#Cat Peeing When Left Alone
holylulusworld · 5 months
Flowers (5) - Honeysuckle
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Summary: Honeysuckle flowers represent true happiness, romantic love, good fortune, and sweetness towards one another.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: angry Bucky, fluff, love confessions
Flowers (4) - Daisy
Flowers masterlist
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For the next few days, you barely left your apartment. Bucky and you spent the time talking about all the things you never dared to bring up.
Your relationship, his feelings for you, and the woman almost ruining your relationship. Dolores. 
At first, you wanted to go ballistic and beat the shit out of that woman. Bucky had to hold you back and calm you. He promised over and over again that Dolores didn’t stand a chance.
You are the only woman he wants, and the one he needs. He confessed his love and sniffled when you confessed your feelings for him.
One week later you finally leave the apartment to grab a few things for your upcoming trip to your uncle’s cabin. You want to get out of the tower for a while to spend some well-needed alone time with Bucky.
“You look pretty today, doll,” he complimented while holding your hand in his gloved one. “I mean…uh—you always look pretty. But today, you glow.”
“Aw, someone wants to get laid,” you giggled and pecked his cheek. “I thought last night was enough to tame the python in your pants, Sergeant Barnes.”
“You know how I get when you are close,” he smirked. “I lose all control and need to get my hands on you, doll.”
“You’re insatiable,” you retorted, but mirrored his smirk. “Maybe after our shopping trip. We will take my car today.”
“No bike,” he sighed and looked at the list in your hands. “I bet I can store everything on my bike.”
“I bet you’ll lose half of the things we will need, and there is no space left for me,” you pointed out, sticking your tongue out.
“Fine, no bike today.”
“We should go to Maria first. I want to tell her that she can pair me up with you for missions again. And,” you cleared your throat, “to make sure she knows that we won’t work with that red-haired bitch.”
“Did I hear my name?” Natasha poked her head around the corner, one brow furrowed.
“Nope,” you grinned at the redhead. “There is only one red-haired bitch I hate. And that’s not you.”
She winked at you and chuckled. “So, you’re good? No more fighting or rom-com drama?” 
“Shut up,” you grinned at her. “We had the best reunion sex ever.” You narrowed your eyes the moment Dot stepped out of one of the offices. “We almost broke the bed, the couch, and the shower.”
“Do you want me to hate you?” Natasha sighed deeply. It’s been too long since she had animalistic and crazy sex. “You win. I’m jealous.”
“Sergeant Barnes,” Dolores cooed, acting like she didn’t lie to you to steal your boyfriend. “How have you been? We have missed you during training.”
“He had better things to do than listening to your lies,” you bit back, and gritted your teeth. 
She chuckled, still believing there was a chance Bucky would leave you for good and find solace in her arms. “I asked Sergeant Barnes, not you.”
“Careful,” Bucky’s features darkened, and her disrespectful tone. “You caused enough trouble. Don’t believe for one second I will forget that you lied to me.”
“I-I don’t know what you are talking about, Sergeant,” she tried to smile her way out of the situation. 
“I’m not the man I used to be,” Bucky let go of your hand for a moment to tower over Dolores. She shrank into herself. No one faces the former Winter Soldier and doesn’t pee their pants. “But don’t think for one second that I will let you get in between me and my girlfriend. Get it in your head,” he pointed his index finger at Dolores, “I only love her.”
He slung one arm around your shoulders and guided you away from Dolores and her boring looks. “Buck, I think you made her pee her pants.”
“Good.” He said. “She deserves that much and more.”
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“What is that?” You pointed at the cat Bucky carried in his jacket. He wanted to grab more things for your trip, only to bring nothing but a small white furball home. “Bucky?”
“That punk kinda followed me,” he sheepishly said. “It began to snow, and I had to stop my bike. I got off my bike, to wait for the snowfall to stop and then,” he looked at the cat poking its head out of his jacket, “I heard this guy meow loudly.”
“Where did you find him?” You pat the cat’s head. “Bucky?” You looked him in the eyes. “You didn’t steal the cat, right?”
“What? No! Someone locked him in a box and threw it in a dumpster. I fished the box out and freed him,” Bucky pleadingly looked at you. “Can we keep him?”
You looked at the cat, and then at your smiling boyfriend, already knowing the answer. 
“Do you already have a name for him?” You laughed as Bucky nodded eagerly. “How’d you name the poor cat? I hope it’s not snowball.”
“Alpine,” he said while patting the cat’s head. “He’s a fighter. A survivor and…he’s white.” Bucky wouldn’t stop smiling. He allowed you to carefully take the cat out of his jacket but followed you hot on your heels to keep an eye on Alpine.
“We will need cat food, and toys, a bed, a toilet,” you hummed to yourself. “Maybe we can cancel the trip? We need to take care of him first.”
“You sure?” Bucky asked while watching you play with the cat on your shared bed. “I guess there is a new man in town, huh?”
“We should order all the things we will need for Alpine online.” You watched the cat curl into a ball on the bed. He was still shivering, but he meowed happily when Bucky sat down on the bed. 
“Hey punk,” Bucky patted the cat’s head, but his eyes were glued to you moving closer to sit next to him. “How do you feel?”
“We can ask a vet to check on him,” you put your hand on Bucky’s lightly squeezing it. “I guess we now have a kid, Sergeant Barnes.”
“Maybe we can work on putting on into you too?” He smirked at your shocked expression. “Or at least try? I like trying…”
The End...
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AITA for being "negative" about a bunny and refusing to apologize? I don't think I can really shorten this, so I'm sorry for the lack of a TL;DR :/ It's pretty long!! TW for animal death(and potentially animal abuse?)
My mom(42 F) has a habit of randomly bringing pets home. For context, she's a single mother with four kids, with me(17) being the oldest, alongside my sister("E",13) and my two brothers(7 and 4, not relevant to the story). My sister and I share a room and my brothers share one too. My mom works a job that involves sleeping at work and doesn't think it's worth it for us to rent a three bedroom, so she sleeps on the couch on her nights off.
The first time was mid-2020 when she brought home a feral kitten my grandpa found underneath his house. What was supposed to be a family pet quickly turned into a pet that was kept only to E's and my room. He had some sort of sinus issue where he snotted everywhere all the time, so snot was constantly needing to be cleaned and being found randomly on our things. The cat was eventually rehomed after a year because it scratched my sister really badly to the point that my mom was concerned she would need stitches(she didn't. the cat didn't like being pet / touched and my sister wouldn't respect its boundries).
The second time was another cat(2021) that followed my mom from her cat to her place of work. This was when I started getting frustrated with my mom randomly bringing home animals, since the same set up that happened last time happened again- except this time, the cat got old enough to spray, and my mom kept forgetting to get him fixed so our room just smelled fucking awful. This cat was also rehomed when I broke down after realizing it has sprayed all over my books. I told my mom he either needed to be fixed or she needed to get rid of him. He was gone the next week.
Then last year it happened again- except this time, with a puppy(2022). My aunt was looking to get a new dog and sent some puppy photos to my mom, which she cooed over and showed me. She told me she was considering bringing one home, which I instantly told her was a bad idea and went over all the cons. Mom seemed to agree. Then guess what happened to be an early Christmas gift.... -_-
My sister and I took charge on the dog. We got our brothers to agree on a name for him(anyone with younger siblings knows this is a BIG deal lmao), started attempting to crate train him(basically making sure he's okay with eventually being left alone without crying the whole time), and we were the only ones trying to potty train him. Our mom didn't stick to any of this(including choosing a new name??) and the dog still isn't potty trained, and I'm the only one other than my mom that doesn't refuse to clean up after him. The dog doesn't stay in our room like the other animals, but it took months for my sister and I to convince our mom to get a hook lock for our door so the dog wouldn't keep coming in and peeing. The dog didn't end up getting rehomed, but now regularly stays at our aunt's house way more than ours.
It's worth noting at this point that all of these pets were "family pets" according to mom, and she would get upset when me and E pointed out we were really the only one taking care of them. The dog evened out after a while and now it's mostly my mom and I doing the work when he's here, but the cats are still a point of tension for us.
And now. For the fucking bunny!! Jesus christ I'm sorry there's so much backstory to this!!
A week ago my sister comes into our room and wakes me up to tell me mom brought home a baby bunny. It was scary small(3.5 inches long not stretching, 2 weeks old), and wasn't moving much but was clearly alive. My mom said it ran into my Nana's yard after the dog next door scared it off, and it's pretty safe to assume the nest is destroyed. But instead of bringing the rabbit to a wildlife rehab or something, my mom brought it home and told my sister she could keep it. They then put it in a box with some grass and water and did no further research.
I was pretty livid, because 1. This is a WILD rabbit. That's a crime in my state, 2. I think it was insanely irresponsible for my mom to drop this on us, 3. This is not a pet and it's very likely it'll die in our care just from us not being experienced, and 4. On a very basic and selfish level, I didn't want to take care of this animal and I didn't want it in our room(which it had to be). But E has been asking for a bunny for years, so for once she wasn't on my side about a new pet being dropped on us. So I was pretty outnumbered.
I kept pushing for my mom to contact a professional at the very least to ask about its diet(it's very easy to kill baby bunnies by feeding them the wrong thing), and kept trying to get my sister to stop holding / petting it since rabbits can die of stress. My mom listened after a day and my sister never did. Tbh I also thought if my mom contacted a professional the pro would tell her to absolutely not keep the bunny? But it was never brought up in their convo, so I think my mom might have lied about it or something, idk.
