#Development of the Bomb šŸ’£
xtruss Ā· 3 months
The True History of Einstein's Role in Developing The Atomic Bomb
The Legendary Physicist Urged the U.S. to Build the Devastating Weapon During World War IIā€”and Was Haunted by the Consequences. ā€œI Did Not See Any Other Way Out.ā€
ā€” By Erin Blakemore | February 21, 2024
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A Mushroom Cloud Towers Over Nagasaki After the Detonation of an Atomic Bomb in 1945. Albert Einstein struggled with his role in the creation of the bomb and the devastation wrought by the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Photograph By U.S Army Air Force Via Library of Congress
Albert Einstein is perhaps most famous for introducing the world to the equation E=mc2. In essence, he discovered that energy and mass are interchangeable, setting the stage for nuclear powerā€”and atomic weapons.
His part in the drama of nuclear war may have ended there if not for a simple refrigerator.
In the 1920s, while living in Berlin, the physicist collaborated with Hungarian graduate assistant Leo SzilĆ”rd to develop and patent an energy-efficient fridge. While their design never went to market, the duoā€™s work ultimately embroiled Einsteinā€”an avowed pacifistā€”in the race to create an atomic bomb during World War II.
Einstein would go on to argue vehemently to ban nuclear weapons worldwide in his later life, as he struggled with the deadly consequences of his scientific creation.
ā€œHis brilliance was also his downfall,ā€ says National Geographic Explorer Ari Beser. ā€œThe revolution that came with the splitting of the atom requires a moral one as well.ā€
Einstein's Letter To Roosevelt
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From the Presidentā€™s Secretaryā€™s Files. Einstein Letter. In the summer of 1939, a group of physicists, including several who hadfled Hitlerā€™s Germany, met to discuss their fears of Germany developing a uranium-based weapon. It was decided that the best course of action was to immediately inform President Roosevelt of their concerns. Because Albert Einstein had a previous personal relationship with the Roosevelts and was internationally well-known for his expertise, a letter informing the President about the dangers of a nuclear chain reaction bomb was drafted for Einsteinā€™s signature. This August 2, 1939 letter was personally delivered to the President on October 11, 1939 (the outbreak of the war intervened) by Alexander Sachs, a longtime economic adviser to FDR. After learning the letterā€™s contents, President Roosevelt told his military adviser General Edwin M. Watson, ā€œThis requires action.ā€ The action FDR required would evolve into the Manhattan Project.
Even after SzilƔrd and Einstein ended their partnership over appliances, the two scientists stayed in touch.
In 1933, the same year Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, SzilĆ”rd discovered the nuclear chain reactionā€”the process that unleashes the energy locked in atoms to create enormous explosions. And by 1939, he had became convinced that German scientists might be using current scientific developments to develop an atomic weapon.
So he approached his one-time colleagueā€”then the worldā€™s most famous scientistā€”and asked him to warn U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
SzilƔrd visited Einstein in New York with two fellow refugees, Hungarian physicists Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner. When they told him about the possibility of a nuclear chain reaction, Einstein was shocked at the danger posed by his 1905 special theory of relativity.
ā€œHe certainly was not thinking about this theory as a weapon,ā€ says Cynthia Kelly, president of the Atomic Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit organization she founded to preserve and interpret the Manhattan Project and its broader legacy. But ā€œhe quickly got the concept.ā€
Together with the other scientists, Einstein drafted a letter to Roosevelt that warned of what might happen if Nazi scientists beat the United States to an atom bomb.
ā€œIt appears almost certain that [a nuclear chain reaction] could be achieved in the immediate future,ā€ he wrote, sounding the alarm on ā€œextremely powerful bombs of a new type,ā€ and advising that Roosevelt fund an initiative to research atomic energy.
Roosevelt took the warning seriously. On October 21, 1939, two months after receiving the letter and just days after Germanyā€™s invasion of Poland, the Roosevelt-appointed Advisory Committee on Uranium met for the first time. It was the forerunner of the Manhattan Project, the top-secret government project that eventually invented a working atom bomb.
A Troubled Legacy
The committee was only given $6,000 in funding, so Einstein continued writing to the president, assisted by SzilƔrd, who wrote large portions of the letters. One letter even warned that SzilƔrd would publish key nuclear findings in a scientific journal if the initiative was not better funded.
In this way, Einstein helped spark the Manhattan Project, says Kelley, but ā€œhis actual involvement was very marginal.ā€ The FBI file on the outspoken scientistā€”who openly criticized racism, capitalism, and warā€”would eventually grow to over 1,800 pages.
ā€œIn view of his radical background,ā€ the FBI wrote, ā€œthis office would not recommend the employment of Dr. Einstein on matters of a secret nature.ā€ In the end, Einstein never received security clearance to work on the Manhattan Project.
