#Dead Midoriya Inko
riahlynn101 · 1 year
"I Love You to the Moon and Back" (1).
Using Rewind on himself could be argued as a decision made in a last-ditch effort. Using Rewind on his son-who should have never listened to a certain loud-mouth, brother stealer-was also a last-ditch effort. All for One needed to save his son. He has no regrets.
Until he does.
Trigger warnings: Trigger warnings: Blood, character death, and violence - All for One is his own warning.
Chapter One:
All for One groans, hitting the ground with a thud. Pieces of mountain shatter on impact. They rain down on him, injuring him further. 
The dizzying sensation of the rewind quirk disappears. An intense exhaustion washes over All for One, his body-now one hundred fifty years younger-begs him for relief, but at least the worst (for him) is over. 
Gigantomachia looms over him. 
Betrayal, All for One thinks to himself, staring up at one of his longest surviving associates. Is better saved for those with intelligence. 
He hears his voice come from the purple haired kid with a brainwashing quirk - and, oh, if he wasn’t fighting to leave right now what he wouldn’t give for another brainwashing quirk. The kid doesn’t deserve it anyway, he used it on-
His bodyguard lunges for him, tearing up bits and pieces of the ground. Heroes scramble out of Gigantomachia’s way, and the purple-haired kid has to hold on tight to avoid slipping. 
All for One, used to dealing with Gigantomachia’s tantrums, dodges to the side. He feels a bit bad about doing this to someone he once considered a close confidant. 
Extending his hand, he sends a blast of air cannon towards Gigantomachia. His former bodyguard is blown backwards. The purple-haired kid is thrown off, being caught by the hero-in-training with a sentient quirk. 
The move won’t kill or destroy Gigantomachia, nor does he want it to, but it will incapacitate him for a few minutes. Which is all he needs. 
The heroes scurry from place-to-place, tending to those that were injured during Gigantomachia’s rampage or All for One’s attack. 
All for One makes his escape while they’re distracted. 
Izuku dodges another of Shiagaraki’s attacks. The man is surprisingly agile. Meaning if he loses focus for even a second, the next thing he’ll be doing is watching his body as it disintegrates into dust. 
“You can still do the right thing!” He shouts, using black whip to grab Shigaraki’s hand before it can touch him. 
“Why would I do the right thing!?” Is Shigaraki’s angry retort. “No one has ever done the right thing for me! Ever! Do you know what it’s like to be scared and alone, and to finally, finally be saved only to learn that the one person. The only person who saved you, was no better than all the rest!”
Izuku’s frown deepens, not that Shigaraki can see it, hidden behind his respirator. “I’m sorry,” he offers, “you deserved better.”
Shigaraki sneers at him. “Saying sorry, doesn’t make me hate you any less.”
Another attack that Izuku dodges just in time. 
“I know, but I set out to save you. And that’s what I’m going to do.”
He uses a combination of Fa Jin, Gearshift, and One for All to punch Shigaraki in the chest. Every move makes it harder to breathe, but the vestiges urge him onwards. 
Izuku wonders, as he floats over to Shigaraki, if it’s been five minutes yet? He wants to ask one of the vestiges, if only to see how much longer he has. 
Shigaraki lies sprawled out on the ground, catching his breath from the attack. “You…. you really are so cool.” He closes his eyes, seemingly giving up or surrendering. 
Izuku takes a tentative step back, bracing himself for round two. He coughs, chest tightening more and more with every passing moment. 
His nemesis opens his eyes, looking up at Izuku with something akin to amusement. “Midoriya, don’t look so scared. I’m giving this round to you, little hero.”
Izuku nods, stumbling further back. Perhaps in confusion or maybe because he didn’t actually mean what he said, Shigaraki sits up. Izuku watches him open and close his mouth, telling him something.
His head feels like it’s full of cotton; he’s aware of the buzzing in his ears, the tightness in his chest, and the panic slowly overtaking his senses as his body’s deprived of precious oxygen. He stumbles back even more. His body feels weightless, he has to fight against gravity to stay standing.  
From his peripheral vision he can see Shigaraki standing up. 
Oh, no! He can’t fight like this! 
Izuku looks around for somewhere he can take a breather. But there’s nowhere to go. The only building still standing is U.A, and even if Izuku could make it there in time before he passed out, he wouldn’t lead Shigaraki there. Especially when that’s the last shelter remaining for the civilians left in Musutafu. 
His mom…. she’s there too…. he hopes she’s doing okay.
His vision tunnels. 
“Please,” he begs Shigaraki, who’s steadily getting closer. “I don’t want to die.”
Everything blurs and he finally loses his bid against gravity, falling on his back. 
Shigaraki stands above him, his features blurry. “I don’t…don’t wanna die. Please, my….mom…she….” He’s cut off by a coughing fit. His chest burns and it’s all he can do to take in large gulps of air. “Please, my mom…my dad….I want….”
The next thing Izuku knows is blessed darkness. 
Tomura stands above Midoriya. The boy gasping for air even while unconscious. He should feel proud, happy even. Too many nights he couldn’t sleep, thinking of how a certain green-haired brat kept on ruining his plans. Nearly a year ago, he remembers taking the brat hostage, making him answer questions in exchange for Tomura keeping his quirk in check. His answers, though Tomura would never tell him to his face, helped to form the league of villains as they currently are. 
Without him, he would have never taken a chance on so many Stain fans. The very concept made his skin crawl, but….now…..
Tomura has no way of knowing their whereabouts. 
He hopes they’re okay. 
Midoriya trembles, fingers twitching. 
Tomura watches him, feeling not pride or happiness, but an entirely different emotion. 
He frowns, kneeling down next to the little hero. Regret blooms in his chest, latching onto his shattered heart and making him hurt all over again. Tomura clenches his fists. 
“It’s your fault I’m feeling like this,” he says, voice strained. 
Midoriya coughs, rolling his head this way and that. 
His regret turns to anger - a more familiar emotion. He reaches for Midoriya, mind made up on how to deal with heartache. 
He pauses, hearing someone land behind him. Tomura wonders which hero was brave enough to join the fray. Not many of them have-
With what Tomura can only guess is a wind quirk mixed with a strength enhancer, the hero knocks him across the battlefield. 
Looking up, he catches a glimpse of someone that looks an awful lot like his Sensei.
To All for One’s horror, when he finally finds his son and Tomura, his son is choking on air and Tomura’s about to dust him. A quick use of air cannon fixes that problem and should hopefully keep him at bay while All for One collects Izuku. 
He kneels down next to Izuku, getting a full view of the damage. Up close, he looks so much worse. 
Spit clings to the sides of his mouth. His curls are weighed down by blood, sweat, and dirt. His chest heaves with every inhale and exhale. His son gives a painful wheezing sound, reminiscent of Yoichi’s worst sick days. 
“Oh, Izuku,” he murmurs, stroking a thumb across his son’s freckles. “What have you got yourself into?” 
The vestiges flicker in and out of sight. Not a great sign for his son’s prognosis. If All for One were anyone else, he’d start crying and begging, but he still has an ace card up his sleeve. 
He pulls his son onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him. “Don’t worry, Izuku, daddy’s here and he’s going to make you all better.”
He activates rewind, a bit risky, but his son needs it. If he hurries the quirk will only take a few more years off his long life span.
He holds a hand over Izuku’s forehead, letting the quirk work its magic. The quirk isn’t the most pleasant feeling, so the groan of pain that his son gives isn’t shocking. Still, even absent from his son for much of the boy’s childhood, his paternal instincts are working overtime. He hums, trying to ease the pain. 
He can feel himself grow younger as he watches his son do the same. He counts the months back in his head. 
One month.
Two months. 
Three months. 
He only means to go back a year or two at most. His son’s body has been needlessly mangled in his pursuit of becoming a hero. A small gift to show Izuku he still cares about him, despite putting him through all those trials and tribulations for the past few months. 
A strangled yell is the only warning All for One gets before a very angry-looking Tomura charges full force at him. 
He shields Izuku, the quirk working overtime in response to him getting distracted. Full years are steadily taken off his son’s life. His clothes become bigger as he shrinks. 
Tomura lunges out to attack him again, and All for One honestly can’t tell if he’s pissed at him or Izuku. 
“Let him go!” Tomura screams. 
Ah, that answers his question. 
He shakes his head, scrambling backwards. His attention diverted back to his son who looks only slightly older than the child with the rewind quirk. “No!”
It would be a good idea for him to turn the quirk off now, but that requires intense concentration. Something that Tomura isn’t giving him. 
Tomura yells something unintelligible at him, digging his feet into the ground. With all the grace he’s come to expect of the Shimura brat, Tomura runs at him. He dodges All for One’s half-hearted attack with air cannon. 
