#Cumberland Trail
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Thanks to @WDEFNews12 viewer Matt Stullich for a view over a creek on the #CumberlandTrail --- our @LangleyRoofing #WeatherWindow #PictureOfTheDay for Tuesday.
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convexly · 1 year
Upper Piney Falls by Jason Parker
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myviewblog · 1 year
3 Beautiful Hikes Within 2 Hours of Knoxville, TN📍📸
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autotrails · 7 months
American Auto Trail-Tennessee Central Railroad (Crossville to Monterey TN)
American Auto Trail-Tennessee Central Railroad (Crossville to Monterey TN) https://youtu.be/sjuYLoBkHtU This American auto trail explores the route of U.S. 70N, following the former tracks of the Tennessee Central Railroad from Crossville to Monterey.
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outlaw-apologist · 1 year
The Gang Catching Feelings For You (RDR2)
The gang catching feelings for you! (Mostly GN) Characters: Arthur, Charles, Trelawny, Hosea, Micah Warnings: Micah’s story contains mentions of gender Note: This one was written for @onceuponadie sorry it took me forever to bang this out. :’) AO3 Version Arthur At first you thought you might be annoying Arthur. He always seemed really awkward when you tried to help out or when you stopped him to make sure his satchel was filled with new supplies before he left camp. Arthur becomes stiff when you’re around. Half of the time he could hardly hold eye contact. It made you feel bad. You were only trying to make his tasks easier. Everyone always had such huge expectations of Arthur. No one cared if there was enough stew leftover for him when he returned to camp, or if the supplies were rationed out to him. You took notice of this quickly, their behavior was beyond you. The man doing the most work for the gang should be supported.
“Thank ya’ kindly.” He usually responded whenever he caught you in the act, tipping his hat down to cover his eyes. It wasn’t in a rude way… just… awkward. It was hard to decode exactly how he felt about it and you assumed he’d speak up if he wanted you to stop and so you kept on doing your thing. You hadn’t seen Arthur in a few days. According to Hosea he went out hunting to replenish the camp’s food supply. Not something unusual. The day was lovely, naturally you decided you wanted to get away from the gang for awhile – in need of some serious space and fresh air – and help out by bringing something in. Fishing sounded nice! Not so close by, as you didn’t want anyone bothering you. You took your horse to a beautiful area you had heard so much about. Cumberland Falls. What you didn’t expect was to see a familiar outlaw fussing with his horse near the bank of the Dakota River. You slowed your horse to a walk, heading his way. Arthur’s voice carried was over the water in the cold spring breeze. “You’re alright girl. Just let me take a look at it. Easy now-” “Is she alright?” You called out. Arthur’s head snapped up and he gave a shrug. “Got ambushed by some O’Driscoll boys. Shot her leg pretty good. Hope she don’t go lame on me.” You could hear the upset in Arthur’s voice even as he tried to act casual. He had a close bond with his horse, something you had always admired. Dismounting your own, you rummaged through your satchel while approaching him. “Here- this might help until we can get her looked at.” You gently pushed a bottle of horse tonic into his palm. Arthur was slow to take it, interlocking your fingers together as he wrapped his much larger hand around the glass bottle. His eyes were on yours, gaze electric and intense. “Thank you.” His voice wasn’t shy this time. He wasn’t turning away from you as he usually did. “You look exhausted.” Your words were gentle, not meaning any offense. “Take my horse, I’ll lead yours so you can rest.” “That’s really not necessary-” Arthur trailed off as you took the reigns from him. He could tell there was no room for argument here. With a small grunt he turned to give his horse the tonic. In truth, Arthur was feeling pretty upset about his horse. Maybe it was the stress of everything. The weight of Backwater on his shoulders. His mind was racing yet, calm, at the same time. How was that possible? He didn’t know. The only other time he felt that way was with Mary. But you? Your actions were so genuine. It made him feel… better. Unexpectedly this was hard for him to accept. Why was someone treating him with so much empathy? Maybe you pitied him, an old man that had no value outside of stealing and shooting for dollars. However, he thinks he understands now. It wasn’t pity. Pity doesn’t make someone manifest from thin air when he wishes they were there. And yeah, it probably was coincidence this time, but damn did it feel natural. It felt… right… As if you two were being drawn to each other like magnets. You see him for who he is and you accept him no questions asked. “Somehow… You always know where to find me when I need you. What would I do without you?” “I guess we’ll never know.” Arthur’s stomach fluttered with butterflies when you flashed him that brilliant smile of yours. Maybe it was time for him to move on and find love again. ___ Charles You liked Charles. Being around him was peaceful. He, like you, enjoys the serenity that comes with nature; and so you two were often found in proximity of each other working on your respective crafts or doing a quiet activity while taking in the day. You didn’t know much about each other. He was a quiet man and you… well, you tried not to talk about yourself unless asked. Over time you observed things about him. It was hard not to. Charles is a dedicated man. Always would his brow furrow when concentrating on his work. He would give a little grunt of victory whenever something came out particularly good that he was proud of. You noticed he would stop to admire a beautiful feather on the ground, or an interesting rock. If animals wondered by your hang-out Charles would put down his work to watch them with a small smile. Fondness for Charles began to grow in your heart. You had feelings for Charles first. You never said or did anything to convey this, of course. It was hard to tell how Charles felt about you and… You know he wouldn’t be unkind towards you if he knew, but you didn’t think he’d feel the same way. Instead you carried on as normal. As time went on this became a little difficult. Every time someone in camp had something to say about him, you were either defending Charles or singing his praises. Not obnoxiously so, but enough to make a few of the gang members suspicious. Despite an odd look here and there, no one said a word. Not even Charles himself. Charles too had wondered at times what your words would mean when you would tell Bill to shut up because Charles was the best hunter they had. Or when you would threaten Micah’s life whenever it looked like he was about to say a slur. It couldn’t be- right? Charles knew he made himself too boring and unassuming… You were probably just being a good friend. “Hey Charles.” You greeted, sitting beside him by the fire in front of Shady Bell. “I know this really isn’t your thing but I have a lead in Saint Denis and I… Well, I need a husband so I can get into this party.” You flashed a shy but goofy grin. “Find someone else.” You blinked in surprise. You knew it probably wasn’t personal but his cold reaction did sting a little. “C’mon.” You gently nudged him. “It’s not really my thing. I don’t think I can help you.” “I know, but I need someone who’ll keep their head. I don’t trust the others not to ruin it.” Charles turned to study your face. You didn’t usually go on jobs like this, nor did you normally ask for help. The mission must have been worth it. “Alright, let’s go.” Charles looked stunning. Trelawny called in a favor from someone in the city and was able to pull together extravagant outfits for the both of you. Charles tied his hair back and… damn did the man clean up well. It was unnatural seeing him this way. It didn’t suit him at all, you loved his usual look more than anything. But hey- you could admire Prince Charles for one evening. Heads turned as you both walked into the small garden party. It wasn’t anything over the top. Mostly it was rich women chatting together. You had met them previously and pretended you were married to a rich man in an attempt to gain access into their society. It worked… A little too well. They were eager to meet your husband. Charles was certainly not who they had expected. “Oh-” One of the women’s faces fell. Judgment danced in their eyes. “You’re married to…” Her mouth opened and closed. Immediately you spoke up before something unsavory was said. “This is my darling husband Charles Wilson.” “Mr. Wilson” A younger woman extended her hand for Charles to kiss. “Y/N tells us you’re quite the talented agricultural tycoon.” “Is that so?” Charles shot you an amused look. “I try to be humble but in plain terms, you can say that.” “How wonderful it is a man of your stature could be so… influential.” “Oh come now Mrs. Jones. I’d love to hear all about it. Our husbands aren’t half as interesting.” A third lady giggled. You gave Charles an apologetic look. You hated leaving him here but the thousands of dollars worth of jewelry weren’t going to steal its self. “I’m afraid, ladies, I feel a bit ill today. May I excuse myself?” “Of course, dear. We’ll keep your husband company. The powder room is upstairs to your left.” You slipped in and out easy enough. The jewelry wasn’t hard to find. Upon returning you rejoined everyone. Charles did look a bit bored and you could only imagine what these women were saying to your sweet handsome husband. “Thank you.” You turned to Charles as you both left for the night.  He had an arm wrapped around you, supporting his ‘ill’ partner. “I know they were terrible and I feel bad for dragging you into this.” “Not at all. I’m used to it. It doesn’t help that I’m not exactly husband material.” Charles tried to make fun of himself to lighten the mood but it only made you feel heavier. “Don’t say that.” You squeezed his shoulder. “That’s not true at all.” Maybe it was the drinks you had at the party, but suddenly you just couldn’t keep it in anymore. “Charles you are one of the gentlest people I’ve ever met. You’re compassionate and considerate. You’re so appreciative of everything around you. You don’t speak much but when you do you’re so damn articulate. I could listen to you talk for days and days and still be in awe of how brilliant your mind is. You’re just…” You ran your fingers through your hair while sucking in a sobering breath.  “So beautiful. And handsome, but that’s a story for another time.” A nervous laugh erupted from your lips. You probably went too far this time. “It’s an honor being seen next to you.” Thick awkward silence blanked the evening for the longest time. How could he respond to something like that? It sounded…. It sounded as though you genuinely liked him? “You really mean that?” Charles’ voice was filled with doubt. You were probably only saying those things because you felt bad for putting him in such a position. Though, it was nice to hear someone point out good things about his character and not just what he was useful for. No one had ever said anything like that to him before. It made his heart skip a beat. “I do.” Charles hummed with happiness. He believed you. “I’ll be your husband again. Maybe not for a party of rich white people, but we make a pretty couple. I’m sure we can find a way.” His gaze met yours fondly. Maybe one day being your husband won’t be an act but a reality. ___ Micah “There you are dead-weight.” You could have groan as the voice of none other than Micah Bell reached your ears. You were having a nice afternoon reading in the trees not far from camp. Ever since the gang left Colter Micah’s been on your back – for whatever reason – and it was getting on your last nerve. Dead-weight was his new favorite thing to call you. If it wasn’t that then it was probably ‘piglet’. You eat Pearson’s stew at camp around him one time and he was enraged because you ‘didn’t do enough to earn it’. He wasn’t every creative. It wasn’t that you didn’t pull your weight, because you did. You’re a real hard worker. But you also value your alone time and Micah… Well, he caught onto that real quick. Every damn time you wandered off for a moment to yourself he managed to find you one way or another. You were at the end of your rope. “Shouldn’t you be makin’ yourself useful? Go make money on your back or somethin’ like the other girls.” You looked up at him over your book while he scoffed at you. All you could do was snort in amusement. “Maybe you should go make money on your back, Micah. Though, I can’t imagine anyone would want to fuck your grimey unwashed ass.” Micah’s face twisted up in both confusion and rage. How dare you insinuate something so… Queer? So disgusting? He didn’t know what to say and you watched as he struggled to come up with a response. “I bring in the money, I don’t wash the clothes.” “And what money have you brought in?” Your voice was calm and measured. “Only Arthur and I’ve been bringing in the big bucks.” “I’ve been out workin’ real jobs that’ll bring in more than you and cowpoke have scrounged up in weeks.” You simply shut your book. “Sure you are, shit-ass.” Oh- a huge smile crossed your face. That’s what you’ll call him for now on.   Micah seemed to catch on, realization flashing across his face. He suddenly threw his head back with a hearty laugh. Never had he thought you’d return his energy. Not many people did. Arthur probably would but that man was beat into the ground and no fun in his opinion. But you? Hilarious! “I like that. I’ll remember that next time.” He loved it. He picked on you because he wanted to stare at your ass while you work around camp. He didn’t like it when his entertainment left his sight. To be honest Micah didn’t think anything would develop between the two of you. He considered you just as pathetic as Molly… But now… Maybe you did have a bite to you. An inkling of suspicion crept into your thoughts when you caught the joy in his eyes. Oh god- this was just the beginning. Micah was going to have his fun. ___ Josiah Josiah couldn’t help himself. He had to flirt with everything and anything he found beautiful. You were no exception. He didn’t expect anything to come of it. Nothing ever did. You laughed at his magic tricks and scolded him whenever you and Arthur had to get him out of trouble. You were just… Ordinary in his life. Like anyone else. You liked Josiah well enough. The two of you would talk about a show you’ve seen or a book you’ve read. However, you found yourself drawn to him as if there were a magnetic field pulling you in. Whenever Josiah would pop back up or walk into camp you seemed to jump up and greet him before anyone else could. Immediately you’d ask him how he was or where he’s been. Josiah thought it was amusing the first few times. You must have felt bad because no one else really cares if he’s there or not. “What’ve you been up to Mr. Trelawny?” You ask every time, leaning forward with an interested smile. He enjoyed you humoring him. “Well my dear, you see, there were these wolves-” always would he reply with some fabricated story with half-truths. You didn’t seem to mind. When Josiah had his face smashed in by bounty hunters in Rhodes the sting of embarrassment was greater than the pain. All because of you. It felt almost humiliating, letting you see him that way. Half expecting you to scold him or roll your eyes like usual, he was shocked as you gently took his chin and turned his head so you could examine him. “Does it hurt?” “Don’t worry about me, dear friend.” “You didn’t answer the question.” You pursed your lips in frustration. Josiah ran a hand through his hair. He squirmed under your concerned gaze, not used to gentle eyes being turned his way. It was weird. Truly strange. You carefully wiped the blood from his face and for once Josiah remained silent. Had you genuinely cared for him this whole time? His heart fluttered… Maybe… It’s silly to think, in his mind, but just maybe… He could start caring for you in the same way. ___ Hosea You follow Hosea around like a puppy at times. If a job had to be done, you were right there with Arthur to company him.  Fishing? Your pole would be out with bait on the hook or you’d sit beside him with a book in hand. You simply wanted to enjoy peace of his presence as he fished. It wasn’t annoying by any means. You’re not loud or presumptuous about it and it seemed as if you always knew exactly when he needed alone time or when he wanted space. Hosea enjoyed it. His boys were all grown and doing their own thing. Everyone now saw him as an old man. For awhile he did jobs on his own. Seeing who’s house he could slip into to make their pockets hurt. Now? He had a partner in crime who always understood his vision. It was fantastic! You two swap books when you’re done reading them and talk in length about philosophy. There was a certain deepness to your relationship. At first, Hosea saw you as a kindred spirit. You were someone who matched him like a puzzle piece. He spilled all of his heartaches to you as well as his hopes and dreams. Bessie was a big one. He’d speak of her when the gang was huddled around the fire at times. But there were things he couldn’t tell anyone. Not even Dutch who understood the loss of a woman he loved. When Hosea gave in, letting the emotions and memories of his dearly departed beloved spill from his lips like knocked over ink, you listened carefully. Offering empathy in ways Hosea didn’t even know he needed. In return he listened to your own heavy thoughts, offering his arms to cry in when needed. The whole gang knew about you and Hosea before you and Hosea figured it out for yourselves. “I think we should also bring Y/N to the party.” Hosea proposed in the midst of hashing out details from the mayor of Saint Denis. “Of course you do.” Ditch rolled his eyes, causing Hosea to cross his arms offensively. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “C’mon, look at’cha. I haven’t seen you like this in a long time, Hosea. Just ask them out already.” Hosea’s moth opened in protest but no words escaped. It took several seconds for Dutch’s words to properly click. All he could do was lean back against his chair. “You don’t think it’s too late for me?” His old friend shot him a weary smile. “It’s never too late for love.” For once Dutch was right. Hosea hummed to himself, conjuring a picture of the two of you together as an official couple. It did feel right. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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foxyanon · 23 days
To Love A Dragon: Part 2
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Summary: Rhaenerys meets Sihtric and unfortunately, Guthred and Eadred.
Pairing: Sihtric Kjartansson x Rhaenerys Targaryen
Word Count: 2708
Rating: 18+, MDNI
TW: Death
Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Last Kingdom or A Song Of Ice And Fire nor do I own any of the images used.
Dividers by @arcielee and @zaldritzosrose
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It had been a little less than a fortnight since Sihtric had seen the Princess, and to say she haunted his thoughts would be an understatement. It wasn’t until he made it to the town to meet up with Tekil, that his brain finally connected the memory of the white haired dragon rider and the woman he saw in the tent, the realization he had actually seen a Targaryen in the flesh and lived to tell the tale causing his fingers to feel a little tingly and numb. He could still see her unique eyes whenever he closed his, his dreams filled with thoughts of what it would be like to be close to her and if royal ladies are truly as soft as the other warriors have claimed.
Now, he was riding towards King Guthreds camp, where Tekil was to kill a one Uhtred Ragnarsson and Sihtric knew there was a very real chance he would be recognized by the Princess if they saw each other. The nerves he felt at that thought had his fingers tightening around the reins, posture tense as he took some steadying breaths to try to calm his mind. His silence from being lost in his thoughts had caught Tekils attention, the older warrior a bit concerned for the quietness Sihtric was displaying. While he would never say it outright, he knew the boy was a good one and if given half a chance, would be a great ally to anyone. However, Tekil’s honor bound him to Kjartan and he would not show favor towards the man’s bastard son. So he said nothing, choosing to ignore Sihtric instead as they rode for Cumberland.
Their arrival garnered some attention, but the silver tongue of Tekil managed to throw Uhtred off their trail for now. Sihtric’s eyes scanned the other men with the Daneslayer, noting how a man with curly hair seemed not to buy the lie of who they were and why they were there, but he said nothing. He didn’t see any sign of the Princess and her entourage yet, a small reprieve considering the high stakes of the current mission they were on.
As they were getting a little something to eat, a flurry of movement and the sound of many horses arriving alerted everyone to a new arrival. Sihtric immediately began searching, the banners of House Targaryen blowing in the breeze before he saw her, sitting astride a black mare and her hair pulled back into a couple braids, the rest cascading down her back. His breath caught in his throat as he got a glimpse of what she looked like in the sunlight, far more radiant than he remembered. Her arrival had many flocking to catch a glimpse of the foreigner, and Sihtric could not blame them. She carried herself with a level of authority of one born to their station, the kind of authority that his own father could never possess. Despite him being towards the back of the crowd, he swore her eyes met his briefly when she scanned the people flocking to see her.
