stormyoceans · 27 days
hey girl write down your top 7 (this is nice number😋) of js's fav photo shoots, images
i mean of course im still gonna try to do it, but know im throwing up all the blood in my body every step of the way and that if you ask me this question again in a couple of weeks the answer might be different ;;;;;;;
1. the chemistry in front of this fish tank is astronomical from LEMON Magazine. sorry idk what else to say except that they're literally just looking at each other and yet every time i so much as barely glance at it i still find myself in a dead faint in front of my screen drowning in the sheer incomprehensible levels of magnetism electricity tension vibes oozing from this one (1) single still image. like i know maybe it's weird to put it in first place since it only has their faces and nothing else but it really makes feel in dire need of a mental health crisis intervention team THIS IS WHAT THE WALLS OF MY PADDED ROOM LOOK LIKE
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2. forehead touch from Starry Magazine. WHAT CAN I SAY IM NOT IMMUNE TO FOREHEAD TOUCHES. they're giving such effervescent 'we are so deeply intertwined and enthralled by each other that everything else just falls away' vibes that i can even look past the school boys attire this picture is just THAT beautiful. also the tenderness!!!!!!!! the sunflower!!!!!!!! I AM BUT A WEAK WOMAN
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3. cuntitude Xtreme100 from ViVi men. invented maximizing their joint slay and serving so much coquettecore cuntism it makes me act deeply unwise. idek what's the worst (read: best) part of it all if jimmy's bold jewelries or sea's outfit that exposes the mole on his chest for the world to see or how fluffy their hair look or the way jimmy is resting his arms on sea's shoulder while sea's head is turned just enough to brush against jimmy's all i know is that whoever styled them for this shoot deserves a raise and a kiss on the mouth.
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4. interconnectedness from PRAEW Magazine. look me in the eyes and tell me this doesn't belong in the louvre with a little tag on display under it that shows this exact title like with all due respect to my man leonardo but the mona lisa ain't shit compared to this picture. it should be studied in art classes all around the world for its lines and composition and contemporary figuration and how the intertwinement of the bodies is a metaphor for the mingling of souls throughout lifetimes. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
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5. whole face economy in one image from Mint Magazine. never in the history of the whole entire world have two people looked more stunning like the visual excellence displayed here never fails to propel me into an entire different reality. the other reason i love this one so much is that this is their usual pose but for once sea is the one holding jimmy and that truly makes me feel some type of way, the photographer really was on some galaxy brain shit for this one.
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6. sea's oral fixation from ViVi men. at first i didn't want to put two pictures from the same shoot on the list just to give more variety but im currently too rabid about this one to leave it out. im not sure what compelled sea to put one of the strings from jimmy's hoodie in his mouth but that sure was. A CHOICE. i also love jimmy's smile and the more casual clothes and sea's silly goose vibes and how warm and huggable and comfort shaped they look.
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7. high fantasy concept from LEMON Magazine. once again i didn't want to put two pictures from the same shoot but i think this ones deserves a place on here even just for how original it is like THE VISION THE TASTE THE FLAVOUR THE STYLE THE INSPIRATION THE QUALITY THE VIBES CHINESE MAGAZINES TRULY ARE ON SUCH A COMPLETE DIFFERENT LEVEL OF CREATIVITY GMMTV WISHES IT COULD COME UP WITH SUCH INCREDIBLE OUT OF THIS WORLD IDEAS.
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aedelia · 3 years
Burnt Bacon and Bright Stars
Truce present for @grimgrinningghoul​ !
Danny has had a lot on his mind since he got his powers.  Even more so since he dealt with Spectra.  He decides to trust his family and finds that some things never change. AO3 | FF.net
Burnt Bacon and Bright Stars
 Danny was stretched out on his favorite starry blue blanket while looking up at the night sky.  His father was next to him on a big blanket the same color as Mars and talking about ghosts. His voice was big and bounced off the shiny walls as he waved his arms around. Danny liked how his dad talked with his hands and tonight, he’d used his hands to point out Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.  To Danny, his father was like Ursa Major, large and bright, and he was Ursa Minor, smaller but still just like him.
“And when the Ops Center is complete, those ghosts won’t be able to hide anymore! This baby will have the most advanced ectoplasm sensing satellites scanning for traces all over the northern hemisphere!”
Danny looked up at his father and wistfully said, “I wanna be a ghost someday. Then I can go to space and fly to the moon.” He rolled over on his side, propped his chin on his hand, and his elbow on the floor. His dad rolled over and mirrored Danny’s position. 
“Oh Danny-boy, you don’t want to be a ghost. Ghosts are scary and want to hurt people.”
“Nuh-uh, I would be a good ghost and not be scary. I would even make sure to do all of my chores and help old ladies with their groceries!”
Daddy said, “But Danny-boy, Mommy and Daddy hunt ghosts. We try to catch them and protect people because ghosts are bad.”
Danny pouted before shaking his head, “I would be a good ghost and save people instead of hurt them, like a superhero!”
His dad chuckled as he stood up.  “Ghost powers would be good superpowers for heroes if they weren’t bad,” he said.
Danny sat up. 
“Ghost powers would be the best for exploring outer space!  If you don’t need to breathe then you wouldn’t need an oxygen tank and you could carry a whole bunch of useful tools and bring back space rocks. If you could go intangible then you wouldn’t have to worry about friction leaving or reentering the atmosphere, you wouldn’t need a space suit and could just fly straight to the moon!” Danny pointed up at the full moon which brightly shined over the town. “It would be so easy to explore the other planets in our solar system with ghost powers.  Dust on Mars wouldn’t be a problem, storms on Jupiter wouldn’t be a problem. I could go count the rings of Saturn and compare them to Jupiter’s ring.”
Danny hugged his knees to his chest before asking, “Daddy, would you and Mommy hunt me if I was a ghost? Even if I was a good ghost?”
Danny’s father crouched next to him and put  his large hand on the boy’s shoulder, “If you were a ghost, I would know you’re good, even if you have big teeth and pointy claws and horns,” He scooped him up and gently swung him around through the air, “Even if you turned green and hairy.  As long as you’re Danny I will always love you!” He brought his son to face him, “Even if you turned into a ghost, you’ll always be my little boy.”
Danny giggled and put his hands on his father’s cheeks and gave him nose kisses.  “I love you too Daddy!”
Jack gathered the blankets and slung them over one shoulder and Danny over the other.  He carried the giggling boy down the stairs all the way to the kitchen.  He plopped his son into his chair. 
“Well, Mommy and Jazzy-pants should be back soon from the store, and I think they’re bringing home pizza!”
Danny laughed at the nickname for his sister before cheering, “Yay!  Pizza!” He threw his hands in the air. “Do the pizza dance, Daddy!”
Jack sighed dramatically before smiling and saying, “Ok, I’ll do the pizza dance.”
He danced around the kitchen, waving his arms and occasionally chanting, “Pizza! Pizza!  I want some pizza!”  
Danny wiggled in his seat and yelled, “Pizza! Pizza!” every time his dad did.  They were loud enough that neither of them heard the click of the front door opening and shutting, or noticed that Maddie and Jazz were home until Maddie’s voice joined in the song..
“Pizza, pizza, here’s the pizza!” She sang as she danced into the kitchen with two big pizza boxes.  
Jazz bounced into the room chattering about how excited she was to start first grade and how happy she was to have the big colored pencil box that had all of the important colors and its own special sharpener. Jack danced around Maddie before he pulled her into a spin and dipped her for a kiss while his other hand held the pizza boxes steady. 
“Ewww.” Danny and Jazz said together.
When Jack released Maddie and took the pizzas, she asked, “So what have you two boys been up to while we were gone?”
Jack turned to put the boxes on the counter. As he grabbed paper plates and napkins out of the cupboard he replied, “Me and Danny were taking advantage of the clear sky and were stargazing up in the ops center.”
Maddie turned back to face him with her hands on her hips and a mild look of disapproval. 
“I hope you cleaned up the floor before you let Danny up there,” she said.
Jack kissed her on the forehead before he passed her some plates.
“Don’t worry, I cleaned up the floor and made sure to put down blankets.”
Maddie beamed up at Jack while Danny and Jazz made gagging sounds at their affection.
“I also told Danny a little about ghosts and what they can do.”
“I want to be a ghost someday!” Danny exclaimed from his seat at the table.
“A ghost? Jack!” Maddie scolded as she turned from Danny’s beaming face to Jack’s stiff shoulders.
She kneeled next to Danny’s chair. 
“Danny, why would you want to be a ghost? Ghosts are bad and they attack people.” She explained.
“Ghost powers would be the best for exploring outer space! And I could do my chores faster and go to the Moon and Mars and all of the other planets!” He rambled. “I would be a nice superhero ghost Mommy.”
“I suppose those would be some good uses for ghost powers, sweetie.” She said as she ruffled his hair.
Jazz piped up from across the table, “Ghosts aren’t real, but if they were, Danny couldn’t be a scary or mean ghost even if he tried. So, Danny would be a good ghost if they did exist.”
Maddie smiled and said, “Yes, our Danny couldn’t be a bad ghost. If either of you were ghosts we would still love you.”
Danny leaned forward in bed and stretched his arms out over his head. The last several nights he had been thinking hard about whether or not he should tell his parents the truth about his accident. His powers were pretty much under control now. He hadn’t had any intangibility or invisibility accidents for at least a couple of weeks. He had been trying to remember all the times that his parents had mentioned ghosts before the portal was built. This had been on his mind so much now that he had continued to relive his memories in his dreams. If there was a ghost that could affect dreams or memories he’d be concerned, but he hadn’t heard of any with powers like that. 
The memory he had dreamt of this time was from when he was little. He remembered the unfinished walls of the ops center and the silly dance his dad would do whenever they had pizza. Maybe this was the sign he needed that it was time to tell them. 
Danny grabbed his phone from the nightstand and called Tucker. His heart felt like it was beating in his ears as the other line rang. After a few unending seconds, he heard a click, and then Tucker’s voice.
“Danny? Are you ok?”
“Tucker, you know how I’ve been thinking about telling my parents about the whole half ghost thing? I had a dream last night and I remembered that when I was little I told them I wanted to be a ghost.”
There was a lengthy pause before Tucker groaned, “Dude. It’s 4 am.”
Danny cringed slightly as he looked over at his alarm clock.
“Were they ok with you wanting to be a ghost when you were a little kid?” Tucker asked. “Because I can’t see them being too thrilled about it. Even back when we were little they were pretty anti-ghost.”
“I remember I told them I wanted to be a ghost because ghost powers would be great for exploring space and the Moon. I even told them how I would use the basic powers to go into space if I was a ghost. They wanted to remind me that ghosts were bad but they did say that if I was a ghost they wouldn’t hunt me. Dad even said that ghost powers would be good superpowers.”
“Well it seems like you already want to tell them and I have been saying you should tell them since you got your powers. Have you even tried to go to space since you got them?” he asked.
“Tucker,” Danny groaned. “I’ve been way too busy trying to deal with the ghosts that’ve been invading and trying not to flunk all of my classes to even think about going to space.”
Tucker snorted. “I’m sure you’ve managed to at least think of it, but seriously, it’s probably a good idea to tell them before something bad happens and someone gets hurt. Who knows what kind of nasty ghost could attack next?”
“Yeah, you’re right. The longer I wait the harder this’ll be. Thanks for helping me talk it out.”
“Sure thing, buddy. Just, try to keep the existential dilemmas and mental crises to daylight hours.”
“I make no promises.” Danny chuckled.
“Alright, fair enough. But if that’s everything, talk to you later. I’ll even warn Sam for you so she won’t try to talk you out of it.”
“Thanks Tucker, you’re the best.”
“You know it!” Tucker answered before hanging up the call.
Danny laid back down, thoughts racing, as he tried to think of how to tell his parents.
“Hey Mom and Dad, you remember how the ghost portal wasn’t working at first? Well I did get it to start…but I happened to be inside it?” He dragged his hand over his face with a groan. 
“Hey you know how we aren’t supposed to be messing around in the lab because it’s dangerous? Well I may have disregarded the rules…but at least now the portal is working?” He grabbed his hair and tugged at it in frustration.
“Maybe I should start with Jazz. I know she has to believe in ghosts now since she saw Phantom and Spectra after the Spirit Rally last week. She did say that I can talk to her about anything though I doubt this was what she was expecting.”
Decision now made, Danny slid out of bed and crept down the hall to Jazz’s room. Her door was slightly ajar with light spilling into the hallway so she must’ve been awake.  He lightly knocked on the door and poked his head in through the gap. 
Jazz sat in bed in comfortable pajamas with a book in hand.
“Danny? You’re up early.” She checked the clock. “I’m surprised to see you before noon on a Saturday. Come in. Is something wrong?”
Danny shuffled into the room and softly closed the door behind him. He rubbed the back of his neck as he stood by the entrance.  His eyes skipped past his sister’s face as they roved over the bookshelves stuffed with psychology and science textbooks. She still had all of her spelling bee medals pinned and hanging around the border of the cork board behind her desk.  With posters of quotes from famous scientists intermixed with handwritten motivational phrases, her personality practically oozed from the walls. Now that he was actually in her room, it was like all of his confidence had just evaporated.
As the silence dragged longer, Jazz put her book aside and patted the bed next to her.  Danny gingerly stepped forward before he perched on the edge of the bed.
Jazz rolled her eyes and pulled him closer. Once she had rearranged the blankets to cover both of them she said lightly, “Just like when we were little and you would sneak into my bed after nightmares.”
