#But for now. I guess I will eat this konpeito.
kicktwine · 2 months
buying myself a little Treats such that I do not Succumb to the Madbnes of being at work when I was not scheduled i to Be at Work
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Diabolik Lovers ZERO Floor 7. Mini drama
Vampire’s late night snack.
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Voice Actor: Tomoaki Maeno Character: Kino Audio: [ Here ] Duration: 12:09
Note: I haven’t seen any translation of this tokuten (though if there’s any, I’m sorry! I couldn’t find it OTL) So I decided to make my own– It’s a cute scenario about teaching Kino how to cook ♥ Enjoy!
✩. ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . . ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . ✩
You’re reading when Kino furiously opens the door and comes in.
Kino: Seriously, I can’t believe it! 
The door closes.
Kino: What does he mean, “You can’t, Kino”!? What does he think I am!?
You ask what happened.
Kino: It doesn’t matter what happened! I just offered myself to cook too this time. And what do you think Yuuri told me!? He said that I can’t cook! But I know how to cook! I just don’t do it often.
You ask if they argued.
Kino: We didn’t argue… Well, it’s normal, I never enter the kitchen because Yuuri usually does everything. But he doesn't have to refuse like that! [He scratches the back of his head] Ahh, it pisses me off…! I have to prove him wrong, somehow.
Kino: Right… You’re quite skilled in cooking, aren’t you?
You already know what he’s thinking.
Kino: Yes, that’s right. Teach me how to cook.
You hesitate.
Kino: … Are you going to say that I can’t, as well?
You try to tell him that it’s already late.
Kino: It doesn’t matter how late at night it is, does it?. Besides, I’m a vampire, if anything this is the time when I eat. 
You are about to say something else.
Kino: A~ahhh… You're hurting me. Now you have to do something to ease this pain. [He steps closer] So? Where do you want me to sink my fangs in? Maybe you want it to hurt a lot, so I won’t hold back at all to suck your blood.
You try to dialogue.
Kino: I won’t wait. So, where do you want me to suck your blood from…? Ah, maybe your ear is a good spot. It’s a sensitive spot, it will be very painful for sure…
You beg him not to.
Kino: Then… You will teach me, right? I don’t care what dish it is.
You finally agree to teach him.
Kino: Yes, yes… You should’ve said that from the start. [He moves away] Then let’s go to the kitchen. By the way, make sure it’s something I can make and that looks fancy too. 
–later ; in the kitchen–
Kino: … You took out all these random ingredients... Some weird veggies and… cheese? So, what are we making with this?
You won’t tell him just yet.
Kino: You’ll tell me when we’re done? Well, that’s fine. Just this once I will follow your orders. So, what do we do first?
You give him something.
Kino: What is… this…? … Eh!? A lotus root? This is how it looks? 
You cut a slice.
Kino: Ah, you’re right. It looks more like a lotus root after you cut it. I just have to chop it into slices, right?
You correct him.
Kino: Eeeeh…? These orders are getting annoying. Yeah, yeah. I will cut thin slices.
You give him another instruction.
Kino: 100 grams!? How am I supposed to know how much 100 grams of lotus root is!? Can you stop making your orders so hard?
He reluctantly grabs a knife.
Kino: I’ll just do what I can. [He starts chopping it, then shows you] Like this?
You tell him it’s good.
Kino: I guess. Naturally, I know how to use a knife. So? What’s next?
You turn the stove on.
Kino: Ah, you’re boiling this? ... The oil is making a good sound. Can I throw in the lotus root now?
You tell him how.
Kino: Again with your weird requests… I get it. I have to place them flat and cook them from both sides, right? 
Kino cooks for a while.
Kino: Yes, they look good! They are cooked and they smell pretty nice. What do we do next?
You give him something else.
Kino: … Are these leftovers? Is it okay to put these? Alright, then I’ll put the small pieces of bacon… also the tomato ones… and some green pepper slices… Mm! It looks very colorful! As expected of me. Since we’re doing this well, let's add konpeito too. I like them! [He takes some out of the jar] See? They are shiny and pretty, and I like their star shape. Let’s add these in!
You stop him.
Kino: Eeeeeh? Stingy. Fine. So? What now?
You bring something else.
Kino: Oh? That’s melting cheese… Ehhh? If we put that in, all the colors will disappear… Ah, right, we have to cut it into small pieces first. Let’s add the cheese, then… It’s melting, it’s melting! Ah~ It already looks delicious!
You tell him to put the lid on.
Kino: Yeees. I’ll cover this then. [He covers the food with the lid] So now we just have to wait, right? We already had dinner and I’m getting hungry again. Well, I’m a vampire so it doesn’t matter whether I eat or not. But I can’t wait until it gets done…
He takes the lid off.
Kino: Woah~! It looks very tasty! The smell is already telling, it’s going to be delicious. … Is it done?
You nod and give him a plate.
Kino: Yay! It’s finally done! An easy-to-make lotus root Pizza! 
You realize he found out on his own.
Kino: I can tell that it’s a pizza, though it’s the first time I see lotus root slices used at the bottom like this. Hey, let’s taste it before showing it to Yuuri! Now that it’s done it’s hard for me to wait any longer…
You agree.
Kino: Fu~, then, thank you for the meal! 
Kino takes a bite.
Kino: Huff, huff. Mm!! What’s this!? No way… This is too good! 
You ask him if he likes it.
Kino: Yeah! A lot! It’s crunchy thanks to the lotus root, and even though they are thin slices it gives such an intense smell. It’s like veggie chips? I like how the melted cheese balances everything too. It’s best to eat it while it’s still hot! It’s so cool, it looks like a cheese fondue with small veggie pieces all over it! Also, the lotus root is full of bacon flavor! The oil from the meat makes all the flavors spread in your mouth…! [He takes another bite] Mmm!! So tasty~~!!
You’re glad he likes it.
Kino: Mhm. As expected, you chose the best recipe. It’s both tasty and easy to make, just what I wanted!
You bring something else to the table.
Kino: Eh? Is that… jello? … Ah! It has konpeito inside! Uwah~ So beautiful… It’s like the stars are shining…
You ask if he likes it.
Kino: Of course I do! I was wondering earlier what you were making, so this is it… You actually listened to my request. You are very nice, after all. Just like a good wife.
You blush.
Kino: Why are you turning so red now? I wouldn't mind making you my wife right this instant. Hahaha! What's so shocking about it? I can’t get enough of watching your reactions… Anyway! We can talk about that another time. Yuuri will be surprised when he sees this table, I'm sure.
You ask if he’s not angry anymore.
Kino: Hm? Well, I wanted to do this because what Yuuri said annoyed me at first… but there’s another reason why I wanted to cook. I thought I should be a little more independent now… I stopped caring about who’s the master and who’s the servant, you know? I don’t want Yuuri to cook for me forever, so I need to learn.
You giggle.
Kino: Why are you smiling so much? Disgusting. Are you making fun of me? 
You shake your head.
Kino: I wonder about that. This is the punishment you get for bothering me. [He grabs some food on his fork] Here. Say “aaah”.
You hesitate.
Kino: You can’t say you don’t want to eat. Open your mouth.
You obey.
Kino: Fufu~ You did it. Here you go, aaaah~ [He feeds you] Isn’t it delicious? That’s because I made it, so make sure to enjoy a~ll of it.
You tell him it’s delicious.
Kino: Right? Now I want to eat too, feed me. Aaaah~ [He eats] Mmm~~ Tasty! If we continue we’ll eat it all… well, whatever. There are some ingredients left so I can make another one. I want to eat my first homemade meal with you… okay?
✩. ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . . ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . ✩
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Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 7 Kino [Voiced Interview]
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Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO
Seiyuu: Tomoaki Maeno
Audio: Q1 ll Q2 ll Q3
Q1: Can you name something nobody will beat you at?
Kino: “I generally don’t see myself losing to anyone in combat-style mobile games. ...Wait, I guess you already knew that much. In that case, the speed at which I can search things up on my phone. I can text or type in the chat very quickly as well. Apparently it’s that intense, Yuuri even called it disgusting once...”
Q2: You seem to have a sweet tooth, but can you handle spicy food as well?
Kino: “I can eat spicy food just fine as well. However, I have a different stomach for sweets~ Well, they say the brain runs on carbs, don’t they? If I want something different, I go for guava juice. When I want to take my time and savor the sweetness, Konpeito is ideal, I guess? Then again, I always end up biting down on it, so I guess you can’t really call it ‘savoring’.”
Q3: What are some of the things she does that make you realize you love her?
Kino: “When I’m gazing at the night sky by myself, she always picks up on it and joins me. When I used to look at the stars as a child...I was always all by myself. But now I have someone with me. I love her enough to silently reach out and grab her hand, I guess...”
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shoichee · 3 years
Hi! Might I request a scenario which takes place after the match with team Jabbawock, where Murasakibara’s s/o is doting on him and his broken arm? Thanks for readibg this :3
Murasakibara x Reader
Word Count: 1300
»»————— ☼ —————««
“Jeez! You’re absolutely nuts! Have you ever considered that I might’ve gotten an actual heart attack in seeing you not only getting knocked back with a bleeding wound but also getting completely crushed by that very same basketball player?!”
“… You’re mad, Chibi-chin.” He merely glances at you in the corner of his eye as he simply reaches for another snack amongst the many cradled in his arm sling. Both of you were walking around the city for sightseeing before returning to Akita tomorrow.
“No—! I…” you hesitate, exhaling a long sigh before you cool your head from the pent-up adrenaline from the frustration, anger, and excitement in the momentous game prior. “I was just… really, really worried, okay?”
“Don’t worry,” he drawls, his mouth filled with chips that Riko’s father had splurged on earlier. “My awrm is fine.” He casually moves around his wrapped arm to make his point, but you immediately pounce on him to stop him from possibly further straining it.
“Stop, stop, stop, stop!” You held down his arm to his side with both your hands while giving him a glare. “You’re gonna strain it even more! Just… take it easy! You already gave it your all in the game, right? So…” He merely frowns at you while chewing.
“I wazn gervin it my all, though,” he pouts, finishing his bite before he continues. “Right when I got fired up, that happened, remember?” He tried to move his slinged arm around to prove his point, but your glare stopped him from having any ideas.
“Okay, I see what you mean,” you say, giving him a consoling look but then let out a laugh when you see Murasakibara quite unbothered about his predicament despite what happened. “How about to make it all up, I’ll treat you to any snacks you’re craving for today?” Immediately, he turns to you with a childish sparkle.
“Really?” Honestly, how could you say no to his puppy eyes?
“Duh,” you say, playfully rolling your eyes. “Besides, I thought you were really cool on the court. Think of it as a reward for finally giving all your effort into something, and… maybe as a future incentive to work hard? Uh… Atsushi?” He’s already eyeing the takoyaki stand across the street, his mouth practically drooling at the vivid display of the finished product at the front of the cart. You must admit, the aroma of the dish was way too irresistible to ignore. But, upon looking at the menu pricings, you died a little on the inside. You always knew how pricey takoyaki was, but being Murasakibara’s personal wallet for today, it killed you a little bit. Just a bit.
“… Um, Atsushi,” you cough. “The prices are pretty daunting.”
“But Chibi-chin, I want takoyaki.”
W-well…” In seeing your hesitation, Murasakibara stares at you before he reaches out to ruffle your hair, something that shocks you out of your inner dilemma.
“Actually, I want konpeito, so let’s hurry Chibi-chin,” he says, reaching for your hand with his uninjured hand to tug you along. “They might run out if we don’t get going.” But before he walked away with your hand in his own, you immediately pulled back.
“W-Wait!” you protest. “I’m hungry, and um—takoyaki could be a sufficient meal for the both of us—” In seeing how vehement you were, Murasakibara only gives a look that says that he saw through your bluff.
“If it costs too much, it’s not a big deal,” he says with a languid shrug. You, on the other hand, begin to drag the giant to the takoyaki stand regardless with a gained odd sense of determination.
“It’s a special occasion! We always get konpeito anyways so… something different would be nice, don’t you think?” you mumble. “Besides! I can always earn money back! And I did say that I’ll treat you to anything you crave today. Hurry up, or the line will get long!”
“You take too long to eat these, Chibi-chin.”
“You—you literally shoved every single one of these in single bites!”
“But they were good.”
“Atsushi, you’re not savoring these delectable flavors! The octopus bits and seasonings and—”
“If you’re not gonna eat the rest, can I have them?” He’s incredibly fixated on the takoyaki stick you were waving around in trying to scold him, and you immediately draw them away from his clutches before he had any funny ideas.
“No way! Don’t you need to save your stomach for other food we’ll eat later?—Actually, never mind, I wouldn’t doubt that you’d have a bottomless stomach for these things…” You turn your attention back to your last takoyaki and sigh in amusement. “But I guess if you still want more I’ll let you have this last one. I can’t really afford another serving of takoyaki, so this should suffice…”
You really should’ve expected this from someone like Murasakibara, but he simply stood there with his mouth slightly open, with a finger pointing to it expectantly. He wanted you to feed it to him.
“Oh come on,” you groan. “You’re way too tall for me to reach up to your head! No way I’m gonna do something this embarrassing in public!”
“But you said you’ll treat me,” he says with a slight whine.
“W-What does that have to do with this?!”
“Food always tastes better for sure when you feed it,” he insists. “You said that you’ll let me eat anything I crave. No other vendor can replicate flavors the same way you can.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“Besides, can’t do much with a broken arm, now can I, Chibi-chin?” He sends a smug look your way with a slight twinkle in his eyes, all the while slightly moving around said broken arm to sell his argument.
