#But she is full of love she cures the depression
rahabs · 6 months
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Yes, Lord forbid I not be petting you for two seconds.
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inbarfink · 9 months
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Okay, so here’s the thing….
We are still at a very early point in the narrative of ‘Fionna and Cake’ and therefore at a very early point in Simon’s character arc. It’s pretty clear that “I need to become Ice King again” is not the end point by any meaning of the word. But I am wondering where we’re going to go with this, cause… The series has yet to really tackle how miserable Ice King himself was a lot of the time. And how often he hurt people. 
Like, yes, I was an advent advocates for 'trying to bring back Simon Petrikov was a really really Bad Idea on Betty's part, it was more healthy to focus on making sure Ice King was as happy and healthy and harmless as he could be', but I am also fully aware that he started the show being both extremely lonely and extremely sad and also a serial kidnapper who was very much a danger to those around him. And as much progress as he made during the show, getting Ice King to that point was a very serious struggle with a lot of backslidings and problems.
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'Friends Forever' is, for example, an episode that stuck with me for a long time as a really heart-wrenching demonstration how even in that late stage, when he has buddies and people trying to seriously take care of him - Ice King was still very capable of seriously sabotaging his own relationships and hurting others and himself.
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And it does make sense narratively that, like, characters like Astrid and Fionna and Cake, all of whom lack the full context of what Ice King's life was like (Fionna and Cake really just saw Simon at his worst and only got snippets of clips of Ice King and since Astrid was born after Humans came to Ooo that means she was also born after the events of ‘Come Along With Me’) all see Simon as a downgrade. Because they really don’t understand how bad Ice King was beforehand. 
And thus is does make sense that with Simon's current mental state, and how he is surrounded lately with these kinda people who never really knew Ice King and don’t really understand how terrible and miserable he could be, and now hearing that his ‘sanity’ just took away magic and whimsy from some else’s whole universe, and how it feels like the actual gods of the multiverse are telling him that he should be Ice King, that he's supposed to be Ice King....
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It makes sense that he might start kinda... romanticizing that time in his life again. 
You know, the big thing about the outlook that Betty should’ve accepted Ice King as who he is rather than basically destroy herself to bring Simon back wasn't about whatever Ice King or Simon Petrikov were better or 'cooler' than the other. It was about, like, embracing change. Not obsessing about a past where things were ‘Better’ but seeing what is the best you can do with things as they are. Moving forwards.
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And we all know how Simon feels about moving forwards right now…
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And obviously that's a pretty bad mindset, even if it's understandable how he got there...
And honestly, if we do explicitly acknowledge that, hey! Ice King’s life was often just as much of a depressive spiral as Simon's is right now! There might be an element of… resignation in Simon’s decision. 
Because Simon's downward spiral since getting cured is not a demonstration that he was better off under the Ice Crown's curse.... But, to him, more a demonstration that he doesn't need the Crown to screw up his own life anymore.
‘Cause as both as Ice King and as good ol’ ‘sane’ Simon Petrikov he is just as capable of being lonely and depressed.
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And just as capable of losing his own identity.
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And just as capable of pushing his loved ones away and ruining his own life.
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And just as capable of becoming a weirdo obsessive.
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And just as capable of making little girls cry.
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He even started kidnapping people again! That’s the Ice King Classic!
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So on some level, maybe Simon is resigned to the fact he’s always going to be SOME sort of screwed up lonely sadman who hurts others. And if that is his fate, he might as well be the screwed up lonely sadman who is mostly oblivious to how sad he really is and can shoot ice from his fingertips. And his arc is going to be about realizing that, whether he is Ice King or Simon Petrikov, healing and change ARE always possible for him.
But we’re gonna have to see where it goes…
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pseudowho · 3 months
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Nanami art by Osusiudon, picture edit by @pseudowho
Being in love with you was meant to feel good...so why was it killing Nanami Kento?
For more on the (purely fictional) Hanahaki Disease, please see here: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Hanahaki_Disease
I've altered things *just a little* to suit the story
Warnings: 18+, gore, smut, MDNI, unrequited love, angst, longing, hurt/comfort, cum as cure, TW anxiety, depression and low self-esteem
"You've got to tell her. Nanami. You've got to tell--"
"--and burden her with this? No. It's inexcusable. This is...this is mine to bear."
Shoko stabbed her cigarette out with considerable force, driven almost to tears by this--
"--impossible man, Nanami Kento. You have options. We can fix this surgically, it won't be easy, but it will get rid of--"
"--my feelings for her," Kento interrupted, his voice brackish with pain, twisting in his lungs, all gnarls and knots and need. He felt the pain beginning to crescendo, doubled over on Shoko's surgery couch. If he groaned, he knew he would be choked in blossoms and blood. A fine mist of sweat collected on Kento's forehead, one arm wrapped around his belly as his lungs began to fill and burn.
Shoko was already lighting another cigarette, hands trembling, and snipped at Kento; "And what of it? She doesn't love you back, that's why you're in this mess."
Hearing the truth aloud was too much to bear, and Kento writhed, one strong hand gripping his throat as he coughed, choking, lungs and throat so full and packed and itching and--
--in one burning gasp, a congealed spatter of cherry blossom leaves and clotting blood left Kento's mouth at force, slapping into the surgery couch and dripping, viscous and sloppy, to the floor. Kento staggered, one knee collapsing, clinging to the couch as he retched and coughed, bent in miserable agony.
Shoko dragged on her cigarette, her back to Nanami, voice tight as she spoke; "So...you mean to die like this, then?"
Head swimming with blinding pain, feeling his lungs begin to fill again, Kento closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to the couch.
All he saw was you. Your smile, effervescent with joy. Your small touches to his arms, all just tactile innocence. Your laughter, ringing down corridors as the students lolloped out of your classroom. He thought of you and all you were and all you could be, with or without him.
Kento smiled, a bloody kiss at the corner of his lips.
"There are worse ways to die."
Kento wasn't sure what was worse; the excruciating pain rooted in his chest, spreading longer and deeper through his torso with each passing day...or the certain knowledge that you were in love with someone else.
It was inevitable, of course; he was exciting, extroverted; Kento was dour and introspective. He was powerful, the strongest; Kento may never surpass 1st Grade, let alone achieve a domain. He would fawn, simper, flatter; Kento loved quietly.
Kento was tense in the staffroom, the petals building in his lungs so much faster when you were near. He needed to leave, needing to hide this from you, but he was twisted with the exquisite double-edged sword of the need to hear your laughter and the need to escape.
Satoru bent over beside you, whispering in your ear as you giggled, slapping him on the arm. Kento felt a nasty, burning envy as your eyes twinkled up at Gojo. He had not realised his eyes had strayed from his newspaper until you looked behind yourself, your cheeks flushing faintly as you felt Kento's gaze on you, of course I'm interrupting a private moment, idiot Kento you fucking idiot--
"Ken--...Nanami, are you alright? You look...pale." The genuine concern in your voice, the kindness you treated Kento with even though he was an insufferable bore, far too morose for pleasant company, made Kento stiffen, his chin jutted outwards.
Satoru looked disappointed as you turned from him, heading over to Kento, reaching out to put a hand to his forehead and shit, I'm done for if she lays a finger on me--
Kento flicked a hand upwards, batting you away as you reached for him, shoulders bunched with the urgency that you should never know about this, it's not her fault, she deserves to be happy--
"I am fine. I'm a grown man, I'd prefer not to be coddled." Kento felt his vision blacken at the edges with the need to cough, chest clawing, drowning, and he stood to the tune of your feet stepping quickly backwards, stumbling against the coffee table and I can't catch her because then I'd have to touch her hold her look at her and I'll die she'll never be mine god I want her to be mine I want her--
Satoru stepped behind you, long pale hands on your shoulders, stabilising you and shooting a scolding look at Kento's fast retreating shoulders. Your eyes were downcast, lips curled in and pressed together, hands clasped and twisting.
"Don't worry about it," Kento heard Satoru reassure you as he stepped out of the staffroom, "he's always been pretty standoffish, you did nothing wrong."
Kento made it to the end of the corridor before wrenching open a window, leaning out, coughing bursts of blood-spray-blossom. He blacked out for a moment as he leaned against the frame, scarlet and petals at the side of his mouth.
She doesn't deserve this she doesn't deserve any of this why are you like this why are you so fucking unlikeable Nanami you piece of--
Kento wasn't sure when it started...this obsession. It wasn't like him, to become so hyperfixated.
Was it when you started teaching at the school? You had baked, keen to make a good first impression. You had taken particular notice of Kento, your keen eyes astute and reading him, laughing such genuine laughter, the. laughing harder at the surprise on Kento's face that you found his sardonic fatalism funny, but nobody finds that funny--
Was it the love, the protection, the fierce defending shield you offered the children? It was beautiful. Kento saw your rage and your sickened rants at the diseased establishment and god I could listen to her all day she's wonderful what a mind what passion she needs someone with the authority to make her vision bloom not some low-ranked cannon fodder destined to die in battle--
Was it when he and you fought together for the first time? It was so easy. You were smart, there was no ego, no competition, so seamless together and suddenly the work felt so light instead of the fucking drudgery I normally go through and we've even got time for me to take her out for dinner maybe I should ask her out to dinner maybe she'll say yes but it's too soon and she's just being friendly and she'd feel so obliged she deserves so much better she's a hidden gem I can't be the only one to have noticed--
Kento wasn't, of course. He just wished it wasn't Gojo, of all people, to have taken notice. As much as I can't stand the guy I know he wants life to be better for the kids too so of course you'd appreciate him and he's sweet with the kids too and no woman has ever said no to him and I lost my chance I should have asked her out when I had the chance I should have asked you fucking coward Nanami you jealous little bitch--
Satoru made short work of occupying your lunch breaks. He was effusive, open in his adoration. Not shy in declaring his enthusiasm for you. Kento saw you trying to battle an enormous bouquet into your car, and you caught his eye, blushing at having been caught, looking so awkward. You had laughed, eyes downcast again as Kento offered you a gentle smile. You shrugged at Kento, unsure what to say.
"I should tell him, don't you think?"
Kento felt his heart sink at your admission, it's only natural she should confess to Satoru when he's welcomed her in with open arms he's made himself pretty clear it makes it easier for her in fact and god I'd just be happy if she's happy really I just wish it was me instead and--
"Yes," Kento said, tight and clipped, missing the way your shoulders dropped in resignation, "it's best to be honest about these things. I find it's less stress on everyone if nobody misreads the situation."
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat; "Yeah. We wouldn't...wouldn't want that." Your hand hovered over your door as Kento turned his back on you and what we could have had and that's dead and buried now so just walk away and you can get over it Nanami it's not like you deserved that anyway--
"Have...have a good evening, Ke--...Nanami. Stay safe."
You too stay safe I love you I love you and I swear to god if he ever hurts you I'll rend him limb from limb I'll make him wish he'd never been bor--
"Good evening."
Walking away had gutted Kento alive.
First came the blood. Then came the petals.
Kento could not make his mission, the day after the staffroom. He could barely make it out of bed, waking, again, to petals and blood, rust-red and congealed all over his pillows. He changed the sheets again, gasping for air, passing out for a moment upon the mattress, with one hand in each corner of the sheets, exhausted.
This lovesickness, this diabolical sweet agony...was the best death Kento could possibly hope for. Sat on the shower floor, naked, chest heaving as the water tumbled over him, Kento scraped pink crumpled petals from the blocked shower drain as the water began to build up around him.
Lying on the sofa, in just his boxers, Kento shivered in pain. He could barely towel himself dry, and he knew he must stay this way, now, too weak to make it back to his room for clothes. Is today the day? Will they find me today? If I die god I haven't seen her I need to see her before I die even if she doesn't know I'd like to hear her laugh just one more--
The doorbell rang. Kento huffed, coughing a horrible clumped mess of petals and blood into an awaiting bowl. His breath caught, no oxygen making its way to his limbs and he folded like wet cardboard onto the sofa, gasping, fingers clawing at his chest.
A timid knock. A voice. The gentle swing of a hinge.
"Kento? I'm coming in. Ijichi gave me your spare-- oh my god-- Kento-- shit, I'm calling an ambulan--"
Kento reached towards the door as you ran to him, fuck Ijichi you had absolutely no right idiot now she knows she fucking knows--
Kento burned as you knelt by him, hands splayed across his chest, his back, eyes feverish as you stared at him. Stared at the bowl full of blood and--
"...blossom? Kento, is this-- what's happening to you? God, you need Shoko...Kento? Stay with me please, I can't lose you--"
"--it's none of your damn business, get your hands off me!"
Kento had snarled at you, face and hands contorted, clearly in agony. Your face crumpled, biting back a retort, keeping yourself calm despite the venom and gore spitting from him. You took a single deep breath, in...out.
"It is my business. I know you hate me. I know you can't stand me being near you, and I don't feel that way about you-- quite the opposite-- but it is my business when I find you dying alone at home, so if you can stop being such a stubborn prick for just five minutes, I can get you into the car and get you some help."
Kento was near tears, cornered, a feral, wounded animal. Hate you I don't hate you I just can't have your hands on me like this when it's all I'd ever get and I want to hold you day and night and--
"Fuck, you have no idea," Kento groaned, sniffing into his forearm, forehead pressed to the sofa. You blinked down at him once, then, face fixed firmly, you slung his arm over your shoulders, heaving him up.
"Nope. Probably not. But why would I? You don't tell me anything. And why should you?" You snipped, and Kento lurched against you, who somehow held him up against you despite his weight.
