hellsite-hall-of-fame · 11 months
How do you not get flooded with pictures of the sky and all of its colours
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Everyone should send you pictures of the sky
oooh I agree tbh and thank you!! those are such lovely pictures of the sky!!! it truly is beautiful
in fact, here’s one of my pictures of the sky because holy fucking shit this was a marvelous sunset
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conradrasputin · 3 months
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via @abusivelittlebunny
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aryana-thefairy · 1 year
Astrology Observations Part-1 🦋
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💜Don’t mess around with people with Capricorn in the big 3. The karma when you f with them is a real thing. You reap what you sow 2x.
💜Pisces placements look like real-life mermaids. Halle Bailey who played Ariel in the latest edition of the little mermaid has Pisces in 10h, which means fame for playing a fish. 10h is the public image and Pisces is symbolised by a fish.
💜Aries moon gives me jock vibes. They like to brag and be the leader of the pack. Mostly extroverted. Can bring people out of their shells.
💜Lilith in the 12h is the worst placement for Lilith. It can lead to escapism such as alcohol/drug abuse. They have frequent nightmares such as rape/murder dreams. Start mediating, you will be able to tap into your subconscious mind and understand your triggers. I feel that, they are psychic.
💜Saturn in the 4th house indicates childhood trauma. Absent / Strict parent. The home was never a safe space for these natives. They tend to do better in life when they are away from home.
💜Moon in 1H is so gorgeous. I don’t understand why this placement is so underrated. They look youthful for their age. Supermodels.
💜Pluto in 11H is a powerhouse and can start a cult if they want. They can influence people. However, they go through changes in their friend groups. The line between enemies and friends is thin.
💜Sagittaruis in 11h can manifest things easily especially through scripting.
💜Jupiter with 2 degrees indicate supreme power. The sign of Jupiter can hint at what you excel.
💜Venus with 26 degrees indicate loyal and attractive partner. They might inherit wealth through their partners. Married into luxury.
💜Lilith-Ascendant aspects tend to be overly sexualised. Be wary of stalkers.
💜Saturn in 10H are workaholics. Their biggest fear is not being successful.
💜Cancer rising has bambi eyes. They are so breathtaking to look at.
💜Scorpio placements have a fascination with occult/death. They can’t help it. Anything taboo is intriguing to them. Who brings a ouija board to the sleepover? Scorpio.
💜Too many water placements in the natal chart indicates psychic abilities. In tantra, it is believed that eyes with a lot of yin or water signs can see ghost.
Disclaimer: Take what resonates with you. Personal observations are biased.
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muzaktomyears · 3 months
Paul McCartney has revealed the inspiration behind the lyric “I said something wrong” in the Beatles hit Yesterday.
McCartney said the line may have been subconsciously inspired by a moment when he mocked his mother for sounding “posh”.
Many assume the lyric, “I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday”, is about the break-up of a relationship.
McCartney, however, explained on his A Life in Lyrics podcast that the lyric may actually relate to a conversation in which he embarrassed his mother.
He said: “Sometimes it’s only in retrospect you can appreciate it. I remember very clearly one day feeling very embarrassed because I embarrassed my mum.
“We were out in the backyard and she talked posh. She was of Irish origin and she was a nurse, so she was above street level.
“So she had something sort of going for her, and she would talk what we thought was a little bit posh. And it was a little bit Welshy as well – she had connections, her auntie Dilys was Welsh.
“I know that she said something like ‘Paul, will you ask him if he’s going … ’
“I went ‘Arsk! Arsk! It’s ask mum.’ And she got a little bit embarrassed. I remember later thinking ‘God, I wish I’d never said that’. And it stuck with me. After she died I thought ‘Oh fuck, I really wish … ’”
McCartney wrote the song when he was 24, almost a decade after his mother, Mary, died of cancer.
Yesterday was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1997 and voted the number one pop song of all time by Rolling Stone magazine and MTV in 2000.
The song is also one of the most covered songs in the history of recorded music with 2,200 versions.
McCartney has previously said the death of his mother helped him express his sense of loss.
He said: “It may be that there is so much tumbled into your youth and your formative years that you can’t appreciate it all.
“I’ve got a couple of those little things that I know that people would forgive me, because they’re not big things – they’re little things – but they’re little things that I just think, ‘If I could just take a rubber, just rub that moment out it would be better’.
“And when she died, I wonder, ‘I said something wrong’, are we harking back to that crazy little thing.
“So I don’t know. Does this happen? Do you find yourself unconsciously putting songs into girl lyrics [about a lost lover] that are really your dead mother? I suspect it might be true. It sort of fits, if you look at the lyrics.”
McCartney’s podcast explores the inspiration behind the singer’s songwriting with the poet Paul Muldoon over two seasons and 24 episodes.
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theyoungeragrippina · 5 months
🫶🏻 15 gentlebeard/blackbonnet fic recs
(17 if you squint)
hey legends, in this bittersweet period where a lot of a us are feeling gutted but simultaneously, rebelliously hopeful, i've emerged from my reading den to showcase to you all some of the brilliant talent we have in this fandom! these fics are some of the best of the best, and i hope you love them just as much as i do! <3
they are all complete, do not feature any ongoing steddyhands/edizzy/stizzy, and are above 20k words.
peruse part 1, part 2, and part 3 at your leisure if you want to compare our tastes/devour more fine literature, or check out my masterlist as an ao3 collection.
adrift between the dreaming seas by @dandy-pirate-time
49k, mature, locked
stede lives a cursed life on a moving island, until the monotony of his days is suddenly interrupted by the fearsome kraken.
this was such a fascinating & incredible idea! i love how it manipulates aspects of the original story and transforms them into parts of the cursed island <3 sweet & unique & magical. i want to hug poor stede.
Five Birthdays and a Funeral by @bizarrelittlemew
58k, explicit
"When Ed and Stede's friend groups merge, they meet at a birthday party, and Stede's life is turned upside-down. As they collide again and again, he not only has to figure out what Ed means to him, but what he means to himself."
stede gets to be oblivious and a bit of a silly goose as a treat. also: treasure hunts, lucius is the best, ed has a cat whom i would die for, such a sweet & heartfelt fic. you will be so unbelievably fond of this version of every character.
The Ghost of Frigate Point Lighthouse by @piratecaptainscaptainpirates
53k, explicit
"When history professor Stede Bonnet goes to investigate rumors of a ghost haunting the local lighthouse, he's thrust into a mystery centered around the ghost of one of the most famous pirates of all time."
was SO eager to read this and it did not disappoint!! it has everything - fun, magic, mystery, tired TA lucius, and a lil bit of seduction. good enough that i am worried the author may actually just be a sea witch recollecting events he personally witnessed.
Haunted by @thepirateroo
60k, explicit
"The Kraken is a famous spiritualist, working the music halls of 1920s London to help families communicate with their dead. But Stede Bonnet knows that underneath the fame and illustrious title, Edward Teach works as a ghost hunter, debunking the spirits he makes his living off."
this is, genuinely, in the top 5 fanfics i have read for any fandom EVER. i wouldn't bat an eyelid if i read this exact work as a published novel in a bookstore. the mystery is so good and had me guessing and re-theorising constantly, the characterisation is brilliant, and the emotions are perfect. i cried, i laughed, i felt sick with worry for the characters, and i couldn't stop reading until i was done.
haunt me, then by @hyruling
28k, explicit
"He releases the ropes slowly, barely registering the burn as they slip through his fingers. Then, fallible as Orpheus, turns to meet his ghost."
post s1 fixit fics ily. everyone needs some therapy. really VERY well written and a joy to read.
Homeward Bound by mari_who
51k, explicit
"In the long-ago year 2000, bouncy blonde boy-band member Stede Bonnet is 17-year-old Edward Teach's gay awakening. Decades later, Ed hears a voice he could never forget."
i said 'ohhh no poor ed/stede' so many times while reading this. a lovely exploration of emotion and human connection, and finding yourself when everyone else has always defined who you are on your behalf.
I just need some air by @cuddlytogas
26k, teen
"Stede Bonnet's been having panic attacks for almost as long as he can remember, suffocated by pressure and expectation... When [he] finally takes his life back — divorces Mary, moves to Melbourne, starts his own event management business — things get better, but he's still no good at parties. He still needs some air, even at the very events he's brought to fruition. Meanwhile, Edward Teach, renowned chef and owner of Blackbeard's Catering, is wondering why the newest bigwig in events still hasn't hired him."
zoomed through this faster than lightning mcqueen. such a lovely writing of stede, ed and the whole crew - it feels like there's depth in every character, even background ocs.
also fantastic australia rep (i was jumpscared by mention of the cotton on group) AND i've been to the bar the final scene takes place at!!!! most exciting reading experience of my life.
i'll be your treasure by @monksofthescrew
48k, mature
"Wasn't the Dread Pirate Blackbeard rumored to have a hoard hidden somewhere near Essex? It's a metal detecting AU. They're detectorists. They fall in love."
i LOVE this fic so much it is just,,,, so sweet. stede does self-discovery and is seduced. ed is a bit of a goose and i'm obsessed with him. doug and mary are lovely. alma is so cool and i love her.
+ the sequel! drift o'er the rolling hills, swim through the briny sea (made me cry. btw. doug keeps being the best.)
The Kraken's Sacrifice by @trinityofone
22k, explicit
"Every year, a person is chosen—supposedly at random—to be sacrificed to the Kraken, to quell the sea's worst storms and to stop the taking of ships... Stede discovers that there is much more to the creature than he was led to believe—and that they have a deeper connection than he could have ever dreamed."
i LOVED this okay. it was funny and sweet and gave an interesting spin to the ed-is-the-kraken genre. get both of these boys some self-esteem asap. also comes with art by @avatoh!!!!!
lovers in a dangerous time by @veeagainsttheday
52k, explicit
pacific rim au - "Edward Teach becomes a jaeger pilot, first with Izzy Hands and later with Stede Bonnet. It’s not easy trying to save the world and falling in love with your drift partner…"
made me feel every emotion under the sun, including foaming at the mouth jealous that i don't have a drift partner. absolutely, masterfully written. i've popped this link first since its the fic that focuses on stede & ed, but it was written as a prequel for:
+ catagory five: a shatterdome romance by @owlinaminor (27k, mature), which focuses predominantly on jim & oluwande, and which i also massively recommend reading (first). it's told through lucius' words and made up of journalistic notes and transcriptions, and its really terribly clever. i knew nothing about pacific rim before this, and now i'm really very invested. if i wrote something this fantastic (& creative & wildly unique) i would never shut up about it.
More of the Gravy Basket than of the Grave by @veeagainsttheday
36k, explicit
"Ed and Stede’s ‘unorthodox friendship’ ended four months ago when Stede left Ed without a word after Ed asked him to run away to a parallel universe with him. They’re thrown back together when they’re summoned to perform a supernatural exorcism at the Hillside Hotel during a blizzard."
this has got to be one of the coolest and most creative fics i have ever had the pleasure of reading. genuinely kept me guessing and so so intrigued, PLUS the most sweet stede & ed dynamic!!!
