#Big Bro Raph will make sure of it
forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Started working on the next chapter of Horizons again, but of course, pulling away from Dragon of the Sun is not going to be instant after focusing on it for so long. I usually just work on one thing until I’m done with a chapter before moving on, but I find myself currently working on both at once. It’s...an interesting experience. 
Not bad, necessarily, just working my brain in different ways as I flip back and forth between fandoms.
Anyway, I don’t quite have a Horizons snippet I want to share just yet (maybe soon), but here’s the beginning of the next chapter of Dragon of the Sun:
This was...strange.
Mikey looked around the small room. It didn't look like anywhere he'd been before- all shiny metal pipes and wires and like some sort of futuristic spaceship. The soft, teal lighting coming from...somewhere gave it an even more surreal feeling.
...Where was he?
A large round door slid open in front of him, and he found himself walking forward and into the hallway beyond.
The hallway wasn't teal, but it was empty in a way that was unnerving. It seemed to stretch on forever, and no matter how far he walked he came across no sharp turns. No doors. Just a gently curving corridor that never ended. Everything was still and silent, like holding your breath right before-...before...
...What was he doing here, anyway?
He couldn't seem to remember where he'd been before this, or what he'd been doing. Something about that felt kind of familiar, but it was a hazy sort of recognition. Like seeing an image through frosted glass.
Something wasn't right.
He kept walking.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally reached the end of the hall. Another door, square this time, slid up, revealing a large room with suspended walkways- and some kind of blue pillar of light right in the center where they all met.
He paused in the doorway.
There was someone standing in front of the light, but it was hard to make them out. Any and all distinguishing features were blurred in shadow, and their back was turned to him. He had an idle thought that he should be suspicious. Cautious. But it was quickly swept away in the haze.
...Where...were his brothers?
He froze midstep, the cloud in his mind receding and bringing everything into sharp focus. The chill of the metal underneath his feet, the soft hum of energy coming from the blue light, even how standing felt a little different in this strange place- a slight, split second weightlessness with each movement that he doubted most would even notice. He supposed he had ninja training to thank for that.
Wait, no. He needed to focus. His brothers. Where were his brothers? What did he remember?
They...had fallen asleep? Yeah. They'd fallen asleep watching a movie, none of them really wanting to be apart after being split for so long. He'd made sure that Usagi sat next to Leo on the couch- Casey taking up the other side -before Raph had all but dragged him to sit between him and Donnie, the three of them leaning against Leatherhead. The heated blanket Donnie'd brought over felt nice on his still achy body, and for the first time in over a day he finally felt completely safe and relaxed. He remembered seeing the opening credits but...nothing after that.
So...did that mean he was dreaming?
He looked around the room again, going to the edge of the walkway and shuddering when he saw nothing but darkness going down. Doubling back to the hallway gave similar results, as the way he'd come from was now pitch black.
Definitely a dream, then.
It was really weird to actually know he was dreaming this time, though. He was pretty sure there was a word for knowing you were dreaming and being able to do stuff in your dream- Donnie had done research on everything sleep related when Leo kept nagging him about staying up so late, and watching him present it all like it was some kind of court case had been pretty funny- but he couldn't remember what it was. He also couldn't remember if it was easy wake up from these kinds of dreams. Was there something he was supposed to do?
His gaze drifted back to the light pillar.
Despite everything being clearer, the figure was still just as shadowed and hazy as before. It hadn't moved at all since he'd arrived, which was waving all kinds of red flags in his brain now that he knew he was dreaming. He looked around again, hoping he'd find something other than approaching it that would get him out of here. When he didn't, he swallowed nervously.
It was just a dream, he reminded himself as he stepped closer. He couldn't get hurt in dreams.
He was right behind it now. All he had to do was reach out or say something, but he found himself stuck, his heart racing in his chest.
Danger! DangerDangerDanger!
"Ah..." a deep, rough, and familiar voice suddenly cut through the silence. "I was wondering when you would arrive."
He pulled back, his heart jumping to his throat when he reached down to his belt and finally realized he didn't have his nunchucks. Still, he did his best not to show it as the figure slowly turned around, the haze fading to reveal gray armor and a spiked helmet.
The Shredder.
"What are you doing here?!" he asked. "The last thing I want to see in my dreams is your ugly mug!"
Shredder laughed, which was already super unsettling, but the worst part was the way it started to sound like two voices instead of one.
"Why, Michelangelo," he crooned (and, okay, that was super creepy). "Is that anyway to speak to your father?"
"M-My what?!"
But Shredder was already taking off his helmet, only instead of the hyper realistic human face of Oroku Saki they'd come to associate with the alien, he saw gray fur and glowing red eyes.
His breath froze in his lungs as pointed teeth spread out in a cruel smile.
"I found you, Little Ninja."
Sliver lunged, the sharp metal of the Shredder's claws gleaming as they aimed for his neck. He barely managed to dodge in time, ducking down and springing back up, using the momentum to kick him away.
Or, at least, that had been the plan.
His foot burst through with a sound that immediately had him pulling away and desperately trying not to be sick. Sliver fell to his hands and knees with a wet cough.
Mikey felt his heart stop as Master Splinter looked up at him, heartbroken and betrayed.
"M-My son...Why?"
"N-No! You were-! I-I-I didn't mean-! It wasn't you!"
What had he done?!
"Dad!" his voice broke as a sob tore its way out. He rushed to his side and caught him right as he collapsed, cradling him in his arms. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
But Master Splinter wasn't responding anymore. His eyes were cloudy and white as he stared lifelessly above. Mikey stared at him in mounting horror and denial, his breaths becoming quicker and quicker with each passing second.
He caught a glimpse of his hands, now red and slippery from slowly cooling blood...
And screamed.
He snapped awake right before it happened.
One second he was sitting in the dark, nothing but quiet breathing to break the silence of the night, wondering what it was that had triggered his senses.
The next, Mikey was screaming like he was getting his arm broken all over again.
He was already shaking him as the others jolted up in panic.
"Michel-!" Leo began.
"He's havin' a nightmare!" he cut him off, even though he knew it wasn't going to make him worry any less. "C'mon, Mikey, wake up!"
Don sat on Mikey's other side, looking like he was trying to calm himself down as he stared blankly at the wall. Which sent a completely new jolt of concern shooting through him, but as much as he wanted to help both of them, waking Mikey up took more priority right now.
Just a bit, though. He made a note to talk to his brainiac brother about what was bothering him later.
It took a few seconds (each one felt like an eternity), but with one last cry, Mikey finally woke up. Even as he lay there panting, the silence felt thicker than before, ready to smother them at a moment's notice.
“My sons?” Master Splinter asked, joining them in their sort of living room. “What has happened? What’s wrong?”
The others were a bit too far away, and Donnie was too out of it, so he was the only one who noticed the way Mikey flinched at the sound of their father’s voice.
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risestarkiss · 5 months
Rise Ramblings #565
While watching the show, I realized that we don’t really get to see the boys’ true strength very often. Yes, we see their Ninpo at work, especially towards the end of the series, but I believe that outside of their Ninpo there is so much more to these boys than meets the eye.  
When thinking about raw strength, it’s easy to say something like “Yeah, Raph is the strongest.” And for good reason...
He is the one that works out the most.
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His build is the largest and the most intimidating.
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Often times we see him picking up, carrying, or tossing his brothers around, no problem.
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And that’s why this big guy gives the best hugs.
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But the main reason why he's seen as the strongest is because he’s the one generally seen picking up the most impossibly heavy objects.
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Although, he does have his limits.
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Yes, Raph is the strongest, but that does not negate the strength of the rest of the bros.
The physical abilities of the other three are nothing to sneeze at, especially since they were all originally created to be weapons. (See “What Was Meant To Be” for more on that subject.)
Take Mikey for instance.
Of all of the boys, you wouldn’t think of Mikey as particularly strong, but here he is shoulder pressing one of his brothers for fun.
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And flinging the boy in plum.
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What about Leo? Sure, we never really see him exert himself, especially when it comes to weightlifting or exercise, but I can’t help but notice how much he tends to carry his little brother.
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Furthermore, Leo doesn't just carry Mikey, but throws him around as well.
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But I believe the one that low key shows off his strength the most is Purple.
(It might have something to do with his overall lack of restraint, but I digress.)
He easily carries his brother when he needs to.
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And more impressively, he throws Mikey like nobody’s business using his bow staff and his own brawn.
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Speaking of his staff, if this is true:
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Then what do we make of this instance?
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Yes, the staff was already semi-broken, but does he go on to completely demolish the titanium staff in frustration with his bare hands? (Kudos to @theaphaeon for pointing this out!)
You be the judge.
Nonetheless, for me, what really proves Donatello’s strength are these scenes:
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Donnie doesn’t just carry out this feat once, but twice!
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Not only does Donnie hold up the combined weight of ALL of his brothers, but he does it via one leg. For a normal person, if all of that weight was put on one leg they would be severely injured. But for Donnie, this is just a silly mode of travel with his beloved bros. Meanwhile, his jet pack is struggling under the combined weight of all four turtles...
All-in-all, I just wanted to really highlight the turtles' physical strength and remind myself that strength is not just a Raphie thing, but something that stems across all of the turtle teens.
Do you guys have any more examples of the boys being the powerful weapons they were created to be without using their Hamato Ninpo?
All comments and reblogs are welcome! 💜
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
Leo frowns at his phone.
Or more specifically, at the test on his phone.
Around him, he hears the sound of his brothers tapping their own devices, much faster than he is. Looking up just makes Leo feel worse about his own progress - or lack-thereof.
Mikey’s the fastest, speeding through the test like nobody’s business. He’d been the one to make them all do this stupid test in the first place, so it makes sense that he’s having a blast.
Raph’s slower than Mikey is, but he’s still clearly answering the questions at a steady pace. Sometimes he looks unsure, but he powers through anyway.
Donnie often looks frustrated, which relieves Leo somewhat because at least someone is struggling like him. But that “struggle” isn’t nearly as big as his own, considering that Donnie is answering about as fast as Raph is.
Leo turns his gaze back down to his own test. He’s still near the beginning, he thinks.