"Move. Now. I've got blankets in the car."
Kento lay alone, in his hospital bed, drifting in and out of consciousness. The gentle hiss of oxygen from his mask kept him company.
You had asked him in the car, so many times, who his unrequited love was. He was steadfast in his silent refusal. You had read of this sordid disease, but never seen it in person. And on Nanami Kento, of all people, any woman loved by him would surely leap at the chance, I mean I would, if only he didn't fucking hate me, I'm not good enough for him anyway--
"Who is it, Shoko?" You whispered, holding yourself by the elbows as you leaned against an examination table. Watching Kento fade away before you through the little window, filled you with a thousand slivers of ice. His visceral dislike for you, his urgent need to push you away...no. You could not allow yourself to love him as you might have done.
Shoko frowned at you, trying to read you. She looked through the window, too, tapping her fingers on a clipboard in thought.
"You have no idea, do you?" Shoko mused aloud, soft, almost wistful.
You felt bile rise in your throat; "I don't need that from you, too, that's what he said. You don't have to treat me like I'm some fucking idiot--"
You faltered, your hand slipping off the examination couch you leaned back against. You looked up at Shoko, jaw dropped.
"...I--I'm sorry, what did you--"
"--you. It's you. He loves you."
You burst out laughing, a single harsh sound.
"Shoko. He can't stand me. Any time I'm near him, he just--"
"He just what? He clams up? Shuts you out? Doesn't let himself get any closer?" You nodded slowly at Shoko, still dumbfounded.
Shoko continued; "Nanami isn't the kind of guy to put himself first. Especially now he knows how Gojo feels about y--"
"Gojo?" You cried, fingers pressed to your temples, trying to hold back tears, "All this time I've thought I'm not good enough for Nanami-fucking-Kento, and he's held himself back because he thinks I want Gojo?"
Shoko paused, halfway to lighting her cigarette, drooping as her mouth dropped open. She looked to Kento, and back at you. Shoko pushed the cigarette back into its packet, tapping the box briskly on the table.
"You've got one chance to tell him," she snipped, "before I knock him out and take him for surgery."
Shoko moved to step out of the room, as you felt hope squirm in your belly. She gripped the doorframe as she moved to step out, white knuckled, not looking back at you.
"It won't go away until--...well. You do have to love him. Biblically."
You would wait until you had dropped him into bed, you thought, hands tense on the steering wheel. You were lying to yourself, you knew, your admission ready to burst out of you in furious blooms.
Kento was silent beside you, coughing occasionally into a handkerchief, less and less stained with blood and blossoms now. He was ashamed of himself for looking so pathetic and at least I can just die at home in peace now.
It took everything you had to keep your eyes ahead, instead of on him, still dressed in nothing but boxers and a blanket. You swallowed thickly.
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine." Terse, cold. You felt irritation bubble in your chest.
"Stop lying, Kento." He tensed beside you, at his name on your lips, so sweet, I could listen to it all night, I wonder what she'd sound like when she's calling it out around me--
Huffing, he turned to look out the window, "A little better. It's none of your concer--"
"I love you." Kento felt himself shoot through with warmth. The cloying petals in his chest began to shrivel. He was speechless, dark-circled eyes wide as he turned to stare at you. Your hands trembled, turning into the driveway, pulling the handbrake, switching off the engine.
"I always have. From the moment I met you, I knew. But you knew better apparently and you pushed me away and now you're so sick and I--I--"
You sniffled once, steeling yourself before stepping out of the car and round to Kento's door, opening it. You reached in, arms round Kento's chest and heaving him up, amazed at how strong you could be for him when he needed you. Kento did not fight. He remained placid, mussed, still smelling bed-soft and coppery as you moved him towards his door, unlocking it and taking him inside.
Kento had never felt so stupid. So ashamed. So unworthy. He had done this to himself, and for what? He replayed months and months of him and you, flashing like reels through his mind's eye, reframing all of your interactions, your discomfort with Gojo's advances, your pain at Kento's biting distance, you fucking idiot Kento this is all your fault like all the people you lose are your own fucking fault--
Kento felt himself dropped into bed, with no memory of the journey from doorway to bedroom. He looked up at you, truly looking at you for the first time in months, drinking in the soft acceptance in your eyes, how his pain mirrored in yours exactly.
You blinked first, a few tears slipping out as you stepped away, opening Kento's wardrobe and pulling out a shirt. Kento gulped, turning his head on the pillow as you began to undress.
"--don't do this just for me, you shouldn't feel obliged to stay--"
"Shut up. Idiot. You stupid, stupid man. I'm livid at you and I can do what I want, and you should shut up and do as you're told for once."
You could have insulted Kento until the moon waxed and waned a dozen times, and it would still have felt like falling into a bed of feathers, hearing nothing but I love you, Kento I love you, I always did, I love you Kento--
Kento's breath caught in his chest, still painful, but somehow easing, as he felt your weight settle into bed next to him. He tensed again, frozen to your warmth, for having held you at arms length for so long. You rolled, switching the lamp off. You faced him, in the dark. You could hear only the light rattling of his chest.
"Just let me stay. I...need to keep you safe. Even if I just watch you sleep."
Kento's face crumpled, teeth bared and gritted as he pulled a hand over his eyes. Gratefulness and relief stole away his voice. Quiet, nestled together in the dark, you heard the gentle susurrus of a hand sliding across the sheets. You jumped to feel the back of Kento's fingers brush across your belly, graze over your chest and down your arm, until your hand was plaited with his.
"Do you...do you mean it?" You pressed your eyes closed, so fragile from the weight of the day's admissions and revelations. Biting your lips with tears on your lash line, you nodded, Kento squeezing your hand, focused on your silhouette.
You remembered meeting Kento for the first time, the beautiful rush of gold in your vision, as you panned past his introversion and discovered treasure. You remembered reading his every move, the uncertainty of each other, the timid dance. You saw the questions in his eyes, never asked. You remembered his seeping coldness after the force of Gojo's overbearing affection. You remembered the distance, the sniping hatred-- only, it wasn't. It wasn't ever hatred. Just grief. Loneliness. Worthlessness.
Kento could only hold back his wretched coughing for so long, and you watched in horror as he forced himself onto all fours, back and chest rippling in agony as a burst of blossoms sputtered past his lips...only, less bloody now. Almost as if he was getting better but not quite--
Shoko's words came back to you, a ghost; "...you do have to love him. Biblically." You felt yourself shiver from shoulders to toes as you thought of Kento this way, taking you. All those nights, where you had tried to think of anyone but him, biting into the pillow as you fingers slid, wet and practiced, over your aching little bud. Only, for his voice, thoughts of him inside you, rooting through you, taking you over the edge into sweet oblivion...every time.
Loving him had become so involuntary, you thought, as he slumped into your arms, blond hair splayed across pink blossoms in the moonlight, exhausted. Despite his suffering, he looked ethereal like this, arm splayed above his downy soft hair, eyes feverish in the gloom. You felt this obsession grow, no longer pruned and restrained, now that you felt his urgent need for you.
Quaking, you lay yourself beside Kento, drawing your leg over him so your soft inner thigh rested on his groin. You felt him twitch, a little closeness only making his pain worse, the full weight of a fertile Spring wracking his lungs. Your fingertips grazed over his belly, and you felt him shudder beneath you.
"What--" Kento rasped, swallowing back the thick taste of blood, "...what are you...?" He stopped as you shushed him gently, one hand rested on his thick chest as you nosed the side of his neck, the shell of his ear.
"Let me help you." You felt Kento tremble beneath you, his hand coming up to clasp your thigh tighter over his groin. Kento overrode his desperation, shaking his head with a gulp, feeling pathetic and weak and she deserves so much better and--
"Not like this," he choked out, his chest heavy and cloying, "you deserve--"
"We've already wasted so much time, convinced we weren't good enough for each other. I deserve a life with you. And we can't do that if you're dead."
Kento broke, lost in the ecstasy of your soft kisses against his jaw, tongue flicking out to taste the soft sweat tang of him. Your fingers rose up to cup his face, turning him to you. The total certainty in your eyes as you leaned in to press your lips to his, made the air hit Kento's lungs with such blissful relief.
Kento felt bursts of strength with every scrap of love you gave him, enough to tangle his fingers into your hair, and swipe his tongue into your open mouth. Your little squeak of surprise ran through his belly, hot and needy, his cock throbbing in his boxers. Kento kissed you, hungry for relief, needing escalation as the petals began to clog his lungs again.
"Please, touch me," he begged, shameless in his wish to live, "--hurts--please..." Feeling his teeth nip into your lip, pushy and desperate, you allowed Kento to grasp your hand and trail it down over the honey-blond trail of hair on his belly, to cup over his rigid cock. He groaned with relief as you cupped his length, squeezing him until a drop of pre-cum seeped through the front of his boxers.
"--more, I-- I need more--" Kento twisted under your hand, squirming and prickling with the itching joy of your tongue tracing his ear, whispering soft reassurances as he moaned, bucking up into your hand, masturbating him through the fabric of his boxers.
You were mesmerised, obsessed with the effect you had on him. Your pussy throbbed, neglected, edging yourself by pleasuring Kento instead. You found yourself squeezing his cock harder, hungry for his panting breaths, his furrowed brow, the way his fingers clawed at you for release.
Climbing above him on the bed, straddling his hips, you slipped his boxers down and reached into his bedside drawer. His cock, heavy, thick, wet with pre-cum, settled on his belly, twitching as you released him. Your hand settled on a bottle of lube, filling your hand with this white, sticky, cum-like fluid, warming it on your palm.
Kento huffed, chest heaving again as he coughed, a spray of blossom landing on his chest and belly, sticking to the sweat misting his abs. You removed your underwear with your clean hand, resting your throbbing cunt on his balls. Ready to beg again, fingers sinking into the fat of your thighs with bruising force, Kento hissed as your lube-wet hand squeezed down the length of his cock, coating him in glossy slick.
The feeling of his cock, velvet-on-steel, thick in your hand, was a drug. Kento moaned, bucking up into the wet little plaps of your fist, as your hand stroked and squeezed the length of him. Kento felt himself squirm, head tossing and turning as he crumpled the pillow up in one strong forearm, biting into the fabric and blossoms there, frowning, moaning, gasping.
"--fffuuuck yes-- hnnng-- just like that, don't stop please don't stop--"
You leaned down, sinking your teeth into the broad plane of his pec, smiling in spite of the desperation of the situation. Your hand sped up, determined that the first time Kento spent himself, would be just that-- the first time. You would be his lover and his healer.
"I love you," you whispered against the rolling muscles of his chest, "I love you, and I'm staying, and I'll make you better again, I promise..."
Kento twitched, jerking with the force of the stimulation, his hand drifting to cup around yours, the other tugging the roots of his own hair. He moaned, long and stilted, writhing and begging.
"--god I love you-- your mouth, in your mouth please--cumming--"
Kento's seed spattered into your hand and across your tongue, your mouth not fast enough to reach his pulsing cock. Kento panted, short, twitching pants as he watched himself cum uncontrollably, his cum dripping down your cheeks, your eyelashes. Slowing down your strokes, squeezing the last drops of seed as Kento twitched and moaned, overstimulated, you were surprised to feel him remain hard in your hand.
With breathless grunts, and new colour in his cheeks, Kento reached down, pulling you on top of him, chest to chest as he held you, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your hair. You felt him grip you by the hips, slipping them downwards, your belly sliding on the cum dripping across his abdomen. Tilting your chin to look you up at him, Kento looked down at you, nose stroking against yours.
"...all this time?" He asked, so desperate for the reassurance. You nodded, feeling the tip of his cock at your entrance, straddling him so his cockhead pressed inside you.
"All this time...just crushing how I felt," you insisted. Kento was lost in the heat of your pussy clenching around his tip, bucking upwards involuntarily, begging to be invited in. Forehead pressed against his chest, his arms locked behind you, embracing you to him, you gasped as you rolled your hips, sinking him inside you, flush to your core.
You moaned, high-pitched and mewling. You felt yourself clenching, hot and wet around his twitching cock; you were not used to feeling so full, having abstained for so long, with no new suitor ever holding a candle to Kento. You felt Kento cough weakly, a smatter of shrivelled bloodless blossoms colouring your hair.
"--I've got you, I've got you--...shhh, I-- fuck you feel even better than I imagined-- I can't-- can't hold back, I'm--"
Kento's hips rolled up into you, both barely moving, entwined together in the soft silent dark. Belly pressed against his, Kento's cock curled hard against the front of your soft spongy walls, jolting insistently over the plush sensitive spot that made him feel belly-deep. Meeting his thrusts with your own, Kento growled out his sighs, chest rumbling beneath you.
"--worth it-- was all worth it for this...for you, I-- ...was so scared-- wanted to die in your bed-- so lonely--" Kento poured himself out to you, weakened and vulnerable inside you, his cockhead kissing your cervix as he kissed away the tears on your cheeks. The closer he got to his peak, the pain in his chest subsided, and he felt stronger, better, more alive than he had in months.
Kento rolled, flipping you over without warning, and knelt above you, grasping your hips so his cock stayed flush within you. Wrenching his pillow down the bed, he jammed it under the small of your back, panting, overtaken by something otherworldly as he stroked one hand down from your sternum to your mound.
"--selfish...I've been selfish," he berated himself, his long fingers slipping between your folds to find your throbbing little bud. You jolted, a high keening whimper leaving you as he rutted into your angled pussy, rolling your clit delicately between his forefinger and thumb. Kento glowered down at you, his eyes dark with lust, and you shivered under his cool gaze; suddenly, the man who had captured your heart all those months ago; "let's fix that, shall we?"