Still, his name is forever connected to the weapon born of his greatest discovery. He was devastated by news of the Hiroshima bombingā€”and humiliated by a TIME cover from 1946 that showed him in front of a mushroom cloud emblazoned with his famous equation.
Though Einstein worked to warn the world about the perils of nuclear proliferation for the rest of his life, he struggled to make sense of his responsibility.
ā€œHe is the fatherā€ of the atom bomb, says Beser, who is the grandson of the only U.S. serviceman aboard both planes that carried the atomic bombs to Japan.
Beser uses his storytelling to illustrate the aftermath of nuclear weapons. For instance, he visited Auschwitz with a survivor from Nagasaki, who was astonished at the connections between the bomb, which killed or wounded hundreds of thousands of civilians, and one of historyā€™s other horrorsā€”the Holocaust.
ā€œI was well aware of the dreadful danger for all mankind, if these experiments would succeed,ā€ Einstein wrote of the bombā€™s development in a Japanese magazine in 1952. ā€œI did not see any other way out.ā€
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For Beser, Einsteinā€™s dilemma illustrates the contradictions of the human condition: ā€œThe splitting of the atom changed everything, except the way we think,ā€ he laments.
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the-obnoxious-sibling Ā· 6 months
I donā€™t understand why in the hell Buggy who loathes his nose made his whole persona around it. Like in his jolly, his whole clown look, everything. Is it just Oda thinking itā€™s funny or could it mean anything?
well, those answers are looking at the question from two different points of view. they can both be true! oda can think itā€™s funny (which i have to imagine he does), and it can tell us something about buggyā€™s character.
he has to live with his nose whether he likes it or not, which i think plays into things a bit.
buggyā€™s a spiteful guy, so while heā€™s self-conscious about his nose, heā€™ll also say, ā€œoh, you think my nose is weird, huh? you think itā€™s odd, itā€™s worth commenting on? fuck you, buggy bomb attack šŸ’£šŸ’£šŸ’£ā€ putting the nose so front and center also encourages anyone who would make a mean joke about it to do so right away, so heā€™s not gonna get surprised by asshole behavior later.
ā€¦this is in the realm of headcanon now, but i do think the clown look was originally a self-preservation thingā€”whoā€™s gonna connect ā€œliteral clown pirateā€ with ā€œthat red-nosed kid who ran around with gold roger?ā€ (hopefully fewer people than would connect ā€œguy with only one unusual thing about him: a red noseā€ to ā€œthat red-nosed kid.ā€) but you canā€™t live such a strong aesthetic choice without developing some kind of feeling about it, and he found a crew who liked it too, and soon it was just buggyā€™s thing.
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Oh right, I forgot I made reference sheets of my
Krang OCs!
That's right! A species of aliens from my favorite media, RoTTMNT, is one of my favourites, and thus has a bunch of OCs from the species! Only four of them are really developed, and I'll introduce you to them!
(Ignore the height measurements where I mention the turtle brothers, because it's now outdated! This is also a very big post, so there's a lot of text, and even in some of the images too.)
Now let's get introduced to... Petrol!
(2023 April 7th)
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Right, he looks more or less... Basic for a Krang at this stage. I have developed them way more now!
(2023 April 9th)
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Now there he is! A young Krang with a kind heart, he isn't much of a threat like a singular Krang, but he's a swimmer! A formidably quick one too, and CAN fight while swimming, though their vision is unfortunately so bad they see the clearest at 2 centimetres away, almost one inch vision! Which is why he has goggles whenever he typically goes out to explore.
As he grew up within multiple generations of his raccoon family, he slowly forgot more about the Krang species, and because he was very young when the Krang were sucked in the Prison Dimension. He also gained markings resembling a raccoon's and is able to communicate with raccoons fluently. Yes, Petrol is capable of chirping, growling, barking and hissing, like an actual raccoon does.
Oh, and the easily combustible part? He pretty much combusts into flames whenever he gets scared. Mostly because he digests a lot of oils and gasolines, the perfect ingredients for bursting into flames.
"Where is his exosuit?", you may ask. Well, back when he narrowly escaped from being sucked in along the many other Krangs, he just abandoned his own exosuit, and in return being destroyed in the Prison Dimension from the chaos that happened where only three Krangs managed to survive from the aftermath. Now he has a custom one, made by none other than Nix. Or Kaos as an alternative.
(2023 April 8th)
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No, wait, this is the wrong Nix.
There they are!
(2023 April 11th)
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As expected and obvious from their looks, Kaos is the inventor of the four Krangs. Oddly enough, he distances himself a LOT from Krang technology, to the point he would only use that technology only if necessary. Quite a feral yet impish Krang, they love to bring their explosives with them no matter if it's a mission or any relaxing activities. And no wonder they made the bomb šŸ’£ (Uxitron or UXāˆ…3) by themselves, as they like inventing! They've made customized exosuits, machinery, weapons, and never forget, the littlest things like their own goggles, the artificial antenna they added in their own head and bombs.