He’d put the same answer for the past seven questions - the middle of the road answer, neither a “yes” or a “no.” Then, whenever he does come across one that is more one direction than the other, he second guesses himself and restarts the test!
Sure, there are a few he could definitely give a yes or a no to, but…never the “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree” that the test seemed to want from him.
He eyes his twin sitting nearby, the softshell absorbed in the test. Maybe Leo should copy what Donnie put for some of these…
“DONE!” Mikey’s shout makes Leo freeze in place just as he started to lean over.
“What?” Donnie squawks, “No way you’re already finished, you must’ve been cheating!”
“It’s a personality test, Dee!” Mikey stuck his tongue out, “You can’t cheat at those!”
Leo settles back into his seat.
Ignoring Donnie’s mutterings about how it was “just because it’s not an academic test” that he didn’t finish first, Raph smiles encouragingly at Mikey.
“Hey, good job! So what’d you get, Mike?”
Mikey looks back down at his test, reading aloud, “Says that I got the “Campaigner”!”
“What’s that mean?” Leo asks, his phone screen going dark.
“Apparently, I’m an “enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free-spirit”.” Mikey reads, smiling at them, “You think it fits?”
“Oh, to a T, bro!” Leo laughs, giving Mikey a thumbs up, making Mikey’s smile grow larger.
Inside, Leo was feeling a lot more mixed about this. He has no idea how Mikey knew himself so well. Maybe Donnie was right and Mikey did cheat, because how could he answer those questions so easily?
Leo’s phone burns in his hand. He keeps it locked.
“Wow, that really is you.” Raph says, his eyes flitting back and forth between his own test and Mikey, “Do you think it fits?”
“I guess? It’s fun to see at least!” Mikey shrugs with a grin.
“Hold on, I think…” Raph makes a noise of satisfaction, “Okay, done!”
“Sigh, now I’m relegated to the straggler group.” Donnie grumbles, his thumbs moving faster as he tries rushing through the questions.
“Ooh, what’d you get Raph?” Mikey asks, practically bouncing in curiosity.
“Says, uh…I got something called the “Consul”?” He squints his eyes to read more, “Uh, “caring, social, and community-minded.””
“Sounds about right to me.” Leo nods. Can’t be more “community-minded” than being a hero.
“Yeah, no one’s more caring than you, Raphie!” Mikey says, moving to lean across Raph’s shell.
“You do put the community in mind, that’s for sure.” Donnie states, not looking up.
Raph chuckles, a bit embarrassed, “Aw, thanks. It’s just some test, but it feels kinda good to hear that.”
Just a test. Right.
Leo unlocks his screen.
The test stares back at him.
Right. Okay. He can do this. He can.
The screen ends up going dark again.
Frustration builds up in Leo. Was he even halfway done with the test? At this rate, soon even Donnie will-
Leo unlocks his phone.
“What’d you get, DonTon?” Leo asks as his thumb taps the top right of the screen.
Donnie puffs up proudly, a self sure grin on his face, “I got the result “Logician” which states that I, obviously, am an “innovative inventor with a thirst for knowledge.” Truly could not have described me better, if I do say so myself.”
“It is pretty accurate.” Raph agrees with a nod, “Even calls you an inventor, so extra accurate.”
“Super accurate.” Mikey jumps in, eyes shining.
“Yes, yes, almost like reading my own character synopsis.” Donnie’s grin had not dwindled since the word “innovative” had left his mouth.
Leo just nods along, eyes on his own screen as he skims the words. “Yeah, kinda creepy how close it got. Could have called you a nerd for extra accuracy, though.”
Donnie turns to him, eyes narrowing, “Have you even finished your test? I can think of a few words that’d describe you fairly well.”
“Test-y, huh?”
Before Donnie can strangle Leo, Raph cuts in.
“Ok, ok, calm it down, guys.” He rolls his eyes before turning to Leo. “But really, you’re not done yet?”
“Leo’s taking this self reflection seriously.” Mikey sports a faux intellectual expression as he gives a jokingly serious nod. “Maybe we all should’ve taken our time.”
“Says the one who sped through the whole thing in a record time.” Donnie mutters.
Leo waves them all off, “Nah, I finished it ages ago.”
He grins when Donnie immediately shoots him a suspicious glare. “Oh, you did, did you? Then what could you have possibly gotten, Nardo?”
“I’m glad you asked!” Leo clears his throat, “Neon Leon just so happens to be an “Entertainer.””
“Ah. That confirms it. This test is meaningless.” Donnie drones.
“What’s an Entertainer like?” Mikey asks with a tilt of his head, still hanging off of Raph’s shell.
“Glad you asked, Miguel!” Leo exclaims, “It says that “life is never boring” around yours truly~”
He emphasizes this “result” of his by waving his phone with said “result” on screen.
It’s just an image he found of his chosen personality result, but they don’t need to know that.
Raph nods slowly, “Well, I guess that’s true…”
“”Never boring” is one way to put it.” Donnie hums.
“You are pretty fun, Leo!” Mikey says emphatically, because he’s great like that.
“Thank you, thank you, life of the party, right here.” Leo grins, pointing both thumbs at himself.
He’s careful not to go too overboard with it, or else it might tip someone off.
Not that it…really matters. It’s just a test. Like Raph said.
As the topic around him shifts to something else, jumping away from this brief activity as fast as any other among them, Leo finds himself unlocking his phone and pulling up the test again.
Unanswered questions stare at him. He knows what answers Lou Jitsu would pick. He knows what answers Jupiter Jim would pick. Hell, he knows exactly what answers his brothers would pick.
He doesn’t know what answers Leonardo would pick.
Leo stares at the test for a second longer, before he exits the site and throws himself into the conversation happening around him.
It’s just a stupid test, nothing to worry about.
Just a test…
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#could not ignore this idea that hit my brain haha#if you disagree with me on what personality types I gave the boys that’s fine tbh#picked mbti since it was the first one I thought of but again it like most of these tests isn’t super worth putting stock into#these tests are kinda dumb anyway but they’re fun to take#for some#anyway I love thinking about Leo struggling with his sense of identity#and in turn struggling with what is a persona and what is HIM#how much is a mask how much is built from taking traits from others how much is real how much is fake#even he doesn’t know#protagonist is probably a good choice for leo but I’m also tied to him secretly being the introverted type as well so#bit more of an ambivert maybe#he’s got aspects of a lot of them hence the difficulty answering questions#well most of his difficulty comes from an uncertainty of who he really is#again what is him and what is his mask#or masks#what even is his true self if his self is someone he’s never bothered to meet#a lot of the little details of his personality - the parts of him that we see peek out throughout the series and often on his own -#- they align with personality types that you would never think of when looking at him and his masks at face value#that’s not to say it’s all masks - he’s a goofy guy at his core - but he’s more than he lets on and we’re made privy to that in subtle ways#though fr protagonist is prob Leo’s most likely result
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tizeline · 5 months
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Tizeline - She/Her - Digital Artist
Mostly fanart with some original art sprinkled in here and there
Pr*ship & Tc*st go awayyy
✨ Link to my Ko-Fi! ✨
Tag navigation, FAQ and AU info under cut 👇
#tizel art - Art tag
#tizel talk - Me rambling about random stuff
#Tiz Sep AU - My dumb RotTMNT AU
Can I repost your art? No! Please don't!
Can I use your art as a profile picture / header? Yes, I am fine with that! Preferably with credit
Can I draw fanart of your AU? YES god yes no need to ask just make sure to tag me so I can see it :D!!
Can I dub your comics? No, I'd rather not
What do you use to create art? I mostly draw in Procreate on an iPad
What brushes do you use? This is something that changes as I like to switch things up sometimes, but lately I've mostly been using the Shale Brush in Procreate
What canvas sizes do you usually work with? Depends, on the drawing, but usually either A4 format (2480 x 3508 pixels) or a square canvas (ca 2000x2000 pixels). As a rule of thumb, I rarely go lower than 1000 pixels on either side. I always use 300 dpi.
What's Tiz Sep AU?
A seperated RotTMNT AU where Raph, Leo and Mikey were raised by Draxum and Donnie were raised by Splinter, check out the tag for more info!
Some highlights of the Tiz Sep AU
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(there's more to find under the hashtag, but if you don't wanna scroll through it all, here are some of the more important/interesting posts)
(ALSO! These are not in chronological order, they're in the order that I posted them, so they jump back and forth in the story quite a bit)
First Post (original concept)
Turtle Hands
Powerhouse Mikey
Donnie's complicated relationship to his brothers
Leo Fanboy Moment
Everyone sucks at names (including me)
Leo-Brooding-In-A-Pizzeria Arc
- Run of the Mill encounters
- Jealousy
- Leo AND Donnie Fanboy moment
Overprotective Big Bro
Unusual Team Up
Raph + Casey Friendship Moment
Leo is a Poor Winner
Raph + Casey Friendship Moment PART 2!
Cell Talk - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Little Bro...?
Separation anxiety and it's consequences - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Gearing Up (Follow up to Cell Talk) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
More Headcanons: Brother Edition
• leo and raph are a lot closer emotionally than they seem. they can read each other like it's literally nothing
• donnie and mikey are the younger two so they often bond whenever raph and leo are in to it. they seek each other for comfort even in to their late teens and adulthood years
• raph and mikey are extremely close emotionally and relationship wise. they're each other's first best friend
• donnie and leo are close relationship wise but not real emotionally. they can talk to each other about anything and not dwell on it
• mikey and leo have the typical big bro/little bro relationship. it's clear to the other two that leo tries to keep mikey out of harms way the most..leo will take that to the grave
• donnie and raph are the middle children but donnie's little broisms come out whenever he wants raph to do something for him/with him
• raph was actually the smallest until puberty
• mikey knows just what to say to make each of his brothers laugh, even when mad
• leo has a sharp tongue and has always made it everyone's problem
• donnie leaves the empty boxes of food in the fridge and cupboard
• they all shared a bed until they hit puberty and sometimes end up piled on top of each other if they're watching a movie
• affectionate head pats/shoves
• "donnie if you don't knock it off with your middle child nonsense!" (raph at some point)
• mikey likes to sit with donnie in his lab sometimes when he has nightmares cause the noises are calming
• don't trust leo and raph alone in the kitchen together...just don't.
