#chaos lineage
aquariaries · 11 months
Lmao so I'm translating Subaru's Chaos Lineage route right now and the face I caught Yui making is priceless 😂
She really said "😑😒"
Free my girl she's had enough
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Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Laito’s Route [Full English Translation]
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[01] [02] [03] [04] [05]
[06] [07] [08] [09] [10]
[11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
[Labyrinth END] [Euphoria END]
[Heaven scenario]
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superspoonie24 · 8 months
Characters with lekku, montrals, horns, or any other sort of head protrusion sleep in the weirdest most concerning ways and you canNOT convince me otherwise.
Anakin has lost count of the amount of times he has walked in on Ahsoka face down, completely smothered into the pillow/floor/mat/bedroll and her ass up in the air for NO REASON AT ALL. Arm slung over her head and it can NOT be comfortable. Or face down like she just splat into concrete from 10 stories up and she HAS to be dead!?
So he wakes her up in a frantic haste, panicking more and more as he can't rouse her.
He calls kix and flips her over and he's kriff near starting chest compression or something when Ahsoka blearily asks, "Sk- Skyguy? Whatcha doin?"
And he throws his arms around her scolding her, holding her tight, muttering "dont ever scare me like that again!!"
And she mumbles okay
It happens again a week later.
He and the other regulars get used to it. But every so often a shiny will stumble upon Ahsoka sleeping like the dead and runs over panicking, calling for help. Obi-Wan or Anakin or Rex will go over and check on her. 'Check' meaning calling out her name, or random things to see what she might respond to this time, and look for any movement or noise. If she huffs, great. If she flips them off, even better.
They have a running tally of how many times they get flipped off, what the weirdest thing she has responded to is, who has gotten the angriest response, and every time they think she's *actually* dead.
It's a fun game. Especially when other Masters and Padawans and Clones join. Even better when someone else with lekku joins and sleeps in a concerning way.
Record so far is Master Ti, Master Secura, and Ahsoka all sleeping completely face down, non breathing, flipping them off when they checked on them. Jesse is so happy he snapped a holopic of it. He trades rations for copies of it. At least until Anakin confiscates it. (And shares it with the Jedi.)
This has been inspired by my weird ass sleeping positions and sleep demon doing weird things when i wake up. Enjoy! (Feel free to add images or examples. I tried finding some gifs but tumblr is as functional as ever :))))))) ) 🧡🤍💙
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me rewatching Chaos Lineage Ayato Sakamaki route
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like Karl pls let your sons have peace
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mysteryunfolds · 2 months
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Feral on my knees rn
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arypurple · 9 months
Résumé des jeux Diabolik Lovers
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Alors, non, ce ne sera pas un résumé foireux. Cet article sera là pour résumer le synopsis de chacun des jeux. Attention, je ne fais que dire le synopsis du début car le reste de l'histoire, c'est aux joueurs de décider en choisissant de faire la route d'un quelconque personnage et en faisant des choix avec l'héroïne. Il y a sept jeux en tout si on inclut pas les CD's drama.
Haunted Dark Bridal: Yui Komori, 17 ans et fille d'un prêtre, se rend dans la ville de Kaminashi car son père est en déplacement à cause de son travail. Elle sera envoyée dans un étrange manoir car son père lui a dit qu'un parent éloigné allait l'accueillir. Mais Yui va tomber sur une fratrie de six jeunes hommes, les Sakamaki, et découvrira bien vite qu'ils sont des vampires. Commencera alors sa nouvelle vie dans le monde des ténèbres. Yui décidera alors de choisir qui aura le droit de boire son sang.
More Blood: La vie continue pour Yui alors qu'elle vit encore avec les Sakamaki, tentant tant bien que mal de se faire à cette vie. Alors qu'ils se mettent en route pour l'école, quelque chose provoque l'accident de leur limousine et Yui fait ensuite un étrange rêve. Quatre individus vont ensuite entrer en scène: les Mukami. Leur but étant d'obtenir Yui afin de devenir Adam.