I continued being "negetive" about the rabbit and my sister kicked me out of our room for it. I refused to care for it too, even though my mom kept insisting it was a "family" pet(without me it was just her and E taking care of it, and since it stayed in our room my brothers never really got to see it). To be honest I really didn't feel like I had a lot of options, and I thought if I didn't help then maybe they would get overwhelmed or something and decide to give it to a professional. But I still kept trying to give pet care advice, because I didn't want any harm to come to the bunny(for example, my sister likes our room to never have to ac on, but i made sure she was keeping it cool enough for the bunny).
Well... After four days, the bunny died. E was pretty heartbroken, obviously, and my mom was sad, but to be honest I'm just sort of bitter. I'm upset a rabbit died just because my mom wouldn't listen. For more context, I also thought bringing in the bunny was a bad idea because my sister recently lost her dad, and I knew if it didn't end well this would just add more grief to her life. I 100% don't think she's TA in this situation, even if she has frustrated me.
I'm still pretty pissed at my mom for all of this, so yesterday when she sat me down and told me I should apologize to E for how I behaved, I didn't take it well. She said my negetivity made it so E didn't fully enjoy her time with the bunny, and that if I had handled things differently maybe things would have tunred out better. I know E has been avoiding me, which started when we first got the bunny and she kicked me out of the room for being too negetive. I feel like she just needs time to process, and to be honest I don't think this is something I should apologize for, even if it is an apology just to make her feel better. It feels like that would be irresponsible of me? Idk. I told my mom none of this would have happened if SHE hadn't been so irresponsible and brought the bunny home to a grieving teenager, when there wasn't much of a chance of the bunny surviving with us in the first place, but tbh ever since her dad died I've been really trying to do right by E, so I second-guess myself a lot now.
So AITA for being negetive about the bunny and refusing to apologize? To be clear again I don't think E is TA here, but they're both upset with me so idk.
What are these acronyms?
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companionjones · 1 year
Alyssa Vaughn
Pairing: Pre-established!Beck Oliver x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Victorious (Nickelodeon)
Summary: Based on the Victorious episode “Jade Dumps Beck” where you take the place of Jade. Some things are changed.
Warnings: Cursing
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    “You know, they filter the fist pee out before we drink it,” you informed, sitting down at the lunch table between André and Beck.
    André quirked an eyebrow. “How do they do that?”
    You paused. “I-I don’t know.”
    Beck hummed knowingly. “Exactly.” Just then, he got a text message. Beck moved to respond.
    The only people you knew to text Beck were his family and your little friend group at Hollywood Arts, so your curiosity got the better of you. “Who’s that?”
    Beck played it off unconvincingly. “Oh, just some girl from yoga.”
    André asked the obvious question. “What’s her name?”
    “Oh...you know...Alyssa...Vaughn.” He said her last name quickly as if he was hoping you and André wouldn’t notice.
    You choked on your drink.
    “Alyssa Vaughn? Seriously?” André beat you to the punch. “She’s famous! And hot!”
    “You’re friends with Alyssa Vaughn?” you asked in a voice that sounded meeker than you wanted it to sound.
    Beck nodded. “Yeah. Is that a problem?”
    “No.” You shook your head. And you were telling the truth. Or at least you hoped you were.
    Well, if it wasn’t a problem the, it sure became one soon enough.
    Alyssa Vaughn would text Beck, your boyfriend at least five times a day for a week, unprompted. You didn’t say anything, but it annoyed you to no end. What annoyed you even more, however, was the fact that Beck seemed to have no problem with it.
    “Listen, Alyssa Vaughn is just a friend,” Beck assured you one day in the hallway at school.
    You weren’t buying it. “Yeah. A ‘friend’ who’s already sent you six text messages today...Seven,” you added with an extra annoyed tone when you heard Beck’s phone buzz.
    He rolled his eyes. “You don’t know that’s her.”
    “Is it?” you prompted.
    He checked it. When he saw that it was, in fact, Alyssa Vaughn, Beck decided to change the subject a little. “Okay, let’s see if I understand you. Because you and I date, I can’t be friends with other girls?”
    “You can be friends with all the girls you want! Just not this girl,” you clarified.
    Again, he rolled his eyes. “Why not this girl?”
    “Because she texts you 24/7...and she’s pretty and rich!”
    “Oh, so that’s it. You just don’t want me being friends with pretty girls.”
    “That’s not true!” you fought back. “Cat’s pretty. Tori’s got those cheekbones. Hell, I’m even fine with you and Jade! And you two used to date!”
    Again, he rolled his eyes at you. “You just won’t let that go, will you?”
    “That’s not what I--” you didn’t want to start another fight. “Just please. Drop Alyssa Vaughn.”
    Beck reaffirmed his stance and looked at you dead in the eye. “Or what?”
    “Or what?” You couldn’t believe what this was coming to.
    Beck didn’t back down. “What’re you going to do if I keep talking to Alyssa Vaughn?”
    You stood there for a moment, suddenly feeling very alone. You searched Beck’s eyes, looking for any hint of a joke, but finding nothing. You said the only thing that was left to be said. “I’m breaking up with you.”
    “Fine by me.” There was no hesitation on Beck’s part.
    “Fine.” You swallowed past the lump in your throat, and stormed away from Beck, ignoring the stares from everyone else in the hallway as you went.
    Avoiding Beck was pretty easy, you realised. That had happened at the very end of the day, so you were in the clear then. The only class you had with Beck was Sikowitz’s, and that was in the second half of the day, so you were good until lunch.
    You were perfectly happy sitting on your own at lunch, until André came and sat with you. You didn’t mind him being there either.
    “Hey,” he greeted as he sat back down.
    “Hey,” you greeted back.
    You could actually see André cringe. “So, I heard about you and Beck.”
    A car horn sounded before any other awkwardness could transpire. You turned to see Alyssa Vaughn pull up in the Hollywood Arts’ parking lot with Beck in the passenger seat of her car. You could just make out Alyssa telling Beck, “You’re amazing, you know that?”
    Before your teeth could break from clenching your jaw so hard, you figured it was best to get out of there.
    André found you in the black box theater, alone, crying your eyes out.
    “Hey, hey, sweet girl.” He sat down next to you and put an arm around your shoulder. “It’s okay.”
    “No it’s not,” you cried, “I lost Beck and now he’s running around with freaking Alyssa Vaughn and I’m just...UGH!” You broke down even more and hid your face in André’s shoulder.
    “Shh, shh. It’s okay, sweet girl. It’s okay,” André comforted.
    “What the hell?” came a voice at the main entrance of the theater.
    You were busy wrapped up in your own thoughts, so André was the first to see who it was. “Beck. I was just--”
    “Just nothing. Get off her please.” Beck pushed sounding nothing like the guy you dated.
    “Beck!” You jumped to your feet and put on a brave face. “What are you doing? André was comforting me.”
    “Comforting you about what? You’re the one who broke up with me.”
    “Stop it with your bullshit, Beck. You didn’t want to full-on cheat on me with Alyssa, so you made me break up with you. And now you’re parading her around here like some fucking trophy. Well, you won, Beck. Congratulations. The least you could do is let a friend comfort me while I wallow in self-pity.” At the end of your speech, you collapsed back in the chair you’d been sitting in. You let your head fall into your hands.
    Somebody sat in the chair next to you.
    “I am...so sorry,” Beck started. “I...don’t know what got into me. Someone famous was giving me attention, and I was thinking about my career. I lost sight of everything that I care about. I lost sight of you. You...are all that matters to me. I’m so sorry that I’ve been acting like this. Will you...Could you ever forgive me?”
    You turned to look at him. Instinctively, your eyes darted down to his lips. You leaned in and kissed your ex-boyfriend.
    “So...I think I’ll go now.” André took his leave.
You smiled against Beck’s lips.
    Beck chuckled. “I missed you.”
    “I missed you, too,” you leaned your head on his shoulder.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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leclerc-s · 7 months
a nonsense christmas
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liked by maxverstappen1, nataliaruiz, arthur_leclerc and others
maejones 'i caught that holiday glee, my true love gave it to me.' i present to you a nonsense christmas.
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danielricciardo i thought you couldn't get anymore unhinged after nonsense, i was so wrong.
daphnejones mae, what the hell is this song.
↳ maejones it's a christmas song daph! do you not like it?
isabellaperez brb gonna go play it for christian and my uncle!
↳ maxverstappen1 ISABELLA DON'T YOU DARE!
↳ maxverstappen1 ISABELLA!
↳ user89 oh to be apart of this friend group
penelopetrevino sometimes i wonder how people think i'm the horny one when mae writes shit like this.
↳ dulceperez you wrote mayores. daphne wrote dress. mae wrote nonsense. i think all three of you are equally horny
user41 well i made the mistake of playing this infront of my parents i will never recover.
↳ user09 NO! OH I PRAY FOR YOU
esteban ocon i'm supposed to be able to look max in the eyes now?
lewishamilton i renounce our friendship. good luck to fernando and seb, but i'm done. find someone to replace me. maybe kimi or valtteri. hell kevin or hulkenberg might like these guys.