• "raph! sensei said you have to let me use your gameboy!" (10 year old mikey)
• donnie was, and still is, the king of talking himself out of trouble
• leo's burps put mikey to shame
• raph seeks leo's comfort whenever he's feeling sad or if he can't sleep
• splinter made a chore list when they were little and they still use it to this day...smelly markers (iykyk) and all
• they will all only drink out of the kid's apple juice boxes
• "leo...why does the ceiling have a hole in it? and what happened to the toaster?" (donnie probably)
• they have prank wars and no one wins cause splinter is old and tired (and has had enough)
• they still play fight. not sparring, no no, the typical sibling wwe matches
• leo does the "cause im older and i said so" any chance he gets
• raph does wet willies to everyone except splinter
• donnie gets away with almost everything cause middle child
• all mikey has to do is cry and he gets his way with his brothers
• "mikey, why is there an ostrich in the living room and how did you get it here?" (definitely leo)
• they eat dinner together every night
• leo and raph could be yelling their heads off at each other, but if someone else (besides donnie or mikey) were to start insulting the other, the fight is put on hold cause how dare you-
• donnie and mikey are limited on their sugar in take cause they are very out of control when they've eaten nothing but pure sugary foods
• splinter used to make them yell things they liked about each other during training and make them calmly state things they disliked about each other during meditation to teach them how to communicate
• mikey is the only one allowed to spontaneously hug raph
• donnie controls the wifi and makes sure everyone is aware of his power
• raph is the best listener when his brothers need him
• leo is everyone's biggest supporter in literally everything
• they have deep emotional bonds and trust each other with their lives. they know they can go to each other about anything and everything no matter what
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homeheroine · 10 months
Hey I was wondering how do you think the turtles from rottmnt would deal with them saying that they don’t think a human would ever date them. And their crush is very blunt “You’re so stupid for thinking that” normally crush isn’t the type to insult and before the turtles can say anything crush says this, “I’m human and I want to go on dates with you”?
Thanks for the request this is a good one!
author's note : this has not been read through so I apologize for anything that doesnt make sense. I'll come back and edit it later. enjoy! <3.
"With my charm no one could resist me anyway." A cheeky smirk plastered across Leo's face as he landed onto the couch was enough to make the whole group groan.
"Nardo, no more of this please." Donnie sighed, taking a seat in his usual spot for movie night.
This seemed to be Leo's favorite topic of discussion these days. It's not the conversation itself that made everyone hate it, it was just the way Leo had such smugness about it. This was a sensitive topic for the turtles for obvious reasons. And as much as Leo talked about romance as if he had it in the bag, everyone knew from their late night convos that Leo was just as insecure, if not even more than the rest of them.
You had just reached the lair when this conversation began. You were in charge of pizza tonight and you had come with full arms. Stumbling into the kitchen you placed the pizza's on the counter. It didn't take long for you to hear the voices of the bickering brothers from the next room over as you quietly made your way to them. Pushing back the curtain you were able to catch a specific turtle rattle off an interesting comment.
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Raph :
"All I'm say'n is, I can't imagine any human wanting to be with a mutant. Especially one that looks like me. If anything they would wanna be far from me! My spikes wouldn't make me a very cuddly partner haha..." Raph's laugh falls at the end. His face changed into something a little more sad.
"Dude, you look like a kicked puppy." You say crossing your arms while leaning against the entrance's frame.
"AH! WHA- HI. *ahem* hey Y/N. I didn't see you there." Raph jumped at your sudden appearance. Snapping his blushed face toward your figure that stood next to him. His brothers laughed at your coincidental appearance. It was no secret the way Raph felt about you, well except to you, and the fact that you appeared next to the giant pining turtle might as well have been scripted in a romcom.
You gave the room a weird look then turned to Raph, unable to help what you would say next. "I knew you were a little dumb, but that has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard you say." Your scowl followed you as you left the room. "I'm getting pizza."
Raph's face said it all. The brothers burst out into laughter after your exit. "You gonna take care of that whole situation big bro?" Leo said through laughs.
Raph blinked, quickly taking glances over his shoulder as he loudly whispered to his brothers. "Did you tell them!?" They laughed harder.
"Why on earth would that comment make you think that they would know?"
"Man I- ah I DON'T KNOW. Forget you guys." He said exasperated. The snapping turtle made his way to the kitchen stumbling in embarrassment and in an effort to escape his laughing brothers.
You were there, standing behind the counter gathering cups, napkins and the pizza boxes for movie night. Your arms were full and everything you were carrying was ready to topple over.
"mmmmm ahh AH!" You cried out trying to keep you and the items balanced. Taking another step, you and your treats leaned ready to fall. Just before gravity took you, your momentum was gently stopped. Looking up to see the hero that saved you from your fall you meet the eyes of Raph, who smiled nervously down to you. "Heyyy..."
"Raph." You said flatly. "Thanks."
He gave you an apprehensive chuckle. "For sure." Taking some of the boxes off the top of your stack he eyed you. "Are ya uhh... mad at me?"
It was your turn to eye him. "No."
"Okayy. Then uh what was that whole comment in the projector room? You were joshin with me right?" He placed the stack of pizza boxes down on the counter. His eyes met the floor. "I'm not sure I've ever heard you come after someone like that, maybe against Leo, but not me." He coughed, trying to clear the air of the thick tension.
"Sure Raph." You said bluntly grabbing some more paper plates from the cabinets. You cursed yourself in your mind. Why'd you say anything in the first place?? Now you were gonna have to explain yourself.
He paused, then in a quick breath added, "When why do you still sound upset? Are ya sure you're not mad? Cuz ya know. We can... we can always talk. I don't wanna upset you, like ever. And I'll understand if you dont wanna talk too. Just-just uh l-let me know if I ever make ya mad or somethin--"
You interrupted him, "Enough! I get it Raph thanks." He was spewing nonsense, clearly overthinking the situation. His face was sunken and his posture was rigid. What was making him so anxious? You sighed, knowing his nasty overthinking habit. You should clarify before he becomes a mess. Well, more of a mess. "I just can't understand, why do you think like that?"
He was confused. "Think like what?"
You sighed again, annoyed that he couldn't see the reason for your frustration. "I'm a human and I wanna go on dates with you."
Raph's face went blank. His heart stopped in his chest. "Wha-"
You took a long drawn breath in. It's now or never I guess. "Don't you get it Raph? I like you!" There was a long pause.
"You- you like me?" His eyes widened as a smile crawled to his face. His posture slowly became larger and un-slumped again.
"Oh my god Raph. OF COURSE I DO. Not only are you dumb, but you're also dense as hell too!" You yell in a flustered anger.
He didn't know what to say, his face was burning and his body felt weak. Needing to ground himself by holding onto the edge of the counter. You liked him. You liked him! "Man... I dunno what to say. I'm cheesin like mad hard." He was right too. He was smiling so hard he looked like he was about to cry. Your face was getting redder and redder by the moment as well. His expression was too much. You turned away from him attempting to hide your blush.
"I never thought I would ever have a chance with you, Y/N. I just thought... I dunno... like you would ever even look my way. Being a mutant and all."
"Raph, you should know more than anyone that the way someone looks shouldn't keep anyone from thinking about them differently than anyone else. But... you're more than just anyone else to me."
Now he was crying. You turned to look at him and watched the tears roll down his face. "Raph!" you rushed to him coming close to his chest, waving your hands in his face like you would try to wipe away his tears. "Ah jeez. Don't cry please."
He bent down to your level wrapping you in a tight hug. "I like you too."
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Donnie :
"The day Donnie gets a partner before me, let me know cause I'll have a bet to pay up." Leo says, kicking his feet back onto the coffee table.
"That's not very nice Leo." Mikey said. You walked into the projector room, placing some of the pizza boxes you brought onto said coffee table.
"Well tell me I'm wrong!" He says opening an eye at you. "Not only is he the least best looking twin but he's also a mutant! No human would ever be interested in someone like him."
Donnie rolled his eyes. Not unfamiliar with being the butt of Leo's "jokes". "First of all, I'm not your twin. And second of all that comment brings zero new data to the conversation. Humans still look at us with caution. All of us. Even after all we do for this city." He said in a matter of a fact tone.
You didn't even have time to think before the words spilled from your lips, "Well, I'm a human and I like Donnie." All eyes were on you suddenly. Hearing your voice spill out the words before you got a chance to edit them was unlike you, your face burned. "Wha- what I mean is, Donnie is an incredible inventor and scientist what's not to like right? Wait- no no, what I meant was," Your incoherent rambling was not helping you regain your composer. All seemed to gain a sudden knowing, all except for Mikey would tackle Donnie into a hug. "Well I~ am a mutant and Donnie~ is my second favorite brother so I like him too."
"Second favorite!?" The three others said in unison.
You sighed, thankful for Mikey's unknowing save of your unconfessed feelings. The boys had completely forgotten about your comment and were instead engrossed in finding out who Mikey's favorite brother was.
Movie night continued as usual after that; the boys lip synced scenes, the usual spill happened, and Leo, Raph and Mikey eventually fell asleep. You and Donnie remained awake almost every time this happened. He pulled all nighters all the time and you couldn't spend the night over at the lair so you would wait till the boys fell asleep to leave. This was the time when you and Donnie always decided to have your weird 2 am conversations. High on laziness and lips loose from feeling sleepy. You yawned as you stretched, the credits rolling on the now finished movie. You looked over to Donnie who was awake per the usual.
"I'm gonna head out the others are asleep and I'm exhausted." You said. You weren't really as tired as usual, you just wanted to get out of there. Mikey's diversion may have made the others forget but you were sure Donnie would interrogate you the moment he remembered. He watched you get to your feet and pick up your blanket. He got up, coming over to you, a little closer than usual you observed, and grabbed the end of the blanket that hung from your arms. His voice was soft as he spoke. "Let me help you fold this."
"Oh, sure." You smiled softly at him, hoping this wasn't his way of trapping you for a moment longer. He seemed really quiet, something you hoped was just sleepiness. His brow was furrowed and he looked like he was thinking.