“I… wow,” you say, looking dumbstruck. “Fine… but at least… bend down a bit so I can reach you halfway, and make it quick.” But of course Murasakibara descends in the slowest pace possible, never once letting your eye contact leave his gaze as he somehow makes eating a single takoyaki somewhat risque. You stand there holding your stick, frozen like a statue as your face heats up faster than a vendor grill.
“Yup, that was really yummy~” he says, immediately standing up straight again and turning around to look for the next dish to feast on. Like he totally just didn’t seduce you a second ago. “Chibi-chin, we should just buy snacks from the store and go home. Walking around is tiring.”
“Uh…” you cough to recover yourself. “Yeah, whatever you wanna eat, Atsushi.”
“And you’ll feed me them too, right?”
“Y-You! You totally did that on purpose, you—”
“Hah? Dunno what you’re talking about, Chibi-chin.” He tugs your arm when he realized you stood there like a wide-eyed kid, completely red like a tomato. You would’ve believed his words if it wasn’t for that slight smirk he had when he turned back to look at your state. “Nothing tastes as good as you though.”
“Hn, my muscles feel all sore from the game and walking around. Let’s hurry up so we can cuddle together.”
“Oh no, you don’t! We’re not gonna pretend like you didn’t just say what you said!… But, ahem, cuddling doesn’t sound like a bad idea… Wait! We can’t strain your arm! I’ll have to check it up once we get home!”
“… Do you really have to? That’s annoying… my arm’s fine.”
“If you let me check it, we can cuddle however much you want.”
“Duh, think of it as another reward for today!”
You suddenly get déjà vu from your own words, and you really wonder if you accidentally dug yourself another grave when Murasakibara shoots you a gleeful closed-eye smile. But you just can’t help it when it comes to him.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Ikesen - Rating Suitors
Except it’s my cats who do the rating, as my little Rzepka sat on my arm and is preventing me from writing. Excuse all the typos, let’s say my screen visibility fluctuates. 
Without further ado, allow me to introduce our judges! 
Rzodkiewka/Rzepka - the matriarch of the clan, the miniature kitty of confused stares and trust issues, the lady of reoccurring bladder problems, the one and only princess of wet cat food! She has seen some shit in her life. What shit? Idk. But she’s a good cat. infinity/10, would reccom...I am not supposed to be doing that.
Junko - the older sister, the mighty beast of cuddles, the resilient hunter who fears nothing, and will not leave until your plate is empty - either because you hurried to eat your food or because you’re now crouched in front of the couch and trying to GET BACK MY YOUR BREAD. Associate of cat food thieve organisation. Clumsy fluffy ass. Never did anything wrong in her life.
Porzeczka - the void kitty, one who knows all and has experienced all things of the world.... Except for snow. And rain. But who would want that, right? Ew ew ew, my paw is wet, how did that happen, i only put it in my water bowl. How was I supposed to know that water is wet? Hm? HM? Now look at it, your wall is wet, and I want fresh water in the bowl; will murder you with her claws. Sleeps on my stomach at night. Tsundere. Shows affection excussively between midnight and 5 AM. THE NINJA.
Rzodkiew - would most likely piss in his futon from stress, not that he would notice it given how little he sleeps. Wouldn’t rule the world at his side, too much ore in this sama. 0/10
Junko - sold after the first piece of konpeito which she absolutely shouldn’t have been given. Turns into a round cat. She rolls in happiness and food. Perfect sleeping charm, the match made in heaven - her previous owner has been long imprisoned due to complaints about cat dietary habits .-. ; 11/10
Porzeczka - she is an independent kitty. She cares not for his promises. Her murder mittens have murder in them for a reason. Time to set the history straight - and then perhaps go and live peacefully somewhere in the mountains. Whew, this odd man was really too stressful, there was no other way.; -11/10
The council of cats has expressed their regret in having to announce no fucking way. Dude, are you ever home? Do you think Rzodkiew will be waiting? Nu-uh, get yourself and yours schemes somewhere else, void kitty smells nothing but trouble here. Food? What food? There is no joy in depriving you of food if it’s barely edible in the first place. Those leaves you eat aren’t the conventional edible leaves, sir. Don’t you even dare to disrespect the-mighty-hunter Junko like that.
Rzodkiew - yes, please??? Somebody with a common sense??? Who knows that animals need to be fed and who is responsible enough to be trusted with it??? Is home at least frequently?? Cares for his pets?? Rzodkiew would give him smootches, may leave some paw prints on correspondence though. Will absolutely sit in the ink if it means he’ll go to sleep; 110/10
Junko - forget about your pipe, Hideyoshi. Junko knocked it over. It’s probably under the couch. Or the desk. Cabinets. Somewhere. Actually, Junko doesn’t know where it is either. She also left nice print on the tatami mats, but found no bread, sadly. Get her some bread? No? NO?! Well, good, cats shouldn’t eat bread, that’s a plus point. Junko still likes you. Just spoil her with treats. I will come after you the moment she turns into a rolling cat, though. ; 8/10
Porzeczka - void kitty likes. Calm (aside from when he isn’t). Organized. Too stupid to stop her in her plans of world domination. Purrfect conditions for her development.; 9/10, could give her more cat trees.
Because he already has a cat, duh. 
Rzodkiew - is always super grumpy, no matter how many smootches she gives him. Somewhat confusing. But he treats her and is very gentle, and understands the personal space, and actually gives them very good food, and... RZODKIEW WHERE ARE YOU GOING, NO, DON’T MOVE OUT; 14/10
Junko - she is always with him, hugging him and such. Stopped trying to steal his food after she succeeded ONCE (too much spice, man, too much spice). Likes how fluffy his hair is, may try to groom him. 10/10, best friends, their colour schemes sorta match.
Porzeczka - destroyed his scarf because she thought it was a toy. Responsible owner. Not too loud. Will grumble with him, and then will headbutt him to show love. She understands. She would lend him her murder mittens. ; 10/10
Because they don’t want to become the food. Take it as you will, they don’t know who’d they fear more - him or Shogetsu.
Jokes aside, Junko loves the food part. The holy cat mother says annoying. Porzeczka opened claws.
Porzeczka is scared of bunnies. Is there even any place for cats left there? So many bunnies.
Is he multip...?Oh.
Prediction: Kasugayama will become a Bunny-Yama soon enough. Porzeczka must up her plans for world domination.
Rzodkiew - can I call you father? Gentle gigant, gentle gigant, gentle gigant! Emotionally stable. Could build her a fort. Spoils all the ladies - and she IS a lady. A little (literally) tiny (very tiny) cat lady. *hit adopt button*; 16/10
Junko - tall guy tall guy tall guy shoulder rides on the tall guy! SWEETS. THEFT TIME. Her foodie instinct is tingling. Although she knows she will only get food appropriate for cats. Smh. She didn’t travel to the past for that.; 5/10
Porzeczka - he is fine, I guess? She would purr at him to go rest. And then would sit on his chest to make sure he can’t get up. It’s the law of the land, you can’t get up if a cat sits on you. I’m not making this up.
Yukimura & Sasuke
No. They have Shingen and Kenshin to baby. No room for pets in that.
Aaand the winner iiiiiis
Solely because he has all the benefits of the above and no annoying neighbours/INTENSE BOSSES/ore excess. 
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kyouxa · 3 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Kino (Story 12)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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Place: Abandoned house — Inside
Kino: Wait, how long are you planning on sleeping anymore? Wouldn’t it be considerable to get up now?
Yui: (Uwah… !)
Kino-kun… !
(Eh? H-Here? Oh, yeah. I really did go back to sleep…)
Kino: You really had the nerve to shamelessly continue to sleep like a log in your situation. Looks as if you’re really the sleeping beauty.
Yui: G-Good morning...
Kino: It’s not that early anymore. Well, since you just woke up I guess there’s nothing weird about saying that though.
Your stomach must be pretty empty too, right? Aight, here’s your meal. It’s once again being bread.
Yui: Ah, that’s good enough. Thank you.
(..... ! Since he’s being so polite about me having my meal, does that mean it’s time for him to eat too… !?)
Kino: Ahh, I wish I brought in more konpeito than that. I have nothing that I could possibly want to eat anymore.
I wonder… is there really not something I could eat?
Yui: (But I’d rather avoid blood sucking right after I got up! I have to try and keep avoiding it!)
Kino-kun, do you want bread too?
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Kino: Hah? I’m good, since I’m going to suck your blood at least.
Yui: B-But, won’t you get tired of it if you keep sucking my blood all the time like you do?
*Kino gets closer*
Kino: I could never. There can’t be anything better than blood for a vampire, don’t you think… ?
You see, I’ll start sucking from here… Nn…
*Kino kisses Yui*
Yui: ...Ah
(He kissed my neck… just like he did yesterday, he might really thrust his fangs into my body from this place forward)
Kino: Fufu, are you perhaps hoping for it already? The sweet smell just got stronger after all. See, your pulse is rising...
Yui: Uwah… !
(He’s tracing my neck down… this is not good, if this continues, he’ll definitely end up sucking my blood… !)
Kino: Say, you want it too, don’t you? If so, I’ll do it without holding back.
1) I might collapse again (white) ♡♡♡
2) Stop his attempt (black)
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— I might collapse again♡
Yui: But I’m still anemic right now… besides, I might also end up collapsing right again after the blood sucking...
Kino: ...How boring. Guess I’m really not able to enjoy myself if you do faint.
Yui: (Hooray, I think he gave up!)
— Stop his attempt
Yui: I won’t let you do that. I’m already being fed up after all…
Kino: Wow, what a cold response. These recent two, three days you’ve been awfully out of it, y’know?
Yui: (But this is only Kino-kun’s fault… !)
end Choices
Kino: Ahh, I lost motivation anyway. I’ll stay away from sucking your blood, for now at least.
*Kino backs off*
Yui: O-Okay. Thank you.
(Well, I guess it’s strange for me to thank him for that)
(But on the other hand I feel sorry for him not being able to have a proper meal now…)
(I wish I could at least give him something to eat instead of blood… ah, that’s right!)
This bread is really delicious, right? You can have half of it if you want to.
Kino: So is this you showing mercy to me or are you just humiliating me now?
Yui: Don’t say it like that. I know human food is still a great thing for vampires every now and then, right?
I just thought this would be a nice change of pace.
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Kino: And that’s seriously the only reason? ...Well, guess I’ll eat it then.
Yui: Is it delicious?
Kino: It’s normal.
Yui: I-I see.
Hmm… I should’ve brought some konpeito with me when I left the mansion...
(Isn’t there anything sweet here? Umm, I mean, they’re for the sake of enjoying yourself while eating any, right?)
(Then, in Kino-kun’s case, he isn’t able to enjoy it unless it’s konpeito?)
(Konpeito… stars… that’s right… !)
Hey, I know we don’t have any konpeito here anymore, but why don’t we look at the stars in the night sky instead?
Kino: Hah? What are you talking about? It’s impossible to see them in this forest.
Yui: But still, we might be able to see them if we go outside.
Come on, let’s go outside for a bit, don’t you think that could be a change of pace as well?
*Yui drags Kino outside*
Kino: Ah… wait!
Place: Abandoned house — Outside
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Yui: (... I think it was a quite good idea to pull Kino-kun forcibly out of there…)
But the trees really are a little in the way, you can’t see anything.
Kino: That’s exactly what I said.
Yui: S-Sorry...
(Even though it didn’t appear that way, the trees are still all overgrown with leaves. Like this you can hardly see the stars or even the night sky)
(Uhh… I think my plan failed. I guess Kino-kun must be angry, right?)
Kino: …..
Yui: (Eh? He’s looking up. But he can’t possible see anything other than leaves as well)
Kino-kun… ?
Kino: ...Look, here. Konpeito does look similar to the stars, don’t you think?
Yui: Eh?
Kino: When I first saw them in my life, I thought that multicolored stars fell down from the sky.
But even after I figured that those are just ordinary clumps of sugar, the image I had back then never disappeared.
It’s like you’re having your own star, and you feel really satisfied when eating it.
Yui: You must really like stars, right?
Kino: I love them. After all, the stars… they always gave me guidance back then.
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Yui: The stars gave you guidance… ?
(I wonder what he means by that exactly? I don’t know exactly what, but…)
Kino: …..
Yui: (When I see Kino-kun’s face looking up like that… he does seem lonely…)
(This is the first time I see his face looking like that. Yuri-san… I wonder if he would be comfortable if she was here)
(Even though everything is overgrown above us, there’s still a chance to see them. And even if we can’t see them, there are always gaps in between the leaves)
(But when looking in Kino-kun’s eyes, it feels as if the stars are being reflected…)
???: Asshole, stop bullshitting me!
Yui: Kyaa!?
Eh… that voice was...
Kino: You can hear it coming from the forest. I guess someone’s fighting there.
Yui: (Fighting? No way… !)
Place: Forest — Wide area
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Ayato: Before I’ll go snatch Eve, I guess I’ll have to first of all knock you down!
Subaru: Hah! To hear that shit from someone like you, guess I´ll have to shut that annoying mouth!!
*swords clash*
Yui: (No! It’s Ayato-kun and Subaru-kun!? And they’re… crossing swords with each other!?)
Even though all the suspicions were cleared up and the atmosphere of each house returned to be calm...
Kino: The private matter might’ve calmed down, but it seems as if the battle between every house has finally started.
Yui: Such… we have to stop them somehow!
Kino: That’s impossible. You can’t easily join and end such an intense fight between them like you think you can.
I have no intention of stopping them, it’s rather convenient for me to see the Sakamaki’s fighting like that.
Yui: Convenient… why would you say something like that… ?