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Rhaenerys knew why the people were gawking at her, her unusual features drawing the attention of the many. She scanned the crowd a little bored at the display, before seeing a familiar man hovering towards the back. She smirked before looking away, deciding to have one of her people learn about him discreetly. Her sworn shield, an older man named Ser Elwood Graves, rode alongside her as he watched for potential threats. As they rode closer, a pale and frail looking man wearing a half decent tunic and dagger flanked by some perfumed older man in religious robes and another man with long hair and the presence of a warrior approached them. Already Rhaenerys did not like the religious one and the frail one, but the warrior did not irk her as much.
”Welcome, Princess. I am Guthred of Cumberland,” he said in a tone that grated on her nerves, sounding as though he was not sure how to handle the power such a title gave him. She dismounted instead of responding, allowing Ser Elwood to announce her as was custom in her home.
”You stand before Rhaenerys of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne,” Ser Elwood stated, his voice calm and clear, as he stood to her left.
She nodded politely towards Guthred, meeting his eyes with disinterest. She had been sent here on the possibility of a marriage alliance, but quite frankly she was not impressed with what she saw. Perhaps a lifetime living in a more advanced kingdom was to blame, but the pale man in front of her and the simple structures that made up this place left much to be desired in her opinion. She watched the new king stutter for a moment in her presence, before the warrior chuckled and stepped forward to introduce himself.
”I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg. I command the king’s army,” he spoke in a strange accent, keeping a respectful distance and tone. He earns a point in his favor, Rhaenerys putting a face to the name of the renowned warrior her fathers spies had given her on the journey here. Though she was told he was sworn to Alfred, not this fop. She’d have to make certain of her information next time. She nods politely to him as well before hearing the religious one clear his throat to get her attention.
”I am Abbot Eadred, advisor to King Guthred. We welcome you and your people to Cumberland. I hope the journey here was smooth and swift, by the grace of god,” he spoke with practiced ease, though his eyes spoke another story. Rhaenerys would have to watch this one, years of being in her fathers court having taught her how to see through one's intentions.
”A pleasure to meet you all, lords. Your Grace,” she said as she made eye contact with each man in turn. The King could barely hold her gaze and that was more than enough to determine she would never marry a man like him, but she wasn’t about to waste this trip. If nothing else, she could have her maester chronicle the people here for her fathers council.
Once the pleasantries were done, Rhaenerys excused herself to speak with her own people and make arrangements to have her tent pitched far from Guthreds hall, because everything about him already aggravated her and she refused to sleep under his roof.
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Night fell and a feast had been prepared in her honor. She was seated next to Guthred, Ser Elwood standing behind her like her ever present guardian. The King had been trying to make small talk with her, but she wasn’t interested and was looking for a chance to politely excuse herself after having picked at her food. After an hour enduring the man’s presence, she deemed it appropriate to go get some fresh air and hopefully she would get the chance to ask questions of Lord Uhtred. Ser Elwood followed her out, handing her Dark Sister once they had left the hall.
”He is a coward and a waste of a crown,” Rhaenerys spoke bluntly, a small chuckle coming from Elwood causing her to grin back at him as she finished securing her sword around her hips.
”He is their king, Princess. Divinely chosen, if the stories are true,” Ser Elwood spoke, the laughter not really leaving his voice.
”I do not believe in the kind of divinity spoken by snakes,” she muttered under her breath, hearing the sounds of a fight coming from the stables. With a look shared between her and Elwood, they took off in the direction, blades drawn and ready for a fight.
The two arrived right when a couple other warriors did, the fight going by quick when the numbers where evenly matched. She clashed steel with the familiar man from earlier, the two staring into each other's eyes for a moment. She grinned at him, the young man immediately disengaging and stumbling backwards, a shocked expression on his pretty face. She heard Uhtred call for a halt, wanting to keep one of them alive for questioning. She watched a big man with an impressive mustache tie up the young man, before she sheathed her blade and faced Uhtred.
”If it is alright with you, Lord Uhtred, I should like to question this one too when you are done with him,” she said, placing her hands on her hips and briefly looking back at the now scared Dane, before meeting Uhtred’s eyes.
The Daneslayer looked at her confused, nodding in approval as he caught his breath. “As you wish, Princess. And thank you, for your assistance.”
She nodded, relaxing her stance a bit before deciding to speak with him tomorrow. She watched Guthred and Eadred approach, as well as a bunch of others, and opted to simply watch the interactions between the three with interest. It was clear Guthred was not meant to be a king and the entirety of his backbone came from his advisors, and he leans too heavily on them and most definitely is far to public about his struggles. Even after being in this place for a short time, it was clear the people looked to Uhtred or Abbot Eadred for guidance, which is not a good look for an unstable kingdom.
Once Uhtred had given the order for the heads of the dead to be removed and the group dispersed, she decided to hang back. Rhaenerys sent Elwood off to get some sleep after he informed her spies about what happened, watching as a curly haired man and the big one down their drinks, claiming they needed a little liquid courage to do the task. Just as she was about to step forward and just do it, a little blonde woman with a cross necklace walked up and grabbed a half dull dagger, stating she would do it first.
She’s got guts, I’ll give her that, Rhaenerys thought to herself before unsheathing Dark Sister and clearing her throat. When the lady turned around, she nodded toward the dagger and held the sword out to her.
”That blade is too dull for the task, and nothing cuts quite as cleanly as Valyrian steel. Here, use this instead,” watching as the lady tentatively took the hilt with shaky hands and wide eyes, setting the dagger down on a wooden box. “What is your name, my lady?”
”I am no lady, Princess. My name is Hild,” the woman responded with a quick bow, her hand flexing nervously on the hilt of the sword as she took a few shaky breaths. It was apparent this would be her first real beheading, and Rhaenerys remembered her first one. She decided then she would help her, the same way her father did.
Rhaenerys nodded before walking over to the furthest body, her feet placed on either side of the dead mans torso. “Based on the way you are holding that blade, you have never done this before so I will assist you,” she spoke calmly, gesturing with her hand for Hild to join her. When she did, Rhaenerys kept her word, telling her how to hold the blade in her hands before she bent down and grabbed the front of the man's armor, pulling him off the ground enough for his head to sever cleanly when the blade came down. She nodded toward Hild, the latter taking a deep breath before lifting Dark Sister and bringing it down just below his chin, removing his head in one clean blow. Blood poured onto the ground as the head rolled away a bit, a look of shock on Hild’s face and bewilderment on the men’s.
Rhaenerys dropped the lifeless body from her grasp and gently took Dark Sister from Hild, watching as the suddenly green woman picked up the head to place it on a wooden crate before walking a few steps and expelling the contents of her stomach onto the ground. Rhaenerys grabbed the hem of her calf length dress to wipe the blood off, smoothly sheathing it once more and gently patting Hild’s back.
”It gets easier with time,” Rhaenerys said simply, starting to walk away before hearing the tied up man call out to her. She turned around to face him, a curious look on her face as the curly haired man walked up and shouted at him.
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“I wish to speak with you!” Sihtric called out, hoping to get her attention before she got too far. After having watched how she helped the nun, he was certain that if Lord Uhtred would not take his oath, he would give it freely to her should she wish it. Only, once he opened his mouth, the curly haired man stomped up and shouted at him to shut it. Automatically Sihtric looked down, before he heard the princess speak up in his defense.
”Enough. There is no need for such hostility, he is already unarmed and bound,” she cut her eyes toward him, her wrist hanging loosely off the hilt of her blade. “What is your name?”
”I am Halig, my lady,” he said nervously, bowing a little awkwardly under her gaze.
”The proper way to address me is either ‘Princess’ or 'Your Highness’, Halig,” she corrected, though her tone was not as haughty as other nobles Sihtric knew. He watched Halig stutter out an apology before her eyes landed on the big man. “And yours?”
He heard the other man introduce himself as Clappa and watched with a subtle smile as she reminded both of them to finish carrying out their lord's order as there were still six heads to remove. Once they scurried off to do just that, she looked at Sihtric with recognition in her eyes.
”I know your face, but I do not know your name. You are the man I saw sneaking out of my tent in the early morning nearly a fortnight ago, yes?” Rhaenerys asked him, her head cocked to the side as she regarded him with interest.
Sihtric shifted his weight from one foot to the other, clearing his throat as he avoided her eyes. “Yes, Your Highness. I am called Sihtric,” he said quietly, feeling overwhelmed by her attention.
”You may look at me, Sihtric. I will not hurt you,” she replied softly, bending her head down a little to meet his gaze with a small smile, her kindness towards Sihtric making him feel warm inside and unworthy of such affection all at once.
He looked up slowly, breath catching in his throat as he watched the torchlight dance across her skin. She was even more stunning up close and he had to remember to breathe. “I wish to serve you, Princess,” he willed himself to not stumble over his words, feeling the beginnings of desperation claw through him. He didn’t wish to die a prisoner, but he’d pledge himself to her cause in any capacity if it meant he might live another day.