Nothing Missing in My Life by @semisweetshadow
63k, explicit, locked
"Hollywood action star Ed Teach is bored with his celebrity life. Everything changes when he meets Stede, a sweet extra working on the set of his latest film shoot. Stede doesn't know who Ed really is and treats him like a real person and Ed can't help wanting to keep him."
ed plays an action hero called jeff the accountant, and if that's not immediately the greatest synopsis ever idk how else to win you over. hilarious, clever, & so heartfelt. i gasped and said 'oh no' with a hand over my heart nearly as many times as i laughed out loud.
not pickles by smallestchurch
84k, explicit
"Ed's minding his business when the new neighbor's kid comes around holding a human puppet. It's creepy as hell, but as soon as the kid's father rounds the corner, Ed doesn't mind."
i actually feel a bit ill when i think about this fic because i love it so overwhelmingly. there's family, and healing, and good food and friends, and ed teach and louis bonnet become the dynamic duo they always had the potential to be.
Our Fangs Mean Death by @flawedamythyst
87k, teen, locked
"Master Vampire Blackbeard's afterlife is enlivened by the arrival of a new coven in town, lead by the self-styled Gentleman Vampire. Now here's a Master who doesn't mind shaking things up by wearing clothes 300 years out of date, buying a massive gothic mansion for a lair, and leading the most eclectic coven Blackbeard has ever seen."
ridiculously fun. this is the vampire novel/fic i didn't know i needed and i loved every silly second. stede really gets to fulfil his dad-ness. i'm furious i can't join the gentleman vampires coven irl, will just need to embrace the gothic vampire aesthetic in my own life.
Wayfaring by @justkeeptrekkin
35k, explicit
"The downside to being stuck on a desert island is that Stede's not awfully good at adapting. The upside is that he and Ed can finally have some peace and quiet– that is, if Ed ever wakes up from the gunshot wound in his stomach."
the sweetest desert island fic, feat. the cutest piglet in the world, a little bit of pining, a helpful skeleton named dusty, and some of the best & most accurately written stede and ed content ever (imo).
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vs120shound · 7 days
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The saga of Tiffany's backsliding from a smoke-free lifestyle to her familiar one since her teenage years of heavy-smoking continues to unfold on Smoking Sweeties (Spain). She tried for as long as she could but after 4 months it was all too much. She needed to smoke!
"To thine own self be true!" Not sure it was an epiphany for her, but French-born Tiffany, a stewardess in diplomatic relations now living in Barcelona, could sense that the absence of her pack-a-day-habit for 12 years was getting the better of her within a 120-plus day period without smoking 20 cigarettes every day. So her four months away from cigarettes was swiped away with her decision to return to the smoking habit! She resumed smoking by the late-Autumn 2023. Bought a pack of Marlboro 100s and instincts guided her journey back from that point on!
"Give me that 'phuquing' cigarette," Tiffany must have thought at least occasionally while smoke-free!
Dual-Media 34-Post, 368- Pack Ultra-Megapost!
"I say 'phuque' this miserable life without cigarettes," Tiffany must have repeated to herself endlessly while not smoking! "What agony!"
It's something with which most smokers wrestle, "How long do I continue to smoke before I must really try harder to quit smoking this time around?" Stalling always is a "go-to" move when deliberating an appropriate stop-smoking date. "Well, after this pack" . . . "After this night out with the girls" . . . "When I'm done preparing for this stressful interview" . . . "When I see my longtime friend again and help her through that tough deal she's facing, and she smokes more than I do, so I won't even be in my 'cutdown' mode" . . . The list can be endless. The task can be daunting. Let's face it: Most Smoking Angels of today will quit smoking at some point. Some will backslide like Tiffany here did. Others will need several attempts and different incentives, programs, strategies and methods to accomplish the longterm goal. But it does get done. For many it will get done; it must get done. Our Centerpiece video is a combination of two clips from Instagram@ciggietime10, uploaded on May 10, 2024 and May 13, 2024. The staff then spliced them together and trimmed away some 53 seconds to reach the tumblr maximum of 10 minutes (600 seconds). And to the video's shared theme, it seems as though Tiffany's World was out of balance as a non-smoker . . . or a smoker with a long pause between cigarettes! From literarydevices.net on our Shakespeare quote:
This phrase is one of the countless famous quotes inspired by the wisdom and prose of legendary playwright William Shakespeare. The saying is from Act 1, Scene III of the classic play "Hamlet," Polonius says:
“This above all: to thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day; "Thou canst not then be false to any man/Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!”
Today, these words of Polonius are pearls of wisdom by Shakespeare on living a good and balanced life.
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Photographs from www.smokingsweeties.com!
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Videoframes (Screen Captures) from Our Centerpiece Video of Smoke-Starved Tiffany!
Compiled by vs120shound staff!
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Megaposts! of Tiffany!
From lostlighter23 on May 6, 2024 . . .
From lostlighter23 on May 5, 2024 (Video of The Month | Hall of Fame division!) . . .
Videos of TIffany on Instagram!
From Instagram@ciggietime10 on May 19, 2024 . . .
From Instagram@ciggietime10 on May 17, 2024 . . .
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74 notes · View notes
If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere sae where he gets his darling pregnant if you're uncomfortable with this or you don't do these types of requests that's okay
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My Prized Possession
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Toxic relationship, suggestive, yandere Sae. This is my first time(and maybe my last) doing male yandere so I got some help from a friend, she deserves some of the credit,its kinda short, first time doing male yandere!!!!!!.
Female readers.
It was something you promise yourself. You were going to focus on your studies and get yourself settle first. But here you are in the bathroom stall holding a pregnancy test.Your eyes became watery as you look at the two blue lines on the small tool. You can't be pregnant.
"What is he gonna say about this?''. And by he you mean your boyfriend.The one and only Sae itoshi,who wouldnt fall for him. He was in top of his classes, wealthy and had a great career ahead of him in soccer, your parents loved him!.
Probably more then they loved you. You see your parents were never supportive of you overall they thought of you as a failure compared to your brother who was studying to become a lawyer.
But they treated Sae like a son when you brought him home to visit. And told you that you'd better treat him good and that you should be thankful that a guy like him ever look in your direction.
Your friends are envious of your relationship with the sport star from His cool, calm and mature personality to his fame and intelligence.
He had everyone fooled, even you.
Despite the front he puts up Infront of your friends and family, when he's with you.Your relationship with Sae wasn't the same as it was when it started. It's not something people can notice, but he has become more and more possessive and aggressive.
It's started with little things like, he wouldn't allow you out a certain time , he would constantly ask you who you were talking to on the phone, and if it were one of your male friends he'd get angry and demand you stop talking to him. Your parents would side with him on everything and they agreed that Sae should have a say in who you talk to, hang out with and befriend,what you wore. Cutting off all your male friends, you had a curfew as well.
He would come home and he'd aspect you to be waiting for him and that you have already prepared a meal. You'd have to greet him . He'd search your phone to make sure you haven't spoken to anyone he doesn't approve of. If you went out earlier that day, he'd know about what you bought, how much you spent and who you want out with,what you ate.
There are other nights were he would come home in devilish mood, usually when he's like this ,allowing him to use you is the best way to avoid any forms of ''conflict".
But it was that night about a month ago, when you shared a moment.
God you were so scared that tight , he came home more devilish then usually. You're not sure what came over him that night,
well he was always possessive and manipulative with you, but tonight was just different .
You hear the front door unlocked and his footsteps.
" Where's my darling?” his voice achos through out the hall.
You could already feel the unsettling feeling coming
"She better not be hiding~".
You bite back the erge to crawl under your blanket and hide,on the king size bed you shared with Sae .
But you know how he gets .So you made you way downstairs.
He was already at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you .
"There you are princess, I thought you were asleep, I was calling you ".
He says .
You bite your lip nervously.
"I was waiting for you to get home like you told me to".
"Mm, and you're wearing the night gown I brought you , it fits? " He ask .
" It's a little small ".
" Hm? I was sure I brought you the right size, but come down here I haven't seen you all day".
'He did this on purpose'.
You came downstairs and you were greeted by a scent of colon when you were pulled into his embrace.
"You look beautiful as always". He commented. Causing you to blush .
"And you smell really nice too". He continues to complement you as he kiss your cheek and made his way down to the crook of your neck where he takes in your secent .
His sudden actions made you frustred."It must be the new body wash and perfume you brought me". You began to stumble over you words when you felt him bite the sensitive part of your neck, giving it a little nibble before he gives the now sore spot a kiss.
"Sae , w-what are you doing?". You let out a breathly gasp when you felt your lovers hand slowly making its way down your back and to your butt , giving it a squeeze .
"I haven't seen you all day, I missed you and I haven't touched you in a while so just relax for me a little bit darling''.
"B-but I didn't take any-".
"It's fine I put some in your food before I left". He says as he picks you up.
Keeping your lips locked together as you wrapped your legs around his torso . Making his way up the stairs and to your shared bedroom.
Per usual he gently places you on the bed,lips never leaving yours....
Tears rush down your face as you remember the events that took place that night.As the pieces were coming together in your head.
Now Sae on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear knowing that his plan had worked. He stood outside the restroom you were in as he patiently waits for you to text him "we needs to talk".
Now you see it was Sae dream to claim you in everyway,shape and form. And he was will to do anything to make sure that happened. Even if it means lying about putting plan B in your food or making you think it was all your fault this happened.
You already said no to him to marriage, claiming that you weren't ready and that you wanted to focus on school, and that marriage would be a lot of money and it's time consuming at the moment.
Even though he would constantly tell you, you don't have to worry about any of that , he'll gladly cover all of it.
He also tried to get you to dropped out of college, but you denied that idea as well. Despite him telling you he'll take good care of you.
Sigh, it seemed like nothing was going his way. He honestly didn't want to go this route, but ,You were being difficult.
So getting you pregnant was the only way to have full control over you. He knew you wouldn't be able to go to school, nor would your parents allow you to get rid of your child. It's not like they wanted you to go to the college you're currently attending anyway.They're practically are obsessed with him.
All his plans were falling in place.
Annnnddddd that's all , I really tried on this and with a little push from a friend I got the motivation to post it. Plz remember it's my first time writing male yandere and I hope this reaches ur expectations.
Request are open and if you dont see ur request on my "What's in my ask box" it's probably cause I didn't get to it yet or you didn't read my rules.
Soo that's all , comments, constructive criticism, reblogs are all appreciated .
But that's all , byeeeeee.
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pauking5 · 1 month
Runaway 🏎️ Chapter 1
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Pairing: Naozumi Hiyama x fem reader oc
Synopsis: There's no place for women in the world of racing. Let alone rally. Until you show up - the daughter of a racing legend who lost everything out of nowhere - ready to stir the pot of competition and throw fuel to Naozumi's fire, burning wild in more than just one way. Just how far will you go to take your rightful place in the world of rally, restore the team to its glory and change things for the better?
Genre: racing AU, enemies to lovers, rivalry, suspense, a whole lot of teasing, gender power games, dating in secret
Word count: 4.5k+
A/N: Here it finally is. I can't believe I got to write about one of my passions in this way. Though I love rally, getting the technicalities right was rough but I researched as much as I could on it so it feels like the real thing, though there might be some minor inaccuracies, not really affecting the story.
This one has been in the works for a good period of time and though this first chapter is short and fast-paced, there's so much more coming. Trust the process cause god knows I do. I hope I can make Naozumi justice and I can't wait for you to read the next ones. Enjoy lovelies.
Now Playing: Edge of Seventeen - Wuki
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It's not about how fast you go.
It's about how long you go fast.
