#Bible Verses in Your Home Decor
Bible Verses About Home: 10 Scripture Quotes for Your Home Decor
Welcome to the world of Bible verses about home! Decorating your home is an amazing way to share your faith and express your love of God. With so many wonderful Bible verses to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one to use for your home decor. That's why we've gathered together 10 inspiring Bible verses about home that are perfect for adding some extra meaning to your space. From uplifting reminders of God's love and protection, to declarations of joy, peace, and hope, these Bible verse home decor ideas are sure to bring beauty and blessing to your home.
1) The Importance of a Christian Home
The Bible is full of verses about homes and their importance in the life of a Christian. A home is an essential part of a family’s relationship with God, as it provides a place of love, support, and security. Having a Christian home is an important foundation for children and adults alike, as it allows us to remember our faith and draw closer to God. The Bible is a great source of wisdom and understanding on how to create a healthy Christian home, and many of its verses can help guide families to do just that.
In Proverbs 3:27-28, we read, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it,’ when you have it with you.” This bible verse about home serves as a reminder that we must always provide for our family and show kindness and generosity to others. We should make sure that our home is a place of love and acceptance, where everyone feels safe and valued.
We can also learn from Philippians 4:8, which states, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable — if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy — dwell on these things.” This bible verse about home emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive things in our homes and avoiding anything that could bring harm or discord. In other words, we should strive to make our home a place of peace and beauty.
These bible verses about home are important reminders of how to create a home that reflects God’s love and brings joy to all who enter. As we read God’s Word and implement its wisdom into our lives, we can trust that we are building a strong foundation for our families to thrive in.
2) What the Bible Says About a Christian Home
The Bible has much to say about a Christian home and how it should be. Proverbs 24:3-4 tells us that our homes should be places of safety, comfort, and security. It is a place where family members can love and respect one another, trusting in God’s protection and guidance.
Ephesians 5:21-33 calls on husbands and wives to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. They are to live in an understanding way, treating each other with mutual respect, honoring and caring for one another. In Colossians 3:12-17 we are encouraged to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience in our homes.
As believers, we should seek God’s presence in our homes through prayer and Scripture reading. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 encourages us to keep God’s commandments in our hearts and minds as we raise our children in the Lord. We should also be sure to provide instruction and discipline our children in the Lord's ways (Proverbs 22:6). Finally, our homes should be places of hospitality, welcoming others into our midst (Romans 12:13).
By following these biblical principles and living out the teachings of Jesus in our homes, we will ensure that they become places of safety, comfort, and joy for everyone who enters them.
3) 10 Bible Verses About Homes
1. Psalm 127:1: “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.”
2. Proverbs 24:3-4: “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”
3. Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
4. Psalm 90:17: “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.”
5. 1 Corinthians 16:19: “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others.”
6. Proverbs 14:1: “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”
7. Deuteronomy 28:12: “The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands.”
8. Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.”
9. Proverbs 21:20: “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.”
10. Proverbs 24:27: “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.”
4) How to Use These Bible Verses in Your Home Decor
Using Bible verses to decorate your home is a great way to add meaning and beauty to your living space. Whether you choose to display these scripture quotes in a traditional way, such as framed artwork, or use more creative methods such as hanging a verse on a chalkboard, displaying Bible verses in your home can bring peace and joy to everyone who visits.
One way to bring these Bible verses into your home decor is to have them printed on throw pillows or canvas prints. Displaying Bible verses on wall art is a great way to make a statement in any room. You can also choose to create art out of the verses by printing them onto fabrics or wood, which can then be hung or used for other decorating projects.
Another idea for using Bible verses in your home decor is to place them in jars or bowls. Place several of the verses inside and put the containers in prominent places around your home. This adds a decorative touch as well as a reminder of God’s word.
If you’d like to add an even more personal touch, you can hand write each verse onto wood slices or small canvases. You could even use a calligraphy pen for an extra special touch. Hang the wood slices or canvases around your home, or group them together as a display.
Whatever method you choose, adding Bible verses to your home decor is a beautiful way to display your faith and remind yourself and others of God’s love and grace every day. Consider adding some of these scriptures to your kitchen, family room, entryway, or bedroom for added inspiration. And don't forget to accessorize with candles, flowers, and photos with messages that mean something special to you. All of these touches will help turn your house into a loving, peaceful home where you will feel truly blessed! No matter what type of look you are going for – modern, minimalist, bohemian, classic – these Bible verses will lend meaningful words that will go along with whatever style you choose. Showcasing biblical words in our homes helps us remember what's most important and allows us to show our faith while having fun with design. With so many wonderful options to pick from, it's easy to find one that works best with your unique taste and desired look.
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matan4il · 6 months
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Judaism is a native religion and identity, so like all indigenous religions, it has ALWAYS sanctified the bond between the tribe and its ancestral land:
* Jews, no matter where around the world we are, pray in the direction of the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem.
* Israel, Jerusalem, and Zion are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible hundreds of times, often in connection to the importance of the bond between the land and the Jewish people.
* The Hebrew calendar and Jewish holidays are based on the agricultural year as experienced in the Land of Israel. For example, we celebrate Shavu'ot, the Jewish festival of the harvest, during the Hebrew month of Sivan, which is roughly around the Gregorian month of June. In Australia, June is the rainiest month of the year, with severe temperature drops, absolutely not the right time for the harvest. But Australian Jews still celebrate Shavu'ot at the same time as all other Jews, around June. Because we ALL honor and preserve the agricultural cycle of our ancestors in Israel.
* Many Jewish prayers express a desire to return to Israel, for example with the phrase, "Next year in Jerusalem."
Here's a greeting card, drawn at Linz, a Nazi concentration camp in Austria, which was turned into a DP (displaced persons) camp at the end of the war. The card features the above three Hebrew words (you can see the freed prisoners of the camp on the left, heading towards a land with palm trees on the right, with one of the buildings having a Star of David on top):
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* The holiest site for Jewish people in the entire world is the thousands of years old Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Jewish temple stood, in Israel.
* Several Jewish holidays explicitly celebrate the Zionist notion, meaning the importance of the bond between the Jews and the Land of Israel. Hanukkah is a celebration of the native Jews fighting off the Greek occupying forces, and re-establishing Jewish sovereignty in Israel, and the freedom from religious persecution this allowed Jews, by re-dedicating the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem to Jewish worship, after it was defiled by the Greeks (including by re-lighting the Temple Menorah). Passover celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt, and the start of their journey back home, to their ancestral land in Israel, with the Passover meal ceremony including thanking God for bringing Jews back to Israel, and for building the Temple in Jerusalem for them.
* The language of the Jewish people is Hebrew, which is the last Canaanite language, the last of the languages spoken by the native peoples of Israel. Hebrew is specifically tied to the geography of Israel. For example, in the Bible, the Hebrew word for "west" is also the Hebrew word for "sea," because Israel's western border is the Mediterranean Sea. Similarly, the Hebrew word for "south" is also the Hebrew name of the desert that makes up the southern part of Israel, the Negev. Every Jewish language, which developed in the diaspora (such as Yiddish and Ladino), features words borrowed from Hebrew.
Here's an Israeli poster made in 1949, honoring "Sea Day" and featuring a part of a biblical verse (Genesis 28, verse 14): "And your seed shall be as the sand of the earth, and you will spread to the sea and to the east, to the north and to the Negev, and blessed in you and in your seed will be all the families of the Earth."
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* Among the 613 Jewish mitzvahs, religious decrees that Jews must observe, one explicitly states that whenever possible, Jews should strive to live on their ancestral land in Israel. This is called in Hebrew, "mitzvat yishuv Eretz Yisrael."
* Among the 613 mitzvahs, there are 26 mitzvahs that can only be observed while living in the Land of Israel. These are called in Hebrew, "mitzvot ha'tluiot ba'aretz."
