside while I work on him.”
“No way.” Sirius said, standing up straight.
I placed my hands on my hips. “Remus deserves to come out of this with his privacy intact.”
“How do we know you won’t run that diagnostic spell on him the minute we leave?” He demanded coldly.
Anger rose in me like waves. “Excuse me, Sirius Black, but you asked for my help. I have asked Remus for permission and he denied it, so I am bound by my word. Now you can either leave this room, or I can.”
We stared at each other for a long moment. “You wouldn’t leave him like this.”
“No. No I wouldn’t.” I looked down at my hands. “I meant what I said when I told you I was bound by my word. As a medi-witch we are made to give an oath. This oath prevents me from violating a patient's rights. That includes the right to refuse. ‘So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.’”
“Is it magically binding?” Sirius asked, arms crossed as he gazed at me with hard eyes.
I sighed in irritation. “Yes. If I break it then I risk losing my magic, alright? Satisfied now?”
He continued to look at me with steely eyes. “For now.”
Sirius joined the rest of his friends in the hall, leaving me at last alone with my patient. Closing the door, I turned towards the bed and rolled up my sleeves before getting to work. It was exhausting work. I was already near the limit of my magic after the long shift at the hospital, and used nearly the rest of my reserve mending bones, cleaning and closing lacerations, and administering salves and potions to stave off infection and fever. I couldn’t be sure how long I worked, but by the time I allowed the others to return, Lily conjured a comfortable armchair for me to collapse in. I felt strained and nauseous as I sat there. Sirius rushed to his side, inspecting my work with a critical eye. The bandages that had been covering Remus’s face had been removed and the gashes were closed and a bright pink. The salve glistened in the light. No matter what spell I used, the scarring refused to budge. The salve would help it fade over time, but it would always be there. 
James stood at the foot of the bed, his shoulders sagging with relief as he turned to me. “Thank you, Dani.”
I nodded, feeling grim. There had been an abnormal amount of scar tissue I had to work around, sooth, and break up. There was also a glaring amount of evidence for previous breaks in his bones, not to mention hundreds of scars across his body. It made me feel sick. What exactly was happening here to leave his body so damaged? This was a conversation Remus would have no choice in having. If someone was hurting him, he would need to know it was not okay, and that there was help out there if only he would speak out against his abuser. A bitter taste filled my mouth. Whether it was towards his friends for not putting a stop to it, or my body letting me know it was overspent, I couldn’t say. 
I got to my feet and put a hand on the chair to keep me from swaying. “Right. Well, he’s stable. His fever is down and I’ve managed to set the bones. He needs to stay in bed for the time being. Push fluids and only give him broth. Absolutely no solid food for now. He won’t be able to keep it down anyway. I’ll be back tomorrow to reapply the scarring salve.”
“You’re not going to stay until he wakes up?” James asked.
“No. I’m completely spent.”
“You can stay here.” Lily stepped next to me, looking at me with concern. “I doubt you would be able to make it home, anyway.”
After a brief protest on my part, Lily managed to get her way to no one's surprise. After setting me up in another guest room, Lily went to get something for me to eat. I was asleep before she came back.
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