Fast like-
A knock reverberated against your helmet, interrupting the pre-race mantra before you even finished reciting it, bringing you back to the chaos prior to the race start.
Chaos you wanted to avoid at all costs.
Blinking your eyes open, you took in the smell of burnt rubber and the atmosphere, fully packed with the deafening roars of the crowds in the stands soaring over the music heard all the way to your station. Another voice joined in the noise, demanding your attention.
"Raiko, are you ready?"
Letting out an exasperated breath, you waved off whoever spoke to you and closed your eyes again.
"Give me a minute, will you?"
Okay, where was I?
It's not about how fast you go-
A drilling noise came from your right, annoying the living daylights out of you.
Ah, fuck it. Since we keep getting interrupted...
How about I tell you a little bit about me.
Name's Raiko Suruki.
Yes, that Suruki. Here we go again.
I'm the daughter of the famed Hiro Suruki, five times Japan World Rally Championship winner, consecutively if I may add, proud podium sitter for thousands of times, also kind of a living legend of the primetime of the rally world. The same Hiro Suruki that started one of the best teams in the history of Japanese rally, snatching six more titles under his directory. WRC'S Golden Boy.
After his personal fifth title, he decided he wanted something more. Something that would fulfill him, beside his love for driving at the most insane speeds known to man and having his first and only child - that's me in case you didn't know.
Anyway, without any second thoughts he retired from the sport out of nowhere, changing the fireproofs for the laid-back team principal shirt and a cheap very 'dad' baseball cap. At barely 35 years of age, he took the biggest leap of faith and Suruki Racing was born out of fuel and passion for rally.
He poured everything he had into the team and built it from scratch, taking it so high in his prime that everyone wanted a piece of it, be it driving in a seat for the team, changing parts as a mechanic or simply having shares in it.
It was basically the shit. The pinnacle of the rally series in Japan.
The team became a national sensation. So many influential people, from mere businessmen to politicians, even foreigners were so interested in it and helping it expand. It genuinely felt like the only way for him was up, flying like a rocket towards the legends' hall of fame.
It went like that for a while. He was beaming with happiness, unable to understand where all that luck came from. But like everything good, once he started to question it all, it was like a switch flipped inwards.
And everything started going wrong.
All of a sudden the cars started missing parts the night before races. They had engine failures mid-race in almost every stage, followed by dnf's on every scoreboard. And those aren't even the most shocking things that happened. You name the disaster and it definitely happened to Suruki Racing at one point.
The mess piled up more and more and it showed.
Contract deals with sponsors started falling through, losing funding for a lot of parts and investments in equipment. Then the drivers got fed up with the constant failed races and blamed the car or the team if they felt like it. They terminated their contracts way before their terms were up under the pretense that they wanted different things... which were not related to Suruki Racing. The mechanics chose to stay, well, a few of them anyways, but it wasn't enough.
The team ripped at the seams and slowly but surely ran into the ground and dad couldn't find at least one reason why it happened.
It was like a curse you couldn't get rid of and I saw it happen first-hand.
The late nights he would spend in the garage trying new parts that kept failing with every test on the car. The way he would go as low as begging the drivers to come back offering them money he didn't have because no driver, rookie or experienced, didn't even bat an eye once the name of the team was mentioned.
Lost, penniless and with a heavy heart, he had to watch the one thing he loved the most on earth rust little by little, no matter what he would do to prevent it.
Mom called it karma for his reckless racing days because as talented as he was, the road forgives no one. That you can be God's favourite and still lose everything. And he didn't want to understand that. He never did.
I was too young to help back then. Too young to understand what Suruki Racing meant to him. Too young to do the only thing I could to save it.
Until now.
So, let's try that again, shall we?
Name's Rai Suruki, driver for Suruki Racing 2.0.
Another knock to your helmet, echoing in your head louder than the first, brought you back to the real world for good this time. Mechanics rushed around you to finish the set up on the car before you were called up to take your spot in front of the race marshal, which from a quick glance at the scoreboard would be soon.
Looking to your left, you were met with a set of dull brown eyes, messy jet black hair, a funky moustache and an extremely creased forehead for his middle age, all belonging to your co-driver, Don Tanaka. He's another legend of the sport.
Former training coach for some of the current biggest teams in the WRC, with a CV of experiences surpassing most people that have been in rally for longer. On top of all that, he is an even bigger friend of your father's. When he called him up asking for an old favour to train you, he couldn't say no.
But if it was up to commenting, you'd say he was one of the biggest fools for giving up a lavish salary with so many perks for one favour, especially for your old fart of a father.
Driving with him was great, but training with him was hell on Earth.
"I was doing my mantra," you reasoned, trying to get him off your case.
"Your mantra sucks."
He is an absolute joy to be around, isn't he?
"Well," you turned to him in your seat with a tight-lipped smile, "you're the one choosing to be co-driver to a young adult at your ripe age of 40. If I was you I would've picked something more calming, like gardening."
Bringing his hand to his chin in thinking, he sat in silence for a moment before he spoke.
"That doesn't sound so bad right now," he went on trying to push your buttons.
"Oh, shush," you waved him off, turning back to the wheel.
If there was one thing he liked doing, it was keeping you in check by poking fun at you. He was like that one uncle you could always go to with your secrets or to ask for extra pocket money, but in return he liked to tease the fuck out of you for it. Every. Single. Time.
As much as you hated his antics, you did kind of owe him a lot. He was the one who caught your talent for racing early on, back when you would drive plastic mini cars made from scraps around the team garage like you had years of experience. A few drifting maneuvers around old tires done like a pro at the cool age of 8, and he was sold on you and your potential.
Amongst all the teasing and the pain of having to train like a man, you've spent enough time with him to know you could count on him for literally anything. He was the best co-driver you could ask for and you wouldn't want anyone else in that seat directing your fate for the world.
He knew what it took to annoy you greatly in order to deliver on the dirt track and prove yourself. Especially now, since you were the only woman on highly occupied male territory.
Racing was a man's world.
With as many female advancements in motorsport as there were today, the majority of the community was still not convinced that a woman could drive better than a man or even compete alongside a whole grid of their species. They can regard you, acknowledge your existence, but they would never accept you.
Your father knew your entry to the championship would stir up a lot of unwanted attention, besides the fact that he was basically reviving a cursed team and you happened to be the poster face for it this time around. It sounded like a catastrophe in the making.
Frankly, you were ecstatic to get to drive an actual race car outside of the junior series and helping the team get back to its rightful place, restoring its deserved glory. But you knew it wasn't going to be easy work. Especially, since public enemy number one - the press - was going to try and tear you to sparkly shreds for a lot of reasons. An attack that they started before any official information was out.
A few months ago, when the announcement of Suruki Racing's comeback after ten years of inactivity hit the WRC, the media had a field day with it.
They criticized your father for being a nutjob that didn't know when to quit. They smeared Don Tanaka's name like he didn't make most of the drivers currently selling their dying papers. They even tried to get paid scoops from anyone involved with the team in the slightest.
But the team had one wildcard left to play before pulling the curtains for good and giving them the satisfaction that they ruined it.
The press didn't know about you. No one in the other teams knew about you. Thanks to your father's extremely private life, no one even knew of your existence.
The only people that did were your team in the garage, from the mechanics to your PR agent.
Even walking into the circuit grounds this morning, long hair down over your shoulders, sporting the team gear in plain sight, no one batted an eye at you. Even if they did, they would think you were involved with technical or marketing - though even that was a rarity in this universe - or worse, just another groupie looking to get one of the drivers under your hood.
Your father wanted to give everyone a show they'll never forget by having you drive the first race in the calendar without a proper introduction. No car reveal. No interviews. No pre-race press conference. Just a car and its driver.
This way they would judge your driving before they actually got to judge you for being a woman at the wheel of a three hundred horsepower beast. He trusted you and your judgement on the track far more than the lousy press setting you up for fail. They would get a proper car show and speech after the race anyway.
It was out of the ordinary but that kinda summed up Hiro Suruki and his bipolar personality.
The distorted sound of a megaphone, followed by the voice of the race marshal called you to the start line.
"Car 7, Rai Suruki for Suruki Racing, you're up next!"
You could already see everyone turning their eyes to your station, booming cheers going quiet, turning into sharp murmurs.
Time to get this show going.
Rolling up your windows to block the world, you put the car in gear and drove to the start line, waiting for the green light. Looking out at the lines in the road ahead of you spotting the first hazard ahead, the nerves climbed up your spine faster than your engine could pump the pistons for pressure.
You prepared for this for most of your life, but if you were being honest, it all got a little too real now, sitting with your foot hovering above the gas pedal ahead of the moment that could make or break your career before it even started. The very moment that could be a step forward to restoring your father's name, getting the team back on track in a new age of rally racing. The moment for a change.
No pressure, right?
"Raiko," your co-driver called your name, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the road, gloved fingers tightening on top of the wheel with a small snap. "Do you remember the course?"
"Good. All set?"
"I think so."
"Raiko, look at me."
"You're not my style."
"Raiko," his voice turned more serious and deep with warning. With another sigh into the small, cramped space for breathing your helmet provided, you turned to him.
"You've got this. Let's prove everyone wrong."
He was right.
Let's prove everyone wrong.
The race marshal started the countdown, walking from the front of your car to the side, each number in the count descending with your nerves. You loosened the hold on the wheel, stretched your legs to the pedals and let out a deep breath.
It's not about how fast you go.
It's about how long you go fast.
Fast like lightning.
A soon as the lights went green, you hit the throttle and took off into the dirt, raising the dust behind you. You skidded off to the side a little due to the gravel but you got control of it before anyone could notice.
Tokai was a pretty difficult course to rally depending on which stages got picked for the day. More forest terrain gave way to hard roads, receeding in wheel control, gaining insane suspension pressure. This one was more of an open valley terrain, which was a bit safer, but the later you got the okay to race, the more dust and gravel from other drivers would pile up in front of you, making visibility dangerously low. The corners were way too tight and one second off from Tanaka's directions or a mishap of your footing could cost you and put your car on the sidelines.
"5 left over crest," Tanaka paced you for the upcoming hill and you prepared to release the throttle.
"1 left 100."
Wheels back on the ground, you resumed pressing the pedal as a hairpin portion came into view. The cloud of dust in front of you was chalky and you had to get through it before it raised higher. Putting the car in second gear, you got ready for the drift portion.
You had to be extra careful here. The mechanic in chief told you to go easy as the rear could send you into oversteer, throwing off the balance of the car and fuck up the race completely.
Listening to your gut, you waited for the right time then tapped the brake, cut the wheels and pressed the throttle, sliding across the portion. Loud cheers and whistles erupted as the crowd in the stands got up to watch you complete a perfect drift.
"3 right don't cut."
Reduce pace and prepare for a possible road hazard.
You slowed down and sure enough a bump in the road came up. If you missed that one and took it at 120 kph, it would've projected you off the track, crashing the car hard into the rocky wall like a cereal box. Thankfully, you swerved around it, feeling the car lift off the ground on the left for a bit before it fell back down.
"6 right very long."
Hard left into a tight corner.
"Cut 8 left."
Tight corner requiring you to follow a straight line in the curb.
This was the last and worst corner on the track. You were lucky it didn't rain because this is where your car can skid off into the stands. You caught the straight line pretty fast, cutting a few seconds off your lap time without slowing down.