* Jewish homes have included for centuries a decorative piece hung on the eastern wall, and called "mizrach" (the Hebrew word for "east"), because that was the direction of Israel to most Jews. It usually included a biblical verse in Hebrew, often one that either mentions the east, Israel or Jerusalem, and also illustrations of Jerusalem or Israel.
Here's an 18th or 19th century mizrach from Germany:
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* In Jewish synagogues, especially in Europe, the eastern wall was the most important one, because it was the one facing Israel. This wall was called, "kotel ha'mizrach" which means in Hebrew "the wall of the east."
* Oh, but the word "kotel" refers specifically to the walls of the Temple Mount. For example, the Western Wall, the only one of the Temple Mount's four walls accessible to Jews for centuries (and therefore the plaza in front of it became the second holiest place to Jews, after the Temple Mount itself) is called in Hebrew, "ha'kotel" (the wall). So why would a synagogue wall be referred to as "kotel" as well? Because every Jewish synagogue is called "mikdash me'at," a lesser temple. Every Jewish synagogue is a reminder and placeholder for the destroyed Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
* Accordingly, many Jewish synagogues feature reminders of the Beit Ha'Mikdash (the Hebrew Temple). For example, this holy ark, from a synagogue in Romania, which survived the Holocaust, and is today presented at Yad Vashem (Israel's national Holocaust museum), includes two pillars on its sides, a reminder of the Temple in Jerusalem's pillars believed to have been build by King Solomon. The holy ark's pillars are named exactly like the Temple's two pillars, Boaz and Yachin. This holy ark also features two hands, they're meant to be the high priest's, while he's performing the priestly blessing, an ancient Jewish ceremony that was conducted on the steps of the Temple in Jerusalem.
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* In fact, over the centuries, one of the most prominent Jewish symbols is the menorah, which is a reflection of the candelabra eternally lit in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Menorah being stolen by the occupying Romans, as seen on the Titus Arch in Rome:
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The menorah as incorporated into jewelery, as a Jewish symbol, goes back thousands of years:
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* For centuries, Jews created Jewish art and culture, which expressed Zionist longing. For example, the Sephardi doctor, philosopher and poet Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Levi writes what is maybe the most famous of the "Zion poems" while living in Islamic-occupied Spain: "My heart is in the East, and I am at the end of west / How shall I taste what I eat, and how should it be an enjoyable taste? / How shall I repay my vows and commitments, while / Zion is in the ropes of Edom, and I am in the bonds of Arabia? / It would be easy for me to leave all of the good of Spain, just like / It would be precious to me to witness the ashes of a ruined temple."
* In 1140, Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Levi finally fulfilled his wish, and boarded a ship for the Land of Israel. We don't know what happened to him, but the phrasing in a Hebrew letter, written by Jews who knew him, and found in Egypt, implies that he was murdered. For almost 2,000 years, it was dangerous for Jews to try and return to Israel, and it certainly wasn't possible on the scale of a national movement. Jews knew it was dangerous. And yet for centuries, despite that, individual Jews like Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Levi persisted in attempting this return. This is a part of Jewish history. It's not just that there was a small number of Jews, who managed to remain in Israel despite the repeated expulsions and massacres of Jews from our land, it's also that there was a small number of Jews who dared attempt the return to Israel continuously, over centuries, and neither of these things would have happened had Judaism not been Zionist. Always.
* For centuries, every Jewish wedding includes a part, where the groom recites an oath of loyalty and longing for Jerusalem. The text itself is taken from the Bible, from the second part of Psalms 137: "If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget itself, let my tongue be glued to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not raise Jerusalem at the height of my joy."
* For centuries, every Jewish wedding included a symbolic reminder of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and our ancestors' following expulsion from the Land of Israel, by breaking a cup made of glass.
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* For centuries, many Jewish homes featured an unfinished patch, as a similar reminder. I'm a secular Jew, but my real life bestie is religious, and her house has a hole in the eastern wall, intentionally left there.
* In fact, the destruction of the Temple, and the following expulsion of the Jewish people from Israel, is SUCH a traumatic and significant event for the Jewish faith, that there is a religious national day of mourning every year, on the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av (the date when Jews believe the first Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Babylonian occupiers, and the second one, re-built after an expulsion and return of the Jews from Babylon to their native land, was destroyed by the Roman occupiers), when Jews fast.
* Ethiopian Jews, who were probably the most disconnected Jewish community along the centuries, have a special holiday, called Sigd. This name is derived from the Hebrew word for worship or prostration, "sgida." It features asking God to return them to Israel. Since the state of Israel has helped the Ethiopian Jewish community to return to this land, starting in 1982, it has become a part of Sigd to celebrate it specifically in Jerusalem.
The Ethiopian Jewish community celebrating Sigd in Jerusalem:
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* In fact, the three major Jewish holidays, other than Yom Kippur, are also called "the three pilgrimages" ("shloshet ha'regalim"), because while the Temple stood in Jerusalem, they included all Jews coming there to celebrate the holiday together. These three holidays are Sukkot, Pesach (Passover) and Shavu'ot.
Here's a piece of art depicting Jews in antiquity, coming from all over Israel to the Temple in Jerusalem for sholoshet ha'regalim:
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* The Hebrew Bible itself expresses the Jewish Zionist longing, the desire of the Jews to return to their ancestral land no matter what, after they were expelled by the Babylonians from Israel, the same desire that drove their return from their first exile, as recorded in the Bible, and supported by historical documents and archaeological finds. Here's the first part of Psalms 137:
Upon the rivers of Babylon, there we sat, and we wept, as we remembered Zion. On willows there we hung our harps, because there our captors asked us for songs, and our tormentors for joy. "Sing to us from the song of Zion!" How shall we sing God's song on foreign soil?
and here's the craziest thing about this list: there's a good chance I forgot some stuff.
This is posted in honor of the first candle of Hanukkah tonight, and the many Tumblr antisemites, who distort Jewish identity and history by claiming Zionism is incompatible with or has nothing to do with Judaism, people who in the name of anti-Zionism celebrated the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, who ignore Jews pointing out that anti-Zionism is inherently antisemitic, who prove it by going out of their way to deny Jewish native rights, and who think posting "Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish followers!" (as if Hanukkah isn't a Zionist holiday) covers up their antisemitism.
Happy Jewish sovereignty in Israel holiday to all who celebrate Hanukkah! I hope you really enjoy its foods! xoxox
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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daught3rofyahweh · 1 month
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Ways to give Jesus vibes to your craft 🕯
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ᶠᵒʳ ʷⁱᵗᶜʰᵉˢ ʷʰᵒ ʷᵒʳᵏ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʰⁱᵐ ♡
Practice green magic, love magic, and healing magic
With being a form of God, Jesus of course is connected to all things nature and spent a lot of time living in it due to living conditions in his era, so green magic could definitely grab his attention! Love magic that consists of self-love and friendship work, is a great way to involve Jesus into your spells because he is all about love and teaching people to be better versions of themselves and bring people together, though I'm not sure he'd appreciate you doing romantic spells as it might go against the other person's freedom. Jesus was an amazing healer, from wounds, to exorcisms, etc., so I'm sure he'd love to help with some anti-illness and mental health spells for yourself and those close to you.
Get a tarot deck that you feel resonates with him
Find a deck that reminds you of him due to it's art or you just feel like would draw him in. I have seen many christianity themed decks around the internet and they can be SOOO PRETTY!!
Buy crystals that remind you of him
A great way to feel closer to Jesus in your craft, is to carry crystals that resonate with his personality. Crystals that represent peace, love, tranquility, protection, and spiritual awakening and psychic development very much suit Jesus's personality. The most popular stones associated with him throughout history have been bloodstone and amethyst.