Rhaenerys softened her gaze, shoulders dropping a little before speaking in a soft tone. “A tempting offer but I must wait before I accept your oath. I will not supersede Lord Uhtred’s authority here. I promise, the moment he is finished with you, I will speak to him and see about having you released to me.”
He nodded in understanding, feeling a little dejected but realizing there was only so much she could do. He only prayed Uhtred would speak with him sooner rather than later, because he hated not knowing what his future would look like. At least with Kjartan he knew where he stood.
She gave him a sad smile and nod before turning on her heel and walking towards her encampment. Sihtric could only watch her retreating form, a strange sense of loss gripping his heart. He had only ever felt like this once before, the last time he saw his mother before her brutal death. He reached up with his bound hands and gripped the hammer pendant he wore, silently praying the gods showed him favor so that he may have a chance to earn his freedom or an honorable end.
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Tagging: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @gemini-mama @synintheraven @zaldritzosrose
@alexagirlie @legitalicat @thenameswinter99 @viking-chaos
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scotianostra · 2 months
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On the evening of the 15th April 1746 the Jacobite led by Bonnie Prince Charlie prepared to surprise the sleeping Government forces of the Duke of Cumberland near Nairn in a night attack.
The night march was a disaster as the trailing column of 3000 men began to disintegrate across rough moor and thick woodland. Hungry and exhausted the Jacobites became disorientated in the pitch black of night, they expected to catch the Government army still asleep, but they were awake and celebrating the Duke's 25th birthday.
With the element of surprise lost the march was eventually abandoned. As dawn approached the Jacobites made their way back having marched 20 miles in the cold and wet to meet their date later that day on Drumossie Moor.........
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jazzcathaven · 5 months
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Winter hike, Eagle Falls Trail above Cumberland Falls, 2024
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in-ky · 2 years
Day 6: Alpha Morgan teehee
BREEDING KINK BREEDING KINK BREE- Summary: you're in heat and arthur comes and helps WARNINGS: A/B/O content and breeding kink, alpha morgan and omega reader (afab, no pronouns). he's kinda rough so medium-low honor arthur lolz. partially dubious consent? idk
You wanted him so badly. Normally, you would stifle your wants and continue on with your day with that sharp longing in your chest for him. But today, it was a need. You needed Arthur. The slick beginning to drip down your thighs was proof enough for that. It was the first heat you had that was giving you intense pain. You thrashed around in your tent, clawing at your sleeping shirt to try and get any sort of relief from the boiling heat you were shrouded in. The heat had come earlier than you were expecting. Usually, you would retreat to the safe house in Cumberland Forest. But, of course and as always, nature had other plans. So here you were, trying to cover up your moans and scent from the Alpha in the tent beside you.
Arthur had helped you with your heat a few times in the past. He always made you safe and protected and never pressured you into becoming his mate. But you wish he did. God how you wished he did. With his stupidly hot attractive body and his scent of bonfire and warm leather that drove you crazy. You wanted him more than anything, but he was just being nice and attending you as one of the group’s alphas. As another wave of cramps and slick crashed into your lower abdomen, you couldn’t help but cry for your alpha. 
He was there in an instant, ripping back the flaps of the tent and glaring down at you with nothing but pure, fiery desire in his gaze.
“Wh- Arthur?” You gasped, pulling your shirt back over you “What are you doing up?” He entered the tent and clasped it shut behind him, so no one would be interrupting you. 
“I smelled you hours ago. I’ve been waiting out there for you to call me in and make sure no one else got to you before I did.”
“Why would you do that?” Arthur leaned in close, placing a kiss on your earlobe.
“Because I’m your alpha.” With that, he grabbed you under your knees and pulled you down so your back was flat against your sleeping mat. You groaned as his hard length rubbed against your bare core, leaving a trail of slick in its wake. “And you’re my omega.” He continued to growl, unbuckling his belt” Your brain gushed with adoration and pleasure. He was yours. He had always been yours.
“Alpha, please.” You begged, clawing at his clothes “Please, I need you inside of me. I need your knot.” Arthur growled, and kissed your neck, nipping and sucking around the junction between your neck and your shoulder. If he had just been biting a little harder, the whole world would know about your pairing. He reached down and unbuckled his pants, sighing in relief as his cock got some pressure relieved. 
“Are you ready?” He asked, taking himself out of his pants. He laughed at your eager nod. “Of course you are, look how much you’re weeping for me.” Arthur gathered your slick on the head of his cock and slowly pressed into you. You immediately felt at ease as his length parted your walls. He was easily able to bottom out on the first thrust because of your eager spasming.
“I will never get used to how nice you feel when you’re gripping me like this.” He groaned, burying his face into your neck and sucking on the sweet spot. Your moans got louder and more desperate, not caring who might hear you.
“Arthur, please!” You gasped at his thrusts “I need you. All of you.”
“Fuck,” He hissed, gliding in and out of you “Who do you belong to?”
“You, Arthur!” You cried, gripping onto his shoulders as the force of his thrusts caused your legs to shake.
“Whose- shit- who’s your alpha?” “You are! You’re my alpha, I’m your omega. I belong to you forever.” The words tumbled out of your mouth without you thinking, but it ignited something in Arthur.” “Damn right.” He growled, picking up his speed. “You’re mine. Mine to love and protect and breed and no one else’s. Everyone's gonna know who you belong to when you're round with my pups. Everyone's gonna see just how good of an omega you are. My omega.” You couldn’t respond to it, but your heart filled with the love and adoration that you had always felt for Arthur. He was yours. Forever. And you were his. And as he rolled you over onto your sides, knot stretching your walls to ensure none of the cum he was continuously pumping into you escaped and muscles tired from both of your releases, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and muttered the three words you had been longing for ever since you met him.
“I love you.”
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sparkletrainsstuff · 17 days
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A mixed manifest train hauled by an AC4400CW (CSX 161 leading) and an SD 40-2 (CSX 2802 trailing) is sauntering out of the Sand Patch Tunnel ready to put the dynamic brakes in set-up and start the descent down into Cumberland, MD.
Choo Choo, here comes the knowledge train! Curious as to why that sign (a speed limit marker) has 2 speeds (in mph) listed? The top number is for passenger trains and the bottom is for freight (or mixed) trains. This freight train will be authorized a maximum speed (unless further restricted by signals) of 30 mph. Speed limit increases take effect after the entire train has passed that sign. Speed limit decreases take effect immediately as the front of the train passes the sign.
This screenshot was taken by myself on PS5 playing Train Sim World 4. The route is Sand Patch Grade from Rockwood, PA to Cumberland, MD. All locomotives shown are in the original liveries provide in the game, no custom content to credit.
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vivaciousofficiall · 2 months
Timeless Woman Series-Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
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Welcome to Vivacious Officiall
Today we will be kickstarting The Timeless Woman series with a case study on the one & only Carolyn Bessette Kennedy.
Many of you may already know of Carolyn due to her huge impact on fashion & her marriage to John F Kennedy Jr.
However in this blog post we will be deep diving into Carolyn’s life & how she was the ultimate timeless woman.
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Carolyn Jeanne Bessette was born January 7th 1966 to Catholic parents William & Anne. As the youngest child in her family, she had two older sisters, Lauren & Lisa. They lived in White plains, New york
After her parents divorced when Carolyn was eight years old, she relocated to Connecticut to continue schooling.
As a natural-born star at St Barths High School, she gained attention for her unique personality and style, earning her the title of the Ultimate Beautiful Person
Carolyn went on to attend Boston University and worked briefly as a Model and in Event management before working for Calvin Klein.
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Carolyn began her career in the fashion industry working for Calvin Klein as a sales assistant. Naturally it didn’t take long before she began dominating in her field.
“One of her responsibilities at the shows is to manage the models. They are constantly, it seems, in crisis. She is mother to them all, calm and ready with answers.” - Carole Radizwell, What Remains.
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Carolyn's elegant yet chic style, combined with her outstanding work ethic, earned her a promotion to Director of Publicity and a transfer to the office in Manhattan, New York.
Where she met the one & only… John F. Kennedy Jr
Lesson 1: As a woman, it is important to have your passions and learn how to network. Don’t wait for a man to come give you the life you rightfully deserve. The best time to meet a high value man is when you are already in love with your life.
JFK Jr was the son of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy
This man represented American royalty as well as being the finest eligible bachelor of his day. He had wealth, power, and extraordinary charisma.
& he was crazy about Carolyn.
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Carolyn reportedly turned down JFK Jr. several times because she did not want the media's attention. This naturally increased his interest in her, and he pursued her until they began dating and eventually married on September 21, 1996, in Cumberland Island off the coast of Georgia.
Lesson 2: As a high-value woman, you will naturally attract high-quality men who are accustomed to women throwing themselves at them. Never do this. Your standards apply to all men. This will earn you respect and even more admiration from your suitor.
Side note : Women that throw themselves at successful men are women hoping to leech off his success. Men are not dumb. The best kind of woman to this type of man is a woman that acknowledges his success but does let that be a free pass.