You both finished folding the blanket and you began walking to the lair's exit. This was your chance to leave! You prepared the push past the projector room's curtain when you heard him, faintly.
"Y/N." Shit, you thought, "Can we talk?"
You froze. "Yea... yeah we can talk." you sighed, defeated.
He nodded and you two walked through the curtains. You followed him through the lair and eventually to the exit. He was gonna walk you out. Your nerves were on fire. You swear he made you wait to start talking for dramatic effect, you were starting to overthink as you both walked in silence through the tunnels. Was he gonna talk or was this conversation up to you all of a sudden?? God you hated when he did this and your fear of him figuring out your feelings only made this feel more and more planned. Is he playing with you?
You breathed in to begin talking, the silence eating you up, "Don-", but before you could get the words out he began. "Thank you." He said simply.
"Huh?" You said, without thinking again.
He turned his face to you with a slight smile on his face. "For standing up for me against Leo.... Not that I needed it cause I had the situation handled but it was very refreshing to have Leo eat-th his words." He added quickly.
You smiled, relieved that he didn't bring up the undertones of your mishap. His smile was genuine and as much as he said he "had it handled" you've been close friends long enough to know that some of things that Leo says can really cut deep sometimes. It was nice to know that what you said was enough to get a heartfelt thank you from bad boy Othello Von Ryan. Even if it was an accident, it was genuine! You bumped him with your shoulder in a playful manner.
"You getting soft on me, Von Ryan?" you said, smirking a little.
"Please." He teased back.
The walk was silent again, though the air was calm. So you thought.
"So" He started. "You like me?"
You sputtered, coughing on air. "Wha-! Donnie please." You pleaded in a way you hoped he didn't see as begging.
"I'm curious, did you mean those things?" He strolled in front of you, walking backwards to meet your gaze. "That I'm an incredible scientist and what was it? Oh! And "what's not to like." Hmm?" He quoted you, a smug grin growing on his face.
You blushed hard. God whyyy. Turning your face away to escape his gaze. Your silence he took as an invitation to tease you further.
"Oh come on. Don't be like that!" He cried, chasing your gaze by tilting his head. "Do you have anything else to say? Or is the mutant thing scaring you off?"
"You're so dumb." You threw at him. Getting annoyed that this "mutant problem" kept getting brought up.
"Yea dumb. The mutant thing doesn't mean anything to me. What you are doesn't matter to me. I just like you for you." you cried exasperated. "I'd go on a date with you without even thinking twice!"
You did it again, speaking without thinking. You slapped a hand over your mouth, looking helplessly into Donnie's eyes.
He blinked at you, just as surprised, his expression changing to one more serious just as your tone did. "Do you actually you like me?" His face blooming into a shade similar to yours.
This was gonna be a long walk home.
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Leo :
"I'm the king of charm! .....I could get anyone." Leo said confidently falling into his spot on the couch. The brothers rolled their eyes.
You were agitated with that comment, me my be your crush but even you wanna to see Leo knocked down a peg. "Last I checked Leo, you have never successfully "charmed" anyone." You said casually, walking over to the coffee table and grabbing a bottle of soda off of it. A blatant lie because you were absolutely pining for him, but that was beside the point. "For being the self proclaimed face man of the team, you really get no play uh?" The room busted out in a unison of "oooooo" and "burnnned" at your quip to toward Leo. His face crinkled up at your comment and he crossed his arms, pouting. And maybe even blushing a little?
"Dang Leo got burned!!" Mikey exclaimed, poking his older brother's face. Raph chuckled, trying to hold in his laughter. Donnie openly cackled at your words.
"Whatever, you guys wouldn't know charm if it hit you square in the face. And it's me hitting you square in the face. I'm charm!!" He yelled out exasperated.
"Mkay then Nardo." you said taking a seat next to him. "No hard feelings?" You said offering a soda to him. He looked at you, taking in your expression. It was calm, with no malice. His expression, though, changed from one of skepticism to something more mischievous. He took the can from you gently brushing his fingers against yours and leaned in close, too close. "Don't tempt me Y/N or you'll be the first person I charm." He whispered to you. Your eyes were blown wide. He winked at you before turning to the movie projection.
If you thought that was just an empty threat, you were sorely wrong. The whole rest of the night had been just moments upon moments of Leo doing anything he could to see a blush spread across your face; fake yawning to wrap his arm around your shoulders, brushing your hand everytime you both grabbed some popcorn. Even lip syncing scenes from the movie of the characters proclaiming their love for the other.
This. is. ridiculous.
As the credits rolled on the third movie of the night was when Leo decided to get really bold.
"Yo Leo!" Raph called from the other side of the couch. "It's your turn to pick a movie." Raph launched the remote over to Leo who caught it easily. The striped turtle scrolled through the offered movies for a bit of time before deciding on something. You mindlessly scrolled on your phone not offering any attention to his selection, in hopes he wouldn't make a scene when the lights illuminated the room again.
The lights dimmed as the movie began again and everyone settled back into their spots. You looked up at the movie knowing what it was the moment you laid your eyes on it. The Princess Bride. Of course he would pick that movie. It was so Leo. You made a small chuckle at the selection.
"Something funny, Buttercup?" Leo turned to you smirking.
You blushed at the name. Was he gonna play this out like you two were the main love interests from the movie? "Uhh and I assume you are supposed to be Westley then?" You answered, raising a sarcastic brow.
Instead of answering he inched closer. Strategically during a dark part of the movie to avoid the eyes of his brothers. "Only if you want me to be, Princess." His face was inches from yours, you blushed fiercely both at the name and his words. "What are you doing Leo?" You sunk farther into the couch trying to escape him, only causing him to chase you more. He wasn't done yet. The room went dark again because of the movie and the last thing you saw were his eyes. Shining with mischief. Your heart raced in anticipation. What was he planning??
You didn't even have time to think before you felt hands around your waist pulling you down. Leo was right above you. Hands placed on each side of your head as he gazed down into your wide shot eyes. Your breath caught and you swore your heart stopped beating. You cursed yourself for your expression, sure that whatever it looked like was exactly what he wanted. You only knew this because of the way his smug smile seemed to stretch further. He bent his arms to lean down into your personal space even further. Close enough to whisper into your ear "So what is it Y/N? Are you charmed~ yet?" His voice oozed with smugness. And god were you so over it.
"I- I have to go!" You abruptly stood up pushing him off of you. You stormed across the room directly in front of the screen. Catching the attention of the other brothers who watched you storm off. "You good Y/N?" Mikey called after you as you left. "Peachy." You spat, a little more frustration came through in your voice than you had intended. You left without explaining yourself. It didn't take long till the others turned their heads toward Leo. Who looked shocked? Upset? Disappointed? Nervous even? He watched you leave a sudden worry growing in this chest. Was that too far?
"Leo. What the hell did you do to make them so upset?" Raph asked, pausing the movie. "Was this pay back from earlier?"
Leo didn't answer his older brother, only getting up to chase after you. Were you leaving?
You were a mess, as you made your way through the lair. You didn't know where you were going, you just needed to get away. Your face was burning and your heart was on fire. What was that! Pay back? You regretted ever having made that burn to him. If this was the price, you weren't sure if you wanted to pay more or if you wanted a complete refund. God he made your head hurt. It wasn't even the flirting or the attention, it was just the undertones of it all. Was he doing this just to get back at you or did this cheesy flirting actually mean something to him? You hated that he played with you like this. And how smug he was about it too.
"Y/N! Wait."
Oh god, please no.
"Y/N! Don't leave!" Leo portaled after you effectively misjudging the distance and opened his portal directly in front of you blocking your path. As he emerged through the portal he ran straight into you, toppling both of you to the ground. You landed in a similar situation as you were on the couch a few moments ago.
Leo looked at you surprised by the outcome of the portaling "skills". He smiled sheepishly, laughing a little. "haha sorry bout' that". You scowled unhappy to be in the same situation you just ran from.
"Leo! Get off!"
He retracted himself almost immediately. You stood up, brushing yourself off, you eyed him, waiting for whatever he was gonna rub in your face next.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry." He jumbled out of the way as he helped you to your feet, holding onto your hand as he did. His apology pricked your eyes. Was Leo seriously apologizing instead of ratting off some excuse to cover his ass? He was nervous? His face was downturned and his body language was not like his usual self at all. That wasn't even one of his pretend flamboyant face man apologies either. Was this a genuine Leo apology? "I'm sorry Y/N.... I wanted to-... I-.... I don't know what I wanted... I'm sorry about everything, really."
"It's ok. I get it. I embarrassed you, you wanted to get even." You told him. You didn't wanna accept his apology, but god did you need to leave. You looked down noticing that Leo was still holding onto your hand from when he helped you up. "Uh, Leo? You gonna let go?"
"Hm? Oh! Yeah." He hesitated before letting your hand drop to your side. He seemed off, was this another game?
You were skeptical of his unusual behavior. "Leo are you messing with me?" You ask, squinting at him.
"What? No! Y/N I-, I-." He huffed in frustration, he clearly had something he wanted to say but his pride just wouldn't allow it. He breathed out, collecting himself. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I did but honestly I would do it again in a heartbeat." At this he began avoiding your gaze. "I did want to get back at you at first that's why I started it, but..." He faltered, preparing himself for what he was about to say. "Listen I'm just gonna lay it all out on the table now Y/N."
You stared at him confused. He took your hand again, this time both of his. He looked deeply into your eyes, but not like before. He was pleading this time. Begging for you to hear him out. You silently nodded awaiting his words.
"I talk big game like a lot, you know this but... I'm honestly scared. When we became friends Y/N I was so excited I thought you were so cool and I wanted to do everything other than be myself so that you would think I was cool too. I didn't want to disappoint you with how I actually was. And when I uh.. started to.. um, develop... feelings for you that fear just multiplied."
Your eyes widened at his confession, you would have never guessed. All this time he was trying to be cool for you?
He continued, unable to look you in the eyes while he watched his hand rub circles into yours. "I accepted a long time ago that humans were not ever gonna like us, like me. But being with you is the best feeling and you give me hope for a relationship between mutants and humans. You get me, you laugh at my jokes, you like the same movies, and you always know exactly what to say to make me feel like I'm a hero." He was smiling a little now, reminiscing about the times you've had together. Your heart was melting at his words.