Vandead Carnival: Les Sakamaki, les Mukami et Yui sont invités par Karlheinz à un carnaval qui aura lieu dans le monde démon. De plus, dans cette invitation, il est dit que Yui sera la reine du carnaval. Les deux familles vont alors se rendre sur place afin de profiter des festivités avec Yui et comme d'habitude, cette dernière doit choisir qui elle va accompagner afin d'être protégée, étant tout de même une humaine qui s'aventure dans le monde démon.
Dark Fate: Une éclipse lunaire survint. Alors que Yui est mêlée aux conflits des Sakamaki et des Mukami qui veulent sucer son sang, deux individus débarquent dans l'académie: les frères Tsukinami. Ces derniers auraient été auparavant transférés dans une école du Royaume-Uni et sont de retour au Japon. Mais les motivations des deux jeunes hommes sont bien obscures et les origines concernant le cœur de Yui referont bien évidemment surface.
Lunatic Parade: Yui fait un étrange rêve où un homme lui dit que sa possession la plus précieuse lui a été confisquée. À son réveil, on constate très vite qu'elle n'a plus d'odeur... ni de cœur. Son cœur a été volé par le comte Walter et a été remplacé par une pierre appelée "Kleinod". Mais l'effet de cette pierre s'estompe petit à petit, ce qui risque de tuer Yui. Par la même occasion, ils ont reçu une invitation et les frères vont donc devoir se rendre dans le monde démon afin de récupérer son cœur. Mais il y a un défilé en même temps et Yui devra choisir qui va l'aider pour ses recherches.
Lost Eden: Karlheinz n'est plus, ayant confié son pouvoir à l'un de ses fils. Dans le monde des humains, des vampires sont tués les uns après les autres. Quelque chose est en train de se préparer et l'équilibre dans le monde démoniaque s'effondre petit à petit. Un individu au nom de Kino entrera en scène, prêt à tout afin de s'approprier Yui, et ne reculera absolument devant rien pour y parvenir.
Chaos Lineage: Les trois maisons, Scarlet, Violet et Orange, se livrent bataille. Yui se réveille dans une église et complètement amnésique. Des vampires arrivent alors et se disputent pour avoir cette fille qu'ils appellent "Eve", dans l'espoir de devenir le souverain suprême. Il s'agit en fait des Sakamaki, des Mukami, des Tsukinami ainsi que de Kino qui semblent tous avoir perdu la mémoire. Yui essayera alors de retrouver ses souvenirs.
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theredhobbit · 7 months
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My friend and I are currently misinterpreting Chaos Lineage CG
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out-of-the-shadow · 1 year
Lol just realized that Chaos Lineage explains platonism and Ontological/Gxenological Dualism, should I make a post about it? Maybe tomorrow.
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cryptid-pet · 2 years
I hope nobody thought of this already
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aquariaries · 6 months
Hey! I've been off of Tumblr for about a month due to personal stuff going on in my life atm (nothing bad, just really friggin busy!!! 😵‍💫💀) and now that I'm back, I plan to start working on those translations for Kou's Chaos Lineage route! My goal is to have them out by the end of the year. It takes me awhile to translate due to work and school and just moving, but I finally have a bit of down time and plan to work on those very soon 🩷
On a side note, last week I attended Youmacon and I went as Yui on Thursday and Sunday!
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Also look at this full Diabolik Lovers group I ran into!!!!!! They even let me take a picture with them 🥹 (hence the 2nd pic haha) If anyone knows who they are please tag them as I didn't ask for their socials! I was too flustered and forgot >////<
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I also got this cute Reiji keychain, cus y'all know I love my Rei-bae 💙
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Anywho, glad to be back and I'll be more active now! To all those in my DMs I'll get back to you today if not very shortly ❤️ Love y'all!
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dialovers-translations · 10 months
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー General Prologue
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ー The scene starts inside a mysterious chamber
Karlheinz: Checkmate.
Socrates: ...!? How? Once again...
Karlheinz: Seems like I win.
Socrates: ...
Karlheinz: I had a pleasant time again tonight. Our final game was a great one.
*Rustle rustle* 
Socrates: Leaving already?
Karlheinz: I must proceed with my plan.
Socrates: Running away after winning, huh? 
Karlheinz: I would love to continue playing as well.
However, you should know very well why I cannot, no? My dear friend.
Socrates: Yes, I understand. That is exactly why it is so vexing.