Danny chuckled, tension broken, and said, “Speaking of when we were little, do you remember right when you were in, I don’t know, first grade, and I told Mom and Dad that I wanted to be a ghost someday?”
He felt her go very still. She stared straight ahead for a long moment before she shook her head and answered.
“I do remember that. They were still doing that ridiculous pizza dance back then. Wasn’t that before they finished the Ops Center?  You used to stargaze up there with whoever you could convince to go up with you.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed. “Well, remember how we basically all agreed that I couldn’t be a bad or scary ghost even if I tried?”
“I do remember that, too.” she laughed. “Of course, now we all know that ghosts actually do exist. But I stand by what I said back then, even if ghosts exist, you wouldn’t be a bad ghost.”
Danny managed a half smile and took a deep breath. 
“So a few months ago when I had the accident in the lab I got more than just a shock. I was in the portal when it turned on and ever since I’ve had ghost powers and can turn into a ghost. I’m not dead! I can turn back to well, mostly normal, very easily. The ghosts call me the halfa, half ghost, half boy. I’ve been catching the ghosts that come through the portal and putting them back in the ghost zone. They aren’t all bad either. I’ve met a few nice ghosts that live in, well haunt, the human world. They’ve been really friendly and helpful! Some of them just want to be left alone, you know? I’m rambling now aren’t I?” 
Danny paused for a breath and raised his head from his knees to how Jazz was taking it. She smiled at him.
“Uh, Jazz? Are you going to say anything?”
Instead of responding, she pulled him into a tight hug. It took a moment for him to relax.
“Jazz?” he asked with a sniff, “C’mon you can’t just-“
“I am so proud of you!” she said. “I know it was very brave of you to tell me a big secret like that.”
“Wait, you already knew?” he asked.
“I suspected something was going on for a while, but I only found out last week during the Spectra thing at the Spirit Rally. I was hoping you would tell me when you were ready. I’m proud of you for telling me, and for all you’ve been doing to protect everyone. I’ve been doing what I could to help cover for you with Mom and Dad and your teachers.”
“You have?” He asked, eyebrows creeping into his hairline.
“I may be your bossy big sister, but I care for you and I don’t want to make things harder or more stressful for you.” She paused, and then asked, “Are you planning on telling Mom and Dad next?”
“I thought you just said that you were trying not to make things more stressful for me.” Danny teased. “But yeah, I guess remembering how supportive they were when we were little was the push that I needed to be ready.”
“Well, I’m sure they’re awake now, and the kitchen should be pretty safe right now. I made them clean up their experiments yesterday. If you’re ready, now would be a good time.”
“Yeah…you’re right, it just feels like a lot to tell them. Even knowing that they’ll accept me, I’m still worried that they won’t see me the same, or that they’ll want me to stop hunting ghosts.” Danny said as he slipped out of her arms and off the bed. “Will you come down and back me up when I tell them?” he asked.
“Of course I will! Just give me a couple of minutes to grab a few things and I’ll be right down.”
Jazz flipped her blankets off revealing her favorite pajamas that were covered in different scientific formulas.
“You’re still a nerd.” Danny said as he ducked back out of her room.
“And you’re a dork.” She retorted.
“I love you too!” he called as he headed towards the stairs.
Danny paused at the top of the steps and pulled out his phone to message his friends.
Danny:           About to tell my parents
                      Wish me luck!
Tucker:          You don’t need luck
Sam:              If things go bad come to my house, I can hide you in                                      my closet.  
                      it’s big enough to have its own ensuite
Tucker:          Sweet!
He let out a humorless chuckle and put his phone away. A few seconds later Jazz walked up behind him with a large binder titled, Reasons Why Not All Ghosts are Bad, and Especially not Danny.
“You had enough time to make a whole thing of why ghosts aren’t all bad?” he asked.
“Don’t be silly, I’ve been working on this since the first ghosts showed up and started adding in the bits specifically about you last week. I thought it might come in handy one day to have all of the evidence together.”
“I both admire and fear your organization.” Danny said.
Jazz sniffed imperiously and said, “As you should.”
Danny went down the stairs slowly with Jazz trailing behind him. He stopped at the doorway to the kitchen, but Jazz gave him a gentle push across the threshold.
“Morning, sweetie!” his mom called from the stove where she was frying up surprisingly non-ectoplasmic bacon and eggs.
“Good Morning, son!” his father said from the kitchen table where he was tinkering with a gadget, parts strewn all across the tabletop.
From behind him, Jazz facepalmed and muttered, “So much for keeping the kitchen clean.” 
Danny cleared his throat. 
“Mom, Dad, I have something I need to tell you.” He picked at one of the holes in his pajama sleeves as he waited for their response.
“Is it about ghosts?” His dad asked.
“Well, kinda.” Danny answered, now rubbing the back of his neck.
“Have ghosts been threatening my boy?” His dad demanded as he leapt up from the table.
“Well yes, and no…” Danny’s voice trailed off. 
“What ectoplasmic scum thinks it can mess with a Fenton? I’ll tear it apart molecule by molecule!” Jack exclaimed with his fist in the air.
“Now Jack, calm down,” Maddie turned from the stove and put her hand on his arm, “I’m sure that whatever is going on will make more sense after Danny has had a chance to tell us about it.”
Danny chuckled nervously, glad that Jazz was behind him for moral support. “Let me just start from the beginning then. A few months ago when I had that accident in the lab and got the portal working, I was a lot closer to it than I told you.”
“How close were you?” Maddie asked.
Danny hugged himself as he answered, “I was inside it, there was an ‘on’ button on the inside and I accidentally hit it while I was looking in it.”
“But Danny, the shock of that much electricity, not to mention the ectoplasm, should have killed you! You were fine when we came home and the portal was working.”
Maddie quickly ran over to him, scrutinizing him for signs of injury.
“I was fine! I still am!” Danny added as he backed away with his hands in the air. “I just had a few more side effects than the tingling and numbness from the shock. What I’m saying is, ever since the accident with the portal, I’ve had ghost powers.”
“Ghost powers? Sweetie, humans can’t have ghost powers.” She put the back of her hand to his forehead to check for a fever and then grabbed his wrist to check his pulse. “You don’t have a fever, and your heartbeat is steady if a bit slow. Honey, you’re not a ghost.”
“I know, I’m still human most of the time, I can turn into a ghost and back at will and can use my powers in either form.” He held up his free hand. “Here, look.” Then he flickered his hand in and out of visibility. 
His mom frowned. “I suppose the high concentration of ectoplasm would have prevented you from crossing to the other side, especially as you would have been effectively on both sides if you were in the portal when it activated. Is this why you’ve been dropping glassware at school?”
“Yeah, getting control of the powers was a little tricky at first and several times they went off while I was holding beakers or flasks in science class. And that’s basically the theory so far, that being in the portal when it activated saved me from actually dying.”
“Son, why did it take so long for you to tell us?” his dad asked.
Danny looked down, unable to meet his dad’s eyes or to look at his mom wrapped around him. “I was afraid.  At first I didn’t want to worry you guys or get in trouble for not obeying lab safety rules. Then I was hunting the ghosts that were attacking the town and I didn’t want you to try to stop me when I’m able to help protect people. I was also worried that you would see me as a ghost instead of your son or not believe me when I told you.” 
“Oh sweetie, of course we believe you’re still you. This does explain why almost all of our inventions were going off around you. You’re very lucky that you didn’t get hurt!  We’ll have to work at modifying them to ignore your signature.” His mom said.
“Whether you’re a boy, a ghost, or something in between, you’re our son and we love you.” Jack added as he picked up both his wife and his son in a hug. “I bet you’ve got all kinds of insider information on ghosts now! Think of how much you can help advance our understanding of ghosts and how they interact with our world!”
“We love you, sweetie. No matter what.” Maddie said.
“I knew everything would be alright.” Jazz cheered as she joined the group hug.
Danny smiled and basked in the acceptance of his family. He’d been pretty sure that they would accept him, but it still felt amazing to have his trust validated.
A moment later, he wrinkled his nose. 
“I think the bacon’s burning.”
Jazz jumped out of the hug.
“I’ve got it! None of you move!” She exclaimed. 
She hurried over to the stove, flipped the bacon, and turned the heat down.
As he sat in his parents’ arms, Danny decided that slightly burnt bacon was his new favorite smell.
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catharrington · 4 years
It’s swturdaaaaaauyyu and I’m here!! So ive sent a assload of prompts... and im gonna do it again!!! Because you’re yhe starry constelatyin I see in the telescope of life. I had a wonder what if billy is at the end of his rope after another round with niel and Steve fi nds him and right as billy would reaer back his fist to punchsteve just steps close and kissed him and billy cries angry because my baby needs outlet to vent
✨I love you honey ✨and thanks for the prompt ;) Here’s some fighting. Tw slurs. Tw suicidal thoughts.
“Leave me the fuck alone!” Billy scratched his fingernails down his own face. Wanting to rip across the skin. The irritated area around his eyes pulsates, the cut on his lip and his eyebrow churn more. Spill more blood. Red drips into his eye.
He turns and there’s Steve. Blurry with red. Flames coloring his wild hair poking up at every angle. There seems to be wind kicking it around. Or maybe it’s just Billy’s mean breath.
“Get over yourself!” Steve yells out, a slight panic to his voice, as he slams his hands down over the top of the Camaro.
They had been at the quarry, tossing empty beer cans into the water the night before. And Billy had stumbled home through his own window thinking he could get away with it. Thinking he could act up like a basic shitty teenager. He thought wrong.
Billy drove through the night of Hawkins in a rage, pressing the gas down until the petal threatened to break off. Skidding and burning rubber over the prissy streets of Hawkins.
Making marks into the ground like his farther carved marks into his face. Like his father’s boot left a footprint on his ribs.
According to Harrington, in all his own fast car ride and furious hair, Hopper got a call for speeding and recognized the lisense plate. He chose not to call it in or handle it himself. He thought it would be a good idea to send in Harrington, babysitter of the year, and ain’t that just angelic for the brown-nose doe-eyed motherfucker.
Metallica was still blasting from his speakers as Steve slammed his hands over the hood again. Made Billy’s head throb. “Are you trying to kill yourself going that fast, dumb shit? What the hell were you thinking?”
Billy let his head lull back, a mean smile on his face. A meaner laugh cackling up from the back of his throat.
“Ain’t no one in this town would miss me, Harrington. That’s what I was thinking.”
If Steve looked offended by the last name, and not some off the cuff nickname, he didn’t let the hurt flash over his pretty face for too long. He shook his head, shaking his whole body as he does it. Shivers in his jacket in the Indiana night. “That’s a lie,” he says as he starts walking around the car.
And fuck, he’s waking around the car. Billy has half the mind to go back inside the passengers seat. To take her out of park and zip right off the edge into the blackness of the water below. Like the crushed beer cans.
“No one would miss you? Jesus, how self absorbed can you be?” Steve’s closing in on Billy, his voice going quieter. “Your family would miss you- like, Max wouldn’t have a bother anymore. The party would loose their favorite berserker ogre for their freaky game. Hopper would loose what he loves doing every Saturday afternoon: trying to catch us drinking underage.”
“Fuck you, Harrington,” Billy cuts him off. Those pretty lips still moving but Billy now has his back to a tree. No escape. The gaping maw of the forest on one side with demons clawing out to him, and the other side the sweet release of the quarry’s water. One jump, that’s all it would take.
“Are you listening to me, Bill!” Steve shoves against his chest. The tree hurts Billy’s back.
“Fuck you, I hate you.” His voice doesn’t sound like his. It sounds like a lost coyote howl in the night. Alone, high pitched, and trembling. “I hate this whole god damn town. I hate my fucking step sister! She’s not my family, she’s better off with out me there! I’m the one who keeps being a fucking faggot and getting beat because of it!”
Billy shuts his mouth with a click, he didn’t want to say that. Didn’t want to tell prissy fucking Harrington that of all people. His outside pool and tight fitting polo shirts, the spooky cellar of wine they stole a bottle from once and his nice BMW that cost more than a college education.
Didn’t want to tell Steve, with his pretty hair and pretty eyes, pretty lips and pretty laugh, didn’t want all that taken away.
But now Billy’s shot himself in the damn boot. Might as well drop off the cliff, now really there ain’t nothing to live for-
“You’re gay?” Steve asks. Just asks. Doesn’t point or laugh. Doesn’t wrap his hands round Billy’s neck and squeeze. Actually, fucking actually, lifts his hand off Billy’s chest and cups his cheek.
Billy notices for the first time through Steve’s fingers that he’s crying.
“Don’t,” Billy whispers. Don’t hate me, don’t leave me. “I don’t,” he struggles. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to miss you.
Steve curls his fingers over the back of Billy’s neck and pulls him while he leans down, meeting him halfway, their lips crushing in a kiss. Billy’s eyes are closed as he lets out a whimper. A desperate, sobbing whimper that contorts his whole face. Steve keeps kissing him right though it.
Billy lifts his hands to feebily push against Steve’s chest, gripping the fabric in a white knuckle grasp as if it were the only thing tethering him to the earth. He pushes Steve back just to gasp a breath, manages out a weak, “No,” he doesn’t really mean.
No, I don’t want to ruin you. No, I don’t want to drag you down. No, I don’t deserve someone as good as you.
But Steve doesn’t let go. He tilts his head to the side and deepens the kiss. Moves his lips gently, romantically, like they’re in love.