Kento wasn't sure how he summoned the strength to make love to you like this, his hips rolling with devastatingly slow precision, and you twisted beneath him, feeling every ridge of his bulbous tip as he watched where you were joined, pulling out almost completely before sliding all the way back, making you whimper and squirm.
"--together," Kento insisted, controlling your upcoming orgasm, his touches as accurate as your own fingers within yourself, reading you as you begged and moaned your way to orgasm. Kento fucked into you, hips stuttering, sweating and messy, desperate for you to cum so I can cum too and this whole fucking ordeal can be over god she's so gorgeous how did I get so lucky--
You trembled and whimpered, hands reached down and clutching Kento's thighs, feeling light as a petal on the wind as you came. Eyes closed, face relaxed with this heady, euphoric bliss, you swore you smelled the faint sweet-blossom-nectar of Spring wash over you, there and gone in the space between heartbeats.
Kento felt the weight of the world slip from his shoulders, suddenly whole and complete again, deep and emptying himself inside you with a shudder, your name on his lips; "--...so well--good girl, the best fucking medicine...thank you, thank you--"
Kento floated back down to earth, divine beneath the power being bestowed back into him. His chest cleared, supernatural by nature, his breaths now smooth and swelling. You stared up at him, eyes glazed, dazed by how you had moved him from death's door to demigod, in just minutes.
"I swear-- I promise you-- I'll be the best I can be for you-- the very best--"
"Idiot. You always were. You just...never saw yourself like I see you."
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wakkass · 2 months
💜Teenage Sofia💜
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On the right is some hairstyle searches
AU itself
Sofia sleeps through her first lessons and cannot concentrate on her homework, which is why she makes mistakes.
For some reason, Sofia’s energy is becoming less and less; she cannot easily join the busy rhythm of life as in childhood.
She considered it an uneven start to the school year, and therefore didn't tell anyone about anything.
Despite this, Sofia tries very hard to work, but the problem is that she never begins to accomplish anything.
The amulet began to behave strangely: it loses color and turns gray. And most importantly, it doesn't work as it should, sometimes completely switching off and depriving Sofia of her powers.
This causes problems with her missions: she cannot respond to calls for help in time and cannot talk to her friends. It also reminds her of the helplessness she felt when she was stuck inside the amulet.
Sofia is caught between her old responsibilities and her new academic demands, causing her to fail at both.
This begins to put pressure on her, and as a result, Sofia's emotions become uncontrollable, for example, she may suddenly cry or get angry.
It got to the point where Sofia yelled at Miranda and ran away in a fit of rage, not understanding why she was even angry.
At first, Sofia believes that the amulet is to blame for her strange condition. Something happened to it and it needs to be fixed. This is a reason to turn to Cedric for help.
However, when examining the amulet, it turns out that it doesn't affect Sofia, but vice versa. That is, the amulet reacts to her burnout due to permanent stress.
Sofia doesn't know the nature of her condition and how to fix it. If this is a curse, then it must be removed, and if it's a disease, then it must be cured, and who else but the royal sorcerer will help with this.
The more Sofia describes the symptoms, the more Cedric realizes that this is not an infection or a curse, but something that he himself once went through - depression.
To avoid this, Cedric does what Sofia once did for him: shows care and attention.
He tries to repeat the same actions that Sofia did for him many years ago, because this is the only way to deal with depression that he knows.
This doesn't always help, since she could suddenly cry, and he didn't know what to do about it. But Sofia felt better from the very fact of understanding and caring for her. What's important is that she was able to let her feelings out.
Sofia asked Cedric for medicine and he took her to the throne room where her parents were sitting. A friend nearby can help in difficult times, but there is nothing more healing than family support.
Sofia was scared to talk to her mother, because they parted on an unpleasant note. Sofia was afraid of making this worse, because she reacted extremely unpredictably to things.
I see their dialogue as somewhat awkward at first, which is why Sofia has a lump in her throat. But Miranda is not angry with her, although it's difficult for her to ask about what is happening. I think this will put pressure on Sofia and she will utter her words of apology quickly and incoherently.
It was amazing how much easier it became for Sofia when she didn't face her mother's anger, but her mother's support. What's happening to Sofia is complicated, but she's still loved and understood. No one will ever leave her alone, no matter how much she changes.
The amulet remains gray until Sofia deals with the amount of work she has to do, causing her to burn out.
In the future, Amber helps Sofia with her schedule and organization of things during the day.
Appearance info
I knew that Sofia's hair texture needed to be soft and light, so I was looking for a simple and full hairstyle. I chose between a ponytail and a half-ponytail, and in the end I settled on the hairstyle that I could feel best.
I like how in animation the movement of the tail reflects the personality and mood of the character, this is ideal for a pubescent AU, where emotions and feelings burst out.
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Meg and Thumbelina are not only a great visual reference for hair movement, but also reflect facets of personality that Sofia might have at her age. And the hair in a high ponytail emphasizes this perfectly.
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Amber and Sofia's costumes are similar because they wear school uniforms. They study together in a specialized educational institution, so I think there is a certain dress code there. It's different from the public school setting that was in the original series, and I wanted to highlight that visually.
At the same time, the palette is different for everyone and reflects the individuality of each student.
I took inspiration from Pinterest where I was looking for simple yet elegant clothes. Asian uniforms have the most variety in silhouettes, so I mainly focused on them.
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A small example of the cut I relied on
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acourtofthought · 4 months
An Elucien book could possibly have -
A post in collaboration with @crazy-ache @zenkindoflove @goghwilde @starsreminisce
Lucien telling Elain stories about her father
Vassa telling Elain stories about her father
Elain becoming an owl shifter
Elucien performing in the Great Rite.
The LoA falling in love with Elain after never having had a daughter and Elain falling in love with her, finally having a maternal figure who sees the strength she possesses
Elain and Lucien outsmarting Koschei with their intelligence.
Elain and Lucien being able to open up to one another about their first loves that were then lost and the depression they experienced as a result
Band of Exiles sass
Helion's excitement over Elain being a conversationalist just like him
A smutty scene with Elucien against a tree
A smutty scene with Elucien in a field of flowers
A smutty scene where Lucien shows Elain just how good he really is with that mouth when he's using it for something other than talking
Elain helping Lucien through his guilt, helping him see that he is not to blame for Jesminda's death.
Lucien being able to stop Beron from harming Elain after not being able to do the same for Jesminda.
Lucien looking over to see Elain wearing the pearl earrings he gifted her.
Lucien looking over to see Elain wearing only the pearl earrings he gifted her.
Lucien looking over to see Elain wearing only the pearl earrings he gifted her and his jacket.
Elain curing the illness plaguing the Pegasus foals
Elain breaking Vassa's curse
Lucien demonstrating exactly why Azriel would not in fact defeat him with little effort
Elain admitting to Lucien that she was angry with how perfect his first Solstice gift to her was when she was trying to fight the pull she had to him
Elain telling Lucien that she was angry at herself for feeling disloyal to Graysen when she first met his eye and found him the most handsome thing she had ever seen.
Lucien being delighted to find that after the many months of Elain keeping herself at a distance by not talking, she has the ability to put him in his place with her verbal sparring.
Elain and Lucien playing practical jokes on Jurian
Elain restoring the people of Springs faith in it's leadership, whoever that maybe be.
Elain creating life like Isabela Madrigal, Te Fiti, or Cthona
Lucien coming into his own High Lord power and becoming a force to be reckoned with.
Elain telling Graysen he never deserved her.
Lucien and Eris resolving their past / brother bonding.
Lucien and Eris defeating Beron and finally avenging their mother and Jesminda.
Elain hugging Eris which might be the first hug he's been given in a very long time
Elain and Lucien feeding treats to the Pegasus
Elain and Lucien feeding treats to the smoke-hounds
Elain and Lucien riding on a horse together
Elain and Lucien riding on a Pegasus
Lucien's first hug with his mother in centuries
Elain and Lucien visiting Helion's libraries to do research
Lucien surprising Elain with a visit to the tulip fields in the continent. When she turns to him in delight and surprise she'll ask him how he knew. Lucien will tell her that her father told him, that he wanted to take her one day but since he no longer could, Lucien wanted to fulfill both of their dreams.
The reader once again getting a glimpse into Elain's mind but this time, the buds are in full bloom after accepting her mating bond.
Lucien having learned of human customs and getting down on one knee to propose to Elain.
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ashxketchum · 5 months
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Let's break this down one by one ~
This is such a good Sora fit I don't even know how to explain how very much OG Sora this is, the pink tones of the overall sporty outfit perfectly capture all levels of her personality. To top it off she's sharing flower themed cream sandwiches with Piyomon AAAHHH the subtle reference okay merch team you can take a w. Not to mention Sora is perfectly matching with Taichi and the fruit in her sandwich is orange stoooopppp itttt!!!!!
TAICHI OMG who is dressing this boy because that's the most he's ever jocked as a 11 year old. The sweatshirt, cargo pants, matching wristband and the sense to put his goggles down, he is winning the sporty casual fashion show for sure. And of course him and Agumon are enjoying some chicken popcorn, love how they weren't even subtle with the packaging art we all know Japan's favourite fried chicken brand anyway 🤣
Yamato. YAMATO. Y A M A T O. You're 11 can you tone down the cool guy heartthrob behaviour for a minute because I am losing my mind THE DOGTAG CHAIN IM GONNA SCREEAAAMMM ACTUALLY I AM SCREAAAMING AAAAHHHHHHH. He looks so good, there is absolutely no wrong element in his entire outfit, everything is perfectly paired up, a fashionista is among us. The little thumbs up over the onigiri that Gabumon is offering him?? Is he telling Gabumon that he's okay with having one and Gabumon can have the rest because that's the sweet, protective, kind, caring baby he is at heart???🥹🥹🥹The blue and green gradient in the background tho?? Mimato math is mathing bestiesss 🤣
Takeru is just a lil guy, but such a perfect lil guy!!! I like how his outfit has the similar green shade as his anime outfit but they still chose to gave him a new beanie instead which doesn't really match the colour tone of the rest of the fit but it's Takeru so we know that he can pull any hat off and that's what he does!!! Him and Patamon sharing burgers, okay mood, but why is he looking so surprised? I need to know what happened, did he spill some sauce on his overalls? Was the burger too hot to bite? WHAT HAPPENED TAKERU????? 😢
Jou, I see you paired up the plaid pants with a nice long, muted, warm toned jacket BUT I SEE THAT PURPLE SHIRT POKING IN FROM INSIDE and excuse me sir but why that purple with the plaid 😭 I need to see a version where Jou isn't wearing the jacket so I can make an informed rating on this outfit but may I add that in the full merch pic he has paired this look with green and white sneakers...I cannot defend you I am sorry Jou, please try brown loafers next time 😭 But outfit aside, Jou eating a taiyaki with Gomamon is lowkey funny I just know that Gomamon cracked a Marching Fishes joke at least once.
Koushiro...I will not go into detail but I will say it's cute that you have a sweater with a little K on it, it's also very cute that there is a splash of orange in your outfit, who's attention are you vying for it isn't subtle at all bby boy and I am grateful you matched your shoes to your sweater even if the socks are definitely a choice and that blue with orange is also definitely another choice. Good to see your are making choices. I like that him and Tentomon are sharing dango, it's always nice to see Koushiro's fondness towards Japanese traditional snacks hinted at in some way.
MIMI. QUEEN. SLAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! YOU NEVER EVER MISS MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL. The pastel tones matched with the grey stockings for contrast, that beret and the fuzzy hem boots, you just know she shops at Takashimaya and Isetan and anything below it will just not do 👏🏻 Plus Sora and Mimi are wearing the same tones, which probably means that they pre-planned the outfits together, cuties!!! Also Crepe is such a Mimi™️ choice of dessert but I always get teary eyes when I see Palmon mimic Mimi's gestures, there is just so much love and admiration between them for each other, pure childish wonder 💚 And the crepe even has a cutesy character face on it, which kinda looks like Monzaemon, though I can't be sure but if it is then another win for a subtle reference. Not to mention both Yamato and Mimi look like they've dressed in a more cool and elegant style than the rest like they might be on their way to a date THE MIMAT MATH IS MATHING YALLL!!!
Hikari looks super cute, I think there isn't much official art of her in casual clothing for OG stuff so it's nice to see her in a more cutesy fit suited to her age. The hairband matching the cardigan is such a nice touch!! I can't recall any other casual outfit for OG design Hikari except the War Game and Memorial Party dress, so I think this would be the first time we see Hikari with a hairband and it just looks adorable. Of course she is sharing an ice cream with Tailmon, it's kinda their brand now but like Takeru she's making a surprised expression, perhaps she wasn't expecting Tailmon to offer her a bite of her ice cream?
To conclude, this is probably the best OG artwork we've gotten since Idk maybe the Rainy Day stationery series. This will be sold in advance at the Kamio Store booth at Anime Japan 2024. No other details were mentioned, but the event booth sale feels like a pre-sale before the goods become available more widely at other outlets, hopefully, at some stores that international fans have access too as well.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
Ayushi out.
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babiebom · 11 months
When You Fall (i)
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A/N: My first full fic on this blog! Thank you to everyone who voted! I will try my hardest to write and upload quickly, though I am not going to promise anything seeing as I have a job interview this Friday that I'm writing this(already passed by the time this is uploaded) and if I get it I'll be working more often. Though again thank you for voting and I hope you enjoy! Also a bit of a warning, some things from the game are obviously changed to make sense irl, like instead of there just being seasons there are actual months!(pictures not mine.)