↳ georgerussell63 good luck being able to get away from us
user32 i fear jos is questioning who his son is dating and who his friends are
↳ landonorris oh, he did that way before this song or nonsense came out
↳ user13 there's no way she actually did it
↳ user13 i stand corrected
↳ dulceperez she looks like a wet and angry kitten
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max verstappen I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!!
esteban ocon she's in the alpine garage and she does look like a wet cat
oscar piastri i think it's kinda cute
alex albon i think the songs kinda catchy.
daniel jones-ricciardo i did not need to know max had big snowballs.
mae jones you've literally seen him naked before pierre gasly UM WHAT? daniel jones-ricciardo IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! HOW I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE WAS NAKED? max verstappen THERE'S THIS NEW THING. IT'S CALLED KNOCKING daniel ricciardo DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE QUOTE ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS AT ME MAX!
fernando alonso i worry for all of you. also what does 'you got a new toy for me' mean? aren't all of you too old to be playing with toys?
esteban ocon i know you're not that fucking naive fernando. stop fucking with them. fernando alonso but it's so much fun
mae jones so my sister can write dress and scratches down daniel's back but i can't write about max's dick?
carlos sainz i am permanently scarred. some things i can't ever unhear.
george russell i am in shock
esteban ocon i need 3 to 5 business WEEKS to recover from this.
sebastian vettel i'm speechless and not in a good way
mick schumacher ignoring who the song is about and that i know the singer, it's good.
freya vettel a certified christmas bop
daphne jones-ricciardo i know someday you two idiots will have children and i pray they never find this song. just like i pray they never find mine.
rowan todd digital footprint is real guys, just look at timothee chalamet, the superior french guy.
esteban ocon uh oh, i think they're fighting again. dulce perez alright, what'd you do this time gasly? pierre gasly why is it always my fault? dulce perez it's always your fault bitch, so what'd you do? pierre gasly i didn't do shit, this time, she's just mad because i ate the last croissant. natalia ruiz uh oh, i know those symptoms. charles leclerc the world is not ready for little pierres rowan todd i'm not pregnant (i think) pierre gasly what the fuck??? isabella perez ARE WE GETTING ANOTHER BABY?? SO CLOSE TO BABY LECLERC?? AWWW!! YES!!
max verstappen god i hope not. one mini charles we can handle but a mini pierre no please no.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie
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¡leclerc-s speaks! shout out to @bb-swift who replied to nonsense and reminded me that a nonsense christmas existed. let's not talk about today's gp and use humor to cope. as a charles girlie i am struggling today as i have the entire season. i've also created a google form for people to fill out if you wish to be added to the taglist to any of my series.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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wonijinjin · 7 months
cat got your tongue?
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author’s note: i wrote this as a halloween special drabble (i know i am late) using this prompt generator (so fun!), enjoy!
synopsis: your perfect plans for halloween night with jeonghan did NOT include hoshi’s surprise.
word count: 0.7k | genre: humour/crack, halloween special, horror/thriller, fluffy ending | pairing: jeonghan x gn! reader, hoshi x jeonghan, gn! reader (platonic) | warnings: spooky themes, screaming, bit of physical fighting, jumpscares (nothing too scary or serious)
it was halloween night and you and your boyfriend jeonghan decided to go on a trick or treating trip around the neighbourhood. to say that you were excited was an understatement; you even bought a cute angel costume for yourself, and (after a big fight about him taking the fallen angel costume instead of the standard angel one) the black angel one for him, ready to be the most iconic duo of the year. you were getting ready in your bedroom, waiting for your boyfriend to come home so you could begin the route of 12 houses when the lights went out, leaving you in the dark. honestly you found the situation ironic; on halloween night the power going out. you felt a shiver run through you, not really liking how you were sitting in complete silence, in the darkness, alone in a big house. you stood up, trying to find your way in the hallway when you heard a strange noise from the kitchen. you were speechless, air caught in your lungs as you really didn’t like mysterious surprises. you collected all the braveness left in you and marched forward, looking for the sound when a black figure passed you. your first reaction was to run, or actually it would have been; but you froze in place. the shadow passed again, making you question if this was your last day on this planet, if this was the end for you, something scary taking you away in halloween, bones shaking with much more fear than before.
the figure peeked out from the kitchen, the only thing you saw was a pair of brown eyes looking back at you. you tried to scream, however you felt a pair of arms grab you by the waist and pull you into the other hallway, the arms that had been holding you inching further up in seconds, a hand covering your mouth. “keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.” a voice whispered in your ear, upon hearing which you relaxed; it was jeonghan’s deep tone, the one which he only used when needing to discipline some of the members, or when he was feeling a bit seductive. “you will be quiet and not watch what will be happening, understood?” he told you, to which you could only nod frantically, still scared for your life as you didn’t know what was going on. “i heard the footsteps too. don’t move.” he said and causally stepped aside, looking out to search for the owner of the eyes you had seen previously. although you wanted to ask him when he got home, it didn’t happen since you were focused on the events, breaking his rule of not opening your eyes. you were terrified, but couldn’t resist to look at the scene unfolding in front of you. “horanghae!” a moment later the figure jumped in front of a very cautious jeonghan and revealed itself by taking off a tiger mask; it was hoshi, laughing so hard you thought he would explode. ”got you!” he screamed while jeonghan just stood there, unable to speak. “gosh, you should’ve seen your faces! switching the lights off was an amazing idea, you two looked like you could pee yourselves any minute.” he wheezed, unable to stop. “you son of a-“ jeonghan screamed at him, already hitting hoshi by the shoulder. after a minute or two you finally managed to stop him from slapping his friend for the tenth time. “why would you do something like this soonyoung?” you stood there in disbelief, heart still racing like crazy after the adrenaline rush you had been through. “he did it because last year me and minghao tricked him on halloween. it must’ve been a payback, right, hoshi?” jeonghan smiled dangerously at his friend, waiting for an answer. “that is right. and i did a pretty damn good job.” soonyoung laughed. “well, i didn’t find this funny at all, so i would appreciate it if next time your silly pranks would stay in your friendgroup, okay?” you grimaced, getting hugged by jeonghan from behind, him patting your hair. he looked at hoshi with a warning expression, mouth pressed into a thin line, but eyes smiling, trying hard to contain his laughter ready to burst out. “oh don’t worry angel, i will make sure this tigerboy never pulls something like this again.”
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sweeter-innocence-fics · 10 months
Summer Fic Week 2023 - Day 2: Tangled Up in You
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
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Work Summary:
You were supposed to have a tent to yourself, but unfortunately, Eddie snores.
Steve x Reader sharing a tent.
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 2192
Read on AO3.
Summer Fics Masterlist.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info.
No Upside Down AU but Billy still beat the crap out of Steve that one time.
Warnings for reader being a bit of a scaredy cat, mentions of serial killers and strangulation, spooky stories, allusions to emotional abuse (steve's parents), the existential nightmare of your late teens/early twenties, implied ronance
You were the last one up.
That wasn’t strictly true. You’d gone to bed, and gotten up again. Alone in your tent, you’d spooked yourself, thinking that shadows were figures standing outside, or the branches whipping in the wind were animals coming to get you.
So you’d picked up your blanket and gone back outside. The campfire was little more than dying embers right now, but you were fine with that. It was oppressively hot and humid tonight.
The five of you had brought three tents with you: Steve was sharing with Eddie, Robin with Nancy, and you had the small one all to yourself.
Normally, you would’ve just squeezed three people into a two-person tent, but you got the feeling that Nancy and Robin had plans that didn’t involve you. Besides, it was far too hot to be squished in like that.
Somewhere behind you, you heard a twig snapping. You tensed.
It was probably nothing. It was probably just a branch, caught in the wind. Or a small animal.
Definitely not a serial killer. Definitely not a bear or a wolf or a mountain lion.
You strained your ears, not daring to turn around. It was stupid, but you felt you were safe if you stayed still.
Nothing. It was almost certainly-
Another twig snapped, and you whipped your head around. There was a dark figure standing between the boys’ tent and the girls’ tent. You twisted in your seat and lost your balance, falling into a heap on the ground.
“Woah, woah, hey.” A flashlight flickered on. It was Steve.
You exhaled. “What the fuck?” You rubbed your nose, trying to hide how fast you were breathing.
“I had to go pee,” he said. “You’re jumpy tonight. Can’t sleep?”
“The scary stories may have been a mistake.” Even so, it was hilarious to watch the way Eddie threw himself into storytelling. He was a real artiste.
Nancy, too, was a surprising one. She wasn’t a performer like Eddie was, but she knew how to tell a story. On her turn, she’d talked about a serial killer who broke into people’s houses to torture and kill them, and you had felt your skin crawling.
That had been where your mind had instinctively gone when Steve’s shadow had loomed over you.
“I can’t sleep either.” He flopped down on a rock beside you. “Eddie snores,” he complained, and you chuckled. “I was thinking I might just sleep out here. It’s hot enough.”
“All alone? And let the Hawkins Strangler get you?” you teased, jabbing him in the side.
“Shut up,” he said. He might’ve been good at hiding it, but you were pretty sure that Steve was just as shook up by the scary stories as you were.
“You wanna share with me, instead? I don’t wanna go back in there alone.”
“You sure?”
“I can’t have you sleeping out here. Come on.” You gathered up your blankets and got to your feet. Steve stared at you, still not sure if you were serious. “We’ve shared rooms, like, hundreds of times.”
“As kids.”
“What’s the difference?” There was a big difference, but neither of you were going to say that. You held out a hand to him. He took it, and you tugged him to his feet.
You didn’t speak as he followed you into your tent. He had left his sleeping bag in his own tent, but it was so hot out that you decided to spread yours on the ground and use it as a mat rather than a cover.
Your tent was just about big enough for two people to lie side by side without touching each other, but it was hard to get comfortable. You didn’t want to encroach into his space.
As you rolled away from him, tucking a pillow under your head, he said “Regretting inviting me in?” His tone was light.
“Nah, you’re good. If the Hawkins Strangler shows up, you’re closer to the door, so he’ll get you first.”
“No way.” You heard him shift slightly, so you rolled back over to face him. All you could see was his silhouette. He was leaning up on one elbow. “I used to run track. He’ll never catch me.”
“So you’d leave me to be strangled?”