Kino: Because, if they disappear, there would be less hindrances in my way. That would be convenient, right? It would be an advantage for me to become the next successor to the throne, don’t you think?
Yui: ...But they’re not nuisances in your way.
Just why do you see your siblings like obstacles from the very beginning… ?
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Kino: Because they are. If those guys were outta the way, the powers would only belong to me.
Yui: But you can’t do that, there needs to be another method, isn’t there!?
I know you just want to get approval from everyone in the Sakamaki family! You want them to know that you’re suitable for the king's throne!
Kino: And because of that, I’ll give them no choice but to force them to surrender to get his strength.
Yui: You can’t do that!
Kino: But there’s simply no one who recognized someone for nothing.
Yui: You don’t know that!
Kino: ...Nn, how cheeky you are.
Yui: (Kino-kun’s getting angry again. But I can’t stop just because of that now)
I’ve been with Kino-kun for such a long time now, and I’m finally starting to understand a little about you
And in reality, you just want someone to recognize you, isn’t that it?
Kino: ….. !!
Yui: For that reason, the easiest thing for them to understand is to become the successor of Karlheinz-sama.
If you would get his absolute power and position, everyone would have no other choice but to admire you.
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Kino: Shut up…
Yui: Isn’t it that you’re treating everyone in the Sakamaki family like hindrances because you’re jealous of them?
Because unlike you, they’ve been recognized by others and lived surrounded by people from the very beginning—
Kino: Shut up!!
*Kino grabs her*
Yui: Agh… ugh...
(He grabbed my neck… can’t breath…)
Kino: Don’t speak to me as if you know me. I hate nothing more than sympathy and lies.
I don’t need to feel your pity just because I was reduced to poverty!
Yui: I don’t… feel sympathy… I just—
Don’t like that Kino-kun feels… lonely...
Kino: ….. !
*Kino releases Yui*
Yui: Ngh… ! Haa… Haa… !
(Did he really let me go… ?)
Kino: Now I had to waste unnecessary energy. I really don’t have to deal with your bullshit.
Yui: Kino-kun… but, I really—
Kino: I’ll tell you what… shouldn’t you stop them before continuing to grovel like that?
*swords clash*
Subaru: Asshole, you really have the nerve!?
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Yui: ...That’s right, Ayato-kun and Subaru-kun!
Kino: Hey, why don’t we play a game? Like this, you could stop them.
Yui: Eh… ?
Kino: If you’re interested, you better listen to me. I want you to do it your way, make those Sakamaki guys recognize me like I want them to.
If you succeed with that, I’ll lend you a hand.
Yui: Nn, that is…
*swords clash*
Yui: (For me to enter such an intense battle, for that…)
(But I want Kino-kun to know that I meant what I said. I guess there’s no other way but to enter this fight… !)
Kino: Fufu… it serves them right that they have to fight against their very own siblings like that. I wonder if I should take a picture of that.
Yui: (...His smartphone? Yes, with this I can do it!)
I’m sorry, Kino-kun. You need to lend me that real quick!
*Yui steals Kino’s phone*
Kino: Wait, what are you doing!? Give that back!
Yui: I’ll return it to you later!
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*Yui runs off*
Kino: Wha… just what are you thinking?
Are you seriously going head towards it? Are you dumb!?
Yui: (Kino-kun used the phone on his storage — and he said he remembered everything after he saw the photos)
(If that’s the case, if I show the pictures to them, they should easily get their memories back as well… !)
*swords clash*
Ayato: Goddamn, you’re so fucking annoying! Just get the hell out of here!
Subaru: Ah? That should be my line!
Yui: Haa, Haa… Ayato-kun, Subaru-kun!
Subaru: ...Huh? What does Eve do in a place like this?
Ayato: It’s nice that you took the long way to come here. That actually saved the trouble of kidnapping you. Now, come this way!
Yui: Kyaa!? W-Wait, Ayato-kun! Please let me talk first—
Ayato: You’re being so noisy already. If you stay obedient, I’ll take you to the mansion as things are now!
Subaru: I won’t let that happen! I don’t care about the supreme ruler title, but I’m not making the mistake of letting an asshole take her away like that!
Yui: (It’s no use, they’re not listening to me. If I want to stop the fight between the two of them, I’ll have to—)
Be quiet already! You must really not have any manners if you make me shout!!
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Subaru & Ayato: !?
Yui: (Reiji-san’s style of bringing back silence actually worked! Now—!!)
*Yui taps smartphone*
Yui: Please look at the building that’s projected on this smartphone!
Ayato: W-What? What’s that?
Yui: This is the mansion where everyone lives in!
Subaru: Just what the heck are you talking about? The mansion where each of us lives doesn’t look like this.
Yui: That’s what you think, but in reality those aren’t the mansions you live in. This one here is everyone’s real home.
In Kaminashi city — this is the mansion of the Sakamaki family.
Ayato: ...Sakamaki… ?
*weird sound*
Ayato: Nn… what the…
Subaru: Shit… suddenly my head… it feels giddy...
Yui: (I showed them a photo of the Sakamaki family’s mansion. If they remember with this—)
Ayato: Kch… Eve, what kind of view did you show me just now!?
Yui: ….. !?
(No way… he’s still calling me Eve… why isn’t he getting his memories back?)
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Ayato: I don’t get what I just saw, but how dare you have the nerve to disarrange me like that?
Yui: (This is not good, it didn’t work… I have to run away real quick… !)
Subaru: Tch, stay right there!
Yui: (Nn, I can’t escape if I’m being surrounded by both of them like that!)
(I really thought this would work out just fine. Why didn’t it work… !?)
Kino: I like that kind of pampering suffering. After all there was no strategy behind whatever you tried to achieve.
Yui: Eh… ?
Kino: Let her go, you small fish!
*Kino uses magic*
Yui: Kyaaa!?
Ayato: Ngh!? What was that!?
Subaru: Tch, are those the powers Kou told me to be cautious about around Kino… !?
Yui: (Kino-kun’s magical powers ended up pulling Ayato-kun and Subaru-kun away…)
Kino… kun. Did you come to help me… ?
Kino: After all that trouble we went through with the Sakamakis, what do you think you're doing? Now, gimme my phone back.
This won’t do it, these guys need a way stronger impetus than the one you showed them… ah, this one for example.
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*Kino taps smartphone*
Kino: C’mon, I know you remember this. The dear old home you lived in.
Ayato & Subaru: !?
Yui: (This is the castle in the demon world!?)
Ayato: Ngh, kch… aghhhhh
Subaru: Agh… my head, it hurts… aghhhhhhhh!
Yui: Ayato-kun, Subaru-kun! What should I do, Kino-kun, both of them are… !
Kino: It’s fine, this is not a big deal. This is the normal reaction of someone having their memories return to themselves.
These guys must have been really traumatized by this castle, huh?
Did you now remember everything after looking at this?
Subaru: Haa… Haa…
Yui: Nn, Subaru-kun! Are you okay!?
Subaru: It feels as if my head got smashed… damn, getting those memories back is some real uncomfortable shit.
Yui: As if your head… got smashed… ?
Ayato: Haa… Haa… for fucks sake, the least thing I wanted to remember now was that old hag’s face!
Yui: ….. ! Ayato-kun!
Ah… do you know who I am?
Subaru: What are you talking about, silly?
Ayato: The only woman who could have such flat breasts is only Chichinashi herself.
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Yui: ….. !
*Yui starts crying*
Yui: (They’re back. Both of them have their memories back!!)
I’m so happy… it worked out. Both of you really remember… Nn
Subaru: H-Hey, what are you crying for now? Did something happen?
Yui: T-That’s, um… it would be a little difficult to explain that...
Ayato: Then explain the situation as easy-to-understand as you can! Chichinashi!
Yui: (The way he called me... I’m surprisingly happy to be called like that now)
I’m just glad both of you finally returned back to your usual selves.
I’m happy…
*Yui falls over*
Kino: Uwah! Wait, you!
Yui: Kino… kun…
...Thank you...
Kino: Huh… ?
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With peace in mind, the moment I tried taking a breath of relief, I collapsed onto the floor.
Perhaps that was because of my body being somewhat anemic, and suddenly reaching its limit.
As my field of vision was starting to become dim, all I could see was Kino-kun catching me in his arms.
Place: Forest — Wide area
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Kino: ...She’s sleeping. That probably happened so rashly because of her body already being anemic.
And for me, someone who wanted to only be a spectator, to assist her with her plan...
Even if those guys regained their memories back, they’ll only continue to stay hindrances in my way… and that’s all your fault…
Subaru: Hey, what does all of that mean? Since you’ve apparently been with her together all this time, do you know what’s going on?
Kino: ...I do. More than you guys at least.
Ayato: Why are you even with Chichinashi anyway? Spill it out, what’s happening right now?
Kino: Your memories are still in disorder, it might need some time until you can understand.
Yui: Nn… y-yeah...
Kino: Nn… wait, you can still sleep a little. It’s impossible for you to suddenly get up, you know that you’d fall right over again if you do, right?
Yui: I’m okay… and apart from that, I have to bring back everyone’s memories now...
Ayato-kun, Subaru-kun... I have a request for the both of you.
Ayato: What do you want us to do?
Yui: I want you to call Kanato-kun and Laito-kun here.
We, who are supposed to be enemies, can’t get close to them in any way possible, but you could do that, right… ?
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Kino: Hold on a second. What are you thinking about?
Don’t tell me that you want to regain the other four guys’ memories with this method too?
Yui: Of course I want to. I want to have everyone regain their memories again.
This is all thanks to Kino-kun’s data. As long as we have them with us… everyone will be able to remember everything.
Kino: …..
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Kino-kun ended up reluctantly breaking my talk off, as I was about to lose consciousness again.
It seemed as if the importance of the matter was transmitted to Ayato-kun, although he was still confused.
And like that, we started to gather all the Sakamaki family members to carry out the strategy.
Have everyone get back their memories, and then escape from this place.
Choose a way for the sake of Kino-kun not being left on his own again.
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le-chat-sofi · 3 years
Children's party
The warlords and the vampires were invited to a children’s party
MC: Get around kids. My friends accepted to come and they are about to start some games with you all! What do you think?
Children: Yeahhhhh \( ̄▽ ̄)/
MC: Nobunaga, are you not coming?
Nobunaga: That stupid kid stole my konpeito. Look at his face, mocking me…
Hideyoshi: What??? \(〇_o)/ my lord, he’s just a kid. There is more right on that table.
Nobunaga: *looking at the kid* do you know my name? I’m the Devil King of the 6th Heaven…
MC and Hideyoshi: (⊙_⊙)
Nobunaga: What, kid? You don’t have anything to say in defense?
Kid: (ノ_ヽ)
Nobunaga: Little bird, sing. If you don't sing, I will kill you!
Kid starts crying and screaming…..
Nobunaga: kkkkkk ヽ(・∀・)ノ *starts eating the konpeito*
MC and Hideyoshi: (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Kenshin: So, today I’m gonna teach you how to drink sake and not getting drunk (^▽^)
Kids: Wow, that`s cool!!
Kenshin: Let’s start! Rule number one...
MC: WHAT? Kenshin, stop! You can’t teach them something like this, they’re minors…
Kids: (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Kenshin: Well, I started drinking younger than them and I look who I became!
MC: A drunker…
Kenshin: You stole my fun! I’m bored……
MC: Sorry, kids! Let’s move on…
Children: (-_-) okay…
Kenshin: Wait! Ahhhh I can teach them how to kill and….
Mitsunari: Now, kids, let’s start painting! I brought my friend Vincent to help you, so any questions, he’s here!!
Vincent: Everybody gets a cavalet and starts painting…
Kids start painting and doing a total mess!
Vincent: You guys are having fun, right?!
Kids: Yeahhhhhh
One kid: Vincent, can you paint my face? I like to be like Batman.
Vincent: What? Painting your face like a bat?
Children: Me too!! Me too!! Me too!!
MC: He’s a hero, they like him very much.
Vincent: Ohhhh OK! MC, bring a photo of him and I’ll get some ink
Mitsuhide comes and starts painting the boy...
Mitsuhide: All done, I hope you like it (laughing inside)
Kid: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, *starts crying* (o_O)
Mitsunari: What happened? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (o_O)
The kids start to cry at the same time….
Vincent: What have you done?
Mitsuhide: Just putting some drama… He wanted a bat kkkkkkk
MC: BATMAN, he wanted a BATMAN!!!
Mitsuhide: Darling, we all know that he DOESN’T exist…
More children hear and start to cry
MC: Mitsuhide... (╯︵╰,)
Sasuke: So, everybody, now you’re gonna have to guess which constellations are those! It will be so much fun!!!
Isaac: Yeah, it’s very important to know it if you want to be an astronomist. Maybe we can talk a bit about gravity too. Do you know what it is?
Children: ┐('~`;)┌
Sebastian: Maybe something easier? Do you know who Napoleon Bonaparte was?
One kid: Is that a game? It’s so boring, I’m not in class!
Sasuke: Yes, of course is a game. Now, I’ll start to show you all…
Starts to explain about the Big Bang, the stars, the sky…….
Children: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A kid gets close: Hey guys, I found sake guy!!! Let’s talk to him!!!!
Kids: yeahhhhh ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
All the kids run out of the game/class….
Just one little girl stays
Isaac: So, little one, what is your question?
Little girl: Is that what you think fun is? You guys should really go out more….
Sasuke, Isaac and Sebastian: ( ̄_ ̄)・・・
MC: 。・゚゚*(>д
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for the request!!!
Monkey See Monkey Do.
Hideyoshi - Her Motherly Side
There was a new alliance, young at that, that came to Azuchi Castle for his greeting with Nobunaga.