Following the rest of Tanaka's directions and focusing on the rest of the road, the race finished before you knew it. You liked the state you were in as you drove, mind clear of everything else because as soon as the adrenaline in your body decreased, your brain got bombarded by all kinds of issues.
Did I push the new suspensions too hard? God, I hope I didn't scratch the rear in the hairpin. Was my timing too off on that last corner? I should've practiced it more.
Driving back to your team's station, you sent all those worries at the back of your head and got out to watch the screen showing the score board just as it updated to display the new track times since you were the last to go.
1. Akira Shinkai - Sigma - 1.24.55
2. Naozumi Hiyama - Spica Racing Factory - 1.23.59
3. Rai Suruki - Suruki Racing - 1.23.40
"WE BAGGED THIRD PLACE?!" you yelled throwing off your helmet onto the car seat.
"WE SURE DID," Tanaka high fived you, beaming with energy just like you.
"That's 15 points on the first stage! Well done, lightning strike," he ruffled your hair as you snickered, nose scrunching up with a smile at the gesture you were already accustomed to.
"The car held up a lot better today than in testing. Maybe we lifted the curse," you wiggled your eyebrows at him at which he flicked your forehead. "Ow, what did you do that for?"
"Don't jinx it. We still have two more stages to go."
Before you could say anything else, you were interrupted by angry shouting coming from the station next to you.
"I told you to not touch the third gear," yelled a strained voice.
You walked to the side of your station, peeking your head by the team banner, and watched the heated exchange between one of the drivers and his mechanic. Your eyes wandered to the car sitting in the middle, not one hand touching it for the regular post-race check up. From the different strokes of sky blue layered over stark white, the red and blue sponsor stickers and the carbon spoiler, you recognized it to be Spica Racing's.
"It doesn't matter now," shouted another voice, so annoyed and sure of themselves as if they owned the place. "I got a good lap record this time."
"What would you do if you had to retire in the middle of the race?" shot the mechanic, chastising the driver for being careless.
He got up in his face, towering over him though the other was much taller than him.
"We won't win if I don't attack!" he yelled back, throwing his hand in the air to make a point. "The moment I think of being scared I will lose. I won't make that mistake. So just do your job and fix the car."
With that final remark, he rounded the car to walk away from the station until he noticed you in the corner, now standing in full sight just at the line between your stations.
Quickly replacing the scowl on his face with what was probably his natural smirk, he came to you, stopping short of the barrier separating you.
"I don't do autographs, but for you I can do more than that," he added a daring wink, flashing his cocky smile at you.
Taking a small step back hoping his vibes wouldn't envelop you, you uncrossed your arms from your chest and lifted an eyebrow at him.
"I don't want your autograph."
Taken aback at your response, he backed up slightly too and looked you up and down, taking in your deep blue and dark gold team fireproofs and the suit tied messily around your waist. The old, way out of fashion colours seemed to ring a bell.
"Suruki Racing...," he started doubtful, "the shithole that revived from the ashes? Are you a mechanic, a co-driver or something for them? If you are, why don't you jump ships? I wouldn't mind having you on my team instead," he finished his speech of intent with another shit-eating grin.
Who the fuck was this guy?
The audacity that wafted off him must definitely make him popular with the ladies.
"I don't think we've met before," you extended your hand out to him, curt and polite, like a normal person would do, introducing yourself.
"Rai Suruki, driver for Suruki Racing," emphasizing your role in the team so he got it through his head that you weren't some bimbo.
If you were, you'd make sure your fist decorated his face in pretty red tones before anything else.
He straightened back, smirk gone from his face in all sense of the word. It got replaced by some kind of curiosity. Looking between you and your palm hanging in the air he looked confused to say the least. He's heard about female racers before and seen some working in technical around the place, he's just never seen one stand against him on track.
Tired of being polite to someone who obviously has never heard about manners, you were about to retract your extended hand when he caught it in a firm grip and pulled it towards him, just holding it instead of shaking it. The move sent you forwards, almost barreling into him when your reaction response kicked in to steel you a safe distance away.
Maybe Tanaka's intense survival program pays off sometimes.
"So," he began and you wondered if he was about to say something intelligent or spew more shit with that mouth of his. He decided to choose the latter. "You're the one driving the Beetle dupe right there?"
Eh, come again?
Your eyes widened at him, looking at where his finger was pointed to confirm that he was pointing at your car and not anywhere else, then you whirled your head back at him appalled.
"B-Beetle dupe?!"
"I thought you were a guy."
Wouldn't be the first time I heard that one.
You took your hand back from his hold, wiping it on the sleeves of the suit hanging on your hips in the hopes that it would wipe off the disgust you were feeling too. It didn't but it was worth a try.
"It's the name," you replied through gritted teeth.
He backed up some more to scan you again, though more attentively this time, like you were some kind of illegality, cooked up from the pits of his imagination. You gave him your best front, hardening your jaw and rolling your shoulders backwards, proving you were more than a pair of boobs and a vagina, which was apparently his deranged first impression of you.
You deserved to be here. No amount of stares from the male specimen, surprised or with sinful intentions, could ever make you back down from this. This was yours to take on. No man could take this from you. Not him anyway.
So, you stared him down too, trying to find something else beside the extreme big dick energy and unsurmountable lack of scruples surrounding him. Struggling to see anything else but some disdain in the way he crossed his arms over his broad chest, a rich prick attitude from how he shifted on his legs like the world owed him golden lingos every time he breathed, and some leftover rage from the screaming match with his mechanic still present in the tick of his jaw, you let your eyes meet his own in conclusion of your very own analysis.
Yeah, there's nothing else in there. An ambulant douchebag. Just like I thought.
Flashing cameras were suddenly thrown in your faces, interrupting the intense stare-down between you. The press and some people, potentially fans of other teams by their t-shirts, surrounded you from every corner of the plastic barrier around the two stations, pushing each other over the race marshals that tried their hardest to keep them away. It wasn't long until they pushed over the barrier.
Too absorbed in the chaos, you didn't notice he leaned down to your ear but when you did, you stilled in your shoes, all blood draining into your pounding stomach. He spoke close and low, so only you could hear his words.
"Don't get too comfortable around here, rookie," he whispered, hot breath hitting the shell of your ear making shivers run down your extremely clothed spine. "Let's see how long you last in here because this season might just be your first and last."
Pulling away with another one of his smirks that were starting to get on your nerves, he regarded you once more before he walked off in amusement to his cool-down room, giving you a full view of his broad back.
Oh, just you wait -
A reporter shoved into the human barrier of orange and green safety vests reaching the railing, yanking it back and forth repeatedly until the poor plastic seal broke off, letting everyone else pool in around you.
Uh-oh. This wasn't good.
They packed around you like wolves on their prey, all shouting different things at you while shoving their big cameras, recording devices and phones in your face. The flashes blinded you, turning the world white and too bright for it to be natural light from the clouded sky above.
Your hands shot up on instinct to cover your eyes from the flaring lights as your ears focused on filtering through the blaring sounds of camera clicks and voices. Then the countless questions registered clear as day, hitting you like a truck at full speed.
"Are you Rai Suruki, daughter of Hiro Suruki?"
"Where did your father get the money to restart the team?"
"Is your car even going to last a season?"
"Do you consider yourself a challenge to the rest of the drivers?"
I guess that was it for mystery, dad.
Some of the other teams passed by the ruckus, sparing quick judgmental glances or sending disgusting sneers your way like that was the way they initiated your welcome ceremony at the gates of the jungle.
If this was any other series, you would've been so welcomed by the rest of the grid and treated somewhat better by the media and the fans. But this was the World Rally Championships.
Driving was dirty.
Talk was filthy, full of disrespect and unspoken trials of envy between each driver.
The press competed to see who would get your head on a pike first and parade it as the story of the century.
Respect was fought for, not earned.
It was a different game. One where you needed to play even if you didn't want to so in turn you wouldn't get played. Survival of the fittest truly.
You steeled your gaze, waving the reporters off and digging a hole through the crowd, successfully escaping away to your pit crew. Helping with packing up bits and pieces and taking your own stuff, you headed back to your team quarters, aware of the intensifying stares belonging to the rest of the teams still around their stations, talking about the first day in this season's calendar being an interesting one.
You had a feeling you and the team were the hot topic of conversation since you could feel their eyes searing deep holes into your back, burning hotter and doing more damage than flame-lit arrows aimed straight at you ever could. Tanaka wrapped an arm around you giving you his curled moustache smile, sympathizing with you.
Looking up at the sky darkening in mauve and pink, you let a small smile grace your lips. At least today was done. Your rally racing career has officially started. The team was back in business.
However, this first stage was just one of the many challenges still to come. Who knew what else was on the way?
As you trudged on the warm asphalt, warmed by the mid-spring warmth of March, there was one thing you knew for sure.
This is gonna be a long season.
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Thank you for reading :) As always leave a like, comment or reblog!
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sitp-recs · 1 month
Hey Liv, I was sure you had an epistolary list somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.
Would you have some recs for me? It doesn’t have to be full epistolary, as long as there are a few letters exchanged.
Thank you
Hi anon! I’m pretty sure I have an epistolary list somewhere but for some reason I can’t access my masterlists atm (which is mildly concerning lol I hope it’s just an app glitch on my phone) but in any case here are some recs for you!
Re: Harry's Crush by @lettersbyelise (T, 4k)
Ever get that feeling you're being talked about behind your back? Harry doesn't, he's too busy being stupidly, obviously besotted with the guy in the lab downstairs.
Garden War by @cibeewastaken (T, 5k)
Harry and Draco are quarantined in their houses, a lake across from one another. What better ways to spend this time than to annoy each other with letters and attempts to prove that their garden is better ?
Lettered by pir8fancier (M, 8k)
Harry has a secret penpal, whose identity is as plain as the nose on his face. Except he's not wearing his glasses.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed and @lastontheboat (T, 10k)
Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping.
Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (M, 15k)
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
Let's Go Outside by cryptonym (E, 24k)
Harry's done with the sofa, the hall and the kitchen table, baby.
On Our Way by evils (E, 30k)
Draco is trying to spend the summer keeping his head down, but a repair project and a certain snowy owl have other plans for him.
Howlr by partialtopotter (E, 47k)
Howlr is the new dating application enchanting Witches, Wizards and Everyone in between. Are you looking for the one or a one-night stand; it’s all here folks. Howlr is sponsored by Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the same team that brought us the Spellular just two years ago. Ginny Weasley, famed chaser for the Hollyhead Harpies, swears by the app, ��guaranteed to make sparks fly,’ she says. The magic awaits you!
Catch 22 by jad (E, 50k)
As if NEWTS weren't enough, Dumbledore's gone and had another one of his 'bright ideas.' If all ends well, the Houses will be getting along in no time. Or according to Harry's correspondent, an Apocalypse will be in order.
Bonus: art!
Going Postal by dustmouth (T)
So Draco and Harry sort of maybe have a bit of a thing going. Which is all fine and good, but would probably be more effective if they managed to be on the same continent for more than five minutes at a time.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 6 months
For Jack “God, I love everything about you”
"Jack, I really think we should talk." Your voice was low as you spoke so everyone in the greenroom couldn't hear you. Jack brushed you off as he left the dressing room, just another action that told you something was bothering him. He'd been short with you all day, and as much as you tried to push him to open up, he just wasn't budging.