“No, of course not!” He nudged your arm. “I’d lead him away, giving you time to escape.”
“How? I can’t drive Eddie’s van.”
“I’m assuming Eddie and Robs and Nancy have already fallen victim to the Strangler in this scenario?”
“Of course. Eddie’s alone so he’d be taken first. Robin and Nancy are… distracted, so he’d get them next. But you and me, we’re alert. We’d be ready for him.”
“I would be. I already told you. I ran track. I could draw him away from you if you could drive the van, but you can’t, so you’re on your own.”
“So you’d leave me to die.”
“In a heartbeat.”
You giggled. “I don’t believe you.” Steve chuckled quietly. “I think you’ve got a heroic streak, Steve-o. I don’t buy you leaving without me.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, you did get the crap kicked out of you by Billy Hargrove when he was threatening Lucas that one time. That’s pretty heroic to me.”
Even in the darkness, you saw him wince. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“Why? Do compliments make you uncomfortable?”
“Don’t,” he said.
You leant up on your elbow. Your eyes were adjusting to the dark now, and you could see that he was rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“You amaze me sometimes, you know that? You used to think you were hot shit, when all you were was a rich guy who was good at sports, and now you’re getting all bashful on me when you’re one of the coolest people I know.”
He exhaled hard. “There’s nothing cool about working for the company my dad owns.”
You picked up your pillow and dropped it between you, and then folded your hands on top of it. He hadn’t technically started the job yet, but you knew it was the plan, after the summer was over.
His dad had gotten to him. No son of mine is going to work in a video store in his twenties. You could practically hear his dad’s voice booming in your ears. Growing up, you had been witness to far too many shouting matches between Steve and his father.
You’d been friends with him since elementary school, so you’d seen each other at your highest and your lowest.
“Fuck working for your dad. You like Family Video!”
“It’s not a career.” Even then, you could hear the echo of his father’s voice in Steve’s.
“Well, we both know you’d be a great fireman, or a nurse, or a teacher-”
“Nobody wants me looking after their kids.”
“Are you kidding me?” You slapped his shoulder lightly with the back of your hand. “You’re great with kids. If I had kids, you’d be the first person I’d call to take care of them.”
‘Ideally, you’d be their dad’ was what you didn’t say.
You had always thought you would marry Steve, ever since you were little. He was sweet and kind and funny, and he was your best friend.
Then high school happened, and you became very different people. You never hung out at school, and eventually you stopped hanging out at weekends too. He always had a party to go to, or a date with some hot, popular girl. He didn’t have space in his life for you anymore.
During senior year, things changed again. Nancy had dumped him, Tommy and Carol had abandoned him to hang out with Billy instead, and he was alone.
You had wondered if he would come crawling back to you then, but he didn’t. You had your own friends by that point, and no desire to revisit the heartaches of the past.
He had graduated quietly, and started working at Scoops Ahoy. That was where you reconnected. Robin was a friend of yours, and for a while, they were attached at the hip. Hanging out with Robin meant hanging out with Steve.
You had been reticent at first, but it didn’t take long to realise that the little boy you had always loved was back. No more King Steve. Just Stevie. Just the boy who punched a kid twice his size in the face for making fun of your shoes.
Except now he was taller. More mature. Handsomer. You wondered if you would ever stop fantasising about spending the rest of your life with him. It didn’t seem like it was going to happen at any point soon.
“Are you still awake?” he whispered.
“Good. You went quiet.”
“You went quiet first.”
“Yeah… Well…” He took a deep breath. “Do you really think I could do it? Be a teacher, I mean?”
“Steve…” You chuckled softly. “I think you’d do it better than anyone. I think-”
Just outside the door of your tent, there was a loud crunch. You gasped, scrambling away from the noise. Unfortunately, ‘away’ in this case meant towards Steve.
The back of your head hit his shoulder, but instead of pushing you away, he sat up, putting an arm around you. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispered, and you weren’t sure if he was trying to reassure himself or you.
“Knock knock!”
You exhaled. Eddie.
“What do you want, Eds? It’s like, four in the morning,” you said.
“Have you seen Harrington? He wasn’t there when I woke up.”
You glanced at Steve, who huffed out a laugh. “I’m right here, Munson. Your snoring woke me up.”
Eddie made an offended noise. “I do not snore.”
You rolled your eyes. “Go back to bed, Eds. Stop sneaking around like some kind of ghoul. I nearly pissed myself.”
“And stop being so damn loud,” Steve added. “You’re gonna wake up Nancy and Robin.”
“Oh, I highly doubt they’re sleeping.”
“Get lost, Munson!”
“Alright, geez.” You could picture Eddie throwing his hands up in frustration. “If you’d have told me I was gonna be the fifth wheel on this trip, I wouldn’t have come.” It was a joke, but your heart felt like it had flipped over in your chest.
Eddie’s footsteps receded. It took far too long for you to realise that you were practically sitting in Steve’s lap.
“Sorry, am I crushing you?” You tried to shift off him, but Steve’s arm curled around your waist.
“Sometimes I think you’re the only person in the world who believes in me,” he said, sounding wistful. “You’re my best friend, you know that?”
“Don’t let Robin hear you say that,” you joked. He didn’t say anything. You realised, half a second too late, that he was trying to be sincere. You didn’t do well with sincere. It was easier to talk about your feelings if it was a joke. Still, you’d try. For Steve, you’d try. “You’re my best friend too. But you already know that. You’re like the other half of me.”
“Like my soulmate.”
“Exactly. Soulmates.”
Steve shifted, moving to lie back down. You felt yourself moving with him, until you were lying down with your head on his chest.
“Sometimes I get scared I’m gonna lose you,” he said. “’Cause you’re going off to college. You’re gonna meet some smart guy and get married and have babies and I’m gonna lose you forever.”
“The ridiculous thing is…” He laughed mirthlessly. “That was half the reason I wanted to work for my dad in the first place. So I could travel around a lot. I could be close to you. And I might not be a smart guy, but I’d be a rich guy, and that’s almost as good.”
“Steve.” You leant up on his chest, forearm resting across his ribcage. You pretended that you couldn’t feel his heart thundering beneath you. “You don’t have to lose me. And you don’t have to work for your dad. I just want you to be happy.”
“You make me happy.” His fingertips brushed against your cheekbone.
“I’m not gonna run away to get married right out of college. Especially not if I have someone to come home to.”
“Someone like me?”
You swallowed. Your throat was dry. “If you want me.”
“Be mine?” He said it so quietly that if you hadn’t been holding your breath, you might not have heard him.
You pushed yourself up so that you could press your lips against his. His other arm came to wrap around you immediately. You splayed your hands across his collarbone, savouring the flavour of his lips. You could taste the marshmallows he’d been eating earlier.
He broke apart from you for a moment, and you rested your forehead against his.
“I wanna be a teacher,” he said, breathlessly, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“And I wanna come home to you every break. I want you to come see me at college. I wanna be yours, and I want you to be mine.”
“Baby…” His hands massaged at your waist, sending shivers down your spine. “I’ve always been yours.”
Preview of tomorrow's fic: Set in the 'Even If It All Comes Crashing Down'-verse. You, Colin and the girls are moving house.
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mrslectermoriarty · 7 months
Headcanon Series #12
Here goes some Stranger Things stuff because I finally watched it yes it broke me so here I give you some Eddie centered Headcanons because that guy is 100% me as a fictional character and I died with him in the Upside Down which makes him a huge inspiration :)
Yes I ship Steddie so fuck off if you don't like it
1. Eddie always humming some metal or rock songs, most times without even realising it (that's how Steve learns all the great bands)
2. When Eddie finally graduates, Hellfire throws him a party and honours him with a framed picture of him and "Hail to thee our infantry, still brave eyond the grave"
3. No but seriously, they definetly honoured him post mortem
4. There is this black stray cat in the neighbourhood who keeps scratching at his door so Eddie feeds it and adopts it eventually
5. He names it Ozzy because it once brought him a dead bat as a present and Eddie still a little uncomfortable around bats almost pees his pants because no way his cat just helped him deal a little better with that trauma
6. Ozzy becomes his mental support animal from then
7. That cat is a little sceptical about the kids at first but as soon as Dustin enters, it won't let go of him because let's be honest Dustin is so Eddie's son
8. Eddie is convinced that Ozzy can read his mind
9. Or that Ozzy is from the Upside Down which freaks him out a little but untill now Ozzy hasn't tried to slaughter him in his sleep so he gets comfortable eventually
10. Eddie and Steve move together in a cute little house
11. Corroded Coffin goes on tour one day and of course Eddie takes Steve with him but the kids (who are no longer kids but it doesn't matter) won't let both of their parents "leave them alone to rot in the town" so they all join and Steve has a little breakdown because ge will end up being a babysitter again and he's not okay with that
12. Of course he is, he loves his children
13. Ozzy can't be left behind and in the end the tour bus is stuffed with people
14. The kids are Corroded Coffin's biggest fans and love to brag about how they know all members personally
15. Eddie doesn't throw his guitar pick during concerts, he hands out dices - just for the flavor
16. He will happily sign anything for you with "The Munson Killer" if you ask him about the homicides during autograph session
17. Yes, his name was cleared by the government pretty fast after the earthquake but people are still a little uncomfortable around him - he takes it with humour
18. Since its the 90s where you can only be subtly gay, Steve and Eddie get pseudo married in Mike and El's yard in autumn after the tour ends - Argyle comes down to Hawkins to be their wedding officiant (they don't regret a single moment during the ceremony, it was hilarious) Robin ist Steve's Maid of Honour and Eddie asks Nancy because honestly, Nancy may have had eyes for Steve for a while when Jonathan was back but she saw the looks Eddie and him exchanged when they thought the other one wasn't watching and that tension so she eventually sat Eddie down and told him to ask Steve out and they kind of bonded over the years after that because in the end there is an understanding among those who love Steve Harrington
19. Steve gifts Eddie Metallica cards as their 'honeymoon' - Eddie cries for half an hour
20. He pays Steve back by slamming adoption papers on the kitchen table on their anniversary in 2006 with the words "You got me everything I could dream of back then. My turn. Bam."