Do home blessings and protection spells
Jesus was known for bringing peace, cleansing, and protection to all places and people he visited. Do home blessing spells and protection spells to clear spaces, yourself, and loved ones from harm done by evil spirits and people and bring comfort. It could be as simple as sprinkling salt or holy water around or having some iron laying around. The cleaner the space, the more welcoming it is for Jesus's presence.
Incorporate the bible into your practice
The bible can do more than just teach you ways of life, it can also bring blessings and protection. The bible is very powerful as it is the word of God, verses and psalms can be used in many kinds of spells from jars, charm bags, witches bottles, etc. Verses and psalms could even just be used in picture frames as decor as a easy way to let their power into your home.
Here is a pdf from pinterest that is very helpful with the usage of psalms:
Read books about Jesus and the religion
Books can be very helpful when it comes to learning more about Jesus and the ways you can connect with him. I love my book about the catholic church because it has explained so much to me about God.
If you don't own a rosary, knot magic is your friend
Knot magic is a great alternative for those who don't own a rosary yet but would really like to do a prayer meditation. I have actually made one of these but I made an anglican version due to those rosaries only having 33 beads so its faster to make. Using knot magic as a rosary allows the user to pray to Jesus while also practicing their craft at the same time due to being able to use any color, annoint with oils or holy water, and add charms to the rope.
Get herbs and plants that remind you of him
Buy herbs, spices, and plants that remind you of him due to their properties. Use the herbs and plants in spells, as decor for altars, etc. A spice that I commonly associate with Jesus is mustard seed due to him mentioning it a lot in the bible. Mustard seed represents growth, dependence, and faith.
Listen to worship music during workings and divination
Listening to worship music while practicing your craft can help energize your spells, rituals, and divination while also bringing protection and calmness to you while doing so. It can also attract Jesus to help you in the working and can be used as an offering.
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smolvenger · 1 year
Miss Narracott and The Captain, Chapter One
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Fandom: War Horse
Pairing: Captain James Nicholls x fem! Reader
Summary: It is 1912. You are Y/N Narracott, the older sister of Albert Narracott. You must do what you can so your family can keep their farm. And so your brother can keep his beloved horse. Under financial struggles, you never expect romance to come into your life...until you have a chance encounter with James Nicholls- a Captain with a knack for drawing. But the threat of war lingers in the air...
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Chapter Word Count: 4K
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise
Warnings: A horse ALMOST gets shot but lives. Landlords being landlords. Period Typical Attitudes. But very fluffy with cottagecore vibes and a meet-cute with the captain.
A/N: You can decide if you want to be a member of the family by birth or adoption. I try to make Reader fics as neutral in appearance as I humanly can. I hope you like this! It won't get too super sad or angsty and will have a very happy ending- so enjoy! Comments, asks, reblogs, and messages about my works are always appreciated!
“If the rent’s not paid by October, the farm is foreclosed. And I take the horse, too!” the Landlord had threatened in your kitchen, finishing his tea.
Gritting your teeth, you let your arms fall to the sides. Your mum cleared his cup and saucer. Then she met you where you stood, a frown on her face. You tried to slip your hand in hers. Your younger brother, Albert, was slowly heaving beneath his flannel shirt and overalls.  And your dad only sat at the table, his fingers twitching to get the flask you knew was in his pocket. But even his white whiskers couldn’t hide his own frown.
Those words made stiff and haunted you- all of you.  Just as the Bible verses in embroidery decorated about the house, those words were about you. Staring at you.
Foreclosed. Foreclosed. Foreclosed.
You decided to get a job as a shop girl in the town nearby. Dad and Albert had to work the fields constantly. Too much to mend and do for any other occupation. Mum ran the house with an iron fist. She’d say she’d have to stay at home. She’d say the place needed at least one woman. Not two, you noted-one. You were available. You could do it.
The day you announced you got the job, and that the paychecks would help go to rent, your mum wiped happy tears.  She kissed you.
“All of it’s going to the rent,” you promised her.
“No-keep a little!” she shook her dark head. Strands kept falling form her bun- she was an active woman, always thinking, always working. Even her own hair would not stay still.
“No- all! We all need it!” you refused.
It would be a sacrifice. But a sacrifice that would keep a roof over your heads. Hopefully.
“Whatever you pick- it’s your choice. I’m proud of you, my girl. All of us are…” she said before sweeping you into a hug.
After all, It was what you could do to bring money in. To keep that word from ringing in your head.
Foreclosed. Foreclosed. Foreclosed.
That was the word that motivated you to get up from bed in the morning. You shivered from the chill in your little room. Not that you were unused to getting up early. You lived with your family on a farm after all.
Besides, you loved the farm you lived on. It was a beautiful place. You and your family stayed in a stone house, two stories, thatched with a roof. The rolling green and brown hills could be seen from your bedroom window. You loved watching the sun rise and shine past your lacy white curtains. Stone gates trailed all over the place separating the gardens, shed, laundry area, crop fields, chicken coop, and backyard.
And there was no shame in being farmers, as dad would say. Farmers kept the country going and would for all eternity.
 As you looked up, the morning was shining pink. Peeking down, you could see Dad and Albert, going about distributing hay and making sure the animals were fed. Dad had some hay while Albert was filling his bucket with oats.
After washing yourself with a cloth and hot water, you dressed into socks, corset, shoes, petticoats, skirt, and blouse. You double checked to make sure there were no mud stains on your checked, white and blue blouse and blue skirt. You had to look presentable.
That morning, you sat at the table. Mum ate fast and ran off to begin a mountain of laundry. You were eating breakfast and drinking coffee from a beautiful porcelain cup with a painted flower on it.  Enjoying a moment of peace before your shift began.  There was the sonatas of birds and the rooster outside of a country morning. Accompanied by the clucking of chickens that wandered about the stone pathways on the grass. Albert walked in from outside, wiping off his hands on his pants.
“Y/N! Morning” he cheered. Already his cheeks were ruddy from the exercise and air.
“Albie! Good morning! How’s all the creatures?” you asked.
“All well-all well. Wish us luck- gonna start training Joey today! Gonna put the plow on him. If anyone can, it’s me!” he announced.
He sat down, slabbed a slice of bread with butter, and stuffed it in his face.
It was always dark inside the house. The stone blocked the sunlight except for the windows. Pots were on the ceiling over your head. Your embroidery was decorated over the walls. Over the crackling fireplace was a bookshelf with a book and a tiny clock. You kept peeking at it to make sure you weren’t going to be late for the nine am shift. fireplace. Little potted plants and flowers sat everywhere- inside the house on tables and counters and outside on windowsills. You and mum did you best to make sure the place was cozy. Pretty even. She taught you how to garden and put flowers into little clay pots. You both spent that early spring down on your skirts. Patting the dark dirt over the seeds and watering them.
Albert went to the corner of the kitchen section of the room. On the counter, right before the window overlooking the garden, was a bowl of fresh fruit. He grabbed an apple, shined it on his vest, and bit into it. Then he peeked outside and gasped.
“Y/N-come! Look at the garden! Your flowers!” he cried.
It was a lovely spring day. Looking about, you were glad to see the crocuses you had planted were in bloom. So much beauty even amidst the great stress. You kept only ten percent of the wages and decided to use it on crocus seeds to put in the flower section of the garden. Now it was speckled with the pretty flowers across the grass, nearby the carrots and tomatoes.  
Albert pointed to the window. You got up and your eyes followed his finger.
A little brown rabbit was in the flower garden. It went to one blossom and was chewing away.
“Hmm, should we stop him?” you teased.
Albert shook his brown head. Part of you predicted he would answer this- bless Albert! His soft heart for animals was his best quality!
“No! Don’t!” he cried.
“Well good thing I agree! He looks quite content- cute little fellow!” you commented.
Looking more carefully, it was quite small. Perhaps still a baby. Both you and Albert paused to admire the adorable intruder.
