savventeen 2 years
hello savv 馃ズ you have no idea how happy it made me when i saw you said that my little feedback on your work made your monday better 馃馃徎 content creators are so underappreciated especially on this platform so i just wanted to say i appreciate your writing and how fuzzy that cheol fic made my heart feel
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i appreciate you so much omg. i had another stressful day at work and came home to this and my heart melted and exploded at the same time. i wish my brain wasn鈥檛 mush rn bc i would be able to say how much it means to me more eloquently 馃ゲ
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000-pawz 1 day
hi dai :33 i saw u mention himbo sungho and i had to RUN to come talk about it because i have been calling sungho a himbo for the past two months bc the deeper i get into bnd the more i start to notice his little himbo-like antics and i just love it so much. i started calling him a himbo when funnextdoor 2 came out and they were going in that room to get their missions and it took sungho so long to realize everyone else was leaving 1 by 1 to also get missions. he was like, "you guys have missions?!?!?" as if taesan wasn't randomly standing there with an entire fruit basket in his hand 馃槶 then they all further confirmed my sungho himbo agenda in their comeback show when the boys told him that his brain is narrower than his shoulders and i was just sitting there like "awe 馃槶" cuz he's so precious, like it's so true. he's so smart but asks the most obvious questions and he's just a little like,, idk if this is the right word but he's a little ditzy at times and i just think that's so cute. he sometimes contrasts so much from how he's normally super organized and put together and sometimes it's like he's all cloudy in his head and i think that's how he'd be during sex. he'd shut his brain off for you, like your touch triggers something in his mind that makes him all floaty, he'll ask the same thing over and over, his voice would be all soft as if the words can barely come out. he definitely has a thing for you being like, "oh my pretty dumb baby, don't think, just feel" or smth like that cuz he gets sooooo zoned in on the feeling of your hands on his body that his mind turns even more into mush and sometimes he tries to keep it together but in turn he just sounds even more silly cuz he can't think. i just love himbo sungho so dearly, feel like he's the type to almost burst into laughter in the middle of sex because the feeling is too much and it's like his body is having a reaction to it so that little giggle he always does would come out cuz he just can't think like idk IDKK 馃槶 idek what i said in this ask but yes,, welcome to my brain 馃槶
bunny omg. ur brain is genuinely magnificent... delectable... yummy... LIKE YES ditzy is the perfect word to describe him >3< and in the new what door episode, he and jaehyun just stood there reading the sheet music upside down like that was so cute <\3
and omg yes when it comes to sex, he just stops thinking completely... he'll literally exist on autopilot, just letting you do whatever to him because he can't use his brain so u have to think for him!!! the sweetest himbo ever... and he doesn't even realize it!! you'll say you want to ride him and he just looks at you with big eyes and goes "you want to ride me?" like yes sweetheart that's what said <3
HE GETS SOSOSO GIGGLY like your fingers will brush over his nipples and he starts giggling and goes "that tickles!!" while covering his chest >3< and i will forever keep bringing up how he covers his face because it just gets too much and he doesn't know what to do with himself!!! the dumbest cutest kitty ever.... ^_____^
bunny this is so great like i need more of this himbo sungho meal... <3333
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lagaans 3 months
idk i have more thoughts unsorted and unarticulated about prev post but for example last time i was actively watching 9 1 1 and keeping up with a lot of bigger & popular blogs for it it was weirdly & sometimes frustratingly difficult for me to untangle those opinions or filter them out when forming my own opinion on characters/arcs/relationships like even who is deemed attractive sometimes.... I think it's been worse for shows where people are liveblogging it all together bc basically you can see like 5 people's opinion before your brain even got the chance to finish processing what you watched. And like esp if you are super online and young it feels very easy to not just perform that you like certain tropes or saying like fuck that old man etc. but u may genuinely get to believing that ur really into something and then step back and realize what u really liked was feeling in on the joke 馃
now idk if all that is very common for other people but like i said in those post tags i literally had to make myself start doing like self awareness practice after watching something before i come online bc it doesn't feel great to realize you can't even express your own opinion on something .... and that all the critical thinking posts were maybe right about you
AND btw I wasn't always like that I did used to have strong personal opinions so something about online/tumblr definitely fostered this brain mush type of behavior
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slashuz 1 year
you asked me this like a while ago but thoughts on a komahinanami zombie apocalypse au? I like the idea that they just keep seeing eachother that they decided to just stay together lol
AHHHH I LOVE ZOMBIE AU OMFGG zombies r my faveeeee the potential is ENDLESS. THEM RUNNING INTO EACHOTHER SO MUCH THEY DECIDE TO TEAM IS SO FUNNY AND CUTE I LOVE THAT SM AHDJDHFJ .i have so many ideas for zombie au art but i just havent gotten round to it yet. I love the angst of it all LOL. i like it when its rly gritty like kind of TWD energy. i want people to get bit, i want CASUALTIES! my favourite zombie cliche is someone getting bit and their loved one having to put them down before they turn... UGH harrowing love it. sorry for the long post im on mobile and idk how to format this shit so its under a drop down pls forgive me 馃槶
my personal au for kmhnmi zombie au is that hajime would be immune (but he doesnt know that until he gets bit real bad) and a great fighter. hed be the tank. the main slayer if you will. hed be the hero too. like theres always a second of deliberation when he sees or hears someone in trouble but he just cant ignore it and he will always help even if it puts him in danger, and when he doesnt make it in time to save them or theres nothing he can do.....man....