Billy sags againt the tree behind him, lets his body unfurl the tension he’s been carrying since he was eight years old in California and his mother left him crying on the phone. Begging, asking when is she going to come home. When is someone going to come help him.
Steve curls his other hand around Billy’s waist and pulls their bodies flush. It’s a possessive motion, making Billy feel safe and secure. He breaks the kiss off with a pained moan. Sobbing again.
“I’ve got you,” Steve breaths into existence the answer to all of Billy’s prayers. Running his pretty fingers through Billy’s sweat sticky hair. Cupping his hip like he loves him. Like he wants to help.
“I’ve got you, Bill.”
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here-for-jaskier · 4 years
Jaskier (the bard named after a flower)
Read it on AO3
Jaskier means buttercup. Familiar was the small, stubborn plant found along roadsides and in meadows. As if dressed up, it shone in a bright yellow between the pale daisies or the puny grasses. Before the young bard, who followed him out of a tavern to the end of the world and had just that name, Geralt had not paid any attention to them.
It had taken Geralt some time to ask himself for the first time why his companion had chosen this name as his own. He had plucked off a single stalk because it had grown together with the wolf's bane. Wide-open was the chalice, gracefully formed from yellow curved leaves that shimmered in the sun while Geralt turned them in his hands. As the flower slipped from his fingers, slowly sailing to the ground, the question also disappeared from his mind again.
Not until on a night that stretched over their heads like a black cloth decorated with thousands and thousands of pearls that the witcher had managed to bring the question over his lips. For a split second, Jaskier's facial expression slipped away, but a blink of an eye later he smiled. A sad smile that resembled more a grimace and did not reach his cornflower-blue eyes.
"People remember it better," he had simply claimed, "Short and memorable. No one appreciates musicians with a long name."
They were loose words. Anyone would have been satisfied with that answer. The short twitch in Jaskier's hands, the way his fingers restlessly ran over the wide ring on his left hand, Geralt revealed that there was more behind it.
"But why Jaskier?", he checked once more, felt the heavy heartbeat next to him under the starry sky, intoxicated and full of uncertainty. The witcher did not receive an answer. Instead, Jaskier only reached for the opened bottle of wine, the sweet and sour taste which was still on their tongues and which wrapped their senses in cotton wool.
"More wine, Geralt?"
Geralt often thought back to that evening. Mostly of her conversation before that, of the jokes, of the smile Jaskier had given him and which covered him in daylight even in the darkest hours of the night. Only after his question did it fade away, as if dark clouds had slid in front of the sparkle in his iris. He had not succeeded in pushing these shadows aside that night. Only the next morning, when the sun climbed up the horizon sleepily, did Jaskier blink between his long brown lashes.
Their breakfast had consisted of leftovers from dinner and blueberries, whose sweet juice had welcomed the beautiful day as much as the birds' emerging chirping. As if he had dreamed of the strangely tense mood at night, Jaskier was awake and alert. Lively and loud as always, despite the alcohol.
Geralt couldn't remember every detail, but he knew he didn't want to see Jaskier's sad face again, the way his shoulders bent under the load like the leaves of a flower threatening to break under the weight. 
But there were things that Geralt could not prevent. Every flower faded at some point. Slowly time robbed them of the color of their blooms, let them wither and eventually the wind would carry them away into nothingness. Forgotten and that after only too short a time. Jaskier would not fare any differently. During their time together Geralt had realized that the human body seemed fragile like glass. A simple cold, a wrong step, a wound could make him splinter and the shards would bore deep into Geralt's heart. Into his much too soft heart, which lay in Jaskiers fragile and mortal hands. Desperation devoured him over the weeks, the closer Jaskier came to him.
Until he knew no other way. That day on the mountain, far from civilization, between rocks and softly whispering grass, Jaskier had looked again like the flower whose name he carried. Like a flower that had been stepped on too often, suffered too much, and which at some point looked like the muddy ground with torn blooms and leafs. Every color had disappeared from Jaskier's face when Geralt's words hit him like kicks. The glow in his eyes went out, while tears rose in them. With a feeling as if a rope had been pulled around his chest, Geralt remembered the sound of Jaskier's last words, which he whispered muffled before turning away. Even his favorite instrument had been stolen from him by the witcher. 
In return, Jaskier took Geralt's heart with him that day. If he had believed that he would not have to bear the pain if the bard disappeared from his life, Geralt had been mistaken. He felt empty and burnt out. Like a lump of coal whose energy had evaporated, the cold took over. He was incomplete, where he walked and stood. His thoughts hung on the bard, with the name of a flower, while Geralt did his daily duty without anyone waiting for him after the hunt or sharing his bed. Jaskier's scent, a mixture of pinewood and honey and something very own that belonged to him completely, evaporated from his things and his mind, was blown away, no matter how hard the witcher tried to keep him safe.
With every morning Geralt woke up alone and realized that it would go on like this for the rest of his days, he wanted to scream but he couldn't make a sound because he thought he was drowning in the cold of the loneliness that lay like dust on everything.
Until that day when their paths crossed again.Unspectacular, unexpected as if the cunning fate of Geralt wanted to play a trick that evening.Like the breeze on a warm summer day, the familiar voice welcomed him as he pushed open the door to the tavern and saw Jaskier.
He laughed, he sang. He didn't appreciate Geralt's agonizing hours not one look, while the blue eyes flashed across the room and followed the clapping and dancing of the crowd. Only his pulse told the witcher that his presence had not gone unnoticed. Meanwhile, his gaze rested on Jaskier, greedily grasping every detail as if the bard could vanish into thin air at any moment and disappear forever.At the same time, the shame was boiling in Geralt. For all the angry words resting on his chest and squeezing the air out of him like an ugly animal. Guilt weighed on him and the question if Jaskier wasn't better off without him, had more joy in a real-life without mutants, gnawed at his entrails.
But more burning was the desire under his skin. The longing for the bard, for his petty touches that brought butterflies to life in his stomach area. The desire to kiss him spread the wings in his heart suppressed everything and filled him with ease. There was nothing he wished for more than to run his tingling fingertips through his dark brown soft hair, to look into the blue eyes that were more intense than Geralt remembered and reminded him more than ever of fallen pieces of the sky.
He want Jaskier, at his side, as long as fate gave them and if he had to let him go, he wanted to hold his hand until that moment, knowing that never again would a flower attract his gaze like Jaskier.
All this was stronger than Geralt's cowardice. So his shaky legs followed the younger one, who had finished his performance and was heading for the back exit until suddenly they were facing each other.The blue doublet's fabric glittered in the dancing candlelight as Jaskier raised his head and tensed his shoulders as if preparing for a thunderous storm that was about to hit him at any moment.
"Jaskier..-", Geralt began, in a rough voice."What is it, Geralt?", Jaskier replied violently and crossed his arms in front of his chest. With this, he could not hide the trembling of his fingers.
"I..-", Geralt produced, indecisive as he could pronounce what he felt. How sorry he was could hardly be put into words, just as he felt. Ashamed, he lowered his head, fixed the worn-out floorboards on which various footprints were visible.
"Do you know why Jaskier suits me so well?", the bard asked out of nowhere. Abruptly Geralt looked up and when their eyes met, the fire cast soft shadows on the younger one's face. His eyes spoke of pain and shimmered moistly as he continued.
"Buttercups are useless," he said, almost spitting out the words, "You can tear them out as often as you want, but they always grow back where you don't need them."
The first tear made its way across his cheek, mysteriously reflecting the light before Jaskier wiped them away in anger."My parents were right, weren't they? It fits," he said bitterly, turning to leave. Without hesitation, Geralt grabbed his arm, held him tight.
Startled, Jaskier looked at him. More tears rolled, hanging on his lashes as he looked down, unable to look into the eyes that reminded him of splinters of amber."That's not true", Geralt croaked. His heart was beating up to his neck, "I need you."Doubt and shock were visible on Jaskier's face. He bit his lips for a moment when Geralt's hand was already in his neck.
Goosebumps trickled over his skin as he ran his fingers carefully through his unruly hair.
"Buttercups still glow at dusk", Geralt whispered, "They are poisonous and are therefore rarely eaten", he continued, with every word they came closer to each other.
"They do not displace, they do not grow over, they protect when they are close to other plants."With his thumb, Geralt wiped away the last tear, as timidly as if Jaskier could break under the touch.
"They can be found even in the darker swamps", Geralt said, while they stood there leaning forehead to forehead. Jaskier trembled all over his body, his fingers clawing into Geralt's shirt. He became dizzy from the proximity and the scent that enveloped him. He breathed in deeply.
"They give light and hope," he whispered. Warm, hectic breath brushed against his throat. For a second he sank into Jaskier's eyes of the deep shimmering blue that made him forget everything.
"And they are beautiful."With these words he bent over, his hand still on the bard's cheek, sealing her lips in a kiss.He tasted salty tears and hot embers, the surprise and all the colours of this world and every fibre in his body trembled. Carefully they breathed through his nose before Jaskier pulls him closer.His lips curled into a smile, the first in a long time, as a warmth spread through him as if someone had dipped him in hot water.
He only dared to breathe as they parted tentatively, hearts pounding, drunk with happiness. When Jaskier smiled at him, embarrassed and with a twinkle in his eyes, Geralt knew that spring had returned to his life. But what did he care about the other flowers?
He had found his. His only and favorite one.
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elvendara · 3 years
March Madness 2021
AKA Yooran Month
March 7th
Something I wrote for the Werewolf Choi Twins AU that happens after the ending of “The Pack”.
Saeran watched the clock and wiped his hands on his pants again. He was nervous. More nervous than he had ever been. He shouldn’t be, but what if…no…he wouldn’t think about that. Yoosung would be home soon and he had to look busy. Normal. Nothing out of the ordinary! Grabbing a random book from the shelf he sat on the sofa and opened it up. It took a few minutes before he realized it was upside down. Stupid! The clock was agonizingly slow!
When he heard the key in the door he began to tremble. Closing his eyes he employed a breathing technique to calm himself. By the time Yoosung entered the apartment, he was once more calm.
“Hey!” Yoosung called out cheerily. Saeran turned and smiled at his boyfriend. He looked tired, as always, but Saeran loved that Yoosung’s face still lit up when he saw him. It made him feel special.
“Hey!” he echoed. Yoosung’s grin widened as he dropped his bag on the floor by the door and kicked off his shoes. Saeran’s eyebrow lifted at the sight and Yoosung, with a sigh, bent over and placed the shoes neatly against the door with an exaggerated eye roll. Saeran berated himself, the last thing he wanted to do was start an argument, especially about shoes and neatness. They were just not on the same wavelength when it came to orderliness. Saeran liked things neat and tidy while Yoosung seemed to be followed by chaos wherever he went. Really it wasn’t so bad, and Saeran didn’t mind being the tidy one. Honestly, Yoosung had changed many of his habits to try and compromise with Saeran. Now, most of the chaos was contained in Yoosung’s side of the bedroom and the kitchen, which, was still very much Yoosung’s domain.
“Better?” Yoosung asked but he didn’t sound surly, just amused. Saeran breathed a sigh of relief.
“Sorry, I know it’s stupid…”
“Don’t say that, it’s not a big deal to set my shoes neatly on the mat. I’ll get it.” Yoosung laughed and sat on Saeran’s lap, displacing the book in his hands. Saeran set the book down and wrapped his arms around Yoosung.
“Well, why don’t I reward you for being so diligent.” Saeran teased.
“Reward? What kind of reward?” Yoosung’s eyebrows wiggled and he set his forehead against Saeran’s.
“Not that kind, at least not right now.” Saeran smirked and Yoosung pouted, pulling away and looking into Saeran’s mint green eyes. “I was thinking that since you have a day off tomorrow, we could order in and play some LOLOL.”
“Really?” Yoosung’s tiredness seemed to flee as he became animated and excited.
“Yes, really, why don’t you go boot up the laptops while I place the order.”
“OK.” Yoosung jumped up, as he made his way into the bedroom huridly, Saeran slapped him on the butt. “Hey!” Yoosung tossed over his shoulder but didn’t slow down at all.
Saeran smiled as he watched his boyfriend eagerly run into the bedroom. This was it. He held his breath and stood. Too late to back out now, even if he wanted to. He pulled his phone from his back pocket and hit the saved number. They ordered regularly from the Thai place down the street. As soon as he said his name the person on the other end asked if it was the usual, Saeran chuckled and said yes, but added a desert.
“Ah, romantic dinner yes?”
“Something like that.” Saeran said.
“OK OK, twenty minutes.”
“Thank you.” Saeran hung up and grabbed some PhD Pepper’s from the fridge. As he walked into the bedroom he saw that Yoosung had indeed booted up both their laptops, set up side by side. It was a little tight in the bedroom, he much preferred his own room at Saeyoung’s, but when Yoosung was with him, it felt more like a cozy comfort.
It was hard living away from the pack, but it was temporary, until Yoosung finished his clinicals and was able to find a permanent job. This was just closer and easier on Yoosung. They had had some complaints about the noise they created when they had sex, but Saeran didn’t think there was anything they could do about that. It was what it was and things often got a little crazy between them.
“What is that smile for?” Yoosung asked, eyes narrowing.
“Nothing, just…remembering the last complaint we had about the noise.” He laughed.
Yoosung blushed but didn’t comment, taking the offered can and opening it. Saeran leaned over him and kissed his exposed neck. It was one of Saeran’s favorite places to nibble on his boyfriend, whether he was in wolf form or human form. He was just so tasty!