They invent so much and experiment things, though sometimes not all of it was a success. Because of one failed experiment exploding into pieces, Kaos gained a permanent and thick scar on their face, especially affecting their left eye to the point it cannot constrict no matter the lighting conditions. Essentially, Nix has mydriasis in this case. In order to make it easier for themselves while working, they made goggles which both the lenses are adjusted with filters in order to allow them to see microscopic bits and inventions more easily, as well as controlling the amount of light that enters in the left goggle.
Despite their markings resembling explosions, one of them resembles a flower. A time where they first lived on Earth. They love hills covered in pretty flowers, and even still loves them, as they have pots and vases of plants in their shared home. Not in their own laboratory, of course.
Back when they used to be apart of Krang 01's/Leader's army, they admired him to such an extreme extent that they would do ANYTHING to please him, make him satisfied with their own actions despite not being seen as anything but an engineer. But nowadays they haven't forgotten Krang 01/Leader entirely, but doesn't even bring him up in a conversation other than to mention how they used to admire him.
Who else would be quite disappointed for Nix to admit they used to admire Krang 01/Leader?
Vemirath, or Ven for short.
(2023 April 11th)
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A powerful and formidable ex-warrior, Vemirath is NOT someone you should underestimate. She isn't feared for no reason by her opponents. She can clearly pin down her opponents who are almost the same size like her, as well as tear open buildings with ease. Despite this, like a rattlesnake, she also has a tender side of herself despite struggling to show emotions other than anger. She is a primary caretaker of Petrol, as well as his role-model. She cares deeply for her allies and family, but does she spare some for Krang 01/Leader?
None. She would find it better if she could've killed him with her own tendrils, tear him apart and stab him repeatedly. If she wished something to never exist in the universe, she would immediately say Krang 01/Leader with no hesitation. The only other thing she dislikes heavily are pickles. Pickles. šŸ„’ How? It reminds her of Krang 01/Leader for some reason.
And to talk about her third eye, it has miosis. Constantly a vertical slit, not even dilating at all. It doesn't improve her vision and visual depth too much other than a slight change. It's not much of a bother for her either, so she still kept it even when she was young.
It was clear Krang 01/Leader didn't like her much either, so it was a mutual feeling, though Ven's was more extreme.
The only one who managed to reach Krang 01's/Leader's ranks and role is Forth.
(2023 April 15th)
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Despite being blind, she has sonars implanted on the sides of her head, allowing her to see her surroundings in a way she never had done before.
This made her more formidable, even as she is a very quick fighter. She can now be more precise in fighting her opponents and targets, yet smart enough to act like she can only hear, not "see" her surroundings. She clearly is strong after all, and has a lot of potential for her future in the army.
Despite being the highest rank of most Krangs, she loves getting herself into dangerous situations, as it's thrilling for her but also a bit more exciting than being a potential leader together with Krang 01/Leader. But the stress and concentration she tried to muster in order to focus more better has made her tendrils unable to relax naturally like others, always in a similarly jointed shape. It hurts for her to truly straighten her limbs, even if they're quite flexible.
She is also a constant smiler, rarely frowning at all mostly because she feels more relaxed smiling.
Even while she is the one who frequently explores and encounters more living beings than her fellow family (excluding Petrol), she still likes being in Nix's laboratory, listening to the machines working and moving to function. She finds the sounds relaxing.
(2023 April 17th)
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Here are some personality notes for my characters in case you write them! Unfortunately I do not know how to properly write dialogue, so you can pretty much feel free to write dialogue in a way that you think could fit them!
More information the better!
Unfortunately I can't add any more images, BUT I can write even MORE information! So here is incoming bonus information for the four Krangs!
Petrol: He would absolutely adore being around Michelangelo, as he's the bubbliest, friendly and loveliest turtle he has ever met. He hasn't tried drawing before, but he will gladly practice together with Mikey!
Nix/Kaos: They are easily capable of fighting four opponents at the same time with a melee weapon. And he would love to work alongside Donatello with inventing things as well as blow things up for FUN!
Vemirath: She will slowly lose her patience and herself if you keep talking about Krang 01/Leader. She will snap if you dare say a word that implies or even means that you admire him. She would rather hear him say he's a gift rather than hear someone else think he's a good Leader or someone admirable.
Forth: She has a thing for Vemirath. (Not elaborating.)
And that's what I have for my Krang OCs!!
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calamitaswrath Ā· 1 month
Controller, mountain, torii gate, bomb and thumbs up emojis (loz ask game)
šŸ•¹ļø Whatā€™s the first Zelda game you ever played?
First one I ever saw in action and maybe played was Majora's Mask, which was over at the place of some of my parent's friends. But that was only a few minutes, so I don't think that'd really count. The first one I did actually buy and play for myself was Twilight Princess.