His son becomes younger still, and he only has a matter of seconds to save his son from rewinding into un-existence and mere minutes before he himself follows his son’s untimely fate. 
Tomura reaches them, extending an arm out. 
“Tomura, no!”
Before he can react, the child he plucked from the streets out of spite for Japan’s number one hero, tries ripping Izuku from his arms. 
A bright light blinds him. 
He tries to keep his hold on Izuku, but the light disorients him enough that he accidentally lets go. 
Just as quickly as it appeared, the light is gone.
All for One lays on the ground, stunned. “Izuku…?” He manages to get out. His ears are ringing and his eyes sting from how bright the light was. 
His voice is younger sounding, perhaps a little younger than his son’s biological age. If the circumstances were not dire, he’d mourn the loss of his credibility. He remembers how hard it was the first-time getting people to take him seriously. 
“Izuku?” He looks around. “Izuku!?”
A groan gets his attention. Turning his head, he sees a mop of curly green hair attached to his now-toddler-aged son. Next to him is Tomura, also younger-but still noticeably older than Izuku-grasping the back of his son’s hero costume with four fingers. 
Prying off Tomura’s fingers, All for One pulls his son back into his lap. 
He kisses his son’s chubby, little face, earning a sleepy groan. 
He chuckles. “I missed you so much, Izuku. I promise this time I’m not going to leave you.” Despite all the challenges that are sure to arise because of his younger age, and his son’s anger at being too young for hero work (for now), All for One can’t wait to see what life throws their way. 
Wetting his thumb, he brushes some dirt from Izuku’s face. He hums a lullaby under his breath. 
“What did you do to him!?” His brother hisses. Green eyes glare at him with the intensity of their dearly departed mother - only one other woman could ever scare him like she used to. 
“What I had too.” 
Izuku whimpers in his sleep, snuggling closer to his dad. 
“You had no right!” 
He takes a deep breath. He reminds himself that this is simply a projection of his brother’s personality, and not the real thing. Though, it certainly sounds the same.
“I’m his father. It’s my responsibility to keep him from destroying himself.”
His brother glowers at him. “He’s going to despise you for this.”
“There he is!” All for One hears a second before he’s forced to the ground. 
“Wait! I have a child in my arms!”
Someone helps him up, they threaten him so he doesn’t make any sudden movements. Another person picks up his son. His son, clinging to the costume he stole, is ripped from his arms for the second time that day. 
As he’s pinned to the ground, forced to watch as his son is taken away from him, the worst thing that could happen, happens. 
It starts with a loud bang, followed by a series of explosions, and then, he and all the pro heroes watch in horror as U.A comes crashing hundreds of feet to the ground. The building breaks apart as it falls, sending bits of debris and shrapnel flying every which way. 
The ground shakes in the aftermath. 
No one moves.
No one breathes. 
Someone, a survivor, screams for help. It breaks the spell, and the effect is instantaneous. Pro heroes rush back to where they came from, shouting out orders and yelling into their coms. Two heroes stay behind with him, pinning him into a sitting position, one of them keeping their hands on his shoulders.
All for One, Hisashi, stares at the wreckage. Numbly, he thinks of his beautiful wife. Of her gorgeous green hair and doe-like green eyes. Of her cooking. Of all the chances she gave to him when he didn’t deserve it. He thinks of slow dancing with her in their living room, and of watching Izuku try to dance with her back when he was smaller, standing on her feet while swaying to the music, squashed between his parents. He thinks of her soft skin and radiant kindness. Of how he couldn’t have possibly asked the universe for a better wife, mother of his child, and best friend. 
“Inko, I’m so sorry.”
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bkdk-fan4ever · 1 year
ShinDeku | Not That much tho | Midoriya Izuku Has All For One | Homeless Midoriya Izuku | Dead Midoriya Inko
Nomad by Androgyninja
Izuku watched the floating lights around him, resisting the urge to pull and grab.
To hold what they had and take it for his own.
After years on the run, Izuku comes home to japan and joins UA to become a Hero.
But not everything is as it seems, and the past doesn't like to stay there.
Otherwise known as-Izuku has All For One and chaos ensues
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usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
What's Dead Should Stay Dead (In Izuku's Opinion) by Ilentari
summary: Izuku accidentally resurrected a *very* powerful man who wants nothing more than a son. All for one is so lucky that he finds a descendant with the perfect name to be his son, it was destined, he'll make it be. The back story, the world building, Izuku's and all for one's relationship are done beautifully. It's long and it's such a good read
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an-entity-i-think · 1 year
Young, neglected characters aren't always incompetent at taking care of themselves
I know it's not what some of you want to hear, but- despite the perfect savior concept of getting them into a batter family- that doesn't mean that
A. They even WANT to be 'saved' and
B. That they aren't doing a decent job at taking care of themselves
The thing about having independence at a young age, is that you learn pretty quickly at least the basics or you fail
If you make it too obvious while going to school (esp elementary but also middle), you will be caught
If you don't have a supply of food or the ability to make food, you will be caught (either by police or any adult) or very sick and THEN die or caught
If you change attitudes and routines completely and suddenly, you will be noticed and possibly caught
"Saving the poor baby" is good for children who are just recently out on their own (think a couple weeks, maybe a couple months if you stretch it)
But a couple years??? I'm sure a few children would like someone to take care of them but most of them (while also maybe yearning for the same) would rather not and I'll tell you three big reasons why:
Nobody noticed that they needed help when they truly needed it, regardless of the fact that they hid it with all their power, ergo others are not to be trusted because they do not care.
It has been like for as long as they remember and change that drastic is hard for any adult let alone a child to imagine.
They are perfectly capable of keeping themselves alive and do not need outside help (this can be a statement of truth, misleasing pride, or fear of change/other people)
"Wanting to save them" may result in anger at the idea that they are incompetent, especially if the child has been taking care of themselves for so long. Cause regardless of age, children have always been resilient and adaptable and capable.
Not every child will be saved from a bad situation and they know that. Children aren't stupid, and they aren't stupid to assume they can take care of themselves when so many have had to in the past and will have to in the future.
An Alternative:
Stop the narrative of "saving them" from such a terrible way of life (the only life they've known or have known for a long while).
START doing more of those skittish, feral, alley cat things where you either gain the characters trust and learn to be a family with TIME or you just like straight up steal the baby and live with the fact that your going to have a lot of screaming and scratching and broken belongings for a few weeks until the baby learns to feel sort of safe or makes an escape lol
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iwmmbfahw · 1 year
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the twin triplets & tiny dressing up as their parents' situationship-boyfriend and crashing their date in an ultimate cockblocking move
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mamagou1 · 1 year
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Some old sketches of my vigilante Inko Au. On this Au, she became a vigilante after Izuku died in the hospital from sludge in his lungs. It has kind of evolved into ghost/patron Izuku.
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Throughout Izuku’s life, all he ever knew was the meadows and temples his mother had for herself.
Very rarely the young God would have time to himself how much his mother kept him by her side 24/7, 365 days a year. He understood her fear though, him being her only son she couldn't handle the very thought of him being out of her sight. So, more often than not, he would be by her side helping her with her godly duties to provide for humanity.
Sometimes, the young God would often meet with other Gods and Goddesses. Those days he would cherish, especially when All Might, the God who ruled Gods, would come to see him himself. Inko, his mother, would keep watch as the large blond would play with her son, always commenting the God not to get too rough with her son.
Izuku would get embarrassed, feeling like he couldn't be as strong and proud as All Might was to fight Titans and demons alike. Yet because of his mother’s overprotective nature, she wouldn't let such a thing happen to him.
So Izuku was stuck hearing stories from either his mother, other Gods, or even the nymphs that promoted his curiosity so. He so badly wanted to have said adventures for himself, the same ones the Gods he looked up to had nearly every day.
It bored him so.
So when Izuku walked off, once again, wanting to experience a form of independence for himself, he saw a lone flower out in the distance.
Now, Izuku knows his flowers. He's made flowers of his own, some his mother made to teach him of his powers, and even let him exercise them upon the empty fields his mother created just for him.
But Izuku had never seen this flower before.
So the young God comes close to the flower, taking in every single detail, and he leaves himself exposed. He falls to his knees, excitingly tracing his fingers over the petals, talking to himself about how this flower came to be. Yet as his excitement had gotten over the young God, the air around him seemed to be still for a moment.
The wind had stopped, the animals had fled, the insects had stopped their songs, and the plants had halted their dance. The young God had taken a moment to notice what was wrong, his eyebrows frowning at the confusion over the whole ordeal.