“What should we name should we give him?” you asked.
The rabbit finished the bloom of one crocus. It then hopped forward and began chewing on another. His miniscule mouth nibbling on the leaf of the stem.
“His name should be Peter- just like the old stories!” Albert decided.
“That’s a wonderful name! You always have the best names for the animals, Albie! But… if it’s a girl?” you pointed out.
“Then let’s call her after one of the sisters- let’s call her Mopsy!” Albert said.
“Good idea! That fits the theme!” you laughed in agreement.
Besides,  you were glad the rabbit ate the flowers. Glad it wasn’t one of the crops that would serve as both income and supper. Mum would have had a fit. Dad might have shot it for lunch.
But both of you smiled as you watched the creature breakfast along with the two of you. The little bunny finished his stolen meal and hopped off. It easily squeezed through the wooden gate and escaped.
“I should plant more- give it a whole salad bowl!” you suggested.
“I wouldn’t complain if you did- invite all the rabbit sisters and the mum too!” Albert added on.
It was a lovely day. The air was cool, the sun was out, the sky was blue, and the field was green. All this beauty even amidst such fear. Such stress. Some even whispered of a war. Didn’t the landlord say something about a war? No, that was too much. That must have been your imagination.
“Don’t be late- Y/N! Good luck! Maybe this might be the day you meet a handsome stranger at work!” Albert teased, he wiggled his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, the only strangers I meet nowadays are customers! And the men aren’t handsome-I’ll tell you that! And Albie-does he like carrots?”
He nodded, handing you a leftover carrot.
“One tip- offer it to him by turning backwards!” he added.
“Put it in my basket-I’ll see you later,” you said.  
After putting a carrot into your lunch basket, Albert returned to the table. He scooped up more of breakfast and ate a second helping. As you walked out to the stone pathway through the ground, there was a sudden honk from below.
The proud goose, more intent on making mischief than productivity, strutted your way. He blocked your path. He raised his head and flapped your wings as if he was the king of England. He ran- flipper before your feet.
“Oh, please! Let me through! Shoo!” you scolded.
He had to chase anyone and everyone on the farm. And that didn’t stop at the residents. Last week, he charged the landlord and his posse as they left. They fled to their motorcar like he was a giant bull and not a little goose. Both you and Albert tightened your lips at the sight and then laughed about it later.
You, however, were used to Goose’s antics. No other name fit him, according to Albert. He was what he was-Goose. You let him take his beak to nip a bit of your skirt and shake it with his flexible, goosey neck. Then you gave a light tug, and he relented and released. He then flapped his wings again around you. He began honking out again as if urging you to work.
“I have five minutes before I need to get walking! But I’m going to say goodbye to Joey first!” you replied to the gander.
As you made your path to the backyard you heard him honk behind you. Intent on nipping more of your petticoats per his own Goose ritual. But as you got closer, there was the sound of a whinny and the clutter of hooves in the back yard.  The goose gave a goodbye honk in surprise and eyeing the much bigger creature in the backyard, fled.
It was the newest addition. Joey. A beautiful young colt. On his way to growing into a magnificent stallion.  Joey was brown as a rich tree trunk with the white diamond on his snout. Every time you went out to see the young horse, he would neigh loudly and break into a run. It made you back off every time, your hands up as if to calm him. Throughout the day, you and your parents often had to jump back to avoid getting run over as Joey dashed through the yard. Albert insisted he was spirited, but good.
Joey was an Irish Hunter- not the usual breed for farms. Your dad noticed his strength and energy at an auction and bought it, claiming he would become a  plow horse. And how did he buy it? With Rent money. And Joey by now had become the apple of Albert’s eye. The house was at stake based on if Joey could be trained to plow. That is if your own shopgirl wages could not save the farm from foreclosure.
  Dad tried to put a plough over Joey and the horse bucked away. You cried when Dad got his gun to kill the beautiful animal. You, Mum, and Albert all yelled at him to keep him from shooting it that day. You tried to physically hold him back by hugging him, tugging the trigger out of target. Mum let out a scream when Albert got between. Thankfully, he gave in when Albert announced he would train the horse. He was the one Joey would listen to the most.
It cheered you to see Joey alive this morning. Galloping about freely. You knew how happy he made Albert. You wondered if such a wild, free creature would even shine to you. From your basket, you got out the carrot. You leaned your arm over the gate and clicked your tongue to get his attention.
“Here, Joey…how about a treat?” you offered.
Joey clopped forward.
“Here, Joey, come on! Come on, love!” you urged.
He went, but then backed off, shaking his head and long, black mane with a brush of his lips. You let out a sigh. Then you turned around, leaning your hand backward.
“Come on, Joey- you’re going to learn to plow today. You’ll need a little extra strength! I’m not dad-I’m your friend!” you urged.
If you made no sudden movements, it wouldn’t scare him to raise his front hooves and kick your head You heard his feet trotting close to you. Then you felt his wet mouth open and accept the carrot. As you turned around to see him eat it, you smiled.
“Oh-you took it for once!  Good boy! Good boy! And keep being a good boy today- I got to work today… and so do you. But between us, we can help keep the farm afloat- can we?” you wondered out loud.
The horse blinked in response. To think there was something in common you shared with the colt. You gently reached out a hand, and he let you pet his nuzzle.
“See-even letting me pet you for once! Every day you’re improving! You better do what Albert says-I’ll see you later, goodbye Joey!” you wished.
As you walked up the tiny slope to leave, you picked up your petticoat and tiptoed around the mud. You had to look as presentable as you could for a farm girl. Opening the wooden gate, you made your way to town.
You walked down into town, keeping to the sidewalks away from the motorcars. People busied about you, ready to begin their own jobs. You walked right to the shop. Even before opening there were already customers waiting to buy things just outside. Their noses touched the front windows. You went inside to the counter, tied an apron around your skirt, and switched the sign on the window to “OPEN.”
So began another day. Today, you made sure there were catalogues displaying a new selection of dresses for women. It was hard not to drool over them from the corner of your eye. Not to envy the daughters of lords of the land who had the surplus allowances to order them here. You sometimes saw them enter the shop with their maids by their sides.
How you wished you could be a lady! They couldn’t come from a farming family. And even more importantly, they didn’t work. You heard all about them. How you daydreamed about it night and day.
You could live in a giant manor house. You’d have a maid to do your hair and drape you in dresses and pretty jewels. So would mum! And how handsome both dad and Albert would look in tuxedoes at dinner! Mum would have to present you at court. You would come out and get to briefly meet the king and queen themselves! Then you’d go to fancy balls. There would be handsome suitors who would wait in lines outside your door to kiss your gloved hand with their unworthy lips. You would have no concerns except for which pair of gloves to wear. And which eligible bachelor to marry. Then he’d ask for your hand and there would be a giant wedding full of pomp and splendor. Then you’d move into another manor and eat breakfast in bed every day! You would relax and not have to do a minute of work!
Perhaps…you would meet someone if you moved out…or if by a miracle, you got a scholarship to a university or lived in another town, far from Devon…
You knew you did not have enough to move out on your own. Besides, even if you did- how could you? How could you abandon your family when they needed you? When they needed help? Especially since dad had a weakness for wasting money on booze until he drunkenly stumbled to bed in the wee morning hours. The landlord would sigh and remind all of you he ran a business, not a charity. Every time.
But sadly, you had to go back to reality.  You could only fantasize in catalogues and magazines showing off the latest overpriced fashions from London. You did grab an issue to look at during your minutes off. You went down for the post-lunch break. You began to sip on tea, look at the catalogue, and rest your weary feet from hours of standing.
But after you returned the shopkeeper, Mrs. Snow, went up to you in a hurry. And the shop was filled with eager people eyeing all the half-off sales.
“Oh, Miss Narracott! Look what I found!” she cried.