"I dont think a human would even wanna be with a mutant. Especially one as go-good looking as you." It was his turn to blush now. "Being able to flirt with you today as a "game" was everything I actually wish I could do." He looked up at you squeezing your hand affectionately as he said his next line, "it wasn't a game to me."
Your eyes softened for him, placing your free hand on top of his. Your next words were meant to be teasing but they came out more blunt than you intended. "I'm a human and I wanna go out with you."
There was a pregnant pause before you heard him speak again. His hands stopped and dropped to your shoulders making you gasp and look up at him. When you looked up he was towering over you. His face was unreadable. "Why?" was all he asked.
You chuckled a little at his question, feeling more confident because of his confession. "Cause I like you Leo. You are cool. You're my hero." His face was shining from the praise that fell from your lips. Never would he have thought you would have had this locked away from. He didn't even reply, instead wrapping his arms around you tight. He rubbed his face into your neck. And for a moment you two stayed like that. You could feel a smile forming on his face as he spoke.
"So I guess you were wrong uh?"
"wrong? about what?"
He pulled back from the hug so he could take a look at you. "I did charm you."
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Mikey :
"Y/N! You're here!!" Mikey cheered, his excitement was evident by the way he perked up on the couch and patted the spot next to him enthusiastically. "Come sit next to me!!"
You and Mikey loved movie night and it was always you two who cuddled up on the couch together to watch. This was your tradition and it was even weird not to have you glued together sharing popcorn and pizza.
Mikey seemed completely unfazed by the conversation that the rest were having and with your arrival it seemed the topic was pushed away. For now.
The screen produced by projectors glow was the only thing that lit up the room by the time you all had finished your fifth movie. Making it Mikey's turn to pick once again. Now was the time when Leo and Raph would have usually fallen asleep and Donnie would be death scrolling through his phone.
You and the box turtle were comfortably cuddled together under a blanket. You laid on his chest plastron while he laid on his back with his hand drawing mindless shapes onto your back. His usual high energy temperament was chilled when it came to this time and he was honestly very quiet during these times. Making a comment here or there and laughing at the funny moments. But tonight he was different. The shine in his eyes was less bright and he kinda just stared into the scenes.
Beauty and the Beast was what he picked. A classic Mikey pick. This was one of his favorite movies, he would sing the lyrics to the songs, sometimes get up and dance like he was Bell or even Beast. He loved this movie, but today he did none of that. He laid quietly, watching the movie, concentrated with a furrowed brow. Very unlike him, you noted.
You traced the colorful drawings he painted on his shell, thinking. Dragging your sleepy eyes from the scene of Bell and Beast dancing and looked up at him. His eyes were watering and his lip quivered from beneath his teeth. Looked like he was gonna explode with tears in any second.
"Mikey!" You whisper yelled, frantically raising yourself off of him in order to get closer to his cup his face. He was forced to look at you now. He seemed to not have expected you to be awake or even to notice him. Maybe he was trying to cry quietly?
"Y/N?!? I didn't know you were awake still." He said frantically wiping his tears away. You grabbed his face, pulling him close to you. "You've been acting weird all night and now you're crying??" You searched his eyes for anything while he avoided your gaze. His hands came around your wrist that was holding his face, ready to pull them down gently. The moment loaded with tension was broken when you both turned to look at the scene that suddenly caught both your attention. Bell and Beast were sitting on the balcony when Beast asked Bell if she was happy with him and when she said yes the tears hanging from Mikey's eyes fell freely onto your hands that still held his face. He tightened his grip around your wrists ever so slightly and turned to you again, looking you in the eyes as he said between chokes, "T--t-tHey'Re s-so bE-beAUtIfuL."
You smiled a little as his wholesome response, taking him into your arms and easing the both of you deeper into the couch cushions. You held him under your arm and grabbed his hand with your other. He instinctively pressed his cheek to your shoulder and you leaned your cheek on the top of his head. He cried more incoherent phrases until his sobs turned to sniffs. "Bell is so sweet and kind, she doesn't care he's a beast, it doesn't matter to her! And Beast, he just wants to be loved and accepted! And Bell gives that to him and and... and." His ranting fell off as he seemed to compose a new idea in his head. "I'm not sure any human would love a monster like that in real life. I'm not sure any human would want to be with... a mutant monster... like me."
You froze, ceasing your comforting motions and took in the gravity of his words. You never thought he cared what humans thought of him, he didn't even put in his two cents when his brothers talked about stuff like this. He even ignored the conversation entirely! How long has this been eating him up?
"Why do you think that?" You asked softly but curiously.
He seemed surprised that you would ask, you could feel him tense a little under your arm. He breathed in a deep breath and pushed out from your warm embrace. He placed his hands by your sides on the couch and looked at you close. "Humans are not as sweet as Bell is. And I know that a human, like you, would never want to be with me."
"I'm a human and I wanna be with you." You said it way more bluntly than you had meant to. Mikey's eyes widened, but he stayed just as close.
"You want to be with me? I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster! That's such a stupid thought." You were upset now. Who made him feel like he was a monster. You'd beat them up!
He smiled, tears rolling down his face once again. "Not many are as kind as you Y/N."
footnote : thank you so much for requesting! please keep them coming! this was really fun to write! I hope this is what you had in mind.
taglist : @leafyturtle
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dandylovesturtles · 5 months
just a little A Team hurt/comfort
Raph knocked over some moving boxes during their last shouting match - he spares them a guilty glance as he walks past. Someone has tried to clean up the mess (Mikey, most likely), but he can still tell that they were recently upended and their contents left scattered on the ground.
He knows this is why they told him to go get Leo for breakfast. They want this to be a peace offering. Raph would like for it to be a peace offering, too, but...
Well, it's not like he likes fighting with Leo. Things are just... complicated.
He makes it to Leo's train car, and takes a deep breath before pulling the curtain back. He can do this. One civil interaction.
Leo's already awake, scrolling through his phone. That's in his favor - Leo's always grumpy if you wake him up. At least this way, Raph doesn't have to.
"Hey Leo," he says, and his brother flicks his eyes up from the phone screen. "Breakfast in five. Mikey made waffles."
"Oh, sweet," says Leo. He grins, but even Raph can tell it's forced. "I'll be there in a sec - just checkin' the socials."
And for a moment, Raph almost says something; says that he's sorry, and he takes back everything he said, and Leo should just forget about it, not worry about it, he doesn't want to fight anymore and this is stupid-
And then he thinks about Karai, and the Shredder, and their dad, and the far too close call they had to losing each other, New York, the whole world-
And he thinks about Leo skipping training to go skateboarding, Leo showing up late to patrol with a quip and laugh, Leo charging into fights without so much as a word to the rest of them, Leo who can't take anything seriously-
And it dies in his mouth. He says instead, "Yeah, sure. Just get there before it gets cold."
He turns to leave, but before he can, Leo calls out, "Hey, Raph?"
Raph only half turns, looking over his shoulder at Leo. Wondering if, maybe, Leo is going to try to say something instead. Wondering if he finally gets it, or if they're going to start fighting before breakfast.
Maybe Leo is running the same calculations. Raph is sure he is, actually, because Leo's brain twists over words the way Donnie's twists over physics.
So he must come to the same conclusion, because he doesn't say anything about the fight, or training, or his responsibilities, or any of it. What he says is, "Love you, big bro."
And Raph's heart drops into his stomach.
Leo's always been looser with those words than any of the rest of them. Been that way since they were little, and Splinter kept them in the same part of the sewer, sleeping on pallet beds with whatever pillows and sheets he managed to find in the dump.
"Goodnight, Daddy. I love you," said Leo. "Goodnight Raphie, I love you. Goodnight, Donnie..."
The ritual was long - Leo always used three times as many words as other people. Sometimes Splinter would say, "Yes, yes, Blue, now let your brothers sleep." Sometimes Raph would say, "Hurry it up, Leo." Sometimes Donnie would hide his head under his pillow, or smack that same pillow over Leo's face.
Nowadays, Raph misses that: the sincerely sweet way Leo wanted them all to know he loved them.
As he grew older, Leo began using those words more flippantly. "I love you, but" became one of his stock phrases, a way to soften the blow of criticism. "Come on, you know I love you," said to ward off any retaliation after a prank or insult. "Love ya, bye!" rushed out at the end of one of their rare phone calls, a signal he didn't want to talk anymore.
But every now and then, Raph still got the sincere version. When he brought Leo tea the morning after a bad bout of insomnia. When Leo fussed over an injury, gently winding bandages around his arm or leg. When Leo was sleepy after a long Lou Jitsu marathon, and he reverted to the old ritual as Raph tucked him into bed: "Goodnight, I love you."
The "love you" Leo says to him now, in his room, before breakfast, with the mess of their last big fight barely cleaned up, is none of those.
The "love you" Leo says now is a question.
He doesn't pronounce it like a question. There's no upward lilt to his voice. He doesn't end it by asking if Raph knows. But Raph can still hear it, buried deep in Leo's tone: he's not sure. About loving Raph? About being loved? About what there still is between them?
Raph loves Leo. He loves him so much it aches. It's why he knocked the box over. It's why he wants to knock another ten boxes over. It's why he just needs Leo to understand, to hear him, to see what he sees when he closes his eyes and sees Karai, and the Shredder, and their family almost-
But here they are. With Leo saying "love you" like it's a question and Raph doesn't know the right answer.
"Yeah," he says. "Breakfast in five," he says.
He doesn't know the right answer but he does know that wasn't it.
He leaves Leo in his room, and goes back to his own. Puts his face in his hands. He sees Karai.
He knocks another box over.
Leo's hand is a tiny thing in his. It's also, maybe, the only part of his body that isn't broken. Not like his legs, his arms, his shell, his jaw, his neck-
Raph can't look at his neck. The bruise there makes him want to throw up.
Leo's been out of critical condition for almost two full days. It hasn't made any of them less on edge, and they still spend most of their time crowded in the med bay, watching Leo's chest like it will stop rising the moment they turn their backs.
But Leo's heart doesn't stop, and he breathes in and out, and Raph holds his hand and strokes the back of it with his thumb.
