#Benny Abel
dragoneyes618 · 6 months
What other kids do when they feel rebellious: Hang out in places and/or with friends their parents don't approve of, get their hair wildly cut and/or dyed, try smoking, etc. etc. etc.
What the Rivera kids do when they feel rebellious: Whistle on the way to school.
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yourmomxx · 2 years
Dean Winchester: I love all of my brothers. Sam, Benny, Kevin *looks at smudged writing on hand*
Dean Winchester: Abraham
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razoogm · 7 months
Rivera family ages (my HC)
Imelda: 78(when she died)
Héctor: 21(when he died)
Oscar and Felipe: 57 (when they died)
Julio: 85 (when he died)
Coco: 100 (when she died)
Rosita: 70 (when she died)
Victoria 60(when she died)
Franco: 72/73
Elena: 70/71
Berto: 46/47
Carmen: 45/46
Enrique: 39/40
Gloria: 37/38
Luisa: 35/36
Abel: 19/20
Rosa: 14/15
Miguel: 12/13
Benny and Manny:4/5
Socorro: 10 months/1
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nikosasaki · 1 year
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the maraverse ⋆  male ocs
—  this ken ...
taglist: @kendelias  @chlobenet @bravelittleflower @eddiemunscns  @purpleyearning @valdrinors @edshopper @eddysocs @heavenlysurf @arrthurpendragon @villanele @nolanhollogay @stanshollaand @lovehermioneforever @raith-way @kiara-carrera @decennia @luucypevensie @waterloou @carmens-garden @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @jvstjewels @samwilsonns  @endless-oc-creations @ginevrastilinski @sunlitscribe @dyhlanobrien @chrissymunson @partiallypearl @witchofinterest @fleetwoodmcs
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sleepukittu · 1 year
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boys being bfs
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johncassavetes · 1 year
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These are the ballots I could find on the Sight & Sound Directors’ Poll that had Cassavetes votes. 
Let me know if you find any others!
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lesbiancolumbo · 6 months
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mitjalovse · 1 year
Carlos Santana is much more interesting than many give him credit for and to be quite honest with you all – he did receive a lot of laurels for his opus back then. What changed? Well, Supernatural happened. Mind you, the disc might feel like an intentional blockbuster with a hindsight, though I assume no one dared to dream the LP would be that successful. Moreover, while we do remember the singles, we forget the platter also contains what Santana was doing in the past with the added production flourishes of the late 90's. The latter sort of give the album a certain big budget remake sheen of his previous triumphs and this quality does suffocate some great stuff the group does there. However, Supernatural probably cemented their legacy from then on.
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Who of the boys you write for gets pussy drunk 👀 it's for science
I really wish I could say all of them
But I also went a little crazy in my spreadsheet (I took it seriously because you said it was for science) and anyway here's a list of almost all of the men that I've written for and the ranking of how pussy drunk I think they get they get from least to most. Click on pic for better quality; full list of fifty-six men holy crap below the cut.
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Won't eat you out unless you ask; probably won't enjoy it much
Frank (Don't Worry Darling)
Don Draper
Percival Graves
Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes verse)
Will eat you out if you ask; would rather just be inside you
Tommy Shelby
Diego Jimenez
Abel Morales
Horacio Carrillo
Gurney Halleck
Chris Argent
Marc Specter
Boba Fett
Orlando Oxford
Steve Rogers
Will eat you out without you asking; doesn't mind it
Daniel Le Domas
Duncan Idaho
Andy Barber
Nathan Bateman
Raymond Smith
Stewy Hosseini
Javier Peña
James Bond
Kendall Roy
Don Eppes
Eddie Brock
Carmy Berzatto
Indiana Jones
Will eat you out without you asking; will enjoy it
Jonathan Levy
Benny Miller
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Duke Leto Atreides
George Russell
Harvey Specter
Ray Merrimen
Santiago Garcia
Will Miller
Bucky Barnes
Dean Winchester
Frank Castle
Bruce Wayne
Jake Seresin
Rafael Barba
This man will happily live between your thighs. No thoughts brain scrambled egg. You are the sun and he is ice cream melting slowly.