"I've gotta get ready for the show", he mumbled out, avoiding eye contact with you. He nervously adjusted his in-ear monitor, shifting his weight between his feet as he waited for the signal to go on stage. You knew Jack, and his body language suggested that he was on edge, and there was no way he was going to have a good show if he started it like this.
"Can we have the room, please?" Everyone fell quiet, staring at you before they reluctantly filed out through the door. "Ten minutes, Jack." Neelam reminder her client, sending a thankful look at your for talking to Jack as she left.
"Sit." You pointed to the leather couch at the back of the room, but Jack didn't move.
"What are you doing?", Jack's face was in a scowl as he looked at you. "I really don't have time for this."
"Sit. You're not leaving until we talk." You made the first move, sitting down, Jack following suit with a huff. "What's going on?"
"Nothing." His gaze dropped to his feet as he nervously played with the clasp of his watch. He knew he was stupid for feeling jealous, but he couldn't help it.
"Jack, its not nothing. Please." You grabbed his hand, jogging him out of his self-deprecating trance.
"Why are you with me?", he choked out, his words getting caught in his throat.
"What do you mean? You asked me to go on tour with you." Jack gently dropped your hand, running his fingers through his curls. "No, I mean, why are you and I together? Why are we in a relationship when you could be with him?" He was looking at you now, and you could tell he was dead serious with his line of questioning.
"By him, you mean....?" You knew he was talking about your ex. The two of you had reconnected at an event last week, and while you knew that Jack was a little bit jealous, you had no idea it was this bad. If he wanted to start a fight with you over one of your old boyfriends, you were going to make him say it. "Please, don't make me say his name." Jack winced as he realized he was in over his head, and talking was not making him feel any better. "You know, your ex, the NBA player." He waived his hand through the air as if a figure had appeared in front of him.
"Jack, I'm with you, because I want to be with you." It all felt so simple to you, and you couldn't understand why it wasn't the same way for him. "Yeah, but that's not good enough." He stood to pace the room, and his voice was loud enough that you knew everyone standing in the hallway could hear the two of you arguing.
"I don't understand." You could feel your eyes starting to sting with tears, but you took a deep breath to try to hold them back. "He is a lot of things that I'm not, babe." His back was turned to you, and you could see how much tighter his back was becoming with every passing second. "He comes from a great family, he's sure to be a hall of fame athlete, he's college educated."
"None of that matters to me, baby." You weren't used to Jack being so insecure with himself, and the fact that he was taking his frustrations out on you hurt even more. "It should! It really should. When you think about your future, do you really see us together?" His words made you shoot to your feet. "Yes! 100 times yes! If you asked me tomorrow, the answer would still be the same. I see us together in every dream and every version of my future."
Jack still wasn't convinced. "I don't get it. Why did you choose me? What is it about me?" Jack had a really hard time trusting people, and as much as he loved you, he was used to being used and manipulated, and he wasn't sure if he could trust anyone at this point. Was it only a matter of time before he found out you were using him for his fame or money?
"Its everything, Jack! God, I love everything about you! I love how kind you are, how much you care about the people you love. How driven and determined you are, even though it hasn't always been easy for you." Jack's face started to soften as you spoke, each muscle in his body starting to loosen. Tears were spilling from your eyes, but you weren't even trying to stop them as you continued. "I love that when I'm with you, I feel loved and important, something I never felt when I was with him."
Within two steps Jack was in front of you, his arms pulling you into his chest, his hand bringing your head to his lips. "I'm sorry. I never should have questioned you." You pulled away, wiping away your tears. "No, I'm sorry. I should have done more to show you how much you mean to me." Jack shook his head. "No, its me, I let him get to me, and I shouldn't. Its not fair to you."
Jack felt a weight lift from his shoulders that he had unknowingly placed there himself. "I just think seeing you together, it made me think about how easily I could lose you, and that terrifies me."
Your hand gripped his forearm. "Jack, I love you, more than I've loved anyone before, and it scares me." You let out a shaky breath. "But it feels like a good scary because I know how amazing you are. I'm with you, because I want to be with you. That's the only thing that matters."
Jack's gaze dropped to your lips as he cupped the side of your face, moving to kiss you gently, his lips lingering against yours. He ignored the first knock at the door, signaling it was show time, to kiss you again.
The second knock was more frantic, but Jack was so lost in you, he didn't notice. You gave him a push at the chest, making him chuckle. "I love you", he uttered out, pressing his forehead to yours. A third knock. "I love you too. Now go, before Neelam chews me out for making you late."
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beanzwrites · 2 years
“Get over yourself, McLean” - Chris McLean x reader
Author’s Note: I honestly don’t know but enjoy anyway. Reader is gender-neutral. 
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  There’s a lot of things you could say about Chris McLean. Of course, you could go on and on about his charming attitude with the cameras or his brilliant ideas when it comes to reality TV. You could also say a few things about his personal life too.
  When his current manager called you one evening to ask if you would consider taking a position in McLean’s new show, you almost hung up. There was no way you were working with your ex-boyfriend of all people. However, being the respectable and polite celebrity you were, you allowed them to explain the situation.
  You still chuckle at yourself for accepting. They reciprocated with eager that they needed a co-host for an upcoming show called Total Drama Island. They wanted someone more level-headed to contrast from Chris’s boisterous personality. It will consist of twenty-two contestants going through different trials put on by Chris, all competing for tabloid fame and a small fortune.  Even if he was striking by himself, the show would do so much better with someone to balance the care for the campers. Who better than the old power duo of (Y/N) (L/N) and Chris McLean?
  You knew what they were actually doing, a wolf in sheep’s clothing scenario. The directors wanted a host romance, or at least allow the audience to make up theories about your relationship with the Host with the Most. Honestly, you didn’t care. There was no way you were falling in love with him again. You only had to deal with him for eight weeks, then never see his stupid face for the next decade. 
    When your yacht came up onto the dock of the island, you immediately cringed by the smell that hung in the air. The island itself featured a few rickety cabins and a mess hall that looked like it was minutes from collapsing. You almost felt bad for the teenagers who would be staying here, but it’s not like they didn’t sign a contract. Even if they were promised a stay at a five-star resort.
  “Let me help you with your bags,” a gruff voice says from behind you. You recognized it to be Chef, an old friend of Chris. You recall that he’s a rough character, but he was always kind to you. You assume it was because you were Chris’s old sweetheart. He was invited to the wedding, after all. Times do change, don’t they?
  “Sure. Didn’t think I’d see you here. Nice to see you again,” you say sweetly, handing him one of your bags.
  “Yeah… I didn’t think I would be here either,” Chef grumbles, taking another suitcase and throwing it over his shoulder, “I’m surprised you actually showed up.”
  “Come on, it’s not like me to put down a challenge! Mind showing me where we’re staying?”
  He nods, walking past you with a rugged smile. “It’s just, you and Chris… You fell out, yeah? When was the last time you talked?”
  “The campers are sure in for a treat when they arrive, huh?” You say, stretching your arms over your head with a yawn. 
  “Short Stack,” he answers with the nickname he used to call you, “You know he’ll wanna talk to you.”
  “I’m an adult, Chef. I know what I got myself into.”
  Actually, seeing Chris was harder than you thought it was going to be. You wanted to run and hide as you made your way back to the dock. The first episode was airing tonight, and the crew wanted to make sure everything was prepared for when the contestants arrived. Old memories swirl in your thoughts as he turns in your direction. As much as you wanted to turn away from his overambitious smile, you had to stay professional. The camera crew gets you mic-ed up, before directing you to your designated spot.
  “I’m so stoked you accepted the offer,” Chris grins.
  “I don’t usually decline a gig either,” you reply coolly as you straighten the creases of your sheer blouse.
  “Starting in five!” Someone calls out.
  “So excited to work with you again! Just like old times, huh?” He says with the same enthusiasm he always has. He places an arm around you, rubbing your side.
  You smack his hand away. “We are co-worker, Mr. McLean. Act like it.”
  “I am!” He whines as he shakes the stinging sensation from his fingers. “(Y/N)-bear, no need to be that way!”
  “Don’t call me that!”
  “You used to love it.”
  “Key word: used to. Get over yourself, McLean.”
  Chris is quiet for a moment, folding his arms over his chest. “You’re still mad about that?”
  Your eyes narrow at him, and he frowns for the first time.
  “You know it wasn’t like that,” He pouts. 
  “I’m not talking about this,” you hiss through your teeth.
  “She flirted first-”
  “It was a freaking interview- shut up. Just shut your mouth. We are here to host, nothing more. I’m not here to start up old drama.”
  “See a yacht- starting in 5, 4, 3. 2,- ACTION!” A director announces.
  Both you and Chris beam for the cameras. You stood tall, putting on a friendly façade for the viewers. On the inside, you wanted to strangle Chris.
 “Welcome back to Total Drama Island!” Chris proclaims, his arms stretched out wide, “I’m your host, Chris McLean, with everyone’s beloved (Y/N) (L/N)!”
 “Great to be here, Chris!”
 “Awesome. It’s time to meet our first eleven campers!”
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fullstcp · 2 months
"Future Nostalgia" by Dua Lipa Sentence Starters
"I wanna change the game."
"I know you're dying trying to figure me out."
"My name's on the tip of your tongue, keep running your mouth."
"No matter what you do, I'm gonna get it without ya."
"Can't be a rolling stone if you live in a glass house."
"I can't build you up if you ain't tough enough."
"Did the heartbreak change me? Maybe."
"But look at where I ended up."
"I'm all good already."
"So moved on, it's scary."
"I'm not where you left me at all."
"Don't start caring about me now."
"Walk away, you know how."
"Aren't you the guy who tried to hurt me with the word 'goodbye'?"
"Thought it took some time to survive you, I'm better on the other side."
"Guess I never had a love like this."
"You got me losing all my cool."
"I love the way you move."
"I like us better when we're intertwined."
"My love makes you brand new."
"Common love isn't for us."
"We created something phenomenal. Don't you agree?"
"You got me feeling diamond rich."
"Nothing on this planet compares to it."
"Who needs to go to sleep when I got you next to me?"
"I know you got my back and you know I got you."
"Love the simulation we're dreaming in."
"I don't wanna live another life cause this one's pretty nice."
"If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride."
"If you're feeling like you need a little bit of company, you met me at the perfect time."
"You want me, I want you."
"I believe that you're for me."
"I see us written in the stars."
"I feel like we're forever every time we get together."
"You can fly away with me tonight."
"Let me take you for a ride."
"Somewhere in the middle, I think I lied a little."
"I know that I seem a little stressed out, but you're here now."
"Hate it when you love me unattended."
"I miss ya, and I need your love."
"When my mind is running wild, could you help me slow it down?"
"Put my mind at ease."
"Would you help me out, please?"
"I'ma love you like a fool. Breathe you in 'til I hallucinate."
"I can make it pretty, I could string you along."
"I couldn't live without your touch."
"I could never have too much."
"I'll breathe you in forever and ever."
"I'm losing my mind."
"I hallucinate when you call my name."
"Put you in my hall of fame, middle of the wall."
"You're my one, my favorite, my ride or die."
"Wanna be right where you are."
"Let's go dancing in the dark."
"Kill me slowly with your kiss."
"Make me lose my mind."
"I never thought that I would find a way out."
"I can't believe there's something left in my chest anymore."
"Goddamn, you got me in love again."
"I used to think that I was made out of stone."