He was too nervous, flustered, and stumble on his own words, until he accidentally bump upon the vase that were decorated within the hall.
It created ruckus, until when MC had entered upon the hall.
"Ah, the young lord accidentally bumped onto one of the vases." One of the maids explained to her, and then
"Oh no.. That is our princess's favorite vase~ what should we do now?" Masamune added, raising one of his eyebrows at Mitsuhide who instantly gets the silent message between them; "Indeed. It's gifted from our lord to her."
The lord panicked in instant, muttering apologies endlessly. "Aaaah- ah- aaah- oh no..! Oh no..! I'm sorry- I'm so- sorry!"
MC quickly walk pass both of the teaser, as the other vassals were looking at her as well. Even Nobunaga, who finds this situation is more than interesting and wouldn't bother to stop such ruckus to Hideyoshi's dismay, nor Ieyasu who started to get a headache.
"Now, now, My lord. It is just a vase."
"B-b-but..! It is your favorite..! I--"
"Really, My lord. I insist. It doesn't matter if it is one or two. More importantly, are you hurt anywhere..?" She smiled softly, making the lord blushed all shades of red. "N-No.."
"Then that's good. I'm glad."
Now, not only the lord is blushing, his whole vassals were too. It is like an infection.
"So that's her motherly side, hm? Enough to make the whole room went silent and melted to her kindness. That's what she picked on when she is under your supervision, I guess?" Mitsuhide grinned to his fellow vassal.
Hideyoshi raised his eyebrows. "What are you implying =_=?"
"Oh nothing. I'm just saying that I have no complain if MC is the 'mother' of the castle, rather than you. Heh."
Nobunaga - Konpeito Addiction
It was few months back when MC had to follow Nobunaga around to steal some konpeito. But today..
"MC. What. Are. You. Doing??"
She casually turned around with the biggest jar of konpeito in her arms, few candies in palm and cheeks round like hamster.
"Uhm.. Eating?"
"I can see that very well." Hideyoshi smiling lips twitched, trying his best to not appear intimidating.
"Then that's good. Now if you would excuse me." With a mouth full and cheeks round like a hamster with its stuffed candies, she walk pass the castle hen like his presence is nothing.
"Wha-- MC! Stop right there!!"
She halted. But before Hideyoshi could continue further, nor start with his nagging, she turn around with a pout. "But.. I'm craving for this. I- I'm.. You know.." Hideyoshi blinked to her sudden blushing face. "I-it's that time of the month, so.."
...Oh. OH.
"...." Hideyoshi groaned as he look away while scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "F-fine. Just don't overdo it, understand?"
She beamed, nodding eagerly as she walk away happily.
But then... 5 minutes later, someone else were spotted in the kitchen as well.
"Nobunaga-sama. I can see those stash that you hide inside your sleeve."
"...." Nobunaga took a step back. "I am too, having that time of the month--"
"My lord! N O ( ☉д⊙)!"
Masamune - Too much of "You Only Live Once."
Another day, another class of "Why We Shouldn't Be Reckless" and "Why We Should Attend Meeting On Time" and "Why We Shouldn't Run At The Hallway" by Hideyoshi.
MC wiggle in her seat, and it took his attention. "MC. Sit properly!"
Aaah.. This is endless. Oh..! How about..
"Hideyoshi. I have a question!" She beamed.
"I am still talking, MC. Now pay more attentio- mmmf?!!!"
He was kissed.
Before he could register it all she had already make a run out of the hall, and next bumped into Ieyasu.
"Watch it, will you? Just where is your eyes located?" The so called porcupine scoffed, yet before he could say his next word..
He was kissed as well. Ieyasu was too shocked and he froze at the door with (☉3⊙) face.
Meanwhile, somewhere not too far from where Ieyasu were standing, there were a sound of "Ah, greetings, Princes-- mmm??"
Hideyoshi instantly snapped out of it and chases MC out the council hall. "MC just what do you think you are doing to Ieyasu and Mitsunari and Me-- *GASSSSPPPPPPP* Σ( Д ) ﻌﻌﻌﻌ⊙ ⊙"
He ran like a bolt of lightning and separate Mitsuhide away from MC "DON'T KISS HIM! IT'S FILTHY OAO!!"
"Oh my, I'm hurt ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^). Aaah too bad. Her lips were so soft I can't help but to think I want to make her mine right awa-"
"Don't. Even. Go. There." He said with a gritted teeth. "Hey MC..! Wait. Where did she go??"
"Nobunagaaaaa!! Let's chu chu >3< 💕💕💕💕~~"
"MC S T O P ᕕ(  ☉ A ⊙ )ᕗ!!!!"
Masamune: Oh? Is this a kissing ritual? Let me join 😏😏😏😏✨✨✨
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mythiica · 5 years
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Reacting to Minor Injuries
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: All warlords
Genre: Fluff, Micro fics! Mini scenes!
Warnings: None
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 2284 words total
Other comments: bashed my thumb in the door the other day so.. this happened 
...offers you his secret stash of konpeito. You are honored that he is sharing some with you, so for every one you eat, you feed him one. Playful as he is, Nobunaga nips your finger, making you squeal and pull back. As you do, you accidentally bite down hard on your tongue.
          You can taste the blood in your mouth, so you bring your hand to your mouth. “Ow!”
         “What happened?”
         “I bit my tongue.” Your jaw falls open and you rub the spot with a finger. “It hurts…”
         Nobunaga leans forward and grips your jaw. He brushes his fingers past your lips, and you open your mouth for him. You think that he’s going to pull on your tongue, but instead he pushes a piece of konpeito to the small tear in the muscle. The cold candy soothes the ache and makes you feel better.
         You nod, and he lets you close your mouth and eat the konpeito. “How did you know that will help?”
         Nobunaga takes a handful and plops it into his mouth. “When Hideyoshi nearly catches me eating it, I have to take as much as possible because I know he’ll take it away. I’ve bit my tongue a few times when doing this.”
         You laugh and lean against Nobunaga. “So you’re experienced with tongues?”
         His voice goes low and rough, “Oh, I’m very experienced with tongues…”
...panics when he hears you scream. He bursts into your room and demands to know what happened.
         You hold your hand to your head. “I stood up too fast and bonked my head…”
         He closes the distance between the two of you and drapes his arms over your shoulders. Hideyoshi rakes his fingers through your hair and massages your skull. “Are you alright? Please be more careful.”
         You try to swat him away, but Hideyoshi keeps his hands clasped over your ears. “I’m okay. It just hurt a lot for a few seconds there, and it surprised me.”
         Hideyoshi kisses your forehead gently. “You expect me to let you anywhere near the battlefield if you can’t even see a bar?” He scoffs. “I don’t want to see you get hurt more than this.”
         Huffing, you look at Hideyoshi. “This isn't the same. This was an accident. I promise, I’m fine!”
         He flicks your forehead, and you wince immediately. “You’re fine?”
         “I was until you did that!”
         The warlord cups your cheeks and looks at you intently. “Even if you protest, I will do whatever it takes to protect you. Starting with moving that bar so you don’t hit yourself again.”
         You pout more, but you know that he is only doing this out of love and concern. “I guess I’ll just have to sleep in your room then-”
         “Yes, you’ll just have to– wait, what?!” He blushes slightly and removes his hands from you. “W-We have a lot of other rooms, you don’t have to stay with me.”
         “Well, that way, you can keep a closer eye on me!”
         Hideyoshi narrows his eyes and smiles at you. “Smart girl. I suppose so.”
...asks you to slice some onion for the dumplings you are cooking together. However, the handle of the blade is slightly wet, so it slips from you grip and you end up slicing your finger slightly. The smallest drop of blood hangs from the edge of the cut, but you drop the knife and step backwards.
         “Yes, lass?” He turns around and sees that single drop of blood. He immediately drops the lettuce he had been washing and goes to your side. “What happened?!”
         “It just slipped, I’m sorry.”
         Masamune reaches for a towel and holds it to your finger. “It’s not deep, thank goodness.” He strokes your hair and kisses your temple. “Your heart is racing. Are you scared of blood?”
         “It’s not that – the cut jus tflet a lot deeper than it is.”
         “Perhaps next time, allow me to make the food, no?”
         You coo. “Sorry for-”
         He hooks his finger under your chin and makes you look up. “Don’t apologize, lass. Look at the bright side – you’ll get to stare at me as much as you want!”
         This makes you laugh. “Well…” you smile at him. “I do like looking at your ass-”
         “That’s my girl!”
...tends to the small blister in your palm carefully. You had been learning how to wield a sword, and the hilt of the sword had rubbed your skin too much, causing a small blister to form and pop. It is painful because the blister sits in the middle of the crease of your hand, but as Ieyasu puts an ointment on it, you cannot feel the stinging anymore.
         “...Thank you, Ieyasu,” you mumble.
         He grunts in response. “Don’t worry about it. Just make sure to wrap your hands from now on. Or let me train with you next time. So I can help you.” His voice is soft and gentle, full of meaning – you  are touched by how genuine he is.
         “You would train with me?”
         Ieyasu bandages your hand. “Make sure to change this tomorrow morning. It should heal in a few days.” He starts to clean up the materials he had used. “And yes. Why wouldn’t I? Better than you working with the kitsune or the book lover.”
         You laugh at the nicknames and flex your hand to adjust the bandage. “Sounds good. I look forward to seeing you in action. Are you as gentle with a sword as you are with medical supplies?”
         He growls at you. “Oh, I’ll show you gentle.”
...reluctantly allows you to carry the sack of arrows. He had just finished his practice for the day, and the two of you are now walking back to the castle. You are in deep conversation with him when your foot hooks in a loose root. This causes you to fall forward until Mitsuhide catches you.
         However, one of the arrow tips brushes across your skin, drawing blood. You stop walking and set the back down to inspect the wound.
         Mitsuhide’s eyes flash with concern. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you carry it– let me help you.” He pulls a piece of fabric from the depths of his clothes and wraps it around your wrist.
         “I’m okay–”
         “Quiet, little mouse. Pain is relative. It might not hurt you all that much, but it hurts me to see you injured.”
         You flush red and look away. “I start bleeding and you turn into a flirt?”
         Mitsuhide grins and picks up the bag of arrows. “Do you think you can handle the bow? Or will you find a way to injure yourself with it as well?”
         “I’m not that incompetent!”
...offers you one of his new books. As you admire the intricate cover details, you flip the page too quickly and end up cutting your finger. You wince and shake your finger. “Ah! Why do paper cuts have to hurt so much-”
         Mitsunari sets his box down and raises an eyebrow at you. “What happened?”
         “The book attacked me,” you whine before you go to leave to wash your hands.
         He looks at you with sad eyes and ushers you to leave the room.
         When you return, every book has been shoved into a space – meaning there is no place for you to hurt yourself again.
         “Did you.. me-proof… the room?”
         Mitsunari looks up, over his glasses. “In case you get a paper cut again.”
         You raise an eyebrow. “I was gone for a few minutes, Mitsunari, did you really do all of this for me?” You pad over to him and take his glasses off for him.
         He looks at you bashfully and nods.
         “But it was just a paper cut–”
         Mitsunari takes your hands in his and kisses your palms. “I’d do anything for you.”
...strums his fingers on the inside of your thigh when he notices a dark bruise. He lifts your leg, making you squeal in surprise. “Kenshin, what are you doing–?”
         He glances up at you. “Did I do this?” His fingers are on the hickey, and you blush.
         “Well… yes. You got a bit enthusiastic last night.”
         Despite the lighthearted tone you use, Kenshin still seems distressed by this. “But it’s red, not purple. I bit you too hard–”
         You lean forward and wrap your arms around Kenshin’s neck. “I’m a big girl. It will heal, so don’t worry about it.” When you smile, Kenshin inhales sharply before tucking his nose into your neck.
         “I’ll… try to contain myself more next time.” His fingers trace circles on your thighs as he rests his head against you. You can feel his heart beating steadily, and the rhythm calms you.
...kisses the finger where you accidentally ripped your nail. It had hooked in the fabric of your kimono, and you pulled your arm back too fast, causing the nail to tear. It had gone pretty deep, and it hurt.
         However, Shingen takes your mind off of the pain by trailing soft kisses down your jaw and neck. “It will grow back. Keep it covered for now, though,” he reminds you with his mellow voice. Shingen always knows how to comfort you, so you exhale slowly and lean against him.
         “You are right.”
         Shingen smiles at you, and the warmth from his kindness makes your heart melt. “I just wish I would have paid more attention..”
         He clasps his hands over your own and presses his forehead to yours. “Nonsense. It is difficult for angels to multitask when they are busy being beacons of light.”
         His sweet talk makes your legs turn into putty. “Shingen!”
         “Yes, my love?”
         Laughter erupts from your lips, and you cannot help but smile now. “I am not an angel, though.”
         “My goddess~”
         You give up, knowing that trying to argue would not work.
...looks at you, inviting you to come sit with him. His sly smirk and half-lidded eyes are enough to convince to go running across the room, but your toe catches in the arm of the futon. As you fall, you look at Sasuke with big eyes – your mouth found into an o, and you can’t help but thinks there I go.
         Sasuke is not fast enough to catch you, so you land flat on the ground with a hollow oof, but he scrambles from his spot and rushes to your side. “Are you practicing your ninja rolls?”
         You sit up and seeth with pain. “Don’t make fun of me! I stubbed my toe-”
         He pushes his glasses up and glances at your toe. It is already starting to bruise slightly. “Can you curl it?”
         After doing as asked, you wince at the sharp pain. “Great… I’m handicapped now.”
         Sasuke picks you up bridal style and starts to carry you towards the door. “Good thing I can carry you, then. No?”