Karlheinz: Do not say that, my friend. My life-long wish is for a new species to be born into this World...
We shall need Adam and Eve for this wish to come to fruition.
Socrates: Yes...
You have selected a candidate for Eve for quite some time now, have you not? That girl who possesses a special heart despite being a human.
She fulfilled her duty by falling in love with a Demon. 
Karlheinz: Then the one chosen by Eve...The Vampire who captures her heart, shall become Adam. 
That moment is finally upon us.
I have rewinded time again and again, doing everything within my power...
Success is currently right in front of our eyes. 
My friend, I never once felt bored because I had someone I could have long conversations with. 
Socrates: It saddens me to say goodbye...
Karlheinz: Oh come on, we can always meet again in our next lives.
Socrates: ...You’re right. See you in the afterlife. 
Karlheinz: I must get to the final preparations. ...Well then, if you’d excuse me now.
ー Karlheinz leaves
Socrates: Karlheinz...I suppose we shall never meet again in this life...huh?
A Vampire going by the name of ‘Adam’. 
And the human girl called ‘Eve’.
Once the two of them tie the knot and give birth to a new species,
Karlheinz’ plan will undoubtedly reach completion. 
...However, in return for that,
I will lose a dear friend. 
That is incredibly saddening. 
Aah, how lonely I feel...
I threw a glance at the table’s surface.
The black and white chess pieces are lined up on top of the chess board. 
The remains of the fun game my friend and I were playing just now.
Socrates: My dear friend, are you certain that the man who was chosen is truly fit to become Adam?
There should have been plenty of potential candidates. 
Was it inevitable that he would be the one to be ultimately chosen? 
Perhaps the true Adam can only be found,
if all of them are given an equal chance,
by meeting Eve,
under the same circumstances? 
...I am not yet convinced,
that this man in question will become Adam.
In which case, it is up to them to prove themselves,
and convince me. 
Socrates: This is a game where they will all fight over the same pawn being ‘Eve’. I shall create the World which will serve as the chess board through my magicーー
And lock the potential Adam candidates as well as Eve inside of it. 
While Adam has already been chosen, I could easily alter their memories somewhat.
Let us conduct an experiment where all of them have been given the same conditions in terms of memories, abilities and status. 
To see who will truly win over Eve...
They can fight over her in their little fabricated world, until but one player remains.
Well then, let us commence the game. Until it’s checkmate. 
Or alternatively...Until somebody breaks the game’s rules.
Until only one person remains on the board,
and as long as nobody commits foul play...
This experiment will remain ongoingーー
Where on earth am I? 
I was wandering through the darkness. 
When I tried to remember what had happened,
I could not remember anything, as if a fog had clouded my mind.
The silhouette of a certain someone popped up in my head. 
It felt as if this loving, nostalgic figure,
looked at me with gentle eyes. 
However, I do not know who they are.
Who are you? 
Furthermore, who am I?
As if they were answering my question,
I could hear a man’s voice echo from somewhereーー
???: Good morning, Eve. Do you know who you are? 
--> This is where you get to input the MC’s name.
???: No, that is not your name, Eve. That is your past name. 
Yui: Eve...This is my name...
‘Eve’ ...It had an incredibly familiar sound to it. I part my lips to pronounce those two syllables 
Yui: Eve...Eve...Eve...
Every time I recite it, I grow more and more self-aware that this is in fact my name. 
???: You shall soon awaken. 
Our story begins right after the precious Supreme Ruler has passed away.
Three different houses will wage war against each other, fighting over you.
The prophecy told by this man whose name remains a mystery to me...
I simply took all of it in...
I did not doubt his words in the slightest. 
After all, at this time, I was still incapable,
of experiencing a sense of ‘doubt’. 
I was not capable of breaking through the illusion. 
Any illusion which cannot be destroyed, will therefore become reality.
???: I call forth the light...
At the same time he spoke those words,
a single light flashed right above me.
While weak, it was definitely shining.
I reached out my hand towards it.
As I heard the sound of a new game commencing.
ー The scene starts inside the Church
Yui: Nn...
( Huh? ...Where am I...? )
( There’s large stone monuments lined up...The horse and castle shapes remind me of the pieces of a chess game. )
( The windows are decorated with beautiful stained glass... )
( While the building itself appears to be rather old, it is in good condition, so somebody must have been taking care of it. )
A holy atmosphere lingers in the air...