He'd wanted Leo to understand.
He hadn't wanted this to be how Leo learned.
When he closes his eyes now he sees Leo right next to Karai, and he has to touch Leo again, to make sure he's still really there.
Movement from the bed, and a soft noise. Raph's gaze trails up from Leo's hand to his eyes, open but heavy lidded, clouded with a haze of exhaustion and medicine.
"Hey, Leo," he says, trying to keep his tone upbeat despite it all. "You're home; you're safe."
"Mm," hums Leo, still sleepy. He twists the hand that Raph's holding, adjusting his grip so it's wrapped around Raph's thumb. He strokes at Raph the way Raph had just been doing for him, and Raph feels tears sting his eyes.
"Love you, Raphie," says Leo, and this time, there's not a hint of uncertainty.
Raph's heart lurches again. Whatever answer Leo had been looking for last time, he must have found it.
Raph doesn't plan to leave anything to chance. Not anymore.
"Love you too, Leo." He leans in, press his forehead to the top of Leo's head. "I love you, too."
Leo makes a pleased noise, low in his throat. He's already sinking back into sleep, his grip on Raph's hand growing loose. His breaths are still steady and even, heart beating strong, the look on his face peaceful.
"Goodnight, Leo," says Raph. "I love you."
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tmntxthings · 10 months
Had a dream where I got to meet the 2012 TMNT and Raph just gave me a big ol hug and wouldn’t let go.
Gave me the idea, what if reader went on a trip for a week or so and as soon as they get back, Raph is all cuddly with them and won’t let go. He’s making sure they aren’t leaving for a while. He’s getting teased for sure, and he’ll try to deny that he missed them that much, but he won’t leave them alone, sooo.
一∑ Proximity ・゜・。
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author’s note: i thought this was cute, so yes, here we go c: also what a nice dream!
warnings: fluff, short
It was good to be home! Sure traveling was fun and you’d definitely be traveling again. Just not anytime soon. You had definitely gotten a case of homesickness. It was especially tough to be away from your friends. Though thankfully they had kept you company through texts.
You had been surprised at how much Raph had texted you though! In person he wasn’t as talkative with you around, so to have those deeper convos gave you a bit of insight to the turtle in red unlike before! In fact you felt closer to him, and you hoped it could pass over to in-person as well!
Now you hadn’t been gone too long. This wasn’t the longest trip you’ve ever been on by no means! In the past when you were little you had went on road-trips that lasted well over two weeks. So just a week at the beach was nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Yet as you texted the turtles that you were back and heading their way, you were met with a plethora of ‘ Hoorays/ Can’t wait to see ya/ & Hurry over’s. ’ It was heartwarming! So you had a pep in your step down the New York City’s sidewalks. Down the manhole cover you went and as your eyes adjusted to the darkness your footing finally found the sewer floor.
Immediately strong arms wrapped around you. It was a shock no doubt and you couldn’t stop the sudden gasp from leaving you as you practically jumped out of your skin! But you saw green arms and tilting your head everywhich way behind your back to see a flash of red clued you in on who it was.
“Raph! You gave me a flippin’ heart attack!!”
His reply was to only squeeze tighter, and silence enveloped the two of you for a beat.
“I missed you too,” You said softly a smile on your lips. His reply was mumbled into your hair, so low you couldn’t decipher it but you had an inkling.
After a moment or two more his arms relaxed and you slipped out of his grip and started regaling your adventures from the trip! He led the way back to the lair, giving responses when you paused but letting you talk overall.
And then you were met with three more hugs! “Was wondering where you ran off to Raph!!” Mikey drawled with a smug look. To which earned him Raph’s patented glare, a heated look that warned Mikey he was treading on thin ice.
You restarted your tale of adventures, all five of you sitting comfortably around the tv in the living room. Mikey was asking a bunch of question while Leo and Donnie listened politely. Raph sat right next to you, arms going over the back of the couch.
It had been about an hour when your phone started to ring. Your mom needed a grocery run and was asking for your help! With that you relayed the message to the turtles and said you would stop by again soon! “We’ll be here!” Leo smiled. “Do you need help with the groceries?” Donnie asked, to which you thanked him kindly but said you could manage. “Leaving already?!!” Mikey whined giving you a puppy dog stare before crushing you in a hug. “Betcha Raph’s gonna walk you to the manhole!” Mikey said in a sing-song tone. Teasing his red brother once again.
“And if I am??” Raph asked defensively. “Just admit it bro! You missed Y/n sooooooo much. Never left your phone alone, always texting during patr—“ Things started to fly at Mikey’s head before he could finish his sentence. As Raph ground out that he needed to mind his own business or just shut up in general.
It took you calling out a goodbye for Raph to finally let Mikey out of a headlock as he raced towards your side. But not without giving Mikey one last warning to be prepared for when he got back.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed Raph! You know I missed you guys too!!” You tried to say.
But you were met with denials! “Mikey doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I was playing this new game..”
“What game?” You questioned. And not to see if he was lying just because you were honestly curious. He sputtered about it being some dumb fighting game and that ended that conversation. The walk was quiet but you were used to it. Raph kept close to you the entire way to the manhole, sometimes his hand would even brush yours as his arms swung slightly as he walked. Surely that had just been a coincidence!
“Well, this is me!” You joked, head nodding up at the manhole above you. “You sure you don’t need help with the errands?” Raph offered. Your heart warmed again, but you shook your head. “I’ve got it! But I promise to be back soon, maybe even later today?”
Raph seemed to like that idea. “Alright, well text me and keep me updated..” he put his hands on his hips as he started rocking slowly back on his heels. “Will do!” And with that you turned your back to him and went to climb to ladder rungs.
Before you could take too many steps away though, it was like déjà vu. Raph’s arms went around your middle. Hugging you for the second time today. This was one quick, almost as if he hadn’t exactly expected himself to move into action. He cleared his throat and called out a goodbye as he left. At the top of the climb you looked out to see he was already out of sight! You still called out for the whole sewer to hear,
“Missed you too Raph!”
Even though he wouldn’t say it. At least not clearly. You would say it just so he knew that for certain.
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Can we talk about how much Leo fully backed Raph as the leader throughout the series?
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Leo: Which is why I’ve been on Team Raph this whole time!
Raph: My turtle! Member since day one!
Leo fully supported Raph as the leader of the Mad Dogs during the series & has consistently been the first one to jump on board with Raph’s plans.
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Leo: You say the word I’m ready to go wrangle some hawks!
Yes there are times when Leo does question Raph’s plans like in the episode Bug Buster’s but that’s more Leo acting as the teams lancer to Raph’s leader: exercising & suggesting caution when Raph would rather charge right in.
For the most part when Leo does question Raph or point out a flaw he still makes sure to remind Raph that he loves & supports him.
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Leo: Raphael, I love you my brother but you do tend to fail in big moments.
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Leo: Raph, you know I love you but people don’t focus on punctuation when they’re stuck in concrete
I just really like how even when Leo is telling Raph something isn’t going to work he still makes sure to remind Raph that he loves him.
Leo’s always ready to pump Raph up & support him in whatever he does.
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Raph: We can deal with your persnickety-ness later on and focus on
Leo: Persnickety? Nice
Raph: Thank you. I’ve been actively trying to remunerate my vocab.
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Raph: And yes that is meant to be foreboding
Leo: You are on fire tonight bro!
Leo fully supported Raph as the leader of the Mad Dogs & was pretty much always willing to follow him & look to him for the teams next course of action.
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Leo: So what’re you gonna do Boss Man? 
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Leo: And Raph is going to put it all together in a plan to defeat that led head with this mystic collar
Raph: Wow Leo that’s remarkably accurate
Leo always supported Raph & was always willing to put his trust & faith in Raph’s leadership because he always trusted Raph to lead them to victory. 
Leo loves & believes in his big brother so much.
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allyheart707 · 5 months
Are you still taking art prompts?
I had an idea! It would be fun to see a little crossover between your fic and your comic!
Ex: Due to some cosmic glitch, Leo connects with LS Donnie instead of EDHPMW (tricky acronym lol) Donnie. Confusion ensues.
Leo: Where's Donnie..?
LS Donnie: I'll do you one better, WHO is Donnie?
Anyway, no pressure. Love to see your updates!
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- Later, in a different universe -
Donatello. It was a name that felt as if it had been stuck on the tip of his tongue the second Carol had brought up naming them. He wasn’t sure why it felt so right, or where the warm feeling came from- like a dream long forgotten, but it was the perfect name. Raph, the snapping turtle, had insisted that he was their brother and this name was the second piece of evidence that pointed towards that possibility. The first one, of course, was him being a mutant turtle. 
He still wasn’t sure he could trust the two strangers- especially the other one… Heishi. He had been nothing but a menace since he arrived. It seemed he was trying to get them in trouble. Currently, the slider was desperately trying to convince his brother- Michelangelo- to further break their bed. 
“If we pull this part off here I bet I could use it to make a weapon! Now that would be a distraction!” He pushed Mikey, who looked to his brother for the answers. 
Donnie shook his head- that would almost certainly get them in way more trouble than it was worth. Plus, they just wanted to go outside, not to hurt anyone. Mikey frowned, but turned back to Heishi and shook his head.
“Nu-uh, mm sorry, but they would get really mad if we broke our bed.” Mikey answered, making Heishi groan.
“Hmmm, welllll… what if I promise to show you all my cool warrior moves?” Donnie knew exactly how this would turn out, and groaned as his brother let out an excited squeal.
“REALLY?” He gasped, and Heishi gave him a big grin.
It did not take much to break his little brother, who thought on the new deal for only a second before giving in and nodding.
“Okay! But only if you do it on my bro’s bed- er… Dee’s bed! He likes his bed cuz the cameras can’t see it!” He whispered the last part as he pointed to the bottom bunk where Donatello currently sat, staring at the both of them in disappointment.
“You're going to get us all in trouble, you know.” He offered, but Heishi was already yanking on the middle rung to their bunk, attempting to pull it from the bed.
“Yeah! An’ what if they put those handcuffs on you again?! Or worse?” Raph added, making Donnie nod- at least someone had some sense.