         Not wanting to refuse his offer, you sling your arms around his neck and giggle. “You know, I think my entire leg is going numb… you’ll have to carry me around everywhere then~”
         “As long as it keeps you from doing a Naruto run, anything-”
         “I was not-”
         “Sure, sure.”
...doesn’t exactly know what to do to comfort you. Tears bubble in your eyes, but you are the only person in the room. Yukimura has no idea what has happened, but he rushes to your side and lifts your face. Words fall from his mouth, but most are incoherent.
         “I pulled to hard on a knot in my hair and it hurts,” you whine, rubbing your scalp.
         Yukimura falls to the ground next to you. “That’s it?!”
         “What do you mean that’s it! It hurts!”
         He laughs and picks up your hairbrush. “This hurt you?”
         You nod, and once you do, he throws it across the room and out into the garden. It tumbles in the grass before coming to a stop. “There, it won’t hurt you now,” he says triumphantly. He tucks an arm around you and brings you to rest on his shoulder. “Are you alright though?”
         Your tears have turned into laughs, and you nuzzle against him. “Yes. You saved me from the evil hairbrush. Thank you.”
         “Next time though… can you not scream so loud? I thought someone broke in or Shingen was trying some bad flirting with you–”
...watches the door close on your finger, but he isn’t fast enough to stop it. You reel back in pain and clutch your hand – just a few moments after, and the nail is already bruising slightly. Your bottom lip trembles, but you try to keep the tears back. It’s just a small injury, but it hurts immensely.
         Kennyo grips your wrist and drags you to the other side of the room and pushes your hand into a bowl of cold water. His eyes are clouded with concern, and when he looks up at you, you catch your breath. His immediate reaction was to help you – the cold water envelops your finger and soothes the pain. In the long run, it will also help reduce the bruising.
         “Th-Thank you. I wasn’t watching the door,” you explain between ragged breaths. “But you didn’t have to.”
         He looks at you and then at the doorway. Kennyo had dropped his staff in the moment. It had rolled into the grass and opened slightly, the metal of the hidden blade shining in the sunlight.
         You expect him to get up and retrieve it, but he sits with you instead. “Please be more careful.”
         Nodding your head, you turn your head down sheepishly and try to steady your thundering heart.
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*ChumChum purrs loudly, still has the faint scent of cranberry* {Theo: You have a tiger…? Psh. Liar. Why don’t you prove it, cyclops~?} {Vincent: Theo, don’t be rude!} {Theo: S-Sorry, mijn broer…} Being Nobunaga Oda’s backhand has its perks~It’s funny because Lord Hideyoshi is his right hand but has no clue that he was eating konpeito~ I guess that proves that I *raises hand in air* AM THE CHOSEN ONE. *falls off the bed* {Theo: HONJE—} [Mom: SWEET!!!] [Shingen: Heheh~ He is~~ *Koro rolls over*]
Masamune: Don’t believe me? I will have to show you- KITTY!!!
*Masamune got desperate, putting ChumChum on his shoulders. He ran towards sweet and takes her in his arms*
Masamune: Are you ok?
What happened??
*Selena hugged Koro, looking at Shingen*
Selena: So... what now?
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ichigo-daifuku · 4 years
Masked Admirer
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❅ How does one outwit the slyest of them all? ❅
Modern AU | Partly inspired by the Masquerade Crusade Battle Event we had last October. Two of Ieyasu's lines were based on his chibi's dialogue.
Word Count: ~2k | AO3 Link
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“Trick or treat, Takechiyo?”
“Tricks? Go ahead and try, if you think you can.”
She was trying to add humor to their situation, but clearly, he was in a wonderful mood. For the stellar response he gave her, she almost wanted to give him a round of applause; almost, if not for the little things that had begun to bother her: like how the plush seat had begun to feel warm from them sitting on it for too long, or how her shoulders, bared from the style of her dress, already felt a bit chilly in contrast. An exhausted sigh escaped her lips as she reached for her red wine on the table, her manicured nails giving the glass soft clinks as she tapped against it, lost in thought.
Takechiyo sat beside her, his blond hair tinted a shade darker by the golden light of the chandeliers, a frown marring his face. Classical music played in the background so beautifully, but he looked like he was hearing the most unpleasant thing that existed in this world. The mask he wore exuded an air of mystery as the feather attached to it swayed with every movement of his face. His wine remained untouched as he did nothing at the party like he couldn’t wait for the night to be over. 
It all began about a month ago. She had a day-off from the restaurant and woke up at noon, relaxed. When she made her way towards the kitchen to make brunch, an envelope was pinned on the refrigerator door by her little strawberry magnet, waiting for her. She opened it and was greeted by the scent of roses, strong and sweet from the paper. It was an invitation to a black-tie event in a grand hotel in the city: a masquerade ball. There was only one person who knew the passcode to her apartment, so she grabbed her phone and called Takechiyo.
He picked up after a few rings. “What.”
“Hello…” she greeted. “There’s an invitation to a masquerade ball here. Is it from you?”
There was a pause, and the sound of footsteps coupled with the closing of a door was all she heard from the receiver. “I don’t want to attend that boring party alone. You’re coming with me.”
Of course, he had to be as unconventional and evasive as ever, even when he was asking her on a date. It made her want to challenge him sometimes, like at that moment. “What if I don’t want to?”
“You mean you don’t want to?”
“What? I mean, I do... but…”
“Huh. Then, we’re going.”
She shook her head with an amused laugh. He got her there, he really did. If there was one thing about him that she had learned over the time they had spent together, it was that he was as sly as those tanuki in folktales. So much for trying to one-up him. Better luck next time, she thought. She opened the cupboards in search of ingredients for pancakes. “Is it your lunch break? Make sure to eat well, alright?”
“Whatever. You’re getting worse than that hairless oaf,” he complained, but the next thing she heard was a ring of a bell as he opened a door and a greeting from a receptionist of a restaurant.
It made her happy that he was on the way to have lunch after all, and she replied with a laugh, “As long as you eat.”
“Okay, have a good meal.”
“I’m coming over later,” he said and hung up.
Breakfast had been wonderful. She couldn’t deny it; she was on cloud nine with excitement for the upcoming event with Takechiyo. One of the first things that came to her mind was that she didn’t have anything appropriate for the occasion. Yes, she had a couple of formal dresses and a mask somewhere in her closet, but none of them were good enough for such a special affair. And so that night, she busied herself with browsing various fashion catalogs in her laptop on the kitchen table, a cup of tea within her reach as she contemplated whether this or that would be better. Takechiyo, who arrived in the evening from work and insisted he was too tired to return to his own home, was staying overnight. He passed by her in the kitchen as he went straight to the refrigerator to get the tub of strawberry-flavored ice cream she bought earlier. She didn’t mind; it was there for him anyway. 
"Gold is a nice color," he mentioned casually as he grabbed a spoon and left.
“Uh-huh,” she mumbled, distracted, as she happened to scroll over a beautiful dress and clicked for more detailed photos at once, already in love. It was the perfect one. She hit the order button and folded her fingers together, pleased. Later on, she found a suitable mask for the dress and wasted no time in making her purchase, too.
The 31st of October arrived. The moment she stepped out of her apartment building, she knew something was wrong.
Takechiyo stood by the car door. It was the first time she ever saw him in a suit. He looked good—dashing, even—and she gave him a shy smile. His eyes widened as he appraised her approaching form, but then his agape lips shifted into a frown a few seconds later. She wondered what it was, then. Was her makeup too much? Did she spray on too much perfume? Was her dress—
Ah, her dress.
Gold is a nice color, he had said.
Takechiyo held a mask; its base and feather were gold, and so was his tie. He even had a bouquet in his hands, magnolias wrapped in special yellow paper. Through the absolute surprise that he got her flowers, the question rang repeatedly inside her mind: could it be possible that he had wanted to… match?
She stood in front of him, and he thrust the bouquet into her hands and turned away. "Baldy planted them in his backyard and said I should bring them. That's all." 
Despite his statement, she only needed one glance to tell that the yellow petals were cultivated to perfection, the arrangement and wrapper were too fancy, and the ribbon on the stem was too intricate for a homemade bouquet. Takechiyo was silent as he drove away and has given her dry replies since. A few weeks ago in her imagination, the two of them danced the night away in each other’s arms, but of course, this was Takechiyo. Now, at the party, he was being an awful date, if she could call even call this a date.
Trick or treat? How does one outwit the slyest of them all?
“Let’s dance,” she invited him with enthusiasm in hopes of turning the mood of this night around.
He sighed. “Why must I dance, exactly?”
"It's a masquerade ball," she leaned in and said, "Look around you."
Takechiyo did so and took a moment before responding, "Why don’t you dance with that guy, instead. You're matching with him."
He gestured towards the top of the grand staircase where a lone man stood, his arms leaning on the banister as he observed the ball. Sure enough, the man Takechiyo referred to was wearing a deep red mask and tie. Even the color of his hair was the same fiery shade; much like the dress she was wearing. It was difficult to believe at first, but Takechiyo’s words confirmed her suspicion: he really was upset about not being able to match tonight.
The man who wore a red mask caught her gaze and smirked, raising his glass. She smiled back politely and raised her own, half-full with red wine, and took a sip. It tasted exquisite. What a pity; Takechiyo, who has still yet to taste his wine, didn’t know what he was missing out on. But how surprising it was she encountered that man here of all places; Oda Saburou.
Takechiyo didn’t miss her exchange with the stranger. "What was that."
"Hm? Just saying hi."
"You know Oda."
His statement, which was laced with surprise, disbelief, and poison all at once, made her chuckle. She placed her glass down on the table and turned to Takechiyo who looked away at once. "Oda Saburou comes to the restaurant and gets konpeito with his take-out all the time... See his glass? That’s not some fancy cocktail or anything of the sort. That’s melon soda.”
“Tch. Why would you even know such things?”
“Of course, I would. I prepare and serve his food. He tends to avoid the alcohol section on the menu. I’m guessing he can’t handle his alcohol or something like that.”
Takechiyo didn’t respond and glared at the table’s centerpiece. Poor roses… If looks could make them wilt, they would have already done so... thirty minutes ago.
A movement from her peripheral vision caught her interest. Oda Saburou leaned back from the banister and began his descent down the stairs to join the party, the reason only the devil knows; maybe he got bored or hungry, or maybe saw another acquaintance. It wasn’t any of her business. A while ago, she had planned to get some desserts from the buffet table for Takechiyo and herself as a last resort to try to improve his mood when her eyes flickered from her date to Oda Saburou, and an unexpected idea popped inside her mind. 
“Hey, you know what? Maybe I’ll take your advice,” she informed him, grabbing the red lipstick from her clutch, and retouching her still-perfect makeup. She stood up and made a show of brushing her skirt and fixing a lock of her hair as she stole a glance in his direction from the corner of her eye.
Takechiyo was no fool; he knew right away which advice she was talking about. The expression of shock and slight panic was visible across his face, failed to be hidden by the mask he wore, literally and figuratively. That was it. She had pushed his buttons, and she knew they were the correct ones.
“Hold it right there… Damn it.” He let out a string of curses under his breath as he grabbed her hand and led her to the middle of the ballroom. His warm hands slid to her elbows, raised them so her palms landed on his shoulders, and settled on the sides of her waist, pulling her closer.
"Why are we dancing?" she teased, inwardly pleased at the turn of events. She also discovered that Takechiyo possessed a hidden talent no one would expect: he was excellent at dancing. She was impressed.
"It's a masquerade ball,” he leaned in and whispered, "Look around you."
Really now, she thought. They blended well in the sea of couples dancing to the tune of a romantic ballad. Amongst the far end of the crowd, she spotted Oda Saburou indulging on a slice of cake as he occupied a table with some of the men he dropped by the restaurant with. She failed to notice right away, but Takechiyo’s hand moved from her waist to cradle her face and nudge her chin to face his way, connecting his gaze with hers. Speechless, she could only chuckle in response and moved to match his graceful pace, giving her full attention to him once more.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance. “And what in the world is so funny?”
“Nothing.” She smiled, delighted to be in the arms of the one most precious to her. He was always so sly, and though it seemed for a time she couldn’t beat him at his own game, the night proved it otherwise. He would have words about this later when they return to his place or maybe hers, of that she was sure. But the moment of her victory was still fresh, and she would bask in it for as long as she could. “Nothing at all.”
Trick and treat.
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3 days until Ieyasu's birthday! ♡◝(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)◜♡
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Golden Days | Ieyasu's Birthday Countdown — Masterlist
Ichigo Daifuku's Full Masterlist
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otonymous · 5 years
Nobody Does It Better (IkeSen Mitsuhide - NSFW)
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Description: The stakes are high when you get caught up in the snake’s latest scheme. Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised. Word Count: 1536 words (~8 mins of smut) Author’s Notes: An exercise in filth, no deeper meaning.  That being said, happy reading! AO3: Read here
Tagging lovely readers: @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons, @artemira-sengoku, @dear-mrs-otome, @pseudofaux, @fieryanmitsu, @otomediary, @suzi-q-uinn, @kitty-kat-ty, @saizoswifey, @belxsar, @anyakane, @friedchikyorice, @whalebubblez, @selenecrawford, @akiza-hades-rose, @rubyleeray, @heavenzfiend, @duerme07, @classy-mc, @dani677, @kitsune-mana
All characters & Ikemen Sengoku owned by Cybird.
I’m not that kind of girl.
The thought, small and unobtrusive, whispers from a dark corner in your mind.  But the way his fingers moved inside you chased it back to the shadows, pleasure reigning supreme to erase everything that didn’t concern chasing that fuzzy high.