"Show me heaven's right here."
"Never have I ever met somebody like you."
"Used to be afraid of love and what it might do."
"I'd rather die than have to live in a storm like before."
"I can't believe I finally found someone."
"You're the one that I want."
"I'm not afraid anymore."
"We're in love."
"I've always been the one to say the first goodbye."
"You say my name like I have never heard before."
"I'm indecisive, but this time, I know for sure."
"I hope I'm not the only one that feels it all."
"Are you falling?"
"You know you can get whatever you want from me."
"I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me."
"I was doing better alone."
"When you said 'Hello', I knew that was the end of it all."
"Now there ain't no letting you go."
"Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart?"
"I wonder, when you go, if I stay on your mind."
"Everyone before you was a waste of time."
"You love to disappoint me, don't ya?"
"You tell me what I want, but ain't no follow through."
"If you only knew me the way you know my body."
"I've been thinking it'd be better if we didn't know each other."
"Got me thinking it'd be better if we didn't stay together."
"Isn't it funny how we laugh it off to hide our fear when there's nothing funny here?"
"Boys will be boys, but girls will be women."
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monstrousproductions · 2 months
We want your feedback about our Ko-Fi!
Heya everyone, Matt here (a rare appearance, I know…!) Hero and I were chatting over the weekend about making some changes to how we structure the Monstrous Productions Ko-Fi and wanted to get your input.
We want to reframe how and what we share, and how we talk about our supporters, to better reflect the values we’d like to promote. Specifically, we want to make supporting us on Ko-Fi feel more like a way for our community to get involved with the show rather than paying to get access to pay-walled content.
One of the foremost ways we want our show to be seen is as a community experience that is as much yours as it is ours, and that’s true whether you’re able to support us financially or not.
The main change we’re considering is to give all tiers of supporters access to all the rewards - that’s additional art, the blog, annotated scripts, etc. People can still choose to support us at different levels, but the actual content they receive would be the same.
We also wanted to rejig the content itself. It’s proven a bit unmanageable for me to make a big piece of key art for every decision, and I’d love to share more concept work/sketches with you. It also doesn’t make a lot of sense to have our key art behind a paywall when we could be using it to promote the show on social media. So the plan might be to publish the bigger illustrations - the one of the Tola and the one of Oli - publicly as promo stuff, and then for me to make more sketchy, concept-y things for Ko-Fi supporters.
Another change would be that we’d thank our supporters in the episode credits and in the show-notes, whatever tier they’re on, as a way to take the time to thank you all for making the show possible.
We also want to rename our tier system to reflect what this support means - it’s not that people who give more are “better” fans or anything, but rather that they’re able to contribute to the financial costs of running the show. We were thinking something along the lines of friends, supporters and producers instead of bronze, silver and gold. We’d love some feedback from you all about what you think/suggestions.
One thing that wouldn’t change is that we’d keep the personalised aliens as a thank you for people supporting on that higher, third tier (currently ‘gold’). We also discussed having a sort of Hall of Fame on our website where we could thank supporters, and we could put that tier’s supporters up with their alien pictures.
I know that’s a lot! But it would be really, really helpful if you could please give any feedback you can about this. We want Travelling Light to be a community-based show, and you’re all part of our community - your input is really important, whether you’re in a position to support us on Ko-Fi or not.
What could we do to make our Ko-Fi more appealing to potential supporters? What kind of rewards structure would make sense for you? Are there any rewards you’d like to see that we don’t offer right now? Do these changes sound fair, or is there anything you’re not keen on? And if you have any other ideas for how we might encourage people to support the show financially and to thank the people who can, please let us know!
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thebawdybaldurian · 4 days
Halsin/Tav Week Day 7
Last day of prompts! This scene is from an upcoming chapter of the modern AU I am working on. Addy is TAV, a musician who is married to Astarion, a TV host on a political network. Halsin is an conservationist who Astarion interviews on his show, and Addy expresses interest in adding him to their polycule with Karlach, who writes monster romance books. Halsin had been protesting the destruction of some forest, where Addy and Astarion happen to have a cabin, by chaining himself to a tree. Using her fame, Addy helps broker a deal to stop the destruction and invites Halsin back to their cabin to meet Astarion, after she and Halsin had already initiated a sexual relationship with Astarion's blessing. It's a pretty horny story, but there will be some angst and more serious subjects later on.
Shotgunning/Size Kink
Content and Warnings: Polyamory, threesome, shotgunning (weed smoke and alcohol), drug and alcohol use, anal fingering, size kink, oral sex, PIV sex, masturbating while watching a partner/voyeurism, squirting.
Halsin awoke feeling slightly more refreshed, after so many uncomfortable nights sleeping chained to a tree. The bed being plush and extra comfortable was just icing on the cake. He rolled out of the unfamiliar bed, wondering where the owner was. He heard noises from down the hall and walked towards it. Addy was sitting on the couch snuggled next to her husband, Astarion, as they watched something on TV. “Hey sleepy bear, how was your nap?” She glanced over at him as he ambled into the living room, completely naked. He never slept in clothes, but wished he had this once, seeing that this was his first time meeting Astarion in the flesh. He hadn’t expected him to arrive at the couple’s cabin until later. Halsin covered himself with his hands, his wide palms thankfully able to cover most of his sizeable manhood.
“It was quite refreshing,” he blushed at her, then cast his gaze to Astarion. “Hello.”
“I know you two met on his show, but Halsin, this is Astarion. Astarion, Halsin,” Addy blushed back.
“A pleasure,” Astarion smirked, taking a long sip from his wine glass as he looked Halsin up and down.
“Do you want me to throw something on?” Halsin asked, adjusting his stance slightly.
“I’m sure we’ll all be undressing soon enough,” Astarion drained his glass.
“Here, come sit, have a pillow,” Addy grinned, handing Halsin one of the plush throw pillows from the couch.
Halsin took it and sat down beside her, using the pillow to hide his bare cock. Things were awkwardly silent for a moment, as the thick-accented TV announcer described the mating rituals of flumphs. “I didn’t peg either of you two as fans of nature documentaries,” Halsin finally broke the silence, as the pair of flumphs on the screen had their coitus broadcast for everyone to see.
“Getting drunk and watching animals fuck is one of our favorite activities,” Addy joked.“Speaking of? Would you care for a glass?” She asked, resting her hand on his muscular thigh.
“Yes, thank you,” Halsin nodded, hoping it would break a little of the tension.
Addy got up, leaving an empty spot between the two men as the flumphs completed their mating with an ecstatic trill. The silence continued as she disappeared into the cabin’s wine cellar to get another bottle. “So what do you think of the cabin?” Astarion finally asked, his words a little slower due to how much wine he’d already had.
“It’s lovely. Very eco-conscious,” Halsin glanced around and let his eyes linger on Astarion after. He was much better looking than he was on TV, his skin less pancaked without having on makeup for broadcast.
“All her doing,” Astarion boasted, grabbing her wine glass and draining it too. “She’s quite amazing and multi-talented,” he added in a tone that implied more than just her décor and singing skills. “Are you familiar with her music?”
“I am,” Halsin nodded, wishing she would return soon to be a buffer between them again. “I was the DJ at my college’s radio station for three years and played a lot of her old indie stuff.”
“Really? Where did you go?”
“Blackstaff University. I studied Environmental Law for a little while, but then decided to switch to Environmental Science.”
“I went to law school at Blackstaff as well,” Astarion laughed. “Why did you decide to switch?”
“I felt like my studies were becoming more focused on protecting environmental criminals than prosecuting them.”
“Sounds about right...Addy, love, did you know Halsin and I went to the same university?” Astarion called to her as she reemerged from the cellar with two bottles of wine.
“I didn’t,” she replied, setting both bottles on the counter. “Halsin, do you drink red or white?”
“Either is fine,” he replied, not much of a drinker to begin with.
She opened both bottles, as she had been drinking her usual Chardonnay and Astarion was drinking a bold Tempranillo. She brought the red first, leaning over the couch and pressing her breasts against Astarion’s neck. “Hand me you glass, love,” she nuzzled against him.
He turned first and pulled her in for a kiss, loudly smacking his lips across hers. Halsin could only assume it was some assertion of his toxic masculinity, showing him that Astarion had fucked her first and was his. Addy fillled up his glass afterwards, taking a long sip of it before handing it back. She leaned over to slip the contents of her mouth into Halsin’s with a long kiss. It was her own little way of showing that there would be no dick-measuring contests while she was around. “What did you think of that?” she asked, biting her lip slightly as she returned to the kitchen. “Or would you like to try the white as well before deciding?”
“I think I’ll stick with that,” he shifted the pillow slightly as his cock began to tingle.
“I told you she was amazing,” Astarion laughed, glancing back at her before taking another sip of wine.
“You were talking about me while I was gone?” she asked, returning with a fresh glass of red for Halsin and the bottle of white for herself.
“Who else but the Belle of the Ball?” Astarion purred.
She poured herself a glass before she sat down, Astarion’s hands stroking up her bare legs as she did. It was the same type of affection Halsin had observed in their sex tape and was eager to experience himself after his long bout of celibacy. He let his hand linger on her thigh as she sat back down next to him. She changed the channel to a music station playing chill beats after the flumphs have given birth and settled a little more between them. “So...how is everyone feeling? Do we want to get to know one another a little better? Have a discussion about expectations and boundaries?” she asked, setting her wine glass on the coffee table and placing her hand on both their thighs.
“Have you ever been in this sort of relationship before?” Astarion asked, putting his arm around her and beginning to play with her hair.
“My ex-wife and I went through a period of polyamory,” Halsin nodded, wishing he didn’t have to mention her.
“Oh you were married before?” Astarion perked up a little so he could be nosy. “What broke you apart?”
“Astarion,” Addy chastised him, giving his thigh a squeeze.
“No, it’s alright,” Halsin replied, letting his hand slowly begin to caress her thigh. “It wasn’t the polyamory, if that is what you are thinking. I learned she wasn’t the person I thought she was and cut all contact with her.”
Halsin wasn’t sure if either of them knew who he had been married to, but he wanted to separate himself from her as much as possible. Addy had looked her up after she’d learned about the failed marriage, both out of curiousity and protection if he wasn’t as nice as he seemed. “She’s...still in prison, isn’t she?” Addy admitted to knowing, just so she could be honest with him. “Because she took that plea deal?”
“She is,” he nodded, understanding that given her fame, Addy needed to do background searches on people she became involved with.
“Prison!” Astarion widened his eyes.
“Kagha Vipertooth...She was one of the people who firebombed the Hellrider Corporation’s main offices,” Halsin explained quietly.
“You were married to a shadow D.R.U.I.D?!” Astarion exclaimed. “An eco-terrorist”?”
“As I said,” Halsin continued, Addy stroking his thigh in support. “She wasn’t the person I thought she was. When we first met, she was a champion of the environment and non-violent protests. But she became radicalized. No matter how much I explained that violence doesn’t solve anything, she just kept going on those online forums, finding connections, and more people that believed they could solve things with destruction instead of action.”
“How many people died?” Astarion asked, too drunk to have much tact about the matter. Addy gave his thigh another squeeze and gave him a stern look before turning back to Halsin.
“Twenty-five. EGC planted a tree in everyone’s honor. We were investigated by the Harpers and were cleared, but...it’s still a stain on our legacy having her as a co-founder.”