“Stop! Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish!” Yoosung chastised.
“You’re right, this is about having some fun and destressing.” He plopped down on his own chair and opened the game watching it load. Yoosung sighed loudly but Saeran ignored him. “Food should be here in twenty.” He said instead.
“Fine. Where did you order from?” Yoosung’s fingers flew over the keyboard as his character appeared on his screen, already checking his guild to see if there were any worthwhile raids they could join.
“Thai Orchadee, the usual.” Saeran said.
“Great! I love that place, did you get me some Thai tea?” Yoosung asked.
“Of course I did. Do I know my man or do I know my man?” he smirked.
“You do indeed!” Yoosung lunged at him and planted a sugary kiss on his lips. He was intoxicating, suddenly he could feel the animal part of him respond biologically, his cock getting hard, his mouth salivating, his nails growing into claws eager to leave their marks on Yoosung’s skin. He calmed himself, using the same breathing exercises. Thankfully Yoosung was back to staring at his screen.
When Saeran’s character loaded he checked his inventory, though nothing had changed from the last time they’d played, it was just something to keep his hands busy. He organized and reorganized his inventory, opening all his bags and checking the bags on his mount as well. He wanted to go into the house he and Yoosung had bought together, pooling their money to be able to afford it, but he couldn’t, not yet.
“Looks like there’s a couple of raids going on tonight, I think we should join the Apocalypse raid. It’ll take most of the night, but the gear is worth it. Plus, there’s a chance of getting a rare decoration for the house. What do you think?” Yoosung asked.
“Sounds good.” Saeran answered absently. “Uh, when does it start?” he was nervous it would start too soon, and he would have to wait until after it was over to do what he wanted to do.
“Not for another hour and a half looks like, but that’s not enough time to do anything else, maybe we can just do some dungeons until then?”
“Yeah, we can do that, but uh, let’s wait for the food first, I’m kinda hungry.”
“Kinda? You’re always ravenous!” Yoosung poked Saeran’s belly, though no matter how much he ate, it was still as hard as a rock. Yoosung sometimes pouted at how easy it was for Saeran to stay fit. He couldn’t help it, his werewolf metabolism always worked overdrive no matter how sedentary he happened to be. His stomach decided to growl just to prove the point.
Yoosung rolled his eyes and laughed. They spent the time waiting for their food trying on different outfits and changing their character’s hairstyles and colors.
“I like that one!” Yoosung said as Saeran played around with his eyes and hair colors. Sure enough Yoosung always preferred red hair and mint green eyes on his character, go figure. Saeran grinned but kept the colors. He’d tried changing, but Yoosung always frowned when he saw his character.
“I’ll get it.” Yoosung jumped out of his chair when the doorbell rang, he was back with their food in no time. Having set it down, he went back into the kitchen for more drinks, Saeran already had the plates out when he came back.
“Smells amazing.” He said.
“It sure does.” Yoosung agreed.
As they ate, Saeran asked Yoosung about his day. There was always something humerous that happened, and when he talked about the dogs Yoosung would go all starry eyed. Saeran had often thought about getting a dog, but he wasn’t sure how it would behave around werewolves, not to mention a werecat. He made a mental note to ask MC how she would feel with a dog in the house. Either way, Yoosung was too busy to really enjoy a dog at the moment, besides, he had him if he ever wanted a warm cuddle.
“You know, I forgot to tell you, I bought some new things for the house. Want to redecorate while we wait?” Saeran asked when they finished their dinner.
“Really? That’s great, oh, did you get that loft? I’d love to add another story to the house.”
“No, nothing that big, just some new decorations, mostly for the walls.”
“OK.” Yoosung took both their plates and tossed them into the garbage in the kitchen. When he returned they both teleported to the front of their house and entered. It was very cozy, they had bought a fireplace and had a deep red rug in front of it. The furniture was made out of wood and looked comfortable to sit on. There was of course bookcases lining most of the walls, Saeran’s idea, he liked how they looked.
“Why don’t you take down the items over the fireplace, I want to put the new ones on that wall.”
“Will do.” Yoosung obeyed immediately and Saern’s fingers hovered over his keys, this was it. “Uh, what are you waiting for?” Yoosung urged after several seconds.
“Right.” Saeran took a deep breath and began to toggle the items onto the wall in a semi-circle. It hadn’t been easy to get the items into the game and he’d had to ask Saeyoung for help. Only because he wanted it done fast.
Yoosung’s eager smile slipped from his face as he watched on his own screen what was popping into view as Saeran hung the décor. He blinked…his mouth fell open…then tears sprang to his eyes. The words took his breath away, from left to right, in a semi-circle above the fireplace Saeran had placed round wooden plaques, each with a single word on it. Will…You…Marry…Me…Yoosung. His heart trembled, his hands fluttering to his breast, covering his heart and the tears fell. He slowly turned towards Saeran, who was sliding off the chair and kneeling on the floor in front of him with an open ring box that held two titanium rings.
“I know you’ve already become my mate, with all that it entails. I hope you’ll say yes to becoming my husband and marrying me, making me happier than I have any right to be.”
“Say yes!” “Yeah!” “Woot woot!” a cacophony of whistles and hoots and encouragement sprang from Saeran’s headset and he grinned to see the astonished look on Yoosung’s face.
“I thought you’d want your friends and family share this moment.”
“F…family?” Yoosung stuttered.
“We’re here too Yoosung, me and your father.” His mother’s voice rang through the speakers as Saeran unplugged his headphones.
“Me too little brother! You’re crying right now, aren’t you?” His sister Yasmine laughed. More laughter rolled through the air as Yoosung gulped.
“Say yes already! I’m ready to pop the champaign!” Saeyoung chuckled, MC’s laughter ringing through the speakers as well.
“I…Oh my God! I…YES! Yes!” His emotions were thrumming through his body. He felt he might pass out with the intensity of it. It wasn’t that it was such a surprise, of course this is where their relationship was headed. It was how thoughtful and incredibly well Saeran had planned this to hit just the right note of sincerity and romance.
There was a jubilation streaming through the internet that didn’t even come close to matching what he was feeling inside. Saeran’s smile split his face and he looked happier than Yoosung had ever seen him before. He rose to his feet and pulled Yoosung up from his chair. Setting the ring box on the desk he pulled out one ring and caressed Yoosung’s arm, sliding his fingers down to his hand and placing the ring on his finger with such reverence it pierced Yoosung’s heart with such love it might explode.
“I love you.” He whispered.
A symphony of “Aww’s” and crying filtered through the internet, bathing them in soft comfort and familial warmth. Yoosung blushed but kept his mentality enough to place the other ring on Saeran’s finger, caressing his hand and feeling the importance of this moment.
“I love you too.” He gazed into his boyfriends…fiance’s…eyes, then moved slowly to press his lips against Saeran’s, sealing their promise.
“Hey, anyone else wondering about the whole “mate” thing?” someone from their guild asked.
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Gravity Falls Beyond the Woods Chapter Two
Here it is, chapter two! 
Wendy and Dipper are excited for summer, while things start happening at Gravity Falls again. 
Warning this chapter is rated T for mild sexual content/ Blood and Violence 
<-prev next-> 
The fire roared around her as Wendy looked for the family. Her fellow firefighters where outside, hosing down the fire. With a swing of her ax, she broke down a burning door. There she saw the trapped family, a father and three children, helpless in the corner. He was unconscious and the kids were scared. Lifting the unconscious man on her shoulders and leading the rest out of the inferno, Wendy saved the family.
As the paramedics checked on the shaken family, Wendy removed her mask. Her long hair fell down her back. After making sure the fire was contained, Wendy returned to the firehouse. She sripped off the uniform and into the shower. Her physical career had given her a muscular physique. Her arms had some nice definition. Not to mention her abs. Her wedding ring, a simple gold band, was next to her engagement ring, silver with emerald to match her eyes, Dipper gave her on her ring finger. She could feel the grim and soot on her. Wendy turned the knob. The hot water ran down her body, washing the ash away. God, it felt amazing. The redhead made sure to scrub the soap into her skin. She shut off the shower and grabbed a towel.
As she was drying her hair, she got an idea. Grinning, she grabbed her phone and took a quick pic of herself in the buff; sending it out to her husband.
The camera steaded on Dipper as he spoke to the family. “Okay, the first step in investigating the cause of a haunting is figuring out what isn’t.” He pulled out a small white device. “This is a carbon monoxide detector. You’ll be surprised how similar the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning is to poltergeist activity. Just in case, we’re gonna hook you guys up with a hotel while we wait for the tests. I’m also check commercial flight patterns and see if any fly over your house. While there is no concrete proof that that airplanes vibrations, I want to see if it as any connection too...”
“Oooo. Oooo.” The lights flickered on and off. A cross look appeared on Dipper’s face.
“Guys, we talked about this. You can do whatever you want in post, but when we’re on the ground, I can do my research.”
One of the producers answered, “We’re not doing this.”
“I can see Steve flipping the switch.” The camera turned to the left, following Dipper’s finger point. A man with quickly flipping a switch. Dipper looked at the ceiling. “That’s just a recording. These people came to us for help! And I do not appreciate you making a mockery of this investigation!” Dipper climbed up the bed post to better reach the ceiling fan. “This is a serious investigation! A serious investigation!” As Dipper reached over to the fan, to get the phone the “ooos” were emitting from, he fell down onto the bed, breaking the frame. Sending the mattress crashing to the floor.
The video paused among the students’ laughter.  An older Dipper stood in front of the class.
“And that was the end of my reality television career. Yes it’s okay, you can laugh.” The male Pines twin, in addition to marrying his favorite redhead and fathering two wonderful children, had grown up to become a professor of paranormal studies and history at Backupsmore University; his great uncle’s old stomping ground. “In out profession, they’ll always be people who don’t take us seriously. And some of that is on us. Flat earthers, anti-vaxxers and worse makes us all look like idiots. The thing is, is to keep your head up, question everyone, especially yourself. We are still discovering new species every year. There is so much more is discov…” His phone went off. He looked at the photo his wife texted him. “Yes!” Dipper did that little arm pump thing. “Sorry, something personal. Where was I?” The bell rang. The student rose to leave. “Alright, enjoy your summer. Apologizes to those who thought this was a blow off class and thanks for sticking with it.”
Once the last students left, so did Dipper. Walking into the staff room, he was greeted by several other professors. “Mason.” Most people he met as an adult called him Mason, but to his family, he’ll always be Dipper. “So, any plans with Bigfoot this summer? How close are you guys?”
“I’ve never met Bigfoot. Mothman owes me 250 dollars though.” This elicited a laugh from everyone. “But seriously, never lend money to Mothman.”
The forest was quiet. God, Rich was so frustrated. A top of the line government agent, stuck hunting freaking bigfoot and ufos in the middle of nowhere Oregon.
“This is a waste of my talents.” Sweat was running down his brow. Pale blonde hair a mess. He was dressed in the traditional black suit and tie, complete with sunglasses.
“You have talents?” Agent Mitch was spot on for Agent Rich, expect he was a brunette and was a bit more put together.
“Yes. And they don’t involve finding Bigfoot.”
“We’re not looking for Bigfoot, we’re looking for…”
“Yeah, yeah yeah. A statue of a Dorito with a Mr. Peanut hat. Real important.” Rich kicked over some mushrooms that had grown in a circle.
Mitch went to the ground and grabbed a handful of dirt as it held the answers. He spoke as he let the dirt fall through his fingers. “The statue of ‘The Cipher’. The thing that gets me is that no one is saying anything about it. Normally, you find numerous eye witness reports from the locals. But here, we got nothing.”
“Probably because there’s nothing to-” A series of giggles cut him off. “What was that?”
Mitch sprang to his feet. The area was suddenly filled with fireflies. No, they were people. Little people. Some were the size of flies, while others were the size of barbie dolls. The creatures came in a variety of colors, green, orange, blue, and others. Some wore clothes that looked like they were made of plants, such as leaves or flower petals. Others wore silk wrapped around their bodies, sparkling and completely see through. Most hadn’t bothered with clothes at all. Their laughter was childlike but unsettling. Both agents had pulled their guns out. Rich was swearing under his breath.  
“Greetings humans.” The speaker was six inches tall, lavender skin with deep plum hair; which was worn short. Standing on a mushroom, wiggling their toes. Slender fingers They were dressed lightly. The shortest of shorts and tube top, a slightly darker shade of their skin, was all the creature wore. Both were incredibly tight, hiding very little. Their face was pointed, chin, nose, and teeth. Eyes were purple with no pupils.Wings of a dragonfly sat on their back, sparkling. The body was slim, with the barest of hints that there was a bust. To further confuse the agents, there was a slight bulge in their shorts. Voice was raspy, making it hard to deterement gender.  “I am Puck, the most humble servant of Titania, Heiress of the Tuatha De Danann, Keeper of Tir na nOg, and Queen of the Fair Folk. You have disrespected our land.” The fairy Puck gestured over to the mushrooms.
Mitch was the one to speak first. “Please, we meant no disrespect. We are looking for a statue. It’s like a rock that’s shaped-”
“I know what a statue is. And I know what you seek is no statue, but the remains of Bill.”
“You mean The Cipher?”
“His name is Bill, but okay.” Puck touched their fingertips together before spreading their arms way. “But enough about Billy. Let’s talk about the desecration of our sacred ring.”
“The mushrooms?” Rich sneered when he regained his composure.