chiaki has a lot of useful knowledge from playing a lot of zombie games so shes good at coming up with plans including safe places to stay/what to prioritise for survival/scavenging and crafting (she sooo read zombie survival guide and world war z by max brooks and took it seriously no i am not projecting). she can FIGHT too do NOT be fooled by her short ass, but i dont think shed be super inclined to fight. i feel like shes more a tactical escape person and shes very good at stealthing it
nagito i think would be super out of his depth bc hes not very strong and while being smart is super helpful in a zombie apocalypse - u cant run forever and if u cant fight ur dead. his luck could only carry him so far in that scenario. hed be great to have around tho because hed come up on amazing shit like a delivery van full of canned food, a truck with the keys still in the ignition, an abandoned house that still has running water and mains electricity, like oh my god. i also think hed be quiet and sneaky like chiaki is but i think hes a little more clumsy and a bit less careful than her so he doesnt always get away w it, esp w his luck. i think hed have to rely on hajime and chiaki a lot to protect him and i think thatd fuck with him a lot just bc of his nature and i also think it would be really cool if he snapped one time to save chiaki and bashes a zombies head in with a porcelain toilet tank lid until it was just unrecognisable brain mush and then never does it or mentions it again
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pinkseas 1 year
[parasocial bestie] GOOD MORNIMG BESTIE i hope ur having a good trip recently!! dorry i am not in the energy to ughhdgjh Thing Thibnkijg rn idk my brain turned to slush mush spagethi from irl shtuff dis week BUT I MISSH U SM I MISS GETTING MY FINGIES SORE FROM TYPING WALLS OF TEXTS TO U hehe but nawt today.... i just miss u 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ am still brainrotting doe but i cant even draw from it i just Think Thoughts. of xiaoloom. of my brainrots n shiz. thinking bout THE BREAKUP XLMI YOU WROTE BEFORE I READ IT ALL i want to respond that so bad grrhhdghh AND I HAVE STUFF TO TALJ ABOUT TOO but nawt today.... one day there will be and i will Slam You with them asks i shwear to u but rn i just miss you i hope youre doijg great today aly 馃挅馃挆馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挀馃挅馃挆馃挅馃挅馃挀馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挀馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挅馃挆馃挅馃挆馃挆馃挅馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挀馃挅馃挆馃挅馃挆馃挅馃挆
GOODNIGHT BESTIE !!!! 鉂o笍鈾ワ笍鉂o笍馃挀馃挄馃挀馃挄馃挒馃挒鉂o笍馃挅鉂o笍鉂o笍馃挅鉂o笍鈾ワ笍鉂o笍馃挅馃挅鉂o笍馃挅鉂o笍馃挀鉂o笍馃挒馃挀鉂o笍鉂o笍馃挅鈾ワ笍鉂o笍鉂o笍馃挅鉂o笍馃挀鉂o笍馃挒馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挄馃挅馃挄馃挀馃挀鉂o笍馃挀鉂o笍馃挅鉂o笍馃挒 trip is OVER thank fawking god ngl it sucked but i am HOME now so 馃グ馃グ馃グ no bc tell me why we have the same brain i almost posted abt missing u and thinking abt u not even an hour ago and i was like naurrrrr surely i will not be THAT silly and clingy and yet here we are both missing each other :((((( 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ鈾ワ笍馃挅馃挄馃挒馃挀馃挒 and also the brains being Mush like i hit my beautiful 45k thank God but i was trying to write more this morning and it felt like swimming thru tar it was NAWT happening i went back to bed instead amen... THE BREAKUP THING IS STILL SO SILLY 2 ME SJSBAJHSHS and omg..... no worries no rush u never Need 2 slam me with asks it will simply happen as it does and when it does ill go 馃グ馃グ馃グ馃グ馃グ鉂o笍鈾ワ笍鉂o笍馃挄鈾ワ笍馃挀馃挅馃挒鈾ワ笍馃挒馃挅鉂o笍鈾ワ笍馃挒 and when it doesnt and asks r simply us being so silly and talking back n forth like this ill go 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃グ馃グ馃グ鉂o笍馃挄鈾ワ笍馃挀馃挒馃挅馃挒馃挄鉂o笍馃挄馃挅 yknow yknow
ILY SO BAD TJANK U i am doing well so far this morning i think gonna try and Get Shit Done 馃挭馃挭馃挭馃挭馃挭 and then work blegh but itll b fine I HOPE UR DAY TODSY WAS GOOD AND I HOPE UR NIGHT GOES AMAZING AND WHENEVER U NEXT HAPPEN TO SLEEP I HOPE U SLEEP WELL !!!!! MWAH MWAH MWAH
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marsalaandthearcana 6 years
"are we talking about something else" *cough*cough* I meant good grades (like in the 75%+ range) but idk what ur talking about hmmmmm HAHAHAHA :)) 馃挒馃挒
Oh my gosh, good job!! You're doing great, trust me on that :) Also I asked because I am defo going to make a mistake and my brain turns to mush by 11pm or so HAHAHHA
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