Had his mother found out that he walked off once again? Surely she would have called out his name and he would have run off to make sure that she didn't think he ran off again.
The young God looked around him, the uneasiness getting to him as the air continued to seemingly suffocate him. He took his hands off of the flower for a second, nearly getting up on his feet to see what was wrong.
Before the ground below him had begun to shake.
Shocked, Izuku settled down to his knees again, eyes trained on the flower as it began to wilt. The petals burned as they hit the ground, the ground beginning to part itself into a large and fierce hole in the ground. Izuku fell back to his knees, his shock still affecting him had prevented him from running away.
And even when that thought could have pestered Izuku even further, the horses had burst through the ground.
Although, they didn't look like horses.
They looked almost a copy of the animal yet their forms kept expanding and stretching like clay. Their bodies were as black as night, veins pumped with red as their protruded teeth opened up to hiss at the exposure of the light above than below. Ropes of chains had held them back as they ran out in the exact direction they were given.
Izuku hadn't realized until it was too late that the chains had led to a chariot. One coated with the same colors as the horses, a man covered head to toe with armor was pulling at the reigns. Behind the mask, Izuku couldn't see the being’s face but he could only see the whiteness of their teeth turned up to reveal a smile.
Izuku immediately rushed to his feet, jumping up to gain some leverage to run away from the being. He would have made at least one step ahead if it wasn't for the quick swipe of the being wrapping onto his cloak. Harshly pulled back the same hand and then wrapped it around his waist, boosting the young God up from the ground.
Izuku finally found his voice, his breath escaping from his lungs as he was suddenly dragged down to the ground.
And the young God fell through, still screaming as the ground swallowed him whole. The once-broken land then returned to what it was before, nature relaxing as the air came through to brush against the grass below.
The only thing to disturb the peace was the Goddess who rushed to see what had happened. She looked around, face struck with worry as she ran over to where she had heard her son’s cry. She nearly stumbled over her feet as she noticed the small charm left over on the ground below.
She grabbed onto it, raising it to her sight as she once again looked around her, calling out to her one and only son.
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the only thing I hate more than All Might Bashing is Inko Midoriya Bashing like you can twist and manipulate the hero All Might is to make him an asshole and act like being a shit teacher isn't the first step to becoming a good teacher but GOD FUCKING DAMN IT MY BELOVED INKO DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS just a single mom (fuck Hisashi Midoriya wherever he is he isn't parenting like he should be) trying her best to raise her son and trying to support his kinda insane and potentially dangerous dreams and y'all are out here writing her like an abusive or neglectful person like how dare you how do you even sleep at night
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okami-otoko · 11 months
Este trabajo está etiquetado en Ao3 como "dead dove, do not eat", descripción gráfica de un intento de homicidio y un homicidio involuntario, sangre, vómito, suicidio, violencia intrafamiliar, muchas cosas que no se como enlistar, y no tiene un final feliz.
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Tenía 5 años cuando recibió los resultados de sus estudios que intentaron conseguir la respuesta a como activar su quirk; análisis de sangre, radiografías, tomografías. Estudio tras estudio que a sus padres les costó dinero solo por la pequeña esperanza de que lo que les dijo aquel doctor hace unos meses fuera un diagnóstico erróneo.
A veces los médicos se equivocan.
Tal vez haya que investigarlo más.
El porcentaje de diagnósticos erróneos es bajo, pero existe.
Aún hay esperanza.
Sus padres tenían fé, creían con todo su corazón que su pequeño hijo no era un maldito quirkless.
No podía serlo, sus peculiaridades eran consideradas fuertes, sus genes indicaban que heredaría algo similar, una mezcla de ambos, una versión mejorada de alguno de sus quirks o los de sus abuelos. Casi todo indicaba que su hijito tendría un quirk. Todo menos los estudios.
Todos sus esfuerzos fueron en vano, su don nunca apareció, el dinero fue malgastado, perdieron la esperanza y todo se derrumbó.
—¡Estoy harto de todo esto, es tu culpa que haya salido así, tú y tu maldito quirk inútil!— la ira saca lo peor de las personas, pero también saca a relucir sus verdaderos pensamientos —no debí confiar en la palabra de esos pendejos, dijeron que era posible, nos dieron falsas esperanzas y me aseguraron que su diagnóstico había sido erróneo, también tú lo hiciste, me dijiste que fuéramos pacientes y confiaramos, tus pinches ideas me hicieron perder tiempo y dinero— las palabras pueden provocar muchos efectos en las personas, hacerte sentir en las nubes o sentir que estás siendo apuñalado cientos de veces —si esos doctores no lo lograron me tocará sacarle el quirk a la fuerza.
Sus pasos retumbaron a lo largo y ancho del apartamento, una advertencia de lo que se avecinaba. Entró a la habitación de su hijo casi arrancando la puerta de sus bisagras en busca de esa escoria.
El niño temblaba en una esquina, tenía miedo, su papá había utilizado las malas palabras que tanto le habían inculcado que no repitiera, sus gritos casi hacían vibrar las ventanas al igual que hicieron temblar sus huesos.
—¡Hisashi! Detente, no lo hagas, es solo un niño, ¡es tu hijo!
—Ningún hijo mío será un inútil— Inko trato de detenerlo, sujeto su brazo y fue recibida con un golpe, su marido la había agredido, su cabello fue jalado obligándola a caer al suelo, estrelló su cabeza contra la pared y pateó su estómago, heridas dolorosas pero que serían curadas fácilmente, no como las que su hijo estaba a punto de recibir. Golpe tras golpe y patada tras patada, varios crujidos indicaron la rotura de extremidades, fue empujado contra los muebles, la sangre corría desde su cabeza, luego fue arrastrado por la habitación tomado por su brazo roto hasta que quedó al lado de su madre quien lo sujeto en un abrazo. El humo salía de la boca de ese hombre, fuego amenazante que presuntamente iría dirigido a su familia para acabar lenta y dolorosamente con sus vidas.
Cuando estaba a punto de lograr su cometido sucedió. Lamentablemente ese hombre tenía la razón, logró lo que tantos doctores no pudieron. El quirk del niño se manifestó y la alegría retorcida llenó de pies a cabeza al hombre que lo había llevado al borde de la muerte, él ya estaba listo para celebrar su gran logro, despreocupado por su reciente intento de homicidio. Hasta que sus sentimientos eufóricos se detuvieron abruptamente unos segundos después, había sentido la débil tracción de su cuerpo hacía su familia derrumbada hace unos momentos, sabía que no era de Inko pues no había separado sus brazos del niño, así que era obvio que fue su hijo. Asumió, en un acto irónico del destino, erróneamente que el don de su hijo era idéntico al de su madre hasta que sintió como su fuego era sacado de su boca, sus intestinos se revolvían y su cuerpo se sacudía, no era la brisa fresca que sentía cuando Inko sacudía su cabello con su peculiaridad, era un aire caliente que ardía de la misma forma en que se sentía un trago de whisky.
El quirk de Izuku combinaba sus poderes claramente, atracción de objetos de una forma cálida relacionada al quirk de fuego, pero era más que eso, atraía y alejaba, movía todo lo que tenía intención de usar como objetivo, era salvaje e incontrolable como las llamas. Un poder tan poderoso que, combinado con la adrenalina que mantenía despierto al pequeño fue suficiente para cobrar venganza e ir un paso más allá. No solo fue un intento de asesinato, no solo dejó magulladuras, no solo una nariz rota o una pierna partida. Fue peor.
Podía sentir la ubicación de las cosas, similar a lo que su madre le había contado una vez, su quirk le permitía identificar que podía y que no mover. Así que siendo el pequeño niño inteligente que era descifró en términos generales cómo usar la peculiaridad, así que tomó control sobre el cuerpo de Hisashi, fue lo suficiente para permitirle seguir de pie hasta que perdió el control, los pulmones de su abusador se est fijaron dejándolo sin aire. Luego se propagó. El hombre sintió sus demás órganos siendo aplastados contra sus músculos, su piel estirada lo suficiente como para ser arrancada en partes, sangre siendo jalada a través de las heridas salpicando las muchas decoraciones del cuarto, luego su cuerpo dejó de ser atraído, se fue hacia atrás, cayó al suelo y se estrelló contra la pared, sentía una presión aplastante, sus huesos crujieron y se hicieron pedazos.
Fue algo horrible de presenciar tanto para el hijo como para su madre.