Next Masterlist
TW: death, self harm in the form of overworking, cursing, depression, negative thoughts, funerals. Etc just sad
Genres: angst, potential happy ending, romance, some fluff. Multichapter Fic
WC: 4k
You hear your name being called, the voice is quiet under the ringing of your ears.
You attempt to force your eyes to adjust on the person, head and neck snapping quickly to face towards them. "Huh"?
"I asked if you were going to be alright getting to the graveyard alone…?"
You nod, swallowing even though your mouth and throat were dry. The funeral home was almost empty now; only you, your aunt and uncle, and a few friends that knew both of your parents and/or grandfather. Standing up straighter, you try to fix your face subtly, trying to act as if you weren't out of it for the entire funeral. "Yeah…yeah, I'll be fine. I promise." You clear your throat and offer her a smile.
She hesitates, lips trembling before she slowly gives you a hug. "Your uncle and I are here for you".
"I know".
As the two leave, as well as the rest of the stragglers, it's only you left with the bodies of your parents and grandfather. A sour laugh leaves your lips, tears kissing the corners of your eyes as you drag your feet closer to their caskets. To keep from crying you clench your jaw and curl your lips inward, slowly becoming overwhelmed with the idea of never seeing any of these three people again. If you would've known this was going to happen, you would've visited more, called more. If you would've known…well it doesn't matter anymore because you didn't know, and now you can't do any of those things. 
Slowly and one by one you press a kiss to each of their foreheads, letting your own head rest on top of theirs for just a moment before moving on, hoping the warmth from you would cure the cold coming from them. You stayed there for so long the funeral director had to escort you out, reminding you that they needed to be buried. 
Slowly you got into your car, remembering that everyone was probably on their way or already waiting for you and the bodies to show up. They were all going to be buried in Pelican Town, the same place your father had grown up, the same place you spent your summers during your childhood. 
Entering Pelican Town, nothing had changed since your childhood, and that made everything worse. Things hadn't changed for the town, and yet it wasn't the same for you. Everything has changed for you. The only difference was a couple new headstones, the graveyard now housing your mother, father, and grandfather; though you had noticed the additions of some that weren't there when you had last been here. The mayor was standing next to the open graves, making your heart clench at the finality of it all; the second they were filled with dirt would mark the last time you ever got to see their faces. 
Instead of standing with the rest of the crowd, you stand off to the side, crying silently as you watch the mayor pray over their bodies before they get lowered into the ground. You have to fight yourself to keep from yelling out, knowing that making a scene, making this whole process longer would affect everyone around you. It’s the middle of winter after all, everyone probably wanted to hurry and get back to their regular lives. Swallowing harshley, you only step forward when it's time for all of the guests to throw some dirt on top of the caskets. 
“I love you,” you whisper into the air, clenching your eyes closed and tossing the dirt in. A soft thump is all you get in response, the dirt scattering over the caskets. Your mother and father are sharing a grave, and your grandfather was being buried with your grandmother, the two finally being reunited after a decade and some change of being apart. 
You move backwards again, allowing the others who had arrived to say their final goodbyes. Avoiding looking at what was happening, you focused on the scenery instead. Pelican Town had always been nice, and being covered by snow it was no different. Everything had sort of a Christmas-y vibe to it, but that only made you feel worse. Letting your eyes continue to roam, you spot some of the towns-people walking around, obviously trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. They were walking far too slow to actually be trying to get somewhere, or maybe the calmness of a small town allowed them to take it easy even when they had errands to run. Your eyes connect with a woman with orange hair, her eyes growing wide the second yours stopped on her. She hurried away as soon as she realized she had been caught watching, moving from the large tree that she was under to presumably hide somewhere else. You scoff and turn your head to watch someone else, not really offended but somewhat annoyed that the public can watch as your normal life is ripped away from you. Bitterly, you wondered when the last time this town had held a funeral, or had even had someone die. 
Everything looked peaceful, your presence disrupting the environment and if that woman with the orange hair was anything to go by, this funeral was something that shook the small town that probably knew your grandfather better than you did. You wonder why none of them showed up to the funeral or to this burial. Your thoughts are disrupted by everyone bustling around you, hands on your shoulders words spoken to you, you figure out that the burial is finished by the people moving around you back towards the way you came.
The second you fully realize that the burial had ended, you race out towards your car, not wanting to stop and talk to anyone, not wanting to cry on someone’s shoulders. You decide then that the best course of action would be to throw yourself into your work. So, without another glance back, you drive away from Pelican Town, hoping you would never have to return to the place again.
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Scrunching up your nose and frowning, you slam the drawer to your desk harder than you need to, ignoring the sound of the contents inside spilling and moving around. The sound of typing overwhelms your senses, and unlike the persona you’ve put on for the past couple of months, you get up and stalk towards the bathrooms. As you pass the other cubicles, the oncoming anxiety attack immediately takes over your being. 
You push open the bathroom door, wheezing and trying to suck in as much breath as you can. Yet it still feels like you’re drowning, as if every breath you suck in is instead water, and it’s impossible for you to come up to the surface. You fall onto the sink, leaning over it and heaving. Your legs threatened to give out, not wanting to hold you up any longer. Giving in, you allow yourself to sink to the dirty bathroom floor, dragging yourself in between the sinks and the wall, the gross overhead light giving you a headache. 
Your body shakes, still struggling to breathe. As you close your eyes, flashes of the funeral and the last time you saw each of them alive consume you. The second your ears start to ring, you realize that you’re already too far gone, and any of your attempts to self soothe were now made in vain because you couldn’t calm down. You needed help, but at the same time that was the last thing that you wanted. You can feel yourself shake, violently, and your head falls back and forth as you shake, and in the madness you realize that someone was shaking you, it wasn’t you yourself. “Please!” you heard someone plead, yet they sounded too far away from you. 
You open your mouth to reply, but nothing comes out of it, you want them to go away, and to leave you spiraling here on the ground, and in the back of your cloudy mind you hope that you still get paid for having this breakdown during work hours. Joja Co. wouldn’t take away your wages for this, right? You’re shaken again, this time rougher and your eyes begin to focus on someone kneeling in front of you. The ugliness that was Joja blue assaulting your eyes. You groan, and as you feel yourself begin to surface, realize that you had been screaming. Your throat now raw and hoarse as you begin to calm. 
The woman in front of you is someone you recognize, though you couldn’t recall her name. You only knew her as your supervisor that you rarely actually saw in the office, and behind her were two coworkers looking absolutely frightened and worried for you. Swallowing, you shake your head and haul yourself off of the ground, muttering a ‘sorry’ and pushing your way out of the bathroom. It was painful, the walk back to your cubicle, everyone was simultaneously watching you, but still not really looking at you. As if they wanted to pretend that your breakdown didn’t happen, and you are all too aware of how insane you probably looked, coming out of the bathroom with puffy red eyes, and messed up hair. 
It wasn’t uncommon for someone to have a breakdown at work, the expectations of your superiors and the company itself were always too much for some people to handle, yet you realized that you probably looked different than them, having run all the way to the bathroom, and not out the doors to the elevators. After a breakdown, the person always quits, yet here you are, sitting silently in your cubicle, brushing your hair out of your face as if everything was normal. 
Again you open the drawer and look at the letter that had arrived on your desk weeks ago.
Dear, Y/N
If you’re reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.
The same thing happened to me, long ago.
I’d lost sight of what mattered most in life…real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.
I’ve enclosed the deed to that place…my pride and joy: New Hope Farm. It’s located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It’s the perfect place to start your new life.
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it’s yours. I know you’ll honor the family name, my grandchild.
Good luck.
Love, Grandpa.
P.S. If Lewis is still alive, say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?
Taking in a breath, you laugh quietly to yourself. Your face still wet from your tears. It was ridiculous, hilarious even, that the very place you wanted to return to ends up the very place you flee in order to get back to yourself. 
You can hear clacks of shoes nearing you, coming from the direction of the same bathroom you just fled from. The woman stops in front of the opening to your cubicle. Staring down at you in your seat with aggravated eyes. The lack of concern annoys you to your very core, and with the least amount of emotion you can muster, you stare back up at her, the letter wrinkled in your hand.
"That little breakdown you had there was very disruptive," she shifts her weight, "now you're one of your best workers, so we'll give you another chance, but next time something this unprofessional happens we'll have to let you go."
"Right," you swallow harshly, "about that, I need to take time off."
"Time off? Why do you need to take time off?" She asks loudly. You can see the people across from you look over with wide eyes. Vacations were never accepted, and were more likely to be taken as an insult. 
"Well, half of my family has just died...and I don't think I have a good enough mental state to-"
"We gave you time off already, we let you go to the funeral and have an extended weekend. How much more time do you need?" 
You scoff in disbelief, the woman staring at you with all seriousness of a person who has just been told the worst joke in the world. Did she not just witness the breakdown you just had? You sit back roughly in your chair, running a hand through your hair. Your patience started to run thin with the woman, and so in a huff you slam down the letter rather roughly before looking back up at her.
"Can I take a vacation or not?"
She gasps before angling her body back, now glaring daggers at you. "I am the boss, you do what I say. You've already taken time off, so you don't need any more. I'm really very disappointed in you-"
"-and I don't think you realize just how lucky you are to be working for Joja Corporation. There's no other job as liberating and rewarding than working for and growing the Joja family."
You make a noise of indignation, completely taken aback with how she had decided to handle this situation, especially after seeing you in the worst state you've ever been in. "You know what?" You slam your hand on your desk, letting out a huff of air through your nose, now staring at the place your hand had settled. "I quit!"
You turn to watch her face as your words sink in. She splutters and takes in breaths as she struggles to come up with something to say as a retort. Laughing loudly in her face, you stand and push past her, going straight towards the supply closet, where you know there are extra boxes. Picking up the smallest that could fit all of your things, you completely ignore your now ex-supervisors desperate pleas. "You have to put in a 2 week notice!"
"Nah, no I don't." You shake your head, now filling the box with all of your things. You'd rather die than leave any of your cute cubicle things behind for them to throw away. Smirking, you carefully place the last plant you had on top of the other knick knacks you had, looking over to the angry woman with the best shit eating grin you could muster.
"I would say it was a pleasure to work with you, but that would be a lie."
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The time taken to get back to Pelican Town was doubled due to you selling your car and opting to take the bus instead, and in that time you started to rethink your plan of starting anew without any backup plan. Everyone else that was riding with you had gotten off long ago, and you were left with those who were just along for the ride, having nothing else to do but stay until they were kicked off. 
You were grateful for the emptiness though, no one spoke a word on the way there; they simply allowed you to exist among them, thinking your thoughts without interruption. 
You grunt in pain as you're launched out of your seat, suitcases toppling over loudly. Embarrassed, you scramble to get up, hoping no one was secretly laughing at you because it would honestly cause another breakdown. The bus driver shouted out your arrival, staring at you specifically through the rear view mirror. Sniffing, you grab your suitcases and hurry off of the bus, squinting from the change of lighting.
"Hello! You must be Y/N" an orange haired woman standing waiting at the bus stop, friendly looking and sweaty. "I'm Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He's there now, tidying things up for your arrival."
You stare at her before taking her hand in a firm shake. She's pretty, and young looking but from the look at her hands she had to be older than you think. Her grip takes you off guard only slightly, rough calluses coming in contact with your own soft skin. You nod and grab your things again, wanting to get out from under the sun. There was a cool breeze cooling your skin, but just having been on a musty bus for the past couple of hours made you feel grosser than you normally would've. 
 "The farm's right over here, if you'll follow me" 
You want to tell her that you already know the way, that you've been here multiple times in your childhood, but you stay quiet not wanting to bring up memories that will just hurt you. You think staying silent is an even better idea when she takes two of your suitcases and heads down the road. 
Walking in silence is awkward for the first minute, and so you begin a conversation that you already regret happening the moment the first syllable leaves your mouth. "So," you swallow thickly, "how long have you been waiting out here?" 
She shakes her head and scrunches her nose. "Not long, maybe 15 minutes? First day of Spring is always brutal with the weather change."
You nod and keep walking, wanting to ask her more questions, yet you know that it would only serve to make everything more awkward. "Do you want something to drink? I have like a spare Gatorade if you're thirsty."
She makes a noise of acceptance and takes the drink from you, gulping it down quickly. The walk takes about 5 more minutes before you make it to a broken down fence.
"This is New Hope Farm."
You gasp loudly, a choked noise forcing its way out of your throat at the look of it. Grass overgrown, trees everywhere, boulders. It looked as if the place had been abandoned for years, and maybe it has been. Your grandfather must've been too old to continue the last couple of years, having been bedridden the months before his passing.  The air smells fresh, though, fresher than you've ever smelled it before, at least since you've grown up. A sense of calm settles over your being, just over the hurt and anxiety. At least you're okay for now. 
"What's the matter? Sure it's a bit overgrown, but there's some good soil underneath that mess! With a little dedication you'll have it cleaned up in no time." 
You smile at her as you open the gate for you both, entering the messy fields. It's another minute and a half before you actually make it to the farmhouse, "and here we are, your new home". 
You raise your eyebrows at the look of your grandfather's old cottage, it being slightly run down since you had seen it last. Your heart clenched at the sight, realizing that everything did in fact get old without you, or maybe alongside you. Taking in a deep breath, you jump as the door to the house opens loudly. A man, shortish and white haired leaves out of it. He looks slightly familiar, but obviously older. 