šŸ—» If you were in a Zelda game, where would you live? What would you be doing? (aside from being the hero or princess)
Probably just live as a hermit on either a place like the Great Plateau, or the Hebra Mountains. Those are pretty cozy places.
ā›©ļø Favorite Zelda Dungeon/Location?
For dungeon, the Sand Ship from Skyward Sword! And location overall. . . honestly pretty tough to chose just one. The Moon from Majora's Mask? The Sacred Grove from Twilight Princess? The sewer system from Twilight Princess? Plenty of choices, really.
šŸ’£ Favorite Zelda Item/Weapon?
The Magnet Glove from Oracle of Seasons! It has been over a decade since I last played those games, but that thing left a very strong impression on me back then.
šŸ‘ Favorite Zelda Headcanons?
Oh, I got one that I never actually saw somebody else share or have! So, you know how the Oracles games were originally meant to be a trilogy, yeah? But the only ones we got made are the ones that featured the oracles based on Din and Nayru, who correspond to Power and Wisdom on the Triforce. Well, I always found it a bit Inch Restingā„¢ how Onox and Veran sort of resemble Ganondorf and Zelda, and figured that the villain of the third Oracle game would have been visually similar to Link. And, well, if you look at the next Capcom-developed Zelda game, The Minish Cap, there is Vaati's human(oid) form. . . Not really sure how much this counts as a headcanon, but it's what I got.
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dinaive Ā· 8 months
In my opinion when we help build tourist attraction spots in every parts of occupied Palestine, this will reduce the risks of Palestine from being bomb heartlessly and also will help Palestine in its economies. Which I believe the world leaders will definitely object because they are stupid and heartless.
Building various tourist destinations is what the Japanese did. They build many tourist attractions spot, so that people canā€™t simply bomb them anymore.
However, looking at how cruelty the world leader is, they will bomb anywhere they want and this is barbaric and uncivilised.
When we implement tourism in Palestine, this will reduce the risk of being bomb šŸ’£
and of course the situation between Palestine and Japan are different since Palestine have been invaded for more then 70 years. And when Japanese develop this idea they are an independent country.
The era of invasion in Palestine are the same era when my country being invaded. The colonial era.
However, my country have gain independence and Palestine still battling for their independence.
United Nation have the power to declare Palestine as a world heritage site. And people wonā€™t bomb them this way. This declaration will save many lives in Palestine.
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blu3cl0v3rs Ā· 4 months
Whatā€™s this? An ask bomb šŸ’£!! What would you say are the hallmarks of your writing style? Have you worked to develop those, or did they come about naturally?
i. don't know šŸ˜…
most of my writing style came from books and fanfiction i read when i was younger, while also incorporating grammar tips and other rules my english teachers taught me, along with the occasional advice from my mom.
i guess it also stems from the content i watch? a lot of the shows and movies i'm interested in are very action-based, so my rather short lines probably originate from quick descriptions to explain what was happening.
my writing style sorta. developed naturally? like, it changes and grows depending on the content i consume, or the people i'm with, or even the tone of my writing! i guess the best way to explain it would be is that my writing is a shapeshifter, but still keeps its base personality.
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indigosky101 Ā· 4 months
Ohohoho, whatā€™s this? Could it be an ask bomb šŸ’£? When you develop original characters, where do you start? Share about them, if youā€™d like!
Where do I start when making an original character? Personally, I only make original characters when itā€™s necessary for one of my Ninjago fanfics. The ninja need villains to fight. Certain ocs need to exist to shape a canon characterā€™s perspective on something. So, I guess determining the ocā€™s purpose is how I start creating them
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pipelinelaserraygun Ā· 11 months
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Development of the āš›ļøšŸ’£ Atom Bomb could lead us, IF left to demonic operatives šŸ‘ŗ serving as governing bodies, to šŸŒŽ a Creation that cannot be sustained on Earth, šŸ•Žāœļø without Divine intervention.
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MUST ā°šŸ’£ UNDERSTAND: In whose 2023 hands are we putting a ticking time bomb?
What RELIGIOUS checks and balances do they have if any?
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FALLEN angelic outcasts šŸŒŽ would rather kill all Humanity than relinquish authority.
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MUST ā° WATCHā€¼ļø šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Does the average American know how to spot servants of šŸ‘æ satan who spread decay?
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Does the average American know how to spot servants of šŸ‘æ satan who spread decay?
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MUST šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø SPOT/STOPā€¼ļø
Does the average American know how to spot servants of šŸ‘æ satan who spread decay? Bring this up to šŸ™ God.
Badge of honor: My FB page touched ā¬†ļø a raw nerve over the weekend.
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Does Mrs Christ šŸ‘‘āœļø know how to spot servants of šŸ‘æ satan who spread decay?
MUST šŸ‘‘šŸ‘°šŸ» INTERCEDEā€¼ļø
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Does Mrs Christ šŸ‘‘āœļø know how to spot Leaders who šŸ›‘ STOP the spread of decay?