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Just like all marriages, John & Carolyn had their differences. Carolyn despised the attention. She was frequently trailed by paparazzi and called derogatory names in order to elicit a reaction from her. This put significant strain on their marriage. Regardless, it was clear that they loved each other and were prepared to work it out.
Unfortunately, in 1999, John, Carolyn, and Lauren (Carolyn's sister) were killed in a plane crash off the coast of Massachusetts owing to terrible weather. May their souls rest peacefully.
Carolyn's life was cut short, but she is remembered as a loving, passionate, beautiful sister, daughter, and wife.
Final Lesson: Ladies, it is critical that you leave a legacy. The world needs more powerful women who set their own rules. To inspire your children, grandchildren, and the countless women who will come after you.
xoxo, Vivacious
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Criminal Minds: The Protégé Chapter 9
Ch 9: The Mountain King- Pt. 2
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Blurb: The Appalachian case proves to be a challenge. The Victims remain unidentified. The geography is screwy. There's a new behaviour the Team hasn't seen before. The Profile is unclear and immediately, Grace is unsettled by something about this case, but she struggles to figure out exactly what her instincts are telling her.
Previous Chapter
Audience: mature audience for depictions of violence and sexual references
Author's Note: if you see a trigger warning that concerns you, you can scroll to end and I'll have a brief description what happens. And how to read around it. TW: violence, crime scene depiction, This case mentions sexual assault, autopsy, kidnapping, decapitation, Necrophilia, slight body horror involving needles (mentioned in autopsy)
BAU Jet, US Airspace, Monday, July 17th 12:20PM
Over the weekend Grace had a think over what Dr Reid had said, and how the geoprofile in the last case had revealed an important aspect. So she had spent a whole day designing a template for a quick reference fact file and saved it to her tablet. Now, if she completed this for every case on the plane trip over, by the time they landed, she would have a profile of every town and enough facts to reference quickly if her team asked for specifics. If they revisited any places, she’d eventually be able to do it from memory.
The Harrisburg–Carlisle Metropolitan Statistical area encompassed the counties of Perry Cumberland and Dauphin, and right through the centre of it was the Appalachian trail and Susquehanna valley. And in the middle of that was State Game Land 170 reserve which the unsub seemed to inhabit.
The total area had a population of 603,493 according to the last census. The majority of that were under 40 and white. Violent crimes and homicides were low, property crimes and theft were common, but that was to be expected with over 20% of the population below the poverty line. Though none of that probably was probably relevant as the bodies were dumped close to isolated boroughs and townships with less than 3000 people.
The region had a lot of interesting features in its history with timber and agriculture being the main historical industries with coal mining and industrial towns in the surrounds. Grace continued to trawl through census data and crime stats and compile similar data. Grace knew there was no way she could know enough to pass as a local, but she wanted to be as prepared as she could in the 30 minutes before the plane landed. She had heard that the many Appalachian communities distrusted people from outside their region. It was her hope that knowing enough to not be ignorant would combat some of the hostility that they could receive coming into an investigation as federal agents.
‘So if you named your violin Vincenzo, is Foley an animal or an instrument?’ Luke asked halfway through the flight.
‘He’s a pet.’ She didn't look up from her tablet, viewing the walking trail routes around the towns.
'You have a pet?' Tara asked in a quizzical tone from the seat next to her.
'Yeah, why does it surprise you guys?' She glanced up to see Dr Lewis grinning back at her.
‘Grace has a pet, and she won’t tell me what it is. It’s not a dog, and she doesn’t like cats,' Luke explained to Tara.
‘Not a dog or a cat, hamster?’ Tara asked.
‘Nope.’ She smiled, continuing to work on pinpointing key features on the maps.
‘Fish?’ Luke guessed with a smile and pointed at her. ‘Tropical saltwater fish, because you miss Hawaii!’
‘I See the logic there but, no,’ she grinned. This was more fun than having them try to guess her birthday. ‘I’ll give you a hint. My dear sweet companion Foley is the reason I have to live on the Maryland side of the river.’ She looked up at them with an evil grin.
‘Wait, you live in Maryland?’ Tara frowned.
‘Yeah, Oxen Hill.’ She said with a smirk.
‘How?’ both of them said at once.
‘You said you have a car today in Penelope’s office, so you do drive, so that is like what an hour’s car ride normal and hour and half hour?’ Luke said.
‘Yeah it, but it’s been better since Covid, most people work remote, commute is not too bad these days.’ She said with a shrug. ‘What can I say? I love my little guy. He lights up my world. If that means I have to drive a little further to work, it’s worth it.’
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. One new text message. She saw the contact name and opened it immediately.
‘Oxen Hill is not too far from Indian Head and the surrounds has a bit of forest, undeveloped land. A lot of a space… Foley, or should I say Foal-ly is a horse.’ Simmons joined in and theorised.
‘Nah, she said he’s in her apartment.’ Luke shook his head.
Basement Buddy: Hey G, are you in town tonight?
Grace stared at the message, blinking three times. He’d had texted her during the day. Texted Her while he was still at work. While he knew she would be at work. She checked her watch; not his usual break time. She leant back in her chair and subtly tried to shield the screen from Tara’s view.
G.M: No sorry. On case. What’s up?
She stared enrapt as the three dots showed he was typing.
Basement Buddy: Nothing. Just wanted to hang out.
Typing the word ‘nothing’ at the start of the sentence indicated that there was, in fact, something he was hoping to deflect from. Which meant he wanted to talk to her, but knowing she was on a case he didn’t want to bother her or make her worry. Which meant something was wrong.
What happened? R U ok? -She typed, but then backspaced, opting instead for:
G.M: Whens ur shift end?
Basement Buddy: 9
G.M: Do you want me to call you?
Basement Buddy: I’m ok
No emoji in that response. That was a lie. She typed her reply:
G.M: Want me to write an essay to tell u how I know that’s not true?
G.M:Chat tonight?
He took a full two minutes to reply. The three dots disappearing and reappearing. She nervously bit her lip. Had she been too assertive?
Basement Buddy: I’ll wait by the phone. 😉
She breathed again.
Basement Buddy: Btw. Got it in 4.
She snorted and shook her head. A deflection, but a welcome one. At least he agreed to chat later. The cryptic message was about the Wordle. They must have been some of the only people that still did it every day.
G.M: Got it in 3.
G.M: I win. Sorry.
He sent the GIF of the old man holding his chest in pain.
Basement Buddy: No your not you Sadist 😝
‘Who’s got you smiling like that Five-O?’ Luke peaked over the table.
She pulled her phone to her chest. ‘Your mom.’
‘Oooooh ho ho,’ Tara laughed.
‘Grace has a special friend?’ Luke said in a singsong tone.
‘No, I couldn’t resist a well placed your mom joke and, I have land lady who uses a lot of emojis and they are hilariously in the wrong context. I mean, look-‘ she leant over and showed him a text from her she got this morning covering the time stamp with her thumb.
Mrs Hudson: Will get 💦💦 ⬅️ 👀 by tonight
'She is saying the water leak I’ve had is being checked today, but it just looks so suggestive.’
‘Heh. That is funny. But we-' He gestured to Tara and him ‘-are on to you.’
‘I bet it’s you it’s Ashley from fraud detection, Ashley was making eyes at her the whole seminar.’ Tara smirked.
‘She was?’ Grace said. That whole seminar she thought Ashley had forgotten her glasses or needed eye drops or something.
‘Nah, it’s got to be Cody in ballistics at the Seattle office. They spoke for 45 minutes about ice bullets. Nothing to do with the case. Tangents and fun facts, that’s Five-O’s love language.’
‘It was actually meat bullets, and it was case related.’ She hid her head in her hands. ‘Rossi, when are we going to focus on our approach to the case?’ Grace called out for rescue.
Rossi chuckled, ‘Okay, behave, kids. That’s enough teasing each other. Don’t make me tell your mother.’ He got up and stood between the seats. ‘When we land, I’ll go to the local PD and set up. Simmons, Alvez, you go to the crime scene and see what you can learn. JJ and Matthews go to the M.E. See what you can find. Tara, can you try to bring in the family and friends of victim one? We need to talk to people from the new year’s party. I’ll help with interviews once we’ve set up. Hope was the first victim. She is significant. We will reconvene tonight at 7 to share what we found. We start with victimology and M.O. hopefully this case will start to take shape.’
Appalachian Trail, Wertzvile, PA 1:40 PM
‘Good afternoon, I’m SSA Alvez and this is SSA Simmons. You are Detective Garner and Head Ranger DeBraun, I presume?’
The detective stuck his hand out and shook both of theirs. ‘Welcome to Wertzville agents. Sorry you aren’t visiting under better circumstances.’
‘We get that a lot, detective. Can you talk us through how the body was found? Was it similar to the previous two?’
The detective looked at them with a tilted head. ‘Well, the missing head is pretty unique. Can’t say I’ve seen this kinda thing before the first one, has to be the same guy. This isn’t the big city, homicides are rare. This though? This I’m hoping is rarer.’
‘What I meant to ask was is the presentation of the body similar or different from the others?’ Simmons asked.
Head Ranger DeBraun answered this time, ‘I was the first responder. I’ve also seen all three scenes, it’s the same reserve. I would say this scene is pretty identical. Similar story with discovery as well. The hikers found me and another ranger doing track condition survey.