La adrenalina comenzó a disminuir a la par que las lágrimas del pequeño aumentaban, un grito desgarrador se escuchó a varias casas de distancia. La policía apareció minutos después luego de ser alertados por los vecinos preocupados por los golpes que se escuchaban y los gritos que indicaban una disputa familiar que había escalado a algo que no se hubieran imaginado ni en sus peores pesadillas. La puerta de entrada fue derribada y los pasos de los policías sonaron por la casa, de una manera tan diferente a como sonaron los pasos de Hisashi, eran cuidadosos y protectores, se acercaron a las habitaciones y su búsqueda llegó a su fin rápidamente, manchas de sangre se veían en la entrada de una habitación, una puerta tirada en el pasillo con un letrero de All Might decorandola, fue fácil asumir que era la habitación del niño, se prepararon mentalmente para ver al pequeño muerto y se acercaron cuidadosamente esperando no alertar al perpetrador al que asumieron se había quedado callado al escuchar las sirenas.
Ambos policías entraron a la habitación, pero sólo uno logró mantenerse estoico mientras que el otro se giró para vomitar. El cuerpo destrozado del padre de familia estaba debajo de la ventana, abierto de la forma en que solo una explosión habría logrado algo similar, casi irreconocible. Frente a él estaban madre e hijo inconscientes aún con lágrimas en sus ojos, llenos de sangre y heridas.
Uno de los policías fue a llamar a los paramédicos para que sacaran al par y fueran llevados al hospital, peritos entraron momentos después a tomar fotos del lugar, evidencia que intentaría demostrar que la familia había sido atacada por un terrible villano que podría estar acechando cerca de ese vecindario, completamente ignorantes ante el hecho de que no había un terrible villano, solo un niño asustado.
En el hospital Inko e Izuku fueron tratados rápidamente, deteniendo flujos de sangre y acomodando extremidades rotas, el pequeño requirió cirugía pues su pulmón había sido perforado por una costilla. Tuvieron suerte de sobrevivir a diferencia de aquel hombre que quedó como una mancha en la pared.
Durante su estadía en el hospital la noticia del asesinato se corrió de voz en voz.
¿Supiste lo que le pasó a los Midoriyas?
No puedo creer que algo tan horrible le pasó a esa pobre familia.
Dicen que fue un villano que llevan años buscando.
Dicen que el padre intentó suicidarse y llevarse con él a su esposa e hijo.
La madre tiene una peculiaridad de telequinesis, seguramente fue ella.
No me creo el cuento de que un villano hiciera eso, ya leí la noticia y dicen que no encontraron nada que indicara que alguien irrumpió en la casa.
Me dijeron...
¿Y si- y si fue el niño?
Algunos de los vecinos más cercanos a la familia sabían que Inko y Hisashi habían estado intentando averiguar cuál sería el quirk de su hijo, además testigos del incidente confirmaron escuchar una discusión sobre quirks. No fue difícil para la policía, ya habiendo reunido pruebas y realizado entrevistas a los testigos, atar cabos y llegar a la conclusión de que pudo ser una activación de quirk que salió muy mal. Una activación forzosa de quirk, también conocida como activación traumática, era un mecanismo de defensa que presentaban algunos usuarios, eventos de vida o muerte, accidentes, asaltos, ataques de villanos, muchos factores se han relacionado a esta particularidad muchas veces pasada desapercibida por la presunción de que usaron su quirk en defensa propia y, aunque esto no fuera completamente mentira, esos casos con quirks ya activos se consideraban como activaciones involuntarias o anormales. En el caso de la aparición de quirk por trauma los estudios revelaban que estos eran más fuertes en comparación con los activados naturalmente, se han reportado casos donde el mismo usuario fue consumido por su peculiaridad, desintegraba lo que le rodeaba o asesinaba a su familia, creaba caos si no se controlaba a tiempo.
Y la gente se enteró.
Fue él niño.
Siempre lo supe y no creyeron mis teorías.
¿Cómo pudo hacer algo así?
Se que es difícil controlar la primera aparición de un quirk pero ¿era necesario utilizarlo contra su propio padre?
Me siento mal por ese hombre.
¿Qué ha de pensar su madre?
Que horrible ha de ser tener como hijo a un monstruo.
También es culpa de esa mujer por dejar a un niño tan peligroso cerca de la gente.
No quiero a mis hijos cerca de esa cosa.
El pasado xx de marzo ocurrió una tragedia en en la prefectura de Musutafu, Midoriya H. fue atacado por su hijo Midoriya I., testigos afirman que escucharon conmoción en la vivienda minutos antes de que el evento sucediera. Se afirma que todo inició como una disputa marital que escaló hasta la aparición de quirk por el trauma del hijo. No hay información al respecto del funcionamiento de este quirk, se teoriza que fue la combinación de las peculiaridades de sus padres (Telequinesis y respiración de fuego) lo que provocó la muerte del hombre que antes se afirmaba era producto de un ataque de villano. No se cuenta con información oficial y las entrevistas a los policías encargados del caso han sido breves y no muy reveladoras.
"Sin duda es un caso brutal que ya hemos visto provoca miedo en las personas, les hace sentir que su vida estaba siendo amenazada y, lamentablemente, aún no contamos con información suficiente para cerrar el caso y calmar sus preocupaciones, no podemos señalar culpables hasta haber concluido la investigación" declaró Tsuragamae Kenji, jefe de policías de la prefectura.
Se le pide a la ciudadanía evitar divulgar informes falsos sobre el caso, los mantendremos informados.
Ese pobre niño fue víctima de las circunstancias, condenado al ostracismo, abandonado a su suerte. Su madre no pudo protegerlo del sistema por más que aseguró que no fue intención de su pequeño el hacer lo que hizo, no creían seguro tener a un niño así cerca de las demás personas. La Comisión se aseguraría de mantener al pueblo seguro. Se llevaron al niño directo del hospital, todo el evento televisado, reporteros pidiéndole a los guardias de la Comisión respuestas sobre lo ocurrido y el futuro de "el pequeño monstruo". Cámaras lograron captar primeros planos del rostro asustado del niño, incómodo por la atención, adolorido por los jalones de los guardias, asustado por las esposas canceladoras de quirk en sus manos, y solo unos pocos micrófonos lograron captar la voz del niño pidiendo que no se lo llevarán y lo devolvieran con su madre, exclamando por piedad.
—juro que no volveré a hacer algo así, no fue mi intención, fue un accidente.
Su futuro como héroe quedó manchado con la sangre de su padre y su nueva etiqueta de villano resplandeció como el brillo de sus cadenas.
La transmisión del "arresto" del asesino calmó a la sociedad de una manera que ni las grandes peleas de héroes vencedores contra villanos hacían, era raro ver casos donde no se veía involucrado un héroe profesional y todo quedara en manos de la Policía.
La gente gritó con odio el nombre del niño, culparon a la madre, defendieron al padre, nadie creyó la historia de haber sido en defensa propia. Se arruinaron vidas inocentes y se lamentó la muerte de un abusador.
Nadie se sorprendió cuando, días después del incidente, surgió la noticia del suicidio de Midoriya Inko. Fue un evento ignorado pues rápidamente se asumió que ella no pudo con el dolor y la culpa de haber permitido que su hijo matara a su amado esposo. Fue revictimizada y casi igual de despreciada que su propio hijo.
El tiempo pasó, la noticia se olvidó pero el miedo se mantuvo y el inocente niño nunca volvió a ser visto. No se hizo justícia.
Esto no se parece en nada a lo que acostumbro escribir, definitivamente fue una experiencia muy... interesante. No creo que vuelva a escribir algo así, aunque uno nunca sabe.
Creo que hay muchas cosas aquí que pude haber descrito mejor, talvez en algún momento edite la historia.
Me sentí muy mal por Izuku e Inko, pero no siempre se hace justicia y la ignorancia abunda. Mientras lo escribía, ya casi terminando, me di cuenta de que hay partes de la historia que se pueden interpretar como una apología a las víctimas de violación/feminicidio que no obtienen justicia y muchas veces se les culpa por "provocar" a su atacante.
No es lo peor que podrían haber leído pero aún así vayan a leer comfort fics o vean Bluey.
Tomen agua y duerman bien.
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riahlynn101 · 1 year
"Is It too Late to Change Career Paths?"
Summary: Aizawa Shouta didn't sign up for this. But, as with anything life throws his way, he's managing. Sort of.
Or: The Dadzawa version of, "I Love You to the Moon and Back."
Trigger warnings: death, canon-typical violence, panic attacks, and mentions of war.
(One shot).
Shouta sits against the furthest wall of a helicopter. The whirling of the blades is a loud reminder of the current situation. Many of the hospitals near U.A (or what used to be U.A. His heart hurts terribly for the lives lost.) had been destroyed or filled to capacity, so the government’s airlifting civilians and heroes to a hospital four cities away. 