“Yes, the mushrooms. And punishment for such disrespect is death.” Puck dramatically pointed at the two men.  
The fairies had started flying around them, keeping themselves low, around Rich and Mitch’s ankles.
Rich laughed and simply stepped over them.
“Ah, Rich?”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of a bunch of little men?”
He stomped down on the fairy hard. Puck raised their hand, nails extending, piercing the soles of the shoe, emerging out the other side. Rich fell over screaming.
At this Puck laughed. Their laugh was as light as the chirp of the grasshopper and as cold as arctic wind. “Little men? LITTLE MEN!” And Puck began to recite.
Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men; Wee folk, good folk, Trooping all together; Green jacket, red cap, And white owl’s feather!
The others joined them. The fairies landed on the ground, and began matching toward the men. Meanwhile, Puck grew in size, muscle bulging out, wings receding. Hands turning into claws, teeth grew not only in length, but in number. By the end of the poem, Puck was eight feet tall.
Down along the rocky shore Some make their home, They live on crispy pancakes Of yellow tide-foam; Some in the reeds Of the black mountain-lake, With frogs for their watchdogs, All night awake.
High on the hill-top The old King sits; He is now so old and grey He’s nigh lost his wits. With a bridge of white mist Columbkill he crosses, On his stately journeys From Slieveleague to Rosses; Or going up with the music On cold starry nights, To sup with the Queen Of the gay Northern Lights.
They stole little Bridget For seven years long; When she came down again Her friends were all gone. They took her lightly back, Between the night and morrow, They thought that she was fast asleep, But she was dead with sorrow. They have kept her ever since Deep within the lake, On a bed of fig-leaves, Watching till she wake.
By the craggy hillside, Through the mosses bare, They have planted thorn trees For my pleasure, here and there. Is any man so daring As dig them up in spite, He shall find their sharpest thorns In his bed at night.
Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men!
And with that last line, Puck picked up Mitch. The man started screaming and did so as Puck put half of him into their mouth and took a bite. Blood sprayed all over Rich’s face, getting in his eyes, as he screamed too. As Puck continued eating his partner, Rich got up, stumbling, and ran off; the other fairies swarming and cutting him. He ran, will tried too as he was limping, to a hill and fell down rolling.
When he hit the bottom, he felt around the ground. “Help! HELP!”
He felt a hand grasp his. It was metal.
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years
Strangers ch. 28
You wake up in the hospital, but the danger is far from over.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff, angst
<–– Prev   Next ––>
“We need to leave soon.”
“Five more minutes!”
“They can’t keep our location private for too long.”
“Y/n, wake up!”
“Dude, that’s not gonna work.”
“Ngh...” you smack your lips, wincing at the pain in your head.
“Well, what d’you know. It did work.”
“Guys...?” you murmur, and the seven members of BTS crowd into your field of vision. You look around– you’re attached to an IV and heart rate monitor– did you really land yourself in the hospital again? Just because you kinda-sorta fainted? Unfair.
“Y/n!” Jimin sings.
“I thought you’d died,” Jungkook says, and Jin snorts.
“We’re so glad you’re okay,” Namjoon says, rolling his eyes at Jungkook.
“The doctor said she’d be fine,” Yoongi says.
“Y/n is my favorite and if anything had happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself,” Hoseok announces, clasping your hand.
You giggle. “Y’all are all chaotic good.”
Taehyung winks at you through wire-rimmed glasses. “Just another of our charms.”
“We should probably leave soon though,” Namjoon says regretfully. “You’re not supposed to have this many visitors at once. Besides, we can’t have people knowing we visited you.”
“I understand,” you reply. Your vision goes fuzzy for a second before refocusing. “Thanks for visiting, guys. I appreciate it.”
“Come over sometime,” Jimin pleads. “It’s been so long.”
“He’s right. Let’s have a party next Saturday,” Jin suggests. “Y/n, you have to be there, okay?”
“Mm... whatever you say.” you say, tapping your fingers.
“You should sleep,” Yoongi advises as the other six bid you farewell and file out of your hospital room.
“I’m fine,” you say, blinking hard, nervously rubbing your Starry Night necklace. “Did I slow down filming? What happened?”
“Nothing. Well, I mean, Avery wasn’t happy. She said to stay on schedule we’d have to use the take we already got.”
You lean back against your pillow. So no more takes where you have to kiss Yoongi. Good. Fine. Awesome.
“We filmed whatever we could without you and then I came over here. The guys were wondering why I’d missed dinner–”
He missed dinner?
“–and they insisted on coming to visit. That was about an hour ago.”
“What time is it?”
Yoongi checks his watch. “Nearly 9pm.”
You’d arrived on set at eight this morning. You slowed down the entire film schedule with your antics.
You bury your face in your hands. “Aah, I’m so embarrassed.” Why did they bring you here? A cup of water onset would’ve gotten you through the day.
“Hey, hey– it wasn’t your fault,” Yoongi says firmly. “The doctor said you were dehydrated and fatigued; it’s a miracle you were even standing up as long as you were. Have you really been so careless?”
You press your lips together. “I’m just busy.” He, of all people, should understand. You’re not only working on Moon Over the Sea, you’re also filming for advertisements and posing for photoshoots that Lisa’s set up for you. You’re doing your schoolwork and on top of that you’re taking extra acting lessons, and still trying to find time to write.
“How many hours of sleep have you been getting?” Yoongi presses.
You bristle. “None of your business.” Who is he to criticize? Hasn’t he collapsed from exhaustion before? So have Jungkook, and Jimin, and probably the others as well. Isn’t it nothing more than a sign of dedication to your craft?
“Y/n, come on...” Yoongi sighs. “You can’t keep telling me to take care of myself when you’re acting this way.”
“I said I’m fine, Yoongi.” He needs to take care of himself because people actually care about him. Besides, doesn’t he understand that you need to do this? That you need to be successful? This is your chance. “It’s just a way of life. Chill out.”
“It’s not a ‘way of life’,” Yoongi says, making air quotes. “It’s killing you!”
You narrow your eyes. “Hypocrite.”
Yoongi scoffs in disbelief. “I can’t believe this. You’re in the hospital, y/n, and you’re here because how you were living wasn’t healthy, and it’s not sustainable. Trust me of all people– you can’t keep this up, and it’s going to kill you.”
“Whatever, Yoongi.” He doesn’t understand.
He leans back before standing up. “You know what? Fine. Do whatever you want– I’m leaving.”
Something wells up inside you– something dark, and loud, and stubborn. “Fine.”
Something in your heart aches as you see him rise, see the door close behind him. But he’s wrong. People hate you because you’re not famous; you can tell that much from the comments online. You’re not famous, you’re not worthy, you don’t deserve them.
You have to change that. You have to work hard, harder than ever, improve, perform well, and show that you are worthy. You do deserve what you have, because you’ve earned it.
Shaking your head, you turn your back to the door and close your eyes.
Minutes or hours later, there’s a knock and the door swings open to reveal Lisa.
“Y/n!” She cries, flinging herself across your bed. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
“I’m great, Lisa,” you laugh at the worry in her eyes. “C’mon, you know me. I’m fine.”
“I was so worried, y/n-ie,” Lisa says. “I thought you were going to die or something!”
Why does everyone keep saying that?
“Lisa, I’m really okay–” you begin, before there’s another knock at the door and a doctor enters, holding a clipboard.
“Ms. l/n?” She consults the monitors and checks your pupils, pallor, and blood pressure. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I could leave right now,” you say honestly. After an accidental day of rest, you’re ready to go home. Besides, you’re keeping a close eye on your budget and you can’t afford to spend the night in the hospital. You’re feeling antsy– you wanna leave now.
“Lucky for you then– I need you to fill out some paperwork, but you’ll be able to leave once that’s completed if you don’t want to stay overnight.”
“Oh, great!” Lisa squeals, clapping her hands before grabbing her purse. “Hey, y/n, I’m gonna get going but text me when you get home, okay?”
You smile weakly, blinking sudden spots out of your eyes. “For sure.”
“Love ya! Be safe~”
“Love you too.”
With a flip of her hair and a wink, Lisa’s gone.
“Nice friend you’ve got there,” the doctor remarks as she makes a set of notes on her clipboard.
“Yeah, she’s great.”
“Sign here, here, and here, and fill out this information regarding your medical history, and you’ll be free to leave. Get plenty of rest and make sure to stay hydrated.”
You follow the doctor’s directions and soon you’re back on your feet outside the hospital. You think for a second about calling a cab, but your apartment is nearby and you could use a walk. Snug in your thick jacket, you stroll at a leisurely pace by one of the few rivers in Seoul. 
It’s a quiet night– the streets are empty, save for a group of giggling, tipsy young women behind you.
“Oh, oh, ooh-woah, you can’t stop me loving myself~” you sing to yourself, kicking a pebble into the shallow river below.
Behind you, your sharp ears pick up muffled whispers.
“That’s her, that’s y/n!”
You need to suppress a smile. Already being recognized? A warmth spreading throughout your chest and you fall silent in order to eavesdrop effectively.
“Are you sure?”
“I know it’s her, now hurry!”
The warmth suddenly turns to ice. The footsteps behind you have picked up their pace, and when you turn around you see the group of young women staring at you as they power walk in your direction.
Okay, this seems not ideal, this seems very not ideal, something is wrong, do you run, should you run?
“Can I help you?” you ask nervously, walking backwards. They’re not outwardly threatening, but your instincts tell you to keep your distance.
“You’re l/n y/n, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, why?” You don’t have enough money to be kidnapped and you’re not relevant enough to be murdered. What’s going on?
“We wanted to deliver a message.” The woman in the front, clearly the leader, sports dyed red hair and a sweet smile– it’s a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “A message from the rest of us: you’re not welcome.”
“You’re not welcome,” the other three chorus creepily. Did they rehearse this?
“You’re not worthy of Yoongi, or the rest of BTS.” The redhead’s tone turns cold. “Get away from them, and stay away. Understood?”
You nearly laugh. “Are you threatening me?” The concept is so utterly ridiculous that you can’t take them seriously. The mean comments online were one thing, but this is crazy.
“Consider it a warning,” the redhead replies, and you snort.
“Okay, warning received.” You turn back homewards and wave. “Thanks, ladies.”
You don’t get the chance to take another step before you hear a snarl– “Get her.”
Aaaand now you run. At her words you bolt, not looking where you’re going, just trying to get away, away, away, your shoes pound the ground as blood roars in your ears and you run fast and faster, your breath comes in gasps and your legs feel like rubber you’re scared so scared keep running you can hear them behind you, the noise barely there above your own frantic heartbeat and–
Something slams into you and the wind is knocked out of your lungs. You fall forward, scraping your palms on the cold asphalt to break your fall. “W-oah!”
You roll onto your back in time to see the redhead leap towards you. You scramble out of the way and her feet land heavily where your chest was only a second before. Another girl lunges, her hands closing around your throat and you choke, struggling, clawing at her hands, trying to pry yourself away from her iron grip. You fight so fiercely that at last she lets go of your throat, her fingers trailing downwards to loop around your Starry Night necklace.
“N-no!” you gasp, rearing back and kicking the girl hard in the shin. Not that.
“Augh!” The blow to her leg throws her weight out from under her and the girl collapses. With a quick, painful jerk the chain to which she’s clinging breaks and the necklace is flung off somewhere into the darkness.
“Leave me alone!” you rasp. “I haven’t done anything wrong!”
“You talked to BTS. You used them. You can’t do that,” the redhead explains calmly. The way she stalks towards you brings to mind a tiger on the hunt. “They’re ours, see?”
You gasp for breath, stumbling backwards towards the river as she advances. “They’re not yours. They’re their own people. You’re delusional.”
Her eyes turn predatory. “And you’re dead.”
You see it in slow motion, her arms shooting out and connecting solidly with your chest, the strong shove forcing you backwards– you teeter by the river’s edge, your arms windmilling, your mouth open in a perfect ‘O’ as you grasp at air. Your shoes don’t have enough traction to keep you grounded on the smooth cement and you can feel yourself slipping, slipping.
The last thing you see is the redhead waving a cheerful goodbye as you fall, plunging into the freezing, churning water.
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xaz-fr · 5 years
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@deadpool-scar-bro @hikayelastoria @cornsnoot-fr @redlion-fr @mushroomdraggo @murdoch-fr @tales-around-sornieth @frxemriss @rainhearts-hatchery @rexcaliburr-fr @starry-ampelope @plainstriderbard @reanimatedfr @sirensage-fr @ally-fr @golden-lionsnake​ @rookfern​ @khadjin-fr (let me know if you’d like to be added to the lore pinglist)
More cute and soft pairing writing of THE ORIGINAL dragon pairing obsession *sob*. My sweet reincarnated babies Nadalin and Tyberion. In which you should NEVER listen to Gemini ever unless he’s giving your romance advice because somehow? That clown? Has romance on lock? Madness.
Also should mention it’s very very VERY slightly sexual. There’s nothing graphic at all. But you know what’s going on B)
Tyberion looked over his shoulder when a group of birds took off, spurred by a loud shout coming from inside the newly built, open air, pavilion. It was two words and told you all you needed to know. A simple, punctuated “GET OUT!” of intense frustration and irritation. Tyberion frowned and looked back at the older Wildclaw named Saturn he was training with. “Ah- I better go,” he said.
“You'll never regain your old ability if you keep interrupting your training,” Saturn said dismissively.