She brought forth a little black book.
“A gentleman was just here-I saw him with it! He placed it down on the table and left without it! He should be right outside- And it’s so busy now- could you please run off and get it to him?” she instructed.
“How will I know it’s him?” you asked.
“You’ll see him in a uniform- like a sore thumb! Please return it to him!” she pleaded.
“What kind of uniform?” you asked.
Immediately, a lady was at the counter with five spools of ribbons. She was frowning and tapping her gloved hand on the wooden surface.
“Just go! Go, girl!” Mrs. Snow urged. She pushed the book into your hands.
You nodded and hurried outside. But you looked around and noticed the people outside. Bowler hats and blouses blended in around you. None of the men seemed concerned about anything. They only got out the pocket watches from their waistcoats to check the time.  
What uniform- a university uniform? A police officer uniform? A chef’s uniform, even? You saw none of those as you looked about.
Curiosity hit you- what was in this book? Maybe he would return. And you could steal a little bit of time to rest your mind from work again.
The book was thin, so it couldn’t be a novel. Perhaps it was a short story? A photo album?
You opened it and saw a pencil drawing of a woman at a piano-it was a sketchbook. But her hair, her dress, and the doily over the instrument was perfection in its attention to detail.
They were some of the most realistic drawings you had ever seen. You flipped past one to find another more beautiful than the last. You saw one of a willow tree- it was as if the tree the were drawn merely shrunk in size. When you saw an old man’s face, each wrinkled line was as if he jumped into the drawing or was in frtont of you. They were nearly perfect. Why weren’t these already in a museum?  You flipped another page-the most impressive of all. It was the drawing of a large stallion,  colored to be a rich black. He was on his back hooves, raising his might front legs into the air.  He was like a mythological beast rather than some common horse. And at the bottom, was some writing.
You were so invested in admiring it, a baritone voice had to break you out.
“Excuse me miss-“
Jumping at the sound, your head went up.
You saw a gentleman. A tall gentleman. And yes- an astonishingly handsome gentleman. He took off his hat, perhaps to show respect in the presence of a lady. His eyes were absolutely piercing in their blueness, as if he could see right through you to your guts. But they were soft, like two sapphires on his lovely ivory face. He had a uniform on- a soldier’s uniform.
“Miss…what is your name?” he asked.
“Y/N Naracott. And you are?” you replied.
“Nicholls. Captain James Nicholls.” He answered.
“Is the sketchbook yours? Left in that shop?�� you asked, holding up the book.
“Yes, it is,” he answered.
“I’m so sorry- I work for the shop and was intent on returning it. But I got curious and peeked inside,” you blurted.
With his gaze on you, you felt warm. Suddenly aware of every bit of your appearance and movements. It was everything in your to not go into a giddy panic and flee from bashfulness. You forced your feet still.
“Don’t be, you did nothing wrong…” he said.
Turning to the page with the black horse, you lightly traced it’s outline.
 “The drawings they’re…they’re beautiful! Was it a gift?” you questioned.
“It’s mine. My drawings…” he explained.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! I should have guessed!” you babbled out.
“No, don’t be at all!” he replied. He grinned at you.
Smoothing your skirt, tucking in the blouse, you felt the wind knock out of you at his smile.
“I just thought they were…they were beautiful! My favorite’s the horse here! Horses are so hard to draw- but the way you got his shape, his legs, his body-he’s so lifelike! I thought a real artist must have them- not a soldier!” you added on.
“That’s Topthorn. He’s my Major’s horse. An impressive beast- I had to capture him,” he explained.
He took a step closer. Goodness, the uniform really did make him even more attractive! It made you dizzy. Your mouth moved faster than your brain.
“You should meet my brother. He’d love the horse drawing. We have a new horse and he’s obsessed with-“
 The same lady walked out with a bag of her purchased ribbons from the corner of your eye. It shut you up. Captain Nicholl’s turned to glance at her, and then back at you.
“I don’t wish to keep you from working, Miss Narracott, here- I’ll walk you back,” he offered.
It was not a very long distance at all. But you were grateful. There were worse things than being accompanied by a pleasant, gallant, handsome young captain.
“Are you new in town?” you asked him at the door.
“Just stationed. Staying here for the moment.” he explained.
“Then, welcome to Devon! I hope you like it,’ you greeted.
He nodded his head. He opened the door for you to walk inside.
“I already do,” he replied.
There was a whistle. Captain Nicholls turned his head to the outside. There was another group of men in army uniform nearby. One tall gentleman with a mustache called out.
“Hey! Jim! Stop flirting with the girl and get back!”
You flinched and saw his cheeks turn a little pink. You dipped your head down. Would that phrase cause a scandal- even a small one? On one hand, flirting was completely discouraged between men and women. There was no flirting until you were engaged. Then one could be absolutely sure a gentleman had pure intentions. You could be sure a gentleman wasn’t a skirt chaser and seducer.
But on the other hand- you both weren’t a duke and debutante at a ball. Just two village people having a chat. And flirting…maybe…maybe he did already…notice you…liked you…
“Well, I’ll see you around, Captain,” you said.
“And I you, Miss Narracott. Thank you again for returning the book,” he replied.
He dipped his head, put his hat back on, and left.
“Bless you, girl! Took you ages to find him! But you did! Now- it’s time to get back!” Mrs. Snow urged from the shop counter.
The busy crowd kept you on your feet, but you felt ready. The hours flew until closing. You could deal with even the most demanding customers with a smile on your face. As you flipped the sign to close and returned home, you found yourself looking forward to tomorrow.  Besides, maybe the new captain might return for a visit.  
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cobblestonesummers · 6 days
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I want bells to be hung on our door…
So that when people enter they can hear them jingle and smile. I want to have a kettle on when they come through. I want the kitchen to be messy, even though I’d just cleaned it, because I got carried away making dinner before they came. I want almost fresh flowers on the mantle, and for guests to study pictures on our walls. I want a piano in the corner that anyone can play, even if they don’t know how. I want autumn scented candles and orange garlands in our windows, and old books resting on our bookshelves. I want a fireplace for stockings and roasting marshmallows when the power goes out. I want a hook in the kitchen for my apron, and a teacup in the bedroom for my rings. I want blankets to be laid across the couches, I want to decorate with sentimental things.
I want you to take your coat off when you come inside, and hang it on the claw-footed coat hanger by the door. I want to see you from the kitchen and ask you how work was, for you to hold me from behind while I finish cooking. I want us to eat at the table and talk about our days and how much time we wasted and remember our mistakes and smile at them. I want us to get lost in conversation until the late night cups of tea and hot cocoa get cold. I want to sit and read together, quietly, while the wood-wick candles crackle on the table, and Beethoven plays from the speaker on the shelf. I want to settle into rhythms, habits, and beautiful things. I want to recognize your patterns, memorize your expressions, fully know and love them all. I want to hear your whispered prayers before you go to sleep, for us to pray together about everything. I want to sit in the kitchen on cold nights with you and talk about what we’re studying.
I want to have people over often. The newlyweds, the neighbors, old friends, new friends, our families, the quiet couple from church hoping to connect. I want to say “make yourself at home, would you like something to drink?” I want to listen to their stories and share some stories of our own. To laugh and cry and pray with them. I want us to be good hosts.
I want to have a hidden bottle of sparkling cider for when your birthday rolls around, for anniversaries, engagements, pregnancy announcements, or promotions. I want our home to be one of celebration.
I want our Bibles to be open on the table while we read together, and underline verses with pens from the junk drawer. I want plants in every window and journals on bedside tables, and letters kept in boxes under our bed.
I want us to watch movies on the weekends and have the ice cream from The freezer and for us to wash the dishes after dinner.
I want to dress up fancy for a night in, have dinner by candlelight, even if there’s not an occasion to celebrate.