22. Eddie and Steve got properly married in 2014 when same-sex marriage became legal again, surrounded by their three kids and their kids with their own children - "Why do I feel so old, Eddie?" "Because you are old. Now smile for the pictures, Grandpa!"
24. And yes, of course they had very exhausting negotiations about the number of kids they'd have
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loislame84 · 8 months
So more domestic options:
Sonya doesn't necessarily live with them, but Kate and Yelena are used to her crashing on the couch. The only real problem is that Kate and her like the same flavor pop tarts and so Yelena's buying 4 boxes every week at the store.
Speaking of grocery shopping. It is an EVENT. Yelena loves taking Kate with her, don't get her wrong, and Kate's a good shopper. That half-finished business degree comes in clutch when thinking about the best deal on lettuce. The problem, however, is they both have zero control over rotisserie chicken. They have every intention of cooking when they get home. They have the ingredients ready. That damn rotisserie wafts through the air and it's like they're two starved animals.
Kate is an animal cuddler. Dogs, cats, pigs, cows, she doesn't care. If it's fuzzy and makes noises, she snuggles it. Most of the time, Yelena thinks this is cute. She has a folder on her phone dedicated to pictures of this. It doesn't really become an issue until Kate's got a 2000lb cow laying its head on her lap and she can't move for 3 hours.
The dogs are amazingly well-behaved at home. Unless there's stress in the household. Lucky handles it better given his street dog life, but Fanny is more attuned to Yelena's emotions, not Kate's. Kate knows she needs to talk to her therapist more when Fanny shakes near her and pees. Yelena never says a word. She just cleans it up and offers Kate a hand to hold.
Sex. So much sex. Not explicitly in everyone's faces, but everyone knows if Kate and Yelena are left home alone for more than a few hours, the pants are coming off and they're going to town. Yelena doesn't start it much, but when she does, Kate spends a night on her back praising her girlfriend. Yes, you can think of Take Me to Church for this.
I have an idiot regarding Sonya and the house 😂😂 she’s one of my favorites so of course she has her own room.
I also agree that sex initiated by Kate usually and it’s an all afternoon event. 😂 I promise I won’t make you wait 26 chapters this time. (Maybe…)
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SFW Headcanons—Donny Donowitz | Inglourious Basterds
Link to my IB Masterlist
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
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PET NAMES. Doll, Baby, Sweetums, Honey, you name it. I don’t think you’ve ever heard him say your government name since y’all got together. Even when you’re arguing with him and he gets frustrated he will still call you by a pet name. The only time your name is ever spoken is if it’s a life and death situation where you’re hurt and he’s loosing his mind.
This man will protect you with his life. Don’t ever think you’ll go through something alone or not have back up. Before y’all were an item, you were each other’s wingman. Of the Basterds Donny took to you quickly and he’ll be dammed if you got injured.
Donny loves to cuddle—simple as that. Holding you in his arms, nuzzling his face into your neck and feeling the warmth radiate off you brings him joy. Especially with being in high stress situations on the war front, he’ll pass an opportunity of getting to relax with you. “Donny, I need to pee.” “Just hold it for a few more minutes. Please, doll?”
Back home in the states, Donny spoils you relentlessly. He is a romantic at heart. You two run the Barber shop together with his brothers after his father retired and Donny puts his portion of profits into savings to be able to buy you nice things. Sometimes he’ll surprise you with Sox tickets, a nice dinner, or going to the cinema. He just loves spending time with you and he does that by taking you out anytime he can.
In the mornings, you two usually sit out on the porch with a cup of coffee—which tasted like heaven compared to the watery shit Aldo used to make—and talk about the future. The past is left behind with neither of you wanted to discuss the horrors of war, instead you two just want to move forward. During the day you work at the Barber shop before coming home in the evening to make dinner together. Afterwards you both clean up to settle on the couch with a glass of wine or whiskey and listen to the radio or dance to the gentle tune of Frank Sinatra records.
I can see you two adopting animals together or taking in the neighborhood strays. Whether it be dogs or cats, eventually you two have a full house where you basically take in more than you bargained for. “Not another one, honey—don’t you see we’re drowning in cat hair and the yard is full of dog shit?” “But this one is just a baby, Donny!”
After the war you two keep in touch with the Basterds. A lot of them were on the east coast or not too far so at least twice a year you guys make plans to visit them. Usually it’s around the holidays or to celebrate big announcements. Aldo always writes letters, Wicki and Hugo send postcards, and sometimes Smitty and Omar will call you on the landline. “They reaccepted me into NYU! I’m starting this spring.” “That’s amazing, Uti! We’ll have to take a trip out there to celebrate!”
Expect Donny to propose shortly after y’all return to the States. He already knew he wanted to marry you shortly after becoming official, but considering you guys went through hell and needed to re-assimilate into society, he figured it was best to wait. So in the meantime he saved up every penny to get you the best ring that would have all the dames and studs envious. Then when the moment came he got down on one knee in a spot that meant something to the both of you and simply says, “baby doll, you are my world. You’re my past and present, now i want you to be my future. Would you do this Basterd the honor of marrying him?”
When y’all argue the aftermath usually lasts no longer than an hour to allow you both to cool off. Honestly Donny hates it when you argue so he tries to make it up quickly. And he’ll never let you go to sleep angry at him—you both will sit down at the table and talk before sleeping to make sure you guys are okay.
You two are well beloved in your neighborhood. The kids love coming over to throw baseballs with Donny, the man joining in on a game when they beg him to play. You offer tutoring lessons to help them in school and always have cookies with lemonade prepared. All the parents are like, “you two see our kids more than us! How do you not lose your heads watching all of them when they’re over?” “We just have a magic touch.”
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canirove · 1 year
Bluebell | Chapter 22
Author’s note: And we’ve made it to the end! Thank you very much to everyone who has read this story, liked it, shared it with others or commented. It always means a lot 💜
For those of you who like Rúben, next Tuesday (Jan 31) I’ll start posting a new story with him (will probably share a characters introduction and maybe the summary on Sunday), and if everything goes as planned, I’ll start posting a new story with Mason the week of Valentine’s Day.
Hope you like this last chapter, and again, sorry to some of you for the previous one 😅
Previous chapter
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"Thank you for coming, Mason. I didn't know who else to call."
"It's ok, don't worry. Do you know where the generator is?"
"I think it is this big thing next to the heating system."
"This big thing" he chuckles.
"You know what I mean" I say as a thunder sounds somewhere very close.
"We should check it before the storm arrives. C'mon" Mason says.
It was announced that a huge storm would be hitting Bluebell, and everyone in town had been urged to stay safe, but also to check if they had everything that may be needed in case of flooding, power cuts... And since Rúben was out of town and couldn't check it all for me, Mason was my next option.
Every time we've been alone during these past few months, things have been great, we’ve behaved like we've always had (minus the having sex part, of course). When Rúben is around, it is a bit more tense, but both of them are doing their part to keep improving their relationship, and hopefully one day have a normal and civilized one.
"Everything is fine over here" Mason says after checking the generator. "If the power goes out, it should start working on its own."
"Thank you."
"But shouldn't you be staying with Mrs. Smart? You are eight months pregnant, and I don't see any guests coming in with this weather" he says as the whole room gets lightened, a thunder sounding just seconds after.
"I'm going there later for dinner, I'll be alright. I'll..."
"What? What is it?"
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just need to pee. Wait upstairs in the living room."
"Mason..." I say when I meet him, the storm already here. "I’m in labour."
"You are in what?"
"I... Fuck!"
"Fuck what?"
"The baby is coming, Mason" I say, trying to breath through my contraction.
"Yes, now. And fast."
"This... We shouldn't be doing this. You should be at the hospital, not here."
"Mason, there is no time to go to the hospital, you heard what they... Fuck!" I scream as I feel another contraction.
"But I don't know what to do! I've never seen a woman actually give birth, just what they show on movies!"
"Welcome to your first time, then" I say, trying to smile now that the pain has eased a bit. "Check how much I've dilated."
"You heard what the midwife said, Mason. We must check it to know when it is time."
"Are you sure you want me to do it?"
"You are very familiar with that part of my body."
"I am, but I'm sure it doesn't look the same right now."
"Mason. Do it" I say, my voice sounding more like a grunt as I feel another contraction coming.
"Ok guys, it's time to push" my midwife says over the phone.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Mason says.
"It's gonna be fine, I'll guide you, ok?"
"Ok" he repeats, taking a deep breath.
"Push!" the midwife says.
"Oh, oh, I see something!"
"That's good, that's good. Remember to breath and... Push!"
"The head! I see hair!"
"We are almost there, probably just another push. Are you both ready?"
"Yes" Mason and I say at the same time, our gazes focused on each other.
"Ok... Breath and... Push!"
"Where are they?" Rúben says, storming into Daisy's.
"Shh, quiet. They are sleeping."
"Where are they, Mount?"
"I already told you. Sleeping. She needs to rest, and Mrs. Smart is keeping an eye on both of them. Her, and Dixie. That cat hasn’t left her side since she went into labour."
"Ok" Rúben says, letting out a big sigh and sitting down on the sofa. "What happened?"