"Ah, the new farmer! Welcome I'm Lewis, Mayor of Pelican Town." You wait for him to descend the steps, stopping in front of you. You faintly remember him, with less whites in his head and a smaller mustache. His old hat on top of his head is the same from when you were little. You shake his hand, reminding him that you had met him before. 
"Ah, my apologies!"
You shake your head with a small smile, slowly getting tired of pleasantries. "It's fine I was like…maybe 9 the last time I saw you."
The conversation staggers a bit before Lewis sucks in a breath.
"You know, everyone's been asking about you. It's not every day that someone new moves in. It's quite a big deal!" He looks around, a flicker of sadness in his eyes causing you to wonder how close he and your grandfather were. 
"So...you're moving into your grandfather's old cottage. It's a good house…very 'rustic'." You raise an eyebrow at his words, it was obvious that the house had seen better days.
"Rustic? That's one way to put it. 'Crusty' might be a little more apt though." Robin remarks, looking around.
"Rude!" Lewis gasps, whirling around to stare at Robin in shock. You guess it's the fastest he's moved in a while because his hands grasp at his knees for a split second.
The woman lets out a laugh, slapping a hand over her lips in amusement. You let out a snort, silently agreeing with her.
"Don't listen to her, Y/N. She's just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades." Lewis says, sending the woman a glare. Robin, in turn, gasps in shock, her eyes darting between you two before frowning and huffing. Maybe she was trying to get you to buy an upgrade. 
"Anyway…you must be tired from the long journey. You should get some rest. Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself. The townspeople would appreciate that." You nodded to him, but refused in your mind, not wanting to go parading around town introducing yourself to the villagers like some happy-go-lucky extroverted tv character. Lewis begins to leave, but stops a couple feet, maybe even a yard away. He has to yell in order to speak to you, and you sort of understand when you would rather not have to walk all the way back just to leave again. 
"Oh I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell just place it in this box here. I'll come by during the night to collect it. Well…good luck!" His voice is strained, when he shouts. You smile and wave, saying a goodbye to Robin as she walks after him. Turning to the cottage, you feel a sense of overwhelming sadness, your chest growing tight. You know that grieving is a process, and that healing isn’t a linear path, but a thought pops into your mind that this was a bad idea. How are you meant to process, heal, and move on when you’re surrounded by things that make you want to tear your hair out? Sighing, you head inside, setting your things down and snatching an axe off of the wall. 
You think to yourself that the healing can come later, preferably after you demolish the trees taking over the land, at least you’ll be able to see far enough to farm. Stepping back out into the sun, you get to work swinging the axe over your head as well as you can. The thump of the axe embedding itself into the tree sends vibrations up into your bones, yet the pain and unfamiliarity of the feeling makes you feel lighter than you had in weeks. Maybe you just had anger issues. But, chasing that feeling you swing again, and again, and again until both the tree and it’s stump has been reduced to logs that you could pick up. 
You leave the logs on the ground and move on to the next tree, and then the next, and you keep going until you can feel the sweat drip down your back, pooling around the edge of your jeans and your hips. Your breaths come in short, you huffing as you try to bring the axe overhead once more. Your chest is tight, and your head feels as if it’s not screwed all the way on. ‘One more time.’ You think to yourself, bringing the axe upwards. You can tell that the tree was close to being fully chopped down, and so with the last of your energy, you force yourself to at least complete it. Telling yourself that it was more about clearing everything quickly, you knew deep down that you just wanted to feel something other than sorrow. Your arms shake as the tool almost slips out of your grasp above your head. Arms burning, you force them forwards as you swing down, you hear the thump of the axe in the wood, and you fall over ears ringing, your vision fading to black.
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yevmarie · 3 months
Light My Fire | Chapter 7
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Pronouns: you, she/her
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, swearing, mentions of physical abuse towards other people, detailed description of typical TWD violence, differences from the main plot may occur, bad English (not my first language).
Taglist: @your-shifting-gurl @bae-live-0 @richardsamboramylove55 @deansapplepie @snailss @denisecabrera @dreamtofus @duckybird101
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You were sitting near the tent, trying to occupy your mind with the book you had taken at the beginning of the outbreak when you left home. The novel was so good that you binge-read it after Rick got to the hospital. That was the only thing that distracted you somehow, almost the cure for the hours spent crying after calls with Lori, who always said the doctor's forecast had been discouraging.
Now, everything was different. Although you reunited with your friend, other things were bothering you. Thoughts rushed after every sentence being read.
Is Merle alive? Will the group come back? Should I tell everything to Rick? But that fucker Shane almost killed me today. Shit! The neck hurts so much I'd probably have bruises forming a 'necklace' in a day. Shane is scaring the hell out of me. Why is he doing that to me? Did I deserve it after all my love given to him? I think I deserve just nothing good. If any good is even left in this world…
You cursed to yourself, noticing that familiar Depression FM finding the 'right' radio wave in your mind. The host today is so cruel; he plays that shitty song with the lyrics derived from your brain. And that fucking cassette tape is broken, repeating every verse again and again. You knew what to do in such cases.
"Ms. Y/LN, there's one technique that helps to get rid of repetitive unhealthy thoughts. But it needs practice as any of them. So close your eyes and imagine a bus stop, some familiar one to you. Perhaps near your work. This must be the place you know well to add realism to your brain."
You put the book aside and leaned back on the tree to relax your body. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and imagined the bus stop near your office. This is a busy street full of office workers fussing around and cars honking.
"Good. Now imagine the bus you are waiting for."
You are standing in your uncomfortable office outfit, praying to catch the bus quicker and get home. And here it is!
"When it arrives, come up to it."
You make several steps, slightly losing balance as some teenage girl pushes you, aiming to get in faster than you to take a seat.
"The doors are opening, and you get in but notice one unpleasant thing… The people inside only talk about you. About your insecurities. They literally repeat your thoughts out loud, saying them to you in your face."
"You don't deserve love," an old grumpy lady says, looking at you with side eyes.
You take a step further, aiming for the part of the bus with fewer people, finding a man wearing total black: a leather jacket, jeans, massive boots, and bike gloves. He is saying nothing to you. He's not even looking at you, listening to whatever music is playing in his earphones.
"Love? Don't be ridiculous," the teenage girl who had pushed you before chuckled. "She just deserves nothing good."
Another step up to the man when he finally turns to you. Pale blue eyes, three-day stubble, a bit outgrown haircut, two cute moles on the face, one above his thin lips. Although his frame is wide and the outfit is brutal, he doesn't seem like that. He's calm.
"Daryl?" you whispered, standing up too close to him, the haunting scent mixed of his cologne, leather, and tobacco hitting your brain, sending waves of excitement through your veins.
"Yeah, talking about Daryl," a clerk sitting near you, reading a newspaper, caught your attention, "He thinks you are useless."
"Reckless," a woman cooing to her baby corrected the clerk.
"He talks to you out of pity," another voice said.
"He's not interested in you," added yet another.
All the hurtful voices meshed together, making your tears swell in your eyes. Daryl took off his earphones and passed them to you. You plugged them in and heard… Nothing! Except the silent echo of your heartbeat. You noticed people were still talking to you but couldn't hear them. Daryl cupped your face with his calloused, warm palms, still looking into your eyes. His gaze was calm, gentle, and loving. He leaned closer, narrowing the space between your faces, looking down at your lips; his breath tickled your sences as you savored the moment with anticipation.
"Ms. Y/LN, after hearing everything the passengers have told you, would you get off the bus?"
"No," you whispered, closing your eyes and feeling Daryl's lips touching yours in a sensual kiss.
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You opened your eyes and threw the book away towards the tent.
"So, have I fallen for Daryl?" you asked yourself, desperately sighing, as surely daydreaming about the hunter wasn't planned, when suddenly you saw a familiar woman figure approaching you - Lori.
"Y/N, can I ask you to look after Carl and Sofia?" the woman's expression was concerned, obviously stressed out by something. You only nodded in consent, not wishing to talk, and stood up to go for the children. But your hope of no dialogue with the woman was dispelled in a second when she gently grabbed your forearm.
"We need to talk, Y/N."
"Enough talking for me today," you mumbled and stepped forward but were stopped again by Lori's touch.
"Please," she begged sincerely. "I… I'm really sorry for all that," her voice shaky. "I didn't know you still had feelings for him."
"You never asked," your response was just a guillotine, cutting off all potential reasoning.
"If you had only told me before… Perhaps I'd still be devastated, but I knew you were fair to me. And after some time, I'd accept it," you looked at your crying former friend and felt the pain hit your chest.
"Look, I'm not aiming to hurt you. Just trust me, it doesn't bring me any satisfaction. I'm not a monster. I just want to let you know I've always expected some tricks from Shane but not from you. Because you know what? I've always thought friendship is stronger. Love just comes and goes. But you betrayed me."
"Okay, okay," Lori nodded, sobbing, and was going to walk away, but you stepped aside and appeared on her way.
"I could overcome it and forgive you one day. But if Rick doesn't… He just doesn't deserve all of this."
"He'll never know," her answer outraged you. She was so sure you wouldn't tell Rick.
And honestly, she was right and wrong at the same time by saying this. You face the dilemma of telling Rick everything you know and destroying his family and friendship with Shane. Or you just step back and lose another close person like Rick because you'd not be able to even look into his eyes and act like everything is going fine and finally betray him by keeping silent. You didn't know what to do, and this tortured you.
"Then I'll just be nice to you for the love of Rick and Carl. I can't offer more; I'm sorry," you turned around and walked toward the campfire, leaving Lori alone. "I'll look after Carl and Sofia." 
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Hours later, when you were spending time with the children, the camp was shocked by another event: Shane beat up Ed after he hit Carol. You felt sorry for the woman and reasoned her to have her rest, though you had planned otherwise before, and took your duty to help in the kitchen and stew the squirrels for the group. 
It was getting darker; the group was having dinner, but no one returned from the run to Atlanta. You saved the portions for the men and started cleaning the place you called the kitchen. You couldn't have your rest; otherwise, you would go crazy. Or eat as the food stuck in your throat again. Your nerves were being torn to shreds. 
But Amy's wrenching scream cut off the silence you mistakenly considered agonizing.
"Walkers!" people yelled. 
The chaos burst in seconds, resulting in fussing, cries, and shooting. The latter bothered you the most as it was uncontrollable, and you were scared to take a slug. You ran to the table and took a knife, scanning the situation around. Lori and Carl were hiding behind shooting Shane; that's good. You were looking for Carol and Sofia, who were near Shane as well but were more vulnerable to attack. 
You were going to run to them but heard upcoming rasps just near yourself. Turning around, you stabbed the walker's head, hearing the gut-wrenching sound of tearing skin and breaking skull. The blood spraying on your face and the smell almost made you vomit. The body fell on the ground when another walker approached you, snapping its teeth and stretching its arms to you. You kicked it in the chest so you had more space for maneuvering, swaying your arm holding the knife to damage the skull of the lying dead. 
You stood up, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat off your forehead. Other shooting noises were reaching the camp. You heard Rick's voice calling his family when you fell, being pushed down to the ground. Your chest took a pasting by falling flat on the ground, and the air from your lungs was beaten away. You realized the snapping teeth were inches from your skin, so at least you needed to push it away from you to kill, but the body was so heavy you couldn't make a move. 
Suddenly, you felt the weight above was lifted from you, thrown somewhere away, and shot, so you jumped out of your skin, instinctively closing your ears. Then, your body was lifted easily as if you were a featherweight. An arm tugs around you, pushing your back into someone's body. 
"Ya okay?" you know this gruff voice.
You quickly nodded and squizzed his forearm, thanking god Daryl returned to the camp. 
"Stay behind; it's clear there," the archer freed you from his hug and continued shooting the dead. 
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Several minutes passed when the last walker was down. You were panting, trying to catch your breath, and dropped to your knees as your muscles were aching. You looked back and saw Rick hugging his family. Carol and her daughter were safe, but the field around the camp was covered with dead flesh — the bitter payment for your close people to be alive. 
"Y/N," you heard Rick approaching you, helping you stand up, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, standing up, but your legs were wobbling, so the sheriff had to help you keep your balance by holding you by your back.
"Where's Merle?" 
"He escaped, but we couldn't find either him or his body."
The hope died in your eyes, turning your gaze to as black as night. 
"Y/N, can you tell me something?"
"Hm?" you hummed, fluttering your eyes open as if you were returning from a trance. 
"Did Merle and you..?" 
"No," you cut short his question and were trying to walk away, but Rick stopped you, standing next to you, gently holding your shoulders. 
"Is it because of Daryl?" by an odd coincidence, the name mentioned made you stiffen so that Rick's touch read your tensity.
"What do you mean?" 
"Do you like him?" 
You stiffened even more, and the opportunity to lie about something faded. Considering you were talking to the sheriff, who was too good at reading people. Furthermore, when they were close ones. 
"No. We just became friends," you put his arm aside, hinting you'd like to walk away. This dialogue was leading to some strange course. "Rick, I wanna sleep, let's talk tomorrow, okay?" 
Your friend nodded and stared after you walking away. 
"So, why do you sleep in Daryl's tent?" you stopped and turned around to the man. 
"Because you got back, and there's not enough space for four of us."
"You had already moved to Dixons. There was no stuff of yours. Or you are a medium." 
"Rick, is it cross-examining?"
"I just wonder why you behave so strangely. If you like some of the brothers, it changes everything. I'll insist on searching. If you don't have feelings but still hang out with them when your family is here. Then I assume you'd had some fighting with Lori and…"
"Hey man," Shane appeared out of nowhere, approaching Rick. "Let's discuss our plans for tomorrow. We need to do something with the bodies." 