He isn’t in critical condition, so he gets one of the last helicopter rides to the hospital. Lucky him, he supposes, though he would have liked to be on the same helicopter as his friend. Loud as he can be, it would have eased Shouta’s nerves. 
He tries not to think about his students. He tries not to picture their faces or think about them learning of their losses.
He tries not to, but as he’s come to learn, that’s not the way it works. 
The door to the helicopter slides open. Shouta’s greeted with a man’s grim face. “Eraserhead, you’re a teacher, right?”
He uses his one good eye to stare at the man. “Yes, why?”
The man motions to someone behind him. “One of your students…uh…Midoriya Izuku was mixed up in a quirk incident.” 
Shouta doesn’t know if he should sigh heavily or break down crying. On one hand, it’s good that, in spite of everything changing, he can always rely on the Problem Child to get caught up in one incident or another. On the other hand, with how messed up the war’s left everyone, Shouta’s not sure he wants to see another of his students dead or near death. 
“Okay,” he says.
“Nothing major…just…uh…we have to transfer him to a hospital. We just need you to hold onto him for a bit.”
A little boy, no older than three or four, with wild green curls and freckles in a diamond pattern, is passed over to him. His eyes are closed, and his face is relaxed. 
Shouta looks up at the man, a thousand different questions on his mind. Before he can ask even one of them, the helicopter doors are slammed shut (making the kid whimper in his sleep), and the whirling of the blades become almost deafening.
Shouta can’t bring himself to look away from the child in his arms.
He draws comparisons between this Problem Child (and he has zero doubts that any version of Izuku Midoriya was, is, and will always be a trouble-seeker) and his Problem Child, the one he’s taught for the last two years. 
He knows they're the same, in a sense. The military personnel told him as much, but he couldn't help but notice slight differences. 
For one, and the most obvious, this Problem Child has no visible scars. Shouta can hardly remember Midoriya without at least one. If one good thing comes out of this, let it be that Problem Child has a second chance at not messing up his bones and joints. 
Another, more minor thing, is how different Midoriya looks in general. Of course, most people look different as they age. But it’s so jarring to get to see the difference for yourself, especially when the person was an older teenager just yesterday. 
Compared to the Midoriya of yesterday, this one has more freckles and the ones on his cheeks are more pronounced. His hair is a little more curly and lighter in color, almost more turquoise than light green. He’s tinier; his little fists keep grasping onto Shouta’s shirt. 
Tentatively, he wraps his own hand (the one not securing Midoriya in place) around one of the little fists. When one detaches from his shirt to lean into the touch, Shouta can feel himself relax just the slightest bit. 
The helicopter lands on the roof of the hospital. He’s led over to a group of nurses, waiting idly by the roof entrance. They look dog-tired, dark bags under their eyes tell enough of a story on their own. 
Midoriya is taken from his arms. The nurse mutters something about getting him settled into the pediatrics unit. 
Shouta follows one of the other nurses inside, arms feeling unusually empty. 
The hospital is noisy - more than the expected hustle and bustle of medical staff treating patients, cries of pain, or the expected chatter of nervous friends and family. As he’s escorted down a hallway, he sees a significant number of staff gathered around a darkened TV screen. 
A few of the nurses have their head in their hands, shoulders shaking. It’s a bizarre sight, but with all everyone has lost, Shouta’s not in any position to judge. 
It’s not until five minutes later, finally in a hospital room, does he remember that the UA incident was most likely broadcasted by the news. 
He’s assessed by the attending physician - a middle-aged woman with dark bags under her eyes and a small (but noticeable) tremor in her hands. The doctor is fast-likely due to her quirk (it being something to do with diagnosing people with just a touch)-and is making him stay at the hospital for a couple of days. 
(“Just to keep an eye on your previous injuries. They were fairly severe and bear being cautious about.”)
He hears her words, processes them, and then decides to disregard them. It matters little that he should be recuperating, there are too many villains out there that might try to take advantage of the precarious situation the heroes and civilians find themselves in. 
Namely All for One, or Shigaraki. 
Mostly Shigaraki, as the bas- villain has been targeting his kids since their first year. All for One, though the mastermind, doesn’t inspire as much anger in him (unless he thinks of Aoyama, Kamino, Troy, or…Oboro). 
He hopes the evacuations of all the heroes are a good sign. Maybe they’ve apprehended one or both of the villains? 
In any case, Shouta knows his quirk is needed. Perhaps it’s not wise, but the minute the doctor leaves the room, he presses the call button for the nurses’ station to request to be discharged. 
The nurse that responded to the button laughed at him, thinking his asking to leave before the doctor said so, funny. After she finished her laughing fit, the nurse paged the doctor that had just left. 
The doctor did not find him trying to leave to return to the battlefield very funny. 
Later that evening, when the sun is hiding behind the skyscraper across the street from the hospital, Shouta is left wide awake. 
He thinks of Hizashi, and hopes he’s faring alright. Facing off against Kurogiri couldn’t be easy (Shouta wishes he could have been there longer than the minute it took for his old friend’s quirk to whisk him back to the fiery battleground of UA).
He thinks of Eri. She should be hidden in one the shelters, hopefully safe and being taken care of.
He thinks of Shinsou and Monoma. Both of the boys were remarkably brave. Each of them had different parts to play, and he hopes each of them is aware that the war could have gone differently if they weren’t there (particularly Monoma copying “Erasure” especially after Shouta was teleported away for a good five minutes, though he’s heard whispers of Shinsou helping control All for One’s dog, Gigantomachia). 
And, of course, he thinks of Midoriya. 
Shouta shifts onto his side, watching a mockingbird hover outside his window. It would be impossible trying to reach anyone at this time of day, which leaves one person on his list to check up on.
After asking for directions and verifying that, yes, he’s not a pervert, or kidnapper, Shouta is led to room 383. The pediatrics unit. 
Problem Child is awake, eyes staring blankly at the dark TV screen. He doesn’t seem upset, just….dazed. 
He enters the room. “Midoriya.”
“Mr. Aizawa…?” He asks, sounding unsure. “Are you alright?”
Pulling up a chair, he manages a smile. “I could be worse. How are you doing?”
“Could be worse,” Problem Child echos back, a hint of a mischievous smile on his innocent-looking face. 
“Uh, Problem Child, do you remember what happened to you?”
“The ves- I mean, I’ve been told that All for One used rewind on me.”
That sounds…. odd. He narrows his eyes. “Why?” He asks. Could it be possible that All for One hoped to weaken Midoriya enough to be able to steal One for All? It sure sounds underhanded enough to be done by the supervillain. 
“No idea,” Midoriya says, shrugging his shoulders. Then, he slumps down, frowning. “Mr. Aizawa?” 
“Do you think I’ll be expelled?”
“Why? Because you’re a child now?”
“Yes,” Midoriya murmurs, fidgeting with his fingers. He looks at Shouta with something between desperation, resignation, and childish hope. 
“Well, as your teacher, I would say, at the very least, you should go on an extended educational leave.”
“But I-”
Shouta holds up a hand, shushing his student. “Your power, One for All, is too strong for you to handle. You can re-enroll either when you return to your normal age, or when you turn fifteen.”
“But what will I do until then?”
“UA will be closed for a few months for it to be rebuilt, so-”
Midoriya sits up straighter. “Because it almost fell, right?”
His brain comes to a sudden, screeching halt. And all he can think on repeat is: uh, oh! The way he sees it, he has two choices now: tell the truth (and deal with the fallout now ) or lie (and deal with the fallout l ater .)
He brings his chair closer, resting his arms on the hospital bed. “Kid,” he starts, “there was an incident during the battle. They’re saying it was an electrical fire, but no one knows for certain-”
Midoriya’s bottom lip quivers. “Mr. Aizawa, what happened?”
“In short, UA exploded. Most of the people inside were killed.”
“M-my mom…did she…is she…” he trails off, voice cracking.
“I-I don’t know. I’m very sorry, M- Izuku.”
Izuku curls into the fetal position, turning away from him. His body wracks with sobs. “Mommy!” He cries, voice muffled by the pillow he’s resting on. 
Shouta sits there, unable to move a muscle. Comforting people isn’t his strong suit. He should leave now, right? He already did enough damage for tonight, and Problem Child seems to be doing okay despite the circumstances. But….
…leaving feels wrong.
Being mindful of the IV, Shouta gathers the toddler in his arms. His student jolts at first, taken by surprise, but ultimately settles once they’re both sitting down. 
He continues to cry, body trembling. Shouta cards his fingers through the wild curls, cradling the kid close to his chest. 
“It’s not fair, Mr. Aizawa!” He wails. “It’s not fair!”