'They were pretty shaken up. There’s spotty reception here, if you’re not with the right provider, you can find yourself in dead spots that are miles wide. The couple had been trying to get help for half an hour. They’re photographer’s, they started out at 5, wanted to get an early morning shot of the creek with the low cloud that sort of thing. They found me and showed me where it was. On the way to the body I radioed it in to Garner here, cause he was on the first one.’
‘Can you point out where the body was?’ Alvez said. The ranger lead them over to the creek bed.
‘Like the other sites, bodies were right on the edge, wrapped up and left there. The second one had her feet in the water, but others were just close to the edge. All sites were on slight bends of the creeks, hidden from the trail’s view, but they’re kind of scenic points. People often venture off the track to take photos here.’
The detective walked up and pointed to the area where the evidence flags showed the bodies had been laid out. ‘The only other difference is this time there were two, but everything otherwise is the same.
See, at the water’s edge, there are no footprints that trail back toward the track, no shoe prints we can identify. Judging by that and the fact that is takes about an hour to get here on foot using the trail. I don’t think this guy was carrying them all the way. One theory we’re working with is he’s got a boat. Jumps out stands in the river, throws the bodies out and goes back the way he came. We had the dogs out here. Nothing came of that except that he came from upstream, east aways.’
‘That’s toward Summerdale, Marysville, right?’ Simmons asked.
‘Sure is, and the site there had the same thing happen when we brought the dogs out. They lost the scent down steam heading further west.’ Detective Garner shook his head. ‘Our combined police forces and rangers swept that forest cleaner than a germophobe’s soap box, found nothing.’
‘So the bodies were never in the water fully submerged, just on the edge?’ Alvez asked.
‘Nope. Just toes touching for one, but otherwise laid out on the bank.’ Garner confirmed.
‘If you want my opinion agents, it's a forensic countermeasure. This is bear country. Animals come to the water’s edge regularly to feed and drink. I guess this guy was hoping they'd clean it up. And honestly, that has me worried since we've got a big gap of time between victims.’ DeBraun surmised.
Simmons nodded, ‘I agree with you both that it’s unlikely, but if this guy was to come on foot, how long would it take him to get to a site like this from town? Is the trail connected at to where the other bodies were found on?’
‘Of for sure, the trail connects eventually. It’s all the same river, same valley, same mountain range. But there are obstacles. As the crow flies, we’re pretty close, but in actuality, going around the mountains would take a day and a half at least to get to Marysville. Each site was a over a hour’s walk away from the populated area’s entry on the trails. That’s a long time and way to be carrying a body.’
‘Any secluded places nearby here or the other sites?’ Simmons asked.
Garner laughed darkly, ‘It’s the forest. If a tree falls on you in the forest, and there’s no one around, there’s no scream. And most people 5 minutes from the town centres have acreage. It would be harder to find a busy area round here. You can see why we’re worried.’
‘I more thinking abandoned places, places nomadic types would live. Whoever did this knows the area very well. They probably spend a lot of time in the wilderness. Can you think of any caves or bunkers or ranger huts?’ Alvez clarified, looking at Simmons to see if he was also getting the same idea he was.
‘Not really. I'm aware of a cave nearby that’s inhabited, but Booboo’s not your guy. He’s got a microchip and an alibi.’ DeBraun said.
‘Booboo?’ Luke asked.
‘A bear?’ Simmons guessed.
‘Yeah. Caves are rare here. I doubt there would be one uninhabited. I doubt a human would be brave enough to live in one.’ DeBraun explained.
‘You know of any hermits living in the area?’ Alvez asked.
‘I can think of a few transients that walk the trail between towns,’ Garner said. ‘I’ll get you people a list.’
Central Police Station, Harrisburg, PA, 2:23 PM
‘So the police report seems to suggest that Hope walked into the forest in the middle of the night in winter? But your testimony means that Hope was taken from her car as she drove home, and the car was dumped back at your place. So you can see why we are a bit confused, Jenny, because these are two very different stories. You want to tell us which one is right?’ Rossi asked the young woman who sat in silence across from them. She didn’t look up at them. ‘See, people don’t usually just walk into the forest at night, especially young girls like yourself and Hope. And when you say to the police that you walked Hope to her car at midnight and saw her drive off, then in the morning you call the cops because her car is still out the front of your place, it doesn’t add up. It’s a bad look for you Jenny. It implies that you know why she went into that forest and you are hiding something from us?’
Jenny fidgeted in her seat, but remained silent.
‘I don’t think you did this, because you called the cops as early as you did, but I think you’re scared that you’re going to implicate yourself or someone else by telling the truth. We know you were probably drinking underage, maybe on drugs. It was New Year’s party after all, but we don’t care about that, we need to find who did this to Hope. You need to help us by telling us the truth of what happened that night because Jenny, cause this guy is still out there, he killing other girls.’ Dr Lewis said.
Jenny looked up at that news and swallowed. Tara observed the sheen of unshed tears as she shakily opened her mouth.
‘It was a stupid dare.’ She began and her hand shook, placing down the photo of Hope she had been clinging on to face down on the table. ‘We were drunk-No, I was drunk. Hope wasn’t. She was good like that. At about 11, people started to dare people to do this thing we called 7 minutes in hell, where you give someone something scary to do for seven minutes.
‘There was a stretch of track that went past the back of the houses on my street, backed onto my yard. But you could come off the trail down the end of the street and walk back in front of the houses. It was only a 10-minute walk. After the first person got dared to do it… We all did it. In the dark, with only our phone light, we had to film it to prove we did it. We all did it, but… Hope, she was scared. She chickened out.
‘We laughed at her… We locked her outside on the porch for the rest of the party as a joke. I was drunk, and I was stupid. I told her she away plays everything safe, and she never does anything fun that she was a boring person. I told her that. It wasn’t true. Our last night together, I was such a shitty friend. I was awful to her. After that she said she was leaving… I watched her from the window walk back to the car…’
‘But you didn’t see her drive away, did you?’ Dr Lewis asked.
Jenny shook her head and sobbed. ‘It was stupid. It was my fault.’
‘So she was taken from her car off the street?’ Rossi asked.
‘No…’ Jenny cried harder. ‘I-I opened the window and told her she couldn’t come back unless she had proof she walked it.’ Tears spilled down her cheek and her voice cracked. ‘When I saw her car still there when I woke up, I knew something bad had happened. I think she, got out of the car and tried to walk the trail. She’s dead because of that stupid dare! She’s dead because I told her she was boring!’
Rossi looked to his colleague and sighed, passing a tissue box across the table to her.
‘Do you think Hope probably had her phone with her, to capture proof?
‘Yeah, she would have filmed it.’ Jenny sniffed.
‘Jenny, was anyone else missing or leave early that night?’ Dr Lewis asked, reviewing the answers she had given to police.
‘No, but I passed out about 12:30, Hope was the only one who left early.’
The same answer she had given before, but she had to be thorough, if Jenny had lied the first time, then she might have lied about something else.
‘Did you see anyone hanging around the trails before or after that night?’
Jenny shook her head ‘No. But it’s a trail. People walk it all the time. Especially the bit that goes behind our property. People go jogging there.’
‘Can you remember anything strange happening at the time? Any repair men around, surveyors, salesmen, anything like that?’
‘No.’ She shook her head again, giving no knew answers. Tara nodded and was about to signal to Rossi that they had all they could get when Jenny’s expression changed. Tara cocked her head
‘What did you just think of Jenny?’ She asked.
‘It’s stupid.’
‘Nothing is stupid, it could help.’
‘It sounds crazy, but… I heard things, from the forest.’
‘Like what? Noises? Screams?’ Tara prompted.
‘No, um… in the following days… sometimes, when I was in the yard, I thought I heard someone call my name.’
‘Why didn’t you tell the police?’ Rossi asked.
Jenny hung her head, ‘I thought it was just in my head. You don’t understand… when you live here, it’s different. There’s a saying: if you heard your name called in the woods, no you didn’t. Look people say they hear crazy things all the time, and they say there’s like skin walkers, feral people and cannibals. Strange things that happen out there in those hills. I just tried to forget it. Pretend I didn’t hear it.’
‘Do you remember exactly what the voice that called to you said, was it just your name or was there anything else?’ Tara pressed.
‘It was really weird actually, that’s why I thought it was in my head.’ She blew her nose and a look of concentration crossed her face. ‘I would hear my name. But sometimes I heard him say, “Jenny… Your friend trips inside the hill.” Over and over. She trips inside the hill. Like that’s crazy right? No one would say that? That had to be myself hearing things?’
She shared a glance with Rossi, what were they supposed to make of that? Sure it could have been Jenny’s internalised guilt manifesting in auditory hallucinations, but it could of also been the killer attempting to lure her too. And more disturbingly, the later seemed more likely.
‘Why didn’t you tell someone this Jenny?’
‘I thought I was going crazy or something. I don’t believe in the supernatural, but everyone around here is like superstitious. There are legends. You don’t have to believe them to be scared of them. I thought maybe, me hearing my name from the forest, was like my punishment. Like the forest wanted me too.’