Of course, his brother and Heishi were not listening- both now on his bed, pulling against the rung until there was a resounding C R A C K and they both tumbled backwards- the wooden rung now in their hands. Ugh.
“AH-HA! Now this is a plan!” Heishi shouted triumphantly, holding up the splintered remains of their bunk as if it was something spectacular.
Donnie turned and flopped against his pillow- refusing to see the end of this. ‘Will they fix our bunk?’ He wasn’t sure. When the light broke a few weeks ago- they fixed that but… him and his brother have never broken anything on purpose before. ‘They took away our books… would they take away their papers next? Or their bunk? That is what they broke so what if-’ Donnie shook his head, burrowing it further into his pillow- 
‘no, Carol wouldn’t let them take their bunk. Plus, how would they fit it through the door? It wouldn’t fit!’
‘... wait… how did it get into the room? … was it always here?’ Donnie lost himself to his thoughts as he watched the large snapping turtle pace back and forth at the door and attempted to ignore the delighted chattering between his brother and Heishi.
“Master Draxum says I'm too ‘small and weak’ for big weapons… but he does let me use a wooden sword sometimes! I’m really good with it too!” His words were followed by whooshing sounds and Donnie's bed bobbing up and down with each thrust of Heishi’s “sword”- making Mikey gasp in excitement. Even Raph seemed to be a little impressed, stopping his pacing to watch, big eyes wide in a mixture of nervousness and awe. That only fueled the fire in Heishi. Ughhhh. Curiosity got the best of Donnie and he finally decided to turn his head to watch the ‘greatest warrior’ swing his ‘sword’ around.
He couldn’t stand on the bed without hitting his head, so instead he was moving around on his knees- despite that rather awkward position, he was keeping himself upright which was already a little impressive. He moved with surprising speed, twisting his arms and slashing the sword about as if fighting some imaginary enemy. Every time Donnie thought he would hit the wall or one of the bedposts he would pull away just in time and begin another set of random exercises. 
It was… a little … cool.
Then, as Donnie tried his best to cool his expressions and Heishi swung upwards for what looked like a finishing blow, that the sword exploded in blue light. Heishi screamed, throwing the sword and hitting his shell against the wall as they all stared wide eyed at the bright blue that danced over the sharp wooden stick.
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-To Be Continued- (??? If people are interested.)
I thought it would be fun that, for the crossover, they switched media! My comic being written, and my fic being in comic format! :DD
I was so nervous to post this and kinda went blind re-reading it over and over again soooo there are probably grammar/spelling errors I missed. Sorry about that- I might go through and edit them later?
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
You seem to draw Donnie covered in Spray paint (pink and blue) a lot. Why is that? What got him hooked to it and why doesnt he have to mix the colors himself?
(BIG fan of the angsty separated au!!!!)
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Draxum’s lab is pretty dull color wise, and Three wanted to differentiate his tech from Draxum’s. Huginn and Muninn are the ones who buy Three his spray paints! One of those small, nice things they try to do to make the kid a little bit happy. Purple is Three’s favorite color, but sometimes they’re limited in what they can bring him. (Also the pink and blue colors are a nod to Jinx—It’s kinda funny that her colors, pink and blue, when mixed, make purple)
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It would be maximum shock if they all met right when Leo and Donnie rejoined the family, before they kinda started their healing process, cause they’re probably the most different at that point.
Rise!Donnie would be appalled at AU!Donnie, from silly things like the way he accumulates layers of grime without a care—to the rude way he treats April. AU!Leo and Rise!Leo would keep a wide birth from each other and probably stick to a buddy system with their respective brothers just in the hopes that they don’t ever get left alone with the other (their bros of course conspire to do exactly that, so they can get to know each other)
Rise!Raph would probably be really worried about AU!Raph just cause he thought his brother’s make him stressed and tired? But between dealing with Leo’s anger issues, and Donnie’s…everything, AU!Raph looks ready to drop any second. AU!Mikey would love Rise!Mikey, cause he’s adorable, but he’s a little sad when he looks at him, cause he acts just like he used to, before he was thrown into the arena, so he tries to tone down the bad and make it sound more exciting so that Rise!Mikey doesn’t know how horrible AU!Mikey had it.
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The Kraang would def be the Rise Kraang version. The movie would take place a little while after the defeat the Shredder. I’m still working out the timeline cause when I was first deciding their ages, I forgot about the two years from the end of the series and the start of the movie 🙄. So I’m doing some reworking on that end. I think I’ll either change them to be a few years older at the start of the AU than I made them, OR the AU and the fight with Shredder will go for a longer stretch of time than it did in the series. That way there’s not a huge two year gap of unknown time between Shredder’s defeat to the start of the movie. EDIT Now that we know the series took place over two years and it was only a couple months between the finale and the movie. Their ages are gonna be the ones listed on their character charts!!
I’m still not even sure if I’ll manage to make it that far, but hopefully we will get there eventually! Cause I really wanna get to Casey. In fact, I’d probably make it less about Leo growing into a more serious role (cause obviously he’s already there), and more about him really accepting the love of his family. We might even see a future Leo come back with Casey?? It would be so hard not to go that route cause I love that idea so much 🤣
But I honestly don’t know yet what I’d really like to do. And I’d hate to give an answer that I’d have to redact later. I’ve got a lot of ideas, but I can’t even think about them, until I put out all the other stuff I’ve got planned. So let’s all cross our fingers and hope we get there some day lol!
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2012!Leo would go MOM MODE™️ EXTREME, 2012!Raph and Don would take off like a rocket with the intention of hunting down and murdering Draxum, Shredder and Big Mama, and Mikey would probably be caught between holding back tears and doing his best to tell jokes and ease the tension, or following after his brothers in their murder spree.
Basically as much as the 2012 boys would be thrown off at first over how different the AU boys are from the other versions of themselves they’ve met, they’d go HARD as the protective older bros. But the only one who’d probably actually appreciate it would be AU!Raph cause he never gets to be the little brother lol.
@smoldevelopingcookie @c00k13san2 @luvrbug @organisedchaosstuff @uniqueness351217
Separated AU tag
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Bayverse turtles (seperate) with a mutant reader who hibernates in the winter?
The first time it happens he is startled.
Like yeah, you mentioned that but he couldn't help but panic a little when you just wouldn't wake up.
It takes Donnie's expert opinion to calm him down.
"Don't scare me like that!" Is like probably first thing you hear when you wake up. Will not let go for a long time.
He reads to you while you sleep.
Has a warm cup of tea ready for you when you wake up.
Next time you plan VERY THOROUGHLY your hibernation and he has a dedicated spot in his room for you.
Both the knight and a dragon guarding you in your sleep. He will exact utmost revenge upon his brothers if any of them tries to wake you up.
Has to chase Donnie out of his room. He doesn't care that his bro wants to observe you for "scientific reasons". NO DISTURBANCES.
Gets Donnie to plan your meals before next Big Sleep so you have all the nutritions you need.
Freaks out a bit like Leo when it happens. Mostly bc you probably did tell him about it but his ADHD brain forgot.
Whips you out THE BEST pillow fort for next time.
Hangs out around you all the time BC he misses you so damn much. When will you wake uuup he has so much stuff to tell you and show you!
Draws you when you sleep.
Makes you a feast both before you sleep and when you wake up. All your favourite food
Raph needs to sit his hyperactive ass down or he'd wake you up. Donnie needs to explain it is bad to mess your cycle like that.
After that he is super worried and hides his percussion in case that makes noise.
He still tells you everything at the end of the day.
He hides in the fort with you when he feels super low and needs to remember you are still there for him.
Wrote you a song when you slept.
Cuddles you so much when you are awake.
You will have the coziest nest to hibernate. He knits you blankets, pillows, socks, sweaters, scarves and anything you want.
He will sit by you and stroke your head waiting for you to wake up.
Doesn't talk much. He isn't a talker
"Took you long enough" he grumbles when you wake up and kinda just sags on you.
He missed your voice and your eyes looking at him.
Better return the favour of skritches. He missed the way you'd scratch his neck and head.
Then order your favourite take out, maybe cook something himself.
Carries you into the main part of lair "LOOK WHO IS UP!"
Will not leave your side after you wake up.
Like Leo he is bodyguarding you.
One time Mikey sneaked past him and you had some stuff drawn on your face.
Raph was pissed and Mikey had to hide from him for at least a week, cause it was on sight.
Raphie proceeded to clean your face as carefully as he could. No one disrespects you. Not even his brothers.
He makes sure you'd build your muscles/body mass quickly after waking up.
You write him a statement allowing him to monitor you when you sleep.
He is super excited to know how your type of mutant works.
He preplans EVERYTHING.
It is a bit annoying when your boyfriend doubles also as a doctor bc he monitors everything to have clear data.
After the first time you kind of revoke his permissions bc while you love him it was very tiring.
He calms down after that.
Like Mikey he has a pillow fort of sorts for you in his lab so he can spend as much time around you while you sleep as he can.
The pillow fort is covered with materials that cannot get set on fire. He made sure of it.
Oh and a forcefield just in case.
There's a big mug of coffee waiting for you when you wake up.
Still threatens everyone in the lair to cut off their WiFi if they dare to wake you up.
Gets Mikey to cook you a good, healthy meal but also throws in some of your favourite things in there as well.
When you sleep you are kind of like rubber duck for him to read his codes to find faults in them.
@turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @m1dnyt3-w0lf @leosgirl82 @madammuffins @sharpwindow @tinkabelle19 @scholastic-dragon @dilucsflame33
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s3wergh0ul · 2 years
Ok, 2012 x rise crossover shenanigans
-I feel like the donnies wouldn’t get along. They would just have a mutual understanding that they are above the rest. Like they were excited at first but not anymore. They have the same relationship as Dr Rockwell and Donnie in 2012 with less bickering
- rise Raph would big brother the SHIT outta 2012 Mikey. Stick 2012 raph in there to get jealous too
- Rise Donnie appreciates 2012 Leo’s silence
- the Leo’s are both traumatized, maybe Leon asks 2012 for advice
- 2012 bros seeing Rise splinter is always good angst👌
- the mikey’s got a lot going on. 2012: your brothers sound awesome, I wish mine loved me like that. Rise: I’m sure they do, they just have a different way of showing it. 2012: hope so… (SOBBING😭😭)
- (Mikeys) showing each other their collections. Rise got his art and 2012 got a box of actual rotting pizzas he collected off of rooftops.