“It’s not,” he agrees, rocking his student side-to-side. There’s not much he can do outside of validating his student’s emotions. Besides, he’s not wrong. 
The world is unfair. 
It’s the same world that killed his friend that only ever wanted to make people happy. 
It’s the same world that used his deceased friend’s body and quirk for nefarious purposes.
It’s the same world that created an abomination like Shigaraki and set him loose on society.
It’s the same world that let his seventeen-year-old student be brutally attacked (and maybe even killed, though he refuses to think about that.)
And it’s the same world that sent UA crashing to the ground in a fiery inferno, killing so many innocent people.
To say differently would be to lie.
They stay like that for a long while. Long enough for the sun to be replaced with the moon. The room darkens, and the chatter outside the door dies down. Problem Child shifts in his arms, his crying dying down to the occasional whimper. 
His eyes grow heavy, head lolling forward. 
Izuku relaxes, his grip loosening. 
Between one blink and the next, Shouta finds himself dozing off.
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bkdk-fan4ever · 1 year
Dad For One | Parental All For One | Dead Midoriya Inko | Baby Midoriya Izuku | Premature Birth
All For You by GinkoTracks
Izuku wasn’t supposed to be here yet.
It was April.
He was supposed to be born in July.
or: Izuku came far, far earlier than he was supposed to. It changes everything.
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usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
The Case in which Two Minds are Not better than One by aloserkid
summary: Izuku starts hearing a voice in his head, the voice has the same name as his father. The voice doesn't say very nice things...or do nice things.
Tumblr media
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astraymetronome · 1 year
A Mother’s Pain in Her Nirvana - Chapter Two
The song for this Chapter is Ocean Eyes the American Avenue Cover.
Sorry, this chapter took a little longer than expected, I was busy with family and then got sick. On top of that my school has finals and stuff has been kinda busy.
Her son had started to put things away. He did it with the utmost care but put everything that he wouldn’t be using into boxes and just neat piles. Inko didn’t want to watch her son set everything up after he joined her. She felt like crying every time they entered the house since her son had given up.
She was at least a little relieved he seemed to be trying to make sure the people who knew her and know him, have a piece of them both. She watched as he planned out who would get what before he left for school. She followed her baby as he walked, watching their surroundings. A few ghosts waved at her and she smiled back as they continued to walk. Well.. her son walked and she hovered.
Inko watched her son more as she quietly kept an eye on him. She wanted her son to feel safe and completely comfortable in his environment. He passed by the school gate with her on his tail before a voice caught her attention. “Inko?”
Her dull green eyes turned to catch sight of a woman with black hair, pulled up just like she had it when she was alive. Her hair was down now, left that way forever since she was in the middle of doing that when she passed. She didn’t recognize the woman, the black mole on the right side of her face is something someone would remember since beauty marks weren’t all that common or her gray eyes.
“Yes? Do I know you?” She asked as she hovered protectively around her son. She knew the fellow specter wouldn’t be able to harm him, but she still wanted to ensure his safety. Her clothes were torn up and bloody, as most ghosts were, but the hero costume she had on was rather clear. Her white cape and yellow gloves were stained red with her black uniform torn up rather heavily. She didn’t recognize her at all, but she clearly recognized her.
The woman admitted, following her as they both hovered around her child. “That must be Izuku..” She muttered as she got closer. Inko was quick to put herself between them both, glaring. She would protect her child.
“Do not touch him.” She said swiftly. “I do not know you and I don’t know how you know his name.” She added as they entered his classroom. Inko wouldn’t let her near him until she knew who she was at least.
“I’m sorry…” The ghost started as she got closer to Inko, but her attention was pulled away from the apparition as the alive erupted with noise. Laughter was loud as she turned to her child, seeing his blank expression. Under it, she could sense his turmoil and pain but he was so good at throwing a blanket over it and hiding his true feelings like a blackout curtain conceals light. His quirk would normally give him away, but she knew the suppressants he took just numbed his brain and forced him into a haze.
She wanted to pull the spider lily from him as he took it in hand before delicately slipping it into his bag. ”Please stop… Please my Ichigo..” She begged as she watched him close his bag and start up his learning. Inko whipped her forming tears and got up from the ground, floating towards the woman.
”I’m sorry his grief is this bad.” The spectator said as she turned to face her. She wanted to snap at her and say she had no right to talk like that or comment on her son, but she didn’t have the energy for that, so she just blankly nodded and began to observe him once more.
They floated in silence for a while, just listening to the lesson and watching the students work. No one seemed to bother her son for the hour, opting to instead just get their work done which Inko was thankful for. She felt her need for contact flood up as the woman got closer to her and she quietly began to speak.
“I didn’t want him to grow up the way I did.” She said quickly, glancing toward the ghost next to her. The woman seemed to freeze up, so she continued with her story. “An orphan... Abandoned…” She muttered a little bitterly before her voice became softer. “I don’t blame my mother, but the system was horrible… I think I had an older brother, but we got separated so quickly I'll probably never find him.”
Inko was well aware of the tears she’d begun to leak, they didn’t bother her as she brought her hand over. She hovered it over her son’s head, faintly feeling his mass of curls as she gave a small smile. “Either way, I just wanted him to have the childhood I couldn’t… One of a loving home and a safe environment.”
She didn’t understand why she was dumping her feelings onto the other ghost, or why she stayed to listen, but she was going to speak. She wanted someone to know her true feelings. They may be dead to the living but that doesn’t mean they have to be as dead as she is. ”I had my mother’s last name, but there was no record of her. It was almost as if she’d been removed from the world. Either way, I wish he could have known her.. I may not know my mother, or if she’d even be fine with his identity, but I have this gut feeling that she would have loved him.” She admitted as she turned to face her completely.
The specter was crying just as much as she was. Her eyes were wide and full of pain and sadness. She didn’t understand why she was responding in such a way, but she simply gave a soft smile. ”I’m sorry… I’m so sorry Inko…” She started to sob as she pulled her into a hug.
”I left you for your own safety, I knew what I was getting myself into and I didn’t want you both hurting after I passed.” She told her quickly. Inko felt confused as she looked up and the woman continued. ”I failed you as a mother, Izuku as a grandmother, and Yagi as a teacher.”
Inko’s eyes widened as she stared at the specter. From what she was saying, this woman had to be her mother. She felt reluctant as she spoke quickly, wanting some form of proof. ”If you’re my mom, what is my maiden name, and old was I when you gave me up?” She asked quickly as she saw the way she looked over in surprise.
She saw a small smile form on her face as she quickly tried to wipe her eyes. Her tears continued to fall as she spoke up, eager to try and explain. Her emotions seemed genuine and she wanted to be truthful. ”Your last name is Shimura and I... I gave you away when you were three and your brother was six.” She explained softly.
Inko made a small noise as she watched her. She felt conflicted. A part of her wanted to hug her and another part of her wanted to get mad. She wanted to yell and beg her why she gave them up. Her big brother had been 6 and she’d been three. On top of that, she knew her maiden name. She was never adopted, just fostered until she grew out of the system.
“Why. Not just that we weren’t safe. I want to know the reason.” She said quickly. She wanted to know who had abandoned her and why. Her mom shouldn’t have left her and her brother to the wolves but she knew a reason had to exist. She shouldn’t have just abandoned them.
”A villain was after me. I didn’t want him to go after you both, so I gave you away in an attempt to give you a proper life. I would rather have no children than have my child be hurt because of me.” She admitted. Inko didn’t know how to feel about it but she was telling the truth.
”I don’t know how to feel about you... I don’t feel comfortable referring to you as my mother…” She told her as she leaned towards her son. She gave a small sigh as she reached for his hand, unable to grasp it but at least she could graze it. She felt her tears drip once more. She loved her son and made sure he was always aware of that. Her son deserved to feel love after all.
”If you’d feel more comfortable, my name is Nana.” Her mother said simply as she leaned over to watch Izuku. She looked over at Nana and gave a small nod. Inko was done with speaking, she wanted to just observe Izuku and support him from beyond the grave.
Inko hovered by her son as he crept down the hall. She was trying to ignore how Nana did the same to her but from a further distance. She was grateful the other Spector was being respectful of her feelings and not really trying to invade her goal. She floated ahead of him, peeking at his desk as he entered the room. She wasn’t surprised by the words that littered the grain. It was upsetting but she wouldn’t be able to remove it no matter how hard she tried.