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Does Mrs Christ šŸ‘‘āœļø know how to spot Leaders who šŸ›‘ STOP the spread of decay?
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Flesh and ā˜ ļø bone suffers decay, but the BETTER parts of you can live eternally.
šŸ‘‘āœļøšŸ‘°šŸ» Believe, and receive.
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lostlevelsclub Ā· 2 years
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@RegalPigeon - šŸ’£Bomb Head demo v0.100 is live on Itch! šŸ’°shopsšŸŽÆtalentsšŸŒŽmap system and more!
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xtruss Ā· 10 months
Atomic Secrets: The Scientists Who Built The Atom Bomb šŸ’£
Science and the military converged under a cloak of secrecy at Los Alamos National Laboratory. As part of the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos ā€” both its very existence and the work that went on there ā€” was hidden from Americans during World War II.
Many of the thousands of scientists on the project were not officially aware of what they were working on. Though they were not permitted to talk to anyone about their work, including each other, by 1945 some had figured out that they were in fact building an atomic bomb.
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In 1943 J. Robert Oppenheimer was named the director of the Bomb Project at Los Alamos, a self-contained area protected -- and completely controlled -- by the U.S. Army. Special driver's licenses had no names on them, just ID numbers. Credit: Courtesy of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives
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Robert Oppenheimer's wife Kitty was not above scrutiny. All who were affiliated with the project -- and their spouses -- were thoroughly screened and had a security file with the FBI. Credit: Courtesy of the F.B.I.
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Less than a year after Oppenheimer proposed using the remote desert site for the laboratory, Los Alamos was already home to a thousand scientists, engineers, support staffā€¦ and their families. By the end of the war the population was over 6,000, and the compound included amenities like this barber shop. Credit: Time Life/Getty Images
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Atomic Bomb Project employees having lunch at Los Alamos. Though food was often in scant supply, residents made the best of life in their isolated community by putting on plays and organizing Saturday night square dances. Some singlesā€™ parties in the dormitories reportedly served a brew of lab alcohol and grapefruit juice, cooled with dry ice out of a 32-gallon GI can. Credit: Copyright Bettmann/CORBIS
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Completely self-contained, the Los Alamos facility did not officially exist in its early years except as a post office box. Scientistsā€™ families were mostly kept in the dark about the nature of the project, learning the truth only after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Credit: Courtesy of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives
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Credited with inventing the cyclotron, University of California-Berkeley physicist Ernest Lawrence (squatting, center) looks on as Robert Oppenheimer points out something on the 184ā€ particle accelerator. Harvard University supplied the cyclotron that was used to develop the atomic bomb. Credit: Copyright CORBIS
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The Trinity bomb was the first atomic bomb ever tested. It was detonated in the Jornada del Muerto (Dead Manā€™s Walk) Desert, near Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945. The test was a resounding success. The United States would drop similar bombs on Japan just three weeks later. Credit: Courtesy of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives
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Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves inspect the melted remnants of the 100-foot steel tower that held the Trinity bomb. Ensuring that the testing of a bomb with unknown strength would remain completely secret, the government chose a location that was so remote they had to import their water from over 150 miles away. Credit: Copyright CORBIS
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Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves stand in front of a map of Japan, just five days before the bombing of Hiroshima. Credit: Copyright CORBIS
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Though there was no evidence that Oppenheimer had betrayed his country in any way, several officials called his loyalty into question in the Cold War environment of 1954. After being subjected to months of hearings, ā€œthe most famous physicist in the worldā€ eventually lost his government security clearance. Credit: Reprinted courtesy of TIME Magazine
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mimigoey Ā· 2 years
We should not ever forget about Buer Blushenko sensei. His bloodline magic is healingšŸŒæ. Nowadays what's going on is a deadly battle between teachers and students. While on one side it is to make the students loose their pride and be humble, on the other side they are being attacked. I'm brushing aside all those things such as character development and ability development. They will achieve both as time goes on. Camui šŸ¦‰ is getting severely injured by Momonoki sensei. It's true that for the first time he appears heroic and shakes a maiden's heart but the teacher is still injuring her precious student. Below them Ifrit šŸ§žsensei is fighting Azz and he's also likely to get burnnnnnns.
This is where Blushenko sensei becomes a hero ā¤ļø he can heal the students. Blushenko sensei is the homeroom teacher of Class D. It's Shaoron'sšŸ° class. His friend Zom šŸ’£ loves to play with his classmates by detonating bombs and it is sensei who heals everyone. When I thought about it, I'm less worried about Azz and Camui getting wounds and injuries. Blushenko sensei, I'm counting on you to heal them šŸŒ¹
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deadtired03 Ā· 3 years
šŸ’œšŸƒJeremiah Valeska Headcanons šŸ”ŖšŸ’£ (ft. Jerome):
1. Before he was abused and before Jeremiah left, Jerome was a normal kid. He took risks, loved jokes, and enjoyed pulling pranks, but he wasnā€™t ā€œcrazy.ā€ Jeremiah, on the other hand, was considered a very strange kid. Because Jerome was wild, Jeremiah liked to act as though he was the ā€œsaneā€ twin. In reality, Jeremiah would do or say a lot of weird things that didnā€™t make sense to anyone but himself.