But even if I have none of this. Even if it takes years to build it, you are the one I want to build it with. These pieces of perfection take time and such commitment, I’d be happy to commit to them with you. I may have little savings, but I’ve been practicing my baking, my citrus garland making, and I have a teacup we can use for my rings. I don’t have much in terms of money, but your letters already have a home in a little wooden box, our favorite books can fill an old shelf until we find a better one. Breakfast may be oats, and dinner may come from the freezer section, but so long as I have God, and you, and my crafted decorations, I’m confident we’ll make it to these pieces of perfection.
(Photo not mine, credit to owner)
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im2tired4usernames · 9 months
Just for the record, Yahweh is very explicitly NOT Christian God. It's a Hebrew word relevant to Judaism.
I am really sorry I am not arguing with you and I am aware that it is very relevant in Judaism and it's originated from there I will be honest other then what a few of my friends and my uncle have shared with me and don't know as much as I would like to about Judaism.
However just like yule, easter, the fish symbol, and a billion other things from other cultures and religions Christians have stolen it and made their own version of it?
I have heard several ministers use that name in sermons my entire life in multiple churches, i can link you to a million different hymns, christan rock/pop songs that reference the christan god by that name my mother was incredibly fond of a Chris Tomlin version. There are a billion christan books, all written by Christans for Christans that use that name as well as the name Jehovah in reference to they're god, if you Google Yahweh several Christan sites show up.
The post I'm assuming your referencing said Christianity in it also and was just criticizing the idea of eternal damnation?
I'm not saying I think it's a good thing that they take everything and make it about they're god or arguing with you that this is very important and originated with Judaism but my whole entire life I've seen and heard christans using it n referencing to they're god (as well as a bunch of other names too I remember being in a christan store and there was this poster that had like a billion different names and words for God, also a lot of home decor with Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus, Emmanuel they really use a lot of names for they're god and the same Bible verses over n over all written in pretty letters and flowers????)
I've lived my whole life with that name sang in church and I'm pretty certain a lot of American christans (especially homeschoolers for some reason?) use it in ref to they're god so I'm not sure where to go or what to do with this I'm sorry I'm not really sure how to respond other then tell you what i experienced growing up that Christans stole it like they steal everything.
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abalidoth · 11 months
Oh shit I totally missed this one, I'm sorry! I was doing Weird Tessa Stories for these, right? Alright, a long one to make up for the delay -- the worst photo experience of my life.
So the year is 2017, I'm finishing up my Ph.D. in Laramie, WY. I'm massively stressed and dissociating all the time from both the stresses of academia and four years in the closet. This was distinctly in my "nail polish and skirt goes on Friday afternoon and comes off Sunday evening" era. I'm also looking for jobs to get OUT of Laramie.
My parents see my LinkedIn picture, which at that point was a selfie, and as a birthday present they offer to buy me a professional photography session to get a nice looking picture for my website/linkedin/etc. Okay, this seems fine. They find a photographer, I go meet with her.
I immediately get Weird Vibes from her. Her office is in this loft thing downtown with tons of example pictures, it looks like she specializes in senior photos and wedding photoshoots but in a way that feels very pandering to that crowd? Also she's talking about her second vacation home in Colorado so I'm like, lady you're already wealthy why the fuck are you doing this
She's incredibly solicitous, all praise and flattery and fluff. Her emails are downright florid, and she's the same way in person. She's the walking incarnation of a Hobby Lobby wooden Bible verse sign.
But the most salient part of the consultation for this story is that she insists on COMING TO YOUR HOUSE to critique your wardrobe.
She comes over and paws through my selection of Guy Clothes (which despite making up most of my wardrobe, I don't care that much about at this point) while constantly making comments to Emma about "Oh, haha, he's such a guy, you know how men are!"
(Emma, for her part, is doing a valiant job of defending me against this dysphoria without actually outing me, because she's the best.)
So, a suit that fits her specifications is selected and the day of photographs comes around. At this point, if I was paying for this myself, I would have bailed long ago; but it was a gift from my parents and I'm debilitatingly conflict averse, so out I went.
Immediately she takes me to a back alley in Laramie. I ask her why, she says she wants to get some casual shots of me first. I tell her I'm just here for business shots, she tells me to loosen up, it'll be fun!
Did I mention I'm conflict averse?
So I'm standing there in an alley, holding my suit jacket over my shoulder in the most awkward possible way, staring at a piece of graffiti that says "JESUS SUCKED YOUR DAD'S COCK", when I start to realize that maybe this has all gone a little off the rails.
Eventually we do get some good professional shots by the river.
A couple weeks later she calls me in for a consultation. I bring Emma along for moral support, because the weird vibes at this point are getting pretty overwhelming. The photographer sets up a projector and shows off these hugely blown-up portraits of me on the wall, saying "Oh, getting a print of this size is only $930, I have one above my couch!"
(Also, she's showing off the alley pictures. I do not want the alley pictures. I think maybe Modern Tessa could pull it off in like a crop top or something, but Awkward 2017 Closet Tessa in a suit could not. We tell her we do not want the alley pictures. She shows us more alley pictures.)
Each time, she's trying to talk us down and down to smaller and smaller sizes of print. My dysphoric ass at the time doesn't want ANY picture of myself hanging on the wall; also, that's just not the tenor of our decor at all. We keep politely saying no.
Eventually we're just blunt with her: my parents already paid, can you just give us the digital files? We hired you for a LinkedIn photo, you have taken the photos, we don't want prints.
She says "I don't give out digital files."
Not once during this whole process has she mentioned this; not once in all the times that either my parents or myself have told her that this is for job hunting. We say this, and additionally say "When we hired our wedding photographer, she gave us a thumbdrive with ALL the pictures she took, AND the retouches, as part of the package."
This woman has the fucking gall to say "Well, I'm sure some people do that, but not serious portrait photographers."
We manage to get out of there without buying a fucking poster-size print of Jesus Cock Alley Tessa. I call my parents and tell them the situation. My parents, eminently practical people, say they'll deal with it.
Two days later I get an email from her, forwarded from my dad. It has the subject "linked in photo attached", no text, and a single medium-resolution picture from the river photoshoot, and I never hear from her again.
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wunjold · 1 year
Had an interesting experience.
I live with my Christian family, but don't often eat with them. My mother invited me to join them for dinner, and I gratefully accepted.
My family always prayed to the Christian god before meals, per the Christian custom, just like they faithfully attended church every Sunday and gave praise and offerings (of money) there. Myself, having recently come into a new shade of my pagan path, I was looking forward to the mealtime prayer as an opportunity to actively thank whatever I was eating and appreciate all the energy and life that went into it. In this case, it was potatoes, corn, and beef, which were very easy to offer thanks to. I feel that acknowledging what I am eating and thanking it's spirit and having an attitude of gratitude is the least I can do for these literal living things that involuntarily died and passed on their energy to sustain my own life force. They could have had any other fate, but instead, these particular potatoes and corn kernels and slices of beef came to me, so why on earth not be grateful to them?
I was highly disappointed and a little taken aback when my very Christian mother, with her many Bible-verse wall hangings and cross decorations and strict rules of church attendance (at least when I was a child), did not offer a prayer of thanks to her god. I'm sure the delicious dinner blessed her body all the same, but it struck me as odd that this woman who always managed to appear holy in public was unbothered to toss aside a simple ritual she made me believe was of the outmost importance as a child. Meanwhile, I cared little how my practices appeared to the public, in fact endeavoring I don't draw too much attention to myself with my offerings, burnt herbs, antlers, drum and singing, but some things just can't be replaced (and I'm certainly not posting my practices on social media nor inviting others to watch). Integrity, how you behave when no one is watching to scrutinize your actions, is a key part of any spirituality or religion. If you can't carry out your faith and beliefs in solitude, in your home, even with a scowl, why perform them in public?