She watched as he made his way over, dusted the ash away, and got to cleaning the marker away. It was a relief to have him escape punishment for it since it wasn’t his fault in the first place, but the journey home was somber and cold. She hated seeing him so broken and dull. It didn’t fit her little boy. He was the embodiment of kindness and trust, he used to give kids at the park his sweets when they fell and tried to make them feel better however he could. She still remembered those days like they were yesterday. When she watched him slip that keychain into her nephew’s bag, she couldn’t help but sigh. He really was gonna go through with it.
Their trail was long and upsetting. Her son didn’t react to anything, in fact, he almost got hit by a car on his way home. She scolded him despite the fact she couldn’t be heard, but Nana seemed to at least listen to her. She was hovering over him as he unlocked the door to their apartment. She really can’t call it theirs anymore. It’s his now. He closed the door grimly and seemed to just sink into his room.
She didn’t want to be away from him, but her son still had his right to privacy, so she floated over to look around the bare apartment. The only signs of her existence were cooped up in her son’s closet, the clear missing frames were obvious to her on the walls but that was because she’d seen them every day for a decade of her life. Inko wanted to see her child smile again, so after about an hour or two, she caught him sleeping with his head on the window sill, hand reaching near the new vase and flower he had sitting on it.
She would have pulled a blanket over or closed the window if she could, but at least it would be a warm night and nothing cold.
When Izuku woke up the next morning, Inko wasn’t surprised Nana had left to go hover over whoever she’s been watching. She’ll probably come to see them soon enough after who knows how long. She had to leave again, not able to bare watching her son harm himself. She felt her tears once more but they would remain unknown to him. She would have wrapped him up in her arms if she could, convinced him to stop, or made him. Her boy shouldn’t be doing this to himself.
She hated it. It made her feel like a part of her was being stabbed and torn. Inko understood where that feeling was coming from; she’d made him with her body, and held him there for nine months before bringing him into this world. The fact she’d done this and now he was in so much pain hurt her more than any argument they’d had in her lifetime.
She watched as he took care of his wounds, bandaging and treating each cut. She was grateful he had the right of mind to at least take good care of them. Inko floated over him as he got a box of her college and high school yearbooks, pictures of her and Mitsuki, and just anything she’d gotten from her best friend and her family. She softly cried as he left it on their doorstep, not staying long enough to be caught in his vulnerable mindset.
She stayed there for a moment, watching as Katsuki opened the door and lifted up the box. She was well aware of who he was taking it to so she turned away, heading to her son’s school. He would try and get there early but he always ended up waiting till most kids were in the classroom it seemed. He probably did it to avoid the bullying and confrontation.
She was in the room before him, observing as students entered the classroom. It took about five minutes for a small group of them to go up and start drawing on the board. At first, it had piqued her curiosity, a part of her hoped it was an apology to her son but that was quickly ruptured at the sight of a hanging body. The moment she saw one reach for the green chalk, she realized what they were drawing.
”What is wrong with you all?!” She yelled out, trying to wipe the horrid creation away. Inko was well aware of her inability to but she still wanted to try. She had to try for her son. She could feel the lights flicker around her, reacting to her surge of emotions as the kids finished up their creation. She continued to try and stir up the chalk, wanting to ruin the picture. It didn’t work but she didn’t stop until she heard snickers.
Inko watched her son motion to his neck, quietly reaching out to comfort him before a voice broke her dead silence. “Get to your seat."
She watched as her son sat through that horrid sight all day, comments being thrown his way and his eyes just focusing on the ground dully. She gave invisible kisses on his forehead and hugged him as he went through his lessons, just anything to comfort him.
Inko nearly took his teacher’s face off when the man beat his hands before forcing him to clean up the mess his classmates had decorated the board with. She followed him through the rain once he bolted from the school, trying her best to protect him from at least some of the rain. It didn’t work of course, but she still tried. She will always try for him.
She followed him into the apartment, watching as he treated his hands. She wanted to take those hands and cover them with kisses, anything to calm him even a little bit. She had to observe him eat and collapse into bed. She hated it. She hated her afterlife. She hated his suffering. Most of all she hated her ex-husband and all the kids who made her son’s life hell. She wanted to see his smile and his freckled bright face, not his blood and such hurt littering his soft face.
Inko couldn’t help screaming into the night sky. No one would hear her, the dead wouldn’t care and it wasn’t like it mattered. She went for a few hours, no longer able to feel tired or horse from screams. Her voice was so loud it echoed and disrupted the birds but no one could hear her. Her anguish for her son. Her hatred for her death. Not a single soul deserved to experience her hell.
When the sun finally began to rise, she made her way back to her son’s room. He looked the most peaceful since he was a small baby. Her child had never looked like this since he came home for the first time. She didn’t even know he’d be her son yet, but she would have loved him either way. She couldn’t stomach not being able to hold him, laying next to him in his bed and holding him against her ruined body, her chin buried in his curls. She missed the bright smile on his face when he was small enough to be lifted by her quirk.
Inko didn’t move from her position until he woke, sitting up with him as he blankly watched the door of his room. She watched as he broke down, crying silently in the emptiness of the apartment. His words were soft and just barely audible to her. His begging made her heart snap for the hundredth time since she’d passed.
“Please… P-please give her back.” It was so silent she shouldn’t have caught it. She held onto him once more, desperately trying to get him to react to her touch, but nothing happened as always.
”I love you… I love you so much. I’m sorry I can’t be with you, at least not how you are used to. Please forgive me… Please Izuku.” She whispered into his hair, knowing the words would never reach but hoping by some miracle they would.
Izuku had made his way to her favorite flower shop, he really should have been getting to school but she wasn’t gonna bother scolding him for staying from that place. She understood his desire to be as far away from Aldera as possible. She watched him try and buy a bouquet of flowers, lilies of the valley, only to be given them as the owner spoke to him.
“Your mother was one of my favorites, I owed her some. Take them.” Mrs. Beppu told him. That old woman had been a florist here since she was a small girl. She used to stop by often just to talk about flowers. She used to want to be a florist and she’d considered being one once she retired from her vet position.
She wanted to thank her more than anything, for helping her with her pregnancy, being nice to her, and at least being so kind to her son. Inko felt so useless like this. She couldn’t do anything anymore. She couldn’t help hovering over him once more as she kissed his head. She could still smell his shampoo like this and barely feel his soft curls. She missed her son more than she should. She was right next to him after all, but he couldn’t see her. Her son couldn’t hug her or feel her. She hated all of it.
Sobs built up in her throat as they moved, her son quietly humming an old Spanish lullaby she sang to him. She knew he didn’t remember the words, but the fact he at least remembered the melody was enough for her. Her ex-husband had been the one to teach her it and she sang it to her son to remind him of his heritage. Hisashi had been from Puerto Rico and he was half Puerto Rican. She had learned the song by heart to just make his tiny face light up. Her son was so relaxed whenever she sang to him.
As he continued to hum the melody, she quietly sang the words, ”Duerme mi tesoro, (Dream, my treasure,) Duerme muy bien, (Dream well,) que los angelitos te miran, tambéi (may the angels watch over you, too.)” She wanted her son to feel happy and calm once more. Inko observed as he stepped towards her clinic, seeing faded blood stains on asphalt and cement. She saw him sharply inhale before turning away. He probably recognized the location and identified that it was where she’d been killed.
She felt uncomfortable with the area. Her head lowered a little as she moved closer to him, her head pushed against his as she quietly leaned against her son. She knew he wouldn’t be able to feel her or anything like that but to her, it was the thought that counted. When he stumbled into the clinic, her dull green eyes were pulled to a soft shade of broken blue. She didn’t know who he was or who he was with but something about the specter screamed safe. She looked around a little, seeing how he hovered close to a man and a child. Inko hovered over her boy as she looked around, seeing as the ghost got closer to her.
“Is that you?” He asked calmly, she looked up to see his thumb hike towards the picture on the counter. She didn’t really consider her co-workers making an altar for her. She knew Izuku had one hidden in his closet and she watched as he handed them the flowers only for the women to lay them by her picture.
“Yes, I’m Inko.” She said softly as she glanced over at her son, watching as they began to hug him. She felt relieved to see him calm and hoped that, just maybe, he would change his mind.
“Oboro, I’m following my best friends and their kid, I guess that's yours?” Oboro asked her. She gave him a small nod as she watched her son quietly. She felt the man’s gaze soften against her as he spoke up once more. “He’s not doing well, is he?” He asked which made her boil a little bit. He had no right to assume her son’s emotional health.
She was just about to snap at him but, instead, she just sighed and looked back. “Yeah… He isn’t. He hasn’t taken my death well… I’m worried he’s going to join me soon…” Inko told him as she kissed his head once more. Izuku was just quietly letting himself be hugged.
“Sho’ got like that too… He blamed himself for my death so…” Oboro explained as he glanced at the black-haired man. A part of her twinged with jealousy at his care and touch for his child. She sighed as she went ahead nodding.
