#Bottled up feelings
maria-eve-falcon · 1 year
Its hard to watch Taylor like this. She knows it's over. The feelings still linger you know to the point she is okay to accept any affection from any man who could take her mind off things,make it a bit easier to sing songs about joe when she feels like death singing them. Even if he is able to help for a small time.
I don't think she has had the time to process any emotions substantially and tour is actually her only personality and the glue holding her together. She isn't even showing how much she is going through.
Post a life altering breakup she picked up a huge injury and then one of her closest friends from school died unexpectedly. She did the attending and singing the show-funeral-show-memorium -show in three days☹️ She has this new fling but she can't stop talking about her ex. This is the worst part that she is hurting and just using very unhealthy coping mechanisms to get by.
The trying to find a part of me you didn't touch and that is before time in 2016. The 180 because she did everything to protect him and the relationship for it to fall apart too. She is really idgaf stage publically because even working tirelessly for 7 years everything just fell apart adjusting fir everyone's needs brought her back to still utter personal collapse. Going to be hard to see her continue making stupid decisions that hurt her and make herself hate herself even more just to get by.
thank you anon! you're right. tbh she needs to give herself time instead of thinking bout the tour anything. like joe was a huge part of tay's life (yes vice versa) she needs to process it without these shits going on.
Im afraid like when touring is over she'll regret a lot. like a lot. and there'll be no coming back. it'll be to late to realize. she needed to process all these before she got together with another person and matty for fs sake is defs not the type of guy you get together with while you're going through this type of heartbreak. this is gonna make it harder and harder for to be over this.
she is trying the get where he wasn't there. because she (imo) must feel like she did something different but didn't work either so.
she'll spite herself for a while too ! (imo) (maybe I'm projecting but I've seen this film twice in my own life. not with me but omg I have soo many thoughts after this ask)
I just hope they both heal soon. idk who left but it doesn't matter. they broke a family of 6.5 years and they both need to process this. but it's really really hurts to see her like this.
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brunettebabbydoll · 3 months
I either feel things so deeply they paralyse me or I just can’t seem to feel a damn thing
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tthe-cornking · 1 year
# 2: “I wish for you to see me”
Feel free to read this on ao3 or here !!
To [redacted],
Love is a confusing thing, but I never knew how much it could sting. You made me feel like I was special, even if I was a mess.
I'm glad you did, because I needed it. You helped me grow as a person, as someone that can be proud of myself.
You'll never read this. These inky words written on paper will stay in a box where all my other letters to you go.
Though if, someday, someone does read them and gives them to you, I hope you can see the love I showed.
I'll keep writing letters to you as long as this feeling eats up inside me.
Jealousy? Sadness? Love, maybe not for any longer.
I wish for you to see me but I know it'll never be.
So now I say goodbye to you, my love.
Always yours, [redacted]
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grayintogreen · 1 year
“Shauna tries so hard to be a good person but sucks at it” vs “Natalie tries so hard to be an awful person but sucks at it.”
Shauna is fully capable and willing to kill and lie and cheat while maintaining this perfect apple pie illusion of a wholesome life and her family stays by her but even they’re starting to see the cracks in the veneer.
Natalie believes she destroys everything she touches, is constantly on a downward spiral of self-destruction, and hates herself for everything she did and yet she can’t even kill a goldfish on purpose and despite being openly antagonistic to everyone in the wellness center, they all seem to really like her.
FASCINATING dichotomy here.
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superhell · 1 year
house md is wild because house tells wilson that he’ll sacrifice many things but never himself and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he
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so i was thinking about how Howdy has eight legs bc he's a caterpillar - those have lots of legs. but butterflies? they only have six
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imagine he comes out of his chrysalis and he's down two limbs. mf would have to relearn how to Walk
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opikiquu · 2 months
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alastorhazbin · 2 years
Feeling cute ,might run away😛
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driaswrld · 6 months
higuruma who likes wine. i'm thinking he likes it almost as dry as his coffee but he's very appreciative of the fruity undertones — like you can tell the mood he's in based on the wine he's bought.
he wins a case and he already has a bottle of pinot noir open and waiting for when you finally get home, tie loose and manspreading on the couch, hair tousled and a small dopey smile (yes he started without you but don't worry, he's sure you can keep up)
or maybe he's lost a case and you're pouring him a third glass of california cabernet in the warm bathtub, soap bubbles on his frown lines, arms wrapped tight around you while you straddle him, his teeth grazing your shoulder (he's literally just a brooding baby, hold him pls)
either way, he fucks you idk why i was talking ab the wine. idk anything ab wine. basis is he fucks you while wine drunk really.
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"But I wasn't crying because I was sad. I guess I was crying because we had nowhere else to go, no choice but to go on living in this world. Crying because we had no other world to choose, and crying at everything before us, everything around us."
– Mieko Kawakami, "Heaven"
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zhuzhee · 9 months
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vast boys!!
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
Going to break into your house with pots and pans and yell at you until you reframe your thinking of productivity to include more than just schoolwork or a salary or chores and the like.
Did you do a thing? Was there a positive result for you or someone else?
Congratulations, you did a Productivity!!!
You aren’t ALWAYS going to be able to have the energy to do what we consider traditionally productive. You won’t always have the motivation.
Yeah, maybe you could have spent two hours studying for that test instead of 15 minutes. Maybe you could have cleaned the kitchen instead of the dishes. And? That’s still something!
Productivity is doing things!! Did you eat food and drink water? You did something that helped your body work! Doodled in class? You made art! Even just posting theories and memes on tumblr dot com is a thing! You thought out the post, figured out how to organize it (even if you don’t realize you did that) and you made it! And now other people can see and you DID something and you should be proud!!!
Be proud of yourself or I am going to show up outside your window tonight and scream positive affirmations louder than a cat who has just discovered her food bowl is empty.
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nitw · 2 years
im gonna start gatekeeping mp100 from mainstream shounen fans because half the time i watch reaction videos its just some dudebro going "HOLY SHIIIIIIIT MOB IS SO ANGRY AND POWERFUL THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME" every time he hits 100% as if hes an edgelord about to murder someone in cold blood. like
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arabella-strange · 29 days
also I'm pretty sure there was a moment (mid-cross talk during the ep) as somebody was mentioning Orym always being in the protective/defensive position and thus in the thick of it, when Dorian muttered almost too quietly, a little admiring, a little (hollowly) laughing, a lot sad, "Always right in the mix..."
and by "I'm pretty sure" I mean I can't stop thinking about it
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nats-uvi · 3 months
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Angst time :D👍
You can read my rambling about her in the tags
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azuneekun · 10 months
Hello azu, I have a question about the cover of your fancomic "Godfather"!
I like your comic, but I don't understand the symbolism of the mourning frame next to Shane, could you explain it to me?
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I just think that the grief of losing his loved ones killed him too, if that makes sense.
Godfather comic
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