( This feeling must mean it’s a...Church...I suppose...? )
( In which case, the place I was sleeping on is...the altar? )
Why am I here...?
*Dingー Dingー*
Yui: Kyaah!
The Church bells...? That startled me...
???: So the seal was broken at last? It surely took its time.
Yui: Eh...?
Bespectacled man: While this was stated in the legend as well, I have to say that you are hardly impressive. Oh well, I suppose that is fine.
Given as you were here at this Church, there is no mistaking it.
Yui: A-And who might you be...?
( While he does look very proper and his demeanor is polite, his sharp gaze is somewhat terrifying... )
Bespectacled man: Let us keep any self-introductions for later. Unfortunately, there is no time for those right now. You shall be accompanying us to our manor.
Yui: What do you mean by that...? Where are we in the first place? How did I end up heーー
Bespectacled man: I see. ‘You are completely ignorant’...correct?
ー He approaches her
Yui: Kyaah! L-Let me go!
Bespectacled man: I do not know if you are speaking the truth or simply acting.
Either way, this does not alter the fact that you will be coming with me.
Yui: ( I’m being kidnapped!? I have to run! But he’s too strong, I can’t shake him off... )
???: How cruel to do such a thing to a poor little girl~ 
Bespectacled man: ーー!?
Man with hat: You just barely managed to dodge my attack, huh? I suppose I should have expected as much from you, Reiji.
Yui: ( A dagger came flying at him!? Is that man the one who threw it...? )
Reiji: Haah...Just as I thought, there were other people with the same intention as us.
So the Violet House has decided to send Laito as their messenger...And it would appear that Kou is here as well. 
Kou: Ahーah. You noticed me? I thought I was doing a pretty good job concealing my presence. 
Yui: ( There’s another guy carrying a dagger... )
( The one holding my arm is Reiji-san...And the two people over there are Laito-san and Kou-san? )
Kou: Listen, won’t you hand over Eve to us? Carla-kun really wants her, you see.
Reiji: I refuse. The next Supreme Overlord shall be none other than me after all. 
Laito: Geez, the oldest sibling of the Scarlet House is so stingy. Wouldn’t you agree, Eve-chan? 
Yui: Eve...
( Right. I am Eve...I wonder why I forgot? )
( These people are fighting over Eve...over me. )
Reiji: I would have liked to have gotten this over with quick and easy, but it seems like some people insist on getting in the way...
You should step back for a bit.
Yui: Ah...
Reiji: I shall be your opponent.
Laito: Oh? This doesn’t seem quite right? You’re acting like a noble knight protecting the princess. 
Kou: Exactly, spot on! Even though it’s obvious that Eve will come to our house.
Right, Eve? You will, won’t you? 
Yui: T-That’s a tough question. I don’t even know you guys...
Kou: Then you can just get to know us! At our manor, that is. 
Yui: ( No way, what should I do...? )
Yui: Ow...!? 
( Someone pulled me in stronglyl! )
???: You’re coming with Yours Truly. You don’t have any other choice. 
???: I promise to take ‘good’ care of you. Until I get sick of you, at least.
Yui: ( Another stranger...! )
Laito: Ehー? Ayato has made his appearance as well?
Reiji: The third son of the Orange House...I suppose this is how things ultimately played out.
To think all three Houses would show up right after Eve’s awakening. 
Yui: ( Three Houses...? )
Ayato: The Church’ barrier disappeared. Of course we’d come to check what’s going on. 
And I was right to do so too. It’s just like how that one legend goes.
Yui: ( Legend... )
Kou: The Church’ barrier will be dispelled after the Supreme Overlord perishes. 
The one who wakes up Eve who is slumbering there with a kiss, it will open the path to becoming the next Supreme Lord...That’s the story you’re talking about, right?
Laito: It’s the story of Sleeping Beauty.
Yui: ( Barrier...Legend...Supreme Overlord? What on earth are they all talking about...? )
Reiji: It would seem that you have no clue about any of this.
Kou: So she’s completely ignorant to the fact that she’s Eve?
Ayato: Aah? Cut me some slack! Do you have any idea how long we waited for you!?