"The baby got tired of waiting, and decided that the day the biggest storm in the past decade was hitting Bluebelll, was the perfect day to come to the world."
"And you were here?"
"Yep. Since you were busy, she asked me if I could come check the generator downstairs just in case there were power cuts. And an hour later, I was bringing a baby to the world."
"Thank God you were here. If she had been alone..."
"Yeah..." Mason whispers.
"Thank you."
"Thank you for helping her and the baby."
"Of course. You know I would do anything for her. Even if she chose you and all that."
"Friends?" Rúben asks, offering him a hand.
"Friends-ish" Mason says, shaking it. "Fancy a drink to celebrate that the little one is here and both of them are safe and sound?"
"That sounds like a great idea. Do you know where she keeps the nice stuff?" Rúben asks with a smile.
"Oh, I do" Mason replies, also smiling.
"What do we toast to?" Rúben asks once they both have their drink.
"To the little one, of course. And to that amazing woman you have as a girlfriend" Mason says, lifting his glass.
"To them... And to you. Thank you for what you did. Again."
"Cheers, bro."
"Cheers, Mason."
"You won't believe what I just saw downstairs."
“Please tell me the basement isn’t flooded and that we have ducks swimming on it.”
“No, nothing like that” Mrs. Smart says. “This is something good. I think.”
“You think?”
“Mason and Rúben were together downstairs, having a drink, and laughing.”
“They were doing what?”
“What you heard” she says. “Rúben also asked if he could come see you both. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready.”
“Can I come in?” Rúben asks, opening the door.
“Of course. There is someone who is dying to meet you.”
“Hello, little one” he says, sitting on the bed next to me, caressing the baby’s head. Our baby. Our son.
“What do you think?” I ask him.
“He’s perfect. And you are amazing.”
“Me? What for?” I chuckle.
“Giving birth at home? With no drugs? And just with the help of Mason, who knows nothing about these things.”
“I had my midwife on the phone. And this is nothing compared to what other women do and go through.”
“I know. But to me, you are amazing” he says, kissing my cheek. “Can I hold him?”
“Of course. Little one, meet your dad. Dad, meet your son, the one who still doesn’t have a name” I say while putting him on his arms. He looks so tiny on them...
“Now that he is here, it’ll be easier, you’ll see” Rúben says, his eyes focused on him.
“I hope so. What about Mason?”
“I’m not naming him Mason.”
“That’s not what I meant” I say, rolling my eyes. “What was happening with him downstairs?”
“Oh, that” he chuckles. “Nothing. Just that this little guy may be the thing that will put an end to almost a decade of hating each other.”
“You are a miracle baby, little one” I say, kissing his head.
“Daniel. Daniel Dias, with the accent on the e. I like how that sounds” Rúben says.
“No middle name?”
“Daniel Dias... I like it. What do you think, Dixie?” He is sleeping at the end of my bed and hasn’t left my side for the past couple of hours, kind of protecting me. I sometimes wonder if that’s why my dad left him with me. To protect me now that he was gone.
“Meow” he says before stretching his legs and curling on a different position.
“I think that’s a yes, I like it.”
“Thank you, Dixie” Rúben laughs. “I love you, you know? You and Daniel. Both of you.”
“I love you too. Both of you” I say, resting my head on his shoulder and not being able to stop smiling while I watch him caressing our son’s head in the most loving and caring way I have ever seen.
I thought that after my ex and my best friend broke my heart, I would never recover from it. That I would never fall in love again. Make new friends. Find people I could consider my family.
Yet here I am, having found all that and more, feeling the luckiest and happiest woman in the world.
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sweeethinny · 1 year
to my little girl who fell asleep on my arm today <3 godmother loves you so much, little Tetê
Little Harry had cramps; terrible cramps.
Lily had tried everything, every medicine and potion, but nothing worked.
James had needed to go to Order HQ, which resulted in the two of them alone in the house, and Harry seemed to disapprove of this even more, because every time he stopped crying and Lily laid him down on the bed, he would cry and scream as if she was leaving him to die.
Apollo looked as distressed as she did, because when Harry started crying again and she had to get off the sofa to try to calm him down, the cat started meowing and jumping across the furniture until it was on the highest shelf, behind Lily, watching Harry up close as if he were his child.
The clock seemed stopped in time, Lily hadn't had lunch and it was almost time for dinner, her breast hurt - Harry wasn't able to breastfeed, probably because of the pain that was bothering him - and her blouse was once again starting to get wet in the area of her nipples.
When she sat down to try to breastfeed him, this time in the garden, thinking that maybe the fresh air and the noise of nature would calm him down, the fight continued as before. Harry kept crying to much to focus and find Lily's nipple, and even if she dropped the milk into his mouth, wet her nipple, tried to shift her position, it was no use, and once again they kept fighting until she was sweating, crying, shaking, and he was red, angry, and in pain.
She walked him through the garden, showing him the flowers that had bloomed, the birds feeding near the tree house that James hadn't started building yet - there was just piled wood and the tools in a suitcase, Lily told them to use magic but James wanted something more muggle - and she had Harry sit down on the grass, next to Apollo, who was watching him like a guard dog.
Obviously the boy cried as if Lily had spanked him, but for a few seconds he seemed to enjoy the feeling.
As soon as she re-entered the house, wiping the tears that had leaked from her eyes for a few seconds of despair, James emerged from the fireplace, a burst of green and gray flames flying through their living room, but Lily was so tired that she didn't even bother with the dirt, just sighed relieved to have someone to share that arduous task with.
''Hi,'' She said almost like a ''finally, hi.''
‘'Hi, sorry for the delay, Dumbledore kept talking and–'' Lily cut him off, she really needed to pee and her arm was numb, and she wanted to take some medicine for muscle pain because her back hurt more than she would like to put into words.
''Please make him stop crying.'' Was all she said, handing Harry to James and then leaving the room, running upstairs to their room, wanting ten minutes of pure silence and peace.
She loved her son, but the job was fucking exhausting, and Lily many times a day felt like a failure.
After fifteen minutes — a Silencing Charm preventing her from hearing Harry's screams from downstairs, and only complete silence surrounding her as she was just quiet — Lily came back into the living room. Everything was silent, and she even thought that James had also applied a spell, but when she entered the room, she saw her husband humming a lullaby with Harry lying face down on his forearm, Apollo was sleeping in the armchair next to the radio that was on but very low, and James didn't even notice that Lily had returned.
Harry was clinging to his father's arm as if that was going to save him forever, his eyes were open but starting to feel heavy and drooping — Lily knew it wouldn't last long, he was hungry, but for a few minutes, it would be good for him to sleep — and James looked out the window with the calm of a man who had a gift with children that Lily would never understand, for someone who was an only child.
''He calmed down.'' She said, softly, not wanting to break the bubble of peace.
''Yes,'' James looked at her. ''Moody taught me that before I left,'' He shrugged. ''I tested it and it worked... Do you want to take a shower? I'm going to prepare dinner...''
''Are you going to try to put him to bed?'' Just thinking about it made her shiver.
James denied. ''I'm going to cook with a Sous Chef today,'' They chuckled softly. ''Go there, I'll take care of here.''
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mechanicalowls · 4 months
time of the month ~ a terrornoss fic
chapter 2/?
Another 3 days had come and gone without any improvement in Evan's mental status. Brian was scared to even book a flight home, fearful of what might happen if he left Evan alone with whatever thoughts were plaguing him. He seemed to be getting worse if anything. Early into the morning, Brian was awoken by the sound of what seemed to be pacing around in circles emanating from the room next to him. That was the third night in a row that that had happened, so Brian decided to finally confront Evan, albeit a bit indirectly.
When Evan emerged from his room around 11:30 am, Brian had already made coffee and breakfast for the both of them. He could feel Evan's eyes piercing into his back, trying to figure out what was up, as neither of them usually ate more than coffee and leftovers for breakfast. Finally, Brian turned with a smile and stalked over to the owl, arms open.
“Hey, good morning Evan. How'd you sleep, man?” Brian asked fondly, pulling the shorter man into a hug. 
That was another thing that made Brian feel special; he could hug Evan whenever he wanted. He didn't do it often, since he didn't wanna push it, but was it ever nice. Knowing he was one of exactly 2 people who didn't have to ask for a hug (the other being Brock) always made a few sparks fizzle in his chest.
Evan had stiffened the moment Brian's chest was to his. For a second, Brian was worried he'd misread Evan's mental health, worried he'd overstepped; until Evan went limp and his forehead rested on Brian's shoulder. He remained silent, which worried Brian a bit, but they could cross that bridge when they got to it.
“That good, huh?” Brian murmured, swaying them side to side ever so slightly. They stayed that way for a while, Evan never hugging back nor pulling away until about 10 minutes had passed. Brian let go when Evan's chest left his. He looked at his feathered friend and found he wouldn't meet his eye, staring over his shoulder at the now room temperature food and beverage.
“Needa pee.” Was all he said before disappearing down the hallway. Brian watched him go, focusing on the feathers on his tail. They were puffed out, like a cat's tail when it was mad. Hopefully, Evan didn't feel the same way. Brian sighed before taking the plate of food and coffee and delivering them to the table outside of Evan's room. No doubt this would be another day of Evan holing up in there, doing god knows what all day. Baby steps, Brian thought, baby steps.
Seeing as Evan wasn't feeling sociable that day, Brian decided to bang out a quick react video with Nogla. He shot his fellow Irishman a quick text (which Nogla answered with a phone call god dammit), and before long, Nogla had tiktok opened up, and they were off to the races.