“Do you hear that?”
The warm, wet slide of a tongue against the shell of your ear, teeth nibbling at your lobe.
“If you get any wetter, they’ll hear you.  I don’t think you want everyone to see you like this, Miss Chatelaine.”
Soft lips press against the back of your neck as one nipple finds its way between Mitsuhide’s thumb and forefinger, pinching harder than usual in an aim to shock.  And as your knees tremble, the fingers that were curling inside you pause, savouring the sensation that a fresh wave of arousal brought as it pooled around the snug fit of his digits buried deep within your pussy.
“Or could it be that you want them to, you nasty girl?”
Mitsuhide’s breath is hot as he whispers into the corner of your lips, his free hand loosening fabric to expose you even further, a painted screen the only thing shielding the vision of you widely spread and writhing in silent ecstasy from the eyes of all the other lords assembled for war council.
“Lord Nobunaga, if Mitsuhide isn’t here by now, he likely won’t be attending.  I propose we commence war council immediately as we have many concerns to address.”
You barely note the irritation in Hideyoshi’s voice as your lips and tongue run along the length of each of Mitsuhide’s drenched fingers, their strength belied by the elegance of each tapered tip, the taste of your arousal accented by the faint scent of gunpowder.  
“Very well.  Mitsunari, start with your report.”
As your angelic friend begins listing proposed battle plans against the Uesugi-Takeda forces, the amber-eyed snake chuckles under his breath to see your hips lift in the air, betraying your impatience to be filled by more significant flesh after the exit of his hand left an unbearable vacancy.
And while you hated for Mitsuhide to see you in this moment of desperation, for him to have the upper hand — as he often did — when it came to these games you played, you couldn’t deny that your body craved the satisfaction only he could bring.
Silently shifting, you brace yourself on your hands and knees, wantonly grinding your ass into his groin in a bid to bring him to the same precipice of madness you were teetering on the edge of.  A victorious smile lights your face when you feel him tighten his grip on your hips, a sigh, barely audible above Mitsunari’s voice, escaping his lips.
“Make not a squeak, little mouse.  I trust you know what the stakes are.”  
He whispers into your hair as his smooth head caresses the length of your folds, spreading the wetness in concentric trails along your entrance in preparation for the slow slide of his cock into your body.
Biting onto the sleeve of your kimono to stifle any sound that might give you away, you curse the perfection that was his heat, his length, his girth, his hardness — the entirety of the kitsune that drove you insane with desire.  But more than that, you cursed the way he moved in you now, excruciating in how he timed his strokes to match the rhythm of the banter in the room, using it to mask every slap of flesh against skin, every telltale squelch of arousal being dislodged as you were filled to the brink and emptied, over and over again.
Even the way your nails dug into the tatami sounded unbearably loud, and you had to wonder about the origins of your increased sensitivity.  Was it because of your lover’s effortless knack at teasing every part of your body until the slightest stimulus set it off, or was it because of the thrill of engaging in licentious behaviour in such close proximity to unwitting participants in your game?
I’m not that kind of girl who would ever consider doing such a thing.
You thought back to the times when anything more than a peck on the lips in public made you blush furiously.  But that was five hundred years in the future and way before you met Akechi Mitsuhide, the sneaky tease whom you loved to butt heads with.  He also happened to be the man you would do almost anything for, including taking him up on a bet that you wouldn’t dare to fuck him in every room in Azuchi Castle.  
After checking off Nobunaga’s chambers in the tenshu the previous week, the Main Hall was your second last stop.
You were absolutely incensed when Mitsuhide dragged you behind the screen, the top of your kimono already hanging limply by your waist, suspended only by a quickly loosening obi.  And when Masamune’s uproarious laughter drifted in the direction of the doorway, you hissed into your lover’s amused face:
“I thought you said they weren’t going to hold war council today!”
“I only said I wasn’t going to war council today.  There is a difference, Princess.”
That smirk on his handsome face made you want to slap him and fuck him all at once.
You could’ve chosen to stop: silently straightened up your kimono as you waited for council to adjourn before sneaking out.  Beneath the blaze of your anger however, lust still smouldered, threatening to burst into flame when Mitsuhide reached for you again to pick up where you left off.  And if you were being honest with yourself, the prospect of being caught thrilled you as much as it likely excited him.
Your accidental transgression jerks you back from your thoughts as you clamp a hand over a mouthful of fabric.  Behind you, an unfazed Mitsuhide continues his languid thrusts, amber eyes flashing with amused mischief.
“Pardon me, Lord Ieyasu, did you have something to add to my report?  I would be most honoured to hear your thoughts!”  
“You must be hallucinating.  I didn’t say a word.”  Ieyasu’s reply is clipped and irritated.
“Oh, I could’ve sworn I heard something.”
“Don’t tell me there are mice!  Have you been sneaking konpeito to eat in your room at night again, Milord!?”  
Hideyoshi’s voice borders on hysterical, and you bite hard on the inside of your cheeks to keep from laughing.  Mitsuhide helps you refocus by delivering a particularly deep thrust to turn laughter into a whimper, his fingers reaching down to rub at just the right frequency to make you temporarily forget about everyone else in the room.
But it was nowhere near enough for you.  The stilted rhythm of your lover’s thrusts had you torturously hovering on the brink of your release, so close one moment and dreadfully far the next.  
So it was that you didn’t spare a second to chastise Mitsuhide when you no longer heard the footfalls of the departing lords, beyond caring about playing into his scheme when you looked back at him pleadingly to give you what you craved.
The glint in his eyes.  The smile that crossed his face before pink tongue peeked out to swipe across that lower lip.  Cocky son of a bitch.
“Guess I’ll oblige you, little mouse.”
You press your forehead to the tatami as your arms give out, your lover driving hard and fast against your backside.  The sensation of him diving deep travelled to the pit of your stomach, so consuming it took you a while to realize you were feeling lightheaded from hyperventilating into the floor.
You gasp as Mitsuhide brings one large hand down onto your ass, the sound echoing throughout the room as he proceeds to rub the reddened flesh, admiring the faint outline of his hand.  The shock jolts your lust-addled brain to attention even as the warmth emanating from the smarting slap makes you clench around him.  
And when you feel him shift behind you to suddenly slide that much deeper, deliberate and precise in how he angled his strokes to hit against that particular spot, you couldn’t care less about the other occupants in the castle as you finally gave voice to your pleasure, crashing down like a tidal wave to destroy any semblance of reason.
With one final thrust, Mitsuhide pulls out, the absence of his body leaving a slight chill on your skin.  However, it is soon replaced by the heat of his release, ragged breaths accompanying irregular spurts that cling to the curves of your buttocks as they drip onto the back of your thighs.
“So, while I’m nowhere near finished settling the score with you for your little trick today, where to tomorrow?”  You ask with a smirk, satisfaction clearly written on your face as your lover produces a handkerchief to gently wipe you clean.
“Hideyoshi’s chambers.  After all, we have to prove to him that he does have a rodent problem, don’t we little mouse?”
Rolling your eyes, you shoot him an exasperated smile.  For when it comes to teasing, nobody does it better than Akechi Mitsuhide.
Thanks for reading!  More stories available here! 💕
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Diabolik Twitter ー Kino [2020 Compilation]
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–> This post includes all tweets posted on the official Rejet Twitter account for Kino (@DialoverKino) in 2020.
Shuu l Reiji l Ayato l Kanato l Laito l Subaru l Ruki l Kou l Yuma l Azusa l Carla l Shin
February 14, 2020 (Valentine’s Day)
> How many boxes did you get this year, Carla?
> Oh well, if you want to give me chocolates, be my guest
> Although whether I’ll eat them or not will depend on my mood at the time
March 14, 2020 (White Day)
> Marshmallows, huh?
> But I wanted konpeito. Kanato’s so inconsiderate
–> Konpeito is a traditional Japanese confectionary. They’re little colorful star-shaped candies made from sugar and often eaten together with green tea.
> I’ve come to escort you. May I have your hand, Princess?
> …Is what you want me to say, don’t you? In that case, there’s a specific kind of attitude you should show me, right?
> Come on, what should you do first? I’ll kiss you, so use that time to think. About a way to please me, that is.
April 1, 2020 (April Fools)
> I love you.
> I lied. Did I fool you?
> Just kidding~ That’s a lie too.
> Which one do you think is the truth? Which would you prefer?
May 6, 2020 
> Ahーah.
> These videos will be deleted tomorrow, huh?
> I managed to get so much hilarious footage of them as well, how boring.
> Oh well, whatever. It was fun while it lasted.
> How about you? Did you enjoy it?
June 29, 2020 (Birthday)
> My birthday’s about to end, huh? You already celebrated me in a lot of ways, but don’t you think you should finish with a bang? If you can’t think of anything, I’ll give you a suggestion. Let’s kiss until the clock strikes midnight. What do you say? This is the one day on which I’m allowed to make selfish requests after all. So end on a high note and give me the ultimate present, please?
July 7, 2020 (Tanabata)
> I forgot to open up my game one day and ruined my log-in bonus streak, you see. Could you maybe make it so that day didn’t exist? #TanabataWishes
July 17, 2020
> Uwah.
> There’s a roof leak.
> I have to inform Yuuri of this.
October 17, 2020
> No way.
> I got an insane pull. 
> Only I could get a SSR card on the first try!
> Amazing, right? Praise me!
October 23, 2020 (DL x Mayla Classic)
> Hey, hey. I’ve got a present for you so…Why don’t we play a game with it as the prize?
> I’ve hid the gift inside the bathroom, so try and look for it within the time limit. If you manage to find it, it counts as your win and I’ll give it to you.
> We’re starting right now. Ready, go!
–> Move to the bathroom
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> Come on, you better hurry or you’ll run out of time!
> Aaaand stop! Time’s up!
> Ah-aah~ What a shame. You didn’t find it, huh? But I’m kind, I’ll give you a second chance.
> I actually hid it in the inner courtyard and not the bathroom. In short, no matter how hard you look, you won’t find it here.
> Don’t be mad. More importantly, hurry up and go look for it. You want this present from me, don’t you?
–> Move to the inner courtyard
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> And? Did you find it? Better hurry up, time is ticking…
> Time’s up! You didn’t find it this time either. Too bad. However, I had fun watching you run around in panic.
> To tell the truth, it’s not here either. It’s actually hidden somewhere else. No hints this time. Try and find it through your own efforts.
> See you. Break a leg.
> Excuse me?
> The thing you are looking for is on the table in the living room. He should have simply given it to you without being such a tease, but Kino is never honest.
> It’s a present Kino finally purchased after spending several days searching various webshops. Please go and get it quickly. Well then, I’ll take my leave.
> Ah! Is this Yuuri’s doing? Which means…
–> Move to the living room
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> What? You found it so easily.
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> Exactly. That’s your present. Let me tell you, but I only bought it because I just so happened to feel like it. Well, anyway, I’ll give it to you.
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> Ah! Of course, I’ll be taking something in return. Plenty of your blood, that is. You don’t mind, do you?
October 31, 2020 (Halloween)
> Game over. Running a Halloween’s event kinda neat but I’ve had about enough so I’ll trick you instead~ I bet you’re happy to have my attention?
November 13, 2020
> Last month we had special Halloween gacha and next month there will be Christmas ones.
> I better save up all of this month’s free points.
November 27, 2020
> I can’t believe this.
> I’m being forced to join in with this weird game.
> This is heavy, for real.
December 18, 2020
> Koーtaーtsu. Put out the kotatsu.* Getting comfortable underneath while playing games is the best feeling, don’t you think? Also, hotpot and mandarin oranges*...These are all new things to me, so you better teach me all the fun stuff.
–> Kotatsu is a thick, heated blanket which is often put underneath a small table in the living room. It isn’t uncommon for Japanese people to sit on the floor with their lower body underneath the blanket while they watch TV or even eat their meals. Both hotpot and mandarin oranges are foods which are often enjoyed during the winter time.
December 19, 2020
> Cafe dates are so boring. At least order a drink I’d enjoy. ...Eh? That one? You’re right, there’s konpeito added on top. Nice, let’s order that one! Well, you pass. But I guess this is basic knowledge since you like me so much. I’ll give you a real challenge next time, so look forward to it~
December 23, 2020
> No. I won’t let you get away.
> You’re pretty shameless, nearly losing your mind from pleasure when all I’ve done is tease you a little. You always try and feign ignorance, but you’re actually weak to this sorta stuff, aren’t you?
> Also, you like this as well, don’t you? When I whisper in your ear, dragging my fangs across...See? You’re already reacting. You’re flushed bright red all the way to your ears.
> If just words have such an effect on you, I wonder what’ll happen once I actually suck your blood? Sounds fun so I’ll put it to the test.
> Are you ready to become my toy? Entertain me with everything you’ve got.
December 24, 2020 (Christmas)
> The Christmas food and the presents were pretty fun, but you didn’t think this was the end, right? I saved the best for last. I’m going to indulge in your sugary sweet self so brace yourself. 
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muwi-translates · 5 years
A Summary of CN IkeSen Yukimura’s Route
At least up to Chapter 7, which was as long as the beta was. Also, adding some personal comments/review at the end.
First off the story is completely different from the EN and JP versions, though some sections are pretty much the same as the Premium sections but an extended version of it. This game has no ticket system but instead runs on energy like in mobile games, there’s also weird minigames that you have to play to level up cards, which have new art on them. There doesn’t seem to be any CGs you get in game like the original, Princess Lessons are also not a thing.
Also, this version has three endings: happy, warm and sad/sorrow. I hope to,,, one day,,, read somewhat-official Yukimura angst,,,
I also plan to eventually do one for Nobunaga and Masamune some day.