You mentally thanked your ex and quickly walked to the tent. Getting inside of it, you noticed the archer was already sleeping. Perhaps he was so tired he didn't give a damn where he was going. And at least it's his tent. You grabbed your blanket to move to Merle's, but Daryl's voice stopped you.
"Ain't sleeping. Get inside. It's better to stick together if another horde is coming. Not gonna touch ya," the hunter's sleeping voice made some magic to you as you got in and laid down back to him without hesitation. You covered yourself with the blanket, but it was too much already as you were flushed red, and all your blood was running in hot impulses through your body.
"Is it okay?" Daryl wanted to reassure himself you were fine with this. 
"Yeah," you replied. 
"So, if Rick noticed, then when will you accept you have fallen for Daryl, Y/N?" you told yourself and shut your eyes tightly as if it would help you fall asleep faster.
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
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Question: why do people refer to Tobias in Megamorphs 4 as a "quasi-voluntary" controller? I don't have access to my copy right now but I don't recall anything that would imply he had any knowledge of what he was joining/cooperated in any way? Did I miss something?
So I call Tobias quasi-voluntary, because I think — from my read of MM4 — that Tobias is about as voluntary as any "voluntary controller" ever gets. Which is not that voluntary. Tobias goes to a Sharing meeting because Jake's there, but pretty soon he gets sucked into the cycle of love-bombing: "When you attend your second meeting of The Sharing they assign you a guide" (MM4). In Tobias's case it's a guy named Bill, a few years older, who spends every meeting praising Tobias, and talking up how the Sharing cured his depression and being a full member changed his life.
Bill waits for Tobias to say "I want to be a full member." And then he asks if Tobias is sure, and Tobias says "Yes." Bill presses all the way to "You trade a little bit of freedom for a lot of belonging" and gets Tobias to agree a third time. When the time comes for the "ceremony" (infestation), Chapman makes Tobias explain why he's joining, and Tobias does. Three more times Chapman asks, and three more times Tobias says, out loud, that he wants what's going to happen next. Chapman explains why they want Tobias's consent: "We only have problems in twenty-one percent of willing members. And there are... fewer incidents of contested control." Tobias withdraws consent when he realizes they're about to put a slug in his brain, but by then it's too late.
Later Tobias says "Most painful of all was the image of myself swallowing everything the Sharing told me. I had walked, willingly, to my own destruction. At the time I'd seen no alternatives." So is Tobias voluntary? Well, is Chapman voluntary? He agrees not to resist in exchange for Melissa not being recruited, and he keeps his end of the bargain (#2). Not only does he not fight back while there's a yeerk in his brain, but there's every possibility he's one of the people allowing the yeerk to slip out of their brain and then quietly walking to go wait in the break room without supervision.
Okay, but surely the taxxons are voluntary. They chose to ally with the yeerks... Only it turns out their options were ally with the yeerks or starve to death (#53), and just because their leaders chose the yeerks doesn't mean individual taxxons were okay with it (Andalite Chronicles).
But then, we all know Taylor is voluntary. Because she gave up her freedom for little old things like... relief from pain. And escape from discrimination. And basic health care that didn't cost her family their life savings (#33). And she could never change her mind, because she got punished by Sub-Visser Fifty-One for misbehaving (#43).
But Mr. Tidwell's definitely voluntary. He chooses to have a yeerk in his brain even after joining the YPM. Only he was so depressed he couldn't take care of himself when he joined (#29), and probably would have literally died without the yeerks.
Hang on, is Tom voluntary? He spontaneously offers to "be quiet" and "never trouble you again" when Temrash 114 starts trying to recruit Jake (#6). We don't know for sure that Tom isn't hanging out in that same break room after the events of #1, in exchange for Jake not being recruited.
So on. We know the Sharing targets people who are unhoused and/or mentally ill, and that the ones with happy, stable home lives (Tom, later Jake) tend to go unconvinced. You have to be vulnerable to end up voluntary, the series shows, so vulnerable that your whole ability to consent is seriously called into question.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 12: Make A Plan
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Mikey is becoming more and more comfortable around April.
At first, he barely lets her touch his head. Only when his eyes are closed. He treats Casey Jr. the same way, growling softly if he gets too close to him.
But by lunch, he lets April rub his shell, stroke his tail, and even hug him. He lets Casey hold his hand and walk beside him and give him little snacks and treats that he knows he will love.
At one point, while the group are sitting around and conversing, Mikey crawls over to April and sits in her lap. He eventually curls up and falls asleep, his tail wrapping around the back of her..
"Awww," she coos. "This is so adorable! He's just like Mayhem!!"
April softly pets Mikey's head, stroking the back of it and tracing down his neck to the edges of his shell. She can't rub the fractured carapace as well as Dee, Leo, or Raph. Their hands are rougher and don't get caught on the sharp edges of the scutes.
"So... what are the plans now? How are we going to fix this?"
Leo clears his throat.
"While Don-Tron is working on a cure for the double mutation, I've been doing some Googling on how to handle Miguel's memory issues..."
Raph and April snicker softly.
"...And I came up with this," Leo says proudly, as he produces printed sheets with a bullet list of points and instructions. "Tips to help improve memory!"
Leo clears his throat and straightens the papers as he begins to read them off.
"Tip one: Exercise. Physical activity will help blood flow through the body and into the brain. Most doctors recommend around 150 minutes weekly of physical activity."
"So... how many minutes is that daily?" Raph asks, his brain trying to understand the maths.
"150 minutes is 2.5 hours, Raphala," Donnie grumbles. His eyes are starting to droop, and he leans against Leo to rest.
"Two and a half hours isn't so bad, I'm sure he could knock that out in a day!" Raph exclaims cheerfully.
"Continuing," Leo says, going down the list. "Tip two: Stay Mentally Active. Keeping his mind exercised is just as important as the physical exercise."
"How do we exercise his brain?" Raph asks, tilting his head.
"With things like games, puzzles, hobbies, reading, etc."
"Can Mikey read?" Casey wonders aloud.
Leo furrows his brow.
"We haven't tried that yet... But we can teach him how to read again, if needed. Besides, he can read ASL!" Leo says with a snap of his fingers. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Now, on to the next one... Tip number three: Socialization. Mikey needs to spend time with us to help with things like mental depression and stress. In addition, our being around him will likely jog some of his memories! And we definitely want him to be comfortable around those he doesn't recall as well, so let's keep that up..."
April and Casey Jr. nod in unison.
"Tip número cuatro: Staying Organized. This is more for things like short term memory loss, but still useful, since we don't yet know the full extent of Mikey's mental trauma. So far he's doing well, but it never hurts to cover every base. The less Mikey has to worry over, the better. That means no more messy leftover dishes in the living room, Dad."
Leo sends a jesting glare over at his father, who is sitting in his couch munching on the tiramisu. Splinter grumbles back at him, but nods all the same.
"And on to tip five: Getting Proper Sleep. Poor sleep schedules have been linked to memory loss, which is no real surprise, let's be honest. And it doesn't even mean just staying up late, restless sleep is the same. Mikey needs rest, along with activity. Seven to nine hours of undisturbed slumber is best. But because of... what happened to him, it's possible that Mikey might have nightmares or trouble resting peacefully. So, we'll need to take some shifts and schedule sleepovers and turtle piles."
"Raph's fine with that," the snapping turtle says with a smile.
Dee raises his hand and grunts out a soft "ditto".
"Great. Next up on the list is: A Healthy Diet. Mikey's eating needs have changed somewhat, but it's nothing we can't handle. Three meals a day, meat with each one, and of course fruits, vegetables and whole grains."
"Good thing I just went shopping," April says with a grin, stroking Mikey's head again.
He purrs in his sleep and nuzzles his beak into the underside of her knee. His soft breath tickles her skin, but she doesn’t dare move.
"Tip number seven: Manage Chronic Health problems. We gotta stay on top of any issues Mikey has. Which, he probably will. The site I checked didn't have anything on turtle mutations, but it mentioned things like high blood pressure, obesity, and depression."
"Uhhh.... I dunno if obesity is one we need to worry about with Mikey," April says, looking him over. "Kid's thin as a rail... didn't they feed him in the labs?"
Leo, Raph, and Casey exchange glances. Well, that explains breakfast, they realize...
"He might not have obesity or high blood pressure, but the trauma he endured could have resulted in depression," Splinter interjects. "And most likely anxiety."
His sons know that he is talking from experience.
"We'll be on the lookout for that. But he does have some interesting new physical things we need to be careful about," Raph chimes in. "For instance, his aversion to cold."
"Right," Leo says, pointing at Raph. "We need to keep the lair warm for him, or else he goes into shock. We kinda found that out the hard way last night..."
"Also, his eyes -- the lair needs to be properly lit up during the day. Which means, we need a few extra lamps, because the mood lighting around here ain't gonna cut it," Raph says, looking around the room at all the dark corners they haven't gotten to decorating with neon signs and lights yet.
"I think we also need to be careful about his shell," April notes.
"Why? What about it?" Leo asks, leaning forward, much to Donnie's irritation. He is still slumped against him for support.
"Look here, these bits that are raised up? Kinda look like a armadillo armor?" April says, pointing it out. "If you look underneath, you'll see he has a kind of... softer shell. It almost looks like Donnie's soft shell, but different. Almost of like reptile skin, y'know? But it looks sensitive..."
"Okay, so be careful about Mikey's undershell," Leo says with a nod. "Got it. This shouldn't be too hard!"
"In the meantime, let's come up with some stuff we can do with him to keep him occupied," Raph says with a smile.
"Right! He's pretty energetic, so the exercise won't be an issue."
"Could we risk taking him to a park?" Casey asks. "I mean, when it's in the evenings or empty?"
"I doubt it," Leo exhales. "He might run off or get lost. And it isn't like before, when we could just wear hoodies and pretend we were normal. People might recognize us now. And we can't risk the TCRI scientists or the EPF finding him again."
"I can build sumfin' for him," Donnie mumbles sleepily. "Monkey bars or whatever... cat tower to climb on. Sumfin'. Angelo would like that..."
"Do you think he can still draw?" April asks.
"He could barely hold a fork, so maybe not..."
The room falls quiet and somber.
"...But, we can still try, right?" April offers.
"Yeah... yeah! Of course!" Raph proclaims. "Mikey loves to make art, no matter what! He can still play around with it if he wants... maybe not with his more expensive stuff, like the fancy markers and junk; we'll work our way up to those. Better start small..."
"I can buy him some crayons and coloured pencils!" April offers. "And my college has this huuuuge roll of paper that they use for the drawing club! I bet they wouldn't notice if one or two rolls went missing..."
Leo rubs his hands together mischievously.
"Oh, I'm all in for that."
"We can schedule movie nights more regularly," Splinter offers, taking another bite of tiramisu -- and then promptly choking on it, after the chocolate dust does down his windpipe because he talked with his mouth full.
"Sure, but not too late in the evenings. Okay, Pops?"
Splinter raises a thumbs up as he hacks and chokes on the cake.
"Cassandra has some puzzles and friendship bracelet kits for the girl scout meetings," Raph interjects. "I'm sure she'd let us borrow a few for Mikey."
"And Donnie can find some easy-to-read books down at the mystic library!" Leo adds. "Right, Donnie? ... Donnie?"
Leo turns around to see that Donatello has fallen asleep against his back.
The group collectively roll their eyes.
Raph helps Leo to lift him up. Donnie murmurs in his sleep, even opens an eye just a wink, but promptly falls back into his rest.
Leo starts to carry his twin back to his room where he can sleep properly. Raph goes to April and picks up Mikey as well, getting an idea...
The group follow Leo into Dee's traincar and watch as the brothers take his battleshell off and tuck him into bed for a good long nap. Leo is sure to get one of Donnie's more comfortable and oversized sweatshirts and wrap it over him. Once he's situated, Raph gently lays Mikey on top of the softshell. The mutated box turtle wiggles into place on his brother's chest, where he can absorb his heat and feel his breathing. A blanket is thrown over the two as the final touch.
"There," Raph says with a soft smile. "Now Donnie won't be getting up for a while."
April and Leo chuckle softly. Splinter smiles sweetly at his sons, and they leave the two to their well-deserved rest.
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joron1a-stardustlor · 6 months
yk what?
Screw it, mobility hcs
Cane user
The robot suit healed most of him but mobility is still strainful so the interns gave him a cane
It was hooked cane and it was quite old
He hated it it was bland,brown,old,short, and uncomfortable.