His scalp prickled in his dragonoid form like trying to make his crest flair. “There's more to life than killing,” he said. She scoffed. He rolled his eyes and left her, putting his sword away at his hip and going to the pavilion.
The pavilion was technically four sides but the walls were made of bamboo with intricate lattice work for windows with paper constructed doors. Dragons were still leaving when he appeared and he saw Ars standing just inside the main doorway. “What happened?” Tyberion asked him.
“it's stressful being a Progenitor reborn,” Ars frowned understandingly.
Tyberion frowned as well. “You dragons ask too much of her. We're not leaders. We're just dragons from a swamp clan.”
“For now,” Ars said, neatly putting his claws in the wide opening of his robe. “I have patience for such things, the others not so much.”
“I told you to get out,” Nadalin's voice snarled from nearby. “That means you, Ars-- oh, Tyberion,” she deflated slightly, happy to see him, her drawn and angry eyes softening.
“Are they giving you a hard time?” he asked her.
“Yes,” she huffed angrily. Are just chuckled. “So I did what you suggested and yelled at them to fuck off when they made me angry.”
“Feels good, right?” Tyberion asked.
“Yes. What are you still doing here, Ars? I told everyone to get out,” she gave her predecessor’s brother a look.
“I will talk to them about being less pushy,” was all Ars said, then he leaned over and gave her a Wildclaw kiss on her cheek and left.
“Uhh! I hate him so much,” she cried once he was gone.
“What? Why? He's so nice,” Tyberion asked and closed the paper door.
“Exactly! He's so nice and understanding! He doesn't even get upset at my outbursts. He's impossible to be angry at: I hate him,” she said moodily and folded her arms irritated.
“I think he does that on purpose,” he said gently and pulled her away from the outer wall. The pavilion, despite the walls, was very bright and airy, and had a central chamber with access to the sky. “He's very old. He's had plenty of time to learn to be kind and understanding.”
“I guess,” she said, pursing her lips. “And how is Saturn?”
“Still obsessed with making me ‘as I was’, whatever that means. From how she talks about Tyberion the First I take it he was not the nicest or kindest sort. I don't think I want to be like that,” it worried him sometimes.
She squeezed his hand, “You don't have to be like anything you don't want to be,” she said. “At least you aren't some damn reincarnated Progenitor and everyone expects you to act all proper and patient all the time. I don't even have time to draw anymore!” she flopped down onto their bed dramatically, her leather wings splayed out behind her. “I haven't seen Helida in weeks either,” she looked to the side, upset.
Tyberion sat next to her. “I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better Saturn is so hell bent on retraining me I hardly get to do anything I enjoy either.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Spend time with you for starters,” and he touched her face gently. “I barely see you.”
She frowned, “I know. I'm sorry.”
“It isn't your fault,” he stroked her cheek with his thumb.
She sighed. “It feels like all I do is sleep and listen to ancient dragons try to teach me things I don't care about.”
“We could stop? We don't owe them anything,” Tyberion reminded her.
She got a far away look in her eye. “But all those dragons,” she said softly. “They were so happy when they saw me. This clan was dying before. It's alive again because of me.”
“I guess,” Tyberion said.
“I'd feel guilty if I took away all that joy, Ty. I know it only feels hard now. Once I'm used to it it won't be so difficult,” she sighed tiredly.
He just sat there, stroking her cheek. “I love you,” he told her gently.
“I love you too,” he loved the way her entire moved to express that too. How it radiated out of her smile like a warm fire. She put her hand over his.
“I learned a new trick recently,” he said, his heart starting to beat harder. It felt odd not having two hearts, it always felt like his single one beat harder and faster to make up for it.
“Oh yeah?” she asked, “From Saturn?”
He scoffed, “I'm pretty sure all her feathers would fall out if she knew I had learned this. She looks at me at once like a child and like the dragon who taught her everything.” Nadalin giggled. “No, this I learned from our actual clan member.”
“Ah, so something practical, useful, and probably actually important for a young dragon to know,” she said, smiling slightly, but not knowing what he was doing. The former Cypress Hall was much more singularly industrious than the former Windshear Caravan. Members of the Hall could take care of everything themselves while the Caravan relied on each other. Neither was better than the other but it led the dragons formerly of the Hall to know a greater variety of things and not just a lot about one thing.
“Well… Sort of,” Tyberion said and blushed a little.
“Who taught you the trick?”
“Can't trust a single thing he says, you know that,” she teased him.
“Well Sobek said the same thing. Aya backed them both up too, so I'm inclined to believe them.”
“Oh really? Well that's something,” she said. “So I know about this?”
“No… Or, I don't think so.” He'd be a bit upset if she did honestly.
“Ah. Well you going to show me?” she asked, moving a bit on the bed, rustling the covers, curling her wings back up towards her body. Her previous annoyance was gone now.
“Sure. I hope you like it,” he said and took his hand off her face. His tail and wings twitched nervously as he sort of propped her knees up. She just looked at him curiously.
“I already know this trick,” Nadalin snickered as he opened her legs and knelt between them.
“Oh, this is different,” he assured her.
“Too bad, I rather like that trick.”
“It’s as good,” he promised and pulled down her pants.
“I dunno. That’s like my favorite trick,” she giggled and laughed louder when he tickled her under the knee. “No fair!” she yelled. Tyberion just grinned and kissed the side of her knee as apology.
“We can do that after if you don’t like this one,” he promised her, admiring the soft tone in her calf.
“Or if I do like it?” she asked, teeth bright in a smile at him.
He snorted. “Well, yeah,” he scoffed like that was even an option. She jiggled her leg and used some of her magic to pull her underclothes off and tossed them away with a flick of her foot to land in the opposite area as her shorts. Tyberion kissed the inside of her knee and then slowly down further. Down the soft inside of her thigh. She made a curious noise and he knew he’d done it right when she sucked on her teeth and held back a moan as he put his head down between her legs.
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hanminbin · 4 years
Chapter 5
One glass. Two glass. Hannah slurred on her words. Her cheeks were now flushed pink and her eye sight fuzzy.
She stared down at the glass goblet filled with red wine and started giggling.
She was sitting in the kitchen island, on a stool, when Chanyeol approached her. He sat down in front of her, pushing the wine bottle away from her.
Hey! Ya! I found that. Finders keepers, losers weepers. She slurred again, pouting in disappointment.
I see you discovered the wine cellar. He murmured, staring at the bottle. And it's my favorite year too, 1934? He reached out to pick it up. He stared at the date on the bottle.
Why are you drinking so heavily? He asked.
I don't know. She smiled coyly, shrugging her shoulders.
Were you always this handsome or is it just my imagination? She blurted out, standing up. She staggered towards him, who was still seated on the stool.
You're clearly drunk and trying to distract me from my question. He said, feeling a little annoyed.
No, it's true. You hypnotized me with your eyes that day. And now, I'm seeing and hearing things, ever since I've met you. She trailed off, closing her eyes.
Who...who...are you really? She breathed out.
Nobody. He uttered quietly back, gnawing on his lower lip. His dark eyes, glued now on her full, pink lips.
There's something about you Mr. Min. Some...strange familiarity. She whispered, as she moved forward to touch his chest with her hand. She was now a couple inches away from his face. Chanyeol gulped at the closeness.
Stop it, you're obviously speaking nonsense now. He murmured under his breath, pushing her hand off his chest. He turned to look away in embarrassment.
I'm not. I'm telling you the truth. You somehow fascinate me so much. She replied back bluntly.
We don't even know each other that well. Remember? He mumbled under his breath.
Why? Are you afraid of me, Mr. Min? She smirked back.
Chanyeol's eyes widened over her small face. He stared closely at the small delicate features on her face: from her button like nose, her small full lips, her closed eyes with long straight eyelashes, and flushed cheeks. She looked too adorable to him.
Chanyeol licked his bottom lip. He couldn't help himself. He leaned forward, pulling her closer, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. His lips hungrily engulfing her mouth in one go.
Chanyeol pulled away then and Hannah fell over on him. She had passed out.
Am I crazy? What am I doing? Why did I kiss her? He whispered out loud.
He lifted her up with ease, carrying her to her bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed, and tucking her in.
After placing her down, his eyes swept over now peaceful,sleeping face.
Sorry. Sorry. Hannah. I thought I would never find you. He said, looking down at her sadly.
His boots crunched under the dirt, as he ran towards an dark wooded forest.
Hannah!! He screamed out loud, his voice echoing in the air.
Where are you?! He called out in the darkness again.
He stopped where he was at, while his back laid up against a tree. He breathed heavily. He felt so exhausted there.
He gazed up into the night sky. He could see the bright full moonlight in the starry night sky, as it started to reveal itself behind the dense clouds.
No...No..not now. The boy started to panick, as he hunched over to the ground. He clawed at the dirt ground.
His vision became more clear in the darkness. His eye color altering to a bright, fluorescent violet.
He no longer felt cold. His hearing was now more alert and sharp. He could hear the owls howling from miles away. He could hear the spider weaving it's web on a tree branch. He could hear the cascades up in the high trees, buzzing along.
And the boy remembered the scene so clearly in his mind., as if it happened yesterday.
I hear something. The boy said to the girl. Wait here. He told her. The girl nodded her head.
He followed the hushed voices, down the long hallway of the mansion.
The voices grew louder, the more closer he walked.
He finally reached a door, that was slightly cracked open. Inside, there was the dancing couple he had seen before.
You...you won't let me see her?! She cried out, pulling at his sleeves.
The boy gasped. The woman was with a different man this time. Not the same man from the dance floor.
Please!! She pleaded with him.
Nara, you chose him in the end. I won't let our daughter get exposed to your lifestyle. I won't let her see what you've become. I won't put her in danger anymore because of your irresponsibilities.
The man looked frightened.
I...don't love him. She whispered, lowering her eyes.
You can't leave him. Its impossible. You know that? He won't allow you to go. I....I...can't win against him. He sighed, clutching his hair over his head.
I never stopped thinking of you, even when I was with him. I only thought of you. I only wanted to be with you. She wept, tears rolling down her cheeks. They were not transparent but resembled blood.
The man suddenly embraced her in his arms, grasping the back of her head.
I wish...I wish I never met him. She whispered out, nuzzling her head against his chest more.
The boy turned to walk away quickly down the hall.
Sujoon? What's wrong. The girl smiled, as he grabbed her hand.
Come on. Let's go. He said in a rush.
He didn't feel so good about this. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach. Something was about to happen. Something he didn't want her to see.
He darted aimlessly through hallways, dragging the girl along the way until he reached the ballroom.
Sujoon? Are you sure everything is fine? She asked him, frowning now.
Hey? Do you want to play a game? He smirked back.
What...what kind of game? The girl asked, peering up in curiosity. She seemed so innocent to him.
How about hide and seek? Huh? He winked at her.
You go hide and I'll find you later. Does that sound good? I'll count to ten, and I'll come to find you?
The girl nervously nodded her head.
The ballroom was now in utter chaos. People ran from numerous directions.
People were falling over, writhing and screaming in pain. Their skin was burning off, exposing their flesh.
The boys eyes grew large at the scene.
They spiked the wine. One hollered, clutching his throat. It's on fire....the man raspy voice uttered.
They did this to attack us. One woman choked out, sprawled on the ground.
The boy turned his head and saw a storm of men clad in black suits. They were familiar to him. He recognized them. They were some of the guest at the ball. They shot bullets through the air, sending off small fire crackers,penetrating through their bodies lying on the ground.
I got to find Hannah. I'm so stupid. Why did I leave her alone? He thought.
Sujoon? Is that him? One gossiped.
The boy ran away from the voices, chasing after him.
His eyes looked around. Where could she be hiding? He thought.
He heard a small voice whimpering from underneath the small table.
He lifted up the sheet covering the table and cracked a smile. He held out his hand for her to take it.
And then he woke up.
Dak-ho was dripping with sweat.
They're not my thoughts, but they feel so real to me. Dak-ho told Chun-hei over a cup of coffee.
They were now sitting across from each other at a cafe.
I can't stop thinking about it. He huffed out.
You need to stop watching horror and monster movies. I know you're a big fan of them. Chun-hei interjected, swirling her latte with a straw. She bit down on her lip. She was still concerned for him.
Did she prescribe more medication to you? She asked him.
He nodded his head.
Chun-hei was the only one who knew about his secret and why he struggled with the disappearance of his sister.
His sister, who he had often discussed with her. Had she ever existed? She wondered.
After all, Chun-hei knew he had no sister, to her knowledge. She was nothing more than his imagination.
Then this break is what you needed. She exclaimed.
I guess so. He mumbled under his breath.
Chun-hei....was she ever real? Or am I just crazy? These dreams seem so vivid, like memories from my past. Did I ever have a sister before? He sighed.
Chun-hei had to be careful with her words. She didn't want to offend him, but she spoke anyways.
Maybe they are true? She answered, causing Dak-ho to lift up his face. He was stunned that she was believing him.
He didn't understand what she meant.
Have you ever heard of reincarnation? She asked him then.
Dak-ho laughed a little at her reply.
No...hear me out! It may sound bizarre...she trailed off.
But there's been stories of people, who have experienced similar situations as yourself. They claim they're suppressed memories from their former past.
Dak-ho chuckled at her explanation.
So you're saying, my past self had a sister?
Chun-hei nodded again.
Maybe you feel guilty about losing her? Or maybe it's not reincarnation?
Maybe....you created her in your mind, as a result of the accident you suffered from 10 years ago?