Angel Reyes
Christopher Pike
Eddie Munson
Frankie Morales
Josh Lyman
Marcus Pike
Matt Murdock
Oberyn Martell
Poe Dameron
Rhett Abbott
Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon
Art Donaldson
Patrick Zweig
Anthony Bridgerton
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namesetc · 2 years
Can I get stereotypical farm boy type names? Like Tim, Dale, ect. All the boys in my family have those type names and I want something similar
alex, ash, asher, abel, austin, arlo, arliss
buck, billy, bo, bobby, brodie, blake, bucky, beck, beckett, ben, benny, bennet/bennett, bart
cliff, cam, cameron, chase, chad, colton, cole, colby, cody/codie/codi, cane/cain
dean, deacon, dick, dixon
forest/forrest, finn
grey/gray, grayson/greyson
hunter, huck, hutch, hitch
jean, james, jaime/jamie, jim, jimmy/jimmie, john, jona/jonah, jonas, joan, jack, jackson, jessie/jesse
kip, kyle
luke, lucas/lukas, luka/luca, liam
mack, max, maxi/maxie, mikey, micky, michael, mick, miles
nick, ned
oakley, oliver
riley/ryley, richard
sam, sammy, shep, shiloh
tommy, thomas, ted, teddy/teddie, travis, tyler/tylor, taylor
will, william
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destiel-wings · 11 months
question for the supernatural analysis game!
we constantly see supernatural show parallels between relationships, so like cain and abel paralleled with dean and sam, and even dean and benny with sam and amelia, so this leads to my question;
is there a favourite parallel you have in the show? personally mine is how god and michael/lucifer parallels john and the winchester brothers
For the ⭐ spn analysis ask game ⭐
I think my favorite parallel was when they introduced Adam (a human) and Seraphina (an angel, whose name is the female version of seraph, the type of angel Cas is) the episode before Cas confessed his romantic love to Dean.
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It was literally so clear. A beacon in everyone's face to remind the audience that love between angels and humans IS possible. To remind viewers that angels are capable of romantic and sexual love (as if we never had Gabriel in the show, btw), and to remind viewers that even an angel's immortality isn't a problem.
We literally could've had Dean and Cas live forever and happily in love, with Cas healing Dean to make him live as long as he wanted, and instead we got... yeah let's not talk about what we got 💀
Anyway I think it's remarkable the amount of effort the writers went into to try and give Dean and Cas a canonship status simply by paralleling them to other canon couples (that had the greenlight to be so). I'm thinking of the other blatant examples, like when they literally made up a wife for the biblical figure of Cain just so they could make a parallel with Cas:
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Or when they mirrored the lines of that canon couple from the failed spinoff setup episode word for word:
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Or when they did this:
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Just... insane writers behavior that i absolutely love. But anyway, Adam and Seraphina is probably my favorite one, maybe because it's SO RANDOM (why would Adam, the first human ever, be in a relationship with an angel, generally named Seraphina) and placed in such proximity to the confession.
Thank you for the ask!! <3
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Random Things Dr. Cimmerian Said Asleep
Dr. Cimmerian is, first, typically a ray of sunshine. Second, he has a bad habit of dozing off while reviewing reports. And drooling on a few here and there. He does say some weird shit while asleep, I blame the copious amounts of coffee everybody consumes. Once more, without context!
"Peaches? With long pork? Pushing the boundaries of fine cannibal dining I see, Ferdinand. I'd suggest some shiraz or a nice zinfandel."
"Yoshi! Put down that D-Class right this instant! He's a very boring serial killer. The nice Chaos Insurgency guy next to him would taste better, not that we condone a humanitarian diet here."
"Dyo, honestly... the crinoline is outdated with good reason, namely it's too damned impractical. Stick to corsetry."
"Eighty kilos of gunpowder, twenty kilos of iron nails, a further twenty kilos of roofing tar? In her skirts? I've heard people say 'If I'm going to die, you're coming with me!' before, but... that's hard-core. No wonder they stopped burning witches after that. Woman was a massive legend, but not a witch. A REAL witch wouldn't need all that to make burning her a bad idea."