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jackie02009 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Beautiful And Inspiring Trio Of Wall Crosses.
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jdgo51 · 3 months
The Story Under Our Skin
Today's inspiration comes from:
The Gift of Limitations
by Sara Hagerty
John Calvin said, “Our wisdom . . . consists almost entirely of two parts: knowledge of God and of ourselves.”1
"'We can have the same conversation with God, much like we have the same argument with our spouses, over and over and over again. Rewind, repeat. And often we name this “stuck,” as if God isn’t responsive or we’re not creative enough to capture His attention. But what if there is a third way?
Paying attention. I take time to notice myself. I notice the fog, rather than pushing through it. I pause to observe — without evaluation and strategy, but simply to understand what might be happening below the surface so that I can bring that understanding into my conversation with God. Paul says in Ephesians 4:22–24,
Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and... be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and... put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. — ESV
At fifteen, I thought following God and putting off my old self meant drinking soda at parties, not alcohol, and “staying pure.” I stopped cussing and felt guilty when I tried cigarettes to look cool. Behavioral changes. Clearly I missed the full perspective of this verse, but I wonder whether you, like me, sometimes ask yourself what you’re putting off or putting on. Perhaps these verses are an invitation to pause, consider, notice: What is old in me, God, and what is the new You want me to wear?
I often find myself frustrated with the dated parts of my home and my unkempt closets, imagining my friend’s updated floor plan and organizing system. Without a minute or five to consider what’s leading to my grumpiness after we gather in her home and I catch a glimpse of that closet, I’m spending my Saturday cleaning closets and tearing pictures out of the Restoration Hardware catalog for a dream board.
But with those three or five minutes and a quiet space and some practice at looking a little bit deeper, I see that I feel overwhelmed with our chaos and wishful that I could return to days when decorating could be a priority.
I have something to put off. And I have something to put on.
I have something to put off.
And I have something to put on.
But it’s not about setting aside a beer can for sparkling water (or even the Restoration Hardware catalog for my Bible). It’s about what’s on the inside.
Recently I heard a woman described as “impressive.” She could lead a room. She had a quick wit and sharp intelligence. In her young life, she had accomplished much and seemed to continue accomplishing much. She worked late into the night and won the attention of clients and prospective clients because of her willingness to go the extra mile, no matter the cost. More than that, she loved God and prayed with power.
But I’d seen behind the scenes. I’d seen the dark circles under her eyes and her nervous habits. I knew she felt frayed as a mom, not enough as a wife, a failure as a friend. She wasn’t pleased with the work that wowed others.
She had a remarkable exterior life, but her inner life appeared to be headed for burnout. Christians around her applauded her diligence and her fervency in prayer, but they failed to notice the tightness in her gait.
We are often weak observers, of both ourselves and others, measuring the external and not looking beneath the surface. But the more I strengthen the skill of observing myself, the more I can see my neighbor. There are stories underneath our skin.
Most of us are not merely ignorant of them, we’re scared to see them. We’re afraid to look.
Seeing the stories beneath our skin can start as small as building moments into the day when we notice ourselves and our reactions to the world around us. Simple questions draw our attention to our interior lives, which crave God but often don’t know how to access Him. They draw our attention to the stuck parts of ourselves.
How did I feel after that conversation?
What made my heart race today? And what did that heart-racing tell me about myself?
When did the fog set in and I was merely reacting and not present? What happened just before this fog that might have made my brain go offline?
Underneath my mad, was there sad?
At what point did I start to feel bad about myself?
What couldn’t I erase from my mind?
What happened in my body and my thoughts after that conversation?
The pages of the Word tell us that God delights in truth in the inward being and teaches wisdom in the secret heart (Psalm 51:6). God cares about these deeper parts of ourselves that the questions uncover. He made space inside us to implant wisdom in, but when we’re mostly reacting, that secret heart from Psalm 51:6 is buried. Paying attention to what He cares about — the inner workings of our hearts — is a gentle process of excavating.
We can’t know the anxieties and the fears to bring to God unless we first notice them. Our response to our limits is worth our attention. The Word is full of God’s care for the intricacies of the human heart, that heart we often ignore and shame with phrases like “Why can’t I just get over this? I don’t know why it feels so hard.” He understands the intricacies of our hearts, but we have to first notice them before we can ask Him for that understanding. The psalmist said,
But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end. — Psalm 73:16–17 ESV
God gives discernment to those who ask for it, but we must pay attention to know how to ask."'
John Calvin, The Institutes of Christian Religion (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2008), 4.
Excerpted with permission from The Gift of Limitations by Sara Hagerty, copyright Sara Hagerty.
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theartsyspot1 · 3 months
The Artsy Spot has a wide variety of Faith Decals, Christian quote decals, Scripture Decals, Bible Verse decals, and Inspirational quote decals to add inspiration to your home decor.
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webscarlet · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to Catholic Gifts for Eve Occasion
In the realm of present-giving, Catholicism preserves profound importance, transcending materialism to carry love, faith, and shared spirituality. This comprehensive guide navigates the rich panorama of Catholic present thoughts, presenting a compass for considerate picks appropriate for any occasion.
Understanding the Significance
Gift-giving in the Catholic subculture is a profound expression of spirituality, love, and shared beliefs. In this guide, we delve into the significance of selecting items that move beyond the normal, encapsulating the intensity of 1's religion and connection with the recipient.
Gifts for Sacramental Moments
Holy Communion and Confirmation
Celebrate the sacred milestones of Holy Communion and Confirmation with undying items that bear past the rite. Delve into intricately designed crosses, personalized Bibles, or precise religious rings, symbolizing the importance of these non secular events.
Personalized Touch
Add an intimate touch on your gift by way of thinking about personalized items including engraved prayer books, custom rosaries, or bespoke spiritual paintings. These specific touches elevate the present, reflecting now not handiest the recipient's individuality but additionally the thoughtfulness at the back of the gesture.
Elevating Home Spaces
Religious Statues and Artwork
Transform houses into havens of spirituality with immaculately sculpted saints and breathtaking non secular paintings. These visible representations function as consistent reminders of religion, fostering an surroundings of reverence and devotion.
Inspirational Wall Hangings
Enhance each day's lifestyles with inspirational wall hangings offering favorite Bible verses, powerful saint charges, or depictions of spiritual scenes. These hangings function every day as reminders, prompting moments of reflection and reference to the divine.
Symbolic Jewelry and Accessories
Catholic Medals and Pendants
Catholic medals and pendants, worn near the heart, turn out to be tangible expressions of religion. Choose a medal featuring the recipient's patron saint or a pendant engraved with significant spiritual symbols.
Rosaries and Prayer Beads
More than mere beads, rosaries are powerful equipment for prayer and meditation. Explore a various range of designs, from conventional to contemporary, aligning with the recipient's possibilities and religious practices.
Enlightening Reads
Spiritual Books and Devotionals
The gift of know-how and spiritual insight is a treasure. Consider gifting books or devotionals that delve into the teachings of the Catholic faith, providing guidance, inspiration, and moments of mirrored image.
Customized Sacred Texts
Enhance the significance of your present with customized Bibles or prayer books. Engraving names, unique dates, or heartfelt messages transforms these sacred texts into cherished keepsakes.
Special Celebrations
Baptism and Christening Presents
Celebrate joyous events like baptisms with symbolic gifts such as baptismal candles, personalized toddler blankets, or captivating children's Bibles.
Anniversary and Milestone Gifts
Acknowledge milestones in faith trips with items like spiritual artwork, engraved earrings, or custom-made commemorative objects.
Devotion to Saints
Items Honoring Specific Saints
Show devotion with items featuring precise saints, which includes statues, medals, or paintings devoted to chosen saints.