2. Heā€™s a compulsive liar and often makes up a lot of things about himself (which only slightly got better as he grew up).
3. He has an eery and unnatural fearlessness (though he tries not to be too reckless) and would often have to fake his fear in order to seem more normal in the eyes of others. He also has a freakishly high pain tolerance, which would often secretly baffle Jerome as a kid.
4. As a kid, one of Jeremiahā€™s favorite hobbies was dissecting stray animals (mostly alley cats) out of ā€œcuriosityā€ and then blaming it on Jerome (in the future, after killing his mother, Jeromeā€™s memories blurred together and he genuinely believed he was the one responsible for all the dead animals when he was a kid).
5. Heā€™s always had odd responses and reactions (such as the time his mother freaked out over a spider and Jeremiahā€™s immediate reaction was to hide it instead of getting rid of it).
6. One strange tendency heā€™s always had, which always embarrassed him as a kid, was letting out random, short bursts of laughter or giggling (which he learned to control as he grew older).
7. Ever since he was a kid, heā€™s had a habit of arguing with himself, out loud, when heā€™s trying to make a decision (this would earn him a lot of weird looks from the other circus folk).
8. After leaving the circus, he was bullied in school for being ā€œweirdā€, causing him to attempt to suppress his strange behaviors. All his progress came undone after being sprayed by Jeromeā€™s insanity gas.
9. After being sprayed with the insanity gas he started hearing multiple voices in his head, three of them being Jerome, Lila, and Zack.
10. Heā€™s really good with makeup and often tried on Lilaā€™s makeup as a kid, which Jerome secretly knew about.
11. Heā€™s an extreme pyromaniac and secretly loved setting things on fire when he was a kid, once almost setting the trailer on fire (yā€™know, for science). His obsession with fire, however, eventually evolved into an obsession with bombs and explosions.
12. After being sprayed with the insanity gas, he adopted two pet hyenas for Ecco on her birthday (one is named Bruce while the other is named Lila). After killing Ecco, Jeremiah took care of the hyenas until they were later given to Harley Quinn.
13. Similar to his mother, he has a slight addiction to alcohol and usually drinks whenever heā€™s stressed/paranoid, sad, or disappointed.
14. Heā€™s always loved a good show and was definitely interested in theater. However, I think he refused to indulge in those interests/desires in fear theyā€™d make him seem similar to Jerome.
15. While sleeping, post-spray!Jeremiah sometimes speaks complete nonsense, says incredibly disturbing things, or just giggles (I feel like Ecco would somehow know about this and record him without telling him).
16. While Jeromeā€™s canon favorite ice cream flavor is chunky monkey, Jeremiahā€™s favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip (I also like to headcanon that Jerome would make fun of him for liking ice cream that, in his opinion, tastes like toothpaste).
17. After being adopted, he was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, insomnia, and OCD. After being sprayed with the insanity gas, he developed psychosis and depersonalization disorder.
18. Heā€™s definitely a cat person, which he probably tries to hide. Heā€™s the type of person to be strongly against getting a cat but ends up being the one most attached to it/also probably hates dogs, especially big ones. However, he still has no qualms with killing cats as long as theyā€™re feral.
19. Heā€™s agender (AMAB) and goes by any pronouns (I think, especially after being sprayed with the insanity gas, heā€™d be completely apathetic to the concept of gender and just wouldnā€™t care).
20. Heā€™s bisexual with no preference (pre-spray!Jeremiah had a crush on Ecco and post-spray!Jeremiah developed a crush on Bruce).
21. He once sent a chocolate cake to the Wayne mansion on Bruceā€™s birthday and said it was from Gordon, but when Alfred cut into it it was just lasagna shaped like a cake and covered in chocolate frosting.
22. Due to years of drawing out his plans for engineering and designing mazes, heā€™s actually pretty good at drawing and enjoys sketching weird things when he has nothing else to do (which is rare as the Joker).
23. I feel like heā€™d be really into 1920s jazz music and electric-swing and would dance to it with Ecco (I headcanon his favorite song to be Letā€™s Misbehave by Irving Aaronson).
24. He never actually needed glasses, he just wore them to look ā€œsmarterā€ and to differentiate himself from Jerome.
25. I feel like his adoptive parents wouldā€™ve made him learn an instrument (specifically piano) throughout middle school and high school (probably far-fetched).