Tara stood and opened the door, gesturing to Jenny that she could leave.
‘You’re free to go Jenny, but we’re going to need any footage you and your friends have from that night.’
‘Yeah of course, I’ll get it for you, and tell the others to do the same.’ She nodded and hurried out of the interview room.
‘If that girl would have told the truth the police investigation would have not spent a month looking at Hope’s car for evidence.’ Rossi shook his head and packed up the files.
‘It seems she’s is suffering enough,’ Tara observed. ‘She has to live with that night being the last time she saw her best friend.’
Harrisburg Morgue & Coroner's office, Harrisburg, PA 1:15 PM
‘Hello all, I’m Agent Grace Matthews, I’m just here to examine you. I’ll be as quick and respectful as I can. I want to figure out what happened and who did this to you.’ She greeted the three bodies laid out on the metal slabs under white sheets. JJ shared an uncomfortable glance with the medical examiner, who Grace had unintentionally ignored on the way in.
‘I’m SSA Jareau,’ JJ shook the Medical examiner’s hand, giving her an apologetic look. ‘Dr Davis?’
‘Ah, Actually No, I’m Dr. Ganley, I’m the new coroner assigned here. Dr Davis retired last month. But I’ve gotten up to date with the case. Hope has been buried, but here is her report. We still have Jane Doe here-’ she pointed to the first one, ‘-And victims Three and Four, I’ve just finished their reports.’
‘And what have we learned, Dr Ganley?’ Grace turned to her and glanced down at the Doctor’s extended hand. ‘Oh, sorry…’ Grace extended her hand half-heartedly and avoided eye contact, focusing instead on the doctor’s hand in her own. Grace took her hand back and smiled up at the doctor, but she was met with a frown and a raised eyebrow. Dr Ganley turned back to JJ and continued talking to her.
Grace was immediately put at unease. She stared at her hand, flexing it and un-flexing it a few times. She inspected her fingers as the doctor continued to talk to JJ. It felt wrong. Grace hated physical greetings from people she didn’t know. If Covid had been good for one thing, it was reducing the number of times she had to awkwardly oblige the invasion of her personal space. But usually as a woman, and a young, timid-appearing woman, people tended to not bother. Generally, she had observed men tended to only shake hands with other men or people in charge. When women initiated handshakes, it always read as more assertive than friendly to her. Well, that was how she perceived it. But there was just something about that action Grace felt she missed. That it wasn’t just her being unreasonable.
Was it the context? It was odd that a person in the medical field would extend a physical greeting in a post pandemic world. Was it the feel of the hands? The Doctor’s hands weren’t gloved or clammy from being inside gloves recently. Fair enough, she had just been writing a report. Was it the doctor’s eagerness to shake her hand even though she gave cues she did not want to? But then again, Dr Ganley was the new coroner. Maybe she was trying to be assertive and display confidence.
‘-Cause of death was decapitation.’ Dr Ganley finished and passed a clipboard with the reports to JJ.
‘In all cases?’ Grace chimed in, looking around for a box of latex gloves.
Dr. Ganley inhaled in a shocked laugh. ‘I would say so, yes.’
‘From the photos, I noticed Hope, and Two have rough severances, indicating multiple hacks and struggle, but Three and Four have cleaner cuts.’ She spotted the gloves near the wash sink and made her way over to it and began to scrub up.
‘That is correct,’ Dr Ganley confirmed.
‘So what killed Three and Four?’ Grace prompted more directly, pulling on latex gloves.
‘I’m sorry Agent Matthews, I don’t follow?’ Dr Ganley gave her a pacifying smile with an irritated undertone as she fiddled with a gold ring worn as a pendant on a chain at her neck. Married, Grace observed. Medical professionals often worn their wedding rings as pendants so they didn’t interfere with gloves. People played with their jewellery when they were anxious. Grace felt bad. She didn’t want the doctor to feel anxious, but she couldn’t let a mistake like that go unchecked.
Grace walked with purpose over to the slab and peeled back the sheets. ‘Excuse me,’ she whispered to victims and folded down the sheets. ‘A clean cut like this indicates Three and Four were already dead or incapacitated at the time of decapitation, so what caused it?’
‘It was my assessment that the cleaner cut was due to the killer gaining experience.’ Dr Ganley huffed as she scrubbed up and put gloves on.
‘Experience doesn’t render a victim motionless while a killer hacks their head off with an axe, it just reduces the number of swings it takes. What you see between Hope and victim Two is experience, what you see here-’ Grace pointed at the distinctly different cuts between victims Two and Three. ‘-Shows an evolution in M.O.’
Dr Ganley stared at Grace incredulously.
JJ broke the tension. ‘Matthews, hey, Dr Ganley is just doing what she can. See here she has run tox screens on the new victims. If there was a sedative, we will know soon. This is still a preliminary examination, right Dr Ganley? I imagine you don’t see a lot of homicides like this in these parts?’
‘Yes, this is the first one I have encountered that is this violent,’ she sighed. ‘I am still waiting for a few reports to come back. Most importantly DNA, to check that the semen is from the same individual, we’re also waiting on toxicology, particulates from the victims’ fingernails, and fingerprints for the ID of the victims.’
JJ looked over the report, ‘So Three was killed about three days before being discovered, and Four only one day before. And then both bodies were disposed of at the same time? Are the time lines similar for Hope and Two?’
‘Hope we have the best time line for. We know she went missing on the 1st of January 2022. Her body was found January 6th 2022, at discovery she had been dead about 24 hours. Two, we don’t know how long she was held by the killer, but she had been dead for about 72 hours at the time of her body being discovered.’ Dr Ganley reported and sighed, ‘Which brings me to the sexual assau-What are you doing, Agent?’
JJ turned her head to see Grace had pulled back the sheets to the chest of victim Three and was lifting the body up, looking at their back.
‘Grace-’ JJ began in warning.
‘There’s no pooling at their back. Have you pumped them?’ She asked.
‘I would prefer for integrity of evidence that only I handle the cadaver, Agent Matthews.’
'Cadaver?’ Grace asked, somewhat incensed. She could feel herself getting worked up, but she was unsure why. She was helping. Why was the doctor irked by her questions? Grace looked to JJ’s face. JJ didn’t seem to observe any problems, so Grace had no reason to get so worked up. She took a breath. I need to be polite, trust the Dr Ganley was doing her job the best she could. ‘I apologise, doctor, if I overstepped. I just believe it’s important for our profile,’ Grace explained and gently laid Three back down. Softly apologising as she did.
‘Well, you can talk to them without touching them.’ Dr Ganley said, folding her arms across her chest.
Grace turned to stare at her. JJ eyed her with a look, as if to say, ‘Don’t.’ But it was too late.
‘I understand you might not have autopsied murder victims very often in a city like this Dr Ganely, but these women, have already been dehumanised enough, they’re not cadavers for you to practice on or poke around, they did not volunteer themselves to this. I choose to talk to the dead because that’s I how I show respect. And I know that it’s not a foreign concept to you because you’ve been taught to talk to corpses in medical school. It’s etiquette, but you obviously don’t practice it. Instead, you protect yourself by reducing these women to objects. Now, it’s okay to be nervous, it’s okay to be detached and to be clinical, but if you’re going to be disrespectful to these women or mock me for how I deal with the dead Dr Ganley, then please don’t do it around me.’
‘I didn’t mean any offense, Agent Matthews.’ Her demeanour shifted. Dr Ganley seemed to make herself smaller and her eyes watered.
‘And neither did I.’ Well, that was a lie. But looking at her face now, Grace regretted taking a tone.
JJ Stepped in between the two and smiled nervously, ‘Doctor, I’m sorry, Agent Matthews is our resident expert with mutilations and overkill. She can forget not everyone is used to the level of violence we see in our field.’ She shot Grace a chastising look. ‘Can we continue?’
The doctor smiled curtly at them both and walked between the tables, ‘To answer Agent Matthews’s earlier question. Only victim Two, has been pumped. She was embalmed after her autopsy to preserve the body. Three and Four have not been pumped yet, but Agent, the absence of discolouration from pooling is because there was no blood left to pool, which again I believe is consistent with decapitation.’
Grace bit her tongue. That was not correct. Decapitations left blood pooling in the feet and limbs, at least. For no blood pooling to occur after three days, meant complete and utter exsanguination. Perhaps the bodies had been hung upside down after decapitation.
‘Your killer also washes his victims. All of them have small scrapes and abrasions, like they were dragged over rock at some point, but getting particulates was difficult. Where there were traces of dirt and blood on the body, they have been cleaned. But that brings me to the sexual assault…’ Dr Ganley lifted the lower half of the sheet of victim Three.
JJ Stepped to the side, averting her eyes.
‘Excuse me Mam,’ Grace said.
‘What?’ Dr Ganley turned around.
‘I was talking to her.’ Grace inspected the legs of victim Three. There were no indicators of a ligature marks or anything else that would indicate the body was hung upside down. But as Dr Ganley parted her legs. Grace grimaced. She knew what the medical examiner was going to say, and it made her feel queasy.