Patron Saint Medals
Patron saint medals represent protection and notion. Consider the recipient's occasions when choosing a medal, offering consolation and steerage aligned with their specific adventure.
Seasonal and Holiday Gifts
Christmas and Easter-Themed Items
Reinforce the non secular importance of holidays with themed presents inclusive of nativity sets, religious embellishes, or crosses symbolizing the proper meaning of Christmas and Easter.
Seasonal Religious Decorations
Enhance holiday décor with seasonal non secular decorations like Advent calendars, spiritual-themed wreaths, or decorative figurines, adding a touch of spirituality to celebrations.
Fostering Education
Religious Study Materials
Promote non secular boom with instructional items including books, DVDs, or online publications delving into the teachings of the Catholic religion.
Subscription to Catholic Magazines
A subscription to official Catholic magazines gives continuous non secular insights, masking a number topics and fostering engagement inside the Catholic community.
Embracing Artisan Craftsmanship
Unique and Handmade Religious Items
Support nearby artisans with the aid of selecting precise, homemade non secular items. These proper creations convey a feel of craftsmanship and individuality, contributing to the upkeep of traditional competencies.
Support for Local Catholic Artisans
Encourage neighborhood Catholic artisans by thinking about their crafted objects, contributing to a community of devoted people maintaining traditional craftsmanship.
Comfort in Spirituality
Prayer Shawls and Blankets
Offer consolation with prayer shawls or blankets, presenting warm temperature and spiritual solace all through difficult instances.
Religious Candles and Incense
Create a serene surroundings for prayer with religious candles and incense, fostering moments of introspection and reference to the divine.
Gratitude for Spiritual Leaders
Appreciation Gifts for Priests and Nuns
Express gratitude to priests and nuns with thoughtful presents like personalized plaques, non secular books, or paintings acknowledging their impact at the network.
Customized Items for Spiritual Leaders
For spiritual leaders creating a significant effect, consider customized gadgets like engraved spiritual artwork or bespoke presents reflecting their determination and have an effect on.
Navigating Online Resources
Reliable Online Platforms for Catholic Gifts
Choose reliable online platforms focusing on Catholic items, ensuring steady transactions and fantastic client critiques.
Considerations for Thoughtful Gifts
Personalization and Customization
Make presents meaningful with the aid of opting for personalization. Adding names, dates, or messages complements sentimental value, growing specific and loved gives.
Ethical and Sustainable Options
Choose items aligned with ethical and sustainable practices. Support corporations prioritizing honest hard work and environmentally pleasant production techniques.
Catholic present-giving is an artwork that intertwines subculture, spirituality, and thoughtfulness. As you discover this guide, let your choices replicate the depth of your reference to the recipient and the significance of faith in both your lives. For a comprehensive choice of Catholic presents mixing subculture, exceptional, and craftsmanship, Statues at 8013665900 offers a variety of options. May your gift-giving adventure be as pleasing because the pleasure your offers deliver to the ones you care about.
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nousdecor · 9 months
Are you tired of staring at blank walls that lack inspiration and meaning? Well, fear no more!
Introducing Printable Bible Verse Wall Art, the latest trend in home décor that combines faith and style. With a wide range of styles and designs available, you can easily find the perfect piece to suit your personal taste and complement your existing interior design.
As someone who has personally experienced the transformative power of scripture in my life, I can attest to the impact these beautiful artworks can have on your daily inspiration and spiritual growth.
Plus, with their affordable prices and convenient digital format, Bible wall décor is a hassle-free option for anyone looking to add a touch of faith to their space.
So why wait? Discover the perfect piece today with Nousdecor and let the words of wisdom illuminate your home.
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theartsyspot · 9 months
We have a wide variety of Faith Inspirational Decals, Christian quote decals, Scripture Decals, Bible Verse decals, and Inspirational quote decals to add inspiration to your home decor.
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puritypiper-blog · 9 months
Transform Your Home with Scripture Plaques for Walls: Timeless Bible Verse Decor
In the realm of interior design, few things can impart warmth and character to a living space quite like scripture plaques for walls. These beautifully crafted pieces of home decor not only add aesthetic value but also serve as a source of inspiration and comfort. If you're looking to infuse your home with a touch of faith and elegance, scripture plaques for walls based on a Bible verse are the perfect choice.
The Power of Scripture
Scripture holds a special place in the hearts of many, offering guidance, solace, and a sense of connection to something greater. Incorporating these meaningful verses into your home decor is a way to make your living space truly unique and imbued with your values.
Elevate Your Decor
Whether you're a minimalist or a maximalist, there's a scripture plaque to suit every style. These plaques come in various designs, materials, and sizes, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your home. You can choose from rustic wooden plaques, elegant metal designs, or even delicate ceramic options, depending on your aesthetic preferences.
Versatility and Customization
One of the most appealing aspects of scripture plaques for walls is their versatility. You can place them in any room in your home, from the living room to the bedroom, and even the kitchen. They also make for fantastic gifts for housewarmings, weddings, or other special occasions. Many plaques can be customized with your favorite Bible verse or a special message, making them even more personal.
Creating a Peaceful Oasis
In a fast-paced world, having a serene and peaceful home is essential. Scripture plaques remind us to take a moment to reflect on what truly matters. A well-chosen Bible verse can offer daily encouragement and be a source of hope during challenging times.
Incorporating scripture plaques for walls into your home decor is a wonderful way to create a space that reflects your faith and values. These timeless pieces not only elevate your decor but also provide daily inspiration. Whether you're redecorating your entire home or just looking for a small addition to make a room more inviting, consider adding a scripture plaque. Your home will become a place of comfort, warmth, and faith, and you'll be reminded daily of the enduring power of God's word. So, go ahead, transform your living space with scripture plaques for walls, and let your home be a beacon of love and inspiration for all who enter. To find out more about scripture plaques for walls go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gix-3cPMd1w&t=1s
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christianwallart-world · 11 months
Uncover Inspirational Christian Wall Art for Every Home at Christ Follower Life
Explore Inspiring Christian Wall Art for Every Home at Christ Follower Life
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Shop Now: https://christfollowerlife.com/collections/christian-wall-art
 Transform your living space with exquisite Christian wall art that beautifully showcases your faith and invites God's word into your home. At Christ Follower Life, we present an extensive collection of over 1000 unique designs of Christian canvas wall art and decor, each meticulously crafted to order in the USA. Every piece is inspired by powerful Bible verses, Christian expressions, or the teachings of Jesus, allowing you to surround yourself with meaningful reminders of God's unwavering love. Our Christian wall decor is available in a diverse range of sizes, including square, vertical, and horizontal options, ensuring a perfect fit for any room. Delivered professionally stretched on a wooden frame and ready to be displayed, these captivating canvas prints make a remarkable addition to your home, office, or place of worship. Enjoy complimentary shipping on all orders within the US, effortlessly bringing inspiration to your surroundings. Whether you're in search of a personal gift for a loved one or seeking Christian decor that resonates with your heart, our collection offers something for everyone. Explore our wide selection to discover your favorite Bible verses, life-affirming Scriptures, or uplifting designs that speak to your soul. Moreover, if you have specific requests for design or Bible verses, we are more than happy to accommodate your preferences. Invest in Christian wall art canvas that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also serves as a testament to your faith. Choose from our best-selling pieces, such as "Eagle Wingspan: They that wait upon the Lord Isaiah 40:31," "Lion of Judah: Be still and know that I am God," or "Patriotic wall art: Faith over fear Jesus Christ American flag." Each artwork is meticulously crafted to reflect the profound beauty and power of God's message. With Christ Follower Life, you can confidently adorn your walls with Christian wall art that uplifts, inspires, and empowers. Create a serene and welcoming atmosphere while boldly declaring your devotion to Christ. Discover the perfect piece today and allow your faith to radiate through the timeless beauty of our Christian canvas wall art collection. 
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