“I’m sorry,” Addy continued stroking his thigh, wishing that this had been brought up at a better time. “Hopefully this win against Steelwatch will help shift things in a better direction.”
“I think it will,” he smiled, giving her hand a thankful squeeze. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
“No problem,” she smiled, taking a long sip of wine after that story.
“Would you mind if I tried the white?” Halin asked after another long bout of silence, Astarion seemingly half passed out and staring at the vibrant music visualizer on the TV screen.
“Of course,” she grinned, taking another long sip and passing it to his lips again. It swished between their tongues as they continued to makeout.
“Is it that time?” Astarion perked up a little, putting his glass down and sliding his hand further up her thigh.
“We still never discussed...rules and such,” she let out a long sigh, Halsin lips moved down to her neck and Astarion’s hand rubbing between her legs.
“I think I’ll just stick to watching for tonight, if that’s alright,” Astarion whispered in her ear, gently tonguing it. “I think I overdid it on the wine.”
“Is that alright with you?” Addy asked Halsin, his lips still sucking on the tender flesh of her neck.
“Mmmmmhmmmm,” he nodded, pulling her in for another kiss and onto his lap. She moved the pillow away, finding him already a little stiff.
“Dear Gods, you weren’t exaggerating,” Astarion blushed, looking down on it with hungry eyes.
“I told you,” she giggled, pulling her shirt over her head. She hadn’t put on a bra and Halsin’s mouth went immediately to her breasts.
“They’re perfect, aren’t they?” Astarion grinned, climbing off the couch with a slight wobble and standing behind her. “Though I prefer this,” he pulled the back of her shorts down to expose her ass. He slipped his finger down her crack and between her legs, picking up some of the slick so he could play with her asshole.
“I thought you were just watching?” she moaned, gently swaying her hips as he slipped a finger up there.
“I can at least help warm you up...since he’s so big,” he purred.
The size difference between the two of them was stark. Aside from his foot and a half of height on her, his wide frame completely enveloped her petite body. Astarion was curious to see how he could manage his size, given that he was looking forward to taking him on eventually and was quite slender himself. “Is there anything you don’t want me to do with her?” Halsin asked, freeing his lips from her breasts for a moment.
“Whatever she is comfortable with,” Astarion replied, still fingering her ass and beginning to rub himself.
“Should we move to the bedroom?” Addy suggested, Halsin’s cock now well hard and her cunt aching to be fucked.
“Definitely,” Astarion replied, still swaying a little from the wine.
“Do you have any more of that weed?” Addy suggested as she climbed off the couch, feeling a little nervous about this first encounter with Astarion in the room.
“In my bag,” Halsin nodded, picking up her hips to carry her to the bedroom.
“Oh, I like him,” Astarion growled, trailing behind them and getting a full view of Halsin’s ass.
Addy slipped off her shorts and panties as Halsin rumaged through his bag for his pouch and pipe. She cracked one of the windows a bit so the smoke could get out. Astarion settled himself in a chair with a view of the bed and began to unbutton himself. “Are you sure you don’t want to join in?” Addy asked, leaning down to kiss and stroke him gently, using some of her arousal to lube his cock.
“It’s fine, love,” he smiled drunkenly up at her, his eyes fluttering as she stroked him with precision. “I want to see what we’re working with first.”
Halsin gently packed the pipe and lit it, taking in a long drag as he ambled over to them. He didn’t inhale it and gently passed the smoke into Addy’s mouth with another kiss. She huffed in the warm, woody smoke, having a much easier time than the last they had smoked together. “Mmmm, that’s nice,” she moaned as she exhaled it out, swaying a bit from his kiss and the effects of the weed and wine.
“Would you like to try?” Halsin held out the pipe to Astarion, who was still stroking himself slowly. “Only if you give it to me like her,” Astarion smirked.
Halsin raised an eyebrow and took another drag, holding it in his mouth and leaning down to kiss Astarion. Addy took a step back to watch, hoping the two could connect more at a later time. She gently thumbed her lip, watching as they shared a long kiss. “Ahhhh, that is nice,” Astarion breathed out a cloud of smoke and sunk in the chair a little more. “Now go on, fuck her,” he waved them and the cloud of smoke away, reaching to take the pipe from Halsin.
“As you wish,” Halsin pulled her close, walking them over to the bed.
He pressed her gently to the mattress, kissing her and then trailing down from her lips to her thighs. Astarion made a pleased noise in his throat, taking another hit from the pipe. “She tastes better than the wine...doesn’t she?” he said quietly, stroking himself again.
Halsin made an affirmative noise in his throat, pulling her hips closer to his mouth. He took his time eating her out, sucking her clit until her toes were curling and then changing to gentle licks to keep her climax withheld. “Fuck...please,” she finally begged, her legs trembling with need. She’d propped her head up on some pillows so she could watch Astarion jerking off and could see he was getting close to both climax and passing out in the chair. Halsin finally obliged, moving his mouth back to her clit and bringing her to an explosive climax right before Astarion’s sputtered out with a quiet groan. “That was even better than last time,” she grinned down at Halsin, his entire beard glistening from her honey.
“Would he mind a little more?” he glanced back at Astarion, who was half passed out again with a puddle of cum across his stomach.
“Definitely not,” she brushed her fingers through his hair. “But would you mind grabbing a towel from the bathroom before we continue?...I can get a little messy sometimes.”
“Of course,” he nodded, climbing off the bed, his cock throbbing and ready to fuck her.
Addy climbed out of bed too, gently rousing Astarion by rubbing his cheek. “Hey, don’t fall asleep in the chair, at least come to bed,” she sunk to her knees, intending to lick up the cum on his stomach.
“I’ll take care of it,” he gently pushed her away before she could.
“You sure you’re alright?” she helped him out of the chair. “Do you want us to stop or go to the guest room?”
“Absolutely not,” he swayed a little and continued getting undressed with her help. “I’m just a little tired. You won’t be able to contain me after a good night’s sleep.”
“Okay,” she gave him a kiss and helped fold up his clothes as he trudged to the bathroom, passing Halsin on the way.
“Nice work,” he patted him on the shoulder. “I’ve eaten her out for hours before.”
“I can see why,” Halsin glanced back at him as he went into the bathroom and shut the door. “Is he alright?”
“He just gets stressed and tired from work and moody sometimes,” she replied, climbing back on the bed and patting for him to join her. “He’s like a cranky old cat.”
“I see,” Halsin smiled, handing her the towel and climbing onto the bed next to her. She folded the towel under her hips and settled back down. “Oh...that kind of messy?” he blushed deeply. “I’ve never…”
“Considering how long I was celibate for...and Kagha was never one to…” he looked away from her for a moment.
“I’m sure we can make it happen,” she grinned, pulling him on top of her. “Especially in the right position.”
He sunk between her legs, eager to finally share this moment in an actual bed. She was still quite slick from his tongue, but she grabbed more lube as she intended for him to get her into a full mating press and almost gurantee a hearty squirt from her cunt. They started off in standard missionary, Halsin easing inside her slowly as she whimpered. He was careful to keep as much weight off her as possible, his biceps flexing as they supported his upper half. “That’s more like it,” Astarion finally emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered and with a mask under his eyes.
“Come here,” Addy panted, patting the bed next to them and then returning her attentions to Halsin.
Astarion climbed into the far side of the bed, keeping his eyes on them as he lay on his side. “Mmmmm, you nearly disappear under him,” he leaned over to give her one last kiss, sharing an approving glance with Halsin as well.
“He’s still so gentle though,” she moaned, turned on by his size as well.
Their size difference was more apparently with Halsin on top of her, her legs the only thing sticking out between their two bodies. Astarion’s eyes lolled as he watched Halsin continue to fuck her, only remaining awake until Addy asked him to press her legs against her chest and fuck her harder. “Just like this,” she moaned loudly, feeling his thick cock pressing against her g-spot with each thrust. “Fuck!”
“Gods...you feel so good!” Halsin tried to contain his deep voice, seeing that Astarion had passed out asleep.
“Just don’t stop,” she begged, urging him on as he pounded her a little rougher than he was used to. “Please.”
“I need you,” he whimpered, feeling the tight explosion in his balls preparing to erupt.
“Yes...harder,” she cried, her fingers gripping tightly to his flexed biceps. “Fuck! Oh Fuck! Fuck!” She shivered and began to gush as she came, soaking the towel underneath them.
“Oh!” Halsin grinned, feeling the rush against his thighs. “It’s so warm.”
“Come in me, please,” she whimpered, her body still quivering from the intense orgasm.
He only lasted a few more strokes, spending into her with a joyous, deep moan that awoke Astarion from his intoxicated slumber. “That sounded like a good one,” he mumbled, reaching out blinding for her. She grabbed his hand and brought it to her lips.
“Mmmmm, just wait until you are both inside me,” she giggled happily, looking up at Halsin. “We might need to buy some of those waterproof sheets.”
“Thank you,” Halsin sighed happily, shifting slightly to bring her legs back down to the bed. “That was...incredible.”
“You’re very welcome,” she pulled him down for a kiss and carefully shifted out from under him as he rolled onto his side.
She climbed back out of bed, catching the river of cum dripping out of her on the soaked towel. “Do you need anything while I am up?” she asked. “A towel? Water?”
“I wouldn’t say no to either,” he sunk against the pillow, keeping his gaze fixed on her.
He wasn’t sure how much Astarion participated with their polyamory, but he could understand how he would do anything she asked. He was completely smitten with her as wll. She disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes, leaving the door open, and returned with an ice cold glass of water and a fresh hand towel for him. “Do you have a wet bar back there?” he smiled as she settled back in between him and Astarion.
“Sort of,” she laughed, snuggling under the duvet with him. “I get really thirsty at night and can only drink really cold water, so we have a special water cooler in the closet.”
“You’re spoiled,” he teased, running his fingers through her hair.
“I suppose I am,” she looked back over her shoulder at Astarion, back to sleeping peacefully. “I hope you’ll let us indulge you a little.”
“I’ll happily accept anything you offer,” he nuzzled against her, eager to finally share a bed with someone again.
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About All Born Screaming
“All Born Screaming”
There is a figure staggering down the street, lurching through a skewed landscape toward a grim new beginning. Rabid, man-sized; disconsolate and grieving in the violent daylight, the smell of death alive on her clothes. No mask, no costume. In fact—though try not to stare—her office wear is somewhat askew. Even her language is ruptured: what was once tightly refined is now impressionistic and felt. No wonder: “I find myself at the precipice of life and death, and reckoning with that,” says Annie Clark, the musician better known as triple-Grammy-winning iconoclast St. Vincent, on the cusp of releasing her seventh album.
Ever since she covered Big Black’s “Kerosene” live in 2011 and the subsequent cataclysmic 7” split “Krokodil”/”Grot,” fans have known that some evil lurked in Clark’s guitar. (Take it back even further if you like: This is someone whose college noise band was named Skull Fuckers.) On All Born Screaming—the first half, at any rate—that lacerating aggression possesses a St. Vincent album for the first time, unleashing a reeling thrash laced with the formative DNA of Albini at his most corrosive and the ugly, spectacular catharsis of Nine Inch Nails, and opening up a brand new fracture in her songwriting. “It’s my least funny record,” says Clark with knowing wryness.