26. Puns make him unnaturally and unreasonably angry, so of course Jerome would make them all the time when they were kids (he considers puns to be an insult to actual jokes). He also probably fell for a lot of Deez Nuts jokes, courtesy of, surprisingly, Ecco.
27. Jeremiah = Mad Hatter
Jerome = Cheshire Cat
Bruce = Alice
28. His and Jeromeā€™s birthday is April 1 (April Foolā€™s Day).
29. Heā€™s extremely unpredictable after being sprayed with the insanity gas, which adds to his chaotic behavior. Some days heā€™ll commit crimes such as murder or blowing up a hospital, other days heā€™ll pull weird, elaborate pranks (usually on the GCPD or Bruce/Batman).
30. Heā€™s the only one besides Alfred who knows that Bruce is Batman.
31. Really bad at and hates video games (except The Sims/probably made a Sim of himself and Bruce).
32. (āš ļøTrigger Warningāš ļø) Was probably sexually abused by his uncle without Jeromeā€™s knowledge (otherwise Jerome wouldā€™ve killed Zack a lot sooner) and was a big part of the reason why he lied in order to leave.
33. I can see him being interested in learning different languages to expand his knowledge, mainly Spanish, French, Russian, and German.
34. Definitely born the younger twin, but became the older twin after Jerome died for a year and thus stopped aging.
35. For some reason I feel like heā€™d really like horses and would probably show up at Bruceā€™s mansion with a black horse wearing a tutu and a clown wig as a present or something.
36. Ecco sometimes catches him talking to animals or inanimate objects like heā€™s having an actual two-way conversation.
37. He learned how to wield a knife and use basic hand-to-hand combat from Ecco. However, he mostly relies on tricks to beat an opponent.
38. If he were an animal heā€™d be a purple poison dart frog (or a peacock lmao). Jerome would obviously be a hyena and Ecco would be a cat (guess what Bruce would be).
39. Constantly tells jokes and pulls pranks in a desperate attempt to make Bruce/Batman laugh (which of course only Harley manages to accomplish).
40. All of his weapons are custom made and have a clown/circus theme. He also has fake guns that just shoot out red flags saying ā€œBANG!ā€
41. He hates bad manners/etiquette and tries to seem as proper as he can while at the same time acting like a clown. Heā€™s a weird mix between polite and psychopath.
42. Absolutely despises being or getting dirty. Even just the thought of being covered in any form of filth makes his skin crawl.
43. I genuinely think that the only thing the insanity gas did to him was amplify his already existing thoughts and behavior and take away all of his impulse control.
44. As a kid he would manipulate Jerome into doing whatever he wanted, which mainly consisted of stealing things for him (I firmly believe Jerome was stealing Zackā€™s snickerdoodle cookies for Jeremiah).
45. Besides changing color (after the gas), Jeremiahā€™s eyes can also see extremely well in the dark.
46. If I were to give him a theme song itā€™d probably be Mamaā€™s Gun by Glass Animals. I just think it fits the whole going insane vibe.
47. Jerome is against killing or hurting babies and children, but Jeremiah wonā€™t hesitate to get rid of anything in his way (except Bruce).
48. Refuses to swear and instead says the weirdest things as a substitute (Ecco tries so hard to deal with it).
49. Actually likes snakes and got along well with them like his mother. He was definitely Shebaā€™s favorite and was the only one she tolerated besides Lila.
Note: Iā€™ll probably add onto this if I think of any more. Also, feel free to let me know what you think.
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zombiesun Ā· 2 years
3,9šŸ’£(no magic 8ball emoji :/)
i love the bomb thank you
3. do you miss anyone?
this is a loaded question because I am often the person that leaves relationships and in those cases, save exactly one person I do not miss those people in my life as I ended them because I did not want to remain in connection. that one person was a very special friend to me, our connection was instrumental in my development as a person and also my understanding of love. they are the only person I have kept a door open in my heart for if they someday grow to the point where I think we could meet again as adults and ending our friendship is still something I stand by but I miss them. perhaps I always will. they were the first person I ever felt fully loved by. I think of them when I see cats, expansive trees, strange embroideries, and read something that makes my heart bruise. I miss them but I missed them in our friendship too and that's part of why I had to end it. I do love them though, they were perhaps the only person I did not end a connection with for reasons that weren't related to no longer being interested in being in connection with them. we were just no longer compatible with each other. I hope someday we will be though. they will always have a part of me that belongs to them fully.
outside of that I miss the person I'm in love with, I miss my family, I miss my friend leah, I miss urban even though we've never met in person, I miss my friend melissa, I miss my friends at camp and a few from americorp, I miss my roomate's cat carleta, I miss my last partner quinn. my heart is full of missing.
9. who did you last see in person?
my friend jac who drove out to see me at the motel 6 I was staying at with my friend mar and after mar left to go back home jac picked me and my luggage up so I could meet my cousin who I hadn't seen before. while we waited she parked us near a dock and we watched jelly fish for hours together. I miss her a lot.