"Clef... your ex... Woman has an entire magazine warehouse of issues. And you put your junk in the crazy. Never. Sleep. With. The. Crazy."
"Dad? Why is the beer growing mushrooms?"
"Put down the cake knife and walk away, Dr. Bright. You knew when you asked Mabel for German chocolate what you're in for. Besides, you could just hit her with her own terrible cake. Not that O5 would condone that, of course."
"Uh... Ben? Is it me, or are the daisies staring us down?"
"We actually nailed jello to a tree once. Clef bet Kondraki $200 he could figure out how it's done. Benny almost ate his sword over that one. Turns out you can do it, provided you simply nail the unopened box to the tree."
"Cain, can you locate in the notes where anyone asked Dr. Matthieu for his opinion?" A pause. "Nowhere? Huh. As I thought. Thank you."
"Whomever said you couldn't herd cats never was at my Aunt Martha's house. All she had to do to herd cats was just touch the food bag, and every cat in her house came running."
"WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FEED THAT POOR IDIOT TO 682? He's going to get an upset stomach."
"Uh... Agent Dimitriov? I think you might have forgotten part of your uniform. Aren't your knees cold?"
"Are you sure we can't just yeet him out of the airlock when no one's looking? Yes, I know the spaceship is on Earth still, but it's far enough off the ground for terminal velocity to become a factor. Just push him out of the vent."
"You hit the Scarlet King in the junk, with a hammer? And survived? Okay, Abel... I take it back. You're not just a Semetic badass, you're THE Semetic Badass."
"How? How in the hells did you manage to shoot yourself in the back with no one else around you in a sealed room? The fuck you mean, 'The Invisible Man has a gun?' Admit it, you had someone shoot you to get out of Peanut-sitting again, didn't you?"
"Coffee. Extra large, heavy on the cream and sugar. No, larger than that. Larger." A pause. "What do you mean, you don't sell by the gallon?"
"Dr. Gears. This is the SCP Foundation. Sarcasm and pessimism are practically survival mechanisms here. Give the kid a pass."
"NOOOO! COME ON, WHAT THE BLUE FUCK DID OREGON DO TO DESERVE LENNY? YOU UTTER BASTARDS!" In the middle of a meeting with the Ethics Committee, eyebrows were raised, and coffee spilled.
"I, too, would rather be under the sea, in an octopuses garden in the shade. You thinking what I'm thinking, my dive brother? Right. Let's leave these landlubbers and go hang with the fishes."
"Funny, 035. First, we can't KEEP you dressed, now you're out here looking like a weird ass male version of Rogue from the X-Men. Malicious compliance is acceptable, I suppose."
"You keep making poultry explode, Alto. Perhaps your charming assistant should give you cooking lessons?"
"Screw the files! Don't let 999 burn! That little blob of joy is my only reason to live."
"That's it. Get me a team of ten really strong D-Class, a case of 100 mph tape, a tranquilizer gun fully loaded, the electric purple snow leopard furry suit in lost and found, and a camera. Let this be the last time anyone sees Bright butt in public."
"I'm not above blackmail and we both know it. Gimme. The. Pie."
"Simon? I think this might be above my skill level. Can you please get Dr. King to calm down?"
"I can't believe Agatha talked him into a mankini. Didn't need photo evidence though."
"WHO THE HELLS TAUGHT THE KETCHUP PUPPIES TO 'FETCH THE LEG'? Max? That's... honestly impressive. Pity about that guy from MC&D, though. He did have it coming, to be honest."
"You ran... the Bible... through the Clockworks? On "Very Fine". And, got basically over a thousand pages of 'Try not to be an asshole, mmmmkay?'. Experiment inconclusive. Run the 'Communist Manesfesto' through next, my accountant is curious."
"Why are you here? Basically, 343 likes a joke as much as the next person. Oh. You meant why are you in the Femur Breaker? Well, we gotta get 106 back in containment somehow. That's where you come in. For what it's worth, I'm sorry about this, you seem like a lovely fellow."