Brawny lead single “Broken Man” is unhinged by loss and lust, unveiling our debilitated antagonist in a desperate confrontation that begs “lover nail yourself right to me / If you go I won’t be well / I can hold my arms right open / But I need you to drive the nail.” “Reckless” loses its footing in the post-loss oblivion. The mischievous “Flea” casts all-consuming desire as an invasive pestilence. “Big Time Nothing” is a mordant catwalk sashay through the deafening assault of self loathing. “There is the feeling: I want everything because I feel nothing,” says Clark. “I am bereft. I am in love. But I want more love too. There’s no drugs and abstraction on this record. It’s cut to the pink meat, hungry for life, even if it’s brutal. Because life is brutal.”
For that reason, All Born Screaming is Clark’s first entirely self-produced record (having co-produced all of her previous records). “I had to walk through the fire with this one alone,” she says. “There was no way to find it except sitting with yourself in a room, singing, playing with modular synths, turning knobs, moving electricity around and trying to find those six seconds of lightning in a bottle that I could build an entire song around. I’m obsessed with production. I’ve obviously done it on all of my records, but this time, I wanted to be the first and final filter for this material. It meant sitting with a lot of self-doubt—like Bowie says, ‘when you feel that your feet aren’t quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.’”
Production 101 is knowing the right people for the job, and All Born Screaming boasts “a tight little wrecking crew,” says Clark. “A curated group of rippers.” On “Broken Man” and “Flea,” that’s Dave Grohl on drums. (If we’re tracing this virulent seam back through Clark’s work, recall the surviving members of Nirvana inviting her to help induct the band into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014.) “Dave is one of the greatest drummers ever because he’s a great songwriter,” says Clark, noting that Grohl heard the “Yes-style prog section” of “Flea” just three times before he knew “every phase and turnaround. My engineer, Cian Riordan, has a video of me in the studio when Dave was playing. I’m in my chair hearing the first take, and I immediately stand up and, like, my hair is on fire.”
On the immaculately restrained, Portishead-narcotic opener “Hell Is Near” and the dreamily gone “So Many Planets,” that’s new Foo Fighters drummer Josh Freese. There’s Justin Meldal-Johnsen (bass), Rachel Eckroth (keys), David Ralicke (brass), Mark Giuliana (drums), and Stella Mozgawa (drums). Then there’s the invaluable contribution of Welsh creative genius Cate Le Bon, who yanked Clark out of the weeds during a period of frustration and self-doubt, and offered stalwart reinforcement, helping her to surmount a few key obstacles. Case in point: Cate shines on the title track, "All Born Screaming,” a near-seven-minute epic closer propelled by a bassline so perfectly suited that it’s impossible to imagine the song without it. "I had that guitar part but was struggling with the song's overall tone.  Cate listened to it and said ‘Give me a beer, a bass, and three hours’,” and worked out the title track’s puckish low end. “She’s my favorite modern songwriter, period,” says Clark, hinting at future collaborations to come.
As for the life and death we’re dealing with here? The details are immaterial. This isn’t music-as-true-crime designed to be picked apart for clues. On the album’s pivot into the second half, “Violent Times,” we’re waking up and understanding the stakes have irrevocably changed, and who hasn’t felt that these past however many years? The difference, in the album’s back end, is the realization that we must love one another or die, set to an expansive, enveloping palette that steps back from the guitar offensive: Gainsbourg-worthy grandeur on “Violent Times,” the “what if someone who loved 2 TONE did it all wrong?” of “So Many Planets,” about the stumbling search for a place to call home. “The first half is reckoning with loss and how life is basically impossible,” says Clark, “but the second half is: but we get to live it so we better fucking dig in.”
Perhaps compassion and hunger can light the way: “The Power’s Out” is a classically gorgeous St. Vincent portrait of a city’s pushers, parents, racers, and queers waking up to some disaster but finding beauty in the slo-mo confetti cloud of debris. And the racing valediction of “Sweetest Fruit” exalts individuals who attempted to stake out life’s outer reaches. “Take a big swing and fail, but my God, at least you were trying for transcendence,” says Clark.
Perhaps love can, too. The still life of opener “Hell Is Near” marks “the beginning / our beginning / begin again.” “That’s the only reason to do something, the reason to live,” says Clark. “Maybe I go the long way around saying that in this record, but at the end of the day it’s a very dark record about love. I have great love in my life. I’m so lucky. I’m not the rat in the maze in that regard any more.” It comes into focus on the back of priority shifts, shuddering sudden dislocations from the culture’s priorities, old disguises dropping to the floor on the title track’s skittish, happy shrug, “all of the wasted nights fighting mortality when in the ashes of Pompeii lovers discovered in an embrace for all eternity”, as she sings on “Violent Times.”
Unlike the ‘70s cosplay of Clark’s previous album, here, there’s no aestheticizing pain or conceptualizing loss. On Daddy’s Home, Clark says she needed to “become the music my father loved in the hope it would heal me, give me the agency as ‘daddy.’ That was probably largely misinterpreted, but I have no regrets—it’s what I needed to do.” With this record, she says emphatically, “I want to fuck people up.” As the title states, we’re All Born Screaming. It’s both a horrifying condition and whaddya-gonna-do acceptance. “If you’re born screaming, that’s a great sign,” says Clark, “because it means you’re breathing. You’re alive. My god. It’s joyous. And then it’s also a protest. We’re all born in protest in a certain way. It’s terrifying to be alive, it’s ecstatic to be alive. It’s everything.”
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
Can you do a Eddie x male reader (or Gn or whatever floats ur boat)
So Eddie realised how everyone says that hellfire is a cult and decided to jokingly summon a demon (not thinking it would work) but it does and the demon is reader.
The next day,Eddie would have a demon (which looks human apart from the blatantly obvious horns and tail) follow him around in the halls,intimidating the fuck outta everyone-including hellfire
U do the rest lol
I changed it slightly because my plot worked a bit better like that, I hope that's ok!
Enjoy Eddie with a demon bf <3 (side note, i am looking for a potential beta reader, lmk if you're interested)
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Eddie was joking. He swears to whatever horrid gods were listening that he really was joking. Claiming he could summon demons was a joke. Buying some weird occult book was a joke. And following some dumb ritual in the middle of the woods was most certainly a joke.
And yet, here you stood. Tall, strangely strong looking, and intimidating as all hell.
Hearing the thoughts in his head (of varying quality), you chuckled. “Thank you.”
“You can hear that shit?!” He asked, pumping his fists and hopping around. “A fuckin’ demon! A whole ass demon!” He nearly tripped over a branch, managing to catch himself before laughing hysterically.
Usually, humans were… calmer. There was usually more bowing, maybe some crying and worshiping. This one, however, couldn’t be more excited.
He whipped around suddenly, messy hair following. It was dusk by now, though the forest’s clearing made way for the pinkish sky.
“Do I get a wish or something? Trade my soul for fame and talent?” He excitedly questioned.
You tilted your head. He really didn’t know who you were.
“My name is Y/n. Usually, I am only summoned by humans with more… expertise. If you wanted something small like ‘fame’, summon a lesser demon.” You snarled, slightly upset your time was wasted. He was cute, sure, but that didn’t mean you’d drop everything for a single summoning.
“So what do I ask you for then?!” He yelled, arms out.
You sighed, shaking your head. “Whatever it is you need. In exchange, I take you.”
“What, like, you take me to hell? Like a ‘tortured soul’ or something?” He waved his hands, attempting to make his voice quiver. “Pretty sure I was doing that anyway, man.”
You raised a brow. “No. I take you. As in you become mine. Usually as a spouse, though none stay after they die.”
The way he froze nearly made you laugh. It was a bit unexpected, truthfully. Humans were usually boring. Too much fear coursing through them for anything other than small talk. But this man, he stared you in the eyes.
Granted, it seemed there was a bit of lingering fear, but you mostly sensed excitement.
“Let me double check here, hot demon gives me whatever I want in exchange for dating me?” His eyes were so wide they looked like saucers, as if you’d told him the most confusing information possible.
“If that is how you’d like to word it.”
And that is exactly how Eddie Munson, Hawkin’s resident freak, ended up with a demon trailing behind him to school.
You hid your horns and tail from other humans, though demons always kept an intimidating aura. Usually it stopped any human from looking you in the eye, too terrified to approach. It didn’t stop Eddie though.
He’d paraded you around for a week or two now. He’d managed to convince you to attend Hawkins with him today, scaring the student body even more than they already were.
Currently, not only did he have demon protection on his side, but he was cruising with a B in every class (yes, most of it was you helping him, but he needed less help than he thought he did). He insisted A’s would be too suspicious.
“I mean, if they thought I was a freak before, wait ‘til they see me with you,” He laughed, leading you into the school. Most students backed away from you on sight. Though you were unphased, Eddie seemed to enjoy watching a few jocks turning away in fear.
“Hell yes,” He near squealed, leading you to the drama room.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to ask,” He mumbled, slowing down his walking speed a bit. “D’you know what DnD is?”
You opened your mouth to say that no, you didn’t know what it was, when you were interrupted.
“Recruiting another freak?”
A voice from behind you spoke, drawing both of your attention. A blonde man stood with his arms crossed, two equally boring looking men on either side. Each sported a letterman jacket, the same boring green all the jocks wore. Eddie’s thoughts echoed through your mind.
Jason, total asshole. The other guys are his friends.
That was really all you needed to know.
No, you didn’t get attached to humans very often. But everyone has their faults, right? Eddie even wanted to stay after he died, that was more than you could say for any of the others.
“What, nothing to say? You’re all usually all talk in the lunchroom,” Jason muttered, scoffing at Eddie.
Speaking of, the man had tensed next to you. He pulled off a smirk, making his body language as calm as he could, though you could still hear his thoughts. They were racing, trying to find the way that left him the least beat up.
You, on the other hand, had no such intentions. Who cared about the quickest way out? You could kill them in less than a second. Though Eddie wasn’t a fan of murder, so you refrained.
For now.
“It’d be easier if you left,” You warned. They couldn’t say you never did anything for them.
Jason turned to you with his brows furrowed. “I don’t even know who you are.”
You sighed. “That can be rectified.”
You looked at Jason, revealing your horns to him along with your tail. You saw him freeze immediately, staring at you with the same terror you expected.
He was mumbling something under his breath, probably a half-assed prayer.
Oh please, that won’t do anything.
Your words echoed through his head, sending him running from the area, shouting about how cursed Eddie was, and that his whole cult was doomed to hell.  His now extremely confused friends followed, yelling at him to wait for them.
You were about to turn around and continue on as normal when you heard hysterical laughing.
“Holy shit! That was fucking great! Did you see how he ran?!” Eddie gave a poor imitation of Jason, screaming added and all. Though you likely wouldn’t admit it to your hellbound friends, it made you laugh. Eddie always found a way to.
You let the illusion fall, leaving your horns and tail out to be fully seen. He dragged you into the club room, still going on about how funny it was to watch Jason run.
“Eddie you’re l…late.”
It was then Eddie remembered that he forgot to warn you about the club members, who were now staring at you, horns and tail out, demonic sigils fully present on you.
“I forgot to mention that, didn’t I,” Eddie murmured, though you weren’t sure who he was talking to.
“‘Forgot to mention’?! Is that a demon? Or some kind of Upside Down freak monster?” A black-haired kid question, staring at you in fear and awe.
“Riiiight,” Eddie said, wincing a bit. “Meet my boyfriend.”
“Your WHAT?!”
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