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dinaive Ā· 8 months
Attraction in Tokorozawa Sakura Town
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Kadokawa Culture Museum The Kadokawa Culture Museum, is by far the most eye-catching feature of Tokorozawa Sakura Town, especially with its 30m-tall polyhedral rock-shaped design. Conceived by starchitectĀ Kengo Kuma, who prefers natural elements over concrete and iron, the museumā€™s exterior is made from 20,000 pieces of heavy granite.Ā 
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In the museum thereā€™s book shelves theatre,, 8 meters high. The shelves build based on the image of the structure of the human brain šŸ§ 
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In my opinion when we help build tourist attraction spots in every parts of occupied Palestine, this will reduce the risks of Palestine from being bomb heartlessly and also will help Palestine in its economies. Which I believe the world leaders will definitely object because they are stupid and heartless.
Building various tourist destinations is what the Japanese did. They build many tourist attractions spot, so that people canā€™t simply bomb them anymore.
However, looking at how cruelty the world leader is, they will bomb anywhere they want and this is barbaric and uncivilised.
When we implement tourism in Palestine, this will reduce the risk of being bomb šŸ’£
and of course the situation between Palestine and Japan are different since Palestine have been invaded for more then 70 years. And when Japanese develop this idea they are an independent country.
The era of invasion in Palestine are the same era when my country being invaded. The colonial era.
However, my country have gain independence and Palestine still battling for their independence.
United Nation have the power to declare Palestine as a world heritage site. And people wonā€™t bomb them this way. This declaration will save many lives in Palestine.
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astroyongie Ā· 5 years
Ok ok, hear me out girl. Daddy! nct series should be a thing. Thereā€™s a lack of fluff and us, fluff enthusiasts are starving. So can you please make a post about Dad! Johnny and Dad! Jaehyun since theyā€™re my biases and made me feel some kinda way lately! Thank you , I hope you will accept this request. Can you also guess based on astrology if theyā€™re gonna have a son or daughter ? Or more ? Iā€™m getting carried away, your blog is bomb šŸ’£ btw . Hug šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ
Note: okay but I took forever to publish this and Iā€™m so sorry hun ! I hope you like it! We cannot know the sex of their babies so Iā€™ll go with Intuition
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Personally I think Johnny will have a boy and then a little girl
So based on that , letā€™s start this
Johnny would be very attached to his kids and he would do everything for them
Lowkey protective over them
He would teach them well, make sure they are raised on an healthy environment
He wants them to be independent and that they donā€™t develop a certain dependent behaviour
Will teach his little boy to be a good man and to respect people around him especially olders and women
Loves to laugh with them
Takes them literally everywhere
His little girl is definitely is entire life
Like he would spoil her a lot and even tho he wants to keep a good education he would often find himself saying yes to her
Specially if she pouts
Definitely letā€™s his kids join on his bed when they are scared during the night
Will buy them matching cute outfits
Loves to have them on his shoulders so they feel like they can touch the Sky
He is very comprehensive as well. Whenever they are throwing a tantrum , Johnny would make sure to listen to them before explaining things
He rarely punishes or get upset at them
Mostly because he wants this relationship to be based on communication instead of fear and punishment
That wonā€™t stop him from being a struck dad when needed
Johnny is very patient and honestly a very lovely parent but he also knows when to keep his grounds and be serious
Had bunches of photos of them on his phone
Brags about his kids to everyone
His kids would also be very attached to his family. He just wants a big happy home where he can go at
But honestly, his kids are his home
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As for Jaehyun Iā€™ve a very interesting view and feeling on him
So for him, Iā€™ll see a complicated case. He is dad of a very beautiful baby girl whoever he isnā€™t with the mother of the his daughter
Which makes things complicated.
Jaehyun usually runs away from love. However it would be the first time he wouldnā€™t be able to run
Because he loves kids and he loves his daughter more than anything in the world
Everytime he sees her or he is able to spend time with her his eyes would sparkle
You will never see a happiest jaehyun but when he is with his girl
Loves to hold her, and brush his fingers against her hair
He will not be strick at all mostly because he believes that peace is the best way to raise a kid , but also because he isnā€™t always with her
Like he can only see her during weekends , so each time he is with his daughter this boy would do everything she asks
Loves to buy her plushies so she can remember him
Tears up every time she has to leave or when she gives him a hearthful comment
Moms fall in love with him when they see them on the park
She definitely has Jaehyunā€™s dimples
Loves to take her out on aquariums, zoos, playgrounds, and other activities
Only so he can watch her play and have fun
Doesnā€™t want her to grow up
Jaehyun has a neckless with her name that he always wear
He often would say to people that sheā€™s the only girl of his life
Would learn to love someone unconditionally because of her
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april Ā· 4 years
gonna develop a new virus that figures out the address of every user ive blocked and sends them each a šŸ’£ Bomb in the mail
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