After All Stars Heather and Alejandro saved up money to get him an actual cane
It was tall and had a fake (but real looking) ruby at the handle, it was brimmed with gold paint at the top edge toward the handle and the bottom edge
It had a custom golden pattern painted on it of a snake and an eel twirling aroung the cane
(For reference, Noah calls alejandro an eel, while heather has been called a snake)
Heather found it stupid
Alejandro loves it
Heather always fetches his cane for him, but sometimes playfully puts it away so Alejandro has no choice but to cling onto her
Heather likes carrying Alejandro around, wether it be on her back, on the shoulder, or princess/bridal style
Whenever he finds out he get playfully angry at heather, but she always gives it back
Heather has to often give massages to alejandro or fetch his medicine
Alejandro alway apologizes for this and feels guilty that heather has to be constantly looking after him
He often pays his respect by making Heather a delicious dinner every night
Heather pretends to hate it, but she likes taking care of him
Heather does feel bad for Alejandro and tries to be the best for him, but will still be mean to him and vice versa
When he accidently sat a table away from Noah and Owen at a fancy resturant, he hit noah where it hurts with his cane
He made sure it hurt
Tyler often visits and hold Alejandros cane while Heather makes some coffee for them
He finds it really cool and always wants to hold it
He likes complimenting alejandro on how tough he is for living like this
Hehe cutie patooties
again, trauma chair fixed mostly fixed him but not everything
Had nearly died due to loss of blood, and had been taken in by the medical resort on Playa des Losers
Was fully aware of his surrondings, just paralylized
His sister (Alberta) and his Papi took care of him
His family is poor and Scott sleeps with a matress on the floor, they were unable to give him any proper medical care other than letting his body heal itself
Once he was allowed out of the chair he just laid there on his mattress not even a singular pillow on it
Alberta was basically stuck to him, hugging him and crying on his chest wondering if he would even be able to make a full recovery, even if he was a bitch to her for most of her life and many other people she missed him
Scott could move around a little bit, whenever his sister cried and hugged him he always attempted to hug her with one arm to thank her
Once he was fully unparilyzed he had to use Leg braces (not the cast looking ones just the strapped ones) over his legs
He became very sensitive to sudden movements,loud noises/areas ,and bright lights
developed such a great fear for water he sprayed himself with a hose to shower and refused to even spill it on himself
His fear of water decreased over time,to the point he allowed himself to swim in pools but not open ocean,but the Galeophobia stuck with him forever
He tries to go someday without his Leg braces but he often just squirms and struggles to walk for a second before collapsing on the floor
Developed the worst sleep schedule, he has nightmares about when Fang attacked him often
Undiagnosed ptsd,depression and paranoia
Sam,Lightning and Brick go out with him often to hangout
Sam always brings candy incase he feels like jes about to pass out, Lightning and Brick are the huggers and scott brings his headphones to listen to music if it gets too loud
They take good care of Scott and try to make sure he lives happy
(Everyone in that friend group is mentally ill
Team dude >>>>>
Occasional wheelchair user
Had a leg deficiancy as a kid and had to use a wheel chair for most of his childhood
He had to drink milk and take a lot of medicine to cure him of this when he was 13
Near death moment due to an accidental overdose but lived and made a full recovery
Diagnosed autism, he fixates on science,math,chemistry,robotics,etc and socially awkard,doesnt understand social norms and introverted cmon
Doctors office was basically his second home, visited about twice a month
He has other physical restraints that have physical activity be a difficulty for him
At the All Shits Finale after he had boulders dumped on him he was in the same wheelchair he had as a kid
He didnt grow much in height so it still fit him
For anyone wondering;
He had it customized for himself with a neck pillow, joystick and had painted parts of it red
Him,Gwen,Zoey and mike helped decorate it more with stickers,more paint and a small attached photograph of the four in a small slip
Huuurhfsggg them <33
Edit: pls speak ur mind in the rbs, id love to see if you have more or what you think about these hc :]
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
Hey ! It's my first request ever, so I'm not sure how it work. If you're not confortable with it, feel free to don't respond. I'm kinda obsess with an AMAB Sevika, can you write reader discovering a surprise pregnancy with a sex friend/flirt/crush Sevika ?
I like the way you make her express her feelings, it's pretty accurate with Arcane. Feel free for them to keep the baby or not. Thank you so much and thank you for your work. ^^
sure!!! i got another very similar request too so i'll combine them :)
Amab sevika really be curing my depression
Maybe reader and vika are married and trying for a baby? 🥺🥺 amab sevika is my beloved and I'd die for her
men and minors dni
you guys have been trying to get pregnant for about six months now.
a lot of it's been fun. flipping through baby books together in bed, sending each other videos of cute babies on social media, and the actual baby making process is a blast.
but some of it's hard.
sevika's stopped taking her estrogen to get her sperm count back up. as a result, she's been horribly dysphoric.
you've caught her crying several times, standing in front of the mirror with a pair of tweezers in her hands, her chest irritated from the plucking and picking she'd done. she's become obsessive in shaving her face, doing it two or three times a day. her metabolism's gotten faster without the estrogen, and the 20 or so pounds of extra padding she'd put on her thighs and hips since she started e years ago is starting to fade away.
you try your best to make her feel better, insist that you guys could always try ivf instead, but she's determined to do it 'the old fashioned way.' so, you just hold her when her dysphoria takes hold, pressing kisses to her hair, reminding her you'd love her with a full beard just as much as you love her now.
it's been hard on you too. the more time that goes by without a successful pregnancy, the more you feel like your body's betraying you.
how many times did you and sevika have a pregnancy scare at the beginning of your relationship, before you were ready for kids? hundreds. but now that you're actively trying, your period is as regular as it can possibly be.
you've decided that if you go another month without any success, you're going to throw in the towel and ask your obgyn about ivf. you can't take much more disappointment, and you don't like seeing sevika so depressed all the time.
but then, something happens.
it starts with your tits getting sore.
for a week straight, they're tender to the touch, sore by the end of the night when you take your bra off. you know it's one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, but you don't say anything, not wanting to get your hopes up.
but then you start getting sick in the mornings. you can't hide this from sev, and she's squirming with excitement beside you as she rubs your back while you spew your guts into the toilet below.
"this is amazing." she says, giddy. you groan.
"real amazing sev, i'm feeling great." you say sarcastically. she giggles and presses a kiss to your head.
"i'm sorry, honey." she whispers. you giggle and reach out to hold her hand as another bout of nausea overtakes you.
your period is a day late.
and then two.
you know this. you know sevika knows this. but neither of you say anything, too scared to jinx it.
but when two days becomes three, and then three becomes a full week, you start getting excited.
you don't tell sevika you buy a pregnancy test-- not wanting to disappoint her if it's negative. but you do buy one, and you take it an hour before sevika's meant to get home.
it's positive. you nearly pass out from excitement.
sevika comes home to dinner on the table and flowers in the kitchen.
you sit on her lap the second she sits down, swinging your arms around her shoulders.
she's smiling like she already knows, but she's biting her lip-- worried that she's wrong.
"i got two surprises for you." you say.
"two?!" she asks, her hands clawing into your hips. you smile.
"two." you say, nodding.
you reveal the syringe full of her estrogen to her, raising your eyebrows at her. she blinks.
"what's that?" she asks. you laugh.
"'s only been a few months sev, y' already forgot what your e looks like?" you tease her. she blinks and gulps as you wipe a cool alcohol wipe over her bicep, pinching the skin and bringing the needle up to her arm. you smile at her.
"but what about--"
"don't ruin the second surprise." you scold her as you inject the needle into her muscle, pushing her hormones in and watching as her eyes go wide and sparkly.
she doesn't even notice the sting of the needle-- she's usually such a wimp about it, but tonight, she's got all her attention focused on you.
"does that mean-- are you--"
"pregnant?" you ask as you gently place a bandaid over the tiny puncture wound. sevika's breath catches in her throat and her eyes get watery. you place a kiss on top of the bandage, keeping your eyes locked on hers. sevika's breathing is shaky, tears already streaming down her cheeks. you lean up to kiss them up. "you're gonna be a momma, sev." you whisper against her cheek.
at the words, sevika bolts out of her chair, holding you in her arms and running you to the bedroom. you laugh the whole way.
sevika slams you (gently) down onto the bed before jumping on top of you. one of her hands goes to hold your stomach, the other comes up to cup your cheek.
"are you serious?!" she whispers. you smile and nod, your own tears welling in your eyes.
"took three tests. all positive." you say. sevika whimpers, then swoops down to kiss you.
she fucks you like she's trying to get you pregnant again.
and then, when you're done and she's holding you in your arms, her hand still on your stomach, the both of you catching your breaths, the first thing she says is, "what do you think about athena as a girls name?"
"goddess of war!?" you ask, laughing. "absolutely not. i'm not dealing with another little fighter in the house." you say. sevika giggles.
"but it's badass! nobody'd fuck with her." she says, pouting at you. you laugh. sevika gasps. "she just kicked!" she says, pointing at your belly. you laugh even harder. "she loves it! we have to name her athena now!" she says, teasing.
you groan and push her face away as she chuckles. "you're fuckin' ridiculous." you say between your giggles. sevika grins.
"i love you so much." she whispers, tears forming in her eyes again. your laughter ceases, a sweet watery smile taking its place.
"i love you too." you whisper.
sevika grins and swoops down to kiss your stomach.
"love you too, little fucker." she whispers to your belly.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
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prettyinpink350 · 8 months
Clean/is it over now?
This whole story was basically inspired by clean, is it over now, now that we don’t talk, wonderland, style, basically the whole 1989 album, all too well 10 version, and illicit affairs
Can you tell I love Taylor Swift? 🤭
Nomad grey! Soft dark! Steve rogers x reader. Cheating!!!! Angst!!!! Depressed reader, tony dying. The time line if messed up do t do the math I already tried lol. Reader is Tony Starks, daughter, but race or looks are not described. 
Seeing his blue eyes in the forefront of your mind was haunting. you couldn’t get clean off of him His whispers had changed every muscle in your body to love him and only him. Was it over when she laid down on your couch was it over when he unbuttoned your blouse? Was it over then and is it over now? The question you asked every night, or when you walked in every room that held the blondes with love eyes. Your scorned young body, a solider returning half her weight, the blue muse hidden from view hurting from seeing the flashing lights as he showcased her to all.
Steve Rogers was your first lover, only 18, and somehow the family friend since your early teen years was gone and replaced with a man of love and stolen kisses. His hands fire, his lips held unfished unspoken ‘I love yous’. If your love is over, why do you wait? Why do you hide in your hidden places he took you so no one could hear your sweet nothing relationship and moans. Why are you still writing pages about a love story that has ended?
You remember the tension in the last years before the full out. His smile on your 18th birthday, him slow dancing with you, everyone at the party drunk or too blinded by the American dream to notice he was more then a family friend or uncle Steve, your father's co-worker and avenger. Blushing in arms, your teenage heart bursting in shy looks away from the man holding your waist. Then by next celebration, Only ever held hands with a boy and suddenly a lover, what an unexpected transition for an 19 year old girl. Never knowing how love worked nor how cruel his could be.
Now 25 never had another lover, the habit for you never left, still lost in wonderland though he was lost in anothers. Trying to find a cure, to bring dust to people, standing in a room with the rest of (what's left of) the Avengers brings acid up your throat. The secret too big to share with your father and how his old best friend broke your heart, it ate you alive for lying, dying. Dying feeling like the world's worst daughter, watching him sacrifice himself while whispering to you how much he loved you was the ground falling underneath what made your sky.
Steve picking your crumpled body off the ground crying at your father's asleep feet to forgive you for your secrets. Sobbing into the man you loved and hated, hated for leaving you scared and confused during the civil war. You sat at home heartbroken praying he was okay and that he would just sign the damn papers, that your father didn't kill him, while he made out with Sharon Carter. Pounding on his chest screaming at him to let you go, you struggled in his arms while he tried to calm you down.
You yelling at him that it was all his fault, only the two of you knowing what you meant.
After that you didn't talk to him, what was really left of the Avengers lives in the compound and so does Steve's new finance, the younger blonde, who giggles like you did, he’s not afraid to tell people he loves her. The pain mixed in with love unrequited.
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A mission in the tall mountains was the reopening of the love affair, you think of jumping off every tall somethings just to see if he comes running, but no.
“I’ve missed you” he spoke to you leaning on the kitchen island, you sitting at the dinner table eating soup, you ignored him. “y/n”
“Let's leave the past where it belongs,” you said
“Babygirl please” Steve pushed himself off the counter, pulling your chair away from the table, now squatting in front of you. His hands holding yours.
“You’re engaged, we shouldn’t requel our relationship now, and I can't even look at you without wanting you” you admitted softly to him looking down at your lap where your hands and his lay.
“I still love you y/n, and I know I left. I know I should have come back to you baby. I’m a sick man but your my love baby and I can't see you love me everyday while I pretend she's you.”
“No, do you think I didn't see you, there was flashing lights at least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight, were we over when you kissed Sharon? You try and find something better in every girl's bed-.”
Steve kissed you deeply cutting you off, his hands moved to your shoulders pulling you closer. You kissed him back, the feeling different from the innocent love, that the devil he was truly letting himself mask in it.
His arms wrapped around your waist, and your legs wrapped around his. He took you to bed, naked bodies meeting again. His thrusts drove moans out of you like no other.
“You're still my baby, c'mon I’m still your Stevie” his words kissed your skin. “Say it, say you're still mine, I’m still your daddy” he demanded his thrusts becoming harder.
“I-i love you Daddy” you squeaked out Steve smiling at your words knowing he still had you after all these years.
“Don't you ever take away my baby again. You’re my baby.” after his words, you moaned loudly your face buried in between his neck and shoulder. Cumming full force.
“That's it babygirl, cum for me.”
Steve and you laid down still naked in each other's arms, feeling his warmth.
“We’re staying here, I'm not going back to her,” he spoke sternly
“What?” you replied back, pulling away so you could see his face.
“We’re stayin’ here, we’re gonna build a family and I’m not letting you out of my sight again baby. You’re mine. I love you” Steve said still stern but with a dark look in his eyes.
“I’ve watched you hurt and be alone far too long, I've saved the world for you, killed for you, wanted you… Say it back y/n”
“I-i love you, Stevie”
10 months older, a baby five months in. You can't quit, you can't say you got clean. 10 months older now he can admit there was no mission just a trick to get you back.
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takusan-no-ai · 1 year
Memory Loss
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PAIRING: Freya x Male Reader, Kratos/Heimdall/Thor/Baldur x Female Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
SUMMARY: A jealous rival curses their lover, (Y/N), with memory loss.