"They're just firing arrows at us. You have an SMG, shoot them back. Some MTF agent you are."
"He's dating THAT? I've seen less silicone in a RealDoll. And, better fashion sense, for that matter."
"Wait... hold the phone, Abel. You're older than Jesus, but never had a cannoli? Rabbit, my girl, this will not stand. Cannoli the man!" A brief pause. "I KNOW, RIGHT? Whomever invented the cannoli deserves a sainthood."
"Primitive and outdated concept on a crutch!" Preceded by a thump.
"New Bright List entry: 'Dr. Bright is no longer allowed to access the Cursed Clown Nose of Improbability under any circumstances. No, not even to prevent an XK Class Scenario.' Noted. This item #857, or 858? I lost track."
"WHAT kind of butter? Oh. I thought you said something altogether more horrifying."
"JULIAN, YOU ABSOLUTE WALNUT! You forgot Quinn's birthday. Of COURSE you're in trouble for it. I got you covered though. They're still into lemons and tea, right? You're golden. Lemon blossom tea set, courtesy of the fine folks of Etsy. Pay me back on Friday."
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sleepukittu · 2 years
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this started out as a witch hat atelier hair study
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omniscientstoryreader · 11 months
Just imagine the crossover of modao and the supernatural
Wei Wuxian's parents die while hunting and their friend takes him in. Jiang Fengmian and his wife Yu Ziyuan raise little Wuxian with their son Jiang Chen, teaching them how to hunt and kill monsters. Yu Ziyuan is from a family of hunters, and Jiang Fengmian is from an enlightened family. Having matured, Jiang Chen and Wei Wuxian begin to hunt on their own and one day, returning home, they find only the dead bodies of their parents. Their sister Jiang Yangli is currently helping her grandparents at Meishan Yu's bar, as no one wanted her to be a huntress. The brothers begin their hunt for monsters trying to track down the killers of their parents. As a result of the investigation, they learn that the killer was the special children of the yellow-eyed demon Wen Ruohao, Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao. They try to kill them, but only find out that Jiang Chen must also be Wen Ruohan's child, since he has his blood in him. They also meet other special children, Wen Qing, who can heal, and her regular brother, Wen Ning. In the end, Jiang Chen dies at the hands of Wen Zhuliu, a demon subordinate to Wen Ruohan, who ripped out his heart. Wei Ying makes a deal with the demon and resurrects his brother, and he himself remains for a year in the world of the living, and after that the hellish dogs take him to hell. He is resurrected by heaven and now the angel Lan Wangji joins the company of the brothers, who does not understand people at all and now walks next to the brothers with his stone face.
And the moment when Wei Wuxian became the master of the dark arts, this is the moment with the seal of Cain
And I have not yet decided who is who among the many heroes, but
Wen Qing maybe also Ruby
Wen Ning as ghost general, this is Benny, Dean's vampire friend
Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan are probably some kind of especially pious hunters, or even holy fathers, who know about supernatural
A-Qing is an orphan in Xiao Xingchen's church
And Xue Yang is Lucifer, who may have possessed someone in Xiao Xingchen's church
The Jin family are British hunters
Nie Mingjue is Cain killing, who is freed by Jin Guangyao, that is, Amaru
I have doubts about Nie Huaisang, because if Nie Mingjue is Cain, then Huaisang is Abel, but I think Huaisang is Chuck, insanely cunning and smart
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autisticethanmorgan · 2 years
Shoutout to the writers of mbav for having to come up with things for bullies to say about Benny and Ethan that weren’t just homophobia and abelism
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Youvebeenlivingfictional Kinktober 2022
I’m participating in Kinktober 2022 this year using this list by the phenomenal @absurdthirst​ . If you'd like to be tagged, please leave a comment on this post or send in an ask.
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Day One - Diego Jimenez x Reader.