That day...you said you were lost in the woods? They said you were out there for 5 days. You were on the brink of dehydration and exhaustion. Maybe you lost yourself out there? She explained to him.
Maybe you created her, to cope with the loneliness while being out there alone? She questioned him.
I guess...that's a possibility. He chimed in, dropping his gaze.
I thought I was doing so well until I met that girl. I was able to go through many similar cases and I had no problem, until now..
Did...did you find that girl? Chun-hei asked.
No. He shook his head.
How come you're so determined to find her?
I don't know...He replied back. I guess it's my intuition. I just need to.
Maybe this girl....she reminds you of that sister, you lost back then? She asked him.
Maybe...he simply answered back.
Am I not allowed to leave here? Hannah asked.
You're not a prisoner here. You're free to come and go as you please, just return back here safely. Chanyeol explained.
You really do trust me? She smiled softly back at him.
I should be asking you that same question. He responded in his mind.
I'm sorry. She mumbled back.
For what? He uttered out.
I got drunk yesterday and stole your wine from your cellar. Did you find me there passed out in the kitchen? She asked him, her cheeks flushed pink.
Oh..that. He recalled. Do....you remember anything else? He piped in.
I don't. I just woke up in my bed. Did you carry me up to my room? She stared at his eyes, feeling awkward.
Yes. Were you troubled by something?
She nodded her head. I guess so. She trailed off.
About what? He asked, his eyes growing large.
Does she remember? He thought, biting down on his lip.
I guess, it's this whole case that I'm involved in. I'm worried about it. If you'll be able to find the killer.
Chanyeol smiled in relief. She doesn't recall anything. He thought.
Of course, I will. I have been looking for him...for a long time. I'm sure, I will catch him. It's only a matter of time..before we meet again.
Hannah sighed as she rocked herself in stairwell in the front porch.
She looked at the moonlight streaming from up above, then glanced down at her watch.
Is he not coming home today? She murmured to herself.
You're not a prisoner here. You are free to come and go as you please. Chanyeol answered in her head.
Her stomach grumbled at that moment.
She looked down.
I'm so hungry though. She complained out loud.
Before she knew it, she was traveling on board a bus.
She looked out the window sadly.
I had to give up everything. I had to resign from my job and come to live with this man. Why did I have to end up there in the first place? Why....was I even there? She thought.
Baek hyeon. She heard a whisper in her head.
She saw herself in that dark, cold room again.
Why...why can't I remember everything? Sge pouted in silence.
The bell on the bus chimed, causing her to rise from her seat carefully.
She walked out into the night.
I trust you. Chanyeol said in her head at the moment.
Hannah....is it really you? I haven't seen you in a week!! Exclaimed the older lady in front of her.
She led Hannah inside the noodle restaurant she owned.
How are you? The older woman asked curiously.
I thought...you were gone for good but I'm glad you're back.
I'm not. Hannah interrupted.
Why...did you leave so suddenly? The woman looked back at her.
Hannah sighed. I needed a change.
Oh..the woman replied.
Ah..there was someone, who came looking for you the other day. He said you got mixed up in something? The woman asked.
No..she smiled back. The woman frowned.
Then...then I should be the one to give this to you. The woman held our her hand, dropping a card in Hannah's hand.
Sge looked down, picking ut up to read it clearly.
Jung Da-ko. She read to herself.
The detective? She mused.
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myselfinserts · 5 years
“if i could roll my eyes I would.”
Little Grigor kicked and clawed at his brother, tugging on his ears as he tried to get off the ground. He hadn’t consented to a brawl today. And he certainly didn’t consent to fighting with his older brother. The two looked almost exactly alike, save for the differences five years made between them. And as a result of those five years, Dudley was far bigger, far stronger, and already mastering his quirk. 
Dudley Halwn. Quirk: Mimink. He can summon inky copies of himself and others, using them like puppets. And he currently had two of the miminks holding onto his legs to keep him from getting back up. 
Their whole family was ink. 
All of them, but him. Nearly ten years old and his quirk hadn’t manifested yet. Everyone was convinced he was quirkless. And he was sure of it too. 
And that hurt more than his brother’s attacks. 
“Dudley, get off him!”
Grigor looked up to see white inklings grab at his brother and tear him away, the miminks poofing into puddles of dark liquid. He slowly stood, looking around until his eyes met with the snow white figure standing a few feet away. He bolted over to him, whimpering slightly as he hid and gripped his coat tightly. 
“Thank you Wyn,” Grigor whispered. 
Wyn smiled, patting his little brother on the head as he released Dudley from his inky grasp. The two eldest sons stared at each other in silence. Neither moved. The silence only grew stronger. 
“Protecting the little useless whelp again?” Dudley finally said. “Why am I not surprised?”
“If I could roll my eyes, I would, little brother,” Wyn snickered. “Only a coward would attack someone who can’t fight back.”
“Whatever.” Dudley walked past them, throwing a back kick to Grigor’s legs as he went. “I’m going home. Fuck off, you little bastard, if you know what’s good for you.”
Grigor winced, holding back tears. He never cried in front of his family. Never. But damn if today wasn’t a good reason to. He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t stand up for himself. He was an unhealthy, useless, good for nothing waste. He knew this for years. 
And yet, only Dudley seemed to treat that like a problem. 
“I’m sorry,” Grigor whimpered. 
Wyn smiled, lifting him up onto his shoulders and heading toward the woods. “Come on. Let’s go for a walk. The meteors are going to be falling tonight.”
Grigor  rested his chin on his eldest brother’s head, listening to him talk about the stars and their stories. His brother spoke of nothing else. But he didn’t mind. It was soothing. There were times where Grigor often wondered if his brother was actually a star put into an Elspie human’s body. 
“You know,” Wyn chuckled, “I didn’t find my quirk until you were born.”
Grigor’s eyes went wide. “But…but you’re in your twenties now. You were ten when mom had me.”
“But its true. I didn’t know what my quirk was. I thought I had no power.” He smiled fondly. “It wasn’t until I saw your wee face staring up at me and your little fingers gripping my thumb that somethin’ stirred in me.” He took a turn and headed up a stony path. “I found my ink three days later. I practiced and practiced. And now I can fight. Now I’m a licenced hero. And I do enough to live comfortably and use my quirk as I please.”
“You think I can still find my ink?”
“I’m certain of it. And even if you don’t, I’ll be there to look after you.”
“I promise.”
The two made it to a rocky ledge overseeing the town. The night sky had completely made itself comfortable in the air, and drops of moonlight began to fly across the sky. Grigor looked up and watched, making a wish on every single one. 
Please. Let me have the power so I can look after myself. So Wyn won’t have to worry about me anymore.
Grigor Alberi. Hero name: Inkwell. Quirk: Inkwell Creations (as the EHA called it). Can create inky demonic entities and real life objects using ink he can produce from his body. 
Today, he was facing off against Inkdrop, a villain who was using his own inky abominations to run Aeron Village into the ground. He was the leader of the villains who took the entire town over when he first met his beloved. 
And back the, Aurelia was right. Grigor Halwn couldn’t defeat those villains. Too much of a moral code held him down. Too much of a kind heart held him back. He wouldn’t find it in himself to be able to kill. Though he’d never admit it. 
No, it took him several years of training. Several years of facing job after job that tore him down. Several years of working up the nerve to be able to face Dudley one on one. 
And he didn’t find that nerve until a week before being approached by the EHA about joining their Elemental Geodes. 
Wyn had been hospitalized. The only hero who ever managed to escape Aeron Village alive after a failed attempt to clear them out. When Grigor went to see him, Wyn was blank faced. His eyes, once full of life, now had lifeless swirls where his starry eyes once were. Grigor had asked him ‘did Dudley do this to you?’, and all Wyn managed was a smile and a soft ‘my wee baby brother’ in response. 
While recovery was going to be possible, but Wyn would never use his ink for hero work again. 
And this was the final straw. 
As his ink demons ran through the town, slaughtering everyone in sight, Grigor stormed his way to the town hall and kicked in the door, charging at the figure waiting for him. 
“Grigor?” Dudley snickered. “You’re the one killing everyone outside? I thought Heroes were righteous and good-”
Ink creatures filled the room as the two brothers drew their weapons. A sword for Grigor, two for Dudley. Flames began to burn through the walls as the two clashed. Despite the years and despite the practice, Dudley was far too heavy footed. Where Grigor lacked strength, he made up for in flexibility. A bend backwards, a high kick coming down on the shoulder. Sparks flew as metal clanged, echoing in the fire. 
“Hope you enjoyed your quirk,” Dudley laughed. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll wish you remained a quirkless little maggot!”
A hard kick to the chest sent Inkwell skidding back, but he recovered, how ink minions flying to his side and the miminks tried to tackle him. He charged forward, his blade going upward in sharp slice, cutting open his brother’s shirt and vest, leaving a cut on the front of his torso. Not enough to kill. 
“That was for Wyn!” Inkwell bellowed. “The brother you so heartlessly scorned when all he ever was to you was kind and stern!” Another slice, this on going diagonal and sending the left sword flying away. “That was for the people of Aeron village, especially the Alberi clan who you so ruthlessly slaughtered for your villain’s haven!” Another diagonal cut, sending away Dudley’s right blade and removing two of his fingers. “That’s for my Aurelia, who you traumatized and took everything from!” 
Another slice. And then another. And another.
“Grigor, stop-!”
“For our family you betrayed! For the innocent lives you stole! For the power you abused!”
“For the power you took from our brother!”
One last swing, and he removed the left arm. 
Dudley fell forward, the miminks vanishing as the ink flowed back to him to stop the wound. The smoke clawed at Inkwell’s lungs, cutting into his chest with deathly vigor. He sent his own ink creations away, knowing they’d set to work removing the pesky fire. 
Dudley smiled darkly, laughing through it all. “So…you gonna kill me?”
“…no.” Inkwell stepped forward, giving him a kick to the face before grabbing the severed arm. “No, killing you would be too kind. And if I sent you to prison they’ll use you and your quirk. I trust the EHA way less than you. And you’re a cold blooded killer.”
“You call me cold blooded and yet you’re slaughtering everyone here.”
“You’re all S-rank villains. The people your bunch killed were innocent artisans. The difference is you’re scum and the other weren’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. Because you let two of those kind souls escape. And they were the reason for your downfall.”
With a snap of his fingers, the room began to fill with the dark liquid the brothers had become known for. The ink rose, slowly encasing Dudley within its grasps. The older brother struggled against it, but Grigor simply smiled sadly. 
“You had everything,” Grigor said. “You had the quirk. The health. The power. The charm. The strength. You were always papa’s favorite. And now this is where you end. You could have continued the Halwn family legacy. Instead, the Halwn family will die with us.”
And with that, Dudley vanished into the ink. When the liquid retreated, a small snowglobe rested upon the floor. Inside was a perfect recreation of Aeron, with snow falling slowly in an unending splendor. Grigor went over and picked it up, looking to the town hall and smiling as he saw the little image of Dudley laughing insanely up at him. 
This was the perfect punishment for him.
Three weeks since Aeron. Wyn finally started talking properly again. Inkwell had been visiting whenever he could. He brought him sketch pads and new pencils. He loved when his brother could draw growing up. And his art skills came in handy with their kind of power. 
“So,” Wyn muttered. “How’re things at home?”
Inkwell shrugged. “Alright, I suppose. Aurelia’s happy to be moved back into her old home. Didn’t like the blood but…we got it cleaned up.”
“I see.” 
“What about you?”
Wyn shrugged, turning to show off the portrait of his little brother. “I’m okay. Just a little lonely. My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday.”
“I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t be. I’d rather have company that wants me in return.” He paused. “I’ll admit though…I’m a little sad. We were considering adopting a baby together.”
That stung. Inkwell knew how badly the Halwn family’s health was. Having even one child was a miracle, and the fact that their mother had six was amazing. He and Aurelia had been trying for years. And still nothing. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said.
“It’s alright.”
“Do you know what you would have called the child?”
Wyn smiled. “Harper. I’m tired of color names in the family, and I want to branch out. If I had a kid, or if I had a niece or nephew, I’d want a Harper.”
“Harper, huh?”
“Yeah.” He looked at Grigor, smiling softly. “What about you?”
“Aurelia and I haven’t been lucky yet. We want to have a kid but…it looks unlikely.” He smiled. “If we do though…I can ask if we can have a Harper.”
Wyn chuckled, and all the dark feelings in Inkwell’s heart fell to the side. Things would be okay.
Inkwell sat outside, enjoying the breeze as everyone inside the Aylward house was preparing dinner. He wasn’t up to socializing. He already had to lie to Davis about both the strange light from the night before and about how he’d found the horse. He couldn’t just not tell him about Amarysso. 
And now, he had to figure out how to keep this a secret from the Geodes. 
If L wasn’t invovled, he’d seriously consider just letting things play out and going to war. 
“Damn this all to hell,” he sighed. “I’m too old for this shit.”
“I said come one come all enjoy the show!3 to get ready, nowhere to go-!”
“Ah, finally someone my age to talk to.” Inkwell pulled out his phone and answered cheerfully. “Pay for the ink machine.”
“Hello baby brother.”
A devilish smile crossed his face. “Wyn! Oh lord its been too long. How are you?”
“I’m okay. Just came to visit but you weren’t home. Now I’m with your wife at the doctors.”
His heart sand. “Doctor? What happened? What’s going on?”