Dr Ganley pointed with a probe as she explained, ‘They all have traces of semen. He didn’t clean them here, so I think the cleaning wasn’t a forensic counter measure. But here’s a thing we haven’t been able to tell until now with the newer bodies, because they’ve been found relatively quickly. As you maybe able to tell from the state of victims’ genitals Agent Matthews…’
‘We’ve got a necrophile.’ Grace finished in disgust.
‘Eugh,’ JJ remarked.
Grace moved over to victim Four’s table.
‘Pardon me Mam, I’m sorry I have to look.’ She lifted the sheet. She had to check the same indicators were on this victim. Dr Ganley hovered over her shoulder. As she carefully examined the young woman. It was very similar to the previous victim. Except for one thing. A tiny blemish caught her attention.
‘What is this here, just above the Mons Pubis and below the stomach?’ she asked the doctor.
‘What?’ Dr Ganely appeared beside her and lifted the sheet further up. ‘This here? It’s just a minor bruise. Perhaps something sustained in an attack or from bumping into a corner of furniture? It’s only superficial, but I did note it in the report. None of the other bodies had it.’
‘Can we turn the examination light on?’ Grace asked.
‘Sure.’ Dr Ganley said quietly and flicked the switch. ‘Do you want a hand lens?’ She asked, but Grace detected a sarcastic tone.
She ignored it. ‘Yes please, doctor, that would be helpful.’
A magnifier appeared in front of her and she examined the bruise to see what she expected in the centre of it.
‘This is a needle mark,’ Grace told her.
‘Really?’ Dr Ganley asked, seeming shocked. She snatched the lens from her hand and double checked the bruise. ‘Yeah, um… you’re right, yeah, it is. I’m sorry I can’t believe I missed that.’
‘Needle mark?’ JJ asked and came around the side of the table to look at it too. ‘That’s a weird spot for one. Could they have been drugged? Or would it be from like a local anesthetic?’
Grace fixed her glasses and squinted. ‘No, not likely. It’s an 18 gauge. It’s not usually used for administering drugs. If the average person were to buy a needle, they wouldn’t buy this type.’
‘You can’t tell the gauge just by looking at it-‘ Dr Ganely pulled out measure and peered under the hand lens ‘-Its… Three millimetres, which is… that’s impossible.’ She looked at the measure and double checked it.
Grace didn't do well to hide the satisfied smirk that twitched on her face.
‘Why?’ JJ asked.
‘A diameter of three millimetres is 18 gauge,’ Grace smiled.
‘No, why wouldn't a regular person not buy this needle?' JJ asked.
‘Oh, the smaller the number, the bigger the needle. This is the second biggest needle they make. This is for inter-muscular injection, administering blood, or large amounts of emergency medication quickly, this is like an ICU needle, JJ,’ she explained. And then it occurred to her what the needle would have been used for in that particular spot. She looked up at the doctor. ‘Can I probe this?’
Dr Ganley scoffed, ‘No. You’re not qualified to come in here probing stuff like you own the-‘
‘-Then respectfully, doctor, can you probe it? How deep does it go?’ she tried her best to remain polite.
Dr Ganley sighed and walked over to a tray of instruments, and picked up the thinnest probe available. She inserted it into the puncture. Her brow furrowed in concentration and after a while, the doctor pulled it back out.
‘3 Inches, then it’s through into the bladder,’ the doctor reported.
‘Well, can’t say we’ve dealt with something like this before.’ Grace frowned. ‘JJ, you may want to step out of the room.’
‘Why? What’s that mean?’ JJ looked at the probe and then Grace.
‘Dr Ganley, can you perform a dissection of the bladder right now? We need to check its contents.’ Grace gave JJ an apologetic look, knowing the next words were going to conjure unpleasant images in her mind. ‘I think this unsub externally filled this victim’s bladder with something.’
‘Oh, gross,’ JJ baulked.
‘I’ll stay here till this is done. You could go fill the others in at the station? I’ll see what Dr Ganley can find here and see if I can pull some stings at the lab to get the reports fast tracked, then met you guys tonight for the debrief?’ She suggested.
‘Sounds good,’ JJ nodded and before she left the room, nodded her head in the direction of Dr Ganley and mouthed the words, ‘Be nice.’
‘Me?’ Grace scoffed back at her silently.
‘Yes, you.’ JJ pointed and left.
Next Chapter
Taglist: @bridgeoverstrawberryfields
Spencer will be in the next chapter, I promise this one was just getting to long to not split it I'm sorry. Hopefully you liked it.
If you love this story or even just like it, leave a comment, like, reblog, ask a question with Character Mail, whatever, it is much appreciated and it really motivates me.
if you want to be added to taglist please comment on this post.
Sexual assault, Necrophilia : I will try not to be graphic at all in this story, this chapter just has it mentioned as part of what the unsub does, but at the morgue Grace does inspect the bodies, medical examiners office and the unsub is revealed to be a necrophiliac. this scene is not graphically described but if you don't want to read it, stop when you see the -------- and continue after the next set of dotted lines.
Autopsy: the whole section under time stap where is says Harrisberg Morgue... is a post mortem exam.
Slight body horror : I will try not to be graphic here, but in autopsy it is found that unsub fills Bladders externally with a injection. Again not going to describe that more than I have too.
violence, crime scene depiction: cannon typical throughout this story
kidnapping: Unsub is implied to kidnap victims and hold them for a few days.
decapitation: this is part of the unsubs M.O.
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corallapis · 10 months
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Valentine Cameron Prinsep, Mary Wyndham (1870)
A portrait of eight-year-old Mary in Cumberland by the Wyndhams’ friend Val Prinsep, in the flat, chalky style characteristic of their artistic circle, shows a tall, round-eyed beautiful child. In wide straw hat and loose mustard yellow dress, she gazes directly at the viewer, bundling in her skirts armfuls of flowers. One of Mary’s earliest childhood adventures was scrambling after her father through thick heather up Skiddaw, the mountain dominating the Cumbrian skyline, with a trail of dogs in search of grouse; then sleeping overnight in a little lodge perched on the mountainside. In adulthood, Mary wrote lyrically of “the club & stag, the moss, the oak & beech fern, bog myrtle, & grass of Parnassus — Skiddaw in his splendid majesty — covered with ‘purple patches’ (of heather) with deep greens & russet reds & swept by the shadows of the clouds — my heart leaps up — when I behold — Skiddaw — against the sky...” Mary believed her Cumberland childhood had made her a lifelong “pagan,” fearlessly finding freedom in wildness. She mourned “beloved Isel” (Isel Hall being the Elizabethan manor to which the family moved from Cockermouth Castle in 1870) when the Wyndhams finally gave it up in 1876. Ever after, Cumberland was a lost Arcadia to her. — Claudia Renton, Those Wild Wyndhams
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briefbestiary · 1 year
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The whirling whimpus was a bloodthirsty critter who hunted in the woods of Tennessee's Cumberland Mountains, puréeing unsuspecting American woodsmen walking along the trails.
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autotrails · 2 years
American Auto Trail-Bellaire, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railway (Chandlersville to Belle Valley OH)
American Auto Trail-Bellaire, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railway (Chandlersville to Belle Valley OH) https://youtu.be/CkR07SCvk28 This auto trail explores the route of the Bellaire, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railway from Chandlersville to Belle Valley in Ohio.
Chandlersville to Belle Valley This auto trail explores the route of the Bellaire, Zanesville & Cincinnati Railway from Chandlersville, through Cumberland, to Belle Valley. The route crosses from Muskingum County into Guernsey and then Noble. For more of our Auto Trails and Slow Travels guides, available in print or eBook format, use one of the links below: Amazon Lulu…
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careerarm2-blog · 3 days
June 8 - Saint Mary’s Island- Georgia
We had our usual great breakfast at the B&B. The place is beautiful, with rules everywhere. It can be somewhat intimidating as you are afraid of breaking stuff. Definitely not a place for families with kids. It is very well kept and the location excellent.
Our destination today was St Mary’s Island in Georgia which is the gateway to Cumberland Island. It is about 2 hours from Savannah. Our intention was to drive to Jekyll Island and stop there for lunch.
About 60 miles out of Savannah a warning light comes on in the car regarding a tire in need of air. We exited the freeway in the middle of the owhere and found a gas station to put air on the tire. We drove 10 more miles and the same light comes on. The first gas station we stopped said they didn’t fix tires but referred us to a Ford dealership down the road. Fortunately the service section was opened. They found a nail in the tire and said it couldn’t be patched as it was to close to the side and they did not the proper tire to exchange it. So they told me to start calling tire places to see which one was open and gave me the information re the tire. They put the spare on and send us on the road. This in the middle of the day with 100 degrees.
We found a Firestone tire place in Brunswick who was able to help us. We had to wait 2 hours but at least it got fixed. By the time we left 3 pm!! I can’t believe the bad luck with the car!
We managed to drive to Jekyll Island and briefly visit the Jekyll Island Club Resort built and frequented by the super wealthy in the late 1800snand early 1900s. There are about 5-6 “cottages” (mansions) that belonged to them. The island has a historical center, many trails to walk and bike and nice beaches. Unfortunately we saw it really quickly.
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