#Boys Run The Riot
animefeminist · 2 days
Boys Run the Riot, Visual Kei, and Gender Euphoria Through Fashion
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Content Warning: Discussion of transphobia, dysphoria
Identity exists in a large, tangled mess of intersections that culminates into lived experience. Gender identity, self expression, and ethnicity are so intertwined that it would be hard to discuss one without discussing the others. As a Japanese trans man, all of these things have come into play in relation to my self-expression and identity. One of the things I found solace and euphoria in, as a teenager, was clothing. Clothing allowed me to express and present my identity as I knew myself, and was an early gateway to outer expression as a trans man.
Self-expression through clothing has always been a part of the LGBTQ+ community. The first image that may come to mind is the drag scene in particular, where Drag Queens and Drag Kings come together to express themselves in ways that are otherwise non-conforming to society’s standards. “Drag” or, specifically, crossdressing has existed in Japan since the 1800’s, with kabuki theater being a prominent example. In the 20th century the Takarazuka Revue was formed, which was an all-female theater group created in opposition to kabuki theater.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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strangemonochromes · 11 months
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Boys Run the Riot // Keito Gaku
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tatatasoma · 3 months
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From 'Boys Run the Riot'
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transmasculine · 1 year
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canon trans character icons!
if youre a weirdo i will fucking block you
hibari oozora, kaoru anesagi, mako ariga, nitori shuichi, ryou watari, sweet-p, toyosatomimi no miko, yamato, yuzu
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ayin-me-yesh · 1 year
Ok I was just going off in the tags of another post, but I think these are the best anime trans guys I know of so if you're looking for decent rep, I personally recommend
Boys Run The Riot - Watari Ryō
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Ryō is a teenage trans boy who hates being forced to wear the girl's uniform at his school. Alongside a cis male friend, Ryō starts a fashion brand focused on the kind of clothing that gives him gender euphoria. The mangaka of this one is an open trans man himself.
Stars Align - Fujita Shō
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Stars Align is a sports anime about a middle school tennis club. One of the main character's mothers divorces her abusive husband and starts dating one of her friends from college. That friend happens to be Shō, an explicitly transgender man. Shō is shown to be an excellent father-figure and a loving partner. He helps his girlfriend and her son to work through the problems in their lives.
Our Dreams At Dusk - Utsumi Natsuyoshi
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TW// suicidal ideation, attempted suicide
This manga is about a gay teenager who's been outed and is considering suicide. The story involves him working through his issues alongside other LGBT+ characters at a drop-in centre. Utsumi is one of these characters and is explicitly a trans man. Utsumi is treated as a fairly normal guy who's main problem is that he's anxious about expressing his real feelings and opinions with other people. Despite this he still already has friends he hangs out with after work, and is generally thought of as friendly and outgoing by other characters.
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choujinx · 1 month
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BOYS RUN THE RIOT (2020) by gaku keito
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artfilenotfound · 1 year
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Boys Run The Riot is such an amazing trans focused pieces of media (old fanart)
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Do you know this queer character?
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Ryou is Transgender and uses he/him pronouns!
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Trans Character of the Day
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Ryo Watari from Boys Run the Riot is a trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
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strangemonochromes · 4 months
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Boys Run the Riot // Keito Gaku
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Pride Month Week 4 Recommendations: Broader Horizons
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I really wish there was more weeks in June so I could recommend more things, but we're nearing the end already, so I can't give every genre/aspect the attention they deserve. Though similarly, a lot of non BL/GL manga is missing from the NA industry, so sadly there's not a wealth of series to talk about. But! I hope that with the limited licenses we have, and the ones that I recommend, people will buy more of these titles and encourage publishers to bring more of them over! So, with only a little further ado, the recommendations for this week.
As I just said though, the further ado first. This week's charity is Outright Action International, a charity focused on LGBTQ human rights violations at a global scale
Doughnuts Under A Crescent Moon
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An office romance with an incredibly fresh perspective? A series about a romance between two women that isn't overly sexualized? The check list keeps growing and growing with this story that explores the challenges in regards to romance for both the working women that lead this story. Hinako is all over makeup and the latest trends and trying to find a boyfriend, but can never convince herself that she's in love. On the other side, Sato is a woman who throws herself into work and taking care of her younger sister, never leaving another thought for the concept of love or attraction. But what happens when this pair that can't fit the normal definition of "love" cross paths?
It's a really beautiful story that keeps expectations low, and wonderfully explores the challenges of not just adult romance in society, but romance that exists outside the norms. Not just in regards to two women loving one another, but how they love each other. How they express it, how they struggle with it, what they feel is right or wrong with how they're with each other. It's an incredible story about exploring asexuality and attraction, and does so in a very heartwarming and positive manner.
Our Dreams At Dusk
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Tasuku is a teenager that desperately wants to keep his sexuality under wraps, but struggles because of a crush he has on his classmate. Through his anxiety, and wandering through this new city he's moved to, he's discovered by "Somebody", who owns "The Lounge", a gathering area for LGBTQ+ people. Within this small community, Tasuku explores his own sexuality while learning about the experiences and challenges that others have faced.
I was recommended this story by a friend ages ago, and decided to pick it up without knowing anything. I read it all in one go, and then read it all again a week later. In just four volumes, this story explores so many different forms of gender identities and sexuality, and does so through incredibly beautiful metaphors, and endlessly important (though very realistic and potentially painful) interactions and conversations. If there's a single queer manga out there that people feel like they should pick up, it really should be this one.