“Uh…” Wyn paused, whispering to someone ‘should I?’ before turning back to him. “Well see…Aurelia wasn’t feeling well today so she asked me to take her to the doc. She’s okay though, don’t worry!”
“What the hell is going on that she’d need a doctor though?!”
“She just found out she’s pregnant.”
The world seemed to stop spinning. They’d been trying and trying for years. They were ready to go see a specialist or see about adoption. Most avenues were closed off to them given his career and their attempts to keep Aurelia safe from the EHA. As far as they knew, she was quirkless. Other avenues of child rearing would out her in an instant. But that was a risk they would take if it came down to it. 
But now those risks didn’t matter.
The impossible miracle happened. 
“How far along?” he finally asked. 
“Two months according to the doctor,” Wyn explained. “He’s talking with your wife now. I offered to call you. Sorry, little brother. I know this is kinda personal but I couldn’t leave her alone and-”
“No, no. I’m glad you’re there with her. I got this big thing I’m sorting out. If it weren’t life or death, I’d be there right now.” He bit back tears. “Have her call me back as soon as she’s able, okay?”
“Of course.”
“And please protect her until I get back.”
“Thank you. I promise, I’ll be home soon.”
He quickly wrapped up the call and hurried inside. He found everyone in the dining room, about to sit for dinner. Gary sat at the head of the table, with Étienne and Ceri to one side while Lucien and Reginald sat on the other. L and Phoenix took the other head, leaving a space between Etienne and Phoenix for him.
“Hey Inkwell,” Ceri said. “We’re about to-” he stopped, his eye wide. “You’re crying.”
“Huh?” he put his hand to his cheek, surprised to find tears that weren’t of ink. “Oh. Yeah, I guess so.”
L quickly stood up, her lips pursed. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah it is.” He smiled softly. “I’m…I’m going to be a dad.”
Everyone nearly fell over. 
“I’m going to be a dad.” The news seemed to just be settling in on him as well. “I’m going to be a father. Aurelia’s having a baby.”
L smiled and hurried over, hugging him tightly. Ceri soon joined him and both were telling him congratulations. Gary cheerfully hurried to the kitchen to get the good wine. Étienne made a note in his pocketbook and Luci and Regi turned to look at each other, a newfound softness in each other’s eyes. 
But Inkwell wasn’t paying attention enough to care what everyone else did. He was too busy crying into his niece’s and nephew’s hair. 
Despite the upcoming trials, he was the happiest demon in the world.
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everything-you-mist · 7 years
Where I Long to Be
Nearly two weeks had passed since Iyaena had left home, twenty-one little packets of medicine gone from her dwindling supply. But what a time it had been! Just a few days of settling in and working at the library before everything exploded around her with murder and intrigue! What a story it would be someday, the week she spent hiding with Kaly from a very powerful cult leader! Of course, it wasn't all fun and games, Iyaena wasn't so naive to think it hadn't been dangerous. It had been a terrifying experience, and along the way, she had begun to finally realize how much her friend had truly changed. Kaly had been kind and quiet to her when they were on their own, but watching her interact with her coworkers and even her father showed how crass and loud she actually was. The cruelty with which she talked with Xylia was baffling to her, after hearing nothing but good about the woman, but what confused her the most was how quickly Kaly could change tunes, as if personalities could be turned on and off to fit the people. So which was real?
They’d spent the week in an inn room (provided by Xylia, she felt she needed to add), and then suddenly everything was back to normal. All Iyaena had really heard was that the man that started the whole thing had died. She and Kaly had returned home and life had gone on. Mrs. Lang had even called on Kaly’s communicator to make sure she was coming to work. And so, the following day, it was off to the library of the Lor…. The Lor...de.. no, that wasn't it. Whatever Ricky’s family did. It was just as well, Iyaena was comfortable among the shelves. Organizing the books was the perfect work for her, quiet and not too physically demanding. If she needed anything overly rough done, there was Mrs. Lang and even Libra to help. Libra was the little construct was always flitting about, her serpentine body twisting and curling on itself as she flew from shelf to shelf with books in tow. Each time Iyaena came to work, it seemed like she was a different color, sometimes green or red, always blue when Mrs. Lang was working, even a starry design that reminded Iyaena of a constellation (and secretly, that one was Iyaena’s favorite). She would always trill a hello when someone from the mysterious Watchers arrived, flying right to them ready to help with whatever they had come for.
Iyaena, however, received no such treatment. Whether because she wasn’t a Watcher, or because she was new, she didn’t know, but Libra didn’t like her one bit. If she caught any mistakes in the shelving order or if she caught Iyaena reading on the job, Libra would sink her teeth into her arms and shoulders, making a strange disappointed sound. It wasn't horrible, the construct was quite small, and she didn't bite very hard, but nonetheless, Iyaena had several marks of disapproval on her arms from just the first few days alone. Mrs. Lang had scolded Libra after the first few bites on Iyaena’s behalf, but the young elf quickly realized Mrs. Lang had about as much say for Libra’s behavior as Iyaena did. The construct seemed to have a mind of her own, and she would treat guests as she pleased.
Iyaena arrived at the library a bit early today, beating Mrs. Lang to their usual meeting spot in Dalaran. It gave her time to finish wolfing down the sandwich she’d snagged on the way and soon enough, the Pandaren shaman arrived and let her into the library as usual. She wandered straight to one of the shelves, picking a few books from a nearby shelf as she explained today’s work.
“I know we’ve been working on the Legion files, but I’d like you to work on the Pandaria section today. I need to take the day for some urgent research, so you’ll be on your own with Libra. Probably best not to work on a half-done section, don’t you think?” Mrs. Lang didn’t even glance at Iyaena as she talked, distracted as usual as she grabbed volume after volume.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good, good. I’ll leave you to it then. Send Libra out if you have any trouble.” Without so much as a goodbye, Mrs. Lang dashed out, off to do her research, no doubt. She and Libra were left to their own devices now in the warm library and Iyaena wasted no time in making her way over to the scroll cases and bamboo spines of the Pandaria section. Though the shelves were very messy, it was surprising just how small the section was. If she hadn't been looking for it specifically, she wondered if the section would have simply melded into the neighboring Northrend section.
“Why are there so few books about the Pandaren?” Iyaena wondered aloud, more talking to herself than anything. She had never heard Libra speak and she assumed the construct couldn't, even if she had been inclined to give Iyaena the time of day. To her surprise however, Libra looked down at her in recognition of her question, the movement jolted and rippling along her serpentine body as if shocked she’d asked. “Sorry…?” Iyaena tried to backpedal when she realized Libra had been listening but Libra didn't return to shelving. She instead dashed to another shelf and grabbed a book, dropping it in Iyaena’s lap. Prelude to the Sundering, a historical novel. What did this have to do… with…
“You couldn't get books about Pandaria… because the sundering made it too far?” It was an educated guess. Iyaena had read the book but she tended to remember theory better than history. Libra made a disapproving trilling noise, hunting the messy Pandaren shelf for another book, dropping the thin novel on top of the history book. The Burdens of Shaohao… this one was new.
“I don't know this story. Does what happens have something to do with my question?” Libra bobbed, yes it did. Iyaena started to crack open the book but a warning growl forced her to pause. “Well, I won't know what happens if I can't read it.”
Libra huffed, flitting into the shelves again and returning with the most ornate bookmark Iyaena had ever seen. Between gold filigree and the deepest hues of blue ink she’d ever encountered, the bit of thick paper was a majesty to behold. Libra took the time to show the bookmark to Iyaena and flew some distance down the shelf they were to work on, sliding it between two books so it stuck out. She looked back at Iyaena pointedly.
“If I reach the bookmark… I can read the book?” Libra twirled in a tight cyclone of movement, a display Iyaena had only seen her use around the Watchers members that visited. As far as she could tell, it meant she was pleased. “It’s a deal then.” Iyaena dove right into work, not nearly as distracted by the various titles she passed by as she was on other days. Libra fell in beside her, removing books one at a time for Iyaena to shuffle back in at the right place, organizing by subject and author. Properties of the Sha, the Pandaria Campaign, The War Crimes of Garrosh Hellscream, The Order of the Cl-- Iyaena paused, holding the book away from the shelf for a better view. The Order of the Cloud Serpent. The cover was beautiful and ornate, bright red inks outlining a large creature similar to Libra in shape.
“Is this what you are, Libra? A ‘cloud serpent’?” The little construct paused in her task, bouncing her way through the air over to where Iyaena knelt to give an affirmative trill. Reaching down, her delicate claws flipped through the pages to several drawings of the hatchlings of the strange noodle-shaped beasts. From what Iyaena could gather.. Libra was pretty accurate to the real thing. “Can I read this one too, please?”
Libra made a groaning sound, almost like a frustrated sigh as she grabbed the book from Iyaena’s hands and stacked it with the earlier Shaohao book. Back to work then. The hours passed much more quickly with the goal looming closer and closer as the two of them toiled. Mrs. Lang came in a few times, snagged a book or two from their Legion section before dashing back out. Iyaena hardly paid her any mind past a polite hello and goodbye, dashing through her work toward the bookmark. Book after book, shelf after shelf, as the light through the library windows faded and enchanted lanterns flickered to life around them, the two librarians worked until at last… a book about Zouchin was shelved beside the bookmark. It was done.
Libra flew along the finishes shelves, double-checking every volume before she settled on top of a nearby lantern, nodding her approval. Iyaena grabbed the pair of books, starting for a table to start reading, but the Cloud Serpent nipped her sleeve. Iyaena was tugged by the arm to face her toward the entrance where Mrs. Lang, stood, waiting there to escort her part of the way home. The day was already over.
“Ready to go, Iyaena?” Mrs. Lang was nice enough, if not a very distracted person from what Iyaena could tell. She was very soft-spoken and prone to trailing off mid-sentence, a strange vacancy to her smile, as though her mind was always somewhere else. Still, she was kind, and ensured Iyaena had a portal back to the Eastern Kingdoms at the end of each day.
“Yes ma’am. Um.. is it okay if I borrow these for tonight?” Iyaena offered the two books as she trotted over. Mrs. Lang looked at each cover curiously, removing the seals that kept them from leaving the library before handing them back with a soft chuckle.
“And so another teenager falls to the lure of Pandaria. Of course you can borrow them, just be careful with the pages. Those two look fairly old.” There was a strange sharpness to Mrs. Lang today, more awake than Iyaena had ever seen her. “Come along, let’s get you on your way. Is it Ironforge or Stormwind today?”
“Ironforge, please. I want to get started on these books.”
Mrs. Lang nodded, and off they went. As they left the endless shelves behind, the pair found themselves in a secret sanctum the Watchers had in the violet city of Dalaran, only accessible if you had the key. Mrs. Lang had to let her in and out each day, and today was no different as the shaman led the way out of the sanctum and into the shop it connected to, and onward still to the Alliance side of the city, where Iyaena could portal home. On most days, the portal would take her to Stormwind’s Mage District, where Iyaena often spent her evenings listening to the mages of the city discussing their work while she ate dinner at the Blue Recluse. Then it was a long walk home, crossing through the Cathedral and Dwarven districts to the tram and all the way back to Kaly’s house. Tonight though.. It was straight home to the comfort of her sleeping bag and her books.
The house was fairly quiet by the time Iyaena arrived. Mr. Firebeard had finally worn himself out fighting with one of his caretakers, an elf named Ryavin, and was fast asleep. Iyaena waved to her as she went past, heading upstairs and into the hidden parts of their home, careful to keep the entrance closed behind her. Kaly was already a sleeping ball of feathers in the corner, soft snores ruffling them gently where her head was hidden. It was usually like this, the young mage was left to her own devices, free to practice minor spells or as was the case with tonight, read as long as she liked. The Shaohao book looked so interesting, a mural in the styles of stained glass decorating the cover. A Pandaren was front and center, wearing white and gold, but all around him were strange dark shapes, like something out of a nightmare… Iyaena guessed them to symbolize his burdens. But it was the other book that drew her more. Today had been the first day without a new bite from the construct. In fact, Libra had seemed very pleased with her questions about this book in particular.
Iyaena read late into the night, nibbling on a quick meal she had bought on the way home and pausing only to take her evening medication. The story of Ji and Lo was quickly flying up her favorites list, a story of perseverance and a fight against tradition as the first Serpent Rider and her companion came into their own during the Zandalari War. After the story concluded, the book delved into the traditions of being a rider, following the typical serpent from hatchling to adulthood. It talked about how the two communicated with one another, working as one in all situations as they flew over the forest they protected.
“I wonder what that’s like.” Was riding a serpent very bouncy, the way they weaved through the air? Did you get used to it, after a while? Iyaena leaned back on the makeshift sleeping bag Kaly had thrown together for her, her imagination rushing through a hundred ideas. She had to admit, she was jealous of the Serpent Masters of her book. To have a bond like they did, to travel the skies with what must be one of their dearest friends, she could only imagine what an adventure that would be. The more she read about Pandaria and those who lived there, the more it sounded like a wonderful place. Maybe after the invasion was over… Iyaena’s eyes drooped closed against her will, so worn out from the day. Until the Legion was defeated, she could dream about visiting, taking a grand world tour someday. There would be time... later on. It was enough to be out in the world. More than enough.
((Ahh, Iyaena’s so refreshing after Lia’s drama the other day. So nice to just write a slow-paced slice-of-life. Now then... @library-of-the-forgotten for mentions of Xylia and a short appearance from Ryavin~ @crazyprophet-box-o-plots for mentions of Ricky and Haldreth.))
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