Brian had explained to Nogla and subsequently the audience that he was being a bit quieter this time around due to Evan most likely sleeping next door. Nogla was surprisingly very understanding, never making a single “Oh Mr. Vanoss, you taste so good!” joke the entire 2 hour long recording session. It was a success, as far as Brian was concerned.
What Brian hadn't noticed, however, was the re-emergence of Mr. Owl. About 30 minutes into the session, Evan had peaked in through the door, out of sight of Brian's camera. He watched his robotic friend for a few minutes, memorizing the way his shoulders moved when he chuckled, his hands wringing together below the desk, how his hair would bounce with every slight movement.
Evan slunk back to his room. That hug from Brian earlier that day had done a number on his self control. He retrieved one of Brian's shirts and hugged it to his chest tightly. Evan slipped the shirt over his head, gripping the hem tightly with one talon. It was now, or never, he decided. He dug around his room momentarily before retrieving 3 of his loose feathers. Evan wiped a hand down his face, feeling his cheeks heating up with the reminder of what exactly he was doing.
He finally worked up the nerve to return to the guest bedroom next door where Brian had been staying. The mechanoid was still reacting to tiktoks with Nogla, none the wiser of Evan even leaving his room. Remaining out of view of the camera, Evan slunk over to Brian's bed, paying careful mind to not trip over the 43 charging cables scattered all over the place. He froze when Brian shifted in his chair as he insulted Nogla.
Evan exhaled quietly. He knew this was typically done face to face, but he couldn't face Brian and do this. No, he had to do it on his own terms. Evan placed his shed feathers on Brian's pillow, face heating up somehow even more than it was before. He tiptoed back over to the door, getting one last good look of Brian's back, he was quiet now, watching a tiktok while Nogla most likely talked over it. Evan huffed, a small smile etching into his beak before something caught his eye.
On the ground was the shirt Brian had worn the day prior. Evan cocked his head. It was too easy. Brian hadn't brought up Evan stealing his clothes, but he was certain that his friend had noticed. Evan snatched the shirt from the floor, swiftly left the room, and locked himself in his own room. He planted himself into the very messy mound where he had been sleeping and held his new contraband to his face, inhaling the smell of bear claw old spice and the naturally metallic scent Brian had. Evan sighed.
It was a start.
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papercraneswemade · 2 years
Weekend Mornings Headcanons (Part 2)
Part 1: here
Part 3: here
Part 4: here
Due to her nightmares, she often find it hard to sleep. After all, her nightmares would eat people alive, and unfortunately that includes her. That all changed after she got to know you. The first time she got a full sleep, she woke up suprised but didn't make a noise because you seemed so peaceful.
You actually woke up first, but seeing Fade's calm face you snuggled closer and went back to sleep.
She prefers to be the big spoon, however she won't mind being the little spoon (you'd wake up with her spooning you, though). If she wakes up first, she caresses your hair, whispering, "good morning, tatlım." You'd reply with calling her a pet name from your country.
Will get up and make tea. If you prefer tea, she will prepare a pot to bring to your room, however, if you prefer coffee, she would just prepare some coffee powder, sugar, and hot water to bring to you. I feel like she's the type to cook you turkish breakfast on the weekends cause you both have nothing to do.
Even though her Prowler is a monster, it behaves like a cat to you. Sometimes it would sit on your lap and your hand would instantly start to pat him. It would purr, but when it became sleepy, her Prowler would hop off bed and sleep next to Fade. On weekends though, her Prowler would squish your face with it's own to wake you up.
An absolute cuddlebug. This gets worse on weekends because she's cuddling you while you're awake. She squeezed you tightly once and you were suffocating you had to tap her arms. Apologizes by peppering your face with light kisses in the morning.
You both equally smack each other in the face while you sleep. Jett does it more, once she did it on purpose cause you kept stealing the blanket.
You love running your hand on her hair when it's loose. The first thing she does in the morning is to tie her hair so you don't get a lot of chance to see it. On weekends, though, she stays in bed a little longer and likes it when your fingers massage her scalp. When you lift your hand up she instantly pulls it back down to her head again, demanding more.
She keeps you in bed for 5 more minutes, no energy to walk outside and grab breakfast. 5 minutes turn to 10, 10 turns to an hour, and you both finally get out of bed once you have to pee.
Doesn't want to do any ounce of practice on weekends, including throwing her favorite knives. "It's Saturday! I have a date," she says as she drags you to a new cafe/bakery to have breakfast or brunch.
No headcanons in bed for this bad boy :(. However, he would set a timer to activate himself back on in the morning, and when he wakes up, he often pass by you so it became a habit to walk to the kitchen together.
When you started seeing each other, he would walk you to your room, and sometimes wait for you to fall asleep before going to his work room to deactivate for the day.
He doesn't even eat or drink so he's walking with you to the kitchen simply because he enjoys your presence. He rarely gets to do this on weekdays because he'd be dragged to target practice by Phoenix, so he treasures moments like these with you, even if it's only on the weekends.
Would ask if you have any plans for the day, and if you have hobbies you'd like to do (knitting, gardening, etc) he would offer his company, to which you gladly accept. He would just sit around and talk about his life before joining VP, and he'd ask you about your home country.
He probably has a self-heating function and uses that to warm up your bed before you go to sleep.
You'd go to bed first because she's still typing her notes down. Then you wake up at 2 a.m and found her hunched form still busying typing on the keyboard, occasionally muttering a curse in German. You drag her to bed and demanded she rest, to which she just sighed and complied.
Since you went to bed first you're the one who woke up first. You left her in bed alone since KJ hates being interrupted when she's sleeping (except by you), but you still don't want to bother her.
You'll go to the kitchen to make some breakfast (usually simple, but if you're not lazy you'll make her something special) and when you came back she would still be asleep. You smile at her sleeping form, usually on weekdays she would already be up and creating new gadgets.
You wake her up by shaking her gently. Yhe breakfast tray would be sitting aside as she automatically hugs your waist and tells you, "30 more minutes, love," and goes back to sleep. You gave her 10 since the breakfast is going to be cold.
After breakfast she would ask you to play video games all day together and you'd switch games every few hours (you start from something relaxing like Animal Crossing then something heavy like Elden Ring, though you're content with just watching her).
You had the idea of waking her up by jumping on the bed and yelling, "wake up, sleepyhead!" and got zapped. She would fuss over you while you keep telling her you're fine (throughout the day you'd occasionally feel a little zap in your body, though)
As an apology for zapping you, she told you to stay in bed while she prepared breakfast. Would probably cook you traditional Filipino food if she's up to it, but if she's feeling lazy then eggs and sausage would do.
She's definitely a coffee lover, iced one at that. So if you like iced coffee for breakfast too, she would make two glasses. If you don't like coffee, then she'll just make a cup of whatever you'd like (calls you "kiddie" when you said you prefer juice for breakfast).
When she recently joined the VP she would have practice with Reyna and Sage until noon (yes, Saturdays included), so if you guys have a relationship during that time she would drop off your breakfast and kiss you on the forehead and go to training. Or you both would hang out in the kitchen eating breakfast together there and when she's done she'll ask you to wash her plate (and you happily agree because she was the one who cooked breakfast so it seemed fair).
But one day, Sage decided to be merciful (and Reyna just shrugged, more free time for her) and gave Neon a Saturday off, and you spend the morning by face-timing her family and cuddle in bed together.
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kangamommynow · 4 months
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Get to know the cat #2
We adopted Emmaya from a local rescue in March, 2018. Because we adopted her after first going to a gun-violence and school shootings protest, I named her for two of my favorite outspoken women: Maya Angelou and Emma Gonzalez.
She was young when we got her, probably between 1-3 years old, so that would make her 6-8 now. She has a kink in her tail from damage that didn’t heal right, and she had some broken teeth, so she probably had a bit of a rough life before rescue.
She’s always been a bit shy and independent. When we first got Doodle she stalked him all the time. She hates being picked up and has never been especially cuddly. However, when Chris started working from home during Covid, she took on a management role. She would wait for him to go to the office and then sit on him all day. It’s rare for her to want to be on my lap, but she adores Chris and seems to think it’s her job to keep him in line.
She doesn’t meow much, but her purr is very loud. She prefers hiding places where she can be left alone. She hates having her face touched, her claws clipped, and being given any medication at all.
Recently she’s lost weight, been hiding more, peeing outside the box, running from the other cats. Something is clearly wrong. So she’s going to the vet tomorrow.
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Our Little Secret
An Orange~ Interlude
Genre: Smut, Peeping, Self-Service, Shorts
WC: 1,470
A/N: This smut is kind of all over the place, but try to read it anyways. Not proofread so apologies for grammar issues.
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It was one quite hectic day at the hospital, thankfully that long operation was successful. Dahyun heads to the comfort room to pee, she plans to stay there to unwind too and enjoy the still and quiet. The comfort room is rarely used, it's only for doctors and located on a far corner that mostly find it too inconvenient to go. The deed has almost become a routine for the anesthesiologist after long surgeries. In her visits there so far, no one else walked in. She hoped it's also empty now because she has something in her mind other than just to talk a quick leak.
That hope is instantly shattered as she steps inside the room. There is some kind of noise in one of the cubicles. Dahyun immediately knew what was going on inside, the stifled moans gave it all away. The lustful grunts, the slick sound of overlapping lips; obviously two people are making out or maybe more than just that.
She should have stopped right there and gone out, leaving the two alone to satisfy their needs. It's the right thing to do. Needless to say, curiosity killed the cat and Dahyun wants to know who these people are. To her surprise, the door of the cubicle was left slightly ajar, more than adequate to peek through. Maybe the couple inside forgot to lock, maybe because they're too into what they are doing.