Laito: I mean, she was asleep this whole time, so we can hardly blame her, can we?
Although it seems like we’ll need to take our time to fill her in on everything.
But to do that, we have to take you home with us first.
Yui: ...!
( They’re suddenly giving off a different vibe...? )
( They are glaring coldly at each other. Do their eyes even seem to be glowing red or am I just imagining that...? ) 
( No, more importantly, the weapons they are holding, are they actually real...? )
Reiji: I suppose we should get started soon.
Ayato: Che, finally.
Kou: Who will get to claim Eve? 
Laito: The battle commencesーー
Yui: Battle...!? Don’t tell me, you’re actuallyーー
Yui: ( The four of them are swinging their swords at each other...Wait, noーー )
( There’s only three of them. One has disappeared...! )
Yui: Kyah!? W-Who are you!? Please...Let me go!
A figure suddenly snuck up behind me.
I attempted to fight back, but ‘his’ arm wouldn’t even budge.
I had been successfully captured by him.
Exactly, the one who seized me wasーー
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afi-mukami · 2 years
I started to play Ruki’s CL route yesterday... and while I actually liked a lot his story in DF and LE, CL has somehow nice vibes that reminds me of MB a bit? Maybe it’s because of plot things.
I’ve only played till the end of chapter 05 but... uh huh... so far so good. I love it.
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I dunno if it's just me or I just find it funny whenever Kanato becomes the third wheel of the AyaYui relationship ('cause Laito is overrated) tho basically I just love Kanato being a third wheel. I dunno why.
Maybe I should make sakamaki bros third wheel headcanons 👀
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(yeah as if Kanato being the third wheel of the Subaru x teacher relationship is enough)
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solistaire · 3 months
Ordre des jeux / Où se les procurer
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À toi qui lis ceci : bonjour, bonsoir ! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ La plupart des fans de Diabolik Lovers le sont depuis des années, et ont eu le temps de faire assez de recherches pour comprendre par quel jeu commencer et comment y jouer, mais ce n'est pas forcément le cas de tout le monde. Ici, je t'explique tout ce que tu as besoin de savoir à ce sujet !
L'ordre des jeux est déjà précisé sur la page d'index, mais un petit rappel ne fait jamais de mal !
Diabolik Lovers : Haunted Dark Bridal (PSP, PS VITA, PS4, Nintendo Switch)
Diabolik Lovers : More,Blood (PSP, PS VITA, PS4, Nintendo Switch)
Diabolik Lovers : Vandead Carnival (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Dark Fate (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Lunatic Parade (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Lost Eden (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Chaos Lineage (Nintendo Switch)
Pour les jeux disponibles sur PSP, tu peux très facilement te les procurer gratuitement et y jouer directement sur ton PC par le biais d'un émulateur. J'ai déjà écrit un tutoriel à ce sujet, que tu peux retrouver juste ici !
Pour ceux disponibles sur PS VITA, il n'existe malheureusement à ce jour aucun émulateur vous permettant d'y jouer. Il te faudra donc te contenter de vidéos YouTube, de traductions écrites, ou bien te procurer une PS VITA ainsi que les cartouches de jeu ! (Tu peux aussi très facilement hacker cette dernière et les avoir gratuitement...)
En ce qui concerne Haunted Dark Bridal et More,Blood, leur disponibilité sur PS4 et Nintendo Switch est vraiment intéressante : le jeu porte le nom de Diabolik Lovers : Grand Edition, et cumule les deux premiers opus sur une seule cartouche/CD. Tu peux facilement te les procurer sur eBay, ou bien Buyee. Tu peux également les trouver sur Amazon, mais je te le déconseille : si tu vis en France, le prix de vente du jeu s'élève à un peu plus de 100€. J'ai trouvé le mien sur eBay à 50€, alors je te conseille fortement cette alternative.
Maintenant que tu sais comment retrouver tes vampires préférés, je t'invite à consulter l'article d'avertissement, pour être sûr.e de savoir dans quoi tu te lances en commençant à jouer ou à lire les traductions de ce jeu. Je t'invite également à lire la brève présentation des personnages si tu as du mal à savoir vers qui t'orienter en premier ! ( ’з`)ノ⌒♥*:・。.
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