Under the cut because spoilers.
The story starts off with MC, who is a college student, who goes to the Honnoji site while she’s in Kyoto and decided she wanted to stop by. There, she encounters Sasuke when a storm brews up. He tells her to leave the place quickly but it’s too late and she’s caught up in a wormhole. 
She’s taken back into the Sengoku era and lands right in the middle of a battlefield and starts to run off when she’s caught in between a soldier trying to kill Nobunaga, she pushes him aside from the guy’s blade and saves him. Nobunaga is like “what an interesting woman wearing nanban clothes” and takes her back to the Oda army’s camp. Masamune flirts with her but Hideyoshi tells her to go away, so Mitsunari kindly escorts her to a tent, where she bumps into Sasuke. He rescues her and takes her into the woods and then tells her exactly what happened and the whole wormhole stuff. They continue running to find the Kasugayama guys and he tells her that he’s a ninja working under the Uesugi which surprises her. 
MC is introduced to Yukimura as ‘Yuki’ by Sasuke who was wondering why Sasuke had disappeared only to come back ‘with a wild boar’. She’s obviously miffed by his attitude. Yuki tells Sasuke that they’re going back to camp and in Sasuke’s tent she meets Kenshin. Sasuke tells Kenshin that he plans to take her to Kasugayama to stay as his friend. She finds him scary. 
As the main troops return from the battlefield, she encounters Shingen who immediately flirts with her and asks if she’d like to ride a horse with him. She calls him an uncle. Kennyo also appears here for no reason.
They go back to the woods and Sasuke asks her what she wants to do. 
Yukimura’s Route:
If MC chooses Yukimura (out of Nobunaga and Masamune currently), MC will go with Sasuke back to Kasugayama. 
She ends up staying at a guesthouse in the town but not attached to the Uesugi household, and gets some handmaidens. Sasuke says she can help out by just doing things here and there, so MC decides to introduce herself properly to Kenshin but then bumps into Shingen who wants her to buy some konpeito for him. 
She heads out and finds some in the castle town (that literally looks like Azuchi’s) and she finds a stall. Just as she’s going to buy it Yuki comes up and buys it right before her. As there’s none left so she chases him wanting him to give her some, but he misinterprets and handfeeds her one. She gets annoyed and the two of them end up in the woods since he tried to lose her but MC kept following him. She’s like “no you idiot I need it for lord shingen” and he goes “oh him, yeah he says he’ll die if he doesn’t get any”. Bandits show up and he whoops them with MC hiding behind him holding a piece of firewood for support. 
Yuki: Why do you have that piece of firewood? 
MC: To protect myself? 
Yuki: You're kidding.... just get behind me.  
Yuki: What were you even planning to do with it?
MC: Don't underestimate me! I know women’s self defence!
Yuki: What's that? 
MC: You use it when you meet perverts.
Yuki: Someone like you can meet perverts? 
MC: W- what's that supposed to mean? 
Yuki: A pervert that chases after a boar woman... must be a brave guy.  
Yukimura walks her back to town and she says bye and thinks “we had an interesting experience so I guess now we’re friends?” But realised she never heard him say bye back to her so she says he has low EQ. She remembers that she needs to report back to Shingen about how she didn’t get the candies so she heads back, but hears another set of footsteps behind her. She freaks out so she starts booking it towards the Uesugi house and stops when she sees it to catch her breath. Suddenly, Yuki yanks her from the inside and it gives her a fright so she screams. 
She asks him what he’s doing there and he says he lives there. Sasuke, who hears her scream, runs to see what’s going on and they solve their confusion. It turns out Shingen planned out a party to welcome MC, so all three of them go.
Kenshin is so drunk that he’s literally swaying. Sasuke introduces everyone formally to her. He points out that ‘Yuki’ is actually THE Yukimura Sanada and she’s dazed because apparently that’s her favourite historical figure, and must have gotten such a shock because she can’t believe they’re the same person. He says something about her being weird and she says she’s going to retire back to her house while trying to hide that she’s upset by his words. Shingen gets annoyed at his son for “making her cry”. But Sasuke cheers her up by joking around with her outside the dining hall. Down the hall Yuki is hiding around the corner and Shingen teases him for not making a move first, to which Yukimura says “not like she cares” but Shingen goes “you look like you care though.”
The next day Shingen meets up with MC and Sasuke again, and he suggests that she become a Takeda princess because the Takeda need a representative to hide the fact that Shingen is still alive. She worries because she’s “an ordinary person” but she doesn’t actually need to make decisions, just act as a figurehead and meet people. She gets a pretty kimono and meets a bunch of people and people ask her what her relation to Shingen is, Sasuke lies to their face and says stuff like “distant niece, when Shingen passed he wanted her to take over something something legacy” and they all eat it up.
When she’s finished for the day she suddenly thinks about Yukimura, and asks Sasuke where might be. He says that he’s probably out doing patrols, so she suddenly takes off to go and find him. She sees him mingling with the merchants and is talking to someone who sells accessories, so she saunters up to him and expresses interest in a flower hairpin beside him. Yukimura stares at her because she’s still in a formal kimono and the people start gathering and ask him if she’s his lover. He gets embarrassed so he takes off with her, and ends up piggybacking her away into an alleyway because they don’t want the kimono to get dirty. He apologises for calling her a boar woman and says he’ll make up for it, so he takes her to his favourite place to eat and they eat dumplings. There they find out that the teashop owner might have to close down his shop because war is coming soon and supplies are low, so he probably won’t be able to make more dumplings. Yukimura expresses that he doesn’t like war but he fights because he wants to protect people.
MC finds out that Shingen and Kenshin can't do much because they're supposed to be dead. She decides to ask Shingen if she can help the people and he allows her, so she gives out supplies to the townsfolk. At first Yukimura is like what are you doing but he decides to help her out and thanks her for helping the townspeople.
When they finish around evening, he takes her to the flower field near the town and the [ladybug scene] happens, he also gives her a flower hairpin that she had been looking at earlier. On the way back from the field, they get jumped on by three assassins which Yukimura quickly kills. MC hurts her ankle, so Yukimura decides to take her back to the Uesugi manor because he's not sure if they'll attack her when she's at home. They find out that an intruder also got into the manor and fought with Kenshin (who caused a whole ruckus) but he got away. Kenshin and Shingen are concerned because now somebody knows that they are actually alive. The two of them meet up with Mitsuhide behind the scenes and Mitsuhide is 'surprised' at the assassins. Shingen says he doesn’t trust the guy but is only working together with him because they have the same goal. Kenshin thinks Kennyo is behind the assassins so he confronts the monk, but he denies it.
Sasuke gives MC some modern medicine behind everyone's back to help with her ankle which speeds up the process. He also asks if something happened between her and Yukimura because they are more ‘intimate than usual’. He reminds her that she shouldn’t get too close because she’ll get attached and will find it difficult to return home - which they MUST do because neither of them belong in this world.
MC's handmaidens are so scared about MC's safety they want her to go to the local shrine to pray for good fortune/to get a charm for protection. MC decides to go so the maid can stop worrying and this is where MC meets [Yahiko] and they find out that his father works for the Sanada clan, so they find him at the training grounds so Yahiko could deliver a protection charm to him. The two head off to find their mother and they talk about how the father and son looked so happy but families could get ruined by the war. They find the mother and she tells them about an upcoming festival in ten days. Yukimura tells her that he happens ‘to be free’ and invites her out to go with him.
MC: Woah, Shingen-sama, I'm just making a yukata, I don't need this many...
Shingen: Yukata? Are you going to the festival? 
MC: Yes. 
Shingen: Together with Yuki? 
MC: Eh? 
(How did he know?) 
Seeing my expression, Shingen laughed.
MC: Don't laugh, we're just going to the festival together. Besides... no one else can go with me. 
Shingen: How can you say that? If MC invited me, I would have been delighted. 
MC: Aren't you busy? 
(Sasuke's been missing these past few days, one look at Kenshin tells me he's not a festival kind of person, and Shingen... nevermind.) 
Shingen: Yuki doesn't have free time either. 
MC: Huh? But he said himself- 
Shingen: To be able to go on a date with a cute young woman like MC, even if they were busy they would put it aside. 
(D- Date?!) 
MC: It's not a date! Just going to the festival together... 
Shingen: Really? If you say so. 
They go to the festival and MC ends up leaving Yukimura behind when he gets surrounded by women. She heads out to leave but bumps into the teashop owner who tells her that couples who pray at the shrine and see shooting stars on the same day are destined to be together. MC decides to go to the shrine because she wanted to pray for Yukimura’s dream to come true. The [fireworks scene] plays out. 
The next day, MC is still dazed af at Yuki's admission of his feelings but is summoned to the main room where Shingen and Kenshin tell her that the Oda forces have started moving. Kenshin confirms with her whether or not she knows medicine and she says she knows enough first aid for her to be sent to the battlefield's camp to be the doctor. Yukimura objects her going and calls her ‘a weak woman’. Sasuke sides with Kenshin because he doesn't want to leave MC in the castle in case it gets seized and everyone inside is killed. Shingen shuts Yukimura up because he's his superior and he's also on Kenshin's side. Yukimura complains to her after the meeting because he can’t protect her, but she says she wants to go because she also worries about him (and was upset at his comment on her being weak, and wanted to prove herself). 
Behind the scenes Shingen, Kenshin and Kennyo are having a meeting. Kennyo suggests poisoning the Oda army’s water supply to half their army’s numbers. Shingen and Kenshin is clearly not happy with this idea but contemplate it. They say that they’ll consider it depending on the circumstances.
Now in camp, MC is taking care of wounded soldiers left and right. She begins patching up a scout who had been injured but he tells her that Yukimura is in danger because Nobunaga himself is on the front lines. MC runs out in the battlefield and hides in the grass. On the way there she manages to see the Tokugawa flags of the reinforcement soldiers. She sees Nobunaga fighting with Yukimura. She yells out when Nobunaga manages to push Yukimura off his horse and in that moment when Yukimura is distracted, Nobunaga delivers a cut over his shoulder.
MC tells him that reinforcements are coming. Yukimura picks up MC and rides her out of the battlefield and to go back to the camp and tells her that her place isn’t on the frontlines and that she’s needed in camp. That just because she’s not fighting doesn’t mean she’s not strong.
She continues healing the wounded when the soldiers return during sunset. She drags Yukimura into her tent and begins patching up his shoulder. The [lakeside scene] plays out with ambiguous “did they bang”??
They wake up and Yukimura goes back to camp with her. Shingen laughs and pretty much figures out what happened, Kenshin is mad that Yukimura disappeared all night. Yukimura suddenly suggests that he wants to make a peace treaty with Nobunaga which shocks Kenshin. However, Shingen decides to listen to what he has to say. Yukimura says there’s no point in losing lives, and Shingen ultimately agrees to the treaty.
MC is conflicted because she knows she likes Yukimura but has to return back to the future. Sasuke talks to her about the butterfly effect, and asks her to think about it more because right now she still has time to change her mind and take the wormhole back.
He meets up with the Oda forces and makes a deal; they’ll restore Kai another way (as in, give Kai back to us) and we’ll stop fighting with you from now on. Nobunaga agrees.
Kennyo’s men report to him about the situation. Kennyo is not happy.
Chapter 7 ends with MC bumping into Shingen, the former looking very unhappy.
Shingen: Being able to negotiate a peace treaty with the Oda forces has made Yuki pretty happy these past few days. 
MC: Yes. 
Shingen: But you don't look very happy. Did you two have a fight? 
I shook my head and sighed.
Shingen: Or did you find out that aside from Yuki, there are other great guys? 
MC: Shingen-sama!
Shingen: Haha, you can be pretty cute when you're angry. But, if you have any worries that you can't tell Yuki, you could tell me instead. 
(My worries aren't something everybody would understand. But Shingen looks like he has a lot of experience, so why not?) 
MC: I'm... together with Yukimura now... 
Shingen: Yuki, that guy, being able to find himself a bride, must have been hard. I used to think I would always be worried about him even after he's grown up. 
MC: Yukimura said that he wanted us to be together forever. 
Shingen: He's that kind of person. If he's set on you, the things that he wants, its everlasting. 
MC: But... I can't... 
Shingen: ... Perhaps, you were just playing around? 
MC: Of course not! 
Shingen: Then what, you're already engaged? 
MC: Not that... it's just... I have to return to my home. 
Shingen: You're scared that Yuki won't let you? 
MC: Not that he won't let me, that I can't go at all. 
(Letting both of us go back to the future? Even though I've never thought about it, I knew it couldn't be done.) 
And that’s the end of the beta version.
As for personal thoughts, I really like the overall romantic feel of the route - their romance is more realistic and has more of a ‘we became friends first’ feeling than the original. On the other hand though, the other characters suffer a lot. Especially Kenshin and Shingen, whom MC barely interacts with, making them seem really two dimensional. I’m not even sure what the point of Kennyo is so far, since he’s only appeared in a total of four scenes??? 
Also for Shingen - I showed some of his scenes to some Shingen stans and he does come off as way more flirty than usual and not in a charming way but a very sexual inneundo way- it makes him come off as a creep.
There’s also been some changes to Sasuke. He can lie now, and he’s really adamant on MC returning to the future with him. Along with the live sprites he actually comes off as less emotionless as we have known him to be. 
Story wise, I really like the extended scenes. If this game typically only focused on the love interest (like a lot of other otome games) then I wouldn’t think this was too bad. But since it has a cast of memorable side dateable characters the story comes off as... not quite as good. The backstory is extremely odd and there’s not enough focus on it even though it’s just the background story.