”He doesn’t have anyone… No one else can see it. I’m the only one who has noticed, seen him bleed himself dry and hurt. He’s planning it. I can see it. That's why he brought the flowers and it’s why he’s giving things away..” Inko spoke out with a shaky breath. She was unsure if he’d be alright and the idea that he would join her in the afterlife this young made her sick.
Inko didn’t notice her tears until the other ghost had his arms around her in a hug. She shook a little as she squeezed him. She knew that Nana was her mother and she hadn’t even considered this with her but this random ghost just made her feel at peace. She was shaking as she quietly squeezed him close. Her head was down as she sobbed once more. ”S-sorry, my son and I are b-both very e-emotional people. H-his quirk even makes those around him feel what he feels, emotionally.” She told him as she saw her son move a little.
Inko pulled away without much thought, her son was gonna leave and she didn’t want to be away from him. “S-sorry… He has school..” She explained as she gave a soft smile. “I-i… Thank you for listening.”
She didn’t think twice before following him. Her eyes were still leaking as she hovered over him and glanced back at the family Oboro stayed by. They seemed to be very caring. She hoped the child grew up well.
When her son entered Aldera, she growled at the way his teacher began to berate him. Her son had entered right as the bell rang. He wasn’t late. Inko really wanted to shout at them. She had always hated this district but Izuku had encouraged her to keep him in the school. She understood he wanted to be Katsuki and that he was scared it would just happen again but at least a new start meant he could have been in a healthier environment. She watched him numbly sit down and pull out his notebook.
After half an hour she watched in horror as her son’s property was stolen from his grip and torn to shreds. She felt anger flood her once again as she tried her best to push the bullies away from her baby. She turned back to him as he trembled and sat back down, his things being hidden safely in his bag. She watched him cry himself to near exhaustion under his go-to hiding place at lunch, not eating for the sake of getting his stress out.
Inko could feel Katsuki’s glare, it wasn’t pointed at her, but she could tell it was pointed at her son. She wanted to grab her baby and pull him away. She watched him as he moved to leave the room. ”You have no idea of the wrath I’ll bring once you get here, Katsuki.” She swore to him before she moved to go and follow Izuku.
She still hovered over him when they returned home only to turn away as she saw her son begin to change for his privacy. She turned back once he opened the window, quietly watching as he sat on the ground to stare blankly out it. He was in one of her shirts, a lavender color with a pattern of daisies. She knew it would be too fem for his preference but she was glad he went to her for comfort, even if it was through her clothes after she’d passed.
Inko kissed his forehead after he fell asleep, gently hugging him as she lay next to him. She could feel him once more and she would relish it while she still could. Her son didn’t deserve to be so lost. He was her bright, kind boy and she never wanted to see him this low. Even worse than seeing him like this is knowing but being unable to help.
The song used within this chapter, Duerme mi Tesoro, is a Puerto Rican Lullaby. I found the piece on a site called Beth’s Notes and I wasn’t very trusting of the translation so I asked my school's Spanish teacher to translate it. I’m pretty sure it’s right at the very least.
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lapseinrecs · 4 months
It Takes A Child To Teach A Village 
By Plantsandpaints
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Dead — last updated 2020; 45,918 words
Summary: When there's no hero coming to save you, you're forced to save yourself. Be your own hero. Izuku decides the best way to be a hero is to be a teacher. 
My thoughts: Quirkless Izuku is, thematically, the best Izuku. This is, obviously, unrealistic, to see how Izuku pretty much single handedly defeats villains by teaching them, but it is really funny. Education as a vehicle to prevent crime and the implications that a lot of crime is the result of low options, that this society of heroes continues to neglect those most in need of them is interesting.
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cecenyss · 8 months
Listeeeeen okay what was the point of having All Might say that Inko reminds him of Nana if Inko wasn’t going to be a Shimura?? Like tell me WHY
They wear their hair the same way! They’re both motherly and have the same hair style!
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bibibbon · 2 months
MHA chapter 419 rant
What the actual hell is this chapter ?!?!?!? What is going on horikoshi?!?!??
So suprise AFO IS BACK👎👎👎 seriously what the hell I knew he was gonna come back but he is so boring and I hate him as a villain like wdym you only pulling up with a plan that failed multiple times cos you have thing for your brother like!?!? The doctor and the hero comission could of been better villains. My point still stands AFO being the main bad guy even though this mf was killed and injured by everyone is lame and stupid 😭. Like can AFO just disappear out of existence already like?!?! Also I really doubt that dfo is true considering this guy just loves to act like a season 1 bakugo and call Izuku useless every breathing moment he gets. Also at this point afo out here using shigaraki like a wet human suit thing and that's it
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Shigaraki is dead?!?!!!? Vile. Y'all telling me that shigaraki is basically dead this guy basically killed himself after a little fight (it wasn't little that's a hyperbole it was huge he deserves better than this disservice) sigh so shigaraki died with all his memories and the truth of his own origin which is completely sad and wow the amount of retconning for this is insane. Wdym to tell me that AFO needed someone emotionally weak to take advantage of so he chose kotaro, befriended the guy and manipulated him into having Tenko and then used Tenko as his little thing to make the perfect vessel!?!???!? DAM SHIGARAKI IAM SORRRY HORI DID YOU LIKE THIS
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Izuku lost two arms and is getting the worst end of the stick as always. As an izuku Stan this isn't it for me like what are you telling me that HE LOST TWO ARMS AND THEN PEOPLE DO COME BUT I AINT SEEING NONE TRYNA HELP THIS GUY. ALSO IZUKU IS NOW ARMLESS AND QUIRKLESS WHATS GOOD ON HERE??!?????!?!? Also looks like izuku out here being the only one who doesn't actually get a full heart to heart with their villain at least ochako and toga were treated better and got that little sob scene where they called eachothers names out and what not but izuku and shigaraki gotta be sentenced to pure suffering for no reason 🤦‍♀️. Also the whole page is Hella and I mean Hella creepy and off like wth is this it's too gory (I know that's not valid criticism but this is my opinion) Izuku out here being the only one who can't be a proper hero like the guy couldn't even stand up to AFO unlike bk this is just mountains and mountains of disrespect and disservice . SOMEONE CHECK UP ON POOR INKO AND IZUKU
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The quirks the backstory the things?!?!. So basically overhaul had the oh quirk or whoever the guy in the picture manga panel thingy which looks like OVERHAUL. This guy had an op quirk like he had the power of destruction and reconstruction but then afo takes that away and then has the doctor somehow somehow genetically modify it ( istg i still dont know how that works or how he could do that) and then TOOK SHIGARAKIS OG QUIRK WHICH (what was his og quirk we arent ever told) and then proceedes to set this child who wanted to be a hero for pure failure. Also what is going on with AFO and kotaros relationship and why does the description of kotaro being mentally/emotionally weak heavily remind me of inko midoriya. Also the RETCON LIKE OH AFO IS LIKE HAVE A KID FOR ME OR SOME BS AND HE HAS A KID AND THEN KOTARO APPARENTLY FULLY LOVES HIS FAMILY HOWEVER IT LOOKS LIKE KOTARO LOVES AFO More THAN HIS FAMILY
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Eraserhead making a comeback and finally apologising (or not). I mean at least Eraserhead is back and apologising to his student for failing to be a teacher to him which ok cool cliffhanger I guess. Also where is mic I don't think I can take it if mic is secretly off screened especially cos Eraserhead is crying why is the guy crying like is he crying for izuku which dam as he should your student is dying but he was legit shouting left and right for bakugo 🤷‍♀️. Also Eraserhead has a lot of apologies for izuku considering how he treated the poor dude. ALSO DOES THIS MEAN OBORO IS BACK TO THE PLOT SOMEHOW ( I love oboro) but how does this work how did it happen how did he break free Iam so confused did much due for oboro or something.
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Sato, ojirou and sero out here coming in clutch. but none y'all running to see if izuku ain't gonna die from blood loss or something. Cool entry I guess everyone can take a good fight with AFO but Izuku because hori doesn't like izuku and izuku just sucks!!!. I get it 1A is too big so hori out here needing to give everyone their little moments but like?!?! This just makes afo seem so weak it first went from only all might being the one to even fouch and defeat afo and now its everyone thats not the ofa users which great (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). ALSO THIS MOMENT DONT WORK BECAUSE IZUKU LACKS DEVELOPMENT AND SO DOES 1A and their whole dynamic?!?!?!!!!!???!
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In conclusion, I hope both izuku and shigaraki die and izuku to be remembered as the greatest hero and that's it honestly!!
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