Warnings: Exhibitionism, gun play; grinding; one light slap
Day Two - Nathan Bateman x Reader
Warnings: Voyeurism; toy use (dildo); overstimulation; oral sex; cursing
Day Three - Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Cursing, spanking, one (1) pussy slap, handjobs, blowjobs, piv, spitroasting, threesome, unprotected sex, cumplay, Dom!Steve, Switch!Bucky, Sub!Reader
Day Four - Layla El-Faouly x Reader
Warnings: Nipple play, biting, grinding
Day Five -Josh Lyman x Reader
Warnings: Kitchen counter sex, spit as lube, piv, unprotected sex
Day Six - Jack "Whiskey" Daniels x Reader
Warnings: Sex work; lingerie; reverse cowgirl; piv; unprotected sex; accidental fluff and angst; this one also wound up being way longer than I expected it to be
Day Seven - AOS!Jim Kirk x Reader
Warnings: Shower sex; oral sex (male and female receiving); fingering; piv; unprotected sex
Day Eight - Jonathan Levy x Reader
Warnings: Begging; phone sex; the fellating of a lollipop; masturbation; subby Jonathan
Day Nine - Benoit Blanc x Reader
Warnings: Fingering; rimming; oral sex; anal sex; unprotected sex
Day Ten - Duncan Idaho x Reader
Warnings: Fingering; slight sensory deprivation; unprotected sex; size difference; choking
Dany Eleven - AOS!Leonard 'Bones' McCoy x Reader
Warnings: Frottage, smooching, fingering, handjob
Day Twelve - Duke Leto Atreides x Reader
Warnings: Cock warming; riding; desk sex
Day Thirteen - Benny Miller x Reader
Warnings: Masturbation; phone sex; scent kink
Day Fourteen - Orlando Oxford x Reader
Warnings: Glory hole; piv; unprotected sex
Day Fifteen - Santiago Garcia x Reader x Frankie Morales
Warnings: Cuckolding; facesitting; oral sex; dirty talk; piv; unprotected sex; cumplay; implied bi characters
Day Sixteen - Angel Reyes x Reader x Bishop Losa
Warnings: Oral sex; unprotected sex; piv; anal; double penetration; cursing
Day Seventeen - Matt Murdock x Reader
Warnings: Pussy slapping; oral sex; dirty talk; spanking
Day Eighteen - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand
Warnings: Pegging; piv; unprotected sex
Day Nineteen - Tangerine x Reader
Warnings: Role playing/prep for a honeypot mission; oral sex; fingering; spit as lube; unprotected sex
Day Twenty - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Warnings: Flouting of Regency Mores; Handjobs; gags; piv; unprotected sex
Day Twenty One - Gurney Halleck x Reader
This can kinda be read as a companion piece to The Warmaster's Wife
Warnings: Masturbation; oral sex; fingering; breeding
Day Twenty Two - James Bond x Reader
Warnings: Sex pollen; unprotected sex; piv; implied multiple orgasms; rough sex
Day Twenty Three - Benny Borracho Magalon x Reader
Warnings: Lap dance; oral sex; fingering; rough sex; piv; one degrading term
Day Twenty Four - Javi G x Reader
Warnings: Edgeplay; praise kink; masturbation; piv; unprotected sex
Day Twenty Five - Mirror!Christopher Pike x Reader
Warnings: Collaring; mirror sex; choking; fingering; piv; unprotected sex
Day Twenty Six - Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warnings: Flouting of Victorian mores; riding; piv unprotected sex
Day Twenty Seven - Abel Morales x Reader
Warnings: Oral sex; piv; infidelity
Day Twenty Eight - Christine Chapel x Reader
Warnings: Oral sex; fingering; body swap; blindfolds; edging
Day Twenty Nine - Stewy Hosseini x Reader x Kendall Roy
Warnings: Masturbation; voyeurism; oral sex; mentions of cocaine, but not use or abuse; implied Eiffel Tower
Day Thirty - Harvey Specter x Reader
Warnings: Public sex; oral sex; piv; unprotected sex
Day Thirty One - Ray Merrimen x Reader
Warnings: Prey play, dub-con, dom/sub dynamics, derogatory language, pussy slapping, restraints, gagging, rough sex, piv, unprotected sex, aftercare, praise kink
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