Yukimura as a character is like; the EN version of him was just a prototype and the CN version has a polished version of him. I like his characterisation a bit more here; he’s still a tsundere but less stubborn. He admits when he’s wrong and not ‘everything’ MC does embarrasses him but does make him a bit bashful - so he’s not blushing every other second, but still flushes at the right, cute moments. He’s more understanding of the MC and its easier to tell when he feels guilty and he doesn’t hide too much around his feelings - he skirts around them more.
Back to the cons though: some parts of the route are pervaded with a sense of... I’m not sure if it’s because MC isn’t as headstrong- but it seems like she’s somewhat looked down on for being a woman? She has a strong need to prove herself, and the men are surprised by things she can do because she’s a girl. According to a review left by another user who played the original JP version, they also weren’t happy with this and claimed that the edits to the story made Masamune and Nobunaga come off as ‘male chauvanists’ who only saw the MC as an item/decoration rather than a person. So I assume this vibe is that the user was talking about that I could feel. Not really sure yet so I’ll check on the other Oda boys when I have the time.
Also there’s some dubcon in the spicy scenes which is not cool (tm). 
Otherwise, the writing isn’t bad, the banter is amazing and I would have loved some of the extended content to be in the original :’)
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Here’s a cute birthday story that was posted on the official Twitter in 2015!
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Yuki: Tomo, are you there?
Tomo: Hm? What is it?
Yuki: Happy birthday, Tomo!
Tomo: Oh, it's today....
Yuki: You forgot your own birthday again, didn't you? Oh well.
Yuki: We all had a birthday party for you in the game. So today, maybe we could have it be just the two of us... I was thinking. I brought a birthday cake; let's eat it together.
Tomo: You just went meta.
Tomo: Oh well. Did you get that cake from Sonoda-san?
Yuki: Yeah, he sold it to me at a budget price for helping wash pots. I watched him make it and it looks really delicious. Something or other cream with something or other liqueur, and you use something or other method...
Tomo: You don't have to explain, so hurry and take it out of the box.
Yuki: I'm opening it. Ta-daaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Tomo: ........................................
Tomo: Yuki? What are all these candles stuck on top of the cake? Rather than a birthday cake, this looks more like a tofu for Hari-Kuyo.
Yuki: Tomo, you said you'd never celebrated a birthday just for yourself, didn't you? So I thought I'd put on enough to make up for all the birthdays you haven't celebrated. I stuck in all the candles you would have had up until now.
Tomo: So that's why there's so many candles.... Thanks.
Tomo: But isn't Sonoda-san crying that you covered his special cake in candles?
(aside) Sonoda: I am crying...
Yuki: Yeah... since he decorated it so prettily, I did think it would be bad, so I put the candles on in my own room.
Yuki: In my mental image, I planned for it to become prettier when I stuck them in, but there were so many. It ended up like this.
Yuki: Then, let's light them.
Yuki: Uwaaah! That's an incredible fire! Tomo, hurry and blow them out!!
Tomo: No, I can't blow this out!!
Tomo: Go get something that can smother it!
Yuki: I brought a bucket!!
Yuki: Eih!
Tomo: Is it out?
Yuki: It's out... it looks like.
Tomo: The cake got completely burned black.
Yuki: I'll take off the candles, maybe we can eat the inside, or something....
Tomo: And it was the cake you brought me special. I guess I can eat it, imagining what it looked like before this happened. *munch*
Yuki: I'll eat it too! *munch*
Tomo: .............
Yuki: .............
Yuki: I'm sorry, Mr. Cake....
Tomo: No, it's okay. This much isn't inedible. I guess I could consider a char-grilled tasting cake something new...
Yuki: Tomo, you don't have to force yourself. I'll apologize to Sonoda-san and ask him to make another cake.
Tomo: If you want to, how about we go eat cake off the school island? Since today is Saturday.
Yuki: Then, how about we eat a strawberry cream danish at my house?
Tomo: Oh, that sounds delicious.
Yuki: Alright! It's decided! Let's spend the night at my house. I think my mom and dad would celebrate your birthday.
Tomo: Yeah. Thanks, Yuki. Then, I'll send notice that we're staying out.
Sakaki: Kasahara, are you going out now?
Tomo: Oh, yes. I'm going to Yuki's house. You too, Professor, what are you doing coming to the student dorm on your day off?
Sakaki: Yeah, I thought I would give this to you.
Tomo: A jar of konpeito...? Professor Sakaki, why are you giving me this?
Sakaki: To be exact, it's from your older brother. Before, when I tried to quit smoking, he gave them to me. Think of it as something like sharing a memento.
Tomo: But isn't it wrong to give me something that Brother gave you...?
Sakaki: Don't worry about it. I still have several others like it. And in the end, I didn't quit smoking.
Tomo: Thank you. I accept it gratefully.
Sakaki: Yeah.
Yuki: How nice, Tomo. You got something good.
Tomo: That's right, I never thought I would get something from Brother. Oh, that means this isn't something that Professor Sakaki bought. I wish I had asked for something expensive....
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missstormcaller · 7 years
WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU Part 11 Full Translation
Marriage Registration
pages 121-129
Squad 4 barracks office.
After finishing her patrol of the Coordinated Relief Station, kotetsu Isane returned back to the squad barracks, "I'm back~!" she called out whilst opening the door of the office.
"Wel-come w-ack w-ig sis"
The younger sister Kiyone who was grappling with piled up paperwork on the tabletop lifted her face up and replied whilst her mouth remained stuffed with suzu castella*. (*Bell shaped Japanese sponge cake)
"Oh! Eating sweets during work again!"
"It's fine! It's only us! I need to consume enough sugar because I use my head for paperwork"
"You did that at the 13th division too right? Without eating sweets”
"No no, the amount of paperwork at the 4th division is different! I absolutely cannot do without eating this~"
Kiyone said whilst tossing the suzu castella up into the air, catching it with her mouth before eating it. She did not stop herself from eating even as Isane chided her "Ugh! Can you not spill any sugar on the documents?"
"Oh yeah, before coming here just now, I saw Kuchiki san and Abarai kun!"
"Oh! they said they were getting married right?"
"Yup! They'll both keep up as vice captains so, they said they appreciate your continued support. It looked like they were in the process of going to file their marriage registration at the Gotei Soldier Record Administration Bureau."
"Oh, it's near this place"
"I was asked if the wait for the Soldier Bureau was long, so I informed them that it's quick around there"
As the name suggests, the Gotei Soldier Record Administration Bureau, is the administrative office that manages the information and data of soldiers belonging to the Gotei 13, and since it is only off duty officers who visit the reception window, the waiting time is remarkably short compared to that of the Personnel Record Administration Bureau.
"When I became vice captain, I also went there to adjust the record of my squad affiliation…… it's already been three years since then……"
After the death of former captain Unohana Retsu, Isane was urgently appointed as squad 4 captain. It was a compulsory appointment where refusal or putting it on hold for later could not be permitted. Squad 4 is a facility that includes the Coordinated Relief Station which is a hospital for shinigami, it was impossible to proceed forward in the absence of a leader at a time when they had numerous wounded people from war.
[ "It may be difficult but, I have no choice but to request this of you…… I'm sorry" ]
Kyoraku himself visited Isane, he left behind a written appointment letter. For a short while, Isane stared in blank amazement at the letter, snapping up she chased after Kyoraku, she caught up with him at the spot he had exited the squad barracks, she put forward her wish to have Kotetsu Kiyone installed as her vice captain at the same time as her own inauguration as captain.
"Hey, big sis. Your vice captain, why was it me?"
Kiyone asked without pausing her hands from her task.
"What's this all of a sudden?"
"Come to think of it, I believe I've never asked you. Since we grew accustomed to working around each other as soon as I took office, we were able to do our best, right? Both of us were feeling down on top of that……"
"…… that's why, I wished that"
Isane muttered those few words whilst processing the paperwork one by one.
"At that time, I……wanted to stay close to Kiyone, and I wanted Kiyone close to me so I can be there for her"
Isane with Unohana, Kiyone with Ukitake. They had just lost partners that they had felt a mutual sense of reverence for. Isane thought they could not overcome it unless they supported each other.
"Of course, not only that! Kiyone's kaido* (*healing kido) ability was also taken into account!"
"Yeah, thanks…… but is it enough to be nominated for vice captain?"
Kiyone laughed and turned her head, becoming a little shy at the serious tone of the conversation.
"What are you talking about! You were number one out all your classmates in kaido!"
"I guess so~ but learning in a classroom as opposed to practical training was completely useless"
"seems that it was written in the data of the academy that your kaido ability was so high that they had to supplement that more……captain Unohana put off saying it all that time. In truth, Kiyone, you were supposed to be assigned to the 4th division."
"Really!? If I remember correctly I wrote down my wish to join the 4th division on the course evaluation report……"
Isane revealed​ that her younger sister wished to work at the same squad, Unohana smiled softly at Isane and informed her of the true state of affairs.
"Just before the official decision was made, Genryusai sama suggested to the head of the Academy and captain Unohana that Kiyone be assigned to the 13th division. Captain Unohana said that they wanted to place a young person whose speciality is kaido near captain Ukitake…… particularly at that time, Captain Ukitake's health had become discouraging, captain Unohana would frequently go up to ugendo* for his medical treatment."
(*ugendo - Ukitake's quarters where he would often go to rest)
"Right it was like that……! At the time, though I also talked about it to you big sis, it was strange that they immediately sent in a fresh recruit to be the captain's personal guardian. I see……Genryusai sama……"
Kiyone once again recalls how truly loved captain Ukitake was by everyone. New recruits themselves as well as veteran soldiers alike held deep admiration for Ukitake whenever they encountered him, Kiyone instantly came to love him a lot.
"When Kiyone joined squad 13, captain Ukitake started to gradually recover…… and when captain Unohana returned from her house calls, she would speak highly of Kiyone, I was very happy"
"What a wonderful younger sister" she would say as Isane remembers being beyond ecstatic about that herself.
"Because Kiyone has the seal of approval from captain​ Unohana, she can confidently bear the title of squad 4 lieutenant, so that's enough!"
"It's not that I'm losing my self-confidence but……thanks big sis"
Kiyone smiled reaching her hand out towards the suzu castella. However, the inside of the paper bag was empty already.
"Oh, it's all gone. Big sis, don't you have anything sweet?"
"You're still eating? Don’t you have dinner?"
"Even though I'm full I still have room for dessert, so It’s fine~"
Whilst she said that, Isane opened up a cupboard which was tightly packed with sweets.
"There's so many! Does my big sis really eat sweets like this……?"
"Those are snacks for the flower arrangement class. Everyone has tea and sweets whilst observing the flower arrangement"
Unohana used to host monthly flower arrangement classes, now Isane continues to do so. Kiyone does not participate because her legs get too numb whilst sitting on her heels, however it is a popular class where most of the female troops of the 4th division attend.
"Even so, it looks like a lot……"
The shelves were crammed full with a variety of sweets.
"……I just had to buy those. They were sweets that Yachiru chan liked."
It was the last words Isane exchanged with Kusajishi Yachiru.
As she applied the reiatsu healing treatment in both of Yachiru's arms which ended up broken and fractured by Sternritter V 'The Visionary', Gremmy Thoumeaux's ability, Kiyone was finally able to release the breath she had held in.
"Phew……with this, you should be able to move one way or another"
"Thank you Kote-chin!*"
(*Just in case you've forgotten Yachiru calls Isane ‘kote chin’)
Smiling and getting up, Yachiru looked up at the "stage" Gremmy had produced. Zaraki Kenpachi and Gremmy battled on top of an enormous cuboid that was formed by raising up the ground.
"I have to go!"
"Aah, please wait lieutenant Kusajishi! You shouldn't move around so vigorously yet……"
Isane's outstretched arm slipped through quickly as she broke off into a run.
"Finally……Finally Ken-chan can call out to me……"
She faintly murmured.
Those were Yachiru’s words, the last that Isane had heard.
"Since there is no longer a chairwoman, the Shinigami women's Association meetings do not take place anymore……vice president Nanao san is busy, and Research and Development is in charge of Nemu san who is currently still a baby……"
Kiyone resumed her work whilst gulping down konpeito* (*a type of Japanese candy), Isane leant forward with an "eh!?"
"Nemu san, she's already grown up to the state of a baby!? The last time I saw her she was not yet completely……"
She recalls being absolutely perplexed at being introduced to "Nemuri Hachigō", a clump of flesh floating around inside a transparent cylinder filled with culture fluid.
"Because everyone was saying they were scared and they didn’t want to go, during this time I had to take the medical examination results from those guys at the Department of Research and Development, right? So, I saw Nemu san at the time, she was wildly crawling around the department. When I greeted her, she stopped and bowed her head……it was cute"
Hachigō was created based on the brain retrieved from the artificially created soul Nemuri Nanagō, although the body is different, Nanagō’s memory and spirit is being taken over.
"Haa……I want to see……! I wonder if it's okay if I also go and see her?"
"Why not? I got the impression that Captain Kurotsuchi can't help but brag about her"
Isane instantly broke into a smile and said "I wonder when is good" she happily turned over the tabletop schedule book, suddenly she lifted her face as if something had just struck her mind.
"Shall we also invite everyone when we go to meet Nemu san……?  The Shinigami Women's Association"
"……yeah, I think that's a great idea!"
Kiyone nodded in agreement and gave a broad smile.
This was the first step towards the launch of a new order of the Shinigami Women's Association.
Marriage Registration ‘4′ is up next (reminder - there are 6 ‘chapters’ in total in the Marriage registration section) I’ll hopefully get to type that up soon.
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