- everyone is blinded by rise Donnie. 😵‍💫SOO BRIGHT🤨VIBRANT PURPLE😵‍💫”BADBOY” PERSONA🤨WHO TF IS THIS😵‍💫
- Rise April would give 2012 Donnie a pep talk about other April. April: you deserve better, you’re gone. Donnie (hyped up): I deserve better, I’m gone! April: NOW GO BREAK HER KNEECA-
- God-just Rise April would just absolutely adored by all 2012 characters
- rise donnie has all this cool shit to talk and brag about to 2012 Leo, but all Leo’s got is like- idk a tea collection???😭
Thats all for now :) if y’all wanna make a fic or draw smth based on this 👉👈 I’d love to see
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tizeline · 4 months
I was actually wondering what the Sep Au Brothers feel about fashion? I read an analysis the other day about Rise Donnie and he seems to have the best fashion sense out of them all (and may or may not have his own fashion line?? Idk but I love that idea)
So I was wondering if it was the same or different for your Donnie? Do the Drax brothers have more of a yokai fashion sense or like- idk, what do they think of human fashion?
I have no idea is that makes sense but words are difficult
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I think I've seen the same post actually, haha! Yeah, I really like the idea of Donnie being into fashion, and I don't see why it would be different for AU Donnie. As for the Drax Bros, I mentioned it in This Post but their outfits are mostly inspired by what Draxum wears, which in universe would be explained by them wanting to be like their father by emulating his sense of style. After the whole Redemption Arc thing and the Draxum family decides to abandon their Evil Plan, the trio might start exploring and developing their own taste in fashion.
Leo I feel like would be quite excited to try out human clothes, considering he already has an interest in human stuff. It might actually end up being a bit of a bonding experience for him and Donnie when they properly become friends, with Donnie helping Leo find the right outfits for him!
Mikey and Raph would proably still mostly stick to yōkai clothes, while they do eventually become, not just more open-minded about humanity, but also curious about it, they'd still wanna stick to what they're familiar with.
Actually, with Raph it might be more of a necessity. It would be really hard to find human clothes that'd fit his size, and also work with his spikes. Yōkai on the other hand are a lot more diverse physically than humans, so the people in the Hidden City who work with designing and creating clothes would take that into consideration. So needless to say it would be easier for Raph to find yōkai clothes that fit him rather than human clothes.
Seasons probably don't effect the Hidden City that much, I'd assume? Cuz it's underground? So the Drax turtles might not have that much experince with seasons. Still, I don't think they'd love winter considering the fact that they're reptiles and as such are more sensitive to cold. (I think Draxum would've made sure they're more resistant to cold than normal turtles, it would be quite inconvinient if they started brumating in the middle of a fight just cuz it was snowing lol, but they're still more susceptible to it than mammals)
I think Mikey would appreciate autumn, when all the leaves turn a vibrant orange. Both because as an artist he'd appreciate the autumn aesthetic and because... y'know, orange. I think all the bros would like summer cuz, again, reptile biology, they'd like the heat.
I'd assume yokai would have their own unique holidays that the Draxum family would celebrate, no idea what those would be, though.
Draxum has definitely informed his sons about how dangerous Big Mama is and how bad it would be if she found out that they were literally created with her favorite champion's stolen DNA. They don't like her and know to avoid her, if any business is being done between their family and Big Mama then Draxum is the one who handles most of the negotiations.
And lastly - episodes like Todd Scouts and Snow Day, and then The Mud Dogs - none of these I have figured anything out for of how they would be handled in the AU sooooo no answer for ya there, sorry!
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
More Headcanons: Personality Quirks
• calm and collected but also very stubborn. it's his way or the high way until you prove him otherwise
• feelings aren't foreign but definitely aren't something he's particularly good at. he's guarded when he's confronted with someone who's heart is on their sleeve
• feelings, that being said, aren't a sign of weakness in his eyes. go ahead, be angry or be sad, but get it together cause shit needs done
• only truly comforting if you're full blown sobbing, and depending on your relationship, big bro leo or soft boyfriend leo come out
• best at de-escalation unless he's the one fighting with the other person
• hates, hates, hates being wrong (i don't make the rules) but weirdly not afraid to apologize for being wrong, in his own way of course
• he hates the word sorry and believes it's just a word. since he's a man of few words, he prefers to show he's sorry. (i've mentioned it before and i'll die on this hill, king of acts of service)
• can dish advice like it's candy but for the life of him can't take his own advice
• the patience of an absolute saint, unless you're one of his brothers
• confrontation is his middle name
• sarcastic but very thoughtful and very appreciative
• besides mikey, he gets the most depressed because he feels like his only identity is a leader at times
• he strikes me as the kind of guy that just comes up out of nowhere and says "need some help with that?"
• willing to try anything once, open minded to an extent if it's not dangerous
• extremely trustworthy and loyal
• hothead but the most sensitive out of all the brothers. very quick to cry
• feelings, like mikey, are shown on his sleeve. he makes it everyone's problem
• bad at communication...that's all i gotta say on that
• unhealthy projector of feelings but is willing to hear tips on how to do better
• the type to start crying if you start crying
• not the most patient in the world but if you're new something he tries (keyword: tries) to be as patient as possible
• he gets awkward if he knows he hurt someone's feelings and has to apologize. very bad at words and not the best at showing he's truly sorry
• horrible at advice
• chronic gaslighter in some situations (i don't make the rules)
• he truly does try to better himself if you call him out on his bs, he's able to hold himself accountable..in his own way
• even though he's a hothead, once you start crying, immediately he stops. the first sight of your lip quivering and he's shut up cause he crossed the line and he knows it
• doesn't mind confrontation
• loyal, loyal, loyal
• type to hold a grudge forever and never forget
• the "where's my hug at" guy
• his intelligence is his strongest suite but sometimes it goes to his head...literally
• very awkward with feelings and has no idea what to do in situations that call for comfort
• unless he's very comfortable with you, he will send you to someone else if you're upset so he doesn't upset you more
• not emotional but also not not emotional
• doesn't like confrontation at all unless you're nice about it
• best at communication out of all the guys because if he's bothered, he makes it very known
• besides mikey, he's very easily manipulated
• chronic overthinker
• very insecure in his abilities as a ninja
• hates to talk about his feelings and bottles them up until he explodes
• not one to get angry but he is the passive aggressive king
• germaphobe (no elabortion...he just is)
• he's very kind and very helpful when the situation calls for it
• he's the most gentle of all the guys
• definitely on the spectrum (not sure which, but he's definitely on one)
• number one most emotional out of all the brothers and doesn't show it
• jokester but is able to have meaningful and deep conversations the best
• most empathetic and compassionate but too quick to trust
• explosive temper that only comes out when his family or friends are in life threatening danger
• feelings are worn on his sleeve and he isn't ashamed to show them
• boundaries are an extreme work in progress (do with that what you will)
• sometimes is unable to decifer when not to make a joke
• will take jokes as far as they'll go to the point where the offense level is very questionable
• apologizes until it gets incredibly annoying
• will never be afraid to share his opinion but will always be quick to point out the good
• he cries all the time with no shame
• actually a very analytical and extreme outside the box thinker
• the "i had him/her first" friend if you get into a relationship
• very good listener when needed, but selective hearing most of the time
• he has adhd. nothing further needed.
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Hii, I loved the toddler sibling headcanons! 😚🌸
I laughed a lot with it so I think I got another sibling time idea
Let's say that the toddler sibling grow up and is already 18 and the boys found out they have a partner (boyfriend/girlfriend)
I wanna see some jealous overprotective big brothers Headcanons 😂
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Holy shit, it was bad enough for them to realize you were no longer the poptart eating toddler they found in that alley,
They literally freak out when you spill that you have an S/O.
You had sat them down on the couch and were like, "Ok, heres the deal."
Proceeded to tell them you're seeing someone.
Donnie did a spit take,
Mikey just kinda looked at you blankly, before freaking out.
Raph literally stood up, already muttering about how he was "gonna kill 'em."
Leo was all like ,
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Raph insisted they meet them,
But you had to explain to him, (like 8 fucking times), that it was not far enough into the relationship for that.
From the moment you told them you were seeing someone,
They are always following you to make sure you're safe.
You're going on a date?
Leo will be supervising from the shadows.
Hanging out with friends, and you're S/O will be there?
Guess what,
So's Raph.
Donnie literally runs a backround check on your S/O and their entire family tree.
He probably know more about their grandma than they do.
Will he tell you that?
Probably not.
Now as for how your S/O meets the big brothers you talk oh so fondly of?
It was not supposed to happen, and it was totally Mikey's fault.
You were on a date whwre the two of you were just kinda hangin out on the roof of their apartment complex,
Ya know chit chatting and all that,
When this loud ass metalic bang! sounds from behing you.
You shoved your S/O down and as fast as Splinter had taught you whipped out a ninja star,
Then proceeded to almost decapitate your brother.
You were not happy.
"Goddammit Mikey. What are you doing?"
"And I know the rest of you are there too you bunch of nosy nellies."
"Thanks Mikey-"
"Yeah come on man-"
"Geez Mikey-"
You proceeded to chew them out for the next two hours for following you without your knowledge, invading your privacy etc. etc.
While your S/O is just kinda standing there like, "Uhm, wtf?"
After you were done scolding them, You formally introduced them to your S/O.
Mikey was actually kinda chill about it,
Leo gave them the strict no funny buisness talk,
Raph gave them the classic big bro glare,
And Donnie just shook their hand like they were buisness partners or somthing.
You were kinda unsettled by how well your S/O was taking the situation.
After your bro's leave, you instantly begin to apologize, and your S/O is all like, "No, it's fine, really! I think it's cool your entire family is ninjas!"
You just mumble, "Wait till you meet my dad." and you and your S/O continue your date.
With you sending a text to your brotyers the let them know you know they're still there and to go the fuck home.
This was fun to write, lol, over protective big bros are great.
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