Two very familiar faces were seen as she peeked through the gap, Dahyun gasped at the sight of her colleagues. Thankfully the two inside did not notice, too absorbed at the erotic circumstance. Park Jihyo was pressed against the wall by her fiancé, lips interlocked, hands roamed all over. It was a really hot scene and Dahyun now has visual confirmation.
The young doctor has two choices, leave and let them be or watch it all unfolds. She picked the obvious choice, the decision didn't really make any sense given how she can be caught peeping on a private matter but she could not stop watching. There's a certain appeal in danger, an enticing allure to watch. It was evident that Jihyo and her fiancé are overflowing with lust, and Dahyun of overflowing curiosity.
In the middle of all the groping and kissing, Jihyo managed to unbutton her top just enough to show her ample bosom. The view of the cleavage as her bra hugged her chest is mouth watering even for Dahyun. Everyone knows that Jihyo is packing a big pair of tits, there is no hiding it. She is starting to get aroused as she watches Jun Han dive to have a taste of Jihyo's boobs. The nurse closed her eyes and moaned as she felt her man's tongue swirled in her skin.
"I really love it when you do that. Ahhhhh!" Jihyo whispered.
The couple both worked to free up their members, undoing the buttons of their respective pants. No one took off the underwear entirely, aiming just enough to let the genitals out; and to dress up quickly if anything unforeseen interruption happens. Dahyun bit her lips seeing Jun Han's dick, Jihyo doing quick work pumping it. Dahyun feels pleasure as she rubs her thighs together, she is getting wet and her clit needs attention. Jihyo's well kept pussy is dripping wet as well as glistening.
"Damn Ji, are you really this horny?"
"The sight of two hot professional guys operating together fucking turns me on so much." Jihyo seductively replied.
"Damn I would pay so much money to see you get fucked by Doc (YN)."
Dahyun was dumbfounded by Jun Han's statement, she did not know the first doctor is into some cuckold stuff given how manly Jun Han looks and acts but who is she to judge really. Everyone has his or her own preference.
"I would love to get destroyed by Doc as well while you watch babe, shit- fuck me now baby I'm getting hornier thinking about it."
Jun Han slides his hard dick into Jihyo's waiting wet pussy. Satisfied moans are heard at the first entry. Dahyun cannot help herself and raises her skirt to please her aching cunt. She feels the wet fabric of her underwear. The feeling of holding her pee while pleasing herself is quite a struggle but it amplifies everything. It's the first time she watches sex in the flesh, and it's a surreal experience. Dahyun is careful not to make noise to avoid disturbing the couple while she makes circles on top of her panties. Oh how quickly things escalate. Well to be honest, she intends to masturbate as well. She just didn't expect to see it live.
"Ahhh- fuck! This pussy feels so good Ji."
"Yeah? Then please- ahhh please don't stop fucking me."
"I bet this will be so much better to fuck with someone else's cum inside already." Jun Han continued to bury his dick inside, his spiel of watching Jihyo have sex with other man carry on.
"Hmmm yes baby- aahhhh fuck you feel so good inside me." Jihyo can only close her eyes as her fiancé's dick stretches her.
Dahyun cannot exactly see how Jun Han's dick disappears inside Jihyo's cunt but it does not matter, she knows how the doctor is giving it and when so she could match the pace. Somehow the moans grew a little bit louder, perhaps it's the pleasure that takes over making them both oblivious to other things around them. Dahyun slips her fingers inside and touches her clit bare, she further confirms its horniness. There is a sense of relief and satisfaction, playing with it over her underwear is just not enough anymore. 
Jun Han flipped Jihyo around, her facing the wall now. He slapped the nurse's plump ass, soliciting whimpers from her.
"I want you to be a slut for me, Ji." He gave Jihyo another spank.
"I'm your slut, please put it back in. Don't keep my hole waiting." Jihyo nodded, there's urgency in her words. She wants to be fucked again while her man is holding out on her.
"Imagine me begging like this for someone else's dick, hmmm you like that don't you?" Jihyo added. She knew it's one of the best ways to entice her fiancé, and sure enough she got the response she wanted. 
"Yes Ji-, ahhh my god I really want to see get fucked by someone else." He resumed plowing Jihyo's womanhood.
"Imagine my ahhh- butt getting slapped, the guy getting rough with your fiancé. You like that baby?"
Jun Han responded by slapping Jihyo's ass, the pace got rougher and faster at the same time. It greatly turns him on.
Meanwhile Dahyun's breath hitches as she tried to match the increasing rhythm of the doctor's fuck. Her masturbation starts to get really intense, her clit is getting so sensitive now. Dahyun's legs start to feel like Jell-O. She knows she is close.
"Imagine someone else reaching and groping my tits- ahh fuck that's good- while he takes me from behind."
"Oh my god, what a slut. Yes baby. I want that, let's make that happen." Jun Han reached out to grab Jihyo's boobs to mirror what her girlfriend said.
Eventually the atmosphere starts to reach its tipping point, both the doctor and Jihyo pants in anticipation to their climaxes. The speed ramped up as Jihyo's walls slowly tightened around her fiance's cock, making it much pleasurable as ever.
Dahyun is in a tougher spot, she already covered her mouth to not let any noise escape. She is dangerously close to her orgasm. Her fingers ragged and unevenly entered her pussy, rubbing her most sensitive spot. She is desperately clinging onto dear life, doing everything to extend it to the very end. Dahyun wants to see the couple finish first.
Fortunately it did not take long. Only moans indicated the end, Jun Han was not able to withdraw his dick in time and creampied her fiancé. Maybe it's all part of the plan. Jihyo was equally exhausted, taking deep breaths but the satisfaction was clearly drawn on her face. 
Lastly, Dahyun reaches her peak shortly after. Her cum squirts all over her fingers into her underwear soaking it entirely. Her legs give into the pleasure and she flops to the floor, slamming the ajar door shut.
Of course the couple immediately dressed up, anxious now that someone caught them. The door finally opens as Jihyo looks outside. There she sees Dahyun on the floor, fingers still in her crotch. 
"Dahyun-ah, did you watch the whole thing?" Jihyo was relieved, laughing even. She almost found the whole scene with Dahyun comedic.
"Fuck that was hot, unnie."
"Our secret, okay?" Jihyo helps Dahyun up.
"I better clean up."
“We all should.” Both smile at each other as they take separate cubicles.
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slowandsteddie · 4 months
27 June 2010 - 8 February 2024
When I laid on my side, Emmett used to start at my feet and walk up my entire body before digging his tiny, little paws into my ribs. His stinky, old man breath would assault my nose, and then he would cram his entire tiny, fucking face into my armpit before purring so loud that I swear you could hear it in the next room. I’d lift my arm up at angles that actually really hurt because of my collar bone having been previously broken and drop my hand down at the right angle to be able to play with the fur that was from his mid-back. Grip and shake and tug while he is purring somehow, impossibly, louder. After awhile, I would adjust my arm, that always fucking popped, and cradle him on one side with it. He’d pull himself up just a bit and proceed to start licking/chewing on my chin and cheek. I’d use my other hand to half-ass cover us up. We’d fall asleep like that. I’d wake up on my other side with him laying across my face most days. Some days I’d wake up because he was trying to steal my nose piercing again. Occasionally, I’d wake up with him on top of my dresser. “Excuse the fuck out of me” was always met with the cutest little mew before he’d come running back to me.
I’d set my alarm for an hour early so I always had plenty of time to pet and snuggle my old man before I had to get up and get ready for work. As I walked around my room, making sure he had everything he needed, he’d follow me by walking quickly across my bed. Back and forth. When it was time for me to get dressed, I’d grab three random shirts and drop them on the bed. He’d pick the one I’d wear by laying on it. I always had to carry him to the bathroom with me, even if I was just going to pee, because he would cry the entire time I was gone and it broke my heart. Now he’s gone and I’m the one who can’t stop crying.
He was given to me when he was just 8 weeks old. My aunts cat had had a litter and I was promised one of the babies. My mom was taking too long to be “ready,” so her sister brought him to me. Zipped up in her coat. When she got out of the truck, I remember thinking “it’s so warm, why is she wearing a jacket?” She looked at me with a grin while unzipping it about half way and presenting him to me with a very smug “I brought you something!” I instantly pulled him into my hold and ran inside. I remember my mom saying something along the lines of “well, I guess I’ll be back. Have to go to PetSmart.” I was too busy giggling and introducing Emmett to his new space. I did have to rearrange my room a bit so that the dresser was under the window for him — needed to make it easier for him to see the backyard.
He had me keeping my room very clean because he would knock everything off of whatever it was on if it was out of place. His favorite place to hide was in the laundry hamper, and it was even better when there was clothes in it. He also liked to go into my closet when the door was opened. He’d crawl up and find a comfy spot. Most of the time, the comfy spot was on top of my Bag of Bags. Sometimes he’d squeeze between all the clear totes and then mew at me until I fixed it AKA either made more room for him or helped him get back out.
When I moved out of my mom’s house and couldn’t take him with me was the hardest two years of my life. I’d go see him everyday after work and would see him for at least an hour every Saturday. It wasn’t enough. When I moved in with my dad’s sister and was able to get my baby back, full time… I’m so glad I had him with me the last two years of his life. He got all of the loves and attention and vet visits he needed/wanted. He made friends with my aunts dogs, Gunner and Bandit, and fell in love with her cat Jackson.
Emmett left us a few days after Bandit did. I just know they’re together again and that Grandma is taking care of them.
I think it makes it a little easier for me, thinking that he’s not alone wherever he is. Picturing Bandit waiting for him and then slobbering all over him before taking him to Grandma.
A huge part of me is missing, but I’ll figure it out. I have to.
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