As the goddess of Beauty, Freya is admired by many men. However, you were the one that stole her heart. She’d never met a man like you before, and you were a major upgrade from Odin.
You were everything she could hope for: kind, dependable, and most of all, loving. You always tried to help her and Baldur mend their relationship; you even spent whole days with Baldur to try and earn his respect.
And even when Kratos and Atreus killed her son, you stuck with her every step of the way. You didn’t stop her from getting revenge, but you did consult with her about how it hurt you to see her so depressed. Freya could go on and on about how much you complete her.
That was until the curse. A man who Freya had already rejected centuries ago still wouldn’t let up. He sent her all kinds of gifts. But when he found out that Freya was not only in love with, but also marrying you, he flipped.
Sending her sacks full of mistletoe as a way to hurt her. Defacing her house with blood. Even destroying the wildlife and animals. It got so bad that Freyr had to knock some sense into the guy, banishing him away from Vanaheim.
Freya didn’t tell you. She feared you’d run away, wether in a noble pursuit to protect her or out of fear, she didn’t care. She’s a powerful goddess, so she assumed if anything serious did happen, she could just fix it. Freya never suspected that man would curse you with memory loss.
She attacked him the moment she found out, threatening him to tell her the cure. He didn’t though, determined to hurt her husband. She keeps him as a prisoner, torturing him until he tells her how to fix you. As for you, Freya just tries to start over with you.
She’ll tell you that you’re both married, and that you’ve lost your memory. She has a hard time adjusting to treating you less like a lover and more like a friend for your own comfort. Either way, Freya will stay with you so long as you’re still capable of loving her again.
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Kratos adores you. After Faye died, he wasn’t sure if he would ever love again. The sheer amount of people that hate him far outweigh the ones that don’t.
Kratos also didn’t want to push a new woman into Atreus’ life; the boy loves his mother and Kratos doesn’t want Atreus to think he’s replacing her.
Luckily, Atreus grows attached to you as well. He doesn’t quite see you as a new mother, but he welcomed you in with open arms. All was well, and Kratos had met someone else who didn’t see him as a monster.
It truly touched his heart to know that there are people out there who can like him. He didn’t expect for another woman to admire him though. By the time the two of you were married, some lady had started to stalk Kratos.
At first he could only feel eyes on him. But after a while he began to see a shadowy figure in the distance, and it looked to be a woman. He would sometimes see her looking at you or sneaking up to Atreus, and every time it only made Kratos more paranoid.
When the woman does curse you with memory loss, Kratos loses it. He has tried to hold back his rage for so long, but seeing a loved one of his get hurt so badly broke him.
He kills the woman in a fit of rage. And while he does regret not being able to control himself after the fact, he doesn’t regret killing her. Kratos will seek help from his friends to find a cure for your memory loss.
As for you, Kratos just tries to make you feel comfortable and happy. He debates wether he should tell you that you’re married to him, worried you might not believe him and run off. He will always love you though, and refuses to give up on you.
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Heimdall values you as much as he values his position in Asgard, likely even more than that. Some even say that Heimdall likes you more than Odin himself. Heimdall denies this; not because it isn’t true, but because he doesn’t want Odin to find out.
Everyone would goad him about it. They all knew to not mess with you though. To Heimdall, you’re literally perfect, even if you’re covered head to toe in mud. If anyone ever thought of hurting his wife, they’d be dead.
You’re the only woman that has ever managed to stand his attitude and give it back enough to shock him. Most would either cower away or just try to fight him, inevitably losing to his foresight.
There was one woman that had an obsession with Heimdall. She just wouldn’t relent. No matter how cruel, indifferent, or just out right violent he was , she’d follow him. Heimdall couldn’t stand it, he didn’t want you to think he was letting this woman fawn over him.
She attacked you the moment Heimdall wasn’t there. Odin had sent him away on a errand and you were alone with the woman stalking you. She casted her curse of memory loss and when Heimdall returned, he was furious.
He found her easily and looked into her mind, trying to find the cure. He did find out what it was, however he had no idea where to find it nor how far it was. He tried to interrogate the woman, but to no avail; Heimdall killed her since she served no purpose anymore.
If Baldur is still alive then Heimdall will send him out to find the cure and bring it back. If not, then he’ll just send out a Valkyrie to find it. Heimdall won’t be the same until you’re back to normal.
Until you’re cured, Heimdall will spend most of his time reintroducing everything to you. He doesn’t rush back into a relationship with you and focuses on becoming close again to you.
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Thor isn’t very well liked. The people that do like him either only use him or don’t know him well enough. He expected nothing else from you; Thor thought you’d be just like all the others.
And, naturally, you actually hated him at first. You told him right to his face everything about him that disgusted you. Thor was pissed off about you.
When he found out that Odin kept you around since you’re one of the most beautiful woman in all of Midgard, he felt hurt. It was like he was being controlled again.
He couldn’t even defend his own honor because of the All-Father. Color Thor surprised when you begin to be nice to him. He doesn’t trust you first, believing you’re just looking to use him.
When it turns out that your change in attitude is from seeing his relationship with his father, he felt a little seen. As the years went by Thor had trusted you more and even fell in love with you. The two of you married and you got along as good as one can with his family.
However, there was another woman. She’d been in love even back when he was with his first wife. But Thor always avoided her, going as far as killing her family just to send the message. Clearly it wasn’t enough because the woman cursed you.
Everyone thought you and Thor had divorced, confused as to why his wife was acting like she didn’t know him. Only the children of Odin, and Thor’s family, knew of your memory loss from the curse. Thor couldn’t even interrogate the woman for a cure because he killed her with a bolt of thunder.
He has his family searching for a cure, Odin only helping because he can’t use Thor if he’s all focused on you getting better. While they’re searching for a cure, you’ll be well taken cared of by Thor until you’re okay again.
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Baldur has grown to know and love you over the years, trusting you with every fiber of his being. You never once gave up on him, and despite his curse, you never stopped loving him.
When you became his wife Baldur made an oath to forever and always love and protect you. He’d do anything for you, and he has been practicing to become a better person.
He’s working on his relationship with his mother, now being on talking terms at least. And he’s made a truce with Kratos. This was all obviously much to Odin’s dismay.
Now that Baldur has you he doesn’t feel the need to work under his father anymore. He’s always known that he was being used, but a small part of him has always had the hope that he’d feel again. Now that Baldur has you, he doesn’t care to be so obsessive with his curse anymore.
But another woman, someone who fell in love with Baldur after a night together far back, was furious. She wanted to be his wife! So she plotted to curse you with the help of a monster; that monster being Odin. Of course, the woman would take all the blame.
Baldur beat her to a pulp until she told him what the cure was. And he killed her afterwards in the mist of a blind rage. He never wanted this for you, his soulmate.
Baldur made it his mission to set out for however long until he could find you a cure. And he will. After all, he’s all of Asgard’s best tracker.
He leaves you with Kratos and the man’s family, making sure you’re in safe hands until he can fix you.
- Fin
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inbarfink · 8 months
Before the final episodes of “Fionna and Cake,” there was a theory that Simon would move to Fionna’s world, since that world is normal, and non-magical and Fionna and Cake would live in Simon’s world, that is, in OOO, since that world is magical and full of adventures. Do you think this ending would have been better? Like, Fionna's world is legal, she and Simon can call each other, but they swapped worlds
Hmmmmm... okay, so there's two Things that I think about Re:Endings
Endings can't just get swapped in and out of a story, because Endings are built up to during the course of the entire narrative. To hypothetically change the ending of F&C, you don't just need to change the last few scenes of the show, or even just the last two episodes - you're gonna have to rewrite a lot of the series from the ground-up because it's been building up for that specific ending that we've got.
Fionna and Cake is a series whose core conflicts are not exactly... directly applicable to the real world. All of it's lessons and themes have to be understood via the lens of Metaphor. As such, with Endings in general, but with endings of something like F&C especially - it matters less What Happens on paper and more what does it Mean. The question of which alternative universe Simon or Fionna needed to end up on is dependent on the thematic implications of that plot point.
So, like, the show has already spent a lot of time subtly establishing it's themes of acceptance and self-growth - and the way they relate to Fionna and Simon's issues within Fionnaworld and Mainworld. An ending where they just swap places would probably feel unsatisfying because it wouldn't gel with the thematic and emotional concepts we've set up so far.
Fionna thought the problem with her World was that it lacked fantasy and magic, but her real problem was that she felt stuck, helpless and unable to affect meaningful change in her life and world. So when she learned to think things through and accept that her actions have consequences
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She realized that she didn't need the Magical Adventures to make her life meaningful. She can make changes in her world in all kind of wonderful normal ways.
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And honestly, if she ended up in Ooo without learning this lesson... she wouldn't have actually being much better off than she was in her old World before the series started.
If anything, she would've been worse off because she was cutting herself away from her entire support network and, as a result of her not thinking about her actions and initially viewing Ooo as just a manifestation of her escapist fantasies and not as a real world with real people... as far as Ooo is concerned she and Cake are violent criminals.
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So, like, the only way she could've ended up even remotely happy in Ooo is by learning the lesson that meant that she didn't need to go to Ooo to be happy.
Simon would've been in a very similar position. There's also the problem of him living all of his loved ones behind with just Fionna as a point of contact. And... his depression and trauma would not be cured by just a change of scenery. And sure, maybe he would feel less isolated in a world where he's not the only 'normal guy'...
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....or his problems will just end up inverting themselves. Because the experiences of living in Ooo have changed Simon, most notably in the character beat in Episode 3 where he's surprised by the presence of a non-talking cat.
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Cause, yeah, Simon is 'just a normal guy' - but he's a normal guy whose been living in a world of Wacky Magic for years now and he survived an apocalypse and he used to be Cursed Wizard and his adopted daughter is a Vampire half-demon and he's technically over a 1000 years old... In an actual Normal World, he might start feeling like a Weirdo.
Which is what he was before the Mushroom War.
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Simon never truly 'fit-in' into any 'world' he lived in. So he's better off not searching for the One Perfect Place where he belongs - whatever it's a Normal World, or like a Normal World (with a little bit of magic sprinkled in) like what Fionnaworld ended up being - it's to accept the fact that he doesn't need to perfectly fit-in to be happy and feel like he belong and relate to people.
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And the ability to accept change and to stop romanticizing the past is a huge part of the Betty part of Simon's arc. So it just fits in better if Simon also has to accept that the world he exists in and the life he leads have changed, rather than being able to go back to a recreation of the Pre-War World he remembers.
... but I am saying all of this because this is what F&C chose to build up to and what F&C chose as it's themes and metaphors. A version of F&C where Simon ends up in Fionnaworld and Fionna ends up in the Mainworld can absolutely exist and work... it's just that you need to rewrite at least like half of the series to build up to it in a way that feels like a satisfying and appropriate conclusion. But also, like, I'm happy enough with the ending we've got that I don't feel the need to do all of this lol
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merci-bitch · 1 year
Headcanons for Melissa !!
Everyone loves Melissa, I’m here for it
Gotta thank @girlswholikehotolderwomen for feeding me Melissa fics. Honest to god.
Warning(s): hints of smut, not much, fluff, general stuff
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- Melissa is a 100% passion and heart
- Girl cares about you so much
- Heart eyes.
- Literally
- If you’re a teacher at Abbott, Barbra sees the heart eyes
- You know she be teasing Melissa about it.
- Makes Melissa all flustered 💃🏼💃🏼
- I’m thinking, if Ava desires to have a meeting in the lunch room and every other seat is taken,
- Melissa’s lap is your seat.
- Her arm wrapped safely around your waist and one hand on your thigh to keep you in place
- She loves it
- Absolutely loves it
- She can whisper things in your ear
- Get you all hot’n bothered
- You can’t do shit about it
- Melissa in her dangerous habitat
- She’s a teaser
- But she genuinely likes to have you sit in her lap
- Late nights, on the couch with you in her lap???
- Adorable
- She’s very protective over you
- No one dares to hurt Melissa Schemmenti’s girl.
- She will go full out for you
- If someone hurts you?
- Good luck to them
- She will track them down and beat them up herself
- Despite having a guy for everything
- She has stories to tell, and you listen
- Her voice is enough to make you either sleepy, happy or horny
- Everything another her is just
- 🤌🏻🤌🏻
- She loves to feed you
- She cooks 24/7
- There’s always something on the stove
- Always something new to try
- You’re certainly not complaining
- Melissa’s cooking is extraordinary
- The best food you’ve ever had.
- As she said herself.
- She’s very serious about her cooking
- The kitchen is her safe space
- Weekly family dinner can get rough and loud
- Although that, she’s insecure like everyone else
- Scared that she’s too old, or not attractive enough anymore
- Scared that the relationship will end up like what happened with her and Joe
- She thought it was done for her before she meet you
- You helped her realise it wasn’t
- She needs love and care as much as anyone else
- On a bad day; she needs a hug herself.
- Melissa’s hugs can cure depression.
- She’s a wildcard in bed
- What else 🤪
- Despite knowing what she wants, she doesn’t ignore you
- She doesn’t ignore if something doesn’t feel right for you
- She always asks before doing something new
- If it’s okay or if it’s going too fast
- She’s learned from her own mistakes
- She may not say “I love you” very often but her eyes do
- They soften when she sees you
- As Barbra said, heart eyes
- She relaxes around you
- You make her feel calm
- She wouldn’t want anything to ruin that feeling.
- You’re stuck with her, and you wouldn’t have it any other way <3
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