scramratz · 7 months
I boycott businesses all the time simply because I am too poor to afford them!
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You can do whatever the hell you want - honest nobody can stop you.
Let OC's passionately date other characters. Let canon characters fall irreversibly in love with your OC. Let them have kids. Write fics about them living in an apartment then post it without asking
There really is No Limit.
My Spidersona is with Hobie. Hobie is in love with her.
And also so is another Hobie. They're both in love with her. A different one from a different universe. But he understands so now he's her protective best friend. But yeah he was in love with her.
They're always with her. They spoil her. I'll keep going. I will never stop.
Wanna know who her Prowler is in her universe - ANOTHER HOBIE. 6'5 BIG HAIR AND IN PURPLE.
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Whatchu gonna do? Arrest me? Put me in cuffs??? What you gonna clown me cause I'm CREATIVE??!!
Nah Hobie Brown a pokemon now sis bout to catch em all watch - Call the cringe police I ain't scared of those mfers!!!
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snackugaki · 2 years
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Originally posted as a reblog
but! now with more speedrun run-on sentence speculationing because I have ✨A Problem™✨
hokay. so. here’s the earth. I don’t really go there, it’s not my jurisdiction, my dvd region or IP address but I know you gotta have your control group and experimental groups, so. do I know if splinter and the boys should actually be referred to the as the control group? hahahahha-- no, not at all. but no scientist is over my shoulder to check my work so moving on.
April’s dad probably tried to go an ethics board or OSHA or whatever for Sacks’ bullshit, didn’t get anywhere so took shit into his own hands ‘cuz I guess fuck them animals-- doesn’t matter April Hogosha O’Neil saves Splinter and the boys. Lab’s ruined, Sacks is out (supposedly) one big-ass container of ooze. now a person with their shit together would have gathered the information in order to proceed to the next point.
ha!  anyway. Sadsack kills April’s dad, and probably has a tiff and a half with Shredder about the lab destruction. Shredder probably got maaaad, like you’re his student and you got your whole shit destroyed in a fire? embarrassing. anyway, Shredder’s shrewd as fuck, keeps Sadsack on to do his little science things but now monitored. heavily. i’mma pretend the experimental groups were housed in a different building and thus spared the control group’s fiery “death”. Shredder’s a hoarder with a sunk-cost fallacy complex and probably kept those going under a different team. Sadsack wasn’t notified because a) Shredder can’t trust him with nothing apparently 2) if he did know, he’s the kind of arrogant prick to be all “do not sully my mind with subgrade projects wah wah, my dumbass likes to pretend I’m so calculating but a nerd with a lighter ruined like x years of research”
turns out those experimental groups became something, wow. I’d feel like in terms of testing out multiple variations of the formula, venus and jennika had the least, then slash, then tokka and rahzar. and just ‘cuz all this was started by being tagged in someone’s ask... I feel like maybe Mona and Leatherhead were an extra test group tacked onto the roster after seeing Venus and Jennika gain sentience and gorgeous cheekbones. ‘cuz if that happened, “wouldn’t it be dope if we got a komodo dragon (instead of a salamander, or maybe some Jurassic Park shit and splicing that salamander into a komodo dragon lol y not) and an alligator to do a backflip while throwing a knife?”
anyway, everyone’s gaining sentience like a tiktok dance trend, Venus and Jennika get carted away from the Foot scientists to train. for how long? until what age? i dunno, whatever’ll endear them most to the grandpa character I’d have them meet in Chinatown after they decide to go rogue. but backtracking, they get some training in before plot shenanigans and hey, they should go to nyc because “we have a branch of the Foot Clan there, USDA, FDA, NBA, CIA, FBI are too nosy so we’ll ship our more containment breachy subjects to japan or whereever we can keep thing until we can introduce them in later movies that’d happen in a brighter timeline.”
so like, first of all, you can’t tell kids nothing, and the Foot were the dumbasses who decided to teach teenage girls paramilitarized ninjutsu ig idk how the Foot was supposed to be in the bay movies. Sites say it’s a paramilitary group started by Sacks’n Shredder, Shredder talks as if it’s a reincarnation of the ninja Foot Clan so.... whatevs, my daughters learn ninjutsu. and they’re being shipped off to nyc. and because you can’t keep humanity down Venus and Jennika’s “trainers” didn’t depersonalize them like they were supposed to, and look, they’ve got personalities now. they have hobbies. you ruined a perfectly good killing machine is what you did. 
and ‘cuz teenage girls are the most unstoppable force on this planet, they break out mid-shipment and enter nyc on their own terms. bright, shiny nyc to girls who can turn your guts into confetti. amazing, perfect. just gonna glide over unnecessary shit and just assume they slipped through NYC like Leo did in the Mutanimal base in the IDW run (which, I have to give that couple of pages its flowers, that was the most real life ninja shit I’ve ever seen in a TMNT comic in my accessible memory bravo) cue nyc tourist montage. my girls are not above swiping shit directly off of people, so they have a great time. they grab beef patties and chopped cheeses, like 20 little blue cups of nyc joe, they swipe I <3 NY shirts that they can kinda fit in (good luck fitting into that shit when you’re older babes)
they wind up in Chinatown (clikkit is2g) did a great job of flying under human radar and oops, not this one old man. lucky for my daughters they’re lucky (plotwise) and lucky (symbolically), that Old Man Chung offers them refuge, cue bonding montage, aww, an old man scuttling after rambunctious freshly adopted daughters. Grandpa Chung has a traditional medicine shop, let’s say Brooklyn’s Chinatown in Sunset Park just like in my tmnt au  and Venus learns his trade and branches off from there, they hang out with the Tai Chi uncles and aunties on Sundays and then, oh no! purple dragons!