Last Gender
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Bar California is a space for people of all different genders, orientations, interests, and sexualities to gather and shed the forms that they carry through daily life in society. Whether it's to explore themselves, or enjoy a night free of inhibition, Bar California is frequented by many customers, and this manga details the stories of those patrons.
Similar to Our Dreams At Dusk, Last Gender explores a plethora of characters through uplifting, challenging, emotional, and unresolved stories. Repression and lashing out, working up the courage to tell your loved ones, finding the right person or experience for you, it's stories about the realities that LGBTQ+ people face in their lives, and the stress and emotions and challenges that stem from it. It's a very mature story, as it features nudity and sexual acts, but in doing so refuses to avoid the harsher reality of a lot of these stories. Because of that, if people want something that takes a deeper and more grounded look into LGBTQ+ people and communities, this is a great starting point.
Boys Run The Riot
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Need I say more? This list wouldn't be complete without Boys Run The Riot. A harsh but incredibly powerful story about the journey of a high school student named Ryo, and their outlet through fashion to express themselves and their story.
It's poignant, it's very candid, it doesn't shy away from truth or issues within the LGBTQ+ community, and it brings the story into society. It doesn't separate Ryo's journey from what's around them, but rather allows their journey to build upon and grow alongside the other characters that form their friend group. It presents it as another story of this world, rather than something that's separated and isolated from what's considered "normal".
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X-Gender is an autobiographical manga about the author's journey in exploring their sexuality and gender identity through their adult years, with a dash of comedy, and a healthy helping of adult content.
Relatively straightforward, it details their experiences in coming to understand themselves and who they feel the most comfortable as, and is really informative for both people that are in the process of questioning themselves, and those that lack understanding of these types of experiences. I think it's a really great look at a candid retelling of learning the ins and outs of sexuality and gender identities, and finding the labels and banners that someone is most comfortable associating themselves with, so I definitely think people should give it a shot.
And that's all I've got for this week. In the realm of manga that exists outside of BL/GL, there's a world of information to cover, and I'm super glad so many titles cover vast swathes of information. But at the same time, I feel like there's a very large vacuum in regards to these stories in "typical" settings. A lot are informative or autobiographical, and it's only outliers like Doughnuts Under The Crescent Moon, or the super outlier Boys Run The Riot, that the approach is fictional and more traditional. So I really, really hope that people will pick up these titles (and other similar ones not listed in this list) and show publishers that we want more of these types of stories!
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Boys Run the Riot by Keito Gaku
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High schooler Ryo knows he’s transgender, but he doesn’t have anyone to confide in about the confusion he feels. He can’t tell his best friend, who he’s secretly got a crush on, and he can’t tell his mom, who’s constantly asking why Ryo “dresses like a boy.” He certainly can’t tell Jin, the new transfer student who looks like just another bully… The only time Ryo feels at ease is when he’s wearing his favorite clothes. Then, and only then, the world melts away, and he can be his true self. One day, while out shopping, Ryo sees someone he didn’t expect: Jin. The kid who looked so tough in class has the same taste in fashion as him! At last, Ryo has someone he can open up to—and the journey ahead might finally give him a way to express himself to the world.
Mod opinion: I've read this book and enjoyed it. There's some scenes that deal with heavy bullying and I would have liked to know that before diving in.
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From 'Boys Run the Riot'
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maddiesbookshelves · 3 months
Akata appreciation post and manga haul 📚
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I didn't buy all of them at once but I did buy them pretty recently
Love Mix-Up is almost over in France, only 2 volumes left! And I started buying Boys Run the Riot because I realised I could spend my money now, especially on stuff I really loved reading digitally
Once again, Akata is THE manga publisher to me, they're always coming out with amazing titles, a lot of them with queer themes and storylines. They're even going to publish She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat (my review here) in France, which is amazing. Even when their titles aren't queer, they're amazing: Night view on the Factory was just zjfjzuej (look up the TW though). They're a small but passionate team and it really shows that they love what they're doing
Anyways, if you're curious what these are about:
My post about Boys Run the Riot
My post about Love Mix-Up
Entre Nos Mains
English title: Run Away With Me, Girl
Original title: Kakeochi Girl / かけおちガール
Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life
Themes: Adultery, Homosexuality
Japanese volumes: 16 (Finished)
Maki’s first love was her high school classmate, a girl named Midori. But Midori broke up with Maki at graduation, saying they were now “too old to be fooling around dating girls.” Ten years later, Maki still can’t get Midori off her mind, and when the two women reconnect after a chance encounter, Maki realizes that, while her feelings haven’t changed, Midori has long moved on—in fact, she’s engaged. Yet the more Maki hears Midori talk about her soon-to-be-husband, the more red flags she notices...
Absolutely fell in love with the art and then the story punched me in the guts in the best way. The characters are complex and while they may not be entirely lovable, they are wholly human. And I really loved that
Some trigger warnings apply though, so I'll list the ones that come to mind*: cheating, domestic violence, gaslighting, misogyny, internalised homophobia
*Note that those are the ones I remember from what little I've read of this story and other TW may apply. Please try to look up a more complete list if you have any doubts. Take care of yourself ✨
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