cue the City At War arc which would’ve worked wonderfully with the bay movies (as a little entree before krang comes back “stronger”), worth at least two extra movies, Bay could blow up as many luxury brand cars as his widdle hearty-wearty desires with them. ....shit that would have been so fucking cool.
anyway, blah blah, City At War adaptation, everyone’s fighting, shit’s getting confusing-- bam! turtle on turtle violence then reconciliation then sick-ass group hero shot and bad guys just getting shellshocked left’n right. turtle chaos. Leo and Raph absolutely mandatorily must get dunked on. it’s in my contract. donnie and mikey are fine. Venus won’t even fight Donnie too much on the science/’magic’ shit because she figured out where he keeps the pop tarts and just ‘cuz bay Donnie seems too chill and level-headed to get worked up about the whole “wuh bUt mAgiC hAs No sCieNtiFiC bAaAaAsiS baa baa baa” but probably asks why Venus collects so many discarded crystal rocks, “.. sometimes rock shiny, rock nice! most important... rock projectile weapon, hhgkh!!” 
thank you, this has been my TMNTTedTalk.
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
new season new kendaalll new smut ?! 🤭 PLEAASE ITS RUTHLESS OUT HERE or some recommandations (ao3 included)
okay well first of all if i put all the thoughts i had about kendall roy on this site after i saw him finally back on my tv for the first time in 18 months dressed head to toe in tom ford, skin glowing, eating $50 Erewhon sunflower seeds, strutting and slutting his way around a mansion in la the feds would lock me up !!!!
HOWEVER, i do have 2 kendall oneshots in the works, one is smutty, the other is not. not sure when i will post them. here are some kendall fics i've been enjoying in the meantime!
when will you realize vienna waits for you? by @madsmikkelsenss series. also crossposted on here. seriously i am so unhealthily obsessed with this fic it like altered the course of my kendall-loving life and reading it feels like a warm hug.
I'd Love To Take You Down And Leave You There // New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down //Keep Me Forever, Tell Me You Own Me - really good multipart Ken/OC that is super fun // There is also another I started reading thats a Kendall/OC called Liquid Smooth I am enjoying so far, it's like kind of a Kendall/Roman/OC love triangle so far but I'm really enjoying the journey!
Those are my favorites atm, but I'm always open to people sending me more. <3
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ibyul · 3 months
Muslim girlies be hard-launching whole children on insta like I’m so happy for u girl u kept urself free from the evil eye but also I am utterly and thoroughly shook every single time
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plush-rabbit · 7 months
I may be dumb, but i cannot find any fics/HC of anything related to SB, did i just imagine you wrote that stuff?😭
no, i like defs wrote something for him and i can't find it
like i know i did. i'm like eighty percent sure, and you remember something so it should exist somewhere
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iccedays · 1 year
When mutuals change their url name:
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Wish you the best and hope to recognize you
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Bitter LOL at all the people who are suddenly realizing Richard Dawkins is a disgusting bigot because he’s now pals with transphobe Rowling. He’s BEEN a bigot, guys, for at least the past 20 years. He’s racist as fuck, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, defended “mild pedophilia” whatever that is and people who committed sexual assault at skeptic conferences, and he’s been openly transphobic for at least the past few years. Son of a bitch once even tried to downplay child sexual assault by saying it was worse to be raised Catholic. He’s BEEN shit for this entire century so far.
But I’m going to hope the recent shock is because most of you were too young to realize this, and not because you ignored BIPOC, members of minority religions, and sexual assault victims for years and years.
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tautittology · 1 year
imagine being into felix biederman but want ing him to dom you wtf
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
Pls put an age in your bio or somewhere on your blog or else I’ll have to block you!! 🥰🔪
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snackugaki · 1 year
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millennial check: if you recognize this reference 1) haha nerd 2) we’re best friends now, come over so we can watch Jurassic Park, i have kid cuisine dino nuggies
@shiftandshade keeps leaving me alone with their Dino AU and it’s inciting compy behavior
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savventeen · 2 years
hello savv 🥺 you have no idea how happy it made me when i saw you said that my little feedback on your work made your monday better 🫶🏻 content creators are so underappreciated especially on this platform so i just wanted to say i appreciate your writing and how fuzzy that cheol fic made my heart feel
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i appreciate you so much omg. i had another stressful day at work and came home to this and my heart melted and exploded at the same time. i wish my brain wasn’t mush rn bc i would be able to say how much it means to me more eloquently 🥲
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3starjammies · 2 years
Lucy and Rebecca are cute and all but why have I not seen any Dorio fanart? :/
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I was born in the 80s
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And I am bi
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But gay people didn’t exist in the 80s
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So therefore… I do not exist
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takirasu · 2 years
i wanna meet corina and tell them, “Hey. I relate to Childe a ton. I was in a similar position of where I grew up too quickly and tried to keep my sibling’s childhood as untainted as possible, making sure that they wouldn’t have to become an adult along side me - and when I had become one, I had to lie to them alot for their own good for literal years.”
Does this make me a bad sister? HMMM PROBABLY STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT GUYS
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Might stop writing ngl
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